// ==UserScript== // @name 影刀自动刷课(基础) // @namespace npm/vite-plugin-monkey // @version 0.0.1 // @author monkey // @description 影刀自动刷课,自动做选择题,自动下一节 // @license MIT // @icon https://vitejs.dev/logo.svg // @match https://www.yingdao.com/ // @match https://college.yingdao.com/* // @match https://college.yingdao.com // @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue@3.4.32/dist/vue.global.prod.js // @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue-demi@0.14.10/lib/index.iife.min.js // @require data:application/javascript,%3Bwindow.Vue%3DVue%3B // @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/element-plus@2.7.7/dist/index.full.min.js // @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/jquery@3.7.1/dist/jquery.min.js // @resource element-plus/dist/index.css https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/element-plus@2.7.7/dist/index.css // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_getResourceText // ==/UserScript== (n=>{if(typeof GM_addStyle=="function"){GM_addStyle(n);return}const 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ElementPlus.ElNotification({ title, type: "success" }); } } function errMsg(title, msg = "") { if (msg) { ElementPlus.ElNotification({ title, message: msg, type: "error" }); } else { ElementPlus.ElNotification({ title, type: "error" }); } } function warnMsg(title, msg = "") { if (msg) { ElementPlus.ElNotification({ title, message: msg, type: "warning" }); } else { ElementPlus.ElNotification({ title, type: "warning" }); } } function filterLogList(type) { const logMain = jquery("#el-log-main"); logMain.empty(); let list = window.logList; if (type !== "all") { list = list.filter((i) => { return i.type === type; }); } const dDiv = jquery("
"); list.forEach((i) => { dDiv.append(getPByLog(i)); }); logMain.get()[0].append(dDiv.get()[0]); } function getPByLog(log) { const msg = log.id + " " + log.msg; let tex = jquery(`


`); if (log.type === "warn") { tex = jquery(`


`); } if (log.type === "err") { tex = jquery(`


`); } tex.get()[0].style.whiteSpace = "pre-wrap"; return tex; } function printLog(msg, type = "info") { if (!window.logListSize) { window.logListSize = 0; } let pojo = { type, msg, id: window.logListSize + 1 }; window.logListSize = pojo.id; const logMain = jquery("#el-log-main").get()[0]; let log = getPByLog(pojo); logMain.prepend(log[0]); window.logList.unshift(pojo); if (type === "err") { errMsg(msg); } } function getOneByClassLike(className, eleName = "", needThrow = true) { const eles = jquery(`[class*=${className}]`); if (eles.length === 1) { return eles[0]; } if (needThrow) { errMsg("元素获取失败", eleName); throw new Error("元素获取失败"); } } function gotoOffSet(selectStr) { var _a; const ele = jquery(selectStr); let top = ((_a = ele.offset()) == null ? void 0 : _a.top) || 10; if (top > 10) { jquery(".ant-layout-content")[0].scrollTo(0, top); } } function getRandom(min, max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; } function getOneByClassFull(className, eleName = "", needThrow = true) { const eles = jquery(className); if (eles.length === 1) { return eles[0]; } if (needThrow) { errMsg("元素获取失败", eleName); } else { return null; } } function getOneById(id, eleName = "", needThrow = true) { const eles = jquery(`#${id}`); if (eles.length === 1) { return eles[0]; } if (needThrow) { errMsg("元素获取失败", eleName); } else { return null; } } function getOneBySelect(xpath, eleName = "", needThrow = true) { const eles = jquery(xpath); if (eles.length === 1) { return eles[0]; } if (needThrow) { errMsg("元素获取失败", eleName); } else { return null; } } function sleep(time) { const rate = window["ydExamRate"] ? window["ydExamRate"] : 3; time = rate * time; return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(() => { resolve(""); }, time); }); } const _hoisted_1$1 = { class: "flex-row w-full" }; const _hoisted_2$1 = { class: "bg-blue-300 px-5 py-5 rounded-l-20" }; const _hoisted_3 = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("div", null, " 设置等待的倍率 ", -1); const _hoisted_4 = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("span", null, "等待倍率", -1); const _hoisted_5 = { class: "bg-blue-400 px-5 py-5 rounded-l-20" }; const _hoisted_6 = { class: "bg-blue-500 px-5 py-5 rounded-l-20" }; const _hoisted_7 = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("span", { class: "w-full" }, "1. 先进入课程", -1); const _hoisted_8 = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("span", { class: "w-full" }, "2. 点击左侧学习", -1); const _hoisted_9 = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("span", { class: "w-full" }, "3. 考试题库,全自动脚本请联系: xxdlovo", -1); const _sfc_main$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({ __name: "MainPage", props: { msg: {} }, setup(__props) { const helpShow = vue.ref(false); const srcList = vue.ref([ "https://img.picui.cn/free/2024/10/14/670c7b0d13805.png", "https://img.picui.cn/free/2024/10/14/670c7cfd42cf1.png", "https://img.picui.cn/free/2024/10/14/670c7d91d3e70.png" ]); const forceStop = vue.ref(false); const showHelp = () => { helpShow.value = !helpShow.value; }; const autoExam = async () => { warnMsg("全自动刷课,可接入题库,自动考试/搜题. 高级版专享,联系xxdlovo"); }; const needStop = async () => { if (forceStop.value) { printLog("强制停止了", "err"); throw new Error("强制停止了"); } }; const subExamSelectMock = async (lessonSection = "") => { await needStop(); var exams = jquery("div[class^=radio_or_checkbox_box]").children(); printLog("选择题个数: " + exams.length); gotoOffSet("div[class^=radio_or_checkbox_box]"); for (let i = 0; i < exams.length; i++) { printLog("操作选择题..." + i); await needStop(); const exam = exams[i]; if (exam.style.display === "none") { continue; } const options = jquery(exam).find("li"); const ele = options[getRandom(0, options.length - 1)]; const itemClassName = ele.children[0].className; if (itemClassName.indexOf("ant-checkbox-wrapper-checked") === -1) { ele.click(); await sleep(5); } if (i != exams.length - 1) { await manyClickExam(exam); } await manyClickExam(exam); await sleep(6); } const inputAnswer = jquery("#viewer_QuestionsAnswers .ant-input"); printLog("输入题个数 " + inputAnswer.length); if (inputAnswer.length !== 0) { printLog("付费开启: xxdlovo", "warn"); } const operation = jquery("#viewer_software_operation"); printLog("操作题个数: " + operation.length); if (operation.length != 0) { printLog("付费开启: xxdlovo", "warn"); } }; const manyClickExam = async (exam) => { var _a; await needStop(); const btnList = jquery(exam).find(".ant-btn-round"); if (btnList) { for (let btn of btnList.children()) { await needStop(); const btnName = btn.textContent.trim(); console.log("按钮名称", btn.textContent.trim()); if (btnName === "提 交" || btnName === "下一题" || btnName === "开启下一课") { await sleep(200); if ((_a = btn.parentElement) == null ? void 0 : _a.getAttributeNode("disabled")) { warnMsg("选项不能提交,请检查!"); throw new Error("不能点击,请检查"); } await sleep(10); btn.click(); break; } } } console.log("不点了"); return; }; const leftTreeLearn = async () => { const href = window.location.href; if (href !== "https://college.yingdao.com/course/courseDetail") { warnMsg("请先进入学习页面"); return; } await sleep(200); const leftTree = jquery("#course_detail_sidebar .list_item"); for (let i = 0; i < leftTree.length; i++) { await needStop(); let course = leftTree[i]; const courseName = jquery(course).find(".list_item_text")[0].textContent; const isOk = jquery(course).find(".finished_icon"); if (isOk.length === 1) { printLog(courseName, "学完了"); } else { printLog(courseName, "还没学"); course.click(); await sleep(500); try { await learnBook(i === leftTree.length - 1); } catch (e) { } } } okMsg("恭喜,都学完了"); }; const ydExamRate = vue.ref(2); const setExamRate = () => { if (ydExamRate.value && ydExamRate.value > 0) { window["ydExamRate"] = ydExamRate.value; } else { window["ydExamRate"] = 3; } okMsg("设置成功"); }; const learnBook = async (isFinal = false) => { var _a, _b; await needStop(); const href = window.location.href; if (href !== "https://college.yingdao.com/course/courseDetail") { warnMsg("请先进入学习页面"); return; } await sleep(30); if (window.location.href !== "https://college.yingdao.com/course/courseDetail") { await warnMsg("请进入课程目标后再开始学习"); return; } const lessonSection = (_a = getOneByClassFull(".list_item.active")) == null ? void 0 : _a.textContent; const finished = !!getOneByClassFull(".list_item.active .finished_icon", "是否完成", false); if (finished) { printLog("已学习! ->" + lessonSection); } else { printLog("未学习! ->" + lessonSection); await subExamSelectMock(lessonSection || ""); } await okMsg(lessonSection || "", "完成学习"); await sleep(50); let nextLesson = getOneByClassLike("next_lesson_button", "开启下一课/继续闯关按钮"); nextLesson.click(); if (isFinal) { await sleep(200); printLog("检测打分弹窗..."); const close = getOneByClassLike("close___", "关闭打分", true); console.log("clode?", close); if (close) { close.click(); return; } } else { for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { await needStop(); const newTitle = (_b = getOneByClassFull(".list_item.active")) == null ? void 0 : _b.textContent; if (newTitle === lessonSection) { printLog("等待跳转..."); await sleep(300); if (i === 4) { warnMsg("跳转超时"); throw new Error("跳转超时"); } } else { printLog("成功跳转..."); break; } } } await sleep(200); }; return (_ctx, _cache) => { const _component_el_divider = vue.resolveComponent("el-divider"); const _component_el_button = vue.resolveComponent("el-button"); const _component_el_row = vue.resolveComponent("el-row"); const _component_el_input_number = vue.resolveComponent("el-input-number"); const _component_el_tooltip = vue.resolveComponent("el-tooltip"); const _component_el_image = vue.resolveComponent("el-image"); const _component_el_dialog = vue.resolveComponent("el-dialog"); return vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock(vue.Fragment, null, [ vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_1$1, [ vue.createVNode(_component_el_divider, { "content-position": "left" }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [ vue.createTextVNode("基本信息") ]), _: 1 }), vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_2$1, [ vue.createVNode(_component_el_row, null, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [ vue.createVNode(_component_el_button, { round: "", type: "success", onClick: showHelp }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [ vue.createTextVNode("帮助") ]), _: 1 }), !forceStop.value ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(_component_el_button, { key: 0, round: "", type: "warning", onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => forceStop.value = !forceStop.value) }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [ vue.createTextVNode("暂停") ]), _: 1 })) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true), forceStop.value ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(_component_el_button, { key: 1, round: "", type: "success", onClick: _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = ($event) => forceStop.value = !forceStop.value) }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [ vue.createTextVNode("继续") ]), _: 1 })) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true) ]), _: 1 }), vue.createVNode(_component_el_row, { class: "px-5 py-5" }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [ _hoisted_3, vue.createVNode(_component_el_input_number, { modelValue: ydExamRate.value, "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = ($event) => ydExamRate.value = $event), min: 1, max: 10 }, { prefix: vue.withCtx(() => [ _hoisted_4 ]), _: 1 }, 8, ["modelValue"]), vue.createVNode(_component_el_button, { round: "", type: "danger", onClick: setExamRate }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [ vue.createTextVNode("设置") ]), _: 1 }) ]), _: 1 }) ]), vue.createVNode(_component_el_divider, { "content-position": "left" }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [ vue.createTextVNode("前置课程") ]), _: 1 }), vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_5, [ vue.createVNode(_component_el_tooltip, { class: "box-item", effect: "dark", content: "进入课程页面,开始刷课", placement: "top-start" }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [ vue.createVNode(_component_el_button, { round: "", type: "success", onClick: autoExam }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [ vue.createTextVNode("课程学习") ]), _: 1 }) ]), _: 1 }), vue.createVNode(_component_el_tooltip, { class: "box-item", effect: "dark", content: "找到下一个未学章节并进入", placement: "top-start" }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [ vue.createVNode(_component_el_button, { round: "", onClick: autoExam }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [ vue.createTextVNode("继续闯关") ]), _: 1 }) ]), _: 1 }), vue.createVNode(_component_el_tooltip, { class: "box-item", effect: "dark", content: "依次学习左侧的小节", placement: "top-start" }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [ vue.createVNode(_component_el_button, { round: "", onClick: leftTreeLearn }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [ vue.createTextVNode("左侧学习") ]), _: 1 }) ]), _: 1 }), vue.createVNode(_component_el_tooltip, { class: "box-item", effect: "dark", content: "只学习当前小节", placement: "top-start" }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [ vue.createVNode(_component_el_button, { round: "", onClick: _cache[3] || (_cache[3] = ($event) => learnBook(false)) }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [ vue.createTextVNode("小节学习") ]), _: 1 }) ]), _: 1 }) ]), vue.createVNode(_component_el_divider, { "content-position": "left" }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [ vue.createTextVNode("考试区") ]), _: 1 }), vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_6, [ vue.createVNode(_component_el_row, null, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [ vue.createVNode(_component_el_button, { round: "", type: "success", onClick: autoExam }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [ vue.createTextVNode("自动答题") ]), _: 1 }) ]), _: 1 }) ]) ]), vue.createVNode(_component_el_dialog, { modelValue: helpShow.value, "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[4] || (_cache[4] = ($event) => helpShow.value = $event), title: "帮助", width: "500" }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [ _hoisted_7, vue.createVNode(_component_el_image, { style: { "width": "100%", "height": "300px" }, src: srcList.value[0], "preview-src-list": srcList.value }, null, 8, ["src", "preview-src-list"]), _hoisted_8, vue.createVNode(_component_el_image, { style: { "width": "100%", "height": "300px" }, src: srcList.value[1], "preview-src-list": srcList.value }, null, 8, ["src", "preview-src-list"]), _hoisted_9, vue.createVNode(_component_el_image, { style: { "width": "100%", "height": "300px" }, src: srcList.value[2], "preview-src-list": srcList.value }, null, 8, ["src", "preview-src-list"]) ]), _: 1 }, 8, ["modelValue"]) ], 64); }; } }); const _hoisted_1 = { class: "w-100%" }; const _hoisted_2 = { class: "bg-gray-200 w-100% px-5 py-5 rounded-5" }; const _sfc_main = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({ __name: "App", setup(__props) { const mainPageShow = vue.ref(false); const clearLogHandle = () => { okMsg("日志已清空"); window.logListSize = 0; window.logList = []; jquery("#el-log-main").empty(); }; const sleepLock = async () => { await sleep(500); console.log("清除"); window.lockInitSkip = false; }; const init = async () => { window.lockInit = true; await sleep(600); const mainInit = getOneById("mainInit", "操作按钮", false); if (mainInit) { window.lockInitSkip = true; window.lockInit = false; sleepLock(); console.log("已初始化"); return; } let main = null; console.log("重新已初始化"); console.log(window.location.href); if (window.location.href === "https://college.yingdao.com/examination") { console.log(getOneBySelect("#examination_header > div:nth-child(3)")); main = getOneBySelect("#examination_header > div:nth-child(3)"); } else { main = getOneByClassLike("login_right___", "主", false); if (!main) { main = getOneById("course_detail_header", "课程表格", false); if (main) { main = main.children[1]; } } } window.logList = []; let div = document.createElement("div"); div.setAttribute("float", "right"); let aa = ''; div.innerHTML = aa; if (main) { main.append(div); } jquery("#mainInit").on("click", function() { changeMainPage(); }); window.lockInit = false; }; const changeMainPage = () => { mainPageShow.value = !mainPageShow.value; }; var _wr = function(type) { var orig = history[type]; return function() { var rv = orig.apply(this, arguments); var e = new Event(type); e.arguments = arguments; window.dispatchEvent(e); return rv; }; }; history.pushState = _wr("pushState"); history.replaceState = _wr("replaceState"); vue.onMounted(() => { init(); window.addEventListener("replaceState", function(e) { if (window.lockInit || window.lockInitSkip) { return; } init(); }); window.addEventListener("popstate", function(event) { if (window.lockInit || window.lockInitSkip) { return; } init(); }); window.addEventListener("pushState", function(e) { if (window.lockInit || window.lockInitSkip) { return; } init(); }); }); return (_ctx, _cache) => { const _component_el_divider = vue.resolveComponent("el-divider"); const _component_el_button = vue.resolveComponent("el-button"); const _component_el_scrollbar = vue.resolveComponent("el-scrollbar"); const _component_el_dialog = vue.resolveComponent("el-dialog"); return vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(_component_el_dialog, { modelValue: mainPageShow.value, "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[3] || (_cache[3] = ($event) => mainPageShow.value = $event), title: "控制台(基础版)", width: "500", draggable: "" }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [ vue.withDirectives(vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_1, [ vue.createVNode(_sfc_main$1, { msg: " " }), vue.createVNode(_component_el_divider, { "content-position": "left" }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [ vue.createTextVNode("日志展示") ]), _: 1 }), vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_2, [ vue.createVNode(_component_el_button, { onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => vue.unref(filterLogList)("all")) }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [ vue.createTextVNode("全部") ]), _: 1 }), vue.createVNode(_component_el_button, { onClick: _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = ($event) => vue.unref(filterLogList)("warn")), type: "warning" }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [ vue.createTextVNode("警告") ]), _: 1 }), vue.createVNode(_component_el_button, { onClick: _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = ($event) => vue.unref(filterLogList)("err")), type: "danger" }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [ vue.createTextVNode("错误") ]), _: 1 }), vue.createVNode(_component_el_button, { onClick: clearLogHandle, type: "info" }, { default: vue.withCtx(() => [ vue.createTextVNode("清空") ]), _: 1 }), vue.createVNode(_component_el_scrollbar, { id: "el-log-main", height: "400px" }) ]) ], 512), [ [vue.vShow, mainPageShow.value] ]) ]), _: 1 }, 8, ["modelValue"]); 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