// ==UserScript== // @name (改)网盘直链下载助手 // @namespace https://github.com/syhyz1990/baiduyun // @version // @author Hmjz100、油小猴 // @icon  // @description 可以获取网盘文件真实下载地址。现已支持百度网盘阿里网盘天翼网盘迅雷网盘夸克网盘移动网盘六大网盘,基于【网盘直链下载助手】修改自6.1.4版本,自用,去推广,修原有BUG,修改界面,甚至比原版还好用! // @license AGPL-3.0-or-later // @homepage https://github.com/hmjz100/Online-disk-direct-link-download-assistant/ // @supportURL https://github.com/hmjz100/Online-disk-direct-link-download-assistant/issues // @original-author 油小猴 // @original-license AGPL-3.0-or-later // @original-script https://greasyfork.org/scripts/436446 // @compatible Chrome // @compatible Edge // @compatible Firefox // @compatible Safari // @compatible Opera // @require https://unpkg.com/jquery@3.6.0/dist/jquery.min.js // @require https://unpkg.com/sweetalert2@11/dist/sweetalert2.min.js // @require https://unpkg.com/js-md5@0.7.3/build/md5.min.js // @resource Swal https://unpkg.com/sweetalert2@11/dist/sweetalert2.min.css // @resource SwalDark https://unpkg.com/@sweetalert2/theme-dark@5.0.15/dark.min.css // @match *://pan.baidu.com/disk/home* // @match *://yun.baidu.com/disk/home* // @match *://pan.baidu.com/disk/main* // @match *://yun.baidu.com/disk/main* // @match *://pan.baidu.com/disk/base* // @match *://yun.baidu.com/disk/base* // @match *://pan.baidu.com/wap/home* // @match *://yun.baidu.com/wap/home* // @match *://pan.baidu.com/wap/main* // @match *://yun.baidu.com/wap/main* // @match *://pan.baidu.com/s/* // @match *://pan.baidu.com/aipan/* // @match *://yun.baidu.com/s/* // @match *://yun.baidu.com/aipan/* // @match *://pan.baidu.com/share/* // @match *://yun.baidu.com/share/* // @match *://www.aliyundrive.com/s/* // @match *://www.aliyundrive.com/drive* // @match *://www.alipan.com/s/* // @match *://www.alipan.com/drive* // @match *://cloud.189.cn/web/* // @match *://pan.xunlei.com/* // @match *://pan.quark.cn/* // @match *://yun.139.com/* // @match *://caiyun.139.com/* // @match *://*.youxiaohou.com/* // @connect baidu.com // @connect baidupcs.com // @connect aliyundrive.com // @connect aliyundrive.net // @connect alipan.com // @connect alicloudccp.com // @connect 189.cn // @connect xunlei.com // @connect quark.cn // @connect youxiaohou.com // @connect gcore.jsdelivr.net // @connect localhost // @connect * // @run-at document-idle // @grant unsafeWindow // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_setClipboard // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_openInTab // @grant GM_info // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @grant GM_cookie // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_getResourceText // ==/UserScript== (function () { 'use strict'; // 界面参数 let pt = '', selectList = [], params = {}, mode = '', width = '', pan = {}, color = '', update = '', update_baidu = '', update_baiduX = '', doc = $(document), progress = {}, request = {}, ins = {}, idm = {}; // 准备好对应的元素 let customClass = { popup: 'pl-popup', header: 'pl-header', title: 'pl-title', closeButton: 'pl-close', content: 'pl-content', input: 'pl-input', footer: 'pl-footer' }; // 准备好Shell类型(用于curl下载) let terminalType = { wc: "Microsoft Windows 命令提示符", wp: "Microsoft Windows PowerShell", lt: "Linux 终端", ls: "Linux Shell", mt: "Apple MacOS 终端", }; //准备好信息界面的设置选项 let updatecheck = { yes: "自动检查更新", no: "不检查更新" } let youserver = { v1: "使用 [用油小猴服务器 V1 接口]", v2: "使用 [用油小猴服务器 V2 接口]", no: "不使用 [用 jsdelivr 连接本项目 Github 仓库](更新可能不及时)" }; let baidutheme = { yes: "修改主题色", no: "不修改主题色" }; //准备好右上角的Toast提示 let toast = Swal.mixin({ toast: true, position: 'top-end', showConfirmButton: false, timer: 3500, timerProgressBar: true, showCloseButton: true, didOpen: (toast) => { toast.addEventListener('mouseenter', Swal.stopTimer); toast.addEventListener('mouseleave', Swal.resumeTimer); } }); //提示的信息内容 let message = { success: (text) => { toast.fire({title: text, icon: 'success'}); }, error: (text) => { toast.fire({title: text, icon: 'error'}); }, warning: (text) => { toast.fire({title: text, icon: 'warning'}); }, info: (text) => { toast.fire({title: text, icon: 'info'}); }, question: (text) => { toast.fire({title: text, icon: 'question'}); } }; // 封装好要用的函数 let base = { // 默认菜单 registerMenuCommand() { GM_registerMenuCommand('⚙️ 设置', () => { base.showSetting(); }); GM_registerMenuCommand('📃 更新', () => { base.showUpdateLog(); }); GM_registerMenuCommand('🛠️ 调试', () => { base.showInfo(); }); }, // 对于非网盘的菜单 registerPanMenuCommand() { GM_registerMenuCommand('⚙️ 设置', () => { base.showSetting(); }); GM_registerMenuCommand('📃 更新', () => { base.showUpdateLog(); }); GM_registerMenuCommand('🛠️ 调试', () => { base.showPanInfo(); }); }, // 取消点亮按钮按下后运行的 registerInitCode(value) { console.log("【(改)网盘直链下载助手】\n正在注入取消点亮按钮设置项目..."); message.warning("正在注入取消点亮按钮设置项目...(您可以再次点亮按钮)"); base.setValue('setting_init_code', value); history.go(0) }, // 获取Cookie getCookie(name) { let cookies = document.cookie.split(';'); for (let i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) { let cookiePair = cookies[i].trim().split('='); if (cookiePair.length === 2) { let cookieName = cookiePair[0]; if (cookieName === name) { return cookiePair[1]; } } } return ''; }, /*-- 对象类型判断 示例: isType([]) // 输出"array" isType(123) // 输出"number" isType(null) // 输出"null" isType(new Date()) // 输出"date" */ isType(obj) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj).replace(/^\[object (.+)\]$/, '$1').toLowerCase(); }, // 获取本地保存的数值(仅用于 Greasemonkey) getValue(name) { return GM_getValue(name); }, // 修改本地保存的数值(仅用于 Greasemonkey) setValue(name, value) { GM_setValue(name, value); }, // 获取本地保存的数值 getStorage(key) { try { return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(key)); } catch (e) { return localStorage.getItem(key); } }, // 修改本地保存的数值 setStorage(key, value) { if (this.isType(value) === 'object' || this.isType(value) === 'array') { return localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value)); } return localStorage.setItem(key, value); }, // 设置剪贴板(仅用于 Greasemonkey) setClipboard(text) { GM_setClipboard(text, 'text'); }, // 加密成base64(先转换成URL编码) encode(str) { return btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(str))); }, // 从base64解密 decode(str) { return decodeURIComponent(escape(atob(str))); }, //数字补零 repairTimer(i){ if (i >= 0 && i <= 9) { return "0" + i; } else { return i; } }, // 接受文件名并返回大写扩展名 getExtension(name) { const reg = /(?!\.)\w+$/; if (reg.test(name)) { let match = name.match(reg); return match[0].toUpperCase(); } return ''; }, // 文件大小转换(以字节为单位) sizeFormat(value) { if (value === +value) { let unit = ["字节(B)", "千字节(KB)", "兆字节(MB)", "吉字节(GB)", "太字节(TB)", "拍字节(PB)", "艾字节(EB)", "泽字节(ZB)", "尧字节(YB)"]; if (value === 0) { return "0字节(B)"; } else { let index = Math.floor(Math.log(value) / Math.log(1024)); let size = value / Math.pow(1024, index); size = size.toFixed(1); return size + unit[index]; } } return ''; }, // 根据数组中的每个文件名进行排序,使用了localeCompare方法来比较中文字符串的顺序。 sortByName(arr) { const handle = () => { return (a, b) => { const p1 = a.filename ? a.filename : a.server_filename; const p2 = b.filename ? b.filename : b.server_filename; return p1.localeCompare(p2, "zh-CN"); }; }; arr.sort(handle()); }, // 替换特殊字符为下划线 fixFilename(name) { let replace = /[!?&|`"'*\/:<>\\]/g return name.replace(replace, '_'); }, // 接受Blob对象和文件名,然后创建临时链接指向blob对象,之后创建a标签指向临时链接和设置文件名,最后模拟点击a标签实现下载和释放临时链接 blobDownload(blob, filename) { if (blob instanceof Blob) { const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob); const a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = url; a.download = filename; a.click(); URL.revokeObjectURL(url); } }, // 使用Post发送请求 post(url, data, headers, type, maxRetries = 10, currentRetry = 0) { if (this.isType(data) === 'object') { data = JSON.stringify(data); } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const sendRequest = () => { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "POST", url, headers, data, responseType: type || 'json', onload: (res) => { if (/^[A-Za-z0-9+/=\s]+$/.test(res.response) && /^[A-Za-z0-9+/=\s]+$/.test(res.responseText)) { if (res.response) { res.decodedResponse = JSON.parse(base.decode(res.response)); } if (res.responseText) { res.decodedResponseText = base.decode(res.responseText); } } console.log('【(改)网盘直链下载助手】Post\n请求地址:' + url + '\n请求头部:' + JSON.stringify(headers) + '\n请求结果:', res); type === 'blob' ? resolve(res) : resolve(res.response || res.responseText); }, onerror: (err) => { if (currentRetry < maxRetries) { currentRetry++; console.error(`【(改)网盘直链下载助手】Post\n请求出现错误,可能是网络问题\n5秒后将重试 (错误次数:${currentRetry}/${maxRetries})...`, err); setTimeout(function(){ console.log(`【(改)网盘直链下载助手】Post\n重新尝试请求...`); sendRequest(); // 重新发送请求 },5000) } else { reject('【(改)网盘直链下载助手】Post\n请求出现错误,可能是网络问题\n无法继续请求,达到最大错误次数。', err); // 达到最大重试次数,拒绝 Promise } }, }); }; sendRequest(); // 初始请求 }); }, // 使用Get发送请求 get(url, headers, type, extra, maxRetries = 10, currentRetry = 0) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const sendRequest = () => { let requestObj = GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url, headers, responseType: type || 'json', onload: (res) => { console.log('【(改)网盘直链下载助手】Get Onload\n请求地址:' + url + '\n请求头部:' + JSON.stringify(headers) + '\n请求结果:', res); if (res.status === 204) { requestObj.abort(); idm[extra.index] = true; } if (type === 'blob') { res.status === 200 && base.blobDownload(res.response, extra.filename); resolve(res); } else { resolve(res.response || res.responseText); } }, onprogress: (res) => { if (extra && extra.filename && extra.index) { res.total > 0 ? progress[extra.index] = (res.loaded * 100 / res.total).toFixed(2) : progress[extra.index] = 0.00; } }, onloadstart() { console.log('【(改)网盘直链下载助手】Get OnloadStart\n请求地址:' + url + '\n请求头部:' + JSON.stringify(headers)); extra && extra.filename && extra.index && (request[extra.index] = requestObj); }, onerror: (err) => { if (currentRetry < maxRetries) { currentRetry++; console.error(`【(改)网盘直链下载助手】Get\n请求出现错误,可能是网络问题\n5秒后将重试 (错误次数:${currentRetry}/${maxRetries})...`, err); setTimeout(function(){ console.log(`【(改)网盘直链下载助手】Get\n重新尝试请求...`); sendRequest(); // 重新发送请求 },5000) } else { reject('【(改)网盘直链下载助手】Get\n请求出现错误,可能是网络问题\n无法继续请求,达到最大错误次数。', err); // 达到最大重试次数,拒绝 Promise } }, }); }; sendRequest(); // 初始请求 }); }, // 获取最终链接 getFinalUrl(url, headers, maxRetries = 10, currentRetry = 0) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const sendRequest = () => { let requestObj = GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url, headers, onload: (res) => { console.log('【(改)网盘直链下载助手】Get FinalUrl\n请求地址:' + url + '\n请求头部:' + JSON.stringify(headers) + '\n返回结果:', res); resolve(res.finalUrl); }, onerror: (err) => { if (currentRetry < maxRetries) { currentRetry++; console.error(`【(改)网盘直链下载助手】Get FinalUrl\n请求出现错误,可能是网络问题\n5秒后将重试 (错误次数:${currentRetry}/${maxRetries})...`); setTimeout(function(){ console.log(`【(改)网盘直链下载助手】Get FinalUrl\n重新尝试请求...`); sendRequest(); // 重新发送请求 },5000) } else { reject('【(改)网盘直链下载助手】Get FinalUrl\n请求出现错误,可能是网络问题\n无法继续请求,达到最大错误次数。', err); // 达到最大重试次数,拒绝 Promise } }, }); }; sendRequest(); // 初始请求 }); }, // 获取脚本信息 fetchScriptInfo(url, retryCount) { return fetch(url) .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { console.log('【(改)网盘直链下载助手】Fetch\n请求地址:' + url + ' (GreasyFork)\n返回结果:', data); return data; }) .catch(error => { console.error('【(改)网盘直链下载助手】Fetch\n获取脚本版本时发生错误', error); if (retryCount > 0) { console.log("【(改)网盘直链下载助手】Fetch\n5秒后将重新尝试获取版本"); return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 5000)) .then(() => { console.log('【(改)网盘直链下载助手】Fetch\n重新尝试获取脚本信息...'); return fetchScriptInfo(url, retryCount - 1); }); } else { console.error('【(改)网盘直链下载助手】Fetch\n请求出现错误,可能是网络问题\n无法获取脚本信息,达到最大尝试次数。'); throw error; } }); }, // RPC测试 async rpcTest(domain, port, path, token) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let rpc = { domain, port, path, token }; let url = `${rpc.domain}:${rpc.port}${rpc.path}`; let rpcData = { id: new Date().getTime(), jsonrpc: '2.0', method: 'system.listMethods', params: [`token:${rpc.token}`], }; GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "POST", url, headers: {}, data: JSON.stringify(rpcData), responseType: 'json', onload: (res) => { console.log('【(改)网盘直链下载助手】Post RPCTest\n请求地址:' + url + '\n请求结果:', res); if(res.response){ resolve("success"); } else { resolve("fail"); } }, onerror: (err) => { console.error('【(改)网盘直链下载助手】Post RPCTest\n请求失败', err); resolve("fail"); }, }); }); }, stringify(obj) { let str = ''; for (var key in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var value = obj[key]; if (Array.isArray(value)) { for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) { str += encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value[i]) + '&'; } } else { str += encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value) + '&'; } } } return str.slice(0, -1); // 去掉末尾的 "&" }, addStyle(id, tag, css) { tag = tag || 'style'; let doc = document, styleDom = doc.getElementById(id); if (styleDom) styleDom.remove(); let style = doc.createElement(tag); style.rel = 'stylesheet'; style.id = id; tag === 'style' ? style.innerHTML = css : style.href = css; doc.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(style); }, sleep(time) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, time)); }, findReact(dom, traverseUp = 0) { const key = Object.keys(dom).find(key => { return key.startsWith("__reactFiber$") || key.startsWith("__reactInternalInstance$"); }); const domFiber = dom[key]; if (domFiber == null) return null; if (domFiber._currentElement) { let compFiber = domFiber._currentElement._owner; for (let i = 0; i < traverseUp; i++) { compFiber = compFiber._currentElement._owner; } return compFiber._instance; } const GetCompFiber = fiber => { let parentFiber = fiber.return; while (typeof parentFiber.type == "string") { parentFiber = parentFiber.return; } return parentFiber; }; let compFiber = GetCompFiber(domFiber); for (let i = 0; i < traverseUp; i++) { compFiber = GetCompFiber(compFiber); } return compFiber.stateNode || compFiber; }, //注册默认设置 initDefaultConfig() { let value = [{ name: 'setting_rpc_domain', value: 'http://localhost' }, { name: 'setting_rpc_port', value: '16800' }, { name: 'setting_rpc_path', value: '/jsonrpc' }, { name: 'setting_rpc_token', value: '' }, { name: 'setting_rpc_dir', value: 'D:\Downloads' }, { name: 'setting_terminal_type', value: 'wc' }, { name: 'setting_theme_color', value: '#574AB8' }, { name: 'setting_init_code', value: '' }, { name: 'license', value: '' }, { name: 'setting_youxiaohou_server', value: 'v2' }, { name: 'setting_baidu_theme', value: 'no' }]; value.forEach((v) => { // 没有对应的项目就添加上项目 base.getValue(v.name) === undefined && base.setValue(v.name, v.value); }); }, // 设置界面 showSetting() { let dom = '', btn = '', colorList = ['#09AAFF','#cc3235','#637df8','#518c17','#ed944b','#f969a5','#bca280','#574AB8','#0d53ff','#637dff','#3181f9','#f8d800','#0396ff','#32ccbc','#f6416c','#2271b1','#59524c','#10171d','#1d2327','#18a497'], colorNameList = ['度盘
默认青']; dom += ``; dom += ``; dom += ``; dom += ``; dom += ``; dom += ``; colorList.forEach((v, i) => { btn += `
${colorNameList[i]} ${v === base.getValue('setting_theme_color') ? '(当前)' : ''}
`; }); dom += ``; dom +=``; dom +=``; dom += ``; dom += `` dom = '
' + dom + '
'; Swal.fire({ title: '助手设置', html: dom, icon: 'info', iconHtml: '⚙', allowOutsideClick: false, showCloseButton: true, showConfirmButton: false, heightAuto: false, scrollbarPadding: false, footer: pan.footer, }).then((result) => { Swal.fire({ title: "设置已保存", icon: 'success', allowOutsideClick: false, showCloseButton: true, showDenyButton: true, confirmButtonText: '刷新', heightAuto: false, scrollbarPadding: false, html: `已经保存设置了哦~ 刷新就生效啦!`, denyButtonText: '取消' }).then((result) => { if (result.isConfirmed){ message.success('刷新中'); history.go(0); } }); }); doc.on('click', '.listener-register', async (e) => { base.registerInitCode(111111); }); doc.on('click', '.listener-rpc-test', async (e) => { e.preventDefault(); let domain = base.getValue('setting_rpc_domain'), port = base.getValue('setting_rpc_port'), path = base.getValue('setting_rpc_path'), token = base.getValue('setting_rpc_token'); e.target.innerHTML = "等待"; let result = await base.rpcTest(domain, port, path, token); if (result === "success") { e.target.innerHTML = "成功"; e.target.style.backgroundColor = "#52c41a"; } else { e.target.innerHTML = "失败"; e.target.style.backgroundColor = "#cb1616"; } setTimeout(function(){ e.target.innerHTML = "测试"; e.target.style.backgroundColor = base.getValue('setting_theme_color'); },5000) }); doc.on('click', '.listener-color', async (e) => { if(e.target.dataset.color){ if (document.getElementById("pl-thisColor")){ document.getElementById("pl-thisColor").remove(); } e.target.innerHTML += '(当前)'; base.setValue('setting_theme_color', e.target.dataset.color); base.addPanLinkerStyle(); } }); doc.on('input', '.listener-domain', async (e) => { base.setValue('setting_rpc_domain', e.target.value); document.getElementById("pl-rpcDomain").innerHTML = e.target.value; }); doc.on('input', '.listener-port', async (e) => { base.setValue('setting_rpc_port', e.target.value); document.getElementById("pl-rpcPort").innerHTML = e.target.value; }); doc.on('input', '.listener-path', async (e) => { base.setValue('setting_rpc_path', e.target.value); document.getElementById("pl-rpcPath").innerHTML = e.target.value; }); doc.on('input', '.listener-token', async (e) => { base.setValue('setting_rpc_token', e.target.value); }); doc.on('input', '.listener-dir', async (e) => { base.setValue('setting_rpc_dir', e.target.value); }); doc.on('change', '.listener-terminal', async (e) => { base.setValue('setting_terminal_type', e.target.value); }); doc.on('change', '.baidu_theme', async (e) => { base.setValue('setting_baidu_theme', e.target.value); }); doc.on('change', '.youxiaohou_server', async (e) => { base.setValue('setting_youxiaohou_server', e.target.value); }); }, // 手机版设置界面 showWapSetting() { let dom = '', btn = '', colorList = ['#09AAFF','#cc3235','#637df8','#518c17','#ed944b','#f969a5','#bca280','#574AB8','#0d53ff','#637dff','#3181f9'], colorNameList = ['度盘
彩云蓝']; dom += ``; dom += ``; dom += ``; dom += ``; dom += ``; dom += ``; colorList.forEach((v, i) => { btn += `
${colorNameList[i]} ${v === base.getValue('setting_theme_color') ? '(当前)' : ''}
`; }); dom += ``; dom +=``; dom +=``;}); dom += ``; dom += `` dom = '
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或者输入 暗号/开源协议 点亮...
`, denyButtonText: '注入(点亮下载助手按钮)' }); if (result.isDenied) { console.log("【(改)网盘直链下载助手】\n正在注入点亮按钮设置项目..."); message.warning("正在注入点亮按钮设置项目..."); setTimeout(() => { base.setValue('setting_init_code', pan.num); base.setValue('license', pan.license); message.success("注入成功了欸!"); setTimeout(() => { message.success(pan.init[2]); setTimeout(() => { history.go(0); }, 3000); }, 3000); }, 5000); }; if (result.isConfirmed){ if (pan.num === $('#init').val() || pan.license === $('#init').val()) { console.log("【(改)网盘直链下载助手】\n暗号或协议正确") message.success(pan.init[2]); setTimeout(() => { base.setValue('setting_init_code', pan.num); base.setValue('license', pan.license); history.go(0); }, 3000) } else if ($('#init').val() === '114514' || $('#init').val() === '1919810' || $('#init').val() === '1145141919810') { /*--- homo彩蛋又回来力(喜) imageUrl: 'https://pic4.zhimg.com/80/v2-1b97a088e156c015108dec663bba8b04.jpg', imageUrl: 'https://lh1.hetaousercontent.com/img/7d4c1c0b4adb0e95.jpg', */ await Swal.fire({ icon: 'error', title: '1145141919810', html: 'homo特有的数字当然不行啦
', timer: 8000, imageUrl: 'https://pic4.zhimg.com/80/v2-1b97a088e156c015108dec663bba8b04.jpg', allowOutsideClick: false, timerProgressBar: true, showConfirmButton: false, showDenyButton: true, heightAuto: false, scrollbarPadding: false, denyButtonText: '哼哼哼啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊', }); message.info("成就:你触发了一个homo特有的彩蛋!"); setTimeout(() => { Swal.fire({ title: '1145141919810', text:'homo特有的数字当然不行啦...吗?', icon: 'question', imageUrl: 'https://lh1.hetaousercontent.com/img/7d4c1c0b4adb0e95.jpg', showConfirmButton: false, allowOutsideClick: false, }); setTimeout(() => { base.setValue('setting_init_code', pan.num); message.success("成就:哼哼哼啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊地注入成功(喜)"); setTimeout(() => { history.go(0); }, 3000); }, 3000) }, 4000) } else { console.log("【(改)网盘直链下载助手】\n暗号错误") await Swal.fire({ imageUrl: pan.img, title: pan.init[3], heightAuto: false, scrollbarPadding: false, html: `
`, confirmButtonText: '重新输入', }); await this.initDialog(); return; }; } }, async initDialogWap() { let secret = "" if (base.getValue('setting_youxiaohou_server') === 'v1') { secret = "当前暗号是:“" + pan.num + "”。"; } else if (base.getValue('setting_youxiaohou_server') === 'v2') { secret = "当前暗号是:“" + pan.num + "”,开源协议是“" + pan.license + "”。"; } else if (base.getValue('setting_youxiaohou_server') === "no") { secret = "当前暗号是:“" + pan.num + "”。"; } else { base.setValue('setting_youxiaohou_server', 'v2'); secret = "当前配置不正确,请刷新页面再继续"; } let result = await Swal.fire({ title: pan.init[0], allowOutsideClick: false, showCloseButton: true, showDenyButton: true, position: 'top', heightAuto: false, scrollbarPadding: false, confirmButtonText: '确定', html: `
或者输入 暗号/开源协议 点亮...
`, denyButtonText: '注入' }); if (result.isDenied) { console.log("【(改)网盘直链下载助手】\n正在注入点亮按钮设置项目..."); message.warning("正在注入点亮按钮设置项目..."); setTimeout(() => { base.setValue('setting_init_code', pan.num); message.success("注入成功了欸!"); setTimeout(() => { message.success(pan.init[2]); setTimeout(() => { history.go(0); }, 3000); }, 3000); }, 5000); }; if (result.isConfirmed){ if (pan.num === $('#init').val()) { console.log("【(改)网盘直链下载助手】\n暗号正确") message.success(pan.init[2]); setTimeout(() => { base.setValue('setting_init_code', pan.num); history.go(0); }, 3000) } else if ($('#init').val() === '114514' || $('#init').val() === '1919810' || $('#init').val() === '1145141919810') { /*--- homo彩蛋又回来力(喜) imageUrl: 'https://pic4.zhimg.com/80/v2-1b97a088e156c015108dec663bba8b04.jpg', imageUrl: 'https://lh1.hetaousercontent.com/img/7d4c1c0b4adb0e95.jpg', */ await Swal.fire({ icon: 'error', title: '1145141919810', html: 'homo特有的数字当然不行啦
', timer: 8000, imageUrl: 'https://pic4.zhimg.com/80/v2-1b97a088e156c015108dec663bba8b04.jpg', allowOutsideClick: false, timerProgressBar: true, showConfirmButton: false, showDenyButton: true, heightAuto: false, scrollbarPadding: false, denyButtonText: '哼哼哼啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊', }); message.info("成就:你触发了一个homo特有的彩蛋!"); setTimeout(() => { Swal.fire({ title: '1145141919810', text:'homo特有的数字当然不行啦...吗?', icon: 'question', imageUrl: 'https://lh1.hetaousercontent.com/img/7d4c1c0b4adb0e95.jpg', showConfirmButton: false, allowOutsideClick: false, }); setTimeout(() => { base.setValue('setting_init_code', pan.num); message.success("成就:哼哼哼啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊地注入成功(喜)"); setTimeout(() => { history.go(0); }, 3000); }, 3000) }, 4000) } else { console.log("【(改)网盘直链下载助手】\n暗号错误") await Swal.fire({ imageUrl: pan.img, title: pan.init[3], heightAuto: false, scrollbarPadding: false, html: `
`, confirmButtonText: '重新输入', }); await this.initDialog(); return; }; } }, }; //百度网盘 let baidu = { _getExtra() { let seKey = decodeURIComponent(base.getCookie('BDCLND')); return '{' + '"sekey":"' + seKey + '"' + "}"; }, _getSurl() { let reg = /(?<=s\/|surl=)([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)/g; if (reg.test(location.href)) { return location.href.match(reg)[0]; } return ''; }, _getFidList() { let fidlist = []; selectList.forEach(v => { if (+v.isdir === 1) return; fidlist.push(v.fs_id); }); return '[' + fidlist + ']'; }, _resetData() { progress = {}; $.each(request, (key) => { (request[key]).abort(); }); $.each(ins, (key) => { clearInterval(ins[key]); }); idm = {}; ins = {}; request = {}; }, setBDUSS() { try { GM_cookie && GM_cookie('list', {name: 'BDUSS'}, (cookies, error) => { if (!error) { base.setStorage("baiduyunPlugin_BDUSS", {BDUSS: cookies[0].value}); } }); } catch (e) { console.error("【(改)网盘直链下载助手】\nsetBDUSS\n错误信息:",e) } }, getBDUSS() { let baiduyunPlugin_BDUSS = base.getStorage('baiduyunPlugin_BDUSS') ? base.getStorage('baiduyunPlugin_BDUSS') : '{"baiduyunPlugin_BDUSS":""}'; return baiduyunPlugin_BDUSS.BDUSS || ''; }, convertLinkToAria(link, filename, ua) { let BDUSS = this.getBDUSS(); if (!!BDUSS) { filename = base.fixFilename(filename); return encodeURIComponent(`aria2c "${link}" --out "${filename}" --header "User-Agent: ${ua}" --header "Cookie: BDUSS=${BDUSS}"`); } return { link: pan.assistant, text: pan.init[5] }; }, convertLinkToBC(link, filename, ua) { let BDUSS = this.getBDUSS(); if (!!BDUSS) { let cookie = `BDUSS=${BDUSS}`; let bc = `AA/${encodeURIComponent(filename)}/?url=${encodeURIComponent(link)}&cookie=${encodeURIComponent(cookie)}&user_agent=${encodeURIComponent(ua)}ZZ`; return encodeURIComponent(`bc://http/${base.encode(bc)}`); } return { link: pan.assistant, text: pan.init[5] }; }, convertLinkToCurl(link, filename, ua) { let BDUSS = this.getBDUSS(); if (!!BDUSS) { let terminal = base.getValue('setting_terminal_type'); filename = base.fixFilename(filename); return encodeURIComponent(`${terminal !== 'wp' ? 'curl' : 'curl.exe'} -L -C - "${link}" -o "${filename}" -A "${ua}" -b "BDUSS=${BDUSS}"`); } return { link: pan.assistant, text: pan.init[5] }; }, addPageListener() { function _factory(e) { let target = $(e.target); let item = target.parents('.pl-item'); let link = item.find('.pl-item-link'); let progress = item.find('.pl-item-progress'); let tip = item.find('.pl-item-tip'); let copy = item.find('.pl-item-copy'); let howidm = item.find('.pl-progress-how'); let back = item.find('.pl-progress-back'); let stop = item.find('.pl-progress-stop'); return { item, link, progress, tip, copy, howidm, back, stop, target, }; } function _reset(i) { ins[i] && clearInterval(ins[i]); request[i] && request[i].abort(); progress[i] = 0; idm[i] = false; } doc.on('mouseenter mouseleave click', '.pl-button.g-dropdown-button', (e) => { if (e.type === 'mouseleave') { $(e.currentTarget).removeClass('button-open'); } else { $(e.currentTarget).addClass('button-open'); $(e.currentTarget).find('.pl-dropdown-menu').show(); 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o.progress.hide(); o.copy.show(); o.link.text('链接已被IDM捕获~请查看IDM下载窗口哦!').animate({opacity: '0.5'}, "slow").show(); clearInterval(ins[index]); setTimeout( function (){ o.link.text('重新下载').animate({opacity: '1'}, "slow"); },2000 ) idm[index] = false; } else { // 处理普通下载的情况... let currentTime = Date.now(); let elapsedTime = currentTime - startTime; let totalProgress = prog / 100; let totalElapsedSeconds = elapsedTime / 1000; let estimatedTotalTimeSeconds = totalElapsedSeconds / totalProgress; let remainingTimeSeconds = estimatedTotalTimeSeconds - totalElapsedSeconds; // 将剩余时间转换为天、时、分、秒 let remainingDays = Math.floor(remainingTimeSeconds / (60 * 60 * 24)); remainingTimeSeconds %= (60 * 60 * 24); let remainingHours = Math.floor(remainingTimeSeconds / (60 * 60)); remainingTimeSeconds %= (60 * 60); let remainingMinutes = Math.floor(remainingTimeSeconds / 60); let remainingSeconds = Math.floor(remainingTimeSeconds % 60); // 计算下载速度 let loaded = prog * size / 100; // 已下载数据量 let currentTimeDiff = currentTime - prevTime; // 当前时间与上一次时间的差值 let loadedDiff = loaded - prevLoaded; // 当前已下载数据量与上一次的差值 let downloadSpeed = (currentTimeDiff !== 0) ? loadedDiff / (currentTimeDiff / 1000) : 0; // 下载速度(单位:字节/秒) // 更新上一次的数据 prevLoaded = loaded; prevTime = currentTime; // 更改界面 o.link.hide(); o.tip.hide(); o.stop.show(); o.copy.hide(); o.progress.show(); // 更新进度条 $width.css('width', prog + '%'); // 更新进度条文本 let timeText = ''; if (Number.isFinite(remainingDays) && remainingDays > 0) { timeText = remainingDays + '天 ' + base.repairTimer(remainingHours) + '时:' + base.repairTimer(remainingMinutes) + '分:' + base.repairTimer(remainingSeconds) + '秒'; } else if (Number.isFinite(remainingHours) && remainingHours > 0) { timeText = base.repairTimer(remainingHours) + '时:' + base.repairTimer(remainingMinutes) + '分:' + base.repairTimer(remainingSeconds) + '秒'; } else if (Number.isFinite(remainingMinutes) && remainingMinutes > 0) { timeText = base.repairTimer(remainingMinutes) + '分:' + base.repairTimer(remainingSeconds) + '秒'; } else if (Number.isFinite(remainingSeconds) && remainingSeconds > 0) { timeText = remainingSeconds + '秒'; 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let index = o.link[0].dataset.index; if (request[index]) { request[index].abort(); clearInterval(ins[index]); o.item.find('.pl-progress-inner-text').text('正在取消...'); o.item.find('.pl-progress-inner').css('width', 100 + '%'); setTimeout(function(){ o.tip.hide(); o.back.hide(); o.link.show(0); o.copy.show(); o.progress.hide(); o.stop.hide(); },1050) } }); doc.on('click', '.listener-back', async (e) => { let o = _factory(e); o.progress.hide(); o.tip.hide(); o.link.show(); o.copy.show(); o.stop.hide(); o.back.hide(); }); doc.on('click', '.listener-link-aria, .listener-copy-all', (e) => { e.preventDefault(); if (!e.target.dataset.link) { $(e.target).removeClass('listener-copy-all').addClass('pl-btn-danger').html(`${pan.init[5]}👉点击此处安装👈`); } else { base.setClipboard(decodeURIComponent(e.target.dataset.link)); $(e.target).text('复制成功').animate({opacity: '0.5'}, "slow"); setTimeout( function (){ $(e.target).text('重新复制').animate({opacity: '1'}, "slow"); },2000 ) } }); doc.on('click', '.listener-download-all', (e) => { $('.pl-item-link').click(); $(e.target).text('下载开始,下载进度见上方按钮哦~').animate({opacity: '0.5'}, "slow"); setTimeout( function (){ $(e.target).text('下载全部链接').animate({opacity: '1'}, "slow"); },2000 ) }); doc.on('click', '.listener-link-rpc', async (e) => { e.preventDefault(); let target = $(e.currentTarget); target.find('.icon').remove(); target.find('.pl-loading').remove(); target.prepend(base.createLoading()); let res = await this.sendLinkToRPC(e.currentTarget.dataset.filename, e.currentTarget.dataset.link); if (res === 'success') { $('.listener-rpc-task').show(); target.removeClass('pl-btn-danger').html('发送成功了!快去看看吧~').animate({opacity: '0.5'}, "slow"); } else if (res === 'assistant') { target.addClass('pl-btn-danger').html(`${pan.init[5]}👉点击此处安装👈`); } else { target.addClass('pl-btn-danger').text('发送失败,检查一下您的RPC配置信息哦!').animate({opacity: '0.5'}, "slow"); } }); doc.on('click', '.listener-send-rpc', (e) => { $('.listener-link-rpc').click(); $(e.target).text('发送完成,发送结果见上方按钮哦~').animate({opacity: '0.5'}, "slow"); }); doc.on('click', '.listener-open-setting', () => { base.showSetting(); }); doc.on('click', '.listener-open-wapsetting', () => { base.showWapSetting(); }); doc.on('click', '.listener-open-updatelog', () => { base.showUpdateLog(); }); doc.on('click', '.listener-rpc-task', (e) => { e.preventDefault(); let rpc = JSON.stringify({ domain: base.getValue('setting_rpc_domain'), port: base.getValue('setting_rpc_port'), }), url = `${pan.d}/?rpc=${base.encode(rpc)}#${base.getValue('setting_rpc_token')}`; GM_openInTab(url, {active: true}); }); document.documentElement.addEventListener('mouseup', (e) => { if (e.target.nodeName === 'A' && ~e.target.className.indexOf('pl-a')) { e.stopPropagation(); } }, true); }, addButton() { if(document.getElementById("pl-button-link")){ document.getElementById("pl-button-link").remove() } waitForKeyElements(".wp-s-header__vip-btn-tip", function () { let vip1 = document.getElementsByClassName("wp-s-header__vip-btn-tip")[0]; vip1.remove(); },true); waitForKeyElements(".app-user-vip-center-tip", function () { let vip2 = document.getElementsByClassName("app-user-vip-center-tip")[0]; 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if (pt === 'wap') { $toolWrap = $('.main-container'); $button = $(``); $('header h1[data-v-59779e34]').css({"left":"75%"}) $toolWrap.append($button); } else { $toolWrap.prepend($button); } this.setBDUSS(); this.addPageListener(); }, addInitButton() { if(document.getElementById("pl-button-link")){ document.getElementById("pl-button-link").remove() } if (!pt) return; let $toolWrap; let $button = $(``); if (pt === 'home') { $toolWrap = $(pan.btn.home); } if (pt === 'main') { $toolWrap = $(pan.btn.main); $button = $(``); } if (pt === 'share') $toolWrap = $(pan.btn.share); if (pt === 'wap') { $toolWrap = $('.main-container'); $button = $(``); $('header h1[data-v-59779e34]').css({"left":"75%"}) $toolWrap.append($button); $button.click(() => base.initDialogWap()); } else { $toolWrap.prepend($button); $button.click(() => base.initDialog()); } }, async getToken() { let res = await base.getFinalUrl(pan.pcs[3]); // 如果返回结果中没有包含'access_token'字符串 if (res.indexOf('access_token') === -1) { // 使用await关键字等待base.get函数的返回结果,获取网页内容 let html = await base.get(pan.pcs[3], {}, 'text'); // 使用正则表达式匹配html中的'bdstoken'和'client_id' let bdstoken = html.match(/name="bdstoken"\s+value="([^"]+)"/)?.[1]; let client_id = html.match(/name="client_id"\s+value="([^"]+)"/)?.[1]; // 构建一个包含所需参数的数据对象,包含百度授权所需参数 let data = { grant_permissions_arr: 'netdisk', bdstoken: bdstoken, client_id: client_id, response_type: "token", display: "page", grant_permissions: "basic,netdisk" } // 向服务器发送POST请求,实现自动授权 await base.post(pan.pcs[3], base.stringify(data), { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', }) // 授权完后再次获取'access_token' let res2 = await base.getFinalUrl(pan.pcs[3]); let accessToken = res2.match(/access_token=([^&]+)/)?.[1]; accessToken && base.setStorage('accessToken', accessToken); return accessToken; } // 如果已有'access_token',则获取新的'access_token' let accessToken = res.match(/access_token=([^&]+)/)?.[1]; accessToken && base.setStorage('accessToken', accessToken); return accessToken; }, async getPCSLink(maxRequestTime = 2) { selectList = this.getSelectedList(); let fidList = this._getFidList(), url, res; if (pt === 'home' || pt === 'main' || pt === 'wap') { if (selectList.length === 0) { return message.error('提示:
先勾选要下载的文件捏~'); } if (fidList.length === 2) { return message.error('提示:
请打开文件夹后再勾选文件~'); } fidList = encodeURIComponent(fidList); let accessToken = base.getStorage('accessToken') || await this.getToken(); url = `${pan.pcs[0]}&fsids=${fidList}&access_token=${accessToken}`; res = await base.get(url, {"User-Agent": pan.ua}); } if (pt === 'share') { this.getShareData(); if (selectList.length === 0) { return message.error('提示:
请先勾选要下载的文件捏~'); } if (fidList.length === 2) { return message.error('提示:
请打开文件夹后再勾选文件~'); } if (!params.sign) { let url = `${pan.pcs[2]}&surl=${params.surl}&logid=${params.logid}`; let r = await base.get(url); if (r.errno === 0) { params.sign = r.data.sign; params.timestamp = r.data.timestamp; } else { let dialog = await Swal.fire({ toast: true, icon: 'info', title: `提示:
请将文件[保存到网盘]后再👉前往[我的网盘]中下载哦!`, showConfirmButton: true, confirmButtonText: '点击保存', position: 'top', }); if (dialog.isConfirmed) { $('.tools-share-save-hb')[0].click(); } return; } } if (!params.bdstoken) { return message.error('提示:
请先登录网盘~'); } let formData = new FormData(); formData.append('encrypt', params.encrypt); formData.append('product', params.product); formData.append('uk', params.uk); formData.append('primaryid', params.primaryid); formData.append('fid_list', fidList); formData.append('logid', params.logid); params.shareType === 'secret' ? formData.append('extra', params.extra) : ''; url = `${pan.pcs[1]}&sign=${params.sign}×tamp=${params.timestamp}`; res = await base.post(url, formData, {"User-Agent": pan.ua}); } if (res.errno === 0) { let html = this.generateDom(res.list); this.showMainDialog(pan[mode][0], html, pan[mode][1]); } else if (res.errno === 112) { return message.error('提示:
页面过期了,刷新重试下吧~'); } else if (res.errno === 9019) { maxRequestTime--; await this.getToken(); if (maxRequestTime > 0) { await this.getPCSLink(maxRequestTime); } else { message.error('提示:
获取下载链接失败,刷新网页后再试试吧~'); } } else { message.error('提示:
获取下载链接失败,刷新网页后不行的话再试试重新登录网盘吧~'); } }, generateDom(list) { let content = '
'; let alinkAllText = ''; base.sortByName(list); list.forEach((v, i) => { if (v.isdir === 1) return; let filename = v.server_filename || v.filename; let ext = base.getExtension(filename); let size = base.sizeFormat(v.size); let dlink = v.dlink; if (pt === 'wap') { if (mode === 'api') { alinkAllText += dlink + '\r\n'; content += `
下载 ${filename}
` } if (mode === 'aria') { let alink = this.convertLinkToAria(dlink, filename, pan.ua); if (typeof (alink) === 'object') { content += ``; } else { alinkAllText += alink + '\r\n'; content += ``; } } if (mode === 'rpc') { content += `
`; } if (mode === 'curl') { let alink = this.convertLinkToCurl(dlink, filename, pan.ua); if (typeof (alink) === 'object') { content += ``; } else { alinkAllText += alink + '\r\n'; content += ``; } } if (mode === 'bc') { let alink = this.convertLinkToBC(dlink, filename, pan.ua); if (typeof (alink) === 'object') { content += ``; } else { alinkAllText += alink + '\r\n'; content += ``; } } } else { if (mode === 'api') { alinkAllText += dlink + '\r\n'; content += `
下载 ${filename}
` } if (mode === 'aria') { let alink = this.convertLinkToAria(dlink, filename, pan.ua); if (typeof (alink) === 'object') { content += ``; } else { alinkAllText += alink + '\r\n'; content += ``; } } if (mode === 'rpc') { content += `
`; } if (mode === 'curl') { let alink = this.convertLinkToCurl(dlink, filename, pan.ua); if (typeof (alink) === 'object') { content += ``; } else { alinkAllText += alink + '\r\n'; content += ``; } } if (mode === 'bc') { let alink = this.convertLinkToBC(dlink, filename, pan.ua); if (typeof (alink) === 'object') { content += ``; } else { alinkAllText += alink + '\r\n'; content += ``; } } } }); content += '
'; if (mode === 'api') content += `
`; if (mode === 'aria') content += `
`; if (mode === 'rpc') { let rpc = base.getValue('setting_rpc_domain') + ':' + base.getValue('setting_rpc_port') + base.getValue('setting_rpc_path'); content += `
`; } if (mode === 'curl') { content += `
`;} return content; }, async sendLinkToRPC(filename, link) { let rpc = { domain: base.getValue('setting_rpc_domain'), port: base.getValue('setting_rpc_port'), path: base.getValue('setting_rpc_path'), token: base.getValue('setting_rpc_token'), dir: base.getValue('setting_rpc_dir'), }; let BDUSS = this.getBDUSS(); if (!BDUSS) return 'assistant'; let url = `${rpc.domain}:${rpc.port}${rpc.path}`; let rpcData = { id: new Date().getTime(), jsonrpc: '2.0', method: 'aria2.addUri', params: [`token:${rpc.token}`, [link], { dir: rpc.dir, out: filename, header: [`User-Agent: ${pan.ua}`, `Cookie: BDUSS=${BDUSS}`] }] }; try { let res = await base.post(url, rpcData, {"User-Agent": pan.ua}, ''); if (res.result) return 'success'; return 'fail'; } catch (e) { return 'fail'; } }, getSelectedList() { try { var List = require("system-core:context/context.js").instanceForSystem.list; var selectList = List.getSelected(); if (!selectList.length) { selectList = List.getCurrentList(); } return selectList; } catch (e) { var list1 = document.querySelector('.wp-s-core-pan'); if (list1 && list1.__vue__) { return list1.__vue__.selectedList; } else { var list2 = document.getElementsByClassName("file-list")[0]; return list2.__vue__.allFileList.filter(function (item) { return !!item.selected; }); } } }, getLogid() { let ut = require("system-core:context/context.js").instanceForSystem.tools.baseService; return ut.base64Encode(base.getCookie("BAIDUID")); }, getShareData() { let res = locals.dump(); params.shareType = 'secret'; params.sign = ''; params.timestamp = ''; params.bdstoken = res.bdstoken.value; params.channel = 'chunlei'; params.clienttype = 0; params.web = 1; params.app_id = 250528; params.encrypt = 0; params.product = 'share'; params.logid = this.getLogid(); params.primaryid = res.shareid.value; params.uk = res.share_uk.value; params.shareType === 'secret' && (params.extra = this._getExtra()); params.surl = this._getSurl(); }, detectPage() { let path = location.pathname; if (/^\/disk\/home/.test(path)) return 'home'; if (/^\/disk\/main/.test(path)) return 'main'; if (/^\/wap\/home/.test(path)) return 'wap'; if (/^\/(s|share)\//.test(path)) return 'share'; return ''; return ''; }, showMainDialog(title, html, footer) { Swal.fire({ title, html, footer, allowOutsideClick: false, showCloseButton: true, heightAuto: false, scrollbarPadding: false, position: 'center',//top width, padding: '15px 20px 5px', customClass, confirmButtonText: '关闭', }).then(() => { this._resetData(); }); }, async initPanLinker() { pt = this.detectPage(); base.createTip(); base.registerMenuCommand(); if (base.getValue('setting_youxiaohou_server') === 'v1') { let res = await base.post(`https://api.youxiaohou.com/config/?ver=${version}&a=${author}`, {}, {}, 'text'); pan = JSON.parse(base.decode(res)); } else if (base.getValue('setting_youxiaohou_server') === 'v2') { let res = await base.post(`https://api.youxiaohou.com/config/v2/?ver=${version}&a=${author}`, {}, {}, 'text'); pan = JSON.parse(base.decode(res)); } else if (base.getValue('setting_youxiaohou_server') === "no") { let res = await base.get(`https://gcore.jsdelivr.net/gh/hmjz100/Online-disk-direct-link-download-assistant@main/config/config.json`, {}, "text", {}); pan = JSON.parse(res); } else { let res = await base.get(`https://gcore.jsdelivr.net/gh/hmjz100/Online-disk-direct-link-download-assistant@main/config/config.json`, {}, "text", {}); pan = JSON.parse(res); base.setValue('setting_youxiaohou_server', 'v2'); } Object.freeze && Object.freeze(pan); pan.num === base.getValue('setting_init_code') || pan.license === base.getValue('license') ? this.addButton() : this.addInitButton(); } }; //阿里云盘 let ali = { convertLinkToAria(link, filename, ua) { filename = base.fixFilename(filename); return encodeURIComponent(`aria2c "${link}" --out "${filename}" --header "Referer: https://${location.host}/"`); }, convertLinkToBC(link, filename, ua) { let bc = `AA/${encodeURIComponent(filename)}/?url=${encodeURIComponent(link)}&refer=${encodeURIComponent(`https://${location.host}/`)}ZZ`; return encodeURIComponent(`bc://http/${base.encode(bc)}`); }, convertLinkToCurl(link, filename, ua) { let terminal = base.getValue('setting_terminal_type'); filename = base.fixFilename(filename); return encodeURIComponent(`${terminal !== 'wp' ? 'curl' : 'curl.exe'} -L -C - "${link}" -o "${filename}" -e "https://${location.host}/"`); }, addPageListener() { function _factory(e) { let target = $(e.target); let item = target.parents('.pl-item'); let link = item.find('.pl-item-link'); let progress = item.find('.pl-item-progress'); let tip = item.find('.pl-item-tip'); let copy = item.find('.pl-item-copy'); let howidm = item.find('.pl-progress-how'); let back = item.find('.pl-progress-back'); let stop = item.find('.pl-progress-stop'); return { item, link, progress, tip, copy, howidm, back, stop, target, }; } function _reset(i) { ins[i] && clearInterval(ins[i]); request[i] && request[i].abort(); progress[i] = 0; idm[i] = false; } doc.on('click', '.pl-button-mode', (e) => { mode = e.target.dataset.mode; Swal.fire({ heightAuto: false, scrollbarPadding: false, showConfirmButton: false, html: `链接获取中`, willOpen: function() { Swal.showLoading(); } }); this.getPCSLink(); }); doc.on('click', '.listener-link-api', async (e) => { e.preventDefault(); let o = _factory(e); let $width = o.item.find('.pl-progress-inner'); let $text = o.item.find('.pl-progress-inner-text'); let filename = o.link[0].dataset.filename; let index = o.link[0].dataset.index; _reset(index); let dataset = e.currentTarget.dataset; let href = dataset.link; let url = await this.getRealLink(dataset.did, dataset.fid); if (url) href = url; base.get(href, {"User-Agent": pan.ua, "Referer": `https://${location.host}/`}, 'blob', {filename, index}); let startTime = Date.now(); // 记录下载开始时间 let prevLoaded = 0; // 上一次的已下载数据量 let prevTime = startTime; // 上一次的时间 let size = Number(o.link[0].dataset.size); ins[index] = setInterval(() => { let prog = +progress[index] || 0; // 处理普通下载的情况... let currentTime = Date.now(); let elapsedTime = currentTime - startTime; let totalProgress = prog / 100; let totalElapsedSeconds = elapsedTime / 1000; let estimatedTotalTimeSeconds = totalElapsedSeconds / totalProgress; let remainingTimeSeconds = estimatedTotalTimeSeconds - totalElapsedSeconds; // 将剩余时间转换为天、时、分、秒 let remainingDays = Math.floor(remainingTimeSeconds / (60 * 60 * 24)); remainingTimeSeconds %= (60 * 60 * 24); let remainingHours = Math.floor(remainingTimeSeconds / (60 * 60)); remainingTimeSeconds %= (60 * 60); let remainingMinutes = Math.floor(remainingTimeSeconds / 60); let remainingSeconds = Math.floor(remainingTimeSeconds % 60); // 计算下载速度 let loaded = prog * size / 100; // 已下载数据量 let currentTimeDiff = currentTime - prevTime; // 当前时间与上一次时间的差值 let loadedDiff = loaded - prevLoaded; // 当前已下载数据量与上一次的差值 let downloadSpeed = (currentTimeDiff !== 0) ? loadedDiff / (currentTimeDiff / 1000) : 0; // 下载速度(单位:字节/秒) // 更新上一次的数据 prevLoaded = loaded; prevTime = currentTime; // 更改界面 o.link.hide(); o.tip.hide(); o.stop.show(); o.copy.hide(); o.progress.show(); // 更新进度条 $width.css('width', prog + '%'); // 更新进度条文本 let timeText = ''; if (Number.isFinite(remainingDays) && remainingDays > 0) { timeText = remainingDays + '天 ' + base.repairTimer(remainingHours) + '时:' + base.repairTimer(remainingMinutes) + '分:' + base.repairTimer(remainingSeconds) + '秒'; } else if (Number.isFinite(remainingHours) && remainingHours > 0) { timeText = base.repairTimer(remainingHours) + '时:' + base.repairTimer(remainingMinutes) + '分:' + base.repairTimer(remainingSeconds) + '秒'; } else if (Number.isFinite(remainingMinutes) && remainingMinutes > 0) { timeText = base.repairTimer(remainingMinutes) + '分:' + base.repairTimer(remainingSeconds) + '秒'; } else if (Number.isFinite(remainingSeconds) && remainingSeconds > 0) { timeText = remainingSeconds + '秒'; } else if (Number.isFinite(remainingSeconds) && remainingSeconds === 0) { timeText = '即将完成'; } else { timeText = '计算中...'; } let speedText =''; speedText = base.sizeFormat(downloadSpeed) $text.text(prog + '% | 剩余时间:' + timeText + ' | 速度:' + speedText + '/秒'); if (prog === 100) { setTimeout(function (){ clearInterval(ins[index]); progress[index] = 0; o.item.find('.pl-progress-stop').hide(); o.howidm.hide(); $text.text('下载完成了!浏览器下载框应该弹出来了哦~'); o.back.show() setTimeout(function (){ o.link.text('重新下载').animate({opacity: '1'}, "slow"); },3000) },3000) } }, 500); }); doc.on('click', '.listener-retry', async (e) => { let o = _factory(e); o.tip.hide(); o.link.show(); }); doc.on('click', '.listener-how', async (e) => { let o = _factory(e); let index = o.link[0].dataset.index; if (request[index]) { request[index].abort(); clearInterval(ins[index]); o.progress.hide(); o.tip.show(); } }); doc.on('click', '.listener-stop', async (e) => { let o = _factory(e); let index = o.link[0].dataset.index; if (request[index]) { request[index].abort(); clearInterval(ins[index]); o.item.find('.pl-progress-inner-text').text('正在取消...'); o.item.find('.pl-progress-inner').css('width', 100 + '%'); setTimeout(function(){ o.tip.hide(); o.back.hide(); o.link.show(0); o.copy.show(); o.progress.hide(); o.stop.hide(); },1050) } }); doc.on('click', '.listener-back', async (e) => { let o = _factory(e); o.progress.hide(); o.tip.hide(); o.link.show(); o.copy.show(); o.stop.hide(); o.back.hide(); }); doc.on('click', '.listener-link-api-btn', async (e) => { base.setClipboard(e.target.dataset.filename); $(e.target).text('复制成功').animate({opacity: '0.5'}, "slow"); setTimeout( function (){ $(e.target).text('重新复制').animate({opacity: '1'}, "slow"); },2000 ) }); doc.on('click', '.listener-link-aria, .listener-copy-all', (e) => { e.preventDefault(); base.setClipboard(decodeURIComponent(e.target.dataset.link)); $(e.target).text('复制成功').animate({opacity: '0.5'}, "slow"); setTimeout( function (){ $(e.target).text('重新复制').animate({opacity: '1'}, "slow"); },2000 ) }); doc.on('click', '.listener-link-rpc', async (e) => { e.preventDefault(); let target = $(e.currentTarget); target.find('.icon').remove(); target.find('.pl-loading').remove(); target.prepend(base.createLoading()); let res = await this.sendLinkToRPC(e.currentTarget.dataset.filename, e.currentTarget.dataset.link); if (res === 'success') { $('.listener-rpc-task').show(); target.removeClass('pl-btn-danger').html('发送成功了!快去看看吧~').animate({opacity: '0.5'}, "slow"); } else if (res === 'assistant') { target.addClass('pl-btn-danger').html(`${pan.init[5]}👉点击此处安装👈`); } else { target.addClass('pl-btn-danger').text('发送失败,检查一下您的RPC配置信息哦!').animate({opacity: '0.5'}, "slow"); } }); doc.on('click', '.listener-send-rpc', (e) => { $('.listener-link-rpc').click(); $(e.target).text('发送完成,发送结果见上方按钮哦~').animate({opacity: '0.5'}, "slow"); }); doc.on('click', '.listener-download-all', (e) => { $('.pl-item-link').click(); $(e.target).text('下载开始,下载进度见上方按钮哦~').animate({opacity: '0.5'}, "slow"); setTimeout( function (){ $(e.target).text('下载全部链接').animate({opacity: '1'}, "slow"); },2000 ) }); doc.on('click', '.listener-open-setting', () => { base.showSetting(); }); doc.on('click', '.listener-open-updatelog', () => { base.showUpdateLog(); }); doc.on('click', '.listener-rpc-task', () => { let rpc = JSON.stringify({ domain: base.getValue('setting_rpc_domain'), port: base.getValue('setting_rpc_port'), }), url = `${pan.d}/?rpc=${base.encode(rpc)}#${base.getValue('setting_rpc_token')}`; GM_openInTab(url, {active: true}); }); document.documentElement.addEventListener('mouseup', (e) => { if (e.target.nodeName === 'A' && ~e.target.className.indexOf('pl-a')) { e.stopPropagation(); } }, true); }, async getRealLink(d, f) { let authorization = `${base.getStorage('token').token_type} ${base.getStorage('token').access_token}`; let res = await base.post(pan.pcs[1], { drive_id: d, file_id: f }, { authorization, "content-type": "application/json;charset=utf-8", }); if (res.url) { return res.url; } return ''; }, addButton() { if(document.getElementById("pl-button-link")){ document.getElementById("pl-button-link").remove() } waitForKeyElements('[class^="share-list-banner"]', function () { let ad1 = document.querySelector('[class^="share-list-banner"]'); //ad1.style.zIndex = 0; ad1.remove(); },true); waitForKeyElements('[class^="to-app"]', function () { let ad2 = document.querySelector('[class^="to-app"]'); ad2.remove(); },true); waitForKeyElements('[class^="btn-mobile-save"]', function () { let ad3 = document.querySelector('[class^="btn-mobile-save"]'); ad3.remove(); },true); waitForKeyElements('[class^="text"]', function () { let ad4 = document.querySelector('[class^="text"]'); if (ad4.innerHTML.match("SVIP") && ad4.innerHTML.match("抽") && ad4.innerHTML.match("赢")) ad4.remove(); },true); waitForKeyElements('[class^="SplashScreenImg--close"]', function () { let vip1 = document.querySelector('[class^="SplashScreenImg--close"]'); vip1.click(); },true); waitForKeyElements('[class^="popup_main_close"]', function () { let vip2 = document.querySelector('[class^="popup_main_close"]'); vip2.click(); },true); if (!pt) return; let $toolWrap; let $button = $(``); if (pt === 'home') { base.listenElement(pan.btn.home, () => { $toolWrap = $(pan.btn.home); $('.pl-button').length === 0 && $toolWrap.append($button); }) } if (pt === 'share') { let $button = $(``); $button.css({'margin-right': '10px',"height":"36px","width":"auto","padding":"1px 30px"}); base.listenElement(pan.btn.share, () => { $toolWrap = $(pan.btn.share); $('.pl-button').length === 0 && $toolWrap.prepend($button); }) } this.addPageListener(); base.createDownloadIframe(); }, addInitButton() { if(document.getElementById("pl-button-link")){ document.getElementById("pl-button-link").remove() } if (!pt) return; let $toolWrap; let $button = $(``); $button.css({"width":"auto"}); if (pt === 'home') { base.listenElement(pan.btn.home, () => { $toolWrap = $(pan.btn.home); $('.pl-button-init').length === 0 && $toolWrap.append($button); }) } if (pt === 'share') { let $button = $(``); $button.css({'margin-right': '10px',"height":"36px","padding":"1px 30px","width":"auto"}); base.listenElement(pan.btn.share, () => { $toolWrap = $(pan.btn.share); $('.pl-butto-init').length === 0 && $toolWrap.prepend($button); }) } $button.click(() => base.initDialog()); }, async getPCSLink() { let reactDomGrid = document.querySelector(pan.dom.grid); if (reactDomGrid) { let res = await Swal.fire({ title: '提示', html: '
请先切换到  列表视图 “”  后获取下载链接
', icon: 'info', heightAuto: false, scrollbarPadding: false, confirmButtonText: '点击切换' }); if (res) { document.querySelector(pan.dom.switch).click(); return message.success('切换为列表视图成功,请再获取一次下载链接呢~'); } return false; } selectList = this.getSelectedList(); if (selectList.length === 0) { return message.error('提示:
请先勾选要下载的文件捏~'); } if (this.isOnlyFolder()) { return message.error('提示:
请打开文件夹后再勾选文件~'); } if (pt === 'share') { if (selectList.length > 20) { return message.error('提示:
一次最多只能勾选 20 个文件哦!'); } try { let authorization = `${base.getStorage('token').token_type} ${base.getStorage('token').access_token}`; let xShareToken = base.getStorage('shareToken').share_token; for (let i = 0; i < selectList.length; i++) { let res = await base.post(pan.pcs[0], { expire_sec: 600, file_id: selectList[i].fileId, share_id: selectList[i].shareId }, { authorization, "content-type": "application/json;charset=utf-8", "x-share-token": xShareToken }); if (res.download_url) { selectList[i].downloadUrl = res.download_url; } } } catch (e) { return message.error('提示:
请先登录网盘~'); } } let html = this.generateDom(selectList); this.showMainDialog(pan[mode][0], html, pan[mode][1]); }, generateDom(list) { let content = '
'; let alinkAllText = ''; console.log(list) list.forEach((v, i) => { if (v.type === 'folder') return; let filename = v.name; let fid = v.fileId; let did = v.driveId; let size = base.sizeFormat(v.size); let dlink = v.downloadUrl || v.url; if (mode === 'api') { alinkAllText += dlink + '\r\n'; content += `
下载 ${filename}
`; } if (mode === 'aria') { let alink = this.convertLinkToAria(dlink, filename, navigator.userAgent); alinkAllText += alink + '\r\n'; content += ``; } if (mode === 'rpc') { content += `
`; } if (mode === 'curl') { let alink = this.convertLinkToCurl(dlink, filename, navigator.userAgent); alinkAllText += alink + '\r\n'; content += ``; } if (mode === 'bc') { let alink = this.convertLinkToBC(dlink, filename, navigator.userAgent); content += ``; } }); content += '
'; if (mode === 'api') content += `
`; if (mode === 'aria') content += `
`; if (mode === 'rpc') { let rpc = base.getValue('setting_rpc_domain') + ':' + base.getValue('setting_rpc_port') + base.getValue('setting_rpc_path'); content += `
`; } if (mode === 'curl') content += `
`; return content; }, async sendLinkToRPC(filename, link) { let rpc = { domain: base.getValue('setting_rpc_domain'), port: base.getValue('setting_rpc_port'), path: base.getValue('setting_rpc_path'), token: base.getValue('setting_rpc_token'), dir: base.getValue('setting_rpc_dir'), }; let url = `${rpc.domain}:${rpc.port}${rpc.path}`; let rpcData = { id: new Date().getTime(), jsonrpc: '2.0', method: 'aria2.addUri', params: [`token:${rpc.token}`, [link], { dir: rpc.dir, out: filename, header: [`Referer: https://${location.host}/`] }] }; try { let res = await base.post(url, rpcData, {"Referer": `https://${location.host}/`}, ''); if (res.result) return 'success'; return 'fail'; } catch (e) { return 'fail'; } }, getSelectedList() { try { let selectedList = []; let reactDom = document.querySelector(pan.dom.list); let reactObj = base.findReact(reactDom, 1); let props = reactObj.pendingProps; if (props) { let fileList = props.dataSource || []; let selectedKeys = props.selectedKeys.split(','); fileList.forEach((val) => { if (selectedKeys.includes(val.fileId)) { selectedList.push(val); } }); } return selectedList; } catch (e) { return []; } }, detectPage() { let path = location.pathname; if (/^\/(drive)/.test(path)) return 'home'; if (/^\/(s|share)\//.test(path)) return 'share'; return ''; }, isOnlyFolder() { for (let i = 0; i < selectList.length; i++) { if (selectList[i].type === 'file') return false; } return true; }, showMainDialog(title, html, footer) { Swal.fire({ title, html, footer, allowOutsideClick: false, showCloseButton: true, position: 'center',//top width, padding: '15px 20px 5px', customClass, confirmButtonText: '关闭', }); }, async initPanLinker() { pt = this.detectPage(); base.createTip(); base.registerMenuCommand(); if (base.getValue('setting_youxiaohou_server') === 'v1') { let res = await base.post(`https://api.youxiaohou.com/config/ali/?ver=${version}&a=${author}`, {}, {}, 'text'); pan = JSON.parse(base.decode(res)); } else if (base.getValue('setting_youxiaohou_server') === 'v2') { let res = await base.post(`https://api.youxiaohou.com/config/v2/ali/?ver=${version}&a=${author}`, {}, {}, 'text'); pan = JSON.parse(base.decode(res)); } else if (base.getValue('setting_youxiaohou_server') === "no") { let res = await base.get(`https://gcore.jsdelivr.net/gh/hmjz100/Online-disk-direct-link-download-assistant@main/config/ali.json`, {}, "text", {}); pan = JSON.parse(res); } else { let res = await base.get(`https://gcore.jsdelivr.net/gh/hmjz100/Online-disk-direct-link-download-assistant@main/config/config.json`, {}, "text", {}); pan = JSON.parse(res); base.setValue('setting_youxiaohou_server', 'v2'); } Object.freeze && Object.freeze(pan); pan.num === base.getValue('setting_init_code') || pan.license === base.getValue('license') ? this.addButton() : this.addInitButton(); } }; //天翼云 let tianyi = { convertLinkToAria(link, filename, ua) { filename = base.fixFilename(filename); return encodeURIComponent(`aria2c "${link}" --out "${filename}"`); }, convertLinkToBC(link, filename, ua) { let bc = `AA/${encodeURIComponent(filename)}/?url=${encodeURIComponent(link)}ZZ`; return encodeURIComponent(`bc://http/${base.encode(bc)}`); }, convertLinkToCurl(link, filename, ua) { let terminal = base.getValue('setting_terminal_type'); filename = base.fixFilename(filename); return encodeURIComponent(`${terminal !== 'wp' ? 'curl' : 'curl.exe'} -L -C - "${link}" -o "${filename}"`); }, addPageListener() { doc.on('click', '.pl-button-mode', (e) => { mode = e.target.dataset.mode; Swal.fire({ heightAuto: false, scrollbarPadding: false, showConfirmButton: false, html: `链接获取中`, willOpen: function() { Swal.showLoading(); } }); this.getPCSLink(); }); doc.on('click', '.listener-link-api', async (e) => { e.preventDefault(); $('#downloadIframe').attr('src', e.currentTarget.dataset.link); }); doc.on('click', '.listener-link-aria, .listener-copy-all', (e) => { e.preventDefault(); base.setClipboard(decodeURIComponent(e.target.dataset.link)); $(e.target).text('复制成功').animate({opacity: '0.5'}, "slow"); setTimeout( function (){ $(e.target).text('重新复制').animate({opacity: '1'}, "slow"); },2000 ) }); doc.on('click', '.listener-link-rpc', async (e) => { e.preventDefault(); let target = $(e.currentTarget); target.find('.icon').remove(); target.find('.pl-loading').remove(); target.prepend(base.createLoading()); let res = await this.sendLinkToRPC(e.currentTarget.dataset.filename, e.currentTarget.dataset.link); if (res === 'success') { $('.listener-rpc-task').show(); target.removeClass('pl-btn-danger').html('发送成功了!快去看看吧~').animate({opacity: '0.5'}, "slow"); } else if (res === 'assistant') { target.addClass('pl-btn-danger').html(`${pan.init[5]}👉点击此处安装👈`); } else { target.addClass('pl-btn-danger').text('发送失败,检查一下您的RPC配置信息哦!').animate({opacity: '0.5'}, "slow"); } }); doc.on('click', '.listener-send-rpc', (e) => { $('.listener-link-rpc').click(); $(e.target).text('发送完成,发送结果见上方按钮哦~').animate({opacity: '0.5'}, "slow"); }); doc.on('click', '.listener-open-setting', () => { base.showSetting(); }); doc.on('click', '.listener-open-updatelog', () => { base.showUpdateLog(); }); doc.on('click', '.listener-rpc-task', () => { let rpc = JSON.stringify({ domain: base.getValue('setting_rpc_domain'), port: base.getValue('setting_rpc_port'), }), url = `${pan.d}/?rpc=${base.encode(rpc)}#${base.getValue('setting_rpc_token')}`; GM_openInTab(url, {active: true}); }); }, addButton() { if(document.getElementById("pl-button-link")){ document.getElementById("pl-button-link").remove() } if (!pt) return; let $toolWrap; let $button = $(``); if (pt === 'home') { base.listenElement(pan.btn.home, () => { $toolWrap = $(pan.btn.home); $('.pl-button').length === 0 && $toolWrap.prepend($button); }) } if (pt === 'share') { base.listenElement(pan.btn.share, () => { $toolWrap = $(pan.btn.share); $('.pl-button').length === 0 && $toolWrap.prepend($button); }) } this.addPageListener(); base.createDownloadIframe(); }, addInitButton() { if(document.getElementById("pl-button-link")){ document.getElementById("pl-button-link").remove() } if (!pt) return; let $toolWrap; let $button = $(``); if (pt === 'home') { base.listenElement(pan.btn.home, () => { $toolWrap = $(pan.btn.home); $('.pl-button-init').length === 0 && $toolWrap.prepend($button); }) } if (pt === 'share') { $button.css({'margin-right': '10px'}); base.listenElement(pan.btn.share, () => { $toolWrap = $(pan.btn.share); $('.pl-button-init').length === 0 && $toolWrap.prepend($button); }) } $button.click(() => base.initDialog()); }, async getToken() { let res = await base.getFinalUrl(pan.pcs[1], {}); let accessToken = res.match(/accessToken=(\w+)/)?.[1]; accessToken && base.setStorage('accessToken', accessToken); return accessToken; }, async getFileUrlByOnce(item, index, token) { try { if (item.downloadUrl) return { index, downloadUrl: item.downloadUrl }; let time = Date.now(), fileId = item.fileId, o = "AccessToken=" + token + "&Timestamp=" + time + "&fileId=" + fileId, url = pan.pcs[2] + '?fileId=' + fileId; if (item.shareId) { o = "AccessToken=" + token + "&Timestamp=" + time + "&dt=1&fileId=" + fileId + "&shareId=" + item.shareId; url += '&dt=1&shareId=' + item.shareId; } let sign = md5(o).toString(); let res = await base.get(url, { "accept": "application/json;charset=UTF-8", "sign-type": 1, "accesstoken": token, "timestamp": time, "signature": sign }); if (res.res_code === 0) { return { index, downloadUrl: res.fileDownloadUrl }; } else if (res.errorCode === 'InvalidSessionKey') { return { index, downloadUrl: '提示:
请先登录网盘~' }; } else if (res.res_code === 'ShareNotFoundFlatDir') { return { index, downloadUrl: '提示:
请先[转存]文件,之后再👉前往[我的网盘]中下载哦~' }; } else { return { index, downloadUrl: '获取下载地址失败,刷新后再试试吧~' }; } } catch (e) { return { index, downloadUrl: '获取下载地址失败,刷新后再试试吧~' }; } }, async getPCSLink() { selectList = this.getSelectedList(); if (selectList.length === 0) { return message.error('提示:
请先勾选要下载的文件捏~'); } if (this.isOnlyFolder()) { return message.error('提示:
请打开文件夹后再勾选文件~'); } let token = base.getStorage('accessToken') || await this.getToken(); if (!token) { return message.error('提示:
请先登录网盘~'); } let queue = []; selectList.forEach((item, index) => { queue.push(this.getFileUrlByOnce(item, index, token)); }); const res = await Promise.all(queue); res.forEach(val => { selectList[val.index].downloadUrl = val.downloadUrl; }); let html = this.generateDom(selectList); this.showMainDialog(pan[mode][0], html, pan[mode][1]); }, generateDom(list) { let content = '
'; let alinkAllText = ''; list.forEach((v, i) => { if (v.isFolder) return; let filename = v.fileName; let size = base.sizeFormat(v.size); let dlink = v.downloadUrl; if (mode === 'api') { content += `
`; } if (mode === 'aria') { let alink = this.convertLinkToAria(dlink, filename, navigator.userAgent); alinkAllText += alink + '\r\n'; content += ``; } if (mode === 'rpc') { content += `
`; } if (mode === 'curl') { let alink = this.convertLinkToCurl(dlink, filename, navigator.userAgent); alinkAllText += alink + '\r\n'; content += ``; } if (mode === 'bc') { let alink = this.convertLinkToBC(dlink, filename, navigator.userAgent); content += ``; } }); content += '
'; if (mode === 'aria') content += `
`; if (mode === 'rpc') { let rpc = base.getValue('setting_rpc_domain') + ':' + base.getValue('setting_rpc_port') + base.getValue('setting_rpc_path'); content += `
`; } if (mode === 'curl') content += `
`; return content; }, async sendLinkToRPC(filename, link) { let rpc = { domain: base.getValue('setting_rpc_domain'), port: base.getValue('setting_rpc_port'), path: base.getValue('setting_rpc_path'), token: base.getValue('setting_rpc_token'), dir: base.getValue('setting_rpc_dir'), }; let url = `${rpc.domain}:${rpc.port}${rpc.path}`; let rpcData = { id: new Date().getTime(), jsonrpc: '2.0', method: 'aria2.addUri', params: [`token:${rpc.token}`, [link], { dir: rpc.dir, out: filename, header: [] }] }; try { let res = await base.post(url, rpcData, {}, ''); if (res.result) return 'success'; return 'fail'; } catch (e) { return 'fail'; } }, getSelectedList() { try { return document.querySelector(".c-file-list").__vue__.selectedList; } catch (e) { return [document.querySelector(".info-detail").__vue__.fileDetail]; } }, detectPage() { let path = location.pathname; if (/^\/web\/main/.test(path)) return 'home'; if (/^\/web\/share/.test(path)) return 'share'; return ''; }, isOnlyFolder() { for (let i = 0; i < selectList.length; i++) { if (!selectList[i].isFolder) return false; } return true; }, showMainDialog(title, html, footer) { Swal.fire({ title, html, footer, allowOutsideClick: false, showCloseButton: true, position: 'center',//top width, padding: '15px 20px 5px', customClass, confirmButtonText: '关闭', }); }, async initPanLinker() { pt = this.detectPage(); base.createTip(); base.registerMenuCommand(); if (base.getValue('setting_youxiaohou_server') === 'v1') { let res = await base.post(`https://api.youxiaohou.com/config/tianyi/?ver=${version}&a=${author}`, {}, {}, 'text'); pan = JSON.parse(base.decode(res)); } else if (base.getValue('setting_youxiaohou_server') === 'v2') { let res = await base.post(`https://api.youxiaohou.com/config/v2/tianyi/?ver=${version}&a=${author}`, {}, {}, 'text'); pan = JSON.parse(base.decode(res)); } else if (base.getValue('setting_youxiaohou_server') === "no") { let res = await base.get(`https://gcore.jsdelivr.net/gh/hmjz100/Online-disk-direct-link-download-assistant@main/config/tianyi.json`, {}, "text", {}); pan = JSON.parse(res); } else { let res = await base.get(`https://gcore.jsdelivr.net/gh/hmjz100/Online-disk-direct-link-download-assistant@main/config/config.json`, {}, "text", {}); pan = JSON.parse(res); base.setValue('setting_youxiaohou_server', 'v2'); } Object.freeze && Object.freeze(pan); pan.num === base.getValue('setting_init_code') || pan.license === base.getValue('license') ? this.addButton() : this.addInitButton(); this.getToken(); } }; //迅雷云盘 let xunlei = { convertLinkToAria(link, filename, ua) { filename = base.fixFilename(filename); return encodeURIComponent(`aria2c "${link}" --out "${filename}"`); }, convertLinkToBC(link, filename, ua) { let bc = `AA/${encodeURIComponent(filename)}/?url=${encodeURIComponent(link)}ZZ`; return encodeURIComponent(`bc://http/${base.encode(bc)}`); }, convertLinkToCurl(link, filename, ua) { let terminal = base.getValue('setting_terminal_type'); filename = base.fixFilename(filename); return encodeURIComponent(`${terminal !== 'wp' ? 'curl' : 'curl.exe'} -L -C - "${link}" -o "${filename}"`); }, addPageListener() { doc.on('click', '.pl-button-mode', (e) => { mode = e.target.dataset.mode; Swal.fire({ heightAuto: false, scrollbarPadding: false, showConfirmButton: false, html: `链接获取中`, willOpen: function() { Swal.showLoading(); } }); this.getPCSLink(); }); doc.on('click', '.listener-link-api', async (e) => { e.preventDefault(); $('#downloadIframe').attr('src', e.currentTarget.dataset.link); }); doc.on('click', '.listener-link-api-btn', async (e) => { base.setClipboard(e.target.dataset.filename); $(e.target).text('复制成功').animate({opacity: '0.5'}, "slow"); setTimeout( function (){ $(e.target).text('重新复制').animate({opacity: '1'}, "slow"); },2000 ) }); doc.on('click', '.listener-link-bc-btn', async (e) => { let mirror = base.getMirrorList(e.target.dataset.dlink, pan.mirror); base.setClipboard(mirror); $(e.target).text('复制成功').animate({opacity: '0.5'}, "slow"); setTimeout( function (){ $(e.target).text('重新复制').animate({opacity: '1'}, "slow"); },2000 ) }); doc.on('click', '.listener-link-aria, .listener-copy-all', (e) => { e.preventDefault(); base.setClipboard(decodeURIComponent(e.target.dataset.link)); $(e.target).text('复制成功').animate({opacity: '0.5'}, "slow"); setTimeout( function (){ $(e.target).text('重新复制').animate({opacity: '1'}, "slow"); },2000 ) }); doc.on('click', '.listener-link-rpc', async (e) => { e.preventDefault(); let target = $(e.currentTarget); target.find('.icon').remove(); target.find('.pl-loading').remove(); target.prepend(base.createLoading()); let res = await this.sendLinkToRPC(e.currentTarget.dataset.filename, e.currentTarget.dataset.link); if (res === 'success') { $('.listener-rpc-task').show(); target.removeClass('pl-btn-danger').html('发送成功了!快去看看吧~').animate({opacity: '0.5'}, "slow"); } else if (res === 'assistant') { target.addClass('pl-btn-danger').html(`${pan.init[5]}👉点击此处安装👈`); } else { target.addClass('pl-btn-danger').text('发送失败,检查一下您的RPC配置信息哦!').animate({opacity: '0.5'}, "slow"); } }); doc.on('click', '.listener-send-rpc', (e) => { $('.listener-link-rpc').click(); $(e.target).text('发送完成,发送结果见上方按钮哦~').animate({opacity: '0.5'}, "slow"); }); doc.on('click', '.listener-open-setting', () => { base.showSetting(); }); doc.on('click', '.listener-open-updatelog', () => { base.showUpdateLog(); }); doc.on('click', '.listener-rpc-task', () => { let rpc = JSON.stringify({ domain: base.getValue('setting_rpc_domain'), port: base.getValue('setting_rpc_port'), }), url = `${pan.d}/?rpc=${base.encode(rpc)}#${base.getValue('setting_rpc_token')}`; GM_openInTab(url, {active: true}); }); }, addButton() { if(document.getElementById("pl-button-link")){ document.getElementById("pl-button-link").remove() } if (!pt) return; let $toolWrap; let $button = $(``); if (pt === 'home') { base.listenElement(pan.btn.home, () => { $toolWrap = $(pan.btn.home); $('.pl-button').length === 0 && $toolWrap.prepend($button); }) } if (pt === 'share') { $button.css({'margin-right': '10px'}); base.listenElement(pan.btn.share, () => { $toolWrap = $(pan.btn.share); $('.pl-button').length === 0 && $toolWrap.prepend($button); }) } this.addPageListener(); base.createDownloadIframe(); }, addInitButton() { if(document.getElementById("pl-button-link")){ document.getElementById("pl-button-link").remove() } if (!pt) return; let $toolWrap; let $button = $(``); if (pt === 'home') { base.listenElement(pan.btn.home, () => { $toolWrap = $(pan.btn.home); $('.pl-button-init').length === 0 && $toolWrap.prepend($button); }) } if (pt === 'share') { $button.css({'margin-right': '10px'}); base.listenElement(pan.btn.share, () => { $toolWrap = $(pan.btn.share); $('.pl-button-init').length === 0 && $toolWrap.prepend($button); }) } $button.click(() => base.initDialog()); }, getToken() { let credentials = {}, captcha = {}; for (let i = 0; i < localStorage.length; i++) { if (/^credentials_/.test(localStorage.key(i))) { credentials = base.getStorage(localStorage.key(i)); base.setStorage(''); } if (/^captcha_[\w]{16}/.test(localStorage.key(i))) { captcha = base.getStorage(localStorage.key(i)); } } let deviceid = /(\w{32})/.exec(base.getStorage('deviceid').split(','))[0]; let token = { credentials, captcha, deviceid }; return token; }, async getFileUrlByOnce(item, index, token) { try { if (item.downloadUrl) return { index, downloadUrl: item.downloadUrl }; let res = await base.get(pan.pcs[0] + item.id, { 'Authorization': `${token.credentials.token_type} ${token.credentials.access_token}`, 'content-type': "application/json", 'x-captcha-token': token.captcha.token, 'x-device-id': token.deviceid, }); if (res.web_content_link) { return { index, downloadUrl: res.web_content_link }; } else { return { index, downloadUrl: '获取下载地址失败,刷新后再试试吧~' }; } } catch (e) { return message.error('提示:
请先登录网盘后再刷新页面呢~'); } }, async getPCSLink() { selectList = this.getSelectedList(); if (selectList.length === 0) { return message.error('提示:
请先勾选要下载的文件捏~'); } if (this.isOnlyFolder()) { return message.error('提示:
请打开文件夹后再勾选文件~'); } if (pt === 'home') { let queue = []; let token = this.getToken(); selectList.forEach((item, index) => { queue.push(this.getFileUrlByOnce(item, index, token)); }); const res = await Promise.all(queue); res.forEach(val => { selectList[val.index].downloadUrl = val.downloadUrl; }); } else { return message.error('提示:
请保存到自己网盘后再去网盘主页下载哦~'); } let html = this.generateDom(selectList); this.showMainDialog(pan[mode][0], html, pan[mode][1]); }, generateDom(list) { let content = '
'; let alinkAllText = ''; list.forEach((v, i) => { if (v.kind === 'drive#folder') return; let filename = v.name; let size = base.sizeFormat(+v.size); let dlink = v.downloadUrl; if (mode === 'api') { content += `
`; } if (mode === 'aria') { let alink = this.convertLinkToAria(dlink, filename, navigator.userAgent); alinkAllText += alink + '\r\n'; content += ``; } if (mode === 'rpc') { content += `
`; } if (mode === 'curl') { let alink = this.convertLinkToCurl(dlink, filename, navigator.userAgent); alinkAllText += alink + '\r\n'; content += ``; } if (mode === 'bc') { let alink = this.convertLinkToBC(dlink, filename, navigator.userAgent); content += `
`; } }); content += '
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`; if (mode === 'rpc') { let rpc = base.getValue('setting_rpc_domain') + ':' + base.getValue('setting_rpc_port') + base.getValue('setting_rpc_path'); content += `
`; } if (mode === 'curl') content += `
`; return content; }, async sendLinkToRPC(filename, link) { let rpc = { domain: base.getValue('setting_rpc_domain'), port: base.getValue('setting_rpc_port'), path: base.getValue('setting_rpc_path'), token: base.getValue('setting_rpc_token'), dir: base.getValue('setting_rpc_dir'), }; let url = `${rpc.domain}:${rpc.port}${rpc.path}`; let rpcData = { id: new Date().getTime(), jsonrpc: '2.0', method: 'aria2.addUri', params: [`token:${rpc.token}`, [link], { dir: rpc.dir, out: filename, header: [] }] }; try { let res = await base.post(url, rpcData, {}, ''); if (res.result) return 'success'; return 'fail'; } catch (e) { return 'fail'; } }, getSelectedList() { try { let doms = document.querySelectorAll('.pan-list li'); let selectedList = []; for (let dom of doms) { let domVue = dom.__vue__; if (domVue.selected.includes(domVue.info.id)) { selectedList.push(domVue.info); } } return selectedList; } catch (e) { return []; } }, detectPage() { let path = location.pathname; if (/^\/$/.test(path)) return 'home'; if (/^\/(s|share)\//.test(path)) return 'share'; return ''; }, isOnlyFolder() { for (let i = 0; i < selectList.length; i++) { if (selectList[i].kind === 'drive#file') return false; } return true; }, showMainDialog(title, html, footer) { Swal.fire({ title, html, footer, allowOutsideClick: false, showCloseButton: true, position: 'center',//top width, padding: '15px 20px 5px', customClass, confirmButtonText: '关闭', }); }, async initPanLinker() { pt = this.detectPage(); base.createTip(); base.registerMenuCommand(); if (base.getValue('setting_youxiaohou_server') === 'v1') { let res = await base.post(`https://api.youxiaohou.com/config/xunlei/?ver=${version}&a=${author}`, {}, {}, 'text'); pan = JSON.parse(base.decode(res)); } else if (base.getValue('setting_youxiaohou_server') === 'v2') { let res = await base.post(`https://api.youxiaohou.com/config/v2/xunlei/?ver=${version}&a=${author}`, {}, {}, 'text'); pan = JSON.parse(base.decode(res)); } else if (base.getValue('setting_youxiaohou_server') === "no") { let res = await base.get(`https://gcore.jsdelivr.net/gh/hmjz100/Online-disk-direct-link-download-assistant@main/config/xunlei.json`, {}, "text", {}); pan = JSON.parse(res); } else { let res = await base.get(`https://gcore.jsdelivr.net/gh/hmjz100/Online-disk-direct-link-download-assistant@main/config/config.json`, {}, "text", {}); pan = JSON.parse(res); base.setValue('setting_youxiaohou_server', 'v2'); } Object.freeze && Object.freeze(pan); pan.num === base.getValue('setting_init_code') || pan.license === base.getValue('license') ? this.addButton() : this.addInitButton(); } }; //夸克网盘 let quark = { convertLinkToAria(link, filename, ua) { filename = base.fixFilename(filename); return encodeURIComponent(`aria2c "${link}" --out "${filename}" --header "Cookie: ${document.cookie}"`); }, convertLinkToBC(link, filename, ua) { let bc = `AA/${encodeURIComponent(filename)}/?url=${encodeURIComponent(link)}&cookie=${encodeURIComponent(document.cookie)}ZZ`; return encodeURIComponent(`bc://http/${base.encode(bc)}`); }, convertLinkToCurl(link, filename, ua) { let terminal = base.getValue('setting_terminal_type'); filename = base.fixFilename(filename); return encodeURIComponent(`${terminal !== 'wp' ? 'curl' : 'curl.exe'} -L -C - "${link}" -o "${filename}" -b "${document.cookie}"`); }, addPageListener() { window.addEventListener('hashchange', async (e) => { let home = 'https://pan.quark.cn/list#/', all = 'https://pan.quark.cn/list#/list/all'; if (e.oldURL === home && e.newURL === all) return; await base.sleep(150); if ($('.quark-button').length > 0) return; pan.num === base.getValue('setting_init_code') || pan.license === base.getValue('license') ? this.addButton() : this.addInitButton(); }); doc.on('click', '.pl-button-mode', (e) => { mode = e.target.dataset.mode; Swal.fire({ heightAuto: false, scrollbarPadding: false, showConfirmButton: false, html: `链接获取中`, willOpen: function() { Swal.showLoading(); } }); this.getPCSLink(); }); doc.on('click', '.listener-link-save', async (e) => { e.preventDefault(); selectList = this.getSelectedList(); if (selectList.length === 0) { return message.error('提示:
请先勾选要保存到网盘的文件捏~'); } message.info('提示:
因夸克限制,请先保存到自己网盘后再下载哦!'); await base.sleep(500); document.querySelector('.file-info_r').click(); }); doc.on('click', '.listener-link-api', async (e) => { e.preventDefault(); $('#downloadIframe').attr('src', e.currentTarget.dataset.link); }); doc.on('click', '.listener-link-aria, .listener-copy-all', (e) => { e.preventDefault(); base.setClipboard(decodeURIComponent(e.target.dataset.link)); $(e.target).text('复制成功').animate({opacity: '0.5'}, "slow"); setTimeout( function (){ $(e.target).text('重新复制').animate({opacity: '1'}, "slow"); },2000 ) }); doc.on('click', '.listener-link-rpc', async (e) => { e.preventDefault(); let target = $(e.currentTarget); target.find('.icon').remove(); target.find('.pl-loading').remove(); target.prepend(base.createLoading()); let res = await this.sendLinkToRPC(e.currentTarget.dataset.filename, e.currentTarget.dataset.link); if (res === 'success') { $('.listener-rpc-task').show(); target.removeClass('pl-btn-danger').html('发送成功了!快去看看吧~').animate({opacity: '0.5'}, "slow"); } else if (res === 'assistant') { target.addClass('pl-btn-danger').html(`${pan.init[5]}👉点击此处安装👈`); } else { target.addClass('pl-btn-danger').text('发送失败,检查一下您的RPC配置信息哦!').animate({opacity: '0.5'}, "slow"); } }); doc.on('click', '.listener-send-rpc', (e) => { $('.listener-link-rpc').click(); $(e.target).text('发送完成,发送结果见上方按钮哦~').animate({opacity: '0.5'}, "slow"); }); doc.on('click', '.listener-open-setting', () => { base.showSetting(); }); doc.on('click', '.listener-open-updatelog', () => { base.showUpdateLog(); }); doc.on('click', '.listener-rpc-task', () => { let rpc = JSON.stringify({ domain: base.getValue('setting_rpc_domain'), port: base.getValue('setting_rpc_port'), }), url = `${pan.d}/?rpc=${base.encode(rpc)}#${base.getValue('setting_rpc_token')}`; GM_openInTab(url, {active: true}); }); }, addButton() { let svg = ''; if(document.getElementById("pl-button-link")){ document.getElementById("pl-button-link").remove() } if (!pt) return; waitForKeyElements(".next-box", function () { let ad1 = document.getElementsByClassName("next-box")[0]; ad1.remove(); },true); waitForKeyElements(".ant-modal-close", function () { let login1 = document.getElementsByClassName("ant-modal-close")[0]; // login1.click(); },true); waitForKeyElements(".tips", function () { let vip1 = document.getElementsByClassName("tips")[0]; vip1.remove(); let vip2 = document.querySelector('.pc-member-entrance span'); vip2.innerHTML = "开通SVIP"; },true); waitForKeyElements(".pay-modal .close", function () { let vip3 = document.querySelector('.pay-modal .close'); vip3.click(); }); waitForKeyElements(".red-envelope .close", function () { let vip4 = document.querySelector('.red-envelope .close'); vip4.click(); }); let $toolWrap; if (pt === 'home') { let $button = $(``); $button.css({"margin-right":"10px","display":"inline-block"}); base.listenElement(pan.btn.home, () => { $toolWrap = $(pan.btn.home); $('.pl-button').length === 0 && $toolWrap.prepend($button); }); } if (pt === 'share') { let $button = $(``); $button.css({"margin-right":"10px","display":"inline-block"}); base.listenElement(pan.btn.share, () => { $toolWrap = $(pan.btn.share); $('.pl-button').length === 0 && $toolWrap.prepend($button); }); } this.addPageListener(); }, addInitButton() { let svg = ''; if(document.getElementById("pl-button-link")){ document.getElementById("pl-button-link").remove() } if (!pt) return; let $toolWrap; let $button = $(``); $button.css({"margin-right":"10px","display":"inline-block"}); if (pt === 'home') { base.listenElement(pan.btn.home, () => { $toolWrap = $(pan.btn.home); $('.pl-button-init').length === 0 && $toolWrap.prepend($button); }) } if (pt === 'share') { base.listenElement(pan.btn.share, () => { $toolWrap = $(pan.btn.share); $('.pl-button-init').length === 0 && $toolWrap.prepend($button); }) } $button.click(() => base.initDialog()); }, async getPCSLink() { selectList = this.getSelectedList(); if (selectList.length === 0) { return message.error('提示:
请先勾选要下载的文件捏~'); } if (this.isOnlyFolder()) { return message.error('提示:
请打开文件夹后再勾选文件~'); } let fids = []; selectList.forEach(val => { fids.push(val.fid); }); if (pt === 'home') { let res = await base.post(pan.pcs[0], { "fids": fids }, {"content-type": "application/json;charset=utf-8", "user-agent": pan.ua}); if (res.code === 31001) { return message.error('提示:
请先登录网盘~'); } if (res.code !== 0) { return message.error('提示:
获取链接失败了~'); } let html = this.generateDom(res.data); this.showMainDialog(pan[mode][0], html, pan[mode][1]); } else { message.error('提示:
请保存到自己网盘后再去网盘主页下载哦~'); await base.sleep(1000); document.querySelector('.file-info_r').click(); return; } }, generateDom(list) { let content = '
'; let alinkAllText = ''; list.forEach((v, i) => { if (v.file === false) return; let filename = v.file_name; let fid = v.fid; let size = base.sizeFormat(v.size); let dlink = v.download_url; if (mode === 'api') { content += `
`; } if (mode === 'aria') { let alink = this.convertLinkToAria(dlink, filename, navigator.userAgent); alinkAllText += alink + '\r\n'; content += ``; } if (mode === 'rpc') { content += `
`; } if (mode === 'curl') { let alink = this.convertLinkToCurl(dlink, filename, navigator.userAgent); alinkAllText += alink + '\r\n'; content += ``; } if (mode === 'bc') { let alink = this.convertLinkToBC(dlink, filename, navigator.userAgent); content += ``; } }); content += '
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`; if (mode === 'rpc') { let rpc = base.getValue('setting_rpc_domain') + ':' + base.getValue('setting_rpc_port') + base.getValue('setting_rpc_path'); content += `
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'curl' : 'curl.exe'} -L -C - "${link}" -o "${filename}"`); }, addPageListener() { doc.on('click', '.pl-button-mode', (e) => { mode = e.target.dataset.mode; Swal.fire({ heightAuto: false, scrollbarPadding: false, showConfirmButton: false, html: `链接获取中`, willOpen: function() { Swal.showLoading(); } }); this.getPCSLink(); }); doc.on('click', '.listener-link-api', async (e) => { e.preventDefault(); $('#downloadIframe').attr('src', e.currentTarget.dataset.link); }); doc.on('click', '.listener-link-aria, .listener-copy-all', (e) => { e.preventDefault(); base.setClipboard(decodeURIComponent(e.target.dataset.link)); $(e.target).text('复制成功').animate({opacity: '0.5'}, "slow"); setTimeout( function (){ $(e.target).text('重新复制').animate({opacity: '1'}, "slow"); },2000 ) }); doc.on('click', '.listener-copy-all-api', (e) => { e.preventDefault(); base.setClipboard(decodeURIComponent(e.target.dataset.link)); $(e.target).text('复制成功').animate({opacity: '0.5'}, "slow"); setTimeout( function (){ $(e.target).text('重新复制').animate({opacity: '1'}, "slow"); },2000 ) }); doc.on('click', '.listener-link-rpc', async (e) => { e.preventDefault(); let target = $(e.currentTarget); target.find('.icon').remove(); target.find('.pl-loading').remove(); target.prepend(base.createLoading()); let res = await this.sendLinkToRPC(e.currentTarget.dataset.filename, e.currentTarget.dataset.link); if (res === 'success') { $('.listener-rpc-task').show(); target.removeClass('pl-btn-danger').html('发送成功了!快去看看吧~').animate({opacity: '0.5'}, "slow"); } else if (res === 'assistant') { target.addClass('pl-btn-danger').html(`${pan.init[5]}👉点击此处安装👈`); } else { target.addClass('pl-btn-danger').text('发送失败,检查一下您的RPC配置信息哦!').animate({opacity: '0.5'}, "slow"); } }); doc.on('click', '.listener-send-rpc', (e) => { $('.listener-link-rpc').click(); $(e.target).text('发送完成,发送结果见上方按钮哦~').animate({opacity: '0.5'}, "slow"); }); doc.on('click', '.listener-open-setting', () => { base.showSetting(); }); doc.on('click', '.listener-open-updatelog', () => { base.showUpdateLog(); }); doc.on('click', '.listener-rpc-task', () => { let rpc = JSON.stringify({ domain: base.getValue('setting_rpc_domain'), port: base.getValue('setting_rpc_port'), }), url = `${pan.d}/?rpc=${base.encode(rpc)}#${base.getValue('setting_rpc_token')}`; GM_openInTab(url, {active: true}); }); }, addButton() { if(document.getElementById("pl-button-link")){ document.getElementById("pl-button-link").remove() } if (!pt) return; let $toolWrap; let $button = $(``); if (pt === 'home') { base.listenElement(pan.btn.home, () => { $toolWrap = $(pan.btn.home); $('.pl-button').length === 0 && $toolWrap.prepend($button); }) } if (pt === 'share') { $button.removeClass('yidong-button').addClass('yidong-share-button'); base.listenElement(pan.btn.share, () => { $toolWrap = $(pan.btn.share); $('.pl-button').length === 0 && $toolWrap.prepend($button); }) } this.addPageListener(); base.createDownloadIframe(); }, addInitButton() { if(document.getElementById("pl-button-link")){ document.getElementById("pl-button-link").remove() } if (!pt) return; let $toolWrap; let $button = $(``); if (pt === 'home') { base.listenElement(pan.btn.home, () => { $toolWrap = $(pan.btn.home); $('.pl-button-init').length === 0 && $toolWrap.prepend($button); }) } if (pt === 'share') { $button.removeClass('yidong-button').addClass('yidong-share-button'); base.listenElement(pan.btn.share, () => { $toolWrap = $(pan.btn.share); $('.pl-button-init').length === 0 && $toolWrap.prepend($button); }) } $button.click(() => base.initDialog()); }, getRandomString(len) { len = len || 16; let $chars = 'ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTWXYZabcdefhijkmnprstwxyz2345678'; let maxPos = $chars.length; let pwd = ''; for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { pwd += $chars.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * maxPos)); } return pwd; }, utob(str) { const u = String.fromCharCode; return str.replace(/[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFFF]|[^\x00-\x7F]/g, (t) => { if (t.length < 2) { let e = t.charCodeAt(0); return e < 128 ? t : e < 2048 ? u(192 | e >>> 6) + u(128 | 63 & e) : u(224 | e >>> 12 & 15) + u(128 | e >>> 6 & 63) + u(128 | 63 & e); } e = 65536 + 1024 * (t.charCodeAt(0) - 55296) + (t.charCodeAt(1) - 56320); return u(240 | e >>> 18 & 7) + u(128 | e >>> 12 & 63) + u(128 | e >>> 6 & 63) + u(128 | 63 & e); }); }, getSign(e, t, a, n) { let r = "", i = ""; if (t) { let s = Object.assign({}, t); i = JSON.stringify(s), i = i.replace(/\s*/g, ""), i = encodeURIComponent(i); let c = i.split(""), u = c.sort(); i = u.join(""); } let A = md5(base.encode(this.utob(i))); let l = md5(a + ":" + n); return md5(A + l).toUpperCase(); }, async getFileUrlByOnce(item, index) { try { if (item.downloadUrl) return { index, downloadUrl: item.downloadUrl }; if (this.detectPage() === 'home') { let body = { "contentID": item.contentID, "commonAccountInfo": {"account": item.owner, "accountType": 1}, "operation": "0", "inline": "0", "extInfo": {"isReturnCdnDownloadUrl": "1"} }; let time = new Date(+new Date() + 8 * 3600 * 1000).toJSON().substr(0, 19).replace('T', ' '); let key = this.getRandomString(16); let sign = this.getSign(undefined, body, time, key); let res = await base.post(pan.pcs[0], body, { 'authorization': base.getCookie('authorization'), 'x-huawei-channelSrc': '10000034', 'x-inner-ntwk': '2', 'mcloud-channel': '1000101', 'mcloud-client': '10701', 'mcloud-sign': time + "," + key + "," + sign, 'content-type': "application/json;charset=UTF-8", 'caller': 'web', 'CMS-DEVICE': 'default', 'x-DeviceInfo': '||9|7.12.0|chrome||||windows 10||zh-CN|||', 'x-SvcType': '1', }); if (res.success) { return { index, downloadUrl: res.data.downloadURL }; } else { return { index, downloadUrl: '获取下载地址失败,刷新后再试试吧~' }; } } if (this.detectPage() === 'share') { let vueDom = document.querySelector(".home-page").__vue__; let res = await base.post(pan.pcs[1], `linkId=${vueDom.linkID}&contentIds=${encodeURIComponent(vueDom.currentPath.id + '/' + item.coID)}&catalogIds=`, { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', }); if (res.code === 0) { return { index, downloadUrl: res.data.redrUrl }; } else { return { index, downloadUrl: '获取下载地址失败,刷新后再试试吧~' }; } } } catch (e) { return { index, downloadUrl: '获取下载地址失败,刷新后再试试吧~' }; } }, async getPCSLink() { selectList = this.getSelectedList(); if (selectList.length === 0) { return message.error('提示:
请先勾选要下载的文件捏~'); } if (this.isOnlyFolder()) { return message.error('提示:
请打开文件夹后再勾选文件~'); } let queue = []; selectList.forEach((item, index) => { queue.push(this.getFileUrlByOnce(item, index)); }); const res = await Promise.all(queue); res.forEach(val => { selectList[val.index].downloadUrl = val.downloadUrl; }); let html = this.generateDom(selectList); this.showMainDialog(pan[mode][0], html, pan[mode][1]); }, generateDom(list) { let content = '
'; let alinkAllText = ''; list.forEach((v, i) => { if (v.dirEtag || v.caName) return; let filename = v.contentName || v.coName; let size = base.sizeFormat(v.contentSize || v.coSize); let dlink = v.downloadUrl; if (mode === 'api') { alinkAllText += dlink + '\r\n'; content += `
`; } if (mode === 'aria') { let alink = this.convertLinkToAria(dlink, filename, navigator.userAgent); alinkAllText += alink + '\r\n'; content += ``; } if (mode === 'rpc') { content += `
`; } if (mode === 'curl') { let alink = this.convertLinkToCurl(dlink, filename, navigator.userAgent); alinkAllText += alink + '\r\n'; content += ``; } if (mode === 'bc') { let alink = this.convertLinkToBC(dlink, filename, navigator.userAgent); content += ``; } }); content += '
'; if (mode === 'api'){ content += `
`;} if (mode === 'aria') content += `
`; if (mode === 'rpc') { let rpc = base.getValue('setting_rpc_domain') + ':' + base.getValue('setting_rpc_port') + base.getValue('setting_rpc_path'); content += `
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this.addButton() : this.addInitButton(); } }; // 油小猴 let youxiaohou ={ async initPanLinker() { base.createTip(); base.registerPanMenuCommand(); if (base.getValue('setting_youxiaohou_server') === 'v1') { let res = await base.post(`https://api.youxiaohou.com/config/?ver=${version}&a=${author}`, {}, {}, 'text'); pan = JSON.parse(base.decode(res)); } else if (base.getValue('setting_youxiaohou_server') === 'v2') { let res = await base.post(`https://api.youxiaohou.com/config/v2/?ver=${version}&a=${author}`, {}, {}, 'text'); pan = JSON.parse(base.decode(res)); } else if (base.getValue('setting_youxiaohou_server') === "no") { let res = await base.get(`https://gcore.jsdelivr.net/gh/hmjz100/Online-disk-direct-link-download-assistant@main/config/config.json`, {}, "text", {}); pan = JSON.parse(res); } else { let res = await base.get(`https://gcore.jsdelivr.net/gh/hmjz100/Online-disk-direct-link-download-assistant@main/config/config.json`, {}, "text", {}); pan = JSON.parse(res); base.setValue('setting_youxiaohou_server', 'v2'); } Object.freeze && Object.freeze(pan); let $button = ` `; doc.on('click', '.listener-open-setting', () => { base.showSetting(); }); doc.on('click', '.listener-open-updatelog', () => { base.showUpdateLog(); }); doc.on('click', '.listener-open-info', () => { base.showPanInfo(); }); for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) { document.querySelectorAll(".nav-links")[i].innerHTML += $button } } } // 获取原脚本的GreasyFork信息,确保油小猴服务器信任 base.fetchScriptInfo('https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/436446.json', 5).then(res => { base.setValue('setting_script_version', res.version); base.setValue('setting_script_author', 'GreasyFork'); base.setValue('setting_script_name', res.name); }) // 用于油小猴服务器检测的脚本信息 let scriptInfo = GM_info.script; // 用于油小猴服务器检测的脚本作者 let realauthor = scriptInfo.author; let author = base.getValue('setting_script_author'); // 用于油小猴服务器检测的脚本名称 let realname = scriptInfo.name; let name = base.getValue('setting_script_name'); // 用于油小猴服务器检测的脚本版本,防止服务器返回更新信息 let realversion = scriptInfo.version; let version = base.getValue('setting_script_version'); /*--- waitForKeyElements(): 一个实用函数,用于Greasemonkey脚本, 它可以检测和处理AJAX加载的内容。 使用示例: waitForKeyElements ( "div.comments" , commentCallbackFunction ); // 页面特定的函数,用于在找到节点时执行我们想要的操作。 function commentCallbackFunction (jNode) { jNode.text ("waitForKeyElements() 更改了这段注释。"); } 重要提示:
这个函数需要你的脚本加载了jQuery。 */ function waitForKeyElements(selectorTxt, actionFunction, bWaitOnce, iframeSelector) { var targetNodes, btargetsFound; if (typeof iframeSelector == "undefined") targetNodes = $(selectorTxt); else targetNodes = $(iframeSelector).contents() .find(selectorTxt); if (targetNodes && targetNodes.length > 0) { btargetsFound = true; targetNodes.each(function () { var jThis = $(this); var alreadyFound = jThis.data('alreadyFound') || false; if (!alreadyFound) { //--- 调用载荷函数。 var cancelFound = actionFunction(jThis); if (cancelFound) { btargetsFound = false; } else { jThis.data('alreadyFound', true); } } }); } else { btargetsFound = false; } //--- 获取这个选择器的定时器控制变量。 var controlObj = waitForKeyElements.controlObj || {}; var controlKey = selectorTxt.replace(/[^\w]/g, "_"); var timeControl = controlObj[controlKey]; //--- 现在根据情况设置或清除定时器。 if (btargetsFound && bWaitOnce && timeControl) { //--- 唯一需要清除定时器的情况。 clearInterval(timeControl); delete controlObj[controlKey] } else { //--- 如果需要的话,设置一个定时器。 if (!timeControl) { timeControl = setInterval(function () { waitForKeyElements(selectorTxt, actionFunction, bWaitOnce, iframeSelector); }, 300); controlObj[controlKey] = timeControl; } } waitForKeyElements.controlObj = controlObj; } // 主代码 let main = { init() { // 先加载默认设置 base.initDefaultConfig(); // 再加载网页样式 base.addPanLinkerStyle(); // 判断网盘地址并加载对应的initPanLinker if (/(pan|yun).baidu.com/.test(location.host)) { baidu.initPanLinker(); } if (/www.(aliyundrive|alipan).com/.test(location.host)) { ali.initPanLinker(); } if (/cloud.189.cn/.test(location.host)) { tianyi.initPanLinker(); } if (/pan.xunlei.com/.test(location.host)) { xunlei.initPanLinker(); } if (/pan.quark.cn/.test(location.host)) { quark.initPanLinker(); } if (/(yun|caiyun).139.com/.test(location.host)) { yidong.initPanLinker(); } if (/www.youxiaohou.com/.test(location.host)) { youxiaohou.initPanLinker(); } } }; main.init(); })(); // 沉默是金