// ==UserScript== // @name b站屏蔽增强器 // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @license MIT // @version 1.1.52 // @description 支持动态屏蔽、评论区过滤屏蔽,视频屏蔽(标题、用户、uid等)、蔽根据用户名、uid、视频关键词、言论关键词和视频时长进行屏蔽和精简处理(详情看脚本主页描述),针对github站内所有的链接都从新的标签页打开,而不从当前页面打开 // @author byhgz // @exclude *://message.bilibili.com/pages/nav/header_sync // @exclude *://message.bilibili.com/pages/nav/index_new_pc_sync // @exclude *://live.bilibili.com/blackboard/dropdown-menu.html // @exclude *://live.bilibili.com/p/html/live-web-mng/* // @exclude *://www.bilibili.com/correspond/* // @match https://www.bilibili.com/v/channel/*?tab=multiple // @match *://search.bilibili.com/* // @match *://www.bilibili.com/v/food/* // @match *://www.bilibili.com/v/channel/* // @match *://message.bilibili.com/* // @match *://www.bilibili.com/read/* // @match *://www.bilibili.com/v/topic/detail/?topic_id=* // @match *://www.bilibili.com/v/kichiku/* // @match *://t.bilibili.com/* // @match *://space.bilibili.com/* // @match *://www.bilibili.com/video/* // @match *://live.bilibili.com/?spm_id_from=* // @match *://live.bilibili.com/p/eden/area-tags?* // @match *://live.bilibili.com/* // @match *://www.bilibili.com/opus/* // @match *://www.bilibili.com/* // @match *://www.youtube.com/* // @match *://github.com/* // @require https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.5.1.min.js // @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/462234-message/code/Message.js?version=1170653 // @require https://hangexi.gitee.io/bibibspuservideomonkeyscript\util\Util.js // @require https://hangexi.gitee.io/bibibspuservideomonkeyscript\util\HttpUtil.js // @require https://hangexi.gitee.io/bibibspuservideomonkeyscript\Layout.js // @require https://hangexi.gitee.io/bibibspuservideomonkeyscript\LocalData.js // @require https://hangexi.gitee.io/bibibspuservideomonkeyscript\Perf_observer.js // @require https://hangexi.gitee.io/bibibspuservideomonkeyscript\AccountCenter.js // @require https://hangexi.gitee.io/bibibspuservideomonkeyscript\FrequencyChannel.js // @require https://hangexi.gitee.io/bibibspuservideomonkeyscript\Live.js // @require https://hangexi.gitee.io/bibibspuservideomonkeyscript\Trends.js // @require https://hangexi.gitee.io/bibibspuservideomonkeyscript\Bilibili.js // @require https://hangexi.gitee.io/bibibspuservideomonkeyscript\BilibiliOne.js // @require https://hangexi.gitee.io/bibibspuservideomonkeyscript\RuleList.js // @require https://hangexi.gitee.io/bibibspuservideomonkeyscript\other\Github.js // @icon https://static.hdslb.com/images/favicon.ico // @connect bilibili.com // @connect vip.mikuchase.ltd // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_deleteValue // @grant GM_addValueChangeListener // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // ==/UserScript== const Rule = { ruleLength: function () { function setText(arr, id) { if (arr !== undefined && arr !== null) { $(id).text(arr.length); } } setText(LocalData.getArrName(), "#textUserName"); setText(LocalData.getArrNameKey(), "#textUserNameKey"); setText(LocalData.getArrUID(), "#textUserUID"); setText(LocalData.getArrWhiteUID(), "#textUserBName"); setText(LocalData.getArrTitle(), "#textUserTitle"); setText(LocalData.getArrTitleKeyCanonical(), "#textUserTitleCanonical"); setText(Util.getData("commentOnKeyArr"), "#textContentOn"); setText(LocalData.getArrContentOnKeyCanonicalArr(), "#textContentOnCanonical"); setText(LocalData.getFanCardArr(), "#textFanCard"); setText(LocalData.getContentColumnKeyArr(), "#textColumn"); setText(LocalData.getDynamicArr(), "#textDynamicArr"); }, showInfo: function () { const isDShielPanel = Util.getData("isDShielPanel"); const isAutoPlay = Util.getData("autoPlay"); const dShielPanel = $("#DShielPanel"); const autoPlayCheckbox = $("#autoPlayCheckbox"); if (isDShielPanel === null || isDShielPanel === undefined) { dShielPanel.attr("checked", false); } else { dShielPanel.attr("checked", isDShielPanel); } if (isAutoPlay === null || isAutoPlay === undefined) { autoPlayCheckbox.attr("checked", false); } else { autoPlayCheckbox.attr("checked", isAutoPlay); } const pushTypeSelect = $("#pushTypeSelect"); const videoZoneSelect = $("#video_zoneSelect"); const pushType = Home.getPushType(); pushTypeSelect.val(pushType); switch (pushType) { case "频道": const tempSortTypeSelect = $("#sort_typeSelect"); const tempSortType = frequencyChannel.getSort_type(); loadChannel(); videoZoneSelect.val(frequencyChannel.getChannel_id()); tempSortTypeSelect.val(tempSortType); tempSortTypeSelect.css("display", "inline") break; default: loadPartition(); videoZoneSelect.val(LocalData.getVideo_zone()); break; } $("#delVideoCommentSectionsCheackBox").prop('checked', LocalData.getDelVideoCommentSections());//设置 $("#openPrivacyModeCheckbox").prop("checked", LocalData.getPrivacyMode()); }, //视频参数 videoData: { //是否移除播放页右侧的的布局,其中包括【视频作者】【弹幕列表】【视频列表】和右侧相关的广告 isRhgthlayout: false, //是否要移除右侧播放页的视频列表 isrigthVideoList: false, //是否移除视频页播放器下面的标签,也就是Tag isTag: false, //是否移除视频页播放器下面的简介 isDesc: false, //是否移除视频播放完之后的,推荐视频 isVideoEndRecommend: true, //是否取消对播放页右侧列表的视频内容过滤屏蔽处理,如果播放页出现,加载不出页面图片,情况建议开启该功能 isRightVideo: false, //是否点击了水平翻转 flipHorizontal: false, //是否点击了垂直翻转 flipVertical: false }, //动态相关配置信息 trendsData: { //是否移除顶栏 isTop: false, //是否移除右侧布局 isRightLayout: false, //是覅移除话题布局上面的公告栏 isBiliDynBanner: true, }, /** *直播间的相关配置信息 */ liveData: { //是否移除直播间底部的全部信息,包括动态和主播公告和简介及荣誉 bottomElement: true, //是否移除直播间顶部的信息(包括顶部标题栏) topElement: true, //是否移除直播间播放器头部的用户信息以及直播间基础信息 isheadInfoVm: true, //是否移除直播间右侧的聊天布局 isRightChatLayout: false, //是否移除直播间右侧的聊天内容 isChatHistoryPanel: false, //是否移除右侧的聊天内容中的红色的系统提示 isSystemRedTip: true, //是否移除右侧聊天内容中的用户进入房间提示 isEnterLiveRoomTip: true, //是否移除左上角的b站直播logo topLeftLogo: true, //是否移除左上角的首页项目 topLeftHomeTitle: true, //是否移除直播间底部的的简介和主播荣誉 bottomIntroduction: false, //是否移除直播间的主播公告布局 container: false, //是否移除直播首页右侧的悬浮按钮 rightSuspendButton: true, //是否移除提示购物车 isShoppingCartTip: true, //是否移除购物车 isShoppingCart: true, //是否移除直播间的背景图 isDelbackground: true, /** * 是否屏蔽直播间底部动态 */ liveFeed: false, //要移除顶部左侧的选项(不包括右侧),但必须要有该选项,比如下面例子的,赛事,就移除其,如需要添加别的在该数组后面添加即可,如["赛事","生活"] topLeftBar: ["赛事", "购物", "知识", "生活", "电台", "娱乐"], //是否移除礼物栏 delGiftLayout: true, //是否移除立即上舰 isEmbark: true, //是否移除礼物栏的的礼物部分 isGift: true, //直播分区时屏蔽的类型,比如在手游直播界面里的全部中,会屏蔽对应的类型房间号 classify: ["和平精英"], //是否移除悬浮的233娘 is233Ma: true, //是否移除右侧悬浮靠边按钮-如实验-关注 isRightSuspenBotton: true, //是否移除直播水印 isLiveRoomWatermark: true } } const Home = { //首页下拉底部时依次加载视频的个数 videoIndex: 20, background: {//主面板背景颜色及透明度 r: 92, g: 80, b: 80, a: 1 }, data: { //分区rid对应的类型 video_zoneList: JSON.parse(`{"1":"动画(主分区)","3":"音乐(主分区)","4":"游戏(主分区)","5":"娱乐(主分区)","11":"电视剧(主分区)","13":"番剧(主分区)","17":"单机游戏","19":"Mugen","20":"宅舞","21":"日常","22":"鬼畜调教","23":"电影(主分区)","24":"MAD·AMV","25":"MMD·3D","26":"音MAD","27":"综合","28":"原创音乐","29":"音乐现场","30":"VOCALOID·UTAU","31":"翻唱","32":"完结动画","33":"连载动画","36":"知识(主分区)","37":"人文·历史","47":"短片·手书·配音","51":"资讯","59":"演奏","65":"网络游戏","71":"综艺","75":"动物综合","76":"美食制作( 原[生活]->[美食圈] )","83":"其他国家","85":"小剧场","86":"特摄","95":"数码( 原手机平板 )","119":"鬼畜(主分区)","121":"GMV","122":"野生技术协会","124":"社科·法律·心理( 原社科人文、原趣味科普人文 )","126":"人力VOCALOID","127":"教程演示","129":"舞蹈(主分区)","130":"音乐综合","136":"音游","137":"明星综合","138":"搞笑","145":"欧美电影","146":"日本电影","147":"华语电影","152":"官方延伸","153":"国产动画","154":"舞蹈综合","155":"时尚(主分区)","156":"舞蹈教程","157":"美妆护肤","158":"穿搭","159":"时尚潮流","160":"生活(主分区)","161":"手工","162":"绘画","164":"健身","167":"国创(主分区)","168":"国产原创相关","169":"布袋戏","170":"资讯","171":"电子竞技","172":"手机游戏","173":"桌游棋牌","176":"汽车生活","177":"纪录片(主分区)","178":"科学·探索·自然","179":"军事","180":"社会·美食·旅行","181":"影视(主分区)","182":"影视杂谈","183":"影视剪辑","184":"预告·资讯","185":"国产剧","187":"海外剧","188":"科技(主分区)","193":"MV","195":"动态漫·广播剧","198":"街舞","199":"明星舞蹈","200":"中国舞","201":"科学科普","202":"资讯(主分区)","203":"热点","204":"环球","205":"社会","206":"综合","207":"财经商业","208":"校园学习","209":"职业职场","210":"手办·模玩","211":"美食(主分区)","212":"美食侦探","213":"美食测评","214":"田园美食","215":"美食记录","216":"鬼畜剧场","217":"动物圈(主分区)","218":"喵星人","219":"汪星人","220":"大熊猫","221":"野生动物","222":"爬宠","223":"汽车(主分区)","227":"购车攻略","228":"人文历史","229":"设计·创意","230":"软件应用","231":"计算机技术","232":"科工机械 ( 原工业·工程·机械 )","233":"极客DIY","234":"运动(主分区)","235":"篮球","236":"竞技体育","237":"运动文化","238":"运动综合","239":"家居房产","240":"摩托车","241":"娱乐杂谈","242":"粉丝创作","243":"乐评盘点","244":"音乐教学","245":"赛车","246":"改装玩车","247":"新能源车","248":"房车","249":"足球","250":"出行","251":"三农","252":"仿妆cos","253":"动漫杂谈"}`) }, //是否隐藏了面板 myidClickIndex: true, //是否初次点击了规则中心按钮 isFirstRuleCenterLayoutClick: false, /** * * @return {string} */ getPushType: function () { const data = Util.getData("pushType"); if (data === null || data === undefined) { return "分区"; } return data; }, setPushType: function (key) { Util.setData("pushType", key); }, getBackgroundStr: function () { return Util.getRGBA(this.background.r, this.background.g, this.background.b, this.background.a); }, //调整首页样式 stypeBody: function () { document.querySelector(".bili-header__banner").remove()//删除首页顶部的图片位置的布局 const interval = setInterval(() => { try { const headerChannelE = document.getElementsByClassName("bili-header__channel")[0]; headerChannelE.style.padding = 0;//调整-首页header按钮栏 headerChannelE.style.height = "auto";//调整其与下面控件的距离 document.getElementsByClassName("bili-feed4-layout")[0].style.padding = 0;//调整视频列表左右边距为0 document.querySelector("#i_cecream > div.bili-feed4 > div.bili-header.large-header > div.bili-header__bar").style.position = "inherit";//调整顶栏样式 document.querySelector("#i_cecream > div.bili-feed4 > div.header-channel").remove();//调整往下滑动之后顶部的悬浮栏 clearInterval(interval) } catch (e) { Print.ln("样式修改失败") } }, 500); }, /** * 屏蔽首页对应的视频 * @param {String} str 首页视频元素 */ startShieldMainVideo: function (str) { const interval = setInterval(() => { let list = document.querySelectorAll(str); if (list.length === 0) { return; } while (true) { const tempLength = list.length; for (let v of list) { let videoInfo, title, upName, upSpatialAddress, videoTime, playbackVolume;//可以一排定义 try { videoInfo = v.querySelector(".bili-video-card__info--right"); //视频标题 title = videoInfo.querySelector(".bili-video-card__info--tit").getAttribute("title"); //用户名 upName = videoInfo.querySelector(".bili-video-card__info--author").getAttribute("title"); //用户空间地址 upSpatialAddress = videoInfo.querySelector(".bili-video-card__info--owner").getAttribute("href"); videoTime = v.querySelector(".bili-video-card__stats__duration").textContent;//视频的时间 const topInfo = v.querySelectorAll(".bili-video-card__stats--left .bili-video-card__stats--item");//1播放量2弹幕数 playbackVolume = topInfo[0].textContent; } catch (e) { v.remove(); Qmsg.info("清理异常元素"); // console.log("获取元素中,获取失败,下一行是该值的html"); // console.log(v) continue; } let id = parseInt(upSpatialAddress.substring(upSpatialAddress.lastIndexOf("/") + 1)); if (isNaN(id)) { v.remove(); Qmsg.info("清理非正常视频样式"); continue; } if (shieldVideo_userName_uid_title(v, upName, id, title, null, videoTime, playbackVolume)) { Qmsg.info("屏蔽视频!"); continue; } const jqE = $(v); if (Util.isEventJq(jqE, "mouseover")) { continue; } jqE.mouseenter((e) => { const domElement = e.delegateTarget;//dom对象 const info = domElement.querySelector(".bili-video-card__info--right"); const videoTitle = info.querySelectorAll("[title]")[0].textContent; const userName = info.querySelectorAll("[title]")[1].textContent; let href = info.querySelector(".bili-video-card__info--owner").href; href = href.substring(href.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); Util.showSDPanel(e, userName, href, videoTitle); }); } list = document.getElementsByClassName(str);//删除完对应元素之后再检测一次,如果没有了就结束循环并结束定时器 if (list.length !== tempLength) {//如果执行完之后关键元素长度还是没有变化,说明不需要在执行了 continue; } clearInterval(interval); return; } }, 1000); }, hideDisplayHomeLaylout: function () {//隐藏显示面板 const home_layout = document.getElementById("home_layout"); if (Home.myidClickIndex) { home_layout.style.display = "block"; Home.myidClickIndex = false; return; } home_layout.style.display = "none"; Home.myidClickIndex = true; }, homePrefecture: function () {//针对于分区的广告页脚信息屏蔽 Util.circulateID("biliMainFooter", 2000, "已移除底部信息"); Util.circulateClassName("primary-btn feedback visible", 2000, "已移除右侧悬浮按钮"); for (let v of document.querySelectorAll(".eva-banner")) { v.remove(); console.log("已移除界面中的横幅广告"); } }, openTab: function (e) {// 点击标签时执行此函数 // 获取所有标签布局 const tabs = document.getElementsByClassName("tab"); // 循环遍历每个标签布局 for (let i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++) { // 从所有标签布局中删除“active”类,使它们不可见 tabs[i].classList.remove("active"); } // 将指定的标签布局添加到“active”类,使它可见 const tempId = document.getElementById(e); tempId.classList.add("active"); } } //判断内容是否匹配上元素 const Shield = { /** * 根据用户提供的网页元素和对应的数组及key,精确匹配数组某个元素 * @param arr 数组 * @param key 唯一key * @returns {boolean} */ arrKey: function (arr, key) { if (arr === null || arr === undefined) { return false; } return arr.includes(key); }, /** * 根据用户提供的字符串集合,当content某个字符包含了了集合中的某个字符则返回对应的字符,模糊匹配 * 反之返回null * @param {string[]}arr 字符串数组 * @param {string}content 内容 * @returns {null|string} */ arrContent: function (arr, content) { if (arr === null || arr === undefined) { return null; } try { for (let str of arr) { if (content.toLowerCase().includes(str)) {//将内容中的字母转成小写进行比较 return str; } } } catch (e) { return null; } return null; }, /** * 根据用户提供的字符串集合,与指定内容进行比较,当content某个字符包含了了集合中的某个正则匹配则返回对应的字符,正则匹配 * 反之返回null * @param {string[]}arr 字符串数组 * @param {string}content 内容 * @return {null|string} */ arrContentCanonical: function (arr, content) { if (arr === null || arr === undefined) { return null; } try { for (let str of arr) { if (content.search(str) === -1) { continue; } return str; } } catch (e) { return null; } return null; } } //针对内容符合规则的删除元素并返回状态值 const Remove = { //是否是白名单用户 isWhiteUserUID: function (uid) { const tempArr = LocalData.getArrWhiteUID(); if (tempArr === null || tempArr === undefined) { return false; } return tempArr.includes(uid); }, /** * 根据用户uid屏蔽元素 * @param element * @param uid * @returns {boolean} */ uid: function (element, uid) { if (Shield.arrKey(LocalData.getArrUID(), parseInt(uid))) { element.remove(); return true; } return false; } , /** * 根据用户名屏蔽元素,当用户名完全匹配规则时屏蔽 * @param element * @param name * @returns {boolean} */ name: function (element, name) { if (Shield.arrKey(LocalData.getArrName(), name)) { element.remove(); return true; } return false; }, /** * 根据用户名规则,当用规则字符包含用户名时返回对应的规则字符,反之null * @param element * @param name * @returns {String|null} */ nameKey: function (element, name) { const shieldArrContent = Shield.arrContent(LocalData.getArrNameKey(), name); if (shieldArrContent !== null) { element.remove(); } return shieldArrContent; } , /** * 根据标题屏蔽元素 * @param element * @param title * @returns {String|null} */ titleKey: function (element, title) { const shieldArrContent = Shield.arrContent(LocalData.getArrTitle(), title); if (shieldArrContent !== null) { element.remove(); } return shieldArrContent; }, /** * 根据标题屏蔽元素 * 正则表达式匹配模式 * @param element * @param title * @return {string|null} */ titleKeyCanonical: function (element, title) { const canonical = Shield.arrContentCanonical(LocalData.getArrTitleKeyCanonical(), title); if (canonical !== null) { element.remove(); } return canonical; }, /** * 根据用户言论屏蔽元素 * @param element * @param content * @returns {String|null} */ contentKey: function (element, content) { const shieldArrContent = Shield.arrContent(Util.getData("commentOnKeyArr"), content); if (shieldArrContent !== null) { element.remove(); } return shieldArrContent; }, /** * 根据用户专栏内容关键词屏蔽元素 * @param element * @param content * @returns {String|null} */ columnContentKey: function (element, content) { const shieldArrContent = Shield.arrContent(element, LocalData.getContentColumnKeyArr(), content); if (shieldArrContent !== null) { element.remove(); } return shieldArrContent; }, /** * 根据用户粉丝牌进行屏蔽 * @param element * @param key * @returns {boolean} */ fanCard: function (element, key) { if (Shield.arrKey(LocalData.getFanCardArr(), key)) { element.remove(); return true; } return false; }, /** * 限制的视频时长最小值,低于该值的都屏蔽 * 根据视频时长,过滤指定时长内的视频 * @param element * @param {Number}key 秒数 * @returns {boolean} */ videoMinFilterS: function (element, key) { const min = LocalData.video.getFilterSMin(); if (min === null) { return false; } if (min > key) { element.remove(); return true; } return false; }, /** * 限制可展示的视频时长最大值,高于该值的都屏蔽 * @param element * @param {Number}key 秒数 * @returns {boolean} */ videoMaxFilterS: function (element, key) { const max = LocalData.video.getfilterSMax(); if (max === 0 || max < LocalData.video.getFilterSMin() || max === null) {//如果最大值为0,则不需要执行了,和当最小值大于最大值也不执行 return false; } if (max < key) { element.remove(); return true; } return false; }, /** * 限制视频播放量最小值,低于该值的都屏蔽 * 根据视频播放量,过滤低于指定播放量的视频 * @param element * @param {number}key 播放量纯数字 * @returns {boolean} */ videoMinPlaybackVolume: function (element, key) { const min = LocalData.video.getBroadcastMin(); if (min === null) { return false; } if (min > key) { element.remove(); return true; } return false; }, /** * 限制视频播放量最大值,高于该值的都屏蔽 * 根据视频播放量,过滤高于指定播放量的视频 * @param element * @param {number}key 播放量纯数字 * @returns {boolean} */ videoMaxPlaybackVolume: function (element, key) { const max = LocalData.video.getBroadcastMax(); if (max === 0 || max < LocalData.video.getBroadcastMin() || max === null) {//如果最大值为0,则不需要执行了,和当最小值大于最大值也不执行 return false; } if (max < key) { element.remove(); return true; } return false; }, /** * 限制可暂时的视频弹幕量最小值,低于该值的都屏蔽 * 根据视频弹幕量,过滤低于指定弹幕量的视频 * @param element * @param {number}key 弹幕数量 * @returns {boolean} */ videoMinBarrageQuantity: function (element, key) { if (LocalData.video.getBarrageQuantityMin() > key) { element.remove(); return true; } return false; }, /** * 限制可暂时的视频弹幕量最大值,高于该值的都屏蔽 * 根据视频弹幕量,过滤高于指定弹幕量的视频 * @param element * @param {number}key 弹幕数量 * @returns {boolean} */ videoMaxBarrageQuantity: function (element, key) { const max = LocalData.video.getBarrageQuantityMax(); if (max === 0 || LocalData.video.getBarrageQuantityMin() > max) { return false; } if (max > key) { element.remove(); return true; } return false; } } /** * 根据规则删除专栏和动态的评论区 * 针对于专栏和动态内容下面的评论区 */ function delDReplay() { const interval = setInterval(() => { const list = document.querySelectorAll(".comment-list.has-limit>*"); if (list.length === 0) { return; } clearInterval(interval); for (let v of list) { const rootUserinfo = v.querySelector(".user>.name"); const rootName = rootUserinfo.textContent; const rootUid = rootUserinfo.getAttribute("data-usercard-mid"); const rootContent = v.querySelector(".text").textContent; if (startPrintShieldNameOrUIDOrContent(v, rootName, parseInt(rootUid), rootContent)) { Qmsg.info("屏蔽了言论!!"); continue; } const jqE = $(rootUserinfo); if (!Util.isEventJq(jqE, "mouseover")) { jqE.mouseenter((e) => { const domElement = e.delegateTarget;//dom对象 const name = domElement.textContent; const uid = domElement.getAttribute("data-usercard-mid"); Util.showSDPanel(e, name, uid); }); } const replyItem = v.querySelectorAll(".reply-box>.reply-item.reply-wrap");//楼层成员 if (replyItem.length === 0) { continue; } for (let j of replyItem) { const subUserInfo = j.querySelector(".user>.name"); const subName = subUserInfo.textContent; const subUid = subUserInfo.getAttribute("data-usercard-mid"); const subContent = j.querySelector(".text-con").textContent; if (startPrintShieldNameOrUIDOrContent(j, subName, parseInt(subUid), subContent)) { Qmsg.info("屏蔽了言论!!"); continue; } const jqE = $(j); if (Util.isEventJq(jqE, "mouseover")) { continue; } jqE.mouseenter((e) => { const domElement = e.delegateTarget;//dom对象 const name = domElement.querySelector(".name").textContent; const uid = domElement.querySelector("a").getAttribute("data-usercard-mid"); Util.showSDPanel(e, name, uid); }); } } }, 60); } const HtmlStr = { /** *返回用户卡片基础信息面板布局 * @param uid{number} uid * @param userName{string} 用户名 * @param level 用户等级 * @param sign{string} 签名 * @param image{string} 头像 * @param gz{string} 关注量 * @param fs{string} 粉丝数量 * @param hz {string} 获赞 * @return {string} */ getUserCard: function (uid, userName, level, sign, image, gz, fs, hz) { return ` `; }, /** * 获取直播列表布局 */ getLiveList: function (typeTitle) { return $(`

`); }, /** * * @param name 用户名 * @param uid 用户UID * @param liveID 用户直播间房号 * @param image 用户头像 * @param title 直播间标题 * @returns {string} */ getLiveItem: function (name, uid, liveID, image, title) { return $(`
`); } } const Print = { ln: function (content) { Util.printElement("#outputInfo", `
`); }, video: function (color, content, name, uid, title, videoHref) { Util.printElement("#outputInfo", `
`); }, commentOn: function (color, content, name, uid, primaryContent) { Util.printElement("#outputInfo", `
${Util.toTimeString()}${content} 屏蔽用户【${name}】uid=【${uid}】 原言论=【${primaryContent}】
`); } }; const HoverBlockList = { /** *匹配符合条件的数组 * @param arr 数组 * @param key 匹配元素键中的key * @param search 符合上面参数,且包含该关键字的匹配 * @returns Array */ searchAndInitList: function (arr, key, search = '') { const searchStr = search.toString().toLowerCase(); const result = []; function omitKey(obj, key, search) { const newItem = Object.assign({}, obj); delete newItem[key]; newItem[key] = search; return newItem; } for (let i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i++) { const item = arr[i]; if (item.hasOwnProperty(key) && item[key].toString().toLowerCase().includes(searchStr)) { const existingItemIndex = result.findIndex(r => r.uid === item.uid); if (existingItemIndex === -1) { const newItem = { uid: item.uid, show: item[$("#show-select").val()], items: [omitKey(item, key, search)] }; result.push(newItem); } else { result[existingItemIndex].items.push(omitKey(item, key, search)); } } } return result; }, /** *数据例子 * [ * {"uid": 1, "name": "张三", "age": 20, "title": "标题"}, * {"uid": 2, "name": "李四", "age": 25}, * {"uid": 3, "name": "王四", "age": 30} * ]; * @param list 数据 * @param typeName 要显示在项目的值 * @param func 点击获取选中事件 */ init: function (list, typeName = "name", func) { const pop_ListLayout = $("pop-ListLayout"); if (pop_ListLayout.length > 0) { alert("请先关闭现有悬浮列表!"); return; } $("body").append(`

`); for (let v of Util.getDistinctKeys(list)) { $("#search-select").append(``); $("#show-select").append(``); } HoverBlockList.initList(list, typeName); $("#getSelectedCheckboxItem").click(() => { // 获取所有选中的项 const checkedItems = $('#popList input[type="checkbox"]:checked'); if (checkedItems.length === 0) { return; } const tempArrID = []; // 遍历选中的元素并打印它们的值 checkedItems.each(function () { tempArrID.push(parseInt($(this).val())); }); if (tempArrID.length === 0) { return; } func(tempArrID); }); // 监听 input 的 value 变化 $('#search-input').on('input', function () { const content = $(this).val(); if (content === "" || content.includes(" ")) { return; } const search_selectV = $("#search-select").val(); HoverBlockList.initList(list, search_selectV, content); }); $("#clone-popLayoutList").click(() => {//点击关闭,则删掉悬浮列表下面的所有jq添加的事件并删除列表元素 const popMain = $("#pop-ListLayout"); popMain.off(); popMain.remove(); $("#OpenTheFilteredList").show(); }); }, /** * * @param dataList 数据列表 * @param itemKey 匹配元素键中的key * @param search 搜索的关键词 * @returns {boolean} */ initList: function (dataList, itemKey, search = "") { const keyArr = HoverBlockList.searchAndInitList(dataList, itemKey, search); if (keyArr.length === 0) { return false; } const popList = $("#popList"); popList.children().remove(); keyArr.forEach((value) => { popList.append($(`
  • `)); }); return true; } }; //添加元素 const addElement = { homeVideoE: { /** * @param {string}title 视频标题 * @param {string}videoAddess 视频地址 * @param {string}videoImage 视频封面 * @param {string}userID 用户uid * @param {string}userName 用户名 * @param {string}timeLong 视频时长 * @param {string}ctime 发布时间 * @param {string}view 播放量 * @param {string}danmaku 弹幕量 */ getHtmlStr: function (title, videoAddess, videoImage, userID, userName, timeLong, ctime, view, danmaku) { return `

    `; } } } function startMonitorTheNetwork() {//监听网络变化 const observer = new PerformanceObserver(perf_observer); observer.observe({entryTypes: ['resource']}); } const urleCrud = {//规则的增删改查 /** * 单个元素进行添加 * @param {Array} arr * @param {String,number} key * @param {String} ruleStrName */ add: function (arr, key, ruleStrName) { arr.push(key); Util.setData(ruleStrName, arr); Qmsg.success(`添加${ruleStrName}的值成功=${key}`); Rule.ruleLength(); return true; }, /** * 批量添加,要求以数组形式 * @param {Array} arr * @param {Array} key * @param ruleStrName */ addAll: function (arr, key, ruleStrName) { let tempLenSize = 0; const set = new Set(); for (let v of key) { if (arr.includes(v)) { continue; } tempLenSize++; arr.push(v); set.add(v); } if (tempLenSize === 0) { Print.ln("内容长度无变化,可能是已经有了的值") return; } Util.setData(ruleStrName, arr); Print.ln(`已添加个数${tempLenSize},新内容为【${JSON.stringify(Array.from(set))}】`) Rule.ruleLength(); }, /** * * @param arr * @param key * @param ruleStrName * @return {boolean} */ del: function (arr, key, ruleStrName) { const index = arr.indexOf(key); if (index === -1) { Print.ln("未有该元素!") return false; } arr.splice(index, 1); Util.setData(ruleStrName, arr); Print.ln("已经删除该元素=" + key); Rule.ruleLength(); return true; } } const butLayEvent = { butaddName: function (ruleStr, contentV) { if (contentV === '') { Qmsg.error("请输入正确的内容"); return false; } if (!confirm(`您要添加的内容是? 【${contentV}】 ,类型=${ruleStr}`)) { return false; } let arrayList = Util.getData(ruleStr); if (arrayList === null || arrayList === undefined) { urleCrud.add([], contentV, ruleStr); return false; } if (arrayList.includes(contentV)) { Qmsg.error("当前已有该值!") return false; } return urleCrud.add(arrayList, contentV, ruleStr); ; }, butaddAllName: function (ruleStr, contentV) { if (contentV === '') { Print.ln("请输入正确的内容") return; } let tempList; try { tempList = JSON.parse(contentV); } catch (error) { Qmsg.error("内容不正确!内容需要数组或者json格式!错误信息=" + error); return; } let arrayList = Util.getData(ruleStr); if (arrayList === null || arrayList === undefined) { urleCrud.addAll([], tempList, ruleStr); return; } urleCrud.addAll(arrayList, tempList, ruleStr); }, butDelName: function (ruleStr, contentV) { let arrayList = Util.getData(ruleStr); if (arrayList === null || arrayList === undefined) { Print.ln("没有内容哟") return false; } if (!arrayList.includes(contentV)) { Print.ln("没有该内容哟=" + contentV) return false; } return urleCrud.del(arrayList, contentV, ruleStr); }, butDelAllName: function (ruleStr) { const list = Util.getData(ruleStr); if (list === null || list === undefined) { Print.ln("没有内容哟") return; } const b = confirm("您确定要全部删除吗?"); if (!b) { return; } Util.delData(ruleStr); Print.ln("已全部清除=" + ruleStr); Rule.ruleLength(); }, //查询 butFindKey: function (ruleStr, contentV) { if (contentV === '') { Print.ln("请输入正确的内容") return; } let arrayList = Util.getData(ruleStr); if (arrayList === null || arrayList === undefined) { Print.ln("找不到该内容!"); return; } if (arrayList.includes(contentV)) { const info = `搜索的值【${contentV}】,已存在!`; Print.ln(info); Qmsg.success(info); return; } const info = `找不到该内容!【${contentV}】`; Print.ln(info); Qmsg.error(info); }, //修改 butSetKey: function (ruleStr, oldKey, newKey) { if (oldKey === '' || oldKey.includes(" ") || newKey === "" || newKey.includes(" ")) { return; } if (oldKey === newKey) { Print.ln("请输入正确的内容,两者内容不能相同") return; } let arrayList = Util.getData(ruleStr); if (arrayList === null || arrayList === undefined) { Print.ln("找不到该内容!"); return; } if (!arrayList.includes(oldKey)) { Print.ln("找不到该内容!,无法替换!"); return; } const index = arrayList.indexOf(oldKey); if (index === -1) { Print.ln("未有该元素!") return; } arrayList.splice(index, 1, newKey); Util.setData(ruleStr, arrayList); Qmsg.success("替换成功!旧元素=" + oldKey + " 新元素=" + newKey); } } /** * 针对言论内容根据name和uid进行屏蔽并打印消息 * @param element 网页元素 * @param name 用户名 * @param uid 用户uid * @param content 言论内容 * @returns {boolean} */ function startPrintShieldNameOrUIDOrContent(element, name, uid, content) { if (Remove.isWhiteUserUID(uid)) { return false; } const key = Remove.contentKey(element, content); if (key != null) { Print.commentOn("#00BFFF", `已通过言论关键词了【${key}】`, name, uid, content); return true; } const isUid = Remove.uid(element, uid); if (isUid) { Print.commentOn("#yellow", `已通过UID屏蔽`, name, uid, content); return true; } const isName = Remove.name(element, name); if (isName) { Print.commentOn(null, `已通过指定用户名【${isName}】`, name, uid, content); return true; } const isNameKey = Remove.nameKey(element, name); if (isNameKey != null) { Print.commentOn(null, `已通过指定用户名模糊规则【${isNameKey}】`, name, uid, content); return true; } return false; } /** * 屏蔽视频元素 * 针对用户名、用户uid,视频标题 * @param element 对应的视频元素 * @param {String}name 用户名 * @param {Number}uid 用户uid * @param {String}title 视频标题 * @param{String}videoHref 视频地址 * @param {String}videoTime 视频时间 * @param{String}videoPlaybackVolume 播放量 * @returns {boolean} 是否执行完 */ function shieldVideo_userName_uid_title(element, name, uid, title, videoHref, videoTime, videoPlaybackVolume) { if (Remove.isWhiteUserUID(uid)) { return false; } if (uid !== null) { const isUid = Remove.uid(element, uid); if (isUid) { Print.video("yellow", "已通过UID屏蔽", name, uid, title, videoHref); return true; } } const isName = Remove.name(element, name); if (isName) { Print.video(null, "已通过用户名屏蔽", name, uid, title, videoHref); return true; } const isNameKey = Remove.nameKey(element, name); if (isNameKey != null) { Print.video(null, `已通过用户名模糊屏蔽规则=【${isNameKey}】`, name, uid, title, videoHref) return true; } const videoTitle = Remove.titleKey(element, title); if (videoTitle != null) { Print.video("#66CCCC", `已通过标题模糊屏蔽规则=【${videoTitle}】`, name, uid, title, videoHref); return true; } const titleKeyCanonical = Remove.titleKeyCanonical(element, title); if (titleKeyCanonical != null) { Print.video("#66CCCC", `已通过标题正则表达式屏蔽规则=${titleKeyCanonical}`, name, uid, title, videoHref); return true; } if (videoPlaybackVolume !== null) { const change = Util.changeFormat(videoPlaybackVolume); if (Remove.videoMinPlaybackVolume(element, change)) { Print.video(null, `已过滤视频播放量小于=【${LocalData.video.getBroadcastMin()}】的视频`, name, uid, title, videoHref); return true; } if (Remove.videoMaxPlaybackVolume(element, change)) { Print.video(null, `已过滤视频播放量大于=【${LocalData.video.getBroadcastMax()}】的视频`, name, uid, title, videoHref); return true; } } if (videoTime === null) { return false; } const timeTotalSeconds = Util.getTimeTotalSeconds(videoTime); if (Remove.videoMinFilterS(element, timeTotalSeconds)) { Print.video(null, `已通过视频时长过滤时长小于=【${LocalData.video.getFilterSMin()}】秒的视频`, name, uid, title, videoHref); return true; } if (Remove.videoMaxFilterS(element, timeTotalSeconds)) { Print.video(null, `已过滤时长大于=【${LocalData.video.getfilterSMax()}】秒的视频`, name, uid, title, videoHref); return true; } return false; } //消息中心 const message = {//消息中心 /** * 删除消息中心的回复我的规则 */ delMessageReply: function () { const list = document.getElementsByClassName("reply-item"); for (let v of list) { const info = v.getElementsByClassName("name-field")[0]; const name = info.textContent;//用户名 const indess = info.getElementsByTagName("a")[0].getAttribute("href"); const uid = parseInt(indess.substring(indess.lastIndexOf("/") + 1)); const content = v.getElementsByClassName("text string")[0].textContent;//消息内容 if (startPrintShieldNameOrUIDOrContent(v, name, uid, content)) { Qmsg.info("屏蔽了言论!!"); } } }, /** * 删除消息中的艾特我的规则 */ delMessageAT: function () { for (let v of document.getElementsByClassName("at-item")) { const userInfo = v.getElementsByClassName("name-field")[0].getElementsByTagName("a")[0]; const href = userInfo.getAttribute("href"); const userName = userInfo.textContent; const uid = parseInt(href.substring(href.lastIndexOf("/") + 1)); const content = v.getElementsByClassName("content-list")[0].textContent; if (startPrintShieldNameOrUIDOrContent(v, userName, uid, content)) { Qmsg.info("屏蔽了言论!!"); } } } } //针对视频播放页的相关方法 const videoFun = { //移除右侧悬浮按钮 rightSuspendButton: function () { Util.circulateClassNames("storage-box", 0, 2, 2000, "已移除右侧的【返回旧版】【新版反馈】【客服】");//针对新版界面 }, delRightE: function () { const video = Rule.videoData; if (video.isRhgthlayout) { Util.circulateClassNames("right-container is-in-large-ab", 0, 3, 1500, "已移除视频播放器右侧的布局"); return; } Util.circulateClassNames("video-page-special-card-small", 0, 2, 2000, "移除播放页右上角的其他推广"); Util.circulateClassNames("vcd", 0, 2, 2000, "已移除右上角的广告"); Util.circulateClassName("video-page-game-card-small", 2000, "移除播放页右上角的游戏推广"); Util.circulateIDs("right-bottom-banner", 2, 1500, "删除右下角的活动推广"); Util.circulateClassName("pop-live-small-mode part-undefined", 1000, "删除右下角的直播推广") Util.circulateClassNames("ad-report video-card-ad-small", 0, 3, 2000, "已删除播放页右上角的广告内容"); if (video.isrigthVideoList) { Util.circulateID("reco_list", 2000, "已移除播放页右侧的视频列表"); return; } if (!video.isRightVideo) { setTimeout(() => { document.getElementsByClassName("rec-footer")[0].addEventListener("click", () => { Print.ln("用户点击了右侧的展开") videoFun.rightVideo().then(() => { }); }) }, 4000); } }, //对视频页的播放器下面的进行处理 delBottonE: function () { this.commentArea();//处理评论区 Util.circulateIDs("bannerAd", 10, 2500, "已移除播放器底部的广告"); Util.circulateID("activity_vote", 2500, "已移除播放器底部的活动广告"); Util.circulateClassName("reply-notice", 2000, "已移除播放器底部的橙色横幅通知"); Util.circulateClassName("ad-floor-cover b-img", 2000, "已移除播放器底部的图片广告"); if (Rule.videoData.isTag) { Util.circulateID("v_tag", 2000, "已移除播放器底部的tag栏"); } if (Rule.videoData.isDesc) { Util.circulateID("v_desc", 2000, "已移除播放器底部的简介"); } }, commentArea: function () { if (LocalData.getDelVideoCommentSections()) { Util.circulateID("comment", 1500, "已移除评论区"); } }, //针对视频播放页右侧的视频进行过滤处理。该界面无需用时长过滤,视频数目较少 rightVideo: async function () {//异步形式执行 const interval = setInterval(() => { let list; try { list = document.querySelectorAll(".video-page-card-small"); } catch (e) { return; } if (list.length === 0) { return; } clearInterval(interval); for (let v of list) {//获取右侧的页面的视频列表 //用户名 const name = v.querySelector(".name").textContent; //视频标题 const videoTitle = v.querySelector(".title").textContent; //用户空间地址 const upSpatialAddress = v.querySelector(".upname>a").href; const id = upSpatialAddress.substring(upSpatialAddress.lastIndexOf("com/") + 4, upSpatialAddress.length - 1); if (shieldVideo_userName_uid_title(v, name, parseInt(id), videoTitle, null, null, null)) { Qmsg.info("屏蔽了视频!!"); continue; } $(v).mouseenter((e) => { const domElement = e.delegateTarget;//dom对象 const name = domElement.querySelector(".name").textContent; const title = domElement.querySelector(".title").textContent; const upSpatialAddress = domElement.querySelector(".upname>a").href; const id = upSpatialAddress.substring(upSpatialAddress.lastIndexOf("com/") + 4, upSpatialAddress.length - 1); Util.showSDPanel(e, name, id, title); }); } }, 1000); }, click_playerCtrlWhid: function () {//点击播放器的宽屏按钮 const interval = setInterval(() => { try { document.getElementsByClassName("bpx-player-ctrl-btn bpx-player-ctrl-wide")[0].click() Print.ln("已自动点击播放器的宽屏") clearInterval(interval); } catch (e) { } }, 1000); } } const greatDemand = {//热门 delVideo: function () { let list = document.getElementsByClassName("video-card"); if (list.length === 0) { list = document.getElementsByClassName("_card_1kuml_6"); for (let v of list) { const title = v.getElementsByClassName("title")[1].textContent; const name = v.getElementsByClassName("upName")[0].textContent; const time = v.getElementsByClassName("time")[0].textContent; if (shieldVideo_userName_uid_title(v, name, null, title, null, null, time)) { Qmsg.info("屏蔽了视频!!"); } } return; } for (let v of list) { //页面暂时没法获取uid,可能是我的技术问题,至少暂时先这样 const title = v.getElementsByClassName("video-name")[0].textContent;//标题 const name = v.getElementsByClassName("up-name__text")[0].textContent;//用户名 const play = v.getElementsByClassName("play-text")[0].textContent.trim();//播放量 //const like = v.getElementsByClassName("like-text")[0].textContent.trim();//弹幕量 if (shieldVideo_userName_uid_title(v, name, null, title, null, play)) { Qmsg.info("屏蔽了视频!!"); } } } } const search = {//搜索 getDataV: function (v) { let info = v.querySelector(".bili-video-card__info--right"); let userInfo = info.querySelector(".bili-video-card__info--owner"); //用户空间地址 let upSpatialAddress = userInfo.getAttribute("href"); const topInfo = v.querySelector(".bili-video-card__stats--left").querySelectorAll(".bili-video-card__stats--item");//1播放量2弹幕数 return { //用户名 name: userInfo.querySelector(".bili-video-card__info--author").textContent, //标题 title: info.querySelector(".bili-video-card__info--tit").getAttribute("title"), upSpatialAddress: upSpatialAddress, uid: Util.getSubUid(upSpatialAddress.substring(upSpatialAddress.lastIndexOf("/") + 1)), //视频的时间 videoTime: v.querySelector(".bili-video-card__stats__duration").textContent, //播放量 playbackVolume: topInfo[0], //弹幕量 barrageQuantity: topInfo[1] } }, /** * 保准页面加载了本脚本之后只会触发一次该判断 * 用于搜索页面的专栏按钮监听。且只会加载一次 * @type {boolean} */ searchColumnBool: false, /** * 删除搜索页面的视频元素 * @param videoList */ searchRules: function (videoList) { if (videoList === undefined || videoList === null) { return; } for (let v of videoList) { try { let info = v.querySelector(".bili-video-card__info--right"); let userInfo = info.querySelector(".bili-video-card__info--owner"); //用户名 let name = userInfo.querySelector(".bili-video-card__info--author").textContent; //视频标题 let title = info.querySelector(".bili-video-card__info--tit").title; //用户空间地址 let upSpatialAddress = userInfo.getAttribute("href"); if (!upSpatialAddress.includes("//space.bilibili.com/")) { Qmsg.info("检测到不是正常视频内容,故隐藏该元素"); //如果获取的类型不符合规则则结束本轮 v.remove(); continue; } const videoTime = v.querySelector(".bili-video-card__stats__duration").textContent;//视频的时间 const topInfo = v.querySelector(".bili-video-card__stats--left").querySelectorAll(".bili-video-card__stats--item");//1播放量2弹幕数 let id = upSpatialAddress.substring(upSpatialAddress.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); if (shieldVideo_userName_uid_title(v, name, id, title, null, videoTime, topInfo[0].textContent)) { Qmsg.info("屏蔽了视频!!"); continue; } const jqE = $(v); if (Util.isEventJq(jqE, "mouseover")) { continue; } jqE.mouseenter((e) => { const domElement = e.delegateTarget;//dom对象 const data = search.getDataV(domElement); Util.showSDPanel(e, data.name, data.uid); }); } catch (e) { v.remove(); //console.log("错误信息=" + e + " 删除该元素" + v) } } }, searchColumn: function () {//根据规则屏蔽搜索专栏项目 const interval = setInterval(() => { const list = $(".media-list.row.mt_lg").children(); if (list.length === 0) { return; } clearInterval(interval); for (let v of list) { const userInfo = v.querySelector(".flex_start.flex_inline.text3"); const title = v.querySelector(".text1").textContent; const textContent = v.querySelector(".atc-desc.b_text.text_ellipsis_2l.text3.fs_5").textContent;//搜索专栏中的预览部分 const name = userInfo.text; const upSpatialAddress = userInfo.href; const uid = parseInt(upSpatialAddress.substring(upSpatialAddress.lastIndexOf("/") + 1)); if (Remove.isWhiteUserUID(uid)) { continue; } if (Remove.uid(v, uid)) { Print.ln("已通过uid【" + uid + "】,屏蔽用户【" + name + "】,专栏预览内容=" + textContent + " 用户空间地址=https://space.bilibili.com/" + uid); continue; } if (Remove.name(v, name)) { Print.ln("已通过黑名单用户【" + name + "】,屏蔽处理,专栏预览内容=" + textContent + " 用户空间地址=https://space.bilibili.com/" + uid); continue; } const isNameKey = Remove.nameKey(v, name); if (isNameKey != null) { Print.ln("用户【" + name + "】的用户名包含屏蔽词【" + isNameKey + "】 故进行屏蔽处理 专栏预览内容=" + textContent + " 用户空间地址=https://space.bilibili.com/" + uid) continue; } const isTitleKey = Remove.titleKey(v, title); if (isTitleKey != null) { Print.ln("通过标题关键词屏蔽用户【" + name + "】 专栏预览内容=" + textContent + " 用户空间地址=https://space.bilibili.com/" + uid); continue; } const titleKeyCanonical = Remove.titleKeyCanonical(v, title); if (titleKeyCanonical != null) { Print.ln(`通过标题正则表达式=【${titleKeyCanonical}】屏蔽用户【${name}】专栏预览内容=${textContent} 用户空间地址=https://space.bilibili.com/${uid}`); continue; } const key = Remove.columnContentKey(v, textContent); if (key !== null) { Print.ln("已通过专栏内容关键词【" + key + "】屏蔽用户【" + name + "】 专栏预览内容=" + textContent + " 用户空间地址=https://space.bilibili.com/" + uid); continue; } $(v).mouseenter((e) => { const domElement = e.delegateTarget;//dom对象 console.log(domElement); const title = domElement.querySelector(".text1").textContent; const info = domElement.querySelector(".flex_start.flex_inline.text3"); const name = info.querySelector(".lh_xs").text; const userHref = info.href; const uid = userHref.substring(userHref.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); Util.showSDPanel(e, name, uid, title); }); } }, 1000); } } const subjectOfATalk = {//话题 /** * 针对b站话题 */ deltopIC: function () { for (let v of document.getElementsByClassName("list__topic-card")) { const info = v.getElementsByClassName("bili-dyn-content__orig")[0]; const name = v.getElementsByClassName("bili-dyn-title")[0].textContent.trim(); const uid = parseInt(v.getElementsByClassName("bili-dyn-item__following")[0].getAttribute("data-mid")); if (info.getElementsByClassName("bili-dyn-content__orig__desc").length === 1) { const content = info.textContent; if (startPrintShieldNameOrUIDOrContent(v, name, uid, content)) { Qmsg.info("屏蔽了言论!!"); } continue; }//如果内容是视频样式 const videoInfo = info.getElementsByClassName("bili-dyn-card-video")[0]; const videoTime = videoInfo.getElementsByClassName("bili-dyn-card-video__duration")[0].textContent; const title = videoInfo.getElementsByClassName("bili-dyn-card-video__title bili-ellipsis")[0].textContent; if (shieldVideo_userName_uid_title(v, name, uid, title, null, videoTime, null)) { Qmsg.info("屏蔽了视频!!"); } } } } function loadPartition() {//加载下拉框中的分区 const tempVar = Home.data.video_zoneList; for (const v in tempVar) { $("#video_zoneSelect").append(``); } } function loadChannel() {//加载下拉框中的频道信息 const list = frequencyChannel.data.channel_idList; for (const v in list) { $("#video_zoneSelect").append(``); } } (() => { 'use strict'; let href = Util.getWindowUrl(); console.log("当前网页url=" + href); if (href.includes("github.com")) { github(href); return; } //加载布局 layout.loading.home(); $("body").prepend(''); layout.css.home(); $("#tabUl>li>button").click((e) => { const domElement = e.delegateTarget;//dom对象 document.querySelectorAll("#tabUl>li>button").forEach((value, key, parent) => { $(value).css("color", ""); }) domElement.style.color = "yellow"; Home.openTab(domElement.value); }); $("#tabUl>li>button[value='ruleCenterLayout']").click(() => { if (Home.isFirstRuleCenterLayoutClick) { return; } Home.isFirstRuleCenterLayoutClick = true; const loading = Qmsg.loading("请稍等..."); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "https://vip.mikuchase.ltd/bilibili/shieldRule/", data: { model: "ruleCenter" }, dataType: "json", success: function (data) { loading.close(); const message = data["message"]; if (data["code"] !== 1) { Qmsg.error(message); return; } Qmsg.success(message); const dataList = data["list"]; const $ruleCenterLayoutUl = $("#ruleCenterLayout>ul"); for (let index in dataList) { const userName = dataList[index]["userName"]; const time = dataList[index]["rule"]["time"]; const ruleRes = dataList[index]["rule"]["ruleRes"]; let centerIndexE = []; for (let key in ruleRes) { centerIndexE.push(`
    `); } const item = `
  • 作者:${userName}
  • `; $ruleCenterLayoutUl.append(item); } Util.addStyle(` #ruleCenterLayout>ul li { display: flex; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center; border: 1px solid rgb(0, 217, 0); } `); $ruleCenterLayoutUl.on("click", "button", (e) => { const target = e.target; const li = $(target).closest("li").get(0); const liValue = li.getAttribute("value"); const authorName = li.querySelector(".authorNameSpan").textContent; const userRuleData = dataList[liValue]; const ruleRes = userRuleData["rule"]["ruleRes"]; switch (target.getAttribute("value")) { case "inputLocalRule"://导入覆盖本地规则 if (!confirm(`您确定要导入该用户 ${authorName} 的规则并覆盖您当前本地规则?`)) { return; } rulesAreImportedLocally(ruleRes); break; case "inputCloudRule"://导入覆盖云端规则 alert("暂不支持导入覆盖云端规则!"); break; case "lookUserRule": if (!confirm(`您是要查看用户 ${authorName} 的规则内容吗,需要注意的是,在某些浏览器中,由于安全原因,脚本不能使用 window.open() 创建新窗口。对于这些浏览器,如果您出现打不开的情况,用户必须将浏览器设置为允许弹出窗口才能打开新窗口`)) { return; } Util.openWindowWriteContent(JSON.stringify(ruleRes, null, 2)); break; default: alert("出现错误的选项!"); break; } }); }, error: function (xhr, status, error) { //请求失败的回调函数 loading.close(); console.log(error, status); Qmsg.error(error + " " + status); } }); }); Util.suspensionBall(document.getElementById("suspensionDiv")); Rule.ruleLength(); Rule.showInfo(); $("#mybut").click(() => Home.hideDisplayHomeLaylout()); $(document).keyup(function (event) {//单按键监听-按下之后松开事件 const keycode = event.keyCode; if (keycode === 192) {//按下`按键显示隐藏面板 Home.hideDisplayHomeLaylout(); } if (keycode === 49) {//选中快捷悬浮屏蔽按钮跟随鼠标 键盘上的1 const q = $("#quickLevitationShield"); q.prop("checked", !q.is(':checked')); } if (keycode === 50) {//隐藏快捷悬浮屏蔽按钮 键盘上的2 const q = $("#fixedPanelValueCheckbox"); q.prop("checked", !q.is(':checked')); } if (keycode === 51) {//隐藏快捷悬浮屏蔽按钮 键盘上的3 $("#suspensionDiv").css("display", "none"); } }); $('#singleDoubleModel').change(() => {//监听模式下拉列表 const modelStr = $('#singleDoubleModel').val(); const inputTextAreaModel = $('#inputTextAreaModel'); const butadd = $('#butadd'); const butdel = $('#butdel'); const butaddAll = $('#butaddAll'); const butdelAll = $('#butdelAll'); const butSet = $('#butSet'); const butFind = $('#butFind'); if (modelStr === "one") {//如果中的是单个 inputTextAreaModel.css("display", "none"); //暂时显示对应的按钮 butadd.css("display", "inline"); butdel.css("display", "inline"); butSet.css("display", "inline"); butFind.css("display", "inline"); butaddAll.css("display", "none"); butdelAll.css("display", "none"); return; }//如果选择的是批量 inputTextAreaModel.css("display", "block"); butaddAll.css("display", "inline"); butdelAll.css("display", "inline"); //暂时隐藏别的按钮先 butadd.css("display", "none"); butdel.css("display", "none"); butSet.css("display", "none"); butFind.css("display", "none"); }); $("#rangePlaySpeed").bind("input propertychange", function (event) {//监听拖动条值变化-视频播放倍数拖动条 const vaule = $("#rangePlaySpeed").val();//获取值 Util.setVideoBackSpeed(vaule); $("#playbackSpeedText").text(vaule + "x");//修改对应标签的文本显示 }); $('#playbackSpeedModel').change(() => {//监听模式下拉列表--下拉列表-视频播放倍数 Util.setVideoBackSpeed($('#playbackSpeedModel').val()) }); $("#preservePlaybackSpeedModel").click(() => {//保存固定值中的播放数据 const val = $('#playbackSpeedModel').val(); Util.setData("playbackSpeed", parseFloat(val)); Print.ln("已保存播放速度数据=" + val); }); $("#preservePlaySpeed").click(() => {//保存拖动条中的值的播放数据 const val = $("#rangePlaySpeed").val(); Util.setData("rangePlaySpeed", parseFloat(val)); Print.ln("已保存播放速度数据=" + val); }); $("#flipHorizontal").click(function () {//水平翻转视频 const videoData = Rule.videoData; if (videoData.flipHorizontal) { if (Util.setVideoRotationAngle("Y", 0)) { videoData.flipHorizontal = false; } return; } if (Util.setVideoRotationAngle("Y", 180)) { videoData.flipHorizontal = true; } }); $("#flipVertical").click(function () {//垂直翻转视频 const videoV = $("video"); if (videoV === null) { return; } const videoData = Rule.videoData; if (videoData.flipVertical) { if (Util.setVideoRotationAngle("X", 0)) { videoData.flipVertical = false; } return; } if (Util.setVideoRotationAngle("X", 180)) { videoData.flipVertical = true; } }); $("#butShieldName").click(() => {//悬浮小窗体-添加屏蔽用户名 const name = $("#nameSuspensionDiv").text(); butLayEvent.butaddName("userNameArr", name); }); $("#butShieldUid").click(() => {//悬浮小窗体-添加屏蔽uid const uid = $("#uidSuspensionDiv").text(); const tempLoop = butLayEvent.butaddName("userUIDArr", parseInt(uid)); if (!tempLoop) { return; } const title = document.title; const url = Util.getWindowUrl(); if (title === "哔哩哔哩 (゜-゜)つロ 干杯~-bilibili") { Home.startShieldMainVideo(".bili-video-card.is-rcmd"); return; } if (title.includes("-哔哩哔哩_Bilibili") && (url.includes("search.bilibili.com/all") || url.includes("search.bilibili.com/video"))) {//用于避免个别情况搜索界面屏蔽不生效问题 search.searchRules($(".video-list").children()); return; } if (href.includes("//live.bilibili.com/") && title.includes("哔哩哔哩直播,二次元弹幕直播平台")) { Live.shield($("#chat-items").children()); return; } }); $("#findUserInfo").click(() => { const uid = $("#uidSuspensionDiv").text(); if (uid === "") { Qmsg.error("未检测到UID!") return; } const loading = Qmsg.loading("正在获取中!"); HttpUtil.get(`https://api.bilibili.com/x/web-interface/card?mid=${uid}&photo=false`, (res) => { const body = JSON.parse(res.responseText); if (body["code"] !== 0) { Qmsg.error("请求失败!"); loading.close(); return; } loading.close(); const cradInfo = body["data"]["card"]; const uid = cradInfo["mid"];//uid const sex = cradInfo["sex"];//性别 const userName = cradInfo["name"]; const fans = cradInfo["fans"];//粉丝数 const sign = cradInfo["sign"];//个性签名信息 const face = cradInfo["face"];//头像 const current_level = cradInfo["level_info"]["current_level"];//当前用户b站等级 const friend = cradInfo["friend"];//关注量 const follower = body["data"]["follower"];//粉丝量 const like_num = body["data"]["like_num"];//点赞量 const userCardHtml = HtmlStr.getUserCard(uid, userName, current_level, sign, face, friend, follower, like_num); if ($("#popDiv").length === 0) { $("body").append(userCardHtml); } else { $("#popDiv").remove(); $("body").append(userCardHtml); } $("#popDiv").css("display", "inline"); }); }); $("#getVideoDanMueBut").click(() => {//打开当前视频弹幕列表 const windowUrl = Util.getWindowUrl(); if (!windowUrl.includes("www.bilibili.com/video")) { alert("当前不是播放页!"); return; } const urlBVID = Util.getUrlBVID(windowUrl); if (urlBVID === null) { alert("获取不到BV号!"); return; } if (!confirm(`当前视频BV号是 ${urlBVID} 吗`)) { return; } const loading = Qmsg.loading("正在获取数据中!"); HttpUtil.getVideoInfo(urlBVID, (res) => { const body = JSON.parse(res.responseText); const code = body["code"]; const message = body["message"]; if (code !== 0) { Qmsg.error("获取失败!" + message); loading.close(); return; } let data; try { data = body["data"][0]; } catch (e) { Qmsg.error("获取数据失败!" + e); loading.close(); return; } if (data === null || data === undefined) { Qmsg.error("获取到的数据为空的!"); loading.close(); return; } loading.close(); const cid = data["cid"]; Qmsg.success("cid=" + cid); Util.openWindow(`https://comment.bilibili.com/${cid}.xml`); }, (err) => { loading.close(); Qmsg.error("错误状态!"); Qmsg.error(err); }); }); $("#getVideoCommentArea").click(() => {//获取视频的评论区列表可见的内容 const list = document.querySelectorAll(".reply-list>.reply-item"); if (list.length === 0) { Qmsg.error("未获取评论区内容,可能是当前并未有人评论!"); return; } const arr = []; for (let v of list) { const rootName = v.querySelector(".user-name").textContent; const rootUid = v.querySelector(".user-name").getAttribute("data-user-id"); const rootContent = v.querySelector(".root-reply .reply-content").textContent; const subList = v.querySelectorAll(".sub-reply-list>.sub-reply-item"); const data = { name: rootName, uid: parseInt(rootUid), content: rootContent, }; if (subList.length === 0) { arr.push(data); continue; } const subArr = []; for (let j of subList) { const subName = j.querySelector(".sub-user-name").textContent; const subUid = j.querySelector(".sub-user-name").getAttribute("data-user-id"); const subContent = j.querySelector(".reply-content").textContent; const subData = { name: subName, uid: parseInt(subUid), content: subContent }; subArr.push(subData); } data["sub"] = subArr; arr.push(data); } Util.fileDownload(JSON.stringify(arr), "评论区列表-" + Util.toTimeString()); Qmsg.success("已获取成功!"); }); $("#getLiveHighEnergyListBut").click(() => {//获取直播间的高能用户列表-需要用户先展开高能用户列表才可以识别到 const title = document.title; const url = Util.getWindowUrl(); if (!(title.includes("- 哔哩哔哩直播,二次元弹幕直播平台") && url.includes("live.bilibili.com"))) { Qmsg.error("错误的引用了该功能!"); return; } const list = document.querySelectorAll(".list-body>.list>*>.name"); if (list.length === 0) { Qmsg.info("未获取到高能用户列表,当前长度微0,说明没有高能用户存在!"); return; } const array = []; for (let v of list) { const name = v.textContent; array.push(name); } Util.fileDownload(JSON.stringify(array), Util.toTimeString() + "直播间高能用户列表.json"); }); $("#getLiveDisplayableBarrageListBut").click(() => {//获取可直播间可显示的弹幕列表 if (!(document.title.includes("- 哔哩哔哩直播,二次元弹幕直播平台") && Util.getWindowUrl().includes("live.bilibili.com"))) { Qmsg.error("错误的引用了该功能!"); return; } const list = document.querySelectorAll("#chat-items>*"); if (list.length === 0) { Qmsg.error("未检测到弹幕内容!"); return; } const arrData = []; for (let v of list) { const name = v.getAttribute("data-uname"); const uid = v.getAttribute("data-uid"); const timeDate = parseInt(v.getAttribute("data-ts"));//时间戳-秒 const content = v.getAttribute("data-danmaku"); /** * 弹幕类型 * 0 正常弹幕消息 * 1 表情包弹幕消息 * @type {string} */ const type = v.getAttribute("data-type"); const data = { name: name, uid: uid, content: content, timeDate: timeDate, toTime: Util.timestampToTime(timeDate) }; if (type === "1") { data["imge"] = v.getAttribute("data-image"); } arrData.push(data); } Util.fileDownload(JSON.stringify(arrData), Util.toTimeString() + "_直播间弹幕内容.json"); Qmsg.success("获取成功并执行导出内容"); }); const openTheFilteredList = $("#OpenTheFilteredList"); openTheFilteredList.click(() => { Qmsg.info("该功能暂未完善"); openTheFilteredList.hide(); const windowsTitle = document.title; const windowUrl = Util.getWindowUrl(); HoverBlockList.init([ {"uid": 1, "name": "张三", "age": 20, "title": "标题"}, {"uid": 2, "name": "李四", "age": 25}, {"uid": 3, "name": "王四", "age": 30} ], "name", (data) => { console.log(data); }); console.log(href); }); $("#axleRange").bind("input propertychange", function () {//监听拖动条值变化-视频播放器旋转角度拖动条 const value = $("#axleRange").val();//获取值 Util.setVideoCenterRotation(value); $("#axleSpan").text(value + "%");//修改对应标签的文本显示 }); const tempdelBox = $("#delVideoCommentSectionsCheackBox"); tempdelBox.click(() => { LocalData.setDelVideoCommentSections(tempdelBox.is(':checked')); }); $("#backgroundPellucidityRange").bind("input propertychange", function () {//监听拖动条值变化-面板背景透明度拖动条 const value = $("#backgroundPellucidityRange").val();//获取值 $("#backgroundPelluciditySpan").text(value);//修改对应标签的文本显示 const back = Home.background; $("#home_layout").css("background", Util.getRGBA(back.r, back.g, back.b, value)); }); $("#heightRange").bind("input propertychange", function (event) {//监听拖动条值变化-面板高度拖动条 const value = $("#heightRange").val();//获取值 $("#heightSpan").text(value + "%");//修改对应标签的文本显示 $("#home_layout").css("height", `${value}%`); }); $("#widthRange").bind("input propertychange", function (event) {//监听拖动条值变化-面板宽度拖动条 const value = $("#widthRange").val();//获取值 $("#widthSpan").text(value + "%");//修改对应标签的文本显示 $("#home_layout").css("width", `${value}%`); }); $("#DShielPanel").click(() => {//点击禁用快捷悬浮屏蔽面板自动显示 Util.setData("isDShielPanel", $("#DShielPanel").is(":checked")); }); $("#autoPlayCheckbox").click(() => {//点击禁止打开b站视频时的自动播放 Util.setData("autoPlay", $("#autoPlayCheckbox").is(":checked")); }); $("#butSelectVideo").click(function () {//确定时长播放量弹幕 const selectVideo = $("#selectVideo"); const typeV = selectVideo.val(); let inputVideoV = $("#inputVideo").val(); if (inputVideoV === "") { return; } const name = selectVideo.find("option:selected").text(); Util.setData(typeV, parseInt(inputVideoV)); const info = `已设置${name}的具体值【${inputVideoV}】,为0则不生效`; Print.ln(info); Qmsg.success(info); }); $("#butClearMessage").click(() => { if ($("#butClearMessage+input:first").is(":checked")) { if (!confirm("是要清空消息吗?")) { return; } } document.querySelector('#outputInfo').innerHTML = ''; }); $("#butadd").click(function () {//增 const typeVal = $("#model option:selected").val(); const content = prompt("请填写要添加的值"); if (content === null) { return; } if (content === "") { Qmsg.error("请输入正确的内容!"); return; } if (typeVal === "userUIDArr" || typeVal === "userWhiteUIDArr") { butLayEvent.butaddName(typeVal, parseInt(content)); return; } butLayEvent.butaddName(typeVal, content); }) $("#butaddAll").click(function () { const typeVal = $("#model option:selected").val(); const content = $("#inputTextAreaModel").val(); if (content === null) { return; } if (content === "") { Qmsg.error("请输入正确的内容!"); return; } if (typeVal === "userUIDArr" || typeVal === "userWhiteUIDArr") { alert("暂不支持uid和白名单uid"); return; } butLayEvent.butaddAllName(typeVal, content); }) $("#butdel").click(function () {//删 const typeVal = $("#model option:selected").val(); const content = prompt("请输入你要删除的单个元素规则"); if (content === null) { return; } if (content === "") { Qmsg.error("请输入正确的内容!"); return; } if (typeVal === "userUIDArr" || typeVal === "userWhiteUIDArr") { butLayEvent.butDelName(typeVal, parseInt(content)); return; } butLayEvent.butDelName(typeVal, content); }) $("#butdelAll").click(function () {//指定规则全删 const typeVal = $("#model option:selected").val(); butLayEvent.butDelAllName(typeVal); }) $("#butSet").click(() => { const oldContent = prompt("请输入你要修改的单个元素规则"); const content = prompt("请输入修改之后的值"); if (content === null || oldContent === null) { return; } if (content === "" || oldContent === "") { Qmsg.error("请填写正常的内容"); return; } const typeVal = $("#model option:selected").val(); if (typeVal === "userUIDArr" || typeVal === "userWhiteUIDArr") { butLayEvent.butSetKey(typeVal, parseInt(oldContent), parseInt(content)); return; } butLayEvent.butSetKey(typeVal, oldContent, content); }); $("#butFind").click(function () {//查 const typeVal = $("#model option:selected").val(); const content = prompt("请输入你要查询的单个元素规则"); if (content === null) { return; } if (content === "") { Qmsg.error("请输入正确的内容!"); return; } if (typeVal === "userUIDArr" || typeVal === "userWhiteUIDArr") { butLayEvent.butFindKey(typeVal, parseInt(content)); return; } butLayEvent.butFindKey(typeVal, content); }); $("#printRuleBut").click(() => { Print.ln(Util.getRuleFormatStr()); }); $("#sgSessdata>button:eq(0)").click(() => { const content = prompt("请输入要保存的SESSDATA值"); if (content === null) { return; } if (content === "") { LocalData.setSESSDATA(null); return; } if (content.includes(" ") || content.includes("=")) { Qmsg.error("内容中包含空格或者=,请去除相关符号!"); return; } if (!confirm(`要保存的SESSDATA是\n${content}`)) { return; } LocalData.setSESSDATA(content); Qmsg.success("已设置SESSDATA的值!"); }); $("#bili_jctDiv>button:eq(0)").click(() => { const content = prompt("设置bili_jct值为:"); if (content === null) { return; } if (content === "" | content.includes(" ")) { Qmsg.error("内容有误,请正确书写!"); return; } LocalData.setBili_jct(content); Qmsg.success(`已设置bili_jct的值为\n${content}`); }); $("#bili_jctDiv>button:eq(1)").click(() => { const data = LocalData.getWebBili_jct(); if (data === null) { Qmsg.error(`获取不到存储在网页中的bili_jct值:`); return; } if (!confirm("确定要将存储在网页中的bili_jct值并设置存储在油猴脚本bili_jct值吗?")) { return; } LocalData.setBili_jct(data); Qmsg.success(`已读取存储在网页中的bili_jct值并设置存储在脚本bili_jct的值为\n${data}`); }); $("#bili_jctDiv>button:eq(2)").click(() => { const data = LocalData.getWebBili_jct(); if (data === null) { Qmsg.error(`获取不到存储在网页中的bili_jct值:`); return; } Qmsg.success("已获取到存储在网页中的bili_jct值,已输出到面板上"); Print.ln(data); }); $("#bili_jctDiv>button:eq(3)").click(() => { const biliJct = LocalData.getBili_jct(); if (biliJct === null) { Qmsg.error(`用户未设置bili_jct值`); return; } Qmsg.success("获取成功!,已将bili_jct值输出到面板上"); }); $("#sgSessdata>button:eq(1)").click(() => { const data = LocalData.getSESSDATA(); if (data === null) { const tip = '用户未添加SESSDATA或者已删除存储在脚本的SESSDATA'; Qmsg.error(tip); alert(tip); return; } Qmsg.success("已将值输出到脚本面板的输出信息上!"); Print.ln("用户存储在脚本中的SESSDATA,如上一条:"); Print.ln(data); }); const openPrivacyModeCheckbox = $("#openPrivacyModeCheckbox"); openPrivacyModeCheckbox.click(() => { const isbool = openPrivacyModeCheckbox.is(":checked"); LocalData.setPrivacyMode(isbool); }); $("#outExport").click(() => {//点击导出规则事件 const selectedText = $('#outRuleSelect option:selected').text(); switch (selectedText) { case "全部规则到文件": let fileName = "规则-" + Util.toTimeString(); const s = prompt("保存为", fileName); if (s === null) { return; } if (!(s.includes(" ") || s === "" || s.length === 0)) { fileName = s; } Util.fileDownload(Util.getRuleFormatStr(), fileName + ".json"); break; case "全部规则到剪贴板": Util.copyToClip(Util.getRuleFormatStr()); break; case "全部UID规则到文件": const list = LocalData.getArrUID(); Util.fileDownload(JSON.stringify(list), `UID规则-${list.length}个.json`); break; case "全部UID规则到云端": alert("暂不支持"); break; case "全部规则到云端账号": const getInfo = LocalData.AccountCenter.getInfo(); if (getInfo === {} || Object.keys(getInfo).length === 0) { alert("请先登录在进行操作."); return; } if (!confirm("确定要将本地规则导出到对应账号的云端上吗")) { return; } const loading = Qmsg.loading("请稍等..."); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "https://vip.mikuchase.ltd/bilibili/shieldRule/", data: { model: "All", userName: getInfo["userName"], userPassword: getInfo["userPassword"], postData: Util.getRuleFormatStr() }, dataType: "json", success: function (data) { loading.close(); const message = data["message"]; if (data["code"] !== 1) { Qmsg.error(message); return; } Qmsg.success(message); console.log(data["dataJson"]) }, error: function (xhr, status, error) { //请求失败的回调函数 loading.close(); console.log(error); console.log(status); } }); break; } if (selectedText === "b站弹幕屏蔽规则") { //已经登录b站账号的前提下,打开该api //https://api.bilibili.com/x/dm/filter/user //即可获取到该账号下的b站云端最新的屏蔽词内容 //type类型 //0 屏蔽文本 //1 屏蔽正则 //2 屏蔽用户 /** * filter 规则内容 */ /** *opened 是否启用 */ const item = window.localStorage.getItem("bpx_player_profile"); if (item === null || item === undefined) { alert("找不到当前账号的屏蔽设定规则,请确定进行登录了并进行加载了弹幕的屏蔽设定"); return; } const arrList = JSON.parse(item)["blockList"]; if (arrList === undefined || arrList === null || arrList.length === 0) { alert("当前账号的屏蔽设定规则没有屏蔽设定规则哟,请确定进行登录了并加载了弹幕的屏蔽设定"); return; } const list = []; for (const arrListElement of arrList) { const type = arrListElement["type"]; const filter = arrListElement["filter"]; const opened = arrListElement["opened"]; const id = arrListElement["id"]; if (type === 2) { continue; } list.push(arrListElement); } Util.fileDownload(JSON.stringify(list), "b站账号弹幕屏蔽设定规则.json"); } }); function rulesAreImportedLocally(ruleRes) {//规则导入本地 let list = ruleRes["用户名黑名单模式(精确匹配)"]; LocalData.setArrName(list); list = ruleRes["用户名黑名单模式(模糊匹配)"]; LocalData.setArrNameKey(list); list = ruleRes["用户uid黑名单模式(精确匹配)"]; LocalData.setArrUID(list) list = ruleRes["用户uid白名单模式(精确匹配)"]; LocalData.setArrWhiteUID(list); list = ruleRes["标题黑名单模式(模糊匹配)"]; LocalData.setArrTitle(list); list = ruleRes["标题黑名单模式(正则匹配)"]; LocalData.setArrTitleKeyCanonical(list); list = ruleRes["评论关键词黑名单模式(模糊匹配)"]; Util.setData("commentOnKeyArr", list); list = ruleRes["评论关键词黑名单模式(正则匹配)"]; LocalData.setArrContentOnKeyCanonicalArr(list); list = ruleRes["粉丝牌黑名单模式(精确匹配)"]; LocalData.setFanCardArr(list) list = ruleRes["专栏关键词内容黑名单模式(模糊匹配)"]; LocalData.setContentColumnKeyArr(list) list = ruleRes["动态关键词内容黑名单模式(模糊匹配)"]; LocalData.setDynamicArr(list); Rule.ruleLength(); alert("已导入"); } //导入按钮事件 $("#inputExport").click(function () { const selectedText = $('#inputRuleSelect option:selected').text(); let content = $("#ruleEditorInput").val(); switch (selectedText) { case "从云端账号导入覆盖本地规则": const getInfo = LocalData.AccountCenter.getInfo(); if (getInfo === {} || Object.keys(getInfo).length === 0) { alert("请先登录在进行操作."); return; } if (!confirm("确定要云端账号对应的规则导入并覆盖到本地吗?")) { return; } const loading = Qmsg.loading("请稍等..."); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "https://vip.mikuchase.ltd/bilibili/shieldRule/", data: { userName: getInfo["userName"], userPassword: getInfo["userPassword"] }, dataType: "json", success: function (data) { loading.close(); const message = data["message"]; if (data["code"] !== 1) { Qmsg.error(message); return; } Qmsg.success(message); const time = data["data"]["time"]; const ruleRes = data["data"]["ruleRes"]; console.log(time); console.log(ruleRes); rulesAreImportedLocally(ruleRes); }, error: function (xhr, status, error) { //请求失败的回调函数 loading.close(); console.log(error); console.log(status); } }); break; case "全部规则": if (content === "" || content === " ") { alert("请填写正确的规则样式!"); return; } const b = confirm("需要注意的是,这一步操作会覆盖你先前的规则!您确定要导入吗?"); if (!b) { return; } let jsonRule = []; try { jsonRule = JSON.parse(content); } catch (error) { alert("内容格式错误!" + error) return; } rulesAreImportedLocally(jsonRule); break; case "确定合并导入UID规则": let uidList; try { uidList = JSON.parse(content) if (!(uidList instanceof Array)) { throw new Error("错误信息,导入的类型不是数组!"); } } catch (e) { alert("类型错误,导入的内容不是jsoN") return; } for (let i = 0; i < uidList.length; i++) { try { uidList[i] = parseInt(uidList[i]); } catch (e) { alert("数组中存在非数字内容") return; } } if (uidList.length === 0) { alert("该数组长度为0!") return; } const data = LocalData.getArrUID(); if (data === undefined || data === null || !(data instanceof Array) || data.length === 0) { if (confirm("未检测到本地的UID规则,是否要覆盖或者直接添加?")) { LocalData.setArrUID(uidList); alert("添加成功!") } return; } let index = 0; for (const v of uidList) { if (data.includes(v)) { continue; } index++; data.push(v); } if (index === 0) { alert("内容没有变化!,可能是原先的规则里已经有了"); return; } alert(`已新增${index}个UID规则`); LocalData.setArrUID(data); break; case "本地b站弹幕屏蔽规则": alert("暂时未写") break; } }); $('#inputRuleSelect').change(() => {//监听模式下拉列表 const selectedText = $('#inputRuleSelect option:selected').text(); const editorInput = $("#ruleEditorInput"); if (selectedText === "从下面编辑框导入全部规则" || selectedText === "从下面编辑框合并导入UID规则") { editorInput.show(); return; } editorInput.hide(); }); $("#fenestruleCheckbox").change(function () { if ($("#fenestruleCheckbox").is(":checked")) {//如果是选中状态 try { for (const v of $("video")) { v.requestPictureInPicture();//进入画中画 } } catch (e) { alert("未找到视频播放器!") } } else { try { for (const v of $("video")) { v.exitPictureInPicture();//退出画中画 } } catch (e) { alert("未找到视频播放器!") } } }); const tempPushTypeSelect = $('#pushTypeSelect'); tempPushTypeSelect.change(() => {//监听模式下拉列表--下拉列表-指定推送类型-分区亦或者频道 const tempVar = tempPushTypeSelect.val(); const tempSortTypeSelect = $("#sort_typeSelect"); $("#video_zoneSelect>option:not(:first)").remove();//清空下拉选择器内的元素(除第一个) if (tempVar === "分区") { loadPartition(); tempSortTypeSelect.css("display", "none"); return; } tempSortTypeSelect.css("display", "inline"); tempSortTypeSelect.val(frequencyChannel.getSort_type()); loadChannel(); }); const tempVideoZoneSelect = $('#video_zoneSelect'); $("#okButton").click(() => {//确定首页指定推送视频 const pushType = $("#pushTypeSelect").val(); const selectVar = parseInt(tempVideoZoneSelect.val()); Home.setPushType(pushType); if (pushType === "分区") { Print.ln("选择了分区" + Home.data.video_zoneList[selectVar] + " uid=" + selectVar); LocalData.setVideo_zone(selectVar); } else { const tempSortTypeSelect = $("#sort_typeSelect"); const tempVar = tempSortTypeSelect.val(); Print.ln("选择了" + tempSortTypeSelect.text() + "的频道" + frequencyChannel.data.channel_idList[selectVar] + " uid=" + selectVar); frequencyChannel.setChannel_id(selectVar); frequencyChannel.setSort_type(tempVar) } alert("已设置!") }); const tempIdCheckbox = $("#isIdCheckbox"); $("#findButon").click(() => { const tempContent = prompt("查询的类型关键词"); if (tempContent === null || tempContent === "" || tempContent.includes(" ")) { Qmsg.error("请正确输入内容"); return; } function tempFunc(typeStr, tempContent) { const list = typeStr === "分区" ? Home.data.video_zoneList : frequencyChannel.data.channel_idList; if (tempIdCheckbox.is(":checked")) {//通过ID方式查找 if (tempContent in list) { tempVideoZoneSelect.val(tempContent); Print.ln(`通过ID方式找到该值!=${list[tempContent]}`); return; } } else { for (let v in list) {//通过遍历字典中的value,该值包含于tempContent时成立 if (!list[v].includes(tempContent)) { continue; } tempVideoZoneSelect.val(v); Print.ln(`通过value找到该值!=${tempContent}`); return; } } Qmsg.error("未找到该值!"); } if (tempPushTypeSelect.val() === "分区") { tempFunc("分区", tempContent); } else { tempFunc("频道", tempContent); } }); ruleList(href)//正常加载网页时执行 //每秒监听网页标题URL setInterval(function () {//每秒监听网页中的url const tempUrl = Util.getWindowUrl(); if (href === tempUrl) {//没有变化就结束本轮 return; }//有变化就执行对应事件 console.log("页面url发生变化了,原=" + href + " 现=" + tempUrl); href = tempUrl;//更新url ruleList(href);//网页url发生变化时执行 bilibili(href); }, 1000); if (href.includes("bilibili.com")) { bilibili(href); bilibiliOne(href, document.title); startMonitorTheNetwork(); } }) ();