// ==UserScript== // @name 直播插件 // @namespace https://github.com/wuxin0011/tampermonkey-script/tree/main/live-plugin // @version 4.1.19-a // @author wuxin0011 // @description 虎牙、斗鱼、哔哔哔里、抖音 页面美化!新增虎牙、斗鱼、哔哩哔哩的护眼主题🚀,ctrl+alt+j 查看菜单面板 // @license MIT // @icon  // @source https://github.com/wuxin0011/tampermonkey-script/tree/main/live-plugin // @supportURL https://github.com/wuxin0011/tampermonkey-script/issues // @match https://www.douyu.com/* // @match https://www.huya.com/* // @match https://*.douyin.com/* // @match https://www.bilibili.com/* // @match https://search.bilibili.com/* // @match https://space.bilibili.com/* // @match https://game.bilibili.com/* // @match https://message.bilibili.com/* // @match https://t.bilibili.com/* // @grant GM.registerMenuCommand // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // ==/UserScript== (function () { 'use strict'; const exculues = [ "https://i.huya.com/", "https://www.douyu.com/member/", "https://yuba.douyu.com/", "https://www.bilibili.com/cheese", "https://www.bilibili.com/live" ]; const prefix = "[live-plugin]:"; const msg = (...args) => `${prefix} ${args}`; const emptyMethod = (...args) => { console.warn(`${prefix} run empty method...`); }; const log = (...args) => console.log(msg(args)); const warn = (...args) => console.warn(msg(args)); const error = (...args) => console.error(msg(args)); const douyu_address_pattern = /^https:\/\/www\.douyu\.((com)|(cn)).*/; const bilibili_address_pattern = /^https:\/\/(www|search|space|game|message|t)\.bilibili\..*/; const huya_address_pattern = /^https:\/\/www\.huya\.((com)|(cn)).*/; const douyin_address_pattern = /^https:\/\/.*\.douyin\.((com)|(cn)).*/; const localhost = /^http:\/\/127\.0\.0\.1\.*|^http:\/\/localhost.*/; const local_url = window.location.href; const is_huya = huya_address_pattern.test(local_url); const is_douyu = douyu_address_pattern.test(local_url); const is_bilibili = bilibili_address_pattern.test(local_url); const is_douyin = douyin_address_pattern.test(local_url); const is_localhost = localhost.test(local_url); const wd = window.document; const wls = window.localStorage; const download_plugin_url = "https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/449261-%E8%99%8E%E7%89%99%E7%9B%B4%E6%92%AD"; const source_code_url = "https://github.com/wuxin0011/tampermonkey-script/tree/main/live-plugin"; const isImage = (file) => /.*(\.(png|jpg|jpeg|apng|avif|bmp|gif|ico|cur|svg|tiff|webp))$/.test(file); const querySelector = (el, sel) => !!el && !!sel && el instanceof HTMLElement ? el.querySelector(sel) : el ? wd.querySelector(el) : emptyMethod; const querySelectorAll = (el, sel) => !!el && !!sel && el instanceof HTMLElement ? el.querySelectorAll(sel) : el ? wd.querySelectorAll(el) : emptyMethod; const addEventListener = (el, type, callback) => !!el && type && typeof callback === "function" ? el === wd || el instanceof HTMLElement ? el.addEventListener(type, callback, false) : false : false; const createElement = (tag) => !!tag && wd.createElement(tag); const appendChild = (el1, el2) => !!el1 && !!el2 && el1 instanceof HTMLElement && el2 instanceof HTMLElement && el1.appendChild(el2); const insertChild = (el1, el2) => !!el1 && !!el2 && el1 instanceof HTMLElement && el2 instanceof HTMLElement && el1.insertBefore(el2, el1.firstChild); const is_exculues = exculues.filter((url) => local_url.indexOf(url) !== -1).length !== 0; const addStyle = (str) => { if (!isAutoPlugin()) { log("插件已关闭,样式不加载!"); return; } if ((window == null ? void 0 : window.GM_addStyle) && typeof window.GM_addStyle == "function") { window.GM_addStyle(str); } else { let head = querySelector("head"); let style = createElement("style"); style.innerText = str; head.appendChild(style); } }; const removeDOM = (element, realRemove = false) => { try { if (!(element instanceof HTMLElement)) { element = querySelector(element); } if (element instanceof HTMLElement) { if (realRemove) { element.remove(); } else { element.style.display = "none"; } } } catch (e) { error(e); } }; const isArray = (a) => a && (a == null ? void 0 : a.length) > 0; const getLocalStore = (k, type = Array.name, isParse = true) => { let obj = wls.getItem(k); if (type === Array.name) { if (isParse && obj) { obj = JSON.parse(obj); } return Array.isArray(obj) ? obj : []; } if (type === Object.name) { if (isParse && obj) { obj = JSON.parse(obj); } return obj ? obj : {}; } if (type === String.name) { return obj ? obj : ""; } if (type === Boolean.name) { return obj === "true" || obj === true; } return obj; }; const addLocalStore = (k, v = [], type = Array.name, isParse = true) => (type === Object.name || type === Array.name) && isParse ? wls.setItem(k, JSON.stringify(v)) : wls.setItem(k, v); const removeVideo = (selector, time1 = 1e3, maxCount = 10) => { let count = 0; let video_timer = setInterval(() => { try { const video2 = querySelector(selector); if (video2 && video2 instanceof HTMLVideoElement) { video2.pause(); } removeDOM(video2, false); if (count >= maxCount) { clearInterval(video_timer); } count = count + 1; } catch (e) { } }, time1); }; const throttle = (wait, func) => { let timerId = null; let lastArgs = null; const throttled = (...args) => { lastArgs = args; if (!timerId) { timerId = setTimeout(() => { func(...lastArgs); timerId = null; lastArgs = null; }, wait); } }; throttled.cancel = () => { clearTimeout(timerId); timerId = null; lastArgs = null; }; return throttled; }; const intervalRemoveElement = (selectors, time = 160, maxCount = 1e3) => { if (!isArray(selectors)) { warn(`selectors 必须是数组 : ${selectors}`); return; } let count = 0; let timer = setInterval(() => { selectors.forEach((sel) => { removeDOM(sel, true); }); if (count >= maxCount) { clearInterval(timer); return; } count = count + 1; }, time); }; const loopDo = (callback, count = 100, wait = 100) => { if (typeof callback != "function") { warn("callback is a function!"); return; } let timer = setInterval(() => { count--; if (count === 0) { clearInterval(timer); } else { callback(timer); } }, wait); }; const findMark = (selector, callback, count = 5, wait = 1e3) => { if (!selector) { warn("selector not allow or null !"); return; } if (typeof callback != "function") { warn("callback is a function!"); return; } let selectors = []; if (!Array.isArray(selector)) { selectors.push(selector); } else { for (let sel of selector) { if (!sel) continue; selectors.push(sel); } } loopDo((timer) => { if (Array.isArray(selectors)) { for (let sel of selectors) { try { let element = sel instanceof HTMLElement ? sel : querySelector(sel); if (element && element instanceof HTMLElement) { if (!element.mark) { callback(element); element.mark = true; clearInterval(timer); } else { clearInterval(timer); } } } catch (e) { clearInterval(timer); error(e); } } } }, 100, 100); setTimeout(() => { let element = selector instanceof HTMLElement ? selector : querySelector(selector); if (element && element instanceof HTMLElement) { let isMark = element.getAttribute("mark"); if (!isMark) { element.setAttribute("mark", true); callback(element); } } }, 5e3); }; const backgroundNone = (element, selectors = [".layout-Main"], time = 100, maxCount = 500) => { if (!(element instanceof HTMLElement) || !isArray(selectors)) { warn(`element 参数应是 元素, selector 应该是元素选择器集合`); return; } let count = 0; let timer = setInterval(() => { selectors.forEach((sel) => { let b = querySelector(element, sel); if (!(b instanceof HTMLElement)) { return; } b.style.backgroundImage = "none"; }); if (count >= maxCount) { clearInterval(timer); return; } count = count + 1; }, time); }; const uploadImage = (file, callback) => { try { if (!isImage(file == null ? void 0 : file.name)) { return alert("图片格式不正确!"); } let fileReader = new FileReader(); fileReader.readAsDataURL(file); fileReader.onerror = (e) => { return alert("图片解析失败!" + JSON.stringify(e)); }; fileReader.onload = (e) => { let base64 = e.target.result; let str = base64.slice(base64.indexOf(",") + 1); if (atob) { str = atob(str); let bytes = str.length; const size = (bytes / (1024 * 1024)).toFixed(2); if (size > 5) { if (confirm("图片保存失败,浏览器最大只能保存5MB大小图片,确认查看原因?")) { window.location.href = "https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/API/File_and_Directory_Entries_API/Introduction"; } return; } callback(base64); } else { alert("保存失败,当前浏览器不支持!"); } }; } catch (e) { alert("图片解析失败!"); } }; const findButton = (sel = "body", key = "full_screen_button_class_or_id", text = "全屏", tagName = "div") => { var _a, _b; const container = querySelector(sel); let classId = ""; if (container) { const fullButton = querySelector(container, key); if (fullButton && fullButton instanceof HTMLElement && ((fullButton == null ? void 0 : fullButton.textContent) === text || (fullButton == null ? void 0 : fullButton.title) === text)) { classId = `${sel} ${fullButton.id ? fullButton.id : fullButton.className}`; } if (!classId) { const nodes = querySelectorAll(container, tagName); if (isArray(nodes)) { for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { if (nodes[i] && nodes[i] instanceof HTMLElement && (((_a = nodes[i]) == null ? void 0 : _a.title) === text || ((_b = nodes[i]) == null ? void 0 : _b.textContent) === text)) { classId = `${sel} ${nodes[i].id ? nodes[i].id : nodes[i].className}`; } } } } } if (key && classId) { addLocalStore(key, classId, String.name, false); } return classId || key; }; const addFullScreenEvent = (callback) => { if (typeof callback != "function") { return; } document.addEventListener("fullscreenchange", callback); document.addEventListener("webkitfullscreenchange", callback); document.addEventListener("mozfullscreenchange", callback); document.addEventListener("MSFullscreenChange", callback); }; const handlerPromise = (result, callback) => { if (typeof callback !== "function") { warn("回调函数不能为空!"); return; } if (!result) { warn("请求结果为空!"); callback(result); return; } if (result instanceof Promise) { result.then((res) => { callback(res); }).catch((e) => { error(e); }); } else { callback(result); } }; const handlerDisplay = (element, isBlock) => { if (!(element && element instanceof HTMLElement)) { return; } if (isBlock) { if (!element.classList.contains("m-container-display-block")) { element.classList.add("m-container-display-block"); } if (element.classList.contains("m-container-display-none")) { element.classList.remove("m-container-display-none"); } } else { if (element.classList.contains("m-container-display-block")) { element.classList.remove("m-container-display-block"); } if (!element.classList.contains("m-container-display-none")) { element.classList.add("m-container-display-none"); } } }; const support = { supportSearch() { return !is_douyin; }, supportAdd() { return !is_douyin; }, supportReset() { return !is_douyin; }, supportBg() { if (is_bilibili) { let T = "https://www.bilibili.com"; if ([`${T}`].find((url) => url == local_url)) { return true; } let S = [`${T}/video`].find((url) => { return local_url.indexOf(url) != -1; }); return !!S; } return !is_douyin; }, supportMenu() { return !is_douyin && !is_bilibili; }, supportGift() { return !is_douyin && !is_bilibili; }, supportAutoFullScreen() { return true; }, supportAutoViewMaxPro() { return true; }, supportTable() { return !is_douyin; }, supportTheme() { return !is_douyin; } }; class HostUser { constructor(roomId, name) { this.roomId = roomId; this.name = name; } } const isShowFansIconKey = "__isShowFansIconKey__"; const isShowGiftRankKey = "__isShowGiftRankKey__"; const isShowSysMsgKey = "__isShowSysMsgKey__"; const isShowColorDmKey = "__isShowColorDm__"; const isShowHotSearchKey = "__is_show_hot_search_key__"; const isShowHotSearchInputKey = "__is_show_hot_search_input_key__"; const isAutoPluginkey = "__is_auto_plugins__"; const isShowPkKey = "__is_show_pk_key__"; const isMainBg = "__isMainBg__"; const isMainRoom = "__isMainRoom__"; const isShowBg = () => is_bilibili ? getLocalStore("bg_show_key", Boolean.name) : wls.getItem("bg_is_first_key") === null ? true : getLocalStore("bg_show_key", Boolean.name); const isShowFansIcon = () => getLocalStore(isShowFansIconKey, Boolean.name); const isShowGiftRank = () => getLocalStore(isShowGiftRankKey, Boolean.name); const isShowSysMsg = () => getLocalStore(isShowSysMsgKey, Boolean.name); const isShowColorDm = () => getLocalStore(isShowColorDmKey, Boolean.name); const isShowMainBg = () => getLocalStore(isMainBg, Boolean.name); const isShowMainRoom = () => getLocalStore(isMainRoom, Boolean.name); const isShowHotSearch = () => wls.getItem(isShowHotSearchKey) != "false"; const isShowHotSearchInputKeyword = () => wls.getItem(isShowHotSearchInputKey) != "false"; const isAutoPlugin = () => wls.getItem(isAutoPluginkey) != "false"; const isShowPk = () => wls.getItem(isAutoPluginkey) == "true"; const isRisk = (obj) => obj ? JSON.stringify(obj).indexOf("非法访问") !== -1 : false; const isBVId = (keywords) => /.*\/BV(.*)/.test(keywords); const getBVId = (url) => { try { let videoBVId = "BV"; if (/.*\/BV(.*)/.test(url)) { videoBVId += /.*\/BV(.*)\/.*/.test(url) ? url.match(/.*\/BV(.*)/)[1].match(/(.*)\/{1}.*/)[1] : url.match(/.*\/BV(.*)/)[1]; } return videoBVId; } catch (error2) { warn("通过房间号获取up信息失败!,请检查是否 https://www.bilibili.com/video/xxxxxxx 空间地址..."); return null; } }; const isUserId = (keywords) => /https:\/\/space\.bilibili\.com\/\d+.*/.test(keywords) || /\d+/.test(keywords); const getUserId = (keywords) => { let isMatch = keywords.match(/https:\/\/space\.bilibili\.com.*\/(\d+).*/); if (isMatch) { try { return isMatch[1]; } catch (error2) { warn("通过房间号获取up信息失败!,请检查是否 https://space.bilibili.com 空间地址..."); return null; } } return keywords; }; const getBiliBiliInfoByVideoID = async (url = window.location.href) => { if (!url) { return null; } let videoBVId = null; if (isBVId(url)) { videoBVId = getBVId(url); } else { videoBVId = url; } if (!videoBVId) { return null; } return await fetch(`https://api.bilibili.com/x/web-interface/wbi/view?bvid=${videoBVId}`, { method: "get", mode: "cors" }).then((res) => res.json()); }; const getBiliBiliInfoByUserId = async (userId) => { if (!isUserId(userId)) { return null; } userId = getUserId(userId); if (!userId) { return null; } log("user Id", userId); return await fetch(`https://api.bilibili.com/x/space/wbi/acc/info?mid=${userId}`, { method: "get", mode: "cors" }).then((res) => res.json()); }; const douyu = [ "body", ".wm-general-bgblur", ".layout-Module-container", ".layout-Cover-list" ]; const huya = [ "body", ".js-responded-list", " #J_mainWrap", "#main_col", ".layout-Module-container" ]; const bilibili = [ "body", "#app", "#bili-header-banner-img" ]; const darkImageCss = () => { let st = null; if (is_huya) { st = huya; } else if (is_douyu) { st = douyu; } else if (is_bilibili) { st = bilibili; } else { return []; } return [.../* @__PURE__ */ new Set([...st])]; }; const cssUpdate = () => { if (is_bilibili) { const imgElement = querySelector(".bili-header__banner .v-img img"); if (imgElement) { console.log("run update"); imgElement.style.display = isShowBg() ? "" : isNeedDark() ? "none" : "block"; } } darkImageCss().forEach((selector) => { const ele = querySelector(selector); if (ele) { ele.style.backgroundColor = isShowBg() ? "" : isNeedDark() ? "var(--w-bg-darker)" : ""; } }); }; const DARK_THEME_KEY = "wx_dark_theme_key"; const THEME_IS_AUTO = "wx_dark_theme_is_auto"; const THEME_TYPE_KEY = "wx_dark_theme_type_key"; const DARK_COLOR_VARIABLE = "--w-bg-darker"; const theme = { light: "light", dark: "dark" }; const DARK_THEME_TYPE = { "DEFAULT": "DEFAULT", "ORDINARY": "ORDINARY", "BLACK0": "BLACK0", "BLACK1": "BLACK1", "BLACK2": "BLACK2", "BLACK3": "BLACK3" }; const DARK_TYPE = { [DARK_THEME_TYPE.DEFAULT]: { "name": "默认", "color": "#343b44" }, [DARK_THEME_TYPE.ORDINARY]: { "name": "普通", "color": "#37404c" }, [DARK_THEME_TYPE.BLACK0]: { "name": "深黑1", "color": "#22272e" }, [DARK_THEME_TYPE.BLACK1]: { "name": "深黑2", "color": "#232222" }, [DARK_THEME_TYPE.BLACK2]: { "name": "深黑3", "color": "#171514" }, [DARK_THEME_TYPE.BLACK3]: { "name": "深黑4", "color": "#121212" } }; const isDark = () => wls.getItem(DARK_THEME_KEY) === theme.dark; const isAutoDark = () => wls.getItem(THEME_IS_AUTO) === THEME_IS_AUTO || wls.getItem(THEME_IS_AUTO) === null; const LOCAL_THEME_TYPE = wls.getItem(THEME_TYPE_KEY) === null ? DARK_THEME_TYPE.DEFAULT : wls.getItem(THEME_TYPE_KEY); const darkColor = () => { let type = wls.getItem(THEME_TYPE_KEY) === null ? DARK_THEME_TYPE.DEFAULT : wls.getItem(THEME_TYPE_KEY); let l1 = DARK_TYPE[type]; return (l1 == null ? void 0 : l1.color) ?? "#121212"; }; const updateStyleColor = (key, value) => document.documentElement.style.setProperty(key, value); const updateDarkStyleType = (type) => { wls.setItem(THEME_TYPE_KEY, type); updateDarkClass(); }; const toggleColorMode = (event, isClick = false) => { if (!event) { return; } try { const isAppearanceTransition = (document == null ? void 0 : document.startViewTransition) && !window.matchMedia("(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)").matches; if (!isAppearanceTransition) { log("不支持快照切换...,将使用普通方式切换主题"); isClick ? clickUpdateTheme() : updateDarkClass(); return; } } catch (error2) { isClick ? clickUpdateTheme() : updateDarkClass(); return; } const x = event.clientX; const y = event.clientY; const endRadius = Math.hypot( Math.max(x, innerWidth - x), Math.max(y, innerHeight - y) ); const transition = document.startViewTransition(() => { isClick ? clickUpdateTheme() : updateDarkClass(); }); transition.ready.then(() => { const clipPath = [ `circle(0px at ${x}px ${y}px)`, `circle(${endRadius}px at ${x}px ${y}px)` ]; document.documentElement.animate( { clipPath: isNeedDark() ? [...clipPath].reverse() : clipPath }, { duration: 400, easing: "ease-out", pseudoElement: isNeedDark() ? "::view-transition-old(root)" : "::view-transition-new(root)" } ); }); }; const clickUpdateTheme = () => { const classList = document.documentElement.classList; if (!classList.contains("dark")) { classList.add("dark"); wls.setItem(DARK_THEME_KEY, theme.dark); } else if (classList.contains("dark")) { classList.remove("dark"); wls.setItem(DARK_THEME_KEY, theme.light); } cssUpdate(); }; const autoDarkType = () => { let hour = (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getHours(); let type = DARK_THEME_TYPE.DEFAULT; if (isAutoDark()) { if (hour >= 0 && hour <= 7) { type = DARK_THEME_TYPE.BLACK3; } else if (hour > 7 && hour <= 17) ; else if (hour > 17 && hour < 18) { type = DARK_THEME_TYPE.ORDINARY; } else if (hour >= 18 && hour < 19) { type = DARK_THEME_TYPE.BLACK0; } else if (hour >= 19 && hour < 20) { type = DARK_THEME_TYPE.BLACK1; } else if (hour >= 21 && hour < 22) { type = DARK_THEME_TYPE.BLACK2; } else if (hour >= 22 && hour <= 23) { type = DARK_THEME_TYPE.BLACK3; } } return type; }; const autoDarkColor = () => { let color = ""; if (isAutoDark()) { let type = autoDarkType(); color = DARK_TYPE[type].color; } else { color = darkColor(); } return color; }; const isNeedDark = () => ((/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getHours() < 7 || (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getHours() >= 17) && isAutoDark() || isDark(); const updateDarkClass = () => { if (!support.supportTheme()) { return; } if (isNeedDark()) { updateStyleColor(DARK_COLOR_VARIABLE, autoDarkColor()); } const classList = document.documentElement.classList; if (!classList.contains("dark") && isNeedDark()) { classList.add("dark"); } else if (classList.contains("dark") && !isNeedDark()) { classList.remove("dark"); } cssUpdate(); }; const themeOptions = () => { let str = ""; let local_theme = LOCAL_THEME_TYPE; for (let [k, v] of Object.entries(DARK_TYPE)) { str += ``; } return str; }; const root$1 = ` html { --w-brand: #3aa675; --w-light: #e5e7eb; --w-brand-light: #349469; --w-bg: #22272e; --w-bg-light: #2b313a; --w-bg-lighter: #262c34; --w-bg-dark: #343b44; --w-bg-darker: #37404c; --w-bg-darker: var(--w-bg-dark); --w-text: #adbac7; --w-text-light: #cbd4dc; --w-text-lighter: #cdd6dd; --w-text-lightest: #8094a8; --w-border: #3e4c5a; --w-border-dark: #34404c; --w-blue-link-hover:#00aeec; --w-skeleton:#494f57; --w-white: #fff; } .dark html { --bili-comment-tag-bg-light:var(--w-bg-dark); } ::view-transition-old(root), ::view-transition-new(root) { animation: none; mix-blend-mode: normal; } ::view-transition-old(root) { z-index: 10; } ::view-transition-new(root) { z-index: 10000; } .dark::view-transition-old(root) { z-index: 10000; } .dark::view-transition-new(root) { z-index: 10; } .m-container-display-block{ display:block !important ; } .m-container-display-none{ display:none !important ; } ::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 6px !important; background-color: teal !important; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-track { background-color: #eee !important; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background-color: var(--w-blue-link-hover) !important; border-radius: 6px !important; } .dark ::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 6px !important; background-color: teal !important; } .dark ::-webkit-scrollbar-track { background-color: var(--w-text) !important; } .dark ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background-color: var(--w-bg-light) !important; border-radius: 6px !important; } `; const liveDarkCss = ` ${root$1} .dark.m-container { --m-container-background-color: var(--w-bg-darker); } .dark .m-select-dark-option, .dark .m-select-dark,.dark .m-dark-type-select, .dark.m-container { background-color: var(--m-container-background-color) ; color:var(--w-text-light) ; } .dark.m-container .m-link, .dark.m-container .m-link:visited { color: var(--w-text) ; } .dark.m-container table tr, .dark.m-container table tbody tr:nth-child(1) { border-color: var(--w-text-light) ; } `; const css$5 = ` ${root$1} .m-container, .m-container .btn, .m-container table, .m-container table tbody, .m-container table thead, .m-container table tr { margin: 0 ; padding: 0 ; border: none; outline: none; } .m-container { --m-font-color: #fff; --m-container-background-color: #fff; --m-container-width: 800px; --m-container-height: 400px; --m-container-operation-right-width: 150px; --m-container-input-width: ${is_bilibili ? "150px" : "100px"}; --m-container-box-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out; --m-container-select-width: var(--m-container-input-width); --m-container-input-outline: 1px solid rgba(8, 125, 235, 0.6) ; } .m-container { box-sizing: border-box ; position: fixed ; flex-direction: column ; width: var(--m-container-width) ; height: var(--m-container-height) ; top: 100px ; left: 50% ; border-radius: 10px ; overflow: hidden ; font-size:14px; background-color: var(--m-container-background-color) ; z-index: ${is_douyin ? "10" : "100000000"} ; padding: 15px ; transition: var(--m-container-box-transition) ; box-shadow: 20px 20px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), -1px -2px 18px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) ; opacity: 0; font-family: "Arial","Microsoft YaHei","黑体","宋体",sans-serif; transform: translate(-50%, -150%); } .m-container-is-active { opacity: 1; transform: translate(-50%, 0%); z-index:100000000 ; } .m-container-box { display: flex ; flex-direction: column ; width: 100% ; height: 100% ; } .m-container .operation { box-sizing: border-box ; height: auto ; justify-content: start ; } .m-container input[type="text"] { width: var(--m-container-input-width) ; box-sizing: border-box ; border: 1px solid rgba(8, 125, 235, 0.6) ; outline: none ; padding: 5px 10px ; border-radius: 20px ; transition: var(--m-container-box-transition); } .m-container input:focus { border: 1px solid rgba(8, 125, 235, 1) ; } .m-container .operation input[type="checkbox"] { display: inline ; } .m-container .operation input[type="file"] { display: none ; } .m-container table { position: relative ; box-sizing: border-box ; overflow: hidden ; text-align: left ; flex: 1 ; display: flex ; flex-direction: column ; } .m-container table tr { margin: 5px 0 ; display: flex ; border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4) ; justify-content: space-between; } .m-container table tr td:nth-child(1), .m-container table thead th:nth-child(1) { width: 50px; text-align: center ; } .m-container table tr td:nth-child(2), .m-container table tr td:nth-child(3), .m-container table tr td:nth-child(4), .m-container table thead th:nth-child(2), .m-container table thead th:nth-child(3), .m-container table thead th:nth-child(4) { flex: 1 ; text-align: center ; white-space: nowrap ; overflow: hidden ; text-overflow: ellipsis ; } .m-container table tbody { flex: 1 ; overflow: auto ; } .m-container table th, .m-container table td { padding: 10px ; font-size:14px; } .m-container table tbody tr:nth-child(1) { border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4) ; } .m-container .m-link, .m-container .m-link:visited { color: teal ; } .m-container .m-link:hover { color: blue ; text-decoration: underline ; } .m-container .btn { cursor: pointer ; padding: 5px 8px ; border: none ; max-width:50px ; color: var(--m-font-color) ; font-size: 12px ; border-radius: 20px ; margin: 0 ; background-color: rgba(166, 169, 173, 1) ; z-index: 1000 ; outline: none ; font-family: "Arial","Microsoft YaHei","黑体","宋体",sans-serif; box-shadow: 1px 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4), 0px 0px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4) ; } .m-container .btn:hover { box-shadow: inset 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) ; } .m-container .btn:hover { background-color: rgba(166, 169, 173, 0.6) ; } .m-container .btn-primary { background-color: rgba(64, 158, 255, 1) ; } .m-container .btn-primary:hover { background-color: rgba(64, 158, 255, 0.6) ; } .m-container .btn-success { background-color: rgba(103, 194, 58, 1) ; } .m-container .btn-success:hover { background-color: rgba(103, 194, 58, 0.6) ; } .m-container .btn-info { background-color: rgba(119, 119, 119, 1) ; } .m-container .btn-info:hover { background-color: rgba(119, 119, 119, 0.6) ; } .m-container .btn-warning { background-color: rgba(230, 162, 60, 1) ; } .m-container .btn-warning:hover { background-color: rgba(230, 162, 60, 0.6) ; } .m-container .btn-danger { background-color: rgba(245, 108, 108, 1) ; } .m-container .btn-danger:hover { background-color: rgba(245, 108, 108, 0.6) ; } #m-container-box1 { position: absolute ; z-index: 10000000 ; transition: var(--m-container-box-transition) ; width: 100% ; height: 100% ; } #m-container-box2 { position: absolute ; z-index: 9999 ; transition: var(--m-container-box-transition) ; width: 100% ; height: 100% ; } .m-ani-left-is-active { transform: translateX(0) ; visibility: visible ; opacity: 1 ; } .m-ani-left-is-close { transform: translateX(-100%) ; visibility: hidden ; opacity: 0 ; } .m-ani-right-is-active { transform: translateX(0) ; visibility: visible ; opacity: 1 ; } .m-ani-right-is-close { transform: translateX(100%) ; visibility: hidden ; opacity: 0 ; } .m-type-container .m-type-item { display: flex ; height: 30px ; } .m-type-container .m-type-item .m-type-item-left { flex: 1 ; position: relative ; box-sizing: border-box ; overflow: hidden ; } .m-type-container .m-type-item .m-type-item-right { width: var(--m-container-operation-right-width); text-align: center ; } .m-type-container .m-type-item .m-type-item-left .m-select-option-container, .m-type-container .m-type-item .m-type-item-left .m-select-input-container { transition: var(--m-container-box-transition) ; position: absolute ; width: 100% ; } .m-type-container .m-select { display: flex ; } .m-type-container .m-select .m-select-item { margin-right: 10px ; } .m-type-container .m-select .m-select-item:last-child { margin-right: 0 ; } .m-type-container .m-select select { width: 100px ; color: rgba(119, 119, 119, 0.9) ; } .m-type-container .m-select select::placeholder { color: rgba(119, 119, 119, 0.9) ; } .m-type-container .m-tag-select { width: calc(var(--m-container-select-width)/2) ; outline: none ; border: 1px solid rgba(8, 125, 235, 0.6) ; padding: 5px 8px ; padding: 5px 10px ; } .m-container select { border: 1px solid rgba(8, 125, 235, 1) ; } .m-type-container .m-select .m-option-default { color: rgba(119, 119, 119, 0.6) ; } .m-type-container input[type="text"] { width: 350px ; } .m-type-container .m-select input { width: var(--m-container-input-width) ; } .m-type-container .m-search-msg { color: red ; } .m-container-display-block{ display:block !important; } .m-container-display-none{ display:none !important; } .m-container .m-link:hover { color: var(--w-text-light) ; text-decoration: underline ; } ${liveDarkCss} `; const htmlTemplate = (isShowBg2, isShowMenu, isShowFullScreen, isShowGift, isShowLogo, isMaxPro = true) => { return `
${support.supportSearch() ? `` : ``} ${support.supportAdd() ? `` : ``} ${support.supportReset() ? `` : ``} ${support.supportTheme() ? `` : ``} ${support.supportBg() ? `` : ``} ${support.supportBg() ? `` : ``} ${support.supportBg() ? `背景` : ``} ${support.supportMenu() ? `菜单 ` : ``} ${` 全屏`} ${support.supportGift() ? `礼物` : ``} logo ${`画质`} ${support.supportTheme() ? `自动` : ``} ${support.supportTheme() ? `` : ``} 更新
序号 名称 房间号 操作
`; }; class LivePluginElement extends HTMLElement { constructor() { super(); this.attachShadow({ mode: "open" }); const style = document.createElement("style"); style.innerHTML = css$5; this.shadowRoot.appendChild(style); } createContainer(isShowBg2, isShowMenu, isShowFullScreen, isShowGift, isShowLogo, isMaxPro = true) { const livePlugin = document.createElement("live-plugin-element"); const container = document.createElement("div"); container.className = `${isNeedDark() ? "dark" : ""} m-container`; container.innerHTML = htmlTemplate(isShowBg2, isShowMenu, isShowFullScreen, isShowGift, isShowLogo, isMaxPro); livePlugin.shadowRoot.appendChild(container); document.querySelector("body").append(livePlugin); return container; } } const iconLogo = () => { let logo = "none"; if (is_douyu) { logo = ``; } else if (is_huya) { logo = ``; } else if (is_douyin) { logo = ``; } else if (is_bilibili) { logo = ``; } return logo; }; var _GM_registerMenuCommand = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => typeof GM_registerMenuCommand != "undefined" ? GM_registerMenuCommand : void 0)(); class LivePlugin { constructor() { this.baseUrl = "/"; this.key = "key"; this.bg_key = "bg_key"; this.bg_show_key = "bg_show_key"; this.bg_is_first_key = "bg_is_first_key"; this.full_screen_key = "full_screen_key"; this.full_screen_is_find = true; this.full_screen_class_or_id = "full_screen_button_class_or_id"; this.full_button_tag_name = "div"; this.full_screen_button = getLocalStore(this.full_screen_class_or_id, String.name, false) || this.full_screen_class_or_id; this.full_screen_text = "全屏"; this.full_cancel_text = "退出全屏"; this.full_screen_is_first_key = "full_screen_is_first_key"; this.default_background_image = "https://cdn.staticaly.com/gh/wuxin0011/blog-resource@main/picgo/bg5.jpg"; this.users = []; this.menu = null; this.menu_show_key = "menu_show_key"; this.menu_is_first_key = "menu_is_first_key"; this.tbody = null; this.m_container = null; this.gift_key = `${this.key}_gift`; this.gift_tool = null; this.video_room_selector = null; this.gift_is_first_key = "gift_is_first_key"; this.logo_btn = null; this.btn_logo_svg = iconLogo(); this.logo_show_key = `${this.key}_logo_show`; this.header_logo = "none"; this.button_name = ""; this.is_new = false; this.btn_is_first_key = "btn_is_first_key"; this.video_player_container = ".room-player-wrap"; this.auto_max_pro_key = "auto_max_pro_key"; this.is_first_auto_max_pro_key = "is_first_auto_max_pro_key"; this.auto_max_pro_class_or_id_list = "auto_max_pro_class_or_id_list"; this.auto_max_pro_keywords = ["登录", "会员", "大会员"]; if (is_localhost) { this.init(); } } // 初始化操作方法,子类可以继承该类,实现该类中空方法,参考此操作,初始化构造器实调用该方法就可以了。。。 init() { this.clickLogoShowContainer(); this.users = getLocalStore(this.key, Array.name, true) || []; if (!this.removeRoom()) { this.create_container(); this.detail(); this.index(); this.category(); this.common(); if (is_huya || is_douyu) { loopDo(() => { this.isShowLeftMenu(); this.isShowGift(); }, 10, 1e3); } } this.addEven(); this.settingBackgroundImage(); } /*********************************建议下面操作方法必须重写的,并且参考此步骤*****************************/ /** * 公共 */ common() { } /** * 首页 */ index() { } /** * 分类 */ category() { } /** * 详情 */ detail() { } /** * 点击房间名称操作 */ removeRoomByClickRoomName() { } /** * 通过房间号获取名称 * @param roomId 房间号 * @returns {null} name */ getNameByRoomId(roomId) { warn("请自定义实现通过名称获取房间号方法"); return null; } /** * 通过一个地址获取房间号 * @param url 地址 * @returns {null} 房间号 */ getRoomIdByUrl(url) { warn("请自定义实现通过名称获取房间号方法"); return null; } /** * 自动最高画质! */ isAutoMaxVideoPro() { let that = this; if (!(wls.getItem(that.is_first_auto_max_pro_key) === null ? true : getLocalStore(that.auto_max_pro_key, Boolean.name))) { return; } log("查找播放视频画质列表", that.auto_max_pro_class_or_id_list); loopDo((timer) => { let items = querySelectorAll(that.auto_max_pro_class_or_id_list); if (isArray(items)) { for (let item of items) { let result = that.auto_max_pro_keywords.findIndex((key) => item.innerText.indexOf(key) !== -1); if (result === -1) { log("当前最高画质", item.innerText); if (is_huya) { item = querySelector(item, "span"); } item.click(); clearInterval(timer); return; } } } }, 100, 500); } updateHeaderIcon() { } /*********************************子类继承无需修改的方法******************************/ /** * 容器,所有操作容器均在此容器中, */ create_container() { let that = this; let isShowMenu = wls.getItem(this.menu_is_first_key) === null ? false : getLocalStore(that.menu_show_key, Boolean.name); let isShowFullScreen = wls.getItem(this.full_screen_is_first_key) === null ? false : getLocalStore(that.full_screen_key, Boolean.name); let isShowGift = wls.getItem(this.gift_is_first_key) === null ? false : getLocalStore(that.gift_key, Boolean.name); let isShowLogo = wls.getItem(this.btn_is_first_key) === null ? true : getLocalStore(that.logo_show_key, Boolean.name); let isAutoMaxPro = wls.getItem(this.is_first_auto_max_pro_key) === null ? true : getLocalStore(that.auto_max_pro_key, Boolean.name); that.m_container = new LivePluginElement().createContainer(isShowBg(), isShowMenu, isShowFullScreen, isShowGift, isShowLogo, isAutoMaxPro); if (querySelector(that.m_container, "#m-container-box2 table tbody")) { that.tbody = querySelector(that.m_container, "#m-container-box2 table tbody"); that.is_new = true; } else { that.tbody = querySelector(that.m_container, ".m-container table tbody"); that.is_new = false; } that.operationDOMButton(); that.createRoomItem(that.users); that.createButton(); log("操作面板初始化完毕!"); } /** * 通过用户列表构建列表 * @param {Object} arr 用户列表 */ createRoomItem(arr) { if (!isArray(arr)) { return; } let that = this; arr.forEach((item, index) => { if (item == null) { return; } if (!(item == null ? void 0 : item.name) || !(item == null ? void 0 : item.roomId) || item.roomId == "null" || item.roomId == "null") { this.userDelete(item.name, item.roomId); return; } let tr = createElement("tr"); tr.innerHTML = ` ${index + 1} ${item.name} ${item.roomId} `; appendChild(that.tbody, tr); addEventListener(querySelector(tr, "button"), "click", function(e) { let roomId = e.target.getAttribute("room-id"); that.userDelete(roomId); handlerPromise(that.getRoomIdByUrl(local_url), (result) => { if (result === roomId) { window.location.reload(); } }); removeDOM(tr, true); }); }); } /** * 绘制表格 * @param {Object} arr 表格数据 */ resetTbody(arr) { if (!this.tbody) { error("tbody 为 null !"); return; } querySelectorAll(this.tbody, "tr").forEach((item) => removeDOM(item, true)); this.createRoomItem(arr); } /** * 操作框容器 */ operationDOMButton() { let that = this; if (!that.m_container) { return; } const container = that.m_container; const inputValue = querySelector(container, ".operation input"); addEventListener(inputValue, "input", () => { let arr = []; try { arr = that.users.filter((item) => { var _a, _b; return item && (item == null ? void 0 : item.roomId) && ((_a = item == null ? void 0 : item.roomId) == null ? void 0 : _a.indexOf(inputValue.value)) !== -1 || item && (item == null ? void 0 : item.name) && ((_b = item == null ? void 0 : item.name) == null ? void 0 : _b.indexOf(inputValue.value)) !== -1; }); } catch (error2) { arr = [...that.users]; } that.resetTbody(arr); }); const addRoomBtn = querySelector(container, ".operation button.add-room"); addEventListener(addRoomBtn, "click", function() { const keywords = inputValue.value.trim(); if (!keywords) { return alert("请输入房间号!"); } if (!that.userIsExist(keywords)) { if (is_bilibili) { that.handlerBiliBiliKeywords(keywords, inputValue); } else { handlerPromise(that.getNameByRoomId(keywords), (res) => { that.searchUserByRoomId(res, keywords, inputValue); }); } } else { alert("该主播已添加!"); } }); const clearRoomBtn = querySelector(container, ".operation button.clear-room"); addEventListener(clearRoomBtn, "click", function() { if (confirm("确认重置?")) { that.users = []; let deleteKeyList = [ that.key, that.bg_key, that.bg_show_key, that.menu_show_key, that.gift_key, that.logo_show_key, that.full_screen_key, that.bg_is_first_key, that.btn_is_first_key, that.full_screen_is_first_key, that.menu_is_first_key, that.gift_is_first_key, that.is_first_auto_max_pro_key, DARK_THEME_KEY, THEME_IS_AUTO, "__right_container_key__", "__right_video_list_reco_list_key__" ]; for (let item of deleteKeyList) { try { wls.removeItem(item); } catch (e) { } } that.resetTbody(that.users); window.location.reload(); } }); const uploadButton = querySelector(container, ".operation #file"); addEventListener(uploadButton, "change", function(e) { const file = uploadButton.files[0] || null; uploadImage(file, (base64) => { addLocalStore(that.bg_key, base64, String.name, false); that.settingBackgroundImage(base64); }); addLocalStore(that.bg_is_first_key, false, Boolean.name); }); const upload = querySelector(container, ".operation .bg-btn"); addEventListener(upload, "click", function(e) { uploadButton.click(); addLocalStore(that.bg_is_first_key, false, Boolean.name); }); const close_container = querySelector(container, ".operation .btn-close-container"); addEventListener(close_container, "click", function(e) { that.isShowContainer(); }); const close_container2 = querySelector(container, ".operation #m-close-button1"); addEventListener(close_container2, "click", function(e) { that.isShowContainer(); }); const checkbox = querySelector(container, ".operation #checkbox1"); addEventListener(checkbox, "change", function(e) { log("背景是否开启", e.target.checked ? "开启" : "关闭"); addLocalStore(that.bg_show_key, e.target.checked, Boolean.name); addLocalStore(that.bg_is_first_key, false, Boolean.name); that.settingBackgroundImage(); }); const menu = querySelector(container, ".operation #checkbox2"); addEventListener(menu, "change", function(e) { that.getLeftMenu(e.target.checked); addLocalStore(that.menu_is_first_key, false, Boolean.name); }); const full_screen_btn = querySelector(container, ".operation #checkbox3"); addEventListener(full_screen_btn, "change", function(e) { addLocalStore(that.full_screen_key, e.target.checked, Boolean.name); addLocalStore(that.full_screen_is_first_key, false, Boolean.name); that.isFullScreen(true); }); const show_gift = querySelector(container, ".operation #checkbox4"); addEventListener(show_gift, "change", function(e) { addLocalStore(that.gift_key, e.target.checked, Boolean.name); that.isShowGift(); addLocalStore(that.gift_is_first_key, false, Boolean.name); }); const show_logo_btn = querySelector(container, ".operation #checkbox5"); addEventListener(show_logo_btn, "change", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (!that.logo_btn) { warn("获取不到Logo哦!"); return alert("获取不到logo"); } if (that.logo_btn.style.display === "block") { if (confirm("确认隐藏Logo?隐藏之后不再显示哦!如需显示logo,点击直播头部Logo即可显示")) { that.logo_btn.style.display = "none"; addLocalStore(that.logo_show_key, false, Boolean.name); } } else { that.logo_btn.style.display = "block"; addLocalStore(that.logo_show_key, true, Boolean.name); } addLocalStore(that.btn_is_first_key, false, Boolean.name); }); const auto_max_pro = querySelector(container, ".operation #checkbox6"); addEventListener(auto_max_pro, "change", function(e) { addLocalStore(that.auto_max_pro_key, e.target.checked, Boolean.name); addLocalStore(that.is_first_auto_max_pro_key, false, Boolean.name); that.isAutoMaxVideoPro(); }); this.themeContr(container); this.initAnimation(container); log("操作按钮添加成功!"); } handlerBiliBiliKeywords(keywords, inputValue) { let that = this; if (isBVId(keywords)) { handlerPromise(getBiliBiliInfoByVideoID(keywords), (result) => { var _a, _b, _c, _d; if (result && (result == null ? void 0 : result.code) == 0) { that.searchUserByRoomId((_b = (_a = result == null ? void 0 : result.data) == null ? void 0 : _a.owner) == null ? void 0 : _b.name, (_d = (_c = result == null ? void 0 : result.data) == null ? void 0 : _c.owner) == null ? void 0 : _d.mid, inputValue); } else if (isRisk(result)) { alert("服务不可用,该操作已被官方禁止,请待会再尝试吧!"); } else { alert("搜索失败!请复制 https://www.bilibili.com/video/xxxxxx 地址尝试"); } }); } else if (isUserId(keywords)) { handlerPromise(getBiliBiliInfoByUserId(keywords), (result) => { var _a, _b; if (result && (result == null ? void 0 : result.code) == 0) { that.searchUserByRoomId((_a = result == null ? void 0 : result.data) == null ? void 0 : _a.name, (_b = result == null ? void 0 : result.data) == null ? void 0 : _b.mid, inputValue); } else if (isRisk(result)) { alert("服务不可用,该操作已被官方禁止,请待会再尝试吧!"); } else { alert("搜索失败!请复制 https://space.bilibili.com/xxxxxxxx 地址尝试"); } }); } else { alert("搜索失败!请复制 https://space.bilibili.com/xxxxxxxx 或者 https://www.bilibili.com/video/xxxxxx 地址尝试"); } } themeContr(container) { const theme_is_auto_box = querySelector(container, ".operation #m-dark-is-auto"); const theme_btn = querySelector(container, ".operation .room-theme"); const theme_select = querySelector(container, ".operation #m-dark-select"); const cancelAutoTheme = (result = false) => { theme_is_auto_box.checked = result; wls.setItem(THEME_IS_AUTO, result ? THEME_IS_AUTO : `no_${THEME_IS_AUTO}`); theme_btn.innerText = isNeedDark() ? "白天" : "黑夜"; theme_btn.title = isNeedDark() ? "点击切换到白天模式" : "点击切换到黑夜模式"; }; addEventListener(theme_btn, "click", function(e) { toggleColorMode(e, true); if (container.classList.contains("dark")) { container.classList.remove("dark"); localStorage.setItem(DARK_THEME_KEY, theme.light); } else if (!container.classList.contains("dark")) { localStorage.setItem(DARK_THEME_KEY, theme.dark); container.className = `dark ${container.className}`; } cancelAutoTheme(false); }); addEventListener(theme_is_auto_box, "change", function(e) { wls.setItem(DARK_THEME_KEY, theme.light); cancelAutoTheme(e.target.checked); toggleColorMode(e); if (!isNeedDark()) { container.classList.contains("dark") && container.classList.remove("dark"); } else { !container.classList.contains("dark") && (container.className = `dark ${container.className}`); } }); addEventListener(theme_select, "change", function(e) { localStorage.setItem(DARK_THEME_KEY, theme.dark); cancelAutoTheme(false); updateDarkStyleType(e.target.value); if (document.documentElement.classList.contains("dark")) { !container.classList.contains("dark") && (container.className = `dark ${container.className}`); } }); } initAnimation(container) { let box1 = querySelector(container, "#m-container-box1"); let box2 = querySelector(container, "#m-container-box2"); let change1 = querySelector(container, "#m-change-box1"); let change2 = querySelector(container, "#m-change-box2"); let select1 = querySelector(container, ".m-type-item-left .m-select-option-container #m-select-input-address"); let select2 = querySelector(".m-type-item-left .m-select-input-container #m-select-input-select"); let select1_box1 = querySelector(container, ".m-type-item-left #m-select-option"); let select2_box2 = querySelector(container, ".m-type-item-left #m-select-input"); addEventListener(change1, "click", () => { if (box1 && box2) { box1.classList.add("m-ani-left-is-close"); box1.classList.remove("m-ani-left-is-active"); box2.classList.add("m-ani-right-is-active"); box2.classList.remove("m-ani-right-is-close"); } }); addEventListener(change2, "click", () => { if (box1 && box2) { box1.classList.add("m-ani-left-is-active"); box1.classList.remove("m-ani-left-is-close"); box2.classList.add("m-ani-right-is-close"); box2.classList.remove("m-ani-right-is-active"); } }); addEventListener(select1, "click", () => { if (select1_box1 && select2_box2) { select1_box1.classList.remove("m-ani-left-is-active"); select1_box1.classList.add("m-ani-left-is-close"); select2_box2.classList.remove("m-ani-right-is-close"); select2_box2.classList.add("m-ani-right-is-active"); } }); addEventListener(select2, "click", () => { if (select1_box1 && select2_box2) { select1_box1.classList.add("m-ani-left-is-active"); select1_box1.classList.remove("m-ani-left-is-close"); select2_box2.classList.add("m-ani-right-is-close"); select2_box2.classList.remove("m-ani-right-is-active"); } }); log("动画初始化完毕!"); } searchUserByRoomId(name, roomId, inputValue) { let that = this; if (name) { that.addUser(roomId, name); inputValue.value = ""; } else { if (confirm(`房间号为${roomId}的主播不存在!确定添加?`)) { that.addUser(roomId, roomId); inputValue.value = ""; } } } /** * 右侧操作按钮 * @param text 指定按钮文本,默认是小虎牙或者是小鱼丸 */ createButton() { let that = this; let body = querySelector("body"); if (!body) { error("获取不到 body "); return; } if (!!that.logo_btn) { warn("button已经添加了!不能重复添加!"); return; } let text = this.button_name; const btn = createElement("button"); btn.style.cursor = "pointer"; btn.style.position = "fixed"; btn.style.top = "300px"; btn.style.right = "0px"; btn.style.zIndex = 999999999999; let backgroundColor = ""; if (that.btn_logo_svg !== "none") { btn.innerHTML = that.btn_logo_svg; btn.style.backgroundColor = "transparent"; } else { backgroundColor = is_bilibili ? "255,102,102" : "255, 93, 35"; btn.style.padding = "5px 10px"; btn.style.backgroundColor = `rgb(${backgroundColor})`; btn.style.borderRadius = "20px"; btn.style.fontSize = "12px"; btn.style.color = "#fff"; btn.textContent = text ? text : is_huya ? "小虎牙" : is_douyu ? "小鱼丸" : is_bilibili ? "小B" : "默认"; } btn.style.border = "none"; btn.style.outline = "none"; addEventListener(btn, "click", function() { that.isShowContainer(); }); addEventListener(btn, "mouseenter", function() { btn.style.backgroundColor = `rgba(${backgroundColor},0.6)`; }); let flag = false; let x, y; const mouse_key = that.key + "_mouse_key"; let { mouse_left, mouse_top } = getLocalStore(mouse_key, Object.name); log(`获到Logo位置信息 ${mouse_left}px, ${mouse_top}px`); if (!isNaN(Number(mouse_left)) && !isNaN(Number(mouse_top))) { btn.style.left = mouse_left + "px"; btn.style.top = mouse_top + "px"; btn.style.right = "auto"; } addEventListener(btn, "mousedown", (event) => { x = event.offsetX; y = event.offsetY; log("mouseDown", x, y); flag = true; addEventListener(wd, "mousemove", move); }); addEventListener(btn, "mouseup", () => { flag = false; wd.removeEventListener("mousemove", move); wd.onmousemove = null; }); addEventListener(btn, "mouseleave", () => { flag = false; btn.style.backgroundColor = `rgba(${backgroundColor},1)`; wd.removeEventListener("mousemove", move); wd.onmousemove = null; }); function move(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (!flag) { return; } let btn_top = Math.min(Math.max(0, e.clientY - y), window.innerHeight - btn.offsetHeight); let btn_left = Math.min(Math.max(0, e.clientX - x), window.innerWidth - btn.offsetWidth); btn.style.left = `${btn_left}px`; btn.style.top = `${btn_top}px`; btn.style.right = "auto"; addLocalStore(mouse_key, { "mouse_left": btn_left, "mouse_top": btn_top }, Object.name); } btn.style.display = wls.getItem(that.btn_is_first_key) == null || getLocalStore(that.logo_show_key, Boolean.name) ? "block" : "none"; that.logo_btn = btn; appendChild(body, that.logo_btn); log("button 添加完毕!"); } /** * 该房间是否已改被删除 * @param url 房间链接地址 默认 window.location.href */ removeRoom(url = local_url) { try { if (!this.isRemove(url)) { return false; } this.roomIsNeedRemove(); return true; } catch (error2) { return false; } } /** * 房间已被删除之后操作 * @param url 房间链接地址 默认 window.location.href */ roomAlreadyRemove() { let that = this; removeDOM(querySelector("body"), true); const h2 = createElement("h3"); let html = querySelector("html"); let body = querySelector("body") ?? createElement("body"); body.style.display = "flex"; body.style.flexDirection = "column"; body.style.justifyContent = "center"; body.style.alignItems = "center"; handlerPromise(this.getRoomIdByUrl(local_url), (roomId) => { let name = this.getUser(roomId) ? this.getUser(roomId).name : ""; const a = createElement("a"); a.textContent = "点击解锁"; a.style.display = "block"; a.style.cursor = "pointer"; a.style.fontSize = "20px"; a.onclick = (e) => { e.preventDefault(); that.userDelete(roomId); window.location.reload(); }; h2.style.fontSize = "36px"; h2.textContent = `主播【${name}】已被你屏蔽`; let title = querySelector("title"); if (!title) { title = createElement("title"); } title.textContent = `主播【${name}】已被你屏蔽`; html.appendChild(body); body.appendChild(h2); body.appendChild(a); let logo_show = getLocalStore(that.logo_show_key, Boolean.name); if (logo_show) { let logo = createElement("a"); logo.textContent = "显示logo"; logo.style.display = "block"; logo.style.cursor = "pointer"; logo.style.fontSize = "20px"; logo.onclick = (e) => { e.preventDefault(); logo.style.display = "none"; addLocalStore(that.logo_show_key, false, Boolean.name); that.createButton(); }; body.appendChild(logo); } removeDOM(this.m_container, true); this.m_container = null; this.create_container(); }); loopDo((timer) => { const pause = querySelector("#room-html5-player [class^=pause]"); if (pause) { pause.click(); clearInterval(timer); } }, 20, 1e3); } /** * 判断链接是否应该被删除 * @param href 房间链接地址 默认 window.location.href */ isRemove(href) { try { let res = this.getRoomIdByUrl(href); if (res instanceof Promise) { return false; } return this.userIsExist(res); } catch (error2) { return false; } } /** * 设置背景图 * @param url 背景图地址 默认 是默认地址 * @param container 修改背景容器 默认是body */ settingBackgroundImage(url, container) { if (!support.supportBg()) { log("当前平台不支持背景"); return; } if (!container) { container = querySelector("body"); } if (local_url.indexOf("https://www.bilibili.com/list/") != -1) ; if (!container || !(container instanceof HTMLElement)) { warn("壁纸设置失败 获取不到 container !"); return; } if (isShowBg()) { url = !!url ? url : wls.getItem(this.bg_key) && isShowBg() ? wls.getItem(this.bg_key) : this.default_background_image; container.style.background = "none"; container.style.backgroundSize = "cover"; container.style.backgroundRepeat = "no-repeat "; container.style.backgroundAttachment = "fixed"; container.style.backgroundImage = `url(${url})`; log("背景图添加完毕!"); } else { container.style.backgroundImage = "none"; log("背景图已关闭!"); } cssUpdate(); } /** * 通过房间名称或者id判断房间是否已经保存到本地 * @param keywords 房间名或者id * @param list 本地缓存数据,默认是本地缓存用户数据 */ userIsExist(keywords, list = this.users) { return !!this.getUser(keywords, list); } /** * 通过房间名称或者id判断房间是否已经保存到本地 * @param keywords 房间名或者id * @param list 本地缓存数据,默认是本地缓存用户数据 */ getUser(keywords, list = this.users) { if (!keywords) { return null; } for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (list[i].name && list[i].name === keywords || list[i].roomId && list[i].roomId === keywords) { return list[i]; } } return null; } /** * 通过房间id或者房间名删除本地缓存的数据 * @param keywords 房间名或者id */ userDelete(keywords) { let that = this; if (!isArray(that.users)) { return; } that.users.forEach((item, index) => { if (keywords === item.name || keywords === item.roomId) { that.users.splice(index, 1); } }); addLocalStore(this.key, this.users); } /** * 添加并保存直播间 * @param id, 房间id * @param name 房间名 */ addUser(id, name) { if (!id || !name || id == "null" || name == "null") { return; } if (this.userIsExist(id) || this.userIsExist(name)) { alert("该房间已存在!"); return; } if (!isArray(this.users)) { this.users = []; } const newUser = new HostUser(id, name); this.users.unshift(newUser); addLocalStore(this.key, this.users); this.resetTbody(this.users); handlerPromise(this.getRoomIdByUrl(local_url), (res) => { if (id === res) { this.roomIsNeedRemove(local_url); } }); } /** * @param selector video */ roomIsNeedRemove(selector = querySelector("video")) { this.roomAlreadyRemove(); removeVideo(selector); this.settingBackgroundImage(); } /* * 操作左侧导航栏,需要传入选择器,和修改值 建议放到公共方法下执行! * @param {selector} = [选择器] * @param {value} = [要修改的值] */ getLeftMenu(value = false) { let menu = querySelector(this.menu); if (!menu) { return alert("获取不到导航菜单,操作失败!"); } handlerDisplay(menu, value); addLocalStore(this.menu_show_key, value, Boolean.name, false); } /* * 操作左侧导航栏,需要传入选择器,和修改值 建议放到公共方法下执行! */ isShowLeftMenu() { let menu = this.menu ? querySelector(this.menu) : ""; const isShow = wls.getItem(this.menu_is_first_key) != null && getLocalStore(this.menu_show_key, Boolean.name); handlerDisplay(menu, isShow); } /** * 检查是否能找到全屏按钮 * @returns */ checkFullScreenButton() { if (this.full_screen_is_find) { this.full_screen_button = findButton(this.video_player_container, this.full_screen_class_or_id, this.full_screen_text, this.full_button_tag_name); } } /** * 自动全屏 * @param isClickFull 是否是通过点击方式触发 */ isFullScreen(isClickFull = false) { let that = this; let is_should_full_screen = getLocalStore(that.full_screen_key, Boolean.name); if (!is_should_full_screen) { return; } let button = null; if (isClickFull) { button = querySelector(that.full_screen_button); if (button && button instanceof HTMLElement) { button.click(); that.isShowContainer(); } else { that.checkFullScreenButton(button); } } else { loopDo((timer) => { button = querySelector(that.full_screen_button); if (button && button instanceof HTMLElement) { let isClick = button == null ? void 0 : button.isClick; if (isClick) { clearInterval(timer); return; } if (!isClick) { log("全屏按钮自动触发了!"); button.click(); button.isClick = true; } } else { that.checkFullScreenButton(button); } }, 30, 3e3); } } /** * 是否显示礼物 */ isShowGift() { let gift = this.gift_tool ? querySelector(this.gift_tool) : ""; handlerDisplay(gift, wls.getItem(this.gift_is_first_key) != null && getLocalStore(this.gift_key, Boolean.name)); } /** * 是否显示容器 */ isShowContainer() { if (this.m_container && this.m_container instanceof HTMLElement) { if (this.is_new) { if (this.m_container.classList.contains("m-container-is-active")) { this.m_container.classList.remove("m-container-is-active"); } else { this.m_container.classList.add("m-container-is-active"); } } else { this.m_container.style.display = this.m_container.style.display === "block" ? "none" : "block"; } log("container class=>", this.m_container.classList); } } /** * 点击 直播平台 Logo */ clickLogoShowContainer() { let that = this; if (is_bilibili) { return; } if (this.header_logo === "none" || !this.header_logo) { warn("Logo选择器不能为 none !"); return; } findMark(that.header_logo, (a) => { a.href = "javascript:;void(0)"; a.title = "点击Logo,显示插件配置"; if (!a.mark) { a.mark = true; addEventListener(a, "click", (e) => { e.preventDefault(); that.isShowContainer(); }); log("logo点击按钮装置完毕!"); } }, 5, 500); } addEven() { const that = this; addFullScreenEvent(() => { that.isShowGift(); }); document.addEventListener("keydown", function(event) { if (event.ctrlKey && event.altKey && event.key === "j") { that.isShowContainer(); } }); const core_room = querySelector(this.video_room_selector); console.log("room:", core_room); addEventListener(core_room, "mouseover", (event) => { const gift = querySelector(this.gift_tool); if (gift instanceof HTMLElement) { gift.classList.add("m-container-display-block"); gift.style.display = "block"; log("enter:", gift); } }); addEventListener(core_room, "mouseout", (event) => { const gift = querySelector(this.gift_tool); if (gift instanceof HTMLElement) { gift.classList.remove("m-container-display-block"); gift.style.display = "none"; log("leave:", gift); } }); const showMessage = (bool) => !bool ? "YES" : "NO"; if (is_huya) { log("================================================================"); log("是否显示系统消息 : ", showMessage(isShowSysMsg())); log("是否显示粉丝排行 : ", showMessage(isShowGiftRank())); log("是否显示粉丝徽章 : ", showMessage(isShowFansIcon())); log("================================================================"); } _GM_registerMenuCommand(`功能面板💎`, () => { that.isShowContainer(); }, { title: "点击显示或者关闭插件菜单,默认关闭,也可以使用 Ctrl + alt + j 查看" }); } } class TriggerLive extends LivePlugin { constructor() { super(); this.video_player_container = ".room-player-wrap"; this.full_screen_button = ".room-player-wrap .player-fullscreen-btn"; this.full_button_tag_name = "span"; this.full_screen_is_find = false; this.default_background_image = "https://livewebbs2.msstatic.com/huya_1682329462_content.jpg"; this.baseUrl = "https://www.huya.com/"; this.menu = ".mod-sidebar"; this.header_logo = "#duya-header #duya-header-logo a"; this.gift_tool = ".room-core #player-gift-wrap"; this.video_room_selector = "#J_playerMain"; this.auto_max_pro_class_or_id_list = ".player-videoline-videotype .player-videotype-list li"; this.init(); } // 首页操作 index() { if (local_url === this.baseUrl || /https:\/\/.*\.huya\.*\/\?/.test(local_url)) { removeVideo(".mod-index-main video"); const banner_close = querySelector(".mod-index-wrap #banner i"); if (banner_close) { banner_close.click(); } this.removeRoomByClickRoomName(); this.updateHeaderIcon(); } } // 分类页操作 category() { let that = this; if (new RegExp(/^https:\/\/.*\.huya\.((com)|(cn))\/g(\/.*)$/).test(local_url)) { this.removeRoomByClickRoomName(); Array.from(querySelectorAll(".live-list-nav dd")).forEach((node) => { addEventListener(node, "click", () => { that.removeRoomByClickRoomName(); }); }); } } // 公共部分操作 common() { this.autoHideMenu(); } // 头部logo显示不明显问题 updateHeaderIcon() { try { querySelector("#duya-header-logo .hy-hd-logo-1").src = "https://a.msstatic.com/huya/main3/static/img/logo.png"; querySelector("class^=NavItem] [class^=NavItemHd] i[class*=fav]").style.backgroundImage = "url(https://a.msstatic.com/huya/hd/h5/header/components/HeaderDynamic/NavItem/img/fav-0.15b3e0b4a39185db705b7c523cd3f17c.png)"; querySelector("[class^=NavItem] [class^=NavItemHd] i[class*=history]").style.backgroundImage = "url(https://a.msstatic.com/huya/hd/h5/header/components/HeaderDynamic/NavItem/img/history-0.2b32fba04f79057de5abcb2b35cd8eec.png)"; } catch (error2) { } } // 详情操作 detail() { let that = this; if (!new RegExp(/^https:\/\/www\.huya\.com(\/\w+)$/).test(local_url)) { return; } findMark(".host-name", (hostName) => { hostName.title = `点击屏蔽主播【${hostName == null ? void 0 : hostName.textContent}】🧹`; addEventListener(hostName, "click", () => { if (confirm(`确认屏蔽主播【${hostName == null ? void 0 : hostName.textContent}】?`)) { that.addUser(that.getRoomIdByUrl(local_url), hostName.textContent); } }); }); this.isFullScreen(); this.isAutoMaxVideoPro(); findMark("#J-room-chat-shield", (item) => { if (item.className.indexOf("shield-on") === -1) { item.click(); log("自动点击了弹幕礼物显示工具"); } }, 5, 1e3); setTimeout(() => { this.autoHideMenu(); }, 1e4); setTimeout(() => { log("remove dom ...."); }, 3e3); } // 通过地址获取房间号 getRoomIdByUrl(url = local_url) { try { let m = url.match(/https?:\/\/www\.huya\.com\/(\S+)\?&/); log("match url Id", m, url); if (Array.isArray(m) && m.length > 1) { return m[1]; } return url.replace("https://www.huya.com/", ""); } catch (error2) { warn("url 匹配失败 请检查" + url); return ""; } } // 通过房间号查找名称 getNameByRoomId(roomId) { let that = this; let hostName = querySelector(".host-name"); if (!hostName) { warn(`获取不到hostname`); return ""; } const rooms = querySelectorAll(".game-live-item"); if (!isArray(rooms)) { return ""; } for (let room of rooms) { const a = querySelector(room, "a"); if (a && a.href) { const id = that.getRoomIdByUrl(a.href); const user = querySelector(room, ".txt i"); if (id === roomId) { hostName = user; } } } return (hostName == null ? void 0 : hostName.textContent) || ""; } // 通过点击直播间名称删除直播间 removeRoomByClickRoomName() { const that = this; const addClick = () => { Array.from(querySelectorAll(".game-live-item:not([mark=true])")).forEach((li) => { if (!(li instanceof HTMLElement) || li.mark) { return; } const a = querySelector(li, "a"); if (!a) { return; } const roomId = that.getRoomIdByUrl(a.href); const user = querySelector(li, ".txt i"); const name = (user == null ? void 0 : user.textContent) || ""; if (!roomId || !user || !name) return; user.title = `点击屏蔽主播【${name}】 🧹`; li.mark = true; if (that.userIsExist(roomId) || that.userIsExist(name)) { removeDOM(li, true); return; } user.mark = "true"; addEventListener(user, "click", () => { that.addUser(roomId, name); removeDOM(li, true); }); }); }; addClick(); loopDo(() => { addClick(); }, 5, 5e3); } autoHideMenu() { const isShow = wls.getItem(this.menu_is_first_key) != null && getLocalStore(this.menu_show_key, Boolean.name); log("是否显示菜单", isShow ? "显示" : " 不显示"); if (isShow) { return; } loopDo((timer) => { const b = querySelector("body"); const clickM = querySelector("#sidebar-hide-btn"); if (b instanceof HTMLElement && clickM instanceof HTMLElement) { if (!b.classList.contains("sidebar-min")) { clickM.click(); log("左侧侧边栏自动收起!"); } clearInterval(timer); } }, 10, 2e3); } } const getInfo = async (roomId = local_url) => { if (douyu_address_pattern.test(roomId)) { roomId = FishLive.prototype.getRoomIdByUrl(roomId); } return await fetch(`https://www.douyu.com/betard/${roomId}`, { mode: "cors", cache: "default", method: "GET" }).then((res) => res.json()); }; class FishLive extends LivePlugin { constructor() { super(); this.video_player_container = "#room-html5-player"; this.baseUrl = "https://www.douyu.com/"; this.default_background_image = "https://sta-op.douyucdn.cn/dylamr/2022/11/07/1e10382d9a430b4a04245e5427e892c8.jpg"; this.menu = "#js-aside"; this.full_screen_button = "[class^=controlbar] [class^=fs]"; this.gift_tool = ".layout-Player-main #js-player-toolbar"; this.video_room_selector = "#js-player-video-above"; this.header_logo = "#js-header .Header-left .Header-logo"; this.auto_max_pro_class_or_id_list = "#js-player-video .room-Player-Box [class^=rate] ul>li"; this.is_use_click_event = false; this.init(); } // 公共部分页面操作 common() { this.autoHideMenu(); } //首页操作 index() { let that = this; if (local_url.indexOf("https://www.douyu.com/topic") != -1) { return; } if (local_url.indexOf("https://www.douyu.com/home/beta") != -1 && !(local_url === that.baseUrl || new RegExp(/https:\/\/www\.douyu\.com\/\?.*/).test(local_url))) { return; } window.scroll(0, 0); findMark(".layout-Section.layout-Slide-banner", (a) => { a.href = "javascript:;void(0)"; addEventListener(a, "click", (e) => e.preventDefault()); }, 10, 1e3); loopDo((timer) => { const pause = querySelector("#room-html5-player #__controlbar [class^=pause]"); if (pause) { pause.click(); clearInterval(timer); } }, 5, 1e3); let topBtn = querySelector(".layout-Main .ToTopBtn"); if (topBtn) { topBtn.style.display = "block"; } function runIndex() { console.log("window index run ..."); Array.from(querySelectorAll("li.layout-List-item")).forEach((li) => { const user = querySelector(li, ".DyCover-user"); const a = querySelector(li, ".DyCover"); if (!a) { return; } const name = (user == null ? void 0 : user.textContent) || ""; if (that.isRemove(a == null ? void 0 : a.href) || that.userIsExist(name)) { removeDOM(li); return; } if (li.mark) { return; } addEventListener(user, "click", (e) => { e.preventDefault(); that.addUser(that.getRoomIdByUrl(a == null ? void 0 : a.href), name); removeDOM(li); }); li.mark = true; }); } if (this.is_use_click_event) { runIndex(); window.onscroll = throttle(1e3, runIndex); } } // 分类页面操作 category() { let that = this; if (!new RegExp(/https:\/\/www.douyu.com(\/((directory.*)|(g_.*)))$/).test(local_url)) { return; } Array.from(querySelectorAll(".layout-Module-filter .layout-Module-label")).forEach((label) => { addEventListener(label, "click", (e) => { e.preventDefault(); let to_link = label && label.href ? label.href : null; if (to_link) { window.location.href = to_link; } else { window.location.href = "https://www.douyu.com/g_" + local_url.match(RegExp( /subCate\/.*/g ))[0].replace("subCate", "").match(new RegExp( /\w+/g ))[0]; } }); }); function runCategory() { Array.from(querySelectorAll(".layout-Cover-item")).forEach((li) => { if (li.mark) { return; } const link = querySelector(li, ".DyListCover-wrap"); if (!link) { return; } link.setAttribute("href", "javascript:;void(0)"); const user = querySelector(link, ".DyListCover-userName"); const name = (user == null ? void 0 : user.textContent) || ""; if (!name) return; const roomId = that.getRoomIdByUrl(link == null ? void 0 : link.href); if (that.isRemove(roomId) || that.userIsExist(name)) { removeDOM(li, true); } else { if (!user.mark && roomId && name) { user.mark = "mark"; link.title = `点击移除主播:${name}`; addEventListener(user, "click", (e) => { e.preventDefault(); that.addUser(roomId, name); removeDOM(li); }); } } addEventListener(li, "mouseenter", () => { const a = querySelector(li, ".DyListCover-wrap.is-hover"); if (!a) { return; } const user2 = querySelector(a, ".DyListCover-userName"); if (!(user2 == null ? void 0 : user2.textContent)) return; const id = that.getRoomIdByUrl(a.href); if (!user2 || !roomId || user2.mark) { return; } a.title = `点击移除主播:${user2.textContent}`; addEventListener(a, "click", (e) => { e.preventDefault(); }); addEventListener(user2, "click", (e) => { e.preventDefault(); if (id && (user2 == null ? void 0 : user2.textContent)) { removeDOM(li); that.addUser(id, user2.textContent); } }); user2.mark = "is-mark"; }); li.mark = "mark"; }); } if (this.is_use_click_event) { runCategory(); window.addEventListener("scroll", throttle(1e3, runCategory)); } } // 详情页操作 detail() { let that = this; if (!new RegExp(/.*douyu.*(\/((.*rid=\d+)|(\d+)).*)$/).test(local_url)) { return; } findMark(".Title-roomInfo h2.Title-anchorNameH2", (hostName) => { hostName.title = `点击屏蔽主播【${hostName == null ? void 0 : hostName.textContent}】`; addEventListener(hostName, "click", () => { that.addUser(that.getRoomIdByUrl(local_url), hostName.textContent); }); }); loopDo((timer) => { let closeBtn = querySelector(".roomSmallPlayerFloatLayout-closeBtn"); if (closeBtn && !(closeBtn == null ? void 0 : closeBtn.mark)) { closeBtn.click(); window.clearInterval(timer); closeBtn.mark = true; } }, 5, 2e3); if (new RegExp(/.*douyu.*\/topic(\/(.*rid=\d+).*)/).test(local_url)) { let backgroundNones = [".wm-general-wrapper.bc-wrapper.bc-wrapper-player", ".wm-general-bgblur"]; Array.from(querySelectorAll("#root>div")).forEach((element) => { if (!!querySelector(element, ".layout-Main")) { backgroundNone(element, backgroundNones); } else { removeDOM(element, true); } }); } if (new RegExp(/.*douyu.*(\/(\d+)).*/).test(local_url)) { removeDOM(".layout-Main .ToTopBtn", true); } const ritghtADs = [ ".side-top-uspension-box", ".js-player-asideTopSuspension" ]; intervalRemoveElement(ritghtADs, 500, 30); this.isFullScreen(); if (this.is_use_click_event) { this.isAutoMaxVideoPro(); } findMark(".ChatToolBar .ShieldTool-enter .ShieldTool-listItem", (item) => { if (item.className.indexOf("is-noChecked") !== -1) { item.click(); log("自动点击了弹幕礼物显示工具"); } }, 1, 5e3); } // 通过房间号获取直播间name async getNameByRoomId(keywords) { var _a; let that = this; let searchResult = await getInfo(keywords); if ((searchResult == null ? void 0 : searchResult.room) && ((_a = searchResult == null ? void 0 : searchResult.room) == null ? void 0 : _a.nickname)) { log(`搜索到主播 ${searchResult.room.nickname}`); return searchResult.room.nickname; } let hostName = querySelector(".Title-blockInline .Title-anchorName h2"); if (!hostName) { Array.from(querySelectorAll(".layout-List-item")).forEach((room) => { const id = that.getRoomIdByUrl(querySelector(room, "a").href); const user = querySelector(room, ".DyCover-user"); if (id === keywords) { hostName = user; } }); if (!hostName) { Array.from(querySelectorAll(".layout-Cover-item")).forEach((room) => { const id = that.getRoomIdByUrl(querySelector(room, "a").href); const user = querySelector(room, ".DyListCover-userName"); if (id === keywords) { hostName = user; } }); } } return (hostName == null ? void 0 : hostName.textContent) || ""; } // 通过房间地址获取房间号 getRoomIdByUrl(url = local_url) { try { if (new RegExp(/.*rid=(\d+).*/).test(url)) { return url.match(new RegExp(/rid=(\d+)/))[1]; } if (/https:\/\/www\.douyu\.com\/(\d+).*/.test(url)) { return url.match(new RegExp(/https:\/\/www\.douyu\.com\/(\d+)/))[1]; } return null; } catch (e) { return null; } } isFullScreen() { } autoHideMenu() { const isShow = wls.getItem(this.menu_is_first_key) != null && getLocalStore(this.menu_show_key, Boolean.name); if (isShow) { return; } loopDo((timer) => { const clickM = querySelector(".Aside-toggle"); const leftSider = querySelector("#js-aside"); if (leftSider instanceof HTMLElement && clickM instanceof HTMLElement) { const leftSiderWidth = Number(window.getComputedStyle(leftSider).width.split("px")[0]); if (leftSiderWidth > 80) { clickM.click(); log("左侧侧边栏自动收起!"); } window.clearInterval(timer); } }, 10, 1e3); } } class BiliBili extends LivePlugin { constructor() { super(); this.header_logo = ".bili-header .bili-header__bar ul>li>a"; this.video_player_container = "#bilibili-player"; this.fullScreenText = "进入全屏 (f)"; this.full_screen_is_find = false; this.full_screen_button = ".bpx-player-ctrl-btn.bpx-player-ctrl-full"; this.default_background_image = "https://s1.hdslb.com/bfs/static/blive/blfe-message-web/static/img/infocenterbg.a1a0d152.jpg"; this.auto_max_pro_class_or_id_list = ".bpx-player-ctrl-btn.bpx-player-ctrl-quality .bpx-player-ctrl-quality-menu>.bpx-player-ctrl-quality-menu-item"; this.init(); } /** * 重写 button * @returns */ createButton() { let that = this; let isShowLogo = () => wls.getItem(that.btn_is_first_key) === null ? true : getLocalStore(that.logo_show_key, Boolean.name); loopDo(() => { if (!!that.logo_btn) { return; } let buttonBoxs = querySelector(".palette-button-wrap .storage-box .storable-items"); let btn = createElement("div"); btn.className = "m-bilibili-btn"; btn.style.fontSize = "16px"; if (!buttonBoxs) { buttonBoxs = document.querySelector("body"); btn = createElement("div"); btn.style.display = "none"; btn.className = "m-bilibili-btn"; btn.style.cursor = "pointer"; btn.style.position = "fixed"; btn.style.bottom = "220px"; btn.style.right = "6px"; btn.style.display = "none"; btn.style.zIndex = 9999999; window.onscroll = () => { if (window.scrollY >= 530 && isShowLogo()) { btn.style.display = "block"; } else { btn.style.display = "none"; } }; } btn.title = "点击显示"; btn.innerHTML = iconLogo(); that.logo_btn = btn; addEventListener(btn, "click", function() { that.isShowContainer(); }); insertChild(buttonBoxs, that.logo_btn); }, 20, 500); } async getRoomIdByUrl(href) { var _a, _b; try { if (isBVId(href)) { let result = await getBiliBiliInfoByVideoID(local_url); if (result.code === 0 && ((_a = result == null ? void 0 : result.owner) == null ? void 0 : _a.mid)) { return (_b = result == null ? void 0 : result.owner) == null ? void 0 : _b.mid; } } if (isUserId(href)) { return href.match(/https:\/\/space\.bilibili\.com\/(\d+).*/)[1]; } } catch (error2) { } return this.getBilibiliRoomId(href); } getBilibiliRoomId(href) { return !!href && href.replace(/https:\/\/.*\.bilibili.com\/(.*?)/, "$1").replace(/\//ig, ""); } // 添加删除按钮 addDeleteRoomButton(time = 1e3) { let that = this; const scan = () => { const scanVideo = (sc = true) => { Array.from(querySelectorAll(".feed-card")).forEach((feed) => { var _a, _b; const isMark = !!querySelector(feed, ".m-span-text"); if (feed.querySelector(".bili-video-card__info--ad")) { removeDOM(feed); return; } if (feed.ok && isMark && sc) { return; } let item = querySelector(feed, "div.bili-video-card__info--bottom"); const name = (_a = querySelector(item, "span.bili-video-card__info--author")) == null ? void 0 : _a.textContent; const href = (_b = querySelector(item, ".bili-video-card__info--owner")) == null ? void 0 : _b.href; const id = that.getBilibiliRoomId(href); if (!name || !id) return; if (!isMark) { createSpan(feed, item, id, name); } if (this.userIsExist(id) || this.userIsExist(name)) { removeDOM(feed, true); return; } feed.ok = true; }); Array.from(querySelectorAll(".bili-video-card")).forEach((feed) => { var _a, _b, _c, _d; const isMark = !!querySelector(feed, ".m-span-text"); if (feed.querySelector(".bili-video-card__info--ad")) { removeDOM(feed); return; } if (feed.ok && isMark && sc) { return; } let item = querySelector(feed, ".bili-video-card__info--bottom"); let isLive = false; if (!item) { isLive = true; item = querySelector(feed, ".bili-live-card__info--text"); } const name = !isLive ? (_a = querySelector(item, "span.bili-video-card__info--author")) == null ? void 0 : _a.textContent : (_b = querySelector(item, "a.bili-live-card__info--uname span")) == null ? void 0 : _b.textContent; const href = !isLive ? (_c = querySelector(item, ".bili-video-card__info--owner")) == null ? void 0 : _c.href : (_d = querySelector(item, "a.bili-live-card__info--uname")) == null ? void 0 : _d.href; const id = this.getBilibiliRoomId(href); if (!name || !id) return; if (!isMark) { createSpan(feed, item, id, name); } if (this.userIsExist(name) || this.userIsExist(id)) { removeDOM(feed, true); } feed.ok = true; }); }; const createSpan = (container, place, id, name = id, message = "确认屏蔽up主 ", remove = true) => { if (!container || !place || !id || !name) { return; } if (!!container.querySelector(".m-span-text")) { return; } const span = createElement("span"); span.classList = "m-span-text"; addEventListener(span, "click", (e) => { e.preventDefault(); if (remove) { removeDOM(container, true); } that.addUser(id, name); scanVideo(false); }); appendChild(place, span); }; loopDo(() => { scanVideo(); }, 10, 500); }; scan(); window.addEventListener("scroll", throttle(500, scan)); findMark(".feed-roll-btn .roll-btn", (btn) => { addEventListener(btn, "click", () => { scan(); }); }); } clickLogoShowContainer() { let that = this; super.clickLogoShowContainer(); window.addEventListener("scroll", () => { if (parseInt(window.scrollY) > 90) { operationLogo(); } else { super.clickLogoShowContainer(); } }); const operationLogo = () => { if (!(wls.getItem(that.btn_is_first_key) == null || getLocalStore(that.logo_show_key, Boolean.name))) { return; } }; } common() { this.addDeleteRoomButton(); } index() { } detailLeftVideoList(sel = ".card-box") { console.log("querySelectorAll('.video-page-card-small')>>>>>>>"); const scanVideoList = (sc) => { Array.from(querySelectorAll(sel)).forEach((videoDom) => { var _a; if (videoDom.querySelector(".bili-video-card__info--ad")) { removeDOM(videoDom); return; } const isMark = !!videoDom.getAttribute("mark"); const isAdd = !!videoDom.querySelector(".m-span-text"); if (isMark && isAdd && !sc) { return; } videoDom.setAttribute("mark", true); const playinfo = querySelector(videoDom, ".playinfo"); let link = querySelector(videoDom, ".upname") ?? querySelector(videoDom, ".upname a"); const id = !!link && (link == null ? void 0 : link.href) && this.getBilibiliRoomId(link.href); const name = (_a = querySelector(videoDom, ".upname .name")) == null ? void 0 : _a.textContent; if (this.userIsExist(id) || this.userIsExist(name)) { removeDOM(videoDom, true); log("up主", name, "已经被移除!UUID=>", id); } else if (!isMark) { const span = createElement("span"); span.classList = "m-span-text"; addEventListener(span, "click", () => { this.addUser(id, name); scanVideoList(true); }); appendChild(playinfo, span); } }); }; setTimeout(() => { scanVideoList(false); let button = querySelector(".rec-footer"); addEventListener(button, "click", () => { scanVideoList(false); }); }, 5e3); } async detail() { if (!/https:\/\/www\.bilibili\.com\/[video|list]/.test(local_url)) { return; } this.rightMenuVideoOperation(); this.isFullScreen(); this.isAutoMaxVideoPro(); } async getNameByRoomId(keywords) { var _a, _b, _c; if (isBVId(keywords)) { let result = await getBiliBiliInfoByVideoID(keywords); if (result && (result == null ? void 0 : result.code) === 0) { return (_b = (_a = result == null ? void 0 : result.data) == null ? void 0 : _a.owner) == null ? void 0 : _b.name; } } else if (isUserId(keywords)) { let result = await getBiliBiliInfoByUserId(keywords); if (result && (result == null ? void 0 : result.code) === 0) { return (_c = result == null ? void 0 : result.data) == null ? void 0 : _c.name; } } else { warn(" getNameByRoomId can not find result !"); return null; } } settingBackgroundImage(url, container) { if (local_url.indexOf("https://www.bilibili.com/?") != -1 || local_url === "https://www.bilibili.com/" || local_url === "https://www.bilibili.com") { container = querySelector("#i_cecream"); } if (local_url.indexOf("https://www.bilibili.com/video") != -1) { container = querySelector("#app"); } super.settingBackgroundImage(url, container); } rightMenuVideoOperation() { let that = this; const right_container_key = "__right_container_key__"; const right_video_list_reco_list_key = "__right_video_list_reco_list_key__"; let right_video_list_container = querySelector(".right-container") ?? querySelector(".playlist-container--right"); let show = wls.getItem(right_container_key) != "false"; if (right_video_list_container) { right_video_list_container.style.display = show ? "" : "none"; } let show_video = false; function scanVideoList() { that.detailLeftVideoList(); that.detailLeftVideoList(".video-page-operator-card-small"); } let addCommand = false; console.log("[class^=recommend-list]!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", document.querySelector("[class^=recommend-list]")); findMark(["#reco_list", "[class^=recommend-list]", "[class^=recommend-list-container]"], (element) => { let right_video_list_reco_list = element; if (addCommand) return; if (right_video_list_reco_list) { show_video = wls.getItem(right_video_list_reco_list_key) != "false"; log("默认是否显示video ? ", show_video, "默认是否显示right menu ? ", show); right_video_list_reco_list.style.display = show_video ? "" : "none"; _GM_registerMenuCommand(`右侧面板👔`, () => { show = !show; wls.setItem(right_container_key, show); scanVideoList(); right_video_list_container.style.display = show ? "" : "none"; }, { title: "如果你认为右侧视频推荐不想看,点我关闭,默认开启" }); _GM_registerMenuCommand(`视频推荐🎬`, () => { log("click 视频推荐🎬"); if (!show && !show_video) { show = !show; wls.setItem(right_container_key, show); right_video_list_container.style.display = show ? "" : "none"; } show_video = !show_video; scanVideoList(); wls.setItem(right_video_list_reco_list_key, show_video); right_video_list_reco_list.style.display = show_video ? "" : "none"; }, { title: "如果你认为右侧视频推荐不想看,点我关闭,默认开启" }); addCommand = true; } }, 20, 2e3); scanVideoList(); } } class DouYin extends LivePlugin { constructor() { super(); this.header_logo = "#root .N_HNXA04 .HQwsRJFy a"; this.full_screen_class_or_id = ".xgplayer-page-full-screen .xgplayer-icon"; this.full_button_tag_name = "div"; this.full_screen_text = "进入全屏"; this.full_cancel_text = "退出全屏"; this.auto_max_pro_class_or_id_list = "#slidelist .gear .virtual>.item"; this.init(); } removeRoomByClickRoomName() { this.notSupport(); } getNameByRoomId(roomId) { return this.notSupport(); } getRoomIdByUrl(url) { return this.notSupport(); } notSupport() { log("抖音暂时不支持该操作!"); return null; } common() { this.isFullScreen(); this.isAutoMaxVideoPro(); } } const login$1 = () => { const addStyle2 = (str) => { const head = document.querySelector("head"); const s = document.createElement("style"); s.innerHTML = str; head.appendChild(s); }; const login_box = "login-box"; const login_btn = "login-btn"; const cancel_btn = "cancel-btn"; const localUrl = window.location.href; const huyaLogin = () => /https?:\/\/.*\.huya\.com\/.*/.test(localUrl); const douyinLogin = () => /https?:\/\/.*\.douyin\.com\/.*/.test(localUrl); const hy = [{ [login_box]: "#HUYA-UDBSdkLgn", [login_btn]: "[class^=HeaderDynamic] [class^=Login] [class^=LoginHd] span", [cancel_btn]: "#UDBSdkLgn-box .close-layer" }]; const douyin = [{ [login_box]: "[id^=login-full-panel]", [login_btn]: "#_7hLtYmO>button", [cancel_btn]: ".dy-account-close" }, { [login_box]: "[id^=login-full-panel]", [login_btn]: "#tcTjz3nj", [cancel_btn]: ".dy-account-close" }]; let LOGIN_BOX = []; const addLoginCancel = (loginSelector, loginBtnCancel) => { let loginContainer = document.querySelector(loginSelector); if (!(loginContainer instanceof HTMLElement)) { return; } if (loginContainer.classList.contains("m-display-block")) { loginContainer.classList.remove("m-display-block"); } console.log("login cancel 扫描中..."); let timer = setInterval(() => { let closeBtn = loginContainer.querySelector(loginBtnCancel); if (closeBtn && closeBtn.mark) { clearInterval(timer); return; } if (closeBtn && !closeBtn.mark) { console.log("cancel button 已经找到了", closeBtn); closeBtn.mark = true; closeBtn.addEventListener("click", () => { console.log("click me!", loginContainer); }); } }, 1e3); }; const handlerLogin = (loginSelector, loginBtnSelector, loginBtnCancel) => { let loginContainer = null; let timer = setInterval(() => { loginContainer = document.querySelector(loginSelector); if (!loginContainer) { return; } if (loginContainer.mark) { clearInterval(timer); return; } loginContainer.mark = true; if (loginContainer && !loginContainer.classList.contains("m-display-none")) { loginContainer.classList.add("m-display-none"); } }, 100); let timer1 = setInterval(() => { const btn = document.querySelector(loginBtnSelector); if (btn && btn.mark) { clearInterval(timer1); return; } if (btn && !btn.mark) { btn.mark = true; btn.addEventListener("click", () => { loginContainer = document.querySelector(loginSelector); if (loginContainer) { if (loginContainer.classList.contains("m-display-none")) { loginContainer.classList.remove("m-display-none"); if (!loginContainer.classList.contains("m-display-block")) { loginContainer.classList.add("m-display-block"); } addLoginCancel(loginSelector, loginBtnCancel); } else { if (loginContainer.classList.contains("m-display-block")) { loginContainer.classList.remove("m-display-block"); } if (!loginContainer.classList.contains("m-display-none")) { loginContainer.classList.add("m-display-none"); } } } console.log("click me login !", loginContainer); }); } }, 100); }; const initbox = () => { if (huyaLogin()) { LOGIN_BOX = [...hy]; } else if (douyinLogin()) { LOGIN_BOX = [...douyin]; } else ; LOGIN_BOX.forEach((item) => { handlerLogin(item[login_box], item[login_btn], item[cancel_btn]); }); }; initbox(); const loginCss = ` .m-display-block { display:block !important; } .m-display-none { display:none !important; } `; addStyle2(loginCss); }; const reload = () => { window.location.reload(); }; const changeRank = () => { addLocalStore(isShowGiftRankKey, !isShowGiftRank(), Boolean.name); reload(); }; const changeFansIcon = () => { addLocalStore(isShowFansIconKey, !isShowFansIcon(), Boolean.name); reload(); }; const changeSysMsg = () => { addLocalStore(isShowSysMsgKey, !isShowSysMsg(), Boolean.name); reload(); }; const changeColorDm = () => { addLocalStore(isShowColorDmKey, !isShowColorDm(), Boolean.name); reload(); }; const douyuCommand = () => { if (!is_douyu) { return; } _GM_registerMenuCommand(`${isShowPk() ? "显示" : "关闭"} pk 条📣`, () => { addLocalStore(isShowPkKey, !isShowPk(), Boolean.name); }, { title: "关闭或者显示PK条,默认关闭" }); }; const huyaCommand = () => { if (!is_huya) { return; } _GM_registerMenuCommand(`${isShowMainBg() ? "关闭" : "显示"}顶部大页图🏆`, () => { addLocalStore(isMainBg, !isShowMainBg(), Boolean.name); reload(); }, { title: "关闭或显示顶部大页图,默认关闭" }); _GM_registerMenuCommand(`${isShowMainRoom() ? "关闭" : "显示"}顶部其他房间⛺`, () => { addLocalStore(isMainRoom, !isShowMainRoom(), Boolean.name); reload(); }, { title: "关闭或显示顶部连接的其他房间,默认关闭" }); _GM_registerMenuCommand(`${isShowSysMsg() ? "关闭" : "显示"}系统消息📣`, () => { changeSysMsg(); }, { title: "关闭或显示房管操作或主播等操作信息,默认关闭" }); _GM_registerMenuCommand(`${isShowGiftRank() ? "关闭" : "显示"}礼物排行榜🧧`, () => { changeRank(); }, { title: "关闭或显示礼物排行,默认关闭" }); _GM_registerMenuCommand(`${isShowFansIcon() ? "关闭" : "显示"}粉丝徽章🎫`, () => { changeFansIcon(); }, { title: "关闭或显示粉丝徽章,默认关闭" }); _GM_registerMenuCommand(`${isShowColorDm() ? "关闭" : "显示"}彩色弹幕🎈`, () => { changeColorDm(); }, { title: "关闭或显示彩色弹幕,默认关闭 仅在黑夜模式下生效" }); }; const bilibiliCommand = () => { if (!is_bilibili) return; _GM_registerMenuCommand(`${isShowHotSearch() ? "关闭" : "开启"}热搜🍳`, () => { addLocalStore(isShowHotSearchKey, !isShowHotSearch(), Boolean.name); reload(); }, { title: "如果不想看到热搜请点击,默认开启" }); if (local_url.indexOf("https://live.bilibili.com/") != -1) ; }; const installCommand = () => { log("install command ..."); _GM_registerMenuCommand(`${isAutoPlugin() ? "关闭😵" : "启用🤣"} 插件`, () => { addLocalStore(isAutoPluginkey, !isAutoPlugin(), Boolean.name); window.location.reload(); }, { title: "如果不想在该网址使用插件请点击这里😀" }); if (!isAutoPlugin()) { return; } huyaCommand(); bilibiliCommand(); douyuCommand(); }; const isDouyuDetail = () => /.*douyu.*(\/((.*rid=\d+)|(\d+)).*)$/.test(local_url); const isCreate = () => local_url.indexOf("https://www.douyu.com/creator") !== -1; const dataLayoutItmeDarkCss = local_url.indexOf("https://www.douyu.com/g_wzry") != -1 ? `` : `.dark .layout-Cover-item{ background-color: var(--w-bg-darker) !important; border:1px solid var(--w-text) !important; color: var(--w-text-light) !important; } `; const createDark = isCreate() ? ` .dark * { background-color: var(--w-bg-darker) !important; border-color: var(--w-text) !important; color: var(--w-text-light) !important; } ` : ``; const loadingLazy = isDouyuDetail() ? `` : ` .dark .LazyLoad{ background: var(--w-bg-dark) !important; } `; const darkCss$1 = ` ${createDark} ${loadingLazy} ${dataLayoutItmeDarkCss} .dark .DyCover-pic, .dark .Search-backTop { background: var(--w-bg-dark) !important; } .dark .Horn4Category-popWrap { background: var(--w-bg) !important; background-image:none !important; border:1px solid var(--w-text-light) !important; } .dark .header__PRovh .Header-wrap.is-darkMode, .dark [class^=header] .Header-wrap.is-darkMode, .dark .Barrage-FansHome-letter, .dark .DyLiveCover-wrap,.dark .DyLiveRecord-wrap, .dark .DyHistoryCover-wrap, .dark .layout-Module--aside.AnchorRank .layout-Module-container, .dark .layout-Section.layout-Header, .dark .layout-Slide-bannerInner,.dark .FKLiWrap, .dark .layout-Module-head.is-fixed, .dark .layout-List-item,.dark .layout-List-item .DyCover, .dark .Header-wrap,.dark .AnchorRank-more, .dark .Elevator,.dark .Elevator-item,.dark .Elevator-item.is-active>span::before,.dark .public-DropMenu-drop, .dark .GiftInfoPanel-brief, .dark .Header-menu-wrap,.dark .DyListCover-wrap, .dark .layout-Module-label--hasList.is-active, .dark .layout-Module-label, .dark .ListFooter .dy-Pagination-next, .dark .ListFooter .dy-Pagination-prev, .dark .ListFooter .dy-Pagination .dy-Pagination-item,.dark .ListFooter .dy-Pagination .dy-Pagination-item-active,.dark .ListFooter .ListFooter-btn-wrap, .dark .layout-Player-title,.dark .layout-Player-aside, .dark .layout-Player-asideMain,.dark .layout-Player-barrage,.dark .layout-Player-toolbar, .dark .Barrage-listItem,.dark .Barrage-EntranceIntroduce, .dark .Barrage-roomVip--super, .dark .DiamondsFansBarrage, .dark #js-floatingbarrage-container li, .dark #js-fansflating-barrage, .dark .Barrage-EntranceIntroduce-Anchor, .dark .Barrage-EntranceIntroduce-Goodgame, .dark .FollowGuide, .dark .BarrageBuffer,.dark .Title-anchorName-HC, .dark .Barrage-FansHome-content,.dark .Barrage-FansHome, .dark .ChatSend-txt,.dark .layout-Classify-card,.dark .cate2TagB-item, .dark .PlayerToolbar-signCont,.dark .dy-Modal-content,.dark .CustomGroupCommon .dy-Modal-title, .dark .CustomGroupManager-title,.dark .FilterKeywords, .dark .Barrage-toolbarClear .Barrage-toolbarText,.dark .Barrage-toolbarLock:hover .Barrage-toolbarText, .dark .dy-ModalRadius-content, .dark .categoryTab-item, .dark customizeModal-submit, .dark .customizeModal-cancel, .dark .search-ipt, .dark .addedCategory-item, .dark .Search, .dark .Header-wrap.is-start .Search, .dark .Search-historyList>li, .dark .Search-text, .dark .ListHeader-hero-header,.dark .layout-Module-label--hasList,.dark .ListHeader-pop,.dark .layout-Module-filter-more, .dark .Barrage-toolbarClear, .dark .Barrage-toolbarLock,.dark .AssembleExpressHeader-head, .dark .Emotion, .dark .ShieldTool-list,.dark .BarrageTips, .dark .BarrageTips .BarrageTips--active,.dark .FansMedalDialog-normal, .dark .ChatBarrageCollect .ChatBarrageCollect-tip,.dark .AssembleExpressHeader, .dark .TagItem,.dark .ChatBarrageCollectPop , .dark .Horn4Category-popWrap,.dark .Horn4Category-inputor,.dark .ChatFansBarragePop, .dark .PopularBarrage .PopularBarragePanel-foot, .dark .PopularBarrage .PopularBarragePanelStyle, .dark .BarrageWordPanel-card, .dark .BarrageWordPanel-btn,.dark .BarrageWordPanel-header h2,.dark .BarrageWordPanel-header,.dark .CustomGroupManager-saveBtn, .dark .DyRecCover-wrap,.dark .CustomGroupCommon .dy-Modal-header,.dark .CustomGroupCommon .dy-Modal-close-x, .dark .CustomGroupCommon .dy-Modal-close,.dark .CustomGroupCommon,.dark .dy-Modal-close,.dark .dy-Modal-header, .dark .dy-Modal-footer button,.dark .FilterSwitchStatus-switch,.dark .LevelFilKeyTab .tab.active,.dark .LevelFilterLimit, .dark .BarrageFilter-fkbutton, .dark .FilterKeywords-edit-input, .dark .LevelFilterLimit-input,.dark .LevelFilKeyTab, .dark .Search-recommend:hover,.dark [class^=index-listWrap], .dark .layout-Card-horizon,.dark .layout-Tab-container .layout-Tab-item.is-active,.dark .layout-Tab-container .layout-Tab-item, .dark .SearchChannel-item,.dark SearchChannel-item-detail,.dark .layout-Tab-container.is-fixed, .dark .layout-Player-chat,.dark .AnchorRank-item, .dark .layout-Player-chat *,.dark .EmotionList.EmotionDiamondsPanel .EmotionList-con, .dark #js-EmotionDiamondsPanel, .dark #js-footer { background-color: var(--w-bg-darker) !important; color: var(--w-text-light) !important; } .dark .Elevator-item.is-active>span, .dark .Elevator-item:nth-child(odd) { background-color: rgba(var(--w-bg-darker),0.7) !important; } .dark [class^=favoriteTitle], .dark .DyHistoryCover, .dark .DyHistoryCover-intro, .dark .DyHistoryCover-user, .dark .SearchAnchorVideo-title, .dark .dy-ModalRadius-header, .dark .addedCategory-count, .dark .RoomList .layout-Module-title, .dark .RoomList .layout-Module-title a,.dark layout-Module-title span, .dark .AnchorRank .layout-Module-title,.dark .AnchorRank .layout-Module-title a, .dark .DyCover-intro,.dark .DyCover-user,.dark .DyCover-zone,.dark a, .dark .layout-Module-title a, .dark .DyRecCover-zone,.dark .DyRecCover-intro,.dark .DyRecCover-userName,.dark .DyRecCover-tag, .dark .DropMenuList-name, .dark .ListHeader-title, .dark .layout-Module-label--hasList.is-active, .dark .layout-Module-label.is-active, .dark .DyListCover-intro,.dark .DyListCover-zone,.dark .DyListCover-hot,.dark .DyListCover-userName, .dark .ListFooter .dy-Pagination .dy-Pagination-item-active a, .dark .ListFooter .dy-Pagination .dy-Pagination-item, .dark .ListFooter .dy-Pagination .dy-Pagination-item-active, .dark .ListFooter .ListFooter-btn-input,.dark .ListFooter-btn,.dark .ListFooter-btn-label, .dark .Title-header,.dark .Title-report,.dark .Title-anchorName, .dark .Barrage-main .Barrage-content,.dark .Barrage-roomVip--super, .dark .PlayerToolbar span,.dark .Title-followNum, .dark .PlayerToolbar-signCont, .dark .Barrage-EntranceIntroduce-Anchor, .dark .Barrage-EntranceIntroduce-Goodgame ,.dark .Barrage-EntranceIntroduce-Content, .dark .SwipeTabsContent .tabItem ,.dark .layout-Classify-card>strong ,.dark .secondCateCard-hot, .dark .layout-Classify-card.secondCateCard,.dark .layout-Classify-card.secondCateCard.secondCateCark-hoverCard,.dark .HoverCark-wrap, .dark .PlayerToolbar-signCont .RoomText-list .SignBaseComponent-text-link,.dark .customizeModal-title>h3,.dark .Search-label, .dark .Search-historyList>li, .dark .Search-hotList li,.dark .Search-linkIcon svg,.dark .categoryTab-tab,.dark .ListHeader-hero-content-tag, .dark .Barrage-toolbarClear, .dark .Barrage-toolbarLock,.dark .Barrage-toolbarText,.dark .ShieldTool-listItem,.dark .BarrageTips,.dark .ChatBarrageCollectPop-title, .dark .FansBarrageColor-item-txt,.dark .ChatFansBarragePop-txt, .dark .PopularBarrage .PopularBarragePanel-descFansPrivilege, .dark .PopularBarrage .PopularBarragePanel-descFansRenew, .dark .PopularBarrage .PopularBarragePanel-descLock,.dark .dy-Modal-close, .dark .ChatFansBarragePop-diamondsTxt,.dark .BarrageWordPanel-example,.dark .BarrageWordPanel-feedbackTips, .dark .BarrageWordPanel-block h3,.dark .BarrageWordPanel-reward,.dark .BarrageWordPanel-tips, .dark .CustomGroupManager-title strong,.dark .CustomGroupManager-groupItem,.dark .CustomGroupManager-checkItem>span, .dark .CustomGroupManager,.dark .LevelFilKeyTab .tab, .dark .layout-Result, .dark .FKNokeywords-title, .dark .Search-recommend-info p,.dark .layout-Module-title, .dark .Search-keyword, .dark .Search-anchor.is-horizon .Search-anchor-info .Search-anchor-recommendTitle, .dark .Search-anchor .Search-anchor-info .Search-anchor-recommendTitle,.dark SearchAnchorVideo-title, .dark .Search-anchor-info h1,.dark .Search-anchor-info h2,.dark .Search-anchor-info h3,.dark .Search-anchor-info h4,.dark .Search-anchor-info h5,.dark .Search-anchor-info h6, .dark .DropPaneList-live.is-live,.dark .Search-category h3,.dark .Search-category p,.dark .Search-category p span, .dark .FilterKeywords-allText, .dark .FilterKeywords-intelligentText, .dark .SearchChannel-item-detail-name,.dark .SearchChannel-item-detail-name span, .dark .SearchChannel-item-detail-desc.SearchChannel-item-detail-isCate,.dark .SearchChannel-item-detail-desc.SearchChannel-item-detail-isCate span, .dark .Search-yuba .des .name,.dark .layout-Search-input>input,.dark .FKLiWrap:hover, .dark .TreasureInfo-desc { color: var(--w-text-light) !important; } .dark .Search-recommend-info h3,.dark .Search-feedback-section,.dark .Search-feedback-section, .dark .Header-menu-link.active a:hover, .dark .RoomList .layout-Module-title:hover, .dark .RoomList .layout-Module-title a:hover, .dark .DyCover-intro:hover, .dark .DyCover-user:hover, .dark .DyCover-zone:hover, .dark a:hover, .dark .FilterSwitchStatus h3, .dark .FilterSwitchStatus-status, .dark .layout-Module-title a:hover, .dark .DropMenuList-name:hover, .dark .ListHeader-title, .dark .layout-Module-label--hasList.is-active:hover, .dark .layout-Module-label.is-active:hover, .dark .ListFooter .dy-Pagination .dy-Pagination-item-active a:hover, .dark .ListFooter .dy-Pagination .dy-Pagination-item:hover, .dark .ListFooter .dy-Pagination .dy-Pagination-item-active:hover, .dark .Title-anchorName:hover,.dark .Title-row-icon,.dark .Title-row-text, .dark .SwipeTabsContent .tabItem:hover,.dark .SwipeTabsContent .tabItem.active, .dark .layout-Classify-card>strong:hover,.dark .secondCateCard-hot:hover, .dark .Barrage-toolbarClear:hover, .dark .Barrage-toolbarLock:hover, .dark .ShieldTool-listItem.is-checked .ShieldTool-checkText,.dark .BarrageTips .BarrageTips--active, .dark .ChatFansBarragePop-txt span,.dark .dark .ChatFansBarragePop-diamondsTxt span,.dark .ChatFansBarragePop-diamondsTxt span, .dark .PopularBarrage .PopularBarragePanel-descFansPrivilege:hover, .dark .PopularBarrage .PopularBarragePanel-descFansRenew:hover,.dark .DropPaneList-name,.dark .DropPaneList-title, .dark .PopularBarrage .PopularBarragePanel-descLock:hover,.dark .DropPaneList span, .dark .Search-content-title, .dark .Search-default-title, .dark .Search-history-title, .dark .Search-hot-title, .dark .FilKeyTab .tab.active,.dark Search-anchor-data,.dark .Search-anchor.is-horizon .Search-anchor-info p, .dark .Search-anchor .Search-anchor-info,.dark Search-anchor-cate,.dark .Search-anchor-info, .dark .Search-anchor-info h4.is-official,.dark .Search-anchor-info h3.is-official,.dark .Search-anchor-info h2.is-official,.dark .Search-anchor-info .is-official { color: var(--w-text) !important; } .dark .Title-followBtnBox, .dark .dark .CustomGroupManager-saveBtn,.dark .CustomGroupCommon .dy-Modal-header, .dark .Search-historyList>li,.dark .layout-List-item,.dark .DyListCover-wrap, .dark .ListFooter .dy-Pagination-item,.dark .ListFooter .dy-Pagination-next,.dark .ListFooter .dy-Pagination-prev, .dark .ListFooter .dy-Pagination .dy-Pagination-item,.dark .ListFooter .dy-Pagination .dy-Pagination-item-active, .dark .layout-Player-aside,.dark .layout-Player-asideMain, .dark .layout-Player-barrage, .dark .PopularBarrage .PopularBarragePanel-foot,.dark .BarrageWordPanel-card,.dark .BarrageWordPanel-btn, .dark .dy-Modal-footer button,.dark .LevelFilterLimit-input, .dark .layout-Classify-card, .dark customizeModal-submit,.dark .layout-Menu, .dark .layout-Player-asideMain, .layout-Player-toolbar, .dark .customizeModal-cancel,.dark .ChatBarrageCollect .ChatBarrageCollect-tip { border: 1px solid var(--w-border) !important; } .dark .Header-wrap,.dark .layout-Player-title, .dark .ChatSend-txt, .dark .public-DropMenu-drop-main:before,.dark .Search-anchor-avatar, .dark .categoryTab-head,.dark .ListHeader-hero-header,.dark .ListHeader-hero-content-icon, .dark .EmotionTab,.dark .ChatFansBarragePop-describe,.dark .FansMedalPanel-container, .dark .LevelFilterLimit,.dark .FKNokeywords-title { border-color:var(--w-border) !important; } .dark .layout-Module-label--hasList.is-active, .dark .layout-Module-label, .dark .ListFooter .ListFooter-btn-wrap, .dark .cate2TagB-item, .dark .PlayerToolbar-signCont .RoomText-list .SignBaseComponent-text-link, .dark .categoryTab-item,.dark .Header-wrap.is-start .Search ,.dark .addedCategory-item .dark .search-ipt, .dark .layout-Module-filter-more,.dark .Barrage-toolbarClear, .dark .Barrage-toolbarLock, .dark .ShieldTool-list,.dark .BarrageTips,.dark .ChatBarrageCollect .ChatBarrageCollect-tip:hover, .dark .AssembleExpressHeader,.dark .TagItem, .dark .dy-Modal-footer button:hover,.dark .FilterSwitchStatus-switch, .dark .BarrageWordPanel-btn,.dark .LevelFilterLimit-input:focus, .dark .BarrageFilter-fkbutton, .dark .FilterKeywords-edit-input, .dark .LevelFilterLimit-input, .dark .FilterKeywords-edit-input:focus, .dark .LevelFilterLimit-input:focus, .dark .MatchSystemChatFansBarragePop-describe { border: 1px solid var(--w-text-light) !important; } .dark .layout-Module-label--hasList.is-active:hover, .dark .layout-Module-label:hover, .dark .categoryTab-item:hover, .dark .addedCategory-item:hover, .dark .Barrage-toolbarClear:hover, .dark .Barrage-toolbarLock:hover, .dark .ChatBarrageCollect .ChatBarrageCollect-tip:hover, .dark .BarrageWordPanel-btn:hover { border: 1px solid var(--w-text) !important; } .dark .Barrage-roomVip--super, .dark .Barrage { border: none !important; } .dark [class^=cardTagContainer], .dark .Search-direct,.dark .DropMenuList-linkAll, .dark .DyCover,.dark .Search-yuba, .dark .layout-Card-history, .dark .layout-Card-rank, .dark .Search-input-pane,.dark .DyListCover.HeaderCell, .dark .ListRecommend-refresh,.dark .ListHeader-pop-label, .dark layout-Module-label,.dark .Search-default-item, .dark .Search-recommend .Search-direct,.dark Search-category, .dark .layout-Search-input,.dark .layout-Search-btn, .dark .Search-feedback-textarea,.dark .VideoCollectionMix .layout-videoCollection-item, .dark .categoryBoxB-editB .edit,.dark .layout-Nav-backTop,.dark .ChatSend-button, .dark .MuteStatus.is-noLogin,.dark .FansMedalEnter-enterName, .dark .FansBarrageSwitcher[class*=color],.dark .BarrageWord-fkbutton .fkbutton-icon, .dark .PopularBarrage .PopularBarrageBtn,.dark .EnergyBarrageIcon, .dark .ActiviesExpandPanel,.dark .GiftExpandPanel,.dark .GiftInfoPanel-cont, .dark .BatchGiveForm-num,.dark .TreasureTips,.dark .FKLiWra, .dark .MatchSystemChatFansBarragePop,.dark .TagItem,.dark .Category-item, .dark .Header-search-wrap .Search, .dark .Search-direct { background-color: var(--w-bg-darker) !important; border:1px solid var(--w-text) !important; color: var(--w-text-light) !important; } .dark .Title-anchorName-HC .Title-anchorName-block:hover, .dark .DyCover:hover,.dark .layout-Search-btn:hover, .dark .ChatSend-button:hover,.dark .DropMenuList-linkAll:hover, .dark .dark Search-category:hover,.dark .categoryBoxB-editB .edit:hover, .dark .Search-default-item:hover,.dark .Search-recommend .Search-direct:hover, .dark .Category-item:hover,.dark .ListRecommend-refresh:hover, .dark .Search-direct:hover,.dark .ListHeader-pop-label:hover, .dark .Search-topicRecommend:hover,.dark layout-Module-label:hover, .dark .Search-direct:hover,.dark .TagItem:hover, .dark .Search-recommend:hover { background-color: var(--w-bg) !important; border:1px solid var(--w-text-light) !important; color: var(--w-text) !important; } .dark .dy-ModalRadius-footer button, .dark .layout-Tab-item,.dark .dy-ModalRadius-close, .dark .DropPaneList>a{ background-color: var(--w-bg-darker) !important; border: none !important; color: var(--w-text-light) !important; } .dark .dy-ModalRadius-close:hover,.dy-ModalRadius-footer button:hover, .dark .layout-Tab-item.is-active,.dark .layout-Tab-item:hover, .dark .Search-rank-wrapper:hover .Search-rank, .dark .YubaMessage-link:hover, .dark .layout-Tab-item:hover, .dark .Search-hotList li:hover, .dark .DropPaneList>a:hover { background-color: var(--w-bg) !important; color: var(--w-text) !important; } .dark .HoverCard-wrap, .dark .DropPaneList .HistoryList, .dark .Header-history-tab.is-active, .dark .Header-history-tab, .dark .Header-follow-tab.is-active, .dark .Header-follow-tab, .dark .DropPane-linkAll, .dark .CustomGroupMenu-wrapper, .dark .Title-followBtn { background: var(--w-bg-darker) !important; border:1px solid var(--w-border) !important; color: var(--w-text-light) !important; } .dark .Header-history-tab.is-active, .dark .Header-history-tab:hover, .dark .Header-follow-tab.is-active, .dark .Header-follow-tab:hover, .dark .Title-followBtn:hover { background: var(--w-bg) !important; } /* new home */ .dark .header__PRovh .Header-wrap.is-darkMode, .dark [class^=desc], .dark [class^=cateHead], .dark [class^=elevatorItem], .dark [class^=layoutMain] [class^=block], .dark [class^=elevatorHolder] { background: var(--w-bg-darker) !important; color: var(--w-text) !important; } .dark [class^=goTop] { background-color: var(--w-bg-darker) !important; background-image: url('https://shark2.douyucdn.cn/front-publish/douyu-web-master/_next/static/media/goTop_hover.1133fe37.png') !important; } .dark #header-search-input { background: transparent !important; } `; const headerDarkCss = ` .layout-Section.layout-Header { background-color:#000 !important; } `; const pk = !isShowPk() ? `` : ` .MorePk { display:none !important; } `; const css$4 = is_douyu ? ` .layout-List-item .DyCover-content .DyCover-user,.layout-Cover-item .DyListCover-userName,.Title-blockInline .Title-anchorName h2{ cursor:pointer !important; } .layout-List-item .DyCover-content .DyCover-user:hover,.layout-Cover-item .DyListCover-userName:hover,.Title-blockInline .Title-anchorName h2:hover { color:rgb(255, 135, 0) !important; } .layout-Search-btn { width:55px !important; } .aside-top-uspension-box, .js-player-asideTopSuspension, [class*=aside-top-uspension], #js-room-top-banner, [class^=elevatorHolder] [class^=elevatorItem]:not(:last-child), [class^=recommendCategoryContainer], .DiamondsFansLanternBarrage, .Barrage-newAuth.js-new-auth, .Title-roomInfo .Title-followIcon, #js-player-toolbar .RoomText-wrap, .PkView,.SysSign-Ad, .layout-Section.layout-Slide, .Header-broadcast-wrap, #lazyModule3, #lazyModule4, #lazyModule5, #lazyModule6, #lazyModule7, #lazyModule8, #lazyModule23, #lazyModule24, #js-room-activity, #js-right-nav, #js-bottom, #js-header .Header .HeaderNav, #js-header .Header .HeaderGif-left, #js-header .Header .HeaderGif-right, .Header-download-wrap, .AnchorInterToolsUser, .RechangeJulyPopups, li.Header-menu-link, .layout-Main .layout-Customize, .HeaderCell-label-wrap, .Title-AnchorLevel,.RoomVipSysTitle, .Aside-nav .Aside-nav-item, .Title-roomInfo .Title-row, #player-marvel-controller+div, .layout-Player-main .GuessGameMiniPanelB-wrapper, #js-player-asideMain #layout-Player-aside .FirePower, .layout-Player-video .layout-Player-videoAbove .ChargeTask-closeBg, #bc4-bgblur,.Search-ad, .SignBaseComponent-sign-ad, .SignBaseComponent-sign-ad .LazyLoad, .list-Banner-adv, .Baby-image.is-achievement, .multiBitRate-da4b60{ display:none !important; } li.Header-menu-link:nth-child(1), li.Header-menu-link:nth-child(2), li.Header-menu-link:nth-child(3), .Aside-nav .Aside-nav-item:nth-child(1) { display:inline-block !important; } .LiveRoomDianzan, .SupremeRightIconJSX,.AnchorLevel, .Barrage-main .UserLevel, .Barrage-main .js-user-level, .Barrage-main .Barrage-icon, .Barrage-main .Motor, .Barrage-main .Motor-flag, .Barrage-main .Barrage-hiIcon, .Barrage-main .UserGameDataMedal, .Barrage-main .ChatAchievement, .Barrage-main .Barrage-notice, .layout-Player .layout-Player-announce, .layout-Player .layout-Player-rank, .MatchSystemTeamMedal, #js-player-video .ScreenBannerAd, .layout-Main #layout-Player-aside .BarrageSuspendedBallAd, .layout-Main #layout-Player-aside .SignBarrage, #js-player-video-case .VRTips~div, .layout-Main .Title-roomInfo .Title-row, .layout-Main .ToTopBtn, .Header-right .public-DropMenu-drop .DropPane-ad, .Header-right .CloudGameLink, .Header-menu-wrap .DropMenuList-ad, .public-DropMenu-drop-main div.Header-UserPane-top~div, #js-player-dialog .LiveRoomLoopVideo, .Header-search-wrap .Search label, .RedEnvelopAd.RedEnvelopAdMouseDisable, .Barrage .Barrage-userEnter{ display:none !important; } /* 一般禁用模式 */ .layout-Player-main #js-player-toolbar{ display:block; } #root div.layout-Main{ margin-top:70px !important; display:block !important; width:auto !important; max-width:auto !important; } #root>div, #root>div .wm-general-bgblur { background-image:none !important; } .Title-roomInfo .Title-row:nth-child(1), .Title-roomInfo .Title-row:nth-child(2) { display:block !important; } .layout-Player-main .Title-roomInfo .is-normal .Title-blockInline, .layout-Player-main .Title-roomInfo .is-normal:nth-child(2) { display:none !important; } .layout-Player-main .Title-roomInfo .is-normal .Title-blockInline:nth-child(0), .layout-Player-main .Title-roomInfo .is-normal .Title-blockInline:nth-child(1), .layout-Player-main .Title-roomInfo .is-normal .Title-blockInline:nth-child(2) { display:inline-block !important; } .Barrage-main .Barrage-content { color:#333 !important; } .Barrage-main .Barrage-nickName{ color:#2b94ff !important; } .Barrage-listItem{ color: #333 !important; background-color: #f2f5f6 !important; } .Header-search-wrap input#header-search-input::placeholder { color: transparent !important; opacity:0 !important; } #js-aside, .layout-Player-main #js-player-toolbar { display:none; } .js-noblefloating-barragecont { background: none !important; border: none !important; } #js-barrage-container .Barrage-main>div>div { margin-bottom: -20px !important; } .ChatSpeak .ChatBarrageCollect-tip { width:auto !important; } .Title-followBtnBox { white-space: inherit !important; } .Header-follow-tabs, .Header-history-tabs { display:flex !important; justify-content: center !important; } .dark #js-player-title { background-image:none !important; } ${pk} ${headerDarkCss} ${darkCss$1} ` : ""; const dark_dm_color = () => isShowColorDm() ? "" : ` .dark #danmuwrap span { color: var(--w-text-light) !important; } `; const darkCss = ` .dark .chat-room__list .msg-bubble .colon, .dark .chat-room__list .msg-bubble .msg, .dark .chat-room__list .msg-bubble { background:none !important; } ${dark_dm_color()} .dark .room-core { background : transparent !important; } /* 修改背景和字体颜色 */ .dark [class^=chat-popup-layer] [class^=uc-status], .dark #J_roomWeeklyRankListRoot [class^=UserRankInfo], .dark #J_roomWeeklyRankListRoot [class^=NobleApp], .dark #J_roomWeeklyRankListRoot [class^=seat-item], .dark #J_roomWeeklyRankListRoot [class^=userRank], .dark .room-weeklyRankList-nav-item, .dark .room-weeklyRankList-nav-item.room-weeklyRankList-nav-item-active, .dark #J_roomWeeklyRankListRoot [class^=Item], .dark #J_roomWeeklyRankListRoot [class^=item], .dark [class^=room-weeklyRankList-skeleton], .dark #J_roomWeeklyRankListRoot [class^=rank-item], .dark #J_roomWeeklyRankListRoot [class^=SlideDownView], .dark input, .dark input:focus, .dark textarea, .dark textarea:focus, .dark .hy-header-style-normal .duya-header-wrap, .dark .duya-header, .dark .duya-header .duya-header-bd, .dark #J_liveListNav dl dd [class^=role], .dark #J_liveListNav dl dd [class^=role]:hover, .dark #J_liveListNav dl dd div li, .dark #J_liveListNav dl dd div li:hover, .dark [class^=emoticon] [class^=emot], .dark .program-preview-box .preview-bd, .dark .game-live-item, .dark .game-live-item .txt .num, .dark .game-live-item .txt .game-type a, .dark .game-live-item .txt .game-type, .dark .live-box .box-hd .more-list li, .dark #J_duyaHeaderRight ul li a, .dark [class^=Category] [class^=SecTitle], .dark [class^=listItem], .dark [class^=listItem] span, .dark .nav-expand-list, .dark .nav-expand-list-more , .dark #js-game-list li, .dark .mod-list .box-hd .filter dd .tag-layer, .dark .room-hd,.dark .room-core-r, .dark .room-sidebar,.dark .room-player-gift-placeholder, .dark #chat-room__wrap #chat-room__list div,.dark #chat-room__wrap #chat-room__list div a, .dark #js-preview-box,.dark #recom-banners,.dark #tipsOrchat, .dark .banners-box,.dark .box-recom .recom-banners,.dark .box-recom .recom-moments, .dark .hotMoment-box .moment-item .moment-comment .comment-item, .dark .chat-room__input,.dark .chat-room__ft, .dark .room-panel, .dark .subscribe-live-item,.dark .list-hd .follow-ctrl, .dark .btn-more,.dark #js-search-main .host-item,.dark #js-search-main .host-item .desc, .dark .search-left .superStar-item,.dark .chat-room__input .btn-sendMsg , .dark .nav-expand-list.nav-expand-game span a,.dark .chat-room__ft .chat-emot div, .dark #tipsOrchat ._PortalChatPanelRoot div, .dark .ddJUGO, .dark .laypageskin_default a,.dark .laypage_main button,.dark .laypage_main input, .dark .player-gift-wrap, .dark [class^=checkbox][class^=checked] i, .dark .chat-room__bd .chat-room__scroll .clearBtn, .dark .chat-room__bd .chat-room__scroll .lockBtn, .dark [class^=panel], .dark [class^=Panel], .dark [class^=PanelHd], .dark [class^=PanelBd], .dark [class^=PanelFt], .dark [class^=PopMsg],.dark [class^=PopMsg] [class^=title],.dark [class^=PopMsg] [class^=desc], .dark [class^=PopMsg] [class^=PopMsgArr], .dark .room-hd .host-control .subscribe-entrance .subscribe-hd.sub-off, .dark .duya-header-search input,.dark .inpage-advice-list li:hover, .dark #play2 .content .content-aside>div,.dark #play2 .content .content-aside>div h2, .dark #play2 .content .content-aside>div .more,.dark .main-info, .dark .comment-container textarea, .dark .main-vplayer .vplayer-wrap .video_embed .video_embed_flash, .dark .loGrI3HWkrL4-I82d11qx, .dark .loGrI3HWkrL4-I82d11qx ._5zt-PSmfE5nKpsIw9OQE, .dark .loGrI3HWkrL4-I82d11qx ._5zt-PSmfE5nKpsIw9OQE .MuTvmvGkEFS9kogNu9hjs, .dark .loGrI3HWkrL4-I82d11qx ._5zt-PSmfE5nKpsIw9OQE .MuTvmvGkEFS9kogNu9hjs:focus, .dark #play2, .dark .duya-header-bd,.dark .aside-danmulist .danmulist-header, .dark .search-suggest, .dark .search-suggest , .dark .search-suggest .search-item:hover, .dark .search-suggest .search-item.current, .dark #J_liveListNav dl dd span, .dark #player-gift-wrap,.dark .player-all-gift-panel, .dark #player-box-panel, .dark .more-attivity-panel,.dark [class^=roomBlockWords], .dark [class*=msg-of-king], .dark [class^=ButtonMon], .dark #player-gift-tip .mic-name-color, .dark #player-gift-tip .make-friend-people-switch, .dark [class^=ucard],.dark .msg-bubble,.dark .chat-room__wrap, .dark .game-live-item .txt .room, .dark .huya-footer{ background-color: var(--w-bg-darker) !important; color: var(--w-text-light) !important; outline: none !important; } /* 弹幕白条问题 */ .dark [class^=RoomMessageRichText], .dark .msg-bubble { border:none !important; margin:0 !important; } /* 修改字体颜色 */ .dark .hy-nav-item-on .hy-nav-link, .dark .hy-nav-link:hover { background-color: none !important; color: #fff !important; } /* 修改border */ .dark .loGrI3HWkrL4-I82d11qx ._5zt-PSmfE5nKpsIw9OQE, .dark .search-suggest .search-item:hover, .dark .search-suggest .search-item.current { background-color:none !important; border:1px solid var(--w-text-light) !important; outline: none !important; } /* 修改字体颜色 */ .dark .duya-header a, .dark [class^=loginTips], .dark p, .dark h1,.dark h2, .dark h3,.dark h4,.dark h5,.dark h6, .dark .duya-header-nav .hy-nav-item a, .dark .duya-header-right a, .dark .liveList-title a, .dark .game-live-item .title, .dark .game-live-item .txt, .dark .duya-header i, .dark .video-funny .title span, .dark .live-box .box-hd .title a, .dark .hy-header-style-skr .hy-nav-link, .dark [class^=Category] [class^=Item] a, .dark #js-game-list li a .g-gameCard-fullName, .dark .box-hd .title, .dark .mod-list .box-hd .filter dd .tag-layer, .dark .room-hd .host-info .host-title, .dark .room-hd .host-name, .dark .recom-title, .dark .page-ctrl, .dark .page-ctrl .ctrl-left, .dark .page-ctrl .ctrl-right, .dark .page-ctrl .ctrl-page, .dark #chat-room__wrap #chat-room__list div a, .dark #chat-room__wrap #chat-room__list div a span, .dark .program-preview-box .preview-list .preview-item .preview-link, .dark .program-preview-box .preview-hd .title, .dark .program-preview-box .preview-list .preview-item .preview-line, .dark .chat-room__list .msg-bubble span.msg, .dark .subscribe-live-item .txt .msg-row .nick, .dark .subscribe-live-item .txt .msg-row .intro, .dark .subscribe-live-item .txt .msg-row .num, .dark .list-hd .title, .dark .list-hd .follow-ctrl .icon, .dark .search-left .superStar-item .nick, .dark .search-left .superStar-item .recommend, .dark .search-left .superStar-item .room, .dark .chat-room__list .msg-bubble .colon, .dark .chat-room__list .msg-bubble .msg, .dark .chat-room__input .btn-sendMsg, .dark #tipsOrchat .live-tips, .dark #tipsOrchat ._PortalChatPanelRoot div p, .dark #tipsOrchat ._PortalChatPanelRoot div span, .dark #tipsOrchat ._PortalChatPanelRoot div i, .dark [class^=checkbox] i, .dark [class^=checkbox] span, .dark [class^=listItem],.dark [class^=listItem] span, .dark [class^=barrageBox] [class^=title], .dark [class^=barrageBox] [class^=panel], .dark [class^=panel], .dark .chat-room__ft span,.dark .chat-room__ft p, .dark .duya-header-right a i, .dark .duya-header-right a span, .dark #player-gift-tip .super-fans-gift .super-fans-gift-content i, .dark #player-gift-tip .motorcade-gather-gift,.dark #player-gift-tip .mic-name, .dark .chat-room__bd .chat-room__scroll .clearBtn, .dark .chat-room__bd .chat-room__scroll .lockBtn, .dark .search-advice-list li a,.dark .search-header .find-result, .dark #play2 .crumb,.dark #play2 .crumb a,.dark .live-box .box-hd .more-list li a, .dark #player-gift-dialog gift-yellow, .dark .aside-videolist .video-item .item-detail .detail-nick span, dark .aside-videolist .video-item .item-detail .detail-playcount span .dark .live-box .box-hd .more-list li a{ color: var(--w-text-light) !important; } /* 修改字体颜色 hover */ .dark .liveList-title a:hover,.dark .game-live-item .title:hover,.dark .game-live-item .txt:hover,.dark .live-box .box-hd .title a:hover,.dark .live-box .box-hd .more-list li a:hover, .dark #js-game-list li a .g-gameCard-fullName:hover,.dark .box-hd .title:hover,.dark .game-live-item .txt i:hover,.dark .host-name:hover,.dark .mod-list .box-hd .filter dd .tag-layer:hover, .dark .subscribe-live-item .txt .msg-row .nick:hover,.dark .subscribe-live-item .txt .msg-row .intro:hover,.dark .list-hd .title:hover,.dark #js-search-main .host-item .nick, .dark .search-main .type-keyword,.dark #tipsOrchat .live-tips i,.dark .duya-header-right a:hover,.dark .duya-header-right a i:hover,.dark .duya-header-right a span:hover,.dark .chat-room__bd .chat-room__scroll .clearBtn:hover, .dark .chat-room__bd .chat-room__scroll .lockBtn:hover,.dark .main-info .info-video .video-detail .video-title, .dark .main-info .info-video .video-author h3, .dark .search-header .find-result em,.dark .aside-videolist .video-item:hover .item-detail h3, .dark dark [class^=FavoritePresenter] [class^=subscribe], .dark dark [class^=FavoritePresenter] [class^=subscribe] [class^=subscribe], .dark dark [class^=Category] [class^=Item] a:hover { color: var(--w-text) !important; } /* 修改border */ .dark .program-preview-box,.dark .recom-banners,.dark .recom-moments,.dark .game-live-item,.dark .nav-expand-list, .dark #js-game-list li,.dark .g-gameCard-item,.dark .room-sidebar,.dark .list-hd .follow-ctrl,.dark .btn-more,.dark #js-search-main .host-item,.dark .subscribe-live-item, .dark .chat-room__input .btn-sendMsg,.dark .laypageskin_default a,.dark .chat-room__bd .chat-room__scroll .clearBtn,.dark .chat-room__bd .chat-room__scroll .lockBtn, .dark .main-info .info-draw,.dark .main-info .info-comment,.dark .main-info .info-comment h2, .dark #chat-room__wrap #chat-room__list [class^=RoomMessageRichText]{ border:1px solid var(--w-border) !important; outline: none !important; } .dark .room-hd .host-control .subscribe-entrance .subscribe-hd.sub-off:hover, .dark .nav-expand-list.nav-expand-game span:hover { background-color: var(--w-bg-darker) !important; color: var(--w-text-light) !important; outline: none !important; } .dark [class^=roomBlockWords] li, .dark [class^=panel] [class^=panel-hd] [class^=box] [class^=box-hd], .dark [class^=panel] [class^=panel] [class^=lock] { background: var(--w-bg-darker) !important; color: var(--w-text-light) !important; } .dark .hy-header-style-normal .duya-header-wrap,.dark #player-gift-wrap, .dark .duya-header,.dark .player-all-gift-panel,.dark .player-all-gift-panel .arrow, .dark .chat-room__input,.dark #player-gift-tip,.dark .player-face li .player-superfans-card-count, .dark .player-face li .player-superfans-card-count, .dark #player-gift-tip,.dark #player-gift-tip .make-friend-people-switch, .dark #player-gift-tip .make-friend-unsubscribe, .dark #player-gift-tip .make-friend-line, .dark #player-gift-tip .bottom,.dark #player-pc-watch-btn, .dark .inpage-advice-list li,.dark #play2 .content .content-aside>div .more { background-color: var(--w-bg-darker) !important; border-color:var(--w-border) !important; outline: none !important; } /* 只修改border-color */ .dark .chat-room__input, .dark .chat-room__ft .chat-room__ft__chat, .dark ._2uc0_gzwdW4cbL_UOgWDJd, .dark #tipsOrchat{ border-color:var(--w-border) !important; outline: none !important; } .dark #duya-header, .dark #chat-room__wrap #chat-room__list div a, .dark #chat-room__wrap #chat-room__list div a span { border:none !important; outline: none !important; } .dark .laypageskin_default a:hover, .dark .comment-container textarea,.dark .room-hd .host-control .subscribe-entrance .subscribe-hd.sub-off .subscribe-count, .dark .nav-expand-list.nav-expand-game span a:hover{ border-color:var(--w-text-light) !important; } /* 修改border color background */ .dark .laypage_main button:hover, .dark .laypageskin_default .laypage_curr, .dark #J_duyaHeaderRight ul li a, .dark .chat-room__bd .load-more-msg, .dark .ixyGIy,.dark .room-weeklyRankList-content.room-weeklyRankList-content-loading, .dark .danmu-add--3lwPBnzV90glJnZ1h6GpeS>div, .dark [class^=danmu-add], .dark .laypageskin_default a:hover { color: var(--w-text); border-color:var(--w-text) !important; background-color: var(--w-bg-darker) !important; } .dark .chat-room__bd .chat-room__scroll .clearBtn, .dark .chat-room__bd .chat-room__scroll .lockBtn, .dark .hy-header-style-normal .duya-header-search input, .dark .comment-container textarea:focus,.dark #pub_msg_input, .dark .room-hd .host-control .subscribe-entrance .subscribe-hd.sub-off { border:1px solid var(--w-text-light) !important; outline: none !important; } .dark [class^=ChatSpeaker] textarea:focus, .dark [class^=roomBlockWords] li, .dark .hy-header-style-normal .duya-header-search input:focus { border:1px solid var(--w-text) !important; outline: none !important; } .dark [class^=MmdPopPanel], .dark .msg-of-king,.dark [class^=roomBlockWords] [class^=btn], .dark [class^=SubConfirmPop], .dark [class^=SubConfirmPop] span, .dark [class^=SubConfirmPop] [class^=control] span, .dark [class^=colorNormal], .dark #player-danmu-report, .dark #pc-watch-download-tips,.dark #pc-watch-download-tips, .dark [class^=colorNormal][class^=lock], .dark [class^=ucard-normal], .dark .chat-room__list .msg-timed span, .dark [class^=PanelGuide] [class^=ClubPrivilege] [class^=Privilege] [class^=item], .dark [class^=panel] [class^=panel] [class^=lock] [class^=btn], .dark .hy-nav-item-on .hy-nav-link, .dark .hy-nav-link:hover, .dark #search-bar-input,.dark [class^=barrageBox], .dark [class^=FanClub] [class^=tips], .dark #player-gift-tip .list .btn, .dark #player-gift-dialog .btn, .dark .room-hd .host-control .subscribe-entrance .subscribe-hd.sub-on, .dark .room-hd .host-control .subscribe-entrance .subscribe-hd.sub-off { background-color: var(--w-bg-darker) !important; border:1px solid var(--w-text) !important; color: var(--w-text-light) !important; outline: none !important; } .dark [class^=panel] [class^=panel-bd] [class^=box-hd], .dark [class^=colorDefault], .dark [class^=PanelFt] [class^=btn], .dark #player-gift-dialog, .dark [class^=PanelGuide] [class^=btn] { background: var(--w-bg-darker) !important; border:1px solid var(--w-text) !important; color: var(--w-text-light) !important; outline: none !important; } .dark #player-gift-dialog .btn:hover, .dark [class^=SubConfirmPop] span:hover, .dark #player-gift-tip .list .btn:hover, .dark #player-gift-tip .list .btn.send, .dark #J_liveListNav dl dd ul li ul li:hover, .dark [class^=SubConfirmPop] [class^=control] span:hover, .dark .room-hd .host-control .subscribe-entrance .subscribe-hd.sub-on:hover, .dark .room-hd .host-control .subscribe-entrance .subscribe-hd.sub-off:hover{ background: var(--w-bg) !important; border:1px solid var(--w-text-light) !important; color: var(--w-text) !important; outline: none !important; } .dark .host-item .avatar .avatar-mask, .dark .superStar-item .avatar .avatar-mask { background:none !important; } .dark #J_liveListNav dl dd span:hover, .dark #J_duyaHeaderRight ul li a:hover, .dark .g-gameCard-link:hover{ background: var(--w-bg) !important; color: var(--w-text) !important; outline: none !important; } .dark .chat-room__ft .chat-room__ft__pannel .room-chat-tool-color { width: 20px !important; height: 20px !important; background: var(--w-bg-darker) !important; border:1px solid var(--w-text) !important; color: var(--w-text-light) !important; border-radius:50% !important; position:relative !important; } .dark #J-room-chat-color::before { content: '饰'; left:50% !important; top:50% !important; position: absolute !important; transform: translate(-50%,-50%) !important; } .dark .chat-room__input .btn-sendMsg.btn-sendMsg-enable, .dark #msg_send_bt { /* border-left : 1px solid var(--w-text) !important; */ background: var(--w-bg-darker) !important; } .dark [class^=BrowseHistory] [class^=c-login], .dark #J_user_viewer_root + div, .dark .J_RoomFollowRoot + div, .dark .fansBadgeAnchor-box, .dark .J_roomWeeklyRankList, .dark .room-sidebar-hd, .dark #J_roomHdHostLvInfo, .dark .room-weeklyRankList-nav, .dark #J_roomWeeklyRankListRoot [class^=tabPane], .dark #J_RoomChatSpeaker textarea, .dark [class^=HonorInfo], .dark #yyliveRk_game_newsBut, .dark .player-face .player-face-arrow, .dark .player-face li .plaer-face-icon-bg, .dark [class^=ButtonMon] [class^=sub], .dark [class^=ButtonMon] [class^=btn] { background: var(--w-bg-darker) !important; border:1px solid var(--w-border) !important; color: var(--w-text) !important; outline: none !important; } .dark #J_roomWeeklyRankListRoot [class^=Item]:hover, .dark #J_roomWeeklyRankListRoot [class^=item]:hover, .dark #J_roomWeeklyRankListRoot [class^=seat-item]:hover, .dark #J_roomWeeklyRankListRoot [class^=rank-item]:hover{ background: var(--w-bg) !important; } `; const main_bg = isShowMainBg() ? "" : ` #main_col #matchComponent2 { display:none !important; } `; const main_room_user = isShowMainRoom() ? "" : ` .match-room .match-nav { display:none !important; } `; const sys_msg = isShowSysMsg() ? "" : ` .treasureChest-winningRecord, .chat-room__list .msg-auditorSys, .chat-room__list .msg-sys { display:none !important; } `; const ranking = isShowGiftRank() ? "" : ` .room-weeklyRankList, #J_roomSideHd{ display: none !important; } `; const fans_img = isShowFansIcon() ? "" : ` .chat-room__list .msg-bubble-decorationPrefix img, .chat-room__list .msg-normal-decorationPrefix, .chat-room__list .msg-normal-decorationSuffix, .chat-room__list .msg-bubble-decorationSuffix, .chat-room__list .msg-bubble-decorationPrefix { display:none !important; } .chat-room__list .msg-bubble .colon, .chat-room__list .msg-bubble .msg, .chat-room__list .msg-bubble { background:none !important; } `; const css$3 = is_huya ? ` .game-live-item i,.host-name { cursor:pointer; } .game-live-item .txt i:hover,.host-name:hover { color:rgb(255, 135, 0); } /* NONE */ #ab-item, .common-popup, #J_playerMain .room-player-gift-placeholder, .pre-ab-wrap,#pre-ab-wrap,.pre-ab-video,#pre-ab-video,#player-resource-wrap, [class^=GuangG],.J_ad,#public-screen-ab, #ab-banner,.room-hd #ProfileGroup, #player-ext-wrap,#J_noticeLive,.chat-room__list div[data-cmid="1"], #public-screen-ab,.superFans-fansDay, [class^=ChatPanelRoot] [class^=PanelFt] [class^=text], .helperbar-root--12hgWk_4zOxrdJ73vtf1YI,[class^=helperbar-root], .mod-index-wrap .mod-index-main .main-bd, .mod-index-wrap .mod-index-main .main-hd, .mod-index-wrap #js-main,#J_treasureChestContainer, .mod-index-wrap #banner,.player-banner-activity, .mod-index-wrap .mod-game-type, .mod-index-wrap .mod-actlist, .mod-index-wrap .mod-news-section, .mod-index-wrap .mod-index-list .live-box #J_adBnM, .mod-index-wrap .mod-index-recommend, .mod-index-wrap .mod-news-section, .mod-index-wrap .recommend-wrap, #player-marquee-wrap,.small-handle-tip, #player-marquee-wrap .player-marquee-noble-item, #player-marquee-wrap .player-banner-enter, #player-marquee-wrap [id^=player-banner-enter], #player-marquee-wrap [id^=player-marquee], .RoomPublicMessage--n3v61Bk0DehYuR0xEQ9S1,[class^=RoomPublicMessage], #huya-ab-fixed, #huya-ab, .liveList-header-r, .room-footer, #J_profileNotice, #match-cms-content, .hy-nav-item, .list-adx, .layout-Banner, #J_duyaHeaderRight>div>div>div, .nav-expand-list .third-clickstat, .player-recommend.recommend-ab-mode .end-ab-wrap, .chat-wrap-panel.wrap-income, .host-detail.J_roomHdDetail span, .host-detail.J_roomHdDetail .host-video, .room-hd-r .jump-to-phone, .room-hd-r #share-entrance, .room-hd-r #J_illegalReport, .room-hd-r .gamePromote.J_gamePromote, .main-wrap .room-mod-ggTop, #chatRoom .room-gg-chat, .room-core .room-business-game, .room-backToTop.j_room-backToTop, .end-ab-banner, .player-app-qrcode, .player-play-big, .chat-room__list .msg-nobleSpeak-decorationPrefix { display:none !important; } .ssr-wrapper .mod-sidebar, .room-core #player-gift-wrap { display:none; } .hy-nav-item:nth-child(1), .hy-nav-item:nth-child(2), .hy-nav-item:nth-child(3), #J_duyaHeaderRight>div>div>div:has([class*=NavIcon-fav]), #J_duyaHeaderRight>div>div>div:has([class*=NavIcon-history]) { display:inline-block !important; } .mod-index-wrap .mod-index-list{ /* margin-top:80px !important; */ } .duya-header{ background: hsla(0,0%,100%,.95) !important; border-bottom: 1px solid #e2e2e2 !important; box-shadow: 0 0 6px rgb(0 0 0 / 6%) !important; } .duya-header a,.duya-header i{ color:#000 !important; } #J_mainRoom, #main_col { background:none !important; } #wrap-ext, .chat-room__list .msg-noble, .J_box_msgOfKing, .chat-room__list .msg-onTVLottery{ display: none !important; } .chat-room__list .msg-bubble span.msg{ color: #333 !important; } .chat-room__list .msg-bubble .colon, .chat-room__list .msg-bubble .msg, .chat-room__list .name{ color: #3c9cfe !important; } #search-bar-input::placeholder{ color: transparent !important; opacity:0 !important; } [class^=NavItem][class*=NavDownload], .mod-sidebar, .room-core #player-gift-wrap{ display:none !important; } #player-ctrl-wrap { opacity: 0; transition: all 500ms ease-in 0s !important; bottom: 16px; } #J_playerMain:hover #player-ctrl-wrap{ opacity: 1; } [class^=NavItem] span[class^=NavText] { color:#555 !important; } .duya-header-search input { background-color: #e5e7eb; } [class^=NavItem] [class^=NavItemHd] i[class*=fav] { background-image:url('https://a.msstatic.com/huya/hd/h5/header/components/HeaderDynamic/NavItem/img/fav-0.15b3e0b4a39185db705b7c523cd3f17c.png') !important; } [class^=NavItem] [class^=NavItemHd] i[class*=history] { background-image:url('https://a.msstatic.com/huya/hd/h5/header/components/HeaderDynamic/NavItem/img/history-0.2b32fba04f79057de5abcb2b35cd8eec.png') !important; } /* 评论区图片显示问题 */ .chat-room__list .msg img { display:inline-block !important; } .room-player-wrap .room-player-main { background : transparent !important; } ${fans_img} ${sys_msg} ${ranking} ${main_bg} ${main_room_user} ${darkCss} ` : ""; const inputKeywords = () => isShowHotSearchInputKeyword() ? `` : ` #douyin-header>input, .QSoEc32i>input, .st2xnJtZ.YIde9aUh { color: transparent; opacity:0 !important; } `; const css$2 = is_douyin ? ` #related-video-card-login-guide, #captcha_container, .video-info-detail, .JsAsIOEV, .wwNZW6za, #login-full-panel{ display:none !important; } .login-mask-enter-done, .box-align-center, { display:none ; } .m-douyin-login{ display:block !important; } ::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 6px !important; background-color: teal !important; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-track { background-color: var(--w-bg) !important; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background-color: var(--w-bg-light) !important; border-radius: 6px !important; } ${inputKeywords()} ` : ""; const anime = /.*:\/\/www\.bilibili\.com\/anime\/.*/.test(local_url) ? ` .dark .home-cell-desc-title[data-v-350d21cc], .dark [class^=home-cell-desc-title], .dark .home-cell-desc-subtitle[data-v-350d21cc], .dark [class^=home-cell-desc-subtitle], .dark [class^=with-up-space], .dark .with-up-space[data-v-350d21cc] { color:var(--w-text-light) !important; } .dark .nav-tool-container [class^=section]{ border: 1px solid var(--w-border) !important; color:var(--w-text-light) !important; background:var(--w-bg-darker) !important; } .dark .nav-tool-container [class^=section]:hover { color:var(--w-blue-link-hover) !important; border-color: var(--w-blue-link-hover) !important; background:var(--w-bg-darker) !important; } ` : ``; const blackboard = ` .dark .q-textarea { background-color : var(--w-bg-darker) !important; color : var(--w-text-light) !important; border :1px solid var(--w-text-light) !important; } .dark .activity-questions-list-wrap .activity-questions-item .activity-questions-item-title .title, .dark .activity-questions-list-wrap .activity-questions-item .activity-questions-item-required, .dark .activity-questions-item-index, .dark .activity-questions-list-wrap .activity-questions-item { color : var(--w-text-light) !important; } `; const comment = ` .dark .player-left-components *, .dark .bb-comment, .dark .bb-comment, .dark .comment-bilibili-fold, .dark .bb-comment .comment-send-lite .comment-emoji, .dark .bb-comment .comment-send.comment-send-lite, .dark .bb-comment .comment-send-lite.comment-send-lite, .dark .comment-bilibili-fold .comment-send .comment-emoji, .dark .comment-bilibili-fold .comment-send-lite .comment-emoji, .dark .comment-bilibili-fold .comment-send.comment-send-lite, .dark .comment-bilibili-fold .comment-send-lite.comment-send-lite, .dark .bili-rich-textarea__inner,.dark .bili-emoji__footer, .dark .bili-emoji__pkg,.dark .bili-emoji,.dark .emoji-box { background-color:var(--w-bg-darker) !important; color:var(--w-text) !important; } .dark .bili-emoji,.dark .emoji-box .emoji-title, .dark .bb-comment, .dark .bb-comment .comment-header, .dark .bb-comment .comment-header .tabs-order, .dark .bb-comment .comment-header .tabs-order li, .dark .bb-comment .comment-send .dynamic-repost, .dark .bb-comment .comment-send-lite .dynamic-repost, .dark .comment-bilibili-fold .comment-header .tabs-order li, .dark .comment-bilibili-fold .comment-send .dynamic-repost, .dark .comment-bilibili-fold .comment-send-lite .dynamic-repost { color:var(--w-text-light) !important; } .dark .bb-comment .comment-send-lite .comment-emoji, .dark .bb-comment .comment-header, .dark .bb-comment .comment-list .list-item .con, .dark .bb-comment .bottom-page.center, .dark .comment-bilibili-fold .comment-header, .dark .comment-bilibili-fold .comment-send .comment-emoji, .dark .comment-bilibili-fold .comment-send-lite .comment-emoji, .dark .comment-bilibili-fold .comment-list .list-item .con{ border-color: var(--w-border) !important; } .dark .reply-box .box-normal .reply-box-warp[data-v-a6daab22], .dark .reply-box .box-normal [class^=reply-box-warp], .dark .user-card, .dark .user-card .btn-box .message { border: 1px solid var(--w-border) !important; color:var(--w-text-light) !important; background-color:var(--w-bg-darker) !important; } .dark .emoji-box,.dark .emoji-box .emoji-tabs,.dark .bili-emoji__pkg.active, .dark .bb-comment .operation .opera-list, .dark .bb-comment .comment-send .comment-emoji, .dark .bb-comment .comment-send .textarea-container .ipt-txt, .dark .bb-comment .comment-send-lite .textarea-container .ipt-txt, .dark .bb-comment .comment-list .list-item .info .reply-tags span, .dark .comment-bilibili-fold .comment-send .textarea-container .ipt-txt, .dark .comment-bilibili-fold .comment-list .list-item .info .reply-tags span, .dark .comment-bilibili-fold .comment-send-lite .textarea-container .ipt-txt, .dark .comment-bilibili-fold .operation .opera-list{ color:var(--w-text-light) !important; background-color:var(--w-bg-darker) !important; border-color: var(--w-border) !important; } .dark .bb-comment .comment-list .list-item .reply-box .view-more .btn-more:hover, .comment-bilibili-fold .comment-list .list-item .reply-box .view-more .btn-more:hover, .dark .btn.idc-btn.primary:hover { color:var(--w-blue-link-hover) !important; border-color: var(--w-blue-link-hover) !important; background-color:var(--w-bg-darker) !important; } .dark .user-card .btn-box .message:hover, .dark .btn.idc-btn.default:hover,.dark .bili-emoji__list__item:hover, .dark .emoji-box .emoji-wrap .emoji-pic:hover, .dark .emoji-list.emoji-text.emoji-pic:hover, .dark .emoji-box .emoji-tabs .tab-link:hover, .dark .emoji-box .emoji-tabs .tab-link.on { color:var(--w-blue-link-hover) !important; border:1px solid var(--w-blue-link-hover) !important; background-color:var(--w-bg-darker) !important; } `; const dialog = ` .dark .bili-dialog-bomb,.dark .bili-dialog-bomb .appeal-box, .dark .bili-dialog-bomb .appeal-box .header, .dark .bili-dialog-bomb .appeal-box .wrap .container .textarea .textarea-wrap textarea, .dark .bili-dialog-bomb .appeal-box .submit { color:var(--w-text-light) !important; background:var(--w-bg-darker) !important; } .dark .bili-dialog-bomb .appeal-box .wrap .container .question { color:var(--w-text-light) !important; } `; const footer = ` .bili-footer { color:var(--w-text-light) !important; background:var(--w-bg-darker) !important; } .dark .bili-footer p { color:var(--w-text-light) !important; } `; const header = ` .dark .bili-header .bili-avatar-icon.bili-avatar-right-icon { display:none !important; } `; const login = ` .dark .tab__form, .dark .tab__form .form__item input , .dark .tab__form .form__item input::placeholder, .dark .tab__form .form__item input:focus, .dark .bili-mini-content-wp { background:var(--w-bg-darker) !important; color:var(--w-text) !important; } .dark .tab__form { border:1px solid var(--w-text) !important; } .dark .bili-mini-customer-title, .dark .bili-mini-content-wp .login-scan-title, .dark .bili-mini-content-wp .login-scan-desc p, .dark .login-tab-item[data-v-35ff7abe], .dark .login-tab-item, .dark .login-sns-name, .dark .login-agreement-wp p, .dark .tab__form .form__item .form_info { color:var(--w-text) !important; } .dark .btn_primary.disabled[data-v-327e145a], .dark .btn_primary.disabled, .dark .btn_primary, .dark .btn_primary[data-v-327e145a], .dark .btn_other, .dark .btn_other[data-v-327e145a] { color:var(--w-text-light) !important; background:var(--w-bg-darker) !important; border:1px solid var(--w-text-light) !important; } .dark .btn_other:hover, .dark .btn_primary:hover, .dark .btn_primary[data-v-327e145a]:hover, .dark .btn_other[data-v-327e145a]:hover { color:var(--w-blue-link-hover) !important; border-color: var(--w-blue-link-hover) !important; background:var(--w-bg-darker) !important; } .dark .tab__form .form__item input , .dark .tab__form .form__item input::placeholder, .dark .tab__form .form__item input:focus { border:none !important; } `; const page_num = ` .dark .be-pager-options-elevator { color:var(--w-text-light) !important; } .dark .be-pager-item-active, .dark .be-pager-options-elevator input { background:var(--w-bg-darker) !important; } .dark .be-pager-next, .dark .be-pager-prev, .dark .be-pager-item { color:var(--w-text-light) !important; background:var(--w-bg-darker) !important; border:1px solid var(--w-text-light) !important; } .dark .be-pager-next:hover, .dark .be-pager-prev:hover, .dark .be-pager-item:hover { color:var(--w-blue-link-hover) !important; border-color: var(--w-blue-link-hover) !important; background:var(--w-bg-darker) !important; } .dark .be-pager-item .be-pager-item-active, .dark .be-pager-item-active { color :var(--w-blue-link-hover) !important; border-color :var(--w-blue-link-hover) !important; } `; const videoToolsDarkCss = ` .dark .main-container .tool-bar *, .dark .main-container .ep-list-wrapper *, .dark .ep-section-module *, .dark .nav-tools *, .dark .toolbar *, .dark .main-container .review-module .review-list *, .dark .main-container .tool-bar .mobel-info .mobel-more { color:var(--w-text-light) !important; border-color: var(--w-border) !important; outline-color: var(--w-border) !important; background-color:var(--w-bg-darker) !important; } `; const root = ` :root { --w-brand: #3aa675; --w-light: #e5e7eb; --w-white: #fff; --w-brand-light: #349469; --w-bg: #22272e; --w-bg-light: #2b313a; --w-bg-lighter: #262c34; --w-bg-dark: #343b44; --w-bg-darker: #37404c; --w-bg-darker: var(--w-bg-dark); --w-text: #adbac7; --w-text-light: #cbd4dc; --w-text-lighter: #cdd6dd; --w-text-lightest: #8094a8; --w-border: #3e4c5a; --w-border-dark: #34404c; --w-blue-link-hover:#00aeec; --w-skeleton:#494f57; } .dark body, .dark #app { --v_bg1: var(--w-bg-darker); --v_bg2: var(--w-bg-darker); --v_bg3: var(--w-bg-darker); --v_bg1_float: var(--w-bg-darker); --v_bg2_float: var(--w-bg-darker); --v_text_white: var(--w-white); --v_text1: var(--w-text); --v_text2: var(--w-text-light); --v_text3: var(--w-text-lighter); --v_text4: var(--w-text-lightest); --v_line_light: var(--w-text-lighter); --v_line_regular: var(--w-text-lighter); --v_line_bold: var(--w-text-lightest); --v_graph_white:var(--w-text); --v_graph_bg_thin: var(--w-bg-darker); --v_graph_bg_regular: var(--w-bg-darker); --v_graph_bg_thick: var(--w-bg); --v_graph_weak: var(--w-text); --v_graph_medium: var(--w-text-light); --v_graph_icon: var(--w-text-lightest); --v_shadow: var(--w-text); --v_text_hover: var(--w-blue-link-hover); --v_text_active:var(--w-blue-link-hover); --v_text_disabled: #C9CCD0 ; --v_line_border: var(--w-text-lighter); --v_line_bolder_hover: var(--w-text-lightest); --v_line_bolder_active: var(--w-text-lightest); --v_line_bolder_disabled: var(--w-text); } .dark body, .dark #app { --bg1: var(--v_bg1); --bg2: var(--v_bg2); --bg3: var(--v_bg3); --bg1_float: var(--v_bg1_float); --bg2_float: var(--v_bg2_float); --text_white: var(--v_text_white); --text1: var(--v_text1); --text2: var(--v_text2); --text3: var(--v_text3); --text4: var(--v_text4); --line_light: var(--v_line_light); --line_regular: var(--v_line_regular); --line_bold: var(--v_line_bold); --graph_white: var(--v_graph_white); --graph_bg_thin: var(--v_graph_bg_thin); --graph_bg_regular: var(--v_graph_bg_regular); --graph_bg_thick: var(--v_graph_bg_thick); --graph_weak: var(--w-text); --graph_medium: var(--w-text-light); --graph_icon: var(--w-text-lightest); --shadow: var(--w-text); --text_hover: var(--v_text_hover); --text_active: var(--v_text_active); --text_disabled: var(--v_text_disabled); --line_border: var(--v_line_border); --line_bolder_hover: var(--v_line_bolder_hover); --line_bolder_active: var(--v_line_bolder_active); --line_bolder_disabled: var(--v_line_bolder_disabled); --b_text1: var(--text1); --b_text2: var(--text2); --b_text3: var(--text3); --b_text4: var(--text4); } `; const common = ` ${root} ${header} ${footer} ${login} ${page_num} ${comment} ${dialog} ${videoToolsDarkCss} `; const douga = /.*:\/\/www\.bilibili\.com\/v\/douga\/.*/.test(local_url) ? ` .dark .home-cell-desc-title[data-v-350d21cc],.dark .home-cell-desc-title, .dark .home-cell-desc-subtitle[data-v-350d21cc], .with-up-space,.dark .home-cell-desc-subtitle[data-v-350d21cc], .with-up-space[data-v-350d21cc] { color:var(--w-text-light) !important; } .dark .channel-layout, .dark channel-nav{ border: 1px solid var(--w-border) !important; color:var(--w-text-light) !important; background:var(--w-bg-darker) !important; } .dark .nav-tool-container .section:hover, .dark .nav-tool-container .section[data-v-3b26ecb6]:hover { color:var(--w-blue-link-hover) !important; border-color: var(--w-blue-link-hover) !important; background:var(--w-bg-darker) !important; } .dark .channel-layout, .dark channel-nav, .dark .bili-rank-list-video .bili-rank-list-video__item:nth-of-type(2n) { background:var(--w-bg-darker) !important; } .dark .bili-rank-list-video .bili-rank-list-video__item:nth-of-type(2n + 1) { background-color:var(--w-bg) !important; } ` : ``; const guochuang = /.*:\/\/www\.bilibili\.com\/guochuang\/.*/.test(local_url) ? ` .dark .spread-module .t,.dark .spread-module, .dark .pgc-rank-list .rank-item .ri-detail .ri-title,.dark .pgc-rank-list .rank-item .ri-detail .ri-point, .dark .name, .dark .new-stat-module .zone-title .headline .name,.dark .headline .name, .dark .index-entry-wrapper .filter-block-title span, .dark .block-area,.dark .block-area .timeline-title .headline .name, .dark .block-area .block-left .block-header .block-title, .dark .video-item-biref .biref-info .biref-title, .dark .handpick-right-module .block-header .block-title { color:var(--w-text-light) !important; 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border-color: var(--w-blue-link-hover) !important; background:var(--w-bg-darker) !important; } ` : ``; const home = ` /* 黑色主题模式下骨架屏 */ .dark .bili-video-card__skeleton--cover, .dark .bili-video-card__skeleton, .dark .bili-video-card__skeleton--right, .dark .bili-video-card__skeleton hide, .dark .bili-video-card__skeleton--text.short, .dark .bili-video-card__skeleton--light, .dark .bili-video-card__skeleton--text { background:var(--w-skeleton) !important; } .dark body,.dark #header-v3,.dark .app-v1,.dark .app-v2,.dark .app-v3,.dark .app-v4,.dark .app-v5, .dark #app, .dark .bili-header, .dark .header-channel,.dark .header-channel-fixed-right-item, .dark .bili-video-card__wrap,.dark .bili-header .game, .dark .large-header, .dark .bili-header .slide-down, .dark .bili-header .bili-header__channel .channel-entry-more__link, .dark .bili-header .bili-header__channel .channel-link, .dark .bili-header .bili-header__channel .channel-items__left, .dark .bili-header .bili-header__channel, .dark .bili-header .manga, .dark .bili-header .manga-right-title, .dark .bili-header .header-fav-card__image, .dark .bili-header .header-fav-card, .dark .bili-header .search-panel, .dark .bili-header .center-search-container .center-search__bar #nav-searchform.is-actived .nav-search-content, .dark .bili-header .center-search-container .center-search__bar #nav-searchform.is-focus .nav-search-content, .dark .history-panel-popover,.dark .bili-header .bili-header__banner, .dark .bili-header .center-search-container .center-search__bar #nav-searchform, .dark .bili-header .center-search-container .center-search__bar .nav-search-content .nav-search-input:focus, .dark .bili-header .avatar-panel-popover .level-item .level-item__bar .level-progress__inner, .dark .bili-header .avatar-panel-popover .level-item .level-item__lv0, .dark .bili-header .avatar-panel-popover .split-line, .dark .bili-header .avatar-panel-popover .logout-item, .dark .video-container-v1 .danmaku-box .danmaku-wrap, .dark #i_cecream { background-color:var(--w-bg-darker) !important; 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border-color: var(--w-blue-link-hover) !important; background:var(--w-bg-darker) !important; } .dark .bpx-player-dm-setting-wrap, .dark .bpx-player-dm-setting, .dark .bui-dropdown-icon, .dark .bui-collapse .bui-collapse-header .bui-collapse-arrow .bui-collapse-arrow-text .arrow-icon, .dark .bui-danmaku-switch { fill:var(--w-text-light) !important; } .dark #bilibili-player-placeholder { box-shadow: none !important; } .dark .header-upload-entry__text, .dark .header-upload-entry__icon, .dark .reply-box .box-normal .reply-box-warp .reply-box-textarea { border: none !important; } /* 视频三连 */ .dark .video-fav.video-toolbar-left-item.on, .dark .video-coin.video-toolbar-left-item.on, .dark .video-like.video-toolbar-left-item.on { color:var(--w-blue-link-hover) !important; } `; const isUrl = window.location.href.indexOf("https://www.bilibili.com/bangumi/play") !== -1; const bangumiCss = isUrl ? ` .dark * { color:var(--w-text-light) !important; border-color: var(--w-border) !important; outline-color: var(--w-border) !important; } .dark .SectionSelector_SectionSelector__TZ_QZ .SectionSelector_expand__VjjPD, .dark .home-container,.dark #__next,.dark .main-container, .dark .plp-r *, .dark .mediainfo_mediaInfo__Cpow4 *{ color:var(--w-text-light) !important; border-color: var(--w-border) !important; outline-color: var(--w-border) !important; background-color:var(--w-bg-darker) !important; } .dark .SectionSelector_expand__VjjPD { background:var(--w-bg-darker) !important; } .dark .bili-avatar-icon.bili-avatar-right-icon{ display:none !important; } .dark .reply-box .box-normal .reply-box-send .send-text[data-v-757acbb5], .dark .reply-box .box-normal .reply-box-send [class^=send-text] { background:none !important; } .dark * [class^=imageListItem_title][class^=imageListItem_active]:hover, .dark * [class^=imageListItem_title]:hover, .dark * .ep-title:hover { color:var(--w-blue-link-hover) !important; } ` : ``; const isAccaout = window.location.href.indexOf("https://www.bilibili.com/account") !== -1 || window.location.href.indexOf("https://www.bilibili.com/v/customer-service") !== -1; 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} #reco_list { padding:6px; } ${is_hot()} ${dark} ` : ""; addStyle( ` ${root$1} ${css$4} ${css$3} ${css} ${css$2} ` ); (function() { if (typeof window == "undefined") { return; } if (window == null ? void 0 : window.LivePluginLoadingComplate) { return; } if (is_exculues) { return; } customElements.define("live-plugin-element", LivePluginElement); try { installCommand(); } catch (error2) { console.error("live-plugin:", error2); } if (!isAutoPlugin()) { log("插件已关闭!"); return; } let pluginSupport = true; try { if (is_huya) { new TriggerLive(); } else if (is_douyu) { new FishLive(); } else if (is_bilibili) { new BiliBili(); } else if (is_douyin) { new DouYin(); } else if (is_localhost) { new LivePlugin(); } else { pluginSupport = false; error("插件地址不适配,请检查匹配地址!!!"); } } catch (e) { pluginSupport = false; console.error(e); } try { if (pluginSupport) { login$1(); updateDarkClass(); } } catch (e) { error("other pluing error info live-plugin:", e); } window.LivePluginLoadingComplate = true; if (pluginSupport) { console.log( "%c%s%c%s", "background-image: linear-gradient(120deg, #84fab0 0%, #8fd3f4 100%); padding: 2px; border-radius: 20px 0 0 20px; color: #fff;font-size:12px;", `欢迎使用live-plugin 下载地址:`, "background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #f78ca0 0%, #f9748f 19%, #fd868c 60%, #fe9a8b 100%); padding: 2px; border-radius: 0 20px 20px 0; color: #fff;font-size:12px;", download_plugin_url ); console.log( "%c%s%c%s", " background-image: linear-gradient(to top, #c1dfc4 0%, #deecdd 100%);padding: 2px; border-radius: 20px 0 0 20px; color: #fff;font-size:16px;", `源码地址:`, "background-image: linear-gradient(to top, #00c6fb 0%, #005bea 100%); padding: 2px; border-radius: 0 20px 20px 0; color: #fff;font-size:16px;", source_code_url ); } })(); })();