// ==UserScript== // @name YouTube视频&音乐广告拦截 // @name:zh-CN YouTube视频&音乐广告拦截 // @name:zh-TW YouTube視頻&音樂廣告攔截 // @name:zh-HK YouTube視頻&音樂廣告攔截 // @name:zh-MO YouTube視頻&音樂廣告攔截 // @name:en YouTubeVideo&musicAdBlocking // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 1.1.8 // @description 拦截所有youtube视频广告,音乐播放广告,不留白,不闪屏,无感,体验第一。已适配移动端,支持自定义拦截,添加影视频道 // @description:zh-CN 拦截所有youtube视频广告,音乐播放广告,不留白,不闪屏,无感,体验第一。已适配移动端,支持自定义拦截,添加影视频道 // @description:zh-TW 攔截所有YouTube視頻廣告,音樂播放廣告,不留白,不閃屏,無感,體驗第一。已適配移動端,支持自定義攔截,添加影視頻道 // @description:zh-HK 攔截所有YouTube視頻廣告,音樂播放廣告,不留白,不閃屏,無感,體驗第一。已適配移動端,支持自定義攔截,添加影視頻道 // @description:zh-MO 攔截所有YouTube視頻廣告,音樂播放廣告,不留白,不閃屏,無感,體驗第一。已適配移動端,支持自定義攔截,添加影視頻道 // @description:en Intercept all YouTube video ads, music playback ads, without leaving blank space, no flash screens, seamless experience, the first choice in user experience. Adapted for mobile devices, supports customizable interception, and allows the addition of video channels // @author hua // @match https://www.youtube.com/* // @match https://m.youtube.com/* // @match https://music.youtube.com/watch* // @grant unsafeWindow // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @run-at document-start // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== const open_config_keyword = '2333' let open_recommend_shorts = GM_getValue("open_recommend_shorts", false); let open_recommend_movie = GM_getValue("open_recommend_movie", false); let open_recommend_popular = GM_getValue("open_recommend_popular", false); let open_recommend_liveroom = GM_getValue("open_recommend_liveroom", false); let open_recommend_tv_goodselect = false // let open_recommend_liveroom = GM_getValue("open_recommend_liveroom", false); // 'metadataBadgeRenderer.label........=- ~=精选' 桌面端主页 youtubeTv精选 let open_recommend_featured = true const script_url = '' let href = location.href let home_page_ytInitialData_ad_rule let watch_page_ytInitialData_ad_rule let ytInitialPlayerResponse_ad_rule = [ "abs:playerAds=-", "abs:adPlacements=-", "abs:adBreakHeartbeatParams=-", "abs:adSlots=-", ] let open_debugger = false let isinint = false let mobile_web // "zh-CN" "en" "zh-TW" let language let movie_channel_info let mobile_movie_channel_info let flag_info let debugger_ytInitialPlayerResponse let debugger_ytInitialData const SPLIT_TAG = '###' const ignore_page_list = ['https://www.youtube.com/live_chat'] if (filter_page()) return url_observer() init() function init() { log('初始化开始!', 0) let ytInitialPlayerResponse_value = unsafeWindow['ytInitialPlayerResponse'] define_property_hook(unsafeWindow, 'ytInitialPlayerResponse', { get: function () { return ytInitialPlayerResponse_value }, set: function (value) { if (value && open_debugger) debugger_ytInitialPlayerResponse = (typeof (value) === 'string') ? JSON.parse(value) : JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(value)) let start_time = new Date().getTime() value && obj_process(value, ytInitialPlayerResponse_ad_rule, true) log('ytInitialPlayerResponse 时间:', new Date().getTime() - start_time, 'spend_time'); ytInitialPlayerResponse_value = value }, configurable: false }); let ytInitialData_value = unsafeWindow['ytInitialData'] define_property_hook(unsafeWindow, 'ytInitialData', { get: function () { return ytInitialData_value }, set: function (value) { let start_time = new Date().getTime() let y_type = typeof (value) if (open_debugger && value !== undefined && value !== null) debugger_ytInitialData = (y_type === 'string') ? JSON.parse(value) : JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(value)) if (value && y_type === 'string') { value = JSON.parse(value) } if (/watch/.test(href)) { value && obj_process(value, watch_page_ytInitialData_ad_rule, true) } else { value && obj_process(value, home_page_ytInitialData_ad_rule, true) } if (y_type === 'string') value = JSON.stringify(value) ytInitialData_value = value log('ytInitialData 时间:', new Date().getTime() - start_time, 'spend_time') }, configurable: false }) define_property_hook(navigator, 'userAgent', { get: function () { return 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36' } }) let origin_creatElement = document.createElement document.createElement.toString = origin_creatElement.toString document.createElement = function () { let node = origin_creatElement.apply(this, arguments) if (arguments[0] === 'template') { let innerhtml_getter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Element.prototype, "innerHTML").get; let innerhtml_setter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Element.prototype, "innerHTML").set; define_property_hook(node, 'innerHTML', { get: function () { return innerhtml_getter.call(node) }, set: function (value) { // if (value.toString().indexOf('ytd-continuation-item-renderer')>-1){ // if (href.indexOf('https://www.youtube.com/watch')>-1){ // value = '' // log(value); // log('弹窗去掉------->ytd-continuation-item-renderer'); // } // } if (value.toString().indexOf('yt-mealbar-promo-renderer') > -1) { log('弹窗去掉------->yt-mealbar-promo-renderer', 'node_process'); value = '' } innerhtml_setter.call(node, value) } }) } return node } async function deal_resposn(name, response, rule) { const responseClone = response.clone(); let result = await responseClone.text() let start_time = new Date().getTime() result = text_process(result, rule, 'insert', true) log(name + ' 时间:', new Date().getTime() - start_time, 'spend_time'); return new Response(result, response) } const origin_fetch = fetch; unsafeWindow.fetch = function () { const fetch_ = async function (uri, options) { async function fetch_request(response) { let url = response.url return_response = response if (url.indexOf('youtubei/v1/next') > -1) { return await deal_resposn('next', response, watch_page_ytInitialData_ad_rule) } if (url.indexOf('youtubei/v1/player') > -1) { return await deal_resposn('player', response, ytInitialPlayerResponse_ad_rule) } if (url.indexOf('youtubei/v1/browse') > -1) { return await deal_resposn('browse', response, home_page_ytInitialData_ad_rule) } if (url.indexOf('https://m.youtube.com/youtubei/v1/guide') > -1) { return await deal_resposn('guide', response, home_page_ytInitialData_ad_rule) } if (url.indexOf('/youtubei/v1/search') > -1) { return await deal_resposn('guide', response, home_page_ytInitialData_ad_rule) } return return_response } return origin_fetch(uri, options).then(fetch_request) } const names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(origin_fetch); for (let i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { if (names[i] in fetch_) continue; let desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(origin_fetch, names[i]) define_property_hook(fetch_, names[i], desc); } return fetch_ }() const origin_open = XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open; const xhr_response_getter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(XMLHttpRequest.prototype, "response").get; XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open = function () { const xhr = this; define_property_hook(xhr, "responseText", { get: () => { let result = xhr_response_getter.call(xhr); if (xhr.responseURL.indexOf('youtubei/v1/player') > -1) { result = text_process(result, ytInitialPlayerResponse_ad_rule, 'insert', true) } return result }, configurable: true }); define_property_hook(xhr, "response", { get: () => { let result = xhr_response_getter.call(xhr); if (xhr.responseURL.indexOf('youtubei/v1/player') > -1) { result = text_process(result, ytInitialPlayerResponse_ad_rule, 'insert', true) } return result }, configurable: true }); origin_open.apply(this, arguments); } document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () { !mobile_web && search_listener() checke_update() }) if (unsafeWindow.ytcfg) { if (unsafeWindow.ytcfg.data_ && unsafeWindow.ytcfg.data_.HL) config_init() !(unsafeWindow.ytcfg.data_ && unsafeWindow.ytcfg.data_.HL) && define_property_hook(unsafeWindow.ytcfg, 'msgs', { get: function () { return this._msgs }, set: function (newValue) { if (newValue.__lang__) config_init() this._msgs = newValue; } }) } else { define_property_hook(unsafeWindow, 'ytcfg', { get: function () { return this._ytcfg }, set: function (newValue) { if (newValue.set) { const orgin_set = newValue.set newValue.set = function () { orgin_set.apply(this, arguments) if (arguments[0].HL) { config_init(arguments[0].HL) } } } this._ytcfg = newValue; } }); } isinint = true log('初始化结束!', 0) } function filter_page() { for (let page of ignore_page_list) { if (href.indexOf(page) > -1) { log('忽略页面:' + page, 0) return true } } return false } function define_property_hook(obj, property, descriptor) { Object.defineProperty(obj, property, descriptor) if (descriptor.get) { const get_ = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, property).get if (descriptor.get !== get_) { log("hook " + property + " failed!", get_, 0) return } } if (descriptor.set) { const set_ = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, property).set if (descriptor.set !== set_) log("hook " + property + " failed!", set_, 0) } } function config_init(tmp_language = null) { if (!tmp_language) language = unsafeWindow['ytcfg'].msgs ? unsafeWindow['ytcfg'].msgs.__lang__ : unsafeWindow['ytcfg'].data_.HL else language = tmp_language let flag_infos = { "zh-CN": { "sponsored": "赞助商", "free_movie": "免费(含广告)", "live": "直播", "movie_channel": "影视", "free_primetime_movie": "免费 Primetime 电影", "think_video": "你对这个视频有何看法?|此推荐内容怎么样?", "try": "试用", "recommend_popular": "时下流行", "featured": "Featured", "btn_recommend_movie": "电影推荐", "btn_recommend_shorts": "Shorts推荐", "btn_recommend_liveroom": "直播推荐", "btn_recommend_popular": "时下流行", "btn_save": "保存", "goodselect": "精选" }, "zh-TW": { "sponsored": "赞助商", "free_movie": "免費 \\(含廣告\\)", "live": "直播", "movie_channel": "電影與電視節目", "free_primetime_movie": "免費的特選電影", "think_video": "你对这个视频有何看法?|此推荐内容怎么样?", "try": "試用", "recommend_popular": "時下流行", "featured": "Featured", "btn_recommend_movie": "电影推薦", "btn_recommend_shorts": "Shorts推薦", "btn_recommend_liveroom": "直播推薦", "btn_recommend_popular": "時下流行", "btn_save": "保存", "goodselect": "精選內容" }, "en": { "sponsored": "Sponsored", "free_movie": "Free with ads", "live": "LIVE", "movie_channel": "Movies & TV", "free_primetime_movie": "Free Primetime movies", "think_video": "What did you think of this video?|此推荐内容怎么样?", "try": "试用", "recommend_popular": "Trending", "featured": "Featured", "btn_recommend_movie": "MovieRecommend", "btn_recommend_shorts": "ShortsRecommend", "btn_recommend_liveroom": "LiveRecommend", "btn_recommend_popular": "TrendingRecommend", "btn_save": "Save", "goodselect": "精选" } } flag_info = flag_infos[language] movie_channel_info = { "guideEntryRenderer": { "navigationEndpoint": { "clickTrackingParams": "CBQQnOQDGAIiEwj5l8SLqPiCAxUXSEwIHbf1Dw0=", "commandMetadata": { "webCommandMetadata": { "url": "/feed/storefront", "webPageType": "WEB_PAGE_TYPE_BROWSE", "rootVe": 6827, "apiUrl": "/youtubei/v1/browse" } }, "browseEndpoint": { "browseId": "FEstorefront" } }, "icon": { "iconType": "CLAPPERBOARD" }, "trackingParams": "CBQQnOQDGAIiEwj5l8SLqPiCAxUXSEwIHbf1Dw0=", "formattedTitle": { "simpleText": flag_info.movie_channel }, "accessibility": { "accessibilityData": { "label": flag_info.movie_channel } } } } mobile_movie_channel_info = { "navigationItemViewModel": { "text": { "content": flag_info.movie_channel }, "icon": { "sources": [ { "clientResource": { "imageName": "CLAPPERBOARD" } } ] }, "onTap": { "parallelCommand": { "commands": [ { "innertubeCommand": { "clickTrackingParams": "CBQQnOQDGAIiEwj5l8SLqPiCAxUXSEwIHbf1Dw0=", "hideMoreDrawerCommand": {} } }, { "innertubeCommand": { "clickTrackingParams": "CBQQnOQDGAIiEwj5l8SLqPiCAxUXSEwIHbf1Dw0=", "commandMetadata": { "webCommandMetadata": { "url": "/feed/storefront", "webPageType": "WEB_PAGE_TYPE_CHANNEL", "rootVe": 3611, "apiUrl": "/youtubei/v1/browse" } }, "browseEndpoint": { "browseId": "FEstorefront" } } } ] } }, "loggingDirectives": { "trackingParams": "CBQQnOQDGAIiEwj5l8SLqPiCAxUXSEwIHbf1Dw0=", "visibility": { "types": "12" }, "enableDisplayloggerExperiment": true } } } let column_recommend_rule let item_label_fifter_rule let watch_page_item_label_fifter_rule let home_page_item_label_fifter_rule let add_movie_channel_rule mobile_web = href.indexOf('https://m.youtube.com/') > -1 watch_page_ytInitialData_ad_rule = home_page_ytInitialData_ad_rule = null //打开直播频道 let open_live_channel = href.indexOf('channel/UC4R8DWoMoI7CAwX8_LjQHig') > -1 let open_movie_channel = href.indexOf('feed/storefront') > -1 if (mobile_web) { column_recommend_rule = 'reelShelfRenderer.title.runs[0].text......=- ~=' mobile_web_extra_column_recommend_rule = 'pivotBarItemRenderer.title.runs[0].text.....=- ~=' // 直播规则 let ad_label = 'metadataBadgeRenderer.label.....=- ~=' + flag_info.sponsored if (!open_recommend_movie && !open_movie_channel) ad_label += '|' + flag_info.free_movie item_label_fifter_rule = [ad_label] home_page_item_label_fifter_rule = watch_page_item_label_fifter_rule = item_label_fifter_rule if (!open_recommend_liveroom && !open_live_channel) { item_label_fifter_rule.push('text.accessibility.accessibilityData.label........=- ~=' + flag_info.live) home_page_item_label_fifter_rule = item_label_fifter_rule watch_page_item_label_fifter_rule = item_label_fifter_rule } add_movie_channel_rule = "loadingStrategy.inlineContent.moreDrawerViewModel.content=+obj(mobile_movie_channel_info) !~=" + flag_info.movie_channel } else { column_recommend_rule = 'richShelfRenderer.title.runs[0].text......=- ~=' let ad_label if (href.indexOf('watch') > -1) { ad_label = 'metadataBadgeRenderer.label.....=- ~=' + flag_info.sponsored } else { ad_label = 'metadataBadgeRenderer.label......=- ~=' + flag_info.sponsored } if (!open_recommend_movie && !open_movie_channel) ad_label += '|' + flag_info.free_movie item_label_fifter_rule = [ad_label] home_page_item_label_fifter_rule = watch_page_item_label_fifter_rule = item_label_fifter_rule if (!open_recommend_liveroom && !open_live_channel) { item_label_fifter_rule.push('text.accessibility.accessibilityData.label........=- ~=' + flag_info.live) watch_page_item_label_fifter_rule = item_label_fifter_rule.concat(['metadataBadgeRenderer.label.....=- ~=' + flag_info.live]) home_page_item_label_fifter_rule = item_label_fifter_rule.concat(['metadataBadgeRenderer.label......=- ~=' + flag_info.live]) } add_movie_channel_rule = "loadingStrategy.inlineContent.moreDrawerViewModel.content=+obj(movie_channel_info) !~=" + flag_info.movie_channel } if (!open_recommend_tv_goodselect) { if (home_page_item_label_fifter_rule) { home_page_item_label_fifter_rule.push('metadataBadgeRenderer.label........=- ~=' + flag_info.goodselect) } else { home_page_item_label_fifter_rule = ['metadataBadgeRenderer.label........=- ~=' + flag_info.goodselect] } } let column_recommend_list = [] if (!open_recommend_shorts) column_recommend_list.push('Shorts') if (!open_recommend_movie && !open_movie_channel) column_recommend_list.push(flag_info.free_primetime_movie) if (!open_recommend_popular) column_recommend_list.push(flag_info.recommend_popular) if (column_recommend_list.length > 0) { column_recommend_rule += column_recommend_list.join('|') if (mobile_web) mobile_web_extra_column_recommend_rule += column_recommend_list.join('|') } home_page_ytInitialData_ad_rule = [ 'title.runs[0].text......=- ~=YouTube Premium|' + flag_info.think_video, 'richGridRenderer.masthead=-', 'videoOwnerRenderer=- /.purchaseButton.buttonRenderer.text.simpleText~=' + flag_info.try, 'richItemRenderer.content.adSlotRenderer..=-', add_movie_channel_rule ] if (home_page_item_label_fifter_rule) home_page_ytInitialData_ad_rule = home_page_ytInitialData_ad_rule.concat(home_page_item_label_fifter_rule) if (open_recommend_featured) { home_page_ytInitialData_ad_rule.push('brandVideoSingletonRenderer.badgeText.runs[0].text.......=- ~=' + flag_info.featured) home_page_ytInitialData_ad_rule.push('brandVideoShelfRenderer.badgeText.runs[0].text.......=- ~=' + flag_info.featured) } if (!open_recommend_shorts || (!open_recommend_movie && !open_movie_channel) || !open_recommend_popular) { home_page_ytInitialData_ad_rule.push(column_recommend_rule) if (mobile_web) { home_page_ytInitialData_ad_rule.push(mobile_web_extra_column_recommend_rule) } } watch_page_ytInitialData_ad_rule = [ 'tvfilmOfferModuleRenderer=- /.masthead$exist', 'merchandiseShelfRenderer=-', 'adSlotRenderer.=-' ] if (watch_page_item_label_fifter_rule) watch_page_ytInitialData_ad_rule = watch_page_ytInitialData_ad_rule.concat(watch_page_item_label_fifter_rule) if (isinint) { setTimeout(search_listener, 500) } } function search_listener() { const search_selector = href.indexOf('https://m.youtube.com/') > -1 ? 'input.searchbox-input.title' : 'input[id="search"]' const search_input_node = document.querySelector(search_selector) if (search_input_node) { search_input_node.oninput = function (event) { if (open_config_keyword === this.value) { setTimeout(function () { if (search_input_node.value === open_config_keyword) { display_config_win() } }, 500) } }; } } function url_observer() { if (unsafeWindow.navigation) { unsafeWindow.navigation.addEventListener('navigate', (event) => { url_change(event) }) return } const _historyWrap = function (type) { const orig = unsafeWindow.history[type]; const e = new Event(type); return function () { const rv = orig.apply(this, arguments); e.arguments = arguments; unsafeWindow.dispatchEvent(e); return rv; }; }; unsafeWindow.history.pushState = _historyWrap('pushState'); unsafeWindow.history.replaceState = _historyWrap('replaceState'); unsafeWindow.addEventListener('replaceState', function (event) { url_change(event) }) unsafeWindow.addEventListener('pushState', function (event) { url_change(event) }); unsafeWindow.addEventListener('popstate', function (event) { url_change(event) }) unsafeWindow.addEventListener('hashchange', function (event) { url_change(event) }) } function url_change(event = null) { if (event && event.destination.url.indexOf('about:blank') === 0) return href = event ? event.destination.url : location.href log('网页url改变 href -> ' + href, 0) config_init() } let debugger_config_info = { 'ytInitialPlayerResponse': debugger_ytInitialPlayerResponse, 'ytInitialData': debugger_ytInitialData, 'info': [ 'home_page_ytInitialData_ad_rule', 'watch_page_ytInitialData_ad_rule', 'ytInitialPlayerResponse_ad_rule', 'open_recommend_liveroom', 'open_recommend_popular', 'open_recommend_movie', 'open_recommend_shorts', 'language', 'mobile_web', ] } unsafeWindow.debugger_ = function (action = null) { let keys = Object.keys(debugger_config_info) if (!action && action !== 0) { debugger; return } if (action === 'ytInitialPlayerResponse') return console.log('ytInitialPlayerResponse', debugger_ytInitialPlayerResponse); if (action === 'ytInitialData') return console.log('ytInitialData', debugger_ytInitialData); if (action === 'info') { for (let key of debugger_config_info['info']) { console.log(key, eval(key)); } } if (action === 'list') { keys.forEach(function (key, index) { console.log(index, key); }) } if (typeof (action) === 'number' && action < keys.length) { unsafeWindow.debugger_(keys[action]) } } function log() { let arguments_arr = [...arguments] let flag = arguments_arr.pop() if (flag !== 0) arguments_arr.push(getCodeLocation()) if (flag === 0 || open_debugger) console.log(...arguments_arr); } function getCodeLocation() { const callstack = new Error().stack.split("\n"); callstack.shift(); while (callstack.length && callstack[0].indexOf("chrome-extension://") !== -1) { callstack.shift(); } if (!callstack.length) { return ""; } return '\n' + callstack[0].trim(); } function display_config_win() { const css_str = '#set_list { z-index:9999999999; display: flex; position: fixed; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; background-color: #fff; border: 1px solid #ccc; box-shadow: 0 4px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); border-radius: 10px; } #set_button { margin: 0 10px; display: inline-block; padding: 5px 10px; background-color: #3498db; color: #fff; border: none; border-radius: 5px; cursor: pointer; transition: background-color 0.3s ease; } #set_button:hover { background-color: #2980b9; }' const style = document.createElement("style"); style.innerText = css_str; document.querySelector('body').appendChild(style) const config_info = { "open_recommend_movie": flag_info.btn_recommend_movie, "open_recommend_shorts": flag_info.btn_recommend_shorts, "open_recommend_liveroom": flag_info.btn_recommend_liveroom, "open_recommend_popular": flag_info.btn_recommend_popular, } const container = document.createElement("div"); container.id = "set_list" for (let key in config_info) { let label = document.createElement("label") let input = document.createElement("input") input.id = key input.type = 'checkbox' input.checked = eval(key) label.appendChild(input) let span = document.createElement("span") span.textContent = config_info[key] span.style.userSelect = 'none' label.appendChild(span) container.appendChild(label) } let button = document.createElement("button") button.id = "set_button" button.textContent = flag_info.btn_save button.onclick = function () { for (let key in config_info) { GM_setValue(key, document.querySelector('#' + key).checked); eval(key + '=' + document.querySelector('#' + key).checked) } document.querySelector('body').removeChild(container) } container.appendChild(button) document.querySelector('body').appendChild(container) let search_list_node = document.querySelector('body > div.gstl_50.sbdd_a') if (search_list_node) { search_list_node.style.display = 'none' } } function display_update_win() { function btn_click() { btn = this if (btn.id === 'go_btn') { location.href = script_url } document.querySelector('body').removeChild(container) } const css_str = "#update_tips_win { z-index:9999999999; display: flex; position: fixed; bottom: 20px; right: 20px; padding: 10px 20px; background-color: #fff; border: 1px solid #ccc; box-shadow: 0 4px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); border-radius: 10px; } .btn { margin: 0 10px; display: inline-block; padding: 5px 10px; background-color: #3498db; color: #fff; border: none; border-radius: 5px; cursor: pointer; transition: background-color 0.3s ease; } .btn:hover { background-color: #2980b9; }"; const style = document.createElement("style"); style.innerText = css_str; document.querySelector('body').appendChild(style) const container = document.createElement("div") container.id = "update_tips_win" const span = document.createElement("span") span.textContent = GM_info.script.name + '有更新了!!' container.appendChild(span) const go_btn = document.createElement("button") go_btn.textContent = 'GO' go_btn.id = 'go_btn' go_btn.className = 'btn' go_btn.onclick = btn_click container.appendChild(go_btn) const no_btn = document.createElement("button") no_btn.textContent = 'NO' no_btn.className = 'btn' no_btn.id = 'no_btn' no_btn.onclick = btn_click container.appendChild(no_btn) document.querySelector('body').appendChild(container) } function checke_update() { return let last_check_time = GM_getValue('last_check_time', 0) if ((new Date().getTime() - last_check_time) < 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) return GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: script_url, onload: function (response) { const onlineScript = response.responseText; // 从线上脚本中提取版本号和元数据信息 const onlineMeta = onlineScript.match(/@version\s+([^\s]+)/i); const onlineVersion = onlineMeta ? onlineMeta[1] : ''; if (onlineVersion > GM_info.script.version) { display_update_win() } } }); GM_setValue('last_check_time', new Date().getTime()) } function text_process(data, values, mode, traverse_all) { mode = mode || 'cover' if (mode === 'reg') { for (let value of values) { let patten_express = value.split(SPLIT_TAG)[0] let replace_value = value.split(SPLIT_TAG)[1] let patten = new RegExp(patten_express, "g") data = data.replace(patten, replace_value) } } if (mode === 'cover') { data = values[0] } if (mode === 'insert') { traverse_all = traverse_all || false let json_data try { json_data = JSON.parse(data) } catch (error) { log('text_process JSON parse error', 0) return data } obj_process(json_data, values, traverse_all) data = JSON.stringify(json_data) } return data } function obj_process(json_obj, express_list, traverse_all = false) { let abs_path_info_list = [] let relative_path_info_list = [] let relative_path_list = [] let relative_short_path_list = [] if (!json_obj || !express_list) return function add_data_to_abs_path(path, relative_path, operator, value, condition, array_index, path_extral) { let tmp path = path.replace(/\.[\d\w\-\_\$@]+/g, function (match) { return '["' + match.slice(1) + '"]' }) if (array_index !== "*") { tmp = {} path = path + (array_index ? '[' + array_index + ']' : '') tmp.path = path tmp.relative_path = relative_path tmp.operator = operator tmp.value = value tmp.condition = condition tmp.path_extral = path_extral abs_path_info_list.push(tmp) return } let array_length try { array_length = eval(path + '.length') if (!array_length) return } catch (error) { return } for (let tmp_index = array_length - 1; tmp_index >= 0; tmp_index--) { tmp = {} tmp.path = path + "[" + tmp_index + "]" tmp.operator = operator tmp.value = value tmp.condition = condition tmp.path_extral = path_extral tmp.relative_path = relative_path abs_path_info_list.push(tmp) } } function value_parase(parase_value) { const json_math = parase_value.match(/^json\((.*)\)$/) if (json_math) return JSON.parse(json_math[1]) const obj_match = parase_value.match(/^obj\((.*)\)$/) if (obj_match) return eval(obj_match[1]) const number_match = parase_value.match(/^num\((.*)\)$/) if (number_match) return eval(number_match[1]) if (parase_value === 'undefined') return undefined if (parase_value === 'null') return null return parase_value } express_list.forEach(express => { let reg let express_type = typeof (express) let matchs let conditions let value reg = /^(abs:)?([a-zA-Z_0-9\.\*\[\]]*)((=\-|~=|=\+|=))(.*)?/ if (express_type === 'string') { matchs = express.match(reg) } else { matchs = express.value.match(reg) conditions = express.conditions } let abs = matchs[1] let path = matchs[2] let path_extral_match = path.match(/\/?\.+$/) let path_extral if (path_extral_match) { path_extral = {} let len if (path_extral_match[0].indexOf('/') === 0) { len = path_extral_match[0].length - 1 path_extral['child'] = len } else { len = path_extral_match[0].length path_extral['parent'] = len } path = path.slice(0, path.length - len) } let operator = matchs[3] if (express_type === 'string') { let tmp_value = matchs[5] || '' let split_index = tmp_value.indexOf(' ') if (split_index > -1) { value = tmp_value.substring(0, split_index) conditions = tmp_value.substring(split_index + 1) conditions = { 'value': [conditions] } } else { value = tmp_value } } matchs = path.match(/\[(\*?\d*)\]$/) let array_index if (matchs) { path = path.replace(/\[(\*?\d*)\]$/, '') array_index = matchs[1] } if (abs) { add_data_to_abs_path('json_obj.' + path, path, operator, value, conditions, array_index, path_extral) } else { relative_path_list.push(path) let tmp_short_path = path.split('.').pop() relative_short_path_list.push(tmp_short_path) relative_path_info_list.push({ "path": path, "operator": operator, "value": value, "conditions": conditions, "array_index": array_index, "path_extral": path_extral }) } }) if (relative_path_list.length > 0) { let dec_list = [] let dec_index_list = [] obj_property_traverse(json_obj, '', { "short_keys": relative_short_path_list, "real_keys": relative_path_list }, dec_list, dec_index_list, traverse_all) for (let i = 0; i < dec_index_list.length; i++) { let real_index = dec_index_list[i] let real_path_info = relative_path_info_list[real_index] let tmp_path = 'json_obj' + dec_list[i] add_data_to_abs_path(tmp_path, real_path_info.path, real_path_info.operator, real_path_info.value, real_path_info.conditions, real_path_info.array_index, real_path_info.path_extral) } } abs_path_info_list.sort((a, b) => a > b ? 1 : -1) for (let path_info of abs_path_info_list) { if (!obj_conditional(path_info, json_obj)) continue let operator = path_info.operator let path = path_info.path let value = path_info.value let path_extral = path_info.path_extral if (path_extral) { let positions = [] let regex = /\]/g let match while ((match = regex.exec(path)) !== null) { positions.push(match.index); } if (positions.length === 0) continue if ('parent' in path_extral) { if (positions.length - path_extral['parent'] - 1 < 0) continue split_index = positions[positions.length - path_extral['parent'] - 1] + 1 path = path.slice(0, split_index) } } if (operator === '=-') { let math = path.match(/(.*)\[(\d+)\]$/) if (math) { let arr_express = math[1] let index = math[2] eval(arr_express + '.splice(' + index + ',1)') log(`依据:${path_info.relative_path}${!path_info.path_extral ? '' : JSON.stringify(path_info.path_extral)}${path_info.operator} ${!path_info.condition ? '' : JSON.stringify(path_info.condition)}`, 'obj_process'); log('删除属性-->' + arr_express + '[' + index + ']', 'obj_process'); } else { eval('delete ' + path) log(`依据:${path_info.relative_path}${!path_info.path_extral ? '' : JSON.stringify(path_info.path_extral)}${path_info.operator} ${!path_info.condition ? '' : JSON.stringify(path_info.condition)}`, 'obj_process'); log('删除属性-->' + path, 'obj_process'); } } if (operator === '=+') { let type_ = eval('typeof (' + path + ')') if (type_ === 'object' && eval('Array.isArray(' + path + ')')) type_ = 'array' value = value_parase(value) if (type_ === 'array') eval(path + '.push(value)') if (type_ === 'string' || type_ === 'number') eval(path + '= ' + path + '+ value') } if (operator === '~=') { let search_value = value.split(SPLIT_TAG)[0] let replace_value = value.split(SPLIT_TAG)[1] eval(path + '=' + path + '.replace(new RegExp(search_value, "g"), replace_value)') } if (operator === '=') { value = value_parase(value) eval(path) !== undefined && eval(path + '=value') log(`依据:${path_info.relative_path}${!path_info.path_extral ? '' : JSON.stringify(path_info.path_extral)}${path_info.operator} ${!path_info.condition ? '' : JSON.stringify(path_info.condition)}`, 'obj_process'); log('修改属性-->' + path, 'obj_process'); } } } function obj_conditional(express_info, json_obj) { //json_obj 在eval里直接调用 if (!express_info['condition']) return true let condition_infos = express_info['condition'] // 与 for (let condition_list of Object.values(condition_infos)) { let result = false for (let condition of condition_list) { let reg = /^([a-zA-Z_0-9\/\.\[\]]*)?(.*)/ let match = condition.match(reg) let condition_path = match[1] let mod if (condition_path) { if (condition_path.indexOf('/') === 0) { mod = 'child' } else if (condition_path.indexOf('.') === 0) { mod = 'parent' } else { mod = 'other' } } else { condition_path = express_info.path } let conditional_express = match[2] if (mod === 'child') { condition_path = express_info.path + condition_path.slice(1).replace(/\.[\d\w\-\_\$@]+/g, function (match) { return '["' + match.slice(1) + '"]' }) } if (mod === 'parent') { let reg = /^\.+/ let matchs = condition_path.match(reg) let positions = [] let regex = /\]/g while ((match = regex.exec(express_info.path)) !== null) { positions.push(match.index); } if (positions.length > 0) { let split_index = positions[positions.length - matchs[0].length - 1] + 1 let short_condition_path = condition_path.replace(reg, '') if (!/^\[/.test(short_condition_path)) { short_condition_path = '.' + short_condition_path } condition_path = express_info.path.slice(0, split_index) + short_condition_path.replace(/\.[\d\w\-\_\$@]+/g, function (match) { return '["' + match.slice(1) + '"]' }) } } if (mod === 'other') { condition_path = ('json_obj.' + condition_path).replace(/\.[\d\w\-\_\$@]+/g, function (match) { return '["' + match.slice(1) + '"]' }) } let condition_value try { condition_value = eval(condition_path) } catch (error) { continue } result = value_conditional(condition_value, conditional_express) result && log('条件成立-->', condition_value, 'obj_process'); if (result) break } if (!result) return false } return true } function obj_property_traverse(obj, cur_path, dec_infos, dec_list, dec_index_list, traverse_all = false) { if (Array.isArray(obj)) { obj.forEach((tmp_obj, index) => { let tmp_path = cur_path + '[' + index + ']' if (!tmp_obj || typeof (tmp_obj) !== 'object') return obj_property_traverse(tmp_obj, tmp_path, dec_infos, dec_list, dec_index_list, traverse_all) }) return } Object.keys(obj).forEach((key) => { let tmp_path = cur_path + '.' + key let deal = false for (let i = 0; i < dec_infos["short_keys"].length; i++) { if (dec_infos["short_keys"][i] === key) { let len = dec_infos["real_keys"][i].length if (tmp_path.slice(tmp_path.length - len) === dec_infos["real_keys"][i]) { dec_list.push(tmp_path) dec_index_list.push(i) if (!deal && traverse_all && typeof (obj[key]) === 'object') { obj_property_traverse(obj[key], tmp_path, dec_infos, dec_list, dec_index_list, traverse_all) } deal = true } } } let value = obj[key] if (deal || !value || typeof (value) !== 'object') return obj_property_traverse(value, tmp_path, dec_infos, dec_list, dec_index_list, traverse_all) }) } function value_conditional(value, condition_express) { function excute_eval(express) { try { return eval(express) } catch (error) { return false } } let reg = /(\$text|\$value|\$exist|\$notexist)?((>=|<=|>|<|!~=|!=|~=|=))?(.*)/ let match = condition_express.match(reg) let condition_type = match[1] || '$text' let condition_operator = match[2] let condition_test_value = match[4] if (condition_type === '$value') { if (!['>=', '<=', '>', '<', '='].includes(condition_operator)) return false if (condition_operator === '=') condition_operator = '===' return excute_eval(value + condition_operator + condition_test_value) } if (condition_type === '$exist') { return excute_eval('value !== undefined && value !== null') } if (condition_type === '$notexist') { return excute_eval('value === undefined || value === null') } if (condition_type === '$text') { if (typeof (value) === 'object') value = JSON.stringify(value) if (['>=', '<=', '>', '<'].includes(condition_operator)) { return excute_eval(value.length + condition_operator + condition_test_value.length) } if (['=', '!=', '!~=', '~='].includes(condition_operator)) { let result = condition_operator === '=' ? value === condition_test_value : new RegExp(condition_test_value).test(value) return ['!=', '!~='].includes(condition_operator) ? !result : result } } return false }