// ==UserScript== // @name CookieManager // @namespace https://github.com/WhiteSevs/TamperMonkeyScript // @version 2025.3.25 // @author WhiteSevs // @description 简单而强大的Cookie编辑器,允许您快速创建、编辑和删除Cookie // @license GPL-3.0-only // @icon  // @supportURL https://github.com/WhiteSevs/TamperMonkeyScript/issues // @match *://*/* // @require https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/gh/WhiteSevs/TamperMonkeyScript@86be74b83fca4fa47521cded28377b35e1d7d2ac/lib/CoverUMD/index.js // @require https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/npm/@whitesev/utils@2.6.3/dist/index.umd.js // @require https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/npm/@whitesev/domutils@1.5.1/dist/index.umd.js // @require https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/npm/@whitesev/pops@2.0.2/dist/index.umd.js // @require https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/npm/qmsg@1.3.0/dist/index.umd.js // @connect * // @grant GM_cookie // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_info // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_unregisterMenuCommand // @grant unsafeWindow // @run-at document-start // ==/UserScript== (function (Qmsg, DOMUtils, Utils, pops) { 'use strict'; var _a; var _GM_cookie = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => typeof GM_cookie != "undefined" ? GM_cookie : void 0)(); var _GM_getValue = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => typeof GM_getValue != "undefined" ? GM_getValue : void 0)(); var _GM_info = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => typeof GM_info != "undefined" ? GM_info : void 0)(); var _GM_registerMenuCommand = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => typeof GM_registerMenuCommand != "undefined" ? GM_registerMenuCommand : void 0)(); var _GM_setValue = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => typeof GM_setValue != "undefined" ? GM_setValue : void 0)(); var _GM_unregisterMenuCommand = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => typeof GM_unregisterMenuCommand != "undefined" ? GM_unregisterMenuCommand : void 0)(); var _unsafeWindow = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => typeof unsafeWindow != "undefined" ? unsafeWindow : void 0)(); var _monkeyWindow = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => window)(); const PanelSettingConfig = { /** Toast位置 */ qmsg_config_position: { key: "qmsg-config-position", defaultValue: "bottom" }, /** 最多显示的数量 */ qmsg_config_maxnums: { key: "qmsg-config-maxnums", defaultValue: 3 }, /** 逆序弹出 */ qmsg_config_showreverse: { key: "qmsg-config-showreverse", defaultValue: false } }; const _SCRIPT_NAME_ = "CookieManager"; const utils = Utils.noConflict(); const domUtils = DOMUtils.noConflict(); const __pops = pops; const log = new utils.Log( _GM_info, _unsafeWindow.console || _monkeyWindow.console ); const SCRIPT_NAME = ((_a = _GM_info == null ? void 0 : _GM_info.script) == null ? void 0 : _a.name) || _SCRIPT_NAME_; const DEBUG = false; log.config({ debug: DEBUG, logMaxCount: 1e3, autoClearConsole: true, tag: true }); Qmsg.config( Object.defineProperties( { html: true, autoClose: true, showClose: false }, { position: { get() { return PopsPanel.getValue( PanelSettingConfig.qmsg_config_position.key, PanelSettingConfig.qmsg_config_position.defaultValue ); } }, maxNums: { get() { return PopsPanel.getValue( PanelSettingConfig.qmsg_config_maxnums.key, PanelSettingConfig.qmsg_config_maxnums.defaultValue ); } }, showReverse: { get() { return PopsPanel.getValue( PanelSettingConfig.qmsg_config_showreverse.key, PanelSettingConfig.qmsg_config_showreverse.defaultValue ); } }, zIndex: { get() { let maxZIndex = Utils.getMaxZIndex(); let popsMaxZIndex = pops.config.InstanceUtils.getPopsMaxZIndex().zIndex; return Utils.getMaxValue(maxZIndex, popsMaxZIndex) + 100; } } } ) ); __pops.GlobalConfig.setGlobalConfig({ zIndex: () => { let maxZIndex = Utils.getMaxZIndex(void 0, void 0, ($ele) => { var _a2; if ((_a2 = $ele == null ? void 0 : $ele.classList) == null ? void 0 : _a2.contains("qmsg-shadow-container")) { return false; } if (($ele == null ? void 0 : $ele.closest("qmsg")) && $ele.getRootNode() instanceof ShadowRoot) { return false; } }); let popsMaxZIndex = pops.config.InstanceUtils.getPopsMaxZIndex().zIndex; return Utils.getMaxValue(maxZIndex, popsMaxZIndex) + 100; }, mask: { // 开启遮罩层 enable: true, // 取消点击遮罩层的事件 clickEvent: { toClose: false, toHide: false } } }); const GM_Menu = new utils.GM_Menu({ GM_getValue: _GM_getValue, GM_setValue: _GM_setValue, GM_registerMenuCommand: _GM_registerMenuCommand, GM_unregisterMenuCommand: _GM_unregisterMenuCommand }); ({ Object: { defineProperty: _unsafeWindow.Object.defineProperty }, Function: { apply: _unsafeWindow.Function.prototype.apply, call: _unsafeWindow.Function.prototype.call }, Element: { appendChild: _unsafeWindow.Element.prototype.appendChild }, setTimeout: _unsafeWindow.setTimeout }); utils.addStyle.bind(utils); document.querySelector.bind(document); document.querySelectorAll.bind(document); const utilsCookieManager = new Utils.GM_Cookie(); const KEY = "GM_Panel"; const ATTRIBUTE_INIT = "data-init"; const ATTRIBUTE_KEY = "data-key"; const ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULT_VALUE = "data-default-value"; const ATTRIBUTE_INIT_MORE_VALUE = "data-init-more-value"; const PROPS_STORAGE_API = "data-storage-api"; const UISwitch = function(text, key, defaultValue, clickCallBack, description, afterAddToUListCallBack) { let result = { text, type: "switch", description, attributes: {}, props: {}, getValue() { return Boolean( this.props[PROPS_STORAGE_API].get(key, defaultValue) ); }, callback(event, __value) { let value = Boolean(__value); log.success(`${value ? "开启" : "关闭"} ${text}`); if (typeof clickCallBack === "function") { if (clickCallBack(event, value)) { return; } } this.props[PROPS_STORAGE_API].set(key, value); }, afterAddToUListCallBack }; Reflect.set(result.attributes, ATTRIBUTE_KEY, key); Reflect.set(result.attributes, ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULT_VALUE, defaultValue); Reflect.set(result.props, PROPS_STORAGE_API, { get(key2, defaultValue2) { return PopsPanel.getValue(key2, defaultValue2); }, set(key2, value) { PopsPanel.setValue(key2, value); } }); return result; }; const UISelect = function(text, key, defaultValue, data, callback, description) { let selectData = []; if (typeof data === "function") { selectData = data(); } else { selectData = data; } let result = { text, type: "select", description, attributes: {}, props: {}, getValue() { return this.props[PROPS_STORAGE_API].get(key, defaultValue); }, callback(event, isSelectedValue, isSelectedText) { let value = isSelectedValue; log.info(`选择:${isSelectedText}`); this.props[PROPS_STORAGE_API].set(key, value); if (typeof callback === "function") { callback(event, value, isSelectedText); } }, data: selectData }; Reflect.set(result.attributes, ATTRIBUTE_KEY, key); Reflect.set(result.attributes, ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULT_VALUE, defaultValue); Reflect.set(result.props, PROPS_STORAGE_API, { get(key2, defaultValue2) { return PopsPanel.getValue(key2, defaultValue2); }, set(key2, value) { PopsPanel.setValue(key2, value); } }); return result; }; const Component_Common = { id: "view-general", title: "通用", forms: [ { text: "Toast配置", type: "forms", forms: [ UISelect( "Toast位置", PanelSettingConfig.qmsg_config_position.key, PanelSettingConfig.qmsg_config_position.defaultValue, [ { value: "topleft", text: "左上角" }, { value: "top", text: "顶部" }, { value: "topright", text: "右上角" }, { value: "left", text: "左边" }, { value: "center", text: "中间" }, { value: "right", text: "右边" }, { value: "bottomleft", text: "左下角" }, { value: "bottom", text: "底部" }, { value: "bottomright", text: "右下角" } ], (event, isSelectValue, isSelectText) => { log.info("设置当前Qmsg弹出位置" + isSelectText); }, "Toast显示在页面九宫格的位置" ), UISelect( "最多显示的数量", PanelSettingConfig.qmsg_config_maxnums.key, PanelSettingConfig.qmsg_config_maxnums.defaultValue, [ { value: 1, text: "1" }, { value: 2, text: "2" }, { value: 3, text: "3" }, { value: 4, text: "4" }, { value: 5, text: "5" } ], void 0, "限制Toast显示的数量" ), UISwitch( "逆序弹出", PanelSettingConfig.qmsg_config_showreverse.key, PanelSettingConfig.qmsg_config_showreverse.defaultValue, void 0, "修改Toast弹出的顺序" ) ] }, { text: "Cookie配置", type: "forms", forms: [ UISwitch( "启用GM_cookie Api", "use-GM-cookie", false, void 0, "获取到的Cookie信息会更完善,需要脚本管理器支持该函数" ) ] } ] }; const PanelUISize = { /** * 一般设置界面的尺寸 */ setting: { get width() { return window.innerWidth < 550 ? "88vw" : "550px"; }, get height() { return window.innerHeight < 450 ? "70vh" : "450px"; } }, /** * 信息界面,一般用于提示信息之类 */ info: { get width() { return window.innerWidth < 350 ? "350px" : "350px"; }, get height() { return window.innerHeight < 250 ? "250px" : "250px"; } } }; const PopsPanel = { /** 数据 */ $data: { __data: null, __oneSuccessExecMenu: null, __onceExec: null, __listenData: null, /** * 菜单项的默认值 */ get data() { if (PopsPanel.$data.__data == null) { PopsPanel.$data.__data = new utils.Dictionary(); } return PopsPanel.$data.__data; }, /** * 成功只执行了一次的项 */ get oneSuccessExecMenu() { if (PopsPanel.$data.__oneSuccessExecMenu == null) { PopsPanel.$data.__oneSuccessExecMenu = new utils.Dictionary(); } return PopsPanel.$data.__oneSuccessExecMenu; }, /** * 成功只执行了一次的项 */ get onceExec() { if (PopsPanel.$data.__onceExec == null) { PopsPanel.$data.__onceExec = new utils.Dictionary(); } return PopsPanel.$data.__onceExec; }, /** 脚本名,一般用在设置的标题上 */ get scriptName() { return SCRIPT_NAME; }, /** 菜单项的总值在本地数据配置的键名 */ key: KEY, /** 菜单项在attributes上配置的菜单键 */ attributeKeyName: ATTRIBUTE_KEY, /** 菜单项在attributes上配置的菜单默认值 */ attributeDefaultValueName: ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULT_VALUE }, /** 监听器 */ $listener: { /** * 值改变的监听器 */ get listenData() { if (PopsPanel.$data.__listenData == null) { PopsPanel.$data.__listenData = new utils.Dictionary(); } return PopsPanel.$data.__listenData; } }, init() { let contentConfigList = this.getPanelContentConfig(); this.initPanelConfigDefaultValue([...contentConfigList]); this.registerMenu(); }, /** 判断是否是顶层窗口 */ isTopWindow() { return _unsafeWindow.top === _unsafeWindow.self; }, /** 初始化进行注册油猴菜单 */ registerMenu() { if (!this.isTopWindow()) { return; } GM_Menu.add([ { key: "show_pops_panel_setting", text: "⚙ 设置", autoReload: false, isStoreValue: false, showText(text) { return text; }, callback: () => { this.showPanel(); } } ]); }, /** 初始化菜单项的默认值保存到本地数据中 */ initPanelConfigDefaultValue(contentConfigList) { let that = this; function initDefaultValue(config) { if (!config.attributes) { return; } let needInitConfig = {}; let key = config.attributes[ATTRIBUTE_KEY]; if (key != null) { needInitConfig[key] = config.attributes[ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULT_VALUE]; } let __attr_init__ = config.attributes[ATTRIBUTE_INIT]; if (typeof __attr_init__ === "function") { let __attr_result__ = __attr_init__(); if (typeof __attr_result__ === "boolean" && !__attr_result__) { return; } } let initMoreValue = config.attributes[ATTRIBUTE_INIT_MORE_VALUE]; if (initMoreValue && typeof initMoreValue === "object") { Object.assign(needInitConfig, initMoreValue); } let needInitConfigList = Object.keys(needInitConfig); if (!needInitConfigList.length) { if (config.type !== "button") { log.warn("请先配置键", config); } return; } needInitConfigList.forEach((__key) => { let __defaultValue = needInitConfig[__key]; if (that.$data.data.has(__key)) { log.warn("请检查该key(已存在): " + __key); } that.$data.data.set(__key, __defaultValue); }); } function loopInitDefaultValue(configList) { for (let index = 0; index < configList.length; index++) { let configItem = configList[index]; initDefaultValue(configItem); let childForms = configItem.forms; if (childForms && Array.isArray(childForms)) { loopInitDefaultValue(childForms); } } } for (let index = 0; index < contentConfigList.length; index++) { let leftContentConfigItem = contentConfigList[index]; if (!leftContentConfigItem.forms) { continue; } let rightContentConfigList = leftContentConfigItem.forms; if (rightContentConfigList && Array.isArray(rightContentConfigList)) { loopInitDefaultValue(rightContentConfigList); } } }, /** * 设置值 * @param key 键 * @param value 值 */ setValue(key, value) { let locaData = _GM_getValue(KEY, {}); let oldValue = locaData[key]; locaData[key] = value; _GM_setValue(KEY, locaData); if (this.$listener.listenData.has(key)) { this.$listener.listenData.get(key).callback(key, oldValue, value); } }, /** * 获取值 * @param key 键 * @param defaultValue 默认值 */ getValue(key, defaultValue) { let locaData = _GM_getValue(KEY, {}); let localValue = locaData[key]; if (localValue == null) { if (this.$data.data.has(key)) { return this.$data.data.get(key); } return defaultValue; } return localValue; }, /** * 删除值 * @param key 键 */ deleteValue(key) { let locaData = _GM_getValue(KEY, {}); let oldValue = locaData[key]; Reflect.deleteProperty(locaData, key); _GM_setValue(KEY, locaData); if (this.$listener.listenData.has(key)) { this.$listener.listenData.get(key).callback(key, oldValue, void 0); } }, /** * 监听调用setValue、deleteValue * @param key 需要监听的键 * @param callback */ addValueChangeListener(key, callback, option) { let listenerId = Math.random(); this.$listener.listenData.set(key, { id: listenerId, key, callback }); if (option) { if (option.immediate) { callback(key, this.getValue(key), this.getValue(key)); } } return listenerId; }, /** * 移除监听 * @param listenerId 监听的id */ removeValueChangeListener(listenerId) { let deleteKey = null; for (const [key, value] of this.$listener.listenData.entries()) { if (value.id === listenerId) { deleteKey = key; break; } } if (typeof deleteKey === "string") { this.$listener.listenData.delete(deleteKey); } else { console.warn("没有找到对应的监听器"); } }, /** * 主动触发菜单值改变的回调 * @param key 菜单键 * @param newValue 想要触发的新值,默认使用当前值 * @param oldValue 想要触发的旧值,默认使用当前值 */ triggerMenuValueChange(key, newValue, oldValue) { if (this.$listener.listenData.has(key)) { let listenData = this.$listener.listenData.get(key); if (typeof listenData.callback === "function") { let value = this.getValue(key); let __newValue = value; let __oldValue = value; if (typeof newValue !== "undefined" && arguments.length > 1) { __newValue = newValue; } if (typeof oldValue !== "undefined" && arguments.length > 2) { __oldValue = oldValue; } listenData.callback(key, __oldValue, __newValue); } } }, /** * 判断该键是否存在 * @param key 键 */ hasKey(key) { let locaData = _GM_getValue(KEY, {}); return key in locaData; }, /** * 自动判断菜单是否启用,然后执行回调 * @param key * @param callback 回调 * @param isReverse 逆反判断菜单启用 * @param checkEnableCallBack 自定义检测菜单的值,可自行决定是否强制启用菜单,true是启用菜单,false是不启用菜单 */ execMenu(key, callback, isReverse = false, checkEnableCallBack) { if (!(typeof key === "string" || typeof key === "object" && Array.isArray(key))) { throw new TypeError("key 必须是字符串或者字符串数组"); } let runKeyList = []; if (typeof key === "object" && Array.isArray(key)) { runKeyList = [...key]; } else { runKeyList.push(key); } let value = void 0; for (let index = 0; index < runKeyList.length; index++) { const runKey = runKeyList[index]; if (!this.$data.data.has(runKey)) { log.warn(`${key} 键不存在`); return; } let runValue = PopsPanel.getValue(runKey); if (isReverse) { runValue = !runValue; } if (typeof checkEnableCallBack === "function") { let checkResult = checkEnableCallBack(runKey, runValue); if (typeof checkResult === "boolean") { runValue = checkResult; } } if (!runValue) { break; } value = runValue; } if (value) { callback(value); } }, /** * 自动判断菜单是否启用,然后执行回调,只会执行一次 * @param key * @param callback 回调 * @param getValueFn 自定义处理获取当前值,值true是启用并执行回调,值false是不执行回调 * @param handleValueChangeFn 自定义处理值改变时的回调,值true是启用并执行回调,值false是不执行回调 * @param checkEnableCallBack 自定义检测菜单的值,可自行决定是否强制启用菜单,true是启用菜单,false是不启用菜单 */ execMenuOnce(key, callback, getValueFn, handleValueChangeFn, checkEnableCallBack) { if (typeof key !== "string") { throw new TypeError("key 必须是字符串"); } if (!this.$data.data.has(key)) { log.warn(`${key} 键不存在`); return; } if (this.$data.oneSuccessExecMenu.has(key)) { return; } this.$data.oneSuccessExecMenu.set(key, 1); let __getValue = () => { let localValue = PopsPanel.getValue(key); return typeof getValueFn === "function" ? getValueFn(key, localValue) : localValue; }; let resultStyleList = []; let dynamicPushStyleNode = ($style) => { let __value = __getValue(); let dynamicResultList = []; if ($style instanceof HTMLStyleElement) { dynamicResultList = [$style]; } else if (Array.isArray($style)) { dynamicResultList = [ ...$style.filter( (item) => item != null && item instanceof HTMLStyleElement ) ]; } if (__value) { resultStyleList = resultStyleList.concat(dynamicResultList); } else { for (let index = 0; index < dynamicResultList.length; index++) { let $css = dynamicResultList[index]; $css.remove(); dynamicResultList.splice(index, 1); index--; } } }; let checkMenuEnableCallBack = (currentValue) => { return typeof checkEnableCallBack === "function" ? checkEnableCallBack(key, currentValue) : currentValue; }; let changeCallBack = (currentValue) => { let resultList = []; if (checkMenuEnableCallBack(currentValue)) { let result = callback(currentValue, dynamicPushStyleNode); if (result instanceof HTMLStyleElement) { resultList = [result]; } else if (Array.isArray(result)) { resultList = [ ...result.filter( (item) => item != null && item instanceof HTMLStyleElement ) ]; } } for (let index = 0; index < resultStyleList.length; index++) { let $css = resultStyleList[index]; $css.remove(); resultStyleList.splice(index, 1); index--; } resultStyleList = [...resultList]; }; this.addValueChangeListener( key, (__key, oldValue, newValue) => { let __newValue = newValue; if (typeof handleValueChangeFn === "function") { __newValue = handleValueChangeFn(__key, newValue, oldValue); } changeCallBack(__newValue); } ); let value = __getValue(); if (value) { changeCallBack(value); } }, /** * 父子菜单联动,自动判断菜单是否启用,然后执行回调,只会执行一次 * @param key 菜单键 * @param childKey 子菜单键 * @param callback 回调 * @param replaceValueFn 用于修改mainValue,返回undefined则不做处理 */ execInheritMenuOnce(key, childKey, callback, replaceValueFn) { let that = this; const handleInheritValue = (key2, childKey2) => { let mainValue = that.getValue(key2); let childValue = that.getValue(childKey2); if (typeof replaceValueFn === "function") { let changedMainValue = replaceValueFn(mainValue, childValue); if (changedMainValue != null) { return changedMainValue; } } return mainValue; }; this.execMenuOnce( key, callback, () => { return handleInheritValue(key, childKey); }, () => { return handleInheritValue(key, childKey); } ); this.execMenuOnce( childKey, () => { }, () => false, () => { this.triggerMenuValueChange(key); return false; } ); }, /** * 根据自定义key只执行一次 * @param key 自定义key */ onceExec(key, callback) { if (typeof key !== "string") { throw new TypeError("key 必须是字符串"); } if (this.$data.onceExec.has(key)) { return; } callback(); this.$data.onceExec.set(key, 1); }, /** * 显示设置面板 */ showPanel() { __pops.panel({ title: { text: `${SCRIPT_NAME}-设置`, position: "center", html: false, style: "" }, content: this.getPanelContentConfig(), mask: { enable: true, clickEvent: { toClose: true, toHide: false } }, zIndex() { let maxZIndex = Utils.getMaxZIndex(); let popsMaxZIndex = __pops.config.InstanceUtils.getPopsMaxZIndex().zIndex; return Utils.getMaxValue(maxZIndex, popsMaxZIndex) + 100; }, width: PanelUISize.setting.width, height: PanelUISize.setting.height, drag: true, only: true }); }, /** * 获取配置内容 */ getPanelContentConfig() { let configList = [Component_Common]; return configList; } }; const CookieManager = { get cookieManagerApiName() { let managerApi = PopsPanel.getValue( "cookie-manager-api", "document.cookie" ); return managerApi; }, get cookieManager() { if (this.cookieManagerApiName === "GM_cookie") { return _GM_cookie; } else if (this.cookieManagerApiName === "cookieStore") { let cookieStore = _unsafeWindow.cookieStore; return { list(options, callback) { cookieStore.getAll().then((result) => { callback(result); }).catch((reason) => { log.error(reason); Qmsg.error(reason.toString()); }); }, set(cookieInfo, callback) { cookieStore.set(cookieInfo).then(() => { callback(); }).catch((reason) => { callback(reason); }); }, delete(cookieInfo, callback) { cookieStore.delete(cookieInfo).then((result) => { callback(); }).catch((reason) => { callback(reason); }); } }; } else { return utilsCookieManager; } }, /** * 查询所有Cookie */ queryAllCookie() { return new Promise((resolve) => { this.cookieManager.list({}, (cookieListResult) => { let __cookieListResult__ = cookieListResult || []; __cookieListResult__ = __cookieListResult__.sort( (a, b) => a.name.localeCompare(b.name) ); resolve(__cookieListResult__); }); }); }, /** * 清除所有Cookie */ deleteAllCookie() { return new Promise((resolve) => { this.cookieManager.list({}, async (cookieListResult) => { const __cookieListResult__ = cookieListResult || []; const result = { success: 0, error: 0 }; for (let index = 0; index < __cookieListResult__.length; index++) { const cookieListItem = __cookieListResult__[index]; let deleteError = await new Promise((deleteResolve) => { this.deleteCookie(cookieListItem).then((deleteResult) => { deleteResolve(deleteResult); }); }); if (deleteError) { result.error++; } else { result.success++; } } resolve(result); }); }); }, /** * 添加Cookie */ addCookie(cookieInfo) { return new Promise((resolve) => { delete cookieInfo.hostOnly; CookieManager.cookieManager.set(cookieInfo, (error) => { log.info(["添加Cookie", cookieInfo]); resolve(error); }); }); }, /** * 删除Cookie */ deleteCookie(cookieInfo) { return new Promise((resolve) => { CookieManager.cookieManager.delete(cookieInfo, (error) => { log.info(["删除Cookie", cookieInfo]); resolve(error); }); }); }, /** * 更新Cookie */ updateCookie(cookieInfo) { return new Promise(async (resolve) => { let result; try { log.info(["更新Cookie", cookieInfo]); let deleteError = await CookieManager.deleteCookie(cookieInfo); log.error(deleteError); if (deleteError) { throw new TypeError(deleteError.toString()); } let addError = await CookieManager.addCookie(cookieInfo); log.error(addError); if (addError) { throw new TypeError(addError.toString()); } } catch (error) { result = error; } finally { resolve(result); } }); } }; let edit_ui_input = (text, getValue, setValue, disabled) => { let config = { text, type: "input", isNumber: false, isPassword: false, props: {}, attributes: {}, description: "", getValue() { return getValue(); }, callback(event, value) { setValue(value); }, placeholder: "", disabled: Boolean(disabled) }; return config; }; let edit_ui_select = (text, data, getValue, setValue, disabled) => { let config = { text, type: "select", description: "", attributes: {}, props: {}, getValue() { return getValue(); }, callback(event, isSelectedValue, isSelectedText) { let value = isSelectedValue; setValue(value); }, // @ts-ignore data, disabled: Boolean(disabled) }; return config; }; const CookieManagerEditView = { init() { }, /** * 显示视图 * @param cookieInfo 需要编辑的cookie * @param dialogCloseCallBack 弹窗关闭的回调 */ showView(__cookieInfo__, dialogCloseCallBack) { let isEdit = !!__cookieInfo__; let cookieInfo = utils.assign( { name: "", value: "", domain: window.location.hostname, path: "/", secure: false, hostOnly: false, httpOnly: false, sameSite: "lax", expirationDate: Date.now() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 * 1e3 }, __cookieInfo__, true ); if (CookieManager.cookieManagerApiName === "cookieStore") { if (cookieInfo.expires) { cookieInfo.expirationDate = cookieInfo.expires; } } let $dialog = __pops.confirm({ title: { text: isEdit ? "编辑Cookie" : "添加Cookie", position: "center" }, content: { text: "", html: true }, drag: true, btn: { position: "center", ok: { text: isEdit ? "编辑" : "添加", async callback(eventDetails, event) { let valid = CookieManagerEditView.validCookieInfo(cookieInfo); if (!valid) { return; } cookieInfo.value = encodeURIComponent(cookieInfo.value); if (CookieManager.cookieManagerApiName === "document.cookie") { cookieInfo.domain = ""; } else if (CookieManager.cookieManagerApiName === "GM_cookie") { cookieInfo.expirationDate = Math.floor( cookieInfo.expirationDate / 1e3 ); } if (isEdit) { let result = await CookieManager.updateCookie(cookieInfo); if (result) { Qmsg.error(result.toString()); } else { Qmsg.success("修改成功"); eventDetails.close(); } } else { let result = await CookieManager.addCookie(cookieInfo); if (result) { Qmsg.error(result.toString()); } else { Qmsg.success("添加成功"); eventDetails.close(); } } if (typeof dialogCloseCallBack === "function") { dialogCloseCallBack(cookieInfo); } } }, cancel: { text: "取消" } }, mask: { enable: true }, width: window.innerWidth > 350 ? "350px" : "80vw", height: PanelUISize.setting.height, style: ( /*css*/ ` ${__pops.config.cssText.panelCSS} .pops-panel-input input:disabled{ color: #b4b4b4; } .pops-confirm-content{ padding: 10px; } .pops-confirm-content li{ display: flex; flex-direction: column; } .pops-panel-item-left-text{ margin-bottom: 5px; } .pops-panel-input.pops-input-disabled{ border: 1px solid #dcdfe6; } #cookie-item-property-expires{ border: 1px solid rgb(184, 184, 184, var(--pops-bd-opacity)); border-radius: 4px; background-color: #ffffff; width: 100%; height: 32px; padding: 0px 8px; } #cookie-item-property-expires:hover{ box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px #c0c4cc inset; } #cookie-item-property-expires:focus, #cookie-item-property-expires:focus-within{ outline: 0; border: 1px solid #409eff; border-radius: 4px; box-shadow: none; } ` ) }); let $editContent = $dialog.$shadowRoot.querySelector( ".pops-confirm-content" ); let panelHandleContentUtils = __pops.config.panelHandleContentUtils(); let $name = panelHandleContentUtils.createSectionContainerItem_input( edit_ui_input( "name", () => cookieInfo.name, (value) => cookieInfo.name = value, isEdit ) ); let $value = panelHandleContentUtils.createSectionContainerItem_input( edit_ui_input( "value", () => cookieInfo.value, (value) => cookieInfo.value = value ) ); let $domain = panelHandleContentUtils.createSectionContainerItem_input( edit_ui_input( "domain", () => cookieInfo.domain, (value) => cookieInfo.domain = value ) ); let $path = panelHandleContentUtils.createSectionContainerItem_input( edit_ui_input( "path", () => cookieInfo.path, (value) => cookieInfo.path = value ) ); let $expires; if (cookieInfo.session) { $expires = panelHandleContentUtils.createSectionContainerItem_input( edit_ui_input( "expires", () => "会话", (value) => { }, true ) ); } else { $expires = panelHandleContentUtils.createSectionContainerItem_own({ type: "own", getLiElementCallBack: function(liElement) { let $li = domUtils.createElement("li", { innerHTML: ( /*html*/ `