// ==UserScript== // @name 哔哩哔哩屏蔽增强器 // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @license Apache-2.0 // @version 2.2 // @author byhgz // @description 对B站视频或评论进行屏蔽,支持关键词模糊正则等,支持时长播放弹幕过滤等,如视频、评论、动态、直播间的评论等,详情可看下面支持的屏蔽类型 // @icon https://static.hdslb.com/images/favicon.ico // @noframes // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_deleteValue // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_unregisterMenuCommand // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @exclude *://message.bilibili.com/pages/nav/header_sync // @exclude *://message.bilibili.com/pages/nav/index_new_pc_sync // @exclude *://live.bilibili.com/blackboard/dropdown-menu.html // @exclude *://live.bilibili.com/p/html/live-web-mng/* // @exclude *://www.bilibili.com/correspond/* // @match *://search.bilibili.com/* // @match *://www.bilibili.com/v/food/* // @match *://message.bilibili.com/* // @match *://www.bilibili.com/read/* // @match *://www.bilibili.com/v/topic/detail/?topic_id=* // @match *://www.bilibili.com/v/kichiku/* // @match *://t.bilibili.com/* // @match *://space.bilibili.com/* // @match *://www.bilibili.com/video/* // @match *://live.bilibili.com/?spm_id_from=* // @match *://live.bilibili.com/p/eden/area-tags?* // @match *://live.bilibili.com/* // @match *://www.bilibili.com/opus/* // @match *://www.bilibili.com/* // @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue@2 // @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/dexie@4.0.10/dist/dexie.min.js // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/517928/gz_ui_css-v1.js // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/521941/about_and_feedback_components.js // @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/462234-message/code/Message.js // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/449512/Xtiper.js // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/516282/Drawer_gz%E9%A1%B5%E9%9D%A2%E4%BE%A7%E8%BE%B9%E6%8A%BD%E5%B1%89%E7%BB%84%E4%BB%B6.js // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/517538/DynamicTabs_gz.js // ==/UserScript== "use strict"; (function (Vue, Dexie) { 'use strict'; const start = () => { let loop = false; let msg; if (!Vue) { loop = true; msg = 'Vue is not defined,Vue未定义,请检查是否引入了Vue'; } if (!Dexie) { loop = true; msg = 'Dexie is not defined,Dexie未定义,请检查是否引入了Dexie'; } if (loop) { if (confirm('外部库验证失败:' + msg+`\n请联系作者核查问题\n可通过点击确定按钮跳转到脚本主页。 \n脚本主页信息中,有相关解决文档 \n或通过脚本信息底下联系方式联系作者解决`)) { window.location.href = 'https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/461382'; } throw new Error(`外部库验证失败:${msg}`) } }; start(); var gmUtil = { setData(key, content) { GM_setValue(key, content); }, getData(key, defaultValue) { return GM_getValue(key, defaultValue); }, delData(key) { if (!this.isData(key)) { return false; } GM_deleteValue(key); return true; }, isData(key) { return this.getData(key) !== undefined; }, addStyle(style) { GM_addStyle(style); }, addGMMenu(text, func, shortcutKey = null) { return GM_registerMenuCommand(text, func, shortcutKey); }, }; const setBorderColor = (color) => { gmUtil.setData("borderColor", color); }; const defBorderColor = "rgb(0, 243, 255)"; const getBorderColor = () => { return gmUtil.getData("borderColor", defBorderColor) }; const setOutputInformationFontColor = (color) => { gmUtil.setData("output_information_font_color", color); }; const defOutputInformationFontColor = "rgb(119,128,248)"; const getOutputInformationFontColor = () => { return gmUtil.getData("output_information_font_color", defOutputInformationFontColor) }; const setHighlightInformationColor = (color) => { gmUtil.setData("highlight_information_color", color); }; const defHighlightInformationColor = "rgb(234, 93, 93)"; const getHighlightInformationColor = () => { return gmUtil.getData("highlight_information_color", defHighlightInformationColor); }; const setDefaultColorInfo = () => { setBorderColor(defBorderColor); setOutputInformationFontColor(defOutputInformationFontColor); setHighlightInformationColor(defHighlightInformationColor); }; const setBOnlyTheHomepageIsBlocked = (bool) => { gmUtil.setData("bOnlyTheHomepageIsBlocked", bool === true); }; const getBOnlyTheHomepageIsBlocked = () => { return gmUtil.getData("bOnlyTheHomepageIsBlocked", false); }; const getAdaptationBAppCommerce = () => { return gmUtil.getData("adaptation-b-app-recommend", false) === true; }; const setAdaptationBAppCommerce = (bool) => { gmUtil.setData("adaptation-b-app-recommend", bool === true); }; const isHideMainButSwitch = () => { return gmUtil.getData("hideMainButSwitch", false) === true; }; const setHideMainButSwitch = (bool) => { gmUtil.setData("hideMainButSwitch", bool === true); }; const isHideRightTopMainButSwitch = () => { return gmUtil.getData("hideRightTopMainButSwitch", true) === true; }; const setHideRightTopMainButSwitch = (bool) => { gmUtil.setData("hideRightTopMainButSwitch", bool === true); }; const isCompatible_BEWLY_BEWLY = () => { return gmUtil.getData("compatible_BEWLY_BEWLY", false) === true; }; const setCompatible_BEWLY_BEWLY = (bool) => { gmUtil.setData("compatible_BEWLY_BEWLY", bool === true); }; const setDiscardOldCommentAreas = (bool) => { gmUtil.setData("discardOldCommentAreas", bool === true); }; const isDiscardOldCommentAreas = () => { return gmUtil.getData("discardOldCommentAreas", false) === true; }; var localMKData = { setBorderColor, getBorderColor, setOutputInformationFontColor, getOutputInformationFontColor, setHighlightInformationColor, getHighlightInformationColor, setBOnlyTheHomepageIsBlocked, getBOnlyTheHomepageIsBlocked, getAdaptationBAppCommerce, setAdaptationBAppCommerce, setDefaultColorInfo, isHideMainButSwitch, setHideMainButSwitch, isCompatible_BEWLY_BEWLY, setCompatible_BEWLY_BEWLY, setDiscardOldCommentAreas, isDiscardOldCommentAreas, isHideRightTopMainButSwitch, setHideRightTopMainButSwitch }; const mainDrawer = new Drawer_gz({ show: false, height: "50vh", headerShow: false, title: "屏蔽器主面板", direction: "top", externalButtonText: "屏蔽器", externalButtonWidth: "80px", externalButtonShow: !localMKData.isHideMainButSwitch(), zIndex: 9000, drawerBorder: `1px solid ${localMKData.getBorderColor()}`, bodyHtml: `
`, }); const options = { styles: ` .my-custom-tab-button { font-size: 16px; } .my-custom-tab-content { background-color: #f9f9f9; } `, classes: { tabButton: 'my-custom-tab-button', tabButtonActive: 'my-custom-tab-button-active', tabContent: 'my-custom-tab-content', tabContentActive: 'my-custom-tab-content-active' }, backgroundColor: '#eee', borderColor: '#ddd', textColor: '#333', fontWeight: 'bold', activeBackgroundColor: '#0056b3', activeTextColor: '#fff', contentBorderColor: '#bbb', contentBackgroundColor: '#ffffff', onTabClick: (id, title, content) => { const tab = tabsConfig.find(item => item.title === title); const height = tab.height; mainDrawer.setHeight(height ? height : '50vh'); }, }; const tabsConfig = [ { id: 'tab01', title: '面板设置', content: '
', height: "25vh", }, { id: 'tab02', title: '规则管理', content: '
', height: "96vh" }, { id: 'tab03', title: '其他参数过滤', content: `
`, height: '60vh' }, { id:'id04', title: '兼容设置', content: `
`, }, { id: 'tab05', title: '缓存tags管理', content: '
', }, { id: 'tab06', title: '输出信息', content: `
`, height: "96vh" }, { id: 'tab07', title: '支持打赏', content: '
', height: "80vh" }, { id: 'tab08', title: '关于和问题反馈', content: `
`, height: '53vh' } ]; new DynamicTabs_gz('#shield', tabsConfig, options ); class EventEmitter { constructor() { this.events = {}; this.handlers = {}; } on(eventName, callback) { if (!this.events[eventName]) { this.events[eventName] = []; } this.events[eventName].push(callback); } once(eventName, callback) { const onceCallback = (...args) => { callback(...args); this.off(eventName, onceCallback); }; this.on(eventName, onceCallback); } emit(eventName, data) { if (!this.events[eventName]) { throw new Error(`没有为注册的事件侦听器 "${eventName}"`); } this.events[eventName].forEach(callback => { try { callback(data); } catch (error) { console.error(`事件侦听器中发生错误 "${eventName}":`, error); } }); } off(eventName, callback) { if (this.events[eventName]) { this.events[eventName] = this.events[eventName].filter(cb => cb !== callback); } } removeAllListeners(eventName) { if (eventName) { delete this.events[eventName]; delete this.handlers[eventName]; } else { this.events = {}; this.handlers = {}; } } listenerCount(eventName) { return this.events[eventName] ? this.events[eventName].length : 0; } handle(eventName, handler) { this.handlers[eventName] = handler; } invoke(eventName, data) { if (this.handlers[eventName]) { return this.handlers[eventName](data); } return null; } } const eventEmitter = new EventEmitter(); const returnVue$5 = () => { return new Vue({ template: `


  1. 按键盘tab键上的~键为展开关闭主面板
`, el: '#shield #panel_settings_vue', data() { return { input_color: "", hideMainButSwitch: localMKData.isHideMainButSwitch(), hideRightTopMainButSwitch: localMKData.isHideRightTopMainButSwitch() } }, methods: { setBorderColorBut() { xtip.confirm("是要否设置面板边框颜色吗?", { icon: "a", btn1: () => { localMKData.setBorderColor(this.input_color); xtip.alert("已设置面板边框颜色,刷新生效"); } }); }, setDefFontColorForOutputInformationBut() { xtip.confirm("是要否设置输出信息默认字体颜色吗?", { icon: "a", btn1: () => { localMKData.setOutputInformationFontColor(this.input_color); xtip.alert("已设置输出信息默认字体颜色,刷新生效"); } }); }, setTheFontColorForOutputInformationBut() { xtip.confirm("是要否设置输出信息高亮字体颜色吗?", { icon: "a", btn1: () => { localMKData.setHighlightInformationColor(this.input_color); xtip.alert("已设置输出信息高亮字体颜色,刷新生效"); } }); }, setDefInfoBut() { localMKData.setDefaultColorInfo(); xtip.alert("已恢复默认颜色,刷新生效"); } }, watch: { hideMainButSwitch(newVal) { localMKData.setHideMainButSwitch(newVal); mainDrawer.externalButtonShow(!newVal); }, hideRightTopMainButSwitch(newVal) { localMKData.setHideRightTopMainButSwitch(newVal); eventEmitter.emit('右上角开关按钮显隐', newVal); } } }); }; const wait = (milliseconds = 1000) => { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, milliseconds)); }; const fileDownload = (content, fileName) => { const element = document.createElement('a'); element.setAttribute('href', 'data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(content)); element.setAttribute('download', fileName); element.style.display = 'none'; document.body.appendChild(element); element.click(); document.body.removeChild(element); }; const handleFileReader = (event) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const file = event.target.files[0]; if (!file) { reject('未读取到文件'); return; } let reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = (e) => { const fileContent = e.target.result; resolve({file, content: fileContent}); reader = null; }; reader.readAsText(file); }); }; const isIterable = (obj) => { return obj != null && typeof obj[Symbol.iterator] === 'function'; }; const toTimeString = () => { return new Date().toLocaleString(); }; function smoothScroll(toTop = false, duration = 1000) { return new Promise((resolve) => { const start = window.scrollY; const end = toTop ? 0 : document.documentElement.scrollHeight - window.innerHeight; const change = end - start; const startTime = performance.now(); function animateScroll(currentTime) { const elapsedTime = currentTime - startTime; const progress = Math.min(elapsedTime / duration, 1); const easeInOutQuad = progress < 0.5 ? 2 * progress * progress : -1 + (4 - 2 * progress) * progress; window.scrollTo(0, start + change * easeInOutQuad); if (progress < 1) { requestAnimationFrame(animateScroll); } else { resolve(); } } requestAnimationFrame(animateScroll); }); } function debounce(func, wait = 1000) { let timeout; return function (...args) { const context = this; clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(() => func.apply(context, args), wait); }; } function debounceAsync(asyncFunc, wait = 1000) { let timeout; let pendingPromise; return async function (...args) { const context = this; if (pendingPromise) { clearTimeout(timeout); await pendingPromise; } pendingPromise = new Promise((resolve) => { timeout = setTimeout(() => { pendingPromise = null; // 清除引用 resolve(asyncFunc.apply(context, args)); }, wait); }); return pendingPromise; }; } function throttle(func, limit) { let inThrottle; return function (...args) { const context = this; if (!inThrottle) { func.apply(context, args); inThrottle = true; setTimeout(() => inThrottle = false, limit); } }; } function throttleAsync(asyncFunc, limit) { let isThrottled = false; let pendingArgs = null; let pendingContext = null; let timeoutId; let pendingPromiseResolve; const throttled = async function (...args) { const context = this; if (isThrottled) { return new Promise((resolve) => { pendingArgs = args; pendingContext = context; pendingPromiseResolve = resolve; }); } isThrottled = true; try { return await asyncFunc.apply(context, args); } finally { timeoutId = setTimeout(() => { isThrottled = false; if (pendingArgs) { throttled.apply(pendingContext, pendingArgs).then(pendingPromiseResolve); pendingArgs = null; pendingContext = null; pendingPromiseResolve = null; } }, limit); } }; throttled.cancel = () => { clearTimeout(timeoutId); isThrottled = false; pendingArgs = null; pendingContext = null; pendingPromiseResolve = null; }; return throttled; } const parseUrl = (urlString) => { const url = new URL(urlString); const pathSegments = url.pathname.split('/').filter(segment => segment !== ''); const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(url.search.slice(1)); const queryParams = {}; for (const [key, value] of searchParams.entries()) { queryParams[key] = value; } return { protocol: url.protocol, hostname: url.hostname, port: url.port, pathname: url.pathname, pathSegments, search: url.search, queryParams, hash: url.hash }; }; const getLocalStorage = (key, isList = false, defaultValue = null) => { const item = localStorage.getItem(key); if (item === null) { return defaultValue } if (isList) { try { return JSON.parse(item) } catch (e) { console.error(`读取localStorage时尝试转换${key}的值失败`, e); return defaultValue } } return item }; var defUtil = { wait, fileDownload, toTimeString, smoothScroll, debounce, debounceAsync, throttle, throttleAsync, parseUrl, handleFileReader, isIterable, getLocalStorage }; const ruleKeyListData = [ { key: "name", name: "用户名黑名单(模糊匹配)", oldKey: "userNameKeyArr", oldName: "用户名黑名单模式(模糊匹配)" }, { key: "precise_name", name: "用户名黑名单(精确匹配)", oldKey: "userNameArr", oldName: "用户名黑名单模式(精确匹配)" }, { key: "nameCanonical", name: "用户名黑名单(正则匹配)" }, { key: "precise_uid", name: "用户uid黑名单(精确匹配)", oldKey: "userUIDArr", oldName: "用户uid黑名单模式(精确匹配)" }, { key: "precise_uid_white", name: "用户uid白名单(精确匹配)", oldKey: "userWhiteUIDArr", oldName: "用户uid白名单模式(精确匹配)" }, { key: "title", name: "标题黑名单(模糊匹配)", oldKey: "titleKeyArr", oldName: "标题黑名单模式(模糊匹配)" }, { key: "titleCanonical", name: "标题黑名单(正则匹配)", oldKey: "titleKeyCanonicalArr", oldName: "标题黑名单模式(正则匹配)" }, { key: "commentOn", name: "评论关键词黑名单(模糊匹配)", oldKey: "commentOnKeyArr", oldName: "评论关键词黑名单模式(模糊匹配)" }, { key: "commentOnCanonical", name: "评论关键词黑名单(正则匹配)", oldKey: "contentOnKeyCanonicalArr", oldName: "评论关键词黑名单模式(正则匹配)" }, { key: "contentOn", name: "评论内容黑名单(模糊匹配)", oldKey: "contentOnKeyArr", oldName: "评论内容黑名单模式(模糊匹配)" }, { key: "precise_fanCard", name: "粉丝牌黑名单(精确匹配)", oldKey: "fanCardArr", oldName: "粉丝牌黑名单模式(精确匹配)" }, { key: "dynamic", name: "动态关键词黑名单(模糊匹配)", oldKey: "dynamicArr", oldName: "动态关键词内容黑名单模式(模糊匹配)" }, { key: "precise_tag", name: "话题tag标签黑名单(精确匹配)", } , { key: "tag", name: "话题tag标签黑名单(模糊匹配)", }, { key: "tagCanonical", name: "话题tag标签黑名单(正则匹配)" }, { key: "precise_partition", name: "直播分区黑名单(精确匹配)" }, { key: 'videoTag', name: '视频tag黑名单(模糊匹配)', }, { key: 'precise_videoTag', name: '视频tag黑名单(精确匹配)', }, { key: 'videoTagCanonical', name: '视频tag黑名单(正则匹配)', } ]; const getRuleKeyListData = () => { return ruleKeyListData; }; const getNameArr = () => { return gmUtil.getData("name", []); }; const getPreciseNameArr = () => { return gmUtil.getData("precise_name", []); }; const getNameCanonical = () => { return gmUtil.getData("nameCanonical", []); }; const getPreciseUidArr = () => { return gmUtil.getData("precise_uid", []); }; const getPreciseUidWhiteArr = () => { return gmUtil.getData("precise_uid_white", []); }; const getTitleArr = () => { return gmUtil.getData("title", []); }; const getTitleCanonicalArr = () => { return gmUtil.getData("titleCanonical", []); }; const getCommentOnArr = () => { return gmUtil.getData("commentOn", []); }; const getCommentOnCanonicalArr = () => { return gmUtil.getData("commentOnCanonical", []); }; const getPreciseTagArr = () => { return gmUtil.getData("precise_tag", []); }; const getTagArr = () => { return gmUtil.getData("tag", []); }; const getTagCanonicalArr = () => { return gmUtil.getData("tagCanonical", []); }; const getPreciseFanCardArr = () => { return gmUtil.getData("precise_fanCard", []); }; const getPrecisePartitionArr = () => { return gmUtil.getData("precise_partition", []); }; const getVideoTagArr = () => { return gmUtil.getData("videoTag", []); }; const getPreciseVideoTagArr = () => { return gmUtil.getData("precise_videoTag", []); }; const getVideoTagCanonicalArr = () => { return gmUtil.getData("videoTagCanonical", []); }; var ruleKeyListData$1 = { getNameArr, getPreciseNameArr, getNameCanonical, getPreciseUidArr, getPreciseUidWhiteArr, getTitleArr, getTitleCanonicalArr, getCommentOnArr, getCommentOnCanonicalArr, getRuleKeyListData, getPreciseTagArr, getTagArr, getTagCanonicalArr, getPreciseFanCardArr, getPrecisePartitionArr, getVideoTagArr, getPreciseVideoTagArr, getVideoTagCanonicalArr }; const verificationInputValue = (ruleValue, type) => { if (ruleValue === null) return null; if (type === "precise_uid" || type === "precise_uid_white") { ruleValue = parseInt(ruleValue); if (isNaN(ruleValue)) { Qmsg.info('请输入数字!'); return null; } } else { ruleValue.trim(); } if (ruleValue === '') { Qmsg.info('内容为空'); return null; } return ruleValue; }; const addRule = (ruleValue, type) => { const inputValue = verificationInputValue(ruleValue, type); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (inputValue === null) { reject('取消添加'); return; } const arr = gmUtil.getData(type, []); if (arr.includes(inputValue)) { reject('已存在此内容'); return; } arr.push(inputValue); gmUtil.setData(type, arr); resolve('添加成功'); } ) }; const showAddRuleInput = (type) => { const ruleValue = window.prompt('请输入要添加的规则内容', ''); return addRule(ruleValue, type); }; const showDelRuleInput = (type) => { let prompt = window.prompt('请输入要移除的规则内容', ''); const inputValue = verificationInputValue(prompt, type); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (inputValue === null) { reject('取消添加'); return; } const arr = gmUtil.getData(type, []); const indexOf = arr.indexOf(inputValue); if (indexOf === -1) { reject('不存在此内容'); return; } arr.splice(indexOf, 1); gmUtil.setData(type, arr); resolve('移除成功'); }) }; const showSetRuleInput = (type) => { let prompt = window.prompt('请输入要修改的规则内容', ''); const inputValue = verificationInputValue(prompt, type); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (inputValue === null) return; const arr = gmUtil.getData(type, []); const indexOf = arr.indexOf(inputValue); if (indexOf === -1) { reject('不存在此内容'); return; } prompt = window.prompt('请输入要修改的内容', ''); const newInputValue = verificationInputValue(prompt, type); if (newInputValue === null) return; if (arr.includes(newInputValue)) { reject('已存在要修改过后的值内容'); return; } arr[indexOf] = newInputValue; gmUtil.setData(type, arr); resolve('修改成功'); }) }; const getRuleContent = (space = 0) => { const ruleMap = {}; for (let ruleKeyListDatum of ruleKeyListData$1.getRuleKeyListData()) { const key = ruleKeyListDatum.key; ruleMap[key] = gmUtil.getData(key, []); } return JSON.stringify(ruleMap, null, space); }; const verificationRuleMap = (keyArr, content) => { let parse; try { parse = JSON.parse(content); } catch (e) { alert('规则内容有误'); return false; } const newRule = {}; for (let key of keyArr) { if (!Array.isArray(parse[key])) { continue; } if (parse[key].length === 0) { continue; } newRule[key] = parse[key]; } if (Object.keys(newRule).length === 0) { alert('规则内容为空'); return false; } return newRule; }; const overwriteImportRules = (keyArr, content) => { const map = verificationRuleMap(keyArr, content); if (map === false) return false; for (let key of Object.keys(map)) { gmUtil.setData(key, map[key]); } return true; }; const appendImportRules = (keyArr, content) => { const map = verificationRuleMap(keyArr, content); if (map === false) return false; for (let key of Object.keys(map)) { const arr = gmUtil.getData(key, []); for (let item of map[key]) { if (!arr.includes(item)) { arr.push(item); } } gmUtil.setData(key, arr); } return true; }; const getNewRuleKeyList = () => { return ruleKeyListData$1.getRuleKeyListData(); }; const overwriteImportRulesV1 = (content) => { let parse; try { parse = JSON.parse(content); } catch (e) { alert('规则内容有误'); return false; } for (let ruleKeyListDatum of ruleKeyListData$1.getRuleKeyListData()) { const name = ruleKeyListDatum.oldName; const jsonRuleList = parse[name]; if (!jsonRuleList) { continue; } if (jsonRuleList.length === 0) { continue; } gmUtil.setData(ruleKeyListDatum.key, jsonRuleList); } return true; }; const addRulePreciseUid = (uid) => { return addRule(uid, "precise_uid").then(msg => { xtip.msg(msg, {icon: 's'}); }).catch(msg => { xtip.msg(msg, {icon: 'e'}); }) }; const addRulePreciseName= (name) => { return addRule(name, "precise_name").then(msg => { xtip.msg(msg, {icon: 's'}); }).catch(msg => { xtip.msg(msg, {icon: 'e'}); }) }; var ruleUtil = { addRule, showAddRuleInput, showDelRuleInput, showSetRuleInput, getRuleContent, overwriteImportRules, appendImportRules, overwriteImportRulesV1, getNewRuleKeyList, addRulePreciseUid, addRulePreciseName }; const oldToNewRule = () => { const listData = ruleKeyListData$1.getRuleKeyListData().filter(item => item.oldKey); for (let data of listData) { const oldKeyDataArr = gmUtil.getData(data.oldKey, []); if (oldKeyDataArr.length === 0) { continue } const newKeyDataArr = gmUtil.getData(data.key, []); if (newKeyDataArr.length === 0) { gmUtil.setData(data.key, oldKeyDataArr); gmUtil.delData(data.oldKey); continue } for (let v of oldKeyDataArr) { const isExist = newKeyDataArr.find(item => item === v); if (!isExist) { newKeyDataArr.push(v); } } gmUtil.setData(data.key, newKeyDataArr); } }; var ruleConversion = { oldToNewRule }; const returnVue$4 = () => { return new Vue({ template: `


  1. 脚本中会对要匹配的内容进行去除空格和转成小写,比如有个内容是【不 要 笑 挑 战 ChallEnGE】,会被识别称为【不要笑挑战challenge】
  2. 在上述一点的情况下,模糊匹配和正则匹配的方式时不用考虑要匹配的内容中大写问题
  3. 大部分情况下模糊匹配比精确匹配好用
  4. 如果用户要添加自己的正则匹配相关的规则时,建议先去该网址进行测试再添加,避免浪费时间 >>>正则表达式在线测试<<<
  5. 如果更新脚本之后规则全吗,没了请点击下面的【旧规则自动转新规则】按钮,进行转换,如不行请通过关于和问题反馈选项卡中的反馈渠道联系作者



  1. 规则内容请在下面编辑框中导入
  2. 旧版本的需要使用下面的v1旧版本导入规则
  3. 旧版本的只能覆盖导入
  4. v1之后的版本可以选择覆盖和追加
  5. 旧规则转新规则,用于2.0之前版本升上来旧规则内容丢失问题


{{ item.name }}{{ item.len }}个
`, el: '#shield #rule_management_vue', data() { return { selectVal: 'name', selectText: "", ruleContentImport: "", ruleActions: [ { type: "uid", name: "uid(精确)", } ], ruleKeyArr: [], ruleInfoArr: [], ruleReference: [ { title: "旧版本规则参考", content: ` {"用户名黑名单模式(精确匹配)":["账号已注销"],"BV号黑名单模式(精确匹配)":[], "用户名黑名单模式(模糊匹配)":["bili_","_bili"],"用户uid黑名单模式(精确匹配)":[442010132,76525078,225219967,3493283164588093], "用户uid白名单模式(精确匹配)":[344490740,1861980711],"标题黑名单模式(模糊匹配)":["激励计划","蚌不住","手游激励","游戏活动打卡"], "标题黑名单模式(正则匹配)":["感觉.*不如","不要笑.*挑战"],"评论关键词黑名单模式(模糊匹配)":["感觉不如","差不多的了"], "评论关键词黑名单模式(正则匹配)":["这不.+吗","玩.*的","不要笑.*挑战"],"粉丝牌黑名单模式(精确匹配)":[], "专栏关键词内容黑名单模式(模糊匹配)":[],"动态关键词内容黑名单模式(模糊匹配)":["拼多多","京东红包","京东618红包","618活动"]}` }, { title: "新版本规则参考", content: "待补充" } ], bOnlyTheHomepageIsBlocked: localMKData.getBOnlyTheHomepageIsBlocked() } }, methods: { operationBut(model) { const type = this.selectVal; if (model === "add") { ruleUtil.showAddRuleInput(type).then((msg) => { this.refreshInfoBut(); alert(msg); }).catch(errMsg => { Qmsg.info(errMsg); }); } if (model === "del") { ruleUtil.showDelRuleInput(type).then((msg) => { this.refreshInfoBut(); alert(msg); }).catch(errMsg => { Qmsg.info(errMsg); }); } if (model === "set") { ruleUtil.showSetRuleInput(type).then((msg) => { this.refreshInfoBut(); alert(msg); }).catch(errMsg => { Qmsg.info(errMsg); }); } if (model === "del_all") { if (!window.confirm("确定要删除所有规则吗?")) { Qmsg.info('取消删除全部操作'); return; } for (let x of this.ruleKeyArr) { gmUtil.delData(x); } alert("删除全部规则成功"); this.refreshInfoBut(); } }, ruleOutToFIleBut() { const ruleContent = ruleUtil.getRuleContent(4); let fileName = "b站屏蔽器规则-" + defUtil.toTimeString(); const s = prompt("保存为", fileName); if (s === null) return; if (!(s.includes(" ") || s === "" || s.length === 0)) fileName = s; defUtil.fileDownload(ruleContent, fileName + ".json"); }, ruleOutToConsoleBut() { xtip.msg('已导出到控制台上!', {icon: 's'}); console.log(ruleUtil.getRuleContent()); }, refreshInfoBut() { for (let x of this.ruleInfoArr) { x.len = gmUtil.getData(x.type, []).length; } Qmsg.info('已刷新规则信息'); }, overwriteImportRulesBut() { xtip.confirm('是否要覆盖导入规则?', { icon: 'a', btn1: () => { const trim = this.ruleContentImport.trim(); if (ruleUtil.overwriteImportRules(this.ruleKeyArr, trim)) { xtip.msg('已覆盖导入成功!', {icon: 's'}); this.refreshInfoBut(); } } }); }, appendImportRulesBut() { xtip.confirm('是否要追加导入规则?', { icon: 'a', btn1: () => { const trim = this.ruleContentImport.trim(); if (ruleUtil.appendImportRules(this.ruleKeyArr, trim)) { xtip.msg('已追加导入成功!', {icon: 's'}); this.refreshInfoBut(); } } }); }, overwriteImportRulesV1But() { xtip.confirm('旧版本-是否导入规则?', { icon: 'a', btn1: () => { const trim = this.ruleContentImport.trim(); if (ruleUtil.overwriteImportRulesV1(trim)) { xtip.msg('已导入成功!', {icon: 's'}); this.refreshInfoBut(); } } }); }, xtipAlertBut(content, title) { xtip.alert(content, {title: title}); }, ruleOldToNewBut() { ruleConversion.oldToNewRule(); this.refreshInfoBut(); xtip.msg('已转换成功!', {icon: 's'}); }, outToInputBut() { this.ruleContentImport = ruleUtil.getRuleContent(2); xtip.msg('已导出到输入框!', {icon: 's'}); }, handleFileUpload(event) { defUtil.handleFileReader(event).then(data => { const {content} = data; try { JSON.parse(content); } catch (e) { xtip.msg('文件内容有误', {icon: 'e'}); return; } this.ruleContentImport = content; xtip.msg('读取到内容,请按需覆盖或追加', {icon: 's'}); }); }, inputFIleRuleBut() { this.$refs.file.click(); } }, watch: { bOnlyTheHomepageIsBlocked(newVal) { localMKData.setBOnlyTheHomepageIsBlocked(newVal); }, selectVal(newVal) { console.log(newVal); const find = this.ruleInfoArr.find(item => item.type === newVal); this.selectText = find.name; } }, created() { for (let newRuleKeyListElement of ruleUtil.getNewRuleKeyList()) { this.ruleKeyArr.push(newRuleKeyListElement.key); this.ruleInfoArr.push({ type: newRuleKeyListElement.key, name: newRuleKeyListElement.name, len: 0 }); } const find = this.ruleInfoArr.find(item => item.type === this.selectVal); this.selectText = find.name; this.refreshInfoBut(); } }); }; const returnVue$3 = () => { return new Vue({ el: "#station_b_shield_donate", template: `


  • 1元不嫌少,10元不嫌多哦!感谢支持!
  • 生活不易,作者叹息
  • 您的支持是我最大的更新动力

{{ item.name }}


`, data: { list: [ { name: "支付宝赞助", alt: "支付宝支持", src: "https://www.mikuchase.ltd/img/paymentCodeZFB.webp" }, {name: "微信赞助", alt: "微信支持", src: "https://www.mikuchase.ltd/img/paymentCodeWX.webp"}, {name: "QQ赞助", alt: "QQ支持", src: "https://www.mikuchase.ltd/img/paymentCodeQQ.webp"}, ] } }); }; const returnVue$2 = () => { return new Vue({ el: '#other_parameter_filter', template: `


  1. 如设置时长相关单位为秒
  2. 如设置播放量和弹幕量相关单位为个
  3. 设置最小播放量则小于该值的视频会屏蔽
  4. 设置最大播放量则大于该值的视频会屏蔽
  5. 设置最小弹幕量则小于该值的视频会屏蔽
  6. 设置最大弹幕量则大于该值的视频会屏蔽
  7. 设置最小时长则小于该值的视频会屏蔽
  8. 设置最大时长则大于该值的视频会屏蔽
  9. 设置评论区最小用户等级则小于该值的会屏蔽,低于该值的会屏蔽掉
  10. 设置评论区最大用户等级则大于该值的会屏蔽,高于该值的会屏蔽掉
  11. 取消相关限制条件则不做限制处理
  12. 右侧信息关键条件-1则为未做任何限制处理
  13. 最后因为设置限制条件冲突或限制太多,视频未能限制的情况下,请按需设置限制条件
{{ item.name }}{{ item.defVal }} {{ item.name.includes('时长') ? '秒' : '' }}
`, data() { return { index: 0, selectList: [ { name: '最小播放量', value: 'nMinimumPlay', associated: 'nMaximumPlayback', defVal: -1 }, { name: '最大播放量', value: 'nMaximumPlayback', associated: 'nMinimumPlay', bLarge: true, defVal: -1 }, { name: '最小弹幕数', value: 'nMinimumBarrage', associated: 'nMaximumBarrage', defVal: -1 }, { name: '最大弹幕数', value: 'nMaximumBarrage', associated: 'nMinimumBarrage', bLarge: true, defVal: -1 }, { name: '最小时长', value: 'nMinimumDuration', associated: 'nMaximumDuration', defVal: -1 }, { name: '最大时长', value: 'nMaximumDuration', associated: 'nMinimumDuration', bLarge: true, defVal: -1 }, { name: '评论区最小用户等级过滤', value: 'nMinimumLevel', associated: 'nMaximumLevel', defVal: -1 }, { name: '评论区最大用户等级过滤', value: 'nMaximumLevel', associated: 'nMinimumLevel', bLarge: true, defVal: -1 } ], selectValue: 'nMinimumPlay', inputMax: '', inputMin: '0' } }, methods: { okVideoSelectBut() { const find = this.selectList.find(item => item.value === this.selectValue); const associatedVal = gmUtil.getData(find.associated, -1); const associatedFind = this.selectList.find(item => item.value === find.associated); if (this.index > associatedVal && associatedVal !== -1) { if (associatedFind.bLarge) { xtip.alert(`要设置的${find.name}值不能大于${associatedFind.name}的值`); return } console.log('正常修改'); } xtip.alert(`已设置${find.name},值为${this.index}`); gmUtil.setData(this.selectValue, this.index); this.updateInfo(); }, cancelBut() { gmUtil.setData(this.selectValue, -1); const find = this.selectList.find(item => item.value === this.selectValue); xtip.alert(`已取消${find.name}的限制`); this.updateInfo(); }, allCancelBut() { for (let item of this.selectList) { gmUtil.setData(item.value, -1); } this.updateInfo(); }, updateInfo() { for (let item of this.selectList) { item.defVal = gmUtil.getData(item.value, -1); } }, updateInfoBut() { this.updateInfo(); xtip.alert('已刷新'); }, }, watch: { selectValue(newVal) { const find = this.selectList.find(item => item.value === newVal); if (find.name.includes('用户等级')) { this.inputMin = 3; this.inputMax = 6; if (this.index > 6) { this.index = 6; } if (this.index < 3) { this.index = 3; } } else { this.inputMin = 0; this.inputMax = ''; } } }, created() { this.updateInfo(); } }) }; const returnVue$1 = () => { return new Vue({ el: "#shield #compatible_setting", template: `
`, data() { return { adaptationBAppRecommend: localMKData.getAdaptationBAppCommerce(), compatible_BEWLY_BEWLY: localMKData.isCompatible_BEWLY_BEWLY(), discardOldCommentAreasV:localMKData.isDiscardOldCommentAreas() } }, watch:{ adaptationBAppRecommend(newVal) { localMKData.setAdaptationBAppCommerce(newVal); }, compatible_BEWLY_BEWLY(newVal) { localMKData.setCompatible_BEWLY_BEWLY(newVal); }, discardOldCommentAreasV(newVal) { localMKData.setDiscardOldCommentAreas(newVal); } } }) }; const mk_db = new Dexie('mk-db'); mk_db.version(1).stores({ tags: 'bv,title,name' }); const localData = []; const updateLocalData = async () => { localData.splice(0, localData.length, ...await mk_db.tags.toArray()); }; updateLocalData().then(r => { console.log('初始化视频tags表临时缓存'); }); const findBv = async (bv) => { const find = localData.find(item => item.bv === bv); if (find === undefined) { return false } return find }; const addTagsData = async (data) => { const {title, bv, name, tags} = data; try { await mk_db.tags.add({ bv, title, name, tags }); } catch (e) { console.log(`添加视频tags失败`, data, e); return false } return true }; const bulkImportTags = async (friendsData) => { try { const lastKeyItem = await mk_db.tags.bulkPut(friendsData); console.log('批量导入成功,最后一个插入的主键:', lastKeyItem); return {state: true, lastKeyItem} } catch (error) { console.error('批量导入时出错:', error); return {state: false, error} } }; const getVideoAllTags = async () => { return await mk_db.tags.toArray() }; const getTagsCount = async () => { try { const count = await mk_db.tags.count(); return {state: true, count} } catch (e) { return {state: false, count: -1, error: e} } }; const clearTagsTable = async () => { try { await mk_db.tags.clear(); return true } catch (e) { console.log('清除tags表失败', e); return false } }; var bvDexie = { addTagsData, getVideoAllTags, findBv, updateLocalData, getTagsCount, clearTagsTable, bulkImportTags }; const returnVue = () => { return new Vue({ el: "#cache_tags_management_vue", template: `
  1. 每个域名中的tags数据不同
  2. 仅仅支持导入json格式
  3. 下面导入默认追加模式
当前域名:{{ hostname }}
`, data() { return { hostname: window.location.hostname } }, methods: { outTagsDataBut() { bvDexie.getVideoAllTags().then((data) => { data = { hostName: this.hostname, size: data.length, tags: data }; defUtil.fileDownload(JSON.stringify(data,null,4), 'mk-db-tags.json'); xtip.msg('已导出当前域名的tags缓存数据', 'success'); console.log(data); }); }, handleFileUpload(event) { defUtil.handleFileReader(event).then(data => { const {content} = data; let parse; try { parse = JSON.parse(content); } catch (e) { xtip.msg('文件内容有误', {icon: 'e'}); return; } const {hostName = null, tags = []} = parse; if (!hostName) { xtip.msg('hostName字段不存在', {icon: 'e'}); return; } if (!defUtil.isIterable(tags)) { xtip.msg('文件内容有误,非可迭代的数组!', {icon: 'e'}); return; } if (tags.length === 0) { xtip.msg('tags数据为空', {icon: 'e'}); return; } for (let item of tags) { if (!item['name']) { xtip.msg('name字段不存在', {icon: 'e'}); return; } if (!item['title']) { xtip.msg('title字段不存在', {icon: 'e'}); return; } if (!item['bv']) { xtip.msg('bv字段不存在', {icon: 'e'}); return; } if (!item['tags']) { xtip.msg('tags字段不存在', {icon: 'e'}); return; } } bvDexie.bulkImportTags(tags).then((bool) => { if (bool) { xtip.msg('导入成功', 'success'); } else { xtip.msg('导入失败', 'error'); } }); }); }, inputFIleBut() { this.$refs.inputDemo.click(); }, clearPageTagsDataBut() { xtip.confirm('是否清空当前域名下的tags数据', { icon: 'a', btn1: () => { bvDexie.clearTagsTable().then((bool) => { if (bool) { xtip.msg('已清空当前域名下的tags数据', 'success'); } else { xtip.msg('清空失败', 'error'); } }); } }); } }, created() { } }) }; document.querySelector("#output_information button")?.addEventListener("click", () => { olEL.innerHTML = ""; alert("已清空消息"); }); const olEL = document.querySelector("#output_information>.info"); const addInfo = (content) => { const liEL = document.createElement("li"); liEL.innerHTML = content; olEL.appendChild(liEL); }; const outputInformationFontColor = localMKData.getOutputInformationFontColor(); const highlightInformationColor = localMKData.getHighlightInformationColor(); eventEmitter.on('正则匹配时异常', (errorData) => { const {msg, e} = errorData; addInfo(msg); console.log(msg); throw new Error(e) }); const getVideoInfoHtml = (type, matching, videoData) => { const toTimeString = defUtil.toTimeString(); const {name, uid, title, videoUrl} = videoData; return ` ${toTimeString}-根据${type}-${matching ? `【${matching}】` : ""}-屏蔽用户【${name}】uid= 【${uid}】 标题【${title}` }; const getCommentInfoHtml = (type, matching, commentData) => { const toTimeString = defUtil.toTimeString(); const {name, uid, content} = commentData; return ` ${toTimeString}-根据${type}-${matching ? `【${matching}】` : ""}-屏蔽用户【${name}】uid= 【${uid}】 评论【${content}】 ` }; const getLiveRoomCommentInfoHtml = (type, matching, commentData) => { const toTimeString = defUtil.toTimeString(); const {name, uid, content} = commentData; return ` ${toTimeString}-根据${type}-${matching ? `【${matching}】` : ""}-屏蔽用户【${name}】uid= 【${uid}】 直播评论【${content}】 ` }; const getDynamicContentInfoHtml = (type, matching, dynamicData) => { const toTimeString = defUtil.toTimeString(); const {name, uid, content} = dynamicData; return ` ${toTimeString}-根据${type}-${matching ? `【${matching}】` : ""}-屏蔽用户【${name}】uid= 【${uid}】 动态【${content}】 ` }; const getLiveRoomInfoHtml = (type, matching, liveRoomData) => { const toTimeString = defUtil.toTimeString(); const {name = null, uid = -1, title, liveUrl} = liveRoomData; return ` ${toTimeString}-根据${type}${matching ? `【${matching}】` : ""}-屏蔽用户【${name === null ? '' : name}】${uid === -1 ? "" : `uid= 【${uid}】`} 直播间标题【${title}` }; var output_informationTab = { addInfo, getVideoInfoHtml, getCommentInfoHtml, getLiveRoomCommentInfoHtml, getDynamicContentInfoHtml, getLiveRoomInfoHtml }; var css$1 = `button { position: fixed; right: 5%; top: 13%; width: 60px; height: 60px; border-radius: 50%; border-width: 0; cursor: pointer; background: #0056b3; } `; const addLayout = () => { const div = document.createElement('div'); div.style.position = 'fixed'; div.style.zIndex = '9001'; div.style.display = localMKData.isHideRightTopMainButSwitch() ? 'none' : ''; const but = document.createElement('button'); but.textContent = '屏蔽器'; const shadowRoot = div.attachShadow({mode: 'open'}); const styleElement = document.createElement('style'); styleElement.textContent = css$1; shadowRoot.appendChild(but); shadowRoot.appendChild(styleElement); document.querySelector('body').appendChild(div); but.addEventListener('click', () => mainDrawer.showDrawer()); eventEmitter.on('右上角开关按钮显隐', (loop) => { div.style.display = !loop ? '' : 'none'; }); }; var externalHoverSwitchPanelButton = { addLayout }; returnVue$5(); returnVue$4(); returnVue$3(); returnVue$2(); returnVue$1(); returnVue(); installAboutAndFeedbackComponentsVue('#station_b_shield_problem_feedback', { title: 'B站屏蔽增强器', gfFeedbackUrl: 'https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/461382' } ); gmUtil.addStyle(` [gz_bezel]{ border:1px solid ${localMKData.getBorderColor()} } `); externalHoverSwitchPanelButton.addLayout(); const getUrlUID = (url) => { let uid; if (url.startsWith('http')) { const parseUrl = defUtil.parseUrl(url); uid = parseUrl.pathSegments[0]?.trim(); return parseInt(uid) } const isDoYouHaveAnyParameters = url.indexOf('?'); const lastIndexOf = url.lastIndexOf("/"); if (isDoYouHaveAnyParameters === -1) { if (url.endsWith('/')) { const nTheIndexOfTheLastSecondOccurrenceOfTheSlash = url.lastIndexOf('/', url.length - 2); uid = url.substring(nTheIndexOfTheLastSecondOccurrenceOfTheSlash + 1, url.length - 1); } else { uid = url.substring(lastIndexOf + 1); } } else { uid = url.substring(lastIndexOf + 1, isDoYouHaveAnyParameters); } return parseInt(uid); }; const getUrlBV = (url) => { let match = url.match(/video\/(.+)\//); if (match === null) { match = url.match(/video\/(.+)\?/); } if (match === null) { match=url.match(/video\/(.+)/); } return match?.[1]?.trim() || null; }; const eventRegistry = new Map(); function addEventListenerWithTracking(element, eventName, handler) { if (!element) { console.error(element); throw new Error('错误的元素!') } if (!eventRegistry.has(element)) { eventRegistry.set(element, {events: [], attrs: []}); } const {events, attrs} = eventRegistry.get(element); if (attrs.includes(eventName)) { return } attrs.push(eventName); events.push({eventName, handler}); element.setAttribute(`event-${eventName}`, eventName); element.addEventListener(eventName, handler); } function hasEventListener(element, eventName) { const elementEvents = eventRegistry.get(element); if (!elementEvents) { return false } const attr = element.getAttribute(`event-${eventName}`); if (attr) { return true } const {events} = elementEvents; return events.some(item => item === eventName); } function findElementUntilFound(selector, config = {}) { const defConfig = { doc: document, interval: 1000, timeout: -1, }; config = {...defConfig, ...config}; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const i1 = setInterval(() => { const element = config.doc.querySelector(selector); if (element) { resolve(element); clearInterval(i1); } }, config.interval); if (config.timeout > 0) { setTimeout(() => { clearInterval(i1); reject(null); // 超时则返回 null }, config.timeout); } }); } function findElementsUntilFound(selector, config = {}) { const defConfig = {doc: document, interval: 1000, timeout: -1}; config = {...defConfig, ...config}; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const i1 = setInterval(() => { const elements = config.doc.querySelectorAll(selector); if (elements.length > 0) { resolve(elements); clearInterval(i1); } }, config.interval); if (config.timeout > 0) { setTimeout(() => { clearInterval(i1); reject(null); // 超时则返回 null }, config.timeout); } }); } function findElementWithTimeout(selector, config = {}) { const defConfig = { doc: document, interval: 1000, timeout: 60000 }; config = {...defConfig, ...config}; return new Promise((resolve) => { let intervalId; function attemptToFind() { const element = config.doc.querySelector(selector); if (element) { clearInterval(intervalId); resolve({ state: true, msg: "已找到元素", el: element }); } } intervalId = setInterval(attemptToFind, config.interval); const timeout = setTimeout(() => { clearInterval(intervalId); resolve({ state: false, msg: "已超时:" + config.timeout }); // 超时后提示信息 clearTimeout(timeout); }, config.timeout); attemptToFind(); // 立即尝试一次 }); } const findElementsAndBindEvents = (css, callback, config = {}) => { config = { ...{ interval: 2000, timeOut: 3000 }, config }; setTimeout(() => { findElementUntilFound(css, {interval: config.interval}).then((el) => { el.addEventListener("click", () => { callback(); }); }); }, config.timeOut); }; var elUtil = { getUrlUID, getUrlBV, addEventListenerWithTracking, findElementUntilFound, findElementWithTimeout, findElementsUntilFound, findElementsAndBindEvents, hasEventListener }; const exactMatch = (ruleList, value) => { if (ruleList === null || ruleList === undefined) return false; if (!Array.isArray(ruleList)) return false return ruleList.some(item => item === value); }; const regexMatch = (ruleList, value) => { if (ruleList === null || ruleList === undefined) return null; if (!Array.isArray(ruleList)) return null value = value.toLowerCase(); value = value.split(/[\t\r\f\n\s]*/g).join(""); const find = ruleList.find(item => { try { return value.search(item) !== -1; } catch (e) { const msg = `正则匹配失败,请检查规则列表中的正则表达式是否正确,错误信息:${e.message}`; eventEmitter.emit('正则匹配时异常', {e, msg}); return false; } }); return find === undefined ? null : find; }; const fuzzyMatch = (ruleList, value) => { if (ruleList === null || ruleList === undefined||value===null) return null; if (!Array.isArray(ruleList)) return null const find = ruleList.find(item => value.toLowerCase().includes(item)); return find === undefined ? null : find; }; var ruleMatchingUtil = { exactMatch, regexMatch, fuzzyMatch }; const Tip = { success(text, config) { Qmsg.success(text, config); }, successBottomRight(text) { this.success(text, {position: "bottomright"}); }, videoBlock(text) {//屏蔽了视频的提示 this.success(text, {position: "bottomright"}); }, info(text, config) { Qmsg.info(text, config); }, infoBottomRight(text) { this.info(text, {position: "bottomright"}); }, error(text, config) { Qmsg.error(text, config); }, errorBottomRight(text) { this.error(text, {position: "bottomright"}); }, warning(text, config) { Qmsg.warning(text, config); }, config(cfg) {//设置全局Tip配置 Qmsg.config(cfg); }, loading(text, config) { return Qmsg.loading(text, config); }, close(loading) { try { loading.close(); } catch (e) { console.error(e); this.error("loading关闭失败!"); } }, printLn(content) { Util.printElement("#outputInfo", `
`); }, printVideo(color, content, name, uid, title, videoHref) { Util.printElement("#outputInfo", `
`); }, printCommentOn(color, content, name, uid, primaryContent) { Util.printElement("#outputInfo", `
${Util.toTimeString()}${content} 屏蔽用户【${name}】uid=【${uid}】 原言论=【${primaryContent}】
`); } }; const isTopicDetailPage = (url) => { return url.includes("//www.bilibili.com/v/topic/detail/") }; const getDataList$1 = async () => { const elList = await elUtil.findElementsUntilFound(".list__topic-card"); const list = []; for (let el of elList) { const name = el.querySelector(".bili-dyn-title").textContent.trim(); const uidEl = el.querySelector(".bili-dyn-item__following"); const uid = parseInt(uidEl.getAttribute("data-mid")); const judgmentEl = el.querySelector(".bili-dyn-card-video__title"); const data = {name, uid, el, judgmentVideo: judgmentEl !== null}; if (judgmentEl !== null) { data.title = judgmentEl.textContent.trim(); const videoUrl = el.querySelector(".bili-dyn-card-video").href; data.videoUrl = videoUrl; data.bv = elUtil.getUrlBV(videoUrl); data.insertionPositionEl = el.querySelector(".bili-dyn-content__orig"); data.explicitSubjectEl = data.insertionPositionEl; } else { const dynTitle = el.querySelector(".dyn-card-opus__title"); const contentTitle = dynTitle === null ? "" : dynTitle.textContent.trim(); const contentBody = el.querySelector(".bili-rich-text>div").textContent.trim(); data.insertionPositionEl = el.querySelector(".dyn-card-opus"); data.explicitSubjectEl = data.insertionPositionEl; data.content = contentTitle + contentBody; } list.push(data); } return list; }; const __shieldingVideo = (videoData) => { if (shielding.shieldingVideoDecorated(videoData)) { return; } shielding.addTopicDetailVideoBlockButton({data: videoData, maskingFunc: startShielding}); }; const __shieldingDynamic = (dynamicData) => { if (shielding.shieldingCommentDecorated(dynamicData)) { return; } shielding.addTopicDetailContentsBlockButton({data: dynamicData, maskingFunc: startShielding}); }; const startShielding = async () => { const list = await getDataList$1(); const css = {width: "100%"}; for (let data of list) { data.css = css; if (data.judgmentVideo) { __shieldingVideo(data); } else { __shieldingDynamic(data); } } }; var topicDetail = { isTopicDetailPage, startShielding }; const getUrlUserLevel = (src) => { const levelMath = src?.match(/level_(.+)\.svg/) || null; let level = -1; if (levelMath !== null) { const levelRow = levelMath[1]; if (levelRow === 'h') { level = 7; } else { level = parseInt(levelRow); } } return level; }; const getOldUserLevel = (iEl) => { let level = -1; const levelCLassName = iEl.classList[1]; if (levelCLassName === 'level-hardcore') { level = 7; } else { const levelMatch = levelCLassName.match(/level-(.+)/)?.[1] || ''; level = parseInt(levelMatch); } return level }; const getCommentSectionList = async () => { const commentApp = await elUtil.findElementUntilFound("bili-comments", {interval: 500}); const comments = await elUtil.findElementsUntilFound("#feed>bili-comment-thread-renderer", {doc: commentApp.shadowRoot, interval: 500}); const commentsData = []; let isLoaded = false; for (let el of comments) { const theOPEl = el.shadowRoot.getElementById("comment").shadowRoot; const theOPUserInfo = theOPEl.querySelector("bili-comment-user-info") .shadowRoot.getElementById("info"); const userNameEl = theOPUserInfo.querySelector("#user-name>a"); const userLevelSrc = theOPUserInfo.querySelector('#user-level>img')?.src || null; const level = getUrlUserLevel(userLevelSrc); isLoaded = theOPEl.querySelector("#content>bili-rich-text") .shadowRoot.querySelector("#contents>*") !== null; if (!isLoaded) { break; } const theOPContentEl = theOPEl.querySelector("#content>bili-rich-text") .shadowRoot.querySelector("#contents"); const theOPContent = theOPContentEl.textContent.trim(); const userName = userNameEl.textContent.trim(); const userUrl = userNameEl.href; const uid = elUtil.getUrlUID(userUrl); const replies = []; commentsData.push({ name: userName, userUrl, uid, level, content: theOPContent, replies, el, insertionPositionEl: theOPUserInfo, explicitSubjectEl: theOPEl.querySelector("#body") }); const inTheBuildingEls = el.shadowRoot.querySelector("bili-comment-replies-renderer") .shadowRoot.querySelectorAll("bili-comment-reply-renderer"); for (let inTheBuildingEl of inTheBuildingEls) { const inTheContentEl = inTheBuildingEl.shadowRoot; const biliCommentUserInfo = inTheContentEl.querySelector("bili-comment-user-info"); biliCommentUserInfo.style.display = 'block'; const inTheBuildingUserInfo = biliCommentUserInfo.shadowRoot.getElementById("info"); const inTheBuildingUserNameEl = inTheBuildingUserInfo.querySelector("#user-name>a"); const inTheBuildingUserName = inTheBuildingUserNameEl.textContent.trim(); const inTheBuildingUserUrl = inTheBuildingUserNameEl.href; const inTheBuildingUid = elUtil.getUrlUID(inTheBuildingUserUrl); const biliRichTextEL = inTheContentEl.querySelector("bili-rich-text"); const inTheBuildingContent = biliRichTextEL.shadowRoot.getElementById("contents").textContent.trim(); const userLevelSrc = inTheBuildingUserInfo.querySelector('#user-level>img')?.src || null; const level = getUrlUserLevel(userLevelSrc); replies.push({ name: inTheBuildingUserName, userUrl: inTheBuildingUserUrl, uid: inTheBuildingUid, level, content: inTheBuildingContent, el: inTheBuildingEl, insertionPositionEl: inTheBuildingUserInfo, explicitSubjectEl: inTheBuildingEl }); } } if (!isLoaded) { await defUtil.wait(500); return getCommentSectionList() } return commentsData; }; const getOldCommentSectionList = async () => { let results; try { results = await elUtil.findElementsUntilFound(".reply-list>.reply-item", {timeout: 5000}); } catch (e) { return [] } const commentsData = []; for (let el of results) { const theOPEl = el.querySelector(".root-reply-container"); const theOPUserInfoEl = theOPEl.querySelector(".user-name"); const userName = theOPUserInfoEl.textContent.trim(); const uid = parseInt(theOPUserInfoEl.getAttribute("data-user-id")); const userUrl = `https://space.bilibili.com/${uid}`; const theOPContent = theOPEl.querySelector(".reply-content").textContent.trim(); const userInfoEl = el.querySelector(".user-info"); const iEl = userInfoEl.querySelector('i'); const level = getOldUserLevel(iEl); const replies = []; commentsData.push({ name: userName, userUrl, uid, content: theOPContent, level, replies, el, insertionPositionEl: userInfoEl, explicitSubjectEl: el.querySelector(".content-warp") }); const inTheBuildingEls = el.querySelectorAll(".sub-reply-container>.sub-reply-list>.sub-reply-item"); for (let inTheBuildingEl of inTheBuildingEls) { const subUserNameEl = inTheBuildingEl.querySelector(".sub-user-name"); const uid = parseInt(subUserNameEl.getAttribute("data-user-id")); const userName = subUserNameEl.textContent.trim(); const userUrl = `https://space.bilibili.com/${uid}`; const subContent = inTheBuildingEl.querySelector(".reply-content").textContent.trim(); const subUserInfoEl = inTheBuildingEl.querySelector(".sub-user-info"); const iEl = subUserInfoEl.querySelector('i'); const level = getOldUserLevel(iEl); const replyContentContainerEl = inTheBuildingEl.querySelector('span.reply-content-container'); replyContentContainerEl.style.display = 'block'; replies.push({ name: userName, userUrl, uid, level, content: subContent, el: inTheBuildingEl, insertionPositionEl: subUserInfoEl, explicitSubjectEl: inTheBuildingEl }); } } return commentsData; }; const startShieldingComments = async () => { let list; const href = window.location.href; if (localMKData.isDiscardOldCommentAreas()) { list = await getCommentSectionList(); } else if (href.includes("https://space.bilibili.com/") || topicDetail.isTopicDetailPage(href)) { list = await getOldCommentSectionList(); } else { list = await getCommentSectionList(); } shielding.shieldingComments(list); }; var commentSectionModel = { startShieldingComments }; const getVideoTags = async (bv) => { const response = await fetch(`https://api.bilibili.com/x/web-interface/view/detail/tag?bvid=${bv}`); const videoTagData = {bv, state: false, tags: []}; if (!response.ok) { videoTagData.msgData = {msg: 'fetch网络请求失败:获取视频tag失败', response}; return videoTagData } let responseJson; try { responseJson = await response.json(); } catch (e) { videoTagData.msgData = {msg: '获取视频tag异常:转换json内容失败', e}; return videoTagData } const {code, data} = responseJson; if (code !== 0) { videoTagData.msgData = {msg: '获取视频tag失败', responseJson}; return videoTagData } try { for (let datum of data) { videoTagData.tags.push(datum['tag_name']); } } catch (e) { videoTagData.msgData = {msg: '获取视频tag异常:遍历读取data数据时失败', e}; return videoTagData } videoTagData.state = true; videoTagData.msgData = {msg: '获取视频tag成功'}; return videoTagData }; const getVideoTagsPackaging = async (videoData) => { const {bv, title, name} = videoData; const find = await bvDexie.findBv(bv); if (find) { return {state: true, data: {bv, name, title, tags: find.tags}} } const videoTagData = await getVideoTags(bv); if (!videoTagData.state) { console.error(videoTagData.msgData.msg, videoTagData.msgData); return {state: false, data: videoTagData} } const {tags} = videoTagData; const bool = await bvDexie.addTagsData({bv, title, name, tags}); if (bool) { await bvDexie.updateLocalData(); console.log('mk-db-tags-添加数据成功', videoTagData, videoData); } else { console.error('mk-db-tags-添加数据失败', videoTagData, videoData); } return {state: true, data: {bv, name, title, tags}} }; var bFetch = { getVideoTagsPackaging }; const addBlockButton$1 = (data, tagCss = '', position = []) => { const {insertionPositionEl, explicitSubjectEl, css} = data.data; if (tagCss !== '') { if (insertionPositionEl.querySelector("." + tagCss)) return; } const buttonEL = document.createElement("button"); buttonEL.setAttribute("gz_type", ""); if (tagCss !== '') { buttonEL.className = tagCss; } buttonEL.textContent = "屏蔽"; if (position.length !== 0) { buttonEL.style.position = "absolute"; } if (position.includes("right")) { buttonEL.style.right = "0"; } if (position.includes("bottom")) { buttonEL.style.bottom = "0"; } if (css !== undefined) { for (let key of Object.keys(css)) { buttonEL.style[key] = css[key]; } } if (explicitSubjectEl) { buttonEL.style.display = "none"; elUtil.addEventListenerWithTracking(explicitSubjectEl, "mouseout", () => buttonEL.style.display = "none"); elUtil.addEventListenerWithTracking(explicitSubjectEl, "mouseover", () => buttonEL.style.display = ""); } insertionPositionEl.appendChild(buttonEL); buttonEL.addEventListener("click", (event) => { event.stopImmediatePropagation(); // 阻止事件冒泡和同一元素上的其他事件处理器 event.preventDefault(); // 阻止默认行为 const {uid, name} = data.data; console.log("该选项数据:", data); xtip.sheet({ btn: [`uid精确屏蔽-用户uid=${uid}-name=${name}`, `用户名精确屏蔽(不推荐)-用户name=${name}`], btn1: () => { if (uid === -1) { Tip.error("该页面数据不存在uid字段"); return; } ruleUtil.addRule(uid, "precise_uid").then(msg => { xtip.msg(msg); data.maskingFunc(); }).catch(msg => { xtip.alert(msg, {icon: 'e'}); }); }, btn2: () => { if (!name) { alert("该页面数据不存在name字段" + name); return; } if (!window.confirm('不推荐用户使用精确用户名来屏蔽,确定继续吗?')) return ruleUtil.addRulePreciseName(name); }, }); }); }; const addVideoBlockButton$1 = (data) => { addBlockButton$1(data, "gz_shielding_button", ["right"]); }; const addPopularVideoBlockButton = (data) => { addBlockButton$1(data, "gz_shielding_button", ["right", "bottom"]); }; const addTopicDetailVideoBlockButton = (data) => { addBlockButton$1(data, "gz_shielding_button"); }; const addTopicDetailContentsBlockButton = (data) => { const position = data.data.position; const loop = position !== undefined; addBlockButton$1(data, "gz_shielding_topic_detail_button", loop ? position : []); }; const addCommentBlockButton = (commentsData) => { const data = { data: commentsData, maskingFunc: commentSectionModel.startShieldingComments }; addBlockButton$1(data, "gz_shielding_comment_button"); }; const addLiveContentBlockButton = (commentsData) => { addBlockButton$1(commentsData, "gz_shielding_live_danmaku_button"); }; const shieldingVideo = (videoData) => { const { title, uid = -1, name, nDuration = -1, nBulletChat = -1, nPlayCount = -1 } = videoData; if (ruleMatchingUtil.exactMatch(ruleKeyListData$1.getPreciseUidWhiteArr(), uid)) { return {state: false}; } if (ruleMatchingUtil.exactMatch(ruleKeyListData$1.getPreciseUidArr(), uid)) { return {state: true, type: "精确匹配uid"}; } let matching = ruleMatchingUtil.fuzzyMatch(ruleKeyListData$1.getTitleArr(), title); if (matching !== null) { return {state: true, type: "模糊匹配标题", matching}; } matching = ruleMatchingUtil.regexMatch(ruleKeyListData$1.getTitleCanonicalArr(), title); if (matching !== null) { return {state: true, type: "正则匹配标题", matching}; } if (ruleMatchingUtil.exactMatch(ruleKeyListData$1.getPreciseNameArr(), name)) { return {state: true, type: "精确匹配用户名"}; } matching = ruleMatchingUtil.fuzzyMatch(ruleKeyListData$1.getNameArr(), name); if (matching !== null) { return {state: true, type: "模糊匹配用户名", matching}; } matching = ruleMatchingUtil.regexMatch(ruleKeyListData$1.getNameCanonical(), name); if (matching !== null) { return {state: true, type: "正则用户名", matching}; } if (nDuration !== -1) { const min = gmUtil.getData('nMinimumDuration', -1); if (min > nDuration && min !== -1) { return {state: true, type: '最小时长', matching: min} } const max = gmUtil.getData('nMaximumDuration', -1); if (max < nDuration && max !== -1) { return {state: true, type: '最大时长', matching: max} } } if (nBulletChat !== -1) { const min = gmUtil.getData('nMinimumBarrage', -1); if (min > nBulletChat && min !== -1) { return {state: true, type: '最小弹幕数', matching: min} } const max = gmUtil.getData('nMaximumBarrage', -1); if (max < nBulletChat && max !== -1) { return {state: true, type: '最大弹幕数', matching: max} } } if (nPlayCount !== -1) { const min = gmUtil.getData('nMinimumPlay', -1); if (min > nPlayCount && min !== -1) { return {state: true, type: '最小播放量', matching: min} } const max = gmUtil.getData('nMaximumPlayback', -1); if (max < nPlayCount && max !== -1) { return {state: true, type: '最大播放量', matching: max} } } return {state: false}; }; const blockBasedVideoTag = async (videoData) => { const {el, bv = '-1'} = videoData; if (bv === '-1') { return } const preciseVideoTagArr = ruleKeyListData$1.getPreciseVideoTagArr(); const videoTagArr = ruleKeyListData$1.getVideoTagArr(); if (preciseVideoTagArr.length <= 0 && videoTagArr.length <= 0) { return } const tagsData = await bFetch.getVideoTagsPackaging(videoData); const {state, data} = tagsData; if (!state) { console.log('错误:', data); return } const {tags = []} = data; for (let tag of tags) { if (ruleMatchingUtil.exactMatch(preciseVideoTagArr, tag)) { el?.remove(); Tip.successBottomRight("屏蔽了视频"); output_informationTab.addInfo(output_informationTab.getVideoInfoHtml("精确tag", tag, videoData)); return } let fuzzyMatch = ruleMatchingUtil.fuzzyMatch(videoTagArr, tag); if (fuzzyMatch) { el?.remove(); Tip.successBottomRight("屏蔽了视频"); output_informationTab.addInfo(output_informationTab.getVideoInfoHtml("模糊tag", fuzzyMatch, videoData)); return } fuzzyMatch = ruleMatchingUtil.regexMatch(ruleKeyListData$1.getVideoTagCanonicalArr(), tag); if (fuzzyMatch) { el?.remove(); Tip.successBottomRight("屏蔽了视频"); output_informationTab.addInfo(output_informationTab.getVideoInfoHtml("正则tag", fuzzyMatch, videoData)); return } } }; const shieldingVideoDecorated = (videoData, method = "remove") => { const {el} = videoData; if (el.style.display === "none") { return true } const {state, type, matching = null} = shieldingVideo(videoData); if (state) { if (method === "remove") { el?.remove(); } else { el.style.display = "none"; } Tip.successBottomRight("屏蔽了视频"); const videoInfoHtml = output_informationTab.getVideoInfoHtml(type, matching, videoData); output_informationTab.addInfo(videoInfoHtml); return true; } blockBasedVideoTag(videoData); return state; }; const shieldingDynamic = (dynamicData) => { const { content = null, el, title = null, tag = null } = dynamicData; let matching = null; if (content !== null) { matching = ruleMatchingUtil.fuzzyMatch(ruleKeyListData$1.getCommentOnArr(), content); if (matching !== null) { el?.remove(); return {state: true, type: "评论模糊内容", matching}; } matching = ruleMatchingUtil.regexMatch(ruleKeyListData$1.getCommentOnCanonicalArr(), content); if (matching !== null) { el?.remove(); return {state: true, type: "评论正则内容", matching}; } } if (title !== null) { matching = ruleMatchingUtil.fuzzyMatch(ruleKeyListData$1.getTitleArr(), title); if (matching !== null) { el?.remove(); return {state: true, type: "模糊标题", matching}; } matching = ruleMatchingUtil.regexMatch(ruleKeyListData$1.getTitleCanonicalArr(), title); if (matching !== null) { el?.remove(); return {state: true, type: "正则标题", matching}; } } if (tag !== null) { if (ruleMatchingUtil.exactMatch(ruleKeyListData$1.getPreciseTagArr(), tag)) { el?.remove(); return {state: true, type: "精确tag"}; } matching = ruleMatchingUtil.fuzzyMatch(ruleKeyListData$1.getTagArr(), tag); if (matching !== null) { el?.remove(); return {state: true, type: "模糊tag", matching}; } matching = ruleMatchingUtil.regexMatch(ruleKeyListData$1.getTagCanonicalArr(), tag); if (matching !== null) { el?.remove(); return {state: true, type: "正则tag", matching}; } } return {state: false} }; const shieldingDynamicDecorated = (dynamicData) => { const {state, type, matching} = shieldingDynamic(dynamicData); if (state) { Tip.successBottomRight("屏蔽了视频"); output_informationTab.addInfo(output_informationTab.getDynamicContentInfoHtml(type, matching, dynamicData)); } return state; }; const shieldingComment = (commentsData) => { const {content, uid, name, level = -1} = commentsData; if (ruleMatchingUtil.exactMatch(ruleKeyListData$1.getPreciseUidWhiteArr(), uid)) { return {state: false}; } if (ruleMatchingUtil.exactMatch(ruleKeyListData$1.getPreciseUidArr(), uid)) { return {state: true, type: "精确匹配uid"}; } if (ruleMatchingUtil.exactMatch(ruleKeyListData$1.getPreciseNameArr(), name)) { return {state: true, type: "精确用户名"}; } let matching = ruleMatchingUtil.fuzzyMatch(ruleKeyListData$1.getNameArr(), name); if (matching !== null) { return {state: true, type: "模糊匹配用户名", matching}; } matching = ruleMatchingUtil.regexMatch(ruleKeyListData$1.getNameCanonical(), name); if (matching !== null) { return {state: true, type: "正则用户名", matching}; } matching = ruleMatchingUtil.fuzzyMatch(ruleKeyListData$1.getCommentOnArr(), content); if (matching !== null) { return {state: true, type: "模糊评论内容", matching}; } matching = ruleMatchingUtil.regexMatch(ruleKeyListData$1.getCommentOnCanonicalArr(), content); if (matching !== null) { return {state: true, type: "正则评论内容", matching}; } if (level !== -1) { const min = gmUtil.getData('nMinimumLevel', -1); if (min > level) { return {state: true, type: "评论区最小用户等级过滤", matching: min}; } const max = gmUtil.getData('nMaximumLevel', -1); if (max > level) { return {state: true, type: "评论区最大用户等级过滤", matching: max}; } } return {state: false}; }; const shieldingCommentDecorated = (commentsData) => { const {state, type, matching} = shieldingComment(commentsData); if (state) { commentsData.el?.remove(); Tip.successBottomRight("屏蔽了评论"); output_informationTab.addInfo(output_informationTab.getCommentInfoHtml(type, matching, commentsData)); } return state; }; const shieldingLiveRoomContentDecorated = (liveRoomContent) => { let {state, type, matching} = shieldingComment(liveRoomContent); const {el, fansMedal} = liveRoomContent; if (fansMedal !== null) { if (ruleMatchingUtil.exactMatch(ruleKeyListData$1.getPreciseFanCardArr(), fansMedal)) { el?.remove(); state = true; type = "精确粉丝牌"; } } if (state) { el?.remove(); Tip.successBottomRight("屏蔽了直播间评论"); } if (type) { output_informationTab.addInfo(output_informationTab.getLiveRoomCommentInfoHtml(type, matching, liveRoomContent)); } return state; }; const shieldingComments = (commentsDataList) => { for (let commentsData of commentsDataList) { if (shieldingCommentDecorated(commentsData)) continue; addCommentBlockButton(commentsData); const {replies = []} = commentsData; if (replies.length === 0) continue; for (let reply of replies) { if (shieldingCommentDecorated(reply)) continue; addCommentBlockButton(reply); } } }; const shieldingLiveRoom = (liveRoomData) => { const {name, title, partition, uid = -1} = liveRoomData; if (uid !== -1) { if (ruleMatchingUtil.exactMatch(ruleKeyListData$1.getPreciseUidWhiteArr(), uid)) { return {state: false}; } if (ruleMatchingUtil.exactMatch(ruleKeyListData$1.getPreciseUidArr(), uid)) { return {state: true, type: "精确用户uid"}; } } let matching; if (name) { if (ruleMatchingUtil.exactMatch(ruleKeyListData$1.getPreciseNameArr(), name)) { return {state: true, type: "精确用户名"}; } matching = ruleMatchingUtil.fuzzyMatch(ruleKeyListData$1.getNameArr(), name); if (matching) { return {state: true, type: "模糊用户名", matching}; } } matching = ruleMatchingUtil.exactMatch(ruleKeyListData$1.getTitleArr(), title); if (matching) { return {state: true, type: "模糊标题", matching}; } matching = ruleMatchingUtil.fuzzyMatch(ruleKeyListData$1.getTitleCanonicalArr(), title); if (matching) { return {state: true, type: "正则标题", matching}; } if (partition) { if (ruleMatchingUtil.exactMatch(ruleKeyListData$1.getPrecisePartitionArr(), partition)) { return {state: true, type: "精确直播分区"}; } } return {state: false}; }; const shieldingLiveRoomDecorated = (liveRoomData) => { const {state, type, matching = null} = shieldingLiveRoom(liveRoomData); if (state) { liveRoomData.el?.remove(); Tip.successBottomRight("屏蔽了直播间"); output_informationTab.addInfo(output_informationTab.getLiveRoomInfoHtml(type, matching, liveRoomData)); } return state; }; const intervalExecutionStartShieldingVideoInert = (func, name = '') => { let i1 = -1; const start = () => { if (i1 !== -1) { return } console.log('开始执行屏蔽' + name); i1 = setInterval(() => { func(); console.log(`执行屏蔽${name}列表-定时器正在执行`); }, 1500); }; const stop = () => { if (i1 === -1) { return } clearInterval(i1); console.log(`已停止执行屏蔽${name}列表`); i1 = -1; }; return {start, stop} }; var shielding = { shieldingVideoDecorated, shieldingDynamicDecorated, shieldingCommentDecorated, shieldingLiveRoomDecorated, shieldingComments, addVideoBlockButton: addVideoBlockButton$1, addCommentBlockButton, shieldingLiveRoomContentDecorated, addLiveContentBlockButton, addPopularVideoBlockButton, addTopicDetailVideoBlockButton, addTopicDetailContentsBlockButton, intervalExecutionStartShieldingVideoInert, addBlockButton: addBlockButton$1 }; const toPlayCountOrBulletChat = (str) => { if (!str) { return -1 } str = str.split(/[\t\r\f\n\s]*/g).join(""); const replace = str.replace(/[^\d.]/g, ''); if (str.endsWith('万') || str.endsWith('万次') || str.endsWith('万弹幕')) { return parseFloat(replace) * 10000; } if (str.endsWith('次') || str.endsWith('弹幕')) { return parseInt(replace); } return parseInt(str) }; const timeStringToSeconds = (timeStr) => { if (!timeStr) { return -1 } const parts = timeStr.split(':'); switch (parts.length) { case 1: // 只有秒 return Number(parts[0]); case 2: // 分钟和秒 return Number(parts[0]) * 60 + Number(parts[1]); case 3: // 小时、分钟和秒 return Number(parts[0]) * 3600 + Number(parts[1]) * 60 + Number(parts[2]); default: throw new Error('Invalid time format'); } }; var sFormatUtil = { toPlayCountOrBulletChat, timeStringToSeconds }; const isHome = (url, title) => { if (title !== "哔哩哔哩 (゜-゜)つロ 干杯~-bilibili") { return false } if (url === 'https://www.bilibili.com/') { return true } return url.includes('https://www.bilibili.com/?spm_id_from=') }; const adaptationBAppCommerce$1 = localMKData.getAdaptationBAppCommerce(); const deDesktopDownloadTipEl = async () => { const el = await elUtil.findElementUntilFound(".desktop-download-tip"); el?.remove(); const log = "已删除下载提示"; Tip.infoBottomRight(log); console.log(log, el); }; const getChangeTheVideoElList = async () => { const elList = await elUtil.findElementsUntilFound(".container.is-version8>.feed-card"); const list = []; for (let el of elList) { try { const tempData = getVideoData(el); const {userUrl} = tempData; const videoUrl = el.querySelector(".bili-video-card__info--tit>a")?.href || null; if (!userUrl.includes("//space.bilibili.com/")) { el?.remove(); const log = "遍历换一换视频列表中检测到异常内容,已将该元素移除"; Tip.infoBottomRight(log); console.log(log, el); continue; } const items = { ...tempData, ...{ videoUrl, el, insertionPositionEl: el.querySelector(".bili-video-card__info--bottom"), explicitSubjectEl: el.querySelector(".bili-video-card__info") } }; if (videoUrl?.includes('www.bilibili.com/video')) { items.bv = elUtil.getUrlBV(videoUrl); } list.push(items); } catch (e) { el.remove(); Qmsg.error("获取视频信息失败"); } } return list }; const getVideoData = (el) => { const title = el.querySelector(".bili-video-card__info--tit").title; const name = el.querySelector(".bili-video-card__info--author").textContent.trim(); let nPlayCount = el.querySelector('.bili-video-card__stats--text')?.textContent.trim(); nPlayCount = sFormatUtil.toPlayCountOrBulletChat(nPlayCount); let nBulletChat = el.querySelector('.bili-video-card__stats--text')?.textContent.trim(); nBulletChat = sFormatUtil.toPlayCountOrBulletChat(nBulletChat); let nDuration = el.querySelector('.bili-video-card__stats__duration')?.textContent.trim(); nDuration = sFormatUtil.timeStringToSeconds(nDuration); const userUrl = el.querySelector(".bili-video-card__info--owner").getAttribute("href"); const uid = elUtil.getUrlUID(userUrl); return { title, name, uid, nPlayCount, nBulletChat, nDuration, userUrl } }; const getHomeVideoELList = async () => { const elList = await elUtil.findElementsUntilFound(".container.is-version8>.bili-video-card"); let list = []; for (let el of elList) { try { const tempData = getVideoData(el); const {userUrl} = tempData; if (!userUrl.includes("//space.bilibili.com/")) { el?.remove(); const log = "遍历换一换视频列表下面列表时检测到异常内容,已将该元素移除"; Tip.infoBottomRight(log); console.log(log, el); continue; } const videoUrl = el.querySelector(".bili-video-card__info--tit>a")?.href; const items = { ...tempData, ...{ videoUrl, el, insertionPositionEl: el.querySelector(".bili-video-card__info--bottom"), explicitSubjectEl: el.querySelector(".bili-video-card__info") } }; if (videoUrl?.includes('www.bilibili.com/video')) { items.bv = elUtil.getUrlBV(videoUrl); } list.push(items); } catch (e) { el?.remove(); Tip.infoBottomRight("遍历视频列表中检测到异常内容,已将该元素移除;"); } } return list; }; const getGateActivatedTab = async () => { const el = await elUtil.findElementUntilFound(".ant-radio-group>.ant-radio-button-wrapper-checked .css-1k4kcw8"); return el?.textContent.trim(); }; const getGateDataList = async () => { const elList = await elUtil.findElementsUntilFound(".bilibili-gate-video-grid>[data-bvid].bili-video-card"); const list = []; for (let el of elList) { const tempData = getVideoData(el); const videoUrl = el.querySelector("a.css-feo88y")?.href; const bv = elUtil.getUrlBV(videoUrl); const insertionPositionEl = el.querySelector(".bili-video-card__info--owner"); list.push({ ...tempData, ...{ videoUrl, el, bv, insertionPositionEl, explicitSubjectEl: el } }); } return list; }; const startShieldingGateVideoList = async () => { const list = await getGateDataList(); for (let videoData of list) { if (shielding.shieldingVideoDecorated(videoData, "hide")) { continue; } shielding.addVideoBlockButton({data: videoData, maskingFunc: startShieldingGateVideoList}); } }; const startIntervalShieldingGateVideoList = () => { const throttle = defUtil.throttle(startShieldingGateVideoList, 2000); setInterval(async () => { await getGateActivatedTab(); throttle(); }, 1500); }; const startClearExcessContentList = () => { if (adaptationBAppCommerce$1) return; setInterval(() => { const otherElList = document.querySelectorAll(".floor-single-card"); const liveList = document.querySelectorAll(".bili-live-card"); const elList = [...otherElList, ...liveList]; for (let el of elList) { el?.remove(); } }, 1000); console.log("已启动每秒清理首页视频列表中多余的内容"); }; const startShieldingChangeVideoList = async () => { const list = await getChangeTheVideoElList(); for (let videoData of list) { if (shielding.shieldingVideoDecorated(videoData)) { continue; } shielding.addVideoBlockButton({data: videoData, maskingFunc: startShieldingChangeVideoList}); } }; const startDebounceShieldingChangeVideoList = defUtil.debounce(startShieldingChangeVideoList, 200); const startShieldingHomeVideoList = async () => { const homeVideoELList = await getHomeVideoELList(); for (const videoData of homeVideoELList) { if (shielding.shieldingVideoDecorated(videoData)) { continue; } shielding.addVideoBlockButton({data: videoData, maskingFunc: startShieldingHomeVideoList}); } }; const startDebounceShieldingHomeVideoList = defUtil.debounce(startShieldingHomeVideoList, 500); const scrollMouseUpAndDown = async () => { if (adaptationBAppCommerce$1) return; await defUtil.smoothScroll(false, 100); return defUtil.smoothScroll(true, 600); }; var bilibiliHome = { isHome, startClearExcessContentList, startDebounceShieldingChangeVideoList, startDebounceShieldingHomeVideoList, scrollMouseUpAndDown, deDesktopDownloadTipEl, startIntervalShieldingGateVideoList }; var css = `.to_hide_xl { display: block !important; } `; const installStyle = () => { const styleElement = document.createElement('style'); styleElement.textContent = css; document.head.appendChild(styleElement); }; const getLiveRoomList = async () => { const elList = await elUtil.findElementsUntilFound('.live-room-cards>.video-list-item'); const list = []; for (let el of elList) { const titleAEl = el.querySelector('.bili-live-card__info--tit>a'); const titleEl = el.querySelector('.bili-live-card__info--tit>a>span'); const userEl = el.querySelector('.bili-live-card__info--uname'); const liveUrl = titleAEl.href; const title = titleEl.textContent.trim(); const userUrl = userEl.href; const uid = elUtil.getUrlUID(userUrl); const name = userEl.textContent.trim(); list.push({ title, liveUrl, name, userUrl, uid, el, explicitSubjectEl: el.querySelector('.bili-live-card__info'), insertionPositionEl: userEl }); } return list }; const addBlockButton = (data) => { shielding.addBlockButton(data, '', ['right']); }; const startShieldingLiveRoomList = async () => { const list = await getLiveRoomList(); for (let liveData of list) { if (shielding.shieldingLiveRoomDecorated(liveData)) { continue } addBlockButton({data: liveData, maskingFunc: startShieldingLiveRoomList}); } }; const InstallLiveTopTabsListener = async () => { const el = await elUtil.findElementUntilFound('.live-condition'); if (elUtil.hasEventListener(el, 'click')) return elUtil.addEventListenerWithTracking(el, 'click', async (event) => { const target = event.target; const label = target.textContent.trim(); if (label === '主播') { return } await startShieldingLiveRoomList(); InstallBottomPagingListener(); installTopRoomOrderListener(); }); console.log("直播顶部选项卡安装监听器已安装"); }; const InstallBottomPagingListener = async () => { const el = await elUtil.findElementUntilFound('.vui_pagenation--btns'); if (elUtil.hasEventListener(el, 'click')) return elUtil.addEventListenerWithTracking(el, 'click', async (event) => { const target = event.target; if (target.tagName !== 'BUTTON') { return } await startShieldingLiveRoomList(); installTopRoomOrderListener(); }); console.log("底部分页安装监听器已安装"); }; const installTopRoomOrderListener = async () => { const el = await elUtil.findElementUntilFound('.room-order'); if (elUtil.hasEventListener(el, 'click')) return elUtil.addEventListenerWithTracking(el, 'click', async (event) => { const target = event.target; console.log('顶部房间排序监听器触发了', target.textContent.trim(), target); await startShieldingLiveRoomList(); InstallBottomPagingListener(); installTopRoomOrderListener(); }); console.log('顶部房间排序监听器已安装'); }; var searchLive = { InstallLiveTopTabsListener, installStyle, startShieldingLiveRoomList, InstallBottomPagingListener, installTopRoomOrderListener }; const isSearch = (url) => { return url.includes("search.bilibili.com") }; const currentlyActivatedOptions = async () => { const el = await elUtil.findElementUntilFound('.vui_tabs--nav-item-active .vui_tabs--nav-text'); const label = el.textContent.trim(); if (label === '直播') { await searchLive.startShieldingLiveRoomList(); searchLive.InstallLiveTopTabsListener(); searchLive.InstallBottomPagingListener(); elUtil.findElementUntilFound('.live-condition>.vui_button--active').then(activeEl => { if (activeEl.textContent.trim() !== '主播') { searchLive.installTopRoomOrderListener(); } }); } }; const searchTopTabsIWrapperInstallListener = async () => { const tempTabs = ['番剧', '影视', '用户']; const el = await elUtil.findElementUntilFound('.vui_tabs--navbar>ul'); el.addEventListener("click", async (event) => { const eventTarget = event.target; if (eventTarget.className !== 'vui_tabs--nav-text') { return } const tabName = eventTarget.textContent.trim(); if (tempTabs.includes(tabName)) { return } if (tabName === '直播') { searchLive.installTopRoomOrderListener(); return } console.log("搜索页顶部选项卡监听器触发了", tabName); }); console.log("搜索页顶部选项卡安装监听器已安装"); }; const getVideoList$1 = async (css) => { const elList = await elUtil.findElementsUntilFound(css, {interval: 200}); const list = []; for (let el of elList) { const title = el.querySelector(".bili-video-card__info--tit").title; const userEl = el.querySelector(".bili-video-card__info--owner"); if (userEl === null) { console.log("获取不到该视频卡片的用户地址,", el); el?.remove(); continue } const userUrl = userEl.getAttribute("href"); if (!userUrl.includes("//space.bilibili.com/")) { el?.remove(); Tip.infoBottomRight("移除了非视频内容"); console.log("移除了非视频内容", userUrl, el); continue; } const videoUrl = el.querySelector(".bili-video-card__info--right>a")?.href; if (videoUrl?.includes('live.bilibili.com/')) { continue } const bv = elUtil.getUrlBV(videoUrl); const uid = elUtil.getUrlUID(userUrl); const name = userEl.querySelector(".bili-video-card__info--author").textContent.trim(); const bili_video_card__stats_item = el.querySelectorAll('.bili-video-card__stats--item'); let nPlayCount = bili_video_card__stats_item[0]?.textContent.trim(); nPlayCount = sFormatUtil.toPlayCountOrBulletChat(nPlayCount); let nBulletChat = bili_video_card__stats_item[1]?.textContent.trim(); nBulletChat = sFormatUtil.toPlayCountOrBulletChat(nBulletChat); let nDuration = el.querySelector('.bili-video-card__stats__duration')?.textContent.trim(); nDuration = sFormatUtil.timeStringToSeconds(nDuration); list.push({ title, userUrl, name, uid, bv, nPlayCount, nBulletChat, nDuration, el, videoUrl, insertionPositionEl: el.querySelector(".bili-video-card__info--bottom"), explicitSubjectEl: el.querySelector(".bili-video-card__info") }); } return list; }; const getTabComprehensiveSortedVideoList = () => { return getVideoList$1(".video.i_wrapper.search-all-list>.video-list>div"); }; const getOtherVideoList = () => { return getVideoList$1(".search-page.search-page-video>.video-list.row>div"); }; const startShieldingCSVideoList = async () => { const list = await getTabComprehensiveSortedVideoList(); for (let videoData of list) { if (shielding.shieldingVideoDecorated(videoData)) { continue; } shielding.addVideoBlockButton({data: videoData, maskingFunc: startShieldingCSVideoList}); } }; const startShieldingOtherVideoList = async () => { const list = await getOtherVideoList(); for (let videoData of list) { if (shielding.shieldingVideoDecorated(videoData)) { continue; } shielding.addVideoBlockButton({data: videoData, maskingFunc: startShieldingOtherVideoList}); } }; const getTwTabActiveItem = async () => { const twoTabActiveItem = await elUtil.findElementUntilFound('.vui_button.vui_button--tab.vui_button--active.mr_sm', {interval: 200}); const twoTabActiveItemLabel = twoTabActiveItem.textContent.trim(); return {el: twoTabActiveItemLabel, label: twoTabActiveItemLabel} }; const startShieldingVideoList$6 = async () => { const topTabActiveItem = await elUtil.findElementUntilFound('.vui_tabs--nav-item.vui_tabs--nav-item-active', {interval: 200}); const topTabActiveItemLabel = topTabActiveItem.textContent.trim(); if (topTabActiveItemLabel !== '综合') { await startShieldingOtherVideoList(); return } const {label} = await getTwTabActiveItem(); if (label !== '综合排序') { await startShieldingOtherVideoList(); return } const parseUrl = defUtil.parseUrl(window.location.href); if (parseUrl.queryParams['page']) { await startShieldingOtherVideoList(); } else { await startShieldingCSVideoList(); processingExactSearchVideoCardContent(); } }; const processingExactSearchVideoCardContent = async () => { let el; try { el = await elUtil.findElementUntilFound('.user-list.search-all-list', {interval: 50, timeout: 4000}); } catch (e) { return } const infoCardEl = el.querySelector('.info-card'); const userNameEl = infoCardEl.querySelector('.user-name'); const name = userNameEl.textContent.trim(); const userUrl = userNameEl.href; const uid = elUtil.getUrlUID(userUrl); if (ruleMatchingUtil.exactMatch(ruleKeyListData$1.getPreciseUidArr(), uid)) { el.remove(); Tip.successBottomRight('屏蔽到用户'); output_informationTab.addInfo(`根据精确uid匹配到用户${name}-【${uid}】`); return } let fuzzyMatch = ruleMatchingUtil.fuzzyMatch(ruleKeyListData$1.getNameArr(), name); if (fuzzyMatch) { el.remove(); Tip.infoBottomRight('屏蔽到用户'); output_informationTab.addInfo(`根据模糊用户名【${fuzzyMatch}】匹配到用户${name}-【${uid}】`); return } fuzzyMatch = ruleMatchingUtil.regexMatch(ruleKeyListData$1.getNameCanonical(), name); if (fuzzyMatch) { el.remove(); Tip.infoBottomRight('屏蔽到用户'); output_informationTab.addInfo(`根据正则用户名【${fuzzyMatch}】匹配到用户${name}-【${uid}】`); return } const insertionPositionEl = el.querySelector('.info-card.flex_start'); shielding.addBlockButton({ data: { name, uid, insertionPositionEl, } }); const videoElList = el.querySelectorAll('.video-list>.video-list-item'); const list = []; for (let videoEl of videoElList) { const titleEl = videoEl.querySelector('.bili-video-card__info--right>a'); const videoUrl = titleEl.href; const bv = elUtil.getUrlBV(videoUrl); const title = titleEl.textContent.trim(); let nDuration = videoEl.querySelector('.bili-video-card__stats__duration')?.textContent.trim(); nDuration = sFormatUtil.timeStringToSeconds(nDuration); let nPlayCount = videoEl.querySelector('.bili-video-card__stats--item>span')?.textContent.trim(); nPlayCount = sFormatUtil.toPlayCountOrBulletChat(nPlayCount); list.push({ title, userUrl, name, uid, bv, nPlayCount, nDuration, el: videoEl, videoUrl }); } for (let videoData of list) { shielding.shieldingVideoDecorated(videoData); } }; var searchModel = { isSearch, searchTopTabsIWrapperInstallListener, startShieldingVideoList: startShieldingVideoList$6, currentlyActivatedOptions }; const getData = (key,defValue=null) => { const el = document.querySelector('#mk_data'); if (el === null) { return defValue } const text = el.textContent.trim(); const parse = JSON.parse(text); if (parse[key]) { return parse[key] } return defValue }; const addData = (key, value) => { const el = document.querySelector('#mk_data'); if (el === null) { const mk_data = document.createElement('div'); mk_data.id = 'mk_data'; mk_data.style.display = 'none'; document.head.appendChild(mk_data); mk_data.textContent = JSON.stringify({[key]: value}); return } const txt = el.textContent.trim(); const parse = JSON.parse(txt); parse[key] = value; el.textContent = JSON.stringify(parse); }; const setData = (key, value) => { addData(key, value); }; var elData = { addData, getData, setData }; const isVideoPlayPage = (url) => { return url.includes("www.bilibili.com/video"); }; const installSingleUserCreatorButton = async () => { const el = await elUtil.findElementUntilFound('.up-info-container'); const installPositionEl = el.querySelector('.up-info--right'); const butEl = document.createElement("button"); butEl.setAttribute("gz_type", ""); butEl.textContent = "屏蔽"; butEl.style.width = "100%"; butEl.style.display = 'none'; const nameEl = installPositionEl.querySelector('a.up-name'); butEl.addEventListener('click', () => { const name = nameEl.textContent.trim(); const userUrl = nameEl.href; const uid = elUtil.getUrlUID(userUrl); console.log('点击了屏蔽按钮', name, userUrl, uid); xtip.confirm(`用户uid=${uid}-name=${name}`, { title: "uid精确屏蔽方式", icon: "a", btn1: () => { if (uid === -1) { Tip.error("该页面数据不存在uid字段"); return; } ruleUtil.addRulePreciseUid(uid); } }); }); elUtil.addEventListenerWithTracking(installPositionEl, 'mouseover', () => butEl.style.display = ''); elUtil.addEventListenerWithTracking(installPositionEl, 'mouseout', () => butEl.style.display = 'none'); installPositionEl.appendChild(butEl); Tip.infoBottomRight(`单作者添加屏蔽按钮成功`); }; const creationTeamInsertsShieldButton = async () => { const elList = await elUtil.findElementsUntilFound('.container>.membersinfo-upcard-wrap>.membersinfo-upcard'); for (let item of elList) { const butEL = document.createElement('button'); butEL.className = "gz_button gz_demo"; butEL.textContent = "屏蔽"; butEL.style.display = 'none'; const userUrl = item.querySelector('.avatar').href; const uid = elUtil.getUrlUID(userUrl); const name = item.querySelector('.staff-name').textContent.trim(); butEL.addEventListener('click', () => { xtip.confirm(`uid=${uid}-name=${name}`, { title: "uid精确屏蔽方式", icon: "a", btn1: () => { if (uid === -1) { Tip.error("该页面数据不存在uid字段"); return; } ruleUtil.addRulePreciseUid(uid); } }); }); item.appendChild(butEL); elUtil.addEventListenerWithTracking(item, 'mouseover', () => butEL.style.display = ''); elUtil.addEventListenerWithTracking(item, 'mouseout', () => butEL.style.display = 'none'); } Tip.infoBottomRight(`创作团队添加屏蔽按钮成功`); }; const execAuthorAddBlockButton = () => { elUtil.findElementWithTimeout('.header.can-pointer', {timeout: 4000}).then(res => { if (res.state) { creationTeamInsertsShieldButton(); elData.setData('isSingleAuthor', false); return } if (elData.getData('isSingleAuthor', false)) { return; } elData.setData('isSingleAuthor', true); installSingleUserCreatorButton(); }); }; const getGetTheVideoListOnTheRight$1 = async () => { await elUtil.findElementUntilFound(".video-page-card-small .b-img img"); const elList = await elUtil.findElementsUntilFound(".video-page-card-small", {interval: 50}); const list = []; for (let el of elList) { try { const elInfo = el.querySelector(".info"); const title = elInfo.querySelector(".title").title; const name = elInfo.querySelector(".upname .name").textContent.trim(); const userUrl = elInfo.querySelector(".upname>a").href; const uid = elUtil.getUrlUID(userUrl); const playInfo = el.querySelector('.playinfo').innerHTML.trim(); const videoUrl = el.querySelector(".info>a").href; const bv = elUtil.getUrlBV(videoUrl); let nPlayCount = playInfo.match(/<\/svg>(.*)(.+)$/s)?.[1].trim(); nBulletChat = sFormatUtil.toPlayCountOrBulletChat(nBulletChat); let nDuration = el.querySelector('.duration')?.textContent.trim(); nDuration = sFormatUtil.timeStringToSeconds(nDuration); list.push({ title, userUrl, name, uid, bv, nPlayCount, nBulletChat, nDuration, el, videoUrl, insertionPositionEl: el.querySelector(".playinfo"), explicitSubjectEl: elInfo }); } catch (e) { console.error("获取右侧视频列表失败:", e); } } return list; }; const startShieldingVideoList$5 = () => { console.time("屏蔽右侧视频列表"); getGetTheVideoListOnTheRight$1().then((videoList) => { console.timeEnd("屏蔽右侧视频列表"); for (let videoData of videoList) { if (shielding.shieldingVideoDecorated(videoData)) { continue; } shielding.addVideoBlockButton({data: videoData, maskingFunc: startShieldingVideoList$5}); } }); }; const findTheExpandButtonForTheListOnTheRightAndBindTheEvent$2 = () => { setTimeout(() => { elUtil.findElementUntilFound(".rec-footer", {interval: 2000}).then((el) => { console.log("找到右侧视频列表的展开按钮", el); el.addEventListener("click", () => { startShieldingVideoList$5(); }); }); }, 3000); }; var videoPlayModel = { isVideoPlayPage, startShieldingVideoList: startShieldingVideoList$5, findTheExpandButtonForTheListOnTheRightAndBindTheEvent: findTheExpandButtonForTheListOnTheRightAndBindTheEvent$2, execAuthorAddBlockButton }; const getPlayCountAndBulletChatAndDuration = (el) => { const playInfo = el.querySelector('.playinfo').innerHTML.trim(); let nPlayCount = playInfo.match(/<\/svg>(.*)(.+)$/s)?.[1].trim(); nBulletChat = sFormatUtil.toPlayCountOrBulletChat(nBulletChat); let nDuration = el.querySelector('.duration')?.textContent.trim(); nDuration = sFormatUtil.timeStringToSeconds(nDuration); return { nPlayCount, nBulletChat, nDuration } }; const getRightVideoDataList$1=(elList)=>{ const list = []; for (let el of elList) { const title = el.querySelector(".title").textContent.trim(); const userInfoEl = el.querySelector(".upname"); const name = userInfoEl.querySelector(".name").textContent.trim(); const userUrl = userInfoEl.href; const uid = elUtil.getUrlUID(userUrl); const videoUrl = el.querySelector(".info>a").href; const bv = elUtil.getUrlBV(videoUrl); list.push({ ...getPlayCountAndBulletChatAndDuration(el), ...{ title, name, userUrl, videoUrl, uid, bv, el, insertionPositionEl: el.querySelector(".playinfo"), explicitSubjectEl: el.querySelector(".info") } }); } return list; }; var generalFuc = {getRightVideoDataList: getRightVideoDataList$1}; const iscCollectionVideoPlayPage = (url) => { return url.includes("www.bilibili.com/list/ml") }; const getGetTheVideoListOnTheRight = async () => { const elList = await elUtil.findElementsUntilFound(".recommend-list-container>.video-card"); return generalFuc.getRightVideoDataList(elList); }; const startShieldingVideoList$4 = () => { getGetTheVideoListOnTheRight().then((videoList) => { const css = {right: "123px"}; for (let videoData of videoList) { if (shielding.shieldingVideoDecorated(videoData)) continue; videoData.css = css; shielding.addVideoBlockButton({data: videoData, maskingFunc: startShieldingVideoList$4}); } }); }; const findTheExpandButtonForTheListOnTheRightAndBindTheEvent$1 = () => { setTimeout(() => { elUtil.findElementUntilFound(".rec-footer", {interval: 2000}).then((el) => { el.addEventListener("click", () => { startShieldingVideoList$4(); }); }); }, 3000); }; var collectionVideoPlayPageModel = { iscCollectionVideoPlayPage, startShieldingVideoList: startShieldingVideoList$4, findTheExpandButtonForTheListOnTheRightAndBindTheEvent: findTheExpandButtonForTheListOnTheRightAndBindTheEvent$1 }; const addEventListenerUrlChange = (callback) => { let oldUrl = window.location.href; setInterval(() => { const newUrl = window.location.href; if (oldUrl === newUrl) return; oldUrl = newUrl; const title = document.title; callback(newUrl, oldUrl, title); }, 1000); }; const addEventListenerNetwork = (callback) => { new PerformanceObserver(() => { const entries = performance.getEntriesByType('resource'); const windowUrl = window.location.href; const winTitle = document.title; for (let entry of entries) { const url = entry.name; const initiatorType = entry.initiatorType; if (initiatorType === "img" || initiatorType === "css" || initiatorType === "link" || initiatorType === "beacon") { continue; } callback(url, windowUrl,winTitle, initiatorType); } performance.clearResourceTimings();//清除资源时间 }).observe({entryTypes: ['resource']}); }; function watchElementListLengthWithInterval(selector, callback, config={}) { const defConfig = {}; config = {...defConfig, ...config}; let previousLength = -1; const timer = setInterval(() => { if (previousLength === -1) { previousLength = document.querySelectorAll(selector).length; return } const currentElements = document.querySelectorAll(selector); const currentLength = currentElements.length; if (currentLength !== previousLength) { previousLength = currentLength; callback({ action: currentLength > previousLength ? 'add' : 'del', elements: currentElements, length: currentLength } ); } }, config.interval ); return stop = () => { clearInterval(timer); }; } var watch = { addEventListenerUrlChange, addEventListenerNetwork, watchElementListLengthWithInterval }; const isLiveRoom = (url) => { return url.search('/live.bilibili.com/\\d+') !== -1; }; const getChatItems = async () => { const elList = await elUtil.findElementsUntilFound("#chat-items>div"); if (elList.length >= 200) { for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) { elList[i]?.remove(); } console.log("弹幕列表超过200,已删除前100条"); } const list = []; for (let el of elList) { if (el.className === "chat-item convention-msg border-box") { continue; } if (el.className === "chat-item misc-msg guard-buy") { continue; } const name = el.getAttribute("data-uname"); if (name === null) { continue; } const uid = el.getAttribute("data-uid"); const content = el.getAttribute("data-danmaku"); const timeStamp = el.getAttribute("data-timestamp"); const fansMedalEl = el.querySelector(".fans-medal-content"); const fansMedal = fansMedalEl === null ? null : fansMedalEl.textContent.trim(); list.push({ name, uid, content, timeStamp, fansMedal, el, insertionPositionEl: el, explicitSubjectEl: el }); } return list; }; const startShieldingLiveChatContents = async () => { const commentsDataList = await getChatItems(); for (let commentsData of commentsDataList) { if (shielding.shieldingLiveRoomContentDecorated(commentsData)) { continue; } shielding.addLiveContentBlockButton({data: commentsData, maskingFunc: startShieldingLiveChatContents}); } }; const addWatchLiveRoomChatItemsListener = () => { const throttle = defUtil.throttle(startShieldingLiveChatContents, 1000); watch.watchElementListLengthWithInterval("#chat-items>div", throttle); }; var liveRoomModel = { isLiveRoom, addWatchLiveRoomChatItemsListener }; const getVideDataList = async (isWeekly = false) => { const css = isWeekly ? ".video-list>.video-card" : ".card-list>.video-card"; const elList = await elUtil.findElementsUntilFound(css); const list = []; for (let el of elList) { const videoCardInfoEl = el.querySelector(".video-card__info"); const title = videoCardInfoEl.querySelector(".video-name").title.trim(); const name = videoCardInfoEl.querySelector(".up-name__text").title; const videoUrl = el.querySelector('.video-card__content>a')?.href || null; const bv = elUtil.getUrlBV(videoUrl); let nPlayCount = el.querySelector('.play-text').textContent.trim(); nPlayCount = sFormatUtil.toPlayCountOrBulletChat(nPlayCount); let nBulletChat = el.querySelector('.like-text').textContent.trim(); nBulletChat = sFormatUtil.toPlayCountOrBulletChat(nBulletChat); list.push({ el, title, name, uid: -1, videoUrl, bv, nPlayCount, nBulletChat, nDuration: -1, insertionPositionEl: videoCardInfoEl.querySelector("div"), explicitSubjectEl: videoCardInfoEl }); } return list; }; const startShieldingVideoList$3 = async (isWeekly = false) => { const list = await getVideDataList(isWeekly); for (let videoData of list) { if (shielding.shieldingVideoDecorated(videoData)) { continue; } shielding.addPopularVideoBlockButton({data: videoData, maskingFunc: startShieldingVideoList$3}); } }; var popularAll = { startShieldingVideoList: startShieldingVideoList$3 }; const generalUrl=[ "popular/rank/all", "popular/rank/douga", "popular/rank/music", "popular/rank/dance", "popular/rank/game", "popular/rank/knowledge", "popular/rank/tech", "popular/rank/sports", "popular/rank/car", "popular/rank/life", "popular/rank/food", "popular/rank/animal", "popular/rank/kichiku", "popular/rank/fashion", "popular/rank/ent", "popular/rank/cinephile", "popular/rank/origin", "popular/rank/rookie" ]; const isPopularHistory = (url) => { return url.includes("popular/history") }; const isPopularAllPage = (url) => { return url.includes("www.bilibili.com/v/popular/all"); }; const isPopularWeeklyPage = (url) => { return url.includes("www.bilibili.com/v/popular/weekly"); }; const isGeneralPopularRank=(url)=>{ return generalUrl.some(itemUrl => url.includes(itemUrl)); }; const getVideoDataList$2 = async () => { const elList = await elUtil.findElementsUntilFound(".rank-list>li"); const list = []; for (let el of elList) { const title = el.querySelector(".title").textContent.trim(); const userUrl = el.querySelector(".detail>a").href; const uid = elUtil.getUrlUID(userUrl); const name = el.querySelector(".up-name").textContent.trim(); const detailStateEls = el.querySelectorAll('.detail-state>.data-box'); let nPlayCount = detailStateEls[0].textContent.trim(); nPlayCount = sFormatUtil.toPlayCountOrBulletChat(nPlayCount); let nBulletChat = detailStateEls[1].textContent.trim(); nBulletChat = sFormatUtil.toPlayCountOrBulletChat(nBulletChat); const videoUrl = el.querySelector('.img>a')?.href || null; const bv = elUtil.getUrlBV(videoUrl); list.push({ title, userUrl, uid, name, videoUrl, bv, nPlayCount, nBulletChat, nDuration: -1, el, insertionPositionEl: el.querySelector(".detail-state"), explicitSubjectEl: el.querySelector(".info") }); } return list; }; const startShieldingRankVideoList = async () => { const list = await getVideoDataList$2(); for (let videoData of list) { if (shielding.shieldingVideoDecorated(videoData)) { continue; } shielding.addPopularVideoBlockButton({data: videoData, maskingFunc: startShieldingRankVideoList}); } }; var popular = { isPopularHistory, isPopularAllPage, isGeneralPopularRank, isPopularWeeklyPage, startShieldingRankVideoList, }; const isSpacePage = (url) => { return url.startsWith('https://space.bilibili.com/') }; const isPersonalHomepage = () => { const data = defUtil.getLocalStorage('time_tracker', true, {}); const dataKeys = Object.keys(data); if (dataKeys.length === 0) { return false } const tempUid=dataKeys[0]; const urlUID = elUtil.getUrlUID(window.location.href); try { return parseInt(tempUid) === urlUID; } catch (e) { console.log('isPersonalHomepage出现错误',e); return false } }; const __insertButton = (el, label, callback = null) => { debugger const liEl = document.createElement("li"); liEl.textContent = label; liEl.className = 'be-dropdown-item'; el.insertAdjacentElement('afterbegin', liEl); liEl.addEventListener('click', callback); }; const initializePageBlockingButton = async () => { const is = isPersonalHomepage(); if (is) return const el = await elUtil.findElementUntilFound('.be-dropdown.h-add-to-black .be-dropdown-menu.menu-align-'); const urlUID = elUtil.getUrlUID(window.location.href); const nameEl = await elUtil.findElementUntilFound('#h-name'); if (ruleKeyListData$1.getPreciseUidArr().includes(urlUID)) { xtip.msg('当前用户为已标记uid黑名单'); return } const name = nameEl.textContent; const name_label = '用户名精确屏蔽'; __insertButton(el, name_label, () => { xtip.confirm(`屏蔽的对象为${urlUID}【${name}】`, { title: name_label, icon: "a", btn1: () => { ruleUtil.addRulePreciseName(name); } }); }); const uid_label = 'uid精确屏蔽'; __insertButton(el, uid_label, () => { xtip.confirm(`屏蔽的对象为${urlUID}【${name}】`, { title: uid_label, icon: "a", btn1: () => { ruleUtil.addRulePreciseUid(urlUID); } }); }); Tip.infoBottomRight('用户空间页面屏蔽按钮插入成功'); }; var space = { isPersonalHomepage, initializePageBlockingButton, isSpacePage }; const isDynamicPage = (url) => { return url.search("space.bilibili.com/\\d+/dynamic") !== -1; }; const getDataList = async () => { const elList = await elUtil.findElementsUntilFound(".bili-dyn-list__items>.bili-dyn-list__item"); const list = []; for (let el of elList) { const videoCardEl = el.querySelector(".bili-dyn-card-video__title"); const name = el.querySelector(".bili-dyn-title").textContent.trim(); const tagEl = el.querySelector(".bili-dyn-topic__text"); const data = {el, name}; if (tagEl !== null) { data.tag = tagEl.textContent.trim(); } data.judgmentVideo = videoCardEl !== null; if (data.judgmentVideo) { data.title = videoCardEl.textContent.trim(); } else { const contentTitleEL = el.querySelector(".dyn-card-opus>.dyn-card-opus__title"); const contentTitle = contentTitleEL === null ? "" : contentTitleEL.textContent.trim(); const contentElBody = el.querySelector(".bili-rich-text").textContent.trim(); data.content = contentTitle + contentElBody; } list.push(data); } return list; }; const startShieldingDynamicContent = async () => { const personalHomepage = space.isPersonalHomepage(); if (personalHomepage) return; const list = await getDataList(); for (let dynamicContent of list) { shielding.shieldingDynamicDecorated(dynamicContent); } }; const startThrottleShieldingDynamicContent = defUtil.throttle(startShieldingDynamicContent, 2000); var dynamic = { isDynamicPage, startThrottleShieldingDynamicContent }; const isVideoPlayWatchLaterPage = (url) => { return url.startsWith("https://www.bilibili.com/list/watchlater") }; const getRightVideoDataList = async () => { const elList = await elUtil.findElementsUntilFound(".recommend-video-card.video-card"); return generalFuc.getRightVideoDataList(elList); }; const startShieldingVideoList$2 = async () => { const videoList = await getRightVideoDataList(); const css = {right: "123px"}; for (let videoData of videoList) { videoData.css = css; if (shielding.shieldingVideoDecorated(videoData)) continue; shielding.addVideoBlockButton({data: videoData, maskingFunc: startShieldingVideoList$2}); } }; const startDebounceShieldingVideoList = defUtil.debounce(startShieldingVideoList$2, 1000); const findTheExpandButtonForTheListOnTheRightAndBindTheEvent = () => { elUtil.findElementsAndBindEvents(".rec-footer", startDebounceShieldingVideoList); }; var videoPlayWatchLater = { isVideoPlayWatchLaterPage, startDebounceShieldingVideoList, findTheExpandButtonForTheListOnTheRightAndBindTheEvent }; const isLiveSection = (url) => { return url.includes("live.bilibili.com/p/eden/area-tags") }; const getRoomCardDataList = async () => { const elList = await elUtil.findElementsUntilFound("#room-card-list>div"); const list = []; for (let el of elList) { const liveUrl = el.querySelector("#card").href; const name = el.querySelector(".Item_nickName_KO2QE").textContent.trim(); const title = el.querySelector(".Item_roomTitle_ax3eD").textContent.trim(); const partition = el.querySelector(".Item_area-name_PXDG4")?.textContent.trim() || null; const popularity = el.querySelector(".Item_onlineCount_FmOW6").textContent.trim(); list.push({liveUrl, name, title, partition, popularity, el}); } return list; }; const startShieldingLiveRoom$1 = async () => { const liveList = await getRoomCardDataList(); for (let liveData of liveList) { shielding.shieldingLiveRoomDecorated(liveData); } }; var liveSectionModel = { isLiveSection, startShieldingLiveRoom: startShieldingLiveRoom$1 }; const isLiveHomePage = (url) => { return url.includes("https://live.bilibili.com/?spm_id_from=333.1007.0.0") || url === "https://live.bilibili.com/" }; const getTopLiveRoomDataList = async () => { const verification = await elUtil.findElementUntilFound(".v-top>.aside-item .t-left.aside-item-tips.p-absolute.w-100.border-box"); if (verification.textContent.trim() === "--") { return await getTopLiveRoomDataList(); } const elList = await elUtil.findElementsUntilFound(".v-top>.aside-item", {interval: 2000}); const list = []; for (let el of elList) { const classList = el.classList; const active = classList.contains("active"); const title = el.getAttribute("title"); const {up_id: uid, room_id} = JSON.parse(el.getAttribute("data-report")); const liveUrl = `https://live.bilibili.com/${room_id}`; list.push({title, uid, active, liveUrl, el}); } return list; }; const getLiveRoomDataList = async () => { const elList = await elUtil.findElementsUntilFound(".room-card-wrapper.p-relative.dp-i-block"); const list = []; for (let el of elList) { const cardEl = el.querySelector(".room-card-ctnr.p-relative.w-100"); const cardData = JSON.parse(cardEl.getAttribute("data-bl-report-click") || ""); const {up_id: uid, room_id} = cardData.msg; const liveUrl = `https://live.bilibili.com/${room_id}`; const name = el.querySelector(".room-anchor>span").textContent.trim(); const title = el.querySelector(".room-title.card-text").textContent.trim(); const partition = el.querySelector(".area-name").textContent.trim(); const popularity = el.querySelector(".room-anchor .v-middle").textContent.trim(); list.push({name, title, partition, popularity, liveUrl, uid, el}); } return list; }; const startShieldingLiveRoom = async () => { const list = await getLiveRoomDataList(); for (let liveData of list) { shielding.shieldingLiveRoomDecorated(liveData); } }; const startShieldingTopLiveRoom = async () => { const list = await getTopLiveRoomDataList(); for (let liveData of list) { shielding.shieldingLiveRoomDecorated(liveData); } }; var liveHome = { isLiveHomePage, startShieldingLiveRoom, startShieldingTopLiveRoom }; const getBewlyEl = async () => { let el = await elUtil.findElementUntilFound('#bewly', {interval: 500}); return el.shadowRoot; }; const isBEWLYPage = (url) => { return url.includes('www.bilibili.com/?page=') || url === 'https://www.bilibili.com/' || url.startsWith('https://www.bilibili.com/?spm_id_from=') }; const getVideoList = async () => { const beEl = await getBewlyEl(); const elList = await elUtil.findElementsUntilFound('.video-card.group', {doc: beEl}); const list = []; for (let el of elList) { const parentElement = el.parentElement.parentElement; const title = el.querySelector('.keep-two-lines>a[title]').textContent.trim(); const userUrlEl = el.querySelector('.channel-name'); const userUrl = userUrlEl.href; const uid = elUtil.getUrlUID(userUrl); const name = userUrlEl.textContent.trim(); const playInfoEl = el.querySelector('[flex="~ items-center gap-1 wrap"]>div'); let playCount = playInfoEl.querySelector('span:first-child')?.textContent.trim() || null; playCount = sFormatUtil.toPlayCountOrBulletChat(playCount); let bulletChat = playInfoEl.querySelector('span:last-of-type')?.textContent.trim() || null; if (playInfoEl.querySelectorAll('span').length < 2) { bulletChat = -1; } else { bulletChat = sFormatUtil.toPlayCountOrBulletChat(bulletChat); } let nDuration = el.querySelector('[class*="group-hover:opacity-0"]')?.textContent.trim() || null; nDuration = sFormatUtil.timeStringToSeconds(nDuration); const videoUrl = el.querySelector('[href*="https://www.bilibili.com/video"]')?.href; const bv=elUtil.getUrlBV(videoUrl); const insertionPositionEl = el.querySelector('[class="group/desc"]'); list.push({ title, name, uid, bv, userUrl, videoUrl, playCount, bulletChat, nDuration, el: parentElement, insertionPositionEl, explicitSubjectEl: parentElement }); } return list }; const getRightTabs = async () => { const beEl = await getBewlyEl(); const els = await elUtil.findElementsUntilFound(".dock-content-inner>.b-tooltip-wrapper", {doc: beEl}); const list = []; for (let el of els) { const label = el.querySelector('.b-tooltip').textContent.trim(); const active = !!el.querySelector('.dock-item.group.active'); list.push({label, active, el}); } return list; }; const getHistoryVideoDataList = async () => { const beEL = await getBewlyEl(); const elList = await elUtil.findElementsUntilFound("a.group[flex][cursor-pointer]", {doc: beEL}); const list = []; for (let el of elList) { const titleEl = el.querySelector('h3.keep-two-lines'); const videoUrlEl = titleEl.parentElement; const userEl = videoUrlEl.nextElementSibling; const videoUrl = videoUrlEl.href; const bv=elUtil.getUrlBV(videoUrl); const userUrl = userEl.href; const uid = elUtil.getUrlUID(userUrl); const name = userEl.textContent.trim(); const title = titleEl?.textContent.trim(); const tempTime = el.querySelector('div[pos][rounded-8]')?.textContent.trim().split(/[\t\r\f\n\s]*/g).join(""); const match = tempTime?.match(/\/(.*)/); let nDuration = match?.[1]; nDuration = sFormatUtil.timeStringToSeconds(nDuration); list.push({ title, userUrl, name, uid, videoUrl, nDuration, bv, el, insertionPositionEl: videoUrlEl.parentElement, explicitSubjectEl: el }); } return list }; const startShieldingHistoryVideoList = async () => { const list = await getHistoryVideoDataList(); for (let videoData of list) { if (shielding.shieldingVideoDecorated(videoData)) { continue } shielding.addVideoBlockButton({data: videoData, maskingFunc: startShieldingHistoryVideoList}); } }; const startShieldingVideoList$1 = async () => { const list = await getVideoList(); for (let videoData of list) { if (shielding.shieldingVideoDecorated(videoData)) { continue } addVideoBlockButton({data: videoData, maskingFunc: startShieldingVideoList$1}); } }; const intervalExecutionStartShieldingVideo$2 = () => { const res = shielding.intervalExecutionStartShieldingVideoInert(startShieldingVideoList$1, '视频'); return () => { return res } }; const intervalExecutionStartShieldingHistoryVideo = () => { const res = shielding.intervalExecutionStartShieldingVideoInert(startShieldingHistoryVideoList, '历史记录'); return () => { return res } }; const startShieldingVideo$1 = intervalExecutionStartShieldingVideo$2(); const startShieldingHistoryVideo = intervalExecutionStartShieldingHistoryVideo(); const rightTabsInsertListener = () => { getRightTabs().then(list => { for (let {el, label, active} of list) { el.addEventListener('click', () => { console.log('右侧选项卡栏点击了' + label, active); if (label === '首页') { homeTopTabsInsertListener(); startShieldingVideo$1().start(); } else { startShieldingVideo$1().stop(); } if (label === '观看历史') { startShieldingHistoryVideo().start(); } else { startShieldingHistoryVideo().stop(); } } ); } } ); }; const getHomeTopTabs = async () => { const beEl = await getBewlyEl(); const els = beEl.querySelectorAll('.home-tabs-inside>[data-overlayscrollbars-contents]>button'); const list = []; for (let el of els) { const label = el.textContent.trim(); const active = el.classList.contains('tab-activated'); list.push({label, active, el}); } if (list.some(tab => tab.active === true)) { return list } return await getHomeTopTabs() }; const excludeTabNames = ['正在关注', '订阅剧集', '直播']; const excludeRankingLeftTabNames = ['番剧', '综艺', '电视剧', '纪录片', '中国动画']; const homeTopTabsInsertListener = () => { getHomeTopTabs().then(list => { for (let {el, label} of list) { el.addEventListener('click', () => { console.log('点击了' + label); if (excludeTabNames.includes(label)) { startShieldingVideo$1().stop(); return } if (label === '排行') { rankingLeftTabsInsertListener(); } startShieldingVideo$1().start(); }); } }); }; const getRankingLeftTabs = async () => { const beEl = await getBewlyEl(); const elList = await elUtil.findElementsUntilFound('ul[flex="~ col gap-2"]>li', {doc: beEl}); const list = []; for (let el of elList) { const label = el.textContent.trim(); list.push({label, el}); } return list }; const rankingLeftTabsInsertListener = () => { getRankingLeftTabs().then(list => { for (let {el, label} of list) { el.addEventListener('click', () => { console.log('点击了' + label); if (excludeRankingLeftTabNames.includes(label)) { startShieldingVideo$1().stop(); return } startShieldingVideo$1().start(); }); } }); }; const addVideoBlockButton = (data) => { shielding.addBlockButton(data, "gz_shielding_button", ["right", 'bottom']); }; const installBEWLStyle = () => { getBewlyEl().then(el => { gz_ui_css.addStyle(el, el); }); }; const searchBoxInsertListener = async () => { const beEl = await getBewlyEl(); const input = await elUtil.findElementUntilFound('[placeholder="搜索观看历史"]', {doc: beEl}); input.addEventListener('keydown', (event) => { if (event.key === 'Enter' || event.keyCode === 13) { console.log('回车键被按下'); if (input['value'].length === 0) return setTimeout(startShieldingHistoryVideoList, 1500); } }); }; const startRun$1 = async (url) => { const parseUrl = defUtil.parseUrl(url); const {page} = parseUrl.queryParams; installBEWLStyle(); if (page === 'Home' || url === 'https://www.bilibili.com/') { startShieldingVideo$1().start(); homeTopTabsInsertListener(); } if (page === 'History') { startShieldingHistoryVideo().start(); searchBoxInsertListener(); } rightTabsInsertListener(); }; var compatibleBewlyBewly = { startRun: startRun$1, isBEWLYPage, }; const isNewHistoryPage = (url) => { return url.includes('://www.bilibili.com/history') }; const getDuration = (str) => { if (str === null) { return -1 } if (str.includes('已看完') || str === '') { return -1 } else { const match = str?.match(/\/(.*)/); if (match) { return sFormatUtil.timeStringToSeconds(match[1]); } } return -1 }; const getVideoDataList$1 = async () => { const elList = await elUtil.findElementsUntilFound('.section-cards.grid-mode>div'); const list = []; for (let el of elList) { const titleEl = el.querySelector('.bili-video-card__title'); const title = titleEl.textContent.trim(); const videoUrl = titleEl.firstElementChild.href||null; if (videoUrl?.includes('live.bilibili.com')) { continue } const bv=elUtil.getUrlBV(videoUrl); const userEl = el.querySelector('.bili-video-card__author'); const cardTag = el.querySelector('.bili-cover-card__tag')?.textContent.trim() || null; const name = userEl.textContent.trim(); const userUrl = userEl.href; const uid = elUtil.getUrlUID(userUrl); let nDuration = -1; if (cardTag !== '专栏') { nDuration = el.querySelector('.bili-cover-card__stat')?.textContent.trim() || null; nDuration = getDuration(nDuration); } const tempEL = el.querySelector('.bili-video-card__details'); list.push({ title, videoUrl, name, userUrl, nDuration, uid, el, bv, insertionPositionEl: tempEL, explicitSubjectEl: tempEL }); } return list }; const startShieldingVideoList = async () => { const list = await getVideoDataList$1(); for (let videoData of list) { if (shielding.shieldingVideoDecorated(videoData)) { continue; } shielding.addBlockButton({data: videoData, maskingFunc: startShieldingVideoList}, "gz_shielding_button"); } }; const intervalExecutionStartShieldingVideo$1 = () => { const res = shielding.intervalExecutionStartShieldingVideoInert(startShieldingVideoList, '历史记录项'); return () => { return res } }; const executionStartShieldingVideo = intervalExecutionStartShieldingVideo$1(); const getTopFilterLabel = async () => { const el = await elUtil.findElementUntilFound('.radio-filter>.radio-filter__item--active'); return el.textContent?.trim() }; const topFilterInsertListener = () => { elUtil.findElementUntilFound('.radio-filter').then((el => { el.addEventListener('click', (e) => { const target = e.target; const label = target.textContent?.trim(); console.log(`点击了${label}`); if (label === '直播') { executionStartShieldingVideo().stop(); return } executionStartShieldingVideo().start(); }); })); }; const startRun = () => { getTopFilterLabel().then(label => { if (label === '直播') { return } executionStartShieldingVideo().start(); }); topFilterInsertListener(); }; var newHistory = { isNewHistoryPage, intervalExecutionStartShieldingVideo: intervalExecutionStartShieldingVideo$1, startRun }; const isOldHistory = (url) => { return url.includes('https://www.bilibili.com/account/history') }; const getVideoDataList = async () => { const elList = await elUtil.findElementsUntilFound('#history_list>.history-record'); const list = []; for (let el of elList) { const labelEL = el.querySelector('.cover-contain>.label'); if (labelEL !== null) { const label = labelEL.textContent.trim(); console.log(`排除${label}`); continue } const titleEl = el.querySelector('.title'); const userEl = el.querySelector('.w-info>span>a'); const title = titleEl.textContent.trim(); const videoUrl = titleEl.href; const bv = elUtil.getUrlBV(videoUrl); const name = userEl.textContent.trim(); const userUrl = userEl.href; const uid = elUtil.getUrlUID(userUrl); list.push({ title, videoUrl, name, userUrl, uid, el, bv, explicitSubjectEl: el.querySelector('.r-txt'), insertionPositionEl: el.querySelector('.subtitle') }); } return list }; const startShieldingVideo = async () => { console.log('开始屏蔽旧版历史记录视频列表'); const list = await getVideoDataList(); const css = {right: "45px"}; for (let videoData of list) { if (shielding.shieldingVideoDecorated(videoData)) { continue; } videoData.css = css; shielding.addVideoBlockButton({data: videoData, maskingFunc: startShieldingVideo}); } console.log('屏蔽旧版历史记录视频列表完成'); }; const intervalExecutionStartShieldingVideo = () => { setInterval(startShieldingVideo, 2000); }; var oldHistory = { isOldHistory, intervalExecutionStartShieldingVideo }; const bOnlyTheHomepageIsBlocked$1 = localMKData.getBOnlyTheHomepageIsBlocked(); const adaptationBAppCommerce = localMKData.getAdaptationBAppCommerce(); const compatible_BEWLY_BEWLY$1 = localMKData.isCompatible_BEWLY_BEWLY(); const staticRoute = (title, url) => { console.log("静态路由", title, url); if (compatible_BEWLY_BEWLY$1 && compatibleBewlyBewly.isBEWLYPage(url)) { compatibleBewlyBewly.startRun(url); return; } if (bilibiliHome.isHome(url, title)) { if (compatible_BEWLY_BEWLY$1) { return; } if (adaptationBAppCommerce) { bilibiliHome.startIntervalShieldingGateVideoList(); } bilibiliHome.scrollMouseUpAndDown().then(() => bilibiliHome.startDebounceShieldingChangeVideoList()); bilibiliHome.startClearExcessContentList(); bilibiliHome.deDesktopDownloadTipEl(); bilibiliHome.startDebounceShieldingHomeVideoList(); } if (bOnlyTheHomepageIsBlocked$1) return; if (searchModel.isSearch(url)) { searchModel.searchTopTabsIWrapperInstallListener(); searchModel.startShieldingVideoList(); searchModel.currentlyActivatedOptions(); searchLive.installStyle(); } if (videoPlayModel.isVideoPlayPage(url)) { videoPlayModel.startShieldingVideoList(); videoPlayModel.findTheExpandButtonForTheListOnTheRightAndBindTheEvent(); videoPlayModel.execAuthorAddBlockButton(); } if (collectionVideoPlayPageModel.iscCollectionVideoPlayPage(url)) { collectionVideoPlayPageModel.startShieldingVideoList(); collectionVideoPlayPageModel.findTheExpandButtonForTheListOnTheRightAndBindTheEvent(); } if (liveRoomModel.isLiveRoom(url)) { liveRoomModel.addWatchLiveRoomChatItemsListener(); } if (popular.isPopularAllPage(url) || popular.isPopularHistory(url)) { popularAll.startShieldingVideoList(); } if (popular.isPopularWeeklyPage(url)) { popularAll.startShieldingVideoList(true); } if (popular.isGeneralPopularRank(url)) { popular.startShieldingRankVideoList(); } if (topicDetail.isTopicDetailPage(url)) { topicDetail.startShielding(); } if (dynamic.isDynamicPage(url)) { dynamic.startThrottleShieldingDynamicContent(); } if (videoPlayWatchLater.isVideoPlayWatchLaterPage(url)) { videoPlayWatchLater.startDebounceShieldingVideoList(); videoPlayWatchLater.findTheExpandButtonForTheListOnTheRightAndBindTheEvent(); } if (liveSectionModel.isLiveSection(url)) { liveSectionModel.startShieldingLiveRoom(); } if (liveHome.isLiveHomePage(url)) { liveHome.startShieldingLiveRoom(); liveHome.startShieldingTopLiveRoom(); } if (newHistory.isNewHistoryPage(url)) { newHistory.startRun(); } if (oldHistory.isOldHistory(url)) { oldHistory.intervalExecutionStartShieldingVideo(); } if (space.isSpacePage(url)) { space.initializePageBlockingButton(); } }; const dynamicRouting = (title, url) => { console.log("动态路由", title, url); if (bOnlyTheHomepageIsBlocked$1) return; if (searchModel.isSearch(url)) { searchModel.startShieldingVideoList(); } if (videoPlayModel.isVideoPlayPage(url)) { videoPlayModel.startShieldingVideoList(); videoPlayModel.execAuthorAddBlockButton(); } if (popular.isPopularAllPage(url) || popular.isPopularHistory(url)) { popularAll.startShieldingVideoList(); } if (popular.isPopularWeeklyPage(url)) { popularAll.startShieldingVideoList(true); } if (popular.isGeneralPopularRank(url)) { popular.startShieldingRankVideoList(); } if (dynamic.isDynamicPage(url)) { dynamic.startThrottleShieldingDynamicContent(); } }; var router = { staticRoute, dynamicRouting }; const bOnlyTheHomepageIsBlocked = localMKData.getBOnlyTheHomepageIsBlocked(); const compatible_BEWLY_BEWLY = localMKData.isCompatible_BEWLY_BEWLY(); const observeNetwork = (url, windowUrl,winTitle, initiatorType) => { if (bOnlyTheHomepageIsBlocked) { if (!bilibiliHome.isHome(windowUrl, winTitle)) { return; } } if (url.startsWith("https://api.bilibili.com/x/web-interface/wbi/index/top/feed/rcmd?web_location=")) { if (compatible_BEWLY_BEWLY) { return; } bilibiliHome.startDebounceShieldingChangeVideoList(); bilibiliHome.startDebounceShieldingHomeVideoList(); console.log("检测到首页加载了换一换视频列表和其下面的视频列表"); return; } if (url.startsWith("https://api.bilibili.com/x/v2/reply/wbi/main?oid=")) { console.log("检测到评论区楼主评论加载了"); commentSectionModel.startShieldingComments(); return; } if (url.startsWith("https://api.bilibili.com/x/v2/reply/reply?oid=")) { console.log("检测到评论区楼主层中的子层评论列表加载了"); commentSectionModel.startShieldingComments(); } if (url.startsWith("https://api.bilibili.com/x/web-interface/popular?ps=")) { popularAll.startShieldingVideoList(); } if (url.startsWith("https://api.bilibili.com/x/web-interface/popular/series/one?number=")) { popularAll.startShieldingVideoList(true); } if (url.startsWith("https://api.bilibili.com/x/polymer/web-dynamic/v1/feed/space?offset=")) { console.log("检测到用户动态加载了"); dynamic.startThrottleShieldingDynamicContent(); } if (url.startsWith("https://api.live.bilibili.com/xlive/web-interface/v1/second/getList?platform=web&parent_area_id=")) { console.log("检测到直播间加载了分区下的房间列表"); liveSectionModel.startShieldingLiveRoom(); } if (url.startsWith("https://api.live.bilibili.com/xlive/web-interface/v1/index/getList?platform=web")) { console.log("检测到直播间加载了推荐房间列表"); liveHome.startShieldingLiveRoom(); } }; var observeNetwork$1 = { observeNetwork }; gmUtil.addGMMenu('主面板', () => { mainDrawer.showDrawer(); },'Q'); gmUtil.addGMMenu('脚本主页', () => { const aEl = document.createElement('a'); aEl.target = '_blank'; aEl.href = 'https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/461382'; aEl.click(); },'W'); router.staticRoute(document.title, window.location.href); watch.addEventListenerUrlChange((newUrl, oldUrl, title) => { router.dynamicRouting(title, newUrl); }); watch.addEventListenerNetwork((url, windowUrl, winTitle, initiatorType) => { observeNetwork$1.observeNetwork(url, windowUrl, winTitle, initiatorType); }); document.addEventListener('keydown', function (event) { if (event.key === "`") { mainDrawer.showDrawer(); } }); })(Vue, Dexie);