// ==UserScript== // @name AC-baidu-重定向优化百度搜狗谷歌必应搜索_favicon_双列 // @name:en AC-baidu-google_sogou_bing_RedirectRemove_favicon_adaway_TwoLine // @name:zh AC-baidu-重定向优化百度搜狗谷歌必应搜索_favicon_双列 // @name:ja AC-baidu-重定向最適化Baiduの搜狗のGoogleのBing検索結果のリダイレクト除去+favicon // @description 1.繞過百度、搜狗、谷歌、好搜搜索結果中的自己的跳轉鏈接,直接訪問原始網頁-反正都能看懂 2.新增自定义网站拦截功能 3添加Favicon显示 4.页面CSS 5.添加计数 6.开关选择以上功能 7.自动翻页功能 // @description:en 1.bypass the redirect link at baidu\sogou\google\haosou; 2.remove ads at baidu; 3.add Favicon for each website; 4.render your own style; 5.counter; 6.Switch to handle all 7.Auto Pager // @description:ja 1.迂回Baidu、Sogou、Google、Haosou検索検索結果の中の自分の遷移リンク; 2.Baiduの余分な広告を取り除く; 3.コメントを追加; 4.ページのカスタムCSP; 5.カウントを追加; 6.スイッチは以上の機能を選択します; 7.自動ページめくり. // @icon https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/Hac1a58055c5047cdb91349e91aa208d5k.jpg // @author AC // @license GPL-3.0-only // @create 2015-11-25 // @run-at document-start // @version 27.13 // @connect baidu.com // @connect google.com // @connect google.com.hk // @connect google.com.jp // @connect bing.com // @connect duckduckgo.com // @connect dogedoge.com // @connect so.com // @connect localhost // @connect 90dao.com // @connect * // @include *://ipv6.baidu.com/* // @include *://www.baidu.com/* // @include *://www1.baidu.com/* // @include *://m.baidu.com/* // @include *://xueshu.baidu.com/s* // @include *://www.so.com/s?* // @include *://*.bing.com/* // @include *://encrypted.google.*/search* // @include *://*.google*/search* // @include *://scholar.google.com/scholar* // @include *://*.google*/webhp* // @include *://*duckduckgo.com/* // @include *://*.dogedoge.com/* // @include *://*.90dao.com/* // @include *://*.tujidu.com/* // @include *://localhost*/* // @exclude *://*.google*/sorry* // @exclude https://zhidao.baidu.com/* // @exclude https://*.zhidao.baidu.com/* // @exclude https://www.baidu.com/img/* // @exclude https://lens.google.com/* // @supportURL https://ac.tujidu.com/ // @home-url https://greasyfork.org/zh-TW/scripts/14178 // @home-url2 https://github.com/langren1353/GM_script // @homepageURL https://greasyfork.org/zh-TW/scripts/14178 // @copyright 2015-2025, AC // @lastmodified 2025-03-22 // @feedback-url https://github.com/langren1353/GM_script // @note 2025.03-22-V27.13 修复google更新导致多列问题、修复百度翻页问题 // @note 2025.03-10-V27.12 修复duckduckGO 样式表问题;新增好搜页面双列支持 // @note 2025.03-07-V27.11 fix for less.js issue at high version browser, read html without head tag // @note 2025.03-04-V27.10 fix:谷歌百度模式显示效果;Less.js被Q的问题;谷歌第二页脚本问题; // @note 2025.01-14-V27.09 fix:谷歌样式生效问题、谷歌显示字体问题、必应去广告失效导致的所有数据丢失问题 // @note 2024.11-17-V27.07 fix:谷歌排版问题、谷歌翻页后图片无效问题 // @note 2024.08-26-V27.06 fix:暗黑模式 // @note 2024.08-19-V27.05 fix:拦截功能、被拦截域名问题、和其他脚本兼容的CSS植入问题、优化域名检测逻辑; // @note 2024.08-16-V27.04 修复:谷歌双列加载缓慢、双列效果优化、单列居中效果优化;bing页面bug修复;暗黑模式引入;编号、下划线功能修复;鸭鸭修复 & 勿忘国耻 // @note 2024.08-09-V27.03 增加字节跳动的Vue地址,避免部分地区打不开lib.baomitu.com导致的脚本无效 // @note 2024.08-06-V27.02 更换域名,解决SNI拦截问题;优化右侧栏显示逻辑-双列以上隐藏 // @note 2024.08-06-V27.01 重构-十周年优化版,优化项:1.重构设置功能,提供更强大的设置功能;2.极大优化页面加载动画效果;3.修复现有页面显示和效果(谷歌[主]、必应)单列、多列;4.兼容ViolentMonkey,兼容Firefox浏览器 // @note 2024.03-05-V26.10 fix: 谷歌白屏的问题;再次支持鸭鸭搜索引擎,鸭鸭三列支持;baidu\Google双列功能 // @note 2023.12-16-V26.07 日常维护;优化各页面加载卡顿的问题,优化搜索引擎显示效果 // @note 2023.06-19-V26.06 修复谷歌显示效果的错位问题等,修复谷歌异常白屏问题 // @note 2022.12-07-V26.04 修复必应错位问题;优化谷歌双列动画问题 // @note 2022.08-23-V26.03 修复因背景图引起的看不清字的问题;修复百度单列错位问题;修复google自定义按钮不可见 // @note 2022.08-23-V26.02 加快代码执行速度;减少动画撕裂;替换CDN的md5库 // @note 2022.08-22-V26.01 因甲癌手术和公司事务停更了2个月,目前补上,推荐更新。 1.修复百度加载缓慢的问题;2.修复谷歌样式加载顺序异常的问题;3.整体优化样式加载时间,更流畅了 // @note 2022.06-18-V25.09 修复可能出现的脚本参数读取失败导致的脚本不执行的异常 & 修复 拦截规则特殊参数的问题 & 更换CDN地址 // @note 2022.06-16-V25.06 优化重定向逻辑,部分网站只需要稍作处理,不用做接口请求了,感谢众多搜索引擎的版本迭代更新 // @note 2022.04-08-V25.05 主要修复Block功能;其次优化样式加载速度-减少撕裂感 // @note 2022.03-07-V25.04 修复谷歌、必应样式问题;修复并优化拦截功能 // @note 2022.01-29-V25.02 修复谷歌、百度、必应的部分样式错位的问题 // @note 2021.12-06-V25.01 修复百度样式偏左 & 修复谷歌样式显示 // @note 2021.10-31-V24.29 fixed Less requirement for faster Load // @note 2021.10-29-V24.27 移除必应能选择的广告;增加自定义样式less的支持 // @note 2021.09-02-V24.26 修复必应多favicon,修复百度百科问题;修复谷歌一个小问题 // @note 2021.07-16-V24.25 修复一个bug;兼容百度下搜索股票tag; // @note 2021.06-15-V24.24 更换cdn地址 // @note 2017.05.12 -> 2021.06-15 && V8.6 -> V24.24 各种各样的历史更新记录,从一个版本迭代到另一个版本 // @note 2017.05.12-V8.4 新增:默认屏蔽谷歌的安全搜索功能 // @note 2017.05.05-V8.3 修复include范围太小导致的百度知道的屏蔽问题 // @note 2017.05.04-V8.2 终于修复了百度知道图片替换了文字的这个大BUG; 顺便处理了superapi.zhidao.baidu.com; 新增谷歌搜索结果重定向去除 // @note 2017.05.04-V8.1 终于修复了百度知道图片替换了文字的这个大BUG,顺便处理了superapi.zhidao.baidu.com // @note 2017.05.04-V8.0 终于修复了百度知道图片替换了文字的这个大BUG,待测试 // @note 2017.03.28-V7.6 修复在ViolentMonkey上的不支持的问题 // @note 2017.03.28-V7.5 尝试修复chrome上的问题 // @note 2017.03.21-V7.4 尝试处理Edge上不支持的问题,结果发现是Edge本身的TamperMonkey支持有问题 // @note 2017.03.19-V7.3 修复打开百度之后再次点击“百度一下”导致的无法更新重定向问题 // @note 2017.03.19-V7.2 未知原因chrome的MutationObserver无法使用了,继续回归以前的DOMNodeInserted // @note 2017.02.17-V7.0 修复搜狗的搜索结果重定向问题+改个名字 // @note 2017.02.17-V6.9 修复搜狗的搜索结果重定向问题 // @note 2016.10.27-V6.7 修复了以前的重复请求,现在的请求数应该小了很多,网络也就不卡了,感觉萌萌哒 // @note 2016.04.24-V6.6 恢复以前的版本,因为兼容性问题 // @note 2015.12.01-V5.0 加入搜狗的支持,但是支持不是很好 // @note 2015.11.25-V2.0 优化,已经是真实地址的不再尝试获取 // @note 2015.11.25-V1.0 完成去掉百度重定向的功能 // @resource baiduCommonStyle https://ibaidu.tujidu.com/newcss/baiduCommonStyle.less?t=27.04 // @resource baiduOnePageStyle https://ibaidu.tujidu.com/newcss/baiduOnePageStyle.less?t=27.04 // @resource baiduTwoPageStyle https://ibaidu.tujidu.com/newcss/baiduTwoPageStyle.less?t=27.04 // @resource googleCommonStyle https://ibaidu.tujidu.com/newcss/googleCommonStyle.less?t=27.04 // @resource googleOnePageStyle https://ibaidu.tujidu.com/newcss/googleOnePageStyle.less?t=27.04 // @resource googleTwoPageStyle https://ibaidu.tujidu.com/newcss/googleTwoPageStyle.less?t=27.04 // @resource bingCommonStyle https://ibaidu.tujidu.com/newcss/bingCommonStyle.less?t=27.04 // @resource bingOnePageStyle https://ibaidu.tujidu.com/newcss/bingOnePageStyle.less?t=27.04 // @resource bingTwoPageStyle https://ibaidu.tujidu.com/newcss/bingTwoPageStyle.less?t=27.04 // @resource duckCommonStyle https://ibaidu.tujidu.com/newcss/duckCommonStyle.less?t=27.04 // @resource duckOnePageStyle https://ibaidu.tujidu.com/newcss/duckOnePageStyle.less?t=27.04 // @resource duckTwoPageStyle https://ibaidu.tujidu.com/newcss/duckTwoPageStyle.less?t=27.04 // @resource dogeCommonStyle https://ibaidu.tujidu.com/newcss/dogeCommonStyle.less?t=27.04 // @resource dogeOnePageStyle https://ibaidu.tujidu.com/newcss/dogeOnePageStyle.less?t=27.04 // @resource dogeTwoPageStyle https://ibaidu.tujidu.com/newcss/dogeTwoPageStyle.less?t=27.04 // @resource haosouCommonStyle https://ibaidu.tujidu.com/newcss/haosouCommonStyle.less?t=27.04 // @resource haosouOnePageStyle https://ibaidu.tujidu.com/newcss/haosouOnePageStyle.less?t=27.04 // @resource haosouTwoPageStyle https://ibaidu.tujidu.com/newcss/haosouTwoPageStyle.less?t=27.04 // @resource HuYanStyle https://ibaidu.tujidu.com/newcss/HuYanStyle.less?t=27.04 // @resource BgAutoFit https://ibaidu.tujidu.com/newcss/BgAutoFit.less?t=27.04 // @resource HuaHua-ACDrakMode https://ibaidu.tujidu.com/newcss/HuaHua-ACDrakMode.less?t=27.04 // @resource baiduLiteStyle https://gitcode.net/-/snippets/1906/raw/master/LiteStyle.css?inline=false // @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/less_browser_fix@4.2.2/dist/less.min.js // @require https://lib.baomitu.com/vue/3.2.31/vue.runtime.global.prod.min.js // @require https://lf6-cdn-tos.bytecdntp.com/cdn/expire-10-y/vue/3.2.31/vue.runtime.global.prod.min.js // @noframes // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM.getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM.setValue // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_getResourceURL // @grant GM_listValues // @grant GM.getResourceUrl // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_getResourceText // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @grant GM_addValueChangeListener // @grant unsafeWindow // ==/UserScript== ~(async () => { Object.defineProperty(console, 'mylog', { value: function() { if(CONST && CONST.curConfig) { if(CONST.curConfig.isDevMode) { const error = new Error(); const stackTrace = error.stack.split('\n')[2].trim(); // 获取调用栈信息 try{ const [targetLink] = /chrome-extension:\/\/(.*)/.exec(stackTrace) // 提取文件名和行号 const data = [...arguments].join(' ').padEnd(60, ' ') console.log(data, `\t\t ${targetLink}`); // 结合自定义输出和调用栈信息 }catch (e){ // console.error(error.stack) console.log('[log] -', ...arguments); // 如果没有匹配到文件名和行号,则只输出自定义信息 } } } else { console.log.apply(this, arguments); } }, }) const { reactive, watch } = Vue; const MyApi = (() => { /** * @param cssText CSS的内容,如果是less的话,需要编译后的 * @param className 新增的类名,或者是一堆类名(空格隔开) */ function addStyle(cssText, className = '', dataName){ // 添加CSS代码,不考虑文本载入时间,带有className if(className) { const selectorName = (' ' + className).split(' ').join('.') let oldNode = document.querySelector(selectorName) if(!oldNode) { oldNode = document.createElement("style"); oldNode.className = className; oldNode.dataset.name = dataName MyApi.safeFunc(() => { document.children[0].appendChild(oldNode); }) } oldNode.innerHTML = cssText; } } /** * 脚本一般来说只需要插入一次的,所以不加入重载功能 * @param scriptText 新增的脚本的名字 */ function addScript(scriptText) { const scriptNode = document.createElement('script') scriptNode.innerText = scriptText document.head.appendChild(scriptNode) } /** * 安全脚本执行 * @param callback 回调函数 * @param catchCallback 异常的回调函数 */ const safeFunc = (callback, catchCallback = () => {}) => { try{ return callback() }catch (e){ console.mylog(e) return catchCallback() } } const safeGetNodeFunc = (selector, callbackFunc) => { const node = document.querySelector(selector) if(node) { callbackFunc(node) } } /** * 等待元素后,执行的函数 * @param selector 选择器 | 选择的函数 * @param callbackFunc 回调函数 * @param findTick 查询周期,默认200 * @param clearAfterFind 查询完成后自动结束? * @param timeout 查询超时,超时后停止 * @param errCallback 查询超时后,回调 */ const safeWaitFunc = async(selector, callbackFunc = node => { }, findTick = 200, clearAfterFind = true, timeout = 20000 * 1000, errCallback) => { if(findTick < 20) findTick = 20 let count = timeout / findTick let t_id = null const firstSuccess = await mainRunFunc() if (!clearAfterFind || !firstSuccess) { t_id = setInterval(mainRunFunc, findTick); } async function strRun() { let hasFind = false let selectRes = document.querySelectorAll(selector); if (selectRes.length <= 0) { hasFind = false } if (selectRes.length >= 1) { selectRes = selectRes[0]; hasFind = true } if (clearAfterFind && hasFind) { clearId(); await callbackFunc(selectRes) } return hasFind } async function funcRun() { let hasFind = false const res = selector() if (res && res.length > 0) { hasFind = true if (clearAfterFind && hasFind) clearId(); await callbackFunc(selector()[0]); } else if (res) { hasFind = true if (clearAfterFind && hasFind) clearId(); await callbackFunc(); } return hasFind } async function mainRunFunc() { if (count-- < 0) { clearId() errCallback && errCallback() } if ((typeof (selector) == "string")) { return await strRun() } else if (typeof (selector) === "function") { return await funcRun() } } function clearId() { if (t_id) clearInterval(t_id) } } /** * 提取URL参数数据 * @param attribute 参数Key * @param needDecode 是否需要解码,默认解码 * @param baseUrl 默认网址来源 * @returns {string} 变量结果Value */ function getUrlAttribute(baseUrl = location.href, attribute, needDecode = true){ const [, search = ''] = baseUrl.split("?"); var searchValue = search.split("&"); for (var i = 0; i < searchValue.length; i++) { var key_value = searchValue[i].split("="); var reg = new RegExp("^"+attribute+"$"); if (reg.test(key_value[0])) { var searchWords = key_value[1]; return needDecode?decodeURIComponent(searchWords):searchWords; } } } const http = { async get(url) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const timeout = 10000 GM_xmlhttpRequest({ url, fetch: true, method: 'GET', timeout: timeout, onload: resp => { resolve([null, resp.responseText, resp.responseHeaders]) }, onerror: resp => { reject([resp, '', {}]) } }) }) }, async post(url, data) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ url, data, method: 'POST', timeout: 10000, onload: resp => resolve([null, resp.responseText, resp.responseHeaders]), onerror: resp => reject([resp, {}]) }) }) } } /** * 等待多久后,重新加载网页 * @param timeout */ const refreshAfter = () => { let id = null return (timeout) => { clearTimeout(id) id = setTimeout(() => { location.reload() }, timeout) } } /** * 等待多少ms后执行 * @param ms 毫秒 * @returns {Promise} */ const waitTime = (ms) => { return new Promise(resolve => { setTimeout(resolve, ms); }); } const debounce = (fn, delay) => { let timer = null; return function () { clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(() => { fn.apply(this, arguments); }, delay); }; } const throttle = (fn, delay) => { let timer = null; let startTime = Date.now(); return function () { const curTime = Date.now(); const remaining = delay - (curTime - startTime); clearTimeout(timer); if (remaining <= 0) { fn.apply(this, arguments); startTime = Date.now(); } else { timer = setTimeout(() => { fn.apply(this, arguments); startTime = Date.now(); }, remaining); } }; } /** * * @param callback 回调函数 * @param timeout 定时周期 * @param mustWaitEnd 必须等待上次执行结束?true = 等待;false=标准Interval * @constructor */ const setIntervalRun = (callback, timeout, mustWaitEnd = true) => { let isLocked = false return setInterval(() => { if (mustWaitEnd || !isLocked) { isLocked = true callback() isLocked = false } }, timeout) } function Reg_Get(HTML, reg) { let RegE = new RegExp(reg); try { return RegE.exec(HTML)[1]; } catch (e) { return ""; } } function getElementByXpath(e, t, r = document) { t = t || r; try { return r.evaluate(e, t, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue; } catch (t) { return void console.error("无效的xpath"); } } function getAllElementsByXpath(xpath, contextNode, doc = document) { contextNode = contextNode || doc; const result = []; try { const query = doc.evaluate(xpath, contextNode, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null); for (let i = 0; i < query.snapshotLength; i++) { const node = query.snapshotItem(i); //if node is an element node if (node.nodeType === 1) result.push(node); } } catch (err) { throw new Error(`Invalid xpath: ${xpath}`); } return result; } // 翻页用的获取器 const getAllElements = (selector, contextNode, doc = document, win = window, _cplink = undefined) => { if (!selector) return []; //@ts-ignore contextNode = contextNode || doc; if (typeof selector === 'string') { if (selector.search(/^css;/i) === 0) { return contextNode.querySelectorAll(selector.slice(4)) } else { return getAllElementsByXpath(selector, contextNode, doc); } } else { const query = selector(doc, win, _cplink); if (!Array.isArray(query)) { throw new Error('Wrong type is returned by getAllElements'); } else { return query; } } } function hideNode(node) { if(node.hasAttribute('ac-ad-hide')) return node.setAttribute('ac-ad-hide', '1') node.style = 'display: none !important;' } function safeRemove_xpath(xpathSelector, useHide) { safeFunc(() => { let removeNodes = getAllElements(xpathSelector); if(useHide) { for (let i = 0; i < removeNodes.length; i++){ hideNode(removeNodes[i]) } } else { for (let i = 0; i < removeNodes.length; i++){ removeNodes[i].remove() // 避免卡顿现象 } } }) } function safeRemoveAd(selector) { [...document.querySelectorAll(selector)].map(one => safeFunc(() => one.remove())) } return { addStyle, addScript, safeFunc, safeGetNodeFunc, safeWaitFunc, getUrlAttribute, http, refreshAfter: refreshAfter(), waitTime, debounce, throttle, setIntervalRun, Reg_Get, getElementByXpath, getAllElementsByXpath, getAllElements, safeRemoveAd, safeRemove_xpath } })() const setHostBind = () => { // 避免多个脚本,重复执行 if (unsafeWindow.isACBaiduInit) { throw new Error('已经有脚本在运行了,疑似重复安装') } else { unsafeWindow.isACBaiduInit = true } GM_addValueChangeListener('ACBlockRules', (key, oldVal, newVal = '{}', remote) => { if (unsafeWindow.webInterface) { unsafeWindow.webInterface.update() } else { CONST.blockRuleList = JSON.parse(newVal) // 将对象设置到CONST上 CONST.acpush_acremoveInit() } }) if(location.host.includes('tujidu.com') || location.host.includes('90dao.com') || location.host.includes('localhost')) { unsafeWindow.AC_GM_Interface = { async get(key, dataStr) { if(key.includes('op_')) { const trueKey = tureKeyFix(key) const config = JSON.parse(await GM.getValue('ACConfig', '{}')) let res = config[trueKey] || JSON.parse(dataStr) if(key.includes('common')) { res.version = GM_info.script.version } return res } else { return JSON.parse(await GM.getValue(key, dataStr)) } }, async save(key, dataObj) { if(key.includes('op_')) { const trueKey = tureKeyFix(key) const config = JSON.parse(await GM.getValue('ACConfig', '{}')) config[trueKey] = dataObj GM.setValue('ACConfig', JSON.stringify(config)) GM.setValue('SyncConfig', JSON.stringify({ refreshUrl: true })) // 触发到Sync上,通过Sync通信 } else { console.log('设置save函数') GM.setValue(key, JSON.stringify(dataObj)) // 需要是string了 } }, async change(key, dataObj) { const trueKey = tureKeyFix(key) const Sync = JSON.parse(await GM.getValue('ACConfig', '{}')) Sync[trueKey] = dataObj GM.setValue('SyncConfig', JSON.stringify(Sync)) // 触发到Sync上,通过Sync通信 }, } function tureKeyFix(key) { return key.replace(/^op_/, '').replace('duckgo', '') } if(location.host.includes('localhost')) { unsafeWindow.isDevMode = true } throw new Error('90dao不需要执行其他函数,抛出异常表示结束') } } try{ setHostBind() } catch (e) { // 不再执行后续函数,停在这里了 return; } class SiteOptions { constructor(_gmInstance) { this.gmInstance = _gmInstance // 名字自动映射的 this.siteName = this.gmInstance._getSiteName() this.useItem = { SiteTypeID: 0, MainType: "", Stype_Normal: "", FaviconType: "", FaviconAddTo: "", CounterType: "", BlockType: "", MultiPageType: "", pager: { nextLink: "", pageElement: "", HT_insert: ["", 2], // 1 = beforebegin; 2 = beforeend replaceE: "", stylish: "", afertPagerAutoCallFunc: (pageElements, scriptElements) => {} // 执行完脚本后,执行这个函数 } } if(this['_s_' + this.siteName]) { this.useItem = Object.assign({ pageNum: 1, // 页码 pageUrl: '', // 下一页的地址 }, this['_s_' + this.siteName]()) } else { this.siteName = '' } // 作为静态参数用 this.baidu = this._s_baidu() this.google = this._s_google() this.bing = this._s_bing() this.haosou = this._s_haosou() this.duck = this._s_duck() this.baidu_xueshu = this._s_baidu_xueshu() this.google_scholar = this._s_google_scholar() } _s_baidu() { if (this.useItem.SiteTypeID === 1) { if(location.href.search(/(&|\?)(wd|word)=/) < 0) { console.mylog('禁用CSS的') this.gmInstance.curConfig.enableCSS = false } } return { SiteTypeID: 1, MainType: "#content_left>.c-container", Stype_Normal: "h3.t>a, .c-container article a", FaviconType: ".c-showurl, .c-title a", FaviconAddTo: "h3", CounterType: "#content_left>#double>div[srcid] *[class~=t]>a:first-child,[class~=op_best_answer_question],#content_left>div[srcid] *[class~=t]>a:first-child,[class~=op_best_answer_question]", BlockType: "h3 a", MultiPageType: "#container #content_left, body[news] #container #content_left>div:not([class]):not([id])", pager: { nextLink: '//div[@id="page"]//a[contains(span/text(), "下一页")]', pageElement: "css;div#content_left > *", HT_insert: ["css;div#content_left", 2], // 1 = beforebegin; 2 = beforeend replaceE: "css;#page", stylish: ".autopagerize_page_info, div.sp-separator {margin-bottom: 10px !important;}.c-img-border{display:none}", } } } _s_bing() { // 图片站 、地图站、购物站 if(this.useItem.SiteTypeID === 5) { if (location.href.search(/images\/search/) > 0) { console.mylog("特殊站,不加载样式,不添加menu"); this.gmInstance.curConfig.enableCSS = false } else if(location.href.search(/search/) > 0) { this.gmInstance.curConfig.enableCSS = true // 仅在搜索结果页,展示背景图即可 } else { this.gmInstance.curConfig.enableCSS = false } } return { SiteTypeID: 5, MainType: "#b_results>li", Stype_Normal: "h2>a", FaviconType: ".b_attribution>cite", FaviconAddTo: "h2", CounterType: "#b_results>li[class~=b_ans] h2,#b_results>li[class~=b_algo] h2", BlockType: "h2 a", MultiPageType: "#b_content #b_results", pager: { nextLink: "//a[contains(@class,\"sb_pagN\")]", pageElement: "id(\"b_results\")/li[not(contains(@class,\"b_pag\") or contains(@class,\"b_ans b_top\"))]", HT_insert: ["id(\"b_results\")/li[@class=\"b_pag\"]", 1], // 1 = beforebegin; 2 = beforeend replaceE: "id(\"b_results\")//nav[@role=\"navigation\"]", } } } _s_google() { // 图片站 、地图站、购物站 if (this.useItem.SiteTypeID === 4) { if(location.href.search(/tbm=(isch|lcl|shop|flm)/) > 0) { console.mylog("特殊站,不加载样式,不添加menu"); this.gmInstance.curConfig.enableCSS = false } } return { SiteTypeID: 4, MainType: "#rso .g, div[data-micp-id='rso'] .g", FaviconType: ".iUh30", FaviconAddTo: "h3", CounterType: "#rso .g h3:not(table h3),._yE>div[class~=_kk] h3", BlockType: ".g h3", // 修复block翻页的问题 MultiPageType: ".srg, #rso, div[two-father], #rso>div:not(.g), #kp-wp-tab-overview", pager: { nextLink: "id('pnnext')|id('navbar navcnt nav')//td[span]/following-sibling::td[1]/a|id('nn')/parent::a", pageElement: "id('rso')|id('center_col')/style[contains(.,'relative')][id('rso')]", HT_insert: ["css;#res", 2], // 1 = beforebegin; 2 = beforeend replaceE: '//div[@id="navcnt"] | //div[@id="rcnt"]//div[@role="navigation"]', afertPagerAutoCall: (pageElements, scriptElements) => { // 插入scripts & style - 保证js加载 scriptElements.forEach((one) => { const newScript = document.createElement('script') newScript.textContent = one.textContent // 新建一个脚本,否则可能因为不执行导致失败 newScript.type = one.type newScript.nonce = one.nonce try{ toElement.appendChild(newScript) }catch (e){} }) } // 执行完脚本后,执行这个函数 } } } _s_haosou() { if (this.useItem.SiteTypeID === 3) {} return { SiteTypeID: 3, MainType: ".res-list", Stype_Normal: "h3>a", FaviconType: "cite", FaviconAddTo: "h3", CounterType: ".results>div", BlockType: "h3 a", // TODO 增加这个 MultiPageType: ".result li", // 多列模式下,待选择的元素,未来再说 pager: { nextLink: "//div[@id='page']//a[text()='下一页>'] | id('snext')", pageElement: "//div[@id='container']/div[@id='main']/ul[@class='result']/li", HT_insert: ["//div[@id='container']//ul[@class='result']", 2], // 1 = beforebegin; 2 = beforeend replaceE: "id('page')", afertPagerAutoCallFunc: (pageElements, scriptElements) => { So.web.lazyLoad.init() // 加载好搜图片的 } // 执行完脚本后,执行这个函数 } } } _s_duck() { if (this.useItem.SiteTypeID === 10){} return { SiteTypeID: 10, MainType: "#react-layout li", FaviconType: ".nrn-react-div .result__url__domain", FaviconAddTo: "h2", CounterType: "#react-layout li h2 a", BlockType: "h2 a", MultiPageType: "#react-layout .react-results--main", pager: { nextLink: "//a[contains(@class,\"sb_pagN\")]", pageElement: "id(\"b_results\")/li[not(contains(@class,\"b_pag\") or contains(@class,\"b_ans b_top\"))]", HT_insert: ["id(\"b_results\")/li[@class=\"b_pag\"]", 1], // 1 = beforebegin; 2 = beforeend replaceE: "id(\"b_results\")//nav[@role=\"navigation\"]", } } } _s_baidu_xueshu() { if (this.useItem.SiteTypeID === 8) { console.warn('启动百度学术特殊设置') this.gmInstance.curConfig.adsStyleMode = 2 } return { SiteTypeID: 8, MainType: "#content_left .result", Stype_Normal: "h3.t>a, #results .c-container>.c-blocka", FaviconType: ".result-op, .c-showurl", // baidu 似乎要改版了? FaviconAddTo: "h3", CounterType: "#content_left>#double>div[srcid] *[class~=t]>a,[class~=op_best_answer_question],#content_left>div[srcid] *[class~=t]>a,[class~=op_best_answer_question]", BlockType: "h3 a", } } _s_google_scholar() { if (this.useItem.SiteTypeID === 4.1) {} return { SiteTypeID: 4.1, MainType: "#rso .g, div[data-micp-id='rso'] .g", FaviconType: ".iUh30", FaviconAddTo: "h3", CounterType: "#rso .g h3:not(table h3),._yE>div[class~=_kk] h3", BlockType: "a:not([href*='translate.google.com'])", // 修复block翻页的问题 pager: { nextLink: '//a[./span[@class="gs_ico gs_ico_nav_next"]]', pageElement: '//div[@class="gs_r gs_or gs_scl"]', HT_insert: null, // 1 = beforebegin; 2 = beforeend replaceE: '//div[@id="navcnt"] | //div[@id="rcnt"]//div[@role="navigation"]', } } } } class BaseConfig { constructor(isEngine = true) { this.commonStyleEnable = true // 是否开启默认效果优化 this.commonStyleLink = '' this.commonStyleLess = '' // 搜索引擎的逻辑 if(isEngine) { this.adsStyleEnable = true // 是否开启默认效果优化 this.adsStyleMode = '3' // 0-不带css;1-单列靠左;2-单列居中;3-双列居中 this.HuYanMode = false // 护眼模式 this.HuYanMode_Color = '#ffffff' // 护眼模式-颜色 this.BgEnable = false // 背景图-是否启用 this.BgUseUrl = '' // 默认背景图 this.BgFit = true // 背景图-是否适应 this.BgBase64Image = '' // 这个KEY暂时不使用 this.customStyleEnable = false this.customStyleLink = '' this.customStyleLess = '' } } } class CSSAutoInsert { constructor() { this.hasChanged = false this.cssInsertSet = {} MyApi.setIntervalRun(()=> { if(this.hasChanged) { this.hasChanged = false this.doInsert() } }, 50) } add(uniqueName, cssText) { uniqueName = 'AC-' + uniqueName // 加上特殊前缀,标志关键词 // 如果有,并且数据还一模一样,那么跳过;如果数据不一样,那么覆盖 if (this.cssInsertSet[uniqueName] && this.cssInsertSet[uniqueName] === cssText) { return } console.mylog('--->插入样式表:' + uniqueName) this.cssInsertSet[uniqueName] = `\n/************${uniqueName}*********/\n` + cssText this.hasChanged = true } remove(uniqueName) { uniqueName = 'AC-' + uniqueName // 加上特殊前缀,标志关键词 if (this.cssInsertSet[uniqueName]) { console.mylog('--->移除样式表:' + uniqueName) delete this.cssInsertSet[uniqueName] this.hasChanged = true } } clear() { this.cssInsertSet = {} this.hasChanged = true } doInsert() { const cssText = Object.values(this.cssInsertSet).join('\n') MyApi.addStyle(cssText, 'AC-CSSAutoInsertBase', Object.keys(this.cssInsertSet).join(' ')) // 方便排查css插入 console.mylog('插入CSS完成') } } class ACGM { constructor() { this.initGM() this.bindGM() } async initACGM() { let ACConfig = {} this.blockRuleList = [] const DefaultConfig = { common: { version: '', // 从代码中动态拉取,丢弃任何值 isDevMode: false, // 是否为调试模式,从页面给出来的 isLocalDevMode: false, // 是否为本地调试模式,从页面给出来的,用于加载本地CSS localDebugBaseUrl: '', // 本地调试模式,本地CSS的入口地址 isRedirectEnable: false, // 是否开启重定向功能 isAdsEnable: false, // 是否开启去广告模式 isFaviconEnable: true, // 是否开启Favicon图标 isAutopage: true, // 是否开启自动翻页功能 isBlockEnable: true, // 是否开启去拦截模式 isBlockResultDisplay: true, // 是否删除已拦截的条目 isBlockBtnDisplay: false, // 是否显示block按钮 isRightDisplayEnable: true, // 是否开启右侧边栏 isCounterEnable: false, // 是否显示计数器 isALineDisable: false, // 是否禁止下划线 isDarkModeEnable: false, // 是否加载暗黑模式 ...new BaseConfig(false) }, baidu: { doRemoveSug: true, // 删除移动预测 doRemoveAIGen: false, // 移除百度AI搜索结果 baiduLiteEnable: false, // 启用百度Lite样式表 ...new BaseConfig() }, google: { useBaiduLogo: false, // 默认不使用百度logo ...new BaseConfig() }, bing: { optimizeBing: true, ...new BaseConfig() }, duck: { optimizeDuck: true, // 是否开启优化 ...new BaseConfig() }, haosou: { ...new BaseConfig(false) } }; try { let res = await GM.getValue("ACConfig", "{}") ACConfig = JSON.parse(res); res = await GM.getValue("ACBlockRules", "[]") this.blockRuleList = JSON.parse(res); this.acpush_acremoveInit() } catch (e) { console.error('出bug了') ACConfig = DefaultConfig } // 随便给一个值初始化,这个值,只是临时的值,如果需要写入,也是从另一端拉取,不是这个值来覆盖的 this.curConfig = { ...DefaultConfig.common, ...DefaultConfig.baidu } this.sortIndex = 1 this.bingScrollPos = 0 this.ACConfig = Object.assign({}, DefaultConfig, ACConfig) // 作为临时修改用 // this.enableCSS = true this.cssAutoInsert = new CSSAutoInsert() this.cssFavionList = reactive({ list: [] }) this.adsCSSList = { baiduLiteStyle: '', leftCommonStyle: '', onePageStyle: '', twoPageStyle: '', multiPageStyle: '', expandPageStyle: '', customStyle: '', // 自定义样式表 commonStyle: '', // 全局样式表 huyanStyle: '', bgAutoFitStyle: '', darkModeStyle: '', // 暗黑护眼色 faviconStyle: '', // 动态插入的favicon的数据 } this.lock = { bodyLocked: true, headLocked: true, pageLoadingLocked: false, isBlockChecking: false, afterBlockChangeChecked: true, // 数据刷新后,是否检查过了,用于减少reg判定 } // 数据先初始化 this.curConfig = reactive({ enableCSS: true, ...this.ACConfig.common, ...this.ACConfig[this._getSiteName()] }) // 再得到真实options,并调整config this.options = new SiteOptions(this) await this.loadSiteCSS() this.waitBodyHead() this.openSeetingsUrl = '' this.check90daoConn() } initGM() { if (typeof (GM) === "undefined") { // 这个是ViolentMonkey的支持选项 GM = {}; GM.setValue = GM_setValue; GM.getValue = GM_getValue; } if (typeof GM_getResourceText === 'undefined') { GM_getResourceText = async function(aResourceName) { // 如果没有这个接口,那就是没办法缓存这个数据,所以只能用本地的数据进行缓存了 let res = await (await fetch(await GM.getResourceUrl(aResourceName))).text(); let saveRes = await GM.getValue(aResourceName); if (typeof (saveRes) === 'undefined') { GM.setValue(aResourceName, res); } else { return saveRes; } return res; } } } bindGM() { GM_registerMenuCommand('AC-重定向脚本设置', function() { window.open(CONST.openSeetingsUrl) }); GM_registerMenuCommand('脚本重置 - 修复脚本', function() { GM.setValue('ACConfig', '{}'); location.reload(); }); } check90daoConn() { const storeValue = sessionStorage.getItem('access_90dao') this.openSeetingsUrl = storeValue || 'https://ac-baidu.tujidu.com/pages/custom/#' + CONST.options.siteName if (!storeValue) { console.log('不存在自定义配置') GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "HEAD", timeout: 3000, url: "https://ac-baidu.90dao.com/", onload: ()=> { this.openSeetingsUrl = 'https://ac-baidu.90dao.com/pages/custom/#' + CONST.options.siteName sessionStorage.setItem('access_90dao', this.openSeetingsUrl) }, onerror: ()=> { this.openSeetingsUrl = 'https://ibaidu.tujidu.com/pages/custom/#' + CONST.options.siteName sessionStorage.setItem('access_90dao', this.openSeetingsUrl) } }); } } saveConfig() { const commonConfig = this.ACConfig['common'] const siteConfig = this.ACConfig[this.options.siteName] for(const key in siteConfig) { siteConfig[key] = this.curConfig[key] } for(const key in commonConfig) { commonConfig[key] = this.curConfig[key] } GM.setValue('ACConfig', JSON.stringify(this.ACConfig)); } saveBlockRule() { GM.setValue('ACBlockRules', JSON.stringify(this.blockRuleList)); } renewConfig(newConfig) { const chooseCfg = newConfig[this.options.siteName] const commonCfg = newConfig['common'] if(chooseCfg) { Object.assign(this.curConfig, chooseCfg) } if(commonCfg) { Object.assign(this.curConfig, commonCfg) } } async loadStyleByName_WithLessCache(styleName) { if(CONST.curConfig.isDevMode && CONST.curConfig.isLocalDevMode && CONST.curConfig.localDebugBaseUrl) { const renderCSSKeyName = '__AC.RenderCSS__' + styleName return await setLocalLessData(renderCSSKeyName, getDebugStyle) // 不带缓存,随时刷新了 // return await cacheStyle(renderCSSKeyName, getDebugStyle) // 带缓存,随时刷新了 } else { return await cacheStyle(styleName, getRenderStyle) } async function cacheStyle(styleName, getLessDataFunc) { const renderCSSKeyName = '__AC.RenderCSS__' + styleName const localData = localStorage.getItem(renderCSSKeyName) if (localData) { setTimeout(() => { console.mylog('*****有缓存了,但是在刷新了:' + styleName) setLocalLessData(renderCSSKeyName, getLessDataFunc) }, 2000) return localData } else { console.mylog('*****没有缓存' + styleName) return await setLocalLessData(renderCSSKeyName, getLessDataFunc) } } async function setLocalLessData(renderCSSKeyName, getLessDataFunc) { const { css = '' } = await less.render(await getLessDataFunc()); localStorage.setItem(renderCSSKeyName, css) return css } async function getDebugStyle() { const dataUrl = `${CONST.curConfig.localDebugBaseUrl}${styleName}.less` const [err, text] = await MyApi.http.get(dataUrl) if(!err) { return text } else { console.error('加载失败', dataUrl) } return '' } async function getRenderStyle() { return GM_getResourceText(styleName) } } async loadSiteCSS() { console.mylog('CSS加载开始' + +this.curConfig.adsStyleMode) // 加载多列 if (this.curConfig.adsStyleEnable) { if (+this.curConfig.adsStyleMode >= 1) { this.adsCSSList.leftCommonStyle = await this.loadStyleByName_WithLessCache(this.options.siteName + 'CommonStyle') // 单列效果 } if (+this.curConfig.adsStyleMode >= 2) { this.adsCSSList.onePageStyle = await this.loadStyleByName_WithLessCache(this.options.siteName + 'OnePageStyle') // 单列居中 } if (+this.curConfig.adsStyleMode >= 3) { this.adsCSSList.twoPageStyle = await this.loadStyleByName_WithLessCache(this.options.siteName + 'TwoPageStyle') // 双列效果 } if (+this.curConfig.adsStyleMode >= 4) { this.adsCSSList.multiPageStyle = await this.getMultiPageStyle() // 多列效果 } } // 加载百度Lite if (this.curConfig.baiduLiteEnable) { this.adsCSSList.baiduLiteStyle = await this.loadStyleByName_WithLessCache('baiduLiteStyle') } // 加载背景图优化 if (this.curConfig.BgEnable && this.curConfig.BgFit) { this.adsCSSList.bgAutoFitStyle = await this.loadStyleByName_WithLessCache('BgAutoFit') } // 加载护眼样式 if (this.curConfig.HuYanMode) { this.adsCSSList.huyanStyle = await this.getHuyanStyle() } if (this.curConfig.isDarkModeEnable) { this.adsCSSList.darkModeStyle = await this.loadStyleByName_WithLessCache('HuaHua-ACDrakMode') } // 加载自定义样式 if (this.curConfig.customStyleEnable) { console.mylog('触发custom更新') const { css = '' } = await less.render(this.curConfig.customStyleLess); this.adsCSSList.customStyle = css } // 加载其他样式 if (this.curConfig.commonStyleEnable) { console.mylog('触发common更新') const { css = '' } = await less.render(this.curConfig.commonStyleLess); this.adsCSSList.commonStyle = css } console.mylog('CSS加载结束') // 2秒后再加载 setTimeout(() => { this.loadAllStyle() }, 2000) } getMultiPageStyle() { return this.options.useItem.MultiPageType + (+this.curConfig.adsStyleMode === 4 ? "{grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 33.3%); grid-template-areas:'xmain xmain xmain';}" : "{grid-template-columns: repeat(4, 25%); grid-template-areas:'xmain xmain xmain xmain';}") } async getHuyanStyle() { function Lighter(oriRGB, deltaY) { function clip255(value) { if (value > 255) return 255; if (value < 0) return 0; return value; } // 按比例缩放 + 1/deltaY // HEX 2 RGB let rgb = oriRGB.replace("#", ""); let R = parseInt("0x" + rgb.substr(0, 2)); let G = parseInt("0x" + rgb.substr(2, 2)); let B = parseInt("0x" + rgb.substr(4, 2)); // RGB 2 YUV let Y = ((66 * R + 129 * G + 25 * B + 128) >> 8) + 16; let U = ((-38 * R - 74 * G + 112 * B + 128) >> 8) + 128; let V = ((112 * R - 94 * G - 18 * B + 128) >> 8) + 128; Y = Y * (1 + 1.0 / deltaY);// 提高亮度 // YUV 2 RGB R = clip255((298 * (Y - 16) + 409 * (V - 128) + 128) >> 8); G = clip255((298 * (Y - 16) - 100 * (U - 128) - 208 * (V - 128) + 128) >> 8); B = clip255((298 * (Y - 16) + 516 * (U - 128) + 128) >> 8); return "#" + ((R << 16) + (G << 8) + B).toString(16); } let HuyanStyle = await this.loadStyleByName_WithLessCache('HuYanStyle') const huyanColor = this.curConfig.HuYanMode_Color return HuyanStyle .replace(/#aaa(a*)/igm, huyanColor) .replace(/#bbb(b*)/igm, Lighter(huyanColor, -40)) .replace(/#ccc(c*)/igm, Lighter(huyanColor, 45)); } async loadAllStyle() { if (!this.adsCSSList.leftCommonStyle) this.adsCSSList.leftCommonStyle = await this.loadStyleByName_WithLessCache(this.options.siteName + 'CommonStyle') // 单列效果 if (!this.adsCSSList.onePageStyle) this.adsCSSList.onePageStyle = await this.loadStyleByName_WithLessCache(this.options.siteName + 'OnePageStyle') // 单列居中 if (!this.adsCSSList.twoPageStyle) this.adsCSSList.twoPageStyle = await this.loadStyleByName_WithLessCache(this.options.siteName + 'TwoPageStyle') // 双列效果 if (!this.adsCSSList.baiduLiteStyle) this.adsCSSList.baiduLiteStyle = await this.loadStyleByName_WithLessCache('baiduLiteStyle') if (!this.adsCSSList.bgAutoFitStyle) this.adsCSSList.bgAutoFitStyle = await this.loadStyleByName_WithLessCache('BgAutoFit') if (!this.adsCSSList.darkModeStyle) this.adsCSSList.darkModeStyle = await this.loadStyleByName_WithLessCache('HuaHua-ACDrakMode') } waitBodyHead() { // 永远执行 MyApi.safeWaitFunc(() => {return document.head}, () => { console.mylog('解锁head') this.lock.headLocked = false }) MyApi.safeWaitFunc(() => {return document.body}, () => { console.mylog('解锁body') this.lock.bodyLocked = false }) } addIntervalTrigger(site = '', waitAt = 'now', callback, interval_time = 0, runTimes = 1) { console.mylog('addIntervalTrigger', site, "------------", this.options.siteName) if(site !== 'all' && this.options.siteName !== site) return let count = runTimes const intId = MyApi.setIntervalRun(async () => { count-- if( !((waitAt === 'now') || (waitAt === 'body' && !this.lock.bodyLocked) || (waitAt === 'head' && !this.lock.headLocked)) ) { return } if(count >= 0) { await callback(count) } else { clearInterval(intId) } }, interval_time) } acpush_acremoveInit() { function acpush(data = "") { this.hasEdit = true data = data.trim() // 如果是垃圾数据,那么可以丢弃的 if (!data) return '无效内容'; // 如果数据中有回车,那数据也是无效的正文而已 if (data.search(/(,|:|。|\n)/) >= 0) return '格式不符合要求'; if (this.findIndex(m => m === data) < 0) { this.push(data); dataChangeCallback() } else { return "已存在相同项" } } function acremove (data) { this.hasEdit = true let delId = this.findIndex(m => m === data); if (delId >= 0) { this.splice(delId, 1); dataChangeCallback() return delId } return -1 } function dataChangeCallback() { CONST.lock.afterBlockChangeChecked = false PageBlockFunc._updateRegListRule() } Object.defineProperty(CONST.blockRuleList, 'acpush', { value: acpush }) Object.defineProperty(CONST.blockRuleList, 'acremove', { value: acremove }) } _getSiteName() { const specialRule = { 'xueshu.baidu.com': 'baidu_xueshu', 'scholar.google.com': 'google_scholar', 'so.com': 'haosou', } let useRule = Object.keys(specialRule).find(one => location.host.includes(one)) if(!useRule) { useRule = location.host.replace(/.*(baidu|google|bing|duck).*/, '$1') } else { return specialRule[useRule] } return useRule } } const CONST = new ACGM() await CONST.initACGM() class PageFuncClass { constructor() { this.removeAds = this.removeAdFunc() } GoogleInBaiduMode() { MyApi.safeGetNodeFunc("#logo img, #logocont img", function(node) { let faNode = node.parentNode.parentNode; if(faNode.hasAttribute('xchanged')) return faNode.classList.add("baidu"); faNode.setAttribute('xchanged', 1) node.removeAttribute("src"); node.src = "https://www.baidu.com/img/flexible/logo/pc/result.png"; node.width = "125"; node.removeAttribute("height"); }); MyApi.safeGetNodeFunc("a#logo", function(node) { let faNode = node.parentNode.parentNode; if(faNode.hasAttribute('xchanged')) return faNode.classList.add("baidu"); faNode.setAttribute('xchanged', 1) node.querySelector('svg').style.display = 'none' const newImage = document.createElement('img') newImage.src = "https://www.baidu.com/img/flexible/logo/pc/result.png" newImage.width = "125" node.appendChild(newImage) }); MyApi.safeGetNodeFunc("img[alt='Google']", function(node) { if(node.hasAttribute('xchanged')) return node.setAttribute('xchanged', 1) node.removeAttribute("srcset"); node.src = "https://www.baidu.com/img/flexible/logo/pc/result.png"; node.style.height = '72px' // node.style.marginTop = '-10px' }); MyApi.safeGetNodeFunc("form[role='search'] .logo img", function(node) { if(node.hasAttribute('xchanged')) return node.setAttribute('xchanged', 1) node.removeAttribute("srcset"); node.src = "https://www.baidu.com/img/flexible/logo/pc/result.png"; node.setAttribute("height", "30"); // node.style.marginTop = '-10px' }); if(!document.title.includes('百度')) { document.title = document.title.replace(/^Google/, "百度一下,你就知道") .replace(/ - Google 搜索/, "_百度搜索") .replace(/ - Google Search/, "_百度搜索"); } MyApi.safeGetNodeFunc("head", function() { let linkTarget = document.querySelector("link[type='image/x-icon']") || document.createElement('link'); if(!linkTarget.href.includes('baidu')) return linkTarget.type = 'image/x-icon'; linkTarget.rel = 'shortcut icon'; linkTarget.href = 'https://www.baidu.com/favicon.ico'; document.head.appendChild(linkTarget); }) } removeAdFunc() { function removeBaiduAd() { // 移除右侧栏广告 MyApi.safeRemove_xpath("id('content_right')/div[.//a[starts-with(text(), '广告')]]"); // 移除标准广告 MyApi.safeRemove_xpath("id('content_left')/div[.//span[contains(@class, 'tuiguang') or contains(@class, 'brand')][contains(text(), '广告')]]"); // 移除标准广告 - 新 MyApi.safeRemove_xpath("id('content_left')/div[.//a[text()='广告']]"); // 移除右侧栏顶部-底部无用广告 MyApi.safeRemove_xpath("id('content_right')/br"); MyApi.safeRemove_xpath("id('content_right')/div[not(@id)]"); // 移除顶部可能出现的 "为您推荐" MyApi.safeRemove_xpath("id('content_left')//div[contains(@class, '_rs')]"); /****移除Mobile模式上的部分广告****/ MyApi.safeRemove_xpath("id('page-bd')/div[not(contains(@class, 'result'))]"); MyApi.safeRemove_xpath("id('page-bd')/div[not(@class)]"); MyApi.safeRemove_xpath("//div[@class='na-like-container']"); } function removeGoogleAd() { MyApi.safeRemoveAd("#bottomads"); MyApi.safeRemoveAd('div[aria-label="广告"]'); MyApi.safeRemoveAd('div[aria-label="Ads"]'); } function removeBingAd() { MyApi.safeRemoveAd(".b_ad"); MyApi.safeRemove_xpath("id('b_results')/li[./div[@class='ad_fls']]"); // 移除特殊tag,带url标记的广告类 -- 新版的bing似乎比较特殊,无法判定了 const resList = [...document.querySelectorAll("ol>li")].filter(one => one.querySelector('p')) // 定位到所有包含p标签的li const removeWith = [ '', // '' ] const adList = resList.filter(one => { const url = window.getComputedStyle(one.querySelector('p'), '::before').getPropertyValue('content') return removeWith.some(remove => url.includes(remove)) }) // 检查每一个p标签,里面存在before伪元素,且伪元素中是链接的,均为广告 adList.forEach(one => one.remove()) } function removeHaosouAd() { MyApi.safeRemoveAd("#so_kw-ad"); MyApi.safeRemoveAd("#m-spread-left"); // 移除搜索中底部广告 MyApi.safeRemoveAd("#m-spread-bottom"); // 移除右侧栏顶部广告 MyApi.safeRemove_xpath("id('righttop_box')//li[.//span[contains(text(), '广告')]]"); } return { removeBaiduAd, removeGoogleAd, removeBingAd, removeHaosouAd } } InsertSettingMenu() { if (document.querySelector("#myuser") === null) { MyApi.safeWaitFunc("#u, #gb, #b_header>#id_h, #header_wrapper .js-hl-butto, .header--aside, #header .inner .menu", parent => { parent.style = "width: auto;"; let userAdiv = document.createElement("div"); userAdiv.id = "myuser"; userAdiv.innerHTML = ``; parent.insertBefore(userAdiv, parent.childNodes[0]); document.querySelector("#myuser .myuserconfig").addEventListener("click", function(e) { window.open(CONST.openSeetingsUrl) }, true); }, 300) } } RedirectHandle() { // 处理主重定向 if (CONST.options.useItem.SiteTypeID < 0) return; if (CONST.curConfig.isRedirectEnable) { if (CONST.options.useItem.Stype_Normal) { // 如果定义了,那么就去处理重定向 resetURLNormal(); } if (CONST.options.useItem.SiteTypeID === CONST.options.google.SiteTypeID) removeOnMouseDownFunc(); // 移除onMouseDown事件,谷歌去重定向 if (location.host.includes('m.baidu.com')) removeMobileBaiduDirectLink(); // 处理百度手机版本的重定向地址 remove_xueshuBaidu(); // 百度学术重定向问题 MyApi.safeRemoveAd(".res_top_banner"); // 移除百度可能显示的劫持 } function removeMobileBaiduDirectLink() { let nodes = document.querySelectorAll("#page #page-bd #results .result:not([ac_redirectStatus])"); for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { let curNode = nodes[i]; MyApi.safeFunc(function() { let curData = JSON.parse(curNode.dataset.log.replace(/'/gm, "\"")); let trueLink = curData.mu; curNode.querySelector("article").setAttribute("rl-link-href", trueLink); curNode.querySelectorAll("a").forEach(function(per) { per.setAttribute("href", trueLink); }); }); curNode.setAttribute("ac_redirectStatus", "1"); } } function removeOnMouseDownFunc() { MyApi.safeFunc(() => { let resultNodes = document.querySelectorAll(".g .rc a, #rs, #rso .g a"); for (let i = 0; i < resultNodes.length; i++) { let one = resultNodes[i]; one.setAttribute("onmousedown", ""); // 谷歌去重定向干扰 one.setAttribute("target", "_blank"); // 谷歌链接新标签打开 one.setAttribute("data-jsarwt", "0"); // Firefox谷歌去重定向干扰 } }) } function remove_xueshuBaidu() { if (CONST.options.useItem.SiteTypeID === CONST.options.baidu_xueshu.SiteTypeID) { let xnodes = document.querySelectorAll("a[href*='sc_vurl=http']"); for (let j = 0; j < xnodes.length; j++) { let xurl = MyApi.getUrlAttribute(xnodes[j].href, "sc_vurl", true); xnodes[j].href = xurl; } } } function DealRedirect (request, curNodeHref, respText, RegText, hrefType) { if (respText === null || typeof (respText) === "undefined") return; let resultResponseUrl = ""; if (RegText != null) { resultResponseUrl = MyApi.Reg_Get(respText, RegText); } else { resultResponseUrl = respText; } if (resultResponseUrl !== null && resultResponseUrl !== "" && !resultResponseUrl.includes("www.baidu.com/link")) { try { let host = PageFunc.getTextHost(resultResponseUrl); document.querySelectorAll("*[href*='" + curNodeHref + "']").forEach(per => { let changeNode = per; changeNode.setAttribute("ac_redirectStatus", "2"); changeNode.href = resultResponseUrl; // changeNode.setAttribute("data-orihref", changeNode.href); if (changeNode.hasAttribute("meta")) { changeNode.setAttribute("meta", host); changeNode.dataset.host = host; } if (hrefType === null || hrefType === undefined || hrefType === "title") { if (changeNode.text && changeNode.text.length < 10 && !changeNode.text.includes(host) // 不能是redirect url 不能是h2\h3下直属链接 && !changeNode.parentElement.tagName.toLowerCase().includes("h")) { changeNode.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd", " - " + host); } } }) request && request.abort(); } catch (e) { } } } function resetURLNormal() { const mainList = document.querySelectorAll(CONST.options.useItem.MainType) // 注意有重复的地址,尽量对重复地址进行去重 var hasDealHrefSet = new Set(); for (let i = 0; i < mainList.length; i++) { // 此方法是异步,故在结束的时候使用i会出问题-严重! // 采用闭包的方法来进行数据的传递 const curNode = mainList[i]; if (curNode !== null && curNode.getAttribute("ac_redirectStatus") === null) { curNode.setAttribute("ac_redirectStatus", "0"); const linkNode = curNode.querySelector(CONST.options.useItem.Stype_Normal); if(linkNode === null) { continue } // 跳过特殊链接的处理 if(linkNode.href && (linkNode.href.startsWith('javascript') || linkNode.href.startsWith('#'))) { continue } let linkHref = linkNode.href; let len1 = hasDealHrefSet.size; hasDealHrefSet.add(linkHref); let len2 = hasDealHrefSet.size; if (len1 === len2) continue; // 说明数据已经处理过,存在相同的记录 const isLinkNeedDeal = () => { // 如果当前节点存在mu参数,或者link节点存在data-mdurl,那么就算直接成功,不用重新请求一遍了 let trueLink = curNode.getAttribute('mu') || linkNode.getAttribute('data-mdurl') if(trueLink && !trueLink.includes('nourl')) { trueLink = getBaiduEncodingHandle(trueLink) DealRedirect(null, linkHref, trueLink); return true } } const getBaiduEncodingHandle = (linkUrl) => { let resLink = linkUrl if(CONST.options.useItem.SiteTypeID === CONST.options.baidu.SiteTypeID && linkUrl.includes('baidu.com')) { const [, first = ''] = /(ie=[^&]+)/.exec(location.search) || [] resLink = linkUrl.replace(/(ie=[^&]+)/, first) } return resLink } if(!isLinkNeedDeal()) { continue } // 走接口重定向处理 if (linkHref.includes("www.baidu.com/link") || linkHref.includes("m.baidu.com/from") || linkHref.includes("www.sogou.com/link") || linkHref.includes("so.com/link") || linkHref.search("bing.com/(ck|a|aclick)") > 0 || linkHref.search("e.so.com/(search|eclk)") > 0 ) { (async function(c_curnode, c_curhref) { let url = c_curhref.replace(/^http:/, "https:"); if (CONST.options.useItem.SiteTypeID === CONST.options.baidu.SiteTypeID && !url.includes("eqid")) { // 如果是百度,并且没有带有解析参数,那么手动带上 url = url + "&wd=&eqid="; } let gmRequestNode = GM_xmlhttpRequest({ url: url, headers: { "Accept": "*/*", "Referer": c_curhref.replace(/^http:/, "https:") }, method: "GET", timeout: 8000, onload: function(response) { // MARK 有时候这个函数根本不进来 - 调试的问题 - timeout if (response.responseText || response.responseHeaders) { // 由于是特殊返回-并且好搜-搜狗-百度都是这个格式,故提出 DealRedirect(gmRequestNode, c_curhref, response.responseText, "URL='([^']+)'") // 这个是在上面无法处理的情况下,备用的 tm-finalurldhdg tm-finalurlmfdh if (response.responseHeaders.includes("tm-finalurl")) { let relURL = Reg_Get(response.responseHeaders, "tm-finalurl\\w+: ([^\\s]+)"); if (relURL === null || relURL === "" || relURL.includes("www.baidu.com/search/error")) return; DealRedirect(gmRequestNode, c_curhref, relURL); } } } }); })(curNode, linkHref); //传递旧的网址过去,读作c_curhref } } } if (hasDealHrefSet.size > 0 && mainList.length - hasDealHrefSet.size > 0) console.mylog("丢弃掉", mainList.length - hasDealHrefSet.size, "个重复链接"); } } getTextHost(sbefore) { sbefore = (sbefore && sbefore.trim()).replace(/\s-\s\d{4}-\d{1,2}-\d{1,2}/, "") || ""; let send; let result = sbefore.split('-'); // --搜狗百度专用;如果第一个是中文的话,地址就是第二个 if ((result.length > 1 && new RegExp("[\\u4E00-\\u9FFF]+", "g").test(sbefore)) && CONST.options.useItem.SiteTypeID === CONST.options.baidu.SiteTypeID) { sbefore = result[1]; } else { result = sbefore.split('\n'); if (result.length > 1 && CONST.options.useItem.SiteTypeID === CONST.options.google.SiteTypeID) { sbefore = result[1]; } } // 此时sbefore几乎是等于网址了,但是有时候会有多的空格,多的内容,多的前缀http,多余的路径 let res = new RegExp(/(https?:\/\/)?([^/\s]+)/i).exec(sbefore); send = (res && res[2].trim()) || ""; // send = sbefore.replace(/(\/[^/]*|\s*)/, "").replace(/<[^>]*>/g, "").replace(/https?:\/\//g, "").replace(/<\/?strong>/g, "").replace(/<\/?b>/g, "").replace(/?/g, "").replace(/( |\/).*/g, "").replace(/\.\..*/, ""); if (send === "") return null; if (send.indexOf(".") < 0) return null; if (send.indexOf("↵") >= 0) return null; return send.trim(); } getNodeHost(sitetpNode) { if (!sitetpNode) return {} if (CONST.options.useItem.SiteTypeID === CONST.options.baidu.SiteTypeID) { const href = sitetpNode.getAttribute("href"); if (href != null && !href.includes("baidu.com/link")) { // 已经解析出来了 return { curHost: this.getTextHost(href), curUrl: href }; } else { const host = this.getTextHost(sitetpNode.innerText || sitetpNode.textContent) return { curHost: host, curUrl: host, isBaiduLink: true }; // 未被解密 } } else if (sitetpNode instanceof HTMLAnchorElement) { return { curHost: sitetpNode.host, curUrl: sitetpNode.href }; } else { const host = this.getTextHost(sitetpNode.innerText || sitetpNode.textContent) return { curHost: host, curUrl: host }; } } addFavicon(citeList) { const insertList = [] if (CONST.options.useItem.SiteTypeID !== null) { for (let index = 0; index < citeList.length; index++) { if (null === citeList[index].getAttribute("ac_faviconStatus")) { let curNode = citeList[index]; let targetNode = curNode; let { curHost, curUrl } = PageFunc.getNodeHost(targetNode); if (!curHost) { // 跳过解不出来的地址 continue; } else { } let faviconUrl = curHost; let II = 0; for (; II <= 5; II++) { targetNode = targetNode.parentNode; if (targetNode != null && targetNode.querySelector(CONST.options.useItem.FaviconAddTo) != null) { break; } } if (targetNode.parentNode.hasAttribute('tpl') && targetNode.parentNode.getAttribute('tpl').includes('stock')) { curNode.setAttribute("ac_faviconStatus", "-3"); continue } //console.mylog(index+"."+faviconUrl+"--"+II); if (II <= 5) { // 先用父节点判断一下是否存在img let tmpHTML = targetNode.innerHTML; let pos = tmpHTML.indexOf("fav-url") & tmpHTML.indexOf("wr_fav") & tmpHTML.indexOf("favurl") & tmpHTML.indexOf("tit-ico") & tmpHTML.indexOf("img_fav rms_img") & tmpHTML.indexOf("c-tool-") & tmpHTML.indexOf("span class=\"c-icon c-icon-") & tmpHTML.indexOf("img class=\"xA33Gc") & tmpHTML.indexOf("img class=\"XNo5Ab\""); // 谷歌图标 //他自己已经做了favicon了 if (pos > -1) { curNode.setAttribute("ac_faviconStatus", "-2"); continue; } targetNode = targetNode.querySelector(CONST.options.useItem.FaviconAddTo); let host = faviconUrl.replace(/[^.]+\.([^.]+)\.([^.]+)/, "$1.$2"); if (!targetNode.hasAttribute("data-favicon-t") && host.length >= 3) { let faviconUrl = curNode.href || host if (CONST.options.useItem.SiteTypeID === CONST.options.baidu.SiteTypeID && faviconUrl.includes("baidu.com/link")) { faviconUrl = host } targetNode.setAttribute('data-favicon-t', faviconUrl) insertList.push({ tagName: targetNode.tagName.toLowerCase(), url: faviconUrl }) } } } } } insertList.map(one => CONST.cssFavionList.list.push(one)) } addCounter(citeList) { const cssText = "font-style:normal;position:relative;z-index:1;margin-right:4px;display:inline-block;color:white;font-family:'微软雅黑';font-size:16px;text-align:center;width:22px;line-height:22px;border-radius:50%;"; for (let i = 0; i < citeList.length; i++) { let cur = citeList[i]; const index = cur.getAttribute('SortIndex'); if (index === null || typeof (index) === "undefined") { cur.setAttribute('SortIndex', CONST.sortIndex); let ele = document.createElement('em'); ele.className = 'AC-CounterT'; ele.style = cssText; ele.innerText = CONST.sortIndex; let child = cur.firstElementChild; if (child && child.nodeName === 'DIV') { let emNode = child.querySelector('em'); if (emNode) emNode.parentNode.insertAdjacentElement('afterBegin', ele) } else { cur.insertAdjacentElement('afterBegin', ele); } CONST.sortIndex++; } else { const curCounter = cur.querySelector(".AC-CounterT") if (!curCounter) continue const oriIndex = curCounter.innerText const checkValue = (i + 1) % 100; // 数据值不同 // 数据没有被翻译 if (+index !== checkValue && !/^\d+$/.test(oriIndex)) { // 按需更新 curCounter.innerText = checkValue; cur.setAttribute('SortIndex', checkValue); } } } } acSetCookie(cname, cvalue, domain, exdays) { MyApi.safeFunc(() => { exdays = exdays || 30; let d = new Date(); domain = (domain ? 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(a = r, i = o / 4) : i = o / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(r / a), -a * Math.pow(2, 10 * (e -= 1)) * Math.sin((e * n - i) * (2 * Math.PI) / o) + t); var i; }, easeOut: function easeOut(e, t, r, n, a, o) { return 0 == e ? t : 1 == (e /= n) ? t + r : (o || (o = .3 * n), !a || a < Math.abs(r) ? (a = r, i = o / 4) : i = o / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(r / a), a * Math.pow(2, -10 * e) * Math.sin((e * n - i) * (2 * Math.PI) / o) + r + t); var i; }, easeInOut: function easeInOut(e, t, r, n, a, o) { return 0 == e ? t : 2 == (e /= n / 2) ? t + r : (o || (o = n * (.3 * 1.5)), !a || a < Math.abs(r) ? (a = r, i = o / 4) : i = o / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(r / a), e < 1 ? a * Math.pow(2, 10 * (e -= 1)) * Math.sin((e * n - i) * (2 * Math.PI) / o) * -.5 + t : a * Math.pow(2, -10 * (e -= 1)) * Math.sin((e * n - i) * (2 * Math.PI) / o) * .5 + r + t); var i; } }, Back: { easeIn: function easeIn(e, t, r, n, a) { return null == a && (a = 1.70158), r * (e /= n) * e * ((a + 1) * e - a) + t; }, easeOut: function easeOut(e, t, r, n, a) { return null == a && (a = 1.70158), r * ((e = e / n - 1) * e * ((a + 1) * e + a) + 1) + t; }, easeInOut: function easeInOut(e, t, r, n, a) { return null == a && (a = 1.70158), (e /= n / 2) < 1 ? r / 2 * (e * e * ((1 + (a *= 1.525)) * e - a)) + t : r / 2 * ((e -= 2) * e * ((1 + (a *= 1.525)) * e + a) + 2) + t; } }, Bounce: { easeIn: function easeIn(e, t, r, n) { return r - Tween.Bounce.easeOut(n - e, 0, r, n) + t; }, easeOut: function easeOut(e, t, r, n) { return (e /= n) < 1 / 2.75 ? r * (7.5625 * e * e) + t : e < 2 / 2.75 ? r * (7.5625 * (e -= 1.5 / 2.75) * e + .75) + t : e < 2.5 / 2.75 ? r * (7.5625 * (e -= 2.25 / 2.75) * e + .9375) + t : r * (7.5625 * (e -= 2.625 / 2.75) * e + .984375) + t; }, easeInOut: function easeInOut(e, t, r, n) { return e < n / 2 ? .5 * Tween.Bounce.easeIn(2 * e, 0, r, n) + t : .5 * Tween.Bounce.easeOut(2 * e - n, 0, r, n) + .5 * r + t; } } }; const TweenM = ["Linear", "Quad", "Cubic", "Quart", "Quint", "Sine", "Expo", "Circ", "Elastic", "Back", "Bounce"]; const TweenEase = ["easeIn", "easeOut", "easeInOut"]; var prefs = { s_method: 3, s_ease: 2, s_FPS: 60, s_duration: 333, }; function getRelativeDiv(e) { var t = r.id; return (t = t.replace(/(sp-separator-)(.+)/, (function(t, r, n) { return r + String(Number(n) + ("pre" == e ? -1 : 1)); }))) ? document.getElementById(t) : null; } function sp_transition(e, t) { var r = sp_transition.TweenF; r || (r = (r = Tween[TweenM[prefs.s_method]])[TweenEase[prefs.s_ease]] || r, sp_transition.TweenF = r); var n = 1e3 / prefs.s_FPS, a = 0, o = e, i = t - e, s = Math.ceil(prefs.s_duration / n), c = window.scrollX; !function transition() { var e = Math.ceil(r(a, o, i, s)); window.scroll(c, e), a < s && (a++, setTimeout(transition, n)); }(); } function scrollIt(e, t) { sp_transition(e, t); } switch (e.target.id) { case "sp-sp-gotop": scrollIt(window.scrollY, 0); break; case "sp-sp-gopre": var n = getRelativeDiv("pre"); if (!n) return; t = window.scrollY; var a = n.getBoundingClientRect().top; a = t - (r.getBoundingClientRect().top - a); scrollIt(t, a); break; case "sp-sp-gonext": var o = getRelativeDiv("next"); if (!o) return; t = window.scrollY; var i = o.getBoundingClientRect().top; i = t + (-r.getBoundingClientRect().top + i); scrollIt(t, i); break; case "sp-sp-gobottom": scrollIt(window.scrollY, Math.max(document.documentElement.scrollHeight, document.body.scrollHeight)); } } bingAutoScrollFix() { document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', function() { if (document.visibilityState === 'hidden') { CONST.bingScrollPos = document.documentElement.scrollTop; } else if (document.visibilityState === 'visible') { setTimeout(() => { if(CONST.bingScrollPos !== 0 && document.documentElement.scrollTop !== CONST.bingScrollPos) { console.error('触发滚动条变更:', CONST.bingScrollPos, document.documentElement.scrollTop) document.documentElement.scrollTop = CONST.bingScrollPos } }, 50) } }); } bingFaviconPagerFix() { document.querySelectorAll('div.rms_iac').forEach(one => { const height = one.dataset.height const width = one.dataset.width const toClass = one.dataset.class const imgSrc = one.dataset.src const bm = one.dataset.bm if(imgSrc) { one.outerHTML = `` } }) } } class PageBlockClass { constructor() { this.curSite = CONST.options.useItem this.regListRule = [] this._updateRegListRule() } async start() { const needCheckClass = (this.curSite.MainType + ',').split(',').join(":not([bhandle]),") let checkNodes = document.querySelectorAll(needCheckClass.substring(0, needCheckClass.length - 1)); for (let i = 0; i < checkNodes.length; i++) { let curNode = checkNodes[i]; try { let faviconNode = curNode.querySelector(this.curSite.FaviconType); let host = PageFunc.getNodeHost(faviconNode).curHost; let faNode = curNode.querySelector(this.curSite.BlockType); let nodeStyle = "display:unset;"; if (!CONST.curConfig.isBlockBtnDisplay) { nodeStyle = "display:none;"; } // 避免父节点出现两个block按钮 if (faNode && !faNode.hasAttribute('hasInsert')) { faNode.setAttribute("hasInsert", "1"); let insertTo = faNode.parentNode if(CONST.options.useItem.SiteTypeID === CONST.options.google.SiteTypeID) { insertTo = faNode } insertTo.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", ``); } curNode.setAttribute("bhandle", "1"); } catch (e) { console.error(e) const failed_count = +(curNode.getAttribute('failed_count') || 1) curNode.setAttribute('failed_count', failed_count + 1) if (failed_count > 3) { curNode.setAttribute("bhandle", "1"); } } } this._initListener(); await this.renderDisplay() } async renderDisplay() { // 增加checking中的检查,避免多次重复调用,减少cpu消耗 if (CONST.lock.isBlockChecking) return CONST.lock.isBlockChecking = true let checkNodes = document.querySelectorAll(this.curSite.MainType); if([...checkNodes].every(one => one.dataset.checked) && CONST.lock.afterBlockChangeChecked) { CONST.lock.isBlockChecking = false return } const regList = this.regListRule let flag = "ac-needhide"; for (let i = 0; i < checkNodes.length; i++) { try { let curNode = checkNodes[i]; if (curNode.querySelector("button[ac-user-alter]") != null) continue; // 用户手动点过显示的,那么跳过check // 减少数据计算 let { curHost = "", curUrl = "" } = PageFunc.getNodeHost(curNode.querySelector(this.curSite.FaviconType)); if (!curHost) continue let BlockBtn = curNode.querySelector(".ghhider.ghhb"); BlockBtn.dataset.host = BlockBtn.dataset.meta = curHost; BlockBtn.title = this._getBlockBtnTitle(curHost); // 减少数据计算 if (curHost && regList.findIndex(one => { try { return one.test(curHost || curUrl); // 耗时操作 } catch (e) { return one === curHost; } }) >= 0) { // 只检查在屏蔽表中的数据 if (!curNode.hasAttribute(flag)) { curNode.setAttribute(flag, "1"); if (CONST.curConfig.isBlockResultDisplay) { // 对于不显示的数据可以进行移除操作 curNode.remove(); continue; } let curTitle = curNode.querySelector(this.curSite.BlockType); curTitle = curTitle.innerText || curTitle.textContent; (function(xcur) { const blockShow = xcur.querySelector(".blockShow"); if(!blockShow) { curNode.insertAdjacentHTML("afterBegin", `${ curTitle }      -block by ${ curHost }`); // 已经屏蔽之后的内容,点击一下显示原始内容 xcur.addEventListener("click", function(env) { if(!xcur.querySelector(".blockShow")) return xcur.querySelector("button.ghhider").setAttribute("ac-user-alter", "1"); // 这个属性用于保持在DOM更新时,按钮不变 xcur.removeAttribute(flag); delete xcur.dataset.checked MyApi.safeFunc(function() { xcur.querySelector(".blockShow").remove(); }); env.stopPropagation(); env.preventDefault() }); } })(curNode); } } else { curNode.removeAttribute(flag); } curNode.dataset.checked = '1' } catch (e) {} } CONST.lock.isBlockChecking = false CONST.lock.afterBlockChangeChecked = true } async _updateRegListRule() { this.regListRule = CONST.blockRuleList.filter(one => one).map(one => { try{ return new RegExp(one.replace("*", ".*")) }catch (e){ return one } }) } _initListener() { let checkNodes = document.querySelectorAll("button.ghhider:not([acEnv])"); checkNodes.forEach(one => { one.addEventListener("click", this._doHideEnv); one.setAttribute("acEnv", "0"); }) } _doHideEnv(env) { // 先插入数据---记得还要写入存储 let node = env.sourceTarget || env.target; let host = node.dataset.host; if (+node.getAttribute("ac-user-alter") === 1) { // 已经屏蔽之后,再次点击block应该是取消状态 node.removeAttribute("ac-user-alter"); CONST.blockRuleList.acremove(host); } else { // 正常屏蔽操作 node.removeAttribute("ac-user-alter"); CONST.blockRuleList.acpush(host); } CONST.saveBlockRule() env.stopPropagation(); } _getBlockBtnTitle(host) { return `点击即可屏蔽 ${ host } 放开,需要在自定义中手动配置放开`; } } const PageFunc = new PageFuncClass() const PageBlockFunc = new PageBlockClass() !await (async function() { /***Google双列修复***/ CONST.addIntervalTrigger('google', 'now', (counter) => { function findAndMarkP2Line() { function markFatherChild(child, father) { const child_checkedAttr = child.getAttribute('two-checked') || 0 const father_checkedAttr = father.getAttribute('two-checked') || 0 child.setAttribute('two-child', 1) child.setAttribute('two-checked', +child_checkedAttr + 1) father.setAttribute('two-father', 1) father.setAttribute('two-checked', +father_checkedAttr + 1) return father } // 检查的事preNode 和 curNode // 但是需要先判断curNode和fatherNode有没有 function getTrueFatherChild(preNode, curNode, fatherNode) { const minItemHeight = 60 const father_curPossible = curNode.offsetHeight > minItemHeight && fatherNode.offsetHeight / curNode.offsetHeight > 1.5 const father_anotherPossible = [...fatherNode.children].some(one => { return one !== curNode && one.offsetHeight > minItemHeight && fatherNode.offsetHeight / one.offsetHeight > 5; }) // 先检查父节点是否否和要求 if (father_curPossible && father_anotherPossible) { return markFatherChild(curNode, fatherNode) } else { const now_curPossible = preNode.offsetHeight > minItemHeight && curNode.offsetHeight / preNode.offsetHeight > 1.5 const now_anotherPossible = [...curNode.children].some(one => { return one !== preNode && one.offsetHeight > minItemHeight && curNode.offsetHeight / one.offsetHeight > 5; }) // 父节点不行的话,那么检查子节点是否符合要求 if(now_curPossible && now_anotherPossible) { return markFatherChild(preNode, curNode) } return null } } // 标记自身 function MarkMine(curItem) { let maxHeight = 9, curHeight = 1 let preNode = curItem while (curHeight < maxHeight) { const fatherNode = curItem.parentNode let attrV = curItem.getAttribute('two-checked') || 0 if (!curItem.hasAttribute('two-checked') || +attrV < 8) { const node = getTrueFatherChild(preNode, curItem, fatherNode) if (node) { return node } } curItem.setAttribute('two-checked', +attrV + 1) preNode = curItem curItem = fatherNode curHeight++ } return null } const gList = document.querySelectorAll(".g:not([two-checked*='8']), .cUnQKe:not([two-checked*='8']), .Ww4FFb:not([two-checked*='8'])") return [...gList].filter(one => MarkMine(one)) } const valid = location.href.search(/(&|\?)(q|kw)=/) >= 0 || document.querySelector(".g, div[two-father]") if(counter % 4 === 0) { if (CONST.curConfig.useBaiduLogo) { PageFunc.GoogleInBaiduMode() } if (CONST.curConfig.isAdsEnable) { PageFunc.removeAds.removeGoogleAd() } } if (!valid) { CONST.curConfig.enableCSS = false return } findAndMarkP2Line() }, 50, 10000000) /***Baidu***/ CONST.addIntervalTrigger('baidu', 'body', () => { // 没有(百度搜索结果的标志-[存在]百度的内容) return; const valid = location.href.search(/(&|\?)(wd|word)=/) >= 0 || document.querySelector("#content_left") || document.querySelector('.s_form').offsetHeight < 100 if (!valid) { console.mylog('无效页面,不存在搜索结构') CONST.curConfig.enableCSS = false return } if (CONST.curConfig.isAdsEnable) { PageFunc.removeAds.removeBaiduAd() } if (CONST.curConfig.doRemoveSug) { // 不启用移动预测[默认] PageFunc.acSetCookie("ORIGIN", 2, "www.baidu.com"); PageFunc.acSetCookie("ISSW", 1); PageFunc.acSetCookie("ISSW", 1, "www.baidu.com"); } if (location.href.includes("tn=news")) { if (!document.body.hasAttribute('news')) document.body.setAttribute("news", "1"); } else { document.body.removeAttribute("news"); } }, 200, 10000000) /***Haosou***/ CONST.addIntervalTrigger('haosou', 'body', () => { if (CONST.curConfig.isAdsEnable) { PageFunc.removeAds.removeHaosouAd() } }, 200, 10000000) /***Bing***/ CONST.addIntervalTrigger('bing', 'body', () => { if (CONST.curConfig.isAdsEnable) { PageFunc.removeAds.removeBingAd() } PageFunc.bingAutoScrollFix() PageFunc.bingFaviconPagerFix() }, 200, 10000000) /***DuckDuckgo***/ CONST.addIntervalTrigger('duck', 'body', () => { if (CONST.curConfig.optimizeDuck) { setTimeout(function() { MyApi.safeFunc(() => { DDG.settings.set("kn", 1, { // 新窗口打开页面 saveToCloud: true, forceTheme: true }); DDG.settings.set("kav", 1, { // 连续显示搜索结果 saveToCloud: true, forceTheme: true }); }) }, 3000); } }, 200, 10000000) /***All***/ CONST.addIntervalTrigger('all', 'body', () => { PageFunc.RedirectHandle() if (CONST.curConfig.isFaviconEnable && typeof (CONST.options.useItem.FaviconType) !== 'undefined') { // 显示favicon图标 // 延迟2秒加载,减少可能出现的问题 PageFunc.addFavicon(document.querySelectorAll(CONST.options.useItem.FaviconType)); // 添加Favicon显示 } else { document.querySelectorAll(CONST.options.useItem.FaviconType).forEach((one) => { one.removeAttribute("ac_faviconstatus"); }) } if (CONST.curConfig.isCounterEnable) { // 延迟加载,避免页面出现js问题 setTimeout(() => { PageFunc.addCounter(document.querySelectorAll(CONST.options.useItem.CounterType)); // 显示计数器 }, 800) } else { document.querySelectorAll(".AC-CounterT").forEach(one => { one.parentElement.removeAttribute('SortIndex'); one.remove() }) } // 双列模式下,自动禁用右侧栏 if (!CONST.curConfig.isRightDisplayEnable || CONST.curConfig.adsStyleMode >= 3) { document.body.classList.remove("showRight") } else { if (!document.body.classList.contains('showRight')) { document.body.classList.add("showRight") } } if (CONST.curConfig.isBlockEnable && CONST.curConfig.isRedirectEnable) { PageBlockFunc.start() } }, 200, 10000000) // CONST.enableCSS = 如果生效,那么插入样式表,否则跳过样式表插入 // CONST.curConfig = 网站配置,同步过来的,以及动态被修改的 // CONST.options.useItem = 网站的静态选择器 MyApi.safeWaitFunc('html', () => { GM_addValueChangeListener('SyncConfig', (key, oldVal, newVal = '{}', remote) => { const syncOptions = JSON.parse(newVal) CONST.renewConfig(syncOptions) if (syncOptions.refreshUrl) MyApi.refreshAfter(500) }) PageFunc.dataChangeFireCallback() watch(CONST.curConfig, async() => { await CONST.loadSiteCSS() PageFunc.dataChangeFireCallback() }) watch(CONST.cssFavionList, ()=> { const baseCSS = 'h3::before, h2::before {content: " ";display:inline-block} *[data-favicon-t]:before{width: 16px; height: 16px; margin-right: 4px; background-size: 100% 100%; vertical-align: text-top;}' CONST.adsCSSList.faviconStyle = Object.entries(CONST.cssFavionList.list).reduce((preCSS, cur) => { const [, { tagName = '', url = '' }] = cur let nowCSS = '' if (url) { // https://www.xtwind.com/api/index.php?url=???? 挂了。。。 // https://statics.dnspod.cn/proxy_favicon/_/favicon?domain=sina.cn // www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain=764350177.lofter.com //如果地址不正确,那么丢弃 const imgUrl = "https://favicon.yandex.net/favicon/v2/" + url + "?size=32" nowCSS = tagName + `[data-favicon-t='${ url }']:before{background-image: url('${ imgUrl }');}` } return preCSS + nowCSS }, baseCSS) PageFunc.dataChangeFireCallback() }) }, 20, true) MyApi.safeWaitFunc('body', () => { const insertName = CONST.curConfig.enableCSS ? CONST.options.siteName : (CONST.options.siteName + '_nocss') if (!document.body.hasAttribute(insertName)) { document.body.setAttribute(insertName, '1') document.body.classList.add(insertName) } PageFunc.InsertSettingMenu() if (CONST.curConfig.isAutopage) { setTimeout(() => { PageFunc.pagerBind() }, 2000) } }, 20, true) })() })()