// ==UserScript== // @name 百度网盘秒传链接提取(最新可维护版本) // @namespace taobao.idey.cn/index // @version 2.4.1 // @description 用于提取和生成百度网盘秒传链接,淘宝,京东优惠卷查询 // @author 免费王子 // @license AGPL // @match *://pan.baidu.com/disk/main* // @match *://yun.baidu.com/disk/main* // @match *://pan.baidu.com/disk/home* // @match *://yun.baidu.com/disk/home* // @match *://*.jd.hk/* // @match *://*.jd.com/* // @match *://*.jkcsjd.com/* // @match *://*.taobao.com/* // @match *://*.taobao.hk/* // @match *://*.tmall.com/* // @match *://*.tmall.hk/* // @match *://*.yiyaojd.com/* // @connect idey.cn // @connect baidu.com // @connect baidupcs.com // @require https://cdn.staticfile.org/jquery/1.12.4/jquery.min.js // @require https://cdn.bootcdn.net/ajax/libs/jquery.qrcode/1.0/jquery.qrcode.min.js // @require https://cdn.staticfile.org/spark-md5/3.0.0/spark-md5.min.js // @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/468166-base64%E5%BA%93/code/Base64%E5%BA%93.js?version=1201651 // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_deleteValue // @grant GM_setClipboard // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_info // @grant GM_getResourceText // @grant GM_addStyle // @run-at document-start // @connect * // @antifeature referral-link 此提示为GreasyFork代码规范要求含有查券功能的脚本必须添加,脚本描述也有说明,请知悉。 // ==/UserScript== ! function() { 'use strict'; var index_num = 0; var $ = $ || window.$; var item = []; var urls = []; var selectorList = []; var obj = {}; var failed = 0; var bdstoken; var checkFileList; var fileList=[]; var dirList=[]; var hosturl = 'https://wk.idey.cn/red.html?url='; var inputSavePathHTML = ''; var inputSavePath = ""; var linkList = []; var errList=''; var defaultPath='/BDLIST'; var requestData = {}; var reqstr = '/api/create'; var reqfile='/rest/2.0/xpan/multimedia?method=listall&order=name&limit=10000&path='; var reqold = "https://pcs.baidu.com/rest/2.0/pcs/file?app_id=778750&method=download"; var reqmetas='/api/filemetas?dlink=1&fsids='; var updateApi='https://jh.idey.cn/update.php'; var upresponse=''; var btnRespConf = { id: "btn-resp", text: "秒传", html: function(type) { if (type == "main") { return `` }else if(type=="home"){ return `` } } } var btnCreateConf = { id: "btn-create", text: "生成秒传", html: function(type) { if (type == "main") { return `` }else if(type=="home"){ return `` } } } var tool = { sleep: (time) => {return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, time));},get: async (url, headers, type, extra) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let req = GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url, headers, responseType: type || 'json', onload: (res) => { if (res.status === 204) { req.abort(); } if(type==='arraybuffer'){ resolve(res); } else { resolve(res.response || res.responseText); } }, onerror: (err) => { reject(err); } }); }) },post: async (url, data, headers) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let query = ""; for (var key in data) query += "&" + key + "=" + encodeURIComponent(data[key]); data = query; let req = GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "POST", url, headers: headers, responseType: 'json', data: data, onload: (res) => { resolve(res.response || res.responseText); }, onerror: (err) => { reject(err); } }); }) },request:(obj)=>{ var method=obj.method || 'GET',headers=obj.headers|| {},data=obj.data || {}, url=obj.url || ''; var xhr=new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.onreadystatechange=function(){ if(xhr.readyState==4){ if((xhr.status>=200 && xhr.readyState<300) || xhr.status==304){ obj.callback && obj.callback(xhr.responseText) } } } if((obj.method).toUpperCase()=='GET'){ for(var key in data){ url+=(url.indexOf("?")==-1 ? '?' :'&'); url+=encodeURIComponent(key)+ "=" +encodeURIComponent(data['key']); } } xhr.open(method,url,true); if((obj.method).toUpperCase()=='GET'){ xhr.send(null); }else{ xhr.send(JSON.stringify(data)); } },charRecoveStr:(str)=>{ var newStr = ""; for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { var reverseChar = void 0; if (str.charAt(i) >= "a") reverseChar = str.charAt(i).toUpperCase(); else if (str.charAt(i) >= "A") reverseChar = str.charAt(i).toLowerCase(); else reverseChar = str.charAt(i); newStr += reverseChar; } return newStr; },queryUrlPath:()=>{ let path=location.href.match(/path=(.+?)(?:&|$)/); if (path) return decodeURIComponent(path[1]); else return ""; },changePath:(p)=>{ let fix = p.substring(p.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); // 获取后缀 return p.substring(0, p.length - fix.length) + tool.charRecoveStr(fix); },loadAlert:async()=>{ let url='https://unpkg.com/sweetalert2@10.16.6/dist/sweetalert2.all.min.js'; var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; var script = document.createElement('script'); script.type = 'text/javascript'; script.src = url; head.appendChild(script); },timeStamp:()=>{ let time = new Date().getTime(); return time; },parse: (link) => { try { let arrays = link.split('\n').map(function(list) { return list.trim().match(/([\dA-Fa-f]{32})#([\dA-Fa-f]{32})#([\d]{1,20})#([\s\S]+)/); }).map(function(info) { return {md5: info[1],md5s:info[2],size: info[3],path: info[4]}; }); return arrays; } catch (e) { return false;} },parse1:(link)=>{ try { let arrays = link.split('\n').map(function(list) { return list.trim().match(/([\dA-Fa-f]{32})#([\d]{1,20})#([\s\S]+)/); }).map(function(info) { return {md5: info[1],size: info[2],path: info[3]}; }); return arrays; } catch (e) { return false;} },baiduClass:()=>{ if ( location.href.indexOf("//pan.baidu.com/disk/main") > 0 || location.href.indexOf("//yun.baidu.com/disk/main")>0 ) { return 'main'; } else if ( location.href.indexOf("//pan.baidu.com/s/") > 0 ) { return 'share'; } else if ( location.href.indexOf("//pan.baidu.com/disk/synchronization") > 0 ) { return 'synch'; }else if ( location.href.indexOf("//pan.baidu.com/disk/home") > 0 || location.href.indexOf("//yun.baidu.com/disk/home")>0 ) { return 'home'; } },inputUserValue:(row = '')=>{ Swal.fire({ input: 'textarea', title: '请输入秒传', inputValue: row, allowOutsideClick: false, showCancelButton: true, inputPlaceholder: '格式:MD5#MD5s#大小#文件名\nMD5#大小#文件名格式 无法转存', cancelButtonText: '取消', confirmButtonText: '确定', onBeforeOpen: function onBeforeOpen() { let d = document.createElement('div'); d.innerHTML += inputSavePathHTML; Swal.getContent().appendChild(d); let p=tool.queryUrlPath(); if(p) document.getElementById('inputSavePathId').value=p; }, inputValidator: function inputValidator(inputRow) { if (!inputRow) { return '不能为空'; } linkList = tool.parse(inputRow); if (!linkList.length) { linkList = tool.parse1(inputRow); if(linkList.length){ return '抱歉,MD5#大小#文件名格式由于百度接口问题无法转存!其它所有脚本都是无法转存的!!!'; } } if (!linkList.length) { return '抱歉,链接无法识别哦'; } inputSavePath = document.getElementById('inputSavePathId').value; if(!inputSavePath) inputSavePath=defaultPath; } }).then(function(res) { if (!res.dismiss) { Swal.fire({ title: "文件转存中", html: "正在转存文件0", allowOutsideClick: false, showCloseButton: false, showConfirmButton:false, onBeforeOpen: function() { Swal.showLoading(); savePathList(0, 0); } }); } }); },cookie:(n)=>{ let arrays = unsafeWindow.document.cookie.replace(/\s/g, "").split(";"); for (var i = 0, l = arrays.length; i < l; i++) { var t = arrays[i].split("="); if (t[0] === n) { return decodeURIComponent(t[1]); } } return ""; },getCheckFile:(type)=>{ if(type=="home"){ return require('system-core:context/context.js').instanceForSystem.list.getSelected(); }else{ return document.querySelector(".nd-main-list, .nd-new-main-list").__vue__ .selectedList; } },reqAjax:(f,n,num)=>{ if(num>=4){ f.errno=2; tool.signMd5(n+1,0); return; } tool.getOtherMd5Step1(f,n,0); // $.ajax({ // url: `${reqstr}&bdstoken=${bdstoken}`, // type: 'POST', // dataType:'json', // data: { // block_list: JSON.stringify([f.md5.toLowerCase()]), // path: f.path, // size: f.size, // isdir: 0, // rtype: 3, // is_revision: 1 // }, // success:function(res){ // console.log('res',res); // if(res.errno===2){ // tool.reqAjax(f,n,++num) // }else if(res.errno===0){ // tool.signMd5(n+1,0); // }else if(res.errno===31190){ // tool.getOtherMd5Step1(f,n,0); // }else{ // tool.getOtherMd5Step1(f,n,0); // } // }, // error:function(code){ // f.errno=code; // tool.signMd5(n+1); // } // }) },getOtherMd5Step1:(f,n,flag)=>{ let fsid=JSON.stringify([String(f.fs_id)]); tool.get(`${reqmetas}${fsid}`,{"User-Agent":"netdisk;"},'json').then((res)=>{ tool.getOtherMd5Step2(f,n,flag,res.info[0].dlink); }).catch((err)=>{ f.errno=err; tool.signMd5(n+1,0); }) },getOtherMd5Step2:(f,n,flag,downfile)=>{ let bufferSize=f.size< 262144 ? 1 : 262143; tool.get(downfile,{Range:"bytes=0-"+bufferSize,"User-Agent":"netdisk;"},'arraybuffer').then((res)=>{ if(res.finalUrl.includes("issuecdn.baidupcs.com")){ f.errno=1919;tool.signMd5(n+1,0); return; } let newMd5=res.responseHeaders.match(/content-md5: ([\da-f]{32})/i); if(newMd5){ f.md5=newMd5[1].toLowerCase(); if(bufferSize==1){ f.md5s=f.md5; }else{ let sparkmd5=new SparkMD5.ArrayBuffer(); sparkmd5.append(res.response); f.md5s=sparkmd5.end(); } tool.signMd5(n+1,0); } else{ tool.getOtherMd5Step3(f,n,flag,`${reqold}&path=${encodeURIComponent(f.path)}`); } }).catch((err)=>{ f.errno=err; tool.signMd5(n+1,0); }) },getOtherMd5Step3:(f,n,flag,downfile)=>{ let bufferSize=f.size< 262144 ? 1 : 262143; tool.get(downfile,{Range:"bytes=0-"+bufferSize,"User-Agent":"netdisk;"},'arraybuffer').then((res)=>{ if(res.finalUrl.includes("issuecdn.baidupcs.com")){ f.errno=1919;tool.signMd5(n+1,0); return; } let newMd5=res.responseHeaders.match(/content-md5: ([\da-f]{32})/i); if(newMd5){ f.md5=newMd5[1].toLowerCase(); if(bufferSize==1){ f.md5s=f.md5; }else{ let sparkmd5=new SparkMD5.ArrayBuffer(); sparkmd5.append(res.response); f.md5s=sparkmd5.end(); } tool.signMd5(n+1,0); } else{ f.errno=996;tool.signMd5(n+1,0); } }).catch((err)=>{ f.errno=err; tool.signMd5(n+1,0); }) },randMd5:(str)=>{ let t = []; for (let _i = 0, chars = str; _i < chars.length; _i++) { var i = chars[_i]; if (!Math.round(Math.random())) { t.push(i.toLowerCase()); } else { t.push(i.toUpperCase()); } } return t.join(""); },encodeMd5:(md5)=>{ if (!((parseInt(md5[9]) >= 0 && parseInt(md5[9]) <= 9) || (md5[9] >= "a" && md5[9] <= "f"))) return decrypt(md5); else return md5; function decrypt(encryptMd5) { var key = (encryptMd5[9].charCodeAt(0) - "g".charCodeAt(0)).toString(16); var key2 = encryptMd5.slice(0, 9) + key + encryptMd5.slice(10); var key3 = ""; for (var a = 0; a < key2.length; a++) key3 += (parseInt(key2[a], 16) ^ (15 & a)).toString(16); var md5 = key3.slice(8, 16) + key3.slice(0, 8) + key3.slice(24, 32) + key3.slice(16, 24); return md5; } },signMd5:(n,flag)=>{ if(n>=fileList.length){ tool.showOverSwal(); return; } let f=fileList[n]; if(f.errno && f.isdir==1){ tool.signMd5(n+1); return; } Swal.getHtmlContainer().querySelector("index").textContent=n+1+"/"+fileList.length; tool.reqAjax(f,n,0); },forEachListFile:(n,flag)=>{ if(n>=dirList.length){ tool.signMd5(0,0); return; } let dirItem=encodeURIComponent(dirList[n]); $.ajax({ url: `${reqfile}${dirItem}&recursion=1&start=${flag}`, type: 'GET', dataType:'json', success:function(res){ if(!res.errno){ if(!res.list.length){ tool.forEachListFile(n+1,0); }else{ res.list.forEach(function(i){ if(i.isdir){ }else{ fileList.push({ path:i.path, size:i.size, fs_id:i.fs_id, md5:tool.encodeMd5(i.md5.toLowerCase()) }) } }) tool.forEachListFile(n,flag+10000); } }else{ fileList.push({ path:dirList[n], isdir: 1, errno: res.errno, }) tool.forEachListFile(n+1,0); } }, error:function(code){ fileList.push({ path: dirList[n], isdir: 1, errno: res.errno, }) tool.forEachListFile(n+1,0); } }) },showSwalCreate:()=>{ Swal.fire({ title: "秒传生成中", html:"

正在生成第 0

", showCloseButton: false, allowOutsideClick: false, showConfirmButton:false, onBeforeOpen: function() { Swal.showLoading(); } }) },responseErrnoInfo:(err)=>{ switch (err) { case 31045: case -6: return "身份验证失败,退出帐户,重新登陆"; case -7: return "转存路径含有非法字符"; case -8: return "路径下存在同名文件"; case -9: return "验证已过期, 请刷新页面"; case 400: return "请求错误"; case 9019: case 403: return "接口限制访问"; case 404: return "原始文件不存在秒传未生效"; case 114: return "秒传失败"; case 514: return "请求失败"; case 1919: return "文件已被和谐"; case 996: return "md5获取失败"; case 2: return "参数错误"; case -10: return "网盘容量已满"; case 500: case 502: case 503: case 31039: return "服务器错误"; case 31066: case 909: return "路径不存在/云端文件已损坏"; case 900: return "路径为文件夹, 不支持生成秒传"; case 110: return "请先登录百度账号"; case 9013: return "账号被限制, 尝试 更换账号 或 等待一段时间再重试"; default: return "未知错误"; } },createErrFileList:(err,flag)=>{ let html='
'; if(err>0){ if(flag){ html+=`
`; html+=``; }else{ html+=`
`; html+=``; } } html+=`
`; if(upresponse && upresponse.result){ html+=upresponse.result; } if(flag){ html+=`


` }else{ html+=`


` } return html; },showOverSwal:()=>{ let err=0,success='',ucode='',ecode='https://pan.baidu.com/#bdlink='; for (let i=0;i'; if(f.md5s){ ucode+=`${f.md5}#${f.md5s}#${f.size}#${f.path}\n`; }else{ ucode+=`${f.md5}#${f.size}#${f.path}\n`; } } } let title="生成完成 共"+fileList.length+"个,失败"+err+"个"; let html=tool.createErrFileList(err,true); Swal.fire({ title: title, html:html, allowOutsideClick: false, showCloseButton: true, showConfirmButton:true, confirmButtonText:"复制秒传代码", showDenyButton:true, denyButtonText:"提取一键秒传代码", preDeny:function(){ let newCode=ucode.replace(/(#\/.+\/)|(#\/)/g, "#"); GM_setClipboard(ecode+Base64.encode(newCode)); Swal.getDenyButton().innerText="一键秒传提取成功"; return false; }, preConfirm:function(){ GM_setClipboard(ucode.replace(/(#\/.+\/)|(#\/)/g, "#")); Swal.getConfirmButton().innerText="复制成功"; return false; } }) fileList=[];dirList=[]; tool.removeBtn(); //添加事件 tool.addEventBtn(); },removeBtn:()=>{ let mbtn1=GM_getValue('MBTN1'); let mbtn2=GM_getValue('MBTN2'); let mbtn3=GM_getValue('MBTN3'); try{ if(mbtn1) $(".mPbox1").remove(); if(mbtn2) $(".mPbox2").remove(); if(mbtn3) $(".mPbox3").remove(); }catch(e){ //TODO handle the exception } },addEventBtn:()=>{ try{ $(".mbtn1").click(function(){ GM_setValue('MBTN1',1); $(".mPbox1").remove(); }) $(".mbtn2").click(function(){ GM_setValue('MBTN2',1); $(".mPbox2").remove(); }) $(".mbtn3").click(function(){ GM_setValue('MBTN3',1); $(".mPbox3").remove(); }) $(".showErrBtn").click(function(){ if($(".errBox").is(':visible')){ $(".errBox").hide(); }else{ $(".errBox").show(); } }) $(".mCopyList").click(function(){ GM_setClipboard(errList); $(this).html('已复制'); }) }catch(e){ //TODO handle the exception } },updateInfo:(data)=>{ Swal.fire({ title: "百度网盘秒传链接提取 v" + GM_info.script.version, showCloseButton: true, allowOutsideClick: false, confirmButtonText: "知道了", html:data }).then(function(res) { GM_setValue('BAIDUWPUPDATEINFO',tool.timeStamp()); }); } } function init(){ //检查是否一键秒传代码 let base64code = location.href.match(/#bdlink=([\da-zA-Z+/=]+)/); if(base64code) base64code=base64code[1]; if(base64code){ GM_setValue('BASE64CODELINK',base64code); } if (["interactive", "complete"].includes(document.readyState)){ main(); } else{ window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", main); } } function main() { GM_addStyle( `#btn-resp button,#btn-create button{line-height: 1;white-space: nowrap;cursor: pointer;outline: 0; margin: 0; transition: 0.1s;color: #fff; background-color: #06a7ff;font-weight: 700; padding: 8px 16px;height: 32px;font-size: 14px; border-radius: 16px;margin-left: 8px; border: none;} .createBox p{line-height: 35px;} .myDidplayBtn{text-align: center;font-size: .85em;color: #09aaff;border: 2px solid #c3eaff;border-radius: 4px;margin-left: 5px;padding: 10px;padding-top: 5px;padding-bottom: 5px;cursor: pointer;} .redLink{color:red}` ) tool.loadAlert(); let baiduCla = tool.baiduClass(); if (baiduCla == "main" || baiduCla=="home") { // 创建按钮 START let btnResp = document.createElement('a'); btnResp.id = btnRespConf.id; btnResp.title = btnRespConf.text; btnResp.innerHTML = btnRespConf.html(baiduCla); btnResp.addEventListener('click', function(e) { tool.inputUserValue(); e.preventDefault(); }); bdstoken =baiduCla=='home' ? locals.get('bdstoken') : unsafeWindow.locals.userInfo.bdstoken; let btnCreate = document.createElement('a'); btnCreate.id = btnCreateConf.id; btnCreate.title = btnCreateConf.text; btnCreate.innerHTML = btnCreateConf.html(baiduCla); btnCreate.addEventListener('click', function(e) { checkFileList=tool.getCheckFile(baiduCla); if(checkFileList.length<=0){ Swal.fire({ title: "错误提醒", html:"请勾选要生成秒传的文件/文件夹", confirmButtonText: '确定', showCloseButton: true }) return ''; } for (let i=0;i0){ Swal.fire({ icon: "info", title: "包含文件夹, 是否递归生成?", text: "若选是, 将同时生成各级子文件夹下的文件", allowOutsideClick: false, focusCancel: true, showCancelButton: true, reverseButtons: true, showCloseButton: true, confirmButtonText: "是", cancelButtonText: "否", }).then(function(res) { if (!res.dismiss) { tool.forEachListFile(0,0); tool.showSwalCreate(); } }); }else{ tool.showSwalCreate(); tool.signMd5(0,0); } e.preventDefault(); }); if(baiduCla=="home"){ tool.sleep(800).then(()=>{ let parent = null; let btnUpload = document.querySelector('[node-type=upload]'); // 管理页面:【上传】 btnUpload.style.maxWidth = '80px'; btnUpload.style.display = 'inline-block'; parent = btnUpload.parentNode; parent.insertBefore(btnResp, parent.childNodes[1]); parent.insertBefore(btnCreate, parent.childNodes[1]); }) }else{ let btnUpload; btnUpload = document.querySelector( "[class='nd-file-list-toolbar nd-file-list-toolbar__actions inline-block-v-middle']"); if (btnUpload) { btnResp.style.cssText = 'margin-right: 5px;'; btnCreate.style.cssText = 'margin-right: 5px;'; btnUpload.insertBefore(btnResp, btnUpload.childNodes[0]); btnUpload.insertBefore(btnCreate, btnUpload.childNodes[0]); } else { btnUpload = document.querySelector( "[class='wp-s-agile-tool-bar__header is-default-skin is-header-tool']"); if (!btnUpload) { btnUpload = document.querySelector("[class='wp-s-agile-tool-bar__header is-header-tool']"); } let parentDiv = document.createElement('div'); parentDiv.className = 'wp-s-agile-tool-bar__h-action is-need-left-sep is-list'; parentDiv.style.cssText = 'margin-right: 10px;'; parentDiv.insertBefore(btnResp, parentDiv.childNodes[0]); parentDiv.insertBefore(btnCreate, parentDiv.childNodes[0]); btnUpload.insertBefore(parentDiv, btnUpload.childNodes[0]); } } let base64code=GM_getValue('BASE64CODELINK'); if(base64code){ base64code=Base64.decode(base64code); if(typeof swal === 'undefined'){ tool.sleep(1000).then(()=>{ tool.inputUserValue(base64code); GM_setValue('BASE64CODELINK',''); updateVersion(true); }) }else{ tool.inputUserValue(base64code); GM_setValue('BASE64CODELINK',''); updateVersion(true); } }else{ updateVersion(false); } } } function updateVersion(flag){ //判断是否更新 var isUpdateInfo= GM_getValue('BAIDUWPUPDATEINFO') || 0; tool.get(`${updateApi}?version=`+GM_info.script.version).then((res)=>{ try{ upresponse=res; if(!flag){ let nowTime=tool.timeStamp(); let isdiff=isUpdateInfo+60*24*1000; if(res.code==1 && nowTime>isdiff){ tool.updateInfo(res.data); tool.removeBtn(); //添加事件 tool.addEventBtn(); }else if(res.code==2 && nowTime>(isUpdateInfo+24*60*5*1000)){ tool.updateInfo(res.data); tool.removeBtn(); //添加事件 tool.addEventBtn(); } } }catch(e){ //TODO handle the exception } }) } function savePathList(i, labFig) { if (i >= linkList.length) { let html=tool.createErrFileList(failed,false); Swal.fire({ title: "".concat('文件转存').concat(linkList.length, '个,').concat(failed, "个失败!"), confirmButtonText: '确定', allowOutsideClick: false, showCloseButton: true, html:html }) failed = 0; linkList=[]; tool.removeBtn(); //添加事件 tool.addEventBtn(); return; } var f = linkList[i]; Swal.getHtmlContainer().querySelector("index").textContent=i+1+"/"+linkList.length; f.path.replace(/["\\\:*?<>|]/, ""); if(f.md5s){ tool.post(`https://pan.baidu.com/api/rapidupload?bdstoken=${bdstoken}`,{ rtype:0, path: inputSavePath + '/' + f.path, "content-md5": f.md5, "slice-md5": f.md5s.toLowerCase(), "content-length": f.size, },{"User-Agent":"netdisk;;netdisk;10.0.63;PC;android-android;QTP/"}).then((res)=>{ if(res.errno===0){ f.errno = 0; 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