// ==UserScript== // @name aoguai-智慧树(知到)习惯分平时分问答垃圾话生成器 // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 1.0.5 // @description 半自动回答习惯分平时分问题(改) // @author aoguai // @require https://unpkg.com/axios/dist/axios.min.js // @match https://qah5.zhihuishu.com/qa.html // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== //下方数值根据提示进行修改 var publish_p = 0, //进入问答后是否,自动点击发表。可改为1或0。1为自动点击发表,0为手动点击发表。默认为0 nonsence_p=0, //进入问答后自动输入时,是否需要中立回答。可改为1或0。1为是,0为否。默认为0 close_p=0,//进入问答发表后是否自动关闭问答。(需要配合publish_p实现,仅publish_p开启时有效)可改为1或0。1为是,0为否。默认为0 refresh_p=0;//每当点击一个问答后是否自动刷新。可改为1或0。1为是,0为否。默认为0 (function() { const e = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); e.initEvent("click", true, true); const input = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents"); input.initEvent("input", true, false); const state = (document.URL.includes('home'))?'home':'detail' const MY_ANSWER_API = "https://creditqa.zhihuishu.com/creditqa/web/qa/myAnswerList" const HOT_QUESTION = "https://creditqa.zhihuishu.com/creditqa/web/qa/getHotQuestionList" const NEW_QUESTION = "https://creditqa.zhihuishu.com/creditqa/web/qa/getRecommendList" const config = { offset: 0, currURL: HOT_QUESTION } const CASLOGC = document.cookie.split(';') .filter(item => item.includes('CASLOGC')) .toString().trim() .replace(/\"/g, "'").split('=')[1] const uuid = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(CASLOGC)).uuid let reqCount = 0 let params = { uuid: uuid, dateFormate: new Date() * 1, pageIndex: 0, pageSize: 50 } params.recruitId = document.URL.split('?')[1].split('&') .filter( item => item.includes('recruitId'))[0].split('=')[1] params.courseId = document.URL.split('/')[6].split('?')[0] function Grama(mode) { //垃圾话生成函数 const question = document.querySelector('.answer-content').children[0].innerText const ans = question.replace(/\?|。|!|!|?|\.|{是|对}{吗|嘛|么}|什么|/g, "").replace(/嘛|吗|么/g, '') .replace(/是{否|不是}/g, '是').replace(/你们|你/g, '我').replace(/有没有/, '有').replace(/能不能/,'能') .replace(/[\(|(][\u4E00-\u9FA5A-Za-z0-9_]+[\)|)]/g, '') //获取首条回答 const answer = { positive: [ `你好,我认为是:${ans}`, `${ans}`, ], negative: [ `${ans}` ], nonsence: [ `我们需要辩证看待,有些是好的,有些是不好的`, `这不是绝对的,我们要理性看待`, `没有绝对是好的,还是坏的` ] } let arr = Object.values(answer).flat() if(nonsence_p==0){ const num = randomNum(0,1); console.log(num) if(num==0){ if (Object.keys(answer).includes("positive")) arr = answer["positive"] return arr[ parseInt(Math.random() * 100) % arr.length] }else{ if (Object.keys(answer).includes("negative")) arr = answer["negative"] return arr[ parseInt(Math.random() * 100) % arr.length] } }else{ if (Object.keys(answer).includes(mode)) arr = answer[mode] return arr[ parseInt(Math.random() * 100) % arr.length] } } function Render() { return `
` } function binding() { const panel = document.querySelector('.wheel-pannel') if (!panel) console.log('not panel') document.querySelector('.wheel-pannel').addEventListener('click', (e) => { const text = document.querySelector('textarea') const mode = e.target.classList[1].split('wheel-')[1] text.innerText = Grama(mode) text.dispatchEvent(input) publish() }) document.querySelector('.up-btn').addEventListener('click', () => { const questionId = location.hash.split('/')[4].split('?')[0] let answered = getMyAnswer() answered.push(questionId) localStorage.setItem('answered', JSON.stringify(answered)) }) } function bindingHome() { let list = document.querySelector('.el-scrollbar__view').children[0] document.querySelector('.tab-container').addEventListener('click', (e) => { let text = e.target.innerText if (text == "热门") config.currURL = HOT_QUESTION if (text == "最新") config.currURL = NEW_QUESTION if (text == "热门" || text == "最新") diffImprove(config.currURL) }) let observer = new MutationObserver( mutations => { mutations.forEach( mutation => { if (mutation.type === 'childList') { reqCount++; if (reqCount == 50 && list.children.length !== 51) { diffImprove(config.currURL) } } }) }) observer.observe(list, { attributes:false, childList: true, subtree:false, }) } function publish() { //自动点击发表函数 if(publish_p == 0) return const btn = document.querySelector('div.up-btn.set-btn') if (btn == null) return btn.click() //是否自动关闭当前页面 if(close_p == 1){ if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') > 0) { // close IE if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE 6.0') > 0) { window.opener = null; window.close(); } else { window.open('', '_top'); window.top.close(); } } else { // close chrome;It is effective when it is only one. window.opener = null; window.open('', '_self'); window.close(); } } } //生成从minNum到maxNum的随机数 function randomNum(minNum,maxNum){ switch(arguments.length){ case 1: return parseInt(Math.random()*minNum+1,10); break; case 2: return parseInt(Math.random()*(maxNum-minNum+1)+minNum,10); break; default: return 0; break; } } function KeepScrollBar() { var scrollPos; if (typeof window.pageYOffset != 'undefined') { scrollPos = window.pageYOffset; } else if (typeof document.body != 'undefined') { scrollPos = document.getElementById('divContent').scrollTop; } document.cookie = "scrollTop=" + scrollPos; } window.onload = function (){ if (document.cookie.match(/scrollTop=([^;]+)(;|$)/) != null) { var arr = document.cookie.match(/scrollTop=([^;]+)(;|$)/); document.getElementById('divContent').scrollTop = parseInt(arr[1]); } } async function getMyAnswer() { const courseId = document.URL.split('/')[6].split('?')[0] let answered = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('answered')) || {} let currentCourse = answered[courseId] || null let lastModified = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('lastModified')) || new Date() * 1 let current = new Date() * 1 if (currentCourse == null || current - lastModified > 600*1000) { const data = Object.assign(params) data.pageSize = 200 await axios.get(MY_ANSWER_API, {params:data}).then( res => { currentCourse = res.data.rt.myAnswers.map(item => item.qid) console.log(currentCourse) answered[courseId] = currentCourse console.log(currentCourse); localStorage.setItem('answered', JSON.stringify(answered)) localStorage.setItem('lastModified', JSON.stringify(new Date()*1)) }) } return answered[courseId] } async function diffImprove(url=HOT_QUESTION, offset=0) { if (url.includes('home')) return let myAnswer, pageAnswer, arr, ans //params and offset const data = Object.assign(params) data.pageIndex = config.offset config.offset = data.pageIndex + offset // get data myAnswer = await getMyAnswer() await axios.get(url, {params: data}).then( res => { pageAnswer = res.data.rt.questionInfoList arr = pageAnswer.map(item => item.questionId) .filter(item => myAnswer.includes(item)) ans = pageAnswer.filter( item => arr.includes(item.questionId)) .map(item => `${item.userDto.username}${item.content}`) patchImprove(ans) KeepScrollBar() }) } async function patchImprove(res) { // iterate dom list and add marks const list = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.question-item')) list.forEach( item => { const flag = item.querySelector('.user-name').title + item.querySelector('.question-content').title if (res.includes(flag)) { const child = item.querySelector(".question-content") child.innerText += "(已作答)" child.style.color = 'red' reqCount = 0 document.querySelector('.el-scrollbar__wrap').scrollTop +=150 //一个问答高度150 } }) } document.body.onclick=function(){//是否刷新函数 if(refresh_p == 1){ const list = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.question-item')) if(list != null){ list.forEach( item => { if (item.style.color != 'red') { location.reload(); } }) } } } window.onload = () => { if (state == 'home') setTimeout(home, 1000) else setTimeout(detail, 1000) async function detail() { const btn = document.querySelector('.my-answer-btn') if (btn == null) return btn.dispatchEvent(e) setTimeout(() => { const text = document.querySelector('textarea') const dialog = document.querySelector('.header-title') if (!text) return text.innerText = Grama("default") text.dispatchEvent(input) dialog.innerHTML += Render() binding() }, 200) setTimeout(function () { publish() }, 1000); } async function home() { bindingHome() diffImprove() } } })();