// ==UserScript== // @name 🔥全能AI博主🔥向任何你喜欢的博主询问他的帖子,支持小红书、知乎、微博等主流媒体 // @namespace http://ai.xyde.net.cn // @version 1.0 // @description 为大多数主流媒体增加AI询问功能,AI化身博主解答你的疑问 // @author JiGuang // @match *://*.zhihu.com/* // @match *://*.xiaohongshu.com/* // @match *://mp.weixin.qq.com/* // @match *://weibo.com/* // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @license GPL v3 // ==/UserScript== (function () { 'use strict'; // 获取元素的css选择器路径 function getCssSelectorPath(el) { if (!el) { return; } const paths = []; while (el.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { let selector = el.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if (el.id) { selector += '#' + el.id; paths.unshift(selector); break; } else { let sib = el, nth = 1; while (sib = sib.previousElementSibling) { if (sib.nodeName.toLowerCase() == selector) nth++; } if (nth != 1) selector += ":nth-of-type("+nth+")"; } paths.unshift(selector); el = el.parentNode; } return paths.join(" > "); } // 内置函数:axios/fetch风格的跨域请求 async function request(url,data = '',method = 'GET'){ //console.log('请求url1:',url) return new Promise((resolve,reject) => { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method, url, data, onload:(res) => { //console.log('response',res.response) resolve(JSON.parse(res.response)) }, onerror:(err) => { reject(err) } }) }) } // 通过微信获取AI回复 async function getAIReply(apikey = '',system_content = '',content = '',model = 'gpt-3.5-turbo'){ return new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{ if(apikey == '' || !apikey.startsWith('sk-')){ reject('apikey不正确') } if(content == ''){ reject('未输入内容') } GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "POST", url: "https://app-api.51coolplay.com/v1/chat/completions", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer " + apikey }, data: JSON.stringify({ 'model': model, 'messages': [{ 'role': 'system', 'content': system_content },{ 'role': 'user', 'content': content }], 'temperature': 0.7 }), onload: (response)=>{ const obj = JSON.parse(response.responseText) //console.log('ai :'+obj.choices[0].message.content) resolve(obj.choices[0].message.content) }, onerror: (err)=>{ reject(err) } }); }) } // 页面初始化事件 window.addEventListener('load', function () { const rule = getMatchedRule() try{ if(rule && rule.multi){ setInterval(()=>{ let rule_all = getMultiRules(rule) for(let rule_single of rule_all){ try{ loadChatWindow(getPageChatInfo(rule_single)); }catch(err){ console.warn('加载按钮窗口失败' ,err); } } },2000) }else{ setInterval(()=>{ loadChatWindow(getPageChatInfo(rule)); },2000) } }catch(err){ console.warn('规则加载失败'); } }); // 提取多规则的规则 function getMultiRules(rule){ // 为每个按钮和窗口生成对应代码逻辑 const buttons = document.querySelectorAll(rule.buttonSelector); const names = document.querySelectorAll(rule.robotNameSelector); const avatars = document.querySelectorAll(rule.robotAvatarSelector); const contents = document.querySelectorAll(rule.contentSelector); let rules = []; for(let index = 0; index < buttons.length; index++){ try{ let singleRule = { keyword:rule.keyword, buttonSelector: getCssSelectorPath(buttons.item(index)), robotNameSelector: getCssSelectorPath(names.item(index)), robotAvatarSelector:getCssSelectorPath(avatars.item(index)), contentSelector:getCssSelectorPath(contents.item(index)), buttonText: rule.buttonText, buttonPosStyle: rule.buttonPosStyle }; rules.push(singleRule); }catch(err){ console.warn(`规则解析失败:${JSON.stringify(rule)},错误原因:${err}`) } } return rules; } // 从规则库里匹配规则 function getMatchedRule() { // 规则数组 const rules = [ { name: '微博列表页1.0', // 规则名字 model: '', // 使用的gpt模型 keyword: 'weibo.com', // 页面URL必须包含的关键词 buttonSelector: '#scroller > div.vue-recycle-scroller__item-wrapper > div > div > article > div > header > div.woo-box-flex > button', // 按钮插入位置的CSS选择器 robotNameSelector: 'article > div > header > div.woo-box-item-flex.head_main_3DRDm > div > div.woo-box-flex.woo-box-alignCenter.head_nick_1yix2 > a > span', // 机器人名字的CSS选择器 robotAvatarSelector: '#scroller > div.vue-recycle-scroller__item-wrapper > div > div > article > div > header > a > div > img', contentSelector: '#scroller > div.vue-recycle-scroller__item-wrapper > div > div > article > div', //博主内容的选择器 buttonText: '✨向AI博主提问', // 提问按钮的文本 buttonPosStyle: true, // 是否采用页面同款按钮样式 multi: true, // 是否使用批量处理器实现(支持下拉刷新同步按钮) }, { name: '知乎问题页1.3', // 规则名字 model: '', // 使用的gpt模型 keyword: 'www.zhihu.com/question', // 页面URL必须包含的关键词 buttonSelector: 'div.ContentItem-actions > button:nth-child(5)', // 按钮插入位置的CSS选择器 robotNameSelector: 'div.AuthorInfo-head > span > div > a', // 机器人名字的CSS选择器 robotAvatarSelector: 'div.AuthorInfo > span > div > a > img', contentSelector: 'div.RichContent.RichContent--unescapable > span:nth-child(1) > div', //博主内容的选择器 buttonText: '✨向AI博主提问', // 提问按钮的文本 buttonPosStyle: true, // 是否采用页面同款按钮样式 multi: true, // 是否使用批量处理器实现(支持下拉刷新同步按钮) },{ name: '知乎文章页面1.1', // 规则名字 model: '', // 使用的gpt模型 keyword: 'zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/', // 页面URL必须包含的关键词 robotNameSelector: '#root > div > main > div > article > header > div.Post-Author > div > div > div > div.AuthorInfo-head > span > div > a', // 机器人名字的CSS选择器 robotAvatarSelector: '#root > div > main > div > article > header > div.Post-Author > div > div > span > div > a > img', // 机器人头像的CSS选择器(指定img标签) contentSelector: '#root > div > main > div > article > div.Post-RichTextContainer > div > div > div', //博主内容的选择器 buttonText: '✨向AI博主提问', // 提问按钮的文本 buttonPosStyle: false, // 是否采用页面同款按钮样式 async_keyword: '' //动态加载的关键词,异步加载的页面,异步处理流程:当页面变化到存在'async_keyword'的时候,加载一次聊天提问 },{ name: '微信公众号文章页面1.1', // 规则名字 model: '', // 使用的gpt模型 keyword: 'mp.weixin.qq.com/s', // 页面URL必须包含的关键词 robotNameSelector: '#js_name', // 机器人名字的CSS选择器 contentSelector: '#page-content > div', //博主内容的选择器 buttonText: '✨向AI博主提问', // 提问按钮的文本 buttonPosStyle: false, // 是否采用页面同款按钮样式 }, { name:'小红书探索笔记1.0', keyword: 'www.xiaohongshu.com', // 页面URL必须包含的关键词 buttonSelector: '#noteContainer > div.interaction-container > div.author-container > div > div.note-detail-follow-btn > button', // 按钮插入位置的CSS选择器 robotNameSelector: '#noteContainer > div.interaction-container > div.author-container > div > div.info > a.name > span', // 机器人名字的CSS选择器 robotAvatarSelector: '#noteContainer > div.interaction-container > div.author-container > div > div.info > a:nth-child(1) > img', // 机器人头像的CSS选择器(指定img标签) contentSelector: '#detail-desc', //博主内容的选择器 buttonText: '✨向AI博主提问', // 提问按钮的文本 buttonPosStyle: true, } ]; // 获取当前页面URL const currentPageUrl = window.location.href; // 尝试匹配规则 let matchedRule = null; for (let rule of rules) { if (currentPageUrl.includes(rule.keyword)) { matchedRule = rule; } } return matchedRule; } // 获取页面的匹配聊天信息 function getPageChatInfo(rule) { let systemPrompt = ''; const id = Math.floor(Math.random() * (999999 - 1 + 1)) + 1; // 默认机器人头像是个灰色圆形头像 const defaultRobotAvatar = 'data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns=\'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\' width=\'48\' height=\'48\' viewBox=\'0 0 24 24\' fill=\'none\' stroke=\'%239E9E9E\' stroke-width=\'2\' stroke-linecap=\'round\' stroke-linejoin=\'round\' class=\'feather feather-user\'%3E%3Cpath d=\'M20 21v-2a4 4 0 0 0-4-4H8a4 4 0 0 0-4 4v2\'/%3E%3Ccircle cx=\'12\' cy=\'7\' r=\'4\'/%3E%3C/svg%3E'; // 默认用户头像 const userAvatar = "data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg t='1710514645931' class='icon' viewBox='0 0 1024 1024' version='1.1' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' p-id='4241' width='200' height='200'%3E%3Cpath d='M512 74.666667C270.933333 74.666667 74.666667 270.933333 74.666667 512S270.933333 949.333333 512 949.333333 949.333333 753.066667 949.333333 512 753.066667 74.666667 512 74.666667zM288 810.666667c0-123.733333 100.266667-224 224-224S736 686.933333 736 810.666667c-61.866667 46.933333-140.8 74.666667-224 74.666666s-162.133333-27.733333-224-74.666666z m128-384c0-53.333333 42.666667-96 96-96s96 42.666667 96 96-42.666667 96-96 96-96-42.666667-96-96z m377.6 328.533333c-19.2-96-85.333333-174.933333-174.933333-211.2 32-29.866667 51.2-70.4 51.2-117.333333 0-87.466667-72.533333-160-160-160s-160 72.533333-160 160c0 46.933333 19.2 87.466667 51.2 117.333333-89.6 36.266667-155.733333 115.2-174.933334 211.2-55.466667-66.133333-91.733333-149.333333-91.733333-243.2 0-204.8 168.533333-373.333333 373.333333-373.333333S885.333333 307.2 885.333333 512c0 93.866667-34.133333 177.066667-91.733333 243.2z' fill='%23666666' p-id='4242'%3E%3C/path%3E%3C/svg%3E"; // 机器人默认名字和头像 let robotName = 'AI助手'; let robotAvatar = defaultRobotAvatar; let buttonText = '💬AI聊天'; let buttonPosStyle = false; let buttonSelector = 'body'; let content = ''; // 尝试获取机器人名字和头像 try { if (rule) { const nameElement = document.querySelector(rule.robotNameSelector); if (nameElement) robotName = nameElement.innerText; const contentElement = document.querySelector(rule.contentSelector); if (contentElement) { // 获取元素的文本内容 const fullContent = contentElement.innerText; // 如果内容长度超过1500个字符,则截取前1500个字符;否则,使用全部内容 content = fullContent.length > 1500 ? fullContent.substring(0, 1500) : fullContent; } const avatarElement = document.querySelector(rule.robotAvatarSelector); if (avatarElement) robotAvatar = avatarElement.src; if (rule.buttonText) buttonText = rule.buttonText; if (rule.buttonPosStyle) buttonPosStyle = rule.buttonPosStyle; if (rule.buttonSelector) buttonSelector = rule.buttonSelector; systemPrompt = `你要扮演一个博主,你的名字是「${robotName}」,你要根据以下你写的帖子的内容进行模仿回复,请你直接回复我你要回复的内容,注意你的回复要根据你的帖子内容和说话语气进行回复,你要以这个博主的第一人称视角回复。现在请你开始和我对话。你的帖子内容是「${content}」。` } } catch (error) { console.error('无法设置机器人名字和头像,使用默认值。', error); } return { id, buttonSelector, robotName, robotAvatar, systemPrompt, userAvatar, buttonText, buttonPosStyle } } // 加载聊天窗口、聊天按钮、点击事件 async function loadChatWindow(chatInfo) { //console.log(chatInfo.robotAvatar); if(window[chatInfo.robotAvatar]){ //console.log('重复元素不渲染',chatInfo); return; } window[chatInfo.robotAvatar] = true; // 创建提问按钮 const questionButton = document.createElement('button'); questionButton.textContent = chatInfo.buttonText; // 根据规则插入按钮或使用默认位置 if (chatInfo.buttonPosStyle && document.querySelector(chatInfo.buttonSelector)) { const targetElement = document.querySelector(chatInfo.buttonSelector); targetElement.after(questionButton); // 应用目标元素的样式和类 questionButton.className = targetElement.className; questionButton.style = targetElement.style; } else { // 默认按钮样式 questionButton.style.padding = '10px 20px'; questionButton.style.border = 'none'; questionButton.style.borderRadius = '5px'; questionButton.style.backgroundColor = '#007bff'; questionButton.style.color = 'white'; questionButton.style.cursor = 'pointer'; questionButton.style.position = 'fixed'; questionButton.style.bottom = '20px'; questionButton.style.right = '20px'; questionButton.style.zIndex = '10000'; document.body.appendChild(questionButton); } // 检索用户信息。是否需要扫码登录 let wx_id = GM_getValue('aibozhu_wx_id',null); let username = GM_getValue('aibozhu_username',null); let apikey = GM_getValue('aibozhu_apikey',null); let need_login = false; let login_content = `

`; if(wx_id == null || apikey == null){ need_login = true; } if(need_login){ const url = 'https://51coolplay.com/api/weixin/create_qr_code.php?scene_id=128'; let res = await request(url); let qr_info = res; setTimeout(()=>{ document.querySelector(`#qr-${chatInfo.id}`).src = 'https://51coolplay.com/api/weixin/get_qr_img.php?ticket=' + qr_info.ticket; },1000); setInterval(async ()=>{ if(sessionStorage.getItem(`qr-${chatInfo.id}`) == 'finish'){ return; } if(document.querySelector(`#chatWindow-${chatInfo.id}`).style.display === 'none'){ return; } let td = await request(`https://51coolplay.com/api/weixin/temp_data/${qr_info.ticket}.json`); let scan_data = td; if(scan_data.step == 1){ wx_id = scan_data.user.openid; GM_setValue('aibozhu_wx_id',wx_id); let res5985 = await request('https://env-00jxgan8r9o9.dev-hz.cloudbasefunction.cn/wx_app_login?wxid=' + wx_id); apikey = res5985.data.apikey; GM_setValue('aibozhu_apikey',apikey); username = res5985.data.username; GM_setValue('aibozhu_username',username); sessionStorage.setItem(`qr-${chatInfo.id}`,'finish'); document.querySelector(`#wx-login-${chatInfo.id}`).innerHTML = `欢迎您,${username}>>`; } },2000); }else{ setTimeout(()=>{ document.querySelector(`#wx-login-${chatInfo.id}`).innerHTML = `欢迎您,${username}退出登录>>`;},1000); } setTimeout(()=>{ document.querySelector(`#exit-${chatInfo.id}`).onclick=()=>{ GM_setValue('aibozhu_wx_id',null); GM_setValue('aibozhu_username',null); GM_setValue('aibozhu_apikey',null); document.querySelector(`#wx-login-${chatInfo.id}`).innerHTML = `退出登录成功,刷新页面后生效`; }},2000); // 创建对话窗口HTML结构 const chatHtml = ` `; document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', chatHtml); const chatWindow = document.querySelector(`#chatWindow-${chatInfo.id}`); const chatTitle = document.querySelector(`#chatTitle-${chatInfo.id}`); // 初始化变量用于拖拽 let isDragging = false; let dragOffsetX = 0; let dragOffsetY = 0; // 当鼠标按下时开始拖拽 chatTitle.addEventListener('mousedown', function (e) { isDragging = true; dragOffsetX = e.clientX - chatWindow.offsetLeft; dragOffsetY = e.clientY - chatWindow.offsetTop; }); // 当鼠标移动时更新窗口位置 document.addEventListener('mousemove', function (e) { if (isDragging) { chatWindow.style.left = e.clientX - dragOffsetX + 'px'; chatWindow.style.top = e.clientY - dragOffsetY + 'px'; } }); // 当鼠标松开时停止拖拽 document.addEventListener('mouseup', function () { isDragging = false; }); // 防止拖动时选中文本 chatTitle.addEventListener('selectstart', function (e) { if (isDragging) { e.preventDefault(); } }); // 显示或隐藏对话窗口 questionButton.addEventListener('click', function () { const chatWindow = document.getElementById(`chatWindow-${chatInfo.id}`); chatWindow.style.display = chatWindow.style.display === 'none' ? 'block' : 'none'; }); // 关闭按钮事件 const closeButton = document.getElementById(`closeButton-${chatInfo.id}`); closeButton.addEventListener('click', function () { const chatWindow = document.getElementById(`chatWindow-${chatInfo.id}`); chatWindow.style.display = 'none'; }); const sendMsg = async function () { const chatInput = document.getElementById(`chatInput-${chatInfo.id}`); const chatContent = document.getElementById(`chatContent-${chatInfo.id}`); if (chatInput.value.trim() !== '') { let question = chatInput.value; const userMessage = document.createElement('div'); userMessage.innerHTML = `
`; chatContent.appendChild(userMessage); chatInput.value = ''; // 清空输入框 chatContent.scrollTop = chatContent.scrollHeight; // 滚动到最新消息 // 机器人正在输入... const typingMessage = document.createElement('div'); typingMessage.innerHTML = `
`; chatContent.appendChild(typingMessage); chatContent.scrollTop = chatContent.scrollHeight; // 获取ai回复 let reply = ''; try{ reply = await getAIReply(apikey,chatInfo.systemPrompt,question); }catch(err){ reply = '您尚未扫码登录用户或用户额度不足(点此查看AI系统)'; } // 发起回复 chatContent.removeChild(typingMessage); const robotReply = document.createElement('div'); robotReply.innerHTML = `
${chatInfo.robotName}:${ reply }
`; chatContent.appendChild(robotReply); chatContent.scrollTop = chatContent.scrollHeight; } } // 处理发送按钮点击事件 const sendButton = document.getElementById(`sendButton-${chatInfo.id}`); sendButton.addEventListener('click', sendMsg); const sendButton1 = document.getElementById(`sendButton-${chatInfo.id}-1`); sendButton1.addEventListener('click', ()=>{ document.getElementById(`chatInput-${chatInfo.id}`).value = '总结一下你发表的内容'; sendMsg(); }); const sendButton2 = document.getElementById(`sendButton-${chatInfo.id}-2`); sendButton2.addEventListener('click', ()=>{ document.getElementById(`chatInput-${chatInfo.id}`).value = '你怎么看你发表的内容'; sendMsg(); }); } })();