// ==UserScript== // @namespace https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/users/106222-qxin-i // @name 网页限制解除(改) // @name:en Remove web limits(modified) // @name:zh 网页限制解除(改) // @name:ja ウェブの規制緩和(変更) // @author Cat73 & iqxin(修改) // @contributor iqxin // @description 通杀大部分网站,可以解除禁止复制、剪切、选择文本、右键菜单的限制。原作者cat73,因为和搜索跳转脚本冲突,遂进行了改动。 // @description:en Pass to kill most of the site, you can lift the restrictions prohibited to copy, cut, select the text, right-click menu.revised version // @description:zh 通杀大部分网站,可以解除禁止复制、剪切、选择文本、右键菜单的限制。原作者cat73,因为和搜索跳转脚本冲突,遂进行了改动 // @description:zh-TW 通殺大部分網站,可以解除禁止復制、剪切、選擇文本、右鍵菜單的限制。 // @description:ja サイトのほとんどを殺すために渡し、あなたは、コピー切り取り、テキスト、右クリックメニューを選択することは禁止の制限を解除することができます。 // @description 原作者https://www.github.com/Cat7373/,因为和搜索跳转脚本冲突,遂进行了改动 // @homepageURL https://cat7373.github.io/remove-web-limits/ // @supportURL https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/28497 // @icon  // @version 4.4.8 // @license LGPLv3 // @match *://*/* // @exclude *www.bilibili.com/video* // @exclude *www.bilibili.com/v* // @exclude *www.bilibili.com/s/* // @exclude *www.bilibili.com/bangumi* // @exclude https://www.bilibili.com/medialist/play/* // @exclude *www.youtube.com/watch* // @exclude *www.panda.tv* // @exclude *www.github.com* // @exclude https://lanhuapp.com/* // @exclude https://www.douyu.com/* // @exclude https://www.zhihu.com/signin?* // @exclude https://tieba.baidu.com/* // @exclude https://v.qq.com/* // @exclude *.taobao.com/* // @exclude *tmall.com* // @exclude *signin* // @connect eemm.me // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_deleteValue // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_setClipboard // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @run-at document-start // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; var settingData = { "status":1, "version" : 0.1, "message" : "啦啦啦,啦啦啦,我是卖报的小行家", "positionTop":"0", "positionLeft":"0", "positionRight":"auto", "addBtn" : true, "connectToTheServer" : false, "waitUpload":[], "currentURL":"null", "shortcut":3, // 域名规则列表 "rules" : { "rule_def": { "name": "default", "hook_eventNames": "contextmenu|select|selectstart|copy|cut|dragstart|mousemove|beforeunload", "unhook_eventNames": "mousedown|mouseup|keydown|keyup", "dom0": true, "hook_addEventListener": true, "hook_preventDefault": true, "hook_set_returnValue": true, "add_css": true }, "rule_plus": { "name": "default", "hook_eventNames": "contextmenu|select|selectstart|copy|cut|dragstart|mousedown|mouseup|mousemove|beforeunload", "unhook_eventNames": "keydown|keyup", "dom0": true, "hook_addEventListener": true, "hook_preventDefault": true, "hook_set_returnValue": true, "add_css": true }, "rule_zhihu": { "name": "default", "hook_eventNames": "contextmenu|select|selectstart|copy|cut|dragstart|mousemove", "unhook_eventNames": "keydown|keyup", "dom0": true, "hook_addEventListener": true, "hook_preventDefault": true, "hook_set_returnValue": true, "add_css": true } }, "data": [ "b.faloo.com", "bbs.coocaa.com", "book.hjsm.tom.com", "book.zhulang.com", "book.zongheng.com", "chokstick.com", "chuangshi.qq.com", "city.udn.com", "cutelisa55.pixnet.net", "huayu.baidu.com", "imac.hk", "life.tw", "luxmuscles.com", "news.missevan.com", "read.qidian.com", "www.15yan.com", "www.17k.com", "www.18183.com", "www.360doc.com", "www.coco01.net", "www.eyu.com", "www.hongshu.com", "www.hongxiu.com", "www.imooc.com", "www.jjwxc.net", "www.readnovel.com", "www.tadu.com", "www.xxsy.net", "www.z3z4.com", "www.zhihu.com", "yuedu.163.com", "www.ppkao.com", "movie.douban.com", "www.ruiwen.com", "vipreader.qidian.com", "www.pigai.org", "www.shangc.net", "www.myhtlmebook.com", "www.yuque.com", "www.longmabookcn.com", "www.alphapolis.co.jp", "www.sdifen.com", "votetw.com", "boke112.com", "www.myhtebooks.com", "www.xiegw.cn", "chuangshi.qq.com", "www.uta-net.com", "www.bimiacg.net", "www.dianyuan.com", "origenapellido.com", "3g.163.com", "www.lu-xu.com", "leetcode.cn", "www.jianbiaoku.com", "www.soyoung.com", "doc.guandang.net", "www.51dongshi.com", "m.haodf.com", "www.daodoc.com", "www.wcqjyw.com", "www.szxx.com.cn", ] } var rwl_userData = null; var hostname = window.location.hostname; var btn_node = null; var rule = null; var list = null; var hasFrame = false; // 储存名称 var storageName = "iqxinStorageName"; // 要处理的 event 列表 var hook_eventNames, unhook_eventNames, eventNames; // 储存被 Hook 的函数 var EventTarget_addEventListener = EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener; var document_addEventListener = document.addEventListener; var Event_preventDefault = Event.prototype.preventDefault; // 查看本地是否存在旧数据 rwl_userData = GM_getValue("rwl_userData"); if(!rwl_userData){ rwl_userData = settingData // GM_setValue("rwl_userData",rwl_userData); } // 自动更新数据 for(let value in settingData){ if(!rwl_userData.hasOwnProperty(value)){ rwl_userData[value] = settingData[value]; GM_setValue("rwl_userData",rwl_userData); } } version_up_3_to_4(); // 获取黑名单网站 list = get_black_list(); // 添加按钮 // if(rwl_userData.addBtn){ addBtn(); // 添加 btn_node = document.getElementById("black_node"); var timer = setInterval(function(){ if(document.getElementById("black_node")){ clearInterval(timer); qxinStart(); } else { addBtn(); } },500) // } GM_registerMenuCommand("复制限制解除 设置", setMenu) var userSetting = GM_getValue("rwl_userData"); // // ------------------------------函数 func function qxinStart(){ console.log("脚本: 复制限制解除(改) --- 开始执行 --- 发布者: qxin --- GitHub: https://github.com/qxinGitHub/Remove-web-limits-"); addDragEven(); setBtnClick(); // 检查是否在黑名单中 if(check_black_list(list,hostname)){ try { if(rwl_userData.addBtn){ btn_node.checked = true; } } catch (e) { console.error("脚本rwl-错误:\n btn_node : %s\n%s\n脚本rwl-错误位置: btn_node.checked = true;",btn_node,e); } finally { init(); } } } //添加按钮 func function addBtn(){ var node = document.createElement("remove-web-limits-iqxin"); node.id = "rwl-iqxin"; node.className = "rwl-exempt"; // 再次打开窗口小于之前窗口的情况,导致按钮出现在可视窗口之外 var screenClientHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight; var tempHeight; if (rwl_userData.positionTop>screenClientHeight){ tempHeight = screenClientHeight -40; } else{ tempHeight = rwl_userData.positionTop; } // 改变窗口大小的情况 window.onresize=function(){ var screenClientHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight; var tempHeight; if (rwl_userData.positionTop>screenClientHeight){ tempHeight = screenClientHeight -40; } else{ tempHeight = rwl_userData.positionTop; } node.style.top = tempHeight + "px"; } tempHeight = tempHeight<0?0:tempHeight node.style.cssText = "position:fixed;top:"+tempHeight+"px;left:"+rwl_userData.positionLeft+"px;right:"+rwl_userData.positionRight+"px;"; // node.innerHTML = 'delete'; // node.innerHTML = ''; node.innerHTML = ' set 限制解除 '; if(window.self === window.top){ if (document.querySelector("body")){ document.body.appendChild(node); } else { document.documentElement.appendChild(node); } } node.addEventListener("mouseover",function(){ node.classList.add("rwl-active-iqxin"); }); node.addEventListener("mouseleave",function(){ setTimeout(function(){ node.classList.remove("rwl-active-iqxin"); black_check(black_node.checked); },100) }); var style = document.createElement("style"); style.type="text/css"; var styleInner = "#rwl-iqxin{" + "position:fixed;" + "transform:translate(-95%,0);" + "width:85px;" + "height:25px;" + "font-size:12px;" + "font-weight: 500;" + "font-family:Verdana, Arial, '宋体';" + "color:#fff;" + "background:#333;" + "z-index:2147483647;" + "margin: 0;" + "opacity:0.05;" + "transition:0.3s;" + "overflow:hidden;" + "user-select:none;" + "text-align:center;" + "white-space:nowrap;" + "line-height:25px;" + "padding:0 16px;" + "border:1px solid #ccc;" + "border-width:1px 1px 1px 0;" + "border-bottom-right-radius:5px;" + "box-sizing: content-box;" + "}" + "#rwl-iqxin input{" + "margin: 0;" + "padding: 0;" + "vertical-align:middle;" + "-webkit-appearance:checkbox !important;" + "-moz-appearance:checkbox;" + "position: static;" + "clip: auto;" + "opacity: 1;" + "cursor: pointer;" + "}" + "#rwl-iqxin.rwl-active-iqxin{" + "left: 0px;" + "transform:translate(0,0);" + "opacity: 0.9;" + "height: 32px;" + "line-height: 32px" + "}" + "#rwl-iqxin label{" + "margin:0;" + "padding:0;" + "font-weight:500;" + "}" + "#rwl-iqxin #rwl-setbtn{" + "margin: 0 4px 0 0;" + "padding: 0 0 0 4px;" + "border: none;" + "border-radius: 2px;" + "cursor: pointer;" + "background: #fff;" + "color: #000;" + "}" + " " if(!rwl_userData.addBtn){ var styleTemp = "#rwl-iqxin{display:none}"; style.innerHTML = styleInner + styleTemp; } else { style.innerHTML = styleInner; } if(document.querySelector("#rwl-iqxin")){ // console.log("通过style插入"); document.querySelector("#rwl-iqxin").appendChild(style); } else { // console.log("通过GM插入"); GM_addStyle(styleInner); } }; // 给按钮绑定点击事件 function setBtnClick(){ document.querySelector("#rwl-setbtn").addEventListener("click",setMenu); } // 菜单 function setMenu(){ var oldEditBox = document.querySelector("#rwl-setMenu"); if(oldEditBox){ oldEditBox.parentNode.removeChild(oldEditBox); return; } var userSetting = GM_getValue("rwl_userData"); var upload_checked = userSetting.connectToTheServer?"checked":""; var btnchecked = userSetting.addBtn?'checked':'' var odom = document.createElement("div"); odom.id = "rwl-setMenu"; odom.style.cssText ="position: fixed;" + "top: 100px;" + "left: 50px;" + "padding: 10px;" + "background: #fff;" + "border-radius: 4px;"; GM_addStyle("#rwl-setMenuSave," + "#rwl-reset," + "#rwl-setMenuClose{" + "margin: 0;" + "padding: 0 2px;" + "border: none;" + "border-radius: 2px;" + "cursor: pointer;" + "background: #fff;" + "color: #000;" + "}" + "#rwl-reset{" + "border: 1px solid #666;" + "}" + "#rwl-setMenuSave{" + "border: 1px solid green;" + "}" + "#rwl-setMenuClose{" + "border: 1px solid red;" + "}" + "#rwl-setMenu{" + "text-align:left;" + "font-size:14px;" + "z-index:999999;" + "border: 1px solid cornflowerblue;" + "}" + "#rwl-setMenu p{" + "margin:5px auto;" + "}" + " ") var innerH = "" + "

距离顶部距离(单位 像素)

" + "" + // "


" + "
" + "

快捷键:" + "" + "

" + "

显示按钮 点击脚本管理扩展可以再次打开设置

" + "
" + "

问题反馈地址: GitHub(qxin), GreasyFork(qxin)

" + "

项目原作者为 cat7373, 项目主页

" + "


" + "


" + "

" + // "


" + // "


" + // "


" + // "

其他 (待添加)

" + "


" + "" + "
" + "清空设置    " + "保存    " + "关闭    " + "--| qxin v4.4.8 2022-12-13 |--" + "" ""; odom.innerHTML = innerH; document.body.appendChild(odom); document.querySelector("#rwl-setMenuSave").addEventListener("click",saveSetting); document.querySelector("#rwl-setMenuClose").addEventListener("click",closeMenu); document.querySelector("#rwl-reset").addEventListener("click",rwlReset); } // 保存选项 function saveSetting(){ var positionTop = document.querySelector("#rwl-setMenu #positiontop").value; // var uploadChecked = document.querySelector("#rwl-setMenu #uploadchecked").checked; var shortcut = document.querySelector("#rwl-setMenu #rwl-shortcut").selectedIndex; var addBtnChecked = document.querySelector("#rwl-setMenu #btnchecked").checked; var codevalue = document.querySelector("#rwl-setMenu textarea").value; if(codevalue){ var userSetting = GM_getValue("rwl_userData"); userSetting.addBtn = addBtnChecked; userSetting.data = JSON.parse(codevalue); userSetting.positionTop = parseInt(positionTop); userSetting.shortcut = parseInt(shortcut); // userSetting.connectToTheServer = uploadChecked; GM_setValue("rwl_userData",userSetting); // 刷新页面 setTimeout(function(){ window.location.reload(); },300); } else { alert("输入为空"); // this.reset(); } closeMenu(); } // 复原菜单 function rwlReset(){ GM_deleteValue("rwl_userData"); window.location.reload(); } //关闭菜单 function closeMenu(){ var oldEditBox = document.querySelector("#rwl-setMenu"); if(oldEditBox){ oldEditBox.parentNode.removeChild(oldEditBox); return; } } // 增加拖拽事件 进行绑定 function addDragEven(){ setTimeout(function(){ try { dragBtn() } catch (e) { console.error("dragBtn函数 报错"); } },1000) // dragBtn(); // 增加拖动事件 } // 增加拖动事件 func function dragBtn(){ var rwl_node = document.querySelector("#rwl-iqxin"); rwl_node.addEventListener("mousedown",function(event){ rwl_node.style.transition = "null"; var disX = event.clientX - rwl_node.offsetLeft; var disY = event.clientY - rwl_node.offsetTop; var move = function(event){ rwl_node.style.left = event.clientX - disX + "px" ; rwl_node.style.top = event.clientY - disY + "px" ; } document.addEventListener("mousemove",move); document.addEventListener("mouseup",function(){ rwl_node.style.transition = "0.3s"; document.removeEventListener("mousemove",move); // 此函数内所有的注释语句都是有用的 // 开启后,可拖动到屏幕右侧,但尚未添加css // 在上面添加 rwl-active-iqxin 的地方加上判断左右,在加上相应的css即可 // 懒 2018-04-18 21:51:32 // var bodyWidth = document.body.clientWidth; var rwl_nodeWidth = rwl_node.offsetLeft + rwl_node.offsetWidth/2; // if(rwl_nodeWidth > bodyWidth/2){ // rwl_node.style.left = "auto"; // rwl_node.style.right = 0; // rwl_userData.positionLeft = "auto"; // rwl_userData.positionRight = "0"; // } else { rwl_node.style.right = rwl_userData.positionRight = "auto"; rwl_node.style.left = rwl_userData.positionLeft = 0; // } rwl_userData.positionTop = rwl_node.offsetTop; GM_setValue("rwl_userData",rwl_userData); }) }) } // 初始化 init func 这里才是核心 function init() { // 针对个别网站采取不同的策略 rule = clear(); // 设置 event 列表 hook_eventNames = rule.hook_eventNames.split("|"); // TODO Allowed to return value unhook_eventNames = rule.unhook_eventNames.split("|"); eventNames = hook_eventNames.concat(unhook_eventNames); // 调用清理 DOM0 event 方法的循环 if(rule.dom0) { setInterval(clearLoop, 10 * 1000); setTimeout(clearLoop, 1500); window.addEventListener('load', clearLoop, true); clearLoop(); } // hook addEventListener //导致搜索跳转失效的原因 if(rule.hook_addEventListener) { EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener = addEventListener; document.addEventListener = addEventListener; if(hasFrame){ for(let i = 0;i= 0) { this.returnValue = true; } }); } // 添加CSS // console.debug('url: ' + url, 'storageName:' + storageName, 'rule: ' + rule.name); if(rule.add_css) { GM_addStyle('html, :not([class*="rwl-exempt"]) {-webkit-user-select:text!important; -moz-user-select:text!important;} :not([class*="rwl-exempt"]) ::selection {color:#fff; background:#3390FF!important;}'); } //else { //GM_addStyle('html, :not([class*="rwl-exempt"]) {-webkit-user-select:text!important; -moz-user-select:text!important;}'); //} } // Hook addEventListener proc function addEventListener(type, func, useCapture) { var _addEventListener = this === document ? document_addEventListener : EventTarget_addEventListener; if(hook_eventNames.indexOf(type) >= 0) { _addEventListener.apply(this, [type, returnTrue, useCapture]); } else if(unhook_eventNames.indexOf(type) >= 0) { var funcsName = storageName + type + (useCapture ? 't' : 'f'); if(this[funcsName] === undefined) { this[funcsName] = []; _addEventListener.apply(this, [type, useCapture ? unhook_t : unhook_f, useCapture]); } this[funcsName].push(func); } else { _addEventListener.apply(this, arguments); } } // 清理循环 function clearLoop() { rule = clear() // 对于动态生成的节点,随时检测 var elements = getElements(); for(var i in elements) { for(var j in eventNames) { var name = 'on' + eventNames[j]; // ;?未解决 // 2018-04-02 elements中会有字符串出现,原版不会,问题不明,根本原因尚未解决 // 相关反馈 https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/forum/discussion/36014 // 问题版本号 v3.0.7 // 问题补充 之前可以使用,具体版本未测(2018-04-02 21:27:53),原版可以使用 if(Object.prototype.toString.call(elements[i])=="[object String]"){ continue; } // console.log(elements[i]) // if(typeof elements[i][name] === "object"){ // console.log(typeof elements[i][name]) // } if(elements[i][name] !== null && elements[i][name] !== onxxx) { if(unhook_eventNames.indexOf(eventNames[j]) >= 0) { elements[i][storageName + name] = elements[i][name]; elements[i][name] = onxxx; } else { elements[i][name] = null; } } } } document.onmousedown = function(){return true;}; } // 返回true的函数 function returnTrue(e) { return true; } function unhook_t(e) { return unhook(e, this, storageName + e.type + 't'); } function unhook_f(e) { return unhook(e, this, storageName + e.type + 'f'); } function unhook(e, self, funcsName) { var list = self[funcsName]; for(var i in list) { list[i](e); } e.returnValue = true; return true; } function onxxx(e) { var name = storageName + 'on' + e.type; this[name](e); e.returnValue = true; return true; } // 获取所有元素 包括document function getElements() { var elements = Array.prototype.slice.call(document.getElementsByTagName('*')); elements.push(document); // 循环所有 frame 窗口 var frames = document.querySelectorAll("frame") if(frames){ hasFrame = frames; var frames_element; for (let i = 0;i1; }) return data_temp; } // 检查是否存在于黑名单中 返回位置 func function check_black_list(list,host){ for(let i=0;i1; }) // 更新数据 rwl_userData.data = lists.sort(); // 将本地黑名单上传 // if (rwl_userData.waitUpload.length > 0 && rwl_userData.connectToTheServer){ // // console.log("rwl : 上传...",rwl_userData.waitUpload); // // console.log("rwl : 开始上传-----"); // GM_xmlhttpRequest({ // method: "POST", // // url: "", // url: "http://eemm.me/tool/rwl_upload/", // data: JSON.stringify(rwl_userData), // headers: { // "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" // }, // onload: function(response) { // // console.log("rwl : 上传成功----"); // } // }); // rwl_userData.waitUpload = []; // } GM_setValue("rwl_userData",rwl_userData); return rwl_userData; } // 数组去重 function unique(arr) { var ret = [] for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { var item = arr[i] if (ret.indexOf(item) === -1) { ret.push(item) } } return ret; } // 复制到剪贴板 function setClipboard(){ var text_obj = window.getSelection(); var text = text_obj.toString(); GM_setClipboard(text); } // 快捷键 F1(ctrl+f1) 复制 function hotkey() { var a = window.event.keyCode; // if ((a == 112) && (event.ctrlKey)) { if (a == 112 && userSetting.shortcut == 1) { event.preventDefault(); setClipboard(); event.keyCode=0; event.returnValue=false; return false; } else if (a == 112 && (event.ctrlKey) && userSetting.shortcut == 2){ setClipboard(); } else if((a == 67) && (event.ctrlKey) && userSetting.shortcut == 3){ setClipboard(); }else { console.log("关闭了快捷键"); } } document.onkeydown = hotkey; //当onkeydown 事件发生时调用hotkey函数 // 部分网站采用了其他的防复制手段 function clear(){ // console.log("进入clear",hostname,rwl_userData.rules); switch (hostname){ case "chuangshi.qq.com": clear_chuangshi();break; case "votetw.com": clear_votetw();break; case "www.myhtebooks.com": clear_covers(".fullimg");break; case "www.z3z4.com": clear_covers(".moviedownaddiv"); break; case "huayu.baidu.com": clear_covers("#jqContextMenu"); break; case "www.myhtlmebook.com": clear_covers("img.fullimg"); break; case "www.szxx.com.cn": clear_covers("img#adCover"); break; case "zhihu.com": case "www.zhihu.com": return rwl_userData.rules.rule_zhihu; break; case "t.bilibili.com": clear_link_bilibili(); break; case "www.uslsoftware.com": clear_covers(".protect_contents-overlay");clear_covers(".protect_alert"); return rwl_userData.rules.rule_plus; break; case "www.longmabookcn.com": clear_covers(".fullimg"); return rwl_userData.rules.rule_plus; break; case "boke112.com": return rwl_userData.rules.rule_plus; break; case "www.shangc.net": return rwl_userData.rules.rule_plus; break; // 去除弹窗 case "www.daodoc.com": clear_marks(".marks"); break; case "www.wcqjyw.com": clear_marks(".marks"); break; case "www.jianbiaoku.com": clear_marks(".layui-layer-shade"); break; } return rwl_userData.rules.rule_def; } // 去除覆盖层 function clear_covers(ele){ var odiv = document.querySelector(ele); if(odiv){ odiv.parentNode.removeChild(odiv); } } // b站将文字嵌套在链接中 function clear_link_bilibili(){ var odiv = document.querySelector(".description"); if(odiv){ var tDiv = odiv.querySelector(".content-ellipsis"); var aDiv = odiv.querySelector("a"); odiv.appendChild(tDiv); } } // https://votetw.com/wiki/%E6%9E%97%E6%99%BA%E5%A0%85 // 会创建多个无id,无class的div,覆盖在文字上层 function clear_votetw(){ var odivs = document.querySelectorAll(".mw-parser-output>div") odivs.forEach(function(value){ value.setAttribute("style",""); }) } // 去除弹窗, 复制后会出现弹窗提示, 但实际已经复制成功 function clear_marks(node){ GM_addStyle(` ${node} { display: none !important; } `) } // 创世中文网 function clear_chuangshi(){ console.log("创世中文网 开始执行"); // JS 汉字与Unicode码的相互转化 // https://www.cnblogs.com/wwlhome/p/5650744.html function tounicode(data) { if(data == '') return '请输入汉字'; var str =''; for(var i=0;i