// ==UserScript== // @name github的链接在新标签页打开 // @namespace pl816098 // @version 1.0.10 // @description 让github的链接默认是在新标签页中打开而不是当前页打开 // @author pl816098 // @match https://github.com/* // @icon  // @grant GM_getValue // @run-at document-idle // @license MIT // @supportURL https://github.com/Paul-16098/vs_code/issues/ // @homepageURL https://github.com/Paul-16098/vs_code/blob/main/js/userjs/README.md // ==/UserScript== /* ==UserConfig== config: host: title: 是否取消對外部域名的處理 description: 是否取消對外部域名的處理 type: checkbox default: true ==/UserConfig== */ (function () { "use strict"; const host = GM_getValue("config.host", true); const not_blank = ['a[data-testid="raw-button"]']; const not_run_url = [ "javascript:void(0);", "javascript:void(0)", "javascript:;", ]; setTimeout(() => { console.log("github的链接在新标签页打开: setimeout start"); let links = document.getElementsByTagName("a"); for (let i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { console.log( "github的链接在新标签页打开: for(1), i: ", i, ", links[i]: ", links[i] ); let found = false; let shouldSkipLink = false; loop1: for (const ele of not_blank) { console.log(`github的链接在新标签页打开: for(2), ele: `, ele); let element = document.querySelector(ele); if (element && element.href === links[i].href) { found = true; console.log("github的链接在新标签页打开: not_blank found", found); shouldSkipLink = true; break loop1; } } if (!found) { let url = links[i].href; loop2: for (const ele of not_run_url) { if (url === ele) { shouldSkipLink = true; break loop2; } } if (shouldSkipLink === true) { break; } let o_url = new URL(url); let patt = /(?:([^:/\\@\s])+\.)*github\.([a-zA-Z]{2,4})$/i; if (!patt.test(o_url.hostname)) { console.log("patt.test(o_url.hostname)", patt.test(o_url.hostname)); if (host) { console.log( "patt.test(o_url.hostname): break", patt.test(o_url.hostname) ); break; } } links[i].href = "javascript:void(0);"; links[i].onclick = function () { window.open(url); }; console.log("github的链接在新标签页打开 run done", links[i]); } } }, 2000); })();