// ==UserScript== // @name B站视频倍速控制器脚本 基于cxXJL的脚本 // @namespace https://github.com/csXLJ/bzplayer/ // @version 6.0 // @description 自定义调整B站所有视频播放速度并记忆倍速,不包括赛事,游戏中心,直播 // @author csXLJ // @icon https://www.bilibili.com/favicon.ico?v=1 // @match https://www.bilibili.com/* // @match https://www.bilibili.com/video/* // @grant none // @license GPL-3.0-only // ==/UserScript== var controller = (function () { var timeId; var speed = 1.0; var whichVideo; var timeIds = []; const config = { subtree: true, childList: true, attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['src'], attributeOldValue: true }; const callback = function(mutationsList, observer) { for(let mutation of mutationsList) { if (mutation.type === 'childList') { var nodelist = mutation.addedNodes; if(nodelist != null && nodelist.length > 0){ var tagname = nodelist[0].tagName; if("VIDEO" == tagname || "BWP-VIDEO" == tagname){ var str = "播放速度:"+speed + "x"; whichVideo = document.querySelector('bwp-video') != null ? document.querySelector('bwp-video') : document.querySelector('video'); addAndDelTil(whichVideo, "div", str); whichVideo.playbackRate = speed; break; } } } else if (mutation.type === 'attributes') { var str1 = "播放速度:"+speed + "x"; whichVideo.playbackRate = speed; addAndDelTil(whichVideo, "div", str1); break; } } }; const observer = new MutationObserver(callback); var flag = true; function keyd(e) { whichVideo = hasFrame(); speed = whichVideo.playbackRate; var videos = document.getElementsByClassName('cur-page'); var fjvideos = document.getElementsByClassName('ep-list-progress'); var videowrap = document.querySelector('.bpx-player-video-wrap'); if (e.key == "c") { if (speed == 16) { speed = 16; } else { speed = speed + 0.1; speed = roundFun(speed, 1); } var str = "播放速度:"+speed + "x"; addAndDelTil(whichVideo, "div", str); whichVideo.playbackRate = speed; if(flag){ if(videos != null && videos.length > 0 || fjvideos != null && fjvideos.length > 0){ observer.observe(videowrap, config); flag = false; } } } else if (e.key == "x") { if (speed == 0) { speed = 0; } else { speed = speed - 0.1; speed = roundFun(speed, 1); } var str1 = "播放速度:"+speed + "x"; addAndDelTil(whichVideo, "div", str1); whichVideo.playbackRate = speed; if(flag){ if(videos != null && videos.length > 0 || fjvideos != null && fjvideos.length > 0){ observer.observe(videowrap, config); flag = false; } } } else if (e.key == "z") { if (speed == 1) { speed = 1; } else { speed = 1; speed = roundFun(speed, 1); } var str1 = "播放速度:"+speed + "x"; addAndDelTil(whichVideo, "div", str1); whichVideo.playbackRate = speed; if(flag){ if(videos != null && videos.length > 0 || fjvideos != null && fjvideos.length > 0){ observer.observe(videowrap, config); flag = false; } } } } document.body.removeEventListener('keydown', keyd); document.body.addEventListener('keydown', keyd); function hasFrame(){ /**var iframe = document.querySelector('iframe'); if(iframe == null){*/ whichVideo = document.querySelector('bwp-video') != null ? document.querySelector('bwp-video') : document.querySelector('video'); /**}else { whichVideo = iframe.contentWindow.document.body.querySelector('bwp-video') != null ? iframe.contentWindow.document.body.querySelector('bwp-video') : iframe.contentWindow.document.body.querySelector('video'); }*/ return whichVideo; } function hasFrame1(){ var oldpara; /**var iframe = document.querySelector('iframe'); if(iframe == null){*/ oldpara = document.getElementById("speedshownow"); /**}else { oldpara = iframe.contentWindow.document.body.getElementById("speedshownow"); }*/ return oldpara; } function roundFun(value, n) { return Math.round(value * Math.pow(10, n)) / Math.pow(10, n); } function addAndDelTil(element, tab, str) { var oldpara = hasFrame1(); if(oldpara != null){ oldpara.remove(); } if (timeIds != null && timeIds.length > 0) { for(let timeid of timeIds) { clearTimeout(timeid); } } var para = document.createElement(tab); para.setAttribute("id","speedshownow") var node = document.createTextNode(str); para.appendChild(node); para.style.position = "absolute"; para.style.color = "white"; para.style.fontWeight = "bold"; para.style.borderRadius = "15px"; para.style.border = "2px solid #00a1d6"; para.style.backgroundColor = "#00a1d6"; para.style.padding = "1px"; //可自行调整显示速度透明度0 - 1 para.style.opacity = "0.8"; para.style.fontFamily = "-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,Arial,PingFang SC,Hiragino Sans GB,Microsoft YaHei,sans-serif"; para.style.left = "1%"; para.style.top = "1%"; para.style.zIndex = 99999; element.parentNode.insertBefore(para,element); timeId = setTimeout(function () { var oldpara = hasFrame1(); oldpara.remove(); clearTimeout(timeId); }, 2000); timeIds.push(timeId); } // Your code here... })();