// ==UserScript== // @name 查看全局属性 // @description 一键查看挂载到window上的非原生属性,并注入一个$searchKey函数搜索属性名。 // @namespace cxxjackie // @author cxxjackie // @version 2.0.3 // @match *://*/* // @grant unsafeWindow // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @run-at document-idle // @homepage https://bbs.tampermonkey.net.cn/thread-916-1-1.html // @supportURL https://bbs.tampermonkey.net.cn/thread-916-1-1.html // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; // 最大搜索深度,0不设限。此参数影响注入时间和内存占用,谨慎修改 const MAX_DEPTH = 10; // iframe的id const IFRAME_ID = 'iframe_for_test'; // 搜索函数名 const SEARCH_FUNCTION_NAME = '$searchKey'; // 忽略的属性 const IGNORE_PROPS = ['length', 'arguments', 'caller', 'prototype', 'constructor']; // vue额外忽略的属性 const VUE_IGNORE_PROPS = []; // react额外忽略的属性 const REACT_IGNORE_PROPS = ['memoizedState', 'updateQueue']; const document = unsafeWindow.document; const tag = unsafeWindow === unsafeWindow.top ? 'top' : location.origin + location.pathname; GM_registerMenuCommand(tag, async () => { let iframe = document.getElementById(IFRAME_ID); if (!iframe) { iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); iframe.id = IFRAME_ID; iframe.style.display = 'none'; document.body.appendChild(iframe); // iframe不能移除 } const iWindow = iframe.contentWindow; // 反劫持 const {Object, String, Array, Set, Map, WeakMap, RegExp, Promise, console} = iWindow; // 获取类型 const objToString = Object.prototype.toString; function getType(item) { const str = new String(objToString.call(item)); return str.slice(8, -1).toLowerCase(); } // 获取全属性,包括原型链上的 const objProto = unsafeWindow.Object.prototype; const funcProto = unsafeWindow.Function.prototype; function getAllProps(obj) { const props = new Set(); let proto = obj; while (proto !== null && proto !== objProto && proto !== funcProto) { Object.getOwnPropertyNames(proto).forEach(prop => props.add(prop)); proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(proto); } return props; } // 是否为纯数字 const numRE = new RegExp(/^\d+$/); function isNum(str) { return numRE.test(str); } // 空函数 function emptyFn() {} // 获取所有元素和注释节点 function getAllNodes() { const result = new Array(document.documentElement); function getChildren(node) { for (const child of node.childNodes) { if (child.nodeType === 1 || child.nodeType === 8) { result.push(child); getChildren(child); } } } getChildren(document.documentElement); return result; } // 属性收集类 class KeyCollector { constructor(ignoreProps) { this.ignoreProps = ignoreProps; this.allKeys = new Map(); this.taskList = new Array(); this._init(); } _init() { this.refs = new WeakMap([[unsafeWindow, {path: 'window', root: 'window'}]]); this.tempKeys = new Map(); this.discardKeys = new Map(); } _calcDepth(obj) { let _obj = obj; let item = this.refs.get(obj); let depth = 0; while (item.parent) { _obj = item.parent; item = this.refs.get(_obj); depth++; } return depth; } async _collectKeys(obj, item, recordDiscard = true, depth = 0) { if (obj === null || (typeof obj !== 'function' && typeof obj !== 'object')) return; if (obj instanceof Node) return; if (MAX_DEPTH > 0 && depth >= MAX_DEPTH) { if (recordDiscard) this.discardKeys.set(obj, item); return; } if (this.refs.has(obj)) { if (depth < this._calcDepth(obj)) this.refs.set(obj, item); return; } this.refs.set(obj, item); const keys = getAllProps(obj); for (const key of keys) { if (!this.ignoreProps.has(key)) { let value; try { value = obj[key]; } catch (e) { continue; } if (value instanceof Promise) { value.catch(emptyFn); continue; } const val = this.tempKeys.get(key) || new Set(); val.add({ value: value, parent: obj }); this.tempKeys.set(key, val); const _item = { root: item.root, parent: obj, key: key, extra: item.extra }; await this._collectKeys(value, _item, recordDiscard, depth + 1); } } } _generatePath(obj) { if (obj.path) return; if (!obj.parent) { obj.path = obj.root; return; } const parent = this.refs.get(obj.parent); obj.extra = parent.extra; this._generatePath(parent); obj.path = parent.path + (isNum(obj.key) ? `[${obj.key}]` : `['${obj.key}']`); } _generateAllPaths() { for (const [key, val] of this.tempKeys) { for (const obj of val) { const item = this.refs.get(obj.value); if (item && item.key === key) { if (!item.added) { this._generatePath(item); this.addKey(key, item.path, item.extra); item.added = true; } } else { const parent = this.refs.get(obj.parent); this._generatePath(parent); const path = isNum(key) ? `${parent.path}[${key}]` : `${parent.path}['${key}']`; this.addKey(key, path, parent.extra); } } } } addKey(key, path, extra = null) { const arr = this.allKeys.get(key) || new Set(); arr.add(extra ? {path, ...extra} : path); this.allKeys.set(key, arr); } collect(obj, root, extra = null) { let key; if (extra) { key = extra.prop; } else { const keys = String.prototype.match.call(root, /(?<=[.\[]['"]?)[^'".\[\]]+/g); if (keys) key = keys.pop(); } this.taskList.push(this._collectKeys(obj, {root, key, extra})); } async getAllKeys() { await Promise.all(this.taskList); for (const [obj, item] of this.discardKeys) { const depth = this._calcDepth(item.parent) + 1; if (depth < MAX_DEPTH) { await this._collectKeys(obj, item, false, depth); } } this._generateAllPaths(); this._init(); return this.allKeys; } } // 获取全局属性 const globalProps = new Object(); const wKeys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(unsafeWindow); const iKeys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(iWindow); for (const key of wKeys) { if (!isNum(key) && !iKeys.includes(key)) { const type = getType(unsafeWindow[key]); globalProps[type] = globalProps[type] || new Array(); globalProps[type].push(key); } } console.log(`${tag} 全局属性:\n%o`, globalProps); // 注入函数 const kc = new KeyCollector(new Set(IGNORE_PROPS)); for (const type in globalProps) { for (const key of globalProps[type]) { const path = `window['${key}']`; kc.addKey(key, path); kc.collect(unsafeWindow[key], path); } } const globalKeys = await kc.getAllKeys(); const vkc = new KeyCollector(new Set([...IGNORE_PROPS, ...VUE_IGNORE_PROPS])); const rkc = new KeyCollector(new Set([...IGNORE_PROPS, ...REACT_IGNORE_PROPS])); for (const node of getAllNodes()) { for (const prop of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(node)) { if (prop.startsWith('__vue')) { vkc.collect(node[prop], 'node[prop]', {node, prop}); } if (prop.startsWith('__react')) { rkc.collect(node[prop], 'node[prop]', {node, prop}); } } } const vueKeys = await vkc.getAllKeys(); const reactKeys = await rkc.getAllKeys(); unsafeWindow[SEARCH_FUNCTION_NAME] = (key, fuzzy) => { if (fuzzy) { const result = new Array(); const lowerKey = key.toLowerCase(); for (const _key of globalKeys.keys()) { if (_key.toLowerCase().includes(lowerKey)) { result.push(...globalKeys.get(_key)); } } for (const _key of vueKeys.keys()) { if (_key.toLowerCase().includes(lowerKey)) { result.push(...vueKeys.get(_key)); } } for (const _key of reactKeys.keys()) { if (_key.toLowerCase().includes(lowerKey)) { result.push(...reactKeys.get(_key)); } } console.log(result); } else { const globalResult = globalKeys.get(key) || []; const vueResult = vueKeys.get(key) || []; const reactResult = reactKeys.get(key) || []; console.log([...globalResult, ...vueResult, ...reactResult]); } }; console.log(`${SEARCH_FUNCTION_NAME}函数已注入!`); }); })();