// ==UserScript== // @name 浮窗看小说 // @namespace myBook // @version 0.1.4 // @description 1、在任意网页按下组合键“Ctrl+Shift+Z”,提示书架选择小说或输入小说网址 2、看小说时按下组合键“Ctrl+Shift+Z”可隐藏和显示悬浮窗 3、按"->"看下一章 4、按↑键看新书 // @author Lei // @match *://*/* // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // ==/UserScript== (function () { 'use strict'; console.log('按下组合键“Ctrl+Shift+Z”开始看小说') var docu //当前小说document var bookObj // 创建悬浮窗的 HTML 结构 var floatingWindow = document.createElement('div'); floatingWindow.id = 'floatingWindow'; floatingWindow.style.position = 'fixed'; floatingWindow.style.top = '50px'; floatingWindow.style.left = '50px'; floatingWindow.style.width = '350px'; floatingWindow.style.height = '450px'; floatingWindow.style.backgroundColor = '#f0f0f0'; floatingWindow.style.border = '1px solid #ccc'; floatingWindow.style.overflow = 'auto'; // 添加滚动条 floatingWindow.style.zIndex = '9999'; floatingWindow.style.textAlign = 'left'; // 设置内容靠左对齐 let isDragging = false; let offsetX = 0; let offsetY = 0; floatingWindow.addEventListener('mousedown', (e) => { if (e.button === 2) { e.preventDefault(); // 阻止默认右键菜单弹出 isDragging = true; offsetX = e.clientX - floatingWindow.getBoundingClientRect().left; offsetY = e.clientY - floatingWindow.getBoundingClientRect().top; } }); document.addEventListener('mousemove', (e) => { if (isDragging) { floatingWindow.style.left = (e.clientX - offsetX) + 'px'; floatingWindow.style.top = (e.clientY - offsetY) + 'px'; } }); document.addEventListener('mouseup', (e) => { if (isDragging && e.button === 2) { isDragging = false; } }); document.addEventListener('contextmenu', (e) => { if (isDragging) { e.preventDefault(); // 阻止右键菜单在拖动期间的弹出 } }); // 监听键盘按下事件 var tabCount = 0 //按下次数 var fwHide = false //表示悬浮窗隐藏 document.addEventListener('keydown', function (event) { if (event.code === 'KeyZ' && event.ctrlKey && event.shiftKey) { console.log("监听到按下组合键“Ctrl+Shift+Z”"); if (tabCount === 0) { selectBook(); tabCount++; } else { hideFW(); tabCount++; } } }); // 监听键盘方向键按下事件 var link //待跳转链接 document.addEventListener('keydown', function (event) { switch (event.key) { case 'ArrowUp': getUrl(null) //看新书 break; case 'ArrowDown': // handleArrowDown(); break; case 'ArrowLeft': //上一章 link = getLastChapterLink() if (link != null) { console.log('跳转到上一页/章:' + link) deleteBook(bookObj.bookURL) //删除书签 getUrl(link) //跳转 } else { alert('未找到下一章/页') } break; case 'ArrowRight': //下一章 link = getNextChapterLink() if (link != null) { console.log('跳转到下一页/章:' + link) deleteBook(bookObj.bookURL) //删除上一章的书签 getUrl(link) //跳转 } else { alert('未找到下一章/页') } break; default: break; } }); /************以上为悬浮窗结构 ************/ // 定义函数:隐藏或显示悬浮窗 function hideFW() { if (fwHide) { floatingWindow.style.display = 'block'; // 显示悬浮窗 console.log('显示悬浮窗') fwHide = false; } else { floatingWindow.style.display = 'none'; // 隐藏悬浮窗 console.log('隐藏悬浮窗') fwHide = true; } } // 将章节名和正文内容放入悬浮窗 function showBook(chapterTitle, chapterContent) { floatingWindow.innerHTML = `



`; document.body.appendChild(floatingWindow); } // 存储小说信息 function storeBook(bookName, chapterName, bookURL) { const bookshelf = GM_getValue('bookshelf', []); const bookInfo = { bookName, chapterName, bookURL }; bookshelf.push(bookInfo); GM_setValue('bookshelf', bookshelf); console.log(`小说${bookName}已存储。`); return bookInfo } // 删除小说信息 function deleteBook(index) { const bookshelf = GM_getValue('bookshelf', []); let deletedBook = null; // 用于存储已删除的书籍信息 if (index >= 0 && index < bookshelf.length) { deletedBook = bookshelf.splice(index-1, 1)[0]; GM_setValue('bookshelf', bookshelf); console.log(`小说${deletedBook.bookName}已删除。`); } else { for (let i = bookshelf.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const book = bookshelf[i]; if (book.bookName === index || book.chapterName === index || book.bookURL === index) { deletedBook = bookshelf.splice(i, 1)[0]; console.log(`小说${deletedBook.bookName}已删除。`); break; // 找到匹配的书籍后即停止遍历 } } } if (deletedBook) { const deletedBooksNamespace = GM_getValue('deletedBooks', []); deletedBooksNamespace.push(deletedBook); GM_setValue('deletedBooks', deletedBooksNamespace); } } // 弹窗选择小说 function selectBook() { const bookshelf = GM_getValue('bookshelf', []); if (bookshelf.length === 0) { alert('书架中没有存储的小说。'); getUrl(null) return; } const bookOptions = bookshelf.map((bookInfo, index) => { return `${index + 1}. ${bookInfo.bookName} - ${bookInfo.chapterName}`; }); bookOptions.push('0. 删除小说'); const selectedOption = prompt(`请选择小说:\n${bookOptions.join('\n')}\n\n请输入小说编号:`); if (selectedOption !== null) { const selectedIndex = parseInt(selectedOption) - 1; if (selectedIndex === -1) { const deletedIndex = prompt('请输入要删除的小说编号:'); if (deletedIndex !== null) { const deletedIndexInt = parseInt(deletedIndex); if (!isNaN(deletedIndexInt)) { deleteBook(deletedIndexInt); } else { alert('无效的小说编号。'); } } } else if (!isNaN(selectedIndex) && selectedIndex >= 0 && selectedIndex < bookshelf.length) { const selectedBook = bookshelf[selectedIndex]; console.log(`已选择小说:${selectedBook.bookName}`); //看书 fetchAndConvertToDocument(selectedBook.bookURL) .then(doc => { docu = doc //识别小说正文 const chapterContent = extractChapterContent(); console.log(selectedBook.chapterName) bookObj = selectedBook showBook(selectedBook.chapterName, chapterContent) }) return selectedBook.bookURL; } else { alert('无效的小说编号。'); } } } //向网址url发起请求 function fetchAndConvertToDocument(url) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: url, onload: function (response) { if (response.status === 200) { const parser = new DOMParser(); const doc = parser.parseFromString(response.responseText, "text/html"); resolve(doc); // 将解析后的Document对象作为Promise的结果 } else { reject(new Error("Request failed with status: " + response.status)); } }, onerror: function (error) { reject(new Error("Request error: " + error)); } }); }); } // 获取小说网址 function getUrl(url) { let novelURL if (url != null) { novelURL = url } else { novelURL = prompt("请输入小说网址:"); } if (novelURL) { fetchAndConvertToDocument(novelURL) .then(doc => { // console.log("获取并转换为Document对象成功:", doc); docu = doc //判断网址是否是小说网址 // 获取当前网页的标题和URL const pageTitle = docu.title.toLowerCase(); const pageURL = novelURL; // 检查页面标题和URL中是否包含小说关键词 const novelKeywords = ['小说', '小說', '小说网', '小說網', '小说站', '小說站', '小说阅读', '小說閱讀', '笔趣阁', '筆趣閣', '起点', '纵横', '17k', '搜狐阅读', '阅文集团', '轻小说', '言情小说', '修真', '玄幻', '都市', '言情', '穿越', '奇幻', '历史']; const isNovelSite = novelKeywords.some(keyword => pageTitle.includes(keyword) || pageURL.includes(keyword)); if (!isNovelSite) { alert('无效的小说网址'); return } //识别小说名称 //... //识别小说章节 // 尝试提取类似“第?章*”的章节标题 const chapterTitleRegex = /第.+章.+/; const bodyText = docu.body.textContent; const matchedChapterTitle = bodyText.match(chapterTitleRegex); if (!matchedChapterTitle) { alert('未识别到小说章节'); return } const chapterTitle = matchedChapterTitle[0].trim(); //存储进书架 let bookName if(url != null){ bookName = bookObj.bookName }else{ bookName = '《' + prompt("请输入小说名称:") + '》' } let bookInfo = storeBook(bookName, chapterTitle, novelURL) console.log(bookName + ' ' + chapterTitle + ' 存入书架成功') //识别小说正文 const chapterContent = extractChapterContent(); //看书 bookObj = bookInfo showBook(chapterTitle, chapterContent) }) .catch(error => { console.error("发生错误:", error); }); } else { console.log("未输入网址,操作已取消。"); } } // 提取本章正文内容 function extractChapterContent() { const divElements = docu.querySelectorAll('div'); // 获取所有
元素 let maxLineBreaks = 0; let content = ''; // 遍历所有
元素,找到换行最多的一个 divElements.forEach(div => { // 排除含有嵌套
的情况 if (!div.querySelector('div')) { const lineBreaks = (div.innerHTML.match(/
/g) || []).length; if (lineBreaks > maxLineBreaks) { maxLineBreaks = lineBreaks; content = div.innerHTML.trim(); } } }); return content; } //下一章 function getNextChapterLink() { const links = docu.querySelectorAll('a'); // 获取所有超链接元素 let nextChapterLink = null; // 遍历超链接元素,查找下一章的超链接 for (const link of links) { const linkText = link.textContent.toLowerCase(); if (linkText.includes('下一章') || linkText.includes('下一页')) { const linkHref = link.getAttribute('href'); // 获取超链接的 href 属性 if (linkHref) { const baseHost = new URL(bookObj.bookURL).origin; // 获取基本地址(域名) nextChapterLink = new URL(linkHref, baseHost).href; // 构建完整地址 break; } } } return nextChapterLink; } //上一章 function getLastChapterLink() { const links = docu.querySelectorAll('a'); // 获取所有超链接元素 let nextChapterLink = null; // 遍历超链接元素,查找下一章的超链接 for (const link of links) { const linkText = link.textContent.toLowerCase(); if (linkText.includes('上一章') || linkText.includes('上一页')) { const linkHref = link.getAttribute('href'); // 获取超链接的 href 属性 if (linkHref) { const baseHost = new URL(bookObj.bookURL).origin; // 获取基本地址(域名) nextChapterLink = new URL(linkHref, baseHost).href; // 构建完整地址 break; } } } return nextChapterLink; } })();