// ==UserScript== // @name 天翼云盘音乐播放器 // @namespace https://bbs.tampermonkey.net.cn/ // @version 0.1.0 // @description 一曲肝肠断,天涯何处觅知音 // @author You // @match https://cloud.189.cn/web/* // @connect kugou.com // @icon https://cloud.189.cn/web/logo.ico // @require https://scriptcat.org/lib/513/2.0.0/ElementGetter.js // @run-at document-body // @grant unsafeWindow // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; var obj = { audio_page: { fileList: [], fileIndex: -1, format: [ ".mp3", ".wma", ".wav", ".midi", ".flac", ".ram", ".ra", ".mid", ".aac", ".m4a", /*".ape",*/ ".au", ".ogg", ".aif", ".aiff", ".snd", ".voc", ".mpa", ".lrc", ".cda", ".vqf", ".wvx", ".wmx", ".ttbl", ".ttpl", ".tta", ".tak", ".mpc" ] } }; obj.playAudioSharePage = function () { obj.insertPrettyPlayerSharePage(); obj.selectedFilePlayerSharePage(); }; obj.playAudioHomePage = function () { obj.insertPrettyPlayerHomePage(); obj.replaceNativePlayerHomePage(); }; obj.insertPrettyPlayerSharePage = function () { obj.addedNodeReady(".file", function (elm) { Object.defineProperty(elm, "__vue__", { set(vue) { vue && Array.isArray(vue.fileList) && obj.togglePlayBtn(vue.fileList); } }); }); }; obj.selectedFilePlayerSharePage = function () { obj.addedNodeReady(".file ul", function (elm) { elm.addEventListener("click", function (event) { if (event.target.className.includes("file-item-name-fileName-span")) { var fileItem = event.target.offsetParent?.__vue__?.fileItem || {}; if (fileItem.mediaType == 2 && obj.audio_page.format.includes("." + fileItem.fileType)) { obj.audio_page.fileIndex = obj.audio_page.fileList.findIndex(function (item, index) { return item.fileId == fileItem.fileId; }); if (window.player) { const { list, list: { audios, index } } = window.player; if (audios[index].fileId != fileItem.fileId) { list.switch(obj.audio_page.fileIndex); } } else { obj.useAPlayer(); } } } }, true); }); }; obj.insertPrettyPlayerHomePage = function () { obj.addedNodeReady(".p-web section", function (elm) { Object.defineProperty(elm, "__vue__", { set(vue) { vue && Array.isArray(vue.fileList) && obj.togglePlayBtn(vue.fileList); } }); }); }; obj.replaceNativePlayerHomePage = function () { obj.addedNodeReady(".p-web-audioplayer", function (elm) { Object.defineProperty(elm, "__vue__", { set(vue) { if (vue && vue.isShowPlayer) { const { closeAudio, currentPlayItem, player: { node } } = vue; node.setSrc(""); closeAudio(); obj.audio_page.fileIndex = (obj.audio_page.fileList || []).findIndex(function (item, index) { return item.fileId == currentPlayItem.fileId; }); obj.useAPlayer(); } } }); }); }; obj.togglePlayBtn = function (fileList) { var playbtn = obj.query(".advertising .audio-play-btn"); (obj.audio_page.fileList = fileList.filter(function (item, index) { return item.mediaType == 2 && obj.audio_page.format.includes("." + item.fileType); })).length ? playbtn || (obj.append(obj.query(".advertising"), ' 音乐播放 ').onclick = obj.useAPlayer) : playbtn && obj.remove(playbtn); }; obj.useAPlayer = function () { obj.aplayerSupport(function (result) { result && obj.aplayerStart(); }); }; obj.aplayerSupport = function (callback) { (function laodcdn(urlArr, index = 0) { var arr = urlArr[index]; if (arr) { var promises = []; arr.forEach(function (url, index) { var ext = url.split(".").pop(); if (ext === "js") { promises.push(obj.loadScript(url)); } else if (ext === "css") { promises.push(obj.loadStyle(url)); } }); Promise.all(promises).then(function (results) { setTimeout(function () { callback && callback(unsafeWindow.APlayer); }); }).catch(function (error) { laodcdn(urlArr, ++index); }); } else { callback && callback(unsafeWindow.APlayer); } })([ [ "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/aplayer/1.10.1/APlayer.min.js", "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/aplayer/1.10.1/APlayer.min.css" ], [ "https://unpkg.com/aplayer/dist/APlayer.min.js", "https://unpkg.com/aplayer/dist/APlayer.min.css" ], [ "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/aplayer/dist/APlayer.min.js", "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/aplayer/dist/APlayer.min.css" ] ]); }; obj.aplayerStart = function () { var aplayerNode, audio = obj.audio_page.fileList; audio.forEach(function (item) { Object.assign(item, { name: item.fileName, url: item.downloadUrl || item.url, cover: item.icon.smallUrl, theme: obj.getRandomColor(), type: "custom" }); }); if (audio.length) { aplayerNode = document.getElementById("aplayer"); if (aplayerNode) { window.player && window.player.destroy(); } else { aplayerNode = document.createElement("div"); aplayerNode.setAttribute("id", "aplayer"); aplayerNode.setAttribute("style", "background-color: #fafdff;position: fixed;z-index: 9999;width: 440px;bottom: 0;left: 0px;box-shadow: 0 0 10px #ccc;border-top-left-radius: 4px;border-top-right-radius: 4px;border: 1px solid #dedede;"); document.body.appendChild(aplayerNode); } } else { return ; } try{ var player = window.player = new unsafeWindow.APlayer({ container: aplayerNode, audio: audio, customAudioType: { custom: function (audioElement, audio, player) { if (audioElement instanceof Element) { if (audio.url) { audioElement.src = audio.url; } else { obj.getMusicUrl(audio.fileId, audio.shareId).then(function (url) { try{ audioElement.src = audio.url = url; } catch (error) { } }); } audioElement.oncanplay = function () { player.play(); }; audioElement.onerror = function () { if (player.prevErrorAudio && player.prevErrorAudio.fileId == audio.fileId) { player.notice(audio.fileName + " == 无法播放"); const { list } = player; list.remove(list.index); obj.audio_page.fileList.splice(list.index, 1); } else { obj.getMusicUrl(audio.fileId, audio.shareId).then(function (url) { audioElement.src = audio.url = url; const { list } = player; list.switch(list.index); player.prevErrorAudio = audio; }); } }; } } }, autoplay: true, order: "random", lrcType: 1, mutex: true }); let image = [ "https://wimg.588ku.com/gif620/21/08/19/98bc65b53f8b7f91e3fb091bd413ee87.gif", "https://wimg.588ku.com/gif620/19/08/22/e385a29ad529368de8cf650a18a195c6.gif", "https://wimg.588ku.com/gif620/21/03/05/d97bb525bf33390227171ad8fa374002.gif", "https://wimg.588ku.com/gif620/21/08/19/c42708c1bd3f26ddb7466dddf9492f77.gif", "https://wimg.588ku.com/gif620/20/07/22/a6b3fb60fff01b6fe3d6dd44aba08765.gif" ]; player.on("listswitch", function ({ index }) { if (player.audio.oncanplay) { obj.querySongInfo(player, index); player.template.list.style.cssText += "background: url(" + image[Math.floor(Math.random() * image.length)] + ") center center / contain no-repeat;"; } }); player.on("destroy", function () { player.audio.oncanplay = null; player.audio.onerror = null; window.player.list.clear(); window.player = null; }); const { list, template: { time, body } } = player; const fileIndex = obj.audio_page.fileIndex; if (fileIndex > -1 && list.audios.length > 1 && list.index !== fileIndex) { setTimeout(() => { list.switch(fileIndex); }, 500); } else { obj.querySongInfo(player); player.template.list.style.cssText += "background: url(" + image[Math.floor(Math.random() * image.length)] + ") center center / contain no-repeat;"; } [...time.children].forEach(element => { element.style.cssText += "display: inline-block;"; }); obj.append(body, '').onclick = () => player.destroy(); obj.append(body, ''); } catch (error) { console.error("播放器创建失败", error); } }; obj.getMusicUrl = function (fileId, shareId) { return obj.getFileDownloadUrl(fileId, shareId).then(function (fileDownloadUrl) { return fileDownloadUrl; }, function () { return obj.getNewMusicUrl(fileId, shareId); }); }; obj.getFileDownloadUrl = function (fileId, shareId) { return unsafeWindow.axios({ url: "https://cloud.189.cn/api/open/file/getFileDownloadUrl.action?fileId=" + fileId + (shareId ? "&dt=1&shareId=" + shareId : ""), headers: { Accept: "application/json;charset=UTF-8" } }).then(function ({ data }) { return data.fileDownloadUrl; }); }; obj.getNewMusicUrl = function (fileId) { return unsafeWindow.axios({ url: "https://cloud.189.cn/api/open/file/getNewMusicUrl.action?noCache=" + Math.random() + "&fileId=" + fileId + "&short=true&forcedGet=0", headers: { Accept: "application/json;charset=UTF-8" } }).then(function ({ data }) { return data.fileDownloadUrl; }); }; obj.querySongInfo = function (player, index) { const { list, lrc, template: { pic, author } } = player; index || index === 0 || (index = list.index); if (lrc.parsed[index] && lrc.parsed[index].length > 1) return; const { fileName, md5, size } = list.audios[index] || {}; obj.songinfoKugou(fileName, md5, size).then(function (result) { // 酷狗好棒棒,听歌来帮忙 const { candidates, info, author_name, img } = result; const candidate = Array.isArray(candidates) ? candidates.find(function (item) { return item.lyrics; }) : Array.isArray(info) ? info.find(function (item) { return item.lyrics; }) : ""; if (candidate && candidate.lyrics) { lrc.parsed[index] = lrc.current = lrc.parse(candidate.lyrics); lrc.container.innerHTML = lrc.parsed[index].map((item) => `


`).join("\n"); lrc.container.getElementsByTagName("p").length && lrc.container.getElementsByTagName("p")[0].classList.add("aplayer-lrc-current"); } obj.getdataKugou(candidate.hash || md5).then(function (data) { const { author_name, img } = data; if (author_name) { author.innerText = "- " + (list.audios[index].artist = author_name); } if (img) { pic.style.cssText += "background-image: url(" + (list.audios[index].cover = img) + ")"; } }).catch(function () { }); }).catch(function (error) { }); }; obj.songinfoKugou = function (name, hash, size) { return obj.songinfohashKugou(name, hash, size).then(function (result) { return result; }, function () { return obj.songinfonameKugou(name, hash, size); }); }; obj.songinfohashKugou = function (name, hash, size) { return obj.searchhashKugou(name, hash, size).then(function (result) { var promises = []; result.candidates.slice(0, 3).forEach(function (item, index) { promises.push(obj.downloadhashKugou(item.id, item.accesskey)); }); return Promise.allSettled(promises).then(function (results) { results.forEach(function (item, index) { if (item.status == "fulfilled") { var words = window.CryptoJS.enc.Base64.parse(item.value.content); result.candidates[index].lyrics = window.CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.stringify(words); } }); return result; }); }); }; obj.searchhashKugou = function (name, hash, size) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { obj.ajax({ url: "https://lyrics.kugou.com/search?ver=1&man=yes&client=pc&keyword=&duration=&hash=" + hash, headers: { origin: "https://www.kugou.com", referer: "https://www.kugou.com/" }, success: function (result) { if (result && result.status == 200 && result.proposal !== "0") { resolve(result); } else { reject(result); } }, error: function (error) { reject(error); } }); }); }; obj.downloadhashKugou = function (id, accesskey) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { obj.ajax({ url: "https://lyrics.kugou.com/download?ver=1&client=pc&id=" + id + "&accesskey=" + accesskey + "&fmt=lrc&charset=utf8", headers: { origin: "https://www.kugou.com", referer: "https://www.kugou.com/" }, success: function (result) { resolve(result); }, error: function (error) { reject(error); } }); }); }; obj.songinfonameKugou = function (name, hash, size) { return obj.searchnameKugou(name, hash, size).then(function (result) { var promises = []; result.info.slice(0, 3).forEach(function (item, index) { promises.push(obj.krcKugou(item.hash)); }); return Promise.allSettled(promises).then(function (results) { results.forEach(function (item, index) { if (item.status == "fulfilled") { result.info[index].lyrics = item.value; } }); return result; }); }); }; obj.searchnameKugou = function (name, hash, size) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { obj.ajax({ url: "https://mobilecdn.kugou.com/api/v3/search/song?pagesize=20&keyword=" + name, headers: { origin: "https://www.kugou.com", referer: "https://www.kugou.com/" }, success: function (result) { if (result && result.status == 1 && result.data.total) { resolve(result.data); } else { reject(result); } }, error: function (error) { reject(error); } }); }); }; obj.krcKugou = function (hash) { return obj.surlRequest("https://m.kugou.com/app/i/krc.php?cmd=100&timelength=999999&hash=" + hash); }; obj.getdataKugou = function (hash) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { obj.ajax({ url: "https://www.kugou.com/yy/index.php?r=play/getdata&hash=" + hash, headers: { origin: "https://www.kugou.com", referer: "https://www.kugou.com/" }, success: function (result) { if (result && result.status == 1) { resolve(result.data); } else { reject(result); } }, error: function (error) { reject(error); } }); }); }; obj.surlRequest = function (url) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { obj.ajax({ url : url, dataType: "blob", success: function (blob) { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.readAsText(blob, "UTF-8"); reader.onload = function (e) { resolve(reader.result); }; reader.onerror = function (e) { reject(e); }; }, error: function (error) { reject(error); } }); }); }; obj.ajax = function (option) { var details = { method: option.type || "get", url: option.url, responseType: option.dataType || "json", onload: function (result) { var response = result.response || result.responseText; if (parseInt(result.status / 100) == 2) { option.success && option.success(response); } else { option.error && option.error(response); } }, onerror: function (result) { option.error && option.error(result.error); } }; if (option.data) { if (option.data instanceof Object) { details.data = Object.keys(option.data).map(function (k) { return encodeURIComponent(k) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(option.data[k]).replace("%20", "+"); }).join("&"); } else { details.data = option.data; } if (option.type.toUpperCase() == "GET") { details.url = option.url + (option.url.includes("?") ? "&" : "?") + details.data; delete details.data; } } if (option.headers) { details.headers = option.headers; } GM_xmlhttpRequest(details); }; obj.loadScript = function (src) { if (!window.instances) { window.instances = {}; } if (!window.instances[src]) { window.instances[src] = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const script = document.createElement("script") script.src = src; script.type = "text/javascript"; script.onload = resolve; script.onerror = reject; Node.prototype.appendChild.call(document.head, script); }); } return window.instances[src]; }; obj.loadStyle = function (href) { if (!window.instances) { window.instances = {}; } if (!window.instances[href]) { window.instances[href] = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const style = document.createElement("link"); style.type = "text/css"; style.rel = "stylesheet"; style.href = href; style.onload = resolve; style.onerror = reject; Node.prototype.appendChild.call(document.head, style); }); } return window.instances[href]; }; obj.getRandomColor = function () { return "#" + ("00000" + (Math.random() * 0x1000000 << 0).toString(16)).substr(-6); }; obj.addedNodeReady = function (selector, callback) { const element = obj.query(selector); if (element) { callback && callback(element); } else { const observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutationsList, observer) { for (const mutation of mutationsList) { if (mutation.addedNodes.length) { for (const node of mutation.addedNodes) { if (node instanceof Element) { const targetNode = obj.query(selector, node.parentElement || node.parentNode || document); if (targetNode) { observer.disconnect(); callback(targetNode); break; } continue; } } } else { continue; } } }); observer.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true }); } }; obj.query = function (selector, parent = document) { return parent.querySelector(selector); }; obj.append = function (parent, child) { if (child instanceof Element) { Node.prototype.appendChild.call(parent, child); } else { parent.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", String(child)); } return parent.lastElementChild || parent.lastChild; }; obj.prepend = function (parent, child) { if (child instanceof Element) { Node.prototype.appendChild.call(parent, child); } else { parent.insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", String(child)); } return parent.firstElementChild || parent.firstChild; }; obj.remove = function (child) { return Node.prototype.removeChild.call(child?.parentNode || document, child); }; obj.run = function () { var url = location.href; if (url.indexOf("cloud.189.cn/web/share") > 0) { obj.playAudioSharePage(); } else if (url.indexOf("cloud.189.cn/web/main/file") > 0) { obj.playAudioHomePage(); } }(); console.log("=== 天翼云盘 好棒棒 ==="); // Your code here... })();