// ==UserScript== // @name NodeSeek X // @namespace http://www.nodeseek.com/ // @version 0.3-beta.10 // @description 【原NodeSeek增强】自动签到、自动滚动翻页 // @author dabao // @match *://www.nodeseek.com/* // @icon  // @require https://s4.zstatic.net/ajax/libs/layui/2.9.9/layui.min.js // @resource highlightStyle https://s4.zstatic.net/ajax/libs/highlight.js/11.9.0/styles/atom-one-light.min.css // @resource highlightStyle_dark https://s4.zstatic.net/ajax/libs/highlight.js/11.9.0/styles/atom-one-dark.min.css // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_deleteValue // @grant GM_notification // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @grant GM_unregisterMenuCommand // @grant GM_getResourceURL // @grant GM_addElement // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_openInTab // @grant unsafeWindow // @run-at document-end // @license GPL-3.0 License // @supportURL https://www.nodeseek.com/post-36263-1 // @homepageURL https://www.nodeseek.com/post-36263-1 // ==/UserScript== (function () { 'use strict'; const { version, author, name, icon } = GM_info.script; const BASE_URL = "https://www.nodeseek.com"; const util = { clog:(c) => { console.group(`%c %c [${name}]-v${version} by ${author}`, `background:url(${icon}) center/12px no-repeat;padding:3px`, ""); console.log(c); console.groupEnd(); }, getValue: (name, defaultValue) => GM_getValue(name, defaultValue), setValue: (name, value) => GM_setValue(name, value), sleep: (ms) => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms)), addStyle(id, tag, css) { tag = tag || 'style'; let doc = document, styleDom = doc.head.querySelector(`#${id}`); if (styleDom) return; let style = doc.createElement(tag); style.rel = 'stylesheet'; style.id = id; tag === 'style' ? style.innerHTML = css : style.href = css; doc.head.appendChild(style); }, removeStyle(id,tag){ tag = tag || 'style'; let doc = document, styleDom = doc.head.querySelector(`#${id}`); if (styleDom) { doc.head.removeChild(styleDom) }; }, getAttrsByPrefix(element, prefix) { return Array.from(element.attributes).reduce((acc, { name, value }) => { if (name.startsWith(prefix)) acc[name] = value; return acc; }, {}); }, data(element, key, value) { if (arguments.length < 2) return undefined; if (value !== undefined) element.dataset[key] = value; return element.dataset[key]; }, async post(url, data, headers, responseType = 'json') { return this.fetchData(url, 'POST', data, headers, responseType); }, async get(url, headers, responseType = 'json') { return this.fetchData(url, 'GET', null, headers, responseType); }, async fetchData(url, method='GET', data=null, headers={}, responseType='json') { const options = { method, headers: { 'Content-Type':'application/json',...headers}, body: data ? JSON.stringify(data) : undefined }; const response = await fetch(url.startsWith("http") ? url : BASE_URL + url, options); const result = await response[responseType]().catch(() => null); return response.ok ? result : Promise.reject(result); }, getCurrentDate() { const localTimezoneOffset = (new Date()).getTimezoneOffset(); const beijingOffset = 8 * 60; const beijingTime = new Date(Date.now() + (localTimezoneOffset + beijingOffset) * 60 * 1000); const timeNow = `${beijingTime.getFullYear()}/${(beijingTime.getMonth() + 1)}/${beijingTime.getDate()}`; return timeNow; }, createElement(tagName, options = {}, childrens = [], doc = document, namespace = null) { if (Array.isArray(options)) { if (childrens.length !== 0) { throw new Error("If options is an array, childrens should not be provided."); } childrens = options; options = {}; } const { staticClass = '', dynamicClass = '', attrs = {}, on = {} } = options; const ele = namespace ? doc.createElementNS(namespace, tagName) : doc.createElement(tagName); 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layui.use(function () { const layer = layui.layer; const dropdown = layui.dropdown; const message = { info: (text) => message.__msg(text, { "background-color": "#4D82D6" }), success: (text) => message.__msg(text, { "background-color": "#57BF57" }), warning: (text) => message.__msg(text, { "background-color": "#D6A14D" }), error: (text) => message.__msg(text, { "background-color": "#E1715B" }), __msg: (text, style) => { let index = layer.msg(text, { offset: 't', area: ['100%', 'auto'], anim: 'slideDown' }); layer.style(index, Object.assign({ opacity: 0.9 }, style)); } }; const Config = { // 初始化配置数据 initValue() { const value = [ { name: opts.setting.SETTING_SIGN_IN_STATUS, defaultValue: 0 }, { name: opts.setting.SETTING_SIGN_IN_LAST_DATE, defaultValue: '1753/1/1' }, { name: opts.setting.SETTING_SIGN_IN_IGNORE_DATE, defaultValue: '1753/1/1' }, { name: opts.setting.SETTING_AUTO_LOADING_STATUS, defaultValue: 1 } ]; this.upgradeConfig(); value.forEach((v) => util.getValue(v.name) === undefined && util.setValue(v.name, v.defaultValue)); }, // 升级配置项 upgradeConfig() { const upgradeConfItem = (oldConfKey, newConfKey) => { if (util.getValue(oldConfKey) && util.getValue(newConfKey) === undefined) { util.clog(`升级配置项 ${oldConfKey} 为 ${newConfKey}`); util.setValue(newConfKey, util.getValue(oldConfKey)); GM_deleteValue(oldConfKey); } }; upgradeConfItem('menu_signInTime', opts.setting.SETTING_SIGN_IN_LAST_DATE); }, initializeConfig() { const defaultConfig = opts.settings; if (!util.getValue('settings')) { util.setValue('settings', defaultConfig); return; } if(this.getConfig('version')===version) return; // 从存储中获取当前配置 let storedConfig = util.getValue('settings'); // 递归地删除不在默认配置中的项 const cleanDefaults = (stored, defaults) => { Object.keys(stored).forEach(key => { if (defaults[key] === undefined) { delete stored[key]; // 如果默认配置中没有这个键,删除它 } else if (typeof stored[key] === 'object' && stored[key] !== null && !(stored[key] instanceof Array)) { cleanDefaults(stored[key], defaults[key]); // 递归检查 } }); }; // 递归地将默认配置中的新项合并到存储的配置中 const mergeDefaults = (stored, defaults) => { Object.keys(defaults).forEach(key => { if (typeof defaults[key] === 'object' && defaults[key] !== null && !(defaults[key] instanceof Array)) { if (!stored[key]) stored[key] = {}; mergeDefaults(stored[key], defaults[key]); } else { if (stored[key] === undefined) { stored[key] = defaults[key]; } } }); }; mergeDefaults(storedConfig, defaultConfig); //...这里将旧设置项的值迁移到新设置项 cleanDefaults(storedConfig, defaultConfig); storedConfig.version = version; util.setValue('settings',storedConfig); },updateConfig(path, value) { let config = util.getValue('settings'); let keys = path.split('.'); let lastKey = keys.pop(); let lastObj = keys.reduce((obj, key) => obj[key], config); lastObj[lastKey] = value; util.setValue('settings', config); },getConfig(path) { let config = GM_getValue('settings'); let keys = path.split('.'); return keys.reduce((obj, key) => obj[key], config); } }; const FeatureFlags={ isEnabled(featureName) { if (Config.getConfig(featureName)) { return Config.getConfig(`${featureName}.enabled`); } else { console.error(`Feature '${featureName}' does not exist.`); return false; } } }; const main = { loginStatus: false, //检查是否登陆 checkLogin() { if (unsafeWindow.__config__ && unsafeWindow.__config__.user) { this.loginStatus = true; util.clog(`当前登录用户 ${unsafeWindow.__config__.user.member_name} (ID ${unsafeWindow.__config__.user.member_id})`); } }, // 自动签到 autoSignIn(rand) { if(!FeatureFlags.isEnabled('sign_in')) return; if (!this.loginStatus) return if (util.getValue(opts.setting.SETTING_SIGN_IN_STATUS) === 0) return; rand = rand || (util.getValue(opts.setting.SETTING_SIGN_IN_STATUS) === 1); let timeNow = util.getCurrentDate(), timeOld = util.getValue(opts.setting.SETTING_SIGN_IN_LAST_DATE); if (!timeOld || timeOld != timeNow) { // 是新的一天 util.setValue(opts.setting.SETTING_SIGN_IN_LAST_DATE, timeNow); // 写入签到时间以供后续比较 this.signInRequest(rand); } }, // 重新签到 reSignIn() { if (!this.loginStatus) return; if (util.getValue(opts.setting.SETTING_SIGN_IN_STATUS) === 0) { unsafeWindow.mscAlert('提示', this.getMenuStateText(this._menus[0], 0) + ' 状态时不支持重新签到!'); return; } util.setValue(opts.setting.SETTING_SIGN_IN_LAST_DATE, '1753/1/1'); location.reload(); }, addSignTips() { if(!FeatureFlags.isEnabled('signin_tips')) return; if (!this.loginStatus) return if (util.getValue(opts.setting.SETTING_SIGN_IN_STATUS) !== 0) return; const timeNow = util.getCurrentDate(); const { SETTING_SIGN_IN_IGNORE_DATE, SETTING_SIGN_IN_LAST_DATE } = opts.setting; const timeIgnore = util.getValue(SETTING_SIGN_IN_IGNORE_DATE); const timeOld = util.getValue(SETTING_SIGN_IN_LAST_DATE); if (timeNow === timeIgnore || timeNow === timeOld) return; const _this = this; let tip = util.createElement("div", { staticClass: 'nsplus-tip' }); let tip_p = util.createElement('p'); tip_p.innerHTML = '今天你还没有签到哦! 【随机抽个鸡腿】 【只要5个鸡腿】 【今天不再提示】'; tip.appendChild(tip_p); tip.querySelectorAll('.sign_in_btn').forEach(function (item) { item.addEventListener("click", function (e) { const rand = util.data(this, 'rand'); _this.signInRequest(rand); tip.remove(); util.setValue(SETTING_SIGN_IN_LAST_DATE, timeNow); // 写入签到时间以供后续比较 }) }); tip.querySelector('#sign_in_ignore').addEventListener("click", function (e) { tip.remove(); util.setValue(SETTING_SIGN_IN_IGNORE_DATE, timeNow); }); document.querySelector('#nsk-frame').before(tip); }, async signInRequest(rand) { await util.post('/api/attendance?random=' + (rand || false), {}, { "Content-Type": "application/json" }).then(json => { if (json.success) { message.success(`签到成功!今天午饭+${json.gain}个鸡腿; 积攒了${json.current}个鸡腿了`); } else { message.info(json.message); } }).catch(error => { message.info(error.message || "发生未知错误"); util.clog(error); }); util.clog(`[${name}] 签到完成`); }, is_show_quick_comment: false, quickComment() { if (!this.loginStatus || !opts.comment.pathPattern.test(location.pathname)) return; if (util.getValue(opts.setting.SETTING_AUTO_LOADING_STATUS) === 0) return; const _this = this; const onClick = (e) => { if (_this.is_show_quick_comment) { return; } e.preventDefault(); const mdEditor = document.querySelector('.md-editor'); const clientHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight, clientWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth; const mdHeight = mdEditor.clientHeight, mdWidth = mdEditor.clientWidth; const top = (clientHeight / 2) - (mdHeight / 2), left = (clientWidth / 2) - (mdWidth / 2); mdEditor.style.cssText = `position: fixed; top: ${top}px; left: ${left}px; margin: 30px 0px; width: 100%; max-width: ${mdWidth}px; z-index: 999;`; const moveEl = mdEditor.querySelector('.tab-select.window_header'); 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}; } }, //自动点击跳转页链接 autoJump() { if (!/^\/jump/.test(location.pathname)) return; document.querySelector('.btn').click(); }, blockPost(ele) { ele = ele || document; ele.querySelectorAll('.post-title>a[href]').forEach(function (item) { if (item.textContent.toLowerCase().includes("__keys__")) { item.closest(".post-list-item").classList.add('blocked-post') } }); }, //屏蔽用户 blockMemberDOMInsert() { if (!this.loginStatus) return; const _this = this; Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".post-list .post-list-item,.content-item")).forEach((function (t, n) { var r = t.querySelector('.avatar-normal'); r.addEventListener("click", (function (n) { n.preventDefault(); let intervalId = setInterval(async () => { const userCard = document.querySelector('div.user-card.hover-user-card'); const pmButton = document.querySelector('div.user-card.hover-user-card a.btn'); if (userCard && pmButton) { clearInterval(intervalId); const dataVAttrs = util.getAttrsByPrefix(userCard, 'data-v'); const userName = userCard.querySelector('a.Username').textContent; dataVAttrs.style = "float:left; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,.3)"; const blockBtn = util.createElement("a", { staticClass: "btn", attrs: dataVAttrs, on: { click: function (e) { e.preventDefault(); unsafeWindow.mscConfirm(`确定要屏蔽“${userName}”吗?`, '你可以在本站的 设置=>屏蔽用户 中解除屏蔽', function () { blockMember(userName); }) } } }, ["屏蔽"]); pmButton.after(blockBtn); } }, 50); })) })) function blockMember(userName) { util.post("/api/block-list/add", { "block_member_name": userName }, { "Content-Type": "application/json" }).then(function (data) { if (data.success) { let msg = '屏蔽用户【' + userName + '】成功!'; unsafeWindow.mscAlert(msg); util.clog(msg); } else { let msg = '屏蔽用户【' + userName + '】失败!' + data.message; unsafeWindow.mscAlert(msg); util.clog(msg); } }).catch(function (err) { util.clog(err); }); } }, addImageSlide() { if (!opts.comment.pathPattern.test(location.pathname)) return; const posts = document.querySelectorAll('article.post-content'); posts.forEach(function (post, i) { const images = post.querySelectorAll('img:not(.sticker)'); 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}, mouseleave: function (e) { layer.closeAll(); } } }, [util.createElement("span", [`${warningInfo}Lv ${user.rank}`])]); const authorLink = document.querySelector('#nsk-body .nsk-post .nsk-content-meta-info .author-info>a'); if (authorLink != null) { authorLink.after(span); } }); }, getUserInfo(uid) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { util.get(`/api/account/getInfo/${uid}`, {}, 'json').then((data) => { if (!data.success) { util.clog(data); return; } resolve(data.detail); }).catch((err) => reject(err)); }) }, userCardEx() { if (!this.loginStatus) return; if (!(opts.post.pathPattern.test(location.pathname)|| opts.comment.pathPattern.test(location.pathname))) return; const updateNotificationElement = (element, href, iconHref, text, count) => { element.querySelector("a").setAttribute("href", `${href}`); element.querySelector("a > svg > use").setAttribute("href", `${iconHref}`) element.querySelector("a > :nth-child(2)").textContent = `${text} `; element.querySelector("a > :last-child").textContent = count; 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if (jsonText) { let conf = JSON.parse(util.b64DecodeUnicode(jsonText)) unsafeWindow.__config__.postData.comments.push(...conf.postData.comments); } } document.querySelector(opt.postListSelector).append(...doc.querySelector(opt.postListSelector).childNodes); document.querySelector(opt.topPagerSelector).innerHTML = doc.querySelector(opt.topPagerSelector).innerHTML; document.querySelector(opt.bottomPagerSelector).innerHTML = doc.querySelector(opt.bottomPagerSelector).innerHTML; history.pushState(null, null, nextUrl); // 评论菜单条 if (opts.comment.pathPattern.test(location.pathname)){ const vue = document.querySelector('.comment-menu').__vue__; Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".content-item")).forEach(function (t,e) { var n = t.querySelector(".comment-menu-mount"); if(!n) return; let o = new vue.$root.constructor(vue.$options); o.setIndex(e); o.$mount(n); }); } is_requesting = false; }).catch(function (err) { is_requesting = false; util.clog(err); }); } } }); }, // 滚动条事件 windowScroll(fn1) { let beforeScrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop || window.pageYOffset || document.body.scrollTop, fn = fn1 || function () { }; 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'down' : 'up', e); beforeScrollTop = afterScrollTop; }, false); }, 1000) }, async switchOpenPostInNewTab(){ try { const db = await unsafeWindow.IdbManager.get('nodeseekIDB'); const store = db.transaction(['Preference'], 'readwrite').objectStore('Preference'); const result = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const request = store.get('configuration'); request.onsuccess = () => resolve(request.result); request.onerror = () => reject("查询失败"); }); result.openPostInNewPage = !result.openPostInNewPage; await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const request = store.put(result); request.onsuccess = resolve; request.onerror = () => reject("保存失败"); }).then(()=>{ unsafeWindow.mscAlert(`已${result.openPostInNewPage?'开启':'关闭'}新标签页打开链接`)}); console.log(result); } catch (error) { console.error(error); } }, history: ()=>{ const STORAGE_KEY = 'nsx_browsing_history'; const PAGE_SIZE = 10; let saveLimit = 'all'; const POST_URL_PATTERN = /^https:\/\/www\.nodeseek\.com\/post-(\d+)-\d+.*$/; const getCurrentTime = () => layui.util.toDateString(new Date(),"yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSS"); const getBrowsingHistory = () => { return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(STORAGE_KEY) || '[]'); }; const saveBrowsingHistory = (history) => { if (saveLimit !== 'all') { history = history.slice(-saveLimit); } localStorage.setItem(STORAGE_KEY, JSON.stringify(history)); }; const addOrUpdateHistory = (url, title) => { const match = url.match(POST_URL_PATTERN); if (!match) return; // 只保存匹配的帖子记录 const normalizedUrl = `https://www.nodeseek.com/post-${match[1]}-1`; // 只判断第1页,即不区分页码 const history = getBrowsingHistory(); const index = history.findIndex(item => item.url === normalizedUrl); const entry = { url: normalizedUrl, title, time: getCurrentTime() }; if (index > -1) { history[index] = entry; } else { history.push(entry); } saveBrowsingHistory(history); }; const getHistory = (page = 1) => { const history = getBrowsingHistory(); const totalPages = Math.ceil(history.length / PAGE_SIZE); const sortedData = history.sort((a, b) => new Date(b.time) - new Date(a.time)); if(page===0) return sortedData; return sortedData.slice((page - 1) * PAGE_SIZE, page * PAGE_SIZE); }; const showHistory = (page = 1) => { const history = getBrowsingHistory(); const totalPages = Math.ceil(history.length / PAGE_SIZE); const pageHistory = history.slice((page - 1) * PAGE_SIZE, page * PAGE_SIZE); console.clear(); console.log(`浏览历史 - 第 ${page} 页,共 ${totalPages} 页`); pageHistory.forEach((item, i) => { console.log(`${(page - 1) * PAGE_SIZE + i + 1}. [${item.time}] ${item.title} - ${item.url}`); }); if (page < totalPages) { console.log(`输入 showHistory(${page + 1}) 查看下一页`); } }; const setSaveLimit = (limit) => { if (typeof limit === 'number' && limit > 0 || limit === 'all') { saveLimit = limit; console.log(`保存限制已设置为:${limit === 'all' ? '全部' : `最近 ${limit} 条`}`); } else { console.error('无效的保存限制。请输入正整数或 "all"'); } }; const injectDom=()=>{ const svg = util.createElement("svg", { staticClass: "iconpark-icon", attrs: { "style": "width: 17px;height: 17px;" }},[ util.createElement("use",{ attrs: { "href": "#history"} }, [], document, "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg") ], document, "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"); const originalSwitcher = document.querySelector('#nsk-head .color-theme-switcher'); if (originalSwitcher) { const svgWrap = originalSwitcher.cloneNode(); svgWrap.classList.replace('color-theme-switcher', 'history-dropdown-on'); svgWrap.setAttribute('lay-options', '{trigger:"hover"}'); // 判断是否为移动端(li 元素)并移除 SVG 的 style 属性 if (originalSwitcher.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'li') { svg.removeAttribute('style'); } svgWrap.appendChild(svg); originalSwitcher.insertAdjacentElement('beforebegin', svgWrap); } const history=getHistory(0); const maxLength=20; // 按天分组 const grouped = history.reduce((result, item, i) => { const date = item.time.split("T")[0]; if (!result[date]) { result[date] = []; } const truncatedTitle = item.title.length > maxLength ? item.title.slice(0, maxLength) + "..." : item.title; result[date].push({ id: 1000+i+1, title: `${truncatedTitle}(${layui.util.toDateString(item.time,'HH:mm')})`, href: item.url, time: item.time }); return result; }, {}); // 转换为目标结构 const result = Object.entries(grouped).map(([day, items], index) => ({ id: index + 1, title: day, type: "group", child: items // 将子项包裹在数组中 })); console.log(result); dropdown.render({ elem: '.history-dropdown-on', // trigger: 'click' // trigger 已配置在元素 `lay-options` 属性上 data: result, style: 'width: 370px; height: 200px;' }); }; addOrUpdateHistory(window.location.href, document.title); injectDom(); }, switchMultiState(stateName, states) {//多态顺序切换 let currState = util.getValue(stateName); currState = (currState + 1) % states.length; util.setValue(stateName, currState); this.registerMenus(); }, getMenuStateText(menu, stateVal) { return `${menu.states[stateVal].s1} ${menu.text}(${menu.states[stateVal].s2})`; }, _menus: [ { name: opts.setting.SETTING_SIGN_IN_STATUS, callback: (name, states) => main.switchMultiState(name, states), accessKey: '', text: '自动签到', states: [{ s1: '❌', s2: '关闭' }, { s1: '🎲', s2: '随机🍗' }, { s1: '📌', s2: '5个🍗' }] }, { name: 're_sign_in', callback: (name, states) => main.reSignIn(), accessKey: '', text: '🔂 重新签到', states: [] }, { name: opts.setting.SETTING_AUTO_LOADING_STATUS, callback: (name, states) => main.switchMultiState(name, states), accessKey: '', text: '无缝加载', states: [{ s1: '❌', s2: '关闭' }, { s1: '✅', s2: '开启' }] }, { name: 'open_post_in_new_tab', callback: (name, states) => main.switchOpenPostInNewTab(), accessKey: '', text: '切换新标签页打开链接', states: []}, { name: 'advanced_settings', callback: (name, states) => main.advancedSettings(), accessKey: '', text: '⚙️ 高级设置', states: [] }, { name: 'feedback', callback: (name, states) => GM_openInTab('https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/479426/feedback', { active: true, insert: true, setParent: true }), accessKey: '', text: '💬 反馈 & 建议', states: [] } ], _menuIds: [], registerMenus() { this._menuIds.forEach(function (id) { GM_unregisterMenuCommand(id); }); this._menuIds = []; const _this = this; this._menus.forEach(function (menu) { let k = menu.text; if (menu.states.length > 0) { k = _this.getMenuStateText(menu, util.getValue(menu.name)); } let menuId = GM_registerMenuCommand(k, () => menu.callback(menu.name, menu.states), menu.accessKey); menuId = menuId || k; _this._menuIds.push(menuId); }); }, advancedSettings() { let layerWidth = layui.device().mobile ? '100%' : '620px'; layer.open({ type: 1, offset: 'r', anim: 'slideLeft', // 从右往左 area: [layerWidth, '100%'], scrollbar: false, shade: 0.1, shadeClose: false, btn: ["保存设置"], btnAlign: 'r', title: 'NodeSeek X 设置', id: 'setting-layer-direction-r', content: `