// ==UserScript== // @name 小工具合集 // @namespace npm/vite-plugin-monkey // @version 0.0.0 // @description 老黄历,油价,金价,亲戚计算器 // @author monkey // @icon https://vitejs.dev/logo.svg // @match https://bbs.tampermonkey.net.cn/* // @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue@3.4.27/dist/vue.global.prod.js // @grant GM_addStyle // ==/UserScript== (e=>{if(typeof GM_addStyle=="function"){GM_addStyle(e);return}const t=document.createElement("style");t.textContent=e,document.head.append(t)})(" .read-the-docs[data-v-2fef2d51]{color:#888} "); (function (vue) { 'use strict'; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __commonJS = (cb, mod) => function __require() { return mod || (0, cb[__getOwnPropNames(cb)[0]])((mod = { exports: {} }).exports, mod), mod.exports; }; var require_main_001 = __commonJS({ "main-BtumnPnQ.js"(exports, module) { const _export_sfc = (sfc, props) => { const target = sfc.__vccOpts || sfc; for (const [key, val] of props) { target[key] = val; } return target; }; var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis !== "undefined" ? globalThis : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : {}; function getDefaultExportFromCjs(x) { return x && x.__esModule && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(x, "default") ? x["default"] : x; } var lunar = { exports: {} }; (function(module2) { (function(root2, factory) { if (module2.exports) { module2.exports = factory(); } else { var o = factory(); for (var i in o) { root2[i] = o[i]; } } })(commonjsGlobal, function() { var Solar2 = /* @__PURE__ */ function() { var _fromDate = function(date) { return _fromYmdHms(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, date.getDate(), date.getHours(), date.getMinutes(), date.getSeconds()); }; var _fromJulianDay = function(julianDay) { var d = Math.floor(julianDay + 0.5); var f = julianDay + 0.5 - d; var c2; if (d >= 2299161) { c2 = Math.floor((d - 186721625e-2) / 36524.25); d += 1 + c2 - Math.floor(c2 / 4); } d += 1524; var year = Math.floor((d - 122.1) / 365.25); d -= Math.floor(365.25 * year); var month = Math.floor(d / 30.601); d -= Math.floor(30.601 * month); var day = d; if (month > 13) { month -= 13; year -= 4715; } else { month -= 1; year -= 4716; } f *= 24; var hour = Math.floor(f); f -= hour; f *= 60; var minute = Math.floor(f); f -= minute; f *= 60; var second = Math.round(f); if (second > 59) { second -= 60; minute++; } if (minute > 59) { minute -= 60; hour++; } if (hour > 23) { hour -= 24; day += 1; } return _fromYmdHms(year, month, day, hour, minute, second); }; var _fromYmdHms = function(y, m, d, hour, minute, second) { var oy = y; var om = m; var od = d; var oh = hour; var oi = minute; var os = second; y *= 1; if (isNaN(y)) { throw new Error("wrong solar year " + oy); } m *= 1; if (isNaN(m)) { throw new Error("wrong solar month " + om); } d *= 1; if (isNaN(d)) { throw new Error("wrong solar day " + od); } hour *= 1; if (isNaN(hour)) { throw new Error("wrong hour " + oh); } minute *= 1; if (isNaN(minute)) { throw new Error("wrong minute " + oi); } second *= 1; if (isNaN(second)) { throw new Error("wrong second " + os); } if (1582 === y && 10 === m) { if (d > 4 && d < 15) { throw new Error("wrong solar year " + y + " month " + m + " day " + d); } } if (m < 1 || m > 12) { throw new Error("wrong month " + m); } if (d < 1 || d > 31) { throw new Error("wrong day " + d); } if (hour < 0 || hour > 23) { throw new Error("wrong hour " + hour); } if (minute < 0 || minute > 59) { throw new Error("wrong minute " + minute); } if (second < 0 || second > 59) { throw new Error("wrong second " + second); } return { _p: { year: y, month: m, day: d, hour, minute, second }, subtract: function(solar) { return SolarUtil2.getDaysBetween(solar.getYear(), solar.getMonth(), solar.getDay(), this._p.year, this._p.month, this._p.day); }, subtractMinute: function(solar) { var days = this.subtract(solar); var cm = this._p.hour * 60 + this._p.minute; var sm = solar.getHour() * 60 + solar.getMinute(); var m2 = cm - sm; if (m2 < 0) { m2 += 1440; days--; } m2 += days * 1440; return m2; }, isAfter: function(solar) { if (this._p.year > solar.getYear()) { return true; } if (this._p.year < solar.getYear()) { return false; } if (this._p.month > solar.getMonth()) { return true; } if (this._p.month < solar.getMonth()) { return false; } if (this._p.day > solar.getDay()) { return true; } if (this._p.day < solar.getDay()) { return false; } if (this._p.hour > solar.getHour()) { return true; } if (this._p.hour < solar.getHour()) { return false; } if (this._p.minute > solar.getMinute()) { return true; } if (this._p.minute < solar.getMinute()) { return false; } return this._p.second > solar.getSecond(); }, isBefore: function(solar) { if (this._p.year > solar.getYear()) { return false; } if (this._p.year < solar.getYear()) { return true; } if (this._p.month > solar.getMonth()) { return false; } if (this._p.month < solar.getMonth()) { return true; } if (this._p.day > solar.getDay()) { return false; } if (this._p.day < solar.getDay()) { return true; } if (this._p.hour > solar.getHour()) { return false; } if (this._p.hour < solar.getHour()) { return true; } if (this._p.minute > solar.getMinute()) { return false; } if (this._p.minute < solar.getMinute()) { return true; } return this._p.second < solar.getSecond(); }, getYear: function() { return this._p.year; }, getMonth: function() { return this._p.month; }, getDay: function() { return this._p.day; }, getHour: function() { return this._p.hour; }, getMinute: function() { return this._p.minute; }, getSecond: function() { return this._p.second; }, getWeek: function() { return (Math.floor(this.getJulianDay() + 0.5) + 7000001) % 7; }, getWeekInChinese: function() { return SolarUtil2.WEEK[this.getWeek()]; }, /** * 获取当天的阳历周 * @param start 星期几作为一周的开始,1234560分别代表星期一至星期天 */ getSolarWeek: function(start) { return SolarWeek2.fromYmd(this._p.year, this._p.month, this._p.day, start); }, isLeapYear: function() { return SolarUtil2.isLeapYear(this._p.year); }, getFestivals: function() { var l = []; var f = SolarUtil2.FESTIVAL[this._p.month + "-" + this._p.day]; if (f) { l.push(f); } var weeks = Math.ceil(this._p.day / 7); var week = this.getWeek(); f = SolarUtil2.WEEK_FESTIVAL[this._p.month + "-" + weeks + "-" + week]; if (f) { l.push(f); } if (this._p.day + 7 > SolarUtil2.getDaysOfMonth(this._p.year, this._p.month)) { f = SolarUtil2.WEEK_FESTIVAL[this._p.month + "-0-" + week]; if (f) { l.push(f); } } return l; }, getOtherFestivals: function() { var l = []; var fs = SolarUtil2.OTHER_FESTIVAL[this._p.month + "-" + this._p.day]; if (fs) { l = l.concat(fs); } return l; }, getXingzuo: function() { return this.getXingZuo(); }, getXingZuo: function() { var index = 11; var y2 = this._p.month * 100 + this._p.day; if (y2 >= 321 && y2 <= 419) { index = 0; } else if (y2 >= 420 && y2 <= 520) { index = 1; } else if (y2 >= 521 && y2 <= 621) { index = 2; } else if (y2 >= 622 && y2 <= 722) { index = 3; } else if (y2 >= 723 && y2 <= 822) { index = 4; } else if (y2 >= 823 && y2 <= 922) { index = 5; } else if (y2 >= 923 && y2 <= 1023) { index = 6; } else if (y2 >= 1024 && y2 <= 1122) { index = 7; } else if (y2 >= 1123 && y2 <= 1221) { index = 8; } else if (y2 >= 1222 || y2 <= 119) { index = 9; } else if (y2 <= 218) { index = 10; } return SolarUtil2.XINGZUO[index]; }, toYmd: function() { var m2 = this._p.month; var d2 = this._p.day; var y2 = this._p.year + ""; while (y2.length < 4) { y2 = "0" + y2; } return [y2, (m2 < 10 ? "0" : "") + m2, (d2 < 10 ? "0" : "") + d2].join("-"); }, toYmdHms: function() { return this.toYmd() + " " + [(this._p.hour < 10 ? "0" : "") + this._p.hour, (this._p.minute < 10 ? "0" : "") + this._p.minute, (this._p.second < 10 ? "0" : "") + this._p.second].join(":"); }, toString: function() { return this.toYmd(); }, toFullString: function() { var s = this.toYmdHms(); if (this.isLeapYear()) { s += " 闰年"; } s += " 星期" + this.getWeekInChinese(); var festivals = this.getFestivals(); for (var i = 0, j = festivals.length; i < j; i++) { s += " (" + festivals[i] + ")"; } s += " " + this.getXingZuo() + "座"; return s; }, nextYear: function(years) { var oy2 = years; years *= 1; if (isNaN(years)) { throw new Error("wrong years " + oy2); } var y2 = this._p.year + years; var m2 = this._p.month; var d2 = this._p.day; if (1582 === y2 && 10 === m2) { if (d2 > 4 && d2 < 15) { d2 += 10; } } else if (2 === m2) { if (d2 > 28) { if (!SolarUtil2.isLeapYear(y2)) { d2 = 28; } } } return _fromYmdHms(y2, m2, d2, this._p.hour, this._p.minute, this._p.second); }, nextMonth: function(months) { var om2 = months; months *= 1; if (isNaN(months)) { throw new Error("wrong months " + om2); } var month = SolarMonth2.fromYm(this._p.year, this._p.month).next(months); var y2 = month.getYear(); var m2 = month.getMonth(); var d2 = this._p.day; if (1582 === y2 && 10 === m2) { if (d2 > 4 && d2 < 15) { d2 += 10; } } else { var maxDay = SolarUtil2.getDaysOfMonth(y2, m2); if (d2 > maxDay) { d2 = maxDay; } } return _fromYmdHms(y2, m2, d2, this._p.hour, this._p.minute, this._p.second); }, nextDay: function(days) { var od2 = days; days *= 1; if (isNaN(days)) { throw new Error("wrong days " + od2); } var y2 = this._p.year; var m2 = this._p.month; var d2 = this._p.day; if (1582 === y2 && 10 === m2) { if (d2 > 4) { d2 -= 10; } } if (days > 0) { d2 += days; var daysInMonth = SolarUtil2.getDaysOfMonth(y2, m2); while (d2 > daysInMonth) { d2 -= daysInMonth; m2++; if (m2 > 12) { m2 = 1; y2++; } daysInMonth = SolarUtil2.getDaysOfMonth(y2, m2); } } else if (days < 0) { while (d2 + days <= 0) { m2--; if (m2 < 1) { m2 = 12; y2--; } d2 += SolarUtil2.getDaysOfMonth(y2, m2); } d2 += days; } if (1582 === y2 && 10 === m2) { if (d2 > 4) { d2 += 10; } } return _fromYmdHms(y2, m2, d2, this._p.hour, this._p.minute, this._p.second); }, nextWorkday: function(days) { var od2 = days; days *= 1; if (isNaN(days)) { throw new Error("wrong days " + od2); } var solar = _fromYmdHms(this._p.year, this._p.month, this._p.day, this._p.hour, this._p.minute, this._p.second); if (days !== 0) { var rest = Math.abs(days); var add = days < 1 ? -1 : 1; while (rest > 0) { solar = solar.next(add); var work = true; var holiday = HolidayUtil2.getHoliday(solar.getYear(), solar.getMonth(), solar.getDay()); if (!holiday) { var week = solar.getWeek(); if (0 === week || 6 === week) { work = false; } } else { work = holiday.isWork(); } if (work) { rest -= 1; } } } return solar; }, next: function(days, onlyWorkday) { if (onlyWorkday) { return this.nextWorkday(days); } return this.nextDay(days); }, nextHour: function(hours) { var oh2 = hours; hours *= 1; if (isNaN(hours)) { throw new Error("wrong hours " + oh2); } var h2 = this._p.hour + hours; var n = h2 < 0 ? -1 : 1; var hour2 = Math.abs(h2); var days = Math.floor(hour2 / 24) * n; hour2 = hour2 % 24 * n; if (hour2 < 0) { hour2 += 24; days--; } var solar = this.next(days); return _fromYmdHms(solar.getYear(), solar.getMonth(), solar.getDay(), hour2, solar.getMinute(), solar.getSecond()); }, getLunar: function() { return Lunar2.fromSolar(this); }, getJulianDay: function() { var y2 = this._p.year; var m2 = this._p.month; var d2 = this._p.day + ((this._p.second / 60 + this._p.minute) / 60 + this._p.hour) / 24; var n = 0; var g = false; if (y2 * 372 + m2 * 31 + Math.floor(d2) >= 588829) { g = true; } if (m2 <= 2) { m2 += 12; y2--; } if (g) { n = Math.floor(y2 / 100); n = 2 - n + Math.floor(n / 4); } return Math.floor(365.25 * (y2 + 4716)) + Math.floor(30.6001 * (m2 + 1)) + d2 + n - 1524.5; }, getSalaryRate: function() { if (this._p.month === 1 && this._p.day === 1) { return 3; } if (this._p.month === 5 && this._p.day === 1) { return 3; } if (this._p.month === 10 && this._p.day >= 1 && this._p.day <= 3) { return 3; } var lunar2 = this.getLunar(); if (lunar2.getMonth() === 1 && lunar2.getDay() >= 1 && lunar2.getDay() <= 3) { return 3; } if (lunar2.getMonth() === 5 && lunar2.getDay() === 5) { return 3; } if (lunar2.getMonth() === 8 && lunar2.getDay() === 15) { return 3; } if ("清明" === lunar2.getJieQi()) { return 3; } var holiday = HolidayUtil2.getHoliday(this._p.year, this._p.month, this._p.day); if (holiday) { if (!holiday.isWork()) { return 2; } } else { var week = this.getWeek(); if (week === 6 || week === 0) { return 2; } } return 1; } }; }; var _fromBaZi = function(yearGanZhi, monthGanZhi, dayGanZhi, timeGanZhi, sect, baseYear) { sect *= 1; if (isNaN(sect)) { sect = 2; } if (1 !== sect) { sect = 2; } baseYear *= 1; if (isNaN(baseYear)) { baseYear = 1900; } var l = []; var m = LunarUtil2.index(monthGanZhi.substring(1), LunarUtil2.ZHI, -1) - 2; if (m < 0) { m += 12; } if (((LunarUtil2.index(yearGanZhi.substring(0, 1), LunarUtil2.GAN, -1) + 1) * 2 + m) % 10 !== LunarUtil2.index(monthGanZhi.substring(0, 1), LunarUtil2.GAN, -1)) { return l; } var y = LunarUtil2.getJiaZiIndex(yearGanZhi) - 57; if (y < 0) { y += 60; } y++; m *= 2; var h2 = LunarUtil2.index(timeGanZhi.substring(1), LunarUtil2.ZHI, -1) * 2; var hours = [h2]; if (0 === h2 && 2 === sect) { hours = [0, 23]; } var startYear = baseYear - 1; var endYear = (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getFullYear(); while (y <= endYear) { if (y >= startYear) { var jieQiLunar = Lunar2.fromYmd(y, 1, 1); var jieQiList = jieQiLunar.getJieQiList(); var jieQiTable = jieQiLunar.getJieQiTable(); var solarTime = jieQiTable[jieQiList[4 + m]]; if (solarTime.getYear() >= baseYear) { var d = LunarUtil2.getJiaZiIndex(dayGanZhi) - LunarUtil2.getJiaZiIndex(solarTime.getLunar().getDayInGanZhiExact2()); if (d < 0) { d += 60; } if (d > 0) { solarTime = solarTime.next(d); } for (var i = 0, j = hours.length; i < j; i++) { var hour = hours[i]; var mi = 0; var s = 0; if (d === 0 && hour === solarTime.getHour()) { mi = solarTime.getMinute(); s = solarTime.getSecond(); } var solar = Solar2.fromYmdHms(solarTime.getYear(), solarTime.getMonth(), solarTime.getDay(), hour, mi, s); var lunar2 = solar.getLunar(); var dgz = 2 === sect ? lunar2.getDayInGanZhiExact2() : lunar2.getDayInGanZhiExact(); if (lunar2.getYearInGanZhiExact() === yearGanZhi && lunar2.getMonthInGanZhiExact() === monthGanZhi && dgz === dayGanZhi && lunar2.getTimeInGanZhi() === timeGanZhi) { l.push(solar); } } } } y += 60; } return l; }; return { J2000: 2451545, fromYmd: function(y, m, d) { return _fromYmdHms(y, m, d, 0, 0, 0); }, fromYmdHms: function(y, m, d, hour, minute, second) { return _fromYmdHms(y, m, d, hour, minute, second); }, fromDate: function(date) { return _fromDate(date); }, fromJulianDay: function(julianDay) { return _fromJulianDay(julianDay); }, fromBaZi: function(yearGanZhi, monthGanZhi, dayGanZhi, timeGanZhi, sect, baseYear) { return _fromBaZi(yearGanZhi, monthGanZhi, dayGanZhi, timeGanZhi, sect, baseYear); } }; }(); var Lunar2 = /* @__PURE__ */ function() { var _computeJieQi = function(o, ly) { o["jieQiList"] = []; o["jieQi"] = {}; var julianDays = ly.getJieQiJulianDays(); for (var i = 0, j = LunarUtil2.JIE_QI_IN_USE.length; i < j; i++) { var key = LunarUtil2.JIE_QI_IN_USE[i]; o["jieQiList"].push(key); o["jieQi"][key] = Solar2.fromJulianDay(julianDays[i]); } }; var _computeYear = function(o, solar, year) { var offset = year - 4; var yearGanIndex = offset % 10; var yearZhiIndex = offset % 12; if (yearGanIndex < 0) { yearGanIndex += 10; } if (yearZhiIndex < 0) { yearZhiIndex += 12; } var g = yearGanIndex; var z = yearZhiIndex; var gExact = yearGanIndex; var zExact = yearZhiIndex; var solarYear = solar.getYear(); var solarYmd = solar.toYmd(); var solarYmdHms = solar.toYmdHms(); var liChun = o["jieQi"][I18n2.getMessage("jq.liChun")]; if (liChun.getYear() !== solarYear) { liChun = o["jieQi"]["LI_CHUN"]; } var liChunYmd = liChun.toYmd(); var liChunYmdHms = liChun.toYmdHms(); if (year === solarYear) { if (solarYmd < liChunYmd) { g--; z--; } if (solarYmdHms < liChunYmdHms) { gExact--; zExact--; } } else if (year < solarYear) { if (solarYmd >= liChunYmd) { g++; z++; } if (solarYmdHms >= liChunYmdHms) { gExact++; zExact++; } } o["yearGanIndex"] = yearGanIndex; o["yearZhiIndex"] = yearZhiIndex; o["yearGanIndexByLiChun"] = (g < 0 ? g + 10 : g) % 10; o["yearZhiIndexByLiChun"] = (z < 0 ? z + 12 : z) % 12; o["yearGanIndexExact"] = (gExact < 0 ? gExact + 10 : gExact) % 10; o["yearZhiIndexExact"] = (zExact < 0 ? zExact + 12 : zExact) % 12; }; var _computeMonth = function(o, solar) { var start = null; var i; var end; var size2 = LunarUtil2.JIE_QI_IN_USE.length; var index = -3; for (i = 0; i < size2; i += 2) { end = o.jieQi[LunarUtil2.JIE_QI_IN_USE[i]]; var ymd = solar.toYmd(); var symd = null == start ? ymd : start.toYmd(); if (ymd >= symd && ymd < end.toYmd()) { break; } start = end; index++; } var offset = ((o.yearGanIndexByLiChun + (index < 0 ? 1 : 0)) % 5 + 1) * 2 % 10; o["monthGanIndex"] = ((index < 0 ? index + 10 : index) + offset) % 10; o["monthZhiIndex"] = ((index < 0 ? index + 12 : index) + LunarUtil2.BASE_MONTH_ZHI_INDEX) % 12; start = null; index = -3; for (i = 0; i < size2; i += 2) { end = o.jieQi[LunarUtil2.JIE_QI_IN_USE[i]]; var time2 = solar.toYmdHms(); var stime = null == start ? time2 : start.toYmdHms(); if (time2 >= stime && time2 < end.toYmdHms()) { break; } start = end; index++; } offset = ((o.yearGanIndexExact + (index < 0 ? 1 : 0)) % 5 + 1) * 2 % 10; o["monthGanIndexExact"] = ((index < 0 ? index + 10 : index) + offset) % 10; o["monthZhiIndexExact"] = ((index < 0 ? index + 12 : index) + LunarUtil2.BASE_MONTH_ZHI_INDEX) % 12; }; var _computeDay = function(o, solar, hour, minute) { var noon = Solar2.fromYmdHms(solar.getYear(), solar.getMonth(), solar.getDay(), 12, 0, 0); var offset = Math.floor(noon.getJulianDay()) - 11; var dayGanIndex = offset % 10; var dayZhiIndex = offset % 12; o["dayGanIndex"] = dayGanIndex; o["dayZhiIndex"] = dayZhiIndex; var dayGanExact = dayGanIndex; var dayZhiExact = dayZhiIndex; o["dayGanIndexExact2"] = dayGanExact; o["dayZhiIndexExact2"] = dayZhiExact; var hm = (hour < 10 ? "0" : "") + hour + ":" + (minute < 10 ? "0" : "") + minute; if (hm >= "23:00" && hm <= "23:59") { dayGanExact++; if (dayGanExact >= 10) { dayGanExact -= 10; } dayZhiExact++; if (dayZhiExact >= 12) { dayZhiExact -= 12; } } o["dayGanIndexExact"] = dayGanExact; o["dayZhiIndexExact"] = dayZhiExact; }; var _computeTime = function(o, hour, minute) { var timeZhiIndex = LunarUtil2.getTimeZhiIndex((hour < 10 ? "0" : "") + hour + ":" + (minute < 10 ? "0" : "") + minute); o["timeZhiIndex"] = timeZhiIndex; o["timeGanIndex"] = (o["dayGanIndexExact"] % 5 * 2 + timeZhiIndex) % 10; }; var _computeWeek = function(o, solar) { o["weekIndex"] = solar.getWeek(); }; var _compute = function(year, hour, minute, second, solar, ly) { var o = {}; _computeJieQi(o, ly); _computeYear(o, solar, year); _computeMonth(o, solar); _computeDay(o, solar, hour, minute); _computeTime(o, hour, minute); _computeWeek(o, solar); return o; }; var _fromSolar = function(solar) { var lunarYear = 0; var lunarMonth = 0; var lunarDay = 0; var ly = LunarYear2.fromYear(solar.getYear()); var lms = ly.getMonths(); for (var i = 0, j = lms.length; i < j; i++) { var m = lms[i]; var days = solar.subtract(Solar2.fromJulianDay(m.getFirstJulianDay())); if (days < m.getDayCount()) { lunarYear = m.getYear(); lunarMonth = m.getMonth(); lunarDay = days + 1; break; } } return _new(lunarYear, lunarMonth, lunarDay, solar.getHour(), solar.getMinute(), solar.getSecond(), solar, ly); }; var _fromDate = function(date) { return _fromSolar(Solar2.fromDate(date)); }; var _fromYmdHms = function(lunarYear, lunarMonth, lunarDay, hour, minute, second) { var oy = lunarYear; var om = lunarMonth; var od = lunarDay; var oh = hour; var oi = minute; var os = second; lunarYear *= 1; if (isNaN(lunarYear)) { throw new Error("wrong lunar year " + oy); } lunarMonth *= 1; if (isNaN(lunarMonth)) { throw new Error("wrong lunar month " + om); } lunarDay *= 1; if (isNaN(lunarDay)) { throw new Error("wrong lunar day " + od); } hour *= 1; if (isNaN(hour)) { throw new Error("wrong hour " + oh); } minute *= 1; if (isNaN(minute)) { throw new Error("wrong minute " + oi); } second *= 1; if (isNaN(second)) { throw new Error("wrong second " + os); } if (hour < 0 || hour > 23) { throw new Error("wrong hour " + hour); } if (minute < 0 || minute > 59) { throw new Error("wrong minute " + minute); } if (second < 0 || second > 59) { throw new Error("wrong second " + second); } var y = LunarYear2.fromYear(lunarYear); var m = y.getMonth(lunarMonth); if (null == m) { throw new Error("wrong lunar year " + lunarYear + " month " + lunarMonth); } if (lunarDay < 1) { throw new Error("lunar day must bigger than 0"); } var days = m.getDayCount(); if (lunarDay > days) { throw new Error("only " + days + " days in lunar year " + lunarYear + " month " + lunarMonth); } var noon = Solar2.fromJulianDay(m.getFirstJulianDay() + lunarDay - 1); var solar = Solar2.fromYmdHms(noon.getYear(), noon.getMonth(), noon.getDay(), hour, minute, second); if (noon.getYear() !== lunarYear) { y = LunarYear2.fromYear(noon.getYear()); } return _new(lunarYear, lunarMonth, lunarDay, hour, minute, second, solar, y); }; var _new = function(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, solar, ly) { var gz = _compute(year, hour, minute, second, solar, ly); return { _p: { lang: I18n2.getLanguage(), year, month, day, hour, minute, second, timeGanIndex: gz.timeGanIndex, timeZhiIndex: gz.timeZhiIndex, dayGanIndex: gz.dayGanIndex, dayZhiIndex: gz.dayZhiIndex, dayGanIndexExact: gz.dayGanIndexExact, dayZhiIndexExact: gz.dayZhiIndexExact, dayGanIndexExact2: gz.dayGanIndexExact2, dayZhiIndexExact2: gz.dayZhiIndexExact2, monthGanIndex: gz.monthGanIndex, monthZhiIndex: gz.monthZhiIndex, monthGanIndexExact: gz.monthGanIndexExact, monthZhiIndexExact: gz.monthZhiIndexExact, yearGanIndex: gz.yearGanIndex, yearZhiIndex: gz.yearZhiIndex, yearGanIndexByLiChun: gz.yearGanIndexByLiChun, yearZhiIndexByLiChun: gz.yearZhiIndexByLiChun, yearGanIndexExact: gz.yearGanIndexExact, yearZhiIndexExact: gz.yearZhiIndexExact, weekIndex: gz.weekIndex, jieQi: gz.jieQi, jieQiList: gz.jieQiList, solar, eightChar: null }, getYear: function() { return this._p.year; }, getMonth: function() { return this._p.month; }, getDay: function() { return this._p.day; }, getHour: function() { return this._p.hour; }, getMinute: function() { return this._p.minute; }, getSecond: function() { return this._p.second; }, getTimeGanIndex: function() { return this._p.timeGanIndex; }, getTimeZhiIndex: function() { return this._p.timeZhiIndex; }, getDayGanIndex: function() { return this._p.dayGanIndex; }, getDayGanIndexExact: function() { return this._p.dayGanIndexExact; }, getDayGanIndexExact2: function() { return this._p.dayGanIndexExact2; }, getDayZhiIndex: function() { return this._p.dayZhiIndex; }, getDayZhiIndexExact: function() { return this._p.dayZhiIndexExact; }, getDayZhiIndexExact2: function() { return this._p.dayZhiIndexExact2; }, getMonthGanIndex: function() { return this._p.monthGanIndex; }, getMonthGanIndexExact: function() { return this._p.monthGanIndexExact; }, getMonthZhiIndex: function() { return this._p.monthZhiIndex; }, getMonthZhiIndexExact: function() { return this._p.monthZhiIndexExact; }, getYearGanIndex: function() { return this._p.yearGanIndex; }, getYearGanIndexByLiChun: function() { return this._p.yearGanIndexByLiChun; }, getYearGanIndexExact: function() { return this._p.yearGanIndexExact; }, getYearZhiIndex: function() { return this._p.yearZhiIndex; }, getYearZhiIndexByLiChun: function() { return this._p.yearZhiIndexByLiChun; }, getYearZhiIndexExact: function() { return this._p.yearZhiIndexExact; }, getGan: function() { return this.getYearGan(); }, getZhi: function() { return this.getYearZhi(); }, getYearGan: function() { return LunarUtil2.GAN[this._p.yearGanIndex + 1]; }, getYearGanByLiChun: function() { return LunarUtil2.GAN[this._p.yearGanIndexByLiChun + 1]; }, getYearGanExact: function() { return LunarUtil2.GAN[this._p.yearGanIndexExact + 1]; }, getYearZhi: function() { return LunarUtil2.ZHI[this._p.yearZhiIndex + 1]; }, getYearZhiByLiChun: function() { return LunarUtil2.ZHI[this._p.yearZhiIndexByLiChun + 1]; }, getYearZhiExact: function() { return LunarUtil2.ZHI[this._p.yearZhiIndexExact + 1]; }, getYearInGanZhi: function() { return this.getYearGan() + this.getYearZhi(); }, getYearInGanZhiByLiChun: function() { return this.getYearGanByLiChun() + this.getYearZhiByLiChun(); }, getYearInGanZhiExact: function() { return this.getYearGanExact() + this.getYearZhiExact(); }, getMonthGan: function() { return LunarUtil2.GAN[this._p.monthGanIndex + 1]; }, getMonthGanExact: function() { return LunarUtil2.GAN[this._p.monthGanIndexExact + 1]; }, getMonthZhi: function() { return LunarUtil2.ZHI[this._p.monthZhiIndex + 1]; }, getMonthZhiExact: function() { return LunarUtil2.ZHI[this._p.monthZhiIndexExact + 1]; }, getMonthInGanZhi: function() { return this.getMonthGan() + this.getMonthZhi(); }, getMonthInGanZhiExact: function() { return this.getMonthGanExact() + this.getMonthZhiExact(); }, getDayGan: function() { return LunarUtil2.GAN[this._p.dayGanIndex + 1]; }, getDayGanExact: function() { return LunarUtil2.GAN[this._p.dayGanIndexExact + 1]; }, getDayGanExact2: function() { return LunarUtil2.GAN[this._p.dayGanIndexExact2 + 1]; }, getDayZhi: function() { return LunarUtil2.ZHI[this._p.dayZhiIndex + 1]; }, getDayZhiExact: function() { return LunarUtil2.ZHI[this._p.dayZhiIndexExact + 1]; }, getDayZhiExact2: function() { return LunarUtil2.ZHI[this._p.dayZhiIndexExact2 + 1]; }, getDayInGanZhi: function() { return this.getDayGan() + this.getDayZhi(); }, getDayInGanZhiExact: function() { return this.getDayGanExact() + this.getDayZhiExact(); }, getDayInGanZhiExact2: function() { return this.getDayGanExact2() + this.getDayZhiExact2(); }, getTimeGan: function() { return LunarUtil2.GAN[this._p.timeGanIndex + 1]; }, getTimeZhi: function() { return LunarUtil2.ZHI[this._p.timeZhiIndex + 1]; }, getTimeInGanZhi: function() { return this.getTimeGan() + this.getTimeZhi(); }, getShengxiao: function() { return this.getYearShengXiao(); }, getYearShengXiao: function() { return LunarUtil2.SHENGXIAO[this._p.yearZhiIndex + 1]; }, getYearShengXiaoByLiChun: function() { return LunarUtil2.SHENGXIAO[this._p.yearZhiIndexByLiChun + 1]; }, getYearShengXiaoExact: function() { return LunarUtil2.SHENGXIAO[this._p.yearZhiIndexExact + 1]; }, getMonthShengXiao: function() { return LunarUtil2.SHENGXIAO[this._p.monthZhiIndex + 1]; }, getMonthShengXiaoExact: function() { return LunarUtil2.SHENGXIAO[this._p.monthZhiIndexExact + 1]; }, getDayShengXiao: function() { return LunarUtil2.SHENGXIAO[this._p.dayZhiIndex + 1]; }, getTimeShengXiao: function() { return LunarUtil2.SHENGXIAO[this._p.timeZhiIndex + 1]; }, getYearInChinese: function() { var y = this._p.year + ""; var s = ""; var zero2 = "0".charCodeAt(0); for (var i = 0, j = y.length; i < j; i++) { s += LunarUtil2.NUMBER[y.charCodeAt(i) - zero2]; } return s; }, getMonthInChinese: function() { var month2 = this._p.month; return (month2 < 0 ? "闰" : "") + LunarUtil2.MONTH[Math.abs(month2)]; }, getDayInChinese: function() { return LunarUtil2.DAY[this._p.day]; }, getPengZuGan: function() { return LunarUtil2.PENGZU_GAN[this._p.dayGanIndex + 1]; }, getPengZuZhi: function() { return LunarUtil2.PENGZU_ZHI[this._p.dayZhiIndex + 1]; }, getPositionXi: function() { return this.getDayPositionXi(); }, getPositionXiDesc: function() { return this.getDayPositionXiDesc(); }, getPositionYangGui: function() { return this.getDayPositionYangGui(); }, getPositionYangGuiDesc: function() { return this.getDayPositionYangGuiDesc(); }, getPositionYinGui: function() { return this.getDayPositionYinGui(); }, getPositionYinGuiDesc: function() { return this.getDayPositionYinGuiDesc(); }, getPositionFu: function() { return this.getDayPositionFu(); }, getPositionFuDesc: function() { return this.getDayPositionFuDesc(); }, getPositionCai: function() { return this.getDayPositionCai(); }, getPositionCaiDesc: function() { return this.getDayPositionCaiDesc(); }, getDayPositionXi: function() { return LunarUtil2.POSITION_XI[this._p.dayGanIndex + 1]; }, getDayPositionXiDesc: function() { return LunarUtil2.POSITION_DESC[this.getDayPositionXi()]; }, getDayPositionYangGui: function() { return LunarUtil2.POSITION_YANG_GUI[this._p.dayGanIndex + 1]; }, getDayPositionYangGuiDesc: function() { return LunarUtil2.POSITION_DESC[this.getDayPositionYangGui()]; }, getDayPositionYinGui: function() { return LunarUtil2.POSITION_YIN_GUI[this._p.dayGanIndex + 1]; }, getDayPositionYinGuiDesc: function() { return LunarUtil2.POSITION_DESC[this.getDayPositionYinGui()]; }, getDayPositionFu: function(sect) { return (1 === sect ? LunarUtil2.POSITION_FU : LunarUtil2.POSITION_FU_2)[this._p.dayGanIndex + 1]; }, getDayPositionFuDesc: function(sect) { return LunarUtil2.POSITION_DESC[this.getDayPositionFu(sect)]; }, getDayPositionCai: function() { return LunarUtil2.POSITION_CAI[this._p.dayGanIndex + 1]; }, getDayPositionCaiDesc: function() { return LunarUtil2.POSITION_DESC[this.getDayPositionCai()]; }, getTimePositionXi: function() { return LunarUtil2.POSITION_XI[this._p.timeGanIndex + 1]; }, getTimePositionXiDesc: function() { return LunarUtil2.POSITION_DESC[this.getTimePositionXi()]; }, getTimePositionYangGui: function() { return LunarUtil2.POSITION_YANG_GUI[this._p.timeGanIndex + 1]; }, getTimePositionYangGuiDesc: function() { return LunarUtil2.POSITION_DESC[this.getTimePositionYangGui()]; }, getTimePositionYinGui: function() { return LunarUtil2.POSITION_YIN_GUI[this._p.timeGanIndex + 1]; }, getTimePositionYinGuiDesc: function() { return LunarUtil2.POSITION_DESC[this.getTimePositionYinGui()]; }, getTimePositionFu: function(sect) { return (1 === sect ? LunarUtil2.POSITION_FU : LunarUtil2.POSITION_FU_2)[this._p.timeGanIndex + 1]; }, getTimePositionFuDesc: function(sect) { return LunarUtil2.POSITION_DESC[this.getTimePositionFu(sect)]; }, getTimePositionCai: function() { return LunarUtil2.POSITION_CAI[this._p.timeGanIndex + 1]; }, getTimePositionCaiDesc: function() { return LunarUtil2.POSITION_DESC[this.getTimePositionCai()]; }, getDayPositionTaiSui: function(sect) { var dayInGanZhi; var yearZhiIndex; switch (sect) { case 1: dayInGanZhi = this.getDayInGanZhi(); yearZhiIndex = this._p.yearZhiIndex; break; case 3: dayInGanZhi = this.getDayInGanZhi(); yearZhiIndex = this._p.yearZhiIndexExact; break; default: dayInGanZhi = this.getDayInGanZhiExact2(); yearZhiIndex = this._p.yearZhiIndexByLiChun; } var p2; if ([I18n2.getMessage("jz.jiaZi"), I18n2.getMessage("jz.yiChou"), I18n2.getMessage("jz.bingYin"), I18n2.getMessage("jz.dingMao"), I18n2.getMessage("jz.wuChen"), I18n2.getMessage("jz.jiSi")].join(",").indexOf(dayInGanZhi) > -1) { p2 = I18n2.getMessage("bg.zhen"); } else if ([I18n2.getMessage("jz.bingZi"), I18n2.getMessage("jz.dingChou"), I18n2.getMessage("jz.wuYin"), I18n2.getMessage("jz.jiMao"), I18n2.getMessage("jz.gengChen"), I18n2.getMessage("jz.xinSi")].join(",").indexOf(dayInGanZhi) > -1) { p2 = I18n2.getMessage("bg.li"); } else if ([I18n2.getMessage("jz.wuZi"), I18n2.getMessage("jz.jiChou"), I18n2.getMessage("jz.gengYin"), I18n2.getMessage("jz.xinMao"), I18n2.getMessage("jz.renChen"), I18n2.getMessage("jz.guiSi")].join(",").indexOf(dayInGanZhi) > -1) { p2 = I18n2.getMessage("ps.center"); } else if ([I18n2.getMessage("jz.gengZi"), I18n2.getMessage("jz.xinChou"), I18n2.getMessage("jz.renYin"), I18n2.getMessage("jz.guiMao"), I18n2.getMessage("jz.jiaChen"), I18n2.getMessage("jz.yiSi")].join(",").indexOf(dayInGanZhi) > -1) { p2 = I18n2.getMessage("bg.dui"); } else if ([I18n2.getMessage("jz.renZi"), I18n2.getMessage("jz.guiChou"), I18n2.getMessage("jz.jiaYin"), I18n2.getMessage("jz.yiMao"), I18n2.getMessage("jz.bingChen"), I18n2.getMessage("jz.dingSi")].join(",").indexOf(dayInGanZhi) > -1) { p2 = I18n2.getMessage("bg.kan"); } else { p2 = LunarUtil2.POSITION_TAI_SUI_YEAR[yearZhiIndex]; } return p2; }, getDayPositionTaiSuiDesc: function(sect) { return LunarUtil2.POSITION_DESC[this.getDayPositionTaiSui(sect)]; }, getMonthPositionTaiSui: function(sect) { var monthZhiIndex; var monthGanIndex; switch (sect) { case 3: monthZhiIndex = this._p.monthZhiIndexExact; monthGanIndex = this._p.monthGanIndexExact; break; default: monthZhiIndex = this._p.monthZhiIndex; monthGanIndex = this._p.monthGanIndex; } var m = monthZhiIndex - LunarUtil2.BASE_MONTH_ZHI_INDEX; if (m < 0) { m += 12; } return [I18n2.getMessage("bg.gen"), LunarUtil2.POSITION_GAN[monthGanIndex], I18n2.getMessage("bg.kun"), I18n2.getMessage("bg.xun")][m % 4]; }, getMonthPositionTaiSuiDesc: function(sect) { return LunarUtil2.POSITION_DESC[this.getMonthPositionTaiSui(sect)]; }, getYearPositionTaiSui: function(sect) { var yearZhiIndex; switch (sect) { case 1: yearZhiIndex = this._p.yearZhiIndex; break; case 3: yearZhiIndex = this._p.yearZhiIndexExact; break; default: yearZhiIndex = this._p.yearZhiIndexByLiChun; } return LunarUtil2.POSITION_TAI_SUI_YEAR[yearZhiIndex]; }, getYearPositionTaiSuiDesc: function(sect) { return LunarUtil2.POSITION_DESC[this.getYearPositionTaiSui(sect)]; }, _checkLang: function() { var lang = I18n2.getLanguage(); if (this._p.lang !== lang) { for (var i = 0, j = LunarUtil2.JIE_QI_IN_USE.length; i < j; i++) { var newKey = LunarUtil2.JIE_QI_IN_USE[i]; var oldKey = this._p.jieQiList[i]; var value = this._p.jieQi[oldKey]; this._p.jieQiList[i] = newKey; this._p.jieQi[newKey] = value; } this._p.lang = lang; } }, _getJieQiSolar: function(name) { this._checkLang(); return this._p.jieQi[name]; }, getChong: function() { return this.getDayChong(); }, getChongGan: function() { return this.getDayChongGan(); }, getChongGanTie: function() { return this.getDayChongGanTie(); }, getChongShengXiao: function() { return this.getDayChongShengXiao(); }, getChongDesc: function() { return this.getDayChongDesc(); }, getSha: function() { return this.getDaySha(); }, getDayChong: function() { return LunarUtil2.CHONG[this._p.dayZhiIndex]; }, getDayChongGan: function() { return LunarUtil2.CHONG_GAN[this._p.dayGanIndex]; }, getDayChongGanTie: function() { return LunarUtil2.CHONG_GAN_TIE[this._p.dayGanIndex]; }, getDayChongShengXiao: function() { var chong = this.getChong(); for (var i = 0, j = LunarUtil2.ZHI.length; i < j; i++) { if (LunarUtil2.ZHI[i] === chong) { return LunarUtil2.SHENGXIAO[i]; } } return ""; }, getDayChongDesc: function() { return "(" + this.getDayChongGan() + this.getDayChong() + ")" + this.getDayChongShengXiao(); }, getDaySha: function() { return LunarUtil2.SHA[this.getDayZhi()]; }, getTimeChong: function() { return LunarUtil2.CHONG[this._p.timeZhiIndex]; }, getTimeChongGan: function() { return LunarUtil2.CHONG_GAN[this._p.timeGanIndex]; }, getTimeChongGanTie: function() { return LunarUtil2.CHONG_GAN_TIE[this._p.timeGanIndex]; }, getTimeChongShengXiao: function() { var chong = this.getTimeChong(); for (var i = 0, j = LunarUtil2.ZHI.length; i < j; i++) { if (LunarUtil2.ZHI[i] === chong) { return LunarUtil2.SHENGXIAO[i]; } } return ""; }, getTimeChongDesc: function() { return "(" + this.getTimeChongGan() + this.getTimeChong() + ")" + this.getTimeChongShengXiao(); }, getTimeSha: function() { return LunarUtil2.SHA[this.getTimeZhi()]; }, getYearNaYin: function() { return LunarUtil2.NAYIN[this.getYearInGanZhi()]; }, getMonthNaYin: function() { return LunarUtil2.NAYIN[this.getMonthInGanZhi()]; }, getDayNaYin: function() { return LunarUtil2.NAYIN[this.getDayInGanZhi()]; }, getTimeNaYin: function() { return LunarUtil2.NAYIN[this.getTimeInGanZhi()]; }, getSeason: function() { return LunarUtil2.SEASON[Math.abs(this._p.month)]; }, _convertJieQi: function(name) { var jq = name; if ("DONG_ZHI" === jq) { jq = I18n2.getMessage("jq.dongZhi"); } else if ("DA_HAN" === jq) { jq = I18n2.getMessage("jq.daHan"); } else if ("XIAO_HAN" === jq) { jq = I18n2.getMessage("jq.xiaoHan"); } else if ("LI_CHUN" === jq) { jq = I18n2.getMessage("jq.liChun"); } else if ("DA_XUE" === jq) { jq = I18n2.getMessage("jq.daXue"); } else if ("YU_SHUI" === jq) { jq = I18n2.getMessage("jq.yuShui"); } else if ("JING_ZHE" === jq) { jq = I18n2.getMessage("jq.jingZhe"); } return jq; }, getJie: function() { for (var i = 0, j = LunarUtil2.JIE_QI_IN_USE.length; i < j; i += 2) { var key = LunarUtil2.JIE_QI_IN_USE[i]; var d = this._getJieQiSolar(key); if (d.getYear() === this._p.solar.getYear() && d.getMonth() === this._p.solar.getMonth() && d.getDay() === this._p.solar.getDay()) { return this._convertJieQi(key); } } return ""; }, getQi: function() { for (var i = 1, j = LunarUtil2.JIE_QI_IN_USE.length; i < j; i += 2) { var key = LunarUtil2.JIE_QI_IN_USE[i]; var d = this._getJieQiSolar(key); if (d.getYear() === this._p.solar.getYear() && d.getMonth() === this._p.solar.getMonth() && d.getDay() === this._p.solar.getDay()) { return this._convertJieQi(key); } } return ""; }, getJieQi: function() { for (var key in this._p.jieQi) { var d = this._getJieQiSolar(key); if (d.getYear() === this._p.solar.getYear() && d.getMonth() === this._p.solar.getMonth() && d.getDay() === this._p.solar.getDay()) { return this._convertJieQi(key); } } return ""; }, getWeek: function() { return this._p.weekIndex; }, getWeekInChinese: function() { return SolarUtil2.WEEK[this.getWeek()]; }, getXiu: function() { return LunarUtil2.XIU[this.getDayZhi() + this.getWeek()]; }, getXiuLuck: function() { return LunarUtil2.XIU_LUCK[this.getXiu()]; }, getXiuSong: function() { return LunarUtil2.XIU_SONG[this.getXiu()]; }, getZheng: function() { return LunarUtil2.ZHENG[this.getXiu()]; }, getAnimal: function() { return LunarUtil2.ANIMAL[this.getXiu()]; }, getGong: function() { return LunarUtil2.GONG[this.getXiu()]; }, getShou: function() { return LunarUtil2.SHOU[this.getGong()]; }, getFestivals: function() { var l = []; var f = LunarUtil2.FESTIVAL[this._p.month + "-" + this._p.day]; if (f) { l.push(f); } if (Math.abs(this._p.month) === 12 && this._p.day >= 29 && this._p.year !== this.next(1).getYear()) { l.push(I18n2.getMessage("jr.chuXi")); } return l; }, getOtherFestivals: function() { var l = []; var fs = LunarUtil2.OTHER_FESTIVAL[this._p.month + "-" + this._p.day]; if (fs) { l = l.concat(fs); } var solarYmd = this._p.solar.toYmd(); if (this._p.solar.toYmd() === this._getJieQiSolar(I18n2.getMessage("jq.qingMing")).next(-1).toYmd()) { l.push("寒食节"); } var jq = this._getJieQiSolar(I18n2.getMessage("jq.liChun")); var offset = 4 - jq.getLunar().getDayGanIndex(); if (offset < 0) { offset += 10; } if (solarYmd === jq.next(offset + 40).toYmd()) { l.push("春社"); } jq = this._getJieQiSolar(I18n2.getMessage("jq.liQiu")); offset = 4 - jq.getLunar().getDayGanIndex(); if (offset < 0) { offset += 10; } if (solarYmd === jq.next(offset + 40).toYmd()) { l.push("秋社"); } return l; }, getBaZi: function() { var bz = this.getEightChar(); var l = []; l.push(bz.getYear()); l.push(bz.getMonth()); l.push(bz.getDay()); l.push(bz.getTime()); return l; }, getBaZiWuXing: function() { var bz = this.getEightChar(); var l = []; l.push(bz.getYearWuXing()); l.push(bz.getMonthWuXing()); l.push(bz.getDayWuXing()); l.push(bz.getTimeWuXing()); return l; }, getBaZiNaYin: function() { var bz = this.getEightChar(); var l = []; l.push(bz.getYearNaYin()); l.push(bz.getMonthNaYin()); l.push(bz.getDayNaYin()); l.push(bz.getTimeNaYin()); return l; }, getBaZiShiShenGan: function() { var bz = this.getEightChar(); var l = []; l.push(bz.getYearShiShenGan()); l.push(bz.getMonthShiShenGan()); l.push(bz.getDayShiShenGan()); l.push(bz.getTimeShiShenGan()); return l; }, getBaZiShiShenZhi: function() { var bz = this.getEightChar(); var l = []; l.push(bz.getYearShiShenZhi()[0]); l.push(bz.getMonthShiShenZhi()[0]); l.push(bz.getDayShiShenZhi()[0]); l.push(bz.getTimeShiShenZhi()[0]); return l; }, getBaZiShiShenYearZhi: function() { return this.getEightChar().getYearShiShenZhi(); }, getBaZiShiShenMonthZhi: function() { return this.getEightChar().getMonthShiShenZhi(); }, getBaZiShiShenDayZhi: function() { return this.getEightChar().getDayShiShenZhi(); }, getBaZiShiShenTimeZhi: function() { return this.getEightChar().getTimeShiShenZhi(); }, getZhiXing: function() { var offset = this._p.dayZhiIndex - this._p.monthZhiIndex; if (offset < 0) { offset += 12; } return LunarUtil2.ZHI_XING[offset + 1]; }, getDayTianShen: function() { var monthZhi = this.getMonthZhi(); var offset = LunarUtil2.ZHI_TIAN_SHEN_OFFSET[monthZhi]; return LunarUtil2.TIAN_SHEN[(this._p.dayZhiIndex + offset) % 12 + 1]; }, getTimeTianShen: function() { var dayZhi = this.getDayZhiExact(); var offset = LunarUtil2.ZHI_TIAN_SHEN_OFFSET[dayZhi]; return LunarUtil2.TIAN_SHEN[(this._p.timeZhiIndex + offset) % 12 + 1]; }, getDayTianShenType: function() { return LunarUtil2.TIAN_SHEN_TYPE[this.getDayTianShen()]; }, getTimeTianShenType: function() { return LunarUtil2.TIAN_SHEN_TYPE[this.getTimeTianShen()]; }, getDayTianShenLuck: function() { return LunarUtil2.TIAN_SHEN_TYPE_LUCK[this.getDayTianShenType()]; }, getTimeTianShenLuck: function() { return LunarUtil2.TIAN_SHEN_TYPE_LUCK[this.getTimeTianShenType()]; }, getDayPositionTai: function() { return LunarUtil2.POSITION_TAI_DAY[LunarUtil2.getJiaZiIndex(this.getDayInGanZhi())]; }, getMonthPositionTai: function() { var m = this._p.month; if (m < 0) { return ""; } return LunarUtil2.POSITION_TAI_MONTH[m - 1]; }, getDayYi: function(sect) { sect *= 1; if (isNaN(sect)) { sect = 2; } return LunarUtil2.getDayYi(2 === sect ? this.getMonthInGanZhiExact() : this.getMonthInGanZhi(), this.getDayInGanZhi()); }, getDayJi: function(sect) { sect *= 1; if (isNaN(sect)) { sect = 2; } return LunarUtil2.getDayJi(2 === sect ? this.getMonthInGanZhiExact() : this.getMonthInGanZhi(), this.getDayInGanZhi()); }, getDayJiShen: function() { return LunarUtil2.getDayJiShen(this.getMonth(), this.getDayInGanZhi()); }, getDayXiongSha: function() { return LunarUtil2.getDayXiongSha(this.getMonth(), this.getDayInGanZhi()); }, getTimeYi: function() { return LunarUtil2.getTimeYi(this.getDayInGanZhiExact(), this.getTimeInGanZhi()); }, getTimeJi: function() { return LunarUtil2.getTimeJi(this.getDayInGanZhiExact(), this.getTimeInGanZhi()); }, getYueXiang: function() { return LunarUtil2.YUE_XIANG[this._p.day]; }, _getYearNineStar: function(yearInGanZhi) { var indexExact = LunarUtil2.getJiaZiIndex(yearInGanZhi) + 1; var index = LunarUtil2.getJiaZiIndex(this.getYearInGanZhi()) + 1; var yearOffset = indexExact - index; if (yearOffset > 1) { yearOffset -= 60; } else if (yearOffset < -1) { yearOffset += 60; } var yuan = Math.floor((this._p.year + yearOffset + 2696) / 60) % 3; var offset = (62 + yuan * 3 - indexExact) % 9; if (0 === offset) { offset = 9; } return NineStar2.fromIndex(offset - 1); }, getYearNineStar: function(sect) { var yearInGanZhi; switch (sect) { case 1: yearInGanZhi = this.getYearInGanZhi(); break; case 3: yearInGanZhi = this.getYearInGanZhiExact(); break; default: yearInGanZhi = this.getYearInGanZhiByLiChun(); } return this._getYearNineStar(yearInGanZhi); }, getMonthNineStar: function(sect) { var yearZhiIndex; var monthZhiIndex; switch (sect) { case 1: yearZhiIndex = this._p.yearZhiIndex; monthZhiIndex = this._p.monthZhiIndex; break; case 3: yearZhiIndex = this._p.yearZhiIndexExact; monthZhiIndex = this._p.monthZhiIndexExact; break; default: yearZhiIndex = this._p.yearZhiIndexByLiChun; monthZhiIndex = this._p.monthZhiIndex; } var n = 27 - yearZhiIndex % 3 * 3; if (monthZhiIndex < LunarUtil2.BASE_MONTH_ZHI_INDEX) { n -= 3; } return NineStar2.fromIndex((n - monthZhiIndex) % 9); }, getDayNineStar: function() { var solarYmd = this._p.solar.toYmd(); var dongZhi = this._getJieQiSolar(I18n2.getMessage("jq.dongZhi")); var dongZhi2 = this._getJieQiSolar("DONG_ZHI"); var xiaZhi = this._getJieQiSolar(I18n2.getMessage("jq.xiaZhi")); var dongZhiIndex = LunarUtil2.getJiaZiIndex(dongZhi.getLunar().getDayInGanZhi()); var dongZhiIndex2 = LunarUtil2.getJiaZiIndex(dongZhi2.getLunar().getDayInGanZhi()); var xiaZhiIndex = LunarUtil2.getJiaZiIndex(xiaZhi.getLunar().getDayInGanZhi()); var solarShunBai; var solarShunBai2; var solarNiZi; if (dongZhiIndex > 29) { solarShunBai = dongZhi.next(60 - dongZhiIndex); } else { solarShunBai = dongZhi.next(-dongZhiIndex); } var solarShunBaiYmd = solarShunBai.toYmd(); if (dongZhiIndex2 > 29) { solarShunBai2 = dongZhi2.next(60 - dongZhiIndex2); } else { solarShunBai2 = dongZhi2.next(-dongZhiIndex2); } var solarShunBaiYmd2 = solarShunBai2.toYmd(); if (xiaZhiIndex > 29) { solarNiZi = xiaZhi.next(60 - xiaZhiIndex); } else { solarNiZi = xiaZhi.next(-xiaZhiIndex); } var solarNiZiYmd = solarNiZi.toYmd(); var offset = 0; if (solarYmd >= solarShunBaiYmd && solarYmd < solarNiZiYmd) { offset = this._p.solar.subtract(solarShunBai) % 9; } else if (solarYmd >= solarNiZiYmd && solarYmd < solarShunBaiYmd2) { offset = 8 - this._p.solar.subtract(solarNiZi) % 9; } else if (solarYmd >= solarShunBaiYmd2) { offset = this._p.solar.subtract(solarShunBai2) % 9; } else if (solarYmd < solarShunBaiYmd) { offset = (8 + solarShunBai.subtract(this._p.solar)) % 9; } return NineStar2.fromIndex(offset); }, getTimeNineStar: function() { var solarYmd = this._p.solar.toYmd(); var asc = false; if (solarYmd >= this._getJieQiSolar(I18n2.getMessage("jq.dongZhi")).toYmd() && solarYmd < this._getJieQiSolar(I18n2.getMessage("jq.xiaZhi")).toYmd() || solarYmd >= this._getJieQiSolar("DONG_ZHI").toYmd()) { asc = true; } var offset = asc ? [0, 3, 6] : [8, 5, 2]; var start = offset[this.getDayZhiIndex() % 3]; var timeZhiIndex = this.getTimeZhiIndex(); var index = asc ? start + timeZhiIndex : start + 9 - timeZhiIndex; return NineStar2.fromIndex(index % 9); }, getSolar: function() { return this._p.solar; }, getJieQiTable: function() { this._checkLang(); return this._p.jieQi; }, getJieQiList: function() { return this._p.jieQiList; }, getNextJie: function(wholeDay) { var conditions = []; for (var i = 0, j = LunarUtil2.JIE_QI_IN_USE.length / 2; i < j; i++) { conditions.push(LunarUtil2.JIE_QI_IN_USE[i * 2]); } return this._getNearJieQi(true, conditions, wholeDay); }, getPrevJie: function(wholeDay) { var conditions = []; for (var i = 0, j = LunarUtil2.JIE_QI_IN_USE.length / 2; i < j; i++) { conditions.push(LunarUtil2.JIE_QI_IN_USE[i * 2]); } return this._getNearJieQi(false, conditions, wholeDay); }, getNextQi: function(wholeDay) { var conditions = []; for (var i = 0, j = LunarUtil2.JIE_QI_IN_USE.length / 2; i < j; i++) { conditions.push(LunarUtil2.JIE_QI_IN_USE[i * 2 + 1]); } return this._getNearJieQi(true, conditions, wholeDay); }, getPrevQi: function(wholeDay) { var conditions = []; for (var i = 0, j = LunarUtil2.JIE_QI_IN_USE.length / 2; i < j; i++) { conditions.push(LunarUtil2.JIE_QI_IN_USE[i * 2 + 1]); } return this._getNearJieQi(false, conditions, wholeDay); }, getNextJieQi: function(wholeDay) { return this._getNearJieQi(true, null, wholeDay); }, getPrevJieQi: function(wholeDay) { return this._getNearJieQi(false, null, wholeDay); }, _buildJieQi: function(name, solar2) { var jie = false; var qi = false; for (var i = 0, j = LunarUtil2.JIE_QI.length; i < j; i++) { if (LunarUtil2.JIE_QI[i] === name) { if (i % 2 === 0) { qi = true; } else { jie = true; } break; } } return { _p: { name, solar: solar2, jie, qi }, getName: function() { return this._p.name; }, getSolar: function() { return this._p.solar; }, setName: function(name2) { this._p.name = name2; }, setSolar: function(solar3) { this._p.solar = solar3; }, isJie: function() { return this._p.jie; }, isQi: function() { return this._p.qi; }, toString: function() { return this.getName(); } }; }, _getNearJieQi: function(forward, conditions, wholeDay) { var name = null; var near = null; var filters = {}; var filter = false; if (null != conditions) { for (var i = 0, j = conditions.length; i < j; i++) { filters[conditions[i]] = true; filter = true; } } var today = this._p.solar[wholeDay ? "toYmd" : "toYmdHms"](); for (var key in this._p.jieQi) { var jq = this._convertJieQi(key); if (filter) { if (!filters[jq]) { continue; } } var solar2 = this._getJieQiSolar(key); var day2 = solar2[wholeDay ? "toYmd" : "toYmdHms"](); if (forward) { if (day2 <= today) { continue; } if (null == near || day2 < near[wholeDay ? "toYmd" : "toYmdHms"]()) { name = jq; near = solar2; } } else { if (day2 > today) { continue; } if (null == near || day2 > near[wholeDay ? "toYmd" : "toYmdHms"]()) { name = jq; near = solar2; } } } if (null == near) { return null; } return this._buildJieQi(name, near); }, getCurrentJieQi: function() { for (var key in this._p.jieQi) { var d = this._getJieQiSolar(key); if (d.getYear() === this._p.solar.getYear() && d.getMonth() === this._p.solar.getMonth() && d.getDay() === this._p.solar.getDay()) { return this._buildJieQi(this._convertJieQi(key), d); } } return null; }, getCurrentJie: function() { for (var i = 0, j = LunarUtil2.JIE_QI_IN_USE.length; i < j; i += 2) { var key = LunarUtil2.JIE_QI_IN_USE[i]; var d = this._getJieQiSolar(key); if (d.getYear() === this._p.solar.getYear() && d.getMonth() === this._p.solar.getMonth() && d.getDay() === this._p.solar.getDay()) { return this._buildJieQi(this._convertJieQi(key), d); } } return null; }, getCurrentQi: function() { for (var i = 1, j = LunarUtil2.JIE_QI_IN_USE.length; i < j; i += 2) { var key = LunarUtil2.JIE_QI_IN_USE[i]; var d = this._getJieQiSolar(key); if (d.getYear() === this._p.solar.getYear() && d.getMonth() === this._p.solar.getMonth() && d.getDay() === this._p.solar.getDay()) { return this._buildJieQi(this._convertJieQi(key), d); } } return null; }, getEightChar: function() { if (!this._p.eightChar) { this._p.eightChar = EightChar2.fromLunar(this); } return this._p.eightChar; }, next: function(days) { return this._p.solar.next(days).getLunar(); }, getYearXun: function() { return LunarUtil2.getXun(this.getYearInGanZhi()); }, getMonthXun: function() { return LunarUtil2.getXun(this.getMonthInGanZhi()); }, getDayXun: function() { return LunarUtil2.getXun(this.getDayInGanZhi()); }, getTimeXun: function() { return LunarUtil2.getXun(this.getTimeInGanZhi()); }, getYearXunByLiChun: function() { return LunarUtil2.getXun(this.getYearInGanZhiByLiChun()); }, getYearXunExact: function() { return LunarUtil2.getXun(this.getYearInGanZhiExact()); }, getMonthXunExact: function() { return LunarUtil2.getXun(this.getMonthInGanZhiExact()); }, getDayXunExact: function() { return LunarUtil2.getXun(this.getDayInGanZhiExact()); }, getDayXunExact2: function() { return LunarUtil2.getXun(this.getDayInGanZhiExact2()); }, getYearXunKong: function() { return LunarUtil2.getXunKong(this.getYearInGanZhi()); }, getMonthXunKong: function() { return LunarUtil2.getXunKong(this.getMonthInGanZhi()); }, getDayXunKong: function() { return LunarUtil2.getXunKong(this.getDayInGanZhi()); }, getTimeXunKong: function() { return LunarUtil2.getXunKong(this.getTimeInGanZhi()); }, getYearXunKongByLiChun: function() { return LunarUtil2.getXunKong(this.getYearInGanZhiByLiChun()); }, getYearXunKongExact: function() { return LunarUtil2.getXunKong(this.getYearInGanZhiExact()); }, getMonthXunKongExact: function() { return LunarUtil2.getXunKong(this.getMonthInGanZhiExact()); }, getDayXunKongExact: function() { return LunarUtil2.getXunKong(this.getDayInGanZhiExact()); }, getDayXunKongExact2: function() { return LunarUtil2.getXunKong(this.getDayInGanZhiExact2()); }, toString: function() { return this.getYearInChinese() + "年" + this.getMonthInChinese() + "月" + this.getDayInChinese(); }, toFullString: function() { var s = this.toString(); s += " " + this.getYearInGanZhi() + "(" + this.getYearShengXiao() + ")年"; s += " " + this.getMonthInGanZhi() + "(" + this.getMonthShengXiao() + ")月"; s += " " + this.getDayInGanZhi() + "(" + this.getDayShengXiao() + ")日"; s += " " + this.getTimeZhi() + "(" + this.getTimeShengXiao() + ")时"; s += " 纳音[" + this.getYearNaYin() + " " + this.getMonthNaYin() + " " + this.getDayNaYin() + " " + this.getTimeNaYin() + "]"; s += " 星期" + this.getWeekInChinese(); var festivals = this.getFestivals(); var i; var j; for (i = 0, j = festivals.length; i < j; i++) { s += " (" + festivals[i] + ")"; } festivals = this.getOtherFestivals(); for (i = 0, j = festivals.length; i < j; i++) { s += " (" + festivals[i] + ")"; } var jq = this.getJieQi(); if (jq.length > 0) { s += " [" + jq + "]"; } s += " " + this.getGong() + "方" + this.getShou(); s += " 星宿[" + this.getXiu() + this.getZheng() + this.getAnimal() + "](" + this.getXiuLuck() + ")"; s += " 彭祖百忌[" + this.getPengZuGan() + " " + this.getPengZuZhi() + "]"; s += " 喜神方位[" + this.getDayPositionXi() + "](" + this.getDayPositionXiDesc() + ")"; s += " 阳贵神方位[" + this.getDayPositionYangGui() + "](" + this.getDayPositionYangGuiDesc() + ")"; s += " 阴贵神方位[" + this.getDayPositionYinGui() + "](" + this.getDayPositionYinGuiDesc() + ")"; s += " 福神方位[" + this.getDayPositionFu() + "](" + this.getDayPositionFuDesc() + ")"; s += " 财神方位[" + this.getDayPositionCai() + "](" + this.getDayPositionCaiDesc() + ")"; s += " 冲[" + this.getDayChongDesc() + "]"; s += " 煞[" + this.getDaySha() + "]"; return s; }, _buildNameAndIndex: function(name, index) { return { _p: { name, index }, getName: function() { return this._p.name; }, setName: function(name2) { this._p.name = name2; }, getIndex: function() { return this._p.index; }, setIndex: function(index2) { this._p.index = index2; }, toString: function() { return this.getName(); }, toFullString: function() { return this.getName() + "第" + this.getIndex() + "天"; } }; }, getShuJiu: function() { var currentDay = Solar2.fromYmd(this._p.solar.getYear(), this._p.solar.getMonth(), this._p.solar.getDay()); var start = this._getJieQiSolar("DONG_ZHI"); var startDay = Solar2.fromYmd(start.getYear(), start.getMonth(), start.getDay()); if (currentDay.isBefore(startDay)) { start = this._getJieQiSolar(I18n2.getMessage("jq.dongZhi")); startDay = Solar2.fromYmd(start.getYear(), start.getMonth(), start.getDay()); } var endDay = Solar2.fromYmd(start.getYear(), start.getMonth(), start.getDay()).next(81); if (currentDay.isBefore(startDay) || !currentDay.isBefore(endDay)) { return null; } var days = currentDay.subtract(startDay); return this._buildNameAndIndex(LunarUtil2.NUMBER[Math.floor(days / 9) + 1] + "九", days % 9 + 1); }, getFu: function() { var currentDay = Solar2.fromYmd(this._p.solar.getYear(), this._p.solar.getMonth(), this._p.solar.getDay()); var xiaZhi = this._getJieQiSolar(I18n2.getMessage("jq.xiaZhi")); var liQiu = this._getJieQiSolar(I18n2.getMessage("jq.liQiu")); var startDay = Solar2.fromYmd(xiaZhi.getYear(), xiaZhi.getMonth(), xiaZhi.getDay()); var add = 6 - xiaZhi.getLunar().getDayGanIndex(); if (add < 0) { add += 10; } add += 20; startDay = startDay.next(add); if (currentDay.isBefore(startDay)) { return null; } var days = currentDay.subtract(startDay); if (days < 10) { return this._buildNameAndIndex("初伏", days + 1); } startDay = startDay.next(10); days = currentDay.subtract(startDay); if (days < 10) { return this._buildNameAndIndex("中伏", days + 1); } startDay = startDay.next(10); var liQiuDay = Solar2.fromYmd(liQiu.getYear(), liQiu.getMonth(), liQiu.getDay()); days = currentDay.subtract(startDay); if (liQiuDay.isAfter(startDay)) { if (days < 10) { return this._buildNameAndIndex("中伏", days + 11); } startDay = startDay.next(10); days = currentDay.subtract(startDay); } if (days < 10) { return this._buildNameAndIndex("末伏", days + 1); } return null; }, getLiuYao: function() { return LunarUtil2.LIU_YAO[(Math.abs(this._p.month) + this._p.day - 2) % 6]; }, getWuHou: function() { var jieQi = this.getPrevJieQi(true); var jq = LunarUtil2.find(jieQi.getName(), LunarUtil2.JIE_QI); var current = Solar2.fromYmd(this._p.solar.getYear(), this._p.solar.getMonth(), this._p.solar.getDay()); var startSolar = jieQi.getSolar(); var start = Solar2.fromYmd(startSolar.getYear(), startSolar.getMonth(), startSolar.getDay()); var index = Math.floor(current.subtract(start) / 5); if (index > 2) { index = 2; } return LunarUtil2.WU_HOU[(jq.index * 3 + index) % LunarUtil2.WU_HOU.length]; }, getHou: function() { var jieQi = this.getPrevJieQi(true); var days = this._p.solar.subtract(jieQi.getSolar()); var max = LunarUtil2.HOU.length - 1; var offset = Math.floor(days / 5); if (offset > max) { offset = max; } return jieQi.getName() + " " + LunarUtil2.HOU[offset]; }, getDayLu: function() { var gan = LunarUtil2.LU[this.getDayGan()]; var zhi = LunarUtil2.LU[this.getDayZhi()]; var lu = gan + "命互禄"; if (zhi) { lu += " " + zhi + "命进禄"; } return lu; }, getTime: function() { return LunarTime2.fromYmdHms(this._p.year, this._p.month, this._p.day, this._p.hour, this._p.minute, this._p.second); }, getTimes: function() { var l = []; l.push(LunarTime2.fromYmdHms(this._p.year, this._p.month, this._p.day, 0, 0, 0)); for (var i = 0; i < 12; i++) { l.push(LunarTime2.fromYmdHms(this._p.year, this._p.month, this._p.day, (i + 1) * 2 - 1, 0, 0)); } return l; }, getFoto: function() { return Foto2.fromLunar(this); }, getTao: function() { return Tao2.fromLunar(this); } }; }; return { fromYmdHms: function(y, m, d, hour, minute, second) { return _fromYmdHms(y, m, d, hour, minute, second); }, fromYmd: function(y, m, d) { return _fromYmdHms(y, m, d, 0, 0, 0); }, fromSolar: function(solar) { return _fromSolar(solar); }, fromDate: function(date) { return _fromDate(date); } }; }(); var SolarWeek2 = /* @__PURE__ */ function() { var _fromDate = function(date, start) { var solar = Solar2.fromDate(date); return _fromYmd(solar.getYear(), solar.getMonth(), solar.getDay(), start); }; var _fromYmd = function(y, m, d, start) { var oy = y; var om = m; var od = d; y *= 1; if (isNaN(y)) { throw new Error("wrong solar year " + oy); } m *= 1; if (isNaN(m)) { throw new Error("wrong solar month " + om); } d *= 1; if (isNaN(d)) { throw new Error("wrong solar day " + od); } start *= 1; if (isNaN(start)) { start = 0; } return { _p: { year: y, month: m, day: d, start }, getYear: function() { return this._p.year; }, getMonth: function() { return this._p.month; }, getDay: function() { return this._p.day; }, getStart: function() { return this._p.start; }, /** * 获取当前日期是在当月第几周 * @return number 周序号,从1开始 */ getIndex: function() { var offset = Solar2.fromYmd(this._p.year, this._p.month, 1).getWeek() - this._p.start; if (offset < 0) { offset += 7; } return Math.ceil((this._p.day + offset) / 7); }, /** * 获取当前日期是在当年第几周 * @return number 周序号,从1开始 */ getIndexInYear: function() { var offset = Solar2.fromYmd(this._p.year, 1, 1).getWeek() - this._p.start; if (offset < 0) { offset += 7; } return Math.ceil((SolarUtil2.getDaysInYear(this._p.year, this._p.month, this._p.day) + offset) / 7); }, /** * 周推移 * @param weeks 推移的周数,负数为倒推 * @param separateMonth 是否按月单独计算 * @return object 推移后的阳历周 */ next: function(weeks, separateMonth) { var ow = weeks; weeks *= 1; if (isNaN(weeks)) { throw new Error("wrong weeks " + ow); } var start2 = this._p.start; if (0 === weeks) { return _fromYmd(this._p.year, this._p.month, this._p.day, start2); } var solar = Solar2.fromYmd(this._p.year, this._p.month, this._p.day); if (separateMonth) { var n = weeks; var week = _fromYmd(this._p.year, this._p.month, this._p.day, start2); var month = this._p.month; var plus = n > 0; while (0 !== n) { solar = solar.next(plus ? 7 : -7); week = _fromYmd(solar.getYear(), solar.getMonth(), solar.getDay(), start2); var weekMonth = week.getMonth(); if (month !== weekMonth) { var index = week.getIndex(); if (plus) { if (1 === index) { var firstDay = week.getFirstDay(); week = _fromYmd(firstDay.getYear(), firstDay.getMonth(), firstDay.getDay(), start2); weekMonth = week.getMonth(); } else { solar = Solar2.fromYmd(week.getYear(), week.getMonth(), 1); week = _fromYmd(solar.getYear(), solar.getMonth(), solar.getDay(), start2); } } else { var size2 = SolarUtil2.getWeeksOfMonth(week.getYear(), week.getMonth(), start2); if (size2 === index) { var lastDay = week.getFirstDay().next(6); week = _fromYmd(lastDay.getYear(), lastDay.getMonth(), lastDay.getDay(), start2); weekMonth = week.getMonth(); } else { solar = Solar2.fromYmd(week.getYear(), week.getMonth(), SolarUtil2.getDaysOfMonth(week.getYear(), week.getMonth())); week = _fromYmd(solar.getYear(), solar.getMonth(), solar.getDay(), start2); } } month = weekMonth; } n -= plus ? 1 : -1; } return week; } else { solar = solar.next(weeks * 7); return _fromYmd(solar.getYear(), solar.getMonth(), solar.getDay(), start2); } }, /** * 获取本周第一天的阳历日期(可能跨月) * @return object 本周第一天的阳历日期 */ getFirstDay: function() { var solar = Solar2.fromYmd(this._p.year, this._p.month, this._p.day); var prev = solar.getWeek() - this._p.start; if (prev < 0) { prev += 7; } return solar.next(-prev); }, /** * 获取本周第一天的阳历日期(仅限当月) * @return object 本周第一天的阳历日期 */ getFirstDayInMonth: function() { var index = 0; var days = this.getDays(); for (var i = 0; i < days.length; i++) { if (this._p.month === days[i].getMonth()) { index = i; break; } } return days[index]; }, /** * 获取本周的阳历日期列表(可能跨月) * @return Array 本周的阳历日期列表 */ getDays: function() { var firstDay = this.getFirstDay(); var l = []; l.push(firstDay); for (var i = 1; i < 7; i++) { l.push(firstDay.next(i)); } return l; }, /** * 获取本周的阳历日期列表(仅限当月) * @return Array 本周的阳历日期列表(仅限当月) */ getDaysInMonth: function() { var days = this.getDays(); var l = []; for (var i = 0; i < days.length; i++) { var day = days[i]; if (this._p.month !== day.getMonth()) { continue; } l.push(day); } return l; }, toString: function() { return this.getYear() + "." + this.getMonth() + "." + this.getIndex(); }, toFullString: function() { return this.getYear() + "年" + this.getMonth() + "月第" + this.getIndex() + "周"; } }; }; return { /** * 指定年月日生成当天所在的阳历周 * @param y 年份 * @param m 月份 * @param d 日期 * @param start 星期几作为一周的开始,1234560分别代表星期一至星期天 * @return object 阳历周 */ fromYmd: function(y, m, d, start) { return _fromYmd(y, m, d, start); }, /** * 指定日期生成当天所在的阳历周 * @param date 日期 * @param start 星期几作为一周的开始,1234560分别代表星期一至星期天 * @return object 阳历周 */ fromDate: function(date, start) { return _fromDate(date, start); } }; }(); var SolarMonth2 = /* @__PURE__ */ function() { var _fromDate = function(date) { var solar = Solar2.fromDate(date); return _fromYm(solar.getYear(), solar.getMonth()); }; var _fromYm = function(y, m) { var oy = y; var om = m; y *= 1; if (isNaN(y)) { throw new Error("wrong solar year " + oy); } m *= 1; if (isNaN(m)) { throw new Error("wrong solar month " + om); } return { _p: { year: y, month: m }, getYear: function() { return this._p.year; }, getMonth: function() { return this._p.month; }, next: function(months) { var om2 = months; months *= 1; if (isNaN(months)) { throw new Error("wrong months " + om2); } var n = months < 0 ? -1 : 1; var m2 = Math.abs(months); var y2 = this._p.year + Math.floor(m2 / 12) * n; m2 = this._p.month + m2 % 12 * n; if (m2 > 12) { m2 -= 12; y2++; } else if (m2 < 1) { m2 += 12; y2--; } return _fromYm(y2, m2); }, getDays: function() { var l = []; var d = Solar2.fromYmd(this._p.year, this._p.month, 1); l.push(d); var days = SolarUtil2.getDaysOfMonth(this._p.year, this._p.month); for (var i = 1; i < days; i++) { l.push(d.next(i)); } return l; }, getWeeks: function(start) { start *= 1; if (isNaN(start)) { start = 0; } var l = []; var week = SolarWeek2.fromYmd(this._p.year, this._p.month, 1, start); while (true) { l.push(week); week = week.next(1, false); var firstDay = week.getFirstDay(); if (firstDay.getYear() > this._p.year || firstDay.getMonth() > this._p.month) { break; } } return l; }, toString: function() { return this.getYear() + "-" + this.getMonth(); }, toFullString: function() { return this.getYear() + "年" + this.getMonth() + "月"; } }; }; return { fromYm: function(y, m) { return _fromYm(y, m); }, fromDate: function(date) { return _fromDate(date); } }; }(); var SolarSeason2 = /* @__PURE__ */ function() { var _fromDate = function(date) { var solar = Solar2.fromDate(date); return _fromYm(solar.getYear(), solar.getMonth()); }; var _fromYm = function(y, m) { var oy = y; var om = m; y *= 1; if (isNaN(y)) { throw new Error("wrong solar year " + oy); } m *= 1; if (isNaN(m)) { throw new Error("wrong solar month " + om); } return { _p: { year: y, month: m }, getYear: function() { return this._p.year; }, getMonth: function() { return this._p.month; }, /** * 获取当月是第几季度 * @return number 季度序号,从1开始 */ getIndex: function() { return Math.ceil(this._p.month / 3); }, /** * 季度推移 * @param seasons 推移的季度数,负数为倒推 * @return object 推移后的季度 */ next: function(seasons) { var os = seasons; seasons *= 1; if (isNaN(seasons)) { throw new Error("wrong seasons " + os); } var month = SolarMonth2.fromYm(this._p.year, this._p.month).next(3 * seasons); return _fromYm(month.getYear(), month.getMonth()); }, /** * 获取本季度的月份 * @return Array 本季度的月份列表 */ getMonths: function() { var l = []; var index = this.getIndex() - 1; for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { l.push(SolarMonth2.fromYm(this._p.year, 3 * index + i + 1)); } return l; }, toString: function() { return this.getYear() + "." + this.getIndex(); }, toFullString: function() { return this.getYear() + "年" + this.getIndex() + "季度"; } }; }; return { fromYm: function(y, m) { return _fromYm(y, m); }, fromDate: function(date) { return _fromDate(date); } }; }(); var SolarHalfYear2 = /* @__PURE__ */ function() { var _fromDate = function(date) { var solar = Solar2.fromDate(date); return _fromYm(solar.getYear(), solar.getMonth()); }; var _fromYm = function(y, m) { var oy = y; var om = m; y *= 1; if (isNaN(y)) { throw new Error("wrong solar year " + oy); } m *= 1; if (isNaN(m)) { throw new Error("wrong solar month " + om); } return { _p: { year: y, month: m }, getYear: function() { return this._p.year; }, getMonth: function() { return this._p.month; }, /** * 获取当月是第几半年 * @return number 半年序号,从1开始 */ getIndex: function() { return Math.ceil(this._p.month / 6); }, /** * 半年推移 * @param halfYears 推移的半年数,负数为倒推 * @return object 推移后的半年 */ next: function(halfYears) { var oh = halfYears; halfYears *= 1; if (isNaN(halfYears)) { throw new Error("wong halfYears " + oh); } var month = SolarMonth2.fromYm(this._p.year, this._p.month).next(6 * halfYears); return _fromYm(month.getYear(), month.getMonth()); }, /** * 获取本半年的月份 * @return Array 本半年的月份列表 */ getMonths: function() { var l = []; var index = this.getIndex() - 1; for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) { l.push(SolarMonth2.fromYm(this._p.year, 6 * index + i + 1)); } return l; }, toString: function() { return this.getYear() + "." + this.getIndex(); }, toFullString: function() { return this.getYear() + "年" + ["上", "下"][this.getIndex() - 1] + "半年"; } }; }; return { fromYm: function(y, m) { return _fromYm(y, m); }, fromDate: function(date) { return _fromDate(date); } }; }(); var SolarYear2 = /* @__PURE__ */ function() { var _fromDate = function(date) { return _fromYear(Solar2.fromDate(date).getYear()); }; var _fromYear = function(y) { var oy = y; y *= 1; if (isNaN(y)) { throw new Error("wrong solar year " + oy); } return { _p: { year: y }, getYear: function() { return this._p.year; }, next: function(years) { var oy2 = years; years *= 1; if (isNaN(years)) { throw new Error("wrong years " + oy2); } return _fromYear(this._p.year + years); }, getMonths: function() { var l = []; var m = SolarMonth2.fromYm(this._p.year, 1); l.push(m); for (var i = 1; i < 12; i++) { l.push(m.next(i)); } return l; }, toString: function() { return this.getYear() + ""; }, toFullString: function() { return this.getYear() + "年"; } }; }; return { fromYear: function(y) { return _fromYear(y); }, fromDate: function(date) { return _fromDate(date); } }; }(); var LunarYear2 = /* @__PURE__ */ function() { var _YUAN = ["下", "上", "中"]; var _YUN = ["七", "八", "九", "一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六"]; var _LEAP_11 = [75, 94, 170, 265, 322, 398, 469, 553, 583, 610, 678, 735, 754, 773, 849, 887, 936, 1050, 1069, 1126, 1145, 1164, 1183, 1259, 1278, 1308, 1373, 1403, 1441, 1460, 1498, 1555, 1593, 1612, 1631, 1642, 2033, 2128, 2147, 2242, 2614, 2728, 2910, 3062, 3244, 3339, 3616, 3711, 3730, 3825, 4007, 4159, 4197, 4322, 4341, 4379, 4417, 4531, 4599, 4694, 4713, 4789, 4808, 4971, 5085, 5104, 5161, 5180, 5199, 5294, 5305, 5476, 5677, 5696, 5772, 5791, 5848, 5886, 6049, 6068, 6144, 6163, 6258, 6402, 6440, 6497, 6516, 6630, 6641, 6660, 6679, 6736, 6774, 6850, 6869, 6899, 6918, 6994, 7013, 7032, 7051, 7070, 7089, 7108, 7127, 7146, 7222, 7271, 7290, 7309, 7366, 7385, 7404, 7442, 7461, 7480, 7491, 7499, 7594, 7624, 7643, 7662, 7681, 7719, 7738, 7814, 7863, 7882, 7901, 7939, 7958, 7977, 7996, 8034, 8053, 8072, 8091, 8121, 8159, 8186, 8216, 8235, 8254, 8273, 8311, 8330, 8341, 8349, 8368, 8444, 8463, 8474, 8493, 8531, 8569, 8588, 8626, 8664, 8683, 8694, 8702, 8713, 8721, 8751, 8789, 8808, 8816, 8827, 8846, 8884, 8903, 8922, 8941, 8971, 9036, 9066, 9085, 9104, 9123, 9142, 9161, 9180, 9199, 9218, 9256, 9294, 9313, 9324, 9343, 9362, 9381, 9419, 9438, 9476, 9514, 9533, 9544, 9552, 9563, 9571, 9582, 9601, 9639, 9658, 9666, 9677, 9696, 9734, 9753, 9772, 9791, 9802, 9821, 9886, 9897, 9916, 9935, 9954, 9973, 9992]; var _LEAP_12 = [37, 56, 113, 132, 151, 189, 208, 227, 246, 284, 303, 341, 360, 379, 417, 436, 458, 477, 496, 515, 534, 572, 591, 629, 648, 667, 697, 716, 792, 811, 830, 868, 906, 925, 944, 963, 982, 1001, 1020, 1039, 1058, 1088, 1153, 1202, 1221, 1240, 1297, 1335, 1392, 1411, 1422, 1430, 1517, 1525, 1536, 1574, 3358, 3472, 3806, 3988, 4751, 4941, 5066, 5123, 5275, 5343, 5438, 5457, 5495, 5533, 5552, 5715, 5810, 5829, 5905, 5924, 6421, 6535, 6793, 6812, 6888, 6907, 7002, 7184, 7260, 7279, 7374, 7556, 7746, 7757, 7776, 7833, 7852, 7871, 7966, 8015, 8110, 8129, 8148, 8224, 8243, 8338, 8406, 8425, 8482, 8501, 8520, 8558, 8596, 8607, 8615, 8645, 8740, 8778, 8835, 8865, 8930, 8960, 8979, 8998, 9017, 9055, 9074, 9093, 9112, 9150, 9188, 9237, 9275, 9332, 9351, 9370, 9408, 9427, 9446, 9457, 9465, 9495, 9560, 9590, 9628, 9647, 9685, 9715, 9742, 9780, 9810, 9818, 9829, 9848, 9867, 9905, 9924, 9943, 9962, 1e4]; var _CACHE_YEAR = null; var _YMC = [11, 12, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]; var _inLeap = function(arr, n) { for (var i = 0, j = arr.length; i < j; i++) { if (arr[i] === n) { return true; } } return false; }; var _fromYear = function(lunarYear) { var oy = lunarYear; lunarYear *= 1; if (isNaN(lunarYear)) { throw new Error("wrong lunar year " + oy); } var _y = function() { var offset = lunarYear - 4; var yearGanIndex = offset % 10; var yearZhiIndex = offset % 12; if (yearGanIndex < 0) { yearGanIndex += 10; } if (yearZhiIndex < 0) { yearZhiIndex += 12; } return { ganIndex: yearGanIndex, zhiIndex: yearZhiIndex }; }(); return { _p: { year: lunarYear, ganIndex: _y.ganIndex, zhiIndex: _y.zhiIndex, months: [], jieQiJulianDays: [] }, getYear: function() { return this._p.year; }, getGanIndex: function() { return this._p.ganIndex; }, getZhiIndex: function() { return this._p.zhiIndex; }, getGan: function() { return LunarUtil2.GAN[this._p.ganIndex + 1]; }, getZhi: function() { return LunarUtil2.ZHI[this._p.zhiIndex + 1]; }, getGanZhi: function() { return this.getGan() + this.getZhi(); }, getJieQiJulianDays: function() { return this._p.jieQiJulianDays; }, getDayCount: function() { var n = 0; for (var i = 0, j = this._p.months.length; i < j; i++) { var m = this._p.months[i]; if (m.getYear() === this._p.year) { n += m.getDayCount(); } } return n; }, getMonthsInYear: function() { var l = []; for (var i = 0, j = this._p.months.length; i < j; i++) { var m = this._p.months[i]; if (m.getYear() === this._p.year) { l.push(m); } } return l; }, getMonths: function() { return this._p.months; }, getMonth: function(lunarMonth) { var om = lunarMonth; lunarMonth *= 1; if (isNaN(lunarMonth)) { throw new Error("wrong lunarMonth " + om); } for (var i = 0, j = this._p.months.length; i < j; i++) { var m = this._p.months[i]; if (m.getYear() === this._p.year && m.getMonth() === lunarMonth) { return m; } } return null; }, getLeapMonth: function() { for (var i = 0, j = this._p.months.length; i < j; i++) { var m = this._p.months[i]; if (m.getYear() === this._p.year && m.isLeap()) { return Math.abs(m.getMonth()); } } return 0; }, _getZaoByGan: function(index, name) { var offset = index - Solar2.fromJulianDay(this.getMonth(1).getFirstJulianDay()).getLunar().getDayGanIndex(); if (offset < 0) { offset += 10; } return name.replace("几", LunarUtil2.NUMBER[offset + 1]); }, _getZaoByZhi: function(index, name) { var offset = index - Solar2.fromJulianDay(this.getMonth(1).getFirstJulianDay()).getLunar().getDayZhiIndex(); if (offset < 0) { offset += 12; } return name.replace("几", LunarUtil2.NUMBER[offset + 1]); }, getTouLiang: function() { return this._getZaoByZhi(0, "几鼠偷粮"); }, getCaoZi: function() { return this._getZaoByZhi(0, "草子几分"); }, getGengTian: function() { return this._getZaoByZhi(1, "几牛耕田"); }, getHuaShou: function() { return this._getZaoByZhi(3, "花收几分"); }, getZhiShui: function() { return this._getZaoByZhi(4, "几龙治水"); }, getTuoGu: function() { return this._getZaoByZhi(6, "几马驮谷"); }, getQiangMi: function() { return this._getZaoByZhi(9, "几鸡抢米"); }, getKanCan: function() { return this._getZaoByZhi(9, "几姑看蚕"); }, getGongZhu: function() { return this._getZaoByZhi(11, "几屠共猪"); }, getJiaTian: function() { return this._getZaoByGan(0, "甲田几分"); }, getFenBing: function() { return this._getZaoByGan(2, "几人分饼"); }, getDeJin: function() { return this._getZaoByGan(7, "几日得金"); }, getRenBing: function() { return this._getZaoByGan(2, this._getZaoByZhi(2, "几人几丙")); }, getRenChu: function() { return this._getZaoByGan(3, this._getZaoByZhi(2, "几人几锄")); }, getYuan: function() { return _YUAN[Math.floor((this._p.year + 2696) / 60) % 3] + "元"; }, getYun: function() { return _YUN[Math.floor((this._p.year + 2696) / 20) % 9] + "运"; }, getNineStar: function() { var index = LunarUtil2.getJiaZiIndex(this.getGanZhi()) + 1; var yuan = Math.floor((this._p.year + 2696) / 60) % 3; var offset = (62 + yuan * 3 - index) % 9; if (0 === offset) { offset = 9; } return NineStar2.fromIndex(offset - 1); }, getPositionXi: function() { return LunarUtil2.POSITION_XI[this._p.ganIndex + 1]; }, getPositionXiDesc: function() { return LunarUtil2.POSITION_DESC[this.getPositionXi()]; }, getPositionYangGui: function() { return LunarUtil2.POSITION_YANG_GUI[this._p.ganIndex + 1]; }, getPositionYangGuiDesc: function() { return LunarUtil2.POSITION_DESC[this.getPositionYangGui()]; }, getPositionYinGui: function() { return LunarUtil2.POSITION_YIN_GUI[this._p.ganIndex + 1]; }, getPositionYinGuiDesc: function() { return LunarUtil2.POSITION_DESC[this.getPositionYinGui()]; }, getPositionFu: function(sect) { return (1 === sect ? LunarUtil2.POSITION_FU : LunarUtil2.POSITION_FU_2)[this._p.ganIndex + 1]; }, getPositionFuDesc: function(sect) { return LunarUtil2.POSITION_DESC[this.getPositionFu(sect)]; }, getPositionCai: function() { return LunarUtil2.POSITION_CAI[this._p.ganIndex + 1]; }, getPositionCaiDesc: function() { return LunarUtil2.POSITION_DESC[this.getPositionCai()]; }, getPositionTaiSui: function() { return LunarUtil2.POSITION_TAI_SUI_YEAR[this._p.zhiIndex]; }, getPositionTaiSuiDesc: function() { return LunarUtil2.POSITION_DESC[this.getPositionTaiSui()]; }, toString: function() { return this.getYear() + ""; }, toFullString: function() { return this.getYear() + "年"; }, next: function(years) { var oy2 = years; years *= 1; if (isNaN(years)) { throw new Error("wrong years " + oy2); } return LunarYear2.fromYear(this._p.year + years); }, _compute: function() { this._p.months = []; this._p.jieQiJulianDays = []; var jq = []; var hs = []; var dayCounts = []; var months = []; var i; var j; var currentYear = this._p.year; var jd = Math.floor((currentYear - 2e3) * 365.2422 + 180); var w = Math.floor((jd - 355 + 183) / 365.2422) * 365.2422 + 355; if (ShouXingUtil2.calcQi(w) > jd) { w -= 365.2422; } for (i = 0; i < 26; i++) { jq.push(ShouXingUtil2.calcQi(w + 15.2184 * i)); } for (i = 0, j = LunarUtil2.JIE_QI_IN_USE.length; i < j; i++) { if (i === 0) { jd = ShouXingUtil2.qiAccurate2(jq[0] - 15.2184); } else if (i <= 26) { jd = ShouXingUtil2.qiAccurate2(jq[i - 1]); } else { jd = ShouXingUtil2.qiAccurate2(jq[25] + 15.2184 * (i - 26)); } this._p.jieQiJulianDays.push(jd + Solar2.J2000); } w = ShouXingUtil2.calcShuo(jq[0]); if (w > jq[0]) { w -= 29.53; } for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { hs.push(ShouXingUtil2.calcShuo(w + 29.5306 * i)); } for (i = 0; i < 15; i++) { dayCounts.push(Math.floor(hs[i + 1] - hs[i])); months.push(i); } var prevYear = currentYear - 1; var leapIndex = 16; if (_inLeap(_LEAP_11, currentYear)) { leapIndex = 13; } else if (_inLeap(_LEAP_12, currentYear)) { leapIndex = 14; } else if (hs[13] <= jq[24]) { i = 1; while (hs[i + 1] > jq[2 * i] && i < 13) { i++; } leapIndex = i; } for (j = leapIndex; j < 15; j++) { months[j] -= 1; } var fm = -1; var index = -1; var y = prevYear; for (i = 0; i < 15; i++) { var dm = hs[i] + Solar2.J2000; var v2 = months[i]; var mc = _YMC[v2 % 12]; if (1724360 <= dm && dm < 1729794) { mc = _YMC[(v2 + 1) % 12]; } else if (1807724 <= dm && dm < 1808699) { mc = _YMC[(v2 + 1) % 12]; } else if (dm === 1729794 || dm === 1808699) { mc = 12; } if (fm === -1) { fm = mc; index = mc; } if (mc < fm) { y += 1; index = 1; } fm = mc; if (i === leapIndex) { mc = -mc; } else if (dm === 1729794 || dm === 1808699) { mc = -11; } this._p.months.push(LunarMonth2._(y, mc, dayCounts[i], hs[i] + Solar2.J2000, index)); index++; } return this; } }._compute(); }; var _fromCachedYear = function(lunarYear) { var y; if (!_CACHE_YEAR || _CACHE_YEAR.getYear() !== lunarYear) { y = _fromYear(lunarYear); _CACHE_YEAR = y; } else { y = _CACHE_YEAR; } return y; }; return { fromYear: function(lunarYear) { return _fromCachedYear(lunarYear); } }; }(); var LunarMonth2 = /* @__PURE__ */ function() { var _fromYm = function(lunarYear, lunarMonth) { var oy = lunarYear; var om = lunarMonth; lunarYear *= 1; if (isNaN(lunarYear)) { throw new Error("wrong lunar year " + oy); } lunarMonth *= 1; if (isNaN(lunarMonth)) { throw new Error("wrong lunar month " + om); } return LunarYear2.fromYear(lunarYear).getMonth(lunarMonth); }; var _new = function(lunarYear, lunarMonth, dayCount, firstJulianDay, index) { return { _p: { year: lunarYear, month: lunarMonth, dayCount, firstJulianDay, index, zhiIndex: (index - 1 + LunarUtil2.BASE_MONTH_ZHI_INDEX) % 12 }, getIndex: function() { return this._p.index; }, getGanIndex: function() { var offset = (LunarYear2.fromYear(this._p.year).getGanIndex() + 1) % 5 * 2; return (this._p.index - 1 + offset) % 10; }, getZhiIndex: function() { return this._p.zhiIndex; }, getGan: function() { return LunarUtil2.GAN[this.getGanIndex() + 1]; }, getZhi: function() { return LunarUtil2.ZHI[this._p.zhiIndex + 1]; }, getGanZhi: function() { return this.getGan() + this.getZhi(); }, getYear: function() { return this._p.year; }, getMonth: function() { return this._p.month; }, getDayCount: function() { return this._p.dayCount; }, getFirstJulianDay: function() { return this._p.firstJulianDay; }, isLeap: function() { return this._p.month < 0; }, getPositionXi: function() { return LunarUtil2.POSITION_XI[this.getGanIndex() + 1]; }, getPositionXiDesc: function() { return LunarUtil2.POSITION_DESC.get(this.getPositionXi()); }, getPositionYangGui: function() { return LunarUtil2.POSITION_YANG_GUI[this.getGanIndex() + 1]; }, getPositionYangGuiDesc: function() { return LunarUtil2.POSITION_DESC.get(this.getPositionYangGui()); }, getPositionYinGui: function() { return LunarUtil2.POSITION_YIN_GUI[this.getGanIndex() + 1]; }, getPositionYinGuiDesc: function() { return LunarUtil2.POSITION_DESC.get(this.getPositionYinGui()); }, getPositionFu: function(sect) { return (1 === sect ? LunarUtil2.POSITION_FU : LunarUtil2.POSITION_FU_2)[this.getGanIndex() + 1]; }, getPositionFuDesc: function(sect) { return LunarUtil2.POSITION_DESC.get(this.getPositionFu(sect)); }, getPositionCai: function() { return LunarUtil2.POSITION_CAI[this.getGanIndex() + 1]; }, getPositionCaiDesc: function() { return LunarUtil2.POSITION_DESC.get(this.getPositionCai()); }, getPositionTaiSui: function() { var p2; var m = Math.abs(this._p.month); switch (m) { case 1: case 5: case 9: p2 = "艮"; break; case 3: case 7: case 11: p2 = "坤"; break; case 4: case 8: case 12: p2 = "巽"; break; default: p2 = LunarUtil2.POSITION_GAN[Solar2.fromJulianDay(this.getFirstJulianDay()).getLunar().getMonthGanIndex()]; } return p2; }, getPositionTaiSuiDesc: function() { return LunarUtil2.POSITION_DESC[this.getPositionTaiSui()]; }, getNineStar: function() { var index2 = LunarYear2.fromYear(this._p.year).getZhiIndex() % 3; var m = this._p.month; if (m < 0) { m = -m; } var monthZhiIndex = (13 + m) % 12; var n = 27 - index2 * 3; if (monthZhiIndex < LunarUtil2.BASE_MONTH_ZHI_INDEX) { n -= 3; } var offset = (n - monthZhiIndex) % 9; return NineStar2.fromIndex(offset); }, next: function(n) { var on2 = n; n *= 1; if (isNaN(n)) { throw new Error("wrong days " + on2); } if (0 === n) { return LunarMonth2.fromYm(this._p.year, this._p.month); } else { var rest = Math.abs(n); var ny = this._p.year; var iy = ny; var im = this._p.month; var index2 = 0; var months = LunarYear2.fromYear(ny).getMonths(); var i; var m; var size2; if (n > 0) { while (true) { size2 = months.length; for (i = 0; i < size2; i++) { m = months[i]; if (m.getYear() === iy && m.getMonth() === im) { index2 = i; break; } } var more = size2 - index2 - 1; if (rest < more) { break; } rest -= more; var lastMonth = months[size2 - 1]; iy = lastMonth.getYear(); im = lastMonth.getMonth(); ny++; months = LunarYear2.fromYear(ny).getMonths(); } return months[index2 + rest]; } else { while (true) { size2 = months.length; for (i = 0; i < size2; i++) { m = months[i]; if (m.getYear() === iy && m.getMonth() === im) { index2 = i; break; } } if (rest <= index2) { break; } rest -= index2; var firstMonth = months[0]; iy = firstMonth.getYear(); im = firstMonth.getMonth(); ny--; months = LunarYear2.fromYear(ny).getMonths(); } return months[index2 - rest]; } } }, toString: function() { return this.getYear() + "年" + (this.isLeap() ? "闰" : "") + LunarUtil2.MONTH[Math.abs(this.getMonth())] + "月(" + this.getDayCount() + ")天"; } }; }; return { fromYm: function(lunarYear, lunarMonth) { return _fromYm(lunarYear, lunarMonth); }, _: function(lunarYear, lunarMonth, dayCount, firstJulianDay, index) { return _new(lunarYear, lunarMonth, dayCount, firstJulianDay, index); } }; }(); var ShouXingUtil2 = function() { var _decode = function(s) { var o = "0000000000"; var o2 = o + o; s = s.replace(/J/g, "00"); s = s.replace(/I/g, "000"); s = s.replace(/H/g, "0000"); s = s.replace(/G/g, "00000"); s = s.replace(/t/g, "02"); s = s.replace(/s/g, "002"); s = s.replace(/r/g, "0002"); s = s.replace(/q/g, "00002"); s = s.replace(/p/g, "000002"); s = s.replace(/o/g, "0000002"); s = s.replace(/n/g, "00000002"); s = s.replace(/m/g, "000000002"); s = s.replace(/l/g, "0000000002"); s = s.replace(/k/g, "01"); s = s.replace(/j/g, "0101"); s = s.replace(/i/g, "001"); s = s.replace(/h/g, "001001"); s = s.replace(/g/g, "0001"); s = s.replace(/f/g, "00001"); s = s.replace(/e/g, "000001"); s = s.replace(/d/g, "0000001"); s = s.replace(/c/g, "00000001"); s = s.replace(/b/g, "000000001"); s = s.replace(/a/g, "0000000001"); s = s.replace(/A/g, o2 + o2 + o2); s = s.replace(/B/g, o2 + o2 + o); s = s.replace(/C/g, o2 + o2); s = s.replace(/D/g, o2 + o); s = s.replace(/E/g, o2); s = s.replace(/F/g, o); return s; }; return { PI_2: 2 * Math.PI, ONE_THIRD: 1 / 3, SECOND_PER_DAY: 86400, SECOND_PER_RAD: 648e3 / Math.PI, NUT_B: [ 2.1824, -33.75705, 36e-6, -1720, 920, 3.5069, 1256.66393, 11e-6, -132, 57, 1.3375, 16799.4182, -51e-6, -23, 10, 4.3649, -67.5141, 72e-6, 21, -9, 0.04, -628.302, 0, -14, 0, 2.36, 8328.691, 0, 7, 0, 3.46, 1884.966, 0, -5, 2, 5.44, 16833.175, 0, -4, 2, 3.69, 25128.11, 0, -3, 0, 3.55, 628.362, 0, 2, 0 ], DT_AT: [ -4e3, 108371.7, -13036.8, 392, 0, -500, 17201, -627.82, 16.17, -0.3413, -150, 12200.6, -346.41, 5.403, -0.1593, 150, 9113.8, -328.13, -1.647, 0.0377, 500, 5707.5, -391.41, 0.915, 0.3145, 900, 2203.4, -283.45, 13.034, -0.1778, 1300, 490.1, -57.35, 2.085, -72e-4, 1600, 120, -9.81, -1.532, 0.1403, 1700, 10.2, -0.91, 0.51, -0.037, 1800, 13.4, -0.72, 0.202, -0.0193, 1830, 7.8, -1.81, 0.416, -0.0247, 1860, 8.3, -0.13, -0.406, 0.0292, 1880, -5.4, 0.32, -0.183, 0.0173, 1900, -2.3, 2.06, 0.169, -0.0135, 1920, 21.2, 1.69, -0.304, 0.0167, 1940, 24.2, 1.22, -0.064, 31e-4, 1960, 33.2, 0.51, 0.231, -0.0109, 1980, 51, 1.29, -0.026, 32e-4, 2e3, 63.87, 0.1, 0, 0, 2005, 64.7, 0.21, 0, 0, 2012, 66.8, 0.22, 0, 0, 2018, 69, 0.36, 0, 0, 2028, 72.6 ], XL0: [ 1e10, 20, 578, 920, 1100, 1124, 1136, 1148, 1217, 1226, 1229, 1229, 1229, 1229, 1937, 2363, 2618, 2633, 2660, 2666, 17534704567, 0, 0, 334165646, 4.669256804, 6283.075849991, 3489428, 4.6261024, 12566.1517, 349706, 2.744118, 5753.384885, 341757, 2.828866, 3.523118, 313590, 3.62767, 77713.771468, 267622, 4.418084, 7860.419392, 234269, 6.135162, 3930.209696, 132429, 0.742464, 11506.76977, 127317, 2.037097, 529.690965, 119917, 1.109629, 1577.343542, 99025, 5.23268, 5884.92685, 90186, 2.04505, 26.29832, 85722, 3.50849, 398.149, 77979, 1.17883, 5223.69392, 75314, 2.53339, 5507.55324, 50526, 4.58293, 18849.22755, 49238, 4.20507, 775.52261, 35666, 2.91954, 0.06731, 31709, 5.84902, 11790.62909, 28413, 1.89869, 796.29801, 27104, 0.31489, 10977.0788, 24281, 0.34481, 5486.77784, 20616, 4.80647, 2544.31442, 20539, 1.86948, 5573.1428, 20226, 2.45768, 6069.77675, 15552, 0.83306, 213.2991, 13221, 3.41118, 2942.46342, 12618, 1.08303, 20.7754, 11513, 0.64545, 0.98032, 10285, 0.636, 4694.00295, 10190, 0.97569, 15720.83878, 10172, 4.2668, 7.11355, 9921, 6.2099, 2146.1654, 9761, 0.681, 155.4204, 8580, 5.9832, 161000.6857, 8513, 1.2987, 6275.9623, 8471, 3.6708, 71430.6956, 7964, 1.8079, 17260.1547, 7876, 3.037, 12036.4607, 7465, 1.7551, 5088.6288, 7387, 3.5032, 3154.6871, 7355, 4.6793, 801.8209, 6963, 0.833, 9437.7629, 6245, 3.9776, 8827.3903, 6115, 1.8184, 7084.8968, 5696, 2.7843, 6286.599, 5612, 4.3869, 14143.4952, 5558, 3.4701, 6279.5527, 5199, 0.1891, 12139.5535, 5161, 1.3328, 1748.0164, 5115, 0.2831, 5856.4777, 4900, 0.4874, 1194.447, 4104, 5.3682, 8429.2413, 4094, 2.3985, 19651.0485, 3920, 6.1683, 10447.3878, 3677, 6.0413, 10213.2855, 3660, 2.5696, 1059.3819, 3595, 1.7088, 2352.8662, 3557, 1.776, 6812.7668, 3329, 0.5931, 17789.8456, 3041, 0.4429, 83996.8473, 3005, 2.7398, 1349.8674, 2535, 3.1647, 4690.4798, 2474, 0.2148, 3.5904, 2366, 0.4847, 8031.0923, 2357, 2.0653, 3340.6124, 2282, 5.222, 4705.7323, 2189, 5.5559, 553.5694, 2142, 1.4256, 16730.4637, 2109, 4.1483, 951.7184, 2030, 0.3713, 283.8593, 1992, 5.2221, 12168.0027, 1986, 5.7747, 6309.3742, 1912, 3.8222, 23581.2582, 1889, 5.3863, 149854.4001, 1790, 2.2149, 13367.9726, 1748, 4.5605, 135.0651, 1622, 5.9884, 11769.8537, 1508, 4.1957, 6256.7775, 1442, 4.1932, 242.7286, 1435, 3.7236, 38.0277, 1397, 4.4014, 6681.2249, 1362, 1.8893, 7632.9433, 1250, 1.1305, 5.5229, 1205, 2.6223, 955.5997, 1200, 1.0035, 632.7837, 1129, 0.1774, 4164.312, 1083, 0.3273, 103.0928, 1052, 0.9387, 11926.2544, 1050, 5.3591, 1592.596, 1033, 6.1998, 6438.4962, 1001, 6.0291, 5746.2713, 980, 0.999, 11371.705, 980, 5.244, 27511.468, 938, 2.624, 5760.498, 923, 0.483, 522.577, 922, 4.571, 4292.331, 905, 5.337, 6386.169, 862, 4.165, 7058.598, 841, 3.299, 7234.794, 836, 4.539, 25132.303, 813, 6.112, 4732.031, 812, 6.271, 426.598, 801, 5.821, 28.449, 787, 0.996, 5643.179, 776, 2.957, 23013.54, 769, 3.121, 7238.676, 758, 3.974, 11499.656, 735, 4.386, 316.392, 731, 0.607, 11513.883, 719, 3.998, 74.782, 706, 0.323, 263.084, 676, 5.911, 90955.552, 663, 3.665, 17298.182, 653, 5.791, 18073.705, 630, 4.717, 6836.645, 615, 1.458, 233141.314, 612, 1.075, 19804.827, 596, 3.321, 6283.009, 596, 2.876, 6283.143, 555, 2.452, 12352.853, 541, 5.392, 419.485, 531, 0.382, 31441.678, 519, 4.065, 6208.294, 513, 2.361, 10973.556, 494, 5.737, 9917.697, 450, 3.272, 11015.106, 449, 3.653, 206.186, 447, 2.064, 7079.374, 435, 4.423, 5216.58, 421, 1.906, 245.832, 413, 0.921, 3738.761, 402, 0.84, 20.355, 387, 1.826, 11856.219, 379, 2.344, 3.881, 374, 2.954, 3128.389, 370, 5.031, 536.805, 365, 1.018, 16200.773, 365, 1.083, 88860.057, 352, 5.978, 3894.182, 352, 2.056, 244287.6, 351, 3.713, 6290.189, 340, 1.106, 14712.317, 339, 0.978, 8635.942, 339, 3.202, 5120.601, 333, 0.837, 6496.375, 325, 3.479, 6133.513, 316, 5.089, 21228.392, 316, 1.328, 10873.986, 309, 3.646, 10.637, 303, 1.802, 35371.887, 296, 3.397, 9225.539, 288, 6.026, 154717.61, 281, 2.585, 14314.168, 262, 3.856, 266.607, 262, 2.579, 22483.849, 257, 1.561, 23543.231, 255, 3.949, 1990.745, 251, 3.744, 10575.407, 240, 1.161, 10984.192, 238, 0.106, 7.046, 236, 4.272, 6040.347, 234, 3.577, 10969.965, 211, 3.714, 65147.62, 210, 0.754, 13521.751, 207, 4.228, 5650.292, 202, 0.814, 170.673, 201, 4.629, 6037.244, 200, 0.381, 6172.87, 199, 3.933, 6206.81, 199, 5.197, 6262.3, 197, 1.046, 18209.33, 195, 1.07, 5230.807, 195, 4.869, 36.028, 194, 4.313, 6244.943, 192, 1.229, 709.933, 192, 5.595, 6282.096, 192, 0.602, 6284.056, 189, 3.744, 23.878, 188, 1.904, 15.252, 188, 0.867, 22003.915, 182, 3.681, 15110.466, 181, 0.491, 1.484, 179, 3.222, 39302.097, 179, 1.259, 12559.038, 62833196674749, 0, 0, 20605886, 2.67823456, 6283.07584999, 430343, 2.635127, 12566.1517, 42526, 1.59047, 3.52312, 11926, 5.79557, 26.29832, 10898, 2.96618, 1577.34354, 9348, 2.5921, 18849.2275, 7212, 1.1385, 529.691, 6777, 1.8747, 398.149, 6733, 4.4092, 5507.5532, 5903, 2.888, 5223.6939, 5598, 2.1747, 155.4204, 4541, 0.398, 796.298, 3637, 0.4662, 775.5226, 2896, 2.6471, 7.1135, 2084, 5.3414, 0.9803, 1910, 1.8463, 5486.7778, 1851, 4.9686, 213.2991, 1729, 2.9912, 6275.9623, 1623, 0.0322, 2544.3144, 1583, 1.4305, 2146.1654, 1462, 1.2053, 10977.0788, 1246, 2.8343, 1748.0164, 1188, 3.258, 5088.6288, 1181, 5.2738, 1194.447, 1151, 2.075, 4694.003, 1064, 0.7661, 553.5694, 997, 1.303, 6286.599, 972, 4.239, 1349.867, 945, 2.7, 242.729, 858, 5.645, 951.718, 758, 5.301, 2352.866, 639, 2.65, 9437.763, 610, 4.666, 4690.48, 583, 1.766, 1059.382, 531, 0.909, 3154.687, 522, 5.661, 71430.696, 520, 1.854, 801.821, 504, 1.425, 6438.496, 433, 0.241, 6812.767, 426, 0.774, 10447.388, 413, 5.24, 7084.897, 374, 2.001, 8031.092, 356, 2.429, 14143.495, 350, 4.8, 6279.553, 337, 0.888, 12036.461, 337, 3.862, 1592.596, 325, 3.4, 7632.943, 322, 0.616, 8429.241, 318, 3.188, 4705.732, 297, 6.07, 4292.331, 295, 1.431, 5746.271, 290, 2.325, 20.355, 275, 0.935, 5760.498, 270, 4.804, 7234.794, 253, 6.223, 6836.645, 228, 5.003, 17789.846, 225, 5.672, 11499.656, 215, 5.202, 11513.883, 208, 3.955, 10213.286, 208, 2.268, 522.577, 206, 2.224, 5856.478, 206, 2.55, 25132.303, 203, 0.91, 6256.778, 189, 0.532, 3340.612, 188, 4.735, 83996.847, 179, 1.474, 4164.312, 178, 3.025, 5.523, 177, 3.026, 5753.385, 159, 4.637, 3.286, 157, 6.124, 5216.58, 155, 3.077, 6681.225, 154, 4.2, 13367.973, 143, 1.191, 3894.182, 138, 3.093, 135.065, 136, 4.245, 426.598, 134, 5.765, 6040.347, 128, 3.085, 5643.179, 127, 2.092, 6290.189, 125, 3.077, 11926.254, 125, 3.445, 536.805, 114, 3.244, 12168.003, 112, 2.318, 16730.464, 111, 3.901, 11506.77, 111, 5.32, 23.878, 105, 3.75, 7860.419, 103, 2.447, 1990.745, 96, 0.82, 3.88, 96, 4.08, 6127.66, 91, 5.42, 206.19, 91, 0.42, 7079.37, 88, 5.17, 11790.63, 81, 0.34, 9917.7, 80, 3.89, 10973.56, 78, 2.4, 1589.07, 78, 2.58, 11371.7, 77, 3.98, 955.6, 77, 3.36, 36.03, 76, 1.3, 103.09, 75, 5.18, 10969.97, 75, 4.96, 6496.37, 73, 5.21, 38.03, 72, 2.65, 6309.37, 70, 5.61, 3738.76, 69, 2.6, 3496.03, 69, 0.39, 15.25, 69, 2.78, 20.78, 65, 1.13, 7058.6, 64, 4.28, 28.45, 61, 5.63, 10984.19, 60, 0.73, 419.48, 60, 5.28, 10575.41, 58, 5.55, 17298.18, 58, 3.19, 4732.03, 5291887, 0, 0, 871984, 1.072097, 6283.07585, 30913, 0.86729, 12566.1517, 2734, 0.053, 3.5231, 1633, 5.1883, 26.2983, 1575, 3.6846, 155.4204, 954, 0.757, 18849.228, 894, 2.057, 77713.771, 695, 0.827, 775.523, 506, 4.663, 1577.344, 406, 1.031, 7.114, 381, 3.441, 5573.143, 346, 5.141, 796.298, 317, 6.053, 5507.553, 302, 1.192, 242.729, 289, 6.117, 529.691, 271, 0.306, 398.149, 254, 2.28, 553.569, 237, 4.381, 5223.694, 208, 3.754, 0.98, 168, 0.902, 951.718, 153, 5.759, 1349.867, 145, 4.364, 1748.016, 134, 3.721, 1194.447, 125, 2.948, 6438.496, 122, 2.973, 2146.165, 110, 1.271, 161000.686, 104, 0.604, 3154.687, 100, 5.986, 6286.599, 92, 4.8, 5088.63, 89, 5.23, 7084.9, 83, 3.31, 213.3, 76, 3.42, 5486.78, 71, 6.19, 4690.48, 68, 3.43, 4694, 65, 1.6, 2544.31, 64, 1.98, 801.82, 61, 2.48, 10977.08, 50, 1.44, 6836.65, 49, 2.34, 1592.6, 46, 1.31, 4292.33, 46, 3.81, 149854.4, 43, 0.04, 7234.79, 40, 4.94, 7632.94, 39, 1.57, 71430.7, 38, 3.17, 6309.37, 35, 0.99, 6040.35, 35, 0.67, 1059.38, 31, 3.18, 2352.87, 31, 3.55, 8031.09, 30, 1.92, 10447.39, 30, 2.52, 6127.66, 28, 4.42, 9437.76, 28, 2.71, 3894.18, 27, 0.67, 25132.3, 26, 5.27, 6812.77, 25, 0.55, 6279.55, 23, 1.38, 4705.73, 22, 0.64, 6256.78, 20, 6.07, 640.88, 28923, 5.84384, 6283.07585, 3496, 0, 0, 1682, 5.4877, 12566.1517, 296, 5.196, 155.42, 129, 4.722, 3.523, 71, 5.3, 18849.23, 64, 5.97, 242.73, 40, 3.79, 553.57, 11408, 3.14159, 0, 772, 4.134, 6283.076, 77, 3.84, 12566.15, 42, 0.42, 155.42, 88, 3.14, 0, 17, 2.77, 6283.08, 5, 2.01, 155.42, 3, 2.21, 12566.15, 27962, 3.1987, 84334.66158, 10164, 5.42249, 5507.55324, 8045, 3.8801, 5223.6939, 4381, 3.7044, 2352.8662, 3193, 4.0003, 1577.3435, 2272, 3.9847, 1047.7473, 1814, 4.9837, 6283.0758, 1639, 3.5646, 5856.4777, 1444, 3.7028, 9437.7629, 1430, 3.4112, 10213.2855, 1125, 4.8282, 14143.4952, 1090, 2.0857, 6812.7668, 1037, 4.0566, 71092.8814, 971, 3.473, 4694.003, 915, 1.142, 6620.89, 878, 4.44, 5753.385, 837, 4.993, 7084.897, 770, 5.554, 167621.576, 719, 3.602, 529.691, 692, 4.326, 6275.962, 558, 4.41, 7860.419, 529, 2.484, 4705.732, 521, 6.25, 18073.705, 903, 3.897, 5507.553, 618, 1.73, 5223.694, 380, 5.244, 2352.866, 166, 1.627, 84334.662, 10001398880, 0, 0, 167069963, 3.098463508, 6283.075849991, 1395602, 3.0552461, 12566.1517, 308372, 5.198467, 77713.771468, 162846, 1.173877, 5753.384885, 157557, 2.846852, 7860.419392, 92480, 5.45292, 11506.76977, 54244, 4.56409, 3930.2097, 47211, 3.661, 5884.92685, 34598, 0.96369, 5507.55324, 32878, 5.89984, 5223.69392, 30678, 0.29867, 5573.1428, 24319, 4.2735, 11790.62909, 21183, 5.84715, 1577.34354, 18575, 5.02194, 10977.0788, 17484, 3.01194, 18849.22755, 10984, 5.05511, 5486.77784, 9832, 0.8868, 6069.7768, 8650, 5.6896, 15720.8388, 8583, 1.2708, 161000.6857, 6490, 0.2725, 17260.1547, 6292, 0.9218, 529.691, 5706, 2.0137, 83996.8473, 5574, 5.2416, 71430.6956, 4938, 3.245, 2544.3144, 4696, 2.5781, 775.5226, 4466, 5.5372, 9437.7629, 4252, 6.0111, 6275.9623, 3897, 5.3607, 4694.003, 3825, 2.3926, 8827.3903, 3749, 0.8295, 19651.0485, 3696, 4.9011, 12139.5535, 3566, 1.6747, 12036.4607, 3454, 1.8427, 2942.4634, 3319, 0.2437, 7084.8968, 3192, 0.1837, 5088.6288, 3185, 1.7778, 398.149, 2846, 1.2134, 6286.599, 2779, 1.8993, 6279.5527, 2628, 4.589, 10447.3878, 2460, 3.7866, 8429.2413, 2393, 4.996, 5856.4777, 2359, 0.2687, 796.298, 2329, 2.8078, 14143.4952, 2210, 1.95, 3154.6871, 2035, 4.6527, 2146.1654, 1951, 5.3823, 2352.8662, 1883, 0.6731, 149854.4001, 1833, 2.2535, 23581.2582, 1796, 0.1987, 6812.7668, 1731, 6.152, 16730.4637, 1717, 4.4332, 10213.2855, 1619, 5.2316, 17789.8456, 1381, 5.1896, 8031.0923, 1364, 3.6852, 4705.7323, 1314, 0.6529, 13367.9726, 1041, 4.3329, 11769.8537, 1017, 1.5939, 4690.4798, 998, 4.201, 6309.374, 966, 3.676, 27511.468, 874, 6.064, 1748.016, 779, 3.674, 12168.003, 771, 0.312, 7632.943, 756, 2.626, 6256.778, 746, 5.648, 11926.254, 693, 2.924, 6681.225, 680, 1.423, 23013.54, 674, 0.563, 3340.612, 663, 5.661, 11371.705, 659, 3.136, 801.821, 648, 2.65, 19804.827, 615, 3.029, 233141.314, 612, 5.134, 1194.447, 563, 4.341, 90955.552, 552, 2.091, 17298.182, 534, 5.1, 31441.678, 531, 2.407, 11499.656, 523, 4.624, 6438.496, 513, 5.324, 11513.883, 477, 0.256, 11856.219, 461, 1.722, 7234.794, 458, 3.766, 6386.169, 458, 4.466, 5746.271, 423, 1.055, 5760.498, 422, 1.557, 7238.676, 415, 2.599, 7058.598, 401, 3.03, 1059.382, 397, 1.201, 1349.867, 379, 4.907, 4164.312, 360, 5.707, 5643.179, 352, 3.626, 244287.6, 348, 0.761, 10973.556, 342, 3.001, 4292.331, 336, 4.546, 4732.031, 334, 3.138, 6836.645, 324, 4.164, 9917.697, 316, 1.691, 11015.106, 307, 0.238, 35371.887, 298, 1.306, 6283.143, 298, 1.75, 6283.009, 293, 5.738, 16200.773, 286, 5.928, 14712.317, 281, 3.515, 21228.392, 280, 5.663, 8635.942, 277, 0.513, 26.298, 268, 4.207, 18073.705, 266, 0.9, 12352.853, 260, 2.962, 25132.303, 255, 2.477, 6208.294, 242, 2.8, 709.933, 231, 1.054, 22483.849, 229, 1.07, 14314.168, 216, 1.314, 154717.61, 215, 6.038, 10873.986, 200, 0.561, 7079.374, 198, 2.614, 951.718, 197, 4.369, 167283.762, 186, 2.861, 5216.58, 183, 1.66, 39302.097, 183, 5.912, 3738.761, 175, 2.145, 6290.189, 173, 2.168, 10575.407, 171, 3.702, 1592.596, 171, 1.343, 3128.389, 164, 5.55, 6496.375, 164, 5.856, 10984.192, 161, 1.998, 10969.965, 161, 1.909, 6133.513, 157, 4.955, 25158.602, 154, 6.216, 23543.231, 153, 5.357, 13521.751, 150, 5.77, 18209.33, 150, 5.439, 155.42, 139, 1.778, 9225.539, 139, 1.626, 5120.601, 128, 2.46, 13916.019, 123, 0.717, 143571.324, 122, 2.654, 88860.057, 121, 4.414, 3894.182, 121, 1.192, 3.523, 120, 4.03, 553.569, 119, 1.513, 17654.781, 117, 3.117, 14945.316, 113, 2.698, 6040.347, 110, 3.085, 43232.307, 109, 0.998, 955.6, 108, 2.939, 17256.632, 107, 5.285, 65147.62, 103, 0.139, 11712.955, 103, 5.85, 213.299, 102, 3.046, 6037.244, 101, 2.842, 8662.24, 100, 3.626, 6262.3, 98, 2.36, 6206.81, 98, 5.11, 6172.87, 98, 2, 15110.47, 97, 2.67, 5650.29, 97, 2.75, 6244.94, 96, 4.02, 6282.1, 96, 5.31, 6284.06, 92, 0.1, 29088.81, 85, 3.26, 20426.57, 84, 2.6, 28766.92, 81, 3.58, 10177.26, 80, 5.81, 5230.81, 78, 2.53, 16496.36, 77, 4.06, 6127.66, 73, 0.04, 5481.25, 72, 5.96, 12559.04, 72, 5.92, 4136.91, 71, 5.49, 22003.91, 70, 3.41, 7.11, 69, 0.62, 11403.68, 69, 3.9, 1589.07, 69, 1.96, 12416.59, 69, 4.51, 426.6, 67, 1.61, 11087.29, 66, 4.5, 47162.52, 66, 5.08, 283.86, 66, 4.32, 16858.48, 65, 1.04, 6062.66, 64, 1.59, 18319.54, 63, 5.7, 45892.73, 63, 4.6, 66567.49, 63, 3.82, 13517.87, 62, 2.62, 11190.38, 61, 1.54, 33019.02, 60, 5.58, 10344.3, 60, 5.38, 316428.23, 60, 5.78, 632.78, 59, 6.12, 9623.69, 57, 0.16, 17267.27, 57, 3.86, 6076.89, 57, 1.98, 7668.64, 56, 4.78, 20199.09, 55, 4.56, 18875.53, 55, 3.51, 17253.04, 54, 3.07, 226858.24, 54, 4.83, 18422.63, 53, 5.02, 12132.44, 52, 3.63, 5333.9, 52, 0.97, 155427.54, 51, 3.36, 20597.24, 50, 0.99, 11609.86, 50, 2.21, 1990.75, 48, 1.62, 12146.67, 48, 1.17, 12569.67, 47, 4.62, 5436.99, 47, 1.81, 12562.63, 47, 0.59, 21954.16, 47, 0.76, 7342.46, 46, 0.27, 4590.91, 46, 3.77, 156137.48, 45, 5.66, 10454.5, 44, 5.84, 3496.03, 43, 0.24, 17996.03, 41, 5.93, 51092.73, 41, 4.21, 12592.45, 40, 5.14, 1551.05, 40, 5.28, 15671.08, 39, 3.69, 18052.93, 39, 4.94, 24356.78, 38, 2.72, 11933.37, 38, 5.23, 7477.52, 38, 4.99, 9779.11, 37, 3.7, 9388.01, 37, 4.44, 4535.06, 36, 2.16, 28237.23, 36, 2.54, 242.73, 36, 0.22, 5429.88, 35, 6.15, 19800.95, 35, 2.92, 36949.23, 34, 5.63, 2379.16, 34, 5.73, 16460.33, 34, 5.11, 5849.36, 33, 6.19, 6268.85, 10301861, 1.1074897, 6283.07584999, 172124, 1.064423, 12566.1517, 70222, 3.14159, 0, 3235, 1.0217, 18849.2275, 3080, 2.8435, 5507.5532, 2497, 1.3191, 5223.6939, 1849, 1.4243, 1577.3435, 1008, 5.9138, 10977.0788, 865, 1.42, 6275.962, 863, 0.271, 5486.778, 507, 1.686, 5088.629, 499, 6.014, 6286.599, 467, 5.987, 529.691, 440, 0.518, 4694.003, 410, 1.084, 9437.763, 387, 4.75, 2544.314, 375, 5.071, 796.298, 352, 0.023, 83996.847, 344, 0.949, 71430.696, 341, 5.412, 775.523, 322, 6.156, 2146.165, 286, 5.484, 10447.388, 284, 3.42, 2352.866, 255, 6.132, 6438.496, 252, 0.243, 398.149, 243, 3.092, 4690.48, 225, 3.689, 7084.897, 220, 4.952, 6812.767, 219, 0.42, 8031.092, 209, 1.282, 1748.016, 193, 5.314, 8429.241, 185, 1.82, 7632.943, 175, 3.229, 6279.553, 173, 1.537, 4705.732, 158, 4.097, 11499.656, 158, 5.539, 3154.687, 150, 3.633, 11513.883, 148, 3.222, 7234.794, 147, 3.653, 1194.447, 144, 0.817, 14143.495, 135, 6.151, 5746.271, 134, 4.644, 6836.645, 128, 2.693, 1349.867, 123, 5.65, 5760.498, 118, 2.577, 13367.973, 113, 3.357, 17789.846, 110, 4.497, 4292.331, 108, 5.828, 12036.461, 102, 5.621, 6256.778, 99, 1.14, 1059.38, 98, 0.66, 5856.48, 93, 2.32, 10213.29, 92, 0.77, 16730.46, 88, 1.5, 11926.25, 86, 1.42, 5753.38, 85, 0.66, 155.42, 81, 1.64, 6681.22, 80, 4.11, 951.72, 66, 4.55, 5216.58, 65, 0.98, 25132.3, 64, 4.19, 6040.35, 64, 0.52, 6290.19, 63, 1.51, 5643.18, 59, 6.18, 4164.31, 57, 2.3, 10973.56, 55, 2.32, 11506.77, 55, 2.2, 1592.6, 55, 5.27, 3340.61, 54, 5.54, 553.57, 53, 5.04, 9917.7, 53, 0.92, 11371.7, 52, 3.98, 17298.18, 52, 3.6, 10969.97, 49, 5.91, 3894.18, 49, 2.51, 6127.66, 48, 1.67, 12168, 46, 0.31, 801.82, 42, 3.7, 10575.41, 42, 4.05, 10984.19, 40, 2.17, 7860.42, 40, 4.17, 26.3, 38, 5.82, 7058.6, 37, 3.39, 6496.37, 36, 1.08, 6309.37, 36, 5.34, 7079.37, 34, 3.62, 11790.63, 32, 0.32, 16200.77, 31, 4.24, 3738.76, 29, 4.55, 11856.22, 29, 1.26, 8635.94, 27, 3.45, 5884.93, 26, 5.08, 10177.26, 26, 5.38, 21228.39, 24, 2.26, 11712.96, 24, 1.05, 242.73, 24, 5.59, 6069.78, 23, 3.63, 6284.06, 23, 1.64, 4732.03, 22, 3.46, 213.3, 21, 1.05, 3496.03, 21, 3.92, 13916.02, 21, 4.01, 5230.81, 20, 5.16, 12352.85, 20, 0.69, 1990.75, 19, 2.73, 6062.66, 19, 5.01, 11015.11, 18, 6.04, 6283.01, 18, 2.85, 7238.68, 18, 5.6, 6283.14, 18, 5.16, 17253.04, 18, 2.54, 14314.17, 17, 1.58, 7.11, 17, 0.98, 3930.21, 17, 4.75, 17267.27, 16, 2.19, 6076.89, 16, 2.19, 18073.7, 16, 6.12, 3.52, 16, 4.61, 9623.69, 16, 3.4, 16496.36, 15, 0.19, 9779.11, 15, 5.3, 13517.87, 15, 4.26, 3128.39, 15, 0.81, 709.93, 14, 0.5, 25158.6, 14, 4.38, 4136.91, 13, 0.98, 65147.62, 13, 3.31, 154717.61, 13, 2.11, 1589.07, 13, 1.92, 22483.85, 12, 6.03, 9225.54, 12, 1.53, 12559.04, 12, 5.82, 6282.1, 12, 5.61, 5642.2, 12, 2.38, 167283.76, 12, 0.39, 12132.44, 12, 3.98, 4686.89, 12, 5.81, 12569.67, 12, 0.56, 5849.36, 11, 0.45, 6172.87, 11, 5.8, 16858.48, 11, 6.22, 12146.67, 11, 2.27, 5429.88, 435939, 5.784551, 6283.07585, 12363, 5.57935, 12566.1517, 1234, 3.1416, 0, 879, 3.628, 77713.771, 569, 1.87, 5573.143, 330, 5.47, 18849.228, 147, 4.48, 5507.553, 110, 2.842, 161000.686, 101, 2.815, 5223.694, 85, 3.11, 1577.34, 65, 5.47, 775.52, 61, 1.38, 6438.5, 50, 4.42, 6286.6, 47, 3.66, 7084.9, 46, 5.39, 149854.4, 42, 0.9, 10977.08, 40, 3.2, 5088.63, 35, 1.81, 5486.78, 32, 5.35, 3154.69, 30, 3.52, 796.3, 29, 4.62, 4690.48, 28, 1.84, 4694, 27, 3.14, 71430.7, 27, 6.17, 6836.65, 26, 1.42, 2146.17, 25, 2.81, 1748.02, 24, 2.18, 155.42, 23, 4.76, 7234.79, 21, 3.38, 7632.94, 21, 0.22, 4705.73, 20, 4.22, 1349.87, 20, 2.01, 1194.45, 20, 4.58, 529.69, 19, 1.59, 6309.37, 18, 5.7, 6040.35, 18, 6.03, 4292.33, 17, 2.9, 9437.76, 17, 2, 8031.09, 17, 5.78, 83996.85, 16, 0.05, 2544.31, 15, 0.95, 6127.66, 14, 0.36, 10447.39, 14, 1.48, 2352.87, 13, 0.77, 553.57, 13, 5.48, 951.72, 13, 5.27, 6279.55, 13, 3.76, 6812.77, 11, 5.41, 6256.78, 10, 0.68, 1592.6, 10, 4.95, 398.15, 10, 1.15, 3894.18, 10, 5.2, 244287.6, 10, 1.94, 11856.22, 9, 5.39, 25132.3, 8, 6.18, 1059.38, 8, 0.69, 8429.24, 8, 5.85, 242.73, 7, 5.26, 14143.5, 7, 0.52, 801.82, 6, 2.24, 8635.94, 6, 4, 13367.97, 6, 2.77, 90955.55, 6, 5.17, 7058.6, 5, 1.46, 233141.31, 5, 4.13, 7860.42, 5, 3.91, 26.3, 5, 3.89, 12036.46, 5, 5.58, 6290.19, 5, 5.54, 1990.75, 5, 0.83, 11506.77, 5, 6.22, 6681.22, 4, 5.26, 10575.41, 4, 1.91, 7477.52, 4, 0.43, 10213.29, 4, 1.09, 709.93, 4, 5.09, 11015.11, 4, 4.22, 88860.06, 4, 3.57, 7079.37, 4, 1.98, 6284.06, 4, 3.93, 10973.56, 4, 6.18, 9917.7, 4, 0.36, 10177.26, 4, 2.75, 3738.76, 4, 3.33, 5643.18, 4, 5.36, 25158.6, 14459, 4.27319, 6283.07585, 673, 3.917, 12566.152, 77, 0, 0, 25, 3.73, 18849.23, 4, 2.8, 6286.6, 386, 2.564, 6283.076, 31, 2.27, 12566.15, 5, 3.44, 5573.14, 2, 2.05, 18849.23, 1, 2.06, 77713.77, 1, 4.41, 161000.69, 1, 3.82, 149854.4, 1, 4.08, 6127.66, 1, 5.26, 6438.5, 9, 1.22, 6283.08, 1, 0.66, 12566.15 ], XL1: [ [22639.586, 0.78475822, 8328.691424623, 1.5229241, 25.0719, -0.123598, 4586.438, 0.1873974, 7214.06286536, -2.184756, -18.86, 0.0828, 2369.914, 2.542952, 15542.75428998, -0.661832, 6.212, -0.0408, 769.026, 3.140313, 16657.38284925, 3.04585, 50.144, -0.2472, 666.418, 1.527671, 628.30195521, -0.02664, 0.062, -54e-4, 411.596, 4.826607, 16866.932315, -1.28012, -1.07, -59e-4, 211.656, 4.115028, -1114.6285593, -3.70768, -43.93, 0.2064, 205.436, 0.230523, 6585.7609101, -2.15812, -18.92, 0.0882, 191.956, 4.898507, 23871.4457146, 0.86109, 31.28, -0.164, 164.729, 2.586078, 14914.4523348, -0.6352, 6.15, -0.035, 147.321, 5.4553, -7700.3894694, -1.5496, -25.01, 0.118, 124.988, 0.48608, 7771.377145, -0.3309, 3.11, -0.02, 109.38, 3.88323, 8956.9933798, 1.4963, 25.13, -0.129, 55.177, 5.57033, -1324.178025, 0.6183, 7.3, -0.035, 45.1, 0.89898, 25195.62374, 0.2428, 24, -0.129, 39.533, 3.81213, -8538.24089, 2.803, 26.1, -0.118, 38.43, 4.30115, 22756.817155, -2.8466, -12.6, 0.042, 36.124, 5.49587, 24986.074274, 4.5688, 75.2, -0.371, 30.773, 1.94559, 14428.125731, -4.3695, -37.7, 0.166, 28.397, 3.28586, 7842.364821, -2.2114, -18.8, 0.077, 24.358, 5.64142, 16171.056245, -0.6885, 6.3, -0.046, 18.585, 4.41371, -557.31428, -1.8538, -22, 0.1, 17.954, 3.58454, 8399.6791, -0.3576, 3.2, -0.03, 14.53, 4.9416, 23243.143759, 0.888, 31.2, -0.16, 14.38, 0.9709, 32200.137139, 2.384, 56.4, -0.29, 14.251, 5.7641, -2.3012, 1.523, 25.1, -0.12, 13.899, 0.3735, 31085.50858, -1.324, 12.4, -0.08, 13.194, 1.7595, -9443.319984, -5.231, -69, 0.33, 9.679, 3.0997, -16029.080894, -3.072, -50.1, 0.24, 9.366, 0.3016, 24080.99518, -3.465, -19.9, 0.08, 8.606, 4.1582, -1742.930514, -3.681, -44, 0.21, 8.453, 2.8416, 16100.06857, 1.192, 28.2, -0.14, 8.05, 2.6292, 14286.15038, -0.609, 6.1, -0.03, 7.63, 6.2388, 17285.684804, 3.019, 50.2, -0.25, 7.447, 1.4845, 1256.60391, -0.053, 0.1, -0.01, 7.371, 0.2736, 5957.458955, -2.131, -19, 0.09, 7.063, 5.6715, 33.757047, -0.308, -3.6, 0.02, 6.383, 4.7843, 7004.5134, 2.141, 32.4, -0.16, 5.742, 2.6572, 32409.686605, -1.942, 5, -0.05, 4.374, 4.3443, 22128.5152, -2.82, -13, 0.05, 3.998, 3.2545, 33524.31516, 1.766, 49, -0.25, 3.21, 2.2443, 14985.44001, -2.516, -16, 0.06, 2.915, 1.7138, 24499.74767, 0.834, 31, -0.17, 2.732, 1.9887, 13799.82378, -4.343, -38, 0.17, 2.568, 5.4122, -7072.08751, -1.576, -25, 0.11, 2.521, 3.2427, 8470.66678, -2.238, -19, 0.07, 2.489, 4.0719, -486.3266, -3.734, -44, 0.2, 2.146, 5.6135, -1952.47998, 0.645, 7, -0.03, 1.978, 2.7291, 39414.2, 0.199, 37, -0.21, 1.934, 1.5682, 33314.7657, 6.092, 100, -0.5, 1.871, 0.4166, 30457.20662, -1.297, 12, -0.1, 1.753, 2.0582, -8886.0057, -3.38, -47, 0.2, 1.437, 2.386, -695.87607, 0.59, 7, 0, 1.373, 3.026, -209.54947, 4.33, 51, -0.2, 1.262, 5.94, 16728.37052, 1.17, 28, -0.1, 1.224, 6.172, 6656.74859, -4.04, -41, 0.2, 1.187, 5.873, 6099.43431, -5.89, -63, 0.3, 1.177, 1.014, 31571.83518, 2.41, 56, -0.3, 1.162, 3.84, 9585.29534, 1.47, 25, -0.1, 1.143, 5.639, 8364.73984, -2.18, -19, 0.1, 1.078, 1.229, 70.98768, -1.88, -22, 0.1, 1.059, 3.326, 40528.82856, 3.91, 81, -0.4, 0.99, 5.013, 40738.37803, -0.42, 30, -0.2, 0.948, 5.687, -17772.01141, -6.75, -94, 0.5, 0.876, 0.298, -0.35232, 0, 0, 0, 0.822, 2.994, 393.02097, 0, 0, 0, 0.788, 1.836, 8326.39022, 3.05, 50, -0.2, 0.752, 4.985, 22614.8418, 0.91, 31, -0.2, 0.74, 2.875, 8330.99262, 0, 0, 0, 0.669, 0.744, -24357.77232, -4.6, -75, 0.4, 0.644, 1.314, 8393.12577, -2.18, -19, 0.1, 0.639, 5.888, 575.33849, 0, 0, 0, 0.635, 1.116, 23385.11911, -2.87, -13, 0, 0.584, 5.197, 24428.75999, 2.71, 53, -0.3, 0.583, 3.513, -9095.55517, 0.95, 4, 0, 0.572, 6.059, 29970.88002, -5.03, -32, 0.1, 0.565, 2.96, 0.32863, 1.52, 25, -0.1, 0.561, 4.001, -17981.56087, -2.43, -43, 0.2, 0.557, 0.529, 7143.07519, -0.3, 3, 0, 0.546, 2.311, 25614.37623, 4.54, 75, -0.4, 0.536, 4.229, 15752.30376, -4.99, -45, 0.2, 0.493, 3.316, -8294.9344, -1.83, -29, 0.1, 0.491, 1.744, 8362.4485, 1.21, 21, -0.1, 0.478, 1.803, -10071.6219, -5.2, -69, 0.3, 0.454, 0.857, 15333.2048, 3.66, 57, -0.3, 0.445, 2.071, 8311.7707, -2.18, -19, 0.1, 0.426, 0.345, 23452.6932, -3.44, -20, 0.1, 0.42, 4.941, 33733.8646, -2.56, -2, 0, 0.413, 1.642, 17495.2343, -1.31, -1, 0, 0.404, 1.458, 23314.1314, -0.99, 9, -0.1, 0.395, 2.132, 38299.5714, -3.51, -6, 0, 0.382, 2.7, 31781.3846, -1.92, 5, 0, 0.375, 4.827, 6376.2114, 2.17, 32, -0.2, 0.361, 3.867, 16833.1753, -0.97, 3, 0, 0.358, 5.044, 15056.4277, -4.4, -38, 0.2, 0.35, 5.157, -8257.7037, -3.4, -47, 0.2, 0.344, 4.233, 157.7344, 0, 0, 0, 0.34, 2.672, 13657.8484, -0.58, 6, 0, 0.329, 5.61, 41853.0066, 3.29, 74, -0.4, 0.325, 5.895, -39.8149, 0, 0, 0, 0.309, 4.387, 21500.2132, -2.79, -13, 0.1, 0.302, 1.278, 786.0419, 0, 0, 0, 0.302, 5.341, -24567.3218, -0.27, -24, 0.1, 0.301, 1.045, 5889.8848, -1.57, -12, 0, 0.294, 4.201, -2371.2325, -3.65, -44, 0.2, 0.293, 3.704, 21642.1886, -6.55, -57, 0.2, 0.29, 4.069, 32828.4391, 2.36, 56, -0.3, 0.289, 3.472, 31713.8105, -1.35, 12, -0.1, 0.285, 5.407, -33.7814, 0.31, 4, 0, 0.283, 5.998, -16.9207, -3.71, -44, 0.2, 0.283, 2.772, 38785.898, 0.23, 37, -0.2, 0.274, 5.343, 15613.742, -2.54, -16, 0.1, 0.263, 3.997, 25823.9257, 0.22, 24, -0.1, 0.254, 0.6, 24638.3095, -1.61, 2, 0, 0.253, 1.344, 6447.1991, 0.29, 10, -0.1, 0.25, 0.887, 141.9754, -3.76, -44, 0.2, 0.247, 0.317, 5329.157, -2.1, -19, 0.1, 0.245, 0.141, 36.0484, -3.71, -44, 0.2, 0.231, 2.287, 14357.1381, -2.49, -16, 0.1, 0.227, 5.158, 2.6298, 0, 0, 0, 0.219, 5.085, 47742.8914, 1.72, 63, -0.3, 0.211, 2.145, 6638.7244, -2.18, -19, 0.1, 0.201, 4.415, 39623.7495, -4.13, -14, 0, 0.194, 2.091, 588.4927, 0, 0, 0, 0.193, 3.057, -15400.7789, -3.1, -50, 0, 0.186, 5.598, 16799.3582, -0.72, 6, 0, 0.185, 3.886, 1150.677, 0, 0, 0, 0.183, 1.619, 7178.0144, 1.52, 25, 0, 0.181, 2.635, 8328.3391, 1.52, 25, 0, 0.181, 2.077, 8329.0437, 1.52, 25, 0, 0.179, 3.215, -9652.8694, -0.9, -18, 0, 0.176, 1.716, -8815.018, -5.26, -69, 0, 0.175, 5.673, 550.7553, 0, 0, 0, 0.17, 2.06, 31295.058, -5.6, -39, 0, 0.167, 1.239, 7211.7617, -0.7, 6, 0, 0.165, 4.499, 14967.4158, -0.7, 6, 0, 0.164, 3.595, 15540.4531, 0.9, 31, 0, 0.164, 4.237, 522.3694, 0, 0, 0, 0.163, 4.633, 15545.0555, -2.2, -19, 0, 0.161, 0.478, 6428.0209, -2.2, -19, 0, 0.158, 2.03, 13171.5218, -4.3, -38, 0, 0.157, 2.28, 7216.3641, -3.7, -44, 0, 0.154, 5.65, 7935.6705, 1.5, 25, 0, 0.152, 0.46, 29828.9047, -1.3, 12, 0, 0.151, 1.19, -0.7113, 0, 0, 0, 0.15, 1.42, 23942.4334, -1, 9, 0, 0.144, 2.75, 7753.3529, 1.5, 25, 0, 0.137, 2.08, 7213.7105, -2.2, -19, 0, 0.137, 1.44, 7214.4152, -2.2, -19, 0, 0.136, 4.46, -1185.6162, -1.8, -22, 0, 0.136, 3.03, 8000.1048, -2.2, -19, 0, 0.134, 2.83, 14756.7124, -0.7, 6, 0, 0.131, 5.05, 6821.0419, -2.2, -19, 0, 0.128, 5.99, -17214.6971, -4.9, -72, 0, 0.127, 5.35, 8721.7124, 1.5, 25, 0, 0.126, 4.49, 46628.2629, -2, 19, 0, 0.125, 5.94, 7149.6285, 1.5, 25, 0, 0.124, 1.09, 49067.0695, 1.1, 55, 0, 0.121, 2.88, 15471.7666, 1.2, 28, 0, 0.111, 3.92, 41643.4571, 7.6, 125, -1, 0.11, 1.96, 8904.0299, 1.5, 25, 0, 0.106, 3.3, -18.0489, -2.2, -19, 0, 0.105, 2.3, -4.931, 1.5, 25, 0, 0.104, 2.22, -6.559, -1.9, -22, 0, 0.101, 1.44, 1884.9059, -0.1, 0, 0, 0.1, 5.92, 5471.1324, -5.9, -63, 0, 0.099, 1.12, 15149.7333, -0.7, 6, 0, 0.096, 4.73, 15508.9972, -0.4, 10, 0, 0.095, 5.18, 7230.9835, 1.5, 25, 0, 0.093, 3.37, 39900.5266, 3.9, 81, 0, 0.092, 2.01, 25057.0619, 2.7, 53, 0, 0.092, 1.21, -79.6298, 0, 0, 0, 0.092, 1.65, -26310.2523, -4, -68, 0, 0.091, 1.01, 42062.5561, -1, 23, 0, 0.09, 6.1, 29342.5781, -5, -32, 0, 0.09, 4.43, 15542.402, -0.7, 6, 0, 0.09, 3.8, 15543.1066, -0.7, 6, 0, 0.089, 4.15, 6063.3859, -2.2, -19, 0, 0.086, 4.03, 52.9691, 0, 0, 0, 0.085, 0.49, 47952.4409, -2.6, 11, 0, 0.085, 1.6, 7632.8154, 2.1, 32, 0, 0.084, 0.22, 14392.0773, -0.7, 6, 0, 0.083, 6.22, 6028.4466, -4, -41, 0, 0.083, 0.63, -7909.9389, 2.8, 26, 0, 0.083, 5.2, -77.5523, 0, 0, 0, 0.082, 2.74, 8786.1467, -2.2, -19, 0, 0.08, 2.43, 9166.5428, -2.8, -26, 0, 0.08, 3.7, -25405.1732, 4.1, 27, 0, 0.078, 5.68, 48857.52, 5.4, 106, -1, 0.077, 1.85, 8315.5735, -2.2, -19, 0, 0.075, 5.46, -18191.1103, 1.9, 8, 0, 0.075, 1.41, -16238.6304, 1.3, 1, 0, 0.074, 5.06, 40110.0761, -0.4, 30, 0, 0.072, 2.1, 64.4343, -3.7, -44, 0, 0.071, 2.17, 37671.2695, -3.5, -6, 0, 0.069, 1.71, 16693.4313, -0.7, 6, 0, 0.069, 3.33, -26100.7028, -8.3, -119, 1, 0.068, 1.09, 8329.4028, 1.5, 25, 0, 0.068, 3.62, 8327.9801, 1.5, 25, 0, 0.068, 2.41, 16833.1509, -1, 3, 0, 0.067, 3.4, 24709.2971, -3.5, -20, 0, 0.067, 1.65, 8346.7156, -0.3, 3, 0, 0.066, 2.61, 22547.2677, 1.5, 39, 0, 0.066, 3.5, 15576.5113, -1, 3, 0, 0.065, 5.76, 33037.9886, -2, 5, 0, 0.065, 4.58, 8322.1325, -0.3, 3, 0, 0.065, 6.2, 17913.9868, 3, 50, 0, 0.065, 1.5, 22685.8295, -1, 9, 0, 0.065, 2.37, 7180.3058, -1.9, -15, 0, 0.064, 1.06, 30943.5332, 2.4, 56, 0, 0.064, 1.89, 8288.8765, 1.5, 25, 0, 0.064, 4.7, 6.0335, 0.3, 4, 0, 0.063, 2.83, 8368.5063, 1.5, 25, 0, 0.063, 5.66, -2580.7819, 0.7, 7, 0, 0.062, 3.78, 7056.3285, -2.2, -19, 0, 0.061, 1.49, 8294.91, 1.8, 29, 0, 0.061, 0.12, -10281.1714, -0.9, -18, 0, 0.061, 3.06, -8362.4729, -1.2, -21, 0, 0.061, 4.43, 8170.9571, 1.5, 25, 0, 0.059, 5.78, -13.1179, -3.7, -44, 0, 0.059, 5.97, 6625.5702, -2.2, -19, 0, 0.058, 5.01, -0.508, -0.3, 0, 0, 0.058, 2.73, 7161.0938, -2.2, -19, 0, 0.057, 0.19, 7214.0629, -2.2, -19, 0, 0.057, 4, 22199.5029, -4.7, -35, 0, 0.057, 5.38, 8119.142, 5.8, 76, 0, 0.056, 1.07, 7542.6495, 1.5, 25, 0, 0.056, 0.28, 8486.4258, 1.5, 25, 0, 0.054, 4.19, 16655.0816, 4.6, 75, 0, 0.053, 0.72, 7267.032, -2.2, -19, 0, 0.053, 3.12, 12.6192, 0.6, 7, 0, 0.052, 2.99, -32896.013, -1.8, -49, 0, 0.052, 3.46, 1097.708, 0, 0, 0, 0.051, 5.37, -6443.786, -1.6, -25, 0, 0.051, 1.35, 7789.401, -2.2, -19, 0, 0.051, 5.83, 40042.502, 0.2, 38, 0, 0.051, 3.63, 9114.733, 1.5, 25, 0, 0.05, 1.51, 8504.484, -2.5, -22, 0, 0.05, 5.23, 16659.684, 1.5, 25, 0, 0.05, 1.15, 7247.82, -2.5, -23, 0, 0.047, 0.25, -1290.421, 0.3, 0, 0, 0.047, 4.67, -32686.464, -6.1, -100, 0, 0.047, 3.49, 548.678, 0, 0, 0, 0.047, 2.37, 6663.308, -2.2, -19, 0, 0.046, 0.98, 1572.084, 0, 0, 0, 0.046, 2.04, 14954.262, -0.7, 6, 0, 0.046, 3.72, 6691.693, -2.2, -19, 0, 0.045, 6.19, -235.287, 0, 0, 0, 0.044, 2.96, 32967.001, -0.1, 27, 0, 0.044, 3.82, -1671.943, -5.6, -66, 0, 0.043, 5.82, 1179.063, 0, 0, 0, 0.043, 0.07, 34152.617, 1.7, 49, 0, 0.043, 3.71, 6514.773, -0.3, 0, 0, 0.043, 5.62, 15.732, -2.5, -23, 0, 0.043, 5.8, 8351.233, -2.2, -19, 0, 0.042, 0.27, 7740.199, 1.5, 25, 0, 0.042, 6.14, 15385.02, -0.7, 6, 0, 0.042, 6.13, 7285.051, -4.1, -41, 0, 0.041, 1.27, 32757.451, 4.2, 78, 0, 0.041, 4.46, 8275.722, 1.5, 25, 0, 0.04, 0.23, 8381.661, 1.5, 25, 0, 0.04, 5.87, -766.864, 2.5, 29, 0, 0.04, 1.66, 254.431, 0, 0, 0, 0.04, 0.4, 9027.981, -0.4, 0, 0, 0.04, 2.96, 7777.936, 1.5, 25, 0, 0.039, 4.67, 33943.068, 6.1, 100, 0, 0.039, 3.52, 8326.062, 1.5, 25, 0, 0.039, 3.75, 21013.887, -6.5, -57, 0, 0.039, 5.6, 606.978, 0, 0, 0, 0.039, 1.19, 8331.321, 1.5, 25, 0, 0.039, 2.84, 7211.433, -2.2, -19, 0, 0.038, 0.67, 7216.693, -2.2, -19, 0, 0.038, 6.22, 25161.867, 0.6, 28, 0, 0.038, 4.4, 7806.322, 1.5, 25, 0, 0.038, 4.16, 9179.168, -2.2, -19, 0, 0.037, 4.73, 14991.999, -0.7, 6, 0, 0.036, 0.35, 67.514, -0.6, -7, 0, 0.036, 3.7, 25266.611, -1.6, 0, 0, 0.036, 5.39, 16328.796, -0.7, 6, 0, 0.035, 1.44, 7174.248, -2.2, -19, 0, 0.035, 5, 15684.73, -4.4, -38, 0, 0.035, 0.39, -15.419, -2.2, -19, 0, 0.035, 6.07, 15020.385, -0.7, 6, 0, 0.034, 6.01, 7371.797, -2.2, -19, 0, 0.034, 0.96, -16623.626, -3.4, -54, 0, 0.033, 6.24, 9479.368, 1.5, 25, 0, 0.033, 3.21, 23661.896, 5.2, 82, 0, 0.033, 4.06, 8311.418, -2.2, -19, 0, 0.033, 2.4, 1965.105, 0, 0, 0, 0.033, 5.17, 15489.785, -0.7, 6, 0, 0.033, 5.03, 21986.54, 0.9, 31, 0, 0.033, 4.1, 16691.14, 2.7, 46, 0, 0.033, 5.13, 47114.589, 1.7, 63, 0, 0.033, 4.45, 8917.184, 1.5, 25, 0, 0.033, 4.23, 2.078, 0, 0, 0, 0.032, 2.33, 75.251, 1.5, 25, 0, 0.032, 2.1, 7253.878, -2.2, -19, 0, 0.032, 3.11, -0.224, 1.5, 25, 0, 0.032, 4.43, 16640.462, -0.7, 6, 0, 0.032, 5.68, 8328.363, 0, 0, 0, 0.031, 5.32, 8329.02, 3, 50, 0, 0.031, 3.7, 16118.093, -0.7, 6, 0, 0.03, 3.67, 16721.817, -0.7, 6, 0, 0.03, 5.27, -1881.492, -1.2, -15, 0, 0.03, 5.72, 8157.839, -2.2, -19, 0, 0.029, 5.73, -18400.313, -6.7, -94, 0, 0.029, 2.76, 16, -2.2, -19, 0, 0.029, 1.75, 8879.447, 1.5, 25, 0, 0.029, 0.32, 8851.061, 1.5, 25, 0, 0.029, 0.9, 14704.903, 3.7, 57, 0, 0.028, 2.9, 15595.723, -0.7, 6, 0, 0.028, 5.88, 16864.631, 0.2, 24, 0, 0.028, 0.63, 16869.234, -2.8, -26, 0, 0.028, 4.04, -18609.863, -2.4, -43, 0, 0.027, 5.83, 6727.736, -5.9, -63, 0, 0.027, 6.12, 418.752, 4.3, 51, 0, 0.027, 0.14, 41157.131, 3.9, 81, 0, 0.026, 3.8, 15.542, 0, 0, 0, 0.026, 1.68, 50181.698, 4.8, 99, -1, 0.026, 0.32, 315.469, 0, 0, 0, 0.025, 5.67, 19.188, 0.3, 0, 0, 0.025, 3.16, 62.133, -2.2, -19, 0, 0.025, 3.76, 15502.939, -0.7, 6, 0, 0.025, 4.53, 45999.961, -2, 19, 0, 0.024, 3.21, 837.851, -4.4, -51, 0, 0.024, 2.82, 38157.596, 0.3, 37, 0, 0.024, 5.21, 15540.124, -0.7, 6, 0, 0.024, 0.26, 14218.576, 0, 13, 0, 0.024, 3.01, 15545.384, -0.7, 6, 0, 0.024, 1.16, -17424.247, -0.6, -21, 0, 0.023, 2.34, -67.574, 0.6, 7, 0, 0.023, 2.44, 18.024, -1.9, -22, 0, 0.023, 3.7, 469.4, 0, 0, 0, 0.023, 0.72, 7136.511, -2.2, -19, 0, 0.023, 4.5, 15582.569, -0.7, 6, 0, 0.023, 2.8, -16586.395, -4.9, -72, 0, 0.023, 1.51, 80.182, 0, 0, 0, 0.023, 1.09, 5261.583, -1.5, -12, 0, 0.023, 0.56, 54956.954, -0.5, 44, 0, 0.023, 4.01, 8550.86, -2.2, -19, 0, 0.023, 4.46, 38995.448, -4.1, -14, 0, 0.023, 3.82, 2358.126, 0, 0, 0, 0.022, 3.77, 32271.125, 0.5, 34, 0, 0.022, 0.82, 15935.775, -0.7, 6, 0, 0.022, 1.07, 24013.421, -2.9, -13, 0, 0.022, 0.4, 8940.078, -2.2, -19, 0, 0.022, 2.06, 15700.489, -0.7, 6, 0, 0.022, 4.27, 15124.002, -5, -45, 0, 0.021, 1.16, 56071.583, 3.2, 88, 0, 0.021, 5.58, 9572.189, -2.2, -19, 0, 0.02, 1.7, -17.273, -3.7, -44, 0, 0.02, 3.05, 214.617, 0, 0, 0, 0.02, 4.41, 8391.048, -2.2, -19, 0, 0.02, 5.95, 23869.145, 2.4, 56, 0, 0.02, 0.42, 40947.927, -4.7, -21, 0, 0.019, 1.39, 5818.897, 0.3, 10, 0, 0.019, 0.71, 23873.747, -0.7, 6, 0, 0.019, 2.81, 7291.615, -2.2, -19, 0, 0.019, 5.09, 8428.018, -2.2, -19, 0, 0.019, 4.14, 6518.187, -1.6, -12, 0, 0.019, 3.85, 21.33, 0, 0, 0, 0.018, 0.66, 14445.046, -0.7, 6, 0, 0.018, 1.65, 0.966, -4, -48, 0, 0.018, 5.64, -17143.709, -6.8, -94, 0, 0.018, 6.01, 7736.432, -2.2, -19, 0, 0.018, 2.74, 31153.083, -1.9, 5, 0, 0.018, 4.58, 6116.355, -2.2, -19, 0, 0.018, 2.28, 46.401, 0.3, 0, 0, 0.018, 3.8, 10213.597, 1.4, 25, 0, 0.018, 2.84, 56281.132, -1.1, 36, 0, 0.018, 3.53, 8249.062, 1.5, 25, 0, 0.017, 4.43, 20871.911, -3, -13, 0, 0.017, 4.44, 627.596, 0, 0, 0, 0.017, 1.85, 628.308, 0, 0, 0, 0.017, 1.19, 8408.321, 2, 25, 0, 0.017, 1.95, 7214.056, -2, -19, 0, 0.017, 1.57, 7214.07, -2, -19, 0, 0.017, 1.65, 13870.811, -6, -60, 0, 0.017, 0.3, 22.542, -4, -44, 0, 0.017, 2.62, -119.445, 0, 0, 0, 0.016, 4.87, 5747.909, 2, 32, 0, 0.016, 4.45, 14339.108, -1, 6, 0, 0.016, 1.83, 41366.68, 0, 30, 0, 0.016, 4.53, 16309.618, -3, -23, 0, 0.016, 2.54, 15542.754, -1, 6, 0, 0.016, 6.05, 1203.646, 0, 0, 0, 0.015, 5.2, 2751.147, 0, 0, 0, 0.015, 1.8, -10699.924, -5, -69, 0, 0.015, 0.4, 22824.391, -3, -20, 0, 0.015, 2.1, 30666.756, -6, -39, 0, 0.015, 2.1, 6010.417, -2, -19, 0, 0.015, 0.7, -23729.47, -5, -75, 0, 0.015, 1.4, 14363.691, -1, 6, 0, 0.015, 5.8, 16900.689, -2, 0, 0, 0.015, 5.2, 23800.458, 3, 53, 0, 0.015, 5.3, 6035, -2, -19, 0, 0.015, 1.2, 8251.139, 2, 25, 0, 0.015, 3.6, -8.86, 0, 0, 0, 0.015, 0.8, 882.739, 0, 0, 0, 0.015, 3, 1021.329, 0, 0, 0, 0.015, 0.6, 23296.107, 1, 31, 0, 0.014, 5.4, 7227.181, 2, 25, 0, 0.014, 0.1, 7213.352, -2, -19, 0, 0.014, 4, 15506.706, 3, 50, 0, 0.014, 3.4, 7214.774, -2, -19, 0, 0.014, 4.6, 6665.385, -2, -19, 0, 0.014, 0.1, -8.636, -2, -22, 0, 0.014, 3.1, 15465.202, -1, 6, 0, 0.014, 4.9, 508.863, 0, 0, 0, 0.014, 3.5, 8406.244, 2, 25, 0, 0.014, 1.3, 13313.497, -8, -82, 0, 0.014, 2.8, 49276.619, -3, 0, 0, 0.014, 0.1, 30528.194, -3, -10, 0, 0.013, 1.7, 25128.05, 1, 31, 0, 0.013, 2.9, 14128.405, -1, 6, 0, 0.013, 3.4, 57395.761, 3, 80, 0, 0.013, 2.7, 13029.546, -1, 6, 0, 0.013, 3.9, 7802.556, -2, -19, 0, 0.013, 1.6, 8258.802, -2, -19, 0, 0.013, 2.2, 8417.709, -2, -19, 0, 0.013, 0.7, 9965.21, -2, -19, 0, 0.013, 3.4, 50391.247, 0, 48, 0, 0.013, 3, 7134.433, -2, -19, 0, 0.013, 2.9, 30599.182, -5, -31, 0, 0.013, 3.6, -9723.857, 1, 0, 0, 0.013, 4.8, 7607.084, -2, -19, 0, 0.012, 0.8, 23837.689, 1, 35, 0, 0.012, 3.6, 4.409, -4, -44, 0, 0.012, 5, 16657.031, 3, 50, 0, 0.012, 4.4, 16657.735, 3, 50, 0, 0.012, 1.1, 15578.803, -4, -38, 0, 0.012, 6, -11.49, 0, 0, 0, 0.012, 1.9, 8164.398, 0, 0, 0, 0.012, 2.4, 31852.372, -4, -17, 0, 0.012, 2.4, 6607.085, -2, -19, 0, 0.012, 4.2, 8359.87, 0, 0, 0, 0.012, 0.5, 5799.713, -2, -19, 0, 0.012, 2.7, 7220.622, 0, 0, 0, 0.012, 4.3, -139.72, 0, 0, 0, 0.012, 2.3, 13728.836, -2, -16, 0, 0.011, 3.6, 14912.146, 1, 31, 0, 0.011, 4.7, 14916.748, -2, -19, 0], [1.6768, 4.66926, 628.301955, -0.0266, 0.1, -5e-3, 0.51642, 3.3721, 6585.76091, -2.158, -18.9, 0.09, 0.41383, 5.7277, 14914.452335, -0.635, 6.2, -0.04, 0.37115, 3.9695, 7700.389469, 1.55, 25, -0.12, 0.2756, 0.7416, 8956.99338, 1.496, 25.1, -0.13, 0.24599, 4.2253, -2.3012, 1.523, 25.1, -0.12, 0.07118, 0.1443, 7842.36482, -2.211, -19, 0.08, 0.06128, 2.4998, 16171.05625, -0.688, 6, 0, 0.04516, 0.443, 8399.6791, -0.36, 3, 0, 0.04048, 5.771, 14286.15038, -0.61, 6, 0, 0.03747, 4.626, 1256.60391, -0.05, 0, 0, 0.03707, 3.415, 5957.45895, -2.13, -19, 0.1, 0.03649, 1.8, 23243.14376, 0.89, 31, -0.2, 0.02438, 0.042, 16029.08089, 3.07, 50, -0.2, 0.02165, 1.017, -1742.93051, -3.68, -44, 0.2, 0.01923, 3.097, 17285.6848, 3.02, 50, -0.3, 0.01692, 1.28, 0.3286, 1.52, 25, -0.1, 0.01361, 0.298, 8326.3902, 3.05, 50, -0.2, 0.01293, 4.013, 7072.0875, 1.58, 25, -0.1, 0.01276, 4.413, 8330.9926, 0, 0, 0, 0.0127, 0.101, 8470.6668, -2.24, -19, 0.1, 0.01097, 1.203, 22128.5152, -2.82, -13, 0, 0.01088, 2.545, 15542.7543, -0.66, 6, 0, 835e-5, 0.19, 7214.0629, -2.18, -19, 0.1, 734e-5, 4.855, 24499.7477, 0.83, 31, -0.2, 686e-5, 5.13, 13799.8238, -4.34, -38, 0.2, 631e-5, 0.93, -486.3266, -3.73, -44, 0, 585e-5, 0.699, 9585.2953, 1.5, 25, 0, 566e-5, 4.073, 8328.3391, 1.5, 25, 0, 566e-5, 0.638, 8329.0437, 1.5, 25, 0, 539e-5, 2.472, -1952.48, 0.6, 7, 0, 509e-5, 2.88, -0.7113, 0, 0, 0, 469e-5, 3.56, 30457.2066, -1.3, 12, 0, 387e-5, 0.78, -0.3523, 0, 0, 0, 378e-5, 1.84, 22614.8418, 0.9, 31, 0, 362e-5, 5.53, -695.8761, 0.6, 7, 0, 317e-5, 2.8, 16728.3705, 1.2, 28, 0, 303e-5, 6.07, 157.7344, 0, 0, 0, 3e-3, 2.53, 33.757, -0.3, -4, 0, 295e-5, 4.16, 31571.8352, 2.4, 56, 0, 289e-5, 5.98, 7211.7617, -0.7, 6, 0, 285e-5, 2.06, 15540.4531, 0.9, 31, 0, 283e-5, 2.65, 2.6298, 0, 0, 0, 282e-5, 6.17, 15545.0555, -2.2, -19, 0, 278e-5, 1.23, -39.8149, 0, 0, 0, 272e-5, 3.82, 7216.3641, -3.7, -44, 0, 27e-4, 4.37, 70.9877, -1.9, -22, 0, 256e-5, 5.81, 13657.8484, -0.6, 6, 0, 244e-5, 5.64, -0.2237, 1.5, 25, 0, 24e-4, 2.96, 8311.7707, -2.2, -19, 0, 239e-5, 0.87, -33.7814, 0.3, 4, 0, 216e-5, 2.31, 15.9995, -2.2, -19, 0, 186e-5, 3.46, 5329.157, -2.1, -19, 0, 169e-5, 2.4, 24357.772, 4.6, 75, 0, 161e-5, 5.8, 8329.403, 1.5, 25, 0, 161e-5, 5.2, 8327.98, 1.5, 25, 0, 16e-4, 4.26, 23385.119, -2.9, -13, 0, 156e-5, 1.26, 550.755, 0, 0, 0, 155e-5, 1.25, 21500.213, -2.8, -13, 0, 152e-5, 0.6, -16.921, -3.7, -44, 0, 15e-4, 2.71, -79.63, 0, 0, 0, 15e-4, 5.29, 15.542, 0, 0, 0, 148e-5, 1.06, -2371.232, -3.7, -44, 0, 141e-5, 0.77, 8328.691, 1.5, 25, 0, 141e-5, 3.67, 7143.075, -0.3, 0, 0, 138e-5, 5.45, 25614.376, 4.5, 75, 0, 129e-5, 4.9, 23871.446, 0.9, 31, 0, 126e-5, 4.03, 141.975, -3.8, -44, 0, 124e-5, 6.01, 522.369, 0, 0, 0, 12e-4, 4.94, -10071.622, -5.2, -69, 0, 118e-5, 5.07, -15.419, -2.2, -19, 0, 107e-5, 3.49, 23452.693, -3.4, -20, 0, 104e-5, 4.78, 17495.234, -1.3, 0, 0, 103e-5, 1.44, -18.049, -2.2, -19, 0, 102e-5, 5.63, 15542.402, -0.7, 6, 0, 102e-5, 2.59, 15543.107, -0.7, 6, 0, 1e-3, 4.11, -6.559, -1.9, -22, 0, 97e-5, 0.08, 15400.779, 3.1, 50, 0, 96e-5, 5.84, 31781.385, -1.9, 5, 0, 94e-5, 1.08, 8328.363, 0, 0, 0, 94e-5, 2.46, 16799.358, -0.7, 6, 0, 94e-5, 1.69, 6376.211, 2.2, 32, 0, 93e-5, 3.64, 8329.02, 3, 50, 0, 93e-5, 2.65, 16655.082, 4.6, 75, 0, 9e-4, 1.9, 15056.428, -4.4, -38, 0, 89e-5, 1.59, 52.969, 0, 0, 0, 88e-5, 2.02, -8257.704, -3.4, -47, 0, 88e-5, 3.02, 7213.711, -2.2, -19, 0, 87e-5, 0.5, 7214.415, -2.2, -19, 0, 87e-5, 0.49, 16659.684, 1.5, 25, 0, 82e-5, 5.64, -4.931, 1.5, 25, 0, 79e-5, 5.17, 13171.522, -4.3, -38, 0, 76e-5, 3.6, 29828.905, -1.3, 12, 0, 76e-5, 4.08, 24567.322, 0.3, 24, 0, 76e-5, 4.58, 1884.906, -0.1, 0, 0, 73e-5, 0.33, 31713.811, -1.4, 12, 0, 73e-5, 0.93, 32828.439, 2.4, 56, 0, 71e-5, 5.91, 38785.898, 0.2, 37, 0, 69e-5, 2.2, 15613.742, -2.5, -16, 0, 66e-5, 3.87, 15.732, -2.5, -23, 0, 66e-5, 0.86, 25823.926, 0.2, 24, 0, 65e-5, 2.52, 8170.957, 1.5, 25, 0, 63e-5, 0.18, 8322.132, -0.3, 0, 0, 6e-4, 5.84, 8326.062, 1.5, 25, 0, 6e-4, 5.15, 8331.321, 1.5, 25, 0, 6e-4, 2.18, 8486.426, 1.5, 25, 0, 58e-5, 2.3, -1.731, -4, -44, 0, 58e-5, 5.43, 14357.138, -2, -16, 0, 57e-5, 3.09, 8294.91, 2, 29, 0, 57e-5, 4.67, -8362.473, -1, -21, 0, 56e-5, 4.15, 16833.151, -1, 0, 0, 54e-5, 1.93, 7056.329, -2, -19, 0, 54e-5, 5.27, 8315.574, -2, -19, 0, 52e-5, 5.6, 8311.418, -2, -19, 0, 52e-5, 2.7, -77.552, 0, 0, 0, 51e-5, 4.3, 7230.984, 2, 25, 0, 5e-4, 0.4, -0.508, 0, 0, 0, 49e-5, 5.4, 7211.433, -2, -19, 0, 49e-5, 4.4, 7216.693, -2, -19, 0, 49e-5, 4.3, 16864.631, 0, 24, 0, 49e-5, 2.2, 16869.234, -3, -26, 0, 47e-5, 6.1, 627.596, 0, 0, 0, 47e-5, 5, 12.619, 1, 7, 0, 45e-5, 4.9, -8815.018, -5, -69, 0, 44e-5, 1.6, 62.133, -2, -19, 0, 42e-5, 2.9, -13.118, -4, -44, 0, 42e-5, 4.1, -119.445, 0, 0, 0, 41e-5, 4.3, 22756.817, -3, -13, 0, 41e-5, 3.6, 8288.877, 2, 25, 0, 4e-4, 0.5, 6663.308, -2, -19, 0, 4e-4, 1.1, 8368.506, 2, 25, 0, 39e-5, 4.1, 6443.786, 2, 25, 0, 39e-5, 3.1, 16657.383, 3, 50, 0, 38e-5, 0.1, 16657.031, 3, 50, 0, 38e-5, 3, 16657.735, 3, 50, 0, 38e-5, 4.6, 23942.433, -1, 9, 0, 37e-5, 4.3, 15385.02, -1, 6, 0, 37e-5, 5, 548.678, 0, 0, 0, 36e-5, 1.8, 7213.352, -2, -19, 0, 36e-5, 1.7, 7214.774, -2, -19, 0, 35e-5, 1.1, 7777.936, 2, 25, 0, 35e-5, 1.6, -8.86, 0, 0, 0, 35e-5, 4.4, 23869.145, 2, 56, 0, 35e-5, 2, 6691.693, -2, -19, 0, 34e-5, 1.3, -1185.616, -2, -22, 0, 34e-5, 2.2, 23873.747, -1, 6, 0, 33e-5, 2, -235.287, 0, 0, 0, 33e-5, 3.1, 17913.987, 3, 50, 0, 33e-5, 1, 8351.233, -2, -19, 0], [487e-5, 4.6693, 628.30196, -0.027, 0, -0.01, 228e-5, 2.6746, -2.3012, 1.523, 25, -0.12, 15e-4, 3.372, 6585.76091, -2.16, -19, 0.1, 12e-4, 5.728, 14914.45233, -0.64, 6, 0, 108e-5, 3.969, 7700.38947, 1.55, 25, -0.1, 8e-4, 0.742, 8956.99338, 1.5, 25, -0.1, 254e-6, 6.002, 0.3286, 1.52, 25, -0.1, 21e-5, 0.144, 7842.3648, -2.21, -19, 0, 18e-5, 2.5, 16171.0562, -0.7, 6, 0, 13e-5, 0.44, 8399.6791, -0.4, 3, 0, 126e-6, 5.03, 8326.3902, 3, 50, 0, 12e-5, 5.77, 14286.1504, -0.6, 6, 0, 118e-6, 5.96, 8330.9926, 0, 0, 0, 11e-5, 1.8, 23243.1438, 0.9, 31, 0, 11e-5, 3.42, 5957.459, -2.1, -19, 0, 11e-5, 4.63, 1256.6039, -0.1, 0, 0, 99e-6, 4.7, -0.7113, 0, 0, 0, 7e-5, 0.04, 16029.0809, 3.1, 50, 0, 7e-5, 5.14, 8328.3391, 1.5, 25, 0, 7e-5, 5.85, 8329.0437, 1.5, 25, 0, 6e-5, 1.02, -1742.9305, -3.7, -44, 0, 6e-5, 3.1, 17285.6848, 3, 50, 0, 54e-6, 5.69, -0.352, 0, 0, 0, 43e-6, 0.52, 15.542, 0, 0, 0, 41e-6, 2.03, 2.63, 0, 0, 0, 4e-5, 0.1, 8470.667, -2.2, -19, 0, 4e-5, 4.01, 7072.088, 1.6, 25, 0, 36e-6, 2.93, -8.86, -0.3, 0, 0, 3e-5, 1.2, 22128.515, -2.8, -13, 0, 3e-5, 2.54, 15542.754, -0.7, 6, 0, 27e-6, 4.43, 7211.762, -0.7, 6, 0, 26e-6, 0.51, 15540.453, 0.9, 31, 0, 26e-6, 1.44, 15545.055, -2.2, -19, 0, 25e-6, 5.37, 7216.364, -3.7, -44, 0], [12e-6, 1.041, -2.3012, 1.52, 25, -0.1, 17e-7, 0.31, -0.711, 0, 0, 0] ], QI_KB: [ 1640650479938e-6, 15.218425, 1642476703182e-6, 15.21874996, 1683430515601e-6, 15.218750011, 1752157640664e-6, 15.218749978, 1807675003759e-6, 15.218620279, 1883627765182e-6, 15.218612292, 19073691281e-4, 15.218449176, 1936603140413e-6, 15.218425, 193914552418e-5, 15.218466998, 19471807983e-4, 15.218524844, 1964362041824e-6, 15.218533526, 1987372340971e-6, 15.218513908, 1999653819126e-6, 15.218530782, 2007445469786e-6, 15.218535181, 2021324917146e-6, 15.218526248, 2047257232342e-6, 15.218519654, 2070282898213e-6, 15.218425, 207320487285e-5, 15.218515221, 2080144500926e-6, 15.218530782, 2086703688963e-6, 15.218523776, 2110033182763e-6, 15.218425, 2111190300888e-6, 15.218425, 2113731271005e-6, 15.218515671, 2120670840263e-6, 15.218425, 2123973309063e-6, 15.218425, 2125068997336e-6, 15.218477932, 2136026312633e-6, 15.218472436, 2156099495538e-6, 15.218425, 2159021324663e-6, 15.218425, 2162308575254e-6, 15.218461742, 2178485706538e-6, 15.218425, 2178759662849e-6, 15.218445786, 21853340208e-4, 15.218425, 2187525481425e-6, 15.218425, 2188621191481e-6, 15.218437494, 232214776e-2 ], QB: _decode("FrcFs22AFsckF2tsDtFqEtF1posFdFgiFseFtmelpsEfhkF2anmelpFlF1ikrotcnEqEq2FfqmcDsrFor22FgFrcgDscFs22FgEeFtE2sfFs22sCoEsaF2tsD1FpeE2eFsssEciFsFnmelpFcFhkF2tcnEqEpFgkrotcnEqrEtFermcDsrE222FgBmcmr22DaEfnaF222sD1FpeForeF2tssEfiFpEoeFssD1iFstEqFppDgFstcnEqEpFg11FscnEqrAoAF2ClAEsDmDtCtBaDlAFbAEpAAAAAD2FgBiBqoBbnBaBoAAAAAAAEgDqAdBqAFrBaBoACdAAf1AACgAAAeBbCamDgEifAE2AABa1C1BgFdiAAACoCeE1ADiEifDaAEqAAFe1AcFbcAAAAAF1iFaAAACpACmFmAAAAAAAACrDaAAADG0"), SHUO_KB: [1457698231017e-6, 29.53067166, 1546082512234e-6, 29.53085106, 16406407353e-4, 29.5306, 1642472151543e-6, 29.53085439, 16834305093e-4, 29.53086148, 1752148041079e-6, 29.53085097, 1807665420323e-6, 29.53059851, 18836181141e-4, 29.5306, 19073607047e-4, 29.5306, 19365962249e-4, 29.5306, 19391356753e-4, 29.5306, 1947168], SB: _decode("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"), nutationLon2: function(t) { var a2 = -1.742 * t; var t2 = t * t; var dl = 0; for (var i = 0, j = this.NUT_B.length; i < j; i += 5) { dl += (this.NUT_B[i + 3] + a2) * Math.sin(this.NUT_B[i] + this.NUT_B[i + 1] * t + this.NUT_B[i + 2] * t2); a2 = 0; } return dl / 100 / this.SECOND_PER_RAD; }, eLon: function(t, n) { t /= 10; var v = 0; var tn = 1; var n12; var n2; var m; var c2; var pn = 1; var n0; var m0 = this.XL0[pn + 1] - this.XL0[pn]; for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++, tn *= t) { n12 = Math.floor(this.XL0[pn + i]); n2 = Math.floor(this.XL0[pn + 1 + i]); n0 = n2 - n12; if (n0 === 0) { continue; } if (n < 0) { m = n2; } else { m = Math.floor(3 * n * n0 / m0 + 0.5 + n12); if (i !== 0) { m += 3; } if (m > n2) { m = n2; } } c2 = 0; for (var j = n12; j < m; j += 3) { c2 += this.XL0[j] * Math.cos(this.XL0[j + 1] + t * this.XL0[j + 2]); } v += c2 * tn; } v /= this.XL0[0]; var t2 = t * t; v += (-0.0728 - 2.7702 * t - 1.1019 * t2 - 0.0996 * t2 * t) / this.SECOND_PER_RAD; return v; }, mLon: function(t, n) { var ob = this.XL1; var obl = ob[0].length; var tn = 1; var v = 0; var j; var c2; var t2 = t * t; var t3 = t2 * t; var t4 = t3 * t; var t5 = t4 * t; var tx = t - 10; v += (3.81034409 + 8399.684730072 * t - 3319e-8 * t2 + 311e-10 * t3 - 2033e-13 * t4) * this.SECOND_PER_RAD; v += 5028.792262 * t + 1.1124406 * t2 + 7699e-8 * t3 - 23479e-9 * t4 - 178e-10 * t5; if (tx > 0) { v += -0.866 + 1.43 * tx + 0.054 * tx * tx; } t2 /= 1e4; t3 /= 1e8; t4 /= 1e8; n *= 6; if (n < 0) { n = obl; } for (var i = 0, x = ob.length; i < x; i++, tn *= t) { var f = ob[i]; var l = f.length; var m = Math.floor(n * l / obl + 0.5); if (i > 0) { m += 6; } if (m >= l) { m = l; } for (j = 0, c2 = 0; j < m; j += 6) { c2 += f[j] * Math.cos(f[j + 1] + t * f[j + 2] + t2 * f[j + 3] + t3 * f[j + 4] + t4 * f[j + 5]); } v += c2 * tn; } v /= this.SECOND_PER_RAD; return v; }, gxcSunLon: function(t) { var t2 = t * t; var v = -0.043126 + 628.301955 * t - 2732e-9 * t2; var e = 0.016708634 - 42037e-9 * t - 1267e-10 * t2; return -20.49552 * (1 + e * Math.cos(v)) / this.SECOND_PER_RAD; }, ev: function(t) { var f = 628.307585 * t; return 628.332 + 21 * Math.sin(1.527 + f) + 0.44 * Math.sin(1.48 + f * 2) + 0.129 * Math.sin(5.82 + f) * t + 55e-5 * Math.sin(4.21 + f) * t * t; }, saLon: function(t, n) { return this.eLon(t, n) + this.nutationLon2(t) + this.gxcSunLon(t) + Math.PI; }, dtExt: function(y, jsd) { var dy = (y - 1820) / 100; return -20 + jsd * dy * dy; }, dtCalc: function(y) { var size2 = this.DT_AT.length; var y0 = this.DT_AT[size2 - 2]; var t0 = this.DT_AT[size2 - 1]; if (y >= y0) { var jsd = 31; if (y > y0 + 100) { return this.dtExt(y, jsd); } return this.dtExt(y, jsd) - (this.dtExt(y0, jsd) - t0) * (y0 + 100 - y) / 100; } var i; for (i = 0; i < size2; i += 5) { if (y < this.DT_AT[i + 5]) { break; } } var t1 = (y - this.DT_AT[i]) / (this.DT_AT[i + 5] - this.DT_AT[i]) * 10; var t2 = t1 * t1; var t3 = t2 * t1; return this.DT_AT[i + 1] + this.DT_AT[i + 2] * t1 + this.DT_AT[i + 3] * t2 + this.DT_AT[i + 4] * t3; }, dtT: function(t) { return this.dtCalc(t / 365.2425 + 2e3) / this.SECOND_PER_DAY; }, mv: function(t) { var v = 8399.71 - 914 * Math.sin(0.7848 + 8328.691425 * t + 1523e-7 * t * t); v -= 179 * Math.sin(2.543 + 15542.7543 * t) + 160 * Math.sin(0.1874 + 7214.0629 * t) + 62 * Math.sin(3.14 + 16657.3828 * t) + 34 * Math.sin(4.827 + 16866.9323 * t) + 22 * Math.sin(4.9 + 23871.4457 * t) + 12 * Math.sin(2.59 + 14914.4523 * t) + 7 * Math.sin(0.23 + 6585.7609 * t) + 5 * Math.sin(0.9 + 25195.624 * t) + 5 * Math.sin(2.32 - 7700.3895 * t) + 5 * Math.sin(3.88 + 8956.9934 * t) + 5 * Math.sin(0.49 + 7771.3771 * t); return v; }, saLonT: function(w) { var t; var v = 628.3319653318; t = (w - 1.75347 - Math.PI) / v; v = this.ev(t); t += (w - this.saLon(t, 10)) / v; v = this.ev(t); t += (w - this.saLon(t, -1)) / v; return t; }, msaLon: function(t, mn, sn) { return this.mLon(t, mn) + -34e-7 - (this.eLon(t, sn) + this.gxcSunLon(t) + Math.PI); }, msaLonT: function(w) { var t; var v = 7771.37714500204; t = (w + 1.08472) / v; t += (w - this.msaLon(t, 3, 3)) / v; v = this.mv(t) - this.ev(t); t += (w - this.msaLon(t, 20, 10)) / v; t += (w - this.msaLon(t, -1, 60)) / v; return t; }, saLonT2: function(w) { var v = 628.3319653318; var t = (w - 1.75347 - Math.PI) / v; t -= (5297e-9 * t * t + 0.0334166 * Math.cos(4.669257 + 628.307585 * t) + 2061e-7 * Math.cos(2.67823 + 628.307585 * t) * t) / v; t += (w - ShouXingUtil2.eLon(t, 8) - Math.PI + (20.5 + 17.2 * Math.sin(2.1824 - 33.75705 * t)) / this.SECOND_PER_RAD) / v; return t; }, msaLonT2: function(w) { var t; var l; var v = 7771.37714500204; t = (w + 1.08472) / v; var t2 = t * t; t -= (-3309e-8 * t2 + 0.10976 * Math.cos(0.784758 + 8328.6914246 * t + 152292e-9 * t2) + 0.02224 * Math.cos(0.1874 + 7214.0628654 * t - 21848e-8 * t2) - 0.03342 * Math.cos(4.669257 + 628.307585 * t)) / v; t2 = t * t; l = this.mLon(t, 20) - (4.8950632 + 628.3319653318 * t + 5297e-9 * t2 + 0.0334166 * Math.cos(4.669257 + 628.307585 * t) + 2061e-7 * Math.cos(2.67823 + 628.307585 * t) * t + 349e-6 * Math.cos(4.6261 + 1256.61517 * t) - 20.5 / this.SECOND_PER_RAD); v = 7771.38 - 914 * Math.sin(0.7848 + 8328.691425 * t + 1523e-7 * t2) - 179 * Math.sin(2.543 + 15542.7543 * t) - 160 * Math.sin(0.1874 + 7214.0629 * t); t += (w - l) / v; return t; }, qiHigh: function(w) { var t = this.saLonT2(w) * 36525; t = t - this.dtT(t) + this.ONE_THIRD; var v = (t + 0.5) % 1 * this.SECOND_PER_DAY; if (v < 1200 || v > this.SECOND_PER_DAY - 1200) { t = this.saLonT(w) * 36525 - this.dtT(t) + this.ONE_THIRD; } return t; }, shuoHigh: function(w) { var t = this.msaLonT2(w) * 36525; t = t - this.dtT(t) + this.ONE_THIRD; var v = (t + 0.5) % 1 * this.SECOND_PER_DAY; if (v < 1800 || v > this.SECOND_PER_DAY - 1800) { t = this.msaLonT(w) * 36525 - this.dtT(t) + this.ONE_THIRD; } return t; }, qiLow: function(w) { var v = 628.3319653318; var t = (w - 4.895062166) / v; t -= (53 * t * t + 334116 * Math.cos(4.67 + 628.307585 * t) + 2061 * Math.cos(2.678 + 628.3076 * t) * t) / v / 1e7; var n = 4895062166e-2 + 6283319653318e-3 * t + 53 * t * t + 334166 * Math.cos(4.669257 + 628.307585 * t) + 3489 * Math.cos(4.6261 + 1256.61517 * t) + 2060.6 * Math.cos(2.67823 + 628.307585 * t) * t - 994 - 834 * Math.sin(2.1824 - 33.75705 * t); t -= (n / 1e7 - w) / 628.332 + (32 * (t + 1.8) * (t + 1.8) - 20) / this.SECOND_PER_DAY / 36525; return t * 36525 + this.ONE_THIRD; }, shuoLow: function(w) { var v = 7771.37714500204; var t = (w + 1.08472) / v; t -= (-331e-7 * t * t + 0.10976 * Math.cos(0.785 + 8328.6914 * t) + 0.02224 * Math.cos(0.187 + 7214.0629 * t) - 0.03342 * Math.cos(4.669 + 628.3076 * t)) / v + (32 * (t + 1.8) * (t + 1.8) - 20) / this.SECOND_PER_DAY / 36525; return t * 36525 + this.ONE_THIRD; }, calcShuo: function(jd) { var size2 = this.SHUO_KB.length; var d = 0; var pc = 14; var i; jd += Solar2.J2000; var f1 = this.SHUO_KB[0] - pc, f2 = this.SHUO_KB[size2 - 1] - pc, f3 = 2436935; if (jd < f1 || jd >= f3) { d = Math.floor(this.shuoHigh(Math.floor((jd + pc - 2451551) / 29.5306) * Math.PI * 2) + 0.5); } else if (jd >= f1 && jd < f2) { for (i = 0; i < size2; i += 2) { if (jd + pc < this.SHUO_KB[i + 2]) { break; } } d = this.SHUO_KB[i] + this.SHUO_KB[i + 1] * Math.floor((jd + pc - this.SHUO_KB[i]) / this.SHUO_KB[i + 1]); d = Math.floor(d + 0.5); if (d === 1683460) { d++; } d -= Solar2.J2000; } else if (jd >= f2 && jd < f3) { d = Math.floor(this.shuoLow(Math.floor((jd + pc - 2451551) / 29.5306) * Math.PI * 2) + 0.5); var from = Math.floor((jd - f2) / 29.5306); var n = this.SB.substring(from, from + 1); if ("1" === n) { d += 1; } else if ("2" === n) { d -= 1; } } return d; }, calcQi: function(jd) { var size2 = this.QI_KB.length; var d = 0; var pc = 7, i; jd += Solar2.J2000; var f1 = this.QI_KB[0] - pc, f2 = this.QI_KB[size2 - 1] - pc, f3 = 2436935; if (jd < f1 || jd >= f3) { d = Math.floor(this.qiHigh(Math.floor((jd + pc - 2451259) / 365.2422 * 24) * Math.PI / 12) + 0.5); } else if (jd >= f1 && jd < f2) { for (i = 0; i < size2; i += 2) { if (jd + pc < this.QI_KB[i + 2]) { break; } } d = this.QI_KB[i] + this.QI_KB[i + 1] * Math.floor((jd + pc - this.QI_KB[i]) / this.QI_KB[i + 1]); d = Math.floor(d + 0.5); if (d === 1683460) { d++; } d -= Solar2.J2000; } else if (jd >= f2 && jd < f3) { d = Math.floor(this.qiLow(Math.floor((jd + pc - 2451259) / 365.2422 * 24) * Math.PI / 12) + 0.5); var from = Math.floor((jd - f2) / 365.2422 * 24); var n = this.QB.substring(from, from + 1); if ("1" === n) { d += 1; } else if ("2" === n) { d -= 1; } } return d; }, qiAccurate: function(w) { var t = this.saLonT(w) * 36525; return t - this.dtT(t) + this.ONE_THIRD; }, qiAccurate2: function(jd) { var d = Math.PI / 12; var w = Math.floor((jd + 293) / 365.2422 * 24) * d; var a2 = this.qiAccurate(w); if (a2 - jd > 5) { return this.qiAccurate(w - d); } if (a2 - jd < -5) { return this.qiAccurate(w + d); } return a2; } }; }(); var SolarUtil2 = /* @__PURE__ */ function() { return { WEEK: ["{w.sun}", "{w.mon}", "{w.tues}", "{w.wed}", "{w.thur}", "{w.fri}", "{w.sat}"], DAYS_OF_MONTH: [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31], XINGZUO: ["{xz.aries}", "{xz.taurus}", "{xz.gemini}", "{xz.cancer}", "{xz.leo}", "{xz.virgo}", "{xz.libra}", "{xz.scorpio}", "{xz.sagittarius}", "{xz.capricornus}", "{xz.aquarius}", "{xz.pisces}"], FESTIVAL: { "1-1": "{jr.yuanDan}", "2-14": "{jr.qingRen}", "3-8": "{jr.fuNv}", "3-12": "{jr.zhiShu}", "3-15": "{jr.xiaoFei}", "4-1": "{jr.yuRen}", "5-1": "{jr.wuYi}", "5-4": "{jr.qingNian}", "6-1": "{jr.erTong}", "7-1": "{jr.jianDang}", "8-1": "{jr.jianJun}", "9-10": "{jr.jiaoShi}", "10-1": "{jr.guoQing}", "10-31": "{jr.wanShengYe}", "11-1": "{jr.wanSheng}", "12-24": "{jr.pingAn}", "12-25": "{jr.shengDan}" }, OTHER_FESTIVAL: { "1-8": ["周恩来逝世纪念日"], "1-10": ["中国人民警察节"], "1-14": ["日记情人节"], "1-21": ["列宁逝世纪念日"], "1-26": ["国际海关日"], "1-27": ["国际大屠杀纪念日"], "2-2": ["世界湿地日"], "2-4": ["世界抗癌日"], "2-7": ["京汉铁路罢工纪念日"], "2-10": ["国际气象节"], "2-19": ["邓小平逝世纪念日"], "2-20": ["世界社会公正日"], "2-21": ["国际母语日"], "2-24": ["第三世界青年日"], "3-1": ["国际海豹日"], "3-3": ["世界野生动植物日", "全国爱耳日"], "3-5": ["周恩来诞辰纪念日", "中国青年志愿者服务日"], "3-6": ["世界青光眼日"], "3-7": ["女生节"], "3-12": ["孙中山逝世纪念日"], "3-14": ["马克思逝世纪念日", "白色情人节"], "3-17": ["国际航海日"], "3-18": ["全国科技人才活动日", "全国爱肝日"], "3-20": ["国际幸福日"], "3-21": ["世界森林日", "世界睡眠日", "国际消除种族歧视日"], "3-22": ["世界水日"], "3-23": ["世界气象日"], "3-24": ["世界防治结核病日"], "3-29": ["中国黄花岗七十二烈士殉难纪念日"], "4-2": ["国际儿童图书日", "世界自闭症日"], "4-4": ["国际地雷行动日"], "4-7": ["世界卫生日"], "4-8": ["国际珍稀动物保护日"], "4-12": ["世界航天日"], "4-14": ["黑色情人节"], "4-15": ["全民国家安全教育日"], "4-22": ["世界地球日", "列宁诞辰纪念日"], "4-23": ["世界读书日"], "4-24": ["中国航天日"], "4-25": ["儿童预防接种宣传日"], "4-26": ["世界知识产权日", "全国疟疾日"], "4-28": ["世界安全生产与健康日"], "4-30": ["全国交通安全反思日"], "5-2": ["世界金枪鱼日"], "5-3": ["世界新闻自由日"], "5-5": ["马克思诞辰纪念日"], "5-8": ["世界红十字日"], "5-11": ["世界肥胖日"], "5-12": ["全国防灾减灾日", "护士节"], "5-14": ["玫瑰情人节"], "5-15": ["国际家庭日"], "5-19": ["中国旅游日"], "5-20": ["网络情人节"], "5-22": ["国际生物多样性日"], "5-25": ["525心理健康节"], "5-27": ["上海解放日"], "5-29": ["国际维和人员日"], "5-30": ["中国五卅运动纪念日"], "5-31": ["世界无烟日"], "6-3": ["世界自行车日"], "6-5": ["世界环境日"], "6-6": ["全国爱眼日"], "6-8": ["世界海洋日"], "6-11": ["中国人口日"], "6-14": ["世界献血日", "亲亲情人节"], "6-17": ["世界防治荒漠化与干旱日"], "6-20": ["世界难民日"], "6-21": ["国际瑜伽日"], "6-25": ["全国土地日"], "6-26": ["国际禁毒日", "联合国宪章日"], "7-1": ["香港回归纪念日"], "7-6": ["国际接吻日", "朱德逝世纪念日"], "7-7": ["七七事变纪念日"], "7-11": ["世界人口日", "中国航海日"], "7-14": ["银色情人节"], "7-18": ["曼德拉国际日"], "7-30": ["国际友谊日"], "8-3": ["男人节"], "8-5": ["恩格斯逝世纪念日"], "8-6": ["国际电影节"], "8-8": ["全民健身日"], "8-9": ["国际土著人日"], "8-12": ["国际青年节"], "8-14": ["绿色情人节"], "8-19": ["世界人道主义日", "中国医师节"], "8-22": ["邓小平诞辰纪念日"], "8-29": ["全国测绘法宣传日"], "9-3": ["中国抗日战争胜利纪念日"], "9-5": ["中华慈善日"], "9-8": ["世界扫盲日"], "9-9": ["毛泽东逝世纪念日", "全国拒绝酒驾日"], "9-14": ["世界清洁地球日", "相片情人节"], "9-15": ["国际民主日"], "9-16": ["国际臭氧层保护日"], "9-17": ["世界骑行日"], "9-18": ["九一八事变纪念日"], "9-20": ["全国爱牙日"], "9-21": ["国际和平日"], "9-27": ["世界旅游日"], "9-30": ["中国烈士纪念日"], "10-1": ["国际老年人日"], "10-2": ["国际非暴力日"], "10-4": ["世界动物日"], "10-11": ["国际女童日"], "10-10": ["辛亥革命纪念日"], "10-13": ["国际减轻自然灾害日", "中国少年先锋队诞辰日"], "10-14": ["葡萄酒情人节"], "10-16": ["世界粮食日"], "10-17": ["全国扶贫日"], "10-20": ["世界统计日"], "10-24": ["世界发展信息日", "程序员节"], "10-25": ["抗美援朝纪念日"], "11-5": ["世界海啸日"], "11-8": ["记者节"], "11-9": ["全国消防日"], "11-11": ["光棍节"], "11-12": ["孙中山诞辰纪念日"], "11-14": ["电影情人节"], "11-16": ["国际宽容日"], "11-17": ["国际大学生节"], "11-19": ["世界厕所日"], "11-28": ["恩格斯诞辰纪念日"], "11-29": ["国际声援巴勒斯坦人民日"], "12-1": ["世界艾滋病日"], "12-2": ["全国交通安全日"], "12-3": ["世界残疾人日"], "12-4": ["全国法制宣传日"], "12-5": ["世界弱能人士日", "国际志愿人员日"], "12-7": ["国际民航日"], "12-9": ["世界足球日", "国际反腐败日"], "12-10": ["世界人权日"], "12-11": ["国际山岳日"], "12-12": ["西安事变纪念日"], "12-13": ["国家公祭日"], "12-14": ["拥抱情人节"], "12-18": ["国际移徙者日"], "12-26": ["毛泽东诞辰纪念日"] }, WEEK_FESTIVAL: { "3-0-1": "全国中小学生安全教育日", "5-2-0": "母亲节", "5-3-0": "全国助残日", "6-3-0": "父亲节", "9-3-6": "全民国防教育日", "10-1-1": "世界住房日", "11-4-4": "感恩节" }, isLeapYear: function(year) { if (year < 1600) { return year % 4 === 0; } return year % 4 === 0 && year % 100 !== 0 || year % 400 === 0; }, getDaysOfMonth: function(year, month) { var oy = year; var om = month; year *= 1; if (isNaN(year)) { throw new Error("wrong solar year " + oy); } month *= 1; if (isNaN(month)) { throw new Error("wrong solar month " + om); } if (1582 === year && 10 === month) { return 21; } var m = month - 1; var d = this.DAYS_OF_MONTH[m]; if (m === 1 && this.isLeapYear(year)) { d++; } return d; }, getDaysOfYear: function(year) { var oy = year; year *= 1; if (isNaN(year)) { throw new Error("wrong solar year " + oy); } if (1582 === year) { return 355; } return this.isLeapYear(year) ? 366 : 365; }, getDaysInYear: function(year, month, day) { var oy = year; var om = month; var od = day; year *= 1; if (isNaN(year)) { throw new Error("wrong solar year " + oy); } month *= 1; if (isNaN(month)) { throw new Error("wrong solar month " + om); } day *= 1; if (isNaN(day)) { throw new Error("wrong solar day " + od); } var days = 0; for (var i = 1; i < month; i++) { days += this.getDaysOfMonth(year, i); } var d = day; if (1582 === year && 10 === month) { if (day >= 15) { d -= 10; } else if (day > 4) { throw new Error("wrong solar year " + year + " month " + month + " day " + day); } } days += d; return days; }, getDaysBetween: function(ay, am, ad, by, bm, bd) { var oay = ay; var oam = am; var oad = ad; var oby = by; var obm = bm; var obd = bd; ay *= 1; if (isNaN(ay)) { throw new Error("wrong solar year " + oay); } am *= 1; if (isNaN(am)) { throw new Error("wrong solar month " + oam); } ad *= 1; if (isNaN(ad)) { throw new Error("wrong solar day " + oad); } by *= 1; if (isNaN(by)) { throw new Error("wrong solar year " + oby); } bm *= 1; if (isNaN(bm)) { throw new Error("wrong solar month " + obm); } bd *= 1; if (isNaN(bd)) { throw new Error("wrong solar day " + obd); } var n; var days; var i; if (ay === by) { n = this.getDaysInYear(by, bm, bd) - this.getDaysInYear(ay, am, ad); } else if (ay > by) { days = this.getDaysOfYear(by) - this.getDaysInYear(by, bm, bd); for (i = by + 1; i < ay; i++) { days += this.getDaysOfYear(i); } days += this.getDaysInYear(ay, am, ad); n = -days; } else { days = this.getDaysOfYear(ay) - this.getDaysInYear(ay, am, ad); for (i = ay + 1; i < by; i++) { days += this.getDaysOfYear(i); } days += this.getDaysInYear(by, bm, bd); n = days; } return n; }, getWeeksOfMonth: function(year, month, start) { return Math.ceil((this.getDaysOfMonth(year, month) + Solar2.fromYmd(year, month, 1).getWeek() - start) / 7); } }; }(); var LunarUtil2 = /* @__PURE__ */ function() { return { BASE_MONTH_ZHI_INDEX: 2, JIE_QI: ["{jq.dongZhi}", "{jq.xiaoHan}", "{jq.daHan}", "{jq.liChun}", "{jq.yuShui}", "{jq.jingZhe}", "{jq.chunFen}", "{jq.qingMing}", "{jq.guYu}", "{jq.liXia}", "{jq.xiaoMan}", "{jq.mangZhong}", "{jq.xiaZhi}", "{jq.xiaoShu}", "{jq.daShu}", "{jq.liQiu}", "{jq.chuShu}", "{jq.baiLu}", "{jq.qiuFen}", "{jq.hanLu}", "{jq.shuangJiang}", "{jq.liDong}", "{jq.xiaoXue}", "{jq.daXue}"], JIE_QI_IN_USE: ["DA_XUE", "{jq.dongZhi}", "{jq.xiaoHan}", "{jq.daHan}", "{jq.liChun}", "{jq.yuShui}", "{jq.jingZhe}", "{jq.chunFen}", "{jq.qingMing}", "{jq.guYu}", "{jq.liXia}", "{jq.xiaoMan}", "{jq.mangZhong}", "{jq.xiaZhi}", "{jq.xiaoShu}", "{jq.daShu}", "{jq.liQiu}", "{jq.chuShu}", "{jq.baiLu}", "{jq.qiuFen}", "{jq.hanLu}", "{jq.shuangJiang}", "{jq.liDong}", "{jq.xiaoXue}", "{jq.daXue}", "DONG_ZHI", "XIAO_HAN", "DA_HAN", "LI_CHUN", "YU_SHUI", "JING_ZHE"], CHANG_SHENG_OFFSET: { "{tg.jia}": 1, "{tg.bing}": 10, "{tg.wu}": 10, "{tg.geng}": 7, "{tg.ren}": 4, "{tg.yi}": 6, "{tg.ding}": 9, "{tg.ji}": 9, "{tg.xin}": 0, "{tg.gui}": 3 }, MONTH_ZHI: ["", "{dz.yin}", "{dz.mao}", "{dz.chen}", "{dz.si}", "{dz.wu}", "{dz.wei}", "{dz.shen}", "{dz.you}", "{dz.xu}", "{dz.hai}", "{dz.zi}", "{dz.chou}"], CHANG_SHENG: ["{ds.changSheng}", "{ds.muYu}", "{ds.guanDai}", "{ds.linGuan}", "{ds.diWang}", "{ds.shuai}", "{ds.bing}", "{ds.si}", "{ds.mu}", "{ds.jue}", "{ds.tai}", "{ds.yang}"], XUN: [ "{jz.jiaZi}", "{jz.jiaXu}", "{jz.jiaShen}", "{jz.jiaWu}", "{jz.jiaChen}", "{jz.jiaYin}" ], XUN_KONG: [ "{dz.xu}{dz.hai}", "{dz.shen}{dz.you}", "{dz.wu}{dz.wei}", "{dz.chen}{dz.si}", "{dz.yin}{dz.mao}", "{dz.zi}{dz.chou}" ], LIU_YAO: [ "{ly.xianSheng}", "{ly.youYin}", "{ly.xianFu}", "{ly.foMie}", "{ly.daAn}", "{ly.chiKou}" ], HOU: ["{h.first}", "{h.second}", "{h.third}"], WU_HOU: [ "{h.qiuYinJie}", "{h.miJiao}", "{h.shuiQuan}", "{h.yanBei}", "{h.queShi}", "{h.zhiShi}", "{h.jiShi}", "{h.zhengNiao}", "{h.shuiZe}", "{h.dongFeng}", "{h.zheChongShiZhen}", "{h.yuZhi}", "{h.taJi}", "{h.houYan}", "{h.caoMuMengDong}", "{h.taoShi}", "{h.cangGeng}", "{h.yingHua}", "{h.xuanNiaoZhi}", "{h.leiNai}", "{h.shiDian}", "{h.tongShi}", "{h.tianShu}", "{h.hongShi}", "{h.pingShi}", "{h.mingJiu}", "{h.daiSheng}", "{h.louGuo}", "{h.qiuYinChu}", "{h.wangGua}", "{h.kuCai}", "{h.miCao}", "{h.maiQiu}", "{h.tangLang}", "{h.juShi}", "{h.fanShe}", "{h.luJia}", "{h.tiaoShi}", "{h.banXia}", "{h.wenFeng}", "{h.xiShuai}", "{h.yingShi}", "{h.fuCao}", "{h.tuRun}", "{h.daYu}", "{h.liangFeng}", "{h.baiLu}", "{h.hanChan}", "{h.yingNai}", "{h.tianDi}", "{h.heNai}", "{h.hongYanLai}", "{h.xuanNiaoGui}", "{h.qunNiao}", "{h.leiShi}", "{h.zheChongPiHu}", "{h.shuiShiHe}", "{h.hongYanLaiBin}", "{h.queRu}", "{h.juYou}", "{h.caiNai}", "{h.caoMuHuangLuo}", "{h.zheChongXianFu}", "{h.shuiShiBing}", "{h.diShi}", "{h.zhiRu}", "{h.hongCang}", "{h.tianQi}", "{h.biSe}", "{h.heDan}", "{h.huShi}", "{h.liTing}" ], GAN: ["", "{tg.jia}", "{tg.yi}", "{tg.bing}", "{tg.ding}", "{tg.wu}", "{tg.ji}", "{tg.geng}", "{tg.xin}", "{tg.ren}", "{tg.gui}"], POSITION_XI: ["", "{bg.gen}", "{bg.qian}", "{bg.kun}", "{bg.li}", "{bg.xun}", "{bg.gen}", "{bg.qian}", "{bg.kun}", "{bg.li}", "{bg.xun}"], POSITION_YANG_GUI: ["", "{bg.kun}", "{bg.kun}", "{bg.dui}", "{bg.qian}", "{bg.gen}", "{bg.kan}", "{bg.li}", "{bg.gen}", "{bg.zhen}", "{bg.xun}"], POSITION_YIN_GUI: ["", "{bg.gen}", "{bg.kan}", "{bg.qian}", "{bg.dui}", "{bg.kun}", "{bg.kun}", "{bg.gen}", "{bg.li}", "{bg.xun}", "{bg.zhen}"], POSITION_FU: ["", "{bg.xun}", "{bg.xun}", "{bg.zhen}", "{bg.zhen}", "{bg.kan}", "{bg.li}", "{bg.kun}", "{bg.kun}", "{bg.qian}", "{bg.dui}"], POSITION_FU_2: ["", "{bg.kan}", "{bg.kun}", "{bg.qian}", "{bg.xun}", "{bg.gen}", "{bg.kan}", "{bg.kun}", "{bg.qian}", "{bg.xun}", "{bg.gen}"], POSITION_CAI: ["", "{bg.gen}", "{bg.gen}", "{bg.kun}", "{bg.kun}", "{bg.kan}", "{bg.kan}", "{bg.zhen}", "{bg.zhen}", "{bg.li}", "{bg.li}"], POSITION_TAI_SUI_YEAR: ["{bg.kan}", "{bg.gen}", "{bg.gen}", "{bg.zhen}", "{bg.xun}", "{bg.xun}", "{bg.li}", "{bg.kun}", "{bg.kun}", "{bg.dui}", "{bg.kan}", "{bg.kan}"], POSITION_GAN: ["{bg.zhen}", "{bg.zhen}", "{bg.li}", "{bg.li}", "{ps.center}", "{ps.center}", "{bg.dui}", "{bg.dui}", "{bg.kan}", "{bg.kan}"], POSITION_ZHI: ["{bg.kan}", "{ps.center}", "{bg.zhen}", "{bg.zhen}", "{ps.center}", "{bg.li}", "{bg.li}", "{ps.center}", "{bg.dui}", "{bg.dui}", "{ps.center}", "{bg.kan}"], POSITION_TAI_DAY: [ "{ts.zhan}{ts.men}{ts.dui} {ps.wai}{ps.dongNan}", "{ts.dui}{ts.mo}{ts.ce} {ps.wai}{ps.dongNan}", "{ts.chu}{ts.zao}{ts.lu} {ps.wai}{ps.zhengNan}", "{ts.cangKu}{ts.men} {ps.wai}{ps.zhengNan}", "{ts.fang}{ts.chuang}{ts.xi} {ps.wai}{ps.zhengNan}", "{ts.zhan}{ts.men}{ts.chuang} {ps.wai}{ps.zhengNan}", "{ts.zhan}{ts.dui}{ts.mo} {ps.wai}{ps.zhengNan}", "{ts.chu}{ts.zao}{ts.ce} {ps.wai}{ps.xiNan}", "{ts.cangKu}{ts.lu} {ps.wai}{ps.xiNan}", "{ts.fang}{ts.chuang}{ts.men} {ps.wai}{ps.xiNan}", "{ts.zhan}{ts.men}{ts.xi} {ps.wai}{ps.xiNan}", "{ts.dui}{ts.mo}{ts.chuang} {ps.wai}{ps.xiNan}", "{ts.chu}{ts.zao}{ts.dui} {ps.wai}{ps.xiNan}", "{ts.cangKu}{ts.ce} {ps.wai}{ps.zhengXi}", "{ts.fang}{ts.chuang}{ts.lu} {ps.wai}{ps.zhengXi}", "{ts.zhan}{ts.daMen} {ps.wai}{ps.zhengXi}", "{ts.dui}{ts.mo}{ts.xi} {ps.wai}{ps.zhengXi}", "{ts.chu}{ts.zao}{ts.chuang} {ps.wai}{ps.zhengXi}", "{ts.cangKu}{ts.dui} {ps.wai}{ps.xiBei}", "{ts.fang}{ts.chuang}{ts.ce} {ps.wai}{ps.xiBei}", "{ts.zhan}{ts.men}{ts.lu} {ps.wai}{ps.xiBei}", "{ts.dui}{ts.mo}{ts.men} {ps.wai}{ps.xiBei}", "{ts.chu}{ts.zao}{ts.xi} {ps.wai}{ps.xiBei}", "{ts.cangKu}{ts.chuang} {ps.wai}{ps.xiBei}", "{ts.fang}{ts.chuang}{ts.dui} {ps.wai}{ps.zhengBei}", "{ts.zhan}{ts.men}{ts.ce} {ps.wai}{ps.zhengBei}", "{ts.dui}{ts.mo}{ts.lu} {ps.wai}{ps.zhengBei}", "{ts.chu}{ts.zao}{ts.men} {ps.wai}{ps.zhengBei}", "{ts.cangKu}{ts.xi} {ps.wai}{ps.zhengBei}", "{ts.zhan}{ts.fang}{ts.chuang} {ps.fangNei}{ps.bei}", "{ts.zhan}{ts.men}{ts.dui} {ps.fangNei}{ps.bei}", "{ts.dui}{ts.mo}{ts.ce} {ps.fangNei}{ps.bei}", "{ts.chu}{ts.zao}{ts.lu} {ps.fangNei}{ps.bei}", "{ts.cangKu}{ts.men} {ps.fangNei}{ps.bei}", "{ts.fang}{ts.chuang}{ts.xi} {ps.fangNei}{ps.center}", "{ts.zhan}{ts.men}{ts.chuang} {ps.fangNei}{ps.center}", "{ts.zhan}{ts.dui}{ts.mo} {ps.fangNei}{ps.nan}", "{ts.chu}{ts.zao}{ts.ce} {ps.fangNei}{ps.nan}", "{ts.cangKu}{ts.lu} {ps.fangNei}{ps.nan}", "{ts.fang}{ts.chuang}{ts.men} {ps.fangNei}{ps.xi}", "{ts.zhan}{ts.men}{ts.xi} {ps.fangNei}{ps.dong}", "{ts.dui}{ts.mo}{ts.chuang} {ps.fangNei}{ps.dong}", "{ts.chu}{ts.zao}{ts.dui} {ps.fangNei}{ps.dong}", "{ts.cangKu}{ts.ce} {ps.fangNei}{ps.dong}", "{ts.fang}{ts.chuang}{ts.lu} {ps.fangNei}{ps.center}", "{ts.zhan}{ts.daMen} {ps.wai}{ps.dongBei}", "{ts.dui}{ts.mo}{ts.xi} {ps.wai}{ps.dongBei}", "{ts.chu}{ts.zao}{ts.chuang} {ps.wai}{ps.dongBei}", "{ts.cangKu}{ts.dui} {ps.wai}{ps.dongBei}", "{ts.fang}{ts.chuang}{ts.ce} {ps.wai}{ps.dongBei}", "{ts.zhan}{ts.men}{ts.lu} {ps.wai}{ps.dongBei}", "{ts.dui}{ts.mo}{ts.men} {ps.wai}{ps.zhengDong}", "{ts.chu}{ts.zao}{ts.xi} {ps.wai}{ps.zhengDong}", "{ts.cangKu}{ts.chuang} {ps.wai}{ps.zhengDong}", "{ts.fang}{ts.chuang}{ts.dui} {ps.wai}{ps.zhengDong}", "{ts.zhan}{ts.men}{ts.ce} {ps.wai}{ps.zhengDong}", "{ts.dui}{ts.mo}{ts.lu} {ps.wai}{ps.dongNan}", "{ts.chu}{ts.zao}{ts.men} {ps.wai}{ps.dongNan}", "{ts.cangKu}{ts.xi} {ps.wai}{ps.dongNan}", "{ts.zhan}{ts.fang}{ts.chuang} {ps.wai}{ps.dongNan}" ], POSITION_TAI_MONTH: [ "{ts.zhan}{ts.fang}{ts.chuang}", "{ts.zhan}{ts.hu}{ts.win}", "{ts.zhan}{ts.men}{ts.tang}", "{ts.zhan}{ts.chu}{ts.zao}", "{ts.zhan}{ts.fang}{ts.chuang}", "{ts.zhan}{ts.chuang}{ts.cang}", "{ts.zhan}{ts.dui}{ts.mo}", "{ts.zhan}{ts.ce}{ts.hu}", "{ts.zhan}{ts.men}{ts.fang}", "{ts.zhan}{ts.fang}{ts.chuang}", "{ts.zhan}{ts.zao}{ts.lu}", "{ts.zhan}{ts.fang}{ts.chuang}" ], ZHI: ["", "{dz.zi}", "{dz.chou}", "{dz.yin}", "{dz.mao}", "{dz.chen}", "{dz.si}", "{dz.wu}", "{dz.wei}", "{dz.shen}", "{dz.you}", "{dz.xu}", "{dz.hai}"], ZHI_XING: [ "", "{zx.jian}", "{zx.chu}", "{zx.man}", "{zx.ping}", "{zx.ding}", "{zx.zhi}", "{zx.po}", "{zx.wei}", "{zx.cheng}", "{zx.shou}", "{zx.kai}", "{zx.bi}" ], JIA_ZI: [ "{jz.jiaZi}", "{jz.yiChou}", "{jz.bingYin}", "{jz.dingMao}", "{jz.wuChen}", "{jz.jiSi}", "{jz.gengWu}", "{jz.xinWei}", "{jz.renShen}", "{jz.guiYou}", "{jz.jiaXu}", "{jz.yiHai}", "{jz.bingZi}", "{jz.dingChou}", "{jz.wuYin}", "{jz.jiMao}", "{jz.gengChen}", "{jz.xinSi}", "{jz.renWu}", "{jz.guiWei}", "{jz.jiaShen}", "{jz.yiYou}", "{jz.bingXu}", "{jz.dingHai}", "{jz.wuZi}", "{jz.jiChou}", "{jz.gengYin}", "{jz.xinMao}", "{jz.renChen}", "{jz.guiSi}", "{jz.jiaWu}", "{jz.yiWei}", "{jz.bingShen}", "{jz.dingYou}", "{jz.wuXu}", "{jz.jiHai}", "{jz.gengZi}", "{jz.xinChou}", "{jz.renYin}", "{jz.guiMao}", "{jz.jiaChen}", "{jz.yiSi}", "{jz.bingWu}", "{jz.dingWei}", "{jz.wuShen}", "{jz.jiYou}", "{jz.gengXu}", "{jz.xinHai}", "{jz.renZi}", "{jz.guiChou}", "{jz.jiaYin}", "{jz.yiMao}", "{jz.bingChen}", "{jz.dingSi}", "{jz.wuWu}", "{jz.jiWei}", "{jz.gengShen}", "{jz.xinYou}", "{jz.renXu}", "{jz.guiHai}" ], TIAN_SHEN: ["", "{sn.qingLong}", "{sn.mingTang}", "{sn.tianXing}", "{sn.zhuQue}", "{sn.jinKui}", "{sn.tianDe}", "{sn.baiHu}", "{sn.yuTang}", "{sn.tianLao}", "{sn.xuanWu}", "{sn.siMing}", "{sn.gouChen}"], ZHI_TIAN_SHEN_OFFSET: { "{dz.zi}": 4, "{dz.chou}": 2, "{dz.yin}": 0, "{dz.mao}": 10, "{dz.chen}": 8, "{dz.si}": 6, "{dz.wu}": 4, "{dz.wei}": 2, "{dz.shen}": 0, "{dz.you}": 10, "{dz.xu}": 8, "{dz.hai}": 6 }, TIAN_SHEN_TYPE: { "{sn.qingLong}": "{s.huangDao}", "{sn.mingTang}": "{s.huangDao}", "{sn.jinKui}": "{s.huangDao}", "{sn.tianDe}": "{s.huangDao}", "{sn.yuTang}": "{s.huangDao}", "{sn.siMing}": "{s.huangDao}", "{sn.tianXing}": "{s.heiDao}", "{sn.zhuQue}": "{s.heiDao}", "{sn.baiHu}": "{s.heiDao}", "{sn.tianLao}": "{s.heiDao}", "{sn.xuanWu}": "{s.heiDao}", "{sn.gouChen}": "{s.heiDao}" }, TIAN_SHEN_TYPE_LUCK: { "{s.huangDao}": "{s.goodLuck}", "{s.heiDao}": "{s.badLuck}" }, PENGZU_GAN: ["", "{tg.jia}不开仓财物耗散", "{tg.yi}不栽植千株不长", "{tg.bing}不修灶必见灾殃", "{tg.ding}不剃头头必生疮", "{tg.wu}不受田田主不祥", "{tg.ji}不破券二比并亡", "{tg.geng}不经络织机虚张", "{tg.xin}不合酱主人不尝", "{tg.ren}不泱水更难提防", "{tg.gui}不词讼理弱敌强"], PENGZU_ZHI: ["", "{dz.zi}不问卜自惹祸殃", "{dz.chou}不冠带主不还乡", "{dz.yin}不祭祀神鬼不尝", "{dz.mao}不穿井水泉不香", "{dz.chen}不哭泣必主重丧", "{dz.si}不远行财物伏藏", "{dz.wu}不苫盖屋主更张", "{dz.wei}不服药毒气入肠", "{dz.shen}不安床鬼祟入房", "{dz.you}不会客醉坐颠狂", "{dz.xu}不吃犬作怪上床", "{dz.hai}不嫁娶不利新郎"], NUMBER: ["{n.zero}", "{n.one}", "{n.two}", "{n.three}", "{n.four}", "{n.five}", "{n.six}", "{n.seven}", "{n.eight}", "{n.nine}", "{n.ten}", "{n.eleven}", "{n.twelve}"], MONTH: [ "", "{m.one}", "{m.two}", "{m.three}", "{m.four}", "{m.five}", "{m.six}", "{m.seven}", "{m.eight}", "{m.nine}", "{m.ten}", "{m.eleven}", "{m.twelve}" ], SEASON: [ "", "{od.first}{sz.chun}", "{od.second}{sz.chun}", "{od.third}{sz.chun}", "{od.first}{sz.xia}", "{od.second}{sz.xia}", "{od.third}{sz.xia}", "{od.first}{sz.qiu}", "{od.second}{sz.qiu}", "{od.third}{sz.qiu}", "{od.first}{sz.dong}", "{od.second}{sz.dong}", "{od.third}{sz.dong}" ], SHENGXIAO: ["", "{sx.rat}", "{sx.ox}", "{sx.tiger}", "{sx.rabbit}", "{sx.dragon}", "{sx.snake}", "{sx.horse}", "{sx.goat}", "{sx.monkey}", "{sx.rooster}", "{sx.dog}", "{sx.pig}"], DAY: [ "", "{d.one}", "{d.two}", "{d.three}", "{d.four}", "{d.five}", "{d.six}", "{d.seven}", "{d.eight}", "{d.nine}", "{d.ten}", "{d.eleven}", "{d.twelve}", "{d.thirteen}", "{d.fourteen}", "{d.fifteen}", "{d.sixteen}", "{d.seventeen}", "{d.eighteen}", "{d.nighteen}", "{d.twenty}", "{d.twentyOne}", "{d.twentyTwo}", "{d.twentyThree}", "{d.twentyFour}", "{d.twentyFive}", "{d.twentySix}", "{d.twentySeven}", "{d.twentyEight}", "{d.twentyNine}", "{d.thirty}" ], YUE_XIANG: [ "", "{yx.shuo}", "{yx.jiShuo}", "{yx.eMeiXin}", "{yx.eMeiXin}", "{yx.eMei}", "{yx.xi}", "{yx.shangXian}", "{yx.shangXian}", "{yx.jiuYe}", "{yx.night}", "{yx.night}", "{yx.night}", "{yx.jianYingTu}", "{yx.xiaoWang}", "{yx.wang}", "{yx.jiWang}", "{yx.liDai}", "{yx.juDai}", "{yx.qinDai}", "{yx.gengDai}", "{yx.jianKuiTu}", "{yx.xiaXian}", "{yx.xiaXian}", "{yx.youMing}", "{yx.youMing}", "{yx.eMeiCan}", "{yx.eMeiCan}", "{yx.can}", "{yx.xiao}", "{yx.hui}" ], XIU: { "{dz.shen}1": "{xx.bi}", "{dz.shen}2": "{xx.yi}", "{dz.shen}3": "{xx.ji}", "{dz.shen}4": "{xx.kui}", "{dz.shen}5": "{xx.gui}", "{dz.shen}6": "{xx.di}", "{dz.shen}0": "{xx.xu}", "{dz.zi}1": "{xx.bi}", "{dz.zi}2": "{xx.yi}", "{dz.zi}3": "{xx.ji}", "{dz.zi}4": "{xx.kui}", "{dz.zi}5": "{xx.gui}", "{dz.zi}6": "{xx.di}", "{dz.zi}0": "{xx.xu}", "{dz.chen}1": "{xx.bi}", "{dz.chen}2": "{xx.yi}", "{dz.chen}3": "{xx.ji}", "{dz.chen}4": "{xx.kui}", "{dz.chen}5": "{xx.gui}", "{dz.chen}6": "{xx.di}", "{dz.chen}0": "{xx.xu}", "{dz.si}1": "{xx.wei}", "{dz.si}2": "{xx.zi}", "{dz.si}3": "{xx.zhen}", "{dz.si}4": "{xx.dou}", "{dz.si}5": "{xx.lou}", "{dz.si}6": "{xx.liu}", "{dz.si}0": "{xx.fang}", "{dz.you}1": "{xx.wei}", "{dz.you}2": "{xx.zi}", "{dz.you}3": "{xx.zhen}", "{dz.you}4": "{xx.dou}", "{dz.you}5": "{xx.lou}", "{dz.you}6": "{xx.liu}", "{dz.you}0": "{xx.fang}", "{dz.chou}1": "{xx.wei}", "{dz.chou}2": "{xx.zi}", "{dz.chou}3": "{xx.zhen}", "{dz.chou}4": "{xx.dou}", "{dz.chou}5": "{xx.lou}", "{dz.chou}6": "{xx.liu}", "{dz.chou}0": "{xx.fang}", "{dz.yin}1": "{xx.xin}", "{dz.yin}2": "{xx.shi}", "{dz.yin}3": "{xx.can}", "{dz.yin}4": "{xx.jiao}", "{dz.yin}5": "{xx.niu}", "{dz.yin}6": "{xx.vei}", "{dz.yin}0": "{xx.xing}", "{dz.wu}1": "{xx.xin}", "{dz.wu}2": "{xx.shi}", "{dz.wu}3": "{xx.can}", "{dz.wu}4": "{xx.jiao}", "{dz.wu}5": "{xx.niu}", "{dz.wu}6": "{xx.vei}", "{dz.wu}0": "{xx.xing}", "{dz.xu}1": "{xx.xin}", "{dz.xu}2": "{xx.shi}", "{dz.xu}3": "{xx.can}", "{dz.xu}4": "{xx.jiao}", "{dz.xu}5": "{xx.niu}", "{dz.xu}6": "{xx.vei}", "{dz.xu}0": "{xx.xing}", "{dz.hai}1": "{xx.zhang}", "{dz.hai}2": "{xx.tail}", "{dz.hai}3": "{xx.qiang}", "{dz.hai}4": "{xx.jing}", "{dz.hai}5": "{xx.kang}", "{dz.hai}6": "{xx.nv}", "{dz.hai}0": "{xx.mao}", "{dz.mao}1": "{xx.zhang}", "{dz.mao}2": "{xx.tail}", "{dz.mao}3": "{xx.qiang}", "{dz.mao}4": "{xx.jing}", "{dz.mao}5": "{xx.kang}", "{dz.mao}6": "{xx.nv}", "{dz.mao}0": "{xx.mao}", "{dz.wei}1": "{xx.zhang}", "{dz.wei}2": "{xx.tail}", "{dz.wei}3": "{xx.qiang}", "{dz.wei}4": "{xx.jing}", "{dz.wei}5": "{xx.kang}", "{dz.wei}6": "{xx.nv}", "{dz.wei}0": "{xx.mao}" }, XIU_LUCK: { "{xx.jiao}": "{s.goodLuck}", "{xx.kang}": "{s.badLuck}", "{xx.di}": "{s.badLuck}", "{xx.fang}": "{s.goodLuck}", "{xx.xin}": "{s.badLuck}", "{xx.tail}": "{s.goodLuck}", "{xx.ji}": "{s.goodLuck}", "{xx.dou}": "{s.goodLuck}", "{xx.niu}": "{s.badLuck}", "{xx.nv}": "{s.badLuck}", "{xx.xu}": "{s.badLuck}", "{xx.wei}": "{s.badLuck}", "{xx.shi}": "{s.goodLuck}", "{xx.qiang}": "{s.goodLuck}", "{xx.kui}": "{s.badLuck}", "{xx.lou}": "{s.goodLuck}", "{xx.vei}": "{s.goodLuck}", "{xx.mao}": "{s.badLuck}", "{xx.bi}": "{s.goodLuck}", "{xx.zi}": "{s.badLuck}", "{xx.can}": "{s.goodLuck}", "{xx.jing}": "{s.goodLuck}", "{xx.gui}": "{s.badLuck}", "{xx.liu}": "{s.badLuck}", "{xx.xing}": "{s.badLuck}", "{xx.zhang}": "{s.goodLuck}", "{xx.yi}": "{s.badLuck}", "{xx.zhen}": "{s.goodLuck}" }, XIU_SONG: { "{xx.jiao}": "角星造作主荣昌,外进田财及女郎,嫁娶婚姻出贵子,文人及第见君王,惟有埋葬不可用,三年之后主瘟疫,起工修筑坟基地,堂前立见主人凶。", "{xx.kang}": "亢星造作长房当,十日之中主有殃,田地消磨官失职,接运定是虎狼伤,嫁娶婚姻用此日,儿孙新妇守空房,埋葬若还用此日,当时害祸主重伤。", "{xx.di}": "氐星造作主灾凶,费尽田园仓库空,埋葬不可用此日,悬绳吊颈祸重重,若是婚姻离别散,夜招浪子入房中,行船必定遭沉没,更生聋哑子孙穷。", "{xx.fang}": "房星造作田园进,钱财牛马遍山岗,更招外处田庄宅,荣华富贵福禄康,埋葬若然用此日,高官进职拜君王,嫁娶嫦娥至月殿,三年抱子至朝堂。", "{xx.xin}": "心星造作大为凶,更遭刑讼狱囚中,忤逆官非宅产退,埋葬卒暴死相从,婚姻若是用此日,子死儿亡泪满胸,三年之内连遭祸,事事教君没始终。", "{xx.tail}": "尾星造作主天恩,富贵荣华福禄增,招财进宝兴家宅,和合婚姻贵子孙,埋葬若能依此日,男清女正子孙兴,开门放水招田宅,代代公侯远播名。", "{xx.ji}": "箕星造作主高强,岁岁年年大吉昌,埋葬修坟大吉利,田蚕牛马遍山岗,开门放水招田宅,箧满金银谷满仓,福荫高官加禄位,六亲丰禄乐安康。", "{xx.dou}": "斗星造作主招财,文武官员位鼎台,田宅家财千万进,坟堂修筑贵富来,开门放水招牛马,旺蚕男女主和谐,遇此吉宿来照护,时支福庆永无灾。", "{xx.niu}": "牛星造作主灾危,九横三灾不可推,家宅不安人口退,田蚕不利主人衰,嫁娶婚姻皆自损,金银财谷渐无之,若是开门并放水,牛猪羊马亦伤悲。", "{xx.nv}": "女星造作损婆娘,兄弟相嫌似虎狼,埋葬生灾逢鬼怪,颠邪疾病主瘟惶,为事遭官财失散,泻利留连不可当,开门放水用此日,全家财散主离乡。", "{xx.xu}": "虚星造作主灾殃,男女孤眠不一双,内乱风声无礼节,儿孙媳妇伴人床,开门放水遭灾祸,虎咬蛇伤又卒亡,三三五五连年病,家破人亡不可当。", "{xx.wei}": "危星不可造高楼,自遭刑吊见血光,三年孩子遭水厄,后生出外永不还,埋葬若还逢此日,周年百日取高堂,三年两载一悲伤,开门放水到官堂。", "{xx.shi}": "室星修造进田牛,儿孙代代近王侯,家贵荣华天上至,寿如彭祖八千秋,开门放水招财帛,和合婚姻生贵儿,埋葬若能依此日,门庭兴旺福无休。", "{xx.qiang}": "壁星造作主增财,丝蚕大熟福滔天,奴婢自来人口进,开门放水出英贤,埋葬招财官品进,家中诸事乐陶然,婚姻吉利主贵子,早播名誉著祖鞭。", "{xx.kui}": "奎星造作得祯祥,家内荣和大吉昌,若是埋葬阴卒死,当年定主两三伤,看看军令刑伤到,重重官事主瘟惶,开门放水遭灾祸,三年两次损儿郎。", "{xx.lou}": "娄星修造起门庭,财旺家和事事兴,外进钱财百日进,一家兄弟播高名,婚姻进益生贵子,玉帛金银箱满盈,放水开门皆吉利,男荣女贵寿康宁。", "{xx.vei}": "胃星造作事如何,家贵荣华喜气多,埋葬贵临官禄位,夫妇齐眉永保康,婚姻遇此家富贵,三灾九祸不逢他,从此门前多吉庆,儿孙代代拜金阶。", "{xx.mao}": "昴星造作进田牛,埋葬官灾不得休,重丧二日三人死,尽卖田园不记增,开门放水招灾祸,三岁孩儿白了头,婚姻不可逢此日,死别生离是可愁。", "{xx.bi}": "毕星造作主光前,买得田园有余钱,埋葬此日添官职,田蚕大熟永丰年,开门放水多吉庆,合家人口得安然,婚姻若得逢此日,生得孩儿福寿全。", "{xx.zi}": "觜星造作有徒刑,三年必定主伶丁,埋葬卒死多因此,取定寅年使杀人,三丧不止皆由此,一人药毒二人身,家门田地皆退败,仓库金银化作尘。", "{xx.can}": "参星造作旺人家,文星照耀大光华,只因造作田财旺,埋葬招疾哭黄沙,开门放水加官职,房房子孙见田加,婚姻许遁遭刑克,男女朝开幕落花。", "{xx.jing}": "井星造作旺蚕田,金榜题名第一光,埋葬须防惊卒死,狂颠风疾入黄泉,开门放水招财帛,牛马猪羊旺莫言,贵人田塘来入宅,儿孙兴旺有余钱。", "{xx.gui}": "鬼星起造卒人亡,堂前不见主人郎,埋葬此日官禄至,儿孙代代近君王,开门放水须伤死,嫁娶夫妻不久长,修土筑墙伤产女,手扶双女泪汪汪。", "{xx.liu}": "柳星造作主遭官,昼夜偷闭不暂安,埋葬瘟惶多疾病,田园退尽守冬寒,开门放水遭聋瞎,腰驼背曲似弓弯,更有棒刑宜谨慎,妇人随客走盘桓。", "{xx.xing}": "星宿日好造新房,进职加官近帝王,不可埋葬并放水,凶星临位女人亡,生离死别无心恋,要自归休别嫁郎,孔子九曲殊难度,放水开门天命伤。", "{xx.zhang}": "张星日好造龙轩,年年并见进庄田,埋葬不久升官职,代代为官近帝前,开门放水招财帛,婚姻和合福绵绵,田蚕人满仓库满,百般顺意自安然。", "{xx.yi}": "翼星不利架高堂,三年二载见瘟惶,埋葬若还逢此日,子孙必定走他乡,婚姻此日不宜利,归家定是不相当,开门放水家须破,少女恋花贪外郎。", "{xx.zhen}": "轸星临水造龙宫,代代为官受皇封,富贵荣华增寿禄,库满仓盈自昌隆,埋葬文昌来照助,宅舍安宁不见凶,更有为官沾帝宠,婚姻龙子入龙宫。" }, ZHENG: { "{xx.jiao}": "{wx.mu}", "{xx.jing}": "{wx.mu}", "{xx.kui}": "{wx.mu}", "{xx.dou}": "{wx.mu}", "{xx.kang}": "{wx.jin}", "{xx.gui}": "{wx.jin}", "{xx.lou}": "{wx.jin}", "{xx.niu}": "{wx.jin}", "{xx.di}": "{wx.tu}", "{xx.liu}": "{wx.tu}", "{xx.vei}": "{wx.tu}", "{xx.nv}": "{wx.tu}", "{xx.fang}": "{wx.ri}", "{xx.xing}": "{wx.ri}", "{xx.mao}": "{wx.ri}", "{xx.xu}": "{wx.ri}", "{xx.xin}": "{wx.yue}", "{xx.zhang}": "{wx.yue}", "{xx.bi}": "{wx.yue}", "{xx.wei}": "{wx.yue}", "{xx.tail}": "{wx.huo}", "{xx.yi}": "{wx.huo}", "{xx.zi}": "{wx.huo}", "{xx.shi}": "{wx.huo}", "{xx.ji}": "{wx.shui}", "{xx.zhen}": "{wx.shui}", "{xx.can}": "{wx.shui}", "{xx.qiang}": "{wx.shui}" }, ANIMAL: { "{xx.jiao}": "{dw.jiao}", "{xx.dou}": "{dw.xie}", "{xx.kui}": "{dw.lang}", "{xx.jing}": "{dw.han}", "{xx.kang}": "{dw.long}", "{xx.niu}": "{dw.niu}", "{xx.lou}": "{dw.gou}", "{xx.gui}": "{dw.yang}", "{xx.nv}": "{dw.fu}", "{xx.di}": "{dw.he}", "{xx.vei}": "{dw.zhi}", "{xx.liu}": "{dw.zhang}", "{xx.fang}": "{dw.tu}", "{xx.xu}": "{dw.shu}", "{xx.mao}": "{dw.ji}", "{xx.xing}": "{dw.ma}", "{xx.xin}": "{dw.huLi}", "{xx.wei}": "{dw.yan}", "{xx.bi}": "{dw.wu}", "{xx.zhang}": "{dw.lu}", "{xx.tail}": "{dw.hu}", "{xx.shi}": "{dw.zhu}", "{xx.zi}": "{dw.hou}", "{xx.yi}": "{dw.she}", "{xx.ji}": "{dw.bao}", "{xx.qiang}": "{dw.xu}", "{xx.can}": "{dw.yuan}", "{xx.zhen}": "{dw.yin}" }, GONG: { "{xx.jiao}": "{ps.dong}", "{xx.jing}": "{ps.nan}", "{xx.kui}": "{ps.xi}", "{xx.dou}": "{ps.bei}", "{xx.kang}": "{ps.dong}", "{xx.gui}": "{ps.nan}", "{xx.lou}": "{ps.xi}", "{xx.niu}": "{ps.bei}", "{xx.di}": "{ps.dong}", "{xx.liu}": "{ps.nan}", "{xx.vei}": "{ps.xi}", "{xx.nv}": "{ps.bei}", "{xx.fang}": "{ps.dong}", "{xx.xing}": "{ps.nan}", "{xx.mao}": "{ps.xi}", "{xx.xu}": "{ps.bei}", "{xx.xin}": "{ps.dong}", "{xx.zhang}": "{ps.nan}", "{xx.bi}": "{ps.xi}", "{xx.wei}": "{ps.bei}", "{xx.tail}": "{ps.dong}", "{xx.yi}": "{ps.nan}", "{xx.zi}": "{ps.xi}", "{xx.shi}": "{ps.bei}", "{xx.ji}": "{ps.dong}", "{xx.zhen}": "{ps.nan}", "{xx.can}": "{ps.xi}", "{xx.qiang}": "{ps.bei}" }, SHOU: { "{ps.dong}": "{sn.qingLong}", "{ps.nan}": "{sn.zhuQue}", "{ps.xi}": "{sn.baiHu}", "{ps.bei}": "{sn.xuanWu}" }, FESTIVAL: { "1-1": "{jr.chunJie}", "1-15": "{jr.yuanXiao}", "2-2": "{jr.longTou}", "5-5": "{jr.duanWu}", "7-7": "{jr.qiXi}", "8-15": "{jr.zhongQiu}", "9-9": "{jr.chongYang}", "12-8": "{jr.laBa}" }, OTHER_FESTIVAL: { "1-4": ["接神日"], "1-5": ["隔开日"], "1-7": ["人日"], "1-8": ["谷日", "顺星节"], "1-9": ["天日"], "1-10": ["地日"], "1-20": ["天穿节"], "1-25": ["填仓节"], "1-30": ["正月晦"], "2-1": ["中和节"], "2-2": ["社日节"], "3-3": ["上巳节"], "5-20": ["分龙节"], "5-25": ["会龙节"], "6-6": ["天贶节"], "6-24": ["观莲节"], "6-25": ["五谷母节"], "7-15": ["中元节"], "7-22": ["财神节"], "7-29": ["地藏节"], "8-1": ["天灸日"], "10-1": ["寒衣节"], "10-10": ["十成节"], "10-15": ["下元节"], "12-7": ["驱傩日"], "12-16": ["尾牙"], "12-24": ["祭灶日"] }, CHONG: ["{dz.wu}", "{dz.wei}", "{dz.shen}", "{dz.you}", "{dz.xu}", "{dz.hai}", "{dz.zi}", "{dz.chou}", "{dz.yin}", "{dz.mao}", "{dz.chen}", "{dz.si}"], CHONG_GAN: ["{tg.wu}", "{tg.ji}", "{tg.geng}", "{tg.xin}", "{tg.ren}", "{tg.gui}", "{tg.jia}", "{tg.yi}", "{tg.bing}", "{tg.ding}"], CHONG_GAN_TIE: ["{tg.ji}", "{tg.wu}", "{tg.xin}", "{tg.geng}", "{tg.gui}", "{tg.ren}", "{tg.yi}", "{tg.jia}", "{tg.ding}", "{tg.bing}"], CHONG_GAN_4: ["{tg.geng}", "{tg.xin}", "{tg.ren}", "{tg.gui}", "", "", "{tg.jia}", "{tg.yi}", "{tg.bing}", "{tg.ding}"], HE_GAN_5: ["{tg.ji}", "{tg.geng}", "{tg.xin}", "{tg.ren}", "{tg.gui}", "{tg.jia}", "{tg.yi}", "{tg.bing}", "{tg.ding}", "{tg.wu}"], HE_ZHI_6: ["{dz.chou}", "{dz.zi}", "{dz.hai}", "{dz.xu}", "{dz.you}", "{dz.shen}", "{dz.wei}", "{dz.wu}", "{dz.si}", "{dz.chen}", "{dz.mao}", "{dz.yin}"], SHA: { "{dz.zi}": "{ps.nan}", "{dz.chou}": "{ps.dong}", "{dz.yin}": "{ps.bei}", "{dz.mao}": "{ps.xi}", "{dz.chen}": "{ps.nan}", "{dz.si}": "{ps.dong}", "{dz.wu}": "{ps.bei}", "{dz.wei}": "{ps.xi}", "{dz.shen}": "{ps.nan}", "{dz.you}": "{ps.dong}", "{dz.xu}": "{ps.bei}", "{dz.hai}": "{ps.xi}" }, POSITION_DESC: { "{bg.kan}": "{ps.zhengBei}", "{bg.gen}": "{ps.dongBei}", "{bg.zhen}": "{ps.zhengDong}", "{bg.xun}": "{ps.dongNan}", "{bg.li}": "{ps.zhengNan}", "{bg.kun}": "{ps.xiNan}", "{bg.dui}": "{ps.zhengXi}", "{bg.qian}": "{ps.xiBei}", "{ps.center}": "{ps.zhong}" }, NAYIN: { "{jz.jiaZi}": "{ny.haiZhong}{wx.jin}", "{jz.jiaWu}": "{ny.shaZhong}{wx.jin}", "{jz.bingYin}": "{ny.luZhong}{wx.huo}", "{jz.bingShen}": "{ny.shanXia}{wx.huo}", "{jz.wuChen}": "{ny.daLin}{wx.mu}", "{jz.wuXu}": "{ny.pingDi}{wx.mu}", "{jz.gengWu}": "{ny.luPang}{wx.tu}", "{jz.gengZi}": "{ny.biShang}{wx.tu}", "{jz.renShen}": "{ny.jianFeng}{wx.jin}", "{jz.renYin}": "{ny.jinBo}{wx.jin}", "{jz.jiaXu}": "{ny.shanTou}{wx.huo}", "{jz.jiaChen}": "{ny.fuDeng}{wx.huo}", "{jz.bingZi}": "{ny.jianXia}{wx.shui}", "{jz.bingWu}": "{ny.tianHe}{wx.shui}", "{jz.wuYin}": "{ny.chengTou}{wx.tu}", "{jz.wuShen}": "{ny.daYi}{wx.tu}", "{jz.gengChen}": "{ny.baiLa}{wx.jin}", "{jz.gengXu}": "{ny.chaiChuan}{wx.jin}", "{jz.renWu}": "{ny.yangLiu}{wx.mu}", "{jz.renZi}": "{ny.sangZhe}{wx.mu}", "{jz.jiaShen}": "{ny.quanZhong}{wx.shui}", "{jz.jiaYin}": "{ny.daXi}{wx.shui}", "{jz.bingXu}": "{ny.wuShang}{wx.tu}", "{jz.bingChen}": "{ny.shaZhong}{wx.tu}", "{jz.wuZi}": "{ny.piLi}{wx.huo}", "{jz.wuWu}": "{ny.tianShang}{wx.huo}", "{jz.gengYin}": "{ny.songBo}{wx.mu}", "{jz.gengShen}": "{ny.shiLiu}{wx.mu}", "{jz.renChen}": "{ny.changLiu}{wx.shui}", "{jz.renXu}": "{ny.daHai}{wx.shui}", "{jz.yiChou}": "{ny.haiZhong}{wx.jin}", "{jz.yiWei}": "{ny.shaZhong}{wx.jin}", "{jz.dingMao}": "{ny.luZhong}{wx.huo}", "{jz.dingYou}": "{ny.shanXia}{wx.huo}", "{jz.jiSi}": "{ny.daLin}{wx.mu}", "{jz.jiHai}": "{ny.pingDi}{wx.mu}", "{jz.xinWei}": "{ny.luPang}{wx.tu}", "{jz.xinChou}": "{ny.biShang}{wx.tu}", "{jz.guiYou}": "{ny.jianFeng}{wx.jin}", "{jz.guiMao}": "{ny.jinBo}{wx.jin}", "{jz.yiHai}": "{ny.shanTou}{wx.huo}", "{jz.yiSi}": "{ny.fuDeng}{wx.huo}", "{jz.dingChou}": "{ny.jianXia}{wx.shui}", "{jz.dingWei}": "{ny.tianHe}{wx.shui}", "{jz.jiMao}": "{ny.chengTou}{wx.tu}", "{jz.jiYou}": "{ny.daYi}{wx.tu}", "{jz.xinSi}": "{ny.baiLa}{wx.jin}", "{jz.xinHai}": "{ny.chaiChuan}{wx.jin}", "{jz.guiWei}": "{ny.yangLiu}{wx.mu}", "{jz.guiChou}": "{ny.sangZhe}{wx.mu}", "{jz.yiYou}": "{ny.quanZhong}{wx.shui}", "{jz.yiMao}": "{ny.daXi}{wx.shui}", "{jz.dingHai}": "{ny.wuShang}{wx.tu}", "{jz.dingSi}": "{ny.shaZhong}{wx.tu}", "{jz.jiChou}": "{ny.piLi}{wx.huo}", "{jz.jiWei}": "{ny.tianShang}{wx.huo}", "{jz.xinMao}": "{ny.songBo}{wx.mu}", "{jz.xinYou}": "{ny.shiLiu}{wx.mu}", "{jz.guiSi}": "{ny.changLiu}{wx.shui}", "{jz.guiHai}": "{ny.daHai}{wx.shui}" }, WU_XING_GAN: { "{tg.jia}": "{wx.mu}", "{tg.yi}": "{wx.mu}", "{tg.bing}": "{wx.huo}", "{tg.ding}": "{wx.huo}", "{tg.wu}": "{wx.tu}", "{tg.ji}": "{wx.tu}", "{tg.geng}": "{wx.jin}", "{tg.xin}": "{wx.jin}", "{tg.ren}": "{wx.shui}", "{tg.gui}": "{wx.shui}" }, WU_XING_ZHI: { "{dz.yin}": "{wx.mu}", "{dz.mao}": "{wx.mu}", "{dz.si}": "{wx.huo}", "{dz.wu}": "{wx.huo}", "{dz.chen}": "{wx.tu}", "{dz.chou}": "{wx.tu}", "{dz.xu}": "{wx.tu}", "{dz.wei}": "{wx.tu}", "{dz.shen}": "{wx.jin}", "{dz.you}": "{wx.jin}", "{dz.hai}": "{wx.shui}", "{dz.zi}": "{wx.shui}" }, SHI_SHEN: { "{tg.jia}{tg.jia}": 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getTimeZhiIndex: function(hm) { if (!hm) { return 0; } if (hm.length > 5) { hm = hm.substring(0, 5); } var x = 1; for (var i = 1; i < 22; i += 2) { if (hm >= (i < 10 ? "0" : "") + i + ":00" && hm <= (i + 1 < 10 ? "0" : "") + (i + 1) + ":59") { return x; } x++; } return 0; }, convertTime: function(hm) { return this.ZHI[this.getTimeZhiIndex(hm) + 1]; }, getJiaZiIndex: function(ganZhi) { return this.index(ganZhi, this.JIA_ZI, 0); }, hex: function(n) { var hex2 = n.toString(16); if (hex2.length < 2) { hex2 = "0" + hex2; } return hex2.toUpperCase(); }, getDayYi: function(monthGanZhi, dayGanZhi) { var l = []; var day = this.hex(this.getJiaZiIndex(dayGanZhi)); var month = this.hex(this.getJiaZiIndex(monthGanZhi)); var right = this.DAY_YI_JI; var index = right.indexOf(day + "="); while (index > -1) { right = right.substring(index + 3); var left = right; if (left.indexOf("=") > -1) { left = left.substring(0, left.indexOf("=") - 2); } var matched = false; var months = left.substring(0, left.indexOf(":")); var i; var j; for (i = 0, j = months.length; i < j; i += 2) { if (months.substring(i, i + 2) === month) { matched = true; break; } } if (matched) { var ys = left.substring(left.indexOf(":") + 1); ys = ys.substring(0, ys.indexOf(",")); for (i = 0, j = ys.length; i < j; i += 2) { l.push(this.YI_JI[parseInt(ys.substring(i, i + 2), 16)]); } break; } index = right.indexOf(day + "="); } if (l.length < 1) { l.push(this.SHEN_SHA[0]); } return l; }, getDayJi: function(monthGanZhi, dayGanZhi) { var l = []; var day = this.hex(this.getJiaZiIndex(dayGanZhi)); var month = this.hex(this.getJiaZiIndex(monthGanZhi)); var right = this.DAY_YI_JI; var index = right.indexOf(day + "="); while (index > -1) { right = right.substring(index + 3); var left = right; if (left.indexOf("=") > -1) { left = left.substring(0, left.indexOf("=") - 2); } var matched = false; var months = left.substring(0, left.indexOf(":")); var i; var j; for (i = 0, j = months.length; i < j; i += 2) { if (months.substring(i, i + 2) === month) { matched = true; break; } } if (matched) { var js = left.substring(left.indexOf(",") + 1); for (i = 0, j = js.length; i < j; i += 2) { l.push(this.YI_JI[parseInt(js.substring(i, i + 2), 16)]); } break; } index = right.indexOf(day + "="); } if (l.length < 1) { l.push(this.SHEN_SHA[0]); } return l; }, getDayJiShen: function(lunarMonth, dayGanZhi) { var l = []; var day = this.hex(this.getJiaZiIndex(dayGanZhi)); var month = Math.abs(lunarMonth).toString(16).toUpperCase(); var index = this.DAY_SHEN_SHA.indexOf(month + day + "="); if (index > -1) { var left = this.DAY_SHEN_SHA.substring(index + 4); if (left.indexOf("=") > -1) { left = left.substring(0, left.indexOf("=") - 3); } var js = left.substring(0, left.indexOf(",")); for (var i = 0, j = js.length; i < j; i += 2) { l.push(this.SHEN_SHA[parseInt(js.substring(i, i + 2), 16)]); } } if (l.length < 1) { l.push(this.SHEN_SHA[0]); } return l; }, getDayXiongSha: function(lunarMonth, dayGanZhi) { var l = []; var day = this.hex(this.getJiaZiIndex(dayGanZhi)); var month = Math.abs(lunarMonth).toString(16).toUpperCase(); var index = this.DAY_SHEN_SHA.indexOf(month + day + "="); if (index > -1) { var left = this.DAY_SHEN_SHA.substring(index + 4); if (left.indexOf("=") > -1) { left = left.substring(0, left.indexOf("=") - 3); } var xs = left.substring(left.indexOf(",") + 1); for (var i = 0, j = xs.length; i < j; i += 2) { l.push(this.SHEN_SHA[parseInt(xs.substring(i, i + 2), 16)]); } } if (l.length < 1) { l.push(this.SHEN_SHA[0]); } return l; }, getTimeYi: function(dayGanZhi, timeGanZhi) { var l = []; var day = this.hex(this.getJiaZiIndex(dayGanZhi)); var time2 = this.hex(this.getJiaZiIndex(timeGanZhi)); var index = this.TIME_YI_JI.indexOf(day + time2 + "="); if (index > -1) { var left = this.TIME_YI_JI.substring(index + 5); if (left.indexOf("=") > -1) { left = left.substring(0, left.indexOf("=") - 4); } var ys = left.substring(0, left.indexOf(",")); for (var i = 0, j = ys.length; i < j; i += 2) { l.push(this.YI_JI[parseInt(ys.substring(i, i + 2), 16)]); } } if (l.length < 1) { l.push(this.SHEN_SHA[0]); } return l; }, getTimeJi: function(dayGanZhi, timeGanZhi) { var l = []; var day = this.hex(this.getJiaZiIndex(dayGanZhi)); var time2 = this.hex(this.getJiaZiIndex(timeGanZhi)); var index = this.TIME_YI_JI.indexOf(day + time2 + "="); if (index > -1) { var left = this.TIME_YI_JI.substring(index + 5); if (left.indexOf("=") > -1) { left = left.substring(0, left.indexOf("=") - 4); } var js = left.substring(left.indexOf(",") + 1); for (var i = 0, j = js.length; i < j; i += 2) { l.push(this.YI_JI[parseInt(js.substring(i, i + 2), 16)]); } } if (l.length < 1) { l.push(this.SHEN_SHA[0]); } return l; }, getXunIndex: function(ganZhi) { var diff = this.find(ganZhi, this.GAN).index - this.find(ganZhi, this.ZHI).index; if (diff < 0) { diff += 12; } return Math.floor(diff / 2); }, getXun: function(ganZhi) { return this.XUN[this.getXunIndex(ganZhi)]; }, getXunKong: function(ganZhi) { return this.XUN_KONG[this.getXunIndex(ganZhi)]; }, index: function(name, names, offset) { for (var i = 0, j = names.length; i < j; i++) { if (names[i] === name) { return i + offset; } } return -1; }, find: function(s, arr) { for (var i = 0, j = arr.length; i < j; i++) { var v = arr[i]; if (v.length < 1) { continue; } if (s.indexOf(v) > -1) { return { index: i, value: v }; } } return null; } }; }(); var HolidayUtil2 = function(_NAMES) { var _SIZE = 18; var _ZERO = "0".charCodeAt(0); var _TAG_REMOVE = "~"; var _NAMES_IN_USE = _NAMES, _DATA = "2001122900200201012001123000200201012002010101200201012002010201200201012002010301200201012002020910200202122002021010200202122002021211200202122002021311200202122002021411200202122002021511200202122002021611200202122002021711200202122002021811200202122002042730200205012002042830200205012002050131200205012002050231200205012002050331200205012002050431200205012002050531200205012002050631200205012002050731200205012002092860200210012002092960200210012002100161200210012002100261200210012002100361200210012002100461200210012002100561200210012002100661200210012002100761200210012003010101200301012003020111200302012003020211200302012003020311200302012003020411200302012003020511200302012003020611200302012003020711200302012003020810200302012003020910200302012003042630200305012003042730200305012003050131200305012003050231200305012003050331200305012003050431200305012003050531200305012003050631200305012003050731200305012003092760200310012003092860200310012003100161200310012003100261200310012003100361200310012003100461200310012003100561200310012003100661200310012003100761200310012004010101200401012004011710200401222004011810200401222004012211200401222004012311200401222004012411200401222004012511200401222004012611200401222004012711200401222004012811200401222004050131200405012004050231200405012004050331200405012004050431200405012004050531200405012004050631200405012004050731200405012004050830200405012004050930200405012004100161200410012004100261200410012004100361200410012004100461200410012004100561200410012004100661200410012004100761200410012004100960200410012004101060200410012005010101200501012005010201200501012005010301200501012005020510200502092005020610200502092005020911200502092005021011200502092005021111200502092005021211200502092005021311200502092005021411200502092005021511200502092005043030200505012005050131200505012005050231200505012005050331200505012005050431200505012005050531200505012005050631200505012005050731200505012005050830200505012005100161200510012005100261200510012005100361200510012005100461200510012005100561200510012005100661200510012005100761200510012005100860200510012005100960200510012005123100200601012006010101200601012006010201200601012006010301200601012006012810200601292006012911200601292006013011200601292006013111200601292006020111200601292006020211200601292006020311200601292006020411200601292006020510200601292006042930200605012006043030200605012006050131200605012006050231200605012006050331200605012006050431200605012006050531200605012006050631200605012006050731200605012006093060200610012006100161200610012006100261200610012006100361200610012006100461200610012006100561200610012006100661200610012006100761200610012006100860200610012006123000200701012006123100200701012007010101200701012007010201200701012007010301200701012007021710200702182007021811200702182007021911200702182007022011200702182007022111200702182007022211200702182007022311200702182007022411200702182007022510200702182007042830200705012007042930200705012007050131200705012007050231200705012007050331200705012007050431200705012007050531200705012007050631200705012007050731200705012007092960200710012007093060200710012007100161200710012007100261200710012007100361200710012007100461200710012007100561200710012007100661200710012007100761200710012007122900200801012007123001200801012007123101200801012008010101200801012008020210200802062008020310200802062008020611200802062008020711200802062008020811200802062008020911200802062008021011200802062008021111200802062008021211200802062008040421200804042008040521200804042008040621200804042008050131200805012008050231200805012008050331200805012008050430200805012008060741200806082008060841200806082008060941200806082008091351200809142008091451200809142008091551200809142008092760200810012008092860200810012008092961200810012008093061200810012008100161200810012008100261200810012008100361200810012008100461200810012008100561200810012009010101200901012009010201200901012009010301200901012009010400200901012009012410200901252009012511200901252009012611200901252009012711200901252009012811200901252009012911200901252009013011200901252009013111200901252009020110200901252009040421200904042009040521200904042009040621200904042009050131200905012009050231200905012009050331200905012009052841200905282009052941200905282009053041200905282009053140200905282009092760200910012009100161200910012009100261200910012009100361200910012009100461200910012009100551200910032009100651200910032009100751200910032009100851200910032009101050200910032010010101201001012010010201201001012010010301201001012010021311201002132010021411201002132010021511201002132010021611201002132010021711201002132010021811201002132010021911201002132010022010201002132010022110201002132010040321201004052010040421201004052010040521201004052010050131201005012010050231201005012010050331201005012010061240201006162010061340201006162010061441201006162010061541201006162010061641201006162010091950201009222010092251201009222010092351201009222010092451201009222010092550201009222010092660201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var _DATA_IN_USE = _DATA; var _padding = function(n) { return (n < 10 ? "0" : "") + n; }; var _ymd = function(s) { return s.indexOf("-") < 0 ? s.substring(0, 4) + "-" + s.substring(4, 6) + "-" + s.substring(6) : s; }; var _buildHoliday = function(day, name, work, target) { return { _p: { day: _ymd(day), name, work, target: _ymd(target) }, getDay: function() { return this._p.day; }, setDay: function(v) { this._p.day = _ymd(v); }, getName: function() { return this._p.name; }, setName: function(v) { this._p.name = v; }, isWork: function() { return this._p.work; }, setWork: function(v) { this._p.work = v; }, getTarget: function() { return this._p.target; }, setTarget: function(v) { this._p.target = _ymd(v); }, toString: function() { return this._p.day + " " + this._p.name + (this._p.work ? "调休" : "") + " " + this._p.target; } }; }; var _buildHolidayForward = function(s) { var day = s.substring(0, 8); var name = _NAMES_IN_USE[s.charCodeAt(8) - _ZERO]; var work = s.charCodeAt(9) === _ZERO; var target = s.substring(10, 18); return _buildHoliday(day, name, work, target); }; var _buildHolidayBackward = function(s) { var size2 = s.length; var day = s.substring(size2 - 18, size2 - 10); var name = _NAMES_IN_USE[s.charCodeAt(size2 - 10) - _ZERO]; var work = s.charCodeAt(size2 - 9) === _ZERO; var target = s.substring(size2 - 8); return _buildHoliday(day, name, work, target); }; var _findForward = function(key) { var start = _DATA_IN_USE.indexOf(key); if (start < 0) { return null; } var right = _DATA_IN_USE.substring(start); var n = right.length % _SIZE; if (n > 0) { right = right.substring(n); } while (0 !== right.indexOf(key) && right.length >= _SIZE) { right = right.substring(_SIZE); } return right; }; var _findBackward = function(key) { var start = _DATA_IN_USE.lastIndexOf(key); if (start < 0) { return null; } var keySize = key.length; var left = _DATA_IN_USE.substring(0, start + keySize); var size2 = left.length; var n = size2 % _SIZE; if (n > 0) { left = left.substring(0, size2 - n); } size2 = left.length; while (size2 - keySize !== left.lastIndexOf(key) && size2 >= _SIZE) { left = left.substring(0, size2 - _SIZE); size2 = left.length; } return left; }; var _findHolidaysForward = function(key) { var l = []; var s = _findForward(key); if (null == s) { return l; } while (0 === s.indexOf(key)) { l.push(_buildHolidayForward(s)); s = s.substring(_SIZE); } return l; }; var _findHolidaysBackward = function(key) { var l = []; var s = _findBackward(key); if (null == s) { return l; } var size2 = s.length; var keySize = key.length; while (size2 - keySize === s.lastIndexOf(key)) { l.push(_buildHolidayBackward(s)); s = s.substring(0, size2 - _SIZE); size2 = s.length; } l.reverse(); return l; }; var _getHoliday = function(args) { var l = []; switch (args.length) { case 1: l = _findHolidaysForward(args[0].replace(/-/g, "")); break; case 3: l = _findHolidaysForward(args[0] + _padding(args[1]) + _padding(args[2])); break; } return l.length < 1 ? null : l[0]; }; var _getHolidays = function(args) { var l = []; switch (args.length) { case 1: l = _findHolidaysForward((args[0] + "").replace(/-/g, "")); break; case 2: l = _findHolidaysForward(args[0] + _padding(args[1])); break; } return l; }; var _getHolidaysByTarget = function(args) { var l = []; switch (args.length) { case 1: l = _findHolidaysBackward((args[0] + "").replace(/-/g, "")); break; case 3: l = _findHolidaysBackward(args[0] + _padding(args[1]) + _padding(args[2])); break; } return l; }; var _fixNames = function(names) { if (names) { _NAMES_IN_USE = names; } }; var _fixData = function(data) { if (!data) { return; } var append = []; while (data.length >= _SIZE) { var segment = data.substring(0, _SIZE); var day = segment.substring(0, 8); var remove = _TAG_REMOVE === segment.substring(8, 9); var holiday = _getHoliday([day]); if (!holiday) { if (!remove) { append.push(segment); } } else { var nameIndex = -1; for (var i = 0, j = _NAMES_IN_USE.length; i < j; i++) { if (_NAMES_IN_USE[i] === holiday.getName()) { nameIndex = i; break; } } if (nameIndex > -1) { var old = day + String.fromCharCode(nameIndex + _ZERO) + (holiday.isWork() ? "0" : "1") + holiday.getTarget().replace(/-/g, ""); _DATA_IN_USE = _DATA_IN_USE.replace(new RegExp(old, "g"), remove ? "" : segment); } } data = data.substring(_SIZE); } if (append.length > 0) { _DATA_IN_USE += append.join(""); } }; var _fix = function(args) { switch (args.length) { case 1: _fixData(args[0]); break; case 2: _fixNames(args[0]); _fixData(args[1]); break; } }; return { NAMES: _NAMES, getHoliday: function() { return _getHoliday(arguments); }, getHolidays: function() { return _getHolidays(arguments); }, getHolidaysByTarget: function() { return _getHolidaysByTarget(arguments); }, fix: function() { _fix(arguments); } }; }(["元旦节", "春节", "清明节", "劳动节", "端午节", "中秋节", "国庆节", "国庆中秋", "抗战胜利日"]); var NineStar2 = /* @__PURE__ */ function() { var _fromIndex = function(index) { return { _p: { index }, getNumber: function() { return NineStarUtil2.NUMBER[this._p.index]; }, getColor: function() { return NineStarUtil2.COLOR[this._p.index]; }, getWuXing: function() { return NineStarUtil2.WU_XING[this._p.index]; }, getPosition: function() { return NineStarUtil2.POSITION[this._p.index]; }, getPositionDesc: function() { return LunarUtil2.POSITION_DESC[this.getPosition()]; }, getNameInXuanKong: function() { return NineStar2.NAME_XUAN_KONG[this._p.index]; }, getNameInBeiDou: function() { return NineStar2.NAME_BEI_DOU[this._p.index]; }, getNameInQiMen: function() { return NineStar2.NAME_QI_MEN[this._p.index]; }, getNameInTaiYi: function() { return NineStar2.NAME_TAI_YI[this._p.index]; }, getLuckInQiMen: function() { return NineStar2.LUCK_QI_MEN[this._p.index]; }, getLuckInXuanKong: function() { return NineStarUtil2.LUCK_XUAN_KONG[this._p.index]; }, getYinYangInQiMen: function() { return NineStarUtil2.YIN_YANG_QI_MEN[this._p.index]; }, getTypeInTaiYi: function() { return NineStar2.TYPE_TAI_YI[this._p.index]; }, getBaMenInQiMen: function() { return NineStar2.BA_MEN_QI_MEN[this._p.index]; }, getSongInTaiYi: function() { return NineStar2.SONG_TAI_YI[this._p.index]; }, getIndex: function() { return this._p.index; }, toString: function() { return this.getNumber() + this.getColor() + this.getWuXing() + this.getNameInBeiDou(); }, toFullString: function() { var s = this.getNumber(); s += this.getColor(); s += this.getWuXing(); s += " "; s += this.getPosition(); s += "("; s += this.getPositionDesc(); s += ") "; s += this.getNameInBeiDou(); s += " 玄空["; s += this.getNameInXuanKong(); s += " "; s += this.getLuckInXuanKong(); s += "] 奇门["; s += this.getNameInQiMen(); s += " "; s += this.getLuckInQiMen(); if (this.getBaMenInQiMen().length > 0) { s += " "; s += this.getBaMenInQiMen(); s += "门"; } s += " "; s += this.getYinYangInQiMen(); s += "] 太乙["; s += this.getNameInTaiYi(); s += " "; s += this.getTypeInTaiYi(); s += "]"; return s; } }; }; return { NAME_BEI_DOU: ["天枢", "天璇", "天玑", "天权", "玉衡", "开阳", "摇光", "洞明", "隐元"], NAME_XUAN_KONG: ["贪狼", "巨门", "禄存", "文曲", "廉贞", "武曲", "破军", "左辅", "右弼"], NAME_QI_MEN: ["天蓬", "天芮", "天冲", "天辅", "天禽", "天心", "天柱", "天任", "天英"], BA_MEN_QI_MEN: ["休", "死", "伤", "杜", "", "开", "惊", "生", "景"], NAME_TAI_YI: ["太乙", "摄提", "轩辕", "招摇", "天符", "青龙", "咸池", "太阴", "天乙"], TYPE_TAI_YI: ["吉神", "凶神", "安神", "安神", "凶神", "吉神", "凶神", "吉神", "吉神"], SONG_TAI_YI: ["门中太乙明,星官号贪狼,赌彩财喜旺,婚姻大吉昌,出入无阻挡,参谒见贤良,此行三五里,黑衣别阴阳。", "门前见摄提,百事必忧疑,相生犹自可,相克祸必临,死门并相会,老妇哭悲啼,求谋并吉事,尽皆不相宜,只可藏隐遁,若动伤身疾。", "出入会轩辕,凡事必缠牵,相生全不美,相克更忧煎,远行多不利,博彩尽输钱,九天玄女法,句句不虚言。", "招摇号木星,当之事莫行,相克行人阻,阴人口舌迎,梦寐多惊惧,屋响斧自鸣,阴阳消息理,万法弗违情。", "五鬼为天符,当门阴女谋,相克无好事,行路阻中途,走失难寻觅,道逢有尼姑,此星当门值,万事有灾除。", "神光跃青龙,财气喜重重,投入有酒食,赌彩最兴隆,更逢相生旺,休言克破凶,见贵安营寨,万事总吉同。", "吾将为咸池,当之尽不宜,出入多不利,相克有灾情,赌彩全输尽,求财空手回,仙人真妙语,愚人莫与知,动用虚惊退,反复逆风吹。", "坐临太阴星,百祸不相侵,求谋悉成就,知交有觅寻,回风归来路,恐有殃伏起,密语中记取,慎乎莫轻行。", "迎来天乙星,相逢百事兴,运用和合庆,茶酒喜相迎,求谋并嫁娶,好合有天成,祸福如神验,吉凶甚分明。"], LUCK_QI_MEN: ["大凶", "大凶", "小吉", "大吉", "大吉", "大吉", "小凶", "小吉", "小凶"], fromIndex: function(index) { return _fromIndex(index); } }; }(); var EightChar2 = /* @__PURE__ */ function() { var _fromLunar = function(lunar2) { return { _p: { sect: 2, lunar: lunar2 }, setSect: function(sect) { sect *= 1; this._p.sect = 1 === sect ? 1 : 2; }, getSect: function() { return this._p.sect; }, getDayGanIndex: function() { return 2 === this._p.sect ? this._p.lunar.getDayGanIndexExact2() : this._p.lunar.getDayGanIndexExact(); }, getDayZhiIndex: function() { return 2 === this._p.sect ? this._p.lunar.getDayZhiIndexExact2() : this._p.lunar.getDayZhiIndexExact(); }, getYear: function() { return this._p.lunar.getYearInGanZhiExact(); }, getYearGan: function() { return this._p.lunar.getYearGanExact(); }, getYearZhi: function() { return this._p.lunar.getYearZhiExact(); }, getYearHideGan: function() { return LunarUtil2.ZHI_HIDE_GAN[this.getYearZhi()]; }, getYearWuXing: function() { return LunarUtil2.WU_XING_GAN[this.getYearGan()] + LunarUtil2.WU_XING_ZHI[this.getYearZhi()]; }, getYearNaYin: function() { return LunarUtil2.NAYIN[this.getYear()]; }, getYearShiShenGan: function() { return LunarUtil2.SHI_SHEN[this.getDayGan() + this.getYearGan()]; }, getYearShiShenZhi: function() { var dayGan = this.getDayGan(); var hideGan = LunarUtil2.ZHI_HIDE_GAN[this.getYearZhi()]; var l = []; for (var i = 0, j = hideGan.length; i < j; i++) { l.push(LunarUtil2.SHI_SHEN[dayGan + hideGan[i]]); } return l; }, _getDiShi: function(zhiIndex) { var offset = LunarUtil2.CHANG_SHENG_OFFSET[this.getDayGan()]; var index = offset + (this.getDayGanIndex() % 2 === 0 ? zhiIndex : -zhiIndex); if (index >= 12) { index -= 12; } if (index < 0) { index += 12; } return LunarUtil2.CHANG_SHENG[index]; }, getYearDiShi: function() { return this._getDiShi(this._p.lunar.getYearZhiIndexExact()); }, getYearXun: function() { return this._p.lunar.getYearXunExact(); }, getYearXunKong: function() { return this._p.lunar.getYearXunKongExact(); }, getMonth: function() { return this._p.lunar.getMonthInGanZhiExact(); }, getMonthGan: function() { return this._p.lunar.getMonthGanExact(); }, getMonthZhi: function() { return this._p.lunar.getMonthZhiExact(); }, getMonthHideGan: function() { return LunarUtil2.ZHI_HIDE_GAN[this.getMonthZhi()]; }, getMonthWuXing: function() { return LunarUtil2.WU_XING_GAN[this.getMonthGan()] + LunarUtil2.WU_XING_ZHI[this.getMonthZhi()]; }, getMonthNaYin: function() { return LunarUtil2.NAYIN[this.getMonth()]; }, getMonthShiShenGan: function() { return LunarUtil2.SHI_SHEN[this.getDayGan() + this.getMonthGan()]; }, getMonthShiShenZhi: function() { var dayGan = this.getDayGan(); var hideGan = LunarUtil2.ZHI_HIDE_GAN[this.getMonthZhi()]; var l = []; for (var i = 0, j = hideGan.length; i < j; i++) { l.push(LunarUtil2.SHI_SHEN[dayGan + hideGan[i]]); } return l; }, getMonthDiShi: function() { return this._getDiShi(this._p.lunar.getMonthZhiIndexExact()); }, getMonthXun: function() { return this._p.lunar.getMonthXunExact(); }, getMonthXunKong: function() { return this._p.lunar.getMonthXunKongExact(); }, getDay: function() { return 2 === this._p.sect ? this._p.lunar.getDayInGanZhiExact2() : this._p.lunar.getDayInGanZhiExact(); }, getDayGan: function() { return 2 === this._p.sect ? this._p.lunar.getDayGanExact2() : this._p.lunar.getDayGanExact(); }, getDayZhi: function() { return 2 === this._p.sect ? this._p.lunar.getDayZhiExact2() : this._p.lunar.getDayZhiExact(); }, getDayHideGan: function() { return LunarUtil2.ZHI_HIDE_GAN[this.getDayZhi()]; }, getDayWuXing: function() { return LunarUtil2.WU_XING_GAN[this.getDayGan()] + LunarUtil2.WU_XING_ZHI[this.getDayZhi()]; }, getDayNaYin: function() { return LunarUtil2.NAYIN[this.getDay()]; }, getDayShiShenGan: function() { return "日主"; }, getDayShiShenZhi: function() { var dayGan = this.getDayGan(); var hideGan = LunarUtil2.ZHI_HIDE_GAN[this.getDayZhi()]; var l = []; for (var i = 0, j = hideGan.length; i < j; i++) { l.push(LunarUtil2.SHI_SHEN[dayGan + hideGan[i]]); } return l; }, getDayDiShi: function() { return this._getDiShi(this.getDayZhiIndex()); }, getDayXun: function() { return 2 === this._p.sect ? this._p.lunar.getDayXunExact2() : this._p.lunar.getDayXunExact(); }, getDayXunKong: function() { return 2 === this._p.sect ? this._p.lunar.getDayXunKongExact2() : this._p.lunar.getDayXunKongExact(); }, getTime: function() { return this._p.lunar.getTimeInGanZhi(); }, getTimeGan: function() { return this._p.lunar.getTimeGan(); }, getTimeZhi: function() { return this._p.lunar.getTimeZhi(); }, getTimeHideGan: function() { return LunarUtil2.ZHI_HIDE_GAN[this.getTimeZhi()]; }, getTimeWuXing: function() { return LunarUtil2.WU_XING_GAN[this.getTimeGan()] + LunarUtil2.WU_XING_ZHI[this.getTimeZhi()]; }, getTimeNaYin: function() { return LunarUtil2.NAYIN[this.getTime()]; }, getTimeShiShenGan: function() { return LunarUtil2.SHI_SHEN[this.getDayGan() + this.getTimeGan()]; }, getTimeShiShenZhi: function() { var dayGan = this.getDayGan(); var hideGan = LunarUtil2.ZHI_HIDE_GAN[this.getTimeZhi()]; var l = []; for (var i = 0, j = hideGan.length; i < j; i++) { l.push(LunarUtil2.SHI_SHEN[dayGan + hideGan[i]]); } return l; }, getTimeDiShi: function() { return this._getDiShi(this._p.lunar.getTimeZhiIndex()); }, getTimeXun: function() { return this._p.lunar.getTimeXun(); }, getTimeXunKong: function() { return this._p.lunar.getTimeXunKong(); }, getTaiYuan: function() { var ganIndex = this._p.lunar.getMonthGanIndexExact() + 1; if (ganIndex >= 10) { ganIndex -= 10; } var zhiIndex = this._p.lunar.getMonthZhiIndexExact() + 3; if (zhiIndex >= 12) { zhiIndex -= 12; } return LunarUtil2.GAN[ganIndex + 1] + LunarUtil2.ZHI[zhiIndex + 1]; }, getTaiYuanNaYin: function() { return LunarUtil2.NAYIN[this.getTaiYuan()]; }, getTaiXi: function() { var lunar3 = this._p.lunar; var ganIndex = 2 === this._p.sect ? lunar3.getDayGanIndexExact2() : lunar3.getDayGanIndexExact(); var zhiIndex = 2 === this._p.sect ? lunar3.getDayZhiIndexExact2() : lunar3.getDayZhiIndexExact(); return LunarUtil2.HE_GAN_5[ganIndex] + LunarUtil2.HE_ZHI_6[zhiIndex]; }, getTaiXiNaYin: function() { return LunarUtil2.NAYIN[this.getTaiXi()]; }, getMingGong: function() { var monthZhiIndex = LunarUtil2.index(this.getMonthZhi(), LunarUtil2.MONTH_ZHI, 0); var timeZhiIndex = LunarUtil2.index(this.getTimeZhi(), LunarUtil2.MONTH_ZHI, 0); var offset = monthZhiIndex + timeZhiIndex; offset = (offset >= 14 ? 26 : 14) - offset; var ganIndex = (this._p.lunar.getYearGanIndexExact() + 1) * 2 + offset; while (ganIndex > 10) { ganIndex -= 10; } return LunarUtil2.GAN[ganIndex] + LunarUtil2.MONTH_ZHI[offset]; }, getMingGongNaYin: function() { return LunarUtil2.NAYIN[this.getMingGong()]; }, getShenGong: function() { var monthZhiIndex = LunarUtil2.index(this.getMonthZhi(), LunarUtil2.MONTH_ZHI, 0); var timeZhiIndex = LunarUtil2.index(this.getTimeZhi(), LunarUtil2.ZHI, 0); var offset = monthZhiIndex + timeZhiIndex; while (offset > 12) { offset -= 12; } var ganIndex = (this._p.lunar.getYearGanIndexExact() + 1) * 2 + offset % 12; while (ganIndex > 10) { ganIndex -= 10; } return LunarUtil2.GAN[ganIndex] + LunarUtil2.MONTH_ZHI[offset]; }, getShenGongNaYin: function() { return LunarUtil2.NAYIN[this.getShenGong()]; }, getLunar: function() { return this._p.lunar; }, getYun: function(gender, sect) { sect *= 1; sect = 2 === sect ? sect : 1; var lunar3 = this.getLunar(); var yang = 0 === lunar3.getYearGanIndexExact() % 2; var man = 1 === gender; var forward = yang && man || !yang && !man; var start = function() { var prev = lunar3.getPrevJie(); var next = lunar3.getNextJie(); var current = lunar3.getSolar(); var start2 = forward ? current : prev.getSolar(); var end = forward ? next.getSolar() : current; var year; var month; var day; var hour = 0; if (2 === sect) { var minutes = end.subtractMinute(start2); year = Math.floor(minutes / 4320); minutes -= year * 4320; month = Math.floor(minutes / 360); minutes -= month * 360; day = Math.floor(minutes / 12); minutes -= day * 12; hour = minutes * 2; } else { var endTimeZhiIndex = end.getHour() === 23 ? 11 : LunarUtil2.getTimeZhiIndex(end.toYmdHms().substring(11, 16)); var startTimeZhiIndex = start2.getHour() === 23 ? 11 : LunarUtil2.getTimeZhiIndex(start2.toYmdHms().substring(11, 16)); var hourDiff = endTimeZhiIndex - startTimeZhiIndex; var dayDiff = end.subtract(start2); if (hourDiff < 0) { hourDiff += 12; dayDiff--; } var monthDiff = Math.floor(hourDiff * 10 / 30); month = dayDiff * 4 + monthDiff; day = hourDiff * 10 - monthDiff * 30; year = Math.floor(month / 12); month = month - year * 12; } return { year, month, day, hour }; }(); var buildLiuYue = function(liuNian, index) { return { _p: { index, liuNian }, getIndex: function() { return this._p.index; }, getMonthInChinese: function() { return LunarUtil2.MONTH[this._p.index + 1]; }, getGanZhi: function() { var yearGanIndex = LunarUtil2.find(this._p.liuNian.getGanZhi(), LunarUtil2.GAN).index - 1; var offset = [2, 4, 6, 8, 0][yearGanIndex % 5]; var gan = LunarUtil2.GAN[(this._p.index + offset) % 10 + 1]; var zhi = LunarUtil2.ZHI[(this._p.index + LunarUtil2.BASE_MONTH_ZHI_INDEX) % 12 + 1]; return gan + zhi; }, getXun: function() { return LunarUtil2.getXun(this.getGanZhi()); }, getXunKong: function() { return LunarUtil2.getXunKong(this.getGanZhi()); } }; }; var buildLiuNian = function(daYun, index) { return { _p: { year: daYun.getStartYear() + index, age: daYun.getStartAge() + index, index, daYun, lunar: daYun.getLunar() }, getYear: function() { return this._p.year; }, getAge: function() { return this._p.age; }, getIndex: function() { return this._p.index; }, getLunar: function() { return this._p.lunar; }, getGanZhi: function() { var offset = LunarUtil2.getJiaZiIndex(this._p.lunar.getJieQiTable()[I18n2.getMessage("jq.liChun")].getLunar().getYearInGanZhiExact()) + this._p.index; if (this._p.daYun.getIndex() > 0) { offset += this._p.daYun.getStartAge() - 1; } offset %= LunarUtil2.JIA_ZI.length; return LunarUtil2.JIA_ZI[offset]; }, getXun: function() { return LunarUtil2.getXun(this.getGanZhi()); }, getXunKong: function() { return LunarUtil2.getXunKong(this.getGanZhi()); }, getLiuYue: function() { var l = []; for (var i = 0; i < 12; i++) { l.push(buildLiuYue(this, i)); } return l; } }; }; var buildXiaoYun = function(daYun, index, forward2) { return { _p: { year: daYun.getStartYear() + index, age: daYun.getStartAge() + index, index, daYun, forward: forward2, lunar: daYun.getLunar() }, getYear: function() { return this._p.year; }, getAge: function() { return this._p.age; }, getIndex: function() { return this._p.index; }, getGanZhi: function() { var offset = LunarUtil2.getJiaZiIndex(this._p.lunar.getTimeInGanZhi()); var add = this._p.index + 1; if (this._p.daYun.getIndex() > 0) { add += this._p.daYun.getStartAge() - 1; } offset += this._p.forward ? add : -add; var size2 = LunarUtil2.JIA_ZI.length; while (offset < 0) { offset += size2; } offset %= size2; return LunarUtil2.JIA_ZI[offset]; }, getXun: function() { return LunarUtil2.getXun(this.getGanZhi()); }, getXunKong: function() { return LunarUtil2.getXunKong(this.getGanZhi()); } }; }; var buildDaYun = function(yun, index) { var birthYear = yun.getLunar().getSolar().getYear(); var year = yun.getStartSolar().getYear(); var startYear; var startAge; var endYear; var endAge; if (index < 1) { startYear = birthYear; startAge = 1; endYear = year - 1; endAge = year - birthYear; } else { var add = (index - 1) * 10; startYear = year + add; startAge = startYear - birthYear + 1; endYear = startYear + 9; endAge = startAge + 9; } return { _p: { startYear, endYear, startAge, endAge, index, yun, lunar: yun.getLunar() }, getStartYear: function() { return this._p.startYear; }, getEndYear: function() { return this._p.endYear; }, getStartAge: function() { return this._p.startAge; }, getEndAge: function() { return this._p.endAge; }, getIndex: function() { return this._p.index; }, getLunar: function() { return this._p.lunar; }, getGanZhi: function() { if (this._p.index < 1) { return ""; } var offset = LunarUtil2.getJiaZiIndex(this._p.lunar.getMonthInGanZhiExact()); offset += this._p.yun.isForward() ? this._p.index : -this._p.index; var size2 = LunarUtil2.JIA_ZI.length; if (offset >= size2) { offset -= size2; } if (offset < 0) { offset += size2; } return LunarUtil2.JIA_ZI[offset]; }, getXun: function() { return LunarUtil2.getXun(this.getGanZhi()); }, getXunKong: function() { return LunarUtil2.getXunKong(this.getGanZhi()); }, getLiuNian: function(n) { if (!n) { n = 10; } if (this._p.index < 1) { n = this._p.endYear - this._p.startYear + 1; } var l = []; for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { l.push(buildLiuNian(this, i)); } return l; }, getXiaoYun: function(n) { if (!n) { n = 10; } if (this._p.index < 1) { n = this._p.endYear - this._p.startYear + 1; } var l = []; for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { l.push(buildXiaoYun(this, i, this._p.yun.isForward())); } return l; } }; }; return { _p: { gender, startYear: start.year, startMonth: start.month, startDay: start.day, startHour: start.hour, forward, lunar: lunar3 }, getGender: function() { return this._p.gender; }, getStartYear: function() { return this._p.startYear; }, getStartMonth: function() { return this._p.startMonth; }, getStartDay: function() { return this._p.startDay; }, getStartHour: function() { return this._p.startHour; }, isForward: function() { return this._p.forward; }, getLunar: function() { return this._p.lunar; }, getStartSolar: function() { var solar = this._p.lunar.getSolar(); solar = solar.nextYear(this._p.startYear); solar = solar.nextMonth(this._p.startMonth); solar = solar.next(this._p.startDay); return solar.nextHour(this._p.startHour); }, getDaYun: function(n) { if (!n) { n = 10; } var l = []; for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { l.push(buildDaYun(this, i)); } return l; } }; }, toString: function() { return this.getYear() + " " + this.getMonth() + " " + this.getDay() + " " + this.getTime(); } }; }; return { fromLunar: function(lunar2) { return _fromLunar(lunar2); } }; }(); var LunarTime2 = /* @__PURE__ */ function() { var _fromYmdHms = function(lunarYear, lunarMonth, lunarDay, hour, minute, second) { var lunar2 = Lunar2.fromYmdHms(lunarYear, lunarMonth, lunarDay, hour, minute, second); var zhiIndex = LunarUtil2.getTimeZhiIndex([(hour < 10 ? "0" : "") + hour, (minute < 10 ? "0" : "") + minute].join(":")); var ganIndex = (lunar2.getDayGanIndexExact() % 5 * 2 + zhiIndex) % 10; return { _p: { ganIndex, zhiIndex, lunar: lunar2 }, getGanIndex: function() { return this._p.ganIndex; }, getZhiIndex: function() { return this._p.zhiIndex; }, getGan: function() { return LunarUtil2.GAN[this._p.ganIndex + 1]; }, getZhi: function() { return LunarUtil2.ZHI[this._p.zhiIndex + 1]; }, getGanZhi: function() { return this.getGan() + this.getZhi(); }, getShengXiao: function() { return LunarUtil2.SHENGXIAO[this._p.zhiIndex + 1]; }, getPositionXi: function() { return LunarUtil2.POSITION_XI[this._p.ganIndex + 1]; }, getPositionXiDesc: function() { return LunarUtil2.POSITION_DESC[this.getPositionXi()]; }, getPositionYangGui: function() { return LunarUtil2.POSITION_YANG_GUI[this._p.ganIndex + 1]; }, getPositionYangGuiDesc: function() { return LunarUtil2.POSITION_DESC[this.getPositionYangGui()]; }, getPositionYinGui: function() { return LunarUtil2.POSITION_YIN_GUI[this._p.ganIndex + 1]; }, getPositionYinGuiDesc: function() { return LunarUtil2.POSITION_DESC[this.getPositionYinGui()]; }, getPositionFu: function(sect) { return (1 === sect ? LunarUtil2.POSITION_FU : LunarUtil2.POSITION_FU_2)[this._p.ganIndex + 1]; }, getPositionFuDesc: function(sect) { return LunarUtil2.POSITION_DESC[this.getPositionFu(sect)]; }, getPositionCai: function() { return LunarUtil2.POSITION_CAI[this._p.ganIndex + 1]; }, getPositionCaiDesc: function() { return LunarUtil2.POSITION_DESC[this.getPositionCai()]; }, getNaYin: function() { return LunarUtil2.NAYIN[this.getGanZhi()]; }, getTianShen: function() { return LunarUtil2.TIAN_SHEN[(this._p.zhiIndex + LunarUtil2.ZHI_TIAN_SHEN_OFFSET[this._p.lunar.getDayZhiExact()]) % 12 + 1]; }, getTianShenType: function() { return LunarUtil2.TIAN_SHEN_TYPE[this.getTianShen()]; }, getTianShenLuck: function() { return LunarUtil2.TIAN_SHEN_TYPE_LUCK[this.getTianShenType()]; }, getChong: function() { return LunarUtil2.CHONG[this._p.zhiIndex]; }, getSha: function() { return LunarUtil2.SHA[this.getZhi()]; }, getChongShengXiao: function() { var chong = this.getChong(); for (var i = 0, j = LunarUtil2.ZHI.length; i < j; i++) { if (LunarUtil2.ZHI[i] === chong) { return LunarUtil2.SHENGXIAO[i]; } } return ""; }, getChongDesc: function() { return "(" + this.getChongGan() + this.getChong() + ")" + this.getChongShengXiao(); }, getChongGan: function() { return LunarUtil2.CHONG_GAN[this._p.ganIndex]; }, getChongGanTie: function() { return LunarUtil2.CHONG_GAN_TIE[this._p.ganIndex]; }, getYi: function() { return LunarUtil2.getTimeYi(this._p.lunar.getDayInGanZhiExact(), this.getGanZhi()); }, getJi: function() { return LunarUtil2.getTimeJi(this._p.lunar.getDayInGanZhiExact(), this.getGanZhi()); }, getNineStar: function() { var solarYmd = this._p.lunar.getSolar().toYmd(); var jieQi = this._p.lunar.getJieQiTable(); var asc = false; if (solarYmd >= jieQi[I18n2.getMessage("jq.dongZhi")].toYmd() && solarYmd < jieQi[I18n2.getMessage("jq.xiaZhi")].toYmd()) { asc = true; } var offset = asc ? [0, 3, 6] : [8, 5, 2]; var start = offset[this._p.lunar.getDayZhiIndex() % 3]; var index = asc ? start + this._p.zhiIndex : start + 9 - this._p.zhiIndex; return NineStar2.fromIndex(index % 9); }, getXun: function() { return LunarUtil2.getXun(this.getGanZhi()); }, getXunKong: function() { return LunarUtil2.getXunKong(this.getGanZhi()); }, getMinHm: function() { var hour2 = this._p.lunar.getHour(); if (hour2 < 1) { return "00:00"; } else if (hour2 > 22) { return "23:00"; } if (hour2 % 2 === 0) { hour2 -= 1; } return (hour2 < 10 ? "0" : "") + hour2 + ":00"; }, getMaxHm: function() { var hour2 = this._p.lunar.getHour(); if (hour2 < 1) { return "00:59"; } else if (hour2 > 22) { return "23:59"; } if (hour2 % 2 !== 0) { hour2 += 1; } return (hour2 < 10 ? "0" : "") + hour2 + ":59"; }, toString: function() { return this.getGanZhi(); } }; }; return { fromYmdHms: function(lunarYear, lunarMonth, lunarDay, hour, minute, second) { return _fromYmdHms(lunarYear, lunarMonth, lunarDay, hour, minute, second); } }; }(); var FotoUtil2 = function() { var XIU_OFFSET = [11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 24, 0, 2, 4, 7, 9]; var _f = function(name, result, everyMonth, remark) { return { _p: { name, result: result ? result : "", everyMonth: !!everyMonth, remark: remark ? remark : "" }, getName: function() { return this._p.name; }, getResult: function() { return this._p.result; }, isEveryMonth: function() { return this._p.everyMonth; }, getRemark: function() { return this._p.remark; }, toString: function() { return this._p.name; }, toFullString: function() { var l = [this._p.name]; if (this._p.result) { l.push(this._p.result); } if (this._p.remark) { l.push(this._p.remark); } return l.join(" "); } }; }; var _getXiu = function(m, d) { return FotoUtil2.XIU_27[(XIU_OFFSET[Math.abs(m) - 1] + d - 1) % FotoUtil2.XIU_27.length]; }; var dj = "犯者夺纪"; var js = "犯者减寿"; var ss = "犯者损寿"; var xl = "犯者削禄夺纪"; var jw = "犯者三年内夫妇俱亡"; var _y = _f("杨公忌"); var _t = _f("四天王巡行", "", true); var _d = _f("斗降", dj, true); var _s = _f("月朔", dj, true); var _w = _f("月望", dj, true); var _h = _f("月晦", js, true); var _l = _f("雷斋日", js, true); var _j = _f("九毒日", "犯者夭亡,奇祸不测"); var _r = _f("人神在阴", "犯者得病", true, "宜先一日即戒"); var _m = _f("司命奏事", js, true, "如月小,即戒廿九"); var _hh = _f("月晦", js, true, "如月小,即戒廿九"); return { XIU_27: [ "{xx.jiao}", "{xx.kang}", "{xx.di}", "{xx.fang}", "{xx.xin}", "{xx.tail}", "{xx.ji}", "{xx.dou}", "{xx.nv}", "{xx.xu}", "{xx.wei}", "{xx.shi}", "{xx.qiang}", "{xx.kui}", "{xx.lou}", "{xx.vei}", "{xx.mao}", "{xx.bi}", "{xx.zi}", "{xx.can}", "{xx.jing}", "{xx.gui}", "{xx.liu}", "{xx.xing}", "{xx.zhang}", "{xx.yi}", "{xx.zhen}" ], DAY_ZHAI_GUAN_YIN: ["1-8", "2-7", "2-9", "2-19", "3-3", "3-6", "3-13", "4-22", "5-3", "5-17", "6-16", "6-18", "6-19", "6-23", "7-13", "8-16", "9-19", "9-23", "10-2", "11-19", "11-24", "12-25"], FESTIVAL: { "1-1": [_f("天腊,玉帝校世人神气禄命", xl), _s], "1-3": [_f("万神都会", dj), _d], "1-5": [_f("五虚忌")], "1-6": [_f("六耗忌"), _l], "1-7": [_f("上会日", ss)], "1-8": [_f("五殿阎罗天子诞", dj), _t], "1-9": [_f("玉皇上帝诞", dj)], "1-13": [_y], "1-14": [_f("三元降", js), _t], "1-15": [_f("三元降", js), _f("上元神会", dj), _w, _t], "1-16": [_f("三元降", js)], "1-19": [_f("长春真人诞")], "1-23": [_f("三尸神奏事"), _t], "1-25": [_h, _f("天地仓开日", "犯者损寿,子带疾")], "1-27": [_d], "1-28": [_r], "1-29": [_t], "1-30": [_hh, _m, _t], "2-1": [_f("一殿秦广王诞", dj), _s], "2-2": [_f("万神都会", dj), _f("福德土地正神诞", "犯者得祸")], "2-3": [_f("文昌帝君诞", xl), _d], "2-6": [_f("东华帝君诞"), _l], "2-8": [_f("释迦牟尼佛出家", dj), _f("三殿宋帝王诞", dj), _f("张大帝诞", dj), _t], "2-11": [_y], "2-14": [_t], "2-15": [_f("释迦牟尼佛涅槃", xl), _f("太上老君诞", xl), _f("月望", xl, true), _t], "2-17": [_f("东方杜将军诞")], "2-18": [_f("四殿五官王诞", xl), _f("至圣先师孔子讳辰", xl)], "2-19": [_f("观音大士诞", dj)], "2-21": [_f("普贤菩萨诞")], "2-23": [_t], "2-25": [_h], "2-27": [_d], "2-28": [_r], "2-29": [_t], "2-30": [_hh, _m, _t], "3-1": [_f("二殿楚江王诞", dj), _s], "3-3": [_f("玄天上帝诞", dj), _d], "3-6": [_l], "3-8": [_f("六殿卞城王诞", dj), _t], "3-9": [_f("牛鬼神出", "犯者产恶胎"), _y], "3-12": [_f("中央五道诞")], "3-14": [_t], "3-15": [_f("昊天上帝诞", dj), _f("玄坛诞", dj), _w, _t], "3-16": [_f("准提菩萨诞", dj)], "3-19": [_f("中岳大帝诞"), _f("后土娘娘诞"), _f("三茅降")], "3-20": [_f("天地仓开日", ss), _f("子孙娘娘诞")], "3-23": [_t], "3-25": [_h], "3-27": [_f("七殿泰山王诞"), _d], "3-28": [_r, _f("苍颉至圣先师诞", xl), _f("东岳大帝诞")], "3-29": [_t], "3-30": [_hh, _m, _t], "4-1": [_f("八殿都市王诞", dj), _s], "4-3": [_d], "4-4": [_f("万神善会", "犯者失瘼夭胎"), _f("文殊菩萨诞")], "4-6": [_l], "4-7": [_f("南斗、北斗、西斗同降", js), _y], "4-8": [_f("释迦牟尼佛诞", dj), _f("万神善会", "犯者失瘼夭胎"), _f("善恶童子降", "犯者血死"), _f("九殿平等王诞"), _t], "4-14": [_f("纯阳祖师诞", js), _t], "4-15": [_w, _f("钟离祖师诞"), _t], "4-16": [_f("天地仓开日", ss)], "4-17": [_f("十殿转轮王诞", dj)], "4-18": [_f("天地仓开日", ss), _f("紫徽大帝诞", ss)], "4-20": [_f("眼光圣母诞")], "4-23": [_t], "4-25": [_h], "4-27": [_d], "4-28": [_r], "4-29": [_t], "4-30": [_hh, _m, _t], "5-1": [_f("南极长生大帝诞", dj), _s], "5-3": [_d], "5-5": [_f("地腊", xl), _f("五帝校定生人官爵", xl), _j, _y], "5-6": [_j, _l], "5-7": [_j], "5-8": [_f("南方五道诞"), _t], "5-11": [_f("天地仓开日", ss), _f("天下都城隍诞")], "5-12": [_f("炳灵公诞")], "5-13": [_f("关圣降", xl)], "5-14": [_f("夜子时为天地交泰", jw), _t], "5-15": [_w, _j, _t], "5-16": [_f("九毒日", jw), _f("天地元气造化万物之辰", jw)], "5-17": [_j], "5-18": [_f("张天师诞")], "5-22": [_f("孝娥神诞", dj)], "5-23": [_t], "5-25": [_j, _h], "5-26": [_j], "5-27": [_j, _d], "5-28": [_r], "5-29": [_t], "5-30": [_hh, _m, _t], "6-1": [_s], "6-3": [_f("韦驮菩萨圣诞"), _d, _y], "6-5": [_f("南赡部洲转大轮", ss)], "6-6": [_f("天地仓开日", ss), _l], "6-8": [_t], "6-10": [_f("金粟如来诞")], "6-14": [_t], "6-15": [_w, _t], "6-19": [_f("观世音菩萨成道", dj)], "6-23": [_f("南方火神诞", "犯者遭回禄"), _t], "6-24": [_f("雷祖诞", xl), _f("关帝诞", xl)], "6-25": [_h], "6-27": [_d], "6-28": [_r], "6-29": [_t], "6-30": [_hh, _m, _t], "7-1": [_s, _y], "7-3": [_d], "7-5": [_f("中会日", ss, false, "一作初七")], "7-6": [_l], "7-7": [_f("道德腊", xl), _f("五帝校生人善恶", xl), _f("魁星诞", xl)], "7-8": [_t], "7-10": [_f("阴毒日", "", false, "大忌")], "7-12": [_f("长真谭真人诞")], "7-13": [_f("大势至菩萨诞", js)], "7-14": [_f("三元降", js), _t], "7-15": [_w, _f("三元降", dj), _f("地官校籍", dj), _t], "7-16": [_f("三元降", js)], "7-18": [_f("西王母诞", dj)], "7-19": [_f("太岁诞", dj)], "7-22": [_f("增福财神诞", xl)], "7-23": [_t], "7-25": [_h], "7-27": [_d], "7-28": [_r], "7-29": [_y, _t], "7-30": [_f("地藏菩萨诞", dj), _hh, _m, _t], "8-1": [_s, _f("许真君诞")], "8-3": [_d, _f("北斗诞", xl), _f("司命灶君诞", "犯者遭回禄")], "8-5": [_f("雷声大帝诞", dj)], "8-6": [_l], "8-8": [_t], "8-10": [_f("北斗大帝诞")], "8-12": [_f("西方五道诞")], "8-14": [_t], "8-15": [_w, _f("太明朝元", "犯者暴亡", false, "宜焚香守夜"), _t], "8-16": [_f("天曹掠刷真君降", "犯者贫夭")], "8-18": [_f("天人兴福之辰", "", false, "宜斋戒,存想吉事")], "8-23": [_f("汉恒候张显王诞"), _t], "8-24": [_f("灶君夫人诞")], "8-25": [_h], "8-27": [_d, _f("至圣先师孔子诞", xl), _y], "8-28": [_r, _f("四天会事")], "8-29": [_t], "8-30": [_f("诸神考校", "犯者夺算"), _hh, _m, _t], "9-1": [_s, _f("南斗诞", xl), _f("北斗九星降世", dj, false, "此九日俱宜斋戒")], "9-3": [_d, _f("五瘟神诞")], "9-6": [_l], "9-8": [_t], "9-9": [_f("斗母诞", xl), _f("酆都大帝诞"), _f("玄天上帝飞升")], "9-10": [_f("斗母降", dj)], "9-11": [_f("宜戒")], "9-13": [_f("孟婆尊神诞")], "9-14": [_t], "9-15": [_w, _t], "9-17": [_f("金龙四大王诞", "犯者遭水厄")], "9-19": [_f("日宫月宫会合", js), _f("观世音菩萨诞", js)], "9-23": [_t], "9-25": [_h, _y], "9-27": [_d], "9-28": [_r], "9-29": [_t], "9-30": [_f("药师琉璃光佛诞", "犯者危疾"), _hh, _m, _t], "10-1": [_s, _f("民岁腊", dj), _f("四天王降", "犯者一年内死")], "10-3": [_d, _f("三茅诞")], "10-5": [_f("下会日", js), _f("达摩祖师诞", js)], "10-6": [_l, _f("天曹考察", dj)], "10-8": [_f("佛涅槃日", "", false, "大忌色欲"), _t], "10-10": [_f("四天王降", "犯者一年内死")], "10-11": [_f("宜戒")], "10-14": [_f("三元降", js), _t], "10-15": [_w, _f("三元降", dj), _f("下元水府校籍", dj), _t], "10-16": [_f("三元降", js), _t], "10-23": [_y, _t], "10-25": [_h], "10-27": [_d, _f("北极紫徽大帝降")], "10-28": [_r], "10-29": [_t], "10-30": [_hh, _m, _t], "11-1": [_s], "11-3": [_d], "11-4": [_f("至圣先师孔子诞", xl)], "11-6": [_f("西岳大帝诞")], "11-8": [_t], "11-11": [_f("天地仓开日", dj), _f("太乙救苦天尊诞", dj)], "11-14": [_t], "11-15": [_f("月望", "上半夜犯男死 下半夜犯女死"), _f("四天王巡行", "上半夜犯男死 下半夜犯女死")], "11-17": [_f("阿弥陀佛诞")], "11-19": [_f("太阳日宫诞", "犯者得奇祸")], "11-21": [_y], "11-23": [_f("张仙诞", "犯者绝嗣"), _t], "11-25": [_f("掠刷大夫降", "犯者遭大凶"), _h], "11-26": [_f("北方五道诞")], "11-27": [_d], "11-28": [_r], "11-29": [_t], "11-30": [_hh, _m, _t], "12-1": [_s], "12-3": [_d], "12-6": [_f("天地仓开日", js), _l], "12-7": [_f("掠刷大夫降", "犯者得恶疾")], "12-8": [_f("王侯腊", dj), _f("释迦如来成佛之辰"), _t, _f("初旬内戊日,亦名王侯腊", dj)], "12-12": [_f("太素三元君朝真")], "12-14": [_t], "12-15": [_w, _t], "12-16": [_f("南岳大帝诞")], "12-19": [_y], "12-20": [_f("天地交道", "犯者促寿")], "12-21": [_f("天猷上帝诞")], "12-23": [_f("五岳诞降"), _t], "12-24": [_f("司今朝天奏人善恶", "犯者得大祸")], "12-25": [_f("三清玉帝同降,考察善恶", "犯者得奇祸"), _h], "12-27": [_d], "12-28": [_r], "12-29": [_f("华严菩萨诞"), _t], "12-30": [_f("诸神下降,察访善恶", "犯者男女俱亡")] }, OTHER_FESTIVAL: { "1-1": ["弥勒菩萨圣诞"], "1-6": ["定光佛圣诞"], "2-8": ["释迦牟尼佛出家"], "2-15": ["释迦牟尼佛涅槃"], "2-19": ["观世音菩萨圣诞"], "2-21": ["普贤菩萨圣诞"], "3-16": ["准提菩萨圣诞"], "4-4": ["文殊菩萨圣诞"], "4-8": ["释迦牟尼佛圣诞"], "4-15": ["佛吉祥日"], "4-28": ["药王菩萨圣诞"], "5-13": ["伽蓝菩萨圣诞"], "6-3": ["韦驮菩萨圣诞"], "6-19": ["观音菩萨成道"], "7-13": ["大势至菩萨圣诞"], "7-15": ["佛欢喜日"], "7-24": ["龙树菩萨圣诞"], "7-30": ["地藏菩萨圣诞"], "8-15": ["月光菩萨圣诞"], "8-22": ["燃灯佛圣诞"], "9-9": ["摩利支天菩萨圣诞"], "9-19": ["观世音菩萨出家"], "9-30": ["药师琉璃光佛圣诞"], "10-5": ["达摩祖师圣诞"], "10-20": ["文殊菩萨出家"], "11-17": ["阿弥陀佛圣诞"], "11-19": ["日光菩萨圣诞"], "12-8": ["释迦牟尼佛成道"], "12-23": ["监斋菩萨圣诞"], "12-29": ["华严菩萨圣诞"] }, getXiu: function(m, d) { return _getXiu(m, d); } }; }(); var Foto2 = /* @__PURE__ */ function() { var _fromYmdHms = function(y, m, d, hour, minute, second) { return _fromLunar(Lunar2.fromYmdHms(y + Foto2.DEAD_YEAR - 1, m, d, hour, minute, second)); }; var _fromLunar = function(lunar2) { return { _p: { lunar: lunar2 }, getLunar: function() { return this._p.lunar; }, getYear: function() { var sy = this._p.lunar.getSolar().getYear(); var y = sy - Foto2.DEAD_YEAR; if (sy === this._p.lunar.getYear()) { y++; } return y; }, getMonth: function() { return this._p.lunar.getMonth(); }, getDay: function() { return this._p.lunar.getDay(); }, getYearInChinese: function() { var y = this.getYear() + ""; var s = ""; var zero2 = "0".charCodeAt(0); for (var i = 0, j = y.length; i < j; i++) { s += LunarUtil2.NUMBER[y.charCodeAt(i) - zero2]; } return s; }, getMonthInChinese: function() { return this._p.lunar.getMonthInChinese(); }, getDayInChinese: function() { return this._p.lunar.getDayInChinese(); }, getFestivals: function() { var l = FotoUtil2.FESTIVAL[this.getMonth() + "-" + this.getDay()]; return l ? l : []; }, getOtherFestivals: function() { var l = []; var fs = FotoUtil2.OTHER_FESTIVAL[this.getMonth() + "-" + this.getDay()]; if (fs) { l = l.concat(fs); } return l; }, isMonthZhai: function() { var m = this.getMonth(); return 1 === m || 5 === m || 9 === m; }, isDayYangGong: function() { var l = this.getFestivals(); for (var i = 0, j = l.length; i < j; i++) { if ("杨公忌" === l[i].getName()) { return true; } } return false; }, isDayZhaiShuoWang: function() { var d = this.getDay(); return 1 === d || 15 === d; }, isDayZhaiSix: function() { var d = this.getDay(); if (8 === d || 14 === d || 15 === d || 23 === d || 29 === d || 30 === d) { return true; } else if (28 === d) { var m = LunarMonth2.fromYm(this._p.lunar.getYear(), this.getMonth()); if (30 !== m.getDayCount()) { return true; } } return false; }, isDayZhaiTen: function() { var d = this.getDay(); return 1 === d || 8 === d || 14 === d || 15 === d || 18 === d || 23 === d || 24 === d || 28 === d || 29 === d || 30 === d; }, isDayZhaiGuanYin: function() { var k = this.getMonth() + "-" + this.getDay(); for (var i = 0, j = FotoUtil2.DAY_ZHAI_GUAN_YIN.length; i < j; i++) { if (k === FotoUtil2.DAY_ZHAI_GUAN_YIN[i]) { return true; } } return false; }, getXiu: function() { return FotoUtil2.getXiu(this.getMonth(), this.getDay()); }, getXiuLuck: function() { return LunarUtil2.XIU_LUCK[this.getXiu()]; }, getXiuSong: function() { return LunarUtil2.XIU_SONG[this.getXiu()]; }, getZheng: function() { return LunarUtil2.ZHENG[this.getXiu()]; }, getAnimal: function() { return LunarUtil2.ANIMAL[this.getXiu()]; }, getGong: function() { return LunarUtil2.GONG[this.getXiu()]; }, getShou: function() { return LunarUtil2.SHOU[this.getGong()]; }, toString: function() { return this.getYearInChinese() + "年" + this.getMonthInChinese() + "月" + this.getDayInChinese(); }, toFullString: function() { var s = this.toString(); var fs = this.getFestivals(); for (var i = 0, j = fs.length; i < j; i++) { s += " (" + fs[i] + ")"; } return s; } }; }; return { DEAD_YEAR: -543, fromYmdHms: function(y, m, d, hour, minute, second) { return _fromYmdHms(y, m, d, hour, minute, second); }, fromYmd: function(y, m, d) { return _fromYmdHms(y, m, d, 0, 0, 0); }, fromLunar: function(lunar2) { return _fromLunar(lunar2); } }; }(); var TaoFestival = /* @__PURE__ */ function() { var _f = function(name, remark) { return { _p: { name, remark: remark ? remark : "" }, getName: function() { return this._p.name; }, getRemark: function() { return this._p.remark; }, toString: function() { return this._p.name; }, toFullString: function() { var l = [this._p.name]; if (this._p.remark) { l.push("[" + this._p.remark + "]"); } return l.join(""); } }; }; return { create: function(name, remark) { return _f(name, remark); } }; }(); var TaoUtil2 = function() { var _f = TaoFestival.create; return { SAN_HUI: ["1-7", "7-7", "10-15"], SAN_YUAN: ["1-15", "7-15", "10-15"], WU_LA: ["1-1", "5-5", "7-7", "10-1", "12-8"], AN_WU: ["{dz.wei}", "{dz.xu}", "{dz.chen}", "{dz.yin}", "{dz.wu}", "{dz.zi}", "{dz.you}", "{dz.shen}", "{dz.si}", "{dz.hai}", "{dz.mao}", "{dz.chou}"], BA_HUI: { "{jz.bingWu}": "天会", "{jz.renWu}": "地会", "{jz.renZi}": "人会", "{jz.gengWu}": "日会", "{jz.gengShen}": "月会", "{jz.xinYou}": "星辰会", "{jz.jiaChen}": "五行会", "{jz.jiaXu}": "四时会" }, BA_JIE: { "{jq.liChun}": "东北方度仙上圣天尊同梵炁始青天君下降", "{jq.chunFen}": "东方玉宝星上天尊同青帝九炁天君下降", "{jq.liXia}": "东南方好生度命天尊同梵炁始丹天君下降", "{jq.xiaZhi}": "南方玄真万福天尊同赤帝三炁天君下降", "{jq.liQiu}": "西南方太灵虚皇天尊同梵炁始素天君下降", "{jq.qiuFen}": "西方太妙至极天尊同白帝七炁天君下降", "{jq.liDong}": "西北方无量太华天尊同梵炁始玄天君下降", "{jq.dongZhi}": "北方玄上玉宸天尊同黑帝五炁天君下降" }, FESTIVAL: { "1-1": [_f("天腊之辰", "天腊,此日五帝会于东方九炁青天")], "1-3": [_f("郝真人圣诞"), _f("孙真人圣诞")], "1-5": [_f("孙祖清静元君诞")], "1-7": [_f("举迁赏会", "此日上元赐福,天官同地水二官考校罪福")], "1-9": [_f("玉皇上帝圣诞")], "1-13": [_f("关圣帝君飞升")], "1-15": [_f("上元天官圣诞"), _f("老祖天师圣诞")], "1-19": [_f("长春邱真人(邱处机)圣诞")], "1-28": [_f("许真君(许逊天师)圣诞")], "2-1": [_f("勾陈天皇大帝圣诞"), _f("长春刘真人(刘渊然)圣诞")], "2-2": [_f("土地正神诞"), _f("姜太公圣诞")], "2-3": [_f("文昌梓潼帝君圣诞")], "2-6": [_f("东华帝君圣诞")], "2-13": [_f("度人无量葛真君圣诞")], "2-15": [_f("太清道德天尊(太上老君)圣诞")], "2-19": [_f("慈航真人圣诞")], "3-1": [_f("谭祖(谭处端)长真真人圣诞")], "3-3": [_f("玄天上帝圣诞")], "3-6": [_f("眼光娘娘圣诞")], "3-15": [_f("天师张大真人圣诞"), _f("财神赵公元帅圣诞")], "3-16": [_f("三茅真君得道之辰"), _f("中岳大帝圣诞")], "3-18": [_f("王祖(王处一)玉阳真人圣诞"), _f("后土娘娘圣诞")], "3-19": [_f("太阳星君圣诞")], "3-20": [_f("子孙娘娘圣诞")], "3-23": [_f("天后妈祖圣诞")], "3-26": [_f("鬼谷先师诞")], "3-28": [_f("东岳大帝圣诞")], "4-1": [_f("长生谭真君成道之辰")], "4-10": [_f("何仙姑圣诞")], "4-14": [_f("吕祖纯阳祖师圣诞")], "4-15": [_f("钟离祖师圣诞")], "4-18": [_f("北极紫微大帝圣诞"), _f("泰山圣母碧霞元君诞"), _f("华佗神医先师诞")], "4-20": [_f("眼光圣母娘娘诞")], "4-28": [_f("神农先帝诞")], "5-1": [_f("南极长生大帝圣诞")], "5-5": [_f("地腊之辰", "地腊,此日五帝会于南方三炁丹天"), _f("南方雷祖圣诞"), _f("地祗温元帅圣诞"), _f("雷霆邓天君圣诞")], "5-11": [_f("城隍爷圣诞")], "5-13": [_f("关圣帝君降神"), _f("关平太子圣诞")], "5-18": [_f("张天师圣诞")], "5-20": [_f("马祖丹阳真人圣诞")], "5-29": [_f("紫青白祖师圣诞")], "6-1": [_f("南斗星君下降")], "6-2": [_f("南斗星君下降")], "6-3": [_f("南斗星君下降")], "6-4": [_f("南斗星君下降")], "6-5": [_f("南斗星君下降")], "6-6": [_f("南斗星君下降")], "6-10": [_f("刘海蟾祖师圣诞")], "6-15": [_f("灵官王天君圣诞")], "6-19": [_f("慈航(观音)成道日")], "6-23": [_f("火神圣诞")], "6-24": [_f("南极大帝中方雷祖圣诞"), _f("关圣帝君圣诞")], "6-26": [_f("二郎真君圣诞")], "7-7": [_f("道德腊之辰", "道德腊,此日五帝会于西方七炁素天"), _f("庆生中会", "此日中元赦罪,地官同天水二官考校罪福")], "7-12": [_f("西方雷祖圣诞")], "7-15": [_f("中元地官大帝圣诞")], "7-18": [_f("王母娘娘圣诞")], "7-20": [_f("刘祖(刘处玄)长生真人圣诞")], "7-22": [_f("财帛星君文财神增福相公李诡祖圣诞")], "7-26": [_f("张三丰祖师圣诞")], "8-1": [_f("许真君飞升日")], "8-3": [_f("九天司命灶君诞")], "8-5": [_f("北方雷祖圣诞")], "8-10": [_f("北岳大帝诞辰")], "8-15": [_f("太阴星君诞")], "9-1": [_f("北斗九皇降世之辰")], "9-2": [_f("北斗九皇降世之辰")], "9-3": [_f("北斗九皇降世之辰")], "9-4": [_f("北斗九皇降世之辰")], "9-5": [_f("北斗九皇降世之辰")], "9-6": [_f("北斗九皇降世之辰")], "9-7": [_f("北斗九皇降世之辰")], "9-8": [_f("北斗九皇降世之辰")], "9-9": [_f("北斗九皇降世之辰"), _f("斗姥元君圣诞"), _f("重阳帝君圣诞"), _f("玄天上帝飞升"), _f("酆都大帝圣诞")], "9-22": [_f("增福财神诞")], "9-23": [_f("萨翁真君圣诞")], "9-28": [_f("五显灵官马元帅圣诞")], "10-1": [_f("民岁腊之辰", "民岁腊,此日五帝会于北方五炁黑天"), _f("东皇大帝圣诞")], "10-3": [_f("三茅应化真君圣诞")], "10-6": [_f("天曹诸司五岳五帝圣诞")], "10-15": [_f("下元水官大帝圣诞"), _f("建生大会", "此日下元解厄,水官同天地二官考校罪福")], "10-18": [_f("地母娘娘圣诞")], "10-19": [_f("长春邱真君飞升")], "10-20": [_f("虚靖天师(即三十代天师弘悟张真人)诞")], "11-6": [_f("西岳大帝圣诞")], "11-9": [_f("湘子韩祖圣诞")], "11-11": [_f("太乙救苦天尊圣诞")], "11-26": [_f("北方五道圣诞")], "12-8": [_f("王侯腊之辰", "王侯腊,此日五帝会于上方玄都玉京")], "12-16": [_f("南岳大帝圣诞"), _f("福德正神诞")], "12-20": [_f("鲁班先师圣诞")], "12-21": [_f("天猷上帝圣诞")], "12-22": [_f("重阳祖师圣诞")], "12-23": [_f("祭灶王", "最适宜谢旧年太岁,开启拜新年太岁")], "12-25": [_f("玉帝巡天"), _f("天神下降")], "12-29": [_f("清静孙真君(孙不二)成道")] } }; }(); var NineStarUtil2 = /* @__PURE__ */ function() { return { NUMBER: [ "{n.one}", "{n.two}", "{n.three}", "{n.four}", "{n.five}", "{n.six}", "{n.seven}", "{n.eight}", "{n.nine}" ], WU_XING: [ "{wx.shui}", "{wx.tu}", "{wx.mu}", "{wx.mu}", "{wx.tu}", "{wx.jin}", "{wx.jin}", "{wx.tu}", "{wx.huo}" ], POSITION: [ "{bg.kan}", "{bg.kun}", "{bg.zhen}", "{bg.xun}", "{ps.center}", "{bg.qian}", "{bg.dui}", "{bg.gen}", "{bg.li}" ], LUCK_XUAN_KONG: [ "{s.goodLuck}", "{s.badLuck}", "{s.badLuck}", "{s.goodLuck}", "{s.badLuck}", "{s.goodLuck}", "{s.badLuck}", "{s.goodLuck}", "{s.goodLuck}" ], YIN_YANG_QI_MEN: [ "{s.yang}", "{s.yin}", "{s.yang}", "{s.yang}", "{s.yang}", "{s.yin}", "{s.yin}", "{s.yang}", "{s.yin}" ], COLOR: [ "{s.white}", "{s.black}", "{s.blue}", "{s.green}", "{s.yellow}", "{s.white}", "{s.red}", "{s.white}", "{s.purple}" ] }; }(); var Tao2 = /* @__PURE__ */ function() { var _fromYmdHms = function(y, m, d, hour, minute, second) { return _fromLunar(Lunar2.fromYmdHms(y + Tao2.BIRTH_YEAR, m, d, hour, minute, second)); }; var _fromLunar = function(lunar2) { return { _p: { lunar: lunar2 }, getLunar: function() { return this._p.lunar; }, getYear: function() { return this._p.lunar.getYear() - Tao2.BIRTH_YEAR; }, getMonth: function() { return this._p.lunar.getMonth(); }, getDay: function() { return this._p.lunar.getDay(); }, getYearInChinese: function() { var y = this.getYear() + ""; var s = ""; var zero2 = "0".charCodeAt(0); for (var i = 0, j = y.length; i < j; i++) { s += LunarUtil2.NUMBER[y.charCodeAt(i) - zero2]; } return s; }, getMonthInChinese: function() { return this._p.lunar.getMonthInChinese(); }, getDayInChinese: function() { return this._p.lunar.getDayInChinese(); }, getFestivals: function() { var l = []; var fs = TaoUtil2.FESTIVAL[this.getMonth() + "-" + this.getDay()]; if (fs) { l = l.concat(fs); } var jq = this._p.lunar.getJieQi(); if (I18n2.getMessage("jq.dongZhi") === jq) { l.push(TaoFestival.create("元始天尊圣诞")); } else if (I18n2.getMessage("jq.xiaZhi") === jq) { l.push(TaoFestival.create("灵宝天尊圣诞")); } var f = TaoUtil2.BA_JIE[jq]; if (f) { l.push(TaoFestival.create(f)); } f = TaoUtil2.BA_HUI[this._p.lunar.getDayInGanZhi()]; if (f) { l.push(TaoFestival.create(f)); } return l; }, _isDayIn: function(days) { var md = this.getMonth() + "-" + this.getDay(); for (var i = 0, j = days.length; i < j; i++) { if (md === days[i]) { return true; } } return false; }, isDaySanHui: function() { return this._isDayIn(TaoUtil2.SAN_HUI); }, isDaySanYuan: function() { return this._isDayIn(TaoUtil2.SAN_YUAN); }, isDayBaJie: function() { return !!TaoUtil2.BA_JIE[this._p.lunar.getJieQi()]; }, isDayWuLa: function() { return this._isDayIn(TaoUtil2.WU_LA); }, isDayBaHui: function() { return !!TaoUtil2.BA_HUI[this._p.lunar.getDayInGanZhi()]; }, isDayMingWu: function() { return I18n2.getMessage("tg.wu") === this._p.lunar.getDayGan(); }, isDayAnWu: function() { return this._p.lunar.getDayZhi() === TaoUtil2.AN_WU[Math.abs(this.getMonth()) - 1]; }, isDayWu: function() { return this.isDayMingWu() || this.isDayAnWu(); }, isDayTianShe: function() { var ret = false; var mz = this._p.lunar.getMonthZhi(); var dgz = this._p.lunar.getDayInGanZhi(); if ([I18n2.getMessage("dz.yin"), I18n2.getMessage("dz.mao"), I18n2.getMessage("dz.chen")].join(",").indexOf(mz) > -1) { if (I18n2.getMessage("jz.wuYin") === dgz) { ret = true; } } else if ([I18n2.getMessage("dz.si"), I18n2.getMessage("dz.wu"), I18n2.getMessage("dz.wei")].join(",").indexOf(mz) > -1) { if (I18n2.getMessage("jz.jiaWu") === dgz) { ret = true; } } else if ([I18n2.getMessage("dz.shen"), I18n2.getMessage("dz.you"), I18n2.getMessage("dz.xu")].join(",").indexOf(mz) > -1) { if (I18n2.getMessage("jz.wuShen") === dgz) { ret = true; } } else if ([I18n2.getMessage("dz.hai"), I18n2.getMessage("dz.zi"), I18n2.getMessage("dz.chou")].join(",").indexOf(mz) > -1) { if (I18n2.getMessage("jz.jiaZi") === dgz) { ret = true; } } return ret; }, toString: function() { return this.getYearInChinese() + "年" + this.getMonthInChinese() + "月" + this.getDayInChinese(); }, toFullString: function() { return "道歷" + this.getYearInChinese() + "年,天運" + this._p.lunar.getYearInGanZhi() + "年," + this._p.lunar.getMonthInGanZhi() + "月," + this._p.lunar.getDayInGanZhi() + "日。" + this.getMonthInChinese() + "月" + this.getDayInChinese() + "日," + this._p.lunar.getTimeZhi() + "時。"; } }; }; return { BIRTH_YEAR: -2697, fromYmdHms: function(y, m, d, hour, minute, second) { return _fromYmdHms(y, m, d, hour, minute, second); }, fromYmd: function(y, m, d) { return _fromYmdHms(y, m, d, 0, 0, 0); }, fromLunar: function(lunar2) { return _fromLunar(lunar2); } }; }(); var I18n2 = function() { var _defaultLang = "chs"; var _lang = _defaultLang; var _inited = false; var _messages = { "chs": { "tg.jia": "甲", "tg.yi": "乙", "tg.bing": "丙", "tg.ding": "丁", "tg.wu": "戊", "tg.ji": "己", "tg.geng": "庚", "tg.xin": "辛", "tg.ren": "壬", "tg.gui": "癸", "dz.zi": "子", "dz.chou": "丑", "dz.yin": "寅", "dz.mao": "卯", "dz.chen": "辰", "dz.si": "巳", "dz.wu": "午", "dz.wei": "未", "dz.shen": "申", "dz.you": "酉", "dz.xu": "戌", "dz.hai": "亥", "zx.jian": "建", "zx.chu": "除", "zx.man": "满", "zx.ping": "平", "zx.ding": "定", "zx.zhi": "执", "zx.po": "破", "zx.wei": "危", "zx.cheng": "成", "zx.shou": "收", "zx.kai": "开", "zx.bi": "闭", "jz.jiaZi": "甲子", "jz.yiChou": "乙丑", "jz.bingYin": "丙寅", "jz.dingMao": "丁卯", "jz.wuChen": "戊辰", "jz.jiSi": "己巳", "jz.gengWu": "庚午", "jz.xinWei": "辛未", "jz.renShen": "壬申", "jz.guiYou": "癸酉", "jz.jiaXu": "甲戌", "jz.yiHai": "乙亥", "jz.bingZi": "丙子", "jz.dingChou": "丁丑", "jz.wuYin": "戊寅", "jz.jiMao": "己卯", "jz.gengChen": "庚辰", "jz.xinSi": "辛巳", "jz.renWu": "壬午", "jz.guiWei": "癸未", "jz.jiaShen": "甲申", "jz.yiYou": "乙酉", "jz.bingXu": "丙戌", "jz.dingHai": "丁亥", "jz.wuZi": "戊子", "jz.jiChou": "己丑", "jz.gengYin": "庚寅", "jz.xinMao": "辛卯", "jz.renChen": "壬辰", "jz.guiSi": "癸巳", "jz.jiaWu": "甲午", "jz.yiWei": "乙未", "jz.bingShen": "丙申", "jz.dingYou": "丁酉", "jz.wuXu": "戊戌", "jz.jiHai": "己亥", "jz.gengZi": "庚子", "jz.xinChou": "辛丑", "jz.renYin": "壬寅", "jz.guiMao": "癸卯", "jz.jiaChen": "甲辰", "jz.yiSi": "乙巳", "jz.bingWu": "丙午", "jz.dingWei": "丁未", "jz.wuShen": "戊申", "jz.jiYou": "己酉", "jz.gengXu": "庚戌", "jz.xinHai": "辛亥", "jz.renZi": "壬子", "jz.guiChou": "癸丑", "jz.jiaYin": "甲寅", "jz.yiMao": "乙卯", "jz.bingChen": "丙辰", "jz.dingSi": "丁巳", "jz.wuWu": "戊午", "jz.jiWei": "己未", "jz.gengShen": "庚申", "jz.xinYou": "辛酉", "jz.renXu": "壬戌", "jz.guiHai": "癸亥", "sx.rat": "鼠", "sx.ox": "牛", "sx.tiger": "虎", "sx.rabbit": "兔", "sx.dragon": "龙", "sx.snake": "蛇", "sx.horse": "马", "sx.goat": "羊", "sx.monkey": "猴", "sx.rooster": "鸡", "sx.dog": "狗", "sx.pig": "猪", "dw.long": "龙", "dw.niu": "牛", "dw.gou": "狗", "dw.yang": "羊", "dw.tu": "兔", "dw.shu": "鼠", "dw.ji": "鸡", "dw.ma": "马", "dw.hu": "虎", "dw.zhu": "猪", "dw.hou": "猴", "dw.she": "蛇", "dw.huLi": "狐", "dw.yan": "燕", "dw.bao": "豹", "dw.yuan": "猿", "dw.yin": "蚓", "dw.lu": "鹿", "dw.wu": "乌", "dw.jiao": "蛟", "dw.lang": "狼", "dw.fu": "蝠", "dw.zhang": "獐", "dw.xu": "獝", "dw.xie": "獬", "dw.han": "犴", "dw.he": "貉", "dw.zhi": "彘", "wx.jin": "金", "wx.mu": "木", "wx.shui": "水", "wx.huo": "火", "wx.tu": "土", "wx.ri": "日", "wx.yue": "月", "n.zero": "〇", "n.one": "一", "n.two": "二", "n.three": "三", "n.four": "四", "n.five": "五", "n.six": "六", "n.seven": "七", "n.eight": "八", "n.nine": "九", "n.ten": "十", "n.eleven": "十一", "n.twelve": "十二", "d.one": "初一", "d.two": "初二", "d.three": "初三", "d.four": "初四", "d.five": "初五", "d.six": "初六", "d.seven": "初七", "d.eight": "初八", "d.nine": "初九", "d.ten": "初十", "d.eleven": "十一", "d.twelve": "十二", "d.thirteen": "十三", "d.fourteen": "十四", "d.fifteen": "十五", "d.sixteen": "十六", "d.seventeen": "十七", "d.eighteen": "十八", "d.nighteen": "十九", "d.twenty": "二十", "d.twentyOne": "廿一", "d.twentyTwo": "廿二", "d.twentyThree": "廿三", "d.twentyFour": "廿四", "d.twentyFive": "廿五", "d.twentySix": "廿六", "d.twentySeven": "廿七", "d.twentyEight": "廿八", "d.twentyNine": "廿九", "d.thirty": "三十", "m.one": "正", "m.two": "二", "m.three": "三", "m.four": "四", "m.five": "五", "m.six": "六", "m.seven": "七", "m.eight": "八", "m.nine": "九", "m.ten": "十", "m.eleven": "冬", "m.twelve": "腊", "w.sun": "日", "w.mon": "一", "w.tues": "二", "w.wed": "三", "w.thur": "四", "w.fri": "五", "w.sat": "六", "xz.aries": "白羊", "xz.taurus": "金牛", "xz.gemini": "双子", "xz.cancer": "巨蟹", "xz.leo": "狮子", "xz.virgo": "处女", "xz.libra": "天秤", "xz.scorpio": "天蝎", "xz.sagittarius": "射手", "xz.capricornus": "摩羯", "xz.aquarius": "水瓶", "xz.pisces": "双鱼", "bg.qian": "乾", "bg.kun": "坤", "bg.zhen": "震", "bg.xun": "巽", "bg.kan": "坎", "bg.li": "离", "bg.gen": "艮", "bg.dui": "兑", "ps.center": "中", "ps.dong": "东", "ps.nan": "南", "ps.xi": "西", "ps.bei": "北", "ps.zhong": "中宫", "ps.zhengDong": "正东", "ps.zhengNan": "正南", "ps.zhengXi": "正西", "ps.zhengBei": "正北", "ps.dongBei": "东北", "ps.dongNan": "东南", "ps.xiBei": "西北", "ps.xiNan": 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"宵", "yx.jianYingTu": "渐盈凸", "yx.xiaoWang": "小望", "yx.wang": "望", "yx.jiWang": "既望", "yx.liDai": "立待", "yx.juDai": "居待", "yx.qinDai": "寝待", "yx.gengDai": "更待", "yx.jianKuiTu": "渐亏凸", "yx.xiaXian": "下弦", "yx.youMing": "有明", "yx.eMeiCan": "蛾眉残", "yx.can": "残", "yx.xiao": "晓", "yx.hui": "晦", "ny.sangZhe": "桑柘", "ny.baiLa": "白蜡", "ny.yangLiu": "杨柳", "ny.jinBo": "金箔", "ny.haiZhong": "海中", "ny.daHai": "大海", "ny.shaZhong": "沙中", "ny.luZhong": "炉中", "ny.shanXia": "山下", "ny.daLin": "大林", "ny.pingDi": "平地", "ny.luPang": "路旁", "ny.biShang": "壁上", "ny.jianFeng": "剑锋", "ny.shanTou": "山头", "ny.fuDeng": "覆灯", "ny.jianXia": "涧下", "ny.tianHe": "天河", "ny.chengTou": "城头", "ny.daYi": "大驿", "ny.chaiChuan": "钗钏", "ny.quanZhong": "泉中", "ny.daXi": "大溪", "ny.wuShang": "屋上", "ny.piLi": "霹雳", "ny.tianShang": "天上", "ny.songBo": "松柏", "ny.shiLiu": "石榴", "ny.changLiu": "长流" }, "en": { "tg.jia": "Jia", "tg.yi": "Yi", "tg.bing": "Bing", "tg.ding": "Ding", "tg.wu": "Wu", "tg.ji": "Ji", "tg.geng": "Geng", "tg.xin": 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"Taurus", "xz.gemini": "Gemini", "xz.cancer": "Cancer", "xz.leo": "Leo", "xz.virgo": "Virgo", "xz.libra": "Libra", "xz.scorpio": "Scorpio", "xz.sagittarius": "Sagittarius", "xz.capricornus": "Capricornus", "xz.aquarius": "Aquarius", "xz.pisces": "Pisces", "bg.qian": "Qian", "bg.kun": "Kun", "bg.zhen": "Zhen", "bg.xun": "Xun", "bg.kan": "Kan", "bg.li": "Li", "bg.gen": "Gen", "bg.dui": "Dui", "ps.center": "Center", "ps.dong": "East", "ps.nan": "South", "ps.xi": "West", "ps.bei": "North", "ps.zhong": "Center", "ps.zhengDong": "East", "ps.zhengNan": "South", "ps.zhengXi": "West", "ps.zhengBei": "North", "ps.dongBei": "Northeast", "ps.dongNan": "Southeast", "ps.xiBei": "Northwest", "ps.xiNan": "Southwest", "jq.dongZhi": "Winter Solstice", "jq.xiaoHan": "Lesser Cold", "jq.daHan": "Great Cold", "jq.liChun": "Spring Beginning", "jq.yuShui": "Rain Water", "jq.jingZhe": "Awakening from Hibernation", "jq.chunFen": "Spring Equinox", "jq.qingMing": "Fresh Green", "jq.guYu": "Grain Rain", "jq.liXia": "Beginning of Summer", "jq.xiaoMan": "Lesser Fullness", "jq.mangZhong": "Grain in Ear", "jq.xiaZhi": "Summer Solstice", "jq.xiaoShu": "Lesser Heat", "jq.daShu": "Greater Heat", "jq.liQiu": "Beginning of Autumn", "jq.chuShu": "End of Heat", "jq.baiLu": "White Dew", "jq.qiuFen": "Autumnal Equinox", "jq.hanLu": "Cold Dew", "jq.shuangJiang": "First Frost", "jq.liDong": "Beginning of Winter", "jq.xiaoXue": "Light Snow", "jq.daXue": "Heavy Snow", "sn.qingLong": "Azure Dragon", "sn.baiHu": "White Tiger", "sn.zhuQue": "Rosefinch", "sn.xuanWu": "Black Tortoise", "sn.tianEn": "Serene Grace", "sn.siShen": "Death", "sn.tianMa": "Pegasus", "sn.baLong": "Eight Dragon", "sn.jiuHu": "Nine Tiger", "sn.qiNiao": "Seven Bird", "sn.liuShe": "Six Snake", "s.none": "None", "s.goodLuck": "Good luck", "s.badLuck": "Bad luck", "s.yin": "Yin", "s.yang": "Yang", "s.white": "White", "s.black": "Black", "s.blue": "Blue", "s.green": "Green", "s.yellow": "Yellow", "s.red": "Red", "s.purple": "Purple", "jr.chuXi": "Chinese New Year's Eve", "jr.chunJie": "Luna New Year", "jr.yuanXiao": "Lantern Festival", "jr.duanWu": "Dragon Boat Festival", "jr.qiXi": "Begging Festival", "jr.zhongQiu": "Mid-Autumn Festival", "jr.laBa": "Laba Festival", "jr.yuanDan": "New Year's Day", "jr.qingRen": "Valentine's Day", "jr.fuNv": "Women's Day", "jr.xiaoFei": "Consumer Rights Day", "jr.zhiShu": "Arbor Day", "jr.wuYi": "International Worker's Day", "jr.erTong": "Children's Day", "jr.qingNian": "Youth Day", "jr.yuRen": "April Fools' Day", "jr.jianDang": "Party's Day", "jr.jianJun": "Army Day", "jr.jiaoShi": "Teachers' Day", "jr.guoQing": "National Day", "jr.wanShengYe": "All Saints' Eve", "jr.wanSheng": "All Saints' Day", "jr.pingAn": "Christmas Eve", "jr.shengDan": "Christmas Day", "ts.zhan": "At", "ts.hu": "Household", "ts.zao": "Cooker", "ts.dui": "Pestle", "ts.xi": "Habitat", "ts.win": "Window", "ts.fang": "Room", "ts.chuang": "Bed", "ts.lu": "Stove", "ts.mo": "Mill", "ts.chu": "Kitchen", "ts.ce": "Toilet", "ts.cang": "Depot", "ts.cangKu": "Depot", "ts.daMen": "Gate", "ts.men": "Door", "ts.tang": "Hall", "ly.xianSheng": "Win first", "ly.xianFu": "Lose first", "ly.youYin": "Friend's referral", "ly.foMie": "Buddhism's demise", "ly.daAn": "Great safety", "ly.chiKou": "Chikagoro", "yj.jiSi": "Sacrifice", "yj.qiFu": "Pray", "yj.qiuSi": "Seek heirs", "yj.kaiGuang": "Consecretion", "yj.suHui": "Paint sculptural", "yj.qiJiao": "Build altar", "yj.zhaiJiao": "Taoist rites", "yj.muYu": "Bathing", "yj.chouShen": "Reward gods", "yj.zaoMiao": "Build temple", "yj.siZhao": "Offer kitchen god", "yj.fenXiang": "Burn incense", "yj.xieTu": "Earth gratitude", "yj.chuHuo": "Expel the flame", "yj.diaoKe": "Carving", "yj.jiaQu": "Marriage", "yj.DingHun": "Engagement", "yj.naCai": "Proposing", "yj.wenMing": "Ask name", "yj.naXu": "Uxorilocal marriage", "yj.guiNing": "Visit parents", "yj.anChuang": "Bed placing", "yj.heZhang": "Make up accounts", "yj.guanJi": "Crowning adulthood", "yj.dingMeng": "Make alliance", "yj.jinRenKou": "Adopt", "yj.caiYi": "Dressmaking", "yj.wanMian": "Cosmeticsurgery", "yj.kaiRong": "Open face", "yj.xiuFen": "Grave repair", "yj.qiZuan": "Open coffin", "yj.poTu": "Break earth", "yj.anZang": "Burial", "yj.liBei": "Tombstone erecting", "yj.chengFu": "Formation of clothes", "yj.chuFu": "Mourning clothes removal", "yj.kaiShengFen": "Open grave", "yj.heShouMu": "Make coffin", "yj.ruLian": "Body placing", "yj.yiJiu": "Move coffin", "yj.puDu": "Save soul", "yj.ruZhai": "Enter house", "yj.anXiang": "Incenst placement", "yj.anMen": "Door placing", "yj.xiuZao": "Repair", "yj.qiJi": "Digging", "yj.dongTu": "Break ground", "yj.shangLiang": "Beam placing", "yj.shuZhu": "Erecting pillars", "yj.kaiJing": "Open pond and well", "yj.zuoBei": "Make pond and fill water", "yj.chaiXie": "Smash house", "yj.poWu": "Break house", "yj.huaiYuan": "Demolish", "yj.buYuan": "Mending", "yj.faMuZuoLiang": "Make beams", "yj.zuoZhao": "Make stove", "yj.jieChu": "Removal", "yj.kaiZhuYan": "Build beam", "yj.chuanPing": "Build door", "yj.gaiWuHeJi": "Cover house", "yj.kaiCe": "Open toilet", "yj.zaoCang": "Build depot", "yj.saiXue": "Block nest", "yj.pingZhi": "Repair roads", "yj.zaoQiao": "Build bridge", "yj.zuoCe": "Build toilet", "yj.zhuDi": "Fill", "yj.kaiChi": "Open pond", "yj.faMu": "Lumbering", "yj.kaiQu": "Canalization", "yj.jueJing": "Dig well", "yj.saoShe": "Sweep house", "yj.fangShui": "Drainage", "yj.zaoWu": "Build house", "yj.heJi": "Close ridge", "yj.zaoChuChou": "Livestock thickening", "yj.xiuMen": "Repair door", "yj.dingSang": "Fix stone", "yj.zuoLiang": "Beam construction", "yj.xiuShi": "Decorate wall", "yj.jiaMa": "Erect horse", "yj.kaiShi": "Opening", "yj.guaBian": "Hang plaque", "yj.naChai": "Accept wealth", "yj.qiuCai": "Seek wealth", "yj.kaiCang": "Open depot", "yj.maiChe": "Buy car", "yj.zhiChan": "Buy property", "yj.guYong": "Hire", "yj.chuHuoCai": "Delivery", "yj.anJiXie": "Build machine", "yj.zaoCheQi": "Build car", "yj.jingLuo": "Build loom", "yj.yunNiang": "Brew", "yj.zuoRan": "Dye", "yj.guZhu": "Cast", "yj.zaoChuan": "Build boat", "yj.geMi": "Harvest honey", "yj.zaiZhong": "Farming", "yj.quYu": "Fishing", "yj.jieWang": "Netting", "yj.muYang": "Graze", "yj.anDuiWei": "Build rub", "yj.xiYi": "Learn", "yj.ruXue": "Enter school", "yj.liFa": "Haircut", "yj.tanBing": "Visiting", "yj.jianGui": "Meet noble", "yj.chengChuan": "Ride boat", "yj.duShui": "Cross water", "yj.zhenJiu": "Acupuncture", "yj.chuXing": "Travel", "yj.yiXi": "Move", "yj.fenJu": "Live apart", "yj.TiTou": "Shave", "yj.zhengShou": "Manicure", "yj.naChu": "Feed livestock", "yj.buZhuo": "Catch", "yj.tianLie": "Hunt", "yj.jiaoNiuMa": "Train horse", "yj.huiQinYou": "Meet friends", "yj.fuRen": "Go post", "yj.qiuYi": "See doctor", "yj.zhiBing": "Treat", "yj.ciSong": "Litigation", "yj.qiJiDongTu": "Lay foundation", "yj.poWuHuaiYuan": "Demolish", "yj.gaiWu": "Build house", "yj.zaoCangKu": "Build depot", "yj.liQuanJiaoYi": "Covenant trade", "yj.jiaoYi": "Trade", "yj.liQuan": "Covenant", "yj.anJi": "Install machine", "yj.huiYou": "Meet friends", "yj.qiuYiLiaoBing": "Seek treatment", "yj.zhuShi": "Everything Sucks", "yj.yuShi": "Do nothing else", "yj.xingSang": "Funeral", "yj.duanYi": "Block ant hole", "yj.guiXiu": "Place beam", "xx.bi": "Finish", "xx.yi": "Wing", "xx.ji": "Sieve", "xx.kui": "Qui", "xx.gui": "Ghost", "xx.di": "Foundation", "xx.xu": "Virtual", "xx.wei": "Danger", "xx.zi": "Mouth", "xx.zhen": "Cross-bar", "xx.dou": "Fight", "xx.lou": "Weak", "xx.liu": "Willow", "xx.fang": "House", "xx.xin": "Heart", "xx.shi": "Room", "xx.can": "Join", "xx.jiao": "Horn", "xx.niu": "Ox", "xx.vei": "Stomach", "xx.xing": "Star", "xx.zhang": "Chang", "xx.tail": "Tail", "xx.qiang": "Wall", "xx.jing": "Well", "xx.kang": "Kang", "xx.nv": "Female", "xx.mao": "Mao", "sz.chun": "Spring", "sz.xia": "Summer", "sz.qiu": "Autumn", "sz.dong": "Winter", "yx.shuo": "New", "yx.eMeiXin": "New waxing", "yx.eMei": "Waxing", "yx.xi": "Evening", "yx.shangXian": "First quarter", "yx.jiuYe": "Nine night", "yx.night": "Night", "yx.jianYingTu": "Gibbous", "yx.xiaoWang": "Little full", "yx.wang": "Full", "yx.jianKuiTu": "Disseminating", "yx.xiaXian": "Third quarter", "yx.eMeiCan": "Waning waxing", "yx.can": "Waning", "yx.xiao": "Daybreak", "yx.hui": "Obscure", "ny.sangZhe": "Cudrania", "ny.baiLa": "Wax", "ny.yangLiu": "Willow", "ny.jinBo": "Foil", "ny.haiZhong": "Sea", "ny.daHai": "Ocean", "ny.shaZhong": "Sand", "ny.luZhong": "Stove", "ny.shanXia": "Piedmont", "ny.daLin": "Forest", "ny.pingDi": "Land", "ny.luPang": "Roadside", "ny.biShang": "Wall", "ny.jianFeng": "Blade", "ny.shanTou": "Hilltop", "ny.fuDeng": "Light", "ny.jianXia": "Valleyn", "ny.tianHe": "River", "ny.chengTou": "City", "ny.daYi": "Post", "ny.chaiChuan": "Ornaments", "ny.quanZhong": "Spring", "ny.daXi": "Stream", "ny.wuShang": "Roof", "ny.piLi": "Thunderbolt", "ny.tianShang": "Sky", "ny.songBo": "Coniferin", "ny.shiLiu": "Pomegranate", "ny.changLiu": "Flows" } }; var _objs = { "LunarUtil": LunarUtil2, "SolarUtil": SolarUtil2, "TaoUtil": TaoUtil2, "FotoUtil": FotoUtil2, "NineStarUtil": NineStarUtil2 }; var _dictString = { "LunarUtil": { "TIAN_SHEN_TYPE": {}, "TIAN_SHEN_TYPE_LUCK": {}, "XIU_LUCK": {}, "LU": {}, "XIU": {}, "SHA": {}, "POSITION_DESC": {}, "NAYIN": {}, "WU_XING_GAN": {}, "WU_XING_ZHI": {}, "SHOU": {}, "GONG": {}, "FESTIVAL": {}, "ZHENG": {}, "ANIMAL": {}, "SHI_SHEN": {}, "XIU_SONG": {} }, "SolarUtil": { "FESTIVAL": {} }, "TaoUtil": { "BA_HUI": {}, "BA_JIE": {} } }; var _dictNumber = { "LunarUtil": { "ZHI_TIAN_SHEN_OFFSET": {}, "CHANG_SHENG_OFFSET": {} } }; var _dictArray = { "LunarUtil": { "ZHI_HIDE_GAN": {} } }; var _arrays = { "LunarUtil": { "GAN": [], "ZHI": [], "JIA_ZI": [], "ZHI_XING": [], "XUN": [], "XUN_KONG": [], "CHONG": [], "CHONG_GAN": [], "CHONG_GAN_TIE": [], "HE_GAN_5": [], "HE_ZHI_6": [], "SHENGXIAO": [], "NUMBER": [], "POSITION_XI": [], "POSITION_YANG_GUI": [], "POSITION_YIN_GUI": [], "POSITION_FU": [], "POSITION_FU_2": [], "POSITION_CAI": [], "POSITION_TAI_SUI_YEAR": [], "POSITION_GAN": [], "POSITION_ZHI": [], "JIE_QI": [], "JIE_QI_IN_USE": [], "TIAN_SHEN": [], "SHEN_SHA": [], "PENGZU_GAN": [], "PENGZU_ZHI": [], "MONTH_ZHI": [], "CHANG_SHENG": [], "HOU": [], "WU_HOU": [], "POSITION_TAI_DAY": [], "POSITION_TAI_MONTH": [], "YI_JI": [], "LIU_YAO": [], "MONTH": [], "SEASON": [], "DAY": [], "YUE_XIANG": [] }, "SolarUtil": { "WEEK": [], "XINGZUO": [] }, "TaoUtil": { "AN_WU": [] }, "FotoUtil": { "XIU_27": [] }, "NineStarUtil": { "NUMBER": [], "WU_XING": [], "POSITION": [], "LUCK_XUAN_KONG": [], "YIN_YANG_QI_MEN": [], "COLOR": [] } }; var _updateArray = function(c2) { var v = _arrays[c2]; var o = _objs[c2]; for (var k in v) { var arr = v[k]; for (var i = 0, j = arr.length; i < j; i++) { o[k][i] = arr[i].replace(/{(.[^}]*)}/g, function($0, $1) { return _getMessage($1); }); } } }; var _updateStringDictionary = function(c2) { var v = _dictString[c2]; var o = _objs[c2]; for (var k in v) { var dict = v[k]; for (var key in dict) { var i = key.replace(/{(.[^}]*)}/g, function($0, $1) { return _getMessage($1); }); o[k][i] = dict[key].replace(/{(.[^}]*)}/g, function($0, $1) { return _getMessage($1); }); } } }; var _updateNumberDictionary = function(c2) { var v = _dictNumber[c2]; var o = _objs[c2]; for (var k in v) { var dict = v[k]; for (var key in dict) { var i = key.replace(/{(.[^}]*)}/g, function($0, $1) { return _getMessage($1); }); o[k][i] = dict[key]; } } }; var _updateArrayDictionary = function(c2) { var v = _dictArray[c2]; var o = _objs[c2]; for (var k in v) { var dict = v[k]; for (var key in dict) { var x = key.replace(/{(.[^}]*)}/g, function($0, $1) { return _getMessage($1); }); var arr = dict[key]; for (var i = 0, j = arr.length; i < j; i++) { arr[i] = arr[i].replace(/{(.[^}]*)}/g, function($0, $1) { return _getMessage($1); }); } o[k][x] = arr; } } }; var _update = function() { var c2; for (c2 in _arrays) { _updateArray(c2); } for (c2 in _dictString) { _updateStringDictionary(c2); } for (c2 in _dictNumber) { _updateNumberDictionary(c2); } for (c2 in _dictArray) { _updateArrayDictionary(c2); } }; var _setLanguage = function(lang) { if (_messages[lang]) { _lang = lang; _update(); } }; var _getLanguage = function() { return _lang; }; var _setMessages = function(lang, messages2) { if (!messages2) { return; } if (!_messages[lang]) { _messages[lang] = {}; } for (var key in messages2) { _messages[lang][key] = messages2[key]; } _update(); }; var _getMessage = function(key) { var s = _messages[_lang][key]; if (void 0 === s) { s = _messages[_defaultLang][key]; } if (void 0 === s) { s = key; } return s; }; var _initArray = function(c2) { var v = _arrays[c2]; var o = _objs[c2]; for (var k in v) { v[k].length = 0; var arr = o[k]; for (var i = 0, j = arr.length; i < j; i++) { v[k].push(arr[i]); } } }; var _initDictionary = function(c2, type) { var v; switch (type) { case "string": v = _dictString[c2]; break; case "number": v = _dictNumber[c2]; break; case "array": v = _dictArray[c2]; break; } var o = _objs[c2]; for (var k in v) { var dict = o[k]; for (var key in dict) { v[k][key] = dict[key]; } } }; var _init = function() { if (_inited) { return; } _inited = true; var c2; for (c2 in _arrays) { _initArray(c2); } for (c2 in _dictString) { _initDictionary(c2, "string"); } for (c2 in _dictNumber) { _initDictionary(c2, "number"); } for (c2 in _dictArray) { _initDictionary(c2, "array"); } _setLanguage(_defaultLang); }; _init(); return { getLanguage: function() { return _getLanguage(); }, setLanguage: function(lang) { _setLanguage(lang); }, getMessage: function(key) { return _getMessage(key); }, setMessages: function(lang, messages2) { _setMessages(lang, messages2); } }; }(); return { ShouXingUtil: ShouXingUtil2, SolarUtil: SolarUtil2, LunarUtil: LunarUtil2, FotoUtil: FotoUtil2, TaoUtil: TaoUtil2, NineStarUtil: NineStarUtil2, Solar: Solar2, Lunar: Lunar2, Foto: Foto2, Tao: Tao2, NineStar: NineStar2, EightChar: EightChar2, SolarWeek: SolarWeek2, SolarMonth: SolarMonth2, SolarSeason: SolarSeason2, SolarHalfYear: SolarHalfYear2, SolarYear: SolarYear2, LunarMonth: LunarMonth2, LunarYear: LunarYear2, LunarTime: LunarTime2, HolidayUtil: HolidayUtil2, I18n: I18n2 }; }); })(lunar); var lunarExports = lunar.exports; const { Solar, Lunar, Foto, Tao, NineStar, EightChar, SolarWeek, SolarMonth, SolarSeason, SolarHalfYear, SolarYear, LunarMonth, LunarYear, LunarTime, ShouXingUtil, SolarUtil, LunarUtil, FotoUtil, TaoUtil, HolidayUtil, NineStarUtil, I18n } = lunarExports; var lunarJavascript = { Solar, Lunar, Foto, Tao, NineStar, EightChar, SolarWeek, SolarMonth, SolarSeason, SolarHalfYear, SolarYear, LunarMonth, LunarYear, LunarTime, ShouXingUtil, SolarUtil, LunarUtil, FotoUtil, TaoUtil, HolidayUtil, NineStarUtil, I18n }; const _withScopeId = (n) => (vue.pushScopeId("data-v-cca88874"), n = n(), vue.popScopeId(), n); const _hoisted_1 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId(() => /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("div", null, null, -1)); const _hoisted_2 = { key: 0 }; const _hoisted_3 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId(() => /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("iframe", { style: { "height": "600px" }, src: "https://passer-by.com/relationship/vue/#/" }, null, -1)); const _hoisted_4 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId(() => /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("iframe", { style: { "height": "600px", "width": "450px" }, src: "https://www.huilvbiao.com/gold" }, null, -1)); const _hoisted_5 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId(() => /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("iframe", { style: { "height": "600px", "width": "450px" }, src: "https://www.huilvbiao.com/youjia" }, null, -1)); const _sfc_main = { __name: "App", setup(__props) { const active = vue.ref(false); const placement = vue.ref("right"); const activate = (place) => { active.value = true; placement.value = place; }; let yangli = vue.ref(""); let yinli = vue.ref(""); vue.onMounted(() => { console.log(lunarJavascript.Solar); const now2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(); const year = now2.getFullYear(); const month = now2.getMonth() + 1; const date = now2.getDate(); let solar = lunarJavascript.Solar.fromYmd(year, month, date); yangli = solar.toFullString().split(" "); yinli = solar.getLunar().toFullString().split(" "); console.log(solar.toFullString()); console.log(solar.getLunar().toFullString()); }); return (_ctx, _cache) => { const _component_n_button = vue.resolveComponent("n-button"); const _component_n_tab_pane = vue.resolveComponent("n-tab-pane"); const _component_n_tabs = vue.resolveComponent("n-tabs"); const _component_n_drawer_content = vue.resolveComponent("n-drawer-content"); const _component_n_drawer = vue.resolveComponent("n-drawer"); return vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock(vue.Fragment, null, [ _hoisted_1, vue.createVNode(_component_n_button, { onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => activate("right")) }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [ vue.createTextVNode(" 打开侧边栏 ") ]), _: 1 }), vue.createVNode(_component_n_drawer, { show: active.value, "onUpdate:show": _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = ($event) => active.value = $event), width: 502, placement: placement.value }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [ vue.createVNode(_component_n_drawer_content, { title: "小工具合集" }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [ vue.createVNode(_component_n_tabs, { type: "line", animated: "" }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [ vue.createVNode(_component_n_tab_pane, { name: "wannianli", tab: "万年历" }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [ vue.createElementVNode("div", null, [ (vue.openBlock(true), vue.createElementBlock(vue.Fragment, null, vue.renderList(vue.unref(yangli), (item) => { return vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", null, [ item !== "00:00:00" ? 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_a : classObj[""]; } else if (Array.isArray(activeKeyOrSize)) { for (let i = activeKeyOrSize.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { const key = activeKeyOrSize[i]; if (key in classObj) return classObj[key]; } return classObj[""]; } else { let activeValue = void 0; let activeKey = -1; Object.keys(classObj).forEach((key) => { const keyAsNum = Number(key); if (!Number.isNaN(keyAsNum) && activeKeyOrSize >= keyAsNum && keyAsNum >= activeKey) { activeKey = keyAsNum; activeValue = classObj[key]; } }); return activeValue; } } function depx(value) { if (typeof value === "string") { if (value.endsWith("px")) { return Number(value.slice(0, value.length - 2)); } return Number(value); } return value; } function pxfy(value) { if (value === void 0 || value === null) return void 0; if (typeof value === "number") return `${value}px`; if (value.endsWith("px")) return value; return `${value}px`; } function getMargin(value, position) { const parts = value.trim().split(/\s+/g); const margin = { top: parts[0] }; switch (parts.length) { case 1: margin.right = parts[0]; margin.bottom = parts[0]; margin.left = parts[0]; break; case 2: margin.right = parts[1]; margin.left = parts[1]; margin.bottom = parts[0]; break; case 3: margin.right = parts[1]; margin.bottom = parts[2]; margin.left = parts[1]; break; case 4: margin.right = parts[1]; margin.bottom = parts[2]; margin.left = parts[3]; break; default: throw new Error("[seemly/getMargin]:" + value + " is not a valid value."); } if (position === void 0) return margin; return margin[position]; } function getGap(value, orient) { const [rowGap, colGap] = value.split(" "); return { row: rowGap, col: colGap || rowGap }; } const colors = { black: "#000", silver: "#C0C0C0", gray: "#808080", white: "#FFF", maroon: "#800000", red: "#F00", purple: "#800080", fuchsia: "#F0F", green: "#008000", lime: "#0F0", olive: "#808000", yellow: "#FF0", navy: "#000080", blue: "#00F", teal: "#008080", aqua: "#0FF", transparent: "#0000" }; function hsl2hsv(h2, s, l) { s /= 100; l /= 100; const v = s * Math.min(l, 1 - l) + l; return [h2, v ? (2 - 2 * l / v) * 100 : 0, v * 100]; } function hsv2hsl(h2, s, v) { s /= 100; v /= 100; const l = v - v * s / 2; const m = Math.min(l, 1 - l); return [h2, m ? (v - l) / m * 100 : 0, l * 100]; } function hsv2rgb(h2, s, v) { s /= 100; v /= 100; let f = (n, k = (n + h2 / 60) % 6) => v - v * s * Math.max(Math.min(k, 4 - k, 1), 0); return [f(5) * 255, f(3) * 255, f(1) * 255]; } function rgb2hsv(r, g, b) { r /= 255; g /= 255; b /= 255; let v = Math.max(r, g, b), c2 = v - Math.min(r, g, b); let h2 = c2 && (v == r ? (g - b) / c2 : v == g ? 2 + (b - r) / c2 : 4 + (r - g) / c2); return [60 * (h2 < 0 ? h2 + 6 : h2), v && c2 / v * 100, v * 100]; } function rgb2hsl(r, g, b) { r /= 255; g /= 255; b /= 255; let v = Math.max(r, g, b), c2 = v - Math.min(r, g, b), f = 1 - Math.abs(v + v - c2 - 1); let h2 = c2 && (v == r ? (g - b) / c2 : v == g ? 2 + (b - r) / c2 : 4 + (r - g) / c2); return [60 * (h2 < 0 ? h2 + 6 : h2), f ? c2 / f * 100 : 0, (v + v - c2) * 50]; } function hsl2rgb(h2, s, l) { s /= 100; l /= 100; let a2 = s * Math.min(l, 1 - l); let f = (n, k = (n + h2 / 30) % 12) => l - a2 * Math.max(Math.min(k - 3, 9 - k, 1), -1); return [f(0) * 255, f(8) * 255, f(4) * 255]; } const prefix$1 = "^\\s*"; const suffix = "\\s*$"; const percent = "\\s*((\\.\\d+)|(\\d+(\\.\\d*)?))%\\s*"; const float = "\\s*((\\.\\d+)|(\\d+(\\.\\d*)?))\\s*"; const hex = "([0-9A-Fa-f])"; const dhex = "([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})"; const hslRegex = new RegExp(`${prefix$1}hsl\\s*\\(${float},${percent},${percent}\\)${suffix}`); const hsvRegex = new RegExp(`${prefix$1}hsv\\s*\\(${float},${percent},${percent}\\)${suffix}`); const hslaRegex = new RegExp(`${prefix$1}hsla\\s*\\(${float},${percent},${percent},${float}\\)${suffix}`); const hsvaRegex = new RegExp(`${prefix$1}hsva\\s*\\(${float},${percent},${percent},${float}\\)${suffix}`); const rgbRegex = new RegExp(`${prefix$1}rgb\\s*\\(${float},${float},${float}\\)${suffix}`); const rgbaRegex = new RegExp(`${prefix$1}rgba\\s*\\(${float},${float},${float},${float}\\)${suffix}`); const sHexRegex = new RegExp(`${prefix$1}#${hex}${hex}${hex}${suffix}`); const hexRegex = new RegExp(`${prefix$1}#${dhex}${dhex}${dhex}${suffix}`); const sHexaRegex = new RegExp(`${prefix$1}#${hex}${hex}${hex}${hex}${suffix}`); const hexaRegex = new RegExp(`${prefix$1}#${dhex}${dhex}${dhex}${dhex}${suffix}`); function parseHex(value) { return parseInt(value, 16); } function hsla(color) { try { let i; if (i = hslaRegex.exec(color)) { return [ roundDeg(i[1]), roundPercent(i[5]), roundPercent(i[9]), roundAlpha(i[13]) ]; } else if (i = hslRegex.exec(color)) { return [roundDeg(i[1]), roundPercent(i[5]), roundPercent(i[9]), 1]; } throw new Error(`[seemly/hsla]: Invalid color value ${color}.`); } catch (e) { throw e; } } function hsva(color) { try { let i; if (i = hsvaRegex.exec(color)) { return [ roundDeg(i[1]), roundPercent(i[5]), roundPercent(i[9]), roundAlpha(i[13]) ]; } else if (i = hsvRegex.exec(color)) { return [roundDeg(i[1]), roundPercent(i[5]), roundPercent(i[9]), 1]; } throw new Error(`[seemly/hsva]: Invalid color value ${color}.`); } catch (e) { throw e; } } function rgba(color) { try { let i; if (i = hexRegex.exec(color)) { return [parseHex(i[1]), parseHex(i[2]), parseHex(i[3]), 1]; } else if (i = rgbRegex.exec(color)) { return [roundChannel(i[1]), roundChannel(i[5]), roundChannel(i[9]), 1]; } else if (i = rgbaRegex.exec(color)) { return [ roundChannel(i[1]), roundChannel(i[5]), roundChannel(i[9]), roundAlpha(i[13]) ]; } else if (i = sHexRegex.exec(color)) { return [ parseHex(i[1] + i[1]), parseHex(i[2] + i[2]), parseHex(i[3] + i[3]), 1 ]; } else if (i = hexaRegex.exec(color)) { return [ parseHex(i[1]), parseHex(i[2]), parseHex(i[3]), roundAlpha(parseHex(i[4]) / 255) ]; } else if (i = sHexaRegex.exec(color)) { return [ parseHex(i[1] + i[1]), parseHex(i[2] + i[2]), parseHex(i[3] + i[3]), roundAlpha(parseHex(i[4] + i[4]) / 255) ]; } else if (color in colors) { return rgba(colors[color]); } throw new Error(`[seemly/rgba]: Invalid color value ${color}.`); } catch (e) { throw e; } } function normalizeAlpha$1(alphaValue) { return alphaValue > 1 ? 1 : alphaValue < 0 ? 0 : alphaValue; } function stringifyRgb(r, g, b) { return `rgb(${roundChannel(r)}, ${roundChannel(g)}, ${roundChannel(b)})`; } function stringifyRgba(r, g, b, a2) { return `rgba(${roundChannel(r)}, ${roundChannel(g)}, ${roundChannel(b)}, ${normalizeAlpha$1(a2)})`; } function compositeChannel(v1, a1, v2, a2, a3) { return roundChannel((v1 * a1 * (1 - a2) + v2 * a2) / a3); } function composite(background, overlay2) { if (!Array.isArray(background)) background = rgba(background); if (!Array.isArray(overlay2)) overlay2 = rgba(overlay2); const a1 = background[3]; const a2 = overlay2[3]; const alpha = roundAlpha(a1 + a2 - a1 * a2); return stringifyRgba(compositeChannel(background[0], a1, overlay2[0], a2, alpha), compositeChannel(background[1], a1, overlay2[1], a2, alpha), compositeChannel(background[2], a1, overlay2[2], a2, alpha), alpha); } function changeColor(base2, options) { const [r, g, b, a2 = 1] = Array.isArray(base2) ? base2 : rgba(base2); if (options.alpha) { return stringifyRgba(r, g, b, options.alpha); } return stringifyRgba(r, g, b, a2); } function scaleColor(base2, options) { const [r, g, b, a2 = 1] = Array.isArray(base2) ? base2 : rgba(base2); const { lightness = 1, alpha = 1 } = options; return toRgbaString([r * lightness, g * lightness, b * lightness, a2 * alpha]); } function roundAlpha(value) { const v = Math.round(Number(value) * 100) / 100; if (v > 1) return 1; if (v < 0) return 0; return v; } function roundDeg(value) { const v = Math.round(Number(value)); if (v >= 360) return 0; if (v < 0) return 0; return v; } function roundChannel(value) { const v = Math.round(Number(value)); if (v > 255) return 255; if (v < 0) return 0; return v; } function roundPercent(value) { const v = Math.round(Number(value)); if (v > 100) return 100; if (v < 0) return 0; return v; } function toRgbString(base2) { const [r, g, b] = Array.isArray(base2) ? base2 : rgba(base2); return stringifyRgb(r, g, b); } function toRgbaString(base2) { const [r, g, b] = base2; if (3 in base2) { return `rgba(${roundChannel(r)}, ${roundChannel(g)}, ${roundChannel(b)}, ${roundAlpha(base2[3])})`; } return `rgba(${roundChannel(r)}, ${roundChannel(g)}, ${roundChannel(b)}, 1)`; } function toHsvString(base2) { return `hsv(${roundDeg(base2[0])}, ${roundPercent(base2[1])}%, ${roundPercent(base2[2])}%)`; } function toHsvaString(base2) { const [h2, s, v] = base2; if (3 in base2) { return `hsva(${roundDeg(h2)}, ${roundPercent(s)}%, ${roundPercent(v)}%, ${roundAlpha(base2[3])})`; } return `hsva(${roundDeg(h2)}, ${roundPercent(s)}%, ${roundPercent(v)}%, 1)`; } function toHslString(base2) { return `hsl(${roundDeg(base2[0])}, ${roundPercent(base2[1])}%, ${roundPercent(base2[2])}%)`; } function toHslaString(base2) { const [h2, s, l] = base2; if (3 in base2) { return `hsla(${roundDeg(h2)}, ${roundPercent(s)}%, ${roundPercent(l)}%, ${roundAlpha(base2[3])})`; } return `hsla(${roundDeg(h2)}, ${roundPercent(s)}%, ${roundPercent(l)}%, 1)`; } function toHexaString(base2) { if (typeof base2 === "string") { let i; if (i = hexRegex.exec(base2)) { return `${i[0]}FF`; } else if (i = hexaRegex.exec(base2)) { return i[0]; } else if (i = sHexRegex.exec(base2)) { return `#${i[1]}${i[1]}${i[2]}${i[2]}${i[3]}${i[3]}FF`; } else if (i = sHexaRegex.exec(base2)) { return `#${i[1]}${i[1]}${i[2]}${i[2]}${i[3]}${i[3]}${i[4]}${i[4]}`; } throw new Error(`[seemly/toHexString]: Invalid hex value ${base2}.`); } const hex2 = `#${base2.slice(0, 3).map((unit) => roundChannel(unit).toString(16).toUpperCase().padStart(2, "0")).join("")}`; const a2 = base2.length === 3 ? "FF" : roundChannel(base2[3] * 255).toString(16).padStart(2, "0").toUpperCase(); return hex2 + a2; } function toHexString(base2) { if (typeof base2 === "string") { let i; if (i = hexRegex.exec(base2)) { return i[0]; } else if (i = hexaRegex.exec(base2)) { return i[0].slice(0, 7); } else if (i = sHexRegex.exec(base2) || sHexaRegex.exec(base2)) { return `#${i[1]}${i[1]}${i[2]}${i[2]}${i[3]}${i[3]}`; } throw new Error(`[seemly/toHexString]: Invalid hex value ${base2}.`); } return `#${base2.slice(0, 3).map((unit) => roundChannel(unit).toString(16).toUpperCase().padStart(2, "0")).join("")}`; } function createId(length = 8) { return Math.random().toString(16).slice(2, 2 + length); } function repeat(count, v) { const ret = []; for (let i = 0; i < count; ++i) { ret.push(v); } return ret; } function indexMap(count, createValue) { const ret = []; if (!createValue) { for (let i = 0; i < count; ++i) { ret.push(i); } return ret; } for (let i = 0; i < count; ++i) { ret.push(createValue(i)); } return ret; } function getSlot$1(instance, slotName = "default", fallback = []) { const slots = instance.$slots; const slot = slots[slotName]; if (slot === void 0) return fallback; return slot(); } function getVNodeChildren(vNode, slotName = "default", fallback = []) { const { children } = vNode; if (children !== null && typeof children === "object" && !Array.isArray(children)) { const slot = children[slotName]; if (typeof slot === "function") { return slot(); } } return fallback; } function keep(object, keys2 = [], rest) { const keepedObject = {}; keys2.forEach((key) => { keepedObject[key] = object[key]; }); return Object.assign(keepedObject, rest); } function omit(object, keys2 = [], rest) { const omitedObject = {}; const originalKeys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(object); originalKeys.forEach((originalKey) => { if (!keys2.includes(originalKey)) { omitedObject[originalKey] = object[originalKey]; } }); return Object.assign(omitedObject, rest); } function flatten$3(vNodes, filterCommentNode = true, result = []) { vNodes.forEach((vNode) => { if (vNode === null) return; if (typeof vNode !== "object") { if (typeof vNode === "string" || typeof vNode === "number") { result.push(vue.createTextVNode(String(vNode))); } return; } if (Array.isArray(vNode)) { flatten$3(vNode, filterCommentNode, result); return; } if (vNode.type === vue.Fragment) { if (vNode.children === null) return; if (Array.isArray(vNode.children)) { flatten$3(vNode.children, filterCommentNode, result); } } else { if (vNode.type === vue.Comment && filterCommentNode) return; result.push(vNode); } }); return result; } function call(funcs, ...args) { if (Array.isArray(funcs)) { funcs.forEach((func) => call(func, ...args)); } else return funcs(...args); } function keysOf(obj) { return Object.keys(obj); } const render$1 = (r, ...args) => { if (typeof r === "function") { return r(...args); } else if (typeof r === "string") { return vue.createTextVNode(r); } else if (typeof r === "number") { return vue.createTextVNode(String(r)); } else { return null; } }; const warnedMessages = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); function warnOnce(location, message) { const mergedMessage = `[naive/${location}]: ${message}`; if (warnedMessages.has(mergedMessage)) return; warnedMessages.add(mergedMessage); console.error(mergedMessage); } function warn$2(location, message) { console.error(`[naive/${location}]: ${message}`); } function throwError(location, message) { throw new Error(`[naive/${location}]: ${message}`); } function smallerSize(size2) { switch (size2) { case "tiny": return "mini"; case "small": return "tiny"; case "medium": return "small"; case "large": return "medium"; case "huge": return "large"; } throw Error(`${size2} has no smaller size.`); } function getTitleAttribute(value) { switch (typeof value) { case "string": return value || void 0; case "number": return String(value); default: return void 0; } } function getFirstSlotVNode(slots, slotName = "default", props = void 0) { const slot = slots[slotName]; if (!slot) { warn$2("getFirstSlotVNode", `slot[${slotName}] is empty`); return null; } const slotContent = flatten$3(slot(props)); if (slotContent.length === 1) { return slotContent[0]; } else { warn$2("getFirstSlotVNode", `slot[${slotName}] should have exactly one child`); return null; } } function createDataKey(key) { return typeof key === "string" ? `s-${key}` : `n-${key}`; } function createRefSetter(ref2) { return (inst) => { if (inst) { ref2.value = inst.$el; } else { ref2.value = null; } }; } function createInjectionKey(key) { return key; } function ensureValidVNode(vnodes) { return vnodes.some((child) => { if (!vue.isVNode(child)) { return true; } if (child.type === vue.Comment) { return false; } if (child.type === vue.Fragment && !ensureValidVNode(child.children)) { return false; } return true; }) ? vnodes : null; } function resolveSlot(slot, fallback) { return slot && ensureValidVNode(slot()) || fallback(); } function resolveSlotWithProps(slot, props, fallback) { return slot && ensureValidVNode(slot(props)) || fallback(props); } function resolveWrappedSlot(slot, wrapper) { const children = slot && ensureValidVNode(slot()); return wrapper(children || null); } function resolveWrappedSlotWithProps(slot, props, wrapper) { const children = slot && ensureValidVNode(slot(props)); return wrapper(children || null); } function isSlotEmpty(slot) { return !(slot && ensureValidVNode(slot())); } function mergeEventHandlers(handlers) { const filteredHandlers = handlers.filter((handler) => handler !== void 0); if (filteredHandlers.length === 0) return void 0; if (filteredHandlers.length === 1) return filteredHandlers[0]; return (e) => { handlers.forEach((handler) => { if (handler) { handler(e); } }); }; } function isNodeVShowFalse(vNode) { var _a; const showDir = (_a = vNode.dirs) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.find(({ dir }) => dir === vue.vShow); return !!(showDir && showDir.value === false); } const Wrapper = vue.defineComponent({ render() { var _a, _b; return (_b = (_a = this.$slots).default) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a); } }); const pureNumberRegex = /^(\d|\.)+$/; const numberRegex = /(\d|\.)+/; function formatLength(length, { c: c2 = 1, offset = 0, attachPx = true } = {}) { if (typeof length === "number") { const result = (length + offset) * c2; if (result === 0) return "0"; return `${result}px`; } else if (typeof length === "string") { if (pureNumberRegex.test(length)) { const result = (Number(length) + offset) * c2; if (attachPx) { if (result === 0) return "0"; return `${result}px`; } else { return `${result}`; } } else { const result = numberRegex.exec(length); if (!result) return length; return length.replace(numberRegex, String((Number(result[0]) + offset) * c2)); } } return length; } function color2Class(color) { return color.replace(/#|\(|\)|,|\s|\./g, "_"); } function rtlInset(inset) { const { left, right, top, bottom } = getMargin(inset); return `${top} ${right} ${bottom} ${left}`; } function ampCount(selector) { let cnt = 0; for (let i = 0; i < selector.length; ++i) { if (selector[i] === "&") ++cnt; } return cnt; } const separatorRegex = /\s*,(?![^(]*\))\s*/g; const extraSpaceRegex = /\s+/g; function resolveSelectorWithAmp(amp, selector) { const nextAmp = []; selector.split(separatorRegex).forEach((partialSelector) => { let round2 = ampCount(partialSelector); if (!round2) { amp.forEach((partialAmp) => { nextAmp.push( // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/strict-boolean-expressions (partialAmp && partialAmp + " ") + partialSelector ); }); return; } else if (round2 === 1) { amp.forEach((partialAmp) => { nextAmp.push(partialSelector.replace("&", partialAmp)); }); return; } let partialNextAmp = [ partialSelector ]; while (round2--) { const nextPartialNextAmp = []; partialNextAmp.forEach((selectorItr) => { amp.forEach((partialAmp) => { nextPartialNextAmp.push(selectorItr.replace("&", partialAmp)); }); }); partialNextAmp = nextPartialNextAmp; } partialNextAmp.forEach((part) => nextAmp.push(part)); }); return nextAmp; } function resolveSelector(amp, selector) { const nextAmp = []; selector.split(separatorRegex).forEach((partialSelector) => { amp.forEach((partialAmp) => { nextAmp.push((partialAmp && partialAmp + " ") + partialSelector); }); }); return nextAmp; } function parseSelectorPath(selectorPaths) { let amp = [""]; selectorPaths.forEach((selector) => { selector = selector && selector.trim(); if ( // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/strict-boolean-expressions !selector ) { return; } if (selector.includes("&")) { amp = resolveSelectorWithAmp(amp, selector); } else { amp = resolveSelector(amp, selector); } }); return amp.join(", ").replace(extraSpaceRegex, " "); } function removeElement(el) { if (!el) return; const parentElement = el.parentElement; if (parentElement) parentElement.removeChild(el); } function queryElement(id, parent) { return (parent !== null && parent !== void 0 ? parent : document.head).querySelector(`style[cssr-id="${id}"]`); } function createElement(id) { const el = document.createElement("style"); el.setAttribute("cssr-id", id); return el; } function isMediaOrSupports(selector) { if (!selector) return false; return /^\s*@(s|m)/.test(selector); } const kebabRegex = /[A-Z]/g; function kebabCase$1(pattern) { return pattern.replace(kebabRegex, (match2) => "-" + match2.toLowerCase()); } function unwrapProperty(prop, indent = " ") { if (typeof prop === "object" && prop !== null) { return " {\n" + Object.entries(prop).map((v) => { return indent + ` ${kebabCase$1(v[0])}: ${v[1]};`; }).join("\n") + "\n" + indent + "}"; } return `: ${prop};`; } function unwrapProperties(props, instance, params) { if (typeof props === "function") { return props({ context: instance.context, props: params }); } return props; } function createStyle(selector, props, instance, params) { if (!props) return ""; const unwrappedProps = unwrapProperties(props, instance, params); if (!unwrappedProps) return ""; if (typeof unwrappedProps === "string") { return `${selector} { ${unwrappedProps} }`; } const propertyNames = Object.keys(unwrappedProps); if (propertyNames.length === 0) { if (instance.config.keepEmptyBlock) return selector + " {\n}"; return ""; } const statements = selector ? [ selector + " {" ] : []; propertyNames.forEach((propertyName) => { const property2 = unwrappedProps[propertyName]; if (propertyName === "raw") { statements.push("\n" + property2 + "\n"); return; } propertyName = kebabCase$1(propertyName); if (property2 !== null && property2 !== void 0) { statements.push(` ${propertyName}${unwrapProperty(property2)}`); } }); if (selector) { statements.push("}"); } return statements.join("\n"); } function loopCNodeListWithCallback(children, options, callback) { if (!children) return; children.forEach((child) => { if (Array.isArray(child)) { loopCNodeListWithCallback(child, options, callback); } else if (typeof child === "function") { const grandChildren = child(options); if (Array.isArray(grandChildren)) { loopCNodeListWithCallback(grandChildren, options, callback); } else if (grandChildren) { callback(grandChildren); } } else if (child) { callback(child); } }); } function traverseCNode(node, selectorPaths, styles2, instance, params) { const $ = node.$; let blockSelector = ""; if (!$ || typeof $ === "string") { if (isMediaOrSupports($)) { blockSelector = $; } else { selectorPaths.push($); } } else if (typeof $ === "function") { const selector2 = $({ context: instance.context, props: params }); if (isMediaOrSupports(selector2)) { blockSelector = selector2; } else { selectorPaths.push(selector2); } } else { if ($.before) $.before(instance.context); if (!$.$ || typeof $.$ === "string") { if (isMediaOrSupports($.$)) { blockSelector = $.$; } else { selectorPaths.push($.$); } } else if ($.$) { const selector2 = $.$({ context: instance.context, props: params }); if (isMediaOrSupports(selector2)) { blockSelector = selector2; } else { selectorPaths.push(selector2); } } } const selector = parseSelectorPath(selectorPaths); const style2 = createStyle(selector, node.props, instance, params); if (blockSelector) { styles2.push(`${blockSelector} {`); } else if (style2.length) { styles2.push(style2); } if (node.children) { loopCNodeListWithCallback(node.children, { context: instance.context, props: params }, (childNode) => { if (typeof childNode === "string") { const style3 = createStyle(selector, { raw: childNode }, instance, params); styles2.push(style3); } else { traverseCNode(childNode, selectorPaths, styles2, instance, params); } }); } selectorPaths.pop(); if (blockSelector) { styles2.push("}"); } if ($ && $.after) $.after(instance.context); } function render(node, instance, props) { const styles2 = []; traverseCNode(node, [], styles2, instance, props); return styles2.join("\n\n"); } function murmur2(str) { var h2 = 0; var k, i = 0, len2 = str.length; for (; len2 >= 4; ++i, len2 -= 4) { k = str.charCodeAt(i) & 255 | (str.charCodeAt(++i) & 255) << 8 | (str.charCodeAt(++i) & 255) << 16 | (str.charCodeAt(++i) & 255) << 24; k = /* Math.imul(k, m): */ (k & 65535) * 1540483477 + ((k >>> 16) * 59797 << 16); k ^= /* k >>> r: */ k >>> 24; h2 = /* Math.imul(k, m): */ (k & 65535) * 1540483477 + ((k >>> 16) * 59797 << 16) ^ /* Math.imul(h, m): */ (h2 & 65535) * 1540483477 + ((h2 >>> 16) * 59797 << 16); } switch (len2) { case 3: h2 ^= (str.charCodeAt(i + 2) & 255) << 16; case 2: h2 ^= (str.charCodeAt(i + 1) & 255) << 8; case 1: h2 ^= str.charCodeAt(i) & 255; h2 = /* Math.imul(h, m): */ (h2 & 65535) * 1540483477 + ((h2 >>> 16) * 59797 << 16); } h2 ^= h2 >>> 13; h2 = /* Math.imul(h, m): */ (h2 & 65535) * 1540483477 + ((h2 >>> 16) * 59797 << 16); return ((h2 ^ h2 >>> 15) >>> 0).toString(36); } if (typeof window !== "undefined") { window.__cssrContext = {}; } function unmount(instance, node, id, parent) { const { els } = node; if (id === void 0) { els.forEach(removeElement); node.els = []; } else { const target = queryElement(id, parent); if (target && els.includes(target)) { removeElement(target); node.els = els.filter((el) => el !== target); } } } function addElementToList(els, target) { els.push(target); } function mount(instance, node, id, props, head, force, anchorMetaName, parent, ssrAdapter2) { let style2; if (id === void 0) { style2 = node.render(props); id = murmur2(style2); } if (ssrAdapter2) { ssrAdapter2.adapter(id, style2 !== null && style2 !== void 0 ? style2 : node.render(props)); return; } if (parent === void 0) { parent = document.head; } const queriedTarget = queryElement(id, parent); if (queriedTarget !== null && !force) { return queriedTarget; } const target = queriedTarget !== null && queriedTarget !== void 0 ? queriedTarget : createElement(id); if (style2 === void 0) style2 = node.render(props); target.textContent = style2; if (queriedTarget !== null) return queriedTarget; if (anchorMetaName) { const anchorMetaEl = parent.querySelector(`meta[name="${anchorMetaName}"]`); if (anchorMetaEl) { parent.insertBefore(target, anchorMetaEl); addElementToList(node.els, target); return target; } } if (head) { parent.insertBefore(target, parent.querySelector("style, link")); } else { parent.appendChild(target); } addElementToList(node.els, target); return target; } function wrappedRender(props) { return render(this, this.instance, props); } function wrappedMount(options = {}) { const { id, ssr, props, head = false, force = false, anchorMetaName, parent } = options; const targetElement = mount(this.instance, this, id, props, head, force, anchorMetaName, parent, ssr); return targetElement; } function wrappedUnmount(options = {}) { const { id, parent } = options; unmount(this.instance, this, id, parent); } const createCNode = function(instance, $, props, children) { return { instance, $, props, children, els: [], render: wrappedRender, mount: wrappedMount, unmount: wrappedUnmount }; }; const c$2 = function(instance, $, props, children) { if (Array.isArray($)) { return createCNode(instance, { $: null }, null, $); } else if (Array.isArray(props)) { return createCNode(instance, $, null, props); } else if (Array.isArray(children)) { return createCNode(instance, $, props, children); } else { return createCNode(instance, $, props, null); } }; function CssRender(config = {}) { const cssr2 = { c: (...args) => c$2(cssr2, ...args), use: (plugin2, ...args) => plugin2.install(cssr2, ...args), find: queryElement, context: {}, config }; return cssr2; } function exists(id, ssr) { if (id === void 0) return false; if (ssr) { const { context: { ids } } = ssr; return ids.has(id); } return queryElement(id) !== null; } function plugin$1(options) { let _bPrefix = "."; let _ePrefix = "__"; let _mPrefix = "--"; let c2; if (options) { let t = options.blockPrefix; if (t) { _bPrefix = t; } t = options.elementPrefix; if (t) { _ePrefix = t; } t = options.modifierPrefix; if (t) { _mPrefix = t; } } const _plugin = { install(instance) { c2 = instance.c; const ctx2 = instance.context; ctx2.bem = {}; ctx2.bem.b = null; ctx2.bem.els = null; } }; function b(arg) { let memorizedB; let memorizedE; return { before(ctx2) { memorizedB = ctx2.bem.b; memorizedE = ctx2.bem.els; ctx2.bem.els = null; }, after(ctx2) { ctx2.bem.b = memorizedB; ctx2.bem.els = memorizedE; }, $({ context, props }) { arg = typeof arg === "string" ? arg : arg({ context, props }); context.bem.b = arg; return `${(props === null || props === void 0 ? void 0 : props.bPrefix) || _bPrefix}${context.bem.b}`; } }; } function e(arg) { let memorizedE; return { before(ctx2) { memorizedE = ctx2.bem.els; }, after(ctx2) { ctx2.bem.els = memorizedE; }, $({ context, props }) { arg = typeof arg === "string" ? arg : arg({ context, props }); context.bem.els = arg.split(",").map((v) => v.trim()); return context.bem.els.map((el) => `${(props === null || props === void 0 ? void 0 : props.bPrefix) || _bPrefix}${context.bem.b}${_ePrefix}${el}`).join(", "); } }; } function m(arg) { return { $({ context, props }) { arg = typeof arg === "string" ? arg : arg({ context, props }); const modifiers = arg.split(",").map((v) => v.trim()); function elementToSelector(el) { return modifiers.map((modifier) => `&${(props === null || props === void 0 ? void 0 : props.bPrefix) || _bPrefix}${context.bem.b}${el !== void 0 ? `${_ePrefix}${el}` : ""}${_mPrefix}${modifier}`).join(", "); } const els = context.bem.els; if (els !== null) { return elementToSelector(els[0]); } else { return elementToSelector(); } } }; } function notM(arg) { return { $({ context, props }) { arg = typeof arg === "string" ? arg : arg({ context, props }); const els = context.bem.els; return `&:not(${(props === null || props === void 0 ? void 0 : props.bPrefix) || _bPrefix}${context.bem.b}${els !== null && els.length > 0 ? `${_ePrefix}${els[0]}` : ""}${_mPrefix}${arg})`; } }; } const cB2 = (...args) => c2(b(args[0]), args[1], args[2]); const cE2 = (...args) => c2(e(args[0]), args[1], args[2]); const cM2 = (...args) => c2(m(args[0]), args[1], args[2]); const cNotM2 = (...args) => c2(notM(args[0]), args[1], args[2]); Object.assign(_plugin, { cB: cB2, cE: cE2, cM: cM2, cNotM: cNotM2 }); return _plugin; } const namespace = "n"; const prefix = `.${namespace}-`; const elementPrefix = "__"; const modifierPrefix = "--"; const cssr = CssRender(); const plugin = plugin$1({ blockPrefix: prefix, elementPrefix, modifierPrefix }); cssr.use(plugin); const { c: c$1, find } = cssr; const { cB, cE, cM, cNotM } = plugin; function insideModal(style2) { return c$1(({ props: { bPrefix } }) => `${bPrefix || prefix}modal, ${bPrefix || prefix}drawer`, [style2]); } function insidePopover(style2) { return c$1(({ props: { bPrefix } }) => `${bPrefix || prefix}popover`, [style2]); } function asModal(style2) { return c$1(({ props: { bPrefix } }) => `&${bPrefix || prefix}modal`, style2); } const cCB = (...args) => { return c$1(">", [cB(...args)]); }; function createKey(prefix2, suffix2) { return prefix2 + (suffix2 === "default" ? "" : suffix2.replace(/^[a-z]/, (startChar) => startChar.toUpperCase())); } let _isJsdom; function isJsdom() { if (_isJsdom === void 0) { _isJsdom = navigator.userAgent.includes("Node.js") || navigator.userAgent.includes("jsdom"); } return _isJsdom; } const isBrowser$2 = typeof document !== "undefined" && typeof window !== "undefined"; const eventSet = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet(); function markEventEffectPerformed(event) { eventSet.add(event); } function eventEffectNotPerformed(event) { return !eventSet.has(event); } function useInjectionInstanceCollection(injectionName, collectionKey, registerKeyRef) { var _a; const injection = vue.inject(injectionName, null); if (injection === null) return; const vm = (_a = vue.getCurrentInstance()) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.proxy; vue.watch(registerKeyRef, registerInstance); registerInstance(registerKeyRef.value); vue.onBeforeUnmount(() => { registerInstance(void 0, registerKeyRef.value); }); function registerInstance(key, oldKey) { if (!injection) return; const collection = injection[collectionKey]; if (oldKey !== void 0) removeInstance(collection, oldKey); if (key !== void 0) addInstance(collection, key); } function removeInstance(collection, key) { if (!collection[key]) collection[key] = []; collection[key].splice(collection[key].findIndex((instance) => instance === vm), 1); } function addInstance(collection, key) { if (!collection[key]) collection[key] = []; if (!~collection[key].findIndex((instance) => instance === vm)) { collection[key].push(vm); } } } function useInjectionCollection(injectionName, collectionKey, valueRef) { const injection = vue.inject(injectionName, null); if (injection === null) return; if (!(collectionKey in injection)) { injection[collectionKey] = []; } injection[collectionKey].push(valueRef.value); vue.watch(valueRef, (value, prevValue) => { const collectionArray = injection[collectionKey]; const index = collectionArray.findIndex((collectionValue) => collectionValue === prevValue); if (~index) collectionArray.splice(index, 1); collectionArray.push(value); }); vue.onBeforeUnmount(() => { const collectionArray = injection[collectionKey]; const index = collectionArray.findIndex((collectionValue) => collectionValue === valueRef.value); if (~index) collectionArray.splice(index, 1); }); } function useInjectionElementCollection(injectionName, collectionKey, getElement) { const injection = vue.inject(injectionName, null); if (injection === null) return; if (!(collectionKey in injection)) { injection[collectionKey] = []; } vue.onMounted(() => { const el = getElement(); if (!el) return; injection[collectionKey].push(el); }); vue.onBeforeUnmount(() => { const collectionArray = injection[collectionKey]; const element = getElement(); const index = collectionArray.findIndex((collectionElement) => collectionElement === element); if (~index) collectionArray.splice(index, 1); }); } function useDeferredTrue(valueRef, delay, shouldDelayRef) { const delayedRef = vue.ref(valueRef.value); let timerId = null; vue.watch(valueRef, (value) => { if (timerId !== null) window.clearTimeout(timerId); if (value === true) { if (shouldDelayRef && !shouldDelayRef.value) { delayedRef.value = true; } else { timerId = window.setTimeout(() => { delayedRef.value = true; }, delay); } } else { delayedRef.value = false; } }); return delayedRef; } function useFalseUntilTruthy(originalRef) { const currentRef = vue.ref(!!originalRef.value); if (currentRef.value) return vue.readonly(currentRef); const stop = vue.watch(originalRef, (value) => { if (value) { currentRef.value = true; stop(); } }); return vue.readonly(currentRef); } function useMemo(getterOrOptions) { const computedValueRef = vue.computed(getterOrOptions); const valueRef = vue.ref(computedValueRef.value); vue.watch(computedValueRef, (value) => { valueRef.value = value; }); if (typeof getterOrOptions === "function") { return valueRef; } else { return { __v_isRef: true, get value() { return valueRef.value; }, set value(v) { getterOrOptions.set(v); } }; } } function hasInstance() { return vue.getCurrentInstance() !== null; } const isBrowser$1 = typeof window !== "undefined"; let fontsReady; let isFontReady; const init = () => { var _a, _b; fontsReady = isBrowser$1 ? (_b = (_a = document) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.fonts) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.ready : void 0; isFontReady = false; if (fontsReady !== void 0) { void fontsReady.then(() => { isFontReady = true; }); } else { isFontReady = true; } }; init(); function onFontsReady(cb) { if (isFontReady) return; let deactivated = false; vue.onMounted(() => { if (!isFontReady) { fontsReady === null || fontsReady === void 0 ? void 0 : fontsReady.then(() => { if (deactivated) return; cb(); }); } }); vue.onBeforeUnmount(() => { deactivated = true; }); } function getEventTarget(e) { const path = e.composedPath(); return path[0]; } const traps = { mousemoveoutside: /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), clickoutside: /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap() }; function createTrapHandler(name, el, originalHandler) { if (name === "mousemoveoutside") { const moveHandler = (e) => { if (el.contains(getEventTarget(e))) return; originalHandler(e); }; return { mousemove: moveHandler, touchstart: moveHandler }; } else if (name === "clickoutside") { let mouseDownOutside = false; const downHandler = (e) => { mouseDownOutside = !el.contains(getEventTarget(e)); }; const upHanlder = (e) => { if (!mouseDownOutside) return; if (el.contains(getEventTarget(e))) return; originalHandler(e); }; return { mousedown: downHandler, mouseup: upHanlder, touchstart: downHandler, touchend: upHanlder }; } console.error( // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/restrict-template-expressions `[evtd/create-trap-handler]: name \`${name}\` is invalid. This could be a bug of evtd.` ); return {}; } function ensureTrapHandlers(name, el, handler) { const handlers = traps[name]; let elHandlers = handlers.get(el); if (elHandlers === void 0) { handlers.set(el, elHandlers = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap()); } let trapHandler = elHandlers.get(handler); if (trapHandler === void 0) { elHandlers.set(handler, trapHandler = createTrapHandler(name, el, handler)); } return trapHandler; } function trapOn(name, el, handler, options) { if (name === "mousemoveoutside" || name === "clickoutside") { const trapHandlers = ensureTrapHandlers(name, el, handler); Object.keys(trapHandlers).forEach((key) => { on(key, document, trapHandlers[key], options); }); return true; } return false; } function trapOff(name, el, handler, options) { if (name === "mousemoveoutside" || name === "clickoutside") { const trapHandlers = ensureTrapHandlers(name, el, handler); Object.keys(trapHandlers).forEach((key) => { off(key, document, trapHandlers[key], options); }); return true; } return false; } function createDelegate() { if (typeof window === "undefined") { return { on: () => { }, off: () => { } }; } const propagationStopped = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); const immediatePropagationStopped = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); function trackPropagation() { propagationStopped.set(this, true); } function trackImmediate() { propagationStopped.set(this, true); immediatePropagationStopped.set(this, true); } function spy(event, propName, fn) { const source = event[propName]; event[propName] = function() { fn.apply(event, arguments); return source.apply(event, arguments); }; return event; } function unspy(event, propName) { event[propName] = Event.prototype[propName]; } const currentTargets = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); const currentTargetDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Event.prototype, "currentTarget"); function getCurrentTarget() { var _a; return (_a = currentTargets.get(this)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : null; } function defineCurrentTarget(event, getter) { if (currentTargetDescriptor === void 0) return; Object.defineProperty(event, "currentTarget", { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get: getter !== null && getter !== void 0 ? getter : currentTargetDescriptor.get }); } const phaseToTypeToElToHandlers = { bubble: {}, capture: {} }; const typeToWindowEventHandlers = {}; function createUnifiedHandler() { const delegeteHandler = function(e) { const { type, eventPhase, bubbles } = e; const target = getEventTarget(e); if (eventPhase === 2) return; const phase = eventPhase === 1 ? "capture" : "bubble"; let cursor = target; const path = []; while (true) { if (cursor === null) cursor = window; path.push(cursor); if (cursor === window) { break; } cursor = cursor.parentNode || null; } const captureElToHandlers = phaseToTypeToElToHandlers.capture[type]; const bubbleElToHandlers = phaseToTypeToElToHandlers.bubble[type]; spy(e, "stopPropagation", trackPropagation); spy(e, "stopImmediatePropagation", trackImmediate); defineCurrentTarget(e, getCurrentTarget); if (phase === "capture") { if (captureElToHandlers === void 0) return; for (let i = path.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (propagationStopped.has(e)) break; const target2 = path[i]; const handlers = captureElToHandlers.get(target2); if (handlers !== void 0) { currentTargets.set(e, target2); for (const handler of handlers) { if (immediatePropagationStopped.has(e)) break; handler(e); } } if (i === 0 && !bubbles && bubbleElToHandlers !== void 0) { const bubbleHandlers = bubbleElToHandlers.get(target2); if (bubbleHandlers !== void 0) { for (const handler of bubbleHandlers) { if (immediatePropagationStopped.has(e)) break; handler(e); } } } } } else if (phase === "bubble") { if (bubbleElToHandlers === void 0) return; for (let i = 0; i < path.length; ++i) { if (propagationStopped.has(e)) break; const target2 = path[i]; const handlers = bubbleElToHandlers.get(target2); if (handlers !== void 0) { currentTargets.set(e, target2); for (const handler of handlers) { if (immediatePropagationStopped.has(e)) break; handler(e); } } } } unspy(e, "stopPropagation"); unspy(e, "stopImmediatePropagation"); defineCurrentTarget(e); }; delegeteHandler.displayName = "evtdUnifiedHandler"; return delegeteHandler; } function createUnifiedWindowEventHandler() { const delegateHandler = function(e) { const { type, eventPhase } = e; if (eventPhase !== 2) return; const handlers = typeToWindowEventHandlers[type]; if (handlers === void 0) return; handlers.forEach((handler) => handler(e)); }; delegateHandler.displayName = "evtdUnifiedWindowEventHandler"; return delegateHandler; } const unifiedHandler = createUnifiedHandler(); const unfiendWindowEventHandler = createUnifiedWindowEventHandler(); function ensureElToHandlers(phase, type) { const phaseHandlers = phaseToTypeToElToHandlers[phase]; if (phaseHandlers[type] === void 0) { phaseHandlers[type] = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); window.addEventListener(type, unifiedHandler, phase === "capture"); } return phaseHandlers[type]; } function ensureWindowEventHandlers(type) { const windowEventHandlers = typeToWindowEventHandlers[type]; if (windowEventHandlers === void 0) { typeToWindowEventHandlers[type] = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); window.addEventListener(type, unfiendWindowEventHandler); } return typeToWindowEventHandlers[type]; } function ensureHandlers(elToHandlers, el) { let elHandlers = elToHandlers.get(el); if (elHandlers === void 0) { elToHandlers.set(el, elHandlers = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()); } return elHandlers; } function handlerExist(el, phase, type, handler) { const elToHandlers = phaseToTypeToElToHandlers[phase][type]; if (elToHandlers !== void 0) { const handlers = elToHandlers.get(el); if (handlers !== void 0) { if (handlers.has(handler)) return true; } } return false; } function windowEventHandlerExist(type, handler) { const handlers = typeToWindowEventHandlers[type]; if (handlers !== void 0) { if (handlers.has(handler)) { return true; } } return false; } function on2(type, el, handler, options) { let mergedHandler; if (typeof options === "object" && options.once === true) { mergedHandler = (e) => { off2(type, el, mergedHandler, options); handler(e); }; } else { mergedHandler = handler; } const trapped = trapOn(type, el, mergedHandler, options); if (trapped) return; const phase = options === true || typeof options === "object" && options.capture === true ? "capture" : "bubble"; const elToHandlers = ensureElToHandlers(phase, type); const handlers = ensureHandlers(elToHandlers, el); if (!handlers.has(mergedHandler)) handlers.add(mergedHandler); if (el === window) { const windowEventHandlers = ensureWindowEventHandlers(type); if (!windowEventHandlers.has(mergedHandler)) { windowEventHandlers.add(mergedHandler); } } } function off2(type, el, handler, options) { const trapped = trapOff(type, el, handler, options); if (trapped) return; const capture = options === true || typeof options === "object" && options.capture === true; const phase = capture ? "capture" : "bubble"; const elToHandlers = ensureElToHandlers(phase, type); const handlers = ensureHandlers(elToHandlers, el); if (el === window) { const mirrorPhase = capture ? "bubble" : "capture"; if (!handlerExist(el, mirrorPhase, type, handler) && windowEventHandlerExist(type, handler)) { const windowEventHandlers = typeToWindowEventHandlers[type]; windowEventHandlers.delete(handler); if (windowEventHandlers.size === 0) { window.removeEventListener(type, unfiendWindowEventHandler); typeToWindowEventHandlers[type] = void 0; } } } if (handlers.has(handler)) handlers.delete(handler); if (handlers.size === 0) { elToHandlers.delete(el); } if (elToHandlers.size === 0) { window.removeEventListener(type, unifiedHandler, phase === "capture"); phaseToTypeToElToHandlers[phase][type] = void 0; } } return { on: on2, off: off2 }; } const { on, off } = createDelegate(); const mousePositionRef = vue.ref(null); function clickHandler(e) { if (e.clientX > 0 || e.clientY > 0) { mousePositionRef.value = { x: e.clientX, y: e.clientY }; } else { const { target } = e; if (target instanceof Element) { const { left, top, width, height } = target.getBoundingClientRect(); if (left > 0 || top > 0) { mousePositionRef.value = { x: left + width / 2, y: top + height / 2 }; } else { mousePositionRef.value = { x: 0, y: 0 }; } } else { mousePositionRef.value = null; } } } let usedCount$1 = 0; let managable$1 = true; function useClickPosition() { if (!isBrowser$1) return vue.readonly(vue.ref(null)); if (usedCount$1 === 0) on("click", document, clickHandler, true); const setup2 = () => { usedCount$1 += 1; }; if (managable$1 && (managable$1 = hasInstance())) { vue.onBeforeMount(setup2); vue.onBeforeUnmount(() => { usedCount$1 -= 1; if (usedCount$1 === 0) off("click", document, clickHandler, true); }); } else { setup2(); } return vue.readonly(mousePositionRef); } const clickedTimeRef = vue.ref(void 0); let usedCount = 0; function handleClick() { clickedTimeRef.value = Date.now(); } let managable = true; function useClicked(timeout) { if (!isBrowser$1) return vue.readonly(vue.ref(false)); const clickedRef = vue.ref(false); let timerId = null; function clearTimer() { if (timerId !== null) window.clearTimeout(timerId); } function clickedHandler() { clearTimer(); clickedRef.value = true; timerId = window.setTimeout(() => { clickedRef.value = false; }, timeout); } if (usedCount === 0) { on("click", window, handleClick, true); } const setup2 = () => { usedCount += 1; on("click", window, clickedHandler, true); }; if (managable && (managable = hasInstance())) { vue.onBeforeMount(setup2); vue.onBeforeUnmount(() => { usedCount -= 1; if (usedCount === 0) { off("click", window, handleClick, true); } off("click", window, clickedHandler, true); clearTimer(); }); } else { setup2(); } return vue.readonly(clickedRef); } function useMergedState(controlledStateRef, uncontrolledStateRef) { vue.watch(controlledStateRef, (value) => { if (value !== void 0) { uncontrolledStateRef.value = value; } }); return vue.computed(() => { if (controlledStateRef.value === void 0) { return uncontrolledStateRef.value; } return controlledStateRef.value; }); } function isMounted() { const isMounted2 = vue.ref(false); vue.onMounted(() => { isMounted2.value = true; }); return vue.readonly(isMounted2); } function useCompitable(reactive2, keys2) { return vue.computed(() => { for (const key of keys2) { if (reactive2[key] !== void 0) return reactive2[key]; } return reactive2[keys2[keys2.length - 1]]; }); } const isIos = (typeof window === "undefined" ? false : /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.platform) || navigator.platform === "MacIntel" && navigator.maxTouchPoints > 1) && // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/strict-boolean-expressions !window.MSStream; function useIsIos() { return isIos; } const defaultBreakpointOptions = { // mobile // 0 ~ 640 doesn't mean it should display well in all the range, // but means you should treat it like a mobile phone.) xs: 0, s: 640, m: 1024, l: 1280, xl: 1536, "2xl": 1920 // normal desktop display }; function createMediaQuery(screenWidth) { return `(min-width: ${screenWidth}px)`; } const mqlMap = {}; function useBreakpoints(screens = defaultBreakpointOptions) { if (!isBrowser$1) return vue.computed(() => []); if (typeof window.matchMedia !== "function") return vue.computed(() => []); const breakpointStatusRef = vue.ref({}); const breakpoints = Object.keys(screens); const updateBreakpoints = (e, breakpointName) => { if (e.matches) breakpointStatusRef.value[breakpointName] = true; else breakpointStatusRef.value[breakpointName] = false; }; breakpoints.forEach((key) => { const breakpointValue = screens[key]; let mql; let cbs; if (mqlMap[breakpointValue] === void 0) { mql = window.matchMedia(createMediaQuery(breakpointValue)); if (mql.addEventListener) { mql.addEventListener("change", (e) => { cbs.forEach((cb) => { cb(e, key); }); }); } else if (mql.addListener) { mql.addListener((e) => { cbs.forEach((cb) => { cb(e, key); }); }); } cbs = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); mqlMap[breakpointValue] = { mql, cbs }; } else { mql = mqlMap[breakpointValue].mql; cbs = mqlMap[breakpointValue].cbs; } cbs.add(updateBreakpoints); if (mql.matches) { cbs.forEach((cb) => { cb(mql, key); }); } }); vue.onBeforeUnmount(() => { breakpoints.forEach((breakpoint) => { const { cbs } = mqlMap[screens[breakpoint]]; if (cbs.has(updateBreakpoints)) { cbs.delete(updateBreakpoints); } }); }); return vue.computed(() => { const { value } = breakpointStatusRef; return breakpoints.filter((key) => value[key]); }); } function useKeyboard$1(options = {}, enabledRef) { const state = vue.reactive({ ctrl: false, command: false, win: false, shift: false, tab: false }); const { keydown, keyup } = options; const keydownHandler = (e) => { switch (e.key) { case "Control": state.ctrl = true; break; case "Meta": state.command = true; state.win = true; break; case "Shift": state.shift = true; break; case "Tab": state.tab = true; break; } if (keydown !== void 0) { Object.keys(keydown).forEach((key) => { if (key !== e.key) return; const handler = keydown[key]; if (typeof handler === "function") { handler(e); } else { const { stop = false, prevent = false } = handler; if (stop) e.stopPropagation(); if (prevent) e.preventDefault(); handler.handler(e); } }); } }; const keyupHandler = (e) => { switch (e.key) { case "Control": state.ctrl = false; break; case "Meta": state.command = false; state.win = false; break; case "Shift": state.shift = false; break; case "Tab": state.tab = false; break; } if (keyup !== void 0) { Object.keys(keyup).forEach((key) => { if (key !== e.key) return; const handler = keyup[key]; if (typeof handler === "function") { handler(e); } else { const { stop = false, prevent = false } = handler; if (stop) e.stopPropagation(); if (prevent) e.preventDefault(); handler.handler(e); } }); } }; const setup2 = () => { if (enabledRef === void 0 || enabledRef.value) { on("keydown", document, keydownHandler); on("keyup", document, keyupHandler); } if (enabledRef !== void 0) { vue.watch(enabledRef, (value) => { if (value) { on("keydown", document, keydownHandler); on("keyup", document, keyupHandler); } else { off("keydown", document, keydownHandler); off("keyup", document, keyupHandler); } }); } }; if (hasInstance()) { vue.onBeforeMount(setup2); vue.onBeforeUnmount(() => { if (enabledRef === void 0 || enabledRef.value) { off("keydown", document, keydownHandler); off("keyup", document, keyupHandler); } }); } else { setup2(); } return vue.readonly(state); } const internalSelectionMenuInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-internal-select-menu"); const internalSelectionMenuBodyInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-internal-select-menu-body"); const modalBodyInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-modal-body"); const modalProviderInjectionKey$1 = createInjectionKey("n-modal-provider"); const modalInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-modal"); const drawerBodyInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-drawer-body"); const drawerInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-drawer"); const popoverBodyInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-popover-body"); const teleportDisabled = "__disabled__"; function useAdjustedTo(props) { const modal = vue.inject(modalBodyInjectionKey, null); const drawer = vue.inject(drawerBodyInjectionKey, null); const popover = vue.inject(popoverBodyInjectionKey, null); const selectMenu = vue.inject(internalSelectionMenuBodyInjectionKey, null); const fullscreenElementRef = vue.ref(); if (typeof document !== "undefined") { fullscreenElementRef.value = document.fullscreenElement; const handleFullscreenChange = () => { fullscreenElementRef.value = document.fullscreenElement; }; vue.onMounted(() => { on("fullscreenchange", document, handleFullscreenChange); }); vue.onBeforeUnmount(() => { off("fullscreenchange", document, handleFullscreenChange); }); } return useMemo(() => { var _a; const { to } = props; if (to !== void 0) { if (to === false) return teleportDisabled; if (to === true) return fullscreenElementRef.value || "body"; return to; } if (modal === null || modal === void 0 ? void 0 : modal.value) { return (_a = modal.value.$el) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : modal.value; } if (drawer === null || drawer === void 0 ? void 0 : drawer.value) return drawer.value; if (popover === null || popover === void 0 ? void 0 : popover.value) return popover.value; if (selectMenu === null || selectMenu === void 0 ? void 0 : selectMenu.value) return selectMenu.value; return to !== null && to !== void 0 ? to : fullscreenElementRef.value || "body"; }); } useAdjustedTo.tdkey = teleportDisabled; useAdjustedTo.propTo = { type: [String, Object, Boolean], default: void 0 }; let houdiniRegistered = false; function useHoudini() { if (!isBrowser$2) return; if (!window.CSS) return; if (!houdiniRegistered) { houdiniRegistered = true; if ("registerProperty" in (window === null || window === void 0 ? void 0 : window.CSS)) { try { ; CSS.registerProperty({ name: "--n-color-start", syntax: "", inherits: false, initialValue: "#0000" }); CSS.registerProperty({ name: "--n-color-end", syntax: "", inherits: false, initialValue: "#0000" }); } catch (e) { } } } } function getSlot(scope, slots, slotName = "default") { const slot = slots[slotName]; if (slot === void 0) { throw new Error(`[vueuc/${scope}]: slot[${slotName}] is empty.`); } return slot(); } function flatten$2(vNodes, filterCommentNode = true, result = []) { vNodes.forEach((vNode) => { if (vNode === null) return; if (typeof vNode !== "object") { if (typeof vNode === "string" || typeof vNode === "number") { result.push(vue.createTextVNode(String(vNode))); } return; } if (Array.isArray(vNode)) { flatten$2(vNode, filterCommentNode, result); return; } if (vNode.type === vue.Fragment) { if (vNode.children === null) return; if (Array.isArray(vNode.children)) { flatten$2(vNode.children, filterCommentNode, result); } } else if (vNode.type !== vue.Comment) { result.push(vNode); } }); return result; } function getFirstVNode(scope, slots, slotName = "default") { const slot = slots[slotName]; if (slot === void 0) { throw new Error(`[vueuc/${scope}]: slot[${slotName}] is empty.`); } const content = flatten$2(slot()); if (content.length === 1) { return content[0]; } else { throw new Error(`[vueuc/${scope}]: slot[${slotName}] should have exactly one child.`); } } let viewMeasurer = null; function ensureViewBoundingRect() { if (viewMeasurer === null) { viewMeasurer = document.getElementById("v-binder-view-measurer"); if (viewMeasurer === null) { viewMeasurer = document.createElement("div"); viewMeasurer.id = "v-binder-view-measurer"; const { style: style2 } = viewMeasurer; style2.position = "fixed"; style2.left = "0"; style2.right = "0"; style2.top = "0"; style2.bottom = "0"; style2.pointerEvents = "none"; style2.visibility = "hidden"; document.body.appendChild(viewMeasurer); } } return viewMeasurer.getBoundingClientRect(); } function getPointRect(x, y) { const viewRect = ensureViewBoundingRect(); return { top: y, left: x, height: 0, width: 0, right: viewRect.width - x, bottom: viewRect.height - y }; } function getRect$1(el) { const elRect = el.getBoundingClientRect(); const viewRect = ensureViewBoundingRect(); return { left: elRect.left - viewRect.left, top: elRect.top - viewRect.top, bottom: viewRect.height + viewRect.top - elRect.bottom, right: viewRect.width + viewRect.left - elRect.right, width: elRect.width, height: elRect.height }; } function getParentNode(node) { if (node.nodeType === 9) { return null; } return node.parentNode; } function getScrollParent(node) { if (node === null) return null; const parentNode = getParentNode(node); if (parentNode === null) { return null; } if (parentNode.nodeType === 9) { return document; } if (parentNode.nodeType === 1) { const { overflow, overflowX, overflowY } = getComputedStyle(parentNode); if (/(auto|scroll|overlay)/.test(overflow + overflowY + overflowX)) { return parentNode; } } return getScrollParent(parentNode); } const Binder = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Binder", props: { syncTargetWithParent: Boolean, syncTarget: { type: Boolean, default: true } }, setup(props) { var _a; vue.provide("VBinder", (_a = vue.getCurrentInstance()) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.proxy); const VBinder = vue.inject("VBinder", null); const targetRef = vue.ref(null); const setTargetRef = (el) => { targetRef.value = el; if (VBinder && props.syncTargetWithParent) { VBinder.setTargetRef(el); } }; let scrollableNodes = []; const ensureScrollListener = () => { let cursor = targetRef.value; while (true) { cursor = getScrollParent(cursor); if (cursor === null) break; scrollableNodes.push(cursor); } for (const el of scrollableNodes) { on("scroll", el, onScroll, true); } }; const removeScrollListeners = () => { for (const el of scrollableNodes) { off("scroll", el, onScroll, true); } scrollableNodes = []; }; const followerScrollListeners = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); const addScrollListener = (listener) => { if (followerScrollListeners.size === 0) { ensureScrollListener(); } if (!followerScrollListeners.has(listener)) { followerScrollListeners.add(listener); } }; const removeScrollListener = (listener) => { if (followerScrollListeners.has(listener)) { followerScrollListeners.delete(listener); } if (followerScrollListeners.size === 0) { removeScrollListeners(); } }; const onScroll = () => { beforeNextFrameOnce(onScrollRaf); }; const onScrollRaf = () => { followerScrollListeners.forEach((listener) => listener()); }; const followerResizeListeners = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); const addResizeListener = (listener) => { if (followerResizeListeners.size === 0) { on("resize", window, onResize); } if (!followerResizeListeners.has(listener)) { followerResizeListeners.add(listener); } }; const removeResizeListener = (listener) => { if (followerResizeListeners.has(listener)) { followerResizeListeners.delete(listener); } if (followerResizeListeners.size === 0) { off("resize", window, onResize); } }; const onResize = () => { followerResizeListeners.forEach((listener) => listener()); }; vue.onBeforeUnmount(() => { off("resize", window, onResize); removeScrollListeners(); }); return { targetRef, setTargetRef, addScrollListener, removeScrollListener, addResizeListener, removeResizeListener }; }, render() { return getSlot("binder", this.$slots); } }); const VTarget = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Target", setup() { const { setTargetRef, syncTarget } = vue.inject("VBinder"); const setTargetDirective = { mounted: setTargetRef, updated: setTargetRef }; return { syncTarget, setTargetDirective }; }, render() { const { syncTarget, setTargetDirective } = this; if (syncTarget) { return vue.withDirectives(getFirstVNode("follower", this.$slots), [ [setTargetDirective] ]); } return getFirstVNode("follower", this.$slots); } }); const ctxKey$1 = "@@mmoContext"; const mousemoveoutside = { mounted(el, { value }) { el[ctxKey$1] = { handler: void 0 }; if (typeof value === "function") { el[ctxKey$1].handler = value; on("mousemoveoutside", el, value); } }, updated(el, { value }) { const ctx2 = el[ctxKey$1]; if (typeof value === "function") { if (ctx2.handler) { if (ctx2.handler !== value) { off("mousemoveoutside", el, ctx2.handler); ctx2.handler = value; on("mousemoveoutside", el, value); } } else { el[ctxKey$1].handler = value; on("mousemoveoutside", el, value); } } else { if (ctx2.handler) { off("mousemoveoutside", el, ctx2.handler); ctx2.handler = void 0; } } }, unmounted(el) { const { handler } = el[ctxKey$1]; if (handler) { off("mousemoveoutside", el, handler); } el[ctxKey$1].handler = void 0; } }; const ctxKey = "@@coContext"; const clickoutside = { mounted(el, { value, modifiers }) { el[ctxKey] = { handler: void 0 }; if (typeof value === "function") { el[ctxKey].handler = value; on("clickoutside", el, value, { capture: modifiers.capture }); } }, updated(el, { value, modifiers }) { const ctx2 = el[ctxKey]; if (typeof value === "function") { if (ctx2.handler) { if (ctx2.handler !== value) { off("clickoutside", el, ctx2.handler, { capture: modifiers.capture }); ctx2.handler = value; on("clickoutside", el, value, { capture: modifiers.capture }); } } else { el[ctxKey].handler = value; on("clickoutside", el, value, { capture: modifiers.capture }); } } else { if (ctx2.handler) { off("clickoutside", el, ctx2.handler, { capture: modifiers.capture }); ctx2.handler = void 0; } } }, unmounted(el, { modifiers }) { const { handler } = el[ctxKey]; if (handler) { off("clickoutside", el, handler, { capture: modifiers.capture }); } el[ctxKey].handler = void 0; } }; function warn$1(location, message) { console.error(`[vdirs/${location}]: ${message}`); } class ZIndexManager { constructor() { this.elementZIndex = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this.nextZIndex = 2e3; } get elementCount() { return this.elementZIndex.size; } ensureZIndex(el, zIndex) { const { elementZIndex } = this; if (zIndex !== void 0) { el.style.zIndex = `${zIndex}`; elementZIndex.delete(el); return; } const { nextZIndex } = this; if (elementZIndex.has(el)) { const currentZIndex = elementZIndex.get(el); if (currentZIndex + 1 === this.nextZIndex) return; } el.style.zIndex = `${nextZIndex}`; elementZIndex.set(el, nextZIndex); this.nextZIndex = nextZIndex + 1; this.squashState(); } unregister(el, zIndex) { const { elementZIndex } = this; if (elementZIndex.has(el)) { elementZIndex.delete(el); } else if (zIndex === void 0) { warn$1("z-index-manager/unregister-element", "Element not found when unregistering."); } this.squashState(); } squashState() { const { elementCount } = this; if (!elementCount) { this.nextZIndex = 2e3; } if (this.nextZIndex - elementCount > 2500) this.rearrange(); } rearrange() { const elementZIndexPair = Array.from(this.elementZIndex.entries()); elementZIndexPair.sort((pair1, pair2) => { return pair1[1] - pair2[1]; }); this.nextZIndex = 2e3; elementZIndexPair.forEach((pair) => { const el = pair[0]; const zIndex = this.nextZIndex++; if (`${zIndex}` !== el.style.zIndex) el.style.zIndex = `${zIndex}`; }); } } const zIndexManager = new ZIndexManager(); const ctx = "@@ziContext"; const zindexable = { mounted(el, bindings) { const { value = {} } = bindings; const { zIndex, enabled } = value; el[ctx] = { enabled: !!enabled, initialized: false }; if (enabled) { zIndexManager.ensureZIndex(el, zIndex); el[ctx].initialized = true; } }, updated(el, bindings) { const { value = {} } = bindings; const { zIndex, enabled } = value; const cachedEnabled = el[ctx].enabled; if (enabled && !cachedEnabled) { zIndexManager.ensureZIndex(el, zIndex); el[ctx].initialized = true; } el[ctx].enabled = !!enabled; }, unmounted(el, bindings) { if (!el[ctx].initialized) return; const { value = {} } = bindings; const { zIndex } = value; zIndexManager.unregister(el, zIndex); } }; const ssrContextKey = "@css-render/vue3-ssr"; function createStyleString(id, style2) { return ``; } function ssrAdapter(id, style2, ssrContext) { const { styles: styles2, ids } = ssrContext; if (ids.has(id)) return; if (styles2 !== null) { ids.add(id); styles2.push(createStyleString(id, style2)); } } const isBrowser = typeof document !== "undefined"; function useSsrAdapter() { if (isBrowser) return void 0; const context = vue.inject(ssrContextKey, null); if (context === null) return void 0; return { adapter: (id, style2) => ssrAdapter(id, style2, context), context }; } function warn(location, message) { console.error(`[vueuc/${location}]: ${message}`); } const { c } = CssRender(); const cssrAnchorMetaName$1 = "vueuc-style"; function lowBit(n) { return n & -n; } class FinweckTree { /** * @param l length of the array * @param min min value of the array */ constructor(l, min) { this.l = l; this.min = min; const ft = new Array(l + 1); for (let i = 0; i < l + 1; ++i) { ft[i] = 0; } this.ft = ft; } /** * Add arr[i] by n, start from 0 * @param i the index of the element to be added * @param n the value to be added */ add(i, n) { if (n === 0) return; const { l, ft } = this; i += 1; while (i <= l) { ft[i] += n; i += lowBit(i); } } /** * Get the value of index i * @param i index * @returns value of the index */ get(i) { return this.sum(i + 1) - this.sum(i); } /** * Get the sum of first i elements * @param i count of head elements to be added * @returns the sum of first i elements */ sum(i) { if (i === void 0) i = this.l; if (i <= 0) return 0; const { ft, min, l } = this; if (i > l) throw new Error("[FinweckTree.sum]: `i` is larger than length."); let ret = i * min; while (i > 0) { ret += ft[i]; i -= lowBit(i); } return ret; } /** * Get the largest count of head elements whose sum are <= threshold * @param threshold * @returns the largest count of head elements whose sum are <= threshold */ getBound(threshold) { let l = 0; let r = this.l; while (r > l) { const m = Math.floor((l + r) / 2); const sumM = this.sum(m); if (sumM > threshold) { r = m; continue; } else if (sumM < threshold) { if (l === m) { if (this.sum(l + 1) <= threshold) return l + 1; return m; } l = m; } else { return m; } } return l; } } function resolveTo(selector) { if (typeof selector === "string") { return document.querySelector(selector); } return selector(); } const LazyTeleport = vue.defineComponent({ name: "LazyTeleport", props: { to: { type: [String, Object], default: void 0 }, disabled: Boolean, show: { type: Boolean, required: true } }, setup(props) { return { showTeleport: useFalseUntilTruthy(vue.toRef(props, "show")), mergedTo: vue.computed(() => { const { to } = props; return to !== null && to !== void 0 ? to : "body"; }) }; }, render() { return this.showTeleport ? this.disabled ? getSlot("lazy-teleport", this.$slots) : vue.h(vue.Teleport, { disabled: this.disabled, to: this.mergedTo }, getSlot("lazy-teleport", this.$slots)) : null; } }); const oppositionPositions = { top: "bottom", bottom: "top", left: "right", right: "left" }; const oppositeAligns = { start: "end", center: "center", end: "start" }; const propToCompare = { top: "height", bottom: "height", left: "width", right: "width" }; const transformOrigins = { "bottom-start": "top left", bottom: "top center", "bottom-end": "top right", "top-start": "bottom left", top: "bottom center", "top-end": "bottom right", "right-start": "top left", right: "center left", "right-end": "bottom left", "left-start": "top right", left: "center right", "left-end": "bottom right" }; const overlapTransformOrigin = { "bottom-start": "bottom left", bottom: "bottom center", "bottom-end": "bottom right", "top-start": "top left", top: "top center", "top-end": "top right", "right-start": "top right", right: "center right", "right-end": "bottom right", "left-start": "top left", left: "center left", "left-end": "bottom left" }; const oppositeAlignCssPositionProps = { "bottom-start": "right", "bottom-end": "left", "top-start": "right", "top-end": "left", "right-start": "bottom", "right-end": "top", "left-start": "bottom", "left-end": "top" }; const keepOffsetDirection = { top: true, bottom: false, left: true, right: false // left-- }; const cssPositionToOppositeAlign = { top: "end", bottom: "start", left: "end", right: "start" }; function getPlacementAndOffsetOfFollower(placement, targetRect, followerRect, shift, flip, overlap) { if (!flip || overlap) { return { placement, top: 0, left: 0 }; } const [position, align] = placement.split("-"); let properAlign = align !== null && align !== void 0 ? align : "center"; let properOffset = { top: 0, left: 0 }; const deriveOffset = (oppositeAlignCssSizeProp, alignCssPositionProp, offsetVertically2) => { let left = 0; let top = 0; const diff = followerRect[oppositeAlignCssSizeProp] - targetRect[alignCssPositionProp] - targetRect[oppositeAlignCssSizeProp]; if (diff > 0 && shift) { if (offsetVertically2) { top = keepOffsetDirection[alignCssPositionProp] ? diff : -diff; } else { left = keepOffsetDirection[alignCssPositionProp] ? diff : -diff; } } return { left, top }; }; const offsetVertically = position === "left" || position === "right"; if (properAlign !== "center") { const oppositeAlignCssPositionProp = oppositeAlignCssPositionProps[placement]; const currentAlignCssPositionProp = oppositionPositions[oppositeAlignCssPositionProp]; const oppositeAlignCssSizeProp = propToCompare[oppositeAlignCssPositionProp]; if (followerRect[oppositeAlignCssSizeProp] > targetRect[oppositeAlignCssSizeProp]) { if ( // current space is not enough // ----------[ target ]---------| // -------[ follower ] targetRect[oppositeAlignCssPositionProp] + targetRect[oppositeAlignCssSizeProp] < followerRect[oppositeAlignCssSizeProp] ) { const followerOverTargetSize = (followerRect[oppositeAlignCssSizeProp] - targetRect[oppositeAlignCssSizeProp]) / 2; if (targetRect[oppositeAlignCssPositionProp] < followerOverTargetSize || targetRect[currentAlignCssPositionProp] < followerOverTargetSize) { if (targetRect[oppositeAlignCssPositionProp] < targetRect[currentAlignCssPositionProp]) { properAlign = oppositeAligns[align]; properOffset = deriveOffset(oppositeAlignCssSizeProp, currentAlignCssPositionProp, offsetVertically); } else { properOffset = deriveOffset(oppositeAlignCssSizeProp, oppositeAlignCssPositionProp, offsetVertically); } } else { properAlign = "center"; } } } else if (followerRect[oppositeAlignCssSizeProp] < targetRect[oppositeAlignCssSizeProp]) { if (targetRect[currentAlignCssPositionProp] < 0 && // opposite align has larger space // ------------[ target ] // ----------------[follower] targetRect[oppositeAlignCssPositionProp] > targetRect[currentAlignCssPositionProp]) { properAlign = oppositeAligns[align]; } } } else { const possibleAlternativeAlignCssPositionProp1 = position === "bottom" || position === "top" ? "left" : "top"; const possibleAlternativeAlignCssPositionProp2 = oppositionPositions[possibleAlternativeAlignCssPositionProp1]; const alternativeAlignCssSizeProp = propToCompare[possibleAlternativeAlignCssPositionProp1]; const followerOverTargetSize = (followerRect[alternativeAlignCssSizeProp] - targetRect[alternativeAlignCssSizeProp]) / 2; if ( // center is not enough // ----------- [ target ]--| // -------[ follower ] targetRect[possibleAlternativeAlignCssPositionProp1] < followerOverTargetSize || targetRect[possibleAlternativeAlignCssPositionProp2] < followerOverTargetSize ) { if (targetRect[possibleAlternativeAlignCssPositionProp1] > targetRect[possibleAlternativeAlignCssPositionProp2]) { properAlign = cssPositionToOppositeAlign[possibleAlternativeAlignCssPositionProp1]; properOffset = deriveOffset(alternativeAlignCssSizeProp, possibleAlternativeAlignCssPositionProp1, offsetVertically); } else { properAlign = cssPositionToOppositeAlign[possibleAlternativeAlignCssPositionProp2]; properOffset = deriveOffset(alternativeAlignCssSizeProp, possibleAlternativeAlignCssPositionProp2, offsetVertically); } } } let properPosition = position; if ( // space is not enough targetRect[position] < followerRect[propToCompare[position]] && // opposite position's space is larger targetRect[position] < targetRect[oppositionPositions[position]] ) { properPosition = oppositionPositions[position]; } return { placement: properAlign !== "center" ? `${properPosition}-${properAlign}` : properPosition, left: properOffset.left, top: properOffset.top }; } function getProperTransformOrigin(placement, overlap) { if (overlap) return overlapTransformOrigin[placement]; return transformOrigins[placement]; } function getOffset$1(placement, offsetRect, targetRect, offsetTopToStandardPlacement, offsetLeftToStandardPlacement, overlap) { if (overlap) { switch (placement) { case "bottom-start": return { top: `${Math.round(targetRect.top - offsetRect.top + targetRect.height)}px`, left: `${Math.round(targetRect.left - offsetRect.left)}px`, transform: "translateY(-100%)" }; case "bottom-end": return { top: `${Math.round(targetRect.top - offsetRect.top + targetRect.height)}px`, left: `${Math.round(targetRect.left - offsetRect.left + targetRect.width)}px`, transform: "translateX(-100%) translateY(-100%)" }; case "top-start": return { top: `${Math.round(targetRect.top - offsetRect.top)}px`, left: `${Math.round(targetRect.left - offsetRect.left)}px`, transform: "" }; case "top-end": return { top: `${Math.round(targetRect.top - offsetRect.top)}px`, left: `${Math.round(targetRect.left - offsetRect.left + targetRect.width)}px`, transform: "translateX(-100%)" }; case "right-start": return { top: `${Math.round(targetRect.top - offsetRect.top)}px`, left: `${Math.round(targetRect.left - offsetRect.left + targetRect.width)}px`, transform: "translateX(-100%)" }; case "right-end": return { top: `${Math.round(targetRect.top - offsetRect.top + targetRect.height)}px`, left: `${Math.round(targetRect.left - offsetRect.left + targetRect.width)}px`, transform: "translateX(-100%) translateY(-100%)" }; case "left-start": return { top: `${Math.round(targetRect.top - offsetRect.top)}px`, left: `${Math.round(targetRect.left - offsetRect.left)}px`, transform: "" }; case "left-end": return { top: `${Math.round(targetRect.top - offsetRect.top + targetRect.height)}px`, left: `${Math.round(targetRect.left - offsetRect.left)}px`, transform: "translateY(-100%)" }; case "top": return { top: `${Math.round(targetRect.top - offsetRect.top)}px`, left: `${Math.round(targetRect.left - offsetRect.left + targetRect.width / 2)}px`, transform: "translateX(-50%)" }; case "right": return { top: `${Math.round(targetRect.top - offsetRect.top + targetRect.height / 2)}px`, left: `${Math.round(targetRect.left - offsetRect.left + targetRect.width)}px`, transform: "translateX(-100%) translateY(-50%)" }; case "left": return { top: `${Math.round(targetRect.top - offsetRect.top + targetRect.height / 2)}px`, left: `${Math.round(targetRect.left - offsetRect.left)}px`, transform: "translateY(-50%)" }; case "bottom": default: return { top: `${Math.round(targetRect.top - offsetRect.top + targetRect.height)}px`, left: `${Math.round(targetRect.left - offsetRect.left + targetRect.width / 2)}px`, transform: "translateX(-50%) translateY(-100%)" }; } } switch (placement) { case "bottom-start": return { top: `${Math.round(targetRect.top - offsetRect.top + targetRect.height + offsetTopToStandardPlacement)}px`, left: `${Math.round(targetRect.left - offsetRect.left + offsetLeftToStandardPlacement)}px`, transform: "" }; case "bottom-end": return { top: `${Math.round(targetRect.top - offsetRect.top + targetRect.height + offsetTopToStandardPlacement)}px`, left: `${Math.round(targetRect.left - offsetRect.left + targetRect.width + offsetLeftToStandardPlacement)}px`, transform: "translateX(-100%)" }; case "top-start": return { top: `${Math.round(targetRect.top - offsetRect.top + offsetTopToStandardPlacement)}px`, left: `${Math.round(targetRect.left - offsetRect.left + offsetLeftToStandardPlacement)}px`, transform: "translateY(-100%)" }; case "top-end": return { top: `${Math.round(targetRect.top - offsetRect.top + offsetTopToStandardPlacement)}px`, left: `${Math.round(targetRect.left - offsetRect.left + targetRect.width + offsetLeftToStandardPlacement)}px`, transform: "translateX(-100%) translateY(-100%)" }; case "right-start": return { top: `${Math.round(targetRect.top - offsetRect.top + offsetTopToStandardPlacement)}px`, left: `${Math.round(targetRect.left - offsetRect.left + targetRect.width + offsetLeftToStandardPlacement)}px`, transform: "" }; case "right-end": return { top: `${Math.round(targetRect.top - offsetRect.top + targetRect.height + offsetTopToStandardPlacement)}px`, left: `${Math.round(targetRect.left - offsetRect.left + targetRect.width + offsetLeftToStandardPlacement)}px`, transform: "translateY(-100%)" }; case "left-start": return { top: `${Math.round(targetRect.top - offsetRect.top + offsetTopToStandardPlacement)}px`, left: `${Math.round(targetRect.left - offsetRect.left + offsetLeftToStandardPlacement)}px`, transform: "translateX(-100%)" }; case "left-end": return { top: `${Math.round(targetRect.top - offsetRect.top + targetRect.height + offsetTopToStandardPlacement)}px`, left: `${Math.round(targetRect.left - offsetRect.left + offsetLeftToStandardPlacement)}px`, transform: "translateX(-100%) translateY(-100%)" }; case "top": return { top: `${Math.round(targetRect.top - offsetRect.top + offsetTopToStandardPlacement)}px`, left: `${Math.round(targetRect.left - offsetRect.left + targetRect.width / 2 + offsetLeftToStandardPlacement)}px`, transform: "translateY(-100%) translateX(-50%)" }; case "right": return { top: `${Math.round(targetRect.top - offsetRect.top + targetRect.height / 2 + offsetTopToStandardPlacement)}px`, left: `${Math.round(targetRect.left - offsetRect.left + targetRect.width + offsetLeftToStandardPlacement)}px`, transform: "translateY(-50%)" }; case "left": return { top: `${Math.round(targetRect.top - offsetRect.top + targetRect.height / 2 + offsetTopToStandardPlacement)}px`, left: `${Math.round(targetRect.left - offsetRect.left + offsetLeftToStandardPlacement)}px`, transform: "translateY(-50%) translateX(-100%)" }; case "bottom": default: return { top: `${Math.round(targetRect.top - offsetRect.top + targetRect.height + offsetTopToStandardPlacement)}px`, left: `${Math.round(targetRect.left - offsetRect.left + targetRect.width / 2 + offsetLeftToStandardPlacement)}px`, transform: "translateX(-50%)" }; } } const style$1F = c([ c(".v-binder-follower-container", { position: "absolute", left: "0", right: "0", top: "0", height: "0", pointerEvents: "none", zIndex: "auto" }), c(".v-binder-follower-content", { position: "absolute", zIndex: "auto" }, [ c("> *", { pointerEvents: "all" }) ]) ]); const VFollower = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Follower", inheritAttrs: false, props: { show: Boolean, enabled: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, placement: { type: String, default: "bottom" }, syncTrigger: { type: Array, default: ["resize", "scroll"] }, to: [String, Object], flip: { type: Boolean, default: true }, internalShift: Boolean, x: Number, y: Number, width: String, minWidth: String, containerClass: String, teleportDisabled: Boolean, zindexable: { type: Boolean, default: true }, zIndex: Number, overlap: Boolean }, setup(props) { const VBinder = vue.inject("VBinder"); const mergedEnabledRef = useMemo(() => { return props.enabled !== void 0 ? props.enabled : props.show; }); const followerRef = vue.ref(null); const offsetContainerRef = vue.ref(null); const ensureListeners = () => { const { syncTrigger } = props; if (syncTrigger.includes("scroll")) { VBinder.addScrollListener(syncPosition); } if (syncTrigger.includes("resize")) { VBinder.addResizeListener(syncPosition); } }; const removeListeners = () => { VBinder.removeScrollListener(syncPosition); VBinder.removeResizeListener(syncPosition); }; vue.onMounted(() => { if (mergedEnabledRef.value) { syncPosition(); ensureListeners(); } }); const ssrAdapter2 = useSsrAdapter(); style$1F.mount({ id: "vueuc/binder", head: true, anchorMetaName: cssrAnchorMetaName$1, ssr: ssrAdapter2 }); vue.onBeforeUnmount(() => { removeListeners(); }); onFontsReady(() => { if (mergedEnabledRef.value) { syncPosition(); } }); const syncPosition = () => { if (!mergedEnabledRef.value) { return; } const follower = followerRef.value; if (follower === null) return; const target = VBinder.targetRef; const { x, y, overlap } = props; const targetRect = x !== void 0 && y !== void 0 ? getPointRect(x, y) : getRect$1(target); follower.style.setProperty("--v-target-width", `${Math.round(targetRect.width)}px`); follower.style.setProperty("--v-target-height", `${Math.round(targetRect.height)}px`); const { width, minWidth, placement, internalShift, flip } = props; follower.setAttribute("v-placement", placement); if (overlap) { follower.setAttribute("v-overlap", ""); } else { follower.removeAttribute("v-overlap"); } const { style: style2 } = follower; if (width === "target") { style2.width = `${targetRect.width}px`; } else if (width !== void 0) { style2.width = width; } else { style2.width = ""; } if (minWidth === "target") { style2.minWidth = `${targetRect.width}px`; } else if (minWidth !== void 0) { style2.minWidth = minWidth; } else { style2.minWidth = ""; } const followerRect = getRect$1(follower); const offsetContainerRect = getRect$1(offsetContainerRef.value); const { left: offsetLeftToStandardPlacement, top: offsetTopToStandardPlacement, placement: properPlacement } = getPlacementAndOffsetOfFollower(placement, targetRect, followerRect, internalShift, flip, overlap); const properTransformOrigin = getProperTransformOrigin(properPlacement, overlap); const { left, top, transform } = getOffset$1(properPlacement, offsetContainerRect, targetRect, offsetTopToStandardPlacement, offsetLeftToStandardPlacement, overlap); follower.setAttribute("v-placement", properPlacement); follower.style.setProperty("--v-offset-left", `${Math.round(offsetLeftToStandardPlacement)}px`); follower.style.setProperty("--v-offset-top", `${Math.round(offsetTopToStandardPlacement)}px`); follower.style.transform = `translateX(${left}) translateY(${top}) ${transform}`; follower.style.setProperty("--v-transform-origin", properTransformOrigin); follower.style.transformOrigin = properTransformOrigin; }; vue.watch(mergedEnabledRef, (value) => { if (value) { ensureListeners(); syncOnNextTick(); } else { removeListeners(); } }); const syncOnNextTick = () => { vue.nextTick().then(syncPosition).catch((e) => console.error(e)); }; [ "placement", "x", "y", "internalShift", "flip", "width", "overlap", "minWidth" ].forEach((prop) => { vue.watch(vue.toRef(props, prop), syncPosition); }); ["teleportDisabled"].forEach((prop) => { vue.watch(vue.toRef(props, prop), syncOnNextTick); }); vue.watch(vue.toRef(props, "syncTrigger"), (value) => { if (!value.includes("resize")) { VBinder.removeResizeListener(syncPosition); } else { VBinder.addResizeListener(syncPosition); } if (!value.includes("scroll")) { VBinder.removeScrollListener(syncPosition); } else { VBinder.addScrollListener(syncPosition); } }); const isMountedRef = isMounted(); const mergedToRef = useMemo(() => { const { to } = props; if (to !== void 0) return to; if (isMountedRef.value) { return void 0; } return void 0; }); return { VBinder, mergedEnabled: mergedEnabledRef, offsetContainerRef, followerRef, mergedTo: mergedToRef, syncPosition }; }, render() { return vue.h(LazyTeleport, { show: this.show, to: this.mergedTo, disabled: this.teleportDisabled }, { default: () => { var _a, _b; const vNode = vue.h("div", { class: ["v-binder-follower-container", this.containerClass], ref: "offsetContainerRef" }, [ vue.h("div", { class: "v-binder-follower-content", ref: "followerRef" }, (_b = (_a = this.$slots).default) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a)) ]); if (this.zindexable) { return vue.withDirectives(vNode, [ [ zindexable, { enabled: this.mergedEnabled, zIndex: this.zIndex } ] ]); } return vNode; } }); } }); var resizeObservers = []; var hasActiveObservations = function() { return resizeObservers.some(function(ro) { return ro.activeTargets.length > 0; }); }; var hasSkippedObservations = function() { return resizeObservers.some(function(ro) { return ro.skippedTargets.length > 0; }); }; var msg = "ResizeObserver loop completed with undelivered notifications."; var deliverResizeLoopError = function() { var event; if (typeof ErrorEvent === "function") { event = new ErrorEvent("error", { message: msg }); } else { event = document.createEvent("Event"); event.initEvent("error", false, false); event.message = msg; } window.dispatchEvent(event); }; var ResizeObserverBoxOptions; (function(ResizeObserverBoxOptions2) { ResizeObserverBoxOptions2["BORDER_BOX"] = "border-box"; ResizeObserverBoxOptions2["CONTENT_BOX"] = "content-box"; ResizeObserverBoxOptions2["DEVICE_PIXEL_CONTENT_BOX"] = "device-pixel-content-box"; })(ResizeObserverBoxOptions || (ResizeObserverBoxOptions = {})); var freeze = function(obj) { return Object.freeze(obj); }; var ResizeObserverSize = /* @__PURE__ */ function() { function ResizeObserverSize2(inlineSize, blockSize) { this.inlineSize = inlineSize; this.blockSize = blockSize; freeze(this); } return ResizeObserverSize2; }(); var DOMRectReadOnly = function() { function DOMRectReadOnly2(x, y, width, height) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.width = width; this.height = height; this.top = this.y; this.left = this.x; this.bottom = this.top + this.height; this.right = this.left + this.width; return freeze(this); } DOMRectReadOnly2.prototype.toJSON = function() { var _a = this, x = _a.x, y = _a.y, top = _a.top, right = _a.right, bottom = _a.bottom, left = _a.left, width = _a.width, height = _a.height; return { x, y, top, right, bottom, left, width, height }; }; DOMRectReadOnly2.fromRect = function(rectangle) { return new DOMRectReadOnly2(rectangle.x, rectangle.y, rectangle.width, rectangle.height); }; return DOMRectReadOnly2; }(); var isSVG = function(target) { return target instanceof SVGElement && "getBBox" in target; }; var isHidden = function(target) { if (isSVG(target)) { var _a = target.getBBox(), width = _a.width, height = _a.height; return !width && !height; } var _b = target, offsetWidth = _b.offsetWidth, offsetHeight = _b.offsetHeight; return !(offsetWidth || offsetHeight || target.getClientRects().length); }; var isElement = function(obj) { var _a; if (obj instanceof Element) { return true; } var scope = (_a = obj === null || obj === void 0 ? void 0 : obj.ownerDocument) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.defaultView; return !!(scope && obj instanceof scope.Element); }; var isReplacedElement = function(target) { switch (target.tagName) { case "INPUT": if (target.type !== "image") { break; } case "VIDEO": case "AUDIO": case "EMBED": case "OBJECT": case "CANVAS": case "IFRAME": case "IMG": return true; } return false; }; var global$1 = typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}; var cache = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); var scrollRegexp = /auto|scroll/; var verticalRegexp = /^tb|vertical/; var IE = /msie|trident/i.test(global$1.navigator && global$1.navigator.userAgent); var parseDimension = function(pixel) { return parseFloat(pixel || "0"); }; var size = function(inlineSize, blockSize, switchSizes) { if (inlineSize === void 0) { inlineSize = 0; } if (blockSize === void 0) { blockSize = 0; } if (switchSizes === void 0) { switchSizes = false; } return new ResizeObserverSize((switchSizes ? blockSize : inlineSize) || 0, (switchSizes ? inlineSize : blockSize) || 0); }; var zeroBoxes = freeze({ devicePixelContentBoxSize: size(), borderBoxSize: size(), contentBoxSize: size(), contentRect: new DOMRectReadOnly(0, 0, 0, 0) }); var calculateBoxSizes = function(target, forceRecalculation) { if (forceRecalculation === void 0) { forceRecalculation = false; } if (cache.has(target) && !forceRecalculation) { return cache.get(target); } if (isHidden(target)) { cache.set(target, zeroBoxes); return zeroBoxes; } var cs = getComputedStyle(target); var svg = isSVG(target) && target.ownerSVGElement && target.getBBox(); var removePadding = !IE && cs.boxSizing === "border-box"; var switchSizes = verticalRegexp.test(cs.writingMode || ""); var canScrollVertically = !svg && scrollRegexp.test(cs.overflowY || ""); var canScrollHorizontally = !svg && scrollRegexp.test(cs.overflowX || ""); var paddingTop = svg ? 0 : parseDimension(cs.paddingTop); var paddingRight = svg ? 0 : parseDimension(cs.paddingRight); var paddingBottom = svg ? 0 : parseDimension(cs.paddingBottom); var paddingLeft = svg ? 0 : parseDimension(cs.paddingLeft); var borderTop = svg ? 0 : parseDimension(cs.borderTopWidth); var borderRight = svg ? 0 : parseDimension(cs.borderRightWidth); var borderBottom = svg ? 0 : parseDimension(cs.borderBottomWidth); var borderLeft = svg ? 0 : parseDimension(cs.borderLeftWidth); var horizontalPadding = paddingLeft + paddingRight; var verticalPadding = paddingTop + paddingBottom; var horizontalBorderArea = borderLeft + borderRight; var verticalBorderArea = borderTop + borderBottom; var horizontalScrollbarThickness = !canScrollHorizontally ? 0 : target.offsetHeight - verticalBorderArea - target.clientHeight; var verticalScrollbarThickness = !canScrollVertically ? 0 : target.offsetWidth - horizontalBorderArea - target.clientWidth; var widthReduction = removePadding ? horizontalPadding + horizontalBorderArea : 0; var heightReduction = removePadding ? verticalPadding + verticalBorderArea : 0; var contentWidth = svg ? svg.width : parseDimension(cs.width) - widthReduction - verticalScrollbarThickness; var contentHeight = svg ? svg.height : parseDimension(cs.height) - heightReduction - horizontalScrollbarThickness; var borderBoxWidth = contentWidth + horizontalPadding + verticalScrollbarThickness + horizontalBorderArea; var borderBoxHeight = contentHeight + verticalPadding + horizontalScrollbarThickness + verticalBorderArea; var boxes = freeze({ devicePixelContentBoxSize: size(Math.round(contentWidth * devicePixelRatio), Math.round(contentHeight * devicePixelRatio), switchSizes), borderBoxSize: size(borderBoxWidth, borderBoxHeight, switchSizes), contentBoxSize: size(contentWidth, contentHeight, switchSizes), contentRect: new DOMRectReadOnly(paddingLeft, paddingTop, contentWidth, contentHeight) }); cache.set(target, boxes); return boxes; }; var calculateBoxSize = function(target, observedBox, forceRecalculation) { var _a = calculateBoxSizes(target, forceRecalculation), borderBoxSize = _a.borderBoxSize, contentBoxSize = _a.contentBoxSize, devicePixelContentBoxSize = _a.devicePixelContentBoxSize; switch (observedBox) { case ResizeObserverBoxOptions.DEVICE_PIXEL_CONTENT_BOX: return devicePixelContentBoxSize; case ResizeObserverBoxOptions.BORDER_BOX: return borderBoxSize; default: return contentBoxSize; } }; var ResizeObserverEntry = /* @__PURE__ */ function() { function ResizeObserverEntry2(target) { var boxes = calculateBoxSizes(target); this.target = target; this.contentRect = boxes.contentRect; this.borderBoxSize = freeze([boxes.borderBoxSize]); this.contentBoxSize = freeze([boxes.contentBoxSize]); this.devicePixelContentBoxSize = freeze([boxes.devicePixelContentBoxSize]); } return ResizeObserverEntry2; }(); var calculateDepthForNode = function(node) { if (isHidden(node)) { return Infinity; } var depth = 0; var parent = node.parentNode; while (parent) { depth += 1; parent = parent.parentNode; } return depth; }; var broadcastActiveObservations = function() { var shallowestDepth = Infinity; var callbacks2 = []; resizeObservers.forEach(function processObserver(ro) { if (ro.activeTargets.length === 0) { return; } var entries = []; ro.activeTargets.forEach(function processTarget(ot) { var entry = new ResizeObserverEntry(ot.target); var targetDepth = calculateDepthForNode(ot.target); entries.push(entry); ot.lastReportedSize = calculateBoxSize(ot.target, ot.observedBox); if (targetDepth < shallowestDepth) { shallowestDepth = targetDepth; } }); callbacks2.push(function resizeObserverCallback() { ro.callback.call(ro.observer, entries, ro.observer); }); ro.activeTargets.splice(0, ro.activeTargets.length); }); for (var _i = 0, callbacks_1 = callbacks2; _i < callbacks_1.length; _i++) { var callback = callbacks_1[_i]; callback(); } return shallowestDepth; }; var gatherActiveObservationsAtDepth = function(depth) { resizeObservers.forEach(function processObserver(ro) { ro.activeTargets.splice(0, ro.activeTargets.length); ro.skippedTargets.splice(0, ro.skippedTargets.length); ro.observationTargets.forEach(function processTarget(ot) { if (ot.isActive()) { if (calculateDepthForNode(ot.target) > depth) { ro.activeTargets.push(ot); } else { ro.skippedTargets.push(ot); } } }); }); }; var process$1 = function() { var depth = 0; gatherActiveObservationsAtDepth(depth); while (hasActiveObservations()) { depth = broadcastActiveObservations(); gatherActiveObservationsAtDepth(depth); } if (hasSkippedObservations()) { deliverResizeLoopError(); } return depth > 0; }; var trigger; var callbacks = []; var notify = function() { return callbacks.splice(0).forEach(function(cb) { return cb(); }); }; var queueMicroTask = function(callback) { if (!trigger) { var toggle_1 = 0; var el_1 = document.createTextNode(""); var config = { characterData: true }; new MutationObserver(function() { return notify(); }).observe(el_1, config); trigger = function() { el_1.textContent = "".concat(toggle_1 ? toggle_1-- : toggle_1++); }; } callbacks.push(callback); trigger(); }; var queueResizeObserver = function(cb) { queueMicroTask(function ResizeObserver2() { requestAnimationFrame(cb); }); }; var watching = 0; var isWatching = function() { return !!watching; }; var CATCH_PERIOD = 250; var observerConfig = { attributes: true, characterData: true, childList: true, subtree: true }; var events = [ "resize", "load", "transitionend", "animationend", "animationstart", "animationiteration", "keyup", "keydown", "mouseup", "mousedown", "mouseover", "mouseout", "blur", "focus" ]; var time$1 = function(timeout) { if (timeout === void 0) { timeout = 0; } return Date.now() + timeout; }; var scheduled = false; var Scheduler = function() { function Scheduler2() { var _this = this; this.stopped = true; this.listener = function() { return _this.schedule(); }; } Scheduler2.prototype.run = function(timeout) { var _this = this; if (timeout === void 0) { timeout = CATCH_PERIOD; } if (scheduled) { return; } scheduled = true; var until = time$1(timeout); queueResizeObserver(function() { var elementsHaveResized = false; try { elementsHaveResized = process$1(); } finally { scheduled = false; timeout = until - time$1(); if (!isWatching()) { return; } if (elementsHaveResized) { _this.run(1e3); } else if (timeout > 0) { _this.run(timeout); } else { _this.start(); } } }); }; Scheduler2.prototype.schedule = function() { this.stop(); this.run(); }; Scheduler2.prototype.observe = function() { var _this = this; var cb = function() { return _this.observer && _this.observer.observe(document.body, observerConfig); }; document.body ? cb() : global$1.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", cb); }; Scheduler2.prototype.start = function() { var _this = this; if (this.stopped) { this.stopped = false; this.observer = new MutationObserver(this.listener); this.observe(); events.forEach(function(name) { return global$1.addEventListener(name, _this.listener, true); }); } }; Scheduler2.prototype.stop = function() { var _this = this; if (!this.stopped) { this.observer && this.observer.disconnect(); events.forEach(function(name) { return global$1.removeEventListener(name, _this.listener, true); }); this.stopped = true; } }; return Scheduler2; }(); var scheduler = new Scheduler(); var updateCount = function(n) { !watching && n > 0 && scheduler.start(); watching += n; !watching && scheduler.stop(); }; var skipNotifyOnElement = function(target) { return !isSVG(target) && !isReplacedElement(target) && getComputedStyle(target).display === "inline"; }; var ResizeObservation = function() { function ResizeObservation2(target, observedBox) { this.target = target; this.observedBox = observedBox || ResizeObserverBoxOptions.CONTENT_BOX; this.lastReportedSize = { inlineSize: 0, blockSize: 0 }; } ResizeObservation2.prototype.isActive = function() { var size2 = calculateBoxSize(this.target, this.observedBox, true); if (skipNotifyOnElement(this.target)) { this.lastReportedSize = size2; } if (this.lastReportedSize.inlineSize !== size2.inlineSize || this.lastReportedSize.blockSize !== size2.blockSize) { return true; } return false; }; return ResizeObservation2; }(); var ResizeObserverDetail = /* @__PURE__ */ function() { function ResizeObserverDetail2(resizeObserver, callback) { this.activeTargets = []; this.skippedTargets = []; this.observationTargets = []; this.observer = resizeObserver; this.callback = callback; } return ResizeObserverDetail2; }(); var observerMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); var getObservationIndex = function(observationTargets, target) { for (var i = 0; i < observationTargets.length; i += 1) { if (observationTargets[i].target === target) { return i; } } return -1; }; var ResizeObserverController = function() { function ResizeObserverController2() { } ResizeObserverController2.connect = function(resizeObserver, callback) { var detail = new ResizeObserverDetail(resizeObserver, callback); observerMap.set(resizeObserver, detail); }; ResizeObserverController2.observe = function(resizeObserver, target, options) { var detail = observerMap.get(resizeObserver); var firstObservation = detail.observationTargets.length === 0; if (getObservationIndex(detail.observationTargets, target) < 0) { firstObservation && resizeObservers.push(detail); detail.observationTargets.push(new ResizeObservation(target, options && options.box)); updateCount(1); scheduler.schedule(); } }; ResizeObserverController2.unobserve = function(resizeObserver, target) { var detail = observerMap.get(resizeObserver); var index = getObservationIndex(detail.observationTargets, target); var lastObservation = detail.observationTargets.length === 1; if (index >= 0) { lastObservation && resizeObservers.splice(resizeObservers.indexOf(detail), 1); detail.observationTargets.splice(index, 1); updateCount(-1); } }; ResizeObserverController2.disconnect = function(resizeObserver) { var _this = this; var detail = observerMap.get(resizeObserver); detail.observationTargets.slice().forEach(function(ot) { return _this.unobserve(resizeObserver, ot.target); }); detail.activeTargets.splice(0, detail.activeTargets.length); }; return ResizeObserverController2; }(); var ResizeObserver = function() { function ResizeObserver2(callback) { if (arguments.length === 0) { throw new TypeError("Failed to construct 'ResizeObserver': 1 argument required, but only 0 present."); } if (typeof callback !== "function") { throw new TypeError("Failed to construct 'ResizeObserver': The callback provided as parameter 1 is not a function."); } ResizeObserverController.connect(this, callback); } ResizeObserver2.prototype.observe = function(target, options) { if (arguments.length === 0) { throw new TypeError("Failed to execute 'observe' on 'ResizeObserver': 1 argument required, but only 0 present."); } if (!isElement(target)) { throw new TypeError("Failed to execute 'observe' on 'ResizeObserver': parameter 1 is not of type 'Element"); } ResizeObserverController.observe(this, target, options); }; ResizeObserver2.prototype.unobserve = function(target) { if (arguments.length === 0) { throw new TypeError("Failed to execute 'unobserve' on 'ResizeObserver': 1 argument required, but only 0 present."); } if (!isElement(target)) { throw new TypeError("Failed to execute 'unobserve' on 'ResizeObserver': parameter 1 is not of type 'Element"); } ResizeObserverController.unobserve(this, target); }; ResizeObserver2.prototype.disconnect = function() { ResizeObserverController.disconnect(this); }; ResizeObserver2.toString = function() { return "function ResizeObserver () { [polyfill code] }"; }; return ResizeObserver2; }(); class ResizeObserverDelegate { constructor() { this.handleResize = this.handleResize.bind(this); this.observer = new (typeof window !== "undefined" && window.ResizeObserver || ResizeObserver)(this.handleResize); this.elHandlersMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); } handleResize(entries) { for (const entry of entries) { const handler = this.elHandlersMap.get(entry.target); if (handler !== void 0) { handler(entry); } } } registerHandler(el, handler) { this.elHandlersMap.set(el, handler); this.observer.observe(el); } unregisterHandler(el) { if (!this.elHandlersMap.has(el)) { return; } this.elHandlersMap.delete(el); this.observer.unobserve(el); } } const resizeObserverManager = new ResizeObserverDelegate(); const VResizeObserver = vue.defineComponent({ name: "ResizeObserver", props: { onResize: Function }, setup(props) { let registered = false; const proxy = vue.getCurrentInstance().proxy; function handleResize(entry) { const { onResize } = props; if (onResize !== void 0) onResize(entry); } vue.onMounted(() => { const el = proxy.$el; if (el === void 0) { warn("resize-observer", "$el does not exist."); return; } if (el.nextElementSibling !== el.nextSibling) { if (el.nodeType === 3 && el.nodeValue !== "") { warn("resize-observer", "$el can not be observed (it may be a text node)."); return; } } if (el.nextElementSibling !== null) { resizeObserverManager.registerHandler(el.nextElementSibling, handleResize); registered = true; } }); vue.onBeforeUnmount(() => { if (registered) { resizeObserverManager.unregisterHandler(proxy.$el.nextElementSibling); } }); }, render() { return vue.renderSlot(this.$slots, "default"); } }); let maybeTouch; function ensureMaybeTouch() { if (typeof document === "undefined") return false; if (maybeTouch === void 0) { if ("matchMedia" in window) { maybeTouch = window.matchMedia("(pointer:coarse)").matches; } else { maybeTouch = false; } } return maybeTouch; } let wheelScale; function ensureWheelScale() { if (typeof document === "undefined") return 1; if (wheelScale === void 0) { wheelScale = "chrome" in window ? window.devicePixelRatio : 1; } return wheelScale; } const styles$1 = c(".v-vl", { maxHeight: "inherit", height: "100%", overflow: "auto", minWidth: "1px" // a zero width container won't be scrollable }, [ c("&:not(.v-vl--show-scrollbar)", { scrollbarWidth: "none" }, [ c("&::-webkit-scrollbar, &::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece, &::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb", { width: 0, height: 0, display: "none" }) ]) ]); const VVirtualList = vue.defineComponent({ name: "VirtualList", inheritAttrs: false, props: { showScrollbar: { type: Boolean, default: true }, items: { type: Array, default: () => [] }, // it is suppose to be the min height itemSize: { type: Number, required: true }, itemResizable: Boolean, itemsStyle: [String, Object], visibleItemsTag: { type: [String, Object], default: "div" }, visibleItemsProps: Object, ignoreItemResize: Boolean, onScroll: Function, onWheel: Function, onResize: Function, defaultScrollKey: [Number, String], defaultScrollIndex: Number, keyField: { type: String, default: "key" }, // Whether it is a good API? // ResizeObserver + footer & header is not enough. // Too complex for simple case paddingTop: { type: [Number, String], default: 0 }, paddingBottom: { type: [Number, String], default: 0 } }, setup(props) { const ssrAdapter2 = useSsrAdapter(); styles$1.mount({ id: "vueuc/virtual-list", head: true, anchorMetaName: cssrAnchorMetaName$1, ssr: ssrAdapter2 }); vue.onMounted(() => { const { defaultScrollIndex, defaultScrollKey } = props; if (defaultScrollIndex !== void 0 && defaultScrollIndex !== null) { scrollTo({ index: defaultScrollIndex }); } else if (defaultScrollKey !== void 0 && defaultScrollKey !== null) { scrollTo({ key: defaultScrollKey }); } }); let isDeactivated = false; let activateStateInitialized = false; vue.onActivated(() => { isDeactivated = false; if (!activateStateInitialized) { activateStateInitialized = true; return; } scrollTo({ top: scrollTopRef.value, left: scrollLeft }); }); vue.onDeactivated(() => { isDeactivated = true; if (!activateStateInitialized) { activateStateInitialized = true; } }); const keyIndexMapRef = vue.computed(() => { const map2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const { keyField } = props; props.items.forEach((item, index) => { map2.set(item[keyField], index); }); return map2; }); const listElRef = vue.ref(null); const listHeightRef = vue.ref(void 0); const keyToHeightOffset = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const finweckTreeRef = vue.computed(() => { const { items, itemSize, keyField } = props; const ft = new FinweckTree(items.length, itemSize); items.forEach((item, index) => { const key = item[keyField]; const heightOffset = keyToHeightOffset.get(key); if (heightOffset !== void 0) { ft.add(index, heightOffset); } }); return ft; }); const finweckTreeUpdateTrigger = vue.ref(0); let scrollLeft = 0; const scrollTopRef = vue.ref(0); const startIndexRef = useMemo(() => { return Math.max(finweckTreeRef.value.getBound(scrollTopRef.value - depx(props.paddingTop)) - 1, 0); }); const viewportItemsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value: listHeight } = listHeightRef; if (listHeight === void 0) return []; const { items, itemSize } = props; const startIndex = startIndexRef.value; const endIndex = Math.min(startIndex + Math.ceil(listHeight / itemSize + 1), items.length - 1); const viewportItems = []; for (let i = startIndex; i <= endIndex; ++i) { viewportItems.push(items[i]); } return viewportItems; }); const scrollTo = (options, y) => { if (typeof options === "number") { scrollToPosition(options, y, "auto"); return; } const { left, top, index, key, position, behavior, debounce: debounce2 = true } = options; if (left !== void 0 || top !== void 0) { scrollToPosition(left, top, behavior); } else if (index !== void 0) { scrollToIndex(index, behavior, debounce2); } else if (key !== void 0) { const toIndex = keyIndexMapRef.value.get(key); if (toIndex !== void 0) scrollToIndex(toIndex, behavior, debounce2); } else if (position === "bottom") { scrollToPosition(0, Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, behavior); } else if (position === "top") { scrollToPosition(0, 0, behavior); } }; let anchorIndex; let anchorTimerId = null; function scrollToIndex(index, behavior, debounce2) { const { value: ft } = finweckTreeRef; const targetTop = ft.sum(index) + depx(props.paddingTop); if (!debounce2) { listElRef.value.scrollTo({ left: 0, top: targetTop, behavior }); } else { anchorIndex = index; if (anchorTimerId !== null) { window.clearTimeout(anchorTimerId); } anchorTimerId = window.setTimeout(() => { anchorIndex = void 0; anchorTimerId = null; }, 16); const { scrollTop, offsetHeight } = listElRef.value; if (targetTop > scrollTop) { const itemSize = ft.get(index); if (targetTop + itemSize <= scrollTop + offsetHeight) ; else { listElRef.value.scrollTo({ left: 0, top: targetTop + itemSize - offsetHeight, behavior }); } } else { listElRef.value.scrollTo({ left: 0, top: targetTop, behavior }); } } } function scrollToPosition(left, top, behavior) { listElRef.value.scrollTo({ left, top, behavior }); } function handleItemResize(key, entry) { var _a, _b, _c; if (isDeactivated) return; if (props.ignoreItemResize) return; if (isHideByVShow(entry.target)) return; const { value: ft } = finweckTreeRef; const index = keyIndexMapRef.value.get(key); const previousHeight = ft.get(index); const height = (_c = (_b = (_a = entry.borderBoxSize) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[0]) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.blockSize) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : entry.contentRect.height; if (height === previousHeight) return; const offset = height - props.itemSize; if (offset === 0) { keyToHeightOffset.delete(key); } else { keyToHeightOffset.set(key, height - props.itemSize); } const delta = height - previousHeight; if (delta === 0) return; ft.add(index, delta); const listEl = listElRef.value; if (listEl != null) { if (anchorIndex === void 0) { const previousHeightSum = ft.sum(index); if (listEl.scrollTop > previousHeightSum) { listEl.scrollBy(0, delta); } } else { if (index < anchorIndex) { listEl.scrollBy(0, delta); } else if (index === anchorIndex) { const previousHeightSum = ft.sum(index); if (height + previousHeightSum > // Note, listEl shouldn't have border, nor offsetHeight won't be // correct listEl.scrollTop + listEl.offsetHeight) { listEl.scrollBy(0, delta); } } } syncViewport(); } finweckTreeUpdateTrigger.value++; } const mayUseWheel = !ensureMaybeTouch(); let wheelCatched = false; function handleListScroll(e) { var _a; (_a = props.onScroll) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, e); if (!mayUseWheel || !wheelCatched) { syncViewport(); } } function handleListWheel(e) { var _a; (_a = props.onWheel) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, e); if (mayUseWheel) { const listEl = listElRef.value; if (listEl != null) { if (e.deltaX === 0) { if (listEl.scrollTop === 0 && e.deltaY <= 0) { return; } if (listEl.scrollTop + listEl.offsetHeight >= listEl.scrollHeight && e.deltaY >= 0) { return; } } e.preventDefault(); listEl.scrollTop += e.deltaY / ensureWheelScale(); listEl.scrollLeft += e.deltaX / ensureWheelScale(); syncViewport(); wheelCatched = true; beforeNextFrameOnce(() => { wheelCatched = false; }); } } } function handleListResize(entry) { if (isDeactivated) return; if (isHideByVShow(entry.target)) return; if (entry.contentRect.height === listHeightRef.value) return; listHeightRef.value = entry.contentRect.height; const { onResize } = props; if (onResize !== void 0) onResize(entry); } function syncViewport() { const { value: listEl } = listElRef; if (listEl == null) return; scrollTopRef.value = listEl.scrollTop; scrollLeft = listEl.scrollLeft; } function isHideByVShow(el) { let cursor = el; while (cursor !== null) { if (cursor.style.display === "none") return true; cursor = cursor.parentElement; } return false; } return { listHeight: listHeightRef, listStyle: { overflow: "auto" }, keyToIndex: keyIndexMapRef, itemsStyle: vue.computed(() => { const { itemResizable } = props; const height = pxfy(finweckTreeRef.value.sum()); finweckTreeUpdateTrigger.value; return [ props.itemsStyle, { boxSizing: "content-box", height: itemResizable ? "" : height, minHeight: itemResizable ? height : "", paddingTop: pxfy(props.paddingTop), paddingBottom: pxfy(props.paddingBottom) } ]; }), visibleItemsStyle: vue.computed(() => { finweckTreeUpdateTrigger.value; return { transform: `translateY(${pxfy(finweckTreeRef.value.sum(startIndexRef.value))})` }; }), viewportItems: viewportItemsRef, listElRef, itemsElRef: vue.ref(null), scrollTo, handleListResize, handleListScroll, handleListWheel, handleItemResize }; }, render() { const { itemResizable, keyField, keyToIndex, visibleItemsTag } = this; return vue.h(VResizeObserver, { onResize: this.handleListResize }, { default: () => { var _a, _b; return vue.h("div", vue.mergeProps(this.$attrs, { class: ["v-vl", this.showScrollbar && "v-vl--show-scrollbar"], onScroll: this.handleListScroll, onWheel: this.handleListWheel, ref: "listElRef" }), [ this.items.length !== 0 ? vue.h("div", { ref: "itemsElRef", class: "v-vl-items", style: this.itemsStyle }, [ vue.h(visibleItemsTag, Object.assign({ class: "v-vl-visible-items", style: this.visibleItemsStyle }, this.visibleItemsProps), { default: () => this.viewportItems.map((item) => { const key = item[keyField]; const index = keyToIndex.get(key); const itemVNode = this.$slots.default({ item, index })[0]; if (itemResizable) { return vue.h(VResizeObserver, { key, onResize: (entry) => this.handleItemResize(key, entry) }, { default: () => itemVNode }); } itemVNode.key = key; return itemVNode; }) }) ]) : (_b = (_a = this.$slots).empty) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a) ]); } }); } }); const styles = c(".v-x-scroll", { overflow: "auto", scrollbarWidth: "none" }, [ c("&::-webkit-scrollbar", { width: 0, height: 0 }) ]); const VXScroll = vue.defineComponent({ name: "XScroll", props: { disabled: Boolean, onScroll: Function }, setup() { const selfRef = vue.ref(null); function handleWheel(e) { const preventYWheel = e.currentTarget.offsetWidth < e.currentTarget.scrollWidth; if (!preventYWheel || e.deltaY === 0) return; e.currentTarget.scrollLeft += e.deltaY + e.deltaX; e.preventDefault(); } const ssrAdapter2 = useSsrAdapter(); styles.mount({ id: "vueuc/x-scroll", head: true, anchorMetaName: cssrAnchorMetaName$1, ssr: ssrAdapter2 }); const exposedMethods = { scrollTo(...args) { var _a; (_a = selfRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.scrollTo(...args); } }; return Object.assign({ selfRef, handleWheel }, exposedMethods); }, render() { return vue.h("div", { ref: "selfRef", onScroll: this.onScroll, onWheel: this.disabled ? void 0 : this.handleWheel, class: "v-x-scroll" }, this.$slots); } }); const hiddenAttr = "v-hidden"; const style$1E = c("[v-hidden]", { display: "none!important" }); const VOverflow = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Overflow", props: { getCounter: Function, getTail: Function, updateCounter: Function, onUpdateCount: Function, onUpdateOverflow: Function }, setup(props, { slots }) { const selfRef = vue.ref(null); const counterRef = vue.ref(null); function deriveCounter(options) { const { value: self2 } = selfRef; const { getCounter, getTail } = props; let counter; if (getCounter !== void 0) counter = getCounter(); else { counter = counterRef.value; } if (!self2 || !counter) return; if (counter.hasAttribute(hiddenAttr)) { counter.removeAttribute(hiddenAttr); } const { children } = self2; if (options.showAllItemsBeforeCalculate) { for (const child of children) { if (child.hasAttribute(hiddenAttr)) { child.removeAttribute(hiddenAttr); } } } const containerWidth = self2.offsetWidth; const childWidths = []; const tail = slots.tail ? getTail === null || getTail === void 0 ? void 0 : getTail() : null; let childWidthSum = tail ? tail.offsetWidth : 0; let overflow = false; const len2 = self2.children.length - (slots.tail ? 1 : 0); for (let i = 0; i < len2 - 1; ++i) { if (i < 0) continue; const child = children[i]; if (overflow) { if (!child.hasAttribute(hiddenAttr)) { child.setAttribute(hiddenAttr, ""); } continue; } else if (child.hasAttribute(hiddenAttr)) { child.removeAttribute(hiddenAttr); } const childWidth = child.offsetWidth; childWidthSum += childWidth; childWidths[i] = childWidth; if (childWidthSum > containerWidth) { const { updateCounter } = props; for (let j = i; j >= 0; --j) { const restCount = len2 - 1 - j; if (updateCounter !== void 0) { updateCounter(restCount); } else { counter.textContent = `${restCount}`; } const counterWidth = counter.offsetWidth; childWidthSum -= childWidths[j]; if (childWidthSum + counterWidth <= containerWidth || j === 0) { overflow = true; i = j - 1; if (tail) { if (i === -1) { tail.style.maxWidth = `${containerWidth - counterWidth}px`; tail.style.boxSizing = "border-box"; } else { tail.style.maxWidth = ""; } } const { onUpdateCount } = props; if (onUpdateCount) onUpdateCount(restCount); break; } } } } const { onUpdateOverflow } = props; if (!overflow) { if (onUpdateOverflow !== void 0) { onUpdateOverflow(false); } counter.setAttribute(hiddenAttr, ""); } else { if (onUpdateOverflow !== void 0) { onUpdateOverflow(true); } } } const ssrAdapter2 = useSsrAdapter(); style$1E.mount({ id: "vueuc/overflow", head: true, anchorMetaName: cssrAnchorMetaName$1, ssr: ssrAdapter2 }); vue.onMounted(() => deriveCounter({ showAllItemsBeforeCalculate: false })); return { selfRef, counterRef, sync: deriveCounter }; }, render() { const { $slots } = this; vue.nextTick(() => this.sync({ showAllItemsBeforeCalculate: false })); return vue.h("div", { class: "v-overflow", ref: "selfRef" }, [ vue.renderSlot($slots, "default"), // $slots.counter should only has 1 element $slots.counter ? $slots.counter() : vue.h("span", { style: { display: "inline-block" }, ref: "counterRef" }), // $slots.tail should only has 1 element $slots.tail ? $slots.tail() : null ]); } }); function isHTMLElement(node) { return node instanceof HTMLElement; } function focusFirstDescendant(node) { for (let i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) { const child = node.childNodes[i]; if (isHTMLElement(child)) { if (attemptFocus(child) || focusFirstDescendant(child)) { return true; } } } return false; } function focusLastDescendant(element) { for (let i = element.childNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const child = element.childNodes[i]; if (isHTMLElement(child)) { if (attemptFocus(child) || focusLastDescendant(child)) { return true; } } } return false; } function attemptFocus(element) { if (!isFocusable(element)) { return false; } try { element.focus({ preventScroll: true }); } catch (e) { } return document.activeElement === element; } function isFocusable(element) { if (element.tabIndex > 0 || element.tabIndex === 0 && element.getAttribute("tabIndex") !== null) { return true; } if (element.getAttribute("disabled")) { return false; } switch (element.nodeName) { case "A": return !!element.href && element.rel !== "ignore"; case "INPUT": return element.type !== "hidden" && element.type !== "file"; case "BUTTON": case "SELECT": case "TEXTAREA": return true; default: return false; } } let stack = []; const FocusTrap = vue.defineComponent({ name: "FocusTrap", props: { disabled: Boolean, active: Boolean, autoFocus: { type: Boolean, default: true }, onEsc: Function, initialFocusTo: String, finalFocusTo: String, returnFocusOnDeactivated: { type: Boolean, default: true } }, setup(props) { const id = createId(); const focusableStartRef = vue.ref(null); const focusableEndRef = vue.ref(null); let activated = false; let ignoreInternalFocusChange = false; const lastFocusedElement = typeof document === "undefined" ? null : document.activeElement; function isCurrentActive() { const currentActiveId = stack[stack.length - 1]; return currentActiveId === id; } function handleDocumentKeydown(e) { var _a; if (e.code === "Escape") { if (isCurrentActive()) { (_a = props.onEsc) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, e); } } } vue.onMounted(() => { vue.watch(() => props.active, (value) => { if (value) { activate(); on("keydown", document, handleDocumentKeydown); } else { off("keydown", document, handleDocumentKeydown); if (activated) { deactivate(); } } }, { immediate: true }); }); vue.onBeforeUnmount(() => { off("keydown", document, handleDocumentKeydown); if (activated) deactivate(); }); function handleDocumentFocus(e) { if (ignoreInternalFocusChange) return; if (isCurrentActive()) { const mainEl = getMainEl(); if (mainEl === null) return; if (mainEl.contains(getPreciseEventTarget(e))) return; resetFocusTo("first"); } } function getMainEl() { const focusableStartEl = focusableStartRef.value; if (focusableStartEl === null) return null; let mainEl = focusableStartEl; while (true) { mainEl = mainEl.nextSibling; if (mainEl === null) break; if (mainEl instanceof Element && mainEl.tagName === "DIV") { break; } } return mainEl; } function activate() { var _a; if (props.disabled) return; stack.push(id); if (props.autoFocus) { const { initialFocusTo } = props; if (initialFocusTo === void 0) { resetFocusTo("first"); } else { (_a = resolveTo(initialFocusTo)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.focus({ preventScroll: true }); } } activated = true; document.addEventListener("focus", handleDocumentFocus, true); } function deactivate() { var _a; if (props.disabled) return; document.removeEventListener("focus", handleDocumentFocus, true); stack = stack.filter((idInStack) => idInStack !== id); if (isCurrentActive()) return; const { finalFocusTo } = props; if (finalFocusTo !== void 0) { (_a = resolveTo(finalFocusTo)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.focus({ preventScroll: true }); } else if (props.returnFocusOnDeactivated) { if (lastFocusedElement instanceof HTMLElement) { ignoreInternalFocusChange = true; lastFocusedElement.focus({ preventScroll: true }); ignoreInternalFocusChange = false; } } } function resetFocusTo(target) { if (!isCurrentActive()) return; if (props.active) { const focusableStartEl = focusableStartRef.value; const focusableEndEl = focusableEndRef.value; if (focusableStartEl !== null && focusableEndEl !== null) { const mainEl = getMainEl(); if (mainEl == null || mainEl === focusableEndEl) { ignoreInternalFocusChange = true; focusableStartEl.focus({ preventScroll: true }); ignoreInternalFocusChange = false; return; } ignoreInternalFocusChange = true; const focused = target === "first" ? focusFirstDescendant(mainEl) : focusLastDescendant(mainEl); ignoreInternalFocusChange = false; if (!focused) { ignoreInternalFocusChange = true; focusableStartEl.focus({ preventScroll: true }); ignoreInternalFocusChange = false; } } } } function handleStartFocus(e) { if (ignoreInternalFocusChange) return; const mainEl = getMainEl(); if (mainEl === null) return; if (e.relatedTarget !== null && mainEl.contains(e.relatedTarget)) { resetFocusTo("last"); } else { resetFocusTo("first"); } } function handleEndFocus(e) { if (ignoreInternalFocusChange) return; if (e.relatedTarget !== null && e.relatedTarget === focusableStartRef.value) { resetFocusTo("last"); } else { resetFocusTo("first"); } } return { focusableStartRef, focusableEndRef, focusableStyle: "position: absolute; height: 0; width: 0;", handleStartFocus, handleEndFocus }; }, render() { const { default: defaultSlot } = this.$slots; if (defaultSlot === void 0) return null; if (this.disabled) return defaultSlot(); const { active, focusableStyle } = this; return vue.h(vue.Fragment, null, [ vue.h("div", { "aria-hidden": "true", tabindex: active ? "0" : "-1", ref: "focusableStartRef", style: focusableStyle, onFocus: this.handleStartFocus }), defaultSlot(), vue.h("div", { "aria-hidden": "true", style: focusableStyle, ref: "focusableEndRef", tabindex: active ? "0" : "-1", onFocus: this.handleEndFocus }) ]); } }); function useOnResize(elRef, onResize) { if (onResize) { vue.onMounted(() => { const { value: el } = elRef; if (el) { resizeObserverManager.registerHandler(el, onResize); } }); vue.onBeforeUnmount(() => { const { value: el } = elRef; if (el) { resizeObserverManager.unregisterHandler(el); } }); } } let lockCount = 0; let originalMarginRight = ""; let originalOverflow = ""; let originalOverflowX = ""; let originalOverflowY = ""; const lockHtmlScrollRightCompensationRef = vue.ref("0px"); function useLockHtmlScroll(lockRef) { if (typeof document === "undefined") return; const el = document.documentElement; let watchStopHandle; let activated = false; const unlock = () => { el.style.marginRight = originalMarginRight; el.style.overflow = originalOverflow; el.style.overflowX = originalOverflowX; el.style.overflowY = originalOverflowY; lockHtmlScrollRightCompensationRef.value = "0px"; }; vue.onMounted(() => { watchStopHandle = vue.watch(lockRef, (value) => { if (value) { if (!lockCount) { const scrollbarWidth = window.innerWidth - el.offsetWidth; if (scrollbarWidth > 0) { originalMarginRight = el.style.marginRight; el.style.marginRight = `${scrollbarWidth}px`; lockHtmlScrollRightCompensationRef.value = `${scrollbarWidth}px`; } originalOverflow = el.style.overflow; originalOverflowX = el.style.overflowX; originalOverflowY = el.style.overflowY; el.style.overflow = "hidden"; el.style.overflowX = "hidden"; el.style.overflowY = "hidden"; } activated = true; lockCount++; } else { lockCount--; if (!lockCount) { unlock(); } activated = false; } }, { immediate: true }); }); vue.onBeforeUnmount(() => { watchStopHandle === null || watchStopHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : watchStopHandle(); if (activated) { lockCount--; if (!lockCount) { unlock(); } activated = false; } }); } const isComposingRef = vue.ref(false); const compositionStartHandler = () => { isComposingRef.value = true; }; const compositionEndHandler = () => { isComposingRef.value = false; }; let mountedCount = 0; const useIsComposing = () => { if (isBrowser$2) { vue.onBeforeMount(() => { if (!mountedCount) { window.addEventListener("compositionstart", compositionStartHandler); window.addEventListener("compositionend", compositionEndHandler); } mountedCount++; }); vue.onBeforeUnmount(() => { if (mountedCount <= 1) { window.removeEventListener("compositionstart", compositionStartHandler); window.removeEventListener("compositionend", compositionEndHandler); mountedCount = 0; } else { mountedCount--; } }); } return isComposingRef; }; function useReactivated(callback) { const isDeactivatedRef = { isDeactivated: false }; let activateStateInitialized = false; vue.onActivated(() => { isDeactivatedRef.isDeactivated = false; if (!activateStateInitialized) { activateStateInitialized = true; return; } callback(); }); vue.onDeactivated(() => { isDeactivatedRef.isDeactivated = true; if (!activateStateInitialized) { activateStateInitialized = true; } }); return isDeactivatedRef; } function isDocument(node) { return node.nodeName === "#document"; } const download = (url, name) => { if (!url) return; const a2 = document.createElement("a"); a2.href = url; if (name !== void 0) { a2.download = name; } document.body.appendChild(a2); a2.click(); document.body.removeChild(a2); }; const formItemInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-form-item"); function useFormItem(props, { defaultSize = "medium", mergedSize, mergedDisabled } = {}) { const NFormItem2 = vue.inject(formItemInjectionKey, null); vue.provide(formItemInjectionKey, null); const mergedSizeRef = vue.computed(mergedSize ? () => mergedSize(NFormItem2) : () => { const { size: size2 } = props; if (size2) return size2; if (NFormItem2) { const { mergedSize: mergedSize2 } = NFormItem2; if (mergedSize2.value !== void 0) { return mergedSize2.value; } } return defaultSize; }); const mergedDisabledRef = vue.computed(mergedDisabled ? () => mergedDisabled(NFormItem2) : () => { const { disabled } = props; if (disabled !== void 0) { return disabled; } if (NFormItem2) { return NFormItem2.disabled.value; } return false; }); const mergedStatusRef = vue.computed(() => { const { status } = props; if (status) return status; return NFormItem2 === null || NFormItem2 === void 0 ? void 0 : NFormItem2.mergedValidationStatus.value; }); vue.onBeforeUnmount(() => { if (NFormItem2) { NFormItem2.restoreValidation(); } }); return { mergedSizeRef, mergedDisabledRef, mergedStatusRef, nTriggerFormBlur() { if (NFormItem2) { NFormItem2.handleContentBlur(); } }, nTriggerFormChange() { if (NFormItem2) { NFormItem2.handleContentChange(); } }, nTriggerFormFocus() { if (NFormItem2) { NFormItem2.handleContentFocus(); } }, nTriggerFormInput() { if (NFormItem2) { NFormItem2.handleContentInput(); } } }; } var freeGlobal = typeof global == "object" && global && global.Object === Object && global; var freeSelf = typeof self == "object" && self && self.Object === Object && self; var root = freeGlobal || freeSelf || Function("return this")(); var Symbol$1 = root.Symbol; var objectProto$e = Object.prototype; var hasOwnProperty$b = objectProto$e.hasOwnProperty; var nativeObjectToString$1 = objectProto$e.toString; var symToStringTag$1 = Symbol$1 ? Symbol$1.toStringTag : void 0; function getRawTag(value) { var isOwn = hasOwnProperty$b.call(value, symToStringTag$1), tag = value[symToStringTag$1]; try { value[symToStringTag$1] = void 0; var unmasked = true; } catch (e) { } var result = nativeObjectToString$1.call(value); if (unmasked) { if (isOwn) { value[symToStringTag$1] = tag; } else { delete value[symToStringTag$1]; } } return result; } var objectProto$d = Object.prototype; var nativeObjectToString = objectProto$d.toString; function objectToString(value) { return nativeObjectToString.call(value); } var nullTag = "[object Null]", undefinedTag = "[object Undefined]"; var symToStringTag = Symbol$1 ? Symbol$1.toStringTag : void 0; function baseGetTag(value) { if (value == null) { return value === void 0 ? undefinedTag : nullTag; } return symToStringTag && symToStringTag in Object(value) ? getRawTag(value) : objectToString(value); } function isObjectLike(value) { return value != null && typeof value == "object"; } var symbolTag$1 = "[object Symbol]"; function isSymbol(value) { return typeof value == "symbol" || isObjectLike(value) && baseGetTag(value) == symbolTag$1; } function arrayMap(array, iteratee) { var index = -1, length = array == null ? 0 : array.length, result = Array(length); while (++index < length) { result[index] = iteratee(array[index], index, array); } return result; } var isArray = Array.isArray; var INFINITY$2 = 1 / 0; var symbolProto$1 = Symbol$1 ? Symbol$1.prototype : void 0, symbolToString = symbolProto$1 ? symbolProto$1.toString : void 0; function baseToString(value) { if (typeof value == "string") { return value; } if (isArray(value)) { return arrayMap(value, baseToString) + ""; } if (isSymbol(value)) { return symbolToString ? symbolToString.call(value) : ""; } var result = value + ""; return result == "0" && 1 / value == -INFINITY$2 ? "-0" : result; } var reWhitespace = /\s/; function trimmedEndIndex(string2) { var index = string2.length; while (index-- && reWhitespace.test(string2.charAt(index))) { } return index; } var reTrimStart = /^\s+/; function baseTrim(string2) { return string2 ? string2.slice(0, trimmedEndIndex(string2) + 1).replace(reTrimStart, "") : string2; } function isObject(value) { var type = typeof value; return value != null && (type == "object" || type == "function"); } var NAN = 0 / 0; var reIsBadHex = /^[-+]0x[0-9a-f]+$/i; var reIsBinary = /^0b[01]+$/i; var reIsOctal = /^0o[0-7]+$/i; var freeParseInt = parseInt; function toNumber(value) { if (typeof value == "number") { return value; } if (isSymbol(value)) { return NAN; } if (isObject(value)) { var other = typeof value.valueOf == "function" ? value.valueOf() : value; value = isObject(other) ? other + "" : other; } if (typeof value != "string") { return value === 0 ? value : +value; } value = baseTrim(value); var isBinary = reIsBinary.test(value); return isBinary || reIsOctal.test(value) ? freeParseInt(value.slice(2), isBinary ? 2 : 8) : reIsBadHex.test(value) ? NAN : +value; } var INFINITY$1 = 1 / 0, MAX_INTEGER = 17976931348623157e292; function toFinite(value) { if (!value) { return value === 0 ? value : 0; } value = toNumber(value); if (value === INFINITY$1 || value === -INFINITY$1) { var sign = value < 0 ? -1 : 1; return sign * MAX_INTEGER; } return value === value ? value : 0; } function toInteger$3(value) { var result = toFinite(value), remainder = result % 1; return result === result ? remainder ? result - remainder : result : 0; } function identity(value) { return value; } var asyncTag = "[object AsyncFunction]", funcTag$1 = "[object Function]", genTag = "[object GeneratorFunction]", proxyTag = "[object Proxy]"; function isFunction(value) { if (!isObject(value)) { return false; } var tag = baseGetTag(value); return tag == funcTag$1 || tag == genTag || tag == asyncTag || tag == proxyTag; } var coreJsData = root["__core-js_shared__"]; var maskSrcKey = function() { var uid = /[^.]+$/.exec(coreJsData && coreJsData.keys && coreJsData.keys.IE_PROTO || ""); return uid ? "Symbol(src)_1." + uid : ""; }(); function isMasked(func) { return !!maskSrcKey && maskSrcKey in func; } var funcProto$2 = Function.prototype; var funcToString$2 = funcProto$2.toString; function toSource(func) { if (func != null) { try { return funcToString$2.call(func); } catch (e) { } try { return func + ""; } catch (e) { } } return ""; } var reRegExpChar = /[\\^$.*+?()[\]{}|]/g; var reIsHostCtor = /^\[object .+?Constructor\]$/; var funcProto$1 = Function.prototype, objectProto$c = Object.prototype; var funcToString$1 = funcProto$1.toString; var hasOwnProperty$a = objectProto$c.hasOwnProperty; var reIsNative = RegExp( "^" + funcToString$1.call(hasOwnProperty$a).replace(reRegExpChar, "\\$&").replace(/hasOwnProperty|(function).*?(?=\\\()| for .+?(?=\\\])/g, "$1.*?") + "$" ); function baseIsNative(value) { if (!isObject(value) || isMasked(value)) { return false; } var pattern = isFunction(value) ? reIsNative : reIsHostCtor; return pattern.test(toSource(value)); } function getValue$1(object, key) { return object == null ? void 0 : object[key]; } function getNative(object, key) { var value = getValue$1(object, key); return baseIsNative(value) ? value : void 0; } var WeakMap$1 = getNative(root, "WeakMap"); var objectCreate = Object.create; var baseCreate = /* @__PURE__ */ function() { function object() { } return function(proto) { if (!isObject(proto)) { return {}; } if (objectCreate) { return objectCreate(proto); } object.prototype = proto; var result = new object(); object.prototype = void 0; return result; }; }(); function apply(func, thisArg, args) { switch (args.length) { case 0: return func.call(thisArg); case 1: return func.call(thisArg, args[0]); case 2: return func.call(thisArg, args[0], args[1]); case 3: return func.call(thisArg, args[0], args[1], args[2]); } return func.apply(thisArg, args); } function copyArray(source, array) { var index = -1, length = source.length; array || (array = Array(length)); while (++index < length) { array[index] = source[index]; } return array; } var HOT_COUNT = 800, HOT_SPAN = 16; var nativeNow = Date.now; function shortOut(func) { var count = 0, lastCalled = 0; return function() { var stamp = nativeNow(), remaining = HOT_SPAN - (stamp - lastCalled); lastCalled = stamp; if (remaining > 0) { if (++count >= HOT_COUNT) { return arguments[0]; } } else { count = 0; } return func.apply(void 0, arguments); }; } function constant(value) { return function() { return value; }; } var defineProperty = function() { try { var func = getNative(Object, "defineProperty"); func({}, "", {}); return func; } catch (e) { } }(); var baseSetToString = !defineProperty ? identity : function(func, string2) { return defineProperty(func, "toString", { "configurable": true, "enumerable": false, "value": constant(string2), "writable": true }); }; var setToString = shortOut(baseSetToString); var MAX_SAFE_INTEGER$1 = 9007199254740991; var reIsUint = /^(?:0|[1-9]\d*)$/; function isIndex(value, length) { var type = typeof value; length = length == null ? MAX_SAFE_INTEGER$1 : length; return !!length && (type == "number" || type != "symbol" && reIsUint.test(value)) && (value > -1 && value % 1 == 0 && value < length); } function baseAssignValue(object, key, value) { if (key == "__proto__" && defineProperty) { defineProperty(object, key, { "configurable": true, "enumerable": true, "value": value, "writable": true }); } else { object[key] = value; } } function eq(value, other) { return value === other || value !== value && other !== other; } var objectProto$b = Object.prototype; var hasOwnProperty$9 = objectProto$b.hasOwnProperty; function assignValue(object, key, value) { var objValue = object[key]; if (!(hasOwnProperty$9.call(object, key) && eq(objValue, value)) || value === void 0 && !(key in object)) { baseAssignValue(object, key, value); } } function copyObject(source, props, object, customizer) { var isNew = !object; object || (object = {}); var index = -1, length = props.length; while (++index < length) { var key = props[index]; var newValue = void 0; if (newValue === void 0) { newValue = source[key]; } if (isNew) { baseAssignValue(object, key, newValue); } else { assignValue(object, key, newValue); } } return object; } var nativeMax$1 = Math.max; function overRest(func, start, transform) { start = nativeMax$1(start === void 0 ? func.length - 1 : start, 0); return function() { var args = arguments, index = -1, length = nativeMax$1(args.length - start, 0), array = Array(length); while (++index < length) { array[index] = args[start + index]; } index = -1; var otherArgs = Array(start + 1); while (++index < start) { otherArgs[index] = args[index]; } otherArgs[start] = transform(array); return apply(func, this, otherArgs); }; } function baseRest(func, start) { return setToString(overRest(func, start, identity), func + ""); } var MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = 9007199254740991; function isLength(value) { return typeof value == "number" && value > -1 && value % 1 == 0 && value <= MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; } function isArrayLike(value) { return value != null && isLength(value.length) && !isFunction(value); } function isIterateeCall(value, index, object) { if (!isObject(object)) { return false; } var type = typeof index; if (type == "number" ? isArrayLike(object) && isIndex(index, object.length) : type == "string" && index in object) { return eq(object[index], value); } return false; } function createAssigner(assigner) { return baseRest(function(object, sources) { var index = -1, length = sources.length, customizer = length > 1 ? sources[length - 1] : void 0, guard = length > 2 ? sources[2] : void 0; customizer = assigner.length > 3 && typeof customizer == "function" ? (length--, customizer) : void 0; if (guard && isIterateeCall(sources[0], sources[1], guard)) { customizer = length < 3 ? void 0 : customizer; length = 1; } object = Object(object); while (++index < length) { var source = sources[index]; if (source) { assigner(object, source, index, customizer); } } return object; }); } var objectProto$a = Object.prototype; function isPrototype(value) { var Ctor = value && value.constructor, proto = typeof Ctor == "function" && Ctor.prototype || objectProto$a; return value === proto; } function baseTimes(n, iteratee) { var index = -1, result = Array(n); while (++index < n) { result[index] = iteratee(index); } return result; } var argsTag$2 = "[object Arguments]"; function baseIsArguments(value) { return isObjectLike(value) && baseGetTag(value) == argsTag$2; } var objectProto$9 = Object.prototype; var hasOwnProperty$8 = objectProto$9.hasOwnProperty; var propertyIsEnumerable$1 = objectProto$9.propertyIsEnumerable; var isArguments = baseIsArguments(/* @__PURE__ */ function() { return arguments; }()) ? baseIsArguments : function(value) { return isObjectLike(value) && hasOwnProperty$8.call(value, "callee") && !propertyIsEnumerable$1.call(value, "callee"); }; function stubFalse() { return false; } var freeExports$2 = typeof exports == "object" && exports && !exports.nodeType && exports; var freeModule$2 = freeExports$2 && typeof module == "object" && module && !module.nodeType && module; var moduleExports$2 = freeModule$2 && freeModule$2.exports === freeExports$2; var Buffer$1 = moduleExports$2 ? root.Buffer : void 0; var nativeIsBuffer = Buffer$1 ? Buffer$1.isBuffer : void 0; var isBuffer = nativeIsBuffer || stubFalse; var argsTag$1 = "[object Arguments]", arrayTag$1 = "[object Array]", boolTag$1 = "[object Boolean]", dateTag$1 = "[object Date]", errorTag$1 = "[object Error]", funcTag = "[object Function]", mapTag$2 = "[object Map]", numberTag$1 = "[object Number]", objectTag$3 = "[object Object]", regexpTag$1 = "[object RegExp]", setTag$2 = "[object Set]", stringTag$1 = "[object String]", weakMapTag$1 = "[object WeakMap]"; var arrayBufferTag$1 = "[object ArrayBuffer]", dataViewTag$2 = "[object DataView]", float32Tag = "[object Float32Array]", float64Tag = "[object Float64Array]", int8Tag = "[object Int8Array]", int16Tag = "[object Int16Array]", int32Tag = "[object Int32Array]", uint8Tag = "[object Uint8Array]", uint8ClampedTag = "[object Uint8ClampedArray]", uint16Tag = "[object Uint16Array]", uint32Tag = "[object Uint32Array]"; var typedArrayTags = {}; typedArrayTags[float32Tag] = typedArrayTags[float64Tag] = typedArrayTags[int8Tag] = typedArrayTags[int16Tag] = typedArrayTags[int32Tag] = typedArrayTags[uint8Tag] = typedArrayTags[uint8ClampedTag] = typedArrayTags[uint16Tag] = typedArrayTags[uint32Tag] = true; typedArrayTags[argsTag$1] = typedArrayTags[arrayTag$1] = typedArrayTags[arrayBufferTag$1] = typedArrayTags[boolTag$1] = typedArrayTags[dataViewTag$2] = typedArrayTags[dateTag$1] = typedArrayTags[errorTag$1] = typedArrayTags[funcTag] = typedArrayTags[mapTag$2] = typedArrayTags[numberTag$1] = typedArrayTags[objectTag$3] = typedArrayTags[regexpTag$1] = typedArrayTags[setTag$2] = typedArrayTags[stringTag$1] = typedArrayTags[weakMapTag$1] = false; function baseIsTypedArray(value) { return isObjectLike(value) && isLength(value.length) && !!typedArrayTags[baseGetTag(value)]; } function baseUnary(func) { return function(value) { return func(value); }; } var freeExports$1 = typeof exports == "object" && exports && !exports.nodeType && exports; var freeModule$1 = freeExports$1 && typeof module == "object" && module && !module.nodeType && module; var moduleExports$1 = freeModule$1 && freeModule$1.exports === freeExports$1; var freeProcess = moduleExports$1 && freeGlobal.process; var nodeUtil = function() { try { var types2 = freeModule$1 && freeModule$1.require && freeModule$1.require("util").types; if (types2) { return types2; } return freeProcess && freeProcess.binding && freeProcess.binding("util"); } catch (e) { } }(); var nodeIsTypedArray = nodeUtil && nodeUtil.isTypedArray; var isTypedArray = nodeIsTypedArray ? baseUnary(nodeIsTypedArray) : baseIsTypedArray; var objectProto$8 = Object.prototype; var hasOwnProperty$7 = objectProto$8.hasOwnProperty; function arrayLikeKeys(value, inherited) { var isArr = isArray(value), isArg = !isArr && isArguments(value), isBuff = !isArr && !isArg && isBuffer(value), isType = !isArr && !isArg && !isBuff && isTypedArray(value), skipIndexes = isArr || isArg || isBuff || isType, result = skipIndexes ? baseTimes(value.length, String) : [], length = result.length; for (var key in value) { if ((inherited || hasOwnProperty$7.call(value, key)) && !(skipIndexes && // Safari 9 has enumerable `arguments.length` in strict mode. (key == "length" || // Node.js 0.10 has enumerable non-index properties on buffers. isBuff && (key == "offset" || key == "parent") || // PhantomJS 2 has enumerable non-index properties on typed arrays. isType && (key == "buffer" || key == "byteLength" || key == "byteOffset") || // Skip index properties. isIndex(key, length)))) { result.push(key); } } return result; } function overArg(func, transform) { return function(arg) { return func(transform(arg)); }; } var nativeKeys = overArg(Object.keys, Object); var objectProto$7 = Object.prototype; var hasOwnProperty$6 = objectProto$7.hasOwnProperty; function baseKeys(object) { if (!isPrototype(object)) { return nativeKeys(object); } var result = []; for (var key in Object(object)) { if (hasOwnProperty$6.call(object, key) && key != "constructor") { result.push(key); } } return result; } function keys(object) { return isArrayLike(object) ? arrayLikeKeys(object) : baseKeys(object); } function nativeKeysIn(object) { var result = []; if (object != null) { for (var key in Object(object)) { result.push(key); } } return result; } var objectProto$6 = Object.prototype; var hasOwnProperty$5 = objectProto$6.hasOwnProperty; function baseKeysIn(object) { if (!isObject(object)) { return nativeKeysIn(object); } var isProto = isPrototype(object), result = []; for (var key in object) { if (!(key == "constructor" && (isProto || !hasOwnProperty$5.call(object, key)))) { result.push(key); } } return result; } function keysIn(object) { return isArrayLike(object) ? arrayLikeKeys(object, true) : baseKeysIn(object); } var reIsDeepProp = /\.|\[(?:[^[\]]*|(["'])(?:(?!\1)[^\\]|\\.)*?\1)\]/, reIsPlainProp = /^\w*$/; function isKey(value, object) { if (isArray(value)) { return false; } var type = typeof value; if (type == "number" || type == "symbol" || type == "boolean" || value == null || isSymbol(value)) { return true; } return reIsPlainProp.test(value) || !reIsDeepProp.test(value) || object != null && value in Object(object); } var nativeCreate = getNative(Object, "create"); function hashClear() { this.__data__ = nativeCreate ? nativeCreate(null) : {}; this.size = 0; } function hashDelete(key) { var result = this.has(key) && delete this.__data__[key]; this.size -= result ? 1 : 0; return result; } var HASH_UNDEFINED$2 = "__lodash_hash_undefined__"; var objectProto$5 = Object.prototype; var hasOwnProperty$4 = objectProto$5.hasOwnProperty; function hashGet(key) { var data = this.__data__; if (nativeCreate) { var result = data[key]; return result === HASH_UNDEFINED$2 ? void 0 : result; } return hasOwnProperty$4.call(data, key) ? data[key] : void 0; } var objectProto$4 = Object.prototype; var hasOwnProperty$3 = objectProto$4.hasOwnProperty; function hashHas(key) { var data = this.__data__; return nativeCreate ? data[key] !== void 0 : hasOwnProperty$3.call(data, key); } var HASH_UNDEFINED$1 = "__lodash_hash_undefined__"; function hashSet(key, value) { var data = this.__data__; this.size += this.has(key) ? 0 : 1; data[key] = nativeCreate && value === void 0 ? HASH_UNDEFINED$1 : value; return this; } function Hash(entries) { var index = -1, length = entries == null ? 0 : entries.length; this.clear(); while (++index < length) { var entry = entries[index]; this.set(entry[0], entry[1]); } } Hash.prototype.clear = hashClear; Hash.prototype["delete"] = hashDelete; Hash.prototype.get = hashGet; Hash.prototype.has = hashHas; Hash.prototype.set = hashSet; function listCacheClear() { this.__data__ = []; this.size = 0; } function assocIndexOf(array, key) { var length = array.length; while (length--) { if (eq(array[length][0], key)) { return length; } } return -1; } var arrayProto = Array.prototype; var splice = arrayProto.splice; function listCacheDelete(key) { var data = this.__data__, index = assocIndexOf(data, key); if (index < 0) { return false; } var lastIndex = data.length - 1; if (index == lastIndex) { data.pop(); } else { splice.call(data, index, 1); } --this.size; return true; } function listCacheGet(key) { var data = this.__data__, index = assocIndexOf(data, key); return index < 0 ? void 0 : data[index][1]; } function listCacheHas(key) { return assocIndexOf(this.__data__, key) > -1; } function listCacheSet(key, value) { var data = this.__data__, index = assocIndexOf(data, key); if (index < 0) { ++this.size; data.push([key, value]); } else { data[index][1] = value; } return this; } function ListCache(entries) { var index = -1, length = entries == null ? 0 : entries.length; this.clear(); while (++index < length) { var entry = entries[index]; this.set(entry[0], entry[1]); } } ListCache.prototype.clear = listCacheClear; ListCache.prototype["delete"] = listCacheDelete; ListCache.prototype.get = listCacheGet; ListCache.prototype.has = listCacheHas; ListCache.prototype.set = listCacheSet; var Map$1 = getNative(root, "Map"); function mapCacheClear() { this.size = 0; this.__data__ = { "hash": new Hash(), "map": new (Map$1 || ListCache)(), "string": new Hash() }; } function isKeyable(value) { var type = typeof value; return type == "string" || type == "number" || type == "symbol" || type == "boolean" ? value !== "__proto__" : value === null; } function getMapData(map2, key) { var data = map2.__data__; return isKeyable(key) ? data[typeof key == "string" ? "string" : "hash"] : data.map; } function mapCacheDelete(key) { var result = getMapData(this, key)["delete"](key); this.size -= result ? 1 : 0; return result; } function mapCacheGet(key) { return getMapData(this, key).get(key); } function mapCacheHas(key) { return getMapData(this, key).has(key); } function mapCacheSet(key, value) { var data = getMapData(this, key), size2 = data.size; data.set(key, value); this.size += data.size == size2 ? 0 : 1; return this; } function MapCache(entries) { var index = -1, length = entries == null ? 0 : entries.length; this.clear(); while (++index < length) { var entry = entries[index]; this.set(entry[0], entry[1]); } } MapCache.prototype.clear = mapCacheClear; MapCache.prototype["delete"] = mapCacheDelete; MapCache.prototype.get = mapCacheGet; MapCache.prototype.has = mapCacheHas; MapCache.prototype.set = mapCacheSet; var FUNC_ERROR_TEXT$2 = "Expected a function"; function memoize(func, resolver) { if (typeof func != "function" || resolver != null && typeof resolver != "function") { throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT$2); } var memoized = function() { var args = arguments, key = resolver ? resolver.apply(this, args) : args[0], cache2 = memoized.cache; if (cache2.has(key)) { return cache2.get(key); } var result = func.apply(this, args); memoized.cache = cache2.set(key, result) || cache2; return result; }; memoized.cache = new (memoize.Cache || MapCache)(); return memoized; } memoize.Cache = MapCache; var MAX_MEMOIZE_SIZE = 500; function memoizeCapped(func) { var result = memoize(func, function(key) { if (cache2.size === MAX_MEMOIZE_SIZE) { cache2.clear(); } return key; }); var cache2 = result.cache; return result; } var rePropName = /[^.[\]]+|\[(?:(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)|(["'])((?:(?!\2)[^\\]|\\.)*?)\2)\]|(?=(?:\.|\[\])(?:\.|\[\]|$))/g; var reEscapeChar = /\\(\\)?/g; var stringToPath = memoizeCapped(function(string2) { var result = []; if (string2.charCodeAt(0) === 46) { result.push(""); } string2.replace(rePropName, function(match2, number, quote, subString) { result.push(quote ? subString.replace(reEscapeChar, "$1") : number || match2); }); return result; }); function toString(value) { return value == null ? "" : baseToString(value); } function castPath(value, object) { if (isArray(value)) { return value; } return isKey(value, object) ? [value] : stringToPath(toString(value)); } var INFINITY = 1 / 0; function toKey(value) { if (typeof value == "string" || isSymbol(value)) { return value; } var result = value + ""; return result == "0" && 1 / value == -INFINITY ? "-0" : result; } function baseGet(object, path) { path = castPath(path, object); var index = 0, length = path.length; while (object != null && index < length) { object = object[toKey(path[index++])]; } return index && index == length ? object : void 0; } function get(object, path, defaultValue) { var result = object == null ? void 0 : baseGet(object, path); return result === void 0 ? defaultValue : result; } function arrayPush(array, values) { var index = -1, length = values.length, offset = array.length; while (++index < length) { array[offset + index] = values[index]; } return array; } var getPrototype = overArg(Object.getPrototypeOf, Object); var objectTag$2 = "[object Object]"; var funcProto = Function.prototype, objectProto$3 = Object.prototype; var funcToString = funcProto.toString; var hasOwnProperty$2 = objectProto$3.hasOwnProperty; var objectCtorString = funcToString.call(Object); function isPlainObject(value) { if (!isObjectLike(value) || baseGetTag(value) != objectTag$2) { return false; } var proto = getPrototype(value); if (proto === null) { return true; } var Ctor = hasOwnProperty$2.call(proto, "constructor") && proto.constructor; return typeof Ctor == "function" && Ctor instanceof Ctor && funcToString.call(Ctor) == objectCtorString; } function baseSlice(array, start, end) { var index = -1, length = array.length; if (start < 0) { start = -start > length ? 0 : length + start; } end = end > length ? length : end; if (end < 0) { end += length; } length = start > end ? 0 : end - start >>> 0; start >>>= 0; var result = Array(length); while (++index < length) { result[index] = array[index + start]; } return result; } function castSlice(array, start, end) { var length = array.length; end = end === void 0 ? length : end; return !start && end >= length ? array : baseSlice(array, start, end); } var rsAstralRange$2 = "\\ud800-\\udfff", rsComboMarksRange$3 = "\\u0300-\\u036f", reComboHalfMarksRange$3 = "\\ufe20-\\ufe2f", rsComboSymbolsRange$3 = "\\u20d0-\\u20ff", rsComboRange$3 = rsComboMarksRange$3 + reComboHalfMarksRange$3 + rsComboSymbolsRange$3, rsVarRange$2 = "\\ufe0e\\ufe0f"; var rsZWJ$2 = "\\u200d"; var reHasUnicode = RegExp("[" + rsZWJ$2 + rsAstralRange$2 + rsComboRange$3 + rsVarRange$2 + "]"); function hasUnicode(string2) { return reHasUnicode.test(string2); } function asciiToArray(string2) { return string2.split(""); } var rsAstralRange$1 = "\\ud800-\\udfff", rsComboMarksRange$2 = "\\u0300-\\u036f", reComboHalfMarksRange$2 = "\\ufe20-\\ufe2f", rsComboSymbolsRange$2 = "\\u20d0-\\u20ff", rsComboRange$2 = rsComboMarksRange$2 + reComboHalfMarksRange$2 + rsComboSymbolsRange$2, rsVarRange$1 = "\\ufe0e\\ufe0f"; var rsAstral = "[" + rsAstralRange$1 + "]", rsCombo$2 = "[" + rsComboRange$2 + "]", rsFitz$1 = "\\ud83c[\\udffb-\\udfff]", rsModifier$1 = "(?:" + rsCombo$2 + "|" + rsFitz$1 + ")", rsNonAstral$1 = "[^" + rsAstralRange$1 + "]", rsRegional$1 = "(?:\\ud83c[\\udde6-\\uddff]){2}", rsSurrPair$1 = "[\\ud800-\\udbff][\\udc00-\\udfff]", rsZWJ$1 = "\\u200d"; var reOptMod$1 = rsModifier$1 + "?", rsOptVar$1 = "[" + rsVarRange$1 + "]?", rsOptJoin$1 = "(?:" + rsZWJ$1 + "(?:" + [rsNonAstral$1, rsRegional$1, rsSurrPair$1].join("|") + ")" + rsOptVar$1 + reOptMod$1 + ")*", rsSeq$1 = rsOptVar$1 + reOptMod$1 + rsOptJoin$1, rsSymbol = "(?:" + [rsNonAstral$1 + rsCombo$2 + "?", rsCombo$2, rsRegional$1, rsSurrPair$1, rsAstral].join("|") + ")"; var reUnicode = RegExp(rsFitz$1 + "(?=" + rsFitz$1 + ")|" + rsSymbol + rsSeq$1, "g"); function unicodeToArray(string2) { return string2.match(reUnicode) || []; } function stringToArray(string2) { return hasUnicode(string2) ? unicodeToArray(string2) : asciiToArray(string2); } function createCaseFirst(methodName) { return function(string2) { string2 = toString(string2); var strSymbols = hasUnicode(string2) ? stringToArray(string2) : void 0; var chr = strSymbols ? strSymbols[0] : string2.charAt(0); var trailing = strSymbols ? castSlice(strSymbols, 1).join("") : string2.slice(1); return chr[methodName]() + trailing; }; } var upperFirst = createCaseFirst("toUpperCase"); function capitalize(string2) { return upperFirst(toString(string2).toLowerCase()); } function arrayReduce(array, iteratee, accumulator, initAccum) { var index = -1, length = array == null ? 0 : array.length; while (++index < length) { accumulator = iteratee(accumulator, array[index], index, array); } return accumulator; } function basePropertyOf(object) { return function(key) { return object == null ? void 0 : object[key]; }; } var deburredLetters = { // Latin-1 Supplement block. "À": "A", "Á": "A", "Â": "A", "Ã": "A", "Ä": "A", "Å": "A", "à": "a", "á": "a", "â": "a", "ã": "a", "ä": "a", "å": "a", "Ç": "C", "ç": "c", "Ð": "D", "ð": "d", "È": "E", "É": "E", "Ê": "E", "Ë": "E", "è": "e", "é": "e", "ê": "e", "ë": "e", "Ì": "I", "Í": "I", "Î": "I", "Ï": "I", "ì": "i", "í": "i", "î": "i", "ï": "i", "Ñ": "N", "ñ": "n", "Ò": "O", "Ó": "O", "Ô": "O", "Õ": "O", "Ö": "O", "Ø": "O", "ò": "o", "ó": "o", "ô": "o", "õ": "o", "ö": "o", "ø": "o", "Ù": "U", "Ú": "U", "Û": "U", "Ü": "U", "ù": "u", "ú": "u", "û": "u", "ü": "u", "Ý": "Y", "ý": "y", "ÿ": "y", "Æ": "Ae", "æ": "ae", "Þ": "Th", "þ": "th", "ß": "ss", // Latin Extended-A block. "Ā": "A", "Ă": "A", "Ą": "A", "ā": "a", "ă": "a", "ą": "a", "Ć": "C", "Ĉ": "C", "Ċ": "C", "Č": "C", "ć": "c", "ĉ": "c", "ċ": "c", "č": "c", "Ď": "D", "Đ": "D", "ď": "d", "đ": "d", "Ē": "E", "Ĕ": "E", "Ė": "E", "Ę": "E", "Ě": "E", "ē": "e", "ĕ": "e", "ė": "e", "ę": "e", "ě": "e", "Ĝ": "G", "Ğ": "G", "Ġ": "G", "Ģ": "G", "ĝ": "g", "ğ": "g", "ġ": "g", "ģ": "g", "Ĥ": "H", "Ħ": "H", "ĥ": "h", "ħ": "h", "Ĩ": "I", "Ī": "I", "Ĭ": "I", "Į": "I", "İ": "I", "ĩ": "i", "ī": "i", "ĭ": "i", "į": "i", "ı": "i", "Ĵ": "J", "ĵ": "j", "Ķ": "K", "ķ": "k", "ĸ": "k", "Ĺ": "L", "Ļ": "L", "Ľ": "L", "Ŀ": "L", "Ł": "L", "ĺ": "l", "ļ": "l", "ľ": "l", "ŀ": "l", "ł": "l", "Ń": "N", "Ņ": "N", "Ň": "N", "Ŋ": "N", "ń": "n", "ņ": "n", "ň": "n", "ŋ": "n", "Ō": "O", "Ŏ": "O", "Ő": "O", "ō": "o", "ŏ": "o", "ő": "o", "Ŕ": "R", "Ŗ": "R", "Ř": "R", "ŕ": "r", "ŗ": "r", "ř": "r", "Ś": "S", "Ŝ": "S", "Ş": "S", "Š": "S", "ś": "s", "ŝ": "s", "ş": "s", "š": "s", "Ţ": "T", "Ť": "T", "Ŧ": "T", "ţ": "t", "ť": "t", "ŧ": "t", "Ũ": "U", "Ū": "U", "Ŭ": "U", "Ů": "U", "Ű": "U", "Ų": "U", "ũ": "u", "ū": "u", "ŭ": "u", "ů": "u", "ű": "u", "ų": "u", "Ŵ": "W", "ŵ": "w", "Ŷ": "Y", "ŷ": "y", "Ÿ": "Y", "Ź": "Z", "Ż": "Z", "Ž": "Z", "ź": "z", "ż": "z", "ž": "z", "IJ": "IJ", "ij": "ij", "Œ": "Oe", "œ": "oe", "ʼn": "'n", "ſ": "s" }; var deburrLetter = basePropertyOf(deburredLetters); var reLatin = /[\xc0-\xd6\xd8-\xf6\xf8-\xff\u0100-\u017f]/g; var rsComboMarksRange$1 = "\\u0300-\\u036f", reComboHalfMarksRange$1 = "\\ufe20-\\ufe2f", rsComboSymbolsRange$1 = "\\u20d0-\\u20ff", rsComboRange$1 = rsComboMarksRange$1 + reComboHalfMarksRange$1 + rsComboSymbolsRange$1; var rsCombo$1 = "[" + rsComboRange$1 + "]"; var reComboMark = RegExp(rsCombo$1, "g"); function deburr(string2) { string2 = toString(string2); return string2 && string2.replace(reLatin, deburrLetter).replace(reComboMark, ""); } var reAsciiWord = /[^\x00-\x2f\x3a-\x40\x5b-\x60\x7b-\x7f]+/g; function asciiWords(string2) { return string2.match(reAsciiWord) || []; } var reHasUnicodeWord = /[a-z][A-Z]|[A-Z]{2}[a-z]|[0-9][a-zA-Z]|[a-zA-Z][0-9]|[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]/; function hasUnicodeWord(string2) { return reHasUnicodeWord.test(string2); } var rsAstralRange = "\\ud800-\\udfff", rsComboMarksRange = "\\u0300-\\u036f", reComboHalfMarksRange = "\\ufe20-\\ufe2f", rsComboSymbolsRange = "\\u20d0-\\u20ff", rsComboRange = rsComboMarksRange + reComboHalfMarksRange + rsComboSymbolsRange, rsDingbatRange = "\\u2700-\\u27bf", rsLowerRange = "a-z\\xdf-\\xf6\\xf8-\\xff", rsMathOpRange = "\\xac\\xb1\\xd7\\xf7", rsNonCharRange = "\\x00-\\x2f\\x3a-\\x40\\x5b-\\x60\\x7b-\\xbf", rsPunctuationRange = "\\u2000-\\u206f", rsSpaceRange = " \\t\\x0b\\f\\xa0\\ufeff\\n\\r\\u2028\\u2029\\u1680\\u180e\\u2000\\u2001\\u2002\\u2003\\u2004\\u2005\\u2006\\u2007\\u2008\\u2009\\u200a\\u202f\\u205f\\u3000", rsUpperRange = "A-Z\\xc0-\\xd6\\xd8-\\xde", rsVarRange = "\\ufe0e\\ufe0f", rsBreakRange = rsMathOpRange + rsNonCharRange + rsPunctuationRange + rsSpaceRange; var rsApos$1 = "['’]", rsBreak = "[" + rsBreakRange + "]", rsCombo = "[" + rsComboRange + "]", rsDigits = "\\d+", rsDingbat = "[" + rsDingbatRange + "]", rsLower = "[" + rsLowerRange + "]", rsMisc = "[^" + rsAstralRange + rsBreakRange + rsDigits + rsDingbatRange + rsLowerRange + rsUpperRange + "]", rsFitz = "\\ud83c[\\udffb-\\udfff]", rsModifier = "(?:" + rsCombo + "|" + rsFitz + ")", rsNonAstral = "[^" + rsAstralRange + "]", rsRegional = "(?:\\ud83c[\\udde6-\\uddff]){2}", rsSurrPair = "[\\ud800-\\udbff][\\udc00-\\udfff]", rsUpper = "[" + rsUpperRange + "]", rsZWJ = "\\u200d"; var rsMiscLower = "(?:" + rsLower + "|" + rsMisc + ")", rsMiscUpper = "(?:" + rsUpper + "|" + rsMisc + ")", rsOptContrLower = "(?:" + rsApos$1 + "(?:d|ll|m|re|s|t|ve))?", rsOptContrUpper = "(?:" + rsApos$1 + "(?:D|LL|M|RE|S|T|VE))?", reOptMod = rsModifier + "?", rsOptVar = "[" + rsVarRange + "]?", rsOptJoin = "(?:" + rsZWJ + "(?:" + [rsNonAstral, rsRegional, rsSurrPair].join("|") + ")" + rsOptVar + reOptMod + ")*", rsOrdLower = "\\d*(?:1st|2nd|3rd|(?![123])\\dth)(?=\\b|[A-Z_])", rsOrdUpper = "\\d*(?:1ST|2ND|3RD|(?![123])\\dTH)(?=\\b|[a-z_])", rsSeq = rsOptVar + reOptMod + rsOptJoin, rsEmoji = "(?:" + [rsDingbat, rsRegional, rsSurrPair].join("|") + ")" + rsSeq; var reUnicodeWord = RegExp([ rsUpper + "?" + rsLower + "+" + rsOptContrLower + "(?=" + [rsBreak, rsUpper, "$"].join("|") + ")", rsMiscUpper + "+" + rsOptContrUpper + "(?=" + [rsBreak, rsUpper + rsMiscLower, "$"].join("|") + ")", rsUpper + "?" + rsMiscLower + "+" + rsOptContrLower, rsUpper + "+" + rsOptContrUpper, rsOrdUpper, rsOrdLower, rsDigits, rsEmoji ].join("|"), "g"); function unicodeWords(string2) { return string2.match(reUnicodeWord) || []; } function words(string2, pattern, guard) { string2 = toString(string2); pattern = pattern; if (pattern === void 0) { return hasUnicodeWord(string2) ? unicodeWords(string2) : asciiWords(string2); } return string2.match(pattern) || []; } var rsApos = "['’]"; var reApos = RegExp(rsApos, "g"); function createCompounder(callback) { return function(string2) { return arrayReduce(words(deburr(string2).replace(reApos, "")), callback, ""); }; } var camelCase = createCompounder(function(result, word, index) { word = word.toLowerCase(); return result + (index ? capitalize(word) : word); }); var nativeIsFinite = root.isFinite, nativeMin$1 = Math.min; function createRound(methodName) { var func = Math[methodName]; return function(number, precision) { number = toNumber(number); precision = precision == null ? 0 : nativeMin$1(toInteger$3(precision), 292); if (precision && nativeIsFinite(number)) { var pair = (toString(number) + "e").split("e"), value = func(pair[0] + "e" + (+pair[1] + precision)); pair = (toString(value) + "e").split("e"); return +(pair[0] + "e" + (+pair[1] - precision)); } return func(number); }; } function stackClear() { this.__data__ = new ListCache(); this.size = 0; } function stackDelete(key) { var data = this.__data__, result = data["delete"](key); this.size = data.size; return result; } function stackGet(key) { return this.__data__.get(key); } function stackHas(key) { return this.__data__.has(key); } var LARGE_ARRAY_SIZE = 200; function stackSet(key, value) { var data = this.__data__; if (data instanceof ListCache) { var pairs = data.__data__; if (!Map$1 || pairs.length < LARGE_ARRAY_SIZE - 1) { pairs.push([key, value]); this.size = ++data.size; return this; } data = this.__data__ = new MapCache(pairs); } data.set(key, value); this.size = data.size; return this; } function Stack(entries) { var data = this.__data__ = new ListCache(entries); this.size = data.size; } Stack.prototype.clear = stackClear; Stack.prototype["delete"] = stackDelete; Stack.prototype.get = stackGet; Stack.prototype.has = stackHas; Stack.prototype.set = stackSet; var freeExports = typeof exports == "object" && exports && !exports.nodeType && exports; var freeModule = freeExports && typeof module == "object" && module && !module.nodeType && module; var moduleExports = freeModule && freeModule.exports === freeExports; var Buffer2 = moduleExports ? root.Buffer : void 0; Buffer2 ? Buffer2.allocUnsafe : void 0; function cloneBuffer(buffer, isDeep) { { return buffer.slice(); } } function arrayFilter(array, predicate) { var index = -1, length = array == null ? 0 : array.length, resIndex = 0, result = []; while (++index < length) { var value = array[index]; if (predicate(value, index, array)) { result[resIndex++] = value; } } return result; } function stubArray() { return []; } var objectProto$2 = Object.prototype; var propertyIsEnumerable = objectProto$2.propertyIsEnumerable; var nativeGetSymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols; var getSymbols = !nativeGetSymbols ? stubArray : function(object) { if (object == null) { return []; } object = Object(object); return arrayFilter(nativeGetSymbols(object), function(symbol) { return propertyIsEnumerable.call(object, symbol); }); }; function baseGetAllKeys(object, keysFunc, symbolsFunc) { var result = keysFunc(object); return isArray(object) ? result : arrayPush(result, symbolsFunc(object)); } function getAllKeys(object) { return baseGetAllKeys(object, keys, getSymbols); } var DataView = getNative(root, "DataView"); var Promise$1 = getNative(root, "Promise"); var Set$1 = getNative(root, "Set"); var mapTag$1 = "[object Map]", objectTag$1 = "[object Object]", promiseTag = "[object Promise]", setTag$1 = "[object Set]", weakMapTag = "[object WeakMap]"; var dataViewTag$1 = "[object DataView]"; var dataViewCtorString = toSource(DataView), mapCtorString = toSource(Map$1), promiseCtorString = toSource(Promise$1), setCtorString = toSource(Set$1), weakMapCtorString = toSource(WeakMap$1); var getTag = baseGetTag; if (DataView && getTag(new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(1))) != dataViewTag$1 || Map$1 && getTag(new Map$1()) != mapTag$1 || Promise$1 && getTag(Promise$1.resolve()) != promiseTag || Set$1 && getTag(new Set$1()) != setTag$1 || WeakMap$1 && getTag(new WeakMap$1()) != weakMapTag) { getTag = function(value) { var result = baseGetTag(value), Ctor = result == objectTag$1 ? value.constructor : void 0, ctorString = Ctor ? toSource(Ctor) : ""; if (ctorString) { switch (ctorString) { case dataViewCtorString: return dataViewTag$1; case mapCtorString: return mapTag$1; case promiseCtorString: return promiseTag; case setCtorString: return setTag$1; case weakMapCtorString: return weakMapTag; } } return result; }; } var Uint8Array2 = root.Uint8Array; function cloneArrayBuffer(arrayBuffer) { var result = new arrayBuffer.constructor(arrayBuffer.byteLength); new Uint8Array2(result).set(new Uint8Array2(arrayBuffer)); return result; } function cloneTypedArray(typedArray, isDeep) { var buffer = cloneArrayBuffer(typedArray.buffer); return new typedArray.constructor(buffer, typedArray.byteOffset, typedArray.length); } function initCloneObject(object) { return typeof object.constructor == "function" && !isPrototype(object) ? baseCreate(getPrototype(object)) : {}; } var HASH_UNDEFINED = "__lodash_hash_undefined__"; function setCacheAdd(value) { this.__data__.set(value, HASH_UNDEFINED); return this; } function setCacheHas(value) { return this.__data__.has(value); } function SetCache(values) { var index = -1, length = values == null ? 0 : values.length; this.__data__ = new MapCache(); while (++index < length) { this.add(values[index]); } } SetCache.prototype.add = SetCache.prototype.push = setCacheAdd; SetCache.prototype.has = setCacheHas; function arraySome(array, predicate) { var index = -1, length = array == null ? 0 : array.length; while (++index < length) { if (predicate(array[index], index, array)) { return true; } } return false; } function cacheHas(cache2, key) { return cache2.has(key); } var COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG$5 = 1, COMPARE_UNORDERED_FLAG$3 = 2; function equalArrays(array, other, bitmask, customizer, equalFunc, stack2) { var isPartial = bitmask & COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG$5, arrLength = array.length, othLength = other.length; if (arrLength != othLength && !(isPartial && othLength > arrLength)) { return false; } var arrStacked = stack2.get(array); var othStacked = stack2.get(other); if (arrStacked && othStacked) { return arrStacked == other && othStacked == array; } var index = -1, result = true, seen = bitmask & COMPARE_UNORDERED_FLAG$3 ? new SetCache() : void 0; stack2.set(array, other); stack2.set(other, array); while (++index < arrLength) { var arrValue = array[index], othValue = other[index]; if (customizer) { var compared = isPartial ? customizer(othValue, arrValue, index, other, array, stack2) : customizer(arrValue, othValue, index, array, other, stack2); } if (compared !== void 0) { if (compared) { continue; } result = false; break; } if (seen) { if (!arraySome(other, function(othValue2, othIndex) { if (!cacheHas(seen, othIndex) && (arrValue === othValue2 || equalFunc(arrValue, othValue2, bitmask, customizer, stack2))) { return seen.push(othIndex); } })) { result = false; break; } } else if (!(arrValue === othValue || equalFunc(arrValue, othValue, bitmask, customizer, stack2))) { result = false; break; } } stack2["delete"](array); stack2["delete"](other); return result; } function mapToArray(map2) { var index = -1, result = Array(map2.size); map2.forEach(function(value, key) { result[++index] = [key, value]; }); return result; } function setToArray(set2) { var index = -1, result = Array(set2.size); set2.forEach(function(value) { result[++index] = value; }); return result; } var COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG$4 = 1, COMPARE_UNORDERED_FLAG$2 = 2; var boolTag = "[object Boolean]", dateTag = "[object Date]", errorTag = "[object Error]", mapTag = "[object Map]", numberTag = "[object Number]", regexpTag = "[object RegExp]", setTag = "[object Set]", stringTag = "[object String]", symbolTag = "[object Symbol]"; var arrayBufferTag = "[object ArrayBuffer]", dataViewTag = "[object DataView]"; var symbolProto = Symbol$1 ? Symbol$1.prototype : void 0, symbolValueOf = symbolProto ? symbolProto.valueOf : void 0; function equalByTag(object, other, tag, bitmask, customizer, equalFunc, stack2) { switch (tag) { case dataViewTag: if (object.byteLength != other.byteLength || object.byteOffset != other.byteOffset) { return false; } object = object.buffer; other = other.buffer; case arrayBufferTag: if (object.byteLength != other.byteLength || !equalFunc(new Uint8Array2(object), new Uint8Array2(other))) { return false; } return true; case boolTag: case dateTag: case numberTag: return eq(+object, +other); case errorTag: return object.name == other.name && object.message == other.message; case regexpTag: case stringTag: return object == other + ""; case mapTag: var convert2 = mapToArray; case setTag: var isPartial = bitmask & COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG$4; convert2 || (convert2 = setToArray); if (object.size != other.size && !isPartial) { return false; } var stacked = stack2.get(object); if (stacked) { return stacked == other; } bitmask |= COMPARE_UNORDERED_FLAG$2; stack2.set(object, other); var result = equalArrays(convert2(object), convert2(other), bitmask, customizer, equalFunc, stack2); stack2["delete"](object); return result; case symbolTag: if (symbolValueOf) { return symbolValueOf.call(object) == symbolValueOf.call(other); } } return false; } var COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG$3 = 1; var objectProto$1 = Object.prototype; var hasOwnProperty$1 = objectProto$1.hasOwnProperty; function equalObjects(object, other, bitmask, customizer, equalFunc, stack2) { var isPartial = bitmask & COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG$3, objProps = getAllKeys(object), objLength = objProps.length, othProps = getAllKeys(other), othLength = othProps.length; if (objLength != othLength && !isPartial) { return false; } var index = objLength; while (index--) { var key = objProps[index]; if (!(isPartial ? key in other : hasOwnProperty$1.call(other, key))) { return false; } } var objStacked = stack2.get(object); var othStacked = stack2.get(other); if (objStacked && othStacked) { return objStacked == other && othStacked == object; } var result = true; stack2.set(object, other); stack2.set(other, object); var skipCtor = isPartial; while (++index < objLength) { key = objProps[index]; var objValue = object[key], othValue = other[key]; if (customizer) { var compared = isPartial ? customizer(othValue, objValue, key, other, object, stack2) : customizer(objValue, othValue, key, object, other, stack2); } if (!(compared === void 0 ? objValue === othValue || equalFunc(objValue, othValue, bitmask, customizer, stack2) : compared)) { result = false; break; } skipCtor || (skipCtor = key == "constructor"); } if (result && !skipCtor) { var objCtor = object.constructor, othCtor = other.constructor; if (objCtor != othCtor && ("constructor" in object && "constructor" in other) && !(typeof objCtor == "function" && objCtor instanceof objCtor && typeof othCtor == "function" && othCtor instanceof othCtor)) { result = false; } } stack2["delete"](object); stack2["delete"](other); return result; } var COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG$2 = 1; var argsTag = "[object Arguments]", arrayTag = "[object Array]", objectTag = "[object Object]"; var objectProto = Object.prototype; var hasOwnProperty = objectProto.hasOwnProperty; function baseIsEqualDeep(object, other, bitmask, customizer, equalFunc, stack2) { var objIsArr = isArray(object), othIsArr = isArray(other), objTag = objIsArr ? arrayTag : getTag(object), othTag = othIsArr ? arrayTag : getTag(other); objTag = objTag == argsTag ? objectTag : objTag; othTag = othTag == argsTag ? objectTag : othTag; var objIsObj = objTag == objectTag, othIsObj = othTag == objectTag, isSameTag = objTag == othTag; if (isSameTag && isBuffer(object)) { if (!isBuffer(other)) { return false; } objIsArr = true; objIsObj = false; } if (isSameTag && !objIsObj) { stack2 || (stack2 = new Stack()); return objIsArr || isTypedArray(object) ? equalArrays(object, other, bitmask, customizer, equalFunc, stack2) : equalByTag(object, other, objTag, bitmask, customizer, equalFunc, stack2); } if (!(bitmask & COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG$2)) { var objIsWrapped = objIsObj && hasOwnProperty.call(object, "__wrapped__"), othIsWrapped = othIsObj && hasOwnProperty.call(other, "__wrapped__"); if (objIsWrapped || othIsWrapped) { var objUnwrapped = objIsWrapped ? object.value() : object, othUnwrapped = othIsWrapped ? other.value() : other; stack2 || (stack2 = new Stack()); return equalFunc(objUnwrapped, othUnwrapped, bitmask, customizer, stack2); } } if (!isSameTag) { return false; } stack2 || (stack2 = new Stack()); return equalObjects(object, other, bitmask, customizer, equalFunc, stack2); } function baseIsEqual(value, other, bitmask, customizer, stack2) { if (value === other) { return true; } if (value == null || other == null || !isObjectLike(value) && !isObjectLike(other)) { return value !== value && other !== other; } return baseIsEqualDeep(value, other, bitmask, customizer, baseIsEqual, stack2); } var COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG$1 = 1, COMPARE_UNORDERED_FLAG$1 = 2; function baseIsMatch(object, source, matchData, customizer) { var index = matchData.length, length = index; if (object == null) { return !length; } object = Object(object); while (index--) { var data = matchData[index]; if (data[2] ? data[1] !== object[data[0]] : !(data[0] in object)) { return false; } } while (++index < length) { data = matchData[index]; var key = data[0], objValue = object[key], srcValue = data[1]; if (data[2]) { if (objValue === void 0 && !(key in object)) { return false; } } else { var stack2 = new Stack(); var result; if (!(result === void 0 ? baseIsEqual(srcValue, objValue, COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG$1 | COMPARE_UNORDERED_FLAG$1, customizer, stack2) : result)) { return false; } } } return true; } function isStrictComparable(value) { return value === value && !isObject(value); } function getMatchData(object) { var result = keys(object), length = result.length; while (length--) { var key = result[length], value = object[key]; result[length] = [key, value, isStrictComparable(value)]; } return result; } function matchesStrictComparable(key, srcValue) { return function(object) { if (object == null) { return false; } return object[key] === srcValue && (srcValue !== void 0 || key in Object(object)); }; } function baseMatches(source) { var matchData = getMatchData(source); if (matchData.length == 1 && matchData[0][2]) { return matchesStrictComparable(matchData[0][0], matchData[0][1]); } return function(object) { return object === source || baseIsMatch(object, source, matchData); }; } function baseHasIn(object, key) { return object != null && key in Object(object); } function hasPath(object, path, hasFunc) { path = castPath(path, object); var index = -1, length = path.length, result = false; while (++index < length) { var key = toKey(path[index]); if (!(result = object != null && hasFunc(object, key))) { break; } object = object[key]; } if (result || ++index != length) { return result; } length = object == null ? 0 : object.length; return !!length && isLength(length) && isIndex(key, length) && (isArray(object) || isArguments(object)); } function hasIn(object, path) { return object != null && hasPath(object, path, baseHasIn); } var COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG = 1, COMPARE_UNORDERED_FLAG = 2; function baseMatchesProperty(path, srcValue) { if (isKey(path) && isStrictComparable(srcValue)) { return matchesStrictComparable(toKey(path), srcValue); } return function(object) { var objValue = get(object, path); return objValue === void 0 && objValue === srcValue ? hasIn(object, path) : baseIsEqual(srcValue, objValue, COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG | COMPARE_UNORDERED_FLAG); }; } function baseProperty(key) { return function(object) { return object == null ? void 0 : object[key]; }; } function basePropertyDeep(path) { return function(object) { return baseGet(object, path); }; } function property(path) { return isKey(path) ? baseProperty(toKey(path)) : basePropertyDeep(path); } function baseIteratee(value) { if (typeof value == "function") { return value; } if (value == null) { return identity; } if (typeof value == "object") { return isArray(value) ? baseMatchesProperty(value[0], value[1]) : baseMatches(value); } return property(value); } function createBaseFor(fromRight) { return function(object, iteratee, keysFunc) { var index = -1, iterable = Object(object), props = keysFunc(object), length = props.length; while (length--) { var key = props[++index]; if (iteratee(iterable[key], key, iterable) === false) { break; } } return object; }; } var baseFor = createBaseFor(); function baseForOwn(object, iteratee) { return object && baseFor(object, iteratee, keys); } function createBaseEach(eachFunc, fromRight) { return function(collection, iteratee) { if (collection == null) { return collection; } if (!isArrayLike(collection)) { return eachFunc(collection, iteratee); } var length = collection.length, index = -1, iterable = Object(collection); while (++index < length) { if (iteratee(iterable[index], index, iterable) === false) { break; } } return collection; }; } var baseEach = createBaseEach(baseForOwn); var now = function() { return root.Date.now(); }; var FUNC_ERROR_TEXT$1 = "Expected a function"; var nativeMax = Math.max, nativeMin = Math.min; function debounce(func, wait, options) { var lastArgs, lastThis, maxWait, result, timerId, lastCallTime, lastInvokeTime = 0, leading = false, maxing = false, trailing = true; if (typeof func != "function") { throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT$1); } wait = toNumber(wait) || 0; if (isObject(options)) { leading = !!options.leading; maxing = "maxWait" in options; maxWait = maxing ? nativeMax(toNumber(options.maxWait) || 0, wait) : maxWait; trailing = "trailing" in options ? !!options.trailing : trailing; } function invokeFunc(time2) { var args = lastArgs, thisArg = lastThis; lastArgs = lastThis = void 0; lastInvokeTime = time2; result = func.apply(thisArg, args); return result; } function leadingEdge(time2) { lastInvokeTime = time2; timerId = setTimeout(timerExpired, wait); return leading ? invokeFunc(time2) : result; } function remainingWait(time2) { var timeSinceLastCall = time2 - lastCallTime, timeSinceLastInvoke = time2 - lastInvokeTime, timeWaiting = wait - timeSinceLastCall; return maxing ? nativeMin(timeWaiting, maxWait - timeSinceLastInvoke) : timeWaiting; } function shouldInvoke(time2) { var timeSinceLastCall = time2 - lastCallTime, timeSinceLastInvoke = time2 - lastInvokeTime; return lastCallTime === void 0 || timeSinceLastCall >= wait || timeSinceLastCall < 0 || maxing && timeSinceLastInvoke >= maxWait; } function timerExpired() { var time2 = now(); if (shouldInvoke(time2)) { return trailingEdge(time2); } timerId = setTimeout(timerExpired, remainingWait(time2)); } function trailingEdge(time2) { timerId = void 0; if (trailing && lastArgs) { return invokeFunc(time2); } lastArgs = lastThis = void 0; return result; } function cancel() { if (timerId !== void 0) { clearTimeout(timerId); } lastInvokeTime = 0; lastArgs = lastCallTime = lastThis = timerId = void 0; } function flush() { return timerId === void 0 ? result : trailingEdge(now()); } function debounced() { var time2 = now(), isInvoking = shouldInvoke(time2); lastArgs = arguments; lastThis = this; lastCallTime = time2; if (isInvoking) { if (timerId === void 0) { return leadingEdge(lastCallTime); } if (maxing) { clearTimeout(timerId); timerId = setTimeout(timerExpired, wait); return invokeFunc(lastCallTime); } } if (timerId === void 0) { timerId = setTimeout(timerExpired, wait); } return result; } debounced.cancel = cancel; debounced.flush = flush; return debounced; } function assignMergeValue(object, key, value) { if (value !== void 0 && !eq(object[key], value) || value === void 0 && !(key in object)) { baseAssignValue(object, key, value); } } function isArrayLikeObject(value) { return isObjectLike(value) && isArrayLike(value); } function safeGet(object, key) { if (key === "constructor" && typeof object[key] === "function") { return; } if (key == "__proto__") { return; } return object[key]; } function toPlainObject(value) { return copyObject(value, keysIn(value)); } function baseMergeDeep(object, source, key, srcIndex, mergeFunc, customizer, stack2) { var objValue = safeGet(object, key), srcValue = safeGet(source, key), stacked = stack2.get(srcValue); if (stacked) { assignMergeValue(object, key, stacked); return; } var newValue = customizer ? customizer(objValue, srcValue, key + "", object, source, stack2) : void 0; var isCommon = newValue === void 0; if (isCommon) { var isArr = isArray(srcValue), isBuff = !isArr && isBuffer(srcValue), isTyped = !isArr && !isBuff && isTypedArray(srcValue); newValue = srcValue; if (isArr || isBuff || isTyped) { if (isArray(objValue)) { newValue = objValue; } else if (isArrayLikeObject(objValue)) { newValue = copyArray(objValue); } else if (isBuff) { isCommon = false; newValue = cloneBuffer(srcValue); } else if (isTyped) { isCommon = false; newValue = cloneTypedArray(srcValue); } else { newValue = []; } } else if (isPlainObject(srcValue) || isArguments(srcValue)) { newValue = objValue; if (isArguments(objValue)) { newValue = toPlainObject(objValue); } else if (!isObject(objValue) || isFunction(objValue)) { newValue = initCloneObject(srcValue); } } else { isCommon = false; } } if (isCommon) { stack2.set(srcValue, newValue); mergeFunc(newValue, srcValue, srcIndex, customizer, stack2); stack2["delete"](srcValue); } assignMergeValue(object, key, newValue); } function baseMerge(object, source, srcIndex, customizer, stack2) { if (object === source) { return; } baseFor(source, function(srcValue, key) { stack2 || (stack2 = new Stack()); if (isObject(srcValue)) { baseMergeDeep(object, source, key, srcIndex, baseMerge, customizer, stack2); } else { var newValue = customizer ? customizer(safeGet(object, key), srcValue, key + "", object, source, stack2) : void 0; if (newValue === void 0) { newValue = srcValue; } assignMergeValue(object, key, newValue); } }, keysIn); } function baseMap(collection, iteratee) { var index = -1, result = isArrayLike(collection) ? Array(collection.length) : []; baseEach(collection, function(value, key, collection2) { result[++index] = iteratee(value, key, collection2); }); return result; } function map(collection, iteratee) { var func = isArray(collection) ? arrayMap : baseMap; return func(collection, baseIteratee(iteratee)); } var kebabCase = createCompounder(function(result, word, index) { return result + (index ? "-" : "") + word.toLowerCase(); }); var merge$1 = createAssigner(function(object, source, srcIndex) { baseMerge(object, source, srcIndex); }); var round = createRound("round"); var FUNC_ERROR_TEXT = "Expected a function"; function throttle(func, wait, options) { var leading = true, trailing = true; if (typeof func != "function") { throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT); } if (isObject(options)) { leading = "leading" in options ? !!options.leading : leading; trailing = "trailing" in options ? !!options.trailing : trailing; } return debounce(func, wait, { "leading": leading, "maxWait": wait, "trailing": trailing }); } const commonVariables$m = { fontFamily: 'v-sans, system-ui, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol"', fontFamilyMono: "v-mono, SFMono-Regular, Menlo, Consolas, Courier, monospace", fontWeight: "400", fontWeightStrong: "500", cubicBezierEaseInOut: "cubic-bezier(.4, 0, .2, 1)", cubicBezierEaseOut: "cubic-bezier(0, 0, .2, 1)", cubicBezierEaseIn: "cubic-bezier(.4, 0, 1, 1)", borderRadius: "3px", borderRadiusSmall: "2px", fontSize: "14px", fontSizeMini: "12px", fontSizeTiny: "12px", fontSizeSmall: "14px", fontSizeMedium: "14px", fontSizeLarge: "15px", fontSizeHuge: "16px", lineHeight: "1.6", heightMini: "16px", // private now, it's too small heightTiny: "22px", heightSmall: "28px", heightMedium: "34px", heightLarge: "40px", heightHuge: "46px" }; const { fontSize, fontFamily, lineHeight: lineHeight$1 } = commonVariables$m; const globalStyle = c$1("body", ` margin: 0; font-size: ${fontSize}; font-family: ${fontFamily}; line-height: ${lineHeight$1}; -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent; `, [c$1("input", ` font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit; `)]); const configProviderInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-config-provider"); const cssrAnchorMetaName = "naive-ui-style"; function createTheme(theme) { return theme; } function useTheme(resolveId, mountId, style2, defaultTheme, props, clsPrefixRef) { const ssrAdapter2 = useSsrAdapter(); const NConfigProvider2 = vue.inject(configProviderInjectionKey, null); if (style2) { const mountStyle = () => { const clsPrefix = clsPrefixRef === null || clsPrefixRef === void 0 ? void 0 : clsPrefixRef.value; style2.mount({ id: clsPrefix === void 0 ? mountId : clsPrefix + mountId, head: true, props: { bPrefix: clsPrefix ? `.${clsPrefix}-` : void 0 }, anchorMetaName: cssrAnchorMetaName, ssr: ssrAdapter2 }); if (!(NConfigProvider2 === null || NConfigProvider2 === void 0 ? void 0 : NConfigProvider2.preflightStyleDisabled)) { globalStyle.mount({ id: "n-global", head: true, anchorMetaName: cssrAnchorMetaName, ssr: ssrAdapter2 }); } }; if (ssrAdapter2) { mountStyle(); } else { vue.onBeforeMount(mountStyle); } } const mergedThemeRef = vue.computed(() => { var _a; const { theme: { common: selfCommon, self: self2, peers = {} } = {}, themeOverrides: selfOverrides = {}, builtinThemeOverrides: builtinOverrides = {} } = props; const { common: selfCommonOverrides, peers: peersOverrides } = selfOverrides; const { common: globalCommon = void 0, [resolveId]: { common: globalSelfCommon = void 0, self: globalSelf = void 0, peers: globalPeers = {} } = {} } = (NConfigProvider2 === null || NConfigProvider2 === void 0 ? void 0 : NConfigProvider2.mergedThemeRef.value) || {}; const { common: globalCommonOverrides = void 0, [resolveId]: globalSelfOverrides = {} } = (NConfigProvider2 === null || NConfigProvider2 === void 0 ? void 0 : NConfigProvider2.mergedThemeOverridesRef.value) || {}; const { common: globalSelfCommonOverrides, peers: globalPeersOverrides = {} } = globalSelfOverrides; const mergedCommon = merge$1({}, selfCommon || globalSelfCommon || globalCommon || defaultTheme.common, globalCommonOverrides, globalSelfCommonOverrides, selfCommonOverrides); const mergedSelf = merge$1( // {}, executed every time, no need for empty obj (_a = self2 || globalSelf || defaultTheme.self) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a(mergedCommon), builtinOverrides, globalSelfOverrides, selfOverrides ); return { common: mergedCommon, self: mergedSelf, peers: merge$1({}, defaultTheme.peers, globalPeers, peers), peerOverrides: merge$1({}, builtinOverrides.peers, globalPeersOverrides, peersOverrides) }; }); return mergedThemeRef; } useTheme.props = { theme: Object, themeOverrides: Object, builtinThemeOverrides: Object }; const defaultClsPrefix = "n"; function useConfig(props = {}, options = { defaultBordered: true }) { const NConfigProvider2 = vue.inject(configProviderInjectionKey, null); return { // NConfigProvider, inlineThemeDisabled: NConfigProvider2 === null || NConfigProvider2 === void 0 ? void 0 : NConfigProvider2.inlineThemeDisabled, mergedRtlRef: NConfigProvider2 === null || NConfigProvider2 === void 0 ? void 0 : NConfigProvider2.mergedRtlRef, mergedComponentPropsRef: NConfigProvider2 === null || NConfigProvider2 === void 0 ? void 0 : NConfigProvider2.mergedComponentPropsRef, mergedBreakpointsRef: NConfigProvider2 === null || NConfigProvider2 === void 0 ? void 0 : NConfigProvider2.mergedBreakpointsRef, mergedBorderedRef: vue.computed(() => { var _a, _b; const { bordered } = props; if (bordered !== void 0) return bordered; return (_b = (_a = NConfigProvider2 === null || NConfigProvider2 === void 0 ? void 0 : NConfigProvider2.mergedBorderedRef.value) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : options.defaultBordered) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : true; }), mergedClsPrefixRef: NConfigProvider2 ? NConfigProvider2.mergedClsPrefixRef : vue.shallowRef(defaultClsPrefix), namespaceRef: vue.computed(() => NConfigProvider2 === null || NConfigProvider2 === void 0 ? void 0 : NConfigProvider2.mergedNamespaceRef.value) }; } function useMergedClsPrefix() { const NConfigProvider2 = vue.inject(configProviderInjectionKey, null); return NConfigProvider2 ? NConfigProvider2.mergedClsPrefixRef : vue.shallowRef(defaultClsPrefix); } const enUS$1 = { name: "en-US", global: { undo: "Undo", redo: "Redo", confirm: "Confirm", clear: "Clear" }, Popconfirm: { positiveText: "Confirm", negativeText: "Cancel" }, Cascader: { placeholder: "Please Select", loading: "Loading", loadingRequiredMessage: (label) => `Please load all ${label}'s descendants before checking it.` }, Time: { dateFormat: "yyyy-MM-dd", dateTimeFormat: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" }, DatePicker: { yearFormat: "yyyy", monthFormat: "MMM", dayFormat: "eeeeee", yearTypeFormat: "yyyy", monthTypeFormat: "yyyy-MM", dateFormat: "yyyy-MM-dd", dateTimeFormat: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", quarterFormat: "yyyy-qqq", weekFormat: "yyyy-w", clear: "Clear", now: "Now", confirm: "Confirm", selectTime: "Select Time", selectDate: "Select Date", datePlaceholder: "Select Date", datetimePlaceholder: "Select Date and Time", monthPlaceholder: "Select Month", yearPlaceholder: "Select Year", quarterPlaceholder: "Select Quarter", weekPlaceholder: "Select Week", startDatePlaceholder: "Start Date", endDatePlaceholder: "End Date", startDatetimePlaceholder: "Start Date and Time", endDatetimePlaceholder: "End Date and Time", startMonthPlaceholder: "Start Month", endMonthPlaceholder: "End Month", monthBeforeYear: true, firstDayOfWeek: 6, today: "Today" }, DataTable: { checkTableAll: "Select all in the table", uncheckTableAll: "Unselect all in the table", confirm: "Confirm", clear: "Clear" }, LegacyTransfer: { sourceTitle: "Source", targetTitle: "Target" }, Transfer: { selectAll: "Select all", unselectAll: "Unselect all", clearAll: "Clear", total: (num) => `Total ${num} items`, selected: (num) => `${num} items selected` }, Empty: { description: "No Data" }, Select: { placeholder: "Please Select" }, TimePicker: { placeholder: "Select Time", positiveText: "OK", negativeText: "Cancel", now: "Now", clear: "Clear" }, Pagination: { goto: "Goto", selectionSuffix: "page" }, DynamicTags: { add: "Add" }, Log: { loading: "Loading" }, Input: { placeholder: "Please Input" }, InputNumber: { placeholder: "Please Input" }, DynamicInput: { create: "Create" }, ThemeEditor: { title: "Theme Editor", clearAllVars: "Clear All Variables", clearSearch: "Clear Search", filterCompName: "Filter Component Name", filterVarName: "Filter Variable Name", import: "Import", export: "Export", restore: "Reset to Default" }, Image: { tipPrevious: "Previous picture (←)", tipNext: "Next picture (→)", tipCounterclockwise: "Counterclockwise", tipClockwise: "Clockwise", tipZoomOut: "Zoom out", tipZoomIn: "Zoom in", tipDownload: "Download", tipClose: "Close (Esc)", // TODO: translation tipOriginalSize: "Zoom to original size" } }; function buildFormatLongFn$1(args) { return function() { var options = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : {}; var width = options.width ? String(options.width) : args.defaultWidth; var format2 = args.formats[width] || args.formats[args.defaultWidth]; return format2; }; } function requiredArgs$1(required, args) { if (args.length < required) { throw new TypeError(required + " argument" + (required > 1 ? "s" : "") + " required, but only " + args.length + " present"); } } function _typeof$1(o) { "@babel/helpers - typeof"; return _typeof$1 = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(o2) { return typeof o2; } : function(o2) { return o2 && "function" == typeof Symbol && o2.constructor === Symbol && o2 !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof o2; }, _typeof$1(o); } function toDate$2(argument) { requiredArgs$1(1, arguments); var argStr = Object.prototype.toString.call(argument); if (argument instanceof Date || _typeof$1(argument) === "object" && argStr === "[object Date]") { return new Date(argument.getTime()); } else if (typeof argument === "number" || argStr === "[object Number]") { return new Date(argument); } else { if ((typeof argument === "string" || argStr === "[object String]") && typeof console !== "undefined") { console.warn("Starting with v2.0.0-beta.1 date-fns doesn't accept strings as date arguments. Please use `parseISO` to parse strings. See: https://github.com/date-fns/date-fns/blob/master/docs/upgradeGuide.md#string-arguments"); console.warn(new Error().stack); } return /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(NaN); } } function toInteger$2(dirtyNumber) { if (dirtyNumber === null || dirtyNumber === true || dirtyNumber === false) { return NaN; } var number = Number(dirtyNumber); if (isNaN(number)) { return number; } return number < 0 ? Math.ceil(number) : Math.floor(number); } var defaultOptions$2 = {}; function getDefaultOptions$1() { return defaultOptions$2; } function startOfUTCWeek$1(dirtyDate, options) { var _ref, _ref2, _ref3, _options$weekStartsOn, _options$locale, _options$locale$optio, _defaultOptions$local, _defaultOptions$local2; requiredArgs$1(1, arguments); var defaultOptions2 = getDefaultOptions$1(); var weekStartsOn = toInteger$2((_ref = (_ref2 = (_ref3 = (_options$weekStartsOn = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.weekStartsOn) !== null && _options$weekStartsOn !== void 0 ? _options$weekStartsOn : options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale = options.locale) === null || _options$locale === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale$optio = _options$locale.options) === null || _options$locale$optio === void 0 ? void 0 : _options$locale$optio.weekStartsOn) !== null && _ref3 !== void 0 ? _ref3 : defaultOptions2.weekStartsOn) !== null && _ref2 !== void 0 ? _ref2 : (_defaultOptions$local = defaultOptions2.locale) === null || _defaultOptions$local === void 0 ? void 0 : (_defaultOptions$local2 = _defaultOptions$local.options) === null || _defaultOptions$local2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _defaultOptions$local2.weekStartsOn) !== null && _ref !== void 0 ? _ref : 0); if (!(weekStartsOn >= 0 && weekStartsOn <= 6)) { throw new RangeError("weekStartsOn must be between 0 and 6 inclusively"); } var date = toDate$2(dirtyDate); var day = date.getUTCDay(); var diff = (day < weekStartsOn ? 7 : 0) + day - weekStartsOn; date.setUTCDate(date.getUTCDate() - diff); date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); return date; } function buildLocalizeFn$1(args) { return function(dirtyIndex, options) { var context = options !== null && options !== void 0 && options.context ? String(options.context) : "standalone"; var valuesArray; if (context === "formatting" && args.formattingValues) { var defaultWidth = args.defaultFormattingWidth || args.defaultWidth; var width = options !== null && options !== void 0 && options.width ? String(options.width) : defaultWidth; valuesArray = args.formattingValues[width] || args.formattingValues[defaultWidth]; } else { var _defaultWidth = args.defaultWidth; var _width = options !== null && options !== void 0 && options.width ? String(options.width) : args.defaultWidth; valuesArray = args.values[_width] || args.values[_defaultWidth]; } var index = args.argumentCallback ? args.argumentCallback(dirtyIndex) : dirtyIndex; return valuesArray[index]; }; } function buildMatchFn$1(args) { return function(string2) { var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : {}; var width = options.width; var matchPattern = width && args.matchPatterns[width] || args.matchPatterns[args.defaultMatchWidth]; var matchResult = string2.match(matchPattern); if (!matchResult) { return null; } var matchedString = matchResult[0]; var parsePatterns = width && args.parsePatterns[width] || args.parsePatterns[args.defaultParseWidth]; var key = Array.isArray(parsePatterns) ? findIndex(parsePatterns, function(pattern) { return pattern.test(matchedString); }) : findKey(parsePatterns, function(pattern) { return pattern.test(matchedString); }); var value; value = args.valueCallback ? args.valueCallback(key) : key; value = options.valueCallback ? options.valueCallback(value) : value; var rest = string2.slice(matchedString.length); return { value, rest }; }; } function findKey(object, predicate) { for (var key in object) { if (object.hasOwnProperty(key) && predicate(object[key])) { return key; } } return void 0; } function findIndex(array, predicate) { for (var key = 0; key < array.length; key++) { if (predicate(array[key])) { return key; } } return void 0; } function buildMatchPatternFn$1(args) { return function(string2) { var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : {}; var matchResult = string2.match(args.matchPattern); if (!matchResult) return null; var matchedString = matchResult[0]; var parseResult = string2.match(args.parsePattern); if (!parseResult) return null; var value = args.valueCallback ? args.valueCallback(parseResult[0]) : parseResult[0]; value = options.valueCallback ? options.valueCallback(value) : value; var rest = string2.slice(matchedString.length); return { value, rest }; }; } var formatDistanceLocale = { lessThanXSeconds: { one: "less than a second", other: "less than {{count}} seconds" }, xSeconds: { one: "1 second", other: "{{count}} seconds" }, halfAMinute: "half a minute", lessThanXMinutes: { one: "less than a minute", other: "less than {{count}} minutes" }, xMinutes: { one: "1 minute", other: "{{count}} minutes" }, aboutXHours: { one: "about 1 hour", other: "about {{count}} hours" }, xHours: { one: "1 hour", other: "{{count}} hours" }, xDays: { one: "1 day", other: "{{count}} days" }, aboutXWeeks: { one: "about 1 week", other: "about {{count}} weeks" }, xWeeks: { one: "1 week", other: "{{count}} weeks" }, aboutXMonths: { one: "about 1 month", other: "about {{count}} months" }, xMonths: { one: "1 month", other: "{{count}} months" }, aboutXYears: { one: "about 1 year", other: "about {{count}} years" }, xYears: { one: "1 year", other: "{{count}} years" }, overXYears: { one: "over 1 year", other: "over {{count}} years" }, almostXYears: { one: "almost 1 year", other: "almost {{count}} years" } }; var formatDistance$1 = function formatDistance2(token, count, options) { var result; var tokenValue = formatDistanceLocale[token]; if (typeof tokenValue === "string") { result = tokenValue; } else if (count === 1) { result = tokenValue.one; } else { result = tokenValue.other.replace("{{count}}", count.toString()); } if (options !== null && options !== void 0 && options.addSuffix) { if (options.comparison && options.comparison > 0) { return "in " + result; } else { return result + " ago"; } } return result; }; var dateFormats = { full: "EEEE, MMMM do, y", long: "MMMM do, y", medium: "MMM d, y", short: "MM/dd/yyyy" }; var timeFormats = { full: "h:mm:ss a zzzz", long: "h:mm:ss a z", medium: "h:mm:ss a", short: "h:mm a" }; var dateTimeFormats = { full: "{{date}} 'at' {{time}}", long: "{{date}} 'at' {{time}}", medium: "{{date}}, {{time}}", short: "{{date}}, {{time}}" }; var formatLong$1 = { date: buildFormatLongFn$1({ formats: dateFormats, defaultWidth: "full" }), time: buildFormatLongFn$1({ formats: timeFormats, defaultWidth: "full" }), dateTime: buildFormatLongFn$1({ formats: dateTimeFormats, defaultWidth: "full" }) }; var formatRelativeLocale = { lastWeek: "'last' eeee 'at' p", yesterday: "'yesterday at' p", today: "'today at' p", tomorrow: "'tomorrow at' p", nextWeek: "eeee 'at' p", other: "P" }; var formatRelative$1 = function formatRelative2(token, _date, _baseDate, _options) { return formatRelativeLocale[token]; }; var eraValues = { narrow: ["B", "A"], abbreviated: ["BC", "AD"], wide: ["Before Christ", "Anno Domini"] }; var quarterValues = { narrow: ["1", "2", "3", "4"], abbreviated: ["Q1", "Q2", "Q3", "Q4"], wide: ["1st quarter", "2nd quarter", "3rd quarter", "4th quarter"] }; var monthValues = { narrow: ["J", "F", "M", "A", "M", "J", "J", "A", "S", "O", "N", "D"], abbreviated: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"], wide: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"] }; var dayValues = { narrow: ["S", "M", "T", "W", "T", "F", "S"], short: ["Su", "Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa"], abbreviated: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"], wide: ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"] }; var dayPeriodValues = { narrow: { am: "a", pm: "p", midnight: "mi", noon: "n", morning: "morning", afternoon: "afternoon", evening: "evening", night: "night" }, abbreviated: { am: "AM", pm: "PM", midnight: "midnight", noon: "noon", morning: "morning", afternoon: "afternoon", evening: "evening", night: "night" }, wide: { am: "a.m.", pm: "p.m.", midnight: "midnight", noon: "noon", morning: "morning", afternoon: "afternoon", evening: "evening", night: "night" } }; var formattingDayPeriodValues = { narrow: { am: "a", pm: "p", midnight: "mi", noon: "n", morning: "in the morning", afternoon: "in the afternoon", evening: "in the evening", night: "at night" }, abbreviated: { am: "AM", pm: "PM", midnight: "midnight", noon: "noon", morning: "in the morning", afternoon: "in the afternoon", evening: "in the evening", night: "at night" }, wide: { am: "a.m.", pm: "p.m.", midnight: "midnight", noon: "noon", morning: "in the morning", afternoon: "in the afternoon", evening: "in the evening", night: "at night" } }; var ordinalNumber = function ordinalNumber2(dirtyNumber, _options) { var number = Number(dirtyNumber); var rem100 = number % 100; if (rem100 > 20 || rem100 < 10) { switch (rem100 % 10) { case 1: return number + "st"; case 2: return number + "nd"; case 3: return number + "rd"; } } return number + "th"; }; var localize$1 = { ordinalNumber, era: buildLocalizeFn$1({ values: eraValues, defaultWidth: "wide" }), quarter: buildLocalizeFn$1({ values: quarterValues, defaultWidth: "wide", argumentCallback: function argumentCallback(quarter) { return quarter - 1; } }), month: buildLocalizeFn$1({ values: monthValues, defaultWidth: "wide" }), day: buildLocalizeFn$1({ values: dayValues, defaultWidth: "wide" }), dayPeriod: buildLocalizeFn$1({ values: dayPeriodValues, defaultWidth: "wide", formattingValues: formattingDayPeriodValues, defaultFormattingWidth: "wide" }) }; var matchOrdinalNumberPattern = /^(\d+)(th|st|nd|rd)?/i; var parseOrdinalNumberPattern = /\d+/i; var matchEraPatterns = { narrow: /^(b|a)/i, abbreviated: /^(b\.?\s?c\.?|b\.?\s?c\.?\s?e\.?|a\.?\s?d\.?|c\.?\s?e\.?)/i, wide: /^(before christ|before common era|anno domini|common era)/i }; var parseEraPatterns = { any: [/^b/i, /^(a|c)/i] }; var matchQuarterPatterns = { narrow: /^[1234]/i, abbreviated: /^q[1234]/i, wide: /^[1234](th|st|nd|rd)? quarter/i }; var parseQuarterPatterns = { any: [/1/i, /2/i, /3/i, /4/i] }; var matchMonthPatterns = { narrow: /^[jfmasond]/i, abbreviated: /^(jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec)/i, wide: /^(january|february|march|april|may|june|july|august|september|october|november|december)/i }; var parseMonthPatterns = { narrow: [/^j/i, /^f/i, /^m/i, /^a/i, /^m/i, /^j/i, /^j/i, /^a/i, /^s/i, /^o/i, /^n/i, /^d/i], any: [/^ja/i, /^f/i, /^mar/i, /^ap/i, /^may/i, /^jun/i, /^jul/i, /^au/i, /^s/i, /^o/i, /^n/i, /^d/i] }; var matchDayPatterns = { narrow: /^[smtwf]/i, short: /^(su|mo|tu|we|th|fr|sa)/i, abbreviated: /^(sun|mon|tue|wed|thu|fri|sat)/i, wide: /^(sunday|monday|tuesday|wednesday|thursday|friday|saturday)/i }; var parseDayPatterns = { narrow: [/^s/i, /^m/i, /^t/i, /^w/i, /^t/i, /^f/i, /^s/i], any: [/^su/i, /^m/i, /^tu/i, /^w/i, /^th/i, /^f/i, /^sa/i] }; var matchDayPeriodPatterns = { narrow: /^(a|p|mi|n|(in the|at) (morning|afternoon|evening|night))/i, any: /^([ap]\.?\s?m\.?|midnight|noon|(in the|at) (morning|afternoon|evening|night))/i }; var parseDayPeriodPatterns = { any: { am: /^a/i, pm: /^p/i, midnight: /^mi/i, noon: /^no/i, morning: /morning/i, afternoon: /afternoon/i, evening: /evening/i, night: /night/i } }; var match$1 = { ordinalNumber: buildMatchPatternFn$1({ matchPattern: matchOrdinalNumberPattern, parsePattern: parseOrdinalNumberPattern, valueCallback: function valueCallback(value) { return parseInt(value, 10); } }), era: buildMatchFn$1({ matchPatterns: matchEraPatterns, defaultMatchWidth: "wide", parsePatterns: parseEraPatterns, defaultParseWidth: "any" }), quarter: buildMatchFn$1({ matchPatterns: matchQuarterPatterns, defaultMatchWidth: "wide", parsePatterns: parseQuarterPatterns, defaultParseWidth: "any", valueCallback: function valueCallback(index) { return index + 1; } }), month: buildMatchFn$1({ matchPatterns: matchMonthPatterns, defaultMatchWidth: "wide", parsePatterns: parseMonthPatterns, defaultParseWidth: "any" }), day: buildMatchFn$1({ matchPatterns: matchDayPatterns, defaultMatchWidth: "wide", parsePatterns: parseDayPatterns, defaultParseWidth: "any" }), dayPeriod: buildMatchFn$1({ matchPatterns: matchDayPeriodPatterns, defaultMatchWidth: "any", parsePatterns: parseDayPeriodPatterns, defaultParseWidth: "any" }) }; var locale = { code: "en-US", formatDistance: formatDistance$1, formatLong: formatLong$1, formatRelative: formatRelative$1, localize: localize$1, match: match$1, options: { weekStartsOn: 0, firstWeekContainsDate: 1 } }; const dateEnUs = { name: "en-US", locale }; function addDays(dirtyDate, dirtyAmount) { requiredArgs$1(2, arguments); var date = toDate$2(dirtyDate); var amount = toInteger$2(dirtyAmount); if (isNaN(amount)) { return /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(NaN); } if (!amount) { return date; } date.setDate(date.getDate() + amount); return date; } function addMonths(dirtyDate, dirtyAmount) { requiredArgs$1(2, arguments); var date = toDate$2(dirtyDate); var amount = toInteger$2(dirtyAmount); if (isNaN(amount)) { return /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(NaN); } if (!amount) { return date; } var dayOfMonth = date.getDate(); var endOfDesiredMonth = new Date(date.getTime()); endOfDesiredMonth.setMonth(date.getMonth() + amount + 1, 0); var daysInMonth = endOfDesiredMonth.getDate(); if (dayOfMonth >= daysInMonth) { return endOfDesiredMonth; } else { date.setFullYear(endOfDesiredMonth.getFullYear(), endOfDesiredMonth.getMonth(), dayOfMonth); return date; } } function addMilliseconds$1(dirtyDate, dirtyAmount) { requiredArgs$1(2, arguments); var timestamp = toDate$2(dirtyDate).getTime(); var amount = toInteger$2(dirtyAmount); return new Date(timestamp + amount); } function startOfWeek(dirtyDate, options) { var _ref, _ref2, _ref3, _options$weekStartsOn, _options$locale, _options$locale$optio, _defaultOptions$local, _defaultOptions$local2; requiredArgs$1(1, arguments); var defaultOptions2 = getDefaultOptions$1(); var weekStartsOn = toInteger$2((_ref = (_ref2 = (_ref3 = (_options$weekStartsOn = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.weekStartsOn) !== null && _options$weekStartsOn !== void 0 ? _options$weekStartsOn : options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale = options.locale) === null || _options$locale === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale$optio = _options$locale.options) === null || _options$locale$optio === void 0 ? void 0 : _options$locale$optio.weekStartsOn) !== null && _ref3 !== void 0 ? _ref3 : defaultOptions2.weekStartsOn) !== null && _ref2 !== void 0 ? _ref2 : (_defaultOptions$local = defaultOptions2.locale) === null || _defaultOptions$local === void 0 ? void 0 : (_defaultOptions$local2 = _defaultOptions$local.options) === null || _defaultOptions$local2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _defaultOptions$local2.weekStartsOn) !== null && _ref !== void 0 ? _ref : 0); if (!(weekStartsOn >= 0 && weekStartsOn <= 6)) { throw new RangeError("weekStartsOn must be between 0 and 6 inclusively"); } var date = toDate$2(dirtyDate); var day = date.getDay(); var diff = (day < weekStartsOn ? 7 : 0) + day - weekStartsOn; date.setDate(date.getDate() - diff); date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); return date; } function getTimezoneOffsetInMilliseconds$2(date) { var utcDate = new Date(Date.UTC(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate(), date.getHours(), date.getMinutes(), date.getSeconds(), date.getMilliseconds())); utcDate.setUTCFullYear(date.getFullYear()); return date.getTime() - utcDate.getTime(); } function startOfDay(dirtyDate) { requiredArgs$1(1, arguments); var date = toDate$2(dirtyDate); date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); return date; } function addQuarters(dirtyDate, dirtyAmount) { requiredArgs$1(2, arguments); var amount = toInteger$2(dirtyAmount); var months = amount * 3; return addMonths(dirtyDate, months); } function addYears(dirtyDate, dirtyAmount) { requiredArgs$1(2, arguments); var amount = toInteger$2(dirtyAmount); return addMonths(dirtyDate, amount * 12); } function compareAsc(dirtyDateLeft, dirtyDateRight) { requiredArgs$1(2, arguments); var dateLeft = toDate$2(dirtyDateLeft); var dateRight = toDate$2(dirtyDateRight); var diff = dateLeft.getTime() - dateRight.getTime(); if (diff < 0) { return -1; } else if (diff > 0) { return 1; } else { return diff; } } var millisecondsInMinute = 6e4; var millisecondsInHour = 36e5; var millisecondsInSecond = 1e3; function isSameDay(dirtyDateLeft, dirtyDateRight) { requiredArgs$1(2, arguments); var dateLeftStartOfDay = startOfDay(dirtyDateLeft); var dateRightStartOfDay = startOfDay(dirtyDateRight); return dateLeftStartOfDay.getTime() === dateRightStartOfDay.getTime(); } function isDate$1(value) { requiredArgs$1(1, arguments); return value instanceof Date || _typeof$1(value) === "object" && Object.prototype.toString.call(value) === "[object Date]"; } function isValid$1(dirtyDate) { requiredArgs$1(1, arguments); if (!isDate$1(dirtyDate) && typeof dirtyDate !== "number") { return false; } var date = toDate$2(dirtyDate); return !isNaN(Number(date)); } function getQuarter(dirtyDate) { requiredArgs$1(1, arguments); var date = toDate$2(dirtyDate); var quarter = Math.floor(date.getMonth() / 3) + 1; return quarter; } function startOfMinute(dirtyDate) { requiredArgs$1(1, arguments); var date = toDate$2(dirtyDate); date.setSeconds(0, 0); return date; } function startOfQuarter(dirtyDate) { requiredArgs$1(1, arguments); var date = toDate$2(dirtyDate); var currentMonth = date.getMonth(); var month = currentMonth - currentMonth % 3; date.setMonth(month, 1); date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); return date; } function startOfMonth(dirtyDate) { requiredArgs$1(1, arguments); var date = toDate$2(dirtyDate); date.setDate(1); date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); return date; } function startOfYear(dirtyDate) { requiredArgs$1(1, arguments); var cleanDate = toDate$2(dirtyDate); var date = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(0); date.setFullYear(cleanDate.getFullYear(), 0, 1); date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); return date; } function subMilliseconds$1(dirtyDate, dirtyAmount) { requiredArgs$1(2, arguments); var amount = toInteger$2(dirtyAmount); return addMilliseconds$1(dirtyDate, -amount); } var MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY = 864e5; function getUTCDayOfYear$1(dirtyDate) { requiredArgs$1(1, arguments); var date = toDate$2(dirtyDate); var timestamp = date.getTime(); date.setUTCMonth(0, 1); date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); var startOfYearTimestamp = date.getTime(); var difference = timestamp - startOfYearTimestamp; return Math.floor(difference / MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY) + 1; } function startOfUTCISOWeek$1(dirtyDate) { requiredArgs$1(1, arguments); var weekStartsOn = 1; var date = toDate$2(dirtyDate); var day = date.getUTCDay(); var diff = (day < weekStartsOn ? 7 : 0) + day - weekStartsOn; date.setUTCDate(date.getUTCDate() - diff); date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); return date; } function getUTCISOWeekYear$1(dirtyDate) { requiredArgs$1(1, arguments); var date = toDate$2(dirtyDate); var year = date.getUTCFullYear(); var fourthOfJanuaryOfNextYear = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(0); fourthOfJanuaryOfNextYear.setUTCFullYear(year + 1, 0, 4); fourthOfJanuaryOfNextYear.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); var startOfNextYear = startOfUTCISOWeek$1(fourthOfJanuaryOfNextYear); var fourthOfJanuaryOfThisYear = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(0); fourthOfJanuaryOfThisYear.setUTCFullYear(year, 0, 4); fourthOfJanuaryOfThisYear.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); var startOfThisYear = startOfUTCISOWeek$1(fourthOfJanuaryOfThisYear); if (date.getTime() >= startOfNextYear.getTime()) { return year + 1; } else if (date.getTime() >= startOfThisYear.getTime()) { return year; } else { return year - 1; } } function startOfUTCISOWeekYear$1(dirtyDate) { requiredArgs$1(1, arguments); var year = getUTCISOWeekYear$1(dirtyDate); var fourthOfJanuary = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(0); fourthOfJanuary.setUTCFullYear(year, 0, 4); fourthOfJanuary.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); var date = startOfUTCISOWeek$1(fourthOfJanuary); return date; } var MILLISECONDS_IN_WEEK$1 = 6048e5; function getUTCISOWeek$1(dirtyDate) { requiredArgs$1(1, arguments); var date = toDate$2(dirtyDate); var diff = startOfUTCISOWeek$1(date).getTime() - startOfUTCISOWeekYear$1(date).getTime(); return Math.round(diff / MILLISECONDS_IN_WEEK$1) + 1; } function getUTCWeekYear$1(dirtyDate, options) { var _ref, _ref2, _ref3, _options$firstWeekCon, _options$locale, _options$locale$optio, _defaultOptions$local, _defaultOptions$local2; requiredArgs$1(1, arguments); var date = toDate$2(dirtyDate); var year = date.getUTCFullYear(); var defaultOptions2 = getDefaultOptions$1(); var firstWeekContainsDate = toInteger$2((_ref = (_ref2 = (_ref3 = (_options$firstWeekCon = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _options$firstWeekCon !== void 0 ? _options$firstWeekCon : options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale = options.locale) === null || _options$locale === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale$optio = _options$locale.options) === null || _options$locale$optio === void 0 ? void 0 : _options$locale$optio.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref3 !== void 0 ? _ref3 : defaultOptions2.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref2 !== void 0 ? _ref2 : (_defaultOptions$local = defaultOptions2.locale) === null || _defaultOptions$local === void 0 ? void 0 : (_defaultOptions$local2 = _defaultOptions$local.options) === null || _defaultOptions$local2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _defaultOptions$local2.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref !== void 0 ? _ref : 1); if (!(firstWeekContainsDate >= 1 && firstWeekContainsDate <= 7)) { throw new RangeError("firstWeekContainsDate must be between 1 and 7 inclusively"); } var firstWeekOfNextYear = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(0); firstWeekOfNextYear.setUTCFullYear(year + 1, 0, firstWeekContainsDate); firstWeekOfNextYear.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); var startOfNextYear = startOfUTCWeek$1(firstWeekOfNextYear, options); var firstWeekOfThisYear = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(0); firstWeekOfThisYear.setUTCFullYear(year, 0, firstWeekContainsDate); firstWeekOfThisYear.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); var startOfThisYear = startOfUTCWeek$1(firstWeekOfThisYear, options); if (date.getTime() >= startOfNextYear.getTime()) { return year + 1; } else if (date.getTime() >= startOfThisYear.getTime()) { return year; } else { return year - 1; } } function startOfUTCWeekYear$1(dirtyDate, options) { var _ref, _ref2, _ref3, _options$firstWeekCon, _options$locale, _options$locale$optio, _defaultOptions$local, _defaultOptions$local2; requiredArgs$1(1, arguments); var defaultOptions2 = getDefaultOptions$1(); var firstWeekContainsDate = toInteger$2((_ref = (_ref2 = (_ref3 = (_options$firstWeekCon = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _options$firstWeekCon !== void 0 ? _options$firstWeekCon : options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale = options.locale) === null || _options$locale === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale$optio = _options$locale.options) === null || _options$locale$optio === void 0 ? void 0 : _options$locale$optio.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref3 !== void 0 ? _ref3 : defaultOptions2.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref2 !== void 0 ? _ref2 : (_defaultOptions$local = defaultOptions2.locale) === null || _defaultOptions$local === void 0 ? void 0 : (_defaultOptions$local2 = _defaultOptions$local.options) === null || _defaultOptions$local2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _defaultOptions$local2.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref !== void 0 ? _ref : 1); var year = getUTCWeekYear$1(dirtyDate, options); var firstWeek = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(0); firstWeek.setUTCFullYear(year, 0, firstWeekContainsDate); firstWeek.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); var date = startOfUTCWeek$1(firstWeek, options); return date; } var MILLISECONDS_IN_WEEK = 6048e5; function getUTCWeek$1(dirtyDate, options) { requiredArgs$1(1, arguments); var date = toDate$2(dirtyDate); var diff = startOfUTCWeek$1(date, options).getTime() - startOfUTCWeekYear$1(date, options).getTime(); return Math.round(diff / MILLISECONDS_IN_WEEK) + 1; } function addLeadingZeros$2(number, targetLength) { var sign = number < 0 ? "-" : ""; var output = Math.abs(number).toString(); while (output.length < targetLength) { output = "0" + output; } return sign + output; } var formatters$3 = { // Year y: function y(date, token) { var signedYear = date.getUTCFullYear(); var year = signedYear > 0 ? signedYear : 1 - signedYear; return addLeadingZeros$2(token === "yy" ? year % 100 : year, token.length); }, // Month M: function M(date, token) { var month = date.getUTCMonth(); return token === "M" ? String(month + 1) : addLeadingZeros$2(month + 1, 2); }, // Day of the month d: function d(date, token) { return addLeadingZeros$2(date.getUTCDate(), token.length); }, // AM or PM a: function a2(date, token) { var dayPeriodEnumValue = date.getUTCHours() / 12 >= 1 ? "pm" : "am"; switch (token) { case "a": case "aa": return dayPeriodEnumValue.toUpperCase(); case "aaa": return dayPeriodEnumValue; case "aaaaa": return dayPeriodEnumValue[0]; case "aaaa": default: return dayPeriodEnumValue === "am" ? "a.m." : "p.m."; } }, // Hour [1-12] h: function h2(date, token) { return addLeadingZeros$2(date.getUTCHours() % 12 || 12, token.length); }, // Hour [0-23] H: function H(date, token) { return addLeadingZeros$2(date.getUTCHours(), token.length); }, // Minute m: function m(date, token) { return addLeadingZeros$2(date.getUTCMinutes(), token.length); }, // Second s: function s(date, token) { return addLeadingZeros$2(date.getUTCSeconds(), token.length); }, // Fraction of second S: function S(date, token) { var numberOfDigits = token.length; var milliseconds = date.getUTCMilliseconds(); var fractionalSeconds = Math.floor(milliseconds * Math.pow(10, numberOfDigits - 3)); return addLeadingZeros$2(fractionalSeconds, token.length); } }; var dayPeriodEnum = { am: "am", pm: "pm", midnight: "midnight", noon: "noon", morning: "morning", afternoon: "afternoon", evening: "evening", night: "night" }; var formatters$2 = { // Era G: function G(date, token, localize2) { var era = date.getUTCFullYear() > 0 ? 1 : 0; switch (token) { case "G": case "GG": case "GGG": return localize2.era(era, { width: "abbreviated" }); case "GGGGG": return localize2.era(era, { width: "narrow" }); case "GGGG": default: return localize2.era(era, { width: "wide" }); } }, // Year y: function y(date, token, localize2) { if (token === "yo") { var signedYear = date.getUTCFullYear(); var year = signedYear > 0 ? signedYear : 1 - signedYear; return localize2.ordinalNumber(year, { unit: "year" }); } return formatters$3.y(date, token); }, // Local week-numbering year Y: function Y(date, token, localize2, options) { var signedWeekYear = getUTCWeekYear$1(date, options); var weekYear = signedWeekYear > 0 ? signedWeekYear : 1 - signedWeekYear; if (token === "YY") { var twoDigitYear = weekYear % 100; return addLeadingZeros$2(twoDigitYear, 2); } if (token === "Yo") { return localize2.ordinalNumber(weekYear, { unit: "year" }); } return addLeadingZeros$2(weekYear, token.length); }, // ISO week-numbering year R: function R(date, token) { var isoWeekYear = getUTCISOWeekYear$1(date); return addLeadingZeros$2(isoWeekYear, token.length); }, // Extended year. This is a single number designating the year of this calendar system. // The main difference between `y` and `u` localizers are B.C. years: // | Year | `y` | `u` | // |------|-----|-----| // | AC 1 | 1 | 1 | // | BC 1 | 1 | 0 | // | BC 2 | 2 | -1 | // Also `yy` always returns the last two digits of a year, // while `uu` pads single digit years to 2 characters and returns other years unchanged. u: function u(date, token) { var year = date.getUTCFullYear(); return addLeadingZeros$2(year, token.length); }, // Quarter Q: function Q(date, token, localize2) { var quarter = Math.ceil((date.getUTCMonth() + 1) / 3); switch (token) { case "Q": return String(quarter); case "QQ": return addLeadingZeros$2(quarter, 2); case "Qo": return localize2.ordinalNumber(quarter, { unit: "quarter" }); case "QQQ": return localize2.quarter(quarter, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting" }); case "QQQQQ": return localize2.quarter(quarter, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting" }); case "QQQQ": default: return localize2.quarter(quarter, { width: "wide", context: "formatting" }); } }, // Stand-alone quarter q: function q(date, token, localize2) { var quarter = Math.ceil((date.getUTCMonth() + 1) / 3); switch (token) { case "q": return String(quarter); case "qq": return addLeadingZeros$2(quarter, 2); case "qo": return localize2.ordinalNumber(quarter, { unit: "quarter" }); case "qqq": return localize2.quarter(quarter, { width: "abbreviated", context: "standalone" }); case "qqqqq": return localize2.quarter(quarter, { width: "narrow", context: "standalone" }); case "qqqq": default: return localize2.quarter(quarter, { width: "wide", context: "standalone" }); } }, // Month M: function M(date, token, localize2) { var month = date.getUTCMonth(); switch (token) { case "M": case "MM": return formatters$3.M(date, token); case "Mo": return localize2.ordinalNumber(month + 1, { unit: "month" }); case "MMM": return localize2.month(month, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting" }); case "MMMMM": return localize2.month(month, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting" }); case "MMMM": default: return localize2.month(month, { width: "wide", context: "formatting" }); } }, // Stand-alone month L: function L(date, token, localize2) { var month = date.getUTCMonth(); switch (token) { case "L": return String(month + 1); case "LL": return addLeadingZeros$2(month + 1, 2); case "Lo": return localize2.ordinalNumber(month + 1, { unit: "month" }); case "LLL": return localize2.month(month, { width: "abbreviated", context: "standalone" }); case "LLLLL": return localize2.month(month, { width: "narrow", context: "standalone" }); case "LLLL": default: return localize2.month(month, { width: "wide", context: "standalone" }); } }, // Local week of year w: function w(date, token, localize2, options) { var week = getUTCWeek$1(date, options); if (token === "wo") { return localize2.ordinalNumber(week, { unit: "week" }); } return addLeadingZeros$2(week, token.length); }, // ISO week of year I: function I(date, token, localize2) { var isoWeek = getUTCISOWeek$1(date); if (token === "Io") { return localize2.ordinalNumber(isoWeek, { unit: "week" }); } return addLeadingZeros$2(isoWeek, token.length); }, // Day of the month d: function d(date, token, localize2) { if (token === "do") { return localize2.ordinalNumber(date.getUTCDate(), { unit: "date" }); } return formatters$3.d(date, token); }, // Day of year D: function D(date, token, localize2) { var dayOfYear = getUTCDayOfYear$1(date); if (token === "Do") { return localize2.ordinalNumber(dayOfYear, { unit: "dayOfYear" }); } return addLeadingZeros$2(dayOfYear, token.length); }, // Day of week E: function E(date, token, localize2) { var dayOfWeek = date.getUTCDay(); switch (token) { case "E": case "EE": case "EEE": return localize2.day(dayOfWeek, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting" }); case "EEEEE": return localize2.day(dayOfWeek, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting" }); case "EEEEEE": return localize2.day(dayOfWeek, { width: "short", context: "formatting" }); case "EEEE": default: return localize2.day(dayOfWeek, { width: "wide", context: "formatting" }); } }, // Local day of week e: function e(date, token, localize2, options) { var dayOfWeek = date.getUTCDay(); var localDayOfWeek = (dayOfWeek - options.weekStartsOn + 8) % 7 || 7; switch (token) { case "e": return String(localDayOfWeek); case "ee": return addLeadingZeros$2(localDayOfWeek, 2); case "eo": return localize2.ordinalNumber(localDayOfWeek, { unit: "day" }); case "eee": return localize2.day(dayOfWeek, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting" }); case "eeeee": return localize2.day(dayOfWeek, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting" }); case "eeeeee": return localize2.day(dayOfWeek, { width: "short", context: "formatting" }); case "eeee": default: return localize2.day(dayOfWeek, { width: "wide", context: "formatting" }); } }, // Stand-alone local day of week c: function c2(date, token, localize2, options) { var dayOfWeek = date.getUTCDay(); var localDayOfWeek = (dayOfWeek - options.weekStartsOn + 8) % 7 || 7; switch (token) { case "c": return String(localDayOfWeek); case "cc": return addLeadingZeros$2(localDayOfWeek, token.length); case "co": return localize2.ordinalNumber(localDayOfWeek, { unit: "day" }); case "ccc": return localize2.day(dayOfWeek, { width: "abbreviated", context: "standalone" }); case "ccccc": return localize2.day(dayOfWeek, { width: "narrow", context: "standalone" }); case "cccccc": return localize2.day(dayOfWeek, { width: "short", context: "standalone" }); case "cccc": default: return localize2.day(dayOfWeek, { width: "wide", context: "standalone" }); } }, // ISO day of week i: function i(date, token, localize2) { var dayOfWeek = date.getUTCDay(); var isoDayOfWeek = dayOfWeek === 0 ? 7 : dayOfWeek; switch (token) { case "i": return String(isoDayOfWeek); case "ii": return addLeadingZeros$2(isoDayOfWeek, token.length); case "io": return localize2.ordinalNumber(isoDayOfWeek, { unit: "day" }); case "iii": return localize2.day(dayOfWeek, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting" }); case "iiiii": return localize2.day(dayOfWeek, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting" }); case "iiiiii": return localize2.day(dayOfWeek, { width: "short", context: "formatting" }); case "iiii": default: return localize2.day(dayOfWeek, { width: "wide", context: "formatting" }); } }, // AM or PM a: function a2(date, token, localize2) { var hours = date.getUTCHours(); var dayPeriodEnumValue = hours / 12 >= 1 ? "pm" : "am"; switch (token) { case "a": case "aa": return localize2.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting" }); case "aaa": return localize2.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting" }).toLowerCase(); case "aaaaa": return localize2.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting" }); case "aaaa": default: return localize2.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { width: "wide", context: "formatting" }); } }, // AM, PM, midnight, noon b: function b(date, token, localize2) { var hours = date.getUTCHours(); var dayPeriodEnumValue; if (hours === 12) { dayPeriodEnumValue = dayPeriodEnum.noon; } else if (hours === 0) { dayPeriodEnumValue = dayPeriodEnum.midnight; } else { dayPeriodEnumValue = hours / 12 >= 1 ? "pm" : "am"; } switch (token) { case "b": case "bb": return localize2.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting" }); case "bbb": return localize2.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting" }).toLowerCase(); case "bbbbb": return localize2.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting" }); case "bbbb": default: return localize2.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { width: "wide", context: "formatting" }); } }, // in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, at night B: function B(date, token, localize2) { var hours = date.getUTCHours(); var dayPeriodEnumValue; if (hours >= 17) { dayPeriodEnumValue = dayPeriodEnum.evening; } else if (hours >= 12) { dayPeriodEnumValue = dayPeriodEnum.afternoon; } else if (hours >= 4) { dayPeriodEnumValue = dayPeriodEnum.morning; } else { dayPeriodEnumValue = dayPeriodEnum.night; } switch (token) { case "B": case "BB": case "BBB": return localize2.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting" }); case "BBBBB": return localize2.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting" }); case "BBBB": default: return localize2.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { width: "wide", context: "formatting" }); } }, // Hour [1-12] h: function h2(date, token, localize2) { if (token === "ho") { var hours = date.getUTCHours() % 12; if (hours === 0) hours = 12; return localize2.ordinalNumber(hours, { unit: "hour" }); } return formatters$3.h(date, token); }, // Hour [0-23] H: function H(date, token, localize2) { if (token === "Ho") { return localize2.ordinalNumber(date.getUTCHours(), { unit: "hour" }); } return formatters$3.H(date, token); }, // Hour [0-11] K: function K(date, token, localize2) { var hours = date.getUTCHours() % 12; if (token === "Ko") { return localize2.ordinalNumber(hours, { unit: "hour" }); } return addLeadingZeros$2(hours, token.length); }, // Hour [1-24] k: function k(date, token, localize2) { var hours = date.getUTCHours(); if (hours === 0) hours = 24; if (token === "ko") { return localize2.ordinalNumber(hours, { unit: "hour" }); } return addLeadingZeros$2(hours, token.length); }, // Minute m: function m(date, token, localize2) { if (token === "mo") { return localize2.ordinalNumber(date.getUTCMinutes(), { unit: "minute" }); } return formatters$3.m(date, token); }, // Second s: function s(date, token, localize2) { if (token === "so") { return localize2.ordinalNumber(date.getUTCSeconds(), { unit: "second" }); } return formatters$3.s(date, token); }, // Fraction of second S: function S(date, token) { return formatters$3.S(date, token); }, // Timezone (ISO-8601. If offset is 0, output is always `'Z'`) X: function X(date, token, _localize, options) { var originalDate = options._originalDate || date; var timezoneOffset = originalDate.getTimezoneOffset(); if (timezoneOffset === 0) { return "Z"; } switch (token) { case "X": return formatTimezoneWithOptionalMinutes$1(timezoneOffset); case "XXXX": case "XX": return formatTimezone$1(timezoneOffset); case "XXXXX": case "XXX": default: return formatTimezone$1(timezoneOffset, ":"); } }, // Timezone (ISO-8601. If offset is 0, output is `'+00:00'` or equivalent) x: function x(date, token, _localize, options) { var originalDate = options._originalDate || date; var timezoneOffset = originalDate.getTimezoneOffset(); switch (token) { case "x": return formatTimezoneWithOptionalMinutes$1(timezoneOffset); case "xxxx": case "xx": return formatTimezone$1(timezoneOffset); case "xxxxx": case "xxx": default: return formatTimezone$1(timezoneOffset, ":"); } }, // Timezone (GMT) O: function O(date, token, _localize, options) { var originalDate = options._originalDate || date; var timezoneOffset = originalDate.getTimezoneOffset(); switch (token) { case "O": case "OO": case "OOO": return "GMT" + formatTimezoneShort$1(timezoneOffset, ":"); case "OOOO": default: return "GMT" + formatTimezone$1(timezoneOffset, ":"); } }, // Timezone (specific non-location) z: function z(date, token, _localize, options) { var originalDate = options._originalDate || date; var timezoneOffset = originalDate.getTimezoneOffset(); switch (token) { case "z": case "zz": case "zzz": return "GMT" + formatTimezoneShort$1(timezoneOffset, ":"); case "zzzz": default: return "GMT" + formatTimezone$1(timezoneOffset, ":"); } }, // Seconds timestamp t: function t(date, token, _localize, options) { var originalDate = options._originalDate || date; var timestamp = Math.floor(originalDate.getTime() / 1e3); return addLeadingZeros$2(timestamp, token.length); }, // Milliseconds timestamp T: function T(date, token, _localize, options) { var originalDate = options._originalDate || date; var timestamp = originalDate.getTime(); return addLeadingZeros$2(timestamp, token.length); } }; function formatTimezoneShort$1(offset, dirtyDelimiter) { var sign = offset > 0 ? "-" : "+"; var absOffset = Math.abs(offset); var hours = Math.floor(absOffset / 60); var minutes = absOffset % 60; if (minutes === 0) { return sign + String(hours); } var delimiter = dirtyDelimiter; return sign + String(hours) + delimiter + addLeadingZeros$2(minutes, 2); } function formatTimezoneWithOptionalMinutes$1(offset, dirtyDelimiter) { if (offset % 60 === 0) { var sign = offset > 0 ? "-" : "+"; return sign + addLeadingZeros$2(Math.abs(offset) / 60, 2); } return formatTimezone$1(offset, dirtyDelimiter); } function formatTimezone$1(offset, dirtyDelimiter) { var delimiter = dirtyDelimiter || ""; var sign = offset > 0 ? "-" : "+"; var absOffset = Math.abs(offset); var hours = addLeadingZeros$2(Math.floor(absOffset / 60), 2); var minutes = addLeadingZeros$2(absOffset % 60, 2); return sign + hours + delimiter + minutes; } var dateLongFormatter = function dateLongFormatter2(pattern, formatLong2) { switch (pattern) { case "P": return formatLong2.date({ width: "short" }); case "PP": return formatLong2.date({ width: "medium" }); case "PPP": return formatLong2.date({ width: "long" }); case "PPPP": default: return formatLong2.date({ width: "full" }); } }; var timeLongFormatter = function timeLongFormatter2(pattern, formatLong2) { switch (pattern) { case "p": return formatLong2.time({ width: "short" }); case "pp": return formatLong2.time({ width: "medium" }); case "ppp": return formatLong2.time({ width: "long" }); case "pppp": default: return formatLong2.time({ width: "full" }); } }; var dateTimeLongFormatter = function dateTimeLongFormatter2(pattern, formatLong2) { var matchResult = pattern.match(/(P+)(p+)?/) || []; var datePattern = matchResult[1]; var timePattern = matchResult[2]; if (!timePattern) { return dateLongFormatter(pattern, formatLong2); } var dateTimeFormat; switch (datePattern) { case "P": dateTimeFormat = formatLong2.dateTime({ width: "short" }); break; case "PP": dateTimeFormat = formatLong2.dateTime({ width: "medium" }); break; case "PPP": dateTimeFormat = formatLong2.dateTime({ width: "long" }); break; case "PPPP": default: dateTimeFormat = formatLong2.dateTime({ width: "full" }); break; } return dateTimeFormat.replace("{{date}}", dateLongFormatter(datePattern, formatLong2)).replace("{{time}}", timeLongFormatter(timePattern, formatLong2)); }; var longFormatters$1 = { p: timeLongFormatter, P: dateTimeLongFormatter }; var protectedDayOfYearTokens$1 = ["D", "DD"]; var protectedWeekYearTokens$1 = ["YY", "YYYY"]; function isProtectedDayOfYearToken$1(token) { return protectedDayOfYearTokens$1.indexOf(token) !== -1; } function isProtectedWeekYearToken$1(token) { return protectedWeekYearTokens$1.indexOf(token) !== -1; } function throwProtectedError$1(token, format2, input) { if (token === "YYYY") { throw new RangeError("Use `yyyy` instead of `YYYY` (in `".concat(format2, "`) for formatting years to the input `").concat(input, "`; see: https://github.com/date-fns/date-fns/blob/master/docs/unicodeTokens.md")); } else if (token === "YY") { throw new RangeError("Use `yy` instead of `YY` (in `".concat(format2, "`) for formatting years to the input `").concat(input, "`; see: https://github.com/date-fns/date-fns/blob/master/docs/unicodeTokens.md")); } else if (token === "D") { throw new RangeError("Use `d` instead of `D` (in `".concat(format2, "`) for formatting days of the month to the input `").concat(input, "`; see: https://github.com/date-fns/date-fns/blob/master/docs/unicodeTokens.md")); } else if (token === "DD") { throw new RangeError("Use `dd` instead of `DD` (in `".concat(format2, "`) for formatting days of the month to the input `").concat(input, "`; see: https://github.com/date-fns/date-fns/blob/master/docs/unicodeTokens.md")); } } var formattingTokensRegExp$1 = /[yYQqMLwIdDecihHKkms]o|(\w)\1*|''|'(''|[^'])+('|$)|./g; var longFormattingTokensRegExp$1 = /P+p+|P+|p+|''|'(''|[^'])+('|$)|./g; var escapedStringRegExp$1 = /^'([^]*?)'?$/; var doubleQuoteRegExp$1 = /''/g; var unescapedLatinCharacterRegExp$1 = /[a-zA-Z]/; function format$4(dirtyDate, dirtyFormatStr, options) { var _ref, _options$locale, _ref2, _ref3, _ref4, _options$firstWeekCon, _options$locale2, _options$locale2$opti, _defaultOptions$local, _defaultOptions$local2, _ref5, _ref6, _ref7, _options$weekStartsOn, _options$locale3, _options$locale3$opti, _defaultOptions$local3, _defaultOptions$local4; requiredArgs$1(2, arguments); var formatStr = String(dirtyFormatStr); var defaultOptions2 = getDefaultOptions$1(); var locale$1 = (_ref = (_options$locale = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.locale) !== null && _options$locale !== void 0 ? _options$locale : defaultOptions2.locale) !== null && _ref !== void 0 ? _ref : locale; var firstWeekContainsDate = toInteger$2((_ref2 = (_ref3 = (_ref4 = (_options$firstWeekCon = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _options$firstWeekCon !== void 0 ? _options$firstWeekCon : options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale2 = options.locale) === null || _options$locale2 === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale2$opti = _options$locale2.options) === null || _options$locale2$opti === void 0 ? void 0 : _options$locale2$opti.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref4 !== void 0 ? _ref4 : defaultOptions2.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref3 !== void 0 ? _ref3 : (_defaultOptions$local = defaultOptions2.locale) === null || _defaultOptions$local === void 0 ? void 0 : (_defaultOptions$local2 = _defaultOptions$local.options) === null || _defaultOptions$local2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _defaultOptions$local2.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref2 !== void 0 ? _ref2 : 1); if (!(firstWeekContainsDate >= 1 && firstWeekContainsDate <= 7)) { throw new RangeError("firstWeekContainsDate must be between 1 and 7 inclusively"); } var weekStartsOn = toInteger$2((_ref5 = (_ref6 = (_ref7 = (_options$weekStartsOn = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.weekStartsOn) !== null && _options$weekStartsOn !== void 0 ? _options$weekStartsOn : options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale3 = options.locale) === null || _options$locale3 === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale3$opti = _options$locale3.options) === null || _options$locale3$opti === void 0 ? void 0 : _options$locale3$opti.weekStartsOn) !== null && _ref7 !== void 0 ? _ref7 : defaultOptions2.weekStartsOn) !== null && _ref6 !== void 0 ? _ref6 : (_defaultOptions$local3 = defaultOptions2.locale) === null || _defaultOptions$local3 === void 0 ? void 0 : (_defaultOptions$local4 = _defaultOptions$local3.options) === null || _defaultOptions$local4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _defaultOptions$local4.weekStartsOn) !== null && _ref5 !== void 0 ? _ref5 : 0); if (!(weekStartsOn >= 0 && weekStartsOn <= 6)) { throw new RangeError("weekStartsOn must be between 0 and 6 inclusively"); } if (!locale$1.localize) { throw new RangeError("locale must contain localize property"); } if (!locale$1.formatLong) { throw new RangeError("locale must contain formatLong property"); } var originalDate = toDate$2(dirtyDate); if (!isValid$1(originalDate)) { throw new RangeError("Invalid time value"); } var timezoneOffset = getTimezoneOffsetInMilliseconds$2(originalDate); var utcDate = subMilliseconds$1(originalDate, timezoneOffset); var formatterOptions = { firstWeekContainsDate, weekStartsOn, locale: locale$1, _originalDate: originalDate }; var result = formatStr.match(longFormattingTokensRegExp$1).map(function(substring) { var firstCharacter = substring[0]; if (firstCharacter === "p" || firstCharacter === "P") { var longFormatter = longFormatters$1[firstCharacter]; return longFormatter(substring, locale$1.formatLong); } return substring; }).join("").match(formattingTokensRegExp$1).map(function(substring) { if (substring === "''") { return "'"; } var firstCharacter = substring[0]; if (firstCharacter === "'") { return cleanEscapedString$1(substring); } var formatter = formatters$2[firstCharacter]; if (formatter) { if (!(options !== null && options !== void 0 && options.useAdditionalWeekYearTokens) && isProtectedWeekYearToken$1(substring)) { throwProtectedError$1(substring, dirtyFormatStr, String(dirtyDate)); } if (!(options !== null && options !== void 0 && options.useAdditionalDayOfYearTokens) && isProtectedDayOfYearToken$1(substring)) { throwProtectedError$1(substring, dirtyFormatStr, String(dirtyDate)); } return formatter(utcDate, substring, locale$1.localize, formatterOptions); } if (firstCharacter.match(unescapedLatinCharacterRegExp$1)) { throw new RangeError("Format string contains an unescaped latin alphabet character `" + firstCharacter + "`"); } return substring; }).join(""); return result; } function cleanEscapedString$1(input) { var matched = input.match(escapedStringRegExp$1); if (!matched) { return input; } return matched[1].replace(doubleQuoteRegExp$1, "'"); } function assign$1(target, object) { if (target == null) { throw new TypeError("assign requires that input parameter not be null or undefined"); } for (var property2 in object) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, property2)) { target[property2] = object[property2]; } } return target; } function cloneObject$2(object) { return assign$1({}, object); } var MILLISECONDS_IN_MINUTE$3 = 1e3 * 60; var MINUTES_IN_DAY = 60 * 24; var MINUTES_IN_MONTH = MINUTES_IN_DAY * 30; var MINUTES_IN_YEAR = MINUTES_IN_DAY * 365; function formatDistanceStrict(dirtyDate, dirtyBaseDate, options) { var _ref, _options$locale, _options$roundingMeth; requiredArgs$1(2, arguments); var defaultOptions2 = getDefaultOptions$1(); var locale$1 = (_ref = (_options$locale = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.locale) !== null && _options$locale !== void 0 ? _options$locale : defaultOptions2.locale) !== null && _ref !== void 0 ? _ref : locale; if (!locale$1.formatDistance) { throw new RangeError("locale must contain localize.formatDistance property"); } var comparison = compareAsc(dirtyDate, dirtyBaseDate); if (isNaN(comparison)) { throw new RangeError("Invalid time value"); } var localizeOptions = assign$1(cloneObject$2(options), { addSuffix: Boolean(options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.addSuffix), comparison }); var dateLeft; var dateRight; if (comparison > 0) { dateLeft = toDate$2(dirtyBaseDate); dateRight = toDate$2(dirtyDate); } else { dateLeft = toDate$2(dirtyDate); dateRight = toDate$2(dirtyBaseDate); } var roundingMethod = String((_options$roundingMeth = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.roundingMethod) !== null && _options$roundingMeth !== void 0 ? _options$roundingMeth : "round"); var roundingMethodFn; if (roundingMethod === "floor") { roundingMethodFn = Math.floor; } else if (roundingMethod === "ceil") { roundingMethodFn = Math.ceil; } else if (roundingMethod === "round") { roundingMethodFn = Math.round; } else { throw new RangeError("roundingMethod must be 'floor', 'ceil' or 'round'"); } var milliseconds = dateRight.getTime() - dateLeft.getTime(); var minutes = milliseconds / MILLISECONDS_IN_MINUTE$3; var timezoneOffset = getTimezoneOffsetInMilliseconds$2(dateRight) - getTimezoneOffsetInMilliseconds$2(dateLeft); var dstNormalizedMinutes = (milliseconds - timezoneOffset) / MILLISECONDS_IN_MINUTE$3; var defaultUnit = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.unit; var unit; if (!defaultUnit) { if (minutes < 1) { unit = "second"; } else if (minutes < 60) { unit = "minute"; } else if (minutes < MINUTES_IN_DAY) { unit = "hour"; } else if (dstNormalizedMinutes < MINUTES_IN_MONTH) { unit = "day"; } else if (dstNormalizedMinutes < MINUTES_IN_YEAR) { unit = "month"; } else { unit = "year"; } } else { unit = String(defaultUnit); } if (unit === "second") { var seconds = roundingMethodFn(milliseconds / 1e3); return locale$1.formatDistance("xSeconds", seconds, localizeOptions); } else if (unit === "minute") { var roundedMinutes = roundingMethodFn(minutes); return locale$1.formatDistance("xMinutes", roundedMinutes, localizeOptions); } else if (unit === "hour") { var hours = roundingMethodFn(minutes / 60); return locale$1.formatDistance("xHours", hours, localizeOptions); } else if (unit === "day") { var days = roundingMethodFn(dstNormalizedMinutes / MINUTES_IN_DAY); return locale$1.formatDistance("xDays", days, localizeOptions); } else if (unit === "month") { var months = roundingMethodFn(dstNormalizedMinutes / MINUTES_IN_MONTH); return months === 12 && defaultUnit !== "month" ? locale$1.formatDistance("xYears", 1, localizeOptions) : locale$1.formatDistance("xMonths", months, localizeOptions); } else if (unit === "year") { var years = roundingMethodFn(dstNormalizedMinutes / MINUTES_IN_YEAR); return locale$1.formatDistance("xYears", years, localizeOptions); } throw new RangeError("unit must be 'second', 'minute', 'hour', 'day', 'month' or 'year'"); } function fromUnixTime(dirtyUnixTime) { requiredArgs$1(1, arguments); var unixTime = toInteger$2(dirtyUnixTime); return toDate$2(unixTime * 1e3); } function getDate(dirtyDate) { requiredArgs$1(1, arguments); var date = toDate$2(dirtyDate); var dayOfMonth = date.getDate(); return dayOfMonth; } function getDay(dirtyDate) { requiredArgs$1(1, arguments); var date = toDate$2(dirtyDate); var day = date.getDay(); return day; } function getDaysInMonth(dirtyDate) { requiredArgs$1(1, arguments); var date = toDate$2(dirtyDate); var year = date.getFullYear(); var monthIndex = date.getMonth(); var lastDayOfMonth = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(0); lastDayOfMonth.setFullYear(year, monthIndex + 1, 0); lastDayOfMonth.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); return lastDayOfMonth.getDate(); } function getHours(dirtyDate) { requiredArgs$1(1, arguments); var date = toDate$2(dirtyDate); var hours = date.getHours(); return hours; } function getMilliseconds(dirtyDate) { requiredArgs$1(1, arguments); var date = toDate$2(dirtyDate); var milliseconds = date.getMilliseconds(); return milliseconds; } function getMinutes(dirtyDate) { requiredArgs$1(1, arguments); var date = toDate$2(dirtyDate); var minutes = date.getMinutes(); return minutes; } function getMonth(dirtyDate) { requiredArgs$1(1, arguments); var date = toDate$2(dirtyDate); var month = date.getMonth(); return month; } function getSeconds(dirtyDate) { requiredArgs$1(1, arguments); var date = toDate$2(dirtyDate); var seconds = date.getSeconds(); return seconds; } function getTime(dirtyDate) { requiredArgs$1(1, arguments); var date = toDate$2(dirtyDate); var timestamp = date.getTime(); return timestamp; } function getYear(dirtyDate) { requiredArgs$1(1, arguments); return toDate$2(dirtyDate).getFullYear(); } function _arrayLikeToArray(arr, len2) { if (len2 == null || len2 > arr.length) len2 = arr.length; for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len2); i < len2; i++) arr2[i] = arr[i]; return arr2; } function _unsupportedIterableToArray(o, minLen) { if (!o) return; if (typeof o === "string") return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); var n = Object.prototype.toString.call(o).slice(8, -1); if (n === "Object" && o.constructor) n = o.constructor.name; if (n === "Map" || n === "Set") return Array.from(o); if (n === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); } function _createForOfIteratorHelper(o, allowArrayLike) { var it = typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && o[Symbol.iterator] || o["@@iterator"]; if (!it) { if (Array.isArray(o) || (it = _unsupportedIterableToArray(o)) || allowArrayLike) { if (it) o = it; var i = 0; var F = function F2() { }; return { s: F, n: function n() { if (i >= o.length) return { done: true }; return { done: false, value: o[i++] }; }, e: function e(_e) { throw _e; }, f: F }; } throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method."); } var normalCompletion = true, didErr = false, err; return { s: function s() { it = it.call(o); }, n: function n() { var step = it.next(); normalCompletion = step.done; return step; }, e: function e(_e2) { didErr = true; err = _e2; }, f: function f() { try { if (!normalCompletion && it["return"] != null) it["return"](); } finally { if (didErr) throw err; } } }; } function _assertThisInitialized(self2) { if (self2 === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return self2; } function _setPrototypeOf$1(o, p2) { _setPrototypeOf$1 = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function _setPrototypeOf2(o2, p3) { o2.__proto__ = p3; return o2; }; return _setPrototypeOf$1(o, p2); } function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); Object.defineProperty(subClass, "prototype", { writable: false }); if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf$1(subClass, superClass); } function _getPrototypeOf$1(o) { _getPrototypeOf$1 = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf.bind() : function _getPrototypeOf2(o2) { return o2.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o2); }; return _getPrototypeOf$1(o); } function _isNativeReflectConstruct$1() { try { var t = !Boolean.prototype.valueOf.call(Reflect.construct(Boolean, [], function() { })); } catch (t2) { } return (_isNativeReflectConstruct$1 = function _isNativeReflectConstruct2() { return !!t; })(); } function _possibleConstructorReturn(self2, call2) { if (call2 && (_typeof$1(call2) === "object" || typeof call2 === "function")) { return call2; } else if (call2 !== void 0) { throw new TypeError("Derived constructors may only return object or undefined"); } return _assertThisInitialized(self2); } function _createSuper(Derived) { var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct$1(); return function _createSuperInternal() { var Super = _getPrototypeOf$1(Derived), result; if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf$1(this).constructor; result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); } else { result = Super.apply(this, arguments); } return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, result); }; } function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } function toPrimitive(t, r) { if ("object" != _typeof$1(t) || !t) return t; var e = t[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (void 0 !== e) { var i = e.call(t, r || "default"); if ("object" != _typeof$1(i)) return i; throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value."); } return ("string" === r ? String : Number)(t); } function toPropertyKey(t) { var i = toPrimitive(t, "string"); return "symbol" == _typeof$1(i) ? i : i + ""; } function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, toPropertyKey(descriptor.key), descriptor); } } function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); Object.defineProperty(Constructor, "prototype", { writable: false }); return Constructor; } function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { key = toPropertyKey(key); if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; } var TIMEZONE_UNIT_PRIORITY = 10; var Setter = /* @__PURE__ */ function() { function Setter2() { _classCallCheck(this, Setter2); _defineProperty(this, "priority", void 0); _defineProperty(this, "subPriority", 0); } _createClass(Setter2, [{ key: "validate", value: function validate(_utcDate, _options) { return true; } }]); return Setter2; }(); var ValueSetter = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Setter) { _inherits(ValueSetter2, _Setter); var _super = _createSuper(ValueSetter2); function ValueSetter2(value, validateValue, setValue, priority, subPriority) { var _this; _classCallCheck(this, ValueSetter2); _this = _super.call(this); _this.value = value; _this.validateValue = validateValue; _this.setValue = setValue; _this.priority = priority; if (subPriority) { _this.subPriority = subPriority; } return _this; } _createClass(ValueSetter2, [{ key: "validate", value: function validate(utcDate, options) { return this.validateValue(utcDate, this.value, options); } }, { key: "set", value: function set2(utcDate, flags, options) { return this.setValue(utcDate, flags, this.value, options); } }]); return ValueSetter2; }(Setter); var DateToSystemTimezoneSetter = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Setter2) { _inherits(DateToSystemTimezoneSetter2, _Setter2); var _super2 = _createSuper(DateToSystemTimezoneSetter2); function DateToSystemTimezoneSetter2() { var _this2; _classCallCheck(this, DateToSystemTimezoneSetter2); for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } _this2 = _super2.call.apply(_super2, [this].concat(args)); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this2), "priority", TIMEZONE_UNIT_PRIORITY); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this2), "subPriority", -1); return _this2; } _createClass(DateToSystemTimezoneSetter2, [{ key: "set", value: function set2(date, flags) { if (flags.timestampIsSet) { return date; } var convertedDate = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(0); convertedDate.setFullYear(date.getUTCFullYear(), date.getUTCMonth(), date.getUTCDate()); convertedDate.setHours(date.getUTCHours(), date.getUTCMinutes(), date.getUTCSeconds(), date.getUTCMilliseconds()); return convertedDate; } }]); return DateToSystemTimezoneSetter2; }(Setter); var Parser = /* @__PURE__ */ function() { function Parser2() { _classCallCheck(this, Parser2); _defineProperty(this, "incompatibleTokens", void 0); _defineProperty(this, "priority", void 0); _defineProperty(this, "subPriority", void 0); } _createClass(Parser2, [{ key: "run", value: function run(dateString, token, match2, options) { var result = this.parse(dateString, token, match2, options); if (!result) { return null; } return { setter: new ValueSetter(result.value, this.validate, this.set, this.priority, this.subPriority), rest: result.rest }; } }, { key: "validate", value: function validate(_utcDate, _value, _options) { return true; } }]); return Parser2; }(); var EraParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { _inherits(EraParser2, _Parser); var _super = _createSuper(EraParser2); function EraParser2() { var _this; _classCallCheck(this, EraParser2); for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } _this = _super.call.apply(_super, [this].concat(args)); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "priority", 140); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["R", "u", "t", "T"]); return _this; } _createClass(EraParser2, [{ key: "parse", value: function parse2(dateString, token, match2) { switch (token) { case "G": case "GG": case "GGG": return match2.era(dateString, { width: "abbreviated" }) || match2.era(dateString, { width: "narrow" }); case "GGGGG": return match2.era(dateString, { width: "narrow" }); case "GGGG": default: return match2.era(dateString, { width: "wide" }) || match2.era(dateString, { width: "abbreviated" }) || match2.era(dateString, { width: "narrow" }); } } }, { key: "set", value: function set2(date, flags, value) { flags.era = value; date.setUTCFullYear(value, 0, 1); date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); return date; } }]); return EraParser2; }(Parser); var numericPatterns = { month: /^(1[0-2]|0?\d)/, // 0 to 12 date: /^(3[0-1]|[0-2]?\d)/, // 0 to 31 dayOfYear: /^(36[0-6]|3[0-5]\d|[0-2]?\d?\d)/, // 0 to 366 week: /^(5[0-3]|[0-4]?\d)/, // 0 to 53 hour23h: /^(2[0-3]|[0-1]?\d)/, // 0 to 23 hour24h: /^(2[0-4]|[0-1]?\d)/, // 0 to 24 hour11h: /^(1[0-1]|0?\d)/, // 0 to 11 hour12h: /^(1[0-2]|0?\d)/, // 0 to 12 minute: /^[0-5]?\d/, // 0 to 59 second: /^[0-5]?\d/, // 0 to 59 singleDigit: /^\d/, // 0 to 9 twoDigits: /^\d{1,2}/, // 0 to 99 threeDigits: /^\d{1,3}/, // 0 to 999 fourDigits: /^\d{1,4}/, // 0 to 9999 anyDigitsSigned: /^-?\d+/, singleDigitSigned: /^-?\d/, // 0 to 9, -0 to -9 twoDigitsSigned: /^-?\d{1,2}/, // 0 to 99, -0 to -99 threeDigitsSigned: /^-?\d{1,3}/, // 0 to 999, -0 to -999 fourDigitsSigned: /^-?\d{1,4}/ // 0 to 9999, -0 to -9999 }; var timezonePatterns = { basicOptionalMinutes: /^([+-])(\d{2})(\d{2})?|Z/, basic: /^([+-])(\d{2})(\d{2})|Z/, basicOptionalSeconds: /^([+-])(\d{2})(\d{2})((\d{2}))?|Z/, extended: /^([+-])(\d{2}):(\d{2})|Z/, extendedOptionalSeconds: /^([+-])(\d{2}):(\d{2})(:(\d{2}))?|Z/ }; function mapValue(parseFnResult, mapFn) { if (!parseFnResult) { return parseFnResult; } return { value: mapFn(parseFnResult.value), rest: parseFnResult.rest }; } function parseNumericPattern(pattern, dateString) { var matchResult = dateString.match(pattern); if (!matchResult) { return null; } return { value: parseInt(matchResult[0], 10), rest: dateString.slice(matchResult[0].length) }; } function parseTimezonePattern(pattern, dateString) { var matchResult = dateString.match(pattern); if (!matchResult) { return null; } if (matchResult[0] === "Z") { return { value: 0, rest: dateString.slice(1) }; } var sign = matchResult[1] === "+" ? 1 : -1; var hours = matchResult[2] ? parseInt(matchResult[2], 10) : 0; var minutes = matchResult[3] ? parseInt(matchResult[3], 10) : 0; var seconds = matchResult[5] ? parseInt(matchResult[5], 10) : 0; return { value: sign * (hours * millisecondsInHour + minutes * millisecondsInMinute + seconds * millisecondsInSecond), rest: dateString.slice(matchResult[0].length) }; } function parseAnyDigitsSigned(dateString) { return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.anyDigitsSigned, dateString); } function parseNDigits(n, dateString) { switch (n) { case 1: return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.singleDigit, dateString); case 2: return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.twoDigits, dateString); case 3: return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.threeDigits, dateString); case 4: return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.fourDigits, dateString); default: return parseNumericPattern(new RegExp("^\\d{1," + n + "}"), dateString); } } function parseNDigitsSigned(n, dateString) { switch (n) { case 1: return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.singleDigitSigned, dateString); case 2: return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.twoDigitsSigned, dateString); case 3: return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.threeDigitsSigned, dateString); case 4: return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.fourDigitsSigned, dateString); default: return parseNumericPattern(new RegExp("^-?\\d{1," + n + "}"), dateString); } } function dayPeriodEnumToHours(dayPeriod) { switch (dayPeriod) { case "morning": return 4; case "evening": return 17; case "pm": case "noon": case "afternoon": return 12; case "am": case "midnight": case "night": default: return 0; } } function normalizeTwoDigitYear(twoDigitYear, currentYear) { var isCommonEra = currentYear > 0; var absCurrentYear = isCommonEra ? currentYear : 1 - currentYear; var result; if (absCurrentYear <= 50) { result = twoDigitYear || 100; } else { var rangeEnd = absCurrentYear + 50; var rangeEndCentury = Math.floor(rangeEnd / 100) * 100; var isPreviousCentury = twoDigitYear >= rangeEnd % 100; result = twoDigitYear + rangeEndCentury - (isPreviousCentury ? 100 : 0); } return isCommonEra ? result : 1 - result; } function isLeapYearIndex$1(year) { return year % 400 === 0 || year % 4 === 0 && year % 100 !== 0; } var YearParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { _inherits(YearParser2, _Parser); var _super = _createSuper(YearParser2); function YearParser2() { var _this; _classCallCheck(this, YearParser2); for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } _this = _super.call.apply(_super, [this].concat(args)); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "priority", 130); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["Y", "R", "u", "w", "I", "i", "e", "c", "t", "T"]); return _this; } _createClass(YearParser2, [{ key: "parse", value: function parse2(dateString, token, match2) { var valueCallback = function valueCallback2(year) { return { year, isTwoDigitYear: token === "yy" }; }; switch (token) { case "y": return mapValue(parseNDigits(4, dateString), valueCallback); case "yo": return mapValue(match2.ordinalNumber(dateString, { unit: "year" }), valueCallback); default: return mapValue(parseNDigits(token.length, dateString), valueCallback); } } }, { key: "validate", value: function validate(_date, value) { return value.isTwoDigitYear || value.year > 0; } }, { key: "set", value: function set2(date, flags, value) { var currentYear = date.getUTCFullYear(); if (value.isTwoDigitYear) { var normalizedTwoDigitYear = normalizeTwoDigitYear(value.year, currentYear); date.setUTCFullYear(normalizedTwoDigitYear, 0, 1); date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); return date; } var year = !("era" in flags) || flags.era === 1 ? value.year : 1 - value.year; date.setUTCFullYear(year, 0, 1); date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); return date; } }]); return YearParser2; }(Parser); var LocalWeekYearParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { _inherits(LocalWeekYearParser2, _Parser); var _super = _createSuper(LocalWeekYearParser2); function LocalWeekYearParser2() { var _this; _classCallCheck(this, LocalWeekYearParser2); for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } _this = _super.call.apply(_super, [this].concat(args)); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "priority", 130); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["y", "R", "u", "Q", "q", "M", "L", "I", "d", "D", "i", "t", "T"]); return _this; } _createClass(LocalWeekYearParser2, [{ key: "parse", value: function parse2(dateString, token, match2) { var valueCallback = function valueCallback2(year) { return { year, isTwoDigitYear: token === "YY" }; }; switch (token) { case "Y": return mapValue(parseNDigits(4, dateString), valueCallback); case "Yo": return mapValue(match2.ordinalNumber(dateString, { unit: "year" }), valueCallback); default: return mapValue(parseNDigits(token.length, dateString), valueCallback); } } }, { key: "validate", value: function validate(_date, value) { return value.isTwoDigitYear || value.year > 0; } }, { key: "set", value: function set2(date, flags, value, options) { var currentYear = getUTCWeekYear$1(date, options); if (value.isTwoDigitYear) { var normalizedTwoDigitYear = normalizeTwoDigitYear(value.year, currentYear); date.setUTCFullYear(normalizedTwoDigitYear, 0, options.firstWeekContainsDate); date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); return startOfUTCWeek$1(date, options); } var year = !("era" in flags) || flags.era === 1 ? value.year : 1 - value.year; date.setUTCFullYear(year, 0, options.firstWeekContainsDate); date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); return startOfUTCWeek$1(date, options); } }]); return LocalWeekYearParser2; }(Parser); var ISOWeekYearParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { _inherits(ISOWeekYearParser2, _Parser); var _super = _createSuper(ISOWeekYearParser2); function ISOWeekYearParser2() { var _this; _classCallCheck(this, ISOWeekYearParser2); for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } _this = _super.call.apply(_super, [this].concat(args)); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "priority", 130); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["G", "y", "Y", "u", "Q", "q", "M", "L", "w", "d", "D", "e", "c", "t", "T"]); return _this; } _createClass(ISOWeekYearParser2, [{ key: "parse", value: function parse2(dateString, token) { if (token === "R") { return parseNDigitsSigned(4, dateString); } return parseNDigitsSigned(token.length, dateString); } }, { key: "set", value: function set2(_date, _flags, value) { var firstWeekOfYear = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(0); firstWeekOfYear.setUTCFullYear(value, 0, 4); firstWeekOfYear.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); return startOfUTCISOWeek$1(firstWeekOfYear); } }]); return ISOWeekYearParser2; }(Parser); var ExtendedYearParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { _inherits(ExtendedYearParser2, _Parser); var _super = _createSuper(ExtendedYearParser2); function ExtendedYearParser2() { var _this; _classCallCheck(this, ExtendedYearParser2); for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } _this = _super.call.apply(_super, [this].concat(args)); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "priority", 130); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["G", "y", "Y", "R", "w", "I", "i", "e", "c", "t", "T"]); return _this; } _createClass(ExtendedYearParser2, [{ key: "parse", value: function parse2(dateString, token) { if (token === "u") { return parseNDigitsSigned(4, dateString); } return parseNDigitsSigned(token.length, dateString); } }, { key: "set", value: function set2(date, _flags, value) { date.setUTCFullYear(value, 0, 1); date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); return date; } }]); return ExtendedYearParser2; }(Parser); var QuarterParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { _inherits(QuarterParser2, _Parser); var _super = _createSuper(QuarterParser2); function QuarterParser2() { var _this; _classCallCheck(this, QuarterParser2); for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } _this = _super.call.apply(_super, [this].concat(args)); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "priority", 120); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["Y", "R", "q", "M", "L", "w", "I", "d", "D", "i", "e", "c", "t", "T"]); return _this; } _createClass(QuarterParser2, [{ key: "parse", value: function parse2(dateString, token, match2) { switch (token) { case "Q": case "QQ": return parseNDigits(token.length, dateString); case "Qo": return match2.ordinalNumber(dateString, { unit: "quarter" }); case "QQQ": return match2.quarter(dateString, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting" }) || match2.quarter(dateString, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting" }); case "QQQQQ": return match2.quarter(dateString, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting" }); case "QQQQ": default: return match2.quarter(dateString, { width: "wide", context: "formatting" }) || match2.quarter(dateString, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting" }) || match2.quarter(dateString, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting" }); } } }, { key: "validate", value: function validate(_date, value) { return value >= 1 && value <= 4; } }, { key: "set", value: function set2(date, _flags, value) { date.setUTCMonth((value - 1) * 3, 1); date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); return date; } }]); return QuarterParser2; }(Parser); var StandAloneQuarterParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { _inherits(StandAloneQuarterParser2, _Parser); var _super = _createSuper(StandAloneQuarterParser2); function StandAloneQuarterParser2() { var _this; _classCallCheck(this, StandAloneQuarterParser2); for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } _this = _super.call.apply(_super, [this].concat(args)); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "priority", 120); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["Y", "R", "Q", "M", "L", "w", "I", "d", "D", "i", "e", "c", "t", "T"]); return _this; } _createClass(StandAloneQuarterParser2, [{ key: "parse", value: function parse2(dateString, token, match2) { switch (token) { case "q": case "qq": return parseNDigits(token.length, dateString); case "qo": return match2.ordinalNumber(dateString, { unit: "quarter" }); case "qqq": return match2.quarter(dateString, { width: "abbreviated", context: "standalone" }) || match2.quarter(dateString, { width: "narrow", context: "standalone" }); case "qqqqq": return match2.quarter(dateString, { width: "narrow", context: "standalone" }); case "qqqq": default: return match2.quarter(dateString, { width: "wide", context: "standalone" }) || match2.quarter(dateString, { width: "abbreviated", context: "standalone" }) || match2.quarter(dateString, { width: "narrow", context: "standalone" }); } } }, { key: "validate", value: function validate(_date, value) { return value >= 1 && value <= 4; } }, { key: "set", value: function set2(date, _flags, value) { date.setUTCMonth((value - 1) * 3, 1); date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); return date; } }]); return StandAloneQuarterParser2; }(Parser); var MonthParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { _inherits(MonthParser2, _Parser); var _super = _createSuper(MonthParser2); function MonthParser2() { var _this; _classCallCheck(this, MonthParser2); for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } _this = _super.call.apply(_super, [this].concat(args)); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["Y", "R", "q", "Q", "L", "w", "I", "D", "i", "e", "c", "t", "T"]); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "priority", 110); return _this; } _createClass(MonthParser2, [{ key: "parse", value: function parse2(dateString, token, match2) { var valueCallback = function valueCallback2(value) { return value - 1; }; switch (token) { case "M": return mapValue(parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.month, dateString), valueCallback); case "MM": return mapValue(parseNDigits(2, dateString), valueCallback); case "Mo": return mapValue(match2.ordinalNumber(dateString, { unit: "month" }), valueCallback); case "MMM": return match2.month(dateString, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting" }) || match2.month(dateString, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting" }); case "MMMMM": return match2.month(dateString, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting" }); case "MMMM": default: return match2.month(dateString, { width: "wide", context: "formatting" }) || match2.month(dateString, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting" }) || match2.month(dateString, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting" }); } } }, { key: "validate", value: function validate(_date, value) { return value >= 0 && value <= 11; } }, { key: "set", value: function set2(date, _flags, value) { date.setUTCMonth(value, 1); date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); return date; } }]); return MonthParser2; }(Parser); var StandAloneMonthParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { _inherits(StandAloneMonthParser2, _Parser); var _super = _createSuper(StandAloneMonthParser2); function StandAloneMonthParser2() { var _this; _classCallCheck(this, StandAloneMonthParser2); for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } _this = _super.call.apply(_super, [this].concat(args)); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "priority", 110); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["Y", "R", "q", "Q", "M", "w", "I", "D", "i", "e", "c", "t", "T"]); return _this; } _createClass(StandAloneMonthParser2, [{ key: "parse", value: function parse2(dateString, token, match2) { var valueCallback = function valueCallback2(value) { return value - 1; }; switch (token) { case "L": return mapValue(parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.month, dateString), valueCallback); case "LL": return mapValue(parseNDigits(2, dateString), valueCallback); case "Lo": return mapValue(match2.ordinalNumber(dateString, { unit: "month" }), valueCallback); case "LLL": return match2.month(dateString, { width: "abbreviated", context: "standalone" }) || match2.month(dateString, { width: "narrow", context: "standalone" }); case "LLLLL": return match2.month(dateString, { width: "narrow", context: "standalone" }); case "LLLL": default: return match2.month(dateString, { width: "wide", context: "standalone" }) || match2.month(dateString, { width: "abbreviated", context: "standalone" }) || match2.month(dateString, { width: "narrow", context: "standalone" }); } } }, { key: "validate", value: function validate(_date, value) { return value >= 0 && value <= 11; } }, { key: "set", value: function set2(date, _flags, value) { date.setUTCMonth(value, 1); date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); return date; } }]); return StandAloneMonthParser2; }(Parser); function setUTCWeek(dirtyDate, dirtyWeek, options) { requiredArgs$1(2, arguments); var date = toDate$2(dirtyDate); var week = toInteger$2(dirtyWeek); var diff = getUTCWeek$1(date, options) - week; date.setUTCDate(date.getUTCDate() - diff * 7); return date; } var LocalWeekParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { _inherits(LocalWeekParser2, _Parser); var _super = _createSuper(LocalWeekParser2); function LocalWeekParser2() { var _this; _classCallCheck(this, LocalWeekParser2); for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } _this = _super.call.apply(_super, [this].concat(args)); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "priority", 100); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["y", "R", "u", "q", "Q", "M", "L", "I", "d", "D", "i", "t", "T"]); return _this; } _createClass(LocalWeekParser2, [{ key: "parse", value: function parse2(dateString, token, match2) { switch (token) { case "w": return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.week, dateString); case "wo": return match2.ordinalNumber(dateString, { unit: "week" }); default: return parseNDigits(token.length, dateString); } } }, { key: "validate", value: function validate(_date, value) { return value >= 1 && value <= 53; } }, { key: "set", value: function set2(date, _flags, value, options) { return startOfUTCWeek$1(setUTCWeek(date, value, options), options); } }]); return LocalWeekParser2; }(Parser); function setUTCISOWeek(dirtyDate, dirtyISOWeek) { requiredArgs$1(2, arguments); var date = toDate$2(dirtyDate); var isoWeek = toInteger$2(dirtyISOWeek); var diff = getUTCISOWeek$1(date) - isoWeek; date.setUTCDate(date.getUTCDate() - diff * 7); return date; } var ISOWeekParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { _inherits(ISOWeekParser2, _Parser); var _super = _createSuper(ISOWeekParser2); function ISOWeekParser2() { var _this; _classCallCheck(this, ISOWeekParser2); for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } _this = _super.call.apply(_super, [this].concat(args)); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "priority", 100); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["y", "Y", "u", "q", "Q", "M", "L", "w", "d", "D", "e", "c", "t", "T"]); return _this; } _createClass(ISOWeekParser2, [{ key: "parse", value: function parse2(dateString, token, match2) { switch (token) { case "I": return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.week, dateString); case "Io": return match2.ordinalNumber(dateString, { unit: "week" }); default: return parseNDigits(token.length, dateString); } } }, { key: "validate", value: function validate(_date, value) { return value >= 1 && value <= 53; } }, { key: "set", value: function set2(date, _flags, value) { return startOfUTCISOWeek$1(setUTCISOWeek(date, value)); } }]); return ISOWeekParser2; }(Parser); var DAYS_IN_MONTH$1 = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]; var DAYS_IN_MONTH_LEAP_YEAR$1 = [31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]; var DateParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { _inherits(DateParser2, _Parser); var _super = _createSuper(DateParser2); function DateParser2() { var _this; _classCallCheck(this, DateParser2); for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } _this = _super.call.apply(_super, [this].concat(args)); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "priority", 90); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "subPriority", 1); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["Y", "R", "q", "Q", "w", "I", "D", "i", "e", "c", "t", "T"]); return _this; } _createClass(DateParser2, [{ key: "parse", value: function parse2(dateString, token, match2) { switch (token) { case "d": return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.date, dateString); case "do": return match2.ordinalNumber(dateString, { unit: "date" }); default: return parseNDigits(token.length, dateString); } } }, { key: "validate", value: function validate(date, value) { var year = date.getUTCFullYear(); var isLeapYear = isLeapYearIndex$1(year); var month = date.getUTCMonth(); if (isLeapYear) { return value >= 1 && value <= DAYS_IN_MONTH_LEAP_YEAR$1[month]; } else { return value >= 1 && value <= DAYS_IN_MONTH$1[month]; } } }, { key: "set", value: function set2(date, _flags, value) { date.setUTCDate(value); date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); return date; } }]); return DateParser2; }(Parser); var DayOfYearParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { _inherits(DayOfYearParser2, _Parser); var _super = _createSuper(DayOfYearParser2); function DayOfYearParser2() { var _this; _classCallCheck(this, DayOfYearParser2); for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } _this = _super.call.apply(_super, [this].concat(args)); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "priority", 90); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "subpriority", 1); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["Y", "R", "q", "Q", "M", "L", "w", "I", "d", "E", "i", "e", "c", "t", "T"]); return _this; } _createClass(DayOfYearParser2, [{ key: "parse", value: function parse2(dateString, token, match2) { switch (token) { case "D": case "DD": return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.dayOfYear, dateString); case "Do": return match2.ordinalNumber(dateString, { unit: "date" }); default: return parseNDigits(token.length, dateString); } } }, { key: "validate", value: function validate(date, value) { var year = date.getUTCFullYear(); var isLeapYear = isLeapYearIndex$1(year); if (isLeapYear) { return value >= 1 && value <= 366; } else { return value >= 1 && value <= 365; } } }, { key: "set", value: function set2(date, _flags, value) { date.setUTCMonth(0, value); date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); return date; } }]); return DayOfYearParser2; }(Parser); function setUTCDay(dirtyDate, dirtyDay, options) { var _ref, _ref2, _ref3, _options$weekStartsOn, _options$locale, _options$locale$optio, _defaultOptions$local, _defaultOptions$local2; requiredArgs$1(2, arguments); var defaultOptions2 = getDefaultOptions$1(); var weekStartsOn = toInteger$2((_ref = (_ref2 = (_ref3 = (_options$weekStartsOn = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.weekStartsOn) !== null && _options$weekStartsOn !== void 0 ? _options$weekStartsOn : options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale = options.locale) === null || _options$locale === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale$optio = _options$locale.options) === null || _options$locale$optio === void 0 ? void 0 : _options$locale$optio.weekStartsOn) !== null && _ref3 !== void 0 ? _ref3 : defaultOptions2.weekStartsOn) !== null && _ref2 !== void 0 ? _ref2 : (_defaultOptions$local = defaultOptions2.locale) === null || _defaultOptions$local === void 0 ? void 0 : (_defaultOptions$local2 = _defaultOptions$local.options) === null || _defaultOptions$local2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _defaultOptions$local2.weekStartsOn) !== null && _ref !== void 0 ? _ref : 0); if (!(weekStartsOn >= 0 && weekStartsOn <= 6)) { throw new RangeError("weekStartsOn must be between 0 and 6 inclusively"); } var date = toDate$2(dirtyDate); var day = toInteger$2(dirtyDay); var currentDay = date.getUTCDay(); var remainder = day % 7; var dayIndex = (remainder + 7) % 7; var diff = (dayIndex < weekStartsOn ? 7 : 0) + day - currentDay; date.setUTCDate(date.getUTCDate() + diff); return date; } var DayParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { _inherits(DayParser2, _Parser); var _super = _createSuper(DayParser2); function DayParser2() { var _this; _classCallCheck(this, DayParser2); for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } _this = _super.call.apply(_super, [this].concat(args)); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "priority", 90); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["D", "i", "e", "c", "t", "T"]); return _this; } _createClass(DayParser2, [{ key: "parse", value: function parse2(dateString, token, match2) { switch (token) { case "E": case "EE": case "EEE": return match2.day(dateString, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting" }) || match2.day(dateString, { width: "short", context: "formatting" }) || match2.day(dateString, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting" }); case "EEEEE": return match2.day(dateString, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting" }); case "EEEEEE": return match2.day(dateString, { width: "short", context: "formatting" }) || match2.day(dateString, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting" }); case "EEEE": default: return match2.day(dateString, { width: "wide", context: "formatting" }) || match2.day(dateString, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting" }) || match2.day(dateString, { width: "short", context: "formatting" }) || match2.day(dateString, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting" }); } } }, { key: "validate", value: function validate(_date, value) { return value >= 0 && value <= 6; } }, { key: "set", value: function set2(date, _flags, value, options) { date = setUTCDay(date, value, options); date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); return date; } }]); return DayParser2; }(Parser); var LocalDayParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { _inherits(LocalDayParser2, _Parser); var _super = _createSuper(LocalDayParser2); function LocalDayParser2() { var _this; _classCallCheck(this, LocalDayParser2); for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } _this = _super.call.apply(_super, [this].concat(args)); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "priority", 90); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["y", "R", "u", "q", "Q", "M", "L", "I", "d", "D", "E", "i", "c", "t", "T"]); return _this; } _createClass(LocalDayParser2, [{ key: "parse", value: function parse2(dateString, token, match2, options) { var valueCallback = function valueCallback2(value) { var wholeWeekDays = Math.floor((value - 1) / 7) * 7; return (value + options.weekStartsOn + 6) % 7 + wholeWeekDays; }; switch (token) { case "e": case "ee": return mapValue(parseNDigits(token.length, dateString), valueCallback); case "eo": return mapValue(match2.ordinalNumber(dateString, { unit: "day" }), valueCallback); case "eee": return match2.day(dateString, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting" }) || match2.day(dateString, { width: "short", context: "formatting" }) || match2.day(dateString, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting" }); case "eeeee": return match2.day(dateString, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting" }); case "eeeeee": return match2.day(dateString, { width: "short", context: "formatting" }) || match2.day(dateString, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting" }); case "eeee": default: return match2.day(dateString, { width: "wide", context: "formatting" }) || match2.day(dateString, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting" }) || match2.day(dateString, { width: "short", context: "formatting" }) || match2.day(dateString, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting" }); } } }, { key: "validate", value: function validate(_date, value) { return value >= 0 && value <= 6; } }, { key: "set", value: function set2(date, _flags, value, options) { date = setUTCDay(date, value, options); date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); return date; } }]); return LocalDayParser2; }(Parser); var StandAloneLocalDayParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { _inherits(StandAloneLocalDayParser2, _Parser); var _super = _createSuper(StandAloneLocalDayParser2); function StandAloneLocalDayParser2() { var _this; _classCallCheck(this, StandAloneLocalDayParser2); for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } _this = _super.call.apply(_super, [this].concat(args)); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "priority", 90); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["y", "R", "u", "q", "Q", "M", "L", "I", "d", "D", "E", "i", "e", "t", "T"]); return _this; } _createClass(StandAloneLocalDayParser2, [{ key: "parse", value: function parse2(dateString, token, match2, options) { var valueCallback = function valueCallback2(value) { var wholeWeekDays = Math.floor((value - 1) / 7) * 7; return (value + options.weekStartsOn + 6) % 7 + wholeWeekDays; }; switch (token) { case "c": case "cc": return mapValue(parseNDigits(token.length, dateString), valueCallback); case "co": return mapValue(match2.ordinalNumber(dateString, { unit: "day" }), valueCallback); case "ccc": return match2.day(dateString, { width: "abbreviated", context: "standalone" }) || match2.day(dateString, { width: "short", context: "standalone" }) || match2.day(dateString, { width: "narrow", context: "standalone" }); case "ccccc": return match2.day(dateString, { width: "narrow", context: "standalone" }); case "cccccc": return match2.day(dateString, { width: "short", context: "standalone" }) || match2.day(dateString, { width: "narrow", context: "standalone" }); case "cccc": default: return match2.day(dateString, { width: "wide", context: "standalone" }) || match2.day(dateString, { width: "abbreviated", context: "standalone" }) || match2.day(dateString, { width: "short", context: "standalone" }) || match2.day(dateString, { width: "narrow", context: "standalone" }); } } }, { key: "validate", value: function validate(_date, value) { return value >= 0 && value <= 6; } }, { key: "set", value: function set2(date, _flags, value, options) { date = setUTCDay(date, value, options); date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); return date; } }]); return StandAloneLocalDayParser2; }(Parser); function setUTCISODay(dirtyDate, dirtyDay) { requiredArgs$1(2, arguments); var day = toInteger$2(dirtyDay); if (day % 7 === 0) { day = day - 7; } var weekStartsOn = 1; var date = toDate$2(dirtyDate); var currentDay = date.getUTCDay(); var remainder = day % 7; var dayIndex = (remainder + 7) % 7; var diff = (dayIndex < weekStartsOn ? 7 : 0) + day - currentDay; date.setUTCDate(date.getUTCDate() + diff); return date; } var ISODayParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { _inherits(ISODayParser2, _Parser); var _super = _createSuper(ISODayParser2); function ISODayParser2() { var _this; _classCallCheck(this, ISODayParser2); for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } _this = _super.call.apply(_super, [this].concat(args)); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "priority", 90); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["y", "Y", "u", "q", "Q", "M", "L", "w", "d", "D", "E", "e", "c", "t", "T"]); return _this; } _createClass(ISODayParser2, [{ key: "parse", value: function parse2(dateString, token, match2) { var valueCallback = function valueCallback2(value) { if (value === 0) { return 7; } return value; }; switch (token) { case "i": case "ii": return parseNDigits(token.length, dateString); case "io": return match2.ordinalNumber(dateString, { unit: "day" }); case "iii": return mapValue(match2.day(dateString, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting" }) || match2.day(dateString, { width: "short", context: "formatting" }) || match2.day(dateString, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting" }), valueCallback); case "iiiii": return mapValue(match2.day(dateString, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting" }), valueCallback); case "iiiiii": return mapValue(match2.day(dateString, { width: "short", context: "formatting" }) || match2.day(dateString, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting" }), valueCallback); case "iiii": default: return mapValue(match2.day(dateString, { width: "wide", context: "formatting" }) || match2.day(dateString, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting" }) || match2.day(dateString, { width: "short", context: "formatting" }) || match2.day(dateString, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting" }), valueCallback); } } }, { key: "validate", value: function validate(_date, value) { return value >= 1 && value <= 7; } }, { key: "set", value: function set2(date, _flags, value) { date = setUTCISODay(date, value); date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); return date; } }]); return ISODayParser2; }(Parser); var AMPMParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { _inherits(AMPMParser2, _Parser); var _super = _createSuper(AMPMParser2); function AMPMParser2() { var _this; _classCallCheck(this, AMPMParser2); for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } _this = _super.call.apply(_super, [this].concat(args)); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "priority", 80); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["b", "B", "H", "k", "t", "T"]); return _this; } _createClass(AMPMParser2, [{ key: "parse", value: function parse2(dateString, token, match2) { switch (token) { case "a": case "aa": case "aaa": return match2.dayPeriod(dateString, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting" }) || match2.dayPeriod(dateString, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting" }); case "aaaaa": return match2.dayPeriod(dateString, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting" }); case "aaaa": default: return match2.dayPeriod(dateString, { width: "wide", context: "formatting" }) || match2.dayPeriod(dateString, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting" }) || match2.dayPeriod(dateString, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting" }); } } }, { key: "set", value: function set2(date, _flags, value) { date.setUTCHours(dayPeriodEnumToHours(value), 0, 0, 0); return date; } }]); return AMPMParser2; }(Parser); var AMPMMidnightParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { _inherits(AMPMMidnightParser2, _Parser); var _super = _createSuper(AMPMMidnightParser2); function AMPMMidnightParser2() { var _this; _classCallCheck(this, AMPMMidnightParser2); for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } _this = _super.call.apply(_super, [this].concat(args)); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "priority", 80); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["a", "B", "H", "k", "t", "T"]); return _this; } _createClass(AMPMMidnightParser2, [{ key: "parse", value: function parse2(dateString, token, match2) { switch (token) { case "b": case "bb": case "bbb": return match2.dayPeriod(dateString, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting" }) || match2.dayPeriod(dateString, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting" }); case "bbbbb": return match2.dayPeriod(dateString, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting" }); case "bbbb": default: return match2.dayPeriod(dateString, { width: "wide", context: "formatting" }) || match2.dayPeriod(dateString, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting" }) || match2.dayPeriod(dateString, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting" }); } } }, { key: "set", value: function set2(date, _flags, value) { date.setUTCHours(dayPeriodEnumToHours(value), 0, 0, 0); return date; } }]); return AMPMMidnightParser2; }(Parser); var DayPeriodParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { _inherits(DayPeriodParser2, _Parser); var _super = _createSuper(DayPeriodParser2); function DayPeriodParser2() { var _this; _classCallCheck(this, DayPeriodParser2); for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } _this = _super.call.apply(_super, [this].concat(args)); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "priority", 80); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["a", "b", "t", "T"]); return _this; } _createClass(DayPeriodParser2, [{ key: "parse", value: function parse2(dateString, token, match2) { switch (token) { case "B": case "BB": case "BBB": return match2.dayPeriod(dateString, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting" }) || match2.dayPeriod(dateString, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting" }); case "BBBBB": return match2.dayPeriod(dateString, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting" }); case "BBBB": default: return match2.dayPeriod(dateString, { width: "wide", context: "formatting" }) || match2.dayPeriod(dateString, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting" }) || match2.dayPeriod(dateString, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting" }); } } }, { key: "set", value: function set2(date, _flags, value) { date.setUTCHours(dayPeriodEnumToHours(value), 0, 0, 0); return date; } }]); return DayPeriodParser2; }(Parser); var Hour1to12Parser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { _inherits(Hour1to12Parser2, _Parser); var _super = _createSuper(Hour1to12Parser2); function Hour1to12Parser2() { var _this; _classCallCheck(this, Hour1to12Parser2); for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } _this = _super.call.apply(_super, [this].concat(args)); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "priority", 70); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["H", "K", "k", "t", "T"]); return _this; } _createClass(Hour1to12Parser2, [{ key: "parse", value: function parse2(dateString, token, match2) { switch (token) { case "h": return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.hour12h, dateString); case "ho": return match2.ordinalNumber(dateString, { unit: "hour" }); default: return parseNDigits(token.length, dateString); } } }, { key: "validate", value: function validate(_date, value) { return value >= 1 && value <= 12; } }, { key: "set", value: function set2(date, _flags, value) { var isPM = date.getUTCHours() >= 12; if (isPM && value < 12) { date.setUTCHours(value + 12, 0, 0, 0); } else if (!isPM && value === 12) { date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); } else { date.setUTCHours(value, 0, 0, 0); } return date; } }]); return Hour1to12Parser2; }(Parser); var Hour0to23Parser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { _inherits(Hour0to23Parser2, _Parser); var _super = _createSuper(Hour0to23Parser2); function Hour0to23Parser2() { var _this; _classCallCheck(this, Hour0to23Parser2); for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } _this = _super.call.apply(_super, [this].concat(args)); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "priority", 70); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["a", "b", "h", "K", "k", "t", "T"]); return _this; } _createClass(Hour0to23Parser2, [{ key: "parse", value: function parse2(dateString, token, match2) { switch (token) { case "H": return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.hour23h, dateString); case "Ho": return match2.ordinalNumber(dateString, { unit: "hour" }); default: return parseNDigits(token.length, dateString); } } }, { key: "validate", value: function validate(_date, value) { return value >= 0 && value <= 23; } }, { key: "set", value: function set2(date, _flags, value) { date.setUTCHours(value, 0, 0, 0); return date; } }]); return Hour0to23Parser2; }(Parser); var Hour0To11Parser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { _inherits(Hour0To11Parser2, _Parser); var _super = _createSuper(Hour0To11Parser2); function Hour0To11Parser2() { var _this; _classCallCheck(this, Hour0To11Parser2); for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } _this = _super.call.apply(_super, [this].concat(args)); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "priority", 70); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["h", "H", "k", "t", "T"]); return _this; } _createClass(Hour0To11Parser2, [{ key: "parse", value: function parse2(dateString, token, match2) { switch (token) { case "K": return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.hour11h, dateString); case "Ko": return match2.ordinalNumber(dateString, { unit: "hour" }); default: return parseNDigits(token.length, dateString); } } }, { key: "validate", value: function validate(_date, value) { return value >= 0 && value <= 11; } }, { key: "set", value: function set2(date, _flags, value) { var isPM = date.getUTCHours() >= 12; if (isPM && value < 12) { date.setUTCHours(value + 12, 0, 0, 0); } else { date.setUTCHours(value, 0, 0, 0); } return date; } }]); return Hour0To11Parser2; }(Parser); var Hour1To24Parser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { _inherits(Hour1To24Parser2, _Parser); var _super = _createSuper(Hour1To24Parser2); function Hour1To24Parser2() { var _this; _classCallCheck(this, Hour1To24Parser2); for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } _this = _super.call.apply(_super, [this].concat(args)); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "priority", 70); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["a", "b", "h", "H", "K", "t", "T"]); return _this; } _createClass(Hour1To24Parser2, [{ key: "parse", value: function parse2(dateString, token, match2) { switch (token) { case "k": return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.hour24h, dateString); case "ko": return match2.ordinalNumber(dateString, { unit: "hour" }); default: return parseNDigits(token.length, dateString); } } }, { key: "validate", value: function validate(_date, value) { return value >= 1 && value <= 24; } }, { key: "set", value: function set2(date, _flags, value) { var hours = value <= 24 ? value % 24 : value; date.setUTCHours(hours, 0, 0, 0); return date; } }]); return Hour1To24Parser2; }(Parser); var MinuteParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { _inherits(MinuteParser2, _Parser); var _super = _createSuper(MinuteParser2); function MinuteParser2() { var _this; _classCallCheck(this, MinuteParser2); for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } _this = _super.call.apply(_super, [this].concat(args)); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "priority", 60); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["t", "T"]); return _this; } _createClass(MinuteParser2, [{ key: "parse", value: function parse2(dateString, token, match2) { switch (token) { case "m": return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.minute, dateString); case "mo": return match2.ordinalNumber(dateString, { unit: "minute" }); default: return parseNDigits(token.length, dateString); } } }, { key: "validate", value: function validate(_date, value) { return value >= 0 && value <= 59; } }, { key: "set", value: function set2(date, _flags, value) { date.setUTCMinutes(value, 0, 0); return date; } }]); return MinuteParser2; }(Parser); var SecondParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { _inherits(SecondParser2, _Parser); var _super = _createSuper(SecondParser2); function SecondParser2() { var _this; _classCallCheck(this, SecondParser2); for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } _this = _super.call.apply(_super, [this].concat(args)); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "priority", 50); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["t", "T"]); return _this; } _createClass(SecondParser2, [{ key: "parse", value: function parse2(dateString, token, match2) { switch (token) { case "s": return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.second, dateString); case "so": return match2.ordinalNumber(dateString, { unit: "second" }); default: return parseNDigits(token.length, dateString); } } }, { key: "validate", value: function validate(_date, value) { return value >= 0 && value <= 59; } }, { key: "set", value: function set2(date, _flags, value) { date.setUTCSeconds(value, 0); return date; } }]); return SecondParser2; }(Parser); var FractionOfSecondParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { _inherits(FractionOfSecondParser2, _Parser); var _super = _createSuper(FractionOfSecondParser2); function FractionOfSecondParser2() { var _this; _classCallCheck(this, FractionOfSecondParser2); for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } _this = _super.call.apply(_super, [this].concat(args)); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "priority", 30); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["t", "T"]); return _this; } _createClass(FractionOfSecondParser2, [{ key: "parse", value: function parse2(dateString, token) { var valueCallback = function valueCallback2(value) { return Math.floor(value * Math.pow(10, -token.length + 3)); }; return mapValue(parseNDigits(token.length, dateString), valueCallback); } }, { key: "set", value: function set2(date, _flags, value) { date.setUTCMilliseconds(value); return date; } }]); return FractionOfSecondParser2; }(Parser); var ISOTimezoneWithZParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { _inherits(ISOTimezoneWithZParser2, _Parser); var _super = _createSuper(ISOTimezoneWithZParser2); function ISOTimezoneWithZParser2() { var _this; _classCallCheck(this, ISOTimezoneWithZParser2); for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } _this = _super.call.apply(_super, [this].concat(args)); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "priority", 10); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["t", "T", "x"]); return _this; } _createClass(ISOTimezoneWithZParser2, [{ key: "parse", value: function parse2(dateString, token) { switch (token) { case "X": return parseTimezonePattern(timezonePatterns.basicOptionalMinutes, dateString); case "XX": return parseTimezonePattern(timezonePatterns.basic, dateString); case "XXXX": return parseTimezonePattern(timezonePatterns.basicOptionalSeconds, dateString); case "XXXXX": return parseTimezonePattern(timezonePatterns.extendedOptionalSeconds, dateString); case "XXX": default: return parseTimezonePattern(timezonePatterns.extended, dateString); } } }, { key: "set", value: function set2(date, flags, value) { if (flags.timestampIsSet) { return date; } return new Date(date.getTime() - value); } }]); return ISOTimezoneWithZParser2; }(Parser); var ISOTimezoneParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { _inherits(ISOTimezoneParser2, _Parser); var _super = _createSuper(ISOTimezoneParser2); function ISOTimezoneParser2() { var _this; _classCallCheck(this, ISOTimezoneParser2); for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } _this = _super.call.apply(_super, [this].concat(args)); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "priority", 10); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["t", "T", "X"]); return _this; } _createClass(ISOTimezoneParser2, [{ key: "parse", value: function parse2(dateString, token) { switch (token) { case "x": return parseTimezonePattern(timezonePatterns.basicOptionalMinutes, dateString); case "xx": return parseTimezonePattern(timezonePatterns.basic, dateString); case "xxxx": return parseTimezonePattern(timezonePatterns.basicOptionalSeconds, dateString); case "xxxxx": return parseTimezonePattern(timezonePatterns.extendedOptionalSeconds, dateString); case "xxx": default: return parseTimezonePattern(timezonePatterns.extended, dateString); } } }, { key: "set", value: function set2(date, flags, value) { if (flags.timestampIsSet) { return date; } return new Date(date.getTime() - value); } }]); return ISOTimezoneParser2; }(Parser); var TimestampSecondsParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { _inherits(TimestampSecondsParser2, _Parser); var _super = _createSuper(TimestampSecondsParser2); function TimestampSecondsParser2() { var _this; _classCallCheck(this, TimestampSecondsParser2); for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } _this = _super.call.apply(_super, [this].concat(args)); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "priority", 40); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "incompatibleTokens", "*"); return _this; } _createClass(TimestampSecondsParser2, [{ key: "parse", value: function parse2(dateString) { return parseAnyDigitsSigned(dateString); } }, { key: "set", value: function set2(_date, _flags, value) { return [new Date(value * 1e3), { timestampIsSet: true }]; } }]); return TimestampSecondsParser2; }(Parser); var TimestampMillisecondsParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { _inherits(TimestampMillisecondsParser2, _Parser); var _super = _createSuper(TimestampMillisecondsParser2); function TimestampMillisecondsParser2() { var _this; _classCallCheck(this, TimestampMillisecondsParser2); for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } _this = _super.call.apply(_super, [this].concat(args)); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "priority", 20); _defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_this), "incompatibleTokens", "*"); return _this; } _createClass(TimestampMillisecondsParser2, [{ key: "parse", value: function parse2(dateString) { return parseAnyDigitsSigned(dateString); } }, { key: "set", value: function set2(_date, _flags, value) { return [new Date(value), { timestampIsSet: true }]; } }]); return TimestampMillisecondsParser2; }(Parser); var parsers = { G: new EraParser(), y: new YearParser(), Y: new LocalWeekYearParser(), R: new ISOWeekYearParser(), u: new ExtendedYearParser(), Q: new QuarterParser(), q: new StandAloneQuarterParser(), M: new MonthParser(), L: new StandAloneMonthParser(), w: new LocalWeekParser(), I: new ISOWeekParser(), d: new DateParser(), D: new DayOfYearParser(), E: new DayParser(), e: new LocalDayParser(), c: new StandAloneLocalDayParser(), i: new ISODayParser(), a: new AMPMParser(), b: new AMPMMidnightParser(), B: new DayPeriodParser(), h: new Hour1to12Parser(), H: new Hour0to23Parser(), K: new Hour0To11Parser(), k: new Hour1To24Parser(), m: new MinuteParser(), s: new SecondParser(), S: new FractionOfSecondParser(), X: new ISOTimezoneWithZParser(), x: new ISOTimezoneParser(), t: new TimestampSecondsParser(), T: new TimestampMillisecondsParser() }; var formattingTokensRegExp = /[yYQqMLwIdDecihHKkms]o|(\w)\1*|''|'(''|[^'])+('|$)|./g; var longFormattingTokensRegExp = /P+p+|P+|p+|''|'(''|[^'])+('|$)|./g; var escapedStringRegExp = /^'([^]*?)'?$/; var doubleQuoteRegExp = /''/g; var notWhitespaceRegExp = /\S/; var unescapedLatinCharacterRegExp = /[a-zA-Z]/; function parse$1(dirtyDateString, dirtyFormatString, dirtyReferenceDate, options) { var _ref, _options$locale, _ref2, _ref3, _ref4, _options$firstWeekCon, _options$locale2, _options$locale2$opti, _defaultOptions$local, _defaultOptions$local2, _ref5, _ref6, _ref7, _options$weekStartsOn, _options$locale3, _options$locale3$opti, _defaultOptions$local3, _defaultOptions$local4; requiredArgs$1(3, arguments); var dateString = String(dirtyDateString); var formatString = String(dirtyFormatString); var defaultOptions2 = getDefaultOptions$1(); var locale$1 = (_ref = (_options$locale = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.locale) !== null && _options$locale !== void 0 ? _options$locale : defaultOptions2.locale) !== null && _ref !== void 0 ? _ref : locale; if (!locale$1.match) { throw new RangeError("locale must contain match property"); } var firstWeekContainsDate = toInteger$2((_ref2 = (_ref3 = (_ref4 = (_options$firstWeekCon = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _options$firstWeekCon !== void 0 ? _options$firstWeekCon : options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale2 = options.locale) === null || _options$locale2 === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale2$opti = _options$locale2.options) === null || _options$locale2$opti === void 0 ? void 0 : _options$locale2$opti.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref4 !== void 0 ? _ref4 : defaultOptions2.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref3 !== void 0 ? _ref3 : (_defaultOptions$local = defaultOptions2.locale) === null || _defaultOptions$local === void 0 ? void 0 : (_defaultOptions$local2 = _defaultOptions$local.options) === null || _defaultOptions$local2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _defaultOptions$local2.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref2 !== void 0 ? _ref2 : 1); if (!(firstWeekContainsDate >= 1 && firstWeekContainsDate <= 7)) { throw new RangeError("firstWeekContainsDate must be between 1 and 7 inclusively"); } var weekStartsOn = toInteger$2((_ref5 = (_ref6 = (_ref7 = (_options$weekStartsOn = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.weekStartsOn) !== null && _options$weekStartsOn !== void 0 ? _options$weekStartsOn : options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale3 = options.locale) === null || _options$locale3 === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale3$opti = _options$locale3.options) === null || _options$locale3$opti === void 0 ? void 0 : _options$locale3$opti.weekStartsOn) !== null && _ref7 !== void 0 ? _ref7 : defaultOptions2.weekStartsOn) !== null && _ref6 !== void 0 ? _ref6 : (_defaultOptions$local3 = defaultOptions2.locale) === null || _defaultOptions$local3 === void 0 ? void 0 : (_defaultOptions$local4 = _defaultOptions$local3.options) === null || _defaultOptions$local4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _defaultOptions$local4.weekStartsOn) !== null && _ref5 !== void 0 ? _ref5 : 0); if (!(weekStartsOn >= 0 && weekStartsOn <= 6)) { throw new RangeError("weekStartsOn must be between 0 and 6 inclusively"); } if (formatString === "") { if (dateString === "") { return toDate$2(dirtyReferenceDate); } else { return /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(NaN); } } var subFnOptions = { firstWeekContainsDate, weekStartsOn, locale: locale$1 }; var setters = [new DateToSystemTimezoneSetter()]; var tokens = formatString.match(longFormattingTokensRegExp).map(function(substring) { var firstCharacter = substring[0]; if (firstCharacter in longFormatters$1) { var longFormatter = longFormatters$1[firstCharacter]; return longFormatter(substring, locale$1.formatLong); } return substring; }).join("").match(formattingTokensRegExp); var usedTokens = []; var _iterator = _createForOfIteratorHelper(tokens), _step; try { var _loop = function _loop2() { var token = _step.value; if (!(options !== null && options !== void 0 && options.useAdditionalWeekYearTokens) && isProtectedWeekYearToken$1(token)) { throwProtectedError$1(token, formatString, dirtyDateString); } if (!(options !== null && options !== void 0 && options.useAdditionalDayOfYearTokens) && isProtectedDayOfYearToken$1(token)) { throwProtectedError$1(token, formatString, dirtyDateString); } var firstCharacter = token[0]; var parser = parsers[firstCharacter]; if (parser) { var incompatibleTokens = parser.incompatibleTokens; if (Array.isArray(incompatibleTokens)) { var incompatibleToken = usedTokens.find(function(usedToken) { return incompatibleTokens.includes(usedToken.token) || usedToken.token === firstCharacter; }); if (incompatibleToken) { throw new RangeError("The format string mustn't contain `".concat(incompatibleToken.fullToken, "` and `").concat(token, "` at the same time")); } } else if (parser.incompatibleTokens === "*" && usedTokens.length > 0) { throw new RangeError("The format string mustn't contain `".concat(token, "` and any other token at the same time")); } usedTokens.push({ token: firstCharacter, fullToken: token }); var parseResult = parser.run(dateString, token, locale$1.match, subFnOptions); if (!parseResult) { return { v: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(NaN) }; } setters.push(parseResult.setter); dateString = parseResult.rest; } else { if (firstCharacter.match(unescapedLatinCharacterRegExp)) { throw new RangeError("Format string contains an unescaped latin alphabet character `" + firstCharacter + "`"); } if (token === "''") { token = "'"; } else if (firstCharacter === "'") { token = cleanEscapedString(token); } if (dateString.indexOf(token) === 0) { dateString = dateString.slice(token.length); } else { return { v: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(NaN) }; } } }; for (_iterator.s(); !(_step = _iterator.n()).done; ) { var _ret = _loop(); if (_typeof$1(_ret) === "object") return _ret.v; } } catch (err) { _iterator.e(err); } finally { _iterator.f(); } if (dateString.length > 0 && notWhitespaceRegExp.test(dateString)) { return /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(NaN); } var uniquePrioritySetters = setters.map(function(setter2) { return setter2.priority; }).sort(function(a2, b) { return b - a2; }).filter(function(priority, index, array) { return array.indexOf(priority) === index; }).map(function(priority) { return setters.filter(function(setter2) { return setter2.priority === priority; }).sort(function(a2, b) { return b.subPriority - a2.subPriority; }); }).map(function(setterArray) { return setterArray[0]; }); var date = toDate$2(dirtyReferenceDate); if (isNaN(date.getTime())) { return /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(NaN); } var utcDate = subMilliseconds$1(date, getTimezoneOffsetInMilliseconds$2(date)); var flags = {}; var _iterator2 = _createForOfIteratorHelper(uniquePrioritySetters), _step2; try { for (_iterator2.s(); !(_step2 = _iterator2.n()).done; ) { var setter = _step2.value; if (!setter.validate(utcDate, subFnOptions)) { return /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(NaN); } var result = setter.set(utcDate, flags, subFnOptions); if (Array.isArray(result)) { utcDate = result[0]; assign$1(flags, result[1]); } else { utcDate = result; } } } catch (err) { _iterator2.e(err); } finally { _iterator2.f(); } return utcDate; } function cleanEscapedString(input) { return input.match(escapedStringRegExp)[1].replace(doubleQuoteRegExp, "'"); } function startOfHour(dirtyDate) { requiredArgs$1(1, arguments); var date = toDate$2(dirtyDate); date.setMinutes(0, 0, 0); return date; } function isSameWeek(dirtyDateLeft, dirtyDateRight, options) { requiredArgs$1(2, arguments); var dateLeftStartOfWeek = startOfWeek(dirtyDateLeft, options); var dateRightStartOfWeek = startOfWeek(dirtyDateRight, options); return dateLeftStartOfWeek.getTime() === dateRightStartOfWeek.getTime(); } function isSameMonth(dirtyDateLeft, dirtyDateRight) { requiredArgs$1(2, arguments); var dateLeft = toDate$2(dirtyDateLeft); var dateRight = toDate$2(dirtyDateRight); return dateLeft.getFullYear() === dateRight.getFullYear() && dateLeft.getMonth() === dateRight.getMonth(); } function isSameQuarter(dirtyDateLeft, dirtyDateRight) { requiredArgs$1(2, arguments); var dateLeftStartOfQuarter = startOfQuarter(dirtyDateLeft); var dateRightStartOfQuarter = startOfQuarter(dirtyDateRight); return dateLeftStartOfQuarter.getTime() === dateRightStartOfQuarter.getTime(); } function startOfSecond(dirtyDate) { requiredArgs$1(1, arguments); var date = toDate$2(dirtyDate); date.setMilliseconds(0); return date; } function isSameYear(dirtyDateLeft, dirtyDateRight) { requiredArgs$1(2, arguments); var dateLeft = toDate$2(dirtyDateLeft); var dateRight = toDate$2(dirtyDateRight); return dateLeft.getFullYear() === dateRight.getFullYear(); } function setMonth(dirtyDate, dirtyMonth) { requiredArgs$1(2, arguments); var date = toDate$2(dirtyDate); var month = toInteger$2(dirtyMonth); var year = date.getFullYear(); var day = date.getDate(); var dateWithDesiredMonth = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(0); dateWithDesiredMonth.setFullYear(year, month, 15); dateWithDesiredMonth.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); var daysInMonth = getDaysInMonth(dateWithDesiredMonth); date.setMonth(month, Math.min(day, daysInMonth)); return date; } function set(dirtyDate, values) { requiredArgs$1(2, arguments); if (_typeof$1(values) !== "object" || values === null) { throw new RangeError("values parameter must be an object"); } var date = toDate$2(dirtyDate); if (isNaN(date.getTime())) { return /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(NaN); } if (values.year != null) { date.setFullYear(values.year); } if (values.month != null) { date = setMonth(date, values.month); } if (values.date != null) { date.setDate(toInteger$2(values.date)); } if (values.hours != null) { date.setHours(toInteger$2(values.hours)); } if (values.minutes != null) { date.setMinutes(toInteger$2(values.minutes)); } if (values.seconds != null) { date.setSeconds(toInteger$2(values.seconds)); } if (values.milliseconds != null) { date.setMilliseconds(toInteger$2(values.milliseconds)); } return date; } function setHours(dirtyDate, dirtyHours) { requiredArgs$1(2, arguments); var date = toDate$2(dirtyDate); var hours = toInteger$2(dirtyHours); date.setHours(hours); return date; } function setMinutes(dirtyDate, dirtyMinutes) { requiredArgs$1(2, arguments); var date = toDate$2(dirtyDate); var minutes = toInteger$2(dirtyMinutes); date.setMinutes(minutes); return date; } function setQuarter(dirtyDate, dirtyQuarter) { requiredArgs$1(2, arguments); var date = toDate$2(dirtyDate); var quarter = toInteger$2(dirtyQuarter); var oldQuarter = Math.floor(date.getMonth() / 3) + 1; var diff = quarter - oldQuarter; return setMonth(date, date.getMonth() + diff * 3); } function setSeconds(dirtyDate, dirtySeconds) { requiredArgs$1(2, arguments); var date = toDate$2(dirtyDate); var seconds = toInteger$2(dirtySeconds); date.setSeconds(seconds); return date; } function setYear(dirtyDate, dirtyYear) { requiredArgs$1(2, arguments); var date = toDate$2(dirtyDate); var year = toInteger$2(dirtyYear); if (isNaN(date.getTime())) { return /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(NaN); } date.setFullYear(year); return date; } function useLocale(ns) { const { mergedLocaleRef, mergedDateLocaleRef } = vue.inject(configProviderInjectionKey, null) || {}; const localeRef = vue.computed(() => { var _a, _b; return (_b = (_a = mergedLocaleRef === null || mergedLocaleRef === void 0 ? void 0 : mergedLocaleRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[ns]) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : enUS$1[ns]; }); const dateLocaleRef = vue.computed(() => { var _a; return (_a = mergedDateLocaleRef === null || mergedDateLocaleRef === void 0 ? void 0 : mergedDateLocaleRef.value) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : dateEnUs; }); return { dateLocaleRef, localeRef }; } function useStyle(mountId, style2, clsPrefixRef) { if (!style2) { return; } const ssrAdapter2 = useSsrAdapter(); const NConfigProvider2 = vue.inject(configProviderInjectionKey, null); const mountStyle = () => { const clsPrefix = clsPrefixRef.value; style2.mount({ id: clsPrefix === void 0 ? mountId : clsPrefix + mountId, head: true, anchorMetaName: cssrAnchorMetaName, props: { bPrefix: clsPrefix ? `.${clsPrefix}-` : void 0 }, ssr: ssrAdapter2 }); if (!(NConfigProvider2 === null || NConfigProvider2 === void 0 ? void 0 : NConfigProvider2.preflightStyleDisabled)) { globalStyle.mount({ id: "n-global", head: true, anchorMetaName: cssrAnchorMetaName, ssr: ssrAdapter2 }); } }; if (ssrAdapter2) { mountStyle(); } else { vue.onBeforeMount(mountStyle); } } function useHljs(props, shouldHighlightRef) { const NConfigProvider2 = vue.inject(configProviderInjectionKey, null); return vue.computed(() => { return props.hljs || (NConfigProvider2 === null || NConfigProvider2 === void 0 ? void 0 : NConfigProvider2.mergedHljsRef.value); }); } function useThemeClass(componentName, hashRef, cssVarsRef, props) { var _a; if (!cssVarsRef) throwError("useThemeClass", "cssVarsRef is not passed"); const mergedThemeHashRef = (_a = vue.inject(configProviderInjectionKey, null)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.mergedThemeHashRef; const themeClassRef = vue.ref(""); const ssrAdapter2 = useSsrAdapter(); let renderCallback; const hashClassPrefix = `__${componentName}`; const mountStyle = () => { let finalThemeHash = hashClassPrefix; const hashValue = hashRef ? hashRef.value : void 0; const themeHash = mergedThemeHashRef === null || mergedThemeHashRef === void 0 ? void 0 : mergedThemeHashRef.value; if (themeHash) finalThemeHash += "-" + themeHash; if (hashValue) finalThemeHash += "-" + hashValue; const { themeOverrides, builtinThemeOverrides } = props; if (themeOverrides) { finalThemeHash += "-" + murmur2(JSON.stringify(themeOverrides)); } if (builtinThemeOverrides) { finalThemeHash += "-" + murmur2(JSON.stringify(builtinThemeOverrides)); } themeClassRef.value = finalThemeHash; renderCallback = () => { const cssVars = cssVarsRef.value; let style2 = ""; for (const key in cssVars) { style2 += `${key}: ${cssVars[key]};`; } c$1(`.${finalThemeHash}`, style2).mount({ id: finalThemeHash, ssr: ssrAdapter2 }); renderCallback = void 0; }; }; vue.watchEffect(() => { mountStyle(); }); return { themeClass: themeClassRef, onRender: () => { renderCallback === null || renderCallback === void 0 ? void 0 : renderCallback(); } }; } function useRtl(mountId, rtlStateRef, clsPrefixRef) { if (!rtlStateRef) return void 0; const ssrAdapter2 = useSsrAdapter(); const componentRtlStateRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value: rtlState } = rtlStateRef; if (!rtlState) { return void 0; } const componentRtlState = rtlState[mountId]; if (!componentRtlState) { return void 0; } return componentRtlState; }); const mountStyle = () => { vue.watchEffect(() => { const { value: clsPrefix } = clsPrefixRef; const id = `${clsPrefix}${mountId}Rtl`; if (exists(id, ssrAdapter2)) return; const { value: componentRtlState } = componentRtlStateRef; if (!componentRtlState) return; componentRtlState.style.mount({ id, head: true, anchorMetaName: cssrAnchorMetaName, props: { bPrefix: clsPrefix ? `.${clsPrefix}-` : void 0 }, ssr: ssrAdapter2 }); }); }; if (ssrAdapter2) { mountStyle(); } else { vue.onBeforeMount(mountStyle); } return componentRtlStateRef; } function getScrollTop(target) { return target instanceof HTMLElement ? target.scrollTop : window.scrollY; } function getRect(target) { return target instanceof HTMLElement ? target.getBoundingClientRect() : { top: 0, bottom: window.innerHeight }; } const style$1D = cB("affix", [cM("affixed", { position: "fixed" }, [cM("absolute-positioned", { position: "absolute" })])]); const affixProps = { listenTo: [String, Object, Function], top: Number, bottom: Number, triggerTop: Number, triggerBottom: Number, position: { type: String, default: "fixed" }, // deprecated offsetTop: { type: Number, validator: () => { return true; }, default: void 0 }, offsetBottom: { type: Number, validator: () => { return true; }, default: void 0 }, target: { type: Function, validator: () => { return true; }, default: void 0 } }; const affixPropKeys = keysOf(affixProps); const NAffix = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Affix", props: affixProps, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef } = useConfig(props); useStyle("-affix", style$1D, mergedClsPrefixRef); let scrollTarget = null; const stickToTopRef = vue.ref(false); const stickToBottomRef = vue.ref(false); const bottomAffixedTriggerScrollTopRef = vue.ref(null); const topAffixedTriggerScrollTopRef = vue.ref(null); const affixedRef = vue.computed(() => { return stickToBottomRef.value || stickToTopRef.value; }); const mergedOffsetTopRef = vue.computed(() => { var _a, _b; return (_b = (_a = props.triggerTop) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : props.offsetTop) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : props.top; }); const mergedTopRef = vue.computed(() => { var _a, _b; return (_b = (_a = props.top) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : props.triggerTop) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : props.offsetTop; }); const mergedBottomRef = vue.computed(() => { var _a, _b; return (_b = (_a = props.bottom) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : props.triggerBottom) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : props.offsetBottom; }); const mergedOffsetBottomRef = vue.computed(() => { var _a, _b; return (_b = (_a = props.triggerBottom) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : props.offsetBottom) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : props.bottom; }); const selfRef = vue.ref(null); const init2 = () => { const { target: getScrollTarget, listenTo } = props; if (getScrollTarget) { scrollTarget = getScrollTarget(); } else if (listenTo) { scrollTarget = unwrapElement(listenTo); } else { scrollTarget = document; } if (scrollTarget) { scrollTarget.addEventListener("scroll", handleScroll); handleScroll(); } }; function handleScroll() { beforeNextFrameOnce(_handleScroll); } function _handleScroll() { const { value: selfEl } = selfRef; if (!scrollTarget || !selfEl) return; const scrollTop = getScrollTop(scrollTarget); if (affixedRef.value) { if (topAffixedTriggerScrollTopRef.value !== null && scrollTop < topAffixedTriggerScrollTopRef.value) { stickToTopRef.value = false; topAffixedTriggerScrollTopRef.value = null; } if (bottomAffixedTriggerScrollTopRef.value !== null && scrollTop > bottomAffixedTriggerScrollTopRef.value) { stickToBottomRef.value = false; bottomAffixedTriggerScrollTopRef.value = null; } return; } const containerRect = getRect(scrollTarget); const affixRect = selfEl.getBoundingClientRect(); const pxToTop = affixRect.top - containerRect.top; const pxToBottom = containerRect.bottom - affixRect.bottom; const mergedOffsetTop = mergedOffsetTopRef.value; const mergedOffsetBottom = mergedOffsetBottomRef.value; if (mergedOffsetTop !== void 0 && pxToTop <= mergedOffsetTop) { stickToTopRef.value = true; topAffixedTriggerScrollTopRef.value = scrollTop - (mergedOffsetTop - pxToTop); } else { stickToTopRef.value = false; topAffixedTriggerScrollTopRef.value = null; } if (mergedOffsetBottom !== void 0 && pxToBottom <= mergedOffsetBottom) { stickToBottomRef.value = true; bottomAffixedTriggerScrollTopRef.value = scrollTop + mergedOffsetBottom - pxToBottom; 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const RetryIcon = replaceable("retry", vue.h("svg", { xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", viewBox: "0 0 512 512" }, vue.h("path", { d: "M320,146s24.36-12-64-12A160,160,0,1,0,416,294", style: "fill: none; stroke: currentcolor; stroke-linecap: round; stroke-miterlimit: 10; stroke-width: 32px;" }), vue.h("polyline", { points: "256 58 336 138 256 218", style: "fill: none; stroke: currentcolor; stroke-linecap: round; stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-width: 32px;" }))); const ArrowBackIcon = vue.defineComponent({ name: "ArrowBack", render() { return vue.h("svg", { xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", viewBox: "0 0 24 24" }, vue.h("path", { d: "M0 0h24v24H0V0z", fill: "none" }), vue.h("path", { d: "M19 11H7.83l4.88-4.88c.39-.39.39-1.03 0-1.42-.39-.39-1.02-.39-1.41 0l-6.59 6.59c-.39.39-.39 1.02 0 1.41l6.59 6.59c.39.39 1.02.39 1.41 0 .39-.39.39-1.02 0-1.41L7.83 13H19c.55 0 1-.45 1-1s-.45-1-1-1z" })); } }); const RotateClockwiseIcon = replaceable("rotateClockwise", vue.h("svg", { viewBox: "0 0 20 20", fill: "none", xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" }, vue.h("path", { d: "M3 10C3 6.13401 6.13401 3 10 3C13.866 3 17 6.13401 17 10C17 12.7916 15.3658 15.2026 13 16.3265V14.5C13 14.2239 12.7761 14 12.5 14C12.2239 14 12 14.2239 12 14.5V17.5C12 17.7761 12.2239 18 12.5 18H15.5C15.7761 18 16 17.7761 16 17.5C16 17.2239 15.7761 17 15.5 17H13.8758C16.3346 15.6357 18 13.0128 18 10C18 5.58172 14.4183 2 10 2C5.58172 2 2 5.58172 2 10C2 10.2761 2.22386 10.5 2.5 10.5C2.77614 10.5 3 10.2761 3 10Z", fill: "currentColor" }), vue.h("path", { d: "M10 12C11.1046 12 12 11.1046 12 10C12 8.89543 11.1046 8 10 8C8.89543 8 8 8.89543 8 10C8 11.1046 8.89543 12 10 12ZM10 11C9.44772 11 9 10.5523 9 10C9 9.44772 9.44772 9 10 9C10.5523 9 11 9.44772 11 10C11 10.5523 10.5523 11 10 11Z", fill: "currentColor" }))); const RotateCounterclockwiseIcon = replaceable("rotateClockwise", vue.h("svg", { viewBox: "0 0 20 20", fill: "none", xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" }, vue.h("path", { d: "M17 10C17 6.13401 13.866 3 10 3C6.13401 3 3 6.13401 3 10C3 12.7916 4.63419 15.2026 7 16.3265V14.5C7 14.2239 7.22386 14 7.5 14C7.77614 14 8 14.2239 8 14.5V17.5C8 17.7761 7.77614 18 7.5 18H4.5C4.22386 18 4 17.7761 4 17.5C4 17.2239 4.22386 17 4.5 17H6.12422C3.66539 15.6357 2 13.0128 2 10C2 5.58172 5.58172 2 10 2C14.4183 2 18 5.58172 18 10C18 10.2761 17.7761 10.5 17.5 10.5C17.2239 10.5 17 10.2761 17 10Z", fill: "currentColor" }), vue.h("path", { d: "M10 12C8.89543 12 8 11.1046 8 10C8 8.89543 8.89543 8 10 8C11.1046 8 12 8.89543 12 10C12 11.1046 11.1046 12 10 12ZM10 11C10.5523 11 11 10.5523 11 10C11 9.44772 10.5523 9 10 9C9.44772 9 9 9.44772 9 10C9 10.5523 9.44772 11 10 11Z", fill: "currentColor" }))); const ZoomInIcon = replaceable("zoomIn", vue.h("svg", { viewBox: "0 0 20 20", fill: "none", xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" }, vue.h("path", { d: "M11.5 8.5C11.5 8.22386 11.2761 8 11 8H9V6C9 5.72386 8.77614 5.5 8.5 5.5C8.22386 5.5 8 5.72386 8 6V8H6C5.72386 8 5.5 8.22386 5.5 8.5C5.5 8.77614 5.72386 9 6 9H8V11C8 11.2761 8.22386 11.5 8.5 11.5C8.77614 11.5 9 11.2761 9 11V9H11C11.2761 9 11.5 8.77614 11.5 8.5Z", fill: "currentColor" }), vue.h("path", { d: "M8.5 3C11.5376 3 14 5.46243 14 8.5C14 9.83879 13.5217 11.0659 12.7266 12.0196L16.8536 16.1464C17.0488 16.3417 17.0488 16.6583 16.8536 16.8536C16.68 17.0271 16.4106 17.0464 16.2157 16.9114L16.1464 16.8536L12.0196 12.7266C11.0659 13.5217 9.83879 14 8.5 14C5.46243 14 3 11.5376 3 8.5C3 5.46243 5.46243 3 8.5 3ZM8.5 4C6.01472 4 4 6.01472 4 8.5C4 10.9853 6.01472 13 8.5 13C10.9853 13 13 10.9853 13 8.5C13 6.01472 10.9853 4 8.5 4Z", fill: "currentColor" }))); const ZoomOutIcon = replaceable("zoomOut", vue.h("svg", { viewBox: "0 0 20 20", fill: "none", xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" }, vue.h("path", { d: "M11 8C11.2761 8 11.5 8.22386 11.5 8.5C11.5 8.77614 11.2761 9 11 9H6C5.72386 9 5.5 8.77614 5.5 8.5C5.5 8.22386 5.72386 8 6 8H11Z", fill: "currentColor" }), vue.h("path", { d: "M14 8.5C14 5.46243 11.5376 3 8.5 3C5.46243 3 3 5.46243 3 8.5C3 11.5376 5.46243 14 8.5 14C9.83879 14 11.0659 13.5217 12.0196 12.7266L16.1464 16.8536L16.2157 16.9114C16.4106 17.0464 16.68 17.0271 16.8536 16.8536C17.0488 16.6583 17.0488 16.3417 16.8536 16.1464L12.7266 12.0196C13.5217 11.0659 14 9.83879 14 8.5ZM4 8.5C4 6.01472 6.01472 4 8.5 4C10.9853 4 13 6.01472 13 8.5C13 10.9853 10.9853 13 8.5 13C6.01472 13 4 10.9853 4 8.5Z", fill: "currentColor" }))); const ResizeSmallIcon = vue.defineComponent({ name: "ResizeSmall", render() { return vue.h("svg", { xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", viewBox: "0 0 20 20" }, vue.h("g", { fill: "none" }, vue.h("path", { d: "M5.5 4A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 4 5.5v1a.5.5 0 0 1-1 0v-1A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 5.5 3h1a.5.5 0 0 1 0 1h-1zM16 5.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 14.5 4h-1a.5.5 0 0 1 0-1h1A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 17 5.5v1a.5.5 0 0 1-1 0v-1zm0 9a1.5 1.5 0 0 1-1.5 1.5h-1a.5.5 0 0 0 0 1h1a2.5 2.5 0 0 0 2.5-2.5v-1a.5.5 0 0 0-1 0v1zm-12 0A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 5.5 16h1.25a.5.5 0 0 1 0 1H5.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 3 14.5v-1.25a.5.5 0 0 1 1 0v1.25zM8.5 7A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 7 8.5v3A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 8.5 13h3a1.5 1.5 0 0 0 1.5-1.5v-3A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 11.5 7h-3zM8 8.5a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5h3a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5v3a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5h-3a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5v-3z", fill: "currentColor" }))); } }); const NIconSwitchTransition = vue.defineComponent({ name: "BaseIconSwitchTransition", setup(_, { slots }) { const isMountedRef = isMounted(); return () => vue.h(vue.Transition, { name: "icon-switch-transition", appear: isMountedRef.value }, slots); } }); const NFadeInExpandTransition = vue.defineComponent({ name: "FadeInExpandTransition", props: { appear: Boolean, group: Boolean, mode: String, onLeave: Function, onAfterLeave: Function, onAfterEnter: Function, width: Boolean, // reverse mode is only used in tree // it make it from expanded to collapsed after mounted reverse: Boolean }, setup(props, { slots }) { function handleBeforeLeave(el) { if (props.width) { el.style.maxWidth = `${el.offsetWidth}px`; } else { el.style.maxHeight = `${el.offsetHeight}px`; } void el.offsetWidth; } function handleLeave(el) { if (props.width) { el.style.maxWidth = "0"; } else { el.style.maxHeight = "0"; } void el.offsetWidth; const { onLeave } = props; if (onLeave) onLeave(); } function handleAfterLeave(el) { if (props.width) { el.style.maxWidth = ""; } else { el.style.maxHeight = ""; } const { onAfterLeave } = props; if (onAfterLeave) onAfterLeave(); } function handleEnter(el) { el.style.transition = "none"; if (props.width) { const memorizedWidth = el.offsetWidth; el.style.maxWidth = "0"; void el.offsetWidth; el.style.transition = ""; el.style.maxWidth = `${memorizedWidth}px`; } else { if (props.reverse) { el.style.maxHeight = `${el.offsetHeight}px`; void el.offsetHeight; el.style.transition = ""; el.style.maxHeight = "0"; } else { const memorizedHeight = el.offsetHeight; el.style.maxHeight = "0"; void el.offsetWidth; el.style.transition = ""; el.style.maxHeight = `${memorizedHeight}px`; } } void el.offsetWidth; } function handleAfterEnter(el) { var _a; if (props.width) { el.style.maxWidth = ""; } else { if (!props.reverse) { el.style.maxHeight = ""; } } (_a = props.onAfterEnter) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props); } return () => { const { group, width, appear, mode } = props; const type = group ? vue.TransitionGroup : vue.Transition; const resolvedProps = { name: width ? "fade-in-width-expand-transition" : "fade-in-height-expand-transition", appear, onEnter: handleEnter, onAfterEnter: handleAfterEnter, onBeforeLeave: handleBeforeLeave, onLeave: handleLeave, onAfterLeave: handleAfterLeave }; if (!group) { resolvedProps.mode = mode; } return vue.h(type, resolvedProps, slots); }; } }); const style$1C = cB("base-icon", ` height: 1em; width: 1em; line-height: 1em; text-align: center; display: inline-block; position: relative; fill: currentColor; transform: translateZ(0); `, [c$1("svg", ` height: 1em; width: 1em; `)]); const NBaseIcon = vue.defineComponent({ name: "BaseIcon", props: { role: String, ariaLabel: String, ariaDisabled: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, ariaHidden: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, clsPrefix: { type: String, required: true }, onClick: Function, onMousedown: Function, onMouseup: Function }, setup(props) { useStyle("-base-icon", style$1C, vue.toRef(props, "clsPrefix")); }, render() { return vue.h("i", { class: `${this.clsPrefix}-base-icon`, onClick: this.onClick, onMousedown: this.onMousedown, onMouseup: this.onMouseup, role: this.role, "aria-label": this.ariaLabel, "aria-hidden": this.ariaHidden, "aria-disabled": this.ariaDisabled }, this.$slots); } }); const style$1B = cB("base-close", ` display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; cursor: pointer; background-color: transparent; color: var(--n-close-icon-color); border-radius: var(--n-close-border-radius); height: var(--n-close-size); width: var(--n-close-size); font-size: var(--n-close-icon-size); outline: none; border: none; position: relative; padding: 0; `, [cM("absolute", ` height: var(--n-close-icon-size); width: var(--n-close-icon-size); `), c$1("&::before", ` content: ""; position: absolute; width: var(--n-close-size); height: var(--n-close-size); left: 50%; top: 50%; transform: translateY(-50%) translateX(-50%); transition: inherit; border-radius: inherit; `), cNotM("disabled", [c$1("&:hover", ` color: var(--n-close-icon-color-hover); `), c$1("&:hover::before", ` background-color: var(--n-close-color-hover); `), c$1("&:focus::before", ` background-color: var(--n-close-color-hover); `), c$1("&:active", ` color: var(--n-close-icon-color-pressed); `), c$1("&:active::before", ` background-color: var(--n-close-color-pressed); `)]), cM("disabled", ` cursor: not-allowed; color: var(--n-close-icon-color-disabled); background-color: transparent; `), cM("round", [c$1("&::before", ` border-radius: 50%; `)])]); const NBaseClose = vue.defineComponent({ name: "BaseClose", props: { isButtonTag: { type: Boolean, default: true }, clsPrefix: { type: String, required: true }, disabled: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, focusable: { type: Boolean, default: true }, round: Boolean, onClick: Function, absolute: Boolean }, setup(props) { useStyle("-base-close", style$1B, vue.toRef(props, "clsPrefix")); return () => { const { clsPrefix, disabled, absolute, round: round2, isButtonTag } = props; const Tag = isButtonTag ? "button" : "div"; return vue.h(Tag, { type: isButtonTag ? "button" : void 0, tabindex: disabled || !props.focusable ? -1 : 0, "aria-disabled": disabled, "aria-label": "close", role: isButtonTag ? void 0 : "button", disabled, class: [`${clsPrefix}-base-close`, absolute && `${clsPrefix}-base-close--absolute`, disabled && `${clsPrefix}-base-close--disabled`, round2 && `${clsPrefix}-base-close--round`], onMousedown: (e) => { if (!props.focusable) { e.preventDefault(); } }, onClick: props.onClick }, vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix }, { default: () => vue.h(ErrorIcon$1, null) })); }; } }); const FocusDetector = vue.defineComponent({ props: { onFocus: Function, onBlur: Function }, setup(props) { return () => vue.h("div", { style: "width: 0; height: 0", tabindex: 0, onFocus: props.onFocus, onBlur: props.onBlur }); } }); const { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut$4 } = commonVariables$m; function iconSwitchTransition({ originalTransform = "", left = 0, top = 0, transition = `all .3s ${cubicBezierEaseInOut$4} !important` } = {}) { return [c$1("&.icon-switch-transition-enter-from, &.icon-switch-transition-leave-to", { transform: originalTransform + " scale(0.75)", left, top, opacity: 0 }), c$1("&.icon-switch-transition-enter-to, &.icon-switch-transition-leave-from", { transform: `scale(1) ${originalTransform}`, left, top, opacity: 1 }), c$1("&.icon-switch-transition-enter-active, &.icon-switch-transition-leave-active", { transformOrigin: "center", position: "absolute", left, top, transition })]; } const style$1A = c$1([c$1("@keyframes rotator", ` 0% { -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); transform: rotate(0deg); } 100% { -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg); transform: rotate(360deg); }`), cB("base-loading", ` position: relative; line-height: 0; width: 1em; height: 1em; `, [cE("transition-wrapper", ` position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; `, [iconSwitchTransition()]), cE("placeholder", ` position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%); `, [iconSwitchTransition({ left: "50%", top: "50%", originalTransform: "translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%)" })]), cE("container", ` animation: rotator 3s linear infinite both; `, [cE("icon", ` height: 1em; width: 1em; `)])])]); const duration = "1.6s"; const exposedLoadingProps = { strokeWidth: { type: Number, default: 28 }, stroke: { type: String, default: void 0 } }; const NBaseLoading = vue.defineComponent({ name: "BaseLoading", props: Object.assign({ clsPrefix: { type: String, required: true }, show: { type: Boolean, default: true }, scale: { type: Number, default: 1 }, radius: { type: Number, default: 100 } }, exposedLoadingProps), setup(props) { useStyle("-base-loading", style$1A, vue.toRef(props, "clsPrefix")); }, render() { const { clsPrefix, radius, strokeWidth, stroke, scale } = this; const scaledRadius = radius / scale; return vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-base-loading`, role: "img", "aria-label": "loading" }, vue.h(NIconSwitchTransition, null, { default: () => this.show ? vue.h("div", { key: "icon", class: `${clsPrefix}-base-loading__transition-wrapper` }, vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-base-loading__container` }, vue.h("svg", { class: `${clsPrefix}-base-loading__icon`, viewBox: `0 0 ${2 * scaledRadius} ${2 * scaledRadius}`, xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", style: { color: stroke } }, vue.h("g", null, vue.h("animateTransform", { attributeName: "transform", type: "rotate", values: `0 ${scaledRadius} ${scaledRadius};270 ${scaledRadius} ${scaledRadius}`, begin: "0s", dur: duration, fill: "freeze", repeatCount: "indefinite" }), vue.h("circle", { class: `${clsPrefix}-base-loading__icon`, fill: "none", stroke: "currentColor", "stroke-width": strokeWidth, "stroke-linecap": "round", cx: scaledRadius, cy: scaledRadius, r: radius - strokeWidth / 2, "stroke-dasharray": 5.67 * radius, "stroke-dashoffset": 18.48 * radius }, vue.h("animateTransform", { attributeName: "transform", type: "rotate", values: `0 ${scaledRadius} ${scaledRadius};135 ${scaledRadius} ${scaledRadius};450 ${scaledRadius} ${scaledRadius}`, begin: "0s", dur: duration, fill: "freeze", repeatCount: "indefinite" }), vue.h("animate", { attributeName: "stroke-dashoffset", values: `${5.67 * radius};${1.42 * radius};${5.67 * radius}`, begin: "0s", dur: duration, fill: "freeze", repeatCount: "indefinite" })))))) : vue.h("div", { key: "placeholder", class: `${clsPrefix}-base-loading__placeholder` }, this.$slots) })); } }); function toArray(arg) { if (Array.isArray(arg)) return arg; return [arg]; } const TRAVERSE_COMMAND = { STOP: "STOP" }; function traverseWithCb(treeNode, callback) { const command = callback(treeNode); if (treeNode.children !== void 0 && command !== TRAVERSE_COMMAND.STOP) { treeNode.children.forEach((childNode) => traverseWithCb(childNode, callback)); } } function getNonLeafKeys(treeNodes, options = {}) { const { preserveGroup = false } = options; const keys2 = []; const cb = preserveGroup ? (node) => { if (!node.isLeaf) { keys2.push(node.key); traverse2(node.children); } } : (node) => { if (!node.isLeaf) { if (!node.isGroup) keys2.push(node.key); traverse2(node.children); } }; function traverse2(nodes) { nodes.forEach(cb); } traverse2(treeNodes); return keys2; } function isLeaf(rawNode, getChildren) { const { isLeaf: isLeaf2 } = rawNode; if (isLeaf2 !== void 0) return isLeaf2; else if (!getChildren(rawNode)) return true; return false; } function defaultGetChildren(node) { return node.children; } function defaultGetKey(node) { return node.key; } function isIgnored() { return false; } function isShallowLoaded(rawNode, getChildren) { const { isLeaf: isLeaf2 } = rawNode; if (isLeaf2 === false && !Array.isArray(getChildren(rawNode))) return false; return true; } function isDisabled(rawNode) { return rawNode.disabled === true; } function isExpilicitlyNotLoaded(rawNode, getChildren) { return rawNode.isLeaf === false && !Array.isArray(getChildren(rawNode)); } function unwrapCheckedKeys(result) { var _a; if (result === void 0 || result === null) return []; if (Array.isArray(result)) return result; return (_a = result.checkedKeys) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : []; } function unwrapIndeterminateKeys(result) { var _a; if (result === void 0 || result === null || Array.isArray(result)) { return []; } return (_a = result.indeterminateKeys) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : []; } function merge(originalKeys, keysToAdd) { const set2 = new Set(originalKeys); keysToAdd.forEach((key) => { if (!set2.has(key)) { set2.add(key); } }); return Array.from(set2); } function minus(originalKeys, keysToRemove) { const set2 = new Set(originalKeys); keysToRemove.forEach((key) => { if (set2.has(key)) { set2.delete(key); } }); return Array.from(set2); } function isGroup(rawNode) { return (rawNode === null || rawNode === void 0 ? void 0 : rawNode.type) === "group"; } function createIndexGetter(treeNodes) { const map2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); treeNodes.forEach((treeNode, i) => { map2.set(treeNode.key, i); }); return (key) => { var _a; return (_a = map2.get(key)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : null; }; } class SubtreeNotLoadedError extends Error { constructor() { super(); this.message = "SubtreeNotLoadedError: checking a subtree whose required nodes are not fully loaded."; } } function getExtendedCheckedKeySetAfterCheck(checkKeys, currentCheckedKeys, treeMate, allowNotLoaded) { return getExtendedCheckedKeySet(currentCheckedKeys.concat(checkKeys), treeMate, allowNotLoaded, false); } function getAvailableAscendantNodeSet(uncheckedKeys, treeMate) { const visitedKeys = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); uncheckedKeys.forEach((uncheckedKey) => { const uncheckedTreeNode = treeMate.treeNodeMap.get(uncheckedKey); if (uncheckedTreeNode !== void 0) { let nodeCursor = uncheckedTreeNode.parent; while (nodeCursor !== null) { if (nodeCursor.disabled) break; if (visitedKeys.has(nodeCursor.key)) break; else { visitedKeys.add(nodeCursor.key); } nodeCursor = nodeCursor.parent; } } }); return visitedKeys; } function getExtendedCheckedKeySetAfterUncheck(uncheckedKeys, currentCheckedKeys, treeMate, allowNotLoaded) { const extendedCheckedKeySet = getExtendedCheckedKeySet(currentCheckedKeys, treeMate, allowNotLoaded, false); const extendedKeySetToUncheck = getExtendedCheckedKeySet(uncheckedKeys, treeMate, allowNotLoaded, true); const ascendantKeySet = getAvailableAscendantNodeSet(uncheckedKeys, treeMate); const keysToRemove = []; extendedCheckedKeySet.forEach((key) => { if (extendedKeySetToUncheck.has(key) || ascendantKeySet.has(key)) { keysToRemove.push(key); } }); keysToRemove.forEach((key) => extendedCheckedKeySet.delete(key)); return extendedCheckedKeySet; } function getCheckedKeys(options, treeMate) { const { checkedKeys, keysToCheck, keysToUncheck, indeterminateKeys, cascade, leafOnly, checkStrategy, allowNotLoaded } = options; if (!cascade) { if (keysToCheck !== void 0) { return { checkedKeys: merge(checkedKeys, keysToCheck), indeterminateKeys: Array.from(indeterminateKeys) }; } else if (keysToUncheck !== void 0) { return { checkedKeys: minus(checkedKeys, keysToUncheck), indeterminateKeys: Array.from(indeterminateKeys) }; } else { return { checkedKeys: Array.from(checkedKeys), indeterminateKeys: Array.from(indeterminateKeys) }; } } const { levelTreeNodeMap } = treeMate; let extendedCheckedKeySet; if (keysToUncheck !== void 0) { extendedCheckedKeySet = getExtendedCheckedKeySetAfterUncheck(keysToUncheck, checkedKeys, treeMate, allowNotLoaded); } else if (keysToCheck !== void 0) { extendedCheckedKeySet = getExtendedCheckedKeySetAfterCheck(keysToCheck, checkedKeys, treeMate, allowNotLoaded); } else { extendedCheckedKeySet = getExtendedCheckedKeySet(checkedKeys, treeMate, allowNotLoaded, false); } const checkStrategyIsParent = checkStrategy === "parent"; const checkStrategyIsChild = checkStrategy === "child" || leafOnly; const syntheticCheckedKeySet = extendedCheckedKeySet; const syntheticIndeterminateKeySet = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); const maxLevel = Math.max.apply(null, Array.from(levelTreeNodeMap.keys())); for (let level = maxLevel; level >= 0; level -= 1) { const levelIsZero = level === 0; const levelTreeNodes = levelTreeNodeMap.get(level); for (const levelTreeNode of levelTreeNodes) { if (levelTreeNode.isLeaf) continue; const { key: levelTreeNodeKey, shallowLoaded } = levelTreeNode; if (checkStrategyIsChild && shallowLoaded) { levelTreeNode.children.forEach((v) => { if (!v.disabled && !v.isLeaf && v.shallowLoaded && syntheticCheckedKeySet.has(v.key)) { syntheticCheckedKeySet.delete(v.key); } }); } if (levelTreeNode.disabled || !shallowLoaded) { continue; } let fullyChecked = true; let partialChecked = false; let allDisabled = true; for (const childNode of levelTreeNode.children) { const childKey = childNode.key; if (childNode.disabled) continue; if (allDisabled) allDisabled = false; if (syntheticCheckedKeySet.has(childKey)) { partialChecked = true; } else if (syntheticIndeterminateKeySet.has(childKey)) { partialChecked = true; fullyChecked = false; break; } else { fullyChecked = false; if (partialChecked) { break; } } } if (fullyChecked && !allDisabled) { if (checkStrategyIsParent) { levelTreeNode.children.forEach((v) => { if (!v.disabled && syntheticCheckedKeySet.has(v.key)) { syntheticCheckedKeySet.delete(v.key); } }); } syntheticCheckedKeySet.add(levelTreeNodeKey); } else if (partialChecked) { syntheticIndeterminateKeySet.add(levelTreeNodeKey); } if (levelIsZero && checkStrategyIsChild && syntheticCheckedKeySet.has(levelTreeNodeKey)) { syntheticCheckedKeySet.delete(levelTreeNodeKey); } } } return { checkedKeys: Array.from(syntheticCheckedKeySet), indeterminateKeys: Array.from(syntheticIndeterminateKeySet) }; } function getExtendedCheckedKeySet(checkedKeys, treeMate, allowNotLoaded, isUnchecking) { const { treeNodeMap, getChildren } = treeMate; const visitedKeySet = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); const extendedKeySet = new Set(checkedKeys); checkedKeys.forEach((checkedKey) => { const checkedTreeNode = treeNodeMap.get(checkedKey); if (checkedTreeNode !== void 0) { traverseWithCb(checkedTreeNode, (treeNode) => { if (treeNode.disabled) { return TRAVERSE_COMMAND.STOP; } const { key } = treeNode; if (visitedKeySet.has(key)) return; visitedKeySet.add(key); extendedKeySet.add(key); if (isExpilicitlyNotLoaded(treeNode.rawNode, getChildren)) { if (isUnchecking) { return TRAVERSE_COMMAND.STOP; } else if (!allowNotLoaded) { throw new SubtreeNotLoadedError(); } } }); } }); return extendedKeySet; } function getPath(key, { includeGroup = false, includeSelf = true }, treeMate) { var _a; const treeNodeMap = treeMate.treeNodeMap; let treeNode = key === null || key === void 0 ? null : (_a = treeNodeMap.get(key)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : null; const mergedPath = { keyPath: [], treeNodePath: [], treeNode }; if (treeNode === null || treeNode === void 0 ? void 0 : treeNode.ignored) { mergedPath.treeNode = null; return mergedPath; } while (treeNode) { if (!treeNode.ignored && (includeGroup || !treeNode.isGroup)) { mergedPath.treeNodePath.push(treeNode); } treeNode = treeNode.parent; } mergedPath.treeNodePath.reverse(); if (!includeSelf) mergedPath.treeNodePath.pop(); mergedPath.keyPath = mergedPath.treeNodePath.map((treeNode2) => treeNode2.key); return mergedPath; } function getFirstAvailableNode(nodes) { if (nodes.length === 0) return null; const node = nodes[0]; if (node.isGroup || node.ignored || node.disabled) { return node.getNext(); } return node; } function rawGetNext(node, loop) { const sibs = node.siblings; const l = sibs.length; const { index } = node; if (loop) { return sibs[(index + 1) % l]; } else { if (index === sibs.length - 1) return null; return sibs[index + 1]; } } function move(fromNode, dir, { loop = false, includeDisabled = false } = {}) { const iterate = dir === "prev" ? rawGetPrev : rawGetNext; const getChildOptions = { reverse: dir === "prev" }; let meet = false; let endNode = null; function traverse2(node) { if (node === null) return; if (node === fromNode) { if (!meet) { meet = true; } else if (!fromNode.disabled && !fromNode.isGroup) { endNode = fromNode; return; } } else { if ((!node.disabled || includeDisabled) && !node.ignored && !node.isGroup) { endNode = node; return; } } if (node.isGroup) { const child = getChild(node, getChildOptions); if (child !== null) { endNode = child; } else { traverse2(iterate(node, loop)); } } else { const nextNode = iterate(node, false); if (nextNode !== null) { traverse2(nextNode); } else { const parent = rawGetParent(node); if (parent === null || parent === void 0 ? void 0 : parent.isGroup) { traverse2(iterate(parent, loop)); } else if (loop) { traverse2(iterate(node, true)); } } } } traverse2(fromNode); return endNode; } function rawGetPrev(node, loop) { const sibs = node.siblings; const l = sibs.length; const { index } = node; if (loop) { return sibs[(index - 1 + l) % l]; } else { if (index === 0) return null; return sibs[index - 1]; } } function rawGetParent(node) { return node.parent; } function getChild(node, options = {}) { const { reverse = false } = options; const { children } = node; if (children) { const { length } = children; const start = reverse ? length - 1 : 0; const end = reverse ? -1 : length; const delta = reverse ? -1 : 1; for (let i = start; i !== end; i += delta) { const child = children[i]; if (!child.disabled && !child.ignored) { if (child.isGroup) { const childInGroup = getChild(child, options); if (childInGroup !== null) return childInGroup; } else { return child; } } } } return null; } const moveMethods = { getChild() { if (this.ignored) return null; return getChild(this); }, getParent() { const { parent } = this; if (parent === null || parent === void 0 ? void 0 : parent.isGroup) { return parent.getParent(); } return parent; }, getNext(options = {}) { return move(this, "next", options); }, getPrev(options = {}) { return move(this, "prev", options); } }; function flatten$1(treeNodes, expandedKeys) { const expandedKeySet = expandedKeys ? new Set(expandedKeys) : void 0; const flattenedNodes = []; function traverse2(treeNodes2) { treeNodes2.forEach((treeNode) => { flattenedNodes.push(treeNode); if (treeNode.isLeaf || !treeNode.children || treeNode.ignored) return; if (treeNode.isGroup) { traverse2(treeNode.children); } else if ( // normal non-leaf node expandedKeySet === void 0 || expandedKeySet.has(treeNode.key) ) { traverse2(treeNode.children); } }); } traverse2(treeNodes); return flattenedNodes; } function contains(parent, child) { const parentKey = parent.key; while (child) { if (child.key === parentKey) return true; child = child.parent; } return false; } function createTreeNodes(rawNodes, treeNodeMap, levelTreeNodeMap, nodeProto, getChildren, parent = null, level = 0) { const treeNodes = []; rawNodes.forEach((rawNode, index) => { var _a; const treeNode = Object.create(nodeProto); treeNode.rawNode = rawNode; treeNode.siblings = treeNodes; treeNode.level = level; treeNode.index = index; treeNode.isFirstChild = index === 0; treeNode.isLastChild = index + 1 === rawNodes.length; treeNode.parent = parent; if (!treeNode.ignored) { const rawChildren = getChildren(rawNode); if (Array.isArray(rawChildren)) { treeNode.children = createTreeNodes(rawChildren, treeNodeMap, levelTreeNodeMap, nodeProto, getChildren, treeNode, level + 1); } } treeNodes.push(treeNode); treeNodeMap.set(treeNode.key, treeNode); if (!levelTreeNodeMap.has(level)) levelTreeNodeMap.set(level, []); (_a = levelTreeNodeMap.get(level)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.push(treeNode); }); return treeNodes; } function createTreeMate(rawNodes, options = {}) { var _a; const treeNodeMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const levelTreeNodeMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const { getDisabled = isDisabled, getIgnored: getIgnored2 = isIgnored, getIsGroup: getIsGroup2 = isGroup, getKey = defaultGetKey } = options; const _getChildren = (_a = options.getChildren) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : defaultGetChildren; const getChildren = options.ignoreEmptyChildren ? (node) => { const children = _getChildren(node); if (Array.isArray(children)) { if (!children.length) return null; return children; } return children; } : _getChildren; const nodeProto = Object.assign({ get key() { return getKey(this.rawNode); }, get disabled() { return getDisabled(this.rawNode); }, get isGroup() { return getIsGroup2(this.rawNode); }, get isLeaf() { return isLeaf(this.rawNode, getChildren); }, get shallowLoaded() { return isShallowLoaded(this.rawNode, getChildren); }, get ignored() { return getIgnored2(this.rawNode); }, contains(node) { return contains(this, node); } }, moveMethods); const treeNodes = createTreeNodes(rawNodes, treeNodeMap, levelTreeNodeMap, nodeProto, getChildren); function getNode(key) { if (key === null || key === void 0) return null; const tmNode = treeNodeMap.get(key); if (tmNode && !tmNode.isGroup && !tmNode.ignored) { return tmNode; } return null; } function _getNode(key) { if (key === null || key === void 0) return null; const tmNode = treeNodeMap.get(key); if (tmNode && !tmNode.ignored) { return tmNode; } return null; } function getPrev(key, options2) { const node = _getNode(key); if (!node) return null; return node.getPrev(options2); } function getNext(key, options2) { const node = _getNode(key); if (!node) return null; return node.getNext(options2); } function getParent(key) { const node = _getNode(key); if (!node) return null; return node.getParent(); } function getChild2(key) { const node = _getNode(key); if (!node) return null; return node.getChild(); } const treemate = { treeNodes, treeNodeMap, levelTreeNodeMap, maxLevel: Math.max(...levelTreeNodeMap.keys()), getChildren, getFlattenedNodes(expandedKeys) { return flatten$1(treeNodes, expandedKeys); }, getNode, getPrev, getNext, getParent, getChild: getChild2, getFirstAvailableNode() { return getFirstAvailableNode(treeNodes); }, getPath(key, options2 = {}) { return getPath(key, options2, treemate); }, getCheckedKeys(checkedKeys, options2 = {}) { const { cascade = true, leafOnly = false, checkStrategy = "all", allowNotLoaded = false } = options2; return getCheckedKeys({ checkedKeys: unwrapCheckedKeys(checkedKeys), indeterminateKeys: unwrapIndeterminateKeys(checkedKeys), cascade, leafOnly, checkStrategy, allowNotLoaded }, treemate); }, check(keysToCheck, checkedKeys, options2 = {}) { const { cascade = true, leafOnly = false, checkStrategy = "all", allowNotLoaded = false } = options2; return getCheckedKeys({ checkedKeys: unwrapCheckedKeys(checkedKeys), indeterminateKeys: unwrapIndeterminateKeys(checkedKeys), keysToCheck: keysToCheck === void 0 || keysToCheck === null ? [] : toArray(keysToCheck), cascade, leafOnly, checkStrategy, allowNotLoaded }, treemate); }, uncheck(keysToUncheck, checkedKeys, options2 = {}) { const { cascade = true, leafOnly = false, checkStrategy = "all", allowNotLoaded = false } = options2; return getCheckedKeys({ checkedKeys: unwrapCheckedKeys(checkedKeys), indeterminateKeys: unwrapIndeterminateKeys(checkedKeys), keysToUncheck: keysToUncheck === null || keysToUncheck === void 0 ? [] : toArray(keysToUncheck), cascade, leafOnly, checkStrategy, allowNotLoaded }, treemate); }, getNonLeafKeys(options2 = {}) { return getNonLeafKeys(treeNodes, options2); } }; return treemate; } const base = { neutralBase: "#FFF", neutralInvertBase: "#000", neutralTextBase: "#000", neutralPopover: "#fff", neutralCard: "#fff", neutralModal: "#fff", neutralBody: "#fff", alpha1: "0.82", alpha2: "0.72", alpha3: "0.38", alpha4: "0.24", // disabled text, placeholder, icon alpha5: "0.18", // disabled placeholder alphaClose: "0.6", alphaDisabled: "0.5", alphaDisabledInput: "0.02", alphaPending: "0.05", alphaTablePending: "0.02", alphaPressed: "0.07", alphaAvatar: "0.2", alphaRail: "0.14", alphaProgressRail: ".08", alphaBorder: "0.12", alphaDivider: "0.06", alphaInput: "0", alphaAction: "0.02", alphaTab: "0.04", alphaScrollbar: "0.25", alphaScrollbarHover: "0.4", alphaCode: "0.05", alphaTag: "0.02", // primary primaryHover: "#36ad6a", primaryDefault: "#18a058", primaryActive: "#0c7a43", primarySuppl: "#36ad6a", // info infoHover: "#4098fc", infoDefault: "#2080f0", infoActive: "#1060c9", infoSuppl: "#4098fc", // error errorHover: "#de576d", errorDefault: "#d03050", errorActive: "#ab1f3f", errorSuppl: "#de576d", // warning warningHover: "#fcb040", warningDefault: "#f0a020", warningActive: "#c97c10", warningSuppl: "#fcb040", // success successHover: "#36ad6a", successDefault: "#18a058", successActive: "#0c7a43", successSuppl: "#36ad6a" }; const baseBackgroundRgb = rgba(base.neutralBase); const baseInvertBackgroundRgb = rgba(base.neutralInvertBase); const overlayPrefix = "rgba(" + baseInvertBackgroundRgb.slice(0, 3).join(", ") + ", "; function overlay(alpha) { return overlayPrefix + String(alpha) + ")"; } function neutral(alpha) { const overlayRgba = Array.from(baseInvertBackgroundRgb); overlayRgba[3] = Number(alpha); return composite(baseBackgroundRgb, overlayRgba); } const derived = Object.assign(Object.assign({ name: "common" }, commonVariables$m), { baseColor: base.neutralBase, // primary color primaryColor: base.primaryDefault, primaryColorHover: base.primaryHover, primaryColorPressed: base.primaryActive, primaryColorSuppl: base.primarySuppl, // info color infoColor: base.infoDefault, infoColorHover: base.infoHover, infoColorPressed: base.infoActive, infoColorSuppl: base.infoSuppl, // success color successColor: base.successDefault, successColorHover: base.successHover, successColorPressed: base.successActive, successColorSuppl: base.successSuppl, // warning color warningColor: base.warningDefault, warningColorHover: base.warningHover, warningColorPressed: base.warningActive, warningColorSuppl: base.warningSuppl, // error color errorColor: base.errorDefault, errorColorHover: base.errorHover, errorColorPressed: base.errorActive, errorColorSuppl: base.errorSuppl, // text color textColorBase: base.neutralTextBase, textColor1: "rgb(31, 34, 37)", textColor2: "rgb(51, 54, 57)", textColor3: "rgb(118, 124, 130)", // textColor4: neutral(base.alpha4), // disabled, placeholder, icon // textColor5: neutral(base.alpha5), textColorDisabled: neutral(base.alpha4), placeholderColor: neutral(base.alpha4), placeholderColorDisabled: neutral(base.alpha5), iconColor: neutral(base.alpha4), iconColorHover: scaleColor(neutral(base.alpha4), { lightness: 0.75 }), iconColorPressed: scaleColor(neutral(base.alpha4), { lightness: 0.9 }), iconColorDisabled: neutral(base.alpha5), opacity1: base.alpha1, opacity2: base.alpha2, opacity3: base.alpha3, opacity4: base.alpha4, opacity5: base.alpha5, dividerColor: "rgb(239, 239, 245)", borderColor: "rgb(224, 224, 230)", // close closeIconColor: neutral(Number(base.alphaClose)), closeIconColorHover: neutral(Number(base.alphaClose)), closeIconColorPressed: neutral(Number(base.alphaClose)), closeColorHover: "rgba(0, 0, 0, .09)", closeColorPressed: "rgba(0, 0, 0, .13)", // clear clearColor: neutral(base.alpha4), clearColorHover: scaleColor(neutral(base.alpha4), { lightness: 0.75 }), clearColorPressed: scaleColor(neutral(base.alpha4), { lightness: 0.9 }), scrollbarColor: overlay(base.alphaScrollbar), scrollbarColorHover: overlay(base.alphaScrollbarHover), scrollbarWidth: "5px", scrollbarHeight: "5px", scrollbarBorderRadius: "5px", progressRailColor: neutral(base.alphaProgressRail), railColor: "rgb(219, 219, 223)", popoverColor: base.neutralPopover, tableColor: base.neutralCard, cardColor: base.neutralCard, modalColor: base.neutralModal, bodyColor: base.neutralBody, tagColor: "#eee", avatarColor: neutral(base.alphaAvatar), invertedColor: "rgb(0, 20, 40)", inputColor: neutral(base.alphaInput), codeColor: "rgb(244, 244, 248)", tabColor: "rgb(247, 247, 250)", actionColor: "rgb(250, 250, 252)", tableHeaderColor: "rgb(250, 250, 252)", hoverColor: "rgb(243, 243, 245)", // use color with alpha since it can be nested with header filter & sorter effect tableColorHover: "rgba(0, 0, 100, 0.03)", tableColorStriped: "rgba(0, 0, 100, 0.02)", pressedColor: "rgb(237, 237, 239)", opacityDisabled: base.alphaDisabled, inputColorDisabled: "rgb(250, 250, 252)", // secondary button color // can also be used in tertiary button & quaternary button buttonColor2: "rgba(46, 51, 56, .05)", buttonColor2Hover: "rgba(46, 51, 56, .09)", buttonColor2Pressed: "rgba(46, 51, 56, .13)", boxShadow1: "0 1px 2px -2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .08), 0 3px 6px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .06), 0 5px 12px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, .04)", boxShadow2: "0 3px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, .12), 0 6px 16px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .08), 0 9px 28px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, .05)", boxShadow3: "0 6px 16px -9px rgba(0, 0, 0, .08), 0 9px 28px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .05), 0 12px 48px 16px rgba(0, 0, 0, .03)" }); const commonVars$e = { iconSizeSmall: "34px", iconSizeMedium: "40px", iconSizeLarge: "46px", iconSizeHuge: "52px" }; const self$1h = (vars) => { const { textColorDisabled, iconColor, textColor2, fontSizeSmall, fontSizeMedium, fontSizeLarge, fontSizeHuge } = vars; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, commonVars$e), { fontSizeSmall, fontSizeMedium, fontSizeLarge, fontSizeHuge, textColor: textColorDisabled, iconColor, extraTextColor: textColor2 }); }; const emptyLight = { name: "Empty", common: derived, self: self$1h }; const style$1z = cB("empty", ` display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; font-size: var(--n-font-size); `, [cE("icon", ` width: var(--n-icon-size); height: var(--n-icon-size); font-size: var(--n-icon-size); line-height: var(--n-icon-size); color: var(--n-icon-color); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [c$1("+", [cE("description", ` margin-top: 8px; `)])]), cE("description", ` transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); color: var(--n-text-color); `), cE("extra", ` text-align: center; transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); margin-top: 12px; color: var(--n-extra-text-color); `)]); const emptyProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { description: String, showDescription: { type: Boolean, default: true }, showIcon: { type: Boolean, default: true }, size: { type: String, default: "medium" }, renderIcon: Function }); const NEmpty = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Empty", props: emptyProps, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Empty", "-empty", style$1z, emptyLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const { localeRef } = useLocale("Empty"); const NConfigProvider2 = vue.inject(configProviderInjectionKey, null); const mergedDescriptionRef = vue.computed(() => { var _a, _b, _c; return (_a = props.description) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : (_c = (_b = NConfigProvider2 === null || NConfigProvider2 === void 0 ? void 0 : NConfigProvider2.mergedComponentPropsRef.value) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.Empty) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.description; }); const mergedRenderIconRef = vue.computed(() => { var _a, _b; return ((_b = (_a = NConfigProvider2 === null || NConfigProvider2 === void 0 ? void 0 : NConfigProvider2.mergedComponentPropsRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.Empty) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.renderIcon) || (() => vue.h(EmptyIcon, null)); }); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { size: size2 } = props; const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: { [createKey("iconSize", size2)]: iconSize, [createKey("fontSize", size2)]: fontSize2, textColor, iconColor, extraTextColor } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-icon-size": iconSize, "--n-font-size": fontSize2, "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-text-color": textColor, "--n-icon-color": iconColor, "--n-extra-text-color": extraTextColor }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("empty", vue.computed(() => { let hash = ""; const { size: size2 } = props; hash += size2[0]; return hash; }), cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedRenderIcon: mergedRenderIconRef, localizedDescription: vue.computed(() => { return mergedDescriptionRef.value || localeRef.value.description; }), cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }; }, render() { const { $slots, mergedClsPrefix, onRender } = this; onRender === null || onRender === void 0 ? void 0 : onRender(); return vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-empty`, this.themeClass], style: this.cssVars }, this.showIcon ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-empty__icon` }, $slots.icon ? $slots.icon() : vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix }, { default: this.mergedRenderIcon })) : null, this.showDescription ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-empty__description` }, $slots.default ? $slots.default() : this.localizedDescription) : null, $slots.extra ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-empty__extra` }, $slots.extra()) : null); } }); const commonVars$d = { railInsetHorizontal: "auto 2px 4px 2px", railInsetVertical: "2px 4px 2px auto", railColor: "transparent" }; const self$1g = (vars) => { const { scrollbarColor, scrollbarColorHover, scrollbarHeight, scrollbarWidth, scrollbarBorderRadius } = vars; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, commonVars$d), { height: scrollbarHeight, width: scrollbarWidth, borderRadius: scrollbarBorderRadius, color: scrollbarColor, colorHover: scrollbarColorHover }); }; const scrollbarLight = { name: "Scrollbar", common: derived, self: self$1g }; const { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut$3 } = commonVariables$m; function fadeInTransition({ name = "fade-in", enterDuration = "0.2s", leaveDuration = "0.2s", enterCubicBezier = cubicBezierEaseInOut$3, leaveCubicBezier = cubicBezierEaseInOut$3 } = {}) { return [c$1(`&.${name}-transition-enter-active`, { transition: `all ${enterDuration} ${enterCubicBezier}!important` }), c$1(`&.${name}-transition-leave-active`, { transition: `all ${leaveDuration} ${leaveCubicBezier}!important` }), c$1(`&.${name}-transition-enter-from, &.${name}-transition-leave-to`, { opacity: 0 }), c$1(`&.${name}-transition-leave-from, &.${name}-transition-enter-to`, { opacity: 1 })]; } const style$1y = cB("scrollbar", ` overflow: hidden; position: relative; z-index: auto; height: 100%; width: 100%; `, [c$1(">", [cB("scrollbar-container", ` width: 100%; overflow: scroll; height: 100%; min-height: inherit; max-height: inherit; scrollbar-width: none; `, [c$1("&::-webkit-scrollbar, &::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece, &::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb", ` width: 0; height: 0; display: none; `), c$1(">", [ // We can't set overflow hidden since it affects positioning. cB("scrollbar-content", ` box-sizing: border-box; min-width: 100%; `) ])])]), c$1(">, +", [cB("scrollbar-rail", ` position: absolute; pointer-events: none; user-select: none; background: var(--n-scrollbar-rail-color); -webkit-user-select: none; `, [cM("horizontal", ` inset: var(--n-scrollbar-rail-inset-horizontal); height: var(--n-scrollbar-height); `, [c$1(">", [cE("scrollbar", ` height: var(--n-scrollbar-height); border-radius: var(--n-scrollbar-border-radius); right: 0; `)])]), cM("vertical", ` inset: var(--n-scrollbar-rail-inset-vertical); width: var(--n-scrollbar-width); `, [c$1(">", [cE("scrollbar", ` width: var(--n-scrollbar-width); border-radius: var(--n-scrollbar-border-radius); bottom: 0; `)])]), cM("disabled", [c$1(">", [cE("scrollbar", "pointer-events: none;")])]), c$1(">", [cE("scrollbar", ` z-index: 1; position: absolute; cursor: pointer; pointer-events: all; background-color: var(--n-scrollbar-color); transition: background-color .2s var(--n-scrollbar-bezier); `, [fadeInTransition(), c$1("&:hover", "background-color: var(--n-scrollbar-color-hover);")])])])])]); const scrollbarProps$1 = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { duration: { type: Number, default: 0 }, scrollable: { type: Boolean, default: true }, xScrollable: Boolean, trigger: { type: String, default: "hover" }, useUnifiedContainer: Boolean, triggerDisplayManually: Boolean, // If container is set, resize observer won't not attached container: Function, content: Function, containerClass: String, containerStyle: [String, Object], contentClass: [String, Array], contentStyle: [String, Object], horizontalRailStyle: [String, Object], verticalRailStyle: [String, Object], onScroll: Function, onWheel: Function, onResize: Function, internalOnUpdateScrollLeft: Function, internalHoistYRail: Boolean }); const Scrollbar$2 = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Scrollbar", props: scrollbarProps$1, inheritAttrs: false, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled, mergedRtlRef } = useConfig(props); const rtlEnabledRef = useRtl("Scrollbar", mergedRtlRef, mergedClsPrefixRef); const wrapperRef = vue.ref(null); const containerRef = vue.ref(null); const contentRef = vue.ref(null); const yRailRef = vue.ref(null); const xRailRef = vue.ref(null); const contentHeightRef = vue.ref(null); const contentWidthRef = vue.ref(null); const containerHeightRef = vue.ref(null); const containerWidthRef = vue.ref(null); const yRailSizeRef = vue.ref(null); const xRailSizeRef = vue.ref(null); const containerScrollTopRef = vue.ref(0); const containerScrollLeftRef = vue.ref(0); const isShowXBarRef = vue.ref(false); const isShowYBarRef = vue.ref(false); let yBarPressed = false; let xBarPressed = false; let xBarVanishTimerId; let yBarVanishTimerId; let memoYTop = 0; let memoXLeft = 0; let memoMouseX = 0; let memoMouseY = 0; const isIos2 = useIsIos(); const themeRef = useTheme("Scrollbar", "-scrollbar", style$1y, scrollbarLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const yBarSizeRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value: containerHeight } = containerHeightRef; const { value: contentHeight } = contentHeightRef; const { value: yRailSize } = yRailSizeRef; if (containerHeight === null || contentHeight === null || yRailSize === null) { return 0; } else { return Math.min(containerHeight, yRailSize * containerHeight / contentHeight + depx(themeRef.value.self.width) * 1.5); } }); const yBarSizePxRef = vue.computed(() => { return `${yBarSizeRef.value}px`; }); const xBarSizeRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value: containerWidth } = containerWidthRef; const { value: contentWidth } = contentWidthRef; const { value: xRailSize } = xRailSizeRef; if (containerWidth === null || contentWidth === null || xRailSize === null) { return 0; } else { return xRailSize * containerWidth / contentWidth + depx(themeRef.value.self.height) * 1.5; } }); const xBarSizePxRef = vue.computed(() => { return `${xBarSizeRef.value}px`; }); const yBarTopRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value: containerHeight } = containerHeightRef; const { value: containerScrollTop } = containerScrollTopRef; const { value: contentHeight } = contentHeightRef; const { value: yRailSize } = yRailSizeRef; if (containerHeight === null || contentHeight === null || yRailSize === null) { return 0; } else { const heightDiff = contentHeight - containerHeight; if (!heightDiff) return 0; return containerScrollTop / heightDiff * (yRailSize - yBarSizeRef.value); } }); const yBarTopPxRef = vue.computed(() => { return `${yBarTopRef.value}px`; }); const xBarLeftRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value: containerWidth } = containerWidthRef; const { value: containerScrollLeft } = containerScrollLeftRef; const { value: contentWidth } = contentWidthRef; const { value: xRailSize } = xRailSizeRef; if (containerWidth === null || contentWidth === null || xRailSize === null) { return 0; } else { const widthDiff = contentWidth - containerWidth; if (!widthDiff) return 0; return containerScrollLeft / widthDiff * (xRailSize - xBarSizeRef.value); } }); const xBarLeftPxRef = vue.computed(() => { return `${xBarLeftRef.value}px`; }); const needYBarRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value: containerHeight } = containerHeightRef; const { value: contentHeight } = contentHeightRef; return containerHeight !== null && contentHeight !== null && contentHeight > containerHeight; }); const needXBarRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value: containerWidth } = containerWidthRef; const { value: contentWidth } = contentWidthRef; return containerWidth !== null && contentWidth !== null && contentWidth > containerWidth; }); const mergedShowXBarRef = vue.computed(() => { const { trigger: trigger2 } = props; return trigger2 === "none" || isShowXBarRef.value; }); const mergedShowYBarRef = vue.computed(() => { const { trigger: trigger2 } = props; return trigger2 === "none" || isShowYBarRef.value; }); const mergedContainerRef = vue.computed(() => { const { container } = props; if (container) return container(); return containerRef.value; }); const mergedContentRef = vue.computed(() => { const { content } = props; if (content) return content(); return contentRef.value; }); const activateState = useReactivated(() => { if (!props.container) { scrollTo({ top: containerScrollTopRef.value, left: containerScrollLeftRef.value }); } }); const handleContentResize = () => { if (activateState.isDeactivated) return; sync(); }; const handleContainerResize = (e) => { if (activateState.isDeactivated) return; const { onResize } = props; if (onResize) onResize(e); sync(); }; const scrollTo = (options, y) => { if (!props.scrollable) return; if (typeof options === "number") { scrollToPosition(options, y !== null && y !== void 0 ? y : 0, 0, false, "auto"); return; } const { left, top, index, elSize, position, behavior, el, debounce: debounce2 = true } = options; if (left !== void 0 || top !== void 0) { scrollToPosition(left !== null && left !== void 0 ? left : 0, top !== null && top !== void 0 ? top : 0, 0, false, behavior); } if (el !== void 0) { scrollToPosition(0, el.offsetTop, el.offsetHeight, debounce2, behavior); } else if (index !== void 0 && elSize !== void 0) { scrollToPosition(0, index * elSize, elSize, debounce2, behavior); } else if (position === "bottom") { scrollToPosition(0, Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, 0, false, behavior); } else if (position === "top") { scrollToPosition(0, 0, 0, false, behavior); } }; const scrollBy = (options, y) => { if (!props.scrollable) return; const { value: container } = mergedContainerRef; if (!container) return; if (typeof options === "object") { container.scrollBy(options); } else { container.scrollBy(options, y || 0); } }; function scrollToPosition(left, top, elSize, debounce2, behavior) { const { value: container } = mergedContainerRef; if (!container) return; if (debounce2) { const { scrollTop, offsetHeight } = container; if (top > scrollTop) { if (top + elSize <= scrollTop + offsetHeight) ; else { container.scrollTo({ left, top: top + elSize - offsetHeight, behavior }); } return; } } container.scrollTo({ left, top, behavior }); } function handleMouseEnterWrapper() { showXBar(); showYBar(); sync(); } function handleMouseLeaveWrapper() { hideBar(); } function hideBar() { hideYBar(); hideXBar(); } function hideYBar() { if (yBarVanishTimerId !== void 0) { window.clearTimeout(yBarVanishTimerId); } yBarVanishTimerId = window.setTimeout(() => { isShowYBarRef.value = false; }, props.duration); } function hideXBar() { if (xBarVanishTimerId !== void 0) { window.clearTimeout(xBarVanishTimerId); } xBarVanishTimerId = window.setTimeout(() => { isShowXBarRef.value = false; }, props.duration); } function showXBar() { if (xBarVanishTimerId !== void 0) { window.clearTimeout(xBarVanishTimerId); } isShowXBarRef.value = true; } function showYBar() { if (yBarVanishTimerId !== void 0) { window.clearTimeout(yBarVanishTimerId); } isShowYBarRef.value = true; } function handleScroll(e) { const { onScroll } = props; if (onScroll) onScroll(e); syncScrollState(); } function syncScrollState() { const { value: container } = mergedContainerRef; if (container) { containerScrollTopRef.value = container.scrollTop; containerScrollLeftRef.value = container.scrollLeft * ((rtlEnabledRef === null || rtlEnabledRef === void 0 ? void 0 : rtlEnabledRef.value) ? -1 : 1); } } function syncPositionState() { const { value: content } = mergedContentRef; if (content) { contentHeightRef.value = content.offsetHeight; contentWidthRef.value = content.offsetWidth; } const { value: container } = mergedContainerRef; if (container) { containerHeightRef.value = container.offsetHeight; containerWidthRef.value = container.offsetWidth; } const { value: xRailEl } = xRailRef; const { value: yRailEl } = yRailRef; if (xRailEl) { xRailSizeRef.value = xRailEl.offsetWidth; } if (yRailEl) { yRailSizeRef.value = yRailEl.offsetHeight; } } function syncUnifiedContainer() { const { value: container } = mergedContainerRef; if (container) { containerScrollTopRef.value = container.scrollTop; containerScrollLeftRef.value = container.scrollLeft * ((rtlEnabledRef === null || rtlEnabledRef === void 0 ? void 0 : rtlEnabledRef.value) ? -1 : 1); containerHeightRef.value = container.offsetHeight; containerWidthRef.value = container.offsetWidth; contentHeightRef.value = container.scrollHeight; contentWidthRef.value = container.scrollWidth; } const { value: xRailEl } = xRailRef; const { value: yRailEl } = yRailRef; if (xRailEl) { xRailSizeRef.value = xRailEl.offsetWidth; } if (yRailEl) { yRailSizeRef.value = yRailEl.offsetHeight; } } function sync() { if (!props.scrollable) return; if (props.useUnifiedContainer) { syncUnifiedContainer(); } else { syncPositionState(); syncScrollState(); } } function isMouseUpAway(e) { var _a; return !((_a = wrapperRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.contains(getPreciseEventTarget(e))); } function handleXScrollMouseDown(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); xBarPressed = true; on("mousemove", window, handleXScrollMouseMove, true); on("mouseup", window, handleXScrollMouseUp, true); memoXLeft = containerScrollLeftRef.value; memoMouseX = (rtlEnabledRef === null || rtlEnabledRef === void 0 ? void 0 : rtlEnabledRef.value) ? window.innerWidth - e.clientX : e.clientX; } function handleXScrollMouseMove(e) { if (!xBarPressed) return; if (xBarVanishTimerId !== void 0) { window.clearTimeout(xBarVanishTimerId); } if (yBarVanishTimerId !== void 0) { window.clearTimeout(yBarVanishTimerId); } const { value: containerWidth } = containerWidthRef; const { value: contentWidth } = contentWidthRef; const { value: xBarSize } = xBarSizeRef; if (containerWidth === null || contentWidth === null) return; const dX = (rtlEnabledRef === null || rtlEnabledRef === void 0 ? void 0 : rtlEnabledRef.value) ? window.innerWidth - e.clientX - memoMouseX : e.clientX - memoMouseX; const dScrollLeft = dX * (contentWidth - containerWidth) / (containerWidth - xBarSize); const toScrollLeftUpperBound = contentWidth - containerWidth; let toScrollLeft = memoXLeft + dScrollLeft; toScrollLeft = Math.min(toScrollLeftUpperBound, toScrollLeft); toScrollLeft = Math.max(toScrollLeft, 0); const { value: container } = mergedContainerRef; if (container) { container.scrollLeft = toScrollLeft * ((rtlEnabledRef === null || rtlEnabledRef === void 0 ? void 0 : rtlEnabledRef.value) ? -1 : 1); const { internalOnUpdateScrollLeft } = props; if (internalOnUpdateScrollLeft) internalOnUpdateScrollLeft(toScrollLeft); } } function handleXScrollMouseUp(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); off("mousemove", window, handleXScrollMouseMove, true); off("mouseup", window, handleXScrollMouseUp, true); xBarPressed = false; sync(); if (isMouseUpAway(e)) { hideBar(); } } function handleYScrollMouseDown(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); yBarPressed = true; on("mousemove", window, handleYScrollMouseMove, true); on("mouseup", window, handleYScrollMouseUp, true); memoYTop = containerScrollTopRef.value; memoMouseY = e.clientY; } function handleYScrollMouseMove(e) { if (!yBarPressed) return; if (xBarVanishTimerId !== void 0) { window.clearTimeout(xBarVanishTimerId); } if (yBarVanishTimerId !== void 0) { window.clearTimeout(yBarVanishTimerId); } const { value: containerHeight } = containerHeightRef; const { value: contentHeight } = contentHeightRef; const { value: yBarSize } = yBarSizeRef; if (containerHeight === null || contentHeight === null) return; const dY = e.clientY - memoMouseY; const dScrollTop = dY * (contentHeight - containerHeight) / (containerHeight - yBarSize); const toScrollTopUpperBound = contentHeight - containerHeight; let toScrollTop = memoYTop + dScrollTop; toScrollTop = Math.min(toScrollTopUpperBound, toScrollTop); toScrollTop = Math.max(toScrollTop, 0); const { value: container } = mergedContainerRef; if (container) { container.scrollTop = toScrollTop; } } function handleYScrollMouseUp(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); off("mousemove", window, handleYScrollMouseMove, true); off("mouseup", window, handleYScrollMouseUp, true); yBarPressed = false; sync(); if (isMouseUpAway(e)) { hideBar(); } } vue.watchEffect(() => { const { value: needXBar } = needXBarRef; const { value: needYBar } = needYBarRef; const { value: mergedClsPrefix } = mergedClsPrefixRef; const { value: xRailEl } = xRailRef; const { value: yRailEl } = yRailRef; if (xRailEl) { if (!needXBar) { xRailEl.classList.add(`${mergedClsPrefix}-scrollbar-rail--disabled`); } else { xRailEl.classList.remove(`${mergedClsPrefix}-scrollbar-rail--disabled`); } } if (yRailEl) { if (!needYBar) { yRailEl.classList.add(`${mergedClsPrefix}-scrollbar-rail--disabled`); } else { yRailEl.classList.remove(`${mergedClsPrefix}-scrollbar-rail--disabled`); } } }); vue.onMounted(() => { if (props.container) return; sync(); }); vue.onBeforeUnmount(() => { if (xBarVanishTimerId !== void 0) { window.clearTimeout(xBarVanishTimerId); } if (yBarVanishTimerId !== void 0) { window.clearTimeout(yBarVanishTimerId); } off("mousemove", window, handleYScrollMouseMove, true); off("mouseup", window, handleYScrollMouseUp, true); }); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: { color, colorHover, height, width, borderRadius, railInsetHorizontal, railInsetVertical, railColor } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-scrollbar-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-scrollbar-color": color, "--n-scrollbar-color-hover": colorHover, "--n-scrollbar-border-radius": borderRadius, "--n-scrollbar-width": width, "--n-scrollbar-height": height, "--n-scrollbar-rail-inset-horizontal": railInsetHorizontal, "--n-scrollbar-rail-inset-vertical": (rtlEnabledRef === null || rtlEnabledRef === void 0 ? void 0 : rtlEnabledRef.value) ? rtlInset(railInsetVertical) : railInsetVertical, "--n-scrollbar-rail-color": railColor }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("scrollbar", void 0, cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; const exposedMethods = { scrollTo, scrollBy, sync, syncUnifiedContainer, handleMouseEnterWrapper, handleMouseLeaveWrapper }; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, exposedMethods), { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, rtlEnabled: rtlEnabledRef, containerScrollTop: containerScrollTopRef, wrapperRef, containerRef, contentRef, yRailRef, xRailRef, needYBar: needYBarRef, needXBar: needXBarRef, yBarSizePx: yBarSizePxRef, xBarSizePx: xBarSizePxRef, yBarTopPx: yBarTopPxRef, xBarLeftPx: xBarLeftPxRef, isShowXBar: mergedShowXBarRef, isShowYBar: mergedShowYBarRef, isIos: isIos2, handleScroll, handleContentResize, handleContainerResize, handleYScrollMouseDown, handleXScrollMouseDown, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }); }, render() { var _a; const { $slots, mergedClsPrefix, triggerDisplayManually, rtlEnabled, internalHoistYRail } = this; if (!this.scrollable) return (_a = $slots.default) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call($slots); const triggerIsNone = this.trigger === "none"; const createYRail = (className, style2) => { return vue.h("div", { ref: "yRailRef", class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-scrollbar-rail`, `${mergedClsPrefix}-scrollbar-rail--vertical`, className], "data-scrollbar-rail": true, style: [style2 || "", this.verticalRailStyle], "aria-hidden": true }, vue.h( // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument triggerIsNone ? Wrapper : vue.Transition, triggerIsNone ? null : { name: "fade-in-transition" }, { default: () => this.needYBar && this.isShowYBar && !this.isIos ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-scrollbar-rail__scrollbar`, style: { height: this.yBarSizePx, top: this.yBarTopPx }, onMousedown: this.handleYScrollMouseDown }) : null } )); }; const createChildren = () => { var _a2, _b; (_a2 = this.onRender) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.call(this); return vue.h("div", vue.mergeProps(this.$attrs, { role: "none", ref: "wrapperRef", class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-scrollbar`, this.themeClass, rtlEnabled && `${mergedClsPrefix}-scrollbar--rtl`], style: this.cssVars, onMouseenter: triggerDisplayManually ? void 0 : this.handleMouseEnterWrapper, onMouseleave: triggerDisplayManually ? void 0 : this.handleMouseLeaveWrapper }), [this.container ? (_b = $slots.default) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call($slots) : vue.h("div", { role: "none", ref: "containerRef", class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-scrollbar-container`, this.containerClass], style: this.containerStyle, onScroll: this.handleScroll, onWheel: this.onWheel }, vue.h(VResizeObserver, { onResize: this.handleContentResize }, { default: () => vue.h("div", { ref: "contentRef", role: "none", style: [{ width: this.xScrollable ? "fit-content" : null }, this.contentStyle], class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-scrollbar-content`, this.contentClass] }, $slots) })), internalHoistYRail ? null : createYRail(void 0, void 0), this.xScrollable && vue.h("div", { ref: "xRailRef", class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-scrollbar-rail`, `${mergedClsPrefix}-scrollbar-rail--horizontal`], style: this.horizontalRailStyle, "data-scrollbar-rail": true, "aria-hidden": true }, vue.h( // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument triggerIsNone ? Wrapper : vue.Transition, triggerIsNone ? null : { name: "fade-in-transition" }, { default: () => this.needXBar && this.isShowXBar && !this.isIos ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-scrollbar-rail__scrollbar`, style: { width: this.xBarSizePx, right: rtlEnabled ? this.xBarLeftPx : void 0, left: rtlEnabled ? void 0 : this.xBarLeftPx }, onMousedown: this.handleXScrollMouseDown }) : null } ))]); }; const scrollbarNode = this.container ? createChildren() : vue.h(VResizeObserver, { onResize: this.handleContainerResize }, { default: createChildren }); if (internalHoistYRail) { return vue.h(vue.Fragment, null, scrollbarNode, createYRail(this.themeClass, this.cssVars)); } else { return scrollbarNode; } } }); const XScrollbar = Scrollbar$2; const commonVariables$l = { height: "calc(var(--n-option-height) * 7.6)", paddingSmall: "4px 0", paddingMedium: "4px 0", paddingLarge: "4px 0", paddingHuge: "4px 0", optionPaddingSmall: "0 12px", optionPaddingMedium: "0 12px", optionPaddingLarge: "0 12px", optionPaddingHuge: "0 12px", loadingSize: "18px" }; const self$1f = (vars) => { const { borderRadius, popoverColor, textColor3, dividerColor, textColor2, primaryColorPressed, textColorDisabled, primaryColor, opacityDisabled, hoverColor, fontSizeSmall, fontSizeMedium, fontSizeLarge, fontSizeHuge, heightSmall, heightMedium, heightLarge, heightHuge } = vars; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, commonVariables$l), { optionFontSizeSmall: fontSizeSmall, optionFontSizeMedium: fontSizeMedium, optionFontSizeLarge: fontSizeLarge, optionFontSizeHuge: fontSizeHuge, optionHeightSmall: heightSmall, optionHeightMedium: heightMedium, optionHeightLarge: heightLarge, optionHeightHuge: heightHuge, borderRadius, color: popoverColor, groupHeaderTextColor: textColor3, actionDividerColor: dividerColor, optionTextColor: textColor2, optionTextColorPressed: primaryColorPressed, optionTextColorDisabled: textColorDisabled, optionTextColorActive: primaryColor, optionOpacityDisabled: opacityDisabled, optionCheckColor: primaryColor, optionColorPending: hoverColor, optionColorActive: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)", optionColorActivePending: hoverColor, actionTextColor: textColor2, loadingColor: primaryColor }); }; const internalSelectMenuLight = createTheme({ name: "InternalSelectMenu", common: derived, peers: { Scrollbar: scrollbarLight, Empty: emptyLight }, self: self$1f }); function renderCheckMark(show, clsPrefix) { return vue.h(vue.Transition, { name: "fade-in-scale-up-transition" }, { default: () => show ? vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix, class: `${clsPrefix}-base-select-option__check` }, { default: () => vue.h(FinishedIcon) }) : null }); } const NSelectOption = vue.defineComponent({ name: "NBaseSelectOption", props: { clsPrefix: { type: String, required: true }, tmNode: { type: Object, required: true } }, setup(props) { const { valueRef, pendingTmNodeRef, multipleRef, valueSetRef, renderLabelRef, renderOptionRef, labelFieldRef, valueFieldRef, showCheckmarkRef, nodePropsRef, handleOptionClick, handleOptionMouseEnter // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion } = vue.inject(internalSelectionMenuInjectionKey); const isPendingRef = useMemo(() => { const { value: pendingTmNode } = pendingTmNodeRef; if (!pendingTmNode) return false; return props.tmNode.key === pendingTmNode.key; }); function handleClick2(e) { const { tmNode } = props; if (tmNode.disabled) return; handleOptionClick(e, tmNode); } function handleMouseEnter(e) { const { tmNode } = props; if (tmNode.disabled) return; handleOptionMouseEnter(e, tmNode); } function handleMouseMove(e) { const { tmNode } = props; const { value: isPending } = isPendingRef; if (tmNode.disabled || isPending) return; handleOptionMouseEnter(e, tmNode); } return { multiple: multipleRef, isGrouped: useMemo(() => { const { tmNode } = props; const { parent } = tmNode; return parent && parent.rawNode.type === "group"; }), showCheckmark: showCheckmarkRef, nodeProps: nodePropsRef, isPending: isPendingRef, isSelected: useMemo(() => { const { value } = valueRef; const { value: multiple } = multipleRef; if (value === null) return false; const optionValue = props.tmNode.rawNode[valueFieldRef.value]; if (multiple) { const { value: valueSet } = valueSetRef; return valueSet.has(optionValue); } else { return value === optionValue; } }), labelField: labelFieldRef, renderLabel: renderLabelRef, renderOption: renderOptionRef, handleMouseMove, handleMouseEnter, handleClick: handleClick2 }; }, render() { const { clsPrefix, tmNode: { rawNode }, isSelected, isPending, isGrouped, showCheckmark, nodeProps, renderOption, renderLabel, handleClick: handleClick2, handleMouseEnter, handleMouseMove } = this; const checkmark = renderCheckMark(isSelected, clsPrefix); const children = renderLabel ? [renderLabel(rawNode, isSelected), showCheckmark && checkmark] : [render$1(rawNode[this.labelField], rawNode, isSelected), showCheckmark && checkmark]; const attrs = nodeProps === null || nodeProps === void 0 ? void 0 : nodeProps(rawNode); const node = vue.h("div", Object.assign({}, attrs, { class: [`${clsPrefix}-base-select-option`, rawNode.class, attrs === null || attrs === void 0 ? void 0 : attrs.class, { [`${clsPrefix}-base-select-option--disabled`]: rawNode.disabled, [`${clsPrefix}-base-select-option--selected`]: isSelected, [`${clsPrefix}-base-select-option--grouped`]: isGrouped, [`${clsPrefix}-base-select-option--pending`]: isPending, [`${clsPrefix}-base-select-option--show-checkmark`]: showCheckmark }], style: [(attrs === null || attrs === void 0 ? void 0 : attrs.style) || "", rawNode.style || ""], onClick: mergeEventHandlers([handleClick2, attrs === null || attrs === void 0 ? void 0 : attrs.onClick]), onMouseenter: mergeEventHandlers([handleMouseEnter, attrs === null || attrs === void 0 ? void 0 : attrs.onMouseenter]), onMousemove: mergeEventHandlers([handleMouseMove, attrs === null || attrs === void 0 ? void 0 : attrs.onMousemove]) }), vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-base-select-option__content` }, children)); return rawNode.render ? rawNode.render({ node, option: rawNode, selected: isSelected }) : renderOption ? renderOption({ node, option: rawNode, selected: isSelected }) : node; } }); const NSelectGroupHeader = vue.defineComponent({ name: "NBaseSelectGroupHeader", props: { clsPrefix: { type: String, required: true }, tmNode: { type: Object, required: true } }, setup() { const { renderLabelRef, renderOptionRef, labelFieldRef, nodePropsRef // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion } = vue.inject(internalSelectionMenuInjectionKey); return { labelField: labelFieldRef, nodeProps: nodePropsRef, renderLabel: renderLabelRef, renderOption: renderOptionRef }; }, render() { const { clsPrefix, renderLabel, renderOption, nodeProps, tmNode: { rawNode } } = this; const attrs = nodeProps === null || nodeProps === void 0 ? void 0 : nodeProps(rawNode); const children = renderLabel ? renderLabel(rawNode, false) : render$1(rawNode[this.labelField], rawNode, false); const node = vue.h("div", Object.assign({}, attrs, { class: [`${clsPrefix}-base-select-group-header`, attrs === null || attrs === void 0 ? void 0 : attrs.class] }), children); return rawNode.render ? rawNode.render({ node, option: rawNode }) : renderOption ? renderOption({ node, option: rawNode, selected: false }) : node; } }); const { cubicBezierEaseIn: cubicBezierEaseIn$5, cubicBezierEaseOut: cubicBezierEaseOut$6 } = commonVariables$m; function fadeInScaleUpTransition({ transformOrigin = "inherit", duration: duration2 = ".2s", enterScale = ".9", originalTransform = "", originalTransition = "" } = {}) { return [c$1("&.fade-in-scale-up-transition-leave-active", { transformOrigin, transition: `opacity ${duration2} ${cubicBezierEaseIn$5}, transform ${duration2} ${cubicBezierEaseIn$5} ${originalTransition && "," + originalTransition}` }), c$1("&.fade-in-scale-up-transition-enter-active", { transformOrigin, transition: `opacity ${duration2} ${cubicBezierEaseOut$6}, transform ${duration2} ${cubicBezierEaseOut$6} ${originalTransition && "," + originalTransition}` }), c$1("&.fade-in-scale-up-transition-enter-from, &.fade-in-scale-up-transition-leave-to", { opacity: 0, transform: `${originalTransform} scale(${enterScale})` }), c$1("&.fade-in-scale-up-transition-leave-from, &.fade-in-scale-up-transition-enter-to", { opacity: 1, transform: `${originalTransform} scale(1)` })]; } const style$1x = cB("base-select-menu", ` line-height: 1.5; outline: none; z-index: 0; position: relative; border-radius: var(--n-border-radius); transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), box-shadow .3s var(--n-bezier); background-color: var(--n-color); `, [cB("scrollbar", ` max-height: var(--n-height); `), cB("virtual-list", ` max-height: var(--n-height); `), cB("base-select-option", ` min-height: var(--n-option-height); font-size: var(--n-option-font-size); display: flex; align-items: center; `, [cE("content", ` z-index: 1; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; `)]), cB("base-select-group-header", ` min-height: var(--n-option-height); font-size: .93em; display: flex; align-items: center; `), cB("base-select-menu-option-wrapper", ` position: relative; width: 100%; `), cE("loading, empty", ` display: flex; padding: 12px 32px; flex: 1; justify-content: center; `), cE("loading", ` color: var(--n-loading-color); font-size: var(--n-loading-size); `), cE("header", ` padding: 8px var(--n-option-padding-left); font-size: var(--n-option-font-size); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier), border-color .3s var(--n-bezier); border-bottom: 1px solid var(--n-action-divider-color); color: var(--n-action-text-color); `), cE("action", ` padding: 8px var(--n-option-padding-left); font-size: var(--n-option-font-size); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier), border-color .3s var(--n-bezier); border-top: 1px solid var(--n-action-divider-color); color: var(--n-action-text-color); `), cB("base-select-group-header", ` position: relative; cursor: default; padding: var(--n-option-padding); color: var(--n-group-header-text-color); `), cB("base-select-option", ` cursor: pointer; position: relative; padding: var(--n-option-padding); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier), opacity .3s var(--n-bezier); box-sizing: border-box; color: var(--n-option-text-color); opacity: 1; `, [cM("show-checkmark", ` padding-right: calc(var(--n-option-padding-right) + 20px); `), c$1("&::before", ` content: ""; position: absolute; left: 4px; right: 4px; top: 0; bottom: 0; border-radius: var(--n-border-radius); transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `), c$1("&:active", ` color: var(--n-option-text-color-pressed); `), cM("grouped", ` padding-left: calc(var(--n-option-padding-left) * 1.5); `), cM("pending", [c$1("&::before", ` background-color: var(--n-option-color-pending); `)]), cM("selected", ` color: var(--n-option-text-color-active); `, [c$1("&::before", ` background-color: var(--n-option-color-active); `), cM("pending", [c$1("&::before", ` background-color: var(--n-option-color-active-pending); `)])]), cM("disabled", ` cursor: not-allowed; `, [cNotM("selected", ` color: var(--n-option-text-color-disabled); `), cM("selected", ` opacity: var(--n-option-opacity-disabled); `)]), cE("check", ` font-size: 16px; position: absolute; right: calc(var(--n-option-padding-right) - 4px); top: calc(50% - 7px); color: var(--n-option-check-color); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [fadeInScaleUpTransition({ enterScale: "0.5" })])])]); const NInternalSelectMenu = vue.defineComponent({ name: "InternalSelectMenu", props: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { clsPrefix: { type: String, required: true }, scrollable: { type: Boolean, default: true }, treeMate: { type: Object, required: true }, multiple: Boolean, size: { type: String, default: "medium" }, value: { type: [String, Number, Array], default: null }, autoPending: Boolean, virtualScroll: { type: Boolean, default: true }, // show is used to toggle pending state initialization show: { type: Boolean, default: true }, labelField: { type: String, default: "label" }, valueField: { type: String, default: "value" }, loading: Boolean, focusable: Boolean, renderLabel: Function, renderOption: Function, nodeProps: Function, showCheckmark: { type: Boolean, default: true }, onMousedown: Function, onScroll: Function, onFocus: Function, onBlur: Function, onKeyup: Function, onKeydown: Function, onTabOut: Function, onMouseenter: Function, onMouseleave: Function, onResize: Function, resetMenuOnOptionsChange: { type: Boolean, default: true }, inlineThemeDisabled: Boolean, // deprecated onToggle: Function }), setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedRtlRef } = useConfig(props); const rtlEnabledRef = useRtl("InternalSelectMenu", mergedRtlRef, mergedClsPrefixRef); const themeRef = useTheme("InternalSelectMenu", "-internal-select-menu", style$1x, internalSelectMenuLight, props, vue.toRef(props, "clsPrefix")); const selfRef = vue.ref(null); const virtualListRef = vue.ref(null); const scrollbarRef = vue.ref(null); const flattenedNodesRef = vue.computed(() => props.treeMate.getFlattenedNodes()); const fIndexGetterRef = vue.computed(() => createIndexGetter(flattenedNodesRef.value)); const pendingNodeRef = vue.ref(null); function initPendingNode() { const { treeMate } = props; let defaultPendingNode = null; const { value } = props; if (value === null) { defaultPendingNode = treeMate.getFirstAvailableNode(); } else { if (props.multiple) { defaultPendingNode = treeMate.getNode((value || [])[(value || []).length - 1]); } else { defaultPendingNode = treeMate.getNode(value); } if (!defaultPendingNode || defaultPendingNode.disabled) { defaultPendingNode = treeMate.getFirstAvailableNode(); } } if (defaultPendingNode) { setPendingTmNode(defaultPendingNode); } else { setPendingTmNode(null); } } function clearPendingNodeIfInvalid() { const { value: pendingNode } = pendingNodeRef; if (pendingNode && !props.treeMate.getNode(pendingNode.key)) { pendingNodeRef.value = null; } } let initPendingNodeWatchStopHandle; vue.watch(() => props.show, (show) => { if (show) { initPendingNodeWatchStopHandle = vue.watch(() => props.treeMate, () => { if (props.resetMenuOnOptionsChange) { if (props.autoPending) { initPendingNode(); } else { clearPendingNodeIfInvalid(); } void vue.nextTick(scrollToPendingNode); } else { clearPendingNodeIfInvalid(); } }, { immediate: true }); } else { initPendingNodeWatchStopHandle === null || initPendingNodeWatchStopHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : initPendingNodeWatchStopHandle(); } }, { immediate: true }); vue.onBeforeUnmount(() => { initPendingNodeWatchStopHandle === null || initPendingNodeWatchStopHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : initPendingNodeWatchStopHandle(); }); const itemSizeRef = vue.computed(() => { return depx(themeRef.value.self[createKey("optionHeight", props.size)]); }); const paddingRef = vue.computed(() => { return getMargin(themeRef.value.self[createKey("padding", props.size)]); }); const valueSetRef = vue.computed(() => { if (props.multiple && Array.isArray(props.value)) { return new Set(props.value); } return /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); }); const emptyRef = vue.computed(() => { const tmNodes = flattenedNodesRef.value; return tmNodes && tmNodes.length === 0; }); function doToggle(tmNode) { const { onToggle } = props; if (onToggle) onToggle(tmNode); } function doScroll(e) { const { onScroll } = props; if (onScroll) onScroll(e); } function handleVirtualListScroll(e) { var _a; (_a = scrollbarRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.sync(); doScroll(e); } function handleVirtualListResize() { var _a; (_a = scrollbarRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.sync(); } function getPendingTmNode() { const { value: pendingTmNode } = pendingNodeRef; if (pendingTmNode) return pendingTmNode; return null; } function handleOptionMouseEnter(e, tmNode) { if (tmNode.disabled) return; setPendingTmNode(tmNode, false); } function handleOptionClick(e, tmNode) { if (tmNode.disabled) return; doToggle(tmNode); } function handleKeyUp(e) { var _a; if (happensIn(e, "action")) return; (_a = props.onKeyup) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, e); } function handleKeyDown(e) { var _a; if (happensIn(e, "action")) return; (_a = props.onKeydown) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, e); } function handleMouseDown(e) { var _a; (_a = props.onMousedown) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, e); if (props.focusable) return; e.preventDefault(); } function next() { const { value: pendingTmNode } = pendingNodeRef; if (pendingTmNode) { setPendingTmNode(pendingTmNode.getNext({ loop: true }), true); } } function prev() { const { value: pendingTmNode } = pendingNodeRef; if (pendingTmNode) { setPendingTmNode(pendingTmNode.getPrev({ loop: true }), true); } } function setPendingTmNode(tmNode, doScroll2 = false) { pendingNodeRef.value = tmNode; if (doScroll2) scrollToPendingNode(); } function scrollToPendingNode() { var _a, _b; const tmNode = pendingNodeRef.value; if (!tmNode) return; const fIndex = fIndexGetterRef.value(tmNode.key); if (fIndex === null) return; if (props.virtualScroll) { (_a = virtualListRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.scrollTo({ index: fIndex }); } else { (_b = scrollbarRef.value) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.scrollTo({ index: fIndex, elSize: itemSizeRef.value }); } } function handleFocusin(e) { var _a, _b; if ((_a = selfRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.contains(e.target)) { (_b = props.onFocus) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(props, e); } } function handleFocusout(e) { var _a, _b; if (!((_a = selfRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.contains(e.relatedTarget))) { (_b = props.onBlur) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(props, e); } } vue.provide(internalSelectionMenuInjectionKey, { handleOptionMouseEnter, handleOptionClick, valueSetRef, pendingTmNodeRef: pendingNodeRef, nodePropsRef: vue.toRef(props, "nodeProps"), showCheckmarkRef: vue.toRef(props, "showCheckmark"), multipleRef: vue.toRef(props, "multiple"), valueRef: vue.toRef(props, "value"), renderLabelRef: vue.toRef(props, "renderLabel"), renderOptionRef: vue.toRef(props, "renderOption"), labelFieldRef: vue.toRef(props, "labelField"), valueFieldRef: vue.toRef(props, "valueField") }); vue.provide(internalSelectionMenuBodyInjectionKey, selfRef); vue.onMounted(() => { const { value } = scrollbarRef; if (value) value.sync(); }); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { size: size2 } = props; const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: { height, borderRadius, color, groupHeaderTextColor, actionDividerColor, optionTextColorPressed, optionTextColor, optionTextColorDisabled, optionTextColorActive, optionOpacityDisabled, optionCheckColor, actionTextColor, optionColorPending, optionColorActive, loadingColor, loadingSize, optionColorActivePending, [createKey("optionFontSize", size2)]: fontSize2, [createKey("optionHeight", size2)]: optionHeight, [createKey("optionPadding", size2)]: optionPadding } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-height": height, "--n-action-divider-color": actionDividerColor, "--n-action-text-color": actionTextColor, "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-border-radius": borderRadius, "--n-color": color, "--n-option-font-size": fontSize2, "--n-group-header-text-color": groupHeaderTextColor, "--n-option-check-color": optionCheckColor, "--n-option-color-pending": optionColorPending, "--n-option-color-active": optionColorActive, "--n-option-color-active-pending": optionColorActivePending, "--n-option-height": optionHeight, "--n-option-opacity-disabled": optionOpacityDisabled, "--n-option-text-color": optionTextColor, "--n-option-text-color-active": optionTextColorActive, "--n-option-text-color-disabled": optionTextColorDisabled, "--n-option-text-color-pressed": optionTextColorPressed, "--n-option-padding": optionPadding, "--n-option-padding-left": getMargin(optionPadding, "left"), "--n-option-padding-right": getMargin(optionPadding, "right"), "--n-loading-color": loadingColor, "--n-loading-size": loadingSize }; }); const { inlineThemeDisabled } = props; const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("internal-select-menu", vue.computed(() => props.size[0]), cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; const exposedProps = { selfRef, next, prev, getPendingTmNode }; useOnResize(selfRef, props.onResize); return Object.assign({ mergedTheme: themeRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, rtlEnabled: rtlEnabledRef, virtualListRef, scrollbarRef, itemSize: itemSizeRef, padding: paddingRef, flattenedNodes: flattenedNodesRef, empty: emptyRef, virtualListContainer() { const { value } = virtualListRef; return value === null || value === void 0 ? void 0 : value.listElRef; }, virtualListContent() { const { value } = virtualListRef; return value === null || value === void 0 ? void 0 : value.itemsElRef; }, doScroll, handleFocusin, handleFocusout, handleKeyUp, handleKeyDown, handleMouseDown, handleVirtualListResize, handleVirtualListScroll, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }, exposedProps); }, render() { const { $slots, virtualScroll, clsPrefix, mergedTheme, themeClass, onRender } = this; onRender === null || onRender === void 0 ? void 0 : onRender(); return vue.h("div", { ref: "selfRef", tabindex: this.focusable ? 0 : -1, class: [`${clsPrefix}-base-select-menu`, this.rtlEnabled && `${clsPrefix}-base-select-menu--rtl`, themeClass, this.multiple && `${clsPrefix}-base-select-menu--multiple`], style: this.cssVars, onFocusin: this.handleFocusin, onFocusout: this.handleFocusout, onKeyup: this.handleKeyUp, onKeydown: this.handleKeyDown, onMousedown: this.handleMouseDown, onMouseenter: this.onMouseenter, onMouseleave: this.onMouseleave }, resolveWrappedSlot($slots.header, (children) => children && vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-base-select-menu__header`, "data-header": true, key: "header" }, children)), this.loading ? vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-base-select-menu__loading` }, vue.h(NBaseLoading, { clsPrefix, strokeWidth: 20 })) : !this.empty ? vue.h(Scrollbar$2, { ref: "scrollbarRef", theme: mergedTheme.peers.Scrollbar, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Scrollbar, scrollable: this.scrollable, container: virtualScroll ? this.virtualListContainer : void 0, content: virtualScroll ? this.virtualListContent : void 0, onScroll: virtualScroll ? void 0 : this.doScroll }, { default: () => { return virtualScroll ? vue.h(VVirtualList, { ref: "virtualListRef", class: `${clsPrefix}-virtual-list`, items: this.flattenedNodes, itemSize: this.itemSize, showScrollbar: false, paddingTop: this.padding.top, paddingBottom: this.padding.bottom, onResize: this.handleVirtualListResize, onScroll: this.handleVirtualListScroll, itemResizable: true }, { default: ({ item: tmNode }) => { return tmNode.isGroup ? vue.h(NSelectGroupHeader, { key: tmNode.key, clsPrefix, tmNode }) : tmNode.ignored ? null : vue.h(NSelectOption, { clsPrefix, key: tmNode.key, tmNode }); } }) : vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-base-select-menu-option-wrapper`, style: { paddingTop: this.padding.top, paddingBottom: this.padding.bottom } }, this.flattenedNodes.map((tmNode) => tmNode.isGroup ? vue.h(NSelectGroupHeader, { key: tmNode.key, clsPrefix, tmNode }) : vue.h(NSelectOption, { clsPrefix, key: tmNode.key, tmNode }))); } }) : vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-base-select-menu__empty`, "data-empty": true }, resolveSlot($slots.empty, () => [vue.h(NEmpty, { theme: mergedTheme.peers.Empty, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Empty })])), resolveWrappedSlot($slots.action, (children) => children && [vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-base-select-menu__action`, "data-action": true, key: "action" }, children), vue.h(FocusDetector, { onFocus: this.onTabOut, key: "focus-detector" })])); } }); const style$1w = cB("base-wave", ` position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; border-radius: inherit; `); const NBaseWave = vue.defineComponent({ name: "BaseWave", props: { clsPrefix: { type: String, required: true } }, setup(props) { useStyle("-base-wave", style$1w, vue.toRef(props, "clsPrefix")); const selfRef = vue.ref(null); const activeRef = vue.ref(false); let animationTimerId = null; vue.onBeforeUnmount(() => { if (animationTimerId !== null) { window.clearTimeout(animationTimerId); } }); return { active: activeRef, selfRef, play() { if (animationTimerId !== null) { window.clearTimeout(animationTimerId); activeRef.value = false; animationTimerId = null; } void vue.nextTick(() => { var _a; void ((_a = selfRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.offsetHeight); activeRef.value = true; animationTimerId = window.setTimeout(() => { activeRef.value = false; animationTimerId = null; }, 1e3); }); } }; }, render() { const { clsPrefix } = this; return vue.h("div", { ref: "selfRef", "aria-hidden": true, class: [`${clsPrefix}-base-wave`, this.active && `${clsPrefix}-base-wave--active`] }); } }); const style$1v = cB("base-menu-mask", ` position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; text-align: center; padding: 14px; overflow: hidden; `, [fadeInTransition()]); const NBaseMenuMask = vue.defineComponent({ name: "BaseMenuMask", props: { clsPrefix: { type: String, required: true } }, setup(props) { useStyle("-base-menu-mask", style$1v, vue.toRef(props, "clsPrefix")); const messageRef = vue.ref(null); let timerId = null; const uncontrolledShowRef = vue.ref(false); vue.onBeforeUnmount(() => { if (timerId !== null) { window.clearTimeout(timerId); } }); const exposedRef = { showOnce(message, duration2 = 1500) { if (timerId) window.clearTimeout(timerId); uncontrolledShowRef.value = true; messageRef.value = message; timerId = window.setTimeout(() => { uncontrolledShowRef.value = false; messageRef.value = null; }, duration2); } }; return Object.assign({ message: messageRef, show: uncontrolledShowRef }, exposedRef); }, render() { return vue.h(vue.Transition, { name: "fade-in-transition" }, { default: () => this.show ? vue.h("div", { class: `${this.clsPrefix}-base-menu-mask` }, this.message) : null }); } }); const commonVariables$k = { space: "6px", spaceArrow: "10px", arrowOffset: "10px", arrowOffsetVertical: "10px", arrowHeight: "6px", padding: "8px 14px" }; const self$1e = (vars) => { const { boxShadow2, popoverColor, textColor2, borderRadius, fontSize: fontSize2, dividerColor } = vars; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, commonVariables$k), { fontSize: fontSize2, borderRadius, color: popoverColor, dividerColor, textColor: textColor2, boxShadow: boxShadow2 }); }; const popoverLight = { name: "Popover", common: derived, self: self$1e }; const oppositePlacement = { top: "bottom", bottom: "top", left: "right", right: "left" }; const arrowSize = "var(--n-arrow-height) * 1.414"; const style$1u = c$1([cB("popover", ` transition: box-shadow .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), color .3s var(--n-bezier); position: relative; font-size: var(--n-font-size); color: var(--n-text-color); box-shadow: var(--n-box-shadow); word-break: break-word; `, [c$1(">", [cB("scrollbar", ` height: inherit; max-height: inherit; `)]), cNotM("raw", ` background-color: var(--n-color); border-radius: var(--n-border-radius); `, [cNotM("scrollable", [cNotM("show-header-or-footer", "padding: var(--n-padding);")])]), cE("header", ` padding: var(--n-padding); border-bottom: 1px solid var(--n-divider-color); transition: border-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `), cE("footer", ` padding: var(--n-padding); border-top: 1px solid var(--n-divider-color); transition: border-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `), cM("scrollable, show-header-or-footer", [cE("content", ` padding: var(--n-padding); `)])]), cB("popover-shared", ` transform-origin: inherit; `, [ cB("popover-arrow-wrapper", ` position: absolute; overflow: hidden; pointer-events: none; `, [cB("popover-arrow", ` transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); position: absolute; display: block; width: calc(${arrowSize}); height: calc(${arrowSize}); box-shadow: 0 0 8px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .12); transform: rotate(45deg); background-color: var(--n-color); pointer-events: all; `)]), // body transition c$1("&.popover-transition-enter-from, &.popover-transition-leave-to", ` opacity: 0; transform: scale(.85); `), c$1("&.popover-transition-enter-to, &.popover-transition-leave-from", ` transform: scale(1); opacity: 1; `), c$1("&.popover-transition-enter-active", ` transition: box-shadow .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), color .3s var(--n-bezier), opacity .15s var(--n-bezier-ease-out), transform .15s var(--n-bezier-ease-out); `), c$1("&.popover-transition-leave-active", ` transition: box-shadow .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), color .3s var(--n-bezier), opacity .15s var(--n-bezier-ease-in), transform .15s var(--n-bezier-ease-in); `) ]), placementStyle("top-start", ` top: calc(${arrowSize} / -2); left: calc(${getArrowOffset("top-start")} - var(--v-offset-left)); `), placementStyle("top", ` top: calc(${arrowSize} / -2); transform: translateX(calc(${arrowSize} / -2)) rotate(45deg); left: 50%; `), placementStyle("top-end", ` top: calc(${arrowSize} / -2); right: calc(${getArrowOffset("top-end")} + var(--v-offset-left)); `), placementStyle("bottom-start", ` bottom: calc(${arrowSize} / -2); left: calc(${getArrowOffset("bottom-start")} - var(--v-offset-left)); `), placementStyle("bottom", ` bottom: calc(${arrowSize} / -2); transform: translateX(calc(${arrowSize} / -2)) rotate(45deg); left: 50%; `), placementStyle("bottom-end", ` bottom: calc(${arrowSize} / -2); right: calc(${getArrowOffset("bottom-end")} + var(--v-offset-left)); `), placementStyle("left-start", ` left: calc(${arrowSize} / -2); top: calc(${getArrowOffset("left-start")} - var(--v-offset-top)); `), placementStyle("left", ` left: calc(${arrowSize} / -2); transform: translateY(calc(${arrowSize} / -2)) rotate(45deg); top: 50%; `), placementStyle("left-end", ` left: calc(${arrowSize} / -2); bottom: calc(${getArrowOffset("left-end")} + var(--v-offset-top)); `), placementStyle("right-start", ` right: calc(${arrowSize} / -2); top: calc(${getArrowOffset("right-start")} - var(--v-offset-top)); `), placementStyle("right", ` right: calc(${arrowSize} / -2); transform: translateY(calc(${arrowSize} / -2)) rotate(45deg); top: 50%; `), placementStyle("right-end", ` right: calc(${arrowSize} / -2); bottom: calc(${getArrowOffset("right-end")} + var(--v-offset-top)); `), ...map({ top: ["right-start", "left-start"], right: ["top-end", "bottom-end"], bottom: ["right-end", "left-end"], left: ["top-start", "bottom-start"] }, (placements, direction) => { const isVertical = ["right", "left"].includes(direction); const sizeType = isVertical ? "width" : "height"; return placements.map((placement) => { const isReverse = placement.split("-")[1] === "end"; const targetSize = `var(--v-target-${sizeType}, 0px)`; const centerOffset = `calc((${targetSize} - ${arrowSize}) / 2)`; const offset = getArrowOffset(placement); return c$1(`[v-placement="${placement}"] >`, [cB("popover-shared", [cM("center-arrow", [cB("popover-arrow", `${direction}: calc(max(${centerOffset}, ${offset}) ${isReverse ? "+" : "-"} var(--v-offset-${isVertical ? "left" : "top"}));`)])])]); }); })]); function getArrowOffset(placement) { return ["top", "bottom"].includes(placement.split("-")[0]) ? "var(--n-arrow-offset)" : "var(--n-arrow-offset-vertical)"; } function placementStyle(placement, arrowStyleLiteral) { const position = placement.split("-")[0]; const sizeStyle = ["top", "bottom"].includes(position) ? "height: var(--n-space-arrow);" : "width: var(--n-space-arrow);"; return c$1(`[v-placement="${placement}"] >`, [cB("popover-shared", ` margin-${oppositePlacement[position]}: var(--n-space); `, [cM("show-arrow", ` margin-${oppositePlacement[position]}: var(--n-space-arrow); `), cM("overlap", ` margin: 0; `), cCB("popover-arrow-wrapper", ` right: 0; left: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; ${position}: 100%; ${oppositePlacement[position]}: auto; ${sizeStyle} `, [cB("popover-arrow", arrowStyleLiteral)])])]); } const popoverBodyProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { to: useAdjustedTo.propTo, show: Boolean, trigger: String, showArrow: Boolean, delay: Number, duration: Number, raw: Boolean, arrowPointToCenter: Boolean, arrowClass: String, arrowStyle: [String, Object], arrowWrapperClass: String, arrowWrapperStyle: [String, Object], displayDirective: String, x: Number, y: Number, flip: Boolean, overlap: Boolean, placement: String, width: [Number, String], keepAliveOnHover: Boolean, scrollable: Boolean, contentClass: String, contentStyle: [Object, String], headerClass: String, headerStyle: [Object, String], footerClass: String, footerStyle: [Object, String], // private internalDeactivateImmediately: Boolean, animated: Boolean, onClickoutside: Function, internalTrapFocus: Boolean, internalOnAfterLeave: Function, // deprecated minWidth: Number, maxWidth: Number }); const renderArrow = ({ arrowClass, arrowStyle, arrowWrapperClass, arrowWrapperStyle, clsPrefix }) => { return vue.h("div", { key: "__popover-arrow__", style: arrowWrapperStyle, class: [`${clsPrefix}-popover-arrow-wrapper`, arrowWrapperClass] }, vue.h("div", { class: [`${clsPrefix}-popover-arrow`, arrowClass], style: arrowStyle })); }; const NPopoverBody = vue.defineComponent({ name: "PopoverBody", inheritAttrs: false, props: popoverBodyProps, setup(props, { slots, attrs }) { const { namespaceRef, mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Popover", "-popover", style$1u, popoverLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const followerRef = vue.ref(null); const NPopover2 = vue.inject("NPopover"); const bodyRef = vue.ref(null); const followerEnabledRef = vue.ref(props.show); const displayedRef = vue.ref(false); vue.watchEffect(() => { const { show } = props; if (show && !isJsdom() && !props.internalDeactivateImmediately) { displayedRef.value = true; } }); const directivesRef = vue.computed(() => { const { trigger: trigger2, onClickoutside } = props; const directives = []; const { positionManuallyRef: { value: positionManually } } = NPopover2; if (!positionManually) { if (trigger2 === "click" && !onClickoutside) { directives.push([clickoutside, handleClickOutside, void 0, { capture: true }]); } if (trigger2 === "hover") { directives.push([mousemoveoutside, handleMouseMoveOutside]); } } if (onClickoutside) { directives.push([clickoutside, handleClickOutside, void 0, { capture: true }]); } if (props.displayDirective === "show" || props.animated && displayedRef.value) { directives.push([vue.vShow, props.show]); } return directives; }); const styleRef = vue.computed(() => { const width = props.width === "trigger" ? void 0 : formatLength(props.width); const style2 = []; if (width) { style2.push({ width }); } const { maxWidth, minWidth } = props; if (maxWidth) { style2.push({ maxWidth: formatLength(maxWidth) }); } if (minWidth) { style2.push({ maxWidth: formatLength(minWidth) }); } if (!inlineThemeDisabled) { style2.push(cssVarsRef.value); } return style2; }); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2, cubicBezierEaseIn: cubicBezierEaseIn2, cubicBezierEaseOut: cubicBezierEaseOut2 }, self: { space, spaceArrow, padding, fontSize: fontSize2, textColor, dividerColor, color, boxShadow, borderRadius, arrowHeight, arrowOffset, arrowOffsetVertical } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-box-shadow": boxShadow, "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-bezier-ease-in": cubicBezierEaseIn2, "--n-bezier-ease-out": cubicBezierEaseOut2, "--n-font-size": fontSize2, "--n-text-color": textColor, "--n-color": color, "--n-divider-color": dividerColor, "--n-border-radius": borderRadius, "--n-arrow-height": arrowHeight, "--n-arrow-offset": arrowOffset, "--n-arrow-offset-vertical": arrowOffsetVertical, "--n-padding": padding, "--n-space": space, "--n-space-arrow": spaceArrow }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("popover", void 0, cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; NPopover2.setBodyInstance({ syncPosition }); vue.onBeforeUnmount(() => { NPopover2.setBodyInstance(null); }); vue.watch(vue.toRef(props, "show"), (value) => { if (props.animated) return; if (value) { followerEnabledRef.value = true; } else { followerEnabledRef.value = false; } }); function syncPosition() { var _a; (_a = followerRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.syncPosition(); } function handleMouseEnter(e) { if (props.trigger === "hover" && props.keepAliveOnHover && props.show) { NPopover2.handleMouseEnter(e); } } function handleMouseLeave(e) { if (props.trigger === "hover" && props.keepAliveOnHover) { NPopover2.handleMouseLeave(e); } } function handleMouseMoveOutside(e) { if (props.trigger === "hover" && !getTriggerElement().contains(getPreciseEventTarget(e))) { NPopover2.handleMouseMoveOutside(e); } } function handleClickOutside(e) { if (props.trigger === "click" && !getTriggerElement().contains(getPreciseEventTarget(e)) || props.onClickoutside) { NPopover2.handleClickOutside(e); } } function getTriggerElement() { return NPopover2.getTriggerElement(); } vue.provide(popoverBodyInjectionKey, bodyRef); vue.provide(drawerBodyInjectionKey, null); vue.provide(modalBodyInjectionKey, null); function renderContentNode() { themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender(); const shouldRenderDom = props.displayDirective === "show" || props.show || props.animated && displayedRef.value; if (!shouldRenderDom) { return null; } let contentNode; const renderBody = NPopover2.internalRenderBodyRef.value; const { value: mergedClsPrefix } = mergedClsPrefixRef; if (!renderBody) { const { value: extraClass } = NPopover2.extraClassRef; const { internalTrapFocus } = props; const hasHeaderOrFooter = !isSlotEmpty(slots.header) || !isSlotEmpty(slots.footer); const renderContentInnerNode = () => { var _a, _b; const body = hasHeaderOrFooter ? vue.h(vue.Fragment, null, resolveWrappedSlot(slots.header, (children) => { return children ? vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-popover__header`, props.headerClass], style: props.headerStyle }, children) : null; }), resolveWrappedSlot(slots.default, (children) => { return children ? vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-popover__content`, props.contentClass], style: props.contentStyle }, slots) : null; }), resolveWrappedSlot(slots.footer, (children) => { return children ? vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-popover__footer`, props.footerClass], style: props.footerStyle }, children) : null; })) : props.scrollable ? (_a = slots.default) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(slots) : vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-popover__content`, props.contentClass], style: props.contentStyle }, slots); const maybeScrollableBody = props.scrollable ? vue.h(XScrollbar, { contentClass: hasHeaderOrFooter ? void 0 : `${mergedClsPrefix}-popover__content ${(_b = props.contentClass) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : ""}`, contentStyle: hasHeaderOrFooter ? void 0 : props.contentStyle }, { default: () => body }) : body; const arrow = props.showArrow ? renderArrow({ arrowClass: props.arrowClass, arrowStyle: props.arrowStyle, arrowWrapperClass: props.arrowWrapperClass, arrowWrapperStyle: props.arrowWrapperStyle, clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix }) : null; return [maybeScrollableBody, arrow]; }; contentNode = vue.h("div", vue.mergeProps({ class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-popover`, `${mergedClsPrefix}-popover-shared`, themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass.value, extraClass.map((v) => `${mergedClsPrefix}-${v}`), { [`${mergedClsPrefix}-popover--scrollable`]: props.scrollable, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-popover--show-header-or-footer`]: hasHeaderOrFooter, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-popover--raw`]: props.raw, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-popover-shared--overlap`]: props.overlap, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-popover-shared--show-arrow`]: props.showArrow, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-popover-shared--center-arrow`]: props.arrowPointToCenter }], ref: bodyRef, style: styleRef.value, onKeydown: NPopover2.handleKeydown, onMouseenter: handleMouseEnter, onMouseleave: handleMouseLeave }, attrs), internalTrapFocus ? vue.h(FocusTrap, { active: props.show, autoFocus: true }, { default: renderContentInnerNode }) : renderContentInnerNode()); } else { contentNode = renderBody( // The popover class and overlap class must exists, they will be used // to place the body & transition animation. // Shadow class exists for reuse box-shadow. [`${mergedClsPrefix}-popover-shared`, themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass.value, props.overlap && `${mergedClsPrefix}-popover-shared--overlap`, props.showArrow && `${mergedClsPrefix}-popover-shared--show-arrow`, props.arrowPointToCenter && `${mergedClsPrefix}-popover-shared--center-arrow`], bodyRef, styleRef.value, handleMouseEnter, handleMouseLeave ); } return vue.withDirectives(contentNode, directivesRef.value); } return { displayed: displayedRef, namespace: namespaceRef, isMounted: NPopover2.isMountedRef, zIndex: NPopover2.zIndexRef, followerRef, adjustedTo: useAdjustedTo(props), followerEnabled: followerEnabledRef, renderContentNode }; }, render() { return vue.h(VFollower, { ref: "followerRef", zIndex: this.zIndex, show: this.show, enabled: this.followerEnabled, to: this.adjustedTo, x: this.x, y: this.y, flip: this.flip, placement: this.placement, containerClass: this.namespace, overlap: this.overlap, width: this.width === "trigger" ? "target" : void 0, teleportDisabled: this.adjustedTo === useAdjustedTo.tdkey }, { default: () => { return this.animated ? vue.h(vue.Transition, { name: "popover-transition", appear: this.isMounted, // Don't use watch to enable follower, since the transition may // make position sync timing very subtle and buggy. onEnter: () => { this.followerEnabled = true; }, onAfterLeave: () => { var _a; (_a = this.internalOnAfterLeave) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(this); this.followerEnabled = false; this.displayed = false; } }, { default: this.renderContentNode }) : this.renderContentNode(); } }); } }); const bodyPropKeys = Object.keys(popoverBodyProps); const triggerEventMap = { focus: ["onFocus", "onBlur"], click: ["onClick"], hover: ["onMouseenter", "onMouseleave"], manual: [], nested: ["onFocus", "onBlur", "onMouseenter", "onMouseleave", "onClick"] }; function appendEvents(vNode, trigger2, events2) { triggerEventMap[trigger2].forEach((eventName) => { if (!vNode.props) vNode.props = {}; else { vNode.props = Object.assign({}, vNode.props); } const originalHandler = vNode.props[eventName]; const handler = events2[eventName]; if (!originalHandler) vNode.props[eventName] = handler; else { vNode.props[eventName] = (...args) => { originalHandler(...args); handler(...args); }; } }); } const popoverBaseProps = { show: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, defaultShow: Boolean, showArrow: { type: Boolean, default: true }, trigger: { type: String, default: "hover" }, delay: { type: Number, default: 100 }, duration: { type: Number, default: 100 }, raw: Boolean, placement: { type: String, default: "top" }, x: Number, y: Number, arrowPointToCenter: Boolean, disabled: Boolean, getDisabled: Function, displayDirective: { type: String, default: "if" }, arrowClass: String, arrowStyle: [String, Object], arrowWrapperClass: String, arrowWrapperStyle: [String, Object], flip: { type: Boolean, default: true }, animated: { type: Boolean, default: true }, width: { type: [Number, String], default: void 0 }, overlap: Boolean, keepAliveOnHover: { type: Boolean, default: true }, zIndex: Number, to: useAdjustedTo.propTo, scrollable: Boolean, contentClass: String, contentStyle: [Object, String], headerClass: String, headerStyle: [Object, String], footerClass: String, footerStyle: [Object, String], // events onClickoutside: Function, "onUpdate:show": [Function, Array], onUpdateShow: [Function, Array], // internal internalDeactivateImmediately: Boolean, internalSyncTargetWithParent: Boolean, internalInheritedEventHandlers: { type: Array, default: () => [] }, internalTrapFocus: Boolean, internalExtraClass: { type: Array, default: () => [] }, // deprecated onShow: [Function, Array], onHide: [Function, Array], arrow: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, minWidth: Number, maxWidth: Number }; const popoverProps = Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), popoverBaseProps), { internalOnAfterLeave: Function, internalRenderBody: Function }); const NPopover = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Popover", inheritAttrs: false, props: popoverProps, __popover__: true, setup(props) { const isMountedRef = isMounted(); const binderInstRef = vue.ref(null); const controlledShowRef = vue.computed(() => props.show); const uncontrolledShowRef = vue.ref(props.defaultShow); const mergedShowWithoutDisabledRef = useMergedState(controlledShowRef, uncontrolledShowRef); const mergedShowConsideringDisabledPropRef = useMemo(() => { if (props.disabled) return false; return mergedShowWithoutDisabledRef.value; }); const getMergedDisabled = () => { if (props.disabled) return true; const { getDisabled } = props; if (getDisabled === null || getDisabled === void 0 ? void 0 : getDisabled()) return true; return false; }; const getMergedShow = () => { if (getMergedDisabled()) return false; return mergedShowWithoutDisabledRef.value; }; const compatibleShowArrowRef = useCompitable(props, ["arrow", "showArrow"]); const mergedShowArrowRef = vue.computed(() => { if (props.overlap) return false; return compatibleShowArrowRef.value; }); let bodyInstance = null; const showTimerIdRef = vue.ref(null); const hideTimerIdRef = vue.ref(null); const positionManuallyRef = useMemo(() => { return props.x !== void 0 && props.y !== void 0; }); function doUpdateShow(value) { const { "onUpdate:show": _onUpdateShow, onUpdateShow, onShow, onHide } = props; uncontrolledShowRef.value = value; if (_onUpdateShow) { call(_onUpdateShow, value); } if (onUpdateShow) { call(onUpdateShow, value); } if (value && onShow) { call(onShow, true); } if (value && onHide) { call(onHide, false); } } function syncPosition() { if (bodyInstance) { bodyInstance.syncPosition(); } } function clearShowTimer() { const { value: showTimerId } = showTimerIdRef; if (showTimerId) { window.clearTimeout(showTimerId); showTimerIdRef.value = null; } } function clearHideTimer() { const { value: hideTimerId } = hideTimerIdRef; if (hideTimerId) { window.clearTimeout(hideTimerId); hideTimerIdRef.value = null; } } function handleFocus() { const mergedDisabled = getMergedDisabled(); if (props.trigger === "focus" && !mergedDisabled) { if (getMergedShow()) return; doUpdateShow(true); } } function handleBlur() { const mergedDisabled = getMergedDisabled(); if (props.trigger === "focus" && !mergedDisabled) { if (!getMergedShow()) return; doUpdateShow(false); } } function handleMouseEnter() { const mergedDisabled = getMergedDisabled(); if (props.trigger === "hover" && !mergedDisabled) { clearHideTimer(); if (showTimerIdRef.value !== null) return; if (getMergedShow()) return; const delayCallback = () => { doUpdateShow(true); showTimerIdRef.value = null; }; const { delay } = props; if (delay === 0) { delayCallback(); } else { showTimerIdRef.value = window.setTimeout(delayCallback, delay); } } } function handleMouseLeave() { const mergedDisabled = getMergedDisabled(); if (props.trigger === "hover" && !mergedDisabled) { clearShowTimer(); if (hideTimerIdRef.value !== null) return; if (!getMergedShow()) return; const delayedCallback = () => { doUpdateShow(false); hideTimerIdRef.value = null; }; const { duration: duration2 } = props; if (duration2 === 0) { delayedCallback(); } else { hideTimerIdRef.value = window.setTimeout(delayedCallback, duration2); } } } function handleMouseMoveOutside() { handleMouseLeave(); } function handleClickOutside(e) { var _a; if (!getMergedShow()) return; if (props.trigger === "click") { clearShowTimer(); clearHideTimer(); doUpdateShow(false); } (_a = props.onClickoutside) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, e); } function handleClick2() { if (props.trigger === "click" && !getMergedDisabled()) { clearShowTimer(); clearHideTimer(); const nextShow = !getMergedShow(); doUpdateShow(nextShow); } } function handleKeydown(e) { if (!props.internalTrapFocus) return; if (e.key === "Escape") { clearShowTimer(); clearHideTimer(); doUpdateShow(false); } } function setShow(value) { uncontrolledShowRef.value = value; } function getTriggerElement() { var _a; return (_a = binderInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.targetRef; } function setBodyInstance(value) { bodyInstance = value; } vue.provide("NPopover", { getTriggerElement, handleKeydown, handleMouseEnter, handleMouseLeave, handleClickOutside, handleMouseMoveOutside, setBodyInstance, positionManuallyRef, isMountedRef, zIndexRef: vue.toRef(props, "zIndex"), extraClassRef: vue.toRef(props, "internalExtraClass"), internalRenderBodyRef: vue.toRef(props, "internalRenderBody") }); vue.watchEffect(() => { if (mergedShowWithoutDisabledRef.value && getMergedDisabled()) { doUpdateShow(false); } }); const returned = { binderInstRef, positionManually: positionManuallyRef, mergedShowConsideringDisabledProp: mergedShowConsideringDisabledPropRef, // if to show popover body uncontrolledShow: uncontrolledShowRef, mergedShowArrow: mergedShowArrowRef, getMergedShow, setShow, handleClick: handleClick2, handleMouseEnter, handleMouseLeave, handleFocus, handleBlur, syncPosition }; return returned; }, render() { var _a; const { positionManually, $slots: slots } = this; let triggerVNode; let popoverInside = false; if (!positionManually) { if (slots.activator) { triggerVNode = getFirstSlotVNode(slots, "activator"); } else { triggerVNode = getFirstSlotVNode(slots, "trigger"); } if (triggerVNode) { triggerVNode = vue.cloneVNode(triggerVNode); triggerVNode = triggerVNode.type === vue.Text ? vue.h("span", [triggerVNode]) : triggerVNode; const handlers = { onClick: this.handleClick, onMouseenter: this.handleMouseEnter, onMouseleave: this.handleMouseLeave, onFocus: this.handleFocus, onBlur: this.handleBlur }; if ((_a = triggerVNode.type) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.__popover__) { popoverInside = true; if (!triggerVNode.props) { triggerVNode.props = { internalSyncTargetWithParent: true, internalInheritedEventHandlers: [] }; } triggerVNode.props.internalSyncTargetWithParent = true; if (!triggerVNode.props.internalInheritedEventHandlers) { triggerVNode.props.internalInheritedEventHandlers = [handlers]; } else { triggerVNode.props.internalInheritedEventHandlers = [handlers, ...triggerVNode.props.internalInheritedEventHandlers]; } } else { const { internalInheritedEventHandlers } = this; const ascendantAndCurrentHandlers = [handlers, ...internalInheritedEventHandlers]; const mergedHandlers = { onBlur: (e) => { ascendantAndCurrentHandlers.forEach((_handlers) => { _handlers.onBlur(e); }); }, onFocus: (e) => { ascendantAndCurrentHandlers.forEach((_handlers) => { _handlers.onFocus(e); }); }, onClick: (e) => { ascendantAndCurrentHandlers.forEach((_handlers) => { _handlers.onClick(e); }); }, onMouseenter: (e) => { ascendantAndCurrentHandlers.forEach((_handlers) => { _handlers.onMouseenter(e); }); }, onMouseleave: (e) => { ascendantAndCurrentHandlers.forEach((_handlers) => { _handlers.onMouseleave(e); }); } }; appendEvents(triggerVNode, internalInheritedEventHandlers ? "nested" : positionManually ? "manual" : this.trigger, mergedHandlers); } } } return vue.h(Binder, { ref: "binderInstRef", syncTarget: !popoverInside, syncTargetWithParent: this.internalSyncTargetWithParent }, { default: () => { void this.mergedShowConsideringDisabledProp; const mergedShow = this.getMergedShow(); return [this.internalTrapFocus && mergedShow ? vue.withDirectives(vue.h("div", { style: { position: "fixed", inset: 0 } }), [[zindexable, { enabled: mergedShow, zIndex: this.zIndex }]]) : null, positionManually ? null : vue.h(VTarget, null, { default: () => triggerVNode }), vue.h(NPopoverBody, keep(this.$props, bodyPropKeys, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, this.$attrs), { showArrow: this.mergedShowArrow, show: mergedShow })), { default: () => { var _a2, _b; return (_b = (_a2 = this.$slots).default) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a2); }, header: () => { var _a2, _b; return (_b = (_a2 = this.$slots).header) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a2); }, footer: () => { var _a2, _b; return (_b = (_a2 = this.$slots).footer) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a2); } })]; } }); } }); const commonVariables$j = { closeIconSizeTiny: "12px", closeIconSizeSmall: "12px", closeIconSizeMedium: "14px", closeIconSizeLarge: "14px", closeSizeTiny: "16px", closeSizeSmall: "16px", closeSizeMedium: "18px", closeSizeLarge: "18px", padding: "0 7px", closeMargin: "0 0 0 4px" }; const self$1d = (vars) => { const { textColor2, primaryColorHover, primaryColorPressed, primaryColor, infoColor, successColor, warningColor, errorColor, baseColor, borderColor, opacityDisabled, tagColor, closeIconColor, closeIconColorHover, closeIconColorPressed, borderRadiusSmall: borderRadius, fontSizeMini, fontSizeTiny, fontSizeSmall, fontSizeMedium, heightMini, heightTiny, heightSmall, heightMedium, closeColorHover, closeColorPressed, buttonColor2Hover, buttonColor2Pressed, fontWeightStrong } = vars; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, commonVariables$j), { closeBorderRadius: borderRadius, heightTiny: heightMini, heightSmall: heightTiny, heightMedium: heightSmall, heightLarge: heightMedium, borderRadius, opacityDisabled, fontSizeTiny: fontSizeMini, fontSizeSmall: fontSizeTiny, fontSizeMedium: fontSizeSmall, fontSizeLarge: fontSizeMedium, fontWeightStrong, // checked textColorCheckable: textColor2, textColorHoverCheckable: textColor2, textColorPressedCheckable: textColor2, textColorChecked: baseColor, colorCheckable: "#0000", colorHoverCheckable: buttonColor2Hover, colorPressedCheckable: buttonColor2Pressed, colorChecked: primaryColor, colorCheckedHover: primaryColorHover, colorCheckedPressed: primaryColorPressed, // default border: `1px solid ${borderColor}`, textColor: textColor2, color: tagColor, colorBordered: "rgb(250, 250, 252)", closeIconColor, closeIconColorHover, closeIconColorPressed, closeColorHover, closeColorPressed, borderPrimary: `1px solid ${changeColor(primaryColor, { alpha: 0.3 })}`, textColorPrimary: primaryColor, colorPrimary: changeColor(primaryColor, { alpha: 0.12 }), colorBorderedPrimary: changeColor(primaryColor, { alpha: 0.1 }), closeIconColorPrimary: primaryColor, closeIconColorHoverPrimary: primaryColor, closeIconColorPressedPrimary: primaryColor, closeColorHoverPrimary: changeColor(primaryColor, { alpha: 0.12 }), closeColorPressedPrimary: changeColor(primaryColor, { alpha: 0.18 }), borderInfo: `1px solid ${changeColor(infoColor, { alpha: 0.3 })}`, textColorInfo: infoColor, colorInfo: changeColor(infoColor, { alpha: 0.12 }), colorBorderedInfo: changeColor(infoColor, { alpha: 0.1 }), closeIconColorInfo: infoColor, closeIconColorHoverInfo: infoColor, closeIconColorPressedInfo: infoColor, closeColorHoverInfo: changeColor(infoColor, { alpha: 0.12 }), closeColorPressedInfo: changeColor(infoColor, { alpha: 0.18 }), borderSuccess: `1px solid ${changeColor(successColor, { alpha: 0.3 })}`, textColorSuccess: successColor, colorSuccess: changeColor(successColor, { alpha: 0.12 }), colorBorderedSuccess: changeColor(successColor, { alpha: 0.1 }), closeIconColorSuccess: successColor, closeIconColorHoverSuccess: successColor, closeIconColorPressedSuccess: successColor, closeColorHoverSuccess: changeColor(successColor, { alpha: 0.12 }), closeColorPressedSuccess: changeColor(successColor, { alpha: 0.18 }), borderWarning: `1px solid ${changeColor(warningColor, { alpha: 0.35 })}`, textColorWarning: warningColor, colorWarning: changeColor(warningColor, { alpha: 0.15 }), colorBorderedWarning: changeColor(warningColor, { alpha: 0.12 }), closeIconColorWarning: warningColor, closeIconColorHoverWarning: warningColor, closeIconColorPressedWarning: warningColor, closeColorHoverWarning: changeColor(warningColor, { alpha: 0.12 }), closeColorPressedWarning: changeColor(warningColor, { alpha: 0.18 }), borderError: `1px solid ${changeColor(errorColor, { alpha: 0.23 })}`, textColorError: errorColor, colorError: changeColor(errorColor, { alpha: 0.1 }), colorBorderedError: changeColor(errorColor, { alpha: 0.08 }), closeIconColorError: errorColor, closeIconColorHoverError: errorColor, closeIconColorPressedError: errorColor, closeColorHoverError: changeColor(errorColor, { alpha: 0.12 }), closeColorPressedError: changeColor(errorColor, { alpha: 0.18 }) }); }; const tagLight = { name: "Tag", common: derived, self: self$1d }; const commonProps = { color: Object, type: { type: String, default: "default" }, round: Boolean, size: { type: String, default: "medium" }, closable: Boolean, disabled: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 } }; const style$1t = cB("tag", ` --n-close-margin: var(--n-close-margin-top) var(--n-close-margin-right) var(--n-close-margin-bottom) var(--n-close-margin-left); white-space: nowrap; position: relative; box-sizing: border-box; cursor: default; display: inline-flex; align-items: center; flex-wrap: nowrap; padding: var(--n-padding); border-radius: var(--n-border-radius); color: var(--n-text-color); background-color: var(--n-color); transition: border-color .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), color .3s var(--n-bezier), box-shadow .3s var(--n-bezier), opacity .3s var(--n-bezier); line-height: 1; height: var(--n-height); font-size: var(--n-font-size); `, [cM("strong", ` font-weight: var(--n-font-weight-strong); `), cE("border", ` pointer-events: none; position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; border-radius: inherit; border: var(--n-border); transition: border-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `), cE("icon", ` display: flex; margin: 0 4px 0 0; color: var(--n-text-color); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); font-size: var(--n-avatar-size-override); `), cE("avatar", ` display: flex; margin: 0 6px 0 0; `), cE("close", ` margin: var(--n-close-margin); transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), color .3s var(--n-bezier); `), cM("round", ` padding: 0 calc(var(--n-height) / 3); border-radius: calc(var(--n-height) / 2); `, [cE("icon", ` margin: 0 4px 0 calc((var(--n-height) - 8px) / -2); `), cE("avatar", ` margin: 0 6px 0 calc((var(--n-height) - 8px) / -2); `), cM("closable", ` padding: 0 calc(var(--n-height) / 4) 0 calc(var(--n-height) / 3); `)]), cM("icon, avatar", [cM("round", ` padding: 0 calc(var(--n-height) / 3) 0 calc(var(--n-height) / 2); `)]), cM("disabled", ` cursor: not-allowed !important; opacity: var(--n-opacity-disabled); `), cM("checkable", ` cursor: pointer; box-shadow: none; color: var(--n-text-color-checkable); background-color: var(--n-color-checkable); `, [cNotM("disabled", [c$1("&:hover", "background-color: var(--n-color-hover-checkable);", [cNotM("checked", "color: var(--n-text-color-hover-checkable);")]), c$1("&:active", "background-color: var(--n-color-pressed-checkable);", [cNotM("checked", "color: var(--n-text-color-pressed-checkable);")])]), cM("checked", ` color: var(--n-text-color-checked); background-color: var(--n-color-checked); `, [cNotM("disabled", [c$1("&:hover", "background-color: var(--n-color-checked-hover);"), c$1("&:active", "background-color: var(--n-color-checked-pressed);")])])])]); const tagProps = Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), commonProps), { bordered: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, checked: Boolean, checkable: Boolean, strong: Boolean, triggerClickOnClose: Boolean, onClose: [Array, Function], onMouseenter: Function, onMouseleave: Function, "onUpdate:checked": Function, onUpdateChecked: Function, // private internalCloseFocusable: { type: Boolean, default: true }, internalCloseIsButtonTag: { type: Boolean, default: true }, // deprecated onCheckedChange: Function }); const tagInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-tag"); const NTag = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Tag", props: tagProps, setup(props) { const contentRef = vue.ref(null); const { mergedBorderedRef, mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled, mergedRtlRef } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Tag", "-tag", style$1t, tagLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); vue.provide(tagInjectionKey, { roundRef: vue.toRef(props, "round") }); function handleClick2(e) { if (!props.disabled) { if (props.checkable) { const { checked, onCheckedChange, onUpdateChecked, "onUpdate:checked": _onUpdateChecked } = props; if (onUpdateChecked) onUpdateChecked(!checked); if (_onUpdateChecked) _onUpdateChecked(!checked); if (onCheckedChange) onCheckedChange(!checked); } } } function handleCloseClick(e) { if (!props.triggerClickOnClose) { e.stopPropagation(); } if (!props.disabled) { const { onClose } = props; if (onClose) call(onClose, e); } } const tagPublicMethods = { setTextContent(textContent) { const { value } = contentRef; if (value) value.textContent = textContent; } }; const rtlEnabledRef = useRtl("Tag", mergedRtlRef, mergedClsPrefixRef); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { type, size: size2, color: { color, textColor } = {} } = props; const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: { padding, closeMargin, borderRadius, opacityDisabled, textColorCheckable, textColorHoverCheckable, textColorPressedCheckable, textColorChecked, colorCheckable, colorHoverCheckable, colorPressedCheckable, colorChecked, colorCheckedHover, colorCheckedPressed, closeBorderRadius, fontWeightStrong, [createKey("colorBordered", type)]: colorBordered, [createKey("closeSize", size2)]: closeSize, [createKey("closeIconSize", size2)]: closeIconSize, [createKey("fontSize", size2)]: fontSize2, [createKey("height", size2)]: height, [createKey("color", type)]: typedColor, [createKey("textColor", type)]: typeTextColor, [createKey("border", type)]: border, [createKey("closeIconColor", type)]: closeIconColor, [createKey("closeIconColorHover", type)]: closeIconColorHover, [createKey("closeIconColorPressed", type)]: closeIconColorPressed, [createKey("closeColorHover", type)]: closeColorHover, [createKey("closeColorPressed", type)]: closeColorPressed } } = themeRef.value; const closeMarginDiscrete = getMargin(closeMargin); return { "--n-font-weight-strong": fontWeightStrong, "--n-avatar-size-override": `calc(${height} - 8px)`, "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-border-radius": borderRadius, "--n-border": border, "--n-close-icon-size": closeIconSize, "--n-close-color-pressed": closeColorPressed, "--n-close-color-hover": closeColorHover, "--n-close-border-radius": closeBorderRadius, "--n-close-icon-color": closeIconColor, "--n-close-icon-color-hover": closeIconColorHover, "--n-close-icon-color-pressed": closeIconColorPressed, "--n-close-icon-color-disabled": closeIconColor, "--n-close-margin-top": closeMarginDiscrete.top, "--n-close-margin-right": closeMarginDiscrete.right, "--n-close-margin-bottom": closeMarginDiscrete.bottom, "--n-close-margin-left": closeMarginDiscrete.left, "--n-close-size": closeSize, "--n-color": color || (mergedBorderedRef.value ? colorBordered : typedColor), "--n-color-checkable": colorCheckable, "--n-color-checked": colorChecked, "--n-color-checked-hover": colorCheckedHover, "--n-color-checked-pressed": colorCheckedPressed, "--n-color-hover-checkable": colorHoverCheckable, "--n-color-pressed-checkable": colorPressedCheckable, "--n-font-size": fontSize2, "--n-height": height, "--n-opacity-disabled": opacityDisabled, "--n-padding": padding, "--n-text-color": textColor || typeTextColor, "--n-text-color-checkable": textColorCheckable, "--n-text-color-checked": textColorChecked, "--n-text-color-hover-checkable": textColorHoverCheckable, "--n-text-color-pressed-checkable": textColorPressedCheckable }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("tag", vue.computed(() => { let hash = ""; const { type, size: size2, color: { color, textColor } = {} } = props; hash += type[0]; hash += size2[0]; if (color) { hash += `a${color2Class(color)}`; } if (textColor) { hash += `b${color2Class(textColor)}`; } if (mergedBorderedRef.value) { hash += "c"; } return hash; }), cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, tagPublicMethods), { rtlEnabled: rtlEnabledRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, contentRef, mergedBordered: mergedBorderedRef, handleClick: handleClick2, handleCloseClick, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }); }, render() { var _a, _b; const { mergedClsPrefix, rtlEnabled, closable, color: { borderColor } = {}, round: round2, onRender, $slots } = this; onRender === null || onRender === void 0 ? void 0 : onRender(); const avatarNode = resolveWrappedSlot($slots.avatar, (children) => children && vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-tag__avatar` }, children)); const iconNode = resolveWrappedSlot($slots.icon, (children) => children && vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-tag__icon` }, children)); return vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-tag`, this.themeClass, { [`${mergedClsPrefix}-tag--rtl`]: rtlEnabled, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-tag--strong`]: this.strong, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-tag--disabled`]: this.disabled, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-tag--checkable`]: this.checkable, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-tag--checked`]: this.checkable && this.checked, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-tag--round`]: round2, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-tag--avatar`]: avatarNode, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-tag--icon`]: iconNode, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-tag--closable`]: closable }], style: this.cssVars, onClick: this.handleClick, onMouseenter: this.onMouseenter, onMouseleave: this.onMouseleave }, iconNode || avatarNode, vue.h("span", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-tag__content`, ref: "contentRef" }, (_b = (_a = this.$slots).default) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a)), !this.checkable && closable ? vue.h(NBaseClose, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-tag__close`, disabled: this.disabled, onClick: this.handleCloseClick, focusable: this.internalCloseFocusable, round: round2, isButtonTag: this.internalCloseIsButtonTag, absolute: true }) : null, !this.checkable && this.mergedBordered ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-tag__border`, style: { borderColor } }) : null); } }); const style$1s = cB("base-clear", ` flex-shrink: 0; height: 1em; width: 1em; position: relative; `, [c$1(">", [cE("clear", ` font-size: var(--n-clear-size); height: 1em; width: 1em; cursor: pointer; color: var(--n-clear-color); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); display: flex; `, [c$1("&:hover", ` color: var(--n-clear-color-hover)!important; `), c$1("&:active", ` color: var(--n-clear-color-pressed)!important; `)]), cE("placeholder", ` display: flex; `), cE("clear, placeholder", ` position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%); `, [iconSwitchTransition({ originalTransform: "translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%)", left: "50%", top: "50%" })])])]); const NBaseClear = vue.defineComponent({ name: "BaseClear", props: { clsPrefix: { type: String, required: true }, show: Boolean, onClear: Function }, setup(props) { useStyle("-base-clear", style$1s, vue.toRef(props, "clsPrefix")); return { handleMouseDown(e) { e.preventDefault(); } }; }, render() { const { clsPrefix } = this; return vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-base-clear` }, vue.h(NIconSwitchTransition, null, { default: () => { var _a, _b; return this.show ? vue.h("div", { key: "dismiss", class: `${clsPrefix}-base-clear__clear`, onClick: this.onClear, onMousedown: this.handleMouseDown, "data-clear": true }, resolveSlot(this.$slots.icon, () => [vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix }, { default: () => vue.h(ClearIcon, null) })])) : vue.h("div", { key: "icon", class: `${clsPrefix}-base-clear__placeholder` }, (_b = (_a = this.$slots).placeholder) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a)); } })); } }); const NBaseSuffix = vue.defineComponent({ name: "InternalSelectionSuffix", props: { clsPrefix: { type: String, required: true }, showArrow: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, showClear: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, loading: { type: Boolean, default: false }, onClear: Function }, setup(props, { slots }) { return () => { const { clsPrefix } = props; return vue.h(NBaseLoading, { clsPrefix, class: `${clsPrefix}-base-suffix`, strokeWidth: 24, scale: 0.85, show: props.loading }, { default: () => props.showArrow ? vue.h(NBaseClear, { clsPrefix, show: props.showClear, onClear: props.onClear }, { placeholder: () => vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix, class: `${clsPrefix}-base-suffix__arrow` }, { default: () => resolveSlot(slots.default, () => [vue.h(ChevronDownIcon, null)]) }) }) : null }); }; } }); const commonVars$c = { paddingSingle: "0 26px 0 12px", paddingMultiple: "3px 26px 0 12px", clearSize: "16px", arrowSize: "16px" }; const self$1c = (vars) => { const { borderRadius, textColor2, textColorDisabled, inputColor, inputColorDisabled, primaryColor, primaryColorHover, warningColor, warningColorHover, errorColor, errorColorHover, borderColor, iconColor, iconColorDisabled, clearColor, clearColorHover, clearColorPressed, placeholderColor, placeholderColorDisabled, fontSizeTiny, fontSizeSmall, fontSizeMedium, fontSizeLarge, heightTiny, heightSmall, heightMedium, heightLarge } = vars; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, commonVars$c), { fontSizeTiny, fontSizeSmall, fontSizeMedium, fontSizeLarge, heightTiny, heightSmall, heightMedium, heightLarge, borderRadius, // default textColor: textColor2, textColorDisabled, placeholderColor, placeholderColorDisabled, color: inputColor, colorDisabled: inputColorDisabled, colorActive: inputColor, border: `1px solid ${borderColor}`, borderHover: `1px solid ${primaryColorHover}`, borderActive: `1px solid ${primaryColor}`, borderFocus: `1px solid ${primaryColorHover}`, boxShadowHover: "none", boxShadowActive: `0 0 0 2px ${changeColor(primaryColor, { alpha: 0.2 })}`, boxShadowFocus: `0 0 0 2px ${changeColor(primaryColor, { alpha: 0.2 })}`, caretColor: primaryColor, arrowColor: iconColor, arrowColorDisabled: iconColorDisabled, loadingColor: primaryColor, // warning borderWarning: `1px solid ${warningColor}`, borderHoverWarning: `1px solid ${warningColorHover}`, borderActiveWarning: `1px solid ${warningColor}`, borderFocusWarning: `1px solid ${warningColorHover}`, boxShadowHoverWarning: "none", boxShadowActiveWarning: `0 0 0 2px ${changeColor(warningColor, { alpha: 0.2 })}`, boxShadowFocusWarning: `0 0 0 2px ${changeColor(warningColor, { alpha: 0.2 })}`, colorActiveWarning: inputColor, caretColorWarning: warningColor, // error borderError: `1px solid ${errorColor}`, borderHoverError: `1px solid ${errorColorHover}`, borderActiveError: `1px solid ${errorColor}`, borderFocusError: `1px solid ${errorColorHover}`, boxShadowHoverError: "none", boxShadowActiveError: `0 0 0 2px ${changeColor(errorColor, { alpha: 0.2 })}`, boxShadowFocusError: `0 0 0 2px ${changeColor(errorColor, { alpha: 0.2 })}`, colorActiveError: inputColor, caretColorError: errorColor, clearColor, clearColorHover, clearColorPressed }); }; const internalSelectionLight = createTheme({ name: "InternalSelection", common: derived, peers: { Popover: popoverLight }, self: self$1c }); const style$1r = c$1([cB("base-selection", ` --n-padding-single: var(--n-padding-single-top) var(--n-padding-single-right) var(--n-padding-single-bottom) var(--n-padding-single-left); --n-padding-multiple: var(--n-padding-multiple-top) var(--n-padding-multiple-right) var(--n-padding-multiple-bottom) var(--n-padding-multiple-left); position: relative; z-index: auto; box-shadow: none; width: 100%; max-width: 100%; display: inline-block; vertical-align: bottom; border-radius: var(--n-border-radius); min-height: var(--n-height); line-height: 1.5; font-size: var(--n-font-size); `, [cB("base-loading", ` color: var(--n-loading-color); `), cB("base-selection-tags", "min-height: var(--n-height);"), cE("border, state-border", ` position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; pointer-events: none; border: var(--n-border); border-radius: inherit; transition: box-shadow .3s var(--n-bezier), border-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `), cE("state-border", ` z-index: 1; border-color: #0000; `), cB("base-suffix", ` cursor: pointer; position: absolute; top: 50%; transform: translateY(-50%); right: 10px; `, [cE("arrow", ` font-size: var(--n-arrow-size); color: var(--n-arrow-color); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); `)]), cB("base-selection-overlay", ` display: flex; align-items: center; white-space: nowrap; pointer-events: none; position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; padding: var(--n-padding-single); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [cE("wrapper", ` flex-basis: 0; flex-grow: 1; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; `)]), cB("base-selection-placeholder", ` color: var(--n-placeholder-color); `, [cE("inner", ` max-width: 100%; overflow: hidden; `)]), cB("base-selection-tags", ` cursor: pointer; outline: none; box-sizing: border-box; position: relative; z-index: auto; display: flex; padding: var(--n-padding-multiple); flex-wrap: wrap; align-items: center; width: 100%; vertical-align: bottom; background-color: var(--n-color); border-radius: inherit; transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier), box-shadow .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `), cB("base-selection-label", ` height: var(--n-height); display: inline-flex; width: 100%; vertical-align: bottom; cursor: pointer; outline: none; z-index: auto; box-sizing: border-box; position: relative; transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier), box-shadow .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); border-radius: inherit; background-color: var(--n-color); align-items: center; `, [cB("base-selection-input", ` font-size: inherit; line-height: inherit; outline: none; cursor: pointer; box-sizing: border-box; border:none; width: 100%; padding: var(--n-padding-single); background-color: #0000; color: var(--n-text-color); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); caret-color: var(--n-caret-color); `, [cE("content", ` text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; `)]), cE("render-label", ` color: var(--n-text-color); `)]), cNotM("disabled", [c$1("&:hover", [cE("state-border", ` box-shadow: var(--n-box-shadow-hover); border: var(--n-border-hover); `)]), cM("focus", [cE("state-border", ` box-shadow: var(--n-box-shadow-focus); border: var(--n-border-focus); `)]), cM("active", [cE("state-border", ` box-shadow: var(--n-box-shadow-active); border: var(--n-border-active); `), cB("base-selection-label", "background-color: var(--n-color-active);"), cB("base-selection-tags", "background-color: var(--n-color-active);")])]), cM("disabled", "cursor: not-allowed;", [cE("arrow", ` color: var(--n-arrow-color-disabled); `), cB("base-selection-label", ` cursor: not-allowed; background-color: var(--n-color-disabled); `, [cB("base-selection-input", ` cursor: not-allowed; color: var(--n-text-color-disabled); `), cE("render-label", ` color: var(--n-text-color-disabled); `)]), cB("base-selection-tags", ` cursor: not-allowed; background-color: var(--n-color-disabled); `), cB("base-selection-placeholder", ` cursor: not-allowed; color: var(--n-placeholder-color-disabled); `)]), cB("base-selection-input-tag", ` height: calc(var(--n-height) - 6px); line-height: calc(var(--n-height) - 6px); outline: none; display: none; position: relative; margin-bottom: 3px; max-width: 100%; vertical-align: bottom; `, [cE("input", ` font-size: inherit; font-family: inherit; min-width: 1px; padding: 0; background-color: #0000; outline: none; border: none; max-width: 100%; overflow: hidden; width: 1em; line-height: inherit; cursor: pointer; color: var(--n-text-color); caret-color: var(--n-caret-color); `), cE("mirror", ` position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; white-space: pre; visibility: hidden; user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; opacity: 0; `)]), ["warning", "error"].map((status) => cM(`${status}-status`, [cE("state-border", `border: var(--n-border-${status});`), cNotM("disabled", [c$1("&:hover", [cE("state-border", ` box-shadow: var(--n-box-shadow-hover-${status}); border: var(--n-border-hover-${status}); `)]), cM("active", [cE("state-border", ` box-shadow: var(--n-box-shadow-active-${status}); border: var(--n-border-active-${status}); `), cB("base-selection-label", `background-color: var(--n-color-active-${status});`), cB("base-selection-tags", `background-color: var(--n-color-active-${status});`)]), cM("focus", [cE("state-border", ` box-shadow: var(--n-box-shadow-focus-${status}); border: var(--n-border-focus-${status}); `)])])]))]), cB("base-selection-popover", ` margin-bottom: -3px; display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; margin-right: -8px; `), cB("base-selection-tag-wrapper", ` max-width: 100%; display: inline-flex; padding: 0 7px 3px 0; `, [c$1("&:last-child", "padding-right: 0;"), cB("tag", ` font-size: 14px; max-width: 100%; `, [cE("content", ` line-height: 1.25; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; `)])])]); const NInternalSelection = vue.defineComponent({ name: "InternalSelection", props: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { clsPrefix: { type: String, required: true }, bordered: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, active: Boolean, pattern: { type: String, default: "" }, placeholder: String, selectedOption: { type: Object, default: null }, selectedOptions: { type: Array, default: null }, labelField: { type: String, default: "label" }, valueField: { type: String, default: "value" }, multiple: Boolean, filterable: Boolean, clearable: Boolean, disabled: Boolean, size: { type: String, default: "medium" }, loading: Boolean, autofocus: Boolean, showArrow: { type: Boolean, default: true }, inputProps: Object, focused: Boolean, renderTag: Function, onKeydown: Function, onClick: Function, onBlur: Function, onFocus: Function, onDeleteOption: Function, maxTagCount: [String, Number], ellipsisTagPopoverProps: Object, onClear: Function, onPatternInput: Function, onPatternFocus: Function, onPatternBlur: Function, renderLabel: Function, status: String, inlineThemeDisabled: Boolean, ignoreComposition: { type: Boolean, default: true }, onResize: Function }), setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedRtlRef } = useConfig(props); const rtlEnabledRef = useRtl("InternalSelection", mergedRtlRef, mergedClsPrefixRef); const patternInputMirrorRef = vue.ref(null); const patternInputRef = vue.ref(null); const selfRef = vue.ref(null); const multipleElRef = vue.ref(null); const singleElRef = vue.ref(null); const patternInputWrapperRef = vue.ref(null); const counterRef = vue.ref(null); const counterWrapperRef = vue.ref(null); const overflowRef = vue.ref(null); const inputTagElRef = vue.ref(null); const showTagsPopoverRef = vue.ref(false); const patternInputFocusedRef = vue.ref(false); const hoverRef = vue.ref(false); const themeRef = useTheme("InternalSelection", "-internal-selection", style$1r, internalSelectionLight, props, vue.toRef(props, "clsPrefix")); const mergedClearableRef = vue.computed(() => { return props.clearable && !props.disabled && (hoverRef.value || props.active); }); const filterablePlaceholderRef = vue.computed(() => { return props.selectedOption ? props.renderTag ? props.renderTag({ option: props.selectedOption, handleClose: () => { } }) : props.renderLabel ? props.renderLabel(props.selectedOption, true) : render$1(props.selectedOption[props.labelField], props.selectedOption, true) : props.placeholder; }); const labelRef = vue.computed(() => { const option = props.selectedOption; if (!option) return void 0; return option[props.labelField]; }); const selectedRef = vue.computed(() => { if (props.multiple) { return !!(Array.isArray(props.selectedOptions) && props.selectedOptions.length); } else { return props.selectedOption !== null; } }); function syncMirrorWidth() { var _a; const { value: patternInputMirrorEl } = patternInputMirrorRef; if (patternInputMirrorEl) { const { value: patternInputEl } = patternInputRef; if (patternInputEl) { patternInputEl.style.width = `${patternInputMirrorEl.offsetWidth}px`; if (props.maxTagCount !== "responsive") { (_a = overflowRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.sync({ showAllItemsBeforeCalculate: false }); } } } } function hideInputTag() { const { value: inputTagEl } = inputTagElRef; if (inputTagEl) inputTagEl.style.display = "none"; } function showInputTag() { const { value: inputTagEl } = inputTagElRef; if (inputTagEl) inputTagEl.style.display = "inline-block"; } vue.watch(vue.toRef(props, "active"), (value) => { if (!value) hideInputTag(); }); vue.watch(vue.toRef(props, "pattern"), () => { if (props.multiple) { void vue.nextTick(syncMirrorWidth); } }); function doFocus(e) { const { onFocus } = props; if (onFocus) onFocus(e); } function doBlur(e) { const { onBlur } = props; if (onBlur) onBlur(e); } function doDeleteOption(value) { const { onDeleteOption } = props; if (onDeleteOption) onDeleteOption(value); } function doClear(e) { const { onClear } = props; if (onClear) onClear(e); } function doPatternInput(value) { const { onPatternInput } = props; if (onPatternInput) onPatternInput(value); } function handleFocusin(e) { var _a; if (!e.relatedTarget || !((_a = selfRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.contains(e.relatedTarget))) { doFocus(e); } } function handleFocusout(e) { var _a; if ((_a = selfRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.contains(e.relatedTarget)) return; doBlur(e); } function handleClear(e) { doClear(e); } function handleMouseEnter() { hoverRef.value = true; } function handleMouseLeave() { hoverRef.value = false; } function handleMouseDown(e) { if (!props.active || !props.filterable) return; if (e.target === patternInputRef.value) return; e.preventDefault(); } function handleDeleteOption(option) { doDeleteOption(option); } function handlePatternKeyDown(e) { if (e.key === "Backspace" && !isComposingRef2.value) { if (!props.pattern.length) { const { selectedOptions } = props; if (selectedOptions === null || selectedOptions === void 0 ? void 0 : selectedOptions.length) { handleDeleteOption(selectedOptions[selectedOptions.length - 1]); } } } } const isComposingRef2 = vue.ref(false); let cachedInputEvent = null; function handlePatternInputInput(e) { const { value: patternInputMirrorEl } = patternInputMirrorRef; if (patternInputMirrorEl) { const inputText = e.target.value; patternInputMirrorEl.textContent = inputText; syncMirrorWidth(); } if (props.ignoreComposition) { if (!isComposingRef2.value) { doPatternInput(e); } else { cachedInputEvent = e; } } else { doPatternInput(e); } } function handleCompositionStart() { isComposingRef2.value = true; } function handleCompositionEnd() { isComposingRef2.value = false; if (props.ignoreComposition) { doPatternInput(cachedInputEvent); } cachedInputEvent = null; } function handlePatternInputFocus(e) { var _a; patternInputFocusedRef.value = true; (_a = props.onPatternFocus) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, e); } function handlePatternInputBlur(e) { var _a; patternInputFocusedRef.value = false; (_a = props.onPatternBlur) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, e); } function blur() { var _a, _b; if (props.filterable) { patternInputFocusedRef.value = false; (_a = patternInputWrapperRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.blur(); (_b = patternInputRef.value) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.blur(); } else if (props.multiple) { const { value: multipleEl } = multipleElRef; multipleEl === null || multipleEl === void 0 ? void 0 : multipleEl.blur(); } else { const { value: singleEl } = singleElRef; singleEl === null || singleEl === void 0 ? void 0 : singleEl.blur(); } } function focus() { var _a, _b, _c; if (props.filterable) { patternInputFocusedRef.value = false; (_a = patternInputWrapperRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.focus(); } else if (props.multiple) { (_b = multipleElRef.value) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.focus(); } else { (_c = singleElRef.value) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.focus(); } } function focusInput() { const { value: patternInputEl } = patternInputRef; if (patternInputEl) { showInputTag(); patternInputEl.focus(); } } function blurInput() { const { value: patternInputEl } = patternInputRef; if (patternInputEl) { patternInputEl.blur(); } } function updateCounter(count) { const { value } = counterRef; if (value) { value.setTextContent(`+${count}`); } } function getCounter() { const { value } = counterWrapperRef; return value; } function getTail() { return patternInputRef.value; } let enterTimerId = null; function clearEnterTimer() { if (enterTimerId !== null) window.clearTimeout(enterTimerId); } function handleMouseEnterCounter() { if (props.active) return; clearEnterTimer(); enterTimerId = window.setTimeout(() => { if (selectedRef.value) { showTagsPopoverRef.value = true; } }, 100); } function handleMouseLeaveCounter() { clearEnterTimer(); } function onPopoverUpdateShow(show) { if (!show) { clearEnterTimer(); showTagsPopoverRef.value = false; } } vue.watch(selectedRef, (value) => { if (!value) { showTagsPopoverRef.value = false; } }); vue.onMounted(() => { vue.watchEffect(() => { const patternInputWrapperEl = patternInputWrapperRef.value; if (!patternInputWrapperEl) return; if (props.disabled) { patternInputWrapperEl.removeAttribute("tabindex"); } else { patternInputWrapperEl.tabIndex = patternInputFocusedRef.value ? -1 : 0; } }); }); useOnResize(selfRef, props.onResize); const { inlineThemeDisabled } = props; const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { size: size2 } = props; const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: { borderRadius, color, placeholderColor, textColor, paddingSingle, paddingMultiple, caretColor, colorDisabled, textColorDisabled, placeholderColorDisabled, colorActive, boxShadowFocus, boxShadowActive, boxShadowHover, border, borderFocus, borderHover, borderActive, arrowColor, arrowColorDisabled, loadingColor, // form warning colorActiveWarning, boxShadowFocusWarning, boxShadowActiveWarning, boxShadowHoverWarning, borderWarning, borderFocusWarning, borderHoverWarning, borderActiveWarning, // form error colorActiveError, boxShadowFocusError, boxShadowActiveError, boxShadowHoverError, borderError, borderFocusError, borderHoverError, borderActiveError, // clear clearColor, clearColorHover, clearColorPressed, clearSize, // arrow arrowSize: arrowSize2, [createKey("height", size2)]: height, [createKey("fontSize", size2)]: fontSize2 } } = themeRef.value; const paddingSingleDiscrete = getMargin(paddingSingle); const paddingMultipleDiscrete = getMargin(paddingMultiple); return { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-border": border, "--n-border-active": borderActive, "--n-border-focus": borderFocus, "--n-border-hover": borderHover, "--n-border-radius": borderRadius, "--n-box-shadow-active": boxShadowActive, "--n-box-shadow-focus": boxShadowFocus, "--n-box-shadow-hover": boxShadowHover, "--n-caret-color": caretColor, "--n-color": color, "--n-color-active": colorActive, "--n-color-disabled": colorDisabled, "--n-font-size": fontSize2, "--n-height": height, "--n-padding-single-top": paddingSingleDiscrete.top, "--n-padding-multiple-top": paddingMultipleDiscrete.top, "--n-padding-single-right": paddingSingleDiscrete.right, "--n-padding-multiple-right": paddingMultipleDiscrete.right, "--n-padding-single-left": paddingSingleDiscrete.left, "--n-padding-multiple-left": paddingMultipleDiscrete.left, "--n-padding-single-bottom": paddingSingleDiscrete.bottom, "--n-padding-multiple-bottom": paddingMultipleDiscrete.bottom, "--n-placeholder-color": placeholderColor, "--n-placeholder-color-disabled": placeholderColorDisabled, "--n-text-color": textColor, "--n-text-color-disabled": textColorDisabled, "--n-arrow-color": arrowColor, "--n-arrow-color-disabled": arrowColorDisabled, "--n-loading-color": loadingColor, // form warning "--n-color-active-warning": colorActiveWarning, "--n-box-shadow-focus-warning": boxShadowFocusWarning, "--n-box-shadow-active-warning": boxShadowActiveWarning, "--n-box-shadow-hover-warning": boxShadowHoverWarning, "--n-border-warning": borderWarning, "--n-border-focus-warning": borderFocusWarning, "--n-border-hover-warning": borderHoverWarning, "--n-border-active-warning": borderActiveWarning, // form error "--n-color-active-error": colorActiveError, "--n-box-shadow-focus-error": boxShadowFocusError, "--n-box-shadow-active-error": boxShadowActiveError, "--n-box-shadow-hover-error": boxShadowHoverError, "--n-border-error": borderError, "--n-border-focus-error": borderFocusError, "--n-border-hover-error": borderHoverError, "--n-border-active-error": borderActiveError, // clear "--n-clear-size": clearSize, "--n-clear-color": clearColor, "--n-clear-color-hover": clearColorHover, "--n-clear-color-pressed": clearColorPressed, // arrow-size "--n-arrow-size": arrowSize2 }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("internal-selection", vue.computed(() => { return props.size[0]; }), cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return { mergedTheme: themeRef, mergedClearable: mergedClearableRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, rtlEnabled: rtlEnabledRef, patternInputFocused: patternInputFocusedRef, filterablePlaceholder: filterablePlaceholderRef, label: labelRef, selected: selectedRef, showTagsPanel: showTagsPopoverRef, isComposing: isComposingRef2, // dom ref counterRef, counterWrapperRef, patternInputMirrorRef, patternInputRef, selfRef, multipleElRef, singleElRef, patternInputWrapperRef, overflowRef, inputTagElRef, handleMouseDown, handleFocusin, handleClear, handleMouseEnter, handleMouseLeave, handleDeleteOption, handlePatternKeyDown, handlePatternInputInput, handlePatternInputBlur, handlePatternInputFocus, handleMouseEnterCounter, handleMouseLeaveCounter, handleFocusout, handleCompositionEnd, handleCompositionStart, onPopoverUpdateShow, focus, focusInput, blur, blurInput, updateCounter, getCounter, getTail, renderLabel: props.renderLabel, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }; }, render() { const { status, multiple, size: size2, disabled, filterable, maxTagCount, bordered, clsPrefix, ellipsisTagPopoverProps, onRender, renderTag, renderLabel } = this; onRender === null || onRender === void 0 ? void 0 : onRender(); const maxTagCountResponsive = maxTagCount === "responsive"; const maxTagCountNumeric = typeof maxTagCount === "number"; const useMaxTagCount = maxTagCountResponsive || maxTagCountNumeric; const suffix2 = vue.h(Wrapper, null, { default: () => vue.h(NBaseSuffix, { clsPrefix, loading: this.loading, showArrow: this.showArrow, showClear: this.mergedClearable && this.selected, onClear: this.handleClear }, { default: () => { var _a, _b; return (_b = (_a = this.$slots).arrow) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a); } }) }); let body; if (multiple) { const { labelField } = this; const createTag = (option) => vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-base-selection-tag-wrapper`, key: option.value }, renderTag ? renderTag({ option, handleClose: () => { this.handleDeleteOption(option); } }) : vue.h(NTag, { size: size2, closable: !option.disabled, disabled, onClose: () => { this.handleDeleteOption(option); }, internalCloseIsButtonTag: false, internalCloseFocusable: false }, { default: () => renderLabel ? renderLabel(option, true) : render$1(option[labelField], option, true) })); const createOriginalTagNodes = () => (maxTagCountNumeric ? this.selectedOptions.slice(0, maxTagCount) : this.selectedOptions).map(createTag); const input = filterable ? vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-base-selection-input-tag`, ref: "inputTagElRef", key: "__input-tag__" }, vue.h("input", Object.assign({}, this.inputProps, { ref: "patternInputRef", tabindex: -1, disabled, value: this.pattern, autofocus: this.autofocus, class: `${clsPrefix}-base-selection-input-tag__input`, onBlur: this.handlePatternInputBlur, onFocus: this.handlePatternInputFocus, onKeydown: this.handlePatternKeyDown, onInput: this.handlePatternInputInput, onCompositionstart: this.handleCompositionStart, onCompositionend: this.handleCompositionEnd })), vue.h("span", { ref: "patternInputMirrorRef", class: `${clsPrefix}-base-selection-input-tag__mirror` }, this.pattern)) : null; const renderCounter = maxTagCountResponsive ? () => vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-base-selection-tag-wrapper`, ref: "counterWrapperRef" }, vue.h(NTag, { size: size2, ref: "counterRef", onMouseenter: this.handleMouseEnterCounter, onMouseleave: this.handleMouseLeaveCounter, disabled })) : void 0; let counter; if (maxTagCountNumeric) { const rest = this.selectedOptions.length - maxTagCount; if (rest > 0) { counter = vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-base-selection-tag-wrapper`, key: "__counter__" }, vue.h(NTag, { size: size2, ref: "counterRef", onMouseenter: this.handleMouseEnterCounter, disabled }, { default: () => `+${rest}` })); } } const tags = maxTagCountResponsive ? filterable ? vue.h(VOverflow, { ref: "overflowRef", updateCounter: this.updateCounter, getCounter: this.getCounter, getTail: this.getTail, style: { width: "100%", display: "flex", overflow: "hidden" } }, { default: createOriginalTagNodes, counter: renderCounter, tail: () => input }) : vue.h(VOverflow, { ref: "overflowRef", updateCounter: this.updateCounter, getCounter: this.getCounter, style: { width: "100%", display: "flex", overflow: "hidden" } }, { default: createOriginalTagNodes, counter: renderCounter }) : maxTagCountNumeric && counter ? createOriginalTagNodes().concat(counter) : createOriginalTagNodes(); const renderPopover = useMaxTagCount ? () => vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-base-selection-popover` }, maxTagCountResponsive ? createOriginalTagNodes() : this.selectedOptions.map(createTag)) : void 0; const popoverProps2 = useMaxTagCount ? Object.assign({ show: this.showTagsPanel, trigger: "hover", overlap: true, placement: "top", width: "trigger", onUpdateShow: this.onPopoverUpdateShow, theme: this.mergedTheme.peers.Popover, themeOverrides: this.mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Popover }, ellipsisTagPopoverProps) : null; const showPlaceholder = this.selected ? false : this.active ? !this.pattern && !this.isComposing : true; const placeholder = showPlaceholder ? vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-base-selection-placeholder ${clsPrefix}-base-selection-overlay` }, vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-base-selection-placeholder__inner` }, this.placeholder)) : null; const popoverTrigger = filterable ? vue.h("div", { ref: "patternInputWrapperRef", class: `${clsPrefix}-base-selection-tags` }, tags, maxTagCountResponsive ? null : input, suffix2) : vue.h("div", { ref: "multipleElRef", class: `${clsPrefix}-base-selection-tags`, tabindex: disabled ? void 0 : 0 }, tags, suffix2); body = vue.h(vue.Fragment, null, useMaxTagCount ? vue.h(NPopover, Object.assign({}, popoverProps2, { scrollable: true, style: "max-height: calc(var(--v-target-height) * 6.6);" }), { trigger: () => popoverTrigger, default: renderPopover }) : popoverTrigger, placeholder); } else { if (filterable) { const hasInput = this.pattern || this.isComposing; const showPlaceholder = this.active ? !hasInput : !this.selected; const showSelectedLabel = this.active ? false : this.selected; body = vue.h("div", { ref: "patternInputWrapperRef", class: `${clsPrefix}-base-selection-label`, title: this.patternInputFocused ? void 0 : getTitleAttribute(this.label) }, vue.h("input", Object.assign({}, this.inputProps, { ref: "patternInputRef", class: `${clsPrefix}-base-selection-input`, value: this.active ? this.pattern : "", placeholder: "", readonly: disabled, disabled, tabindex: -1, autofocus: this.autofocus, onFocus: this.handlePatternInputFocus, onBlur: this.handlePatternInputBlur, onInput: this.handlePatternInputInput, onCompositionstart: this.handleCompositionStart, onCompositionend: this.handleCompositionEnd })), showSelectedLabel ? vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-base-selection-label__render-label ${clsPrefix}-base-selection-overlay`, key: "input" }, vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-base-selection-overlay__wrapper` }, renderTag ? renderTag({ option: this.selectedOption, handleClose: () => { } }) : renderLabel ? renderLabel(this.selectedOption, true) : render$1(this.label, this.selectedOption, true))) : null, showPlaceholder ? vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-base-selection-placeholder ${clsPrefix}-base-selection-overlay`, key: "placeholder" }, vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-base-selection-overlay__wrapper` }, this.filterablePlaceholder)) : null, suffix2); } else { body = vue.h("div", { ref: "singleElRef", class: `${clsPrefix}-base-selection-label`, tabindex: this.disabled ? void 0 : 0 }, this.label !== void 0 ? vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-base-selection-input`, title: getTitleAttribute(this.label), key: "input" }, vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-base-selection-input__content` }, renderTag ? renderTag({ option: this.selectedOption, handleClose: () => { } }) : renderLabel ? renderLabel(this.selectedOption, true) : render$1(this.label, this.selectedOption, true))) : vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-base-selection-placeholder ${clsPrefix}-base-selection-overlay`, key: "placeholder" }, vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-base-selection-placeholder__inner` }, this.placeholder)), suffix2); } } return vue.h("div", { ref: "selfRef", class: [`${clsPrefix}-base-selection`, this.rtlEnabled && `${clsPrefix}-base-selection--rtl`, this.themeClass, status && `${clsPrefix}-base-selection--${status}-status`, { [`${clsPrefix}-base-selection--active`]: this.active, [`${clsPrefix}-base-selection--selected`]: this.selected || this.active && this.pattern, [`${clsPrefix}-base-selection--disabled`]: this.disabled, [`${clsPrefix}-base-selection--multiple`]: this.multiple, // focus is not controlled by selection itself since it always need // to be managed together with menu. provide :focus style will cause // many redundant codes. [`${clsPrefix}-base-selection--focus`]: this.focused }], style: this.cssVars, onClick: this.onClick, onMouseenter: this.handleMouseEnter, onMouseleave: this.handleMouseLeave, onKeydown: this.onKeydown, onFocusin: this.handleFocusin, onFocusout: this.handleFocusout, onMousedown: this.handleMouseDown }, body, bordered ? vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-base-selection__border` }) : null, bordered ? vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-base-selection__state-border` }) : null); } }); const SlotMachineNumber = vue.defineComponent({ name: "SlotMachineNumber", props: { clsPrefix: { type: String, required: true }, value: { // could be '+', 1, 2, ... type: [Number, String], required: true }, oldOriginalNumber: { type: Number, default: void 0 }, newOriginalNumber: { type: Number, default: void 0 } }, setup(props) { const numberRef = vue.ref(null); const oldNumberRef = vue.ref(props.value); const newNumberRef = vue.ref(props.value); const scrollAnimationDirectionRef = vue.ref("up"); const activeRef = vue.ref(false); const newNumberScrollAnimationClassRef = vue.computed(() => { return activeRef.value ? `${props.clsPrefix}-base-slot-machine-current-number--${scrollAnimationDirectionRef.value}-scroll` : null; }); const oldNumberScrollAnimationClassRef = vue.computed(() => { return activeRef.value ? `${props.clsPrefix}-base-slot-machine-old-number--${scrollAnimationDirectionRef.value}-scroll` : null; }); vue.watch(vue.toRef(props, "value"), (value, oldValue) => { oldNumberRef.value = oldValue; newNumberRef.value = value; void vue.nextTick(scroll); }); function scroll() { const newOriginalNumber = props.newOriginalNumber; const oldOriginalNumber = props.oldOriginalNumber; if (oldOriginalNumber === void 0 || newOriginalNumber === void 0) { return; } if (newOriginalNumber > oldOriginalNumber) { scrollByDir("up"); } else if (oldOriginalNumber > newOriginalNumber) { scrollByDir("down"); } } function scrollByDir(dir) { scrollAnimationDirectionRef.value = dir; activeRef.value = false; void vue.nextTick(() => { var _a; void ((_a = numberRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.offsetWidth); activeRef.value = true; }); } return () => { const { clsPrefix } = props; return vue.h("span", { ref: numberRef, class: `${clsPrefix}-base-slot-machine-number` }, oldNumberRef.value !== null ? vue.h("span", { class: [`${clsPrefix}-base-slot-machine-old-number ${clsPrefix}-base-slot-machine-old-number--top`, oldNumberScrollAnimationClassRef.value] }, oldNumberRef.value) : null, vue.h("span", { class: [`${clsPrefix}-base-slot-machine-current-number`, newNumberScrollAnimationClassRef.value] }, vue.h("span", { ref: "numberWrapper", class: [`${clsPrefix}-base-slot-machine-current-number__inner`, typeof props.value !== "number" && `${clsPrefix}-base-slot-machine-current-number__inner--not-number`] }, newNumberRef.value)), oldNumberRef.value !== null ? vue.h("span", { class: [`${clsPrefix}-base-slot-machine-old-number ${clsPrefix}-base-slot-machine-old-number--bottom`, oldNumberScrollAnimationClassRef.value] }, oldNumberRef.value) : null); }; } }); const { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut$2 } = commonVariables$m; function fadeInWidthExpandTransition({ duration: duration2 = ".2s", delay = ".1s" } = {}) { return [c$1("&.fade-in-width-expand-transition-leave-from, &.fade-in-width-expand-transition-enter-to", { opacity: 1 }), c$1("&.fade-in-width-expand-transition-leave-to, &.fade-in-width-expand-transition-enter-from", ` opacity: 0!important; margin-left: 0!important; margin-right: 0!important; `), c$1("&.fade-in-width-expand-transition-leave-active", ` overflow: hidden; transition: opacity ${duration2} ${cubicBezierEaseInOut$2}, max-width ${duration2} ${cubicBezierEaseInOut$2} ${delay}, margin-left ${duration2} ${cubicBezierEaseInOut$2} ${delay}, margin-right ${duration2} ${cubicBezierEaseInOut$2} ${delay}; `), c$1("&.fade-in-width-expand-transition-enter-active", ` overflow: hidden; transition: opacity ${duration2} ${cubicBezierEaseInOut$2} ${delay}, max-width ${duration2} ${cubicBezierEaseInOut$2}, margin-left ${duration2} ${cubicBezierEaseInOut$2}, margin-right ${duration2} ${cubicBezierEaseInOut$2}; `)]; } const { cubicBezierEaseOut: cubicBezierEaseOut$5 } = commonVariables$m; function fadeUpWidthExpandTransition({ duration: duration2 = ".2s" } = {}) { return [c$1("&.fade-up-width-expand-transition-leave-active", { transition: ` opacity ${duration2} ${cubicBezierEaseOut$5}, max-width ${duration2} ${cubicBezierEaseOut$5}, transform ${duration2} ${cubicBezierEaseOut$5} ` }), c$1("&.fade-up-width-expand-transition-enter-active", { transition: ` opacity ${duration2} ${cubicBezierEaseOut$5}, max-width ${duration2} ${cubicBezierEaseOut$5}, transform ${duration2} ${cubicBezierEaseOut$5} ` }), c$1("&.fade-up-width-expand-transition-enter-to", { opacity: 1, transform: "translateX(0) translateY(0)" }), c$1("&.fade-up-width-expand-transition-enter-from", { maxWidth: "0 !important", opacity: 0, transform: "translateY(60%)" }), c$1("&.fade-up-width-expand-transition-leave-from", { opacity: 1, transform: "translateY(0)" }), c$1("&.fade-up-width-expand-transition-leave-to", { maxWidth: "0 !important", opacity: 0, transform: "translateY(60%)" })]; } const style$1q = c$1([c$1("@keyframes n-base-slot-machine-fade-up-in", ` from { transform: translateY(60%); opacity: 0; } to { transform: translateY(0); opacity: 1; } `), c$1("@keyframes n-base-slot-machine-fade-down-in", ` from { transform: translateY(-60%); opacity: 0; } to { transform: translateY(0); opacity: 1; } `), c$1("@keyframes n-base-slot-machine-fade-up-out", ` from { transform: translateY(0%); opacity: 1; } to { transform: translateY(-60%); opacity: 0; } `), c$1("@keyframes n-base-slot-machine-fade-down-out", ` from { transform: translateY(0%); opacity: 1; } to { transform: translateY(60%); opacity: 0; } `), cB("base-slot-machine", ` overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; display: inline-block; height: 18px; line-height: 18px; `, [cB("base-slot-machine-number", ` display: inline-block; position: relative; height: 18px; width: .6em; max-width: .6em; `, [ fadeUpWidthExpandTransition({ duration: ".2s" }), // use 0s, not 0 fadeInWidthExpandTransition({ duration: ".2s", delay: "0s" }), cB("base-slot-machine-old-number", ` display: inline-block; opacity: 0; position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; `, [cM("top", { transform: "translateY(-100%)" }), cM("bottom", { transform: "translateY(100%)" }), cM("down-scroll", { animation: "n-base-slot-machine-fade-down-out .2s cubic-bezier(0, 0, .2, 1)", animationIterationCount: 1 }), cM("up-scroll", { animation: "n-base-slot-machine-fade-up-out .2s cubic-bezier(0, 0, .2, 1)", animationIterationCount: 1 })]), cB("base-slot-machine-current-number", ` display: inline-block; position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; right: 0; opacity: 1; transform: translateY(0); width: .6em; `, [cM("down-scroll", { animation: "n-base-slot-machine-fade-down-in .2s cubic-bezier(0, 0, .2, 1)", animationIterationCount: 1 }), cM("up-scroll", { animation: "n-base-slot-machine-fade-up-in .2s cubic-bezier(0, 0, .2, 1)", animationIterationCount: 1 }), cE("inner", ` display: inline-block; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; width: .6em; `, [cM("not-number", ` right: unset; left: 0; `)])]) ])])]); const NBaseSlotMachine = vue.defineComponent({ name: "BaseSlotMachine", props: { clsPrefix: { type: String, required: true }, value: { type: [Number, String], default: 0 }, max: { type: Number, default: void 0 }, appeared: { type: Boolean, required: true } }, setup(props) { useStyle("-base-slot-machine", style$1q, vue.toRef(props, "clsPrefix")); const oldValueRef = vue.ref(); const newValueRef = vue.ref(); const numbersRef = vue.computed(() => { if (typeof props.value === "string") return []; if (props.value < 1) return [0]; const numbers = []; let value = props.value; if (props.max !== void 0) { value = Math.min(props.max, value); } while (value >= 1) { numbers.push(value % 10); value /= 10; value = Math.floor(value); } numbers.reverse(); return numbers; }); vue.watch(vue.toRef(props, "value"), (value, oldValue) => { if (typeof value === "string") { newValueRef.value = void 0; oldValueRef.value = void 0; } else { if (typeof oldValue === "string") { newValueRef.value = value; oldValueRef.value = void 0; } else { newValueRef.value = value; oldValueRef.value = oldValue; } } }); return () => { const { value, clsPrefix } = props; return typeof value === "number" ? vue.h("span", { class: `${clsPrefix}-base-slot-machine` }, vue.h(vue.TransitionGroup, { name: "fade-up-width-expand-transition", tag: "span" }, { default: () => numbersRef.value.map((number, i) => vue.h(SlotMachineNumber, { clsPrefix, key: numbersRef.value.length - i - 1, oldOriginalNumber: oldValueRef.value, newOriginalNumber: newValueRef.value, value: number })) }), vue.h(NFadeInExpandTransition, { key: "+", width: true }, { default: () => props.max !== void 0 && props.max < value ? vue.h(SlotMachineNumber, { clsPrefix, value: "+" }) : null })) : vue.h("span", { class: `${clsPrefix}-base-slot-machine` }, value); }; } }); const commonVars$b = { iconMargin: "11px 8px 0 12px", iconMarginRtl: "11px 12px 0 8px", iconSize: "24px", closeIconSize: "16px", closeSize: "20px", closeMargin: "13px 14px 0 0", closeMarginRtl: "13px 0 0 14px", padding: "13px" }; const self$1b = (vars) => { const { lineHeight: lineHeight2, borderRadius, fontWeightStrong, baseColor, dividerColor, actionColor, textColor1, textColor2, closeColorHover, closeColorPressed, closeIconColor, closeIconColorHover, closeIconColorPressed, infoColor, successColor, warningColor, errorColor, fontSize: fontSize2 } = vars; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, commonVars$b), { fontSize: fontSize2, lineHeight: lineHeight2, titleFontWeight: fontWeightStrong, borderRadius, border: `1px solid ${dividerColor}`, color: actionColor, titleTextColor: textColor1, iconColor: textColor2, contentTextColor: textColor2, closeBorderRadius: borderRadius, closeColorHover, closeColorPressed, closeIconColor, closeIconColorHover, closeIconColorPressed, borderInfo: `1px solid ${composite(baseColor, changeColor(infoColor, { alpha: 0.25 }))}`, colorInfo: composite(baseColor, changeColor(infoColor, { alpha: 0.08 })), titleTextColorInfo: textColor1, iconColorInfo: infoColor, contentTextColorInfo: textColor2, closeColorHoverInfo: closeColorHover, closeColorPressedInfo: closeColorPressed, closeIconColorInfo: closeIconColor, closeIconColorHoverInfo: closeIconColorHover, closeIconColorPressedInfo: closeIconColorPressed, borderSuccess: `1px solid ${composite(baseColor, changeColor(successColor, { alpha: 0.25 }))}`, colorSuccess: composite(baseColor, changeColor(successColor, { alpha: 0.08 })), titleTextColorSuccess: textColor1, iconColorSuccess: successColor, contentTextColorSuccess: textColor2, closeColorHoverSuccess: closeColorHover, closeColorPressedSuccess: closeColorPressed, closeIconColorSuccess: closeIconColor, closeIconColorHoverSuccess: closeIconColorHover, closeIconColorPressedSuccess: closeIconColorPressed, borderWarning: `1px solid ${composite(baseColor, changeColor(warningColor, { alpha: 0.33 }))}`, colorWarning: composite(baseColor, changeColor(warningColor, { alpha: 0.08 })), titleTextColorWarning: textColor1, iconColorWarning: warningColor, contentTextColorWarning: textColor2, closeColorHoverWarning: closeColorHover, closeColorPressedWarning: closeColorPressed, closeIconColorWarning: closeIconColor, closeIconColorHoverWarning: closeIconColorHover, closeIconColorPressedWarning: closeIconColorPressed, borderError: `1px solid ${composite(baseColor, changeColor(errorColor, { alpha: 0.25 }))}`, colorError: composite(baseColor, changeColor(errorColor, { alpha: 0.08 })), titleTextColorError: textColor1, iconColorError: errorColor, contentTextColorError: textColor2, closeColorHoverError: closeColorHover, closeColorPressedError: closeColorPressed, closeIconColorError: closeIconColor, closeIconColorHoverError: closeIconColorHover, closeIconColorPressedError: closeIconColorPressed }); }; const alertLight = { name: "Alert", common: derived, self: self$1b }; const { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut$1, cubicBezierEaseOut: cubicBezierEaseOut$4, cubicBezierEaseIn: cubicBezierEaseIn$4 } = commonVariables$m; function fadeInHeightExpandTransition({ overflow = "hidden", duration: duration2 = ".3s", originalTransition = "", leavingDelay = "0s", foldPadding = false, enterToProps = void 0, leaveToProps = void 0, reverse = false } = {}) { const enterClass = reverse ? "leave" : "enter"; const leaveClass = reverse ? "enter" : "leave"; return [c$1(`&.fade-in-height-expand-transition-${leaveClass}-from, &.fade-in-height-expand-transition-${enterClass}-to`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, enterToProps), { opacity: 1 })), c$1(`&.fade-in-height-expand-transition-${leaveClass}-to, &.fade-in-height-expand-transition-${enterClass}-from`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, leaveToProps), { opacity: 0, marginTop: "0 !important", marginBottom: "0 !important", paddingTop: foldPadding ? "0 !important" : void 0, paddingBottom: foldPadding ? "0 !important" : void 0 })), c$1(`&.fade-in-height-expand-transition-${leaveClass}-active`, ` overflow: ${overflow}; transition: max-height ${duration2} ${cubicBezierEaseInOut$1} ${leavingDelay}, opacity ${duration2} ${cubicBezierEaseOut$4} ${leavingDelay}, margin-top ${duration2} ${cubicBezierEaseInOut$1} ${leavingDelay}, margin-bottom ${duration2} ${cubicBezierEaseInOut$1} ${leavingDelay}, padding-top ${duration2} ${cubicBezierEaseInOut$1} ${leavingDelay}, padding-bottom ${duration2} ${cubicBezierEaseInOut$1} ${leavingDelay} ${originalTransition ? "," + originalTransition : ""} `), c$1(`&.fade-in-height-expand-transition-${enterClass}-active`, ` overflow: ${overflow}; transition: max-height ${duration2} ${cubicBezierEaseInOut$1}, opacity ${duration2} ${cubicBezierEaseIn$4}, margin-top ${duration2} ${cubicBezierEaseInOut$1}, margin-bottom ${duration2} ${cubicBezierEaseInOut$1}, padding-top ${duration2} ${cubicBezierEaseInOut$1}, padding-bottom ${duration2} ${cubicBezierEaseInOut$1} ${originalTransition ? "," + originalTransition : ""} `)]; } const style$1p = cB("alert", ` line-height: var(--n-line-height); border-radius: var(--n-border-radius); position: relative; transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); background-color: var(--n-color); text-align: start; word-break: break-word; `, [ cE("border", ` border-radius: inherit; position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; transition: border-color .3s var(--n-bezier); border: var(--n-border); pointer-events: none; `), cM("closable", [cB("alert-body", [cE("title", ` padding-right: 24px; `)])]), cE("icon", { color: "var(--n-icon-color)" }), cB("alert-body", { padding: "var(--n-padding)" }, [cE("title", { color: "var(--n-title-text-color)" }), cE("content", { color: "var(--n-content-text-color)" })]), fadeInHeightExpandTransition({ originalTransition: "transform .3s var(--n-bezier)", enterToProps: { transform: "scale(1)" }, leaveToProps: { transform: "scale(0.9)" } }), cE("icon", ` position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; align-items: center; justify-content: center; display: flex; width: var(--n-icon-size); height: var(--n-icon-size); font-size: var(--n-icon-size); margin: var(--n-icon-margin); `), cE("close", ` transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; margin: var(--n-close-margin); `), cM("show-icon", [cB("alert-body", { paddingLeft: "calc(var(--n-icon-margin-left) + var(--n-icon-size) + var(--n-icon-margin-right))" })]), // fix: https://github.com/tusen-ai/naive-ui/issues/4588 cM("right-adjust", [cB("alert-body", { paddingRight: "calc(var(--n-close-size) + var(--n-padding) + 2px)" })]), cB("alert-body", ` border-radius: var(--n-border-radius); transition: border-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [cE("title", ` transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); font-size: 16px; line-height: 19px; font-weight: var(--n-title-font-weight); `, [c$1("& +", [cE("content", { marginTop: "9px" })])]), cE("content", { transition: "color .3s var(--n-bezier)", fontSize: "var(--n-font-size)" })]), cE("icon", { transition: "color .3s var(--n-bezier)" }) ]); const alertProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { title: String, showIcon: { type: Boolean, default: true }, type: { type: String, default: "default" }, bordered: { type: Boolean, default: true }, closable: Boolean, onClose: Function, onAfterLeave: Function, /** @deprecated */ onAfterHide: Function }); const Alert = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Alert", inheritAttrs: false, props: alertProps, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedBorderedRef, inlineThemeDisabled, mergedRtlRef } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Alert", "-alert", style$1p, alertLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const rtlEnabledRef = useRtl("Alert", mergedRtlRef, mergedClsPrefixRef); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: self2 } = themeRef.value; const { fontSize: fontSize2, borderRadius, titleFontWeight, lineHeight: lineHeight2, iconSize, iconMargin, iconMarginRtl, closeIconSize, closeBorderRadius, closeSize, closeMargin, closeMarginRtl, padding } = self2; const { type } = props; const { left, right } = getMargin(iconMargin); return { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-color": self2[createKey("color", type)], "--n-close-icon-size": closeIconSize, "--n-close-border-radius": closeBorderRadius, "--n-close-color-hover": self2[createKey("closeColorHover", type)], "--n-close-color-pressed": self2[createKey("closeColorPressed", type)], "--n-close-icon-color": self2[createKey("closeIconColor", type)], "--n-close-icon-color-hover": self2[createKey("closeIconColorHover", type)], "--n-close-icon-color-pressed": self2[createKey("closeIconColorPressed", type)], "--n-icon-color": self2[createKey("iconColor", type)], "--n-border": self2[createKey("border", type)], "--n-title-text-color": self2[createKey("titleTextColor", type)], "--n-content-text-color": self2[createKey("contentTextColor", type)], "--n-line-height": lineHeight2, "--n-border-radius": borderRadius, "--n-font-size": fontSize2, "--n-title-font-weight": titleFontWeight, "--n-icon-size": iconSize, "--n-icon-margin": iconMargin, "--n-icon-margin-rtl": iconMarginRtl, "--n-close-size": closeSize, "--n-close-margin": closeMargin, "--n-close-margin-rtl": closeMarginRtl, "--n-padding": padding, "--n-icon-margin-left": left, "--n-icon-margin-right": right }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("alert", vue.computed(() => { return props.type[0]; }), cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; const visibleRef = vue.ref(true); const doAfterLeave = () => { const { onAfterLeave, onAfterHide // deprecated } = props; if (onAfterLeave) onAfterLeave(); if (onAfterHide) onAfterHide(); }; const handleCloseClick = () => { var _a; void Promise.resolve((_a = props.onClose) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props)).then((result) => { if (result === false) return; visibleRef.value = false; }); }; const handleAfterLeave = () => { doAfterLeave(); }; return { rtlEnabled: rtlEnabledRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedBordered: mergedBorderedRef, visible: visibleRef, handleCloseClick, handleAfterLeave, mergedTheme: themeRef, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }; }, render() { var _a; (_a = this.onRender) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(this); return vue.h(NFadeInExpandTransition, { onAfterLeave: this.handleAfterLeave }, { default: () => { const { mergedClsPrefix, $slots } = this; const attrs = { class: [ `${mergedClsPrefix}-alert`, this.themeClass, this.closable && `${mergedClsPrefix}-alert--closable`, this.showIcon && `${mergedClsPrefix}-alert--show-icon`, // fix: https://github.com/tusen-ai/naive-ui/issues/4588 !this.title && this.closable && `${mergedClsPrefix}-alert--right-adjust`, this.rtlEnabled && `${mergedClsPrefix}-alert--rtl` ], style: this.cssVars, role: "alert" }; return this.visible ? ( // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument vue.h("div", Object.assign({}, vue.mergeProps(this.$attrs, attrs)), this.closable && vue.h(NBaseClose, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-alert__close`, onClick: this.handleCloseClick }), this.bordered && vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-alert__border` }), this.showIcon && vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-alert__icon`, "aria-hidden": "true" }, resolveSlot($slots.icon, () => [vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix }, { default: () => { switch (this.type) { case "success": return vue.h(SuccessIcon, null); case "info": return vue.h(InfoIcon, null); case "warning": return vue.h(WarningIcon, null); case "error": return vue.h(ErrorIcon, null); default: return null; } } })])), vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-alert-body`, this.mergedBordered && `${mergedClsPrefix}-alert-body--bordered`] }, resolveWrappedSlot($slots.header, (children) => { const mergedChildren = children || this.title; return mergedChildren ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-alert-body__title` }, mergedChildren) : null; }), $slots.default && vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-alert-body__content` }, $slots))) ) : null; } }); } }); const commonVars$a = { linkFontSize: "13px", linkPadding: "0 0 0 16px", railWidth: "4px" }; const self$1a = (vars) => { const { borderRadius, railColor, primaryColor, primaryColorHover, primaryColorPressed, textColor2 } = vars; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, commonVars$a), { borderRadius, railColor, railColorActive: primaryColor, linkColor: changeColor(primaryColor, { alpha: 0.15 }), linkTextColor: textColor2, linkTextColorHover: primaryColorHover, linkTextColorPressed: primaryColorPressed, linkTextColorActive: primaryColor }); }; const anchorLight = { name: "Anchor", common: derived, self: self$1a }; const style$1o = cB("anchor", ` position: relative; `, [cNotM("block", ` padding-left: var(--n-rail-width); `, [cB("anchor-link", [c$1("+, >", [cB("anchor-link", ` margin-top: .5em; `)])]), cB("anchor-link-background", ` max-width: 0; border-top-right-radius: 10.5px; border-bottom-right-radius: 10.5px; `), cNotM("show-rail", [c$1(">", [cB("anchor-link", "padding-left: 0;")])])]), cM("block", [cB("anchor-link", ` margin-bottom: 4px; padding: 2px 8px; transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); background-color: transparent; border-radius: var(--n-link-border-radius); `, [cM("active", ` background-color: var(--n-link-color); `)])]), cB("anchor-link-background", ` position: absolute; left: calc(var(--n-rail-width) / 2); width: 100%; background-color: var(--n-link-color); transition: top .15s var(--n-bezier), max-width .15s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `), cB("anchor-rail", ` position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; width: var(--n-rail-width); border-radius: calc(var(--n-rail-width) / 2); overflow: hidden; transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); background-color: var(--n-rail-color); `, [cE("bar", ` position: absolute; left: 0; width: var(--n-rail-width); height: 21px; background-color: #0000; transition: top .15s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [cM("active", { backgroundColor: "var(--n-rail-color-active)" })])]), cB("anchor-link", ` padding: var(--n-link-padding); position: relative; line-height: 1.5; font-size: var(--n-link-font-size); min-height: 1.5em; display: flex; flex-direction: column; `, [cM("active", [c$1(">", [cE("title", ` color: var(--n-link-text-color-active); `)])]), cE("title", ` outline: none; max-width: 100%; text-decoration: none; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; padding-right: 16px; transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); color: var(--n-link-text-color); `, [c$1("&:hover, &:focus", ` color: var(--n-link-text-color-hover); `), c$1("&:active", ` color: var(--n-link-text-color-pressed); `)])])]); const anchorInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-anchor"); const anchorLinkProps = { title: String, href: String }; const Link = vue.defineComponent({ name: "AnchorLink", props: anchorLinkProps, setup(props, { slots }) { const titleRef = vue.ref(null); const NAnchor = vue.inject(anchorInjectionKey); const hrefRef = vue.toRef(props, "href"); const activeRef = useMemo(() => { return hrefRef.value && hrefRef.value === NAnchor.activeHref.value; }); useInjectionCollection(anchorInjectionKey, "collectedLinkHrefs", hrefRef); useInjectionElementCollection(anchorInjectionKey, "titleEls", () => titleRef.value); vue.watch(activeRef, (value) => { if (value && titleRef.value) { NAnchor.updateBarPosition(titleRef.value); } }); function handleClick2() { if (props.href !== void 0) { NAnchor.setActiveHref(props.href); } } return () => { var _a; const { value: mergedClsPrefix } = NAnchor.mergedClsPrefix; return vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-anchor-link`, activeRef.value && `${mergedClsPrefix}-anchor-link--active`] }, vue.h("a", { ref: titleRef, class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-anchor-link__title`], href: props.href, title: getTitleAttribute(props.title), onClick: handleClick2 }, props.title), (_a = slots.default) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(slots)); }; } }); function getOffset(el, scrollTarget) { const { top: elTop, height } = el.getBoundingClientRect(); const scrollTargetTop = scrollTarget instanceof HTMLElement ? scrollTarget.getBoundingClientRect().top : 0; return { top: elTop - scrollTargetTop, height }; } const baseAnchorProps = { type: { type: String, default: "rail" }, showRail: { type: Boolean, default: true }, showBackground: { type: Boolean, default: true }, bound: { type: Number, default: 12 }, internalScrollable: Boolean, ignoreGap: Boolean, offsetTarget: [String, Object, Function] }; const baseAnchorPropKeys = keysOf(baseAnchorProps); const NBaseAnchor = vue.defineComponent({ name: "BaseAnchor", props: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, baseAnchorProps), { mergedClsPrefix: { type: String, required: true } }), setup(props) { const collectedLinkHrefs = []; const titleEls = []; const activeHrefRef = vue.ref(null); const slotRef = vue.ref(null); const barRef = vue.ref(null); const selfRef = vue.ref(null); const isBlockTypeRef = vue.computed(() => { return props.type === "block"; }); const mergedShowRailRef = vue.computed(() => { return !isBlockTypeRef.value && props.showRail; }); function disableTransitionOneTick() { const { value: barEl } = barRef; const { value: slotEl } = slotRef; if (barEl) { barEl.style.transition = "none"; } if (slotEl) { slotEl.style.transition = "none"; } if (titleEls) { titleEls.forEach((titleEl) => { titleEl.style.transition = "none"; }); } void vue.nextTick(() => { const { value: nextBarEl } = barRef; const { value: nextSlotEl } = slotRef; if (nextBarEl) { void nextBarEl.offsetWidth; nextBarEl.style.transition = ""; } if (nextSlotEl) { void nextSlotEl.offsetWidth; nextSlotEl.style.transition = ""; } if (titleEls) { titleEls.forEach((titleEl) => { void titleEl.offsetWidth; titleEl.style.transition = ""; }); } }); } function updateBarPosition(linkTitleEl, transition = true) { const { value: barEl } = barRef; const { value: slotEl } = slotRef; const { value: selfEl } = selfRef; if (!selfEl || !barEl) return; if (!transition) { barEl.style.transition = "none"; if (slotEl) slotEl.style.transition = "none"; } const { offsetHeight, offsetWidth } = linkTitleEl; const { top: linkTitleClientTop, left: linkTitleClientLeft } = linkTitleEl.getBoundingClientRect(); const { top: anchorClientTop, left: anchorClientLeft } = selfEl.getBoundingClientRect(); const offsetTop = linkTitleClientTop - anchorClientTop; const offsetLeft = linkTitleClientLeft - anchorClientLeft; barEl.style.top = `${offsetTop}px`; barEl.style.height = `${offsetHeight}px`; if (slotEl) { slotEl.style.top = `${offsetTop}px`; slotEl.style.height = `${offsetHeight}px`; slotEl.style.maxWidth = `${offsetWidth + offsetLeft}px`; } void barEl.offsetHeight; if (slotEl) void slotEl.offsetHeight; if (!transition) { barEl.style.transition = ""; if (slotEl) slotEl.style.transition = ""; } } function setActiveHref(href, transition = true) { const idMatchResult = /^#([^#]+)$/.exec(href); if (!idMatchResult) return; const linkEl = document.getElementById(idMatchResult[1]); if (!linkEl) return; activeHrefRef.value = href; linkEl.scrollIntoView(); if (!transition) { disableTransitionOneTick(); } handleScroll(); } const handleScroll = throttle(() => { _handleScroll(true); }, 128); function _handleScroll(transition = true) { var _a; const links = []; const offsetTarget = unwrapElement((_a = props.offsetTarget) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : document); collectedLinkHrefs.forEach((href) => { const idMatchResult = /#([^#]+)$/.exec(href); if (!idMatchResult) return; const linkEl = document.getElementById(idMatchResult[1]); if (linkEl && offsetTarget) { const { top, height } = getOffset(linkEl, offsetTarget); links.push({ top, height, href }); } }); links.sort((a2, b) => { if (a2.top > b.top) { return 1; } else if (a2.top === b.top && a2.height < b.height) { return -1; } return -1; }); const currentActiveHref = activeHrefRef.value; const { bound, ignoreGap } = props; const activeLink = links.reduce((prevLink, link) => { if (link.top + link.height < 0) { if (ignoreGap) { return link; } else { return prevLink; } } if (link.top <= bound) { if (prevLink === null) { return link; } else if (link.top === prevLink.top) { if (link.href === currentActiveHref) { return link; } else return prevLink; } else if (link.top > prevLink.top) { return link; } else { return prevLink; } } return prevLink; }, null); if (!transition) disableTransitionOneTick(); if (activeLink) { activeHrefRef.value = activeLink.href; } else { activeHrefRef.value = null; } } vue.provide(anchorInjectionKey, { activeHref: activeHrefRef, mergedClsPrefix: vue.toRef(props, "mergedClsPrefix"), updateBarPosition, setActiveHref, collectedLinkHrefs, titleEls }); vue.onMounted(() => { document.addEventListener("scroll", handleScroll, true); setActiveHref(window.location.hash); _handleScroll(false); }); onFontsReady(() => { setActiveHref(window.location.hash); _handleScroll(false); }); vue.onBeforeUnmount(() => { document.removeEventListener("scroll", handleScroll, true); }); vue.watch(activeHrefRef, (value) => { if (value === null) { const { value: slotEl } = slotRef; if (slotEl && !isBlockTypeRef.value) { slotEl.style.maxWidth = "0"; } } }); return { selfRef, barRef, slotRef, setActiveHref, activeHref: activeHrefRef, isBlockType: isBlockTypeRef, mergedShowRail: mergedShowRailRef }; }, render() { var _a; const { mergedClsPrefix, mergedShowRail, isBlockType, $slots } = this; const Anchor = vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-anchor`, isBlockType && `${mergedClsPrefix}-anchor--block`, mergedShowRail && `${mergedClsPrefix}-anchor--show-rail`], ref: "selfRef" }, mergedShowRail && this.showBackground ? vue.h("div", { ref: "slotRef", class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-anchor-link-background` }) : null, mergedShowRail ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-anchor-rail` }, vue.h("div", { ref: "barRef", class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-anchor-rail__bar`, this.activeHref !== null && `${mergedClsPrefix}-anchor-rail__bar--active`] })) : null, (_a = $slots.default) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call($slots)); return this.internalScrollable ? vue.h(Scrollbar$2, null, { default: () => Anchor }) : Anchor; } }); const anchorProps = Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { affix: Boolean }), affixProps), baseAnchorProps); const AnchorAdapter = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Anchor", props: anchorProps, setup(props, { slots }) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Anchor", "-anchor", style$1o, anchorLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const anchorRef = vue.ref(null); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { self: { railColor, linkColor, railColorActive, linkTextColor, linkTextColorHover, linkTextColorPressed, linkTextColorActive, linkFontSize, railWidth, linkPadding, borderRadius }, common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-link-border-radius": borderRadius, "--n-link-color": linkColor, "--n-link-font-size": linkFontSize, "--n-link-text-color": linkTextColor, "--n-link-text-color-hover": linkTextColorHover, "--n-link-text-color-active": linkTextColorActive, "--n-link-text-color-pressed": linkTextColorPressed, "--n-link-padding": linkPadding, "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-rail-color": railColor, "--n-rail-color-active": railColorActive, "--n-rail-width": railWidth }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("anchor", void 0, cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return { scrollTo(href) { var _a; (_a = anchorRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.setActiveHref(href); }, renderAnchor: () => { themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender(); return vue.h(NBaseAnchor, Object.assign({ ref: anchorRef, style: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef.value, class: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass.value }, keep(props, baseAnchorPropKeys), { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef.value }), slots); } }; }, render() { return !this.affix ? this.renderAnchor() : vue.h(NAffix, Object.assign({}, keep(this, affixPropKeys)), { default: this.renderAnchor }); } }); function getIsGroup(option) { return option.type === "group"; } function getIgnored(option) { return option.type === "ignored"; } function patternMatched(pattern, value) { try { return !!(1 + value.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf(pattern.trim().toLowerCase())); } catch (err) { return false; } } function createTmOptions(valueField, childrenField) { const options = { getIsGroup, getIgnored, getKey(option) { if (getIsGroup(option)) { return option.name || option.key || "key-required"; } return option[valueField]; }, getChildren(option) { return option[childrenField]; } }; return options; } function filterOptions(originalOpts, filter, pattern, childrenField) { if (!filter) return originalOpts; function traverse2(options) { if (!Array.isArray(options)) return []; const filteredOptions = []; for (const option of options) { if (getIsGroup(option)) { const children = traverse2(option[childrenField]); if (children.length) { filteredOptions.push(Object.assign({}, option, { [childrenField]: children })); } } else if (getIgnored(option)) { continue; } else if (filter(pattern, option)) { filteredOptions.push(option); } } return filteredOptions; } return traverse2(originalOpts); } function createValOptMap(options, valueField, childrenField) { const valOptMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); options.forEach((option) => { if (getIsGroup(option)) { option[childrenField].forEach((selectGroupOption) => { valOptMap.set(selectGroupOption[valueField], selectGroupOption); }); } else { valOptMap.set(option[valueField], option); } }); return valOptMap; } const isChrome = isBrowser$2 && "chrome" in window; isBrowser$2 && navigator.userAgent.includes("Firefox"); const isSafari = isBrowser$2 && navigator.userAgent.includes("Safari") && !isChrome; const commonVariables$i = { paddingTiny: "0 8px", paddingSmall: "0 10px", paddingMedium: "0 12px", paddingLarge: "0 14px", clearSize: "16px" }; const self$19 = (vars) => { const { textColor2, textColor3, textColorDisabled, primaryColor, primaryColorHover, inputColor, inputColorDisabled, borderColor, warningColor, warningColorHover, errorColor, errorColorHover, borderRadius, lineHeight: lineHeight2, fontSizeTiny, fontSizeSmall, fontSizeMedium, fontSizeLarge, heightTiny, heightSmall, heightMedium, heightLarge, actionColor, clearColor, clearColorHover, clearColorPressed, placeholderColor, placeholderColorDisabled, iconColor, iconColorDisabled, iconColorHover, iconColorPressed } = vars; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, commonVariables$i), { countTextColorDisabled: textColorDisabled, countTextColor: textColor3, heightTiny, heightSmall, heightMedium, heightLarge, fontSizeTiny, fontSizeSmall, fontSizeMedium, fontSizeLarge, lineHeight: lineHeight2, lineHeightTextarea: lineHeight2, borderRadius, iconSize: "16px", groupLabelColor: actionColor, groupLabelTextColor: textColor2, textColor: textColor2, textColorDisabled, textDecorationColor: textColor2, caretColor: primaryColor, placeholderColor, placeholderColorDisabled, color: inputColor, colorDisabled: inputColorDisabled, colorFocus: inputColor, groupLabelBorder: `1px solid ${borderColor}`, border: `1px solid ${borderColor}`, borderHover: `1px solid ${primaryColorHover}`, borderDisabled: `1px solid ${borderColor}`, borderFocus: `1px solid ${primaryColorHover}`, boxShadowFocus: `0 0 0 2px ${changeColor(primaryColor, { alpha: 0.2 })}`, loadingColor: primaryColor, // warning loadingColorWarning: warningColor, borderWarning: `1px solid ${warningColor}`, borderHoverWarning: `1px solid ${warningColorHover}`, colorFocusWarning: inputColor, borderFocusWarning: `1px solid ${warningColorHover}`, boxShadowFocusWarning: `0 0 0 2px ${changeColor(warningColor, { alpha: 0.2 })}`, caretColorWarning: warningColor, // error loadingColorError: errorColor, borderError: `1px solid ${errorColor}`, borderHoverError: `1px solid ${errorColorHover}`, colorFocusError: inputColor, borderFocusError: `1px solid ${errorColorHover}`, boxShadowFocusError: `0 0 0 2px ${changeColor(errorColor, { alpha: 0.2 })}`, caretColorError: errorColor, clearColor, clearColorHover, clearColorPressed, iconColor, iconColorDisabled, iconColorHover, iconColorPressed, suffixTextColor: textColor2 }); }; const inputLight = { name: "Input", common: derived, self: self$19 }; const inputInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-input"); function len(s) { let count = 0; for (const _ of s) { count++; } return count; } function isEmptyInputValue(value) { return value === "" || value == null; } function useCursor(inputElRef) { const selectionRef = vue.ref(null); function recordCursor() { const { value: input } = inputElRef; if (!(input === null || input === void 0 ? void 0 : input.focus)) { reset(); return; } const { selectionStart, selectionEnd, value } = input; if (selectionStart == null || selectionEnd == null) { reset(); return; } selectionRef.value = { start: selectionStart, end: selectionEnd, beforeText: value.slice(0, selectionStart), afterText: value.slice(selectionEnd) }; } function restoreCursor() { var _a; const { value: selection } = selectionRef; const { value: inputEl } = inputElRef; if (!selection || !inputEl) { return; } const { value } = inputEl; const { start, beforeText, afterText } = selection; let startPos = value.length; if (value.endsWith(afterText)) { startPos = value.length - afterText.length; } else if (value.startsWith(beforeText)) { startPos = beforeText.length; } else { const beforeLastChar = beforeText[start - 1]; const newIndex = value.indexOf(beforeLastChar, start - 1); if (newIndex !== -1) { startPos = newIndex + 1; } } (_a = inputEl.setSelectionRange) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(inputEl, startPos, startPos); } function reset() { selectionRef.value = null; } vue.watch(inputElRef, reset); return { recordCursor, restoreCursor }; } const WordCount = vue.defineComponent({ name: "InputWordCount", setup(_, { slots }) { const { mergedValueRef, maxlengthRef, mergedClsPrefixRef, countGraphemesRef } = ( // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion vue.inject(inputInjectionKey) ); const wordCountRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value: mergedValue } = mergedValueRef; if (mergedValue === null || Array.isArray(mergedValue)) return 0; return (countGraphemesRef.value || len)(mergedValue); }); return () => { const { value: maxlength } = maxlengthRef; const { value: mergedValue } = mergedValueRef; return vue.h("span", { class: `${mergedClsPrefixRef.value}-input-word-count` }, resolveSlotWithProps(slots.default, { value: mergedValue === null || Array.isArray(mergedValue) ? "" : mergedValue }, () => [maxlength === void 0 ? wordCountRef.value : `${wordCountRef.value} / ${maxlength}`])); }; } }); const style$1n = cB("input", ` max-width: 100%; cursor: text; line-height: 1.5; z-index: auto; outline: none; box-sizing: border-box; position: relative; display: inline-flex; border-radius: var(--n-border-radius); background-color: var(--n-color); transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); font-size: var(--n-font-size); --n-padding-vertical: calc((var(--n-height) - 1.5 * var(--n-font-size)) / 2); `, [ // common cE("input, textarea", ` overflow: hidden; flex-grow: 1; position: relative; `), cE("input-el, textarea-el, input-mirror, textarea-mirror, separator, placeholder", ` box-sizing: border-box; font-size: inherit; line-height: 1.5; font-family: inherit; border: none; outline: none; background-color: #0000; text-align: inherit; transition: -webkit-text-fill-color .3s var(--n-bezier), caret-color .3s var(--n-bezier), color .3s var(--n-bezier), text-decoration-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `), cE("input-el, textarea-el", ` -webkit-appearance: none; scrollbar-width: none; width: 100%; min-width: 0; text-decoration-color: var(--n-text-decoration-color); color: var(--n-text-color); caret-color: var(--n-caret-color); background-color: transparent; `, [c$1("&::-webkit-scrollbar, &::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece, &::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb", ` width: 0; height: 0; display: none; `), c$1("&::placeholder", ` color: #0000; -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent !important; `), c$1("&:-webkit-autofill ~", [cE("placeholder", "display: none;")])]), cM("round", [cNotM("textarea", "border-radius: calc(var(--n-height) / 2);")]), cE("placeholder", ` pointer-events: none; position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; overflow: hidden; color: var(--n-placeholder-color); `, [c$1("span", ` width: 100%; display: inline-block; `)]), cM("textarea", [cE("placeholder", "overflow: visible;")]), cNotM("autosize", "width: 100%;"), cM("autosize", [cE("textarea-el, input-el", ` position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; height: 100%; `)]), // input cB("input-wrapper", ` overflow: hidden; display: inline-flex; flex-grow: 1; position: relative; padding-left: var(--n-padding-left); padding-right: var(--n-padding-right); `), cE("input-mirror", ` padding: 0; height: var(--n-height); line-height: var(--n-height); overflow: hidden; visibility: hidden; position: static; white-space: pre; pointer-events: none; `), cE("input-el", ` padding: 0; height: var(--n-height); line-height: var(--n-height); `, [c$1("&[type=password]::-ms-reveal", "display: none;"), c$1("+", [cE("placeholder", ` display: flex; align-items: center; `)])]), cNotM("textarea", [cE("placeholder", "white-space: nowrap;")]), cE("eye", ` display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); `), // textarea cM("textarea", "width: 100%;", [cB("input-word-count", ` position: absolute; right: var(--n-padding-right); bottom: var(--n-padding-vertical); `), cM("resizable", [cB("input-wrapper", ` resize: vertical; min-height: var(--n-height); `)]), cE("textarea-el, textarea-mirror, placeholder", ` height: 100%; padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0; padding-top: var(--n-padding-vertical); padding-bottom: var(--n-padding-vertical); word-break: break-word; display: inline-block; vertical-align: bottom; box-sizing: border-box; line-height: var(--n-line-height-textarea); margin: 0; resize: none; white-space: pre-wrap; scroll-padding-block-end: var(--n-padding-vertical); `), cE("textarea-mirror", ` width: 100%; pointer-events: none; overflow: hidden; visibility: hidden; position: static; white-space: pre-wrap; overflow-wrap: break-word; `)]), // pair cM("pair", [cE("input-el, placeholder", "text-align: center;"), cE("separator", ` display: flex; align-items: center; transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); color: var(--n-text-color); white-space: nowrap; `, [cB("icon", ` color: var(--n-icon-color); `), cB("base-icon", ` color: var(--n-icon-color); `)])]), cM("disabled", ` cursor: not-allowed; background-color: var(--n-color-disabled); `, [cE("border", "border: var(--n-border-disabled);"), cE("input-el, textarea-el", ` cursor: not-allowed; color: var(--n-text-color-disabled); text-decoration-color: var(--n-text-color-disabled); `), cE("placeholder", "color: var(--n-placeholder-color-disabled);"), cE("separator", "color: var(--n-text-color-disabled);", [cB("icon", ` color: var(--n-icon-color-disabled); `), cB("base-icon", ` color: var(--n-icon-color-disabled); `)]), cB("input-word-count", ` color: var(--n-count-text-color-disabled); `), cE("suffix, prefix", "color: var(--n-text-color-disabled);", [cB("icon", ` color: var(--n-icon-color-disabled); `), cB("internal-icon", ` color: var(--n-icon-color-disabled); `)])]), cNotM("disabled", [cE("eye", ` color: var(--n-icon-color); cursor: pointer; `, [c$1("&:hover", ` color: var(--n-icon-color-hover); `), c$1("&:active", ` color: var(--n-icon-color-pressed); `)]), c$1("&:hover", [cE("state-border", "border: var(--n-border-hover);")]), cM("focus", "background-color: var(--n-color-focus);", [cE("state-border", ` border: var(--n-border-focus); box-shadow: var(--n-box-shadow-focus); `)])]), cE("border, state-border", ` box-sizing: border-box; position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; pointer-events: none; border-radius: inherit; border: var(--n-border); transition: box-shadow .3s var(--n-bezier), border-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `), cE("state-border", ` border-color: #0000; z-index: 1; `), cE("prefix", "margin-right: 4px;"), cE("suffix", ` margin-left: 4px; `), cE("suffix, prefix", ` transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); flex-wrap: nowrap; flex-shrink: 0; line-height: var(--n-height); white-space: nowrap; display: inline-flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; color: var(--n-suffix-text-color); `, [cB("base-loading", ` font-size: var(--n-icon-size); margin: 0 2px; color: var(--n-loading-color); `), cB("base-clear", ` font-size: var(--n-icon-size); `, [cE("placeholder", [cB("base-icon", ` transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); color: var(--n-icon-color); font-size: var(--n-icon-size); `)])]), c$1(">", [cB("icon", ` transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); color: var(--n-icon-color); font-size: var(--n-icon-size); `)]), cB("base-icon", ` font-size: var(--n-icon-size); `)]), cB("input-word-count", ` pointer-events: none; line-height: 1.5; font-size: .85em; color: var(--n-count-text-color); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); margin-left: 4px; font-variant: tabular-nums; `), ["warning", "error"].map((status) => cM(`${status}-status`, [cNotM("disabled", [cB("base-loading", ` color: var(--n-loading-color-${status}) `), cE("input-el, textarea-el", ` caret-color: var(--n-caret-color-${status}); `), cE("state-border", ` border: var(--n-border-${status}); `), c$1("&:hover", [cE("state-border", ` border: var(--n-border-hover-${status}); `)]), c$1("&:focus", ` background-color: var(--n-color-focus-${status}); `, [cE("state-border", ` box-shadow: var(--n-box-shadow-focus-${status}); border: var(--n-border-focus-${status}); `)]), cM("focus", ` background-color: var(--n-color-focus-${status}); `, [cE("state-border", ` box-shadow: var(--n-box-shadow-focus-${status}); border: var(--n-border-focus-${status}); `)])])])) ]); const safariStyle = cB("input", [cM("disabled", [cE("input-el, textarea-el", ` -webkit-text-fill-color: var(--n-text-color-disabled); `)])]); const inputProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { bordered: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, type: { type: String, default: "text" }, placeholder: [Array, String], defaultValue: { type: [String, Array], default: null }, value: [String, Array], disabled: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, size: String, rows: { type: [Number, String], default: 3 }, round: Boolean, minlength: [String, Number], maxlength: [String, Number], clearable: Boolean, autosize: { type: [Boolean, Object], default: false }, pair: Boolean, separator: String, readonly: { type: [String, Boolean], default: false }, passivelyActivated: Boolean, showPasswordOn: String, stateful: { type: Boolean, default: true }, autofocus: Boolean, inputProps: Object, resizable: { type: Boolean, default: true }, showCount: Boolean, loading: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, allowInput: Function, renderCount: Function, onMousedown: Function, onKeydown: Function, onKeyup: [Function, Array], onInput: [Function, Array], onFocus: [Function, Array], onBlur: [Function, Array], onClick: [Function, Array], onChange: [Function, Array], onClear: [Function, Array], countGraphemes: Function, status: String, "onUpdate:value": [Function, Array], onUpdateValue: [Function, Array], /** private */ textDecoration: [String, Array], attrSize: { type: Number, default: 20 }, onInputBlur: [Function, Array], onInputFocus: [Function, Array], onDeactivate: [Function, Array], onActivate: [Function, Array], onWrapperFocus: [Function, Array], onWrapperBlur: [Function, Array], internalDeactivateOnEnter: Boolean, internalForceFocus: Boolean, internalLoadingBeforeSuffix: { type: Boolean, default: true }, /** deprecated */ showPasswordToggle: Boolean }); const NInput = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Input", props: inputProps, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedBorderedRef, inlineThemeDisabled, mergedRtlRef } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Input", "-input", style$1n, inputLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); if (isSafari) { useStyle("-input-safari", safariStyle, mergedClsPrefixRef); } const wrapperElRef = vue.ref(null); const textareaElRef = vue.ref(null); const textareaMirrorElRef = vue.ref(null); const inputMirrorElRef = vue.ref(null); const inputElRef = vue.ref(null); const inputEl2Ref = vue.ref(null); const currentFocusedInputRef = vue.ref(null); const focusedInputCursorControl = useCursor(currentFocusedInputRef); const textareaScrollbarInstRef = vue.ref(null); const { localeRef } = useLocale("Input"); const uncontrolledValueRef = vue.ref(props.defaultValue); const controlledValueRef = vue.toRef(props, "value"); const mergedValueRef = useMergedState(controlledValueRef, uncontrolledValueRef); const formItem = useFormItem(props); const { mergedSizeRef, mergedDisabledRef, mergedStatusRef } = formItem; const focusedRef = vue.ref(false); const hoverRef = vue.ref(false); const isComposingRef2 = vue.ref(false); const activatedRef = vue.ref(false); let syncSource = null; const mergedPlaceholderRef = vue.computed(() => { const { placeholder, pair } = props; if (pair) { if (Array.isArray(placeholder)) { return placeholder; } else if (placeholder === void 0) { return ["", ""]; } return [placeholder, placeholder]; } else if (placeholder === void 0) { return [localeRef.value.placeholder]; } else { return [placeholder]; } }); const showPlaceholder1Ref = vue.computed(() => { const { value: isComposing } = isComposingRef2; const { value: mergedValue } = mergedValueRef; const { value: mergedPlaceholder } = mergedPlaceholderRef; return !isComposing && (isEmptyInputValue(mergedValue) || Array.isArray(mergedValue) && isEmptyInputValue(mergedValue[0])) && mergedPlaceholder[0]; }); const showPlaceholder2Ref = vue.computed(() => { const { value: isComposing } = isComposingRef2; const { value: mergedValue } = mergedValueRef; const { value: mergedPlaceholder } = mergedPlaceholderRef; return !isComposing && mergedPlaceholder[1] && (isEmptyInputValue(mergedValue) || Array.isArray(mergedValue) && isEmptyInputValue(mergedValue[1])); }); const mergedFocusRef = useMemo(() => { return props.internalForceFocus || focusedRef.value; }); const showClearButton = useMemo(() => { if (mergedDisabledRef.value || props.readonly || !props.clearable || !mergedFocusRef.value && !hoverRef.value) { return false; } const { value: mergedValue } = mergedValueRef; const { value: mergedFocus } = mergedFocusRef; if (props.pair) { return !!(Array.isArray(mergedValue) && (mergedValue[0] || mergedValue[1])) && (hoverRef.value || mergedFocus); } else { return !!mergedValue && (hoverRef.value || mergedFocus); } }); const mergedShowPasswordOnRef = vue.computed(() => { const { showPasswordOn } = props; if (showPasswordOn) { return showPasswordOn; } if (props.showPasswordToggle) return "click"; return void 0; }); const passwordVisibleRef = vue.ref(false); const textDecorationStyleRef = vue.computed(() => { const { textDecoration } = props; if (!textDecoration) return ["", ""]; if (Array.isArray(textDecoration)) { return textDecoration.map((v) => ({ textDecoration: v })); } return [{ textDecoration }]; }); const textAreaScrollContainerWidthRef = vue.ref(void 0); const updateTextAreaStyle = () => { var _a, _b; if (props.type === "textarea") { const { autosize } = props; if (autosize) { textAreaScrollContainerWidthRef.value = (_b = (_a = textareaScrollbarInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.$el) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.offsetWidth; } if (!textareaElRef.value) return; if (typeof autosize === "boolean") return; const { paddingTop: stylePaddingTop, paddingBottom: stylePaddingBottom, lineHeight: styleLineHeight } = window.getComputedStyle(textareaElRef.value); const paddingTop = Number(stylePaddingTop.slice(0, -2)); const paddingBottom = Number(stylePaddingBottom.slice(0, -2)); const lineHeight2 = Number(styleLineHeight.slice(0, -2)); const { value: textareaMirrorEl } = textareaMirrorElRef; if (!textareaMirrorEl) return; if (autosize.minRows) { const minRows = Math.max(autosize.minRows, 1); const styleMinHeight = `${paddingTop + paddingBottom + lineHeight2 * minRows}px`; textareaMirrorEl.style.minHeight = styleMinHeight; } if (autosize.maxRows) { const styleMaxHeight = `${paddingTop + paddingBottom + lineHeight2 * autosize.maxRows}px`; textareaMirrorEl.style.maxHeight = styleMaxHeight; } } }; const maxlengthRef = vue.computed(() => { const { maxlength } = props; return maxlength === void 0 ? void 0 : Number(maxlength); }); vue.onMounted(() => { const { value } = mergedValueRef; if (!Array.isArray(value)) { syncMirror(value); } }); const vm = vue.getCurrentInstance().proxy; function doUpdateValue(value, meta) { const { onUpdateValue, "onUpdate:value": _onUpdateValue, onInput } = props; const { nTriggerFormInput } = formItem; if (onUpdateValue) call(onUpdateValue, value, meta); if (_onUpdateValue) call(_onUpdateValue, value, meta); if (onInput) call(onInput, value, meta); uncontrolledValueRef.value = value; nTriggerFormInput(); } function doChange(value, meta) { const { onChange } = props; const { nTriggerFormChange } = formItem; if (onChange) call(onChange, value, meta); uncontrolledValueRef.value = value; nTriggerFormChange(); } function doBlur(e) { const { onBlur } = props; const { nTriggerFormBlur } = formItem; if (onBlur) call(onBlur, e); nTriggerFormBlur(); } function doFocus(e) { const { onFocus } = props; const { nTriggerFormFocus } = formItem; if (onFocus) call(onFocus, e); nTriggerFormFocus(); } function doClear(e) { const { onClear } = props; if (onClear) call(onClear, e); } function doUpdateValueBlur(e) { const { onInputBlur } = props; if (onInputBlur) call(onInputBlur, e); } function doUpdateValueFocus(e) { const { onInputFocus } = props; if (onInputFocus) call(onInputFocus, e); } function doDeactivate() { const { onDeactivate } = props; if (onDeactivate) call(onDeactivate); } function doActivate() { const { onActivate } = props; if (onActivate) call(onActivate); } function doClick(e) { const { onClick } = props; if (onClick) call(onClick, e); } function doWrapperFocus(e) { const { onWrapperFocus } = props; if (onWrapperFocus) call(onWrapperFocus, e); } function doWrapperBlur(e) { const { onWrapperBlur } = props; if (onWrapperBlur) call(onWrapperBlur, e); } function handleCompositionStart() { isComposingRef2.value = true; } function handleCompositionEnd(e) { isComposingRef2.value = false; if (e.target === inputEl2Ref.value) { handleInput(e, 1); } else { handleInput(e, 0); } } function handleInput(e, index = 0, event = "input") { const targetValue = e.target.value; syncMirror(targetValue); if (e instanceof InputEvent && !e.isComposing) { isComposingRef2.value = false; } if (props.type === "textarea") { const { value: textareaScrollbarInst } = textareaScrollbarInstRef; if (textareaScrollbarInst) { textareaScrollbarInst.syncUnifiedContainer(); } } syncSource = targetValue; if (isComposingRef2.value) return; focusedInputCursorControl.recordCursor(); const isIncomingValueValid = allowInput(targetValue); if (isIncomingValueValid) { if (!props.pair) { event === "input" ? doUpdateValue(targetValue, { source: index }) : doChange(targetValue, { source: index }); } else { let { value } = mergedValueRef; if (!Array.isArray(value)) { value = ["", ""]; } else { value = [value[0], value[1]]; } value[index] = targetValue; event === "input" ? doUpdateValue(value, { source: index }) : doChange(value, { source: index }); } } vm.$forceUpdate(); if (!isIncomingValueValid) { void vue.nextTick(focusedInputCursorControl.restoreCursor); } } function allowInput(value) { const { countGraphemes, maxlength, minlength } = props; if (countGraphemes) { let graphemesCount; if (maxlength !== void 0) { if (graphemesCount === void 0) { graphemesCount = countGraphemes(value); } if (graphemesCount > Number(maxlength)) return false; } if (minlength !== void 0) { if (graphemesCount === void 0) { graphemesCount = countGraphemes(value); } if (graphemesCount < Number(maxlength)) return false; } } const { allowInput: allowInput2 } = props; if (typeof allowInput2 === "function") { return allowInput2(value); } return true; } function handleInputBlur(e) { doUpdateValueBlur(e); if (e.relatedTarget === wrapperElRef.value) { doDeactivate(); } if (!(e.relatedTarget !== null && (e.relatedTarget === inputElRef.value || e.relatedTarget === inputEl2Ref.value || e.relatedTarget === textareaElRef.value))) { activatedRef.value = false; } dealWithEvent(e, "blur"); currentFocusedInputRef.value = null; } function handleInputFocus(e, index) { doUpdateValueFocus(e); focusedRef.value = true; activatedRef.value = true; doActivate(); dealWithEvent(e, "focus"); if (index === 0) { currentFocusedInputRef.value = inputElRef.value; } else if (index === 1) { currentFocusedInputRef.value = inputEl2Ref.value; } else if (index === 2) { currentFocusedInputRef.value = textareaElRef.value; } } function handleWrapperBlur(e) { if (props.passivelyActivated) { doWrapperBlur(e); dealWithEvent(e, "blur"); } } function handleWrapperFocus(e) { if (props.passivelyActivated) { focusedRef.value = true; doWrapperFocus(e); dealWithEvent(e, "focus"); } } function dealWithEvent(e, type) { if (e.relatedTarget !== null && (e.relatedTarget === inputElRef.value || e.relatedTarget === inputEl2Ref.value || e.relatedTarget === textareaElRef.value || e.relatedTarget === wrapperElRef.value)) ; else { if (type === "focus") { doFocus(e); focusedRef.value = true; } else if (type === "blur") { doBlur(e); focusedRef.value = false; } } } function handleChange(e, index) { handleInput(e, index, "change"); } function handleClick2(e) { doClick(e); } function handleClear(e) { doClear(e); clearValue(); } function clearValue() { if (props.pair) { doUpdateValue(["", ""], { source: "clear" }); doChange(["", ""], { source: "clear" }); } else { doUpdateValue("", { source: "clear" }); doChange("", { source: "clear" }); } } function handleMouseDown(e) { const { onMousedown } = props; if (onMousedown) onMousedown(e); const { tagName } = e.target; if (tagName !== "INPUT" && tagName !== "TEXTAREA") { if (props.resizable) { const { value: wrapperEl } = wrapperElRef; if (wrapperEl) { const { left, top, width, height } = wrapperEl.getBoundingClientRect(); const resizeHandleSize = 14; if (left + width - resizeHandleSize < e.clientX && e.clientX < left + width && top + height - resizeHandleSize < e.clientY && e.clientY < top + height) { return; } } } e.preventDefault(); if (!focusedRef.value) { focus(); } } } function handleMouseEnter() { var _a; hoverRef.value = true; if (props.type === "textarea") { (_a = textareaScrollbarInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.handleMouseEnterWrapper(); } } function handleMouseLeave() { var _a; hoverRef.value = false; if (props.type === "textarea") { (_a = textareaScrollbarInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.handleMouseLeaveWrapper(); } } function handlePasswordToggleClick() { if (mergedDisabledRef.value) return; if (mergedShowPasswordOnRef.value !== "click") return; passwordVisibleRef.value = !passwordVisibleRef.value; } function handlePasswordToggleMousedown(e) { if (mergedDisabledRef.value) return; e.preventDefault(); const preventDefaultOnce = (e2) => { e2.preventDefault(); off("mouseup", document, preventDefaultOnce); }; on("mouseup", document, preventDefaultOnce); if (mergedShowPasswordOnRef.value !== "mousedown") return; passwordVisibleRef.value = true; const hidePassword = () => { passwordVisibleRef.value = false; off("mouseup", document, hidePassword); }; on("mouseup", document, hidePassword); } function handleWrapperKeyup(e) { if (props.onKeyup) call(props.onKeyup, e); } function handleWrapperKeydown(e) { if (props.onKeydown) call(props.onKeydown, e); switch (e.key) { case "Escape": handleWrapperKeydownEsc(); break; case "Enter": handleWrapperKeydownEnter(e); break; } } function handleWrapperKeydownEnter(e) { var _a, _b; if (props.passivelyActivated) { const { value: focused } = activatedRef; if (focused) { if (props.internalDeactivateOnEnter) { handleWrapperKeydownEsc(); } return; } e.preventDefault(); if (props.type === "textarea") { (_a = textareaElRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.focus(); } else { (_b = inputElRef.value) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.focus(); } } } function handleWrapperKeydownEsc() { if (props.passivelyActivated) { activatedRef.value = false; void vue.nextTick(() => { var _a; (_a = wrapperElRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.focus(); }); } } function focus() { var _a, _b, _c; if (mergedDisabledRef.value) return; if (props.passivelyActivated) { (_a = wrapperElRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.focus(); } else { (_b = textareaElRef.value) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.focus(); (_c = inputElRef.value) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.focus(); } } function blur() { var _a; if ((_a = wrapperElRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.contains(document.activeElement)) { document.activeElement.blur(); } } function select() { var _a, _b; (_a = textareaElRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.select(); (_b = inputElRef.value) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.select(); } function activate() { if (mergedDisabledRef.value) return; if (textareaElRef.value) textareaElRef.value.focus(); else if (inputElRef.value) inputElRef.value.focus(); } function deactivate() { const { value: wrapperEl } = wrapperElRef; if ((wrapperEl === null || wrapperEl === void 0 ? void 0 : wrapperEl.contains(document.activeElement)) && wrapperEl !== document.activeElement) { handleWrapperKeydownEsc(); } } function scrollTo(options) { if (props.type === "textarea") { const { value: textareaEl } = textareaElRef; textareaEl === null || textareaEl === void 0 ? void 0 : textareaEl.scrollTo(options); } else { const { value: inputEl } = inputElRef; inputEl === null || inputEl === void 0 ? void 0 : inputEl.scrollTo(options); } } function syncMirror(value) { const { type, pair, autosize } = props; if (!pair && autosize) { if (type === "textarea") { const { value: textareaMirrorEl } = textareaMirrorElRef; if (textareaMirrorEl) { textareaMirrorEl.textContent = (value !== null && value !== void 0 ? value : "") + "\r\n"; } } else { const { value: inputMirrorEl } = inputMirrorElRef; if (inputMirrorEl) { if (value) { inputMirrorEl.textContent = value; } else { inputMirrorEl.innerHTML = " "; } } } } } function handleTextAreaMirrorResize() { updateTextAreaStyle(); } const placeholderStyleRef = vue.ref({ top: "0" }); function handleTextAreaScroll(e) { var _a; const { scrollTop } = e.target; placeholderStyleRef.value.top = `${-scrollTop}px`; (_a = textareaScrollbarInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.syncUnifiedContainer(); } let stopWatchMergedValue1 = null; vue.watchEffect(() => { const { autosize, type } = props; if (autosize && type === "textarea") { stopWatchMergedValue1 = vue.watch(mergedValueRef, (value) => { if (!Array.isArray(value) && value !== syncSource) { syncMirror(value); } }); } else { stopWatchMergedValue1 === null || stopWatchMergedValue1 === void 0 ? void 0 : stopWatchMergedValue1(); } }); let stopWatchMergedValue2 = null; vue.watchEffect(() => { if (props.type === "textarea") { stopWatchMergedValue2 = vue.watch(mergedValueRef, (value) => { var _a; if (!Array.isArray(value) && value !== syncSource) { (_a = textareaScrollbarInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.syncUnifiedContainer(); } }); } else { stopWatchMergedValue2 === null || stopWatchMergedValue2 === void 0 ? void 0 : stopWatchMergedValue2(); } }); vue.provide(inputInjectionKey, { mergedValueRef, maxlengthRef, mergedClsPrefixRef, countGraphemesRef: vue.toRef(props, "countGraphemes") }); const exposedProps = { wrapperElRef, inputElRef, textareaElRef, isCompositing: isComposingRef2, clear: clearValue, focus, blur, select, deactivate, activate, scrollTo }; const rtlEnabledRef = useRtl("Input", mergedRtlRef, mergedClsPrefixRef); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value: size2 } = mergedSizeRef; const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: { color, borderRadius, textColor, caretColor, caretColorError, caretColorWarning, textDecorationColor, border, borderDisabled, borderHover, borderFocus, placeholderColor, placeholderColorDisabled, lineHeightTextarea, colorDisabled, colorFocus, textColorDisabled, boxShadowFocus, iconSize, colorFocusWarning, boxShadowFocusWarning, borderWarning, borderFocusWarning, borderHoverWarning, colorFocusError, boxShadowFocusError, borderError, borderFocusError, borderHoverError, clearSize, clearColor, clearColorHover, clearColorPressed, iconColor, iconColorDisabled, suffixTextColor, countTextColor, countTextColorDisabled, iconColorHover, iconColorPressed, loadingColor, loadingColorError, loadingColorWarning, [createKey("padding", size2)]: padding, [createKey("fontSize", size2)]: fontSize2, [createKey("height", size2)]: height } } = themeRef.value; const { left: paddingLeft, right: paddingRight } = getMargin(padding); return { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-count-text-color": countTextColor, "--n-count-text-color-disabled": countTextColorDisabled, "--n-color": color, "--n-font-size": fontSize2, "--n-border-radius": borderRadius, "--n-height": height, "--n-padding-left": paddingLeft, "--n-padding-right": paddingRight, "--n-text-color": textColor, "--n-caret-color": caretColor, "--n-text-decoration-color": textDecorationColor, "--n-border": border, "--n-border-disabled": borderDisabled, "--n-border-hover": borderHover, "--n-border-focus": borderFocus, "--n-placeholder-color": placeholderColor, "--n-placeholder-color-disabled": placeholderColorDisabled, "--n-icon-size": iconSize, "--n-line-height-textarea": lineHeightTextarea, "--n-color-disabled": colorDisabled, "--n-color-focus": colorFocus, "--n-text-color-disabled": textColorDisabled, "--n-box-shadow-focus": boxShadowFocus, "--n-loading-color": loadingColor, // form warning "--n-caret-color-warning": caretColorWarning, "--n-color-focus-warning": colorFocusWarning, "--n-box-shadow-focus-warning": boxShadowFocusWarning, "--n-border-warning": borderWarning, "--n-border-focus-warning": borderFocusWarning, "--n-border-hover-warning": borderHoverWarning, "--n-loading-color-warning": loadingColorWarning, // form error "--n-caret-color-error": caretColorError, "--n-color-focus-error": colorFocusError, "--n-box-shadow-focus-error": boxShadowFocusError, "--n-border-error": borderError, "--n-border-focus-error": borderFocusError, "--n-border-hover-error": borderHoverError, "--n-loading-color-error": loadingColorError, // clear-button "--n-clear-color": clearColor, "--n-clear-size": clearSize, "--n-clear-color-hover": clearColorHover, "--n-clear-color-pressed": clearColorPressed, "--n-icon-color": iconColor, "--n-icon-color-hover": iconColorHover, "--n-icon-color-pressed": iconColorPressed, "--n-icon-color-disabled": iconColorDisabled, "--n-suffix-text-color": suffixTextColor }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("input", vue.computed(() => { const { value: size2 } = mergedSizeRef; return size2[0]; }), cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, exposedProps), { // DOM ref wrapperElRef, inputElRef, inputMirrorElRef, inputEl2Ref, textareaElRef, textareaMirrorElRef, textareaScrollbarInstRef, // value rtlEnabled: rtlEnabledRef, uncontrolledValue: uncontrolledValueRef, mergedValue: mergedValueRef, passwordVisible: passwordVisibleRef, mergedPlaceholder: mergedPlaceholderRef, showPlaceholder1: showPlaceholder1Ref, showPlaceholder2: showPlaceholder2Ref, mergedFocus: mergedFocusRef, isComposing: isComposingRef2, activated: activatedRef, showClearButton, mergedSize: mergedSizeRef, mergedDisabled: mergedDisabledRef, textDecorationStyle: textDecorationStyleRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedBordered: mergedBorderedRef, mergedShowPasswordOn: mergedShowPasswordOnRef, placeholderStyle: placeholderStyleRef, mergedStatus: mergedStatusRef, textAreaScrollContainerWidth: textAreaScrollContainerWidthRef, // methods handleTextAreaScroll, handleCompositionStart, handleCompositionEnd, handleInput, handleInputBlur, handleInputFocus, handleWrapperBlur, handleWrapperFocus, handleMouseEnter, handleMouseLeave, handleMouseDown, handleChange, handleClick: handleClick2, handleClear, handlePasswordToggleClick, handlePasswordToggleMousedown, handleWrapperKeydown, handleWrapperKeyup, handleTextAreaMirrorResize, getTextareaScrollContainer: () => { return textareaElRef.value; }, mergedTheme: themeRef, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }); }, render() { var _a, _b; const { mergedClsPrefix, mergedStatus, themeClass, type, countGraphemes, onRender } = this; const $slots = this.$slots; onRender === null || onRender === void 0 ? void 0 : onRender(); return vue.h("div", { ref: "wrapperElRef", class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-input`, themeClass, mergedStatus && `${mergedClsPrefix}-input--${mergedStatus}-status`, { [`${mergedClsPrefix}-input--rtl`]: this.rtlEnabled, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-input--disabled`]: this.mergedDisabled, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-input--textarea`]: type === "textarea", [`${mergedClsPrefix}-input--resizable`]: this.resizable && !this.autosize, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-input--autosize`]: this.autosize, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-input--round`]: this.round && !(type === "textarea"), [`${mergedClsPrefix}-input--pair`]: this.pair, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-input--focus`]: this.mergedFocus, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-input--stateful`]: this.stateful }], style: this.cssVars, tabindex: !this.mergedDisabled && this.passivelyActivated && !this.activated ? 0 : void 0, onFocus: this.handleWrapperFocus, onBlur: this.handleWrapperBlur, onClick: this.handleClick, onMousedown: this.handleMouseDown, onMouseenter: this.handleMouseEnter, onMouseleave: this.handleMouseLeave, onCompositionstart: this.handleCompositionStart, onCompositionend: this.handleCompositionEnd, onKeyup: this.handleWrapperKeyup, onKeydown: this.handleWrapperKeydown }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-input-wrapper` }, resolveWrappedSlot($slots.prefix, (children) => children && vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-input__prefix` }, children)), type === "textarea" ? vue.h(Scrollbar$2, { ref: "textareaScrollbarInstRef", class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-input__textarea`, container: this.getTextareaScrollContainer, triggerDisplayManually: true, useUnifiedContainer: true, internalHoistYRail: true }, { default: () => { var _a2, _b2; const { textAreaScrollContainerWidth } = this; const scrollContainerWidthStyle = { width: this.autosize && textAreaScrollContainerWidth && `${textAreaScrollContainerWidth}px` }; return vue.h(vue.Fragment, null, vue.h("textarea", Object.assign({}, this.inputProps, { ref: "textareaElRef", class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-input__textarea-el`, (_a2 = this.inputProps) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.class], autofocus: this.autofocus, rows: Number(this.rows), placeholder: this.placeholder, value: this.mergedValue, disabled: this.mergedDisabled, maxlength: countGraphemes ? void 0 : this.maxlength, minlength: countGraphemes ? void 0 : this.minlength, readonly: this.readonly, tabindex: this.passivelyActivated && !this.activated ? -1 : void 0, style: [this.textDecorationStyle[0], (_b2 = this.inputProps) === null || _b2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _b2.style, scrollContainerWidthStyle], onBlur: this.handleInputBlur, onFocus: (e) => { this.handleInputFocus(e, 2); }, onInput: this.handleInput, onChange: this.handleChange, onScroll: this.handleTextAreaScroll })), this.showPlaceholder1 ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-input__placeholder`, style: [this.placeholderStyle, scrollContainerWidthStyle], key: "placeholder" }, this.mergedPlaceholder[0]) : null, this.autosize ? vue.h(VResizeObserver, { onResize: this.handleTextAreaMirrorResize }, { default: () => vue.h("div", { ref: "textareaMirrorElRef", class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-input__textarea-mirror`, key: "mirror" }) }) : null); } }) : vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-input__input` }, vue.h("input", Object.assign({ type: type === "password" && this.mergedShowPasswordOn && this.passwordVisible ? "text" : type }, this.inputProps, { ref: "inputElRef", class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-input__input-el`, (_a = this.inputProps) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.class], style: [this.textDecorationStyle[0], (_b = this.inputProps) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.style], tabindex: this.passivelyActivated && !this.activated ? -1 : void 0, placeholder: this.mergedPlaceholder[0], disabled: this.mergedDisabled, maxlength: countGraphemes ? void 0 : this.maxlength, minlength: countGraphemes ? void 0 : this.minlength, value: Array.isArray(this.mergedValue) ? this.mergedValue[0] : this.mergedValue, readonly: this.readonly, autofocus: this.autofocus, size: this.attrSize, onBlur: this.handleInputBlur, onFocus: (e) => { this.handleInputFocus(e, 0); }, onInput: (e) => { this.handleInput(e, 0); }, onChange: (e) => { this.handleChange(e, 0); } })), this.showPlaceholder1 ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-input__placeholder` }, vue.h("span", null, this.mergedPlaceholder[0])) : null, this.autosize ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-input__input-mirror`, key: "mirror", ref: "inputMirrorElRef" }, " ") : null), !this.pair && resolveWrappedSlot($slots.suffix, (children) => { return children || this.clearable || this.showCount || this.mergedShowPasswordOn || this.loading !== void 0 ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-input__suffix` }, [resolveWrappedSlot($slots["clear-icon-placeholder"], (children2) => { return (this.clearable || children2) && vue.h(NBaseClear, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, show: this.showClearButton, onClear: this.handleClear }, { placeholder: () => children2, icon: () => { var _a2, _b2; return (_b2 = (_a2 = this.$slots)["clear-icon"]) === null || _b2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _b2.call(_a2); } }); }), !this.internalLoadingBeforeSuffix ? children : null, this.loading !== void 0 ? vue.h(NBaseSuffix, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, loading: this.loading, showArrow: false, showClear: false, style: this.cssVars }) : null, this.internalLoadingBeforeSuffix ? children : null, this.showCount && this.type !== "textarea" ? vue.h(WordCount, null, { default: (props) => { var _a2; return (_a2 = $slots.count) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.call($slots, props); } }) : null, this.mergedShowPasswordOn && this.type === "password" ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-input__eye`, onMousedown: this.handlePasswordToggleMousedown, onClick: this.handlePasswordToggleClick }, this.passwordVisible ? resolveSlot($slots["password-visible-icon"], () => [vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix }, { default: () => vue.h(EyeIcon, null) })]) : resolveSlot($slots["password-invisible-icon"], () => [vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix }, { default: () => vue.h(EyeOffIcon, null) })])) : null]) : null; })), this.pair ? vue.h("span", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-input__separator` }, resolveSlot($slots.separator, () => [this.separator])) : null, this.pair ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-input-wrapper` }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-input__input` }, vue.h("input", { ref: "inputEl2Ref", type: this.type, class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-input__input-el`, tabindex: this.passivelyActivated && !this.activated ? -1 : void 0, placeholder: this.mergedPlaceholder[1], disabled: this.mergedDisabled, maxlength: countGraphemes ? void 0 : this.maxlength, minlength: countGraphemes ? void 0 : this.minlength, value: Array.isArray(this.mergedValue) ? this.mergedValue[1] : void 0, readonly: this.readonly, style: this.textDecorationStyle[1], onBlur: this.handleInputBlur, onFocus: (e) => { this.handleInputFocus(e, 1); }, onInput: (e) => { this.handleInput(e, 1); }, onChange: (e) => { this.handleChange(e, 1); } }), this.showPlaceholder2 ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-input__placeholder` }, vue.h("span", null, this.mergedPlaceholder[1])) : null), resolveWrappedSlot($slots.suffix, (children) => { return (this.clearable || children) && vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-input__suffix` }, [this.clearable && vue.h(NBaseClear, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, show: this.showClearButton, onClear: this.handleClear }, { icon: () => { var _a2; return (_a2 = $slots["clear-icon"]) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.call($slots); }, placeholder: () => { var _a2; return (_a2 = $slots["clear-icon-placeholder"]) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.call($slots); } }), children]); })) : null, this.mergedBordered ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-input__border` }) : null, this.mergedBordered ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-input__state-border` }) : null, this.showCount && type === "textarea" ? vue.h(WordCount, null, { default: (props) => { var _a2; const { renderCount } = this; if (renderCount) { return renderCount(props); } return (_a2 = $slots.count) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.call($slots, props); } }) : null); } }); const style$1m = cB("input-group", ` display: inline-flex; width: 100%; flex-wrap: nowrap; vertical-align: bottom; `, [c$1(">", [cB("input", [c$1("&:not(:last-child)", ` border-top-right-radius: 0!important; border-bottom-right-radius: 0!important; `), c$1("&:not(:first-child)", ` border-top-left-radius: 0!important; border-bottom-left-radius: 0!important; margin-left: -1px!important; `)]), cB("button", [c$1("&:not(:last-child)", ` border-top-right-radius: 0!important; border-bottom-right-radius: 0!important; `, [cE("state-border, border", ` border-top-right-radius: 0!important; border-bottom-right-radius: 0!important; `)]), c$1("&:not(:first-child)", ` border-top-left-radius: 0!important; border-bottom-left-radius: 0!important; `, [cE("state-border, border", ` border-top-left-radius: 0!important; border-bottom-left-radius: 0!important; `)])]), c$1("*", [c$1("&:not(:last-child)", ` border-top-right-radius: 0!important; border-bottom-right-radius: 0!important; `, [c$1(">", [cB("input", ` border-top-right-radius: 0!important; border-bottom-right-radius: 0!important; `), cB("base-selection", [cB("base-selection-label", ` border-top-right-radius: 0!important; border-bottom-right-radius: 0!important; `), cB("base-selection-tags", ` border-top-right-radius: 0!important; border-bottom-right-radius: 0!important; `), cE("box-shadow, border, state-border", ` border-top-right-radius: 0!important; border-bottom-right-radius: 0!important; `)])])]), c$1("&:not(:first-child)", ` margin-left: -1px!important; border-top-left-radius: 0!important; border-bottom-left-radius: 0!important; `, [c$1(">", [cB("input", ` border-top-left-radius: 0!important; border-bottom-left-radius: 0!important; `), cB("base-selection", [cB("base-selection-label", ` border-top-left-radius: 0!important; border-bottom-left-radius: 0!important; `), cB("base-selection-tags", ` border-top-left-radius: 0!important; border-bottom-left-radius: 0!important; `), cE("box-shadow, border, state-border", ` border-top-left-radius: 0!important; border-bottom-left-radius: 0!important; `)])])])])])]); const inputGroupProps = {}; const NInputGroup = vue.defineComponent({ name: "InputGroup", props: inputGroupProps, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef } = useConfig(props); useStyle("-input-group", style$1m, mergedClsPrefixRef); return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef }; }, render() { const { mergedClsPrefix } = this; return vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-input-group` }, this.$slots); } }); const style$1l = cB("input-group-label", ` position: relative; user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; box-sizing: border-box; padding: 0 12px; display: inline-block; border-radius: var(--n-border-radius); background-color: var(--n-group-label-color); color: var(--n-group-label-text-color); font-size: var(--n-font-size); line-height: var(--n-height); height: var(--n-height); flex-shrink: 0; white-space: nowrap; transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), box-shadow .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [cE("border", ` position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; border-radius: inherit; border: var(--n-group-label-border); transition: border-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `)]); const inputGroupLabelProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { size: { type: String, default: "medium" }, bordered: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 } }); const InputGroupLabel = vue.defineComponent({ name: "InputGroupLabel", props: inputGroupLabelProps, setup(props) { const { mergedBorderedRef, mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Input", "-input-group-label", style$1l, inputLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { size: size2 } = props; const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: { groupLabelColor, borderRadius, groupLabelTextColor, lineHeight: lineHeight2, groupLabelBorder, [createKey("fontSize", size2)]: fontSize2, [createKey("height", size2)]: height } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-group-label-color": groupLabelColor, "--n-group-label-border": groupLabelBorder, "--n-border-radius": borderRadius, "--n-group-label-text-color": groupLabelTextColor, "--n-font-size": fontSize2, "--n-line-height": lineHeight2, "--n-height": height }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("input-group-label", vue.computed(() => props.size[0]), cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedBordered: mergedBorderedRef, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }; }, render() { var _a, _b, _c; const { mergedClsPrefix } = this; (_a = this.onRender) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(this); return vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-input-group-label`, this.themeClass], style: this.cssVars }, (_c = (_b = this.$slots).default) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.call(_b), this.mergedBordered ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-input-group-label__border` }) : null); } }); function self$18(vars) { const { boxShadow2 } = vars; return { menuBoxShadow: boxShadow2 }; } const autoCompleteLight = createTheme({ name: "AutoComplete", common: derived, peers: { InternalSelectMenu: internalSelectMenuLight, Input: inputLight }, self: self$18 }); function mapAutoCompleteOptionsToSelectOptions(options) { return options.map(convertAutoCompleteOptionToSelectOption); } function convertAutoCompleteOptionToSelectOption(option) { var _a, _b; if (typeof option === "string") { return { label: option, value: option }; } else if (option.type === "group") { const groupOption = { type: "group", label: (_a = option.label) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : option.name, value: (_b = option.value) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : option.name, key: option.key || option.name, children: option.children.map((groupOption2) => convertAutoCompleteOptionToSelectOption(groupOption2)) }; return groupOption; } else { return option; } } const style$1k = c$1([cB("auto-complete", ` z-index: auto; position: relative; display: inline-flex; width: 100%; `), cB("auto-complete-menu", ` margin: 4px 0; box-shadow: var(--n-menu-box-shadow); `, [fadeInScaleUpTransition({ originalTransition: "background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), box-shadow .3s var(--n-bezier)" })])]); const autoCompleteProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { to: useAdjustedTo.propTo, menuProps: Object, append: Boolean, bordered: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, clearable: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, defaultValue: { type: String, default: null }, loading: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, disabled: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, placeholder: String, placement: { type: String, default: "bottom-start" }, value: String, blurAfterSelect: Boolean, clearAfterSelect: Boolean, getShow: Function, showEmpty: Boolean, inputProps: Object, renderOption: Function, renderLabel: Function, size: String, options: { type: Array, default: () => [] }, zIndex: Number, status: String, "onUpdate:value": [Function, Array], onUpdateValue: [Function, Array], onSelect: [Function, Array], onBlur: [Function, Array], onFocus: [Function, Array], // deprecated onInput: [Function, Array] }); const AutoComplete = vue.defineComponent({ name: "AutoComplete", props: autoCompleteProps, setup(props) { const { mergedBorderedRef, namespaceRef, mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const formItem = useFormItem(props); const { mergedSizeRef, mergedDisabledRef, mergedStatusRef } = formItem; const triggerElRef = vue.ref(null); const menuInstRef = vue.ref(null); const uncontrolledValueRef = vue.ref(props.defaultValue); const controlledValueRef = vue.toRef(props, "value"); const mergedValueRef = useMergedState(controlledValueRef, uncontrolledValueRef); const canBeActivatedRef = vue.ref(false); const isComposingRef2 = vue.ref(false); const themeRef = useTheme("AutoComplete", "-auto-complete", style$1k, autoCompleteLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const selectOptionsRef = vue.computed(() => { return mapAutoCompleteOptionsToSelectOptions(props.options); }); const mergedShowOptionsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { getShow } = props; if (getShow) { return getShow(mergedValueRef.value || ""); } return !!mergedValueRef.value; }); const activeRef = vue.computed(() => { return mergedShowOptionsRef.value && canBeActivatedRef.value && (props.showEmpty ? true : !!selectOptionsRef.value.length); }); const treeMateRef = vue.computed(() => createTreeMate(selectOptionsRef.value, createTmOptions("value", "children"))); function doUpdateValue(value) { const { "onUpdate:value": _onUpdateValue, onUpdateValue, onInput } = props; const { nTriggerFormInput, nTriggerFormChange } = formItem; if (onUpdateValue) call(onUpdateValue, value); if (_onUpdateValue) call(_onUpdateValue, value); if (onInput) call(onInput, value); uncontrolledValueRef.value = value; nTriggerFormInput(); nTriggerFormChange(); } function doSelect(value) { const { onSelect } = props; const { nTriggerFormInput, nTriggerFormChange } = formItem; if (onSelect) call(onSelect, value); nTriggerFormInput(); nTriggerFormChange(); } function doBlur(e) { const { onBlur } = props; const { nTriggerFormBlur } = formItem; if (onBlur) call(onBlur, e); nTriggerFormBlur(); } function doFocus(e) { const { onFocus } = props; const { nTriggerFormFocus } = formItem; if (onFocus) call(onFocus, e); nTriggerFormFocus(); } function handleCompositionStart() { isComposingRef2.value = true; } function handleCompositionEnd() { window.setTimeout(() => { isComposingRef2.value = false; }, 0); } function handleKeyDown(e) { var _a, _b, _c; switch (e.key) { case "Enter": if (!isComposingRef2.value) { const pendingOptionTmNode = (_a = menuInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.getPendingTmNode(); if (pendingOptionTmNode) { select(pendingOptionTmNode.rawNode); e.preventDefault(); } } break; case "ArrowDown": (_b = menuInstRef.value) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.next(); break; case "ArrowUp": (_c = menuInstRef.value) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.prev(); break; } } function select(option) { if ((option === null || option === void 0 ? void 0 : option.value) !== void 0) { doSelect(option.value); if (props.clearAfterSelect) { doUpdateValue(null); } else if (option.label !== void 0) { doUpdateValue(props.append ? `${mergedValueRef.value}${option.label}` : option.label); } canBeActivatedRef.value = false; if (props.blurAfterSelect) { blur(); } } } function handleClear() { doUpdateValue(null); } function handleFocus(e) { canBeActivatedRef.value = true; doFocus(e); } function handleBlur(e) { canBeActivatedRef.value = false; doBlur(e); } function handleInput(value) { canBeActivatedRef.value = true; doUpdateValue(value); } function handleToggle(option) { select(option.rawNode); } function handleClickOutsideMenu(e) { var _a; if (!((_a = triggerElRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.contains(getPreciseEventTarget(e)))) { canBeActivatedRef.value = false; } } function blur() { var _a, _b; if ((_a = triggerElRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.contains(document.activeElement)) { (_b = document.activeElement) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.blur(); } } const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: { menuBoxShadow } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-menu-box-shadow": menuBoxShadow, "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("auto-complete", void 0, cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; const inputInstRef = vue.ref(null); const exposedMethods = { focus: () => { var _a; (_a = inputInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.focus(); }, blur: () => { var _a; (_a = inputInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.blur(); } }; return { focus: exposedMethods.focus, blur: exposedMethods.blur, inputInstRef, uncontrolledValue: uncontrolledValueRef, mergedValue: mergedValueRef, isMounted: isMounted(), adjustedTo: useAdjustedTo(props), menuInstRef, triggerElRef, treeMate: treeMateRef, mergedSize: mergedSizeRef, mergedDisabled: mergedDisabledRef, active: activeRef, mergedStatus: mergedStatusRef, handleClear, handleFocus, handleBlur, handleInput, handleToggle, handleClickOutsideMenu, handleCompositionStart, handleCompositionEnd, handleKeyDown, mergedTheme: themeRef, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender, mergedBordered: mergedBorderedRef, namespace: namespaceRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef }; }, render() { const { mergedClsPrefix } = this; return vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-auto-complete`, ref: "triggerElRef", onKeydown: this.handleKeyDown, onCompositionstart: this.handleCompositionStart, onCompositionend: this.handleCompositionEnd }, vue.h(Binder, null, { default: () => [vue.h(VTarget, null, { default: () => { const defaultSlot = this.$slots.default; if (defaultSlot) { return getFirstSlotVNode(this.$slots, "default", { handleInput: this.handleInput, handleFocus: this.handleFocus, handleBlur: this.handleBlur, value: this.mergedValue }); } const { mergedTheme } = this; return vue.h(NInput, { ref: "inputInstRef", status: this.mergedStatus, theme: mergedTheme.peers.Input, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Input, bordered: this.mergedBordered, value: this.mergedValue, placeholder: this.placeholder, size: this.mergedSize, disabled: this.mergedDisabled, clearable: this.clearable, loading: this.loading, inputProps: this.inputProps, onClear: this.handleClear, onFocus: this.handleFocus, onUpdateValue: this.handleInput, onBlur: this.handleBlur }, { suffix: () => { var _a, _b; return (_b = (_a = this.$slots).suffix) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a); }, prefix: () => { var _a, _b; return (_b = (_a = this.$slots).prefix) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a); } }); } }), vue.h(VFollower, { show: this.active, to: this.adjustedTo, containerClass: this.namespace, zIndex: this.zIndex, teleportDisabled: this.adjustedTo === useAdjustedTo.tdkey, placement: this.placement, width: "target" }, { default: () => vue.h(vue.Transition, { name: "fade-in-scale-up-transition", appear: this.isMounted }, { default: () => { var _a; (_a = this.onRender) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(this); if (!this.active) return null; const { menuProps: menuProps2 } = this; return vue.withDirectives(vue.h(NInternalSelectMenu, Object.assign({}, menuProps2, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, ref: "menuInstRef", theme: this.mergedTheme.peers.InternalSelectMenu, themeOverrides: this.mergedTheme.peerOverrides.InternalSelectMenu, "auto-pending": true, class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-auto-complete-menu`, this.themeClass, menuProps2 === null || menuProps2 === void 0 ? void 0 : menuProps2.class], style: [menuProps2 === null || menuProps2 === void 0 ? void 0 : menuProps2.style, this.cssVars], treeMate: this.treeMate, multiple: false, renderLabel: this.renderLabel, renderOption: this.renderOption, size: "medium", onToggle: this.handleToggle }), { empty: () => { var _a2, _b; return (_b = (_a2 = this.$slots).empty) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a2); } }), [[clickoutside, this.handleClickOutsideMenu, void 0, { capture: true }]]); } }) })] })); } }); const isImageSupportNativeLazy = isBrowser$2 && "loading" in document.createElement("img"); const resolveOptionsAndHash = (options = {}) => { var _a; const { root: root2 = null } = options; return { hash: `${options.rootMargin || "0px 0px 0px 0px"}-${Array.isArray(options.threshold) ? options.threshold.join(",") : (_a = options.threshold) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : "0"}`, options: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { root: (typeof root2 === "string" ? document.querySelector(root2) : root2) || document.documentElement }) }; }; const observers = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); const unobserveHandleMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); const shouldStartLoadingRefMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); const observeIntersection = (el, options, shouldStartLoadingRef) => { if (!el) return () => { }; const resolvedOptionsAndHash = resolveOptionsAndHash(options); const { root: root2 } = resolvedOptionsAndHash.options; let rootObservers; const _rootObservers = observers.get(root2); if (_rootObservers) { rootObservers = _rootObservers; } else { rootObservers = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); observers.set(root2, rootObservers); } let observer; let observerAndObservedElements; if (rootObservers.has(resolvedOptionsAndHash.hash)) { observerAndObservedElements = // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion rootObservers.get(resolvedOptionsAndHash.hash); if (!observerAndObservedElements[1].has(el)) { observer = observerAndObservedElements[0]; observerAndObservedElements[1].add(el); observer.observe(el); } } else { observer = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => { entries.forEach((entry) => { if (entry.isIntersecting) { const _unobserve = unobserveHandleMap.get(entry.target); const _shouldStartLoadingRef = shouldStartLoadingRefMap.get(entry.target); if (_unobserve) _unobserve(); if (_shouldStartLoadingRef) { _shouldStartLoadingRef.value = true; } } }); }, resolvedOptionsAndHash.options); observer.observe(el); observerAndObservedElements = [observer, /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([el])]; rootObservers.set(resolvedOptionsAndHash.hash, observerAndObservedElements); } let unobservered = false; const unobserve = () => { if (unobservered) return; unobserveHandleMap.delete(el); shouldStartLoadingRefMap.delete(el); unobservered = true; if (observerAndObservedElements[1].has(el)) { observerAndObservedElements[0].unobserve(el); observerAndObservedElements[1].delete(el); } if (observerAndObservedElements[1].size <= 0) { rootObservers.delete(resolvedOptionsAndHash.hash); } if (!rootObservers.size) { observers.delete(root2); } }; unobserveHandleMap.set(el, unobserve); shouldStartLoadingRefMap.set(el, shouldStartLoadingRef); return unobserve; }; const self$17 = (vars) => { const { borderRadius, avatarColor, cardColor, fontSize: fontSize2, heightTiny, heightSmall, heightMedium, heightLarge, heightHuge, modalColor, popoverColor } = vars; return { borderRadius, fontSize: fontSize2, border: `2px solid ${cardColor}`, heightTiny, heightSmall, heightMedium, heightLarge, heightHuge, color: composite(cardColor, avatarColor), colorModal: composite(modalColor, avatarColor), colorPopover: composite(popoverColor, avatarColor) }; }; const avatarLight = { name: "Avatar", common: derived, self: self$17 }; const avatarGroupInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-avatar-group"); const style$1j = cB("avatar", ` width: var(--n-merged-size); height: var(--n-merged-size); color: #FFF; font-size: var(--n-font-size); display: inline-flex; position: relative; overflow: hidden; text-align: center; border: var(--n-border); border-radius: var(--n-border-radius); --n-merged-color: var(--n-color); background-color: var(--n-merged-color); transition: border-color .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), color .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [insideModal(c$1("&", "--n-merged-color: var(--n-color-modal);")), insidePopover(c$1("&", "--n-merged-color: var(--n-color-popover);")), c$1("img", ` width: 100%; height: 100%; `), cE("text", ` white-space: nowrap; display: inline-block; position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 50%; `), cB("icon", ` vertical-align: bottom; font-size: calc(var(--n-merged-size) - 6px); `), cE("text", "line-height: 1.25")]); const avatarProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { size: [String, Number], src: String, circle: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, objectFit: String, round: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, bordered: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, onError: Function, fallbackSrc: String, intersectionObserverOptions: Object, lazy: Boolean, onLoad: Function, renderPlaceholder: Function, renderFallback: Function, imgProps: Object, /** @deprecated */ color: String }); const NAvatar = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Avatar", props: avatarProps, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const hasLoadErrorRef = vue.ref(false); let memoedTextHtml = null; const textRef = vue.ref(null); const selfRef = vue.ref(null); const fitTextTransform = () => { const { value: textEl } = textRef; if (textEl) { if (memoedTextHtml === null || memoedTextHtml !== textEl.innerHTML) { memoedTextHtml = textEl.innerHTML; const { value: selfEl } = selfRef; if (selfEl) { const { offsetWidth: elWidth, offsetHeight: elHeight } = selfEl; const { offsetWidth: textWidth, offsetHeight: textHeight } = textEl; const radix = 0.9; const ratio = Math.min(elWidth / textWidth * radix, elHeight / textHeight * radix, 1); textEl.style.transform = `translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%) scale(${ratio})`; } } } }; const NAvatarGroup = vue.inject(avatarGroupInjectionKey, null); const mergedSizeRef = vue.computed(() => { const { size: size2 } = props; if (size2) return size2; const { size: avatarGroupSize } = NAvatarGroup || {}; if (avatarGroupSize) return avatarGroupSize; return "medium"; }); const themeRef = useTheme("Avatar", "-avatar", style$1j, avatarLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const TagInjection = vue.inject(tagInjectionKey, null); const mergedRoundRef = vue.computed(() => { if (NAvatarGroup) return true; const { round: round2, circle } = props; if (round2 !== void 0 || circle !== void 0) return round2 || circle; if (TagInjection) { return TagInjection.roundRef.value; } return false; }); const mergedBorderedRef = vue.computed(() => { if (NAvatarGroup) return true; return props.bordered || false; }); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const size2 = mergedSizeRef.value; const round2 = mergedRoundRef.value; const bordered = mergedBorderedRef.value; const { color: propColor } = props; const { self: { borderRadius, fontSize: fontSize2, color, border, colorModal, colorPopover }, common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 } } = themeRef.value; let height; if (typeof size2 === "number") { height = `${size2}px`; } else { height = themeRef.value.self[createKey("height", size2)]; } return { "--n-font-size": fontSize2, "--n-border": bordered ? border : "none", "--n-border-radius": round2 ? "50%" : borderRadius, "--n-color": propColor || color, "--n-color-modal": propColor || colorModal, "--n-color-popover": propColor || colorPopover, "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-merged-size": `var(--n-avatar-size-override, ${height})` }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("avatar", vue.computed(() => { const size2 = mergedSizeRef.value; const round2 = mergedRoundRef.value; const bordered = mergedBorderedRef.value; const { color } = props; let hash = ""; if (size2) { if (typeof size2 === "number") { hash += `a${size2}`; } else { hash += size2[0]; } } if (round2) { hash += "b"; } if (bordered) { hash += "c"; } if (color) { hash += color2Class(color); } return hash; }), cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; const shouldStartLoadingRef = vue.ref(!props.lazy); vue.onMounted(() => { if (props.lazy && props.intersectionObserverOptions) { let unobserve; const stopWatchHandle = vue.watchEffect(() => { unobserve === null || unobserve === void 0 ? void 0 : unobserve(); unobserve = void 0; if (props.lazy) { unobserve = observeIntersection(selfRef.value, props.intersectionObserverOptions, shouldStartLoadingRef); } }); vue.onBeforeUnmount(() => { stopWatchHandle(); unobserve === null || unobserve === void 0 ? void 0 : unobserve(); }); } }); vue.watch(() => { var _a; return props.src || ((_a = props.imgProps) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.src); }, () => { hasLoadErrorRef.value = false; }); const loadedRef = vue.ref(!props.lazy); return { textRef, selfRef, mergedRoundRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, fitTextTransform, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender, hasLoadError: hasLoadErrorRef, shouldStartLoading: shouldStartLoadingRef, loaded: loadedRef, mergedOnError: (e) => { if (!shouldStartLoadingRef.value) return; hasLoadErrorRef.value = true; const { onError, imgProps: { onError: imgPropsOnError } = {} } = props; onError === null || onError === void 0 ? void 0 : onError(e); imgPropsOnError === null || imgPropsOnError === void 0 ? void 0 : imgPropsOnError(e); }, mergedOnLoad: (e) => { const { onLoad, imgProps: { onLoad: imgPropsOnLoad } = {} } = props; onLoad === null || onLoad === void 0 ? void 0 : onLoad(e); imgPropsOnLoad === null || imgPropsOnLoad === void 0 ? void 0 : imgPropsOnLoad(e); loadedRef.value = true; } }; }, render() { var _a, _b; const { $slots, src, mergedClsPrefix, lazy, onRender, loaded, hasLoadError, imgProps = {} } = this; onRender === null || onRender === void 0 ? void 0 : onRender(); let img; const placeholderNode = !loaded && !hasLoadError && (this.renderPlaceholder ? this.renderPlaceholder() : (_b = (_a = this.$slots).placeholder) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a)); if (this.hasLoadError) { img = this.renderFallback ? this.renderFallback() : resolveSlot($slots.fallback, () => [vue.h("img", { src: this.fallbackSrc, style: { objectFit: this.objectFit } })]); } else { img = resolveWrappedSlot($slots.default, (children) => { if (children) { return vue.h(VResizeObserver, { onResize: this.fitTextTransform }, { default: () => vue.h("span", { ref: "textRef", class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-avatar__text` }, children) }); } else if (src || imgProps.src) { const loadSrc = this.src || imgProps.src; return vue.h("img", Object.assign(Object.assign({}, imgProps), { loading: ( // If interseciton observer options is set, do not use native lazy isImageSupportNativeLazy && !this.intersectionObserverOptions && lazy ? "lazy" : "eager" ), src: lazy && this.intersectionObserverOptions ? this.shouldStartLoading ? loadSrc : void 0 : loadSrc, "data-image-src": loadSrc, onLoad: this.mergedOnLoad, onError: this.mergedOnError, style: [imgProps.style || "", { objectFit: this.objectFit }, placeholderNode ? { height: "0", width: "0", visibility: "hidden", position: "absolute" } : ""] })); } }); } return vue.h("span", { ref: "selfRef", class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-avatar`, this.themeClass], style: this.cssVars }, img, lazy && placeholderNode); } }); const style$1i = cB("avatar-group", ` flex-wrap: nowrap; display: inline-flex; position: relative; `, [cM("expand-on-hover", [cB("avatar", [c$1("&:not(:first-child)", ` transition: margin .3s var(--n-bezier); `)]), c$1("&:hover", [cNotM("vertical", [cB("avatar", [c$1("&:not(:first-child)", ` margin-left: 0 !important; `)])]), cM("vertical", [cB("avatar", [c$1("&:not(:first-child)", ` margin-top: 0 !important; `)])])])]), cNotM("vertical", ` flex-direction: row; `, [cB("avatar", [c$1("&:not(:first-child)", ` margin-left: var(--n-gap); `)])]), cM("vertical", ` flex-direction: column; `, [cB("avatar", [c$1("&:not(:first-child)", ` margin-top: var(--n-gap); `)])])]); const self$16 = () => { return { gap: "-12px" }; }; const avatarGroupLight = createTheme({ name: "AvatarGroup", common: derived, peers: { Avatar: avatarLight }, self: self$16 }); const avatarGroupProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { max: Number, maxStyle: [Object, String], options: { type: Array, default: () => [] }, vertical: Boolean, expandOnHover: Boolean, size: [String, Number] }); const AvatarGroup = vue.defineComponent({ name: "AvatarGroup", props: avatarGroupProps, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedRtlRef } = useConfig(props); const mergedThemeRef = useTheme("AvatarGroup", "-avatar-group", style$1i, avatarGroupLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); vue.provide(avatarGroupInjectionKey, props); const rtlEnabledRef = useRtl("AvatarGroup", mergedRtlRef, mergedClsPrefixRef); const restOptionsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { max } = props; if (max === void 0) return void 0; const { options } = props; if (options.length > max) return options.slice(max - 1, options.length); return []; }); const displayedOptionsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { options, max } = props; if (max === void 0) return options; if (options.length > max) return options.slice(0, max - 1); if (options.length === max) return options.slice(0, max); return options; }); return { mergedTheme: mergedThemeRef, rtlEnabled: rtlEnabledRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, restOptions: restOptionsRef, displayedOptions: displayedOptionsRef, cssVars: vue.computed(() => { return { "--n-gap": mergedThemeRef.value.self.gap }; }) }; }, render() { const { mergedClsPrefix, displayedOptions, restOptions, mergedTheme, $slots } = this; return vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-avatar-group`, this.rtlEnabled && `${mergedClsPrefix}-avatar-group--rtl`, this.vertical && `${mergedClsPrefix}-avatar-group--vertical`, this.expandOnHover && `${mergedClsPrefix}-avatar-group--expand-on-hover`], style: this.cssVars, role: "group" }, displayedOptions.map((option) => { return $slots.avatar ? $slots.avatar({ option }) : vue.h(NAvatar, { src: option.src, theme: mergedTheme.peers.Avatar, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Avatar }); }), restOptions !== void 0 && restOptions.length > 0 && ($slots.rest ? $slots.rest({ options: restOptions, rest: restOptions.length }) : vue.h(NAvatar, { style: this.maxStyle, theme: mergedTheme.peers.Avatar, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Avatar }, { default: () => `+${restOptions.length}` }))); } }); const commonVariables$h = { width: "44px", height: "44px", borderRadius: "22px", iconSize: "26px" }; const self$15 = (vars) => { const { popoverColor, textColor2, primaryColorHover, primaryColorPressed } = vars; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, commonVariables$h), { color: popoverColor, textColor: textColor2, iconColor: textColor2, iconColorHover: primaryColorHover, iconColorPressed: primaryColorPressed, boxShadow: "0 2px 8px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, .12)", boxShadowHover: "0 2px 12px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, .18)", boxShadowPressed: "0 2px 12px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, .18)" }); }; const backTopLight = { name: "BackTop", common: derived, self: self$15 }; const BackTopIcon = vue.h("svg", { viewBox: "0 0 24 24", version: "1.1", xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", xlinkHref: "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" }, vue.h("g", { stroke: "none", "stroke-width": "1", "fill-rule": "evenodd" }, vue.h("g", { transform: "translate(-139.000000, -4423.000000)", "fill-rule": "nonzero" }, vue.h("g", { transform: "translate(120.000000, 4285.000000)" }, vue.h("g", { transform: "translate(7.000000, 126.000000)" }, vue.h("g", { transform: "translate(24.000000, 24.000000) scale(1, -1) translate(-24.000000, -24.000000) translate(12.000000, 12.000000)" }, vue.h("g", { transform: "translate(4.000000, 2.000000)" }, vue.h("path", { d: "M8,0 C8.51283584,0 8.93550716,0.38604019 8.99327227,0.883378875 L9,1 L9,10.584 L12.2928932,7.29289322 C12.6834175,6.90236893 13.3165825,6.90236893 13.7071068,7.29289322 C14.0675907,7.65337718 14.0953203,8.22060824 13.7902954,8.61289944 L13.7071068,8.70710678 L8.70710678,13.7071068 L8.62544899,13.7803112 L8.618,13.784 L8.59530661,13.8036654 L8.4840621,13.8753288 L8.37133602,13.9287745 L8.22929083,13.9735893 L8.14346259,13.9897165 L8.03324678,13.9994506 L7.9137692,13.9962979 L7.77070917,13.9735893 L7.6583843,13.9401293 L7.57677845,13.9063266 L7.47929125,13.8540045 L7.4048407,13.8036865 L7.38131006,13.7856883 C7.35030318,13.7612383 7.32077858,13.7349921 7.29289322,13.7071068 L2.29289322,8.70710678 L2.20970461,8.61289944 C1.90467972,8.22060824 1.93240926,7.65337718 2.29289322,7.29289322 C2.65337718,6.93240926 3.22060824,6.90467972 3.61289944,7.20970461 L3.70710678,7.29289322 L7,10.585 L7,1 L7.00672773,0.883378875 C7.06449284,0.38604019 7.48716416,0 8,0 Z" }), vue.h("path", { d: "M14.9333333,15.9994506 C15.5224371,15.9994506 16,16.4471659 16,16.9994506 C16,17.5122865 15.5882238,17.9349578 15.0577292,17.9927229 L14.9333333,17.9994506 L1.06666667,17.9994506 C0.477562934,17.9994506 0,17.5517354 0,16.9994506 C0,16.4866148 0.411776203,16.0639435 0.9422708,16.0061783 L1.06666667,15.9994506 L14.9333333,15.9994506 Z" })))))))); const style$1h = cB("back-top", ` position: fixed; right: 40px; bottom: 40px; cursor: pointer; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; color: var(--n-text-color); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier), box-shadow .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); border-radius: var(--n-border-radius); height: var(--n-height); min-width: var(--n-width); box-shadow: var(--n-box-shadow); background-color: var(--n-color); `, [fadeInScaleUpTransition(), cM("transition-disabled", { transition: "none !important" }), cB("base-icon", ` font-size: var(--n-icon-size); color: var(--n-icon-color); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); `), c$1("svg", { pointerEvents: "none" }), c$1("&:hover", { boxShadow: "var(--n-box-shadow-hover)" }, [cB("base-icon", { color: "var(--n-icon-color-hover)" })]), c$1("&:active", { boxShadow: "var(--n-box-shadow-pressed)" }, [cB("base-icon", { color: "var(--n-icon-color-pressed)" })])]); const backTopProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { show: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, right: { type: [Number, String], default: 40 }, bottom: { type: [Number, String], default: 40 }, to: { type: [String, Object], default: "body" }, visibilityHeight: { type: Number, default: 180 }, listenTo: [String, Object, Function], "onUpdate:show": { type: Function, default: () => { } }, // deprecated target: Function, onShow: Function, onHide: Function }); const BackTop = vue.defineComponent({ name: "BackTop", // make style applied to back-top button inheritAttrs: false, props: backTopProps, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const scrollTopRef = vue.ref(null); const uncontrolledShowRef = vue.ref(false); vue.watchEffect(() => { const { value: scrollTop } = scrollTopRef; if (scrollTop === null) { uncontrolledShowRef.value = false; return; } uncontrolledShowRef.value = scrollTop >= props.visibilityHeight; }); const DomInfoReadyRef = vue.ref(false); vue.watch(uncontrolledShowRef, (value) => { var _a; if (DomInfoReadyRef.value) { (_a = props["onUpdate:show"]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, value); } }); const controlledShowRef = vue.toRef(props, "show"); const mergedShowRef = useMergedState(controlledShowRef, uncontrolledShowRef); const transitionDisabledRef = vue.ref(true); const placeholderRef = vue.ref(null); const styleRef = vue.computed(() => { return { right: `calc(${formatLength(props.right)} + ${lockHtmlScrollRightCompensationRef.value})`, bottom: formatLength(props.bottom) }; }); let scrollElement; let scrollListenerRegistered; vue.watch(mergedShowRef, (value) => { var _a, _b; if (DomInfoReadyRef.value) { if (value) { (_a = props.onShow) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props); } (_b = props.onHide) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(props); } }); const themeRef = useTheme("BackTop", "-back-top", style$1h, backTopLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); function init2() { var _a; if (scrollListenerRegistered) return; scrollListenerRegistered = true; const scrollEl = ((_a = props.target) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props)) || unwrapElement(props.listenTo) || getScrollParent$1(placeholderRef.value); if (!scrollEl) { return; } scrollElement = scrollEl === document.documentElement ? document : scrollEl; const { to } = props; typeof to === "string" ? document.querySelector(to) : to; scrollElement.addEventListener("scroll", handleScroll); handleScroll(); } function handleClick2() { (isDocument(scrollElement) ? document.documentElement : scrollElement).scrollTo({ top: 0, behavior: "smooth" }); } function handleScroll() { scrollTopRef.value = (isDocument(scrollElement) ? document.documentElement : scrollElement).scrollTop; if (!DomInfoReadyRef.value) { void vue.nextTick(() => { DomInfoReadyRef.value = true; }); } } function handleAfterEnter() { transitionDisabledRef.value = false; } vue.onMounted(() => { init2(); transitionDisabledRef.value = mergedShowRef.value; }); vue.onBeforeUnmount(() => { if (scrollElement) { scrollElement.removeEventListener("scroll", handleScroll); } }); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { self: { color, boxShadow, boxShadowHover, boxShadowPressed, iconColor, iconColorHover, iconColorPressed, width, height, iconSize, borderRadius, textColor }, common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-border-radius": borderRadius, "--n-height": height, "--n-width": width, "--n-box-shadow": boxShadow, "--n-box-shadow-hover": boxShadowHover, "--n-box-shadow-pressed": boxShadowPressed, "--n-color": color, "--n-icon-size": iconSize, "--n-icon-color": iconColor, "--n-icon-color-hover": iconColorHover, "--n-icon-color-pressed": iconColorPressed, "--n-text-color": textColor }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("back-top", void 0, cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return { placeholderRef, style: styleRef, mergedShow: mergedShowRef, isMounted: isMounted(), scrollElement: vue.ref(null), scrollTop: scrollTopRef, DomInfoReady: DomInfoReadyRef, transitionDisabled: transitionDisabledRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, handleAfterEnter, handleScroll, handleClick: handleClick2, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }; }, render() { const { mergedClsPrefix } = this; return vue.h("div", { ref: "placeholderRef", class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-back-top-placeholder`, style: "display: none", "aria-hidden": true }, vue.h(LazyTeleport, { to: this.to, show: this.mergedShow }, { default: () => vue.h(vue.Transition, { name: "fade-in-scale-up-transition", appear: this.isMounted, onAfterEnter: this.handleAfterEnter }, { default: () => { var _a; (_a = this.onRender) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(this); return this.mergedShow ? vue.h("div", vue.mergeProps(this.$attrs, { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-back-top`, this.themeClass, this.transitionDisabled && `${mergedClsPrefix}-back-top--transition-disabled`], style: [this.style, this.cssVars], onClick: this.handleClick }), resolveSlot(this.$slots.default, () => [vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix }, { default: () => BackTopIcon })])) : null; } }) })); } }); const self$14 = (vars) => { const { errorColor, infoColor, successColor, warningColor, fontFamily: fontFamily2 } = vars; return { color: errorColor, colorInfo: infoColor, colorSuccess: successColor, colorError: errorColor, colorWarning: warningColor, fontSize: "12px", fontFamily: fontFamily2 }; }; const badgeLight = { name: "Badge", common: derived, self: self$14 }; const style$1g = c$1([c$1("@keyframes badge-wave-spread", { from: { boxShadow: "0 0 0.5px 0px var(--n-ripple-color)", opacity: 0.6 }, to: { // don't use exact 5px since chrome will display the animation with glitches boxShadow: "0 0 0.5px 4.5px var(--n-ripple-color)", opacity: 0 } }), cB("badge", ` display: inline-flex; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; font-family: var(--n-font-family); `, [cM("as-is", [cB("badge-sup", { position: "static", transform: "translateX(0)" }, [fadeInScaleUpTransition({ transformOrigin: "left bottom", originalTransform: "translateX(0)" })])]), cM("dot", [cB("badge-sup", ` height: 8px; width: 8px; padding: 0; min-width: 8px; left: 100%; bottom: calc(100% - 4px); `, [c$1("::before", "border-radius: 4px;")])]), cB("badge-sup", ` background: var(--n-color); transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), color .3s var(--n-bezier); color: #FFF; position: absolute; height: 18px; line-height: 18px; border-radius: 9px; padding: 0 6px; text-align: center; font-size: var(--n-font-size); transform: translateX(-50%); left: 100%; bottom: calc(100% - 9px); font-variant-numeric: tabular-nums; z-index: 1; display: flex; align-items: center; `, [fadeInScaleUpTransition({ transformOrigin: "left bottom", originalTransform: "translateX(-50%)" }), cB("base-wave", { zIndex: 1, animationDuration: "2s", animationIterationCount: "infinite", animationDelay: "1s", animationTimingFunction: "var(--n-ripple-bezier)", animationName: "badge-wave-spread" }), c$1("&::before", ` opacity: 0; transform: scale(1); border-radius: 9px; content: ""; position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; `)])])]); const badgeProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { value: [String, Number], max: Number, dot: Boolean, type: { type: String, default: "default" }, show: { type: Boolean, default: true }, showZero: Boolean, processing: Boolean, color: String, offset: Array }); const Badge = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Badge", props: badgeProps, setup(props, { slots }) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled, mergedRtlRef } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Badge", "-badge", style$1g, badgeLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const appearedRef = vue.ref(false); const handleAfterEnter = () => { appearedRef.value = true; }; const handleAfterLeave = () => { appearedRef.value = false; }; const showBadgeRef = vue.computed(() => { return props.show && (props.dot || props.value !== void 0 && !(!props.showZero && Number(props.value) <= 0) || !isSlotEmpty(slots.value)); }); vue.onMounted(() => { if (showBadgeRef.value) appearedRef.value = true; }); const rtlEnabledRef = useRtl("Badge", mergedRtlRef, mergedClsPrefixRef); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { type, color: propColor } = props; const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2, cubicBezierEaseOut: cubicBezierEaseOut2 }, self: { [createKey("color", type)]: color, fontFamily: fontFamily2, fontSize: fontSize2 } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-font-size": fontSize2, "--n-font-family": fontFamily2, "--n-color": propColor || color, "--n-ripple-color": propColor || color, "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-ripple-bezier": cubicBezierEaseOut2 }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("badge", vue.computed(() => { let hash = ""; const { type, color } = props; if (type) { hash += type[0]; } if (color) { hash += color2Class(color); } return hash; }), cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; const offsetStyleRef = vue.computed(() => { const { offset } = props; if (!offset) return void 0; const [x, y] = offset; const reslovedOffsetX = typeof x === "number" ? `${x}px` : x; const reslovedOffsetY = typeof y === "number" ? `${y}px` : y; return { transform: `translate(calc(${(rtlEnabledRef === null || rtlEnabledRef === void 0 ? void 0 : rtlEnabledRef.value) ? "50%" : "-50%"} + ${reslovedOffsetX}), ${reslovedOffsetY})` }; }); return { rtlEnabled: rtlEnabledRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, appeared: appearedRef, showBadge: showBadgeRef, handleAfterEnter, handleAfterLeave, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender, offsetStyle: offsetStyleRef }; }, render() { var _a; const { mergedClsPrefix, onRender, themeClass, $slots } = this; onRender === null || onRender === void 0 ? void 0 : onRender(); const children = (_a = $slots.default) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call($slots); return vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-badge`, this.rtlEnabled && `${mergedClsPrefix}-badge--rtl`, themeClass, { [`${mergedClsPrefix}-badge--dot`]: this.dot, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-badge--as-is`]: !children }], style: this.cssVars }, children, vue.h(vue.Transition, { name: "fade-in-scale-up-transition", onAfterEnter: this.handleAfterEnter, onAfterLeave: this.handleAfterLeave }, { default: () => this.showBadge ? vue.h("sup", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-badge-sup`, title: getTitleAttribute(this.value), style: this.offsetStyle }, resolveSlot($slots.value, () => [!this.dot ? vue.h(NBaseSlotMachine, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, appeared: this.appeared, max: this.max, value: this.value }) : null]), this.processing ? vue.h(NBaseWave, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix }) : null) : null })); } }); const commonVariables$g = { fontWeightActive: "400" }; const self$13 = (vars) => { const { fontSize: fontSize2, textColor3, textColor2, borderRadius, buttonColor2Hover, buttonColor2Pressed } = vars; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, commonVariables$g), { fontSize: fontSize2, itemLineHeight: "1.25", itemTextColor: textColor3, itemTextColorHover: textColor2, itemTextColorPressed: textColor2, itemTextColorActive: textColor2, itemBorderRadius: borderRadius, itemColorHover: buttonColor2Hover, itemColorPressed: buttonColor2Pressed, separatorColor: textColor3 }); }; const breadcrumbLight = { name: "Breadcrumb", common: derived, self: self$13 }; const style$1f = cB("breadcrumb", ` white-space: nowrap; cursor: default; line-height: var(--n-item-line-height); `, [c$1("ul", ` list-style: none; padding: 0; margin: 0; `), c$1("a", ` color: inherit; text-decoration: inherit; `), cB("breadcrumb-item", ` font-size: var(--n-font-size); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); display: inline-flex; align-items: center; `, [cB("icon", ` font-size: 18px; vertical-align: -.2em; transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); color: var(--n-item-text-color); `), c$1("&:not(:last-child)", [cM("clickable", [cE("link", ` cursor: pointer; `, [c$1("&:hover", ` background-color: var(--n-item-color-hover); `), c$1("&:active", ` background-color: var(--n-item-color-pressed); `)])])]), cE("link", ` padding: 4px; border-radius: var(--n-item-border-radius); transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), color .3s var(--n-bezier); color: var(--n-item-text-color); position: relative; `, [c$1("&:hover", ` color: var(--n-item-text-color-hover); `, [cB("icon", ` color: var(--n-item-text-color-hover); `)]), c$1("&:active", ` color: var(--n-item-text-color-pressed); `, [cB("icon", ` color: var(--n-item-text-color-pressed); `)])]), cE("separator", ` margin: 0 8px; color: var(--n-separator-color); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; `), c$1("&:last-child", [cE("link", ` font-weight: var(--n-font-weight-active); cursor: unset; color: var(--n-item-text-color-active); `, [cB("icon", ` color: var(--n-item-text-color-active); `)]), cE("separator", ` display: none; `)])])]); const breadcrumbInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-breadcrumb"); const breadcrumbProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { separator: { type: String, default: "/" } }); const Breadcrumb = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Breadcrumb", props: breadcrumbProps, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Breadcrumb", "-breadcrumb", style$1f, breadcrumbLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); vue.provide(breadcrumbInjectionKey, { separatorRef: vue.toRef(props, "separator"), mergedClsPrefixRef }); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: { separatorColor, itemTextColor, itemTextColorHover, itemTextColorPressed, itemTextColorActive, fontSize: fontSize2, fontWeightActive, itemBorderRadius, itemColorHover, itemColorPressed, itemLineHeight } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-font-size": fontSize2, "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-item-text-color": itemTextColor, "--n-item-text-color-hover": itemTextColorHover, "--n-item-text-color-pressed": itemTextColorPressed, "--n-item-text-color-active": itemTextColorActive, "--n-separator-color": separatorColor, "--n-item-color-hover": itemColorHover, "--n-item-color-pressed": itemColorPressed, "--n-item-border-radius": itemBorderRadius, "--n-font-weight-active": fontWeightActive, "--n-item-line-height": itemLineHeight }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("breadcrumb", void 0, cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }; }, render() { var _a; (_a = this.onRender) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(this); return vue.h("nav", { class: [`${this.mergedClsPrefix}-breadcrumb`, this.themeClass], style: this.cssVars, "aria-label": "Breadcrumb" }, vue.h("ul", null, this.$slots)); } }); const useBrowserLocation = (customWindow = isBrowser$2 ? window : null) => { const getWindowLocation = () => { const { hash, host, hostname, href, origin, pathname, port, protocol, search } = (customWindow === null || customWindow === void 0 ? void 0 : customWindow.location) || {}; return { hash, host, hostname, href, origin, pathname, port, protocol, search }; }; const updateLocation = () => { locationState.value = getWindowLocation(); }; const locationState = vue.ref(getWindowLocation()); vue.onMounted(() => { if (customWindow) { customWindow.addEventListener("popstate", updateLocation); customWindow.addEventListener("hashchange", updateLocation); } }); vue.onUnmounted(() => { if (customWindow) { customWindow.removeEventListener("popstate", updateLocation); customWindow.removeEventListener("hashchange", updateLocation); } }); return locationState; }; const breadcrumbItemProps = { separator: String, href: String, clickable: { type: Boolean, default: true }, onClick: Function }; const BreadcrumbItem = vue.defineComponent({ name: "BreadcrumbItem", props: breadcrumbItemProps, setup(props, { slots }) { const NBreadcrumb = vue.inject(breadcrumbInjectionKey, null); if (!NBreadcrumb) { return () => null; } const { separatorRef, mergedClsPrefixRef } = NBreadcrumb; const browserLocationRef = useBrowserLocation(); const htmlTagRef = vue.computed(() => props.href ? "a" : "span"); const ariaCurrentRef = vue.computed(() => browserLocationRef.value.href === props.href ? "location" : null); return () => { const { value: mergedClsPrefix } = mergedClsPrefixRef; return vue.h("li", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-breadcrumb-item`, props.clickable && `${mergedClsPrefix}-breadcrumb-item--clickable`] }, vue.h(htmlTagRef.value, { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-breadcrumb-item__link`, "aria-current": ariaCurrentRef.value, href: props.href, onClick: props.onClick }, slots), vue.h("span", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-breadcrumb-item__separator`, "aria-hidden": "true" }, resolveSlot(slots.separator, () => { var _a; return [(_a = props.separator) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : separatorRef.value]; }))); }; } }); function createHoverColor(rgb) { return composite(rgb, [255, 255, 255, 0.16]); } function createPressedColor(rgb) { return composite(rgb, [0, 0, 0, 0.12]); } const buttonGroupInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-button-group"); const commonVariables$f = { paddingTiny: "0 6px", paddingSmall: "0 10px", paddingMedium: "0 14px", paddingLarge: "0 18px", paddingRoundTiny: "0 10px", paddingRoundSmall: "0 14px", paddingRoundMedium: "0 18px", paddingRoundLarge: "0 22px", iconMarginTiny: "6px", iconMarginSmall: "6px", iconMarginMedium: "6px", iconMarginLarge: "6px", iconSizeTiny: "14px", iconSizeSmall: "18px", iconSizeMedium: "18px", iconSizeLarge: "20px", rippleDuration: ".6s" }; const self$12 = (vars) => { const { heightTiny, heightSmall, heightMedium, heightLarge, borderRadius, fontSizeTiny, fontSizeSmall, fontSizeMedium, fontSizeLarge, opacityDisabled, textColor2, textColor3, primaryColorHover, primaryColorPressed, borderColor, primaryColor, baseColor, infoColor, infoColorHover, infoColorPressed, successColor, successColorHover, successColorPressed, warningColor, warningColorHover, warningColorPressed, errorColor, errorColorHover, errorColorPressed, fontWeight, buttonColor2, buttonColor2Hover, buttonColor2Pressed, fontWeightStrong } = vars; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, commonVariables$f), { heightTiny, heightSmall, heightMedium, heightLarge, borderRadiusTiny: borderRadius, borderRadiusSmall: borderRadius, borderRadiusMedium: borderRadius, borderRadiusLarge: borderRadius, fontSizeTiny, fontSizeSmall, fontSizeMedium, fontSizeLarge, opacityDisabled, // secondary colorOpacitySecondary: "0.16", colorOpacitySecondaryHover: "0.22", colorOpacitySecondaryPressed: "0.28", colorSecondary: buttonColor2, colorSecondaryHover: buttonColor2Hover, colorSecondaryPressed: buttonColor2Pressed, // tertiary colorTertiary: buttonColor2, colorTertiaryHover: buttonColor2Hover, colorTertiaryPressed: buttonColor2Pressed, // quaternary colorQuaternary: "#0000", colorQuaternaryHover: buttonColor2Hover, colorQuaternaryPressed: buttonColor2Pressed, // default type color: "#0000", colorHover: "#0000", colorPressed: "#0000", colorFocus: "#0000", colorDisabled: "#0000", textColor: textColor2, textColorTertiary: textColor3, textColorHover: primaryColorHover, textColorPressed: primaryColorPressed, textColorFocus: primaryColorHover, textColorDisabled: textColor2, textColorText: textColor2, textColorTextHover: primaryColorHover, textColorTextPressed: primaryColorPressed, textColorTextFocus: primaryColorHover, textColorTextDisabled: textColor2, textColorGhost: textColor2, textColorGhostHover: primaryColorHover, textColorGhostPressed: primaryColorPressed, textColorGhostFocus: primaryColorHover, textColorGhostDisabled: textColor2, border: `1px solid ${borderColor}`, borderHover: `1px solid ${primaryColorHover}`, borderPressed: `1px solid ${primaryColorPressed}`, borderFocus: `1px solid ${primaryColorHover}`, borderDisabled: `1px solid ${borderColor}`, rippleColor: primaryColor, // primary colorPrimary: primaryColor, colorHoverPrimary: primaryColorHover, colorPressedPrimary: primaryColorPressed, colorFocusPrimary: primaryColorHover, colorDisabledPrimary: primaryColor, textColorPrimary: baseColor, textColorHoverPrimary: baseColor, textColorPressedPrimary: baseColor, textColorFocusPrimary: baseColor, textColorDisabledPrimary: baseColor, textColorTextPrimary: primaryColor, textColorTextHoverPrimary: primaryColorHover, textColorTextPressedPrimary: primaryColorPressed, textColorTextFocusPrimary: primaryColorHover, textColorTextDisabledPrimary: textColor2, textColorGhostPrimary: primaryColor, textColorGhostHoverPrimary: primaryColorHover, textColorGhostPressedPrimary: primaryColorPressed, textColorGhostFocusPrimary: primaryColorHover, textColorGhostDisabledPrimary: primaryColor, borderPrimary: `1px solid ${primaryColor}`, borderHoverPrimary: `1px solid ${primaryColorHover}`, borderPressedPrimary: `1px solid ${primaryColorPressed}`, borderFocusPrimary: `1px solid ${primaryColorHover}`, borderDisabledPrimary: `1px solid ${primaryColor}`, rippleColorPrimary: primaryColor, // info colorInfo: infoColor, colorHoverInfo: infoColorHover, colorPressedInfo: infoColorPressed, colorFocusInfo: infoColorHover, colorDisabledInfo: infoColor, textColorInfo: baseColor, textColorHoverInfo: baseColor, textColorPressedInfo: baseColor, textColorFocusInfo: baseColor, textColorDisabledInfo: baseColor, textColorTextInfo: infoColor, textColorTextHoverInfo: infoColorHover, textColorTextPressedInfo: infoColorPressed, textColorTextFocusInfo: infoColorHover, textColorTextDisabledInfo: textColor2, textColorGhostInfo: infoColor, textColorGhostHoverInfo: infoColorHover, textColorGhostPressedInfo: infoColorPressed, textColorGhostFocusInfo: infoColorHover, textColorGhostDisabledInfo: infoColor, borderInfo: `1px solid ${infoColor}`, borderHoverInfo: `1px solid ${infoColorHover}`, borderPressedInfo: `1px solid ${infoColorPressed}`, borderFocusInfo: `1px solid ${infoColorHover}`, borderDisabledInfo: `1px solid ${infoColor}`, rippleColorInfo: infoColor, // success colorSuccess: successColor, colorHoverSuccess: successColorHover, colorPressedSuccess: successColorPressed, colorFocusSuccess: successColorHover, colorDisabledSuccess: successColor, textColorSuccess: baseColor, textColorHoverSuccess: baseColor, textColorPressedSuccess: baseColor, textColorFocusSuccess: baseColor, textColorDisabledSuccess: baseColor, textColorTextSuccess: successColor, textColorTextHoverSuccess: successColorHover, textColorTextPressedSuccess: successColorPressed, textColorTextFocusSuccess: successColorHover, textColorTextDisabledSuccess: textColor2, textColorGhostSuccess: successColor, textColorGhostHoverSuccess: successColorHover, textColorGhostPressedSuccess: successColorPressed, textColorGhostFocusSuccess: successColorHover, textColorGhostDisabledSuccess: successColor, borderSuccess: `1px solid ${successColor}`, borderHoverSuccess: `1px solid ${successColorHover}`, borderPressedSuccess: `1px solid ${successColorPressed}`, borderFocusSuccess: `1px solid ${successColorHover}`, borderDisabledSuccess: `1px solid ${successColor}`, rippleColorSuccess: successColor, // warning colorWarning: warningColor, colorHoverWarning: warningColorHover, colorPressedWarning: warningColorPressed, colorFocusWarning: warningColorHover, colorDisabledWarning: warningColor, textColorWarning: baseColor, textColorHoverWarning: baseColor, textColorPressedWarning: baseColor, textColorFocusWarning: baseColor, textColorDisabledWarning: baseColor, textColorTextWarning: warningColor, textColorTextHoverWarning: warningColorHover, textColorTextPressedWarning: warningColorPressed, textColorTextFocusWarning: warningColorHover, textColorTextDisabledWarning: textColor2, textColorGhostWarning: warningColor, textColorGhostHoverWarning: warningColorHover, textColorGhostPressedWarning: warningColorPressed, textColorGhostFocusWarning: warningColorHover, textColorGhostDisabledWarning: warningColor, borderWarning: `1px solid ${warningColor}`, borderHoverWarning: `1px solid ${warningColorHover}`, borderPressedWarning: `1px solid ${warningColorPressed}`, borderFocusWarning: `1px solid ${warningColorHover}`, borderDisabledWarning: `1px solid ${warningColor}`, rippleColorWarning: warningColor, // error colorError: errorColor, colorHoverError: errorColorHover, colorPressedError: errorColorPressed, colorFocusError: errorColorHover, colorDisabledError: errorColor, textColorError: baseColor, textColorHoverError: baseColor, textColorPressedError: baseColor, textColorFocusError: baseColor, textColorDisabledError: baseColor, textColorTextError: errorColor, textColorTextHoverError: errorColorHover, textColorTextPressedError: errorColorPressed, textColorTextFocusError: errorColorHover, textColorTextDisabledError: textColor2, textColorGhostError: errorColor, textColorGhostHoverError: errorColorHover, textColorGhostPressedError: errorColorPressed, textColorGhostFocusError: errorColorHover, textColorGhostDisabledError: errorColor, borderError: `1px solid ${errorColor}`, borderHoverError: `1px solid ${errorColorHover}`, borderPressedError: `1px solid ${errorColorPressed}`, borderFocusError: `1px solid ${errorColorHover}`, borderDisabledError: `1px solid ${errorColor}`, rippleColorError: errorColor, waveOpacity: "0.6", fontWeight, fontWeightStrong }); }; const buttonLight = { name: "Button", common: derived, self: self$12 }; const style$1e = c$1([cB("button", ` margin: 0; font-weight: var(--n-font-weight); line-height: 1; font-family: inherit; padding: var(--n-padding); height: var(--n-height); font-size: var(--n-font-size); border-radius: var(--n-border-radius); color: var(--n-text-color); background-color: var(--n-color); width: var(--n-width); white-space: nowrap; outline: none; position: relative; z-index: auto; border: none; display: inline-flex; flex-wrap: nowrap; flex-shrink: 0; align-items: center; justify-content: center; user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; text-decoration: none; transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), opacity .3s var(--n-bezier), border-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [cM("color", [cE("border", { borderColor: "var(--n-border-color)" }), cM("disabled", [cE("border", { borderColor: "var(--n-border-color-disabled)" })]), cNotM("disabled", [c$1("&:focus", [cE("state-border", { borderColor: "var(--n-border-color-focus)" })]), c$1("&:hover", [cE("state-border", { borderColor: "var(--n-border-color-hover)" })]), c$1("&:active", [cE("state-border", { borderColor: "var(--n-border-color-pressed)" })]), cM("pressed", [cE("state-border", { borderColor: "var(--n-border-color-pressed)" })])])]), cM("disabled", { backgroundColor: "var(--n-color-disabled)", color: "var(--n-text-color-disabled)" }, [cE("border", { border: "var(--n-border-disabled)" })]), cNotM("disabled", [c$1("&:focus", { backgroundColor: "var(--n-color-focus)", color: "var(--n-text-color-focus)" }, [cE("state-border", { border: "var(--n-border-focus)" })]), c$1("&:hover", { backgroundColor: "var(--n-color-hover)", color: "var(--n-text-color-hover)" }, [cE("state-border", { border: "var(--n-border-hover)" })]), c$1("&:active", { backgroundColor: "var(--n-color-pressed)", color: "var(--n-text-color-pressed)" }, [cE("state-border", { border: "var(--n-border-pressed)" })]), cM("pressed", { backgroundColor: "var(--n-color-pressed)", color: "var(--n-text-color-pressed)" }, [cE("state-border", { border: "var(--n-border-pressed)" })])]), cM("loading", "cursor: wait;"), cB("base-wave", ` pointer-events: none; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-duration: var(--n-ripple-duration); animation-timing-function: var(--n-bezier-ease-out), var(--n-bezier-ease-out); `, [cM("active", { zIndex: 1, animationName: "button-wave-spread, button-wave-opacity" })]), isBrowser$2 && "MozBoxSizing" in document.createElement("div").style ? c$1("&::moz-focus-inner", { border: 0 }) : null, cE("border, state-border", ` position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; border-radius: inherit; transition: border-color .3s var(--n-bezier); pointer-events: none; `), cE("border", { border: "var(--n-border)" }), cE("state-border", { border: "var(--n-border)", borderColor: "#0000", zIndex: 1 }), cE("icon", ` margin: var(--n-icon-margin); margin-left: 0; height: var(--n-icon-size); width: var(--n-icon-size); max-width: var(--n-icon-size); font-size: var(--n-icon-size); position: relative; flex-shrink: 0; `, [cB("icon-slot", ` height: var(--n-icon-size); width: var(--n-icon-size); position: absolute; left: 0; top: 50%; transform: translateY(-50%); display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; `, [iconSwitchTransition({ top: "50%", originalTransform: "translateY(-50%)" })]), fadeInWidthExpandTransition()]), cE("content", ` display: flex; align-items: center; flex-wrap: nowrap; min-width: 0; `, [c$1("~", [cE("icon", { margin: "var(--n-icon-margin)", marginRight: 0 })])]), cM("block", ` display: flex; width: 100%; `), cM("dashed", [cE("border, state-border", { borderStyle: "dashed !important" })]), cM("disabled", { cursor: "not-allowed", opacity: "var(--n-opacity-disabled)" })]), c$1("@keyframes button-wave-spread", { from: { boxShadow: "0 0 0.5px 0 var(--n-ripple-color)" }, to: { // don't use exact 5px since chrome will display the animation with glitches boxShadow: "0 0 0.5px 4.5px var(--n-ripple-color)" } }), c$1("@keyframes button-wave-opacity", { from: { opacity: "var(--n-wave-opacity)" }, to: { opacity: 0 } })]); const buttonProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { color: String, textColor: String, text: Boolean, block: Boolean, loading: Boolean, disabled: Boolean, circle: Boolean, size: String, ghost: Boolean, round: Boolean, secondary: Boolean, tertiary: Boolean, quaternary: Boolean, strong: Boolean, focusable: { type: Boolean, default: true }, keyboard: { type: Boolean, default: true }, tag: { type: String, default: "button" }, type: { type: String, default: "default" }, dashed: Boolean, renderIcon: Function, iconPlacement: { type: String, default: "left" }, attrType: { type: String, default: "button" }, bordered: { type: Boolean, default: true }, onClick: [Function, Array], nativeFocusBehavior: { type: Boolean, default: !isSafari } }); const Button = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Button", props: buttonProps, setup(props) { const selfElRef = vue.ref(null); const waveElRef = vue.ref(null); const enterPressedRef = vue.ref(false); const showBorderRef = useMemo(() => { return !props.quaternary && !props.tertiary && !props.secondary && !props.text && (!props.color || props.ghost || props.dashed) && props.bordered; }); const NButtonGroup2 = vue.inject(buttonGroupInjectionKey, {}); const { mergedSizeRef } = useFormItem({}, { defaultSize: "medium", mergedSize: (NFormItem2) => { const { size: size2 } = props; if (size2) return size2; const { size: buttonGroupSize } = NButtonGroup2; if (buttonGroupSize) return buttonGroupSize; const { mergedSize: formItemSize2 } = NFormItem2 || {}; if (formItemSize2) { return formItemSize2.value; } return "medium"; } }); const mergedFocusableRef = vue.computed(() => { return props.focusable && !props.disabled; }); const handleMousedown = (e) => { var _a; if (!mergedFocusableRef.value) { e.preventDefault(); } if (props.nativeFocusBehavior) { return; } e.preventDefault(); if (props.disabled) { return; } if (mergedFocusableRef.value) { (_a = selfElRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.focus({ preventScroll: true }); } }; const handleClick2 = (e) => { var _a; if (!props.disabled && !props.loading) { const { onClick } = props; if (onClick) call(onClick, e); if (!props.text) { (_a = waveElRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.play(); } } }; const handleKeyup = (e) => { switch (e.key) { case "Enter": if (!props.keyboard) { return; } enterPressedRef.value = false; } }; const handleKeydown = (e) => { switch (e.key) { case "Enter": if (!props.keyboard || props.loading) { e.preventDefault(); return; } enterPressedRef.value = true; } }; const handleBlur = () => { enterPressedRef.value = false; }; const { inlineThemeDisabled, mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedRtlRef } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Button", "-button", style$1e, buttonLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const rtlEnabledRef = useRtl("Button", mergedRtlRef, mergedClsPrefixRef); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const theme = themeRef.value; const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2, cubicBezierEaseOut: cubicBezierEaseOut2 }, self: self2 } = theme; const { rippleDuration, opacityDisabled, fontWeight, fontWeightStrong } = self2; const size2 = mergedSizeRef.value; const { dashed, type, ghost, text: text2, color, round: round2, circle, textColor, secondary, tertiary, quaternary, strong } = props; const fontProps = { "font-weight": strong ? fontWeightStrong : fontWeight }; let colorProps = { "--n-color": "initial", "--n-color-hover": "initial", "--n-color-pressed": "initial", "--n-color-focus": "initial", "--n-color-disabled": "initial", "--n-ripple-color": "initial", "--n-text-color": "initial", "--n-text-color-hover": "initial", "--n-text-color-pressed": "initial", "--n-text-color-focus": "initial", "--n-text-color-disabled": "initial" }; const typeIsTertiary = type === "tertiary"; const typeIsDefault = type === "default"; const mergedType = typeIsTertiary ? "default" : type; if (text2) { const propTextColor = textColor || color; const mergedTextColor = propTextColor || self2[createKey("textColorText", mergedType)]; colorProps = { "--n-color": "#0000", "--n-color-hover": "#0000", "--n-color-pressed": "#0000", "--n-color-focus": "#0000", "--n-color-disabled": "#0000", "--n-ripple-color": "#0000", "--n-text-color": mergedTextColor, "--n-text-color-hover": propTextColor ? createHoverColor(propTextColor) : self2[createKey("textColorTextHover", mergedType)], "--n-text-color-pressed": propTextColor ? createPressedColor(propTextColor) : self2[createKey("textColorTextPressed", mergedType)], "--n-text-color-focus": propTextColor ? createHoverColor(propTextColor) : self2[createKey("textColorTextHover", mergedType)], "--n-text-color-disabled": propTextColor || self2[createKey("textColorTextDisabled", mergedType)] }; } else if (ghost || dashed) { const mergedTextColor = textColor || color; colorProps = { "--n-color": "#0000", "--n-color-hover": "#0000", "--n-color-pressed": "#0000", "--n-color-focus": "#0000", "--n-color-disabled": "#0000", "--n-ripple-color": color || self2[createKey("rippleColor", mergedType)], "--n-text-color": mergedTextColor || self2[createKey("textColorGhost", mergedType)], "--n-text-color-hover": mergedTextColor ? createHoverColor(mergedTextColor) : self2[createKey("textColorGhostHover", mergedType)], "--n-text-color-pressed": mergedTextColor ? createPressedColor(mergedTextColor) : self2[createKey("textColorGhostPressed", mergedType)], "--n-text-color-focus": mergedTextColor ? createHoverColor(mergedTextColor) : self2[createKey("textColorGhostHover", mergedType)], "--n-text-color-disabled": mergedTextColor || self2[createKey("textColorGhostDisabled", mergedType)] }; } else if (secondary) { const typeTextColor = typeIsDefault ? self2.textColor : typeIsTertiary ? self2.textColorTertiary : self2[createKey("color", mergedType)]; const mergedTextColor = color || typeTextColor; const isColoredType = type !== "default" && type !== "tertiary"; colorProps = { "--n-color": isColoredType ? changeColor(mergedTextColor, { alpha: Number(self2.colorOpacitySecondary) }) : self2.colorSecondary, "--n-color-hover": isColoredType ? changeColor(mergedTextColor, { alpha: Number(self2.colorOpacitySecondaryHover) }) : self2.colorSecondaryHover, "--n-color-pressed": isColoredType ? changeColor(mergedTextColor, { alpha: Number(self2.colorOpacitySecondaryPressed) }) : self2.colorSecondaryPressed, "--n-color-focus": isColoredType ? changeColor(mergedTextColor, { alpha: Number(self2.colorOpacitySecondaryHover) }) : self2.colorSecondaryHover, "--n-color-disabled": self2.colorSecondary, "--n-ripple-color": "#0000", "--n-text-color": mergedTextColor, "--n-text-color-hover": mergedTextColor, "--n-text-color-pressed": mergedTextColor, "--n-text-color-focus": mergedTextColor, "--n-text-color-disabled": mergedTextColor }; } else if (tertiary || quaternary) { const typeColor = typeIsDefault ? self2.textColor : typeIsTertiary ? self2.textColorTertiary : self2[createKey("color", mergedType)]; const mergedColor = color || typeColor; if (tertiary) { colorProps["--n-color"] = self2.colorTertiary; colorProps["--n-color-hover"] = self2.colorTertiaryHover; colorProps["--n-color-pressed"] = self2.colorTertiaryPressed; colorProps["--n-color-focus"] = self2.colorSecondaryHover; colorProps["--n-color-disabled"] = self2.colorTertiary; } else { colorProps["--n-color"] = self2.colorQuaternary; colorProps["--n-color-hover"] = self2.colorQuaternaryHover; colorProps["--n-color-pressed"] = self2.colorQuaternaryPressed; colorProps["--n-color-focus"] = self2.colorQuaternaryHover; colorProps["--n-color-disabled"] = self2.colorQuaternary; } colorProps["--n-ripple-color"] = "#0000"; colorProps["--n-text-color"] = mergedColor; colorProps["--n-text-color-hover"] = mergedColor; colorProps["--n-text-color-pressed"] = mergedColor; colorProps["--n-text-color-focus"] = mergedColor; colorProps["--n-text-color-disabled"] = mergedColor; } else { colorProps = { "--n-color": color || self2[createKey("color", mergedType)], "--n-color-hover": color ? createHoverColor(color) : self2[createKey("colorHover", mergedType)], "--n-color-pressed": color ? createPressedColor(color) : self2[createKey("colorPressed", mergedType)], "--n-color-focus": color ? createHoverColor(color) : self2[createKey("colorFocus", mergedType)], "--n-color-disabled": color || self2[createKey("colorDisabled", mergedType)], "--n-ripple-color": color || self2[createKey("rippleColor", mergedType)], "--n-text-color": textColor || (color ? self2.textColorPrimary : typeIsTertiary ? self2.textColorTertiary : self2[createKey("textColor", mergedType)]), "--n-text-color-hover": textColor || (color ? self2.textColorHoverPrimary : self2[createKey("textColorHover", mergedType)]), "--n-text-color-pressed": textColor || (color ? self2.textColorPressedPrimary : self2[createKey("textColorPressed", mergedType)]), "--n-text-color-focus": textColor || (color ? self2.textColorFocusPrimary : self2[createKey("textColorFocus", mergedType)]), "--n-text-color-disabled": textColor || (color ? self2.textColorDisabledPrimary : self2[createKey("textColorDisabled", mergedType)]) }; } let borderProps = { "--n-border": "initial", "--n-border-hover": "initial", "--n-border-pressed": "initial", "--n-border-focus": "initial", "--n-border-disabled": "initial" }; if (text2) { borderProps = { "--n-border": "none", "--n-border-hover": "none", "--n-border-pressed": "none", "--n-border-focus": "none", "--n-border-disabled": "none" }; } else { borderProps = { "--n-border": self2[createKey("border", mergedType)], "--n-border-hover": self2[createKey("borderHover", mergedType)], "--n-border-pressed": self2[createKey("borderPressed", mergedType)], "--n-border-focus": self2[createKey("borderFocus", mergedType)], "--n-border-disabled": self2[createKey("borderDisabled", mergedType)] }; } const { [createKey("height", size2)]: height, [createKey("fontSize", size2)]: fontSize2, [createKey("padding", size2)]: padding, [createKey("paddingRound", size2)]: paddingRound, [createKey("iconSize", size2)]: iconSize, [createKey("borderRadius", size2)]: borderRadius, [createKey("iconMargin", size2)]: iconMargin, waveOpacity } = self2; const sizeProps = { "--n-width": circle && !text2 ? height : "initial", "--n-height": text2 ? "initial" : height, "--n-font-size": fontSize2, "--n-padding": circle ? "initial" : text2 ? "initial" : round2 ? paddingRound : padding, "--n-icon-size": iconSize, "--n-icon-margin": iconMargin, "--n-border-radius": text2 ? "initial" : circle || round2 ? height : borderRadius }; return Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({ "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-bezier-ease-out": cubicBezierEaseOut2, "--n-ripple-duration": rippleDuration, "--n-opacity-disabled": opacityDisabled, "--n-wave-opacity": waveOpacity }, fontProps), colorProps), borderProps), sizeProps); }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("button", vue.computed(() => { let hash = ""; const { dashed, type, ghost, text: text2, color, round: round2, circle, textColor, secondary, tertiary, quaternary, strong } = props; if (dashed) hash += "a"; if (ghost) hash += "b"; if (text2) hash += "c"; if (round2) hash += "d"; if (circle) hash += "e"; if (secondary) hash += "f"; if (tertiary) hash += "g"; if (quaternary) hash += "h"; if (strong) hash += "i"; if (color) hash += "j" + color2Class(color); if (textColor) hash += "k" + color2Class(textColor); const { value: size2 } = mergedSizeRef; hash += "l" + size2[0]; hash += "m" + type[0]; return hash; }), cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return { selfElRef, waveElRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedFocusable: mergedFocusableRef, mergedSize: mergedSizeRef, showBorder: showBorderRef, enterPressed: enterPressedRef, rtlEnabled: rtlEnabledRef, handleMousedown, handleKeydown, handleBlur, handleKeyup, handleClick: handleClick2, customColorCssVars: vue.computed(() => { const { color } = props; if (!color) return null; const hoverColor = createHoverColor(color); return { "--n-border-color": color, "--n-border-color-hover": hoverColor, "--n-border-color-pressed": createPressedColor(color), "--n-border-color-focus": hoverColor, "--n-border-color-disabled": color }; }), cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }; }, render() { const { mergedClsPrefix, tag: Component, onRender } = this; onRender === null || onRender === void 0 ? void 0 : onRender(); const children = resolveWrappedSlot(this.$slots.default, (children2) => children2 && vue.h("span", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-button__content` }, children2)); return vue.h(Component, { ref: "selfElRef", class: [ this.themeClass, `${mergedClsPrefix}-button`, `${mergedClsPrefix}-button--${this.type}-type`, `${mergedClsPrefix}-button--${this.mergedSize}-type`, this.rtlEnabled && `${mergedClsPrefix}-button--rtl`, this.disabled && `${mergedClsPrefix}-button--disabled`, this.block && `${mergedClsPrefix}-button--block`, this.enterPressed && `${mergedClsPrefix}-button--pressed`, !this.text && this.dashed && `${mergedClsPrefix}-button--dashed`, this.color && `${mergedClsPrefix}-button--color`, this.secondary && `${mergedClsPrefix}-button--secondary`, this.loading && `${mergedClsPrefix}-button--loading`, this.ghost && `${mergedClsPrefix}-button--ghost` // required for button group border collapse ], tabindex: this.mergedFocusable ? 0 : -1, type: this.attrType, style: this.cssVars, disabled: this.disabled, onClick: this.handleClick, onBlur: this.handleBlur, onMousedown: this.handleMousedown, onKeyup: this.handleKeyup, onKeydown: this.handleKeydown }, this.iconPlacement === "right" && children, vue.h(NFadeInExpandTransition, { width: true }, { default: () => resolveWrappedSlot(this.$slots.icon, (children2) => (this.loading || this.renderIcon || children2) && vue.h("span", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-button__icon`, style: { margin: isSlotEmpty(this.$slots.default) ? "0" : "" } }, vue.h(NIconSwitchTransition, null, { default: () => this.loading ? vue.h(NBaseLoading, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, key: "loading", class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-icon-slot`, strokeWidth: 20 }) : vue.h("div", { key: "icon", class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-icon-slot`, role: "none" }, this.renderIcon ? this.renderIcon() : children2) }))) }), this.iconPlacement === "left" && children, !this.text ? vue.h(NBaseWave, { ref: "waveElRef", clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix }) : null, this.showBorder ? vue.h("div", { "aria-hidden": true, class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-button__border`, style: this.customColorCssVars }) : null, this.showBorder ? vue.h("div", { "aria-hidden": true, class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-button__state-border`, style: this.customColorCssVars }) : null); } }); const NButton = Button; const XButton = Button; const zero = "0!important"; const n1 = "-1px!important"; function createLeftBorderStyle(type) { return cM(type + "-type", [c$1("& +", [cB("button", {}, [cM(type + "-type", [cE("border", { borderLeftWidth: zero }), cE("state-border", { left: n1 })])])])]); } function createTopBorderStyle(type) { return cM(type + "-type", [c$1("& +", [cB("button", [cM(type + "-type", [cE("border", { borderTopWidth: zero }), cE("state-border", { top: n1 })])])])]); } const style$1d = cB("button-group", ` flex-wrap: nowrap; display: inline-flex; position: relative; `, [cNotM("vertical", { flexDirection: "row" }, [cNotM("rtl", [cB("button", [c$1("&:first-child:not(:last-child)", ` margin-right: ${zero}; border-top-right-radius: ${zero}; border-bottom-right-radius: ${zero}; `), c$1("&:last-child:not(:first-child)", ` margin-left: ${zero}; border-top-left-radius: ${zero}; border-bottom-left-radius: ${zero}; `), c$1("&:not(:first-child):not(:last-child)", ` margin-left: ${zero}; margin-right: ${zero}; border-radius: ${zero}; `), createLeftBorderStyle("default"), cM("ghost", [createLeftBorderStyle("primary"), createLeftBorderStyle("info"), createLeftBorderStyle("success"), createLeftBorderStyle("warning"), createLeftBorderStyle("error")])])])]), cM("vertical", { flexDirection: "column" }, [cB("button", [c$1("&:first-child:not(:last-child)", ` margin-bottom: ${zero}; margin-left: ${zero}; margin-right: ${zero}; border-bottom-left-radius: ${zero}; border-bottom-right-radius: ${zero}; `), c$1("&:last-child:not(:first-child)", ` margin-top: ${zero}; margin-left: ${zero}; margin-right: ${zero}; border-top-left-radius: ${zero}; border-top-right-radius: ${zero}; `), c$1("&:not(:first-child):not(:last-child)", ` margin: ${zero}; border-radius: ${zero}; `), createTopBorderStyle("default"), cM("ghost", [createTopBorderStyle("primary"), createTopBorderStyle("info"), createTopBorderStyle("success"), createTopBorderStyle("warning"), createTopBorderStyle("error")])])])]); const buttonGroupProps = { size: { type: String, default: void 0 }, vertical: Boolean }; const NButtonGroup = vue.defineComponent({ name: "ButtonGroup", props: buttonGroupProps, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedRtlRef } = useConfig(props); useStyle("-button-group", style$1d, mergedClsPrefixRef); vue.provide(buttonGroupInjectionKey, props); const rtlEnabledRef = useRtl("ButtonGroup", mergedRtlRef, mergedClsPrefixRef); return { rtlEnabled: rtlEnabledRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef }; }, render() { const { mergedClsPrefix } = this; return vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-button-group`, this.rtlEnabled && `${mergedClsPrefix}-button-group--rtl`, this.vertical && `${mergedClsPrefix}-button-group--vertical`], role: "group" }, this.$slots); } }); const START_YEAR = 1901; const MONTH_ITEM_HEIGHT = 40; const matcherMap = { date: isSameDay, month: isSameMonth, year: isSameYear, quarter: isSameQuarter }; function makeWeekMatcher(firstDayOfWeek) { return (sourceTime, patternTime) => { const weekStartsOn = (firstDayOfWeek + 1) % 7; return isSameWeek(sourceTime, patternTime, { weekStartsOn }); }; } function matchDate(sourceTime, patternTime, type, firstDayOfWeek = 0) { const matcher = type === "week" ? makeWeekMatcher(firstDayOfWeek) : matcherMap[type]; return matcher(sourceTime, patternTime); } function dateOrWeekItem(time2, monthTs, valueTs, currentTs, mode, firstDayOfWeek) { if (mode === "date") { return dateItem(time2, monthTs, valueTs, currentTs); } else { return weekItem(time2, monthTs, valueTs, currentTs, firstDayOfWeek); } } function dateItem(time2, monthTs, valueTs, currentTs) { let inSpan = false; let startOfSpan = false; let endOfSpan = false; if (Array.isArray(valueTs)) { if (valueTs[0] < time2 && time2 < valueTs[1]) { inSpan = true; } if (matchDate(valueTs[0], time2, "date")) startOfSpan = true; if (matchDate(valueTs[1], time2, "date")) endOfSpan = true; } const selected = valueTs !== null && (Array.isArray(valueTs) ? matchDate(valueTs[0], time2, "date") || matchDate(valueTs[1], time2, "date") : matchDate(valueTs, time2, "date")); return { type: "date", dateObject: { date: getDate(time2), month: getMonth(time2), year: getYear(time2) }, inCurrentMonth: isSameMonth(time2, monthTs), isCurrentDate: matchDate(currentTs, time2, "date"), inSpan, inSelectedWeek: false, startOfSpan, endOfSpan, selected, ts: getTime(time2) }; } function getMonthString(month, monthFormat, locale2) { const date = new Date(2e3, month, 1).getTime(); return format$4(date, monthFormat, { locale: locale2 }); } function getYearString(year, yearFormat, locale2) { const date = new Date(year, 1, 1).getTime(); return format$4(date, yearFormat, { locale: locale2 }); } function getQuarterString(quarter, quarterFormat, locale2) { const date = new Date(2e3, quarter * 3 - 2, 1).getTime(); return format$4(date, quarterFormat, { locale: locale2 }); } function weekItem(time2, monthTs, valueTs, currentTs, firstDayOfWeek) { let inSpan = false; let startOfSpan = false; let endOfSpan = false; if (Array.isArray(valueTs)) { if (valueTs[0] < time2 && time2 < valueTs[1]) { inSpan = true; } if (matchDate(valueTs[0], time2, "week", firstDayOfWeek)) startOfSpan = true; if (matchDate(valueTs[1], time2, "week", firstDayOfWeek)) endOfSpan = true; } const inSelectedWeek = valueTs !== null && (Array.isArray(valueTs) ? matchDate(valueTs[0], time2, "week", firstDayOfWeek) || matchDate(valueTs[1], time2, "week", firstDayOfWeek) : matchDate(valueTs, time2, "week", firstDayOfWeek)); return { type: "date", dateObject: { date: getDate(time2), month: getMonth(time2), year: getYear(time2) }, inCurrentMonth: isSameMonth(time2, monthTs), isCurrentDate: matchDate(currentTs, time2, "date"), inSpan, startOfSpan, endOfSpan, selected: false, inSelectedWeek, ts: getTime(time2) }; } function monthItem(monthTs, valueTs, currentTs, { monthFormat }) { return { type: "month", monthFormat, dateObject: { month: getMonth(monthTs), year: getYear(monthTs) }, isCurrent: isSameMonth(currentTs, monthTs), selected: valueTs !== null && matchDate(valueTs, monthTs, "month"), ts: getTime(monthTs) }; } function yearItem(yearTs, valueTs, currentTs, { yearFormat }) { return { type: "year", yearFormat, dateObject: { year: getYear(yearTs) }, isCurrent: isSameYear(currentTs, yearTs), selected: valueTs !== null && matchDate(valueTs, yearTs, "year"), ts: getTime(yearTs) }; } function quarterItem(quarterTs, valueTs, currentTs, { quarterFormat }) { return { type: "quarter", quarterFormat, dateObject: { quarter: getQuarter(quarterTs), year: getYear(quarterTs) }, isCurrent: isSameQuarter(currentTs, quarterTs), selected: valueTs !== null && matchDate(valueTs, quarterTs, "quarter"), ts: getTime(quarterTs) }; } function dateArray(monthTs, valueTs, currentTs, startDay, strip = false, weekMode = false) { const granularity = weekMode ? "week" : "date"; const displayMonth = getMonth(monthTs); let displayMonthIterator = getTime(startOfMonth(monthTs)); let lastMonthIterator = getTime(addDays(displayMonthIterator, -1)); const calendarDays = []; let protectLastMonthDateIsShownFlag = !strip; while (getDay(lastMonthIterator) !== startDay || protectLastMonthDateIsShownFlag) { calendarDays.unshift(dateOrWeekItem(lastMonthIterator, monthTs, valueTs, currentTs, granularity, startDay)); lastMonthIterator = getTime(addDays(lastMonthIterator, -1)); protectLastMonthDateIsShownFlag = false; } while (getMonth(displayMonthIterator) === displayMonth) { calendarDays.push(dateOrWeekItem(displayMonthIterator, monthTs, valueTs, currentTs, granularity, startDay)); displayMonthIterator = getTime(addDays(displayMonthIterator, 1)); } const endIndex = strip ? calendarDays.length <= 28 ? 28 : calendarDays.length <= 35 ? 35 : 42 : 42; while (calendarDays.length < endIndex) { calendarDays.push(dateOrWeekItem(displayMonthIterator, monthTs, valueTs, currentTs, granularity, startDay)); displayMonthIterator = getTime(addDays(displayMonthIterator, 1)); } return calendarDays; } function monthArray(yearAnchorTs, valueTs, currentTs, format2) { const calendarMonths = []; const yearStart = startOfYear(yearAnchorTs); for (let i = 0; i < 12; i++) { calendarMonths.push(monthItem(getTime(addMonths(yearStart, i)), valueTs, currentTs, format2)); } return calendarMonths; } function quarterArray(yearAnchorTs, valueTs, currentTs, format2) { const calendarQuarters = []; const yearStart = startOfYear(yearAnchorTs); for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { calendarQuarters.push(quarterItem(getTime(addQuarters(yearStart, i)), valueTs, currentTs, format2)); } return calendarQuarters; } function yearArray(valueTs, currentTs, format2) { const calendarYears = []; const time1900 = new Date(START_YEAR, 0, 1); for (let i = 0; i < 200; i++) { calendarYears.push(yearItem(getTime(addYears(time1900, i)), valueTs, currentTs, format2)); } return calendarYears; } function strictParse(string2, pattern, backup, option) { const result = parse$1(string2, pattern, backup, option); if (!isValid$1(result)) return result; else if (format$4(result, pattern, option) === string2) return result; else return /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(NaN); } function getDefaultTime(timeValue) { if (timeValue === void 0) { return void 0; } if (typeof timeValue === "number") { return timeValue; } const [hour, minute, second] = timeValue.split(":"); return { hours: Number(hour), minutes: Number(minute), seconds: Number(second) }; } function pluckValueFromRange(value, type) { return Array.isArray(value) ? value[type === "start" ? 0 : 1] : null; } const commonVariables$e = { titleFontSize: "22px" }; const self$11 = (vars) => { const { borderRadius, fontSize: fontSize2, lineHeight: lineHeight2, textColor2, textColor1, textColorDisabled, dividerColor, fontWeightStrong, primaryColor, baseColor, hoverColor, cardColor, modalColor, popoverColor } = vars; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, commonVariables$e), { borderRadius, borderColor: composite(cardColor, dividerColor), borderColorModal: composite(modalColor, dividerColor), borderColorPopover: composite(popoverColor, dividerColor), textColor: textColor2, titleFontWeight: fontWeightStrong, titleTextColor: textColor1, dayTextColor: textColorDisabled, fontSize: fontSize2, lineHeight: lineHeight2, dateColorCurrent: primaryColor, dateTextColorCurrent: baseColor, cellColorHover: composite(cardColor, hoverColor), cellColorHoverModal: composite(modalColor, hoverColor), cellColorHoverPopover: composite(popoverColor, hoverColor), cellColor: cardColor, cellColorModal: modalColor, cellColorPopover: popoverColor, barColor: primaryColor }); }; const calendarLight = createTheme({ name: "Calendar", common: derived, peers: { Button: buttonLight }, self: self$11 }); const style$1c = c$1([cB("calendar", ` line-height: var(--n-line-height); font-size: var(--n-font-size); color: var(--n-text-color); height: 720px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; `, [cB("calendar-prev-btn", ` cursor: pointer; `), cB("calendar-next-btn", ` cursor: pointer; `), cB("calendar-header", ` display: flex; align-items: center; line-height: 1; font-size: var(--n-title-font-size); padding: 0 0 18px 0; justify-content: space-between; `, [cE("title", ` color: var(--n-title-text-color); font-weight: var(--n-title-font-weight); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); `), cE("extra", ` display: flex; align-items: center; `)]), cB("calendar-dates", ` display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(7, minmax(0, 1fr)); grid-auto-rows: 1fr; border-radius: var(--n-border-radius); flex: 1; border-top: 1px solid; border-left: 1px solid; border-color: var(--n-border-color); transition: border-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `), cB("calendar-cell", ` box-sizing: border-box; padding: 10px; border-right: 1px solid; border-bottom: 1px solid; border-color: var(--n-border-color); cursor: pointer; position: relative; transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier), border-color .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [c$1("&:nth-child(7)", ` border-top-right-radius: var(--n-border-radius); `), c$1("&:nth-last-child(7)", ` border-bottom-left-radius: var(--n-border-radius); `), c$1("&:last-child", ` border-bottom-right-radius: var(--n-border-radius); `), c$1("&:hover", ` background-color: var(--n-cell-color-hover); `), cE("bar", ` position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: -1px; height: 3px; background-color: #0000; transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `), cM("selected", [cE("bar", ` background-color: var(--n-bar-color); `)]), cB("calendar-date", ` transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier), border-color .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); color: var(--n-text-color); `, [cE("date", ` color: var(--n-text-color); `)]), cM("disabled, other-month", ` color: var(--n-day-text-color); `, [cB("calendar-date", [cE("date", ` color: var(--n-day-text-color); `)])]), cM("disabled", ` cursor: not-allowed; `), cM("current", [cB("calendar-date", [cE("date", ` color: var(--n-date-text-color-current); background-color: var(--n-date-color-current); `)])]), cB("calendar-date", ` position: relative; line-height: 1; display: flex; align-items: center; height: 1em; justify-content: space-between; padding-bottom: .75em; `, [cE("date", ` border-radius: 50%; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; margin-left: -0.4em; width: 1.8em; height: 1.8em; transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `), cE("day", ` color: var(--n-day-text-color); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); `)])])]), insideModal(cB("calendar", [cB("calendar-dates", ` border-color: var(--n-border-color-modal); `), cB("calendar-cell", ` border-color: var(--n-border-color-modal); `, [c$1("&:hover", ` background-color: var(--n-cell-color-hover-modal); `)])])), insidePopover(cB("calendar", [cB("calendar-dates", ` border-color: var(--n-border-color-popover); `), cB("calendar-cell", ` border-color: var(--n-border-color-popover); `, [c$1("&:hover", ` background-color: var(--n-cell-color-hover-popover); `)])]))]); const calendarProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { isDateDisabled: Function, value: Number, defaultValue: { type: Number, default: null }, onPanelChange: Function, "onUpdate:value": [Function, Array], onUpdateValue: [Function, Array] }); const Calendar = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Calendar", props: calendarProps, setup(props) { var _a; const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Calendar", "-calendar", style$1c, calendarLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const { localeRef, dateLocaleRef } = useLocale("DatePicker"); const now2 = Date.now(); const monthTsRef = vue.ref(startOfMonth((_a = props.defaultValue) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : now2).valueOf()); const uncontrolledValueRef = vue.ref(props.defaultValue || null); const mergedValueRef = useMergedState(vue.toRef(props, "value"), uncontrolledValueRef); function doUpdateValue(value, time2) { const { onUpdateValue, "onUpdate:value": _onUpdateValue } = props; if (onUpdateValue) { call(onUpdateValue, value, time2); } if (_onUpdateValue) { call(_onUpdateValue, value, time2); } uncontrolledValueRef.value = value; } function handlePrevClick() { var _a2; const monthTs = addMonths(monthTsRef.value, -1).valueOf(); monthTsRef.value = monthTs; (_a2 = props.onPanelChange) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.call(props, { year: getYear(monthTs), month: getMonth(monthTs) + 1 }); } function handleNextClick() { var _a2; const monthTs = addMonths(monthTsRef.value, 1).valueOf(); monthTsRef.value = monthTs; (_a2 = props.onPanelChange) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.call(props, { year: getYear(monthTs), month: getMonth(monthTs) + 1 }); } function handleTodayClick() { var _a2; const { value: monthTs } = monthTsRef; const oldYear = getYear(monthTs); const oldMonth = getMonth(monthTs); const newMonthTs = startOfMonth(now2).valueOf(); monthTsRef.value = newMonthTs; const newYear = getYear(newMonthTs); const newMonth = getMonth(newMonthTs); if (oldYear !== newYear || oldMonth !== newMonth) { (_a2 = props.onPanelChange) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.call(props, { year: newYear, month: newMonth + 1 }); } } const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: { borderColor, borderColorModal, borderColorPopover, borderRadius, titleFontSize, textColor, titleFontWeight, titleTextColor, dayTextColor, fontSize: fontSize2, lineHeight: lineHeight2, dateColorCurrent, dateTextColorCurrent, cellColorHover, cellColor, cellColorModal, barColor, cellColorPopover, cellColorHoverModal, cellColorHoverPopover } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-border-color": borderColor, "--n-border-color-modal": borderColorModal, "--n-border-color-popover": borderColorPopover, "--n-border-radius": borderRadius, "--n-text-color": textColor, "--n-title-font-weight": titleFontWeight, "--n-title-font-size": titleFontSize, "--n-title-text-color": titleTextColor, "--n-day-text-color": dayTextColor, "--n-font-size": fontSize2, "--n-line-height": lineHeight2, "--n-date-color-current": dateColorCurrent, "--n-date-text-color-current": dateTextColorCurrent, "--n-cell-color": cellColor, "--n-cell-color-modal": cellColorModal, "--n-cell-color-popover": cellColorPopover, "--n-cell-color-hover": cellColorHover, "--n-cell-color-hover-modal": cellColorHoverModal, "--n-cell-color-hover-popover": cellColorHoverPopover, "--n-bar-color": barColor }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("calendar", void 0, cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, locale: localeRef, dateLocale: dateLocaleRef, now: now2, mergedValue: mergedValueRef, monthTs: monthTsRef, dateItems: vue.computed(() => { return dateArray(monthTsRef.value, mergedValueRef.value, now2, localeRef.value.firstDayOfWeek, true); }), doUpdateValue, handleTodayClick, handlePrevClick, handleNextClick, mergedTheme: themeRef, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }; }, render() { const { isDateDisabled, mergedClsPrefix, monthTs, cssVars, mergedValue, mergedTheme, $slots, locale: { monthBeforeYear, today }, dateLocale: { locale: locale2 }, handleTodayClick, handlePrevClick, handleNextClick, onRender } = this; onRender === null || onRender === void 0 ? void 0 : onRender(); const normalizedValue = mergedValue && startOfDay(mergedValue).valueOf(); const year = getYear(monthTs); const calendarMonth = getMonth(monthTs) + 1; return vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-calendar`, this.themeClass], style: cssVars }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-calendar-header` }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-calendar-header__title` }, resolveSlotWithProps($slots.header, { year, month: calendarMonth }, () => { const localeMonth = format$4(monthTs, "MMMM", { locale: locale2 }); return [monthBeforeYear ? `${localeMonth} ${year}` : `${year} ${localeMonth}`]; })), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-calendar-header__extra` }, vue.h(NButtonGroup, null, { default: () => vue.h(vue.Fragment, null, vue.h(NButton, { size: "small", onClick: handlePrevClick, theme: mergedTheme.peers.Button, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Button }, { icon: () => vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-calendar-prev-btn` }, { default: () => vue.h(ChevronLeftIcon, null) }) }), vue.h(NButton, { size: "small", onClick: handleTodayClick, theme: mergedTheme.peers.Button, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Button }, { default: () => today }), vue.h(NButton, { size: "small", onClick: handleNextClick, theme: mergedTheme.peers.Button, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Button }, { icon: () => vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-calendar-next-btn` }, { default: () => vue.h(ChevronRightIcon, null) }) })) }))), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-calendar-dates` }, this.dateItems.map(({ dateObject, ts, inCurrentMonth, isCurrentDate }, index) => { var _a; const { year: year2, month, date } = dateObject; const fullDate = format$4(ts, "yyyy-MM-dd"); const notInCurrentMonth = !inCurrentMonth; const disabled = (isDateDisabled === null || isDateDisabled === void 0 ? void 0 : isDateDisabled(ts)) === true; const selected = normalizedValue === startOfDay(ts).valueOf(); return vue.h("div", { key: `${calendarMonth}-${index}`, class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-calendar-cell`, disabled && `${mergedClsPrefix}-calendar-cell--disabled`, notInCurrentMonth && `${mergedClsPrefix}-calendar-cell--other-month`, disabled && `${mergedClsPrefix}-calendar-cell--not-allowed`, isCurrentDate && `${mergedClsPrefix}-calendar-cell--current`, selected && `${mergedClsPrefix}-calendar-cell--selected`], onClick: () => { var _a2; if (disabled) return; const monthTs2 = startOfMonth(ts).valueOf(); this.monthTs = monthTs2; if (notInCurrentMonth) { (_a2 = this.onPanelChange) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.call(this, { year: getYear(monthTs2), month: getMonth(monthTs2) + 1 }); } this.doUpdateValue(ts, { year: year2, month: month + 1, date }); } }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-calendar-date` }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-calendar-date__date`, title: fullDate }, date), index < 7 && vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-calendar-date__day`, title: fullDate }, format$4(ts, "EEE", { locale: locale2 }))), (_a = $slots.default) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call($slots, { year: year2, month: month + 1, date }), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-calendar-cell__bar` })); }))); } }); const self$10 = (vars) => { const { fontSize: fontSize2, boxShadow2, popoverColor, textColor2, borderRadius, borderColor, heightSmall, heightMedium, heightLarge, fontSizeSmall, fontSizeMedium, fontSizeLarge, dividerColor } = vars; return { panelFontSize: fontSize2, boxShadow: boxShadow2, color: popoverColor, textColor: textColor2, borderRadius, border: `1px solid ${borderColor}`, heightSmall, heightMedium, heightLarge, fontSizeSmall, fontSizeMedium, fontSizeLarge, dividerColor }; }; const colorPickerLight = createTheme({ name: "ColorPicker", common: derived, peers: { Input: inputLight, Button: buttonLight }, self: self$10 }); function deriveDefaultValue(modes, showAlpha) { const mode = modes[0]; switch (mode) { case "hex": return showAlpha ? "#000000FF" : "#000000"; case "rgb": return showAlpha ? "rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)" : "rgb(0, 0, 0)"; case "hsl": return showAlpha ? "hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 1)" : "hsl(0, 0%, 0%)"; case "hsv": return showAlpha ? "hsva(0, 0%, 0%, 1)" : "hsv(0, 0%, 0%)"; } return "#000000"; } function getModeFromValue(color) { if (color === null) return null; if (/^ *#/.test(color)) return "hex"; if (color.includes("rgb")) return "rgb"; if (color.includes("hsl")) return "hsl"; if (color.includes("hsv")) return "hsv"; return null; } function normalizeHue(hue) { hue = Math.round(hue); return hue >= 360 ? 359 : hue < 0 ? 0 : hue; } function normalizeAlpha(alpha) { alpha = Math.round(alpha * 100) / 100; return alpha > 1 ? 1 : alpha < 0 ? 0 : alpha; } const convert = { rgb: { hex(value) { return toHexaString(rgba(value)); }, hsl(value) { const [r, g, b, a2] = rgba(value); return toHslaString([...rgb2hsl(r, g, b), a2]); }, hsv(value) { const [r, g, b, a2] = rgba(value); return toHsvaString([...rgb2hsv(r, g, b), a2]); } }, hex: { rgb(value) { return toRgbaString(rgba(value)); }, hsl(value) { const [r, g, b, a2] = rgba(value); return toHslaString([...rgb2hsl(r, g, b), a2]); }, hsv(value) { const [r, g, b, a2] = rgba(value); return toHsvaString([...rgb2hsv(r, g, b), a2]); } }, hsl: { hex(value) { const [h2, s, l, a2] = hsla(value); return toHexaString([...hsl2rgb(h2, s, l), a2]); }, rgb(value) { const [h2, s, l, a2] = hsla(value); return toRgbaString([...hsl2rgb(h2, s, l), a2]); }, hsv(value) { const [h2, s, l, a2] = hsla(value); return toHsvaString([...hsl2hsv(h2, s, l), a2]); } }, hsv: { hex(value) { const [h2, s, v, a2] = hsva(value); return toHexaString([...hsv2rgb(h2, s, v), a2]); }, rgb(value) { const [h2, s, v, a2] = hsva(value); return toRgbaString([...hsv2rgb(h2, s, v), a2]); }, hsl(value) { const [h2, s, v, a2] = hsva(value); return toHslaString([...hsv2hsl(h2, s, v), a2]); } } }; function convertColor(value, mode, originalMode) { originalMode = originalMode || getModeFromValue(value); if (!originalMode) return null; if (originalMode === mode) return value; const conversions = convert[originalMode]; return conversions[mode](value); } const HANDLE_SIZE$2 = "12px"; const HANDLE_SIZE_NUM$1 = 12; const RADIUS$2 = "6px"; const RADIUS_NUM = 6; const GRADIENT = "linear-gradient(90deg,red,#ff0 16.66%,#0f0 33.33%,#0ff 50%,#00f 66.66%,#f0f 83.33%,red)"; const HueSlider = vue.defineComponent({ name: "HueSlider", props: { clsPrefix: { type: String, required: true }, hue: { type: Number, required: true }, onUpdateHue: { type: Function, required: true }, onComplete: Function }, setup(props) { const railRef = vue.ref(null); function handleMouseDown(e) { if (!railRef.value) return; on("mousemove", document, handleMouseMove); on("mouseup", document, handleMouseUp); handleMouseMove(e); } function handleMouseMove(e) { const { value: railEl } = railRef; if (!railEl) return; const { width, left } = railEl.getBoundingClientRect(); const newHue = normalizeHue((e.clientX - left - RADIUS_NUM) / (width - HANDLE_SIZE_NUM$1) * 360); props.onUpdateHue(newHue); } function handleMouseUp() { var _a; off("mousemove", document, handleMouseMove); off("mouseup", document, handleMouseUp); (_a = props.onComplete) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props); } return { railRef, handleMouseDown }; }, render() { const { clsPrefix } = this; return vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-color-picker-slider`, style: { height: HANDLE_SIZE$2, borderRadius: RADIUS$2 } }, vue.h("div", { ref: "railRef", style: { boxShadow: "inset 0 0 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .24)", boxSizing: "border-box", backgroundImage: GRADIENT, height: HANDLE_SIZE$2, borderRadius: RADIUS$2, position: "relative" }, onMousedown: this.handleMouseDown }, vue.h("div", { style: { position: "absolute", left: RADIUS$2, right: RADIUS$2, top: 0, bottom: 0 } }, vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-color-picker-handle`, style: { left: `calc((${this.hue}%) / 359 * 100 - ${RADIUS$2})`, borderRadius: RADIUS$2, width: HANDLE_SIZE$2, height: HANDLE_SIZE$2 } }, vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-color-picker-handle__fill`, style: { backgroundColor: `hsl(${this.hue}, 100%, 50%)`, borderRadius: RADIUS$2, width: HANDLE_SIZE$2, height: HANDLE_SIZE$2 } }))))); } }); const HANDLE_SIZE$1 = "12px"; const HANDLE_SIZE_NUM = 12; const RADIUS$1 = "6px"; const AlphaSlider = vue.defineComponent({ name: "AlphaSlider", props: { clsPrefix: { type: String, required: true }, rgba: { type: Array, default: null }, alpha: { type: Number, default: 0 }, onUpdateAlpha: { type: Function, required: true }, onComplete: Function }, setup(props) { const railRef = vue.ref(null); function handleMouseDown(e) { if (!railRef.value || !props.rgba) return; on("mousemove", document, handleMouseMove); on("mouseup", document, handleMouseUp); handleMouseMove(e); } function handleMouseMove(e) { const { value: railEl } = railRef; if (!railEl) return; const { width, left } = railEl.getBoundingClientRect(); const newAlpha = (e.clientX - left) / (width - HANDLE_SIZE_NUM); props.onUpdateAlpha(normalizeAlpha(newAlpha)); } function handleMouseUp() { var _a; off("mousemove", document, handleMouseMove); off("mouseup", document, handleMouseUp); (_a = props.onComplete) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props); } return { railRef, railBackgroundImage: vue.computed(() => { const { rgba: rgba2 } = props; if (!rgba2) return ""; return `linear-gradient(to right, rgba(${rgba2[0]}, ${rgba2[1]}, ${rgba2[2]}, 0) 0%, rgba(${rgba2[0]}, ${rgba2[1]}, ${rgba2[2]}, 1) 100%)`; }), handleMouseDown }; }, render() { const { clsPrefix } = this; return vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-color-picker-slider`, ref: "railRef", style: { height: HANDLE_SIZE$1, borderRadius: RADIUS$1 }, onMousedown: this.handleMouseDown }, vue.h("div", { style: { borderRadius: RADIUS$1, position: "absolute", left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0, overflow: "hidden" } }, vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-color-picker-checkboard` }), vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-color-picker-slider__image`, style: { backgroundImage: this.railBackgroundImage } })), this.rgba && vue.h("div", { style: { position: "absolute", left: RADIUS$1, right: RADIUS$1, top: 0, bottom: 0 } }, vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-color-picker-handle`, style: { left: `calc(${this.alpha * 100}% - ${RADIUS$1})`, borderRadius: RADIUS$1, width: HANDLE_SIZE$1, height: HANDLE_SIZE$1 } }, vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-color-picker-handle__fill`, style: { backgroundColor: toRgbaString(this.rgba), borderRadius: RADIUS$1, width: HANDLE_SIZE$1, height: HANDLE_SIZE$1 } })))); } }); const HANDLE_SIZE = "12px"; const RADIUS = "6px"; const Pallete = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Pallete", props: { clsPrefix: { type: String, required: true }, rgba: { type: Array, default: null }, // 0 - 360 displayedHue: { type: Number, required: true }, displayedSv: { type: Array, required: true }, onUpdateSV: { type: Function, required: true }, onComplete: Function }, setup(props) { const palleteRef = vue.ref(null); function handleMouseDown(e) { if (!palleteRef.value) return; on("mousemove", document, handleMouseMove); on("mouseup", document, handleMouseUp); handleMouseMove(e); } function handleMouseMove(e) { const { value: palleteEl } = palleteRef; if (!palleteEl) return; const { width, height, left, bottom } = palleteEl.getBoundingClientRect(); const newV = (bottom - e.clientY) / height; const newS = (e.clientX - left) / width; const normalizedNewS = 100 * (newS > 1 ? 1 : newS < 0 ? 0 : newS); const normalizedNewV = 100 * (newV > 1 ? 1 : newV < 0 ? 0 : newV); props.onUpdateSV(normalizedNewS, normalizedNewV); } function handleMouseUp() { var _a; off("mousemove", document, handleMouseMove); off("mouseup", document, handleMouseUp); (_a = props.onComplete) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props); } return { palleteRef, handleColor: vue.computed(() => { const { rgba: rgba2 } = props; if (!rgba2) return ""; return `rgb(${rgba2[0]}, ${rgba2[1]}, ${rgba2[2]})`; }), handleMouseDown }; }, render() { const { clsPrefix } = this; return vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-color-picker-pallete`, onMousedown: this.handleMouseDown, ref: "palleteRef" }, vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-color-picker-pallete__layer`, style: { backgroundImage: `linear-gradient(90deg, white, hsl(${this.displayedHue}, 100%, 50%))` } }), vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-color-picker-pallete__layer ${clsPrefix}-color-picker-pallete__layer--shadowed`, style: { backgroundImage: "linear-gradient(180deg, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0%), rgba(0, 0, 0, 100%))" } }), this.rgba && vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-color-picker-handle`, style: { width: HANDLE_SIZE, height: HANDLE_SIZE, borderRadius: RADIUS, left: `calc(${this.displayedSv[0]}% - ${RADIUS})`, bottom: `calc(${this.displayedSv[1]}% - ${RADIUS})` } }, vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-color-picker-handle__fill`, style: { backgroundColor: this.handleColor, borderRadius: RADIUS, width: HANDLE_SIZE, height: HANDLE_SIZE } }))); } }); const colorPickerInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-color-picker"); function normalizeRgbUnit(value) { if (/^\d{1,3}\.?\d*$/.test(value.trim())) { return Math.max(0, Math.min(parseInt(value), 255)); } return false; } function normalizeHueUnit(value) { if (/^\d{1,3}\.?\d*$/.test(value.trim())) { return Math.max(0, Math.min(parseInt(value), 360)); } return false; } function normalizeSlvUnit(value) { if (/^\d{1,3}\.?\d*$/.test(value.trim())) { return Math.max(0, Math.min(parseInt(value), 100)); } return false; } function normalizeHexaUnit(value) { const trimmedValue = value.trim(); if (/^#[0-9a-fA-F]+$/.test(trimmedValue)) { return [4, 5, 7, 9].includes(trimmedValue.length); } return false; } function normalizeAlphaUnit(value) { if (/^\d{1,3}\.?\d*%$/.test(value.trim())) { return Math.max(0, Math.min(parseInt(value) / 100, 100)); } return false; } const inputThemeOverrides = { paddingSmall: "0 4px" }; const ColorInputUnit = vue.defineComponent({ name: "ColorInputUnit", props: { label: { type: String, required: true }, value: { type: [Number, String], default: null }, showAlpha: Boolean, onUpdateValue: { type: Function, required: true } }, setup(props) { const inputValueRef = vue.ref(""); const { themeRef } = vue.inject(colorPickerInjectionKey, null); vue.watchEffect(() => { inputValueRef.value = getInputString(); }); function getInputString() { const { value } = props; if (value === null) return ""; const { label } = props; if (label === "HEX") { return value; } if (label === "A") { return `${Math.floor(value * 100)}%`; } return String(Math.floor(value)); } function handleInputUpdateValue(value) { inputValueRef.value = value; } function handleInputChange(value) { let unit; let valid; switch (props.label) { case "HEX": valid = normalizeHexaUnit(value); if (valid) { props.onUpdateValue(value); } inputValueRef.value = getInputString(); break; case "H": unit = normalizeHueUnit(value); if (unit === false) { inputValueRef.value = getInputString(); } else { props.onUpdateValue(unit); } break; case "S": case "L": case "V": unit = normalizeSlvUnit(value); if (unit === false) { inputValueRef.value = getInputString(); } else { props.onUpdateValue(unit); } break; case "A": unit = normalizeAlphaUnit(value); if (unit === false) { inputValueRef.value = getInputString(); } else { props.onUpdateValue(unit); } break; case "R": case "G": case "B": unit = normalizeRgbUnit(value); if (unit === false) { inputValueRef.value = getInputString(); } else { props.onUpdateValue(unit); } break; } } return { mergedTheme: themeRef, inputValue: inputValueRef, handleInputChange, handleInputUpdateValue }; }, render() { const { mergedTheme } = this; return vue.h(NInput, { size: "small", placeholder: this.label, theme: mergedTheme.peers.Input, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Input, builtinThemeOverrides: inputThemeOverrides, value: this.inputValue, onUpdateValue: this.handleInputUpdateValue, onChange: this.handleInputChange, // add more space for xxx% input style: this.label === "A" ? "flex-grow: 1.25;" : "" }); } }); const ColorInput = vue.defineComponent({ name: "ColorInput", props: { clsPrefix: { type: String, required: true }, mode: { type: String, required: true }, modes: { type: Array, required: true }, showAlpha: { type: Boolean, required: true }, value: { // for hex to get percise value type: String, default: null }, valueArr: { type: Array, default: null }, onUpdateValue: { type: Function, required: true }, onUpdateMode: { type: Function, required: true } }, setup(props) { return { handleUnitUpdateValue(index, value) { const { showAlpha } = props; if (props.mode === "hex") { props.onUpdateValue((showAlpha ? toHexaString : toHexString)(value)); return; } let nextValueArr; if (props.valueArr === null) { nextValueArr = [0, 0, 0, 0]; } else { nextValueArr = Array.from(props.valueArr); } switch (props.mode) { case "hsv": nextValueArr[index] = value; props.onUpdateValue((showAlpha ? toHsvaString : toHsvString)(nextValueArr)); break; case "rgb": nextValueArr[index] = value; props.onUpdateValue((showAlpha ? toRgbaString : toRgbString)(nextValueArr)); break; case "hsl": nextValueArr[index] = value; props.onUpdateValue((showAlpha ? toHslaString : toHslString)(nextValueArr)); break; } } }; }, render() { const { clsPrefix, modes } = this; return vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-color-picker-input` }, vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-color-picker-input__mode`, onClick: this.onUpdateMode, style: { cursor: modes.length === 1 ? "" : "pointer" } }, this.mode.toUpperCase() + (this.showAlpha ? "A" : "")), vue.h(NInputGroup, null, { default: () => { const { mode, valueArr, showAlpha } = this; if (mode === "hex") { let hexValue = null; try { hexValue = valueArr === null ? null : (showAlpha ? toHexaString : toHexString)(valueArr); } catch (_a) { } return vue.h(ColorInputUnit, { label: "HEX", showAlpha, value: hexValue, onUpdateValue: (unitValue) => { this.handleUnitUpdateValue(0, unitValue); } }); } return (mode + (showAlpha ? "a" : "")).split("").map((v, i) => vue.h(ColorInputUnit, { label: v.toUpperCase(), value: valueArr === null ? null : valueArr[i], onUpdateValue: (unitValue) => { this.handleUnitUpdateValue(i, unitValue); } })); } })); } }); const ColorPickerTrigger = vue.defineComponent({ name: "ColorPickerTrigger", props: { clsPrefix: { type: String, required: true }, value: { type: String, default: null }, hsla: { type: Array, default: null }, disabled: Boolean, onClick: Function }, setup(props) { const { colorPickerSlots, renderLabelRef } = vue.inject(colorPickerInjectionKey, null); return () => { const { hsla: hsla2, value, clsPrefix, onClick, disabled } = props; const renderLabel = colorPickerSlots.label || renderLabelRef.value; return vue.h("div", { class: [`${clsPrefix}-color-picker-trigger`, disabled && `${clsPrefix}-color-picker-trigger--disabled`], onClick: disabled ? void 0 : onClick }, vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-color-picker-trigger__fill` }, vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-color-picker-checkboard` }), vue.h("div", { style: { position: "absolute", left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0, backgroundColor: hsla2 ? toHslaString(hsla2) : "" } }), value && hsla2 ? vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-color-picker-trigger__value`, style: { color: hsla2[2] > 50 || hsla2[3] < 0.5 ? "black" : "white" } }, renderLabel ? renderLabel(value) : value) : null)); }; } }); function normalizeColor(color, mode) { if (mode === "hsv") { const [h2, s, v, a2] = hsva(color); return toRgbaString([...hsv2rgb(h2, s, v), a2]); } return color; } function getHexFromName(color) { const ctx2 = document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d"); if (!ctx2) { return "#000000"; } ctx2.fillStyle = color; return ctx2.fillStyle; } const ColorPickerSwatches = vue.defineComponent({ name: "ColorPickerSwatches", props: { clsPrefix: { type: String, required: true }, mode: { type: String, required: true }, swatches: { type: Array, required: true }, onUpdateColor: { type: Function, required: true } }, setup(props) { const parsedSwatchesRef = vue.computed(() => props.swatches.map((value) => { const mode = getModeFromValue(value); return { value, mode, legalValue: normalizeColor(value, mode) }; })); function normalizeOutput(parsed) { const { mode: modeProp } = props; let { value, mode: swatchColorMode } = parsed; if (!swatchColorMode) { swatchColorMode = "hex"; if (/^[a-zA-Z]+$/.test(value)) { value = getHexFromName(value); } else { warn$2("color-picker", `color ${value} in swatches is invalid.`); value = "#000000"; } } if (swatchColorMode === modeProp) return value; return convertColor(value, modeProp, swatchColorMode); } function handleSwatchSelect(parsed) { props.onUpdateColor(normalizeOutput(parsed)); } function handleSwatchKeyDown(e, parsed) { if (e.key === "Enter") handleSwatchSelect(parsed); } return { parsedSwatchesRef, handleSwatchSelect, handleSwatchKeyDown }; }, render() { const { clsPrefix } = this; return vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-color-picker-swatches` }, this.parsedSwatchesRef.map((swatch) => vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-color-picker-swatch`, tabindex: 0, onClick: () => { this.handleSwatchSelect(swatch); }, onKeydown: (e) => { this.handleSwatchKeyDown(e, swatch); } }, vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-color-picker-swatch__fill`, style: { background: swatch.legalValue } })))); } }); const ColorPreview = vue.defineComponent({ name: "ColorPreview", props: { clsPrefix: { type: String, required: true }, mode: { type: String, required: true }, color: { type: String, default: null, validator: (value) => { const mode = getModeFromValue(value); return Boolean(!value || mode && mode !== "hsv"); } }, onUpdateColor: { type: Function, required: true } }, setup(props) { function handleChange(e) { var _a; const value = e.target.value; (_a = props.onUpdateColor) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, convertColor(value.toUpperCase(), props.mode, "hex")); e.stopPropagation(); } return { handleChange }; }, render() { const { clsPrefix } = this; return vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-color-picker-preview__preview` }, vue.h("span", { class: `${clsPrefix}-color-picker-preview__fill`, style: { background: this.color || "#000000" } }), vue.h("input", { class: `${clsPrefix}-color-picker-preview__input`, type: "color", value: this.color, onChange: this.handleChange })); } }); const style$1b = c$1([cB("color-picker", ` display: inline-block; box-sizing: border-box; height: var(--n-height); font-size: var(--n-font-size); width: 100%; position: relative; `), cB("color-picker-panel", ` margin: 4px 0; width: 240px; font-size: var(--n-panel-font-size); color: var(--n-text-color); background-color: var(--n-color); transition: box-shadow .3s var(--n-bezier), color .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); border-radius: var(--n-border-radius); box-shadow: var(--n-box-shadow); `, [fadeInScaleUpTransition(), cB("input", ` text-align: center; `)]), cB("color-picker-checkboard", ` background: white; position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; `, [c$1("&::after", ` background-image: linear-gradient(45deg, #DDD 25%, #0000 25%), linear-gradient(-45deg, #DDD 25%, #0000 25%), linear-gradient(45deg, #0000 75%, #DDD 75%), linear-gradient(-45deg, #0000 75%, #DDD 75%); background-size: 12px 12px; background-position: 0 0, 0 6px, 6px -6px, -6px 0px; background-repeat: repeat; content: ""; position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; `)]), cB("color-picker-slider", ` margin-bottom: 8px; position: relative; box-sizing: border-box; `, [cE("image", ` position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; `), c$1("&::after", ` content: ""; position: absolute; border-radius: inherit; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; box-shadow: inset 0 0 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .24); pointer-events: none; `)]), cB("color-picker-handle", ` z-index: 1; box-shadow: 0 0 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .45); position: absolute; background-color: white; overflow: hidden; `, [cE("fill", ` box-sizing: border-box; border: 2px solid white; `)]), cB("color-picker-pallete", ` height: 180px; position: relative; margin-bottom: 8px; cursor: crosshair; `, [cE("layer", ` position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; `, [cM("shadowed", ` box-shadow: inset 0 0 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .24); `)])]), cB("color-picker-preview", ` display: flex; `, [cE("sliders", ` flex: 1 0 auto; `), cE("preview", ` position: relative; height: 30px; width: 30px; margin: 0 0 8px 6px; border-radius: 50%; box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, .15) 0px 0px 0px 1px inset; overflow: hidden; `), cE("fill", ` display: block; width: 30px; height: 30px; `), cE("input", ` position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 30px; height: 30px; opacity: 0; z-index: 1; `)]), cB("color-picker-input", ` display: flex; align-items: center; `, [cB("input", ` flex-grow: 1; flex-basis: 0; `), cE("mode", ` width: 72px; text-align: center; `)]), cB("color-picker-control", ` padding: 12px; `), cB("color-picker-action", ` display: flex; margin-top: -4px; border-top: 1px solid var(--n-divider-color); padding: 8px 12px; justify-content: flex-end; `, [cB("button", "margin-left: 8px;")]), cB("color-picker-trigger", ` border: var(--n-border); height: 100%; box-sizing: border-box; border-radius: var(--n-border-radius); transition: border-color .3s var(--n-bezier); cursor: pointer; `, [cE("value", ` white-space: nowrap; position: relative; `), cE("fill", ` border-radius: var(--n-border-radius); position: absolute; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; left: 4px; right: 4px; top: 4px; bottom: 4px; `), cM("disabled", "cursor: not-allowed"), cB("color-picker-checkboard", ` border-radius: var(--n-border-radius); `, [c$1("&::after", ` --n-block-size: calc((var(--n-height) - 8px) / 3); background-size: calc(var(--n-block-size) * 2) calc(var(--n-block-size) * 2); background-position: 0 0, 0 var(--n-block-size), var(--n-block-size) calc(-1 * var(--n-block-size)), calc(-1 * var(--n-block-size)) 0px; `)])]), cB("color-picker-swatches", ` display: grid; grid-gap: 8px; flex-wrap: wrap; position: relative; grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, 18px); margin-top: 10px; `, [cB("color-picker-swatch", ` width: 18px; height: 18px; background-image: linear-gradient(45deg, #DDD 25%, #0000 25%), linear-gradient(-45deg, #DDD 25%, #0000 25%), linear-gradient(45deg, #0000 75%, #DDD 75%), linear-gradient(-45deg, #0000 75%, #DDD 75%); background-size: 8px 8px; background-position: 0px 0, 0px 4px, 4px -4px, -4px 0px; background-repeat: repeat; `, [cE("fill", ` position: relative; width: 100%; height: 100%; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, .15) 0px 0px 0px 1px inset; cursor: pointer; `), c$1("&:focus", ` outline: none; `, [cE("fill", [c$1("&::after", ` position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; background: inherit; filter: blur(2px); content: ""; `)])])])])]); const colorPickerProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { value: String, show: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, defaultShow: Boolean, defaultValue: String, modes: { type: Array, // no hsva by default since browser doesn't support it default: () => ["rgb", "hex", "hsl"] }, placement: { type: String, default: "bottom-start" }, to: useAdjustedTo.propTo, showAlpha: { type: Boolean, default: true }, showPreview: Boolean, swatches: Array, disabled: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, actions: { type: Array, default: null }, internalActions: Array, size: String, renderLabel: Function, onComplete: Function, onConfirm: Function, "onUpdate:show": [Function, Array], onUpdateShow: [Function, Array], "onUpdate:value": [Function, Array], onUpdateValue: [Function, Array] }); const NColorPicker = vue.defineComponent({ name: "ColorPicker", props: colorPickerProps, setup(props, { slots }) { const selfRef = vue.ref(null); let upcomingValue = null; const formItem = useFormItem(props); const { mergedSizeRef, mergedDisabledRef } = formItem; const { localeRef } = useLocale("global"); const { mergedClsPrefixRef, namespaceRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("ColorPicker", "-color-picker", style$1b, colorPickerLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); vue.provide(colorPickerInjectionKey, { themeRef, renderLabelRef: vue.toRef(props, "renderLabel"), colorPickerSlots: slots }); const uncontrolledShowRef = vue.ref(props.defaultShow); const mergedShowRef = useMergedState(vue.toRef(props, "show"), uncontrolledShowRef); function doUpdateShow(value) { const { onUpdateShow, "onUpdate:show": _onUpdateShow } = props; if (onUpdateShow) call(onUpdateShow, value); if (_onUpdateShow) call(_onUpdateShow, value); uncontrolledShowRef.value = value; } const { defaultValue } = props; const uncontrolledValueRef = vue.ref(defaultValue === void 0 ? deriveDefaultValue(props.modes, props.showAlpha) : defaultValue); const mergedValueRef = useMergedState(vue.toRef(props, "value"), uncontrolledValueRef); const undoStackRef = vue.ref([mergedValueRef.value]); const valueIndexRef = vue.ref(0); const valueModeRef = vue.computed(() => getModeFromValue(mergedValueRef.value)); const { modes } = props; const displayedModeRef = vue.ref(getModeFromValue(mergedValueRef.value) || modes[0] || "rgb"); function handleUpdateDisplayedMode() { const { modes: modes2 } = props; const { value: displayedMode } = displayedModeRef; const currentModeIndex = modes2.findIndex((mode) => mode === displayedMode); if (~currentModeIndex) { displayedModeRef.value = modes2[(currentModeIndex + 1) % modes2.length]; } else { displayedModeRef.value = "rgb"; } } let _h, s, l, v, r, g, b, a2; const hsvaRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value: mergedValue } = mergedValueRef; if (!mergedValue) return null; switch (valueModeRef.value) { case "hsv": return hsva(mergedValue); case "hsl": [_h, s, l, a2] = hsla(mergedValue); return [...hsl2hsv(_h, s, l), a2]; case "rgb": case "hex": [r, g, b, a2] = rgba(mergedValue); return [...rgb2hsv(r, g, b), a2]; } }); const rgbaRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value: mergedValue } = mergedValueRef; if (!mergedValue) return null; switch (valueModeRef.value) { case "rgb": case "hex": return rgba(mergedValue); case "hsv": [_h, s, v, a2] = hsva(mergedValue); return [...hsv2rgb(_h, s, v), a2]; case "hsl": [_h, s, l, a2] = hsla(mergedValue); return [...hsl2rgb(_h, s, l), a2]; } }); const hslaRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value: mergedValue } = mergedValueRef; if (!mergedValue) return null; switch (valueModeRef.value) { case "hsl": return hsla(mergedValue); case "hsv": [_h, s, v, a2] = hsva(mergedValue); return [...hsv2hsl(_h, s, v), a2]; case "rgb": case "hex": [r, g, b, a2] = rgba(mergedValue); return [...rgb2hsl(r, g, b), a2]; } }); const mergedValueArrRef = vue.computed(() => { switch (displayedModeRef.value) { case "rgb": case "hex": return rgbaRef.value; case "hsv": return hsvaRef.value; case "hsl": return hslaRef.value; } }); const displayedHueRef = vue.ref(0); const displayedAlphaRef = vue.ref(1); const displayedSvRef = vue.ref([0, 0]); function handleUpdateSv(s2, v2) { const { value: hsvaArr } = hsvaRef; const hue = displayedHueRef.value; const alpha = hsvaArr ? hsvaArr[3] : 1; displayedSvRef.value = [s2, v2]; const { showAlpha } = props; switch (displayedModeRef.value) { case "hsv": doUpdateValue((showAlpha ? toHsvaString : toHsvString)([hue, s2, v2, alpha]), "cursor"); break; case "hsl": doUpdateValue((showAlpha ? toHslaString : toHslString)([...hsv2hsl(hue, s2, v2), alpha]), "cursor"); break; case "rgb": doUpdateValue((showAlpha ? toRgbaString : toRgbString)([...hsv2rgb(hue, s2, v2), alpha]), "cursor"); break; case "hex": doUpdateValue((showAlpha ? toHexaString : toHexString)([...hsv2rgb(hue, s2, v2), alpha]), "cursor"); break; } } function handleUpdateHue(hue) { displayedHueRef.value = hue; const { value: hsvaArr } = hsvaRef; if (!hsvaArr) { return; } const [, s2, v2, a3] = hsvaArr; const { showAlpha } = props; switch (displayedModeRef.value) { case "hsv": doUpdateValue((showAlpha ? toHsvaString : toHsvString)([hue, s2, v2, a3]), "cursor"); break; case "rgb": doUpdateValue((showAlpha ? toRgbaString : toRgbString)([...hsv2rgb(hue, s2, v2), a3]), "cursor"); break; case "hex": doUpdateValue((showAlpha ? toHexaString : toHexString)([...hsv2rgb(hue, s2, v2), a3]), "cursor"); break; case "hsl": doUpdateValue((showAlpha ? toHslaString : toHslString)([...hsv2hsl(hue, s2, v2), a3]), "cursor"); break; } } function handleUpdateAlpha(alpha) { switch (displayedModeRef.value) { case "hsv": [_h, s, v] = hsvaRef.value; doUpdateValue(toHsvaString([_h, s, v, alpha]), "cursor"); break; case "rgb": [r, g, b] = rgbaRef.value; doUpdateValue(toRgbaString([r, g, b, alpha]), "cursor"); break; case "hex": [r, g, b] = rgbaRef.value; doUpdateValue(toHexaString([r, g, b, alpha]), "cursor"); break; case "hsl": [_h, s, l] = hslaRef.value; doUpdateValue(toHslaString([_h, s, l, alpha]), "cursor"); break; } displayedAlphaRef.value = alpha; } function doUpdateValue(value, updateSource) { if (updateSource === "cursor") { upcomingValue = value; } else { upcomingValue = null; } const { nTriggerFormChange, nTriggerFormInput } = formItem; const { onUpdateValue, "onUpdate:value": _onUpdateValue } = props; if (onUpdateValue) call(onUpdateValue, value); if (_onUpdateValue) call(_onUpdateValue, value); nTriggerFormChange(); nTriggerFormInput(); uncontrolledValueRef.value = value; } function handleInputUpdateValue(value) { doUpdateValue(value, "input"); void vue.nextTick(handleComplete); } function handleComplete(pushStack = true) { const { value } = mergedValueRef; if (value) { const { nTriggerFormChange, nTriggerFormInput } = formItem; const { onComplete } = props; if (onComplete) { onComplete(value); } const { value: undoStack } = undoStackRef; const { value: valueIndex } = valueIndexRef; if (pushStack) { undoStack.splice(valueIndex + 1, undoStack.length, value); valueIndexRef.value = valueIndex + 1; } nTriggerFormChange(); nTriggerFormInput(); } } function undo() { const { value: valueIndex } = valueIndexRef; if (valueIndex - 1 < 0) return; doUpdateValue(undoStackRef.value[valueIndex - 1], "input"); handleComplete(false); valueIndexRef.value = valueIndex - 1; } function redo() { const { value: valueIndex } = valueIndexRef; if (valueIndex < 0 || valueIndex + 1 >= undoStackRef.value.length) return; doUpdateValue(undoStackRef.value[valueIndex + 1], "input"); handleComplete(false); valueIndexRef.value = valueIndex + 1; } function handleClear() { doUpdateValue(null, "input"); doUpdateShow(false); } function handleConfirm() { const { value } = mergedValueRef; const { onConfirm } = props; if (onConfirm) { onConfirm(value); } doUpdateShow(false); } const undoableRef = vue.computed(() => valueIndexRef.value >= 1); const redoableRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value: undoStack } = undoStackRef; return undoStack.length > 1 && valueIndexRef.value < undoStack.length - 1; }); vue.watch(mergedShowRef, (value) => { if (!value) { undoStackRef.value = [mergedValueRef.value]; valueIndexRef.value = 0; } }); vue.watchEffect(() => { if (upcomingValue && upcomingValue === mergedValueRef.value) ; else { const { value } = hsvaRef; if (value) { displayedHueRef.value = value[0]; displayedAlphaRef.value = value[3]; displayedSvRef.value = [value[1], value[2]]; } } upcomingValue = null; }); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value: mergedSize } = mergedSizeRef; const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: { textColor, color, panelFontSize, boxShadow, border, borderRadius, dividerColor, [createKey("height", mergedSize)]: height, [createKey("fontSize", mergedSize)]: fontSize2 } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-text-color": textColor, "--n-color": color, "--n-panel-font-size": panelFontSize, "--n-font-size": fontSize2, "--n-box-shadow": boxShadow, "--n-border": border, "--n-border-radius": borderRadius, "--n-height": height, "--n-divider-color": dividerColor }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("color-picker", vue.computed(() => { return mergedSizeRef.value[0]; }), cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; function renderPanel() { var _a; const { value: rgba2 } = rgbaRef; const { value: displayedHue } = displayedHueRef; const { internalActions, modes: modes2, actions } = props; const { value: mergedTheme } = themeRef; const { value: mergedClsPrefix } = mergedClsPrefixRef; return vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-color-picker-panel`, themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass.value], onDragstart: (e) => { e.preventDefault(); }, style: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef.value }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-color-picker-control` }, vue.h(Pallete, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, rgba: rgba2, displayedHue, displayedSv: displayedSvRef.value, onUpdateSV: handleUpdateSv, onComplete: handleComplete }), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-color-picker-preview` }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-color-picker-preview__sliders` }, vue.h(HueSlider, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, hue: displayedHue, onUpdateHue: handleUpdateHue, onComplete: handleComplete }), props.showAlpha ? vue.h(AlphaSlider, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, rgba: rgba2, alpha: displayedAlphaRef.value, onUpdateAlpha: handleUpdateAlpha, onComplete: handleComplete }) : null), props.showPreview ? vue.h(ColorPreview, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, mode: displayedModeRef.value, color: rgbaRef.value && toHexString(rgbaRef.value), onUpdateColor: (color) => { doUpdateValue(color, "input"); } }) : null), vue.h(ColorInput, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, showAlpha: props.showAlpha, mode: displayedModeRef.value, modes: modes2, onUpdateMode: handleUpdateDisplayedMode, value: mergedValueRef.value, valueArr: mergedValueArrRef.value, onUpdateValue: handleInputUpdateValue }), ((_a = props.swatches) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length) && vue.h(ColorPickerSwatches, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, mode: displayedModeRef.value, swatches: props.swatches, onUpdateColor: (color) => { doUpdateValue(color, "input"); } })), (actions === null || actions === void 0 ? void 0 : actions.length) ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-color-picker-action` }, actions.includes("confirm") && vue.h(NButton, { size: "small", onClick: handleConfirm, theme: mergedTheme.peers.Button, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Button }, { default: () => localeRef.value.confirm }), actions.includes("clear") && vue.h(NButton, { size: "small", onClick: handleClear, disabled: !mergedValueRef.value, theme: mergedTheme.peers.Button, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Button }, { default: () => localeRef.value.clear })) : null, slots.action ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-color-picker-action` }, { default: slots.action }) : internalActions ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-color-picker-action` }, internalActions.includes("undo") && vue.h(NButton, { size: "small", onClick: undo, disabled: !undoableRef.value, theme: mergedTheme.peers.Button, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Button }, { default: () => localeRef.value.undo }), internalActions.includes("redo") && vue.h(NButton, { size: "small", onClick: redo, disabled: !redoableRef.value, theme: mergedTheme.peers.Button, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Button }, { default: () => localeRef.value.redo })) : null); } return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, namespace: namespaceRef, selfRef, hsla: hslaRef, rgba: rgbaRef, mergedShow: mergedShowRef, mergedDisabled: mergedDisabledRef, isMounted: isMounted(), adjustedTo: useAdjustedTo(props), mergedValue: mergedValueRef, handleTriggerClick() { doUpdateShow(true); }, handleClickOutside(e) { var _a; if ((_a = selfRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.contains(getPreciseEventTarget(e))) { return; } doUpdateShow(false); }, renderPanel, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }; }, render() { const { $slots, mergedClsPrefix, onRender } = this; onRender === null || onRender === void 0 ? void 0 : onRender(); return vue.h("div", { class: [this.themeClass, `${mergedClsPrefix}-color-picker`], ref: "selfRef", style: this.cssVars }, vue.h(Binder, null, { default: () => [vue.h(VTarget, null, { default: () => vue.h(ColorPickerTrigger, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, value: this.mergedValue, hsla: this.hsla, disabled: this.mergedDisabled, onClick: this.handleTriggerClick }, { label: $slots.label }) }), vue.h(VFollower, { placement: this.placement, show: this.mergedShow, containerClass: this.namespace, teleportDisabled: this.adjustedTo === useAdjustedTo.tdkey, to: this.adjustedTo }, { default: () => vue.h(vue.Transition, { name: "fade-in-scale-up-transition", appear: this.isMounted }, { default: () => this.mergedShow ? vue.withDirectives(this.renderPanel(), [[clickoutside, this.handleClickOutside, void 0, { capture: true }]]) : null }) })] })); } }); const commonVariables$d = { paddingSmall: "12px 16px 12px", paddingMedium: "19px 24px 20px", paddingLarge: "23px 32px 24px", paddingHuge: "27px 40px 28px", titleFontSizeSmall: "16px", titleFontSizeMedium: "18px", titleFontSizeLarge: "18px", titleFontSizeHuge: "18px", closeIconSize: "18px", closeSize: "22px" }; const self$$ = (vars) => { const { primaryColor, borderRadius, lineHeight: lineHeight2, fontSize: fontSize2, cardColor, textColor2, textColor1, dividerColor, fontWeightStrong, closeIconColor, closeIconColorHover, closeIconColorPressed, closeColorHover, closeColorPressed, modalColor, boxShadow1, popoverColor, actionColor } = vars; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, commonVariables$d), { lineHeight: lineHeight2, color: cardColor, colorModal: modalColor, colorPopover: popoverColor, colorTarget: primaryColor, colorEmbedded: actionColor, colorEmbeddedModal: actionColor, colorEmbeddedPopover: actionColor, textColor: textColor2, titleTextColor: textColor1, borderColor: dividerColor, actionColor, titleFontWeight: fontWeightStrong, closeColorHover, closeColorPressed, closeBorderRadius: borderRadius, closeIconColor, closeIconColorHover, closeIconColorPressed, fontSizeSmall: fontSize2, fontSizeMedium: fontSize2, fontSizeLarge: fontSize2, fontSizeHuge: fontSize2, boxShadow: boxShadow1, borderRadius }); }; const cardLight = { name: "Card", common: derived, self: self$$ }; const style$1a = c$1([cB("card", ` font-size: var(--n-font-size); line-height: var(--n-line-height); display: flex; flex-direction: column; width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box; position: relative; border-radius: var(--n-border-radius); background-color: var(--n-color); color: var(--n-text-color); word-break: break-word; transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), box-shadow .3s var(--n-bezier), border-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [asModal({ background: "var(--n-color-modal)" }), cM("hoverable", [c$1("&:hover", "box-shadow: var(--n-box-shadow);")]), cM("content-segmented", [c$1(">", [cE("content", { paddingTop: "var(--n-padding-bottom)" })])]), cM("content-soft-segmented", [c$1(">", [cE("content", ` margin: 0 var(--n-padding-left); padding: var(--n-padding-bottom) 0; `)])]), cM("footer-segmented", [c$1(">", [cE("footer", { paddingTop: "var(--n-padding-bottom)" })])]), cM("footer-soft-segmented", [c$1(">", [cE("footer", ` padding: var(--n-padding-bottom) 0; margin: 0 var(--n-padding-left); `)])]), c$1(">", [cB("card-header", ` box-sizing: border-box; display: flex; align-items: center; font-size: var(--n-title-font-size); padding: var(--n-padding-top) var(--n-padding-left) var(--n-padding-bottom) var(--n-padding-left); `, [cE("main", ` font-weight: var(--n-title-font-weight); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); flex: 1; min-width: 0; color: var(--n-title-text-color); `), cE("extra", ` display: flex; align-items: center; font-size: var(--n-font-size); font-weight: 400; transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); color: var(--n-text-color); `), cE("close", ` margin: 0 0 0 8px; transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), color .3s var(--n-bezier); `)]), cE("action", ` box-sizing: border-box; transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), border-color .3s var(--n-bezier); background-clip: padding-box; background-color: var(--n-action-color); `), cE("content", "flex: 1; min-width: 0;"), cE("content, footer", ` box-sizing: border-box; padding: 0 var(--n-padding-left) var(--n-padding-bottom) var(--n-padding-left); font-size: var(--n-font-size); `, [c$1("&:first-child", { paddingTop: "var(--n-padding-bottom)" })]), cE("action", ` background-color: var(--n-action-color); padding: var(--n-padding-bottom) var(--n-padding-left); border-bottom-left-radius: var(--n-border-radius); border-bottom-right-radius: var(--n-border-radius); `)]), cB("card-cover", ` overflow: hidden; width: 100%; border-radius: var(--n-border-radius) var(--n-border-radius) 0 0; `, [c$1("img", ` display: block; width: 100%; `)]), cM("bordered", ` border: 1px solid var(--n-border-color); `, [c$1("&:target", "border-color: var(--n-color-target);")]), cM("action-segmented", [c$1(">", [cE("action", [c$1("&:not(:first-child)", { borderTop: "1px solid var(--n-border-color)" })])])]), cM("content-segmented, content-soft-segmented", [c$1(">", [cE("content", { transition: "border-color 0.3s var(--n-bezier)" }, [c$1("&:not(:first-child)", { borderTop: "1px solid var(--n-border-color)" })])])]), cM("footer-segmented, footer-soft-segmented", [c$1(">", [cE("footer", { transition: "border-color 0.3s var(--n-bezier)" }, [c$1("&:not(:first-child)", { borderTop: "1px solid var(--n-border-color)" })])])]), cM("embedded", ` background-color: var(--n-color-embedded); `)]), insideModal(cB("card", ` background: var(--n-color-modal); `, [cM("embedded", ` background-color: var(--n-color-embedded-modal); `)])), insidePopover(cB("card", ` background: var(--n-color-popover); `, [cM("embedded", ` background-color: var(--n-color-embedded-popover); `)]))]); const cardBaseProps = { title: [String, Function], contentClass: String, contentStyle: [Object, String], headerClass: String, headerStyle: [Object, String], headerExtraClass: String, headerExtraStyle: [Object, String], footerClass: String, footerStyle: [Object, String], embedded: Boolean, segmented: { type: [Boolean, Object], default: false }, size: { type: String, default: "medium" }, bordered: { type: Boolean, default: true }, closable: Boolean, hoverable: Boolean, role: String, onClose: [Function, Array], tag: { type: String, default: "div" }, cover: Function, content: [String, Function], footer: Function, action: Function, headerExtra: Function }; const cardBasePropKeys = keysOf(cardBaseProps); const cardProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), cardBaseProps); const NCard = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Card", props: cardProps, setup(props) { const handleCloseClick = () => { const { onClose } = props; if (onClose) call(onClose); }; const { inlineThemeDisabled, mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedRtlRef } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Card", "-card", style$1a, cardLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const rtlEnabledRef = useRtl("Card", mergedRtlRef, mergedClsPrefixRef); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { size: size2 } = props; const { self: { color, colorModal, colorTarget, textColor, titleTextColor, titleFontWeight, borderColor, actionColor, borderRadius, lineHeight: lineHeight2, closeIconColor, closeIconColorHover, closeIconColorPressed, closeColorHover, closeColorPressed, closeBorderRadius, closeIconSize, closeSize, boxShadow, colorPopover, colorEmbedded, colorEmbeddedModal, colorEmbeddedPopover, [createKey("padding", size2)]: padding, [createKey("fontSize", size2)]: fontSize2, [createKey("titleFontSize", size2)]: titleFontSize }, common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 } } = themeRef.value; const { top: paddingTop, left: paddingLeft, bottom: paddingBottom } = getMargin(padding); return { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-border-radius": borderRadius, "--n-color": color, "--n-color-modal": colorModal, "--n-color-popover": colorPopover, "--n-color-embedded": colorEmbedded, "--n-color-embedded-modal": colorEmbeddedModal, "--n-color-embedded-popover": colorEmbeddedPopover, "--n-color-target": colorTarget, "--n-text-color": textColor, "--n-line-height": lineHeight2, "--n-action-color": actionColor, "--n-title-text-color": titleTextColor, "--n-title-font-weight": titleFontWeight, "--n-close-icon-color": closeIconColor, "--n-close-icon-color-hover": closeIconColorHover, "--n-close-icon-color-pressed": closeIconColorPressed, "--n-close-color-hover": closeColorHover, "--n-close-color-pressed": closeColorPressed, "--n-border-color": borderColor, "--n-box-shadow": boxShadow, // size "--n-padding-top": paddingTop, "--n-padding-bottom": paddingBottom, "--n-padding-left": paddingLeft, "--n-font-size": fontSize2, "--n-title-font-size": titleFontSize, "--n-close-size": closeSize, "--n-close-icon-size": closeIconSize, "--n-close-border-radius": closeBorderRadius }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("card", vue.computed(() => { return props.size[0]; }), cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return { rtlEnabled: rtlEnabledRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedTheme: themeRef, handleCloseClick, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }; }, render() { const { segmented, bordered, hoverable, mergedClsPrefix, rtlEnabled, onRender, embedded, tag: Component, $slots } = this; onRender === null || onRender === void 0 ? void 0 : onRender(); return vue.h(Component, { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-card`, this.themeClass, embedded && `${mergedClsPrefix}-card--embedded`, { [`${mergedClsPrefix}-card--rtl`]: rtlEnabled, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-card--content${typeof segmented !== "boolean" && segmented.content === "soft" ? "-soft" : ""}-segmented`]: segmented === true || segmented !== false && segmented.content, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-card--footer${typeof segmented !== "boolean" && segmented.footer === "soft" ? "-soft" : ""}-segmented`]: segmented === true || segmented !== false && segmented.footer, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-card--action-segmented`]: segmented === true || segmented !== false && segmented.action, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-card--bordered`]: bordered, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-card--hoverable`]: hoverable }], style: this.cssVars, role: this.role }, resolveWrappedSlot($slots.cover, (children) => { const mergedChildren = this.cover ? ensureValidVNode([this.cover()]) : children; return mergedChildren && vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-card-cover`, role: "none" }, mergedChildren); }), resolveWrappedSlot($slots.header, (children) => { const { title } = this; const mergedChildren = title ? ensureValidVNode(typeof title === "function" ? [title()] : [title]) : children; return mergedChildren || this.closable ? vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-card-header`, this.headerClass], style: this.headerStyle, role: "heading" }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-card-header__main`, role: "heading" }, mergedChildren), resolveWrappedSlot($slots["header-extra"], (children2) => { const mergedChildren2 = this.headerExtra ? ensureValidVNode([this.headerExtra()]) : children2; return mergedChildren2 && vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-card-header__extra`, this.headerExtraClass], style: this.headerExtraStyle }, mergedChildren2); }), this.closable && vue.h(NBaseClose, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-card-header__close`, onClick: this.handleCloseClick, absolute: true })) : null; }), resolveWrappedSlot($slots.default, (children) => { const { content } = this; const mergedChildren = content ? ensureValidVNode(typeof content === "function" ? [content()] : [content]) : children; return mergedChildren && vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-card__content`, this.contentClass], style: this.contentStyle, role: "none" }, mergedChildren); }), resolveWrappedSlot($slots.footer, (children) => { const mergedChildren = this.footer ? ensureValidVNode([this.footer()]) : children; return mergedChildren && vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-card__footer`, this.footerClass], style: this.footerStyle, role: "none" }, mergedChildren); }), resolveWrappedSlot($slots.action, (children) => { const mergedChildren = this.action ? ensureValidVNode([this.action()]) : children; return mergedChildren && vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-card__action`, role: "none" }, mergedChildren); })); } }); const self$_ = (vars) => { return { dotSize: "8px", dotColor: "rgba(255, 255, 255, .3)", dotColorActive: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)", dotColorFocus: "rgba(255, 255, 255, .5)", dotLineWidth: "16px", dotLineWidthActive: "24px", arrowColor: "#eee" }; }; const carouselLight = { name: "Carousel", common: derived, self: self$_ }; function addDuplicateSlides(slides) { const { length } = slides; if (length > 1) { slides.push(duplicateSlide(slides[0], 0, "append")); slides.unshift(duplicateSlide(slides[length - 1], length - 1, "prepend")); return slides; } return slides; } function duplicateSlide(child, index, position) { return vue.cloneVNode(child, { // for patch key: `carousel-item-duplicate-${index}-${position}` }); } function getDisplayIndex(current, length, duplicatedable) { if (length === 1) return 0; return !duplicatedable ? current : current === 0 ? length - 3 : current === length - 1 ? 0 : current - 1; } function getRealIndex(current, duplicatedable) { return !duplicatedable ? current : current + 1; } function getPrevIndex(current, length, duplicatedable) { if (current < 0) return null; return current === 0 ? duplicatedable ? length - 1 : null : current - 1; } function getNextIndex(current, length, duplicatedable) { if (current > length - 1) return null; return current === length - 1 ? duplicatedable ? 0 : null : current + 1; } function getDisplayTotalView(total, duplicatedable) { return duplicatedable && total > 3 ? total - 2 : total; } function isTouchEvent$1(e) { return window.TouchEvent && e instanceof window.TouchEvent; } function calculateSize(element, innerOnly) { let { offsetWidth: width, offsetHeight: height } = element; if (innerOnly) { const style2 = getComputedStyle(element); width = width - parseFloat(style2.getPropertyValue("padding-left")) - parseFloat(style2.getPropertyValue("padding-right")); height = height - parseFloat(style2.getPropertyValue("padding-top")) - parseFloat(style2.getPropertyValue("padding-bottom")); } return { width, height }; } function clampValue(value, min, max) { return value < min ? min : value > max ? max : value; } function resolveSpeed(value) { if (value === void 0) return 0; if (typeof value === "number") return value; const timeRE = /^((\d+)?\.?\d+?)(ms|s)?$/; const match2 = value.match(timeRE); if (match2) { const [, number, , unit = "ms"] = match2; return Number(number) * (unit === "ms" ? 1 : 1e3); } return 0; } const carouselMethodsInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-carousel-methods"); const provideCarouselContext = (contextValue) => { vue.provide(carouselMethodsInjectionKey, contextValue); }; const useCarouselContext = (location = "unknown", component = "component") => { const CarouselContext = vue.inject(carouselMethodsInjectionKey); if (!CarouselContext) { throwError(location, `\`${component}\` must be placed inside \`n-carousel\`.`); } return CarouselContext; }; const carouselDotsProps = { total: { type: Number, default: 0 }, currentIndex: { type: Number, default: 0 }, dotType: { type: String, default: "dot" }, trigger: { type: String, default: "click" }, keyboard: Boolean }; const NCarouselDots = vue.defineComponent({ name: "CarouselDots", props: carouselDotsProps, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef } = useConfig(props); const dotElsRef = vue.ref([]); const NCarousel = useCarouselContext(); function handleKeydown(e, current) { switch (e.key) { case "Enter": case " ": e.preventDefault(); NCarousel.to(current); return; } if (props.keyboard) { handleKeyboard(e); } } function handleMouseenter(current) { if (props.trigger === "hover") { NCarousel.to(current); } } function handleClick2(current) { if (props.trigger === "click") { NCarousel.to(current); } } function handleKeyboard(e) { var _a; if (e.shiftKey || e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) { return; } const nodeName = (_a = document.activeElement) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if (nodeName === "input" || nodeName === "textarea") { return; } const { code: keycode } = e; const isVerticalNext = keycode === "PageUp" || keycode === "ArrowUp"; const isVerticalPrev = keycode === "PageDown" || keycode === "ArrowDown"; const isHorizontalNext = keycode === "PageUp" || keycode === "ArrowRight"; const isHorizontalPrev = keycode === "PageDown" || keycode === "ArrowLeft"; const vertical = NCarousel.isVertical(); const wantToNext = vertical ? isVerticalNext : isHorizontalNext; const wantToPrev = vertical ? isVerticalPrev : isHorizontalPrev; if (!wantToNext && !wantToPrev) { return; } e.preventDefault(); if (wantToNext && !NCarousel.isNextDisabled()) { NCarousel.next(); focusDot(NCarousel.currentIndexRef.value); } else if (wantToPrev && !NCarousel.isPrevDisabled()) { NCarousel.prev(); focusDot(NCarousel.currentIndexRef.value); } } function focusDot(index) { var _a; (_a = dotElsRef.value[index]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.focus(); } vue.onBeforeUpdate(() => dotElsRef.value.length = 0); return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, dotEls: dotElsRef, handleKeydown, handleMouseenter, handleClick: handleClick2 }; }, render() { const { mergedClsPrefix, dotEls } = this; return vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-carousel__dots`, `${mergedClsPrefix}-carousel__dots--${this.dotType}`], role: "tablist" }, indexMap(this.total, (i) => { const selected = i === this.currentIndex; return vue.h("div", { "aria-selected": selected, ref: (el) => dotEls.push(el), role: "button", tabindex: "0", class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-carousel__dot`, selected && `${mergedClsPrefix}-carousel__dot--active`], key: i, onClick: () => { this.handleClick(i); }, onMouseenter: () => { this.handleMouseenter(i); }, onKeydown: (e) => { this.handleKeydown(e, i); } }); })); } }); const backwardIcon = vue.h("svg", { xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", viewBox: "0 0 16 16" }, vue.h("g", { fill: "none" }, vue.h("path", { d: "M10.26 3.2a.75.75 0 0 1 .04 1.06L6.773 8l3.527 3.74a.75.75 0 1 1-1.1 1.02l-4-4.25a.75.75 0 0 1 0-1.02l4-4.25a.75.75 0 0 1 1.06-.04z", fill: "currentColor" }))); const forwardIcon = vue.h("svg", { xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", viewBox: "0 0 16 16" }, vue.h("g", { fill: "none" }, vue.h("path", { d: "M5.74 3.2a.75.75 0 0 0-.04 1.06L9.227 8L5.7 11.74a.75.75 0 1 0 1.1 1.02l4-4.25a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.02l-4-4.25a.75.75 0 0 0-1.06-.04z", fill: "currentColor" }))); const NCarouselArrow = vue.defineComponent({ name: "CarouselArrow", setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef } = useConfig(props); const { isVertical, isPrevDisabled, isNextDisabled, prev, next } = useCarouselContext(); return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, isVertical, isPrevDisabled, isNextDisabled, prev, next }; }, render() { const { mergedClsPrefix } = this; return vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-carousel__arrow-group` }, vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-carousel__arrow`, this.isPrevDisabled() && `${mergedClsPrefix}-carousel__arrow--disabled`], role: "button", onClick: this.prev }, backwardIcon), vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-carousel__arrow`, this.isNextDisabled() && `${mergedClsPrefix}-carousel__arrow--disabled`], role: "button", onClick: this.next }, forwardIcon)); } }); const CarouselItemName = "CarouselItem"; const isCarouselItem = (child) => { var _a; return ((_a = child.type) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.name) === CarouselItemName; }; const NCarouselItem = vue.defineComponent({ name: CarouselItemName, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef } = useConfig(props); const NCarousel = useCarouselContext(camelCase(CarouselItemName), `n-${camelCase(CarouselItemName)}`); const selfElRef = vue.ref(); const indexRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value: selfEl } = selfElRef; return selfEl ? NCarousel.getSlideIndex(selfEl) : -1; }); const isPrevRef = vue.computed(() => NCarousel.isPrev(indexRef.value)); const isNextRef = vue.computed(() => NCarousel.isNext(indexRef.value)); const isActiveRef = vue.computed(() => NCarousel.isActive(indexRef.value)); const styleRef = vue.computed(() => NCarousel.getSlideStyle(indexRef.value)); vue.onMounted(() => { NCarousel.addSlide(selfElRef.value); }); vue.onBeforeUnmount(() => { NCarousel.removeSlide(selfElRef.value); }); function handleClick2(event) { const { value: index } = indexRef; if (index !== void 0) { NCarousel === null || NCarousel === void 0 ? void 0 : NCarousel.onCarouselItemClick(index, event); } } return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, selfElRef, isPrev: isPrevRef, isNext: isNextRef, isActive: isActiveRef, index: indexRef, style: styleRef, handleClick: handleClick2 }; }, render() { var _a; const { $slots: slots, mergedClsPrefix, isPrev, isNext, isActive, index, style: style2 } = this; const className = [`${mergedClsPrefix}-carousel__slide`, { [`${mergedClsPrefix}-carousel__slide--current`]: isActive, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-carousel__slide--prev`]: isPrev, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-carousel__slide--next`]: isNext }]; return vue.h("div", { ref: "selfElRef", class: className, role: "option", tabindex: "-1", "data-index": index, "aria-hidden": !isActive, style: style2, // We use ts-ignore for vue-tsc, since it seems to patch native event // for vue components // @ts-expect-error vue's tsx has type for capture events onClickCapture: this.handleClick }, (_a = slots.default) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(slots, { isPrev, isNext, isActive, index })); } }); const style$19 = cB("carousel", ` position: relative; width: 100%; height: 100%; touch-action: pan-y; overflow: hidden; `, [cE("slides", ` display: flex; width: 100%; height: 100%; transition-timing-function: var(--n-bezier); transition-property: transform; `, [cE("slide", ` flex-shrink: 0; position: relative; width: 100%; height: 100%; outline: none; overflow: hidden; `, [c$1("> img", ` display: block; `)])]), cE("dots", ` position: absolute; display: flex; flex-wrap: nowrap; `, [cM("dot", [cE("dot", ` height: var(--n-dot-size); width: var(--n-dot-size); background-color: var(--n-dot-color); border-radius: 50%; cursor: pointer; transition: box-shadow .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); outline: none; `, [c$1("&:focus", ` background-color: var(--n-dot-color-focus); `), cM("active", ` background-color: var(--n-dot-color-active); `)])]), cM("line", [cE("dot", ` border-radius: 9999px; width: var(--n-dot-line-width); height: 4px; background-color: var(--n-dot-color); cursor: pointer; transition: width .3s var(--n-bezier), box-shadow .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); outline: none; `, [c$1("&:focus", ` background-color: var(--n-dot-color-focus); `), cM("active", ` width: var(--n-dot-line-width-active); background-color: var(--n-dot-color-active); `)])])]), cE("arrow", ` transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); cursor: pointer; height: 28px; width: 28px; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .2); color: var(--n-arrow-color); border-radius: 8px; user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; font-size: 18px; `, [c$1("svg", ` height: 1em; width: 1em; `), c$1("&:hover", ` background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .3); `)]), cM("vertical", ` touch-action: pan-x; `, [cE("slides", ` flex-direction: column; `), cM("fade", [cE("slide", ` top: 50%; left: unset; transform: translateY(-50%); `)]), cM("card", [cE("slide", ` top: 50%; left: unset; transform: translateY(-50%) translateZ(-400px); `, [cM("current", ` transform: translateY(-50%) translateZ(0); `), cM("prev", ` transform: translateY(-100%) translateZ(-200px); `), cM("next", ` transform: translateY(0%) translateZ(-200px); `)])])]), cM("usercontrol", [cE("slides", [c$1(">", [c$1("div", ` position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; width: 100%; height: 100%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); `)])])]), cM("left", [cE("dots", ` transform: translateY(-50%); top: 50%; left: 12px; flex-direction: column; `, [cM("line", [cE("dot", ` width: 4px; height: var(--n-dot-line-width); margin: 4px 0; transition: height .3s var(--n-bezier), box-shadow .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); outline: none; `, [cM("active", ` height: var(--n-dot-line-width-active); `)])])]), cE("dot", ` margin: 4px 0; `)]), cE("arrow-group", ` position: absolute; display: flex; flex-wrap: nowrap; `), cM("vertical", [cE("arrow", ` transform: rotate(90deg); `)]), cM("show-arrow", [cM("bottom", [cE("dots", ` transform: translateX(0); bottom: 18px; left: 18px; `)]), cM("top", [cE("dots", ` transform: translateX(0); top: 18px; left: 18px; `)]), cM("left", [cE("dots", ` transform: translateX(0); top: 18px; left: 18px; `)]), cM("right", [cE("dots", ` transform: translateX(0); top: 18px; right: 18px; `)])]), cM("left", [cE("arrow-group", ` bottom: 12px; left: 12px; flex-direction: column; `, [c$1("> *:first-child", ` margin-bottom: 12px; `)])]), cM("right", [cE("dots", ` transform: translateY(-50%); top: 50%; right: 12px; flex-direction: column; `, [cM("line", [cE("dot", ` width: 4px; height: var(--n-dot-line-width); margin: 4px 0; transition: height .3s var(--n-bezier), box-shadow .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); outline: none; `, [cM("active", ` height: var(--n-dot-line-width-active); `)])])]), cE("dot", ` margin: 4px 0; `), cE("arrow-group", ` bottom: 12px; right: 12px; flex-direction: column; `, [c$1("> *:first-child", ` margin-bottom: 12px; `)])]), cM("top", [cE("dots", ` transform: translateX(-50%); top: 12px; left: 50%; `, [cM("line", [cE("dot", ` margin: 0 4px; `)])]), cE("dot", ` margin: 0 4px; `), cE("arrow-group", ` top: 12px; right: 12px; `, [c$1("> *:first-child", ` margin-right: 12px; `)])]), cM("bottom", [cE("dots", ` transform: translateX(-50%); bottom: 12px; left: 50%; `, [cM("line", [cE("dot", ` margin: 0 4px; `)])]), cE("dot", ` margin: 0 4px; `), cE("arrow-group", ` bottom: 12px; right: 12px; `, [c$1("> *:first-child", ` margin-right: 12px; `)])]), cM("fade", [cE("slide", ` position: absolute; opacity: 0; transition-property: opacity; pointer-events: none; `, [cM("current", ` opacity: 1; pointer-events: auto; `)])]), cM("card", [cE("slides", ` perspective: 1000px; `), cE("slide", ` position: absolute; left: 50%; opacity: 0; transform: translateX(-50%) translateZ(-400px); transition-property: opacity, transform; `, [cM("current", ` opacity: 1; transform: translateX(-50%) translateZ(0); z-index: 1; `), cM("prev", ` opacity: 0.4; transform: translateX(-100%) translateZ(-200px); `), cM("next", ` opacity: 0.4; transform: translateX(0%) translateZ(-200px); `)])])]); const transitionProperties = ["transitionDuration", "transitionTimingFunction"]; const carouselProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { defaultIndex: { type: Number, default: 0 }, currentIndex: Number, showArrow: Boolean, dotType: { type: String, default: "dot" }, dotPlacement: { type: String, default: "bottom" }, slidesPerView: { type: [Number, String], default: 1 }, spaceBetween: { type: Number, default: 0 }, centeredSlides: Boolean, direction: { type: String, default: "horizontal" }, autoplay: Boolean, interval: { type: Number, default: 5e3 }, loop: { type: Boolean, default: true }, effect: { type: String, default: "slide" }, showDots: { type: Boolean, default: true }, trigger: { type: String, default: "click" }, transitionStyle: { type: Object, default: () => ({ transitionDuration: "300ms" }) }, transitionProps: Object, draggable: Boolean, prevSlideStyle: [Object, String], nextSlideStyle: [Object, String], touchable: { type: Boolean, default: true }, mousewheel: Boolean, keyboard: Boolean, "onUpdate:currentIndex": Function, onUpdateCurrentIndex: Function }); let globalDragging = false; const Carousel = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Carousel", props: carouselProps, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const selfElRef = vue.ref(null); const slidesElRef = vue.ref(null); const slideElsRef = vue.ref([]); const slideVNodesRef = { value: [] }; const verticalRef = vue.computed(() => props.direction === "vertical"); const sizeAxisRef = vue.computed(() => verticalRef.value ? "height" : "width"); const spaceAxisRef = vue.computed(() => verticalRef.value ? "bottom" : "right"); const sequenceLayoutRef = vue.computed(() => props.effect === "slide"); const duplicatedableRef = vue.computed( // duplicate the copy operation in `slide` mode, // because only its DOM is sequence layout () => props.loop && props.slidesPerView === 1 && sequenceLayoutRef.value ); const userWantsControlRef = vue.computed(() => props.effect === "custom"); const displaySlidesPerViewRef = vue.computed(() => !sequenceLayoutRef.value || props.centeredSlides ? 1 : props.slidesPerView); const realSlidesPerViewRef = vue.computed(() => userWantsControlRef.value ? 1 : props.slidesPerView); const autoSlideSizeRef = vue.computed(() => displaySlidesPerViewRef.value === "auto" || props.slidesPerView === "auto" && props.centeredSlides); const perViewSizeRef = vue.ref({ width: 0, height: 0 }); const slideSizesRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value: slidesEls } = slideElsRef; if (!slidesEls.length) return []; const { value: autoSlideSize } = autoSlideSizeRef; if (autoSlideSize) { return slidesEls.map((slide) => calculateSize(slide)); } const { value: slidesPerView } = realSlidesPerViewRef; const { value: perViewSize } = perViewSizeRef; const { value: axis } = sizeAxisRef; let axisSize = perViewSize[axis]; if (slidesPerView !== "auto") { const { spaceBetween } = props; const remaining = axisSize - (slidesPerView - 1) * spaceBetween; const percentage = 1 / Math.max(1, slidesPerView); axisSize = remaining * percentage; } const slideSize = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, perViewSize), { [axis]: axisSize }); return slidesEls.map(() => slideSize); }); const slideTranlatesRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value: slideSizes } = slideSizesRef; if (!slideSizes.length) return []; const { centeredSlides, spaceBetween } = props; const { value: axis } = sizeAxisRef; const { [axis]: perViewSize } = perViewSizeRef.value; let previousTranslate2 = 0; return slideSizes.map(({ [axis]: slideSize }) => { let translate = previousTranslate2; if (centeredSlides) { translate += (slideSize - perViewSize) / 2; } previousTranslate2 += slideSize + spaceBetween; return translate; }); }); const isMountedRef = vue.ref(false); const transitionStyleRef = vue.computed(() => { const { transitionStyle } = props; return transitionStyle ? keep(transitionStyle, transitionProperties) : {}; }); const speedRef = vue.computed(() => userWantsControlRef.value ? 0 : resolveSpeed(transitionStyleRef.value.transitionDuration)); const slideStylesRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value: slidesEls } = slideElsRef; if (!slidesEls.length) return []; const useComputedSize = !(autoSlideSizeRef.value || realSlidesPerViewRef.value === 1); const getSlideSize = (index) => { if (useComputedSize) { const { value: axis } = sizeAxisRef; return { [axis]: `${slideSizesRef.value[index][axis]}px` }; } }; if (userWantsControlRef.value) { return slidesEls.map((_, i) => getSlideSize(i)); } const { effect, spaceBetween } = props; const { value: spaceAxis } = spaceAxisRef; return slidesEls.reduce((styles2, _, i) => { const style2 = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, getSlideSize(i)), { [`margin-${spaceAxis}`]: `${spaceBetween}px` }); styles2.push(style2); if (isMountedRef.value && (effect === "fade" || effect === "card")) { Object.assign(style2, transitionStyleRef.value); } return styles2; }, []); }); const totalViewRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value: slidesPerView } = displaySlidesPerViewRef; const { length: totalSlides } = slideElsRef.value; if (slidesPerView !== "auto") { return Math.max(totalSlides - slidesPerView, 0) + 1; } else { const { value: slideSizes } = slideSizesRef; const { length } = slideSizes; if (!length) return totalSlides; const { value: translates } = slideTranlatesRef; const { value: axis } = sizeAxisRef; const perViewSize = perViewSizeRef.value[axis]; let lastViewSize = slideSizes[slideSizes.length - 1][axis]; let i = length; while (i > 1 && lastViewSize < perViewSize) { i--; lastViewSize += translates[i] - translates[i - 1]; } return clampValue(i + 1, 1, length); } }); const displayTotalViewRef = vue.computed(() => getDisplayTotalView(totalViewRef.value, duplicatedableRef.value)); const defaultRealIndex = getRealIndex(props.defaultIndex, duplicatedableRef.value); const uncontrolledDisplayIndexRef = vue.ref(getDisplayIndex(defaultRealIndex, totalViewRef.value, duplicatedableRef.value)); const mergedDisplayIndexRef = useMergedState(vue.toRef(props, "currentIndex"), uncontrolledDisplayIndexRef); const realIndexRef = vue.computed(() => getRealIndex(mergedDisplayIndexRef.value, duplicatedableRef.value)); function toRealIndex(index) { var _a, _b; index = clampValue(index, 0, totalViewRef.value - 1); const displayIndex = getDisplayIndex(index, totalViewRef.value, duplicatedableRef.value); const { value: lastDisplayIndex } = mergedDisplayIndexRef; if (displayIndex !== mergedDisplayIndexRef.value) { uncontrolledDisplayIndexRef.value = displayIndex; (_a = props["onUpdate:currentIndex"]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, displayIndex, lastDisplayIndex); (_b = props.onUpdateCurrentIndex) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(props, displayIndex, lastDisplayIndex); } } function getRealPrevIndex(index = realIndexRef.value) { return getPrevIndex(index, totalViewRef.value, props.loop); } function getRealNextIndex(index = realIndexRef.value) { return getNextIndex(index, totalViewRef.value, props.loop); } function isRealPrev(slideOrIndex) { const index = getSlideIndex(slideOrIndex); return index !== null && getRealPrevIndex() === index; } function isRealNext(slideOrIndex) { const index = getSlideIndex(slideOrIndex); return index !== null && getRealNextIndex() === index; } function isRealActive(slideOrIndex) { return realIndexRef.value === getSlideIndex(slideOrIndex); } function isDisplayActive(index) { return mergedDisplayIndexRef.value === index; } function isPrevDisabled() { return getRealPrevIndex() === null; } function isNextDisabled() { return getRealNextIndex() === null; } function to(index) { const realIndex = clampValue(getRealIndex(index, duplicatedableRef.value), 0, totalViewRef.value); if (index !== mergedDisplayIndexRef.value || realIndex !== realIndexRef.value) { toRealIndex(realIndex); } } function prev() { const prevIndex = getRealPrevIndex(); if (prevIndex !== null) toRealIndex(prevIndex); } function next() { const nextIndex = getRealNextIndex(); if (nextIndex !== null) toRealIndex(nextIndex); } function prevIfSlideTransitionEnd() { if (!inTransition || !duplicatedableRef.value) prev(); } function nextIfSlideTransitionEnd() { if (!inTransition || !duplicatedableRef.value) next(); } let inTransition = false; let previousTranslate = 0; const translateStyleRef = vue.ref({}); function updateTranslate(translate, speed = 0) { translateStyleRef.value = Object.assign({}, transitionStyleRef.value, { transform: verticalRef.value ? `translateY(${-translate}px)` : `translateX(${-translate}px)`, transitionDuration: `${speed}ms` }); } function fixTranslate(speed = 0) { if (sequenceLayoutRef.value) { translateTo(realIndexRef.value, speed); } else if (previousTranslate !== 0) { if (!inTransition && speed > 0) { inTransition = true; } updateTranslate(previousTranslate = 0, speed); } } function translateTo(index, speed) { const translate = getTranslate(index); if (translate !== previousTranslate && speed > 0) { inTransition = true; } previousTranslate = getTranslate(realIndexRef.value); updateTranslate(translate, speed); } function getTranslate(index) { let translate; if (index >= totalViewRef.value - 1) { translate = getLastViewTranslate(); } else { translate = slideTranlatesRef.value[index] || 0; } return translate; } function getLastViewTranslate() { if (displaySlidesPerViewRef.value === "auto") { const { value: axis } = sizeAxisRef; const { [axis]: perViewSize } = perViewSizeRef.value; const { value: translates } = slideTranlatesRef; const lastTranslate = translates[translates.length - 1]; let overallSize; if (lastTranslate === void 0) { overallSize = perViewSize; } else { const { value: slideSizes } = slideSizesRef; overallSize = lastTranslate + slideSizes[slideSizes.length - 1][axis]; } return overallSize - perViewSize; } else { const { value: translates } = slideTranlatesRef; return translates[totalViewRef.value - 1] || 0; } } const carouselContext = { currentIndexRef: mergedDisplayIndexRef, to, prev: prevIfSlideTransitionEnd, next: nextIfSlideTransitionEnd, isVertical: () => verticalRef.value, isHorizontal: () => !verticalRef.value, isPrev: isRealPrev, isNext: isRealNext, isActive: isRealActive, isPrevDisabled, isNextDisabled, getSlideIndex, getSlideStyle, addSlide, removeSlide, onCarouselItemClick }; provideCarouselContext(carouselContext); function addSlide(slide) { if (!slide) return; slideElsRef.value.push(slide); } function removeSlide(slide) { if (!slide) return; const index = getSlideIndex(slide); if (index !== -1) { slideElsRef.value.splice(index, 1); } } function getSlideIndex(slideOrIndex) { return typeof slideOrIndex === "number" ? slideOrIndex : slideOrIndex ? slideElsRef.value.indexOf(slideOrIndex) : -1; } function getSlideStyle(slide) { const index = getSlideIndex(slide); if (index !== -1) { const styles2 = [slideStylesRef.value[index]]; const isPrev = carouselContext.isPrev(index); const isNext = carouselContext.isNext(index); if (isPrev) { styles2.push(props.prevSlideStyle || ""); } if (isNext) { styles2.push(props.nextSlideStyle || ""); } return vue.normalizeStyle(styles2); } } function onCarouselItemClick(index, event) { let allowClick = !inTransition && !dragging && !isEffectiveDrag; if (props.effect === "card" && allowClick && !isRealActive(index)) { to(index); allowClick = false; } if (!allowClick) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } } let autoplayTimer = null; function stopAutoplay() { if (autoplayTimer) { clearInterval(autoplayTimer); autoplayTimer = null; } } function resetAutoplay() { stopAutoplay(); const disabled = !props.autoplay || displayTotalViewRef.value < 2; if (!disabled) { autoplayTimer = window.setInterval(next, props.interval); } } let dragStartX = 0; let dragStartY = 0; let dragOffset = 0; let dragStartTime = 0; let dragging = false; let isEffectiveDrag = false; function handleTouchstart(event) { var _a; if (globalDragging) return; if (!((_a = slidesElRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.contains(getPreciseEventTarget(event)))) { return; } globalDragging = true; dragging = true; isEffectiveDrag = false; dragStartTime = Date.now(); stopAutoplay(); if (event.type !== "touchstart" && !event.target.isContentEditable) { event.preventDefault(); } const touchEvent = isTouchEvent$1(event) ? event.touches[0] : event; if (verticalRef.value) { dragStartY = touchEvent.clientY; } else { dragStartX = touchEvent.clientX; } if (props.touchable) { on("touchmove", document, handleTouchmove); on("touchend", document, handleTouchend); on("touchcancel", document, handleTouchend); } if (props.draggable) { on("mousemove", document, handleTouchmove); on("mouseup", document, handleTouchend); } } function handleTouchmove(event) { const { value: vertical } = verticalRef; const { value: axis } = sizeAxisRef; const touchEvent = isTouchEvent$1(event) ? event.touches[0] : event; const offset = vertical ? touchEvent.clientY - dragStartY : touchEvent.clientX - dragStartX; const perViewSize = perViewSizeRef.value[axis]; dragOffset = clampValue(offset, -perViewSize, perViewSize); if (event.cancelable) { event.preventDefault(); } if (sequenceLayoutRef.value) { updateTranslate(previousTranslate - dragOffset, 0); } } function handleTouchend() { const { value: realIndex } = realIndexRef; let currentIndex = realIndex; if (!inTransition && dragOffset !== 0 && sequenceLayoutRef.value) { const currentTranslate = previousTranslate - dragOffset; const translates = [...slideTranlatesRef.value.slice(0, totalViewRef.value - 1), getLastViewTranslate()]; let prevOffset = null; for (let i = 0; i < translates.length; i++) { const offset = Math.abs(translates[i] - currentTranslate); if (prevOffset !== null && prevOffset < offset) { break; } prevOffset = offset; currentIndex = i; } } if (currentIndex === realIndex) { const timeElapsed = Date.now() - dragStartTime; const { value: axis } = sizeAxisRef; const perViewSize = perViewSizeRef.value[axis]; if (dragOffset > perViewSize / 2 || dragOffset / timeElapsed > 0.4) { currentIndex = getRealPrevIndex(realIndex); } else if (dragOffset < -perViewSize / 2 || dragOffset / timeElapsed < -0.4) { currentIndex = getRealNextIndex(realIndex); } } if (currentIndex !== null && currentIndex !== realIndex) { isEffectiveDrag = true; toRealIndex(currentIndex); void vue.nextTick(() => { if (!duplicatedableRef.value || uncontrolledDisplayIndexRef.value !== mergedDisplayIndexRef.value) { fixTranslate(speedRef.value); } }); } else { fixTranslate(speedRef.value); } resetDragStatus(); resetAutoplay(); } function resetDragStatus() { if (dragging) { globalDragging = false; } dragging = false; dragStartX = 0; dragStartY = 0; dragOffset = 0; dragStartTime = 0; off("touchmove", document, handleTouchmove); off("touchend", document, handleTouchend); off("touchcancel", document, handleTouchend); off("mousemove", document, handleTouchmove); off("mouseup", document, handleTouchend); } function handleTransitionEnd() { if (sequenceLayoutRef.value && inTransition) { const { value: realIndex } = realIndexRef; translateTo(realIndex, 0); } else { resetAutoplay(); } if (sequenceLayoutRef.value) { translateStyleRef.value.transitionDuration = "0ms"; } inTransition = false; } function handleMousewheel(event) { event.preventDefault(); if (inTransition) return; let { deltaX, deltaY } = event; if (event.shiftKey && !deltaX) { deltaX = deltaY; } const prevMultiplier = -1; const nextMultiplier = 1; const m = (deltaX || deltaY) > 0 ? nextMultiplier : prevMultiplier; let rx = 0; let ry = 0; if (verticalRef.value) { ry = m; } else { rx = m; } const responseStep = 10; if (ry * deltaY >= responseStep || rx * deltaX >= responseStep) { if (m === nextMultiplier && !isNextDisabled()) { next(); } else if (m === prevMultiplier && !isPrevDisabled()) { prev(); } } } function handleResize() { perViewSizeRef.value = calculateSize(selfElRef.value, true); resetAutoplay(); } function handleSlideResize() { var _a, _b; if (autoSlideSizeRef.value) { (_b = (_a = slideSizesRef.effect).scheduler) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a); slideSizesRef.effect.run(); } } function handleMouseenter() { if (props.autoplay) { stopAutoplay(); } } function handleMouseleave() { if (props.autoplay) { resetAutoplay(); } } vue.onMounted(() => { vue.watchEffect(resetAutoplay); requestAnimationFrame(() => isMountedRef.value = true); }); vue.onBeforeUnmount(() => { resetDragStatus(); stopAutoplay(); }); vue.onUpdated(() => { const { value: slidesEls } = slideElsRef; const { value: slideVNodes } = slideVNodesRef; const indexMap2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const getDisplayIndex2 = (el) => ( // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion indexMap2.has(el) ? indexMap2.get(el) : -1 ); let isChanged = false; for (let i = 0; i < slidesEls.length; i++) { const index = slideVNodes.findIndex((v) => v.el === slidesEls[i]); if (index !== i) { isChanged = true; } indexMap2.set(slidesEls[i], index); } if (isChanged) { slidesEls.sort((a2, b) => getDisplayIndex2(a2) - getDisplayIndex2(b)); } }); vue.watch(realIndexRef, (realIndex, lastRealIndex) => { if (realIndex === lastRealIndex) return; resetAutoplay(); if (sequenceLayoutRef.value) { if (duplicatedableRef.value) { const { value: length } = totalViewRef; if (displayTotalViewRef.value > 2 && realIndex === length - 2 && lastRealIndex === 1) { realIndex = 0; } else if (realIndex === 1 && lastRealIndex === length - 2) { realIndex = length - 1; } } translateTo(realIndex, speedRef.value); } else { fixTranslate(); } }, { immediate: true }); vue.watch([duplicatedableRef, displaySlidesPerViewRef], () => void vue.nextTick(() => { toRealIndex(realIndexRef.value); })); vue.watch(slideTranlatesRef, () => { sequenceLayoutRef.value && fixTranslate(); }, { deep: true }); vue.watch(sequenceLayoutRef, (value) => { if (!value) { inTransition = false; updateTranslate(previousTranslate = 0); } else { fixTranslate(); } }); const slidesControlListenersRef = vue.computed(() => { return { onTouchstartPassive: props.touchable ? handleTouchstart : void 0, onMousedown: props.draggable ? handleTouchstart : void 0, onWheel: props.mousewheel ? handleMousewheel : void 0 }; }); const arrowSlotPropsRef = vue.computed(() => Object.assign(Object.assign({}, keep(carouselContext, ["to", "prev", "next", "isPrevDisabled", "isNextDisabled"])), { total: displayTotalViewRef.value, currentIndex: mergedDisplayIndexRef.value })); const dotSlotPropsRef = vue.computed(() => ({ total: displayTotalViewRef.value, currentIndex: mergedDisplayIndexRef.value, to: carouselContext.to })); const caroulseExposedMethod = { getCurrentIndex: () => mergedDisplayIndexRef.value, to, prev, next }; const themeRef = useTheme("Carousel", "-carousel", style$19, carouselLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: { dotSize, dotColor, dotColorActive, dotColorFocus, dotLineWidth, dotLineWidthActive, arrowColor } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-dot-color": dotColor, "--n-dot-color-focus": dotColorFocus, "--n-dot-color-active": dotColorActive, "--n-dot-size": dotSize, "--n-dot-line-width": dotLineWidth, "--n-dot-line-width-active": dotLineWidthActive, "--n-arrow-color": arrowColor }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("carousel", void 0, cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return Object.assign(Object.assign({ mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, selfElRef, slidesElRef, slideVNodes: slideVNodesRef, duplicatedable: duplicatedableRef, userWantsControl: userWantsControlRef, autoSlideSize: autoSlideSizeRef, realIndex: realIndexRef, slideStyles: slideStylesRef, translateStyle: translateStyleRef, slidesControlListeners: slidesControlListenersRef, handleTransitionEnd, handleResize, handleSlideResize, handleMouseenter, handleMouseleave, isActive: isDisplayActive, arrowSlotProps: arrowSlotPropsRef, dotSlotProps: dotSlotPropsRef }, caroulseExposedMethod), { cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }); }, render() { var _a; const { mergedClsPrefix, showArrow, userWantsControl, slideStyles, dotType, dotPlacement, slidesControlListeners, transitionProps = {}, arrowSlotProps, dotSlotProps, $slots: { default: defaultSlot, dots: dotsSlot, arrow: arrowSlot } } = this; const children = defaultSlot && flatten$3(defaultSlot()) || []; let slides = filterCarouselItem(children); if (!slides.length) { slides = children.map((ch) => vue.h(NCarouselItem, null, { default: () => vue.cloneVNode(ch) })); } if (this.duplicatedable) { slides = addDuplicateSlides(slides); } this.slideVNodes.value = slides; if (this.autoSlideSize) { slides = slides.map((slide) => vue.h(VResizeObserver, { onResize: this.handleSlideResize }, { default: () => slide })); } (_a = this.onRender) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(this); return vue.h("div", Object.assign({ ref: "selfElRef", class: [this.themeClass, `${mergedClsPrefix}-carousel`, this.direction === "vertical" && `${mergedClsPrefix}-carousel--vertical`, this.showArrow && `${mergedClsPrefix}-carousel--show-arrow`, `${mergedClsPrefix}-carousel--${dotPlacement}`, `${mergedClsPrefix}-carousel--${this.direction}`, `${mergedClsPrefix}-carousel--${this.effect}`, userWantsControl && `${mergedClsPrefix}-carousel--usercontrol`], style: this.cssVars }, slidesControlListeners, { onMouseenter: this.handleMouseenter, onMouseleave: this.handleMouseleave }), vue.h(VResizeObserver, { onResize: this.handleResize }, { default: () => vue.h("div", { ref: "slidesElRef", class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-carousel__slides`, role: "listbox", style: this.translateStyle, onTransitionend: this.handleTransitionEnd }, userWantsControl ? slides.map((slide, i) => vue.h("div", { style: slideStyles[i], key: i }, vue.withDirectives(vue.h(vue.Transition, Object.assign({}, transitionProps), { default: () => slide }), [[vue.vShow, this.isActive(i)]]))) : slides) }), this.showDots && dotSlotProps.total > 1 && resolveSlotWithProps(dotsSlot, dotSlotProps, () => [vue.h(NCarouselDots, { key: dotType + dotPlacement, total: dotSlotProps.total, currentIndex: dotSlotProps.currentIndex, dotType, trigger: this.trigger, keyboard: this.keyboard })]), showArrow && resolveSlotWithProps(arrowSlot, arrowSlotProps, () => [vue.h(NCarouselArrow, null)])); } }); function filterCarouselItem(vnodes) { return vnodes.reduce((carouselItems, vnode) => { if (isCarouselItem(vnode)) { carouselItems.push(vnode); } return carouselItems; }, []); } const commonVariables$c = { sizeSmall: "14px", sizeMedium: "16px", sizeLarge: "18px", labelPadding: "0 8px", labelFontWeight: "400" }; const self$Z = (vars) => { const { baseColor, inputColorDisabled, cardColor, modalColor, popoverColor, textColorDisabled, borderColor, primaryColor, textColor2, fontSizeSmall, fontSizeMedium, fontSizeLarge, borderRadiusSmall, lineHeight: lineHeight2 } = vars; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, commonVariables$c), { labelLineHeight: lineHeight2, fontSizeSmall, fontSizeMedium, fontSizeLarge, borderRadius: borderRadiusSmall, color: baseColor, colorChecked: primaryColor, colorDisabled: inputColorDisabled, colorDisabledChecked: inputColorDisabled, colorTableHeader: cardColor, colorTableHeaderModal: modalColor, colorTableHeaderPopover: popoverColor, checkMarkColor: baseColor, checkMarkColorDisabled: textColorDisabled, checkMarkColorDisabledChecked: textColorDisabled, border: `1px solid ${borderColor}`, borderDisabled: `1px solid ${borderColor}`, borderDisabledChecked: `1px solid ${borderColor}`, borderChecked: `1px solid ${primaryColor}`, borderFocus: `1px solid ${primaryColor}`, boxShadowFocus: `0 0 0 2px ${changeColor(primaryColor, { alpha: 0.3 })}`, textColor: textColor2, textColorDisabled }); }; const checkboxLight = { name: "Checkbox", common: derived, self: self$Z }; const self$Y = (vars) => { const { borderRadius, boxShadow2, popoverColor, textColor2, textColor3, primaryColor, textColorDisabled, dividerColor, hoverColor, fontSizeMedium, heightMedium } = vars; return { menuBorderRadius: borderRadius, menuColor: popoverColor, menuBoxShadow: boxShadow2, menuDividerColor: dividerColor, menuHeight: "calc(var(--n-option-height) * 6.6)", optionArrowColor: textColor3, optionHeight: heightMedium, optionFontSize: fontSizeMedium, optionColorHover: hoverColor, optionTextColor: textColor2, optionTextColorActive: primaryColor, optionTextColorDisabled: textColorDisabled, optionCheckMarkColor: primaryColor, loadingColor: primaryColor, columnWidth: "180px" }; }; const cascaderLight = createTheme({ name: "Cascader", common: derived, peers: { InternalSelectMenu: internalSelectMenuLight, InternalSelection: internalSelectionLight, Scrollbar: scrollbarLight, Checkbox: checkboxLight, Empty: emptyLight }, self: self$Y }); function getRawNodePath(tmNodes) { if (!tmNodes) return null; return tmNodes.map((tmNode) => tmNode.rawNode); } function createSelectOptions(tmNodes, checkStrategyIsChild, labelField, separator) { const selectOptions = []; const path = []; function traverse2(_tmNodes) { for (const tmNode of _tmNodes) { if (tmNode.disabled) continue; const { rawNode } = tmNode; path.push(rawNode); if (tmNode.isLeaf || !checkStrategyIsChild) { selectOptions.push({ label: getPathLabel(tmNode, separator, labelField), value: tmNode.key, rawNode: tmNode.rawNode, path: Array.from(path) }); } if (!tmNode.isLeaf && tmNode.children) { traverse2(tmNode.children); } path.pop(); } } traverse2(tmNodes); return selectOptions; } function getPathLabel(node, separator, labelField) { const path = []; while (node) { path.push(node.rawNode[labelField]); node = node.parent; } return path.reverse().join(separator); } const CheckMark = vue.h("svg", { viewBox: "0 0 64 64", class: "check-icon" }, vue.h("path", { d: "M50.42,16.76L22.34,39.45l-8.1-11.46c-1.12-1.58-3.3-1.96-4.88-0.84c-1.58,1.12-1.95,3.3-0.84,4.88l10.26,14.51 c0.56,0.79,1.42,1.31,2.38,1.45c0.16,0.02,0.32,0.03,0.48,0.03c0.8,0,1.57-0.27,2.2-0.78l30.99-25.03c1.5-1.21,1.74-3.42,0.52-4.92 C54.13,15.78,51.93,15.55,50.42,16.76z" })); const LineMark = vue.h("svg", { viewBox: "0 0 100 100", class: "line-icon" }, vue.h("path", { d: "M80.2,55.5H21.4c-2.8,0-5.1-2.5-5.1-5.5l0,0c0-3,2.3-5.5,5.1-5.5h58.7c2.8,0,5.1,2.5,5.1,5.5l0,0C85.2,53.1,82.9,55.5,80.2,55.5z" })); const checkboxGroupInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-checkbox-group"); const checkboxGroupProps = { min: Number, max: Number, size: String, value: Array, defaultValue: { type: Array, default: null }, disabled: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, "onUpdate:value": [Function, Array], onUpdateValue: [Function, Array], // deprecated onChange: [Function, Array] }; const NCheckboxGroup = vue.defineComponent({ name: "CheckboxGroup", props: checkboxGroupProps, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef } = useConfig(props); const formItem = useFormItem(props); const { mergedSizeRef, mergedDisabledRef } = formItem; const uncontrolledValueRef = vue.ref(props.defaultValue); const controlledValueRef = vue.computed(() => props.value); const mergedValueRef = useMergedState(controlledValueRef, uncontrolledValueRef); const checkedCount = vue.computed(() => { var _a; return ((_a = mergedValueRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length) || 0; }); const valueSetRef = vue.computed(() => { if (Array.isArray(mergedValueRef.value)) { return new Set(mergedValueRef.value); } return /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); }); function toggleCheckbox(checked, checkboxValue) { const { nTriggerFormInput, nTriggerFormChange } = formItem; const { onChange, "onUpdate:value": _onUpdateValue, onUpdateValue } = props; if (Array.isArray(mergedValueRef.value)) { const groupValue = Array.from(mergedValueRef.value); const index = groupValue.findIndex((value) => value === checkboxValue); if (checked) { if (!~index) { groupValue.push(checkboxValue); if (onUpdateValue) { call(onUpdateValue, groupValue, { actionType: "check", value: checkboxValue }); } if (_onUpdateValue) { call(_onUpdateValue, groupValue, { actionType: "check", value: checkboxValue }); } nTriggerFormInput(); nTriggerFormChange(); uncontrolledValueRef.value = groupValue; if (onChange) call(onChange, groupValue); } } else { if (~index) { groupValue.splice(index, 1); if (onUpdateValue) { call(onUpdateValue, groupValue, { actionType: "uncheck", value: checkboxValue }); } if (_onUpdateValue) { call(_onUpdateValue, groupValue, { actionType: "uncheck", value: checkboxValue }); } if (onChange) call(onChange, groupValue); uncontrolledValueRef.value = groupValue; nTriggerFormInput(); nTriggerFormChange(); } } } else { if (checked) { if (onUpdateValue) { call(onUpdateValue, [checkboxValue], { actionType: "check", value: checkboxValue }); } if (_onUpdateValue) { call(_onUpdateValue, [checkboxValue], { actionType: "check", value: checkboxValue }); } if (onChange) call(onChange, [checkboxValue]); uncontrolledValueRef.value = [checkboxValue]; nTriggerFormInput(); nTriggerFormChange(); } else { if (onUpdateValue) { call(onUpdateValue, [], { actionType: "uncheck", value: checkboxValue }); } if (_onUpdateValue) { call(_onUpdateValue, [], { actionType: "uncheck", value: checkboxValue }); } if (onChange) call(onChange, []); uncontrolledValueRef.value = []; nTriggerFormInput(); nTriggerFormChange(); } } } vue.provide(checkboxGroupInjectionKey, { checkedCountRef: checkedCount, maxRef: vue.toRef(props, "max"), minRef: vue.toRef(props, "min"), valueSetRef, disabledRef: mergedDisabledRef, mergedSizeRef, toggleCheckbox }); return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef }; }, render() { return vue.h("div", { class: `${this.mergedClsPrefix}-checkbox-group`, role: "group" }, this.$slots); } }); const style$18 = c$1([ cB("checkbox", ` font-size: var(--n-font-size); outline: none; cursor: pointer; display: inline-flex; flex-wrap: nowrap; align-items: flex-start; word-break: break-word; line-height: var(--n-size); --n-merged-color-table: var(--n-color-table); `, [cM("show-label", "line-height: var(--n-label-line-height);"), c$1("&:hover", [cB("checkbox-box", [cE("border", "border: var(--n-border-checked);")])]), c$1("&:focus:not(:active)", [cB("checkbox-box", [cE("border", ` border: var(--n-border-focus); box-shadow: var(--n-box-shadow-focus); `)])]), cM("inside-table", [cB("checkbox-box", ` background-color: var(--n-merged-color-table); `)]), cM("checked", [cB("checkbox-box", ` background-color: var(--n-color-checked); `, [cB("checkbox-icon", [ // if not set width to 100%, safari & old chrome won't display the icon c$1(".check-icon", ` opacity: 1; transform: scale(1); `) ])])]), cM("indeterminate", [cB("checkbox-box", [cB("checkbox-icon", [c$1(".check-icon", ` opacity: 0; transform: scale(.5); `), c$1(".line-icon", ` opacity: 1; transform: scale(1); `)])])]), cM("checked, indeterminate", [c$1("&:focus:not(:active)", [cB("checkbox-box", [cE("border", ` border: var(--n-border-checked); box-shadow: var(--n-box-shadow-focus); `)])]), cB("checkbox-box", ` background-color: var(--n-color-checked); border-left: 0; border-top: 0; `, [cE("border", { border: "var(--n-border-checked)" })])]), cM("disabled", { cursor: "not-allowed" }, [cM("checked", [cB("checkbox-box", ` background-color: var(--n-color-disabled-checked); `, [cE("border", { border: "var(--n-border-disabled-checked)" }), cB("checkbox-icon", [c$1(".check-icon, .line-icon", { fill: "var(--n-check-mark-color-disabled-checked)" })])])]), cB("checkbox-box", ` background-color: var(--n-color-disabled); `, [cE("border", ` border: var(--n-border-disabled); `), cB("checkbox-icon", [c$1(".check-icon, .line-icon", ` fill: var(--n-check-mark-color-disabled); `)])]), cE("label", ` color: var(--n-text-color-disabled); `)]), cB("checkbox-box-wrapper", ` position: relative; width: var(--n-size); flex-shrink: 0; flex-grow: 0; user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; `), cB("checkbox-box", ` position: absolute; left: 0; top: 50%; transform: translateY(-50%); height: var(--n-size); width: var(--n-size); display: inline-block; box-sizing: border-box; border-radius: var(--n-border-radius); background-color: var(--n-color); transition: background-color 0.3s var(--n-bezier); `, [cE("border", ` transition: border-color .3s var(--n-bezier), box-shadow .3s var(--n-bezier); border-radius: inherit; position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; border: var(--n-border); `), cB("checkbox-icon", ` display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; position: absolute; left: 1px; right: 1px; top: 1px; bottom: 1px; `, [c$1(".check-icon, .line-icon", ` width: 100%; fill: var(--n-check-mark-color); opacity: 0; transform: scale(0.5); transform-origin: center; transition: fill 0.3s var(--n-bezier), transform 0.3s var(--n-bezier), opacity 0.3s var(--n-bezier), border-color 0.3s var(--n-bezier); `), iconSwitchTransition({ left: "1px", top: "1px" })])]), cE("label", ` color: var(--n-text-color); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; padding: var(--n-label-padding); font-weight: var(--n-label-font-weight); `, [c$1("&:empty", { display: "none" })])]), // modal table header checkbox insideModal(cB("checkbox", ` --n-merged-color-table: var(--n-color-table-modal); `)), // popover table header checkbox insidePopover(cB("checkbox", ` --n-merged-color-table: var(--n-color-table-popover); `)) ]); const checkboxProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { size: String, checked: { type: [Boolean, String, Number], default: void 0 }, defaultChecked: { type: [Boolean, String, Number], default: false }, value: [String, Number], disabled: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, indeterminate: Boolean, label: String, focusable: { type: Boolean, default: true }, checkedValue: { type: [Boolean, String, Number], default: true }, uncheckedValue: { type: [Boolean, String, Number], default: false }, "onUpdate:checked": [Function, Array], onUpdateChecked: [Function, Array], // private privateInsideTable: Boolean, // deprecated onChange: [Function, Array] }); const NCheckbox = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Checkbox", props: checkboxProps, setup(props) { const selfRef = vue.ref(null); const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled, mergedRtlRef } = useConfig(props); const formItem = useFormItem(props, { mergedSize(NFormItem2) { const { size: size2 } = props; if (size2 !== void 0) return size2; if (NCheckboxGroup2) { const { value: mergedSize } = NCheckboxGroup2.mergedSizeRef; if (mergedSize !== void 0) { return mergedSize; } } if (NFormItem2) { const { mergedSize } = NFormItem2; if (mergedSize !== void 0) return mergedSize.value; } return "medium"; }, mergedDisabled(NFormItem2) { const { disabled } = props; if (disabled !== void 0) return disabled; if (NCheckboxGroup2) { if (NCheckboxGroup2.disabledRef.value) return true; const { maxRef: { value: max }, checkedCountRef } = NCheckboxGroup2; if (max !== void 0 && checkedCountRef.value >= max && !renderedCheckedRef.value) { return true; } const { minRef: { value: min } } = NCheckboxGroup2; if (min !== void 0 && checkedCountRef.value <= min && renderedCheckedRef.value) { return true; } } if (NFormItem2) { return NFormItem2.disabled.value; } return false; } }); const { mergedDisabledRef, mergedSizeRef } = formItem; const NCheckboxGroup2 = vue.inject(checkboxGroupInjectionKey, null); const uncontrolledCheckedRef = vue.ref(props.defaultChecked); const controlledCheckedRef = vue.toRef(props, "checked"); const mergedCheckedRef = useMergedState(controlledCheckedRef, uncontrolledCheckedRef); const renderedCheckedRef = useMemo(() => { if (NCheckboxGroup2) { const groupValueSet = NCheckboxGroup2.valueSetRef.value; if (groupValueSet && props.value !== void 0) { return groupValueSet.has(props.value); } return false; } else { return mergedCheckedRef.value === props.checkedValue; } }); const themeRef = useTheme("Checkbox", "-checkbox", style$18, checkboxLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); function toggle(e) { if (NCheckboxGroup2 && props.value !== void 0) { NCheckboxGroup2.toggleCheckbox(!renderedCheckedRef.value, props.value); } else { const { onChange, "onUpdate:checked": _onUpdateCheck, onUpdateChecked } = props; const { nTriggerFormInput, nTriggerFormChange } = formItem; const nextChecked = renderedCheckedRef.value ? props.uncheckedValue : props.checkedValue; if (_onUpdateCheck) { call(_onUpdateCheck, nextChecked, e); } if (onUpdateChecked) { call(onUpdateChecked, nextChecked, e); } if (onChange) call(onChange, nextChecked, e); nTriggerFormInput(); nTriggerFormChange(); uncontrolledCheckedRef.value = nextChecked; } } function handleClick2(e) { if (!mergedDisabledRef.value) { toggle(e); } } function handleKeyUp(e) { if (mergedDisabledRef.value) return; switch (e.key) { case " ": case "Enter": toggle(e); } } function handleKeyDown(e) { switch (e.key) { case " ": e.preventDefault(); } } const exposedMethods = { focus: () => { var _a; (_a = selfRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.focus(); }, blur: () => { var _a; (_a = selfRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.blur(); } }; const rtlEnabledRef = useRtl("Checkbox", mergedRtlRef, mergedClsPrefixRef); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value: mergedSize } = mergedSizeRef; const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: { borderRadius, color, colorChecked, colorDisabled, colorTableHeader, colorTableHeaderModal, colorTableHeaderPopover, checkMarkColor, checkMarkColorDisabled, border, borderFocus, borderDisabled, borderChecked, boxShadowFocus, textColor, textColorDisabled, checkMarkColorDisabledChecked, colorDisabledChecked, borderDisabledChecked, labelPadding, labelLineHeight, labelFontWeight, [createKey("fontSize", mergedSize)]: fontSize2, [createKey("size", mergedSize)]: size2 } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-label-line-height": labelLineHeight, "--n-label-font-weight": labelFontWeight, "--n-size": size2, "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-border-radius": borderRadius, "--n-border": border, "--n-border-checked": borderChecked, "--n-border-focus": borderFocus, "--n-border-disabled": borderDisabled, "--n-border-disabled-checked": borderDisabledChecked, "--n-box-shadow-focus": boxShadowFocus, "--n-color": color, "--n-color-checked": colorChecked, "--n-color-table": colorTableHeader, "--n-color-table-modal": colorTableHeaderModal, "--n-color-table-popover": colorTableHeaderPopover, "--n-color-disabled": colorDisabled, "--n-color-disabled-checked": colorDisabledChecked, "--n-text-color": textColor, "--n-text-color-disabled": textColorDisabled, "--n-check-mark-color": checkMarkColor, "--n-check-mark-color-disabled": checkMarkColorDisabled, "--n-check-mark-color-disabled-checked": checkMarkColorDisabledChecked, "--n-font-size": fontSize2, "--n-label-padding": labelPadding }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("checkbox", vue.computed(() => mergedSizeRef.value[0]), cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return Object.assign(formItem, exposedMethods, { rtlEnabled: rtlEnabledRef, selfRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedDisabled: mergedDisabledRef, renderedChecked: renderedCheckedRef, mergedTheme: themeRef, labelId: createId(), handleClick: handleClick2, handleKeyUp, handleKeyDown, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }); }, render() { var _a; const { $slots, renderedChecked, mergedDisabled, indeterminate, privateInsideTable, cssVars, labelId, label, mergedClsPrefix, focusable, handleKeyUp, handleKeyDown, handleClick: handleClick2 } = this; (_a = this.onRender) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(this); const labelNode = resolveWrappedSlot($slots.default, (children) => { if (label || children) { return vue.h("span", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-checkbox__label`, id: labelId }, label || children); } return null; }); return vue.h("div", { ref: "selfRef", class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-checkbox`, this.themeClass, this.rtlEnabled && `${mergedClsPrefix}-checkbox--rtl`, renderedChecked && `${mergedClsPrefix}-checkbox--checked`, mergedDisabled && `${mergedClsPrefix}-checkbox--disabled`, indeterminate && `${mergedClsPrefix}-checkbox--indeterminate`, privateInsideTable && `${mergedClsPrefix}-checkbox--inside-table`, labelNode && `${mergedClsPrefix}-checkbox--show-label`], tabindex: mergedDisabled || !focusable ? void 0 : 0, role: "checkbox", "aria-checked": indeterminate ? "mixed" : renderedChecked, "aria-labelledby": labelId, style: cssVars, onKeyup: handleKeyUp, onKeydown: handleKeyDown, onClick: handleClick2, onMousedown: () => { on("selectstart", window, (e) => { e.preventDefault(); }, { once: true }); } }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-checkbox-box-wrapper` }, " ", vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-checkbox-box` }, vue.h(NIconSwitchTransition, null, { default: () => this.indeterminate ? vue.h("div", { key: "indeterminate", class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-checkbox-icon` }, LineMark) : vue.h("div", { key: "check", class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-checkbox-icon` }, CheckMark) }), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-checkbox-box__border` }))), labelNode); } }); const cascaderInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-cascader"); const NCascaderOption = vue.defineComponent({ name: "NCascaderOption", props: { tmNode: { type: Object, required: true } }, setup(props) { const { expandTriggerRef, remoteRef, multipleRef, mergedValueRef, checkedKeysRef, indeterminateKeysRef, hoverKeyPathRef, keyboardKeyRef, loadingKeySetRef, cascadeRef, mergedCheckStrategyRef, onLoadRef, mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedThemeRef, labelFieldRef, showCheckboxRef, renderPrefixRef, renderSuffixRef, updateHoverKey, updateKeyboardKey, addLoadingKey, deleteLoadingKey, closeMenu, doCheck, doUncheck, renderLabelRef // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion } = vue.inject(cascaderInjectionKey); const valueRef = vue.computed(() => props.tmNode.key); const useHoverTriggerRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value: expandTrigger } = expandTriggerRef; const { value: remote } = remoteRef; return !remote && expandTrigger === "hover"; }); const mergedHandleMouseEnterRef = vue.computed(() => { if (useHoverTriggerRef.value) { return handleMouseEnter; } return void 0; }); const mergedHandleMouseMoveRef = vue.computed(() => { if (useHoverTriggerRef.value) { return handleMouseMove; } return void 0; }); const checkedRef = useMemo(() => { const { value: multiple } = multipleRef; if (!multiple) return mergedValueRef.value === valueRef.value; return checkedKeysRef.value.includes(valueRef.value); }); const indeterminateRef = useMemo(() => { if (!multipleRef.value) return false; return indeterminateKeysRef.value.includes(valueRef.value); }); const hoverPendingRef = useMemo(() => { return hoverKeyPathRef.value.includes(valueRef.value); }); const keyboardPendingRef = useMemo(() => { const { value: keyboardKey } = keyboardKeyRef; if (keyboardKey === null) return false; return keyboardKey === valueRef.value; }); const isLoadingRef = useMemo(() => { if (remoteRef.value) { return loadingKeySetRef.value.has(valueRef.value); } return false; }); const isLeafRef = vue.computed(() => props.tmNode.isLeaf); const disabledRef = vue.computed(() => props.tmNode.disabled); const labelRef = vue.computed(() => props.tmNode.rawNode[labelFieldRef.value]); const isShallowLoadedRef = vue.computed(() => { return props.tmNode.shallowLoaded; }); function handleClick2(e) { if (disabledRef.value) return; const { value: remote } = remoteRef; const { value: loadingKeySet } = loadingKeySetRef; const { value: onLoad } = onLoadRef; const { value } = valueRef; const { value: isLeaf2 } = isLeafRef; const { value: isShallowLoaded2 } = isShallowLoadedRef; if (!happensIn(e, "checkbox")) { if (remote && !isShallowLoaded2 && !loadingKeySet.has(value) && onLoad) { addLoadingKey(value); onLoad(props.tmNode.rawNode).then(() => { deleteLoadingKey(value); }).catch(() => { deleteLoadingKey(value); }); } updateHoverKey(value); updateKeyboardKey(value); } if (isLeaf2) { toggleCheckbox(); } } function handleMouseEnter() { if (!useHoverTriggerRef.value || disabledRef.value) return; const { value } = valueRef; updateHoverKey(value); updateKeyboardKey(value); } function handleMouseMove() { if (!useHoverTriggerRef.value) return; handleMouseEnter(); } function handleCheckboxUpdateValue() { const { value: isLeaf2 } = isLeafRef; if (!isLeaf2) toggleCheckbox(); } function toggleCheckbox() { const { value: multiple } = multipleRef; const { value } = valueRef; if (multiple) { if (indeterminateRef.value || checkedRef.value) { doUncheck(value); } else { doCheck(value); } } else { doCheck(value); closeMenu(true); } } return { checkStrategy: mergedCheckStrategyRef, multiple: multipleRef, cascade: cascadeRef, checked: checkedRef, indeterminate: indeterminateRef, hoverPending: hoverPendingRef, keyboardPending: keyboardPendingRef, isLoading: isLoadingRef, showCheckbox: showCheckboxRef, isLeaf: isLeafRef, disabled: disabledRef, label: labelRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedTheme: mergedThemeRef, handleClick: handleClick2, handleCheckboxUpdateValue, mergedHandleMouseEnter: mergedHandleMouseEnterRef, mergedHandleMouseMove: mergedHandleMouseMoveRef, renderLabel: renderLabelRef, renderPrefix: renderPrefixRef, renderSuffix: renderSuffixRef }; }, render() { const { mergedClsPrefix, showCheckbox, renderLabel, renderPrefix, renderSuffix } = this; let prefixNode = null; if (showCheckbox || renderPrefix) { const originalNode = this.showCheckbox ? vue.h(NCheckbox, { focusable: false, "data-checkbox": true, disabled: this.disabled, checked: this.checked, indeterminate: this.indeterminate, theme: this.mergedTheme.peers.Checkbox, themeOverrides: this.mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Checkbox, onUpdateChecked: this.handleCheckboxUpdateValue }) : null; prefixNode = vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-cascader-option__prefix` }, renderPrefix ? renderPrefix({ option: this.tmNode.rawNode, checked: this.checked, node: originalNode }) : originalNode); } let suffixNode = null; const originalSuffixChild = vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-cascader-option-icon-placeholder` }, !this.isLeaf ? vue.h(NBaseLoading, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, scale: 0.85, strokeWidth: 24, show: this.isLoading, class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-cascader-option-icon` }, { default: () => vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, key: "arrow", class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-cascader-option-icon ${mergedClsPrefix}-cascader-option-icon--arrow` }, { default: () => vue.h(ChevronRightIcon, null) }) }) : this.checkStrategy === "child" && !(this.multiple && this.cascade) ? vue.h(vue.Transition, { name: "fade-in-scale-up-transition" }, { default: () => this.checked ? vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-cascader-option-icon ${mergedClsPrefix}-cascader-option-icon--checkmark` }, { default: () => vue.h(FinishedIcon, null) }) : null }) : null); suffixNode = vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-cascader-option__suffix` }, renderSuffix ? renderSuffix({ option: this.tmNode.rawNode, checked: this.checked, node: originalSuffixChild }) : originalSuffixChild); return vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-cascader-option`, this.keyboardPending || this.hoverPending && `${mergedClsPrefix}-cascader-option--pending`, this.disabled && `${mergedClsPrefix}-cascader-option--disabled`, this.showCheckbox && `${mergedClsPrefix}-cascader-option--show-prefix`], onMouseenter: this.mergedHandleMouseEnter, onMousemove: this.mergedHandleMouseMove, onClick: this.handleClick }, prefixNode, vue.h("span", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-cascader-option__label` }, renderLabel ? renderLabel(this.tmNode.rawNode, this.checked) : this.label), suffixNode); } }); const NCascaderSubmenu = vue.defineComponent({ name: "CascaderSubmenu", props: { depth: { type: Number, required: true }, tmNodes: { type: Array, required: true } }, setup() { const { virtualScrollRef, mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedThemeRef, optionHeightRef // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion } = vue.inject(cascaderInjectionKey); const scrollbarInstRef = vue.ref(null); const vlInstRef = vue.ref(null); const inst = { scroll(index, elSize) { var _a, _b; if (virtualScrollRef.value) { (_a = vlInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.scrollTo({ index }); } else { (_b = scrollbarInstRef.value) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.scrollTo({ index, elSize }); } } }; return Object.assign({ mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedTheme: mergedThemeRef, scrollbarInstRef, vlInstRef, virtualScroll: virtualScrollRef, itemSize: vue.computed(() => depx(optionHeightRef.value)), handleVlScroll: () => { var _a; (_a = scrollbarInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.sync(); }, getVlContainer: () => { var _a; return (_a = vlInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.listElRef; }, getVlContent: () => { var _a; return (_a = vlInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.itemsElRef; } }, inst); }, render() { const { mergedClsPrefix, mergedTheme, virtualScroll } = this; return vue.h("div", { class: [virtualScroll && `${mergedClsPrefix}-cascader-submenu--virtual`, `${mergedClsPrefix}-cascader-submenu`] }, vue.h(Scrollbar$2, { ref: "scrollbarInstRef", theme: mergedTheme.peers.Scrollbar, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Scrollbar, container: virtualScroll ? this.getVlContainer : void 0, content: virtualScroll ? this.getVlContent : void 0 }, { default: () => virtualScroll ? vue.h(VVirtualList, { items: this.tmNodes, itemSize: this.itemSize, onScroll: this.handleVlScroll, showScrollbar: false, ref: "vlInstRef" }, { default: ({ item: tmNode }) => vue.h(NCascaderOption, { key: tmNode.key, tmNode }) }) : this.tmNodes.map((tmNode) => vue.h(NCascaderOption, { key: tmNode.key, tmNode })) })); } }); const CascaderMenu = vue.defineComponent({ name: "NCascaderMenu", props: { value: [String, Number, Array], placement: { type: String, default: "bottom-start" }, show: Boolean, menuModel: { type: Array, required: true }, loading: Boolean, onFocus: { type: Function, required: true }, onBlur: { type: Function, required: true }, onKeydown: { type: Function, required: true }, onMousedown: { type: Function, required: true }, onTabout: { type: Function, required: true } }, setup(props) { const { localeRef, isMountedRef, mergedClsPrefixRef, syncCascaderMenuPosition, handleCascaderMenuClickOutside, mergedThemeRef, getColumnStyleRef // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion } = vue.inject(cascaderInjectionKey); const submenuInstRefs = []; const maskInstRef = vue.ref(null); const selfElRef = vue.ref(null); function handleResize() { syncCascaderMenuPosition(); } useOnResize(selfElRef, handleResize); function showErrorMessage(label) { var _a; const { value: { loadingRequiredMessage } } = localeRef; (_a = maskInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.showOnce(loadingRequiredMessage(label)); } function handleClickOutside(e) { handleCascaderMenuClickOutside(e); } function handleFocusin(e) { const { value: selfEl } = selfElRef; if (!selfEl) return; if (!selfEl.contains(e.relatedTarget)) { props.onFocus(e); } } function handleFocusout(e) { const { value: selfEl } = selfElRef; if (!selfEl) return; if (!selfEl.contains(e.relatedTarget)) { props.onBlur(e); } } const exposedRef = { scroll(depth, index, elSize) { const submenuInst = submenuInstRefs[depth]; if (submenuInst) { submenuInst.scroll(index, elSize); } }, showErrorMessage }; return Object.assign({ isMounted: isMountedRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, selfElRef, submenuInstRefs, maskInstRef, mergedTheme: mergedThemeRef, getColumnStyle: getColumnStyleRef, handleFocusin, handleFocusout, handleClickOutside }, exposedRef); }, render() { const { submenuInstRefs, mergedClsPrefix, mergedTheme } = this; return vue.h(vue.Transition, { name: "fade-in-scale-up-transition", appear: this.isMounted }, { default: () => { if (!this.show) return null; return vue.withDirectives(vue.h("div", { tabindex: "0", ref: "selfElRef", class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-cascader-menu`, onMousedown: this.onMousedown, onFocusin: this.handleFocusin, onFocusout: this.handleFocusout, onKeydown: this.onKeydown }, this.menuModel[0].length ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-cascader-submenu-wrapper` }, this.menuModel.map((submenuOptions, index) => { var _a; return vue.h(NCascaderSubmenu, { style: (_a = this.getColumnStyle) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(this, { level: index }), ref: (instance) => { if (instance) { submenuInstRefs[index] = instance; } }, key: index, tmNodes: submenuOptions, depth: index + 1 }); }), vue.h(NBaseMenuMask, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, ref: "maskInstRef" })) : vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-cascader-menu__empty` }, resolveSlot(this.$slots.empty, () => [vue.h(NEmpty, { theme: mergedTheme.peers.Empty, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Empty })])), resolveWrappedSlot(this.$slots.action, (children) => children && vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-cascader-menu-action`, "data-action": true }, children)), vue.h(FocusDetector, { onFocus: this.onTabout })), [[clickoutside, this.handleClickOutside, void 0, { capture: true }]]); } }); } }); const CascaderSelectMenu = vue.defineComponent({ name: "NCascaderSelectMenu", props: { value: { type: [String, Number, Array], default: null }, show: Boolean, pattern: { type: String, default: "" }, multiple: Boolean, tmNodes: { type: Array, default: () => [] }, filter: Function, labelField: { type: String, required: true }, separator: { type: String, required: true } }, setup(props) { const { isMountedRef, mergedValueRef, mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedThemeRef, mergedCheckStrategyRef, slots: cascaderSlots, syncSelectMenuPosition, closeMenu, handleSelectMenuClickOutside, doUncheck: cascaderDoUncheck, doCheck: cascaderDoCheck, clearPattern // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion } = vue.inject(cascaderInjectionKey); const menuInstRef = vue.ref(null); const selectOptionsRef = vue.computed(() => { return createSelectOptions(props.tmNodes, mergedCheckStrategyRef.value === "child", props.labelField, props.separator); }); const mergedFilterRef = vue.computed(() => { const { filter } = props; if (filter) return filter; const { labelField } = props; return (pattern, _, path) => path.some((option) => option[labelField] && ~option[labelField].indexOf(pattern)); }); const filteredSelectOptionsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { pattern } = props; const { value: mergedFilter } = mergedFilterRef; return (pattern ? selectOptionsRef.value.filter((option) => { return mergedFilter(pattern, option.rawNode, option.path); }) : selectOptionsRef.value).map((option) => ({ value: option.value, label: option.label })); }); const selectTreeMateRef = vue.computed(() => { return createTreeMate(filteredSelectOptionsRef.value, createTmOptions("value", "children")); }); function handleResize() { syncSelectMenuPosition(); } function handleToggle(tmNode) { doCheck(tmNode); } function doCheck(tmNode) { if (props.multiple) { const { value: mergedValue } = mergedValueRef; if (Array.isArray(mergedValue)) { if (!mergedValue.includes(tmNode.key)) { cascaderDoCheck(tmNode.key); } else { cascaderDoUncheck(tmNode.key); } } else if (mergedValue === null) { cascaderDoCheck(tmNode.key); } clearPattern(); } else { cascaderDoCheck(tmNode.key); closeMenu(true); } } function prev() { var _a; (_a = menuInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.prev(); } function next() { var _a; (_a = menuInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.next(); } function enter() { var _a; if (menuInstRef) { const pendingOptionTmNode = (_a = menuInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.getPendingTmNode(); if (pendingOptionTmNode) { doCheck(pendingOptionTmNode); } return true; } return false; } function handleClickOutside(e) { handleSelectMenuClickOutside(e); } const exposedRef = { prev, next, enter }; return Object.assign({ isMounted: isMountedRef, mergedTheme: mergedThemeRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, menuInstRef, selectTreeMate: selectTreeMateRef, handleResize, handleToggle, handleClickOutside, cascaderSlots }, exposedRef); }, render() { const { mergedClsPrefix, isMounted: isMounted2, mergedTheme, cascaderSlots } = this; return vue.h(vue.Transition, { name: "fade-in-scale-up-transition", appear: isMounted2 }, { default: () => this.show ? vue.withDirectives(vue.h(NInternalSelectMenu, { ref: "menuInstRef", onResize: this.handleResize, clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-cascader-menu`, autoPending: true, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.InternalSelectMenu, theme: mergedTheme.peers.InternalSelectMenu, treeMate: this.selectTreeMate, multiple: this.multiple, value: this.value, onToggle: this.handleToggle }, { empty: () => resolveSlot(cascaderSlots["not-found"], () => []) }), [[clickoutside, this.handleClickOutside, void 0, { capture: true }]]) : null }); } }); const style$17 = c$1([cB("cascader-menu", ` outline: none; position: relative; margin: 4px 0; display: flex; flex-flow: column nowrap; border-radius: var(--n-menu-border-radius); overflow: hidden; box-shadow: var(--n-menu-box-shadow); color: var(--n-option-text-color); background-color: var(--n-menu-color); `, [ fadeInScaleUpTransition({ transformOrigin: "inherit", duration: "0.2s" }), cE("empty", ` display: flex; padding: 12px 32px; flex: 1; justify-content: center; `), // if width not set, cascader select menu's inner scroll area's width is // not correct, which won't change after select menu width is set cB("scrollbar", ` width: 100%; `), cB("base-menu-mask", ` background-color: var(--n-menu-mask-color); `), cB("base-loading", ` color: var(--n-loading-color); `), cB("cascader-submenu-wrapper", ` position: relative; display: flex; flex-wrap: nowrap; `), cB("cascader-submenu", ` height: var(--n-menu-height); min-width: var(--n-column-width); position: relative; `, [cM("virtual", ` width: var(--n-column-width); `), cB("scrollbar-content", ` position: relative; `), c$1("&:first-child", ` border-top-left-radius: var(--n-menu-border-radius); border-bottom-left-radius: var(--n-menu-border-radius); `), c$1("&:last-child", ` border-top-right-radius: var(--n-menu-border-radius); border-bottom-right-radius: var(--n-menu-border-radius); `), c$1("&:not(:first-child)", ` border-left: 1px solid var(--n-menu-divider-color); `)]), cB("cascader-menu-action", ` box-sizing: border-box; padding: 8px; border-top: 1px solid var(--n-menu-divider-color); `), cB("cascader-option", ` height: var(--n-option-height); line-height: var(--n-option-height); font-size: var(--n-option-font-size); padding: 0 0 0 18px; box-sizing: border-box; min-width: 182px; background-color: #0000; display: flex; align-items: center; white-space: nowrap; position: relative; cursor: pointer; transition: background-color .2s var(--n-bezier), color 0.2s var(--n-bezier); `, [cM("show-prefix", ` padding-left: 0; `), cE("label", ` flex: 1 0 0; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; `), cE("prefix", ` min-width: 32px; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; `), cE("suffix", ` min-width: 32px; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; `), cB("cascader-option-icon-placeholder", ` line-height: 0; position: relative; width: 16px; height: 16px; font-size: 16px; `, [cB("cascader-option-icon", [cM("checkmark", ` color: var(--n-option-check-mark-color); `, [fadeInScaleUpTransition({ originalTransition: "background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), box-shadow .3s var(--n-bezier)" })]), cM("arrow", ` color: var(--n-option-arrow-color); `)])]), cM("selected", ` color: var(--n-option-text-color-active); `), cM("active", ` color: var(--n-option-text-color-active); background-color: var(--n-option-color-hover); `), cM("pending", ` background-color: var(--n-option-color-hover); `), c$1("&:hover", ` background-color: var(--n-option-color-hover); `), cM("disabled", ` color: var(--n-option-text-color-disabled); background-color: #0000; cursor: not-allowed; `, [cB("cascader-option-icon", [cM("arrow", ` color: var(--n-option-text-color-disabled); `)])])]) ]), cB("cascader", ` z-index: auto; position: relative; width: 100%; `)]); const cascaderProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { allowCheckingNotLoaded: Boolean, to: useAdjustedTo.propTo, bordered: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, options: { type: Array, default: () => [] }, value: [String, Number, Array], defaultValue: { type: [String, Number, Array], default: null }, placeholder: String, multiple: Boolean, size: String, filterable: Boolean, disabled: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, disabledField: { type: String, default: "disabled" }, expandTrigger: { type: String, default: "click" }, clearable: Boolean, clearFilterAfterSelect: { type: Boolean, default: true }, remote: Boolean, onLoad: Function, separator: { type: String, default: " / " }, filter: Function, placement: { type: String, default: "bottom-start" }, cascade: { type: Boolean, default: true }, leafOnly: Boolean, showPath: { type: Boolean, default: true }, show: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, maxTagCount: [String, Number], ellipsisTagPopoverProps: Object, menuProps: Object, filterMenuProps: Object, virtualScroll: { type: Boolean, default: true }, checkStrategy: { type: String, default: "all" }, valueField: { type: String, default: "value" }, labelField: { type: String, default: "label" }, childrenField: { type: String, default: "children" }, renderLabel: Function, status: String, "onUpdate:value": [Function, Array], onUpdateValue: [Function, Array], "onUpdate:show": [Function, Array], onUpdateShow: [Function, Array], onBlur: Function, onFocus: Function, getColumnStyle: Function, renderPrefix: Function, renderSuffix: Function, // deprecated onChange: [Function, Array] }); const Cascader = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Cascader", props: cascaderProps, setup(props, { slots }) { const { mergedBorderedRef, mergedClsPrefixRef, namespaceRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Cascader", "-cascader", style$17, cascaderLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const { localeRef } = useLocale("Cascader"); const uncontrolledValueRef = vue.ref(props.defaultValue); const controlledValueRef = vue.computed(() => props.value); const mergedValueRef = useMergedState(controlledValueRef, uncontrolledValueRef); const mergedCheckStrategyRef = vue.computed(() => { return props.leafOnly ? "child" : props.checkStrategy; }); const patternRef = vue.ref(""); const formItem = useFormItem(props); const { mergedSizeRef, mergedDisabledRef, mergedStatusRef } = formItem; const cascaderMenuInstRef = vue.ref(null); const selectMenuInstRef = vue.ref(null); const triggerInstRef = vue.ref(null); const keyboardKeyRef = vue.ref(null); const hoverKeyRef = vue.ref(null); const loadingKeySetRef = vue.ref(/* @__PURE__ */ new Set()); const selectMenuFollowerRef = vue.ref(null); const cascaderMenuFollowerRef = vue.ref(null); const adjustedToRef = useAdjustedTo(props); const focusedRef = vue.ref(false); const addLoadingKey = (key) => { loadingKeySetRef.value.add(key); }; const deleteLoadingKey = (key) => { loadingKeySetRef.value.delete(key); }; const treeMateRef = vue.computed(() => { const { valueField, childrenField, disabledField } = props; return createTreeMate(props.options, { getDisabled(node) { return node[disabledField]; }, getKey(node) { return node[valueField]; }, getChildren(node) { return node[childrenField]; } }); }); const mergedKeysRef = vue.computed(() => { const { cascade, multiple } = props; if (multiple && Array.isArray(mergedValueRef.value)) { return treeMateRef.value.getCheckedKeys(mergedValueRef.value, { cascade, allowNotLoaded: props.allowCheckingNotLoaded }); } else { return { checkedKeys: [], indeterminateKeys: [] }; } }); const checkedKeysRef = vue.computed(() => mergedKeysRef.value.checkedKeys); const indeterminateKeysRef = vue.computed(() => mergedKeysRef.value.indeterminateKeys); const menuModelRef = vue.computed(() => { const { treeNodePath, treeNode } = treeMateRef.value.getPath(hoverKeyRef.value); let ret; if (treeNode === null) { ret = [treeMateRef.value.treeNodes]; } else { ret = treeNodePath.map((treeNode2) => treeNode2.siblings); if (!treeNode.isLeaf && !loadingKeySetRef.value.has(treeNode.key) && treeNode.children) { ret.push(treeNode.children); } } return ret; }); const hoverKeyPathRef = vue.computed(() => { const { keyPath } = treeMateRef.value.getPath(hoverKeyRef.value); return keyPath; }); const optionHeightRef = vue.computed(() => { return themeRef.value.self.optionHeight; }); if (vue.isReactive(props.options)) { vue.watch(props.options, (value, oldValue) => { if (!(value === oldValue)) { hoverKeyRef.value = null; keyboardKeyRef.value = null; } }); } function doUpdateShow(value) { const { onUpdateShow, "onUpdate:show": _onUpdateShow } = props; if (onUpdateShow) { call(onUpdateShow, value); } if (_onUpdateShow) { call(_onUpdateShow, value); } uncontrolledShowRef.value = value; } function doUpdateValue(value, option, optionPath) { const { onUpdateValue, "onUpdate:value": _onUpdateValue, onChange } = props; const { nTriggerFormInput, nTriggerFormChange } = formItem; if (onUpdateValue) { call(onUpdateValue, value, option, optionPath); } if (_onUpdateValue) { call(_onUpdateValue, value, option, optionPath); } if (onChange) { call(onChange, value, option, optionPath); } uncontrolledValueRef.value = value; nTriggerFormInput(); nTriggerFormChange(); } function updateKeyboardKey(key) { keyboardKeyRef.value = key; } function updateHoverKey(key) { hoverKeyRef.value = key; } function getOptionsByKeys(keys2) { const { value: { getNode } } = treeMateRef; return keys2.map((keys22) => { var _a; return ((_a = getNode(keys22)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.rawNode) || null; }); } function doCheck(key) { var _a; const { cascade, multiple, filterable } = props; const { value: { check, getNode, getPath: getPath2 } } = treeMateRef; if (multiple) { try { const { checkedKeys } = check(key, mergedKeysRef.value.checkedKeys, { cascade, checkStrategy: mergedCheckStrategyRef.value, allowNotLoaded: props.allowCheckingNotLoaded }); doUpdateValue(checkedKeys, getOptionsByKeys(checkedKeys), checkedKeys.map((checkedKey) => { var _a2; return getRawNodePath((_a2 = getPath2(checkedKey)) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.treeNodePath); })); if (filterable) focusSelectionInput(); keyboardKeyRef.value = key; hoverKeyRef.value = key; } catch (err) { if (err instanceof SubtreeNotLoadedError) { if (cascaderMenuInstRef.value) { const tmNode = getNode(key); if (tmNode !== null) { cascaderMenuInstRef.value.showErrorMessage(tmNode.rawNode[props.labelField]); } } } else { throw err; } } } else { if (mergedCheckStrategyRef.value === "child") { const tmNode = getNode(key); if (tmNode === null || tmNode === void 0 ? void 0 : tmNode.isLeaf) { doUpdateValue(key, tmNode.rawNode, getRawNodePath(getPath2(key).treeNodePath)); } else { return false; } } else { const tmNode = getNode(key); doUpdateValue(key, (tmNode === null || tmNode === void 0 ? void 0 : tmNode.rawNode) || null, getRawNodePath((_a = getPath2(key)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.treeNodePath)); } } return true; } function doUncheck(key) { const { cascade, multiple } = props; if (multiple) { const { value: { uncheck, getNode, getPath: getPath2 } } = treeMateRef; const { checkedKeys } = uncheck(key, mergedKeysRef.value.checkedKeys, { cascade, checkStrategy: mergedCheckStrategyRef.value, allowNotLoaded: props.allowCheckingNotLoaded }); doUpdateValue(checkedKeys, checkedKeys.map((checkedKey) => { var _a; return ((_a = getNode(checkedKey)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.rawNode) || null; }), checkedKeys.map((checkedKey) => { var _a; return getRawNodePath((_a = getPath2(checkedKey)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.treeNodePath); })); keyboardKeyRef.value = key; hoverKeyRef.value = key; } } const selectedOptionsRef = vue.computed(() => { if (props.multiple) { const { showPath, separator, labelField, cascade } = props; const { getCheckedKeys: getCheckedKeys2, getNode } = treeMateRef.value; const value = getCheckedKeys2(checkedKeysRef.value, { cascade, checkStrategy: mergedCheckStrategyRef.value, allowNotLoaded: props.allowCheckingNotLoaded }).checkedKeys; return value.map((key) => { const node = getNode(key); if (node === null) { return { label: String(key), value: key }; } else { return { label: showPath ? getPathLabel(node, separator, labelField) : node.rawNode[labelField], value: node.key }; } }); } else return []; }); const selectedOptionRef = vue.computed(() => { const { multiple, showPath, separator, labelField } = props; const { value } = mergedValueRef; if (!multiple && !Array.isArray(value)) { const { getNode } = treeMateRef.value; if (value === null) { return null; } const node = getNode(value); if (node === null) { return { label: String(value), value }; } else { return { label: showPath ? getPathLabel(node, separator, labelField) : node.rawNode[labelField], value: node.key }; } } else return null; }); const uncontrolledShowRef = vue.ref(false); const controlledShowRef = vue.toRef(props, "show"); const mergedShowRef = useMergedState(controlledShowRef, uncontrolledShowRef); const localizedPlaceholderRef = vue.computed(() => { const { placeholder } = props; if (placeholder !== void 0) return placeholder; return localeRef.value.placeholder; }); const showSelectMenuRef = vue.computed(() => { return !!(props.filterable && patternRef.value); }); vue.watch(mergedShowRef, (show) => { if (!show) return; if (props.multiple) return; const { value } = mergedValueRef; if (!Array.isArray(value) && value !== null) { keyboardKeyRef.value = value; hoverKeyRef.value = value; void vue.nextTick(() => { var _a; if (!mergedShowRef.value) return; const { value: hoverKey } = hoverKeyRef; if (mergedValueRef.value !== null) { const node = treeMateRef.value.getNode(hoverKey); if (node) { (_a = cascaderMenuInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.scroll(node.level, node.index, depx(optionHeightRef.value)); } } }); } else { keyboardKeyRef.value = null; hoverKeyRef.value = null; } }, { immediate: true }); function doBlur(e) { const { onBlur } = props; const { nTriggerFormBlur } = formItem; if (onBlur) call(onBlur, e); nTriggerFormBlur(); } function doFocus(e) { const { onFocus } = props; const { nTriggerFormFocus } = formItem; if (onFocus) call(onFocus, e); nTriggerFormFocus(); } function focusSelectionInput() { var _a; (_a = triggerInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.focusInput(); } function focusSelection() { var _a; (_a = triggerInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.focus(); } function openMenu() { if (!mergedDisabledRef.value) { patternRef.value = ""; doUpdateShow(true); if (props.filterable) { focusSelectionInput(); } } } function closeMenu(returnFocus = false) { if (returnFocus) { focusSelection(); } doUpdateShow(false); patternRef.value = ""; } function handleCascaderMenuClickOutside(e) { var _a; if (showSelectMenuRef.value) return; if (mergedShowRef.value) { if (!((_a = triggerInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.$el.contains(getPreciseEventTarget(e)))) { closeMenu(); } } } function handleSelectMenuClickOutside(e) { if (!showSelectMenuRef.value) return; handleCascaderMenuClickOutside(e); } function clearPattern() { if (props.clearFilterAfterSelect) patternRef.value = ""; } function move2(direction) { var _a, _b, _c; const { value: keyboardKey } = keyboardKeyRef; const { value: treeMate } = treeMateRef; switch (direction) { case "prev": if (keyboardKey !== null) { const node = treeMate.getPrev(keyboardKey, { loop: true }); if (node !== null) { updateKeyboardKey(node.key); (_a = cascaderMenuInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.scroll(node.level, node.index, depx(optionHeightRef.value)); } } break; case "next": if (keyboardKey === null) { const node = treeMate.getFirstAvailableNode(); if (node !== null) { updateKeyboardKey(node.key); (_b = cascaderMenuInstRef.value) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.scroll(node.level, node.index, depx(optionHeightRef.value)); } } else { const node = treeMate.getNext(keyboardKey, { loop: true }); if (node !== null) { updateKeyboardKey(node.key); (_c = cascaderMenuInstRef.value) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.scroll(node.level, node.index, depx(optionHeightRef.value)); } } break; case "child": if (keyboardKey !== null) { const currentNode = treeMate.getNode(keyboardKey); if (currentNode !== null) { if (currentNode.shallowLoaded) { const node = treeMate.getChild(keyboardKey); if (node !== null) { updateHoverKey(keyboardKey); updateKeyboardKey(node.key); } } else { const { value: loadingKeySet } = loadingKeySetRef; if (!loadingKeySet.has(keyboardKey)) { addLoadingKey(keyboardKey); updateHoverKey(keyboardKey); const { onLoad } = props; if (onLoad) { onLoad(currentNode.rawNode).then(() => { deleteLoadingKey(keyboardKey); }).catch(() => { deleteLoadingKey(keyboardKey); }); } } } } } break; case "parent": if (keyboardKey !== null) { const node = treeMate.getParent(keyboardKey); if (node !== null) { updateKeyboardKey(node.key); const parentNode = node.getParent(); if (parentNode === null) { updateHoverKey(null); } else { updateHoverKey(parentNode.key); } } } break; } } function handleKeydown(e) { var _a, _b; switch (e.key) { case " ": case "ArrowDown": case "ArrowUp": if (props.filterable && mergedShowRef.value) { break; } e.preventDefault(); break; } if (happensIn(e, "action")) return; switch (e.key) { case " ": if (props.filterable) return; case "Enter": if (!mergedShowRef.value) { openMenu(); } else { const { value: showSelectMenu } = showSelectMenuRef; const { value: keyboardKey } = keyboardKeyRef; if (!showSelectMenu) { if (keyboardKey !== null) { if (checkedKeysRef.value.includes(keyboardKey) || indeterminateKeysRef.value.includes(keyboardKey)) { doUncheck(keyboardKey); } else { const checkIsValid = doCheck(keyboardKey); if (!props.multiple && checkIsValid) { closeMenu(true); } } } } else { if (selectMenuInstRef.value) { const hasCorrespondingOption = selectMenuInstRef.value.enter(); if (hasCorrespondingOption) clearPattern(); } } } break; case "ArrowUp": e.preventDefault(); if (mergedShowRef.value) { if (showSelectMenuRef.value) { (_a = selectMenuInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.prev(); } else { move2("prev"); } } break; case "ArrowDown": e.preventDefault(); if (mergedShowRef.value) { if (showSelectMenuRef.value) { (_b = selectMenuInstRef.value) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.next(); } else { move2("next"); } } else { openMenu(); } break; case "ArrowLeft": e.preventDefault(); if (mergedShowRef.value && !showSelectMenuRef.value) { move2("parent"); } break; case "ArrowRight": e.preventDefault(); if (mergedShowRef.value && !showSelectMenuRef.value) { move2("child"); } break; case "Escape": if (mergedShowRef.value) { markEventEffectPerformed(e); closeMenu(true); } } } function handleMenuKeydown(e) { handleKeydown(e); } function handleClear(e) { e.stopPropagation(); if (props.multiple) { doUpdateValue([], [], []); } else { doUpdateValue(null, null, null); } } function handleTriggerFocus(e) { var _a; if (!((_a = cascaderMenuInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.$el.contains(e.relatedTarget))) { focusedRef.value = true; doFocus(e); } } function handleTriggerBlur(e) { var _a; if (!((_a = cascaderMenuInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.$el.contains(e.relatedTarget))) { focusedRef.value = false; doBlur(e); closeMenu(); } } function handleMenuFocus(e) { var _a; if (!((_a = triggerInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.$el.contains(e.relatedTarget))) { focusedRef.value = true; doFocus(e); } } function handleMenuBlur(e) { var _a; if (!((_a = triggerInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.$el.contains(e.relatedTarget))) { focusedRef.value = false; doBlur(e); } } function handleMenuMousedown(e) { if (!happensIn(e, "action")) { if (props.multiple && props.filter) { e.preventDefault(); focusSelectionInput(); } } } function handleMenuTabout() { closeMenu(true); } function handleTriggerClick() { if (props.filterable) { openMenu(); } else { if (mergedShowRef.value) { closeMenu(true); } else { openMenu(); } } } function handlePatternInput(e) { patternRef.value = e.target.value; } function handleDeleteOption(option) { const { multiple } = props; const { value: mergedValue } = mergedValueRef; if (multiple && Array.isArray(mergedValue) && option.value !== void 0) { doUncheck(option.value); } else { doUpdateValue(null, null, null); } } function syncSelectMenuPosition() { var _a; (_a = selectMenuFollowerRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.syncPosition(); } function syncCascaderMenuPosition() { var _a; (_a = cascaderMenuFollowerRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.syncPosition(); } function handleTriggerResize() { if (mergedShowRef.value) { if (showSelectMenuRef.value) { syncSelectMenuPosition(); } else { syncCascaderMenuPosition(); } } } const showCheckboxRef = vue.computed(() => { if (props.multiple && props.cascade) return true; if (mergedCheckStrategyRef.value !== "child") return true; return false; }); vue.provide(cascaderInjectionKey, { slots, mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedThemeRef: themeRef, mergedValueRef, checkedKeysRef, indeterminateKeysRef, hoverKeyPathRef, mergedCheckStrategyRef, showCheckboxRef, cascadeRef: vue.toRef(props, "cascade"), multipleRef: vue.toRef(props, "multiple"), keyboardKeyRef, hoverKeyRef, remoteRef: vue.toRef(props, "remote"), loadingKeySetRef, expandTriggerRef: vue.toRef(props, "expandTrigger"), isMountedRef: isMounted(), onLoadRef: vue.toRef(props, "onLoad"), virtualScrollRef: vue.toRef(props, "virtualScroll"), optionHeightRef, localeRef, labelFieldRef: vue.toRef(props, "labelField"), renderLabelRef: vue.toRef(props, "renderLabel"), getColumnStyleRef: vue.toRef(props, "getColumnStyle"), renderPrefixRef: vue.toRef(props, "renderPrefix"), renderSuffixRef: vue.toRef(props, "renderSuffix"), syncCascaderMenuPosition, syncSelectMenuPosition, updateKeyboardKey, updateHoverKey, addLoadingKey, deleteLoadingKey, doCheck, doUncheck, closeMenu, handleSelectMenuClickOutside, handleCascaderMenuClickOutside, clearPattern }); const exposedMethods = { focus: () => { var _a; (_a = triggerInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.focus(); }, blur: () => { var _a; (_a = triggerInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.blur(); }, getCheckedData: () => { if (showCheckboxRef.value) { const checkedKeys = checkedKeysRef.value; return { keys: checkedKeys, options: getOptionsByKeys(checkedKeys) }; } return { keys: [], options: [] }; }, getIndeterminateData: () => { if (showCheckboxRef.value) { const indeterminateKeys = indeterminateKeysRef.value; return { keys: indeterminateKeys, options: getOptionsByKeys(indeterminateKeys) }; } return { keys: [], options: [] }; } }; const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { self: { optionArrowColor, optionTextColor, optionTextColorActive, optionTextColorDisabled, optionCheckMarkColor, menuColor, menuBoxShadow, menuDividerColor, menuBorderRadius, menuHeight, optionColorHover, optionHeight, optionFontSize, loadingColor, columnWidth }, common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-menu-border-radius": menuBorderRadius, "--n-menu-box-shadow": menuBoxShadow, "--n-menu-height": menuHeight, "--n-column-width": columnWidth, "--n-menu-color": menuColor, "--n-menu-divider-color": menuDividerColor, "--n-option-height": optionHeight, "--n-option-font-size": optionFontSize, "--n-option-text-color": optionTextColor, "--n-option-text-color-disabled": optionTextColorDisabled, "--n-option-text-color-active": optionTextColorActive, "--n-option-color-hover": optionColorHover, "--n-option-check-mark-color": optionCheckMarkColor, "--n-option-arrow-color": optionArrowColor, "--n-menu-mask-color": changeColor(menuColor, { alpha: 0.75 }), "--n-loading-color": loadingColor }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("cascader", void 0, cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, exposedMethods), { handleTriggerResize, mergedStatus: mergedStatusRef, selectMenuFollowerRef, cascaderMenuFollowerRef, triggerInstRef, selectMenuInstRef, cascaderMenuInstRef, mergedBordered: mergedBorderedRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, namespace: namespaceRef, mergedValue: mergedValueRef, mergedShow: mergedShowRef, showSelectMenu: showSelectMenuRef, pattern: patternRef, treeMate: treeMateRef, mergedSize: mergedSizeRef, mergedDisabled: mergedDisabledRef, localizedPlaceholder: localizedPlaceholderRef, selectedOption: selectedOptionRef, selectedOptions: selectedOptionsRef, adjustedTo: adjustedToRef, menuModel: menuModelRef, handleMenuTabout, handleMenuFocus, handleMenuBlur, handleMenuKeydown, handleMenuMousedown, handleTriggerFocus, handleTriggerBlur, handleTriggerClick, handleClear, handleDeleteOption, handlePatternInput, handleKeydown, focused: focusedRef, optionHeight: optionHeightRef, mergedTheme: themeRef, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }); }, render() { const { mergedClsPrefix } = this; return vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-cascader` }, vue.h(Binder, null, { default: () => [vue.h(VTarget, null, { default: () => vue.h(NInternalSelection, { onResize: this.handleTriggerResize, ref: "triggerInstRef", status: this.mergedStatus, clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, maxTagCount: this.maxTagCount, ellipsisTagPopoverProps: this.ellipsisTagPopoverProps, bordered: this.mergedBordered, size: this.mergedSize, theme: this.mergedTheme.peers.InternalSelection, themeOverrides: this.mergedTheme.peerOverrides.InternalSelection, active: this.mergedShow, pattern: this.pattern, placeholder: this.localizedPlaceholder, selectedOption: this.selectedOption, selectedOptions: this.selectedOptions, multiple: this.multiple, filterable: this.filterable, clearable: this.clearable, disabled: this.mergedDisabled, focused: this.focused, onFocus: this.handleTriggerFocus, onBlur: this.handleTriggerBlur, onClick: this.handleTriggerClick, onClear: this.handleClear, onDeleteOption: this.handleDeleteOption, onPatternInput: this.handlePatternInput, onKeydown: this.handleKeydown }, { arrow: () => { var _a, _b; return (_b = (_a = this.$slots).arrow) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a); } }) }), vue.h(VFollower, { key: "cascaderMenu", ref: "cascaderMenuFollowerRef", show: this.mergedShow && !this.showSelectMenu, containerClass: this.namespace, placement: this.placement, width: !this.options.length ? "target" : void 0, teleportDisabled: this.adjustedTo === useAdjustedTo.tdkey, to: this.adjustedTo }, { default: () => { var _a; (_a = this.onRender) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(this); const { menuProps: menuProps2 } = this; return vue.h(CascaderMenu, Object.assign({}, menuProps2, { ref: "cascaderMenuInstRef", class: [this.themeClass, menuProps2 === null || menuProps2 === void 0 ? void 0 : menuProps2.class], value: this.mergedValue, show: this.mergedShow && !this.showSelectMenu, menuModel: this.menuModel, style: [this.cssVars, menuProps2 === null || menuProps2 === void 0 ? void 0 : menuProps2.style], onFocus: this.handleMenuFocus, onBlur: this.handleMenuBlur, onKeydown: this.handleMenuKeydown, onMousedown: this.handleMenuMousedown, onTabout: this.handleMenuTabout }), { action: () => { var _a2, _b; return (_b = (_a2 = this.$slots).action) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a2); }, empty: () => { var _a2, _b; return (_b = (_a2 = this.$slots).empty) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a2); } }); } }), vue.h(VFollower, { key: "selectMenu", ref: "selectMenuFollowerRef", show: this.mergedShow && this.showSelectMenu, containerClass: this.namespace, width: "target", placement: this.placement, to: this.adjustedTo, teleportDisabled: this.adjustedTo === useAdjustedTo.tdkey }, { default: () => { var _a; (_a = this.onRender) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(this); const { filterMenuProps } = this; return vue.h(CascaderSelectMenu, Object.assign({}, filterMenuProps, { ref: "selectMenuInstRef", class: [this.themeClass, filterMenuProps === null || filterMenuProps === void 0 ? void 0 : filterMenuProps.class], value: this.mergedValue, show: this.mergedShow && this.showSelectMenu, pattern: this.pattern, multiple: this.multiple, tmNodes: this.treeMate.treeNodes, filter: this.filter, labelField: this.labelField, separator: this.separator, style: [this.cssVars, filterMenuProps === null || filterMenuProps === void 0 ? void 0 : filterMenuProps.style] })); } })] })); } }); const self$X = (vars) => { const { textColor2, fontSize: fontSize2, fontWeightStrong, textColor3 } = vars; return { textColor: textColor2, fontSize: fontSize2, fontWeightStrong, // extracted from hljs atom-one-light.scss "mono-3": "#a0a1a7", "hue-1": "#0184bb", "hue-2": "#4078f2", "hue-3": "#a626a4", "hue-4": "#50a14f", "hue-5": "#e45649", "hue-5-2": "#c91243", "hue-6": "#986801", "hue-6-2": "#c18401", // line-number styles lineNumberTextColor: textColor3 }; }; const codeLight = { name: "Code", common: derived, self: self$X }; const style$16 = c$1([cB("code", ` font-size: var(--n-font-size); font-family: var(--n-font-family); `, [cM("show-line-numbers", ` display: flex; `), cE("line-numbers", ` user-select: none; padding-right: 12px; text-align: right; transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); color: var(--n-line-number-text-color); `), cM("word-wrap", [c$1("pre", ` white-space: pre-wrap; word-break: break-all; `)]), c$1("pre", ` margin: 0; line-height: inherit; font-size: inherit; font-family: inherit; `), c$1("[class^=hljs]", ` color: var(--n-text-color); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `)]), ({ props }) => { const codeClass = `${props.bPrefix}code`; return [`${codeClass} .hljs-comment, ${codeClass} .hljs-quote { color: var(--n-mono-3); font-style: italic; }`, `${codeClass} .hljs-doctag, ${codeClass} .hljs-keyword, ${codeClass} .hljs-formula { color: var(--n-hue-3); }`, `${codeClass} .hljs-section, ${codeClass} .hljs-name, ${codeClass} .hljs-selector-tag, ${codeClass} .hljs-deletion, ${codeClass} .hljs-subst { color: var(--n-hue-5); }`, `${codeClass} .hljs-literal { color: var(--n-hue-1); }`, `${codeClass} .hljs-string, ${codeClass} .hljs-regexp, ${codeClass} .hljs-addition, ${codeClass} .hljs-attribute, ${codeClass} .hljs-meta-string { color: var(--n-hue-4); }`, `${codeClass} .hljs-built_in, ${codeClass} .hljs-class .hljs-title { color: var(--n-hue-6-2); }`, `${codeClass} .hljs-attr, ${codeClass} .hljs-variable, ${codeClass} .hljs-template-variable, ${codeClass} .hljs-type, ${codeClass} .hljs-selector-class, ${codeClass} .hljs-selector-attr, ${codeClass} .hljs-selector-pseudo, ${codeClass} .hljs-number { color: var(--n-hue-6); }`, `${codeClass} .hljs-symbol, ${codeClass} .hljs-bullet, ${codeClass} .hljs-link, ${codeClass} .hljs-meta, ${codeClass} .hljs-selector-id, ${codeClass} .hljs-title { color: var(--n-hue-2); }`, `${codeClass} .hljs-emphasis { font-style: italic; }`, `${codeClass} .hljs-strong { font-weight: var(--n-font-weight-strong); }`, `${codeClass} .hljs-link { text-decoration: underline; }`]; }]); const codeProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { language: String, code: { type: String, default: "" }, trim: { type: Boolean, default: true }, hljs: Object, uri: Boolean, inline: Boolean, wordWrap: Boolean, showLineNumbers: Boolean, // In n-log, we only need to mount code's style for highlight internalFontSize: Number, internalNoHighlight: Boolean }); const NCode = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Code", props: codeProps, setup(props, { slots }) { const { internalNoHighlight } = props; const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(); const codeRef = vue.ref(null); const hljsRef = internalNoHighlight ? { value: void 0 } : useHljs(props); const createCodeHtml = (language, code, trim) => { const { value: hljs } = hljsRef; if (!hljs) { return null; } if (!(language && hljs.getLanguage(language))) { return null; } return hljs.highlight(trim ? code.trim() : code, { language }).value; }; const mergedShowLineNumbersRef = vue.computed(() => { if (props.inline || props.wordWrap) return false; return props.showLineNumbers; }); const setCode = () => { if (slots.default) return; const { value: codeEl } = codeRef; if (!codeEl) return; const { language } = props; const code = props.uri ? window.decodeURIComponent(props.code) : props.code; if (language) { const html = createCodeHtml(language, code, props.trim); if (html !== null) { if (props.inline) { codeEl.innerHTML = html; } else { const prevPreEl = codeEl.querySelector(".__code__"); if (prevPreEl) codeEl.removeChild(prevPreEl); const preEl = document.createElement("pre"); preEl.className = "__code__"; preEl.innerHTML = html; codeEl.appendChild(preEl); } return; } } if (props.inline) { codeEl.textContent = code; return; } const maybePreEl = codeEl.querySelector(".__code__"); if (maybePreEl) { maybePreEl.textContent = code; } else { const wrap = document.createElement("pre"); wrap.className = "__code__"; wrap.textContent = code; codeEl.innerHTML = ""; codeEl.appendChild(wrap); } }; vue.onMounted(setCode); vue.watch(vue.toRef(props, "language"), setCode); vue.watch(vue.toRef(props, "code"), setCode); if (!internalNoHighlight) vue.watch(hljsRef, setCode); const themeRef = useTheme("Code", "-code", style$16, codeLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2, fontFamilyMono }, self: { textColor, fontSize: fontSize2, fontWeightStrong, lineNumberTextColor, // extracted from hljs atom-one-light.scss "mono-3": $1, "hue-1": $2, "hue-2": $3, "hue-3": $4, "hue-4": $5, "hue-5": $6, "hue-5-2": $7, "hue-6": $8, "hue-6-2": $9 } } = themeRef.value; const { internalFontSize } = props; return { "--n-font-size": internalFontSize ? `${internalFontSize}px` : fontSize2, "--n-font-family": fontFamilyMono, "--n-font-weight-strong": fontWeightStrong, "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-text-color": textColor, "--n-mono-3": $1, "--n-hue-1": $2, "--n-hue-2": $3, "--n-hue-3": $4, "--n-hue-4": $5, "--n-hue-5": $6, "--n-hue-5-2": $7, "--n-hue-6": $8, "--n-hue-6-2": $9, "--n-line-number-text-color": lineNumberTextColor }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("code", vue.computed(() => { return `${props.internalFontSize || "a"}`; }), cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, codeRef, mergedShowLineNumbers: mergedShowLineNumbersRef, lineNumbers: vue.computed(() => { let number = 1; const numbers = []; let lastIsLineWrap = false; for (const char of props.code) { if (char === "\n") { lastIsLineWrap = true; numbers.push(number++); } else { lastIsLineWrap = false; } } if (!lastIsLineWrap) { numbers.push(number++); } return numbers.join("\n"); }), cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }; }, render() { var _a, _b; const { mergedClsPrefix, wordWrap, mergedShowLineNumbers, onRender } = this; onRender === null || onRender === void 0 ? void 0 : onRender(); return vue.h("code", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-code`, this.themeClass, wordWrap && `${mergedClsPrefix}-code--word-wrap`, mergedShowLineNumbers && `${mergedClsPrefix}-code--show-line-numbers`], style: this.cssVars, ref: "codeRef" }, mergedShowLineNumbers ? vue.h("pre", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-code__line-numbers` }, this.lineNumbers) : null, (_b = (_a = this.$slots).default) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a)); } }); const self$W = (vars) => { const { fontWeight, textColor1, textColor2, textColorDisabled, dividerColor, fontSize: fontSize2 } = vars; return { titleFontSize: fontSize2, titleFontWeight: fontWeight, dividerColor, titleTextColor: textColor1, titleTextColorDisabled: textColorDisabled, fontSize: fontSize2, textColor: textColor2, arrowColor: textColor2, arrowColorDisabled: textColorDisabled, itemMargin: "16px 0 0 0", titlePadding: "16px 0 0 0" }; }; const collapseLight = { name: "Collapse", common: derived, self: self$W }; const style$15 = cB("collapse", "width: 100%;", [cB("collapse-item", ` font-size: var(--n-font-size); color: var(--n-text-color); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier), border-color .3s var(--n-bezier); margin: var(--n-item-margin); `, [cM("disabled", [cE("header", "cursor: not-allowed;", [cE("header-main", ` color: var(--n-title-text-color-disabled); `), cB("collapse-item-arrow", ` color: var(--n-arrow-color-disabled); `)])]), cB("collapse-item", "margin-left: 32px;"), c$1("&:first-child", "margin-top: 0;"), c$1("&:first-child >", [cE("header", "padding-top: 0;")]), cM("left-arrow-placement", [cE("header", [cB("collapse-item-arrow", "margin-right: 4px;")])]), cM("right-arrow-placement", [cE("header", [cB("collapse-item-arrow", "margin-left: 4px;")])]), cE("content-wrapper", [cE("content-inner", "padding-top: 16px;"), fadeInHeightExpandTransition({ duration: "0.15s" })]), cM("active", [cE("header", [cM("active", [cB("collapse-item-arrow", "transform: rotate(90deg);")])])]), c$1("&:not(:first-child)", "border-top: 1px solid var(--n-divider-color);"), cNotM("disabled", [cM("trigger-area-main", [cE("header", [cE("header-main", "cursor: pointer;"), cB("collapse-item-arrow", "cursor: default;")])]), cM("trigger-area-arrow", [cE("header", [cB("collapse-item-arrow", "cursor: pointer;")])]), cM("trigger-area-extra", [cE("header", [cE("header-extra", "cursor: pointer;")])])]), cE("header", ` font-size: var(--n-title-font-size); display: flex; flex-wrap: nowrap; align-items: center; transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); position: relative; padding: var(--n-title-padding); color: var(--n-title-text-color); `, [cE("header-main", ` display: flex; flex-wrap: nowrap; align-items: center; font-weight: var(--n-title-font-weight); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); flex: 1; color: var(--n-title-text-color); `), cE("header-extra", ` display: flex; align-items: center; transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); color: var(--n-text-color); `), cB("collapse-item-arrow", ` display: flex; transition: transform .15s var(--n-bezier), color .3s var(--n-bezier); font-size: 18px; color: var(--n-arrow-color); `)])])]); const collapseProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { defaultExpandedNames: { type: [Array, String], default: null }, expandedNames: [Array, String], arrowPlacement: { type: String, default: "left" }, accordion: { type: Boolean, default: false }, displayDirective: { type: String, default: "if" }, triggerAreas: { type: Array, default: () => ["main", "extra", "arrow"] }, onItemHeaderClick: [Function, Array], "onUpdate:expandedNames": [Function, Array], onUpdateExpandedNames: [Function, Array], // deprecated onExpandedNamesChange: { type: [Function, Array], validator: () => { return true; }, default: void 0 } }); const collapseInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-collapse"); const NCollapse = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Collapse", props: collapseProps, setup(props, { slots }) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled, mergedRtlRef } = useConfig(props); const uncontrolledExpandedNamesRef = vue.ref(props.defaultExpandedNames); const controlledExpandedNamesRef = vue.computed(() => props.expandedNames); const mergedExpandedNamesRef = useMergedState(controlledExpandedNamesRef, uncontrolledExpandedNamesRef); const themeRef = useTheme("Collapse", "-collapse", style$15, collapseLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); function doUpdateExpandedNames(names) { const { "onUpdate:expandedNames": _onUpdateExpandedNames, onUpdateExpandedNames, onExpandedNamesChange } = props; if (onUpdateExpandedNames) { call(onUpdateExpandedNames, names); } if (_onUpdateExpandedNames) { call(_onUpdateExpandedNames, names); } if (onExpandedNamesChange) { call(onExpandedNamesChange, names); } uncontrolledExpandedNamesRef.value = names; } function doItemHeaderClick(info) { const { onItemHeaderClick } = props; if (onItemHeaderClick) { call(onItemHeaderClick, info); } } function toggleItem(collapse, name, event) { const { accordion } = props; const { value: expandedNames } = mergedExpandedNamesRef; if (accordion) { if (collapse) { doUpdateExpandedNames([name]); doItemHeaderClick({ name, expanded: true, event }); } else { doUpdateExpandedNames([]); doItemHeaderClick({ name, expanded: false, event }); } } else { if (!Array.isArray(expandedNames)) { doUpdateExpandedNames([name]); doItemHeaderClick({ name, expanded: true, event }); } else { const activeNames = expandedNames.slice(); const index = activeNames.findIndex((activeName) => name === activeName); if (~index) { activeNames.splice(index, 1); doUpdateExpandedNames(activeNames); doItemHeaderClick({ name, expanded: false, event }); } else { activeNames.push(name); doUpdateExpandedNames(activeNames); doItemHeaderClick({ name, expanded: true, event }); } } } } vue.provide(collapseInjectionKey, { props, mergedClsPrefixRef, expandedNamesRef: mergedExpandedNamesRef, slots, toggleItem }); const rtlEnabledRef = useRtl("Collapse", mergedRtlRef, mergedClsPrefixRef); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: { titleFontWeight, dividerColor, titlePadding, titleTextColor, titleTextColorDisabled, textColor, arrowColor, fontSize: fontSize2, titleFontSize, arrowColorDisabled, itemMargin } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-font-size": fontSize2, "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-text-color": textColor, "--n-divider-color": dividerColor, "--n-title-padding": titlePadding, "--n-title-font-size": titleFontSize, "--n-title-text-color": titleTextColor, "--n-title-text-color-disabled": titleTextColorDisabled, "--n-title-font-weight": titleFontWeight, "--n-arrow-color": arrowColor, "--n-arrow-color-disabled": arrowColorDisabled, "--n-item-margin": itemMargin }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("collapse", void 0, cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return { rtlEnabled: rtlEnabledRef, mergedTheme: themeRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }; }, render() { var _a; (_a = this.onRender) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(this); return vue.h("div", { class: [`${this.mergedClsPrefix}-collapse`, this.rtlEnabled && `${this.mergedClsPrefix}-collapse--rtl`, this.themeClass], style: this.cssVars }, this.$slots); } }); const NCollapseItemContent = vue.defineComponent({ name: "CollapseItemContent", props: { displayDirective: { type: String, required: true }, show: Boolean, clsPrefix: { type: String, required: true } }, setup(props) { const onceTrueRef = useFalseUntilTruthy(vue.toRef(props, "show")); return { onceTrue: onceTrueRef }; }, render() { return vue.h(NFadeInExpandTransition, null, { default: () => { const { show, displayDirective, onceTrue, clsPrefix } = this; const useVShow = displayDirective === "show" && onceTrue; const contentNode = vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-collapse-item__content-wrapper` }, vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-collapse-item__content-inner` }, this.$slots)); return useVShow ? vue.withDirectives(contentNode, [[vue.vShow, show]]) : show ? contentNode : null; } }); } }); const collapseItemProps = { title: String, name: [String, Number], disabled: Boolean, displayDirective: String }; const NCollapseItem = vue.defineComponent({ name: "CollapseItem", props: collapseItemProps, setup(props) { const { mergedRtlRef } = useConfig(props); const randomName = createId(); const mergedNameRef = useMemo(() => { var _a; return (_a = props.name) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : randomName; }); const NCollapse2 = vue.inject(collapseInjectionKey); if (!NCollapse2) { throwError("collapse-item", "`n-collapse-item` must be placed inside `n-collapse`."); } const { expandedNamesRef, props: collapseProps2, mergedClsPrefixRef, slots: collapseSlots } = NCollapse2; const collapsedRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value: expandedNames } = expandedNamesRef; if (Array.isArray(expandedNames)) { const { value: name } = mergedNameRef; return !~expandedNames.findIndex((expandedName) => expandedName === name); } else if (expandedNames) { const { value: name } = mergedNameRef; return name !== expandedNames; } return true; }); const rtlEnabledRef = useRtl("Collapse", mergedRtlRef, mergedClsPrefixRef); return { rtlEnabled: rtlEnabledRef, collapseSlots, randomName, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, collapsed: collapsedRef, triggerAreas: vue.toRef(collapseProps2, "triggerAreas"), mergedDisplayDirective: vue.computed(() => { const { displayDirective } = props; if (displayDirective) { return displayDirective; } else { return collapseProps2.displayDirective; } }), arrowPlacement: vue.computed(() => { return collapseProps2.arrowPlacement; }), handleClick(e) { let happensInArea = "main"; if (happensIn(e, "arrow")) happensInArea = "arrow"; if (happensIn(e, "extra")) happensInArea = "extra"; if (!collapseProps2.triggerAreas.includes(happensInArea)) { return; } if (NCollapse2 && !props.disabled) { NCollapse2.toggleItem(collapsedRef.value, mergedNameRef.value, e); } } }; }, render() { const { collapseSlots, $slots, arrowPlacement, collapsed, mergedDisplayDirective, mergedClsPrefix, disabled, triggerAreas } = this; const headerNode = resolveSlotWithProps($slots.header, { collapsed }, () => [this.title]); const headerExtraSlot = $slots["header-extra"] || collapseSlots["header-extra"]; const arrowSlot = $slots.arrow || collapseSlots.arrow; return vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-collapse-item`, `${mergedClsPrefix}-collapse-item--${arrowPlacement}-arrow-placement`, disabled && `${mergedClsPrefix}-collapse-item--disabled`, !collapsed && `${mergedClsPrefix}-collapse-item--active`, triggerAreas.map((area) => { return `${mergedClsPrefix}-collapse-item--trigger-area-${area}`; })] }, vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-collapse-item__header`, !collapsed && `${mergedClsPrefix}-collapse-item__header--active`] }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-collapse-item__header-main`, onClick: this.handleClick }, arrowPlacement === "right" && headerNode, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-collapse-item-arrow`, key: this.rtlEnabled ? 0 : 1, "data-arrow": true }, resolveSlotWithProps(arrowSlot, { collapsed }, () => { var _a; return [vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix }, { default: (_a = collapseSlots.expandIcon) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : () => this.rtlEnabled ? vue.h(ChevronLeftIcon, null) : vue.h(ChevronRightIcon, null) })]; })), arrowPlacement === "left" && headerNode), resolveWrappedSlotWithProps(headerExtraSlot, { collapsed }, (children) => vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-collapse-item__header-extra`, onClick: this.handleClick, "data-extra": true }, children))), vue.h(NCollapseItemContent, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, displayDirective: mergedDisplayDirective, show: !collapsed }, $slots)); } }); const style$14 = cB("collapse-transition", { width: "100%" }, [fadeInHeightExpandTransition()]); const self$V = (vars) => { const { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 } = vars; return { bezier: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }; }; const collapseTransitionLight = { name: "CollapseTransition", common: derived, self: self$V }; const collapseTransitionProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { show: { type: Boolean, default: true }, appear: Boolean, // The collapsed is implemented with mistake, collapsed=true would make it show // However there's no possibility to change so I just let it deprecated and use // `show` prop instead. /** @deprecated */ collapsed: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 } }); const CollapseTransition = vue.defineComponent({ name: "CollapseTransition", props: collapseTransitionProps, inheritAttrs: false, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled, mergedRtlRef } = useConfig(props); const mergedThemeRef = useTheme("CollapseTransition", "-collapse-transition", style$14, collapseTransitionLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const rtlEnabledRef = useRtl("CollapseTransition", mergedRtlRef, mergedClsPrefixRef); const mergedShowRef = vue.computed(() => { if (props.collapsed !== void 0) { return props.collapsed; } return props.show; }); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { self: { bezier } } = mergedThemeRef.value; return { "--n-bezier": bezier }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("collapse-transition", void 0, cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return { rtlEnabled: rtlEnabledRef, mergedShow: mergedShowRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }; }, render() { return vue.h(NFadeInExpandTransition, { appear: this.appear }, { default: () => { var _a; if (!this.mergedShow) return; (_a = this.onRender) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(this); return vue.h( "div", // Don't use jsx since it would cause useless spread in each rendering vue.mergeProps({ class: [`${this.mergedClsPrefix}-collapse-transition`, this.rtlEnabled && `${this.mergedClsPrefix}-collapse-transition--rtl`, this.themeClass], style: this.cssVars }, this.$attrs), this.$slots ); } }); } }); const configProviderProps = { abstract: Boolean, bordered: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, clsPrefix: { type: String, default: defaultClsPrefix }, locale: Object, dateLocale: Object, namespace: String, rtl: Array, tag: { type: String, default: "div" }, hljs: Object, katex: Object, theme: Object, themeOverrides: Object, componentOptions: Object, icons: Object, breakpoints: Object, preflightStyleDisabled: Boolean, inlineThemeDisabled: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, // deprecated as: { type: String, validator: () => { warn$2("config-provider", "`as` is deprecated, please use `tag` instead."); return true; }, default: void 0 } }; const NConfigProvider = vue.defineComponent({ name: "ConfigProvider", alias: ["App"], props: configProviderProps, setup(props) { const NConfigProvider2 = vue.inject(configProviderInjectionKey, null); const mergedThemeRef = vue.computed(() => { const { theme } = props; if (theme === null) return void 0; const inheritedTheme = NConfigProvider2 === null || NConfigProvider2 === void 0 ? void 0 : NConfigProvider2.mergedThemeRef.value; return theme === void 0 ? inheritedTheme : inheritedTheme === void 0 ? theme : Object.assign({}, inheritedTheme, theme); }); const mergedThemeOverridesRef = vue.computed(() => { const { themeOverrides } = props; if (themeOverrides === null) return void 0; if (themeOverrides === void 0) { return NConfigProvider2 === null || NConfigProvider2 === void 0 ? void 0 : NConfigProvider2.mergedThemeOverridesRef.value; } else { const inheritedThemeOverrides = NConfigProvider2 === null || NConfigProvider2 === void 0 ? void 0 : NConfigProvider2.mergedThemeOverridesRef.value; if (inheritedThemeOverrides === void 0) { return themeOverrides; } else { return merge$1({}, inheritedThemeOverrides, themeOverrides); } } }); const mergedNamespaceRef = useMemo(() => { const { namespace: namespace2 } = props; return namespace2 === void 0 ? NConfigProvider2 === null || NConfigProvider2 === void 0 ? void 0 : NConfigProvider2.mergedNamespaceRef.value : namespace2; }); const mergedBorderedRef = useMemo(() => { const { bordered } = props; return bordered === void 0 ? NConfigProvider2 === null || NConfigProvider2 === void 0 ? void 0 : NConfigProvider2.mergedBorderedRef.value : bordered; }); const mergedIconsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { icons } = props; return icons === void 0 ? NConfigProvider2 === null || NConfigProvider2 === void 0 ? void 0 : NConfigProvider2.mergedIconsRef.value : icons; }); const mergedComponentPropsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { componentOptions } = props; if (componentOptions !== void 0) return componentOptions; return NConfigProvider2 === null || NConfigProvider2 === void 0 ? void 0 : NConfigProvider2.mergedComponentPropsRef.value; }); const mergedClsPrefixRef = vue.computed(() => { const { clsPrefix } = props; if (clsPrefix !== void 0) return clsPrefix; if (NConfigProvider2) return NConfigProvider2.mergedClsPrefixRef.value; return defaultClsPrefix; }); const mergedRtlRef = vue.computed(() => { var _a; const { rtl } = props; if (rtl === void 0) { return NConfigProvider2 === null || NConfigProvider2 === void 0 ? void 0 : NConfigProvider2.mergedRtlRef.value; } const rtlEnabledState = {}; for (const rtlInfo of rtl) { rtlEnabledState[rtlInfo.name] = vue.markRaw(rtlInfo); (_a = rtlInfo.peers) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.forEach((peerRtlInfo) => { if (!(peerRtlInfo.name in rtlEnabledState)) { rtlEnabledState[peerRtlInfo.name] = vue.markRaw(peerRtlInfo); } }); } return rtlEnabledState; }); const mergedBreakpointsRef = vue.computed(() => { return props.breakpoints || (NConfigProvider2 === null || NConfigProvider2 === void 0 ? void 0 : NConfigProvider2.mergedBreakpointsRef.value); }); const inlineThemeDisabled = props.inlineThemeDisabled || (NConfigProvider2 === null || NConfigProvider2 === void 0 ? void 0 : NConfigProvider2.inlineThemeDisabled); const preflightStyleDisabled = props.preflightStyleDisabled || (NConfigProvider2 === null || NConfigProvider2 === void 0 ? void 0 : NConfigProvider2.preflightStyleDisabled); const mergedThemeHashRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value: theme } = mergedThemeRef; const { value: mergedThemeOverrides } = mergedThemeOverridesRef; const hasThemeOverrides = mergedThemeOverrides && Object.keys(mergedThemeOverrides).length !== 0; const themeName = theme === null || theme === void 0 ? void 0 : theme.name; if (themeName) { if (hasThemeOverrides) { return `${themeName}-${murmur2(JSON.stringify(mergedThemeOverridesRef.value))}`; } return themeName; } else { if (hasThemeOverrides) { return murmur2(JSON.stringify(mergedThemeOverridesRef.value)); } return ""; } }); vue.provide(configProviderInjectionKey, { mergedThemeHashRef, mergedBreakpointsRef, mergedRtlRef, mergedIconsRef, mergedComponentPropsRef, mergedBorderedRef, mergedNamespaceRef, mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedLocaleRef: vue.computed(() => { const { locale: locale2 } = props; if (locale2 === null) return void 0; return locale2 === void 0 ? NConfigProvider2 === null || NConfigProvider2 === void 0 ? void 0 : NConfigProvider2.mergedLocaleRef.value : locale2; }), mergedDateLocaleRef: vue.computed(() => { const { dateLocale } = props; if (dateLocale === null) return void 0; return dateLocale === void 0 ? NConfigProvider2 === null || NConfigProvider2 === void 0 ? void 0 : NConfigProvider2.mergedDateLocaleRef.value : dateLocale; }), mergedHljsRef: vue.computed(() => { const { hljs } = props; return hljs === void 0 ? NConfigProvider2 === null || NConfigProvider2 === void 0 ? void 0 : NConfigProvider2.mergedHljsRef.value : hljs; }), mergedKatexRef: vue.computed(() => { const { katex } = props; return katex === void 0 ? NConfigProvider2 === null || NConfigProvider2 === void 0 ? void 0 : NConfigProvider2.mergedKatexRef.value : katex; }), mergedThemeRef, mergedThemeOverridesRef, inlineThemeDisabled: inlineThemeDisabled || false, preflightStyleDisabled: preflightStyleDisabled || false }); return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedBordered: mergedBorderedRef, mergedNamespace: mergedNamespaceRef, mergedTheme: mergedThemeRef, mergedThemeOverrides: mergedThemeOverridesRef }; }, render() { var _a, _b, _c, _d; return !this.abstract ? vue.h(this.as || this.tag, { class: `${this.mergedClsPrefix || defaultClsPrefix}-config-provider` }, (_b = (_a = this.$slots).default) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a)) : (_d = (_c = this.$slots).default) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.call(_c); } }); const countdownProps = { duration: { type: Number, default: 0 }, active: { type: Boolean, default: true }, precision: { type: Number, default: 0 }, render: Function, onFinish: Function }; const Countdown = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Countdown", props: countdownProps, setup(props) { let timerId = null; let elapsed = 0; let finished = false; const distanceRef = vue.ref(0); vue.watchEffect(() => { distanceRef.value = props.duration; }); let pnow = -1; function getDistance(time2) { return props.duration - elapsed + pnow - time2; } function getTimeInfo(distance) { const hours = Math.floor(distance / 36e5); const minutes = Math.floor(distance % 36e5 / 6e4); const seconds = Math.floor(distance % 6e4 / 1e3); const milliseconds = Math.floor(distance % 1e3); return { hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds }; } function getDisplayValue(info) { const { hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds } = info; const { precision } = props; switch (precision) { case 0: return `${String(hours).padStart(2, "0")}:${String(minutes).padStart(2, "0")}:${String(seconds).padStart(2, "0")}`; default: return `${String(hours).padStart(2, "0")}:${String(minutes).padStart(2, "0")}:${String(seconds).padStart(2, "0")}.${String(Math.floor(milliseconds / (precision === 1 ? 100 : precision === 2 ? 10 : 1))).padStart(precision, "0")}`; } } const frame = () => { var _a; const { precision } = props; const distance = getDistance(performance.now()); if (distance <= 0) { distanceRef.value = 0; stopTimer(); if (!finished) { finished = true; (_a = props.onFinish) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props); } return; } let leftTime; switch (precision) { case 3: case 2: leftTime = distance % 34; break; case 1: leftTime = distance % 100; break; default: leftTime = distance % 1e3; } distanceRef.value = distance; timerId = window.setTimeout(() => { frame(); }, leftTime); }; const stopTimer = () => { if (timerId !== null) { window.clearTimeout(timerId); timerId = null; } }; vue.onMounted(() => { vue.watchEffect(() => { if (props.active) { pnow = performance.now(); frame(); } else { const now2 = performance.now(); if (pnow !== -1) { elapsed += now2 - pnow; } stopTimer(); } }); }); vue.onBeforeUnmount(() => { stopTimer(); }); function reset() { distanceRef.value = props.duration; elapsed = 0; pnow = performance.now(); if (props.active && finished) { frame(); } finished = false; } const countdownExposedMethod = { reset }; return Object.assign(countdownExposedMethod, { distance: distanceRef, getTimeInfo, getDisplayValue }); }, render() { const { render: render2, precision, distance, getTimeInfo, getDisplayValue } = this; let timeInfo; switch (precision) { case 0: timeInfo = getTimeInfo(distance + 999); timeInfo.milliseconds = 0; break; case 1: timeInfo = getTimeInfo(distance + 99); timeInfo.milliseconds = Math.floor(timeInfo.milliseconds / 100) * 100; break; case 2: timeInfo = getTimeInfo(distance + 9); timeInfo.milliseconds = Math.floor(timeInfo.milliseconds / 10) * 10; break; case 3: timeInfo = getTimeInfo(distance); } if (render2) { return render2(timeInfo); } else { return getDisplayValue(timeInfo); } } }); const easeOut = (t) => 1 - Math.pow(1 - t, 5); function tween(props) { const { from, to, duration: duration2, onUpdate, onFinish } = props; const tick = () => { const current = performance.now(); const elapsedTime = Math.min(current - startTime, duration2); const currentValue = from + (to - from) * easeOut(elapsedTime / duration2); if (elapsedTime === duration2) { onFinish(); return; } onUpdate(currentValue); requestAnimationFrame(tick); }; const startTime = performance.now(); tick(); } const numberAnimationProps = { to: { type: Number, default: 0 }, precision: { type: Number, default: 0 }, showSeparator: Boolean, locale: String, from: { type: Number, default: 0 }, active: { type: Boolean, default: true }, duration: { type: Number, default: 2e3 }, onFinish: Function }; const NumberAnimation = vue.defineComponent({ name: "NumberAnimation", props: numberAnimationProps, setup(props) { const { localeRef } = useLocale("name"); const { duration: duration2 } = props; const displayedValueRef = vue.ref(props.from); const mergedLocaleRef = vue.computed(() => { const { locale: locale2 } = props; if (locale2 !== void 0) return locale2; return localeRef.value; }); let animating = false; const onUpdate = (currentValue) => { displayedValueRef.value = currentValue; }; const onFinish = () => { var _a; displayedValueRef.value = props.to; animating = false; (_a = props.onFinish) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props); }; const animate = (from = props.from, to = props.to) => { animating = true; displayedValueRef.value = props.from; if (from !== to) { tween({ from, to, duration: duration2, onUpdate, onFinish }); } }; const formattedValueRef = vue.computed(() => { var _a; const formatted = round(displayedValueRef.value, props.precision).toFixed(props.precision); const splitValue = formatted.split("."); const numberFormatter = new Intl.NumberFormat(mergedLocaleRef.value); const decimalSeparator = (_a = numberFormatter.formatToParts(0.5).find((part) => part.type === "decimal")) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.value; const integer = props.showSeparator ? numberFormatter.format(Number(splitValue[0])) : splitValue[0]; const decimal = splitValue[1]; return { integer, decimal, decimalSeparator }; }); function play() { if (animating) return; animate(); } vue.onMounted(() => { vue.watchEffect(() => { if (props.active) animate(); }); }); const exposedMethods = { play }; return Object.assign({ formattedValue: formattedValueRef }, exposedMethods); }, render() { const { formattedValue: { integer, decimal, decimalSeparator } } = this; return [integer, decimal ? decimalSeparator : null, decimal]; } }); function self$U(vars) { const { boxShadow2 } = vars; return { menuBoxShadow: boxShadow2 }; } const popselectLight = createTheme({ name: "Popselect", common: derived, peers: { Popover: popoverLight, InternalSelectMenu: internalSelectMenuLight }, self: self$U }); const popselectInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-popselect"); const style$13 = cB("popselect-menu", ` box-shadow: var(--n-menu-box-shadow); `); const panelProps$1 = { multiple: Boolean, value: { type: [String, Number, Array], default: null }, cancelable: Boolean, options: { type: Array, default: () => [] }, size: { type: String, default: "medium" }, scrollable: Boolean, "onUpdate:value": [Function, Array], onUpdateValue: [Function, Array], onMouseenter: Function, onMouseleave: Function, renderLabel: Function, showCheckmark: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, nodeProps: Function, virtualScroll: Boolean, // deprecated onChange: [Function, Array] }; const panelPropKeys$1 = keysOf(panelProps$1); const NPopselectPanel = vue.defineComponent({ name: "PopselectPanel", props: panelProps$1, setup(props) { const NPopselect2 = vue.inject(popselectInjectionKey); const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Popselect", "-pop-select", style$13, popselectLight, NPopselect2.props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const treeMateRef = vue.computed(() => { return createTreeMate(props.options, createTmOptions("value", "children")); }); function doUpdateValue(value, option) { const { onUpdateValue, "onUpdate:value": _onUpdateValue, onChange } = props; if (onUpdateValue) call(onUpdateValue, value, option); if (_onUpdateValue) { call(_onUpdateValue, value, option); } if (onChange) call(onChange, value, option); } function handleToggle(tmNode) { toggle(tmNode.key); } function handleMenuMousedown(e) { if (!happensIn(e, "action") && !happensIn(e, "empty") && !happensIn(e, "header")) { e.preventDefault(); } } function toggle(value) { const { value: { getNode } } = treeMateRef; if (props.multiple) { if (Array.isArray(props.value)) { const newValue = []; const newOptions = []; let shouldAddValue = true; props.value.forEach((v) => { if (v === value) { shouldAddValue = false; return; } const tmNode = getNode(v); if (tmNode) { newValue.push(tmNode.key); newOptions.push(tmNode.rawNode); } }); if (shouldAddValue) { newValue.push(value); newOptions.push(getNode(value).rawNode); } doUpdateValue(newValue, newOptions); } else { const tmNode = getNode(value); if (tmNode) { doUpdateValue([value], [tmNode.rawNode]); } } } else { if (props.value === value && props.cancelable) { doUpdateValue(null, null); } else { const tmNode = getNode(value); if (tmNode) { doUpdateValue(value, tmNode.rawNode); } const { "onUpdate:show": _onUpdateShow, onUpdateShow } = NPopselect2.props; if (_onUpdateShow) call(_onUpdateShow, false); if (onUpdateShow) call(onUpdateShow, false); NPopselect2.setShow(false); } } void vue.nextTick(() => { NPopselect2.syncPosition(); }); } vue.watch(vue.toRef(props, "options"), () => { void vue.nextTick(() => { NPopselect2.syncPosition(); }); }); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { self: { menuBoxShadow } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-menu-box-shadow": menuBoxShadow }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("select", void 0, cssVarsRef, NPopselect2.props) : void 0; return { mergedTheme: NPopselect2.mergedThemeRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, treeMate: treeMateRef, handleToggle, handleMenuMousedown, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }; }, render() { var _a; (_a = this.onRender) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(this); return vue.h(NInternalSelectMenu, { clsPrefix: this.mergedClsPrefix, focusable: true, nodeProps: this.nodeProps, class: [`${this.mergedClsPrefix}-popselect-menu`, this.themeClass], style: this.cssVars, theme: this.mergedTheme.peers.InternalSelectMenu, themeOverrides: this.mergedTheme.peerOverrides.InternalSelectMenu, multiple: this.multiple, treeMate: this.treeMate, size: this.size, value: this.value, virtualScroll: this.virtualScroll, scrollable: this.scrollable, renderLabel: this.renderLabel, onToggle: this.handleToggle, onMouseenter: this.onMouseenter, onMouseleave: this.onMouseenter, onMousedown: this.handleMenuMousedown, showCheckmark: this.showCheckmark }, { header: () => { var _a2, _b; return ((_b = (_a2 = this.$slots).header) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a2)) || []; }, action: () => { var _a2, _b; return ((_b = (_a2 = this.$slots).action) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a2)) || []; }, empty: () => { var _a2, _b; return ((_b = (_a2 = this.$slots).empty) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a2)) || []; } }); } }); const popselectProps = Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), omit(popoverBaseProps, ["showArrow", "arrow"])), { placement: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, popoverBaseProps.placement), { default: "bottom" }), trigger: { type: String, default: "hover" } }), panelProps$1); const NPopselect = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Popselect", props: popselectProps, inheritAttrs: false, __popover__: true, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Popselect", "-popselect", void 0, popselectLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const popoverInstRef = vue.ref(null); function syncPosition() { var _a; (_a = popoverInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.syncPosition(); } function setShow(value) { var _a; (_a = popoverInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.setShow(value); } vue.provide(popselectInjectionKey, { props, mergedThemeRef: themeRef, syncPosition, setShow }); const exposedMethods = { syncPosition, setShow }; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, exposedMethods), { popoverInstRef, mergedTheme: themeRef }); }, render() { const { mergedTheme } = this; const popoverProps2 = { theme: mergedTheme.peers.Popover, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Popover, builtinThemeOverrides: { padding: "0" }, ref: "popoverInstRef", internalRenderBody: (className, ref2, style2, onMouseenter, onMouseleave) => { const { $attrs } = this; return vue.h(NPopselectPanel, Object.assign({}, $attrs, { class: [$attrs.class, className], style: [$attrs.style, ...style2] }, keep(this.$props, panelPropKeys$1), { ref: createRefSetter(ref2), onMouseenter: mergeEventHandlers([onMouseenter, $attrs.onMouseenter]), onMouseleave: mergeEventHandlers([onMouseleave, $attrs.onMouseleave]) }), { header: () => { var _a, _b; return (_b = (_a = this.$slots).header) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a); }, action: () => { var _a, _b; return (_b = (_a = this.$slots).action) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a); }, empty: () => { var _a, _b; return (_b = (_a = this.$slots).empty) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a); } }); } }; return vue.h(NPopover, Object.assign({}, omit(this.$props, panelPropKeys$1), popoverProps2, { internalDeactivateImmediately: true }), { trigger: () => { var _a, _b; return (_b = (_a = this.$slots).default) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a); } }); } }); function self$T(vars) { const { boxShadow2 } = vars; return { menuBoxShadow: boxShadow2 }; } const selectLight = createTheme({ name: "Select", common: derived, peers: { InternalSelection: internalSelectionLight, InternalSelectMenu: internalSelectMenuLight }, self: self$T }); const style$12 = c$1([cB("select", ` z-index: auto; outline: none; width: 100%; position: relative; `), cB("select-menu", ` margin: 4px 0; box-shadow: var(--n-menu-box-shadow); `, [fadeInScaleUpTransition({ originalTransition: "background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), box-shadow .3s var(--n-bezier)" })])]); const selectProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { to: useAdjustedTo.propTo, bordered: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, clearable: Boolean, clearFilterAfterSelect: { type: Boolean, default: true }, options: { type: Array, default: () => [] }, defaultValue: { type: [String, Number, Array], default: null }, keyboard: { type: Boolean, default: true }, value: [String, Number, Array], placeholder: String, menuProps: Object, multiple: Boolean, size: String, filterable: Boolean, disabled: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, remote: Boolean, loading: Boolean, filter: Function, placement: { type: String, default: "bottom-start" }, widthMode: { type: String, default: "trigger" }, tag: Boolean, onCreate: Function, fallbackOption: { type: [Function, Boolean], default: void 0 }, show: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, showArrow: { type: Boolean, default: true }, maxTagCount: [Number, String], ellipsisTagPopoverProps: Object, consistentMenuWidth: { type: Boolean, default: true }, virtualScroll: { type: Boolean, default: true }, labelField: { type: String, default: "label" }, valueField: { type: String, default: "value" }, childrenField: { type: String, default: "children" }, renderLabel: Function, renderOption: Function, renderTag: Function, "onUpdate:value": [Function, Array], inputProps: Object, nodeProps: Function, ignoreComposition: { type: Boolean, default: true }, showOnFocus: Boolean, // for jsx onUpdateValue: [Function, Array], onBlur: [Function, Array], onClear: [Function, Array], onFocus: [Function, Array], onScroll: [Function, Array], onSearch: [Function, Array], onUpdateShow: [Function, Array], "onUpdate:show": [Function, Array], displayDirective: { type: String, default: "show" }, resetMenuOnOptionsChange: { type: Boolean, default: true }, status: String, showCheckmark: { type: Boolean, default: true }, /** deprecated */ onChange: [Function, Array], items: Array }); const NSelect = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Select", props: selectProps, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedBorderedRef, namespaceRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Select", "-select", style$12, selectLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const uncontrolledValueRef = vue.ref(props.defaultValue); const controlledValueRef = vue.toRef(props, "value"); const mergedValueRef = useMergedState(controlledValueRef, uncontrolledValueRef); const focusedRef = vue.ref(false); const patternRef = vue.ref(""); const treeMateRef = vue.computed(() => { const { valueField, childrenField } = props; const options = createTmOptions(valueField, childrenField); return createTreeMate(filteredOptionsRef.value, options); }); const valOptMapRef = vue.computed(() => createValOptMap(localOptionsRef.value, props.valueField, props.childrenField)); const uncontrolledShowRef = vue.ref(false); const mergedShowRef = useMergedState(vue.toRef(props, "show"), uncontrolledShowRef); const triggerRef = vue.ref(null); const followerRef = vue.ref(null); const menuRef = vue.ref(null); const { localeRef } = useLocale("Select"); const localizedPlaceholderRef = vue.computed(() => { var _a; return (_a = props.placeholder) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : localeRef.value.placeholder; }); const compitableOptionsRef = useCompitable(props, ["items", "options"]); const emptyArray = []; const createdOptionsRef = vue.ref([]); const beingCreatedOptionsRef = vue.ref([]); const memoValOptMapRef = vue.ref(/* @__PURE__ */ new Map()); const wrappedFallbackOptionRef = vue.computed(() => { const { fallbackOption } = props; if (fallbackOption === void 0) { const { labelField, valueField } = props; return (value) => ({ [labelField]: String(value), [valueField]: value }); } if (fallbackOption === false) return false; return (value) => { return Object.assign(fallbackOption(value), { value }); }; }); const localOptionsRef = vue.computed(() => { return beingCreatedOptionsRef.value.concat(createdOptionsRef.value).concat(compitableOptionsRef.value); }); const resolvedFilterRef = vue.computed(() => { const { filter } = props; if (filter) return filter; const { labelField, valueField } = props; return (pattern, option) => { if (!option) return false; const label = option[labelField]; if (typeof label === "string") { return patternMatched(pattern, label); } const value = option[valueField]; if (typeof value === "string") { return patternMatched(pattern, value); } if (typeof value === "number") { return patternMatched(pattern, String(value)); } return false; }; }); const filteredOptionsRef = vue.computed(() => { if (props.remote) { return compitableOptionsRef.value; } else { const { value: localOptions } = localOptionsRef; const { value: pattern } = patternRef; if (!pattern.length || !props.filterable) { return localOptions; } else { return filterOptions(localOptions, resolvedFilterRef.value, pattern, props.childrenField); } } }); function getMergedOptions(values) { const remote = props.remote; const { value: memoValOptMap } = memoValOptMapRef; const { value: valOptMap } = valOptMapRef; const { value: wrappedFallbackOption } = wrappedFallbackOptionRef; const options = []; values.forEach((value) => { if (valOptMap.has(value)) { options.push(valOptMap.get(value)); } else if (remote && memoValOptMap.has(value)) { options.push(memoValOptMap.get(value)); } else if (wrappedFallbackOption) { const option = wrappedFallbackOption(value); if (option) { options.push(option); } } }); return options; } const selectedOptionsRef = vue.computed(() => { if (props.multiple) { const { value: values } = mergedValueRef; if (!Array.isArray(values)) return []; return getMergedOptions(values); } return null; }); const selectedOptionRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value: mergedValue } = mergedValueRef; if (!props.multiple && !Array.isArray(mergedValue)) { if (mergedValue === null) return null; return getMergedOptions([mergedValue])[0] || null; } return null; }); const formItem = useFormItem(props); const { mergedSizeRef, mergedDisabledRef, mergedStatusRef } = formItem; function doUpdateValue(value, option) { const { onChange, "onUpdate:value": _onUpdateValue, onUpdateValue } = props; const { nTriggerFormChange, nTriggerFormInput } = formItem; if (onChange) call(onChange, value, option); if (onUpdateValue) call(onUpdateValue, value, option); if (_onUpdateValue) { call(_onUpdateValue, value, option); } uncontrolledValueRef.value = value; nTriggerFormChange(); nTriggerFormInput(); } function doBlur(e) { const { onBlur } = props; const { nTriggerFormBlur } = formItem; if (onBlur) call(onBlur, e); nTriggerFormBlur(); } function doClear() { const { onClear } = props; if (onClear) call(onClear); } function doFocus(e) { const { onFocus, showOnFocus } = props; const { nTriggerFormFocus } = formItem; if (onFocus) call(onFocus, e); nTriggerFormFocus(); if (showOnFocus) { openMenu(); } } function doSearch(value) { const { onSearch } = props; if (onSearch) call(onSearch, value); } function doScroll(e) { const { onScroll } = props; if (onScroll) call(onScroll, e); } function updateMemorizedOptions() { var _a; const { remote, multiple } = props; if (remote) { const { value: memoValOptMap } = memoValOptMapRef; if (multiple) { const { valueField } = props; (_a = selectedOptionsRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.forEach((option) => { memoValOptMap.set(option[valueField], option); }); } else { const option = selectedOptionRef.value; if (option) { memoValOptMap.set(option[props.valueField], option); } } } } function doUpdateShow(value) { const { onUpdateShow, "onUpdate:show": _onUpdateShow } = props; if (onUpdateShow) call(onUpdateShow, value); if (_onUpdateShow) call(_onUpdateShow, value); uncontrolledShowRef.value = value; } function openMenu() { if (!mergedDisabledRef.value) { doUpdateShow(true); uncontrolledShowRef.value = true; if (props.filterable) { focusSelectionInput(); } } } function closeMenu() { doUpdateShow(false); } function handleMenuAfterLeave() { patternRef.value = ""; beingCreatedOptionsRef.value = emptyArray; } const activeWithoutMenuOpenRef = vue.ref(false); function onTriggerInputFocus() { if (props.filterable) { activeWithoutMenuOpenRef.value = true; } } function onTriggerInputBlur() { if (props.filterable) { activeWithoutMenuOpenRef.value = false; if (!mergedShowRef.value) { handleMenuAfterLeave(); } } } function handleTriggerClick() { if (mergedDisabledRef.value) return; if (!mergedShowRef.value) { openMenu(); } else { if (!props.filterable) { closeMenu(); } else { focusSelectionInput(); } } } function handleTriggerBlur(e) { var _a, _b; if ((_b = (_a = menuRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.selfRef) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.contains(e.relatedTarget)) { return; } focusedRef.value = false; doBlur(e); closeMenu(); } function handleTriggerFocus(e) { doFocus(e); focusedRef.value = true; } function handleMenuFocus(e) { focusedRef.value = true; } function handleMenuBlur(e) { var _a; if ((_a = triggerRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.$el.contains(e.relatedTarget)) return; focusedRef.value = false; doBlur(e); closeMenu(); } function handleMenuTabOut() { var _a; (_a = triggerRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.focus(); closeMenu(); } function handleMenuClickOutside(e) { var _a; if (mergedShowRef.value) { if (!((_a = triggerRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.$el.contains(getPreciseEventTarget(e)))) { closeMenu(); } } } function createClearedMultipleSelectValue(value) { if (!Array.isArray(value)) return []; if (wrappedFallbackOptionRef.value) { return Array.from(value); } else { const { remote } = props; const { value: valOptMap } = valOptMapRef; if (remote) { const { value: memoValOptMap } = memoValOptMapRef; return value.filter((v) => valOptMap.has(v) || memoValOptMap.has(v)); } else { return value.filter((v) => valOptMap.has(v)); } } } function handleToggleByTmNode(tmNode) { handleToggleByOption(tmNode.rawNode); } function handleToggleByOption(option) { if (mergedDisabledRef.value) return; const { tag, remote, clearFilterAfterSelect, valueField } = props; if (tag && !remote) { const { value: beingCreatedOptions } = beingCreatedOptionsRef; const beingCreatedOption = beingCreatedOptions[0] || null; if (beingCreatedOption) { const createdOptions = createdOptionsRef.value; if (!createdOptions.length) { createdOptionsRef.value = [beingCreatedOption]; } else { createdOptions.push(beingCreatedOption); } beingCreatedOptionsRef.value = emptyArray; } } if (remote) { memoValOptMapRef.value.set(option[valueField], option); } if (props.multiple) { const changedValue = createClearedMultipleSelectValue(mergedValueRef.value); const index = changedValue.findIndex((value) => value === option[valueField]); if (~index) { changedValue.splice(index, 1); if (tag && !remote) { const createdOptionIndex = getCreatedOptionIndex(option[valueField]); if (~createdOptionIndex) { createdOptionsRef.value.splice(createdOptionIndex, 1); if (clearFilterAfterSelect) patternRef.value = ""; } } } else { changedValue.push(option[valueField]); if (clearFilterAfterSelect) patternRef.value = ""; } doUpdateValue(changedValue, getMergedOptions(changedValue)); } else { if (tag && !remote) { const createdOptionIndex = getCreatedOptionIndex(option[valueField]); if (~createdOptionIndex) { createdOptionsRef.value = [createdOptionsRef.value[createdOptionIndex]]; } else { createdOptionsRef.value = emptyArray; } } focusSelection(); closeMenu(); doUpdateValue(option[valueField], option); } } function getCreatedOptionIndex(optionValue) { const createdOptions = createdOptionsRef.value; return createdOptions.findIndex((createdOption) => createdOption[props.valueField] === optionValue); } function handlePatternInput(e) { if (!mergedShowRef.value) { openMenu(); } const { value } = e.target; patternRef.value = value; const { tag, remote } = props; doSearch(value); if (tag && !remote) { if (!value) { beingCreatedOptionsRef.value = emptyArray; return; } const { onCreate } = props; const optionBeingCreated = onCreate ? onCreate(value) : { [props.labelField]: value, [props.valueField]: value }; const { valueField, labelField } = props; if (compitableOptionsRef.value.some((option) => { return option[valueField] === optionBeingCreated[valueField] || option[labelField] === optionBeingCreated[labelField]; }) || createdOptionsRef.value.some((option) => { return option[valueField] === optionBeingCreated[valueField] || option[labelField] === optionBeingCreated[labelField]; })) { beingCreatedOptionsRef.value = emptyArray; } else { beingCreatedOptionsRef.value = [optionBeingCreated]; } } } function handleClear(e) { e.stopPropagation(); const { multiple } = props; if (!multiple && props.filterable) { closeMenu(); } doClear(); if (multiple) { doUpdateValue([], []); } else { doUpdateValue(null, null); } } function handleMenuMousedown(e) { if (!happensIn(e, "action") && !happensIn(e, "empty")) e.preventDefault(); } function handleMenuScroll(e) { doScroll(e); } function handleKeydown(e) { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e; if (!props.keyboard) { e.preventDefault(); return; } switch (e.key) { case " ": if (props.filterable) break; else { e.preventDefault(); } case "Enter": if (!((_a = triggerRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.isComposing)) { if (mergedShowRef.value) { const pendingTmNode = (_b = menuRef.value) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.getPendingTmNode(); if (pendingTmNode) { handleToggleByTmNode(pendingTmNode); } else if (!props.filterable) { closeMenu(); focusSelection(); } } else { openMenu(); if (props.tag && activeWithoutMenuOpenRef.value) { const beingCreatedOption = beingCreatedOptionsRef.value[0]; if (beingCreatedOption) { const optionValue = beingCreatedOption[props.valueField]; const { value: mergedValue } = mergedValueRef; if (props.multiple) { if (Array.isArray(mergedValue) && mergedValue.some((value) => value === optionValue)) ; else { handleToggleByOption(beingCreatedOption); } } else { handleToggleByOption(beingCreatedOption); } } } } } e.preventDefault(); break; case "ArrowUp": e.preventDefault(); if (props.loading) return; if (mergedShowRef.value) { (_c = menuRef.value) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.prev(); } break; case "ArrowDown": e.preventDefault(); if (props.loading) return; if (mergedShowRef.value) { (_d = menuRef.value) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.next(); } else { openMenu(); } break; case "Escape": if (mergedShowRef.value) { markEventEffectPerformed(e); closeMenu(); } (_e = triggerRef.value) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.focus(); break; } } function focusSelection() { var _a; (_a = triggerRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.focus(); } function focusSelectionInput() { var _a; (_a = triggerRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.focusInput(); } function handleTriggerOrMenuResize() { var _a; if (!mergedShowRef.value) return; (_a = followerRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.syncPosition(); } updateMemorizedOptions(); vue.watch(vue.toRef(props, "options"), updateMemorizedOptions); const exposedMethods = { focus: () => { var _a; (_a = triggerRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.focus(); }, focusInput: () => { var _a; (_a = triggerRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.focusInput(); }, blur: () => { var _a; (_a = triggerRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.blur(); }, blurInput: () => { var _a; (_a = triggerRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.blurInput(); } }; const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { self: { menuBoxShadow } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-menu-box-shadow": menuBoxShadow }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("select", void 0, cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, exposedMethods), { mergedStatus: mergedStatusRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedBordered: mergedBorderedRef, namespace: namespaceRef, treeMate: treeMateRef, isMounted: isMounted(), triggerRef, menuRef, pattern: patternRef, uncontrolledShow: uncontrolledShowRef, mergedShow: mergedShowRef, adjustedTo: useAdjustedTo(props), uncontrolledValue: uncontrolledValueRef, mergedValue: mergedValueRef, followerRef, localizedPlaceholder: localizedPlaceholderRef, selectedOption: selectedOptionRef, selectedOptions: selectedOptionsRef, mergedSize: mergedSizeRef, mergedDisabled: mergedDisabledRef, focused: focusedRef, activeWithoutMenuOpen: activeWithoutMenuOpenRef, inlineThemeDisabled, onTriggerInputFocus, onTriggerInputBlur, handleTriggerOrMenuResize, handleMenuFocus, handleMenuBlur, handleMenuTabOut, handleTriggerClick, handleToggle: handleToggleByTmNode, handleDeleteOption: handleToggleByOption, handlePatternInput, handleClear, handleTriggerBlur, handleTriggerFocus, handleKeydown, handleMenuAfterLeave, handleMenuClickOutside, handleMenuScroll, handleMenuKeydown: handleKeydown, handleMenuMousedown, mergedTheme: themeRef, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }); }, render() { return vue.h("div", { class: `${this.mergedClsPrefix}-select` }, vue.h(Binder, null, { default: () => [vue.h(VTarget, null, { default: () => vue.h(NInternalSelection, { ref: "triggerRef", inlineThemeDisabled: this.inlineThemeDisabled, status: this.mergedStatus, inputProps: this.inputProps, clsPrefix: this.mergedClsPrefix, showArrow: this.showArrow, maxTagCount: this.maxTagCount, ellipsisTagPopoverProps: this.ellipsisTagPopoverProps, bordered: this.mergedBordered, active: this.activeWithoutMenuOpen || this.mergedShow, pattern: this.pattern, placeholder: this.localizedPlaceholder, selectedOption: this.selectedOption, selectedOptions: this.selectedOptions, multiple: this.multiple, renderTag: this.renderTag, renderLabel: this.renderLabel, filterable: this.filterable, clearable: this.clearable, disabled: this.mergedDisabled, size: this.mergedSize, theme: this.mergedTheme.peers.InternalSelection, labelField: this.labelField, valueField: this.valueField, themeOverrides: this.mergedTheme.peerOverrides.InternalSelection, loading: this.loading, focused: this.focused, onClick: this.handleTriggerClick, onDeleteOption: this.handleDeleteOption, onPatternInput: this.handlePatternInput, onClear: this.handleClear, onBlur: this.handleTriggerBlur, onFocus: this.handleTriggerFocus, onKeydown: this.handleKeydown, onPatternBlur: this.onTriggerInputBlur, onPatternFocus: this.onTriggerInputFocus, onResize: this.handleTriggerOrMenuResize, ignoreComposition: this.ignoreComposition }, { arrow: () => { var _a, _b; return [(_b = (_a = this.$slots).arrow) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a)]; } }) }), vue.h(VFollower, { ref: "followerRef", show: this.mergedShow, to: this.adjustedTo, teleportDisabled: this.adjustedTo === useAdjustedTo.tdkey, containerClass: this.namespace, width: this.consistentMenuWidth ? "target" : void 0, minWidth: "target", placement: this.placement }, { default: () => vue.h(vue.Transition, { name: "fade-in-scale-up-transition", appear: this.isMounted, onAfterLeave: this.handleMenuAfterLeave }, { default: () => { var _a, _b, _c; if (!(this.mergedShow || this.displayDirective === "show")) { return null; } (_a = this.onRender) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(this); return vue.withDirectives(vue.h(NInternalSelectMenu, Object.assign({}, this.menuProps, { ref: "menuRef", onResize: this.handleTriggerOrMenuResize, inlineThemeDisabled: this.inlineThemeDisabled, virtualScroll: this.consistentMenuWidth && this.virtualScroll, class: [`${this.mergedClsPrefix}-select-menu`, this.themeClass, (_b = this.menuProps) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.class], clsPrefix: this.mergedClsPrefix, focusable: true, labelField: this.labelField, valueField: this.valueField, autoPending: true, nodeProps: this.nodeProps, theme: this.mergedTheme.peers.InternalSelectMenu, themeOverrides: this.mergedTheme.peerOverrides.InternalSelectMenu, treeMate: this.treeMate, multiple: this.multiple, size: "medium", renderOption: this.renderOption, renderLabel: this.renderLabel, value: this.mergedValue, style: [(_c = this.menuProps) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.style, this.cssVars], onToggle: this.handleToggle, onScroll: this.handleMenuScroll, onFocus: this.handleMenuFocus, onBlur: this.handleMenuBlur, onKeydown: this.handleMenuKeydown, onTabOut: this.handleMenuTabOut, onMousedown: this.handleMenuMousedown, show: this.mergedShow, showCheckmark: this.showCheckmark, resetMenuOnOptionsChange: this.resetMenuOnOptionsChange }), { empty: () => { var _a2, _b2; return [(_b2 = (_a2 = this.$slots).empty) === null || _b2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _b2.call(_a2)]; }, header: () => { var _a2, _b2; return [(_b2 = (_a2 = this.$slots).header) === null || _b2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _b2.call(_a2)]; }, action: () => { var _a2, _b2; return [(_b2 = (_a2 = this.$slots).action) === null || _b2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _b2.call(_a2)]; } }), this.displayDirective === "show" ? [[vue.vShow, this.mergedShow], [clickoutside, this.handleMenuClickOutside, void 0, { capture: true }]] : [[clickoutside, this.handleMenuClickOutside, void 0, { capture: true }]]); } }) })] })); } }); const commonVariables$b = { itemPaddingSmall: "0 4px", itemMarginSmall: "0 0 0 8px", itemMarginSmallRtl: "0 8px 0 0", itemPaddingMedium: "0 4px", itemMarginMedium: "0 0 0 8px", itemMarginMediumRtl: "0 8px 0 0", itemPaddingLarge: "0 4px", itemMarginLarge: "0 0 0 8px", itemMarginLargeRtl: "0 8px 0 0", buttonIconSizeSmall: "14px", buttonIconSizeMedium: "16px", buttonIconSizeLarge: "18px", inputWidthSmall: "60px", selectWidthSmall: "unset", inputMarginSmall: "0 0 0 8px", inputMarginSmallRtl: "0 8px 0 0", selectMarginSmall: "0 0 0 8px", prefixMarginSmall: "0 8px 0 0", suffixMarginSmall: "0 0 0 8px", inputWidthMedium: "60px", selectWidthMedium: "unset", inputMarginMedium: "0 0 0 8px", inputMarginMediumRtl: "0 8px 0 0", selectMarginMedium: "0 0 0 8px", prefixMarginMedium: "0 8px 0 0", suffixMarginMedium: "0 0 0 8px", inputWidthLarge: "60px", selectWidthLarge: "unset", inputMarginLarge: "0 0 0 8px", inputMarginLargeRtl: "0 8px 0 0", selectMarginLarge: "0 0 0 8px", prefixMarginLarge: "0 8px 0 0", suffixMarginLarge: "0 0 0 8px" }; const self$S = (vars) => { const { textColor2, primaryColor, primaryColorHover, primaryColorPressed, inputColorDisabled, textColorDisabled, borderColor, borderRadius, // item font size fontSizeTiny, fontSizeSmall, fontSizeMedium, // item size heightTiny, heightSmall, heightMedium } = vars; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, commonVariables$b), { buttonColor: "#0000", buttonColorHover: "#0000", buttonColorPressed: "#0000", buttonBorder: `1px solid ${borderColor}`, buttonBorderHover: `1px solid ${borderColor}`, buttonBorderPressed: `1px solid ${borderColor}`, buttonIconColor: textColor2, buttonIconColorHover: textColor2, buttonIconColorPressed: textColor2, itemTextColor: textColor2, itemTextColorHover: primaryColorHover, itemTextColorPressed: primaryColorPressed, itemTextColorActive: primaryColor, itemTextColorDisabled: textColorDisabled, itemColor: "#0000", itemColorHover: "#0000", itemColorPressed: "#0000", itemColorActive: "#0000", itemColorActiveHover: "#0000", itemColorDisabled: inputColorDisabled, itemBorder: "1px solid #0000", itemBorderHover: "1px solid #0000", itemBorderPressed: "1px solid #0000", itemBorderActive: `1px solid ${primaryColor}`, itemBorderDisabled: `1px solid ${borderColor}`, itemBorderRadius: borderRadius, itemSizeSmall: heightTiny, itemSizeMedium: heightSmall, itemSizeLarge: heightMedium, itemFontSizeSmall: fontSizeTiny, itemFontSizeMedium: fontSizeSmall, itemFontSizeLarge: fontSizeMedium, jumperFontSizeSmall: fontSizeTiny, jumperFontSizeMedium: fontSizeSmall, jumperFontSizeLarge: fontSizeMedium, jumperTextColor: textColor2, jumperTextColorDisabled: textColorDisabled }); }; const paginationLight = createTheme({ name: "Pagination", common: derived, peers: { Select: selectLight, Input: inputLight, Popselect: popselectLight }, self: self$S }); const getDefaultPageSize = (paginationProps2) => { var _a; if (!paginationProps2) return 10; const { defaultPageSize } = paginationProps2; if (defaultPageSize !== void 0) return defaultPageSize; const pageSizeOption = (_a = paginationProps2.pageSizes) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[0]; if (typeof pageSizeOption === "number") return pageSizeOption; return (pageSizeOption === null || pageSizeOption === void 0 ? void 0 : pageSizeOption.value) || 10; }; function createPageItemsInfo(currentPage, pageCount, pageSlot, showQuickJumpDropdown) { let hasFastBackward = false; let hasFastForward = false; let fastBackwardTo = 1; let fastForwardTo = pageCount; if (pageCount === 1) { return { hasFastBackward: false, hasFastForward: false, fastForwardTo, fastBackwardTo, items: [{ type: "page", label: 1, active: currentPage === 1, mayBeFastBackward: false, mayBeFastForward: false }] }; } if (pageCount === 2) { return { hasFastBackward: false, hasFastForward: false, fastForwardTo, fastBackwardTo, items: [{ type: "page", label: 1, active: currentPage === 1, mayBeFastBackward: false, mayBeFastForward: false }, { type: "page", label: 2, active: currentPage === 2, mayBeFastBackward: true, mayBeFastForward: false }] }; } const firstPage = 1; const lastPage = pageCount; let middleStart = currentPage; let middleEnd = currentPage; const middleDelta = (pageSlot - 5) / 2; middleEnd += Math.ceil(middleDelta); middleEnd = Math.min(Math.max(middleEnd, firstPage + pageSlot - 3), lastPage - 2); middleStart -= Math.floor(middleDelta); middleStart = Math.max(Math.min(middleStart, lastPage - pageSlot + 3), firstPage + 2); let leftSplit = false; let rightSplit = false; if (middleStart > firstPage + 2) leftSplit = true; if (middleEnd < lastPage - 2) rightSplit = true; const items = []; items.push({ type: "page", label: 1, active: currentPage === 1, mayBeFastBackward: false, mayBeFastForward: false }); if (leftSplit) { hasFastBackward = true; fastBackwardTo = middleStart - 1; items.push({ type: "fast-backward", active: false, label: void 0, options: showQuickJumpDropdown ? createRange(firstPage + 1, middleStart - 1) : null }); } else if (lastPage >= firstPage + 1) { items.push({ type: "page", label: firstPage + 1, mayBeFastBackward: true, mayBeFastForward: false, active: currentPage === firstPage + 1 }); } for (let i = middleStart; i <= middleEnd; ++i) { items.push({ type: "page", label: i, mayBeFastBackward: false, mayBeFastForward: false, active: currentPage === i }); } if (rightSplit) { hasFastForward = true; fastForwardTo = middleEnd + 1; items.push({ type: "fast-forward", active: false, label: void 0, options: showQuickJumpDropdown ? createRange(middleEnd + 1, lastPage - 1) : null }); } else if (middleEnd === lastPage - 2 && items[items.length - 1].label !== lastPage - 1) { items.push({ type: "page", mayBeFastForward: true, mayBeFastBackward: false, label: lastPage - 1, active: currentPage === lastPage - 1 }); } if (items[items.length - 1].label !== lastPage) { items.push({ type: "page", mayBeFastForward: false, mayBeFastBackward: false, label: lastPage, active: currentPage === lastPage }); } return { hasFastBackward, hasFastForward, fastBackwardTo, fastForwardTo, items }; } function createRange(from, to) { const range2 = []; for (let i = from; i <= to; ++i) { range2.push({ label: `${i}`, value: i }); } return range2; } const hoverStyleProps = ` background: var(--n-item-color-hover); color: var(--n-item-text-color-hover); border: var(--n-item-border-hover); `; const hoverStyleChildren$1 = [cM("button", ` background: var(--n-button-color-hover); border: var(--n-button-border-hover); color: var(--n-button-icon-color-hover); `)]; const style$11 = cB("pagination", ` display: flex; vertical-align: middle; font-size: var(--n-item-font-size); flex-wrap: nowrap; `, [cB("pagination-prefix", ` display: flex; align-items: center; margin: var(--n-prefix-margin); `), cB("pagination-suffix", ` display: flex; align-items: center; margin: var(--n-suffix-margin); `), c$1("> *:not(:first-child)", ` margin: var(--n-item-margin); `), cB("select", ` width: var(--n-select-width); `), c$1("&.transition-disabled", [cB("pagination-item", "transition: none!important;")]), cB("pagination-quick-jumper", ` white-space: nowrap; display: flex; color: var(--n-jumper-text-color); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); align-items: center; font-size: var(--n-jumper-font-size); `, [cB("input", ` margin: var(--n-input-margin); width: var(--n-input-width); `)]), cB("pagination-item", ` position: relative; cursor: pointer; user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; box-sizing: border-box; min-width: var(--n-item-size); height: var(--n-item-size); padding: var(--n-item-padding); background-color: var(--n-item-color); color: var(--n-item-text-color); border-radius: var(--n-item-border-radius); border: var(--n-item-border); fill: var(--n-button-icon-color); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier), border-color .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), fill .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [cM("button", ` background: var(--n-button-color); color: var(--n-button-icon-color); border: var(--n-button-border); padding: 0; `, [cB("base-icon", ` font-size: var(--n-button-icon-size); `)]), cNotM("disabled", [cM("hover", hoverStyleProps, hoverStyleChildren$1), c$1("&:hover", hoverStyleProps, hoverStyleChildren$1), c$1("&:active", ` background: var(--n-item-color-pressed); color: var(--n-item-text-color-pressed); border: var(--n-item-border-pressed); `, [cM("button", ` background: var(--n-button-color-pressed); border: var(--n-button-border-pressed); color: var(--n-button-icon-color-pressed); `)]), cM("active", ` background: var(--n-item-color-active); color: var(--n-item-text-color-active); border: var(--n-item-border-active); `, [c$1("&:hover", ` background: var(--n-item-color-active-hover); `)])]), cM("disabled", ` cursor: not-allowed; color: var(--n-item-text-color-disabled); `, [cM("active, button", ` background-color: var(--n-item-color-disabled); border: var(--n-item-border-disabled); `)])]), cM("disabled", ` cursor: not-allowed; `, [cB("pagination-quick-jumper", ` color: var(--n-jumper-text-color-disabled); `)]), cM("simple", ` display: flex; align-items: center; flex-wrap: nowrap; `, [cB("pagination-quick-jumper", [cB("input", ` margin: 0; `)])])]); const paginationProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { simple: Boolean, page: Number, defaultPage: { type: Number, default: 1 }, itemCount: Number, pageCount: Number, defaultPageCount: { type: Number, default: 1 }, showSizePicker: Boolean, pageSize: Number, defaultPageSize: Number, pageSizes: { type: Array, default() { return [10]; } }, showQuickJumper: Boolean, size: { type: String, default: "medium" }, disabled: Boolean, pageSlot: { type: Number, default: 9 }, selectProps: Object, prev: Function, next: Function, goto: Function, prefix: Function, suffix: Function, label: Function, displayOrder: { type: Array, default: ["pages", "size-picker", "quick-jumper"] }, to: useAdjustedTo.propTo, showQuickJumpDropdown: { type: Boolean, default: true }, "onUpdate:page": [Function, Array], onUpdatePage: [Function, Array], "onUpdate:pageSize": [Function, Array], onUpdatePageSize: [Function, Array], /** @deprecated */ onPageSizeChange: [Function, Array], /** @deprecated */ onChange: [Function, Array] }); const NPagination = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Pagination", props: paginationProps, setup(props) { const { mergedComponentPropsRef, mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled, mergedRtlRef } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Pagination", "-pagination", style$11, paginationLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const { localeRef } = useLocale("Pagination"); const selfRef = vue.ref(null); const uncontrolledPageRef = vue.ref(props.defaultPage); const uncontrolledPageSizeRef = vue.ref(getDefaultPageSize(props)); const mergedPageRef = useMergedState(vue.toRef(props, "page"), uncontrolledPageRef); const mergedPageSizeRef = useMergedState(vue.toRef(props, "pageSize"), uncontrolledPageSizeRef); const mergedPageCountRef = vue.computed(() => { const { itemCount } = props; if (itemCount !== void 0) { return Math.max(1, Math.ceil(itemCount / mergedPageSizeRef.value)); } const { pageCount } = props; if (pageCount !== void 0) return Math.max(pageCount, 1); return 1; }); const jumperValueRef = vue.ref(""); vue.watchEffect(() => { void props.simple; jumperValueRef.value = String(mergedPageRef.value); }); const fastForwardActiveRef = vue.ref(false); const fastBackwardActiveRef = vue.ref(false); const showFastForwardMenuRef = vue.ref(false); const showFastBackwardMenuRef = vue.ref(false); const handleFastForwardMouseenter = () => { if (props.disabled) return; fastForwardActiveRef.value = true; disableTransitionOneTick(); }; const handleFastForwardMouseleave = () => { if (props.disabled) return; fastForwardActiveRef.value = false; disableTransitionOneTick(); }; const handleFastBackwardMouseenter = () => { fastBackwardActiveRef.value = true; disableTransitionOneTick(); }; const handleFastBackwardMouseleave = () => { fastBackwardActiveRef.value = false; disableTransitionOneTick(); }; const handleMenuSelect = (value) => { doUpdatePage(value); }; const pageItemsInfo = vue.computed(() => createPageItemsInfo(mergedPageRef.value, mergedPageCountRef.value, props.pageSlot, props.showQuickJumpDropdown)); vue.watchEffect(() => { if (!pageItemsInfo.value.hasFastBackward) { fastBackwardActiveRef.value = false; showFastBackwardMenuRef.value = false; } else if (!pageItemsInfo.value.hasFastForward) { fastForwardActiveRef.value = false; showFastForwardMenuRef.value = false; } }); const pageSizeOptionsRef = vue.computed(() => { const suffix2 = localeRef.value.selectionSuffix; return props.pageSizes.map((size2) => { if (typeof size2 === "number") { return { label: `${size2} / ${suffix2}`, value: size2 }; } else { return size2; } }); }); const inputSizeRef = vue.computed(() => { var _a, _b; return ((_b = (_a = mergedComponentPropsRef === null || mergedComponentPropsRef === void 0 ? void 0 : mergedComponentPropsRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.Pagination) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.inputSize) || smallerSize(props.size); }); const selectSizeRef = vue.computed(() => { var _a, _b; return ((_b = (_a = mergedComponentPropsRef === null || mergedComponentPropsRef === void 0 ? void 0 : mergedComponentPropsRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.Pagination) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.selectSize) || smallerSize(props.size); }); const startIndexRef = vue.computed(() => { return (mergedPageRef.value - 1) * mergedPageSizeRef.value; }); const endIndexRef = vue.computed(() => { const endIndex = mergedPageRef.value * mergedPageSizeRef.value - 1; const { itemCount } = props; if (itemCount !== void 0) { return endIndex > itemCount - 1 ? itemCount - 1 : endIndex; } return endIndex; }); const mergedItemCountRef = vue.computed(() => { const { itemCount } = props; if (itemCount !== void 0) return itemCount; return (props.pageCount || 1) * mergedPageSizeRef.value; }); const rtlEnabledRef = useRtl("Pagination", mergedRtlRef, mergedClsPrefixRef); const disableTransitionOneTick = () => { void vue.nextTick(() => { var _a; const { value: selfEl } = selfRef; if (!selfEl) return; selfEl.classList.add("transition-disabled"); void ((_a = selfRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.offsetWidth); selfEl.classList.remove("transition-disabled"); }); }; function doUpdatePage(page) { if (page === mergedPageRef.value) return; const { "onUpdate:page": _onUpdatePage, onUpdatePage, onChange, simple } = props; if (_onUpdatePage) call(_onUpdatePage, page); if (onUpdatePage) call(onUpdatePage, page); if (onChange) call(onChange, page); uncontrolledPageRef.value = page; if (simple) { jumperValueRef.value = String(page); } } function doUpdatePageSize(pageSize) { if (pageSize === mergedPageSizeRef.value) return; const { "onUpdate:pageSize": _onUpdatePageSize, onUpdatePageSize, onPageSizeChange } = props; if (_onUpdatePageSize) call(_onUpdatePageSize, pageSize); if (onUpdatePageSize) call(onUpdatePageSize, pageSize); if (onPageSizeChange) call(onPageSizeChange, pageSize); uncontrolledPageSizeRef.value = pageSize; if (mergedPageCountRef.value < mergedPageRef.value) { doUpdatePage(mergedPageCountRef.value); } } function forward() { if (props.disabled) return; const page = Math.min(mergedPageRef.value + 1, mergedPageCountRef.value); doUpdatePage(page); } function backward() { if (props.disabled) return; const page = Math.max(mergedPageRef.value - 1, 1); doUpdatePage(page); } function fastForward() { if (props.disabled) return; const page = Math.min(pageItemsInfo.value.fastForwardTo, mergedPageCountRef.value); doUpdatePage(page); } function fastBackward() { if (props.disabled) return; const page = Math.max(pageItemsInfo.value.fastBackwardTo, 1); doUpdatePage(page); } function handleSizePickerChange(value) { doUpdatePageSize(value); } function doQuickJump() { const page = parseInt(jumperValueRef.value); if (Number.isNaN(page)) return; doUpdatePage(Math.max(1, Math.min(page, mergedPageCountRef.value))); if (!props.simple) { jumperValueRef.value = ""; } } function handleQuickJumperChange() { doQuickJump(); } function handlePageItemClick(pageItem) { if (props.disabled) return; switch (pageItem.type) { case "page": doUpdatePage(pageItem.label); break; case "fast-backward": fastBackward(); break; case "fast-forward": fastForward(); break; } } function handleJumperInput(value) { jumperValueRef.value = value.replace(/\D+/g, ""); } vue.watchEffect(() => { void mergedPageRef.value; void mergedPageSizeRef.value; disableTransitionOneTick(); }); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { size: size2 } = props; const { self: { buttonBorder, buttonBorderHover, buttonBorderPressed, buttonIconColor, buttonIconColorHover, buttonIconColorPressed, itemTextColor, itemTextColorHover, itemTextColorPressed, itemTextColorActive, itemTextColorDisabled, itemColor, itemColorHover, itemColorPressed, itemColorActive, itemColorActiveHover, itemColorDisabled, itemBorder, itemBorderHover, itemBorderPressed, itemBorderActive, itemBorderDisabled, itemBorderRadius, jumperTextColor, jumperTextColorDisabled, buttonColor, buttonColorHover, buttonColorPressed, [createKey("itemPadding", size2)]: itemPadding, [createKey("itemMargin", size2)]: itemMargin, [createKey("inputWidth", size2)]: inputWidth, [createKey("selectWidth", size2)]: selectWidth, [createKey("inputMargin", size2)]: inputMargin, [createKey("selectMargin", size2)]: selectMargin, [createKey("jumperFontSize", size2)]: jumperFontSize, [createKey("prefixMargin", size2)]: prefixMargin, [createKey("suffixMargin", size2)]: suffixMargin, [createKey("itemSize", size2)]: itemSize, [createKey("buttonIconSize", size2)]: buttonIconSize, [createKey("itemFontSize", size2)]: itemFontSize, [`${createKey("itemMargin", size2)}Rtl`]: itemMarginRtl, [`${createKey("inputMargin", size2)}Rtl`]: inputMarginRtl }, common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-prefix-margin": prefixMargin, "--n-suffix-margin": suffixMargin, "--n-item-font-size": itemFontSize, "--n-select-width": selectWidth, "--n-select-margin": selectMargin, "--n-input-width": inputWidth, "--n-input-margin": inputMargin, "--n-input-margin-rtl": inputMarginRtl, "--n-item-size": itemSize, "--n-item-text-color": itemTextColor, "--n-item-text-color-disabled": itemTextColorDisabled, "--n-item-text-color-hover": itemTextColorHover, "--n-item-text-color-active": itemTextColorActive, "--n-item-text-color-pressed": itemTextColorPressed, "--n-item-color": itemColor, "--n-item-color-hover": itemColorHover, "--n-item-color-disabled": itemColorDisabled, "--n-item-color-active": itemColorActive, "--n-item-color-active-hover": itemColorActiveHover, "--n-item-color-pressed": itemColorPressed, "--n-item-border": itemBorder, "--n-item-border-hover": itemBorderHover, "--n-item-border-disabled": itemBorderDisabled, "--n-item-border-active": itemBorderActive, "--n-item-border-pressed": itemBorderPressed, "--n-item-padding": itemPadding, "--n-item-border-radius": itemBorderRadius, "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-jumper-font-size": jumperFontSize, "--n-jumper-text-color": jumperTextColor, "--n-jumper-text-color-disabled": jumperTextColorDisabled, "--n-item-margin": itemMargin, "--n-item-margin-rtl": itemMarginRtl, "--n-button-icon-size": buttonIconSize, "--n-button-icon-color": buttonIconColor, "--n-button-icon-color-hover": buttonIconColorHover, "--n-button-icon-color-pressed": buttonIconColorPressed, "--n-button-color-hover": buttonColorHover, "--n-button-color": buttonColor, "--n-button-color-pressed": buttonColorPressed, "--n-button-border": buttonBorder, "--n-button-border-hover": buttonBorderHover, "--n-button-border-pressed": buttonBorderPressed }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("pagination", vue.computed(() => { let hash = ""; const { size: size2 } = props; hash += size2[0]; return hash; }), cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return { rtlEnabled: rtlEnabledRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, locale: localeRef, selfRef, mergedPage: mergedPageRef, pageItems: vue.computed(() => { return pageItemsInfo.value.items; }), mergedItemCount: mergedItemCountRef, jumperValue: jumperValueRef, pageSizeOptions: pageSizeOptionsRef, mergedPageSize: mergedPageSizeRef, inputSize: inputSizeRef, selectSize: selectSizeRef, mergedTheme: themeRef, mergedPageCount: mergedPageCountRef, startIndex: startIndexRef, endIndex: endIndexRef, showFastForwardMenu: showFastForwardMenuRef, showFastBackwardMenu: showFastBackwardMenuRef, fastForwardActive: fastForwardActiveRef, fastBackwardActive: fastBackwardActiveRef, handleMenuSelect, handleFastForwardMouseenter, handleFastForwardMouseleave, handleFastBackwardMouseenter, handleFastBackwardMouseleave, handleJumperInput, handleBackwardClick: backward, handleForwardClick: forward, handlePageItemClick, handleSizePickerChange, handleQuickJumperChange, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }; }, render() { const { $slots, mergedClsPrefix, disabled, cssVars, mergedPage, mergedPageCount, pageItems, showSizePicker, showQuickJumper, mergedTheme, locale: locale2, inputSize, selectSize, mergedPageSize, pageSizeOptions, jumperValue, simple, prev, next, prefix: prefix2, suffix: suffix2, label, goto, handleJumperInput, handleSizePickerChange, handleBackwardClick, handlePageItemClick, handleForwardClick, handleQuickJumperChange, onRender } = this; onRender === null || onRender === void 0 ? void 0 : onRender(); const renderPrefix = $slots.prefix || prefix2; const renderSuffix = $slots.suffix || suffix2; const renderPrev = prev || $slots.prev; const renderNext = next || $slots.next; const renderLabel = label || $slots.label; return vue.h("div", { ref: "selfRef", class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-pagination`, this.themeClass, this.rtlEnabled && `${mergedClsPrefix}-pagination--rtl`, disabled && `${mergedClsPrefix}-pagination--disabled`, simple && `${mergedClsPrefix}-pagination--simple`], style: cssVars }, renderPrefix ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-pagination-prefix` }, renderPrefix({ page: mergedPage, pageSize: mergedPageSize, pageCount: mergedPageCount, startIndex: this.startIndex, endIndex: this.endIndex, itemCount: this.mergedItemCount })) : null, this.displayOrder.map((part) => { switch (part) { case "pages": return vue.h(vue.Fragment, null, vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-pagination-item`, !renderPrev && `${mergedClsPrefix}-pagination-item--button`, (mergedPage <= 1 || mergedPage > mergedPageCount || disabled) && `${mergedClsPrefix}-pagination-item--disabled`], onClick: handleBackwardClick }, renderPrev ? renderPrev({ page: mergedPage, pageSize: mergedPageSize, pageCount: mergedPageCount, startIndex: this.startIndex, endIndex: this.endIndex, itemCount: this.mergedItemCount }) : vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix }, { default: () => this.rtlEnabled ? vue.h(ForwardIcon, null) : vue.h(BackwardIcon, null) })), simple ? vue.h(vue.Fragment, null, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-pagination-quick-jumper` }, vue.h(NInput, { value: jumperValue, onUpdateValue: handleJumperInput, size: inputSize, placeholder: "", disabled, theme: mergedTheme.peers.Input, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Input, onChange: handleQuickJumperChange })), " / ", mergedPageCount) : pageItems.map((pageItem, index) => { let contentNode; let onMouseenter; let onMouseleave; const { type } = pageItem; switch (type) { case "page": const pageNode = pageItem.label; if (renderLabel) { contentNode = renderLabel({ type: "page", node: pageNode, active: pageItem.active }); } else { contentNode = pageNode; } break; case "fast-forward": const fastForwardNode = this.fastForwardActive ? vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix }, { default: () => this.rtlEnabled ? vue.h(FastBackwardIcon, null) : vue.h(FastForwardIcon, null) }) : vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix }, { default: () => vue.h(MoreIcon, null) }); if (renderLabel) { contentNode = renderLabel({ type: "fast-forward", node: fastForwardNode, active: this.fastForwardActive || this.showFastForwardMenu }); } else { contentNode = fastForwardNode; } onMouseenter = this.handleFastForwardMouseenter; onMouseleave = this.handleFastForwardMouseleave; break; case "fast-backward": const fastBackwardNode = this.fastBackwardActive ? vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix }, { default: () => this.rtlEnabled ? vue.h(FastForwardIcon, null) : vue.h(FastBackwardIcon, null) }) : vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix }, { default: () => vue.h(MoreIcon, null) }); if (renderLabel) { contentNode = renderLabel({ type: "fast-backward", node: fastBackwardNode, active: this.fastBackwardActive || this.showFastBackwardMenu }); } else { contentNode = fastBackwardNode; } onMouseenter = this.handleFastBackwardMouseenter; onMouseleave = this.handleFastBackwardMouseleave; break; } const itemNode = vue.h("div", { key: index, class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-pagination-item`, pageItem.active && `${mergedClsPrefix}-pagination-item--active`, type !== "page" && (type === "fast-backward" && this.showFastBackwardMenu || type === "fast-forward" && this.showFastForwardMenu) && `${mergedClsPrefix}-pagination-item--hover`, disabled && `${mergedClsPrefix}-pagination-item--disabled`, type === "page" && `${mergedClsPrefix}-pagination-item--clickable`], onClick: () => { handlePageItemClick(pageItem); }, onMouseenter, onMouseleave }, contentNode); if (type === "page" && !pageItem.mayBeFastBackward && !pageItem.mayBeFastForward) { return itemNode; } else { const key = pageItem.type === "page" ? pageItem.mayBeFastBackward ? "fast-backward" : "fast-forward" : pageItem.type; if (pageItem.type !== "page" && !pageItem.options) { return itemNode; } return vue.h(NPopselect, { to: this.to, key, disabled, trigger: "hover", virtualScroll: true, style: { width: "60px" }, theme: mergedTheme.peers.Popselect, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Popselect, builtinThemeOverrides: { peers: { InternalSelectMenu: { height: "calc(var(--n-option-height) * 4.6)" } } }, nodeProps: () => ({ style: { justifyContent: "center" } }), show: type === "page" ? false : type === "fast-backward" ? this.showFastBackwardMenu : this.showFastForwardMenu, onUpdateShow: (value) => { if (type === "page") return; if (value) { if (type === "fast-backward") { this.showFastBackwardMenu = value; } else { this.showFastForwardMenu = value; } } else { this.showFastBackwardMenu = false; this.showFastForwardMenu = false; } }, options: pageItem.type !== "page" && pageItem.options ? pageItem.options : [], onUpdateValue: this.handleMenuSelect, scrollable: true, showCheckmark: false }, { default: () => itemNode }); } }), vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-pagination-item`, !renderNext && `${mergedClsPrefix}-pagination-item--button`, { [`${mergedClsPrefix}-pagination-item--disabled`]: mergedPage < 1 || mergedPage >= mergedPageCount || disabled }], onClick: handleForwardClick }, renderNext ? renderNext({ page: mergedPage, pageSize: mergedPageSize, pageCount: mergedPageCount, itemCount: this.mergedItemCount, startIndex: this.startIndex, endIndex: this.endIndex }) : vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix }, { default: () => this.rtlEnabled ? vue.h(BackwardIcon, null) : vue.h(ForwardIcon, null) }))); case "size-picker": { return !simple && showSizePicker ? vue.h(NSelect, Object.assign({ consistentMenuWidth: false, placeholder: "", showCheckmark: false, to: this.to }, this.selectProps, { size: selectSize, options: pageSizeOptions, value: mergedPageSize, disabled, theme: mergedTheme.peers.Select, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Select, onUpdateValue: handleSizePickerChange })) : null; } case "quick-jumper": return !simple && showQuickJumper ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-pagination-quick-jumper` }, goto ? goto() : resolveSlot(this.$slots.goto, () => [locale2.goto]), vue.h(NInput, { value: jumperValue, onUpdateValue: handleJumperInput, size: inputSize, placeholder: "", disabled, theme: mergedTheme.peers.Input, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Input, onChange: handleQuickJumperChange })) : null; default: return null; } }), renderSuffix ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-pagination-suffix` }, renderSuffix({ page: mergedPage, pageSize: mergedPageSize, pageCount: mergedPageCount, startIndex: this.startIndex, endIndex: this.endIndex, itemCount: this.mergedItemCount })) : null); } }); const commonVars$9 = { padding: "8px 14px" }; const self$R = (vars) => { const { borderRadius, boxShadow2, baseColor } = vars; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, commonVars$9), { borderRadius, boxShadow: boxShadow2, color: composite(baseColor, "rgba(0, 0, 0, .85)"), textColor: baseColor }); }; const tooltipLight = createTheme({ name: "Tooltip", common: derived, peers: { Popover: popoverLight }, self: self$R }); const ellipsisLight = createTheme({ name: "Ellipsis", common: derived, peers: { Tooltip: tooltipLight } }); const commonVariables$a = { radioSizeSmall: "14px", radioSizeMedium: "16px", radioSizeLarge: "18px", labelPadding: "0 8px", labelFontWeight: "400" }; const self$Q = (vars) => { const { borderColor, primaryColor, baseColor, textColorDisabled, inputColorDisabled, textColor2, opacityDisabled, borderRadius, fontSizeSmall, fontSizeMedium, fontSizeLarge, heightSmall, heightMedium, heightLarge, lineHeight: lineHeight2 } = vars; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, commonVariables$a), { labelLineHeight: lineHeight2, buttonHeightSmall: heightSmall, buttonHeightMedium: heightMedium, buttonHeightLarge: heightLarge, fontSizeSmall, fontSizeMedium, fontSizeLarge, boxShadow: `inset 0 0 0 1px ${borderColor}`, boxShadowActive: `inset 0 0 0 1px ${primaryColor}`, boxShadowFocus: `inset 0 0 0 1px ${primaryColor}, 0 0 0 2px ${changeColor(primaryColor, { alpha: 0.2 })}`, boxShadowHover: `inset 0 0 0 1px ${primaryColor}`, boxShadowDisabled: `inset 0 0 0 1px ${borderColor}`, color: baseColor, colorDisabled: inputColorDisabled, colorActive: "#0000", textColor: textColor2, textColorDisabled, dotColorActive: primaryColor, dotColorDisabled: borderColor, buttonBorderColor: borderColor, buttonBorderColorActive: primaryColor, buttonBorderColorHover: borderColor, buttonColor: baseColor, buttonColorActive: baseColor, buttonTextColor: textColor2, buttonTextColorActive: primaryColor, buttonTextColorHover: primaryColor, opacityDisabled, buttonBoxShadowFocus: `inset 0 0 0 1px ${primaryColor}, 0 0 0 2px ${changeColor(primaryColor, { alpha: 0.3 })}`, buttonBoxShadowHover: "inset 0 0 0 1px #0000", buttonBoxShadow: "inset 0 0 0 1px #0000", buttonBorderRadius: borderRadius }); }; const radioLight = { name: "Radio", common: derived, self: self$Q }; const commonVariables$9 = { padding: "4px 0", optionIconSizeSmall: "14px", optionIconSizeMedium: "16px", optionIconSizeLarge: "16px", optionIconSizeHuge: "18px", optionSuffixWidthSmall: "14px", optionSuffixWidthMedium: "14px", optionSuffixWidthLarge: "16px", optionSuffixWidthHuge: "16px", optionIconSuffixWidthSmall: "32px", optionIconSuffixWidthMedium: "32px", optionIconSuffixWidthLarge: "36px", optionIconSuffixWidthHuge: "36px", optionPrefixWidthSmall: "14px", optionPrefixWidthMedium: "14px", optionPrefixWidthLarge: "16px", optionPrefixWidthHuge: "16px", optionIconPrefixWidthSmall: "36px", optionIconPrefixWidthMedium: "36px", optionIconPrefixWidthLarge: "40px", optionIconPrefixWidthHuge: "40px" }; const self$P = (vars) => { const { primaryColor, textColor2, dividerColor, hoverColor, popoverColor, invertedColor, borderRadius, fontSizeSmall, fontSizeMedium, fontSizeLarge, fontSizeHuge, heightSmall, heightMedium, heightLarge, heightHuge, textColor3, opacityDisabled } = vars; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, commonVariables$9), { optionHeightSmall: heightSmall, optionHeightMedium: heightMedium, optionHeightLarge: heightLarge, optionHeightHuge: heightHuge, borderRadius, fontSizeSmall, fontSizeMedium, fontSizeLarge, fontSizeHuge, // non-inverted optionTextColor: textColor2, optionTextColorHover: textColor2, optionTextColorActive: primaryColor, optionTextColorChildActive: primaryColor, color: popoverColor, dividerColor, suffixColor: textColor2, prefixColor: textColor2, optionColorHover: hoverColor, optionColorActive: changeColor(primaryColor, { alpha: 0.1 }), groupHeaderTextColor: textColor3, // inverted optionTextColorInverted: "#BBB", optionTextColorHoverInverted: "#FFF", optionTextColorActiveInverted: "#FFF", optionTextColorChildActiveInverted: "#FFF", colorInverted: invertedColor, dividerColorInverted: "#BBB", suffixColorInverted: "#BBB", prefixColorInverted: "#BBB", optionColorHoverInverted: primaryColor, optionColorActiveInverted: primaryColor, groupHeaderTextColorInverted: "#AAA", optionOpacityDisabled: opacityDisabled }); }; const dropdownLight = createTheme({ name: "Dropdown", common: derived, peers: { Popover: popoverLight }, self: self$P }); const commonVariables$8 = { thPaddingSmall: "8px", thPaddingMedium: "12px", thPaddingLarge: "12px", tdPaddingSmall: "8px", tdPaddingMedium: "12px", tdPaddingLarge: "12px", sorterSize: "15px", resizableContainerSize: "8px", resizableSize: "2px", filterSize: "15px", paginationMargin: "12px 0 0 0", emptyPadding: "48px 0", actionPadding: "8px 12px", actionButtonMargin: "0 8px 0 0" }; const self$O = (vars) => { const { cardColor, modalColor, popoverColor, textColor2, textColor1, tableHeaderColor, tableColorHover, iconColor, primaryColor, fontWeightStrong, borderRadius, lineHeight: lineHeight2, fontSizeSmall, fontSizeMedium, fontSizeLarge, dividerColor, heightSmall, opacityDisabled, tableColorStriped } = vars; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, commonVariables$8), { actionDividerColor: dividerColor, lineHeight: lineHeight2, borderRadius, fontSizeSmall, fontSizeMedium, fontSizeLarge, borderColor: composite(cardColor, dividerColor), tdColorHover: composite(cardColor, tableColorHover), tdColorStriped: composite(cardColor, tableColorStriped), thColor: composite(cardColor, tableHeaderColor), thColorHover: composite(composite(cardColor, tableHeaderColor), tableColorHover), tdColor: cardColor, tdTextColor: textColor2, thTextColor: textColor1, thFontWeight: fontWeightStrong, thButtonColorHover: tableColorHover, thIconColor: iconColor, thIconColorActive: primaryColor, // modal borderColorModal: composite(modalColor, dividerColor), tdColorHoverModal: composite(modalColor, tableColorHover), tdColorStripedModal: composite(modalColor, tableColorStriped), thColorModal: composite(modalColor, tableHeaderColor), thColorHoverModal: composite(composite(modalColor, tableHeaderColor), tableColorHover), tdColorModal: modalColor, // popover borderColorPopover: composite(popoverColor, dividerColor), tdColorHoverPopover: composite(popoverColor, tableColorHover), tdColorStripedPopover: composite(popoverColor, tableColorStriped), thColorPopover: composite(popoverColor, tableHeaderColor), thColorHoverPopover: composite(composite(popoverColor, tableHeaderColor), tableColorHover), tdColorPopover: popoverColor, boxShadowBefore: "inset -12px 0 8px -12px rgba(0, 0, 0, .18)", boxShadowAfter: "inset 12px 0 8px -12px rgba(0, 0, 0, .18)", // loading loadingColor: primaryColor, loadingSize: heightSmall, opacityLoading: opacityDisabled }); }; const dataTableLight = createTheme({ name: "DataTable", common: derived, peers: { Button: buttonLight, Checkbox: checkboxLight, Radio: radioLight, Pagination: paginationLight, Scrollbar: scrollbarLight, Empty: emptyLight, Popover: popoverLight, Ellipsis: ellipsisLight, Dropdown: dropdownLight }, self: self$O }); const tooltipProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, popoverBaseProps), useTheme.props); const NTooltip = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Tooltip", props: tooltipProps, __popover__: true, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Tooltip", "-tooltip", void 0, tooltipLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const popoverRef = vue.ref(null); const tooltipExposedMethod = { syncPosition() { popoverRef.value.syncPosition(); }, setShow(show) { popoverRef.value.setShow(show); } }; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, tooltipExposedMethod), { popoverRef, mergedTheme: themeRef, popoverThemeOverrides: vue.computed(() => { return themeRef.value.self; }) }); }, render() { const { mergedTheme, internalExtraClass } = this; return vue.h(NPopover, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, this.$props), { theme: mergedTheme.peers.Popover, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Popover, builtinThemeOverrides: this.popoverThemeOverrides, internalExtraClass: internalExtraClass.concat("tooltip"), ref: "popoverRef" }), this.$slots); } }); const style$10 = cB("ellipsis", { overflow: "hidden" }, [cNotM("line-clamp", ` white-space: nowrap; display: inline-block; vertical-align: bottom; max-width: 100%; `), cM("line-clamp", ` display: -webkit-inline-box; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; `), cM("cursor-pointer", ` cursor: pointer; `)]); function createLineClampClass(clsPrefix) { return `${clsPrefix}-ellipsis--line-clamp`; } function createCursorClass(clsPrefix, cursor) { return `${clsPrefix}-ellipsis--cursor-${cursor}`; } const ellipsisProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { expandTrigger: String, lineClamp: [Number, String], tooltip: { type: [Boolean, Object], default: true } }); const NEllipsis = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Ellipsis", inheritAttrs: false, props: ellipsisProps, setup(props, { slots, attrs }) { const mergedClsPrefixRef = useMergedClsPrefix(); const mergedTheme = useTheme("Ellipsis", "-ellipsis", style$10, ellipsisLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const triggerRef = vue.ref(null); const triggerInnerRef = vue.ref(null); const tooltipRef = vue.ref(null); const expandedRef = vue.ref(false); const ellipsisStyleRef = vue.computed(() => { const { lineClamp } = props; const { value: expanded } = expandedRef; if (lineClamp !== void 0) { return { textOverflow: "", "-webkit-line-clamp": expanded ? "" : lineClamp }; } else { return { textOverflow: expanded ? "" : "ellipsis", "-webkit-line-clamp": "" }; } }); function getTooltipDisabled() { let tooltipDisabled = false; const { value: expanded } = expandedRef; if (expanded) return true; const { value: trigger2 } = triggerRef; if (trigger2) { const { lineClamp } = props; syncEllipsisStyle(trigger2); if (lineClamp !== void 0) { tooltipDisabled = trigger2.scrollHeight <= trigger2.offsetHeight; } else { const { value: triggerInner } = triggerInnerRef; if (triggerInner) { tooltipDisabled = triggerInner.getBoundingClientRect().width <= trigger2.getBoundingClientRect().width; } } syncCursorStyle(trigger2, tooltipDisabled); } return tooltipDisabled; } const handleClickRef = vue.computed(() => { return props.expandTrigger === "click" ? () => { var _a; const { value: expanded } = expandedRef; if (expanded) { (_a = tooltipRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.setShow(false); } expandedRef.value = !expanded; } : void 0; }); vue.onDeactivated(() => { var _a; if (props.tooltip) { (_a = tooltipRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.setShow(false); } }); const renderTrigger = () => vue.h("span", Object.assign({}, vue.mergeProps(attrs, { class: [`${mergedClsPrefixRef.value}-ellipsis`, props.lineClamp !== void 0 ? createLineClampClass(mergedClsPrefixRef.value) : void 0, props.expandTrigger === "click" ? createCursorClass(mergedClsPrefixRef.value, "pointer") : void 0], style: ellipsisStyleRef.value }), { ref: "triggerRef", onClick: handleClickRef.value, onMouseenter: ( // get tooltip disabled will derive cursor style props.expandTrigger === "click" ? getTooltipDisabled : void 0 ) }), props.lineClamp ? slots : vue.h("span", { ref: "triggerInnerRef" }, slots)); function syncEllipsisStyle(trigger2) { if (!trigger2) return; const latestStyle = ellipsisStyleRef.value; const lineClampClass = createLineClampClass(mergedClsPrefixRef.value); if (props.lineClamp !== void 0) { syncTriggerClass(trigger2, lineClampClass, "add"); } else { syncTriggerClass(trigger2, lineClampClass, "remove"); } for (const key in latestStyle) { if (trigger2.style[key] !== latestStyle[key]) { trigger2.style[key] = latestStyle[key]; } } } function syncCursorStyle(trigger2, tooltipDisabled) { const cursorClass = createCursorClass(mergedClsPrefixRef.value, "pointer"); if (props.expandTrigger === "click" && !tooltipDisabled) { syncTriggerClass(trigger2, cursorClass, "add"); } else { syncTriggerClass(trigger2, cursorClass, "remove"); } } function syncTriggerClass(trigger2, styleClass, action) { if (action === "add") { if (!trigger2.classList.contains(styleClass)) { trigger2.classList.add(styleClass); } } else { if (trigger2.classList.contains(styleClass)) { trigger2.classList.remove(styleClass); } } } return { mergedTheme, triggerRef, triggerInnerRef, tooltipRef, handleClick: handleClickRef, renderTrigger, getTooltipDisabled }; }, render() { var _a; const { tooltip, renderTrigger, $slots } = this; if (tooltip) { const { mergedTheme } = this; return vue.h(NTooltip, Object.assign({ ref: "tooltipRef", placement: "top" }, tooltip, { getDisabled: this.getTooltipDisabled, theme: mergedTheme.peers.Tooltip, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Tooltip }), { trigger: renderTrigger, default: (_a = $slots.tooltip) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : $slots.default }); } else return renderTrigger(); } }); const NPerformantEllipsis = vue.defineComponent({ name: "PerformantEllipsis", props: ellipsisProps, inheritAttrs: false, setup(props, { attrs, slots }) { const mouseEnteredRef = vue.ref(false); const mergedClsPrefixRef = useMergedClsPrefix(); useStyle("-ellipsis", style$10, mergedClsPrefixRef); const renderTrigger = () => { const { lineClamp } = props; const mergedClsPrefix = mergedClsPrefixRef.value; return vue.h("span", Object.assign({}, vue.mergeProps(attrs, { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-ellipsis`, lineClamp !== void 0 ? createLineClampClass(mergedClsPrefix) : void 0, props.expandTrigger === "click" ? createCursorClass(mergedClsPrefix, "pointer") : void 0], style: lineClamp === void 0 ? { textOverflow: "ellipsis" } : { "-webkit-line-clamp": lineClamp } }), { onMouseenter: () => { mouseEnteredRef.value = true; } }), lineClamp ? slots : vue.h("span", null, slots)); }; return { mouseEntered: mouseEnteredRef, renderTrigger }; }, render() { if (this.mouseEntered) { return vue.h(NEllipsis, vue.mergeProps({}, this.$attrs, this.$props), this.$slots); } else { return this.renderTrigger(); } } }); const RenderSorter = vue.defineComponent({ name: "DataTableRenderSorter", props: { render: { type: Function, required: true }, order: { // asc, desc type: [String, Boolean], default: false } }, render() { const { render: render2, order } = this; return render2({ order }); } }); const dataTableProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { onUnstableColumnResize: Function, pagination: { type: [Object, Boolean], default: false }, paginateSinglePage: { type: Boolean, default: true }, minHeight: [Number, String], maxHeight: [Number, String], // Use any type as row data to make prop data acceptable columns: { type: Array, default: () => [] }, rowClassName: [String, Function], rowProps: Function, rowKey: Function, summary: [Function], data: { type: Array, default: () => [] }, loading: Boolean, bordered: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, bottomBordered: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, striped: Boolean, scrollX: [Number, String], defaultCheckedRowKeys: { type: Array, default: () => [] }, checkedRowKeys: Array, singleLine: { type: Boolean, default: true }, singleColumn: Boolean, size: { type: String, default: "medium" }, remote: Boolean, defaultExpandedRowKeys: { type: Array, default: [] }, defaultExpandAll: Boolean, expandedRowKeys: Array, stickyExpandedRows: Boolean, virtualScroll: Boolean, tableLayout: { type: String, default: "auto" }, allowCheckingNotLoaded: Boolean, cascade: { type: Boolean, default: true }, childrenKey: { type: String, default: "children" }, indent: { type: Number, default: 16 }, flexHeight: Boolean, summaryPlacement: { type: String, default: "bottom" }, paginationBehaviorOnFilter: { type: String, default: "current" }, scrollbarProps: Object, renderCell: Function, renderExpandIcon: Function, spinProps: { type: Object, default: {} }, onLoad: Function, "onUpdate:page": [Function, Array], onUpdatePage: [Function, Array], "onUpdate:pageSize": [Function, Array], onUpdatePageSize: [Function, Array], "onUpdate:sorter": [Function, Array], onUpdateSorter: [Function, Array], "onUpdate:filters": [Function, Array], onUpdateFilters: [Function, Array], "onUpdate:checkedRowKeys": [Function, Array], onUpdateCheckedRowKeys: [Function, Array], "onUpdate:expandedRowKeys": [Function, Array], onUpdateExpandedRowKeys: [Function, Array], onScroll: Function, // deprecated onPageChange: [Function, Array], onPageSizeChange: [Function, Array], onSorterChange: [Function, Array], onFiltersChange: [Function, Array], onCheckedRowKeysChange: [Function, Array] }); const dataTableInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-data-table"); const SortButton = vue.defineComponent({ name: "SortIcon", props: { column: { type: Object, required: true } }, setup(props) { const { mergedComponentPropsRef } = useConfig(); const { mergedSortStateRef, mergedClsPrefixRef } = vue.inject(dataTableInjectionKey); const sortStateRef = vue.computed(() => mergedSortStateRef.value.find((state) => state.columnKey === props.column.key)); const activeRef = vue.computed(() => { return sortStateRef.value !== void 0; }); const mergedSortOrderRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value: sortState } = sortStateRef; if (sortState && activeRef.value) { return sortState.order; } return false; }); const mergedRenderSorterRef = vue.computed(() => { var _a, _b; return ((_b = (_a = mergedComponentPropsRef === null || mergedComponentPropsRef === void 0 ? void 0 : mergedComponentPropsRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.DataTable) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.renderSorter) || props.column.renderSorter; }); return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, active: activeRef, mergedSortOrder: mergedSortOrderRef, mergedRenderSorter: mergedRenderSorterRef }; }, render() { const { mergedRenderSorter, mergedSortOrder, mergedClsPrefix } = this; const { renderSorterIcon } = this.column; return mergedRenderSorter ? vue.h(RenderSorter, { render: mergedRenderSorter, order: mergedSortOrder }) : vue.h("span", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-sorter`, mergedSortOrder === "ascend" && `${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-sorter--asc`, mergedSortOrder === "descend" && `${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-sorter--desc`] }, renderSorterIcon ? renderSorterIcon({ order: mergedSortOrder }) : vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix }, { default: () => vue.h(ArrowDownIcon, null) })); } }); const RenderFilter = vue.defineComponent({ name: "DataTableRenderFilter", props: { render: { type: Function, required: true }, active: { type: Boolean, default: false }, show: { type: Boolean, default: false } }, render() { const { render: render2, active, show } = this; return render2({ active, show }); } }); const radioBaseProps = { name: String, value: { type: [String, Number, Boolean], default: "on" }, checked: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, defaultChecked: Boolean, disabled: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, label: String, size: String, onUpdateChecked: [Function, Array], "onUpdate:checked": [Function, Array], // deprecated checkedValue: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 } }; const radioGroupInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-radio-group"); function setup(props) { const formItem = useFormItem(props, { mergedSize(NFormItem2) { const { size: size2 } = props; if (size2 !== void 0) return size2; if (NRadioGroup2) { const { mergedSizeRef: { value: mergedSize } } = NRadioGroup2; if (mergedSize !== void 0) { return mergedSize; } } if (NFormItem2) { return NFormItem2.mergedSize.value; } return "medium"; }, mergedDisabled(NFormItem2) { if (props.disabled) return true; if (NRadioGroup2 === null || NRadioGroup2 === void 0 ? void 0 : NRadioGroup2.disabledRef.value) return true; if (NFormItem2 === null || NFormItem2 === void 0 ? void 0 : NFormItem2.disabled.value) return true; return false; } }); const { mergedSizeRef, mergedDisabledRef } = formItem; const inputRef = vue.ref(null); const labelRef = vue.ref(null); const NRadioGroup2 = vue.inject(radioGroupInjectionKey, null); const uncontrolledCheckedRef = vue.ref(props.defaultChecked); const controlledCheckedRef = vue.toRef(props, "checked"); const mergedCheckedRef = useMergedState(controlledCheckedRef, uncontrolledCheckedRef); const renderSafeCheckedRef = useMemo(() => { if (NRadioGroup2) return NRadioGroup2.valueRef.value === props.value; return mergedCheckedRef.value; }); const mergedNameRef = useMemo(() => { const { name } = props; if (name !== void 0) return name; if (NRadioGroup2) return NRadioGroup2.nameRef.value; }); const focusRef = vue.ref(false); function doUpdateChecked() { if (NRadioGroup2) { const { doUpdateValue } = NRadioGroup2; const { value } = props; call(doUpdateValue, value); } else { const { onUpdateChecked, "onUpdate:checked": _onUpdateChecked } = props; const { nTriggerFormInput, nTriggerFormChange } = formItem; if (onUpdateChecked) call(onUpdateChecked, true); if (_onUpdateChecked) call(_onUpdateChecked, true); nTriggerFormInput(); nTriggerFormChange(); uncontrolledCheckedRef.value = true; } } function toggle() { if (mergedDisabledRef.value) return; if (!renderSafeCheckedRef.value) { doUpdateChecked(); } } function handleRadioInputChange() { toggle(); if (inputRef.value) { inputRef.value.checked = renderSafeCheckedRef.value; } } function handleRadioInputBlur() { focusRef.value = false; } function handleRadioInputFocus() { focusRef.value = true; } return { mergedClsPrefix: NRadioGroup2 ? NRadioGroup2.mergedClsPrefixRef : useConfig(props).mergedClsPrefixRef, inputRef, labelRef, mergedName: mergedNameRef, mergedDisabled: mergedDisabledRef, renderSafeChecked: renderSafeCheckedRef, focus: focusRef, mergedSize: mergedSizeRef, handleRadioInputChange, handleRadioInputBlur, handleRadioInputFocus }; } const style$$ = cB("radio", ` line-height: var(--n-label-line-height); outline: none; position: relative; user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; display: inline-flex; align-items: flex-start; flex-wrap: nowrap; font-size: var(--n-font-size); word-break: break-word; `, [cM("checked", [cE("dot", ` background-color: var(--n-color-active); `)]), cE("dot-wrapper", ` position: relative; flex-shrink: 0; flex-grow: 0; width: var(--n-radio-size); `), cB("radio-input", ` position: absolute; border: 0; border-radius: inherit; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; opacity: 0; z-index: 1; cursor: pointer; `), cE("dot", ` position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 0; transform: translateY(-50%); height: var(--n-radio-size); width: var(--n-radio-size); background: var(--n-color); box-shadow: var(--n-box-shadow); border-radius: 50%; transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), box-shadow .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [c$1("&::before", ` content: ""; opacity: 0; position: absolute; left: 4px; top: 4px; height: calc(100% - 8px); width: calc(100% - 8px); border-radius: 50%; transform: scale(.8); background: var(--n-dot-color-active); transition: opacity .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), transform .3s var(--n-bezier); `), cM("checked", { boxShadow: "var(--n-box-shadow-active)" }, [c$1("&::before", ` opacity: 1; transform: scale(1); `)])]), cE("label", ` color: var(--n-text-color); padding: var(--n-label-padding); font-weight: var(--n-label-font-weight); display: inline-block; transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); `), cNotM("disabled", ` cursor: pointer; `, [c$1("&:hover", [cE("dot", { boxShadow: "var(--n-box-shadow-hover)" })]), cM("focus", [c$1("&:not(:active)", [cE("dot", { boxShadow: "var(--n-box-shadow-focus)" })])])]), cM("disabled", ` cursor: not-allowed; `, [cE("dot", { boxShadow: "var(--n-box-shadow-disabled)", backgroundColor: "var(--n-color-disabled)" }, [c$1("&::before", { backgroundColor: "var(--n-dot-color-disabled)" }), cM("checked", ` opacity: 1; `)]), cE("label", { color: "var(--n-text-color-disabled)" }), cB("radio-input", ` cursor: not-allowed; `)])]); const radioProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), radioBaseProps); const NRadio = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Radio", props: radioProps, setup(props) { const radio = setup(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Radio", "-radio", style$$, radioLight, props, radio.mergedClsPrefix); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { mergedSize: { value: size2 } } = radio; const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: { boxShadow, boxShadowActive, boxShadowDisabled, boxShadowFocus, boxShadowHover, color, colorDisabled, colorActive, textColor, textColorDisabled, dotColorActive, dotColorDisabled, labelPadding, labelLineHeight, labelFontWeight, [createKey("fontSize", size2)]: fontSize2, [createKey("radioSize", size2)]: radioSize } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-label-line-height": labelLineHeight, "--n-label-font-weight": labelFontWeight, "--n-box-shadow": boxShadow, "--n-box-shadow-active": boxShadowActive, "--n-box-shadow-disabled": boxShadowDisabled, "--n-box-shadow-focus": boxShadowFocus, "--n-box-shadow-hover": boxShadowHover, "--n-color": color, "--n-color-active": colorActive, "--n-color-disabled": colorDisabled, "--n-dot-color-active": dotColorActive, "--n-dot-color-disabled": dotColorDisabled, "--n-font-size": fontSize2, "--n-radio-size": radioSize, "--n-text-color": textColor, "--n-text-color-disabled": textColorDisabled, "--n-label-padding": labelPadding }; }); const { inlineThemeDisabled, mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedRtlRef } = useConfig(props); const rtlEnabledRef = useRtl("Radio", mergedRtlRef, mergedClsPrefixRef); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("radio", vue.computed(() => radio.mergedSize.value[0]), cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return Object.assign(radio, { rtlEnabled: rtlEnabledRef, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }); }, render() { const { $slots, mergedClsPrefix, onRender, label } = this; onRender === null || onRender === void 0 ? void 0 : onRender(); return vue.h("label", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-radio`, this.themeClass, this.rtlEnabled && `${mergedClsPrefix}-radio--rtl`, this.mergedDisabled && `${mergedClsPrefix}-radio--disabled`, this.renderSafeChecked && `${mergedClsPrefix}-radio--checked`, this.focus && `${mergedClsPrefix}-radio--focus`], style: this.cssVars }, vue.h("input", { ref: "inputRef", type: "radio", class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-radio-input`, value: this.value, name: this.mergedName, checked: this.renderSafeChecked, disabled: this.mergedDisabled, onChange: this.handleRadioInputChange, onFocus: this.handleRadioInputFocus, onBlur: this.handleRadioInputBlur }), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-radio__dot-wrapper` }, " ", vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-radio__dot`, this.renderSafeChecked && `${mergedClsPrefix}-radio__dot--checked`] })), resolveWrappedSlot($slots.default, (children) => { if (!children && !label) return null; return vue.h("div", { ref: "labelRef", class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-radio__label` }, children || label); })); } }); const style$_ = cB("radio-group", ` display: inline-block; font-size: var(--n-font-size); `, [cE("splitor", ` display: inline-block; vertical-align: bottom; width: 1px; transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), opacity .3s var(--n-bezier); background: var(--n-button-border-color); `, [cM("checked", { backgroundColor: "var(--n-button-border-color-active)" }), cM("disabled", { opacity: "var(--n-opacity-disabled)" })]), cM("button-group", ` white-space: nowrap; height: var(--n-height); line-height: var(--n-height); `, [cB("radio-button", { height: "var(--n-height)", lineHeight: "var(--n-height)" }), cE("splitor", { height: "var(--n-height)" })]), cB("radio-button", ` vertical-align: bottom; outline: none; position: relative; user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; display: inline-block; box-sizing: border-box; padding-left: 14px; padding-right: 14px; white-space: nowrap; transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), opacity .3s var(--n-bezier), border-color .3s var(--n-bezier), color .3s var(--n-bezier); background: var(--n-button-color); color: var(--n-button-text-color); border-top: 1px solid var(--n-button-border-color); border-bottom: 1px solid var(--n-button-border-color); `, [cB("radio-input", ` pointer-events: none; position: absolute; border: 0; border-radius: inherit; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; opacity: 0; z-index: 1; `), cE("state-border", ` z-index: 1; pointer-events: none; position: absolute; box-shadow: var(--n-button-box-shadow); transition: box-shadow .3s var(--n-bezier); left: -1px; bottom: -1px; right: -1px; top: -1px; `), c$1("&:first-child", ` border-top-left-radius: var(--n-button-border-radius); border-bottom-left-radius: var(--n-button-border-radius); border-left: 1px solid var(--n-button-border-color); `, [cE("state-border", ` border-top-left-radius: var(--n-button-border-radius); border-bottom-left-radius: var(--n-button-border-radius); `)]), c$1("&:last-child", ` border-top-right-radius: var(--n-button-border-radius); border-bottom-right-radius: var(--n-button-border-radius); border-right: 1px solid var(--n-button-border-color); `, [cE("state-border", ` border-top-right-radius: var(--n-button-border-radius); border-bottom-right-radius: var(--n-button-border-radius); `)]), cNotM("disabled", ` cursor: pointer; `, [c$1("&:hover", [cE("state-border", ` transition: box-shadow .3s var(--n-bezier); box-shadow: var(--n-button-box-shadow-hover); `), cNotM("checked", { color: "var(--n-button-text-color-hover)" })]), cM("focus", [c$1("&:not(:active)", [cE("state-border", { boxShadow: "var(--n-button-box-shadow-focus)" })])])]), cM("checked", ` background: var(--n-button-color-active); color: var(--n-button-text-color-active); border-color: var(--n-button-border-color-active); `), cM("disabled", ` cursor: not-allowed; opacity: var(--n-opacity-disabled); `)])]); function mapSlot(defaultSlot, value, clsPrefix) { var _a; const children = []; let isButtonGroup = false; for (let i = 0; i < defaultSlot.length; ++i) { const wrappedInstance = defaultSlot[i]; const name = (_a = wrappedInstance.type) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.name; if (name === "RadioButton") { isButtonGroup = true; } const instanceProps = wrappedInstance.props; if (name !== "RadioButton") { children.push(wrappedInstance); continue; } if (i === 0) { children.push(wrappedInstance); } else { const lastInstanceProps = children[children.length - 1].props; const lastInstanceChecked = value === lastInstanceProps.value; const lastInstanceDisabled = lastInstanceProps.disabled; const currentInstanceChecked = value === instanceProps.value; const currentInstanceDisabled = instanceProps.disabled; const lastInstancePriority = (lastInstanceChecked ? 2 : 0) + (!lastInstanceDisabled ? 1 : 0); const currentInstancePriority = (currentInstanceChecked ? 2 : 0) + (!currentInstanceDisabled ? 1 : 0); const lastInstanceClass = { [`${clsPrefix}-radio-group__splitor--disabled`]: lastInstanceDisabled, [`${clsPrefix}-radio-group__splitor--checked`]: lastInstanceChecked }; const currentInstanceClass = { [`${clsPrefix}-radio-group__splitor--disabled`]: currentInstanceDisabled, [`${clsPrefix}-radio-group__splitor--checked`]: currentInstanceChecked }; const splitorClass = lastInstancePriority < currentInstancePriority ? currentInstanceClass : lastInstanceClass; children.push(vue.h("div", { class: [`${clsPrefix}-radio-group__splitor`, splitorClass] }), wrappedInstance); } } return { children, isButtonGroup }; } const radioGroupProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { name: String, value: [String, Number, Boolean], defaultValue: { type: [String, Number, Boolean], default: null }, size: String, disabled: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, "onUpdate:value": [Function, Array], onUpdateValue: [Function, Array] }); const NRadioGroup = vue.defineComponent({ name: "RadioGroup", props: radioGroupProps, setup(props) { const selfElRef = vue.ref(null); const { mergedSizeRef, mergedDisabledRef, nTriggerFormChange, nTriggerFormInput, nTriggerFormBlur, nTriggerFormFocus } = useFormItem(props); const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled, mergedRtlRef } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Radio", "-radio-group", style$_, radioLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const uncontrolledValueRef = vue.ref(props.defaultValue); const controlledValueRef = vue.toRef(props, "value"); const mergedValueRef = useMergedState(controlledValueRef, uncontrolledValueRef); function doUpdateValue(value) { const { onUpdateValue, "onUpdate:value": _onUpdateValue } = props; if (onUpdateValue) { call(onUpdateValue, value); } if (_onUpdateValue) { call(_onUpdateValue, value); } uncontrolledValueRef.value = value; nTriggerFormChange(); nTriggerFormInput(); } function handleFocusin(e) { const { value: selfEl } = selfElRef; if (!selfEl) return; if (selfEl.contains(e.relatedTarget)) return; nTriggerFormFocus(); } function handleFocusout(e) { const { value: selfEl } = selfElRef; if (!selfEl) return; if (selfEl.contains(e.relatedTarget)) return; nTriggerFormBlur(); } vue.provide(radioGroupInjectionKey, { mergedClsPrefixRef, nameRef: vue.toRef(props, "name"), valueRef: mergedValueRef, disabledRef: mergedDisabledRef, mergedSizeRef, doUpdateValue }); const rtlEnabledRef = useRtl("Radio", mergedRtlRef, mergedClsPrefixRef); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value: size2 } = mergedSizeRef; const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: { buttonBorderColor, buttonBorderColorActive, buttonBorderRadius, buttonBoxShadow, buttonBoxShadowFocus, buttonBoxShadowHover, buttonColor, buttonColorActive, buttonTextColor, buttonTextColorActive, buttonTextColorHover, opacityDisabled, [createKey("buttonHeight", size2)]: height, [createKey("fontSize", size2)]: fontSize2 } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-font-size": fontSize2, "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-button-border-color": buttonBorderColor, "--n-button-border-color-active": buttonBorderColorActive, "--n-button-border-radius": buttonBorderRadius, "--n-button-box-shadow": buttonBoxShadow, "--n-button-box-shadow-focus": buttonBoxShadowFocus, "--n-button-box-shadow-hover": buttonBoxShadowHover, "--n-button-color": buttonColor, "--n-button-color-active": buttonColorActive, "--n-button-text-color": buttonTextColor, "--n-button-text-color-hover": buttonTextColorHover, "--n-button-text-color-active": buttonTextColorActive, "--n-height": height, "--n-opacity-disabled": opacityDisabled }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("radio-group", vue.computed(() => mergedSizeRef.value[0]), cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return { selfElRef, rtlEnabled: rtlEnabledRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedValue: mergedValueRef, handleFocusout, handleFocusin, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }; }, render() { var _a; const { mergedValue, mergedClsPrefix, handleFocusin, handleFocusout } = this; const { children, isButtonGroup } = mapSlot(flatten$3(getSlot$1(this)), mergedValue, mergedClsPrefix); (_a = this.onRender) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(this); return vue.h("div", { onFocusin: handleFocusin, onFocusout: handleFocusout, ref: "selfElRef", class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-radio-group`, this.rtlEnabled && `${mergedClsPrefix}-radio-group--rtl`, this.themeClass, isButtonGroup && `${mergedClsPrefix}-radio-group--button-group`], style: this.cssVars }, children); } }); const radioButtonProps = radioBaseProps; const RadioButton = vue.defineComponent({ name: "RadioButton", props: radioBaseProps, setup, render() { const { mergedClsPrefix } = this; return vue.h("label", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-radio-button`, this.mergedDisabled && `${mergedClsPrefix}-radio-button--disabled`, this.renderSafeChecked && `${mergedClsPrefix}-radio-button--checked`, this.focus && [`${mergedClsPrefix}-radio-button--focus`]] }, vue.h("input", { ref: "inputRef", type: "radio", class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-radio-input`, value: this.value, name: this.mergedName, checked: this.renderSafeChecked, disabled: this.mergedDisabled, onChange: this.handleRadioInputChange, onFocus: this.handleRadioInputFocus, onBlur: this.handleRadioInputBlur }), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-radio-button__state-border` }), resolveWrappedSlot(this.$slots.default, (children) => { if (!children && !this.label) return null; return vue.h("div", { ref: "labelRef", class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-radio__label` }, children || this.label); })); } }); const SELECTION_COL_WIDTH = 40; const EXPAND_COL_WIDTH = 40; function getNumberColWidth(col) { if (col.type === "selection") { return col.width === void 0 ? SELECTION_COL_WIDTH : depx(col.width); } if (col.type === "expand") { return col.width === void 0 ? EXPAND_COL_WIDTH : depx(col.width); } if ("children" in col) return void 0; if (typeof col.width === "string") { return depx(col.width); } return col.width; } function getStringColWidth(col) { var _a, _b; if (col.type === "selection") { return formatLength((_a = col.width) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : SELECTION_COL_WIDTH); } if (col.type === "expand") { return formatLength((_b = col.width) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : EXPAND_COL_WIDTH); } if ("children" in col) { return void 0; } return formatLength(col.width); } function getColKey(col) { if (col.type === "selection") return "__n_selection__"; if (col.type === "expand") return "__n_expand__"; return col.key; } function createShallowClonedObject(object) { if (!object) return object; if (typeof object === "object") { return Object.assign({}, object); } return object; } function getFlagOfOrder(order) { if (order === "ascend") return 1; else if (order === "descend") return -1; return 0; } function clampValueFollowCSSRules(value, min, max) { if (max !== void 0) { value = Math.min(value, typeof max === "number" ? max : parseFloat(max)); } if (min !== void 0) { value = Math.max(value, typeof min === "number" ? min : parseFloat(min)); } return value; } function createCustomWidthStyle(column, resizedWidth) { if (resizedWidth !== void 0) { return { width: resizedWidth, minWidth: resizedWidth, maxWidth: resizedWidth }; } const width = getStringColWidth(column); const { minWidth, maxWidth } = column; return { width, minWidth: formatLength(minWidth) || width, maxWidth: formatLength(maxWidth) }; } function createRowClassName(row, index, rowClassName) { if (typeof rowClassName === "function") return rowClassName(row, index); return rowClassName || ""; } function shouldUseArrayInSingleMode(column) { return column.filterOptionValues !== void 0 || column.filterOptionValue === void 0 && column.defaultFilterOptionValues !== void 0; } function isColumnSortable(column) { if ("children" in column) return false; return !!column.sorter; } function isColumnResizable(column) { if ("children" in column && !!column.children.length) return false; return !!column.resizable; } function isColumnFilterable(column) { if ("children" in column) return false; return !!column.filter && (!!column.filterOptions || !!column.renderFilterMenu); } function getNextOrderOf(order) { if (!order) return "descend"; else if (order === "descend") return "ascend"; return false; } function createNextSorter(column, currentSortState) { if (column.sorter === void 0) return null; if (currentSortState === null || currentSortState.columnKey !== column.key) { return { columnKey: column.key, sorter: column.sorter, order: getNextOrderOf(false) }; } else { return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, currentSortState), { order: getNextOrderOf(currentSortState.order) }); } } function isColumnSorting(column, mergedSortState) { return mergedSortState.find((state) => state.columnKey === column.key && state.order) !== void 0; } function formatCsvCell(value) { if (typeof value === "string") { return value.replace(/,/g, "\\,"); } else if (value === null || value === void 0) { return ""; } else { return `${value}`.replace(/,/g, "\\,"); } } function generateCsv(columns, data) { const exportableColumns = columns.filter((column) => column.type !== "expand" && column.type !== "selection"); const header = exportableColumns.map((col) => col.title).join(","); const rows = data.map((row) => { return exportableColumns.map((col) => formatCsvCell(row[col.key])).join(","); }); return [header, ...rows].join("\n"); } const NDataTableFilterMenu = vue.defineComponent({ name: "DataTableFilterMenu", props: { column: { type: Object, required: true }, radioGroupName: { type: String, required: true }, multiple: { type: Boolean, required: true }, value: { type: [Array, String, Number], default: null }, options: { type: Array, required: true }, onConfirm: { type: Function, required: true }, onClear: { type: Function, required: true }, onChange: { type: Function, required: true } }, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef: mergedClsPrefixRefRtl, mergedRtlRef } = useConfig(props); const rtlEnabledRef = useRtl("DataTable", mergedRtlRef, mergedClsPrefixRefRtl); const { mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedThemeRef, localeRef // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion } = vue.inject(dataTableInjectionKey); const temporalValueRef = vue.ref(props.value); const checkboxGroupValueRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value: temporalValue } = temporalValueRef; if (!Array.isArray(temporalValue)) return null; return temporalValue; }); const radioGroupValueRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value: temporalValue } = temporalValueRef; if (shouldUseArrayInSingleMode(props.column)) { return Array.isArray(temporalValue) && temporalValue.length && temporalValue[0] || null; } if (!Array.isArray(temporalValue)) return temporalValue; return null; }); function doChange(value) { props.onChange(value); } function handleChange(value) { if (props.multiple && Array.isArray(value)) { temporalValueRef.value = value; } else if (shouldUseArrayInSingleMode(props.column) && !Array.isArray(value)) { temporalValueRef.value = [value]; } else { temporalValueRef.value = value; } } function handleConfirmClick() { doChange(temporalValueRef.value); props.onConfirm(); } function handleClearClick() { if (props.multiple || shouldUseArrayInSingleMode(props.column)) { doChange([]); } else { doChange(null); } props.onClear(); } return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, rtlEnabled: rtlEnabledRef, mergedTheme: mergedThemeRef, locale: localeRef, checkboxGroupValue: checkboxGroupValueRef, radioGroupValue: radioGroupValueRef, handleChange, handleConfirmClick, handleClearClick }; }, render() { const { mergedTheme, locale: locale2, mergedClsPrefix } = this; return vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-filter-menu`, this.rtlEnabled && `${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-filter-menu--rtl`] }, vue.h(Scrollbar$2, null, { default: () => { const { checkboxGroupValue, handleChange } = this; return this.multiple ? vue.h(NCheckboxGroup, { value: checkboxGroupValue, class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-filter-menu__group`, onUpdateValue: handleChange }, { default: () => this.options.map((option) => { return vue.h(NCheckbox, { key: option.value, theme: mergedTheme.peers.Checkbox, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Checkbox, value: option.value }, { default: () => option.label }); }) }) : vue.h(NRadioGroup, { name: this.radioGroupName, class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-filter-menu__group`, value: this.radioGroupValue, onUpdateValue: this.handleChange }, { default: () => this.options.map((option) => vue.h(NRadio, { key: option.value, value: option.value, theme: mergedTheme.peers.Radio, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Radio }, { default: () => option.label })) }); } }), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-filter-menu__action` }, vue.h(NButton, { size: "tiny", theme: mergedTheme.peers.Button, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Button, onClick: this.handleClearClick }, { default: () => locale2.clear }), vue.h(NButton, { theme: mergedTheme.peers.Button, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Button, type: "primary", size: "tiny", onClick: this.handleConfirmClick }, { default: () => locale2.confirm }))); } }); function createFilterState(currentFilterState, columnKey, mergedFilterValue) { const nextFilterState = Object.assign({}, currentFilterState); nextFilterState[columnKey] = mergedFilterValue; return nextFilterState; } const FilterButton = vue.defineComponent({ name: "DataTableFilterButton", props: { column: { type: Object, required: true }, options: { type: Array, default: () => [] } }, setup(props) { const { mergedComponentPropsRef } = useConfig(); const { mergedThemeRef, mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedFilterStateRef, filterMenuCssVarsRef, paginationBehaviorOnFilterRef, doUpdatePage, doUpdateFilters // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion } = vue.inject(dataTableInjectionKey); const showPopoverRef = vue.ref(false); const filterStateRef = mergedFilterStateRef; const filterMultipleRef = vue.computed(() => { return props.column.filterMultiple !== false; }); const mergedFilterValueRef = vue.computed(() => { const filterValue = filterStateRef.value[props.column.key]; if (filterValue === void 0) { const { value: multiple } = filterMultipleRef; if (multiple) return []; else return null; } return filterValue; }); const activeRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value: filterValue } = mergedFilterValueRef; if (Array.isArray(filterValue)) { return filterValue.length > 0; } return filterValue !== null; }); const mergedRenderFilterRef = vue.computed(() => { var _a, _b; return ((_b = (_a = mergedComponentPropsRef === null || mergedComponentPropsRef === void 0 ? void 0 : mergedComponentPropsRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.DataTable) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.renderFilter) || props.column.renderFilter; }); function handleFilterChange(mergedFilterValue) { const nextFilterState = createFilterState(filterStateRef.value, props.column.key, mergedFilterValue); doUpdateFilters(nextFilterState, props.column); if (paginationBehaviorOnFilterRef.value === "first") { doUpdatePage(1); } } function handleFilterMenuCancel() { showPopoverRef.value = false; } function handleFilterMenuConfirm() { showPopoverRef.value = false; } return { mergedTheme: mergedThemeRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, active: activeRef, showPopover: showPopoverRef, mergedRenderFilter: mergedRenderFilterRef, filterMultiple: filterMultipleRef, mergedFilterValue: mergedFilterValueRef, filterMenuCssVars: filterMenuCssVarsRef, handleFilterChange, handleFilterMenuConfirm, handleFilterMenuCancel }; }, render() { const { mergedTheme, mergedClsPrefix, handleFilterMenuCancel } = this; return vue.h(NPopover, { show: this.showPopover, onUpdateShow: (v) => this.showPopover = v, trigger: "click", theme: mergedTheme.peers.Popover, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Popover, placement: "bottom", style: { padding: 0 } }, { trigger: () => { const { mergedRenderFilter } = this; if (mergedRenderFilter) { return vue.h(RenderFilter, { "data-data-table-filter": true, render: mergedRenderFilter, active: this.active, show: this.showPopover }); } const { renderFilterIcon } = this.column; return vue.h("div", { "data-data-table-filter": true, class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-filter`, { [`${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-filter--active`]: this.active, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-filter--show`]: this.showPopover }] }, renderFilterIcon ? renderFilterIcon({ active: this.active, show: this.showPopover }) : vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix }, { default: () => vue.h(FilterIcon, null) })); }, default: () => { const { renderFilterMenu } = this.column; return renderFilterMenu ? renderFilterMenu({ hide: handleFilterMenuCancel }) : vue.h(NDataTableFilterMenu, { style: this.filterMenuCssVars, radioGroupName: String(this.column.key), multiple: this.filterMultiple, value: this.mergedFilterValue, options: this.options, column: this.column, onChange: this.handleFilterChange, onClear: this.handleFilterMenuCancel, onConfirm: this.handleFilterMenuConfirm }); } }); } }); const ResizeButton = vue.defineComponent({ name: "ColumnResizeButton", props: { onResizeStart: Function, onResize: Function, onResizeEnd: Function }, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef } = vue.inject(dataTableInjectionKey); const activeRef = vue.ref(false); let startX = 0; function getMouseX(e) { return e.clientX; } function handleMousedown(e) { var _a; e.preventDefault(); const alreadyStarted = activeRef.value; startX = getMouseX(e); activeRef.value = true; if (!alreadyStarted) { on("mousemove", window, handleMousemove); on("mouseup", window, handleMouseup); (_a = props.onResizeStart) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props); } } function handleMousemove(e) { var _a; (_a = props.onResize) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, getMouseX(e) - startX); } function handleMouseup() { var _a; activeRef.value = false; (_a = props.onResizeEnd) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props); off("mousemove", window, handleMousemove); off("mouseup", window, handleMouseup); } vue.onBeforeUnmount(() => { off("mousemove", window, handleMousemove); off("mouseup", window, handleMouseup); }); return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, active: activeRef, handleMousedown }; }, render() { const { mergedClsPrefix } = this; return vue.h("span", { "data-data-table-resizable": true, class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-resize-button`, this.active && `${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-resize-button--active`], onMousedown: this.handleMousedown }); } }); const NDropdownDivider = vue.defineComponent({ name: "DropdownDivider", props: { clsPrefix: { type: String, required: true } }, render() { return vue.h("div", { class: `${this.clsPrefix}-dropdown-divider` }); } }); const self$N = (vars) => { const { textColorBase, opacity1, opacity2, opacity3, opacity4, opacity5 } = vars; return { color: textColorBase, opacity1Depth: opacity1, opacity2Depth: opacity2, opacity3Depth: opacity3, opacity4Depth: opacity4, opacity5Depth: opacity5 }; }; const iconLight = { name: "Icon", common: derived, self: self$N }; const style$Z = cB("icon", ` height: 1em; width: 1em; line-height: 1em; text-align: center; display: inline-block; position: relative; fill: currentColor; transform: translateZ(0); `, [cM("color-transition", { transition: "color .3s var(--n-bezier)" }), cM("depth", { color: "var(--n-color)" }, [c$1("svg", { opacity: "var(--n-opacity)", transition: "opacity .3s var(--n-bezier)" })]), c$1("svg", { height: "1em", width: "1em" })]); const iconProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { depth: [String, Number], size: [Number, String], color: String, component: Object }); const NIcon = vue.defineComponent({ _n_icon__: true, name: "Icon", inheritAttrs: false, props: iconProps, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Icon", "-icon", style$Z, iconLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { depth } = props; const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: self2 } = themeRef.value; if (depth !== void 0) { const { color, [`opacity${depth}Depth`]: opacity } = self2; return { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-color": color, "--n-opacity": opacity }; } return { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-color": "", "--n-opacity": "" }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("icon", vue.computed(() => `${props.depth || "d"}`), cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedStyle: vue.computed(() => { const { size: size2, color } = props; return { fontSize: formatLength(size2), color }; }), cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }; }, render() { var _a; const { $parent, depth, mergedClsPrefix, component, onRender, themeClass } = this; if ((_a = $parent === null || $parent === void 0 ? void 0 : $parent.$options) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a._n_icon__) { warn$2("icon", "don't wrap `n-icon` inside `n-icon`"); } onRender === null || onRender === void 0 ? void 0 : onRender(); return vue.h("i", vue.mergeProps(this.$attrs, { role: "img", class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-icon`, themeClass, { [`${mergedClsPrefix}-icon--depth`]: depth, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-icon--color-transition`]: depth !== void 0 }], style: [this.cssVars, this.mergedStyle] }), component ? vue.h(component) : this.$slots); } }); const dropdownMenuInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-dropdown-menu"); const dropdownInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-dropdown"); const dropdownOptionInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-dropdown-option"); function isSubmenuNode(rawNode, childrenField) { return rawNode.type === "submenu" || rawNode.type === void 0 && rawNode[childrenField] !== void 0; } function isGroupNode(rawNode) { return rawNode.type === "group"; } function isDividerNode$1(rawNode) { return rawNode.type === "divider"; } function isRenderNode(rawNode) { return rawNode.type === "render"; } const NDropdownOption = vue.defineComponent({ name: "DropdownOption", props: { clsPrefix: { type: String, required: true }, tmNode: { type: Object, required: true }, parentKey: { type: [String, Number], default: null }, placement: { type: String, default: "right-start" }, props: Object, scrollable: Boolean }, setup(props) { const NDropdown2 = vue.inject(dropdownInjectionKey); const { hoverKeyRef, keyboardKeyRef, lastToggledSubmenuKeyRef, pendingKeyPathRef, activeKeyPathRef, animatedRef, mergedShowRef, renderLabelRef, renderIconRef, labelFieldRef, childrenFieldRef, renderOptionRef, nodePropsRef, menuPropsRef } = NDropdown2; const NDropdownOption2 = vue.inject(dropdownOptionInjectionKey, null); const NDropdownMenu2 = vue.inject(dropdownMenuInjectionKey); const NPopoverBody2 = vue.inject(popoverBodyInjectionKey); const rawNodeRef = vue.computed(() => props.tmNode.rawNode); const hasSubmenuRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value: childrenField } = childrenFieldRef; return isSubmenuNode(props.tmNode.rawNode, childrenField); }); const mergedDisabledRef = vue.computed(() => { const { disabled } = props.tmNode; return disabled; }); const showSubmenuRef = vue.computed(() => { if (!hasSubmenuRef.value) return false; const { key, disabled } = props.tmNode; if (disabled) return false; const { value: hoverKey } = hoverKeyRef; const { value: keyboardKey } = keyboardKeyRef; const { value: lastToggledSubmenuKey } = lastToggledSubmenuKeyRef; const { value: pendingKeyPath } = pendingKeyPathRef; if (hoverKey !== null) return pendingKeyPath.includes(key); if (keyboardKey !== null) { return pendingKeyPath.includes(key) && pendingKeyPath[pendingKeyPath.length - 1] !== key; } if (lastToggledSubmenuKey !== null) return pendingKeyPath.includes(key); return false; }); const shouldDelayRef = vue.computed(() => { return keyboardKeyRef.value === null && !animatedRef.value; }); const deferredShowSubmenuRef = useDeferredTrue(showSubmenuRef, 300, shouldDelayRef); const parentEnteringSubmenuRef = vue.computed(() => { return !!(NDropdownOption2 === null || NDropdownOption2 === void 0 ? void 0 : NDropdownOption2.enteringSubmenuRef.value); }); const enteringSubmenuRef = vue.ref(false); vue.provide(dropdownOptionInjectionKey, { enteringSubmenuRef }); function handleSubmenuBeforeEnter() { enteringSubmenuRef.value = true; } function handleSubmenuAfterEnter() { enteringSubmenuRef.value = false; } function handleMouseEnter() { const { parentKey, tmNode } = props; if (tmNode.disabled) return; if (!mergedShowRef.value) return; lastToggledSubmenuKeyRef.value = parentKey; keyboardKeyRef.value = null; hoverKeyRef.value = tmNode.key; } function handleMouseMove() { const { tmNode } = props; if (tmNode.disabled) return; if (!mergedShowRef.value) return; if (hoverKeyRef.value === tmNode.key) return; handleMouseEnter(); } function handleMouseLeave(e) { if (props.tmNode.disabled) return; if (!mergedShowRef.value) return; const { relatedTarget } = e; if (relatedTarget && !happensIn({ target: relatedTarget }, "dropdownOption") && !happensIn({ target: relatedTarget }, "scrollbarRail")) { hoverKeyRef.value = null; } } function handleClick2() { const { value: hasSubmenu } = hasSubmenuRef; const { tmNode } = props; if (!mergedShowRef.value) return; if (!hasSubmenu && !tmNode.disabled) { NDropdown2.doSelect(tmNode.key, tmNode.rawNode); NDropdown2.doUpdateShow(false); } } return { labelField: labelFieldRef, renderLabel: renderLabelRef, renderIcon: renderIconRef, siblingHasIcon: NDropdownMenu2.showIconRef, siblingHasSubmenu: NDropdownMenu2.hasSubmenuRef, menuProps: menuPropsRef, popoverBody: NPopoverBody2, animated: animatedRef, mergedShowSubmenu: vue.computed(() => { return deferredShowSubmenuRef.value && !parentEnteringSubmenuRef.value; }), rawNode: rawNodeRef, hasSubmenu: hasSubmenuRef, pending: useMemo(() => { const { value: pendingKeyPath } = pendingKeyPathRef; const { key } = props.tmNode; return pendingKeyPath.includes(key); }), childActive: useMemo(() => { const { value: activeKeyPath } = activeKeyPathRef; const { key } = props.tmNode; const index = activeKeyPath.findIndex((k) => key === k); if (index === -1) return false; return index < activeKeyPath.length - 1; }), active: useMemo(() => { const { value: activeKeyPath } = activeKeyPathRef; const { key } = props.tmNode; const index = activeKeyPath.findIndex((k) => key === k); if (index === -1) return false; return index === activeKeyPath.length - 1; }), mergedDisabled: mergedDisabledRef, renderOption: renderOptionRef, nodeProps: nodePropsRef, handleClick: handleClick2, handleMouseMove, handleMouseEnter, handleMouseLeave, handleSubmenuBeforeEnter, handleSubmenuAfterEnter }; }, render() { var _a, _b; const { animated, rawNode, mergedShowSubmenu, clsPrefix, siblingHasIcon, siblingHasSubmenu, renderLabel, renderIcon, renderOption, nodeProps, props, scrollable } = this; let submenuVNode = null; if (mergedShowSubmenu) { const submenuNodeProps = (_a = this.menuProps) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(this, rawNode, rawNode.children); submenuVNode = vue.h(NDropdownMenu, Object.assign({}, submenuNodeProps, { clsPrefix, scrollable: this.scrollable, tmNodes: this.tmNode.children, parentKey: this.tmNode.key })); } const builtinProps = { class: [`${clsPrefix}-dropdown-option-body`, this.pending && `${clsPrefix}-dropdown-option-body--pending`, this.active && `${clsPrefix}-dropdown-option-body--active`, this.childActive && `${clsPrefix}-dropdown-option-body--child-active`, this.mergedDisabled && `${clsPrefix}-dropdown-option-body--disabled`], onMousemove: this.handleMouseMove, onMouseenter: this.handleMouseEnter, onMouseleave: this.handleMouseLeave, onClick: this.handleClick }; const optionNodeProps = nodeProps === null || nodeProps === void 0 ? void 0 : nodeProps(rawNode); const node = vue.h("div", Object.assign({ class: [`${clsPrefix}-dropdown-option`, optionNodeProps === null || optionNodeProps === void 0 ? void 0 : optionNodeProps.class], "data-dropdown-option": true }, optionNodeProps), vue.h("div", vue.mergeProps(builtinProps, props), [vue.h("div", { class: [`${clsPrefix}-dropdown-option-body__prefix`, siblingHasIcon && `${clsPrefix}-dropdown-option-body__prefix--show-icon`] }, [renderIcon ? renderIcon(rawNode) : render$1(rawNode.icon)]), vue.h("div", { "data-dropdown-option": true, class: `${clsPrefix}-dropdown-option-body__label` }, renderLabel ? renderLabel(rawNode) : render$1((_b = rawNode[this.labelField]) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : rawNode.title)), vue.h("div", { "data-dropdown-option": true, class: [`${clsPrefix}-dropdown-option-body__suffix`, siblingHasSubmenu && `${clsPrefix}-dropdown-option-body__suffix--has-submenu`] }, this.hasSubmenu ? vue.h(NIcon, null, { default: () => vue.h(ChevronRightIcon, null) }) : null)]), this.hasSubmenu ? vue.h(Binder, null, { default: () => [vue.h(VTarget, null, { default: () => vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-dropdown-offset-container` }, vue.h(VFollower, { show: this.mergedShowSubmenu, placement: this.placement, to: scrollable ? this.popoverBody || void 0 : void 0, teleportDisabled: !scrollable }, { default: () => { return vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-dropdown-menu-wrapper` }, animated ? vue.h(vue.Transition, { onBeforeEnter: this.handleSubmenuBeforeEnter, onAfterEnter: this.handleSubmenuAfterEnter, name: "fade-in-scale-up-transition", appear: true }, { default: () => submenuVNode }) : submenuVNode); } })) })] }) : null); if (renderOption) { return renderOption({ node, option: rawNode }); } return node; } }); const NDropdownGroupHeader = vue.defineComponent({ name: "DropdownGroupHeader", props: { clsPrefix: { type: String, required: true }, tmNode: { type: Object, required: true } }, setup() { const { showIconRef, hasSubmenuRef // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion } = vue.inject(dropdownMenuInjectionKey); const { renderLabelRef, labelFieldRef, nodePropsRef, renderOptionRef } = ( // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion vue.inject(dropdownInjectionKey) ); return { labelField: labelFieldRef, showIcon: showIconRef, hasSubmenu: hasSubmenuRef, renderLabel: renderLabelRef, nodeProps: nodePropsRef, renderOption: renderOptionRef }; }, render() { var _a; const { clsPrefix, hasSubmenu, showIcon, nodeProps, renderLabel, renderOption } = this; const { rawNode } = this.tmNode; const node = vue.h("div", Object.assign({ class: `${clsPrefix}-dropdown-option` }, nodeProps === null || nodeProps === void 0 ? void 0 : nodeProps(rawNode)), vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-dropdown-option-body ${clsPrefix}-dropdown-option-body--group` }, vue.h("div", { "data-dropdown-option": true, class: [`${clsPrefix}-dropdown-option-body__prefix`, showIcon && `${clsPrefix}-dropdown-option-body__prefix--show-icon`] }, render$1(rawNode.icon)), vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-dropdown-option-body__label`, "data-dropdown-option": true }, renderLabel ? renderLabel(rawNode) : render$1((_a = rawNode.title) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : rawNode[this.labelField])), vue.h("div", { class: [`${clsPrefix}-dropdown-option-body__suffix`, hasSubmenu && `${clsPrefix}-dropdown-option-body__suffix--has-submenu`], "data-dropdown-option": true }))); if (renderOption) { return renderOption({ node, option: rawNode }); } return node; } }); const NDropdownGroup = vue.defineComponent({ name: "NDropdownGroup", props: { clsPrefix: { type: String, required: true }, tmNode: { type: Object, required: true }, parentKey: { type: [String, Number], default: null } }, render() { const { tmNode, parentKey, clsPrefix } = this; const { children } = tmNode; return vue.h(vue.Fragment, null, vue.h(NDropdownGroupHeader, { clsPrefix, tmNode, key: tmNode.key }), children === null || children === void 0 ? void 0 : children.map((child) => { const { rawNode } = child; if (rawNode.show === false) return null; if (isDividerNode$1(rawNode)) { return vue.h(NDropdownDivider, { clsPrefix, key: child.key }); } if (child.isGroup) { warn$2("dropdown", "`group` node is not allowed to be put in `group` node."); return null; } return vue.h(NDropdownOption, { clsPrefix, tmNode: child, parentKey, key: child.key }); })); } }); const NDropdownRenderOption = vue.defineComponent({ name: "DropdownRenderOption", props: { tmNode: { type: Object, required: true } }, render() { const { rawNode: { render: render2, props } } = this.tmNode; return vue.h("div", props, [render2 === null || render2 === void 0 ? void 0 : render2()]); } }); const NDropdownMenu = vue.defineComponent({ name: "DropdownMenu", props: { scrollable: Boolean, showArrow: Boolean, arrowStyle: [String, Object], clsPrefix: { type: String, required: true }, tmNodes: { type: Array, default: () => [] }, parentKey: { type: [String, Number], default: null } }, setup(props) { const { renderIconRef, childrenFieldRef } = vue.inject(dropdownInjectionKey); vue.provide(dropdownMenuInjectionKey, { showIconRef: vue.computed(() => { const renderIcon = renderIconRef.value; return props.tmNodes.some((tmNode) => { var _a; if (tmNode.isGroup) { return (_a = tmNode.children) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.some(({ rawNode: rawChild }) => renderIcon ? renderIcon(rawChild) : rawChild.icon); } const { rawNode } = tmNode; return renderIcon ? renderIcon(rawNode) : rawNode.icon; }); }), hasSubmenuRef: vue.computed(() => { const { value: childrenField } = childrenFieldRef; return props.tmNodes.some((tmNode) => { var _a; if (tmNode.isGroup) { return (_a = tmNode.children) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.some(({ rawNode: rawChild }) => isSubmenuNode(rawChild, childrenField)); } const { rawNode } = tmNode; return isSubmenuNode(rawNode, childrenField); }); }) }); const bodyRef = vue.ref(null); vue.provide(modalBodyInjectionKey, null); vue.provide(drawerBodyInjectionKey, null); vue.provide(popoverBodyInjectionKey, bodyRef); return { bodyRef }; }, render() { const { parentKey, clsPrefix, scrollable } = this; const menuOptionsNode = this.tmNodes.map((tmNode) => { const { rawNode } = tmNode; if (rawNode.show === false) return null; if (isRenderNode(rawNode)) { return vue.h(NDropdownRenderOption, { tmNode, key: tmNode.key }); } if (isDividerNode$1(rawNode)) { return vue.h(NDropdownDivider, { clsPrefix, key: tmNode.key }); } if (isGroupNode(rawNode)) { return vue.h(NDropdownGroup, { clsPrefix, tmNode, parentKey, key: tmNode.key }); } return vue.h(NDropdownOption, { clsPrefix, tmNode, parentKey, key: tmNode.key, props: rawNode.props, scrollable }); }); return vue.h("div", { class: [`${clsPrefix}-dropdown-menu`, scrollable && `${clsPrefix}-dropdown-menu--scrollable`], ref: "bodyRef" }, scrollable ? vue.h(XScrollbar, { contentClass: `${clsPrefix}-dropdown-menu__content` }, { default: () => menuOptionsNode }) : menuOptionsNode, this.showArrow ? renderArrow({ clsPrefix, arrowStyle: this.arrowStyle, arrowClass: void 0, arrowWrapperClass: void 0, arrowWrapperStyle: void 0 }) : null); } }); const style$Y = cB("dropdown-menu", ` transform-origin: var(--v-transform-origin); background-color: var(--n-color); border-radius: var(--n-border-radius); box-shadow: var(--n-box-shadow); position: relative; transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), box-shadow .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [fadeInScaleUpTransition(), cB("dropdown-option", ` position: relative; `, [c$1("a", ` text-decoration: none; color: inherit; outline: none; `, [c$1("&::before", ` content: ""; position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; `)]), cB("dropdown-option-body", ` display: flex; cursor: pointer; position: relative; height: var(--n-option-height); line-height: var(--n-option-height); font-size: var(--n-font-size); color: var(--n-option-text-color); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [c$1("&::before", ` content: ""; position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 4px; right: 4px; transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); border-radius: var(--n-border-radius); `), cNotM("disabled", [cM("pending", ` color: var(--n-option-text-color-hover); `, [cE("prefix, suffix", ` color: var(--n-option-text-color-hover); `), c$1("&::before", "background-color: var(--n-option-color-hover);")]), cM("active", ` color: var(--n-option-text-color-active); `, [cE("prefix, suffix", ` color: var(--n-option-text-color-active); `), c$1("&::before", "background-color: var(--n-option-color-active);")]), cM("child-active", ` color: var(--n-option-text-color-child-active); `, [cE("prefix, suffix", ` color: var(--n-option-text-color-child-active); `)])]), cM("disabled", ` cursor: not-allowed; opacity: var(--n-option-opacity-disabled); `), cM("group", ` font-size: calc(var(--n-font-size) - 1px); color: var(--n-group-header-text-color); `, [cE("prefix", ` width: calc(var(--n-option-prefix-width) / 2); `, [cM("show-icon", ` width: calc(var(--n-option-icon-prefix-width) / 2); `)])]), cE("prefix", ` width: var(--n-option-prefix-width); display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; color: var(--n-prefix-color); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); z-index: 1; `, [cM("show-icon", ` width: var(--n-option-icon-prefix-width); `), cB("icon", ` font-size: var(--n-option-icon-size); `)]), cE("label", ` white-space: nowrap; flex: 1; z-index: 1; `), cE("suffix", ` box-sizing: border-box; flex-grow: 0; flex-shrink: 0; display: flex; justify-content: flex-end; align-items: center; min-width: var(--n-option-suffix-width); padding: 0 8px; transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); color: var(--n-suffix-color); z-index: 1; `, [cM("has-submenu", ` width: var(--n-option-icon-suffix-width); `), cB("icon", ` font-size: var(--n-option-icon-size); `)]), cB("dropdown-menu", "pointer-events: all;")]), cB("dropdown-offset-container", ` pointer-events: none; position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: -4px; bottom: -4px; `)]), cB("dropdown-divider", ` transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); background-color: var(--n-divider-color); height: 1px; margin: 4px 0; `), cB("dropdown-menu-wrapper", ` transform-origin: var(--v-transform-origin); width: fit-content; `), c$1(">", [cB("scrollbar", ` height: inherit; max-height: inherit; `)]), cNotM("scrollable", ` padding: var(--n-padding); `), cM("scrollable", [cE("content", ` padding: var(--n-padding); `)])]); const dropdownBaseProps = { animated: { type: Boolean, default: true }, keyboard: { type: Boolean, default: true }, size: { type: String, default: "medium" }, inverted: Boolean, placement: { type: String, default: "bottom" }, onSelect: [Function, Array], options: { type: Array, default: () => [] }, menuProps: Function, showArrow: Boolean, renderLabel: Function, renderIcon: Function, renderOption: Function, nodeProps: Function, labelField: { type: String, default: "label" }, keyField: { type: String, default: "key" }, childrenField: { type: String, default: "children" }, // for menu, not documented value: [String, Number] }; const popoverPropKeys = Object.keys(popoverBaseProps); const dropdownProps = Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, popoverBaseProps), dropdownBaseProps), useTheme.props); const NDropdown = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Dropdown", inheritAttrs: false, props: dropdownProps, setup(props) { const uncontrolledShowRef = vue.ref(false); const mergedShowRef = useMergedState(vue.toRef(props, "show"), uncontrolledShowRef); const treemateRef = vue.computed(() => { const { keyField, childrenField } = props; return createTreeMate(props.options, { getKey(node) { return node[keyField]; }, getDisabled(node) { return node.disabled === true; }, getIgnored(node) { return node.type === "divider" || node.type === "render"; }, getChildren(node) { return node[childrenField]; } }); }); const tmNodesRef = vue.computed(() => { return treemateRef.value.treeNodes; }); const hoverKeyRef = vue.ref(null); const keyboardKeyRef = vue.ref(null); const lastToggledSubmenuKeyRef = vue.ref(null); const pendingKeyRef = vue.computed(() => { var _a, _b, _c; return (_c = (_b = (_a = hoverKeyRef.value) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : keyboardKeyRef.value) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : lastToggledSubmenuKeyRef.value) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : null; }); const pendingKeyPathRef = vue.computed(() => treemateRef.value.getPath(pendingKeyRef.value).keyPath); const activeKeyPathRef = vue.computed(() => treemateRef.value.getPath(props.value).keyPath); const keyboardEnabledRef = useMemo(() => { return props.keyboard && mergedShowRef.value; }); useKeyboard$1({ keydown: { ArrowUp: { prevent: true, handler: handleKeydownUp }, ArrowRight: { prevent: true, handler: handleKeydownRight }, ArrowDown: { prevent: true, handler: handleKeydownDown }, ArrowLeft: { prevent: true, handler: handleKeydownLeft }, Enter: { prevent: true, handler: handleKeydownEnter }, Escape: handleKeydownEsc } }, keyboardEnabledRef); const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Dropdown", "-dropdown", style$Y, dropdownLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); vue.provide(dropdownInjectionKey, { labelFieldRef: vue.toRef(props, "labelField"), childrenFieldRef: vue.toRef(props, "childrenField"), renderLabelRef: vue.toRef(props, "renderLabel"), renderIconRef: vue.toRef(props, "renderIcon"), hoverKeyRef, keyboardKeyRef, lastToggledSubmenuKeyRef, pendingKeyPathRef, activeKeyPathRef, animatedRef: vue.toRef(props, "animated"), mergedShowRef, nodePropsRef: vue.toRef(props, "nodeProps"), renderOptionRef: vue.toRef(props, "renderOption"), menuPropsRef: vue.toRef(props, "menuProps"), doSelect, doUpdateShow }); vue.watch(mergedShowRef, (value) => { if (!props.animated && !value) { clearPendingState(); } }); function doSelect(key, node) { const { onSelect } = props; if (onSelect) call(onSelect, key, node); } function doUpdateShow(value) { const { "onUpdate:show": _onUpdateShow, onUpdateShow } = props; if (_onUpdateShow) call(_onUpdateShow, value); if (onUpdateShow) call(onUpdateShow, value); uncontrolledShowRef.value = value; } function clearPendingState() { hoverKeyRef.value = null; keyboardKeyRef.value = null; lastToggledSubmenuKeyRef.value = null; } function handleKeydownEsc() { doUpdateShow(false); } function handleKeydownLeft() { handleKeydown("left"); } function handleKeydownRight() { handleKeydown("right"); } function handleKeydownUp() { handleKeydown("up"); } function handleKeydownDown() { handleKeydown("down"); } function handleKeydownEnter() { const pendingNode = getPendingNode(); if ((pendingNode === null || pendingNode === void 0 ? void 0 : pendingNode.isLeaf) && mergedShowRef.value) { doSelect(pendingNode.key, pendingNode.rawNode); doUpdateShow(false); } } function getPendingNode() { var _a; const { value: treeMate } = treemateRef; const { value: pendingKey } = pendingKeyRef; if (!treeMate || pendingKey === null) return null; return (_a = treeMate.getNode(pendingKey)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : null; } function handleKeydown(direction) { const { value: pendingKey } = pendingKeyRef; const { value: { getFirstAvailableNode: getFirstAvailableNode2 } } = treemateRef; let nextKeyboardKey = null; if (pendingKey === null) { const firstNode = getFirstAvailableNode2(); if (firstNode !== null) { nextKeyboardKey = firstNode.key; } } else { const currentNode = getPendingNode(); if (currentNode) { let nextNode; switch (direction) { case "down": nextNode = currentNode.getNext(); break; case "up": nextNode = currentNode.getPrev(); break; case "right": nextNode = currentNode.getChild(); break; case "left": nextNode = currentNode.getParent(); break; } if (nextNode) nextKeyboardKey = nextNode.key; } } if (nextKeyboardKey !== null) { hoverKeyRef.value = null; keyboardKeyRef.value = nextKeyboardKey; } } const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { size: size2, inverted } = props; const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: self2 } = themeRef.value; const { padding, dividerColor, borderRadius, optionOpacityDisabled, [createKey("optionIconSuffixWidth", size2)]: optionIconSuffixWidth, [createKey("optionSuffixWidth", size2)]: optionSuffixWidth, [createKey("optionIconPrefixWidth", size2)]: optionIconPrefixWidth, [createKey("optionPrefixWidth", size2)]: optionPrefixWidth, [createKey("fontSize", size2)]: fontSize2, [createKey("optionHeight", size2)]: optionHeight, [createKey("optionIconSize", size2)]: optionIconSize } = self2; const vars = { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-font-size": fontSize2, "--n-padding": padding, "--n-border-radius": borderRadius, "--n-option-height": optionHeight, "--n-option-prefix-width": optionPrefixWidth, "--n-option-icon-prefix-width": optionIconPrefixWidth, "--n-option-suffix-width": optionSuffixWidth, "--n-option-icon-suffix-width": optionIconSuffixWidth, "--n-option-icon-size": optionIconSize, "--n-divider-color": dividerColor, "--n-option-opacity-disabled": optionOpacityDisabled }; if (inverted) { vars["--n-color"] = self2.colorInverted; vars["--n-option-color-hover"] = self2.optionColorHoverInverted; vars["--n-option-color-active"] = self2.optionColorActiveInverted; vars["--n-option-text-color"] = self2.optionTextColorInverted; vars["--n-option-text-color-hover"] = self2.optionTextColorHoverInverted; vars["--n-option-text-color-active"] = self2.optionTextColorActiveInverted; vars["--n-option-text-color-child-active"] = self2.optionTextColorChildActiveInverted; vars["--n-prefix-color"] = self2.prefixColorInverted; vars["--n-suffix-color"] = self2.suffixColorInverted; vars["--n-group-header-text-color"] = self2.groupHeaderTextColorInverted; } else { vars["--n-color"] = self2.color; vars["--n-option-color-hover"] = self2.optionColorHover; vars["--n-option-color-active"] = self2.optionColorActive; vars["--n-option-text-color"] = self2.optionTextColor; vars["--n-option-text-color-hover"] = self2.optionTextColorHover; vars["--n-option-text-color-active"] = self2.optionTextColorActive; vars["--n-option-text-color-child-active"] = self2.optionTextColorChildActive; vars["--n-prefix-color"] = self2.prefixColor; vars["--n-suffix-color"] = self2.suffixColor; vars["--n-group-header-text-color"] = self2.groupHeaderTextColor; } return vars; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("dropdown", vue.computed(() => `${props.size[0]}${props.inverted ? "i" : ""}`), cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedTheme: themeRef, // data tmNodes: tmNodesRef, // show mergedShow: mergedShowRef, // methods handleAfterLeave: () => { if (!props.animated) return; clearPendingState(); }, doUpdateShow, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }; }, render() { const renderPopoverBody = (className, ref2, style2, onMouseenter, onMouseleave) => { var _a; const { mergedClsPrefix, menuProps: menuProps2 } = this; (_a = this.onRender) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(this); const menuNodeProps = (menuProps2 === null || menuProps2 === void 0 ? void 0 : menuProps2(void 0, this.tmNodes.map((v) => v.rawNode))) || {}; const dropdownProps2 = { ref: createRefSetter(ref2), class: [className, `${mergedClsPrefix}-dropdown`, this.themeClass], clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, tmNodes: this.tmNodes, style: [...style2, this.cssVars], showArrow: this.showArrow, arrowStyle: this.arrowStyle, scrollable: this.scrollable, onMouseenter, onMouseleave }; return vue.h(NDropdownMenu, vue.mergeProps(this.$attrs, dropdownProps2, menuNodeProps)); }; const { mergedTheme } = this; const popoverProps2 = { show: this.mergedShow, theme: mergedTheme.peers.Popover, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Popover, internalOnAfterLeave: this.handleAfterLeave, internalRenderBody: renderPopoverBody, onUpdateShow: this.doUpdateShow, "onUpdate:show": void 0 }; return vue.h(NPopover, Object.assign({}, keep(this.$props, popoverPropKeys), popoverProps2), { trigger: () => { var _a, _b; return (_b = (_a = this.$slots).default) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a); } }); } }); const allKey = "_n_all__"; const noneKey = "_n_none__"; function createSelectHandler(options, rawPaginatedDataRef, doCheckAll, doUncheckAll) { if (!options) return () => { }; return (key) => { for (const option of options) { switch (key) { case allKey: doCheckAll(true); return; case noneKey: doUncheckAll(true); return; default: if (typeof option === "object" && option.key === key) { option.onSelect(rawPaginatedDataRef.value); return; } } } }; } function createDropdownOptions(options, localeRef) { if (!options) return []; return options.map((option) => { switch (option) { case "all": return { label: localeRef.checkTableAll, key: allKey }; case "none": return { label: localeRef.uncheckTableAll, key: noneKey }; default: return option; } }); } const SelectionMenu = vue.defineComponent({ name: "DataTableSelectionMenu", props: { clsPrefix: { type: String, required: true } }, setup(props) { const { props: dataTableProps2, localeRef, checkOptionsRef, rawPaginatedDataRef, doCheckAll, doUncheckAll // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion } = vue.inject(dataTableInjectionKey); const handleSelectRef = vue.computed(() => createSelectHandler(checkOptionsRef.value, rawPaginatedDataRef, doCheckAll, doUncheckAll)); const optionsRef = vue.computed(() => createDropdownOptions(checkOptionsRef.value, localeRef.value)); return () => { var _a, _b, _c, _d; const { clsPrefix } = props; return vue.h(NDropdown, { theme: (_b = (_a = dataTableProps2.theme) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.peers) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.Dropdown, themeOverrides: (_d = (_c = dataTableProps2.themeOverrides) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.peers) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.Dropdown, options: optionsRef.value, onSelect: handleSelectRef.value }, { default: () => vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix, class: `${clsPrefix}-data-table-check-extra` }, { default: () => vue.h(ChevronDownIcon, null) }) }); }; } }); function renderTitle(column) { return typeof column.title === "function" ? column.title(column) : column.title; } const TableHeader = vue.defineComponent({ name: "DataTableHeader", props: { discrete: { type: Boolean, default: true } }, setup() { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, scrollXRef, fixedColumnLeftMapRef, fixedColumnRightMapRef, mergedCurrentPageRef, allRowsCheckedRef, someRowsCheckedRef, rowsRef, colsRef, mergedThemeRef, checkOptionsRef, mergedSortStateRef, componentId, mergedTableLayoutRef, headerCheckboxDisabledRef, onUnstableColumnResize, doUpdateResizableWidth, handleTableHeaderScroll, deriveNextSorter, doUncheckAll, doCheckAll // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion } = vue.inject(dataTableInjectionKey); const cellElsRef = vue.ref({}); function getCellActualWidth(key) { const element = cellElsRef.value[key]; return element === null || element === void 0 ? void 0 : element.getBoundingClientRect().width; } function handleCheckboxUpdateChecked() { if (allRowsCheckedRef.value) { doUncheckAll(); } else { doCheckAll(); } } function handleColHeaderClick(e, column) { if (happensIn(e, "dataTableFilter") || happensIn(e, "dataTableResizable")) { return; } if (!isColumnSortable(column)) return; const activeSorter = mergedSortStateRef.value.find((state) => state.columnKey === column.key) || null; const nextSorter = createNextSorter(column, activeSorter); deriveNextSorter(nextSorter); } const resizeStartWidthMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); function handleColumnResizeStart(column) { resizeStartWidthMap.set(column.key, getCellActualWidth(column.key)); } function handleColumnResize(column, displacementX) { const startWidth = resizeStartWidthMap.get(column.key); if (startWidth === void 0) { return; } const widthAfterResize = startWidth + displacementX; const limitWidth = clampValueFollowCSSRules(widthAfterResize, column.minWidth, column.maxWidth); onUnstableColumnResize(widthAfterResize, limitWidth, column, getCellActualWidth); doUpdateResizableWidth(column, limitWidth); } return { cellElsRef, componentId, mergedSortState: mergedSortStateRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, scrollX: scrollXRef, fixedColumnLeftMap: fixedColumnLeftMapRef, fixedColumnRightMap: fixedColumnRightMapRef, currentPage: mergedCurrentPageRef, allRowsChecked: allRowsCheckedRef, someRowsChecked: someRowsCheckedRef, rows: rowsRef, cols: colsRef, mergedTheme: mergedThemeRef, checkOptions: checkOptionsRef, mergedTableLayout: mergedTableLayoutRef, headerCheckboxDisabled: headerCheckboxDisabledRef, handleCheckboxUpdateChecked, handleColHeaderClick, handleTableHeaderScroll, handleColumnResizeStart, handleColumnResize }; }, render() { const { cellElsRef, mergedClsPrefix, fixedColumnLeftMap, fixedColumnRightMap, currentPage, allRowsChecked, someRowsChecked, rows, cols, mergedTheme, checkOptions, componentId, discrete, mergedTableLayout, headerCheckboxDisabled, mergedSortState, handleColHeaderClick, handleCheckboxUpdateChecked, handleColumnResizeStart, handleColumnResize } = this; const theadVNode = vue.h("thead", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-thead`, "data-n-id": componentId }, rows.map((row) => { return vue.h("tr", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-tr` }, row.map(({ column, colSpan, rowSpan, isLast }) => { var _a, _b; const key = getColKey(column); const { ellipsis } = column; const createColumnVNode = () => { if (column.type === "selection") { return column.multiple !== false ? vue.h(vue.Fragment, null, vue.h(NCheckbox, { key: currentPage, privateInsideTable: true, checked: allRowsChecked, indeterminate: someRowsChecked, disabled: headerCheckboxDisabled, onUpdateChecked: handleCheckboxUpdateChecked }), checkOptions ? vue.h(SelectionMenu, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix }) : null) : null; } return vue.h(vue.Fragment, null, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-th__title-wrapper` }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-th__title` }, ellipsis === true || ellipsis && !ellipsis.tooltip ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-th__ellipsis` }, renderTitle(column)) : ellipsis && typeof ellipsis === "object" ? vue.h(NEllipsis, Object.assign({}, ellipsis, { theme: mergedTheme.peers.Ellipsis, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Ellipsis }), { default: () => renderTitle(column) }) : renderTitle(column)), isColumnSortable(column) ? vue.h(SortButton, { column }) : null), isColumnFilterable(column) ? vue.h(FilterButton, { column, options: column.filterOptions }) : null, isColumnResizable(column) ? vue.h(ResizeButton, { onResizeStart: () => { handleColumnResizeStart(column); }, onResize: (displacementX) => { handleColumnResize(column, displacementX); } }) : null); }; const leftFixed = key in fixedColumnLeftMap; const rightFixed = key in fixedColumnRightMap; return vue.h("th", { ref: (el) => cellElsRef[key] = el, key, style: { textAlign: column.titleAlign || column.align, left: pxfy((_a = fixedColumnLeftMap[key]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.start), right: pxfy((_b = fixedColumnRightMap[key]) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.start) }, colspan: colSpan, rowspan: rowSpan, "data-col-key": key, class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-th`, (leftFixed || rightFixed) && `${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-th--fixed-${leftFixed ? "left" : "right"}`, { [`${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-th--hover`]: isColumnSorting(column, mergedSortState), [`${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-th--filterable`]: isColumnFilterable(column), [`${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-th--sortable`]: isColumnSortable(column), [`${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-th--selection`]: column.type === "selection", [`${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-th--last`]: isLast }, column.className], onClick: column.type !== "selection" && column.type !== "expand" && !("children" in column) ? (e) => { handleColHeaderClick(e, column); } : void 0 }, createColumnVNode()); })); })); if (!discrete) { return theadVNode; } const { handleTableHeaderScroll, scrollX } = this; return vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-base-table-header`, onScroll: handleTableHeaderScroll }, vue.h("table", { ref: "body", class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-table`, style: { minWidth: formatLength(scrollX), tableLayout: mergedTableLayout } }, vue.h("colgroup", null, cols.map((col) => vue.h("col", { key: col.key, style: col.style }))), theadVNode)); } }); const Cell = vue.defineComponent({ name: "DataTableCell", props: { clsPrefix: { type: String, required: true }, row: { type: Object, required: true }, index: { type: Number, required: true }, column: { type: Object, required: true }, isSummary: Boolean, mergedTheme: { type: Object, required: true }, renderCell: Function }, render() { var _a; const { isSummary, column, row, renderCell } = this; let cell; const { render: render2, key, ellipsis } = column; if (render2 && !isSummary) { cell = render2(row, this.index); } else { if (isSummary) { cell = (_a = row[key]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.value; } else { cell = renderCell ? renderCell(get(row, key), row, column) : get(row, key); } } if (ellipsis) { if (typeof ellipsis === "object") { const { mergedTheme } = this; if (column.ellipsisComponent === "performant-ellipsis") { return vue.h(NPerformantEllipsis, Object.assign({}, ellipsis, { theme: mergedTheme.peers.Ellipsis, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Ellipsis }), { default: () => cell }); } return vue.h(NEllipsis, Object.assign({}, ellipsis, { theme: mergedTheme.peers.Ellipsis, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Ellipsis }), { default: () => cell }); } else { return vue.h("span", { class: `${this.clsPrefix}-data-table-td__ellipsis` }, cell); } } return cell; } }); const ExpandTrigger = vue.defineComponent({ name: "DataTableExpandTrigger", props: { clsPrefix: { type: String, required: true }, expanded: Boolean, loading: Boolean, onClick: { type: Function, required: true }, renderExpandIcon: { type: Function } }, render() { const { clsPrefix } = this; return vue.h("div", { class: [`${clsPrefix}-data-table-expand-trigger`, this.expanded && `${clsPrefix}-data-table-expand-trigger--expanded`], onClick: this.onClick, onMousedown: (e) => { e.preventDefault(); } }, vue.h(NIconSwitchTransition, null, { default: () => { return this.loading ? vue.h(NBaseLoading, { key: "loading", clsPrefix: this.clsPrefix, radius: 85, strokeWidth: 15, scale: 0.88 }) : this.renderExpandIcon ? this.renderExpandIcon({ expanded: this.expanded }) : vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix, key: "base-icon" }, { default: () => vue.h(ChevronRightIcon, null) }); } })); } }); const RenderSafeCheckbox = vue.defineComponent({ name: "DataTableBodyCheckbox", props: { rowKey: { type: [String, Number], required: true }, disabled: { type: Boolean, required: true }, onUpdateChecked: { type: Function, required: true } }, setup(props) { const { mergedCheckedRowKeySetRef, mergedInderminateRowKeySetRef // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion } = vue.inject(dataTableInjectionKey); return () => { const { rowKey } = props; return vue.h(NCheckbox, { privateInsideTable: true, disabled: props.disabled, indeterminate: mergedInderminateRowKeySetRef.value.has(rowKey), checked: mergedCheckedRowKeySetRef.value.has(rowKey), onUpdateChecked: props.onUpdateChecked }); }; } }); const RenderSafeRadio = vue.defineComponent({ name: "DataTableBodyRadio", props: { rowKey: { type: [String, Number], required: true }, disabled: { type: Boolean, required: true }, onUpdateChecked: { type: Function, required: true } }, setup(props) { const { mergedCheckedRowKeySetRef, componentId // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion } = vue.inject(dataTableInjectionKey); return () => { const { rowKey } = props; return vue.h(NRadio, { name: componentId, disabled: props.disabled, checked: mergedCheckedRowKeySetRef.value.has(rowKey), onUpdateChecked: props.onUpdateChecked }); }; } }); function flatten(rowInfos, expandedRowKeys) { const fRows = []; function traverse2(rs, rootIndex) { rs.forEach((r) => { if (r.children && expandedRowKeys.has(r.key)) { fRows.push({ tmNode: r, striped: false, key: r.key, index: rootIndex }); traverse2(r.children, rootIndex); } else { fRows.push({ key: r.key, tmNode: r, striped: false, index: rootIndex }); } }); } rowInfos.forEach((rowInfo) => { fRows.push(rowInfo); const { children } = rowInfo.tmNode; if (children && expandedRowKeys.has(rowInfo.key)) { traverse2(children, rowInfo.index); } }); return fRows; } const VirtualListItemWrapper = vue.defineComponent({ props: { clsPrefix: { type: String, required: true }, id: { type: String, required: true }, cols: { type: Array, required: true }, onMouseenter: Function, onMouseleave: Function }, render() { const { clsPrefix, id, cols, onMouseenter, onMouseleave } = this; return vue.h("table", { style: { tableLayout: "fixed" }, class: `${clsPrefix}-data-table-table`, onMouseenter, onMouseleave }, vue.h("colgroup", null, cols.map((col) => vue.h("col", { key: col.key, style: col.style }))), vue.h("tbody", { "data-n-id": id, class: `${clsPrefix}-data-table-tbody` }, this.$slots)); } }); const TableBody = vue.defineComponent({ name: "DataTableBody", props: { onResize: Function, showHeader: Boolean, flexHeight: Boolean, bodyStyle: Object }, setup(props) { const { slots: dataTableSlots, bodyWidthRef, mergedExpandedRowKeysRef, mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedThemeRef, scrollXRef, colsRef, paginatedDataRef, rawPaginatedDataRef, fixedColumnLeftMapRef, fixedColumnRightMapRef, mergedCurrentPageRef, rowClassNameRef, leftActiveFixedColKeyRef, leftActiveFixedChildrenColKeysRef, rightActiveFixedColKeyRef, rightActiveFixedChildrenColKeysRef, renderExpandRef, hoverKeyRef, summaryRef, mergedSortStateRef, virtualScrollRef, componentId, mergedTableLayoutRef, childTriggerColIndexRef, indentRef, rowPropsRef, maxHeightRef, stripedRef, loadingRef, onLoadRef, loadingKeySetRef, expandableRef, stickyExpandedRowsRef, renderExpandIconRef, summaryPlacementRef, treeMateRef, scrollbarPropsRef, setHeaderScrollLeft, doUpdateExpandedRowKeys, handleTableBodyScroll, doCheck, doUncheck, renderCell // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion } = vue.inject(dataTableInjectionKey); const scrollbarInstRef = vue.ref(null); const virtualListRef = vue.ref(null); const emptyElRef = vue.ref(null); const emptyRef = useMemo(() => paginatedDataRef.value.length === 0); const shouldDisplaySomeTablePartRef = useMemo(() => props.showHeader || !emptyRef.value); const bodyShowHeaderOnlyRef = useMemo(() => { return props.showHeader || emptyRef.value; }); let lastSelectedKey = ""; const mergedExpandedRowKeySetRef = vue.computed(() => { return new Set(mergedExpandedRowKeysRef.value); }); function getRowInfo(key) { var _a; return (_a = treeMateRef.value.getNode(key)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.rawNode; } function handleCheckboxUpdateChecked(tmNode, checked, shiftKey) { const rowInfo = getRowInfo(tmNode.key); if (!rowInfo) { warn$2("data-table", `fail to get row data with key ${tmNode.key}`); return; } if (shiftKey) { const lastIndex = paginatedDataRef.value.findIndex((item) => item.key === lastSelectedKey); if (lastIndex !== -1) { const currentIndex = paginatedDataRef.value.findIndex((item) => item.key === tmNode.key); const start = Math.min(lastIndex, currentIndex); const end = Math.max(lastIndex, currentIndex); const rowKeysToCheck = []; paginatedDataRef.value.slice(start, end + 1).forEach((r) => { if (!r.disabled) { rowKeysToCheck.push(r.key); } }); if (checked) { doCheck(rowKeysToCheck, false, rowInfo); } else { doUncheck(rowKeysToCheck, rowInfo); } lastSelectedKey = tmNode.key; return; } } if (checked) { doCheck(tmNode.key, false, rowInfo); } else { doUncheck(tmNode.key, rowInfo); } lastSelectedKey = tmNode.key; } function handleRadioUpdateChecked(tmNode) { const rowInfo = getRowInfo(tmNode.key); if (!rowInfo) { warn$2("data-table", `fail to get row data with key ${tmNode.key}`); return; } doCheck(tmNode.key, true, rowInfo); } function getScrollContainer() { if (!shouldDisplaySomeTablePartRef.value) { const { value: emptyEl } = emptyElRef; if (emptyEl) { return emptyEl; } else { return null; } } if (virtualScrollRef.value) { return virtualListContainer(); } const { value } = scrollbarInstRef; if (value) return value.containerRef; return null; } function handleUpdateExpanded(key, tmNode) { var _a; if (loadingKeySetRef.value.has(key)) return; const { value: mergedExpandedRowKeys } = mergedExpandedRowKeysRef; const index = mergedExpandedRowKeys.indexOf(key); const nextExpandedKeys = Array.from(mergedExpandedRowKeys); if (~index) { nextExpandedKeys.splice(index, 1); doUpdateExpandedRowKeys(nextExpandedKeys); } else { if (tmNode && !tmNode.isLeaf && !tmNode.shallowLoaded) { loadingKeySetRef.value.add(key); void ((_a = onLoadRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(onLoadRef, tmNode.rawNode).then(() => { const { value: futureMergedExpandedRowKeys } = mergedExpandedRowKeysRef; const futureNextExpandedKeys = Array.from(futureMergedExpandedRowKeys); const index2 = futureNextExpandedKeys.indexOf(key); if (!~index2) { futureNextExpandedKeys.push(key); } doUpdateExpandedRowKeys(futureNextExpandedKeys); }).finally(() => { loadingKeySetRef.value.delete(key); })); } else { nextExpandedKeys.push(key); doUpdateExpandedRowKeys(nextExpandedKeys); } } } function handleMouseleaveTable() { hoverKeyRef.value = null; } function virtualListContainer() { const { value } = virtualListRef; return (value === null || value === void 0 ? void 0 : value.listElRef) || null; } function virtualListContent() { const { value } = virtualListRef; return (value === null || value === void 0 ? void 0 : value.itemsElRef) || null; } function handleVirtualListScroll(e) { var _a; handleTableBodyScroll(e); (_a = scrollbarInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.sync(); } function handleVirtualListResize(e) { var _a; const { onResize } = props; if (onResize) onResize(e); (_a = scrollbarInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.sync(); } const exposedMethods = { getScrollContainer, scrollTo(arg0, arg1) { var _a, _b; if (virtualScrollRef.value) { (_a = virtualListRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.scrollTo(arg0, arg1); } else { (_b = scrollbarInstRef.value) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.scrollTo(arg0, arg1); } } }; const style2 = c$1([({ props: cProps }) => { const createActiveLeftFixedStyle = (leftActiveFixedColKey) => { if (leftActiveFixedColKey === null) return null; return c$1(`[data-n-id="${cProps.componentId}"] [data-col-key="${leftActiveFixedColKey}"]::after`, { boxShadow: "var(--n-box-shadow-after)" }); }; const createActiveRightFixedStyle = (rightActiveFixedColKey) => { if (rightActiveFixedColKey === null) return null; return c$1(`[data-n-id="${cProps.componentId}"] [data-col-key="${rightActiveFixedColKey}"]::before`, { boxShadow: "var(--n-box-shadow-before)" }); }; return c$1([createActiveLeftFixedStyle(cProps.leftActiveFixedColKey), createActiveRightFixedStyle(cProps.rightActiveFixedColKey), cProps.leftActiveFixedChildrenColKeys.map((leftActiveFixedColKey) => createActiveLeftFixedStyle(leftActiveFixedColKey)), cProps.rightActiveFixedChildrenColKeys.map((rightActiveFixedColKey) => createActiveRightFixedStyle(rightActiveFixedColKey))]); }]); let fixedStyleMounted = false; vue.watchEffect(() => { const { value: leftActiveFixedColKey } = leftActiveFixedColKeyRef; const { value: leftActiveFixedChildrenColKeys } = leftActiveFixedChildrenColKeysRef; const { value: rightActiveFixedColKey } = rightActiveFixedColKeyRef; const { value: rightActiveFixedChildrenColKeys } = rightActiveFixedChildrenColKeysRef; if (!fixedStyleMounted && leftActiveFixedColKey === null && rightActiveFixedColKey === null) { return; } const cProps = { leftActiveFixedColKey, leftActiveFixedChildrenColKeys, rightActiveFixedColKey, rightActiveFixedChildrenColKeys, componentId }; style2.mount({ id: `n-${componentId}`, force: true, props: cProps, anchorMetaName: cssrAnchorMetaName }); fixedStyleMounted = true; }); vue.onUnmounted(() => { style2.unmount({ id: `n-${componentId}` }); }); return Object.assign({ bodyWidth: bodyWidthRef, summaryPlacement: summaryPlacementRef, dataTableSlots, componentId, scrollbarInstRef, virtualListRef, emptyElRef, summary: summaryRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedTheme: mergedThemeRef, scrollX: scrollXRef, cols: colsRef, loading: loadingRef, bodyShowHeaderOnly: bodyShowHeaderOnlyRef, shouldDisplaySomeTablePart: shouldDisplaySomeTablePartRef, empty: emptyRef, paginatedDataAndInfo: vue.computed(() => { const { value: striped } = stripedRef; let hasChildren = false; const data = paginatedDataRef.value.map(striped ? (tmNode, index) => { if (!tmNode.isLeaf) hasChildren = true; return { tmNode, key: tmNode.key, striped: index % 2 === 1, index }; } : (tmNode, index) => { if (!tmNode.isLeaf) hasChildren = true; return { tmNode, key: tmNode.key, striped: false, index }; }); return { data, hasChildren }; }), rawPaginatedData: rawPaginatedDataRef, fixedColumnLeftMap: fixedColumnLeftMapRef, fixedColumnRightMap: fixedColumnRightMapRef, currentPage: mergedCurrentPageRef, rowClassName: rowClassNameRef, renderExpand: renderExpandRef, mergedExpandedRowKeySet: mergedExpandedRowKeySetRef, hoverKey: hoverKeyRef, mergedSortState: mergedSortStateRef, virtualScroll: virtualScrollRef, mergedTableLayout: mergedTableLayoutRef, childTriggerColIndex: childTriggerColIndexRef, indent: indentRef, rowProps: rowPropsRef, maxHeight: maxHeightRef, loadingKeySet: loadingKeySetRef, expandable: expandableRef, stickyExpandedRows: stickyExpandedRowsRef, renderExpandIcon: renderExpandIconRef, scrollbarProps: scrollbarPropsRef, setHeaderScrollLeft, handleVirtualListScroll, handleVirtualListResize, handleMouseleaveTable, virtualListContainer, virtualListContent, handleTableBodyScroll, handleCheckboxUpdateChecked, handleRadioUpdateChecked, handleUpdateExpanded, renderCell }, exposedMethods); }, render() { const { mergedTheme, scrollX, mergedClsPrefix, virtualScroll, maxHeight, mergedTableLayout, flexHeight, loadingKeySet, onResize, setHeaderScrollLeft } = this; const scrollable = scrollX !== void 0 || maxHeight !== void 0 || flexHeight; const isBasicAutoLayout = !scrollable && mergedTableLayout === "auto"; const xScrollable = scrollX !== void 0 || isBasicAutoLayout; const contentStyle = { minWidth: formatLength(scrollX) || "100%" }; if (scrollX) contentStyle.width = "100%"; const tableNode = vue.h(Scrollbar$2, Object.assign({}, this.scrollbarProps, { ref: "scrollbarInstRef", scrollable: scrollable || isBasicAutoLayout, class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-base-table-body`, style: !this.empty ? this.bodyStyle : void 0, theme: mergedTheme.peers.Scrollbar, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Scrollbar, contentStyle, container: virtualScroll ? this.virtualListContainer : void 0, content: virtualScroll ? this.virtualListContent : void 0, horizontalRailStyle: { zIndex: 3 }, verticalRailStyle: { zIndex: 3 }, xScrollable, onScroll: virtualScroll ? void 0 : this.handleTableBodyScroll, internalOnUpdateScrollLeft: setHeaderScrollLeft, onResize }), { default: () => { const cordToPass = {}; const cordKey = {}; const { cols, paginatedDataAndInfo, mergedTheme: mergedTheme2, fixedColumnLeftMap, fixedColumnRightMap, currentPage, rowClassName, mergedSortState, mergedExpandedRowKeySet, stickyExpandedRows, componentId, childTriggerColIndex, expandable, rowProps: rowProps2, handleMouseleaveTable, renderExpand, summary, handleCheckboxUpdateChecked, handleRadioUpdateChecked, handleUpdateExpanded } = this; const { length: colCount } = cols; let mergedData; const { data: paginatedData, hasChildren } = paginatedDataAndInfo; const mergedPaginationData = hasChildren ? flatten(paginatedData, mergedExpandedRowKeySet) : paginatedData; if (summary) { const summaryRows = summary(this.rawPaginatedData); if (Array.isArray(summaryRows)) { const summaryRowData = summaryRows.map((row, i) => ({ isSummaryRow: true, key: `__n_summary__${i}`, tmNode: { rawNode: row, disabled: true }, index: -1 })); mergedData = this.summaryPlacement === "top" ? [...summaryRowData, ...mergedPaginationData] : [...mergedPaginationData, ...summaryRowData]; } else { const summaryRowData = { isSummaryRow: true, key: "__n_summary__", tmNode: { rawNode: summaryRows, disabled: true }, index: -1 }; mergedData = this.summaryPlacement === "top" ? [summaryRowData, ...mergedPaginationData] : [...mergedPaginationData, summaryRowData]; } } else { mergedData = mergedPaginationData; } const indentStyle = hasChildren ? { width: pxfy(this.indent) } : void 0; const displayedData = []; mergedData.forEach((rowInfo) => { if (renderExpand && mergedExpandedRowKeySet.has(rowInfo.key) && (!expandable || expandable(rowInfo.tmNode.rawNode))) { displayedData.push(rowInfo, { isExpandedRow: true, key: `${rowInfo.key}-expand`, // solve key repeat of the expanded row tmNode: rowInfo.tmNode, index: rowInfo.index }); } else { displayedData.push(rowInfo); } }); const { length: rowCount } = displayedData; const rowIndexToKey = {}; paginatedData.forEach(({ tmNode }, rowIndex) => { rowIndexToKey[rowIndex] = tmNode.key; }); const bodyWidth = stickyExpandedRows ? this.bodyWidth : null; const bodyWidthPx = bodyWidth === null ? void 0 : `${bodyWidth}px`; const renderRow = (rowInfo, displayedRowIndex, isVirtual) => { const { index: actualRowIndex } = rowInfo; if ("isExpandedRow" in rowInfo) { const { tmNode: { key, rawNode } } = rowInfo; return vue.h("tr", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-tr ${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-tr--expanded`, key: `${key}__expand` }, vue.h("td", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-td`, `${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-td--last-col`, displayedRowIndex + 1 === rowCount && `${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-td--last-row`], colspan: colCount }, stickyExpandedRows ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-expand`, style: { width: bodyWidthPx } }, renderExpand(rawNode, actualRowIndex)) : renderExpand(rawNode, actualRowIndex))); } const isSummary = "isSummaryRow" in rowInfo; const striped = !isSummary && rowInfo.striped; const { tmNode, key: rowKey } = rowInfo; const { rawNode: rowData } = tmNode; const expanded = mergedExpandedRowKeySet.has(rowKey); const props = rowProps2 ? rowProps2(rowData, actualRowIndex) : void 0; const mergedRowClassName = typeof rowClassName === "string" ? rowClassName : createRowClassName(rowData, actualRowIndex, rowClassName); const row = vue.h("tr", Object.assign({ onMouseenter: () => { this.hoverKey = rowKey; }, key: rowKey, class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-tr`, isSummary && `${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-tr--summary`, striped && `${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-tr--striped`, expanded && `${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-tr--expanded`, mergedRowClassName] }, props), cols.map((col, colIndex) => { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e; if (displayedRowIndex in cordToPass) { const cordOfRowToPass = cordToPass[displayedRowIndex]; const indexInCordOfRowToPass = cordOfRowToPass.indexOf(colIndex); if (~indexInCordOfRowToPass) { cordOfRowToPass.splice(indexInCordOfRowToPass, 1); return null; } } const { column } = col; const colKey = getColKey(col); const { rowSpan, colSpan } = column; const mergedColSpan = isSummary ? ((_a = rowInfo.tmNode.rawNode[colKey]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.colSpan) || 1 : colSpan ? colSpan(rowData, actualRowIndex) : 1; const mergedRowSpan = isSummary ? ((_b = rowInfo.tmNode.rawNode[colKey]) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.rowSpan) || 1 : rowSpan ? rowSpan(rowData, actualRowIndex) : 1; const isLastCol = colIndex + mergedColSpan === colCount; const isLastRow = displayedRowIndex + mergedRowSpan === rowCount; const isCrossRowTd = mergedRowSpan > 1; if (isCrossRowTd) { cordKey[displayedRowIndex] = { [colIndex]: [] }; } if (mergedColSpan > 1 || isCrossRowTd) { for (let i = displayedRowIndex; i < displayedRowIndex + mergedRowSpan; ++i) { if (isCrossRowTd) { cordKey[displayedRowIndex][colIndex].push(rowIndexToKey[i]); } for (let j = colIndex; j < colIndex + mergedColSpan; ++j) { if (i === displayedRowIndex && j === colIndex) { continue; } if (!(i in cordToPass)) { cordToPass[i] = [j]; } else { cordToPass[i].push(j); } } } } const hoverKey = isCrossRowTd ? this.hoverKey : null; const { cellProps } = column; const resolvedCellProps = cellProps === null || cellProps === void 0 ? void 0 : cellProps(rowData, actualRowIndex); const indentOffsetStyle = { "--indent-offset": "" }; return vue.h("td", Object.assign({}, resolvedCellProps, { key: colKey, style: [{ textAlign: column.align || void 0, left: pxfy((_c = fixedColumnLeftMap[colKey]) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.start), right: pxfy((_d = fixedColumnRightMap[colKey]) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.start) }, indentOffsetStyle, (resolvedCellProps === null || resolvedCellProps === void 0 ? void 0 : resolvedCellProps.style) || ""], colspan: mergedColSpan, rowspan: isVirtual ? void 0 : mergedRowSpan, "data-col-key": colKey, class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-td`, column.className, resolvedCellProps === null || resolvedCellProps === void 0 ? void 0 : resolvedCellProps.class, isSummary && `${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-td--summary`, (hoverKey !== null && cordKey[displayedRowIndex][colIndex].includes(hoverKey) || isColumnSorting(column, mergedSortState)) && `${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-td--hover`, column.fixed && `${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-td--fixed-${column.fixed}`, column.align && `${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-td--${column.align}-align`, column.type === "selection" && `${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-td--selection`, column.type === "expand" && `${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-td--expand`, isLastCol && `${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-td--last-col`, isLastRow && `${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-td--last-row`] }), hasChildren && colIndex === childTriggerColIndex ? [repeat(indentOffsetStyle["--indent-offset"] = isSummary ? 0 : rowInfo.tmNode.level, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-indent`, style: indentStyle })), isSummary || rowInfo.tmNode.isLeaf ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-expand-placeholder` }) : vue.h(ExpandTrigger, { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-expand-trigger`, clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, expanded, renderExpandIcon: this.renderExpandIcon, loading: loadingKeySet.has(rowInfo.key), onClick: () => { handleUpdateExpanded(rowKey, rowInfo.tmNode); } })] : null, column.type === "selection" ? !isSummary ? column.multiple === false ? vue.h(RenderSafeRadio, { key: currentPage, rowKey, disabled: rowInfo.tmNode.disabled, onUpdateChecked: () => { handleRadioUpdateChecked(rowInfo.tmNode); } }) : vue.h(RenderSafeCheckbox, { key: currentPage, rowKey, disabled: rowInfo.tmNode.disabled, onUpdateChecked: (checked, e) => { handleCheckboxUpdateChecked(rowInfo.tmNode, checked, e.shiftKey); } }) : null : column.type === "expand" ? !isSummary ? !column.expandable || ((_e = column.expandable) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.call(column, rowData)) ? vue.h(ExpandTrigger, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, expanded, renderExpandIcon: this.renderExpandIcon, onClick: () => { handleUpdateExpanded(rowKey, null); } }) : null : null : vue.h(Cell, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, index: actualRowIndex, row: rowData, column, isSummary, mergedTheme: mergedTheme2, renderCell: this.renderCell })); })); return row; }; if (!virtualScroll) { return vue.h("table", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-table`, onMouseleave: handleMouseleaveTable, style: { tableLayout: this.mergedTableLayout } }, vue.h("colgroup", null, cols.map((col) => vue.h("col", { key: col.key, style: col.style }))), this.showHeader ? vue.h(TableHeader, { discrete: false }) : null, !this.empty ? vue.h("tbody", { "data-n-id": componentId, class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-tbody` }, displayedData.map((rowInfo, displayedRowIndex) => { return renderRow(rowInfo, displayedRowIndex, false); })) : null); } else { return vue.h(VVirtualList, { ref: "virtualListRef", items: displayedData, itemSize: 28, visibleItemsTag: VirtualListItemWrapper, visibleItemsProps: { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, id: componentId, cols, onMouseleave: handleMouseleaveTable }, showScrollbar: false, onResize: this.handleVirtualListResize, onScroll: this.handleVirtualListScroll, itemsStyle: contentStyle, itemResizable: true }, { default: ({ item, index }) => renderRow(item, index, true) }); } } }); if (this.empty) { const createEmptyNode = () => vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-empty`, this.loading && `${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-empty--hide`], style: this.bodyStyle, ref: "emptyElRef" }, resolveSlot(this.dataTableSlots.empty, () => [vue.h(NEmpty, { theme: this.mergedTheme.peers.Empty, themeOverrides: this.mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Empty })])); if (this.shouldDisplaySomeTablePart) { return vue.h(vue.Fragment, null, tableNode, createEmptyNode()); } else { return vue.h(VResizeObserver, { onResize: this.onResize }, { default: createEmptyNode }); } } return tableNode; } }); const MainTable = vue.defineComponent({ name: "MainTable", setup() { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, rightFixedColumnsRef, leftFixedColumnsRef, bodyWidthRef, maxHeightRef, minHeightRef, flexHeightRef, syncScrollState // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion } = vue.inject(dataTableInjectionKey); const headerInstRef = vue.ref(null); const bodyInstRef = vue.ref(null); const selfElRef = vue.ref(null); const fixedStateInitializedRef = vue.ref(!(leftFixedColumnsRef.value.length || rightFixedColumnsRef.value.length)); const bodyStyleRef = vue.computed(() => { return { maxHeight: formatLength(maxHeightRef.value), minHeight: formatLength(minHeightRef.value) }; }); function handleBodyResize(entry) { bodyWidthRef.value = entry.contentRect.width; syncScrollState(); if (!fixedStateInitializedRef.value) { fixedStateInitializedRef.value = true; } } function getHeaderElement() { const { value } = headerInstRef; if (value) { return value.$el; } return null; } function getBodyElement() { const { value } = bodyInstRef; if (value) { return value.getScrollContainer(); } return null; } const exposedMethods = { getBodyElement, getHeaderElement, scrollTo(arg0, arg1) { var _a; (_a = bodyInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.scrollTo(arg0, arg1); } }; vue.watchEffect(() => { const { value: selfEl } = selfElRef; if (!selfEl) return; const transitionDisabledClass = `${mergedClsPrefixRef.value}-data-table-base-table--transition-disabled`; if (fixedStateInitializedRef.value) { setTimeout(() => { selfEl.classList.remove(transitionDisabledClass); }, 0); } else { selfEl.classList.add(transitionDisabledClass); } }); return Object.assign({ maxHeight: maxHeightRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, selfElRef, headerInstRef, bodyInstRef, bodyStyle: bodyStyleRef, flexHeight: flexHeightRef, handleBodyResize }, exposedMethods); }, render() { const { mergedClsPrefix, maxHeight, flexHeight } = this; const headerInBody = maxHeight === void 0 && !flexHeight; return vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-base-table`, ref: "selfElRef" }, headerInBody ? null : vue.h(TableHeader, { ref: "headerInstRef" }), vue.h(TableBody, { ref: "bodyInstRef", bodyStyle: this.bodyStyle, showHeader: headerInBody, flexHeight, onResize: this.handleBodyResize })); } }); function useCheck(props, data) { const { paginatedDataRef, treeMateRef, selectionColumnRef } = data; const uncontrolledCheckedRowKeysRef = vue.ref(props.defaultCheckedRowKeys); const mergedCheckState = vue.computed(() => { var _a; const { checkedRowKeys } = props; const sourceKeys = checkedRowKeys === void 0 ? uncontrolledCheckedRowKeysRef.value : checkedRowKeys; if (((_a = selectionColumnRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.multiple) === false) { return { checkedKeys: sourceKeys.slice(0, 1), indeterminateKeys: [] }; } return treeMateRef.value.getCheckedKeys(sourceKeys, { cascade: props.cascade, allowNotLoaded: props.allowCheckingNotLoaded }); }); const mergedCheckedRowKeysRef = vue.computed(() => mergedCheckState.value.checkedKeys); const mergedInderminateRowKeysRef = vue.computed(() => mergedCheckState.value.indeterminateKeys); const mergedCheckedRowKeySetRef = vue.computed(() => { return new Set(mergedCheckedRowKeysRef.value); }); const mergedInderminateRowKeySetRef = vue.computed(() => { return new Set(mergedInderminateRowKeysRef.value); }); const countOfCurrentPageCheckedRowsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value: mergedCheckedRowKeySet } = mergedCheckedRowKeySetRef; return paginatedDataRef.value.reduce((total, tmNode) => { const { key, disabled } = tmNode; return total + (!disabled && mergedCheckedRowKeySet.has(key) ? 1 : 0); }, 0); }); const countOfCurrentPageDisabledRowsRef = vue.computed(() => { return paginatedDataRef.value.filter((item) => item.disabled).length; }); const someRowsCheckedRef = vue.computed(() => { const { length } = paginatedDataRef.value; const { value: mergedInderminateRowKeySet } = mergedInderminateRowKeySetRef; return countOfCurrentPageCheckedRowsRef.value > 0 && countOfCurrentPageCheckedRowsRef.value < length - countOfCurrentPageDisabledRowsRef.value || paginatedDataRef.value.some((rowData) => mergedInderminateRowKeySet.has(rowData.key)); }); const allRowsCheckedRef = vue.computed(() => { const { length } = paginatedDataRef.value; return countOfCurrentPageCheckedRowsRef.value !== 0 && countOfCurrentPageCheckedRowsRef.value === length - countOfCurrentPageDisabledRowsRef.value; }); const headerCheckboxDisabledRef = vue.computed(() => { return paginatedDataRef.value.length === 0; }); function doUpdateCheckedRowKeys(keys2, row, action) { const { "onUpdate:checkedRowKeys": _onUpdateCheckedRowKeys, onUpdateCheckedRowKeys, onCheckedRowKeysChange } = props; const rows = []; const { value: { getNode } } = treeMateRef; keys2.forEach((key) => { var _a; const row2 = (_a = getNode(key)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.rawNode; rows.push(row2); }); if (_onUpdateCheckedRowKeys) { call(_onUpdateCheckedRowKeys, keys2, rows, { row, action }); } if (onUpdateCheckedRowKeys) { call(onUpdateCheckedRowKeys, keys2, rows, { row, action }); } if (onCheckedRowKeysChange) { call(onCheckedRowKeysChange, keys2, rows, { row, action }); } uncontrolledCheckedRowKeysRef.value = keys2; } function doCheck(rowKey, single = false, rowInfo) { if (props.loading) return; if (single) { doUpdateCheckedRowKeys(Array.isArray(rowKey) ? rowKey.slice(0, 1) : [rowKey], rowInfo, "check"); return; } doUpdateCheckedRowKeys(treeMateRef.value.check(rowKey, mergedCheckedRowKeysRef.value, { cascade: props.cascade, allowNotLoaded: props.allowCheckingNotLoaded }).checkedKeys, rowInfo, "check"); } function doUncheck(rowKey, rowInfo) { if (props.loading) return; doUpdateCheckedRowKeys(treeMateRef.value.uncheck(rowKey, mergedCheckedRowKeysRef.value, { cascade: props.cascade, allowNotLoaded: props.allowCheckingNotLoaded }).checkedKeys, rowInfo, "uncheck"); } function doCheckAll(checkWholeTable = false) { const { value: column } = selectionColumnRef; if (!column || props.loading) return; const rowKeysToCheck = []; (checkWholeTable ? treeMateRef.value.treeNodes : paginatedDataRef.value).forEach((tmNode) => { if (!tmNode.disabled) { rowKeysToCheck.push(tmNode.key); } }); doUpdateCheckedRowKeys(treeMateRef.value.check(rowKeysToCheck, mergedCheckedRowKeysRef.value, { cascade: true, allowNotLoaded: props.allowCheckingNotLoaded }).checkedKeys, void 0, "checkAll"); } function doUncheckAll(checkWholeTable = false) { const { value: column } = selectionColumnRef; if (!column || props.loading) return; const rowKeysToUncheck = []; (checkWholeTable ? treeMateRef.value.treeNodes : paginatedDataRef.value).forEach((tmNode) => { if (!tmNode.disabled) { rowKeysToUncheck.push(tmNode.key); } }); doUpdateCheckedRowKeys(treeMateRef.value.uncheck(rowKeysToUncheck, mergedCheckedRowKeysRef.value, { cascade: true, allowNotLoaded: props.allowCheckingNotLoaded }).checkedKeys, void 0, "uncheckAll"); } return { mergedCheckedRowKeySetRef, mergedCheckedRowKeysRef, mergedInderminateRowKeySetRef, someRowsCheckedRef, allRowsCheckedRef, headerCheckboxDisabledRef, doUpdateCheckedRowKeys, doCheckAll, doUncheckAll, doCheck, doUncheck }; } function getMultiplePriority(sorter) { if (typeof sorter === "object" && typeof sorter.multiple === "number") { return sorter.multiple; } return false; } function getSortFunction(sorter, columnKey) { if (columnKey && (sorter === void 0 || sorter === "default" || typeof sorter === "object" && sorter.compare === "default")) { return getDefaultSorterFn(columnKey); } if (typeof sorter === "function") { return sorter; } if (sorter && typeof sorter === "object" && sorter.compare && sorter.compare !== "default") { return sorter.compare; } return false; } function getDefaultSorterFn(columnKey) { return (row1, row2) => { const value1 = row1[columnKey]; const value2 = row2[columnKey]; if (value1 === null || value1 === void 0) { if (value2 === null || value2 === void 0) return 0; return -1; } else if (value2 === null || value2 === void 0) { return 1; } else if (typeof value1 === "number" && typeof value2 === "number") { return value1 - value2; } else if (typeof value1 === "string" && typeof value2 === "string") { return value1.localeCompare(value2); } return 0; }; } function useSorter(props, { dataRelatedColsRef, filteredDataRef }) { const defaultSortState = []; dataRelatedColsRef.value.forEach((column) => { var _a; if (column.sorter !== void 0) { updateSortStatesByNewSortState(defaultSortState, { columnKey: column.key, sorter: column.sorter, order: (_a = column.defaultSortOrder) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : false }); } }); const uncontrolledSortStateRef = vue.ref(defaultSortState); const mergedSortStateRef = vue.computed(() => { const columnsWithControlledSortOrder = dataRelatedColsRef.value.filter((column) => column.type !== "selection" && column.sorter !== void 0 && (column.sortOrder === "ascend" || column.sortOrder === "descend" || column.sortOrder === false)); const columnToSort = columnsWithControlledSortOrder.filter((col) => col.sortOrder !== false); if (columnToSort.length) { return columnToSort.map((column) => { return { columnKey: column.key, // column to sort has controlled sorter // sorter && sort order won't be undefined // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion order: column.sortOrder, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion sorter: column.sorter }; }); } if (columnsWithControlledSortOrder.length) return []; const { value: uncontrolledSortState } = uncontrolledSortStateRef; if (Array.isArray(uncontrolledSortState)) { return uncontrolledSortState; } else if (uncontrolledSortState) { return [uncontrolledSortState]; } else { return []; } }); const sortedDataRef = vue.computed(() => { const activeSorters = mergedSortStateRef.value.slice().sort((a2, b) => { const item1Priority = getMultiplePriority(a2.sorter) || 0; const item2Priority = getMultiplePriority(b.sorter) || 0; return item2Priority - item1Priority; }); if (activeSorters.length) { const filteredData = filteredDataRef.value.slice(); return filteredData.sort((tmNode1, tmNode2) => { let compareResult = 0; activeSorters.some((sorterState) => { const { columnKey, sorter, order } = sorterState; const compareFn = getSortFunction(sorter, columnKey); if (compareFn && order) { compareResult = compareFn(tmNode1.rawNode, tmNode2.rawNode); if (compareResult !== 0) { compareResult = compareResult * getFlagOfOrder(order); return true; } } return false; }); return compareResult; }); } return filteredDataRef.value; }); function getUpdatedSorterState(sortState) { let currentSortState = mergedSortStateRef.value.slice(); if (sortState && getMultiplePriority(sortState.sorter) !== false) { currentSortState = currentSortState.filter((sortState2) => getMultiplePriority(sortState2.sorter) !== false); updateSortStatesByNewSortState(currentSortState, sortState); return currentSortState; } else if (sortState) { return sortState; } return null; } function deriveNextSorter(sortState) { const nextSorterState = getUpdatedSorterState(sortState); doUpdateSorter(nextSorterState); } function doUpdateSorter(sortState) { const { "onUpdate:sorter": _onUpdateSorter, onUpdateSorter, onSorterChange } = props; if (_onUpdateSorter) { call(_onUpdateSorter, sortState); } if (onUpdateSorter) { call(onUpdateSorter, sortState); } if (onSorterChange) { call(onSorterChange, sortState); } uncontrolledSortStateRef.value = sortState; } function sort(columnKey, order = "ascend") { if (!columnKey) { clearSorter(); } else { const columnToSort = dataRelatedColsRef.value.find((column) => column.type !== "selection" && column.type !== "expand" && column.key === columnKey); if (!(columnToSort === null || columnToSort === void 0 ? void 0 : columnToSort.sorter)) return; const sorter = columnToSort.sorter; deriveNextSorter({ columnKey, sorter, order }); } } function clearSorter() { doUpdateSorter(null); } function updateSortStatesByNewSortState(sortStates, sortState) { const index = sortStates.findIndex((state) => (sortState === null || sortState === void 0 ? void 0 : sortState.columnKey) && state.columnKey === sortState.columnKey); if (index !== void 0 && index >= 0) { sortStates[index] = sortState; } else { sortStates.push(sortState); } } return { clearSorter, sort, sortedDataRef, mergedSortStateRef, deriveNextSorter }; } function useTableData(props, { dataRelatedColsRef }) { const selectionColumnRef = vue.computed(() => { const getSelectionColumn = (cols) => { for (let i = 0; i < cols.length; ++i) { const col = cols[i]; if ("children" in col) { return getSelectionColumn(col.children); } else if (col.type === "selection") { return col; } } return null; }; return getSelectionColumn(props.columns); }); const treeMateRef = vue.computed(() => { const { childrenKey } = props; return createTreeMate(props.data, { ignoreEmptyChildren: true, getKey: props.rowKey, getChildren: (rowData) => rowData[childrenKey], getDisabled: (rowData) => { var _a, _b; if ((_b = (_a = selectionColumnRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.disabled) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a, rowData)) { return true; } return false; } }); }); const childTriggerColIndexRef = useMemo(() => { const { columns } = props; const { length } = columns; let firstContentfulColIndex = null; for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) { const col = columns[i]; if (!col.type && firstContentfulColIndex === null) { firstContentfulColIndex = i; } if ("tree" in col && col.tree) { return i; } } return firstContentfulColIndex || 0; }); const uncontrolledFilterStateRef = vue.ref({}); const { pagination } = props; const uncontrolledCurrentPageRef = vue.ref(pagination ? pagination.defaultPage || 1 : 1); const uncontrolledPageSizeRef = vue.ref(getDefaultPageSize(pagination)); const mergedFilterStateRef = vue.computed(() => { const columnsWithControlledFilter = dataRelatedColsRef.value.filter((column) => { return column.filterOptionValues !== void 0 || column.filterOptionValue !== void 0; }); const controlledFilterState = {}; columnsWithControlledFilter.forEach((column) => { var _a; if (column.type === "selection" || column.type === "expand") return; if (column.filterOptionValues === void 0) { controlledFilterState[column.key] = (_a = column.filterOptionValue) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : null; } else { controlledFilterState[column.key] = column.filterOptionValues; } }); const activeFilters = Object.assign(createShallowClonedObject(uncontrolledFilterStateRef.value), controlledFilterState); return activeFilters; }); const filteredDataRef = vue.computed(() => { const mergedFilterState = mergedFilterStateRef.value; const { columns } = props; function createDefaultFilter(columnKey) { return (filterOptionValue, row) => !!~String(row[columnKey]).indexOf(String(filterOptionValue)); } const { value: { treeNodes: data } } = treeMateRef; const columnEntries = []; columns.forEach((column) => { if (column.type === "selection" || column.type === "expand" || "children" in column) { return; } columnEntries.push([column.key, column]); }); return data ? data.filter((tmNode) => { const { rawNode: row } = tmNode; for (const [columnKey, column] of columnEntries) { let activeFilterOptionValues = mergedFilterState[columnKey]; if (activeFilterOptionValues == null) continue; if (!Array.isArray(activeFilterOptionValues)) { activeFilterOptionValues = [activeFilterOptionValues]; } if (!activeFilterOptionValues.length) continue; const filter2 = column.filter === "default" ? createDefaultFilter(columnKey) : column.filter; if (column && typeof filter2 === "function") { if (column.filterMode === "and") { if (activeFilterOptionValues.some((filterOptionValue) => !filter2(filterOptionValue, row))) { return false; } } else { if (activeFilterOptionValues.some((filterOptionValue) => filter2(filterOptionValue, row))) { continue; } else { return false; } } } } return true; }) : []; }); const { sortedDataRef, deriveNextSorter, mergedSortStateRef, sort, clearSorter } = useSorter(props, { dataRelatedColsRef, filteredDataRef }); dataRelatedColsRef.value.forEach((column) => { var _a; if (column.filter) { const defaultFilterOptionValues = column.defaultFilterOptionValues; if (column.filterMultiple) { uncontrolledFilterStateRef.value[column.key] = defaultFilterOptionValues || []; } else if (defaultFilterOptionValues !== void 0) { uncontrolledFilterStateRef.value[column.key] = defaultFilterOptionValues === null ? [] : defaultFilterOptionValues; } else { uncontrolledFilterStateRef.value[column.key] = (_a = column.defaultFilterOptionValue) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : null; } } }); const controlledCurrentPageRef = vue.computed(() => { const { pagination: pagination2 } = props; if (pagination2 === false) return void 0; return pagination2.page; }); const controlledPageSizeRef = vue.computed(() => { const { pagination: pagination2 } = props; if (pagination2 === false) return void 0; return pagination2.pageSize; }); const _mergedCurrentPageRef = useMergedState(controlledCurrentPageRef, uncontrolledCurrentPageRef); const mergedPageSizeRef = useMergedState(controlledPageSizeRef, uncontrolledPageSizeRef); const boundedMergedCurrentPageRef = useMemo(() => { const page2 = _mergedCurrentPageRef.value; return props.remote ? page2 : Math.max(1, Math.min(Math.ceil(filteredDataRef.value.length / mergedPageSizeRef.value), page2)); }); const mergedPageCountRef = vue.computed(() => { const { pagination: pagination2 } = props; if (pagination2) { const { pageCount } = pagination2; if (pageCount !== void 0) return pageCount; } return void 0; }); const paginatedDataRef = vue.computed(() => { if (props.remote) return treeMateRef.value.treeNodes; if (!props.pagination) return sortedDataRef.value; const pageSize = mergedPageSizeRef.value; const startIndex = (boundedMergedCurrentPageRef.value - 1) * pageSize; return sortedDataRef.value.slice(startIndex, startIndex + pageSize); }); const rawPaginatedDataRef = vue.computed(() => { return paginatedDataRef.value.map((tmNode) => tmNode.rawNode); }); function mergedOnUpdatePage(page2) { const { pagination: pagination2 } = props; if (pagination2) { const { onChange, "onUpdate:page": _onUpdatePage, onUpdatePage } = pagination2; if (onChange) call(onChange, page2); if (onUpdatePage) call(onUpdatePage, page2); if (_onUpdatePage) call(_onUpdatePage, page2); doUpdatePage(page2); } } function mergedOnUpdatePageSize(pageSize) { const { pagination: pagination2 } = props; if (pagination2) { const { onPageSizeChange, "onUpdate:pageSize": _onUpdatePageSize, onUpdatePageSize } = pagination2; if (onPageSizeChange) call(onPageSizeChange, pageSize); if (onUpdatePageSize) call(onUpdatePageSize, pageSize); if (_onUpdatePageSize) call(_onUpdatePageSize, pageSize); doUpdatePageSize(pageSize); } } const mergedItemCountRef = vue.computed(() => { if (props.remote) { const { pagination: pagination2 } = props; if (pagination2) { const { itemCount } = pagination2; if (itemCount !== void 0) return itemCount; } return void 0; } return filteredDataRef.value.length; }); const mergedPaginationRef = vue.computed(() => { return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, props.pagination), { // reset deprecated methods onChange: void 0, onUpdatePage: void 0, onUpdatePageSize: void 0, onPageSizeChange: void 0, "onUpdate:page": mergedOnUpdatePage, "onUpdate:pageSize": mergedOnUpdatePageSize, // writing merged props after pagination to avoid // pagination[key] === undefined // key still exists but value is undefined page: boundedMergedCurrentPageRef.value, pageSize: mergedPageSizeRef.value, pageCount: mergedItemCountRef.value === void 0 ? mergedPageCountRef.value : void 0, itemCount: mergedItemCountRef.value }); }); function doUpdatePage(page2) { const { "onUpdate:page": _onUpdatePage, onPageChange, onUpdatePage } = props; if (onUpdatePage) call(onUpdatePage, page2); if (_onUpdatePage) call(_onUpdatePage, page2); if (onPageChange) call(onPageChange, page2); uncontrolledCurrentPageRef.value = page2; } function doUpdatePageSize(pageSize) { const { "onUpdate:pageSize": _onUpdatePageSize, onPageSizeChange, onUpdatePageSize } = props; if (onPageSizeChange) call(onPageSizeChange, pageSize); if (onUpdatePageSize) call(onUpdatePageSize, pageSize); if (_onUpdatePageSize) call(_onUpdatePageSize, pageSize); uncontrolledPageSizeRef.value = pageSize; } function doUpdateFilters(filters2, sourceColumn) { const { onUpdateFilters, "onUpdate:filters": _onUpdateFilters, onFiltersChange } = props; if (onUpdateFilters) call(onUpdateFilters, filters2, sourceColumn); if (_onUpdateFilters) call(_onUpdateFilters, filters2, sourceColumn); if (onFiltersChange) call(onFiltersChange, filters2, sourceColumn); uncontrolledFilterStateRef.value = filters2; } function onUnstableColumnResize(resizedWidth, limitedWidth, column, getColumnWidth) { var _a; (_a = props.onUnstableColumnResize) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, resizedWidth, limitedWidth, column, getColumnWidth); } function page(page2) { doUpdatePage(page2); } function clearFilter() { clearFilters(); } function clearFilters() { filters({}); } function filters(filters2) { filter(filters2); } function filter(filters2) { if (!filters2) { uncontrolledFilterStateRef.value = {}; } else if (filters2) { uncontrolledFilterStateRef.value = createShallowClonedObject(filters2); } else ; } return { treeMateRef, mergedCurrentPageRef: boundedMergedCurrentPageRef, mergedPaginationRef, paginatedDataRef, rawPaginatedDataRef, mergedFilterStateRef, mergedSortStateRef, hoverKeyRef: vue.ref(null), selectionColumnRef, childTriggerColIndexRef, doUpdateFilters, deriveNextSorter, doUpdatePageSize, doUpdatePage, onUnstableColumnResize, // exported methods filter, filters, clearFilter, clearFilters, clearSorter, page, sort }; } function useScroll(props, { mainTableInstRef, mergedCurrentPageRef, bodyWidthRef }) { let lastScrollLeft = 0; const scrollPartRef = vue.ref(); const leftActiveFixedColKeyRef = vue.ref(null); const leftActiveFixedChildrenColKeysRef = vue.ref([]); const rightActiveFixedColKeyRef = vue.ref(null); const rightActiveFixedChildrenColKeysRef = vue.ref([]); const styleScrollXRef = vue.computed(() => { return formatLength(props.scrollX); }); const leftFixedColumnsRef = vue.computed(() => { return props.columns.filter((column) => column.fixed === "left"); }); const rightFixedColumnsRef = vue.computed(() => { return props.columns.filter((column) => column.fixed === "right"); }); const fixedColumnLeftMapRef = vue.computed(() => { const columns = {}; let left = 0; function traverse2(cols) { cols.forEach((col) => { const positionInfo = { start: left, end: 0 }; columns[getColKey(col)] = positionInfo; if ("children" in col) { traverse2(col.children); positionInfo.end = left; } else { left += getNumberColWidth(col) || 0; positionInfo.end = left; } }); } traverse2(leftFixedColumnsRef.value); return columns; }); const fixedColumnRightMapRef = vue.computed(() => { const columns = {}; let right = 0; function traverse2(cols) { for (let i = cols.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { const col = cols[i]; const positionInfo = { start: right, end: 0 }; columns[getColKey(col)] = positionInfo; if ("children" in col) { traverse2(col.children); positionInfo.end = right; } else { right += getNumberColWidth(col) || 0; positionInfo.end = right; } } } traverse2(rightFixedColumnsRef.value); return columns; }); function deriveActiveLeftFixedColumn() { var _a, _b; const { value: leftFixedColumns } = leftFixedColumnsRef; let leftWidth = 0; const { value: fixedColumnLeftMap } = fixedColumnLeftMapRef; let leftActiveFixedColKey = null; for (let i = 0; i < leftFixedColumns.length; ++i) { const key = getColKey(leftFixedColumns[i]); if (lastScrollLeft > (((_a = fixedColumnLeftMap[key]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.start) || 0) - leftWidth) { leftActiveFixedColKey = key; leftWidth = ((_b = fixedColumnLeftMap[key]) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.end) || 0; } else { break; } } leftActiveFixedColKeyRef.value = leftActiveFixedColKey; } function deriveActiveLeftFixedChildrenColumns() { leftActiveFixedChildrenColKeysRef.value = []; let activeLeftFixedColumn = props.columns.find((col) => getColKey(col) === leftActiveFixedColKeyRef.value); while (activeLeftFixedColumn && "children" in activeLeftFixedColumn) { const length = activeLeftFixedColumn.children.length; if (length === 0) break; const nextActiveLeftFixedColumn = activeLeftFixedColumn.children[length - 1]; leftActiveFixedChildrenColKeysRef.value.push(getColKey(nextActiveLeftFixedColumn)); activeLeftFixedColumn = nextActiveLeftFixedColumn; } } function deriveActiveRightFixedColumn() { var _a, _b; const { value: rightFixedColumns } = rightFixedColumnsRef; const scrollWidth = Number(props.scrollX); const { value: tableWidth } = bodyWidthRef; if (tableWidth === null) return; let rightWidth = 0; let rightActiveFixedColKey = null; const { value: fixedColumnRightMap } = fixedColumnRightMapRef; for (let i = rightFixedColumns.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { const key = getColKey(rightFixedColumns[i]); if (Math.round(lastScrollLeft + (((_a = fixedColumnRightMap[key]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.start) || 0) + tableWidth - rightWidth) < scrollWidth) { rightActiveFixedColKey = key; rightWidth = ((_b = fixedColumnRightMap[key]) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.end) || 0; } else { break; } } rightActiveFixedColKeyRef.value = rightActiveFixedColKey; } function deriveActiveRightFixedChildrenColumns() { rightActiveFixedChildrenColKeysRef.value = []; let activeRightFixedColumn = props.columns.find((col) => getColKey(col) === rightActiveFixedColKeyRef.value); while (activeRightFixedColumn && "children" in activeRightFixedColumn && activeRightFixedColumn.children.length) { const nextActiveRightFixedColumn = activeRightFixedColumn.children[0]; rightActiveFixedChildrenColKeysRef.value.push(getColKey(nextActiveRightFixedColumn)); activeRightFixedColumn = nextActiveRightFixedColumn; } } function getScrollElements() { const header = mainTableInstRef.value ? mainTableInstRef.value.getHeaderElement() : null; const body = mainTableInstRef.value ? mainTableInstRef.value.getBodyElement() : null; return { header, body }; } function scrollMainTableBodyToTop() { const { body } = getScrollElements(); if (body) { body.scrollTop = 0; } } function handleTableHeaderScroll() { if (scrollPartRef.value !== "body") { beforeNextFrameOnce(syncScrollState); } else { scrollPartRef.value = void 0; } } function handleTableBodyScroll(e) { var _a; (_a = props.onScroll) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, e); if (scrollPartRef.value !== "head") { beforeNextFrameOnce(syncScrollState); } else { scrollPartRef.value = void 0; } } function syncScrollState() { const { header, body } = getScrollElements(); if (!body) return; const { value: tableWidth } = bodyWidthRef; if (tableWidth === null) return; if (props.maxHeight || props.flexHeight) { if (!header) return; const directionHead = lastScrollLeft - header.scrollLeft; scrollPartRef.value = directionHead !== 0 ? "head" : "body"; if (scrollPartRef.value === "head") { lastScrollLeft = header.scrollLeft; body.scrollLeft = lastScrollLeft; } else { lastScrollLeft = body.scrollLeft; header.scrollLeft = lastScrollLeft; } } else { lastScrollLeft = body.scrollLeft; } deriveActiveLeftFixedColumn(); deriveActiveLeftFixedChildrenColumns(); deriveActiveRightFixedColumn(); deriveActiveRightFixedChildrenColumns(); } function setHeaderScrollLeft(left) { const { header } = getScrollElements(); if (!header) return; header.scrollLeft = left; syncScrollState(); } vue.watch(mergedCurrentPageRef, () => { scrollMainTableBodyToTop(); }); return { styleScrollXRef, fixedColumnLeftMapRef, fixedColumnRightMapRef, leftFixedColumnsRef, rightFixedColumnsRef, leftActiveFixedColKeyRef, leftActiveFixedChildrenColKeysRef, rightActiveFixedColKeyRef, rightActiveFixedChildrenColKeysRef, syncScrollState, handleTableBodyScroll, handleTableHeaderScroll, setHeaderScrollLeft }; } function useResizable() { const resizableWidthsRef = vue.ref({}); function getResizableWidth(key) { return resizableWidthsRef.value[key]; } function doUpdateResizableWidth(column, width) { if (isColumnResizable(column) && "key" in column) { resizableWidthsRef.value[column.key] = width; } } function clearResizableWidth() { resizableWidthsRef.value = {}; } return { getResizableWidth, doUpdateResizableWidth, clearResizableWidth }; } function getRowsAndCols(columns, getResizableWidth) { const rows = []; const cols = []; const dataRelatedCols = []; const rowItemMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); let maxDepth = -1; let totalRowSpan = 0; let hasEllipsis = false; function ensureMaxDepth(columns2, currentDepth) { if (currentDepth > maxDepth) { rows[currentDepth] = []; maxDepth = currentDepth; } for (const column of columns2) { if ("children" in column) { ensureMaxDepth(column.children, currentDepth + 1); } else { const key = "key" in column ? column.key : void 0; cols.push({ key: getColKey(column), style: createCustomWidthStyle(column, key !== void 0 ? formatLength(getResizableWidth(key)) : void 0), column }); totalRowSpan += 1; if (!hasEllipsis) { hasEllipsis = !!column.ellipsis; } dataRelatedCols.push(column); } } } ensureMaxDepth(columns, 0); let currentLeafIndex = 0; function ensureColLayout(columns2, currentDepth) { let hideUntilIndex = 0; columns2.forEach((column, index) => { var _a; if ("children" in column) { const cachedCurrentLeafIndex = currentLeafIndex; const rowItem = { column, colSpan: 0, rowSpan: 1, isLast: false }; ensureColLayout(column.children, currentDepth + 1); column.children.forEach((childColumn) => { var _a2, _b; rowItem.colSpan += (_b = (_a2 = rowItemMap.get(childColumn)) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.colSpan) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 0; }); if (cachedCurrentLeafIndex + rowItem.colSpan === totalRowSpan) { rowItem.isLast = true; } rowItemMap.set(column, rowItem); rows[currentDepth].push(rowItem); } else { if (currentLeafIndex < hideUntilIndex) { currentLeafIndex += 1; return; } let colSpan = 1; if ("titleColSpan" in column) { colSpan = (_a = column.titleColSpan) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 1; } if (colSpan > 1) { hideUntilIndex = currentLeafIndex + colSpan; } const isLast = currentLeafIndex + colSpan === totalRowSpan; const rowItem = { column, colSpan, rowSpan: maxDepth - currentDepth + 1, isLast }; rowItemMap.set(column, rowItem); rows[currentDepth].push(rowItem); currentLeafIndex += 1; } }); } ensureColLayout(columns, 0); return { hasEllipsis, rows, cols, dataRelatedCols }; } function useGroupHeader(props, getResizableWidth) { const rowsAndCols = vue.computed(() => getRowsAndCols(props.columns, getResizableWidth)); return { rowsRef: vue.computed(() => rowsAndCols.value.rows), colsRef: vue.computed(() => rowsAndCols.value.cols), hasEllipsisRef: vue.computed(() => rowsAndCols.value.hasEllipsis), dataRelatedColsRef: vue.computed(() => rowsAndCols.value.dataRelatedCols) }; } function useExpand(props, treeMateRef) { const renderExpandRef = useMemo(() => { for (const col of props.columns) { if (col.type === "expand") { return col.renderExpand; } } }); const expandableRef = useMemo(() => { let expandable; for (const col of props.columns) { if (col.type === "expand") { expandable = col.expandable; break; } } return expandable; }); const uncontrolledExpandedRowKeysRef = vue.ref(props.defaultExpandAll ? (renderExpandRef === null || renderExpandRef === void 0 ? void 0 : renderExpandRef.value) ? (() => { const expandedKeys = []; treeMateRef.value.treeNodes.forEach((tmNode) => { var _a; if ((_a = expandableRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(expandableRef, tmNode.rawNode)) { expandedKeys.push(tmNode.key); } }); return expandedKeys; })() : treeMateRef.value.getNonLeafKeys() : props.defaultExpandedRowKeys); const controlledExpandedRowKeysRef = vue.toRef(props, "expandedRowKeys"); const stickyExpandedRowsRef = vue.toRef(props, "stickyExpandedRows"); const mergedExpandedRowKeysRef = useMergedState(controlledExpandedRowKeysRef, uncontrolledExpandedRowKeysRef); function doUpdateExpandedRowKeys(expandedKeys) { const { onUpdateExpandedRowKeys, "onUpdate:expandedRowKeys": _onUpdateExpandedRowKeys } = props; if (onUpdateExpandedRowKeys) { call(onUpdateExpandedRowKeys, expandedKeys); } if (_onUpdateExpandedRowKeys) { call(_onUpdateExpandedRowKeys, expandedKeys); } uncontrolledExpandedRowKeysRef.value = expandedKeys; } return { stickyExpandedRowsRef, mergedExpandedRowKeysRef, renderExpandRef, expandableRef, doUpdateExpandedRowKeys }; } const fixedColumnStyle = createFixedColumnStyle(); const style$X = c$1([cB("data-table", ` width: 100%; font-size: var(--n-font-size); display: flex; flex-direction: column; position: relative; --n-merged-th-color: var(--n-th-color); --n-merged-td-color: var(--n-td-color); --n-merged-border-color: var(--n-border-color); --n-merged-th-color-hover: var(--n-th-color-hover); --n-merged-td-color-hover: var(--n-td-color-hover); --n-merged-td-color-striped: var(--n-td-color-striped); `, [cB("data-table-wrapper", ` flex-grow: 1; display: flex; flex-direction: column; `), cM("flex-height", [c$1(">", [cB("data-table-wrapper", [c$1(">", [cB("data-table-base-table", ` display: flex; flex-direction: column; flex-grow: 1; `, [c$1(">", [cB("data-table-base-table-body", "flex-basis: 0;", [ // last-child means there is no empty icon // body is a scrollbar, we need to override height 100% c$1("&:last-child", "flex-grow: 1;") ])])])])])])]), c$1(">", [cB("data-table-loading-wrapper", ` color: var(--n-loading-color); font-size: var(--n-loading-size); position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; `, [fadeInScaleUpTransition({ originalTransform: "translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%)" })])]), cB("data-table-expand-placeholder", ` margin-right: 8px; display: inline-block; width: 16px; height: 1px; `), cB("data-table-indent", ` display: inline-block; height: 1px; `), cB("data-table-expand-trigger", ` display: inline-flex; margin-right: 8px; cursor: pointer; font-size: 16px; vertical-align: -0.2em; position: relative; width: 16px; height: 16px; color: var(--n-td-text-color); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [cM("expanded", [cB("icon", "transform: rotate(90deg);", [iconSwitchTransition({ originalTransform: "rotate(90deg)" })]), cB("base-icon", "transform: rotate(90deg);", [iconSwitchTransition({ originalTransform: "rotate(90deg)" })])]), cB("base-loading", ` color: var(--n-loading-color); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; `, [iconSwitchTransition()]), cB("icon", ` position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; `, [iconSwitchTransition()]), cB("base-icon", ` position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; `, [iconSwitchTransition()])]), cB("data-table-thead", ` transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); background-color: var(--n-merged-th-color); `), cB("data-table-tr", ` box-sizing: border-box; background-clip: padding-box; transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [cB("data-table-expand", ` position: sticky; left: 0; overflow: hidden; margin: calc(var(--n-th-padding) * -1); padding: var(--n-th-padding); box-sizing: border-box; `), cM("striped", "background-color: var(--n-merged-td-color-striped);", [cB("data-table-td", "background-color: var(--n-merged-td-color-striped);")]), cNotM("summary", [c$1("&:hover", "background-color: var(--n-merged-td-color-hover);", [c$1(">", [cB("data-table-td", "background-color: var(--n-merged-td-color-hover);")])])])]), cB("data-table-th", ` padding: var(--n-th-padding); position: relative; text-align: start; box-sizing: border-box; background-color: var(--n-merged-th-color); border-color: var(--n-merged-border-color); border-bottom: 1px solid var(--n-merged-border-color); color: var(--n-th-text-color); transition: border-color .3s var(--n-bezier), color .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); font-weight: var(--n-th-font-weight); `, [cM("filterable", ` padding-right: 36px; `, [cM("sortable", ` padding-right: calc(var(--n-th-padding) + 36px); `)]), fixedColumnStyle, cM("selection", ` padding: 0; text-align: center; line-height: 0; z-index: 3; `), cE("title-wrapper", ` display: flex; align-items: center; flex-wrap: nowrap; max-width: 100%; `, [cE("title", ` flex: 1; min-width: 0; `)]), cE("ellipsis", ` display: inline-block; vertical-align: bottom; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; max-width: 100%; `), cM("hover", ` background-color: var(--n-merged-th-color-hover); `), cM("sortable", ` cursor: pointer; `, [cE("ellipsis", ` max-width: calc(100% - 18px); `), c$1("&:hover", ` background-color: var(--n-merged-th-color-hover); `)]), cB("data-table-sorter", ` height: var(--n-sorter-size); width: var(--n-sorter-size); margin-left: 4px; position: relative; display: inline-flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; vertical-align: -0.2em; color: var(--n-th-icon-color); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [cB("base-icon", "transition: transform .3s var(--n-bezier)"), cM("desc", [cB("base-icon", ` transform: rotate(0deg); `)]), cM("asc", [cB("base-icon", ` transform: rotate(-180deg); `)]), cM("asc, desc", ` color: var(--n-th-icon-color-active); `)]), cB("data-table-resize-button", ` width: var(--n-resizable-container-size); position: absolute; top: 0; right: calc(var(--n-resizable-container-size) / 2); bottom: 0; cursor: col-resize; user-select: none; `, [c$1("&::after", ` width: var(--n-resizable-size); height: 50%; position: absolute; top: 50%; left: calc(var(--n-resizable-container-size) / 2); bottom: 0; background-color: var(--n-merged-border-color); transform: translateY(-50%); transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); z-index: 1; content: ''; `), cM("active", [c$1("&::after", ` background-color: var(--n-th-icon-color-active); `)]), c$1("&:hover::after", ` background-color: var(--n-th-icon-color-active); `)]), cB("data-table-filter", ` position: absolute; z-index: auto; right: 0; width: 36px; top: 0; bottom: 0; cursor: pointer; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), color .3s var(--n-bezier); font-size: var(--n-filter-size); color: var(--n-th-icon-color); `, [c$1("&:hover", ` background-color: var(--n-th-button-color-hover); `), cM("show", ` background-color: var(--n-th-button-color-hover); `), cM("active", ` background-color: var(--n-th-button-color-hover); color: var(--n-th-icon-color-active); `)])]), cB("data-table-td", ` padding: var(--n-td-padding); text-align: start; box-sizing: border-box; border: none; background-color: var(--n-merged-td-color); color: var(--n-td-text-color); border-bottom: 1px solid var(--n-merged-border-color); transition: box-shadow .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), border-color .3s var(--n-bezier), color .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [cM("expand", [cB("data-table-expand-trigger", ` margin-right: 0; `)]), cM("last-row", ` border-bottom: 0 solid var(--n-merged-border-color); `, [ // make sure there is no overlap between bottom border and // fixed column box shadow c$1("&::after", ` bottom: 0 !important; `), c$1("&::before", ` bottom: 0 !important; `) ]), cM("summary", ` background-color: var(--n-merged-th-color); `), cM("hover", ` background-color: var(--n-merged-td-color-hover); `), cE("ellipsis", ` display: inline-block; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; max-width: 100%; vertical-align: bottom; max-width: calc(100% - var(--indent-offset, -1.5) * 16px - 24px); `), cM("selection, expand", ` text-align: center; padding: 0; line-height: 0; `), fixedColumnStyle]), cB("data-table-empty", ` box-sizing: border-box; padding: var(--n-empty-padding); flex-grow: 1; flex-shrink: 0; opacity: 1; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; transition: opacity .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [cM("hide", ` opacity: 0; `)]), cE("pagination", ` margin: var(--n-pagination-margin); display: flex; justify-content: flex-end; `), cB("data-table-wrapper", ` position: relative; opacity: 1; transition: opacity .3s var(--n-bezier), border-color .3s var(--n-bezier); border-top-left-radius: var(--n-border-radius); border-top-right-radius: var(--n-border-radius); line-height: var(--n-line-height); `), cM("loading", [cB("data-table-wrapper", ` opacity: var(--n-opacity-loading); pointer-events: none; `)]), cM("single-column", [cB("data-table-td", ` border-bottom: 0 solid var(--n-merged-border-color); `, [c$1("&::after, &::before", ` bottom: 0 !important; `)])]), cNotM("single-line", [cB("data-table-th", ` border-right: 1px solid var(--n-merged-border-color); `, [cM("last", ` border-right: 0 solid var(--n-merged-border-color); `)]), cB("data-table-td", ` border-right: 1px solid var(--n-merged-border-color); `, [cM("last-col", ` border-right: 0 solid var(--n-merged-border-color); `)])]), cM("bordered", [cB("data-table-wrapper", ` border: 1px solid var(--n-merged-border-color); border-bottom-left-radius: var(--n-border-radius); border-bottom-right-radius: var(--n-border-radius); overflow: hidden; `)]), cB("data-table-base-table", [cM("transition-disabled", [cB("data-table-th", [c$1("&::after, &::before", "transition: none;")]), cB("data-table-td", [c$1("&::after, &::before", "transition: none;")])])]), cM("bottom-bordered", [cB("data-table-td", [cM("last-row", ` border-bottom: 1px solid var(--n-merged-border-color); `)])]), cB("data-table-table", ` font-variant-numeric: tabular-nums; width: 100%; word-break: break-word; transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 0; background-color: var(--n-merged-td-color); `), cB("data-table-base-table-header", ` border-top-left-radius: calc(var(--n-border-radius) - 1px); border-top-right-radius: calc(var(--n-border-radius) - 1px); z-index: 3; overflow: scroll; flex-shrink: 0; transition: border-color .3s var(--n-bezier); scrollbar-width: none; `, [c$1("&::-webkit-scrollbar", ` width: 0; height: 0; `)]), cB("data-table-check-extra", ` transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); color: var(--n-th-icon-color); position: absolute; font-size: 14px; right: -4px; top: 50%; transform: translateY(-50%); z-index: 1; `)]), cB("data-table-filter-menu", [cB("scrollbar", ` max-height: 240px; `), cE("group", ` display: flex; flex-direction: column; padding: 12px 12px 0 12px; `, [cB("checkbox", ` margin-bottom: 12px; margin-right: 0; `), cB("radio", ` margin-bottom: 12px; margin-right: 0; `)]), cE("action", ` padding: var(--n-action-padding); display: flex; flex-wrap: nowrap; justify-content: space-evenly; border-top: 1px solid var(--n-action-divider-color); `, [cB("button", [c$1("&:not(:last-child)", ` margin: var(--n-action-button-margin); `), c$1("&:last-child", ` margin-right: 0; `)])]), cB("divider", ` margin: 0 !important; `)]), insideModal(cB("data-table", ` --n-merged-th-color: var(--n-th-color-modal); --n-merged-td-color: var(--n-td-color-modal); --n-merged-border-color: var(--n-border-color-modal); --n-merged-th-color-hover: var(--n-th-color-hover-modal); --n-merged-td-color-hover: var(--n-td-color-hover-modal); --n-merged-td-color-striped: var(--n-td-color-striped-modal); `)), insidePopover(cB("data-table", ` --n-merged-th-color: var(--n-th-color-popover); --n-merged-td-color: var(--n-td-color-popover); --n-merged-border-color: var(--n-border-color-popover); --n-merged-th-color-hover: var(--n-th-color-hover-popover); --n-merged-td-color-hover: var(--n-td-color-hover-popover); --n-merged-td-color-striped: var(--n-td-color-striped-popover); `))]); function createFixedColumnStyle() { return [cM("fixed-left", ` left: 0; position: sticky; z-index: 2; `, [c$1("&::after", ` pointer-events: none; content: ""; width: 36px; display: inline-block; position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: -1px; transition: box-shadow .2s var(--n-bezier); right: -36px; `)]), cM("fixed-right", ` right: 0; position: sticky; z-index: 1; `, [c$1("&::before", ` pointer-events: none; content: ""; width: 36px; display: inline-block; position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: -1px; transition: box-shadow .2s var(--n-bezier); left: -36px; `)])]; } const DataTable = vue.defineComponent({ name: "DataTable", alias: ["AdvancedTable"], props: dataTableProps, setup(props, { slots }) { const { mergedBorderedRef, mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled, mergedRtlRef } = useConfig(props); const rtlEnabledRef = useRtl("DataTable", mergedRtlRef, mergedClsPrefixRef); const mergedBottomBorderedRef = vue.computed(() => { const { bottomBordered } = props; if (mergedBorderedRef.value) return false; if (bottomBordered !== void 0) return bottomBordered; return true; }); const themeRef = useTheme("DataTable", "-data-table", style$X, dataTableLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const bodyWidthRef = vue.ref(null); const mainTableInstRef = vue.ref(null); const { getResizableWidth, clearResizableWidth, doUpdateResizableWidth } = useResizable(); const { rowsRef, colsRef, dataRelatedColsRef, hasEllipsisRef } = useGroupHeader(props, getResizableWidth); const downloadCsv = (options) => { const { fileName = "data.csv", keepOriginalData = false } = options || {}; const data = keepOriginalData ? props.data : rawPaginatedDataRef.value; const csvData = generateCsv(props.columns, data); const blob = new Blob([csvData], { type: "text/csv;charset=utf-8" }); const downloadUrl = URL.createObjectURL(blob); download(downloadUrl, fileName.endsWith(".csv") ? fileName : `${fileName}.csv`); URL.revokeObjectURL(downloadUrl); }; const { treeMateRef, mergedCurrentPageRef, paginatedDataRef, rawPaginatedDataRef, selectionColumnRef, hoverKeyRef, mergedPaginationRef, mergedFilterStateRef, mergedSortStateRef, childTriggerColIndexRef, doUpdatePage, doUpdateFilters, onUnstableColumnResize, deriveNextSorter, filter, filters, clearFilter, clearFilters, clearSorter, page, sort } = useTableData(props, { dataRelatedColsRef }); const { doCheckAll, doUncheckAll, doCheck, doUncheck, headerCheckboxDisabledRef, someRowsCheckedRef, allRowsCheckedRef, mergedCheckedRowKeySetRef, mergedInderminateRowKeySetRef } = useCheck(props, { selectionColumnRef, treeMateRef, paginatedDataRef }); const { stickyExpandedRowsRef, mergedExpandedRowKeysRef, renderExpandRef, expandableRef, doUpdateExpandedRowKeys } = useExpand(props, treeMateRef); const { handleTableBodyScroll, handleTableHeaderScroll, syncScrollState, setHeaderScrollLeft, leftActiveFixedColKeyRef, leftActiveFixedChildrenColKeysRef, rightActiveFixedColKeyRef, rightActiveFixedChildrenColKeysRef, leftFixedColumnsRef, rightFixedColumnsRef, fixedColumnLeftMapRef, fixedColumnRightMapRef } = useScroll(props, { bodyWidthRef, mainTableInstRef, mergedCurrentPageRef }); const { localeRef } = useLocale("DataTable"); const mergedTableLayoutRef = vue.computed(() => { if (props.virtualScroll || props.flexHeight || props.maxHeight !== void 0 || hasEllipsisRef.value) { return "fixed"; } return props.tableLayout; }); vue.provide(dataTableInjectionKey, { props, treeMateRef, renderExpandIconRef: vue.toRef(props, "renderExpandIcon"), loadingKeySetRef: vue.ref(/* @__PURE__ */ new Set()), slots, indentRef: vue.toRef(props, "indent"), childTriggerColIndexRef, bodyWidthRef, componentId: createId(), hoverKeyRef, mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedThemeRef: themeRef, scrollXRef: vue.computed(() => props.scrollX), rowsRef, colsRef, paginatedDataRef, leftActiveFixedColKeyRef, leftActiveFixedChildrenColKeysRef, rightActiveFixedColKeyRef, rightActiveFixedChildrenColKeysRef, leftFixedColumnsRef, rightFixedColumnsRef, fixedColumnLeftMapRef, fixedColumnRightMapRef, mergedCurrentPageRef, someRowsCheckedRef, allRowsCheckedRef, mergedSortStateRef, mergedFilterStateRef, loadingRef: vue.toRef(props, "loading"), rowClassNameRef: vue.toRef(props, "rowClassName"), mergedCheckedRowKeySetRef, mergedExpandedRowKeysRef, mergedInderminateRowKeySetRef, localeRef, expandableRef, stickyExpandedRowsRef, rowKeyRef: vue.toRef(props, "rowKey"), renderExpandRef, summaryRef: vue.toRef(props, "summary"), virtualScrollRef: vue.toRef(props, "virtualScroll"), rowPropsRef: vue.toRef(props, "rowProps"), stripedRef: vue.toRef(props, "striped"), checkOptionsRef: vue.computed(() => { const { value: selectionColumn } = selectionColumnRef; return selectionColumn === null || selectionColumn === void 0 ? void 0 : selectionColumn.options; }), rawPaginatedDataRef, filterMenuCssVarsRef: vue.computed(() => { const { self: { actionDividerColor, actionPadding, actionButtonMargin } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-action-padding": actionPadding, "--n-action-button-margin": actionButtonMargin, "--n-action-divider-color": actionDividerColor }; }), onLoadRef: vue.toRef(props, "onLoad"), mergedTableLayoutRef, maxHeightRef: vue.toRef(props, "maxHeight"), minHeightRef: vue.toRef(props, "minHeight"), flexHeightRef: vue.toRef(props, "flexHeight"), headerCheckboxDisabledRef, paginationBehaviorOnFilterRef: vue.toRef(props, "paginationBehaviorOnFilter"), summaryPlacementRef: vue.toRef(props, "summaryPlacement"), scrollbarPropsRef: vue.toRef(props, "scrollbarProps"), syncScrollState, doUpdatePage, doUpdateFilters, getResizableWidth, onUnstableColumnResize, clearResizableWidth, doUpdateResizableWidth, deriveNextSorter, doCheck, doUncheck, doCheckAll, doUncheckAll, doUpdateExpandedRowKeys, handleTableHeaderScroll, handleTableBodyScroll, setHeaderScrollLeft, renderCell: vue.toRef(props, "renderCell") }); const exposedMethods = { filter, filters, clearFilters, clearSorter, page, sort, clearFilter, downloadCsv, scrollTo: (arg0, arg1) => { var _a; (_a = mainTableInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.scrollTo(arg0, arg1); } }; const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { size: size2 } = props; const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: { borderColor, tdColorHover, thColor, thColorHover, tdColor, tdTextColor, thTextColor, thFontWeight, thButtonColorHover, thIconColor, thIconColorActive, filterSize, borderRadius, lineHeight: lineHeight2, tdColorModal, thColorModal, borderColorModal, thColorHoverModal, tdColorHoverModal, borderColorPopover, thColorPopover, tdColorPopover, tdColorHoverPopover, thColorHoverPopover, paginationMargin, emptyPadding, boxShadowAfter, boxShadowBefore, sorterSize, resizableContainerSize, resizableSize, loadingColor, loadingSize, opacityLoading, tdColorStriped, tdColorStripedModal, tdColorStripedPopover, [createKey("fontSize", size2)]: fontSize2, [createKey("thPadding", size2)]: thPadding, [createKey("tdPadding", size2)]: tdPadding } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-font-size": fontSize2, "--n-th-padding": thPadding, "--n-td-padding": tdPadding, "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-border-radius": borderRadius, "--n-line-height": lineHeight2, "--n-border-color": borderColor, "--n-border-color-modal": borderColorModal, "--n-border-color-popover": borderColorPopover, "--n-th-color": thColor, "--n-th-color-hover": thColorHover, "--n-th-color-modal": thColorModal, "--n-th-color-hover-modal": thColorHoverModal, "--n-th-color-popover": thColorPopover, "--n-th-color-hover-popover": thColorHoverPopover, "--n-td-color": tdColor, "--n-td-color-hover": tdColorHover, "--n-td-color-modal": tdColorModal, "--n-td-color-hover-modal": tdColorHoverModal, "--n-td-color-popover": tdColorPopover, "--n-td-color-hover-popover": tdColorHoverPopover, "--n-th-text-color": thTextColor, "--n-td-text-color": tdTextColor, "--n-th-font-weight": thFontWeight, "--n-th-button-color-hover": thButtonColorHover, "--n-th-icon-color": thIconColor, "--n-th-icon-color-active": thIconColorActive, "--n-filter-size": filterSize, "--n-pagination-margin": paginationMargin, "--n-empty-padding": emptyPadding, "--n-box-shadow-before": boxShadowBefore, "--n-box-shadow-after": boxShadowAfter, "--n-sorter-size": sorterSize, "--n-resizable-container-size": resizableContainerSize, "--n-resizable-size": resizableSize, "--n-loading-size": loadingSize, "--n-loading-color": loadingColor, "--n-opacity-loading": opacityLoading, "--n-td-color-striped": tdColorStriped, "--n-td-color-striped-modal": tdColorStripedModal, "--n-td-color-striped-popover": tdColorStripedPopover }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("data-table", vue.computed(() => props.size[0]), cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; const mergedShowPaginationRef = vue.computed(() => { if (!props.pagination) return false; if (props.paginateSinglePage) return true; const mergedPagination = mergedPaginationRef.value; const { pageCount } = mergedPagination; if (pageCount !== void 0) return pageCount > 1; return mergedPagination.itemCount && mergedPagination.pageSize && mergedPagination.itemCount > mergedPagination.pageSize; }); return Object.assign({ mainTableInstRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, rtlEnabled: rtlEnabledRef, mergedTheme: themeRef, paginatedData: paginatedDataRef, mergedBordered: mergedBorderedRef, mergedBottomBordered: mergedBottomBorderedRef, mergedPagination: mergedPaginationRef, mergedShowPagination: mergedShowPaginationRef, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }, exposedMethods); }, render() { const { mergedClsPrefix, themeClass, onRender, $slots, spinProps: spinProps2 } = this; onRender === null || onRender === void 0 ? void 0 : onRender(); return vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table`, this.rtlEnabled && `${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table--rtl`, themeClass, { [`${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table--bordered`]: this.mergedBordered, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table--bottom-bordered`]: this.mergedBottomBordered, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table--single-line`]: this.singleLine, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table--single-column`]: this.singleColumn, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table--loading`]: this.loading, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table--flex-height`]: this.flexHeight }], style: this.cssVars }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-wrapper` }, vue.h(MainTable, { ref: "mainTableInstRef" })), this.mergedShowPagination ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table__pagination` }, vue.h(NPagination, Object.assign({ theme: this.mergedTheme.peers.Pagination, themeOverrides: this.mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Pagination, disabled: this.loading }, this.mergedPagination))) : null, vue.h(vue.Transition, { name: "fade-in-scale-up-transition" }, { default: () => { return this.loading ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-data-table-loading-wrapper` }, resolveSlot($slots.loading, () => [vue.h(NBaseLoading, Object.assign({ clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, strokeWidth: 20 }, spinProps2))])) : null; } })); } }); const commonVars$8 = { itemFontSize: "12px", itemHeight: "36px", itemWidth: "52px", panelActionPadding: "8px 0" }; const self$M = (vars) => { const { popoverColor, textColor2, primaryColor, hoverColor, dividerColor, opacityDisabled, boxShadow2, borderRadius, iconColor, iconColorDisabled } = vars; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, commonVars$8), { panelColor: popoverColor, panelBoxShadow: boxShadow2, panelDividerColor: dividerColor, itemTextColor: textColor2, itemTextColorActive: primaryColor, itemColorHover: hoverColor, itemOpacityDisabled: opacityDisabled, itemBorderRadius: borderRadius, borderRadius, iconColor, iconColorDisabled }); }; const timePickerLight = createTheme({ name: "TimePicker", common: derived, peers: { Scrollbar: scrollbarLight, Button: buttonLight, Input: inputLight }, self: self$M }); const commonVars$7 = { itemSize: "24px", itemCellWidth: "38px", itemCellHeight: "32px", scrollItemWidth: "80px", scrollItemHeight: "40px", panelExtraFooterPadding: "8px 12px", panelActionPadding: "8px 12px", calendarTitlePadding: "0", calendarTitleHeight: "28px", arrowSize: "14px", panelHeaderPadding: "8px 12px", calendarDaysHeight: "32px", calendarTitleGridTempateColumns: "28px 28px 1fr 28px 28px", // type calendarLeftPaddingDate: "6px 12px 4px 12px", calendarLeftPaddingDatetime: "4px 12px", calendarLeftPaddingDaterange: "6px 12px 4px 12px", calendarLeftPaddingDatetimerange: "4px 12px", calendarLeftPaddingMonth: "0", // TODO: make it actually effective calendarLeftPaddingYear: "0", calendarLeftPaddingQuarter: "0", calendarLeftPaddingMonthrange: "0", calendarLeftPaddingQuarterrange: "0", calendarLeftPaddingYearrange: "0", calendarLeftPaddingWeek: "6px 12px 4px 12px", calendarRightPaddingDate: "6px 12px 4px 12px", calendarRightPaddingDatetime: "4px 12px", calendarRightPaddingDaterange: "6px 12px 4px 12px", calendarRightPaddingDatetimerange: "4px 12px", calendarRightPaddingMonth: "0", calendarRightPaddingYear: "0", calendarRightPaddingQuarter: "0", calendarRightPaddingMonthrange: "0", calendarRightPaddingQuarterrange: "0", calendarRightPaddingYearrange: "0", calendarRightPaddingWeek: "0" }; const self$L = (vars) => { const { hoverColor, fontSize: fontSize2, textColor2, textColorDisabled, popoverColor, primaryColor, borderRadiusSmall, iconColor, iconColorDisabled, textColor1, dividerColor, boxShadow2, borderRadius, fontWeightStrong } = vars; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, commonVars$7), { itemFontSize: fontSize2, calendarDaysFontSize: fontSize2, calendarTitleFontSize: fontSize2, itemTextColor: textColor2, itemTextColorDisabled: textColorDisabled, itemTextColorActive: popoverColor, itemTextColorCurrent: primaryColor, itemColorIncluded: changeColor(primaryColor, { alpha: 0.1 }), itemColorHover: hoverColor, itemColorDisabled: hoverColor, itemColorActive: primaryColor, itemBorderRadius: borderRadiusSmall, panelColor: popoverColor, panelTextColor: textColor2, arrowColor: iconColor, calendarTitleTextColor: textColor1, calendarTitleColorHover: hoverColor, calendarDaysTextColor: textColor2, panelHeaderDividerColor: dividerColor, calendarDaysDividerColor: dividerColor, calendarDividerColor: dividerColor, panelActionDividerColor: dividerColor, panelBoxShadow: boxShadow2, panelBorderRadius: borderRadius, calendarTitleFontWeight: fontWeightStrong, scrollItemBorderRadius: borderRadius, iconColor, iconColorDisabled }); }; const datePickerLight = createTheme({ name: "DatePicker", common: derived, peers: { Input: inputLight, Button: buttonLight, TimePicker: timePickerLight, Scrollbar: scrollbarLight }, self: self$L }); function uniCalendarValidation(props, mergedValueRef) { const timePickerValidatorRef = vue.computed(() => { const { isTimeDisabled } = props; const { value } = mergedValueRef; if (value === null || Array.isArray(value)) return void 0; return isTimeDisabled === null || isTimeDisabled === void 0 ? void 0 : isTimeDisabled(value); }); const isHourDisabledRef = vue.computed(() => { var _a; return (_a = timePickerValidatorRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.isHourDisabled; }); const isMinuteDisabledRef = vue.computed(() => { var _a; return (_a = timePickerValidatorRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.isMinuteDisabled; }); const isSecondDisabledRef = vue.computed(() => { var _a; return (_a = timePickerValidatorRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.isSecondDisabled; }); const isDateInvalidRef = vue.computed(() => { const { type, isDateDisabled } = props; const { value } = mergedValueRef; if (value === null || Array.isArray(value) || !["date", "datetime"].includes(type) || !isDateDisabled) { return false; } return isDateDisabled(value, { type: "input" }); }); const isTimeInvalidRef = vue.computed(() => { const { type } = props; const { value } = mergedValueRef; if (value === null || !(type !== "datetime") || Array.isArray(value)) { return false; } const time2 = new Date(value); const hour = time2.getHours(); const minute = time2.getMinutes(); const second = time2.getMinutes(); return (isHourDisabledRef.value ? isHourDisabledRef.value(hour) : false) || (isMinuteDisabledRef.value ? isMinuteDisabledRef.value(minute, hour) : false) || (isSecondDisabledRef.value ? isSecondDisabledRef.value(second, minute, hour) : false); }); const isDateTimeInvalidRef = vue.computed(() => { return isDateInvalidRef.value || isTimeInvalidRef.value; }); const isValueInvalidRef = vue.computed(() => { const { type } = props; if (type === "date") return isDateInvalidRef.value; if (type === "datetime") return isDateTimeInvalidRef.value; return false; }); return { // date & datetime isValueInvalidRef, isDateInvalidRef, // datetime only isTimeInvalidRef, isDateTimeInvalidRef, isHourDisabledRef, isMinuteDisabledRef, isSecondDisabledRef }; } function dualCalendarValidation(props, mergedValueRef) { const timePickerValidatorRef = vue.computed(() => { const { isTimeDisabled } = props; const { value } = mergedValueRef; if (!Array.isArray(value) || !isTimeDisabled) { return [void 0, void 0]; } return [isTimeDisabled === null || isTimeDisabled === void 0 ? void 0 : isTimeDisabled(value[0], "start", value), isTimeDisabled === null || isTimeDisabled === void 0 ? void 0 : isTimeDisabled(value[1], "end", value)]; }); const timeValidator = { isStartHourDisabledRef: vue.computed(() => { var _a; return (_a = timePickerValidatorRef.value[0]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.isHourDisabled; }), isEndHourDisabledRef: vue.computed(() => { var _a; return (_a = timePickerValidatorRef.value[1]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.isHourDisabled; }), isStartMinuteDisabledRef: vue.computed(() => { var _a; return (_a = timePickerValidatorRef.value[0]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.isMinuteDisabled; }), isEndMinuteDisabledRef: vue.computed(() => { var _a; return (_a = timePickerValidatorRef.value[1]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.isMinuteDisabled; }), isStartSecondDisabledRef: vue.computed(() => { var _a; return (_a = timePickerValidatorRef.value[0]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.isSecondDisabled; }), isEndSecondDisabledRef: vue.computed(() => { var _a; return (_a = timePickerValidatorRef.value[1]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.isSecondDisabled; }) }; const isStartDateInvalidRef = vue.computed(() => { const { type, isDateDisabled } = props; const { value } = mergedValueRef; if (value === null || !Array.isArray(value) || !["daterange", "datetimerange"].includes(type) || !isDateDisabled) { return false; } return isDateDisabled(value[0], "start", value); }); const isEndDateInvalidRef = vue.computed(() => { const { type, isDateDisabled } = props; const { value } = mergedValueRef; if (value === null || !Array.isArray(value) || !["daterange", "datetimerange"].includes(type) || !isDateDisabled) { return false; } return isDateDisabled(value[1], "end", value); }); const isStartTimeInvalidRef = vue.computed(() => { const { type } = props; const { value } = mergedValueRef; if (value === null || !Array.isArray(value) || type !== "datetimerange") { return false; } const startHours = getHours(value[0]); const startMinutes = getMinutes(value[0]); const startSeconds = getSeconds(value[0]); const { isStartHourDisabledRef, isStartMinuteDisabledRef, isStartSecondDisabledRef } = timeValidator; const startTimeInvalid = (isStartHourDisabledRef.value ? isStartHourDisabledRef.value(startHours) : false) || (isStartMinuteDisabledRef.value ? isStartMinuteDisabledRef.value(startMinutes, startHours) : false) || (isStartSecondDisabledRef.value ? isStartSecondDisabledRef.value(startSeconds, startMinutes, startHours) : false); return startTimeInvalid; }); const isEndTimeInvalidRef = vue.computed(() => { const { type } = props; const { value } = mergedValueRef; if (value === null || !Array.isArray(value) || type !== "datetimerange") { return false; } const endHours = getHours(value[1]); const endMinutes = getMinutes(value[1]); const endSeconds = getSeconds(value[1]); const { isEndHourDisabledRef, isEndMinuteDisabledRef, isEndSecondDisabledRef } = timeValidator; const endTimeInvalid = (isEndHourDisabledRef.value ? isEndHourDisabledRef.value(endHours) : false) || (isEndMinuteDisabledRef.value ? isEndMinuteDisabledRef.value(endMinutes, endHours) : false) || (isEndSecondDisabledRef.value ? isEndSecondDisabledRef.value(endSeconds, endMinutes, endHours) : false); return endTimeInvalid; }); const isStartValueInvalidRef = vue.computed(() => { return isStartDateInvalidRef.value || isStartTimeInvalidRef.value; }); const isEndValueInvalidRef = vue.computed(() => { return isEndDateInvalidRef.value || isEndTimeInvalidRef.value; }); const isRangeInvalidRef = vue.computed(() => { return isStartValueInvalidRef.value || isEndValueInvalidRef.value; }); return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, timeValidator), { isStartDateInvalidRef, isEndDateInvalidRef, isStartTimeInvalidRef, isEndTimeInvalidRef, isStartValueInvalidRef, isEndValueInvalidRef, isRangeInvalidRef }); } const datePickerInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-date-picker"); var cloneObject$1 = { exports: {} }; var interopRequireDefault = { exports: {} }; (function(module2) { function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { "default": obj }; } module2.exports = _interopRequireDefault, module2.exports.__esModule = true, module2.exports["default"] = module2.exports; })(interopRequireDefault); var interopRequireDefaultExports = interopRequireDefault.exports; var assign = { exports: {} }; (function(module2, exports2) { Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports2.default = assign2; function assign2(target, object) { if (target == null) { throw new TypeError("assign requires that input parameter not be null or undefined"); } for (var property2 in object) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, property2)) { target[property2] = object[property2]; } } return target; } module2.exports = exports2.default; })(assign, assign.exports); var assignExports = assign.exports; (function(module2, exports2) { var _interopRequireDefault = interopRequireDefaultExports.default; Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports2.default = cloneObject2; var _index = _interopRequireDefault(assignExports); function cloneObject2(object) { return (0, _index.default)({}, object); } module2.exports = exports2.default; })(cloneObject$1, cloneObject$1.exports); var cloneObjectExports = cloneObject$1.exports; const cloneObject = /* @__PURE__ */ getDefaultExportFromCjs(cloneObjectExports); var format$3 = { exports: {} }; var isValid = { exports: {} }; var isDate = { exports: {} }; var _typeof = { exports: {} }; (function(module2) { function _typeof2(o) { "@babel/helpers - typeof"; return module2.exports = _typeof2 = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(o2) { return typeof o2; } : function(o2) { return o2 && "function" == typeof Symbol && o2.constructor === Symbol && o2 !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof o2; }, module2.exports.__esModule = true, module2.exports["default"] = module2.exports, _typeof2(o); } module2.exports = _typeof2, module2.exports.__esModule = true, module2.exports["default"] = module2.exports; })(_typeof); var _typeofExports = _typeof.exports; var requiredArgs = { exports: {} }; (function(module2, exports2) { Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports2.default = requiredArgs2; function requiredArgs2(required, args) { if (args.length < required) { throw new TypeError(required + " argument" + (required > 1 ? "s" : "") + " required, but only " + args.length + " present"); } } module2.exports = exports2.default; })(requiredArgs, requiredArgs.exports); var requiredArgsExports = requiredArgs.exports; (function(module2, exports2) { var _interopRequireDefault = interopRequireDefaultExports.default; Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports2.default = isDate2; var _typeof2 = _interopRequireDefault(_typeofExports); var _index = _interopRequireDefault(requiredArgsExports); function isDate2(value) { (0, _index.default)(1, arguments); return value instanceof Date || (0, _typeof2.default)(value) === "object" && Object.prototype.toString.call(value) === "[object Date]"; } module2.exports = exports2.default; })(isDate, isDate.exports); var isDateExports = isDate.exports; var toDate$1 = { exports: {} }; (function(module2, exports2) { var _interopRequireDefault = interopRequireDefaultExports.default; Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports2.default = toDate2; var _typeof2 = _interopRequireDefault(_typeofExports); var _index = _interopRequireDefault(requiredArgsExports); function toDate2(argument) { (0, _index.default)(1, arguments); var argStr = Object.prototype.toString.call(argument); if (argument instanceof Date || (0, _typeof2.default)(argument) === "object" && argStr === "[object Date]") { return new Date(argument.getTime()); } else if (typeof argument === "number" || argStr === "[object Number]") { return new Date(argument); } else { if ((typeof argument === "string" || argStr === "[object String]") && typeof console !== "undefined") { console.warn("Starting with v2.0.0-beta.1 date-fns doesn't accept strings as date arguments. Please use `parseISO` to parse strings. See: https://github.com/date-fns/date-fns/blob/master/docs/upgradeGuide.md#string-arguments"); console.warn(new Error().stack); } return /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(NaN); } } module2.exports = exports2.default; })(toDate$1, toDate$1.exports); var toDateExports = toDate$1.exports; (function(module2, exports2) { var _interopRequireDefault = interopRequireDefaultExports.default; Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports2.default = isValid2; var _index = _interopRequireDefault(isDateExports); var _index2 = _interopRequireDefault(toDateExports); var _index3 = _interopRequireDefault(requiredArgsExports); function isValid2(dirtyDate) { (0, _index3.default)(1, arguments); if (!(0, _index.default)(dirtyDate) && typeof dirtyDate !== "number") { return false; } var date = (0, _index2.default)(dirtyDate); return !isNaN(Number(date)); } module2.exports = exports2.default; })(isValid, isValid.exports); var isValidExports = isValid.exports; var subMilliseconds = { exports: {} }; var addMilliseconds = { exports: {} }; var toInteger$1 = { exports: {} }; (function(module2, exports2) { Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports2.default = toInteger2; function toInteger2(dirtyNumber) { if (dirtyNumber === null || dirtyNumber === true || dirtyNumber === false) { return NaN; } var number = Number(dirtyNumber); if (isNaN(number)) { return number; } return number < 0 ? Math.ceil(number) : Math.floor(number); } module2.exports = exports2.default; })(toInteger$1, toInteger$1.exports); var toIntegerExports = toInteger$1.exports; const toInteger = /* @__PURE__ */ getDefaultExportFromCjs(toIntegerExports); (function(module2, exports2) { var _interopRequireDefault = interopRequireDefaultExports.default; Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports2.default = addMilliseconds2; var _index = _interopRequireDefault(toIntegerExports); var _index2 = _interopRequireDefault(toDateExports); var _index3 = _interopRequireDefault(requiredArgsExports); function addMilliseconds2(dirtyDate, dirtyAmount) { (0, _index3.default)(2, arguments); var timestamp = (0, _index2.default)(dirtyDate).getTime(); var amount = (0, _index.default)(dirtyAmount); return new Date(timestamp + amount); } module2.exports = exports2.default; })(addMilliseconds, addMilliseconds.exports); var addMillisecondsExports = addMilliseconds.exports; (function(module2, exports2) { var _interopRequireDefault = interopRequireDefaultExports.default; Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports2.default = subMilliseconds2; var _index = _interopRequireDefault(addMillisecondsExports); var _index2 = _interopRequireDefault(requiredArgsExports); var _index3 = _interopRequireDefault(toIntegerExports); function subMilliseconds2(dirtyDate, dirtyAmount) { (0, _index2.default)(2, arguments); var amount = (0, _index3.default)(dirtyAmount); return (0, _index.default)(dirtyDate, -amount); } module2.exports = exports2.default; })(subMilliseconds, subMilliseconds.exports); var subMillisecondsExports = subMilliseconds.exports; var formatters$1 = { exports: {} }; var getUTCDayOfYear = { exports: {} }; (function(module2, exports2) { var _interopRequireDefault = interopRequireDefaultExports.default; Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports2.default = getUTCDayOfYear2; var _index = _interopRequireDefault(toDateExports); var _index2 = _interopRequireDefault(requiredArgsExports); var MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY2 = 864e5; function getUTCDayOfYear2(dirtyDate) { (0, _index2.default)(1, arguments); var date = (0, _index.default)(dirtyDate); var timestamp = date.getTime(); date.setUTCMonth(0, 1); date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); var startOfYearTimestamp = date.getTime(); var difference = timestamp - startOfYearTimestamp; return Math.floor(difference / MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY2) + 1; } module2.exports = exports2.default; })(getUTCDayOfYear, getUTCDayOfYear.exports); var getUTCDayOfYearExports = getUTCDayOfYear.exports; var getUTCISOWeek = { exports: {} }; var startOfUTCISOWeek = { exports: {} }; (function(module2, exports2) { var _interopRequireDefault = interopRequireDefaultExports.default; Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports2.default = startOfUTCISOWeek2; var _index = _interopRequireDefault(toDateExports); var _index2 = _interopRequireDefault(requiredArgsExports); function startOfUTCISOWeek2(dirtyDate) { (0, _index2.default)(1, arguments); var weekStartsOn = 1; var date = (0, _index.default)(dirtyDate); var day = date.getUTCDay(); var diff = (day < weekStartsOn ? 7 : 0) + day - weekStartsOn; date.setUTCDate(date.getUTCDate() - diff); date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); return date; } module2.exports = exports2.default; })(startOfUTCISOWeek, startOfUTCISOWeek.exports); var startOfUTCISOWeekExports = startOfUTCISOWeek.exports; var startOfUTCISOWeekYear = { exports: {} }; var getUTCISOWeekYear = { exports: {} }; (function(module2, exports2) { var _interopRequireDefault = interopRequireDefaultExports.default; Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports2.default = getUTCISOWeekYear2; var _index = _interopRequireDefault(toDateExports); var _index2 = _interopRequireDefault(requiredArgsExports); var _index3 = _interopRequireDefault(startOfUTCISOWeekExports); function getUTCISOWeekYear2(dirtyDate) { (0, _index2.default)(1, arguments); var date = (0, _index.default)(dirtyDate); var year = date.getUTCFullYear(); var fourthOfJanuaryOfNextYear = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(0); fourthOfJanuaryOfNextYear.setUTCFullYear(year + 1, 0, 4); fourthOfJanuaryOfNextYear.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); var startOfNextYear = (0, _index3.default)(fourthOfJanuaryOfNextYear); var fourthOfJanuaryOfThisYear = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(0); fourthOfJanuaryOfThisYear.setUTCFullYear(year, 0, 4); fourthOfJanuaryOfThisYear.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); var startOfThisYear = (0, _index3.default)(fourthOfJanuaryOfThisYear); if (date.getTime() >= startOfNextYear.getTime()) { return year + 1; } else if (date.getTime() >= startOfThisYear.getTime()) { return year; } else { return year - 1; } } module2.exports = exports2.default; })(getUTCISOWeekYear, getUTCISOWeekYear.exports); var getUTCISOWeekYearExports = getUTCISOWeekYear.exports; (function(module2, exports2) { var _interopRequireDefault = interopRequireDefaultExports.default; Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports2.default = startOfUTCISOWeekYear2; var _index = _interopRequireDefault(getUTCISOWeekYearExports); var _index2 = _interopRequireDefault(startOfUTCISOWeekExports); var _index3 = _interopRequireDefault(requiredArgsExports); function startOfUTCISOWeekYear2(dirtyDate) { (0, _index3.default)(1, arguments); var year = (0, _index.default)(dirtyDate); var fourthOfJanuary = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(0); fourthOfJanuary.setUTCFullYear(year, 0, 4); fourthOfJanuary.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); var date = (0, _index2.default)(fourthOfJanuary); return date; } module2.exports = exports2.default; })(startOfUTCISOWeekYear, startOfUTCISOWeekYear.exports); var startOfUTCISOWeekYearExports = startOfUTCISOWeekYear.exports; (function(module2, exports2) { var _interopRequireDefault = interopRequireDefaultExports.default; Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports2.default = getUTCISOWeek2; var _index = _interopRequireDefault(toDateExports); var _index2 = _interopRequireDefault(startOfUTCISOWeekExports); var _index3 = _interopRequireDefault(startOfUTCISOWeekYearExports); var _index4 = _interopRequireDefault(requiredArgsExports); var MILLISECONDS_IN_WEEK2 = 6048e5; function getUTCISOWeek2(dirtyDate) { (0, _index4.default)(1, arguments); var date = (0, _index.default)(dirtyDate); var diff = (0, _index2.default)(date).getTime() - (0, _index3.default)(date).getTime(); return Math.round(diff / MILLISECONDS_IN_WEEK2) + 1; } module2.exports = exports2.default; })(getUTCISOWeek, getUTCISOWeek.exports); var getUTCISOWeekExports = getUTCISOWeek.exports; var getUTCWeek = { exports: {} }; var startOfUTCWeek = { exports: {} }; var defaultOptions$1 = {}; Object.defineProperty(defaultOptions$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); defaultOptions$1.getDefaultOptions = getDefaultOptions; defaultOptions$1.setDefaultOptions = setDefaultOptions; var defaultOptions = {}; function getDefaultOptions() { return defaultOptions; } function setDefaultOptions(newOptions) { defaultOptions = newOptions; } (function(module2, exports2) { var _interopRequireDefault = interopRequireDefaultExports.default; Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports2.default = startOfUTCWeek2; var _index = _interopRequireDefault(toDateExports); var _index2 = _interopRequireDefault(requiredArgsExports); var _index3 = _interopRequireDefault(toIntegerExports); var _index4 = defaultOptions$1; function startOfUTCWeek2(dirtyDate, options) { var _ref, _ref2, _ref3, _options$weekStartsOn, _options$locale, _options$locale$optio, _defaultOptions$local, _defaultOptions$local2; (0, _index2.default)(1, arguments); var defaultOptions2 = (0, _index4.getDefaultOptions)(); var weekStartsOn = (0, _index3.default)((_ref = (_ref2 = (_ref3 = (_options$weekStartsOn = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.weekStartsOn) !== null && _options$weekStartsOn !== void 0 ? _options$weekStartsOn : options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale = options.locale) === null || _options$locale === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale$optio = _options$locale.options) === null || _options$locale$optio === void 0 ? void 0 : _options$locale$optio.weekStartsOn) !== null && _ref3 !== void 0 ? _ref3 : defaultOptions2.weekStartsOn) !== null && _ref2 !== void 0 ? _ref2 : (_defaultOptions$local = defaultOptions2.locale) === null || _defaultOptions$local === void 0 ? void 0 : (_defaultOptions$local2 = _defaultOptions$local.options) === null || _defaultOptions$local2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _defaultOptions$local2.weekStartsOn) !== null && _ref !== void 0 ? _ref : 0); if (!(weekStartsOn >= 0 && weekStartsOn <= 6)) { throw new RangeError("weekStartsOn must be between 0 and 6 inclusively"); } var date = (0, _index.default)(dirtyDate); var day = date.getUTCDay(); var diff = (day < weekStartsOn ? 7 : 0) + day - weekStartsOn; date.setUTCDate(date.getUTCDate() - diff); date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); return date; } module2.exports = exports2.default; })(startOfUTCWeek, startOfUTCWeek.exports); var startOfUTCWeekExports = startOfUTCWeek.exports; var startOfUTCWeekYear = { exports: {} }; var getUTCWeekYear = { exports: {} }; (function(module2, exports2) { var _interopRequireDefault = interopRequireDefaultExports.default; Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports2.default = getUTCWeekYear2; var _index = _interopRequireDefault(toDateExports); var _index2 = _interopRequireDefault(requiredArgsExports); var _index3 = _interopRequireDefault(startOfUTCWeekExports); var _index4 = _interopRequireDefault(toIntegerExports); var _index5 = defaultOptions$1; function getUTCWeekYear2(dirtyDate, options) { var _ref, _ref2, _ref3, _options$firstWeekCon, _options$locale, _options$locale$optio, _defaultOptions$local, _defaultOptions$local2; (0, _index2.default)(1, arguments); var date = (0, _index.default)(dirtyDate); var year = date.getUTCFullYear(); var defaultOptions2 = (0, _index5.getDefaultOptions)(); var firstWeekContainsDate = (0, _index4.default)((_ref = (_ref2 = (_ref3 = (_options$firstWeekCon = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _options$firstWeekCon !== void 0 ? _options$firstWeekCon : options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale = options.locale) === null || _options$locale === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale$optio = _options$locale.options) === null || _options$locale$optio === void 0 ? void 0 : _options$locale$optio.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref3 !== void 0 ? _ref3 : defaultOptions2.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref2 !== void 0 ? _ref2 : (_defaultOptions$local = defaultOptions2.locale) === null || _defaultOptions$local === void 0 ? void 0 : (_defaultOptions$local2 = _defaultOptions$local.options) === null || _defaultOptions$local2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _defaultOptions$local2.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref !== void 0 ? _ref : 1); if (!(firstWeekContainsDate >= 1 && firstWeekContainsDate <= 7)) { throw new RangeError("firstWeekContainsDate must be between 1 and 7 inclusively"); } var firstWeekOfNextYear = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(0); firstWeekOfNextYear.setUTCFullYear(year + 1, 0, firstWeekContainsDate); firstWeekOfNextYear.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); var startOfNextYear = (0, _index3.default)(firstWeekOfNextYear, options); var firstWeekOfThisYear = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(0); firstWeekOfThisYear.setUTCFullYear(year, 0, firstWeekContainsDate); firstWeekOfThisYear.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); var startOfThisYear = (0, _index3.default)(firstWeekOfThisYear, options); if (date.getTime() >= startOfNextYear.getTime()) { return year + 1; } else if (date.getTime() >= startOfThisYear.getTime()) { return year; } else { return year - 1; } } module2.exports = exports2.default; })(getUTCWeekYear, getUTCWeekYear.exports); var getUTCWeekYearExports = getUTCWeekYear.exports; (function(module2, exports2) { var _interopRequireDefault = interopRequireDefaultExports.default; Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports2.default = startOfUTCWeekYear2; var _index = _interopRequireDefault(getUTCWeekYearExports); var _index2 = _interopRequireDefault(requiredArgsExports); var _index3 = _interopRequireDefault(startOfUTCWeekExports); var _index4 = _interopRequireDefault(toIntegerExports); var _index5 = defaultOptions$1; function startOfUTCWeekYear2(dirtyDate, options) { var _ref, _ref2, _ref3, _options$firstWeekCon, _options$locale, _options$locale$optio, _defaultOptions$local, _defaultOptions$local2; (0, _index2.default)(1, arguments); var defaultOptions2 = (0, _index5.getDefaultOptions)(); var firstWeekContainsDate = (0, _index4.default)((_ref = (_ref2 = (_ref3 = (_options$firstWeekCon = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _options$firstWeekCon !== void 0 ? _options$firstWeekCon : options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale = options.locale) === null || _options$locale === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale$optio = _options$locale.options) === null || _options$locale$optio === void 0 ? void 0 : _options$locale$optio.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref3 !== void 0 ? _ref3 : defaultOptions2.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref2 !== void 0 ? _ref2 : (_defaultOptions$local = defaultOptions2.locale) === null || _defaultOptions$local === void 0 ? void 0 : (_defaultOptions$local2 = _defaultOptions$local.options) === null || _defaultOptions$local2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _defaultOptions$local2.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref !== void 0 ? _ref : 1); var year = (0, _index.default)(dirtyDate, options); var firstWeek = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(0); firstWeek.setUTCFullYear(year, 0, firstWeekContainsDate); firstWeek.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); var date = (0, _index3.default)(firstWeek, options); return date; } module2.exports = exports2.default; })(startOfUTCWeekYear, startOfUTCWeekYear.exports); var startOfUTCWeekYearExports = startOfUTCWeekYear.exports; (function(module2, exports2) { var _interopRequireDefault = interopRequireDefaultExports.default; Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports2.default = getUTCWeek2; var _index = _interopRequireDefault(toDateExports); var _index2 = _interopRequireDefault(startOfUTCWeekExports); var _index3 = _interopRequireDefault(startOfUTCWeekYearExports); var _index4 = _interopRequireDefault(requiredArgsExports); var MILLISECONDS_IN_WEEK2 = 6048e5; function getUTCWeek2(dirtyDate, options) { (0, _index4.default)(1, arguments); var date = (0, _index.default)(dirtyDate); var diff = (0, _index2.default)(date, options).getTime() - (0, _index3.default)(date, options).getTime(); return Math.round(diff / MILLISECONDS_IN_WEEK2) + 1; } module2.exports = exports2.default; })(getUTCWeek, getUTCWeek.exports); var getUTCWeekExports = getUTCWeek.exports; var addLeadingZeros$1 = { exports: {} }; (function(module2, exports2) { Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports2.default = addLeadingZeros2; function addLeadingZeros2(number, targetLength) { var sign = number < 0 ? "-" : ""; var output = Math.abs(number).toString(); while (output.length < targetLength) { output = "0" + output; } return sign + output; } module2.exports = exports2.default; })(addLeadingZeros$1, addLeadingZeros$1.exports); var addLeadingZerosExports = addLeadingZeros$1.exports; var lightFormatters = { exports: {} }; (function(module2, exports2) { var _interopRequireDefault = interopRequireDefaultExports.default; Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports2.default = void 0; var _index = _interopRequireDefault(addLeadingZerosExports); var formatters2 = { // Year y: function y(date, token) { var signedYear = date.getUTCFullYear(); var year = signedYear > 0 ? signedYear : 1 - signedYear; return (0, _index.default)(token === "yy" ? year % 100 : year, token.length); }, // Month M: function M(date, token) { var month = date.getUTCMonth(); return token === "M" ? String(month + 1) : (0, _index.default)(month + 1, 2); }, // Day of the month d: function d(date, token) { return (0, _index.default)(date.getUTCDate(), token.length); }, // AM or PM a: function a2(date, token) { var dayPeriodEnumValue = date.getUTCHours() / 12 >= 1 ? "pm" : "am"; switch (token) { case "a": case "aa": return dayPeriodEnumValue.toUpperCase(); case "aaa": return dayPeriodEnumValue; case "aaaaa": return dayPeriodEnumValue[0]; case "aaaa": default: return dayPeriodEnumValue === "am" ? "a.m." : "p.m."; } }, // Hour [1-12] h: function h2(date, token) { return (0, _index.default)(date.getUTCHours() % 12 || 12, token.length); }, // Hour [0-23] H: function H(date, token) { return (0, _index.default)(date.getUTCHours(), token.length); }, // Minute m: function m(date, token) { return (0, _index.default)(date.getUTCMinutes(), token.length); }, // Second s: function s(date, token) { return (0, _index.default)(date.getUTCSeconds(), token.length); }, // Fraction of second S: function S(date, token) { var numberOfDigits = token.length; var milliseconds = date.getUTCMilliseconds(); var fractionalSeconds = Math.floor(milliseconds * Math.pow(10, numberOfDigits - 3)); return (0, _index.default)(fractionalSeconds, token.length); } }; var _default = formatters2; exports2.default = _default; module2.exports = exports2.default; })(lightFormatters, lightFormatters.exports); var lightFormattersExports = lightFormatters.exports; (function(module2, exports2) { var _interopRequireDefault = interopRequireDefaultExports.default; Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports2.default = void 0; var _index = _interopRequireDefault(getUTCDayOfYearExports); var _index2 = _interopRequireDefault(getUTCISOWeekExports); var _index3 = _interopRequireDefault(getUTCISOWeekYearExports); var _index4 = _interopRequireDefault(getUTCWeekExports); var _index5 = _interopRequireDefault(getUTCWeekYearExports); var _index6 = _interopRequireDefault(addLeadingZerosExports); var _index7 = _interopRequireDefault(lightFormattersExports); var dayPeriodEnum2 = { am: "am", pm: "pm", midnight: "midnight", noon: "noon", morning: "morning", afternoon: "afternoon", evening: "evening", night: "night" }; var formatters2 = { // Era G: function G(date, token, localize2) { var era = date.getUTCFullYear() > 0 ? 1 : 0; switch (token) { case "G": case "GG": case "GGG": return localize2.era(era, { width: "abbreviated" }); case "GGGGG": return localize2.era(era, { width: "narrow" }); case "GGGG": default: return localize2.era(era, { width: "wide" }); } }, // Year y: function y(date, token, localize2) { if (token === "yo") { var signedYear = date.getUTCFullYear(); var year = signedYear > 0 ? signedYear : 1 - signedYear; return localize2.ordinalNumber(year, { unit: "year" }); } return _index7.default.y(date, token); }, // Local week-numbering year Y: function Y(date, token, localize2, options) { var signedWeekYear = (0, _index5.default)(date, options); var weekYear = signedWeekYear > 0 ? signedWeekYear : 1 - signedWeekYear; if (token === "YY") { var twoDigitYear = weekYear % 100; return (0, _index6.default)(twoDigitYear, 2); } if (token === "Yo") { return localize2.ordinalNumber(weekYear, { unit: "year" }); } return (0, _index6.default)(weekYear, token.length); }, // ISO week-numbering year R: function R(date, token) { var isoWeekYear = (0, _index3.default)(date); return (0, _index6.default)(isoWeekYear, token.length); }, // Extended year. This is a single number designating the year of this calendar system. // The main difference between `y` and `u` localizers are B.C. years: // | Year | `y` | `u` | // |------|-----|-----| // | AC 1 | 1 | 1 | // | BC 1 | 1 | 0 | // | BC 2 | 2 | -1 | // Also `yy` always returns the last two digits of a year, // while `uu` pads single digit years to 2 characters and returns other years unchanged. u: function u(date, token) { var year = date.getUTCFullYear(); return (0, _index6.default)(year, token.length); }, // Quarter Q: function Q(date, token, localize2) { var quarter = Math.ceil((date.getUTCMonth() + 1) / 3); switch (token) { case "Q": return String(quarter); case "QQ": return (0, _index6.default)(quarter, 2); case "Qo": return localize2.ordinalNumber(quarter, { unit: "quarter" }); case "QQQ": return localize2.quarter(quarter, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting" }); case "QQQQQ": return localize2.quarter(quarter, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting" }); case "QQQQ": default: return localize2.quarter(quarter, { width: "wide", context: "formatting" }); } }, // Stand-alone quarter q: function q(date, token, localize2) { var quarter = Math.ceil((date.getUTCMonth() + 1) / 3); switch (token) { case "q": return String(quarter); case "qq": return (0, _index6.default)(quarter, 2); case "qo": return localize2.ordinalNumber(quarter, { unit: "quarter" }); case "qqq": return localize2.quarter(quarter, { width: "abbreviated", context: "standalone" }); case "qqqqq": return localize2.quarter(quarter, { width: "narrow", context: "standalone" }); case "qqqq": default: return localize2.quarter(quarter, { width: "wide", context: "standalone" }); } }, // Month M: function M(date, token, localize2) { var month = date.getUTCMonth(); switch (token) { case "M": case "MM": return _index7.default.M(date, token); case "Mo": return localize2.ordinalNumber(month + 1, { unit: "month" }); case "MMM": return localize2.month(month, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting" }); case "MMMMM": return localize2.month(month, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting" }); case "MMMM": default: return localize2.month(month, { width: "wide", context: "formatting" }); } }, // Stand-alone month L: function L(date, token, localize2) { var month = date.getUTCMonth(); switch (token) { case "L": return String(month + 1); case "LL": return (0, _index6.default)(month + 1, 2); case "Lo": return localize2.ordinalNumber(month + 1, { unit: "month" }); case "LLL": return localize2.month(month, { width: "abbreviated", context: "standalone" }); case "LLLLL": return localize2.month(month, { width: "narrow", context: "standalone" }); case "LLLL": default: return localize2.month(month, { width: "wide", context: "standalone" }); } }, // Local week of year w: function w(date, token, localize2, options) { var week = (0, _index4.default)(date, options); if (token === "wo") { return localize2.ordinalNumber(week, { unit: "week" }); } return (0, _index6.default)(week, token.length); }, // ISO week of year I: function I(date, token, localize2) { var isoWeek = (0, _index2.default)(date); if (token === "Io") { return localize2.ordinalNumber(isoWeek, { unit: "week" }); } return (0, _index6.default)(isoWeek, token.length); }, // Day of the month d: function d(date, token, localize2) { if (token === "do") { return localize2.ordinalNumber(date.getUTCDate(), { unit: "date" }); } return _index7.default.d(date, token); }, // Day of year D: function D(date, token, localize2) { var dayOfYear = (0, _index.default)(date); if (token === "Do") { return localize2.ordinalNumber(dayOfYear, { unit: "dayOfYear" }); } return (0, _index6.default)(dayOfYear, token.length); }, // Day of week E: function E(date, token, localize2) { var dayOfWeek = date.getUTCDay(); switch (token) { case "E": case "EE": case "EEE": return localize2.day(dayOfWeek, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting" }); case "EEEEE": return localize2.day(dayOfWeek, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting" }); case "EEEEEE": return localize2.day(dayOfWeek, { width: "short", context: "formatting" }); case "EEEE": default: return localize2.day(dayOfWeek, { width: "wide", context: "formatting" }); } }, // Local day of week e: function e(date, token, localize2, options) { var dayOfWeek = date.getUTCDay(); var localDayOfWeek = (dayOfWeek - options.weekStartsOn + 8) % 7 || 7; switch (token) { case "e": return String(localDayOfWeek); case "ee": return (0, _index6.default)(localDayOfWeek, 2); case "eo": return localize2.ordinalNumber(localDayOfWeek, { unit: "day" }); case "eee": return localize2.day(dayOfWeek, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting" }); case "eeeee": return localize2.day(dayOfWeek, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting" }); case "eeeeee": return localize2.day(dayOfWeek, { width: "short", context: "formatting" }); case "eeee": default: return localize2.day(dayOfWeek, { width: "wide", context: "formatting" }); } }, // Stand-alone local day of week c: function c2(date, token, localize2, options) { var dayOfWeek = date.getUTCDay(); var localDayOfWeek = (dayOfWeek - options.weekStartsOn + 8) % 7 || 7; switch (token) { case "c": return String(localDayOfWeek); case "cc": return (0, _index6.default)(localDayOfWeek, token.length); case "co": return localize2.ordinalNumber(localDayOfWeek, { unit: "day" }); case "ccc": return localize2.day(dayOfWeek, { width: "abbreviated", context: "standalone" }); case "ccccc": return localize2.day(dayOfWeek, { width: "narrow", context: "standalone" }); case "cccccc": return localize2.day(dayOfWeek, { width: "short", context: "standalone" }); case "cccc": default: return localize2.day(dayOfWeek, { width: "wide", context: "standalone" }); } }, // ISO day of week i: function i(date, token, localize2) { var dayOfWeek = date.getUTCDay(); var isoDayOfWeek = dayOfWeek === 0 ? 7 : dayOfWeek; switch (token) { case "i": return String(isoDayOfWeek); case "ii": return (0, _index6.default)(isoDayOfWeek, token.length); case "io": return localize2.ordinalNumber(isoDayOfWeek, { unit: "day" }); case "iii": return localize2.day(dayOfWeek, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting" }); case "iiiii": return localize2.day(dayOfWeek, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting" }); case "iiiiii": return localize2.day(dayOfWeek, { width: "short", context: "formatting" }); case "iiii": default: return localize2.day(dayOfWeek, { width: "wide", context: "formatting" }); } }, // AM or PM a: function a2(date, token, localize2) { var hours = date.getUTCHours(); var dayPeriodEnumValue = hours / 12 >= 1 ? "pm" : "am"; switch (token) { case "a": case "aa": return localize2.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting" }); case "aaa": return localize2.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting" }).toLowerCase(); case "aaaaa": return localize2.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting" }); case "aaaa": default: return localize2.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { width: "wide", context: "formatting" }); } }, // AM, PM, midnight, noon b: function b(date, token, localize2) { var hours = date.getUTCHours(); var dayPeriodEnumValue; if (hours === 12) { dayPeriodEnumValue = dayPeriodEnum2.noon; } else if (hours === 0) { dayPeriodEnumValue = dayPeriodEnum2.midnight; } else { dayPeriodEnumValue = hours / 12 >= 1 ? "pm" : "am"; } switch (token) { case "b": case "bb": return localize2.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting" }); case "bbb": return localize2.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting" }).toLowerCase(); case "bbbbb": return localize2.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting" }); case "bbbb": default: return localize2.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { width: "wide", context: "formatting" }); } }, // in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, at night B: function B(date, token, localize2) { var hours = date.getUTCHours(); var dayPeriodEnumValue; if (hours >= 17) { dayPeriodEnumValue = dayPeriodEnum2.evening; } else if (hours >= 12) { dayPeriodEnumValue = dayPeriodEnum2.afternoon; } else if (hours >= 4) { dayPeriodEnumValue = dayPeriodEnum2.morning; } else { dayPeriodEnumValue = dayPeriodEnum2.night; } switch (token) { case "B": case "BB": case "BBB": return localize2.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting" }); case "BBBBB": return localize2.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting" }); case "BBBB": default: return localize2.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { width: "wide", context: "formatting" }); } }, // Hour [1-12] h: function h2(date, token, localize2) { if (token === "ho") { var hours = date.getUTCHours() % 12; if (hours === 0) hours = 12; return localize2.ordinalNumber(hours, { unit: "hour" }); } return _index7.default.h(date, token); }, // Hour [0-23] H: function H(date, token, localize2) { if (token === "Ho") { return localize2.ordinalNumber(date.getUTCHours(), { unit: "hour" }); } return _index7.default.H(date, token); }, // Hour [0-11] K: function K(date, token, localize2) { var hours = date.getUTCHours() % 12; if (token === "Ko") { return localize2.ordinalNumber(hours, { unit: "hour" }); } return (0, _index6.default)(hours, token.length); }, // Hour [1-24] k: function k(date, token, localize2) { var hours = date.getUTCHours(); if (hours === 0) hours = 24; if (token === "ko") { return localize2.ordinalNumber(hours, { unit: "hour" }); } return (0, _index6.default)(hours, token.length); }, // Minute m: function m(date, token, localize2) { if (token === "mo") { return localize2.ordinalNumber(date.getUTCMinutes(), { unit: "minute" }); } return _index7.default.m(date, token); }, // Second s: function s(date, token, localize2) { if (token === "so") { return localize2.ordinalNumber(date.getUTCSeconds(), { unit: "second" }); } return _index7.default.s(date, token); }, // Fraction of second S: function S(date, token) { return _index7.default.S(date, token); }, // Timezone (ISO-8601. If offset is 0, output is always `'Z'`) X: function X(date, token, _localize, options) { var originalDate = options._originalDate || date; var timezoneOffset = originalDate.getTimezoneOffset(); if (timezoneOffset === 0) { return "Z"; } switch (token) { case "X": return formatTimezoneWithOptionalMinutes2(timezoneOffset); case "XXXX": case "XX": return formatTimezone2(timezoneOffset); case "XXXXX": case "XXX": default: return formatTimezone2(timezoneOffset, ":"); } }, // Timezone (ISO-8601. If offset is 0, output is `'+00:00'` or equivalent) x: function x(date, token, _localize, options) { var originalDate = options._originalDate || date; var timezoneOffset = originalDate.getTimezoneOffset(); switch (token) { case "x": return formatTimezoneWithOptionalMinutes2(timezoneOffset); case "xxxx": case "xx": return formatTimezone2(timezoneOffset); case "xxxxx": case "xxx": default: return formatTimezone2(timezoneOffset, ":"); } }, // Timezone (GMT) O: function O(date, token, _localize, options) { var originalDate = options._originalDate || date; var timezoneOffset = originalDate.getTimezoneOffset(); switch (token) { case "O": case "OO": case "OOO": return "GMT" + formatTimezoneShort2(timezoneOffset, ":"); case "OOOO": default: return "GMT" + formatTimezone2(timezoneOffset, ":"); } }, // Timezone (specific non-location) z: function z(date, token, _localize, options) { var originalDate = options._originalDate || date; var timezoneOffset = originalDate.getTimezoneOffset(); switch (token) { case "z": case "zz": case "zzz": return "GMT" + formatTimezoneShort2(timezoneOffset, ":"); case "zzzz": default: return "GMT" + formatTimezone2(timezoneOffset, ":"); } }, // Seconds timestamp t: function t(date, token, _localize, options) { var originalDate = options._originalDate || date; var timestamp = Math.floor(originalDate.getTime() / 1e3); return (0, _index6.default)(timestamp, token.length); }, // Milliseconds timestamp T: function T(date, token, _localize, options) { var originalDate = options._originalDate || date; var timestamp = originalDate.getTime(); return (0, _index6.default)(timestamp, token.length); } }; function formatTimezoneShort2(offset, dirtyDelimiter) { var sign = offset > 0 ? "-" : "+"; var absOffset = Math.abs(offset); var hours = Math.floor(absOffset / 60); var minutes = absOffset % 60; if (minutes === 0) { return sign + String(hours); } var delimiter = dirtyDelimiter; return sign + String(hours) + delimiter + (0, _index6.default)(minutes, 2); } function formatTimezoneWithOptionalMinutes2(offset, dirtyDelimiter) { if (offset % 60 === 0) { var sign = offset > 0 ? "-" : "+"; return sign + (0, _index6.default)(Math.abs(offset) / 60, 2); } return formatTimezone2(offset, dirtyDelimiter); } function formatTimezone2(offset, dirtyDelimiter) { var delimiter = dirtyDelimiter || ""; var sign = offset > 0 ? "-" : "+"; var absOffset = Math.abs(offset); var hours = (0, _index6.default)(Math.floor(absOffset / 60), 2); var minutes = (0, _index6.default)(absOffset % 60, 2); return sign + hours + delimiter + minutes; } var _default = formatters2; exports2.default = _default; module2.exports = exports2.default; })(formatters$1, formatters$1.exports); var formattersExports = formatters$1.exports; var longFormatters = { exports: {} }; (function(module2, exports2) { Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports2.default = void 0; var dateLongFormatter2 = function dateLongFormatter3(pattern, formatLong2) { switch (pattern) { case "P": return formatLong2.date({ width: "short" }); case "PP": return formatLong2.date({ width: "medium" }); case "PPP": return formatLong2.date({ width: "long" }); case "PPPP": default: return formatLong2.date({ width: "full" }); } }; var timeLongFormatter2 = function timeLongFormatter3(pattern, formatLong2) { switch (pattern) { case "p": return formatLong2.time({ width: "short" }); case "pp": return formatLong2.time({ width: "medium" }); case "ppp": return formatLong2.time({ width: "long" }); case "pppp": default: return formatLong2.time({ width: "full" }); } }; var dateTimeLongFormatter2 = function dateTimeLongFormatter3(pattern, formatLong2) { var matchResult = pattern.match(/(P+)(p+)?/) || []; var datePattern = matchResult[1]; var timePattern = matchResult[2]; if (!timePattern) { return dateLongFormatter2(pattern, formatLong2); } var dateTimeFormat; switch (datePattern) { case "P": dateTimeFormat = formatLong2.dateTime({ width: "short" }); break; case "PP": dateTimeFormat = formatLong2.dateTime({ width: "medium" }); break; case "PPP": dateTimeFormat = formatLong2.dateTime({ width: "long" }); break; case "PPPP": default: dateTimeFormat = formatLong2.dateTime({ width: "full" }); break; } return dateTimeFormat.replace("{{date}}", dateLongFormatter2(datePattern, formatLong2)).replace("{{time}}", timeLongFormatter2(timePattern, formatLong2)); }; var longFormatters2 = { p: timeLongFormatter2, P: dateTimeLongFormatter2 }; var _default = longFormatters2; exports2.default = _default; module2.exports = exports2.default; })(longFormatters, longFormatters.exports); var longFormattersExports = longFormatters.exports; var getTimezoneOffsetInMilliseconds$1 = { exports: {} }; (function(module2, exports2) { Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports2.default = getTimezoneOffsetInMilliseconds2; function getTimezoneOffsetInMilliseconds2(date) { var utcDate = new Date(Date.UTC(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate(), date.getHours(), date.getMinutes(), date.getSeconds(), date.getMilliseconds())); utcDate.setUTCFullYear(date.getFullYear()); return date.getTime() - utcDate.getTime(); } module2.exports = exports2.default; })(getTimezoneOffsetInMilliseconds$1, getTimezoneOffsetInMilliseconds$1.exports); var getTimezoneOffsetInMillisecondsExports = getTimezoneOffsetInMilliseconds$1.exports; const getTimezoneOffsetInMilliseconds = /* @__PURE__ */ getDefaultExportFromCjs(getTimezoneOffsetInMillisecondsExports); var protectedTokens = {}; Object.defineProperty(protectedTokens, "__esModule", { value: true }); protectedTokens.isProtectedDayOfYearToken = isProtectedDayOfYearToken; protectedTokens.isProtectedWeekYearToken = isProtectedWeekYearToken; protectedTokens.throwProtectedError = throwProtectedError; var protectedDayOfYearTokens = ["D", "DD"]; var protectedWeekYearTokens = ["YY", "YYYY"]; function isProtectedDayOfYearToken(token) { return protectedDayOfYearTokens.indexOf(token) !== -1; } function isProtectedWeekYearToken(token) { return protectedWeekYearTokens.indexOf(token) !== -1; } function throwProtectedError(token, format2, input) { if (token === "YYYY") { throw new RangeError("Use `yyyy` instead of `YYYY` (in `".concat(format2, "`) for formatting years to the input `").concat(input, "`; see: https://github.com/date-fns/date-fns/blob/master/docs/unicodeTokens.md")); } else if (token === "YY") { throw new RangeError("Use `yy` instead of `YY` (in `".concat(format2, "`) for formatting years to the input `").concat(input, "`; see: https://github.com/date-fns/date-fns/blob/master/docs/unicodeTokens.md")); } else if (token === "D") { throw new RangeError("Use `d` instead of `D` (in `".concat(format2, "`) for formatting days of the month to the input `").concat(input, "`; see: https://github.com/date-fns/date-fns/blob/master/docs/unicodeTokens.md")); } else if (token === "DD") { throw new RangeError("Use `dd` instead of `DD` (in `".concat(format2, "`) for formatting days of the month to the input `").concat(input, "`; see: https://github.com/date-fns/date-fns/blob/master/docs/unicodeTokens.md")); } } var defaultLocale = { exports: {} }; var enUS = { exports: {} }; var formatDistance = { exports: {} }; (function(module2, exports2) { Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports2.default = void 0; var formatDistanceLocale2 = { lessThanXSeconds: { one: "less than a second", other: "less than {{count}} seconds" }, xSeconds: { one: "1 second", other: "{{count}} seconds" }, halfAMinute: "half a minute", lessThanXMinutes: { one: "less than a minute", other: "less than {{count}} minutes" }, xMinutes: { one: "1 minute", other: "{{count}} minutes" }, aboutXHours: { one: "about 1 hour", other: "about {{count}} hours" }, xHours: { one: "1 hour", other: "{{count}} hours" }, xDays: { one: "1 day", other: "{{count}} days" }, aboutXWeeks: { one: "about 1 week", other: "about {{count}} weeks" }, xWeeks: { one: "1 week", other: "{{count}} weeks" }, aboutXMonths: { one: "about 1 month", other: "about {{count}} months" }, xMonths: { one: "1 month", other: "{{count}} months" }, aboutXYears: { one: "about 1 year", other: "about {{count}} years" }, xYears: { one: "1 year", other: "{{count}} years" }, overXYears: { one: "over 1 year", other: "over {{count}} years" }, almostXYears: { one: "almost 1 year", other: "almost {{count}} years" } }; var formatDistance2 = function formatDistance3(token, count, options) { var result; var tokenValue = formatDistanceLocale2[token]; if (typeof tokenValue === "string") { result = tokenValue; } else if (count === 1) { result = tokenValue.one; } else { result = tokenValue.other.replace("{{count}}", count.toString()); } if (options !== null && options !== void 0 && options.addSuffix) { if (options.comparison && options.comparison > 0) { return "in " + result; } else { return result + " ago"; } } return result; }; var _default = formatDistance2; exports2.default = _default; module2.exports = exports2.default; })(formatDistance, formatDistance.exports); var formatDistanceExports = formatDistance.exports; var formatLong = { exports: {} }; var buildFormatLongFn = { exports: {} }; (function(module2, exports2) { Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports2.default = buildFormatLongFn2; function buildFormatLongFn2(args) { return function() { var options = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : {}; var width = options.width ? String(options.width) : args.defaultWidth; var format2 = args.formats[width] || args.formats[args.defaultWidth]; return format2; }; } module2.exports = exports2.default; })(buildFormatLongFn, buildFormatLongFn.exports); var buildFormatLongFnExports = buildFormatLongFn.exports; (function(module2, exports2) { var _interopRequireDefault = interopRequireDefaultExports.default; Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports2.default = void 0; var _index = _interopRequireDefault(buildFormatLongFnExports); var dateFormats2 = { full: "EEEE, MMMM do, y", long: "MMMM do, y", medium: "MMM d, y", short: "MM/dd/yyyy" }; var timeFormats2 = { full: "h:mm:ss a zzzz", long: "h:mm:ss a z", medium: "h:mm:ss a", short: "h:mm a" }; var dateTimeFormats2 = { full: "{{date}} 'at' {{time}}", long: "{{date}} 'at' {{time}}", medium: "{{date}}, {{time}}", short: "{{date}}, {{time}}" }; var formatLong2 = { date: (0, _index.default)({ formats: dateFormats2, defaultWidth: "full" }), time: (0, _index.default)({ formats: timeFormats2, defaultWidth: "full" }), dateTime: (0, _index.default)({ formats: dateTimeFormats2, defaultWidth: "full" }) }; var _default = formatLong2; exports2.default = _default; module2.exports = exports2.default; })(formatLong, formatLong.exports); var formatLongExports = formatLong.exports; var formatRelative = { exports: {} }; (function(module2, exports2) { Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports2.default = void 0; var formatRelativeLocale2 = { lastWeek: "'last' eeee 'at' p", yesterday: "'yesterday at' p", today: "'today at' p", tomorrow: "'tomorrow at' p", nextWeek: "eeee 'at' p", other: "P" }; var formatRelative2 = function formatRelative3(token, _date, _baseDate, _options) { return formatRelativeLocale2[token]; }; var _default = formatRelative2; exports2.default = _default; module2.exports = exports2.default; })(formatRelative, formatRelative.exports); var formatRelativeExports = formatRelative.exports; var localize = { exports: {} }; var buildLocalizeFn = { exports: {} }; (function(module2, exports2) { Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports2.default = buildLocalizeFn2; function buildLocalizeFn2(args) { return function(dirtyIndex, options) { var context = options !== null && options !== void 0 && options.context ? String(options.context) : "standalone"; var valuesArray; if (context === "formatting" && args.formattingValues) { var defaultWidth = args.defaultFormattingWidth || args.defaultWidth; var width = options !== null && options !== void 0 && options.width ? String(options.width) : defaultWidth; valuesArray = args.formattingValues[width] || args.formattingValues[defaultWidth]; } else { var _defaultWidth = args.defaultWidth; var _width = options !== null && options !== void 0 && options.width ? String(options.width) : args.defaultWidth; valuesArray = args.values[_width] || args.values[_defaultWidth]; } var index = args.argumentCallback ? args.argumentCallback(dirtyIndex) : dirtyIndex; return valuesArray[index]; }; } module2.exports = exports2.default; })(buildLocalizeFn, buildLocalizeFn.exports); var buildLocalizeFnExports = buildLocalizeFn.exports; (function(module2, exports2) { var _interopRequireDefault = interopRequireDefaultExports.default; Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports2.default = void 0; var _index = _interopRequireDefault(buildLocalizeFnExports); var eraValues2 = { narrow: ["B", "A"], abbreviated: ["BC", "AD"], wide: ["Before Christ", "Anno Domini"] }; var quarterValues2 = { narrow: ["1", "2", "3", "4"], abbreviated: ["Q1", "Q2", "Q3", "Q4"], wide: ["1st quarter", "2nd quarter", "3rd quarter", "4th quarter"] }; var monthValues2 = { narrow: ["J", "F", "M", "A", "M", "J", "J", "A", "S", "O", "N", "D"], abbreviated: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"], wide: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"] }; var dayValues2 = { narrow: ["S", "M", "T", "W", "T", "F", "S"], short: ["Su", "Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa"], abbreviated: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"], wide: ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"] }; var dayPeriodValues2 = { narrow: { am: "a", pm: "p", midnight: "mi", noon: "n", morning: "morning", afternoon: "afternoon", evening: "evening", night: "night" }, abbreviated: { am: "AM", pm: "PM", midnight: "midnight", noon: "noon", morning: "morning", afternoon: "afternoon", evening: "evening", night: "night" }, wide: { am: "a.m.", pm: "p.m.", midnight: "midnight", noon: "noon", morning: "morning", afternoon: "afternoon", evening: "evening", night: "night" } }; var formattingDayPeriodValues2 = { narrow: { am: "a", pm: "p", midnight: "mi", noon: "n", morning: "in the morning", afternoon: "in the afternoon", evening: "in the evening", night: "at night" }, abbreviated: { am: "AM", pm: "PM", midnight: "midnight", noon: "noon", morning: "in the morning", afternoon: "in the afternoon", evening: "in the evening", night: "at night" }, wide: { am: "a.m.", pm: "p.m.", midnight: "midnight", noon: "noon", morning: "in the morning", afternoon: "in the afternoon", evening: "in the evening", night: "at night" } }; var ordinalNumber2 = function ordinalNumber3(dirtyNumber, _options) { var number = Number(dirtyNumber); var rem100 = number % 100; if (rem100 > 20 || rem100 < 10) { switch (rem100 % 10) { case 1: return number + "st"; case 2: return number + "nd"; case 3: return number + "rd"; } } return number + "th"; }; var localize2 = { ordinalNumber: ordinalNumber2, era: (0, _index.default)({ values: eraValues2, defaultWidth: "wide" }), quarter: (0, _index.default)({ values: quarterValues2, defaultWidth: "wide", argumentCallback: function argumentCallback(quarter) { return quarter - 1; } }), month: (0, _index.default)({ values: monthValues2, defaultWidth: "wide" }), day: (0, _index.default)({ values: dayValues2, defaultWidth: "wide" }), dayPeriod: (0, _index.default)({ values: dayPeriodValues2, defaultWidth: "wide", formattingValues: formattingDayPeriodValues2, defaultFormattingWidth: "wide" }) }; var _default = localize2; exports2.default = _default; module2.exports = exports2.default; })(localize, localize.exports); var localizeExports = localize.exports; var match = { exports: {} }; var buildMatchFn = { exports: {} }; (function(module2, exports2) { Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports2.default = buildMatchFn2; function buildMatchFn2(args) { return function(string2) { var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : {}; var width = options.width; var matchPattern = width && args.matchPatterns[width] || args.matchPatterns[args.defaultMatchWidth]; var matchResult = string2.match(matchPattern); if (!matchResult) { return null; } var matchedString = matchResult[0]; var parsePatterns = width && args.parsePatterns[width] || args.parsePatterns[args.defaultParseWidth]; var key = Array.isArray(parsePatterns) ? findIndex2(parsePatterns, function(pattern) { return pattern.test(matchedString); }) : findKey2(parsePatterns, function(pattern) { return pattern.test(matchedString); }); var value; value = args.valueCallback ? args.valueCallback(key) : key; value = options.valueCallback ? options.valueCallback(value) : value; var rest = string2.slice(matchedString.length); return { value, rest }; }; } function findKey2(object, predicate) { for (var key in object) { if (object.hasOwnProperty(key) && predicate(object[key])) { return key; } } return void 0; } function findIndex2(array, predicate) { for (var key = 0; key < array.length; key++) { if (predicate(array[key])) { return key; } } return void 0; } module2.exports = exports2.default; })(buildMatchFn, buildMatchFn.exports); var buildMatchFnExports = buildMatchFn.exports; var buildMatchPatternFn = { exports: {} }; (function(module2, exports2) { Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports2.default = buildMatchPatternFn2; function buildMatchPatternFn2(args) { return function(string2) { var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : {}; var matchResult = string2.match(args.matchPattern); if (!matchResult) return null; var matchedString = matchResult[0]; var parseResult = string2.match(args.parsePattern); if (!parseResult) return null; var value = args.valueCallback ? args.valueCallback(parseResult[0]) : parseResult[0]; value = options.valueCallback ? options.valueCallback(value) : value; var rest = string2.slice(matchedString.length); return { value, rest }; }; } module2.exports = exports2.default; })(buildMatchPatternFn, buildMatchPatternFn.exports); var buildMatchPatternFnExports = buildMatchPatternFn.exports; (function(module2, exports2) { var _interopRequireDefault = interopRequireDefaultExports.default; Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports2.default = void 0; var _index = _interopRequireDefault(buildMatchFnExports); var _index2 = _interopRequireDefault(buildMatchPatternFnExports); var matchOrdinalNumberPattern2 = /^(\d+)(th|st|nd|rd)?/i; var parseOrdinalNumberPattern2 = /\d+/i; var matchEraPatterns2 = { narrow: /^(b|a)/i, abbreviated: /^(b\.?\s?c\.?|b\.?\s?c\.?\s?e\.?|a\.?\s?d\.?|c\.?\s?e\.?)/i, wide: /^(before christ|before common era|anno domini|common era)/i }; var parseEraPatterns2 = { any: [/^b/i, /^(a|c)/i] }; var matchQuarterPatterns2 = { narrow: /^[1234]/i, abbreviated: /^q[1234]/i, wide: /^[1234](th|st|nd|rd)? quarter/i }; var parseQuarterPatterns2 = { any: [/1/i, /2/i, /3/i, /4/i] }; var matchMonthPatterns2 = { narrow: /^[jfmasond]/i, abbreviated: /^(jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec)/i, wide: /^(january|february|march|april|may|june|july|august|september|october|november|december)/i }; var parseMonthPatterns2 = { narrow: [/^j/i, /^f/i, /^m/i, /^a/i, /^m/i, /^j/i, /^j/i, /^a/i, /^s/i, /^o/i, /^n/i, /^d/i], any: [/^ja/i, /^f/i, /^mar/i, /^ap/i, /^may/i, /^jun/i, /^jul/i, /^au/i, /^s/i, /^o/i, /^n/i, /^d/i] }; var matchDayPatterns2 = { narrow: /^[smtwf]/i, short: /^(su|mo|tu|we|th|fr|sa)/i, abbreviated: /^(sun|mon|tue|wed|thu|fri|sat)/i, wide: /^(sunday|monday|tuesday|wednesday|thursday|friday|saturday)/i }; var parseDayPatterns2 = { narrow: [/^s/i, /^m/i, /^t/i, /^w/i, /^t/i, /^f/i, /^s/i], any: [/^su/i, /^m/i, /^tu/i, /^w/i, /^th/i, /^f/i, /^sa/i] }; var matchDayPeriodPatterns2 = { narrow: /^(a|p|mi|n|(in the|at) (morning|afternoon|evening|night))/i, any: /^([ap]\.?\s?m\.?|midnight|noon|(in the|at) (morning|afternoon|evening|night))/i }; var parseDayPeriodPatterns2 = { any: { am: /^a/i, pm: /^p/i, midnight: /^mi/i, noon: /^no/i, morning: /morning/i, afternoon: /afternoon/i, evening: /evening/i, night: /night/i } }; var match2 = { ordinalNumber: (0, _index2.default)({ matchPattern: matchOrdinalNumberPattern2, parsePattern: parseOrdinalNumberPattern2, valueCallback: function valueCallback(value) { return parseInt(value, 10); } }), era: (0, _index.default)({ matchPatterns: matchEraPatterns2, defaultMatchWidth: "wide", parsePatterns: parseEraPatterns2, defaultParseWidth: "any" }), quarter: (0, _index.default)({ matchPatterns: matchQuarterPatterns2, defaultMatchWidth: "wide", parsePatterns: parseQuarterPatterns2, defaultParseWidth: "any", valueCallback: function valueCallback(index) { return index + 1; } }), month: (0, _index.default)({ matchPatterns: matchMonthPatterns2, defaultMatchWidth: "wide", parsePatterns: parseMonthPatterns2, defaultParseWidth: "any" }), day: (0, _index.default)({ matchPatterns: matchDayPatterns2, defaultMatchWidth: "wide", parsePatterns: parseDayPatterns2, defaultParseWidth: "any" }), dayPeriod: (0, _index.default)({ matchPatterns: matchDayPeriodPatterns2, defaultMatchWidth: "any", parsePatterns: parseDayPeriodPatterns2, defaultParseWidth: "any" }) }; var _default = match2; exports2.default = _default; module2.exports = exports2.default; })(match, match.exports); var matchExports = match.exports; (function(module2, exports2) { var _interopRequireDefault = interopRequireDefaultExports.default; Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports2.default = void 0; var _index = _interopRequireDefault(formatDistanceExports); var _index2 = _interopRequireDefault(formatLongExports); var _index3 = _interopRequireDefault(formatRelativeExports); var _index4 = _interopRequireDefault(localizeExports); var _index5 = _interopRequireDefault(matchExports); var locale2 = { code: "en-US", formatDistance: _index.default, formatLong: _index2.default, formatRelative: _index3.default, localize: _index4.default, match: _index5.default, options: { weekStartsOn: 0, firstWeekContainsDate: 1 } }; var _default = locale2; exports2.default = _default; module2.exports = exports2.default; })(enUS, enUS.exports); var enUSExports = enUS.exports; (function(module2, exports2) { var _interopRequireDefault = interopRequireDefaultExports.default; Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports2.default = void 0; var _index = _interopRequireDefault(enUSExports); var _default = _index.default; exports2.default = _default; module2.exports = exports2.default; })(defaultLocale, defaultLocale.exports); var defaultLocaleExports = defaultLocale.exports; (function(module2, exports2) { var _interopRequireDefault = interopRequireDefaultExports.default; Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports2.default = format2; var _index = _interopRequireDefault(isValidExports); var _index2 = _interopRequireDefault(subMillisecondsExports); var _index3 = _interopRequireDefault(toDateExports); var _index4 = _interopRequireDefault(formattersExports); var _index5 = _interopRequireDefault(longFormattersExports); var _index6 = _interopRequireDefault(getTimezoneOffsetInMillisecondsExports); var _index7 = protectedTokens; var _index8 = _interopRequireDefault(toIntegerExports); var _index9 = _interopRequireDefault(requiredArgsExports); var _index10 = defaultOptions$1; var _index11 = _interopRequireDefault(defaultLocaleExports); var formattingTokensRegExp2 = /[yYQqMLwIdDecihHKkms]o|(\w)\1*|''|'(''|[^'])+('|$)|./g; var longFormattingTokensRegExp2 = /P+p+|P+|p+|''|'(''|[^'])+('|$)|./g; var escapedStringRegExp2 = /^'([^]*?)'?$/; var doubleQuoteRegExp2 = /''/g; var unescapedLatinCharacterRegExp2 = /[a-zA-Z]/; function format2(dirtyDate, dirtyFormatStr, options) { var _ref, _options$locale, _ref2, _ref3, _ref4, _options$firstWeekCon, _options$locale2, _options$locale2$opti, _defaultOptions$local, _defaultOptions$local2, _ref5, _ref6, _ref7, _options$weekStartsOn, _options$locale3, _options$locale3$opti, _defaultOptions$local3, _defaultOptions$local4; (0, _index9.default)(2, arguments); var formatStr = String(dirtyFormatStr); var defaultOptions2 = (0, _index10.getDefaultOptions)(); var locale2 = (_ref = (_options$locale = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.locale) !== null && _options$locale !== void 0 ? _options$locale : defaultOptions2.locale) !== null && _ref !== void 0 ? _ref : _index11.default; var firstWeekContainsDate = (0, _index8.default)((_ref2 = (_ref3 = (_ref4 = (_options$firstWeekCon = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _options$firstWeekCon !== void 0 ? _options$firstWeekCon : options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale2 = options.locale) === null || _options$locale2 === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale2$opti = _options$locale2.options) === null || _options$locale2$opti === void 0 ? void 0 : _options$locale2$opti.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref4 !== void 0 ? _ref4 : defaultOptions2.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref3 !== void 0 ? _ref3 : (_defaultOptions$local = defaultOptions2.locale) === null || _defaultOptions$local === void 0 ? void 0 : (_defaultOptions$local2 = _defaultOptions$local.options) === null || _defaultOptions$local2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _defaultOptions$local2.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref2 !== void 0 ? _ref2 : 1); if (!(firstWeekContainsDate >= 1 && firstWeekContainsDate <= 7)) { throw new RangeError("firstWeekContainsDate must be between 1 and 7 inclusively"); } var weekStartsOn = (0, _index8.default)((_ref5 = (_ref6 = (_ref7 = (_options$weekStartsOn = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.weekStartsOn) !== null && _options$weekStartsOn !== void 0 ? _options$weekStartsOn : options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale3 = options.locale) === null || _options$locale3 === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale3$opti = _options$locale3.options) === null || _options$locale3$opti === void 0 ? void 0 : _options$locale3$opti.weekStartsOn) !== null && _ref7 !== void 0 ? _ref7 : defaultOptions2.weekStartsOn) !== null && _ref6 !== void 0 ? _ref6 : (_defaultOptions$local3 = defaultOptions2.locale) === null || _defaultOptions$local3 === void 0 ? void 0 : (_defaultOptions$local4 = _defaultOptions$local3.options) === null || _defaultOptions$local4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _defaultOptions$local4.weekStartsOn) !== null && _ref5 !== void 0 ? _ref5 : 0); if (!(weekStartsOn >= 0 && weekStartsOn <= 6)) { throw new RangeError("weekStartsOn must be between 0 and 6 inclusively"); } if (!locale2.localize) { throw new RangeError("locale must contain localize property"); } if (!locale2.formatLong) { throw new RangeError("locale must contain formatLong property"); } var originalDate = (0, _index3.default)(dirtyDate); if (!(0, _index.default)(originalDate)) { throw new RangeError("Invalid time value"); } var timezoneOffset = (0, _index6.default)(originalDate); var utcDate = (0, _index2.default)(originalDate, timezoneOffset); var formatterOptions = { firstWeekContainsDate, weekStartsOn, locale: locale2, _originalDate: originalDate }; var result = formatStr.match(longFormattingTokensRegExp2).map(function(substring) { var firstCharacter = substring[0]; if (firstCharacter === "p" || firstCharacter === "P") { var longFormatter = _index5.default[firstCharacter]; return longFormatter(substring, locale2.formatLong); } return substring; }).join("").match(formattingTokensRegExp2).map(function(substring) { if (substring === "''") { return "'"; } var firstCharacter = substring[0]; if (firstCharacter === "'") { return cleanEscapedString2(substring); } var formatter = _index4.default[firstCharacter]; if (formatter) { if (!(options !== null && options !== void 0 && options.useAdditionalWeekYearTokens) && (0, _index7.isProtectedWeekYearToken)(substring)) { (0, _index7.throwProtectedError)(substring, dirtyFormatStr, String(dirtyDate)); } if (!(options !== null && options !== void 0 && options.useAdditionalDayOfYearTokens) && (0, _index7.isProtectedDayOfYearToken)(substring)) { (0, _index7.throwProtectedError)(substring, dirtyFormatStr, String(dirtyDate)); } return formatter(utcDate, substring, locale2.localize, formatterOptions); } if (firstCharacter.match(unescapedLatinCharacterRegExp2)) { throw new RangeError("Format string contains an unescaped latin alphabet character `" + firstCharacter + "`"); } return substring; }).join(""); return result; } function cleanEscapedString2(input) { var matched = input.match(escapedStringRegExp2); if (!matched) { return input; } return matched[1].replace(doubleQuoteRegExp2, "'"); } module2.exports = exports2.default; })(format$3, format$3.exports); var formatExports = format$3.exports; const dateFnsFormat = /* @__PURE__ */ getDefaultExportFromCjs(formatExports); function tzIntlTimeZoneName(length, date, options) { var dtf = getDTF(length, options.timeZone, options.locale); return dtf.formatToParts ? partsTimeZone(dtf, date) : hackyTimeZone(dtf, date); } function partsTimeZone(dtf, date) { var formatted = dtf.formatToParts(date); for (var i = formatted.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (formatted[i].type === "timeZoneName") { return formatted[i].value; } } } function hackyTimeZone(dtf, date) { var formatted = dtf.format(date).replace(/\u200E/g, ""); var tzNameMatch = / [\w-+ ]+$/.exec(formatted); return tzNameMatch ? tzNameMatch[0].substr(1) : ""; } function getDTF(length, timeZone, locale2) { if (locale2 && !locale2.code) { throw new Error( "date-fns-tz error: Please set a language code on the locale object imported from date-fns, e.g. `locale.code = 'en-US'`" ); } return new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale2 ? [locale2.code, "en-US"] : void 0, { timeZone, timeZoneName: length }); } function tzTokenizeDate(date, timeZone) { var dtf = getDateTimeFormat(timeZone); return dtf.formatToParts ? partsOffset(dtf, date) : hackyOffset(dtf, date); } var typeToPos = { year: 0, month: 1, day: 2, hour: 3, minute: 4, second: 5 }; function partsOffset(dtf, date) { try { var formatted = dtf.formatToParts(date); var filled = []; for (var i = 0; i < formatted.length; i++) { var pos = typeToPos[formatted[i].type]; if (pos >= 0) { filled[pos] = parseInt(formatted[i].value, 10); } } return filled; } catch (error) { if (error instanceof RangeError) { return [NaN]; } throw error; } } function hackyOffset(dtf, date) { var formatted = dtf.format(date); var parsed = /(\d+)\/(\d+)\/(\d+),? (\d+):(\d+):(\d+)/.exec(formatted); return [parsed[3], parsed[1], parsed[2], parsed[4], parsed[5], parsed[6]]; } var dtfCache = {}; function getDateTimeFormat(timeZone) { if (!dtfCache[timeZone]) { var testDateFormatted = new Intl.DateTimeFormat("en-US", { hourCycle: "h23", timeZone: "America/New_York", year: "numeric", month: "2-digit", day: "2-digit", hour: "2-digit", minute: "2-digit", second: "2-digit" }).format(/* @__PURE__ */ new Date("2014-06-25T04:00:00.123Z")); var hourCycleSupported = testDateFormatted === "06/25/2014, 00:00:00" || testDateFormatted === "‎06‎/‎25‎/‎2014‎ ‎00‎:‎00‎:‎00"; dtfCache[timeZone] = hourCycleSupported ? new Intl.DateTimeFormat("en-US", { hourCycle: "h23", timeZone, year: "numeric", month: "numeric", day: "2-digit", hour: "2-digit", minute: "2-digit", second: "2-digit" }) : new Intl.DateTimeFormat("en-US", { hour12: false, timeZone, year: "numeric", month: "numeric", day: "2-digit", hour: "2-digit", minute: "2-digit", second: "2-digit" }); } return dtfCache[timeZone]; } function newDateUTC(fullYear, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond) { var utcDate = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(0); utcDate.setUTCFullYear(fullYear, month, day); utcDate.setUTCHours(hour, minute, second, millisecond); return utcDate; } var MILLISECONDS_IN_HOUR$1 = 36e5; var MILLISECONDS_IN_MINUTE$2 = 6e4; var patterns$1 = { timezone: /([Z+-].*)$/, timezoneZ: /^(Z)$/, timezoneHH: /^([+-]\d{2})$/, timezoneHHMM: /^([+-])(\d{2}):?(\d{2})$/ }; function tzParseTimezone(timezoneString, date, isUtcDate) { var token; var absoluteOffset; if (!timezoneString) { return 0; } token = patterns$1.timezoneZ.exec(timezoneString); if (token) { return 0; } var hours; token = patterns$1.timezoneHH.exec(timezoneString); if (token) { hours = parseInt(token[1], 10); if (!validateTimezone(hours)) { return NaN; } return -(hours * MILLISECONDS_IN_HOUR$1); } token = patterns$1.timezoneHHMM.exec(timezoneString); if (token) { hours = parseInt(token[2], 10); var minutes = parseInt(token[3], 10); if (!validateTimezone(hours, minutes)) { return NaN; } absoluteOffset = Math.abs(hours) * MILLISECONDS_IN_HOUR$1 + minutes * MILLISECONDS_IN_MINUTE$2; return token[1] === "+" ? -absoluteOffset : absoluteOffset; } if (isValidTimezoneIANAString(timezoneString)) { date = new Date(date || Date.now()); var utcDate = isUtcDate ? date : toUtcDate(date); var offset = calcOffset(utcDate, timezoneString); var fixedOffset = isUtcDate ? offset : fixOffset(date, offset, timezoneString); return -fixedOffset; } return NaN; } function toUtcDate(date) { return newDateUTC( date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate(), date.getHours(), date.getMinutes(), date.getSeconds(), date.getMilliseconds() ); } function calcOffset(date, timezoneString) { var tokens = tzTokenizeDate(date, timezoneString); var asUTC = newDateUTC( tokens[0], tokens[1] - 1, tokens[2], tokens[3] % 24, tokens[4], tokens[5], 0 ).getTime(); var asTS = date.getTime(); var over = asTS % 1e3; asTS -= over >= 0 ? over : 1e3 + over; return asUTC - asTS; } function fixOffset(date, offset, timezoneString) { var localTS = date.getTime(); var utcGuess = localTS - offset; var o2 = calcOffset(new Date(utcGuess), timezoneString); if (offset === o2) { return offset; } utcGuess -= o2 - offset; var o3 = calcOffset(new Date(utcGuess), timezoneString); if (o2 === o3) { return o2; } return Math.max(o2, o3); } function validateTimezone(hours, minutes) { return -23 <= hours && hours <= 23 && (minutes == null || 0 <= minutes && minutes <= 59); } var validIANATimezoneCache = {}; function isValidTimezoneIANAString(timeZoneString) { if (validIANATimezoneCache[timeZoneString]) return true; try { new Intl.DateTimeFormat(void 0, { timeZone: timeZoneString }); validIANATimezoneCache[timeZoneString] = true; return true; } catch (error) { return false; } } var MILLISECONDS_IN_MINUTE$1 = 60 * 1e3; var formatters = { // Timezone (ISO-8601. If offset is 0, output is always `'Z'`) X: function(date, token, localize2, options) { var timezoneOffset = getTimeZoneOffset(options.timeZone, date); if (timezoneOffset === 0) { return "Z"; } switch (token) { case "X": return formatTimezoneWithOptionalMinutes(timezoneOffset); case "XXXX": case "XX": return formatTimezone(timezoneOffset); case "XXXXX": case "XXX": default: return formatTimezone(timezoneOffset, ":"); } }, // Timezone (ISO-8601. If offset is 0, output is `'+00:00'` or equivalent) x: function(date, token, localize2, options) { var timezoneOffset = getTimeZoneOffset(options.timeZone, date); switch (token) { case "x": return formatTimezoneWithOptionalMinutes(timezoneOffset); case "xxxx": case "xx": return formatTimezone(timezoneOffset); case "xxxxx": case "xxx": default: return formatTimezone(timezoneOffset, ":"); } }, // Timezone (GMT) O: function(date, token, localize2, options) { var timezoneOffset = getTimeZoneOffset(options.timeZone, date); switch (token) { case "O": case "OO": case "OOO": return "GMT" + formatTimezoneShort(timezoneOffset, ":"); case "OOOO": default: return "GMT" + formatTimezone(timezoneOffset, ":"); } }, // Timezone (specific non-location) z: function(date, token, localize2, options) { switch (token) { case "z": case "zz": case "zzz": return tzIntlTimeZoneName("short", date, options); case "zzzz": default: return tzIntlTimeZoneName("long", date, options); } } }; function getTimeZoneOffset(timeZone, originalDate) { var timeZoneOffset = timeZone ? tzParseTimezone(timeZone, originalDate, true) / MILLISECONDS_IN_MINUTE$1 : originalDate.getTimezoneOffset(); if (Number.isNaN(timeZoneOffset)) { throw new RangeError("Invalid time zone specified: " + timeZone); } return timeZoneOffset; } function addLeadingZeros(number, targetLength) { var sign = number < 0 ? "-" : ""; var output = Math.abs(number).toString(); while (output.length < targetLength) { output = "0" + output; } return sign + output; } function formatTimezone(offset, dirtyDelimeter) { var delimeter = dirtyDelimeter || ""; var sign = offset > 0 ? "-" : "+"; var absOffset = Math.abs(offset); var hours = addLeadingZeros(Math.floor(absOffset / 60), 2); var minutes = addLeadingZeros(Math.floor(absOffset % 60), 2); return sign + hours + delimeter + minutes; } function formatTimezoneWithOptionalMinutes(offset, dirtyDelimeter) { if (offset % 60 === 0) { var sign = offset > 0 ? "-" : "+"; return sign + addLeadingZeros(Math.abs(offset) / 60, 2); } return formatTimezone(offset, dirtyDelimeter); } function formatTimezoneShort(offset, dirtyDelimiter) { var sign = offset > 0 ? "-" : "+"; var absOffset = Math.abs(offset); var hours = Math.floor(absOffset / 60); var minutes = absOffset % 60; if (minutes === 0) { return sign + String(hours); } var delimiter = dirtyDelimiter; return sign + String(hours) + delimiter + addLeadingZeros(minutes, 2); } var tzPattern = /(Z|[+-]\d{2}(?::?\d{2})?| UTC| [a-zA-Z]+\/[a-zA-Z_]+(?:\/[a-zA-Z_]+)?)$/; var MILLISECONDS_IN_HOUR = 36e5; var MILLISECONDS_IN_MINUTE = 6e4; var DEFAULT_ADDITIONAL_DIGITS = 2; var patterns = { dateTimePattern: /^([0-9W+-]+)(T| )(.*)/, datePattern: /^([0-9W+-]+)(.*)/, plainTime: /:/, // year tokens YY: /^(\d{2})$/, YYY: [ /^([+-]\d{2})$/, // 0 additional digits /^([+-]\d{3})$/, // 1 additional digit /^([+-]\d{4})$/ // 2 additional digits ], YYYY: /^(\d{4})/, YYYYY: [ /^([+-]\d{4})/, // 0 additional digits /^([+-]\d{5})/, // 1 additional digit /^([+-]\d{6})/ // 2 additional digits ], // date tokens MM: /^-(\d{2})$/, DDD: /^-?(\d{3})$/, MMDD: /^-?(\d{2})-?(\d{2})$/, Www: /^-?W(\d{2})$/, WwwD: /^-?W(\d{2})-?(\d{1})$/, HH: /^(\d{2}([.,]\d*)?)$/, HHMM: /^(\d{2}):?(\d{2}([.,]\d*)?)$/, HHMMSS: /^(\d{2}):?(\d{2}):?(\d{2}([.,]\d*)?)$/, // time zone tokens (to identify the presence of a tz) timeZone: tzPattern }; function toDate(argument, dirtyOptions) { if (arguments.length < 1) { throw new TypeError("1 argument required, but only " + arguments.length + " present"); } if (argument === null) { return /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(NaN); } var options = dirtyOptions || {}; var additionalDigits = options.additionalDigits == null ? DEFAULT_ADDITIONAL_DIGITS : toInteger(options.additionalDigits); if (additionalDigits !== 2 && additionalDigits !== 1 && additionalDigits !== 0) { throw new RangeError("additionalDigits must be 0, 1 or 2"); } if (argument instanceof Date || typeof argument === "object" && Object.prototype.toString.call(argument) === "[object Date]") { return new Date(argument.getTime()); } else if (typeof argument === "number" || Object.prototype.toString.call(argument) === "[object Number]") { return new Date(argument); } else if (!(typeof argument === "string" || Object.prototype.toString.call(argument) === "[object String]")) { return /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(NaN); } var dateStrings = splitDateString(argument); var parseYearResult = parseYear(dateStrings.date, additionalDigits); var year = parseYearResult.year; var restDateString = parseYearResult.restDateString; var date = parseDate(restDateString, year); if (isNaN(date)) { return /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(NaN); } if (date) { var timestamp = date.getTime(); var time2 = 0; var offset; if (dateStrings.time) { time2 = parseTime(dateStrings.time); if (isNaN(time2)) { return /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(NaN); } } if (dateStrings.timeZone || options.timeZone) { offset = tzParseTimezone(dateStrings.timeZone || options.timeZone, new Date(timestamp + time2)); if (isNaN(offset)) { return /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(NaN); } } else { offset = getTimezoneOffsetInMilliseconds(new Date(timestamp + time2)); offset = getTimezoneOffsetInMilliseconds(new Date(timestamp + time2 + offset)); } return new Date(timestamp + time2 + offset); } else { return /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(NaN); } } function splitDateString(dateString) { var dateStrings = {}; var parts = patterns.dateTimePattern.exec(dateString); var timeString; if (!parts) { parts = patterns.datePattern.exec(dateString); if (parts) { dateStrings.date = parts[1]; timeString = parts[2]; } else { dateStrings.date = null; timeString = dateString; } } else { dateStrings.date = parts[1]; timeString = parts[3]; } if (timeString) { var token = patterns.timeZone.exec(timeString); if (token) { dateStrings.time = timeString.replace(token[1], ""); dateStrings.timeZone = token[1].trim(); } else { dateStrings.time = timeString; } } return dateStrings; } function parseYear(dateString, additionalDigits) { var patternYYY = patterns.YYY[additionalDigits]; var patternYYYYY = patterns.YYYYY[additionalDigits]; var token; token = patterns.YYYY.exec(dateString) || patternYYYYY.exec(dateString); if (token) { var yearString = token[1]; return { year: parseInt(yearString, 10), restDateString: dateString.slice(yearString.length) }; } token = patterns.YY.exec(dateString) || patternYYY.exec(dateString); if (token) { var centuryString = token[1]; return { year: parseInt(centuryString, 10) * 100, restDateString: dateString.slice(centuryString.length) }; } return { year: null }; } function parseDate(dateString, year) { if (year === null) { return null; } var token; var date; var month; var week; if (dateString.length === 0) { date = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(0); date.setUTCFullYear(year); return date; } token = patterns.MM.exec(dateString); if (token) { date = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(0); month = parseInt(token[1], 10) - 1; if (!validateDate(year, month)) { return /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(NaN); } date.setUTCFullYear(year, month); return date; } token = patterns.DDD.exec(dateString); if (token) { date = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(0); var dayOfYear = parseInt(token[1], 10); if (!validateDayOfYearDate(year, dayOfYear)) { return /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(NaN); } date.setUTCFullYear(year, 0, dayOfYear); return date; } token = patterns.MMDD.exec(dateString); if (token) { date = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(0); month = parseInt(token[1], 10) - 1; var day = parseInt(token[2], 10); if (!validateDate(year, month, day)) { return /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(NaN); } date.setUTCFullYear(year, month, day); return date; } token = patterns.Www.exec(dateString); if (token) { week = parseInt(token[1], 10) - 1; if (!validateWeekDate(year, week)) { return /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(NaN); } return dayOfISOWeekYear(year, week); } token = patterns.WwwD.exec(dateString); if (token) { week = parseInt(token[1], 10) - 1; var dayOfWeek = parseInt(token[2], 10) - 1; if (!validateWeekDate(year, week, dayOfWeek)) { return /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(NaN); } return dayOfISOWeekYear(year, week, dayOfWeek); } return null; } function parseTime(timeString) { var token; var hours; var minutes; token = patterns.HH.exec(timeString); if (token) { hours = parseFloat(token[1].replace(",", ".")); if (!validateTime(hours)) { return NaN; } return hours % 24 * MILLISECONDS_IN_HOUR; } token = patterns.HHMM.exec(timeString); if (token) { hours = parseInt(token[1], 10); minutes = parseFloat(token[2].replace(",", ".")); if (!validateTime(hours, minutes)) { return NaN; } return hours % 24 * MILLISECONDS_IN_HOUR + minutes * MILLISECONDS_IN_MINUTE; } token = patterns.HHMMSS.exec(timeString); if (token) { hours = parseInt(token[1], 10); minutes = parseInt(token[2], 10); var seconds = parseFloat(token[3].replace(",", ".")); if (!validateTime(hours, minutes, seconds)) { return NaN; } return hours % 24 * MILLISECONDS_IN_HOUR + minutes * MILLISECONDS_IN_MINUTE + seconds * 1e3; } return null; } function dayOfISOWeekYear(isoWeekYear, week, day) { week = week || 0; day = day || 0; var date = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(0); date.setUTCFullYear(isoWeekYear, 0, 4); var fourthOfJanuaryDay = date.getUTCDay() || 7; var diff = week * 7 + day + 1 - fourthOfJanuaryDay; date.setUTCDate(date.getUTCDate() + diff); return date; } var DAYS_IN_MONTH = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]; var DAYS_IN_MONTH_LEAP_YEAR = [31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]; function isLeapYearIndex(year) { return year % 400 === 0 || year % 4 === 0 && year % 100 !== 0; } function validateDate(year, month, date) { if (month < 0 || month > 11) { return false; } if (date != null) { if (date < 1) { return false; } var isLeapYear = isLeapYearIndex(year); if (isLeapYear && date > DAYS_IN_MONTH_LEAP_YEAR[month]) { return false; } if (!isLeapYear && date > DAYS_IN_MONTH[month]) { return false; } } return true; } function validateDayOfYearDate(year, dayOfYear) { if (dayOfYear < 1) { return false; } var isLeapYear = isLeapYearIndex(year); if (isLeapYear && dayOfYear > 366) { return false; } if (!isLeapYear && dayOfYear > 365) { return false; } return true; } function validateWeekDate(year, week, day) { if (week < 0 || week > 52) { return false; } if (day != null && (day < 0 || day > 6)) { return false; } return true; } function validateTime(hours, minutes, seconds) { if (hours != null && (hours < 0 || hours >= 25)) { return false; } if (minutes != null && (minutes < 0 || minutes >= 60)) { return false; } if (seconds != null && (seconds < 0 || seconds >= 60)) { return false; } return true; } var tzFormattingTokensRegExp = /([xXOz]+)|''|'(''|[^'])+('|$)/g; function format$2(dirtyDate, dirtyFormatStr, dirtyOptions) { var formatStr = String(dirtyFormatStr); var options = dirtyOptions || {}; var matches = formatStr.match(tzFormattingTokensRegExp); if (matches) { var date = toDate(options.originalDate || dirtyDate, options); formatStr = matches.reduce(function(result, token) { if (token[0] === "'") { return result; } var pos = result.indexOf(token); var precededByQuotedSection = result[pos - 1] === "'"; var replaced = result.replace( token, "'" + formatters[token[0]](date, token, null, options) + "'" ); return precededByQuotedSection ? replaced.substring(0, pos - 1) + replaced.substring(pos + 1) : replaced; }, formatStr); } return dateFnsFormat(dirtyDate, formatStr, options); } function utcToZonedTime(dirtyDate, timeZone, options) { var date = toDate(dirtyDate, options); var offsetMilliseconds = tzParseTimezone(timeZone, date, true); var d = new Date(date.getTime() - offsetMilliseconds); var resultDate = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(0); resultDate.setFullYear(d.getUTCFullYear(), d.getUTCMonth(), d.getUTCDate()); resultDate.setHours(d.getUTCHours(), d.getUTCMinutes(), d.getUTCSeconds(), d.getUTCMilliseconds()); return resultDate; } function formatInTimeZone(date, timeZone, formatStr, options) { var extendedOptions = cloneObject(options); extendedOptions.timeZone = timeZone; extendedOptions.originalDate = date; return format$2(utcToZonedTime(date, timeZone), formatStr, extendedOptions); } const time = { amHours: ["00", "01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08", "09", "10", "11"], pmHours: ["12", "01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08", "09", "10", "11"], hours: ["00", "01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08", "09", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23"], minutes: ["00", "01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08", "09", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "27", "28", "29", "30", "31", "32", "33", "34", "35", "36", "37", "38", "39", "40", "41", "42", "43", "44", "45", "46", "47", "48", "49", "50", "51", "52", "53", "54", "55", "56", "57", "58", "59"], seconds: ["00", "01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08", "09", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "27", "28", "29", "30", "31", "32", "33", "34", "35", "36", "37", "38", "39", "40", "41", "42", "43", "44", "45", "46", "47", "48", "49", "50", "51", "52", "53", "54", "55", "56", "57", "58", "59"], period: ["AM", "PM"] }; function getFixValue(value) { return `00${value}`.slice(-2); } function getTimeUnits(defaultValue, stepOrList, isHourWithAmPm) { if (Array.isArray(stepOrList)) { return (isHourWithAmPm === "am" ? stepOrList.filter((v) => v < 12) : isHourWithAmPm === "pm" ? stepOrList.filter((v) => v >= 12).map((v) => v === 12 ? 12 : v - 12) : stepOrList).map((v) => getFixValue(v)); } else if (typeof stepOrList === "number") { if (isHourWithAmPm === "am") { return defaultValue.filter((hour) => { const hourAsNumber = Number(hour); return hourAsNumber < 12 && hourAsNumber % stepOrList === 0; }); } else if (isHourWithAmPm === "pm") { return defaultValue.filter((hour) => { const hourAsNumber = Number(hour); return hourAsNumber >= 12 && hourAsNumber % stepOrList === 0; }).map((hour) => { const hourAsNumber = Number(hour); return getFixValue(hourAsNumber === 12 ? 12 : hourAsNumber - 12); }); } return defaultValue.filter((hour) => { return Number(hour) % stepOrList === 0; }); } else { return isHourWithAmPm === "am" ? defaultValue.filter((hour) => Number(hour) < 12) : isHourWithAmPm === "pm" ? defaultValue.map((hour) => Number(hour)).filter((hour) => Number(hour) >= 12).map((v) => getFixValue(v === 12 ? 12 : v - 12)) : defaultValue; } } function isTimeInStep(value, type, stepOrList) { if (!stepOrList) { return true; } else if (typeof stepOrList === "number") { return value % stepOrList === 0; } else { return stepOrList.includes(value); } } function findSimilarTime(value, type, stepOrList) { const list = getTimeUnits(time[type], stepOrList).map(Number); let lowerBound, upperBound; for (let i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) { const v = list[i]; if (v === value) return v; else if (v > value) { upperBound = v; break; } lowerBound = v; } if (lowerBound === void 0) { if (!upperBound) { throwError("time-picker", "Please set 'hours' or 'minutes' or 'seconds' props"); } return upperBound; } if (upperBound === void 0) { return lowerBound; } return upperBound - value > value - lowerBound ? lowerBound : upperBound; } function getAmPm(value) { return getHours(value) < 12 ? "am" : "pm"; } const timePickerInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-time-picker"); const PanelCol = vue.defineComponent({ name: "TimePickerPanelCol", props: { clsPrefix: { type: String, required: true }, data: { type: Array, required: true }, activeValue: { type: Number, default: null }, // It should be required but vue's type seems to have bugs onItemClick: Function }, render() { const { activeValue, onItemClick, clsPrefix } = this; return this.data.map((item) => { const { label, disabled, value } = item; const active = activeValue === value; return vue.h("div", { key: label, "data-active": active ? "" : null, class: [`${clsPrefix}-time-picker-col__item`, active && `${clsPrefix}-time-picker-col__item--active`, disabled && `${clsPrefix}-time-picker-col__item--disabled`], onClick: onItemClick && !disabled ? () => { onItemClick(value); } : void 0 }, label); }); } }); const timePickerPanelProps = { actions: { type: Array, default: () => ["now", "confirm"] }, showHour: { type: Boolean, default: true }, showMinute: { type: Boolean, default: true }, showSecond: { type: Boolean, default: true }, showPeriod: { type: Boolean, default: true }, isHourInvalid: Boolean, isMinuteInvalid: Boolean, isSecondInvalid: Boolean, isAmPmInvalid: Boolean, isValueInvalid: Boolean, hourValue: { type: Number, default: null }, minuteValue: { type: Number, default: null }, secondValue: { type: Number, default: null }, amPmValue: { type: String, default: null }, isHourDisabled: Function, isMinuteDisabled: Function, isSecondDisabled: Function, onHourClick: { type: Function, required: true }, onMinuteClick: { type: Function, required: true }, onSecondClick: { type: Function, required: true }, onAmPmClick: { type: Function, required: true }, onNowClick: Function, clearText: String, nowText: String, confirmText: String, transitionDisabled: Boolean, onClearClick: Function, onConfirmClick: Function, onFocusin: Function, onFocusout: Function, onFocusDetectorFocus: Function, onKeydown: Function, hours: [Number, Array], minutes: [Number, Array], seconds: [Number, Array], use12Hours: Boolean }; const Panel = vue.defineComponent({ name: "TimePickerPanel", props: timePickerPanelProps, setup(props) { const { mergedThemeRef, mergedClsPrefixRef // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion } = vue.inject(timePickerInjectionKey); const hoursRef = vue.computed(() => { const { isHourDisabled, hours, use12Hours, amPmValue } = props; if (!use12Hours) { return getTimeUnits(time.hours, hours).map((hour) => { return { label: hour, value: Number(hour), disabled: isHourDisabled ? isHourDisabled(Number(hour)) : false }; }); } else { const mergedAmPmValue = amPmValue !== null && amPmValue !== void 0 ? amPmValue : getAmPm(Date.now()); return getTimeUnits(time.hours, hours, mergedAmPmValue).map((hour) => { const hourAs12FormattedNumber = Number(hour); const hourAs24FormattedNumber = mergedAmPmValue === "pm" && hourAs12FormattedNumber !== 12 ? hourAs12FormattedNumber + 12 : hourAs12FormattedNumber; return { label: hour, value: hourAs24FormattedNumber, disabled: isHourDisabled ? isHourDisabled(hourAs24FormattedNumber) : false }; }); } }); const minutesRef = vue.computed(() => { const { isMinuteDisabled, minutes } = props; return getTimeUnits(time.minutes, minutes).map((minute) => { return { label: minute, value: Number(minute), disabled: isMinuteDisabled ? isMinuteDisabled(Number(minute), props.hourValue) : false }; }); }); const secondsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { isSecondDisabled, seconds } = props; return getTimeUnits(time.seconds, seconds).map((second) => { return { label: second, value: Number(second), disabled: isSecondDisabled ? isSecondDisabled(Number(second), props.minuteValue, props.hourValue) : false }; }); }); const amPmRef = vue.computed(() => { const { isHourDisabled } = props; let amDisabled = true; let pmDisabled = true; for (let i = 0; i < 12; ++i) { if (!(isHourDisabled === null || isHourDisabled === void 0 ? void 0 : isHourDisabled(i))) { amDisabled = false; break; } } for (let i = 12; i < 24; ++i) { if (!(isHourDisabled === null || isHourDisabled === void 0 ? void 0 : isHourDisabled(i))) { pmDisabled = false; break; } } return [{ label: "AM", value: "am", disabled: amDisabled }, { label: "PM", value: "pm", disabled: pmDisabled }]; }); return { mergedTheme: mergedThemeRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, hours: hoursRef, minutes: minutesRef, seconds: secondsRef, amPm: amPmRef, hourScrollRef: vue.ref(null), minuteScrollRef: vue.ref(null), secondScrollRef: vue.ref(null), amPmScrollRef: vue.ref(null) }; }, render() { var _a, _b, _c, _d; const { mergedClsPrefix, mergedTheme } = this; return vue.h("div", { tabindex: 0, class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-time-picker-panel`, onFocusin: this.onFocusin, onFocusout: this.onFocusout, onKeydown: this.onKeydown }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-time-picker-cols` }, this.showHour ? vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-time-picker-col`, this.isHourInvalid && `${mergedClsPrefix}-time-picker-col--invalid`, this.transitionDisabled && `${mergedClsPrefix}-time-picker-col--transition-disabled`] }, vue.h(Scrollbar$2, { ref: "hourScrollRef", theme: mergedTheme.peers.Scrollbar, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Scrollbar }, { default: () => [vue.h(PanelCol, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, data: this.hours, activeValue: this.hourValue, onItemClick: this.onHourClick }), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-time-picker-col__padding` })] })) : null, this.showMinute ? vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-time-picker-col`, this.transitionDisabled && `${mergedClsPrefix}-time-picker-col--transition-disabled`, this.isMinuteInvalid && `${mergedClsPrefix}-time-picker-col--invalid`] }, vue.h(Scrollbar$2, { ref: "minuteScrollRef", theme: mergedTheme.peers.Scrollbar, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Scrollbar }, { default: () => [vue.h(PanelCol, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, data: this.minutes, activeValue: this.minuteValue, onItemClick: this.onMinuteClick }), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-time-picker-col__padding` })] })) : null, this.showSecond ? vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-time-picker-col`, this.isSecondInvalid && `${mergedClsPrefix}-time-picker-col--invalid`, this.transitionDisabled && `${mergedClsPrefix}-time-picker-col--transition-disabled`] }, vue.h(Scrollbar$2, { ref: "secondScrollRef", theme: mergedTheme.peers.Scrollbar, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Scrollbar }, { default: () => [vue.h(PanelCol, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, data: this.seconds, activeValue: this.secondValue, onItemClick: this.onSecondClick }), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-time-picker-col__padding` })] })) : null, this.use12Hours ? vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-time-picker-col`, this.isAmPmInvalid && `${mergedClsPrefix}-time-picker-col--invalid`, this.transitionDisabled && `${mergedClsPrefix}-time-picker-col--transition-disabled`] }, vue.h(Scrollbar$2, { ref: "amPmScrollRef", theme: mergedTheme.peers.Scrollbar, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Scrollbar }, { default: () => [vue.h(PanelCol, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, data: this.amPm, activeValue: this.amPmValue, onItemClick: this.onAmPmClick }), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-time-picker-col__padding` })] })) : null), ((_a = this.actions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length) ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-time-picker-actions` }, ((_b = this.actions) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.includes("clear")) ? vue.h(NButton, { theme: mergedTheme.peers.Button, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Button, size: "tiny", onClick: this.onClearClick }, { default: () => this.clearText }) : null, ((_c = this.actions) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.includes("now")) ? vue.h(NButton, { size: "tiny", theme: mergedTheme.peers.Button, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Button, onClick: this.onNowClick }, { default: () => this.nowText }) : null, ((_d = this.actions) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.includes("confirm")) ? vue.h(NButton, { size: "tiny", type: "primary", class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-time-picker-actions__confirm`, theme: mergedTheme.peers.Button, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Button, disabled: this.isValueInvalid, onClick: this.onConfirmClick }, { default: () => this.confirmText }) : null) : null, vue.h(FocusDetector, { onFocus: this.onFocusDetectorFocus })); } }); const style$W = c$1([cB("time-picker", ` z-index: auto; position: relative; `, [cB("time-picker-icon", ` color: var(--n-icon-color-override); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); `), cM("disabled", [cB("time-picker-icon", ` color: var(--n-icon-color-disabled-override); `)])]), cB("time-picker-panel", ` transition: box-shadow .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); outline: none; font-size: var(--n-item-font-size); border-radius: var(--n-border-radius); margin: 4px 0; min-width: 104px; overflow: hidden; background-color: var(--n-panel-color); box-shadow: var(--n-panel-box-shadow); `, [fadeInScaleUpTransition(), cB("time-picker-actions", ` padding: var(--n-panel-action-padding); align-items: center; display: flex; justify-content: space-evenly; `), cB("time-picker-cols", ` height: calc(var(--n-item-height) * 6); display: flex; position: relative; transition: border-color .3s var(--n-bezier); border-bottom: 1px solid var(--n-panel-divider-color); `), cB("time-picker-col", ` flex-grow: 1; min-width: var(--n-item-width); height: calc(var(--n-item-height) * 6); flex-direction: column; transition: box-shadow .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [cM("transition-disabled", [cE("item", "transition: none;", [c$1("&::before", "transition: none;")])]), cE("padding", ` height: calc(var(--n-item-height) * 5); `), c$1("&:first-child", "min-width: calc(var(--n-item-width) + 4px);", [cE("item", [c$1("&::before", "left: 4px;")])]), cE("item", ` cursor: pointer; height: var(--n-item-height); display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), opacity .3s var(--n-bezier), text-decoration-color .3s var(--n-bezier); background: #0000; text-decoration-color: #0000; color: var(--n-item-text-color); z-index: 0; box-sizing: border-box; padding-top: 4px; position: relative; `, [c$1("&::before", ` content: ""; transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); z-index: -1; position: absolute; left: 0; right: 4px; top: 4px; bottom: 0; border-radius: var(--n-item-border-radius); `), cNotM("disabled", [c$1("&:hover::before", ` background-color: var(--n-item-color-hover); `)]), cM("active", ` color: var(--n-item-text-color-active); `, [c$1("&::before", ` background-color: var(--n-item-color-hover); `)]), cM("disabled", ` opacity: var(--n-item-opacity-disabled); cursor: not-allowed; `)]), cM("invalid", [cE("item", [cM("active", ` text-decoration: line-through; text-decoration-color: var(--n-item-text-color-active); `)])])])])]); function validateUnits(value, max) { if (value === void 0) { return true; } if (Array.isArray(value)) { return value.every((v) => v >= 0 && v <= max); } else { return value >= 0 && value <= max; } } const timePickerProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { to: useAdjustedTo.propTo, bordered: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, actions: Array, defaultValue: { type: Number, default: null }, defaultFormattedValue: String, placeholder: String, placement: { type: String, default: "bottom-start" }, value: Number, format: { type: String, default: "HH:mm:ss" }, valueFormat: String, formattedValue: String, isHourDisabled: Function, size: String, isMinuteDisabled: Function, isSecondDisabled: Function, inputReadonly: Boolean, clearable: Boolean, status: String, "onUpdate:value": [Function, Array], onUpdateValue: [Function, Array], "onUpdate:show": [Function, Array], onUpdateShow: [Function, Array], onUpdateFormattedValue: [Function, Array], "onUpdate:formattedValue": [Function, Array], onBlur: [Function, Array], onConfirm: [Function, Array], onClear: Function, onFocus: [Function, Array], // https://www.iana.org/time-zones timeZone: String, showIcon: { type: Boolean, default: true }, disabled: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, show: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, hours: { type: [Number, Array], validator: (value) => validateUnits(value, 23) }, minutes: { type: [Number, Array], validator: (value) => validateUnits(value, 59) }, seconds: { type: [Number, Array], validator: (value) => validateUnits(value, 59) }, use12Hours: Boolean, // private stateful: { type: Boolean, default: true }, // deprecated onChange: [Function, Array] }); const NTimePicker = vue.defineComponent({ name: "TimePicker", props: timePickerProps, setup(props) { const { mergedBorderedRef, mergedClsPrefixRef, namespaceRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const { localeRef, dateLocaleRef } = useLocale("TimePicker"); const formItem = useFormItem(props); const { mergedSizeRef, mergedDisabledRef, mergedStatusRef } = formItem; const themeRef = useTheme("TimePicker", "-time-picker", style$W, timePickerLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const keyboardState = useKeyboard$1(); const inputInstRef = vue.ref(null); const panelInstRef = vue.ref(null); const dateFnsOptionsRef = vue.computed(() => { return { locale: dateLocaleRef.value.locale }; }); function getTimestampFromFormattedValue(value) { if (value === null) return null; return strictParse(value, props.valueFormat || props.format, /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), dateFnsOptionsRef.value).getTime(); } const { defaultValue, defaultFormattedValue } = props; const uncontrolledValueRef = vue.ref(defaultFormattedValue !== void 0 ? getTimestampFromFormattedValue(defaultFormattedValue) : defaultValue); const mergedValueRef = vue.computed(() => { const { formattedValue } = props; if (formattedValue !== void 0) { return getTimestampFromFormattedValue(formattedValue); } const { value } = props; if (value !== void 0) { return value; } return uncontrolledValueRef.value; }); const mergedFormatRef = vue.computed(() => { const { timeZone } = props; if (timeZone) { return (date, format2, options) => { return formatInTimeZone(date, timeZone, format2, options); }; } else { return (date, _format, options) => { return format$4(date, _format, options); }; } }); const displayTimeStringRef = vue.ref(""); vue.watch(() => props.timeZone, () => { const mergedValue = mergedValueRef.value; displayTimeStringRef.value = mergedValue === null ? "" : mergedFormatRef.value(mergedValue, props.format, dateFnsOptionsRef.value); }, { immediate: true }); const uncontrolledShowRef = vue.ref(false); const controlledShowRef = vue.toRef(props, "show"); const mergedShowRef = useMergedState(controlledShowRef, uncontrolledShowRef); const memorizedValueRef = vue.ref(mergedValueRef.value); const transitionDisabledRef = vue.ref(false); const localizedClearRef = vue.computed(() => { return localeRef.value.clear; }); const localizedNowRef = vue.computed(() => { return localeRef.value.now; }); const localizedPlaceholderRef = vue.computed(() => { if (props.placeholder !== void 0) return props.placeholder; return localeRef.value.placeholder; }); const localizedNegativeTextRef = vue.computed(() => { return localeRef.value.negativeText; }); const localizedPositiveTextRef = vue.computed(() => { return localeRef.value.positiveText; }); const hourInFormatRef = vue.computed(() => { return /H|h|K|k/.test(props.format); }); const minuteInFormatRef = vue.computed(() => { return props.format.includes("m"); }); const secondInFormatRef = vue.computed(() => { return props.format.includes("s"); }); const isHourInvalidRef = vue.computed(() => { const { isHourDisabled } = props; if (hourValueRef.value === null) return false; if (!isTimeInStep(hourValueRef.value, "hours", props.hours)) return true; if (!isHourDisabled) return false; return isHourDisabled(hourValueRef.value); }); const isMinuteInvalidRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value: minuteValue } = minuteValueRef; const { value: hourValue } = hourValueRef; if (minuteValue === null || hourValue === null) return false; if (!isTimeInStep(minuteValue, "minutes", props.minutes)) return true; const { isMinuteDisabled } = props; if (!isMinuteDisabled) return false; return isMinuteDisabled(minuteValue, hourValue); }); const isSecondInvalidRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value: minuteValue } = minuteValueRef; const { value: hourValue } = hourValueRef; const { value: secondValue } = secondValueRef; if (secondValue === null || minuteValue === null || hourValue === null) { return false; } if (!isTimeInStep(secondValue, "seconds", props.seconds)) return true; const { isSecondDisabled } = props; if (!isSecondDisabled) return false; return isSecondDisabled(secondValue, minuteValue, hourValue); }); const isValueInvalidRef = vue.computed(() => { return isHourInvalidRef.value || isMinuteInvalidRef.value || isSecondInvalidRef.value; }); const mergedAttrSizeRef = vue.computed(() => { return props.format.length + 4; }); const amPmValueRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value } = mergedValueRef; if (value === null) return null; return getHours(value) < 12 ? "am" : "pm"; }); const hourValueRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value } = mergedValueRef; if (value === null) return null; return Number(mergedFormatRef.value(value, "HH", dateFnsOptionsRef.value)); }); const minuteValueRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value } = mergedValueRef; if (value === null) return null; return Number(mergedFormatRef.value(value, "mm", dateFnsOptionsRef.value)); }); const secondValueRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value } = mergedValueRef; if (value === null) return null; return Number(mergedFormatRef.value(value, "ss", dateFnsOptionsRef.value)); }); function doUpdateFormattedValue(value, timestampValue) { const { onUpdateFormattedValue, "onUpdate:formattedValue": _onUpdateFormattedValue } = props; if (onUpdateFormattedValue) { call(onUpdateFormattedValue, value, timestampValue); } if (_onUpdateFormattedValue) { call(_onUpdateFormattedValue, value, timestampValue); } } function createFormattedValue(value) { return value === null ? null : mergedFormatRef.value(value, props.valueFormat || props.format); } function doUpdateValue(value) { const { onUpdateValue, "onUpdate:value": _onUpdateValue, onChange } = props; const { nTriggerFormChange, nTriggerFormInput } = formItem; const formattedValue = createFormattedValue(value); if (onUpdateValue) { call(onUpdateValue, value, formattedValue); } if (_onUpdateValue) { call(_onUpdateValue, value, formattedValue); } if (onChange) call(onChange, value, formattedValue); doUpdateFormattedValue(formattedValue, value); uncontrolledValueRef.value = value; nTriggerFormChange(); nTriggerFormInput(); } function doFocus(e) { const { onFocus } = props; const { nTriggerFormFocus } = formItem; if (onFocus) call(onFocus, e); nTriggerFormFocus(); } function doBlur(e) { const { onBlur } = props; const { nTriggerFormBlur } = formItem; if (onBlur) call(onBlur, e); nTriggerFormBlur(); } function doConfirm() { const { onConfirm } = props; if (onConfirm) { call(onConfirm, mergedValueRef.value, createFormattedValue(mergedValueRef.value)); } } function handleTimeInputClear(e) { var _a; e.stopPropagation(); doUpdateValue(null); deriveInputValue(null); (_a = props.onClear) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props); } function handleFocusDetectorFocus() { closePanel({ returnFocus: true }); } function clearSelectedValue() { doUpdateValue(null); deriveInputValue(null); closePanel({ returnFocus: true }); } function handleInputKeydown(e) { if (e.key === "Escape" && mergedShowRef.value) { markEventEffectPerformed(e); } } function handleMenuKeydown(e) { var _a; switch (e.key) { case "Escape": if (mergedShowRef.value) { markEventEffectPerformed(e); closePanel({ returnFocus: true }); } break; case "Tab": if (keyboardState.shift && e.target === ((_a = panelInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.$el)) { e.preventDefault(); closePanel({ returnFocus: true }); } break; } } function disableTransitionOneTick() { transitionDisabledRef.value = true; void vue.nextTick(() => { transitionDisabledRef.value = false; }); } function handleTriggerClick(e) { if (mergedDisabledRef.value || happensIn(e, "clear")) return; if (!mergedShowRef.value) { openPanel(); } } function handleHourClick(hour) { if (typeof hour === "string") return; if (mergedValueRef.value === null) { doUpdateValue(getTime(setHours(startOfHour(/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()), hour))); } else { doUpdateValue(getTime(setHours(mergedValueRef.value, hour))); } } function handleMinuteClick(minute) { if (typeof minute === "string") return; if (mergedValueRef.value === null) { doUpdateValue(getTime(setMinutes(startOfMinute(/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()), minute))); } else { doUpdateValue(getTime(setMinutes(mergedValueRef.value, minute))); } } function handleSecondClick(second) { if (typeof second === "string") return; if (mergedValueRef.value === null) { doUpdateValue(getTime(setSeconds(startOfSecond(/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()), second))); } else { doUpdateValue(getTime(setSeconds(mergedValueRef.value, second))); } } function handleAmPmClick(amPm) { const { value: mergedValue } = mergedValueRef; if (mergedValue === null) { const now2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(); const hours = getHours(now2); if (amPm === "pm" && hours < 12) { doUpdateValue(getTime(setHours(now2, hours + 12))); } else if (amPm === "am" && hours >= 12) { doUpdateValue(getTime(setHours(now2, hours - 12))); } doUpdateValue(getTime(now2)); } else { const hours = getHours(mergedValue); if (amPm === "pm" && hours < 12) { doUpdateValue(getTime(setHours(mergedValue, hours + 12))); } else if (amPm === "am" && hours >= 12) { doUpdateValue(getTime(setHours(mergedValue, hours - 12))); } } } function deriveInputValue(time2) { if (time2 === void 0) time2 = mergedValueRef.value; if (time2 === null) displayTimeStringRef.value = ""; else { displayTimeStringRef.value = mergedFormatRef.value(time2, props.format, dateFnsOptionsRef.value); } } function handleTimeInputFocus(e) { if (isInternalFocusSwitch(e)) return; doFocus(e); } function handleTimeInputBlur(e) { var _a; if (isInternalFocusSwitch(e)) return; if (mergedShowRef.value) { const panelEl = (_a = panelInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.$el; if (!(panelEl === null || panelEl === void 0 ? void 0 : panelEl.contains(e.relatedTarget))) { deriveInputValue(); doBlur(e); closePanel({ returnFocus: false }); } } else { deriveInputValue(); doBlur(e); } } function handleTimeInputActivate() { if (mergedDisabledRef.value) return; if (!mergedShowRef.value) { openPanel(); } } function handleTimeInputDeactivate() { if (mergedDisabledRef.value) return; deriveInputValue(); closePanel({ returnFocus: false }); } function scrollTimer() { if (!panelInstRef.value) return; const { hourScrollRef, minuteScrollRef, secondScrollRef, amPmScrollRef } = panelInstRef.value; [hourScrollRef, minuteScrollRef, secondScrollRef, amPmScrollRef].forEach((itemScrollRef) => { var _a; if (!itemScrollRef) return; const activeItemEl = (_a = itemScrollRef.contentRef) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.querySelector("[data-active]"); if (activeItemEl) { itemScrollRef.scrollTo({ top: activeItemEl.offsetTop }); } }); } function doUpdateShow(value) { uncontrolledShowRef.value = value; const { onUpdateShow, "onUpdate:show": _onUpdateShow } = props; if (onUpdateShow) call(onUpdateShow, value); if (_onUpdateShow) call(_onUpdateShow, value); } function isInternalFocusSwitch(e) { var _a, _b, _c; return !!(((_b = (_a = inputInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.wrapperElRef) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.contains(e.relatedTarget)) || ((_c = panelInstRef.value) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.$el.contains(e.relatedTarget))); } function openPanel() { memorizedValueRef.value = mergedValueRef.value; doUpdateShow(true); void vue.nextTick(scrollTimer); } function handleClickOutside(e) { var _a, _b; if (mergedShowRef.value && !((_b = (_a = inputInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.wrapperElRef) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.contains(getPreciseEventTarget(e)))) { closePanel({ returnFocus: false }); } } function closePanel({ returnFocus }) { var _a; if (mergedShowRef.value) { doUpdateShow(false); if (returnFocus) { (_a = inputInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.focus(); } } } function handleTimeInputUpdateValue(v) { if (v === "") { doUpdateValue(null); return; } const time2 = strictParse(v, props.format, /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), dateFnsOptionsRef.value); displayTimeStringRef.value = v; if (isValid$1(time2)) { const { value: mergedValue } = mergedValueRef; if (mergedValue !== null) { const newTime = set(mergedValue, { hours: getHours(time2), minutes: getMinutes(time2), seconds: getSeconds(time2), milliseconds: getMilliseconds(time2) }); doUpdateValue(getTime(newTime)); } else { doUpdateValue(getTime(time2)); } } } function handleCancelClick() { doUpdateValue(memorizedValueRef.value); doUpdateShow(false); } function handleNowClick() { const now2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(); const getNowTime = { hours: getHours, minutes: getMinutes, seconds: getSeconds }; const [mergeHours, mergeMinutes, mergeSeconds] = ["hours", "minutes", "seconds"].map((i) => !props[i] || isTimeInStep(getNowTime[i](now2), i, props[i]) ? getNowTime[i](now2) : findSimilarTime(getNowTime[i](now2), i, props[i])); const newValue = setSeconds(setMinutes(setHours(mergedValueRef.value ? mergedValueRef.value : getTime(now2), mergeHours), mergeMinutes), mergeSeconds); doUpdateValue(getTime(newValue)); } function handleConfirmClick() { deriveInputValue(); doConfirm(); closePanel({ returnFocus: true }); } function handleMenuFocusOut(e) { if (isInternalFocusSwitch(e)) return; deriveInputValue(); doBlur(e); closePanel({ returnFocus: false }); } vue.watch(mergedValueRef, (value) => { deriveInputValue(value); disableTransitionOneTick(); void vue.nextTick(scrollTimer); }); vue.watch(mergedShowRef, () => { if (isValueInvalidRef.value) { doUpdateValue(memorizedValueRef.value); } }); vue.provide(timePickerInjectionKey, { mergedThemeRef: themeRef, mergedClsPrefixRef }); const exposedMethods = { focus: () => { var _a; (_a = inputInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.focus(); }, blur: () => { var _a; (_a = inputInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.blur(); } }; const triggerCssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: { iconColor, iconColorDisabled } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-icon-color-override": iconColor, "--n-icon-color-disabled-override": iconColorDisabled, "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }; }); const triggerThemeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("time-picker-trigger", void 0, triggerCssVarsRef, props) : void 0; const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { self: { panelColor, itemTextColor, itemTextColorActive, itemColorHover, panelDividerColor, panelBoxShadow, itemOpacityDisabled, borderRadius, itemFontSize, itemWidth, itemHeight, panelActionPadding, itemBorderRadius }, common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-border-radius": borderRadius, "--n-item-color-hover": itemColorHover, "--n-item-font-size": itemFontSize, "--n-item-height": itemHeight, "--n-item-opacity-disabled": itemOpacityDisabled, "--n-item-text-color": itemTextColor, "--n-item-text-color-active": itemTextColorActive, "--n-item-width": itemWidth, "--n-panel-action-padding": panelActionPadding, "--n-panel-box-shadow": panelBoxShadow, "--n-panel-color": panelColor, "--n-panel-divider-color": panelDividerColor, "--n-item-border-radius": itemBorderRadius }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("time-picker", void 0, cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return { focus: exposedMethods.focus, blur: exposedMethods.blur, mergedStatus: mergedStatusRef, mergedBordered: mergedBorderedRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, namespace: namespaceRef, uncontrolledValue: uncontrolledValueRef, mergedValue: mergedValueRef, isMounted: isMounted(), inputInstRef, panelInstRef, adjustedTo: useAdjustedTo(props), mergedShow: mergedShowRef, localizedClear: localizedClearRef, localizedNow: localizedNowRef, localizedPlaceholder: localizedPlaceholderRef, localizedNegativeText: localizedNegativeTextRef, localizedPositiveText: localizedPositiveTextRef, hourInFormat: hourInFormatRef, minuteInFormat: minuteInFormatRef, secondInFormat: secondInFormatRef, mergedAttrSize: mergedAttrSizeRef, displayTimeString: displayTimeStringRef, mergedSize: mergedSizeRef, mergedDisabled: mergedDisabledRef, isValueInvalid: isValueInvalidRef, isHourInvalid: isHourInvalidRef, isMinuteInvalid: isMinuteInvalidRef, isSecondInvalid: isSecondInvalidRef, transitionDisabled: transitionDisabledRef, hourValue: hourValueRef, minuteValue: minuteValueRef, secondValue: secondValueRef, amPmValue: amPmValueRef, handleInputKeydown, handleTimeInputFocus, handleTimeInputBlur, handleNowClick, handleConfirmClick, handleTimeInputUpdateValue, handleMenuFocusOut, handleCancelClick, handleClickOutside, handleTimeInputActivate, handleTimeInputDeactivate, handleHourClick, handleMinuteClick, handleSecondClick, handleAmPmClick, handleTimeInputClear, handleFocusDetectorFocus, handleMenuKeydown, handleTriggerClick, mergedTheme: themeRef, triggerCssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : triggerCssVarsRef, triggerThemeClass: triggerThemeClassHandle === null || triggerThemeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : triggerThemeClassHandle.themeClass, triggerOnRender: triggerThemeClassHandle === null || triggerThemeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : triggerThemeClassHandle.onRender, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender, clearSelectedValue }; }, render() { const { mergedClsPrefix, $slots, triggerOnRender } = this; triggerOnRender === null || triggerOnRender === void 0 ? void 0 : triggerOnRender(); return vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-time-picker`, this.triggerThemeClass], style: this.triggerCssVars }, vue.h(Binder, null, { default: () => [vue.h(VTarget, null, { default: () => vue.h(NInput, { ref: "inputInstRef", status: this.mergedStatus, value: this.displayTimeString, bordered: this.mergedBordered, passivelyActivated: true, attrSize: this.mergedAttrSize, theme: this.mergedTheme.peers.Input, themeOverrides: this.mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Input, stateful: this.stateful, size: this.mergedSize, placeholder: this.localizedPlaceholder, clearable: this.clearable, disabled: this.mergedDisabled, textDecoration: this.isValueInvalid ? "line-through" : void 0, onFocus: this.handleTimeInputFocus, onBlur: this.handleTimeInputBlur, onActivate: this.handleTimeInputActivate, onDeactivate: this.handleTimeInputDeactivate, onUpdateValue: this.handleTimeInputUpdateValue, onClear: this.handleTimeInputClear, internalDeactivateOnEnter: true, internalForceFocus: this.mergedShow, readonly: this.inputReadonly || this.mergedDisabled, onClick: this.handleTriggerClick, onKeydown: this.handleInputKeydown }, this.showIcon ? { [this.clearable ? "clear-icon-placeholder" : "suffix"]: () => vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-time-picker-icon` }, { default: () => $slots.icon ? $slots.icon() : vue.h(TimeIcon, null) }) } : null) }), vue.h(VFollower, { teleportDisabled: this.adjustedTo === useAdjustedTo.tdkey, show: this.mergedShow, to: this.adjustedTo, containerClass: this.namespace, placement: this.placement }, { default: () => vue.h(vue.Transition, { name: "fade-in-scale-up-transition", appear: this.isMounted }, { default: () => { var _a; if (this.mergedShow) { (_a = this.onRender) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(this); return vue.withDirectives(vue.h(Panel, { ref: "panelInstRef", actions: this.actions, class: this.themeClass, style: this.cssVars, seconds: this.seconds, minutes: this.minutes, hours: this.hours, transitionDisabled: this.transitionDisabled, hourValue: this.hourValue, showHour: this.hourInFormat, isHourInvalid: this.isHourInvalid, isHourDisabled: this.isHourDisabled, minuteValue: this.minuteValue, showMinute: this.minuteInFormat, isMinuteInvalid: this.isMinuteInvalid, isMinuteDisabled: this.isMinuteDisabled, secondValue: this.secondValue, amPmValue: this.amPmValue, showSecond: this.secondInFormat, isSecondInvalid: this.isSecondInvalid, isSecondDisabled: this.isSecondDisabled, isValueInvalid: this.isValueInvalid, clearText: this.localizedClear, nowText: this.localizedNow, confirmText: this.localizedPositiveText, use12Hours: this.use12Hours, onFocusout: this.handleMenuFocusOut, onKeydown: this.handleMenuKeydown, onHourClick: this.handleHourClick, onMinuteClick: this.handleMinuteClick, onSecondClick: this.handleSecondClick, onAmPmClick: this.handleAmPmClick, onNowClick: this.handleNowClick, onConfirmClick: this.handleConfirmClick, onClearClick: this.clearSelectedValue, onFocusDetectorFocus: this.handleFocusDetectorFocus }), [[clickoutside, this.handleClickOutside, void 0, { capture: true }]]); } return null; } }) })] })); } }); const TIME_FORMAT = "HH:mm:ss"; const usePanelCommonProps = { active: Boolean, dateFormat: String, timerPickerFormat: { type: String, value: TIME_FORMAT }, value: { type: [Array, Number], default: null }, shortcuts: Object, defaultTime: [Number, String, Array], onClear: Function, onConfirm: Function, onClose: Function, onTabOut: Function, onUpdateValue: { type: Function, required: true }, themeClass: String, onRender: Function, panel: Boolean, onNextMonth: Function, onPrevMonth: Function, onNextYear: Function, onPrevYear: Function }; function usePanelCommon(props) { const { dateLocaleRef, timePickerSizeRef, timePickerPropsRef, localeRef, mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedThemeRef // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion } = vue.inject(datePickerInjectionKey); const dateFnsOptionsRef = vue.computed(() => { return { locale: dateLocaleRef.value.locale }; }); const selfRef = vue.ref(null); const keyboardState = useKeyboard$1(); function doClear() { const { onClear } = props; if (onClear) onClear(); } function doConfirm() { const { onConfirm, value } = props; if (onConfirm) onConfirm(value); } function doUpdateValue(value, doUpdate) { const { onUpdateValue } = props; onUpdateValue(value, doUpdate); } function doClose(disableUpdateOnClose = false) { const { onClose } = props; if (onClose) onClose(disableUpdateOnClose); } function doTabOut() { const { onTabOut } = props; if (onTabOut) onTabOut(); } function handleClearClick() { doUpdateValue(null, true); doClose(true); doClear(); } function handleFocusDetectorFocus() { doTabOut(); } function disableTransitionOneTick() { if (props.active || props.panel) { void vue.nextTick(() => { const { value: selfEl } = selfRef; if (!selfEl) return; const dateEls = selfEl.querySelectorAll("[data-n-date]"); dateEls.forEach((el) => { el.classList.add("transition-disabled"); }); void selfEl.offsetWidth; dateEls.forEach((el) => { el.classList.remove("transition-disabled"); }); }); } } function handlePanelKeyDown(e) { if (e.key === "Tab" && e.target === selfRef.value && keyboardState.shift) { e.preventDefault(); doTabOut(); } } function handlePanelFocus(e) { const { value: el } = selfRef; if (keyboardState.tab && e.target === el && (el === null || el === void 0 ? void 0 : el.contains(e.relatedTarget))) { doTabOut(); } } let cachedValue = null; let cached = false; function cachePendingValue() { cachedValue = props.value; cached = true; } function clearPendingValue() { cached = false; } function restorePendingValue() { if (cached) { doUpdateValue(cachedValue, false); cached = false; } } function getShortcutValue(shortcut) { if (typeof shortcut === "function") { return shortcut(); } return shortcut; } const showMonthYearPanel = vue.ref(false); function handleOpenQuickSelectMonthPanel() { showMonthYearPanel.value = !showMonthYearPanel.value; } return { mergedTheme: mergedThemeRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, dateFnsOptions: dateFnsOptionsRef, timePickerSize: timePickerSizeRef, timePickerProps: timePickerPropsRef, selfRef, locale: localeRef, doConfirm, doClose, doUpdateValue, doTabOut, handleClearClick, handleFocusDetectorFocus, disableTransitionOneTick, handlePanelKeyDown, handlePanelFocus, cachePendingValue, clearPendingValue, restorePendingValue, getShortcutValue, handleShortcutMouseleave: restorePendingValue, showMonthYearPanel, handleOpenQuickSelectMonthPanel }; } const useCalendarProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, usePanelCommonProps), { defaultCalendarStartTime: Number, actions: { type: Array, default: () => ["now", "clear", "confirm"] } }); function useCalendar(props, type) { var _a; const panelCommon = usePanelCommon(props); const { isValueInvalidRef, isDateDisabledRef, isDateInvalidRef, isTimeInvalidRef, isDateTimeInvalidRef, isHourDisabledRef, isMinuteDisabledRef, isSecondDisabledRef, localeRef, firstDayOfWeekRef, datePickerSlots, yearFormatRef, monthFormatRef, quarterFormatRef // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion } = vue.inject(datePickerInjectionKey); const validation = { isValueInvalid: isValueInvalidRef, isDateDisabled: isDateDisabledRef, isDateInvalid: isDateInvalidRef, isTimeInvalid: isTimeInvalidRef, isDateTimeInvalid: isDateTimeInvalidRef, isHourDisabled: isHourDisabledRef, isMinuteDisabled: isMinuteDisabledRef, isSecondDisabled: isSecondDisabledRef }; const mergedDateFormatRef = vue.computed(() => props.dateFormat || localeRef.value.dateFormat); const dateInputValueRef = vue.ref(props.value === null || Array.isArray(props.value) ? "" : format$4(props.value, mergedDateFormatRef.value)); const calendarValueRef = vue.ref(props.value === null || Array.isArray(props.value) ? (_a = props.defaultCalendarStartTime) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : Date.now() : props.value); const yearVlRef = vue.ref(null); const yearScrollbarRef = vue.ref(null); const monthScrollbarRef = vue.ref(null); const nowRef = vue.ref(Date.now()); const dateArrayRef = vue.computed(() => { var _a2; return dateArray(calendarValueRef.value, props.value, nowRef.value, (_a2 = firstDayOfWeekRef.value) !== null && _a2 !== void 0 ? _a2 : localeRef.value.firstDayOfWeek, false, type === "week"); }); const monthArrayRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value } = props; return monthArray(calendarValueRef.value, Array.isArray(value) ? null : value, nowRef.value, { monthFormat: monthFormatRef.value }); }); const yearArrayRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value } = props; return yearArray(Array.isArray(value) ? null : value, nowRef.value, { yearFormat: yearFormatRef.value }); }); const quarterArrayRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value } = props; return quarterArray(calendarValueRef.value, Array.isArray(value) ? null : value, nowRef.value, { quarterFormat: quarterFormatRef.value }); }); const weekdaysRef = vue.computed(() => { return dateArrayRef.value.slice(0, 7).map((dateItem2) => { const { ts } = dateItem2; return format$4(ts, localeRef.value.dayFormat, panelCommon.dateFnsOptions.value); }); }); const calendarMonthRef = vue.computed(() => { return format$4(calendarValueRef.value, localeRef.value.monthFormat, panelCommon.dateFnsOptions.value); }); const calendarYearRef = vue.computed(() => { return format$4(calendarValueRef.value, localeRef.value.yearFormat, panelCommon.dateFnsOptions.value); }); vue.watch(calendarValueRef, (value, oldValue) => { if (type === "date" || type === "datetime") { if (!isSameMonth(value, oldValue)) { panelCommon.disableTransitionOneTick(); } } }); vue.watch(vue.computed(() => props.value), (value) => { if (value !== null && !Array.isArray(value)) { dateInputValueRef.value = format$4(value, mergedDateFormatRef.value, panelCommon.dateFnsOptions.value); calendarValueRef.value = value; } else { dateInputValueRef.value = ""; } }); function sanitizeValue(value) { var _a2; if (type === "datetime") return getTime(startOfSecond(value)); if (type === "month") return getTime(startOfMonth(value)); if (type === "year") return getTime(startOfYear(value)); if (type === "quarter") return getTime(startOfQuarter(value)); if (type === "week") { const weekStartsOn = (((_a2 = firstDayOfWeekRef.value) !== null && _a2 !== void 0 ? _a2 : localeRef.value.firstDayOfWeek) + 1) % 7; return getTime(startOfWeek(value, { weekStartsOn })); } return getTime(startOfDay(value)); } function mergedIsDateDisabled(ts, detail) { const { isDateDisabled: { value: isDateDisabled } } = validation; if (!isDateDisabled) return false; return isDateDisabled(ts, detail); } function handleDateInput(value) { const date = strictParse(value, mergedDateFormatRef.value, /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), panelCommon.dateFnsOptions.value); if (isValid$1(date)) { if (props.value === null) { panelCommon.doUpdateValue(getTime(sanitizeValue(Date.now())), props.panel); } else if (!Array.isArray(props.value)) { const newDateTime = set(props.value, { year: getYear(date), month: getMonth(date), date: getDate(date) }); panelCommon.doUpdateValue(getTime(sanitizeValue(getTime(newDateTime))), props.panel); } } else { dateInputValueRef.value = value; } } function handleDateInputBlur() { const date = strictParse(dateInputValueRef.value, mergedDateFormatRef.value, /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), panelCommon.dateFnsOptions.value); if (isValid$1(date)) { if (props.value === null) { panelCommon.doUpdateValue(getTime(sanitizeValue(Date.now())), false); } else if (!Array.isArray(props.value)) { const newDateTime = set(props.value, { year: getYear(date), month: getMonth(date), date: getDate(date) }); panelCommon.doUpdateValue(getTime(sanitizeValue(getTime(newDateTime))), false); } } else { deriveDateInputValue(); } } function clearSelectedDateTime() { panelCommon.doUpdateValue(null, true); dateInputValueRef.value = ""; panelCommon.doClose(true); panelCommon.handleClearClick(); } function handleNowClick() { panelCommon.doUpdateValue(getTime(sanitizeValue(Date.now())), true); const now2 = Date.now(); calendarValueRef.value = now2; panelCommon.doClose(true); if (props.panel && (type === "month" || type === "quarter" || type === "year")) { panelCommon.disableTransitionOneTick(); justifyColumnsScrollState(now2); } } const hoveredWeekRef = vue.ref(null); function handleDateMouseEnter(dateItem2) { if (dateItem2.type === "date" && type === "week") { hoveredWeekRef.value = sanitizeValue(getTime(dateItem2.ts)); } } function isWeekHovered(dateItem2) { if (dateItem2.type === "date" && type === "week") { return sanitizeValue(getTime(dateItem2.ts)) === hoveredWeekRef.value; } return false; } function handleDateClick(dateItem2) { if (mergedIsDateDisabled(dateItem2.ts, dateItem2.type === "date" ? { type: "date", year: dateItem2.dateObject.year, month: dateItem2.dateObject.month, date: dateItem2.dateObject.date } : dateItem2.type === "month" ? { type: "month", year: dateItem2.dateObject.year, month: dateItem2.dateObject.month } : dateItem2.type === "year" ? { type: "year", year: dateItem2.dateObject.year } : { type: "quarter", year: dateItem2.dateObject.year, quarter: dateItem2.dateObject.quarter })) { return; } let newValue; if (props.value !== null && !Array.isArray(props.value)) { newValue = props.value; } else { newValue = Date.now(); } if (type === "datetime" && props.defaultTime !== null && !Array.isArray(props.defaultTime)) { const time2 = getDefaultTime(props.defaultTime); if (time2) { newValue = getTime(set(newValue, time2)); } } newValue = getTime(dateItem2.type === "quarter" && dateItem2.dateObject.quarter ? setQuarter(setYear(newValue, dateItem2.dateObject.year), dateItem2.dateObject.quarter) : set(newValue, dateItem2.dateObject)); panelCommon.doUpdateValue(sanitizeValue(newValue), props.panel || type === "date" || type === "week" || type === "year"); switch (type) { case "date": case "week": panelCommon.doClose(); break; case "year": if (props.panel) { panelCommon.disableTransitionOneTick(); } panelCommon.doClose(); break; case "month": panelCommon.disableTransitionOneTick(); justifyColumnsScrollState(newValue); break; case "quarter": panelCommon.disableTransitionOneTick(); justifyColumnsScrollState(newValue); break; } } function handleQuickMonthClick(dateItem2, updatePanelValue) { let newValue; if (props.value !== null && !Array.isArray(props.value)) { newValue = props.value; } else { newValue = Date.now(); } newValue = getTime(dateItem2.type === "month" ? setMonth(newValue, dateItem2.dateObject.month) : setYear(newValue, dateItem2.dateObject.year)); updatePanelValue(newValue); justifyColumnsScrollState(newValue); } function onUpdateCalendarValue(value) { calendarValueRef.value = value; } function deriveDateInputValue(time2) { if (props.value === null || Array.isArray(props.value)) { dateInputValueRef.value = ""; return; } if (time2 === void 0) { time2 = props.value; } dateInputValueRef.value = format$4(time2, mergedDateFormatRef.value, panelCommon.dateFnsOptions.value); } function handleConfirmClick() { if (validation.isDateInvalid.value || validation.isTimeInvalid.value) { return; } panelCommon.doConfirm(); closeCalendar(); } function closeCalendar() { if (props.active) { panelCommon.doClose(); } } function nextYear() { var _a2; calendarValueRef.value = getTime(addYears(calendarValueRef.value, 1)); (_a2 = props.onNextYear) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.call(props); } function prevYear() { var _a2; calendarValueRef.value = getTime(addYears(calendarValueRef.value, -1)); (_a2 = props.onPrevYear) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.call(props); } function nextMonth() { var _a2; calendarValueRef.value = getTime(addMonths(calendarValueRef.value, 1)); (_a2 = props.onNextMonth) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.call(props); } function prevMonth() { var _a2; calendarValueRef.value = getTime(addMonths(calendarValueRef.value, -1)); (_a2 = props.onPrevMonth) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.call(props); } function virtualListContainer() { const { value } = yearVlRef; return (value === null || value === void 0 ? void 0 : value.listElRef) || null; } function virtualListContent() { const { value } = yearVlRef; return (value === null || value === void 0 ? void 0 : value.itemsElRef) || null; } function handleVirtualListScroll(e) { var _a2; (_a2 = yearScrollbarRef.value) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.sync(); } function handleTimePickerChange(value) { if (value === null) return; panelCommon.doUpdateValue(value, props.panel); } function handleSingleShortcutMouseenter(shortcut) { panelCommon.cachePendingValue(); const shortcutValue = panelCommon.getShortcutValue(shortcut); if (typeof shortcutValue !== "number") return; panelCommon.doUpdateValue(shortcutValue, false); } function handleSingleShortcutClick(shortcut) { const shortcutValue = panelCommon.getShortcutValue(shortcut); if (typeof shortcutValue !== "number") return; panelCommon.doUpdateValue(shortcutValue, props.panel); panelCommon.clearPendingValue(); handleConfirmClick(); } function justifyColumnsScrollState(value) { const { value: mergedValue } = props; if (monthScrollbarRef.value) { const monthIndex = value === void 0 ? mergedValue === null ? getMonth(Date.now()) : getMonth(mergedValue) : getMonth(value); monthScrollbarRef.value.scrollTo({ top: monthIndex * MONTH_ITEM_HEIGHT }); } if (yearVlRef.value) { const yearIndex = (value === void 0 ? mergedValue === null ? getYear(Date.now()) : getYear(mergedValue) : getYear(value)) - START_YEAR; yearVlRef.value.scrollTo({ top: yearIndex * MONTH_ITEM_HEIGHT }); } } const childComponentRefs = { monthScrollbarRef, yearScrollbarRef, yearVlRef }; return Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({ dateArray: dateArrayRef, monthArray: monthArrayRef, yearArray: yearArrayRef, quarterArray: quarterArrayRef, calendarYear: calendarYearRef, calendarMonth: calendarMonthRef, weekdays: weekdaysRef, mergedIsDateDisabled, nextYear, prevYear, nextMonth, prevMonth, handleNowClick, handleConfirmClick, handleSingleShortcutMouseenter, handleSingleShortcutClick }, validation), panelCommon), childComponentRefs), { // datetime only handleDateClick, handleDateInputBlur, handleDateInput, handleDateMouseEnter, isWeekHovered, handleTimePickerChange, clearSelectedDateTime, virtualListContainer, virtualListContent, handleVirtualListScroll, timePickerSize: panelCommon.timePickerSize, dateInputValue: dateInputValueRef, datePickerSlots, handleQuickMonthClick, justifyColumnsScrollState, calendarValue: calendarValueRef, onUpdateCalendarValue }); } const MonthPanel = vue.defineComponent({ name: "MonthPanel", props: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useCalendarProps), { type: { type: String, required: true }, // panelHeader prop useAsQuickJump: Boolean }), setup(props) { const useCalendarRef = useCalendar(props, props.type); const { dateLocaleRef } = useLocale("DatePicker"); const getRenderContent = (item) => { switch (item.type) { case "year": return getYearString(item.dateObject.year, item.yearFormat, dateLocaleRef.value.locale); case "month": return getMonthString(item.dateObject.month, item.monthFormat, dateLocaleRef.value.locale); case "quarter": return getQuarterString(item.dateObject.quarter, item.quarterFormat, dateLocaleRef.value.locale); } }; const { useAsQuickJump } = props; const renderItem = (item, i, mergedClsPrefix) => { const { mergedIsDateDisabled, handleDateClick, handleQuickMonthClick } = useCalendarRef; return vue.h("div", { "data-n-date": true, key: i, class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-month-calendar__picker-col-item`, item.isCurrent && `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-month-calendar__picker-col-item--current`, item.selected && `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-month-calendar__picker-col-item--selected`, !useAsQuickJump && mergedIsDateDisabled(item.ts, item.type === "year" ? { type: "year", year: item.dateObject.year } : item.type === "month" ? { type: "month", year: item.dateObject.year, month: item.dateObject.month } : item.type === "quarter" ? { type: "month", year: item.dateObject.year, month: item.dateObject.quarter } : null) && `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-month-calendar__picker-col-item--disabled`], onClick: () => { useAsQuickJump ? handleQuickMonthClick(item, (value) => { props.onUpdateValue(value, false); }) : handleDateClick(item); } }, getRenderContent(item)); }; vue.onMounted(() => { useCalendarRef.justifyColumnsScrollState(); }); return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useCalendarRef), { renderItem }); }, render() { const { mergedClsPrefix, mergedTheme, shortcuts, actions, renderItem, type, onRender } = this; onRender === null || onRender === void 0 ? void 0 : onRender(); return vue.h("div", { ref: "selfRef", tabindex: 0, class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel`, `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel--month`, !this.panel && `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel--shadow`, this.themeClass], onFocus: this.handlePanelFocus, onKeydown: this.handlePanelKeyDown }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-month-calendar` }, vue.h(Scrollbar$2, { ref: "yearScrollbarRef", class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-month-calendar__picker-col`, theme: mergedTheme.peers.Scrollbar, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Scrollbar, container: this.virtualListContainer, content: this.virtualListContent, horizontalRailStyle: { zIndex: 1 }, verticalRailStyle: { zIndex: 1 } }, { default: () => vue.h(VVirtualList, { ref: "yearVlRef", items: this.yearArray, itemSize: MONTH_ITEM_HEIGHT, showScrollbar: false, keyField: "ts", onScroll: this.handleVirtualListScroll, paddingBottom: 4 }, { default: ({ item, index }) => { return renderItem(item, index, mergedClsPrefix); } }) }), type === "month" || type === "quarter" ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-month-calendar__picker-col` }, vue.h(Scrollbar$2, { ref: "monthScrollbarRef", theme: mergedTheme.peers.Scrollbar, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Scrollbar }, { default: () => [(type === "month" ? this.monthArray : this.quarterArray).map((item, i) => renderItem(item, i, mergedClsPrefix)), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-${type}-calendar__padding` })] })) : null), this.datePickerSlots.footer ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-footer` }, { default: this.datePickerSlots.footer }) : null, (actions === null || actions === void 0 ? void 0 : actions.length) || shortcuts ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-actions` }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-actions__prefix` }, shortcuts && Object.keys(shortcuts).map((key) => { const shortcut = shortcuts[key]; return Array.isArray(shortcut) ? null : vue.h(XButton, { size: "tiny", onMouseenter: () => { this.handleSingleShortcutMouseenter(shortcut); }, onClick: () => { this.handleSingleShortcutClick(shortcut); }, onMouseleave: () => { this.handleShortcutMouseleave(); } }, { default: () => key }); })), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-actions__suffix` }, (actions === null || actions === void 0 ? void 0 : actions.includes("clear")) ? vue.h(NButton, { theme: mergedTheme.peers.Button, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Button, size: "tiny", onClick: this.handleClearClick }, { default: () => this.locale.clear }) : null, (actions === null || actions === void 0 ? void 0 : actions.includes("now")) ? vue.h(NButton, { theme: mergedTheme.peers.Button, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Button, size: "tiny", onClick: this.handleNowClick }, { default: () => this.locale.now }) : null, (actions === null || actions === void 0 ? void 0 : actions.includes("confirm")) ? vue.h(NButton, { theme: mergedTheme.peers.Button, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Button, size: "tiny", type: "primary", disabled: this.isDateInvalid, onClick: this.handleConfirmClick }, { default: () => this.locale.confirm }) : null)) : null, vue.h(FocusDetector, { onFocus: this.handleFocusDetectorFocus })); } }); const PanelHeader = vue.defineComponent({ props: { mergedClsPrefix: { type: String, required: true }, value: Number, monthBeforeYear: { type: Boolean, required: true }, calendarMonth: { type: String, required: true }, calendarYear: { type: String, required: true }, onUpdateValue: { type: Function, required: true } }, setup() { const triggerRef = vue.ref(null); const monthPanelRef = vue.ref(null); const showRef = vue.ref(false); function handleClickOutside(e) { var _a; if (showRef.value && !((_a = triggerRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.contains(getPreciseEventTarget(e)))) { showRef.value = false; } } function handleHeaderClick() { showRef.value = !showRef.value; } return { show: showRef, triggerRef, monthPanelRef, handleHeaderClick, handleClickOutside }; }, render() { const { handleClickOutside, mergedClsPrefix } = this; return vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-month__month-year`, ref: "triggerRef" }, vue.h(Binder, null, { default: () => [vue.h(VTarget, null, { default: () => vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-month__text`, this.show && `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-month__text--active`], onClick: this.handleHeaderClick }, this.monthBeforeYear ? [this.calendarMonth, " ", this.calendarYear] : [this.calendarYear, " ", this.calendarMonth]) }), vue.h(VFollower, { show: this.show, teleportDisabled: true }, { default: () => vue.h(vue.Transition, { name: "fade-in-scale-up-transition", appear: true }, { default: () => this.show ? vue.withDirectives(vue.h(MonthPanel, { ref: "monthPanelRef", onUpdateValue: this.onUpdateValue, actions: [], // month and year click show month type type: "month", key: "month", useAsQuickJump: true, value: this.value }), [[clickoutside, handleClickOutside, void 0, { capture: true }]]) : null }) })] })); } }); const DatetimePanel = vue.defineComponent({ name: "DateTimePanel", props: useCalendarProps, setup(props) { return useCalendar(props, "datetime"); }, render() { var _a, _b, _c, _d; const { mergedClsPrefix, mergedTheme, shortcuts, timePickerProps: timePickerProps2, onRender, $slots } = this; onRender === null || onRender === void 0 ? void 0 : onRender(); return vue.h("div", { ref: "selfRef", tabindex: 0, class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel`, `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel--datetime`, !this.panel && `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel--shadow`, this.themeClass], onKeydown: this.handlePanelKeyDown, onFocus: this.handlePanelFocus }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-header` }, vue.h(NInput, { value: this.dateInputValue, theme: mergedTheme.peers.Input, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Input, stateful: false, size: this.timePickerSize, class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date-input`, textDecoration: this.isDateInvalid ? "line-through" : "", placeholder: this.locale.selectDate, onBlur: this.handleDateInputBlur, onUpdateValue: this.handleDateInput }), vue.h(NTimePicker, Object.assign({ size: this.timePickerSize, placeholder: this.locale.selectTime, format: this.timerPickerFormat }, Array.isArray(timePickerProps2) ? void 0 : timePickerProps2, { showIcon: false, to: false, theme: mergedTheme.peers.TimePicker, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.TimePicker, value: Array.isArray(this.value) ? null : this.value, isHourDisabled: this.isHourDisabled, isMinuteDisabled: this.isMinuteDisabled, isSecondDisabled: this.isSecondDisabled, onUpdateValue: this.handleTimePickerChange, stateful: false }))), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-calendar` }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-month` }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-month__fast-prev`, onClick: this.prevYear }, resolveSlot($slots["prev-year"], () => [vue.h(FastBackwardIcon, null)])), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-month__prev`, onClick: this.prevMonth }, resolveSlot($slots["prev-month"], () => [vue.h(BackwardIcon, null)])), vue.h(PanelHeader, { monthBeforeYear: this.locale.monthBeforeYear, value: this.calendarValue, onUpdateValue: this.onUpdateCalendarValue, mergedClsPrefix, calendarMonth: this.calendarMonth, calendarYear: this.calendarYear }), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-month__next`, onClick: this.nextMonth }, resolveSlot($slots["next-month"], () => [vue.h(ForwardIcon, null)])), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-month__fast-next`, onClick: this.nextYear }, resolveSlot($slots["next-year"], () => [vue.h(FastForwardIcon, null)]))), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-weekdays` }, this.weekdays.map((weekday) => vue.h("div", { key: weekday, class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-weekdays__day` }, weekday))), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-dates` }, this.dateArray.map((dateItem2, i) => vue.h("div", { "data-n-date": true, key: i, class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date`, { [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date--current`]: dateItem2.isCurrentDate, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date--selected`]: dateItem2.selected, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date--excluded`]: !dateItem2.inCurrentMonth, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date--disabled`]: this.mergedIsDateDisabled(dateItem2.ts, { type: "date", year: dateItem2.dateObject.year, month: dateItem2.dateObject.month, date: dateItem2.dateObject.date }) }], onClick: () => { this.handleDateClick(dateItem2); } }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date__trigger` }), dateItem2.dateObject.date, dateItem2.isCurrentDate ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date__sup` }) : null)))), this.datePickerSlots.footer ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-footer` }, this.datePickerSlots.footer()) : null, ((_a = this.actions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length) || shortcuts ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-actions` }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-actions__prefix` }, shortcuts && Object.keys(shortcuts).map((key) => { const shortcut = shortcuts[key]; return Array.isArray(shortcut) ? null : vue.h(XButton, { size: "tiny", onMouseenter: () => { this.handleSingleShortcutMouseenter(shortcut); }, onClick: () => { this.handleSingleShortcutClick(shortcut); }, onMouseleave: () => { this.handleShortcutMouseleave(); } }, { default: () => key }); })), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-actions__suffix` }, ((_b = this.actions) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.includes("clear")) ? vue.h(NButton, { theme: mergedTheme.peers.Button, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Button, size: "tiny", onClick: this.clearSelectedDateTime }, { default: () => this.locale.clear }) : null, ((_c = this.actions) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.includes("now")) ? vue.h(NButton, { theme: mergedTheme.peers.Button, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Button, size: "tiny", onClick: this.handleNowClick }, { default: () => this.locale.now }) : null, ((_d = this.actions) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.includes("confirm")) ? vue.h(NButton, { theme: mergedTheme.peers.Button, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Button, size: "tiny", type: "primary", disabled: this.isDateInvalid, onClick: this.handleConfirmClick }, { default: () => this.locale.confirm }) : null)) : null, vue.h(FocusDetector, { onFocus: this.handleFocusDetectorFocus })); } }); const useDualCalendarProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, usePanelCommonProps), { defaultCalendarStartTime: Number, defaultCalendarEndTime: Number, bindCalendarMonths: Boolean, actions: { type: Array, default: () => ["clear", "confirm"] } }); function useDualCalendar(props, type) { var _a, _b; const { isDateDisabledRef, isStartHourDisabledRef, isEndHourDisabledRef, isStartMinuteDisabledRef, isEndMinuteDisabledRef, isStartSecondDisabledRef, isEndSecondDisabledRef, isStartDateInvalidRef, isEndDateInvalidRef, isStartTimeInvalidRef, isEndTimeInvalidRef, isStartValueInvalidRef, isEndValueInvalidRef, isRangeInvalidRef, localeRef, rangesRef, closeOnSelectRef, updateValueOnCloseRef, firstDayOfWeekRef, datePickerSlots, monthFormatRef, yearFormatRef, quarterFormatRef // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion } = vue.inject(datePickerInjectionKey); const validation = { isDateDisabled: isDateDisabledRef, isStartHourDisabled: isStartHourDisabledRef, isEndHourDisabled: isEndHourDisabledRef, isStartMinuteDisabled: isStartMinuteDisabledRef, isEndMinuteDisabled: isEndMinuteDisabledRef, isStartSecondDisabled: isStartSecondDisabledRef, isEndSecondDisabled: isEndSecondDisabledRef, isStartDateInvalid: isStartDateInvalidRef, isEndDateInvalid: isEndDateInvalidRef, isStartTimeInvalid: isStartTimeInvalidRef, isEndTimeInvalid: isEndTimeInvalidRef, isStartValueInvalid: isStartValueInvalidRef, isEndValueInvalid: isEndValueInvalidRef, isRangeInvalid: isRangeInvalidRef }; const panelCommon = usePanelCommon(props); const startDatesElRef = vue.ref(null); const endDatesElRef = vue.ref(null); const startYearScrollbarRef = vue.ref(null); const endYearScrollbarRef = vue.ref(null); const startYearVlRef = vue.ref(null); const endYearVlRef = vue.ref(null); const startMonthScrollbarRef = vue.ref(null); const endMonthScrollbarRef = vue.ref(null); const { value } = props; const defaultCalendarStartTime = (_a = props.defaultCalendarStartTime) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : Array.isArray(value) && typeof value[0] === "number" ? value[0] : Date.now(); const startCalendarDateTimeRef = vue.ref(defaultCalendarStartTime); const endCalendarDateTimeRef = vue.ref((_b = props.defaultCalendarEndTime) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : Array.isArray(value) && typeof value[1] === "number" ? value[1] : getTime(addMonths(defaultCalendarStartTime, 1))); adjustCalendarTimes(true); const nowRef = vue.ref(Date.now()); const isSelectingRef = vue.ref(false); const memorizedStartDateTimeRef = vue.ref(0); const mergedDateFormatRef = vue.computed(() => props.dateFormat || localeRef.value.dateFormat); const startDateInput = vue.ref(Array.isArray(value) ? format$4(value[0], mergedDateFormatRef.value, panelCommon.dateFnsOptions.value) : ""); const endDateInputRef = vue.ref(Array.isArray(value) ? format$4(value[1], mergedDateFormatRef.value, panelCommon.dateFnsOptions.value) : ""); const selectingPhaseRef = vue.computed(() => { if (isSelectingRef.value) return "end"; else return "start"; }); const startDateArrayRef = vue.computed(() => { var _a2; return dateArray(startCalendarDateTimeRef.value, props.value, nowRef.value, (_a2 = firstDayOfWeekRef.value) !== null && _a2 !== void 0 ? _a2 : localeRef.value.firstDayOfWeek); }); const endDateArrayRef = vue.computed(() => { var _a2; return dateArray(endCalendarDateTimeRef.value, props.value, nowRef.value, (_a2 = firstDayOfWeekRef.value) !== null && _a2 !== void 0 ? _a2 : localeRef.value.firstDayOfWeek); }); const weekdaysRef = vue.computed(() => { return startDateArrayRef.value.slice(0, 7).map((dateItem2) => { const { ts } = dateItem2; return format$4(ts, localeRef.value.dayFormat, panelCommon.dateFnsOptions.value); }); }); const startCalendarMonthRef = vue.computed(() => { return format$4(startCalendarDateTimeRef.value, localeRef.value.monthFormat, panelCommon.dateFnsOptions.value); }); const endCalendarMonthRef = vue.computed(() => { return format$4(endCalendarDateTimeRef.value, localeRef.value.monthFormat, panelCommon.dateFnsOptions.value); }); const startCalendarYearRef = vue.computed(() => { return format$4(startCalendarDateTimeRef.value, localeRef.value.yearFormat, panelCommon.dateFnsOptions.value); }); const endCalendarYearRef = vue.computed(() => { return format$4(endCalendarDateTimeRef.value, localeRef.value.yearFormat, panelCommon.dateFnsOptions.value); }); const startTimeValueRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value: value2 } = props; if (Array.isArray(value2)) return value2[0]; return null; }); const endTimeValueRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value: value2 } = props; if (Array.isArray(value2)) return value2[1]; return null; }); const shortcutsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { shortcuts } = props; return shortcuts || rangesRef.value; }); const startYearArrayRef = vue.computed(() => { return yearArray(pluckValueFromRange(props.value, "start"), nowRef.value, { yearFormat: yearFormatRef.value }); }); const endYearArrayRef = vue.computed(() => { return yearArray(pluckValueFromRange(props.value, "end"), nowRef.value, { yearFormat: yearFormatRef.value }); }); const startQuarterArrayRef = vue.computed(() => { const startValue = pluckValueFromRange(props.value, "start"); return quarterArray(startValue !== null && startValue !== void 0 ? startValue : Date.now(), startValue, nowRef.value, { quarterFormat: quarterFormatRef.value }); }); const endQuarterArrayRef = vue.computed(() => { const endValue = pluckValueFromRange(props.value, "end"); return quarterArray(endValue !== null && endValue !== void 0 ? endValue : Date.now(), endValue, nowRef.value, { quarterFormat: quarterFormatRef.value }); }); const startMonthArrayRef = vue.computed(() => { const startValue = pluckValueFromRange(props.value, "start"); return monthArray(startValue !== null && startValue !== void 0 ? startValue : Date.now(), startValue, nowRef.value, { monthFormat: monthFormatRef.value }); }); const endMonthArrayRef = vue.computed(() => { const endValue = pluckValueFromRange(props.value, "end"); return monthArray(endValue !== null && endValue !== void 0 ? endValue : Date.now(), endValue, nowRef.value, { monthFormat: monthFormatRef.value }); }); vue.watch(vue.computed(() => props.value), (value2) => { if (value2 !== null && Array.isArray(value2)) { const [startMoment, endMoment] = value2; startDateInput.value = format$4(startMoment, mergedDateFormatRef.value, panelCommon.dateFnsOptions.value); endDateInputRef.value = format$4(endMoment, mergedDateFormatRef.value, panelCommon.dateFnsOptions.value); if (!isSelectingRef.value) { syncCalendarTimeWithValue(value2); } } else { startDateInput.value = ""; endDateInputRef.value = ""; } }); function handleCalendarChange(value2, oldValue) { if (type === "daterange" || type === "datetimerange") { if (getYear(value2) !== getYear(oldValue) || getMonth(value2) !== getMonth(oldValue)) { panelCommon.disableTransitionOneTick(); } } } vue.watch(startCalendarDateTimeRef, handleCalendarChange); vue.watch(endCalendarDateTimeRef, handleCalendarChange); function adjustCalendarTimes(byStartCalendarTime) { const startTime = startOfMonth(startCalendarDateTimeRef.value); const endTime = startOfMonth(endCalendarDateTimeRef.value); if (props.bindCalendarMonths || startTime >= endTime) { if (byStartCalendarTime) { endCalendarDateTimeRef.value = getTime(addMonths(startTime, 1)); } else { startCalendarDateTimeRef.value = getTime(addMonths(endTime, -1)); } } } function startCalendarNextYear() { startCalendarDateTimeRef.value = getTime(addMonths(startCalendarDateTimeRef.value, 12)); adjustCalendarTimes(true); } function startCalendarPrevYear() { startCalendarDateTimeRef.value = getTime(addMonths(startCalendarDateTimeRef.value, -12)); adjustCalendarTimes(true); } function startCalendarNextMonth() { startCalendarDateTimeRef.value = getTime(addMonths(startCalendarDateTimeRef.value, 1)); adjustCalendarTimes(true); } function startCalendarPrevMonth() { startCalendarDateTimeRef.value = getTime(addMonths(startCalendarDateTimeRef.value, -1)); adjustCalendarTimes(true); } function endCalendarNextYear() { endCalendarDateTimeRef.value = getTime(addMonths(endCalendarDateTimeRef.value, 12)); adjustCalendarTimes(false); } function endCalendarPrevYear() { endCalendarDateTimeRef.value = getTime(addMonths(endCalendarDateTimeRef.value, -12)); adjustCalendarTimes(false); } function endCalendarNextMonth() { endCalendarDateTimeRef.value = getTime(addMonths(endCalendarDateTimeRef.value, 1)); adjustCalendarTimes(false); } function endCalendarPrevMonth() { endCalendarDateTimeRef.value = getTime(addMonths(endCalendarDateTimeRef.value, -1)); adjustCalendarTimes(false); } function onUpdateStartCalendarValue(value2) { startCalendarDateTimeRef.value = value2; adjustCalendarTimes(true); } function onUpdateEndCalendarValue(value2) { endCalendarDateTimeRef.value = value2; adjustCalendarTimes(false); } function mergedIsDateDisabled(ts) { const isDateDisabled = isDateDisabledRef.value; if (!isDateDisabled) return false; if (!Array.isArray(props.value)) { return isDateDisabled(ts, "start", null); } if (selectingPhaseRef.value === "start") { return isDateDisabled(ts, "start", null); } else { const { value: memorizedStartDateTime } = memorizedStartDateTimeRef; if (ts < memorizedStartDateTimeRef.value) { return isDateDisabled(ts, "start", [memorizedStartDateTime, memorizedStartDateTime]); } else { return isDateDisabled(ts, "end", [memorizedStartDateTime, memorizedStartDateTime]); } } } function syncCalendarTimeWithValue(value2) { if (value2 === null) return; const [startMoment, endMoment] = value2; startCalendarDateTimeRef.value = startMoment; if (startOfMonth(endMoment) <= startOfMonth(startMoment)) { endCalendarDateTimeRef.value = getTime(startOfMonth(addMonths(startMoment, 1))); } else { endCalendarDateTimeRef.value = getTime(startOfMonth(endMoment)); } } function handleDateClick(dateItem2) { if (!isSelectingRef.value) { isSelectingRef.value = true; memorizedStartDateTimeRef.value = dateItem2.ts; changeStartEndTime(dateItem2.ts, dateItem2.ts, "done"); } else { isSelectingRef.value = false; const { value: value2 } = props; if (props.panel && Array.isArray(value2)) { changeStartEndTime(value2[0], value2[1], "done"); } else { if (closeOnSelectRef.value && type === "daterange") { if (updateValueOnCloseRef.value) { closeCalendar(); } else { handleConfirmClick(); } } } } } function handleDateMouseEnter(dateItem2) { if (isSelectingRef.value) { if (mergedIsDateDisabled(dateItem2.ts)) return; if (dateItem2.ts >= memorizedStartDateTimeRef.value) { changeStartEndTime(memorizedStartDateTimeRef.value, dateItem2.ts, "wipPreview"); } else { changeStartEndTime(dateItem2.ts, memorizedStartDateTimeRef.value, "wipPreview"); } } } function handleConfirmClick() { if (isRangeInvalidRef.value) { return; } panelCommon.doConfirm(); closeCalendar(); } function closeCalendar() { isSelectingRef.value = false; if (props.active) { panelCommon.doClose(); } } function changeStartDateTime(time2) { if (typeof time2 !== "number") { time2 = getTime(time2); } if (props.value === null) { panelCommon.doUpdateValue([time2, time2], props.panel); } else if (Array.isArray(props.value)) { panelCommon.doUpdateValue([time2, Math.max(props.value[1], time2)], props.panel); } } function changeEndDateTime(time2) { if (typeof time2 !== "number") { time2 = getTime(time2); } if (props.value === null) { panelCommon.doUpdateValue([time2, time2], props.panel); } else if (Array.isArray(props.value)) { panelCommon.doUpdateValue([Math.min(props.value[0], time2), time2], props.panel); } } function changeStartEndTime(startTime, endTime, source) { if (typeof startTime !== "number") { startTime = getTime(startTime); } if (source !== "shortcutPreview") { let startDefaultTime; let endDefaultTime; if (type === "datetimerange") { const { defaultTime } = props; if (Array.isArray(defaultTime)) { startDefaultTime = getDefaultTime(defaultTime[0]); endDefaultTime = getDefaultTime(defaultTime[1]); } else { startDefaultTime = getDefaultTime(defaultTime); endDefaultTime = startDefaultTime; } } if (startDefaultTime) { startTime = getTime(set(startTime, startDefaultTime)); } if (endDefaultTime) { endTime = getTime(set(endTime, endDefaultTime)); } } panelCommon.doUpdateValue([startTime, endTime], props.panel && source === "done"); } function sanitizeValue(datetime) { if (type === "datetimerange") { return getTime(startOfSecond(datetime)); } else if (type === "monthrange") { return getTime(startOfMonth(datetime)); } else { return getTime(startOfDay(datetime)); } } function handleStartDateInput(value2) { const date = strictParse(value2, mergedDateFormatRef.value, /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), panelCommon.dateFnsOptions.value); if (isValid$1(date)) { if (!props.value) { const newValue = set(/* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), { year: getYear(date), month: getMonth(date), date: getDate(date) }); changeStartDateTime(sanitizeValue(getTime(newValue))); } else if (Array.isArray(props.value)) { const newValue = set(props.value[0], { year: getYear(date), month: getMonth(date), date: getDate(date) }); changeStartDateTime(sanitizeValue(getTime(newValue))); } } else { startDateInput.value = value2; } } function handleEndDateInput(value2) { const date = strictParse(value2, mergedDateFormatRef.value, /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), panelCommon.dateFnsOptions.value); if (isValid$1(date)) { if (props.value === null) { const newValue = set(/* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), { year: getYear(date), month: getMonth(date), date: getDate(date) }); changeEndDateTime(sanitizeValue(getTime(newValue))); } else if (Array.isArray(props.value)) { const newValue = set(props.value[1], { year: getYear(date), month: getMonth(date), date: getDate(date) }); changeEndDateTime(sanitizeValue(getTime(newValue))); } } else { endDateInputRef.value = value2; } } function handleStartDateInputBlur() { const date = strictParse(startDateInput.value, mergedDateFormatRef.value, /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), panelCommon.dateFnsOptions.value); const { value: value2 } = props; if (isValid$1(date)) { if (value2 === null) { const newValue = set(/* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), { year: getYear(date), month: getMonth(date), date: getDate(date) }); changeStartDateTime(sanitizeValue(getTime(newValue))); } else if (Array.isArray(value2)) { const newValue = set(value2[0], { year: getYear(date), month: getMonth(date), date: getDate(date) }); changeStartDateTime(sanitizeValue(getTime(newValue))); } } else { refreshDisplayDateString(); } } function handleEndDateInputBlur() { const date = strictParse(endDateInputRef.value, mergedDateFormatRef.value, /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), panelCommon.dateFnsOptions.value); const { value: value2 } = props; if (isValid$1(date)) { if (value2 === null) { const newValue = set(/* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), { year: getYear(date), month: getMonth(date), date: getDate(date) }); changeEndDateTime(sanitizeValue(getTime(newValue))); } else if (Array.isArray(value2)) { const newValue = set(value2[1], { year: getYear(date), month: getMonth(date), date: getDate(date) }); changeEndDateTime(sanitizeValue(getTime(newValue))); } } else { refreshDisplayDateString(); } } function refreshDisplayDateString(times) { const { value: value2 } = props; if (value2 === null || !Array.isArray(value2)) { startDateInput.value = ""; endDateInputRef.value = ""; return; } if (times === void 0) { times = value2; } startDateInput.value = format$4(times[0], mergedDateFormatRef.value, panelCommon.dateFnsOptions.value); endDateInputRef.value = format$4(times[1], mergedDateFormatRef.value, panelCommon.dateFnsOptions.value); } function handleStartTimePickerChange(value2) { if (value2 === null) return; changeStartDateTime(value2); } function handleEndTimePickerChange(value2) { if (value2 === null) return; changeEndDateTime(value2); } function handleRangeShortcutMouseenter(shortcut) { panelCommon.cachePendingValue(); const shortcutValue = panelCommon.getShortcutValue(shortcut); if (!Array.isArray(shortcutValue)) return; changeStartEndTime(shortcutValue[0], shortcutValue[1], "shortcutPreview"); } function handleRangeShortcutClick(shortcut) { const shortcutValue = panelCommon.getShortcutValue(shortcut); if (!Array.isArray(shortcutValue)) return; changeStartEndTime(shortcutValue[0], shortcutValue[1], "done"); panelCommon.clearPendingValue(); handleConfirmClick(); } function justifyColumnsScrollState(value2, type3) { const mergedValue = value2 === void 0 ? props.value : value2; if (value2 === void 0 || type3 === "start") { if (startMonthScrollbarRef.value) { const monthIndex = !Array.isArray(mergedValue) ? getMonth(Date.now()) : getMonth(mergedValue[0]); startMonthScrollbarRef.value.scrollTo({ debounce: false, index: monthIndex, elSize: MONTH_ITEM_HEIGHT }); } if (startYearVlRef.value) { const yearIndex = (!Array.isArray(mergedValue) ? getYear(Date.now()) : getYear(mergedValue[0])) - START_YEAR; startYearVlRef.value.scrollTo({ index: yearIndex, debounce: false }); } } if (value2 === void 0 || type3 === "end") { if (endMonthScrollbarRef.value) { const monthIndex = !Array.isArray(mergedValue) ? getMonth(Date.now()) : getMonth(mergedValue[1]); endMonthScrollbarRef.value.scrollTo({ debounce: false, index: monthIndex, elSize: MONTH_ITEM_HEIGHT }); } if (endYearVlRef.value) { const yearIndex = (!Array.isArray(mergedValue) ? getYear(Date.now()) : getYear(mergedValue[1])) - START_YEAR; endYearVlRef.value.scrollTo({ index: yearIndex, debounce: false }); } } } function handleColItemClick(dateItem2, clickType) { const { value: value2 } = props; const noCurrentValue = !Array.isArray(value2); const itemTs = dateItem2.type === "year" && type !== "yearrange" ? noCurrentValue ? set(dateItem2.ts, { month: getMonth(type === "quarterrange" ? startOfQuarter(/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()) : /* @__PURE__ */ new Date()) }).valueOf() : set(dateItem2.ts, { month: getMonth(type === "quarterrange" ? startOfQuarter(value2[clickType === "start" ? 0 : 1]) : value2[clickType === "start" ? 0 : 1]) }).valueOf() : dateItem2.ts; if (noCurrentValue) { const partialValue = sanitizeValue(itemTs); const nextValue2 = [partialValue, partialValue]; panelCommon.doUpdateValue(nextValue2, props.panel); justifyColumnsScrollState(nextValue2, "start"); justifyColumnsScrollState(nextValue2, "end"); panelCommon.disableTransitionOneTick(); return; } const nextValue = [value2[0], value2[1]]; let otherPartsChanged = false; if (clickType === "start") { nextValue[0] = sanitizeValue(itemTs); if (nextValue[0] > nextValue[1]) { nextValue[1] = nextValue[0]; otherPartsChanged = true; } } else { nextValue[1] = sanitizeValue(itemTs); if (nextValue[0] > nextValue[1]) { nextValue[0] = nextValue[1]; otherPartsChanged = true; } } panelCommon.doUpdateValue(nextValue, props.panel); switch (type) { case "monthrange": case "quarterrange": panelCommon.disableTransitionOneTick(); if (otherPartsChanged) { justifyColumnsScrollState(nextValue, "start"); justifyColumnsScrollState(nextValue, "end"); } else { justifyColumnsScrollState(nextValue, clickType); } break; case "yearrange": panelCommon.disableTransitionOneTick(); justifyColumnsScrollState(nextValue, "start"); justifyColumnsScrollState(nextValue, "end"); } } function handleStartYearVlScroll() { var _a2; (_a2 = startYearScrollbarRef.value) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.sync(); } function handleEndYearVlScroll() { var _a2; (_a2 = endYearScrollbarRef.value) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.sync(); } function virtualListContainer(type3) { var _a2, _b2; if (type3 === "start") { return ((_a2 = startYearVlRef.value) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.listElRef) || null; } else { return ((_b2 = endYearVlRef.value) === null || _b2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _b2.listElRef) || null; } } function virtualListContent(type3) { var _a2, _b2; if (type3 === "start") { return ((_a2 = startYearVlRef.value) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.itemsElRef) || null; } else { return ((_b2 = endYearVlRef.value) === null || _b2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _b2.itemsElRef) || null; } } const childComponentRefs = { startYearVlRef, endYearVlRef, startMonthScrollbarRef, endMonthScrollbarRef, startYearScrollbarRef, endYearScrollbarRef }; return Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({ startDatesElRef, endDatesElRef, handleDateClick, handleColItemClick, handleDateMouseEnter, handleConfirmClick, startCalendarPrevYear, startCalendarPrevMonth, startCalendarNextYear, startCalendarNextMonth, endCalendarPrevYear, endCalendarPrevMonth, endCalendarNextMonth, endCalendarNextYear, mergedIsDateDisabled, changeStartEndTime, ranges: rangesRef, startCalendarMonth: startCalendarMonthRef, startCalendarYear: startCalendarYearRef, endCalendarMonth: endCalendarMonthRef, endCalendarYear: endCalendarYearRef, weekdays: weekdaysRef, startDateArray: startDateArrayRef, endDateArray: endDateArrayRef, startYearArray: startYearArrayRef, startMonthArray: startMonthArrayRef, startQuarterArray: startQuarterArrayRef, endYearArray: endYearArrayRef, endMonthArray: endMonthArrayRef, endQuarterArray: endQuarterArrayRef, isSelecting: isSelectingRef, handleRangeShortcutMouseenter, handleRangeShortcutClick }, panelCommon), validation), childComponentRefs), { // datetimerangeonly startDateDisplayString: startDateInput, endDateInput: endDateInputRef, timePickerSize: panelCommon.timePickerSize, startTimeValue: startTimeValueRef, endTimeValue: endTimeValueRef, datePickerSlots, shortcuts: shortcutsRef, startCalendarDateTime: startCalendarDateTimeRef, endCalendarDateTime: endCalendarDateTimeRef, justifyColumnsScrollState, handleFocusDetectorFocus: panelCommon.handleFocusDetectorFocus, handleStartTimePickerChange, handleEndTimePickerChange, handleStartDateInput, handleStartDateInputBlur, handleEndDateInput, handleEndDateInputBlur, handleStartYearVlScroll, handleEndYearVlScroll, virtualListContainer, virtualListContent, onUpdateStartCalendarValue, onUpdateEndCalendarValue }); } const DatetimerangePanel = vue.defineComponent({ name: "DateTimeRangePanel", props: useDualCalendarProps, setup(props) { return useDualCalendar(props, "datetimerange"); }, render() { var _a, _b, _c; const { mergedClsPrefix, mergedTheme, shortcuts, timePickerProps: timePickerProps2, onRender, $slots } = this; onRender === null || onRender === void 0 ? void 0 : onRender(); return vue.h("div", { ref: "selfRef", tabindex: 0, class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel`, `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel--datetimerange`, !this.panel && `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel--shadow`, this.themeClass], onKeydown: this.handlePanelKeyDown, onFocus: this.handlePanelFocus }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-header` }, vue.h(NInput, { value: this.startDateDisplayString, theme: mergedTheme.peers.Input, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Input, size: this.timePickerSize, stateful: false, class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date-input`, textDecoration: this.isStartValueInvalid ? "line-through" : "", placeholder: this.locale.selectDate, onBlur: this.handleStartDateInputBlur, onUpdateValue: this.handleStartDateInput }), vue.h(NTimePicker, Object.assign({ placeholder: this.locale.selectTime, format: this.timerPickerFormat, size: this.timePickerSize }, Array.isArray(timePickerProps2) ? timePickerProps2[0] : timePickerProps2, { value: this.startTimeValue, to: false, showIcon: false, disabled: this.isSelecting, theme: mergedTheme.peers.TimePicker, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.TimePicker, stateful: false, isHourDisabled: this.isStartHourDisabled, isMinuteDisabled: this.isStartMinuteDisabled, isSecondDisabled: this.isStartSecondDisabled, onUpdateValue: this.handleStartTimePickerChange })), vue.h(NInput, { value: this.endDateInput, theme: mergedTheme.peers.Input, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Input, stateful: false, size: this.timePickerSize, class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date-input`, textDecoration: this.isEndValueInvalid ? "line-through" : "", placeholder: this.locale.selectDate, onBlur: this.handleEndDateInputBlur, onUpdateValue: this.handleEndDateInput }), vue.h(NTimePicker, Object.assign({ placeholder: this.locale.selectTime, format: this.timerPickerFormat, size: this.timePickerSize }, Array.isArray(timePickerProps2) ? timePickerProps2[1] : timePickerProps2, { disabled: this.isSelecting, showIcon: false, theme: mergedTheme.peers.TimePicker, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.TimePicker, to: false, stateful: false, value: this.endTimeValue, isHourDisabled: this.isEndHourDisabled, isMinuteDisabled: this.isEndMinuteDisabled, isSecondDisabled: this.isEndSecondDisabled, onUpdateValue: this.handleEndTimePickerChange }))), vue.h("div", { ref: "startDatesElRef", class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-calendar ${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-calendar--start` }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-month` }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-month__fast-prev`, onClick: this.startCalendarPrevYear }, resolveSlot($slots["prev-year"], () => [vue.h(FastBackwardIcon, null)])), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-month__prev`, onClick: this.startCalendarPrevMonth }, resolveSlot($slots["prev-month"], () => [vue.h(BackwardIcon, null)])), vue.h(PanelHeader, { monthBeforeYear: this.locale.monthBeforeYear, value: this.startCalendarDateTime, onUpdateValue: this.onUpdateStartCalendarValue, mergedClsPrefix, calendarMonth: this.startCalendarMonth, calendarYear: this.startCalendarYear }), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-month__next`, onClick: this.startCalendarNextMonth }, resolveSlot($slots["next-month"], () => [vue.h(ForwardIcon, null)])), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-month__fast-next`, onClick: this.startCalendarNextYear }, resolveSlot($slots["next-year"], () => [vue.h(FastForwardIcon, null)]))), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-weekdays` }, this.weekdays.map((weekday) => vue.h("div", { key: weekday, class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-weekdays__day` }, weekday))), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel__divider` }), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-dates` }, this.startDateArray.map((dateItem2, i) => { const disabled = this.mergedIsDateDisabled(dateItem2.ts); return vue.h("div", { "data-n-date": true, key: i, class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date`, { [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date--excluded`]: !dateItem2.inCurrentMonth, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date--current`]: dateItem2.isCurrentDate, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date--selected`]: dateItem2.selected, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date--covered`]: dateItem2.inSpan, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date--start`]: dateItem2.startOfSpan, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date--end`]: dateItem2.endOfSpan, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date--disabled`]: disabled }], onClick: disabled ? void 0 : () => { this.handleDateClick(dateItem2); }, onMouseenter: disabled ? void 0 : () => { this.handleDateMouseEnter(dateItem2); } }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date__trigger` }), dateItem2.dateObject.date, dateItem2.isCurrentDate ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date__sup` }) : null); }))), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel__vertical-divider` }), vue.h("div", { ref: "endDatesElRef", class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-calendar ${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-calendar--end` }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-month` }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-month__fast-prev`, onClick: this.endCalendarPrevYear }, resolveSlot($slots["prev-year"], () => [vue.h(FastBackwardIcon, null)])), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-month__prev`, onClick: this.endCalendarPrevMonth }, resolveSlot($slots["prev-month"], () => [vue.h(BackwardIcon, null)])), vue.h(PanelHeader, { monthBeforeYear: this.locale.monthBeforeYear, value: this.endCalendarDateTime, onUpdateValue: this.onUpdateEndCalendarValue, mergedClsPrefix, calendarMonth: this.endCalendarMonth, calendarYear: this.endCalendarYear }), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-month__next`, onClick: this.endCalendarNextMonth }, resolveSlot($slots["next-month"], () => [vue.h(ForwardIcon, null)])), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-month__fast-next`, onClick: this.endCalendarNextYear }, resolveSlot($slots["next-year"], () => [vue.h(FastForwardIcon, null)]))), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-weekdays` }, this.weekdays.map((weekday) => vue.h("div", { key: weekday, class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-weekdays__day` }, weekday))), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel__divider` }), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-dates` }, this.endDateArray.map((dateItem2, i) => { const disabled = this.mergedIsDateDisabled(dateItem2.ts); return vue.h("div", { "data-n-date": true, key: i, class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date`, { [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date--excluded`]: !dateItem2.inCurrentMonth, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date--current`]: dateItem2.isCurrentDate, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date--selected`]: dateItem2.selected, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date--covered`]: dateItem2.inSpan, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date--start`]: dateItem2.startOfSpan, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date--end`]: dateItem2.endOfSpan, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date--disabled`]: disabled }], onClick: disabled ? void 0 : () => { this.handleDateClick(dateItem2); }, onMouseenter: disabled ? void 0 : () => { this.handleDateMouseEnter(dateItem2); } }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date__trigger` }), dateItem2.dateObject.date, dateItem2.isCurrentDate ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date__sup` }) : null); }))), this.datePickerSlots.footer ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-footer` }, this.datePickerSlots.footer()) : null, ((_a = this.actions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length) || shortcuts ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-actions` }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-actions__prefix` }, shortcuts && Object.keys(shortcuts).map((key) => { const shortcut = shortcuts[key]; return Array.isArray(shortcut) || typeof shortcut === "function" ? vue.h(XButton, { size: "tiny", onMouseenter: () => { this.handleRangeShortcutMouseenter(shortcut); }, onClick: () => { this.handleRangeShortcutClick(shortcut); }, onMouseleave: () => { this.handleShortcutMouseleave(); } }, { default: () => key }) : null; })), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-actions__suffix` }, ((_b = this.actions) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.includes("clear")) ? vue.h(NButton, { theme: mergedTheme.peers.Button, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Button, size: "tiny", onClick: this.handleClearClick }, { default: () => this.locale.clear }) : null, ((_c = this.actions) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.includes("confirm")) ? vue.h(NButton, { theme: mergedTheme.peers.Button, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Button, size: "tiny", type: "primary", disabled: this.isRangeInvalid || this.isSelecting, onClick: this.handleConfirmClick }, { default: () => this.locale.confirm }) : null)) : null, vue.h(FocusDetector, { onFocus: this.handleFocusDetectorFocus })); } }); const DatePanel = vue.defineComponent({ name: "DatePanel", props: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useCalendarProps), { type: { type: String, required: true } }), setup(props) { return useCalendar(props, props.type); }, render() { var _a, _b, _c; const { mergedClsPrefix, mergedTheme, shortcuts, onRender, $slots, type } = this; onRender === null || onRender === void 0 ? void 0 : onRender(); return vue.h("div", { ref: "selfRef", tabindex: 0, class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel`, `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel--${type}`, !this.panel && `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel--shadow`, this.themeClass], onFocus: this.handlePanelFocus, onKeydown: this.handlePanelKeyDown }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-calendar` }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-month` }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-month__fast-prev`, onClick: this.prevYear }, resolveSlot($slots["prev-year"], () => [vue.h(FastBackwardIcon, null)])), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-month__prev`, onClick: this.prevMonth }, resolveSlot($slots["prev-month"], () => [vue.h(BackwardIcon, null)])), vue.h(PanelHeader, { monthBeforeYear: this.locale.monthBeforeYear, value: this.calendarValue, onUpdateValue: this.onUpdateCalendarValue, mergedClsPrefix, calendarMonth: this.calendarMonth, calendarYear: this.calendarYear }), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-month__next`, onClick: this.nextMonth }, resolveSlot($slots["next-month"], () => [vue.h(ForwardIcon, null)])), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-month__fast-next`, onClick: this.nextYear }, resolveSlot($slots["next-year"], () => [vue.h(FastForwardIcon, null)]))), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-weekdays` }, this.weekdays.map((weekday) => vue.h("div", { key: weekday, class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-weekdays__day` }, weekday))), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-dates` }, this.dateArray.map((dateItem2, i) => vue.h("div", { "data-n-date": true, key: i, class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date`, { [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date--current`]: dateItem2.isCurrentDate, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date--selected`]: dateItem2.selected, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date--excluded`]: !dateItem2.inCurrentMonth, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date--disabled`]: this.mergedIsDateDisabled(dateItem2.ts, { type: "date", year: dateItem2.dateObject.year, month: dateItem2.dateObject.month, date: dateItem2.dateObject.date }), [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date--week-hovered`]: this.isWeekHovered(dateItem2), [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date--week-selected`]: dateItem2.inSelectedWeek }], onClick: () => { this.handleDateClick(dateItem2); }, onMouseenter: () => { this.handleDateMouseEnter(dateItem2); } }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date__trigger` }), dateItem2.dateObject.date, dateItem2.isCurrentDate ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date__sup` }) : null)))), this.datePickerSlots.footer ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-footer` }, this.datePickerSlots.footer()) : null, ((_a = this.actions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length) || shortcuts ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-actions` }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-actions__prefix` }, shortcuts && Object.keys(shortcuts).map((key) => { const shortcut = shortcuts[key]; return Array.isArray(shortcut) ? null : vue.h(XButton, { size: "tiny", onMouseenter: () => { this.handleSingleShortcutMouseenter(shortcut); }, onClick: () => { this.handleSingleShortcutClick(shortcut); }, onMouseleave: () => { this.handleShortcutMouseleave(); } }, { default: () => key }); })), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-actions__suffix` }, ((_b = this.actions) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.includes("clear")) ? vue.h(NButton, { theme: mergedTheme.peers.Button, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Button, size: "tiny", onClick: this.handleClearClick }, { default: () => this.locale.clear }) : null, ((_c = this.actions) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.includes("now")) ? vue.h(NButton, { theme: mergedTheme.peers.Button, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Button, size: "tiny", onClick: this.handleNowClick }, { default: () => this.locale.now }) : null)) : null, vue.h(FocusDetector, { onFocus: this.handleFocusDetectorFocus })); } }); const DaterangePanel = vue.defineComponent({ name: "DateRangePanel", props: useDualCalendarProps, setup(props) { return useDualCalendar(props, "daterange"); }, render() { var _a, _b, _c; const { mergedClsPrefix, mergedTheme, shortcuts, onRender, $slots } = this; onRender === null || onRender === void 0 ? void 0 : onRender(); return vue.h("div", { ref: "selfRef", tabindex: 0, class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel`, `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel--daterange`, !this.panel && `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel--shadow`, this.themeClass], onKeydown: this.handlePanelKeyDown, onFocus: this.handlePanelFocus }, vue.h("div", { ref: "startDatesElRef", class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-calendar ${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-calendar--start` }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-month` }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-month__fast-prev`, onClick: this.startCalendarPrevYear }, resolveSlot($slots["prev-year"], () => [vue.h(FastBackwardIcon, null)])), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-month__prev`, onClick: this.startCalendarPrevMonth }, resolveSlot($slots["prev-month"], () => [vue.h(BackwardIcon, null)])), vue.h(PanelHeader, { monthBeforeYear: this.locale.monthBeforeYear, value: this.startCalendarDateTime, onUpdateValue: this.onUpdateStartCalendarValue, mergedClsPrefix, calendarMonth: this.startCalendarMonth, calendarYear: this.startCalendarYear }), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-month__next`, onClick: this.startCalendarNextMonth }, resolveSlot($slots["next-month"], () => [vue.h(ForwardIcon, null)])), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-month__fast-next`, onClick: this.startCalendarNextYear }, resolveSlot($slots["next-year"], () => [vue.h(FastForwardIcon, null)]))), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-weekdays` }, this.weekdays.map((weekday) => vue.h("div", { key: weekday, class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-weekdays__day` }, weekday))), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel__divider` }), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-dates` }, this.startDateArray.map((dateItem2, i) => vue.h("div", { "data-n-date": true, key: i, class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date`, { [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date--excluded`]: !dateItem2.inCurrentMonth, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date--current`]: dateItem2.isCurrentDate, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date--selected`]: dateItem2.selected, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date--covered`]: dateItem2.inSpan, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date--start`]: dateItem2.startOfSpan, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date--end`]: dateItem2.endOfSpan, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date--disabled`]: this.mergedIsDateDisabled(dateItem2.ts) }], onClick: () => { this.handleDateClick(dateItem2); }, onMouseenter: () => { this.handleDateMouseEnter(dateItem2); } }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date__trigger` }), dateItem2.dateObject.date, dateItem2.isCurrentDate ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date__sup` }) : null)))), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel__vertical-divider` }), vue.h("div", { ref: "endDatesElRef", class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-calendar ${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-calendar--end` }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-month` }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-month__fast-prev`, onClick: this.endCalendarPrevYear }, resolveSlot($slots["prev-year"], () => [vue.h(FastBackwardIcon, null)])), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-month__prev`, onClick: this.endCalendarPrevMonth }, resolveSlot($slots["prev-month"], () => [vue.h(BackwardIcon, null)])), vue.h(PanelHeader, { monthBeforeYear: this.locale.monthBeforeYear, value: this.endCalendarDateTime, onUpdateValue: this.onUpdateEndCalendarValue, mergedClsPrefix, calendarMonth: this.endCalendarMonth, calendarYear: this.endCalendarYear }), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-month__next`, onClick: this.endCalendarNextMonth }, resolveSlot($slots["next-month"], () => [vue.h(ForwardIcon, null)])), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-month__fast-next`, onClick: this.endCalendarNextYear }, resolveSlot($slots["next-year"], () => [vue.h(FastForwardIcon, null)]))), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-weekdays` }, this.weekdays.map((weekday) => vue.h("div", { key: weekday, class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-weekdays__day` }, weekday))), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel__divider` }), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-dates` }, this.endDateArray.map((dateItem2, i) => vue.h("div", { "data-n-date": true, key: i, class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date`, { [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date--excluded`]: !dateItem2.inCurrentMonth, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date--current`]: dateItem2.isCurrentDate, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date--selected`]: dateItem2.selected, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date--covered`]: dateItem2.inSpan, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date--start`]: dateItem2.startOfSpan, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date--end`]: dateItem2.endOfSpan, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date--disabled`]: this.mergedIsDateDisabled(dateItem2.ts) }], onClick: () => { this.handleDateClick(dateItem2); }, onMouseenter: () => { this.handleDateMouseEnter(dateItem2); } }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date__trigger` }), dateItem2.dateObject.date, dateItem2.isCurrentDate ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-date__sup` }) : null)))), this.datePickerSlots.footer ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-footer` }, this.datePickerSlots.footer()) : null, ((_a = this.actions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length) || shortcuts ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-actions` }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-actions__prefix` }, shortcuts && Object.keys(shortcuts).map((key) => { const shortcut = shortcuts[key]; return Array.isArray(shortcut) || typeof shortcut === "function" ? vue.h(XButton, { size: "tiny", onMouseenter: () => { this.handleRangeShortcutMouseenter(shortcut); }, onClick: () => { this.handleRangeShortcutClick(shortcut); }, onMouseleave: () => { this.handleShortcutMouseleave(); } }, { default: () => key }) : null; })), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-actions__suffix` }, ((_b = this.actions) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.includes("clear")) ? vue.h(NButton, { theme: mergedTheme.peers.Button, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Button, size: "tiny", onClick: this.handleClearClick }, { default: () => this.locale.clear }) : null, ((_c = this.actions) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.includes("confirm")) ? vue.h(NButton, { theme: mergedTheme.peers.Button, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Button, size: "tiny", type: "primary", disabled: this.isRangeInvalid || this.isSelecting, onClick: this.handleConfirmClick }, { default: () => this.locale.confirm }) : null)) : null, vue.h(FocusDetector, { onFocus: this.handleFocusDetectorFocus })); } }); const MonthRangePanel = vue.defineComponent({ name: "MonthRangePanel", props: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useDualCalendarProps), { type: { type: String, required: true } }), setup(props) { const useCalendarRef = useDualCalendar(props, props.type); const { dateLocaleRef } = useLocale("DatePicker"); const renderItem = (item, i, mergedClsPrefix, type) => { const { handleColItemClick } = useCalendarRef; const disabled = false; return vue.h("div", { "data-n-date": true, key: i, class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-month-calendar__picker-col-item`, item.isCurrent && `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-month-calendar__picker-col-item--current`, item.selected && `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-month-calendar__picker-col-item--selected`, disabled], onClick: () => { handleColItemClick(item, type); } }, item.type === "month" ? getMonthString(item.dateObject.month, item.monthFormat, dateLocaleRef.value.locale) : item.type === "quarter" ? getQuarterString(item.dateObject.quarter, item.quarterFormat, dateLocaleRef.value.locale) : getYearString(item.dateObject.year, item.yearFormat, dateLocaleRef.value.locale)); }; vue.onMounted(() => { useCalendarRef.justifyColumnsScrollState(); }); return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useCalendarRef), { renderItem }); }, render() { var _a, _b, _c; const { mergedClsPrefix, mergedTheme, shortcuts, type, renderItem, onRender } = this; onRender === null || onRender === void 0 ? void 0 : onRender(); return vue.h("div", { ref: "selfRef", tabindex: 0, class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel`, `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel--daterange`, !this.panel && `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel--shadow`, this.themeClass], onKeydown: this.handlePanelKeyDown, onFocus: this.handlePanelFocus }, vue.h("div", { ref: "startDatesElRef", class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-calendar ${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-calendar--start` }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-month-calendar` }, vue.h(Scrollbar$2, { ref: "startYearScrollbarRef", class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-month-calendar__picker-col`, theme: mergedTheme.peers.Scrollbar, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Scrollbar, container: () => this.virtualListContainer("start"), content: () => this.virtualListContent("start"), horizontalRailStyle: { zIndex: 1 }, verticalRailStyle: { zIndex: 1 } }, { default: () => vue.h(VVirtualList, { ref: "startYearVlRef", items: this.startYearArray, itemSize: MONTH_ITEM_HEIGHT, showScrollbar: false, keyField: "ts", onScroll: this.handleStartYearVlScroll, paddingBottom: 4 }, { default: ({ item, index }) => { return renderItem(item, index, mergedClsPrefix, "start"); } }) }), type === "monthrange" || type === "quarterrange" ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-month-calendar__picker-col` }, vue.h(Scrollbar$2, { ref: "startMonthScrollbarRef", theme: mergedTheme.peers.Scrollbar, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Scrollbar }, { default: () => [(type === "monthrange" ? this.startMonthArray : this.startQuarterArray).map((item, i) => renderItem(item, i, mergedClsPrefix, "start")), type === "monthrange" && vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-month-calendar__padding` })] })) : null)), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel__vertical-divider` }), vue.h("div", { ref: "endDatesElRef", class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-calendar ${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-calendar--end` }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-month-calendar` }, vue.h(Scrollbar$2, { ref: "endYearScrollbarRef", class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-month-calendar__picker-col`, theme: mergedTheme.peers.Scrollbar, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Scrollbar, container: () => this.virtualListContainer("end"), content: () => this.virtualListContent("end"), horizontalRailStyle: { zIndex: 1 }, verticalRailStyle: { zIndex: 1 } }, { default: () => vue.h(VVirtualList, { ref: "endYearVlRef", items: this.endYearArray, itemSize: MONTH_ITEM_HEIGHT, showScrollbar: false, keyField: "ts", onScroll: this.handleEndYearVlScroll, paddingBottom: 4 }, { default: ({ item, index }) => { return renderItem(item, index, mergedClsPrefix, "end"); } }) }), type === "monthrange" || type === "quarterrange" ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-month-calendar__picker-col` }, vue.h(Scrollbar$2, { ref: "endMonthScrollbarRef", theme: mergedTheme.peers.Scrollbar, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Scrollbar }, { default: () => [(type === "monthrange" ? this.endMonthArray : this.endQuarterArray).map((item, i) => renderItem(item, i, mergedClsPrefix, "end")), type === "monthrange" && vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-month-calendar__padding` })] })) : null)), this.datePickerSlots.footer ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-footer` }, vue.renderSlot(this.datePickerSlots, "footer")) : null, ((_a = this.actions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length) || shortcuts ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-actions` }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-actions__prefix` }, shortcuts && Object.keys(shortcuts).map((key) => { const shortcut = shortcuts[key]; return Array.isArray(shortcut) || typeof shortcut === "function" ? vue.h(XButton, { size: "tiny", onMouseenter: () => { this.handleRangeShortcutMouseenter(shortcut); }, onClick: () => { this.handleRangeShortcutClick(shortcut); }, onMouseleave: () => { this.handleShortcutMouseleave(); } }, { default: () => key }) : null; })), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-panel-actions__suffix` }, ((_b = this.actions) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.includes("clear")) ? vue.h(XButton, { theme: mergedTheme.peers.Button, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Button, size: "tiny", onClick: this.handleClearClick }, { default: () => this.locale.clear }) : null, ((_c = this.actions) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.includes("confirm")) ? vue.h(XButton, { theme: mergedTheme.peers.Button, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Button, size: "tiny", type: "primary", disabled: this.isRangeInvalid, onClick: this.handleConfirmClick }, { default: () => this.locale.confirm }) : null)) : null, vue.h(FocusDetector, { onFocus: this.handleFocusDetectorFocus })); } }); const style$V = c$1([cB("date-picker", ` position: relative; z-index: auto; `, [cB("date-picker-icon", ` color: var(--n-icon-color-override); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); `), cB("icon", ` color: var(--n-icon-color-override); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); `), cM("disabled", [cB("date-picker-icon", ` color: var(--n-icon-color-disabled-override); `), cB("icon", ` color: var(--n-icon-color-disabled-override); `)])]), cB("date-panel", ` width: fit-content; outline: none; margin: 4px 0; display: grid; grid-template-columns: 0fr; border-radius: var(--n-panel-border-radius); background-color: var(--n-panel-color); color: var(--n-panel-text-color); user-select: none; `, [fadeInScaleUpTransition(), cM("shadow", ` box-shadow: var(--n-panel-box-shadow); `), cB("date-panel-calendar", { padding: "var(--n-calendar-left-padding)", display: "grid", gridTemplateColumns: "1fr", gridArea: "left-calendar" }, [cM("end", { padding: "var(--n-calendar-right-padding)", gridArea: "right-calendar" })]), cB("date-panel-month-calendar", { display: "flex", gridArea: "left-calendar" }, [cE("picker-col", ` min-width: var(--n-scroll-item-width); height: calc(var(--n-scroll-item-height) * 6); user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; `, [c$1("&:first-child", ` min-width: calc(var(--n-scroll-item-width) + 4px); `, [cE("picker-col-item", [c$1("&::before", "left: 4px;")])]), cE("padding", ` height: calc(var(--n-scroll-item-height) * 5) `)]), cE("picker-col-item", ` z-index: 0; cursor: pointer; height: var(--n-scroll-item-height); box-sizing: border-box; padding-top: 4px; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; position: relative; transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); background: #0000; color: var(--n-item-text-color); `, [c$1("&::before", ` z-index: -1; content: ""; position: absolute; left: 0; right: 4px; top: 4px; bottom: 0; border-radius: var(--n-scroll-item-border-radius); transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `), cNotM("disabled", [c$1("&:hover::before", ` background-color: var(--n-item-color-hover); `), cM("selected", ` color: var(--n-item-color-active); `, [c$1("&::before", "background-color: var(--n-item-color-hover);")])]), cM("disabled", ` color: var(--n-item-text-color-disabled); cursor: not-allowed; `, [cM("selected", [c$1("&::before", ` background-color: var(--n-item-color-disabled); `)])])])]), cM("date", { gridTemplateAreas: ` "left-calendar" "footer" "action" ` }), cM("week", { gridTemplateAreas: ` "left-calendar" "footer" "action" ` }), cM("daterange", { gridTemplateAreas: ` "left-calendar divider right-calendar" "footer footer footer" "action action action" ` }), cM("datetime", { gridTemplateAreas: ` "header" "left-calendar" "footer" "action" ` }), cM("datetimerange", { gridTemplateAreas: ` "header header header" "left-calendar divider right-calendar" "footer footer footer" "action action action" ` }), cM("month", { gridTemplateAreas: ` "left-calendar" "footer" "action" ` }), cB("date-panel-footer", { gridArea: "footer" }), cB("date-panel-actions", { gridArea: "action" }), cB("date-panel-header", { gridArea: "header" }), cB("date-panel-header", ` box-sizing: border-box; width: 100%; align-items: center; padding: var(--n-panel-header-padding); display: flex; justify-content: space-between; border-bottom: 1px solid var(--n-panel-header-divider-color); `, [c$1(">", [c$1("*:not(:last-child)", { marginRight: "10px" }), c$1("*", { flex: 1, width: 0 }), cB("time-picker", { zIndex: 1 })])]), cB("date-panel-month", ` box-sizing: border-box; display: grid; grid-template-columns: var(--n-calendar-title-grid-template-columns); align-items: center; justify-items: center; padding: var(--n-calendar-title-padding); height: var(--n-calendar-title-height); `, [cE("prev, next, fast-prev, fast-next", ` line-height: 0; cursor: pointer; width: var(--n-arrow-size); height: var(--n-arrow-size); color: var(--n-arrow-color); `), cE("month-year", ` user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; flex-grow: 1; position: relative; `, [cE("text", ` font-size: var(--n-calendar-title-font-size); line-height: var(--n-calendar-title-font-size); font-weight: var(--n-calendar-title-font-weight); padding: 6px 8px; text-align: center; color: var(--n-calendar-title-text-color); cursor: pointer; transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); border-radius: var(--n-panel-border-radius); `, [cM("active", ` background-color: var(--n-calendar-title-color-hover); `), c$1("&:hover", ` background-color: var(--n-calendar-title-color-hover); `)])])]), cB("date-panel-weekdays", ` display: grid; margin: auto; grid-template-columns: repeat(7, var(--n-item-cell-width)); grid-template-rows: repeat(1, var(--n-item-cell-height)); align-items: center; justify-items: center; margin-bottom: 4px; border-bottom: 1px solid var(--n-calendar-days-divider-color); `, [cE("day", ` user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; line-height: 15px; width: var(--n-item-size); text-align: center; font-size: var(--n-calendar-days-font-size); color: var(--n-item-text-color); `)]), cB("date-panel-dates", ` margin: auto; display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(7, var(--n-item-cell-width)); grid-template-rows: repeat(6, var(--n-item-cell-height)); align-items: center; justify-items: center; flex-wrap: wrap; `, [cB("date-panel-date", ` user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; position: relative; width: var(--n-item-size); height: var(--n-item-size); line-height: var(--n-item-size); text-align: center; font-size: var(--n-item-font-size); border-radius: var(--n-item-border-radius); z-index: 0; cursor: pointer; transition: background-color .2s var(--n-bezier), color .2s var(--n-bezier); `, [cE("trigger", ` position: absolute; left: calc(var(--n-item-size) / 2 - var(--n-item-cell-width) / 2); top: calc(var(--n-item-size) / 2 - var(--n-item-cell-height) / 2); width: var(--n-item-cell-width); height: var(--n-item-cell-height); `), cM("current", [cE("sup", ` position: absolute; top: 2px; right: 2px; content: ""; height: 4px; width: 4px; border-radius: 2px; background-color: var(--n-item-color-active); transition: background-color .2s var(--n-bezier); `)]), c$1("&::after", ` content: ""; z-index: -1; position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; border-radius: inherit; transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `), cM("covered, start, end", [cNotM("excluded", [c$1("&::before", ` content: ""; z-index: -2; position: absolute; left: calc((var(--n-item-size) - var(--n-item-cell-width)) / 2); right: calc((var(--n-item-size) - var(--n-item-cell-width)) / 2); top: 0; bottom: 0; background-color: var(--n-item-color-included); `), c$1("&:nth-child(7n + 1)::before", { borderTopLeftRadius: "var(--n-item-border-radius)", borderBottomLeftRadius: "var(--n-item-border-radius)" }), c$1("&:nth-child(7n + 7)::before", { borderTopRightRadius: "var(--n-item-border-radius)", borderBottomRightRadius: "var(--n-item-border-radius)" })])]), cM("selected", { color: "var(--n-item-text-color-active)" }, [c$1("&::after", { backgroundColor: "var(--n-item-color-active)" }), cM("start", [c$1("&::before", { left: "50%" })]), cM("end", [c$1("&::before", { right: "50%" })]), cE("sup", { backgroundColor: "var(--n-panel-color)" })]), cM("excluded", { color: "var(--n-item-text-color-disabled)" }, [cM("selected", [c$1("&::after", { backgroundColor: "var(--n-item-color-disabled)" })])]), cM("disabled", { cursor: "not-allowed", color: "var(--n-item-text-color-disabled)" }, [cM("covered", [c$1("&::before", { backgroundColor: "var(--n-item-color-disabled)" })]), cM("selected", [c$1("&::before", { backgroundColor: "var(--n-item-color-disabled)" }), c$1("&::after", { backgroundColor: "var(--n-item-color-disabled)" })])]), cM("week-hovered", [c$1("&::before", ` background-color: var(--n-item-color-included); `), c$1("&:nth-child(7n + 1)::before", ` border-top-left-radius: var(--n-item-border-radius); border-bottom-left-radius: var(--n-item-border-radius); `), c$1("&:nth-child(7n + 7)::before", ` border-top-right-radius: var(--n-item-border-radius); border-bottom-right-radius: var(--n-item-border-radius); `)]), cM("week-selected", ` color: var(--n-item-text-color-active) `, [c$1("&::before", ` background-color: var(--n-item-color-active); `), c$1("&:nth-child(7n + 1)::before", ` border-top-left-radius: var(--n-item-border-radius); border-bottom-left-radius: var(--n-item-border-radius); `), c$1("&:nth-child(7n + 7)::before", ` border-top-right-radius: var(--n-item-border-radius); border-bottom-right-radius: var(--n-item-border-radius); `)])])]), cNotM("week", [cB("date-panel-dates", [cB("date-panel-date", [cNotM("disabled", [cNotM("selected", [c$1("&:hover", ` background-color: var(--n-item-color-hover); `)])])])])]), cM("week", [cB("date-panel-dates", [cB("date-panel-date", [c$1("&::before", ` content: ""; z-index: -2; position: absolute; left: calc((var(--n-item-size) - var(--n-item-cell-width)) / 2); right: calc((var(--n-item-size) - var(--n-item-cell-width)) / 2); top: 0; bottom: 0; transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `)])])]), cE("vertical-divider", ` grid-area: divider; height: 100%; width: 1px; background-color: var(--n-calendar-divider-color); `), cB("date-panel-footer", ` border-top: 1px solid var(--n-panel-action-divider-color); padding: var(--n-panel-extra-footer-padding); `), cB("date-panel-actions", ` flex: 1; padding: var(--n-panel-action-padding); display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: space-between; border-top: 1px solid var(--n-panel-action-divider-color); `, [cE("prefix, suffix", ` display: flex; margin-bottom: -8px; `), cE("suffix", ` align-self: flex-end; `), cE("prefix", ` flex-wrap: wrap; `), cB("button", ` margin-bottom: 8px; `, [c$1("&:not(:last-child)", ` margin-right: 8px; `)])])]), c$1("[data-n-date].transition-disabled", { transition: "none !important" }, [c$1("&::before, &::after", { transition: "none !important" })])]); const datePickerProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { to: useAdjustedTo.propTo, bordered: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, clearable: Boolean, updateValueOnClose: Boolean, defaultValue: [Number, Array], defaultFormattedValue: [String, Array], defaultTime: [Number, String, Array], disabled: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, placement: { type: String, default: "bottom-start" }, value: [Number, Array], formattedValue: [String, Array], size: String, type: { type: String, default: "date" }, valueFormat: String, separator: String, placeholder: String, startPlaceholder: String, endPlaceholder: String, format: String, dateFormat: String, timerPickerFormat: String, actions: Array, shortcuts: Object, isDateDisabled: Function, isTimeDisabled: Function, show: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, panel: Boolean, ranges: Object, firstDayOfWeek: Number, inputReadonly: Boolean, closeOnSelect: Boolean, status: String, timePickerProps: [Object, Array], onClear: Function, onConfirm: Function, defaultCalendarStartTime: Number, defaultCalendarEndTime: Number, bindCalendarMonths: Boolean, monthFormat: { type: String, default: "M" }, yearFormat: { type: String, default: "y" }, quarterFormat: { type: String, default: "'Q'Q" }, "onUpdate:show": [Function, Array], onUpdateShow: [Function, Array], "onUpdate:formattedValue": [Function, Array], onUpdateFormattedValue: [Function, Array], "onUpdate:value": [Function, Array], onUpdateValue: [Function, Array], onFocus: [Function, Array], onBlur: [Function, Array], onNextMonth: Function, onPrevMonth: Function, onNextYear: Function, onPrevYear: Function, // deprecated onChange: [Function, Array] }); const DatePicker = vue.defineComponent({ name: "DatePicker", props: datePickerProps, setup(props, { slots }) { var _a; const { localeRef, dateLocaleRef } = useLocale("DatePicker"); const formItem = useFormItem(props); const { mergedSizeRef, mergedDisabledRef, mergedStatusRef } = formItem; const { mergedComponentPropsRef, mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedBorderedRef, namespaceRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const panelInstRef = vue.ref(null); const triggerElRef = vue.ref(null); const inputInstRef = vue.ref(null); const uncontrolledShowRef = vue.ref(false); const controlledShowRef = vue.toRef(props, "show"); const mergedShowRef = useMergedState(controlledShowRef, uncontrolledShowRef); const dateFnsOptionsRef = vue.computed(() => { return { locale: dateLocaleRef.value.locale }; }); const mergedFormatRef = vue.computed(() => { const { format: format2 } = props; if (format2) return format2; switch (props.type) { case "date": case "daterange": return localeRef.value.dateFormat; case "datetime": case "datetimerange": return localeRef.value.dateTimeFormat; case "year": case "yearrange": return localeRef.value.yearTypeFormat; case "month": case "monthrange": return localeRef.value.monthTypeFormat; case "quarter": case "quarterrange": return localeRef.value.quarterFormat; case "week": return localeRef.value.weekFormat; } }); const mergedValueFormatRef = vue.computed(() => { var _a2; return (_a2 = props.valueFormat) !== null && _a2 !== void 0 ? _a2 : mergedFormatRef.value; }); function getTimestampValue(value) { if (value === null) return null; const { value: mergedValueFormat } = mergedValueFormatRef; const { value: dateFnsOptions } = dateFnsOptionsRef; if (Array.isArray(value)) { return [strictParse(value[0], mergedValueFormat, /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), dateFnsOptions).getTime(), strictParse(value[1], mergedValueFormat, /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), dateFnsOptions).getTime()]; } return strictParse(value, mergedValueFormat, /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), dateFnsOptions).getTime(); } const { defaultFormattedValue, defaultValue } = props; const uncontrolledValueRef = vue.ref((_a = defaultFormattedValue !== void 0 ? getTimestampValue(defaultFormattedValue) : defaultValue) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : null); const controlledValueRef = vue.computed(() => { const { formattedValue } = props; if (formattedValue !== void 0) { return getTimestampValue(formattedValue); } return props.value; }); const mergedValueRef = useMergedState(controlledValueRef, uncontrolledValueRef); const pendingValueRef = vue.ref(null); vue.watchEffect(() => { pendingValueRef.value = mergedValueRef.value; }); const singleInputValueRef = vue.ref(""); const rangeStartInputValueRef = vue.ref(""); const rangeEndInputValueRef = vue.ref(""); const themeRef = useTheme("DatePicker", "-date-picker", style$V, datePickerLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const timePickerSizeRef = vue.computed(() => { var _a2, _b; return ((_b = (_a2 = mergedComponentPropsRef === null || mergedComponentPropsRef === void 0 ? void 0 : mergedComponentPropsRef.value) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.DatePicker) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.timePickerSize) || "small"; }); const isRangeRef = vue.computed(() => { return ["daterange", "datetimerange", "monthrange", "quarterrange", "yearrange"].includes(props.type); }); const localizedPlacehoderRef = vue.computed(() => { const { placeholder } = props; if (placeholder === void 0) { const { type } = props; switch (type) { case "date": return localeRef.value.datePlaceholder; case "datetime": return localeRef.value.datetimePlaceholder; case "month": return localeRef.value.monthPlaceholder; case "year": return localeRef.value.yearPlaceholder; case "quarter": return localeRef.value.quarterPlaceholder; case "week": return localeRef.value.weekPlaceholder; default: return ""; } } else { return placeholder; } }); const localizedStartPlaceholderRef = vue.computed(() => { if (props.startPlaceholder === void 0) { if (props.type === "daterange") { return localeRef.value.startDatePlaceholder; } else if (props.type === "datetimerange") { return localeRef.value.startDatetimePlaceholder; } else if (props.type === "monthrange") { return localeRef.value.startMonthPlaceholder; } return ""; } else { return props.startPlaceholder; } }); const localizedEndPlaceholderRef = vue.computed(() => { if (props.endPlaceholder === void 0) { if (props.type === "daterange") { return localeRef.value.endDatePlaceholder; } else if (props.type === "datetimerange") { return localeRef.value.endDatetimePlaceholder; } else if (props.type === "monthrange") { return localeRef.value.endMonthPlaceholder; } return ""; } else { return props.endPlaceholder; } }); const mergedActionsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { actions, type, clearable } = props; if (actions === null) return []; if (actions !== void 0) return actions; const result = clearable ? ["clear"] : []; switch (type) { case "date": case "week": { result.push("now"); return result; } case "datetime": { result.push("now", "confirm"); return result; } case "daterange": { result.push("confirm"); return result; } case "datetimerange": { result.push("confirm"); return result; } case "month": { result.push("now", "confirm"); return result; } case "year": { result.push("now"); return result; } case "quarter": { result.push("now", "confirm"); return result; } case "monthrange": case "yearrange": case "quarterrange": { result.push("confirm"); return result; } default: { warn$2("date-picker", "The type is wrong, n-date-picker's type only supports `date`, `datetime`, `daterange` and `datetimerange`."); break; } } }); function getFormattedValue(value) { if (value === null) return null; if (Array.isArray(value)) { const { value: mergedValueFormat } = mergedValueFormatRef; const { value: dateFnsOptions } = dateFnsOptionsRef; return [format$4(value[0], mergedValueFormat, dateFnsOptions), format$4(value[1], mergedValueFormat, dateFnsOptionsRef.value)]; } else { return format$4(value, mergedValueFormatRef.value, dateFnsOptionsRef.value); } } function doUpdatePendingValue(value) { pendingValueRef.value = value; } function doUpdateFormattedValue(value, timestampValue) { const { "onUpdate:formattedValue": _onUpdateFormattedValue, onUpdateFormattedValue } = props; if (_onUpdateFormattedValue) { call(_onUpdateFormattedValue, value, timestampValue); } if (onUpdateFormattedValue) { call(onUpdateFormattedValue, value, timestampValue); } } function doUpdateValue(value, options) { const { "onUpdate:value": _onUpdateValue, onUpdateValue, onChange } = props; const { nTriggerFormChange, nTriggerFormInput } = formItem; const formattedValue = getFormattedValue(value); if (options.doConfirm) { doConfirm(value, formattedValue); } if (onUpdateValue) { call(onUpdateValue, value, formattedValue); } if (_onUpdateValue) { call(_onUpdateValue, value, formattedValue); } if (onChange) call(onChange, value, formattedValue); uncontrolledValueRef.value = value; doUpdateFormattedValue(formattedValue, value); nTriggerFormChange(); nTriggerFormInput(); } function doClear() { const { onClear } = props; onClear === null || onClear === void 0 ? void 0 : onClear(); } function doConfirm(value, formattedValue) { const { onConfirm } = props; if (onConfirm) onConfirm(value, formattedValue); } function doFocus(e) { const { onFocus } = props; const { nTriggerFormFocus } = formItem; if (onFocus) call(onFocus, e); nTriggerFormFocus(); } function doBlur(e) { const { onBlur } = props; const { nTriggerFormBlur } = formItem; if (onBlur) call(onBlur, e); nTriggerFormBlur(); } function doUpdateShow(show) { const { "onUpdate:show": _onUpdateShow, onUpdateShow } = props; if (_onUpdateShow) call(_onUpdateShow, show); if (onUpdateShow) call(onUpdateShow, show); uncontrolledShowRef.value = show; } function handleKeydown(e) { if (e.key === "Escape") { if (mergedShowRef.value) { markEventEffectPerformed(e); closeCalendar({ returnFocus: true }); } } } function handleInputKeydown(e) { if (e.key === "Escape" && mergedShowRef.value) { markEventEffectPerformed(e); } } function handleClear() { var _a2; doUpdateShow(false); (_a2 = inputInstRef.value) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.deactivate(); doClear(); } function handlePanelClear() { var _a2; (_a2 = inputInstRef.value) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.deactivate(); doClear(); } function handlePanelTabOut() { closeCalendar({ returnFocus: true }); } function handleClickOutside(e) { var _a2; if (mergedShowRef.value && !((_a2 = triggerElRef.value) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.contains(getPreciseEventTarget(e)))) { closeCalendar({ returnFocus: false }); } } function handlePanelClose(disableUpdateOnClose) { closeCalendar({ returnFocus: true, disableUpdateOnClose }); } function handlePanelUpdateValue(value, doUpdate) { if (doUpdate) { doUpdateValue(value, { doConfirm: false }); } else { doUpdatePendingValue(value); } } function handlePanelConfirm() { const pendingValue = pendingValueRef.value; doUpdateValue(Array.isArray(pendingValue) ? [pendingValue[0], pendingValue[1]] : pendingValue, { doConfirm: true }); } function deriveInputState() { const { value } = pendingValueRef; if (isRangeRef.value) { if (Array.isArray(value) || value === null) { deriveRangeInputState(value); } } else { if (!Array.isArray(value)) { deriveSingleInputState(value); } } } function deriveSingleInputState(value) { if (value === null) { singleInputValueRef.value = ""; } else { singleInputValueRef.value = format$4(value, mergedFormatRef.value, dateFnsOptionsRef.value); } } function deriveRangeInputState(values) { if (values === null) { rangeStartInputValueRef.value = ""; rangeEndInputValueRef.value = ""; } else { const dateFnsOptions = dateFnsOptionsRef.value; rangeStartInputValueRef.value = format$4(values[0], mergedFormatRef.value, dateFnsOptions); rangeEndInputValueRef.value = format$4(values[1], mergedFormatRef.value, dateFnsOptions); } } function handleInputActivate() { if (!mergedShowRef.value) { openCalendar(); } } function handleInputBlur(e) { var _a2; if (!((_a2 = panelInstRef.value) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.$el.contains(e.relatedTarget))) { doBlur(e); deriveInputState(); closeCalendar({ returnFocus: false }); } } function handleInputDeactivate() { if (mergedDisabledRef.value) return; deriveInputState(); closeCalendar({ returnFocus: false }); } function handleSingleUpdateValue(v) { if (v === "") { doUpdateValue(null, { doConfirm: false }); pendingValueRef.value = null; singleInputValueRef.value = ""; return; } const newSelectedDateTime = strictParse(v, mergedFormatRef.value, /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), dateFnsOptionsRef.value); if (isValid$1(newSelectedDateTime)) { doUpdateValue(getTime(newSelectedDateTime), { doConfirm: false }); deriveInputState(); } else { singleInputValueRef.value = v; } } function handleRangeUpdateValue(v, { source }) { if (v[0] === "" && v[1] === "") { doUpdateValue(null, { doConfirm: false }); pendingValueRef.value = null; rangeStartInputValueRef.value = ""; rangeEndInputValueRef.value = ""; return; } const [startTime, endTime] = v; const newStartTime = strictParse(startTime, mergedFormatRef.value, /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), dateFnsOptionsRef.value); const newEndTime = strictParse(endTime, mergedFormatRef.value, /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), dateFnsOptionsRef.value); if (isValid$1(newStartTime) && isValid$1(newEndTime)) { let newStartTs = getTime(newStartTime); let newEndTs = getTime(newEndTime); if (newEndTime < newStartTime) { if (source === 0) { newEndTs = newStartTs; } else { newStartTs = newEndTs; } } doUpdateValue([newStartTs, newEndTs], { doConfirm: false }); deriveInputState(); } else { [rangeStartInputValueRef.value, rangeEndInputValueRef.value] = v; } } function handleTriggerClick(e) { if (mergedDisabledRef.value) return; if (happensIn(e, "clear")) return; if (!mergedShowRef.value) { openCalendar(); } } function handleInputFocus(e) { if (mergedDisabledRef.value) return; doFocus(e); } function openCalendar() { if (mergedDisabledRef.value || mergedShowRef.value) return; doUpdateShow(true); } function closeCalendar({ returnFocus, disableUpdateOnClose }) { var _a2; if (mergedShowRef.value) { doUpdateShow(false); if (props.type !== "date" && props.updateValueOnClose && !disableUpdateOnClose) { handlePanelConfirm(); } if (returnFocus) { (_a2 = inputInstRef.value) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.focus(); } } } vue.watch(pendingValueRef, () => { deriveInputState(); }); deriveInputState(); vue.watch(mergedShowRef, (value) => { if (!value) { pendingValueRef.value = mergedValueRef.value; } }); const uniVaidation = uniCalendarValidation(props, pendingValueRef); const dualValidation = dualCalendarValidation(props, pendingValueRef); vue.provide(datePickerInjectionKey, Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({ mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedThemeRef: themeRef, timePickerSizeRef, localeRef, dateLocaleRef, firstDayOfWeekRef: vue.toRef(props, "firstDayOfWeek"), isDateDisabledRef: vue.toRef(props, "isDateDisabled"), rangesRef: vue.toRef(props, "ranges"), timePickerPropsRef: vue.toRef(props, "timePickerProps"), closeOnSelectRef: vue.toRef(props, "closeOnSelect"), updateValueOnCloseRef: vue.toRef(props, "updateValueOnClose"), monthFormatRef: vue.toRef(props, "monthFormat"), yearFormatRef: vue.toRef(props, "yearFormat"), quarterFormatRef: vue.toRef(props, "quarterFormat") }, uniVaidation), dualValidation), { datePickerSlots: slots })); const exposedMethods = { focus: () => { var _a2; (_a2 = inputInstRef.value) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.focus(); }, blur: () => { var _a2; (_a2 = inputInstRef.value) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.blur(); } }; const triggerCssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: { iconColor, iconColorDisabled } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-icon-color-override": iconColor, "--n-icon-color-disabled-override": iconColorDisabled }; }); const triggerThemeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("date-picker-trigger", void 0, triggerCssVarsRef, props) : void 0; const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { type } = props; const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: { calendarTitleFontSize, calendarDaysFontSize, itemFontSize, itemTextColor, itemColorDisabled, itemColorIncluded, itemColorHover, itemColorActive, itemBorderRadius, itemTextColorDisabled, itemTextColorActive, panelColor, panelTextColor, arrowColor, calendarTitleTextColor, panelActionDividerColor, panelHeaderDividerColor, calendarDaysDividerColor, panelBoxShadow, panelBorderRadius, calendarTitleFontWeight, panelExtraFooterPadding, panelActionPadding, itemSize, itemCellWidth, itemCellHeight, scrollItemWidth, scrollItemHeight, calendarTitlePadding, calendarTitleHeight, calendarDaysHeight, calendarDaysTextColor, arrowSize: arrowSize2, panelHeaderPadding, calendarDividerColor, calendarTitleGridTempateColumns, iconColor, iconColorDisabled, scrollItemBorderRadius, calendarTitleColorHover, [createKey("calendarLeftPadding", type)]: calendarLeftPadding, [createKey("calendarRightPadding", type)]: calendarRightPadding } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-panel-border-radius": panelBorderRadius, "--n-panel-color": panelColor, "--n-panel-box-shadow": panelBoxShadow, "--n-panel-text-color": panelTextColor, // panel header "--n-panel-header-padding": panelHeaderPadding, "--n-panel-header-divider-color": panelHeaderDividerColor, // panel calendar "--n-calendar-left-padding": calendarLeftPadding, "--n-calendar-right-padding": calendarRightPadding, "--n-calendar-title-color-hover": calendarTitleColorHover, "--n-calendar-title-height": calendarTitleHeight, "--n-calendar-title-padding": calendarTitlePadding, "--n-calendar-title-font-size": calendarTitleFontSize, "--n-calendar-title-font-weight": calendarTitleFontWeight, "--n-calendar-title-text-color": calendarTitleTextColor, "--n-calendar-title-grid-template-columns": calendarTitleGridTempateColumns, "--n-calendar-days-height": calendarDaysHeight, "--n-calendar-days-divider-color": calendarDaysDividerColor, "--n-calendar-days-font-size": calendarDaysFontSize, "--n-calendar-days-text-color": calendarDaysTextColor, "--n-calendar-divider-color": calendarDividerColor, // panel action "--n-panel-action-padding": panelActionPadding, "--n-panel-extra-footer-padding": panelExtraFooterPadding, "--n-panel-action-divider-color": panelActionDividerColor, // panel item "--n-item-font-size": itemFontSize, "--n-item-border-radius": itemBorderRadius, "--n-item-size": itemSize, "--n-item-cell-width": itemCellWidth, "--n-item-cell-height": itemCellHeight, "--n-item-text-color": itemTextColor, "--n-item-color-included": itemColorIncluded, "--n-item-color-disabled": itemColorDisabled, "--n-item-color-hover": itemColorHover, "--n-item-color-active": itemColorActive, "--n-item-text-color-disabled": itemTextColorDisabled, "--n-item-text-color-active": itemTextColorActive, // scroll item "--n-scroll-item-width": scrollItemWidth, "--n-scroll-item-height": scrollItemHeight, "--n-scroll-item-border-radius": scrollItemBorderRadius, // panel arrow "--n-arrow-size": arrowSize2, "--n-arrow-color": arrowColor, // icon in trigger "--n-icon-color": iconColor, "--n-icon-color-disabled": iconColorDisabled }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("date-picker", vue.computed(() => { return props.type; }), cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, exposedMethods), { mergedStatus: mergedStatusRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedBordered: mergedBorderedRef, namespace: namespaceRef, uncontrolledValue: uncontrolledValueRef, pendingValue: pendingValueRef, panelInstRef, triggerElRef, inputInstRef, isMounted: isMounted(), displayTime: singleInputValueRef, displayStartTime: rangeStartInputValueRef, displayEndTime: rangeEndInputValueRef, mergedShow: mergedShowRef, adjustedTo: useAdjustedTo(props), isRange: isRangeRef, localizedStartPlaceholder: localizedStartPlaceholderRef, localizedEndPlaceholder: localizedEndPlaceholderRef, mergedSize: mergedSizeRef, mergedDisabled: mergedDisabledRef, localizedPlacehoder: localizedPlacehoderRef, isValueInvalid: uniVaidation.isValueInvalidRef, isStartValueInvalid: dualValidation.isStartValueInvalidRef, isEndValueInvalid: dualValidation.isEndValueInvalidRef, handleInputKeydown, handleClickOutside, handleKeydown, handleClear, handlePanelClear, handleTriggerClick, handleInputActivate, handleInputDeactivate, handleInputFocus, handleInputBlur, handlePanelTabOut, handlePanelClose, handleRangeUpdateValue, handleSingleUpdateValue, handlePanelUpdateValue, handlePanelConfirm, mergedTheme: themeRef, actions: mergedActionsRef, triggerCssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : triggerCssVarsRef, triggerThemeClass: triggerThemeClassHandle === null || triggerThemeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : triggerThemeClassHandle.themeClass, triggerOnRender: triggerThemeClassHandle === null || triggerThemeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : triggerThemeClassHandle.onRender, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender, onNextMonth: props.onNextMonth, onPrevMonth: props.onPrevMonth, onNextYear: props.onNextYear, onPrevYear: props.onPrevYear }); }, render() { const { clearable, triggerOnRender, mergedClsPrefix, $slots } = this; const commonPanelProps = { onUpdateValue: this.handlePanelUpdateValue, onTabOut: this.handlePanelTabOut, onClose: this.handlePanelClose, onClear: this.handlePanelClear, onKeydown: this.handleKeydown, onConfirm: this.handlePanelConfirm, ref: "panelInstRef", value: this.pendingValue, active: this.mergedShow, actions: this.actions, shortcuts: this.shortcuts, style: this.cssVars, defaultTime: this.defaultTime, themeClass: this.themeClass, panel: this.panel, onRender: this.onRender, onNextMonth: this.onNextMonth, onPrevMonth: this.onPrevMonth, onNextYear: this.onNextYear, onPrevYear: this.onPrevYear, timerPickerFormat: this.timerPickerFormat }; const renderPanel = () => { const { type } = this; return type === "datetime" ? vue.h(DatetimePanel, Object.assign({}, commonPanelProps, { defaultCalendarStartTime: this.defaultCalendarStartTime }), $slots) : type === "daterange" ? vue.h(DaterangePanel, Object.assign({}, commonPanelProps, { defaultCalendarStartTime: this.defaultCalendarStartTime, defaultCalendarEndTime: this.defaultCalendarEndTime, bindCalendarMonths: this.bindCalendarMonths }), $slots) : type === "datetimerange" ? vue.h(DatetimerangePanel, Object.assign({}, commonPanelProps, { defaultCalendarStartTime: this.defaultCalendarStartTime, defaultCalendarEndTime: this.defaultCalendarEndTime, bindCalendarMonths: this.bindCalendarMonths }), $slots) : type === "month" || type === "year" || type === "quarter" ? vue.h(MonthPanel, Object.assign({}, commonPanelProps, { type, key: type })) : type === "monthrange" || type === "yearrange" || type === "quarterrange" ? vue.h(MonthRangePanel, Object.assign({}, commonPanelProps, { type })) : vue.h(DatePanel, Object.assign({}, commonPanelProps, { type, defaultCalendarStartTime: this.defaultCalendarStartTime }), $slots); }; if (this.panel) { return renderPanel(); } triggerOnRender === null || triggerOnRender === void 0 ? void 0 : triggerOnRender(); const commonInputProps = { bordered: this.mergedBordered, size: this.mergedSize, passivelyActivated: true, disabled: this.mergedDisabled, readonly: this.inputReadonly || this.mergedDisabled, clearable, onClear: this.handleClear, onClick: this.handleTriggerClick, onKeydown: this.handleInputKeydown, onActivate: this.handleInputActivate, onDeactivate: this.handleInputDeactivate, onFocus: this.handleInputFocus, onBlur: this.handleInputBlur }; return vue.h("div", { ref: "triggerElRef", class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-date-picker`, this.mergedDisabled && `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-picker--disabled`, this.isRange && `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-picker--range`, this.triggerThemeClass], style: this.triggerCssVars, onKeydown: this.handleKeydown }, vue.h(Binder, null, { default: () => [vue.h(VTarget, null, { default: () => this.isRange ? vue.h(NInput, Object.assign({ ref: "inputInstRef", status: this.mergedStatus, value: [this.displayStartTime, this.displayEndTime], placeholder: [this.localizedStartPlaceholder, this.localizedEndPlaceholder], textDecoration: [this.isStartValueInvalid ? "line-through" : "", this.isEndValueInvalid ? "line-through" : ""], pair: true, onUpdateValue: this.handleRangeUpdateValue, theme: this.mergedTheme.peers.Input, themeOverrides: this.mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Input, internalForceFocus: this.mergedShow, internalDeactivateOnEnter: true }, commonInputProps), { separator: () => this.separator === void 0 ? resolveSlot($slots.separator, () => [vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-picker-icon` }, { default: () => vue.h(ToIcon, null) })]) : this.separator, [clearable ? "clear-icon-placeholder" : "suffix"]: () => resolveSlot($slots["date-icon"], () => [vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-picker-icon` }, { default: () => vue.h(DateIcon, null) })]) }) : vue.h(NInput, Object.assign({ ref: "inputInstRef", status: this.mergedStatus, value: this.displayTime, placeholder: this.localizedPlacehoder, textDecoration: this.isValueInvalid && !this.isRange ? "line-through" : "", onUpdateValue: this.handleSingleUpdateValue, theme: this.mergedTheme.peers.Input, themeOverrides: this.mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Input, internalForceFocus: this.mergedShow, internalDeactivateOnEnter: true }, commonInputProps), { [clearable ? "clear-icon-placeholder" : "suffix"]: () => vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-date-picker-icon` }, { default: () => resolveSlot($slots["date-icon"], () => [vue.h(DateIcon, null)]) }) }) }), vue.h(VFollower, { show: this.mergedShow, containerClass: this.namespace, to: this.adjustedTo, teleportDisabled: this.adjustedTo === useAdjustedTo.tdkey, placement: this.placement }, { default: () => vue.h(vue.Transition, { name: "fade-in-scale-up-transition", appear: this.isMounted }, { default: () => { if (!this.mergedShow) return null; return vue.withDirectives(renderPanel(), [[clickoutside, this.handleClickOutside, void 0, { capture: true }]]); } }) })] })); } }); const commonVariables$7 = { thPaddingBorderedSmall: "8px 12px", thPaddingBorderedMedium: "12px 16px", thPaddingBorderedLarge: "16px 24px", thPaddingSmall: "0", thPaddingMedium: "0", thPaddingLarge: "0", tdPaddingBorderedSmall: "8px 12px", tdPaddingBorderedMedium: "12px 16px", tdPaddingBorderedLarge: "16px 24px", tdPaddingSmall: "0 0 8px 0", tdPaddingMedium: "0 0 12px 0", tdPaddingLarge: "0 0 16px 0" }; const self$K = (vars) => { const { tableHeaderColor, textColor2, textColor1, cardColor, modalColor, popoverColor, dividerColor, borderRadius, fontWeightStrong, lineHeight: lineHeight2, fontSizeSmall, fontSizeMedium, fontSizeLarge } = vars; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, commonVariables$7), { lineHeight: lineHeight2, fontSizeSmall, fontSizeMedium, fontSizeLarge, titleTextColor: textColor1, thColor: composite(cardColor, tableHeaderColor), thColorModal: composite(modalColor, tableHeaderColor), thColorPopover: composite(popoverColor, tableHeaderColor), thTextColor: textColor1, thFontWeight: fontWeightStrong, tdTextColor: textColor2, tdColor: cardColor, tdColorModal: modalColor, tdColorPopover: popoverColor, borderColor: composite(cardColor, dividerColor), borderColorModal: composite(modalColor, dividerColor), borderColorPopover: composite(popoverColor, dividerColor), borderRadius }); }; const descriptionsLight = { name: "Descriptions", common: derived, self: self$K }; const DESCRIPTION_ITEM_FLAG = "DESCRIPTION_ITEM_FLAG"; function isDescriptionsItem(vNode) { if (typeof vNode === "object" && vNode && !Array.isArray(vNode)) { return vNode.type && vNode.type[DESCRIPTION_ITEM_FLAG]; } return false; } const style$U = c$1([cB("descriptions", { fontSize: "var(--n-font-size)" }, [cB("descriptions-separator", ` display: inline-block; margin: 0 8px 0 2px; `), cB("descriptions-table-wrapper", [cB("descriptions-table", [cB("descriptions-table-row", [cB("descriptions-table-header", { padding: "var(--n-th-padding)" }), cB("descriptions-table-content", { padding: "var(--n-td-padding)" })])])]), cNotM("bordered", [cB("descriptions-table-wrapper", [cB("descriptions-table", [cB("descriptions-table-row", [c$1("&:last-child", [cB("descriptions-table-content", { paddingBottom: 0 })])])])])]), cM("left-label-placement", [cB("descriptions-table-content", [c$1("> *", { verticalAlign: "top" })])]), cM("left-label-align", [c$1("th", { textAlign: "left" })]), cM("center-label-align", [c$1("th", { textAlign: "center" })]), cM("right-label-align", [c$1("th", { textAlign: "right" })]), cM("bordered", [cB("descriptions-table-wrapper", ` border-radius: var(--n-border-radius); overflow: hidden; background: var(--n-merged-td-color); border: 1px solid var(--n-merged-border-color); `, [cB("descriptions-table", [cB("descriptions-table-row", [c$1("&:not(:last-child)", [cB("descriptions-table-content", { borderBottom: "1px solid var(--n-merged-border-color)" }), cB("descriptions-table-header", { borderBottom: "1px solid var(--n-merged-border-color)" })]), cB("descriptions-table-header", ` font-weight: 400; background-clip: padding-box; background-color: var(--n-merged-th-color); `, [c$1("&:not(:last-child)", { borderRight: "1px solid var(--n-merged-border-color)" })]), cB("descriptions-table-content", [c$1("&:not(:last-child)", { borderRight: "1px solid var(--n-merged-border-color)" })])])])])]), cB("descriptions-header", ` font-weight: var(--n-th-font-weight); font-size: 18px; transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); line-height: var(--n-line-height); margin-bottom: 16px; color: var(--n-title-text-color); `), cB("descriptions-table-wrapper", ` transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), border-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [cB("descriptions-table", ` width: 100%; border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 0; box-sizing: border-box; `, [cB("descriptions-table-row", ` box-sizing: border-box; transition: border-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [cB("descriptions-table-header", ` font-weight: var(--n-th-font-weight); line-height: var(--n-line-height); display: table-cell; box-sizing: border-box; color: var(--n-th-text-color); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), border-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `), cB("descriptions-table-content", ` vertical-align: top; line-height: var(--n-line-height); display: table-cell; box-sizing: border-box; color: var(--n-td-text-color); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), border-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [cE("content", ` transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); display: inline-block; color: var(--n-td-text-color); `)]), cE("label", ` font-weight: var(--n-th-font-weight); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); display: inline-block; margin-right: 14px; color: var(--n-th-text-color); `)])])])]), cB("descriptions-table-wrapper", ` --n-merged-th-color: var(--n-th-color); --n-merged-td-color: var(--n-td-color); --n-merged-border-color: var(--n-border-color); `), insideModal(cB("descriptions-table-wrapper", ` --n-merged-th-color: var(--n-th-color-modal); --n-merged-td-color: var(--n-td-color-modal); --n-merged-border-color: var(--n-border-color-modal); `)), insidePopover(cB("descriptions-table-wrapper", ` --n-merged-th-color: var(--n-th-color-popover); --n-merged-td-color: var(--n-td-color-popover); --n-merged-border-color: var(--n-border-color-popover); `))]); const descriptionsProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { title: String, column: { type: Number, default: 3 }, columns: Number, labelPlacement: { type: String, default: "top" }, labelAlign: { type: String, default: "left" }, separator: { type: String, default: ":" }, size: { type: String, default: "medium" }, bordered: Boolean, labelClass: String, labelStyle: [Object, String], contentClass: String, contentStyle: [Object, String] }); const Descriptions = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Descriptions", props: descriptionsProps, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Descriptions", "-descriptions", style$U, descriptionsLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { size: size2, bordered } = props; const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: { titleTextColor, thColor, thColorModal, thColorPopover, thTextColor, thFontWeight, tdTextColor, tdColor, tdColorModal, tdColorPopover, borderColor, borderColorModal, borderColorPopover, borderRadius, lineHeight: lineHeight2, [createKey("fontSize", size2)]: fontSize2, [createKey(bordered ? "thPaddingBordered" : "thPadding", size2)]: thPadding, [createKey(bordered ? "tdPaddingBordered" : "tdPadding", size2)]: tdPadding } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-title-text-color": titleTextColor, "--n-th-padding": thPadding, "--n-td-padding": tdPadding, "--n-font-size": fontSize2, "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-th-font-weight": thFontWeight, "--n-line-height": lineHeight2, "--n-th-text-color": thTextColor, "--n-td-text-color": tdTextColor, "--n-th-color": thColor, "--n-th-color-modal": thColorModal, "--n-th-color-popover": thColorPopover, "--n-td-color": tdColor, "--n-td-color-modal": tdColorModal, "--n-td-color-popover": tdColorPopover, "--n-border-radius": borderRadius, "--n-border-color": borderColor, "--n-border-color-modal": borderColorModal, "--n-border-color-popover": borderColorPopover }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("descriptions", vue.computed(() => { let hash = ""; const { size: size2, bordered } = props; if (bordered) hash += "a"; hash += size2[0]; return hash; }), cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender, compitableColumn: useCompitable(props, ["columns", "column"]), inlineThemeDisabled }; }, render() { const defaultSlots = this.$slots.default; const children = defaultSlots ? flatten$3(defaultSlots()) : []; children.length; const { contentClass, labelClass, compitableColumn, labelPlacement, labelAlign, size: size2, bordered, title, cssVars, mergedClsPrefix, separator, onRender } = this; onRender === null || onRender === void 0 ? void 0 : onRender(); const filteredChildren = children.filter((child) => isDescriptionsItem(child)); const defaultState = { span: 0, row: [], secondRow: [], rows: [] }; const itemState = filteredChildren.reduce((state, vNode, index) => { const props = vNode.props || {}; const isLastIteration = filteredChildren.length - 1 === index; const itemLabel = ["label" in props ? props.label : getVNodeChildren(vNode, "label")]; const itemChildren = [getVNodeChildren(vNode)]; const itemSpan = props.span || 1; const memorizedSpan = state.span; state.span += itemSpan; const labelStyle = props.labelStyle || props["label-style"] || this.labelStyle; const contentStyle = props.contentStyle || props["content-style"] || this.contentStyle; if (labelPlacement === "left") { if (bordered) { state.row.push(vue.h("th", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-descriptions-table-header`, labelClass], colspan: 1, style: labelStyle }, itemLabel), vue.h("td", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-descriptions-table-content`, contentClass], colspan: isLastIteration ? (compitableColumn - memorizedSpan) * 2 + 1 : itemSpan * 2 - 1, style: contentStyle }, itemChildren)); } else { state.row.push(vue.h("td", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-descriptions-table-content`, colspan: isLastIteration ? (compitableColumn - memorizedSpan) * 2 : itemSpan * 2 }, vue.h("span", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-descriptions-table-content__label`, labelClass], style: labelStyle }, [...itemLabel, separator && vue.h("span", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-descriptions-separator` }, separator)]), vue.h("span", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-descriptions-table-content__content`, contentClass], style: contentStyle }, itemChildren))); } } else { const colspan = isLastIteration ? (compitableColumn - memorizedSpan) * 2 : itemSpan * 2; state.row.push(vue.h("th", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-descriptions-table-header`, labelClass], colspan, style: labelStyle }, itemLabel)); state.secondRow.push(vue.h("td", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-descriptions-table-content`, contentClass], colspan, style: contentStyle }, itemChildren)); } if (state.span >= compitableColumn || isLastIteration) { state.span = 0; if (state.row.length) { state.rows.push(state.row); state.row = []; } if (labelPlacement !== "left") { if (state.secondRow.length) { state.rows.push(state.secondRow); state.secondRow = []; } } } return state; }, defaultState); const rows = itemState.rows.map((row) => vue.h("tr", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-descriptions-table-row` }, row)); return vue.h("div", { style: cssVars, class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-descriptions`, this.themeClass, `${mergedClsPrefix}-descriptions--${labelPlacement}-label-placement`, `${mergedClsPrefix}-descriptions--${labelAlign}-label-align`, `${mergedClsPrefix}-descriptions--${size2}-size`, bordered && `${mergedClsPrefix}-descriptions--bordered`] }, title || this.$slots.header ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-descriptions-header` }, title || getSlot$1(this, "header")) : null, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-descriptions-table-wrapper` }, vue.h("table", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-descriptions-table` }, vue.h("tbody", null, labelPlacement === "top" && vue.h("tr", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-descriptions-table-row`, style: { visibility: "collapse" } }, repeat(compitableColumn * 2, vue.h("td", null))), rows)))); } }); const descriptionsItemProps = { label: String, span: { type: Number, default: 1 }, labelClass: String, labelStyle: [Object, String], contentClass: String, contentStyle: [Object, String] }; const DescriptionsItem = vue.defineComponent({ name: "DescriptionsItem", [DESCRIPTION_ITEM_FLAG]: true, props: descriptionsItemProps, render() { return null; } }); const commonVars$6 = { titleFontSize: "18px", padding: "16px 28px 20px 28px", iconSize: "28px", actionSpace: "12px", contentMargin: "8px 0 16px 0", iconMargin: "0 4px 0 0", iconMarginIconTop: "4px 0 8px 0", closeSize: "22px", closeIconSize: "18px", closeMargin: "20px 26px 0 0", closeMarginIconTop: "10px 16px 0 0" }; const self$J = (vars) => { const { textColor1, textColor2, modalColor, closeIconColor, closeIconColorHover, closeIconColorPressed, closeColorHover, closeColorPressed, infoColor, successColor, warningColor, errorColor, primaryColor, dividerColor, borderRadius, fontWeightStrong, lineHeight: lineHeight2, fontSize: fontSize2 } = vars; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, commonVars$6), { fontSize: fontSize2, lineHeight: lineHeight2, border: `1px solid ${dividerColor}`, titleTextColor: textColor1, textColor: textColor2, color: modalColor, closeColorHover, closeColorPressed, closeIconColor, closeIconColorHover, closeIconColorPressed, closeBorderRadius: borderRadius, iconColor: primaryColor, iconColorInfo: infoColor, iconColorSuccess: successColor, iconColorWarning: warningColor, iconColorError: errorColor, borderRadius, titleFontWeight: fontWeightStrong }); }; const dialogLight = createTheme({ name: "Dialog", common: derived, peers: { Button: buttonLight }, self: self$J }); const dialogProps = { icon: Function, type: { type: String, default: "default" }, title: [String, Function], closable: { type: Boolean, default: true }, negativeText: String, positiveText: String, positiveButtonProps: Object, negativeButtonProps: Object, content: [String, Function], action: Function, showIcon: { type: Boolean, default: true }, loading: Boolean, bordered: Boolean, iconPlacement: String, titleClass: [String, Array], titleStyle: [String, Object], contentClass: [String, Array], contentStyle: [String, Object], actionClass: [String, Array], actionStyle: [String, Object], onPositiveClick: Function, onNegativeClick: Function, onClose: Function }; const dialogPropKeys = keysOf(dialogProps); const style$T = c$1([cB("dialog", ` --n-icon-margin: var(--n-icon-margin-top) var(--n-icon-margin-right) var(--n-icon-margin-bottom) var(--n-icon-margin-left); word-break: break-word; line-height: var(--n-line-height); position: relative; background: var(--n-color); color: var(--n-text-color); box-sizing: border-box; margin: auto; border-radius: var(--n-border-radius); padding: var(--n-padding); transition: border-color .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), color .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [cE("icon", { color: "var(--n-icon-color)" }), cM("bordered", { border: "var(--n-border)" }), cM("icon-top", [cE("close", { margin: "var(--n-close-margin)" }), cE("icon", { margin: "var(--n-icon-margin)" }), cE("content", { textAlign: "center" }), cE("title", { justifyContent: "center" }), cE("action", { justifyContent: "center" })]), cM("icon-left", [cE("icon", { margin: "var(--n-icon-margin)" }), cM("closable", [cE("title", ` padding-right: calc(var(--n-close-size) + 6px); `)])]), cE("close", ` position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; margin: var(--n-close-margin); transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), color .3s var(--n-bezier); z-index: 1; `), cE("content", ` font-size: var(--n-font-size); margin: var(--n-content-margin); position: relative; word-break: break-word; `, [cM("last", "margin-bottom: 0;")]), cE("action", ` display: flex; justify-content: flex-end; `, [c$1("> *:not(:last-child)", ` margin-right: var(--n-action-space); `)]), cE("icon", ` font-size: var(--n-icon-size); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); `), cE("title", ` transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); display: flex; align-items: center; font-size: var(--n-title-font-size); font-weight: var(--n-title-font-weight); color: var(--n-title-text-color); `), cB("dialog-icon-container", ` display: flex; justify-content: center; `)]), insideModal(cB("dialog", ` width: 446px; max-width: calc(100vw - 32px); `)), cB("dialog", [asModal(` width: 446px; max-width: calc(100vw - 32px); `)])]); const iconRenderMap$3 = { default: () => vue.h(InfoIcon, null), info: () => vue.h(InfoIcon, null), success: () => vue.h(SuccessIcon, null), warning: () => vue.h(WarningIcon, null), error: () => vue.h(ErrorIcon, null) }; const NDialog = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Dialog", alias: [ "NimbusConfirmCard", // deprecated "Confirm" // deprecated ], props: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), dialogProps), setup(props) { const { mergedComponentPropsRef, mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled, mergedRtlRef } = useConfig(props); const rtlEnabledRef = useRtl("Dialog", mergedRtlRef, mergedClsPrefixRef); const mergedIconPlacementRef = vue.computed(() => { var _a, _b; const { iconPlacement } = props; return iconPlacement || ((_b = (_a = mergedComponentPropsRef === null || mergedComponentPropsRef === void 0 ? void 0 : mergedComponentPropsRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.Dialog) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.iconPlacement) || "left"; }); function handlePositiveClick(e) { const { onPositiveClick } = props; if (onPositiveClick) onPositiveClick(e); } function handleNegativeClick(e) { const { onNegativeClick } = props; if (onNegativeClick) onNegativeClick(e); } function handleCloseClick() { const { onClose } = props; if (onClose) onClose(); } const themeRef = useTheme("Dialog", "-dialog", style$T, dialogLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { type } = props; const iconPlacement = mergedIconPlacementRef.value; const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: { fontSize: fontSize2, lineHeight: lineHeight2, border, titleTextColor, textColor, color, closeBorderRadius, closeColorHover, closeColorPressed, closeIconColor, closeIconColorHover, closeIconColorPressed, closeIconSize, borderRadius, titleFontWeight, titleFontSize, padding, iconSize, actionSpace, contentMargin, closeSize, [iconPlacement === "top" ? "iconMarginIconTop" : "iconMargin"]: iconMargin, [iconPlacement === "top" ? "closeMarginIconTop" : "closeMargin"]: closeMargin, [createKey("iconColor", type)]: iconColor } } = themeRef.value; const iconMarginDiscrete = getMargin(iconMargin); return { "--n-font-size": fontSize2, "--n-icon-color": iconColor, "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-close-margin": closeMargin, "--n-icon-margin-top": iconMarginDiscrete.top, "--n-icon-margin-right": iconMarginDiscrete.right, "--n-icon-margin-bottom": iconMarginDiscrete.bottom, "--n-icon-margin-left": iconMarginDiscrete.left, "--n-icon-size": iconSize, "--n-close-size": closeSize, "--n-close-icon-size": closeIconSize, "--n-close-border-radius": closeBorderRadius, "--n-close-color-hover": closeColorHover, "--n-close-color-pressed": closeColorPressed, "--n-close-icon-color": closeIconColor, "--n-close-icon-color-hover": closeIconColorHover, "--n-close-icon-color-pressed": closeIconColorPressed, "--n-color": color, "--n-text-color": textColor, "--n-border-radius": borderRadius, "--n-padding": padding, "--n-line-height": lineHeight2, "--n-border": border, "--n-content-margin": contentMargin, "--n-title-font-size": titleFontSize, "--n-title-font-weight": titleFontWeight, "--n-title-text-color": titleTextColor, "--n-action-space": actionSpace }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("dialog", vue.computed(() => `${props.type[0]}${mergedIconPlacementRef.value[0]}`), cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, rtlEnabled: rtlEnabledRef, mergedIconPlacement: mergedIconPlacementRef, mergedTheme: themeRef, handlePositiveClick, handleNegativeClick, handleCloseClick, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }; }, render() { var _a; const { bordered, mergedIconPlacement, cssVars, closable, showIcon, title, content, action, negativeText, positiveText, positiveButtonProps, negativeButtonProps, handlePositiveClick, handleNegativeClick, mergedTheme, loading, type, mergedClsPrefix } = this; (_a = this.onRender) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(this); const icon = showIcon ? vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-dialog__icon` }, { default: () => resolveWrappedSlot(this.$slots.icon, (children) => children || (this.icon ? render$1(this.icon) : iconRenderMap$3[this.type]())) }) : null; const actionNode = resolveWrappedSlot(this.$slots.action, (children) => children || positiveText || negativeText || action ? vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-dialog__action`, this.actionClass], style: this.actionStyle }, children || (action ? [render$1(action)] : [this.negativeText && vue.h(NButton, Object.assign({ theme: mergedTheme.peers.Button, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Button, ghost: true, size: "small", onClick: handleNegativeClick }, negativeButtonProps), { default: () => render$1(this.negativeText) }), this.positiveText && vue.h(NButton, Object.assign({ theme: mergedTheme.peers.Button, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Button, size: "small", type: type === "default" ? "primary" : type, disabled: loading, loading, onClick: handlePositiveClick }, positiveButtonProps), { default: () => render$1(this.positiveText) })])) : null); return vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-dialog`, this.themeClass, this.closable && `${mergedClsPrefix}-dialog--closable`, `${mergedClsPrefix}-dialog--icon-${mergedIconPlacement}`, bordered && `${mergedClsPrefix}-dialog--bordered`, this.rtlEnabled && `${mergedClsPrefix}-dialog--rtl`], style: cssVars, role: "dialog" }, closable ? resolveWrappedSlot(this.$slots.close, (node) => { const classNames = [`${mergedClsPrefix}-dialog__close`, this.rtlEnabled && `${mergedClsPrefix}-dialog--rtl`]; return node ? vue.h("div", { class: classNames }, node) : vue.h(NBaseClose, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, class: classNames, onClick: this.handleCloseClick }); }) : null, showIcon && mergedIconPlacement === "top" ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-dialog-icon-container` }, icon) : null, vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-dialog__title`, this.titleClass], style: this.titleStyle }, showIcon && mergedIconPlacement === "left" ? icon : null, resolveSlot(this.$slots.header, () => [render$1(title)])), vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-dialog__content`, actionNode ? "" : `${mergedClsPrefix}-dialog__content--last`, this.contentClass], style: this.contentStyle }, resolveSlot(this.$slots.default, () => [render$1(content)])), actionNode); } }); const dialogProviderInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-dialog-provider"); const dialogApiInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-dialog-api"); const dialogReactiveListInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-dialog-reactive-list"); const self$I = (vars) => { const { modalColor, textColor2, boxShadow3 } = vars; return { color: modalColor, textColor: textColor2, boxShadow: boxShadow3 }; }; const modalLight = createTheme({ name: "Modal", common: derived, peers: { Scrollbar: scrollbarLight, Dialog: dialogLight, Card: cardLight }, self: self$I }); const presetProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, cardBaseProps), dialogProps); const presetPropsKeys = keysOf(presetProps); const NModalBodyWrapper = vue.defineComponent({ name: "ModalBody", inheritAttrs: false, props: Object.assign(Object.assign({ show: { type: Boolean, required: true }, preset: String, displayDirective: { type: String, required: true }, trapFocus: { type: Boolean, default: true }, autoFocus: { type: Boolean, default: true }, blockScroll: Boolean }, presetProps), { renderMask: Function, // events onClickoutside: Function, onBeforeLeave: { type: Function, required: true }, onAfterLeave: { type: Function, required: true }, onPositiveClick: { type: Function, required: true }, onNegativeClick: { type: Function, required: true }, onClose: { type: Function, required: true }, onAfterEnter: Function, onEsc: Function }), setup(props) { const bodyRef = vue.ref(null); const scrollbarRef = vue.ref(null); const displayedRef = vue.ref(props.show); const transformOriginXRef = vue.ref(null); const transformOriginYRef = vue.ref(null); vue.watch(vue.toRef(props, "show"), (value) => { if (value) displayedRef.value = true; }); useLockHtmlScroll(vue.computed(() => props.blockScroll && displayedRef.value)); const NModal2 = vue.inject(modalInjectionKey); function styleTransformOrigin() { if (NModal2.transformOriginRef.value === "center") { return ""; } const { value: transformOriginX } = transformOriginXRef; const { value: transformOriginY } = transformOriginYRef; if (transformOriginX === null || transformOriginY === null) { return ""; } else if (scrollbarRef.value) { const scrollTop = scrollbarRef.value.containerScrollTop; return `${transformOriginX}px ${transformOriginY + scrollTop}px`; } return ""; } function syncTransformOrigin(el) { if (NModal2.transformOriginRef.value === "center") { return; } const mousePosition = NModal2.getMousePosition(); if (!mousePosition) { return; } if (!scrollbarRef.value) return; const scrollTop = scrollbarRef.value.containerScrollTop; const { offsetLeft, offsetTop } = el; if (mousePosition) { const top = mousePosition.y; const left = mousePosition.x; transformOriginXRef.value = -(offsetLeft - left); transformOriginYRef.value = -(offsetTop - top - scrollTop); } el.style.transformOrigin = styleTransformOrigin(); } function handleEnter(el) { void vue.nextTick(() => { syncTransformOrigin(el); }); } function handleBeforeLeave(el) { el.style.transformOrigin = styleTransformOrigin(); props.onBeforeLeave(); } function handleAfterLeave() { displayedRef.value = false; transformOriginXRef.value = null; transformOriginYRef.value = null; props.onAfterLeave(); } function handleCloseClick() { const { onClose } = props; if (onClose) { onClose(); } } function handleNegativeClick() { props.onNegativeClick(); } function handlePositiveClick() { props.onPositiveClick(); } const childNodeRef = vue.ref(null); vue.watch(childNodeRef, (node) => { if (node) { void vue.nextTick(() => { const el = node.el; if (el && bodyRef.value !== el) { bodyRef.value = el; } }); } }); vue.provide(modalBodyInjectionKey, bodyRef); vue.provide(drawerBodyInjectionKey, null); vue.provide(popoverBodyInjectionKey, null); return { mergedTheme: NModal2.mergedThemeRef, appear: NModal2.appearRef, isMounted: NModal2.isMountedRef, mergedClsPrefix: NModal2.mergedClsPrefixRef, bodyRef, scrollbarRef, displayed: displayedRef, childNodeRef, handlePositiveClick, handleNegativeClick, handleCloseClick, handleAfterLeave, handleBeforeLeave, handleEnter }; }, render() { const { $slots, $attrs, handleEnter, handleAfterLeave, handleBeforeLeave, preset, mergedClsPrefix } = this; let childNode = null; if (!preset) { childNode = getFirstSlotVNode($slots); if (!childNode) { warn$2("modal", "default slot is empty"); return; } childNode = vue.cloneVNode(childNode); childNode.props = vue.mergeProps({ class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-modal` }, $attrs, childNode.props || {}); } return this.displayDirective === "show" || this.displayed || this.show ? vue.withDirectives(vue.h("div", { role: "none", class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-modal-body-wrapper` }, vue.h(Scrollbar$2, { ref: "scrollbarRef", theme: this.mergedTheme.peers.Scrollbar, themeOverrides: this.mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Scrollbar, contentClass: `${mergedClsPrefix}-modal-scroll-content` }, { default: () => { var _a; return [(_a = this.renderMask) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(this), vue.h(FocusTrap, { disabled: !this.trapFocus, active: this.show, onEsc: this.onEsc, autoFocus: this.autoFocus }, { default: () => { var _a2; return vue.h(vue.Transition, { name: "fade-in-scale-up-transition", appear: (_a2 = this.appear) !== null && _a2 !== void 0 ? _a2 : this.isMounted, onEnter: handleEnter, onAfterEnter: this.onAfterEnter, onAfterLeave: handleAfterLeave, onBeforeLeave: handleBeforeLeave }, { default: () => { const dirs = [[vue.vShow, this.show]]; const { onClickoutside } = this; if (onClickoutside) { dirs.push([clickoutside, this.onClickoutside, void 0, { capture: true }]); } return vue.withDirectives(this.preset === "confirm" || this.preset === "dialog" ? vue.h(NDialog, Object.assign({}, this.$attrs, { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-modal`, this.$attrs.class], ref: "bodyRef", theme: this.mergedTheme.peers.Dialog, themeOverrides: this.mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Dialog }, keep(this.$props, dialogPropKeys), { "aria-modal": "true" }), $slots) : this.preset === "card" ? vue.h(NCard, Object.assign({}, this.$attrs, { ref: "bodyRef", class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-modal`, this.$attrs.class], theme: this.mergedTheme.peers.Card, themeOverrides: this.mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Card }, keep(this.$props, cardBasePropKeys), { "aria-modal": "true", role: "dialog" }), $slots) : this.childNodeRef = childNode, dirs); } }); } })]; } })), [[vue.vShow, this.displayDirective === "if" || this.displayed || this.show]]) : null; } }); const style$S = c$1([cB("modal-container", ` position: fixed; left: 0; top: 0; height: 0; width: 0; display: flex; `), cB("modal-mask", ` position: fixed; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .4); `, [fadeInTransition({ enterDuration: ".25s", leaveDuration: ".25s", enterCubicBezier: "var(--n-bezier-ease-out)", leaveCubicBezier: "var(--n-bezier-ease-out)" })]), cB("modal-body-wrapper", ` position: fixed; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; overflow: visible; `, [cB("modal-scroll-content", ` min-height: 100%; display: flex; position: relative; `)]), cB("modal", ` position: relative; align-self: center; color: var(--n-text-color); margin: auto; box-shadow: var(--n-box-shadow); `, [fadeInScaleUpTransition({ duration: ".25s", enterScale: ".5" })])]); const modalProps = Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { show: Boolean, unstableShowMask: { type: Boolean, default: true }, maskClosable: { type: Boolean, default: true }, preset: String, to: [String, Object], displayDirective: { type: String, default: "if" }, transformOrigin: { type: String, default: "mouse" }, zIndex: Number, autoFocus: { type: Boolean, default: true }, trapFocus: { type: Boolean, default: true }, closeOnEsc: { type: Boolean, default: true }, blockScroll: { type: Boolean, default: true } }), presetProps), { // events onEsc: Function, "onUpdate:show": [Function, Array], onUpdateShow: [Function, Array], onAfterEnter: Function, onBeforeLeave: Function, onAfterLeave: Function, onClose: Function, onPositiveClick: Function, onNegativeClick: Function, onMaskClick: Function, // private internalDialog: Boolean, internalModal: Boolean, internalAppear: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, // deprecated overlayStyle: [String, Object], onBeforeHide: Function, onAfterHide: Function, onHide: Function }); const NModal = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Modal", inheritAttrs: false, props: modalProps, setup(props) { const containerRef = vue.ref(null); const { mergedClsPrefixRef, namespaceRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Modal", "-modal", style$S, modalLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const clickedRef = useClicked(64); const clickedPositionRef = useClickPosition(); const isMountedRef = isMounted(); const NDialogProvider2 = props.internalDialog ? vue.inject(dialogProviderInjectionKey, null) : null; const NModalProvider2 = props.internalModal ? vue.inject(modalProviderInjectionKey$1, null) : null; const isComposingRef2 = useIsComposing(); function doUpdateShow(show) { const { onUpdateShow, "onUpdate:show": _onUpdateShow, onHide } = props; if (onUpdateShow) call(onUpdateShow, show); if (_onUpdateShow) call(_onUpdateShow, show); if (onHide && !show) onHide(show); } function handleCloseClick() { const { onClose } = props; if (onClose) { void Promise.resolve(onClose()).then((value) => { if (value === false) return; doUpdateShow(false); }); } else { doUpdateShow(false); } } function handlePositiveClick() { const { onPositiveClick } = props; if (onPositiveClick) { void Promise.resolve(onPositiveClick()).then((value) => { if (value === false) return; doUpdateShow(false); }); } else { doUpdateShow(false); } } function handleNegativeClick() { const { onNegativeClick } = props; if (onNegativeClick) { void Promise.resolve(onNegativeClick()).then((value) => { if (value === false) return; doUpdateShow(false); }); } else { doUpdateShow(false); } } function handleBeforeLeave() { const { onBeforeLeave, onBeforeHide } = props; if (onBeforeLeave) call(onBeforeLeave); if (onBeforeHide) onBeforeHide(); } function handleAfterLeave() { const { onAfterLeave, onAfterHide } = props; if (onAfterLeave) call(onAfterLeave); if (onAfterHide) onAfterHide(); } function handleClickoutside(e) { var _a; const { onMaskClick } = props; if (onMaskClick) { onMaskClick(e); } if (props.maskClosable) { if ((_a = containerRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.contains(getPreciseEventTarget(e))) { doUpdateShow(false); } } } function handleEsc(e) { var _a; (_a = props.onEsc) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props); if (props.show && props.closeOnEsc && eventEffectNotPerformed(e)) { !isComposingRef2.value && doUpdateShow(false); } } vue.provide(modalInjectionKey, { getMousePosition: () => { const mergedProvider = NDialogProvider2 || NModalProvider2; if (mergedProvider) { const { clickedRef: clickedRef2, clickedPositionRef: clickedPositionRef2 } = mergedProvider; if (clickedRef2.value && clickedPositionRef2.value) { return clickedPositionRef2.value; } } if (clickedRef.value) { return clickedPositionRef.value; } return null; }, mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedThemeRef: themeRef, isMountedRef, appearRef: vue.toRef(props, "internalAppear"), transformOriginRef: vue.toRef(props, "transformOrigin") }); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { common: { cubicBezierEaseOut: cubicBezierEaseOut2 }, self: { boxShadow, color, textColor } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-bezier-ease-out": cubicBezierEaseOut2, "--n-box-shadow": boxShadow, "--n-color": color, "--n-text-color": textColor }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("theme-class", void 0, cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, namespace: namespaceRef, isMounted: isMountedRef, containerRef, presetProps: vue.computed(() => { const pickedProps = keep(props, presetPropsKeys); return pickedProps; }), handleEsc, handleAfterLeave, handleClickoutside, handleBeforeLeave, doUpdateShow, handleNegativeClick, handlePositiveClick, handleCloseClick, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }; }, render() { const { mergedClsPrefix } = this; return vue.h(LazyTeleport, { to: this.to, show: this.show }, { default: () => { var _a; (_a = this.onRender) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(this); const { unstableShowMask } = this; return vue.withDirectives(vue.h("div", { role: "none", ref: "containerRef", class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-modal-container`, this.themeClass, this.namespace], style: this.cssVars }, vue.h(NModalBodyWrapper, Object.assign({ style: this.overlayStyle }, this.$attrs, { ref: "bodyWrapper", displayDirective: this.displayDirective, show: this.show, preset: this.preset, autoFocus: this.autoFocus, trapFocus: this.trapFocus, blockScroll: this.blockScroll }, this.presetProps, { onEsc: this.handleEsc, onClose: this.handleCloseClick, onNegativeClick: this.handleNegativeClick, onPositiveClick: this.handlePositiveClick, onBeforeLeave: this.handleBeforeLeave, onAfterEnter: this.onAfterEnter, onAfterLeave: this.handleAfterLeave, onClickoutside: unstableShowMask ? void 0 : this.handleClickoutside, renderMask: unstableShowMask ? () => { var _a2; return vue.h(vue.Transition, { name: "fade-in-transition", key: "mask", appear: (_a2 = this.internalAppear) !== null && _a2 !== void 0 ? _a2 : this.isMounted }, { default: () => { return this.show ? vue.h("div", { "aria-hidden": true, ref: "containerRef", class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-modal-mask`, onClick: this.handleClickoutside }) : null; } }); } : void 0 }), this.$slots)), [[zindexable, { zIndex: this.zIndex, enabled: this.show }]]); } }); } }); const exposedDialogEnvProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, dialogProps), { onAfterEnter: Function, onAfterLeave: Function, transformOrigin: String, blockScroll: { type: Boolean, default: true }, closeOnEsc: { type: Boolean, default: true }, onEsc: Function, autoFocus: { type: Boolean, default: true }, internalStyle: [String, Object], maskClosable: { type: Boolean, default: true }, onPositiveClick: Function, onNegativeClick: Function, onClose: Function, onMaskClick: Function }); const NDialogEnvironment = vue.defineComponent({ name: "DialogEnvironment", props: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, exposedDialogEnvProps), { internalKey: { type: String, required: true }, to: [String, Object], // private onInternalAfterLeave: { type: Function, required: true } }), setup(props) { const showRef = vue.ref(true); function handleAfterLeave() { const { onInternalAfterLeave, internalKey, onAfterLeave } = props; if (onInternalAfterLeave) onInternalAfterLeave(internalKey); if (onAfterLeave) onAfterLeave(); } function handlePositiveClick(e) { const { onPositiveClick } = props; if (onPositiveClick) { void Promise.resolve(onPositiveClick(e)).then((result) => { if (result === false) return; hide(); }); } else { hide(); } } function handleNegativeClick(e) { const { onNegativeClick } = props; if (onNegativeClick) { void Promise.resolve(onNegativeClick(e)).then((result) => { if (result === false) return; hide(); }); } else { hide(); } } function handleCloseClick() { const { onClose } = props; if (onClose) { void Promise.resolve(onClose()).then((result) => { if (result === false) return; hide(); }); } else { hide(); } } function handleMaskClick(e) { const { onMaskClick, maskClosable } = props; if (onMaskClick) { onMaskClick(e); maskClosable && hide(); } } function handleEsc() { const { onEsc } = props; if (onEsc) { onEsc(); } } function hide() { showRef.value = false; } function handleUpdateShow(value) { showRef.value = value; } return { show: showRef, hide, handleUpdateShow, handleAfterLeave, handleCloseClick, handleNegativeClick, handlePositiveClick, handleMaskClick, handleEsc }; }, render() { const { handlePositiveClick, handleUpdateShow, handleNegativeClick, handleCloseClick, handleAfterLeave, handleMaskClick, handleEsc, to, maskClosable, show } = this; return vue.h(NModal, { show, onUpdateShow: handleUpdateShow, onMaskClick: handleMaskClick, onEsc: handleEsc, to, maskClosable, onAfterEnter: this.onAfterEnter, onAfterLeave: handleAfterLeave, closeOnEsc: this.closeOnEsc, blockScroll: this.blockScroll, autoFocus: this.autoFocus, transformOrigin: this.transformOrigin, internalAppear: true, internalDialog: true }, { default: () => vue.h(NDialog, Object.assign({}, keep(this.$props, dialogPropKeys), { style: this.internalStyle, onClose: handleCloseClick, onNegativeClick: handleNegativeClick, onPositiveClick: handlePositiveClick })) }); } }); const dialogProviderProps = { injectionKey: String, to: [String, Object] }; const NDialogProvider = vue.defineComponent({ name: "DialogProvider", props: dialogProviderProps, setup() { const dialogListRef = vue.ref([]); const dialogInstRefs = {}; function create2(options = {}) { const key = createId(); const dialogReactive = vue.reactive(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { key, destroy: () => { var _a; (_a = dialogInstRefs[`n-dialog-${key}`]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.hide(); } })); dialogListRef.value.push(dialogReactive); return dialogReactive; } const typedApi = ["info", "success", "warning", "error"].map((type) => (options) => { return create2(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { type })); }); function handleAfterLeave(key) { const { value: dialogList } = dialogListRef; dialogList.splice(dialogList.findIndex((dialog) => dialog.key === key), 1); } function destroyAll() { Object.values(dialogInstRefs).forEach((dialogInstRef) => { dialogInstRef === null || dialogInstRef === void 0 ? void 0 : dialogInstRef.hide(); }); } const api = { create: create2, destroyAll, info: typedApi[0], success: typedApi[1], warning: typedApi[2], error: typedApi[3] }; vue.provide(dialogApiInjectionKey, api); vue.provide(dialogProviderInjectionKey, { clickedRef: useClicked(64), clickedPositionRef: useClickPosition() }); vue.provide(dialogReactiveListInjectionKey, dialogListRef); return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, api), { dialogList: dialogListRef, dialogInstRefs, handleAfterLeave }); }, render() { var _a, _b; return vue.h(vue.Fragment, null, [this.dialogList.map((dialog) => vue.h(NDialogEnvironment, omit(dialog, ["destroy", "style"], { internalStyle: dialog.style, to: this.to, ref: (inst) => { if (inst === null) { delete this.dialogInstRefs[`n-dialog-${dialog.key}`]; } else { this.dialogInstRefs[`n-dialog-${dialog.key}`] = inst; } }, internalKey: dialog.key, onInternalAfterLeave: this.handleAfterLeave }))), (_b = (_a = this.$slots).default) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a)]); } }); function useDialog() { const dialog = vue.inject(dialogApiInjectionKey, null); if (dialog === null) { throwError("use-dialog", "No outer founded."); } return dialog; } function useDialogReactiveList() { const dialogReactiveList = vue.inject(dialogReactiveListInjectionKey, null); if (dialogReactiveList === null) { throwError("use-dialog-reactive-list", "No outer founded."); } return dialogReactiveList; } const self$H = (vars) => { const { textColor1, dividerColor, fontWeightStrong } = vars; return { textColor: textColor1, color: dividerColor, fontWeight: fontWeightStrong }; }; const dividerLight = { name: "Divider", common: derived, self: self$H }; const style$R = cB("divider", ` position: relative; display: flex; width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 16px; color: var(--n-text-color); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [cNotM("vertical", ` margin-top: 24px; margin-bottom: 24px; `, [cNotM("no-title", ` display: flex; align-items: center; `)]), cE("title", ` display: flex; align-items: center; margin-left: 12px; margin-right: 12px; white-space: nowrap; font-weight: var(--n-font-weight); `), cM("title-position-left", [cE("line", [cM("left", { width: "28px" })])]), cM("title-position-right", [cE("line", [cM("right", { width: "28px" })])]), cM("dashed", [cE("line", ` background-color: #0000; height: 0px; width: 100%; border-style: dashed; border-width: 1px 0 0; `)]), cM("vertical", ` display: inline-block; height: 1em; margin: 0 8px; vertical-align: middle; width: 1px; `), cE("line", ` border: none; transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), border-color .3s var(--n-bezier); height: 1px; width: 100%; margin: 0; `), cNotM("dashed", [cE("line", { backgroundColor: "var(--n-color)" })]), cM("dashed", [cE("line", { borderColor: "var(--n-color)" })]), cM("vertical", { backgroundColor: "var(--n-color)" })]); const dividerProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { titlePlacement: { type: String, default: "center" }, dashed: Boolean, vertical: Boolean }); const NDivider = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Divider", props: dividerProps, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Divider", "-divider", style$R, dividerLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: { color, textColor, fontWeight } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-color": color, "--n-text-color": textColor, "--n-font-weight": fontWeight }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("divider", void 0, cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }; }, render() { var _a; const { $slots, titlePlacement, vertical, dashed, cssVars, mergedClsPrefix } = this; (_a = this.onRender) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(this); return vue.h("div", { role: "separator", class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-divider`, this.themeClass, { [`${mergedClsPrefix}-divider--vertical`]: vertical, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-divider--no-title`]: !$slots.default, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-divider--dashed`]: dashed, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-divider--title-position-${titlePlacement}`]: $slots.default && titlePlacement }], style: cssVars }, !vertical ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-divider__line ${mergedClsPrefix}-divider__line--left` }) : null, !vertical && $slots.default ? vue.h(vue.Fragment, null, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-divider__title` }, this.$slots), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-divider__line ${mergedClsPrefix}-divider__line--right` })) : null); } }); const self$G = (vars) => { const { modalColor, textColor1, textColor2, boxShadow3, lineHeight: lineHeight2, fontWeightStrong, dividerColor, closeColorHover, closeColorPressed, closeIconColor, closeIconColorHover, closeIconColorPressed, borderRadius, primaryColorHover } = vars; return { bodyPadding: "16px 24px", borderRadius, headerPadding: "16px 24px", footerPadding: "16px 24px", color: modalColor, textColor: textColor2, titleTextColor: textColor1, titleFontSize: "18px", titleFontWeight: fontWeightStrong, boxShadow: boxShadow3, lineHeight: lineHeight2, headerBorderBottom: `1px solid ${dividerColor}`, footerBorderTop: `1px solid ${dividerColor}`, closeIconColor, closeIconColorHover, closeIconColorPressed, closeSize: "22px", closeIconSize: "18px", closeColorHover, closeColorPressed, closeBorderRadius: borderRadius, resizableTriggerColorHover: primaryColorHover }; }; const drawerLight = createTheme({ name: "Drawer", common: derived, peers: { Scrollbar: scrollbarLight }, self: self$G }); const NDrawerBodyWrapper = vue.defineComponent({ name: "NDrawerContent", inheritAttrs: false, props: { blockScroll: Boolean, show: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, displayDirective: { type: String, required: true }, placement: { type: String, required: true }, contentClass: String, contentStyle: [Object, String], nativeScrollbar: { type: Boolean, required: true }, scrollbarProps: Object, trapFocus: { type: Boolean, default: true }, autoFocus: { type: Boolean, default: true }, showMask: { type: [Boolean, String], required: true }, maxWidth: Number, maxHeight: Number, minWidth: Number, minHeight: Number, resizable: Boolean, onClickoutside: Function, onAfterLeave: Function, onAfterEnter: Function, onEsc: Function }, setup(props) { const displayedRef = vue.ref(!!props.show); const bodyRef = vue.ref(null); const NDrawer = vue.inject(drawerInjectionKey); let startPosition = 0; let memoizedBodyStyleCursor = ""; let hoverTimerId = null; const isHoverOnResizeTriggerRef = vue.ref(false); const isDraggingRef = vue.ref(false); const isVertical = vue.computed(() => { return props.placement === "top" || props.placement === "bottom"; }); const { mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedRtlRef } = useConfig(props); const rtlEnabledRef = useRtl("Drawer", mergedRtlRef, mergedClsPrefixRef); const handleMousedownResizeTrigger = (e) => { isDraggingRef.value = true; startPosition = isVertical.value ? e.clientY : e.clientX; memoizedBodyStyleCursor = document.body.style.cursor; document.body.style.cursor = isVertical.value ? "ns-resize" : "ew-resize"; document.body.addEventListener("mousemove", handleBodyMousemove); document.body.addEventListener("mouseleave", handleBodyMouseleave); document.body.addEventListener("mouseup", handleBodyMouseup); }; const handleMouseenterResizeTrigger = () => { if (hoverTimerId !== null) { window.clearTimeout(hoverTimerId); hoverTimerId = null; } if (isDraggingRef.value) { isHoverOnResizeTriggerRef.value = true; } else { hoverTimerId = window.setTimeout(() => { isHoverOnResizeTriggerRef.value = true; }, 300); } }; const handleMouseleaveResizeTrigger = () => { if (hoverTimerId !== null) { window.clearTimeout(hoverTimerId); hoverTimerId = null; } isHoverOnResizeTriggerRef.value = false; }; const { doUpdateHeight, doUpdateWidth } = NDrawer; const regulateWidth = (size2) => { const { maxWidth } = props; if (maxWidth && size2 > maxWidth) return maxWidth; const { minWidth } = props; if (minWidth && size2 < minWidth) return minWidth; return size2; }; const regulateHeight = (size2) => { const { maxHeight } = props; if (maxHeight && size2 > maxHeight) return maxHeight; const { minHeight } = props; if (minHeight && size2 < minHeight) return minHeight; return size2; }; const handleBodyMousemove = (e) => { var _a, _b; if (isDraggingRef.value) { if (isVertical.value) { let height = ((_a = bodyRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.offsetHeight) || 0; const increment = startPosition - e.clientY; height += props.placement === "bottom" ? increment : -increment; height = regulateHeight(height); doUpdateHeight(height); startPosition = e.clientY; } else { let width = ((_b = bodyRef.value) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.offsetWidth) || 0; const increment = startPosition - e.clientX; width += props.placement === "right" ? increment : -increment; width = regulateWidth(width); doUpdateWidth(width); startPosition = e.clientX; } } }; const handleBodyMouseup = () => { if (isDraggingRef.value) { startPosition = 0; isDraggingRef.value = false; document.body.style.cursor = memoizedBodyStyleCursor; document.body.removeEventListener("mousemove", handleBodyMousemove); document.body.removeEventListener("mouseup", handleBodyMouseup); document.body.removeEventListener("mouseleave", handleBodyMouseleave); } }; const handleBodyMouseleave = handleBodyMouseup; vue.watchEffect(() => { if (props.show) displayedRef.value = true; }); vue.watch(() => props.show, (value) => { if (!value) { handleBodyMouseup(); } }); vue.onBeforeUnmount(() => { handleBodyMouseup(); }); const bodyDirectivesRef = vue.computed(() => { const { show } = props; const directives = [[vue.vShow, show]]; if (!props.showMask) { directives.push([clickoutside, props.onClickoutside, void 0, { capture: true }]); } return directives; }); function handleAfterLeave() { var _a; displayedRef.value = false; (_a = props.onAfterLeave) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props); } useLockHtmlScroll(vue.computed(() => props.blockScroll && displayedRef.value)); vue.provide(drawerBodyInjectionKey, bodyRef); vue.provide(popoverBodyInjectionKey, null); vue.provide(modalBodyInjectionKey, null); return { bodyRef, rtlEnabled: rtlEnabledRef, mergedClsPrefix: NDrawer.mergedClsPrefixRef, isMounted: NDrawer.isMountedRef, mergedTheme: NDrawer.mergedThemeRef, displayed: displayedRef, transitionName: vue.computed(() => { return { right: "slide-in-from-right-transition", left: "slide-in-from-left-transition", top: "slide-in-from-top-transition", bottom: "slide-in-from-bottom-transition" }[props.placement]; }), handleAfterLeave, bodyDirectives: bodyDirectivesRef, handleMousedownResizeTrigger, handleMouseenterResizeTrigger, handleMouseleaveResizeTrigger, isDragging: isDraggingRef, isHoverOnResizeTrigger: isHoverOnResizeTriggerRef }; }, render() { const { $slots, mergedClsPrefix } = this; return this.displayDirective === "show" || this.displayed || this.show ? vue.withDirectives( /* Keep the wrapper dom. Make sure the drawer has a host. Nor the detached content will disappear without transition */ vue.h("div", { role: "none" }, vue.h(FocusTrap, { disabled: !this.showMask || !this.trapFocus, active: this.show, autoFocus: this.autoFocus, onEsc: this.onEsc }, { default: () => vue.h(vue.Transition, { name: this.transitionName, appear: this.isMounted, onAfterEnter: this.onAfterEnter, onAfterLeave: this.handleAfterLeave }, { default: () => vue.withDirectives(vue.h("div", vue.mergeProps(this.$attrs, { role: "dialog", ref: "bodyRef", "aria-modal": "true", class: [ `${mergedClsPrefix}-drawer`, this.rtlEnabled && `${mergedClsPrefix}-drawer--rtl`, `${mergedClsPrefix}-drawer--${this.placement}-placement`, /** * When the mouse is pressed to resize the drawer, * disable text selection */ this.isDragging && `${mergedClsPrefix}-drawer--unselectable`, this.nativeScrollbar && `${mergedClsPrefix}-drawer--native-scrollbar` ] }), [this.resizable ? vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-drawer__resize-trigger`, (this.isDragging || this.isHoverOnResizeTrigger) && `${mergedClsPrefix}-drawer__resize-trigger--hover`], onMouseenter: this.handleMouseenterResizeTrigger, onMouseleave: this.handleMouseleaveResizeTrigger, onMousedown: this.handleMousedownResizeTrigger }) : null, this.nativeScrollbar ? vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-drawer-content-wrapper`, this.contentClass], style: this.contentStyle, role: "none" }, $slots) : vue.h(Scrollbar$2, Object.assign({}, this.scrollbarProps, { contentStyle: this.contentStyle, contentClass: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-drawer-content-wrapper`, this.contentClass], theme: this.mergedTheme.peers.Scrollbar, themeOverrides: this.mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Scrollbar }), $slots)]), this.bodyDirectives) }) })), [[vue.vShow, this.displayDirective === "if" || this.displayed || this.show]] ) : null; } }); const { cubicBezierEaseIn: cubicBezierEaseIn$3, cubicBezierEaseOut: cubicBezierEaseOut$3 } = commonVariables$m; function slideInFromRightTransition({ duration: duration2 = "0.3s", leaveDuration = "0.2s", name = "slide-in-from-right" } = {}) { return [c$1(`&.${name}-transition-leave-active`, { transition: `transform ${leaveDuration} ${cubicBezierEaseIn$3}` }), c$1(`&.${name}-transition-enter-active`, { transition: `transform ${duration2} ${cubicBezierEaseOut$3}` }), c$1(`&.${name}-transition-enter-to`, { transform: "translateX(0)" }), c$1(`&.${name}-transition-enter-from`, { transform: "translateX(100%)" }), c$1(`&.${name}-transition-leave-from`, { transform: "translateX(0)" }), c$1(`&.${name}-transition-leave-to`, { transform: "translateX(100%)" })]; } const { cubicBezierEaseIn: cubicBezierEaseIn$2, cubicBezierEaseOut: cubicBezierEaseOut$2 } = commonVariables$m; function slideInFromLeftTransition({ duration: duration2 = "0.3s", leaveDuration = "0.2s", name = "slide-in-from-left" } = {}) { return [c$1(`&.${name}-transition-leave-active`, { transition: `transform ${leaveDuration} ${cubicBezierEaseIn$2}` }), c$1(`&.${name}-transition-enter-active`, { transition: `transform ${duration2} ${cubicBezierEaseOut$2}` }), c$1(`&.${name}-transition-enter-to`, { transform: "translateX(0)" }), c$1(`&.${name}-transition-enter-from`, { transform: "translateX(-100%)" }), c$1(`&.${name}-transition-leave-from`, { transform: "translateX(0)" }), c$1(`&.${name}-transition-leave-to`, { transform: "translateX(-100%)" })]; } const { cubicBezierEaseIn: cubicBezierEaseIn$1, cubicBezierEaseOut: cubicBezierEaseOut$1 } = commonVariables$m; function slideInFromTopTransition({ duration: duration2 = "0.3s", leaveDuration = "0.2s", name = "slide-in-from-top" } = {}) { return [c$1(`&.${name}-transition-leave-active`, { transition: `transform ${leaveDuration} ${cubicBezierEaseIn$1}` }), c$1(`&.${name}-transition-enter-active`, { transition: `transform ${duration2} ${cubicBezierEaseOut$1}` }), c$1(`&.${name}-transition-enter-to`, { transform: "translateY(0)" }), c$1(`&.${name}-transition-enter-from`, { transform: "translateY(-100%)" }), c$1(`&.${name}-transition-leave-from`, { transform: "translateY(0)" }), c$1(`&.${name}-transition-leave-to`, { transform: "translateY(-100%)" })]; } const { cubicBezierEaseIn, cubicBezierEaseOut } = commonVariables$m; function slideInFromBottomTransition({ duration: duration2 = "0.3s", leaveDuration = "0.2s", name = "slide-in-from-bottom" } = {}) { return [c$1(`&.${name}-transition-leave-active`, { transition: `transform ${leaveDuration} ${cubicBezierEaseIn}` }), c$1(`&.${name}-transition-enter-active`, { transition: `transform ${duration2} ${cubicBezierEaseOut}` }), c$1(`&.${name}-transition-enter-to`, { transform: "translateY(0)" }), c$1(`&.${name}-transition-enter-from`, { transform: "translateY(100%)" }), c$1(`&.${name}-transition-leave-from`, { transform: "translateY(0)" }), c$1(`&.${name}-transition-leave-to`, { transform: "translateY(100%)" })]; } const style$Q = c$1([cB("drawer", ` word-break: break-word; line-height: var(--n-line-height); position: absolute; pointer-events: all; box-shadow: var(--n-box-shadow); transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), color .3s var(--n-bezier); background-color: var(--n-color); color: var(--n-text-color); box-sizing: border-box; `, [slideInFromRightTransition(), slideInFromLeftTransition(), slideInFromTopTransition(), slideInFromBottomTransition(), cM("unselectable", ` user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; `), cM("native-scrollbar", [cB("drawer-content-wrapper", ` overflow: auto; height: 100%; `)]), cE("resize-trigger", ` position: absolute; background-color: #0000; transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [cM("hover", ` background-color: var(--n-resize-trigger-color-hover); `)]), cB("drawer-content-wrapper", ` box-sizing: border-box; `), cB("drawer-content", ` height: 100%; display: flex; flex-direction: column; `, [cM("native-scrollbar", [cB("drawer-body-content-wrapper", ` height: 100%; overflow: auto; `)]), cB("drawer-body", ` flex: 1 0 0; overflow: hidden; `), cB("drawer-body-content-wrapper", ` box-sizing: border-box; padding: var(--n-body-padding); `), cB("drawer-header", ` font-weight: var(--n-title-font-weight); line-height: 1; font-size: var(--n-title-font-size); color: var(--n-title-text-color); padding: var(--n-header-padding); transition: border .3s var(--n-bezier); border-bottom: 1px solid var(--n-divider-color); border-bottom: var(--n-header-border-bottom); display: flex; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center; `, [cE("close", ` margin-left: 6px; transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), color .3s var(--n-bezier); `)]), cB("drawer-footer", ` display: flex; justify-content: flex-end; border-top: var(--n-footer-border-top); transition: border .3s var(--n-bezier); padding: var(--n-footer-padding); `)]), cM("right-placement", ` top: 0; bottom: 0; right: 0; border-top-left-radius: var(--n-border-radius); border-bottom-left-radius: var(--n-border-radius); `, [cE("resize-trigger", ` width: 3px; height: 100%; top: 0; left: 0; transform: translateX(-1.5px); cursor: ew-resize; `)]), cM("left-placement", ` top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; border-top-right-radius: var(--n-border-radius); border-bottom-right-radius: var(--n-border-radius); `, [cE("resize-trigger", ` width: 3px; height: 100%; top: 0; right: 0; transform: translateX(1.5px); cursor: ew-resize; `)]), cM("top-placement", ` top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; border-bottom-left-radius: var(--n-border-radius); border-bottom-right-radius: var(--n-border-radius); `, [cE("resize-trigger", ` width: 100%; height: 3px; bottom: 0; left: 0; transform: translateY(1.5px); cursor: ns-resize; `)]), cM("bottom-placement", ` left: 0; bottom: 0; right: 0; border-top-left-radius: var(--n-border-radius); border-top-right-radius: var(--n-border-radius); `, [cE("resize-trigger", ` width: 100%; height: 3px; top: 0; left: 0; transform: translateY(-1.5px); cursor: ns-resize; `)])]), c$1("body", [c$1(">", [cB("drawer-container", ` position: fixed; `)])]), cB("drawer-container", ` position: relative; position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; pointer-events: none; `, [c$1("> *", ` pointer-events: all; `)]), cB("drawer-mask", ` background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .3); position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; `, [cM("invisible", ` background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) `), fadeInTransition({ enterDuration: "0.2s", leaveDuration: "0.2s", enterCubicBezier: "var(--n-bezier-in)", leaveCubicBezier: "var(--n-bezier-out)" })])]); const drawerProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { show: Boolean, width: [Number, String], height: [Number, String], placement: { type: String, default: "right" }, maskClosable: { type: Boolean, default: true }, showMask: { type: [Boolean, String], default: true }, to: [String, Object], displayDirective: { type: String, default: "if" }, nativeScrollbar: { type: Boolean, default: true }, zIndex: Number, onMaskClick: Function, scrollbarProps: Object, contentClass: String, contentStyle: [Object, String], trapFocus: { type: Boolean, default: true }, onEsc: Function, autoFocus: { type: Boolean, default: true }, closeOnEsc: { type: Boolean, default: true }, blockScroll: { type: Boolean, default: true }, maxWidth: Number, maxHeight: Number, minWidth: Number, minHeight: Number, resizable: Boolean, defaultWidth: { type: [Number, String], default: 251 }, defaultHeight: { type: [Number, String], default: 251 }, onUpdateWidth: [Function, Array], onUpdateHeight: [Function, Array], "onUpdate:width": [Function, Array], "onUpdate:height": [Function, Array], "onUpdate:show": [Function, Array], onUpdateShow: [Function, Array], onAfterEnter: Function, onAfterLeave: Function, /** @deprecated */ drawerStyle: [String, Object], drawerClass: String, target: null, onShow: Function, onHide: Function }); const Drawer = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Drawer", inheritAttrs: false, props: drawerProps, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, namespaceRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const isMountedRef = isMounted(); const themeRef = useTheme("Drawer", "-drawer", style$Q, drawerLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const uncontrolledWidthRef = vue.ref(props.defaultWidth); const uncontrolledHeightRef = vue.ref(props.defaultHeight); const mergedWidthRef = useMergedState(vue.toRef(props, "width"), uncontrolledWidthRef); const mergedHeightRef = useMergedState(vue.toRef(props, "height"), uncontrolledHeightRef); const styleWidthRef = vue.computed(() => { const { placement } = props; if (placement === "top" || placement === "bottom") return ""; return formatLength(mergedWidthRef.value); }); const styleHeightRef = vue.computed(() => { const { placement } = props; if (placement === "left" || placement === "right") return ""; return formatLength(mergedHeightRef.value); }); const doUpdateWidth = (value) => { const { onUpdateWidth, "onUpdate:width": _onUpdateWidth } = props; if (onUpdateWidth) call(onUpdateWidth, value); if (_onUpdateWidth) call(_onUpdateWidth, value); uncontrolledWidthRef.value = value; }; const doUpdateHeight = (value) => { const { onUpdateHeight, "onUpdate:width": _onUpdateHeight } = props; if (onUpdateHeight) call(onUpdateHeight, value); if (_onUpdateHeight) call(_onUpdateHeight, value); uncontrolledHeightRef.value = value; }; const mergedBodyStyleRef = vue.computed(() => { return [{ width: styleWidthRef.value, height: styleHeightRef.value }, props.drawerStyle || ""]; }); function handleMaskClick(e) { const { onMaskClick, maskClosable } = props; if (maskClosable) { doUpdateShow(false); } if (onMaskClick) onMaskClick(e); } function handleOutsideClick(e) { handleMaskClick(e); } const isComposingRef2 = useIsComposing(); function handleEsc(e) { var _a; (_a = props.onEsc) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props); if (props.show && props.closeOnEsc && eventEffectNotPerformed(e)) { !isComposingRef2.value && doUpdateShow(false); } } function doUpdateShow(show) { const { onHide, onUpdateShow, "onUpdate:show": _onUpdateShow } = props; if (onUpdateShow) call(onUpdateShow, show); if (_onUpdateShow) call(_onUpdateShow, show); if (onHide && !show) call(onHide, show); } vue.provide(drawerInjectionKey, { isMountedRef, mergedThemeRef: themeRef, mergedClsPrefixRef, doUpdateShow, doUpdateHeight, doUpdateWidth }); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2, cubicBezierEaseIn: cubicBezierEaseIn2, cubicBezierEaseOut: cubicBezierEaseOut2 }, self: { color, textColor, boxShadow, lineHeight: lineHeight2, headerPadding, footerPadding, borderRadius, bodyPadding, titleFontSize, titleTextColor, titleFontWeight, headerBorderBottom, footerBorderTop, closeIconColor, closeIconColorHover, closeIconColorPressed, closeColorHover, closeColorPressed, closeIconSize, closeSize, closeBorderRadius, resizableTriggerColorHover } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-line-height": lineHeight2, "--n-color": color, "--n-border-radius": borderRadius, "--n-text-color": textColor, "--n-box-shadow": boxShadow, "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-bezier-out": cubicBezierEaseOut2, "--n-bezier-in": cubicBezierEaseIn2, "--n-header-padding": headerPadding, "--n-body-padding": bodyPadding, "--n-footer-padding": footerPadding, "--n-title-text-color": titleTextColor, "--n-title-font-size": titleFontSize, "--n-title-font-weight": titleFontWeight, "--n-header-border-bottom": headerBorderBottom, "--n-footer-border-top": footerBorderTop, "--n-close-icon-color": closeIconColor, "--n-close-icon-color-hover": closeIconColorHover, "--n-close-icon-color-pressed": closeIconColorPressed, "--n-close-size": closeSize, "--n-close-color-hover": closeColorHover, "--n-close-color-pressed": closeColorPressed, "--n-close-icon-size": closeIconSize, "--n-close-border-radius": closeBorderRadius, "--n-resize-trigger-color-hover": resizableTriggerColorHover }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("drawer", void 0, cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, namespace: namespaceRef, mergedBodyStyle: mergedBodyStyleRef, handleOutsideClick, handleMaskClick, handleEsc, mergedTheme: themeRef, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender, isMounted: isMountedRef }; }, render() { const { mergedClsPrefix } = this; return vue.h(LazyTeleport, { to: this.to, show: this.show }, { default: () => { var _a; (_a = this.onRender) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(this); return vue.withDirectives(vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-drawer-container`, this.namespace, this.themeClass], style: this.cssVars, role: "none" }, this.showMask ? vue.h(vue.Transition, { name: "fade-in-transition", appear: this.isMounted }, { default: () => this.show ? vue.h("div", { "aria-hidden": true, class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-drawer-mask`, this.showMask === "transparent" && `${mergedClsPrefix}-drawer-mask--invisible`], onClick: this.handleMaskClick }) : null }) : null, vue.h(NDrawerBodyWrapper, Object.assign({}, this.$attrs, { class: [this.drawerClass, this.$attrs.class], style: [this.mergedBodyStyle, this.$attrs.style], blockScroll: this.blockScroll, contentStyle: this.contentStyle, contentClass: this.contentClass, placement: this.placement, scrollbarProps: this.scrollbarProps, show: this.show, displayDirective: this.displayDirective, nativeScrollbar: this.nativeScrollbar, onAfterEnter: this.onAfterEnter, onAfterLeave: this.onAfterLeave, trapFocus: this.trapFocus, autoFocus: this.autoFocus, resizable: this.resizable, maxHeight: this.maxHeight, minHeight: this.minHeight, maxWidth: this.maxWidth, minWidth: this.minWidth, showMask: this.showMask, onEsc: this.handleEsc, onClickoutside: this.handleOutsideClick }), this.$slots)), [[zindexable, { zIndex: this.zIndex, enabled: this.show }]]); } }); } }); const drawerContentProps = { title: String, headerClass: String, headerStyle: [Object, String], footerClass: String, footerStyle: [Object, String], bodyClass: String, bodyStyle: [Object, String], bodyContentClass: String, bodyContentStyle: [Object, String], nativeScrollbar: { type: Boolean, default: true }, scrollbarProps: Object, closable: Boolean }; const DrawerContent = vue.defineComponent({ name: "DrawerContent", props: drawerContentProps, setup() { const NDrawer = vue.inject(drawerInjectionKey, null); if (!NDrawer) { throwError("drawer-content", "`n-drawer-content` must be placed inside `n-drawer`."); } const { doUpdateShow } = NDrawer; function handleCloseClick() { doUpdateShow(false); } return { handleCloseClick, mergedTheme: NDrawer.mergedThemeRef, mergedClsPrefix: NDrawer.mergedClsPrefixRef }; }, render() { const { title, mergedClsPrefix, nativeScrollbar, mergedTheme, bodyClass, bodyStyle, bodyContentClass, bodyContentStyle, headerClass, headerStyle, footerClass, footerStyle, scrollbarProps: scrollbarProps2, closable, $slots } = this; return vue.h("div", { role: "none", class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-drawer-content`, nativeScrollbar && `${mergedClsPrefix}-drawer-content--native-scrollbar`] }, $slots.header || title || closable ? vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-drawer-header`, headerClass], style: headerStyle, role: "none" }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-drawer-header__main`, role: "heading", "aria-level": "1" }, $slots.header !== void 0 ? $slots.header() : title), closable && vue.h(NBaseClose, { onClick: this.handleCloseClick, clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-drawer-header__close`, absolute: true })) : null, nativeScrollbar ? vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-drawer-body`, bodyClass], style: bodyStyle, role: "none" }, vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-drawer-body-content-wrapper`, bodyContentClass], style: bodyContentStyle, role: "none" }, $slots)) : vue.h(Scrollbar$2, Object.assign({ themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Scrollbar, theme: mergedTheme.peers.Scrollbar }, scrollbarProps2, { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-drawer-body`, contentClass: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-drawer-body-content-wrapper`, bodyContentClass], contentStyle: bodyContentStyle }), $slots), $slots.footer ? vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-drawer-footer`, footerClass], style: footerStyle, role: "none" }, $slots.footer()) : null); } }); const commonVariables$6 = { actionMargin: "0 0 0 20px", actionMarginRtl: "0 20px 0 0" }; const self$F = () => { return commonVariables$6; }; const dynamicInputLight = createTheme({ name: "DynamicInput", common: derived, peers: { Input: inputLight, Button: buttonLight }, self: self$F }); const dynamicInputInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-dynamic-input"); const NDynamicInputInputPreset = vue.defineComponent({ name: "DynamicInputInputPreset", props: { clsPrefix: { type: String, required: true }, value: { type: String, default: "" }, disabled: Boolean, parentPath: String, path: String, onUpdateValue: { type: Function, required: true } }, setup() { const { mergedThemeRef, placeholderRef // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion } = vue.inject(dynamicInputInjectionKey); return { mergedTheme: mergedThemeRef, placeholder: placeholderRef }; }, render() { const { mergedTheme, placeholder, value, clsPrefix, onUpdateValue, disabled } = this; return vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-dynamic-input-preset-input` }, vue.h(NInput, { theme: mergedTheme.peers.Input, "theme-overrides": mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Input, value, placeholder, onUpdateValue, disabled })); } }); const NDynamicInputPairPreset = vue.defineComponent({ name: "DynamicInputPairPreset", props: { clsPrefix: { type: String, required: true }, value: { type: Object, default: () => ({ key: "", value: "" }) }, disabled: Boolean, parentPath: String, path: String, onUpdateValue: { type: Function, required: true } }, setup(props) { const { mergedThemeRef, keyPlaceholderRef, valuePlaceholderRef } = vue.inject(dynamicInputInjectionKey); return { mergedTheme: mergedThemeRef, keyPlaceholder: keyPlaceholderRef, valuePlaceholder: valuePlaceholderRef, handleKeyInput(key) { props.onUpdateValue({ key, value: props.value.value }); }, handleValueInput(value) { props.onUpdateValue({ key: props.value.key, value }); } }; }, render() { const { mergedTheme, keyPlaceholder, valuePlaceholder, value, clsPrefix, disabled } = this; return vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-dynamic-input-preset-pair` }, vue.h(NInput, { theme: mergedTheme.peers.Input, "theme-overrides": mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Input, value: value.key, class: `${clsPrefix}-dynamic-input-pair-input`, placeholder: keyPlaceholder, onUpdateValue: this.handleKeyInput, disabled }), vue.h(NInput, { theme: mergedTheme.peers.Input, "theme-overrides": mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Input, value: value.value, class: `${clsPrefix}-dynamic-input-pair-input`, placeholder: valuePlaceholder, onUpdateValue: this.handleValueInput, disabled })); } }); const style$P = cB("dynamic-input", { width: "100%" }, [cB("dynamic-input-item", ` margin-bottom: 10px; display: flex; flex-wrap: nowrap; `, [cB("dynamic-input-preset-input", { flex: 1, alignItems: "center" }), cB("dynamic-input-preset-pair", ` flex: 1; display: flex; align-items: center; `, [cB("dynamic-input-pair-input", [c$1("&:first-child", { "margin-right": "12px" })])]), cE("action", ` align-self: flex-start; display: flex; justify-content: flex-end; flex-shrink: 0; flex-grow: 0; margin: var(--action-margin); `, [cM("icon", { cursor: "pointer" })]), c$1("&:last-child", { marginBottom: 0 })]), cB("form-item", ` padding-top: 0 !important; margin-right: 0 !important; `, [cB("form-item-blank", { paddingTop: "0 !important" })])]); const globalDataKeyMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); const dynamicInputProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { max: Number, min: { type: Number, default: 0 }, value: Array, // TODO: make it robust for different types defaultValue: { type: Array, default: () => [] }, preset: { type: String, default: "input" }, keyField: String, itemClass: String, itemStyle: [String, Object], // for preset pair keyPlaceholder: { type: String, default: "" }, valuePlaceholder: { type: String, default: "" }, // for preset input placeholder: { type: String, default: "" }, disabled: Boolean, showSortButton: Boolean, createButtonProps: Object, onCreate: Function, onRemove: Function, "onUpdate:value": [Function, Array], onUpdateValue: [Function, Array], // deprecated onClear: Function, onInput: [Function, Array] }); const DynamicInput = vue.defineComponent({ name: "DynamicInput", props: dynamicInputProps, setup(props, { slots }) { const { mergedComponentPropsRef, mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedRtlRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(); const NFormItem2 = vue.inject(formItemInjectionKey, null); const uncontrolledValueRef = vue.ref(props.defaultValue); const controlledValueRef = vue.toRef(props, "value"); const mergedValueRef = useMergedState(controlledValueRef, uncontrolledValueRef); const themeRef = useTheme("DynamicInput", "-dynamic-input", style$P, dynamicInputLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const insertionDisabledRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value: mergedValue } = mergedValueRef; if (Array.isArray(mergedValue)) { const { max } = props; return max !== void 0 && mergedValue.length >= max; } return false; }); const removeDisabledRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value: mergedValue } = mergedValueRef; if (Array.isArray(mergedValue)) return mergedValue.length <= props.min; return true; }); const buttonSizeRef = vue.computed(() => { var _a, _b; return (_b = (_a = mergedComponentPropsRef === null || mergedComponentPropsRef === void 0 ? void 0 : mergedComponentPropsRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.DynamicInput) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.buttonSize; }); function doUpdateValue(value) { const { onInput, "onUpdate:value": _onUpdateValue, onUpdateValue } = props; if (onInput) call(onInput, value); if (_onUpdateValue) call(_onUpdateValue, value); if (onUpdateValue) call(onUpdateValue, value); uncontrolledValueRef.value = value; } function ensureKey(value, index) { if (value === void 0 || value === null) return index; if (typeof value !== "object") return index; const rawValue = vue.isProxy(value) ? vue.toRaw(value) : value; let key = globalDataKeyMap.get(rawValue); if (key === void 0) { globalDataKeyMap.set(rawValue, key = createId()); } return key; } function handleValueChange(index, value) { const { value: mergedValue } = mergedValueRef; const newValue = Array.from(mergedValue !== null && mergedValue !== void 0 ? mergedValue : []); const originalItem = newValue[index]; newValue[index] = value; if (originalItem && value && typeof originalItem === "object" && typeof value === "object") { const rawOriginal = vue.isProxy(originalItem) ? vue.toRaw(originalItem) : originalItem; const rawNew = vue.isProxy(value) ? vue.toRaw(value) : value; const originalKey = globalDataKeyMap.get(rawOriginal); if (originalKey !== void 0) { globalDataKeyMap.set(rawNew, originalKey); } } doUpdateValue(newValue); } function handleCreateClick() { createItem(-1); } function createItem(index) { const { value: mergedValue } = mergedValueRef; const { onCreate } = props; const newValue = Array.from(mergedValue !== null && mergedValue !== void 0 ? mergedValue : []); if (onCreate) { newValue.splice(index + 1, 0, onCreate(index + 1)); doUpdateValue(newValue); } else if (slots.default) { newValue.splice(index + 1, 0, null); doUpdateValue(newValue); } else { switch (props.preset) { case "input": newValue.splice(index + 1, 0, ""); doUpdateValue(newValue); break; case "pair": newValue.splice(index + 1, 0, { key: "", value: "" }); doUpdateValue(newValue); break; } } } function remove(index) { const { value: mergedValue } = mergedValueRef; if (!Array.isArray(mergedValue)) return; const { min } = props; if (mergedValue.length <= min) return; const { onRemove } = props; if (onRemove) { onRemove(index); } const newValue = Array.from(mergedValue); newValue.splice(index, 1); doUpdateValue(newValue); } function swap(array, currentIndex, targetIndex) { if (currentIndex < 0 || targetIndex < 0 || currentIndex >= array.length || targetIndex >= array.length) { return; } if (currentIndex === targetIndex) return; const currentItem = array[currentIndex]; array[currentIndex] = array[targetIndex]; array[targetIndex] = currentItem; } function move2(type, index) { const { value: mergedValue } = mergedValueRef; if (!Array.isArray(mergedValue)) return; const newValue = Array.from(mergedValue); if (type === "up") { swap(newValue, index, index - 1); } if (type === "down") { swap(newValue, index, index + 1); } doUpdateValue(newValue); } vue.provide(dynamicInputInjectionKey, { mergedThemeRef: themeRef, keyPlaceholderRef: vue.toRef(props, "keyPlaceholder"), valuePlaceholderRef: vue.toRef(props, "valuePlaceholder"), placeholderRef: vue.toRef(props, "placeholder") }); const rtlEnabledRef = useRtl("DynamicInput", mergedRtlRef, mergedClsPrefixRef); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { self: { actionMargin, actionMarginRtl } } = themeRef.value; return { "--action-margin": actionMargin, "--action-margin-rtl": actionMarginRtl }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("dynamic-input", void 0, cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return { locale: useLocale("DynamicInput").localeRef, rtlEnabled: rtlEnabledRef, buttonSize: buttonSizeRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, NFormItem: NFormItem2, uncontrolledValue: uncontrolledValueRef, mergedValue: mergedValueRef, insertionDisabled: insertionDisabledRef, removeDisabled: removeDisabledRef, handleCreateClick, ensureKey, handleValueChange, remove, move: move2, createItem, mergedTheme: themeRef, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }; }, render() { const { $slots, itemClass, buttonSize, mergedClsPrefix, mergedValue, locale: locale2, mergedTheme, keyField, itemStyle, preset, showSortButton, NFormItem: NFormItem2, ensureKey, handleValueChange, remove, createItem, move: move2, onRender, disabled } = this; onRender === null || onRender === void 0 ? void 0 : onRender(); return vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-dynamic-input`, this.rtlEnabled && `${mergedClsPrefix}-dynamic-input--rtl`, this.themeClass], style: this.cssVars }, !Array.isArray(mergedValue) || mergedValue.length === 0 ? vue.h(NButton, Object.assign({ block: true, ghost: true, dashed: true, size: buttonSize }, this.createButtonProps, { disabled: this.insertionDisabled || disabled, theme: mergedTheme.peers.Button, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Button, onClick: this.handleCreateClick }), { default: () => resolveSlot($slots["create-button-default"], () => [locale2.create]), icon: () => resolveSlot($slots["create-button-icon"], () => [vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix }, { default: () => vue.h(AddIcon, null) })]) }) : mergedValue.map((_, index) => vue.h("div", { key: keyField ? _[keyField] : ensureKey(_, index), "data-key": keyField ? _[keyField] : ensureKey(_, index), class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-dynamic-input-item`, itemClass], style: itemStyle }, resolveSlotWithProps($slots.default, { value: mergedValue[index], index }, () => { return [preset === "input" ? vue.h(NDynamicInputInputPreset, { disabled, clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, value: mergedValue[index], parentPath: NFormItem2 ? NFormItem2.path.value : void 0, path: (NFormItem2 === null || NFormItem2 === void 0 ? void 0 : NFormItem2.path.value) ? `${NFormItem2.path.value}[${index}]` : void 0, onUpdateValue: (v) => { handleValueChange(index, v); } }) : preset === "pair" ? vue.h(NDynamicInputPairPreset, { disabled, clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, value: mergedValue[index], parentPath: NFormItem2 ? NFormItem2.path.value : void 0, path: (NFormItem2 === null || NFormItem2 === void 0 ? void 0 : NFormItem2.path.value) ? `${NFormItem2.path.value}[${index}]` : void 0, onUpdateValue: (v) => { handleValueChange(index, v); } }) : null]; }), resolveSlotWithProps($slots.action, { value: mergedValue[index], index, create: createItem, remove, move: move2 }, () => [vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-dynamic-input-item__action` }, vue.h(NButtonGroup, { size: buttonSize }, { default: () => [vue.h(NButton, { disabled: this.removeDisabled || disabled, theme: mergedTheme.peers.Button, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Button, circle: true, onClick: () => { remove(index); } }, { icon: () => vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix }, { default: () => vue.h(RemoveIcon, null) }) }), vue.h(NButton, { disabled: this.insertionDisabled || disabled, circle: true, theme: mergedTheme.peers.Button, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Button, onClick: () => { createItem(index); } }, { icon: () => vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix }, { default: () => vue.h(AddIcon, null) }) }), showSortButton ? vue.h(NButton, { disabled: index === 0 || disabled, circle: true, theme: mergedTheme.peers.Button, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Button, onClick: () => { move2("up", index); } }, { icon: () => vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix }, { default: () => vue.h(ArrowUpIcon, null) }) }) : null, showSortButton ? vue.h(NButton, { disabled: index === mergedValue.length - 1 || disabled, circle: true, theme: mergedTheme.peers.Button, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Button, onClick: () => { move2("down", index); } }, { icon: () => vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix }, { default: () => vue.h(ArrowDownIcon, null) }) }) : null] }))])))); } }); const commonVars$5 = { gapSmall: "4px 8px", gapMedium: "8px 12px", gapLarge: "12px 16px" }; const self$E = () => { return commonVars$5; }; const spaceLight = { name: "Space", self: self$E }; let supportFlexGap; const ensureSupportFlexGap = () => { if (!isBrowser$2) return true; if (supportFlexGap === void 0) { const flex = document.createElement("div"); flex.style.display = "flex"; flex.style.flexDirection = "column"; flex.style.rowGap = "1px"; flex.appendChild(document.createElement("div")); flex.appendChild(document.createElement("div")); document.body.appendChild(flex); const isSupported = flex.scrollHeight === 1; document.body.removeChild(flex); return supportFlexGap = isSupported; } return supportFlexGap; }; const spaceProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { align: String, justify: { type: String, default: "start" }, inline: Boolean, vertical: Boolean, reverse: Boolean, size: { type: [String, Number, Array], default: "medium" }, wrapItem: { type: Boolean, default: true }, itemClass: String, itemStyle: [String, Object], wrap: { type: Boolean, default: true }, // internal internalUseGap: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 } }); const NSpace = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Space", props: spaceProps, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedRtlRef } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Space", "-space", void 0, spaceLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const rtlEnabledRef = useRtl("Space", mergedRtlRef, mergedClsPrefixRef); return { useGap: ensureSupportFlexGap(), rtlEnabled: rtlEnabledRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, margin: vue.computed(() => { const { size: size2 } = props; if (Array.isArray(size2)) { return { horizontal: size2[0], vertical: size2[1] }; } if (typeof size2 === "number") { return { horizontal: size2, vertical: size2 }; } const { self: { [createKey("gap", size2)]: gap } } = themeRef.value; const { row, col } = getGap(gap); return { horizontal: depx(col), vertical: depx(row) }; }) }; }, render() { const { vertical, reverse, align, inline, justify, itemClass, itemStyle, margin, wrap, mergedClsPrefix, rtlEnabled, useGap, wrapItem, internalUseGap } = this; const children = flatten$3(getSlot$1(this), false); if (!children.length) return null; const horizontalMargin = `${margin.horizontal}px`; const semiHorizontalMargin = `${margin.horizontal / 2}px`; const verticalMargin = `${margin.vertical}px`; const semiVerticalMargin = `${margin.vertical / 2}px`; const lastIndex = children.length - 1; const isJustifySpace = justify.startsWith("space-"); return vue.h("div", { role: "none", class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-space`, rtlEnabled && `${mergedClsPrefix}-space--rtl`], style: { display: inline ? "inline-flex" : "flex", flexDirection: (() => { if (vertical && !reverse) return "column"; if (vertical && reverse) return "column-reverse"; if (!vertical && reverse) return "row-reverse"; else return "row"; })(), justifyContent: ["start", "end"].includes(justify) ? "flex-" + justify : justify, flexWrap: !wrap || vertical ? "nowrap" : "wrap", marginTop: useGap || vertical ? "" : `-${semiVerticalMargin}`, marginBottom: useGap || vertical ? "" : `-${semiVerticalMargin}`, alignItems: align, gap: useGap ? `${margin.vertical}px ${margin.horizontal}px` : "" } }, !wrapItem && (useGap || internalUseGap) ? children : children.map((child, index) => child.type === vue.Comment ? child : vue.h("div", { role: "none", class: itemClass, style: [itemStyle, { maxWidth: "100%" }, useGap ? "" : vertical ? { marginBottom: index !== lastIndex ? verticalMargin : "" } : rtlEnabled ? { marginLeft: isJustifySpace ? justify === "space-between" && index === lastIndex ? "" : semiHorizontalMargin : index !== lastIndex ? horizontalMargin : "", marginRight: isJustifySpace ? justify === "space-between" && index === 0 ? "" : semiHorizontalMargin : "", paddingTop: semiVerticalMargin, paddingBottom: semiVerticalMargin } : { marginRight: isJustifySpace ? justify === "space-between" && index === lastIndex ? "" : semiHorizontalMargin : index !== lastIndex ? horizontalMargin : "", marginLeft: isJustifySpace ? justify === "space-between" && index === 0 ? "" : semiHorizontalMargin : "", paddingTop: semiVerticalMargin, paddingBottom: semiVerticalMargin }] }, child))); } }); const dynamicTagsLight = createTheme({ name: "DynamicTags", common: derived, peers: { Input: inputLight, Button: buttonLight, Tag: tagLight, Space: spaceLight }, self() { return { inputWidth: "64px" }; } }); const style$O = cB("dynamic-tags", [cB("input", { minWidth: "var(--n-input-width)" })]); const dynamicTagsProps = Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), commonProps), { size: { type: String, default: "medium" }, closable: { type: Boolean, default: true }, defaultValue: { type: Array, default: () => [] }, value: Array, inputClass: String, inputStyle: [String, Object], inputProps: Object, max: Number, tagClass: String, tagStyle: [String, Object], renderTag: Function, onCreate: { type: Function, default: (label) => label }, "onUpdate:value": [Function, Array], onUpdateValue: [Function, Array], // deprecated onChange: [Function, Array] }); const DynamicTags = vue.defineComponent({ name: "DynamicTags", props: dynamicTagsProps, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const { localeRef } = useLocale("DynamicTags"); const formItem = useFormItem(props); const { mergedDisabledRef } = formItem; const inputValueRef = vue.ref(""); const showInputRef = vue.ref(false); const inputForceFocusedRef = vue.ref(true); const inputInstRef = vue.ref(null); const themeRef = useTheme("DynamicTags", "-dynamic-tags", style$O, dynamicTagsLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const uncontrolledValueRef = vue.ref(props.defaultValue); const controlledValueRef = vue.toRef(props, "value"); const mergedValueRef = useMergedState(controlledValueRef, uncontrolledValueRef); const localizedAddRef = vue.computed(() => { return localeRef.value.add; }); const inputSizeRef = vue.computed(() => { return smallerSize(props.size); }); const triggerDisabledRef = vue.computed(() => { return mergedDisabledRef.value || !!props.max && mergedValueRef.value.length >= props.max; }); function doChange(value) { const { onChange, "onUpdate:value": _onUpdateValue, onUpdateValue } = props; const { nTriggerFormInput, nTriggerFormChange } = formItem; if (onChange) call(onChange, value); if (onUpdateValue) call(onUpdateValue, value); if (_onUpdateValue) call(_onUpdateValue, value); uncontrolledValueRef.value = value; nTriggerFormInput(); nTriggerFormChange(); } function handleCloseClick(index) { const tags = mergedValueRef.value.slice(0); tags.splice(index, 1); doChange(tags); } function handleInputKeyDown(e) { switch (e.key) { case "Enter": handleInputConfirm(); } } function handleInputConfirm(externalValue) { const nextValue = externalValue !== null && externalValue !== void 0 ? externalValue : inputValueRef.value; if (nextValue) { const tags = mergedValueRef.value.slice(0); tags.push(props.onCreate(nextValue)); doChange(tags); } showInputRef.value = false; inputForceFocusedRef.value = true; inputValueRef.value = ""; } function handleInputBlur() { handleInputConfirm(); } function handleAddClick() { showInputRef.value = true; void vue.nextTick(() => { var _a; (_a = inputInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.focus(); inputForceFocusedRef.value = false; }); } const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { self: { inputWidth } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-input-width": inputWidth }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("dynamic-tags", void 0, cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, inputInstRef, localizedAdd: localizedAddRef, inputSize: inputSizeRef, inputValue: inputValueRef, showInput: showInputRef, inputForceFocused: inputForceFocusedRef, mergedValue: mergedValueRef, mergedDisabled: mergedDisabledRef, triggerDisabled: triggerDisabledRef, handleInputKeyDown, handleAddClick, handleInputBlur, handleCloseClick, handleInputConfirm, mergedTheme: themeRef, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }; }, render() { const { mergedTheme, cssVars, mergedClsPrefix, onRender, renderTag } = this; onRender === null || onRender === void 0 ? void 0 : onRender(); return vue.h(NSpace, { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-dynamic-tags`, this.themeClass], size: "small", style: cssVars, theme: mergedTheme.peers.Space, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Space, itemStyle: "display: flex;" }, { default: () => { const { mergedTheme: mergedTheme2, tagClass, tagStyle, type, round: round2, size: size2, color, closable, mergedDisabled, showInput, inputValue, inputClass, inputStyle, inputSize, inputForceFocused, triggerDisabled, handleInputKeyDown, handleInputBlur, handleAddClick, handleCloseClick, handleInputConfirm, $slots } = this; return this.mergedValue.map((tag, index) => renderTag ? renderTag(tag, index) : vue.h(NTag, { key: index, theme: mergedTheme2.peers.Tag, themeOverrides: mergedTheme2.peerOverrides.Tag, class: tagClass, style: tagStyle, type, round: round2, size: size2, color, closable, disabled: mergedDisabled, onClose: () => { handleCloseClick(index); } }, { default: () => typeof tag === "string" ? tag : tag.label })).concat(showInput ? $slots.input ? $slots.input({ submit: handleInputConfirm, deactivate: handleInputBlur }) : vue.h(NInput, Object.assign({ placeholder: "", size: inputSize, style: inputStyle, class: inputClass, autosize: true }, this.inputProps, { ref: "inputInstRef", value: inputValue, onUpdateValue: (v) => { this.inputValue = v; }, theme: mergedTheme2.peers.Input, themeOverrides: mergedTheme2.peerOverrides.Input, onKeydown: handleInputKeyDown, onBlur: handleInputBlur, internalForceFocus: inputForceFocused })) : $slots.trigger ? $slots.trigger({ activate: handleAddClick, disabled: triggerDisabled }) : vue.h(NButton, { dashed: true, disabled: triggerDisabled, theme: mergedTheme2.peers.Button, themeOverrides: mergedTheme2.peerOverrides.Button, size: inputSize, onClick: handleAddClick }, { icon: () => vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix }, { default: () => vue.h(AddIcon, null) }) })); } }); } }); const elementLight = { name: "Element", common: derived }; const elementProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { tag: { type: String, default: "div" } }); const NElement = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Element", alias: ["El"], props: elementProps, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Element", "-element", void 0, elementLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { common: common2 } = themeRef.value; return Object.keys(common2).reduce((prevValue, key) => { prevValue[`--${kebabCase(key)}`] = common2[key]; return prevValue; }, {}); }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("element", void 0, cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }; }, render() { var _a; const { tag, mergedClsPrefix, cssVars, themeClass, onRender, $slots } = this; onRender === null || onRender === void 0 ? void 0 : onRender(); return vue.h(tag, { role: "none", class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-element`, themeClass], style: cssVars }, (_a = $slots.default) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call($slots)); } }); const commonVars$4 = { gapSmall: "4px 8px", gapMedium: "8px 12px", gapLarge: "12px 16px" }; const self$D = () => { return commonVars$4; }; const flexLight = { name: "Flex", self: self$D }; const flexProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { align: String, justify: { type: String, default: "start" }, inline: Boolean, vertical: Boolean, reverse: Boolean, size: { type: [String, Number, Array], default: "medium" }, wrap: { type: Boolean, default: true } }); const Flex = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Flex", props: flexProps, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedRtlRef } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Flex", "-flex", void 0, flexLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const rtlEnabledRef = useRtl("Flex", mergedRtlRef, mergedClsPrefixRef); return { rtlEnabled: rtlEnabledRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, margin: vue.computed(() => { const { size: size2 } = props; if (Array.isArray(size2)) { return { horizontal: size2[0], vertical: size2[1] }; } if (typeof size2 === "number") { return { horizontal: size2, vertical: size2 }; } const { self: { [createKey("gap", size2)]: gap } } = themeRef.value; const { row, col } = getGap(gap); return { horizontal: depx(col), vertical: depx(row) }; }) }; }, render() { const { vertical, reverse, align, inline, justify, margin, wrap, mergedClsPrefix, rtlEnabled } = this; const children = flatten$3(getSlot$1(this), false); if (!children.length) return null; return vue.h("div", { role: "none", class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-flex`, rtlEnabled && `${mergedClsPrefix}-flex--rtl`], style: { display: inline ? "inline-flex" : "flex", flexDirection: (() => { if (vertical && !reverse) return "column"; if (vertical && reverse) return "column-reverse"; if (!vertical && reverse) return "row-reverse"; else return "row"; })(), justifyContent: justify, flexWrap: !wrap || vertical ? "nowrap" : "wrap", alignItems: align, gap: `${margin.vertical}px ${margin.horizontal}px` } }, children); } }); const commonVariables$5 = { feedbackPadding: "4px 0 0 2px", feedbackHeightSmall: "24px", feedbackHeightMedium: "24px", feedbackHeightLarge: "26px", feedbackFontSizeSmall: "13px", feedbackFontSizeMedium: "14px", feedbackFontSizeLarge: "14px", labelFontSizeLeftSmall: "14px", labelFontSizeLeftMedium: "14px", labelFontSizeLeftLarge: "15px", labelFontSizeTopSmall: "13px", labelFontSizeTopMedium: "14px", labelFontSizeTopLarge: "14px", labelHeightSmall: "24px", labelHeightMedium: "26px", labelHeightLarge: "28px", labelPaddingVertical: "0 0 6px 2px", labelPaddingHorizontal: "0 12px 0 0", labelTextAlignVertical: "left", labelTextAlignHorizontal: "right", labelFontWeight: "400" }; const self$C = (vars) => { const { heightSmall, heightMedium, heightLarge, textColor1, errorColor, warningColor, lineHeight: lineHeight2, textColor3 } = vars; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, commonVariables$5), { blankHeightSmall: heightSmall, blankHeightMedium: heightMedium, blankHeightLarge: heightLarge, lineHeight: lineHeight2, labelTextColor: textColor1, asteriskColor: errorColor, feedbackTextColorError: errorColor, feedbackTextColorWarning: warningColor, feedbackTextColor: textColor3 }); }; const formLight = { name: "Form", common: derived, self: self$C }; const style$N = cB("form", [cM("inline", ` width: 100%; display: inline-flex; align-items: flex-start; align-content: space-around; `, [cB("form-item", { width: "auto", marginRight: "18px" }, [c$1("&:last-child", { marginRight: 0 })])])]); const formInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-form"); const formItemInstsInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-form-item-insts"); var __awaiter$7 = function(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) { function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function(resolve) { resolve(value); }); } return new (P || (P = Promise))(function(resolve, reject) { function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); } step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next()); }); }; const formProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { inline: Boolean, labelWidth: [Number, String], labelAlign: String, labelPlacement: { type: String, default: "top" }, model: { type: Object, default: () => { } }, rules: Object, disabled: Boolean, size: String, showRequireMark: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, requireMarkPlacement: String, showFeedback: { type: Boolean, default: true }, onSubmit: { type: Function, default: (e) => { e.preventDefault(); } }, showLabel: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, validateMessages: Object }); const Form = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Form", props: formProps, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef } = useConfig(props); useTheme("Form", "-form", style$N, formLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const formItems = {}; const maxChildLabelWidthRef = vue.ref(void 0); const deriveMaxChildLabelWidth = (currentWidth) => { const currentMaxChildLabelWidth = maxChildLabelWidthRef.value; if (currentMaxChildLabelWidth === void 0 || currentWidth >= currentMaxChildLabelWidth) { maxChildLabelWidthRef.value = currentWidth; } }; function validate(validateCallback_1) { return __awaiter$7(this, arguments, void 0, function* (validateCallback, shouldRuleBeApplied = () => true) { return yield new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const formItemValidationPromises = []; for (const key of keysOf(formItems)) { const formItemInstances = formItems[key]; for (const formItemInstance of formItemInstances) { if (formItemInstance.path) { formItemValidationPromises.push(formItemInstance.internalValidate(null, shouldRuleBeApplied)); } } } void Promise.all(formItemValidationPromises).then((results) => { const formInvalid = results.some((result) => !result.valid); const errors = []; const warnings = []; results.forEach((result) => { var _a, _b; if ((_a = result.errors) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length) { errors.push(result.errors); } if ((_b = result.warnings) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.length) { warnings.push(result.warnings); } }); if (validateCallback) { validateCallback(errors.length ? errors : void 0, { warnings: warnings.length ? warnings : void 0 }); } if (formInvalid) { reject(errors.length ? errors : void 0); } else { resolve({ warnings: warnings.length ? warnings : void 0 }); } }); }); }); } function restoreValidation() { for (const key of keysOf(formItems)) { const formItemInstances = formItems[key]; for (const formItemInstance of formItemInstances) { formItemInstance.restoreValidation(); } } } vue.provide(formInjectionKey, { props, maxChildLabelWidthRef, deriveMaxChildLabelWidth }); vue.provide(formItemInstsInjectionKey, { formItems }); const formExposedMethod = { validate, restoreValidation }; return Object.assign(formExposedMethod, { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef }); }, render() { const { mergedClsPrefix } = this; return vue.h("form", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-form`, this.inline && `${mergedClsPrefix}-form--inline`], onSubmit: this.onSubmit }, this.$slots); } }); var define_process_env_default = {}; function _extends() { _extends = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; return _extends.apply(this, arguments); } function _inheritsLoose(subClass, superClass) { subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass.prototype); subClass.prototype.constructor = subClass; _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); } function _getPrototypeOf(o) { _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf.bind() : function _getPrototypeOf2(o2) { return o2.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o2); }; return _getPrototypeOf(o); } function _setPrototypeOf(o, p2) { _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function _setPrototypeOf2(o2, p22) { o2.__proto__ = p22; return o2; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p2); } function _isNativeReflectConstruct() { if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) return false; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return false; if (typeof Proxy === "function") return true; try { Boolean.prototype.valueOf.call(Reflect.construct(Boolean, [], function() { })); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } } function _construct(Parent, args, Class) { if (_isNativeReflectConstruct()) { _construct = Reflect.construct.bind(); } else { _construct = function _construct2(Parent2, args2, Class2) { var a2 = [null]; a2.push.apply(a2, args2); var Constructor = Function.bind.apply(Parent2, a2); var instance = new Constructor(); if (Class2) _setPrototypeOf(instance, Class2.prototype); return instance; }; } return _construct.apply(null, arguments); } function _isNativeFunction(fn) { return Function.toString.call(fn).indexOf("[native code]") !== -1; } function _wrapNativeSuper(Class) { var _cache = typeof Map === "function" ? /* @__PURE__ */ new Map() : void 0; _wrapNativeSuper = function _wrapNativeSuper2(Class2) { if (Class2 === null || !_isNativeFunction(Class2)) return Class2; if (typeof Class2 !== "function") { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); } if (typeof _cache !== "undefined") { if (_cache.has(Class2)) return _cache.get(Class2); _cache.set(Class2, Wrapper2); } function Wrapper2() { return _construct(Class2, arguments, _getPrototypeOf(this).constructor); } Wrapper2.prototype = Object.create(Class2.prototype, { constructor: { value: Wrapper2, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); return _setPrototypeOf(Wrapper2, Class2); }; return _wrapNativeSuper(Class); } var formatRegExp = /%[sdj%]/g; var warning = function warning2() { }; if (typeof process !== "undefined" && define_process_env_default && false) { warning = function warning3(type4, errors) { if (typeof console !== "undefined" && console.warn && typeof ASYNC_VALIDATOR_NO_WARNING === "undefined") { if (errors.every(function(e) { return typeof e === "string"; })) { console.warn(type4, errors); } } }; } function convertFieldsError(errors) { if (!errors || !errors.length) return null; var fields = {}; errors.forEach(function(error) { var field = error.field; fields[field] = fields[field] || []; fields[field].push(error); }); return fields; } function format$1(template) { for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key - 1] = arguments[_key]; } var i = 0; var len2 = args.length; if (typeof template === "function") { return template.apply(null, args); } if (typeof template === "string") { var str = template.replace(formatRegExp, function(x) { if (x === "%%") { return "%"; } if (i >= len2) { return x; } switch (x) { case "%s": return String(args[i++]); case "%d": return Number(args[i++]); case "%j": try { return JSON.stringify(args[i++]); } catch (_) { return "[Circular]"; } break; default: return x; } }); return str; } return template; } function isNativeStringType(type4) { return type4 === "string" || type4 === "url" || type4 === "hex" || type4 === "email" || type4 === "date" || type4 === "pattern"; } function isEmptyValue(value, type4) { if (value === void 0 || value === null) { return true; } if (type4 === "array" && Array.isArray(value) && !value.length) { return true; } if (isNativeStringType(type4) && typeof value === "string" && !value) { return true; } return false; } function asyncParallelArray(arr, func, callback) { var results = []; var total = 0; var arrLength = arr.length; function count(errors) { results.push.apply(results, errors || []); total++; if (total === arrLength) { callback(results); } } arr.forEach(function(a2) { func(a2, count); }); } function asyncSerialArray(arr, func, callback) { var index = 0; var arrLength = arr.length; function next(errors) { if (errors && errors.length) { callback(errors); return; } var original = index; index = index + 1; if (original < arrLength) { func(arr[original], next); } else { callback([]); } } next([]); } function flattenObjArr(objArr) { var ret = []; Object.keys(objArr).forEach(function(k) { ret.push.apply(ret, objArr[k] || []); }); return ret; } var AsyncValidationError = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Error) { _inheritsLoose(AsyncValidationError2, _Error); function AsyncValidationError2(errors, fields) { var _this; _this = _Error.call(this, "Async Validation Error") || this; _this.errors = errors; _this.fields = fields; return _this; } return AsyncValidationError2; }(/* @__PURE__ */ _wrapNativeSuper(Error)); function asyncMap(objArr, option, func, callback, source) { if (option.first) { var _pending = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var next = function next2(errors) { callback(errors); return errors.length ? reject(new AsyncValidationError(errors, convertFieldsError(errors))) : resolve(source); }; var flattenArr = flattenObjArr(objArr); asyncSerialArray(flattenArr, func, next); }); _pending["catch"](function(e) { return e; }); return _pending; } var firstFields = option.firstFields === true ? Object.keys(objArr) : option.firstFields || []; var objArrKeys = Object.keys(objArr); var objArrLength = objArrKeys.length; var total = 0; var results = []; var pending = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var next = function next2(errors) { results.push.apply(results, errors); total++; if (total === objArrLength) { callback(results); return results.length ? reject(new AsyncValidationError(results, convertFieldsError(results))) : resolve(source); } }; if (!objArrKeys.length) { callback(results); resolve(source); } objArrKeys.forEach(function(key) { var arr = objArr[key]; if (firstFields.indexOf(key) !== -1) { asyncSerialArray(arr, func, next); } else { asyncParallelArray(arr, func, next); } }); }); pending["catch"](function(e) { return e; }); return pending; } function isErrorObj(obj) { return !!(obj && obj.message !== void 0); } function getValue(value, path) { var v = value; for (var i = 0; i < path.length; i++) { if (v == void 0) { return v; } v = v[path[i]]; } return v; } function complementError(rule, source) { return function(oe) { var fieldValue; if (rule.fullFields) { fieldValue = getValue(source, rule.fullFields); } else { fieldValue = source[oe.field || rule.fullField]; } if (isErrorObj(oe)) { oe.field = oe.field || rule.fullField; oe.fieldValue = fieldValue; return oe; } return { message: typeof oe === "function" ? oe() : oe, fieldValue, field: oe.field || rule.fullField }; }; } function deepMerge(target, source) { if (source) { for (var s in source) { if (source.hasOwnProperty(s)) { var value = source[s]; if (typeof value === "object" && typeof target[s] === "object") { target[s] = _extends({}, target[s], value); } else { target[s] = value; } } } } return target; } var required$1 = function required(rule, value, source, errors, options, type4) { if (rule.required && (!source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field) || isEmptyValue(value, type4 || rule.type))) { errors.push(format$1(options.messages.required, rule.fullField)); } }; var whitespace = function whitespace2(rule, value, source, errors, options) { if (/^\s+$/.test(value) || value === "") { errors.push(format$1(options.messages.whitespace, rule.fullField)); } }; var urlReg; var getUrlRegex = function() { if (urlReg) { return urlReg; } var word = "[a-fA-F\\d:]"; var b = function b2(options) { return options && options.includeBoundaries ? "(?:(?<=\\s|^)(?=" + word + ")|(?<=" + word + ")(?=\\s|$))" : ""; }; var v4 = "(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\\d|1\\d\\d|[1-9]\\d|\\d)(?:\\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\\d|1\\d\\d|[1-9]\\d|\\d)){3}"; var v6seg = "[a-fA-F\\d]{1,4}"; var v6 = ("\n(?:\n(?:" + v6seg + ":){7}(?:" + v6seg + "|:)| // 1:2:3:4:5:6:7:: 1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8\n(?:" + v6seg + ":){6}(?:" + v4 + "|:" + v6seg + "|:)| // 1:2:3:4:5:6:: 1:2:3:4:5:6::8 1:2:3:4:5:6::8 1:2:3:4:5:6::\n(?:" + v6seg + ":){5}(?::" + v4 + "|(?::" + v6seg + "){1,2}|:)| // 1:2:3:4:5:: 1:2:3:4:5::7:8 1:2:3:4:5::8 1:2:3:4:5::7:\n(?:" + v6seg + ":){4}(?:(?::" + v6seg + "){0,1}:" + v4 + "|(?::" + v6seg + "){1,3}|:)| // 1:2:3:4:: 1:2:3:4::6:7:8 1:2:3:4::8 1:2:3:4::6:7:\n(?:" + v6seg + ":){3}(?:(?::" + v6seg + "){0,2}:" + v4 + "|(?::" + v6seg + "){1,4}|:)| // 1:2:3:: 1:2:3::5:6:7:8 1:2:3::8 1:2:3::5:6:7:\n(?:" + v6seg + ":){2}(?:(?::" + v6seg + "){0,3}:" + v4 + "|(?::" + v6seg + "){1,5}|:)| // 1:2:: 1:2::4:5:6:7:8 1:2::8 1:2::4:5:6:7:\n(?:" + v6seg + ":){1}(?:(?::" + v6seg + "){0,4}:" + v4 + "|(?::" + v6seg + "){1,6}|:)| // 1:: 1::3:4:5:6:7:8 1::8 1::3:4:5:6:7:\n(?::(?:(?::" + v6seg + "){0,5}:" + v4 + "|(?::" + v6seg + "){1,7}|:)) // ::2:3:4:5:6:7:8 ::2:3:4:5:6:7:8 ::8 ::\n)(?:%[0-9a-zA-Z]{1,})? // %eth0 %1\n").replace(/\s*\/\/.*$/gm, "").replace(/\n/g, "").trim(); var v46Exact = new RegExp("(?:^" + v4 + "$)|(?:^" + v6 + "$)"); var v4exact = new RegExp("^" + v4 + "$"); var v6exact = new RegExp("^" + v6 + "$"); var ip = function ip2(options) { return options && options.exact ? v46Exact : new RegExp("(?:" + b(options) + v4 + b(options) + ")|(?:" + b(options) + v6 + b(options) + ")", "g"); }; ip.v4 = function(options) { return options && options.exact ? v4exact : new RegExp("" + b(options) + v4 + b(options), "g"); }; ip.v6 = function(options) { return options && options.exact ? v6exact : new RegExp("" + b(options) + v6 + b(options), "g"); }; var protocol = "(?:(?:[a-z]+:)?//)"; var auth = "(?:\\S+(?::\\S*)?@)?"; var ipv4 = ip.v4().source; var ipv6 = ip.v6().source; var host = "(?:(?:[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9][-_]*)*[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+)"; var domain = "(?:\\.(?:[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]-*)*[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+)*"; var tld = "(?:\\.(?:[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff]{2,}))"; var port = "(?::\\d{2,5})?"; var path = '(?:[/?#][^\\s"]*)?'; var regex = "(?:" + protocol + "|www\\.)" + auth + "(?:localhost|" + ipv4 + "|" + ipv6 + "|" + host + domain + tld + ")" + port + path; urlReg = new RegExp("(?:^" + regex + "$)", "i"); return urlReg; }; var pattern$2 = { // http://emailregex.com/ email: /^(([^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]+\.)+[a-zA-Z\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]{2,}))$/, // url: new RegExp( // '^(?!mailto:)(?:(?:http|https|ftp)://|//)(?:\\S+(?::\\S*)?@)?(?:(?:(?:[1-9]\\d?|1\\d\\d|2[01]\\d|22[0-3])(?:\\.(?:1?\\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){2}(?:\\.(?:[0-9]\\d?|1\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-4]))|(?:(?:[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+-*)*[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+)(?:\\.(?:[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+-*)*[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+)*(?:\\.(?:[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff]{2,})))|localhost)(?::\\d{2,5})?(?:(/|\\?|#)[^\\s]*)?$', // 'i', // ), hex: /^#?([a-f0-9]{6}|[a-f0-9]{3})$/i }; var types = { integer: function integer(value) { return types.number(value) && parseInt(value, 10) === value; }, "float": function float2(value) { return types.number(value) && !types.integer(value); }, array: function array(value) { return Array.isArray(value); }, regexp: function regexp(value) { if (value instanceof RegExp) { return true; } try { return !!new RegExp(value); } catch (e) { return false; } }, date: function date(value) { return typeof value.getTime === "function" && typeof value.getMonth === "function" && typeof value.getYear === "function" && !isNaN(value.getTime()); }, number: function number(value) { if (isNaN(value)) { return false; } return typeof value === "number"; }, object: function object(value) { return typeof value === "object" && !types.array(value); }, method: function method(value) { return typeof value === "function"; }, email: function email(value) { return typeof value === "string" && value.length <= 320 && !!value.match(pattern$2.email); }, url: function url(value) { return typeof value === "string" && value.length <= 2048 && !!value.match(getUrlRegex()); }, hex: function hex2(value) { return typeof value === "string" && !!value.match(pattern$2.hex); } }; var type$1 = function type(rule, value, source, errors, options) { if (rule.required && value === void 0) { required$1(rule, value, source, errors, options); return; } var custom = ["integer", "float", "array", "regexp", "object", "method", "email", "number", "date", "url", "hex"]; var ruleType = rule.type; if (custom.indexOf(ruleType) > -1) { if (!types[ruleType](value)) { errors.push(format$1(options.messages.types[ruleType], rule.fullField, rule.type)); } } else if (ruleType && typeof value !== rule.type) { errors.push(format$1(options.messages.types[ruleType], rule.fullField, rule.type)); } }; var range = function range2(rule, value, source, errors, options) { var len2 = typeof rule.len === "number"; var min = typeof rule.min === "number"; var max = typeof rule.max === "number"; var spRegexp = /[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/g; var val = value; var key = null; var num = typeof value === "number"; var str = typeof value === "string"; var arr = Array.isArray(value); if (num) { key = "number"; } else if (str) { key = "string"; } else if (arr) { key = "array"; } if (!key) { return false; } if (arr) { val = value.length; } if (str) { val = value.replace(spRegexp, "_").length; } if (len2) { if (val !== rule.len) { errors.push(format$1(options.messages[key].len, rule.fullField, rule.len)); } } else if (min && !max && val < rule.min) { errors.push(format$1(options.messages[key].min, rule.fullField, rule.min)); } else if (max && !min && val > rule.max) { errors.push(format$1(options.messages[key].max, rule.fullField, rule.max)); } else if (min && max && (val < rule.min || val > rule.max)) { errors.push(format$1(options.messages[key].range, rule.fullField, rule.min, rule.max)); } }; var ENUM$1 = "enum"; var enumerable$1 = function enumerable(rule, value, source, errors, options) { rule[ENUM$1] = Array.isArray(rule[ENUM$1]) ? rule[ENUM$1] : []; if (rule[ENUM$1].indexOf(value) === -1) { errors.push(format$1(options.messages[ENUM$1], rule.fullField, rule[ENUM$1].join(", "))); } }; var pattern$1 = function pattern(rule, value, source, errors, options) { if (rule.pattern) { if (rule.pattern instanceof RegExp) { rule.pattern.lastIndex = 0; if (!rule.pattern.test(value)) { errors.push(format$1(options.messages.pattern.mismatch, rule.fullField, value, rule.pattern)); } } else if (typeof rule.pattern === "string") { var _pattern = new RegExp(rule.pattern); if (!_pattern.test(value)) { errors.push(format$1(options.messages.pattern.mismatch, rule.fullField, value, rule.pattern)); } } } }; var rules = { required: required$1, whitespace, type: type$1, range, "enum": enumerable$1, pattern: pattern$1 }; var string = function string2(rule, value, callback, source, options) { var errors = []; var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field); if (validate) { if (isEmptyValue(value, "string") && !rule.required) { return callback(); } rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options, "string"); if (!isEmptyValue(value, "string")) { rules.type(rule, value, source, errors, options); rules.range(rule, value, source, errors, options); rules.pattern(rule, value, source, errors, options); if (rule.whitespace === true) { rules.whitespace(rule, value, source, errors, options); } } } callback(errors); }; var method2 = function method3(rule, value, callback, source, options) { var errors = []; var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field); if (validate) { if (isEmptyValue(value) && !rule.required) { return callback(); } rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options); if (value !== void 0) { rules.type(rule, value, source, errors, options); } } callback(errors); }; var number2 = function number3(rule, value, callback, source, options) { var errors = []; var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field); if (validate) { if (value === "") { value = void 0; } if (isEmptyValue(value) && !rule.required) { return callback(); } rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options); if (value !== void 0) { rules.type(rule, value, source, errors, options); rules.range(rule, value, source, errors, options); } } callback(errors); }; var _boolean = function _boolean2(rule, value, callback, source, options) { var errors = []; var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field); if (validate) { if (isEmptyValue(value) && !rule.required) { return callback(); } rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options); if (value !== void 0) { rules.type(rule, value, source, errors, options); } } callback(errors); }; var regexp2 = function regexp3(rule, value, callback, source, options) { var errors = []; var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field); if (validate) { if (isEmptyValue(value) && !rule.required) { return callback(); } rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options); if (!isEmptyValue(value)) { rules.type(rule, value, source, errors, options); } } callback(errors); }; var integer2 = function integer3(rule, value, callback, source, options) { var errors = []; var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field); if (validate) { if (isEmptyValue(value) && !rule.required) { return callback(); } rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options); if (value !== void 0) { rules.type(rule, value, source, errors, options); rules.range(rule, value, source, errors, options); } } callback(errors); }; var floatFn = function floatFn2(rule, value, callback, source, options) { var errors = []; var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field); if (validate) { if (isEmptyValue(value) && !rule.required) { return callback(); } rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options); if (value !== void 0) { rules.type(rule, value, source, errors, options); rules.range(rule, value, source, errors, options); } } callback(errors); }; var array2 = function array3(rule, value, callback, source, options) { var errors = []; var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field); if (validate) { if ((value === void 0 || value === null) && !rule.required) { return callback(); } rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options, "array"); if (value !== void 0 && value !== null) { rules.type(rule, value, source, errors, options); rules.range(rule, value, source, errors, options); } } callback(errors); }; var object2 = function object3(rule, value, callback, source, options) { var errors = []; var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field); if (validate) { if (isEmptyValue(value) && !rule.required) { return callback(); } rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options); if (value !== void 0) { rules.type(rule, value, source, errors, options); } } callback(errors); }; var ENUM = "enum"; var enumerable2 = function enumerable3(rule, value, callback, source, options) { var errors = []; var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field); if (validate) { if (isEmptyValue(value) && !rule.required) { return callback(); } rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options); if (value !== void 0) { rules[ENUM](rule, value, source, errors, options); } } callback(errors); }; var pattern2 = function pattern3(rule, value, callback, source, options) { var errors = []; var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field); if (validate) { if (isEmptyValue(value, "string") && !rule.required) { return callback(); } rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options); if (!isEmptyValue(value, "string")) { rules.pattern(rule, value, source, errors, options); } } callback(errors); }; var date2 = function date3(rule, value, callback, source, options) { var errors = []; var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field); if (validate) { if (isEmptyValue(value, "date") && !rule.required) { return callback(); } rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options); if (!isEmptyValue(value, "date")) { var dateObject; if (value instanceof Date) { dateObject = value; } else { dateObject = new Date(value); } rules.type(rule, dateObject, source, errors, options); if (dateObject) { rules.range(rule, dateObject.getTime(), source, errors, options); } } } callback(errors); }; var required2 = function required3(rule, value, callback, source, options) { var errors = []; var type4 = Array.isArray(value) ? "array" : typeof value; rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options, type4); callback(errors); }; var type2 = function type3(rule, value, callback, source, options) { var ruleType = rule.type; var errors = []; var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field); if (validate) { if (isEmptyValue(value, ruleType) && !rule.required) { return callback(); } rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options, ruleType); if (!isEmptyValue(value, ruleType)) { rules.type(rule, value, source, errors, options); } } callback(errors); }; var any = function any2(rule, value, callback, source, options) { var errors = []; var validate = rule.required || !rule.required && source.hasOwnProperty(rule.field); if (validate) { if (isEmptyValue(value) && !rule.required) { return callback(); } rules.required(rule, value, source, errors, options); } callback(errors); }; var validators = { string, method: method2, number: number2, "boolean": _boolean, regexp: regexp2, integer: integer2, "float": floatFn, array: array2, object: object2, "enum": enumerable2, pattern: pattern2, date: date2, url: type2, hex: type2, email: type2, required: required2, any }; function newMessages() { return { "default": "Validation error on field %s", required: "%s is required", "enum": "%s must be one of %s", whitespace: "%s cannot be empty", date: { format: "%s date %s is invalid for format %s", parse: "%s date could not be parsed, %s is invalid ", invalid: "%s date %s is invalid" }, types: { string: "%s is not a %s", method: "%s is not a %s (function)", array: "%s is not an %s", object: "%s is not an %s", number: "%s is not a %s", date: "%s is not a %s", "boolean": "%s is not a %s", integer: "%s is not an %s", "float": "%s is not a %s", regexp: "%s is not a valid %s", email: "%s is not a valid %s", url: "%s is not a valid %s", hex: "%s is not a valid %s" }, string: { len: "%s must be exactly %s characters", min: "%s must be at least %s characters", max: "%s cannot be longer than %s characters", range: "%s must be between %s and %s characters" }, number: { len: "%s must equal %s", min: "%s cannot be less than %s", max: "%s cannot be greater than %s", range: "%s must be between %s and %s" }, array: { len: "%s must be exactly %s in length", min: "%s cannot be less than %s in length", max: "%s cannot be greater than %s in length", range: "%s must be between %s and %s in length" }, pattern: { mismatch: "%s value %s does not match pattern %s" }, clone: function clone() { var cloned = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this)); cloned.clone = this.clone; return cloned; } }; } var messages = newMessages(); var Schema = /* @__PURE__ */ function() { function Schema2(descriptor) { this.rules = null; this._messages = messages; this.define(descriptor); } var _proto = Schema2.prototype; _proto.define = function define(rules2) { var _this = this; if (!rules2) { throw new Error("Cannot configure a schema with no rules"); } if (typeof rules2 !== "object" || Array.isArray(rules2)) { throw new Error("Rules must be an object"); } this.rules = {}; Object.keys(rules2).forEach(function(name) { var item = rules2[name]; _this.rules[name] = Array.isArray(item) ? item : [item]; }); }; _proto.messages = function messages2(_messages) { if (_messages) { this._messages = deepMerge(newMessages(), _messages); } return this._messages; }; _proto.validate = function validate(source_, o, oc) { var _this2 = this; if (o === void 0) { o = {}; } if (oc === void 0) { oc = function oc2() { }; } var source = source_; var options = o; var callback = oc; if (typeof options === "function") { callback = options; options = {}; } if (!this.rules || Object.keys(this.rules).length === 0) { if (callback) { callback(null, source); } return Promise.resolve(source); } function complete(results) { var errors = []; var fields = {}; function add(e) { if (Array.isArray(e)) { var _errors; errors = (_errors = errors).concat.apply(_errors, e); } else { errors.push(e); } } for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { add(results[i]); } if (!errors.length) { callback(null, source); } else { fields = convertFieldsError(errors); callback(errors, fields); } } if (options.messages) { var messages$1 = this.messages(); if (messages$1 === messages) { messages$1 = newMessages(); } deepMerge(messages$1, options.messages); options.messages = messages$1; } else { options.messages = this.messages(); } var series = {}; var keys2 = options.keys || Object.keys(this.rules); keys2.forEach(function(z) { var arr = _this2.rules[z]; var value = source[z]; arr.forEach(function(r) { var rule = r; if (typeof rule.transform === "function") { if (source === source_) { source = _extends({}, source); } value = source[z] = rule.transform(value); } if (typeof rule === "function") { rule = { validator: rule }; } else { rule = _extends({}, rule); } rule.validator = _this2.getValidationMethod(rule); if (!rule.validator) { return; } rule.field = z; rule.fullField = rule.fullField || z; rule.type = _this2.getType(rule); series[z] = series[z] || []; series[z].push({ rule, value, source, field: z }); }); }); var errorFields = {}; return asyncMap(series, options, function(data, doIt) { var rule = data.rule; var deep = (rule.type === "object" || rule.type === "array") && (typeof rule.fields === "object" || typeof rule.defaultField === "object"); deep = deep && (rule.required || !rule.required && data.value); rule.field = data.field; function addFullField(key, schema) { return _extends({}, schema, { fullField: rule.fullField + "." + key, fullFields: rule.fullFields ? [].concat(rule.fullFields, [key]) : [key] }); } function cb(e) { if (e === void 0) { e = []; } var errorList = Array.isArray(e) ? e : [e]; if (!options.suppressWarning && errorList.length) { Schema2.warning("async-validator:", errorList); } if (errorList.length && rule.message !== void 0) { errorList = [].concat(rule.message); } var filledErrors = errorList.map(complementError(rule, source)); if (options.first && filledErrors.length) { errorFields[rule.field] = 1; return doIt(filledErrors); } if (!deep) { doIt(filledErrors); } else { if (rule.required && !data.value) { if (rule.message !== void 0) { filledErrors = [].concat(rule.message).map(complementError(rule, source)); } else if (options.error) { filledErrors = [options.error(rule, format$1(options.messages.required, rule.field))]; } return doIt(filledErrors); } var fieldsSchema = {}; if (rule.defaultField) { Object.keys(data.value).map(function(key) { fieldsSchema[key] = rule.defaultField; }); } fieldsSchema = _extends({}, fieldsSchema, data.rule.fields); var paredFieldsSchema = {}; Object.keys(fieldsSchema).forEach(function(field) { var fieldSchema = fieldsSchema[field]; var fieldSchemaList = Array.isArray(fieldSchema) ? fieldSchema : [fieldSchema]; paredFieldsSchema[field] = fieldSchemaList.map(addFullField.bind(null, field)); }); var schema = new Schema2(paredFieldsSchema); schema.messages(options.messages); if (data.rule.options) { data.rule.options.messages = options.messages; data.rule.options.error = options.error; } schema.validate(data.value, data.rule.options || options, function(errs) { var finalErrors = []; if (filledErrors && filledErrors.length) { finalErrors.push.apply(finalErrors, filledErrors); } if (errs && errs.length) { finalErrors.push.apply(finalErrors, errs); } doIt(finalErrors.length ? finalErrors : null); }); } } var res; if (rule.asyncValidator) { res = rule.asyncValidator(rule, data.value, cb, data.source, options); } else if (rule.validator) { try { res = rule.validator(rule, data.value, cb, data.source, options); } catch (error) { console.error == null ? void 0 : console.error(error); if (!options.suppressValidatorError) { setTimeout(function() { throw error; }, 0); } cb(error.message); } if (res === true) { cb(); } else if (res === false) { cb(typeof rule.message === "function" ? rule.message(rule.fullField || rule.field) : rule.message || (rule.fullField || rule.field) + " fails"); } else if (res instanceof Array) { cb(res); } else if (res instanceof Error) { cb(res.message); } } if (res && res.then) { res.then(function() { return cb(); }, function(e) { return cb(e); }); } }, function(results) { complete(results); }, source); }; _proto.getType = function getType(rule) { if (rule.type === void 0 && rule.pattern instanceof RegExp) { rule.type = "pattern"; } if (typeof rule.validator !== "function" && rule.type && !validators.hasOwnProperty(rule.type)) { throw new Error(format$1("Unknown rule type %s", rule.type)); } return rule.type || "string"; }; _proto.getValidationMethod = function getValidationMethod(rule) { if (typeof rule.validator === "function") { return rule.validator; } var keys2 = Object.keys(rule); var messageIndex = keys2.indexOf("message"); if (messageIndex !== -1) { keys2.splice(messageIndex, 1); } if (keys2.length === 1 && keys2[0] === "required") { return validators.required; } return validators[this.getType(rule)] || void 0; }; return Schema2; }(); Schema.register = function register(type4, validator2) { if (typeof validator2 !== "function") { throw new Error("Cannot register a validator by type, validator is not a function"); } validators[type4] = validator2; }; Schema.warning = warning; Schema.messages = messages; Schema.validators = validators; function formItemSize(props) { const NForm = vue.inject(formInjectionKey, null); return { mergedSize: vue.computed(() => { if (props.size !== void 0) return props.size; if ((NForm === null || NForm === void 0 ? void 0 : NForm.props.size) !== void 0) return NForm.props.size; return "medium"; }) }; } function formItemMisc(props) { const NForm = vue.inject(formInjectionKey, null); const mergedLabelPlacementRef = vue.computed(() => { const { labelPlacement } = props; if (labelPlacement !== void 0) return labelPlacement; if (NForm === null || NForm === void 0 ? void 0 : NForm.props.labelPlacement) return NForm.props.labelPlacement; return "top"; }); const isAutoLabelWidthRef = vue.computed(() => { return mergedLabelPlacementRef.value === "left" && (props.labelWidth === "auto" || (NForm === null || NForm === void 0 ? void 0 : NForm.props.labelWidth) === "auto"); }); const mergedLabelWidthRef = vue.computed(() => { if (mergedLabelPlacementRef.value === "top") return; const { labelWidth } = props; if (labelWidth !== void 0 && labelWidth !== "auto") { return formatLength(labelWidth); } if (isAutoLabelWidthRef.value) { const autoComputedWidth = NForm === null || NForm === void 0 ? void 0 : NForm.maxChildLabelWidthRef.value; if (autoComputedWidth !== void 0) { return formatLength(autoComputedWidth); } else { return void 0; } } if ((NForm === null || NForm === void 0 ? void 0 : NForm.props.labelWidth) !== void 0) { return formatLength(NForm.props.labelWidth); } return void 0; }); const mergedLabelAlignRef = vue.computed(() => { const { labelAlign } = props; if (labelAlign) return labelAlign; if (NForm === null || NForm === void 0 ? void 0 : NForm.props.labelAlign) return NForm.props.labelAlign; return void 0; }); const mergedLabelStyleRef = vue.computed(() => { var _a; return [(_a = props.labelProps) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.style, props.labelStyle, { width: mergedLabelWidthRef.value }]; }); const mergedShowRequireMarkRef = vue.computed(() => { const { showRequireMark } = props; if (showRequireMark !== void 0) return showRequireMark; return NForm === null || NForm === void 0 ? void 0 : NForm.props.showRequireMark; }); const mergedRequireMarkPlacementRef = vue.computed(() => { const { requireMarkPlacement } = props; if (requireMarkPlacement !== void 0) return requireMarkPlacement; return (NForm === null || NForm === void 0 ? void 0 : NForm.props.requireMarkPlacement) || "right"; }); const validationErroredRef = vue.ref(false); const validationWarnedRef = vue.ref(false); const mergedValidationStatusRef = vue.computed(() => { const { validationStatus } = props; if (validationStatus !== void 0) return validationStatus; if (validationErroredRef.value) return "error"; if (validationWarnedRef.value) return "warning"; return void 0; }); const mergedShowFeedbackRef = vue.computed(() => { const { showFeedback } = props; if (showFeedback !== void 0) return showFeedback; if ((NForm === null || NForm === void 0 ? void 0 : NForm.props.showFeedback) !== void 0) return NForm.props.showFeedback; return true; }); const mergedShowLabelRef = vue.computed(() => { const { showLabel } = props; if (showLabel !== void 0) return showLabel; if ((NForm === null || NForm === void 0 ? void 0 : NForm.props.showLabel) !== void 0) return NForm.props.showLabel; return true; }); return { validationErrored: validationErroredRef, validationWarned: validationWarnedRef, mergedLabelStyle: mergedLabelStyleRef, mergedLabelPlacement: mergedLabelPlacementRef, mergedLabelAlign: mergedLabelAlignRef, mergedShowRequireMark: mergedShowRequireMarkRef, mergedRequireMarkPlacement: mergedRequireMarkPlacementRef, mergedValidationStatus: mergedValidationStatusRef, mergedShowFeedback: mergedShowFeedbackRef, mergedShowLabel: mergedShowLabelRef, isAutoLabelWidth: isAutoLabelWidthRef }; } function formItemRule(props) { const NForm = vue.inject(formInjectionKey, null); const compatibleRulePathRef = vue.computed(() => { const { rulePath } = props; if (rulePath !== void 0) return rulePath; const { path } = props; if (path !== void 0) return path; return void 0; }); const mergedRulesRef = vue.computed(() => { const rules2 = []; const { rule } = props; if (rule !== void 0) { if (Array.isArray(rule)) rules2.push(...rule); else rules2.push(rule); } if (NForm) { const { rules: formRules } = NForm.props; const { value: rulePath } = compatibleRulePathRef; if (formRules !== void 0 && rulePath !== void 0) { const formRule = get(formRules, rulePath); if (formRule !== void 0) { if (Array.isArray(formRule)) { rules2.push(...formRule); } else { rules2.push(formRule); } } } } return rules2; }); const hasRequiredRuleRef = vue.computed(() => { return mergedRulesRef.value.some((rule) => rule.required); }); const mergedRequiredRef = vue.computed(() => { return hasRequiredRuleRef.value || props.required; }); return { mergedRules: mergedRulesRef, mergedRequired: mergedRequiredRef }; } const { cubicBezierEaseInOut } = commonVariables$m; function fadeDownTransition({ name = "fade-down", fromOffset = "-4px", enterDuration = ".3s", leaveDuration = ".3s", enterCubicBezier = cubicBezierEaseInOut, leaveCubicBezier = cubicBezierEaseInOut } = {}) { return [c$1(`&.${name}-transition-enter-from, &.${name}-transition-leave-to`, { opacity: 0, transform: `translateY(${fromOffset})` }), c$1(`&.${name}-transition-enter-to, &.${name}-transition-leave-from`, { opacity: 1, transform: "translateY(0)" }), c$1(`&.${name}-transition-leave-active`, { transition: `opacity ${leaveDuration} ${leaveCubicBezier}, transform ${leaveDuration} ${leaveCubicBezier}` }), c$1(`&.${name}-transition-enter-active`, { transition: `opacity ${enterDuration} ${enterCubicBezier}, transform ${enterDuration} ${enterCubicBezier}` })]; } const style$M = cB("form-item", ` display: grid; line-height: var(--n-line-height); `, [cB("form-item-label", ` grid-area: label; align-items: center; line-height: 1.25; text-align: var(--n-label-text-align); font-size: var(--n-label-font-size); min-height: var(--n-label-height); padding: var(--n-label-padding); color: var(--n-label-text-color); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); box-sizing: border-box; font-weight: var(--n-label-font-weight); `, [cE("asterisk", ` white-space: nowrap; user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; color: var(--n-asterisk-color); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); `), cE("asterisk-placeholder", ` grid-area: mark; user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; visibility: hidden; `)]), cB("form-item-blank", ` grid-area: blank; min-height: var(--n-blank-height); `), cM("auto-label-width", [cB("form-item-label", "white-space: nowrap;")]), cM("left-labelled", ` grid-template-areas: "label blank" "label feedback"; grid-template-columns: auto minmax(0, 1fr); grid-template-rows: auto 1fr; align-items: flex-start; `, [cB("form-item-label", ` display: grid; grid-template-columns: 1fr auto; min-height: var(--n-blank-height); height: auto; box-sizing: border-box; flex-shrink: 0; flex-grow: 0; `, [cM("reverse-columns-space", ` grid-template-columns: auto 1fr; `), cM("left-mark", ` grid-template-areas: "mark text" ". text"; `), cM("right-mark", ` grid-template-areas: "text mark" "text ."; `), cM("right-hanging-mark", ` grid-template-areas: "text mark" "text ."; `), cE("text", ` grid-area: text; `), cE("asterisk", ` grid-area: mark; align-self: end; `)])]), cM("top-labelled", ` grid-template-areas: "label" "blank" "feedback"; grid-template-rows: minmax(var(--n-label-height), auto) 1fr; grid-template-columns: minmax(0, 100%); `, [cM("no-label", ` grid-template-areas: "blank" "feedback"; grid-template-rows: 1fr; `), cB("form-item-label", ` display: flex; align-items: flex-start; justify-content: var(--n-label-text-align); `)]), cB("form-item-blank", ` box-sizing: border-box; display: flex; align-items: center; position: relative; `), cB("form-item-feedback-wrapper", ` grid-area: feedback; box-sizing: border-box; min-height: var(--n-feedback-height); font-size: var(--n-feedback-font-size); line-height: 1.25; transform-origin: top left; `, [c$1("&:not(:empty)", ` padding: var(--n-feedback-padding); `), cB("form-item-feedback", { transition: "color .3s var(--n-bezier)", color: "var(--n-feedback-text-color)" }, [cM("warning", { color: "var(--n-feedback-text-color-warning)" }), cM("error", { color: "var(--n-feedback-text-color-error)" }), fadeDownTransition({ fromOffset: "-3px", enterDuration: ".3s", leaveDuration: ".2s" })])])]); var __awaiter$6 = function(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) { function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function(resolve) { resolve(value); }); } return new (P || (P = Promise))(function(resolve, reject) { function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); } step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next()); }); }; const formItemProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { label: String, labelWidth: [Number, String], labelStyle: [String, Object], labelAlign: String, labelPlacement: String, path: String, first: Boolean, rulePath: String, required: Boolean, showRequireMark: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, requireMarkPlacement: String, showFeedback: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, rule: [Object, Array], size: String, ignorePathChange: Boolean, validationStatus: String, feedback: String, feedbackClass: String, feedbackStyle: [String, Object], showLabel: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, labelProps: Object }); const formItemPropKeys = keysOf(formItemProps); function wrapValidator(validator2, async) { return (...args) => { try { const validateResult = validator2(...args); if (!async && (typeof validateResult === "boolean" || validateResult instanceof Error || Array.isArray(validateResult)) || // Error[] (validateResult === null || validateResult === void 0 ? void 0 : validateResult.then)) { return validateResult; } else if (validateResult === void 0) { return true; } else { warn$2("form-item/validate", `You return a ${typeof validateResult} typed value in the validator method, which is not recommended. Please use ` + (async ? "`Promise`" : "`boolean`, `Error` or `Promise`") + " typed value instead."); return true; } } catch (err) { warn$2("form-item/validate", "An error is catched in the validation, so the validation won't be done. Your callback in `validate` method of `n-form` or `n-form-item` won't be called in this validation."); console.error(err); return void 0; } }; } const NFormItem = vue.defineComponent({ name: "FormItem", props: formItemProps, setup(props) { useInjectionInstanceCollection(formItemInstsInjectionKey, "formItems", vue.toRef(props, "path")); const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const NForm = vue.inject(formInjectionKey, null); const formItemSizeRefs = formItemSize(props); const formItemMiscRefs = formItemMisc(props); const { validationErrored: validationErroredRef, validationWarned: validationWarnedRef } = formItemMiscRefs; const { mergedRequired: mergedRequiredRef, mergedRules: mergedRulesRef } = formItemRule(props); const { mergedSize: mergedSizeRef } = formItemSizeRefs; const { mergedLabelPlacement: labelPlacementRef, mergedLabelAlign: labelTextAlignRef, mergedRequireMarkPlacement: mergedRequireMarkPlacementRef } = formItemMiscRefs; const renderExplainsRef = vue.ref([]); const feedbackIdRef = vue.ref(createId()); const mergedDisabledRef = NForm ? vue.toRef(NForm.props, "disabled") : vue.ref(false); const themeRef = useTheme("Form", "-form-item", style$M, formLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); vue.watch(vue.toRef(props, "path"), () => { if (props.ignorePathChange) return; restoreValidation(); }); function restoreValidation() { renderExplainsRef.value = []; validationErroredRef.value = false; validationWarnedRef.value = false; if (props.feedback) { feedbackIdRef.value = createId(); } } function handleContentBlur() { void internalValidate("blur"); } function handleContentChange() { void internalValidate("change"); } function handleContentFocus() { void internalValidate("focus"); } function handleContentInput() { void internalValidate("input"); } function validate(options, callback) { return __awaiter$6(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { let trigger2; let validateCallback; let shouldRuleBeApplied; let asyncValidatorOptions; if (typeof options === "string") { trigger2 = options; validateCallback = callback; } else if (options !== null && typeof options === "object") { trigger2 = options.trigger; validateCallback = options.callback; shouldRuleBeApplied = options.shouldRuleBeApplied; asyncValidatorOptions = options.options; } return yield new Promise((resolve, reject) => { void internalValidate(trigger2, shouldRuleBeApplied, asyncValidatorOptions).then(({ valid, errors, warnings }) => { if (valid) { if (validateCallback) { validateCallback(void 0, { warnings }); } resolve({ warnings }); } else { if (validateCallback) { validateCallback(errors, { warnings }); } reject(errors); } }); }); }); } const internalValidate = (...args_1) => __awaiter$6(this, [...args_1], void 0, function* (trigger2 = null, shouldRuleBeApplied = () => true, options = { suppressWarning: true }) { const { path } = props; if (!options) { options = {}; } else { if (!options.first) options.first = props.first; } const { value: rules2 } = mergedRulesRef; const value = NForm ? get(NForm.props.model, path || "") : void 0; const messageRenderers = {}; const originalMessageRendersMessage = {}; const activeRules = (!trigger2 ? rules2 : rules2.filter((rule) => { if (Array.isArray(rule.trigger)) { return rule.trigger.includes(trigger2); } else { return rule.trigger === trigger2; } })).filter(shouldRuleBeApplied).map((rule, i) => { const shallowClonedRule = Object.assign({}, rule); if (shallowClonedRule.validator) { shallowClonedRule.validator = wrapValidator(shallowClonedRule.validator, false); } if (shallowClonedRule.asyncValidator) { shallowClonedRule.asyncValidator = wrapValidator(shallowClonedRule.asyncValidator, true); } if (shallowClonedRule.renderMessage) { const rendererKey = `__renderMessage__${i}`; originalMessageRendersMessage[rendererKey] = shallowClonedRule.message; shallowClonedRule.message = rendererKey; messageRenderers[rendererKey] = shallowClonedRule.renderMessage; } return shallowClonedRule; }); const activeErrorRules = activeRules.filter((r) => r.level !== "warning"); const activeWarningRules = activeRules.filter((r) => r.level === "warning"); const mergedPath = path !== null && path !== void 0 ? path : "__n_no_path__"; const validator2 = new Schema({ [mergedPath]: activeErrorRules }); const warningValidator = new Schema({ [mergedPath]: activeWarningRules }); const { validateMessages } = (NForm === null || NForm === void 0 ? void 0 : NForm.props) || {}; if (validateMessages) { validator2.messages(validateMessages); warningValidator.messages(validateMessages); } const renderMessages = (errors) => { renderExplainsRef.value = errors.map((error) => { const transformedMessage = (error === null || error === void 0 ? void 0 : error.message) || ""; return { key: transformedMessage, render: () => { if (transformedMessage.startsWith("__renderMessage__")) { return messageRenderers[transformedMessage](); } return transformedMessage; } }; }); errors.forEach((error) => { var _a; if ((_a = error.message) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.startsWith("__renderMessage__")) { error.message = originalMessageRendersMessage[error.message]; } }); }; const validationResult = { valid: true, errors: void 0, warnings: void 0 }; if (activeErrorRules.length) { const errors = yield new Promise((resolve) => { void validator2.validate({ [mergedPath]: value }, options, resolve); }); if (errors === null || errors === void 0 ? void 0 : errors.length) { validationErroredRef.value = true; validationResult.valid = false; validationResult.errors = errors; renderMessages(errors); } } if (activeWarningRules.length && !validationResult.errors) { const warnings = yield new Promise((resolve) => { void warningValidator.validate({ [mergedPath]: value }, options, resolve); }); if (warnings === null || warnings === void 0 ? void 0 : warnings.length) { renderMessages(warnings); validationWarnedRef.value = true; validationResult.warnings = warnings; } } if (activeErrorRules.length + activeWarningRules.length > 0 && !validationResult.errors && !validationResult.warnings) { restoreValidation(); } return validationResult; }); vue.provide(formItemInjectionKey, { path: vue.toRef(props, "path"), disabled: mergedDisabledRef, mergedSize: formItemSizeRefs.mergedSize, mergedValidationStatus: formItemMiscRefs.mergedValidationStatus, restoreValidation, handleContentBlur, handleContentChange, handleContentFocus, handleContentInput }); const exposedRef = { validate, restoreValidation, internalValidate }; const labelElementRef = vue.ref(null); vue.onMounted(() => { if (!formItemMiscRefs.isAutoLabelWidth.value) return; const labelElement = labelElementRef.value; if (labelElement !== null) { const memoizedWhitespace = labelElement.style.whiteSpace; labelElement.style.whiteSpace = "nowrap"; labelElement.style.width = ""; NForm === null || NForm === void 0 ? void 0 : NForm.deriveMaxChildLabelWidth(Number(getComputedStyle(labelElement).width.slice(0, -2))); labelElement.style.whiteSpace = memoizedWhitespace; } }); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { var _a; const { value: size2 } = mergedSizeRef; const { value: labelPlacement } = labelPlacementRef; const direction = labelPlacement === "top" ? "vertical" : "horizontal"; const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: { labelTextColor, asteriskColor, lineHeight: lineHeight2, feedbackTextColor, feedbackTextColorWarning, feedbackTextColorError, feedbackPadding, labelFontWeight, [createKey("labelHeight", size2)]: labelHeight, [createKey("blankHeight", size2)]: blankHeight, [createKey("feedbackFontSize", size2)]: feedbackFontSize, [createKey("feedbackHeight", size2)]: feedbackHeight, [createKey("labelPadding", direction)]: labelPadding, [createKey("labelTextAlign", direction)]: labelTextAlign, [createKey(createKey("labelFontSize", labelPlacement), size2)]: labelFontSize } } = themeRef.value; let mergedLabelTextAlign = (_a = labelTextAlignRef.value) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : labelTextAlign; if (labelPlacement === "top") { mergedLabelTextAlign = mergedLabelTextAlign === "right" ? "flex-end" : "flex-start"; } const cssVars = { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-line-height": lineHeight2, "--n-blank-height": blankHeight, "--n-label-font-size": labelFontSize, "--n-label-text-align": mergedLabelTextAlign, "--n-label-height": labelHeight, "--n-label-padding": labelPadding, "--n-label-font-weight": labelFontWeight, "--n-asterisk-color": asteriskColor, "--n-label-text-color": labelTextColor, "--n-feedback-padding": feedbackPadding, "--n-feedback-font-size": feedbackFontSize, "--n-feedback-height": feedbackHeight, "--n-feedback-text-color": feedbackTextColor, "--n-feedback-text-color-warning": feedbackTextColorWarning, "--n-feedback-text-color-error": feedbackTextColorError }; return cssVars; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("form-item", vue.computed(() => { var _a; return `${mergedSizeRef.value[0]}${labelPlacementRef.value[0]}${((_a = labelTextAlignRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[0]) || ""}`; }), cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; const reverseColSpaceRef = vue.computed(() => { return labelPlacementRef.value === "left" && mergedRequireMarkPlacementRef.value === "left" && labelTextAlignRef.value === "left"; }); return Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({ labelElementRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedRequired: mergedRequiredRef, feedbackId: feedbackIdRef, renderExplains: renderExplainsRef, reverseColSpace: reverseColSpaceRef }, formItemMiscRefs), formItemSizeRefs), exposedRef), { cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }); }, render() { const { $slots, mergedClsPrefix, mergedShowLabel, mergedShowRequireMark, mergedRequireMarkPlacement, onRender } = this; const renderedShowRequireMark = mergedShowRequireMark !== void 0 ? mergedShowRequireMark : this.mergedRequired; onRender === null || onRender === void 0 ? void 0 : onRender(); const renderLabel = () => { const labelText = this.$slots.label ? this.$slots.label() : this.label; if (!labelText) return null; const textNode = vue.h("span", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-form-item-label__text` }, labelText); const markNode = renderedShowRequireMark ? vue.h("span", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-form-item-label__asterisk` }, mergedRequireMarkPlacement !== "left" ? " *" : "* ") : mergedRequireMarkPlacement === "right-hanging" && vue.h("span", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-form-item-label__asterisk-placeholder` }, " *"); const { labelProps } = this; return vue.h("label", Object.assign({}, labelProps, { class: [labelProps === null || labelProps === void 0 ? void 0 : labelProps.class, `${mergedClsPrefix}-form-item-label`, `${mergedClsPrefix}-form-item-label--${mergedRequireMarkPlacement}-mark`, this.reverseColSpace && `${mergedClsPrefix}-form-item-label--reverse-columns-space`], style: this.mergedLabelStyle, ref: "labelElementRef" }), mergedRequireMarkPlacement === "left" ? [markNode, textNode] : [textNode, markNode]); }; return vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-form-item`, this.themeClass, `${mergedClsPrefix}-form-item--${this.mergedSize}-size`, `${mergedClsPrefix}-form-item--${this.mergedLabelPlacement}-labelled`, this.isAutoLabelWidth && `${mergedClsPrefix}-form-item--auto-label-width`, !mergedShowLabel && `${mergedClsPrefix}-form-item--no-label`], style: this.cssVars }, mergedShowLabel && renderLabel(), vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-form-item-blank`, this.mergedValidationStatus && `${mergedClsPrefix}-form-item-blank--${this.mergedValidationStatus}`] }, $slots), this.mergedShowFeedback ? vue.h("div", { key: this.feedbackId, style: this.feedbackStyle, class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-form-item-feedback-wrapper`, this.feedbackClass] }, vue.h(vue.Transition, { name: "fade-down-transition", mode: "out-in" }, { default: () => { const { mergedValidationStatus } = this; return resolveWrappedSlot($slots.feedback, (children) => { var _a; const { feedback } = this; const feedbackNodes = children || feedback ? vue.h("div", { key: "__feedback__", class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-form-item-feedback__line` }, children || feedback) : this.renderExplains.length ? (_a = this.renderExplains) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.map(({ key, render: render2 }) => vue.h("div", { key, class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-form-item-feedback__line` }, render2())) : null; return feedbackNodes ? mergedValidationStatus === "warning" ? vue.h("div", { key: "controlled-warning", class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-form-item-feedback ${mergedClsPrefix}-form-item-feedback--warning` }, feedbackNodes) : mergedValidationStatus === "error" ? vue.h("div", { key: "controlled-error", class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-form-item-feedback ${mergedClsPrefix}-form-item-feedback--error` }, feedbackNodes) : mergedValidationStatus === "success" ? vue.h("div", { key: "controlled-success", class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-form-item-feedback ${mergedClsPrefix}-form-item-feedback--success` }, feedbackNodes) : vue.h("div", { key: "controlled-default", class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-form-item-feedback` }, feedbackNodes) : null; }); } })) : null); } }); const defaultSpan$1 = 1; const gridInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-grid"); const defaultSpan = 1; const gridItemProps = { span: { type: [Number, String], default: defaultSpan }, offset: { type: [Number, String], default: 0 }, suffix: Boolean, // private props privateOffset: Number, privateSpan: Number, privateColStart: Number, privateShow: { type: Boolean, default: true } }; const gridItemPropKeys = keysOf(gridItemProps); const NGi = vue.defineComponent({ __GRID_ITEM__: true, name: "GridItem", alias: ["Gi"], props: gridItemProps, setup() { const { isSsrRef, xGapRef, itemStyleRef, overflowRef, layoutShiftDisabledRef // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion } = vue.inject(gridInjectionKey); const self2 = vue.getCurrentInstance(); return { overflow: overflowRef, itemStyle: itemStyleRef, layoutShiftDisabled: layoutShiftDisabledRef, mergedXGap: vue.computed(() => { return pxfy(xGapRef.value || 0); }), deriveStyle: () => { void isSsrRef.value; const { privateSpan = defaultSpan, privateShow = true, privateColStart = void 0, privateOffset = 0 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion } = self2.vnode.props; const { value: xGap } = xGapRef; const mergedXGap = pxfy(xGap || 0); return { display: !privateShow ? "none" : "", gridColumn: `${privateColStart !== null && privateColStart !== void 0 ? privateColStart : `span ${privateSpan}`} / span ${privateSpan}`, marginLeft: privateOffset ? `calc((100% - (${privateSpan} - 1) * ${mergedXGap}) / ${privateSpan} * ${privateOffset} + ${mergedXGap} * ${privateOffset})` : "" }; } }; }, render() { var _a, _b; if (this.layoutShiftDisabled) { const { span, offset, mergedXGap } = this; return vue.h("div", { style: { gridColumn: `span ${span} / span ${span}`, marginLeft: offset ? `calc((100% - (${span} - 1) * ${mergedXGap}) / ${span} * ${offset} + ${mergedXGap} * ${offset})` : "" } }, this.$slots); } return vue.h("div", { style: [this.itemStyle, this.deriveStyle()] }, (_b = (_a = this.$slots).default) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a, { overflow: this.overflow })); } }); const formItemGiProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, gridItemProps), formItemProps); const FormItemGridItem = vue.defineComponent({ __GRID_ITEM__: true, name: "FormItemGridItem", alias: ["FormItemGi"], props: formItemGiProps, setup() { const formItemInstRef = vue.ref(null); const validate = (...args) => { const { value } = formItemInstRef; if (value) { return value.validate(...args); } }; const restoreValidation = () => { const { value } = formItemInstRef; if (value) { value.restoreValidation(); } }; return { formItemInstRef, validate, restoreValidation }; }, render() { return vue.h(NGi, keep(this.$.vnode.props || {}, gridItemPropKeys), { default: () => { const itemProps = keep(this.$props, formItemPropKeys); return vue.h(NFormItem, Object.assign({ ref: "formItemInstRef" }, itemProps), this.$slots); } }); } }); const positionStyles = repeat(24, null).map((_, index) => { const prefixIndex = index + 1; const percent2 = `calc(100% / 24 * ${prefixIndex})`; return [cM(`${prefixIndex}-span`, { width: percent2 }), cM(`${prefixIndex}-offset`, { marginLeft: percent2 }), cM(`${prefixIndex}-push`, { left: percent2 }), cM(`${prefixIndex}-pull`, { right: percent2 })]; }); const style$L = c$1([cB("row", { width: "100%", display: "flex", flexWrap: "wrap" }), cB("col", { verticalAlign: "top", boxSizing: "border-box", display: "inline-block", position: "relative", zIndex: "auto" }, [cE("box", { position: "relative", zIndex: "auto", width: "100%", height: "100%" }), positionStyles])]); const rowInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-row"); const rowProps = { gutter: { type: [Array, Number, String], default: 0 }, alignItems: String, justifyContent: String }; const rowPropKeys = keysOf(rowProps); const NRow = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Row", props: rowProps, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedRtlRef } = useConfig(props); useStyle("-legacy-grid", style$L, mergedClsPrefixRef); const rtlEnabledRef = useRtl("Row", mergedRtlRef, mergedClsPrefixRef); const verticalGutterRef = useMemo(() => { const { gutter } = props; if (Array.isArray(gutter)) { return gutter[1] || 0; } return 0; }); const horizontalGutterRef = useMemo(() => { const { gutter } = props; if (Array.isArray(gutter)) { return gutter[0]; } return Number(gutter); }); vue.provide(rowInjectionKey, { mergedClsPrefixRef, gutterRef: vue.toRef(props, "gutter"), verticalGutterRef, horizontalGutterRef }); return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, rtlEnabled: rtlEnabledRef, styleMargin: useMemo(() => `-${formatLength(verticalGutterRef.value, { c: 0.5 })} -${formatLength(horizontalGutterRef.value, { c: 0.5 })}`), styleWidth: useMemo(() => `calc(100% + ${formatLength(horizontalGutterRef.value)})`) }; }, render() { return vue.h("div", { class: [`${this.mergedClsPrefix}-row`, this.rtlEnabled && `${this.mergedClsPrefix}-row--rtl`], style: { margin: this.styleMargin, width: this.styleWidth, alignItems: this.alignItems, justifyContent: this.justifyContent } }, this.$slots); } }); const colProps = { span: { type: [String, Number], default: 1 }, push: { type: [String, Number], default: 0 }, pull: { type: [String, Number], default: 0 }, offset: { type: [String, Number], default: 0 } }; const colPropKeys = keysOf(colProps); const NCol = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Col", props: colProps, setup(props) { const NRow2 = vue.inject(rowInjectionKey, null); if (!NRow2) throwError("col", "`n-col` must be placed inside `n-row`."); return { mergedClsPrefix: NRow2.mergedClsPrefixRef, gutter: NRow2.gutterRef, stylePadding: vue.computed(() => `${formatLength(NRow2.verticalGutterRef.value, { c: 0.5 })} ${formatLength(NRow2.horizontalGutterRef.value, { c: 0.5 })}`), mergedPush: vue.computed(() => Number(props.push) - Number(props.pull)) }; }, render() { const { $slots, span, mergedPush, offset, stylePadding, gutter, mergedClsPrefix } = this; return vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-col`, { [`${mergedClsPrefix}-col--${span}-span`]: true, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-col--${mergedPush}-push`]: mergedPush > 0, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-col--${-mergedPush}-pull`]: mergedPush < 0, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-col--${offset}-offset`]: offset }], style: { padding: stylePadding } }, gutter ? vue.h("div", null, $slots) : $slots); } }); const formItemColProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, colProps), formItemProps); const formItemColPropKeys = keysOf(formItemColProps); const NFormItemCol = vue.defineComponent({ name: "FormItemCol", props: formItemColProps, setup() { const formItemInstRef = vue.ref(null); const validate = (...args) => { const { value } = formItemInstRef; if (value) { return value.validate(...args); } }; const restoreValidation = () => { const { value } = formItemInstRef; if (value) { value.restoreValidation(); } }; return { formItemInstRef, validate, restoreValidation }; }, render() { return vue.h(NCol, keep(this.$props, colPropKeys), { default: () => { const itemProps = keep(this.$props, formItemPropKeys); return vue.h(NFormItem, Object.assign({ ref: "formItemInstRef" }, itemProps), this.$slots); } }); } }); const formItemRowProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, rowProps), formItemColProps); const FormItemRow = vue.defineComponent({ name: "FormItemRow", props: formItemRowProps, setup() { const formItemColInstRef = vue.ref(null); const validate = (...args) => { const { value } = formItemColInstRef; if (value) { return value.validate(...args); } }; const restoreValidation = () => { const { value } = formItemColInstRef; if (value) { value.restoreValidation(); } }; return { formItemColInstRef, validate, restoreValidation }; }, render() { return vue.h(NRow, keep(this.$props, rowPropKeys), { default: () => { const colProps2 = keep(this.$props, formItemColPropKeys); return vue.h(NFormItemCol, Object.assign(Object.assign({ ref: "formItemColInstRef" }, colProps2), { span: 24 }), this.$slots); } }); } }); const style$K = cB("float-button-group", [cB("float-button", ` position: relative; `), cM("square-shape", ` background-color: var(--n-color); cursor: pointer; display: flex; width: fit-content; align-items: center; justify-content: center; border-radius: var(--n-border-radius-square); flex-direction: column; box-shadow: var(--n-box-shadow); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier), box-shadow .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [cB("float-button", ` background-color: unset; border-radius: 0; box-shadow: none; box-sizing: content-box; `, [c$1("&:not(:last-child)", ` border-bottom: 1px solid var(--n-button-border-color); `), c$1("&:first-child", ` border-top-left-radius: 4px; border-top-right-radius: 4px; `), c$1("&:last-child", ` border-bottom-left-radius: 4px; border-bottom-right-radius: 4px; `), cE("fill", "inset: 4px; border-radius: var(--n-border-radius-square);")])]), cM("circle-shape", [c$1(">:not(:last-child)", ` margin-bottom: 16px; `)])]); const commonVars$3 = { closeMargin: "16px 12px", closeSize: "20px", closeIconSize: "16px", width: "365px", padding: "16px", titleFontSize: "16px", metaFontSize: "12px", descriptionFontSize: "12px" }; const self$B = (vars) => { const { textColor2, successColor, infoColor, warningColor, errorColor, popoverColor, closeIconColor, closeIconColorHover, closeIconColorPressed, closeColorHover, closeColorPressed, textColor1, textColor3, borderRadius, fontWeightStrong, boxShadow2, lineHeight: lineHeight2, fontSize: fontSize2 } = vars; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, commonVars$3), { borderRadius, lineHeight: lineHeight2, fontSize: fontSize2, headerFontWeight: fontWeightStrong, iconColor: textColor2, iconColorSuccess: successColor, iconColorInfo: infoColor, iconColorWarning: warningColor, iconColorError: errorColor, color: popoverColor, textColor: textColor2, closeIconColor, closeIconColorHover, closeIconColorPressed, closeBorderRadius: borderRadius, closeColorHover, closeColorPressed, headerTextColor: textColor1, descriptionTextColor: textColor3, actionTextColor: textColor2, boxShadow: boxShadow2 }); }; const notificationLight = createTheme({ name: "Notification", common: derived, peers: { Scrollbar: scrollbarLight }, self: self$B }); const commonVariables$4 = { margin: "0 0 8px 0", padding: "10px 20px", maxWidth: "720px", minWidth: "420px", iconMargin: "0 10px 0 0", closeMargin: "0 0 0 10px", closeSize: "20px", closeIconSize: "16px", iconSize: "20px", fontSize: "14px" }; const self$A = (vars) => { const { textColor2, closeIconColor, closeIconColorHover, closeIconColorPressed, infoColor, successColor, errorColor, warningColor, popoverColor, boxShadow2, primaryColor, lineHeight: lineHeight2, borderRadius, closeColorHover, closeColorPressed } = vars; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, commonVariables$4), { closeBorderRadius: borderRadius, textColor: textColor2, textColorInfo: textColor2, textColorSuccess: textColor2, textColorError: textColor2, textColorWarning: textColor2, textColorLoading: textColor2, color: popoverColor, colorInfo: popoverColor, colorSuccess: popoverColor, colorError: popoverColor, colorWarning: popoverColor, colorLoading: popoverColor, boxShadow: boxShadow2, boxShadowInfo: boxShadow2, boxShadowSuccess: boxShadow2, boxShadowError: boxShadow2, boxShadowWarning: boxShadow2, boxShadowLoading: boxShadow2, iconColor: textColor2, iconColorInfo: infoColor, iconColorSuccess: successColor, iconColorWarning: warningColor, iconColorError: errorColor, iconColorLoading: primaryColor, closeColorHover, closeColorPressed, closeIconColor, closeIconColorHover, closeIconColorPressed, closeColorHoverInfo: closeColorHover, closeColorPressedInfo: closeColorPressed, closeIconColorInfo: closeIconColor, closeIconColorHoverInfo: closeIconColorHover, closeIconColorPressedInfo: closeIconColorPressed, closeColorHoverSuccess: closeColorHover, closeColorPressedSuccess: closeColorPressed, closeIconColorSuccess: closeIconColor, closeIconColorHoverSuccess: closeIconColorHover, closeIconColorPressedSuccess: closeIconColorPressed, closeColorHoverError: closeColorHover, closeColorPressedError: closeColorPressed, closeIconColorError: closeIconColor, closeIconColorHoverError: closeIconColorHover, closeIconColorPressedError: closeIconColorPressed, closeColorHoverWarning: closeColorHover, closeColorPressedWarning: closeColorPressed, closeIconColorWarning: closeIconColor, closeIconColorHoverWarning: closeIconColorHover, closeIconColorPressedWarning: closeIconColorPressed, closeColorHoverLoading: closeColorHover, closeColorPressedLoading: closeColorPressed, closeIconColorLoading: closeIconColor, closeIconColorHoverLoading: closeIconColorHover, closeIconColorPressedLoading: closeIconColorPressed, loadingColor: primaryColor, lineHeight: lineHeight2, borderRadius }); }; const messageLight = { name: "Message", common: derived, self: self$A }; const self$z = (vars) => { const { primaryColor, successColor, warningColor, errorColor, infoColor, fontWeightStrong } = vars; return { fontWeight: fontWeightStrong, rotate: "252deg", colorStartPrimary: changeColor(primaryColor, { alpha: 0.6 }), colorEndPrimary: primaryColor, colorStartInfo: changeColor(infoColor, { alpha: 0.6 }), colorEndInfo: infoColor, colorStartWarning: changeColor(warningColor, { alpha: 0.6 }), colorEndWarning: warningColor, colorStartError: changeColor(errorColor, { alpha: 0.6 }), colorEndError: errorColor, colorStartSuccess: changeColor(successColor, { alpha: 0.6 }), colorEndSuccess: successColor }; }; const gradientTextLight = { name: "GradientText", common: derived, self: self$z }; const self$y = (vars) => { const { textColorDisabled } = vars; return { iconColorDisabled: textColorDisabled }; }; const inputNumberLight = createTheme({ name: "InputNumber", common: derived, peers: { Button: buttonLight, Input: inputLight }, self: self$y }); const self$x = (vars) => { const { baseColor, textColor2, bodyColor, cardColor, dividerColor, actionColor, scrollbarColor, scrollbarColorHover, invertedColor } = vars; return { textColor: textColor2, textColorInverted: "#FFF", color: bodyColor, colorEmbedded: actionColor, headerColor: cardColor, headerColorInverted: invertedColor, footerColor: actionColor, footerColorInverted: invertedColor, headerBorderColor: dividerColor, headerBorderColorInverted: invertedColor, footerBorderColor: dividerColor, footerBorderColorInverted: invertedColor, siderBorderColor: dividerColor, siderBorderColorInverted: invertedColor, siderColor: cardColor, siderColorInverted: invertedColor, siderToggleButtonBorder: `1px solid ${dividerColor}`, siderToggleButtonColor: baseColor, siderToggleButtonIconColor: textColor2, siderToggleButtonIconColorInverted: textColor2, siderToggleBarColor: composite(bodyColor, scrollbarColor), siderToggleBarColorHover: composite(bodyColor, scrollbarColorHover), // hack for inverted background __invertScrollbar: "true" }; }; const layoutLight = createTheme({ name: "Layout", common: derived, peers: { Scrollbar: scrollbarLight }, self: self$x }); const self$w = (vars) => { const { textColor2, cardColor, modalColor, popoverColor, dividerColor, borderRadius, fontSize: fontSize2, hoverColor } = vars; return { textColor: textColor2, color: cardColor, colorHover: hoverColor, colorModal: modalColor, colorHoverModal: composite(modalColor, hoverColor), colorPopover: popoverColor, colorHoverPopover: composite(popoverColor, hoverColor), borderColor: dividerColor, borderColorModal: composite(modalColor, dividerColor), borderColorPopover: composite(popoverColor, dividerColor), borderRadius, fontSize: fontSize2 }; }; const listLight = { name: "List", common: derived, self: self$w }; const self$v = (vars) => { const { primaryColor, errorColor } = vars; return { colorError: errorColor, colorLoading: primaryColor, height: "2px" }; }; const loadingBarLight = { name: "LoadingBar", common: derived, self: self$v }; const self$u = (vars) => { const { textColor2, modalColor, borderColor, fontSize: fontSize2, primaryColor } = vars; return { loaderFontSize: fontSize2, loaderTextColor: textColor2, loaderColor: modalColor, loaderBorder: `1px solid ${borderColor}`, loadingColor: primaryColor }; }; const logLight = createTheme({ name: "Log", common: derived, peers: { Scrollbar: scrollbarLight, Code: codeLight }, self: self$u }); const self$t = (vars) => { const { boxShadow2 } = vars; return { menuBoxShadow: boxShadow2 }; }; const mentionLight = createTheme({ name: "Mention", common: derived, peers: { InternalSelectMenu: internalSelectMenuLight, Input: inputLight }, self: self$t }); function createPartialInvertedVars(color, activeItemColor, activeTextColor, groupTextColor) { return { itemColorHoverInverted: "#0000", itemColorActiveInverted: activeItemColor, itemColorActiveHoverInverted: activeItemColor, itemColorActiveCollapsedInverted: activeItemColor, itemTextColorInverted: color, itemTextColorHoverInverted: activeTextColor, itemTextColorChildActiveInverted: activeTextColor, itemTextColorChildActiveHoverInverted: activeTextColor, itemTextColorActiveInverted: activeTextColor, itemTextColorActiveHoverInverted: activeTextColor, itemTextColorHorizontalInverted: color, itemTextColorHoverHorizontalInverted: activeTextColor, itemTextColorChildActiveHorizontalInverted: activeTextColor, itemTextColorChildActiveHoverHorizontalInverted: activeTextColor, itemTextColorActiveHorizontalInverted: activeTextColor, itemTextColorActiveHoverHorizontalInverted: activeTextColor, itemIconColorInverted: color, itemIconColorHoverInverted: activeTextColor, itemIconColorActiveInverted: activeTextColor, itemIconColorActiveHoverInverted: activeTextColor, itemIconColorChildActiveInverted: activeTextColor, itemIconColorChildActiveHoverInverted: activeTextColor, itemIconColorCollapsedInverted: color, itemIconColorHorizontalInverted: color, itemIconColorHoverHorizontalInverted: activeTextColor, itemIconColorActiveHorizontalInverted: activeTextColor, itemIconColorActiveHoverHorizontalInverted: activeTextColor, itemIconColorChildActiveHorizontalInverted: activeTextColor, itemIconColorChildActiveHoverHorizontalInverted: activeTextColor, arrowColorInverted: color, arrowColorHoverInverted: activeTextColor, arrowColorActiveInverted: activeTextColor, arrowColorActiveHoverInverted: activeTextColor, arrowColorChildActiveInverted: activeTextColor, arrowColorChildActiveHoverInverted: activeTextColor, groupTextColorInverted: groupTextColor }; } const self$s = (vars) => { const { borderRadius, textColor3, primaryColor, textColor2, textColor1, fontSize: fontSize2, dividerColor, hoverColor, primaryColorHover } = vars; return Object.assign({ borderRadius, color: "#0000", groupTextColor: textColor3, itemColorHover: hoverColor, itemColorActive: changeColor(primaryColor, { alpha: 0.1 }), itemColorActiveHover: changeColor(primaryColor, { alpha: 0.1 }), itemColorActiveCollapsed: changeColor(primaryColor, { alpha: 0.1 }), itemTextColor: textColor2, itemTextColorHover: textColor2, itemTextColorActive: primaryColor, itemTextColorActiveHover: primaryColor, itemTextColorChildActive: primaryColor, itemTextColorChildActiveHover: primaryColor, itemTextColorHorizontal: textColor2, itemTextColorHoverHorizontal: primaryColorHover, itemTextColorActiveHorizontal: primaryColor, itemTextColorActiveHoverHorizontal: primaryColor, itemTextColorChildActiveHorizontal: primaryColor, itemTextColorChildActiveHoverHorizontal: primaryColor, itemIconColor: textColor1, itemIconColorHover: textColor1, itemIconColorActive: primaryColor, itemIconColorActiveHover: primaryColor, itemIconColorChildActive: primaryColor, itemIconColorChildActiveHover: primaryColor, itemIconColorCollapsed: textColor1, itemIconColorHorizontal: textColor1, itemIconColorHoverHorizontal: primaryColorHover, itemIconColorActiveHorizontal: primaryColor, itemIconColorActiveHoverHorizontal: primaryColor, itemIconColorChildActiveHorizontal: primaryColor, itemIconColorChildActiveHoverHorizontal: primaryColor, itemHeight: "42px", arrowColor: textColor2, arrowColorHover: textColor2, arrowColorActive: primaryColor, arrowColorActiveHover: primaryColor, arrowColorChildActive: primaryColor, arrowColorChildActiveHover: primaryColor, colorInverted: "#0000", borderColorHorizontal: "#0000", fontSize: fontSize2, dividerColor }, createPartialInvertedVars("#BBB", primaryColor, "#FFF", "#AAA")); }; const menuLight = createTheme({ name: "Menu", common: derived, peers: { Tooltip: tooltipLight, Dropdown: dropdownLight }, self: self$s }); const common = { titleFontSize: "18px", backSize: "22px" }; function self$r(vars) { const { textColor1, textColor2, textColor3, fontSize: fontSize2, fontWeightStrong, primaryColorHover, primaryColorPressed } = vars; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, common), { titleFontWeight: fontWeightStrong, fontSize: fontSize2, titleTextColor: textColor1, backColor: textColor2, backColorHover: primaryColorHover, backColorPressed: primaryColorPressed, subtitleTextColor: textColor3 }); } const pageHeaderLight = createTheme({ name: "PageHeader", common: derived, self: self$r }); const commonVars$2 = { iconSize: "22px" }; const self$q = (vars) => { const { fontSize: fontSize2, warningColor } = vars; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, commonVars$2), { fontSize: fontSize2, iconColor: warningColor }); }; const popconfirmLight = createTheme({ name: "Popconfirm", common: derived, peers: { Button: buttonLight, Popover: popoverLight }, self: self$q }); const self$p = (vars) => { const { infoColor, successColor, warningColor, errorColor, textColor2, progressRailColor, fontSize: fontSize2, fontWeight } = vars; return { fontSize: fontSize2, fontSizeCircle: "28px", fontWeightCircle: fontWeight, railColor: progressRailColor, railHeight: "8px", iconSizeCircle: "36px", iconSizeLine: "18px", iconColor: infoColor, iconColorInfo: infoColor, iconColorSuccess: successColor, iconColorWarning: warningColor, iconColorError: errorColor, textColorCircle: textColor2, textColorLineInner: "rgb(255, 255, 255)", textColorLineOuter: textColor2, fillColor: infoColor, fillColorInfo: infoColor, fillColorSuccess: successColor, fillColorWarning: warningColor, fillColorError: errorColor, lineBgProcessing: "linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, .3) 0%, rgba(255, 255, 255, .5) 100%)" }; }; const progressLight = { name: "Progress", common: derived, self: self$p }; const self$o = (vars) => { const { railColor } = vars; return { itemColor: railColor, itemColorActive: "#FFCC33", sizeSmall: "16px", sizeMedium: "20px", sizeLarge: "24px" }; }; const themeLight$4 = { name: "Rate", common: derived, self: self$o }; const commonVariables$3 = { titleFontSizeSmall: "26px", titleFontSizeMedium: "32px", titleFontSizeLarge: "40px", titleFontSizeHuge: "48px", fontSizeSmall: "14px", fontSizeMedium: "14px", fontSizeLarge: "15px", fontSizeHuge: "16px", iconSizeSmall: "64px", iconSizeMedium: "80px", iconSizeLarge: "100px", iconSizeHuge: "125px", iconColor418: void 0, iconColor404: void 0, iconColor403: void 0, iconColor500: void 0 }; const self$n = (vars) => { const { textColor2, textColor1, errorColor, successColor, infoColor, warningColor, lineHeight: lineHeight2, fontWeightStrong } = vars; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, commonVariables$3), { lineHeight: lineHeight2, titleFontWeight: fontWeightStrong, titleTextColor: textColor1, textColor: textColor2, iconColorError: errorColor, iconColorSuccess: successColor, iconColorInfo: infoColor, iconColorWarning: warningColor }); }; const resultLight = { name: "Result", common: derived, self: self$n }; const sizeVariables$3 = { railHeight: "4px", railWidthVertical: "4px", handleSize: "18px", dotHeight: "8px", dotWidth: "8px", dotBorderRadius: "4px" }; const self$m = (vars) => { const indicatorColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, .85)"; const boxShadow = "0 2px 8px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12)"; const { railColor, primaryColor, baseColor, cardColor, modalColor, popoverColor, borderRadius, fontSize: fontSize2, opacityDisabled } = vars; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, sizeVariables$3), { fontSize: fontSize2, markFontSize: fontSize2, railColor, railColorHover: railColor, fillColor: primaryColor, fillColorHover: primaryColor, opacityDisabled, handleColor: "#FFF", dotColor: cardColor, dotColorModal: modalColor, dotColorPopover: popoverColor, handleBoxShadow: "0 1px 4px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), inset 0 0 1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)", handleBoxShadowHover: "0 1px 4px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), inset 0 0 1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)", handleBoxShadowActive: "0 1px 4px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), inset 0 0 1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)", handleBoxShadowFocus: "0 1px 4px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), inset 0 0 1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)", indicatorColor, indicatorBoxShadow: boxShadow, indicatorTextColor: baseColor, indicatorBorderRadius: borderRadius, dotBorder: `2px solid ${railColor}`, dotBorderActive: `2px solid ${primaryColor}`, dotBoxShadow: "" }); }; const sliderLight = { name: "Slider", common: derived, self: self$m }; const self$l = (vars) => { const { opacityDisabled, heightTiny, heightSmall, heightMedium, heightLarge, heightHuge, primaryColor, fontSize: fontSize2 } = vars; return { fontSize: fontSize2, textColor: primaryColor, sizeTiny: heightTiny, sizeSmall: heightSmall, sizeMedium: heightMedium, sizeLarge: heightLarge, sizeHuge: heightHuge, color: primaryColor, opacitySpinning: opacityDisabled }; }; const spinLight = { name: "Spin", common: derived, self: self$l }; const self$k = (vars) => { const { textColor2, textColor3, fontSize: fontSize2, fontWeight } = vars; return { labelFontSize: fontSize2, labelFontWeight: fontWeight, valueFontWeight: fontWeight, valueFontSize: "24px", labelTextColor: textColor3, valuePrefixTextColor: textColor2, valueSuffixTextColor: textColor2, valueTextColor: textColor2 }; }; const statisticLight = { name: "Statistic", common: derived, self: self$k }; const commonVariables$2 = { stepHeaderFontSizeSmall: "14px", stepHeaderFontSizeMedium: "16px", indicatorIndexFontSizeSmall: "14px", indicatorIndexFontSizeMedium: "16px", indicatorSizeSmall: "22px", indicatorSizeMedium: "28px", indicatorIconSizeSmall: "14px", indicatorIconSizeMedium: "18px" }; const self$j = (vars) => { const { fontWeightStrong, baseColor, textColorDisabled, primaryColor, errorColor, textColor1, textColor2 } = vars; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, commonVariables$2), { stepHeaderFontWeight: fontWeightStrong, indicatorTextColorProcess: baseColor, indicatorTextColorWait: textColorDisabled, indicatorTextColorFinish: primaryColor, indicatorTextColorError: errorColor, indicatorBorderColorProcess: primaryColor, indicatorBorderColorWait: textColorDisabled, indicatorBorderColorFinish: primaryColor, indicatorBorderColorError: errorColor, indicatorColorProcess: primaryColor, indicatorColorWait: "#0000", indicatorColorFinish: "#0000", indicatorColorError: "#0000", splitorColorProcess: textColorDisabled, splitorColorWait: textColorDisabled, splitorColorFinish: primaryColor, splitorColorError: textColorDisabled, headerTextColorProcess: textColor1, headerTextColorWait: textColorDisabled, headerTextColorFinish: textColorDisabled, headerTextColorError: errorColor, descriptionTextColorProcess: textColor2, descriptionTextColorWait: textColorDisabled, descriptionTextColorFinish: textColorDisabled, descriptionTextColorError: errorColor }); }; const stepsLight = { name: "Steps", common: derived, self: self$j }; const commonVars$1 = { buttonHeightSmall: "14px", buttonHeightMedium: "18px", buttonHeightLarge: "22px", buttonWidthSmall: "14px", buttonWidthMedium: "18px", buttonWidthLarge: "22px", buttonWidthPressedSmall: "20px", buttonWidthPressedMedium: "24px", buttonWidthPressedLarge: "28px", railHeightSmall: "18px", railHeightMedium: "22px", railHeightLarge: "26px", railWidthSmall: "32px", railWidthMedium: "40px", railWidthLarge: "48px" }; const self$i = (vars) => { const { primaryColor, opacityDisabled, borderRadius, textColor3 } = vars; const railOverlayColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, .14)"; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, commonVars$1), { iconColor: textColor3, textColor: "white", loadingColor: primaryColor, opacityDisabled, railColor: railOverlayColor, railColorActive: primaryColor, buttonBoxShadow: "0 1px 4px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), inset 0 0 1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)", buttonColor: "#FFF", railBorderRadiusSmall: borderRadius, railBorderRadiusMedium: borderRadius, railBorderRadiusLarge: borderRadius, buttonBorderRadiusSmall: borderRadius, buttonBorderRadiusMedium: borderRadius, buttonBorderRadiusLarge: borderRadius, boxShadowFocus: `0 0 0 2px ${changeColor(primaryColor, { alpha: 0.2 })}` }); }; const switchLight = { name: "Switch", common: derived, self: self$i }; const sizeVariables$2 = { thPaddingSmall: "6px", thPaddingMedium: "12px", thPaddingLarge: "12px", tdPaddingSmall: "6px", tdPaddingMedium: "12px", tdPaddingLarge: "12px" }; const self$h = (vars) => { const { dividerColor, cardColor, modalColor, popoverColor, tableHeaderColor, tableColorStriped, textColor1, textColor2, borderRadius, fontWeightStrong, lineHeight: lineHeight2, fontSizeSmall, fontSizeMedium, fontSizeLarge } = vars; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, sizeVariables$2), { fontSizeSmall, fontSizeMedium, fontSizeLarge, lineHeight: lineHeight2, borderRadius, borderColor: composite(cardColor, dividerColor), borderColorModal: composite(modalColor, dividerColor), borderColorPopover: composite(popoverColor, dividerColor), tdColor: cardColor, tdColorModal: modalColor, tdColorPopover: popoverColor, tdColorStriped: composite(cardColor, tableColorStriped), tdColorStripedModal: composite(modalColor, tableColorStriped), tdColorStripedPopover: composite(popoverColor, tableColorStriped), thColor: composite(cardColor, tableHeaderColor), thColorModal: composite(modalColor, tableHeaderColor), thColorPopover: composite(popoverColor, tableHeaderColor), thTextColor: textColor1, tdTextColor: textColor2, thFontWeight: fontWeightStrong }); }; const tableLight = { name: "Table", common: derived, self: self$h }; const sizeVariables$1 = { tabFontSizeSmall: "14px", tabFontSizeMedium: "14px", tabFontSizeLarge: "16px", tabGapSmallLine: "36px", tabGapMediumLine: "36px", tabGapLargeLine: "36px", tabGapSmallLineVertical: "8px", tabGapMediumLineVertical: "8px", tabGapLargeLineVertical: "8px", tabPaddingSmallLine: "6px 0", tabPaddingMediumLine: "10px 0", tabPaddingLargeLine: "14px 0", tabPaddingVerticalSmallLine: "6px 12px", tabPaddingVerticalMediumLine: "8px 16px", tabPaddingVerticalLargeLine: "10px 20px", tabGapSmallBar: "36px", tabGapMediumBar: "36px", tabGapLargeBar: "36px", tabGapSmallBarVertical: "8px", tabGapMediumBarVertical: "8px", tabGapLargeBarVertical: "8px", tabPaddingSmallBar: "4px 0", tabPaddingMediumBar: "6px 0", tabPaddingLargeBar: "10px 0", tabPaddingVerticalSmallBar: "6px 12px", tabPaddingVerticalMediumBar: "8px 16px", tabPaddingVerticalLargeBar: "10px 20px", tabGapSmallCard: "4px", tabGapMediumCard: "4px", tabGapLargeCard: "4px", tabGapSmallCardVertical: "4px", tabGapMediumCardVertical: "4px", tabGapLargeCardVertical: "4px", tabPaddingSmallCard: "8px 16px", tabPaddingMediumCard: "10px 20px", tabPaddingLargeCard: "12px 24px", tabPaddingSmallSegment: "4px 0", tabPaddingMediumSegment: "6px 0", tabPaddingLargeSegment: "8px 0", tabPaddingVerticalLargeSegment: "0 8px", tabPaddingVerticalSmallCard: "8px 12px", tabPaddingVerticalMediumCard: "10px 16px", tabPaddingVerticalLargeCard: "12px 20px", tabPaddingVerticalSmallSegment: "0 4px", tabPaddingVerticalMediumSegment: "0 6px", tabGapSmallSegment: "0", tabGapMediumSegment: "0", tabGapLargeSegment: "0", tabGapSmallSegmentVertical: "0", tabGapMediumSegmentVertical: "0", tabGapLargeSegmentVertical: "0", panePaddingSmall: "8px 0 0 0", panePaddingMedium: "12px 0 0 0", panePaddingLarge: "16px 0 0 0", closeSize: "18px", closeIconSize: "14px" }; const self$g = (vars) => { const { textColor2, primaryColor, textColorDisabled, closeIconColor, closeIconColorHover, closeIconColorPressed, closeColorHover, closeColorPressed, tabColor, baseColor, dividerColor, fontWeight, textColor1, borderRadius, fontSize: fontSize2, fontWeightStrong } = vars; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, sizeVariables$1), { colorSegment: tabColor, tabFontSizeCard: fontSize2, tabTextColorLine: textColor1, tabTextColorActiveLine: primaryColor, tabTextColorHoverLine: primaryColor, tabTextColorDisabledLine: textColorDisabled, tabTextColorSegment: textColor1, tabTextColorActiveSegment: textColor2, tabTextColorHoverSegment: textColor2, tabTextColorDisabledSegment: textColorDisabled, tabTextColorBar: textColor1, tabTextColorActiveBar: primaryColor, tabTextColorHoverBar: primaryColor, tabTextColorDisabledBar: textColorDisabled, tabTextColorCard: textColor1, tabTextColorHoverCard: textColor1, tabTextColorActiveCard: primaryColor, tabTextColorDisabledCard: textColorDisabled, barColor: primaryColor, closeIconColor, closeIconColorHover, closeIconColorPressed, closeColorHover, closeColorPressed, closeBorderRadius: borderRadius, tabColor, tabColorSegment: baseColor, tabBorderColor: dividerColor, tabFontWeightActive: fontWeight, tabFontWeight: fontWeight, tabBorderRadius: borderRadius, paneTextColor: textColor2, fontWeightStrong }); }; const tabsLight = { name: "Tabs", common: derived, self: self$g }; const self$f = (vars) => { const { textColor1, textColor2, fontWeightStrong, fontSize: fontSize2 } = vars; return { fontSize: fontSize2, titleTextColor: textColor1, textColor: textColor2, titleFontWeight: fontWeightStrong }; }; const thingLight = { name: "Thing", common: derived, self: self$f }; const sizeVariables = { titleMarginMedium: "0 0 6px 0", titleMarginLarge: "-2px 0 6px 0", titleFontSizeMedium: "14px", titleFontSizeLarge: "16px", iconSizeMedium: "14px", iconSizeLarge: "14px" }; const self$e = (vars) => { const { textColor3, infoColor, errorColor, successColor, warningColor, textColor1, textColor2, railColor, fontWeightStrong, fontSize: fontSize2 } = vars; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, sizeVariables), { contentFontSize: fontSize2, titleFontWeight: fontWeightStrong, circleBorder: `2px solid ${textColor3}`, circleBorderInfo: `2px solid ${infoColor}`, circleBorderError: `2px solid ${errorColor}`, circleBorderSuccess: `2px solid ${successColor}`, circleBorderWarning: `2px solid ${warningColor}`, iconColor: textColor3, iconColorInfo: infoColor, iconColorError: errorColor, iconColorSuccess: successColor, iconColorWarning: warningColor, titleTextColor: textColor1, contentTextColor: textColor2, metaTextColor: textColor3, lineColor: railColor }); }; const timelineLight = { name: "Timeline", common: derived, self: self$e }; const commonVariables$1 = { extraFontSizeSmall: "12px", extraFontSizeMedium: "12px", extraFontSizeLarge: "14px", titleFontSizeSmall: "14px", titleFontSizeMedium: "16px", titleFontSizeLarge: "16px", closeSize: "20px", closeIconSize: "16px", headerHeightSmall: "44px", headerHeightMedium: "44px", headerHeightLarge: "50px" }; const self$d = (vars) => { const { fontWeight, fontSizeLarge, fontSizeMedium, fontSizeSmall, heightLarge, heightMedium, borderRadius, cardColor, tableHeaderColor, textColor1, textColorDisabled, textColor2, textColor3, borderColor, hoverColor, closeColorHover, closeColorPressed, closeIconColor, closeIconColorHover, closeIconColorPressed } = vars; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, commonVariables$1), { itemHeightSmall: heightMedium, itemHeightMedium: heightMedium, itemHeightLarge: heightLarge, fontSizeSmall, fontSizeMedium, fontSizeLarge, borderRadius, dividerColor: borderColor, borderColor, listColor: cardColor, headerColor: composite(cardColor, tableHeaderColor), titleTextColor: textColor1, titleTextColorDisabled: textColorDisabled, extraTextColor: textColor3, extraTextColorDisabled: textColorDisabled, itemTextColor: textColor2, itemTextColorDisabled: textColorDisabled, itemColorPending: hoverColor, titleFontWeight: fontWeight, closeColorHover, closeColorPressed, closeIconColor, closeIconColorHover, closeIconColorPressed }); }; const transferLight$1 = createTheme({ name: "Transfer", common: derived, peers: { Checkbox: checkboxLight, Scrollbar: scrollbarLight, Input: inputLight, Empty: emptyLight, Button: buttonLight }, self: self$d }); const self$c = (vars) => { const { borderRadiusSmall, dividerColor, hoverColor, pressedColor, primaryColor, textColor3, textColor2, textColorDisabled, fontSize: fontSize2 } = vars; return { fontSize: fontSize2, lineHeight: "1.5", nodeHeight: "30px", nodeWrapperPadding: "3px 0", nodeBorderRadius: borderRadiusSmall, nodeColorHover: hoverColor, nodeColorPressed: pressedColor, nodeColorActive: changeColor(primaryColor, { alpha: 0.1 }), arrowColor: textColor3, nodeTextColor: textColor2, nodeTextColorDisabled: textColorDisabled, loadingColor: primaryColor, dropMarkColor: primaryColor, lineColor: dividerColor }; }; const treeLight = createTheme({ name: "Tree", common: derived, peers: { Checkbox: checkboxLight, Scrollbar: scrollbarLight, Empty: emptyLight }, self: self$c }); const self$b = (vars) => { const { popoverColor, boxShadow2, borderRadius, heightMedium, dividerColor, textColor2 } = vars; return { menuPadding: "4px", menuColor: popoverColor, menuBoxShadow: boxShadow2, menuBorderRadius: borderRadius, menuHeight: `calc(${heightMedium} * 7.6)`, actionDividerColor: dividerColor, actionTextColor: textColor2, actionPadding: "8px 12px" }; }; const treeSelectLight = createTheme({ name: "TreeSelect", common: derived, peers: { Tree: treeLight, Empty: emptyLight, InternalSelection: internalSelectionLight }, self: self$b }); const commonVars = { headerFontSize1: "30px", headerFontSize2: "22px", headerFontSize3: "18px", headerFontSize4: "16px", headerFontSize5: "16px", headerFontSize6: "16px", headerMargin1: "28px 0 20px 0", headerMargin2: "28px 0 20px 0", headerMargin3: "28px 0 20px 0", headerMargin4: "28px 0 18px 0", headerMargin5: "28px 0 18px 0", headerMargin6: "28px 0 18px 0", headerPrefixWidth1: "16px", headerPrefixWidth2: "16px", headerPrefixWidth3: "12px", headerPrefixWidth4: "12px", headerPrefixWidth5: "12px", headerPrefixWidth6: "12px", headerBarWidth1: "4px", headerBarWidth2: "4px", headerBarWidth3: "3px", headerBarWidth4: "3px", headerBarWidth5: "3px", headerBarWidth6: "3px", pMargin: "16px 0 16px 0", liMargin: ".25em 0 0 0", olPadding: "0 0 0 2em", ulPadding: "0 0 0 2em" }; const self$a = (vars) => { const { primaryColor, textColor2, borderColor, lineHeight: lineHeight2, fontSize: fontSize2, borderRadiusSmall, dividerColor, fontWeightStrong, textColor1, textColor3, infoColor, warningColor, errorColor, successColor, codeColor } = vars; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, commonVars), { aTextColor: primaryColor, blockquoteTextColor: textColor2, blockquotePrefixColor: borderColor, blockquoteLineHeight: lineHeight2, blockquoteFontSize: fontSize2, codeBorderRadius: borderRadiusSmall, liTextColor: textColor2, liLineHeight: lineHeight2, liFontSize: fontSize2, hrColor: dividerColor, headerFontWeight: fontWeightStrong, headerTextColor: textColor1, pTextColor: textColor2, pTextColor1Depth: textColor1, pTextColor2Depth: textColor2, pTextColor3Depth: textColor3, pLineHeight: lineHeight2, pFontSize: fontSize2, headerBarColor: primaryColor, headerBarColorPrimary: primaryColor, headerBarColorInfo: infoColor, headerBarColorError: errorColor, headerBarColorWarning: warningColor, headerBarColorSuccess: successColor, textColor: textColor2, textColor1Depth: textColor1, textColor2Depth: textColor2, textColor3Depth: textColor3, textColorPrimary: primaryColor, textColorInfo: infoColor, textColorSuccess: successColor, textColorWarning: warningColor, textColorError: errorColor, codeTextColor: textColor2, codeColor, codeBorder: "1px solid #0000" }); }; const typographyLight = { name: "Typography", common: derived, self: self$a }; const self$9 = (vars) => { const { iconColor, primaryColor, errorColor, textColor2, successColor, opacityDisabled, actionColor, borderColor, hoverColor, lineHeight: lineHeight2, borderRadius, fontSize: fontSize2 } = vars; return { fontSize: fontSize2, lineHeight: lineHeight2, borderRadius, draggerColor: actionColor, draggerBorder: `1px dashed ${borderColor}`, draggerBorderHover: `1px dashed ${primaryColor}`, itemColorHover: hoverColor, itemColorHoverError: changeColor(errorColor, { alpha: 0.06 }), itemTextColor: textColor2, itemTextColorError: errorColor, itemTextColorSuccess: successColor, itemIconColor: iconColor, itemDisabledOpacity: opacityDisabled, itemBorderImageCardError: `1px solid ${errorColor}`, itemBorderImageCard: `1px solid ${borderColor}` }; }; const uploadLight = createTheme({ name: "Upload", common: derived, peers: { Button: buttonLight, Progress: progressLight }, self: self$9 }); const watermarkLight = createTheme({ name: "Watermark", common: derived, self(vars) { const { fontFamily: fontFamily2 } = vars; return { fontFamily: fontFamily2 }; } }); const self$8 = (vars) => { const { popoverColor, dividerColor, borderRadius } = vars; return { color: popoverColor, buttonBorderColor: dividerColor, borderRadiusSquare: borderRadius, boxShadow: "0 2px 8px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, .12)" }; }; const themeLight$3 = { name: "FloatButtonGroup", common: derived, self: self$8 }; const floatButtonGroupProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { left: [Number, String], right: [Number, String], top: [Number, String], bottom: [Number, String], shape: { type: String, default: "circle" }, position: { type: String, default: "fixed" } }); const floatButtonGroupInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-float-button-group"); const FloatButtonGroup = vue.defineComponent({ name: "FloatButtonGroup", props: floatButtonGroupProps, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("FloatButtonGroup", "-float-button-group", style$K, themeLight$3, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { self: { color, boxShadow, buttonBorderColor, borderRadiusSquare }, common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-box-shadow": boxShadow, "--n-color": color, "--n-button-border-color": buttonBorderColor, "--n-border-radius-square": borderRadiusSquare, position: props.position, left: formatLength(props.left) || "", right: formatLength(props.right) || "", top: formatLength(props.top) || "", bottom: formatLength(props.bottom) || "" }; }); vue.provide(floatButtonGroupInjectionKey, { shapeRef: vue.toRef(props, "shape") }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("float-button", void 0, cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return { cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }; }, render() { const { mergedClsPrefix, cssVars, shape } = this; return vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-float-button-group`, `${mergedClsPrefix}-float-button-group--${shape}-shape`], style: cssVars, role: "group" }, this.$slots); } }); const self$7 = (vars) => { const { popoverColor, textColor2, buttonColor2Hover, buttonColor2Pressed, primaryColor, primaryColorHover, primaryColorPressed, borderRadius } = vars; return { color: popoverColor, colorHover: buttonColor2Hover, colorPressed: buttonColor2Pressed, colorPrimary: primaryColor, colorPrimaryHover: primaryColorHover, colorPrimaryPressed: primaryColorPressed, textColor: textColor2, boxShadow: "0 2px 8px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, .16)", boxShadowHover: "0 2px 12px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, .24)", boxShadowPressed: "0 2px 12px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, .24)", textColorPrimary: "#fff", borderRadiusSquare: borderRadius }; }; const themeLight$2 = { name: "FloatButton", common: derived, self: self$7 }; const style$J = cB("float-button", ` user-select: none; cursor: pointer; color: var(--n-text-color); background-color: var(--n-color); font-size: 18px; transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier), border-color .3s var(--n-bezier), box-shadow .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); box-shadow: var(--n-box-shadow); display: flex; align-items: stretch; box-sizing: border-box; `, [cM("circle-shape", ` border-radius: 4096px; `), cM("square-shape", ` border-radius: var(--n-border-radius-square); `), cE("fill", ` position: absolute; inset: 0; transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); border-radius: inherit; `), cE("body", ` position: relative; flex-grow: 1; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; transition: transform .3s var(--n-bezier), opacity .3s var(--n-bezier); border-radius: inherit; flex-direction: column; box-sizing: border-box; padding: 2px 4px; gap: 2px; transform: scale(1); `, [cE("description", ` font-size: 12px; text-align: center; line-height: 14px; `)]), c$1("&:hover", "box-shadow: var(--n-box-shadow-hover);", [c$1(">", [cE("fill", ` background-color: var(--n-color-hover); `)])]), c$1("&:active", "box-shadow: var(--n-box-shadow-pressed);", [c$1(">", [cE("fill", ` background-color: var(--n-color-pressed); `)])]), cM("show-menu", [c$1(">", [cE("menu", ` pointer-events: all; bottom: 100%; opacity: 1; `), cE("close", ` transform: scale(1); opacity: 1; `), cE("body", ` transform: scale(0.75); opacity: 0; `)])]), cE("close", ` opacity: 0; transform: scale(0.75); position: absolute; inset: 0; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; transition: transform .3s var(--n-bezier), opacity .3s var(--n-bezier); `), cE("menu", ` position: absolute; bottom: calc(100% - 8px); display: flex; flex-direction: column; opacity: 0; pointer-events: none; transition: opacity .3s var(--n-bezier), bottom .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [c$1("> *", ` margin-bottom: 16px; `), cB("float-button", ` position: relative !important; `)])]); const floatButtonProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { width: { type: [Number, String], default: 40 }, height: { type: [Number, String], default: 40 }, left: [Number, String], right: [Number, String], top: [Number, String], bottom: [Number, String], shape: { type: String, default: "circle" }, position: { type: String, default: "fixed" }, type: { type: String, default: "default" }, menuTrigger: String, showMenu: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, onUpdateShowMenu: { type: [Function, Array], default: void 0 }, "onUpdate:showMenu": { type: [Function, Array], default: void 0 } }); const FloatButton = vue.defineComponent({ name: "FloatButton", props: floatButtonProps, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("FloatButton", "-float-button", style$J, themeLight$2, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const floatButtonGroupInjection = vue.inject(floatButtonGroupInjectionKey, null); const uncontrolledShowMenuRef = vue.ref(false); const controlledShoeMenuRef = vue.toRef(props, "showMenu"); const mergedShowMenuRef = useMergedState(controlledShoeMenuRef, uncontrolledShowMenuRef); function doUpdateShowMenu(value) { const { onUpdateShowMenu, "onUpdate:showMenu": _onUpdateShowMenu } = props; uncontrolledShowMenuRef.value = value; if (onUpdateShowMenu) { call(onUpdateShowMenu, value); } if (_onUpdateShowMenu) { call(_onUpdateShowMenu, value); } } const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { self: { color, textColor, boxShadow, boxShadowHover, boxShadowPressed, colorHover, colorPrimary, colorPrimaryHover, textColorPrimary, borderRadiusSquare, colorPressed, colorPrimaryPressed }, common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 } } = themeRef.value; const { type } = props; return { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-box-shadow": boxShadow, "--n-box-shadow-hover": boxShadowHover, "--n-box-shadow-pressed": boxShadowPressed, "--n-color": type === "primary" ? colorPrimary : color, "--n-text-color": type === "primary" ? textColorPrimary : textColor, "--n-color-hover": type === "primary" ? colorPrimaryHover : colorHover, "--n-color-pressed": type === "primary" ? colorPrimaryPressed : colorPressed, "--n-border-radius-square": borderRadiusSquare }; }); const inlineStyle = vue.computed(() => { const { width, height } = props; return Object.assign({ position: floatButtonGroupInjection ? void 0 : props.position, width: formatLength(width), minHeight: formatLength(height) }, floatButtonGroupInjection ? null : { left: formatLength(props.left), right: formatLength(props.right), top: formatLength(props.top), bottom: formatLength(props.bottom) }); }); const mergedShapeRef = vue.computed(() => { return floatButtonGroupInjection ? floatButtonGroupInjection.shapeRef.value : props.shape; }); const Mouseenter = () => { if (props.menuTrigger === "hover") { doUpdateShowMenu(true); } }; const handleMouseleave = () => { if (props.menuTrigger === "hover" && mergedShowMenuRef.value) { doUpdateShowMenu(false); } }; const handleClick2 = (e) => { if (props.menuTrigger === "click") { doUpdateShowMenu(!mergedShowMenuRef.value); } }; const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("float-button", vue.computed(() => props.type[0]), cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return { inlineStyle, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedShape: mergedShapeRef, mergedShowMenu: mergedShowMenuRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender, Mouseenter, handleMouseleave, handleClick: handleClick2 }; }, render() { var _a; const { mergedClsPrefix, cssVars, mergedShape, type, menuTrigger, mergedShowMenu, themeClass, $slots, inlineStyle, onRender } = this; const dirs = [[mousemoveoutside, this.handleMouseleave]]; onRender === null || onRender === void 0 ? void 0 : onRender(); return vue.withDirectives(vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-float-button`, `${mergedClsPrefix}-float-button--${mergedShape}-shape`, `${mergedClsPrefix}-float-button--${type}-type`, mergedShowMenu && `${mergedClsPrefix}-float-button--show-menu`, themeClass], style: [cssVars, inlineStyle], onMouseenter: this.Mouseenter, onMouseleave: this.handleMouseleave, onClick: this.handleClick, role: "button" }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-float-button__fill`, "aria-hidden": true }), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-float-button__body` }, (_a = $slots.default) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call($slots), resolveWrappedSlot($slots.description, (children) => { if (children) { return vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-float-button__description` }, children); } return null; })), menuTrigger ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-float-button__close` }, vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix }, { default: () => vue.h(ErrorIcon$1, null) })) : null, menuTrigger ? vue.h("div", { onClick: (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); }, "data-float-button-menu": true, class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-float-button__menu` }, resolveSlot($slots.menu, () => [])) : null), dirs); } }); const GlobalStyle = vue.defineComponent({ name: "GlobalStyle", setup() { if (typeof document === "undefined") return; const NConfigProvider2 = vue.inject(configProviderInjectionKey, null); const { body } = document; const { style: style2 } = body; let styleApplied = false; let firstApply = true; vue.onBeforeMount(() => { vue.watchEffect(() => { var _a, _b; const { textColor2, fontSize: fontSize2, fontFamily: fontFamily2, bodyColor, cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2, lineHeight: lineHeight2 } = NConfigProvider2 ? merge$1({}, ((_a = NConfigProvider2.mergedThemeRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.common) || derived, (_b = NConfigProvider2.mergedThemeOverridesRef.value) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.common) : derived; if (styleApplied || !body.hasAttribute("n-styled")) { style2.setProperty("-webkit-text-size-adjust", "100%"); style2.setProperty("-webkit-tap-highlight-color", "transparent"); style2.padding = "0"; style2.margin = "0"; style2.backgroundColor = bodyColor; style2.color = textColor2; style2.fontSize = fontSize2; style2.fontFamily = fontFamily2; style2.lineHeight = lineHeight2; const transition = `color .3s ${cubicBezierEaseInOut2}, background-color .3s ${cubicBezierEaseInOut2}`; if (firstApply) { setTimeout(() => { style2.transition = transition; }, 0); } else { style2.transition = transition; } body.setAttribute("n-styled", ""); styleApplied = true; firstApply = false; } }); }); vue.onUnmounted(() => { if (styleApplied) { body.removeAttribute("n-styled"); } }); }, render() { return null; } }); const style$I = cB("gradient-text", ` display: inline-block; font-weight: var(--n-font-weight); -webkit-background-clip: text; background-clip: text; color: #0000; white-space: nowrap; background-image: linear-gradient(var(--n-rotate), var(--n-color-start) 0%, var(--n-color-end) 100%); transition: --n-color-start .3s var(--n-bezier), --n-color-end .3s var(--n-bezier); `); const gradientTextProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { size: [String, Number], fontSize: [String, Number], type: { type: String, default: "primary" }, color: [Object, String], gradient: [Object, String] }); const GradientText = vue.defineComponent({ name: "GradientText", props: gradientTextProps, setup(props) { useHoudini(); const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const compatibleTypeRef = vue.computed(() => { const { type } = props; if (type === "danger") return "error"; return type; }); const styleFontSizeRef = vue.computed(() => { let fontSize2 = props.size || props.fontSize; if (fontSize2) fontSize2 = formatLength(fontSize2); return fontSize2 || void 0; }); const styleBgImageRef = vue.computed(() => { const gradient = props.color || props.gradient; if (typeof gradient === "string") { return gradient; } else if (gradient) { const deg = gradient.deg || 0; const from = gradient.from; const to = gradient.to; return `linear-gradient(${deg}deg, ${from} 0%, ${to} 100%)`; } return void 0; }); const themeRef = useTheme("GradientText", "-gradient-text", style$I, gradientTextLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value: type } = compatibleTypeRef; const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: { rotate, [createKey("colorStart", type)]: colorStart, [createKey("colorEnd", type)]: colorEnd, fontWeight } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-rotate": rotate, "--n-color-start": colorStart, "--n-color-end": colorEnd, "--n-font-weight": fontWeight }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("gradient-text", vue.computed(() => compatibleTypeRef.value[0]), cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, compatibleType: compatibleTypeRef, styleFontSize: styleFontSizeRef, styleBgImage: styleBgImageRef, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }; }, render() { const { mergedClsPrefix, onRender } = this; onRender === null || onRender === void 0 ? void 0 : onRender(); return vue.h("span", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-gradient-text`, `${mergedClsPrefix}-gradient-text--${this.compatibleType}-type`, this.themeClass], style: [{ fontSize: this.styleFontSize, backgroundImage: this.styleBgImage }, this.cssVars] }, this.$slots); } }); const defaultBreakpoints = { xs: 0, // mobile s: 640, // tablet m: 1024, // laptop s l: 1280, // laptop xl: 1536, // laptop l xxl: 1920 // normal desktop display }; const defaultCols = 24; const SSR_ATTR_NAME = "__ssr__"; const gridProps = { layoutShiftDisabled: Boolean, responsive: { type: [String, Boolean], default: "self" }, cols: { type: [Number, String], default: defaultCols }, itemResponsive: Boolean, collapsed: Boolean, // may create grid rows < collapsedRows since a item may take all the row collapsedRows: { type: Number, default: 1 }, itemStyle: [Object, String], xGap: { type: [Number, String], default: 0 }, yGap: { type: [Number, String], default: 0 } }; const NGrid = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Grid", inheritAttrs: false, props: gridProps, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedBreakpointsRef } = useConfig(props); const numRegex = /^\d+$/; const widthRef = vue.ref(void 0); const breakpointsRef = useBreakpoints((mergedBreakpointsRef === null || mergedBreakpointsRef === void 0 ? void 0 : mergedBreakpointsRef.value) || defaultBreakpoints); const isResponsiveRef = useMemo(() => { if (props.itemResponsive) return true; if (!numRegex.test(props.cols.toString())) return true; if (!numRegex.test(props.xGap.toString())) return true; if (!numRegex.test(props.yGap.toString())) return true; return false; }); const responsiveQueryRef = vue.computed(() => { if (!isResponsiveRef.value) return void 0; return props.responsive === "self" ? widthRef.value : breakpointsRef.value; }); const responsiveColsRef = useMemo(() => { var _a; return (_a = Number(parseResponsivePropValue(props.cols.toString(), responsiveQueryRef.value))) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : defaultCols; }); const responsiveXGapRef = useMemo(() => parseResponsivePropValue(props.xGap.toString(), responsiveQueryRef.value)); const responsiveYGapRef = useMemo(() => parseResponsivePropValue(props.yGap.toString(), responsiveQueryRef.value)); const handleResize = (entry) => { widthRef.value = entry.contentRect.width; }; const handleResizeRaf = (entry) => { beforeNextFrameOnce(handleResize, entry); }; const overflowRef = vue.ref(false); const handleResizeRef = vue.computed(() => { if (props.responsive === "self") { return handleResizeRaf; } return void 0; }); const isSsrRef = vue.ref(false); const contentElRef = vue.ref(); vue.onMounted(() => { const { value: contentEl } = contentElRef; if (contentEl) { if (contentEl.hasAttribute(SSR_ATTR_NAME)) { contentEl.removeAttribute(SSR_ATTR_NAME); isSsrRef.value = true; } } }); vue.provide(gridInjectionKey, { layoutShiftDisabledRef: vue.toRef(props, "layoutShiftDisabled"), isSsrRef, itemStyleRef: vue.toRef(props, "itemStyle"), xGapRef: responsiveXGapRef, overflowRef }); return { isSsr: !isBrowser$2, contentEl: contentElRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, style: vue.computed(() => { if (props.layoutShiftDisabled) { return { width: "100%", display: "grid", gridTemplateColumns: `repeat(${props.cols}, minmax(0, 1fr))`, columnGap: pxfy(props.xGap), rowGap: pxfy(props.yGap) }; } return { width: "100%", display: "grid", gridTemplateColumns: `repeat(${responsiveColsRef.value}, minmax(0, 1fr))`, columnGap: pxfy(responsiveXGapRef.value), rowGap: pxfy(responsiveYGapRef.value) }; }), isResponsive: isResponsiveRef, responsiveQuery: responsiveQueryRef, responsiveCols: responsiveColsRef, handleResize: handleResizeRef, overflow: overflowRef }; }, render() { if (this.layoutShiftDisabled) { return vue.h("div", vue.mergeProps({ ref: "contentEl", class: `${this.mergedClsPrefix}-grid`, style: this.style }, this.$attrs), this.$slots); } const renderContent = () => { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g; this.overflow = false; const rawChildren = flatten$3(getSlot$1(this)); const childrenAndRawSpan = []; const { collapsed, collapsedRows, responsiveCols, responsiveQuery } = this; rawChildren.forEach((child) => { var _a2, _b2, _c2, _d2, _e2; if (((_a2 = child === null || child === void 0 ? void 0 : child.type) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.__GRID_ITEM__) !== true) return; if (isNodeVShowFalse(child)) { const clonedNode = vue.cloneVNode(child); if (clonedNode.props) { clonedNode.props.privateShow = false; } else { clonedNode.props = { privateShow: false }; } childrenAndRawSpan.push({ child: clonedNode, rawChildSpan: 0 }); return; } child.dirs = ((_b2 = child.dirs) === null || _b2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _b2.filter(({ dir }) => dir !== vue.vShow)) || null; if (((_c2 = child.dirs) === null || _c2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _c2.length) === 0) { child.dirs = null; } const clonedChild = vue.cloneVNode(child); const rawChildSpan = Number((_e2 = parseResponsivePropValue((_d2 = clonedChild.props) === null || _d2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _d2.span, responsiveQuery)) !== null && _e2 !== void 0 ? _e2 : defaultSpan$1); if (rawChildSpan === 0) return; childrenAndRawSpan.push({ child: clonedChild, rawChildSpan }); }); let suffixSpan = 0; const maybeSuffixNode = (_a = childrenAndRawSpan[childrenAndRawSpan.length - 1]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.child; if (maybeSuffixNode === null || maybeSuffixNode === void 0 ? void 0 : maybeSuffixNode.props) { const suffixPropValue = (_b = maybeSuffixNode.props) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.suffix; if (suffixPropValue !== void 0 && suffixPropValue !== false) { suffixSpan = Number((_d = parseResponsivePropValue((_c = maybeSuffixNode.props) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.span, responsiveQuery)) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : defaultSpan$1); maybeSuffixNode.props.privateSpan = suffixSpan; maybeSuffixNode.props.privateColStart = responsiveCols + 1 - suffixSpan; maybeSuffixNode.props.privateShow = (_e = maybeSuffixNode.props.privateShow) !== null && _e !== void 0 ? _e : true; } } let spanCounter = 0; let done = false; for (const { child, rawChildSpan } of childrenAndRawSpan) { if (done) { this.overflow = true; } if (!done) { const childOffset = Number((_g = parseResponsivePropValue((_f = child.props) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.offset, responsiveQuery)) !== null && _g !== void 0 ? _g : 0); const childSpan = Math.min(rawChildSpan + childOffset, responsiveCols); if (!child.props) { child.props = { privateSpan: childSpan, privateOffset: childOffset }; } else { child.props.privateSpan = childSpan; child.props.privateOffset = childOffset; } if (collapsed) { const remainder = spanCounter % responsiveCols; if (childSpan + remainder > responsiveCols) { spanCounter += responsiveCols - remainder; } if (childSpan + spanCounter + suffixSpan > collapsedRows * responsiveCols) { done = true; } else { spanCounter += childSpan; } } } if (done) { if (child.props) { if (child.props.privateShow !== true) { child.props.privateShow = false; } } else { child.props = { privateShow: false }; } } } return vue.h("div", vue.mergeProps({ ref: "contentEl", class: `${this.mergedClsPrefix}-grid`, style: this.style, [SSR_ATTR_NAME]: this.isSsr || void 0 }, this.$attrs), childrenAndRawSpan.map(({ child }) => child)); }; return this.isResponsive && this.responsive === "self" ? vue.h(VResizeObserver, { onResize: this.handleResize }, { default: renderContent }) : renderContent(); } }); const self$6 = (vars) => { const { primaryColor, baseColor } = vars; return { color: primaryColor, iconColor: baseColor }; }; const iconWrapperLight = { name: "IconWrapper", common: derived, self: self$6 }; const style$H = cB("icon-wrapper", ` transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); background-color: var(--n-color); display: inline-flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; color: var(--n-icon-color); `); const iconWrapperProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { size: { type: Number, default: 24 }, borderRadius: { type: Number, default: 6 }, color: String, iconColor: String }); const NIconWrapper = vue.defineComponent({ name: "IconWrapper", props: iconWrapperProps, setup(props, { slots }) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("IconWrapper", "-icon-wrapper", style$H, iconWrapperLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: { color, iconColor } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-color": color, "--n-icon-color": iconColor }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("icon-wrapper", void 0, cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return () => { const size2 = formatLength(props.size); themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender(); return vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefixRef.value}-icon-wrapper`, themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass.value], style: [cssVarsRef === null || cssVarsRef === void 0 ? void 0 : cssVarsRef.value, { height: size2, width: size2, borderRadius: formatLength(props.borderRadius), backgroundColor: props.color, color: props.iconColor }] }, slots); }; } }); const imagePreviewSharedProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { onPreviewPrev: Function, onPreviewNext: Function, showToolbar: { type: Boolean, default: true }, showToolbarTooltip: Boolean, renderToolbar: Function }); const imageContextKey = createInjectionKey("n-image"); function self$5() { return { toolbarIconColor: "rgba(255, 255, 255, .9)", toolbarColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, .35)", toolbarBoxShadow: "none", toolbarBorderRadius: "24px" }; } const imageLight = createTheme({ name: "Image", common: derived, peers: { Tooltip: tooltipLight }, self: self$5 }); const prevIcon = vue.h("svg", { viewBox: "0 0 20 20", fill: "none", xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" }, vue.h("path", { d: "M6 5C5.75454 5 5.55039 5.17688 5.50806 5.41012L5.5 5.5V14.5C5.5 14.7761 5.72386 15 6 15C6.24546 15 6.44961 14.8231 6.49194 14.5899L6.5 14.5V5.5C6.5 5.22386 6.27614 5 6 5ZM13.8536 5.14645C13.68 4.97288 13.4106 4.9536 13.2157 5.08859L13.1464 5.14645L8.64645 9.64645C8.47288 9.82001 8.4536 10.0894 8.58859 10.2843L8.64645 10.3536L13.1464 14.8536C13.3417 15.0488 13.6583 15.0488 13.8536 14.8536C14.0271 14.68 14.0464 14.4106 13.9114 14.2157L13.8536 14.1464L9.70711 10L13.8536 5.85355C14.0488 5.65829 14.0488 5.34171 13.8536 5.14645Z", fill: "currentColor" })); const nextIcon = vue.h("svg", { viewBox: "0 0 20 20", fill: "none", xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" }, vue.h("path", { d: "M13.5 5C13.7455 5 13.9496 5.17688 13.9919 5.41012L14 5.5V14.5C14 14.7761 13.7761 15 13.5 15C13.2545 15 13.0504 14.8231 13.0081 14.5899L13 14.5V5.5C13 5.22386 13.2239 5 13.5 5ZM5.64645 5.14645C5.82001 4.97288 6.08944 4.9536 6.28431 5.08859L6.35355 5.14645L10.8536 9.64645C11.0271 9.82001 11.0464 10.0894 10.9114 10.2843L10.8536 10.3536L6.35355 14.8536C6.15829 15.0488 5.84171 15.0488 5.64645 14.8536C5.47288 14.68 5.4536 14.4106 5.58859 14.2157L5.64645 14.1464L9.79289 10L5.64645 5.85355C5.45118 5.65829 5.45118 5.34171 5.64645 5.14645Z", fill: "currentColor" })); const closeIcon = vue.h("svg", { viewBox: "0 0 20 20", fill: "none", xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" }, vue.h("path", { d: "M4.089 4.216l.057-.07a.5.5 0 0 1 .638-.057l.07.057L10 9.293l5.146-5.147a.5.5 0 0 1 .638-.057l.07.057a.5.5 0 0 1 .057.638l-.057.07L10.707 10l5.147 5.146a.5.5 0 0 1 .057.638l-.057.07a.5.5 0 0 1-.638.057l-.07-.057L10 10.707l-5.146 5.147a.5.5 0 0 1-.638.057l-.07-.057a.5.5 0 0 1-.057-.638l.057-.07L9.293 10L4.146 4.854a.5.5 0 0 1-.057-.638l.057-.07l-.057.07z", fill: "currentColor" })); const style$G = c$1([c$1("body >", [cB("image-container", "position: fixed;")]), cB("image-preview-container", ` position: fixed; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; display: flex; `), cB("image-preview-overlay", ` z-index: -1; position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .3); `, [fadeInTransition()]), cB("image-preview-toolbar", ` z-index: 1; position: absolute; left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%); border-radius: var(--n-toolbar-border-radius); height: 48px; bottom: 40px; padding: 0 12px; background: var(--n-toolbar-color); box-shadow: var(--n-toolbar-box-shadow); color: var(--n-toolbar-icon-color); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); display: flex; align-items: center; `, [cB("base-icon", ` padding: 0 8px; font-size: 28px; cursor: pointer; `), fadeInTransition()]), cB("image-preview-wrapper", ` position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; display: flex; pointer-events: none; `, [fadeInScaleUpTransition()]), cB("image-preview", ` user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; pointer-events: all; margin: auto; max-height: calc(100vh - 32px); max-width: calc(100vw - 32px); transition: transform .3s var(--n-bezier); `), cB("image", ` display: inline-flex; max-height: 100%; max-width: 100%; `, [cNotM("preview-disabled", ` cursor: pointer; `), c$1("img", ` border-radius: inherit; `)])]); const BLEEDING = 32; const NImagePreview = vue.defineComponent({ name: "ImagePreview", props: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, imagePreviewSharedProps), { onNext: Function, onPrev: Function, clsPrefix: { type: String, required: true } }), setup(props) { const themeRef = useTheme("Image", "-image", style$G, imageLight, props, vue.toRef(props, "clsPrefix")); let thumbnailEl = null; const previewRef = vue.ref(null); const previewWrapperRef = vue.ref(null); const previewSrcRef = vue.ref(void 0); const showRef = vue.ref(false); const displayedRef = vue.ref(false); const { localeRef } = useLocale("Image"); function syncTransformOrigin() { const { value: previewWrapper } = previewWrapperRef; if (!thumbnailEl || !previewWrapper) return; const { style: style2 } = previewWrapper; const tbox = thumbnailEl.getBoundingClientRect(); const tx = tbox.left + tbox.width / 2; const ty = tbox.top + tbox.height / 2; style2.transformOrigin = `${tx}px ${ty}px`; } function handleKeydown(e) { var _a, _b; switch (e.key) { case " ": e.preventDefault(); break; case "ArrowLeft": (_a = props.onPrev) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props); break; case "ArrowRight": (_b = props.onNext) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(props); break; case "Escape": toggleShow(); break; } } vue.watch(showRef, (value) => { if (value) { on("keydown", document, handleKeydown); } else off("keydown", document, handleKeydown); }); vue.onBeforeUnmount(() => { off("keydown", document, handleKeydown); }); let startX = 0; let startY = 0; let offsetX = 0; let offsetY = 0; let startOffsetX = 0; let startOffsetY = 0; let mouseDownClientX = 0; let mouseDownClientY = 0; let dragging = false; function handleMouseMove(e) { const { clientX, clientY } = e; offsetX = clientX - startX; offsetY = clientY - startY; beforeNextFrameOnce(derivePreviewStyle); } function getMoveStrategy(opts) { const { mouseUpClientX, mouseUpClientY, mouseDownClientX: mouseDownClientX2, mouseDownClientY: mouseDownClientY2 } = opts; const deltaHorizontal = mouseDownClientX2 - mouseUpClientX; const deltaVertical = mouseDownClientY2 - mouseUpClientY; const moveVerticalDirection = `vertical${deltaVertical > 0 ? "Top" : "Bottom"}`; const moveHorizontalDirection = `horizontal${deltaHorizontal > 0 ? "Left" : "Right"}`; return { moveVerticalDirection, moveHorizontalDirection, deltaHorizontal, deltaVertical }; } function getDerivedOffset(moveStrategy) { const { value: preview } = previewRef; if (!preview) return { offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0 }; const pbox = preview.getBoundingClientRect(); const { moveVerticalDirection, moveHorizontalDirection, deltaHorizontal, deltaVertical } = moveStrategy || {}; let nextOffsetX = 0; let nextOffsetY = 0; if (pbox.width <= window.innerWidth) { nextOffsetX = 0; } else if (pbox.left > 0) { nextOffsetX = (pbox.width - window.innerWidth) / 2; } else if (pbox.right < window.innerWidth) { nextOffsetX = -(pbox.width - window.innerWidth) / 2; } else if (moveHorizontalDirection === "horizontalRight") { nextOffsetX = Math.min((pbox.width - window.innerWidth) / 2, startOffsetX - (deltaHorizontal !== null && deltaHorizontal !== void 0 ? deltaHorizontal : 0)); } else { nextOffsetX = Math.max(-((pbox.width - window.innerWidth) / 2), startOffsetX - (deltaHorizontal !== null && deltaHorizontal !== void 0 ? deltaHorizontal : 0)); } if (pbox.height <= window.innerHeight) { nextOffsetY = 0; } else if (pbox.top > 0) { nextOffsetY = (pbox.height - window.innerHeight) / 2; } else if (pbox.bottom < window.innerHeight) { nextOffsetY = -(pbox.height - window.innerHeight) / 2; } else if (moveVerticalDirection === "verticalBottom") { nextOffsetY = Math.min((pbox.height - window.innerHeight) / 2, startOffsetY - (deltaVertical !== null && deltaVertical !== void 0 ? deltaVertical : 0)); } else { nextOffsetY = Math.max(-((pbox.height - window.innerHeight) / 2), startOffsetY - (deltaVertical !== null && deltaVertical !== void 0 ? deltaVertical : 0)); } return { offsetX: nextOffsetX, offsetY: nextOffsetY }; } function handleMouseUp(e) { off("mousemove", document, handleMouseMove); off("mouseup", document, handleMouseUp); const { clientX: mouseUpClientX, clientY: mouseUpClientY } = e; dragging = false; const moveStrategy = getMoveStrategy({ mouseUpClientX, mouseUpClientY, mouseDownClientX, mouseDownClientY }); const offset = getDerivedOffset(moveStrategy); offsetX = offset.offsetX; offsetY = offset.offsetY; derivePreviewStyle(); } const imageContext = vue.inject(imageContextKey, null); function handlePreviewMousedown(e) { var _a, _b; (_b = (_a = imageContext === null || imageContext === void 0 ? void 0 : imageContext.previewedImgPropsRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.onMousedown) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a, e); if (e.button !== 0) return; const { clientX, clientY } = e; dragging = true; startX = clientX - offsetX; startY = clientY - offsetY; startOffsetX = offsetX; startOffsetY = offsetY; mouseDownClientX = clientX; mouseDownClientY = clientY; derivePreviewStyle(); on("mousemove", document, handleMouseMove); on("mouseup", document, handleMouseUp); } function handlePreviewDblclick(e) { var _a, _b; (_b = (_a = imageContext === null || imageContext === void 0 ? void 0 : imageContext.previewedImgPropsRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.onDblclick) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a, e); const originalImageSizeScale = getOrignalImageSizeScale(); scale = scale === originalImageSizeScale ? 1 : originalImageSizeScale; derivePreviewStyle(); } const scaleRadix = 1.5; let scaleExp = 0; let scale = 1; let rotate = 0; function resetScale() { scale = 1; scaleExp = 0; } function handleSwitchPrev() { var _a; resetScale(); rotate = 0; (_a = props.onPrev) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props); } function handleSwitchNext() { var _a; resetScale(); rotate = 0; (_a = props.onNext) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props); } function rotateCounterclockwise() { rotate -= 90; derivePreviewStyle(); } function rotateClockwise() { rotate += 90; derivePreviewStyle(); } function getMaxScale() { const { value: preview } = previewRef; if (!preview) return 1; const { innerWidth, innerHeight } = window; const heightMaxScale = Math.max(1, preview.naturalHeight / (innerHeight - BLEEDING)); const widthMaxScale = Math.max(1, preview.naturalWidth / (innerWidth - BLEEDING)); return Math.max(3, heightMaxScale * 2, widthMaxScale * 2); } function getOrignalImageSizeScale() { const { value: preview } = previewRef; if (!preview) return 1; const { innerWidth, innerHeight } = window; const heightScale = preview.naturalHeight / (innerHeight - BLEEDING); const widthScale = preview.naturalWidth / (innerWidth - BLEEDING); if (heightScale < 1 && widthScale < 1) { return 1; } return Math.max(heightScale, widthScale); } function zoomIn() { const maxScale = getMaxScale(); if (scale < maxScale) { scaleExp += 1; scale = Math.min(maxScale, Math.pow(scaleRadix, scaleExp)); derivePreviewStyle(); } } function zoomOut() { if (scale > 0.5) { const originalScale = scale; scaleExp -= 1; scale = Math.max(0.5, Math.pow(scaleRadix, scaleExp)); const diff = originalScale - scale; derivePreviewStyle(false); const offset = getDerivedOffset(); scale += diff; derivePreviewStyle(false); scale -= diff; offsetX = offset.offsetX; offsetY = offset.offsetY; derivePreviewStyle(); } } function handleDownloadClick() { const src = previewSrcRef.value; if (src) { download(src, void 0); } } function derivePreviewStyle(transition = true) { var _a; const { value: preview } = previewRef; if (!preview) return; const { style: style2 } = preview; const controlledStyle = vue.normalizeStyle((_a = imageContext === null || imageContext === void 0 ? void 0 : imageContext.previewedImgPropsRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.style); let controlledStyleString = ""; if (typeof controlledStyle === "string") { controlledStyleString = controlledStyle + ";"; } else { for (const key in controlledStyle) { controlledStyleString += `${kebabCase(key)}: ${controlledStyle[key]};`; } } const transformStyle = `transform-origin: center; transform: translateX(${offsetX}px) translateY(${offsetY}px) rotate(${rotate}deg) scale(${scale});`; if (dragging) { style2.cssText = controlledStyleString + "cursor: grabbing; transition: none;" + transformStyle; } else { style2.cssText = controlledStyleString + "cursor: grab;" + transformStyle + (transition ? "" : "transition: none;"); } if (!transition) { void preview.offsetHeight; } } function toggleShow() { showRef.value = !showRef.value; displayedRef.value = true; } function resizeToOrignalImageSize() { scale = getOrignalImageSizeScale(); scaleExp = Math.ceil(Math.log(scale) / Math.log(scaleRadix)); offsetX = 0; offsetY = 0; derivePreviewStyle(); } const exposedMethods = { setPreviewSrc: (src) => { previewSrcRef.value = src; }, setThumbnailEl: (el) => { thumbnailEl = el; }, toggleShow }; function withTooltip(node, tooltipKey) { if (props.showToolbarTooltip) { const { value: theme } = themeRef; return vue.h(NTooltip, { to: false, theme: theme.peers.Tooltip, themeOverrides: theme.peerOverrides.Tooltip, keepAliveOnHover: false }, { default: () => { return localeRef.value[tooltipKey]; }, trigger: () => node }); } else { return node; } } const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: { toolbarIconColor, toolbarBorderRadius, toolbarBoxShadow, toolbarColor } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-toolbar-icon-color": toolbarIconColor, "--n-toolbar-color": toolbarColor, "--n-toolbar-border-radius": toolbarBorderRadius, "--n-toolbar-box-shadow": toolbarBoxShadow }; }); const { inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("image-preview", void 0, cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return Object.assign({ previewRef, previewWrapperRef, previewSrc: previewSrcRef, show: showRef, appear: isMounted(), displayed: displayedRef, previewedImgProps: imageContext === null || imageContext === void 0 ? void 0 : imageContext.previewedImgPropsRef, handleWheel(e) { e.preventDefault(); }, handlePreviewMousedown, handlePreviewDblclick, syncTransformOrigin, handleAfterLeave: () => { resetScale(); rotate = 0; displayedRef.value = false; }, handleDragStart: (e) => { var _a, _b; (_b = (_a = imageContext === null || imageContext === void 0 ? void 0 : imageContext.previewedImgPropsRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.onDragstart) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a, e); e.preventDefault(); }, zoomIn, zoomOut, handleDownloadClick, rotateCounterclockwise, rotateClockwise, handleSwitchPrev, handleSwitchNext, withTooltip, resizeToOrignalImageSize, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }, exposedMethods); }, render() { var _a, _b; const { clsPrefix, renderToolbar, withTooltip } = this; const prevNode = withTooltip(vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix, onClick: this.handleSwitchPrev }, { default: () => prevIcon }), "tipPrevious"); const nextNode = withTooltip(vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix, onClick: this.handleSwitchNext }, { default: () => nextIcon }), "tipNext"); const rotateCounterclockwiseNode = withTooltip(vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix, onClick: this.rotateCounterclockwise }, { default: () => vue.h(RotateCounterclockwiseIcon, null) }), "tipCounterclockwise"); const rotateClockwiseNode = withTooltip(vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix, onClick: this.rotateClockwise }, { default: () => vue.h(RotateClockwiseIcon, null) }), "tipClockwise"); const originalSizeNode = withTooltip(vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix, onClick: this.resizeToOrignalImageSize }, { default: () => { return vue.h(ResizeSmallIcon, null); } }), "tipOriginalSize"); const zoomOutNode = withTooltip(vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix, onClick: this.zoomOut }, { default: () => vue.h(ZoomOutIcon, null) }), "tipZoomOut"); const downloadNode = withTooltip(vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix, onClick: this.handleDownloadClick }, { default: () => vue.h(DownloadIcon, null) }), "tipDownload"); const closeNode = withTooltip(vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix, onClick: this.toggleShow }, { default: () => closeIcon }), "tipClose"); const zoomInNode = withTooltip(vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix, onClick: this.zoomIn }, { default: () => vue.h(ZoomInIcon, null) }), "tipZoomIn"); return vue.h(vue.Fragment, null, (_b = (_a = this.$slots).default) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a), vue.h(LazyTeleport, { show: this.show }, { default: () => { var _a2; if (!(this.show || this.displayed)) { return null; } (_a2 = this.onRender) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.call(this); return vue.withDirectives(vue.h("div", { class: [`${clsPrefix}-image-preview-container`, this.themeClass], style: this.cssVars, onWheel: this.handleWheel }, vue.h(vue.Transition, { name: "fade-in-transition", appear: this.appear }, { default: () => this.show ? vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-image-preview-overlay`, onClick: this.toggleShow }) : null }), this.showToolbar ? vue.h(vue.Transition, { name: "fade-in-transition", appear: this.appear }, { default: () => { if (!this.show) return null; return vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-image-preview-toolbar` }, renderToolbar ? renderToolbar({ nodes: { prev: prevNode, next: nextNode, rotateCounterclockwise: rotateCounterclockwiseNode, rotateClockwise: rotateClockwiseNode, resizeToOriginalSize: originalSizeNode, zoomOut: zoomOutNode, zoomIn: zoomInNode, download: downloadNode, close: closeNode } }) : vue.h(vue.Fragment, null, this.onPrev ? vue.h(vue.Fragment, null, prevNode, nextNode) : null, rotateCounterclockwiseNode, rotateClockwiseNode, originalSizeNode, zoomOutNode, zoomInNode, downloadNode, closeNode)); } }) : null, vue.h(vue.Transition, { name: "fade-in-scale-up-transition", onAfterLeave: this.handleAfterLeave, appear: this.appear, // BUG: // onEnter will be called twice, I don't know why // Maybe it is a bug of vue onEnter: this.syncTransformOrigin, onBeforeLeave: this.syncTransformOrigin }, { default: () => { const { previewedImgProps = {} } = this; return vue.withDirectives(vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-image-preview-wrapper`, ref: "previewWrapperRef" }, vue.h("img", Object.assign({}, previewedImgProps, { draggable: false, onMousedown: this.handlePreviewMousedown, onDblclick: this.handlePreviewDblclick, class: [`${clsPrefix}-image-preview`, previewedImgProps.class], key: this.previewSrc, src: this.previewSrc, ref: "previewRef", onDragstart: this.handleDragStart }))), [[vue.vShow, this.show]]); } })), [[zindexable, { enabled: this.show }]]); } })); } }); const imageGroupInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-image-group"); const imageGroupProps = imagePreviewSharedProps; const NImageGroup = vue.defineComponent({ name: "ImageGroup", props: imageGroupProps, setup(props) { let currentSrc; const { mergedClsPrefixRef } = useConfig(props); const groupId = `c${createId()}`; const vm = vue.getCurrentInstance(); const setPreviewSrc = (src) => { var _a; currentSrc = src; (_a = previewInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.setPreviewSrc(src); }; function go(step) { var _a, _b; if (!(vm === null || vm === void 0 ? void 0 : vm.proxy)) return; const container = vm.proxy.$el.parentElement; const imgs = container.querySelectorAll(`[data-group-id=${groupId}]:not([data-error=true])`); if (!imgs.length) return; const index = Array.from(imgs).findIndex((img) => img.dataset.previewSrc === currentSrc); if (~index) { setPreviewSrc(imgs[(index + step + imgs.length) % imgs.length].dataset.previewSrc); } else { setPreviewSrc(imgs[0].dataset.previewSrc); } step === 1 ? (_a = props.onPreviewNext) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props) : (_b = props.onPreviewPrev) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(props); } vue.provide(imageGroupInjectionKey, { mergedClsPrefixRef, setPreviewSrc, setThumbnailEl: (el) => { var _a; (_a = previewInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.setThumbnailEl(el); }, toggleShow: () => { var _a; (_a = previewInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.toggleShow(); }, groupId, renderToolbarRef: vue.toRef(props, "renderToolbar") }); const previewInstRef = vue.ref(null); return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, previewInstRef, next: () => { go(1); }, prev: () => { go(-1); } }; }, render() { return vue.h(NImagePreview, { theme: this.theme, themeOverrides: this.themeOverrides, clsPrefix: this.mergedClsPrefix, ref: "previewInstRef", onPrev: this.prev, onNext: this.next, showToolbar: this.showToolbar, showToolbarTooltip: this.showToolbarTooltip, renderToolbar: this.renderToolbar }, this.$slots); } }); const imageProps = Object.assign({ alt: String, height: [String, Number], imgProps: Object, previewedImgProps: Object, lazy: Boolean, intersectionObserverOptions: Object, objectFit: { type: String, default: "fill" }, previewSrc: String, fallbackSrc: String, width: [String, Number], src: String, previewDisabled: Boolean, loadDescription: String, onError: Function, onLoad: Function }, imagePreviewSharedProps); const NImage = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Image", props: imageProps, inheritAttrs: false, setup(props) { const imageRef = vue.ref(null); const showErrorRef = vue.ref(false); const previewInstRef = vue.ref(null); const imageGroupHandle = vue.inject(imageGroupInjectionKey, null); const { mergedClsPrefixRef } = imageGroupHandle || useConfig(props); const exposedMethods = { click: () => { if (props.previewDisabled || showErrorRef.value) return; const mergedPreviewSrc = props.previewSrc || props.src; if (imageGroupHandle) { imageGroupHandle.setPreviewSrc(mergedPreviewSrc); imageGroupHandle.setThumbnailEl(imageRef.value); imageGroupHandle.toggleShow(); return; } const { value: previewInst } = previewInstRef; if (!previewInst) return; previewInst.setPreviewSrc(mergedPreviewSrc); previewInst.setThumbnailEl(imageRef.value); previewInst.toggleShow(); } }; const shouldStartLoadingRef = vue.ref(!props.lazy); vue.onMounted(() => { var _a; (_a = imageRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.setAttribute("data-group-id", (imageGroupHandle === null || imageGroupHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : imageGroupHandle.groupId) || ""); }); vue.onMounted(() => { if (props.lazy && props.intersectionObserverOptions) { let unobserve; const stopWatchHandle = vue.watchEffect(() => { unobserve === null || unobserve === void 0 ? void 0 : unobserve(); unobserve = void 0; unobserve = observeIntersection(imageRef.value, props.intersectionObserverOptions, shouldStartLoadingRef); }); vue.onBeforeUnmount(() => { stopWatchHandle(); unobserve === null || unobserve === void 0 ? void 0 : unobserve(); }); } }); vue.watchEffect(() => { var _a; void (props.src || ((_a = props.imgProps) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.src)); showErrorRef.value = false; }); const loadedRef = vue.ref(false); vue.provide(imageContextKey, { previewedImgPropsRef: vue.toRef(props, "previewedImgProps") }); return Object.assign({ mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, groupId: imageGroupHandle === null || imageGroupHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : imageGroupHandle.groupId, previewInstRef, imageRef, showError: showErrorRef, shouldStartLoading: shouldStartLoadingRef, loaded: loadedRef, mergedOnClick: (e) => { var _a, _b; exposedMethods.click(); (_b = (_a = props.imgProps) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.onClick) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a, e); }, mergedOnError: (e) => { if (!shouldStartLoadingRef.value) return; showErrorRef.value = true; const { onError, imgProps: { onError: imgPropsOnError } = {} } = props; onError === null || onError === void 0 ? void 0 : onError(e); imgPropsOnError === null || imgPropsOnError === void 0 ? void 0 : imgPropsOnError(e); }, mergedOnLoad: (e) => { const { onLoad, imgProps: { onLoad: imgPropsOnLoad } = {} } = props; onLoad === null || onLoad === void 0 ? void 0 : onLoad(e); imgPropsOnLoad === null || imgPropsOnLoad === void 0 ? void 0 : imgPropsOnLoad(e); loadedRef.value = true; } }, exposedMethods); }, render() { var _a, _b; const { mergedClsPrefix, imgProps = {}, loaded, $attrs, lazy } = this; const placeholderNode = (_b = (_a = this.$slots).placeholder) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a); const loadSrc = this.src || imgProps.src; const imgNode = vue.h("img", Object.assign(Object.assign({}, imgProps), { ref: "imageRef", width: this.width || imgProps.width, height: this.height || imgProps.height, src: this.showError ? this.fallbackSrc : lazy && this.intersectionObserverOptions ? this.shouldStartLoading ? loadSrc : void 0 : loadSrc, alt: this.alt || imgProps.alt, "aria-label": this.alt || imgProps.alt, onClick: this.mergedOnClick, onError: this.mergedOnError, onLoad: this.mergedOnLoad, // If interseciton observer options is set, do not use native lazy loading: isImageSupportNativeLazy && lazy && !this.intersectionObserverOptions ? "lazy" : "eager", style: [imgProps.style || "", placeholderNode && !loaded ? { height: "0", width: "0", visibility: "hidden" } : "", { objectFit: this.objectFit }], "data-error": this.showError, "data-preview-src": this.previewSrc || this.src })); return vue.h("div", Object.assign({}, $attrs, { role: "none", class: [$attrs.class, `${mergedClsPrefix}-image`, (this.previewDisabled || this.showError) && `${mergedClsPrefix}-image--preview-disabled`] }), this.groupId ? imgNode : vue.h(NImagePreview, { theme: this.theme, themeOverrides: this.themeOverrides, clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, ref: "previewInstRef", showToolbar: this.showToolbar, showToolbarTooltip: this.showToolbarTooltip, renderToolbar: this.renderToolbar }, { default: () => imgNode, toolbar: () => { var _a2, _b2; return (_b2 = (_a2 = this.$slots).toolbar) === null || _b2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _b2.call(_a2); } }), !loaded && placeholderNode); } }); function parse(value) { if (value === void 0 || value === null || typeof value === "string" && value.trim() === "") { return null; } return Number(value); } function isWipValue(value) { return value.includes(".") && (/^(-)?\d+.*(\.|0)$/.test(value) || /^\.\d+$/.test(value)); } function validator(value) { if (value === void 0 || value === null) return true; if (Number.isNaN(value)) return false; return true; } function format(value, precision) { if (value === void 0 || value === null) return ""; return precision === void 0 ? String(value) : value.toFixed(precision); } function parseNumber(number) { if (number === null) return null; if (typeof number === "number") { return number; } else { const parsedNumber = Number(number); if (Number.isNaN(parsedNumber)) return null; else { return parsedNumber; } } } const style$F = c$1([cB("input-number-suffix", ` display: inline-block; margin-right: 10px; `), cB("input-number-prefix", ` display: inline-block; margin-left: 10px; `)]); const HOLDING_CHANGE_THRESHOLD = 800; const HOLDING_CHANGE_INTERVAL = 100; const inputNumberProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { autofocus: Boolean, loading: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, placeholder: String, defaultValue: { type: Number, default: null }, value: Number, step: { type: [Number, String], default: 1 }, min: [Number, String], max: [Number, String], size: String, disabled: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, validator: Function, bordered: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, showButton: { type: Boolean, default: true }, buttonPlacement: { type: String, default: "right" }, inputProps: Object, readonly: Boolean, clearable: Boolean, keyboard: { type: Object, default: {} }, updateValueOnInput: { type: Boolean, default: true }, parse: Function, format: Function, precision: Number, status: String, "onUpdate:value": [Function, Array], onUpdateValue: [Function, Array], onFocus: [Function, Array], onBlur: [Function, Array], onClear: [Function, Array], // deprecated onChange: [Function, Array] }); const InputNumber = vue.defineComponent({ name: "InputNumber", props: inputNumberProps, setup(props) { const { mergedBorderedRef, mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedRtlRef } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("InputNumber", "-input-number", style$F, inputNumberLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const { localeRef } = useLocale("InputNumber"); const formItem = useFormItem(props); const { mergedSizeRef, mergedDisabledRef, mergedStatusRef } = formItem; const inputInstRef = vue.ref(null); const minusButtonInstRef = vue.ref(null); const addButtonInstRef = vue.ref(null); const uncontrolledValueRef = vue.ref(props.defaultValue); const controlledValueRef = vue.toRef(props, "value"); const mergedValueRef = useMergedState(controlledValueRef, uncontrolledValueRef); const displayedValueRef = vue.ref(""); const getPrecision = (value) => { const fraction = String(value).split(".")[1]; return fraction ? fraction.length : 0; }; const getMaxPrecision = (currentValue) => { const precisions = [props.min, props.max, props.step, currentValue].map((value) => { if (value === void 0) return 0; return getPrecision(value); }); return Math.max(...precisions); }; const mergedPlaceholderRef = useMemo(() => { const { placeholder } = props; if (placeholder !== void 0) return placeholder; return localeRef.value.placeholder; }); const mergedStepRef = useMemo(() => { const parsedNumber = parseNumber(props.step); if (parsedNumber !== null) { return parsedNumber === 0 ? 1 : Math.abs(parsedNumber); } return 1; }); const mergedMinRef = useMemo(() => { const parsedNumber = parseNumber(props.min); if (parsedNumber !== null) return parsedNumber; else return null; }); const mergedMaxRef = useMemo(() => { const parsedNumber = parseNumber(props.max); if (parsedNumber !== null) return parsedNumber; else return null; }); const doUpdateValue = (value) => { const { value: mergedValue } = mergedValueRef; if (value === mergedValue) { deriveDisplayedValueFromValue(); return; } const { "onUpdate:value": _onUpdateValue, onUpdateValue, onChange } = props; const { nTriggerFormInput, nTriggerFormChange } = formItem; if (onChange) call(onChange, value); if (onUpdateValue) call(onUpdateValue, value); if (_onUpdateValue) call(_onUpdateValue, value); uncontrolledValueRef.value = value; nTriggerFormInput(); nTriggerFormChange(); }; const deriveValueFromDisplayedValue = ({ offset, doUpdateIfValid, fixPrecision, isInputing }) => { const { value: displayedValue } = displayedValueRef; if (isInputing && isWipValue(displayedValue)) { return false; } const parsedValue = (props.parse || parse)(displayedValue); if (parsedValue === null) { if (doUpdateIfValid) doUpdateValue(null); return null; } if (validator(parsedValue)) { const currentPrecision = getPrecision(parsedValue); const { precision } = props; if (precision !== void 0 && precision < currentPrecision && !fixPrecision) { return false; } let nextValue = parseFloat((parsedValue + offset).toFixed(precision !== null && precision !== void 0 ? precision : getMaxPrecision(parsedValue))); if (validator(nextValue)) { const { value: mergedMax } = mergedMaxRef; const { value: mergedMin } = mergedMinRef; if (mergedMax !== null && nextValue > mergedMax) { if (!doUpdateIfValid || isInputing) return false; nextValue = mergedMax; } if (mergedMin !== null && nextValue < mergedMin) { if (!doUpdateIfValid || isInputing) return false; nextValue = mergedMin; } if (props.validator && !props.validator(nextValue)) return false; if (doUpdateIfValid) doUpdateValue(nextValue); return nextValue; } } return false; }; const deriveDisplayedValueFromValue = () => { const { value: mergedValue } = mergedValueRef; if (validator(mergedValue)) { const { format: formatProp, precision } = props; if (formatProp) { displayedValueRef.value = formatProp(mergedValue); } else { if (mergedValue === null || precision === void 0 || // precision overflow getPrecision(mergedValue) > precision) { displayedValueRef.value = format(mergedValue, void 0); } else { displayedValueRef.value = format(mergedValue, precision); } } } else { displayedValueRef.value = String(mergedValue); } }; deriveDisplayedValueFromValue(); const displayedValueInvalidRef = useMemo(() => { const derivedValue = deriveValueFromDisplayedValue({ offset: 0, doUpdateIfValid: false, isInputing: false, fixPrecision: false }); return derivedValue === false; }); const minusableRef = useMemo(() => { const { value: mergedValue } = mergedValueRef; if (props.validator && mergedValue === null) { return false; } const { value: mergedStep } = mergedStepRef; const derivedNextValue = deriveValueFromDisplayedValue({ offset: -mergedStep, doUpdateIfValid: false, isInputing: false, fixPrecision: false }); return derivedNextValue !== false; }); const addableRef = useMemo(() => { const { value: mergedValue } = mergedValueRef; if (props.validator && mergedValue === null) { return false; } const { value: mergedStep } = mergedStepRef; const derivedNextValue = deriveValueFromDisplayedValue({ offset: +mergedStep, doUpdateIfValid: false, isInputing: false, fixPrecision: false }); return derivedNextValue !== false; }); function doFocus(e) { const { onFocus } = props; const { nTriggerFormFocus } = formItem; if (onFocus) call(onFocus, e); nTriggerFormFocus(); } function doBlur(e) { var _a, _b; if (e.target === ((_a = inputInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.wrapperElRef)) { return; } const value = deriveValueFromDisplayedValue({ offset: 0, doUpdateIfValid: true, isInputing: false, fixPrecision: true }); if (value !== false) { const inputElRef = (_b = inputInstRef.value) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.inputElRef; if (inputElRef) { inputElRef.value = String(value || ""); } if (mergedValueRef.value === value) { deriveDisplayedValueFromValue(); } } else { deriveDisplayedValueFromValue(); } const { onBlur } = props; const { nTriggerFormBlur } = formItem; if (onBlur) call(onBlur, e); nTriggerFormBlur(); void vue.nextTick(() => { deriveDisplayedValueFromValue(); }); } function doClear(e) { const { onClear } = props; if (onClear) call(onClear, e); } function doAdd() { const { value: addable } = addableRef; if (!addable) { clearAddHoldTimeout(); return; } const { value: mergedValue } = mergedValueRef; if (mergedValue === null) { if (!props.validator) { doUpdateValue(createValidValue()); } } else { const { value: mergedStep } = mergedStepRef; deriveValueFromDisplayedValue({ offset: mergedStep, doUpdateIfValid: true, isInputing: false, fixPrecision: true }); } } function doMinus() { const { value: minusable } = minusableRef; if (!minusable) { clearMinusHoldTimeout(); return; } const { value: mergedValue } = mergedValueRef; if (mergedValue === null) { if (!props.validator) { doUpdateValue(createValidValue()); } } else { const { value: mergedStep } = mergedStepRef; deriveValueFromDisplayedValue({ offset: -mergedStep, doUpdateIfValid: true, isInputing: false, fixPrecision: true }); } } const handleFocus = doFocus; const handleBlur = doBlur; function createValidValue() { if (props.validator) return null; const { value: mergedMin } = mergedMinRef; const { value: mergedMax } = mergedMaxRef; if (mergedMin !== null) { return Math.max(0, mergedMin); } else if (mergedMax !== null) { return Math.min(0, mergedMax); } else { return 0; } } function handleClear(e) { doClear(e); doUpdateValue(null); } function handleMouseDown(e) { var _a, _b, _c; if ((_a = addButtonInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.$el.contains(e.target)) { e.preventDefault(); } if ((_b = minusButtonInstRef.value) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.$el.contains(e.target)) { e.preventDefault(); } (_c = inputInstRef.value) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.activate(); } let minusHoldStateIntervalId = null; let addHoldStateIntervalId = null; let firstMinusMousedownId = null; function clearMinusHoldTimeout() { if (firstMinusMousedownId) { window.clearTimeout(firstMinusMousedownId); firstMinusMousedownId = null; } if (minusHoldStateIntervalId) { window.clearInterval(minusHoldStateIntervalId); minusHoldStateIntervalId = null; } } function clearAddHoldTimeout() { if (firstAddMousedownId) { window.clearTimeout(firstAddMousedownId); firstAddMousedownId = null; } if (addHoldStateIntervalId) { window.clearInterval(addHoldStateIntervalId); addHoldStateIntervalId = null; } } function handleMinusMousedown() { clearMinusHoldTimeout(); firstMinusMousedownId = window.setTimeout(() => { minusHoldStateIntervalId = window.setInterval(() => { doMinus(); }, HOLDING_CHANGE_INTERVAL); }, HOLDING_CHANGE_THRESHOLD); on("mouseup", document, clearMinusHoldTimeout, { once: true }); } let firstAddMousedownId = null; function handleAddMousedown() { clearAddHoldTimeout(); firstAddMousedownId = window.setTimeout(() => { addHoldStateIntervalId = window.setInterval(() => { doAdd(); }, HOLDING_CHANGE_INTERVAL); }, HOLDING_CHANGE_THRESHOLD); on("mouseup", document, clearAddHoldTimeout, { once: true }); } const handleAddClick = () => { if (addHoldStateIntervalId) return; doAdd(); }; const handleMinusClick = () => { if (minusHoldStateIntervalId) return; doMinus(); }; function handleKeyDown(e) { var _a, _b; if (e.key === "Enter") { if (e.target === ((_a = inputInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.wrapperElRef)) { return; } const value = deriveValueFromDisplayedValue({ offset: 0, doUpdateIfValid: true, isInputing: false, fixPrecision: true }); if (value !== false) { (_b = inputInstRef.value) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.deactivate(); } } else if (e.key === "ArrowUp") { if (!addableRef.value) return; if (props.keyboard.ArrowUp === false) return; e.preventDefault(); const value = deriveValueFromDisplayedValue({ offset: 0, doUpdateIfValid: true, isInputing: false, fixPrecision: true }); if (value !== false) { doAdd(); } } else if (e.key === "ArrowDown") { if (!minusableRef.value) return; if (props.keyboard.ArrowDown === false) return; e.preventDefault(); const value = deriveValueFromDisplayedValue({ offset: 0, doUpdateIfValid: true, isInputing: false, fixPrecision: true }); if (value !== false) { doMinus(); } } } function handleUpdateDisplayedValue(value) { displayedValueRef.value = value; if (props.updateValueOnInput && !props.format && !props.parse && props.precision === void 0) { deriveValueFromDisplayedValue({ offset: 0, doUpdateIfValid: true, isInputing: true, fixPrecision: false }); } } vue.watch(mergedValueRef, () => { deriveDisplayedValueFromValue(); }); const exposedMethods = { focus: () => { var _a; return (_a = inputInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.focus(); }, blur: () => { var _a; return (_a = inputInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.blur(); }, select: () => { var _a; return (_a = inputInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.select(); } }; const rtlEnabledRef = useRtl("InputNumber", mergedRtlRef, mergedClsPrefixRef); return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, exposedMethods), { rtlEnabled: rtlEnabledRef, inputInstRef, minusButtonInstRef, addButtonInstRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedBordered: mergedBorderedRef, uncontrolledValue: uncontrolledValueRef, mergedValue: mergedValueRef, mergedPlaceholder: mergedPlaceholderRef, displayedValueInvalid: displayedValueInvalidRef, mergedSize: mergedSizeRef, mergedDisabled: mergedDisabledRef, displayedValue: displayedValueRef, addable: addableRef, minusable: minusableRef, mergedStatus: mergedStatusRef, handleFocus, handleBlur, handleClear, handleMouseDown, handleAddClick, handleMinusClick, handleAddMousedown, handleMinusMousedown, handleKeyDown, handleUpdateDisplayedValue, // theme mergedTheme: themeRef, inputThemeOverrides: { paddingSmall: "0 8px 0 10px", paddingMedium: "0 8px 0 12px", paddingLarge: "0 8px 0 14px" }, buttonThemeOverrides: vue.computed(() => { const { self: { iconColorDisabled } } = themeRef.value; const [r, g, b, a2] = rgba(iconColorDisabled); return { textColorTextDisabled: `rgb(${r}, ${g}, ${b})`, opacityDisabled: `${a2}` }; }) }); }, render() { const { mergedClsPrefix, $slots } = this; const renderMinusButton = () => { return vue.h(XButton, { text: true, disabled: !this.minusable || this.mergedDisabled || this.readonly, focusable: false, theme: this.mergedTheme.peers.Button, themeOverrides: this.mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Button, builtinThemeOverrides: this.buttonThemeOverrides, onClick: this.handleMinusClick, onMousedown: this.handleMinusMousedown, ref: "minusButtonInstRef" }, { icon: () => resolveSlot($slots["minus-icon"], () => [vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix }, { default: () => vue.h(RemoveIcon, null) })]) }); }; const renderAddButton = () => { return vue.h(XButton, { text: true, disabled: !this.addable || this.mergedDisabled || this.readonly, focusable: false, theme: this.mergedTheme.peers.Button, themeOverrides: this.mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Button, builtinThemeOverrides: this.buttonThemeOverrides, onClick: this.handleAddClick, onMousedown: this.handleAddMousedown, ref: "addButtonInstRef" }, { icon: () => resolveSlot($slots["add-icon"], () => [vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix }, { default: () => vue.h(AddIcon, null) })]) }); }; return vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-input-number`, this.rtlEnabled && `${mergedClsPrefix}-input-number--rtl`] }, vue.h(NInput, { ref: "inputInstRef", autofocus: this.autofocus, status: this.mergedStatus, bordered: this.mergedBordered, loading: this.loading, value: this.displayedValue, onUpdateValue: this.handleUpdateDisplayedValue, theme: this.mergedTheme.peers.Input, themeOverrides: this.mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Input, builtinThemeOverrides: this.inputThemeOverrides, size: this.mergedSize, placeholder: this.mergedPlaceholder, disabled: this.mergedDisabled, readonly: this.readonly, textDecoration: this.displayedValueInvalid ? "line-through" : void 0, onFocus: this.handleFocus, onBlur: this.handleBlur, onKeydown: this.handleKeyDown, onMousedown: this.handleMouseDown, onClear: this.handleClear, clearable: this.clearable, inputProps: this.inputProps, internalLoadingBeforeSuffix: true }, { prefix: () => { var _a; return this.showButton && this.buttonPlacement === "both" ? [renderMinusButton(), resolveWrappedSlot($slots.prefix, (children) => { if (children) { return vue.h("span", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-input-number-prefix` }, children); } return null; })] : (_a = $slots.prefix) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call($slots); }, suffix: () => { var _a; return this.showButton ? [resolveWrappedSlot($slots.suffix, (children) => { if (children) { return vue.h("span", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-input-number-suffix` }, children); } return null; }), this.buttonPlacement === "right" ? renderMinusButton() : null, renderAddButton()] : (_a = $slots.suffix) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call($slots); } })); } }); const layoutSiderInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-layout-sider"); const positionProp = { type: String, default: "static" }; const style$E = cB("layout", ` color: var(--n-text-color); background-color: var(--n-color); box-sizing: border-box; position: relative; z-index: auto; flex: auto; overflow: hidden; transition: box-shadow .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), color .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [cB("layout-scroll-container", ` overflow-x: hidden; box-sizing: border-box; height: 100%; `), cM("absolute-positioned", ` position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; `)]); const layoutProps = { embedded: Boolean, position: positionProp, nativeScrollbar: { type: Boolean, default: true }, scrollbarProps: Object, onScroll: Function, contentClass: String, contentStyle: { type: [String, Object], default: "" }, hasSider: Boolean, siderPlacement: { type: String, default: "left" } }; const layoutInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-layout"); function createLayoutComponent(isContent) { return vue.defineComponent({ name: isContent ? "LayoutContent" : "Layout", props: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), layoutProps), setup(props) { const scrollableElRef = vue.ref(null); const scrollbarInstRef = vue.ref(null); const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Layout", "-layout", style$E, layoutLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); function scrollTo(options, y) { if (props.nativeScrollbar) { const { value: scrollableEl } = scrollableElRef; if (scrollableEl) { if (y === void 0) { scrollableEl.scrollTo(options); } else { scrollableEl.scrollTo(options, y); } } } else { const { value: scrollbarInst } = scrollbarInstRef; if (scrollbarInst) { scrollbarInst.scrollTo(options, y); } } } vue.provide(layoutInjectionKey, props); let scrollX = 0; let scrollY = 0; const handleNativeElScroll = (e) => { var _a; const target = e.target; scrollX = target.scrollLeft; scrollY = target.scrollTop; (_a = props.onScroll) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, e); }; useReactivated(() => { if (props.nativeScrollbar) { const el = scrollableElRef.value; if (el) { el.scrollTop = scrollY; el.scrollLeft = scrollX; } } }); const hasSiderStyle = { display: "flex", flexWrap: "nowrap", width: "100%", flexDirection: "row" }; const exposedMethods = { scrollTo }; const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: self2 } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-color": props.embedded ? self2.colorEmbedded : self2.color, "--n-text-color": self2.textColor }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("layout", vue.computed(() => { return props.embedded ? "e" : ""; }), cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return Object.assign({ mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, scrollableElRef, scrollbarInstRef, hasSiderStyle, mergedTheme: themeRef, handleNativeElScroll, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }, exposedMethods); }, render() { var _a; const { mergedClsPrefix, hasSider } = this; (_a = this.onRender) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(this); const hasSiderStyle = hasSider ? this.hasSiderStyle : void 0; const layoutClass = [this.themeClass, isContent && `${mergedClsPrefix}-layout-content`, `${mergedClsPrefix}-layout`, `${mergedClsPrefix}-layout--${this.position}-positioned`]; return vue.h("div", { class: layoutClass, style: this.cssVars }, this.nativeScrollbar ? vue.h("div", { ref: "scrollableElRef", class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-layout-scroll-container`, this.contentClass], style: [this.contentStyle, hasSiderStyle], onScroll: this.handleNativeElScroll }, this.$slots) : vue.h(Scrollbar$2, Object.assign({}, this.scrollbarProps, { onScroll: this.onScroll, ref: "scrollbarInstRef", theme: this.mergedTheme.peers.Scrollbar, themeOverrides: this.mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Scrollbar, contentClass: this.contentClass, contentStyle: [this.contentStyle, hasSiderStyle] }), this.$slots)); } }); } const Layout = createLayoutComponent(false); const LayoutContent = createLayoutComponent(true); const style$D = cB("layout-header", ` transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), box-shadow .3s var(--n-bezier), border-color .3s var(--n-bezier); box-sizing: border-box; width: 100%; background-color: var(--n-color); color: var(--n-text-color); `, [cM("absolute-positioned", ` position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; `), cM("bordered", ` border-bottom: solid 1px var(--n-border-color); `)]); const headerProps$1 = { position: positionProp, inverted: Boolean, bordered: { type: Boolean, default: false } }; const LayoutHeader = vue.defineComponent({ name: "LayoutHeader", props: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), headerProps$1), setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Layout", "-layout-header", style$D, layoutLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: self2 } = themeRef.value; const vars = { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }; if (props.inverted) { vars["--n-color"] = self2.headerColorInverted; vars["--n-text-color"] = self2.textColorInverted; vars["--n-border-color"] = self2.headerBorderColorInverted; } else { vars["--n-color"] = self2.headerColor; vars["--n-text-color"] = self2.textColor; vars["--n-border-color"] = self2.headerBorderColor; } return vars; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("layout-header", vue.computed(() => props.inverted ? "a" : "b"), cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }; }, render() { var _a; const { mergedClsPrefix } = this; (_a = this.onRender) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(this); return vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-layout-header`, this.themeClass, this.position && `${mergedClsPrefix}-layout-header--${this.position}-positioned`, this.bordered && `${mergedClsPrefix}-layout-header--bordered`], style: this.cssVars }, this.$slots); } }); const style$C = cB("layout-footer", ` transition: box-shadow .3s var(--n-bezier), color .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), border-color .3s var(--n-bezier); color: var(--n-text-color); background-color: var(--n-color); box-sizing: border-box; `, [cM("absolute-positioned", ` position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; `), cM("bordered", ` border-top: solid 1px var(--n-border-color); `)]); const layoutFooterProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { inverted: Boolean, position: positionProp, bordered: Boolean }); const LayoutFooter = vue.defineComponent({ name: "LayoutFooter", props: layoutFooterProps, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Layout", "-layout-footer", style$C, layoutLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: self2 } = themeRef.value; const vars = { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }; if (props.inverted) { vars["--n-color"] = self2.footerColorInverted; vars["--n-text-color"] = self2.textColorInverted; vars["--n-border-color"] = self2.footerBorderColorInverted; } else { vars["--n-color"] = self2.footerColor; vars["--n-text-color"] = self2.textColor; vars["--n-border-color"] = self2.footerBorderColor; } return vars; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("layout-footer", vue.computed(() => props.inverted ? "a" : "b"), cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }; }, render() { var _a; const { mergedClsPrefix } = this; (_a = this.onRender) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(this); return vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-layout-footer`, this.themeClass, this.position && `${mergedClsPrefix}-layout-footer--${this.position}-positioned`, this.bordered && `${mergedClsPrefix}-layout-footer--bordered`], style: this.cssVars }, this.$slots); } }); const style$B = cB("layout-sider", ` flex-shrink: 0; box-sizing: border-box; position: relative; z-index: 1; color: var(--n-text-color); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier), border-color .3s var(--n-bezier), min-width .3s var(--n-bezier), max-width .3s var(--n-bezier), transform .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); background-color: var(--n-color); display: flex; justify-content: flex-end; `, [cM("bordered", [cE("border", ` content: ""; position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; width: 1px; background-color: var(--n-border-color); transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `)]), cE("left-placement", [cM("bordered", [cE("border", ` right: 0; `)])]), cM("right-placement", ` justify-content: flex-start; `, [cM("bordered", [cE("border", ` left: 0; `)]), cM("collapsed", [cB("layout-toggle-button", [cB("base-icon", ` transform: rotate(180deg); `)]), cB("layout-toggle-bar", [c$1("&:hover", [cE("top", { transform: "rotate(-12deg) scale(1.15) translateY(-2px)" }), cE("bottom", { transform: "rotate(12deg) scale(1.15) translateY(2px)" })])])]), cB("layout-toggle-button", ` left: 0; transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%); `, [cB("base-icon", ` transform: rotate(0); `)]), cB("layout-toggle-bar", ` left: -28px; transform: rotate(180deg); `, [c$1("&:hover", [cE("top", { transform: "rotate(12deg) scale(1.15) translateY(-2px)" }), cE("bottom", { transform: "rotate(-12deg) scale(1.15) translateY(2px)" })])])]), cM("collapsed", [cB("layout-toggle-bar", [c$1("&:hover", [cE("top", { transform: "rotate(-12deg) scale(1.15) translateY(-2px)" }), cE("bottom", { transform: "rotate(12deg) scale(1.15) translateY(2px)" })])]), cB("layout-toggle-button", [cB("base-icon", ` transform: rotate(0); `)])]), cB("layout-toggle-button", ` transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier), right .3s var(--n-bezier), left .3s var(--n-bezier), border-color .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); cursor: pointer; width: 24px; height: 24px; position: absolute; top: 50%; right: 0; border-radius: 50%; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; font-size: 18px; color: var(--n-toggle-button-icon-color); border: var(--n-toggle-button-border); background-color: var(--n-toggle-button-color); box-shadow: 0 2px 4px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, .06); transform: translateX(50%) translateY(-50%); z-index: 1; `, [cB("base-icon", ` transition: transform .3s var(--n-bezier); transform: rotate(180deg); `)]), cB("layout-toggle-bar", ` cursor: pointer; height: 72px; width: 32px; position: absolute; top: calc(50% - 36px); right: -28px; `, [cE("top, bottom", ` position: absolute; width: 4px; border-radius: 2px; height: 38px; left: 14px; transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), transform .3s var(--n-bezier); `), cE("bottom", ` position: absolute; top: 34px; `), c$1("&:hover", [cE("top", { transform: "rotate(12deg) scale(1.15) translateY(-2px)" }), cE("bottom", { transform: "rotate(-12deg) scale(1.15) translateY(2px)" })]), cE("top, bottom", { backgroundColor: "var(--n-toggle-bar-color)" }), c$1("&:hover", [cE("top, bottom", { backgroundColor: "var(--n-toggle-bar-color-hover)" })])]), cE("border", ` position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; width: 1px; transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `), cB("layout-sider-scroll-container", ` flex-grow: 1; flex-shrink: 0; box-sizing: border-box; height: 100%; opacity: 0; transition: opacity .3s var(--n-bezier); max-width: 100%; `), cM("show-content", [cB("layout-sider-scroll-container", { opacity: 1 })]), cM("absolute-positioned", ` position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; `)]); const ToggleButton = vue.defineComponent({ name: "LayoutToggleButton", props: { clsPrefix: { type: String, required: true }, onClick: Function }, render() { const { clsPrefix } = this; return vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-layout-toggle-button`, onClick: this.onClick }, vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix }, { default: () => vue.h(ChevronRightIcon, null) })); } }); const ToggleBar = vue.defineComponent({ props: { clsPrefix: { type: String, required: true }, onClick: Function }, render() { const { clsPrefix } = this; return vue.h("div", { onClick: this.onClick, class: `${clsPrefix}-layout-toggle-bar` }, vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-layout-toggle-bar__top` }), vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-layout-toggle-bar__bottom` })); } }); const layoutSiderProps = { position: positionProp, bordered: Boolean, collapsedWidth: { type: Number, default: 48 }, width: { type: [Number, String], default: 272 }, contentClass: String, contentStyle: { type: [String, Object], default: "" }, collapseMode: { type: String, default: "transform" }, collapsed: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, defaultCollapsed: Boolean, showCollapsedContent: { type: Boolean, default: true }, showTrigger: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false }, nativeScrollbar: { type: Boolean, default: true }, inverted: Boolean, scrollbarProps: Object, triggerClass: String, triggerStyle: [String, Object], collapsedTriggerClass: String, collapsedTriggerStyle: [String, Object], "onUpdate:collapsed": [Function, Array], onUpdateCollapsed: [Function, Array], onAfterEnter: Function, onAfterLeave: Function, // deprecated onExpand: [Function, Array], onCollapse: [Function, Array], onScroll: Function }; const LayoutSider = vue.defineComponent({ name: "LayoutSider", props: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), layoutSiderProps), setup(props) { const layoutProps2 = vue.inject(layoutInjectionKey); const scrollableElRef = vue.ref(null); const scrollbarInstRef = vue.ref(null); const styleMaxWidthRef = vue.computed(() => { return formatLength(mergedCollapsedRef.value ? props.collapsedWidth : props.width); }); const scrollContainerStyleRef = vue.computed(() => { if (props.collapseMode !== "transform") return {}; return { minWidth: formatLength(props.width) }; }); const siderPlacementRef = vue.computed(() => { return layoutProps2 ? layoutProps2.siderPlacement : "left"; }); const uncontrolledCollapsedRef = vue.ref(props.defaultCollapsed); const mergedCollapsedRef = useMergedState(vue.toRef(props, "collapsed"), uncontrolledCollapsedRef); function scrollTo(options, y) { if (props.nativeScrollbar) { const { value: scrollableEl } = scrollableElRef; if (scrollableEl) { if (y === void 0) { scrollableEl.scrollTo(options); } else { scrollableEl.scrollTo(options, y); } } } else { const { value: scrollbarInst } = scrollbarInstRef; if (scrollbarInst) { scrollbarInst.scrollTo(options, y); } } } function handleTriggerClick() { const { "onUpdate:collapsed": _onUpdateCollapsed, onUpdateCollapsed, // deprecated onExpand, onCollapse } = props; const { value: collapsed } = mergedCollapsedRef; if (onUpdateCollapsed) { call(onUpdateCollapsed, !collapsed); } if (_onUpdateCollapsed) { call(_onUpdateCollapsed, !collapsed); } uncontrolledCollapsedRef.value = !collapsed; if (collapsed) { if (onExpand) call(onExpand); } else { if (onCollapse) call(onCollapse); } } let scrollX = 0; let scrollY = 0; const handleNativeElScroll = (e) => { var _a; const target = e.target; scrollX = target.scrollLeft; scrollY = target.scrollTop; (_a = props.onScroll) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, e); }; useReactivated(() => { if (props.nativeScrollbar) { const el = scrollableElRef.value; if (el) { el.scrollTop = scrollY; el.scrollLeft = scrollX; } } }); vue.provide(layoutSiderInjectionKey, { collapsedRef: mergedCollapsedRef, collapseModeRef: vue.toRef(props, "collapseMode") }); const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Layout", "-layout-sider", style$B, layoutLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); function handleTransitionend(e) { var _a, _b; if (e.propertyName === "max-width") { if (mergedCollapsedRef.value) { (_a = props.onAfterLeave) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props); } else { (_b = props.onAfterEnter) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(props); } } } const exposedMethods = { scrollTo }; const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: self2 } = themeRef.value; const { siderToggleButtonColor, siderToggleButtonBorder, siderToggleBarColor, siderToggleBarColorHover } = self2; const vars = { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-toggle-button-color": siderToggleButtonColor, "--n-toggle-button-border": siderToggleButtonBorder, "--n-toggle-bar-color": siderToggleBarColor, "--n-toggle-bar-color-hover": siderToggleBarColorHover }; if (props.inverted) { vars["--n-color"] = self2.siderColorInverted; vars["--n-text-color"] = self2.textColorInverted; vars["--n-border-color"] = self2.siderBorderColorInverted; vars["--n-toggle-button-icon-color"] = self2.siderToggleButtonIconColorInverted; vars.__invertScrollbar = self2.__invertScrollbar; } else { vars["--n-color"] = self2.siderColor; vars["--n-text-color"] = self2.textColor; vars["--n-border-color"] = self2.siderBorderColor; vars["--n-toggle-button-icon-color"] = self2.siderToggleButtonIconColor; } return vars; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("layout-sider", vue.computed(() => props.inverted ? "a" : "b"), cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return Object.assign({ scrollableElRef, scrollbarInstRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedTheme: themeRef, styleMaxWidth: styleMaxWidthRef, mergedCollapsed: mergedCollapsedRef, scrollContainerStyle: scrollContainerStyleRef, siderPlacement: siderPlacementRef, handleNativeElScroll, handleTransitionend, handleTriggerClick, inlineThemeDisabled, cssVars: cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }, exposedMethods); }, render() { var _a; const { mergedClsPrefix, mergedCollapsed, showTrigger } = this; (_a = this.onRender) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(this); return vue.h("aside", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-layout-sider`, this.themeClass, `${mergedClsPrefix}-layout-sider--${this.position}-positioned`, `${mergedClsPrefix}-layout-sider--${this.siderPlacement}-placement`, this.bordered && `${mergedClsPrefix}-layout-sider--bordered`, mergedCollapsed && `${mergedClsPrefix}-layout-sider--collapsed`, (!mergedCollapsed || this.showCollapsedContent) && `${mergedClsPrefix}-layout-sider--show-content`], onTransitionend: this.handleTransitionend, style: [this.inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : this.cssVars, { maxWidth: this.styleMaxWidth, width: formatLength(this.width) }] }, !this.nativeScrollbar ? vue.h(Scrollbar$2, Object.assign({}, this.scrollbarProps, { onScroll: this.onScroll, ref: "scrollbarInstRef", style: this.scrollContainerStyle, contentStyle: this.contentStyle, contentClass: this.contentClass, theme: this.mergedTheme.peers.Scrollbar, themeOverrides: this.mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Scrollbar, // here is a hack, since in light theme the scrollbar color is dark, // we need to invert it in light color... builtinThemeOverrides: this.inverted && this.cssVars.__invertScrollbar === "true" ? { colorHover: "rgba(255, 255, 255, .4)", color: "rgba(255, 255, 255, .3)" } : void 0 }), this.$slots) : vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-layout-sider-scroll-container`, this.contentClass], onScroll: this.handleNativeElScroll, style: [this.scrollContainerStyle, { overflow: "auto" }, this.contentStyle], ref: "scrollableElRef" }, this.$slots), showTrigger ? showTrigger === "bar" ? vue.h(ToggleBar, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, class: mergedCollapsed ? this.collapsedTriggerClass : this.triggerClass, style: mergedCollapsed ? this.collapsedTriggerStyle : this.triggerStyle, onClick: this.handleTriggerClick }) : vue.h(ToggleButton, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, class: mergedCollapsed ? this.collapsedTriggerClass : this.triggerClass, style: mergedCollapsed ? this.collapsedTriggerStyle : this.triggerStyle, onClick: this.handleTriggerClick }) : null, this.bordered ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-layout-sider__border` }) : null); } }); const commonVariables = { extraFontSize: "12px", width: "440px" }; const self$4 = (vars) => { const { fontWeight, iconColorDisabled, iconColor, fontSizeLarge, fontSizeMedium, fontSizeSmall, heightLarge, heightMedium, heightSmall, borderRadius, cardColor, tableHeaderColor, textColor1, textColorDisabled, textColor2, borderColor, hoverColor } = vars; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, commonVariables), { itemHeightSmall: heightSmall, itemHeightMedium: heightMedium, itemHeightLarge: heightLarge, fontSizeSmall, fontSizeMedium, fontSizeLarge, borderRadius, borderColor, listColor: cardColor, headerColor: composite(cardColor, tableHeaderColor), titleTextColor: textColor1, titleTextColorDisabled: textColorDisabled, extraTextColor: textColor2, filterDividerColor: borderColor, itemTextColor: textColor2, itemTextColorDisabled: textColorDisabled, itemColorPending: hoverColor, titleFontWeight: fontWeight, iconColor, iconColorDisabled }); }; const transferLight = createTheme({ name: "Transfer", common: derived, peers: { Checkbox: checkboxLight, Scrollbar: scrollbarLight, Input: inputLight, Empty: emptyLight, Button: buttonLight }, self: self$4 }); const transferInjectionKey$1 = createInjectionKey("n-transfer"); const NTransferHeader$1 = vue.defineComponent({ name: "TransferHeader", props: { source: { type: Boolean, default: false }, onChange: { type: Function, required: true }, title: String }, setup(props) { const { srcOptsRef, tgtOptsRef, srcCheckedStatusRef, tgtCheckedStatusRef, srcCheckedValuesRef, tgtCheckedValuesRef, mergedThemeRef, disabledRef, mergedClsPrefixRef // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion } = vue.inject(transferInjectionKey$1); const checkboxPropsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { source } = props; if (source) { return srcCheckedStatusRef.value; } else { return tgtCheckedStatusRef.value; } }); return () => { const { source } = props; const { value: checkboxProps2 } = checkboxPropsRef; const { value: mergedTheme } = mergedThemeRef; const { value: mergedClsPrefix } = mergedClsPrefixRef; return vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-legacy-transfer-list-header` }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-legacy-transfer-list-header__checkbox` }, vue.h(NCheckbox, { theme: mergedTheme.peers.Checkbox, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Checkbox, checked: checkboxProps2.checked, indeterminate: checkboxProps2.indeterminate, disabled: checkboxProps2.disabled || disabledRef.value, onUpdateChecked: props.onChange })), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-legacy-transfer-list-header__header` }, props.title), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-legacy-transfer-list-header__extra` }, source ? srcCheckedValuesRef.value.length : tgtCheckedValuesRef.value.length, "/", source ? srcOptsRef.value.length : tgtOptsRef.value.length)); }; } }); const NTransferListItem$1 = vue.defineComponent({ name: "NTransferListItem", props: { source: { type: Boolean, default: false }, label: { type: String, required: true }, value: { type: [String, Number], required: true }, disabled: { type: Boolean, default: false } }, setup(props) { const { source } = props; const { mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedThemeRef, srcCheckedValuesRef, tgtCheckedValuesRef, handleSrcCheckboxClick, handleTgtCheckboxClick // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion } = vue.inject(transferInjectionKey$1); const checkedRef = source ? useMemo(() => srcCheckedValuesRef.value.includes(props.value)) : useMemo(() => tgtCheckedValuesRef.value.includes(props.value)); const handleClick2 = source ? () => { if (!props.disabled) { handleSrcCheckboxClick(!checkedRef.value, props.value); } } : () => { if (!props.disabled) { handleTgtCheckboxClick(!checkedRef.value, props.value); } }; return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedTheme: mergedThemeRef, checked: checkedRef, handleClick: handleClick2 }; }, render() { const { disabled, mergedTheme, mergedClsPrefix, label, checked, source } = this; return vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-legacy-transfer-list-item`, disabled && `${mergedClsPrefix}-legacy-transfer-list-item--disabled`, source ? `${mergedClsPrefix}-legacy-transfer-list-item--source` : `${mergedClsPrefix}-legacy-transfer-list-item--target`], onClick: this.handleClick }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-legacy-transfer-list-item__checkbox` }, vue.h(NCheckbox, { theme: mergedTheme.peers.Checkbox, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Checkbox, disabled, checked })), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-legacy-transfer-list-item__label`, title: getTitleAttribute(label) }, label)); } }); const NTransferList$1 = vue.defineComponent({ name: "TransferList", props: { virtualScroll: { type: Boolean, required: true }, itemSize: { type: Number, required: true }, options: { type: Array, required: true }, disabled: { type: Boolean, required: true }, isMounted: { type: Boolean, required: true }, isInputing: { type: Boolean, required: true }, source: { type: Boolean, default: false } }, setup() { const { mergedThemeRef, mergedClsPrefixRef } = vue.inject(transferInjectionKey$1); const scrollerInstRef = vue.ref(null); const vlInstRef = vue.ref(null); function syncVLScroller() { var _a; (_a = scrollerInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.sync(); } function scrollContainer() { const { value } = vlInstRef; if (!value) return null; const { listElRef } = value; return listElRef; } function scrollContent() { const { value } = vlInstRef; if (!value) return null; const { itemsElRef } = value; return itemsElRef; } return { mergedTheme: mergedThemeRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, scrollerInstRef, vlInstRef, syncVLScroller, scrollContainer, scrollContent }; }, render() { const { mergedTheme, mergedClsPrefix, virtualScroll, syncVLScroller } = this; return vue.h(vue.Fragment, null, vue.h(Scrollbar$2, { ref: "scrollerInstRef", theme: mergedTheme.peers.Scrollbar, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Scrollbar, container: virtualScroll ? this.scrollContainer : void 0, content: virtualScroll ? this.scrollContent : void 0 }, { default: () => virtualScroll ? vue.h(VVirtualList, { ref: "vlInstRef", style: { height: "100%" }, class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-legacy-transfer-list-content`, items: this.options, itemSize: this.itemSize, showScrollbar: false, onResize: syncVLScroller, onScroll: syncVLScroller, keyField: "value" }, { default: ({ item }) => { const { source, disabled } = this; return vue.h(NTransferListItem$1, { source, key: item.value, value: item.value, disabled: item.disabled || disabled, label: item.label }); } }) : vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-legacy-transfer-list-content` }, vue.h(vue.TransitionGroup, { name: "item", appear: this.isMounted, css: !this.isInputing }, { default: () => { const { source, disabled } = this; return this.options.map((option) => vue.h(NTransferListItem$1, { source, key: option.value, value: option.value, disabled: option.disabled || disabled, label: option.label })); } })) }), vue.h(vue.Transition, { name: "fade-in-transition", appear: this.isMounted, css: !this.isInputing }, { default: () => this.options.length ? null : vue.h(NEmpty, { theme: mergedTheme.peers.Empty, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Empty }) })); } }); const NTransferFilter$1 = vue.defineComponent({ name: "TransferFilter", props: { value: String, placeholder: String, disabled: Boolean, onFocus: { type: Function, required: true }, onBlur: { type: Function, required: true }, onUpdateValue: { type: Function, required: true } }, setup() { const { mergedThemeRef, mergedClsPrefixRef } = vue.inject(transferInjectionKey$1); return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedTheme: mergedThemeRef }; }, render() { const { mergedTheme, mergedClsPrefix } = this; return vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-legacy-transfer-filter` }, vue.h(NInput, { value: this.value, onUpdateValue: this.onUpdateValue, disabled: this.disabled, theme: mergedTheme.peers.Input, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Input, clearable: true, size: "small", placeholder: this.placeholder, onFocus: this.onFocus, onBlur: this.onBlur }, { "clear-icon-placeholder": () => vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-legacy-transfer-icon` }, { default: () => vue.h(SearchIcon, null) }) })); } }); function useTransferData$1(props, mergedDisabledRef) { const uncontrolledValueRef = vue.ref(props.defaultValue); const controlledValueRef = vue.toRef(props, "value"); const mergedValueRef = useMergedState(controlledValueRef, uncontrolledValueRef); const optMapRef = vue.computed(() => { const map2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); (props.options || []).forEach((opt) => map2.set(opt.value, opt)); return map2; }); const tgtValueSetRef = vue.computed(() => new Set(mergedValueRef.value || [])); const srcOptsRef = vue.computed(() => props.options.filter((option) => !tgtValueSetRef.value.has(option.value))); const tgtOptsRef = vue.computed(() => { const optMap = optMapRef.value; return (mergedValueRef.value || []).map((v) => optMap.get(v)); }); const srcPatternRef = vue.ref(""); const tgtPatternRef = vue.ref(""); const filteredSrcOptsRef = vue.computed(() => { if (!props.filterable) return srcOptsRef.value; const { filter } = props; return srcOptsRef.value.filter((opt) => filter(srcPatternRef.value, opt, "source")); }); const filteredTgtOptsRef = vue.computed(() => { if (!props.filterable) return tgtOptsRef.value; const { filter } = props; return tgtOptsRef.value.filter((opt) => filter(tgtPatternRef.value, opt, "target")); }); const avlSrcValueSetRef = vue.computed(() => new Set(filteredSrcOptsRef.value.filter((opt) => !opt.disabled).map((opt) => opt.value))); const avlTgtValueSetRef = vue.computed(() => new Set(filteredTgtOptsRef.value.filter((opt) => !opt.disabled).map((opt) => opt.value))); const srcCheckedValuesRef = vue.ref([]); const tgtCheckedValuesRef = vue.ref([]); const srcCheckedStatusRef = vue.computed(() => { const srcCheckedLength = srcCheckedValuesRef.value.filter((v) => avlSrcValueSetRef.value.has(v)).length; const avlValueCount = avlSrcValueSetRef.value.size; if (avlValueCount === 0) { return { checked: false, indeterminate: false, disabled: true }; } else if (srcCheckedLength === 0) { return { checked: false, indeterminate: false }; } else if (srcCheckedLength === avlValueCount) { return { checked: true, indeterminate: false }; } else { return { checked: false, indeterminate: true }; } }); const tgtCheckedStatusRef = vue.computed(() => { const tgtCheckedLength = tgtCheckedValuesRef.value.filter((v) => avlTgtValueSetRef.value.has(v)).length; const avlValueCount = avlTgtValueSetRef.value.size; if (avlValueCount === 0) { return { checked: false, indeterminate: false, disabled: true }; } else if (tgtCheckedLength === 0) { return { checked: false, indeterminate: false }; } else if (tgtCheckedLength === avlValueCount) { return { checked: true, indeterminate: false }; } else { return { checked: false, indeterminate: true }; } }); const fromButtonDisabledRef = useMemo(() => { if (mergedDisabledRef.value) return true; return tgtCheckedValuesRef.value.length === 0; }); const toButtonDisabledRef = useMemo(() => { if (mergedDisabledRef.value) return true; return srcCheckedValuesRef.value.length === 0; }); const isInputingRef = vue.ref(false); function handleInputFocus() { isInputingRef.value = true; } function handleInputBlur() { isInputingRef.value = false; } function handleSrcFilterUpdateValue(value) { srcPatternRef.value = value !== null && value !== void 0 ? value : ""; } function handleTgtFilterUpdateValue(value) { tgtPatternRef.value = value !== null && value !== void 0 ? value : ""; } return { uncontrolledValue: uncontrolledValueRef, mergedValue: mergedValueRef, avlSrcValueSet: avlSrcValueSetRef, avlTgtValueSet: avlTgtValueSetRef, tgtOpts: tgtOptsRef, srcOpts: srcOptsRef, filteredSrcOpts: filteredSrcOptsRef, filteredTgtOpts: filteredTgtOptsRef, srcCheckedValues: srcCheckedValuesRef, tgtCheckedValues: tgtCheckedValuesRef, srcCheckedStatus: srcCheckedStatusRef, tgtCheckedStatus: tgtCheckedStatusRef, srcPattern: srcPatternRef, tgtPattern: tgtPatternRef, isInputing: isInputingRef, fromButtonDisabled: fromButtonDisabledRef, toButtonDisabled: toButtonDisabledRef, handleInputFocus, handleInputBlur, handleTgtFilterUpdateValue, handleSrcFilterUpdateValue }; } const animation = c$1([c$1("@keyframes legacy-transfer-slide-in-from-left", ` 0% { transform: translateX(-150%); } 100% { transform: translateX(0); } `), c$1("@keyframes legacy-transfer-slide-out-to-right", ` 0% { transform: translateX(0); } 100% { transform: translateX(150%); } `), c$1("@keyframes legacy-transfer-slide-in-from-right", ` 0% { transform: translateX(150%); } 100% { transform: translateX(0); } `), c$1("@keyframes legacy-transfer-slide-out-to-left", ` 0% { transform: translateX(0); } 100% { transform: translateX(-150%); } `), c$1("@keyframes legacy-transfer-height-collapse", ` 0% { max-height: var(--n-item-height); } 100% { max-height: 0; } `), c$1("@keyframes legacy-transfer-height-expand", ` 0% { max-height: 0; } 100% { max-height: var(--n-item-height); } `)]); const style$A = c$1([cB("legacy-transfer", ` display: flex; width: var(--n-width); font-size: var(--n-font-size); height: 240px; display: flex; flex-wrap: nowrap; `, [cB("legacy-transfer-icon", ` color: var(--n-icon-color); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); `), cM("disabled", [cB("legacy-transfer-icon", { color: "var(--n-icon-color-disabled)" })]), cB("legacy-transfer-list", ` height: inherit; display: flex; flex-direction: column; background-clip: padding-box; width: calc(50% - 36px); position: relative; transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); border-radius: var(--n-border-radius); background-color: var(--n-list-color); `, [cE("border", ` border: 1px solid var(--n-border-color); transition: border-color .3s var(--n-bezier); pointer-events: none; border-radius: inherit; position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; `), cB("legacy-transfer-list-header", ` height: calc(var(--n-item-height) + 4px); box-sizing: border-box; display: flex; align-items: center; background-clip: padding-box; border-radius: inherit; border-bottom-left-radius: 0; border-bottom-right-radius: 0; background-color: var(--n-header-color); transition: border-color .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [cE("checkbox", ` display: flex; align-items: center; position: relative; padding: 0 9px 0 14px; `), cE("header", ` flex: 1; line-height: 1; font-weight: var(--n-header-font-weight); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); color: var(--n-header-text-color); `, [cM("disabled", { color: "var(--n-header-text-color-disabled)" })]), cE("extra", ` transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); font-size: var(--n-extra-font-size); justify-self: flex-end; margin-right: 14px; white-space: nowrap; color: var(--n-header-extra-text-color); `)]), cB("legacy-transfer-list-body", ` flex-basis: 0; flex-grow: 1; box-sizing: border-box; position: relative; display: flex; flex-direction: column; border-radius: inherit; border-top-left-radius: 0; border-top-right-radius: 0; `, [cB("legacy-transfer-filter", ` padding: 0 8px 8px 8px; box-sizing: border-box; background-color: var(--n-header-color); transition: border-color .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); border-bottom: 1px solid var(--n-filter-divider-color); `), cB("legacy-transfer-list-flex-container", ` flex: 1; position: relative; `, [cB("scrollbar", ` position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; height: unset; `, [cB("scrollbar-content", { width: "100%" })]), cB("empty", ` position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 50%; transform: translateY(-50%) translateX(-50%); `, [fadeInTransition()]), cB("legacy-transfer-list-content", ` padding: 0; margin: 0; position: relative; `, [cM("transition-disabled", [cB("legacy-transfer-list-item", { animation: "none !important" })]), cB("legacy-transfer-list-item", ` height: var(--n-item-height); max-height: var(--n-item-height); transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), color .3s var(--n-bezier); position: relative; cursor: pointer; display: flex; align-items: center; color: var(--n-item-text-color); `, [cNotM("disabled", [c$1("&:hover", { backgroundColor: "var(--n-item-color-pending)" })]), cE("extra", ` text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; padding-right: 4px; `), cE("checkbox", ` display: flex; align-items: center; position: relative; padding: 0 9px 0 14px; `), cM("disabled", ` cursor: not-allowed background-color: #0000; color: var(--n-item-text-color-disabled); `), cM("source", { animationFillMode: "forwards" }, [c$1("&.item-enter-active", ` transform: translateX(150%); animation-duration: .25s, .25s; animation-timing-function: var(--n-bezier), var(--n-bezier-ease-out); animation-delay: 0s, .25s; animation-name: legacy-transfer-height-expand, legacy-transfer-slide-in-from-right; `), c$1("&.item-leave-active", ` transform: translateX(-150%); animation-duration: .25s, .25s; animation-timing-function: var(--n-bezier), var(--n-bezier-ease-in); animation-delay: .25s, 0s; animation-name: legacy-transfer-height-collapse, legacy-transfer-slide-out-to-right; `)]), cM("target", { animationFillMode: "forwards" }, [c$1("&.item-enter-active", ` transform: translateX(-150%); animation-duration: .25s, .25s; animation-timing-function: var(--n-bezier), var(--n-bezier-ease-out); animation-delay: 0s, .25s; animation-name: legacy-transfer-height-expand, legacy-transfer-slide-in-from-left; `), c$1("&.item-leave-active", ` transform: translateX(150%); animation-duration: .25s, .25s; animation-timing-function: var(--n-bezier), var(--n-bezier-ease-in); animation-delay: .25s, 0s; animation-name: legacy-transfer-height-collapse, legacy-transfer-slide-out-to-left; `)])])])])])]), cB("legacy-transfer-gap", { width: "72px", display: "flex", alignItems: "center", justifyContent: "center", flexDirection: "column" }), cB("button", [c$1("&:first-child", { marginBottom: "12px" })])]), animation]); const transferProps$1 = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { value: Array, defaultValue: { type: Array, default: null }, options: { type: Array, default: () => [] }, disabled: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, virtualScroll: Boolean, sourceTitle: String, targetTitle: String, filterable: Boolean, sourceFilterPlaceholder: String, targetFilterPlaceholder: String, filter: { type: Function, default: (pattern, option) => { if (!pattern) return true; return ~("" + option.label).toLowerCase().indexOf(("" + pattern).toLowerCase()); } }, size: String, "onUpdate:value": [Function, Array], onUpdateValue: [Function, Array], onChange: [Function, Array] }); const Transfer$1 = vue.defineComponent({ name: "LegacyTransfer", props: transferProps$1, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("LegacyTransfer", "-legacy-transfer", style$A, transferLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const formItem = useFormItem(props); const { mergedSizeRef, mergedDisabledRef } = formItem; const itemSizeRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value: size2 } = mergedSizeRef; const { self: { [createKey("itemHeight", size2)]: itemSize } } = themeRef.value; return depx(itemSize); }); const { uncontrolledValue: uncontrolledValueRef, mergedValue: mergedValueRef, avlSrcValueSet: avlSrcValueSetRef, avlTgtValueSet: avlTgtValueSetRef, tgtOpts: tgtOptsRef, srcOpts: srcOptsRef, filteredSrcOpts: filteredSrcOptsRef, filteredTgtOpts: filteredTgtOptsRef, srcCheckedValues: srcCheckedValuesRef, tgtCheckedValues: tgtCheckedValuesRef, srcCheckedStatus: srcCheckedStatusRef, tgtCheckedStatus: tgtCheckedStatusRef, srcPattern: srcPatternRef, tgtPattern: tgtPatternRef, isInputing: isInputingRef, fromButtonDisabled: fromButtonDisabledRef, toButtonDisabled: toButtonDisabledRef, handleInputFocus, handleInputBlur, handleTgtFilterUpdateValue, handleSrcFilterUpdateValue } = useTransferData$1(props, mergedDisabledRef); function doUpdateValue(value) { const { onUpdateValue, "onUpdate:value": _onUpdateValue, onChange } = props; const { nTriggerFormInput, nTriggerFormChange } = formItem; if (onUpdateValue) call(onUpdateValue, value); if (_onUpdateValue) call(_onUpdateValue, value); if (onChange) call(onChange, value); uncontrolledValueRef.value = value; nTriggerFormInput(); nTriggerFormChange(); } function handleSrcHeaderCheck(value) { const { value: { checked, indeterminate } } = srcCheckedStatusRef; if (indeterminate || checked) { srcCheckedValuesRef.value = []; } else { srcCheckedValuesRef.value = Array.from(avlSrcValueSetRef.value); } } function handleTgtHeaderCheck() { const { value: { checked, indeterminate } } = tgtCheckedStatusRef; if (indeterminate || checked) { tgtCheckedValuesRef.value = []; } else { tgtCheckedValuesRef.value = Array.from(avlTgtValueSetRef.value); } } function handleTgtCheckboxClick(checked, optionValue) { if (checked) { tgtCheckedValuesRef.value.push(optionValue); } else { const index = tgtCheckedValuesRef.value.findIndex((v) => v === optionValue); if (~index) { tgtCheckedValuesRef.value.splice(index, 1); } } } function handleSrcCheckboxClick(checked, optionValue) { if (checked) { srcCheckedValuesRef.value.push(optionValue); } else { const index = srcCheckedValuesRef.value.findIndex((v) => v === optionValue); if (~index) { srcCheckedValuesRef.value.splice(index, 1); } } } function handleToTgtClick() { doUpdateValue(srcCheckedValuesRef.value.concat(mergedValueRef.value || [])); srcCheckedValuesRef.value = []; } function handleToSrcClick() { const tgtCheckedValueSet = new Set(tgtCheckedValuesRef.value); doUpdateValue((mergedValueRef.value || []).filter((v) => !tgtCheckedValueSet.has(v))); tgtCheckedValuesRef.value = []; } vue.provide(transferInjectionKey$1, { mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedSizeRef, disabledRef: mergedDisabledRef, mergedThemeRef: themeRef, srcCheckedValuesRef, tgtCheckedValuesRef, srcOptsRef, tgtOptsRef, srcCheckedStatusRef, tgtCheckedStatusRef, handleSrcCheckboxClick, handleTgtCheckboxClick }); const { localeRef } = useLocale("LegacyTransfer"); return { locale: localeRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedDisabled: mergedDisabledRef, itemSize: itemSizeRef, isMounted: isMounted(), isInputing: isInputingRef, mergedTheme: themeRef, filteredSrcOpts: filteredSrcOptsRef, filteredTgtOpts: filteredTgtOptsRef, srcPattern: srcPatternRef, tgtPattern: tgtPatternRef, toButtonDisabled: toButtonDisabledRef, fromButtonDisabled: fromButtonDisabledRef, handleSrcHeaderCheck, handleTgtHeaderCheck, handleToSrcClick, handleToTgtClick, handleInputFocus, handleInputBlur, handleTgtFilterUpdateValue, handleSrcFilterUpdateValue, cssVars: vue.computed(() => { const { value: size2 } = mergedSizeRef; const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2, cubicBezierEaseIn: cubicBezierEaseIn2, cubicBezierEaseOut: cubicBezierEaseOut2 }, self: { width, borderRadius, borderColor, listColor, headerColor, titleTextColor, titleTextColorDisabled, extraTextColor, filterDividerColor, itemTextColor, itemColorPending, itemTextColorDisabled, extraFontSize, titleFontWeight, iconColor, iconColorDisabled, [createKey("fontSize", size2)]: fontSize2, [createKey("itemHeight", size2)]: itemHeight } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-bezier-ease-in": cubicBezierEaseIn2, "--n-bezier-ease-out": cubicBezierEaseOut2, "--n-border-color": borderColor, "--n-border-radius": borderRadius, "--n-extra-font-size": extraFontSize, "--n-filter-divider-color": filterDividerColor, "--n-font-size": fontSize2, "--n-header-color": headerColor, "--n-header-extra-text-color": extraTextColor, "--n-header-font-weight": titleFontWeight, "--n-header-text-color": titleTextColor, "--n-header-text-color-disabled": titleTextColorDisabled, "--n-item-color-pending": itemColorPending, "--n-item-height": itemHeight, "--n-item-text-color": itemTextColor, "--n-item-text-color-disabled": itemTextColorDisabled, "--n-list-color": listColor, "--n-width": width, "--n-icon-color": iconColor, "--n-icon-color-disabled": iconColorDisabled }; }) }; }, render() { const { mergedClsPrefix } = this; return vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-legacy-transfer`, this.mergedDisabled && `${mergedClsPrefix}-legacy-transfer--disabled`, this.filterable && `${mergedClsPrefix}-legacy-transfer--filterable`], style: this.cssVars }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-legacy-transfer-list` }, vue.h(NTransferHeader$1, { source: true, onChange: this.handleSrcHeaderCheck, title: this.sourceTitle || this.locale.sourceTitle }), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-legacy-transfer-list-body` }, this.filterable ? vue.h(NTransferFilter$1, { onUpdateValue: this.handleSrcFilterUpdateValue, value: this.srcPattern, disabled: this.mergedDisabled, placeholder: this.sourceFilterPlaceholder, onFocus: this.handleInputFocus, onBlur: this.handleInputBlur }) : null, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-legacy-transfer-list-flex-container` }, vue.h(NTransferList$1, { source: true, options: this.filteredSrcOpts, disabled: this.mergedDisabled, virtualScroll: this.virtualScroll, isMounted: this.isMounted, isInputing: this.isInputing, itemSize: this.itemSize }))), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-legacy-transfer-list__border` })), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-legacy-transfer-gap` }, vue.h(NButton, { disabled: this.toButtonDisabled || this.mergedDisabled, theme: this.mergedTheme.peers.Button, themeOverrides: this.mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Button, onClick: this.handleToTgtClick }, { icon: () => vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix }, { default: () => vue.h(ChevronRightIcon, null) }) }), vue.h(NButton, { disabled: this.fromButtonDisabled || this.mergedDisabled, theme: this.mergedTheme.peers.Button, themeOverrides: this.mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Button, onClick: this.handleToSrcClick }, { icon: () => vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix }, { default: () => vue.h(ChevronLeftIcon, null) }) })), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-legacy-transfer-list` }, vue.h(NTransferHeader$1, { onChange: this.handleTgtHeaderCheck, title: this.targetTitle || this.locale.targetTitle }), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-legacy-transfer-list-body` }, this.filterable ? vue.h(NTransferFilter$1, { onUpdateValue: this.handleTgtFilterUpdateValue, value: this.tgtPattern, disabled: this.mergedDisabled, placeholder: this.targetFilterPlaceholder, onFocus: this.handleInputFocus, onBlur: this.handleInputBlur }) : null, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-legacy-transfer-list-flex-container` }, vue.h(NTransferList$1, { options: this.filteredTgtOpts, disabled: this.mergedDisabled, virtualScroll: this.virtualScroll, isMounted: this.isMounted, isInputing: this.isInputing, itemSize: this.itemSize }))), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-legacy-transfer-list__border` }))); } }); const style$z = c$1([cB("list", ` --n-merged-border-color: var(--n-border-color); --n-merged-color: var(--n-color); --n-merged-color-hover: var(--n-color-hover); margin: 0; font-size: var(--n-font-size); transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), color .3s var(--n-bezier), border-color .3s var(--n-bezier); padding: 0; list-style-type: none; color: var(--n-text-color); background-color: var(--n-merged-color); `, [cM("show-divider", [cB("list-item", [c$1("&:not(:last-child)", [cE("divider", ` background-color: var(--n-merged-border-color); `)])])]), cM("clickable", [cB("list-item", ` cursor: pointer; `)]), cM("bordered", ` border: 1px solid var(--n-merged-border-color); border-radius: var(--n-border-radius); `), cM("hoverable", [cB("list-item", ` border-radius: var(--n-border-radius); `, [c$1("&:hover", ` background-color: var(--n-merged-color-hover); `, [cE("divider", ` background-color: transparent; `)])])]), cM("bordered, hoverable", [cB("list-item", ` padding: 12px 20px; `), cE("header, footer", ` padding: 12px 20px; `)]), cE("header, footer", ` padding: 12px 0; box-sizing: border-box; transition: border-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [c$1("&:not(:last-child)", ` border-bottom: 1px solid var(--n-merged-border-color); `)]), cB("list-item", ` position: relative; padding: 12px 0; box-sizing: border-box; display: flex; flex-wrap: nowrap; align-items: center; transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), border-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [cE("prefix", ` margin-right: 20px; flex: 0; `), cE("suffix", ` margin-left: 20px; flex: 0; `), cE("main", ` flex: 1; `), cE("divider", ` height: 1px; position: absolute; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; background-color: transparent; transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); pointer-events: none; `)])]), insideModal(cB("list", ` --n-merged-color-hover: var(--n-color-hover-modal); --n-merged-color: var(--n-color-modal); --n-merged-border-color: var(--n-border-color-modal); `)), insidePopover(cB("list", ` --n-merged-color-hover: var(--n-color-hover-popover); --n-merged-color: var(--n-color-popover); --n-merged-border-color: var(--n-border-color-popover); `))]); const listProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { size: { type: String, default: "medium" }, bordered: Boolean, clickable: Boolean, hoverable: Boolean, showDivider: { type: Boolean, default: true } }); const listInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-list"); const List = vue.defineComponent({ name: "List", props: listProps, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled, mergedRtlRef } = useConfig(props); const rtlEnabledRef = useRtl("List", mergedRtlRef, mergedClsPrefixRef); const themeRef = useTheme("List", "-list", style$z, listLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); vue.provide(listInjectionKey, { showDividerRef: vue.toRef(props, "showDivider"), mergedClsPrefixRef }); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: { fontSize: fontSize2, textColor, color, colorModal, colorPopover, borderColor, borderColorModal, borderColorPopover, borderRadius, colorHover, colorHoverModal, colorHoverPopover } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-font-size": fontSize2, "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-text-color": textColor, "--n-color": color, "--n-border-radius": borderRadius, "--n-border-color": borderColor, "--n-border-color-modal": borderColorModal, "--n-border-color-popover": borderColorPopover, "--n-color-modal": colorModal, "--n-color-popover": colorPopover, "--n-color-hover": colorHover, "--n-color-hover-modal": colorHoverModal, "--n-color-hover-popover": colorHoverPopover }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("list", void 0, cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, rtlEnabled: rtlEnabledRef, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }; }, render() { var _a; const { $slots, mergedClsPrefix, onRender } = this; onRender === null || onRender === void 0 ? void 0 : onRender(); return vue.h("ul", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-list`, this.rtlEnabled && `${mergedClsPrefix}-list--rtl`, this.bordered && `${mergedClsPrefix}-list--bordered`, this.showDivider && `${mergedClsPrefix}-list--show-divider`, this.hoverable && `${mergedClsPrefix}-list--hoverable`, this.clickable && `${mergedClsPrefix}-list--clickable`, this.themeClass], style: this.cssVars }, $slots.header ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-list__header` }, $slots.header()) : null, (_a = $slots.default) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call($slots), $slots.footer ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-list__footer` }, $slots.footer()) : null); } }); const ListItem = vue.defineComponent({ name: "ListItem", setup() { const listInjection = vue.inject(listInjectionKey, null); if (!listInjection) { throwError("list-item", "`n-list-item` must be placed in `n-list`."); } return { showDivider: listInjection.showDividerRef, mergedClsPrefix: listInjection.mergedClsPrefixRef }; }, render() { const { $slots, mergedClsPrefix } = this; return vue.h("li", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-list-item` }, $slots.prefix ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-list-item__prefix` }, $slots.prefix()) : null, $slots.default ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-list-item__main` }, $slots) : null, $slots.suffix ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-list-item__suffix` }, $slots.suffix()) : null, this.showDivider && vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-list-item__divider` })); } }); const loadingBarProviderInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-loading-bar"); const loadingBarApiInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-loading-bar-api"); const style$y = cB("loading-bar-container", ` z-index: 5999; position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; height: 2px; `, [fadeInTransition({ enterDuration: "0.3s", leaveDuration: "0.8s" }), cB("loading-bar", ` width: 100%; transition: max-width 4s linear, background .2s linear; height: var(--n-height); `, [cM("starting", ` background: var(--n-color-loading); `), cM("finishing", ` background: var(--n-color-loading); transition: max-width .2s linear, background .2s linear; `), cM("error", ` background: var(--n-color-error); transition: max-width .2s linear, background .2s linear; `)])]); var __awaiter$5 = function(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) { function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function(resolve) { resolve(value); }); } return new (P || (P = Promise))(function(resolve, reject) { function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); } step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next()); }); }; function createClassName(status, clsPrefix) { return `${clsPrefix}-loading-bar ${clsPrefix}-loading-bar--${status}`; } const NLoadingBar = vue.defineComponent({ name: "LoadingBar", props: { containerClass: String, containerStyle: [String, Object] }, setup() { const { inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(); const { props: providerProps, mergedClsPrefixRef // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion } = vue.inject(loadingBarProviderInjectionKey); const loadingBarRef = vue.ref(null); const enteringRef = vue.ref(false); const startedRef = vue.ref(false); const loadingRef = vue.ref(false); const transitionDisabledRef = vue.ref(false); let finishing = false; const erroringRef = vue.ref(false); const mergedLoadingBarStyle = vue.computed(() => { const { loadingBarStyle } = providerProps; if (!loadingBarStyle) return ""; return loadingBarStyle[erroringRef.value ? "error" : "loading"]; }); function init2() { return __awaiter$5(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { enteringRef.value = false; loadingRef.value = false; finishing = false; erroringRef.value = false; transitionDisabledRef.value = true; yield vue.nextTick(); transitionDisabledRef.value = false; }); } function start() { return __awaiter$5(this, arguments, void 0, function* (fromProgress = 0, toProgress = 80, status = "starting") { startedRef.value = true; yield init2(); if (finishing) return; loadingRef.value = true; yield vue.nextTick(); const el = loadingBarRef.value; if (!el) return; el.style.maxWidth = `${fromProgress}%`; el.style.transition = "none"; void el.offsetWidth; el.className = createClassName(status, mergedClsPrefixRef.value); el.style.transition = ""; el.style.maxWidth = `${toProgress}%`; }); } function finish() { return __awaiter$5(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { if (finishing || erroringRef.value) return; if (startedRef.value) { yield vue.nextTick(); } finishing = true; const el = loadingBarRef.value; if (!el) return; el.className = createClassName("finishing", mergedClsPrefixRef.value); el.style.maxWidth = "100%"; void el.offsetWidth; loadingRef.value = false; }); } function error() { if (finishing || erroringRef.value) return; if (!loadingRef.value) { void start(100, 100, "error").then(() => { erroringRef.value = true; const el = loadingBarRef.value; if (!el) return; el.className = createClassName("error", mergedClsPrefixRef.value); void el.offsetWidth; loadingRef.value = false; }); } else { erroringRef.value = true; const el = loadingBarRef.value; if (!el) return; el.className = createClassName("error", mergedClsPrefixRef.value); el.style.maxWidth = "100%"; void el.offsetWidth; loadingRef.value = false; } } function handleEnter() { enteringRef.value = true; } function handleAfterEnter() { enteringRef.value = false; } function handleAfterLeave() { return __awaiter$5(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { yield init2(); }); } const themeRef = useTheme("LoadingBar", "-loading-bar", style$y, loadingBarLight, providerProps, mergedClsPrefixRef); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { self: { height, colorError, colorLoading } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-height": height, "--n-color-loading": colorLoading, "--n-color-error": colorError }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("loading-bar", void 0, cssVarsRef, providerProps) : void 0; return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, loadingBarRef, started: startedRef, loading: loadingRef, entering: enteringRef, transitionDisabled: transitionDisabledRef, start, error, finish, handleEnter, handleAfterEnter, handleAfterLeave, mergedLoadingBarStyle, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }; }, render() { if (!this.started) return null; const { mergedClsPrefix } = this; return vue.h(vue.Transition, { name: "fade-in-transition", appear: true, onEnter: this.handleEnter, onAfterEnter: this.handleAfterEnter, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-misused-promises onAfterLeave: this.handleAfterLeave, css: !this.transitionDisabled }, { default: () => { var _a; (_a = this.onRender) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(this); return vue.withDirectives(vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-loading-bar-container`, this.themeClass, this.containerClass], style: this.containerStyle }, vue.h("div", { ref: "loadingBarRef", class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-loading-bar`], style: [this.cssVars, this.mergedLoadingBarStyle] })), [[vue.vShow, this.loading || !this.loading && this.entering]]); } }); } }); const loadingBarProviderProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { to: { type: [String, Object, Boolean], default: void 0 }, containerClass: String, containerStyle: [String, Object], loadingBarStyle: { type: Object } }); const NLoadingBarProvider = vue.defineComponent({ name: "LoadingBarProvider", props: loadingBarProviderProps, setup(props) { const isMountedRef = isMounted(); const loadingBarRef = vue.ref(null); const methods = { start() { var _a; if (isMountedRef.value) { (_a = loadingBarRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.start(); } else { void vue.nextTick(() => { var _a2; (_a2 = loadingBarRef.value) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.start(); }); } }, error() { var _a; if (isMountedRef.value) { (_a = loadingBarRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.error(); } else { void vue.nextTick(() => { var _a2; (_a2 = loadingBarRef.value) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.error(); }); } }, finish() { var _a; if (isMountedRef.value) { (_a = loadingBarRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.finish(); } else { void vue.nextTick(() => { var _a2; (_a2 = loadingBarRef.value) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.finish(); }); } } }; const { mergedClsPrefixRef } = useConfig(props); vue.provide(loadingBarApiInjectionKey, methods); vue.provide(loadingBarProviderInjectionKey, { props, mergedClsPrefixRef }); return Object.assign(methods, { loadingBarRef }); }, render() { var _a, _b; return vue.h(vue.Fragment, null, vue.h(vue.Teleport, { disabled: this.to === false, to: this.to || "body" }, vue.h(NLoadingBar, { ref: "loadingBarRef", containerStyle: this.containerStyle, containerClass: this.containerClass })), (_b = (_a = this.$slots).default) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a)); } }); function useLoadingBar() { const loadingBar = vue.inject(loadingBarApiInjectionKey, null); if (loadingBar === null) { throwError("use-loading-bar", "No outer founded."); } return loadingBar; } const NLogLoader = vue.defineComponent({ name: "LogLoader", props: { clsPrefix: { type: String, required: true } }, setup() { return { locale: useLocale("Log").localeRef }; }, render() { const { clsPrefix } = this; return vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-log-loader` }, vue.h(NBaseLoading, { clsPrefix, strokeWidth: 24, scale: 0.85 }), vue.h("span", { class: `${clsPrefix}-log-loader__content` }, this.locale.loading)); } }); const logInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-log"); const NLogLine = vue.defineComponent({ props: { line: { type: String, default: "" } }, setup(props) { const { trimRef, highlightRef, languageRef, mergedHljsRef } = ( // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion vue.inject(logInjectionKey) ); const selfRef = vue.ref(null); const maybeTrimmedLinesRef = vue.computed(() => { return trimRef.value ? props.line.trim() : props.line; }); function setInnerHTML() { if (selfRef.value) { selfRef.value.innerHTML = generateCodeHTML(languageRef.value, maybeTrimmedLinesRef.value); } } function generateCodeHTML(language, code) { const { value: hljs } = mergedHljsRef; if (hljs) { if (language && hljs.getLanguage(language)) { return hljs.highlight(code, { language }).value; } } return code; } vue.onMounted(() => { if (highlightRef.value) { setInnerHTML(); } }); vue.watch(vue.toRef(props, "line"), () => { if (highlightRef.value) { setInnerHTML(); } }); return { highlight: highlightRef, selfRef, maybeTrimmedLines: maybeTrimmedLinesRef }; }, render() { const { highlight, maybeTrimmedLines } = this; return vue.h("pre", { ref: "selfRef" }, highlight ? null : maybeTrimmedLines); } }); const style$x = cB("log", ` position: relative; box-sizing: border-box; transition: border-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [c$1("pre", ` white-space: pre-wrap; word-break: break-word; margin: 0; `), cB("log-loader", ` transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), border-color .3s var(--n-bezier); box-sizing: border-box; position: absolute; right: 16px; top: 8px; height: 34px; border-radius: 17px; line-height: 34px; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; border: var(--n-loader-border); color: var(--n-loader-text-color); background-color: var(--n-loader-color); font-size: var(--n-loader-font-size); `, [fadeInScaleUpTransition(), cE("content", ` display: inline-block; vertical-align: bottom; line-height: 34px; padding-left: 40px; padding-right: 20px; white-space: nowrap; `), cB("base-loading", ` color: var(--n-loading-color); position: absolute; left: 12px; top: calc(50% - 10px); font-size: 20px; width: 20px; height: 20px; display: inline-block; `)])]); const logProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { loading: Boolean, trim: Boolean, log: String, fontSize: { type: Number, default: 14 }, lines: { type: Array, default: () => [] }, lineHeight: { type: Number, default: 1.25 }, language: String, rows: { type: Number, default: 15 }, offsetTop: { type: Number, default: 0 }, offsetBottom: { type: Number, default: 0 }, hljs: Object, onReachTop: Function, onReachBottom: Function, onRequireMore: Function }); const Log = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Log", props: logProps, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const silentRef = vue.ref(false); const highlightRef = vue.computed(() => { return props.language !== void 0; }); const styleHeightRef = vue.computed(() => { return `calc(${Math.round(props.rows * props.lineHeight * props.fontSize)}px)`; }); const mergedLinesRef = vue.computed(() => { const { log } = props; if (log) { return log.split("\n"); } return props.lines; }); const scrollbarRef = vue.ref(null); const themeRef = useTheme("Log", "-log", style$x, logLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); function handleScroll(e) { const container = e.target; const content = container.firstElementChild; if (silentRef.value) { void vue.nextTick(() => { silentRef.value = false; }); return; } const containerHeight = container.offsetHeight; const containerScrollTop = container.scrollTop; const contentHeight = content.offsetHeight; const scrollTop = containerScrollTop; const scrollBottom = contentHeight - containerScrollTop - containerHeight; if (scrollTop <= props.offsetTop) { const { onReachTop, onRequireMore } = props; if (onRequireMore) onRequireMore("top"); if (onReachTop) onReachTop(); } if (scrollBottom <= props.offsetBottom) { const { onReachBottom, onRequireMore } = props; if (onRequireMore) onRequireMore("bottom"); if (onReachBottom) onReachBottom(); } } const handleWheel = throttle(_handleWheel, 300); function _handleWheel(e) { if (silentRef.value) { void vue.nextTick(() => { silentRef.value = false; }); return; } if (scrollbarRef.value) { const { containerRef, contentRef } = scrollbarRef.value; if (containerRef && contentRef) { const containerHeight = containerRef.offsetHeight; const containerScrollTop = containerRef.scrollTop; const contentHeight = contentRef.offsetHeight; const scrollTop = containerScrollTop; const scrollBottom = contentHeight - containerScrollTop - containerHeight; const deltaY = e.deltaY; if (scrollTop === 0 && deltaY < 0) { const { onRequireMore } = props; if (onRequireMore) onRequireMore("top"); } if (scrollBottom <= 0 && deltaY > 0) { const { onRequireMore } = props; if (onRequireMore) onRequireMore("bottom"); } } } } function scrollTo(options) { const { value: scrollbarInst } = scrollbarRef; if (!scrollbarInst) return; const { silent, top, position } = options; if (silent) { silentRef.value = true; } if (top !== void 0) { scrollbarInst.scrollTo({ left: 0, top }); } else if (position === "bottom" || position === "top") { scrollbarInst.scrollTo({ position }); } } function scrollToTop(silent = false) { warn$2("log", "`scrollToTop` is deprecated, please use `scrollTo({ position: 'top'})` instead."); scrollTo({ position: "top", silent }); } function scrollToBottom(silent = false) { warn$2("log", "`scrollToTop` is deprecated, please use `scrollTo({ position: 'bottom'})` instead."); scrollTo({ position: "bottom", silent }); } vue.provide(logInjectionKey, { languageRef: vue.toRef(props, "language"), mergedHljsRef: useHljs(props), trimRef: vue.toRef(props, "trim"), highlightRef }); const exportedMethods = { scrollTo }; const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { self: { loaderFontSize, loaderTextColor, loaderColor, loaderBorder, loadingColor }, common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-loader-font-size": loaderFontSize, "--n-loader-border": loaderBorder, "--n-loader-color": loaderColor, "--n-loader-text-color": loaderTextColor, "--n-loading-color": loadingColor }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("log", void 0, cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, exportedMethods), { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, scrollbarRef, mergedTheme: themeRef, styleHeight: styleHeightRef, mergedLines: mergedLinesRef, scrollToTop, scrollToBottom, handleWheel, handleScroll, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }); }, render() { const { mergedClsPrefix, mergedTheme, onRender } = this; onRender === null || onRender === void 0 ? void 0 : onRender(); return vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-log`, this.themeClass], style: [{ lineHeight: this.lineHeight, height: this.styleHeight }, this.cssVars], onWheelPassive: this.handleWheel }, [vue.h(Scrollbar$2, { ref: "scrollbarRef", theme: mergedTheme.peers.Scrollbar, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Scrollbar, onScroll: this.handleScroll }, { default: () => vue.h(NCode, { internalNoHighlight: true, internalFontSize: this.fontSize, theme: mergedTheme.peers.Code, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Code }, { default: () => this.mergedLines.map((line, index) => { return vue.h(NLogLine, { key: index, line }); }) }) }), vue.h(vue.Transition, { name: "fade-in-scale-up-transition" }, { default: () => this.loading ? vue.h(NLogLoader, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix }) : null })]); } }); var __awaiter$4 = function(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) { function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function(resolve) { resolve(value); }); } return new (P || (P = Promise))(function(resolve, reject) { function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); } step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, [])).next()); }); }; const infiniteScrollProps = { distance: { type: Number, default: 0 }, onLoad: Function, scrollbarProps: Object }; const InfiniteScroll = vue.defineComponent({ name: "InfiniteScroll", props: infiniteScrollProps, setup(props) { const scrollbarInstRef = vue.ref(null); let loading = false; const handleCheckBottom = () => __awaiter$4(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { var _a; const { value: scrollbarInst } = scrollbarInstRef; if (scrollbarInst) { const { containerRef, containerScrollTop } = scrollbarInst; const scrollHeight = containerRef === null || containerRef === void 0 ? void 0 : containerRef.scrollHeight; const clientHeight = containerRef === null || containerRef === void 0 ? void 0 : containerRef.clientHeight; if (containerRef && scrollHeight !== void 0 && clientHeight !== void 0) { if (containerScrollTop + clientHeight >= scrollHeight - props.distance) { loading = true; try { yield (_a = props.onLoad) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props); } catch (_b) { } loading = false; } } } }); const handleScroll = () => { if (loading) return; void handleCheckBottom(); }; const handleWheel = (e) => { if (e.deltaY <= 0) return; if (loading) return; void handleCheckBottom(); }; return { scrollbarInstRef, handleScroll, handleWheel }; }, render() { return vue.h(XScrollbar, Object.assign({}, this.scrollbarProps, { ref: "scrollbarInstRef", onWheel: this.handleWheel, onScroll: this.handleScroll }), { default: () => { return resolveSlot(this.$slots.default, () => []); } }); } }); const menuInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-menu"); const submenuInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-submenu"); const menuItemGroupInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-menu-item-group"); const ICON_MARGIN_RIGHT = 8; function useMenuChild(props) { const NMenu = vue.inject(menuInjectionKey); const { props: menuProps2, mergedCollapsedRef } = NMenu; const NSubmenu2 = vue.inject(submenuInjectionKey, null); const NMenuOptionGroup2 = vue.inject(menuItemGroupInjectionKey, null); const horizontalRef = vue.computed(() => { return menuProps2.mode === "horizontal"; }); const dropdownPlacementRef = vue.computed(() => { if (horizontalRef.value) { return menuProps2.dropdownPlacement; } if ("tmNodes" in props) return "right-start"; return "right"; }); const maxIconSizeRef = vue.computed(() => { var _a; return Math.max((_a = menuProps2.collapsedIconSize) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : menuProps2.iconSize, menuProps2.iconSize); }); const activeIconSizeRef = vue.computed(() => { var _a; if (!horizontalRef.value && props.root && mergedCollapsedRef.value) { return (_a = menuProps2.collapsedIconSize) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : menuProps2.iconSize; } else { return menuProps2.iconSize; } }); const paddingLeftRef = vue.computed(() => { if (horizontalRef.value) return void 0; const { collapsedWidth, indent, rootIndent } = menuProps2; const { root: root2, isGroup: isGroup2 } = props; const mergedRootIndent = rootIndent === void 0 ? indent : rootIndent; if (root2) { if (mergedCollapsedRef.value) { return collapsedWidth / 2 - maxIconSizeRef.value / 2; } return mergedRootIndent; } if (NMenuOptionGroup2 && typeof NMenuOptionGroup2.paddingLeftRef.value === "number") { return indent / 2 + NMenuOptionGroup2.paddingLeftRef.value; } if (NSubmenu2 && typeof NSubmenu2.paddingLeftRef.value === "number") { return (isGroup2 ? indent / 2 : indent) + NSubmenu2.paddingLeftRef.value; } return 0; }); const iconMarginRightRef = vue.computed(() => { const { collapsedWidth, indent, rootIndent } = menuProps2; const { value: maxIconSize } = maxIconSizeRef; const { root: root2 } = props; if (horizontalRef.value) return ICON_MARGIN_RIGHT; if (!root2) return ICON_MARGIN_RIGHT; if (!mergedCollapsedRef.value) return ICON_MARGIN_RIGHT; const mergedRootIndent = rootIndent === void 0 ? indent : rootIndent; return mergedRootIndent + maxIconSize + ICON_MARGIN_RIGHT - (collapsedWidth + maxIconSize) / 2; }); return { dropdownPlacement: dropdownPlacementRef, activeIconSize: activeIconSizeRef, maxIconSize: maxIconSizeRef, paddingLeft: paddingLeftRef, iconMarginRight: iconMarginRightRef, NMenu, NSubmenu: NSubmenu2 }; } const useMenuChildProps = { internalKey: { type: [String, Number], required: true }, root: Boolean, isGroup: Boolean, level: { type: Number, required: true }, title: [String, Function], extra: [String, Function] }; const menuItemGroupProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useMenuChildProps), { tmNode: { type: Object, required: true }, tmNodes: { type: Array, required: true } }); const NMenuOptionGroup = vue.defineComponent({ name: "MenuOptionGroup", props: menuItemGroupProps, setup(props) { vue.provide(submenuInjectionKey, null); const MenuChild = useMenuChild(props); vue.provide(menuItemGroupInjectionKey, { paddingLeftRef: MenuChild.paddingLeft }); const { mergedClsPrefixRef, props: menuProps2 } = vue.inject(menuInjectionKey); return function() { const { value: mergedClsPrefix } = mergedClsPrefixRef; const paddingLeft = MenuChild.paddingLeft.value; const { nodeProps } = menuProps2; const attrs = nodeProps === null || nodeProps === void 0 ? void 0 : nodeProps(props.tmNode.rawNode); return vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-menu-item-group`, role: "group" }, vue.h("div", Object.assign({}, attrs, { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-menu-item-group-title`, attrs === null || attrs === void 0 ? void 0 : attrs.class], style: [(attrs === null || attrs === void 0 ? void 0 : attrs.style) || "", paddingLeft !== void 0 ? `padding-left: ${paddingLeft}px;` : ""] }), render$1(props.title), props.extra ? vue.h(vue.Fragment, null, " ", render$1(props.extra)) : null), vue.h("div", null, props.tmNodes.map((tmNode) => itemRenderer(tmNode, menuProps2)))); }; } }); const NMenuOptionContent = vue.defineComponent({ name: "MenuOptionContent", props: { collapsed: Boolean, disabled: Boolean, title: [String, Function], icon: Function, extra: [String, Function], showArrow: Boolean, childActive: Boolean, hover: Boolean, paddingLeft: Number, selected: Boolean, maxIconSize: { type: Number, required: true }, activeIconSize: { type: Number, required: true }, iconMarginRight: { type: Number, required: true }, clsPrefix: { type: String, required: true }, onClick: Function, tmNode: { type: Object, required: true }, isEllipsisPlaceholder: Boolean }, setup(props) { const { props: menuProps2 } = vue.inject(menuInjectionKey); return { menuProps: menuProps2, style: vue.computed(() => { const { paddingLeft } = props; return { paddingLeft: paddingLeft && `${paddingLeft}px` }; }), iconStyle: vue.computed(() => { const { maxIconSize, activeIconSize, iconMarginRight } = props; return { width: `${maxIconSize}px`, height: `${maxIconSize}px`, fontSize: `${activeIconSize}px`, marginRight: `${iconMarginRight}px` }; }) }; }, render() { const { clsPrefix, tmNode, menuProps: { renderIcon, renderLabel, renderExtra, expandIcon } } = this; const icon = renderIcon ? renderIcon(tmNode.rawNode) : render$1(this.icon); return vue.h("div", { onClick: (e) => { var _a; (_a = this.onClick) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(this, e); }, role: "none", class: [`${clsPrefix}-menu-item-content`, { [`${clsPrefix}-menu-item-content--selected`]: this.selected, [`${clsPrefix}-menu-item-content--collapsed`]: this.collapsed, [`${clsPrefix}-menu-item-content--child-active`]: this.childActive, [`${clsPrefix}-menu-item-content--disabled`]: this.disabled, [`${clsPrefix}-menu-item-content--hover`]: this.hover }], style: this.style }, icon && vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-menu-item-content__icon`, style: this.iconStyle, role: "none" }, [icon]), vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-menu-item-content-header`, role: "none" }, this.isEllipsisPlaceholder ? this.title : renderLabel ? renderLabel(tmNode.rawNode) : render$1(this.title), this.extra || renderExtra ? vue.h("span", { class: `${clsPrefix}-menu-item-content-header__extra` }, " ", renderExtra ? renderExtra(tmNode.rawNode) : render$1(this.extra)) : null), this.showArrow ? vue.h(NBaseIcon, { ariaHidden: true, class: `${clsPrefix}-menu-item-content__arrow`, clsPrefix }, { default: () => expandIcon ? expandIcon(tmNode.rawNode) : vue.h(ChevronDownFilledIcon, null) }) : null); } }); const submenuProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useMenuChildProps), { rawNodes: { type: Array, default: () => [] }, tmNodes: { type: Array, default: () => [] }, tmNode: { type: Object, required: true }, disabled: Boolean, icon: Function, onClick: Function, domId: String, virtualChildActive: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, isEllipsisPlaceholder: Boolean }); const NSubmenu = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Submenu", props: submenuProps, setup(props) { const MenuChild = useMenuChild(props); const { NMenu, NSubmenu: NSubmenu2 } = MenuChild; const { props: menuProps2, mergedCollapsedRef, mergedThemeRef } = NMenu; const mergedDisabledRef = vue.computed(() => { const { disabled } = props; if (NSubmenu2 === null || NSubmenu2 === void 0 ? void 0 : NSubmenu2.mergedDisabledRef.value) return true; if (menuProps2.disabled) return true; return disabled; }); const dropdownShowRef = vue.ref(false); vue.provide(submenuInjectionKey, { paddingLeftRef: MenuChild.paddingLeft, mergedDisabledRef }); vue.provide(menuItemGroupInjectionKey, null); function doClick() { const { onClick } = props; if (onClick) onClick(); } function handleClick2() { if (!mergedDisabledRef.value) { if (!mergedCollapsedRef.value) { NMenu.toggleExpand(props.internalKey); } doClick(); } } function handlePopoverShowChange(value) { dropdownShowRef.value = value; } return { menuProps: menuProps2, mergedTheme: mergedThemeRef, doSelect: NMenu.doSelect, inverted: NMenu.invertedRef, isHorizontal: NMenu.isHorizontalRef, mergedClsPrefix: NMenu.mergedClsPrefixRef, maxIconSize: MenuChild.maxIconSize, activeIconSize: MenuChild.activeIconSize, iconMarginRight: MenuChild.iconMarginRight, dropdownPlacement: MenuChild.dropdownPlacement, dropdownShow: dropdownShowRef, paddingLeft: MenuChild.paddingLeft, mergedDisabled: mergedDisabledRef, mergedValue: NMenu.mergedValueRef, childActive: useMemo(() => { var _a; return (_a = props.virtualChildActive) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : NMenu.activePathRef.value.includes(props.internalKey); }), collapsed: vue.computed(() => { if (menuProps2.mode === "horizontal") return false; if (mergedCollapsedRef.value) { return true; } return !NMenu.mergedExpandedKeysRef.value.includes(props.internalKey); }), dropdownEnabled: vue.computed(() => { return !mergedDisabledRef.value && (menuProps2.mode === "horizontal" || mergedCollapsedRef.value); }), handlePopoverShowChange, handleClick: handleClick2 }; }, render() { var _a; const { mergedClsPrefix, menuProps: { renderIcon, renderLabel } } = this; const createSubmenuItem = () => { const { isHorizontal, paddingLeft, collapsed, mergedDisabled, maxIconSize, activeIconSize, title, childActive, icon, handleClick: handleClick2, menuProps: { nodeProps }, dropdownShow, iconMarginRight, tmNode, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix2, isEllipsisPlaceholder, extra } = this; const attrs = nodeProps === null || nodeProps === void 0 ? void 0 : nodeProps(tmNode.rawNode); return vue.h("div", Object.assign({}, attrs, { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix2}-menu-item`, attrs === null || attrs === void 0 ? void 0 : attrs.class], role: "menuitem" }), vue.h(NMenuOptionContent, { tmNode, paddingLeft, collapsed, disabled: mergedDisabled, iconMarginRight, maxIconSize, activeIconSize, title, extra, showArrow: !isHorizontal, childActive, clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix2, icon, hover: dropdownShow, onClick: handleClick2, isEllipsisPlaceholder })); }; const createSubmenuChildren = () => { return vue.h(NFadeInExpandTransition, null, { default: () => { const { tmNodes, collapsed } = this; return !collapsed ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-submenu-children`, role: "menu" }, tmNodes.map((item) => itemRenderer(item, this.menuProps))) : null; } }); }; return this.root ? vue.h(NDropdown, Object.assign({ size: "large", trigger: "hover" }, (_a = this.menuProps) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.dropdownProps, { themeOverrides: this.mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Dropdown, theme: this.mergedTheme.peers.Dropdown, builtinThemeOverrides: { fontSizeLarge: "14px", optionIconSizeLarge: "18px" }, value: this.mergedValue, disabled: !this.dropdownEnabled, placement: this.dropdownPlacement, keyField: this.menuProps.keyField, labelField: this.menuProps.labelField, childrenField: this.menuProps.childrenField, onUpdateShow: this.handlePopoverShowChange, options: this.rawNodes, onSelect: this.doSelect, inverted: this.inverted, renderIcon, renderLabel }), { default: () => vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-submenu`, role: "menu", "aria-expanded": !this.collapsed, id: this.domId }, createSubmenuItem(), this.isHorizontal ? null : createSubmenuChildren()) }) : vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-submenu`, role: "menu", "aria-expanded": !this.collapsed, id: this.domId }, createSubmenuItem(), createSubmenuChildren()); } }); const menuItemProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useMenuChildProps), { tmNode: { type: Object, required: true }, disabled: Boolean, icon: Function, onClick: Function }); const NMenuOption = vue.defineComponent({ name: "MenuOption", props: menuItemProps, setup(props) { const MenuChild = useMenuChild(props); const { NSubmenu: NSubmenu2, NMenu } = MenuChild; const { props: menuProps2, mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedCollapsedRef } = NMenu; const submenuDisabledRef = NSubmenu2 ? NSubmenu2.mergedDisabledRef : { value: false }; const mergedDisabledRef = vue.computed(() => { return submenuDisabledRef.value || props.disabled; }); function doClick(e) { const { onClick } = props; if (onClick) onClick(e); } function handleClick2(e) { if (!mergedDisabledRef.value) { NMenu.doSelect(props.internalKey, props.tmNode.rawNode); doClick(e); } } return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, dropdownPlacement: MenuChild.dropdownPlacement, paddingLeft: MenuChild.paddingLeft, iconMarginRight: MenuChild.iconMarginRight, maxIconSize: MenuChild.maxIconSize, activeIconSize: MenuChild.activeIconSize, mergedTheme: NMenu.mergedThemeRef, menuProps: menuProps2, dropdownEnabled: useMemo(() => { return props.root && mergedCollapsedRef.value && menuProps2.mode !== "horizontal" && !mergedDisabledRef.value; }), selected: useMemo(() => { if (NMenu.mergedValueRef.value === props.internalKey) return true; return false; }), mergedDisabled: mergedDisabledRef, handleClick: handleClick2 }; }, render() { const { mergedClsPrefix, mergedTheme, tmNode, menuProps: { renderLabel, nodeProps } } = this; const attrs = nodeProps === null || nodeProps === void 0 ? void 0 : nodeProps(tmNode.rawNode); return vue.h("div", Object.assign({}, attrs, { role: "menuitem", class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-menu-item`, attrs === null || attrs === void 0 ? void 0 : attrs.class] }), vue.h(NTooltip, { theme: mergedTheme.peers.Tooltip, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Tooltip, trigger: "hover", placement: this.dropdownPlacement, disabled: !this.dropdownEnabled || this.title === void 0, internalExtraClass: ["menu-tooltip"] }, { default: () => renderLabel ? renderLabel(tmNode.rawNode) : render$1(this.title), trigger: () => vue.h(NMenuOptionContent, { tmNode, clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, paddingLeft: this.paddingLeft, iconMarginRight: this.iconMarginRight, maxIconSize: this.maxIconSize, activeIconSize: this.activeIconSize, selected: this.selected, title: this.title, extra: this.extra, disabled: this.mergedDisabled, icon: this.icon, onClick: this.handleClick }) })); } }); const NMenuDivider = vue.defineComponent({ name: "MenuDivider", setup() { const NMenu = vue.inject(menuInjectionKey); const { mergedClsPrefixRef, isHorizontalRef } = NMenu; return () => isHorizontalRef.value ? null : vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefixRef.value}-menu-divider` }); } }); const groupPropKeys = keysOf(menuItemGroupProps); const itemPropKeys = keysOf(menuItemProps); const submenuPropKeys = keysOf(submenuProps); function isIgnoredNode(rawNode) { return rawNode.type === "divider" || rawNode.type === "render"; } function isDividerNode(rawNode) { return rawNode.type === "divider"; } function itemRenderer(tmNode, menuProps2) { const { rawNode } = tmNode; const { show } = rawNode; if (show === false) { return null; } if (isIgnoredNode(rawNode)) { if (isDividerNode(rawNode)) { return vue.h(NMenuDivider, Object.assign({ key: tmNode.key }, rawNode.props)); } return null; } const { labelField } = menuProps2; const { key, level, isGroup: isGroup2 } = tmNode; const props = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, rawNode), { title: rawNode.title || rawNode[labelField], extra: rawNode.titleExtra || rawNode.extra, key, internalKey: key, // since key can't be used as a prop level, root: level === 0, isGroup: isGroup2 }); if (tmNode.children) { if (tmNode.isGroup) { return vue.h(NMenuOptionGroup, keep(props, groupPropKeys, { tmNode, tmNodes: tmNode.children, key })); } return vue.h(NSubmenu, keep(props, submenuPropKeys, { key, rawNodes: rawNode[menuProps2.childrenField], tmNodes: tmNode.children, tmNode })); } else { return vue.h(NMenuOption, keep(props, itemPropKeys, { key, tmNode })); } } const hoverStyleChildren = [c$1("&::before", "background-color: var(--n-item-color-hover);"), cE("arrow", ` color: var(--n-arrow-color-hover); `), cE("icon", ` color: var(--n-item-icon-color-hover); `), cB("menu-item-content-header", ` color: var(--n-item-text-color-hover); `, [c$1("a", ` color: var(--n-item-text-color-hover); `), cE("extra", ` color: var(--n-item-text-color-hover); `)])]; const horizontalHoverStyleChildren = [cE("icon", ` color: var(--n-item-icon-color-hover-horizontal); `), cB("menu-item-content-header", ` color: var(--n-item-text-color-hover-horizontal); `, [c$1("a", ` color: var(--n-item-text-color-hover-horizontal); `), cE("extra", ` color: var(--n-item-text-color-hover-horizontal); `)])]; const style$w = c$1([cB("menu", ` background-color: var(--n-color); color: var(--n-item-text-color); overflow: hidden; transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); box-sizing: border-box; font-size: var(--n-font-size); padding-bottom: 6px; `, [cM("horizontal", ` max-width: 100%; width: 100%; display: flex; overflow: hidden; padding-bottom: 0; `, [cB("submenu", "margin: 0;"), cB("menu-item", "margin: 0;"), cB("menu-item-content", ` padding: 0 20px; border-bottom: 2px solid #0000; `, [c$1("&::before", "display: none;"), cM("selected", "border-bottom: 2px solid var(--n-border-color-horizontal)")]), cB("menu-item-content", [cM("selected", [cE("icon", "color: var(--n-item-icon-color-active-horizontal);"), cB("menu-item-content-header", ` color: var(--n-item-text-color-active-horizontal); `, [c$1("a", "color: var(--n-item-text-color-active-horizontal);"), cE("extra", "color: var(--n-item-text-color-active-horizontal);")])]), cM("child-active", ` border-bottom: 2px solid var(--n-border-color-horizontal); `, [cB("menu-item-content-header", ` color: var(--n-item-text-color-child-active-horizontal); `, [c$1("a", ` color: var(--n-item-text-color-child-active-horizontal); `), cE("extra", ` color: var(--n-item-text-color-child-active-horizontal); `)]), cE("icon", ` color: var(--n-item-icon-color-child-active-horizontal); `)]), cNotM("disabled", [cNotM("selected, child-active", [c$1("&:focus-within", horizontalHoverStyleChildren)]), cM("selected", [hoverStyle(null, [cE("icon", "color: var(--n-item-icon-color-active-hover-horizontal);"), cB("menu-item-content-header", ` color: var(--n-item-text-color-active-hover-horizontal); `, [c$1("a", "color: var(--n-item-text-color-active-hover-horizontal);"), cE("extra", "color: var(--n-item-text-color-active-hover-horizontal);")])])]), cM("child-active", [hoverStyle(null, [cE("icon", "color: var(--n-item-icon-color-child-active-hover-horizontal);"), cB("menu-item-content-header", ` color: var(--n-item-text-color-child-active-hover-horizontal); `, [c$1("a", "color: var(--n-item-text-color-child-active-hover-horizontal);"), cE("extra", "color: var(--n-item-text-color-child-active-hover-horizontal);")])])]), hoverStyle("border-bottom: 2px solid var(--n-border-color-horizontal);", horizontalHoverStyleChildren)]), cB("menu-item-content-header", [c$1("a", "color: var(--n-item-text-color-horizontal);")])])]), cNotM("responsive", [cB("menu-item-content-header", ` overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; `)]), cM("collapsed", [cB("menu-item-content", [cM("selected", [c$1("&::before", ` background-color: var(--n-item-color-active-collapsed) !important; `)]), cB("menu-item-content-header", "opacity: 0;"), cE("arrow", "opacity: 0;"), cE("icon", "color: var(--n-item-icon-color-collapsed);")])]), cB("menu-item", ` height: var(--n-item-height); margin-top: 6px; position: relative; `), cB("menu-item-content", ` box-sizing: border-box; line-height: 1.75; height: 100%; display: grid; grid-template-areas: "icon content arrow"; grid-template-columns: auto 1fr auto; align-items: center; cursor: pointer; position: relative; padding-right: 18px; transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), padding-left .3s var(--n-bezier), border-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [c$1("> *", "z-index: 1;"), c$1("&::before", ` z-index: auto; content: ""; background-color: #0000; position: absolute; left: 8px; right: 8px; top: 0; bottom: 0; pointer-events: none; border-radius: var(--n-border-radius); transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `), cM("disabled", ` opacity: .45; cursor: not-allowed; `), cM("collapsed", [cE("arrow", "transform: rotate(0);")]), cM("selected", [c$1("&::before", "background-color: var(--n-item-color-active);"), cE("arrow", "color: var(--n-arrow-color-active);"), cE("icon", "color: var(--n-item-icon-color-active);"), cB("menu-item-content-header", ` color: var(--n-item-text-color-active); `, [c$1("a", "color: var(--n-item-text-color-active);"), cE("extra", "color: var(--n-item-text-color-active);")])]), cM("child-active", [cB("menu-item-content-header", ` color: var(--n-item-text-color-child-active); `, [c$1("a", ` color: var(--n-item-text-color-child-active); `), cE("extra", ` color: var(--n-item-text-color-child-active); `)]), cE("arrow", ` color: var(--n-arrow-color-child-active); `), cE("icon", ` color: var(--n-item-icon-color-child-active); `)]), cNotM("disabled", [cNotM("selected, child-active", [c$1("&:focus-within", hoverStyleChildren)]), cM("selected", [hoverStyle(null, [cE("arrow", "color: var(--n-arrow-color-active-hover);"), cE("icon", "color: var(--n-item-icon-color-active-hover);"), cB("menu-item-content-header", ` color: var(--n-item-text-color-active-hover); `, [c$1("a", "color: var(--n-item-text-color-active-hover);"), cE("extra", "color: var(--n-item-text-color-active-hover);")])])]), cM("child-active", [hoverStyle(null, [cE("arrow", "color: var(--n-arrow-color-child-active-hover);"), cE("icon", "color: var(--n-item-icon-color-child-active-hover);"), cB("menu-item-content-header", ` color: var(--n-item-text-color-child-active-hover); `, [c$1("a", "color: var(--n-item-text-color-child-active-hover);"), cE("extra", "color: var(--n-item-text-color-child-active-hover);")])])]), cM("selected", [hoverStyle(null, [c$1("&::before", "background-color: var(--n-item-color-active-hover);")])]), hoverStyle(null, hoverStyleChildren)]), cE("icon", ` grid-area: icon; color: var(--n-item-icon-color); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier), font-size .3s var(--n-bezier), margin-right .3s var(--n-bezier); box-sizing: content-box; display: inline-flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; `), cE("arrow", ` grid-area: arrow; font-size: 16px; color: var(--n-arrow-color); transform: rotate(180deg); opacity: 1; transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier), transform 0.2s var(--n-bezier), opacity 0.2s var(--n-bezier); `), cB("menu-item-content-header", ` grid-area: content; transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier), opacity .3s var(--n-bezier); opacity: 1; white-space: nowrap; color: var(--n-item-text-color); `, [c$1("a", ` outline: none; text-decoration: none; transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); color: var(--n-item-text-color); `, [c$1("&::before", ` content: ""; position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; `)]), cE("extra", ` font-size: .93em; color: var(--n-group-text-color); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); `)])]), cB("submenu", ` cursor: pointer; position: relative; margin-top: 6px; `, [cB("menu-item-content", ` height: var(--n-item-height); `), cB("submenu-children", ` overflow: hidden; padding: 0; `, [fadeInHeightExpandTransition({ duration: ".2s" })])]), cB("menu-item-group", [cB("menu-item-group-title", ` margin-top: 6px; color: var(--n-group-text-color); cursor: default; font-size: .93em; height: 36px; display: flex; align-items: center; transition: padding-left .3s var(--n-bezier), color .3s var(--n-bezier); `)])]), cB("menu-tooltip", [c$1("a", ` color: inherit; text-decoration: none; `)]), cB("menu-divider", ` transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); background-color: var(--n-divider-color); height: 1px; margin: 6px 18px; `)]); function hoverStyle(props, children) { return [cM("hover", props, children), c$1("&:hover", props, children)]; } const menuProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { options: { type: Array, default: () => [] }, collapsed: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, collapsedWidth: { type: Number, default: 48 }, iconSize: { type: Number, default: 20 }, collapsedIconSize: { type: Number, default: 24 }, rootIndent: Number, indent: { type: Number, default: 32 }, labelField: { type: String, default: "label" }, keyField: { type: String, default: "key" }, childrenField: { type: String, default: "children" }, disabledField: { type: String, default: "disabled" }, defaultExpandAll: Boolean, defaultExpandedKeys: Array, expandedKeys: Array, value: [String, Number], defaultValue: { type: [String, Number], default: null }, mode: { type: String, default: "vertical" }, watchProps: { type: Array, default: void 0 }, disabled: Boolean, show: { type: Boolean, default: true }, inverted: Boolean, "onUpdate:expandedKeys": [Function, Array], onUpdateExpandedKeys: [Function, Array], onUpdateValue: [Function, Array], "onUpdate:value": [Function, Array], expandIcon: Function, renderIcon: Function, renderLabel: Function, renderExtra: Function, dropdownProps: Object, accordion: Boolean, nodeProps: Function, dropdownPlacement: { type: String, default: "bottom" }, responsive: Boolean, // deprecated items: Array, onOpenNamesChange: [Function, Array], onSelect: [Function, Array], onExpandedNamesChange: [Function, Array], expandedNames: Array, defaultExpandedNames: Array }); const Menu = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Menu", props: menuProps, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Menu", "-menu", style$w, menuLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const layoutSider = vue.inject(layoutSiderInjectionKey, null); const mergedCollapsedRef = vue.computed(() => { var _a; const { collapsed } = props; if (collapsed !== void 0) return collapsed; if (layoutSider) { const { collapseModeRef, collapsedRef } = layoutSider; if (collapseModeRef.value === "width") { return (_a = collapsedRef.value) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : false; } } return false; }); const treeMateRef = vue.computed(() => { const { keyField, childrenField, disabledField } = props; return createTreeMate(props.items || props.options, { getIgnored(node) { return isIgnoredNode(node); }, getChildren(node) { return node[childrenField]; }, getDisabled(node) { return node[disabledField]; }, getKey(node) { var _a; return (_a = node[keyField]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : node.name; } }); }); const treeKeysLevelOneRef = vue.computed(() => new Set(treeMateRef.value.treeNodes.map((e) => e.key))); const { watchProps } = props; const uncontrolledValueRef = vue.ref(null); if (watchProps === null || watchProps === void 0 ? void 0 : watchProps.includes("defaultValue")) { vue.watchEffect(() => { uncontrolledValueRef.value = props.defaultValue; }); } else { uncontrolledValueRef.value = props.defaultValue; } const controlledValueRef = vue.toRef(props, "value"); const mergedValueRef = useMergedState(controlledValueRef, uncontrolledValueRef); const uncontrolledExpandedKeysRef = vue.ref([]); const initUncontrolledExpandedKeys = () => { uncontrolledExpandedKeysRef.value = props.defaultExpandAll ? treeMateRef.value.getNonLeafKeys() : props.defaultExpandedNames || props.defaultExpandedKeys || treeMateRef.value.getPath(mergedValueRef.value, { includeSelf: false }).keyPath; }; if (watchProps === null || watchProps === void 0 ? void 0 : watchProps.includes("defaultExpandedKeys")) { vue.watchEffect(initUncontrolledExpandedKeys); } else { initUncontrolledExpandedKeys(); } const controlledExpandedKeysRef = useCompitable(props, ["expandedNames", "expandedKeys"]); const mergedExpandedKeysRef = useMergedState(controlledExpandedKeysRef, uncontrolledExpandedKeysRef); const tmNodesRef = vue.computed(() => treeMateRef.value.treeNodes); const activePathRef = vue.computed(() => { return treeMateRef.value.getPath(mergedValueRef.value).keyPath; }); vue.provide(menuInjectionKey, { props, mergedCollapsedRef, mergedThemeRef: themeRef, mergedValueRef, mergedExpandedKeysRef, activePathRef, mergedClsPrefixRef, isHorizontalRef: vue.computed(() => props.mode === "horizontal"), invertedRef: vue.toRef(props, "inverted"), doSelect, toggleExpand }); function doSelect(value, item) { const { "onUpdate:value": _onUpdateValue, onUpdateValue, onSelect } = props; if (onUpdateValue) { call(onUpdateValue, value, item); } if (_onUpdateValue) { call(_onUpdateValue, value, item); } if (onSelect) { call(onSelect, value, item); } uncontrolledValueRef.value = value; } function doUpdateExpandedKeys(value) { const { "onUpdate:expandedKeys": _onUpdateExpandedKeys, onUpdateExpandedKeys, onExpandedNamesChange, onOpenNamesChange } = props; if (_onUpdateExpandedKeys) { call(_onUpdateExpandedKeys, value); } if (onUpdateExpandedKeys) { call(onUpdateExpandedKeys, value); } if (onExpandedNamesChange) { call(onExpandedNamesChange, value); } if (onOpenNamesChange) { call(onOpenNamesChange, value); } uncontrolledExpandedKeysRef.value = value; } function toggleExpand(key) { const currentExpandedKeys = Array.from(mergedExpandedKeysRef.value); const index = currentExpandedKeys.findIndex((expanededKey) => expanededKey === key); if (~index) { currentExpandedKeys.splice(index, 1); } else { if (props.accordion) { if (treeKeysLevelOneRef.value.has(key)) { const closeKeyIndex = currentExpandedKeys.findIndex((e) => treeKeysLevelOneRef.value.has(e)); if (closeKeyIndex > -1) { currentExpandedKeys.splice(closeKeyIndex, 1); } } } currentExpandedKeys.push(key); } doUpdateExpandedKeys(currentExpandedKeys); } const showOption = (key) => { const selectedKeyPath = treeMateRef.value.getPath(key !== null && key !== void 0 ? key : mergedValueRef.value, { includeSelf: false }).keyPath; if (!selectedKeyPath.length) return; const currentExpandedKeys = Array.from(mergedExpandedKeysRef.value); const nextExpandedKeys = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([...currentExpandedKeys, ...selectedKeyPath]); if (props.accordion) { treeKeysLevelOneRef.value.forEach((firstLevelKey) => { if (nextExpandedKeys.has(firstLevelKey) && !selectedKeyPath.includes(firstLevelKey)) { nextExpandedKeys.delete(firstLevelKey); } }); } doUpdateExpandedKeys(Array.from(nextExpandedKeys)); }; const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { inverted } = props; const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: self2 } = themeRef.value; const { borderRadius, borderColorHorizontal, fontSize: fontSize2, itemHeight, dividerColor } = self2; const vars = { "--n-divider-color": dividerColor, "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-font-size": fontSize2, "--n-border-color-horizontal": borderColorHorizontal, "--n-border-radius": borderRadius, "--n-item-height": itemHeight }; if (inverted) { vars["--n-group-text-color"] = self2.groupTextColorInverted; vars["--n-color"] = self2.colorInverted; vars["--n-item-text-color"] = self2.itemTextColorInverted; vars["--n-item-text-color-hover"] = self2.itemTextColorHoverInverted; vars["--n-item-text-color-active"] = self2.itemTextColorActiveInverted; vars["--n-item-text-color-child-active"] = self2.itemTextColorChildActiveInverted; vars["--n-item-text-color-child-active-hover"] = self2.itemTextColorChildActiveInverted; vars["--n-item-text-color-active-hover"] = self2.itemTextColorActiveHoverInverted; vars["--n-item-icon-color"] = self2.itemIconColorInverted; vars["--n-item-icon-color-hover"] = self2.itemIconColorHoverInverted; vars["--n-item-icon-color-active"] = self2.itemIconColorActiveInverted; vars["--n-item-icon-color-active-hover"] = self2.itemIconColorActiveHoverInverted; vars["--n-item-icon-color-child-active"] = self2.itemIconColorChildActiveInverted; vars["--n-item-icon-color-child-active-hover"] = self2.itemIconColorChildActiveHoverInverted; vars["--n-item-icon-color-collapsed"] = self2.itemIconColorCollapsedInverted; vars["--n-item-text-color-horizontal"] = self2.itemTextColorHorizontalInverted; vars["--n-item-text-color-hover-horizontal"] = self2.itemTextColorHoverHorizontalInverted; vars["--n-item-text-color-active-horizontal"] = self2.itemTextColorActiveHorizontalInverted; vars["--n-item-text-color-child-active-horizontal"] = self2.itemTextColorChildActiveHorizontalInverted; vars["--n-item-text-color-child-active-hover-horizontal"] = self2.itemTextColorChildActiveHoverHorizontalInverted; vars["--n-item-text-color-active-hover-horizontal"] = self2.itemTextColorActiveHoverHorizontalInverted; vars["--n-item-icon-color-horizontal"] = self2.itemIconColorHorizontalInverted; vars["--n-item-icon-color-hover-horizontal"] = self2.itemIconColorHoverHorizontalInverted; vars["--n-item-icon-color-active-horizontal"] = self2.itemIconColorActiveHorizontalInverted; vars["--n-item-icon-color-active-hover-horizontal"] = self2.itemIconColorActiveHoverHorizontalInverted; vars["--n-item-icon-color-child-active-horizontal"] = self2.itemIconColorChildActiveHorizontalInverted; vars["--n-item-icon-color-child-active-hover-horizontal"] = self2.itemIconColorChildActiveHoverHorizontalInverted; vars["--n-arrow-color"] = self2.arrowColorInverted; vars["--n-arrow-color-hover"] = self2.arrowColorHoverInverted; vars["--n-arrow-color-active"] = self2.arrowColorActiveInverted; vars["--n-arrow-color-active-hover"] = self2.arrowColorActiveHoverInverted; vars["--n-arrow-color-child-active"] = self2.arrowColorChildActiveInverted; vars["--n-arrow-color-child-active-hover"] = self2.arrowColorChildActiveHoverInverted; vars["--n-item-color-hover"] = self2.itemColorHoverInverted; vars["--n-item-color-active"] = self2.itemColorActiveInverted; vars["--n-item-color-active-hover"] = self2.itemColorActiveHoverInverted; vars["--n-item-color-active-collapsed"] = self2.itemColorActiveCollapsedInverted; } else { vars["--n-group-text-color"] = self2.groupTextColor; vars["--n-color"] = self2.color; vars["--n-item-text-color"] = self2.itemTextColor; vars["--n-item-text-color-hover"] = self2.itemTextColorHover; vars["--n-item-text-color-active"] = self2.itemTextColorActive; vars["--n-item-text-color-child-active"] = self2.itemTextColorChildActive; vars["--n-item-text-color-child-active-hover"] = self2.itemTextColorChildActiveHover; vars["--n-item-text-color-active-hover"] = self2.itemTextColorActiveHover; vars["--n-item-icon-color"] = self2.itemIconColor; vars["--n-item-icon-color-hover"] = self2.itemIconColorHover; vars["--n-item-icon-color-active"] = self2.itemIconColorActive; vars["--n-item-icon-color-active-hover"] = self2.itemIconColorActiveHover; vars["--n-item-icon-color-child-active"] = self2.itemIconColorChildActive; vars["--n-item-icon-color-child-active-hover"] = self2.itemIconColorChildActiveHover; vars["--n-item-icon-color-collapsed"] = self2.itemIconColorCollapsed; vars["--n-item-text-color-horizontal"] = self2.itemTextColorHorizontal; vars["--n-item-text-color-hover-horizontal"] = self2.itemTextColorHoverHorizontal; vars["--n-item-text-color-active-horizontal"] = self2.itemTextColorActiveHorizontal; vars["--n-item-text-color-child-active-horizontal"] = self2.itemTextColorChildActiveHorizontal; vars["--n-item-text-color-child-active-hover-horizontal"] = self2.itemTextColorChildActiveHoverHorizontal; vars["--n-item-text-color-active-hover-horizontal"] = self2.itemTextColorActiveHoverHorizontal; vars["--n-item-icon-color-horizontal"] = self2.itemIconColorHorizontal; vars["--n-item-icon-color-hover-horizontal"] = self2.itemIconColorHoverHorizontal; vars["--n-item-icon-color-active-horizontal"] = self2.itemIconColorActiveHorizontal; vars["--n-item-icon-color-active-hover-horizontal"] = self2.itemIconColorActiveHoverHorizontal; vars["--n-item-icon-color-child-active-horizontal"] = self2.itemIconColorChildActiveHorizontal; vars["--n-item-icon-color-child-active-hover-horizontal"] = self2.itemIconColorChildActiveHoverHorizontal; vars["--n-arrow-color"] = self2.arrowColor; vars["--n-arrow-color-hover"] = self2.arrowColorHover; vars["--n-arrow-color-active"] = self2.arrowColorActive; vars["--n-arrow-color-active-hover"] = self2.arrowColorActiveHover; vars["--n-arrow-color-child-active"] = self2.arrowColorChildActive; vars["--n-arrow-color-child-active-hover"] = self2.arrowColorChildActiveHover; vars["--n-item-color-hover"] = self2.itemColorHover; vars["--n-item-color-active"] = self2.itemColorActive; vars["--n-item-color-active-hover"] = self2.itemColorActiveHover; vars["--n-item-color-active-collapsed"] = self2.itemColorActiveCollapsed; } return vars; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("menu", vue.computed(() => props.inverted ? "a" : "b"), cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; const ellipsisNodeId = createId(); const overflowRef = vue.ref(null); const counterRef = vue.ref(null); let isFirstResize = true; const onResize = () => { var _a; if (isFirstResize) { isFirstResize = false; } else { (_a = overflowRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.sync({ showAllItemsBeforeCalculate: true }); } }; function getCounter() { return document.getElementById(ellipsisNodeId); } const ellipsisFromIndexRef = vue.ref(-1); function onUpdateCount(count) { ellipsisFromIndexRef.value = props.options.length - count; } function onUpdateOverflow(overflow) { if (!overflow) { ellipsisFromIndexRef.value = -1; } } const ellipsisOptionRef = vue.computed(() => { const ellipsisFromIndex = ellipsisFromIndexRef.value; const option = { children: ellipsisFromIndex === -1 ? [] : props.options.slice(ellipsisFromIndex) }; return option; }); const ellipsisTreeMateRef = vue.computed(() => { const { childrenField, disabledField, keyField } = props; return createTreeMate([ellipsisOptionRef.value], { getIgnored(node) { return isIgnoredNode(node); }, getChildren(node) { return node[childrenField]; }, getDisabled(node) { return node[disabledField]; }, getKey(node) { var _a; return (_a = node[keyField]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : node.name; } }); }); const emptyTmNodeRef = vue.computed(() => { return createTreeMate([{}]).treeNodes[0]; }); function renderCounter() { var _a; if (ellipsisFromIndexRef.value === -1) { return vue.h(NSubmenu, { root: true, level: 0, key: "__ellpisisGroupPlaceholder__", internalKey: "__ellpisisGroupPlaceholder__", title: "···", tmNode: emptyTmNodeRef.value, domId: ellipsisNodeId, isEllipsisPlaceholder: true }); } const tmNode = ellipsisTreeMateRef.value.treeNodes[0]; const activePath = activePathRef.value; const childActive = !!((_a = tmNode.children) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.some((tmNode2) => { return activePath.includes(tmNode2.key); })); return vue.h(NSubmenu, { level: 0, root: true, key: "__ellpisisGroup__", internalKey: "__ellpisisGroup__", title: "···", virtualChildActive: childActive, tmNode, domId: ellipsisNodeId, rawNodes: tmNode.rawNode.children || [], tmNodes: tmNode.children || [], isEllipsisPlaceholder: true }); } return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, controlledExpandedKeys: controlledExpandedKeysRef, uncontrolledExpanededKeys: uncontrolledExpandedKeysRef, mergedExpandedKeys: mergedExpandedKeysRef, uncontrolledValue: uncontrolledValueRef, mergedValue: mergedValueRef, activePath: activePathRef, tmNodes: tmNodesRef, mergedTheme: themeRef, mergedCollapsed: mergedCollapsedRef, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, overflowRef, counterRef, updateCounter: () => { }, onResize, onUpdateOverflow, onUpdateCount, renderCounter, getCounter, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender, showOption, deriveResponsiveState: onResize }; }, render() { const { mergedClsPrefix, mode, themeClass, onRender } = this; onRender === null || onRender === void 0 ? void 0 : onRender(); const renderMenuItemNodes = () => this.tmNodes.map((tmNode) => itemRenderer(tmNode, this.$props)); const horizontal = mode === "horizontal"; const finalResponsive = horizontal && this.responsive; const renderMainNode = () => vue.h("div", { role: mode === "horizontal" ? "menubar" : "menu", class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-menu`, themeClass, `${mergedClsPrefix}-menu--${mode}`, finalResponsive && `${mergedClsPrefix}-menu--responsive`, this.mergedCollapsed && `${mergedClsPrefix}-menu--collapsed`], style: this.cssVars }, finalResponsive ? vue.h(VOverflow, { ref: "overflowRef", onUpdateOverflow: this.onUpdateOverflow, getCounter: this.getCounter, onUpdateCount: this.onUpdateCount, updateCounter: this.updateCounter, style: { width: "100%", display: "flex", overflow: "hidden" } }, { default: renderMenuItemNodes, counter: this.renderCounter }) : renderMenuItemNodes()); return finalResponsive ? vue.h(VResizeObserver, { onResize: this.onResize }, { default: renderMainNode }) : renderMainNode(); } }); function getRelativePosition(element, options = { debug: false, useSelectionEnd: false, checkWidthOverflow: true }) { const selectionStart = element.selectionStart !== null ? element.selectionStart : 0; const selectionEnd = element.selectionEnd !== null ? element.selectionEnd : 0; const position = options.useSelectionEnd ? selectionEnd : selectionStart; const properties = [ "direction", // RTL support "boxSizing", "width", // on Chrome and IE, exclude the scrollbar, so the mirror div wraps exactly as the textarea does "height", "overflowX", "overflowY", // copy the scrollbar for IE "borderTopWidth", "borderRightWidth", "borderBottomWidth", "borderLeftWidth", "borderStyle", "paddingTop", "paddingRight", "paddingBottom", "paddingLeft", // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font "fontStyle", "fontVariant", "fontWeight", "fontStretch", "fontSize", "fontSizeAdjust", "lineHeight", "fontFamily", "textAlign", "textTransform", "textIndent", "textDecoration", // might not make a difference, but better be safe "letterSpacing", "wordSpacing", "tabSize", "MozTabSize" ]; const isFirefox = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().includes("firefox"); if (!isBrowser$2) { throw new Error("textarea-caret-position#getCaretPosition should only be called in a browser"); } const debug = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.debug; if (debug) { const el = document.querySelector("#input-textarea-caret-position-mirror-div"); if (el === null || el === void 0 ? void 0 : el.parentNode) el.parentNode.removeChild(el); } const div = document.createElement("div"); div.id = "input-textarea-caret-position-mirror-div"; document.body.appendChild(div); const style2 = div.style; const computed2 = window.getComputedStyle ? window.getComputedStyle(element) : element.currentStyle; const isInput = element.nodeName === "INPUT"; style2.whiteSpace = isInput ? "nowrap" : "pre-wrap"; if (!isInput) style2.wordWrap = "break-word"; style2.position = "absolute"; if (!debug) style2.visibility = "hidden"; properties.forEach((prop) => { if (isInput && prop === "lineHeight") { if (computed2.boxSizing === "border-box") { const height = parseInt(computed2.height); const outerHeight = parseInt(computed2.paddingTop) + parseInt(computed2.paddingBottom) + parseInt(computed2.borderTopWidth) + parseInt(computed2.borderBottomWidth); const targetHeight = outerHeight + parseInt(computed2.lineHeight); if (height > targetHeight) { style2.lineHeight = `${height - outerHeight}px`; } else if (height === targetHeight) { style2.lineHeight = computed2.lineHeight; } else { style2.lineHeight = "0"; } } else { style2.lineHeight = computed2.height; } } else { style2[prop] = computed2[prop]; } }); if (isFirefox) { if (element.scrollHeight > parseInt(computed2.height)) { style2.overflowY = "scroll"; } } else { style2.overflow = "hidden"; } div.textContent = element.value.substring(0, position); if (isInput && div.textContent) { div.textContent = div.textContent.replace(/\s/g, " "); } const span = document.createElement("span"); span.textContent = element.value.substring(position) || "."; span.style.position = "relative"; span.style.left = `${-element.scrollLeft}px`; span.style.top = `${-element.scrollTop}px`; div.appendChild(span); const relativePosition = { top: span.offsetTop + parseInt(computed2.borderTopWidth), left: span.offsetLeft + parseInt(computed2.borderLeftWidth), absolute: false, // We don't use line-height since it may be too large for position. Eg. 34px // for input height: parseInt(computed2.fontSize) * 1.5 }; if (debug) { span.style.backgroundColor = "#aaa"; } else { document.body.removeChild(div); } if (relativePosition.left >= element.clientWidth && options.checkWidthOverflow) { relativePosition.left = element.clientWidth; } return relativePosition; } const style$v = c$1([cB("mention", "width: 100%; z-index: auto; position: relative;"), cB("mention-menu", ` box-shadow: var(--n-menu-box-shadow); `, [fadeInScaleUpTransition({ originalTransition: "background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), box-shadow .3s var(--n-bezier)" })])]); const mentionProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { to: useAdjustedTo.propTo, autosize: [Boolean, Object], options: { type: Array, default: [] }, filter: { type: Function, default: (pattern, option) => { if (!pattern) return true; if (typeof option.label === "string") { return option.label.startsWith(pattern); } if (typeof option.value === "string") { return option.value.startsWith(pattern); } return false; } }, type: { type: String, default: "text" }, separator: { type: String, validator: (separator) => { if (separator.length !== 1) { warn$2("mention", "`separator`'s length must be 1."); return false; } return true; }, default: " " }, bordered: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, disabled: Boolean, value: String, defaultValue: { type: String, default: "" }, loading: Boolean, prefix: { type: [String, Array], default: "@" }, placeholder: { type: String, default: "" }, placement: { type: String, default: "bottom-start" }, size: String, renderLabel: Function, status: String, "onUpdate:show": [Array, Function], onUpdateShow: [Array, Function], "onUpdate:value": [Array, Function], onUpdateValue: [Array, Function], onSearch: Function, onSelect: Function, onFocus: Function, onBlur: Function, // private internalDebug: Boolean }); const Mention = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Mention", props: mentionProps, setup(props) { const { namespaceRef, mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedBorderedRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Mention", "-mention", style$v, mentionLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const formItem = useFormItem(props); const inputInstRef = vue.ref(null); const cursorRef = vue.ref(null); const followerRef = vue.ref(null); const partialPatternRef = vue.ref(""); let cachedPrefix = null; let cachedPartialPatternStart = null; let cachedPartialPatternEnd = null; const filteredOptionsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value: pattern } = partialPatternRef; return props.options.filter((option) => props.filter(pattern, option)); }); const treeMateRef = vue.computed(() => { return createTreeMate(filteredOptionsRef.value, { getKey: (v) => { return v.value; } }); }); const selectMenuInstRef = vue.ref(null); const showMenuRef = vue.ref(false); const uncontrolledValueRef = vue.ref(props.defaultValue); const controlledValueRef = vue.toRef(props, "value"); const mergedValueRef = useMergedState(controlledValueRef, uncontrolledValueRef); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { self: { menuBoxShadow } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-menu-box-shadow": menuBoxShadow }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("mention", void 0, cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; function doUpdateShowMenu(show) { if (props.disabled) return; const { onUpdateShow, "onUpdate:show": _onUpdateShow } = props; if (onUpdateShow) call(onUpdateShow, show); if (_onUpdateShow) call(_onUpdateShow, show); if (!show) { cachedPrefix = null; cachedPartialPatternStart = null; cachedPartialPatternEnd = null; } showMenuRef.value = show; } function doUpdateValue(value) { const { onUpdateValue, "onUpdate:value": _onUpdateValue } = props; const { nTriggerFormChange, nTriggerFormInput } = formItem; if (_onUpdateValue) { call(_onUpdateValue, value); } if (onUpdateValue) { call(onUpdateValue, value); } nTriggerFormInput(); nTriggerFormChange(); uncontrolledValueRef.value = value; } function getInputEl() { return props.type === "text" ? inputInstRef.value.inputElRef : inputInstRef.value.textareaElRef; } function deriveShowMenu() { var _a; const inputEl = getInputEl(); if (document.activeElement !== inputEl) { doUpdateShowMenu(false); return; } const { selectionEnd } = inputEl; if (selectionEnd === null) { doUpdateShowMenu(false); return; } const inputValue = inputEl.value; const { separator } = props; const { prefix: prefix2 } = props; const prefixArray = typeof prefix2 === "string" ? [prefix2] : prefix2; for (let i = selectionEnd - 1; i >= 0; --i) { const char = inputValue[i]; if (char === separator || char === "\n" || char === "\r") { doUpdateShowMenu(false); return; } if (prefixArray.includes(char)) { const partialPattern = inputValue.slice(i + 1, selectionEnd); doUpdateShowMenu(true); (_a = props.onSearch) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, partialPattern, char); partialPatternRef.value = partialPattern; cachedPrefix = char; cachedPartialPatternStart = i + 1; cachedPartialPatternEnd = selectionEnd; return; } } doUpdateShowMenu(false); } function syncCursor() { const { value: cursorAnchor } = cursorRef; if (!cursorAnchor) return; const inputEl = getInputEl(); const cursorPos = getRelativePosition(inputEl); cursorPos.left += inputEl.parentElement.offsetLeft; cursorAnchor.style.left = `${cursorPos.left}px`; cursorAnchor.style.top = `${cursorPos.top + cursorPos.height}px`; } function syncPosition() { var _a; if (!showMenuRef.value) return; (_a = followerRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.syncPosition(); } function handleInputUpdateValue(value) { doUpdateValue(value); syncAfterCursorMove(); } function syncAfterCursorMove() { setTimeout(() => { syncCursor(); deriveShowMenu(); void vue.nextTick().then(syncPosition); }, 0); } function handleInputKeyDown(e) { var _a, _b; if (e.key === "ArrowLeft" || e.key === "ArrowRight") { if ((_a = inputInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.isCompositing) return; syncAfterCursorMove(); } else if (e.key === "ArrowUp" || e.key === "ArrowDown" || e.key === "Enter") { if ((_b = inputInstRef.value) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.isCompositing) return; const { value: selectMenuInst } = selectMenuInstRef; if (showMenuRef.value) { if (selectMenuInst) { e.preventDefault(); if (e.key === "ArrowUp") { selectMenuInst.prev(); } else if (e.key === "ArrowDown") { selectMenuInst.next(); } else { const pendingOptionTmNode = selectMenuInst.getPendingTmNode(); if (pendingOptionTmNode) { handleSelect(pendingOptionTmNode); } else { doUpdateShowMenu(false); } } } } else { syncAfterCursorMove(); } } } function handleInputFocus(e) { const { onFocus } = props; onFocus === null || onFocus === void 0 ? void 0 : onFocus(e); const { nTriggerFormFocus } = formItem; nTriggerFormFocus(); syncAfterCursorMove(); } function focus() { var _a; (_a = inputInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.focus(); } function blur() { var _a; (_a = inputInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.blur(); } function handleInputBlur(e) { const { onBlur } = props; onBlur === null || onBlur === void 0 ? void 0 : onBlur(e); const { nTriggerFormBlur } = formItem; nTriggerFormBlur(); doUpdateShowMenu(false); } function handleSelect(tmNode) { var _a; if (cachedPrefix === null || cachedPartialPatternStart === null || cachedPartialPatternEnd === null) { return; } const { rawNode: { value = "" } } = tmNode; const inputEl = getInputEl(); const inputValue = inputEl.value; const { separator } = props; const nextEndPart = inputValue.slice(cachedPartialPatternEnd); const alreadySeparated = nextEndPart.startsWith(separator); const nextMiddlePart = `${value}${alreadySeparated ? "" : separator}`; doUpdateValue(inputValue.slice(0, cachedPartialPatternStart) + nextMiddlePart + nextEndPart); (_a = props.onSelect) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, tmNode.rawNode, cachedPrefix); const nextSelectionEnd = cachedPartialPatternStart + nextMiddlePart.length + (alreadySeparated ? 1 : 0); void vue.nextTick().then(() => { inputEl.selectionStart = nextSelectionEnd; inputEl.selectionEnd = nextSelectionEnd; deriveShowMenu(); }); } function handleInputMouseDown() { if (!props.disabled) { syncAfterCursorMove(); } } return { namespace: namespaceRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedBordered: mergedBorderedRef, mergedSize: formItem.mergedSizeRef, mergedStatus: formItem.mergedStatusRef, mergedTheme: themeRef, treeMate: treeMateRef, selectMenuInstRef, inputInstRef, cursorRef, followerRef, showMenu: showMenuRef, adjustedTo: useAdjustedTo(props), isMounted: isMounted(), mergedValue: mergedValueRef, handleInputFocus, handleInputBlur, handleInputUpdateValue, handleInputKeyDown, handleSelect, handleInputMouseDown, focus, blur, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }; }, render() { const { mergedTheme, mergedClsPrefix, $slots } = this; return vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-mention` }, vue.h(NInput, { status: this.mergedStatus, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Input, theme: mergedTheme.peers.Input, size: this.mergedSize, autosize: this.autosize, type: this.type, ref: "inputInstRef", placeholder: this.placeholder, onMousedown: this.handleInputMouseDown, onUpdateValue: this.handleInputUpdateValue, onKeydown: this.handleInputKeyDown, onFocus: this.handleInputFocus, onBlur: this.handleInputBlur, bordered: this.mergedBordered, disabled: this.disabled, value: this.mergedValue }), vue.h(Binder, null, { default: () => [vue.h(VTarget, null, { default: () => { const style2 = { position: "absolute", width: 0, height: 0 }; return vue.h("div", { style: style2, ref: "cursorRef" }); } }), vue.h(VFollower, { ref: "followerRef", placement: this.placement, show: this.showMenu, containerClass: this.namespace, to: this.adjustedTo, teleportDisabled: this.adjustedTo === useAdjustedTo.tdkey }, { default: () => vue.h(vue.Transition, { name: "fade-in-scale-up-transition", appear: this.isMounted }, { default: () => { const { mergedTheme: mergedTheme2, onRender } = this; onRender === null || onRender === void 0 ? void 0 : onRender(); return this.showMenu ? vue.h(NInternalSelectMenu, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, theme: mergedTheme2.peers.InternalSelectMenu, themeOverrides: mergedTheme2.peerOverrides.InternalSelectMenu, autoPending: true, ref: "selectMenuInstRef", class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-mention-menu`, this.themeClass], loading: this.loading, treeMate: this.treeMate, virtualScroll: false, style: this.cssVars, onToggle: this.handleSelect, renderLabel: this.renderLabel }, $slots) : null; } }) })] })); } }); const messageProps = { icon: Function, type: { type: String, default: "info" }, content: [String, Number, Function], showIcon: { type: Boolean, default: true }, closable: Boolean, keepAliveOnHover: Boolean, onClose: Function, onMouseenter: Function, onMouseleave: Function }; const messageApiInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-message-api"); const messageProviderInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-message-provider"); const style$u = c$1([cB("message-wrapper", ` margin: var(--n-margin); z-index: 0; transform-origin: top center; display: flex; `, [fadeInHeightExpandTransition({ overflow: "visible", originalTransition: "transform .3s var(--n-bezier)", enterToProps: { transform: "scale(1)" }, leaveToProps: { transform: "scale(0.85)" } })]), cB("message", ` box-sizing: border-box; display: flex; align-items: center; transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier), box-shadow .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), opacity .3s var(--n-bezier), transform .3s var(--n-bezier), margin-bottom .3s var(--n-bezier); padding: var(--n-padding); border-radius: var(--n-border-radius); flex-wrap: nowrap; overflow: hidden; max-width: var(--n-max-width); color: var(--n-text-color); background-color: var(--n-color); box-shadow: var(--n-box-shadow); `, [cE("content", ` display: inline-block; line-height: var(--n-line-height); font-size: var(--n-font-size); `), cE("icon", ` position: relative; margin: var(--n-icon-margin); height: var(--n-icon-size); width: var(--n-icon-size); font-size: var(--n-icon-size); flex-shrink: 0; `, [["default", "info", "success", "warning", "error", "loading"].map((type) => cM(`${type}-type`, [c$1("> *", ` color: var(--n-icon-color-${type}); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); `)])), c$1("> *", ` position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; `, [iconSwitchTransition()])]), cE("close", ` margin: var(--n-close-margin); transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), color .3s var(--n-bezier); flex-shrink: 0; `, [c$1("&:hover", ` color: var(--n-close-icon-color-hover); `), c$1("&:active", ` color: var(--n-close-icon-color-pressed); `)])]), cB("message-container", ` z-index: 6000; position: fixed; height: 0; overflow: visible; display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; `, [cM("top", ` top: 12px; left: 0; right: 0; `), cM("top-left", ` top: 12px; left: 12px; right: 0; align-items: flex-start; `), cM("top-right", ` top: 12px; left: 0; right: 12px; align-items: flex-end; `), cM("bottom", ` bottom: 4px; left: 0; right: 0; justify-content: flex-end; `), cM("bottom-left", ` bottom: 4px; left: 12px; right: 0; justify-content: flex-end; align-items: flex-start; `), cM("bottom-right", ` bottom: 4px; left: 0; right: 12px; justify-content: flex-end; align-items: flex-end; `)])]); const iconRenderMap$2 = { info: () => vue.h(InfoIcon, null), success: () => vue.h(SuccessIcon, null), warning: () => vue.h(WarningIcon, null), error: () => vue.h(ErrorIcon, null), default: () => null }; const NMessage = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Message", props: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, messageProps), { render: Function }), setup(props) { const { inlineThemeDisabled, mergedRtlRef } = useConfig(props); const { props: messageProviderProps2, mergedClsPrefixRef // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion } = vue.inject(messageProviderInjectionKey); const rtlEnabledRef = useRtl("Message", mergedRtlRef, mergedClsPrefixRef); const themeRef = useTheme("Message", "-message", style$u, messageLight, messageProviderProps2, mergedClsPrefixRef); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { type } = props; const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: { padding, margin, maxWidth, iconMargin, closeMargin, closeSize, iconSize, fontSize: fontSize2, lineHeight: lineHeight2, borderRadius, iconColorInfo, iconColorSuccess, iconColorWarning, iconColorError, iconColorLoading, closeIconSize, closeBorderRadius, [createKey("textColor", type)]: textColor, [createKey("boxShadow", type)]: boxShadow, [createKey("color", type)]: color, [createKey("closeColorHover", type)]: closeColorHover, [createKey("closeColorPressed", type)]: closeColorPressed, [createKey("closeIconColor", type)]: closeIconColor, [createKey("closeIconColorPressed", type)]: closeIconColorPressed, [createKey("closeIconColorHover", type)]: closeIconColorHover } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-margin": margin, "--n-padding": padding, "--n-max-width": maxWidth, "--n-font-size": fontSize2, "--n-icon-margin": iconMargin, "--n-icon-size": iconSize, "--n-close-icon-size": closeIconSize, "--n-close-border-radius": closeBorderRadius, "--n-close-size": closeSize, "--n-close-margin": closeMargin, "--n-text-color": textColor, "--n-color": color, "--n-box-shadow": boxShadow, "--n-icon-color-info": iconColorInfo, "--n-icon-color-success": iconColorSuccess, "--n-icon-color-warning": iconColorWarning, "--n-icon-color-error": iconColorError, "--n-icon-color-loading": iconColorLoading, "--n-close-color-hover": closeColorHover, "--n-close-color-pressed": closeColorPressed, "--n-close-icon-color": closeIconColor, "--n-close-icon-color-pressed": closeIconColorPressed, "--n-close-icon-color-hover": closeIconColorHover, "--n-line-height": lineHeight2, "--n-border-radius": borderRadius }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("message", vue.computed(() => props.type[0]), cssVarsRef, {}) : void 0; return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, rtlEnabled: rtlEnabledRef, messageProviderProps: messageProviderProps2, handleClose() { var _a; (_a = props.onClose) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props); }, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender, placement: messageProviderProps2.placement }; }, render() { const { render: renderMessage, type, closable, content, mergedClsPrefix, cssVars, themeClass, onRender, icon, handleClose, showIcon } = this; onRender === null || onRender === void 0 ? void 0 : onRender(); let iconNode; return vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-message-wrapper`, themeClass], onMouseenter: this.onMouseenter, onMouseleave: this.onMouseleave, style: [{ alignItems: this.placement.startsWith("top") ? "flex-start" : "flex-end" }, cssVars] }, renderMessage ? renderMessage(this.$props) : vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-message ${mergedClsPrefix}-message--${type}-type`, this.rtlEnabled && `${mergedClsPrefix}-message--rtl`] }, (iconNode = createIconVNode(icon, type, mergedClsPrefix)) && showIcon ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-message__icon ${mergedClsPrefix}-message__icon--${type}-type` }, vue.h(NIconSwitchTransition, null, { default: () => iconNode })) : null, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-message__content` }, render$1(content)), closable ? vue.h(NBaseClose, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-message__close`, onClick: handleClose, absolute: true }) : null)); } }); function createIconVNode(icon, type, clsPrefix) { if (typeof icon === "function") { return icon(); } else { const innerIcon = type === "loading" ? vue.h(NBaseLoading, { clsPrefix, strokeWidth: 24, scale: 0.85 }) : iconRenderMap$2[type](); if (!innerIcon) return null; return vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix, key: type }, { default: () => innerIcon }); } } const MessageEnvironment = vue.defineComponent({ name: "MessageEnvironment", props: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, messageProps), { duration: { type: Number, default: 3e3 }, onAfterLeave: Function, onLeave: Function, internalKey: { type: String, required: true }, // private onInternalAfterLeave: Function, // deprecated onHide: Function, onAfterHide: Function }), setup(props) { let timerId = null; const showRef = vue.ref(true); vue.onMounted(() => { setHideTimeout(); }); function setHideTimeout() { const { duration: duration2 } = props; if (duration2) { timerId = window.setTimeout(hide, duration2); } } function handleMouseenter(e) { if (e.currentTarget !== e.target) return; if (timerId !== null) { window.clearTimeout(timerId); timerId = null; } } function handleMouseleave(e) { if (e.currentTarget !== e.target) return; setHideTimeout(); } function hide() { const { onHide } = props; showRef.value = false; if (timerId) { window.clearTimeout(timerId); timerId = null; } if (onHide) onHide(); } function handleClose() { const { onClose } = props; if (onClose) onClose(); hide(); } function handleAfterLeave() { const { onAfterLeave, onInternalAfterLeave, onAfterHide, internalKey } = props; if (onAfterLeave) onAfterLeave(); if (onInternalAfterLeave) onInternalAfterLeave(internalKey); if (onAfterHide) onAfterHide(); } function deactivate() { hide(); } return { show: showRef, hide, handleClose, handleAfterLeave, handleMouseleave, handleMouseenter, deactivate }; }, render() { return vue.h(NFadeInExpandTransition, { appear: true, onAfterLeave: this.handleAfterLeave, onLeave: this.onLeave }, { default: () => [this.show ? vue.h(NMessage, { content: this.content, type: this.type, icon: this.icon, showIcon: this.showIcon, closable: this.closable, onClose: this.handleClose, onMouseenter: this.keepAliveOnHover ? this.handleMouseenter : void 0, onMouseleave: this.keepAliveOnHover ? this.handleMouseleave : void 0 }) : null] }); } }); const messageProviderProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { to: [String, Object], duration: { type: Number, default: 3e3 }, keepAliveOnHover: Boolean, max: Number, placement: { type: String, default: "top" }, closable: Boolean, containerClass: String, containerStyle: [String, Object] }); const NMessageProvider = vue.defineComponent({ name: "MessageProvider", props: messageProviderProps, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef } = useConfig(props); const messageListRef = vue.ref([]); const messageRefs = vue.ref({}); const api = { create(content, options) { return create2(content, Object.assign({ type: "default" }, options)); }, info(content, options) { return create2(content, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { type: "info" })); }, success(content, options) { return create2(content, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { type: "success" })); }, warning(content, options) { return create2(content, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { type: "warning" })); }, error(content, options) { return create2(content, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { type: "error" })); }, loading(content, options) { return create2(content, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { type: "loading" })); }, destroyAll }; vue.provide(messageProviderInjectionKey, { props, mergedClsPrefixRef }); vue.provide(messageApiInjectionKey, api); function create2(content, options) { const key = createId(); const messageReactive = vue.reactive(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { content, key, destroy: () => { var _a; (_a = messageRefs.value[key]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.hide(); } })); const { max } = props; if (max && messageListRef.value.length >= max) { messageListRef.value.shift(); } messageListRef.value.push(messageReactive); return messageReactive; } function handleAfterLeave(key) { messageListRef.value.splice(messageListRef.value.findIndex((message) => message.key === key), 1); delete messageRefs.value[key]; } function destroyAll() { Object.values(messageRefs.value).forEach((messageInstRef) => { messageInstRef.hide(); }); } return Object.assign({ mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, messageRefs, messageList: messageListRef, handleAfterLeave }, api); }, render() { var _a, _b, _c; return vue.h(vue.Fragment, null, (_b = (_a = this.$slots).default) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a), this.messageList.length ? vue.h(vue.Teleport, { to: (_c = this.to) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : "body" }, vue.h("div", { class: [`${this.mergedClsPrefix}-message-container`, `${this.mergedClsPrefix}-message-container--${this.placement}`, this.containerClass], key: "message-container", style: this.containerStyle }, this.messageList.map((message) => { return vue.h(MessageEnvironment, Object.assign({ ref: (inst) => { if (inst) { this.messageRefs[message.key] = inst; } }, internalKey: message.key, onInternalAfterLeave: this.handleAfterLeave }, omit(message, ["destroy"], void 0), { duration: message.duration === void 0 ? this.duration : message.duration, keepAliveOnHover: message.keepAliveOnHover === void 0 ? this.keepAliveOnHover : message.keepAliveOnHover, closable: message.closable === void 0 ? this.closable : message.closable })); }))) : null); } }); function useMessage() { const api = vue.inject(messageApiInjectionKey, null); if (api === null) { throwError("use-message", "No outer founded. See prerequisite in https://www.naiveui.com/en-US/os-theme/components/message for more details. If you want to use `useMessage` outside setup, please check https://www.naiveui.com/zh-CN/os-theme/components/message#Q-&-A."); } return api; } const NModalEnvironment = vue.defineComponent({ name: "ModalEnvironment", props: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, modalProps), { internalKey: { type: String, required: true }, // private onInternalAfterLeave: { type: Function, required: true } }), setup(props) { const showRef = vue.ref(true); function handleAfterLeave() { const { onInternalAfterLeave, internalKey, onAfterLeave } = props; if (onInternalAfterLeave) onInternalAfterLeave(internalKey); if (onAfterLeave) onAfterLeave(); } function handlePositiveClick() { const { onPositiveClick } = props; if (onPositiveClick) { void Promise.resolve(onPositiveClick()).then((result) => { if (result === false) return; hide(); }); } else { hide(); } } function handleNegativeClick() { const { onNegativeClick } = props; if (onNegativeClick) { void Promise.resolve(onNegativeClick()).then((result) => { if (result === false) return; hide(); }); } else { hide(); } } function handleCloseClick() { const { onClose } = props; if (onClose) { void Promise.resolve(onClose()).then((result) => { if (result === false) return; hide(); }); } else { hide(); } } function handleMaskClick(e) { const { onMaskClick, maskClosable } = props; if (onMaskClick) { onMaskClick(e); maskClosable && hide(); } } function handleEsc() { const { onEsc } = props; if (onEsc) { onEsc(); } } function hide() { showRef.value = false; } function handleUpdateShow(value) { showRef.value = value; } return { show: showRef, hide, handleUpdateShow, handleAfterLeave, handleCloseClick, handleNegativeClick, handlePositiveClick, handleMaskClick, handleEsc }; }, render() { const { handleUpdateShow, handleAfterLeave, handleMaskClick, handleEsc, show } = this; return vue.h(NModal, Object.assign({}, this.$props, { show, onUpdateShow: handleUpdateShow, onMaskClick: handleMaskClick, onEsc: handleEsc, onAfterLeave: handleAfterLeave, internalAppear: true, internalModal: true })); } }); const modalProviderInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-modal-provider"); const modalApiInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-modal-api"); const modalReactiveListInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-modal-reactive-list"); const modalProviderProps = { to: [String, Object] }; const NModalProvider = vue.defineComponent({ name: "ModalProvider", props: modalProviderProps, setup() { const clickedRef = useClicked(64); const clickedPositionRef = useClickPosition(); const modalListRef = vue.ref([]); const modalInstRefs = {}; function create2(options = {}) { const key = createId(); const modalReactive = vue.reactive(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { key, destroy: () => { var _a; (_a = modalInstRefs[`n-modal-${key}`]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.hide(); } })); modalListRef.value.push(modalReactive); return modalReactive; } function handleAfterLeave(key) { const { value: modalList } = modalListRef; modalList.splice(modalList.findIndex((modal) => modal.key === key), 1); } function destroyAll() { Object.values(modalInstRefs).forEach((modalInstRef) => { modalInstRef === null || modalInstRef === void 0 ? void 0 : modalInstRef.hide(); }); } const api = { create: create2, destroyAll }; vue.provide(modalApiInjectionKey, api); vue.provide(modalProviderInjectionKey, { clickedRef: useClicked(64), clickedPositionRef: useClickPosition() }); vue.provide(modalReactiveListInjectionKey, modalListRef); vue.provide(modalProviderInjectionKey, { clickedRef, clickedPositionRef }); return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, api), { modalList: modalListRef, modalInstRefs, handleAfterLeave }); }, render() { var _a, _b; return vue.h(vue.Fragment, null, [this.modalList.map((modal) => { var _a2; return vue.h(NModalEnvironment, omit(modal, ["destroy"], { to: (_a2 = modal.to) !== null && _a2 !== void 0 ? _a2 : this.to, ref: (inst) => { if (inst === null) { delete this.modalInstRefs[`n-modal-${modal.key}`]; } else { this.modalInstRefs[`n-modal-${modal.key}`] = inst; } }, internalKey: modal.key, onInternalAfterLeave: this.handleAfterLeave })); }), (_b = (_a = this.$slots).default) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a)]); } }); function useModal() { const modal = vue.inject(modalApiInjectionKey, null); if (modal === null) { throwError("use-modal", "No outer founded."); } return modal; } function useModalReactiveList() { const modalReactiveList = vue.inject(modalReactiveListInjectionKey, null); if (modalReactiveList === null) { throwError("use-modal-reactive-list", "No outer founded."); } return modalReactiveList; } const notificationProviderInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-notification-provider"); const NotificationContainer = vue.defineComponent({ name: "NotificationContainer", props: { scrollable: { type: Boolean, required: true }, placement: { type: String, required: true } }, setup() { const { mergedThemeRef, mergedClsPrefixRef, wipTransitionCountRef } = vue.inject(notificationProviderInjectionKey); const selfRef = vue.ref(null); vue.watchEffect(() => { var _a, _b; if (wipTransitionCountRef.value > 0) { (_a = selfRef === null || selfRef === void 0 ? void 0 : selfRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.classList.add("transitioning"); } else { (_b = selfRef === null || selfRef === void 0 ? void 0 : selfRef.value) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.classList.remove("transitioning"); } }); return { selfRef, mergedTheme: mergedThemeRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, transitioning: wipTransitionCountRef }; }, render() { const { $slots, scrollable, mergedClsPrefix, mergedTheme, placement } = this; return vue.h("div", { ref: "selfRef", class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-notification-container`, scrollable && `${mergedClsPrefix}-notification-container--scrollable`, `${mergedClsPrefix}-notification-container--${placement}`] }, scrollable ? vue.h(Scrollbar$2, { theme: mergedTheme.peers.Scrollbar, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Scrollbar, contentStyle: { overflow: "hidden" } }, $slots) : $slots); } }); const iconRenderMap$1 = { info: () => vue.h(InfoIcon, null), success: () => vue.h(SuccessIcon, null), warning: () => vue.h(WarningIcon, null), error: () => vue.h(ErrorIcon, null), default: () => null }; const notificationProps = { closable: { type: Boolean, default: true }, type: { type: String, default: "default" }, avatar: Function, title: [String, Function], description: [String, Function], content: [String, Function], meta: [String, Function], action: [String, Function], onClose: { type: Function, required: true }, keepAliveOnHover: Boolean, onMouseenter: Function, onMouseleave: Function }; const notificationPropKeys = keysOf(notificationProps); const Notification = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Notification", props: notificationProps, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedThemeRef, props: providerProps // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion } = vue.inject(notificationProviderInjectionKey); const { inlineThemeDisabled, mergedRtlRef } = useConfig(); const rtlEnabledRef = useRtl("Notification", mergedRtlRef, mergedClsPrefixRef); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { type } = props; const { self: { color, textColor, closeIconColor, closeIconColorHover, closeIconColorPressed, headerTextColor, descriptionTextColor, actionTextColor, borderRadius, headerFontWeight, boxShadow, lineHeight: lineHeight2, fontSize: fontSize2, closeMargin, closeSize, width, padding, closeIconSize, closeBorderRadius, closeColorHover, closeColorPressed, titleFontSize, metaFontSize, descriptionFontSize, [createKey("iconColor", type)]: iconColor }, common: { cubicBezierEaseOut: cubicBezierEaseOut2, cubicBezierEaseIn: cubicBezierEaseIn2, cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 } } = mergedThemeRef.value; const { left, right, top, bottom } = getMargin(padding); return { "--n-color": color, "--n-font-size": fontSize2, "--n-text-color": textColor, "--n-description-text-color": descriptionTextColor, "--n-action-text-color": actionTextColor, "--n-title-text-color": headerTextColor, "--n-title-font-weight": headerFontWeight, "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-bezier-ease-out": cubicBezierEaseOut2, "--n-bezier-ease-in": cubicBezierEaseIn2, "--n-border-radius": borderRadius, "--n-box-shadow": boxShadow, "--n-close-border-radius": closeBorderRadius, "--n-close-color-hover": closeColorHover, "--n-close-color-pressed": closeColorPressed, "--n-close-icon-color": closeIconColor, "--n-close-icon-color-hover": closeIconColorHover, "--n-close-icon-color-pressed": closeIconColorPressed, "--n-line-height": lineHeight2, "--n-icon-color": iconColor, "--n-close-margin": closeMargin, "--n-close-size": closeSize, "--n-close-icon-size": closeIconSize, "--n-width": width, "--n-padding-left": left, "--n-padding-right": right, "--n-padding-top": top, "--n-padding-bottom": bottom, "--n-title-font-size": titleFontSize, "--n-meta-font-size": metaFontSize, "--n-description-font-size": descriptionFontSize }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("notification", vue.computed(() => props.type[0]), cssVarsRef, providerProps) : void 0; return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, showAvatar: vue.computed(() => { return props.avatar || props.type !== "default"; }), handleCloseClick() { props.onClose(); }, rtlEnabled: rtlEnabledRef, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }; }, render() { var _a; const { mergedClsPrefix } = this; (_a = this.onRender) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(this); return vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-notification-wrapper`, this.themeClass], onMouseenter: this.onMouseenter, onMouseleave: this.onMouseleave, style: this.cssVars }, vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-notification`, this.rtlEnabled && `${mergedClsPrefix}-notification--rtl`, this.themeClass, { [`${mergedClsPrefix}-notification--closable`]: this.closable, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-notification--show-avatar`]: this.showAvatar }], style: this.cssVars }, this.showAvatar ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-notification__avatar` }, this.avatar ? render$1(this.avatar) : this.type !== "default" ? vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix }, { default: () => iconRenderMap$1[this.type]() }) : null) : null, this.closable ? vue.h(NBaseClose, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-notification__close`, onClick: this.handleCloseClick }) : null, vue.h("div", { ref: "bodyRef", class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-notification-main` }, this.title ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-notification-main__header` }, render$1(this.title)) : null, this.description ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-notification-main__description` }, render$1(this.description)) : null, this.content ? vue.h("pre", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-notification-main__content` }, render$1(this.content)) : null, this.meta || this.action ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-notification-main-footer` }, this.meta ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-notification-main-footer__meta` }, render$1(this.meta)) : null, this.action ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-notification-main-footer__action` }, render$1(this.action)) : null) : null))); } }); const notificationEnvOptions = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, notificationProps), { duration: Number, onClose: Function, onLeave: Function, onAfterEnter: Function, onAfterLeave: Function, /** @deprecated */ onHide: Function, /** @deprecated */ onAfterShow: Function, /** @deprecated */ onAfterHide: Function }); const NotificationEnvironment = vue.defineComponent({ name: "NotificationEnvironment", props: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, notificationEnvOptions), { // private internalKey: { type: String, required: true }, onInternalAfterLeave: { type: Function, required: true } }), setup(props) { const { wipTransitionCountRef // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion } = vue.inject(notificationProviderInjectionKey); const showRef = vue.ref(true); let timerId = null; function hide() { showRef.value = false; if (timerId) { window.clearTimeout(timerId); } } function handleBeforeEnter(el) { wipTransitionCountRef.value++; void vue.nextTick(() => { el.style.height = `${el.offsetHeight}px`; el.style.maxHeight = "0"; el.style.transition = "none"; void el.offsetHeight; el.style.transition = ""; el.style.maxHeight = el.style.height; }); } function handleAfterEnter(el) { wipTransitionCountRef.value--; el.style.height = ""; el.style.maxHeight = ""; const { onAfterEnter, onAfterShow } = props; if (onAfterEnter) onAfterEnter(); if (onAfterShow) onAfterShow(); } function handleBeforeLeave(el) { wipTransitionCountRef.value++; el.style.maxHeight = `${el.offsetHeight}px`; el.style.height = `${el.offsetHeight}px`; void el.offsetHeight; } function handleLeave(el) { const { onHide } = props; if (onHide) onHide(); el.style.maxHeight = "0"; void el.offsetHeight; } function handleAfterLeave() { wipTransitionCountRef.value--; const { onAfterLeave, onInternalAfterLeave, onAfterHide, internalKey } = props; if (onAfterLeave) onAfterLeave(); onInternalAfterLeave(internalKey); if (onAfterHide) onAfterHide(); } function setHideTimeout() { const { duration: duration2 } = props; if (duration2) { timerId = window.setTimeout(hide, duration2); } } function handleMouseenter(e) { if (e.currentTarget !== e.target) return; if (timerId !== null) { window.clearTimeout(timerId); timerId = null; } } function handleMouseleave(e) { if (e.currentTarget !== e.target) return; setHideTimeout(); } function handleClose() { const { onClose } = props; if (onClose) { void Promise.resolve(onClose()).then((feedback) => { if (feedback === false) return; hide(); }); } else { hide(); } } vue.onMounted(() => { if (props.duration) { timerId = window.setTimeout(hide, props.duration); } }); return { show: showRef, hide, handleClose, handleAfterLeave, handleLeave, handleBeforeLeave, handleAfterEnter, handleBeforeEnter, handleMouseenter, handleMouseleave }; }, render() { return vue.h(vue.Transition, { name: "notification-transition", appear: true, // convert to any since Element is not compatible with HTMLElement onBeforeEnter: this.handleBeforeEnter, onAfterEnter: this.handleAfterEnter, onBeforeLeave: this.handleBeforeLeave, onLeave: this.handleLeave, onAfterLeave: this.handleAfterLeave }, { default: () => { return this.show ? vue.h(Notification, Object.assign({}, keep(this.$props, notificationPropKeys), { onClose: this.handleClose, onMouseenter: this.duration && this.keepAliveOnHover ? this.handleMouseenter : void 0, onMouseleave: this.duration && this.keepAliveOnHover ? this.handleMouseleave : void 0 })) : null; } }); } }); const style$t = c$1([cB("notification-container", ` z-index: 4000; position: fixed; overflow: visible; display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: flex-end; `, [c$1(">", [cB("scrollbar", ` width: initial; overflow: visible; height: -moz-fit-content !important; height: fit-content !important; max-height: 100vh !important; `, [c$1(">", [cB("scrollbar-container", ` height: -moz-fit-content !important; height: fit-content !important; max-height: 100vh !important; `, [cB("scrollbar-content", ` padding-top: 12px; padding-bottom: 33px; `)])])])]), cM("top, top-right, top-left", ` top: 12px; `, [c$1("&.transitioning >", [cB("scrollbar", [c$1(">", [cB("scrollbar-container", ` min-height: 100vh !important; `)])])])]), cM("bottom, bottom-right, bottom-left", ` bottom: 12px; `, [c$1(">", [cB("scrollbar", [c$1(">", [cB("scrollbar-container", [cB("scrollbar-content", ` padding-bottom: 12px; `)])])])]), cB("notification-wrapper", ` display: flex; align-items: flex-end; margin-bottom: 0; margin-top: 12px; `)]), cM("top, bottom", ` left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%); `, [cB("notification-wrapper", [c$1("&.notification-transition-enter-from, &.notification-transition-leave-to", ` transform: scale(0.85); `), c$1("&.notification-transition-leave-from, &.notification-transition-enter-to", ` transform: scale(1); `)])]), cM("top", [cB("notification-wrapper", ` transform-origin: top center; `)]), cM("bottom", [cB("notification-wrapper", ` transform-origin: bottom center; `)]), cM("top-right, bottom-right", [cB("notification", ` margin-left: 28px; margin-right: 16px; `)]), cM("top-left, bottom-left", [cB("notification", ` margin-left: 16px; margin-right: 28px; `)]), cM("top-right", ` right: 0; `, [placementTransformStyle("top-right")]), cM("top-left", ` left: 0; `, [placementTransformStyle("top-left")]), cM("bottom-right", ` right: 0; `, [placementTransformStyle("bottom-right")]), cM("bottom-left", ` left: 0; `, [placementTransformStyle("bottom-left")]), cM("scrollable", [cM("top-right", ` top: 0; `), cM("top-left", ` top: 0; `), cM("bottom-right", ` bottom: 0; `), cM("bottom-left", ` bottom: 0; `)]), cB("notification-wrapper", ` margin-bottom: 12px; `, [c$1("&.notification-transition-enter-from, &.notification-transition-leave-to", ` opacity: 0; margin-top: 0 !important; margin-bottom: 0 !important; `), c$1("&.notification-transition-leave-from, &.notification-transition-enter-to", ` opacity: 1; `), c$1("&.notification-transition-leave-active", ` transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), color .3s var(--n-bezier), opacity .3s var(--n-bezier), transform .3s var(--n-bezier-ease-in), max-height .3s var(--n-bezier), margin-top .3s linear, margin-bottom .3s linear, box-shadow .3s var(--n-bezier); `), c$1("&.notification-transition-enter-active", ` transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), color .3s var(--n-bezier), opacity .3s var(--n-bezier), transform .3s var(--n-bezier-ease-out), max-height .3s var(--n-bezier), margin-top .3s linear, margin-bottom .3s linear, box-shadow .3s var(--n-bezier); `)]), cB("notification", ` background-color: var(--n-color); color: var(--n-text-color); transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), color .3s var(--n-bezier), opacity .3s var(--n-bezier), box-shadow .3s var(--n-bezier); font-family: inherit; font-size: var(--n-font-size); font-weight: 400; position: relative; display: flex; overflow: hidden; flex-shrink: 0; padding-left: var(--n-padding-left); padding-right: var(--n-padding-right); width: var(--n-width); max-width: calc(100vw - 16px - 16px); border-radius: var(--n-border-radius); box-shadow: var(--n-box-shadow); box-sizing: border-box; opacity: 1; `, [cE("avatar", [cB("icon", ` color: var(--n-icon-color); `), cB("base-icon", ` color: var(--n-icon-color); `)]), cM("show-avatar", [cB("notification-main", ` margin-left: 40px; width: calc(100% - 40px); `)]), cM("closable", [cB("notification-main", [c$1("> *:first-child", ` padding-right: 20px; `)]), cE("close", ` position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; margin: var(--n-close-margin); transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), color .3s var(--n-bezier); `)]), cE("avatar", ` position: absolute; top: var(--n-padding-top); left: var(--n-padding-left); width: 28px; height: 28px; font-size: 28px; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; `, [cB("icon", "transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier);")]), cB("notification-main", ` padding-top: var(--n-padding-top); padding-bottom: var(--n-padding-bottom); box-sizing: border-box; display: flex; flex-direction: column; margin-left: 8px; width: calc(100% - 8px); `, [cB("notification-main-footer", ` display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: space-between; margin-top: 12px; `, [cE("meta", ` font-size: var(--n-meta-font-size); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier-ease-out); color: var(--n-description-text-color); `), cE("action", ` cursor: pointer; transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier-ease-out); color: var(--n-action-text-color); `)]), cE("header", ` font-weight: var(--n-title-font-weight); font-size: var(--n-title-font-size); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier-ease-out); color: var(--n-title-text-color); `), cE("description", ` margin-top: 8px; font-size: var(--n-description-font-size); white-space: pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word; transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier-ease-out); color: var(--n-description-text-color); `), cE("content", ` line-height: var(--n-line-height); margin: 12px 0 0 0; font-family: inherit; white-space: pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word; transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier-ease-out); color: var(--n-text-color); `, [c$1("&:first-child", "margin: 0;")])])])])]); function placementTransformStyle(placement) { const direction = placement.split("-")[1]; const transformXEnter = direction === "left" ? "calc(-100%)" : "calc(100%)"; const transformXLeave = "0"; return cB("notification-wrapper", [c$1("&.notification-transition-enter-from, &.notification-transition-leave-to", ` transform: translate(${transformXEnter}, 0); `), c$1("&.notification-transition-leave-from, &.notification-transition-enter-to", ` transform: translate(${transformXLeave}, 0); `)]); } const notificationApiInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-notification-api"); const notificationProviderProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { containerClass: String, containerStyle: [String, Object], to: [String, Object], scrollable: { type: Boolean, default: true }, max: Number, placement: { type: String, default: "top-right" }, keepAliveOnHover: Boolean }); const NNotificationProvider = vue.defineComponent({ name: "NotificationProvider", props: notificationProviderProps, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef } = useConfig(props); const notificationListRef = vue.ref([]); const notificationRefs = {}; const leavingKeySet = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); function create2(options) { const key = createId(); const destroy = () => { leavingKeySet.add(key); if (notificationRefs[key]) { notificationRefs[key].hide(); } }; const notificationReactive = vue.reactive(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { key, destroy, hide: destroy, deactivate: destroy })); const { max } = props; if (max && notificationListRef.value.length - leavingKeySet.size >= max) { let someoneMountedRemoved = false; let index = 0; for (const notification of notificationListRef.value) { if (!leavingKeySet.has(notification.key)) { if (notificationRefs[notification.key]) { notification.destroy(); someoneMountedRemoved = true; } break; } index++; } if (!someoneMountedRemoved) { notificationListRef.value.splice(index, 1); } } notificationListRef.value.push(notificationReactive); return notificationReactive; } const apis = ["info", "success", "warning", "error"].map((type) => { return (options) => create2(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { type })); }); function handleAfterLeave(key) { leavingKeySet.delete(key); notificationListRef.value.splice(notificationListRef.value.findIndex((notification) => notification.key === key), 1); } const themeRef = useTheme("Notification", "-notification", style$t, notificationLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const api = { create: create2, info: apis[0], success: apis[1], warning: apis[2], error: apis[3], open, destroyAll }; const wipTransitionCountRef = vue.ref(0); vue.provide(notificationApiInjectionKey, api); vue.provide(notificationProviderInjectionKey, { props, mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedThemeRef: themeRef, wipTransitionCountRef }); function open(options) { return create2(options); } function destroyAll() { Object.values(notificationListRef.value).forEach((notification) => { notification.hide(); }); } return Object.assign({ mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, notificationList: notificationListRef, notificationRefs, handleAfterLeave }, api); }, render() { var _a, _b, _c; const { placement } = this; return vue.h(vue.Fragment, null, (_b = (_a = this.$slots).default) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a), this.notificationList.length ? vue.h(vue.Teleport, { to: (_c = this.to) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : "body" }, vue.h(NotificationContainer, { class: this.containerClass, style: this.containerStyle, scrollable: this.scrollable && placement !== "top" && placement !== "bottom", placement }, { default: () => { return this.notificationList.map((notification) => { return vue.h(NotificationEnvironment, Object.assign({ ref: (inst) => { const refKey = notification.key; if (inst === null) { delete this.notificationRefs[refKey]; } else this.notificationRefs[refKey] = inst; } }, omit(notification, ["destroy", "hide", "deactivate"]), { internalKey: notification.key, onInternalAfterLeave: this.handleAfterLeave, keepAliveOnHover: notification.keepAliveOnHover === void 0 ? this.keepAliveOnHover : notification.keepAliveOnHover })); }); } })) : null); } }); function useNotification() { const api = vue.inject(notificationApiInjectionKey, null); if (api === null) { throwError("use-notification", "No outer `n-notification-provider` found."); } return api; } const style$s = c$1([cB("page-header-header", ` margin-bottom: 20px; `), cB("page-header", ` display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: space-between; line-height: 1.5; font-size: var(--n-font-size); `, [cE("main", ` display: flex; flex-wrap: nowrap; align-items: center; `), cE("back", ` display: flex; margin-right: 16px; font-size: var(--n-back-size); cursor: pointer; color: var(--n-back-color); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [c$1("&:hover", "color: var(--n-back-color-hover);"), c$1("&:active", "color: var(--n-back-color-pressed);")]), cE("avatar", ` display: flex; margin-right: 12px `), cE("title", ` margin-right: 16px; transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); font-size: var(--n-title-font-size); font-weight: var(--n-title-font-weight); color: var(--n-title-text-color); `), cE("subtitle", ` font-size: 14px; transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); color: var(--n-subtitle-text-color); `)]), cB("page-header-content", ` font-size: var(--n-font-size); `, [c$1("&:not(:first-child)", "margin-top: 20px;")]), cB("page-header-footer", ` font-size: var(--n-font-size); `, [c$1("&:not(:first-child)", "margin-top: 20px;")])]); const pageHeaderProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { title: String, subtitle: String, extra: String, onBack: Function }); const PageHeader = vue.defineComponent({ name: "PageHeader", props: pageHeaderProps, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedRtlRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("PageHeader", "-page-header", style$s, pageHeaderLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const rtlEnabledRef = useRtl("PageHeader", mergedRtlRef, mergedClsPrefixRef); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { self: { titleTextColor, subtitleTextColor, backColor, fontSize: fontSize2, titleFontSize, backSize, titleFontWeight, backColorHover, backColorPressed }, common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-title-text-color": titleTextColor, "--n-title-font-size": titleFontSize, "--n-title-font-weight": titleFontWeight, "--n-font-size": fontSize2, "--n-back-size": backSize, "--n-subtitle-text-color": subtitleTextColor, "--n-back-color": backColor, "--n-back-color-hover": backColorHover, "--n-back-color-pressed": backColorPressed, "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("page-header", void 0, cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return { rtlEnabled: rtlEnabledRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }; }, render() { var _a; const { onBack, title, subtitle, extra, mergedClsPrefix, cssVars, $slots } = this; (_a = this.onRender) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(this); const { title: titleSlot, subtitle: subtitleSlot, extra: extraSlot, default: defaultSlot, header: headerSlot, avatar: avatarSlot, footer: footerSlot, back: backSlot } = $slots; const showBack = onBack; const showTitle = title || titleSlot; const showSubtitle = subtitle || subtitleSlot; const showExtra = extra || extraSlot; return vue.h("div", { style: cssVars, class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-page-header-wrapper`, this.themeClass, this.rtlEnabled && `${mergedClsPrefix}-page-header-wrapper--rtl`] }, headerSlot ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-page-header-header`, key: "breadcrumb" }, headerSlot()) : null, (showBack || avatarSlot || showTitle || showSubtitle || showExtra) && vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-page-header`, key: "header" }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-page-header__main`, key: "back" }, showBack ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-page-header__back`, onClick: onBack }, backSlot ? backSlot() : vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix }, { default: () => vue.h(ArrowBackIcon, null) })) : null, avatarSlot ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-page-header__avatar` }, avatarSlot()) : null, showTitle ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-page-header__title`, key: "title" }, title || titleSlot()) : null, showSubtitle ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-page-header__subtitle`, key: "subtitle" }, subtitle || subtitleSlot()) : null), showExtra ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-page-header__extra` }, extra || extraSlot()) : null), defaultSlot ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-page-header-content`, key: "content" }, defaultSlot()) : null, footerSlot ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-page-header-footer`, key: "footer" }, footerSlot()) : null); } }); const popconfirmInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-popconfirm"); const panelProps = { positiveText: String, negativeText: String, showIcon: { type: Boolean, default: true }, onPositiveClick: { type: Function, required: true }, onNegativeClick: { type: Function, required: true } }; const panelPropKeys = keysOf(panelProps); const PopconfirmPanel = vue.defineComponent({ name: "NPopconfirmPanel", props: panelProps, setup(props) { const { localeRef } = useLocale("Popconfirm"); const { inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(); const { mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedThemeRef, props: popconfirmProps2 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion } = vue.inject(popconfirmInjectionKey); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: { fontSize: fontSize2, iconSize, iconColor } } = mergedThemeRef.value; return { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-font-size": fontSize2, "--n-icon-size": iconSize, "--n-icon-color": iconColor }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("popconfirm-panel", void 0, cssVarsRef, popconfirmProps2) : void 0; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useLocale("Popconfirm")), { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, localizedPositiveText: vue.computed(() => { return props.positiveText || localeRef.value.positiveText; }), localizedNegativeText: vue.computed(() => { return props.negativeText || localeRef.value.negativeText; }), positiveButtonProps: vue.toRef(popconfirmProps2, "positiveButtonProps"), negativeButtonProps: vue.toRef(popconfirmProps2, "negativeButtonProps"), handlePositiveClick(e) { props.onPositiveClick(e); }, handleNegativeClick(e) { props.onNegativeClick(e); }, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }); }, render() { var _a; const { mergedClsPrefix, showIcon, $slots } = this; const actionContentNode = resolveSlot($slots.action, () => this.negativeText === null && this.positiveText === null ? [] : [this.negativeText !== null && vue.h(NButton, Object.assign({ size: "small", onClick: this.handleNegativeClick }, this.negativeButtonProps), { default: () => this.localizedNegativeText }), this.positiveText !== null && vue.h(NButton, Object.assign({ size: "small", type: "primary", onClick: this.handlePositiveClick }, this.positiveButtonProps), { default: () => this.localizedPositiveText })]); (_a = this.onRender) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(this); return vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-popconfirm__panel`, this.themeClass], style: this.cssVars }, resolveWrappedSlot($slots.default, (children) => showIcon || children ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-popconfirm__body` }, showIcon ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-popconfirm__icon` }, resolveSlot($slots.icon, () => [vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix }, { default: () => vue.h(WarningIcon, null) })])) : null, children) : null), actionContentNode ? vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-popconfirm__action`] }, actionContentNode) : null); } }); const style$r = cB("popconfirm", [cE("body", ` font-size: var(--n-font-size); display: flex; align-items: center; flex-wrap: nowrap; position: relative; `, [cE("icon", ` display: flex; font-size: var(--n-icon-size); color: var(--n-icon-color); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); margin: 0 8px 0 0; `)]), cE("action", ` display: flex; justify-content: flex-end; `, [c$1("&:not(:first-child)", "margin-top: 8px"), cB("button", [c$1("&:not(:last-child)", "margin-right: 8px;")])])]); const popconfirmProps = Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), popoverBaseProps), { positiveText: String, negativeText: String, showIcon: { type: Boolean, default: true }, trigger: { type: String, default: "click" }, positiveButtonProps: Object, negativeButtonProps: Object, onPositiveClick: Function, onNegativeClick: Function }); const Popconfirm = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Popconfirm", props: popconfirmProps, __popover__: true, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef } = useConfig(); const themeRef = useTheme("Popconfirm", "-popconfirm", style$r, popconfirmLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const popoverInstRef = vue.ref(null); function handlePositiveClick(e) { var _a; if (!((_a = popoverInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.getMergedShow())) return; const { onPositiveClick, "onUpdate:show": onUpdateShow } = props; void Promise.resolve(onPositiveClick ? onPositiveClick(e) : true).then((value) => { var _a2; if (value === false) return; (_a2 = popoverInstRef.value) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.setShow(false); if (onUpdateShow) call(onUpdateShow, false); }); } function handleNegativeClick(e) { var _a; if (!((_a = popoverInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.getMergedShow())) return; const { onNegativeClick, "onUpdate:show": onUpdateShow } = props; void Promise.resolve(onNegativeClick ? onNegativeClick(e) : true).then((value) => { var _a2; if (value === false) return; (_a2 = popoverInstRef.value) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.setShow(false); if (onUpdateShow) call(onUpdateShow, false); }); } vue.provide(popconfirmInjectionKey, { mergedThemeRef: themeRef, mergedClsPrefixRef, props }); const returned = { setShow(value) { var _a; (_a = popoverInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.setShow(value); }, syncPosition() { var _a; (_a = popoverInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.syncPosition(); }, mergedTheme: themeRef, popoverInstRef, handlePositiveClick, handleNegativeClick }; return returned; }, render() { const { $slots: slots, $props: props, mergedTheme } = this; return vue.h(NPopover, omit(props, panelPropKeys, { theme: mergedTheme.peers.Popover, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Popover, internalExtraClass: ["popconfirm"], ref: "popoverInstRef" }), { trigger: slots.activator || slots.trigger, default: () => { const panelProps2 = keep(props, panelPropKeys); return vue.h(PopconfirmPanel, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, panelProps2), { onPositiveClick: this.handlePositiveClick, onNegativeClick: this.handleNegativeClick }), slots); } }); } }); const style$q = c$1([cB("progress", { display: "inline-block" }, [cB("progress-icon", ` color: var(--n-icon-color); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); `), cM("line", ` width: 100%; display: block; `, [cB("progress-content", ` display: flex; align-items: center; `, [cB("progress-graph", { flex: 1 })]), cB("progress-custom-content", { marginLeft: "14px" }), cB("progress-icon", ` width: 30px; padding-left: 14px; height: var(--n-icon-size-line); line-height: var(--n-icon-size-line); font-size: var(--n-icon-size-line); `, [cM("as-text", ` color: var(--n-text-color-line-outer); text-align: center; width: 40px; font-size: var(--n-font-size); padding-left: 4px; transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); `)])]), cM("circle, dashboard", { width: "120px" }, [cB("progress-custom-content", ` position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%); display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; `), cB("progress-text", ` position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%); display: flex; align-items: center; color: inherit; font-size: var(--n-font-size-circle); color: var(--n-text-color-circle); font-weight: var(--n-font-weight-circle); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); white-space: nowrap; `), cB("progress-icon", ` position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%); display: flex; align-items: center; color: var(--n-icon-color); font-size: var(--n-icon-size-circle); `)]), cM("multiple-circle", ` width: 200px; color: inherit; `, [cB("progress-text", ` font-weight: var(--n-font-weight-circle); color: var(--n-text-color-circle); position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%); display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); `)]), cB("progress-content", { position: "relative" }), cB("progress-graph", { position: "relative" }, [cB("progress-graph-circle", [c$1("svg", { verticalAlign: "bottom" }), cB("progress-graph-circle-fill", ` stroke: var(--n-fill-color); transition: opacity .3s var(--n-bezier), stroke .3s var(--n-bezier), stroke-dasharray .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [cM("empty", { opacity: 0 })]), cB("progress-graph-circle-rail", ` transition: stroke .3s var(--n-bezier); overflow: hidden; stroke: var(--n-rail-color); `)]), cB("progress-graph-line", [cM("indicator-inside", [cB("progress-graph-line-rail", ` height: 16px; line-height: 16px; border-radius: 10px; `, [cB("progress-graph-line-fill", ` height: inherit; border-radius: 10px; `), cB("progress-graph-line-indicator", ` background: #0000; white-space: nowrap; text-align: right; margin-left: 14px; margin-right: 14px; height: inherit; font-size: 12px; color: var(--n-text-color-line-inner); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); `)])]), cM("indicator-inside-label", ` height: 16px; display: flex; align-items: center; `, [cB("progress-graph-line-rail", ` flex: 1; transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `), cB("progress-graph-line-indicator", ` background: var(--n-fill-color); font-size: 12px; transform: translateZ(0); display: flex; vertical-align: middle; height: 16px; line-height: 16px; padding: 0 10px; border-radius: 10px; position: absolute; white-space: nowrap; color: var(--n-text-color-line-inner); transition: right .2s var(--n-bezier), color .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `)]), cB("progress-graph-line-rail", ` position: relative; overflow: hidden; height: var(--n-rail-height); border-radius: 5px; background-color: var(--n-rail-color); transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [cB("progress-graph-line-fill", ` background: var(--n-fill-color); position: relative; border-radius: 5px; height: inherit; width: 100%; max-width: 0%; transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), max-width .2s var(--n-bezier); `, [cM("processing", [c$1("&::after", ` content: ""; background-image: var(--n-line-bg-processing); animation: progress-processing-animation 2s var(--n-bezier) infinite; `)])])])])])]), c$1("@keyframes progress-processing-animation", ` 0% { position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; right: 100%; opacity: 1; } 66% { position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; right: 0; opacity: 0; } 100% { position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; right: 0; opacity: 0; } `)]); const iconMap$1 = { success: vue.h(SuccessIcon, null), error: vue.h(ErrorIcon, null), warning: vue.h(WarningIcon, null), info: vue.h(InfoIcon, null) }; const Line = vue.defineComponent({ name: "ProgressLine", props: { clsPrefix: { type: String, required: true }, percentage: { type: Number, default: 0 }, railColor: String, railStyle: [String, Object], fillColor: String, status: { type: String, required: true }, indicatorPlacement: { type: String, required: true }, indicatorTextColor: String, unit: { type: String, default: "%" }, processing: { type: Boolean, required: true }, showIndicator: { type: Boolean, required: true }, height: [String, Number], railBorderRadius: [String, Number], fillBorderRadius: [String, Number] }, setup(props, { slots }) { const styleHeightRef = vue.computed(() => { return formatLength(props.height); }); const styleRailBorderRadiusRef = vue.computed(() => { if (props.railBorderRadius !== void 0) { return formatLength(props.railBorderRadius); } if (props.height !== void 0) { return formatLength(props.height, { c: 0.5 }); } return ""; }); const styleFillBorderRadiusRef = vue.computed(() => { if (props.fillBorderRadius !== void 0) { return formatLength(props.fillBorderRadius); } if (props.railBorderRadius !== void 0) { return formatLength(props.railBorderRadius); } if (props.height !== void 0) { return formatLength(props.height, { c: 0.5 }); } return ""; }); return () => { const { indicatorPlacement, railColor, railStyle, percentage, unit, indicatorTextColor, status, showIndicator, fillColor, processing, clsPrefix } = props; return vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-progress-content`, role: "none" }, vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-progress-graph`, "aria-hidden": true }, vue.h("div", { class: [`${clsPrefix}-progress-graph-line`, { [`${clsPrefix}-progress-graph-line--indicator-${indicatorPlacement}`]: true }] }, vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-progress-graph-line-rail`, style: [{ backgroundColor: railColor, height: styleHeightRef.value, borderRadius: styleRailBorderRadiusRef.value }, railStyle] }, vue.h("div", { class: [`${clsPrefix}-progress-graph-line-fill`, processing && `${clsPrefix}-progress-graph-line-fill--processing`], style: { maxWidth: `${props.percentage}%`, backgroundColor: fillColor, height: styleHeightRef.value, lineHeight: styleHeightRef.value, borderRadius: styleFillBorderRadiusRef.value } }, indicatorPlacement === "inside" ? vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-progress-graph-line-indicator`, style: { color: indicatorTextColor } }, slots.default ? slots.default() : `${percentage}${unit}`) : null)))), showIndicator && indicatorPlacement === "outside" ? vue.h("div", null, slots.default ? vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-progress-custom-content`, style: { color: indicatorTextColor }, role: "none" }, slots.default()) : status === "default" ? vue.h("div", { role: "none", class: `${clsPrefix}-progress-icon ${clsPrefix}-progress-icon--as-text`, style: { color: indicatorTextColor } }, percentage, unit) : vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-progress-icon`, "aria-hidden": true }, vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix }, { default: () => iconMap$1[status] }))) : null); }; } }); const iconMap = { success: vue.h(SuccessIcon, null), error: vue.h(ErrorIcon, null), warning: vue.h(WarningIcon, null), info: vue.h(InfoIcon, null) }; const Circle = vue.defineComponent({ name: "ProgressCircle", props: { clsPrefix: { type: String, required: true }, status: { type: String, required: true }, strokeWidth: { type: Number, required: true }, fillColor: String, railColor: String, railStyle: [String, Object], percentage: { type: Number, default: 0 }, offsetDegree: { type: Number, default: 0 }, showIndicator: { type: Boolean, required: true }, indicatorTextColor: String, unit: String, viewBoxWidth: { type: Number, required: true }, gapDegree: { type: Number, required: true }, gapOffsetDegree: { type: Number, default: 0 } }, setup(props, { slots }) { function getPathStyles(percent2, offsetDegree, strokeColor) { const { gapDegree, viewBoxWidth, strokeWidth } = props; const radius = 50; const beginPositionX = 0; const beginPositionY = radius; const endPositionX = 0; const endPositionY = 2 * radius; const centerX = 50 + strokeWidth / 2; const pathString = `M ${centerX},${centerX} m ${beginPositionX},${beginPositionY} a ${radius},${radius} 0 1 1 ${endPositionX},${-endPositionY} a ${radius},${radius} 0 1 1 ${-endPositionX},${endPositionY}`; const len2 = Math.PI * 2 * radius; const pathStyle = { stroke: strokeColor, strokeDasharray: `${percent2 / 100 * (len2 - gapDegree)}px ${viewBoxWidth * 8}px`, strokeDashoffset: `-${gapDegree / 2}px`, transformOrigin: offsetDegree ? "center" : void 0, transform: offsetDegree ? `rotate(${offsetDegree}deg)` : void 0 }; return { pathString, pathStyle }; } return () => { const { fillColor, railColor, strokeWidth, offsetDegree, status, percentage, showIndicator, indicatorTextColor, unit, gapOffsetDegree, clsPrefix } = props; const { pathString: railPathString, pathStyle: railPathStyle } = getPathStyles(100, 0, railColor); const { pathString: fillPathString, pathStyle: fillPathStyle } = getPathStyles(percentage, offsetDegree, fillColor); const viewBoxSize = 100 + strokeWidth; return vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-progress-content`, role: "none" }, vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-progress-graph`, "aria-hidden": true }, vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-progress-graph-circle`, style: { transform: gapOffsetDegree ? `rotate(${gapOffsetDegree}deg)` : void 0 } }, vue.h("svg", { viewBox: `0 0 ${viewBoxSize} ${viewBoxSize}` }, vue.h("g", null, vue.h("path", { class: `${clsPrefix}-progress-graph-circle-rail`, d: railPathString, "stroke-width": strokeWidth, "stroke-linecap": "round", fill: "none", style: railPathStyle })), vue.h("g", null, vue.h("path", { class: [`${clsPrefix}-progress-graph-circle-fill`, percentage === 0 && `${clsPrefix}-progress-graph-circle-fill--empty`], d: fillPathString, "stroke-width": strokeWidth, "stroke-linecap": "round", fill: "none", style: fillPathStyle }))))), showIndicator ? vue.h("div", null, slots.default ? vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-progress-custom-content`, role: "none" }, slots.default()) : status !== "default" ? vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-progress-icon`, "aria-hidden": true }, vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix }, { default: () => iconMap[status] })) : vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-progress-text`, style: { color: indicatorTextColor }, role: "none" }, vue.h("span", { class: `${clsPrefix}-progress-text__percentage` }, percentage), vue.h("span", { class: `${clsPrefix}-progress-text__unit` }, unit))) : null); }; } }); function circlePath(r, sw, vw = 100) { return `m ${vw / 2} ${vw / 2 - r} a ${r} ${r} 0 1 1 0 ${2 * r} a ${r} ${r} 0 1 1 0 -${2 * r}`; } const MultipleCircle = vue.defineComponent({ name: "ProgressMultipleCircle", props: { clsPrefix: { type: String, required: true }, viewBoxWidth: { type: Number, required: true }, percentage: { type: Array, default: [0] }, strokeWidth: { type: Number, required: true }, circleGap: { type: Number, required: true }, showIndicator: { type: Boolean, required: true }, fillColor: { type: Array, default: () => [] }, railColor: { type: Array, default: () => [] }, railStyle: { type: Array, default: () => [] } }, setup(props, { slots }) { const strokeDasharrayRef = vue.computed(() => { const strokeDasharrays = props.percentage.map((v, i) => `${Math.PI * v / 100 * (props.viewBoxWidth / 2 - props.strokeWidth / 2 * (1 + 2 * i) - props.circleGap * i) * 2}, ${props.viewBoxWidth * 8}`); return strokeDasharrays; }); return () => { const { viewBoxWidth, strokeWidth, circleGap, showIndicator, fillColor, railColor, railStyle, percentage, clsPrefix } = props; return vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-progress-content`, role: "none" }, vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-progress-graph`, "aria-hidden": true }, vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-progress-graph-circle` }, vue.h("svg", { viewBox: `0 0 ${viewBoxWidth} ${viewBoxWidth}` }, percentage.map((p2, index) => { return vue.h("g", { key: index }, vue.h("path", { class: `${clsPrefix}-progress-graph-circle-rail`, d: circlePath(viewBoxWidth / 2 - strokeWidth / 2 * (1 + 2 * index) - circleGap * index, strokeWidth, viewBoxWidth), "stroke-width": strokeWidth, "stroke-linecap": "round", fill: "none", style: [{ strokeDashoffset: 0, stroke: railColor[index] }, railStyle[index]] }), vue.h("path", { class: [`${clsPrefix}-progress-graph-circle-fill`, p2 === 0 && `${clsPrefix}-progress-graph-circle-fill--empty`], d: circlePath(viewBoxWidth / 2 - strokeWidth / 2 * (1 + 2 * index) - circleGap * index, strokeWidth, viewBoxWidth), "stroke-width": strokeWidth, "stroke-linecap": "round", fill: "none", style: { strokeDasharray: strokeDasharrayRef.value[index], strokeDashoffset: 0, stroke: fillColor[index] } })); })))), showIndicator && slots.default ? vue.h("div", null, vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-progress-text` }, slots.default())) : null); }; } }); const progressProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { processing: Boolean, type: { type: String, default: "line" }, gapDegree: Number, gapOffsetDegree: Number, status: { type: String, default: "default" }, railColor: [String, Array], railStyle: [String, Array], color: [String, Array], viewBoxWidth: { type: Number, default: 100 }, strokeWidth: { type: Number, default: 7 }, percentage: [Number, Array], unit: { type: String, default: "%" }, showIndicator: { type: Boolean, default: true }, indicatorPosition: { type: String, default: "outside" }, indicatorPlacement: { type: String, default: "outside" }, indicatorTextColor: String, circleGap: { type: Number, default: 1 }, height: Number, borderRadius: [String, Number], fillBorderRadius: [String, Number], offsetDegree: Number }); const NProgress = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Progress", props: progressProps, setup(props) { const mergedIndicatorPlacementRef = vue.computed(() => { return props.indicatorPlacement || props.indicatorPosition; }); const gapDeg = vue.computed(() => { if (props.gapDegree || props.gapDegree === 0) { return props.gapDegree; } if (props.type === "dashboard") { return 75; } return void 0; }); const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Progress", "-progress", style$q, progressLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { status } = props; const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: { fontSize: fontSize2, fontSizeCircle, railColor, railHeight, iconSizeCircle, iconSizeLine, textColorCircle, textColorLineInner, textColorLineOuter, lineBgProcessing, fontWeightCircle, [createKey("iconColor", status)]: iconColor, [createKey("fillColor", status)]: fillColor } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-fill-color": fillColor, "--n-font-size": fontSize2, "--n-font-size-circle": fontSizeCircle, "--n-font-weight-circle": fontWeightCircle, "--n-icon-color": iconColor, "--n-icon-size-circle": iconSizeCircle, "--n-icon-size-line": iconSizeLine, "--n-line-bg-processing": lineBgProcessing, "--n-rail-color": railColor, "--n-rail-height": railHeight, "--n-text-color-circle": textColorCircle, "--n-text-color-line-inner": textColorLineInner, "--n-text-color-line-outer": textColorLineOuter }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("progress", vue.computed(() => props.status[0]), cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedIndicatorPlacement: mergedIndicatorPlacementRef, gapDeg, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }; }, render() { const { type, cssVars, indicatorTextColor, showIndicator, status, railColor, railStyle, color, percentage, viewBoxWidth, strokeWidth, mergedIndicatorPlacement, unit, borderRadius, fillBorderRadius, height, processing, circleGap, mergedClsPrefix, gapDeg, gapOffsetDegree, themeClass, $slots, onRender } = this; onRender === null || onRender === void 0 ? void 0 : onRender(); return vue.h("div", { class: [themeClass, `${mergedClsPrefix}-progress`, `${mergedClsPrefix}-progress--${type}`, `${mergedClsPrefix}-progress--${status}`], style: cssVars, "aria-valuemax": 100, "aria-valuemin": 0, "aria-valuenow": percentage, role: type === "circle" || type === "line" || type === "dashboard" ? "progressbar" : "none" }, type === "circle" || type === "dashboard" ? vue.h(Circle, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, status, showIndicator, indicatorTextColor, railColor, fillColor: color, railStyle, offsetDegree: this.offsetDegree, percentage, viewBoxWidth, strokeWidth, gapDegree: gapDeg === void 0 ? type === "dashboard" ? 75 : 0 : gapDeg, gapOffsetDegree, unit }, $slots) : type === "line" ? vue.h(Line, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, status, showIndicator, indicatorTextColor, railColor, fillColor: color, railStyle, percentage, processing, indicatorPlacement: mergedIndicatorPlacement, unit, fillBorderRadius, railBorderRadius: borderRadius, height }, $slots) : type === "multiple-circle" ? vue.h(MultipleCircle, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, strokeWidth, railColor, fillColor: color, railStyle, viewBoxWidth, percentage, showIndicator, circleGap }, $slots) : null); } }); const style$p = c$1([cB("qr-code", ` background: #fff; border-radius: var(--n-border-radius); display: inline-flex; `)]); const self$3 = (vars) => { return { borderRadius: vars.borderRadius }; }; const themeLight$1 = { name: "QrCode", common: derived, self: self$3 }; var qrcodegen; (function(qrcodegen2) { class QrCode2 { /* -- Static factory functions (high level) -- */ // Returns a QR Code representing the given Unicode text string at the given error correction level. // As a conservative upper bound, this function is guaranteed to succeed for strings that have 738 or fewer // Unicode code points (not UTF-16 code units) if the low error correction level is used. The smallest possible // QR Code version is automatically chosen for the output. The ECC level of the result may be higher than the // ecl argument if it can be done without increasing the version. static encodeText(text2, ecl) { const segs = qrcodegen2.QrSegment.makeSegments(text2); return QrCode2.encodeSegments(segs, ecl); } // Returns a QR Code representing the given binary data at the given error correction level. // This function always encodes using the binary segment mode, not any text mode. The maximum number of // bytes allowed is 2953. The smallest possible QR Code version is automatically chosen for the output. // The ECC level of the result may be higher than the ecl argument if it can be done without increasing the version. static encodeBinary(data, ecl) { const seg = qrcodegen2.QrSegment.makeBytes(data); return QrCode2.encodeSegments([seg], ecl); } /* -- Static factory functions (mid level) -- */ // Returns a QR Code representing the given segments with the given encoding parameters. // The smallest possible QR Code version within the given range is automatically // chosen for the output. Iff boostEcl is true, then the ECC level of the result // may be higher than the ecl argument if it can be done without increasing the // version. The mask number is either between 0 to 7 (inclusive) to force that // mask, or -1 to automatically choose an appropriate mask (which may be slow). // This function allows the user to create a custom sequence of segments that switches // between modes (such as alphanumeric and byte) to encode text in less space. // This is a mid-level API; the high-level API is encodeText() and encodeBinary(). static encodeSegments(segs, ecl, minVersion = 1, maxVersion = 40, mask = -1, boostEcl = true) { if (!(QrCode2.MIN_VERSION <= minVersion && minVersion <= maxVersion && maxVersion <= QrCode2.MAX_VERSION) || mask < -1 || mask > 7) { throw new RangeError("Invalid value"); } let version2; let dataUsedBits; for (version2 = minVersion; ; version2++) { const dataCapacityBits2 = QrCode2.getNumDataCodewords(version2, ecl) * 8; const usedBits = QrSegment.getTotalBits(segs, version2); if (usedBits <= dataCapacityBits2) { dataUsedBits = usedBits; break; } if (version2 >= maxVersion) { throw new RangeError("Data too long"); } } for (const newEcl of [QrCode2.Ecc.MEDIUM, QrCode2.Ecc.QUARTILE, QrCode2.Ecc.HIGH]) { if (boostEcl && dataUsedBits <= QrCode2.getNumDataCodewords(version2, newEcl) * 8) { ecl = newEcl; } } const bb = []; for (const seg of segs) { appendBits(seg.mode.modeBits, 4, bb); appendBits(seg.numChars, seg.mode.numCharCountBits(version2), bb); for (const b of seg.getData()) { bb.push(b); } } const dataCapacityBits = QrCode2.getNumDataCodewords(version2, ecl) * 8; appendBits(0, Math.min(4, dataCapacityBits - bb.length), bb); appendBits(0, (8 - bb.length % 8) % 8, bb); for (let padByte = 236; bb.length < dataCapacityBits; padByte ^= 236 ^ 17) { appendBits(padByte, 8, bb); } const dataCodewords = []; while (dataCodewords.length * 8 < bb.length) { dataCodewords.push(0); } bb.forEach((b, i) => dataCodewords[i >>> 3] |= b << 7 - (i & 7)); return new QrCode2(version2, ecl, dataCodewords, mask); } /* -- Constructor (low level) and fields -- */ // Creates a new QR Code with the given version number, // error correction level, data codeword bytes, and mask number. // This is a low-level API that most users should not use directly. // A mid-level API is the encodeSegments() function. constructor(version2, errorCorrectionLevel, dataCodewords, msk) { this.version = version2; this.errorCorrectionLevel = errorCorrectionLevel; this.modules = []; this.isFunction = []; if (version2 < QrCode2.MIN_VERSION || version2 > QrCode2.MAX_VERSION) { throw new RangeError("Version value out of range"); } if (msk < -1 || msk > 7) { throw new RangeError("Mask value out of range"); } this.size = version2 * 4 + 17; const row = []; for (let i = 0; i < this.size; i++) { row.push(false); } for (let i = 0; i < this.size; i++) { this.modules.push(row.slice()); this.isFunction.push(row.slice()); } this.drawFunctionPatterns(); const allCodewords = this.addEccAndInterleave(dataCodewords); this.drawCodewords(allCodewords); if (msk === -1) { let minPenalty = 1e9; for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) { this.applyMask(i); this.drawFormatBits(i); const penalty = this.getPenaltyScore(); if (penalty < minPenalty) { msk = i; minPenalty = penalty; } this.applyMask(i); } } this.mask = msk; this.applyMask(msk); this.drawFormatBits(msk); this.isFunction = []; } /* -- Accessor methods -- */ // Returns the color of the module (pixel) at the given coordinates, which is false // for light or true for dark. The top left corner has the coordinates (x=0, y=0). // If the given coordinates are out of bounds, then false (light) is returned. getModule(x, y) { return x >= 0 && x < this.size && y >= 0 && y < this.size && this.modules[y][x]; } // Modified to expose modules for easy access getModules() { return this.modules; } /* -- Private helper methods for constructor: Drawing function modules -- */ // Reads this object's version field, and draws and marks all function modules. drawFunctionPatterns() { for (let i = 0; i < this.size; i++) { this.setFunctionModule(6, i, i % 2 === 0); this.setFunctionModule(i, 6, i % 2 === 0); } this.drawFinderPattern(3, 3); this.drawFinderPattern(this.size - 4, 3); this.drawFinderPattern(3, this.size - 4); const alignPatPos = this.getAlignmentPatternPositions(); const numAlign = alignPatPos.length; for (let i = 0; i < numAlign; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < numAlign; j++) { if (!(i === 0 && j === 0 || i === 0 && j === numAlign - 1 || i === numAlign - 1 && j === 0)) { this.drawAlignmentPattern(alignPatPos[i], alignPatPos[j]); } } } this.drawFormatBits(0); this.drawVersion(); } // Draws two copies of the format bits (with its own error correction code) // based on the given mask and this object's error correction level field. drawFormatBits(mask) { const data = this.errorCorrectionLevel.formatBits << 3 | mask; let rem = data; for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { rem = rem << 1 ^ (rem >>> 9) * 1335; } const bits = (data << 10 | rem) ^ 21522; for (let i = 0; i <= 5; i++) { this.setFunctionModule(8, i, getBit(bits, i)); } this.setFunctionModule(8, 7, getBit(bits, 6)); this.setFunctionModule(8, 8, getBit(bits, 7)); this.setFunctionModule(7, 8, getBit(bits, 8)); for (let i = 9; i < 15; i++) { this.setFunctionModule(14 - i, 8, getBit(bits, i)); } for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) { this.setFunctionModule(this.size - 1 - i, 8, getBit(bits, i)); } for (let i = 8; i < 15; i++) { this.setFunctionModule(8, this.size - 15 + i, getBit(bits, i)); } this.setFunctionModule(8, this.size - 8, true); } // Draws two copies of the version bits (with its own error correction code), // based on this object's version field, iff 7 <= version <= 40. drawVersion() { if (this.version < 7) { return; } let rem = this.version; for (let i = 0; i < 12; i++) { rem = rem << 1 ^ (rem >>> 11) * 7973; } const bits = this.version << 12 | rem; for (let i = 0; i < 18; i++) { const color = getBit(bits, i); const a2 = this.size - 11 + i % 3; const b = Math.floor(i / 3); this.setFunctionModule(a2, b, color); this.setFunctionModule(b, a2, color); } } // Draws a 9*9 finder pattern including the border separator, // with the center module at (x, y). Modules can be out of bounds. drawFinderPattern(x, y) { for (let dy = -4; dy <= 4; dy++) { for (let dx = -4; dx <= 4; dx++) { const dist = Math.max(Math.abs(dx), Math.abs(dy)); const xx = x + dx; const yy = y + dy; if (xx >= 0 && xx < this.size && yy >= 0 && yy < this.size) { this.setFunctionModule(xx, yy, dist !== 2 && dist !== 4); } } } } // Draws a 5*5 alignment pattern, with the center module // at (x, y). All modules must be in bounds. drawAlignmentPattern(x, y) { for (let dy = -2; dy <= 2; dy++) { for (let dx = -2; dx <= 2; dx++) { this.setFunctionModule(x + dx, y + dy, Math.max(Math.abs(dx), Math.abs(dy)) !== 1); } } } // Sets the color of a module and marks it as a function module. // Only used by the constructor. Coordinates must be in bounds. setFunctionModule(x, y, isDark) { this.modules[y][x] = isDark; this.isFunction[y][x] = true; } /* -- Private helper methods for constructor: Codewords and masking -- */ // Returns a new byte string representing the given data with the appropriate error correction // codewords appended to it, based on this object's version and error correction level. addEccAndInterleave(data) { const ver = this.version; const ecl = this.errorCorrectionLevel; if (data.length !== QrCode2.getNumDataCodewords(ver, ecl)) { throw new RangeError("Invalid argument"); } const numBlocks = QrCode2.NUM_ERROR_CORRECTION_BLOCKS[ecl.ordinal][ver]; const blockEccLen = QrCode2.ECC_CODEWORDS_PER_BLOCK[ecl.ordinal][ver]; const rawCodewords = Math.floor(QrCode2.getNumRawDataModules(ver) / 8); const numShortBlocks = numBlocks - rawCodewords % numBlocks; const shortBlockLen = Math.floor(rawCodewords / numBlocks); const blocks = []; const rsDiv = QrCode2.reedSolomonComputeDivisor(blockEccLen); for (let i = 0, k = 0; i < numBlocks; i++) { const dat = data.slice(k, k + shortBlockLen - blockEccLen + (i < numShortBlocks ? 0 : 1)); k += dat.length; const ecc = QrCode2.reedSolomonComputeRemainder(dat, rsDiv); if (i < numShortBlocks) { dat.push(0); } blocks.push(dat.concat(ecc)); } const result = []; for (let i = 0; i < blocks[0].length; i++) { blocks.forEach((block, j) => { if (i !== shortBlockLen - blockEccLen || j >= numShortBlocks) { result.push(block[i]); } }); } return result; } // Draws the given sequence of 8-bit codewords (data and error correction) onto the entire // data area of this QR Code. Function modules need to be marked off before this is called. drawCodewords(data) { if (data.length !== Math.floor(QrCode2.getNumRawDataModules(this.version) / 8)) { throw new RangeError("Invalid argument"); } let i = 0; for (let right = this.size - 1; right >= 1; right -= 2) { if (right === 6) { right = 5; } for (let vert = 0; vert < this.size; vert++) { for (let j = 0; j < 2; j++) { const x = right - j; const upward = (right + 1 & 2) === 0; const y = upward ? this.size - 1 - vert : vert; if (!this.isFunction[y][x] && i < data.length * 8) { this.modules[y][x] = getBit(data[i >>> 3], 7 - (i & 7)); i++; } } } } } // XORs the codeword modules in this QR Code with the given mask pattern. // The function modules must be marked and the codeword bits must be drawn // before masking. Due to the arithmetic of XOR, calling applyMask() with // the same mask value a second time will undo the mask. A final well-formed // QR Code needs exactly one (not zero, two, etc.) mask applied. applyMask(mask) { if (mask < 0 || mask > 7) { throw new RangeError("Mask value out of range"); } for (let y = 0; y < this.size; y++) { for (let x = 0; x < this.size; x++) { let invert; switch (mask) { case 0: invert = (x + y) % 2 === 0; break; case 1: invert = y % 2 === 0; break; case 2: invert = x % 3 === 0; break; case 3: invert = (x + y) % 3 === 0; break; case 4: invert = (Math.floor(x / 3) + Math.floor(y / 2)) % 2 === 0; break; case 5: invert = x * y % 2 + x * y % 3 === 0; break; case 6: invert = (x * y % 2 + x * y % 3) % 2 === 0; break; case 7: invert = ((x + y) % 2 + x * y % 3) % 2 === 0; break; default: throw new Error("Unreachable"); } if (!this.isFunction[y][x] && invert) { this.modules[y][x] = !this.modules[y][x]; } } } } // Calculates and returns the penalty score based on state of this QR Code's current modules. // This is used by the automatic mask choice algorithm to find the mask pattern that yields the lowest score. getPenaltyScore() { let result = 0; for (let y = 0; y < this.size; y++) { let runColor = false; let runX = 0; const runHistory = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; for (let x = 0; x < this.size; x++) { if (this.modules[y][x] === runColor) { runX++; if (runX === 5) { result += QrCode2.PENALTY_N1; } else if (runX > 5) { result++; } } else { this.finderPenaltyAddHistory(runX, runHistory); if (!runColor) { result += this.finderPenaltyCountPatterns(runHistory) * QrCode2.PENALTY_N3; } runColor = this.modules[y][x]; runX = 1; } } result += this.finderPenaltyTerminateAndCount(runColor, runX, runHistory) * QrCode2.PENALTY_N3; } for (let x = 0; x < this.size; x++) { let runColor = false; let runY = 0; const runHistory = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; for (let y = 0; y < this.size; y++) { if (this.modules[y][x] === runColor) { runY++; if (runY === 5) { result += QrCode2.PENALTY_N1; } else if (runY > 5) { result++; } } else { this.finderPenaltyAddHistory(runY, runHistory); if (!runColor) { result += this.finderPenaltyCountPatterns(runHistory) * QrCode2.PENALTY_N3; } runColor = this.modules[y][x]; runY = 1; } } result += this.finderPenaltyTerminateAndCount(runColor, runY, runHistory) * QrCode2.PENALTY_N3; } for (let y = 0; y < this.size - 1; y++) { for (let x = 0; x < this.size - 1; x++) { const color = this.modules[y][x]; if (color === this.modules[y][x + 1] && color === this.modules[y + 1][x] && color === this.modules[y + 1][x + 1]) { result += QrCode2.PENALTY_N2; } } } let dark = 0; for (const row of this.modules) { dark = row.reduce((sum, color) => sum + (color ? 1 : 0), dark); } const total = this.size * this.size; const k = Math.ceil(Math.abs(dark * 20 - total * 10) / total) - 1; result += k * QrCode2.PENALTY_N4; return result; } /* -- Private helper functions -- */ // Returns an ascending list of positions of alignment patterns for this version number. // Each position is in the range [0,177), and are used on both the x and y axes. // This could be implemented as lookup table of 40 variable-length lists of integers. getAlignmentPatternPositions() { if (this.version === 1) { return []; } else { const numAlign = Math.floor(this.version / 7) + 2; const step = this.version === 32 ? 26 : Math.ceil((this.version * 4 + 4) / (numAlign * 2 - 2)) * 2; const result = [6]; for (let pos = this.size - 7; result.length < numAlign; pos -= step) { result.splice(1, 0, pos); } return result; } } // Returns the number of data bits that can be stored in a QR Code of the given version number, after // all function modules are excluded. This includes remainder bits, so it might not be a multiple of 8. // The result is in the range [208, 29648]. This could be implemented as a 40-entry lookup table. static getNumRawDataModules(ver) { if (ver < QrCode2.MIN_VERSION || ver > QrCode2.MAX_VERSION) { throw new RangeError("Version number out of range"); } let result = (16 * ver + 128) * ver + 64; if (ver >= 2) { const numAlign = Math.floor(ver / 7) + 2; result -= (25 * numAlign - 10) * numAlign - 55; if (ver >= 7) { result -= 36; } } return result; } // Returns the number of 8-bit data (i.e. not error correction) codewords contained in any // QR Code of the given version number and error correction level, with remainder bits discarded. // This stateless pure function could be implemented as a (40*4)-cell lookup table. static getNumDataCodewords(ver, ecl) { return Math.floor(QrCode2.getNumRawDataModules(ver) / 8) - QrCode2.ECC_CODEWORDS_PER_BLOCK[ecl.ordinal][ver] * QrCode2.NUM_ERROR_CORRECTION_BLOCKS[ecl.ordinal][ver]; } // Returns a Reed-Solomon ECC generator polynomial for the given degree. This could be // implemented as a lookup table over all possible parameter values, instead of as an algorithm. static reedSolomonComputeDivisor(degree) { if (degree < 1 || degree > 255) { throw new RangeError("Degree out of range"); } const result = []; for (let i = 0; i < degree - 1; i++) { result.push(0); } result.push(1); let root2 = 1; for (let i = 0; i < degree; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < result.length; j++) { result[j] = QrCode2.reedSolomonMultiply(result[j], root2); if (j + 1 < result.length) { result[j] ^= result[j + 1]; } } root2 = QrCode2.reedSolomonMultiply(root2, 2); } return result; } // Returns the Reed-Solomon error correction codeword for the given data and divisor polynomials. static reedSolomonComputeRemainder(data, divisor) { const result = divisor.map((_) => 0); for (const b of data) { const factor = b ^ result.shift(); result.push(0); divisor.forEach((coef, i) => result[i] ^= QrCode2.reedSolomonMultiply(coef, factor)); } return result; } // Returns the product of the two given field elements modulo GF(2^8/0x11D). The arguments and result // are unsigned 8-bit integers. This could be implemented as a lookup table of 256*256 entries of uint8. static reedSolomonMultiply(x, y) { if (x >>> 8 !== 0 || y >>> 8 !== 0) { throw new RangeError("Byte out of range"); } let z = 0; for (let i = 7; i >= 0; i--) { z = z << 1 ^ (z >>> 7) * 285; z ^= (y >>> i & 1) * x; } return z; } // Can only be called immediately after a light run is added, and // returns either 0, 1, or 2. A helper function for getPenaltyScore(). finderPenaltyCountPatterns(runHistory) { const n = runHistory[1]; const core = n > 0 && runHistory[2] === n && runHistory[3] === n * 3 && runHistory[4] === n && runHistory[5] === n; return (core && runHistory[0] >= n * 4 && runHistory[6] >= n ? 1 : 0) + (core && runHistory[6] >= n * 4 && runHistory[0] >= n ? 1 : 0); } // Must be called at the end of a line (row or column) of modules. A helper function for getPenaltyScore(). finderPenaltyTerminateAndCount(currentRunColor, currentRunLength, runHistory) { if (currentRunColor) { this.finderPenaltyAddHistory(currentRunLength, runHistory); currentRunLength = 0; } currentRunLength += this.size; this.finderPenaltyAddHistory(currentRunLength, runHistory); return this.finderPenaltyCountPatterns(runHistory); } // Pushes the given value to the front and drops the last value. A helper function for getPenaltyScore(). finderPenaltyAddHistory(currentRunLength, runHistory) { if (runHistory[0] === 0) { currentRunLength += this.size; } runHistory.pop(); runHistory.unshift(currentRunLength); } } QrCode2.MIN_VERSION = 1; QrCode2.MAX_VERSION = 40; QrCode2.PENALTY_N1 = 3; QrCode2.PENALTY_N2 = 3; QrCode2.PENALTY_N3 = 40; QrCode2.PENALTY_N4 = 10; QrCode2.ECC_CODEWORDS_PER_BLOCK = [ // Version: (note that index 0 is for padding, and is set to an illegal value) // 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40 Error correction level [-1, 7, 10, 15, 20, 26, 18, 20, 24, 30, 18, 20, 24, 26, 30, 22, 24, 28, 30, 28, 28, 28, 28, 30, 30, 26, 28, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30], // Low [-1, 10, 16, 26, 18, 24, 16, 18, 22, 22, 26, 30, 22, 22, 24, 24, 28, 28, 26, 26, 26, 26, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28], // Medium [-1, 13, 22, 18, 26, 18, 24, 18, 22, 20, 24, 28, 26, 24, 20, 30, 24, 28, 28, 26, 30, 28, 30, 30, 30, 30, 28, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30], // Quartile [-1, 17, 28, 22, 16, 22, 28, 26, 26, 24, 28, 24, 28, 22, 24, 24, 30, 28, 28, 26, 28, 30, 24, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30] // High ]; QrCode2.NUM_ERROR_CORRECTION_BLOCKS = [ // Version: (note that index 0 is for padding, and is set to an illegal value) // 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40 Error correction level [-1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 12, 12, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25], // Low [-1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 17, 18, 20, 21, 23, 25, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 38, 40, 43, 45, 47, 49], // Medium [-1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 6, 6, 8, 8, 8, 10, 12, 16, 12, 17, 16, 18, 21, 20, 23, 23, 25, 27, 29, 34, 34, 35, 38, 40, 43, 45, 48, 51, 53, 56, 59, 62, 65, 68], // Quartile [-1, 1, 1, 2, 4, 4, 4, 5, 6, 8, 8, 11, 11, 16, 16, 18, 16, 19, 21, 25, 25, 25, 34, 30, 32, 35, 37, 40, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60, 63, 66, 70, 74, 77, 81] // High ]; qrcodegen2.QrCode = QrCode2; function appendBits(val, len2, bb) { if (len2 < 0 || len2 > 31 || val >>> len2 !== 0) { throw new RangeError("Value out of range"); } for (let i = len2 - 1; i >= 0; i--) { bb.push(val >>> i & 1); } } function getBit(x, i) { return (x >>> i & 1) !== 0; } class QrSegment { /* -- Static factory functions (mid level) -- */ // Returns a segment representing the given binary data encoded in // byte mode. All input byte arrays are acceptable. Any text string // can be converted to UTF-8 bytes and encoded as a byte mode segment. static makeBytes(data) { const bb = []; for (const b of data) { appendBits(b, 8, bb); } return new QrSegment(QrSegment.Mode.BYTE, data.length, bb); } // Returns a segment representing the given string of decimal digits encoded in numeric mode. static makeNumeric(digits) { if (!QrSegment.isNumeric(digits)) { throw new RangeError("String contains non-numeric characters"); } const bb = []; for (let i = 0; i < digits.length; ) { const n = Math.min(digits.length - i, 3); appendBits(parseInt(digits.substr(i, n), 10), n * 3 + 1, bb); i += n; } return new QrSegment(QrSegment.Mode.NUMERIC, digits.length, bb); } // Returns a segment representing the given text string encoded in alphanumeric mode. // The characters allowed are: 0 to 9, A to Z (uppercase only), space, // dollar, percent, asterisk, plus, hyphen, period, slash, colon. static makeAlphanumeric(text2) { if (!QrSegment.isAlphanumeric(text2)) { throw new RangeError("String contains unencodable characters in alphanumeric mode"); } const bb = []; let i; for (i = 0; i + 2 <= text2.length; i += 2) { let temp = QrSegment.ALPHANUMERIC_CHARSET.indexOf(text2.charAt(i)) * 45; temp += QrSegment.ALPHANUMERIC_CHARSET.indexOf(text2.charAt(i + 1)); appendBits(temp, 11, bb); } if (i < text2.length) { appendBits(QrSegment.ALPHANUMERIC_CHARSET.indexOf(text2.charAt(i)), 6, bb); } return new QrSegment(QrSegment.Mode.ALPHANUMERIC, text2.length, bb); } // Returns a new mutable list of zero or more segments to represent the given Unicode text string. // The result may use various segment modes and switch modes to optimize the length of the bit stream. static makeSegments(text2) { if (text2 === "") { return []; } else if (QrSegment.isNumeric(text2)) { return [QrSegment.makeNumeric(text2)]; } else if (QrSegment.isAlphanumeric(text2)) { return [QrSegment.makeAlphanumeric(text2)]; } else { return [QrSegment.makeBytes(QrSegment.toUtf8ByteArray(text2))]; } } // Returns a segment representing an Extended Channel Interpretation // (ECI) designator with the given assignment value. static makeEci(assignVal) { const bb = []; if (assignVal < 0) { throw new RangeError("ECI assignment value out of range"); } else if (assignVal < 1 << 7) { appendBits(assignVal, 8, bb); } else if (assignVal < 1 << 14) { appendBits(2, 2, bb); appendBits(assignVal, 14, bb); } else if (assignVal < 1e6) { appendBits(6, 3, bb); appendBits(assignVal, 21, bb); } else { throw new RangeError("ECI assignment value out of range"); } return new QrSegment(QrSegment.Mode.ECI, 0, bb); } // Tests whether the given string can be encoded as a segment in numeric mode. // A string is encodable iff each character is in the range 0 to 9. static isNumeric(text2) { return QrSegment.NUMERIC_REGEX.test(text2); } // Tests whether the given string can be encoded as a segment in alphanumeric mode. // A string is encodable iff each character is in the following set: 0 to 9, A to Z // (uppercase only), space, dollar, percent, asterisk, plus, hyphen, period, slash, colon. static isAlphanumeric(text2) { return QrSegment.ALPHANUMERIC_REGEX.test(text2); } /* -- Constructor (low level) and fields -- */ // Creates a new QR Code segment with the given attributes and data. // The character count (numChars) must agree with the mode and the bit buffer length, // but the constraint isn't checked. The given bit buffer is cloned and stored. constructor(mode, numChars, bitData) { this.mode = mode; this.numChars = numChars; this.bitData = bitData; if (numChars < 0) { throw new RangeError("Invalid argument"); } this.bitData = bitData.slice(); } /* -- Methods -- */ // Returns a new copy of the data bits of this segment. getData() { return this.bitData.slice(); } // (Package-private) Calculates and returns the number of bits needed to encode the given segments at // the given version. The result is infinity if a segment has too many characters to fit its length field. static getTotalBits(segs, version2) { let result = 0; for (const seg of segs) { const ccbits = seg.mode.numCharCountBits(version2); if (seg.numChars >= 1 << ccbits) { return Infinity; } result += 4 + ccbits + seg.bitData.length; } return result; } // Returns a new array of bytes representing the given string encoded in UTF-8. static toUtf8ByteArray(str) { str = encodeURI(str); const result = []; for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { if (str.charAt(i) !== "%") { result.push(str.charCodeAt(i)); } else { result.push(parseInt(str.substr(i + 1, 2), 16)); i += 2; } } return result; } } QrSegment.NUMERIC_REGEX = /^[0-9]*$/; QrSegment.ALPHANUMERIC_REGEX = /^[A-Z0-9 $%*+./:-]*$/; QrSegment.ALPHANUMERIC_CHARSET = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ $%*+-./:"; qrcodegen2.QrSegment = QrSegment; })(qrcodegen || (qrcodegen = {})); (function(qrcodegen2) { (function(QrCode2) { class Ecc { /* -- Constructor and fields -- */ constructor(ordinal, formatBits) { this.ordinal = ordinal; this.formatBits = formatBits; } } Ecc.LOW = new Ecc(0, 1); Ecc.MEDIUM = new Ecc(1, 0); Ecc.QUARTILE = new Ecc(2, 3); Ecc.HIGH = new Ecc(3, 2); QrCode2.Ecc = Ecc; })(qrcodegen2.QrCode || (qrcodegen2.QrCode = {})); })(qrcodegen || (qrcodegen = {})); (function(qrcodegen2) { (function(QrSegment) { class Mode { /* -- Constructor and fields -- */ constructor(modeBits, numBitsCharCount) { this.modeBits = modeBits; this.numBitsCharCount = numBitsCharCount; } /* -- Method -- */ // (Package-private) Returns the bit width of the character count field for a segment in // this mode in a QR Code at the given version number. The result is in the range [0, 16]. numCharCountBits(ver) { return this.numBitsCharCount[Math.floor((ver + 7) / 17)]; } } Mode.NUMERIC = new Mode(1, [10, 12, 14]); Mode.ALPHANUMERIC = new Mode(2, [9, 11, 13]); Mode.BYTE = new Mode(4, [8, 16, 16]); Mode.KANJI = new Mode(8, [8, 10, 12]); Mode.ECI = new Mode(7, [0, 0, 0]); QrSegment.Mode = Mode; })(qrcodegen2.QrSegment || (qrcodegen2.QrSegment = {})); })(qrcodegen || (qrcodegen = {})); const ERROR_CORRECTION_LEVEL = { L: qrcodegen.QrCode.Ecc.LOW, M: qrcodegen.QrCode.Ecc.MEDIUM, Q: qrcodegen.QrCode.Ecc.QUARTILE, H: qrcodegen.QrCode.Ecc.HIGH }; const qrCodeProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { value: String, color: { type: String, default: "#000" }, backgroundColor: { type: String, default: "#FFF" }, iconSrc: String, iconSize: { type: Number, default: 40 }, iconBackgroundColor: { type: String, default: "#FFF" }, iconBorderRadius: { type: Number, default: 4 }, size: { type: Number, default: 100 }, padding: { type: [Number, String], default: 12 }, errorCorrectionLevel: { type: String, default: "M" }, type: { type: String, default: "canvas" } }); const UPSCALE_RATIO = 2; const QrCode = vue.defineComponent({ name: "QrCode", props: qrCodeProps, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("QrCode", "-qr-code", style$p, themeLight$1, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { return { "--n-border-radius": themeRef.value.self.borderRadius }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("qr-code", void 0, cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; const canvasRef = vue.ref(); const qr = vue.computed(() => { var _a; const errorCorrectionLevel = ERROR_CORRECTION_LEVEL[props.errorCorrectionLevel]; return qrcodegen.QrCode.encodeText((_a = props.value) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : "-", errorCorrectionLevel); }); vue.onMounted(() => { const imageLoadedTrigger = vue.ref(0); let loadedIcon = null; vue.watchEffect(() => { if (props.type === "svg") return; void imageLoadedTrigger.value; drawCanvas(qr.value, props.size, props.color, props.backgroundColor, loadedIcon ? { icon: loadedIcon, iconBorderRadius: props.iconBorderRadius, iconSize: props.iconSize, iconBackgroundColor: props.iconBackgroundColor } : null); }); vue.watchEffect(() => { if (props.type === "svg") return; const { iconSrc } = props; if (iconSrc) { let aborted = false; const img = new Image(); img.src = iconSrc; img.onload = () => { if (aborted) return; loadedIcon = img; imageLoadedTrigger.value++; }; return () => { aborted = true; }; } }); }); function drawCanvas(qr2, size2, foregroundColor, backgroundColor, iconConfig) { const canvas = canvasRef.value; if (!canvas) return; const canvasWidth = size2 * UPSCALE_RATIO; const width = qr2.size; const scale = canvasWidth / width; canvas.width = canvasWidth; canvas.height = canvasWidth; const ctx2 = canvas.getContext("2d"); if (!ctx2) return; ctx2.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); for (let y = 0; y < qr2.size; y++) { for (let x = 0; x < qr2.size; x++) { ctx2.fillStyle = qr2.getModule(x, y) ? foregroundColor : backgroundColor; const startX = Math.floor(x * scale); const endX = Math.ceil((x + 1) * scale); const startY = Math.floor(y * scale); const endY = Math.ceil((y + 1) * scale); ctx2.fillRect(startX, startY, endX - startX, endY - startY); } } if (iconConfig) { const { icon, iconBackgroundColor, iconBorderRadius, iconSize } = iconConfig; const finalIconSize = iconSize * UPSCALE_RATIO; const centerX = (canvas.width - finalIconSize) / 2; const centerY = (canvas.height - finalIconSize) / 2; ctx2.fillStyle = iconBackgroundColor; ctx2.beginPath(); ctx2.roundRect(centerX, centerY, finalIconSize, finalIconSize, iconBorderRadius * UPSCALE_RATIO); ctx2.fill(); const aspectRatio = icon.width / icon.height; const scaledWidth = aspectRatio >= 1 ? finalIconSize : finalIconSize * aspectRatio; const scaledHeight = aspectRatio <= 1 ? finalIconSize : finalIconSize / aspectRatio; const left = centerX + (finalIconSize - scaledWidth) / 2; const top = centerY + (finalIconSize - scaledHeight) / 2; ctx2.drawImage(icon, left, top, scaledWidth, scaledHeight); } } function generatePath(modules, margin = 0) { const ops = []; modules.forEach(function(row, y) { let start = null; row.forEach(function(cell, x) { if (!cell && start !== null) { ops.push(`M${start + margin} ${y + margin}h${x - start}v1H${start + margin}z`); start = null; return; } if (x === row.length - 1) { if (!cell) { return; } if (start === null) { ops.push(`M${x + margin},${y + margin} h1v1H${x + margin}z`); } else { ops.push(`M${start + margin},${y + margin} h${x + 1 - start}v1H${start + margin}z`); } return; } if (cell && start === null) { start = x; } }); }); return ops.join(""); } function svgInfo(qr2, size2, iconConfig) { const cells = qr2.getModules(); const numCells = cells.length; const cellsToDraw = cells; let svgInnerHtml = ""; const path1Html = ``; const path2Html = ``; let iconHtml = ""; if (iconConfig) { const { iconSrc, iconSize } = iconConfig; const DEFAULT_IMG_SCALE = 0.1; const defaultSize = Math.floor(size2 * DEFAULT_IMG_SCALE); const scale = numCells / size2; const h2 = (iconSize || defaultSize) * scale; const w = (iconSize || defaultSize) * scale; const x = cells.length / 2 - w / 2; const y = cells.length / 2 - h2 / 2; iconHtml += ``; } svgInnerHtml += path1Html; svgInnerHtml += path2Html; svgInnerHtml += iconHtml; return { innerHtml: svgInnerHtml, numCells }; } const svgInfoRef = vue.computed(() => svgInfo(qr.value, props.size, props.iconSrc ? { iconSrc: props.iconSrc, iconBorderRadius: props.iconBorderRadius, iconSize: props.iconSize, iconBackgroundColor: props.iconBackgroundColor } : null)); return { canvasRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, svgInfo: svgInfoRef }; }, render() { const { mergedClsPrefix, backgroundColor, padding, cssVars, themeClass, size: size2, type } = this; return vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-qr-code`, themeClass], style: Object.assign({ padding: typeof padding === "number" ? `${padding}px` : padding, backgroundColor, width: `${size2}px`, height: `${size2}px` }, cssVars) }, type === "canvas" ? vue.h("canvas", { ref: "canvasRef", style: { width: `${size2}px`, height: `${size2}px` } }) : vue.h("svg", { height: size2, width: size2, viewBox: `0 0 ${this.svgInfo.numCells} ${this.svgInfo.numCells}`, role: "img", innerHTML: this.svgInfo.innerHtml })); } }); const StarIcon = vue.h("svg", { viewBox: "0 0 512 512" }, vue.h("path", { d: "M394 480a16 16 0 01-9.39-3L256 383.76 127.39 477a16 16 0 01-24.55-18.08L153 310.35 23 221.2a16 16 0 019-29.2h160.38l48.4-148.95a16 16 0 0130.44 0l48.4 149H480a16 16 0 019.05 29.2L359 310.35l50.13 148.53A16 16 0 01394 480z" })); const style$o = cB("rate", { display: "inline-flex", flexWrap: "nowrap" }, [c$1("&:hover", [cE("item", ` transition: transform .1s var(--n-bezier), color .3s var(--n-bezier); `)]), cE("item", ` position: relative; display: flex; transition: transform .1s var(--n-bezier), color .3s var(--n-bezier); transform: scale(1); font-size: var(--n-item-size); color: var(--n-item-color); `, [c$1("&:not(:first-child)", ` margin-left: 6px; `), cM("active", ` color: var(--n-item-color-active); `)]), cNotM("readonly", ` cursor: pointer; `, [cE("item", [c$1("&:hover", ` transform: scale(1.05); `), c$1("&:active", ` transform: scale(0.96); `)])]), cE("half", ` display: flex; transition: inherit; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; bottom: 0; width: 50%; overflow: hidden; color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); `, [cM("active", ` color: var(--n-item-color-active); `)])]); const rateProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { allowHalf: Boolean, count: { type: Number, default: 5 }, value: Number, defaultValue: { type: Number, default: null }, readonly: Boolean, size: { type: [String, Number], default: "medium" }, clearable: Boolean, color: String, onClear: Function, "onUpdate:value": [Function, Array], onUpdateValue: [Function, Array] }); const Rate = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Rate", props: rateProps, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Rate", "-rate", style$o, themeLight$4, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const controlledValueRef = vue.toRef(props, "value"); const uncontrolledValueRef = vue.ref(props.defaultValue); const hoverIndexRef = vue.ref(null); const formItem = useFormItem(props); const mergedValue = useMergedState(controlledValueRef, uncontrolledValueRef); function doUpdateValue(value) { const { "onUpdate:value": _onUpdateValue, onUpdateValue } = props; const { nTriggerFormChange, nTriggerFormInput } = formItem; if (_onUpdateValue) { call(_onUpdateValue, value); } if (onUpdateValue) { call(onUpdateValue, value); } uncontrolledValueRef.value = value; nTriggerFormChange(); nTriggerFormInput(); } function getDerivedValue(index, e) { if (props.allowHalf) { if (e.offsetX >= Math.floor(e.currentTarget.offsetWidth / 2)) { return index + 1; } else { return index + 0.5; } } else { return index + 1; } } let cleared = false; function handleMouseMove(index, e) { if (cleared) return; hoverIndexRef.value = getDerivedValue(index, e); } function handleMouseLeave() { hoverIndexRef.value = null; } function handleClick2(index, e) { var _a; const { clearable } = props; const derivedValue = getDerivedValue(index, e); if (clearable && derivedValue === mergedValue.value) { cleared = true; (_a = props.onClear) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props); hoverIndexRef.value = null; doUpdateValue(null); } else { doUpdateValue(derivedValue); } } function handleMouseEnterSomeStar() { cleared = false; } const mergedSizeRef = vue.computed(() => { const { size: size2 } = props; const { self: self2 } = themeRef.value; if (typeof size2 === "number") { return `${size2}px`; } else { return self2[createKey("size", size2)]; } }); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: self2 } = themeRef.value; const { itemColor, itemColorActive } = self2; const { color } = props; return { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-item-color": itemColor, "--n-item-color-active": color || itemColorActive, "--n-item-size": mergedSizeRef.value }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("rate", vue.computed(() => { const size2 = mergedSizeRef.value; const { color } = props; let hash = ""; if (size2) { hash += size2[0]; } if (color) { hash += color2Class(color); } return hash; }), cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedValue, hoverIndex: hoverIndexRef, handleMouseMove, handleClick: handleClick2, handleMouseLeave, handleMouseEnterSomeStar, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }; }, render() { const { readonly: readonly2, hoverIndex, mergedValue, mergedClsPrefix, onRender, $slots: { default: defaultSlot } } = this; onRender === null || onRender === void 0 ? void 0 : onRender(); return vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-rate`, { [`${mergedClsPrefix}-rate--readonly`]: readonly2 }, this.themeClass], style: this.cssVars, onMouseleave: this.handleMouseLeave }, vue.renderList(this.count, (_, index) => { const icon = defaultSlot ? defaultSlot({ index }) : vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix }, { default: () => StarIcon }); const entireStarActive = hoverIndex !== null ? index + 1 <= hoverIndex : index + 1 <= (mergedValue || 0); return vue.h("div", { key: index, class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-rate__item`, entireStarActive && `${mergedClsPrefix}-rate__item--active`], onClick: readonly2 ? void 0 : (e) => { this.handleClick(index, e); }, onMouseenter: this.handleMouseEnterSomeStar, onMousemove: readonly2 ? void 0 : (e) => { this.handleMouseMove(index, e); } }, icon, this.allowHalf ? vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-rate__half`, { [`${mergedClsPrefix}-rate__half--active`]: !entireStarActive && hoverIndex !== null ? index + 0.5 <= hoverIndex : index + 0.5 <= (mergedValue || 0) }] }, icon) : null); })); } }); const image404 = vue.h("svg", { xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", viewBox: "0 0 36 36" }, vue.h("circle", { fill: "#FFCB4C", cx: "18", cy: "17.018", r: "17" }), vue.h("path", { fill: "#65471B", d: "M14.524 21.036c-.145-.116-.258-.274-.312-.464-.134-.46.13-.918.59-1.021 4.528-1.021 7.577 1.363 7.706 1.465.384.306.459.845.173 1.205-.286.358-.828.401-1.211.097-.11-.084-2.523-1.923-6.182-1.098-.274.061-.554-.016-.764-.184z" }), vue.h("ellipse", { fill: "#65471B", cx: "13.119", cy: "11.174", rx: "2.125", ry: "2.656" }), vue.h("ellipse", { fill: "#65471B", cx: "24.375", cy: "12.236", rx: "2.125", ry: "2.656" }), vue.h("path", { fill: "#F19020", d: "M17.276 35.149s1.265-.411 1.429-1.352c.173-.972-.624-1.167-.624-1.167s1.041-.208 1.172-1.376c.123-1.101-.861-1.363-.861-1.363s.97-.4 1.016-1.539c.038-.959-.995-1.428-.995-1.428s5.038-1.221 5.556-1.341c.516-.12 1.32-.615 1.069-1.694-.249-1.08-1.204-1.118-1.697-1.003-.494.115-6.744 1.566-8.9 2.068l-1.439.334c-.54.127-.785-.11-.404-.512.508-.536.833-1.129.946-2.113.119-1.035-.232-2.313-.433-2.809-.374-.921-1.005-1.649-1.734-1.899-1.137-.39-1.945.321-1.542 1.561.604 1.854.208 3.375-.833 4.293-2.449 2.157-3.588 3.695-2.83 6.973.828 3.575 4.377 5.876 7.952 5.048l3.152-.681z" }), vue.h("path", { fill: "#65471B", d: "M9.296 6.351c-.164-.088-.303-.224-.391-.399-.216-.428-.04-.927.393-1.112 4.266-1.831 7.699-.043 7.843.034.433.231.608.747.391 1.154-.216.405-.74.546-1.173.318-.123-.063-2.832-1.432-6.278.047-.257.109-.547.085-.785-.042zm12.135 3.75c-.156-.098-.286-.243-.362-.424-.187-.442.023-.927.468-1.084 4.381-1.536 7.685.48 7.823.567.415.26.555.787.312 1.178-.242.39-.776.495-1.191.238-.12-.072-2.727-1.621-6.267-.379-.266.091-.553.046-.783-.096z" })); const image500 = vue.h("svg", { xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", viewBox: "0 0 36 36" }, vue.h("path", { fill: "#FFCC4D", d: "M36 18c0 9.941-8.059 18-18 18-9.94 0-18-8.059-18-18C0 8.06 8.06 0 18 0c9.941 0 18 8.06 18 18" }), vue.h("ellipse", { fill: "#664500", cx: "18", cy: "27", rx: "5", ry: "6" }), vue.h("path", { fill: "#664500", d: "M5.999 11c-.208 0-.419-.065-.599-.2-.442-.331-.531-.958-.2-1.4C8.462 5.05 12.816 5 13 5c.552 0 1 .448 1 1 0 .551-.445.998-.996 1-.155.002-3.568.086-6.204 3.6-.196.262-.497.4-.801.4zm24.002 0c-.305 0-.604-.138-.801-.4-2.64-3.521-6.061-3.598-6.206-3.6-.55-.006-.994-.456-.991-1.005C22.006 5.444 22.45 5 23 5c.184 0 4.537.05 7.8 4.4.332.442.242 1.069-.2 1.4-.18.135-.39.2-.599.2zm-16.087 4.5l1.793-1.793c.391-.391.391-1.023 0-1.414s-1.023-.391-1.414 0L12.5 14.086l-1.793-1.793c-.391-.391-1.023-.391-1.414 0s-.391 1.023 0 1.414l1.793 1.793-1.793 1.793c-.391.391-.391 1.023 0 1.414.195.195.451.293.707.293s.512-.098.707-.293l1.793-1.793 1.793 1.793c.195.195.451.293.707.293s.512-.098.707-.293c.391-.391.391-1.023 0-1.414L13.914 15.5zm11 0l1.793-1.793c.391-.391.391-1.023 0-1.414s-1.023-.391-1.414 0L23.5 14.086l-1.793-1.793c-.391-.391-1.023-.391-1.414 0s-.391 1.023 0 1.414l1.793 1.793-1.793 1.793c-.391.391-.391 1.023 0 1.414.195.195.451.293.707.293s.512-.098.707-.293l1.793-1.793 1.793 1.793c.195.195.451.293.707.293s.512-.098.707-.293c.391-.391.391-1.023 0-1.414L24.914 15.5z" })); const image418 = vue.h("svg", { xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", viewBox: "0 0 36 36" }, vue.h("ellipse", { fill: "#292F33", cx: "18", cy: "26", rx: "18", ry: "10" }), vue.h("ellipse", { fill: "#66757F", cx: "18", cy: "24", rx: "18", ry: "10" }), vue.h("path", { fill: "#E1E8ED", d: "M18 31C3.042 31 1 16 1 12h34c0 2-1.958 19-17 19z" }), vue.h("path", { fill: "#77B255", d: "M35 12.056c0 5.216-7.611 9.444-17 9.444S1 17.271 1 12.056C1 6.84 8.611 3.611 18 3.611s17 3.229 17 8.445z" }), vue.h("ellipse", { fill: "#A6D388", cx: "18", cy: "13", rx: "15", ry: "7" }), vue.h("path", { d: "M21 17c-.256 0-.512-.098-.707-.293-2.337-2.337-2.376-4.885-.125-8.262.739-1.109.9-2.246.478-3.377-.461-1.236-1.438-1.996-1.731-2.077-.553 0-.958-.443-.958-.996 0-.552.491-.995 1.043-.995.997 0 2.395 1.153 3.183 2.625 1.034 1.933.91 4.039-.351 5.929-1.961 2.942-1.531 4.332-.125 5.738.391.391.391 1.023 0 1.414-.195.196-.451.294-.707.294zm-6-2c-.256 0-.512-.098-.707-.293-2.337-2.337-2.376-4.885-.125-8.262.727-1.091.893-2.083.494-2.947-.444-.961-1.431-1.469-1.684-1.499-.552 0-.989-.447-.989-1 0-.552.458-1 1.011-1 .997 0 2.585.974 3.36 2.423.481.899 1.052 2.761-.528 5.131-1.961 2.942-1.531 4.332-.125 5.738.391.391.391 1.023 0 1.414-.195.197-.451.295-.707.295z", fill: "#5C913B" })); const image403 = vue.h("svg", { xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", viewBox: "0 0 36 36" }, vue.h("path", { fill: "#EF9645", d: "M15.5 2.965c1.381 0 2.5 1.119 2.5 2.5v.005L20.5.465c1.381 0 2.5 1.119 2.5 2.5V4.25l2.5-1.535c1.381 0 2.5 1.119 2.5 2.5V8.75L29 18H15.458L15.5 2.965z" }), vue.h("path", { fill: "#FFDC5D", d: "M4.625 16.219c1.381-.611 3.354.208 4.75 2.188.917 1.3 1.187 3.151 2.391 3.344.46.073 1.234-.313 1.234-1.397V4.5s0-2 2-2 2 2 2 2v11.633c0-.029 1-.064 1-.082V2s0-2 2-2 2 2 2 2v14.053c0 .017 1 .041 1 .069V4.25s0-2 2-2 2 2 2 2v12.638c0 .118 1 .251 1 .398V8.75s0-2 2-2 2 2 2 2V24c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12-4.775 0-8.06-2.598-9.896-5.292C8.547 28.423 8.096 26.051 8 25.334c0 0-.123-1.479-1.156-2.865-1.469-1.969-2.5-3.156-3.125-3.866-.317-.359-.625-1.707.906-2.384z" })); const style$n = cB("result", ` color: var(--n-text-color); line-height: var(--n-line-height); font-size: var(--n-font-size); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [cB("result-icon", ` display: flex; justify-content: center; transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [cE("status-image", ` font-size: var(--n-icon-size); width: 1em; height: 1em; `), cB("base-icon", ` color: var(--n-icon-color); font-size: var(--n-icon-size); `)]), cB("result-content", { marginTop: "24px" }), cB("result-footer", ` margin-top: 24px; text-align: center; `), cB("result-header", [cE("title", ` margin-top: 16px; font-weight: var(--n-title-font-weight); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); text-align: center; color: var(--n-title-text-color); font-size: var(--n-title-font-size); `), cE("description", ` margin-top: 4px; text-align: center; font-size: var(--n-font-size); `)])]); const iconRenderMap = { 403: () => image403, 404: () => image404, 418: () => image418, 500: () => image500, info: () => vue.h(InfoIcon, null), success: () => vue.h(SuccessIcon, null), warning: () => vue.h(WarningIcon, null), error: () => vue.h(ErrorIcon, null) }; const resultProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { size: { type: String, default: "medium" }, status: { type: String, default: "info" }, title: String, description: String }); const Result = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Result", props: resultProps, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Result", "-result", style$n, resultLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { size: size2, status } = props; const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: { textColor, lineHeight: lineHeight2, titleTextColor, titleFontWeight, [createKey("iconColor", status)]: iconColor, [createKey("fontSize", size2)]: fontSize2, [createKey("titleFontSize", size2)]: titleFontSize, [createKey("iconSize", size2)]: iconSize } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-font-size": fontSize2, "--n-icon-size": iconSize, "--n-line-height": lineHeight2, "--n-text-color": textColor, "--n-title-font-size": titleFontSize, "--n-title-font-weight": titleFontWeight, "--n-title-text-color": titleTextColor, "--n-icon-color": iconColor || "" }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("result", vue.computed(() => { const { size: size2, status } = props; let hash = ""; if (size2) { hash += size2[0]; } if (status) { hash += status[0]; } return hash; }), cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }; }, render() { var _a; const { status, $slots, mergedClsPrefix, onRender } = this; onRender === null || onRender === void 0 ? void 0 : onRender(); return vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-result`, this.themeClass], style: this.cssVars }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-result-icon` }, ((_a = $slots.icon) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call($slots)) || vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix }, { default: () => iconRenderMap[status]() })), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-result-header` }, this.title ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-result-header__title` }, this.title) : null, this.description ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-result-header__description` }, this.description) : null), $slots.default && vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-result-content` }, $slots), $slots.footer && vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-result-footer` }, $slots.footer())); } }); const scrollbarProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { trigger: String, xScrollable: Boolean, onScroll: Function, contentClass: String, contentStyle: [Object, String], size: Number }); const Scrollbar = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Scrollbar", props: scrollbarProps, setup() { const scrollbarInstRef = vue.ref(null); const exposedMethods = { scrollTo: (...args) => { var _a; (_a = scrollbarInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.scrollTo(args[0], args[1]); }, scrollBy: (...args) => { var _a; (_a = scrollbarInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.scrollBy(args[0], args[1]); } }; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, exposedMethods), { scrollbarInstRef }); }, render() { return vue.h(Scrollbar$2, Object.assign({ ref: "scrollbarInstRef" }, this.$props), this.$slots); } }); const Scrollbar$1 = Scrollbar; const self$2 = (vars) => { const { heightSmall, heightMedium, heightLarge, borderRadius } = vars; return { color: "#eee", colorEnd: "#ddd", borderRadius, heightSmall, heightMedium, heightLarge }; }; const skeletonLight = { name: "Skeleton", common: derived, self: self$2 }; const style$m = c$1([cB("skeleton", ` height: 1em; width: 100%; transition: --n-color-start .3s var(--n-bezier), --n-color-end .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); animation: 2s skeleton-loading infinite cubic-bezier(0.36, 0, 0.64, 1); background-color: var(--n-color-start); `), c$1("@keyframes skeleton-loading", ` 0% { background: var(--n-color-start); } 40% { background: var(--n-color-end); } 80% { background: var(--n-color-start); } 100% { background: var(--n-color-start); } `)]); const skeletonProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { text: Boolean, round: Boolean, circle: Boolean, height: [String, Number], width: [String, Number], size: String, repeat: { type: Number, default: 1 }, animated: { type: Boolean, default: true }, sharp: { type: Boolean, default: true } }); const Skeleton = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Skeleton", inheritAttrs: false, props: skeletonProps, setup(props) { useHoudini(); const { mergedClsPrefixRef } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Skeleton", "-skeleton", style$m, skeletonLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, style: vue.computed(() => { var _a, _b; const theme = themeRef.value; const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 } } = theme; const selfThemeVars = theme.self; const { color, colorEnd, borderRadius } = selfThemeVars; let sizeHeight; const { circle, sharp, round: round2, width, height, size: size2, text: text2, animated } = props; if (size2 !== void 0) { sizeHeight = selfThemeVars[createKey("height", size2)]; } const mergedWidth = circle ? (_a = width !== null && width !== void 0 ? width : height) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : sizeHeight : width; const mergedHeight = (_b = circle ? width !== null && width !== void 0 ? width : height : height) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : sizeHeight; return { display: text2 ? "inline-block" : "", verticalAlign: text2 ? "-0.125em" : "", borderRadius: circle ? "50%" : round2 ? "4096px" : sharp ? "" : borderRadius, width: typeof mergedWidth === "number" ? pxfy(mergedWidth) : mergedWidth, height: typeof mergedHeight === "number" ? pxfy(mergedHeight) : mergedHeight, animation: !animated ? "none" : "", "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-color-start": color, "--n-color-end": colorEnd }; }) }; }, render() { const { repeat: repeatProp, style: style2, mergedClsPrefix, $attrs } = this; const child = vue.h("div", vue.mergeProps({ class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-skeleton`, style: style2 }, $attrs)); if (repeatProp > 1) { return vue.h(vue.Fragment, null, repeat(repeatProp, null).map((_) => [child, "\n"])); } return child; } }); function isTouchEvent(e) { return window.TouchEvent && e instanceof window.TouchEvent; } function useRefs() { const refs = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const setRefs = (index) => (el) => { refs.set(index, el); }; vue.onBeforeUpdate(() => { refs.clear(); }); return [refs, setRefs]; } const style$l = c$1([cB("slider", ` display: block; padding: calc((var(--n-handle-size) - var(--n-rail-height)) / 2) 0; position: relative; z-index: 0; width: 100%; cursor: pointer; user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; `, [cM("reverse", [cB("slider-handles", [cB("slider-handle-wrapper", ` transform: translate(50%, -50%); 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bottom: calc(var(--n-handle-size) / 2); left: 22px; font-size: var(--n-mark-font-size); `, [cB("slider-mark", ` transform: translateY(50%); white-space: nowrap; `)]), cB("slider-dots", ` top: calc(var(--n-handle-size) / 2); right: unset; bottom: calc(var(--n-handle-size) / 2); left: 50%; `, [cB("slider-dot", ` transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(50%); `)])]), cM("disabled", ` cursor: not-allowed; opacity: var(--n-opacity-disabled); `, [cB("slider-handle", ` cursor: not-allowed; `)]), cM("with-mark", ` width: 100%; margin: 8px 0 32px 0; `), c$1("&:hover", [cB("slider-rail", { backgroundColor: "var(--n-rail-color-hover)" }, [cE("fill", { backgroundColor: "var(--n-fill-color-hover)" })]), cB("slider-handle", { boxShadow: "var(--n-handle-box-shadow-hover)" })]), cM("active", [cB("slider-rail", { backgroundColor: "var(--n-rail-color-hover)" }, [cE("fill", { backgroundColor: "var(--n-fill-color-hover)" })]), cB("slider-handle", { boxShadow: "var(--n-handle-box-shadow-hover)" })]), cB("slider-marks", ` position: absolute; top: 18px; left: calc(var(--n-handle-size) / 2); right: calc(var(--n-handle-size) / 2); `, [cB("slider-mark", ` position: absolute; transform: translateX(-50%); white-space: nowrap; `)]), cB("slider-rail", ` width: 100%; position: relative; height: var(--n-rail-height); background-color: var(--n-rail-color); transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); border-radius: calc(var(--n-rail-height) / 2); `, [cE("fill", ` position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; border-radius: calc(var(--n-rail-height) / 2); transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); background-color: var(--n-fill-color); `)]), cB("slider-handles", ` position: absolute; top: 0; right: calc(var(--n-handle-size) / 2); bottom: 0; left: calc(var(--n-handle-size) / 2); `, [cB("slider-handle-wrapper", ` outline: none; position: absolute; top: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); cursor: pointer; display: flex; `, [cB("slider-handle", ` height: var(--n-handle-size); width: var(--n-handle-size); border-radius: 50%; overflow: hidden; transition: box-shadow .2s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); background-color: var(--n-handle-color); box-shadow: var(--n-handle-box-shadow); `, [c$1("&:hover", ` box-shadow: var(--n-handle-box-shadow-hover); `)]), c$1("&:focus", [cB("slider-handle", ` box-shadow: var(--n-handle-box-shadow-focus); `, [c$1("&:hover", ` box-shadow: var(--n-handle-box-shadow-active); `)])])])]), cB("slider-dots", ` position: absolute; top: 50%; left: calc(var(--n-handle-size) / 2); right: calc(var(--n-handle-size) / 2); `, [cM("transition-disabled", [cB("slider-dot", "transition: none;")]), cB("slider-dot", ` transition: border-color .3s var(--n-bezier), box-shadow .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); position: absolute; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); height: var(--n-dot-height); width: var(--n-dot-width); border-radius: var(--n-dot-border-radius); overflow: hidden; box-sizing: border-box; border: var(--n-dot-border); background-color: var(--n-dot-color); `, [cM("active", "border: var(--n-dot-border-active);")])])]), cB("slider-handle-indicator", ` font-size: var(--n-font-size); padding: 6px 10px; border-radius: var(--n-indicator-border-radius); color: var(--n-indicator-text-color); background-color: var(--n-indicator-color); box-shadow: var(--n-indicator-box-shadow); `, [fadeInScaleUpTransition()]), cB("slider-handle-indicator", ` font-size: var(--n-font-size); padding: 6px 10px; border-radius: var(--n-indicator-border-radius); color: var(--n-indicator-text-color); background-color: var(--n-indicator-color); box-shadow: var(--n-indicator-box-shadow); `, [cM("top", ` margin-bottom: 12px; `), cM("right", ` margin-left: 12px; `), cM("bottom", ` margin-top: 12px; `), cM("left", ` margin-right: 12px; `), fadeInScaleUpTransition()]), insideModal(cB("slider", [cB("slider-dot", "background-color: var(--n-dot-color-modal);")])), insidePopover(cB("slider", [cB("slider-dot", "background-color: var(--n-dot-color-popover);")]))]); const eventButtonLeft = 0; const sliderProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { to: useAdjustedTo.propTo, defaultValue: { type: [Number, Array], default: 0 }, marks: Object, disabled: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, formatTooltip: Function, keyboard: { type: Boolean, default: true }, min: { type: Number, default: 0 }, max: { type: Number, default: 100 }, step: { type: [Number, String], default: 1 }, range: Boolean, value: [Number, Array], placement: String, showTooltip: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, tooltip: { type: Boolean, default: true }, vertical: Boolean, reverse: Boolean, "onUpdate:value": [Function, Array], onUpdateValue: [Function, Array], onDragstart: [Function], onDragend: [Function] }); const Slider = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Slider", props: sliderProps, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, namespaceRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Slider", "-slider", style$l, sliderLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const handleRailRef = vue.ref(null); const [handleRefs, setHandleRefs] = useRefs(); const [followerRefs, setFollowerRefs] = useRefs(); const followerEnabledIndexSetRef = vue.ref(/* @__PURE__ */ new Set()); const formItem = useFormItem(props); const { mergedDisabledRef } = formItem; const precisionRef = vue.computed(() => { const { step } = props; if (Number(step) <= 0 || step === "mark") return 0; const stepString = step.toString(); let precision = 0; if (stepString.includes(".")) { precision = stepString.length - stepString.indexOf(".") - 1; } return precision; }); const uncontrolledValueRef = vue.ref(props.defaultValue); const controlledValueRef = vue.toRef(props, "value"); const mergedValueRef = useMergedState(controlledValueRef, uncontrolledValueRef); const arrifiedValueRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value: mergedValue } = mergedValueRef; return (props.range ? mergedValue : [mergedValue]).map(clampValue2); }); const handleCountExceeds2Ref = vue.computed(() => arrifiedValueRef.value.length > 2); const mergedPlacementRef = vue.computed(() => { return props.placement === void 0 ? props.vertical ? "right" : "top" : props.placement; }); const markValuesRef = vue.computed(() => { const { marks } = props; return marks ? Object.keys(marks).map(parseFloat) : null; }); const activeIndexRef = vue.ref(-1); const previousIndexRef = vue.ref(-1); const hoverIndexRef = vue.ref(-1); const draggingRef = vue.ref(false); const dotTransitionDisabledRef = vue.ref(false); const styleDirectionRef = vue.computed(() => { const { vertical, reverse } = props; const left = reverse ? "right" : "left"; const bottom = reverse ? "top" : "bottom"; return vertical ? bottom : left; }); const fillStyleRef = vue.computed(() => { if (handleCountExceeds2Ref.value) return; const values = arrifiedValueRef.value; const start = valueToPercentage(props.range ? Math.min(...values) : props.min); const end = valueToPercentage(props.range ? Math.max(...values) : values[0]); const { value: styleDirection } = styleDirectionRef; return props.vertical ? { [styleDirection]: `${start}%`, height: `${end - start}%` } : { [styleDirection]: `${start}%`, width: `${end - start}%` }; }); const markInfosRef = vue.computed(() => { const mergedMarks = []; const { marks } = props; if (marks) { const orderValues = arrifiedValueRef.value.slice(); orderValues.sort((a2, b) => a2 - b); const { value: styleDirection } = styleDirectionRef; const { value: handleCountExceeds2 } = handleCountExceeds2Ref; const { range: range2 } = props; const isActive = handleCountExceeds2 ? () => false : (num) => range2 ? num >= orderValues[0] && num <= orderValues[orderValues.length - 1] : num <= orderValues[0]; for (const key of Object.keys(marks)) { const num = Number(key); mergedMarks.push({ active: isActive(num), label: marks[key], style: { [styleDirection]: `${valueToPercentage(num)}%` } }); } } return mergedMarks; }); function getHandleStyle(value, index) { const percentage = valueToPercentage(value); const { value: styleDirection } = styleDirectionRef; return { [styleDirection]: `${percentage}%`, zIndex: index === activeIndexRef.value ? 1 : 0 }; } function isShowTooltip(index) { return props.showTooltip || hoverIndexRef.value === index || activeIndexRef.value === index && draggingRef.value; } function shouldKeepTooltipTransition(index) { if (!draggingRef.value) return true; return !(activeIndexRef.value === index && previousIndexRef.value === index); } function focusActiveHandle(index) { var _a; if (~index) { activeIndexRef.value = index; (_a = handleRefs.get(index)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.focus(); } } function syncPosition() { followerRefs.forEach((inst, index) => { if (isShowTooltip(index)) inst.syncPosition(); }); } function doUpdateValue(value) { const { "onUpdate:value": _onUpdateValue, onUpdateValue } = props; const { nTriggerFormInput, nTriggerFormChange } = formItem; if (onUpdateValue) call(onUpdateValue, value); if (_onUpdateValue) call(_onUpdateValue, value); uncontrolledValueRef.value = value; nTriggerFormInput(); nTriggerFormChange(); } function dispatchValueUpdate(value) { const { range: range2 } = props; if (range2) { if (Array.isArray(value)) { const { value: oldValues } = arrifiedValueRef; if (value.join() !== oldValues.join()) { doUpdateValue(value); } } } else if (!Array.isArray(value)) { const oldValue = arrifiedValueRef.value[0]; if (oldValue !== value) { doUpdateValue(value); } } } function doDispatchValue(value, index) { if (props.range) { const values = arrifiedValueRef.value.slice(); values.splice(index, 1, value); dispatchValueUpdate(values); } else { dispatchValueUpdate(value); } } function sanitizeValue(value, currentValue, stepBuffer) { const stepping = stepBuffer !== void 0; if (!stepBuffer) { stepBuffer = value - currentValue > 0 ? 1 : -1; } const markValues = markValuesRef.value || []; const { step } = props; if (step === "mark") { const closestMark2 = getClosestMark(value, markValues.concat(currentValue), stepping ? stepBuffer : void 0); return closestMark2 ? closestMark2.value : currentValue; } if (step <= 0) return currentValue; const { value: precision } = precisionRef; let closestMark; if (stepping) { const currentStep = Number((currentValue / step).toFixed(precision)); const actualStep = Math.floor(currentStep); const leftStep = currentStep > actualStep ? actualStep : actualStep - 1; const rightStep = currentStep < actualStep ? actualStep : actualStep + 1; closestMark = getClosestMark(currentValue, [Number((leftStep * step).toFixed(precision)), Number((rightStep * step).toFixed(precision)), ...markValues], stepBuffer); } else { const roundValue = getRoundValue(value); closestMark = getClosestMark(value, [...markValues, roundValue]); } return closestMark ? clampValue2(closestMark.value) : currentValue; } function clampValue2(value) { return Math.min(props.max, Math.max(props.min, value)); } function valueToPercentage(value) { const { max, min } = props; return (value - min) / (max - min) * 100; } function percentageToValue(percentage) { const { max, min } = props; return min + (max - min) * percentage; } function getRoundValue(value) { const { step, min } = props; if (Number(step) <= 0 || step === "mark") return value; const newValue = Math.round((value - min) / step) * step + min; return Number(newValue.toFixed(precisionRef.value)); } function getClosestMark(currentValue, markValues = markValuesRef.value, buffer) { if (!(markValues === null || markValues === void 0 ? void 0 : markValues.length)) return null; let closestMark = null; let index = -1; while (++index < markValues.length) { const diff = markValues[index] - currentValue; const distance = Math.abs(diff); if ( // find marks in the same direction (buffer === void 0 || diff * buffer > 0) && (closestMark === null || distance < closestMark.distance) ) { closestMark = { index, distance, value: markValues[index] }; } } return closestMark; } function getPointValue(event) { const railEl = handleRailRef.value; if (!railEl) return; const touchEvent = isTouchEvent(event) ? event.touches[0] : event; const railRect = railEl.getBoundingClientRect(); let percentage; if (props.vertical) { percentage = (railRect.bottom - touchEvent.clientY) / railRect.height; } else { percentage = (touchEvent.clientX - railRect.left) / railRect.width; } if (props.reverse) { percentage = 1 - percentage; } return percentageToValue(percentage); } function handleRailKeyDown(e) { if (mergedDisabledRef.value || !props.keyboard) return; const { vertical, reverse } = props; switch (e.key) { case "ArrowUp": e.preventDefault(); handleStepValue(vertical && reverse ? -1 : 1); break; case "ArrowRight": e.preventDefault(); handleStepValue(!vertical && reverse ? -1 : 1); break; case "ArrowDown": e.preventDefault(); handleStepValue(vertical && reverse ? 1 : -1); break; case "ArrowLeft": e.preventDefault(); handleStepValue(!vertical && reverse ? 1 : -1); break; } } function handleStepValue(ratio) { const activeIndex = activeIndexRef.value; if (activeIndex === -1) return; const { step } = props; const currentValue = arrifiedValueRef.value[activeIndex]; const nextValue = Number(step) <= 0 || step === "mark" ? currentValue : currentValue + step * ratio; doDispatchValue( // Avoid the number of value does not change when `step` is null sanitizeValue(nextValue, currentValue, ratio > 0 ? 1 : -1), activeIndex ); } function handleRailMouseDown(event) { var _a, _b; if (mergedDisabledRef.value) return; if (!isTouchEvent(event) && event.button !== eventButtonLeft) { return; } const pointValue = getPointValue(event); if (pointValue === void 0) return; const values = arrifiedValueRef.value.slice(); const activeIndex = props.range ? (_b = (_a = getClosestMark(pointValue, values)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.index) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : -1 : 0; if (activeIndex !== -1) { event.preventDefault(); focusActiveHandle(activeIndex); startDragging(); doDispatchValue(sanitizeValue(pointValue, arrifiedValueRef.value[activeIndex]), activeIndex); } } function startDragging() { if (!draggingRef.value) { draggingRef.value = true; if (props.onDragstart) call(props.onDragstart); on("touchend", document, handleMouseUp); on("mouseup", document, handleMouseUp); on("touchmove", document, handleMouseMove); on("mousemove", document, handleMouseMove); } } function stopDragging() { if (draggingRef.value) { draggingRef.value = false; if (props.onDragend) call(props.onDragend); off("touchend", document, handleMouseUp); off("mouseup", document, handleMouseUp); off("touchmove", document, handleMouseMove); off("mousemove", document, handleMouseMove); } } function handleMouseMove(event) { const { value: activeIndex } = activeIndexRef; if (!draggingRef.value || activeIndex === -1) { stopDragging(); return; } const pointValue = getPointValue(event); if (pointValue === void 0) return; doDispatchValue(sanitizeValue(pointValue, arrifiedValueRef.value[activeIndex]), activeIndex); } function handleMouseUp() { stopDragging(); } function handleHandleFocus(index) { activeIndexRef.value = index; if (!mergedDisabledRef.value) { hoverIndexRef.value = index; } } function handleHandleBlur(index) { if (activeIndexRef.value === index) { activeIndexRef.value = -1; stopDragging(); } if (hoverIndexRef.value === index) { hoverIndexRef.value = -1; } } function handleHandleMouseEnter(index) { hoverIndexRef.value = index; } function handleHandleMouseLeave(index) { if (hoverIndexRef.value === index) { hoverIndexRef.value = -1; } } vue.watch(activeIndexRef, (_, previous) => void vue.nextTick(() => previousIndexRef.value = previous)); vue.watch(mergedValueRef, () => { if (props.marks) { if (dotTransitionDisabledRef.value) return; dotTransitionDisabledRef.value = true; void vue.nextTick(() => { dotTransitionDisabledRef.value = false; }); } void vue.nextTick(syncPosition); }); vue.onBeforeUnmount(() => { stopDragging(); }); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { self: { markFontSize, railColor, railColorHover, fillColor, fillColorHover, handleColor, opacityDisabled, dotColor, dotColorModal, handleBoxShadow, handleBoxShadowHover, handleBoxShadowActive, handleBoxShadowFocus, dotBorder, dotBoxShadow, railHeight, railWidthVertical, handleSize, dotHeight, dotWidth, dotBorderRadius, fontSize: fontSize2, dotBorderActive, dotColorPopover }, common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-dot-border": dotBorder, "--n-dot-border-active": dotBorderActive, "--n-dot-border-radius": dotBorderRadius, "--n-dot-box-shadow": dotBoxShadow, "--n-dot-color": dotColor, "--n-dot-color-modal": dotColorModal, "--n-dot-color-popover": dotColorPopover, "--n-dot-height": dotHeight, "--n-dot-width": dotWidth, "--n-fill-color": fillColor, "--n-fill-color-hover": fillColorHover, "--n-font-size": fontSize2, "--n-handle-box-shadow": handleBoxShadow, "--n-handle-box-shadow-active": handleBoxShadowActive, "--n-handle-box-shadow-focus": handleBoxShadowFocus, "--n-handle-box-shadow-hover": handleBoxShadowHover, "--n-handle-color": handleColor, "--n-handle-size": handleSize, "--n-opacity-disabled": opacityDisabled, "--n-rail-color": railColor, "--n-rail-color-hover": railColorHover, "--n-rail-height": railHeight, "--n-rail-width-vertical": railWidthVertical, "--n-mark-font-size": markFontSize }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("slider", void 0, cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; const indicatorCssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { self: { fontSize: fontSize2, indicatorColor, indicatorBoxShadow, indicatorTextColor, indicatorBorderRadius } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-font-size": fontSize2, "--n-indicator-border-radius": indicatorBorderRadius, "--n-indicator-box-shadow": indicatorBoxShadow, "--n-indicator-color": indicatorColor, "--n-indicator-text-color": indicatorTextColor }; }); const indicatorThemeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("slider-indicator", void 0, indicatorCssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, namespace: namespaceRef, uncontrolledValue: uncontrolledValueRef, mergedValue: mergedValueRef, mergedDisabled: mergedDisabledRef, mergedPlacement: mergedPlacementRef, isMounted: isMounted(), adjustedTo: useAdjustedTo(props), dotTransitionDisabled: dotTransitionDisabledRef, markInfos: markInfosRef, isShowTooltip, shouldKeepTooltipTransition, handleRailRef, setHandleRefs, setFollowerRefs, fillStyle: fillStyleRef, getHandleStyle, activeIndex: activeIndexRef, arrifiedValues: arrifiedValueRef, followerEnabledIndexSet: followerEnabledIndexSetRef, handleRailMouseDown, handleHandleFocus, handleHandleBlur, handleHandleMouseEnter, handleHandleMouseLeave, handleRailKeyDown, indicatorCssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : indicatorCssVarsRef, indicatorThemeClass: indicatorThemeClassHandle === null || indicatorThemeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : indicatorThemeClassHandle.themeClass, indicatorOnRender: indicatorThemeClassHandle === null || indicatorThemeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : indicatorThemeClassHandle.onRender, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }; }, render() { var _a; const { mergedClsPrefix, themeClass, formatTooltip } = this; (_a = this.onRender) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(this); return vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-slider`, themeClass, { [`${mergedClsPrefix}-slider--disabled`]: this.mergedDisabled, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-slider--active`]: this.activeIndex !== -1, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-slider--with-mark`]: this.marks, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-slider--vertical`]: this.vertical, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-slider--reverse`]: this.reverse }], style: this.cssVars, onKeydown: this.handleRailKeyDown, onMousedown: this.handleRailMouseDown, onTouchstart: this.handleRailMouseDown }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-slider-rail` }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-slider-rail__fill`, style: this.fillStyle }), this.marks ? vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-slider-dots`, this.dotTransitionDisabled && `${mergedClsPrefix}-slider-dots--transition-disabled`] }, this.markInfos.map((mark) => vue.h("div", { key: mark.label, class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-slider-dot`, { [`${mergedClsPrefix}-slider-dot--active`]: mark.active }], style: mark.style }))) : null, vue.h("div", { ref: "handleRailRef", class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-slider-handles` }, this.arrifiedValues.map((value, index) => { const showTooltip = this.isShowTooltip(index); return vue.h(Binder, null, { default: () => [vue.h(VTarget, null, { default: () => vue.h("div", { ref: this.setHandleRefs(index), class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-slider-handle-wrapper`, tabindex: this.mergedDisabled ? -1 : 0, role: "slider", "aria-valuenow": value, "aria-valuemin": this.min, "aria-valuemax": this.max, "aria-orientation": this.vertical ? "vertical" : "horizontal", "aria-disabled": this.disabled, style: this.getHandleStyle(value, index), onFocus: () => { this.handleHandleFocus(index); }, onBlur: () => { this.handleHandleBlur(index); }, onMouseenter: () => { this.handleHandleMouseEnter(index); }, onMouseleave: () => { this.handleHandleMouseLeave(index); } }, resolveSlot(this.$slots.thumb, () => [vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-slider-handle` })])) }), this.tooltip && vue.h(VFollower, { ref: this.setFollowerRefs(index), show: showTooltip, to: this.adjustedTo, enabled: this.showTooltip && !this.range || this.followerEnabledIndexSet.has(index), teleportDisabled: this.adjustedTo === useAdjustedTo.tdkey, placement: this.mergedPlacement, containerClass: this.namespace }, { default: () => vue.h(vue.Transition, { name: "fade-in-scale-up-transition", appear: this.isMounted, css: this.shouldKeepTooltipTransition(index), onEnter: () => { this.followerEnabledIndexSet.add(index); }, onAfterLeave: () => { this.followerEnabledIndexSet.delete(index); } }, { default: () => { var _a2; if (showTooltip) { (_a2 = this.indicatorOnRender) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.call(this); return vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-slider-handle-indicator`, this.indicatorThemeClass, `${mergedClsPrefix}-slider-handle-indicator--${this.mergedPlacement}`], style: this.indicatorCssVars }, typeof formatTooltip === "function" ? formatTooltip(value) : value); } return null; } }) })] }); })), this.marks ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-slider-marks` }, this.markInfos.map((mark) => vue.h("div", { key: mark.label, class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-slider-mark`, style: mark.style }, mark.label))) : null)); } }); const style$k = c$1([c$1("@keyframes spin-rotate", ` from { transform: rotate(0); } to { transform: rotate(360deg); } `), cB("spin-container", ` position: relative; `, [cB("spin-body", ` position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%); `, [fadeInTransition()])]), cB("spin-body", ` display: inline-flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; flex-direction: column; `), cB("spin", ` display: inline-flex; height: var(--n-size); width: var(--n-size); font-size: var(--n-size); color: var(--n-color); `, [cM("rotate", ` animation: spin-rotate 2s linear infinite; `)]), cB("spin-description", ` display: inline-block; font-size: var(--n-font-size); color: var(--n-text-color); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); margin-top: 8px; `), cB("spin-content", ` opacity: 1; transition: opacity .3s var(--n-bezier); pointer-events: all; `, [cM("spinning", ` user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; pointer-events: none; opacity: var(--n-opacity-spinning); `)])]); const STROKE_WIDTH = { small: 20, medium: 18, large: 16 }; const spinProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { contentClass: String, contentStyle: [Object, String], description: String, stroke: String, size: { type: [String, Number], default: "medium" }, show: { type: Boolean, default: true }, strokeWidth: Number, rotate: { type: Boolean, default: true }, spinning: { type: Boolean, validator: () => { return true; }, default: void 0 }, delay: Number }); const Spin = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Spin", props: spinProps, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Spin", "-spin", style$k, spinLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { size: spinSize } = props; const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: self2 } = themeRef.value; const { opacitySpinning, color, textColor } = self2; const size2 = typeof spinSize === "number" ? pxfy(spinSize) : self2[createKey("size", spinSize)]; return { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-opacity-spinning": opacitySpinning, "--n-size": size2, "--n-color": color, "--n-text-color": textColor }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("spin", vue.computed(() => { const { size: size2 } = props; return typeof size2 === "number" ? String(size2) : size2[0]; }), cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; const compitableShow = useCompitable(props, ["spinning", "show"]); const activeRef = vue.ref(false); vue.watchEffect((onCleanup) => { let timerId; if (compitableShow.value) { const { delay } = props; if (delay) { timerId = window.setTimeout(() => { activeRef.value = true; }, delay); onCleanup(() => { clearTimeout(timerId); }); return; } } activeRef.value = compitableShow.value; }); return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, active: activeRef, mergedStrokeWidth: vue.computed(() => { const { strokeWidth } = props; if (strokeWidth !== void 0) return strokeWidth; const { size: size2 } = props; return STROKE_WIDTH[typeof size2 === "number" ? "medium" : size2]; }), cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }; }, render() { var _a, _b; const { $slots, mergedClsPrefix, description } = this; const rotate = $slots.icon && this.rotate; const descriptionNode = (description || $slots.description) && vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-spin-description` }, description || ((_a = $slots.description) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call($slots))); const icon = $slots.icon ? vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-spin-body`, this.themeClass] }, vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-spin`, rotate && `${mergedClsPrefix}-spin--rotate`], style: $slots.default ? "" : this.cssVars }, $slots.icon()), descriptionNode) : vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-spin-body`, this.themeClass] }, vue.h(NBaseLoading, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, style: $slots.default ? "" : this.cssVars, stroke: this.stroke, "stroke-width": this.mergedStrokeWidth, class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-spin` }), descriptionNode); (_b = this.onRender) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(this); return $slots.default ? vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-spin-container`, this.themeClass], style: this.cssVars }, vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-spin-content`, this.active && `${mergedClsPrefix}-spin-content--spinning`, this.contentClass], style: this.contentStyle }, $slots), vue.h(vue.Transition, { name: "fade-in-transition" }, { default: () => this.active ? icon : null })) : icon; } }); const style$j = cB("split", ` display: flex; width: 100%; height: 100%; `, [cM("horizontal", ` flex-direction: row; `), cM("vertical", ` flex-direction: column; `), cB("split-pane-1", ` overflow: hidden; `), cB("split-pane-2", ` overflow: hidden; flex: 1; `), cE("resize-trigger", ` background-color: var(--n-resize-trigger-color); transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [cM("hover", ` background-color: var(--n-resize-trigger-color-hover); `), c$1("&:hover", ` background-color: var(--n-resize-trigger-color-hover); `)])]); const self$1 = (vars) => { const { primaryColorHover, borderColor } = vars; return { resizableTriggerColorHover: primaryColorHover, resizableTriggerColor: borderColor }; }; const themeLight = { name: "Split", common: derived, self: self$1 }; const splitProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { direction: { type: String, default: "horizontal" }, resizeTriggerSize: { type: Number, default: 3 }, disabled: Boolean, defaultSize: { type: [String, Number], default: 0.5 }, "onUpdate:size": [Function, Array], onUpdateSize: [Function, Array], size: [String, Number], min: { type: [String, Number], default: 0 }, max: { type: [String, Number], default: 1 }, pane1Class: String, pane1Style: [Object, String], pane2Class: String, pane2Style: [Object, String], onDragStart: Function, onDragMove: Function, onDragEnd: Function, watchProps: Array }); const Split = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Split", props: splitProps, setup(props) { var _a; const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Split", "-split", style$j, themeLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: { resizableTriggerColor, resizableTriggerColorHover } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-resize-trigger-color": resizableTriggerColor, "--n-resize-trigger-color-hover": resizableTriggerColorHover }; }); const resizeTriggerElRef = vue.ref(null); const isDraggingRef = vue.ref(false); const controlledSizeRef = vue.toRef(props, "size"); const uncontrolledSizeRef = vue.ref(props.defaultSize); if ((_a = props.watchProps) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.includes("defaultSize")) { vue.watchEffect(() => uncontrolledSizeRef.value = props.defaultSize); } const doUpdateSize = (size2) => { const _onUpdateSize = props["onUpdate:size"]; if (props.onUpdateSize) call(props.onUpdateSize, size2); if (_onUpdateSize) call(_onUpdateSize, size2); uncontrolledSizeRef.value = size2; }; const mergedSizeRef = useMergedState(controlledSizeRef, uncontrolledSizeRef); const firstPaneStyle = vue.computed(() => { const sizeValue = mergedSizeRef.value; if (typeof sizeValue === "string") { return { flex: `0 0 ${sizeValue}` }; } else if (typeof sizeValue === "number") { const size2 = sizeValue * 100; return { flex: `0 0 calc(${size2}% - ${props.resizeTriggerSize * size2 / 100}px)` }; } }); const resizeTriggerStyle = vue.computed(() => { return props.direction === "horizontal" ? { width: `${props.resizeTriggerSize}px`, height: "100%" } : { width: "100%", height: `${props.resizeTriggerSize}px` }; }); const resizeTriggerWrapperStyle = vue.computed(() => { const horizontal = props.direction === "horizontal"; return { width: horizontal ? `${props.resizeTriggerSize}px` : "", height: horizontal ? "" : `${props.resizeTriggerSize}px`, cursor: props.direction === "horizontal" ? "col-resize" : "row-resize" }; }); let offset = 0; const handleMouseDown = (e) => { e.preventDefault(); isDraggingRef.value = true; if (props.onDragStart) props.onDragStart(e); const mouseMoveEvent = "mousemove"; const mouseUpEvent = "mouseup"; const onMouseMove = (e2) => { updateSize(e2); if (props.onDragMove) props.onDragMove(e2); }; const onMouseUp = () => { off(mouseMoveEvent, document, onMouseMove); off(mouseUpEvent, document, onMouseUp); isDraggingRef.value = false; if (props.onDragEnd) props.onDragEnd(e); document.body.style.cursor = ""; }; document.body.style.cursor = resizeTriggerWrapperStyle.value.cursor; on(mouseMoveEvent, document, onMouseMove); on(mouseUpEvent, document, onMouseUp); const resizeTriggerEl = resizeTriggerElRef.value; if (resizeTriggerEl) { const elRect = resizeTriggerEl.getBoundingClientRect(); if (props.direction === "horizontal") { offset = e.clientX - elRect.left; } else { offset = elRect.top - e.clientY; } } updateSize(e); }; const updateSize = (event) => { var _a2, _b; const containerRect = (_b = (_a2 = resizeTriggerElRef.value) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.parentElement) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.getBoundingClientRect(); if (!containerRect) return; const { direction } = props; const containerUsableWidth = containerRect.width - props.resizeTriggerSize; const containerUsableHeight = containerRect.height - props.resizeTriggerSize; const containerUsableSize = direction === "horizontal" ? containerUsableWidth : containerUsableHeight; const newPxSize = direction === "horizontal" ? event.clientX - containerRect.left - offset : event.clientY - containerRect.top + offset; const { min, max } = props; const pxMin = typeof min === "string" ? depx(min) : min * containerUsableSize; const pxMax = typeof max === "string" ? depx(max) : max * containerUsableSize; let nextPxSize = newPxSize; nextPxSize = Math.max(nextPxSize, pxMin); nextPxSize = Math.min(nextPxSize, pxMax, containerUsableSize); if (typeof mergedSizeRef.value === "string") { doUpdateSize(`${nextPxSize}px`); } else { doUpdateSize(nextPxSize / containerUsableSize); } }; const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("split", void 0, cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return { themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, resizeTriggerElRef, isDragging: isDraggingRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, resizeTriggerWrapperStyle, resizeTriggerStyle, handleMouseDown, firstPaneStyle }; }, render() { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e; (_a = this.onRender) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(this); return vue.h("div", { class: [`${this.mergedClsPrefix}-split`, `${this.mergedClsPrefix}-split--${this.direction}`, this.themeClass], style: this.cssVars }, vue.h("div", { class: [`${this.mergedClsPrefix}-split-pane-1`, this.pane1Class], style: [this.firstPaneStyle, this.pane1Style] }, (_c = (_b = this.$slots)[1]) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.call(_b)), !this.disabled && vue.h("div", { ref: "resizeTriggerElRef", class: `${this.mergedClsPrefix}-split__resize-trigger-wrapper`, style: this.resizeTriggerWrapperStyle, onMousedown: this.handleMouseDown }, resolveSlot(this.$slots["resize-trigger"], () => [vue.h("div", { style: this.resizeTriggerStyle, class: [`${this.mergedClsPrefix}-split__resize-trigger`, this.isDragging && `${this.mergedClsPrefix}-split__resize-trigger--hover`] })])), vue.h("div", { class: [`${this.mergedClsPrefix}-split-pane-2`, this.pane2Class], style: this.pane2Style }, (_e = (_d = this.$slots)[2]) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.call(_d))); } }); const style$i = cB("statistic", [cE("label", ` font-weight: var(--n-label-font-weight); transition: .3s color var(--n-bezier); font-size: var(--n-label-font-size); color: var(--n-label-text-color); `), cB("statistic-value", ` margin-top: 4px; font-weight: var(--n-value-font-weight); `, [cE("prefix", ` margin: 0 4px 0 0; font-size: var(--n-value-font-size); transition: .3s color var(--n-bezier); color: var(--n-value-prefix-text-color); `, [cB("icon", { verticalAlign: "-0.125em" })]), cE("content", ` font-size: var(--n-value-font-size); transition: .3s color var(--n-bezier); color: var(--n-value-text-color); `), cE("suffix", ` margin: 0 0 0 4px; font-size: var(--n-value-font-size); transition: .3s color var(--n-bezier); color: var(--n-value-suffix-text-color); `, [cB("icon", { verticalAlign: "-0.125em" })])])]); const statisticProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { tabularNums: Boolean, label: String, value: [String, Number] }); const Statistic = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Statistic", props: statisticProps, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled, mergedRtlRef } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Statistic", "-statistic", style$i, statisticLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const rtlEnabledRef = useRtl("Statistic", mergedRtlRef, mergedClsPrefixRef); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { self: { labelFontWeight, valueFontSize, valueFontWeight, valuePrefixTextColor, labelTextColor, valueSuffixTextColor, valueTextColor, labelFontSize }, common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-label-font-size": labelFontSize, "--n-label-font-weight": labelFontWeight, "--n-label-text-color": labelTextColor, "--n-value-font-weight": valueFontWeight, "--n-value-font-size": valueFontSize, "--n-value-prefix-text-color": valuePrefixTextColor, "--n-value-suffix-text-color": valueSuffixTextColor, "--n-value-text-color": valueTextColor }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("statistic", void 0, cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return { rtlEnabled: rtlEnabledRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }; }, render() { var _a; const { mergedClsPrefix, $slots: { default: defaultSlot, label: labelSlot, prefix: prefixSlot, suffix: suffixSlot } } = this; (_a = this.onRender) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(this); return vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-statistic`, this.themeClass, this.rtlEnabled && `${mergedClsPrefix}-statistic--rtl`], style: this.cssVars }, resolveWrappedSlot(labelSlot, (children) => vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-statistic__label` }, this.label || children)), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-statistic-value`, style: { fontVariantNumeric: this.tabularNums ? "tabular-nums" : "" } }, resolveWrappedSlot(prefixSlot, (children) => children && vue.h("span", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-statistic-value__prefix` }, children)), this.value !== void 0 ? vue.h("span", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-statistic-value__content` }, this.value) : resolveWrappedSlot(defaultSlot, (children) => children && vue.h("span", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-statistic-value__content` }, children)), resolveWrappedSlot(suffixSlot, (children) => children && vue.h("span", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-statistic-value__suffix` }, children)))); } }); const style$h = cB("steps", ` width: 100%; display: flex; `, [cB("step", ` position: relative; display: flex; flex: 1; `, [cM("disabled", "cursor: not-allowed"), cM("clickable", ` cursor: pointer; `), c$1("&:last-child", [cB("step-splitor", "display: none;")])]), cB("step-splitor", ` background-color: var(--n-splitor-color); margin-top: calc(var(--n-step-header-font-size) / 2); height: 1px; flex: 1; align-self: flex-start; margin-left: 12px; margin-right: 12px; transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `), cB("step-content", "flex: 1;", [cB("step-content-header", ` color: var(--n-header-text-color); margin-top: calc(var(--n-indicator-size) / 2 - var(--n-step-header-font-size) / 2); line-height: var(--n-step-header-font-size); font-size: var(--n-step-header-font-size); position: relative; display: flex; font-weight: var(--n-step-header-font-weight); margin-left: 9px; transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [cE("title", ` white-space: nowrap; flex: 0; `)]), cE("description", ` color: var(--n-description-text-color); margin-top: 12px; margin-left: 9px; transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `)]), cB("step-indicator", ` background-color: var(--n-indicator-color); box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px var(--n-indicator-border-color); height: var(--n-indicator-size); width: var(--n-indicator-size); border-radius: 50%; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), box-shadow .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [cB("step-indicator-slot", ` position: relative; width: var(--n-indicator-icon-size); height: var(--n-indicator-icon-size); font-size: var(--n-indicator-icon-size); line-height: var(--n-indicator-icon-size); `, [cE("index", ` display: inline-block; text-align: center; position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; white-space: nowrap; font-size: var(--n-indicator-index-font-size); width: var(--n-indicator-icon-size); height: var(--n-indicator-icon-size); line-height: var(--n-indicator-icon-size); color: var(--n-indicator-text-color); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [iconSwitchTransition()]), cB("icon", ` color: var(--n-indicator-text-color); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [iconSwitchTransition()]), cB("base-icon", ` color: var(--n-indicator-text-color); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [iconSwitchTransition()])])]), cM("vertical", "flex-direction: column;", [cNotM("show-description", [c$1(">", [cB("step", "padding-bottom: 8px;")])]), c$1(">", [cB("step", "margin-bottom: 16px;", [c$1("&:last-child", "margin-bottom: 0;"), c$1(">", [cB("step-indicator", [c$1(">", [cB("step-splitor", ` position: absolute; bottom: -8px; width: 1px; margin: 0 !important; left: calc(var(--n-indicator-size) / 2); height: calc(100% - var(--n-indicator-size)); `)])]), cB("step-content", [cE("description", "margin-top: 8px;")])])])])])]); function stepWithIndex(step, i) { if (typeof step !== "object" || step === null || Array.isArray(step)) { return null; } if (!step.props) step.props = {}; step.props.internalIndex = i + 1; return step; } function stepsWithIndex(steps) { return steps.map((step, i) => stepWithIndex(step, i)); } const stepsProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { current: Number, status: { type: String, default: "process" }, size: { type: String, default: "medium" }, vertical: Boolean, "onUpdate:current": [Function, Array], onUpdateCurrent: [Function, Array] }); const stepsInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-steps"); const Steps = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Steps", props: stepsProps, setup(props, { slots }) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedRtlRef } = useConfig(props); const rtlEnabledRef = useRtl("Steps", mergedRtlRef, mergedClsPrefixRef); const themeRef = useTheme("Steps", "-steps", style$h, stepsLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); vue.provide(stepsInjectionKey, { props, mergedThemeRef: themeRef, mergedClsPrefixRef, stepsSlots: slots }); return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, rtlEnabled: rtlEnabledRef }; }, render() { const { mergedClsPrefix } = this; return vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-steps`, this.rtlEnabled && `${mergedClsPrefix}-steps--rtl`, this.vertical && `${mergedClsPrefix}-steps--vertical`] }, stepsWithIndex(flatten$3(getSlot$1(this)))); } }); const stepProps = { status: String, title: String, description: String, disabled: Boolean, // index will be filled by parent steps, not user internalIndex: { type: Number, default: 0 } }; const Step = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Step", props: stepProps, setup(props) { const NSteps = vue.inject(stepsInjectionKey, null); if (!NSteps) throwError("step", "`n-step` must be placed inside `n-steps`."); const { inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(); const { props: stepsProps2, mergedThemeRef, mergedClsPrefixRef, stepsSlots } = NSteps; const verticalRef = vue.computed(() => { return stepsProps2.vertical; }); const mergedStatusRef = vue.computed(() => { const { status } = props; if (status) { return status; } else { const { internalIndex } = props; const { current } = stepsProps2; if (current === void 0) return "process"; if (internalIndex < current) { return "finish"; } else if (internalIndex === current) { return stepsProps2.status || "process"; } else if (internalIndex > current) { return "wait"; } } return "process"; }); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value: status } = mergedStatusRef; const { size: size2 } = stepsProps2; const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: { stepHeaderFontWeight, [createKey("stepHeaderFontSize", size2)]: stepHeaderFontSize, [createKey("indicatorIndexFontSize", size2)]: indicatorIndexFontSize, [createKey("indicatorSize", size2)]: indicatorSize, [createKey("indicatorIconSize", size2)]: indicatorIconSize, [createKey("indicatorTextColor", status)]: indicatorTextColor, [createKey("indicatorBorderColor", status)]: indicatorBorderColor, [createKey("headerTextColor", status)]: headerTextColor, [createKey("splitorColor", status)]: splitorColor, [createKey("indicatorColor", status)]: indicatorColor, [createKey("descriptionTextColor", status)]: descriptionTextColor } } = mergedThemeRef.value; return { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-description-text-color": descriptionTextColor, "--n-header-text-color": headerTextColor, "--n-indicator-border-color": indicatorBorderColor, "--n-indicator-color": indicatorColor, "--n-indicator-icon-size": indicatorIconSize, "--n-indicator-index-font-size": indicatorIndexFontSize, "--n-indicator-size": indicatorSize, "--n-indicator-text-color": indicatorTextColor, "--n-splitor-color": splitorColor, "--n-step-header-font-size": stepHeaderFontSize, "--n-step-header-font-weight": stepHeaderFontWeight }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("step", vue.computed(() => { const { value: status } = mergedStatusRef; const { size: size2 } = stepsProps2; return `${status[0]}${size2[0]}`; }), cssVarsRef, stepsProps2) : void 0; const handleStepClick = vue.computed(() => { if (props.disabled) return void 0; const { onUpdateCurrent, "onUpdate:current": _onUpdateCurrent } = stepsProps2; return onUpdateCurrent || _onUpdateCurrent ? () => { if (onUpdateCurrent) { call(onUpdateCurrent, props.internalIndex); } if (_onUpdateCurrent) { call(_onUpdateCurrent, props.internalIndex); } } : void 0; }); return { stepsSlots, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, vertical: verticalRef, mergedStatus: mergedStatusRef, handleStepClick, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }; }, render() { const { mergedClsPrefix, onRender, handleStepClick, disabled } = this; const descriptionNode = resolveWrappedSlot(this.$slots.default, (children) => { const mergedDescription = children || this.description; if (mergedDescription) { return vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-step-content__description` }, mergedDescription); } return null; }); onRender === null || onRender === void 0 ? void 0 : onRender(); return vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-step`, disabled && `${mergedClsPrefix}-step--disabled`, !disabled && handleStepClick && `${mergedClsPrefix}-step--clickable`, this.themeClass, descriptionNode && `${mergedClsPrefix}-step--show-description`, `${mergedClsPrefix}-step--${this.mergedStatus}-status`], style: this.cssVars, onClick: handleStepClick }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-step-indicator` }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-step-indicator-slot` }, vue.h(NIconSwitchTransition, null, { default: () => { return resolveWrappedSlot(this.$slots.icon, (icon) => { const { mergedStatus, stepsSlots } = this; return !(mergedStatus === "finish" || mergedStatus === "error") ? icon || vue.h("div", { key: this.internalIndex, class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-step-indicator-slot__index` }, this.internalIndex) : mergedStatus === "finish" ? vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, key: "finish" }, { default: () => resolveSlot(stepsSlots["finish-icon"], () => [vue.h(FinishedIcon, null)]) }) : mergedStatus === "error" ? vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, key: "error" }, { default: () => resolveSlot(stepsSlots["error-icon"], () => [vue.h(ErrorIcon$1, null)]) }) : null; }); } })), this.vertical ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-step-splitor` }) : null), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-step-content` }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-step-content-header` }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-step-content-header__title` }, resolveSlot(this.$slots.title, () => [this.title])), !this.vertical ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-step-splitor` }) : null), descriptionNode)); } }); const style$g = cB("switch", ` height: var(--n-height); min-width: var(--n-width); vertical-align: middle; user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; display: inline-flex; outline: none; justify-content: center; align-items: center; `, [cE("children-placeholder", ` height: var(--n-rail-height); display: flex; flex-direction: column; overflow: hidden; pointer-events: none; visibility: hidden; `), cE("rail-placeholder", ` display: flex; flex-wrap: none; `), cE("button-placeholder", ` width: calc(1.75 * var(--n-rail-height)); height: var(--n-rail-height); `), cB("base-loading", ` position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%); font-size: calc(var(--n-button-width) - 4px); color: var(--n-loading-color); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [iconSwitchTransition({ left: "50%", top: "50%", originalTransform: "translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%)" })]), cE("checked, unchecked", ` transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); color: var(--n-text-color); box-sizing: border-box; position: absolute; white-space: nowrap; top: 0; bottom: 0; display: flex; align-items: center; line-height: 1; `), cE("checked", ` right: 0; padding-right: calc(1.25 * var(--n-rail-height) - var(--n-offset)); `), cE("unchecked", ` left: 0; justify-content: flex-end; padding-left: calc(1.25 * var(--n-rail-height) - var(--n-offset)); `), c$1("&:focus", [cE("rail", ` box-shadow: var(--n-box-shadow-focus); `)]), cM("round", [cE("rail", "border-radius: calc(var(--n-rail-height) / 2);", [cE("button", "border-radius: calc(var(--n-button-height) / 2);")])]), cNotM("disabled", [cNotM("icon", [cM("rubber-band", [cM("pressed", [cE("rail", [cE("button", "max-width: var(--n-button-width-pressed);")])]), cE("rail", [c$1("&:active", [cE("button", "max-width: var(--n-button-width-pressed);")])]), cM("active", [cM("pressed", [cE("rail", [cE("button", "left: calc(100% - var(--n-offset) - var(--n-button-width-pressed));")])]), cE("rail", [c$1("&:active", [cE("button", "left: calc(100% - var(--n-offset) - var(--n-button-width-pressed));")])])])])])]), cM("active", [cE("rail", [cE("button", "left: calc(100% - var(--n-button-width) - var(--n-offset))")])]), cE("rail", ` overflow: hidden; height: var(--n-rail-height); min-width: var(--n-rail-width); border-radius: var(--n-rail-border-radius); cursor: pointer; position: relative; transition: opacity .3s var(--n-bezier), background .3s var(--n-bezier), box-shadow .3s var(--n-bezier); background-color: var(--n-rail-color); `, [cE("button-icon", ` color: var(--n-icon-color); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); font-size: calc(var(--n-button-height) - 4px); position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; line-height: 1; `, [iconSwitchTransition()]), cE("button", ` align-items: center; top: var(--n-offset); left: var(--n-offset); height: var(--n-button-height); width: var(--n-button-width-pressed); max-width: var(--n-button-width); border-radius: var(--n-button-border-radius); background-color: var(--n-button-color); box-shadow: var(--n-button-box-shadow); box-sizing: border-box; cursor: inherit; content: ""; position: absolute; transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), left .3s var(--n-bezier), opacity .3s var(--n-bezier), max-width .3s var(--n-bezier), box-shadow .3s var(--n-bezier); `)]), cM("active", [cE("rail", "background-color: var(--n-rail-color-active);")]), cM("loading", [cE("rail", ` cursor: wait; `)]), cM("disabled", [cE("rail", ` cursor: not-allowed; opacity: .5; `)])]); const switchProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { size: { type: String, default: "medium" }, value: { type: [String, Number, Boolean], default: void 0 }, loading: Boolean, defaultValue: { type: [String, Number, Boolean], default: false }, disabled: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, round: { type: Boolean, default: true }, "onUpdate:value": [Function, Array], onUpdateValue: [Function, Array], checkedValue: { type: [String, Number, Boolean], default: true }, uncheckedValue: { type: [String, Number, Boolean], default: false }, railStyle: Function, rubberBand: { type: Boolean, default: true }, /** @deprecated */ onChange: [Function, Array] }); let supportCssMax; const Switch = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Switch", props: switchProps, setup(props) { if (supportCssMax === void 0) { if (typeof CSS !== "undefined") { if (typeof CSS.supports !== "undefined") { supportCssMax = CSS.supports("width", "max(1px)"); } else { supportCssMax = false; } } else { supportCssMax = true; } } const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Switch", "-switch", style$g, switchLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const formItem = useFormItem(props); const { mergedSizeRef, mergedDisabledRef } = formItem; const uncontrolledValueRef = vue.ref(props.defaultValue); const controlledValueRef = vue.toRef(props, "value"); const mergedValueRef = useMergedState(controlledValueRef, uncontrolledValueRef); const checkedRef = vue.computed(() => { return mergedValueRef.value === props.checkedValue; }); const pressedRef = vue.ref(false); const focusedRef = vue.ref(false); const mergedRailStyleRef = vue.computed(() => { const { railStyle } = props; if (!railStyle) return void 0; return railStyle({ focused: focusedRef.value, checked: checkedRef.value }); }); function doUpdateValue(value) { const { "onUpdate:value": _onUpdateValue, onChange, onUpdateValue } = props; const { nTriggerFormInput, nTriggerFormChange } = formItem; if (_onUpdateValue) call(_onUpdateValue, value); if (onUpdateValue) call(onUpdateValue, value); if (onChange) call(onChange, value); uncontrolledValueRef.value = value; nTriggerFormInput(); nTriggerFormChange(); } function doFocus() { const { nTriggerFormFocus } = formItem; nTriggerFormFocus(); } function doBlur() { const { nTriggerFormBlur } = formItem; nTriggerFormBlur(); } function handleClick2() { if (props.loading || mergedDisabledRef.value) return; if (mergedValueRef.value !== props.checkedValue) { doUpdateValue(props.checkedValue); } else { doUpdateValue(props.uncheckedValue); } } function handleFocus() { focusedRef.value = true; doFocus(); } function handleBlur() { focusedRef.value = false; doBlur(); pressedRef.value = false; } function handleKeyup(e) { if (props.loading || mergedDisabledRef.value) return; if (e.key === " ") { if (mergedValueRef.value !== props.checkedValue) { doUpdateValue(props.checkedValue); } else { doUpdateValue(props.uncheckedValue); } pressedRef.value = false; } } function handleKeydown(e) { if (props.loading || mergedDisabledRef.value) return; if (e.key === " ") { e.preventDefault(); pressedRef.value = true; } } const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value: size2 } = mergedSizeRef; const { self: { opacityDisabled, railColor, railColorActive, buttonBoxShadow, buttonColor, boxShadowFocus, loadingColor, textColor, iconColor, [createKey("buttonHeight", size2)]: buttonHeight, [createKey("buttonWidth", size2)]: buttonWidth, [createKey("buttonWidthPressed", size2)]: buttonWidthPressed, [createKey("railHeight", size2)]: railHeight, [createKey("railWidth", size2)]: railWidth, [createKey("railBorderRadius", size2)]: railBorderRadius, [createKey("buttonBorderRadius", size2)]: buttonBorderRadius }, common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 } } = themeRef.value; let offset; let height; let width; if (supportCssMax) { offset = `calc((${railHeight} - ${buttonHeight}) / 2)`; height = `max(${railHeight}, ${buttonHeight})`; width = `max(${railWidth}, calc(${railWidth} + ${buttonHeight} - ${railHeight}))`; } else { offset = pxfy((depx(railHeight) - depx(buttonHeight)) / 2); height = pxfy(Math.max(depx(railHeight), depx(buttonHeight))); width = depx(railHeight) > depx(buttonHeight) ? railWidth : pxfy(depx(railWidth) + depx(buttonHeight) - depx(railHeight)); } return { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-button-border-radius": buttonBorderRadius, "--n-button-box-shadow": buttonBoxShadow, "--n-button-color": buttonColor, "--n-button-width": buttonWidth, "--n-button-width-pressed": buttonWidthPressed, "--n-button-height": buttonHeight, "--n-height": height, "--n-offset": offset, "--n-opacity-disabled": opacityDisabled, "--n-rail-border-radius": railBorderRadius, "--n-rail-color": railColor, "--n-rail-color-active": railColorActive, "--n-rail-height": railHeight, "--n-rail-width": railWidth, "--n-width": width, "--n-box-shadow-focus": boxShadowFocus, "--n-loading-color": loadingColor, "--n-text-color": textColor, "--n-icon-color": iconColor }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("switch", vue.computed(() => { return mergedSizeRef.value[0]; }), cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return { handleClick: handleClick2, handleBlur, handleFocus, handleKeyup, handleKeydown, mergedRailStyle: mergedRailStyleRef, pressed: pressedRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedValue: mergedValueRef, checked: checkedRef, mergedDisabled: mergedDisabledRef, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }; }, render() { const { mergedClsPrefix, mergedDisabled, checked, mergedRailStyle, onRender, $slots } = this; onRender === null || onRender === void 0 ? void 0 : onRender(); const { checked: checkedSlot, unchecked: uncheckedSlot, icon: iconSlot, "checked-icon": checkedIconSlot, "unchecked-icon": uncheckedIconSlot } = $slots; const hasIcon = !(isSlotEmpty(iconSlot) && isSlotEmpty(checkedIconSlot) && isSlotEmpty(uncheckedIconSlot)); return vue.h("div", { role: "switch", "aria-checked": checked, class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-switch`, this.themeClass, hasIcon && `${mergedClsPrefix}-switch--icon`, checked && `${mergedClsPrefix}-switch--active`, mergedDisabled && `${mergedClsPrefix}-switch--disabled`, this.round && `${mergedClsPrefix}-switch--round`, this.loading && `${mergedClsPrefix}-switch--loading`, this.pressed && `${mergedClsPrefix}-switch--pressed`, this.rubberBand && `${mergedClsPrefix}-switch--rubber-band`], tabindex: !this.mergedDisabled ? 0 : void 0, style: this.cssVars, onClick: this.handleClick, onFocus: this.handleFocus, onBlur: this.handleBlur, onKeyup: this.handleKeyup, onKeydown: this.handleKeydown }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-switch__rail`, "aria-hidden": "true", style: mergedRailStyle }, resolveWrappedSlot(checkedSlot, (checkedSlotChildren) => resolveWrappedSlot(uncheckedSlot, (uncheckedSlotChildren) => { if (checkedSlotChildren || uncheckedSlotChildren) { return vue.h("div", { "aria-hidden": true, class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-switch__children-placeholder` }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-switch__rail-placeholder` }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-switch__button-placeholder` }), checkedSlotChildren), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-switch__rail-placeholder` }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-switch__button-placeholder` }), uncheckedSlotChildren)); } return null; })), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-switch__button` }, resolveWrappedSlot(iconSlot, (icon) => resolveWrappedSlot(checkedIconSlot, (checkedIcon) => resolveWrappedSlot(uncheckedIconSlot, (uncheckedIcon) => { return vue.h(NIconSwitchTransition, null, { default: () => this.loading ? vue.h(NBaseLoading, { key: "loading", clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, strokeWidth: 20 }) : this.checked && (checkedIcon || icon) ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-switch__button-icon`, key: checkedIcon ? "checked-icon" : "icon" }, checkedIcon || icon) : !this.checked && (uncheckedIcon || icon) ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-switch__button-icon`, key: uncheckedIcon ? "unchecked-icon" : "icon" }, uncheckedIcon || icon) : null }); }))), resolveWrappedSlot(checkedSlot, (children) => children && vue.h("div", { key: "checked", class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-switch__checked` }, children)), resolveWrappedSlot(uncheckedSlot, (children) => children && vue.h("div", { key: "unchecked", class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-switch__unchecked` }, children))))); } }); const style$f = c$1([cB("table", ` font-size: var(--n-font-size); font-variant-numeric: tabular-nums; line-height: var(--n-line-height); width: 100%; border-radius: var(--n-border-radius) var(--n-border-radius) 0 0; text-align: left; border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 0; overflow: hidden; background-color: var(--n-td-color); border-color: var(--n-merged-border-color); transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), border-color .3s var(--n-bezier), color .3s var(--n-bezier); --n-merged-border-color: var(--n-border-color); `, [c$1("th", ` white-space: nowrap; transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), border-color .3s var(--n-bezier), color .3s var(--n-bezier); text-align: inherit; padding: var(--n-th-padding); vertical-align: inherit; text-transform: none; border: 0px solid var(--n-merged-border-color); font-weight: var(--n-th-font-weight); color: var(--n-th-text-color); background-color: var(--n-th-color); border-bottom: 1px solid var(--n-merged-border-color); border-right: 1px solid var(--n-merged-border-color); `, [c$1("&:last-child", ` border-right: 0px solid var(--n-merged-border-color); `)]), c$1("td", ` transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), border-color .3s var(--n-bezier), color .3s var(--n-bezier); padding: var(--n-td-padding); color: var(--n-td-text-color); background-color: var(--n-td-color); border: 0px solid var(--n-merged-border-color); border-right: 1px solid var(--n-merged-border-color); border-bottom: 1px solid var(--n-merged-border-color); `, [c$1("&:last-child", ` border-right: 0px solid var(--n-merged-border-color); `)]), cM("bordered", ` border: 1px solid var(--n-merged-border-color); border-radius: var(--n-border-radius); `, [c$1("tr", [c$1("&:last-child", [c$1("td", ` border-bottom: 0 solid var(--n-merged-border-color); `)])])]), cM("single-line", [c$1("th", ` border-right: 0px solid var(--n-merged-border-color); `), c$1("td", ` border-right: 0px solid var(--n-merged-border-color); `)]), cM("single-column", [c$1("tr", [c$1("&:not(:last-child)", [c$1("td", ` border-bottom: 0px solid var(--n-merged-border-color); `)])])]), cM("striped", [c$1("tr:nth-of-type(even)", [c$1("td", "background-color: var(--n-td-color-striped)")])]), cNotM("bottom-bordered", [c$1("tr", [c$1("&:last-child", [c$1("td", ` border-bottom: 0px solid var(--n-merged-border-color); `)])])])]), insideModal(cB("table", ` background-color: var(--n-td-color-modal); --n-merged-border-color: var(--n-border-color-modal); `, [c$1("th", ` background-color: var(--n-th-color-modal); `), c$1("td", ` background-color: var(--n-td-color-modal); `)])), insidePopover(cB("table", ` background-color: var(--n-td-color-popover); --n-merged-border-color: var(--n-border-color-popover); `, [c$1("th", ` background-color: var(--n-th-color-popover); `), c$1("td", ` background-color: var(--n-td-color-popover); `)]))]); const tableProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { bordered: { type: Boolean, default: true }, bottomBordered: { type: Boolean, default: true }, singleLine: { type: Boolean, default: true }, striped: Boolean, singleColumn: Boolean, size: { type: String, default: "medium" } }); const Table = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Table", props: tableProps, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled, mergedRtlRef } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Table", "-table", style$f, tableLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const rtlEnabledRef = useRtl("Table", mergedRtlRef, mergedClsPrefixRef); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { size: size2 } = props; const { self: { borderColor, tdColor, tdColorModal, tdColorPopover, thColor, thColorModal, thColorPopover, thTextColor, tdTextColor, borderRadius, thFontWeight, lineHeight: lineHeight2, borderColorModal, borderColorPopover, tdColorStriped, tdColorStripedModal, tdColorStripedPopover, [createKey("fontSize", size2)]: fontSize2, [createKey("tdPadding", size2)]: tdPadding, [createKey("thPadding", size2)]: thPadding }, common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-td-color": tdColor, "--n-td-color-modal": tdColorModal, "--n-td-color-popover": tdColorPopover, "--n-td-text-color": tdTextColor, "--n-border-color": borderColor, "--n-border-color-modal": borderColorModal, "--n-border-color-popover": borderColorPopover, "--n-border-radius": borderRadius, "--n-font-size": fontSize2, "--n-th-color": thColor, "--n-th-color-modal": thColorModal, "--n-th-color-popover": thColorPopover, "--n-th-font-weight": thFontWeight, "--n-th-text-color": thTextColor, "--n-line-height": lineHeight2, "--n-td-padding": tdPadding, "--n-th-padding": thPadding, "--n-td-color-striped": tdColorStriped, "--n-td-color-striped-modal": tdColorStripedModal, "--n-td-color-striped-popover": tdColorStripedPopover }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("table", vue.computed(() => { return props.size[0]; }), cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return { rtlEnabled: rtlEnabledRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }; }, render() { var _a; const { mergedClsPrefix } = this; (_a = this.onRender) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(this); return vue.h("table", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-table`, this.themeClass, { [`${mergedClsPrefix}-table--rtl`]: this.rtlEnabled, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-table--bottom-bordered`]: this.bottomBordered, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-table--bordered`]: this.bordered, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-table--single-line`]: this.singleLine, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-table--single-column`]: this.singleColumn, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-table--striped`]: this.striped }], style: this.cssVars }, this.$slots); } }); const Th = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Th", render() { return vue.h("th", null, this.$slots); } }); const Tr = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Tr", render() { return vue.h("tr", null, this.$slots); } }); const Td = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Td", render() { return vue.h("td", null, this.$slots); } }); const Thead = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Thead", render() { return vue.h("thead", null, this.$slots); } }); const Tbody = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Tbody", render() { return vue.h("tbody", null, this.$slots); } }); const tabsInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-tabs"); const tabPaneProps = { tab: [String, Number, Object, Function], name: { type: [String, Number], required: true }, disabled: Boolean, displayDirective: { type: String, default: "if" }, closable: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, tabProps: Object, /** @deprecated */ label: [String, Number, Object, Function] }; const TabPane = vue.defineComponent({ __TAB_PANE__: true, name: "TabPane", alias: ["TabPanel"], props: tabPaneProps, setup(props) { const NTab = vue.inject(tabsInjectionKey, null); if (!NTab) { throwError("tab-pane", "`n-tab-pane` must be placed inside `n-tabs`."); } return { style: NTab.paneStyleRef, class: NTab.paneClassRef, mergedClsPrefix: NTab.mergedClsPrefixRef }; }, render() { return vue.h("div", { class: [`${this.mergedClsPrefix}-tab-pane`, this.class], style: this.style }, this.$slots); } }); const tabProps = Object.assign({ internalLeftPadded: Boolean, internalAddable: Boolean, internalCreatedByPane: Boolean }, omit(tabPaneProps, ["displayDirective"])); const Tab = vue.defineComponent({ __TAB__: true, inheritAttrs: false, name: "Tab", props: tabProps, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, valueRef, typeRef, closableRef, tabStyleRef, addTabStyleRef, tabClassRef, addTabClassRef, tabChangeIdRef, onBeforeLeaveRef, triggerRef, handleAdd, activateTab, handleClose // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion } = vue.inject(tabsInjectionKey); return { trigger: triggerRef, mergedClosable: vue.computed(() => { if (props.internalAddable) return false; const { closable } = props; if (closable === void 0) return closableRef.value; return closable; }), style: tabStyleRef, addStyle: addTabStyleRef, tabClass: tabClassRef, addTabClass: addTabClassRef, clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, value: valueRef, type: typeRef, handleClose(e) { e.stopPropagation(); if (props.disabled) return; handleClose(props.name); }, activateTab() { if (props.disabled) return; if (props.internalAddable) { handleAdd(); return; } const { name: nameProp } = props; const id = ++tabChangeIdRef.id; if (nameProp !== valueRef.value) { const { value: onBeforeLeave } = onBeforeLeaveRef; if (!onBeforeLeave) { activateTab(nameProp); } else { void Promise.resolve(onBeforeLeave(props.name, valueRef.value)).then((allowLeave) => { if (allowLeave && tabChangeIdRef.id === id) { activateTab(nameProp); } }); } } } }; }, render() { const { internalAddable, clsPrefix, name, disabled, label, tab, value, mergedClosable, trigger: trigger2, $slots: { default: defaultSlot } } = this; const mergedTab = label !== null && label !== void 0 ? label : tab; return vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-tabs-tab-wrapper` }, this.internalLeftPadded ? vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-tabs-tab-pad` }) : null, vue.h("div", Object.assign({ key: name, "data-name": name, "data-disabled": disabled ? true : void 0 }, vue.mergeProps( { class: [`${clsPrefix}-tabs-tab`, value === name && `${clsPrefix}-tabs-tab--active`, disabled && `${clsPrefix}-tabs-tab--disabled`, mergedClosable && `${clsPrefix}-tabs-tab--closable`, internalAddable && `${clsPrefix}-tabs-tab--addable`, internalAddable ? this.addTabClass : this.tabClass], onClick: trigger2 === "click" ? this.activateTab : void 0, onMouseenter: trigger2 === "hover" ? this.activateTab : void 0, style: internalAddable ? this.addStyle : this.style }, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument this.internalCreatedByPane ? this.tabProps || {} : this.$attrs )), vue.h("span", { class: `${clsPrefix}-tabs-tab__label` }, internalAddable ? vue.h(vue.Fragment, null, vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-tabs-tab__height-placeholder` }, " "), vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix }, { default: () => vue.h(AddIcon, null) })) : defaultSlot ? defaultSlot() : typeof mergedTab === "object" ? mergedTab : render$1(mergedTab !== null && mergedTab !== void 0 ? mergedTab : name)), mergedClosable && this.type === "card" ? vue.h(NBaseClose, { clsPrefix, class: `${clsPrefix}-tabs-tab__close`, onClick: this.handleClose, disabled }) : null)); } }); const style$e = cB("tabs", ` box-sizing: border-box; width: 100%; display: flex; flex-direction: column; transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), border-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [cM("segment-type", [cB("tabs-rail", [c$1("&.transition-disabled", [cB("tabs-capsule", ` transition: none; `)])])]), cM("top", [cB("tab-pane", ` padding: var(--n-pane-padding-top) var(--n-pane-padding-right) var(--n-pane-padding-bottom) var(--n-pane-padding-left); `)]), cM("left", [cB("tab-pane", ` padding: var(--n-pane-padding-right) var(--n-pane-padding-bottom) var(--n-pane-padding-left) var(--n-pane-padding-top); `)]), cM("left, right", ` flex-direction: row; `, [cB("tabs-bar", ` width: 2px; right: 0; transition: top .2s var(--n-bezier), max-height .2s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `), cB("tabs-tab", ` padding: var(--n-tab-padding-vertical); `)]), cM("right", ` flex-direction: row-reverse; `, [cB("tab-pane", ` padding: var(--n-pane-padding-left) var(--n-pane-padding-top) var(--n-pane-padding-right) var(--n-pane-padding-bottom); `), cB("tabs-bar", ` left: 0; `)]), cM("bottom", ` flex-direction: column-reverse; justify-content: flex-end; `, [cB("tab-pane", ` padding: var(--n-pane-padding-bottom) var(--n-pane-padding-right) var(--n-pane-padding-top) var(--n-pane-padding-left); `), cB("tabs-bar", ` top: 0; `)]), cB("tabs-rail", ` position: relative; padding: 3px; border-radius: var(--n-tab-border-radius); width: 100%; background-color: var(--n-color-segment); transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); display: flex; align-items: center; `, [cB("tabs-capsule", ` border-radius: var(--n-tab-border-radius); position: absolute; pointer-events: none; background-color: var(--n-tab-color-segment); box-shadow: 0 1px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .08); transition: transform 0.3s var(--n-bezier); `), cB("tabs-tab-wrapper", ` flex-basis: 0; flex-grow: 1; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; `, [cB("tabs-tab", ` overflow: hidden; border-radius: var(--n-tab-border-radius); width: 100%; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; `, [cM("active", ` font-weight: var(--n-font-weight-strong); color: var(--n-tab-text-color-active); `), c$1("&:hover", ` color: var(--n-tab-text-color-hover); `)])])]), cM("flex", [cB("tabs-nav", ` width: 100%; position: relative; `, [cB("tabs-wrapper", ` width: 100%; `, [cB("tabs-tab", ` margin-right: 0; `)])])]), cB("tabs-nav", ` box-sizing: border-box; line-height: 1.5; display: flex; transition: border-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [cE("prefix, suffix", ` display: flex; align-items: center; `), cE("prefix", "padding-right: 16px;"), cE("suffix", "padding-left: 16px;")]), cM("top, bottom", [cB("tabs-nav-scroll-wrapper", [c$1("&::before", ` top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; width: 20px; `), c$1("&::after", ` top: 0; bottom: 0; right: 0; width: 20px; `), cM("shadow-start", [c$1("&::before", ` box-shadow: inset 10px 0 8px -8px rgba(0, 0, 0, .12); `)]), cM("shadow-end", [c$1("&::after", ` box-shadow: inset -10px 0 8px -8px rgba(0, 0, 0, .12); `)])])]), cM("left, right", [cB("tabs-nav-scroll-content", ` flex-direction: column; `), cB("tabs-nav-scroll-wrapper", [c$1("&::before", ` top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; height: 20px; `), c$1("&::after", ` bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; height: 20px; `), cM("shadow-start", [c$1("&::before", ` box-shadow: inset 0 10px 8px -8px rgba(0, 0, 0, .12); `)]), cM("shadow-end", [c$1("&::after", ` box-shadow: inset 0 -10px 8px -8px rgba(0, 0, 0, .12); `)])])]), cB("tabs-nav-scroll-wrapper", ` flex: 1; position: relative; overflow: hidden; `, [cB("tabs-nav-y-scroll", ` height: 100%; width: 100%; overflow-y: auto; scrollbar-width: none; `, [c$1("&::-webkit-scrollbar", ` width: 0; height: 0; `)]), c$1("&::before, &::after", ` transition: box-shadow .3s var(--n-bezier); pointer-events: none; content: ""; position: absolute; z-index: 1; `)]), cB("tabs-nav-scroll-content", ` display: flex; position: relative; min-width: 100%; min-height: 100%; width: fit-content; box-sizing: border-box; `), cB("tabs-wrapper", ` display: inline-flex; flex-wrap: nowrap; position: relative; `), cB("tabs-tab-wrapper", ` display: flex; flex-wrap: nowrap; flex-shrink: 0; flex-grow: 0; `), cB("tabs-tab", ` cursor: pointer; white-space: nowrap; flex-wrap: nowrap; display: inline-flex; align-items: center; color: var(--n-tab-text-color); font-size: var(--n-tab-font-size); background-clip: padding-box; padding: var(--n-tab-padding); transition: box-shadow .3s var(--n-bezier), color .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), border-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [cM("disabled", { cursor: "not-allowed" }), cE("close", ` margin-left: 6px; transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), color .3s var(--n-bezier); `), cE("label", ` display: flex; align-items: center; z-index: 1; `)]), cB("tabs-bar", ` position: absolute; bottom: 0; height: 2px; border-radius: 1px; background-color: var(--n-bar-color); transition: left .2s var(--n-bezier), max-width .2s var(--n-bezier), opacity .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [c$1("&.transition-disabled", ` transition: none; `), cM("disabled", ` background-color: var(--n-tab-text-color-disabled) `)]), cB("tabs-pane-wrapper", ` position: relative; overflow: hidden; transition: max-height .2s var(--n-bezier); `), cB("tab-pane", ` color: var(--n-pane-text-color); width: 100%; transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), opacity .2s var(--n-bezier); left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; `, [c$1("&.next-transition-leave-active, &.prev-transition-leave-active, &.next-transition-enter-active, &.prev-transition-enter-active", ` transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), transform .2s var(--n-bezier), opacity .2s var(--n-bezier); `), c$1("&.next-transition-leave-active, &.prev-transition-leave-active", ` position: absolute; `), c$1("&.next-transition-enter-from, &.prev-transition-leave-to", ` transform: translateX(32px); opacity: 0; `), c$1("&.next-transition-leave-to, &.prev-transition-enter-from", ` transform: translateX(-32px); opacity: 0; `), c$1("&.next-transition-leave-from, &.next-transition-enter-to, &.prev-transition-leave-from, &.prev-transition-enter-to", ` transform: translateX(0); opacity: 1; `)]), cB("tabs-tab-pad", ` box-sizing: border-box; width: var(--n-tab-gap); flex-grow: 0; flex-shrink: 0; `), cM("line-type, bar-type", [cB("tabs-tab", ` font-weight: var(--n-tab-font-weight); box-sizing: border-box; vertical-align: bottom; `, [c$1("&:hover", { color: "var(--n-tab-text-color-hover)" }), cM("active", ` color: var(--n-tab-text-color-active); font-weight: var(--n-tab-font-weight-active); `), cM("disabled", { color: "var(--n-tab-text-color-disabled)" })])]), cB("tabs-nav", [cM("line-type", [cM("top", [cE("prefix, suffix", ` border-bottom: 1px solid var(--n-tab-border-color); `), cB("tabs-nav-scroll-content", ` border-bottom: 1px solid var(--n-tab-border-color); `), cB("tabs-bar", ` bottom: -1px; `)]), cM("left", [cE("prefix, suffix", ` border-right: 1px solid var(--n-tab-border-color); `), cB("tabs-nav-scroll-content", ` border-right: 1px solid var(--n-tab-border-color); `), cB("tabs-bar", ` right: -1px; `)]), cM("right", [cE("prefix, suffix", ` border-left: 1px solid var(--n-tab-border-color); `), cB("tabs-nav-scroll-content", ` border-left: 1px solid var(--n-tab-border-color); `), cB("tabs-bar", ` left: -1px; `)]), cM("bottom", [cE("prefix, suffix", ` border-top: 1px solid var(--n-tab-border-color); `), cB("tabs-nav-scroll-content", ` border-top: 1px solid var(--n-tab-border-color); `), cB("tabs-bar", ` top: -1px; `)]), cE("prefix, suffix", ` transition: border-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `), cB("tabs-nav-scroll-content", ` transition: border-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `), cB("tabs-bar", ` border-radius: 0; `)]), cM("card-type", [cE("prefix, suffix", ` transition: border-color .3s var(--n-bezier); border-bottom: 1px solid var(--n-tab-border-color); `), cB("tabs-pad", ` flex-grow: 1; transition: border-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `), cB("tabs-tab-pad", ` transition: border-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `), cB("tabs-tab", ` font-weight: var(--n-tab-font-weight); border: 1px solid var(--n-tab-border-color); background-color: var(--n-tab-color); box-sizing: border-box; position: relative; vertical-align: bottom; display: flex; justify-content: space-between; font-size: var(--n-tab-font-size); color: var(--n-tab-text-color); `, [cM("addable", ` padding-left: 8px; padding-right: 8px; font-size: 16px; `, [cE("height-placeholder", ` width: 0; font-size: var(--n-tab-font-size); `), cNotM("disabled", [c$1("&:hover", ` color: var(--n-tab-text-color-hover); `)])]), cM("closable", "padding-right: 8px;"), cM("active", ` background-color: #0000; font-weight: var(--n-tab-font-weight-active); color: var(--n-tab-text-color-active); `), cM("disabled", "color: var(--n-tab-text-color-disabled);")]), cB("tabs-scroll-padding", "border-bottom: 1px solid var(--n-tab-border-color);")]), cM("left, right", [cB("tabs-wrapper", ` flex-direction: column; `, [cB("tabs-tab-wrapper", ` flex-direction: column; `, [cB("tabs-tab-pad", ` height: var(--n-tab-gap-vertical); width: 100%; `)])])]), cM("top", [cM("card-type", [cB("tabs-tab", ` border-top-left-radius: var(--n-tab-border-radius); border-top-right-radius: var(--n-tab-border-radius); `, [cM("active", ` border-bottom: 1px solid #0000; `)]), cB("tabs-tab-pad", ` border-bottom: 1px solid var(--n-tab-border-color); `), cB("tabs-pad", ` border-bottom: 1px solid var(--n-tab-border-color); `)])]), cM("left", [cM("card-type", [cB("tabs-tab", ` border-top-left-radius: var(--n-tab-border-radius); border-bottom-left-radius: var(--n-tab-border-radius); `, [cM("active", ` border-right: 1px solid #0000; `)]), cB("tabs-tab-pad", ` border-right: 1px solid var(--n-tab-border-color); `), cB("tabs-pad", ` border-right: 1px solid var(--n-tab-border-color); `)])]), cM("right", [cM("card-type", [cB("tabs-tab", ` border-top-right-radius: var(--n-tab-border-radius); border-bottom-right-radius: var(--n-tab-border-radius); `, [cM("active", ` border-left: 1px solid #0000; `)]), cB("tabs-tab-pad", ` border-left: 1px solid var(--n-tab-border-color); `), cB("tabs-pad", ` border-left: 1px solid var(--n-tab-border-color); `)])]), cM("bottom", [cM("card-type", [cB("tabs-tab", ` border-bottom-left-radius: var(--n-tab-border-radius); border-bottom-right-radius: var(--n-tab-border-radius); `, [cM("active", ` border-top: 1px solid #0000; `)]), cB("tabs-tab-pad", ` border-top: 1px solid var(--n-tab-border-color); `), cB("tabs-pad", ` border-top: 1px solid var(--n-tab-border-color); `)])])])]); const tabsProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { value: [String, Number], defaultValue: [String, Number], trigger: { type: String, default: "click" }, type: { type: String, default: "bar" }, closable: Boolean, justifyContent: String, size: { type: String, default: "medium" }, placement: { type: String, default: "top" }, tabStyle: [String, Object], tabClass: String, addTabStyle: [String, Object], addTabClass: String, barWidth: Number, paneClass: String, paneStyle: [String, Object], paneWrapperClass: String, paneWrapperStyle: [String, Object], addable: [Boolean, Object], tabsPadding: { type: Number, default: 0 }, animated: Boolean, onBeforeLeave: Function, onAdd: Function, "onUpdate:value": [Function, Array], onUpdateValue: [Function, Array], onClose: [Function, Array], // deprecated labelSize: String, activeName: [String, Number], onActiveNameChange: [Function, Array] }); const Tabs = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Tabs", props: tabsProps, setup(props, { slots }) { var _a, _b, _c, _d; const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Tabs", "-tabs", style$e, tabsLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const tabsElRef = vue.ref(null); const barElRef = vue.ref(null); const scrollWrapperElRef = vue.ref(null); const addTabInstRef = vue.ref(null); const xScrollInstRef = vue.ref(null); const yScrollElRef = vue.ref(null); const startReachedRef = vue.ref(true); const endReachedRef = vue.ref(true); const compitableSizeRef = useCompitable(props, ["labelSize", "size"]); const compitableValueRef = useCompitable(props, ["activeName", "value"]); const uncontrolledValueRef = vue.ref((_b = (_a = compitableValueRef.value) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : props.defaultValue) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : slots.default ? (_d = (_c = flatten$3(slots.default())[0]) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.props) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.name : null); const mergedValueRef = useMergedState(compitableValueRef, uncontrolledValueRef); const tabChangeIdRef = { id: 0 }; const tabWrapperStyleRef = vue.computed(() => { if (!props.justifyContent || props.type === "card") return void 0; return { display: "flex", justifyContent: props.justifyContent }; }); vue.watch(mergedValueRef, () => { tabChangeIdRef.id = 0; updateCurrentBarStyle(); updateCurrentScrollPosition(); }); function getCurrentEl() { var _a2; const { value } = mergedValueRef; if (value === null) return null; const tabEl = (_a2 = tabsElRef.value) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.querySelector(`[data-name="${value}"]`); return tabEl; } function updateBarStyle(tabEl) { if (props.type === "card") return; const { value: barEl } = barElRef; if (!barEl) return; const barIsHide = barEl.style.opacity === "0"; if (tabEl) { const disabledClassName = `${mergedClsPrefixRef.value}-tabs-bar--disabled`; const { barWidth, placement } = props; if (tabEl.dataset.disabled === "true") { barEl.classList.add(disabledClassName); } else { barEl.classList.remove(disabledClassName); } if (["top", "bottom"].includes(placement)) { clearBarStyle(["top", "maxHeight", "height"]); if (typeof barWidth === "number" && tabEl.offsetWidth >= barWidth) { const offsetDiffLeft = Math.floor((tabEl.offsetWidth - barWidth) / 2) + tabEl.offsetLeft; barEl.style.left = `${offsetDiffLeft}px`; barEl.style.maxWidth = `${barWidth}px`; } else { barEl.style.left = `${tabEl.offsetLeft}px`; barEl.style.maxWidth = `${tabEl.offsetWidth}px`; } barEl.style.width = "8192px"; if (barIsHide) { barEl.style.transition = "none"; } void barEl.offsetWidth; if (barIsHide) { barEl.style.transition = ""; barEl.style.opacity = "1"; } } else { clearBarStyle(["left", "maxWidth", "width"]); if (typeof barWidth === "number" && tabEl.offsetHeight >= barWidth) { const offsetDiffTop = Math.floor((tabEl.offsetHeight - barWidth) / 2) + tabEl.offsetTop; barEl.style.top = `${offsetDiffTop}px`; barEl.style.maxHeight = `${barWidth}px`; } else { barEl.style.top = `${tabEl.offsetTop}px`; barEl.style.maxHeight = `${tabEl.offsetHeight}px`; } barEl.style.height = "8192px"; if (barIsHide) { barEl.style.transition = "none"; } void barEl.offsetHeight; if (barIsHide) { barEl.style.transition = ""; barEl.style.opacity = "1"; } } } } function hideBarStyle() { if (props.type === "card") return; const { value: barEl } = barElRef; if (!barEl) return; barEl.style.opacity = "0"; } function clearBarStyle(styleProps) { const { value: barEl } = barElRef; if (!barEl) return; for (const prop of styleProps) { barEl.style[prop] = ""; } } function updateCurrentBarStyle() { if (props.type === "card") return; const tabEl = getCurrentEl(); if (tabEl) { updateBarStyle(tabEl); } else { hideBarStyle(); } } function updateCurrentScrollPosition(smooth) { var _a2; const scrollWrapperEl = (_a2 = xScrollInstRef.value) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.$el; if (!scrollWrapperEl) return; const tabEl = getCurrentEl(); if (!tabEl) return; const { scrollLeft: scrollWrapperElScrollLeft, offsetWidth: scrollWrapperElOffsetWidth } = scrollWrapperEl; const { offsetLeft: tabElOffsetLeft, offsetWidth: tabElOffsetWidth } = tabEl; if (scrollWrapperElScrollLeft > tabElOffsetLeft) { scrollWrapperEl.scrollTo({ top: 0, left: tabElOffsetLeft, behavior: "smooth" }); } else if (tabElOffsetLeft + tabElOffsetWidth > scrollWrapperElScrollLeft + scrollWrapperElOffsetWidth) { scrollWrapperEl.scrollTo({ top: 0, left: tabElOffsetLeft + tabElOffsetWidth - scrollWrapperElOffsetWidth, behavior: "smooth" }); } } const tabsPaneWrapperRef = vue.ref(null); let fromHeight = 0; let hangingTransition = null; function onAnimationBeforeLeave(el) { const tabsPaneWrapperEl = tabsPaneWrapperRef.value; if (tabsPaneWrapperEl) { fromHeight = el.getBoundingClientRect().height; const fromHeightPx = `${fromHeight}px`; const applyFromStyle = () => { tabsPaneWrapperEl.style.height = fromHeightPx; tabsPaneWrapperEl.style.maxHeight = fromHeightPx; }; if (!hangingTransition) { hangingTransition = applyFromStyle; } else { applyFromStyle(); hangingTransition(); hangingTransition = null; } } } function onAnimationEnter(el) { const tabsPaneWrapperEl = tabsPaneWrapperRef.value; if (tabsPaneWrapperEl) { const targetHeight = el.getBoundingClientRect().height; const applyTargetStyle = () => { void document.body.offsetHeight; tabsPaneWrapperEl.style.maxHeight = `${targetHeight}px`; tabsPaneWrapperEl.style.height = `${Math.max(fromHeight, targetHeight)}px`; }; if (!hangingTransition) { hangingTransition = applyTargetStyle; } else { hangingTransition(); hangingTransition = null; applyTargetStyle(); } } } function onAnimationAfterEnter() { const tabsPaneWrapperEl = tabsPaneWrapperRef.value; if (tabsPaneWrapperEl) { tabsPaneWrapperEl.style.maxHeight = ""; tabsPaneWrapperEl.style.height = ""; const { paneWrapperStyle } = props; if (typeof paneWrapperStyle === "string") { tabsPaneWrapperEl.style.cssText = paneWrapperStyle; } else if (paneWrapperStyle) { const { maxHeight, height } = paneWrapperStyle; if (maxHeight !== void 0) { tabsPaneWrapperEl.style.maxHeight = maxHeight; } if (height !== void 0) { tabsPaneWrapperEl.style.height = height; } } } } const renderNameListRef = { value: [] }; const animationDirectionRef = vue.ref("next"); function activateTab(panelName) { const currentValue = mergedValueRef.value; let dir = "next"; for (const name of renderNameListRef.value) { if (name === currentValue) { break; } if (name === panelName) { dir = "prev"; break; } } animationDirectionRef.value = dir; doUpdateValue(panelName); } function doUpdateValue(panelName) { const { onActiveNameChange, onUpdateValue, "onUpdate:value": _onUpdateValue } = props; if (onActiveNameChange) { call(onActiveNameChange, panelName); } if (onUpdateValue) call(onUpdateValue, panelName); if (_onUpdateValue) call(_onUpdateValue, panelName); uncontrolledValueRef.value = panelName; } function handleClose(panelName) { const { onClose } = props; if (onClose) call(onClose, panelName); } function updateBarPositionInstantly() { const { value: barEl } = barElRef; if (!barEl) return; const disableTransitionClassName = "transition-disabled"; barEl.classList.add(disableTransitionClassName); updateCurrentBarStyle(); barEl.classList.remove(disableTransitionClassName); } const segmentCapsuleElRef = vue.ref(null); function updateSegmentPosition({ transitionDisabled }) { const tabsEl = tabsElRef.value; if (!tabsEl) return; transitionDisabled && tabsEl.classList.add("transition-disabled"); const activeTabEl = getCurrentEl(); if (activeTabEl && segmentCapsuleElRef.value) { segmentCapsuleElRef.value.style.width = `${activeTabEl.offsetWidth}px`; segmentCapsuleElRef.value.style.height = `${activeTabEl.offsetHeight}px`; segmentCapsuleElRef.value.style.transform = `translateX(${activeTabEl.offsetLeft - depx(getComputedStyle(tabsEl).paddingLeft)}px)`; if (transitionDisabled) { void segmentCapsuleElRef.value.offsetWidth; } } transitionDisabled && tabsEl.classList.remove("transition-disabled"); } vue.watch([mergedValueRef], () => { if (props.type === "segment") { void vue.nextTick(() => { updateSegmentPosition({ transitionDisabled: false }); }); } }); vue.onMounted(() => { if (props.type === "segment") { updateSegmentPosition({ transitionDisabled: true }); } }); let memorizedWidth = 0; function _handleNavResize(entry) { var _b2; if (entry.contentRect.width === 0 && entry.contentRect.height === 0) { return; } if (memorizedWidth === entry.contentRect.width) { return; } memorizedWidth = entry.contentRect.width; const { type } = props; if (type === "line" || type === "bar") { { updateBarPositionInstantly(); } } if (type !== "segment") { const { placement } = props; deriveScrollShadow((placement === "top" || placement === "bottom" ? (_b2 = xScrollInstRef.value) === null || _b2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _b2.$el : yScrollElRef.value) || null); } } const handleNavResize = throttle(_handleNavResize, 64); vue.watch([() => props.justifyContent, () => props.size], () => { void vue.nextTick(() => { const { type } = props; if (type === "line" || type === "bar") { updateBarPositionInstantly(); } }); }); const addTabFixedRef = vue.ref(false); function _handleTabsResize(entry) { var _a2; const { target, contentRect: { width } } = entry; const containerWidth = target.parentElement.offsetWidth; if (!addTabFixedRef.value) { if (containerWidth < width) { addTabFixedRef.value = true; } } else { const { value: addTabInst } = addTabInstRef; if (!addTabInst) return; if (containerWidth - width > addTabInst.$el.offsetWidth) { addTabFixedRef.value = false; } } deriveScrollShadow(((_a2 = xScrollInstRef.value) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.$el) || null); } const handleTabsResize = throttle(_handleTabsResize, 64); function handleAdd() { const { onAdd } = props; if (onAdd) onAdd(); void vue.nextTick(() => { const currentEl = getCurrentEl(); const { value: xScrollInst } = xScrollInstRef; if (!currentEl || !xScrollInst) return; xScrollInst.scrollTo({ left: currentEl.offsetLeft, top: 0, behavior: "smooth" }); }); } function deriveScrollShadow(el) { if (!el) return; const { placement } = props; if (placement === "top" || placement === "bottom") { const { scrollLeft, scrollWidth, offsetWidth } = el; startReachedRef.value = scrollLeft <= 0; endReachedRef.value = scrollLeft + offsetWidth >= scrollWidth; } else { const { scrollTop, scrollHeight, offsetHeight } = el; startReachedRef.value = scrollTop <= 0; endReachedRef.value = scrollTop + offsetHeight >= scrollHeight; } } const handleScroll = throttle((e) => { deriveScrollShadow(e.target); }, 64); vue.provide(tabsInjectionKey, { triggerRef: vue.toRef(props, "trigger"), tabStyleRef: vue.toRef(props, "tabStyle"), tabClassRef: vue.toRef(props, "tabClass"), addTabStyleRef: vue.toRef(props, "addTabStyle"), addTabClassRef: vue.toRef(props, "addTabClass"), paneClassRef: vue.toRef(props, "paneClass"), paneStyleRef: vue.toRef(props, "paneStyle"), mergedClsPrefixRef, typeRef: vue.toRef(props, "type"), closableRef: vue.toRef(props, "closable"), valueRef: mergedValueRef, tabChangeIdRef, onBeforeLeaveRef: vue.toRef(props, "onBeforeLeave"), activateTab, handleClose, handleAdd }); onFontsReady(() => { updateCurrentBarStyle(); updateCurrentScrollPosition(); }); vue.watchEffect(() => { const { value: el } = scrollWrapperElRef; if (!el) return; const { value: clsPrefix } = mergedClsPrefixRef; const shadowStartClass = `${clsPrefix}-tabs-nav-scroll-wrapper--shadow-start`; const shadowEndClass = `${clsPrefix}-tabs-nav-scroll-wrapper--shadow-end`; if (startReachedRef.value) { el.classList.remove(shadowStartClass); } else { el.classList.add(shadowStartClass); } if (endReachedRef.value) { el.classList.remove(shadowEndClass); } else { el.classList.add(shadowEndClass); } }); const exposedMethods = { syncBarPosition: () => { updateCurrentBarStyle(); } }; const handleSegmentResize = () => { updateSegmentPosition({ transitionDisabled: true }); }; const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value: size2 } = compitableSizeRef; const { type } = props; const typeSuffix = { card: "Card", bar: "Bar", line: "Line", segment: "Segment" }[type]; const sizeType = `${size2}${typeSuffix}`; const { self: { barColor, closeIconColor, closeIconColorHover, closeIconColorPressed, tabColor, tabBorderColor, paneTextColor, tabFontWeight, tabBorderRadius, tabFontWeightActive, colorSegment, fontWeightStrong, tabColorSegment, closeSize, closeIconSize, closeColorHover, closeColorPressed, closeBorderRadius, [createKey("panePadding", size2)]: panePadding, [createKey("tabPadding", sizeType)]: tabPadding, [createKey("tabPaddingVertical", sizeType)]: tabPaddingVertical, [createKey("tabGap", sizeType)]: tabGap, [createKey("tabGap", `${sizeType}Vertical`)]: tabGapVertical, [createKey("tabTextColor", type)]: tabTextColor, [createKey("tabTextColorActive", type)]: tabTextColorActive, [createKey("tabTextColorHover", type)]: tabTextColorHover, [createKey("tabTextColorDisabled", type)]: tabTextColorDisabled, [createKey("tabFontSize", size2)]: tabFontSize }, common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-color-segment": colorSegment, "--n-bar-color": barColor, "--n-tab-font-size": tabFontSize, "--n-tab-text-color": tabTextColor, "--n-tab-text-color-active": tabTextColorActive, "--n-tab-text-color-disabled": tabTextColorDisabled, "--n-tab-text-color-hover": tabTextColorHover, "--n-pane-text-color": paneTextColor, "--n-tab-border-color": tabBorderColor, "--n-tab-border-radius": tabBorderRadius, "--n-close-size": closeSize, "--n-close-icon-size": closeIconSize, "--n-close-color-hover": closeColorHover, "--n-close-color-pressed": closeColorPressed, "--n-close-border-radius": closeBorderRadius, "--n-close-icon-color": closeIconColor, "--n-close-icon-color-hover": closeIconColorHover, "--n-close-icon-color-pressed": closeIconColorPressed, "--n-tab-color": tabColor, "--n-tab-font-weight": tabFontWeight, "--n-tab-font-weight-active": tabFontWeightActive, "--n-tab-padding": tabPadding, "--n-tab-padding-vertical": tabPaddingVertical, "--n-tab-gap": tabGap, "--n-tab-gap-vertical": tabGapVertical, "--n-pane-padding-left": getMargin(panePadding, "left"), "--n-pane-padding-right": getMargin(panePadding, "right"), "--n-pane-padding-top": getMargin(panePadding, "top"), "--n-pane-padding-bottom": getMargin(panePadding, "bottom"), "--n-font-weight-strong": fontWeightStrong, "--n-tab-color-segment": tabColorSegment }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("tabs", vue.computed(() => { return `${compitableSizeRef.value[0]}${props.type[0]}`; }), cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return Object.assign({ mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedValue: mergedValueRef, renderedNames: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), segmentCapsuleElRef, tabsPaneWrapperRef, tabsElRef, barElRef, addTabInstRef, xScrollInstRef, scrollWrapperElRef, addTabFixed: addTabFixedRef, tabWrapperStyle: tabWrapperStyleRef, handleNavResize, mergedSize: compitableSizeRef, handleScroll, handleTabsResize, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, animationDirection: animationDirectionRef, renderNameListRef, yScrollElRef, handleSegmentResize, onAnimationBeforeLeave, onAnimationEnter, onAnimationAfterEnter, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }, exposedMethods); }, render() { const { mergedClsPrefix, type, placement, addTabFixed, addable, mergedSize, renderNameListRef, onRender, paneWrapperClass, paneWrapperStyle, $slots: { default: defaultSlot, prefix: prefixSlot, suffix: suffixSlot } } = this; onRender === null || onRender === void 0 ? void 0 : onRender(); const tabPaneChildren = defaultSlot ? flatten$3(defaultSlot()).filter((v) => { return v.type.__TAB_PANE__ === true; }) : []; const tabChildren = defaultSlot ? flatten$3(defaultSlot()).filter((v) => { return v.type.__TAB__ === true; }) : []; const showPane = !tabChildren.length; const isCard = type === "card"; const isSegment = type === "segment"; const mergedJustifyContent = !isCard && !isSegment && this.justifyContent; renderNameListRef.value = []; const scrollContent = () => { const tabs = vue.h("div", { style: this.tabWrapperStyle, class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-tabs-wrapper`] }, mergedJustifyContent ? null : vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-tabs-scroll-padding`, style: { width: `${this.tabsPadding}px` } }), showPane ? tabPaneChildren.map((tabPaneVNode, index) => { renderNameListRef.value.push(tabPaneVNode.props.name); return justifyTabDynamicProps(vue.h(Tab, Object.assign({}, tabPaneVNode.props, { internalCreatedByPane: true, internalLeftPadded: index !== 0 && (!mergedJustifyContent || mergedJustifyContent === "center" || mergedJustifyContent === "start" || mergedJustifyContent === "end") }), tabPaneVNode.children ? { default: tabPaneVNode.children.tab } : void 0)); }) : tabChildren.map((tabVNode, index) => { renderNameListRef.value.push(tabVNode.props.name); if (index !== 0 && !mergedJustifyContent) { return justifyTabDynamicProps(createLeftPaddedTabVNode(tabVNode)); } else { return justifyTabDynamicProps(tabVNode); } }), !addTabFixed && addable && isCard ? createAddTag(addable, (showPane ? tabPaneChildren.length : tabChildren.length) !== 0) : null, mergedJustifyContent ? null : vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-tabs-scroll-padding`, style: { width: `${this.tabsPadding}px` } })); return vue.h("div", { ref: "tabsElRef", class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-tabs-nav-scroll-content` }, isCard && addable ? vue.h(VResizeObserver, { onResize: this.handleTabsResize }, { default: () => tabs }) : tabs, isCard ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-tabs-pad` }) : null, isCard ? null : vue.h("div", { ref: "barElRef", class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-tabs-bar` })); }; const resolvedPlacement = isSegment ? "top" : placement; return vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-tabs`, this.themeClass, `${mergedClsPrefix}-tabs--${type}-type`, `${mergedClsPrefix}-tabs--${mergedSize}-size`, mergedJustifyContent && `${mergedClsPrefix}-tabs--flex`, `${mergedClsPrefix}-tabs--${resolvedPlacement}`], style: this.cssVars }, vue.h("div", { class: [ // the class should be applied here since it's possible // to make tabs nested in tabs, style may influence each // other. adding a class will make it easy to write the // style. `${mergedClsPrefix}-tabs-nav--${type}-type`, `${mergedClsPrefix}-tabs-nav--${resolvedPlacement}`, `${mergedClsPrefix}-tabs-nav` ] }, resolveWrappedSlot(prefixSlot, (children) => children && vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-tabs-nav__prefix` }, children)), isSegment ? vue.h(VResizeObserver, { onResize: this.handleSegmentResize }, { default: () => vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-tabs-rail`, ref: "tabsElRef" }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-tabs-capsule`, ref: "segmentCapsuleElRef" }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-tabs-wrapper` }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-tabs-tab` }))), showPane ? tabPaneChildren.map((tabPaneVNode, index) => { renderNameListRef.value.push(tabPaneVNode.props.name); return vue.h(Tab, Object.assign({}, tabPaneVNode.props, { internalCreatedByPane: true, internalLeftPadded: index !== 0 }), tabPaneVNode.children ? { default: tabPaneVNode.children.tab } : void 0); }) : tabChildren.map((tabVNode, index) => { renderNameListRef.value.push(tabVNode.props.name); if (index === 0) { return tabVNode; } else { return createLeftPaddedTabVNode(tabVNode); } })) }) : vue.h(VResizeObserver, { onResize: this.handleNavResize }, { default: () => vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-tabs-nav-scroll-wrapper`, ref: "scrollWrapperElRef" }, ["top", "bottom"].includes(resolvedPlacement) ? vue.h(VXScroll, { ref: "xScrollInstRef", onScroll: this.handleScroll }, { default: scrollContent }) : vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-tabs-nav-y-scroll`, onScroll: this.handleScroll, ref: "yScrollElRef" }, scrollContent())) }), addTabFixed && addable && isCard ? createAddTag(addable, true) : null, resolveWrappedSlot(suffixSlot, (children) => children && vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-tabs-nav__suffix` }, children))), showPane && (this.animated && (resolvedPlacement === "top" || resolvedPlacement === "bottom") ? vue.h("div", { ref: "tabsPaneWrapperRef", style: paneWrapperStyle, class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-tabs-pane-wrapper`, paneWrapperClass] }, filterMapTabPanes(tabPaneChildren, this.mergedValue, this.renderedNames, this.onAnimationBeforeLeave, this.onAnimationEnter, this.onAnimationAfterEnter, this.animationDirection)) : filterMapTabPanes(tabPaneChildren, this.mergedValue, this.renderedNames))); } }); function filterMapTabPanes(tabPaneVNodes, value, renderedNames, onBeforeLeave, onEnter, onAfterEnter, animationDirection) { const children = []; tabPaneVNodes.forEach((vNode) => { const { name, displayDirective, "display-directive": _displayDirective } = vNode.props; const matchDisplayDirective = (directive) => displayDirective === directive || _displayDirective === directive; const show = value === name; if (vNode.key !== void 0) { vNode.key = name; } if (show || matchDisplayDirective("show") || matchDisplayDirective("show:lazy") && renderedNames.has(name)) { if (!renderedNames.has(name)) { renderedNames.add(name); } const useVShow = !matchDisplayDirective("if"); children.push(useVShow ? vue.withDirectives(vNode, [[vue.vShow, show]]) : vNode); } }); if (!animationDirection) { return children; } return vue.h(vue.TransitionGroup, { name: `${animationDirection}-transition`, onBeforeLeave, onEnter, onAfterEnter }, { default: () => children }); } function createAddTag(addable, internalLeftPadded) { return vue.h(Tab, { ref: "addTabInstRef", key: "__addable", name: "__addable", internalCreatedByPane: true, internalAddable: true, internalLeftPadded, disabled: typeof addable === "object" && addable.disabled }); } function createLeftPaddedTabVNode(tabVNode) { const modifiedVNode = vue.cloneVNode(tabVNode); if (modifiedVNode.props) { modifiedVNode.props.internalLeftPadded = true; } else { modifiedVNode.props = { internalLeftPadded: true }; } return modifiedVNode; } function justifyTabDynamicProps(tabVNode) { if (Array.isArray(tabVNode.dynamicProps)) { if (!tabVNode.dynamicProps.includes("internalLeftPadded")) { tabVNode.dynamicProps.push("internalLeftPadded"); } } else { tabVNode.dynamicProps = ["internalLeftPadded"]; } return tabVNode; } const style$d = cB("thing", ` display: flex; transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); font-size: var(--n-font-size); color: var(--n-text-color); `, [cB("thing-avatar", ` margin-right: 12px; margin-top: 2px; `), cB("thing-avatar-header-wrapper", ` display: flex; flex-wrap: nowrap; `, [cB("thing-header-wrapper", ` flex: 1; `)]), cB("thing-main", ` flex-grow: 1; `, [cB("thing-header", ` display: flex; margin-bottom: 4px; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center; `, [cE("title", ` font-size: 16px; font-weight: var(--n-title-font-weight); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); color: var(--n-title-text-color); `)]), cE("description", [c$1("&:not(:last-child)", ` margin-bottom: 4px; `)]), cE("content", [c$1("&:not(:first-child)", ` margin-top: 12px; `)]), cE("footer", [c$1("&:not(:first-child)", ` margin-top: 12px; `)]), cE("action", [c$1("&:not(:first-child)", ` margin-top: 12px; `)])])]); const thingProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { title: String, titleExtra: String, description: String, descriptionClass: String, descriptionStyle: [String, Object], content: String, contentClass: String, contentStyle: [String, Object], contentIndented: Boolean }); const Thing = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Thing", props: thingProps, setup(props, { slots }) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled, mergedRtlRef } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Thing", "-thing", style$d, thingLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const rtlEnabledRef = useRtl("Thing", mergedRtlRef, mergedClsPrefixRef); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { self: { titleTextColor, textColor, titleFontWeight, fontSize: fontSize2 }, common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-font-size": fontSize2, "--n-text-color": textColor, "--n-title-font-weight": titleFontWeight, "--n-title-text-color": titleTextColor }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("thing", void 0, cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return () => { var _a; const { value: mergedClsPrefix } = mergedClsPrefixRef; const rtlEnabled = rtlEnabledRef ? rtlEnabledRef.value : false; (_a = themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(themeClassHandle); return vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-thing`, themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, rtlEnabled && `${mergedClsPrefix}-thing--rtl`], style: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef.value }, slots.avatar && props.contentIndented ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-thing-avatar` }, slots.avatar()) : null, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-thing-main` }, !props.contentIndented && (slots.header || props.title || slots["header-extra"] || props.titleExtra || slots.avatar) ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-thing-avatar-header-wrapper` }, slots.avatar ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-thing-avatar` }, slots.avatar()) : null, slots.header || props.title || slots["header-extra"] || props.titleExtra ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-thing-header-wrapper` }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-thing-header` }, slots.header || props.title ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-thing-header__title` }, slots.header ? slots.header() : props.title) : null, slots["header-extra"] || props.titleExtra ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-thing-header__extra` }, slots["header-extra"] ? slots["header-extra"]() : props.titleExtra) : null), slots.description || props.description ? vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-thing-main__description`, props.descriptionClass], style: props.descriptionStyle }, slots.description ? slots.description() : props.description) : null) : null) : vue.h(vue.Fragment, null, slots.header || props.title || slots["header-extra"] || props.titleExtra ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-thing-header` }, slots.header || props.title ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-thing-header__title` }, slots.header ? slots.header() : props.title) : null, slots["header-extra"] || props.titleExtra ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-thing-header__extra` }, slots["header-extra"] ? slots["header-extra"]() : props.titleExtra) : null) : null, slots.description || props.description ? vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-thing-main__description`, props.descriptionClass], style: props.descriptionStyle }, slots.description ? slots.description() : props.description) : null), slots.default || props.content ? vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-thing-main__content`, props.contentClass], style: props.contentStyle }, slots.default ? slots.default() : props.content) : null, slots.footer ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-thing-main__footer` }, slots.footer()) : null, slots.action ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-thing-main__action` }, slots.action()) : null)); }; } }); const timeProps = { time: { type: [Number, Date], default: void 0 // For unix or non unix mode, it should be different default value }, type: { type: String, default: "datetime" }, to: { type: [Number, Date], default: void 0 // the same as `time` prop }, unix: Boolean, format: String, text: Boolean, timeZone: String }; const Time = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Time", props: timeProps, setup(props) { const now2 = Date.now(); const { localeRef, dateLocaleRef } = useLocale("Time"); const mergedFormatRef = vue.computed(() => { const { timeZone } = props; if (timeZone) { return (time2, _format, options) => { return formatInTimeZone(time2, timeZone, _format, options); }; } return format$4; }); const dateFnsOptionsRef = vue.computed(() => { return { locale: dateLocaleRef.value.locale }; }); const mergedTimeRef = vue.computed(() => { const { time: time2 } = props; if (props.unix) { if (time2 === void 0) return now2; return fromUnixTime(typeof time2 === "number" ? time2 : time2.valueOf()); } return time2 !== null && time2 !== void 0 ? time2 : now2; }); const mergedToRef = vue.computed(() => { const { to } = props; if (props.unix) { if (to === void 0) return now2; return fromUnixTime(typeof to === "number" ? to : to.valueOf()); } return to !== null && to !== void 0 ? to : now2; }); const renderedTimeRef = vue.computed(() => { if (props.format) { return mergedFormatRef.value(mergedTimeRef.value, props.format, dateFnsOptionsRef.value); } else if (props.type === "date") { return mergedFormatRef.value(mergedTimeRef.value, localeRef.value.dateFormat, dateFnsOptionsRef.value); } else if (props.type === "datetime") { return mergedFormatRef.value(mergedTimeRef.value, localeRef.value.dateTimeFormat, dateFnsOptionsRef.value); } else { return formatDistanceStrict(mergedTimeRef.value, mergedToRef.value, { addSuffix: true, locale: dateLocaleRef.value.locale }); } }); return { renderedTime: renderedTimeRef }; }, render() { return this.text ? vue.createTextVNode(this.renderedTime) : vue.h("time", [this.renderedTime]); } }); const lineHeight = 1.25; const style$c = cB("timeline", ` position: relative; width: 100%; display: flex; flex-direction: column; line-height: ${lineHeight}; `, [cM("horizontal", ` flex-direction: row; `, [c$1(">", [cB("timeline-item", ` flex-shrink: 0; padding-right: 40px; `, [cM("dashed-line-type", [c$1(">", [cB("timeline-item-timeline", [cE("line", ` background-image: linear-gradient(90deg, var(--n-color-start), var(--n-color-start) 50%, transparent 50%, transparent 100%); background-size: 10px 1px; `)])])]), c$1(">", [cB("timeline-item-content", ` margin-top: calc(var(--n-icon-size) + 12px); `, [c$1(">", [cE("meta", ` margin-top: 6px; margin-bottom: unset; `)])]), cB("timeline-item-timeline", ` width: 100%; height: calc(var(--n-icon-size) + 12px); `, [cE("line", ` left: var(--n-icon-size); top: calc(var(--n-icon-size) / 2 - 1px); right: 0px; width: unset; height: 2px; `)])])])])]), cM("right-placement", [cB("timeline-item", [cB("timeline-item-content", ` text-align: right; margin-right: calc(var(--n-icon-size) + 12px); `), cB("timeline-item-timeline", ` width: var(--n-icon-size); right: 0; `)])]), cM("left-placement", [cB("timeline-item", [cB("timeline-item-content", ` margin-left: calc(var(--n-icon-size) + 12px); `), cB("timeline-item-timeline", ` left: 0; `)])]), cB("timeline-item", ` position: relative; `, [c$1("&:last-child", [cB("timeline-item-timeline", [cE("line", ` display: none; `)]), cB("timeline-item-content", [cE("meta", ` margin-bottom: 0; `)])]), cB("timeline-item-content", [cE("title", ` margin: var(--n-title-margin); font-size: var(--n-title-font-size); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); font-weight: var(--n-title-font-weight); color: var(--n-title-text-color); `), cE("content", ` transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); font-size: var(--n-content-font-size); color: var(--n-content-text-color); `), cE("meta", ` transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); font-size: 12px; margin-top: 6px; margin-bottom: 20px; color: var(--n-meta-text-color); `)]), cM("dashed-line-type", [cB("timeline-item-timeline", [cE("line", ` --n-color-start: var(--n-line-color); transition: --n-color-start .3s var(--n-bezier); background-color: transparent; background-image: linear-gradient(180deg, var(--n-color-start), var(--n-color-start) 50%, transparent 50%, transparent 100%); background-size: 1px 10px; `)])]), cB("timeline-item-timeline", ` width: calc(var(--n-icon-size) + 12px); position: absolute; top: calc(var(--n-title-font-size) * ${lineHeight} / 2 - var(--n-icon-size) / 2); height: 100%; `, [cE("circle", ` border: var(--n-circle-border); transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), border-color .3s var(--n-bezier); width: var(--n-icon-size); height: var(--n-icon-size); border-radius: var(--n-icon-size); box-sizing: border-box; `), cE("icon", ` color: var(--n-icon-color); font-size: var(--n-icon-size); height: var(--n-icon-size); width: var(--n-icon-size); display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; `), cE("line", ` transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); position: absolute; top: var(--n-icon-size); left: calc(var(--n-icon-size) / 2 - 1px); bottom: 0px; width: 2px; background-color: var(--n-line-color); `)])])]); const timelineProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { horizontal: Boolean, itemPlacement: { type: String, default: "left" }, size: { type: String, default: "medium" }, iconSize: Number }); const timelineInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-timeline"); const Timeline = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Timeline", props: timelineProps, setup(props, { slots }) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Timeline", "-timeline", style$c, timelineLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); vue.provide(timelineInjectionKey, { props, mergedThemeRef: themeRef, mergedClsPrefixRef }); return () => { const { value: mergedClsPrefix } = mergedClsPrefixRef; return vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-timeline`, props.horizontal && `${mergedClsPrefix}-timeline--horizontal`, `${mergedClsPrefix}-timeline--${props.size}-size`, !props.horizontal && `${mergedClsPrefix}-timeline--${props.itemPlacement}-placement`] }, slots); }; } }); const timelineItemProps = { time: [String, Number], title: String, content: String, color: String, lineType: { type: String, default: "default" }, type: { type: String, default: "default" } }; const TimelineItem = vue.defineComponent({ name: "TimelineItem", props: timelineItemProps, setup(props) { const NTimeline = vue.inject(timelineInjectionKey); if (!NTimeline) { throwError("timeline-item", "`n-timeline-item` must be placed inside `n-timeline`."); } useHoudini(); const { inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { props: { size: size2, iconSize: iconSizeProp }, mergedThemeRef } = NTimeline; const { type } = props; const { self: { titleTextColor, contentTextColor, metaTextColor, lineColor, titleFontWeight, contentFontSize, [createKey("iconSize", size2)]: iconSize, [createKey("titleMargin", size2)]: titleMargin, [createKey("titleFontSize", size2)]: titleFontSize, [createKey("circleBorder", type)]: circleBorder, [createKey("iconColor", type)]: iconColor }, common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 } } = mergedThemeRef.value; return { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-circle-border": circleBorder, "--n-icon-color": iconColor, "--n-content-font-size": contentFontSize, "--n-content-text-color": contentTextColor, "--n-line-color": lineColor, "--n-meta-text-color": metaTextColor, "--n-title-font-size": titleFontSize, "--n-title-font-weight": titleFontWeight, "--n-title-margin": titleMargin, "--n-title-text-color": titleTextColor, "--n-icon-size": formatLength(iconSizeProp) || iconSize }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("timeline-item", vue.computed(() => { const { props: { size: size2, iconSize: iconSizeProp } } = NTimeline; const { type } = props; return `${size2[0]}${iconSizeProp || "a"}${type[0]}`; }), cssVarsRef, NTimeline.props) : void 0; return { mergedClsPrefix: NTimeline.mergedClsPrefixRef, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }; }, render() { const { mergedClsPrefix, color, onRender, $slots } = this; onRender === null || onRender === void 0 ? void 0 : onRender(); return vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-timeline-item`, this.themeClass, `${mergedClsPrefix}-timeline-item--${this.type}-type`, `${mergedClsPrefix}-timeline-item--${this.lineType}-line-type`], style: this.cssVars }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-timeline-item-timeline` }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-timeline-item-timeline__line` }), resolveWrappedSlot($slots.icon, (children) => { return children ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-timeline-item-timeline__icon`, style: { color } }, children) : vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-timeline-item-timeline__circle`, style: { borderColor: color } }); })), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-timeline-item-content` }, resolveWrappedSlot($slots.header, (children) => { const mergedChildren = children || this.title; if (mergedChildren) { return vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-timeline-item-content__title` }, children || this.title); } return null; }), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-timeline-item-content__content` }, resolveSlot($slots.default, () => [this.content])), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-timeline-item-content__meta` }, resolveSlot($slots.footer, () => [this.time])))); } }); const transferInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-transfer"); const NTransferHeader = vue.defineComponent({ name: "TransferHeader", props: { size: { type: String, required: true }, selectAllText: String, clearText: String, source: Boolean, onCheckedAll: Function, onClearAll: Function, title: String }, setup(props) { const { targetOptionsRef, canNotSelectAnythingRef, canBeClearedRef, allCheckedRef, mergedThemeRef, disabledRef, mergedClsPrefixRef, srcOptionsLengthRef // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion } = vue.inject(transferInjectionKey); const { localeRef } = useLocale("Transfer"); return () => { const { source, onClearAll, onCheckedAll, selectAllText, clearText } = props; const { value: mergedTheme } = mergedThemeRef; const { value: mergedClsPrefix } = mergedClsPrefixRef; const { value: locale2 } = localeRef; const buttonSize = props.size === "large" ? "small" : "tiny"; const { title } = props; return vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-transfer-list-header` }, title && vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-transfer-list-header__title` }, title), source && vue.h(NButton, { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-transfer-list-header__button`, theme: mergedTheme.peers.Button, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Button, size: buttonSize, tertiary: true, onClick: allCheckedRef.value ? onClearAll : onCheckedAll, disabled: canNotSelectAnythingRef.value || disabledRef.value }, { default: () => allCheckedRef.value ? clearText || locale2.unselectAll : selectAllText || locale2.selectAll }), !source && canBeClearedRef.value && vue.h(NButton, { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-transfer-list-header__button`, theme: mergedTheme.peers.Button, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Button, size: buttonSize, tertiary: true, onClick: onClearAll, disabled: disabledRef.value }, { default: () => locale2.clearAll }), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-transfer-list-header__extra` }, source ? locale2.total(srcOptionsLengthRef.value) : locale2.selected(targetOptionsRef.value.length))); }; } }); const NTransferListItem = vue.defineComponent({ name: "NTransferListItem", props: { source: Boolean, label: { type: String, required: true }, value: { type: [String, Number], required: true }, disabled: Boolean, option: { type: Object, required: true } }, setup(props) { const { targetValueSetRef, mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedThemeRef, handleItemCheck, renderSourceLabelRef, renderTargetLabelRef, showSelectedRef // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion } = vue.inject(transferInjectionKey); const checkedRef = useMemo(() => targetValueSetRef.value.has(props.value)); function handleClick2() { if (!props.disabled) { handleItemCheck(!checkedRef.value, props.value); } } return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedTheme: mergedThemeRef, checked: checkedRef, showSelected: showSelectedRef, renderSourceLabel: renderSourceLabelRef, renderTargetLabel: renderTargetLabelRef, handleClick: handleClick2 }; }, render() { const { disabled, mergedTheme, mergedClsPrefix, label, checked, source, renderSourceLabel, renderTargetLabel } = this; return vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-transfer-list-item`, disabled && `${mergedClsPrefix}-transfer-list-item--disabled`, source ? `${mergedClsPrefix}-transfer-list-item--source` : `${mergedClsPrefix}-transfer-list-item--target`], onClick: source ? this.handleClick : void 0 }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-transfer-list-item__background` }), source && this.showSelected && vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-transfer-list-item__checkbox` }, vue.h(NCheckbox, { theme: mergedTheme.peers.Checkbox, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Checkbox, disabled, checked })), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-transfer-list-item__label`, title: getTitleAttribute(label) }, source ? renderSourceLabel ? renderSourceLabel({ option: this.option }) : label : renderTargetLabel ? renderTargetLabel({ option: this.option }) : label), !source && !disabled && vue.h(NBaseClose, { focusable: false, class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-transfer-list-item__close`, clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, onClick: this.handleClick })); } }); const NTransferList = vue.defineComponent({ name: "TransferList", props: { virtualScroll: { type: Boolean, required: true }, itemSize: { type: Number, required: true }, options: { type: Array, required: true }, disabled: { type: Boolean, required: true }, source: Boolean }, setup() { const { mergedThemeRef, mergedClsPrefixRef } = vue.inject(transferInjectionKey); const scrollerInstRef = vue.ref(null); const vlInstRef = vue.ref(null); function syncVLScroller() { var _a; (_a = scrollerInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.sync(); } function scrollContainer() { const { value } = vlInstRef; if (!value) return null; const { listElRef } = value; return listElRef; } function scrollContent() { const { value } = vlInstRef; if (!value) return null; const { itemsElRef } = value; return itemsElRef; } return { mergedTheme: mergedThemeRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, scrollerInstRef, vlInstRef, syncVLScroller, scrollContainer, scrollContent }; }, render() { const { mergedTheme, options } = this; if (options.length === 0) { return vue.h(NEmpty, { theme: mergedTheme.peers.Empty, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Empty }); } const { mergedClsPrefix, virtualScroll, source, disabled, syncVLScroller } = this; return vue.h(Scrollbar$2, { ref: "scrollerInstRef", theme: mergedTheme.peers.Scrollbar, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Scrollbar, container: virtualScroll ? this.scrollContainer : void 0, content: virtualScroll ? this.scrollContent : void 0 }, { default: () => virtualScroll ? vue.h(VVirtualList, { ref: "vlInstRef", style: { height: "100%" }, class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-transfer-list-content`, items: this.options, itemSize: this.itemSize, showScrollbar: false, onResize: syncVLScroller, onScroll: syncVLScroller, keyField: "value" }, { default: ({ item }) => { const { source: source2, disabled: disabled2 } = this; return vue.h(NTransferListItem, { source: source2, key: item.value, value: item.value, disabled: item.disabled || disabled2, label: item.label, option: item }); } }) : vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-transfer-list-content` }, options.map((option) => vue.h(NTransferListItem, { source, key: option.value, value: option.value, disabled: option.disabled || disabled, label: option.label, option }))) }); } }); const NTransferFilter = vue.defineComponent({ name: "TransferFilter", props: { value: String, placeholder: String, disabled: Boolean, onUpdateValue: { type: Function, required: true } }, setup() { const { mergedThemeRef, mergedClsPrefixRef } = vue.inject(transferInjectionKey); return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedTheme: mergedThemeRef }; }, render() { const { mergedTheme, mergedClsPrefix } = this; return vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-transfer-filter` }, vue.h(NInput, { value: this.value, onUpdateValue: this.onUpdateValue, disabled: this.disabled, placeholder: this.placeholder, theme: mergedTheme.peers.Input, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Input, clearable: true, size: "small" }, { "clear-icon-placeholder": () => vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix }, { default: () => vue.h(SearchIcon, null) }) })); } }); function useTransferData(props) { const uncontrolledValueRef = vue.ref(props.defaultValue); const mergedValueRef = useMergedState(vue.toRef(props, "value"), uncontrolledValueRef); const optionsMapRef = vue.computed(() => { const map2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); (props.options || []).forEach((opt) => map2.set(opt.value, opt)); return map2; }); const targetValueSetRef = vue.computed(() => new Set(mergedValueRef.value || [])); const targetOptionsRef = vue.computed(() => { const optionMap = optionsMapRef.value; const targetOptions = []; (mergedValueRef.value || []).forEach((v) => { const option = optionMap.get(v); if (option) { targetOptions.push(option); } }); return targetOptions; }); const srcPatternRef = vue.ref(""); const tgtPatternRef = vue.ref(""); const mergedSrcFilterableRef = vue.computed(() => { return props.sourceFilterable || !!props.filterable; }); const filteredSrcOptionsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { showSelected, options, filter } = props; if (!mergedSrcFilterableRef.value) { if (showSelected) { return options; } else { return options.filter((option) => !targetValueSetRef.value.has(option.value)); } } return options.filter((option) => { return filter(srcPatternRef.value, option, "source") && (showSelected || !targetValueSetRef.value.has(option.value)); }); }); const filteredTgtOptionsRef = vue.computed(() => { if (!props.targetFilterable) return targetOptionsRef.value; const { filter } = props; return targetOptionsRef.value.filter((opt) => filter(tgtPatternRef.value, opt, "target")); }); const mergedValueSetRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value } = mergedValueRef; if (value === null) return /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); return new Set(value); }); const valueSetForCheckAllRef = vue.computed(() => { const values = new Set(mergedValueSetRef.value); filteredSrcOptionsRef.value.forEach((option) => { if (!option.disabled && !values.has(option.value)) { values.add(option.value); } }); return values; }); const valueSetForUncheckAllRef = vue.computed(() => { const values = new Set(mergedValueSetRef.value); filteredSrcOptionsRef.value.forEach((option) => { if (!option.disabled && values.has(option.value)) { values.delete(option.value); } }); return values; }); const valueSetForClearRef = vue.computed(() => { const values = new Set(mergedValueSetRef.value); filteredTgtOptionsRef.value.forEach((option) => { if (!option.disabled) { values.delete(option.value); } }); return values; }); const canNotSelectAnythingRef = vue.computed(() => { return filteredSrcOptionsRef.value.every((option) => option.disabled); }); const allCheckedRef = vue.computed(() => { if (!filteredSrcOptionsRef.value.length) { return false; } const mergedValueSet = mergedValueSetRef.value; return filteredSrcOptionsRef.value.every((option) => option.disabled || mergedValueSet.has(option.value)); }); const canBeClearedRef = vue.computed(() => { return filteredTgtOptionsRef.value.some((option) => !option.disabled); }); function handleSrcFilterUpdateValue(value) { srcPatternRef.value = value !== null && value !== void 0 ? value : ""; } function handleTgtFilterUpdateValue(value) { tgtPatternRef.value = value !== null && value !== void 0 ? value : ""; } return { uncontrolledValueRef, mergedValueRef, targetValueSetRef, valueSetForCheckAllRef, valueSetForUncheckAllRef, valueSetForClearRef, filteredTgtOptionsRef, filteredSrcOptionsRef, targetOptionsRef, canNotSelectAnythingRef, canBeClearedRef, allCheckedRef, srcPatternRef, tgtPatternRef, mergedSrcFilterableRef, handleSrcFilterUpdateValue, handleTgtFilterUpdateValue }; } const style$b = cB("transfer", ` width: 100%; font-size: var(--n-font-size); height: 300px; display: flex; flex-wrap: nowrap; word-break: break-word; `, [cM("disabled", [cB("transfer-list", [cB("transfer-list-header", [cE("title", ` color: var(--n-header-text-color-disabled); `), cE("extra", ` color: var(--n-header-extra-text-color-disabled); `)])])]), cB("transfer-list", ` flex: 1; min-width: 0; height: inherit; display: flex; flex-direction: column; background-clip: padding-box; position: relative; transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); background-color: var(--n-list-color); `, [cM("source", ` border-top-left-radius: var(--n-border-radius); border-bottom-left-radius: var(--n-border-radius); `, [cE("border", "border-right: 1px solid var(--n-divider-color);")]), cM("target", ` border-top-right-radius: var(--n-border-radius); border-bottom-right-radius: var(--n-border-radius); `, [cE("border", "border-left: none;")]), cE("border", ` padding: 0 12px; border: 1px solid var(--n-border-color); transition: border-color .3s var(--n-bezier); pointer-events: none; border-radius: inherit; position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; `), cB("transfer-list-header", ` min-height: var(--n-header-height); box-sizing: border-box; display: flex; padding: 12px 12px 10px 12px; align-items: center; background-clip: padding-box; border-radius: inherit; border-bottom-left-radius: 0; border-bottom-right-radius: 0; line-height: 1.5; transition: border-color .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [c$1("> *:not(:first-child)", ` margin-left: 8px; `), cE("title", ` flex: 1; min-width: 0; line-height: 1.5; font-size: var(--n-header-font-size); font-weight: var(--n-header-font-weight); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); color: var(--n-header-text-color); `), cE("button", ` position: relative; `), cE("extra", ` transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); font-size: var(--n-extra-font-size); margin-right: 0; white-space: nowrap; color: var(--n-header-extra-text-color); `)]), cB("transfer-list-body", ` flex-basis: 0; flex-grow: 1; box-sizing: border-box; position: relative; display: flex; flex-direction: column; border-radius: inherit; border-top-left-radius: 0; border-top-right-radius: 0; `, [cB("transfer-filter", ` padding: 4px 12px 8px 12px; box-sizing: border-box; transition: border-color .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `), cB("transfer-list-flex-container", ` flex: 1; position: relative; `, [cB("scrollbar", ` position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; height: unset; `), cB("empty", ` position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 50%; transform: translateY(-50%) translateX(-50%); `), cB("transfer-list-content", ` padding: 0; margin: 0; position: relative; `, [cB("transfer-list-item", ` padding: 0 12px; min-height: var(--n-item-height); display: flex; align-items: center; color: var(--n-item-text-color); position: relative; transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [cE("background", ` position: absolute; left: 4px; right: 4px; top: 0; bottom: 0; border-radius: var(--n-border-radius); transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `), cE("checkbox", ` position: relative; margin-right: 8px; `), cE("close", ` opacity: 0; pointer-events: none; position: relative; transition: opacity .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), color .3s var(--n-bezier); `), cE("label", ` position: relative; min-width: 0; flex-grow: 1; `), cM("source", "cursor: pointer;"), cM("disabled", ` cursor: not-allowed; color: var(--n-item-text-color-disabled); `), cNotM("disabled", [c$1("&:hover", [cE("background", "background-color: var(--n-item-color-pending);"), cE("close", ` opacity: 1; pointer-events: all; `)])])])])])])])]); const transferProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { value: Array, defaultValue: { type: Array, default: null }, options: { type: Array, default: () => [] }, disabled: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, virtualScroll: Boolean, sourceTitle: String, selectAllText: String, clearText: String, targetTitle: String, filterable: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, sourceFilterable: Boolean, targetFilterable: Boolean, showSelected: { type: Boolean, default: true }, sourceFilterPlaceholder: String, targetFilterPlaceholder: String, filter: { type: Function, default: (pattern, option) => { if (!pattern) return true; return ~("" + option.label).toLowerCase().indexOf(("" + pattern).toLowerCase()); } }, size: String, renderSourceLabel: Function, renderTargetLabel: Function, renderSourceList: Function, renderTargetList: Function, "onUpdate:value": [Function, Array], onUpdateValue: [Function, Array], onChange: [Function, Array] }); const Transfer = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Transfer", props: transferProps, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Transfer", "-transfer", style$b, transferLight$1, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const formItem = useFormItem(props); const { mergedSizeRef, mergedDisabledRef } = formItem; const itemSizeRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value: size2 } = mergedSizeRef; const { self: { [createKey("itemHeight", size2)]: itemSize } } = themeRef.value; return depx(itemSize); }); const { uncontrolledValueRef, mergedValueRef, targetValueSetRef, valueSetForCheckAllRef, valueSetForUncheckAllRef, valueSetForClearRef, filteredTgtOptionsRef, filteredSrcOptionsRef, targetOptionsRef, canNotSelectAnythingRef, canBeClearedRef, allCheckedRef, srcPatternRef, tgtPatternRef, mergedSrcFilterableRef, handleSrcFilterUpdateValue, handleTgtFilterUpdateValue } = useTransferData(props); function doUpdateValue(value) { const { onUpdateValue, "onUpdate:value": _onUpdateValue, onChange } = props; const { nTriggerFormInput, nTriggerFormChange } = formItem; if (onUpdateValue) call(onUpdateValue, value); if (_onUpdateValue) call(_onUpdateValue, value); if (onChange) call(onChange, value); uncontrolledValueRef.value = value; nTriggerFormInput(); nTriggerFormChange(); } function handleSourceCheckAll() { doUpdateValue([...valueSetForCheckAllRef.value]); } function handleSourceUncheckAll() { doUpdateValue([...valueSetForUncheckAllRef.value]); } function handleTargetClearAll() { doUpdateValue([...valueSetForClearRef.value]); } function handleItemCheck(checked, optionValue) { if (checked) { doUpdateValue((mergedValueRef.value || []).concat(optionValue)); } else { doUpdateValue((mergedValueRef.value || []).filter((v) => v !== optionValue)); } } function handleChecked(optionValueList) { doUpdateValue(optionValueList); } vue.provide(transferInjectionKey, { targetValueSetRef, mergedClsPrefixRef, disabledRef: mergedDisabledRef, mergedThemeRef: themeRef, targetOptionsRef, canNotSelectAnythingRef, canBeClearedRef, allCheckedRef, srcOptionsLengthRef: vue.computed(() => props.options.length), handleItemCheck, renderSourceLabelRef: vue.toRef(props, "renderSourceLabel"), renderTargetLabelRef: vue.toRef(props, "renderTargetLabel"), showSelectedRef: vue.toRef(props, "showSelected") }); return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedDisabled: mergedDisabledRef, itemSize: itemSizeRef, isMounted: isMounted(), mergedTheme: themeRef, filteredSrcOpts: filteredSrcOptionsRef, filteredTgtOpts: filteredTgtOptionsRef, srcPattern: srcPatternRef, tgtPattern: tgtPatternRef, mergedSize: mergedSizeRef, mergedSrcFilterable: mergedSrcFilterableRef, handleSrcFilterUpdateValue, handleTgtFilterUpdateValue, handleSourceCheckAll, handleSourceUncheckAll, handleTargetClearAll, handleItemCheck, handleChecked, cssVars: vue.computed(() => { const { value: size2 } = mergedSizeRef; const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: { borderRadius, borderColor, listColor, titleTextColor, titleTextColorDisabled, extraTextColor, itemTextColor, itemColorPending, itemTextColorDisabled, titleFontWeight, closeColorHover, closeColorPressed, closeIconColor, closeIconColorHover, closeIconColorPressed, closeIconSize, closeSize, dividerColor, extraTextColorDisabled, [createKey("extraFontSize", size2)]: extraFontSize, [createKey("fontSize", size2)]: fontSize2, [createKey("titleFontSize", size2)]: titleFontSize, [createKey("itemHeight", size2)]: itemHeight, [createKey("headerHeight", size2)]: headerHeight } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-border-color": borderColor, "--n-border-radius": borderRadius, "--n-extra-font-size": extraFontSize, "--n-font-size": fontSize2, "--n-header-font-size": titleFontSize, "--n-header-extra-text-color": extraTextColor, "--n-header-extra-text-color-disabled": extraTextColorDisabled, "--n-header-font-weight": titleFontWeight, "--n-header-text-color": titleTextColor, "--n-header-text-color-disabled": titleTextColorDisabled, "--n-item-color-pending": itemColorPending, "--n-item-height": itemHeight, "--n-item-text-color": itemTextColor, "--n-item-text-color-disabled": itemTextColorDisabled, "--n-list-color": listColor, "--n-header-height": headerHeight, "--n-close-size": closeSize, "--n-close-icon-size": closeIconSize, "--n-close-color-hover": closeColorHover, "--n-close-color-pressed": closeColorPressed, "--n-close-icon-color": closeIconColor, "--n-close-icon-color-hover": closeIconColorHover, "--n-close-icon-color-pressed": closeIconColorPressed, "--n-divider-color": dividerColor }; }) }; }, render() { const { mergedClsPrefix, renderSourceList, renderTargetList, mergedTheme, mergedSrcFilterable, targetFilterable } = this; return vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-transfer`, this.mergedDisabled && `${mergedClsPrefix}-transfer--disabled`], style: this.cssVars }, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-transfer-list ${mergedClsPrefix}-transfer-list--source` }, vue.h(NTransferHeader, { source: true, selectAllText: this.selectAllText, clearText: this.clearText, title: this.sourceTitle, onCheckedAll: this.handleSourceCheckAll, onClearAll: this.handleSourceUncheckAll, size: this.mergedSize }), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-transfer-list-body` }, mergedSrcFilterable ? vue.h(NTransferFilter, { onUpdateValue: this.handleSrcFilterUpdateValue, value: this.srcPattern, disabled: this.mergedDisabled, placeholder: this.sourceFilterPlaceholder }) : null, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-transfer-list-flex-container` }, renderSourceList ? vue.h(Scrollbar$2, { theme: mergedTheme.peers.Scrollbar, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Scrollbar }, { default: () => renderSourceList({ onCheck: this.handleChecked, checkedOptions: this.filteredTgtOpts, pattern: this.srcPattern }) }) : vue.h(NTransferList, { source: true, options: this.filteredSrcOpts, disabled: this.mergedDisabled, virtualScroll: this.virtualScroll, itemSize: this.itemSize }))), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-transfer-list__border` })), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-transfer-list ${mergedClsPrefix}-transfer-list--target` }, vue.h(NTransferHeader, { onClearAll: this.handleTargetClearAll, size: this.mergedSize, title: this.targetTitle }), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-transfer-list-body` }, targetFilterable ? vue.h(NTransferFilter, { onUpdateValue: this.handleTgtFilterUpdateValue, value: this.tgtPattern, disabled: this.mergedDisabled, placeholder: this.sourceFilterPlaceholder }) : null, vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-transfer-list-flex-container` }, renderTargetList ? vue.h(Scrollbar$2, { theme: mergedTheme.peers.Scrollbar, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Scrollbar }, { default: () => renderTargetList({ onCheck: this.handleChecked, checkedOptions: this.filteredTgtOpts, pattern: this.tgtPattern }) }) : vue.h(NTransferList, { options: this.filteredTgtOpts, disabled: this.mergedDisabled, virtualScroll: this.virtualScroll, itemSize: this.itemSize }))), vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-transfer-list__border` }))); } }); const treeSelectInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-tree-select"); const treeInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-tree"); const NTreeNodeSwitcher = vue.defineComponent({ name: "NTreeSwitcher", props: { clsPrefix: { type: String, required: true }, indent: { type: Number, required: true }, expanded: Boolean, selected: Boolean, hide: Boolean, loading: Boolean, onClick: Function, tmNode: { type: Object, required: true } }, setup(props) { const { renderSwitcherIconRef } = vue.inject(treeInjectionKey, null); return () => { const { clsPrefix, expanded, hide, indent, onClick } = props; return vue.h("span", { "data-switcher": true, class: [`${clsPrefix}-tree-node-switcher`, expanded && `${clsPrefix}-tree-node-switcher--expanded`, hide && `${clsPrefix}-tree-node-switcher--hide`], style: { width: `${indent}px` }, onClick }, vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-tree-node-switcher__icon` }, vue.h(NIconSwitchTransition, null, { default: () => { if (props.loading) { return vue.h(NBaseLoading, { clsPrefix, key: "loading", radius: 85, strokeWidth: 20 }); } const { value: renderSwitcherIcon } = renderSwitcherIconRef; return renderSwitcherIcon ? renderSwitcherIcon({ expanded: props.expanded, selected: props.selected, option: props.tmNode.rawNode }) : vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix, key: "switcher" }, { default: () => vue.h(SwitcherIcon, null) }); } }))); }; } }); const NTreeNodeCheckbox = vue.defineComponent({ name: "NTreeNodeCheckbox", props: { clsPrefix: { type: String, required: true }, indent: { type: Number, required: true }, right: Boolean, focusable: Boolean, disabled: Boolean, checked: Boolean, indeterminate: Boolean, onCheck: Function }, setup(props) { const NTree2 = vue.inject(treeInjectionKey); function doCheck(value) { const { onCheck } = props; if (onCheck) { onCheck(value); } } function handleUpdateValue(value) { doCheck(value); } return { handleUpdateValue, mergedTheme: NTree2.mergedThemeRef }; }, render() { const { clsPrefix, mergedTheme, checked, indeterminate, disabled, focusable, indent, handleUpdateValue } = this; return vue.h("span", { class: [`${clsPrefix}-tree-node-checkbox`, this.right && `${clsPrefix}-tree-node-checkbox--right`], style: { width: `${indent}px` }, "data-checkbox": true }, vue.h(NCheckbox, { focusable, disabled, theme: mergedTheme.peers.Checkbox, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Checkbox, checked, indeterminate, onUpdateChecked: handleUpdateValue })); } }); const NTreeNodeContent = vue.defineComponent({ name: "TreeNodeContent", props: { clsPrefix: { type: String, required: true }, disabled: Boolean, checked: Boolean, selected: Boolean, onClick: Function, onDragstart: Function, tmNode: { type: Object, required: true }, nodeProps: Object }, setup(props) { const { renderLabelRef, renderPrefixRef, renderSuffixRef, labelFieldRef } = ( // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion vue.inject(treeInjectionKey) ); const selfRef = vue.ref(null); function doClick(e) { const { onClick } = props; if (onClick) onClick(e); } function handleClick2(e) { doClick(e); } return { selfRef, renderLabel: renderLabelRef, renderPrefix: renderPrefixRef, renderSuffix: renderSuffixRef, labelField: labelFieldRef, handleClick: handleClick2 }; }, render() { const { clsPrefix, labelField, nodeProps, checked = false, selected = false, renderLabel, renderPrefix, renderSuffix, handleClick: handleClick2, onDragstart, tmNode: { rawNode, rawNode: { prefix: prefix2, suffix: suffix2, [labelField]: label } } } = this; return vue.h("span", Object.assign({}, nodeProps, { ref: "selfRef", class: [`${clsPrefix}-tree-node-content`, nodeProps === null || nodeProps === void 0 ? void 0 : nodeProps.class], onClick: handleClick2, draggable: onDragstart === void 0 ? void 0 : true, onDragstart }), renderPrefix || prefix2 ? vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-tree-node-content__prefix` }, renderPrefix ? renderPrefix({ option: rawNode, selected, checked }) : render$1(prefix2)) : null, vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-tree-node-content__text` }, renderLabel ? renderLabel({ option: rawNode, selected, checked }) : render$1(label)), renderSuffix || suffix2 ? vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-tree-node-content__suffix` }, renderSuffix ? renderSuffix({ option: rawNode, selected, checked }) : render$1(suffix2)) : null); } }); function renderDropMark({ position, offsetLevel, indent, el }) { const style2 = { position: "absolute", boxSizing: "border-box", right: 0 }; if (position === "inside") { style2.left = 0; style2.top = 0; style2.bottom = 0; style2.borderRadius = "inherit"; style2.boxShadow = "inset 0 0 0 2px var(--n-drop-mark-color)"; } else { const cssPosition = position === "before" ? "top" : "bottom"; style2[cssPosition] = 0; style2.left = `${el.offsetLeft + 6 - offsetLevel * indent}px`; style2.height = "2px"; style2.backgroundColor = "var(--n-drop-mark-color)"; style2.transformOrigin = cssPosition; style2.borderRadius = "1px"; style2.transform = position === "before" ? "translateY(-4px)" : "translateY(4px)"; } return vue.h("div", { style: style2 }); } function defaultAllowDrop({ dropPosition, node }) { if (node.isLeaf === false) return true; if (node.children) { return true; } return dropPosition !== "inside"; } function useMergedCheckStrategy(props) { return vue.computed(() => props.leafOnly ? "child" : props.checkStrategy); } function isNodeDisabled(node, disabledField) { return !!node.rawNode[disabledField]; } function traverse(nodes, childrenField, callback, callbackAfter) { nodes === null || nodes === void 0 ? void 0 : nodes.forEach((node) => { callback(node); traverse(node[childrenField], childrenField, callback, callbackAfter); callbackAfter(node); }); } function keysWithFilter(nodes, pattern, keyField, childrenField, filter) { const keys2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); const highlightKeySet = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); const path = []; traverse(nodes, childrenField, (node) => { path.push(node); if (filter(pattern, node)) { highlightKeySet.add(node[keyField]); for (let i = path.length - 2; i >= 0; --i) { if (!keys2.has(path[i][keyField])) { keys2.add(path[i][keyField]); } else { return; } } } }, () => { path.pop(); }); return { expandedKeys: Array.from(keys2), highlightKeySet }; } if (isBrowser$2 && Image) { const emptyImage = new Image(); emptyImage.src = ""; } function filterTree(tree, filter, pattern, keyField, childrenField) { const visitedTailKeys = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); const visitedNonTailKeys = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); const highlightKeySet = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); const expandedKeys = []; const filteredTree = []; const path = []; function visit(t) { t.forEach((n) => { path.push(n); if (filter(pattern, n)) { visitedTailKeys.add(n[keyField]); highlightKeySet.add(n[keyField]); for (let i = path.length - 2; i >= 0; --i) { const key = path[i][keyField]; if (!visitedNonTailKeys.has(key)) { visitedNonTailKeys.add(key); if (visitedTailKeys.has(key)) { visitedTailKeys.delete(key); } } else { break; } } } const children = n[childrenField]; if (children) { visit(children); } path.pop(); }); } visit(tree); function build(t, sibs) { t.forEach((n) => { const key = n[keyField]; const isVisitedTail = visitedTailKeys.has(key); const isVisitedNonTail = visitedNonTailKeys.has(key); if (!isVisitedTail && !isVisitedNonTail) return; const children = n[childrenField]; if (children) { if (isVisitedTail) { sibs.push(n); } else { expandedKeys.push(key); const clonedNode = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, n), { [childrenField]: [] }); sibs.push(clonedNode); build(children, clonedNode[childrenField]); } } else { sibs.push(n); } }); } build(tree, filteredTree); return { filteredTree, highlightKeySet, expandedKeys }; } function treeGetClickTarget(e) { if (happensIn(e, "checkbox")) { return "checkbox"; } else if (happensIn(e, "switcher")) { return "switcher"; } else { return "node"; } } const TreeNode = vue.defineComponent({ name: "TreeNode", props: { clsPrefix: { type: String, required: true }, tmNode: { type: Object, required: true } }, setup(props) { const NTree2 = vue.inject(treeInjectionKey); const { droppingNodeParentRef, droppingMouseNodeRef, draggingNodeRef, droppingPositionRef, droppingOffsetLevelRef, nodePropsRef, indentRef, blockLineRef, checkboxPlacementRef, checkOnClickRef, disabledFieldRef, showLineRef, renderSwitcherIconRef, overrideDefaultNodeClickBehaviorRef } = NTree2; const checkboxDisabledRef = useMemo(() => !!props.tmNode.rawNode.checkboxDisabled); const nodeIsDisabledRef = useMemo(() => { return isNodeDisabled(props.tmNode, disabledFieldRef.value); }); const disabledRef = useMemo(() => NTree2.disabledRef.value || nodeIsDisabledRef.value); const resolvedNodePropsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value: nodeProps } = nodePropsRef; if (!nodeProps) return void 0; return nodeProps({ option: props.tmNode.rawNode }); }); const contentInstRef = vue.ref(null); const contentElRef = { value: null }; vue.onMounted(() => { contentElRef.value = contentInstRef.value.$el; }); function handleSwitcherClick() { const callback = () => { const { tmNode } = props; if (!tmNode.isLeaf && !tmNode.shallowLoaded) { if (!NTree2.loadingKeysRef.value.has(tmNode.key)) { NTree2.loadingKeysRef.value.add(tmNode.key); } else { return; } const { onLoadRef: { value: onLoad } } = NTree2; if (onLoad) { void onLoad(tmNode.rawNode).then((value) => { if (value !== false) { NTree2.handleSwitcherClick(tmNode); } }).finally(() => { NTree2.loadingKeysRef.value.delete(tmNode.key); }); } } else { NTree2.handleSwitcherClick(tmNode); } }; if (renderSwitcherIconRef.value) { setTimeout(callback, 0); } else { callback(); } } const selectableRef = useMemo(() => !nodeIsDisabledRef.value && NTree2.selectableRef.value && (NTree2.internalTreeSelect ? NTree2.mergedCheckStrategyRef.value !== "child" || NTree2.multipleRef.value && NTree2.cascadeRef.value || props.tmNode.isLeaf : true)); const checkableRef = useMemo(() => NTree2.checkableRef.value && (NTree2.cascadeRef.value || NTree2.mergedCheckStrategyRef.value !== "child" || props.tmNode.isLeaf)); const checkedRef = useMemo(() => NTree2.displayedCheckedKeysRef.value.includes(props.tmNode.key)); const mergedCheckOnClickRef = useMemo(() => { const { value: checkable } = checkableRef; if (!checkable) return false; const { value: checkOnClick } = checkOnClickRef; const { tmNode } = props; if (typeof checkOnClick === "boolean") { return !tmNode.disabled && checkOnClick; } return checkOnClick(props.tmNode.rawNode); }); function _handleClick(e) { const { value: expandOnClick } = NTree2.expandOnClickRef; const { value: selectable } = selectableRef; const { value: mergedCheckOnClick } = mergedCheckOnClickRef; if (!selectable && !expandOnClick && !mergedCheckOnClick) return; if (happensIn(e, "checkbox") || happensIn(e, "switcher")) return; const { tmNode } = props; if (selectable) { NTree2.handleSelect(tmNode); } if (expandOnClick && !tmNode.isLeaf) { handleSwitcherClick(); } if (mergedCheckOnClick) { handleCheck(!checkedRef.value); } } function handleNodeClick(e) { var _a, _b; if (happensIn(e, "checkbox") || happensIn(e, "switcher")) return; if (!disabledRef.value) { const overrideDefaultNodeClickBehavior = overrideDefaultNodeClickBehaviorRef.value; let shouldOverride = false; if (overrideDefaultNodeClickBehavior) { switch (overrideDefaultNodeClickBehavior({ option: props.tmNode.rawNode })) { case "toggleCheck": shouldOverride = true; handleCheck(!checkedRef.value); break; case "toggleSelect": shouldOverride = true; NTree2.handleSelect(props.tmNode); break; case "toggleExpand": shouldOverride = true; handleSwitcherClick(); shouldOverride = true; break; case "none": shouldOverride = true; shouldOverride = true; return; } } if (!shouldOverride) { _handleClick(e); } } (_b = (_a = resolvedNodePropsRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.onClick) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a, e); } function handleContentClick(e) { if (blockLineRef.value) return; handleNodeClick(e); } function handleLineClick(e) { if (!blockLineRef.value) return; handleNodeClick(e); } function handleCheck(checked) { NTree2.handleCheck(props.tmNode, checked); } function handleDragStart(e) { NTree2.handleDragStart({ event: e, node: props.tmNode }); } function handleDragEnter(e) { if (e.currentTarget !== e.target) { return; } NTree2.handleDragEnter({ event: e, node: props.tmNode }); } function handleDragOver(e) { e.preventDefault(); NTree2.handleDragOver({ event: e, node: props.tmNode }); } function handleDragEnd(e) { NTree2.handleDragEnd({ event: e, node: props.tmNode }); } function handleDragLeave(e) { if (e.currentTarget !== e.target) { return; } NTree2.handleDragLeave({ event: e, node: props.tmNode }); } function handleDrop(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (droppingPositionRef.value !== null) { NTree2.handleDrop({ event: e, node: props.tmNode, dropPosition: droppingPositionRef.value }); } } const indentNodes = vue.computed(() => { const { clsPrefix } = props; const { value: indent } = indentRef; if (showLineRef.value) { const indentNodes2 = []; let cursor = props.tmNode.parent; while (cursor) { if (cursor.isLastChild) { indentNodes2.push(vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-tree-node-indent` }, vue.h("div", { style: { width: `${indent}px` } }))); } else { indentNodes2.push(vue.h("div", { class: [`${clsPrefix}-tree-node-indent`, `${clsPrefix}-tree-node-indent--show-line`] }, vue.h("div", { style: { width: `${indent}px` } }))); } cursor = cursor.parent; } return indentNodes2.reverse(); } else { return repeat(props.tmNode.level, vue.h("div", { class: `${props.clsPrefix}-tree-node-indent` }, vue.h("div", { style: { width: `${indent}px` } }))); } }); return { showDropMark: useMemo(() => { const { value: draggingNode } = draggingNodeRef; if (!draggingNode) return; const { value: droppingPosition } = droppingPositionRef; if (!droppingPosition) return; const { value: droppingMouseNode } = droppingMouseNodeRef; if (!droppingMouseNode) { return; } const { tmNode } = props; if (tmNode.key === droppingMouseNode.key) return true; return false; }), showDropMarkAsParent: useMemo(() => { const { value: droppingNodeParent } = droppingNodeParentRef; if (!droppingNodeParent) return false; const { tmNode } = props; const { value: droppingPosition } = droppingPositionRef; if (droppingPosition === "before" || droppingPosition === "after") { return droppingNodeParent.key === tmNode.key; } return false; }), pending: useMemo(() => NTree2.pendingNodeKeyRef.value === props.tmNode.key), loading: useMemo(() => NTree2.loadingKeysRef.value.has(props.tmNode.key)), highlight: useMemo(() => { var _a; return (_a = NTree2.highlightKeySetRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.has(props.tmNode.key); }), checked: checkedRef, indeterminate: useMemo(() => NTree2.displayedIndeterminateKeysRef.value.includes(props.tmNode.key)), selected: useMemo(() => NTree2.mergedSelectedKeysRef.value.includes(props.tmNode.key)), expanded: useMemo(() => NTree2.mergedExpandedKeysRef.value.includes(props.tmNode.key)), disabled: disabledRef, checkable: checkableRef, mergedCheckOnClick: mergedCheckOnClickRef, checkboxDisabled: checkboxDisabledRef, selectable: selectableRef, expandOnClick: NTree2.expandOnClickRef, internalScrollable: NTree2.internalScrollableRef, draggable: NTree2.draggableRef, blockLine: blockLineRef, nodeProps: resolvedNodePropsRef, checkboxFocusable: NTree2.internalCheckboxFocusableRef, droppingPosition: droppingPositionRef, droppingOffsetLevel: droppingOffsetLevelRef, indent: indentRef, checkboxPlacement: checkboxPlacementRef, showLine: showLineRef, contentInstRef, contentElRef, indentNodes, handleCheck, handleDrop, handleDragStart, handleDragEnter, handleDragOver, handleDragEnd, handleDragLeave, handleLineClick, handleContentClick, handleSwitcherClick }; }, render() { const { tmNode, clsPrefix, checkable, expandOnClick, selectable, selected, checked, highlight, draggable, blockLine, indent, indentNodes, disabled, pending, internalScrollable, nodeProps, checkboxPlacement } = this; const dragEventHandlers = draggable && !disabled ? { onDragenter: this.handleDragEnter, onDragleave: this.handleDragLeave, onDragend: this.handleDragEnd, onDrop: this.handleDrop, onDragover: this.handleDragOver } : void 0; const dataKey = internalScrollable ? createDataKey(tmNode.key) : void 0; const checkboxOnRight = checkboxPlacement === "right"; const checkboxNode = checkable ? vue.h(NTreeNodeCheckbox, { indent, right: checkboxOnRight, focusable: this.checkboxFocusable, disabled: disabled || this.checkboxDisabled, clsPrefix, checked: this.checked, indeterminate: this.indeterminate, onCheck: this.handleCheck }) : null; return vue.h("div", Object.assign({ class: `${clsPrefix}-tree-node-wrapper` }, dragEventHandlers), vue.h("div", Object.assign({}, blockLine ? nodeProps : void 0, { class: [`${clsPrefix}-tree-node`, { [`${clsPrefix}-tree-node--selected`]: selected, [`${clsPrefix}-tree-node--checkable`]: checkable, [`${clsPrefix}-tree-node--highlight`]: highlight, [`${clsPrefix}-tree-node--pending`]: pending, [`${clsPrefix}-tree-node--disabled`]: disabled, [`${clsPrefix}-tree-node--selectable`]: selectable, [`${clsPrefix}-tree-node--clickable`]: selectable || expandOnClick || this.mergedCheckOnClick }, nodeProps === null || nodeProps === void 0 ? void 0 : nodeProps.class], "data-key": dataKey, draggable: draggable && blockLine, onClick: this.handleLineClick, onDragstart: draggable && blockLine && !disabled ? this.handleDragStart : void 0 }), indentNodes, tmNode.isLeaf && this.showLine ? vue.h("div", { class: [`${clsPrefix}-tree-node-indent`, `${clsPrefix}-tree-node-indent--show-line`, tmNode.isLeaf && `${clsPrefix}-tree-node-indent--is-leaf`, tmNode.isLastChild && `${clsPrefix}-tree-node-indent--last-child`] }, vue.h("div", { style: { width: `${indent}px` } })) : vue.h(NTreeNodeSwitcher, { clsPrefix, expanded: this.expanded, selected, loading: this.loading, hide: tmNode.isLeaf, tmNode: this.tmNode, indent, onClick: this.handleSwitcherClick }), !checkboxOnRight ? checkboxNode : null, vue.h(NTreeNodeContent, { ref: "contentInstRef", clsPrefix, checked, selected, onClick: this.handleContentClick, nodeProps: blockLine ? void 0 : nodeProps, onDragstart: draggable && !blockLine && !disabled ? this.handleDragStart : void 0, tmNode }), draggable ? this.showDropMark ? renderDropMark({ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion el: this.contentElRef.value, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion position: this.droppingPosition, offsetLevel: this.droppingOffsetLevel, indent }) : this.showDropMarkAsParent ? renderDropMark({ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion el: this.contentElRef.value, position: "inside", offsetLevel: this.droppingOffsetLevel, indent }) : null : null, checkboxOnRight ? checkboxNode : null)); } }); function useKeyboard({ props, fNodesRef, mergedExpandedKeysRef, mergedSelectedKeysRef, mergedCheckedKeysRef, handleCheck, handleSelect, handleSwitcherClick }) { const { value: mergedSelectedKeys } = mergedSelectedKeysRef; const treeSelectInjection = vue.inject(treeSelectInjectionKey, null); const pendingNodeKeyRef = treeSelectInjection ? treeSelectInjection.pendingNodeKeyRef : vue.ref(mergedSelectedKeys.length ? mergedSelectedKeys[mergedSelectedKeys.length - 1] : null); function handleKeydown(e) { var _a; if (!props.keyboard) return { enterBehavior: null }; const { value: pendingNodeKey } = pendingNodeKeyRef; let enterBehavior = null; if (pendingNodeKey === null) { if (e.key === "ArrowDown" || e.key === "ArrowUp") { e.preventDefault(); } if (["ArrowDown", "ArrowUp", "ArrowLeft", "ArrowRight"].includes(e.key)) { if (pendingNodeKey === null) { const { value: fNodes } = fNodesRef; let fIndex = 0; while (fIndex < fNodes.length) { if (!fNodes[fIndex].disabled) { pendingNodeKeyRef.value = fNodes[fIndex].key; break; } fIndex += 1; } } } } else { const { value: fNodes } = fNodesRef; let fIndex = fNodes.findIndex((tmNode) => tmNode.key === pendingNodeKey); if (!~fIndex) return { enterBehavior: null }; if (e.key === "Enter") { const tmNode = fNodes[fIndex]; enterBehavior = ((_a = props.overrideDefaultNodeClickBehavior) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, { option: tmNode.rawNode })) || null; switch (enterBehavior) { case "toggleCheck": handleCheck(tmNode, !mergedCheckedKeysRef.value.includes(tmNode.key)); break; case "toggleSelect": handleSelect(tmNode); break; case "toggleExpand": handleSwitcherClick(tmNode); break; case "none": break; case "default": default: enterBehavior = "default"; handleSelect(tmNode); } } else if (e.key === "ArrowDown") { e.preventDefault(); fIndex += 1; while (fIndex < fNodes.length) { if (!fNodes[fIndex].disabled) { pendingNodeKeyRef.value = fNodes[fIndex].key; break; } fIndex += 1; } } else if (e.key === "ArrowUp") { e.preventDefault(); fIndex -= 1; while (fIndex >= 0) { if (!fNodes[fIndex].disabled) { pendingNodeKeyRef.value = fNodes[fIndex].key; break; } fIndex -= 1; } } else if (e.key === "ArrowLeft") { const pendingNode = fNodes[fIndex]; if (pendingNode.isLeaf || !mergedExpandedKeysRef.value.includes(pendingNodeKey)) { const parentTmNode = pendingNode.getParent(); if (parentTmNode) { pendingNodeKeyRef.value = parentTmNode.key; } } else { handleSwitcherClick(pendingNode); } } else if (e.key === "ArrowRight") { const pendingNode = fNodes[fIndex]; if (pendingNode.isLeaf) return { enterBehavior: null }; if (!mergedExpandedKeysRef.value.includes(pendingNodeKey)) { handleSwitcherClick(pendingNode); } else { fIndex += 1; while (fIndex < fNodes.length) { if (!fNodes[fIndex].disabled) { pendingNodeKeyRef.value = fNodes[fIndex].key; break; } fIndex += 1; } } } } return { enterBehavior }; } return { pendingNodeKeyRef, handleKeydown }; } const MotionWrapper = vue.defineComponent({ name: "TreeMotionWrapper", props: { clsPrefix: { type: String, required: true }, height: Number, nodes: { type: Array, required: true }, mode: { type: String, required: true }, onAfterEnter: { type: Function, required: true } }, render() { const { clsPrefix } = this; return vue.h(NFadeInExpandTransition, { onAfterEnter: this.onAfterEnter, appear: true, reverse: this.mode === "collapse" }, { default: () => vue.h("div", { class: [`${clsPrefix}-tree-motion-wrapper`, `${clsPrefix}-tree-motion-wrapper--${this.mode}`], style: { height: pxfy(this.height) } }, this.nodes.map((node) => vue.h(TreeNode, { clsPrefix, tmNode: node }))) }); } }); const iconSwitchTransitionNode = iconSwitchTransition(); const style$a = cB("tree", ` font-size: var(--n-font-size); outline: none; `, [c$1("ul, li", ` margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style: none; `), c$1(">", [cB("tree-node", [c$1("&:first-child", "margin-top: 0;")])]), cB("tree-motion-wrapper", [cM("expand", [fadeInHeightExpandTransition({ duration: "0.2s" })]), cM("collapse", [fadeInHeightExpandTransition({ duration: "0.2s", reverse: true })])]), cB("tree-node-wrapper", ` box-sizing: border-box; padding: var(--n-node-wrapper-padding); `), cB("tree-node", ` transform: translate3d(0,0,0); position: relative; display: flex; border-radius: var(--n-node-border-radius); transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [cM("highlight", [cB("tree-node-content", [cE("text", "border-bottom-color: var(--n-node-text-color-disabled);")])]), cM("disabled", [cB("tree-node-content", ` color: var(--n-node-text-color-disabled); cursor: not-allowed; `)]), cNotM("disabled", [cM("clickable", [cB("tree-node-content", ` cursor: pointer; `)])])]), cM("block-node", [cB("tree-node-content", ` flex: 1; min-width: 0; `)]), cNotM("block-line", [cB("tree-node", [cNotM("disabled", [cB("tree-node-content", [c$1("&:hover", "background: var(--n-node-color-hover);")]), cM("selectable", [cB("tree-node-content", [c$1("&:active", "background: var(--n-node-color-pressed);")])]), cM("pending", [cB("tree-node-content", ` background: var(--n-node-color-hover); `)]), cM("selected", [cB("tree-node-content", "background: var(--n-node-color-active);")])]), cM("selected", [cB("tree-node-content", "background: var(--n-node-color-active);")])])]), cM("block-line", [cB("tree-node", [cNotM("disabled", [c$1("&:hover", "background: var(--n-node-color-hover);"), cM("pending", ` background: var(--n-node-color-hover); `), cM("selectable", [cNotM("selected", [c$1("&:active", "background: var(--n-node-color-pressed);")])]), cM("selected", "background: var(--n-node-color-active);")]), cM("selected", "background: var(--n-node-color-active);"), cM("disabled", ` cursor: not-allowed; `)])]), cB("tree-node-indent", ` flex-grow: 0; flex-shrink: 0; `, [cM("show-line", "position: relative", [c$1("&::before", ` position: absolute; left: 50%; border-left: 1px solid var(--n-line-color); transition: border-color .3s var(--n-bezier); transform: translate(-50%); content: ""; top: var(--n-line-offset-top); bottom: var(--n-line-offset-bottom); `), cM("last-child", [c$1("&::before", ` bottom: 50%; `)]), cM("is-leaf", [c$1("&::after", ` position: absolute; content: ""; left: calc(50% + 0.5px); right: 0; bottom: 50%; transition: border-color .3s var(--n-bezier); border-bottom: 1px solid var(--n-line-color); `)])]), cNotM("show-line", "height: 0;")]), cB("tree-node-switcher", ` cursor: pointer; display: inline-flex; flex-shrink: 0; height: var(--n-node-content-height); align-items: center; justify-content: center; transition: transform .15s var(--n-bezier); vertical-align: bottom; `, [cE("icon", ` position: relative; height: 14px; width: 14px; display: flex; color: var(--n-arrow-color); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); font-size: 14px; `, [cB("icon", [iconSwitchTransitionNode]), cB("base-loading", ` color: var(--n-loading-color); position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; `, [iconSwitchTransitionNode]), cB("base-icon", [iconSwitchTransitionNode])]), cM("hide", "visibility: hidden;"), cM("expanded", "transform: rotate(90deg);")]), cB("tree-node-checkbox", ` display: inline-flex; height: var(--n-node-content-height); vertical-align: bottom; align-items: center; justify-content: center; `), cB("tree-node-content", ` user-select: none; position: relative; display: inline-flex; align-items: center; min-height: var(--n-node-content-height); box-sizing: border-box; line-height: var(--n-line-height); vertical-align: bottom; padding: 0 6px 0 4px; cursor: default; border-radius: var(--n-node-border-radius); color: var(--n-node-text-color); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier), border-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [c$1("&:last-child", "margin-bottom: 0;"), cE("prefix", ` display: inline-flex; margin-right: 8px; `), cE("text", ` border-bottom: 1px solid #0000; transition: border-color .3s var(--n-bezier); flex-grow: 1; max-width: 100%; `), cE("suffix", ` display: inline-flex; `)]), cE("empty", "margin: auto;")]); var __awaiter$3 = function(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) { function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function(resolve) { resolve(value); }); } return new (P || (P = Promise))(function(resolve, reject) { function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); } step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, [])).next()); }); }; function createTreeMateOptions(keyField, childrenField, disabledField, getChildren) { const settledGetChildren = getChildren || ((node) => { return node[childrenField]; }); return { getIsGroup() { return false; }, getKey(node) { return node[keyField]; }, getChildren: settledGetChildren, getDisabled(node) { return !!(node[disabledField] || node.checkboxDisabled); } }; } const treeSharedProps = { allowCheckingNotLoaded: Boolean, filter: Function, defaultExpandAll: Boolean, expandedKeys: Array, keyField: { type: String, default: "key" }, labelField: { type: String, default: "label" }, childrenField: { type: String, default: "children" }, disabledField: { type: String, default: "disabled" }, defaultExpandedKeys: { type: Array, default: () => [] }, indeterminateKeys: Array, renderSwitcherIcon: Function, onUpdateIndeterminateKeys: [Function, Array], "onUpdate:indeterminateKeys": [Function, Array], onUpdateExpandedKeys: [Function, Array], "onUpdate:expandedKeys": [Function, Array], overrideDefaultNodeClickBehavior: Function }; const treeProps = Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { accordion: Boolean, showIrrelevantNodes: { type: Boolean, default: true }, data: { type: Array, default: () => [] }, expandOnDragenter: { type: Boolean, default: true }, expandOnClick: Boolean, checkOnClick: { type: [Boolean, Function], default: false }, cancelable: { type: Boolean, default: true }, checkable: Boolean, draggable: Boolean, blockNode: Boolean, blockLine: Boolean, showLine: Boolean, disabled: Boolean, checkedKeys: Array, defaultCheckedKeys: { type: Array, default: () => [] }, selectedKeys: Array, defaultSelectedKeys: { type: Array, default: () => [] }, multiple: Boolean, pattern: { type: String, default: "" }, onLoad: Function, cascade: Boolean, selectable: { type: Boolean, default: true }, scrollbarProps: Object, indent: { type: Number, default: 24 }, allowDrop: { type: Function, default: defaultAllowDrop }, animated: { type: Boolean, default: true }, checkboxPlacement: { type: String, default: "left" }, virtualScroll: Boolean, watchProps: Array, renderLabel: Function, renderPrefix: Function, renderSuffix: Function, nodeProps: Function, keyboard: { type: Boolean, default: true }, getChildren: Function, onDragenter: [Function, Array], onDragleave: [Function, Array], onDragend: [Function, Array], onDragstart: [Function, Array], onDragover: [Function, Array], onDrop: [Function, Array], onUpdateCheckedKeys: [Function, Array], "onUpdate:checkedKeys": [Function, Array], onUpdateSelectedKeys: [Function, Array], "onUpdate:selectedKeys": [Function, Array] }), treeSharedProps), { // internal props for tree-select internalTreeSelect: Boolean, internalScrollable: Boolean, internalScrollablePadding: String, // use it to display internalRenderEmpty: Function, internalHighlightKeySet: Object, internalUnifySelectCheck: Boolean, internalCheckboxFocusable: { type: Boolean, default: true }, internalFocusable: { // Make tree-select take over keyboard operations type: Boolean, default: true }, checkStrategy: { type: String, default: "all" }, /** * @deprecated */ leafOnly: Boolean }); const NTree = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Tree", props: treeProps, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled, mergedRtlRef } = useConfig(props); const rtlEnabledRef = useRtl("Tree", mergedRtlRef, mergedClsPrefixRef); const themeRef = useTheme("Tree", "-tree", style$a, treeLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const selfElRef = vue.ref(null); const scrollbarInstRef = vue.ref(null); const virtualListInstRef = vue.ref(null); function getScrollContainer() { var _a; return (_a = virtualListInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.listElRef; } function getScrollContent() { var _a; return (_a = virtualListInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.itemsElRef; } const mergedFilterRef = vue.computed(() => { const { filter } = props; if (filter) return filter; const { labelField } = props; return (pattern, node) => { if (!pattern.length) return true; const label = node[labelField]; if (typeof label === "string") { return label.toLowerCase().includes(pattern.toLowerCase()); } return false; }; }); const filteredTreeInfoRef = vue.computed(() => { const { pattern } = props; if (!pattern) { return { filteredTree: props.data, highlightKeySet: null, expandedKeys: void 0 }; } if (!pattern.length || !mergedFilterRef.value) { return { filteredTree: props.data, highlightKeySet: null, expandedKeys: void 0 }; } return filterTree(props.data, mergedFilterRef.value, pattern, props.keyField, props.childrenField); }); const displayTreeMateRef = vue.computed(() => createTreeMate(props.showIrrelevantNodes ? props.data : filteredTreeInfoRef.value.filteredTree, createTreeMateOptions(props.keyField, props.childrenField, props.disabledField, props.getChildren))); const treeSelectInjection = vue.inject(treeSelectInjectionKey, null); const dataTreeMateRef = props.internalTreeSelect ? treeSelectInjection.dataTreeMate : displayTreeMateRef; const { watchProps } = props; const uncontrolledCheckedKeysRef = vue.ref([]); if (watchProps === null || watchProps === void 0 ? void 0 : watchProps.includes("defaultCheckedKeys")) { vue.watchEffect(() => { uncontrolledCheckedKeysRef.value = props.defaultCheckedKeys; }); } else { uncontrolledCheckedKeysRef.value = props.defaultCheckedKeys; } const controlledCheckedKeysRef = vue.toRef(props, "checkedKeys"); const mergedCheckedKeysRef = useMergedState(controlledCheckedKeysRef, uncontrolledCheckedKeysRef); const checkedStatusRef = vue.computed(() => { const value = dataTreeMateRef.value.getCheckedKeys(mergedCheckedKeysRef.value, { cascade: props.cascade, allowNotLoaded: props.allowCheckingNotLoaded }); return value; }); const mergedCheckStrategyRef = useMergedCheckStrategy(props); const displayedCheckedKeysRef = vue.computed(() => { return checkedStatusRef.value.checkedKeys; }); const displayedIndeterminateKeysRef = vue.computed(() => { const { indeterminateKeys } = props; if (indeterminateKeys !== void 0) return indeterminateKeys; return checkedStatusRef.value.indeterminateKeys; }); const uncontrolledSelectedKeysRef = vue.ref([]); if (watchProps === null || watchProps === void 0 ? void 0 : watchProps.includes("defaultSelectedKeys")) { vue.watchEffect(() => { uncontrolledSelectedKeysRef.value = props.defaultSelectedKeys; }); } else { uncontrolledSelectedKeysRef.value = props.defaultSelectedKeys; } const controlledSelectedKeysRef = vue.toRef(props, "selectedKeys"); const mergedSelectedKeysRef = useMergedState(controlledSelectedKeysRef, uncontrolledSelectedKeysRef); const uncontrolledExpandedKeysRef = vue.ref([]); const initUncontrolledExpandedKeys = (keys2) => { uncontrolledExpandedKeysRef.value = props.defaultExpandAll ? dataTreeMateRef.value.getNonLeafKeys() : keys2 === void 0 ? props.defaultExpandedKeys : keys2; }; if (watchProps === null || watchProps === void 0 ? void 0 : watchProps.includes("defaultExpandedKeys")) { vue.watchEffect(() => { initUncontrolledExpandedKeys(void 0); }); } else { vue.watchEffect(() => { initUncontrolledExpandedKeys(props.defaultExpandedKeys); }); } const controlledExpandedKeysRef = vue.toRef(props, "expandedKeys"); const mergedExpandedKeysRef = useMergedState(controlledExpandedKeysRef, uncontrolledExpandedKeysRef); const fNodesRef = vue.computed(() => displayTreeMateRef.value.getFlattenedNodes(mergedExpandedKeysRef.value)); const { pendingNodeKeyRef, handleKeydown } = useKeyboard({ props, mergedCheckedKeysRef, mergedSelectedKeysRef, fNodesRef, mergedExpandedKeysRef, handleCheck, handleSelect, handleSwitcherClick }); let expandTimerId = null; let nodeKeyToBeExpanded = null; const uncontrolledHighlightKeySetRef = vue.ref(/* @__PURE__ */ new Set()); const controlledHighlightKeySetRef = vue.computed(() => { return props.internalHighlightKeySet || filteredTreeInfoRef.value.highlightKeySet; }); const mergedHighlightKeySetRef = useMergedState(controlledHighlightKeySetRef, uncontrolledHighlightKeySetRef); const loadingKeysRef = vue.ref(/* @__PURE__ */ new Set()); const expandedNonLoadingKeysRef = vue.computed(() => { return mergedExpandedKeysRef.value.filter((key) => !loadingKeysRef.value.has(key)); }); let dragStartX = 0; const draggingNodeRef = vue.ref(null); const droppingNodeRef = vue.ref(null); const droppingMouseNodeRef = vue.ref(null); const droppingPositionRef = vue.ref(null); const droppingOffsetLevelRef = vue.ref(0); const droppingNodeParentRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value: droppingNode } = droppingNodeRef; if (!droppingNode) return null; return droppingNode.parent; }); let isDataReset = false; vue.watch(vue.toRef(props, "data"), () => { isDataReset = true; void vue.nextTick(() => { isDataReset = false; }); loadingKeysRef.value.clear(); pendingNodeKeyRef.value = null; resetDndState(); }, { deep: false }); let expandAnimationDisabled = false; const disableExpandAnimationForOneTick = () => { expandAnimationDisabled = true; void vue.nextTick(() => { expandAnimationDisabled = false; }); }; let memoizedExpandedKeys; vue.watch(vue.toRef(props, "pattern"), (value, oldValue) => { if (props.showIrrelevantNodes) { memoizedExpandedKeys = void 0; if (value) { const { expandedKeys: expandedKeysAfterChange, highlightKeySet } = keysWithFilter(props.data, props.pattern, props.keyField, props.childrenField, mergedFilterRef.value); uncontrolledHighlightKeySetRef.value = highlightKeySet; disableExpandAnimationForOneTick(); doUpdateExpandedKeys(expandedKeysAfterChange, getOptionsByKeys(expandedKeysAfterChange), { node: null, action: "filter" }); } else { uncontrolledHighlightKeySetRef.value = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); } } else { if (!value.length) { if (memoizedExpandedKeys !== void 0) { disableExpandAnimationForOneTick(); doUpdateExpandedKeys(memoizedExpandedKeys, getOptionsByKeys(memoizedExpandedKeys), { node: null, action: "filter" }); } } else { if (!oldValue.length) { memoizedExpandedKeys = mergedExpandedKeysRef.value; } const { expandedKeys } = filteredTreeInfoRef.value; if (expandedKeys !== void 0) { disableExpandAnimationForOneTick(); doUpdateExpandedKeys(expandedKeys, getOptionsByKeys(expandedKeys), { node: null, action: "filter" }); } } } }); function triggerLoading(node) { return __awaiter$3(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const { onLoad } = props; if (!onLoad) { yield Promise.resolve(); return; } const { value: loadingKeys } = loadingKeysRef; if (!loadingKeys.has(node.key)) { loadingKeys.add(node.key); try { const loadResult = yield onLoad(node.rawNode); if (loadResult === false) { resetDragExpandState(); } } catch (loadError) { console.error(loadError); resetDragExpandState(); } loadingKeys.delete(node.key); } }); } vue.watchEffect(() => { var _a; const { value: displayTreeMate } = displayTreeMateRef; if (!displayTreeMate) return; const { getNode } = displayTreeMate; (_a = mergedExpandedKeysRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.forEach((key) => { const node = getNode(key); if (node && !node.shallowLoaded) { void triggerLoading(node); } }); }); const aipRef = vue.ref(false); const afNodesRef = vue.ref([]); vue.watch(expandedNonLoadingKeysRef, (value, prevValue) => { if (!props.animated || expandAnimationDisabled) { void vue.nextTick(syncScrollbar); return; } if (isDataReset) { return; } const nodeHeight = depx(themeRef.value.self.nodeHeight); const prevVSet = new Set(prevValue); let addedKey = null; let removedKey = null; for (const expandedKey of value) { if (!prevVSet.has(expandedKey)) { if (addedKey !== null) return; addedKey = expandedKey; } } const currentVSet = new Set(value); for (const expandedKey of prevValue) { if (!currentVSet.has(expandedKey)) { if (removedKey !== null) return; removedKey = expandedKey; } } if (addedKey === null && removedKey === null) { return; } const { virtualScroll } = props; const viewportHeight = (virtualScroll ? virtualListInstRef.value.listElRef : selfElRef.value).offsetHeight; const viewportItemCount = Math.ceil(viewportHeight / nodeHeight) + 1; let baseExpandedKeys; if (addedKey !== null) { baseExpandedKeys = prevValue; } if (removedKey !== null) { if (baseExpandedKeys === void 0) { baseExpandedKeys = value; } else { baseExpandedKeys = baseExpandedKeys.filter((key) => key !== removedKey); } } aipRef.value = true; afNodesRef.value = displayTreeMateRef.value.getFlattenedNodes(baseExpandedKeys); if (addedKey !== null) { const expandedNodeIndex = afNodesRef.value.findIndex((node) => node.key === addedKey); if (~expandedNodeIndex) { const children = ( // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion afNodesRef.value[expandedNodeIndex].children ); if (children) { const expandedChildren = flatten$1(children, value); afNodesRef.value.splice(expandedNodeIndex + 1, 0, { __motion: true, mode: "expand", height: virtualScroll ? expandedChildren.length * nodeHeight : void 0, nodes: virtualScroll ? expandedChildren.slice(0, viewportItemCount) : expandedChildren }); } } } if (removedKey !== null) { const collapsedNodeIndex = afNodesRef.value.findIndex((node) => node.key === removedKey); if (~collapsedNodeIndex) { const collapsedNodeChildren = afNodesRef.value[collapsedNodeIndex].children; if (!collapsedNodeChildren) return; aipRef.value = true; const collapsedChildren = flatten$1(collapsedNodeChildren, value); afNodesRef.value.splice(collapsedNodeIndex + 1, 0, { __motion: true, mode: "collapse", height: virtualScroll ? collapsedChildren.length * nodeHeight : void 0, nodes: virtualScroll ? collapsedChildren.slice(0, viewportItemCount) : collapsedChildren }); } } }); const getFIndexRef = vue.computed(() => { return createIndexGetter(fNodesRef.value); }); const mergedFNodesRef = vue.computed(() => { if (aipRef.value) return afNodesRef.value; else return fNodesRef.value; }); function syncScrollbar() { const { value: scrollbarInst } = scrollbarInstRef; if (scrollbarInst) scrollbarInst.sync(); } function handleAfterEnter() { aipRef.value = false; if (props.virtualScroll) { void vue.nextTick(syncScrollbar); } } function getOptionsByKeys(keys2) { const { getNode } = dataTreeMateRef.value; return keys2.map((key) => { var _a; return ((_a = getNode(key)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.rawNode) || null; }); } function doUpdateExpandedKeys(value, option, meta) { const { "onUpdate:expandedKeys": _onUpdateExpandedKeys, onUpdateExpandedKeys } = props; uncontrolledExpandedKeysRef.value = value; if (_onUpdateExpandedKeys) { call(_onUpdateExpandedKeys, value, option, meta); } if (onUpdateExpandedKeys) { call(onUpdateExpandedKeys, value, option, meta); } } function doUpdateCheckedKeys(value, option, meta) { const { "onUpdate:checkedKeys": _onUpdateCheckedKeys, onUpdateCheckedKeys } = props; uncontrolledCheckedKeysRef.value = value; if (onUpdateCheckedKeys) { call(onUpdateCheckedKeys, value, option, meta); } if (_onUpdateCheckedKeys) { call(_onUpdateCheckedKeys, value, option, meta); } } function doUpdateIndeterminateKeys(value, option) { const { "onUpdate:indeterminateKeys": _onUpdateIndeterminateKeys, onUpdateIndeterminateKeys } = props; if (_onUpdateIndeterminateKeys) { call(_onUpdateIndeterminateKeys, value, option); } if (onUpdateIndeterminateKeys) { call(onUpdateIndeterminateKeys, value, option); } } function doUpdateSelectedKeys(value, option, meta) { const { "onUpdate:selectedKeys": _onUpdateSelectedKeys, onUpdateSelectedKeys } = props; uncontrolledSelectedKeysRef.value = value; if (onUpdateSelectedKeys) { call(onUpdateSelectedKeys, value, option, meta); } if (_onUpdateSelectedKeys) { call(_onUpdateSelectedKeys, value, option, meta); } } function doDragEnter(info) { const { onDragenter } = props; if (onDragenter) call(onDragenter, info); } function doDragLeave(info) { const { onDragleave } = props; if (onDragleave) call(onDragleave, info); } function doDragEnd(info) { const { onDragend } = props; if (onDragend) call(onDragend, info); } function doDragStart(info) { const { onDragstart } = props; if (onDragstart) call(onDragstart, info); } function doDragOver(info) { const { onDragover } = props; if (onDragover) call(onDragover, info); } function doDrop(info) { const { onDrop } = props; if (onDrop) call(onDrop, info); } function resetDndState() { resetDragState(); resetDropState(); } function resetDragState() { draggingNodeRef.value = null; } function resetDropState() { droppingOffsetLevelRef.value = 0; droppingNodeRef.value = null; droppingMouseNodeRef.value = null; droppingPositionRef.value = null; resetDragExpandState(); } function resetDragExpandState() { if (expandTimerId) { window.clearTimeout(expandTimerId); expandTimerId = null; } nodeKeyToBeExpanded = null; } function handleCheck(node, checked) { if (props.disabled || isNodeDisabled(node, props.disabledField)) { return; } if (props.internalUnifySelectCheck && !props.multiple) { handleSelect(node); return; } const checkedAction = checked ? "check" : "uncheck"; const { checkedKeys, indeterminateKeys } = dataTreeMateRef.value[checkedAction](node.key, displayedCheckedKeysRef.value, { cascade: props.cascade, checkStrategy: mergedCheckStrategyRef.value, allowNotLoaded: props.allowCheckingNotLoaded }); doUpdateCheckedKeys(checkedKeys, getOptionsByKeys(checkedKeys), { node: node.rawNode, action: checkedAction }); doUpdateIndeterminateKeys(indeterminateKeys, getOptionsByKeys(indeterminateKeys)); } function toggleExpand(node) { if (props.disabled) return; const { key } = node; const { value: mergedExpandedKeys } = mergedExpandedKeysRef; const index = mergedExpandedKeys.findIndex((expandNodeId) => expandNodeId === key); if (~index) { const expandedKeysAfterChange = Array.from(mergedExpandedKeys); expandedKeysAfterChange.splice(index, 1); doUpdateExpandedKeys(expandedKeysAfterChange, getOptionsByKeys(expandedKeysAfterChange), { node: node.rawNode, action: "collapse" }); } else { const nodeToBeExpanded = displayTreeMateRef.value.getNode(key); if (!nodeToBeExpanded || nodeToBeExpanded.isLeaf) { return; } let nextKeys; if (props.accordion) { const siblingKeySet = new Set(node.siblings.map(({ key: key2 }) => key2)); nextKeys = mergedExpandedKeys.filter((expandedKey) => { return !siblingKeySet.has(expandedKey); }); nextKeys.push(key); } else { nextKeys = mergedExpandedKeys.concat(key); } doUpdateExpandedKeys(nextKeys, getOptionsByKeys(nextKeys), { node: node.rawNode, action: "expand" }); } } function handleSwitcherClick(node) { if (props.disabled || aipRef.value) return; toggleExpand(node); } function handleSelect(node) { if (props.disabled || !props.selectable) { return; } pendingNodeKeyRef.value = node.key; if (props.internalUnifySelectCheck) { const { value: { checkedKeys, indeterminateKeys } } = checkedStatusRef; if (props.multiple) { handleCheck(node, !(checkedKeys.includes(node.key) || indeterminateKeys.includes(node.key))); } else { doUpdateCheckedKeys([node.key], getOptionsByKeys([node.key]), { node: node.rawNode, action: "check" }); } } if (props.multiple) { const selectedKeys = Array.from(mergedSelectedKeysRef.value); const index = selectedKeys.findIndex((key) => key === node.key); if (~index) { if (props.cancelable) { selectedKeys.splice(index, 1); } } else if (!~index) { selectedKeys.push(node.key); } doUpdateSelectedKeys(selectedKeys, getOptionsByKeys(selectedKeys), { node: node.rawNode, action: ~index ? "unselect" : "select" }); } else { const selectedKeys = mergedSelectedKeysRef.value; if (selectedKeys.includes(node.key)) { if (props.cancelable) { doUpdateSelectedKeys([], [], { node: node.rawNode, action: "unselect" }); } } else { doUpdateSelectedKeys([node.key], getOptionsByKeys([node.key]), { node: node.rawNode, action: "select" }); } } } function expandDragEnterNode(node) { if (expandTimerId) { window.clearTimeout(expandTimerId); expandTimerId = null; } if (node.isLeaf) return; nodeKeyToBeExpanded = node.key; const expand = () => { if (nodeKeyToBeExpanded !== node.key) return; const { value: droppingMouseNode } = droppingMouseNodeRef; if (droppingMouseNode && droppingMouseNode.key === node.key && !mergedExpandedKeysRef.value.includes(node.key)) { const nextKeys = mergedExpandedKeysRef.value.concat(node.key); doUpdateExpandedKeys(nextKeys, getOptionsByKeys(nextKeys), { node: node.rawNode, action: "expand" }); } expandTimerId = null; nodeKeyToBeExpanded = null; }; if (!node.shallowLoaded) { expandTimerId = window.setTimeout(() => { void triggerLoading(node).then(() => { expand(); }); }, 1e3); } else { expandTimerId = window.setTimeout(() => { expand(); }, 1e3); } } function handleDragEnter({ event, node }) { if (!props.draggable || props.disabled || isNodeDisabled(node, props.disabledField)) { return; } handleDragOver({ event, node }, false); doDragEnter({ event, node: node.rawNode }); } function handleDragLeave({ event, node }) { if (!props.draggable || props.disabled || isNodeDisabled(node, props.disabledField)) { return; } doDragLeave({ event, node: node.rawNode }); } function handleDragLeaveTree(e) { if (e.target !== e.currentTarget) return; resetDropState(); } function handleDragEnd({ event, node }) { resetDndState(); if (!props.draggable || props.disabled || isNodeDisabled(node, props.disabledField)) { return; } doDragEnd({ event, node: node.rawNode }); } function handleDragStart({ event, node }) { if (!props.draggable || props.disabled || isNodeDisabled(node, props.disabledField)) { return; } dragStartX = event.clientX; draggingNodeRef.value = node; doDragStart({ event, node: node.rawNode }); } function handleDragOver({ event, node }, emit = true) { var _a; if (!props.draggable || props.disabled || isNodeDisabled(node, props.disabledField)) { return; } const { value: draggingNode } = draggingNodeRef; if (!draggingNode) return; const { allowDrop, indent } = props; if (emit) doDragOver({ event, node: node.rawNode }); const el = event.currentTarget; const { height: elOffsetHeight, top: elClientTop } = el.getBoundingClientRect(); const eventOffsetY = event.clientY - elClientTop; let mousePosition; const allowDropInside = allowDrop({ node: node.rawNode, dropPosition: "inside", phase: "drag" }); if (allowDropInside) { if (eventOffsetY <= 8) { mousePosition = "before"; } else if (eventOffsetY >= elOffsetHeight - 8) { mousePosition = "after"; } else { mousePosition = "inside"; } } else { if (eventOffsetY <= elOffsetHeight / 2) { mousePosition = "before"; } else { mousePosition = "after"; } } const { value: getFindex } = getFIndexRef; let finalDropNode; let finalDropPosition; const hoverNodeFIndex = getFindex(node.key); if (hoverNodeFIndex === null) { resetDropState(); return; } let mouseAtExpandedNonLeafNode = false; if (mousePosition === "inside") { finalDropNode = node; finalDropPosition = "inside"; } else { if (mousePosition === "before") { if (node.isFirstChild) { finalDropNode = node; finalDropPosition = "before"; } else { finalDropNode = fNodesRef.value[hoverNodeFIndex - 1]; finalDropPosition = "after"; } } else { finalDropNode = node; finalDropPosition = "after"; } } if (!finalDropNode.isLeaf && mergedExpandedKeysRef.value.includes(finalDropNode.key)) { mouseAtExpandedNonLeafNode = true; if (finalDropPosition === "after") { finalDropNode = fNodesRef.value[hoverNodeFIndex + 1]; if (!finalDropNode) { finalDropNode = node; finalDropPosition = "inside"; } else { finalDropPosition = "before"; } } } const droppingMouseNode = finalDropNode; droppingMouseNodeRef.value = droppingMouseNode; if (!mouseAtExpandedNonLeafNode && draggingNode.isLastChild && draggingNode.key === finalDropNode.key) { finalDropPosition = "after"; } if (finalDropPosition === "after") { let offset = dragStartX - event.clientX; let offsetLevel = 0; while (offset >= indent / 2 && // divide by 2 to make it easier to trigger finalDropNode.parent !== null && finalDropNode.isLastChild && offsetLevel < 1) { offset -= indent; offsetLevel += 1; finalDropNode = finalDropNode.parent; } droppingOffsetLevelRef.value = offsetLevel; } else { droppingOffsetLevelRef.value = 0; } if (draggingNode.contains(finalDropNode) || finalDropPosition === "inside" && ((_a = draggingNode.parent) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.key) === finalDropNode.key) { if (draggingNode.key === droppingMouseNode.key && draggingNode.key === finalDropNode.key) ; else { resetDropState(); return; } } if (!allowDrop({ node: finalDropNode.rawNode, dropPosition: finalDropPosition, phase: "drag" })) { resetDropState(); return; } if (draggingNode.key === finalDropNode.key) { resetDragExpandState(); } else { if (nodeKeyToBeExpanded !== finalDropNode.key) { if (finalDropPosition === "inside") { if (props.expandOnDragenter) { expandDragEnterNode(finalDropNode); if (!finalDropNode.shallowLoaded && nodeKeyToBeExpanded !== finalDropNode.key) { resetDndState(); return; } } else { if (!finalDropNode.shallowLoaded) { resetDndState(); return; } } } else { resetDragExpandState(); } } else { if (finalDropPosition !== "inside") { resetDragExpandState(); } } } droppingPositionRef.value = finalDropPosition; droppingNodeRef.value = finalDropNode; } function handleDrop({ event, node, dropPosition }) { if (!props.draggable || props.disabled || isNodeDisabled(node, props.disabledField)) { return; } const { value: draggingNode } = draggingNodeRef; const { value: droppingNode } = droppingNodeRef; const { value: droppingPosition } = droppingPositionRef; if (!draggingNode || !droppingNode || !droppingPosition) { return; } if (!props.allowDrop({ node: droppingNode.rawNode, dropPosition: droppingPosition, phase: "drag" })) { return; } if (draggingNode.key === droppingNode.key) { return; } if (droppingPosition === "before") { const nextNode = draggingNode.getNext({ includeDisabled: true }); if (nextNode) { if (nextNode.key === droppingNode.key) { resetDropState(); return; } } } if (droppingPosition === "after") { const prevNode = draggingNode.getPrev({ includeDisabled: true }); if (prevNode) { if (prevNode.key === droppingNode.key) { resetDropState(); return; } } } doDrop({ event, node: droppingNode.rawNode, dragNode: draggingNode.rawNode, dropPosition }); resetDndState(); } function handleScroll() { syncScrollbar(); } function handleResize() { syncScrollbar(); } function handleFocusout(e) { var _a; if (props.virtualScroll || props.internalScrollable) { const { value: scrollbarInst } = scrollbarInstRef; if ((_a = scrollbarInst === null || scrollbarInst === void 0 ? void 0 : scrollbarInst.containerRef) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.contains(e.relatedTarget)) { return; } pendingNodeKeyRef.value = null; } else { const { value: selfEl } = selfElRef; if (selfEl === null || selfEl === void 0 ? void 0 : selfEl.contains(e.relatedTarget)) return; pendingNodeKeyRef.value = null; } } vue.watch(pendingNodeKeyRef, (value) => { var _a, _b; if (value === null) return; if (props.virtualScroll) { (_a = virtualListInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.scrollTo({ key: value }); } else if (props.internalScrollable) { const { value: scrollbarInst } = scrollbarInstRef; if (scrollbarInst === null) return; const targetEl = (_b = scrollbarInst.contentRef) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.querySelector(`[data-key="${createDataKey(value)}"]`); if (!targetEl) return; scrollbarInst.scrollTo({ el: targetEl }); } }); vue.provide(treeInjectionKey, { loadingKeysRef, highlightKeySetRef: mergedHighlightKeySetRef, displayedCheckedKeysRef, displayedIndeterminateKeysRef, mergedSelectedKeysRef, mergedExpandedKeysRef, mergedThemeRef: themeRef, mergedCheckStrategyRef, nodePropsRef: vue.toRef(props, "nodeProps"), disabledRef: vue.toRef(props, "disabled"), checkableRef: vue.toRef(props, "checkable"), selectableRef: vue.toRef(props, "selectable"), expandOnClickRef: vue.toRef(props, "expandOnClick"), onLoadRef: vue.toRef(props, "onLoad"), draggableRef: vue.toRef(props, "draggable"), blockLineRef: vue.toRef(props, "blockLine"), indentRef: vue.toRef(props, "indent"), cascadeRef: vue.toRef(props, "cascade"), checkOnClickRef: vue.toRef(props, "checkOnClick"), checkboxPlacementRef: props.checkboxPlacement, droppingMouseNodeRef, droppingNodeParentRef, draggingNodeRef, droppingPositionRef, droppingOffsetLevelRef, fNodesRef, pendingNodeKeyRef, showLineRef: vue.toRef(props, "showLine"), disabledFieldRef: vue.toRef(props, "disabledField"), internalScrollableRef: vue.toRef(props, "internalScrollable"), internalCheckboxFocusableRef: vue.toRef(props, "internalCheckboxFocusable"), internalTreeSelect: props.internalTreeSelect, renderLabelRef: vue.toRef(props, "renderLabel"), renderPrefixRef: vue.toRef(props, "renderPrefix"), renderSuffixRef: vue.toRef(props, "renderSuffix"), renderSwitcherIconRef: vue.toRef(props, "renderSwitcherIcon"), labelFieldRef: vue.toRef(props, "labelField"), multipleRef: vue.toRef(props, "multiple"), overrideDefaultNodeClickBehaviorRef: vue.toRef(props, "overrideDefaultNodeClickBehavior"), handleSwitcherClick, handleDragEnd, handleDragEnter, handleDragLeave, handleDragStart, handleDrop, handleDragOver, handleSelect, handleCheck }); function scrollTo(options, y) { var _a, _b; if (typeof options === "number") { (_a = virtualListInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.scrollTo(options, y || 0); } else { (_b = virtualListInstRef.value) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.scrollTo(options); } } const exposedMethods = { handleKeydown, scrollTo, getCheckedData: () => { if (!props.checkable) return { keys: [], options: [] }; const { checkedKeys } = checkedStatusRef.value; return { keys: checkedKeys, options: getOptionsByKeys(checkedKeys) }; }, getIndeterminateData: () => { if (!props.checkable) return { keys: [], options: [] }; const { indeterminateKeys } = checkedStatusRef.value; return { keys: indeterminateKeys, options: getOptionsByKeys(indeterminateKeys) }; } }; const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: { fontSize: fontSize2, nodeBorderRadius, nodeColorHover, nodeColorPressed, nodeColorActive, arrowColor, loadingColor, nodeTextColor, nodeTextColorDisabled, dropMarkColor, nodeWrapperPadding, nodeHeight, lineHeight: lineHeight2, lineColor } } = themeRef.value; const lineOffsetTop = getMargin(nodeWrapperPadding, "top"); const lineOffsetBottom = getMargin(nodeWrapperPadding, "bottom"); const nodeContentHeight = pxfy(depx(nodeHeight) - depx(lineOffsetTop) - depx(lineOffsetBottom)); return { "--n-arrow-color": arrowColor, "--n-loading-color": loadingColor, "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-font-size": fontSize2, "--n-node-border-radius": nodeBorderRadius, "--n-node-color-active": nodeColorActive, "--n-node-color-hover": nodeColorHover, "--n-node-color-pressed": nodeColorPressed, "--n-node-text-color": nodeTextColor, "--n-node-text-color-disabled": nodeTextColorDisabled, "--n-drop-mark-color": dropMarkColor, "--n-node-wrapper-padding": nodeWrapperPadding, "--n-line-offset-top": `-${lineOffsetTop}`, "--n-line-offset-bottom": `-${lineOffsetBottom}`, "--n-node-content-height": nodeContentHeight, "--n-line-height": lineHeight2, "--n-line-color": lineColor }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("tree", void 0, cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, exposedMethods), { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedTheme: themeRef, rtlEnabled: rtlEnabledRef, fNodes: mergedFNodesRef, aip: aipRef, selfElRef, virtualListInstRef, scrollbarInstRef, handleFocusout, handleDragLeaveTree, handleScroll, getScrollContainer, getScrollContent, handleAfterEnter, handleResize, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }); }, render() { var _a; const { fNodes, internalRenderEmpty } = this; if (!fNodes.length && internalRenderEmpty) { return internalRenderEmpty(); } const { mergedClsPrefix, blockNode, blockLine, draggable, disabled, internalFocusable, checkable, handleKeydown, rtlEnabled, handleFocusout, scrollbarProps: scrollbarProps2 } = this; const mergedFocusable = internalFocusable && !disabled; const tabindex = mergedFocusable ? "0" : void 0; const treeClass = [`${mergedClsPrefix}-tree`, rtlEnabled && `${mergedClsPrefix}-tree--rtl`, checkable && `${mergedClsPrefix}-tree--checkable`, (blockLine || blockNode) && `${mergedClsPrefix}-tree--block-node`, blockLine && `${mergedClsPrefix}-tree--block-line`]; const createNode = (tmNode) => { return "__motion" in tmNode ? vue.h(MotionWrapper, { height: tmNode.height, nodes: tmNode.nodes, clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, mode: tmNode.mode, onAfterEnter: this.handleAfterEnter }) : vue.h(TreeNode, { key: tmNode.key, tmNode, clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix }); }; if (this.virtualScroll) { const { mergedTheme, internalScrollablePadding } = this; const padding = getMargin(internalScrollablePadding || "0"); return vue.h(XScrollbar, Object.assign({}, scrollbarProps2, { ref: "scrollbarInstRef", onDragleave: draggable ? this.handleDragLeaveTree : void 0, container: this.getScrollContainer, content: this.getScrollContent, class: treeClass, theme: mergedTheme.peers.Scrollbar, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Scrollbar, tabindex, onKeydown: mergedFocusable ? handleKeydown : void 0, onFocusout: mergedFocusable ? handleFocusout : void 0 }), { default: () => { var _a2; (_a2 = this.onRender) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.call(this); return !fNodes.length ? resolveSlot(this.$slots.empty, () => [vue.h(NEmpty, { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-tree__empty`, theme: this.mergedTheme.peers.Empty, themeOverrides: this.mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Empty })]) : vue.h(VVirtualList, { ref: "virtualListInstRef", items: this.fNodes, itemSize: depx(mergedTheme.self.nodeHeight), ignoreItemResize: this.aip, paddingTop: padding.top, paddingBottom: padding.bottom, class: this.themeClass, style: [this.cssVars, { paddingLeft: padding.left, paddingRight: padding.right }], onScroll: this.handleScroll, onResize: this.handleResize, showScrollbar: false, itemResizable: true }, { default: ({ item }) => createNode(item) }); } }); } const { internalScrollable } = this; treeClass.push(this.themeClass); (_a = this.onRender) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(this); if (internalScrollable) { return vue.h(XScrollbar, Object.assign({}, scrollbarProps2, { class: treeClass, tabindex, onKeydown: mergedFocusable ? handleKeydown : void 0, onFocusout: mergedFocusable ? handleFocusout : void 0, style: this.cssVars, contentStyle: { padding: this.internalScrollablePadding } }), { default: () => vue.h("div", { onDragleave: draggable ? this.handleDragLeaveTree : void 0, ref: "selfElRef" }, this.fNodes.map(createNode)) }); } else { return vue.h("div", { class: treeClass, tabindex, ref: "selfElRef", style: this.cssVars, onKeydown: mergedFocusable ? handleKeydown : void 0, onFocusout: mergedFocusable ? handleFocusout : void 0, onDragleave: draggable ? this.handleDragLeaveTree : void 0 }, !fNodes.length ? resolveSlot(this.$slots.empty, () => [vue.h(NEmpty, { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-tree__empty`, theme: this.mergedTheme.peers.Empty, themeOverrides: this.mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Empty })]) : fNodes.map(createNode)); } } }); function treeOption2SelectOption(tmNode, labelField) { const { rawNode } = tmNode; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, rawNode), { label: rawNode[labelField], value: tmNode.key }); } function treeOption2SelectOptionWithPath(tmNode, path, separator, labelField) { const { rawNode } = tmNode; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, rawNode), { value: tmNode.key, label: path.map((v) => v.rawNode[labelField]).join(separator) }); } const style$9 = c$1([cB("tree-select", ` z-index: auto; outline: none; width: 100%; position: relative; `), cB("tree-select-menu", ` position: relative; overflow: hidden; margin: 4px 0; transition: box-shadow .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); border-radius: var(--n-menu-border-radius); box-shadow: var(--n-menu-box-shadow); background-color: var(--n-menu-color); outline: none; `, [cB("tree", "max-height: var(--n-menu-height);"), cE("empty", ` display: flex; padding: 12px 32px; flex: 1; justify-content: center; `), cE("action", ` padding: var(--n-action-padding); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); border-color .3s var(--n-bezier); border-top: 1px solid var(--n-action-divider-color); color: var(--n-action-text-color); `), fadeInScaleUpTransition()])]); const treeSelectProps = Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { bordered: { type: Boolean, default: true }, cascade: Boolean, checkable: Boolean, clearable: Boolean, clearFilterAfterSelect: { type: Boolean, default: true }, consistentMenuWidth: { type: Boolean, default: true }, defaultShow: Boolean, defaultValue: { type: [String, Number, Array], default: null }, disabled: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, filterable: Boolean, checkStrategy: { type: String, default: "all" }, loading: Boolean, maxTagCount: [String, Number], multiple: Boolean, showPath: Boolean, separator: { type: String, default: " / " }, options: { type: Array, default: () => [] }, placeholder: String, placement: { type: String, default: "bottom-start" }, show: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, size: String, value: [String, Number, Array], to: useAdjustedTo.propTo, menuProps: Object, virtualScroll: { type: Boolean, default: true }, status: String, renderTag: Function, ellipsisTagPopoverProps: Object }), treeSharedProps), { renderLabel: Function, renderPrefix: Function, renderSuffix: Function, nodeProps: Function, watchProps: Array, getChildren: Function, onBlur: Function, onFocus: Function, onLoad: Function, onUpdateShow: [Function, Array], onUpdateValue: [Function, Array], "onUpdate:value": [Function, Array], "onUpdate:show": [Function, Array], /** * @deprecated */ leafOnly: Boolean }); const TreeSelect = vue.defineComponent({ name: "TreeSelect", props: treeSelectProps, setup(props) { const followerInstRef = vue.ref(null); const triggerInstRef = vue.ref(null); const treeInstRef = vue.ref(null); const menuElRef = vue.ref(null); const { mergedClsPrefixRef, namespaceRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const { localeRef } = useLocale("Select"); const { mergedSizeRef, mergedDisabledRef, mergedStatusRef, nTriggerFormBlur, nTriggerFormChange, nTriggerFormFocus, nTriggerFormInput } = useFormItem(props); const uncontrolledValueRef = vue.ref(props.defaultValue); const controlledValueRef = vue.toRef(props, "value"); const mergedValueRef = useMergedState(controlledValueRef, uncontrolledValueRef); const uncontrolledShowRef = vue.ref(props.defaultShow); const controlledShowRef = vue.toRef(props, "show"); const mergedShowRef = useMergedState(controlledShowRef, uncontrolledShowRef); const patternRef = vue.ref(""); const mergedFilterRef = vue.computed(() => { const { filter } = props; if (filter) return filter; const { labelField } = props; return (pattern, node) => { if (!pattern.length) return true; return node[labelField].toLowerCase().includes(pattern.toLowerCase()); }; }); const dataTreeMateRef = vue.computed(() => createTreeMate(props.options, createTreeMateOptions(props.keyField, props.childrenField, props.disabledField, void 0))); const { value: initMergedValue } = mergedValueRef; const pendingNodeKeyRef = vue.ref(props.checkable ? null : Array.isArray(initMergedValue) && initMergedValue.length ? initMergedValue[initMergedValue.length - 1] : null); const mergedCascadeRef = vue.computed(() => { return props.multiple && props.cascade && props.checkable; }); const uncontrolledExpandedKeysRef = vue.ref(props.defaultExpandAll ? void 0 : props.defaultExpandedKeys || props.expandedKeys); const controlledExpandedKeysRef = vue.toRef(props, "expandedKeys"); const mergedExpandedKeysRef = useMergedState(controlledExpandedKeysRef, uncontrolledExpandedKeysRef); const focusedRef = vue.ref(false); const mergedPlaceholderRef = vue.computed(() => { const { placeholder } = props; if (placeholder !== void 0) return placeholder; return localeRef.value.placeholder; }); const treeSelectedKeysRef = vue.computed(() => { if (props.checkable) return []; return treeCheckedKeysRef.value; }); const treeCheckedKeysRef = vue.computed(() => { const { value: mergedValue } = mergedValueRef; if (props.multiple) { if (Array.isArray(mergedValue)) return mergedValue; else return []; } else { if (mergedValue === null || Array.isArray(mergedValue)) return []; else return [mergedValue]; } }); const selectedOptionRef = vue.computed(() => { const { multiple, showPath, separator, labelField } = props; if (multiple) return null; const { value: mergedValue } = mergedValueRef; if (!Array.isArray(mergedValue) && mergedValue !== null) { const { value: treeMate } = dataTreeMateRef; const tmNode = treeMate.getNode(mergedValue); if (tmNode !== null) { return showPath ? treeOption2SelectOptionWithPath(tmNode, treeMate.getPath(mergedValue).treeNodePath, separator, labelField) : treeOption2SelectOption(tmNode, labelField); } } return null; }); const selectedOptionsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { multiple, showPath, separator } = props; if (!multiple) return null; const { value: mergedValue } = mergedValueRef; if (Array.isArray(mergedValue)) { const res = []; const { value: treeMate } = dataTreeMateRef; const { checkedKeys } = treeMate.getCheckedKeys(mergedValue, { checkStrategy: props.checkStrategy, cascade: mergedCascadeRef.value, allowNotLoaded: props.allowCheckingNotLoaded }); const { labelField } = props; checkedKeys.forEach((value) => { const tmNode = treeMate.getNode(value); if (tmNode !== null) { res.push(showPath ? treeOption2SelectOptionWithPath(tmNode, treeMate.getPath(value).treeNodePath, separator, labelField) : treeOption2SelectOption(tmNode, labelField)); } }); return res; } return []; }); const menuPaddingRef = vue.computed(() => { const { self: { menuPadding } } = themeRef.value; return menuPadding; }); function focusSelection() { var _a; (_a = triggerInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.focus(); } function focusSelectionInput() { var _a; (_a = triggerInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.focusInput(); } function doUpdateShow(value) { const { onUpdateShow, "onUpdate:show": _onUpdateShow } = props; if (onUpdateShow) call(onUpdateShow, value); if (_onUpdateShow) call(_onUpdateShow, value); uncontrolledShowRef.value = value; } function doUpdateValue(value, option, meta) { const { onUpdateValue, "onUpdate:value": _onUpdateValue } = props; if (onUpdateValue) { call(onUpdateValue, value, option, meta); } if (_onUpdateValue) { call(_onUpdateValue, value, option, meta); } uncontrolledValueRef.value = value; nTriggerFormInput(); nTriggerFormChange(); } function doUpdateIndeterminateKeys(value, option) { const { onUpdateIndeterminateKeys, "onUpdate:indeterminateKeys": _onUpdateIndeterminateKeys } = props; if (onUpdateIndeterminateKeys) { call(onUpdateIndeterminateKeys, value, option); } if (_onUpdateIndeterminateKeys) { call(_onUpdateIndeterminateKeys, value, option); } } function doUpdateExpandedKeys(keys2, option, meta) { const { onUpdateExpandedKeys, "onUpdate:expandedKeys": _onUpdateExpandedKeys } = props; if (onUpdateExpandedKeys) { call(onUpdateExpandedKeys, keys2, option, meta); } if (_onUpdateExpandedKeys) { call(_onUpdateExpandedKeys, keys2, option, meta); } uncontrolledExpandedKeysRef.value = keys2; } function doFocus(e) { const { onFocus } = props; if (onFocus) onFocus(e); nTriggerFormFocus(); } function doBlur(e) { closeMenu(); const { onBlur } = props; if (onBlur) onBlur(e); nTriggerFormBlur(); } function closeMenu() { doUpdateShow(false); } function openMenu() { if (!mergedDisabledRef.value) { patternRef.value = ""; doUpdateShow(true); if (props.filterable) { focusSelectionInput(); } } } function handleMenuLeave() { patternRef.value = ""; } function handleMenuClickoutside(e) { var _a; if (mergedShowRef.value) { if (!((_a = triggerInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.$el.contains(getPreciseEventTarget(e)))) { closeMenu(); } } } function handleTriggerClick() { if (mergedDisabledRef.value) return; if (!mergedShowRef.value) { openMenu(); } else { if (!props.filterable) { closeMenu(); } } } function getOptionsByKeys(keys2) { const { value: { getNode } } = dataTreeMateRef; return keys2.map((key) => { var _a; return ((_a = getNode(key)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.rawNode) || null; }); } function handleUpdateCheckedKeys(keys2, _, meta) { const options = getOptionsByKeys(keys2); const action = meta.action === "check" ? "select" : "unselect"; const node = meta.node; if (props.multiple) { doUpdateValue(keys2, options, { node, action }); if (props.filterable) { focusSelectionInput(); if (props.clearFilterAfterSelect) patternRef.value = ""; } } else { keys2.length ? doUpdateValue(keys2[0], options[0] || null, { node, action }) : doUpdateValue(null, null, { node, action }); closeMenu(); focusSelection(); } } function handleUpdateIndeterminateKeys(keys2) { if (props.checkable) { doUpdateIndeterminateKeys(keys2, getOptionsByKeys(keys2)); } } function handleTriggerFocus(e) { var _a; if ((_a = menuElRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.contains(e.relatedTarget)) return; focusedRef.value = true; doFocus(e); } function handleTriggerBlur(e) { var _a; if ((_a = menuElRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.contains(e.relatedTarget)) return; focusedRef.value = false; doBlur(e); } function handleMenuFocusin(e) { var _a, _b, _c; if (((_a = menuElRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.contains(e.relatedTarget)) || ((_c = (_b = triggerInstRef.value) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.$el) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.contains(e.relatedTarget))) { return; } focusedRef.value = true; doFocus(e); } function handleMenuFocusout(e) { var _a, _b, _c; if (((_a = menuElRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.contains(e.relatedTarget)) || ((_c = (_b = triggerInstRef.value) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.$el) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.contains(e.relatedTarget))) { return; } focusedRef.value = false; doBlur(e); } function handleClear(e) { e.stopPropagation(); const { multiple } = props; if (!multiple && props.filterable) { closeMenu(); } if (multiple) { doUpdateValue([], [], { node: null, action: "clear" }); } else { doUpdateValue(null, null, { node: null, action: "clear" }); } } function handleDeleteOption(option) { const { value: mergedValue } = mergedValueRef; if (Array.isArray(mergedValue)) { const { value: treeMate } = dataTreeMateRef; const { checkedKeys: checkedKeysValue } = treeMate.getCheckedKeys(mergedValue, { cascade: mergedCascadeRef.value, allowNotLoaded: props.allowCheckingNotLoaded }); const index = checkedKeysValue.findIndex((key) => key === option.value); if (~index) { const checkedKeyToBeRemoved = checkedKeysValue[index]; const checkOptionToBeRemoved = getOptionsByKeys([checkedKeyToBeRemoved])[0]; if (props.checkable) { const { checkedKeys } = treeMate.uncheck(option.value, checkedKeysValue, { checkStrategy: props.checkStrategy, cascade: mergedCascadeRef.value, allowNotLoaded: props.allowCheckingNotLoaded }); doUpdateValue(checkedKeys, getOptionsByKeys(checkedKeys), { node: checkOptionToBeRemoved, action: "delete" }); } else { const nextValue = Array.from(checkedKeysValue); nextValue.splice(index, 1); doUpdateValue(nextValue, getOptionsByKeys(nextValue), { node: checkOptionToBeRemoved, action: "delete" }); } } } } function handlePatternInput(e) { const { value } = e.target; patternRef.value = value; } function treeHandleKeydown(e) { const { value: treeInst } = treeInstRef; if (treeInst) { return treeInst.handleKeydown(e); } return { enterBehavior: null }; } function handleKeydown(e) { if (e.key === "Enter") { if (mergedShowRef.value) { const { enterBehavior } = treeHandleKeydown(e); if (!props.multiple) { switch (enterBehavior) { case "default": case "toggleSelect": closeMenu(); focusSelection(); break; } } } else { openMenu(); } e.preventDefault(); } else if (e.key === "Escape") { if (mergedShowRef.value) { markEventEffectPerformed(e); closeMenu(); focusSelection(); } } else { if (mergedShowRef.value) { treeHandleKeydown(e); } else if (e.key === "ArrowDown") { openMenu(); } } } function handleTabOut() { closeMenu(); focusSelection(); } function handleMenuMousedown(e) { if (!happensIn(e, "action")) e.preventDefault(); } const selectionRenderTagRef = vue.computed(() => { const { renderTag } = props; if (!renderTag) return void 0; return function selectionRenderTag({ option, handleClose }) { const { value } = option; if (value !== void 0) { const treeOption = dataTreeMateRef.value.getNode(value); if (treeOption) { return renderTag({ option: treeOption.rawNode, handleClose }); } } return value; }; }); vue.provide(treeSelectInjectionKey, { pendingNodeKeyRef, dataTreeMate: dataTreeMateRef }); function handleTriggerOrMenuResize() { var _a; if (!mergedShowRef.value) return; (_a = followerInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.syncPosition(); } useOnResize(menuElRef, handleTriggerOrMenuResize); const mergedCheckStrategyRef = useMergedCheckStrategy(props); const exposedCheckedStatusRef = vue.computed(() => { if (props.checkable) { const mergedValue = mergedValueRef.value; if (props.multiple && Array.isArray(mergedValue)) { return dataTreeMateRef.value.getCheckedKeys(mergedValue, { cascade: props.cascade, checkStrategy: mergedCheckStrategyRef.value, allowNotLoaded: props.allowCheckingNotLoaded }); } else { return { checkedKeys: Array.isArray(mergedValue) || mergedValue === null ? [] : [mergedValue], indeterminateKeys: [] }; } } return { checkedKeys: [], indeterminateKeys: [] }; }); const exposedMethods = { getCheckedData: () => { const { checkedKeys } = exposedCheckedStatusRef.value; return { keys: checkedKeys, options: getOptionsByKeys(checkedKeys) }; }, getIndeterminateData: () => { const { indeterminateKeys } = exposedCheckedStatusRef.value; return { keys: indeterminateKeys, options: getOptionsByKeys(indeterminateKeys) }; }, focus: () => { var _a; return (_a = triggerInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.focus(); }, focusInput: () => { var _a; return (_a = triggerInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.focusInput(); }, blur: () => { var _a; return (_a = triggerInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.blur(); }, blurInput: () => { var _a; return (_a = triggerInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.blurInput(); } }; const themeRef = useTheme("TreeSelect", "-tree-select", style$9, treeSelectLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: { menuBoxShadow, menuBorderRadius, menuColor, menuHeight, actionPadding, actionDividerColor, actionTextColor } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-menu-box-shadow": menuBoxShadow, "--n-menu-border-radius": menuBorderRadius, "--n-menu-color": menuColor, "--n-menu-height": menuHeight, "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-action-padding": actionPadding, "--n-action-text-color": actionTextColor, "--n-action-divider-color": actionDividerColor }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("tree-select", void 0, cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, exposedMethods), { menuElRef, mergedStatus: mergedStatusRef, triggerInstRef, followerInstRef, treeInstRef, mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedValue: mergedValueRef, mergedShow: mergedShowRef, namespace: namespaceRef, adjustedTo: useAdjustedTo(props), isMounted: isMounted(), focused: focusedRef, menuPadding: menuPaddingRef, mergedPlaceholder: mergedPlaceholderRef, mergedExpandedKeys: mergedExpandedKeysRef, treeSelectedKeys: treeSelectedKeysRef, treeCheckedKeys: treeCheckedKeysRef, mergedSize: mergedSizeRef, mergedDisabled: mergedDisabledRef, selectedOption: selectedOptionRef, selectedOptions: selectedOptionsRef, pattern: patternRef, pendingNodeKey: pendingNodeKeyRef, mergedCascade: mergedCascadeRef, mergedFilter: mergedFilterRef, selectionRenderTag: selectionRenderTagRef, handleTriggerOrMenuResize, doUpdateExpandedKeys, handleMenuLeave, handleTriggerClick, handleMenuClickoutside, handleUpdateCheckedKeys, handleUpdateIndeterminateKeys, handleTriggerFocus, handleTriggerBlur, handleMenuFocusin, handleMenuFocusout, handleClear, handleDeleteOption, handlePatternInput, handleKeydown, handleTabOut, handleMenuMousedown, mergedTheme: themeRef, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }); }, render() { const { mergedTheme, mergedClsPrefix, $slots } = this; return vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-tree-select` }, vue.h(Binder, null, { default: () => [vue.h(VTarget, null, { default: () => vue.h(NInternalSelection, { ref: "triggerInstRef", onResize: this.handleTriggerOrMenuResize, status: this.mergedStatus, focused: this.focused, clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix, theme: mergedTheme.peers.InternalSelection, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.InternalSelection, ellipsisTagPopoverProps: this.ellipsisTagPopoverProps, renderTag: this.selectionRenderTag, selectedOption: this.selectedOption, selectedOptions: this.selectedOptions, size: this.mergedSize, bordered: this.bordered, placeholder: this.mergedPlaceholder, disabled: this.mergedDisabled, active: this.mergedShow, loading: this.loading, multiple: this.multiple, maxTagCount: this.maxTagCount, showArrow: true, filterable: this.filterable, clearable: this.clearable, pattern: this.pattern, onPatternInput: this.handlePatternInput, onClear: this.handleClear, onClick: this.handleTriggerClick, onFocus: this.handleTriggerFocus, onBlur: this.handleTriggerBlur, onDeleteOption: this.handleDeleteOption, onKeydown: this.handleKeydown }, { arrow: () => { var _a, _b; return [(_b = (_a = this.$slots).arrow) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a)]; } }) }), vue.h(VFollower, { ref: "followerInstRef", show: this.mergedShow, placement: this.placement, to: this.adjustedTo, teleportDisabled: this.adjustedTo === useAdjustedTo.tdkey, containerClass: this.namespace, width: this.consistentMenuWidth ? "target" : void 0, minWidth: "target" }, { default: () => vue.h(vue.Transition, { name: "fade-in-scale-up-transition", appear: this.isMounted, onLeave: this.handleMenuLeave }, { default: () => { var _a; if (!this.mergedShow) return null; const { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix2, checkable, multiple, menuProps: menuProps2, options } = this; (_a = this.onRender) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(this); return vue.withDirectives(vue.h("div", Object.assign({}, menuProps2, { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix2}-tree-select-menu`, menuProps2 === null || menuProps2 === void 0 ? void 0 : menuProps2.class, this.themeClass], ref: "menuElRef", style: [(menuProps2 === null || menuProps2 === void 0 ? void 0 : menuProps2.style) || "", this.cssVars], tabindex: 0, onMousedown: this.handleMenuMousedown, onKeydown: this.handleKeydown, onFocusin: this.handleMenuFocusin, onFocusout: this.handleMenuFocusout }), vue.h(NTree, { ref: "treeInstRef", blockLine: true, allowCheckingNotLoaded: this.allowCheckingNotLoaded, showIrrelevantNodes: false, animated: false, pattern: this.pattern, getChildren: this.getChildren, filter: this.mergedFilter, data: options, cancelable: multiple, labelField: this.labelField, keyField: this.keyField, disabledField: this.disabledField, childrenField: this.childrenField, theme: mergedTheme.peers.Tree, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Tree, defaultExpandAll: this.defaultExpandAll, defaultExpandedKeys: this.defaultExpandedKeys, expandedKeys: this.mergedExpandedKeys, checkedKeys: this.treeCheckedKeys, selectedKeys: this.treeSelectedKeys, checkable, checkStrategy: this.checkStrategy, cascade: this.mergedCascade, leafOnly: this.leafOnly, multiple: this.multiple, renderLabel: this.renderLabel, renderPrefix: this.renderPrefix, renderSuffix: this.renderSuffix, renderSwitcherIcon: this.renderSwitcherIcon, nodeProps: this.nodeProps, watchProps: this.watchProps, virtualScroll: this.consistentMenuWidth && this.virtualScroll, overrideDefaultNodeClickBehavior: this.overrideDefaultNodeClickBehavior, internalTreeSelect: true, internalUnifySelectCheck: true, internalScrollable: true, internalScrollablePadding: this.menuPadding, internalFocusable: false, internalCheckboxFocusable: false, internalRenderEmpty: () => vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix2}-tree-select-menu__empty` }, resolveSlot($slots.empty, () => [vue.h(NEmpty, { theme: mergedTheme.peers.Empty, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Empty })])), onLoad: this.onLoad, onUpdateCheckedKeys: this.handleUpdateCheckedKeys, onUpdateIndeterminateKeys: this.handleUpdateIndeterminateKeys, onUpdateExpandedKeys: this.doUpdateExpandedKeys }), resolveWrappedSlot($slots.action, (children) => { return children ? vue.h("div", { class: `${mergedClsPrefix2}-tree-select-menu__action`, "data-action": true }, children) : null; }), vue.h(FocusDetector, { onFocus: this.handleTabOut })), [[clickoutside, this.handleMenuClickoutside, void 0, { capture: true }]]); } }) })] })); } }); const style$8 = cB("h", ` font-size: var(--n-font-size); font-weight: var(--n-font-weight); margin: var(--n-margin); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); color: var(--n-text-color); `, [c$1("&:first-child", { marginTop: 0 }), cM("prefix-bar", { position: "relative", paddingLeft: "var(--n-prefix-width)" }, [cM("align-text", { paddingLeft: 0 }, [c$1("&::before", { left: "calc(-1 * var(--n-prefix-width))" })]), c$1("&::before", ` content: ""; width: var(--n-bar-width); border-radius: calc(var(--n-bar-width) / 2); transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); left: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; position: absolute; `), c$1("&::before", { backgroundColor: "var(--n-bar-color)" })])]); const headerProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { type: { type: String, default: "default" }, prefix: String, alignText: Boolean }); const createHeader = (level) => vue.defineComponent({ name: `H${level}`, props: headerProps, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Typography", "-h", style$8, typographyLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { type } = props; const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: { headerFontWeight, headerTextColor, [createKey("headerPrefixWidth", level)]: prefixWidth, [createKey("headerFontSize", level)]: fontSize2, [createKey("headerMargin", level)]: margin, [createKey("headerBarWidth", level)]: barWidth, [createKey("headerBarColor", type)]: barColor } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-font-size": fontSize2, "--n-margin": margin, "--n-bar-color": barColor, "--n-bar-width": barWidth, "--n-font-weight": headerFontWeight, "--n-text-color": headerTextColor, "--n-prefix-width": prefixWidth }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass(`h${level}`, vue.computed(() => props.type[0]), cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }; }, render() { var _a; const { prefix: prefix2, alignText, mergedClsPrefix, cssVars, $slots } = this; (_a = this.onRender) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(this); return vue.h(`h${level}`, { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-h`, `${mergedClsPrefix}-h${level}`, this.themeClass, { [`${mergedClsPrefix}-h--prefix-bar`]: prefix2, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-h--align-text`]: alignText }], style: cssVars }, $slots); } }); const NH1 = createHeader("1"); const NH2 = createHeader("2"); const NH3 = createHeader("3"); const NH4 = createHeader("4"); const NH5 = createHeader("5"); const NH6 = createHeader("6"); const style$7 = cB("a", ` cursor: pointer; transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier), text-decoration-color .3s var(--n-bezier); text-decoration-color: var(--n-text-color); color: var(--n-text-color); `); const aProps = Object.assign({}, useTheme.props); const a = vue.defineComponent({ name: "A", props: aProps, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Typography", "-a", style$7, typographyLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: { aTextColor } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-text-color": aTextColor, "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("a", void 0, cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }; }, render() { var _a; (_a = this.onRender) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(this); return vue.h("a", { class: [`${this.mergedClsPrefix}-a`, this.themeClass], style: this.cssVars }, this.$slots); } }); const style$6 = cB("p", ` box-sizing: border-box; transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); margin: var(--n-margin); font-size: var(--n-font-size); line-height: var(--n-line-height); color: var(--n-text-color); `, [c$1("&:first-child", "margin-top: 0;"), c$1("&:last-child", "margin-bottom: 0;")]); const pProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { depth: [String, Number] }); const p = vue.defineComponent({ name: "P", props: pProps, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Typography", "-p", style$6, typographyLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { depth } = props; const typeSafeDepth = depth || "1"; const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: { pFontSize, pLineHeight, pMargin, pTextColor, [`pTextColor${typeSafeDepth}Depth`]: depthTextColor } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-font-size": pFontSize, "--n-line-height": pLineHeight, "--n-margin": pMargin, "--n-text-color": depth === void 0 ? pTextColor : depthTextColor }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("p", vue.computed(() => `${props.depth || ""}`), cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }; }, render() { var _a; (_a = this.onRender) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(this); return vue.h("p", { class: [`${this.mergedClsPrefix}-p`, this.themeClass], style: this.cssVars }, this.$slots); } }); const style$5 = cB("blockquote", ` font-size: var(--n-font-size); line-height: var(--n-line-height); margin: 0; margin-top: 12px; margin-bottom: 12px; box-sizing: border-box; padding-left: 12px; border-left: 4px solid var(--n-prefix-color); color: var(--n-text-color); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier), border-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [c$1("&:first-child", { marginTop: 0 }), c$1("&:last-child", { marginBottom: 0 }), cM("align-text", { marginLeft: "-16px" })]); const blockquoteProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { alignText: Boolean }); const blockquote = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Blockquote", props: blockquoteProps, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Typography", "-blockquote", style$5, typographyLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: { blockquoteTextColor, blockquotePrefixColor, blockquoteLineHeight, blockquoteFontSize } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-font-size": blockquoteFontSize, "--n-line-height": blockquoteLineHeight, "--n-prefix-color": blockquotePrefixColor, "--n-text-color": blockquoteTextColor }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("blockquote", void 0, cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }; }, render() { var _a; const { mergedClsPrefix } = this; (_a = this.onRender) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(this); return vue.h("blockquote", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-blockquote`, this.themeClass, this.alignText && `${mergedClsPrefix}-blockquote--align-text`], style: this.cssVars }, this.$slots); } }); const style$4 = cB("hr", ` margin: 12px 0; transition: border-color .3s var(--n-bezier); border-left: none; border-right: none; border-bottom: none; border-top: 1px solid var(--n-color); `); const hr = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Hr", props: Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Typography", "-hr", style$4, typographyLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: { hrColor } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-color": hrColor }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("hr", void 0, cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }; }, render() { var _a; (_a = this.onRender) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(this); return vue.h("hr", { class: [`${this.mergedClsPrefix}-hr`, this.themeClass], style: this.cssVars }); } }); const liStyle = c$1("li", { transition: "color .3s var(--n-bezier)", lineHeight: "var(--n-line-height)", margin: "var(--n-li-margin)", marginBottom: 0, color: "var(--n-text-color)" }); const childStyle = [c$1("&:first-child", ` margin-top: 0; `), c$1("&:last-child", ` margin-bottom: 0; `)]; const style$3 = c$1([cB("ol", { fontSize: "var(--n-font-size)", padding: "var(--n-ol-padding)" }, [cM("align-text", { paddingLeft: 0 }), liStyle, childStyle]), cB("ul", { fontSize: "var(--n-font-size)", padding: "var(--n-ul-padding)" }, [cM("align-text", { paddingLeft: 0 }), liStyle, childStyle])]); const ulProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { alignText: Boolean }); const ul = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Ul", props: ulProps, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Typography", "-xl", style$3, typographyLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: { olPadding, ulPadding, liMargin, liTextColor, liLineHeight, liFontSize } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-font-size": liFontSize, "--n-line-height": liLineHeight, "--n-text-color": liTextColor, "--n-li-margin": liMargin, "--n-ol-padding": olPadding, "--n-ul-padding": ulPadding }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("ul", void 0, cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }; }, render() { var _a; const { mergedClsPrefix } = this; (_a = this.onRender) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(this); return vue.h("ul", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-ul`, this.themeClass, this.alignText && `${mergedClsPrefix}-ul--align-text`], style: this.cssVars }, this.$slots); } }); const olProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { alignText: Boolean }); const ol = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Ol", props: olProps, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Typography", "-xl", style$3, typographyLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: { olPadding, ulPadding, liMargin, liTextColor, liLineHeight, liFontSize } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-font-size": liFontSize, "--n-line-height": liLineHeight, "--n-text-color": liTextColor, "--n-li-margin": liMargin, "--n-ol-padding": olPadding, "--n-ul-padding": ulPadding }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("ol", void 0, cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }; }, render() { var _a; const { mergedClsPrefix } = this; (_a = this.onRender) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(this); return vue.h("ol", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-ol`, this.themeClass, this.alignText && `${mergedClsPrefix}-ol--align-text`], style: this.cssVars }, this.$slots); } }); const li = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Li", render() { return vue.h("li", null, this.$slots); } }); const style$2 = cB("text", ` transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); color: var(--n-text-color); `, [cM("strong", ` font-weight: var(--n-font-weight-strong); `), cM("italic", { fontStyle: "italic" }), cM("underline", { textDecoration: "underline" }), cM("code", ` line-height: 1.4; display: inline-block; font-family: var(--n-font-famliy-mono); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier), border-color .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); box-sizing: border-box; padding: .05em .35em 0 .35em; border-radius: var(--n-code-border-radius); font-size: .9em; color: var(--n-code-text-color); background-color: var(--n-code-color); border: var(--n-code-border); `)]); const textProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { code: Boolean, type: { type: String, default: "default" }, delete: Boolean, strong: Boolean, italic: Boolean, underline: Boolean, depth: [String, Number], tag: String, // deprecated as: { type: String, validator: () => { return true; }, default: void 0 } }); const text = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Text", props: textProps, setup(props) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Typography", "-text", style$2, typographyLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { depth, type } = props; const textColorKey = type === "default" ? depth === void 0 ? "textColor" : `textColor${depth}Depth` : createKey("textColor", type); const { common: { fontWeightStrong, fontFamilyMono, cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: { codeTextColor, codeBorderRadius, codeColor, codeBorder, [textColorKey]: textColor } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-text-color": textColor, "--n-font-weight-strong": fontWeightStrong, "--n-font-famliy-mono": fontFamilyMono, "--n-code-border-radius": codeBorderRadius, "--n-code-text-color": codeTextColor, "--n-code-color": codeColor, "--n-code-border": codeBorder }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("text", vue.computed(() => `${props.type[0]}${props.depth || ""}`), cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; return { mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, compitableTag: useCompitable(props, ["as", "tag"]), cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender }; }, render() { var _a, _b, _c; const { mergedClsPrefix } = this; (_a = this.onRender) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(this); const textClass = [`${mergedClsPrefix}-text`, this.themeClass, { [`${mergedClsPrefix}-text--code`]: this.code, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-text--delete`]: this.delete, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-text--strong`]: this.strong, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-text--italic`]: this.italic, [`${mergedClsPrefix}-text--underline`]: this.underline }]; const children = (_c = (_b = this.$slots).default) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.call(_b); return this.code ? vue.h("code", { class: textClass, style: this.cssVars }, this.delete ? vue.h("del", null, children) : children) : this.delete ? vue.h("del", { class: textClass, style: this.cssVars }, children) : vue.h(this.compitableTag || "span", { class: textClass, style: this.cssVars }, children); } }); const uploadInjectionKey = createInjectionKey("n-upload"); const uploadDraggerKey = "__UPLOAD_DRAGGER__"; const NUploadDragger = vue.defineComponent({ name: "UploadDragger", [uploadDraggerKey]: true, setup(_, { slots }) { const NUpload = vue.inject(uploadInjectionKey, null); if (!NUpload) { throwError("upload-dragger", "`n-upload-dragger` must be placed inside `n-upload`."); } return () => { const { mergedClsPrefixRef: { value: mergedClsPrefix }, mergedDisabledRef: { value: mergedDisabled }, maxReachedRef: { value: maxReached } } = NUpload; return vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-upload-dragger`, (mergedDisabled || maxReached) && `${mergedClsPrefix}-upload-dragger--disabled`] }, slots); }; } }); var __awaiter$2 = function(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) { function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function(resolve) { resolve(value); }); } return new (P || (P = Promise))(function(resolve, reject) { function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); } step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, [])).next()); }); }; const isImageFileType = (type) => type.includes("image/"); const getExtname = (url = "") => { const temp = url.split("/"); const filename = temp[temp.length - 1]; const filenameWithoutSuffix = filename.split(/#|\?/)[0]; return (/\.[^./\\]*$/.exec(filenameWithoutSuffix) || [""])[0]; }; const imageExtensionRegex = /(webp|svg|png|gif|jpg|jpeg|jfif|bmp|dpg|ico)$/i; const isImageFile = (file) => { if (file.type) { return isImageFileType(file.type); } const fileNameExtension = getExtname(file.name || ""); if (imageExtensionRegex.test(fileNameExtension)) { return true; } const url = file.thumbnailUrl || file.url || ""; const urlExtension = getExtname(url); if (/^data:image\//.test(url) || imageExtensionRegex.test(urlExtension)) { return true; } return false; }; function createImageDataUrl(file) { return __awaiter$2(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return yield new Promise((resolve) => { if (!file.type || !isImageFileType(file.type)) { resolve(""); return; } resolve(window.URL.createObjectURL(file)); }); }); } const environmentSupportFile = isBrowser$2 && window.FileReader && window.File; function isFileSystemDirectoryEntry(item) { return item.isDirectory; } function isFileSystemFileEntry(item) { return item.isFile; } function getFilesFromEntries(entries, directory) { return __awaiter$2(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const fileAndEntries = []; function _getFilesFromEntries(entries2) { return __awaiter$2(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { for (const entry of entries2) { if (!entry) continue; if (directory && isFileSystemDirectoryEntry(entry)) { const directoryReader = entry.createReader(); try { const entries3 = yield new Promise((resolve, reject) => { directoryReader.readEntries(resolve, reject); }); yield _getFilesFromEntries(entries3); } catch (_a) { } } else if (isFileSystemFileEntry(entry)) { try { const file = yield new Promise((resolve, reject) => { entry.file(resolve, reject); }); fileAndEntries.push({ file, entry, source: "dnd" }); } catch (_b) { } } } }); } yield _getFilesFromEntries(entries); return fileAndEntries; }); } function createSettledFileInfo(fileInfo) { const { id, name, percentage, status, url, file, thumbnailUrl, type, fullPath, batchId } = fileInfo; return { id, name, percentage: percentage !== null && percentage !== void 0 ? percentage : null, status, url: url !== null && url !== void 0 ? url : null, file: file !== null && file !== void 0 ? file : null, thumbnailUrl: thumbnailUrl !== null && thumbnailUrl !== void 0 ? thumbnailUrl : null, type: type !== null && type !== void 0 ? type : null, fullPath: fullPath !== null && fullPath !== void 0 ? fullPath : null, batchId: batchId !== null && batchId !== void 0 ? batchId : null }; } function matchType(name, mimeType, accept) { name = name.toLowerCase(); mimeType = mimeType.toLocaleLowerCase(); accept = accept.toLocaleLowerCase(); const acceptAtoms = accept.split(",").map((acceptAtom) => acceptAtom.trim()).filter(Boolean); return acceptAtoms.some((acceptAtom) => { if (acceptAtom.startsWith(".")) { if (name.endsWith(acceptAtom)) return true; } else if (acceptAtom.includes("/")) { const [type, subtype] = mimeType.split("/"); const [acceptType, acceptSubtype] = acceptAtom.split("/"); if (acceptType === "*" || type && acceptType && acceptType === type) { if (acceptSubtype === "*" || subtype && acceptSubtype && acceptSubtype === subtype) { return true; } } } else { return true; } return false; }); } const NUploadTrigger = vue.defineComponent({ name: "UploadTrigger", props: { abstract: Boolean }, setup(props, { slots }) { const NUpload = vue.inject(uploadInjectionKey, null); if (!NUpload) { throwError("upload-trigger", "`n-upload-trigger` must be placed inside `n-upload`."); } const { mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedDisabledRef, maxReachedRef, listTypeRef, dragOverRef, openOpenFileDialog, draggerInsideRef, handleFileAddition, mergedDirectoryDndRef, triggerClassRef, triggerStyleRef } = NUpload; const isImageCardTypeRef = vue.computed(() => listTypeRef.value === "image-card"); function handleTriggerClick() { if (mergedDisabledRef.value || maxReachedRef.value) return; openOpenFileDialog(); } function handleTriggerDragOver(e) { e.preventDefault(); dragOverRef.value = true; } function handleTriggerDragEnter(e) { e.preventDefault(); dragOverRef.value = true; } function handleTriggerDragLeave(e) { e.preventDefault(); dragOverRef.value = false; } function handleTriggerDrop(e) { var _a; e.preventDefault(); if (!draggerInsideRef.value || mergedDisabledRef.value || maxReachedRef.value) { dragOverRef.value = false; return; } const dataTransferItems = (_a = e.dataTransfer) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.items; if (dataTransferItems === null || dataTransferItems === void 0 ? void 0 : dataTransferItems.length) { void getFilesFromEntries(Array.from(dataTransferItems).map((item) => item.webkitGetAsEntry()), mergedDirectoryDndRef.value).then((files) => { handleFileAddition(files); }).finally(() => { dragOverRef.value = false; }); } else { dragOverRef.value = false; } } return () => { var _a; const { value: mergedClsPrefix } = mergedClsPrefixRef; return props.abstract ? (_a = slots.default) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(slots, { handleClick: handleTriggerClick, handleDrop: handleTriggerDrop, handleDragOver: handleTriggerDragOver, handleDragEnter: handleTriggerDragEnter, handleDragLeave: handleTriggerDragLeave }) : vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-upload-trigger`, (mergedDisabledRef.value || maxReachedRef.value) && `${mergedClsPrefix}-upload-trigger--disabled`, isImageCardTypeRef.value && `${mergedClsPrefix}-upload-trigger--image-card`, triggerClassRef.value], style: triggerStyleRef.value, onClick: handleTriggerClick, onDrop: handleTriggerDrop, onDragover: handleTriggerDragOver, onDragenter: handleTriggerDragEnter, onDragleave: handleTriggerDragLeave }, isImageCardTypeRef.value ? vue.h(NUploadDragger, null, { default: () => resolveSlot(slots.default, () => [vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefix }, { default: () => vue.h(AddIcon, null) })]) }) : slots); }; } }); const NUploadProgress = vue.defineComponent({ name: "UploadProgress", props: { show: Boolean, percentage: { type: Number, required: true }, status: { type: String, required: true } }, setup() { const NUpload = vue.inject(uploadInjectionKey); return { mergedTheme: NUpload.mergedThemeRef }; }, render() { return vue.h(NFadeInExpandTransition, null, { default: () => this.show ? vue.h(NProgress, { type: "line", showIndicator: false, percentage: this.percentage, status: this.status, height: 2, theme: this.mergedTheme.peers.Progress, themeOverrides: this.mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Progress }) : null }); } }); const imageIcon = vue.h("svg", { xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", viewBox: "0 0 28 28" }, vue.h("g", { fill: "none" }, vue.h("path", { d: "M21.75 3A3.25 3.25 0 0 1 25 6.25v15.5A3.25 3.25 0 0 1 21.75 25H6.25A3.25 3.25 0 0 1 3 21.75V6.25A3.25 3.25 0 0 1 6.25 3h15.5zm.583 20.4l-7.807-7.68a.75.75 0 0 0-.968-.07l-.084.07l-7.808 7.68c. 0 .4-.035.583-.1l-7.807-7.68l7.807 7.68zM21.75 4.5H6.25A1.75 1.75 0 0 0 4.5 6.25v15.5c0 .208.036.408.103.593l7.82-7.692a2.25 2.25 0 0 1 3.026-.117l.129.117l7.82 7.692c.066-.185.102-.385.102-.593V6.25a1.75 1.75 0 0 0-1.75-1.75zm-3.25 3a2.5 2.5 0 1 1 0 5a2.5 2.5 0 0 1 0-5zm0 1.5a1 1 0 1 0 0 2a1 1 0 0 0 0-2z", fill: "currentColor" }))); const documentIcon = vue.h("svg", { xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", viewBox: "0 0 28 28" }, vue.h("g", { fill: "none" }, vue.h("path", { d: "M6.4 2A2.4 2.4 0 0 0 4 4.4v19.2A2.4 2.4 0 0 0 6.4 26h15.2a2.4 2.4 0 0 0 2.4-2.4V11.578c0-.729-.29-1.428-.805-1.944l-6.931-6.931A2.4 2.4 0 0 0 14.567 2H6.4zm-.9 2.4a.9.9 0 0 1 .9-.9H14V10a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h6.5v11.6a.9.9 0 0 1-.9.9H6.4a.9.9 0 0 1-.9-.9V4.4zm16.44 6.1H16a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5V4.06l6.44 6.44z", fill: "currentColor" }))); var __awaiter$1 = function(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) { function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function(resolve) { resolve(value); }); } return new (P || (P = Promise))(function(resolve, reject) { function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); } step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, [])).next()); }); }; const buttonThemeOverrides = { paddingMedium: "0 3px", heightMedium: "24px", iconSizeMedium: "18px" }; const NUploadFile = vue.defineComponent({ name: "UploadFile", props: { clsPrefix: { type: String, required: true }, file: { type: Object, required: true }, listType: { type: String, required: true }, index: { type: Number, required: true } }, setup(props) { const NUpload = vue.inject(uploadInjectionKey); const imageRef = vue.ref(null); const thumbnailUrlRef = vue.ref(""); const progressStatusRef = vue.computed(() => { const { file } = props; if (file.status === "finished") return "success"; if (file.status === "error") return "error"; return "info"; }); const buttonTypeRef = vue.computed(() => { const { file } = props; if (file.status === "error") return "error"; return void 0; }); const showProgressRef = vue.computed(() => { const { file } = props; return file.status === "uploading"; }); const showCancelButtonRef = vue.computed(() => { if (!NUpload.showCancelButtonRef.value) return false; const { file } = props; return ["uploading", "pending", "error"].includes(file.status); }); const showRemoveButtonRef = vue.computed(() => { if (!NUpload.showRemoveButtonRef.value) return false; const { file } = props; return ["finished"].includes(file.status); }); const showDownloadButtonRef = vue.computed(() => { if (!NUpload.showDownloadButtonRef.value) return false; const { file } = props; return ["finished"].includes(file.status); }); const showRetryButtonRef = vue.computed(() => { if (!NUpload.showRetryButtonRef.value) return false; const { file } = props; return ["error"].includes(file.status); }); const mergedThumbnailUrlRef = useMemo(() => { return thumbnailUrlRef.value || props.file.thumbnailUrl || props.file.url; }); const showPreviewButtonRef = vue.computed(() => { if (!NUpload.showPreviewButtonRef.value) return false; const { file: { status }, listType } = props; return ["finished"].includes(status) && mergedThumbnailUrlRef.value && listType === "image-card"; }); function handleRetryClick() { NUpload.submit(props.file.id); } function handleRemoveOrCancelClick(e) { e.preventDefault(); const { file } = props; if (["finished", "pending", "error"].includes(file.status)) { handleRemove(file); } else if (["uploading"].includes(file.status)) { handleAbort(file); } else { warn$2("upload", "The button clicked type is unknown."); } } function handleDownloadClick(e) { e.preventDefault(); handleDownload(props.file); } function handleRemove(file) { const { xhrMap, doChange, onRemoveRef: { value: onRemove }, mergedFileListRef: { value: mergedFileList } } = NUpload; void Promise.resolve(onRemove ? onRemove({ file: Object.assign({}, file), fileList: mergedFileList, index: props.index }) : true).then((result) => { if (result === false) return; const fileAfterChange = Object.assign({}, file, { status: "removed" }); xhrMap.delete(file.id); doChange(fileAfterChange, void 0, { remove: true }); }); } function handleDownload(file) { const { onDownloadRef: { value: onDownload } } = NUpload; void Promise.resolve(onDownload ? onDownload(Object.assign({}, file)) : true).then((res) => { if (res !== false) { download(file.url, file.name); } }); } function handleAbort(file) { const { xhrMap } = NUpload; const xhr = xhrMap.get(file.id); xhr === null || xhr === void 0 ? void 0 : xhr.abort(); handleRemove(Object.assign({}, file)); } function handlePreviewClick() { const { onPreviewRef: { value: onPreview } } = NUpload; if (onPreview) { onPreview(props.file); } else if (props.listType === "image-card") { const { value } = imageRef; if (!value) return; value.click(); } } const deriveFileThumbnailUrl = () => __awaiter$1(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const { listType } = props; if (listType !== "image" && listType !== "image-card") { return; } if (NUpload.shouldUseThumbnailUrlRef.value(props.file)) { thumbnailUrlRef.value = yield NUpload.getFileThumbnailUrlResolver(props.file); } }); vue.watchEffect(() => { void deriveFileThumbnailUrl(); }); return { mergedTheme: NUpload.mergedThemeRef, progressStatus: progressStatusRef, buttonType: buttonTypeRef, showProgress: showProgressRef, disabled: NUpload.mergedDisabledRef, showCancelButton: showCancelButtonRef, showRemoveButton: showRemoveButtonRef, showDownloadButton: showDownloadButtonRef, showRetryButton: showRetryButtonRef, showPreviewButton: showPreviewButtonRef, mergedThumbnailUrl: mergedThumbnailUrlRef, shouldUseThumbnailUrl: NUpload.shouldUseThumbnailUrlRef, renderIcon: NUpload.renderIconRef, imageRef, handleRemoveOrCancelClick, handleDownloadClick, handleRetryClick, handlePreviewClick }; }, render() { const { clsPrefix, mergedTheme, listType, file, renderIcon } = this; let icon; const isImageType = listType === "image"; const isImageCardType = listType === "image-card"; if (isImageType || isImageCardType) { icon = !this.shouldUseThumbnailUrl(file) || !this.mergedThumbnailUrl ? vue.h("span", { class: `${clsPrefix}-upload-file-info__thumbnail` }, renderIcon ? renderIcon(file) : isImageFile(file) ? vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix }, { default: () => imageIcon }) : vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix }, { default: () => documentIcon })) : vue.h("a", { rel: "noopener noreferer", target: "_blank", href: file.url || void 0, class: `${clsPrefix}-upload-file-info__thumbnail`, onClick: this.handlePreviewClick }, listType === "image-card" ? vue.h(NImage, { src: this.mergedThumbnailUrl || void 0, previewSrc: file.url || void 0, alt: file.name, ref: "imageRef" }) : vue.h("img", { src: this.mergedThumbnailUrl || void 0, alt: file.name })); } else { icon = vue.h("span", { class: `${clsPrefix}-upload-file-info__thumbnail` }, renderIcon ? renderIcon(file) : vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix }, { default: () => vue.h(AttachIcon, null) })); } const progress = vue.h(NUploadProgress, { show: this.showProgress, percentage: file.percentage || 0, status: this.progressStatus }); const showName = listType === "text" || listType === "image"; return vue.h("div", { class: [`${clsPrefix}-upload-file`, `${clsPrefix}-upload-file--${this.progressStatus}-status`, file.url && file.status !== "error" && listType !== "image-card" && `${clsPrefix}-upload-file--with-url`, `${clsPrefix}-upload-file--${listType}-type`] }, vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-upload-file-info` }, icon, vue.h("div", { class: `${clsPrefix}-upload-file-info__name` }, showName && (file.url && file.status !== "error" ? vue.h("a", { rel: "noopener noreferer", target: "_blank", href: file.url || void 0, onClick: this.handlePreviewClick }, file.name) : vue.h("span", { onClick: this.handlePreviewClick }, file.name)), isImageType && progress), vue.h("div", { class: [`${clsPrefix}-upload-file-info__action`, `${clsPrefix}-upload-file-info__action--${listType}-type`] }, this.showPreviewButton ? vue.h(NButton, { key: "preview", quaternary: true, type: this.buttonType, onClick: this.handlePreviewClick, theme: mergedTheme.peers.Button, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Button, builtinThemeOverrides: buttonThemeOverrides }, { icon: () => vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix }, { default: () => vue.h(EyeIcon, null) }) }) : null, (this.showRemoveButton || this.showCancelButton) && !this.disabled && vue.h(NButton, { key: "cancelOrTrash", theme: mergedTheme.peers.Button, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Button, quaternary: true, builtinThemeOverrides: buttonThemeOverrides, type: this.buttonType, onClick: this.handleRemoveOrCancelClick }, { icon: () => vue.h(NIconSwitchTransition, null, { default: () => this.showRemoveButton ? vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix, key: "trash" }, { default: () => vue.h(TrashIcon, null) }) : vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix, key: "cancel" }, { default: () => vue.h(CancelIcon, null) }) }) }), this.showRetryButton && !this.disabled && vue.h(NButton, { key: "retry", quaternary: true, type: this.buttonType, onClick: this.handleRetryClick, theme: mergedTheme.peers.Button, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Button, builtinThemeOverrides: buttonThemeOverrides }, { icon: () => vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix }, { default: () => vue.h(RetryIcon, null) }) }), this.showDownloadButton ? vue.h(NButton, { key: "download", quaternary: true, type: this.buttonType, onClick: this.handleDownloadClick, theme: mergedTheme.peers.Button, themeOverrides: mergedTheme.peerOverrides.Button, builtinThemeOverrides: buttonThemeOverrides }, { icon: () => vue.h(NBaseIcon, { clsPrefix }, { default: () => vue.h(DownloadIcon, null) }) }) : null)), !isImageType && progress); } }); const NUploadFileList = vue.defineComponent({ name: "UploadFileList", setup(_, { slots }) { const NUpload = vue.inject(uploadInjectionKey, null); if (!NUpload) { throwError("upload-file-list", "`n-upload-file-list` must be placed inside `n-upload`."); } const { abstractRef, mergedClsPrefixRef, listTypeRef, mergedFileListRef, fileListClassRef, fileListStyleRef, cssVarsRef, themeClassRef, maxReachedRef, showTriggerRef, imageGroupPropsRef } = NUpload; const isImageCardTypeRef = vue.computed(() => listTypeRef.value === "image-card"); const renderFileList = () => mergedFileListRef.value.map((file, index) => vue.h(NUploadFile, { clsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef.value, key: file.id, file, index, listType: listTypeRef.value })); const renderUploadFileList = () => isImageCardTypeRef.value ? vue.h(NImageGroup, Object.assign({}, imageGroupPropsRef.value), { default: renderFileList }) : vue.h(NFadeInExpandTransition, { group: true }, { default: renderFileList }); return () => { const { value: mergedClsPrefix } = mergedClsPrefixRef; const { value: abstract } = abstractRef; return vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-upload-file-list`, isImageCardTypeRef.value && `${mergedClsPrefix}-upload-file-list--grid`, abstract ? themeClassRef === null || themeClassRef === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassRef.value : void 0, fileListClassRef.value], style: [abstract && cssVarsRef ? cssVarsRef.value : "", fileListStyleRef.value] }, renderUploadFileList(), showTriggerRef.value && !maxReachedRef.value && isImageCardTypeRef.value && vue.h(NUploadTrigger, null, slots)); }; } }); const style$1 = c$1([cB("upload", "width: 100%;", [cM("dragger-inside", [cB("upload-trigger", ` display: block; `)]), cM("drag-over", [cB("upload-dragger", ` border: var(--n-dragger-border-hover); `)])]), cB("upload-dragger", ` cursor: pointer; box-sizing: border-box; width: 100%; text-align: center; border-radius: var(--n-border-radius); padding: 24px; opacity: 1; transition: opacity .3s var(--n-bezier), border-color .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); background-color: var(--n-dragger-color); border: var(--n-dragger-border); `, [c$1("&:hover", ` border: var(--n-dragger-border-hover); `), cM("disabled", ` cursor: not-allowed; `)]), cB("upload-trigger", ` display: inline-block; box-sizing: border-box; opacity: 1; transition: opacity .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [c$1("+", [cB("upload-file-list", "margin-top: 8px;")]), cM("disabled", ` opacity: var(--n-item-disabled-opacity); cursor: not-allowed; `), cM("image-card", ` width: 96px; height: 96px; `, [cB("base-icon", ` font-size: 24px; `), cB("upload-dragger", ` padding: 0; height: 100%; width: 100%; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; `)])]), cB("upload-file-list", ` line-height: var(--n-line-height); opacity: 1; transition: opacity .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [c$1("a, img", "outline: none;"), cM("disabled", ` opacity: var(--n-item-disabled-opacity); cursor: not-allowed; `, [cB("upload-file", "cursor: not-allowed;")]), cM("grid", ` display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, 96px); grid-gap: 8px; margin-top: 0; `), cB("upload-file", ` display: block; box-sizing: border-box; cursor: default; padding: 0px 12px 0 6px; transition: background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); border-radius: var(--n-border-radius); `, [fadeInHeightExpandTransition(), cB("progress", [fadeInHeightExpandTransition({ foldPadding: true })]), c$1("&:hover", ` background-color: var(--n-item-color-hover); `, [cB("upload-file-info", [cE("action", ` opacity: 1; `)])]), cM("image-type", ` border-radius: var(--n-border-radius); text-decoration: underline; text-decoration-color: #0000; `, [cB("upload-file-info", ` padding-top: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; width: 100%; height: 100%; display: flex; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center; padding: 6px 0; `, [cB("progress", ` padding: 2px 0; margin-bottom: 0; `), cE("name", ` padding: 0 8px; `), cE("thumbnail", ` width: 32px; height: 32px; font-size: 28px; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; `, [c$1("img", ` width: 100%; `)])])]), cM("text-type", [cB("progress", ` box-sizing: border-box; padding-bottom: 6px; margin-bottom: 6px; `)]), cM("image-card-type", ` position: relative; width: 96px; height: 96px; border: var(--n-item-border-image-card); border-radius: var(--n-border-radius); padding: 0; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; transition: border-color .3s var(--n-bezier), background-color .3s var(--n-bezier); border-radius: var(--n-border-radius); overflow: hidden; `, [cB("progress", ` position: absolute; left: 8px; bottom: 8px; right: 8px; width: unset; `), cB("upload-file-info", ` padding: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; `, [cE("thumbnail", ` width: 100%; height: 100%; display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; justify-content: center; font-size: 36px; `, [c$1("img", ` width: 100%; `)])]), c$1("&::before", ` position: absolute; z-index: 1; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; border-radius: inherit; opacity: 0; transition: opacity .2s var(--n-bezier); content: ""; `), c$1("&:hover", [c$1("&::before", "opacity: 1;"), cB("upload-file-info", [cE("thumbnail", "opacity: .12;")])])]), cM("error-status", [c$1("&:hover", ` background-color: var(--n-item-color-hover-error); `), cB("upload-file-info", [cE("name", "color: var(--n-item-text-color-error);"), cE("thumbnail", "color: var(--n-item-text-color-error);")]), cM("image-card-type", ` border: var(--n-item-border-image-card-error); `)]), cM("with-url", ` cursor: pointer; `, [cB("upload-file-info", [cE("name", ` color: var(--n-item-text-color-success); text-decoration-color: var(--n-item-text-color-success); `, [c$1("a", ` text-decoration: underline; `)])])]), cB("upload-file-info", ` position: relative; padding-top: 6px; padding-bottom: 6px; display: flex; flex-wrap: nowrap; `, [cE("thumbnail", ` font-size: 18px; opacity: 1; transition: opacity .2s var(--n-bezier); color: var(--n-item-icon-color); `, [cB("base-icon", ` margin-right: 2px; vertical-align: middle; transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier); `)]), cE("action", ` padding-top: inherit; padding-bottom: inherit; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; width: 80px; display: flex; align-items: center; transition: opacity .2s var(--n-bezier); justify-content: flex-end; opacity: 0; `, [cB("button", [c$1("&:not(:last-child)", { marginRight: "4px" }), cB("base-icon", [c$1("svg", [iconSwitchTransition()])])]), cM("image-type", ` position: relative; max-width: 80px; width: auto; `), cM("image-card-type", ` z-index: 2; position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; top: 0; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; `)]), cE("name", ` color: var(--n-item-text-color); flex: 1; display: flex; justify-content: center; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; flex-direction: column; text-decoration-color: #0000; font-size: var(--n-font-size); transition: color .3s var(--n-bezier), text-decoration-color .3s var(--n-bezier); `, [c$1("a", ` color: inherit; text-decoration: underline; `)])])])]), cB("upload-file-input", ` display: none; width: 0; height: 0; opacity: 0; `)]); var __awaiter = function(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) { function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function(resolve) { resolve(value); }); } return new (P || (P = Promise))(function(resolve, reject) { function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); } step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next()); }); }; function createXhrHandlers(inst, file, xhr) { const { doChange, xhrMap } = inst; let percentage = 0; function handleXHRError(e) { var _a; let fileAfterChange = Object.assign({}, file, { status: "error", percentage }); xhrMap.delete(file.id); fileAfterChange = createSettledFileInfo(((_a = inst.onError) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(inst, { file: fileAfterChange, event: e })) || fileAfterChange); doChange(fileAfterChange, e); } function handleXHRLoad(e) { var _a; if (inst.isErrorState) { if (inst.isErrorState(xhr)) { handleXHRError(e); return; } } else { if (xhr.status < 200 || xhr.status >= 300) { handleXHRError(e); return; } } let fileAfterChange = Object.assign({}, file, { status: "finished", percentage }); xhrMap.delete(file.id); fileAfterChange = createSettledFileInfo(((_a = inst.onFinish) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(inst, { file: fileAfterChange, event: e })) || fileAfterChange); doChange(fileAfterChange, e); } return { handleXHRLoad, handleXHRError, handleXHRAbort(e) { const fileAfterChange = Object.assign({}, file, { status: "removed", file: null, percentage }); xhrMap.delete(file.id); doChange(fileAfterChange, e); }, handleXHRProgress(e) { const fileAfterChange = Object.assign({}, file, { status: "uploading" }); if (e.lengthComputable) { const progress = Math.ceil(e.loaded / e.total * 100); fileAfterChange.percentage = progress; percentage = progress; } doChange(fileAfterChange, e); } }; } function customSubmitImpl(options) { const { inst, file, data, headers, withCredentials, action, customRequest } = options; const { doChange } = options.inst; let percentage = 0; customRequest({ file, data, headers, withCredentials, action, onProgress(event) { const fileAfterChange = Object.assign({}, file, { status: "uploading" }); const progress = event.percent; fileAfterChange.percentage = progress; percentage = progress; doChange(fileAfterChange); }, onFinish() { var _a; let fileAfterChange = Object.assign({}, file, { status: "finished", percentage }); fileAfterChange = createSettledFileInfo(((_a = inst.onFinish) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(inst, { file: fileAfterChange })) || fileAfterChange); doChange(fileAfterChange); }, onError() { var _a; let fileAfterChange = Object.assign({}, file, { status: "error", percentage }); fileAfterChange = createSettledFileInfo(((_a = inst.onError) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(inst, { file: fileAfterChange })) || fileAfterChange); doChange(fileAfterChange); } }); } function registerHandler(inst, file, request) { const handlers = createXhrHandlers(inst, file, request); request.onabort = handlers.handleXHRAbort; request.onerror = handlers.handleXHRError; request.onload = handlers.handleXHRLoad; if (request.upload) { request.upload.onprogress = handlers.handleXHRProgress; } } function unwrapFunctionValue(data, file) { if (typeof data === "function") { return data({ file }); } if (data) return data; return {}; } function setHeaders(request, headers, file) { const headersObject = unwrapFunctionValue(headers, file); if (!headersObject) return; Object.keys(headersObject).forEach((key) => { request.setRequestHeader(key, headersObject[key]); }); } function appendData(formData, data, file) { const dataObject = unwrapFunctionValue(data, file); if (!dataObject) return; Object.keys(dataObject).forEach((key) => { formData.append(key, dataObject[key]); }); } function submitImpl(inst, fieldName, file, { method, action, withCredentials, responseType, headers, data }) { const request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.responseType = responseType; inst.xhrMap.set(file.id, request); request.withCredentials = withCredentials; const formData = new FormData(); appendData(formData, data, file); if (file.file !== null) { formData.append(fieldName, file.file); } registerHandler(inst, file, request); if (action !== void 0) { request.open(method.toUpperCase(), action); setHeaders(request, headers, file); request.send(formData); const fileAfterChange = Object.assign({}, file, { status: "uploading" }); inst.doChange(fileAfterChange); } } const uploadProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { name: { type: String, default: "file" }, accept: String, action: String, customRequest: Function, directory: Boolean, directoryDnd: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, method: { type: String, default: "POST" }, multiple: Boolean, showFileList: { type: Boolean, default: true }, data: [Object, Function], headers: [Object, Function], withCredentials: Boolean, responseType: { type: String, default: "" }, disabled: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 }, onChange: Function, onRemove: Function, onFinish: Function, onError: Function, onBeforeUpload: Function, isErrorState: Function, /** currently not used */ onDownload: Function, defaultUpload: { type: Boolean, default: true }, fileList: Array, "onUpdate:fileList": [Function, Array], onUpdateFileList: [Function, Array], fileListClass: String, fileListStyle: [String, Object], defaultFileList: { type: Array, default: () => [] }, showCancelButton: { type: Boolean, default: true }, showRemoveButton: { type: Boolean, default: true }, showDownloadButton: Boolean, showRetryButton: { type: Boolean, default: true }, showPreviewButton: { type: Boolean, default: true }, listType: { type: String, default: "text" }, onPreview: Function, shouldUseThumbnailUrl: { type: Function, default: (file) => { if (!environmentSupportFile) return false; return isImageFile(file); } }, createThumbnailUrl: Function, abstract: Boolean, max: Number, showTrigger: { type: Boolean, default: true }, imageGroupProps: Object, inputProps: Object, triggerClass: String, triggerStyle: [String, Object], renderIcon: Function }); const Upload = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Upload", props: uploadProps, setup(props) { if (props.abstract && props.listType === "image-card") { throwError("upload", "when the list-type is image-card, abstract is not supported."); } const { mergedClsPrefixRef, inlineThemeDisabled } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Upload", "-upload", style$1, uploadLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const formItem = useFormItem(props); const maxReachedRef = vue.computed(() => { const { max } = props; if (max !== void 0) { return mergedFileListRef.value.length >= max; } return false; }); const uncontrolledFileListRef = vue.ref(props.defaultFileList); const controlledFileListRef = vue.toRef(props, "fileList"); const inputElRef = vue.ref(null); const draggerInsideRef = { value: false }; const dragOverRef = vue.ref(false); const xhrMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const _mergedFileListRef = useMergedState(controlledFileListRef, uncontrolledFileListRef); const mergedFileListRef = vue.computed(() => _mergedFileListRef.value.map(createSettledFileInfo)); function openOpenFileDialog() { var _a; (_a = inputElRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.click(); } function handleFileInputChange(e) { const target = e.target; handleFileAddition(target.files ? Array.from(target.files).map((file) => ({ file, entry: null, source: "input" })) : null, e); target.value = ""; } function doUpdateFileList(files) { const { "onUpdate:fileList": _onUpdateFileList, onUpdateFileList } = props; if (_onUpdateFileList) call(_onUpdateFileList, files); if (onUpdateFileList) call(onUpdateFileList, files); uncontrolledFileListRef.value = files; } const mergedMultipleRef = vue.computed(() => props.multiple || props.directory); function handleFileAddition(fileAndEntries, e) { if (!fileAndEntries || fileAndEntries.length === 0) return; const { onBeforeUpload } = props; fileAndEntries = mergedMultipleRef.value ? fileAndEntries : [fileAndEntries[0]]; const { max, accept } = props; fileAndEntries = fileAndEntries.filter(({ file, source }) => { if (source === "dnd" && (accept === null || accept === void 0 ? void 0 : accept.trim())) { return matchType(file.name, file.type, accept); } else { return true; } }); if (max) { fileAndEntries = fileAndEntries.slice(0, max - mergedFileListRef.value.length); } const batchId = createId(); void Promise.all(fileAndEntries.map((_a) => __awaiter(this, [_a], void 0, function* ({ file, entry }) { var _b; const fileInfo = { id: createId(), batchId, name: file.name, status: "pending", percentage: 0, file, url: null, type: file.type, thumbnailUrl: null, fullPath: (_b = entry === null || entry === void 0 ? void 0 : entry.fullPath) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : `/${file.webkitRelativePath || file.name}` }; if (!onBeforeUpload || (yield onBeforeUpload({ file: fileInfo, fileList: mergedFileListRef.value })) !== false) { return fileInfo; } return null; }))).then((fileInfos) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { let nextTickChain = Promise.resolve(); fileInfos.forEach((fileInfo) => { nextTickChain = nextTickChain.then(vue.nextTick).then(() => { fileInfo && doChange(fileInfo, e, { append: true }); }); }); yield nextTickChain; })).then(() => { if (props.defaultUpload) { submit(); } }); } function submit(fileId) { const { method, action, withCredentials, headers, data, name: fieldName } = props; const filesToUpload = fileId !== void 0 ? mergedFileListRef.value.filter((file) => file.id === fileId) : mergedFileListRef.value; const shouldReupload = fileId !== void 0; filesToUpload.forEach((file) => { const { status } = file; if (status === "pending" || status === "error" && shouldReupload) { if (props.customRequest) { customSubmitImpl({ inst: { doChange, xhrMap, onFinish: props.onFinish, onError: props.onError }, file, action, withCredentials, headers, data, customRequest: props.customRequest }); } else { submitImpl({ doChange, xhrMap, onFinish: props.onFinish, onError: props.onError, isErrorState: props.isErrorState }, fieldName, file, { method, action, withCredentials, responseType: props.responseType, headers, data }); } } }); } const doChange = (fileAfterChange, event, options = { append: false, remove: false }) => { const { append, remove } = options; const fileListAfterChange = Array.from(mergedFileListRef.value); const fileIndex = fileListAfterChange.findIndex((file) => file.id === fileAfterChange.id); if (append || remove || ~fileIndex) { if (append) { fileListAfterChange.push(fileAfterChange); } else if (remove) { fileListAfterChange.splice(fileIndex, 1); } else { fileListAfterChange.splice(fileIndex, 1, fileAfterChange); } const { onChange } = props; if (onChange) { onChange({ file: fileAfterChange, fileList: fileListAfterChange, event }); } doUpdateFileList(fileListAfterChange); } }; function getFileThumbnailUrlResolver(file) { var _a; if (file.thumbnailUrl) return file.thumbnailUrl; const { createThumbnailUrl } = props; if (createThumbnailUrl) { return (_a = createThumbnailUrl(file.file, file)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : file.url || ""; } if (file.url) { return file.url; } else if (file.file) { return createImageDataUrl(file.file); } return ""; } const cssVarsRef = vue.computed(() => { const { common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut: cubicBezierEaseInOut2 }, self: { draggerColor, draggerBorder, draggerBorderHover, itemColorHover, itemColorHoverError, itemTextColorError, itemTextColorSuccess, itemTextColor, itemIconColor, itemDisabledOpacity, lineHeight: lineHeight2, borderRadius, fontSize: fontSize2, itemBorderImageCardError, itemBorderImageCard } } = themeRef.value; return { "--n-bezier": cubicBezierEaseInOut2, "--n-border-radius": borderRadius, "--n-dragger-border": draggerBorder, "--n-dragger-border-hover": draggerBorderHover, "--n-dragger-color": draggerColor, "--n-font-size": fontSize2, "--n-item-color-hover": itemColorHover, "--n-item-color-hover-error": itemColorHoverError, "--n-item-disabled-opacity": itemDisabledOpacity, "--n-item-icon-color": itemIconColor, "--n-item-text-color": itemTextColor, "--n-item-text-color-error": itemTextColorError, "--n-item-text-color-success": itemTextColorSuccess, "--n-line-height": lineHeight2, "--n-item-border-image-card-error": itemBorderImageCardError, "--n-item-border-image-card": itemBorderImageCard }; }); const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled ? useThemeClass("upload", void 0, cssVarsRef, props) : void 0; vue.provide(uploadInjectionKey, { mergedClsPrefixRef, mergedThemeRef: themeRef, showCancelButtonRef: vue.toRef(props, "showCancelButton"), showDownloadButtonRef: vue.toRef(props, "showDownloadButton"), showRemoveButtonRef: vue.toRef(props, "showRemoveButton"), showRetryButtonRef: vue.toRef(props, "showRetryButton"), onRemoveRef: vue.toRef(props, "onRemove"), onDownloadRef: vue.toRef(props, "onDownload"), mergedFileListRef, triggerClassRef: vue.toRef(props, "triggerClass"), triggerStyleRef: vue.toRef(props, "triggerStyle"), shouldUseThumbnailUrlRef: vue.toRef(props, "shouldUseThumbnailUrl"), renderIconRef: vue.toRef(props, "renderIcon"), xhrMap, submit, doChange, showPreviewButtonRef: vue.toRef(props, "showPreviewButton"), onPreviewRef: vue.toRef(props, "onPreview"), getFileThumbnailUrlResolver, listTypeRef: vue.toRef(props, "listType"), dragOverRef, openOpenFileDialog, draggerInsideRef, handleFileAddition, mergedDisabledRef: formItem.mergedDisabledRef, maxReachedRef, fileListClassRef: vue.toRef(props, "fileListClass"), fileListStyleRef: vue.toRef(props, "fileListStyle"), abstractRef: vue.toRef(props, "abstract"), acceptRef: vue.toRef(props, "accept"), cssVarsRef: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClassRef: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender, showTriggerRef: vue.toRef(props, "showTrigger"), imageGroupPropsRef: vue.toRef(props, "imageGroupProps"), mergedDirectoryDndRef: vue.computed(() => { var _a; return (_a = props.directoryDnd) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : props.directory; }) }); const exposedMethods = { clear: () => { uncontrolledFileListRef.value = []; }, submit, openOpenFileDialog }; return Object.assign({ mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef, draggerInsideRef, inputElRef, mergedTheme: themeRef, dragOver: dragOverRef, mergedMultiple: mergedMultipleRef, cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? void 0 : cssVarsRef, themeClass: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.themeClass, onRender: themeClassHandle === null || themeClassHandle === void 0 ? void 0 : themeClassHandle.onRender, handleFileInputChange }, exposedMethods); }, render() { var _a, _b; const { draggerInsideRef, mergedClsPrefix, $slots, directory, onRender } = this; if ($slots.default && !this.abstract) { const firstChild = $slots.default()[0]; if ((_a = firstChild === null || firstChild === void 0 ? void 0 : firstChild.type) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[uploadDraggerKey]) { draggerInsideRef.value = true; } } const inputNode = vue.h("input", Object.assign({}, this.inputProps, { ref: "inputElRef", type: "file", class: `${mergedClsPrefix}-upload-file-input`, accept: this.accept, multiple: this.mergedMultiple, onChange: this.handleFileInputChange, // @ts-expect-error // seems vue-tsc will add the prop, so we can't use expect-error webkitdirectory: directory || void 0, directory: directory || void 0 })); if (this.abstract) { return vue.h(vue.Fragment, null, (_b = $slots.default) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call($slots), vue.h(vue.Teleport, { to: "body" }, inputNode)); } onRender === null || onRender === void 0 ? void 0 : onRender(); return vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-upload`, draggerInsideRef.value && `${mergedClsPrefix}-upload--dragger-inside`, this.dragOver && `${mergedClsPrefix}-upload--drag-over`, this.themeClass], style: this.cssVars }, inputNode, this.showTrigger && this.listType !== "image-card" && vue.h(NUploadTrigger, null, $slots), this.showFileList && vue.h(NUploadFileList, null, $slots)); } }); const virtualListProps = { scrollbarProps: Object, items: { type: Array, default: () => [] }, itemSize: { type: Number, required: true }, itemResizable: Boolean, itemsStyle: [String, Object], visibleItemsTag: { type: [String, Object], default: "div" }, visibleItemsProps: Object, ignoreItemResize: Boolean, onScroll: Function, onWheel: Function, onResize: Function, defaultScrollKey: [Number, String], defaultScrollIndex: Number, keyField: { type: String, default: "key" }, paddingTop: { type: [Number, String], default: 0 }, paddingBottom: { type: [Number, String], default: 0 } }; const VirtualList = vue.defineComponent({ name: "VirtualList", props: virtualListProps, setup(props) { const scrollbarInstRef = vue.ref(null); const virtualListInstRef = vue.ref(null); function syncScrollbar() { const { value: scrollbarInst } = scrollbarInstRef; if (scrollbarInst) scrollbarInst.sync(); } function handleScroll(e) { var _a; syncScrollbar(); (_a = props.onScroll) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, e); } function handleResize(e) { var _a; syncScrollbar(); (_a = props.onResize) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, e); } function handleWheel(e) { var _a; (_a = props.onWheel) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props, e); } function scrollTo(options, y) { var _a, _b; if (typeof options === "number") { (_a = virtualListInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.scrollTo(options, y !== null && y !== void 0 ? y : 0); } else { (_b = virtualListInstRef.value) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.scrollTo(options); } } function getScrollContainer() { var _a; return (_a = virtualListInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.listElRef; } function getScrollContent() { var _a; return (_a = virtualListInstRef.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.itemsElRef; } return { scrollTo, scrollbarInstRef, virtualListInstRef, getScrollContainer, getScrollContent, handleScroll, handleResize, handleWheel }; }, render() { return vue.h(XScrollbar, Object.assign({}, this.scrollbarProps, { ref: "scrollbarInstRef", container: this.getScrollContainer, content: this.getScrollContent }), { default: () => { return vue.h(VVirtualList, { ref: "virtualListInstRef", showScrollbar: false, items: this.items, itemSize: this.itemSize, itemResizable: this.itemResizable, itemsStyle: this.itemsStyle, visibleItemsTag: this.visibleItemsTag, visibleItemsProps: this.visibleItemsProps, ignoreItemResize: this.ignoreItemResize, keyField: this.keyField, defaultScrollKey: this.defaultScrollKey, defaultScrollIndex: this.defaultScrollIndex, paddingTop: this.paddingTop, paddingBottom: this.paddingBottom, onScroll: this.handleScroll, onResize: this.handleResize, onWheel: this.handleWheel }, { default: ({ item, index }) => { var _a, _b; return (_b = (_a = this.$slots).default) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a, { item, index }); } }); } }); } }); const style = c$1([cB("watermark-container", ` position: relative; `, [cNotM("selectable", ` user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; `), cM("global-rotate", ` overflow: hidden; `), cM("fullscreen", ` top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; pointer-events: none; position: fixed; `)]), cB("watermark", ` position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; pointer-events: none; background-repeat: repeat; `, [cM("fullscreen", ` position: fixed; `), cM("global-rotate", ` position: absolute; height: max(284vh, 284vw); width: max(284vh, 284vw); `)])]); function getRatio(context) { if (!context) { return 1; } const backingStore = context.backingStorePixelRatio || context.webkitBackingStorePixelRatio || context.mozBackingStorePixelRatio || context.msBackingStorePixelRatio || context.oBackingStorePixelRatio || context.backingStorePixelRatio || 1; return (window.devicePixelRatio || 1) / backingStore; } const watermarkProps = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, useTheme.props), { debug: Boolean, cross: Boolean, fullscreen: Boolean, width: { type: Number, default: 32 }, height: { type: Number, default: 32 }, zIndex: { type: Number, default: 10 }, xGap: { type: Number, default: 0 }, yGap: { type: Number, default: 0 }, yOffset: { type: Number, default: 0 }, xOffset: { type: Number, default: 0 }, rotate: { type: Number, default: 0 }, textAlign: { type: String, default: "left" }, image: String, imageOpacity: { type: Number, default: 1 }, imageHeight: Number, imageWidth: Number, content: String, selectable: { type: Boolean, default: true }, fontSize: { type: Number, default: 14 }, fontFamily: String, fontStyle: { type: String, default: "normal" }, fontVariant: { type: String, default: "" }, fontWeight: { type: Number, default: 400 }, fontColor: { type: String, default: "rgba(128, 128, 128, .3)" }, fontStretch: { type: String, default: "" }, lineHeight: { type: Number, default: 14 }, globalRotate: { type: Number, default: 0 } }); const Watermark = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Watermark", props: watermarkProps, setup(props, { slots }) { const { mergedClsPrefixRef } = useConfig(props); const themeRef = useTheme("Watermark", "-watermark", style, watermarkLight, props, mergedClsPrefixRef); const base64UrlRef = vue.ref(""); const canvas = isBrowser$2 ? document.createElement("canvas") : null; const ctx2 = canvas ? canvas.getContext("2d") : null; const fontsReadyRef = vue.ref(false); onFontsReady(() => fontsReadyRef.value = true); vue.watchEffect(() => { if (!canvas) return; void fontsReadyRef.value; const ratio = getRatio(ctx2); const { xGap, yGap, width, height, yOffset, xOffset, rotate, image, content, fontColor, fontStyle, fontVariant, fontStretch, fontWeight, fontFamily: fontFamily2, fontSize: fontSize2, lineHeight: lineHeight2, debug } = props; const canvasWidth = (xGap + width) * ratio; const canvasHeight = (yGap + height) * ratio; const canvasOffsetLeft = xOffset * ratio; const canvasOffsetTop = yOffset * ratio; canvas.width = canvasWidth; canvas.height = canvasHeight; if (ctx2) { ctx2.translate(0, 0); const markWidth = width * ratio; const markHeight = height * ratio; if (debug) { ctx2.strokeStyle = "grey"; ctx2.strokeRect(0, 0, markWidth, markHeight); } ctx2.rotate(rotate * (Math.PI / 180)); if (image) { const img = new Image(); img.crossOrigin = "anonymous"; img.referrerPolicy = "no-referrer"; img.src = image; img.onload = () => { ctx2.globalAlpha = props.imageOpacity; const { imageWidth, imageHeight } = props; ctx2.drawImage(img, canvasOffsetLeft, canvasOffsetTop, (props.imageWidth || (imageHeight ? img.width * imageHeight / img.height : img.width)) * ratio, (props.imageHeight || (imageWidth ? img.height * imageWidth / img.width : img.height)) * ratio); base64UrlRef.value = canvas.toDataURL(); }; } else if (content) { if (debug) { ctx2.strokeStyle = "green"; ctx2.strokeRect(0, 0, markWidth, markHeight); } ctx2.font = `${fontStyle} ${fontVariant} ${fontWeight} ${fontStretch} ${fontSize2 * ratio}px/${lineHeight2 * ratio}px ${fontFamily2 || themeRef.value.self.fontFamily}`; ctx2.fillStyle = fontColor; let maxWidth = 0; const { textAlign } = props; content.split("\n").map((line) => { const width2 = ctx2.measureText(line).width; maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, width2); return { width: width2, line }; }).forEach(({ line, width: width2 }, index) => { const alignOffset = textAlign === "left" ? 0 : textAlign === "center" ? (maxWidth - width2) / 2 : maxWidth - width2; ctx2.fillText(line, canvasOffsetLeft + alignOffset, canvasOffsetTop + lineHeight2 * ratio * (index + 1)); }); base64UrlRef.value = canvas.toDataURL(); } else if (!content) { ctx2.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); base64UrlRef.value = canvas.toDataURL(); } } else { warnOnce("watermark", "Canvas is not supported in the browser."); } }); return () => { var _a; const { globalRotate, fullscreen, zIndex } = props; const mergedClsPrefix = mergedClsPrefixRef.value; const isFullScreenGlobalRotate = globalRotate !== 0 && fullscreen; const rotatedImageOffset = "max(142vh, 142vw)"; const watermarkNode = vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-watermark`, globalRotate !== 0 && `${mergedClsPrefix}-watermark--global-rotate`, fullscreen && `${mergedClsPrefix}-watermark--fullscreen`], style: { transform: globalRotate ? `translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%) rotate(${globalRotate}deg)` : void 0, zIndex: isFullScreenGlobalRotate ? void 0 : zIndex, backgroundSize: `${props.xGap + props.width}px`, backgroundPosition: globalRotate === 0 ? props.cross ? `${props.width / 2}px ${props.height / 2}px, 0 0` : "" : props.cross ? `calc(${rotatedImageOffset} + ${props.width / 2}px) calc(${rotatedImageOffset} + ${props.height / 2}px), ${rotatedImageOffset} ${rotatedImageOffset}` : rotatedImageOffset, backgroundImage: props.cross ? `url(${base64UrlRef.value}), url(${base64UrlRef.value})` : `url(${base64UrlRef.value})` } }); if (props.fullscreen && !globalRotate) return watermarkNode; return vue.h("div", { class: [`${mergedClsPrefix}-watermark-container`, globalRotate !== 0 && `${mergedClsPrefix}-watermark-container--global-rotate`, fullscreen && `${mergedClsPrefix}-watermark-container--fullscreen`, props.selectable && `${mergedClsPrefix}-watermark-container--selectable`], style: { zIndex: isFullScreenGlobalRotate ? zIndex : void 0 } }, (_a = slots.default) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(slots), watermarkNode); }; } }); const NInjectionExtractor = vue.defineComponent({ name: "InjectionExtractor", props: { onSetup: Function }, setup(props, { slots }) { var _a; (_a = props.onSetup) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(props); return () => { var _a2; return (_a2 = slots.default) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.call(slots); }; } }); const injectionFactoryMap = { message: useMessage, notification: useNotification, loadingBar: useLoadingBar, dialog: useDialog, modal: useModal }; function createDiscreteApp({ providersAndProps, configProviderProps: configProviderProps2 }) { const App2 = () => { return vue.h(NConfigProvider, vue.unref(configProviderProps2), { default: () => providersAndProps.map(({ type, Provider, props }) => { return vue.h(Provider, vue.unref(props), { default: () => vue.h(NInjectionExtractor, { onSetup: () => extractedApi[type] = injectionFactoryMap[type]() }) }); }) }); }; let app = vue.createApp(App2); const extractedApi = { app }; let hostEl; if (isBrowser$2) { hostEl = document.createElement("div"); document.body.appendChild(hostEl); app.mount(hostEl); } const unmount2 = () => { var _a; if (app === null || hostEl === null) { warn$2("discrete", "unmount call no need because discrete app has been unmounted"); return; } app.unmount(); (_a = hostEl.parentNode) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.removeChild(hostEl); hostEl = null; app = null; }; return Object.assign({ unmount: unmount2 }, extractedApi); } function createDiscreteApi(includes, { configProviderProps: configProviderProps2, messageProviderProps: messageProviderProps2, dialogProviderProps: dialogProviderProps2, notificationProviderProps: notificationProviderProps2, loadingBarProviderProps: loadingBarProviderProps2, modalProviderProps: modalProviderProps2 } = {}) { const providersAndProps = []; includes.forEach((type) => { switch (type) { case "message": providersAndProps.push({ type, Provider: NMessageProvider, props: messageProviderProps2 }); break; case "notification": providersAndProps.push({ type, Provider: NNotificationProvider, props: notificationProviderProps2 }); break; case "dialog": providersAndProps.push({ type, Provider: NDialogProvider, props: dialogProviderProps2 }); break; case "loadingBar": providersAndProps.push({ type, Provider: NLoadingBarProvider, props: loadingBarProviderProps2 }); break; case "modal": providersAndProps.push({ type, Provider: NModalProvider, props: modalProviderProps2 }); } }); const discreteApp = createDiscreteApp({ providersAndProps, configProviderProps: configProviderProps2 }); return discreteApp; } const equationProps = { value: String, katex: Object, katexOptions: Object }; const Equation = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Equation", props: equationProps, setup(props) { const configProviderContext = vue.inject(configProviderInjectionKey); const extractedHtmlInfo = vue.computed(() => { var _a; const outerHtml = ((_a = props.katex || (configProviderContext === null || configProviderContext === void 0 ? void 0 : configProviderContext.mergedKatexRef.value)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.renderToString(props.value || "", Object.assign({ throwOnError: false }, props.katexOptions))) || "no katex provided"; const matchResult = outerHtml.match(/^<([a-z]+)[^>]+class="([^"]+)"[^>]*>/); const wrapperTag = (matchResult === null || matchResult === void 0 ? void 0 : matchResult[1]) || "span"; const wrapperClass = matchResult === null || matchResult === void 0 ? void 0 : matchResult[2]; const innerHtml = outerHtml.replace(/^<[a-z]+[^>]*>/, "").replace(/<\/[a-z]+>$/, ""); return { wrapperTag, innerHtml, wrapperClass }; }); return () => { const { innerHtml, wrapperClass, wrapperTag } = extractedHtmlInfo.value; return vue.h(wrapperTag, { class: wrapperClass, innerHTML: innerHtml }); }; } }); const components = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({ __proto__: null, NA: a, NAffix, NAlert: Alert, NAnchor: AnchorAdapter, NAnchorLink: Link, NAutoComplete: AutoComplete, NAvatar, NAvatarGroup: AvatarGroup, NBackTop: BackTop, NBadge: Badge, NBlockquote: blockquote, NBreadcrumb: Breadcrumb, NBreadcrumbItem: BreadcrumbItem, NButton, NButtonGroup, NCalendar: Calendar, NCard, NCarousel: Carousel, NCarouselItem, NCascader: Cascader, NCheckbox, NCheckboxGroup, NCode, NCol, NCollapse, NCollapseItem, NCollapseTransition: CollapseTransition, NColorPicker, NConfigProvider, NCountdown: Countdown, NDataTable: DataTable, NDatePicker: DatePicker, NDescriptions: Descriptions, NDescriptionsItem: DescriptionsItem, NDialog, NDialogProvider, NDivider, NDrawer: Drawer, NDrawerContent: DrawerContent, NDropdown, NDynamicInput: DynamicInput, NDynamicTags: DynamicTags, NEl: NElement, NElement, NEllipsis, NEmpty, NEquation: Equation, NFlex: Flex, NFloatButton: FloatButton, NFloatButtonGroup: FloatButtonGroup, NForm: Form, NFormItem, NFormItemCol, NFormItemGi: FormItemGridItem, NFormItemGridItem: FormItemGridItem, NFormItemRow: FormItemRow, NGi, NGlobalStyle: GlobalStyle, NGradientText: GradientText, NGrid, NGridItem: NGi, NH1, NH2, NH3, NH4, NH5, NH6, NHr: hr, NIcon, NIconWrapper, NImage, NImageGroup, NInfiniteScroll: InfiniteScroll, NInput, NInputGroup, NInputGroupLabel: InputGroupLabel, NInputNumber: InputNumber, NLayout: Layout, NLayoutContent: LayoutContent, NLayoutFooter: LayoutFooter, NLayoutHeader: LayoutHeader, NLayoutSider: LayoutSider, NLegacyTransfer: Transfer$1, NLi: li, NList: List, NListItem: ListItem, NLoadingBarProvider, NLog: Log, NMention: Mention, NMenu: Menu, NMessageProvider, NModal, NModalProvider, NNotificationProvider, NNumberAnimation: NumberAnimation, NOl: ol, NP: p, NPageHeader: PageHeader, NPagination, NPerformantEllipsis, NPopconfirm: Popconfirm, NPopover, NPopselect, NProgress, NQrCode: QrCode, NRadio, NRadioButton: RadioButton, NRadioGroup, NRate: Rate, NResult: Result, NRow, NScrollbar: Scrollbar$1, NSelect, NSkeleton: Skeleton, NSlider: Slider, NSpace, NSpin: Spin, NSplit: Split, NStatistic: Statistic, NStep: Step, NSteps: Steps, NSwitch: Switch, NTab: Tab, NTabPane: TabPane, NTable: Table, NTabs: Tabs, NTag, NTbody: Tbody, NTd: Td, NText: text, NTh: Th, NThead: Thead, NThing: Thing, NTime: Time, NTimePicker, NTimeline: Timeline, NTimelineItem: TimelineItem, NTooltip, NTr: Tr, NTransfer: Transfer, NTree, NTreeSelect: TreeSelect, NUl: ul, NUpload: Upload, NUploadDragger, NUploadFileList, NUploadTrigger, NVirtualList: VirtualList, NWatermark: Watermark, NxButton: XButton, aProps, affixProps, alertProps, anchorLinkProps, anchorProps, autoCompleteProps, avatarGroupProps, avatarProps, backTopProps, badgeProps, blockquoteProps, breadcrumbItemProps, breadcrumbProps, buttonGroupProps, buttonProps, calendarProps, cardProps, carouselProps, cascaderProps, checkboxGroupProps, checkboxProps, codeProps, colProps, collapseItemProps, collapseProps, collapseTransitionProps, colorPickerProps, configProviderProps, countdownProps, createDiscreteApi, dataTableProps, datePickerProps, descriptionsItemProps, descriptionsProps, dialogProps, dialogProviderProps, dividerProps, drawerContentProps, drawerProps, dropdownProps, dynamicInputProps, dynamicTagsProps, elementProps, ellipsisProps, emptyProps, equationProps, flexProps, floatButtonGroupProps, floatButtonProps, formItemGiProps, formItemGridItemProps: formItemGiProps, formItemProps, formProps, giProps: gridItemProps, gradientTextProps, gridItemProps, gridProps, h1Props: headerProps, h2Props: headerProps, h3Props: headerProps, h4Props: headerProps, h5Props: headerProps, h6Props: headerProps, iconProps, iconWrapperProps, imageGroupProps, imageProps, infiniteScrollProps, inputGroupLabelProps, inputGroupProps, inputNumberProps, inputProps, layoutContentProps: layoutProps, layoutFooterProps, layoutHeaderProps: headerProps$1, layoutProps, layoutSiderProps, legacyTransferProps: transferProps$1, listProps, loadingBarProviderProps, logProps, mentionProps, menuProps, messageProviderProps, modalProps, modalProviderProps, notificationProviderProps, numberAnimationProps, olProps, pProps, pageHeaderProps, paginationProps, popconfirmProps, popoverProps, popselectProps, progressProps, qrCodeProps, radioButtonProps, radioGroupProps, radioProps, rateProps, resultProps, rowProps, scrollbarProps, selectProps, skeletonProps, sliderProps, spaceProps, spinProps, splitProps, statisticProps, stepProps, stepsProps, switchProps, tabPaneProps, tabProps, tableProps, tabsProps, tagProps, textProps, thingProps, timePickerProps, timeProps, timelineItemProps, timelineProps, tooltipProps, transferProps, treeGetClickTarget, treeProps, treeSelectProps, ulProps, uploadProps, useDialog, useDialogReactiveList, useLoadingBar, useMessage, useModal, useModalReactiveList, useNotification, virtualListProps, watermarkProps }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })); const version = "2.38.2"; function create({ componentPrefix = "N", components: components2 = [] } = {}) { const installTargets = []; function registerComponent(app, name, component) { const registered = app.component(componentPrefix + name); if (!registered) { app.component(componentPrefix + name, component); } } function install(app) { if (installTargets.includes(app)) return; installTargets.push(app); components2.forEach((component) => { const { name, alias } = component; registerComponent(app, name, component); if (alias) { alias.forEach((aliasName) => { registerComponent(app, aliasName, component); }); } }); } return { version, componentPrefix, install }; } const naive = create({ components: Object.keys(components).map((key) => components[key]) }); naive.install; vue.createApp(App).use(naive).mount( (() => { const app = document.createElement("div"); app.style.position = "absolute"; document.getElementById("pt").append(app); return app; })() ); } }); require_main_001(); })(Vue);