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// @version 5.6
// @description ✨超星学习通⚪视频自动观看,跳转下一个任务点⚪章节测试自动完成,搜索无答案自动后台检索,可视化配置界面,参数DIY⭐️【复习模式】可补次数补时长,⭐️【闯关课程】支持闯关模式课程全自动学习,无答案保存⚪最新题库每半个小时自动更新
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randomStr: (len = 32) => {
const $chars = 'qwertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnm1234567890';
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ss += $chars.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * $chars.length));
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notify: (level, msg) => {
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msg: msg
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toOneArray: (arr) => {
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sleep: (time) => {
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toQueryString: (obj) => {
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return new Date().getTime();
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return cache.value;
return false;
matchIndex: (options, answer) => {
var matchArr = [];
for (var i = 0; i < answer.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < options.length; j++) {
if (answer[i] == options[j]) {
return matchArr;
, similarity: (s, t) => {
let l = Math.max(s.length, t.length);
let n = s.length;
let m = t.length;
let d = Array.from({ length: n + 1 }, (_, i) => [i]);
for (let j = 0; j <= m; j++) d[0][j] = j;
for (let i = 1; i <= n; i++)
for (let j = 1; j <= m; j++) {
let cost = s[i - 1] === t[j - 1] ? 0 : 1;
d[i][j] = Math.min(d[i - 1][j] + 1, d[i][j - 1] + 1, d[i - 1][j - 1] + cost);
return (1 - d[n][m] / l);
, fuzzyMatchIndex: (options, answer) => {
const matchArr = [];
for (const ans of answer) {
let maxSim = 0, index = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
const sim = utils.similarity(ans, options[i]);
if (sim > maxSim) {
maxSim = sim;
index = i;
if (maxSim > defaultConfig.matchRate) matchArr.push(index);
return matchArr;
var api = {
monitorVerify: (responseText, url, method, data, ua) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
try {
let obj = JSON.parse(responseText);
let divHtml = '<img src="' + obj.verify_png_path + '"/> <input type="text" class="code_input" placeholder="请输入图中的验证码" /><button id="code_btn">验证</button>';
layx.prompt(divHtml, "请输入验证码", function (id, value, textarea, button, event) {
let url = obj.verify_path + "&ucode=" + value;
} catch (error) {
let domain = url.match(/:\/\/(.[^/]+)/)[1];
let urlShowVerify = "https://" + domain + "/antispiderShowVerify.ac";
page.layx_log(`<a target="_blank" href="${urlShowVerify}">若未自动弹出页面,请点我打开</a>`, 'error');
layx.iframe('verifyCode', '验证码验证', urlShowVerify);
let timer = setInterval(() => {
api.defaultRequest(url, method, data, ua, true).then((response) => {
if (response.responseText && !response.responseText.includes('输入验证码')) {
page.layx_log('验证码验证成功!', 'success');
} else {
page.layx_log('验证码验证失败!将在5s后重新验证', 'error');
}, 5000);
defaultRequest: async (url, method, data = {}, ua = defaultConfig.ua, verify = false) => {
try {
const response = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
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'Sec-Fetch-Site': 'same-origin',
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8'
data: utils.toQueryString(data),
onload: resolve,
onerror: reject
if (!verify && response.responseText && response.responseText.includes('输入验证码')) {
page.layx_log('检测到验证码!将弹出新页面自行验证验证码(出现验证码多为间隔频率过短,或者请求过多,请根据自己情况调高运行间隔)', 'error');
await api.monitorVerify(response.responseText, url, method, data, ua);
return await api.defaultRequest(url, method, data);
return response;
} catch (err) {
if (err.error.indexOf("connect list") != -1) {
let domain = err.error.match(/:\/\/(.[^/]+)/)[1];
let notice = `由于connect未添加导致无权限请求<br>// @connect ${domain}`;
page.layx_log(notice, 'error');
return Promise.reject(err);
getVerifyCode: async (url) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
method: "GET",
url: url,
responseType: "blob",
onload: function (res) {
var blob = res.response;
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function (event) {
getCourseChapter: async (courseId, classId) => {
let url = _self.ServerHost.mooc1Domain + "/gas/clazz?id=" + classId + "&personid=" + courseId + "&fields=id,bbsid,classscore,isstart,allowdownload,chatid,name,state,isfiled,visiblescore,begindate,coursesetting.fields(id,courseid,hiddencoursecover,coursefacecheck),course.fields(id,name,infocontent,objectid,app,bulletformat,mappingcourseid,imageurl,teacherfactor,jobcount,knowledge.fields(id,name,indexOrder,parentnodeid,status,layer,label,jobcount,begintime,endtime,attachment.fields(id,type,objectid,extension).type(video)))&view=json";
let result = await api.defaultRequest(url, 'GET');
return JSON.parse(result.responseText);
getChapterList: async (courseid, clazzid, nodes, userid, cpi) => {
let data = {
"view": "json",
"nodes": nodes,
"clazzid": clazzid,
"userid": userid,
"cpi": cpi,
"courseid": courseid,
"time": (new Date()).valueOf()
let result = await api.defaultRequest(_self.ServerHost.mooc1Domain + "/job/myjobsnodesmap", 'post', data);
return JSON.parse(result.responseText);
getChapterInfo: async (id, courseid) => {
let data = {
"id": id,
"courseid": courseid,
"fields": "id,parentnodeid,indexorder,label,layer,name,begintime,createtime,lastmodifytime,status,jobUnfinishedCount,clickcount,openlock,card.fields(id,knowledgeid,title,knowledgeTitile,description,cardorder).contentcard(all)",
"view": "json",
let url = _self.ServerHost.mooc1Domain + "/gas/knowledge?" + utils.toQueryString(data);
let result = await api.defaultRequest(url, 'get');
return JSON.parse(result.responseText);
getChapterDetail: async (courseid, clazzid, knowledgeid, num, cpi) => {
let url = _self.ServerHost.mooc1Domain + "/knowledge/cards?clazzid=" + clazzid + "&courseid=" + courseid + "&knowledgeid=" + knowledgeid + "&num=" + num + "&cpi=" + cpi + "&ut=s&cpi=229749849&v=20160407-1";
let result = await api.defaultRequest(url, 'get');
return result.responseText;
uploadStudyLog: async (courseid, clazzid, knowledgeid, cpi) => {
let url = `${location.origin}/mooc2-ans/mycourse/studentcourse?courseid=${courseid}&clazzid=${clazzid}&cpi=${cpi}&ut=s&t=${utils.getTimestamp()}`
let text = await api.defaultRequest(url, 'get', {}, navigator.userAgent);
let match = text.responseText.match(/encode=([\w]+)/);
if (match) {
const encode = match[1];
let url = `${_self.ServerHost.moocTJDomain}/log/setlog?personid=${cpi}&courseId=${courseid}&classId=${clazzid}&encode=${encode}&chapterId=${knowledgeid}&_=${new Date().valueOf()}`;
let result = await api.defaultRequest(url, 'get', {}, navigator.userAgent);
return result.responseText;
return false;
docStudy: async (jobid, knowledgeid, courseid, clazzid, jtoken) => {
let url = _self.ServerHost.mooc1Domain + "/ananas/job/document?jobid=" + jobid + "&knowledgeid=" + knowledgeid + "&courseid=" + courseid + "&clazzid=" + clazzid + "&jtoken=" + jtoken + "&_dc=" + new Date().valueOf();
let result = await api.defaultRequest(url, 'get', {}, navigator.userAgent);
return JSON.parse(result.responseText);
videoStudy: async (data, dtoken, taskDefaultConfig) => {
let url = taskDefaultConfig.reportUrl + "/" + dtoken + "?" + utils.toQueryString(data);
let result = await api.defaultRequest(url, 'get', {}, navigator.userAgent);
return JSON.parse(result.responseText);
getVideoConfig: async (objectId) => {
let url = _self.ServerHost.mooc1Domain + "/ananas/status/" + objectId + "?k=&flag=normal&_dc=" + new Date().valueOf();
let result = await api.defaultRequest(url, 'get');
return JSON.parse(result.responseText);
unlockChapter: async (courseid, clazzid, knowledgeid, userid, cpi) => {
let url = `${_self.ServerHost.mooc1Domain}/job/submitstudy?node=${knowledgeid}&userid=${userid}&clazzid=${clazzid}&courseid=${courseid}&personid=${cpi}&view=json`;
let result = await api.defaultRequest(url, 'get', {}, navigator.userAgent);
return result.status;
initdatawithviewer: async (mid, cpi, classid, taskDefaultConfig) => {
let url = `${taskDefaultConfig.initdataUrl}?mid=${mid}&cpi=${cpi}&classid=${classid}&_dc=${new Date().valueOf()}`;
let result = await api.defaultRequest(url, 'get');
return JSON.parse(result.responseText);
, submitdatawithviewer: async (classid, cpi, objectid, eventid, memberinfo, answer) => {
let url = `${_self.ServerHost.mooc1Domain}/question/quiz-validation?classid=${classid}&cpi=${cpi}&objectid=${objectid}&_dc=${new Date().valueOf()}&eventid=${eventid}&memberinfo=${memberinfo}&answerContent=${answer}`;
let result = await api.defaultRequest(url, 'get');
return JSON.parse(result.responseText);
var ServerApi = {
request: async function(url, method, data, headers = {}){
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
method: method,
url: url,
data: JSON.stringify(data),
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timeout: 5000,
onload: function (response) {
onerror: function (response) {
ontimeout: function (response) {
defaultRequest: async function (url, method, data, headers = {}) {
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}, get_msg: async function () {
let url = 'def/autoMsg';
let res = await ServerApi.defaultRequest(url, 'get');
try {
let reqData = JSON.parse(res.responseText);
return reqData.data;
} catch (e) {
return defaultConfig.notice;
}, searchOther: (data, item) => {
return new Promise(async function (resolve, reject) {
method: item.method,
url: item.url,
data: item.getdata(data),
headers: item.headers,
timeout: 5000,
onload: function (response) {
onerror: function (response) {
ontimeout: function (response) {
}, checkKey: async function (key) {
if (!key) {
page.layx_log("秘钥为空停止检测", "notice");
let url = 'key';
let data = {
"key": key
let res = await ServerApi.defaultRequest(url, 'post', data);
try {
res = JSON.parse(res.responseText);
if (res.code === 200) {
reqUrl.num = res.data.num || null;
reqUrl.usenum = res.data.usenum || null;
page.layx_log(res.msg, "notice");
} catch (error) {
page.layx_log("秘钥验证失败", "notice");
}, getVerifyCode: async function (img) {
let url = 'code';
let data = {
"img": img.replace('data:image/png;base64,', '')
let res = await ServerApi.defaultRequest(url, 'post', data);
return JSON.parse(res.responseText).data.code;
var page = {
threadWatch: async function () {
if (!defaultConfig.threadWatch) {
let thread = setInterval(async function () {
let layx_status_msg = $("#layx_status_msg");
if (!layx_status_msg.length) {
if (defaultConfig.lastMsg && defaultConfig.lastMsg.indexOf("每60秒更新一次进度") !== -1) {
if (defaultConfig.lastMsg === layx_status_msg.html()) {
} else {
defaultConfig.lastMsg = layx_status_msg.html();
}, 320000);
init: async function () {
defaultConfig.workinx = 0;
defaultConfig.succ = 0;
defaultConfig.fail = 0;
switch (location.pathname) {
case '/exam-ans/exam/test/reVersionTestStartNew':
case '/exam/test/reVersionTestStartNew':
case '/mooc-ans/exam/test/reVersionTestStartNew':
if (location.href.includes('newMooc=true')) {
await this.layx("ks", {
title: "🔥考试界面",
// storeStatus:false,
width: 350,
height: 800
$('#layx_log, h2').hide();
$('#layx_content').css('margin', '10px');
const createButton = (text, onClick) => {
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return btn;
const btn = createButton(defaultConfig.autoSwitch ? '关闭自动切换' : '开启自动切换', () => {
defaultConfig.autoSwitch = !defaultConfig.autoSwitch;
btn.innerHTML = defaultConfig.autoSwitch ? '关闭自动切换' : '开启自动切换';
defaultConfig.autoSwitch && location.reload();
GM_setValue(cache_key, defaultConfig);
const btn1 = createButton('配置', () => {
$('#layx_content').before($('<div>').attr('id', 'btn_cc').css('margin', '10px').append(btn, btn1));
let reqData = page.getQuestion("3");
await page.startAsk(reqData);
} else {
let url = location.href;
if (!url.includes('newMooc=false')) {
url = url + '&newMooc=true';
} else {
url = url.replace('newMooc=false', 'newMooc=true');
location.href = url;
case '/mycourse/stu':
case '/mooc-ans/mycourse/stu':
case '/mooc2-ans/mycourse/stu':
await this.layx();
const btn = document.createElement("button");
btn.innerHTML = "配置";
btn.classList.add("layui-btn", "layui-btn-primary", "layui-border-black");
btn.style.margin = "10px 0px 10px 10px";
btn.onclick = () => {
this.layx_log("正在检测题库", "notice");
this.layx_log("正在启动任务,预计耗时" + defaultConfig.interval / 1000 + "秒");
await utils.sleep(defaultConfig.interval);
case '/workHandle/handle':
case '/mooc-ans/workHandle/handle':
case '/mooc2-ans/workHandle/handle':
window.parent.postMessage(utils.notify("error", "作业已被删除-跳过"), '*');
case '/work/doHomeWorkNew':
case '/mooc-ans/work/doHomeWorkNew':
case '/mooc2-ans/work/doHomeWorkNew':
if (document.body.innerHTML.indexOf("此作业已被老师") !== -1) {
window.parent.postMessage(utils.notify("error", "作业已被删除-跳过"), '*');
if (document.body.innerHTML.indexOf("您长时间没有操作") !== -1) {
window.parent.postMessage(utils.notify("error", "遇到一个bug,后期修复"), '*');
if (location.href.includes('reEdit=2')) {
await utils.sleep(defaultConfig.interval);
window.parent.postMessage(utils.notify("error", "作业待批阅"), '*');
if (location.href.includes('mooc2=1')) {
// 删除url中的mooc2=1
// location.href = location.href.replace(/&mooc2=1/g, '');
if (location.href.includes('oldWorkId')) {
try {
} catch (e) {
await page.layx("zj", {
closeMenu: false,
maxMenu: true,
title: '🔥作业答题(本窗口禁止关闭)',
width: 600,
height: 300,
storeStatus: false,
position: 'lt'
const btn1 = $('<button>', {
text: '配置',
class: 'layui-btn layui-btn-primary layui-border-black',
style: 'margin: 10px 0 10px 10px;',
click: function () {
$('#layx_content').before($('<div>', { id: 'btn_cc', style: 'margin: 10px;' }).append(btn1));
$('h2, #layx_log').hide();
if (defaultConfig.autoAnswer) {
await page.startChapter();
} else {
layx.msg('不支持旧版作业', { dialogIcon: 'help' });
case '/work/selectWorkQuestionYiPiYue':
case '/mooc-ans/work/selectWorkQuestionYiPiYue':
case '/mooc2-ans/work/selectWorkQuestionYiPiYue':
if (location.href.includes('mooc2=1')) {
} else {
await utils.sleep(defaultConfig.interval);
window.parent.postMessage(utils.notify("success", "作业已完成"), '*');
case '/mooc2/work/dowork':
case '/mooc-ans/mooc2/work/dowork':
case '/mooc2-ans/mooc2/work/dowork':
await this.layx('zy', {
width: 600,
height: 300,
storeStatus: false,
position: "lt"
const btn1 = $("<button>", {
html: "配置",
class: "layui-btn layui-btn-primary layui-border-black",
style: "margin:10px 0px 10px 10px",
click: function () {
$("#layx_content").before("<div id='btn_cc' style='margin:10px'></div>");
if (defaultConfig.autoAnswer) {
// defaultConfig.loop = setInterval(() => page.startWork(), defaultConfig.interval);
case '/visit/courses':
case '/antispiderShowVerify.ac':
case '/html/processVerify.ac':
let src = "/processVerifyPng.ac?t=" + Math.floor(2147483647 * Math.random());
let imgData = await api.getVerifyCode(src);
let res = await ServerApi.getVerifyCode(imgData);
let url = `/html/processVerify.ac?app=0&ucode=${res}`;
window.location.href = url;
case '/mycourse/studentstudy':
case '/mycourse/studentcourse':
let div = document.createElement("div");
div.onclick = function () {
let courseid = $("#curCourseId").val() || utils.getUrlParam("courseId");
let clazzid = $("#curClazzId").val() || utils.getUrlParam("clazzid");
let cpi = $("#curCpi").val() || utils.getUrlParam("cpi") || /cpi=([^&]*)/.exec(document.documentElement.innerHTML)[1];
let url = `${_self.ServerHost.mooc1Domain || _self.ServerHost.moocDomain}/visit/stucoursemiddle?courseid=${courseid}&clazzid=${clazzid}&cpi=${cpi}&ismooc2=1`;
div.id = "notify";
div.style = "z-index:1000;position: fixed;right: 300px;bottom:0px;";
div.innerHTML = `<a target="_self" href="javascript:;" style="position: absolute; width: 72px; height: 36px; line-height: 36px; font-size: 16px; bottom: 96px; border: 1px solid rgb(123, 158, 49); color: red; background: url("https://mooc1.chaoxing.com/mooc2/images/chapter_wancheng.png") 9px center no-repeat rgb(255, 255, 255); padding-left: 42px; border-radius: 3px; right: -83px; display: block;" onclick="$('html,body').animate({scrollTop:0},600);">点我开刷</a>`;
defaultConfig.tutorial && document.body.appendChild(div);
case '/ztnodedetailcontroller/visitnodedetail':
case '/mooc-ans/ztnodedetailcontroller/visitnodedetail':
case '/mooc2-ans/ztnodedetailcontroller/visitnodedetail':
layx.msg('若有时长要求,请在主配置页修改', { dialogIcon: 'help' });
$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: $(document).height() - $(window).height()
($(document).height() - $(window).height()) * (defaultConfig.readSpeed || 10)
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$('.nodeItem.r i').click();
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case '/mooc2/work/view':
case '/mooc-ans/mooc2/work/view':
case '/mooc2-ans/mooc2/work/view':
case '/exam-ans/exam/test/reVersionPaperMarkContentNew':
case '/mooc-ans/exam-ans/exam/test/reVersionPaperMarkContentNew':
case '/mooc2-ans/exam-ans/exam/test/reVersionPaperMarkContentNew':
if (/^\/(mooc2-ans\/course|mooc2-ans\/zt|mooc-ans\/course|mooc-ans\/zt|course|zt)\/\d+\.html$/.test(location.pathname)) {
setTimeout(function () {
_self.sendLogs && $('.course_section:eq(0) .chapterText').click();
}, defaultConfig.interval);
layx: async (id = "abcde", option = {}) => {
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statusBar: "<div id='layx_status_msg'>正在初始化</div>",
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}, option);
const notice = utils.cacheExpired("noticetemp", 600000) || await ServerApi.get_msg();
const htmlStr = `<div id="layx_div"><div id="layx_msg">${notice}</div><h2>保持此页面开启将自动刷课</h2><div id="layx_content"></div><div id="layx_log">运行日志:</div></div>`;
layx.html(id, `🔥超星小助手 v${script_info.version}`, htmlStr, configs)
layx_config: function () {
let configForm = [
group: "基本设置",
groupId: "base",
items: {
tutorial: {
type: 'checkbox',
label: '是否开启引导',
value: defaultConfig.tutorial,
desc: '关闭章节页的刷课引导'
interval: {
type: 'number',
label: '运行间隔',
value: defaultConfig.interval,
desc: '用于控制脚本运行速度,单位毫秒'
autoSubmitRate: {
type: 'number',
label: '答案正确率',
value: defaultConfig.autoSubmitRate,
desc: '满足此正确率则提交,否则保存不提交'
randomAnswer: {
type: 'checkbox',
label: '无答案是否随机选择',
value: defaultConfig.randomAnswer,
desc: '关闭后将不会随机选择,需要手动选择,建议关闭'
matchRate: {
type: 'number',
label: '答案模糊匹配率',
value: defaultConfig.matchRate,
desc: '0-1之间,越大越严格'
group: "章节配置",
groupId: "chapter",
items: {
autoVideo: {
type: 'checkbox',
label: '是否开启自动视频',
value: defaultConfig.autoVideo,
desc: '关闭后章节将自动跳过视频'
videoSpeed: {
type: 'number',
label: '视频倍速',
value: defaultConfig.videoSpeed,
desc: '视频倍速[1-16],不推荐修改!!超星目前倍速会被清理进度!!'
readSpeed: {
type: 'number',
label: '阅读速度',
value: defaultConfig.readSpeed || 10,
desc: '若有时长要求,按照时长多少设置速度,默认为10'
autoRead: {
type: 'checkbox',
label: '是否开启自动阅读',
value: defaultConfig.autoRead,
desc: '关闭后章节将自动跳过文档以及ppt等'
autoAnswer: {
type: 'checkbox',
label: '是否开启自动答题',
value: defaultConfig.autoAnswer,
desc: '关闭后章节将自动跳过章节作业'
autoSubmit: {
type: 'checkbox',
label: '是否开启自动提交',
value: defaultConfig.autoSubmit,
desc: '关闭后将不会自动提交,需要手动提交'
group: "其他配置",
groupId: "other",
items: {
reviewMode: {
type: 'checkbox',
label: '是否开启复习模式',
value: defaultConfig.reviewMode,
desc: '开启后将从开头补时长补次数'
threadWatch: {
type: 'checkbox',
label: '是否开启进程守护',
value: defaultConfig.threadWatch,
desc: '开启后遇到卡壳将自动刷新网页'
freeFirst: {
type: 'checkbox',
label: '是否开启免费题库优先',
value: defaultConfig.freeFirst,
desc: '开启后免费题库无答案后才会搜索付费题库'
token: {
type: 'textarea',
label: '付费题库token',
value: defaultConfig.token,
desc: '赞助题库Token,非必填'
type: 'checkbox',
label: '是否AI答题',
value: defaultConfig.aiAsk,
desc: '正在开发中'
let html = '';
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let itemHtml = "";
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switch (type) {
case 'textarea':
return `<textarea name="${key}" class="layui-textarea">${value}</textarea>`;
case 'number':
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case 'checkbox':
return `<input type="checkbox" name="${key}" lay-skin="primary" lay-text="开启|关闭" ${value ? 'checked' : ''}>`;
return '';
itemHtml += `
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${['textarea', 'number'].includes(type) ? inputHTML : ''}
<div class="layui-form-mid layui-word-aux">${desc}</div>
html += `
<div class="tab-content" id="${item.groupId}-content">
layx.html('Domsd', '🔥超星小助手配置', html, {
statusBar: true,
buttons: [
label: '保存',
callback: function (id, button, event) {
for (let item of configForm) {
for (let key in item.items) {
let value = null;
if ($(`input[name=${key}]`).attr('type') == 'checkbox') {
value = $(`input[name=${key}]`).is(':checked');
if ($(`textarea[name=${key}]`).length > 0) {
value = $(`textarea[name=${key}]`).val();
if ($(`input[name=${key}]`).attr('type') == 'number') {
value = $(`input[name=${key}]`).val();
if (value != null) {
defaultConfig[key] = value;
if (defaultConfig.interval < 1000) {
page.layx_log('公共间隔不合法,已默认3000', "error");
defaultConfig.interval = 3000;
if (defaultConfig.videoSpeed > 16) {
page.layx_log('视频倍速不推荐修改!!你咋不上天,已默认1倍速', "error");
defaultConfig.videoSpeed = 1;
} else if (defaultConfig.videoSpeed > 1) {
page.layx_log(`视频倍速不推荐修改!!当前倍速【${defaultConfig.videoSpeed}】,超星目前倍速会被清理进度!!`, "error");
} else if (defaultConfig.videoSpeed < 1) {
defaultConfig.videoSpeed = 1;
page.layx_log('你觉得你的倍速合理吗?', "error");
if (defaultConfig.matchRate > 1 || defaultConfig.matchRate < 0) {
page.layx_log('答案模糊匹配率不合法,已默认0.8', "error");
defaultConfig.matchRate = 0.8;
if (defaultConfig.autoSubmitRate > 1 || defaultConfig.autoSubmitRate < 0) {
page.layx_log('答案正确率不合法,已默认0.8', "error");
defaultConfig.autoSubmitRate = 0.8;
GM_setValue(cache_key, defaultConfig);
label: '取消',
callback: function (id, button, event) {
position: 'lt',
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height: 500,
borderRadius: "5px",
skin: 'asphalt',
opacity: 1,
maxMenu: false,
style: "input{-webkit-appearance:auto;line-height:normal;}.tab-button{display:none;}.tab-button:hover{background-color:gray;color:#000;}.tab-content{display:none;}.tab_lable{color:#c3c3c3;display:inline-block;*display:inline;*zoom:1;vertical-align:middle;font-size:14px;transition:all .2s;-webkit-transition:all .2s;position:relative;line-height:40px;min-width:65px;padding:0 15px;text-align:center;cursor:pointer;margin-bottom:15px;}#base:checked~#base-content,#chapter:checked~#chapter-content,#other:checked~#other-content{display:block;}#base:checked~#tab-base,#chapter:checked~#tab-chapter,#other:checked~#tab-other{font-weight:bold;color:#000;}"
layx_log: function (msg, level = "info") {
const log = document.querySelector("#layx_log");
const maxLine = Math.floor(log.offsetHeight / 20);
if (log.children.length > maxLine) {
const time = new Date().toLocaleTimeString();
const str = `<p>${time} <span class="layx_${level}">${msg}</span></p>`;
log.innerHTML += str;
layx_status_msg: function (msg) {
let log = document.getElementById("layx_status_msg").innerHTML = msg;
mainTask: async function () {
const pz = {
courseid: utils.getUrlParam("courseid") || utils.getUrlParam("courseId"),
clazzid: utils.getUrlParam("clazzid"),
cpi: utils.getUrlParam("cpi"),
userid: utils.getInputParam("userId") || _self.uid
const data = await api.getCourseChapter(pz.courseid, pz.clazzid);
const courseData = data.data[0].course.data[0];
const chapterData = utils.toOneArray(utils.sortData(courseData.knowledge.data));
const statusTask = chapterData.some(item => item.status === "task");
defaultConfig.reviewMode && this.layx_log("检测到为复习模式,将以复习形式完成任务", "info");
statusTask && this.layx_log("检测到为闯关模式,将以闯关形式完成任务", "info");
const chapterIds = chapterData.map(item => item.id).join(",");
const chapterInfo = await api.getChapterList(pz.courseid, pz.clazzid, chapterIds, pz.userid, pz.cpi);
const unfinishcount = Object.values(chapterInfo).reduce((total, current) => total + current.unfinishcount, 0);
this.layx_log(`[${courseData['name']}-${courseData['teacherfactor']}]获取到${chapterData.length}个章节,共计${courseData.jobcount}个任务,待完成${unfinishcount}个任务`, "info");
async function doTask(item) {
statusTask && item.jobcount == 0 && await api.unlockChapter(pz.courseid, pz.clazzid, item.id, pz.userid, pz.cpi) && await utils.sleep(1000);
if (unfinishcount === 0 && !defaultConfig.reviewMode) {
return false;
page.layx_log(`开始完成章节[${item.label}${item.name}]`, "info");
if (chapterInfo[item.id].unfinishcount === 0 && !defaultConfig.reviewMode) {
page.layx_log("已完成的章节,跳过", "success");
return null;
let res = await api.uploadStudyLog(pz.courseid, pz.clazzid, item.id, pz.cpi);
res && page.layx_log(`上传学习记录成功`, "success");
const chapterOne = await api.getChapterInfo(item.id, pz.courseid);
let zjurl = `https://mooc1.chaoxing.com/mycourse/transfer?moocId=${pz.courseid}&clazzid=${pz.clazzid}&ut=s&refer=${encodeURIComponent(window.location.href)}`;
let zkres = await api.defaultRequest(zjurl);
for (const item3 of chapterOne.data[0].card.data) {
const chapterDetail = await api.getChapterDetail(pz.courseid, pz.clazzid, item3.knowledgeid, item3.cardorder, pz.cpi);
if (chapterDetail.indexOf("章节未开放") !== -1) {
return "unlock";
const regex = /mArg\s*=\s*({.*?});/;
const match = regex.exec(chapterDetail);
if (match) {
const jsonStr = match[1];
const mArg = JSON.parse(jsonStr);
const taskDefaultConfig = mArg.defaults;
for (const task of mArg.attachments) {
if (!task.type) {
await page.finishTask(task, item3, pz, taskDefaultConfig);
await utils.sleep(defaultConfig.interval);
await utils.sleep(defaultConfig.interval);
await utils.sleep(defaultConfig.interval);
let lastItem = null, unlockChapterNum = 0;
for (const item of chapterData) {
let back = await doTask(item);
if (unlockChapterNum > 0) {
page.layx_log("章节未开放异常(一般都是章节作业正确率不够,自行完成作业后继续)", "error");
if (statusTask) {
page.layx_log("已暂停刷课,请自行完成作业", "error");
back == "unlock" && lastItem != null && await api.unlockChapter(pz.courseid, pz.clazzid, lastItem.id, pz.userid, pz.cpi) && unlockChapterNum++;
if (back == false) {
lastItem = item;
this.layx_log("章节全部完成(若仍有知识点未完成请刷新页面)", "success")
finishTask: async function (task, item3, pz, taskDefaultConfig) {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
this.layx_status_msg(`正在完成[${task.property.name || task.property.title}]`);
this.layx_log(`[${(task.property.name || task.property.title)}-${task.type}]开始完成任务`, "info");
switch (task.type) {
case "video":
if (!defaultConfig.autoVideo) {
this.layx_log("[" + task.property.name + "]视频已跳过(若需要自动完成视频请在设置中开启)", "error");
let videoData = await api.getVideoConfig(task.objectId);
await this.finishVideoAnswer(task, pz, videoData, taskDefaultConfig);
this.layx_log("[" + task.property.name + "]视频开始任务,具体进度查看下方进度条", "info");
let videoStatus = await this.finishVideo(task, videoData, pz, taskDefaultConfig);
if (videoStatus == true) {
this.layx_log("[" + task.property.name + "]视频已完成", "success");
} else {
this.layx_log("[" + task.property.name + "]视频异常跳过,正常情况无视即可", "error");
case "document":
if (!defaultConfig.autoRead) {
this.layx_log("[" + task.property.name + "]文档已跳过(若需要自动完成文档请在设置中开启)", "error");
let result = await api.docStudy(task.property.jobid, item3.knowledgeid, pz.courseid, pz.clazzid, task.jtoken);
result.status ? this.layx_log("[" + task.property.name + "]文档已完成", "success") : this.layx_log("[" + task.property.name + "]文档异常(正常不用理会)", "error");
case "workid":
if (!defaultConfig.autoAnswer) {
this.layx_log("[" + task.property.title + "]作业已跳过(若需要自动完成作业请在设置中开启)", "error");
reqUrl.num && this.layx_log(`付费题库剩余次数:${reqUrl.num}}`, 'notice')
let url = `${_self.ServerHost.mooc1Domain}/api/work?api=1&workId=${(task.jobid || task.property.workid).replace('work-', '')}&jobid=${task.property.jobid || ""}&needRedirect=true&knowledgeid=${item3.knowledgeid}&ktoken=${taskDefaultConfig.ktoken}&cpi=${taskDefaultConfig.cpi}&ut=s&clazzId=${taskDefaultConfig.clazzId}&type=&enc=${task.enc}&utenc=undefined&courseid=${taskDefaultConfig.courseid}&mooc2=1`;
layx.iframe('workiframe', '作业', url)
await this.finishWork();
this.layx_log("暂不支持该任务类型" + task.type, "error");
finishVideoAnswer: async function (task, pz, videoData, taskDefaultConfig) {
let res = await api.initdatawithviewer(task.property.mid, pz.cpi, pz.clazzid, taskDefaultConfig);
this.layx_log("[" + task.property.name + "]获取视频中的题目", "info");
for (const item of res) {
try {
const item1 = item.datas[0];
const options = item1.options;
let answer = options.filter(item => item.isRight == true).map(item => item.name).join();
let res1 = await api.submitdatawithviewer(pz.clazzid, pz.cpi, videoData.objectid, item1.resourceId, item1.memberinfo, answer);
if (res1.status) {
this.layx_log(`[正在完成视频中的题目]:${item1.description}<br>答案:${answer}<br>${res1.isRight ? "答案正确" : "答案错误"}`, "success");
} else {
this.layx_log(`[正在完成视频中的题目]:${item1.description}<br>答案:${answer}<br>${res1.msg}`, "error");
await utils.sleep(defaultConfig.interval);
} catch (e) {
this.layx_log("有个垃圾题跳过", "error");
this.layx_log("[" + task.property.name + "]视频题目已完毕", "info");
finishVideo: async function (task, videoData, pz, taskDefaultConfig) {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
let data = {
"clazzId": pz.clazzid,
"playingTime": "0",
"duration": videoData.duration,
"clipTime": "0_" + videoData.duration,
"objectId": videoData.objectid,
"otherInfo": task.otherInfo.replace(/&cour.*$/, ""),
"courseId": pz.courseid,
"jobid": task.property.jobid || task.property._jobid,
"userid": pz.userid,
"isdrag": "3",
"view": "pc",//json
"enc": "",
"rt": task.property.rt || "0.9",
"dtype": task.property.module.includes('audio') ? 'Audio' : 'Video',
"_t": new Date().getTime()
if (data.duration == undefined) {
let time = 0, result;
const intervalTime = 60000;
while (true) {
data.isdrag = time < data.duration ? 3 : 4;
data.playingTime = time >= data.duration ? data.duration : time;
log("当前进度:" + data.playingTime + "/" + data.duration + "s " + "每60秒更新一次进度");
this.layx_status_msg("当前进度:" + data.playingTime + "/" + data.duration + "s " + "每60秒更新一次进度");
data.enc = utils.getVideoEnc(data.clazzId, data.userid, data.jobid, data.objectId, data.playingTime, data.duration);
result = await api.videoStudy(data, videoData.dtoken, taskDefaultConfig);
if (time >= data.duration || (result.isPassed == true && !defaultConfig.reviewMode)) {
time += 60 * defaultConfig.videoSpeed;
if (time > data.duration) {
let waitTime = (60 * defaultConfig.videoSpeed - (time - data.duration)) / defaultConfig.videoSpeed;
this.layx_log("等待" + waitTime + "秒后完成任务");
await utils.sleep(waitTime * 1000);
} else {
await utils.sleep(intervalTime);
finishWork: async function () {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
const handler = function (event) {
let res = JSON.parse(event.data);
if (res.level == "success") {
page.layx_log("作业已完成", "success");
_self.removeEventListener("message", handler);
} else {
page.layx_log(res.msg, "error");
_self.removeEventListener("message", handler);
_self.addEventListener('message', handler);
* 获取题目
* @param data
* @param num
* @returns {Promise<Awaited<unknown>[]>}
requestMerge: async function (data, num = 0) {
try {
data.id = _self["uid"] || _self.getCookie('UID') || _self.getCookie("_uid") || 0;
} catch (e) {
data.id = 0;
let promiseArr = [];
if (defaultConfig.freeFirst && num === 0) {
// return [];
otherApi.forEach((item) => {
ServerApi.searchOther(data, item)
.then((response) => {
let res = item.getanswer(response);
return res === false ? [] : res;
.catch(() => [])
try {
ServerApi.search(data, false).then((response) => {
return [];
}).catch((error) => {
return [];
} catch (e) {
// 清除定时器
return await Promise.all(promiseArr);
else {
const res = await ServerApi.search(data).then((response) => {
const result = JSON.parse(response.responseText);
switch (result.code) {
case 200:
reqUrl.num = result.data.num || null;
reqUrl.usenum = result.data.usenum || null;
return result.data.answer;
case 401:
return result.msg;
case 403:
return "error-_-";
case 404:
return "error-_-";
case 500:
return "error-_-";
return result.msg;
}).catch((error) => {
switch (error.status) {
case 403:
let msg;
try {
msg = JSON.parse(error.responseText).msg;
} catch (e) {
msg = "请求频率过快,请稍后重试";
case 404:
return "error-_-";
if (res === "error-_-" && num < 3) {
return await page.requestMerge(data, num + 1);
} else if (res === "error-_-" && num >= 3) {
return [];
} else {
return [res];
return [];
clear: function () {
$(".answerBg, .textDIV, .eidtDiv").each(function () {
($(this).find(".check_answer").length || $(this).find(".check_answer_dx").length) && $(this).click();
$(".answerBg, .textDIV, .eidtDiv").find('textarea').each(function () {
_self.UE.getEditor($(this).attr('name')).ready(function () {
clearCurrent: function (item) {
$(item).find(".answerBg, .textDIV, .eidtDiv").each(function () {
($(this).find(".check_answer").length || $(this).find(".check_answer_dx").length) && $(this).click();
$(item).find(".answerBg, .textDIV, .eidtDiv").find('textarea').each(function () {
_self.UE.getEditor($(this).attr('name')).ready(function () {
$(item).find(':radio, :checkbox').prop('checked', false);
$(item).find('textarea').each(function () {
_self.UE.getEditor($(this).attr('name')).ready(function () {
clearCurrentNew: function (item) {
$(item).find(".before-after, .textDIV, .eidtDiv").each(function () {
($(this).find(".check_answer").length || $(this).find(".check_answer_dx").length) && $(this).click();
$(item).find(".before-after, .textDIV, .eidtDiv").find('textarea').each(function () {
_self.UE.getEditor($(this).attr('name')).ready(function () {
$(item).find(':radio, :checkbox').prop('checked', false);
$(item).find('textarea').each(function () {
_self.UE.getEditor($(this).attr('name')).ready(function () {
* 解密字体
* 作者wyn
* 原地址:https://bbs.tampermonkey.net.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=2303&highlight=%E5%AD%97%E4%BD%93%E8%A7%A3%E5%AF%86
decode: function () {
var Typr = {
parse: function (r) {
var e = function (r, e, a, t) {
var n = Typr.T, o = {
cmap: n.cmap,
head: n.head,
hhea: n.hhea,
maxp: n.maxp,
hmtx: n.hmtx,
name: n.name,
"OS/2": n.OS2,
post: n.post,
loca: n.loca,
kern: n.kern,
glyf: n.glyf,
"CFF ": n.CFF,
"SVG ": n.SVG
}, i = { _data: r, _index: e, _offset: a };
for (var s in o) {
var d = Typr.findTable(r, s, a);
if (d) {
var u = d[0], h = t[u];
null == h && (h = o[s].parseTab(r, u, d[1], i)), i[s] = t[u] = h
return i
}, a = Typr.B, t = new Uint8Array(r), n = {};
if ("ttcf" == a.readASCII(t, 0, 4)) {
var o = 4;
a.readUshort(t, o);
o += 2;
a.readUshort(t, o);
o += 2;
var i = a.readUint(t, o);
o += 4;
for (var s = [], d = 0; d < i; d++) {
var u = a.readUint(t, o);
o += 4, s.push(e(t, d, u, n))
return s
return [e(t, 0, 0, n)]
}, findTable: function (r, e, a) {
for (var t = Typr.B, n = t.readUshort(r, a + 4), o = a + 12, i = 0; i < n; i++) {
var s = t.readASCII(r, o, 4), d = (t.readUint(r, o + 4), t.readUint(r, o + 8)),
u = t.readUint(r, o + 12);
if (s == e) return [d, u];
o += 16
return null
}, T: {}
Typr.B = {
readFixed: function (r, e) {
return (r[e] << 8 | r[e + 1]) + (r[e + 2] << 8 | r[e + 3]) / 65540
}, readF2dot14: function (r, e) {
return Typr.B.readShort(r, e) / 16384
}, readInt: function (r, e) {
var a = Typr.B.t.uint8;
return a[0] = r[e + 3], a[1] = r[e + 2], a[2] = r[e + 1], a[3] = r[e], Typr.B.t.int32[0]
}, readInt8: function (r, e) {
return Typr.B.t.uint8[0] = r[e], Typr.B.t.int8[0]
}, readShort: function (r, e) {
var a = Typr.B.t.uint8;
return a[1] = r[e], a[0] = r[e + 1], Typr.B.t.int16[0]
}, readUshort: function (r, e) {
return r[e] << 8 | r[e + 1]
}, writeUshort: function (r, e, a) {
r[e] = a >> 8 & 255, r[e + 1] = 255 & a
}, readUshorts: function (r, e, a) {
for (var t = [], n = 0; n < a; n++) {
var o = Typr.B.readUshort(r, e + 2 * n);
return t
}, readUint: function (r, e) {
var a = Typr.B.t.uint8;
return a[3] = r[e], a[2] = r[e + 1], a[1] = r[e + 2], a[0] = r[e + 3], Typr.B.t.uint32[0]
}, writeUint: function (r, e, a) {
r[e] = a >> 24 & 255, r[e + 1] = a >> 16 & 255, r[e + 2] = a >> 8 & 255, r[e + 3] = a >> 0 & 255
}, readUint64: function (r, e) {
return 4294967296 * Typr.B.readUint(r, e) + Typr.B.readUint(r, e + 4)
}, readASCII: function (r, e, a) {
for (var t = "", n = 0; n < a; n++) t += String.fromCharCode(r[e + n]);
return t
}, writeASCII: function (r, e, a) {
for (var t = 0; t < a.length; t++) r[e + t] = a.charCodeAt(t)
}, readUnicode: function (r, e, a) {
for (var t = "", n = 0; n < a; n++) {
var o = r[e++] << 8 | r[e++];
t += String.fromCharCode(o)
return t
}, _tdec: window.TextDecoder ? new window.TextDecoder : null, readUTF8: function (r, e, a) {
var t = Typr.B._tdec;
return t && 0 == e && a == r.length ? t.decode(r) : Typr.B.readASCII(r, e, a)
}, readBytes: function (r, e, a) {
for (var t = [], n = 0; n < a; n++) t.push(r[e + n]);
return t
}, readASCIIArray: function (r, e, a) {
for (var t = [], n = 0; n < a; n++) t.push(String.fromCharCode(r[e + n]));
return t
}, t: function () {
var r = new ArrayBuffer(8);
return {
buff: r,
int8: new Int8Array(r),
uint8: new Uint8Array(r),
int16: new Int16Array(r),
uint16: new Uint16Array(r),
int32: new Int32Array(r),
uint32: new Uint32Array(r)
}, Typr.T.CFF = {
parseTab: function (r, e, a) {
var t = Typr.B, n = Typr.T.CFF;
(r = new Uint8Array(r.buffer, e, a))[e = 0], r[++e], r[++e], r[++e];
var o = [];
e = n.readIndex(r, e, o);
for (var i = [], s = 0; s < o.length - 1; s++) i.push(t.readASCII(r, e + o[s], o[s + 1] - o[s]));
e += o[o.length - 1];
var d = [];
e = n.readIndex(r, e, d);
var u = [];
for (s = 0; s < d.length - 1; s++) u.push(n.readDict(r, e + d[s], e + d[s + 1]));
e += d[d.length - 1];
var h = u[0], p = [];
e = n.readIndex(r, e, p);
var f = [];
for (s = 0; s < p.length - 1; s++) f.push(t.readASCII(r, e + p[s], p[s + 1] - p[s]));
if (e += p[p.length - 1], n.readSubrs(r, e, h), h.CharStrings && (h.CharStrings = n.readBytes(r, h.CharStrings)), h.ROS) {
e = h.FDArray;
var l = [];
e = n.readIndex(r, e, l), h.FDArray = [];
for (s = 0; s < l.length - 1; s++) {
var v = n.readDict(r, e + l[s], e + l[s + 1]);
n._readFDict(r, v, f), h.FDArray.push(v)
e += l[l.length - 1], e = h.FDSelect, h.FDSelect = [];
var y = r[e];
if (e++, 3 != y) throw y;
var c = t.readUshort(r, e);
e += 2;
for (s = 0; s < c + 1; s++) h.FDSelect.push(t.readUshort(r, e), r[e + 2]), e += 3
return h.charset && (h.charset = n.readCharset(r, h.charset, h.CharStrings.length)), n._readFDict(r, h, f), h
_readFDict: function (r, e, a) {
var t, n = Typr.T.CFF;
for (var o in e.Private && (t = e.Private[1], e.Private = n.readDict(r, t, t + e.Private[0]), e.Private.Subrs && n.readSubrs(r, t + e.Private.Subrs, e.Private)), e) -1 != ["FamilyName", "FontName", "FullName", "Notice", "version", "Copyright"].indexOf(o) && (e[o] = a[e[o] - 426 + 35])
readSubrs: function (r, e, a) {
a.Subrs = Typr.T.CFF.readBytes(r, e);
var t, n = a.Subrs.length + 1;
t = n < 1240 ? 107 : n < 33900 ? 1131 : 32768, a.Bias = t
readBytes: function (r, e) {
var a = [];
e = Typr.T.CFF.readIndex(r, e, a);
for (var t = [], n = a.length - 1, o = r.byteOffset + e, i = 0; i < n; i++) {
var s = a[i];
t.push(new Uint8Array(r.buffer, o + s, a[i + 1] - s))
return t
tableSE: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 0, 111, 112, 113, 114, 0, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 0, 123, 0, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 0, 132, 133, 0, 134, 135, 136, 137, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 138, 0, 139, 0, 0, 0, 0, 140, 141, 142, 143, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 144, 0, 0, 0, 145, 0, 0, 146, 147, 148, 149, 0, 0, 0, 0],
glyphByUnicode: function (r, e) {
for (var a = 0; a < r.charset.length; a++) if (r.charset[a] == e) return a;
return -1
glyphBySE: function (r, e) {
return e < 0 || e > 255 ? -1 : Typr.T.CFF.glyphByUnicode(r, Typr.T.CFF.tableSE[e])
readCharset: function (r, e, a) {
var t = Typr.B, n = [".notdef"], o = r[e];
if (e++, 0 == o) for (var i = 0; i < a; i++) {
var s = t.readUshort(r, e);
e += 2, n.push(s)
} else {
if (1 != o && 2 != o) throw "error: format: " + o;
for (; n.length < a;) {
s = t.readUshort(r, e);
e += 2;
var d = 0;
1 == o ? (d = r[e], e++) : (d = t.readUshort(r, e), e += 2);
for (i = 0; i <= d; i++) n.push(s), s++
return n
readIndex: function (r, e, a) {
var t = Typr.B, n = t.readUshort(r, e) + 1, o = r[e += 2];
if (e++, 1 == o) for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) a.push(r[e + i]); else if (2 == o) for (i = 0; i < n; i++) a.push(t.readUshort(r, e + 2 * i)); else if (3 == o) for (i = 0; i < n; i++) a.push(16777215 & t.readUint(r, e + 3 * i - 1)); else if (4 == o) for (i = 0; i < n; i++) a.push(t.readUint(r, e + 4 * i)); else if (1 != n) throw "unsupported offset size: " + o + ", count: " + n;
return (e += n * o) - 1
getCharString: function (r, e, a) {
var t = Typr.B, n = r[e], o = r[e + 1], i = (r[e + 2], r[e + 3], r[e + 4], 1), s = null,
d = null;
n <= 20 && (s = n, i = 1), 12 == n && (s = 100 * n + o, i = 2), 21 <= n && n <= 27 && (s = n, i = 1), 28 == n && (d = t.readShort(r, e + 1), i = 3), 29 <= n && n <= 31 && (s = n, i = 1), 32 <= n && n <= 246 && (d = n - 139, i = 1), 247 <= n && n <= 250 && (d = 256 * (n - 247) + o + 108, i = 2), 251 <= n && n <= 254 && (d = 256 * -(n - 251) - o - 108, i = 2), 255 == n && (d = t.readInt(r, e + 1) / 65535, i = 5), a.val = null != d ? d : "o" + s, a.size = i
readCharString: function (r, e, a) {
for (var t = e + a, n = Typr.B, o = []; e < t;) {
var i = r[e], s = r[e + 1], d = (r[e + 2], r[e + 3], r[e + 4], 1), u = null, h = null;
i <= 20 && (u = i, d = 1), 12 == i && (u = 100 * i + s, d = 2), 19 != i && 20 != i || (u = i, d = 2), 21 <= i && i <= 27 && (u = i, d = 1), 28 == i && (h = n.readShort(r, e + 1), d = 3), 29 <= i && i <= 31 && (u = i, d = 1), 32 <= i && i <= 246 && (h = i - 139, d = 1), 247 <= i && i <= 250 && (h = 256 * (i - 247) + s + 108, d = 2), 251 <= i && i <= 254 && (h = 256 * -(i - 251) - s - 108, d = 2), 255 == i && (h = n.readInt(r, e + 1) / 65535, d = 5), o.push(null != h ? h : "o" + u), e += d
return o
readDict: function (r, e, a) {
for (var t = Typr.B, n = {}, o = []; e < a;) {
var i = r[e], s = r[e + 1], d = (r[e + 2], r[e + 3], r[e + 4], 1), u = null, h = null;
if (28 == i && (h = t.readShort(r, e + 1), d = 3), 29 == i && (h = t.readInt(r, e + 1), d = 5), 32 <= i && i <= 246 && (h = i - 139, d = 1), 247 <= i && i <= 250 && (h = 256 * (i - 247) + s + 108, d = 2), 251 <= i && i <= 254 && (h = 256 * -(i - 251) - s - 108, d = 2), 255 == i) throw h = t.readInt(r, e + 1) / 65535, d = 5, "unknown number";
if (30 == i) {
var p = [];
for (d = 1; ;) {
var f = r[e + d];
var l = f >> 4, v = 15 & f;
if (15 != l && p.push(l), 15 != v && p.push(v), 15 == v) break
for (var y = "", c = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ".", "e", "e-", "reserved", "-", "endOfNumber"], S = 0; S < p.length; S++) y += c[p[S]];
h = parseFloat(y)
if (i <= 21) if (u = ["version", "Notice", "FullName", "FamilyName", "Weight", "FontBBox", "BlueValues", "OtherBlues", "FamilyBlues", "FamilyOtherBlues", "StdHW", "StdVW", "escape", "UniqueID", "XUID", "charset", "Encoding", "CharStrings", "Private", "Subrs", "defaultWidthX", "nominalWidthX"][i], d = 1, 12 == i) u = ["Copyright", "isFixedPitch", "ItalicAngle", "UnderlinePosition", "UnderlineThickness", "PaintType", "CharstringType", "FontMatrix", "StrokeWidth", "BlueScale", "BlueShift", "BlueFuzz", "StemSnapH", "StemSnapV", "ForceBold", "", "", "LanguageGroup", "ExpansionFactor", "initialRandomSeed", "SyntheticBase", "PostScript", "BaseFontName", "BaseFontBlend", "", "", "", "", "", "", "ROS", "CIDFontVersion", "CIDFontRevision", "CIDFontType", "CIDCount", "UIDBase", "FDArray", "FDSelect", "FontName"][s], d = 2;
null != u ? (n[u] = 1 == o.length ? o[0] : o, o = []) : o.push(h), e += d
return n
}, Typr.T.cmap = {
parseTab: function (r, e, a) {
var t = { tables: [], ids: {}, off: e };
r = new Uint8Array(r.buffer, e, a);
e = 0;
var n = Typr.B, o = n.readUshort, i = Typr.T.cmap, s = (o(r, e), o(r, e += 2));
e += 2;
for (var d = [], u = 0; u < s; u++) {
var h = o(r, e), p = o(r, e += 2);
e += 2;
var f = n.readUint(r, e);
e += 4;
var l = "p" + h + "e" + p, v = d.indexOf(f);
if (-1 == v) {
v = t.tables.length;
var y = {};
var c = y.format = o(r, f);
0 == c ? y = i.parse0(r, f, y) : 4 == c ? y = i.parse4(r, f, y) : 6 == c ? y = i.parse6(r, f, y) : 12 == c && (y = i.parse12(r, f, y)), t.tables.push(y)
if (null != t.ids[l]) throw "multiple tables for one platform+encoding";
t.ids[l] = v
return t
}, parse0: function (r, e, a) {
var t = Typr.B;
e += 2;
var n = t.readUshort(r, e);
e += 2;
t.readUshort(r, e);
e += 2, a.map = [];
for (var o = 0; o < n - 6; o++) a.map.push(r[e + o]);
return a
}, parse4: function (r, e, a) {
var t = Typr.B, n = t.readUshort, o = t.readUshorts, i = e, s = n(r, e += 2),
d = (n(r, e += 2), n(r, e += 2));
e += 2;
var u = d >>> 1;
a.searchRange = n(r, e), e += 2, a.entrySelector = n(r, e), e += 2, a.rangeShift = n(r, e), e += 2, a.endCount = o(r, e, u), e += 2 * u, e += 2, a.startCount = o(r, e, u), e += 2 * u, a.idDelta = [];
for (var h = 0; h < u; h++) a.idDelta.push(t.readShort(r, e)), e += 2;
return a.idRangeOffset = o(r, e, u), e += 2 * u, a.glyphIdArray = o(r, e, i + s - e >>> 1), a
}, parse6: function (r, e, a) {
var t = Typr.B;
e += 2;
t.readUshort(r, e);
e += 2;
t.readUshort(r, e);
e += 2, a.firstCode = t.readUshort(r, e), e += 2;
var n = t.readUshort(r, e);
e += 2, a.glyphIdArray = [];
for (var o = 0; o < n; o++) a.glyphIdArray.push(t.readUshort(r, e)), e += 2;
return a
}, parse12: function (r, e, a) {
var t = Typr.B.readUint, n = (t(r, e += 4), t(r, e += 4), 3 * t(r, e += 4));
e += 4;
for (var o = a.groups = new Uint32Array(n), i = 0; i < n; i += 3) o[i] = t(r, e + (i << 2)), o[i + 1] = t(r, e + (i << 2) + 4), o[i + 2] = t(r, e + (i << 2) + 8);
return a
}, Typr.T.glyf = {
parseTab: function (r, e, a, t) {
for (var n = [], o = t.maxp.numGlyphs, i = 0; i < o; i++) n.push(null);
return n
}, _parseGlyf: function (r, e) {
var a = Typr.B, t = r._data, n = r.loca;
if (n[e] == n[e + 1]) return null;
var o = Typr.findTable(t, "glyf", r._offset)[0] + n[e], i = {};
if (i.noc = a.readShort(t, o), o += 2, i.xMin = a.readShort(t, o), o += 2, i.yMin = a.readShort(t, o), o += 2, i.xMax = a.readShort(t, o), o += 2, i.yMax = a.readShort(t, o), o += 2, i.xMin >= i.xMax || i.yMin >= i.yMax) return null;
if (i.noc > 0) {
i.endPts = [];
for (var s = 0; s < i.noc; s++) i.endPts.push(a.readUshort(t, o)), o += 2;
var d = a.readUshort(t, o);
if (o += 2, t.length - o < d) return null;
i.instructions = a.readBytes(t, o, d), o += d;
var u = i.endPts[i.noc - 1] + 1;
i.flags = [];
for (s = 0; s < u; s++) {
var h = t[o];
if (o++, i.flags.push(h), 0 != (8 & h)) {
var p = t[o];
for (var f = 0; f < p; f++) i.flags.push(h), s++
i.xs = [];
for (s = 0; s < u; s++) {
var l = 0 != (2 & i.flags[s]), v = 0 != (16 & i.flags[s]);
l ? (i.xs.push(v ? t[o] : -t[o]), o++) : v ? i.xs.push(0) : (i.xs.push(a.readShort(t, o)), o += 2)
i.ys = [];
for (s = 0; s < u; s++) {
l = 0 != (4 & i.flags[s]), v = 0 != (32 & i.flags[s]);
l ? (i.ys.push(v ? t[o] : -t[o]), o++) : v ? i.ys.push(0) : (i.ys.push(a.readShort(t, o)), o += 2)
var y = 0, c = 0;
for (s = 0; s < u; s++) y += i.xs[s], c += i.ys[s], i.xs[s] = y, i.ys[s] = c
} else {
var S;
i.parts = [];
do {
S = a.readUshort(t, o), o += 2;
var T = { m: { a: 1, b: 0, c: 0, d: 1, tx: 0, ty: 0 }, p1: -1, p2: -1 };
if (i.parts.push(T), T.glyphIndex = a.readUshort(t, o), o += 2, 1 & S) {
var U = a.readShort(t, o);
o += 2;
var g = a.readShort(t, o);
o += 2
} else {
U = a.readInt8(t, o);
g = a.readInt8(t, o);
2 & S ? (T.m.tx = U, T.m.ty = g) : (T.p1 = U, T.p2 = g), 8 & S ? (T.m.a = T.m.d = a.readF2dot14(t, o), o += 2) : 64 & S ? (T.m.a = a.readF2dot14(t, o), o += 2, T.m.d = a.readF2dot14(t, o), o += 2) : 128 & S && (T.m.a = a.readF2dot14(t, o), o += 2, T.m.b = a.readF2dot14(t, o), o += 2, T.m.c = a.readF2dot14(t, o), o += 2, T.m.d = a.readF2dot14(t, o), o += 2)
} while (32 & S);
if (256 & S) {
var m = a.readUshort(t, o);
o += 2, i.instr = [];
for (s = 0; s < m; s++) i.instr.push(t[o]), o++
return i
}, Typr.T.head = {
parseTab: function (r, e, a) {
var t = Typr.B, n = {};
t.readFixed(r, e);
e += 4, n.fontRevision = t.readFixed(r, e), e += 4;
t.readUint(r, e);
e += 4;
t.readUint(r, e);
return e += 4, n.flags = t.readUshort(r, e), e += 2, n.unitsPerEm = t.readUshort(r, e), e += 2, n.created = t.readUint64(r, e), e += 8, n.modified = t.readUint64(r, e), e += 8, n.xMin = t.readShort(r, e), e += 2, n.yMin = t.readShort(r, e), e += 2, n.xMax = t.readShort(r, e), e += 2, n.yMax = t.readShort(r, e), e += 2, n.macStyle = t.readUshort(r, e), e += 2, n.lowestRecPPEM = t.readUshort(r, e), e += 2, n.fontDirectionHint = t.readShort(r, e), e += 2, n.indexToLocFormat = t.readShort(r, e), e += 2, n.glyphDataFormat = t.readShort(r, e), e += 2, n
}, Typr.T.hhea = {
parseTab: function (r, e, a) {
var t = Typr.B, n = {};
t.readFixed(r, e);
e += 4;
for (var o = ["ascender", "descender", "lineGap", "advanceWidthMax", "minLeftSideBearing", "minRightSideBearing", "xMaxExtent", "caretSlopeRise", "caretSlopeRun", "caretOffset", "res0", "res1", "res2", "res3", "metricDataFormat", "numberOfHMetrics"], i = 0; i < o.length; i++) {
var s = o[i],
d = "advanceWidthMax" == s || "numberOfHMetrics" == s ? t.readUshort : t.readShort;
n[s] = d(r, e + 2 * i)
return n
}, Typr.T.hmtx = {
parseTab: function (r, e, a, t) {
for (var n = Typr.B, o = [], i = [], s = t.maxp.numGlyphs, d = t.hhea.numberOfHMetrics, u = 0, h = 0, p = 0; p < d;) u = n.readUshort(r, e + (p << 2)), h = n.readShort(r, e + (p << 2) + 2), o.push(u), i.push(h), p++;
for (; p < s;) o.push(u), i.push(h), p++;
return { aWidth: o, lsBearing: i }
}, Typr.T.kern = {
parseTab: function (r, e, a, t) {
var n = Typr.B, o = Typr.T.kern;
if (1 == n.readUshort(r, e)) return o.parseV1(r, e, a, t);
var i = n.readUshort(r, e + 2);
e += 4;
for (var s = { glyph1: [], rval: [] }, d = 0; d < i; d++) {
e += 2;
a = n.readUshort(r, e);
e += 2;
var u = n.readUshort(r, e);
e += 2;
var h = u >>> 8;
0 == (h &= 15) && (e = o.readFormat0(r, e, s))
return s
}, parseV1: function (r, e, a, t) {
var n = Typr.B, o = Typr.T.kern, i = (n.readFixed(r, e), n.readUint(r, e + 4));
e += 8;
for (var s = { glyph1: [], rval: [] }, d = 0; d < i; d++) {
n.readUint(r, e);
e += 4;
var u = n.readUshort(r, e);
e += 2;
n.readUshort(r, e);
e += 2, 0 == (255 & u) && (e = o.readFormat0(r, e, s))
return s
}, readFormat0: function (r, e, a) {
var t = Typr.B, n = t.readUshort, o = -1, i = n(r, e);
n(r, e + 2), n(r, e + 4), n(r, e + 6);
e += 8;
for (var s = 0; s < i; s++) {
var d = n(r, e), u = n(r, e += 2);
e += 2;
var h = t.readShort(r, e);
e += 2, d != o && (a.glyph1.push(d), a.rval.push({ glyph2: [], vals: [] }));
var p = a.rval[a.rval.length - 1];
p.glyph2.push(u), p.vals.push(h), o = d
return e
}, Typr.T.loca = {
parseTab: function (r, e, a, t) {
var n = Typr.B, o = [], i = t.head.indexToLocFormat, s = t.maxp.numGlyphs + 1;
if (0 == i) for (var d = 0; d < s; d++) o.push(n.readUshort(r, e + (d << 1)) << 1);
if (1 == i) for (d = 0; d < s; d++) o.push(n.readUint(r, e + (d << 2)));
return o
}, Typr.T.maxp = {
parseTab: function (r, e, a) {
var t = Typr.B, n = t.readUshort, o = {};
t.readUint(r, e);
return e += 4, o.numGlyphs = n(r, e), e += 2, o
}, Typr.T.name = {
parseTab: function (r, e, a) {
var t = Typr.B, n = {};
t.readUshort(r, e);
e += 2;
var o = t.readUshort(r, e);
e += 2;
t.readUshort(r, e);
for (var i = ["copyright", "fontFamily", "fontSubfamily", "ID", "fullName", "version", "postScriptName", "trademark", "manufacturer", "designer", "description", "urlVendor", "urlDesigner", "licence", "licenceURL", "---", "typoFamilyName", "typoSubfamilyName", "compatibleFull", "sampleText", "postScriptCID", "wwsFamilyName", "wwsSubfamilyName", "lightPalette", "darkPalette"], s = e += 2, d = t.readUshort, u = 0; u < o; u++) {
var h = d(r, e), p = d(r, e += 2), f = d(r, e += 2), l = d(r, e += 2), v = d(r, e += 2),
y = d(r, e += 2);
e += 2;
var c, S = s + 12 * o + y;
0 == h || 3 == h && 0 == p ? c = t.readUnicode(r, S, v / 2) : 0 == p ? c = t.readASCII(r, S, v) : 1 == p || 3 == p || 4 == p || 10 == p ? c = t.readUnicode(r, S, v / 2) : 1 == h ? (c = t.readASCII(r, S, v), console.log("reading unknown MAC encoding " + p + " as ASCII")) : (console.log("unknown encoding " + p + ", platformID: " + h), c = t.readASCII(r, S, v));
var T = "p" + h + "," + f.toString(16);
null == n[T] && (n[T] = {}), n[T][i[l]] = c, n[T]._lang = f
var U, g = "postScriptName";
for (var m in n) if (null != n[m][g] && 1033 == n[m]._lang) return n[m];
for (var m in n) if (null != n[m][g] && 0 == n[m]._lang) return n[m];
for (var m in n) if (null != n[m][g] && 3084 == n[m]._lang) return n[m];
for (var m in n) if (null != n[m][g]) return n[m];
for (var m in n) {
U = n[m];
return console.log("returning name table with languageID " + U._lang), null == U[g] && null != U.ID && (U[g] = U.ID), U
}, Typr.T.OS2 = {
parseTab: function (r, e, a) {
var t = Typr.B.readUshort(r, e);
e += 2;
var n = Typr.T.OS2, o = {};
if (0 == t) n.version0(r, e, o); else if (1 == t) n.version1(r, e, o); else if (2 == t || 3 == t || 4 == t) n.version2(r, e, o); else {
if (5 != t) throw "unknown OS/2 table version: " + t;
n.version5(r, e, o)
return o
}, version0: function (r, e, a) {
var t = Typr.B;
return a.xAvgCharWidth = t.readShort(r, e), e += 2, a.usWeightClass = t.readUshort(r, e), e += 2, a.usWidthClass = t.readUshort(r, e), e += 2, a.fsType = t.readUshort(r, e), e += 2, a.ySubscriptXSize = t.readShort(r, e), e += 2, a.ySubscriptYSize = t.readShort(r, e), e += 2, a.ySubscriptXOffset = t.readShort(r, e), e += 2, a.ySubscriptYOffset = t.readShort(r, e), e += 2, a.ySuperscriptXSize = t.readShort(r, e), e += 2, a.ySuperscriptYSize = t.readShort(r, e), e += 2, a.ySuperscriptXOffset = t.readShort(r, e), e += 2, a.ySuperscriptYOffset = t.readShort(r, e), e += 2, a.yStrikeoutSize = t.readShort(r, e), e += 2, a.yStrikeoutPosition = t.readShort(r, e), e += 2, a.sFamilyClass = t.readShort(r, e), e += 2, a.panose = t.readBytes(r, e, 10), e += 10, a.ulUnicodeRange1 = t.readUint(r, e), e += 4, a.ulUnicodeRange2 = t.readUint(r, e), e += 4, a.ulUnicodeRange3 = t.readUint(r, e), e += 4, a.ulUnicodeRange4 = t.readUint(r, e), e += 4, a.achVendID = t.readASCII(r, e, 4), e += 4, a.fsSelection = t.readUshort(r, e), e += 2, a.usFirstCharIndex = t.readUshort(r, e), e += 2, a.usLastCharIndex = t.readUshort(r, e), e += 2, a.sTypoAscender = t.readShort(r, e), e += 2, a.sTypoDescender = t.readShort(r, e), e += 2, a.sTypoLineGap = t.readShort(r, e), e += 2, a.usWinAscent = t.readUshort(r, e), e += 2, a.usWinDescent = t.readUshort(r, e), e += 2
}, version1: function (r, e, a) {
var t = Typr.B;
return e = Typr.T.OS2.version0(r, e, a), a.ulCodePageRange1 = t.readUint(r, e), e += 4, a.ulCodePageRange2 = t.readUint(r, e), e += 4
}, version2: function (r, e, a) {
var t = Typr.B, n = t.readUshort;
return e = Typr.T.OS2.version1(r, e, a), a.sxHeight = t.readShort(r, e), e += 2, a.sCapHeight = t.readShort(r, e), e += 2, a.usDefault = n(r, e), e += 2, a.usBreak = n(r, e), e += 2, a.usMaxContext = n(r, e), e += 2
}, version5: function (r, e, a) {
var t = Typr.B.readUshort;
return e = Typr.T.OS2.version2(r, e, a), a.usLowerOpticalPointSize = t(r, e), e += 2, a.usUpperOpticalPointSize = t(r, e), e += 2
}, Typr.T.post = {
parseTab: function (r, e, a) {
var t = Typr.B, n = {};
return n.version = t.readFixed(r, e), e += 4, n.italicAngle = t.readFixed(r, e), e += 4, n.underlinePosition = t.readShort(r, e), e += 2, n.underlineThickness = t.readShort(r, e), e += 2, n
}, Typr.T.SVG = {
parseTab: function (r, e, a) {
var t = Typr.B, n = { entries: [] }, o = e;
t.readUshort(r, e);
e += 2;
var i = t.readUint(r, e);
e += 4;
t.readUint(r, e);
e += 4, e = i + o;
var s = t.readUshort(r, e);
e += 2;
for (var d = 0; d < s; d++) {
var u = t.readUshort(r, e);
e += 2;
var h = t.readUshort(r, e);
e += 2;
var p = t.readUint(r, e);
e += 4;
var f = t.readUint(r, e);
e += 4;
for (var l = new Uint8Array(r.buffer, o + p + i, f), v = t.readUTF8(l, 0, l.length), y = u; y <= h; y++) n.entries[y] = v
return n
Typr.U = {
shape: function (t, e, r) {
for (var s = function (t, e, r, s) {
var n = e[r], a = e[r + 1], h = t.kern;
if (h) {
var o = h.glyph1.indexOf(n);
if (-1 != o) {
var f = h.rval[o].glyph2.indexOf(a);
if (-1 != f) return [0, 0, h.rval[o].vals[f], 0]
return [0, 0, 0, 0]
}, n = [], a = 0; a < e.length; a++) {
var h = e.codePointAt(a);
h > 65535 && a++, n.push(Typr.U.codeToGlyph(t, h))
var o = [];
for (a = 0; a < n.length; a++) {
var f = s(t, n, a), i = n[a], l = t.hmtx.aWidth[i] + f[2];
o.push({ g: i, cl: a, dx: 0, dy: 0, ax: l, ay: 0 }), l
return o
}, shapeToPath: function (t, e, r) {
for (var s = { cmds: [], crds: [] }, n = 0, a = 0, h = 0; h < e.length; h++) {
for (var o = e[h], f = Typr.U.glyphToPath(t, o.g), i = f.crds, l = 0; l < i.length; l += 2) s.crds.push(i[l] + n + o.dx), s.crds.push(i[l + 1] + a + o.dy);
r && s.cmds.push(r);
for (l = 0; l < f.cmds.length; l++) s.cmds.push(f.cmds[l]);
var c = s.cmds.length;
r && 0 != c && "X" != s.cmds[c - 1] && s.cmds.push("X"), n += o.ax, a += o.ay
return { cmds: s.cmds, crds: s.crds }
}, codeToGlyph: function (t, e) {
for (var r = t.cmap, s = -1, n = ["p3e10", "p0e4", "p3e1", "p1e0", "p0e3", "p0e1"], a = 0; a < n.length; a++) if (null != r.ids[n[a]]) {
s = r.ids[n[a]];
if (-1 == s) throw "no familiar platform and encoding!";
var h = function (t, e, r) {
for (var s = 0, n = Math.floor(t.length / e); s + 1 != n;) {
var a = s + (n - s >>> 1);
t[a * e] <= r ? s = a : n = a
return s * e
}, o = r.tables[s], f = o.format, i = -1;
if (0 == f) i = e >= o.map.length ? 0 : o.map[e]; else if (4 == f) {
var l = -1, c = o.endCount;
if (e > c[c.length - 1] ? l = -1 : c[l = h(c, 1, e)] < e && l++, -1 == l) i = 0; else if (e < o.startCount[l]) i = 0; else {
i = 65535 & (0 != o.idRangeOffset[l] ? o.glyphIdArray[e - o.startCount[l] + (o.idRangeOffset[l] >> 1) - (o.idRangeOffset.length - l)] : e + o.idDelta[l])
} else if (6 == f) {
var u = e - o.firstCode, d = o.glyphIdArray;
i = u < 0 || u >= d.length ? 0 : d[u]
} else {
if (12 != f) throw "unknown cmap table format " + o.format;
var v = o.groups;
e > v[v.length - 2] ? i = 0 : (v[a = h(v, 3, e)] <= e && e <= v[a + 1] && (i = v[a + 2] + (e - v[a])), -1 == i && (i = 0))
var p = t["SVG "], g = t.loca;
return 0 == i || null != t["CFF "] || null != p && null != p.entries[i] || g[i] != g[i + 1] || -1 != [9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 32, 133, 160, 5760, 8232, 8233, 8239, 12288, 6158, 8203, 8204, 8205, 8288, 65279].indexOf(e) || 8192 <= e && e <= 8202 || (i = 0), i
}, glyphToPath: function (t, e) {
var r = { cmds: [], crds: [] }, s = t["SVG "], n = t["CFF "], a = Typr.U;
if (s && s.entries[e]) {
var h = s.entries[e];
null != h && ("string" == typeof h && (h = a.SVG.toPath(h), s.entries[e] = h), r = h)
} else if (n) {
var o = n.Private, f = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
stack: [],
nStems: 0,
haveWidth: !1,
width: o ? o.defaultWidthX : 0,
open: !1
if (n.ROS) {
for (var i = 0; n.FDSelect[i + 2] <= e;) i += 2;
o = n.FDArray[n.FDSelect[i + 1]].Private
a._drawCFF(n.CharStrings[e], f, n, o, r)
} else t.glyf && a._drawGlyf(e, t, r);
return { cmds: r.cmds, crds: r.crds }
}, _drawGlyf: function (t, e, r) {
var s = e.glyf[t];
null == s && (s = e.glyf[t] = Typr.T.glyf._parseGlyf(e, t)), null != s && (s.noc > -1 ? Typr.U._simpleGlyph(s, r) : Typr.U._compoGlyph(s, e, r))
}, _simpleGlyph: function (t, e) {
for (var r = Typr.U.P, s = 0; s < t.noc; s++) {
for (var n = 0 == s ? 0 : t.endPts[s - 1] + 1, a = t.endPts[s], h = n; h <= a; h++) {
var o = h == n ? a : h - 1, f = h == a ? n : h + 1, i = 1 & t.flags[h],
l = 1 & t.flags[o], c = 1 & t.flags[f], u = t.xs[h], d = t.ys[h];
if (h == n) if (i) {
if (!l) {
r.MoveTo(e, u, d);
r.MoveTo(e, t.xs[o], t.ys[o])
} else l ? r.MoveTo(e, t.xs[o], t.ys[o]) : r.MoveTo(e, Math.floor(.5 * (t.xs[o] + u)), Math.floor(.5 * (t.ys[o] + d)));
i ? l && r.LineTo(e, u, d) : c ? r.qCurveTo(e, u, d, t.xs[f], t.ys[f]) : r.qCurveTo(e, u, d, Math.floor(.5 * (u + t.xs[f])), Math.floor(.5 * (d + t.ys[f])))
}, _compoGlyph: function (t, e, r) {
for (var s = 0; s < t.parts.length; s++) {
var n = { cmds: [], crds: [] }, a = t.parts[s];
Typr.U._drawGlyf(a.glyphIndex, e, n);
for (var h = a.m, o = 0; o < n.crds.length; o += 2) {
var f = n.crds[o], i = n.crds[o + 1];
r.crds.push(f * h.a + i * h.b + h.tx), r.crds.push(f * h.c + i * h.d + h.ty)
for (o = 0; o < n.cmds.length; o++) r.cmds.push(n.cmds[o])
}, pathToSVG: function (t, e) {
var r = t.cmds, s = t.crds;
null == e && (e = 5);
for (var n = [], a = 0, h = { M: 2, L: 2, Q: 4, C: 6 }, o = 0; o < r.length; o++) {
var f = r[o], i = a + (h[f] ? h[f] : 0);
for (n.push(f); a < i;) {
var l = s[a++];
n.push(parseFloat(l.toFixed(e)) + (a == i ? "" : " "))
return n.join("")
}, SVGToPath: function (t) {
var e = { cmds: [], crds: [] };
return Typr.U.SVG.svgToPath(t, e), { cmds: e.cmds, crds: e.crds }
}, pathToContext: function (t, e) {
for (var r = 0, s = t.cmds, n = t.crds, a = 0; a < s.length; a++) {
var h = s[a];
"M" == h ? (e.moveTo(n[r], n[r + 1]), r += 2) : "L" == h ? (e.lineTo(n[r], n[r + 1]), r += 2) : "C" == h ? (e.bezierCurveTo(n[r], n[r + 1], n[r + 2], n[r + 3], n[r + 4], n[r + 5]), r += 6) : "Q" == h ? (e.quadraticCurveTo(n[r], n[r + 1], n[r + 2], n[r + 3]), r += 4) : "#" == h.charAt(0) ? (e.beginPath(), e.fillStyle = h) : "Z" == h ? e.closePath() : "X" == h && e.fill()
}, P: {
MoveTo: function (t, e, r) {
t.cmds.push("M"), t.crds.push(e, r)
}, LineTo: function (t, e, r) {
t.cmds.push("L"), t.crds.push(e, r)
}, CurveTo: function (t, e, r, s, n, a, h) {
t.cmds.push("C"), t.crds.push(e, r, s, n, a, h)
}, qCurveTo: function (t, e, r, s, n) {
t.cmds.push("Q"), t.crds.push(e, r, s, n)
}, ClosePath: function (t) {
}, _drawCFF: function (t, e, r, s, n) {
for (var a = e.stack, h = e.nStems, o = e.haveWidth, f = e.width, i = e.open, l = 0, c = e.x, u = e.y, d = 0, v = 0, p = 0, g = 0, m = 0, y = 0, T = 0, C = 0, b = 0, _ = 0, M = Typr.T.CFF, x = Typr.U.P, P = s.nominalWidthX, w = {
val: 0,
size: 0
}; l < t.length;) {
M.getCharString(t, l, w);
var S = w.val;
if (l += w.size, "o1" == S || "o18" == S) a.length % 2 != 0 && !o && (f = a.shift() + P), h += a.length >> 1, a.length = 0, o = !0; else if ("o3" == S || "o23" == S) {
a.length % 2 != 0 && !o && (f = a.shift() + P), h += a.length >> 1, a.length = 0, o = !0
} else if ("o4" == S) a.length > 1 && !o && (f = a.shift() + P, o = !0), i && x.ClosePath(n), u += a.pop(), x.MoveTo(n, c, u), i = !0; else if ("o5" == S) for (; a.length > 0;) c += a.shift(), u += a.shift(), x.LineTo(n, c, u); else if ("o6" == S || "o7" == S) for (var F = a.length, A = "o6" == S, U = 0; U < F; U++) {
var G = a.shift();
A ? c += G : u += G, A = !A, x.LineTo(n, c, u)
} else if ("o8" == S || "o24" == S) {
F = a.length;
for (var L = 0; L + 6 <= F;) d = c + a.shift(), v = u + a.shift(), p = d + a.shift(), g = v + a.shift(), c = p + a.shift(), u = g + a.shift(), x.CurveTo(n, d, v, p, g, c, u), L += 6;
"o24" == S && (c += a.shift(), u += a.shift(), x.LineTo(n, c, u))
} else {
if ("o11" == S) break;
if ("o1234" == S || "o1235" == S || "o1236" == S || "o1237" == S) "o1234" == S && (v = u, p = (d = c + a.shift()) + a.shift(), _ = g = v + a.shift(), y = g, C = u, c = (T = (m = (b = p + a.shift()) + a.shift()) + a.shift()) + a.shift(), x.CurveTo(n, d, v, p, g, b, _), x.CurveTo(n, m, y, T, C, c, u)), "o1235" == S && (d = c + a.shift(), v = u + a.shift(), p = d + a.shift(), g = v + a.shift(), b = p + a.shift(), _ = g + a.shift(), m = b + a.shift(), y = _ + a.shift(), T = m + a.shift(), C = y + a.shift(), c = T + a.shift(), u = C + a.shift(), a.shift(), x.CurveTo(n, d, v, p, g, b, _), x.CurveTo(n, m, y, T, C, c, u)), "o1236" == S && (d = c + a.shift(), v = u + a.shift(), p = d + a.shift(), _ = g = v + a.shift(), y = g, T = (m = (b = p + a.shift()) + a.shift()) + a.shift(), C = y + a.shift(), c = T + a.shift(), x.CurveTo(n, d, v, p, g, b, _), x.CurveTo(n, m, y, T, C, c, u)), "o1237" == S && (d = c + a.shift(), v = u + a.shift(), p = d + a.shift(), g = v + a.shift(), b = p + a.shift(), _ = g + a.shift(), m = b + a.shift(), y = _ + a.shift(), T = m + a.shift(), C = y + a.shift(), Math.abs(T - c) > Math.abs(C - u) ? c = T + a.shift() : u = C + a.shift(), x.CurveTo(n, d, v, p, g, b, _), x.CurveTo(n, m, y, T, C, c, u)); else if ("o14" == S) {
if (a.length > 0 && !o && (f = a.shift() + r.nominalWidthX, o = !0), 4 == a.length) {
var k = a.shift(), O = a.shift(), V = a.shift(), W = a.shift(),
B = M.glyphBySE(r, V), I = M.glyphBySE(r, W);
Typr.U._drawCFF(r.CharStrings[B], e, r, s, n), e.x = k, e.y = O, Typr.U._drawCFF(r.CharStrings[I], e, r, s, n)
i && (x.ClosePath(n), i = !1)
} else if ("o19" == S || "o20" == S) {
a.length % 2 != 0 && !o && (f = a.shift() + P), h += a.length >> 1, a.length = 0, o = !0, l += h + 7 >> 3
} else if ("o21" == S) a.length > 2 && !o && (f = a.shift() + P, o = !0), u += a.pop(), c += a.pop(), i && x.ClosePath(n), x.MoveTo(n, c, u), i = !0; else if ("o22" == S) a.length > 1 && !o && (f = a.shift() + P, o = !0), c += a.pop(), i && x.ClosePath(n), x.MoveTo(n, c, u), i = !0; else if ("o25" == S) {
for (; a.length > 6;) c += a.shift(), u += a.shift(), x.LineTo(n, c, u);
d = c + a.shift(), v = u + a.shift(), p = d + a.shift(), g = v + a.shift(), c = p + a.shift(), u = g + a.shift(), x.CurveTo(n, d, v, p, g, c, u)
} else if ("o26" == S) for (a.length % 2 && (c += a.shift()); a.length > 0;) d = c, v = u + a.shift(), c = p = d + a.shift(), u = (g = v + a.shift()) + a.shift(), x.CurveTo(n, d, v, p, g, c, u); else if ("o27" == S) for (a.length % 2 && (u += a.shift()); a.length > 0;) v = u, p = (d = c + a.shift()) + a.shift(), g = v + a.shift(), c = p + a.shift(), u = g, x.CurveTo(n, d, v, p, g, c, u); else if ("o10" == S || "o29" == S) {
var q = "o10" == S ? s : r;
if (0 == a.length) console.log("error: empty stack"); else {
var Q = a.pop(), X = q.Subrs[Q + q.Bias];
e.x = c, e.y = u, e.nStems = h, e.haveWidth = o, e.width = f, e.open = i, Typr.U._drawCFF(X, e, r, s, n), c = e.x, u = e.y, h = e.nStems, o = e.haveWidth, f = e.width, i = e.open
} else if ("o30" == S || "o31" == S) {
var D = a.length, E = (L = 0, "o31" == S);
for (L += D - (F = -3 & D); L < F;) E ? (v = u, p = (d = c + a.shift()) + a.shift(), u = (g = v + a.shift()) + a.shift(), F - L == 5 ? (c = p + a.shift(), L++) : c = p, E = !1) : (d = c, v = u + a.shift(), p = d + a.shift(), g = v + a.shift(), c = p + a.shift(), F - L == 5 ? (u = g + a.shift(), L++) : u = g, E = !0), x.CurveTo(n, d, v, p, g, c, u), L += 4
} else {
if ("o" == (S + "").charAt(0)) throw console.log("Unknown operation: " + S, t), S;
e.x = c, e.y = u, e.nStems = h, e.haveWidth = o, e.width = f, e.open = i
}, SVG: function () {
var t = {
getScale: function (t) {
return Math.sqrt(Math.abs(t[0] * t[3] - t[1] * t[2]))
}, translate: function (e, r, s) {
t.concat(e, [1, 0, 0, 1, r, s])
}, rotate: function (e, r) {
t.concat(e, [Math.cos(r), -Math.sin(r), Math.sin(r), Math.cos(r), 0, 0])
}, scale: function (e, r, s) {
t.concat(e, [r, 0, 0, s, 0, 0])
}, concat: function (t, e) {
var r = t[0], s = t[1], n = t[2], a = t[3], h = t[4], o = t[5];
t[0] = r * e[0] + s * e[2], t[1] = r * e[1] + s * e[3], t[2] = n * e[0] + a * e[2], t[3] = n * e[1] + a * e[3], t[4] = h * e[0] + o * e[2] + e[4], t[5] = h * e[1] + o * e[3] + e[5]
}, invert: function (t) {
var e = t[0], r = t[1], s = t[2], n = t[3], a = t[4], h = t[5], o = e * n - r * s;
t[0] = n / o, t[1] = -r / o, t[2] = -s / o, t[3] = e / o, t[4] = (s * h - n * a) / o, t[5] = (r * a - e * h) / o
}, multPoint: function (t, e) {
var r = e[0], s = e[1];
return [r * t[0] + s * t[2] + t[4], r * t[1] + s * t[3] + t[5]]
}, multArray: function (t, e) {
for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r += 2) {
var s = e[r], n = e[r + 1];
e[r] = s * t[0] + n * t[2] + t[4], e[r + 1] = s * t[1] + n * t[3] + t[5]
function e(t, e, r) {
for (var s = [], n = 0, a = 0, h = 0; ;) {
var o = t.indexOf(e, a), f = t.indexOf(r, a);
if (-1 == o && -1 == f) break;
-1 == f || -1 != o && o < f ? (0 == h && (s.push(t.slice(n, o).trim()), n = o + 1), h++, a = o + 1) : (-1 == o || -1 != f && f < o) && (0 == --h && (s.push(t.slice(n, f).trim()), n = f + 1), a = f + 1)
return s
function r(r) {
for (var n = e(r, "(", ")"), a = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0], h = 0; h < n.length; h += 2) {
var o = a;
a = s(n[h], n[h + 1]), t.concat(a, o)
return a
function s(e, r) {
for (var s = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0], n = !0, a = 0; a < r.length; a++) {
var h = r.charAt(a);
"," == h || " " == h ? n = !0 : "." == h ? (n || (r = r.slice(0, a) + "," + r.slice(a), a++), n = !1) : "-" == h && a > 0 && "e" != r[a - 1] && (r = r.slice(0, a) + " " + r.slice(a), a++, n = !0)
if (r = r.split(/\s*[\s,]\s*/).map(parseFloat), "translate" == e) 1 == r.length ? t.translate(s, r[0], 0) : t.translate(s, r[0], r[1]); else if ("scale" == e) 1 == r.length ? t.scale(s, r[0], r[0]) : t.scale(s, r[0], r[1]); else if ("rotate" == e) {
var o = 0, f = 0;
1 != r.length && (o = r[1], f = r[2]), t.translate(s, -o, -f), t.rotate(s, -Math.PI * r[0] / 180), t.translate(s, o, f)
} else "matrix" == e ? s = r : console.log("unknown transform: ", e);
return s
function n(e, s, a) {
for (var o = 0; o < e.length; o++) {
var f = e[o], i = f.tagName, l = f.getAttribute("fill");
if (null == l && (l = a), "g" == i) {
var c = { crds: [], cmds: [] };
n(f.children, c, l);
var u = f.getAttribute("transform");
if (u) {
var d = r(u);
t.multArray(d, c.crds)
s.crds = s.crds.concat(c.crds), s.cmds = s.cmds.concat(c.cmds)
} else if ("path" == i || "circle" == i || "ellipse" == i) {
var v;
if (s.cmds.push(l || "#000000"), "path" == i && (v = f.getAttribute("d")), "circle" == i || "ellipse" == i) {
for (var p = [0, 0, 0, 0], g = ["cx", "cy", "rx", "ry", "r"], m = 0; m < 5; m++) {
var y = f.getAttribute(g[m]);
y && (y = parseFloat(y), m < 4 ? p[m] = y : p[2] = p[3] = y)
var T = p[0], C = p[1], b = p[2], _ = p[3];
v = ["M", T - b, C, "a", b, _, 0, 1, 0, 2 * b, 0, "a", b, _, 0, 1, 0, 2 * -b, 0].join(" ")
h(v, s), s.cmds.push("X")
} else "defs" == i || console.log(i, f)
function a(t, e, r) {
for (var s = e; s < t.length && "string" != typeof t[s];) s += r;
return (s - e) / r
function h(t, e) {
for (var r = function (t) {
for (var e = [], r = 0, s = !1, n = "", a = ""; r < t.length;) {
var h = t.charCodeAt(r), o = t.charAt(r);
var f = 48 <= h && h <= 57 || "." == o || "-" == o || "e" == o || "E" == o;
s ? "-" == o && "e" != a || "." == o && -1 != n.indexOf(".") ? (e.push(parseFloat(n)), n = o) : f ? n += o : (e.push(parseFloat(n)), "," != o && " " != o && e.push(o), s = !1) : f ? (n = o, s = !0) : "," != o && " " != o && e.push(o), a = o
return s && e.push(parseFloat(n)), e
}(t), s = 0, n = 0, h = 0, o = 0, f = 0, i = e.crds.length, l = {
M: 2,
L: 2,
H: 1,
V: 1,
T: 2,
S: 4,
A: 7,
Q: 4,
C: 6
}, c = e.cmds, u = e.crds; s < r.length;) {
var d = r[s];
var v = d.toUpperCase();
if ("Z" == v) c.push("Z"), n = o, h = f; else for (var p = a(r, s, l[v]), g = 0; g < p; g++) {
1 == g && "M" == v && (d = d == v ? "L" : "l", v = "L");
var m = 0, y = 0;
if (d != v && (m = n, y = h), "M" == v) n = m + r[s++], h = y + r[s++], c.push("M"), u.push(n, h), o = n, f = h; else if ("L" == v) n = m + r[s++], h = y + r[s++], c.push("L"), u.push(n, h); else if ("H" == v) n = m + r[s++], c.push("L"), u.push(n, h); else if ("V" == v) h = y + r[s++], c.push("L"), u.push(n, h); else if ("Q" == v) {
var T = m + r[s++], C = y + r[s++], b = m + r[s++], _ = y + r[s++];
c.push("Q"), u.push(T, C, b, _), n = b, h = _
} else if ("T" == v) {
T = n + n - u[P = Math.max(u.length - 2, i)], C = h + h - u[P + 1], b = m + r[s++], _ = y + r[s++];
c.push("Q"), u.push(T, C, b, _), n = b, h = _
} else if ("C" == v) {
T = m + r[s++], C = y + r[s++], b = m + r[s++], _ = y + r[s++];
var M = m + r[s++], x = y + r[s++];
c.push("C"), u.push(T, C, b, _, M, x), n = M, h = x
} else if ("S" == v) {
var P;
T = n + n - u[P = Math.max(u.length - ("C" == c[c.length - 1] ? 4 : 2), i)], C = h + h - u[P + 1], b = m + r[s++], _ = y + r[s++], M = m + r[s++], x = y + r[s++];
c.push("C"), u.push(T, C, b, _, M, x), n = M, h = x
} else if ("A" == v) {
T = n, C = h;
var w = r[s++], S = r[s++], F = r[s++] * (Math.PI / 180), A = r[s++],
U = r[s++];
b = m + r[s++], _ = y + r[s++];
if (b == n && _ == h && 0 == w && 0 == S) continue;
var G = (T - b) / 2, L = (C - _) / 2, k = Math.cos(F), O = Math.sin(F),
V = k * G + O * L, W = -O * G + k * L, B = w * w, I = S * S, q = V * V,
Q = W * W, X = (B * I - B * Q - I * q) / (B * Q + I * q),
D = (A != U ? 1 : -1) * Math.sqrt(Math.max(X, 0)), E = D * (w * W) / S,
H = S * V * -D / w, R = k * E - O * H + (T + b) / 2,
Z = O * E + k * H + (C + _) / 2, z = function (t, e, r, s) {
var n = (t * r + e * s) / (Math.sqrt(t * t + e * e) * Math.sqrt(r * r + s * s));
return (t * s - e * r >= 0 ? 1 : -1) * Math.acos(Math.max(-1, Math.min(1, n)))
}, N = (V - E) / w, j = (W - H) / S, J = z(1, 0, N, j),
K = z(N, j, (-V - E) / w, (-W - H) / S);
!function (t, e, r, s, n, a, h) {
var o = function (t, e) {
var r = Math.sin(e), s = Math.cos(e), n = (e = t[0], t[1]), a = t[2],
h = t[3];
t[0] = e * s + n * r, t[1] = -e * r + n * s, t[2] = a * s + h * r, t[3] = -a * r + h * s
}, f = function (t, e) {
for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r += 2) {
var s = e[r], n = e[r + 1];
e[r] = t[0] * s + t[2] * n + t[4], e[r + 1] = t[1] * s + t[3] * n + t[5]
}, i = function (t, e) {
for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r++) t.push(e[r])
if (h) for (; a > n;) a -= 2 * Math.PI; else for (; a < n;) a += 2 * Math.PI;
var l = (a - n) / 4, c = Math.cos(l / 2), u = -Math.sin(l / 2),
d = (4 - c) / 3, v = 0 == u ? u : (1 - c) * (3 - c) / (3 * u),
p = [d, v, d, -v, c, -u],
g = { cmds: ["C", "C", "C", "C"], crds: p.slice(0) },
m = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0];
o(m, -l);
for (var y = 0; y < 3; y++) f(m, p), i(g.crds, p);
o(m, l / 2 - n), m[0] *= s, m[1] *= s, m[2] *= s, m[3] *= s, m[4] = e, m[5] = r, f(m, g.crds), f(t.ctm, g.crds), function (t, e) {
i(t.cmds, e.cmds), i(t.crds, e.crds)
}(t.pth, g)
pth: e,
ctm: [w * k, w * O, -S * O, S * k, R, Z]
}, 0, 0, 1, J, J + (K %= 2 * Math.PI), 0 == U), n = b, h = _
} else console.log("Unknown SVG command " + d)
return {
cssMap: function (t) {
for (var r = e(t, "{", "}"), s = {}, n = 0; n < r.length; n += 2) for (var a = r[n].split(","), h = 0; h < a.length; h++) {
var o = a[h].trim();
null == s[o] && (s[o] = ""), s[o] += r[n + 1]
return s
}, readTrnf: r, svgToPath: h, toPath: function (t) {
var e = { cmds: [], crds: [] };
if (null == t) return e;
var r = (new DOMParser).parseFromString(t, "image/svg+xml").getElementsByTagName("svg")[0],
s = r.getAttribute("viewBox");
s = s ? s.trim().split(" ").map(parseFloat) : [0, 0, 1e3, 1e3], n(r.children, e);
for (var a = 0; a < e.crds.length; a += 2) {
var h = e.crds[a], o = e.crds[a + 1];
h -= s[0], o = -(o -= s[1]), e.crds[a] = h, e.crds[a + 1] = o
return e
}(), initHB: function (t, e) {
var r = function (t) {
var e = 0;
return 0 == (4294967168 & t) ? e = 1 : 0 == (4294965248 & t) ? e = 2 : 0 == (4294901760 & t) ? e = 3 : 0 == (4292870144 & t) && (e = 4), e
}, s = new window.TextEncoder("utf8");
fetch(t).then((function (t) {
return t.arrayBuffer()
})).then((function (t) {
return WebAssembly.instantiate(t)
})).then((function (t) {
console.log("HB ready");
var n = t.instance.exports, a = n.memory;
var h, o, f, i, l, c = new Uint8Array(a.buffer), u = new Uint32Array(a.buffer),
d = new Int32Array(a.buffer);
Typr.U.shapeHB = function (t, e, a) {
var v = t._data, p = t.name.postScriptName;
h != p && (null != o && (n.hb_blob_destroy(o), n.free(f), n.hb_face_destroy(i), n.hb_font_destroy(l)), f = n.malloc(v.byteLength), c.set(v, f), o = n.hb_blob_create(f, v.byteLength, 2, 0, 0), i = n.hb_face_create(o, 0), l = n.hb_font_create(i), h = p);
var g = n.hb_buffer_create(), m = s.encode(e), y = m.length, T = n.malloc(y);
c.set(m, T), n.hb_buffer_add_utf8(g, T, y, 0, y), n.free(T), n.hb_buffer_set_direction(g, a ? 4 : 5), n.hb_buffer_guess_segment_properties(g), n.hb_shape(l, g, 0, 0);
var C = function (t) {
for (var e = n.hb_buffer_get_length(t), r = [], s = n.hb_buffer_get_glyph_infos(t, 0) >>> 2, a = n.hb_buffer_get_glyph_positions(t, 0) >>> 2, h = 0; h < e; ++h) {
var o = s + 5 * h, f = a + 5 * h;
g: u[o + 0],
cl: u[o + 2],
ax: d[f + 0],
ay: d[f + 1],
dx: d[f + 2],
dy: d[f + 3]
return r
var b = C.slice(0);
a || b.reverse();
for (var _ = 0, M = 0, x = 1; x < b.length; x++) {
for (var P = b[x], w = P.cl; ;) {
var S = e.codePointAt(_), F = r(S);
if (!(M + F <= w)) break;
M += F, _ += S <= 65535 ? 1 : 2
P.cl = _
return C
}, e()
var $tip = $('style:contains(font-cxsecret)');
if (!$tip.length) return;
var font = $tip.text().match(/base64,([\w\W]+?)'/)[1];
font = Typr.parse(this.base64ToUint8Array(font))[0];
var table = JSON.parse(GM_getResourceText('ttf'));
var match = {};
for (var i = 19968; i < 40870; i++) {
$tip = Typr.U.codeToGlyph(font, i);
if (!$tip) continue;
$tip = Typr.U.glyphToPath(font, $tip);
$tip = md5(JSON.stringify($tip)).slice(24);
match[i] = table[$tip];
$('.font-cxsecret').html(function (index, html) {
$.each(match, function (key, value) {
key = String.fromCharCode(key);
key = new RegExp(key, 'g');
value = String.fromCharCode(value);
html = html.replace(key, value);
return html;
base64ToUint8Array(base64) {
var data = window.atob(base64);
var buffer = new Uint8Array(data.length);
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
buffer[i] = data.charCodeAt(i);
return buffer;
getQuestion: function (type, html = '') {
let questionHtml, questionText, questionType, questionTypeId, optionHtml, tokenHtml, workType,
optionText, index;
switch (type) {
case '1':
workType = "zj"
questionHtml = $(html).find(".clearfix .fontLabel");
questionText = utils.removeHtml(questionHtml[0].innerHTML).cl();
questionTypeId = $(html).find("input[name^=answertype]:eq(0)").val();
optionHtml = $(html).find('ul:eq(0) li .after');
tokenHtml = html.innerHTML;
optionText = [];
optionHtml.each(function (index, item) {
case '2':
workType = "zy"
questionHtml = $(html).find(".mark_name");
index = questionHtml[0].innerHTML.indexOf('</span>');
questionText = utils.removeHtml(questionHtml[0].innerHTML.substring(index + 7)).cl();
questionType = questionHtml[0].getElementsByTagName('span')[0].innerHTML.replace('(', '').replace(')', '').split(',')[0];
questionTypeId = $(html).find("input[name^=answertype]:eq(0)").val();
optionHtml = $(html).find(".answer_p");
tokenHtml = html.innerHTML;
optionText = [];
for (let i = 0; i < optionHtml.length; i++) {
case '3':
workType = "ks"
questionHtml = document.getElementsByClassName('mark_name colorDeep');
index = questionHtml[0].innerHTML.indexOf('</span>');
questionText = utils.removeHtml(questionHtml[0].innerHTML.substring(index + 7)).cl();
questionType = questionHtml[0].getElementsByTagName('span')[0].innerHTML.replace('(', '').replace(')', '').split(',')[0];
questionTypeId = $("input[name^=type]:eq(1)").val();
optionHtml = document.getElementsByClassName('answer_p');
tokenHtml = document.getElementsByClassName('mark_table')[0].innerHTML;
optionText = [];
for (let i = 0; i < optionHtml.length; i++) {
if (!defaultConfig.hidden) {
let layx_content = document.getElementById('layx_content');
layx_content.innerHTML = '<div class="question_content"><span class="question_type">' + questionType + '</span>' + questionText + '</div><div class="option"></div><div class="answer">答案正在获取中</div>';
let option = document.getElementsByClassName('option')[0];
for (let i = 0; i < optionText.length; i++) {
option.innerHTML += '<div class="option_item">' + String.fromCharCode(65 + i) + '、' + optionText[i] + '</div>';
let answer = document.getElementsByClassName('answer')[0];
answer.innerHTML = '答案正在获取中';
return {
"question": questionText,
"options": optionText,
"type": questionTypeId,
"questionData": tokenHtml,
"workType": workType
answerFormat: function (answer) {
if (answer instanceof Array) {
answer = answer.filter(function (item) {
return item !== null;
for (let i = 0; i < answer.length; i++) {
answer[i] = utils.removeHtml(answer[i]);
} else if (typeof answer === 'string') {
answer = answer.cl();
return answer;
setAnswer: function (type, options, answer) {
answer = this.answerFormat(answer);
switch (type) {
case '0':// 单选
case '1':// 多选
var matchArr = utils.matchIndex(options, answer);
for (var i = 0; i < matchArr.length; i++) {
$(".option_item").eq(matchArr[i]).css("color", "green").css("font-weight", "bold");
return matchArr.length > 0;
case '3':// 判断
answer = answer[0];
answer && this.clear();
$(".answerBg").each(function () {
if ($(this).find(".num_option").attr("data") == "true") {
answer.match(/(^|,)(True|true|正确|是|对|√|T|ri)(,|$)/) && $(this).click()
} else {
answer.match(/(^|,)(False|false|错误|否|错|×|F|wr)(,|$)/) && $(this).click()
return ($(".answerBg").find(".check_answer").length > 0 || $(".answerBg").find(".check_answer_dx").length > 0);
case '2':// 填空
case '9':// 程序填空
case '4':// 简答
case '5':
case '6':
case '7':
var blankNum = $(".answerBg, .textDIV, .eidtDiv").find('textarea').length;
if (blankNum != answer.length) {
return false;
$(".answerBg, .textDIV, .eidtDiv").find('textarea').each(function (index) {
_self.UE.getEditor($(this).attr('name')).ready(function () {
this.setContent(answer[index].replace(/第.空:/g, ""));
return true;
return false;
setWorkAnswer: function (type, options, answer, inx) {
answer = this.answerFormat(answer);
let item = $(".questionLi").eq(inx);
switch (type) {
case '0':// 单选
case '1':// 多选
var matchArr = utils.matchIndex(options, answer);
for (var i = 0; i < matchArr.length; i++) {
$(".option_item").eq(matchArr[i]).css("color", "green").css("font-weight", "bold");
return matchArr.length > 0 && answer;
case '3':// 判断
answer = answer[0];
answer && this.clearCurrent(item);
item.find(".answerBg").each(function () {
if ($(this).find(".num_option").attr("data") == "true") {
answer.match(/(^|,)(True|true|正确|是|对|√|T|ri)(,|$)/) && $(this).click()
} else {
answer.match(/(^|,)(False|false|错误|否|错|×|F|wr)(,|$)/) && $(this).click()
return ($(".answerBg").find(".check_answer").length > 0 || $(".answerBg").find(".check_answer_dx").length > 0) && answer;
case '2':// 填空
case '9':// 程序填空
case '4':// 简答
case '5':
case '6':
case '7':
var blankNum = item.find('textarea').length;
if (blankNum != answer.length) {
return false;
item.find('textarea').each(function (index) {
_self.UE.getEditor($(this).attr('name')).ready(function () {
return answer;
return false;
setChapterAnswer: function (type, options, answer, inx) {
if (location.href.includes('mooc2=1')) {
return this.setChapterAnswerNew(type, options, answer, inx);
answer = this.answerFormat(answer);
let item = $(".TiMu").eq(inx);
switch (type) {
case '0':// 单选
case '1':// 多选
var matchArr = utils.matchIndex(options, answer);
if (matchArr.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < matchArr.length; i++) {
item.find('ul:eq(0) li :radio,:checkbox,textarea').eq(matchArr[i]).click();
$(".option_item").eq(matchArr[i]).css("color", "green").css("font-weight", "bold");
return answer;
} else {
matchArr = utils.fuzzyMatchIndex(options, answer);
for (var i = 0; i < matchArr.length; i++) {
item.find('ul:eq(0) li :radio,:checkbox,textarea').eq(matchArr[i]).click();
$(".option_item").eq(matchArr[i]).css("color", "green").css("font-weight", "bold");
if (!matchArr.length) {
var random = Math.floor(Math.random() * options.length);
item.find('ul:eq(0) li :radio,:checkbox,textarea').eq(random).click();
return false;
return matchArr.length > 0;
case '3':// 判断
answer = answer[0];
answer && page.clearCurrent(item);
item.find('ul:eq(0) li :radio,:checkbox,textarea').each(function () {
if ($(this).val() == "true") {
answer.match(/(^|,)(True|true|正确|是|对|√|T|ri)(,|$)/) && $(this).click()
} else {
answer.match(/(^|,)(False|false|错误|否|错|×|F|wr)(,|$)/) && $(this).click()
let isCheck = item.find('ul:eq(0) li :radio,:checkbox,textarea').is(':checked');
if (!isCheck) {
var random = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2);
item.find('ul:eq(0) li :radio,:checkbox,textarea').eq(random).click();
return isCheck && answer;
case '2':// 填空
case '9':// 程序填空
case '4':// 简答
case '5':
case '6':
case '7':
var blankNum = item.find('textarea').length;
if (blankNum != answer.length) {
return false;
item.find('textarea').each(function (index) {
_self.UE.getEditor($(this).attr('name')).ready(function () {
return answer;
return false;
setChapterAnswerNew: function (type, options, answer, inx) {
answer = this.answerFormat(answer);
let item = $(".TiMu").eq(inx);
switch (type) {
case '0':// 单选
case '1':// 多选
var matchArr = utils.matchIndex(options, answer);
if (matchArr.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < matchArr.length; i++) {
item.find('ul:eq(0) li,:checkbox,textarea').eq(matchArr[i]).click();
$(".option_item").eq(matchArr[i]).css("color", "green").css("font-weight", "bold");
return answer;
} else {
matchArr = utils.fuzzyMatchIndex(options, answer);
for (var i = 0; i < matchArr.length; i++) {
item.find('ul:eq(0) li,:checkbox,textarea').eq(matchArr[i]).click();
$(".option_item").eq(matchArr[i]).css("color", "green").css("font-weight", "bold");
if (!matchArr.length) {
var random = Math.floor(Math.random() * options.length);
item.find('ul:eq(0) li,:checkbox,textarea').eq(random).click();
return false;
return matchArr.length > 0;
case '3':// 判断
answer = answer[0];
answer && page.clearCurrentNew(item);
item.find('ul:eq(0) li,:checkbox,textarea').each(function () {
if ($(this).attr('aria-label').includes('对')) {
answer.match(/(^|,)(True|true|正确|是|对|√|T|ri)(,|$)/) && $(this).click()
}else {
answer.match(/(^|,)(False|false|错误|否|错|×|F|wr)(,|$)/) && $(this).click()
// let isCheck = item.find('ul:eq(0) li,:checkbox,textarea').is(':checked');
let isCheck = item.find('ul:eq(0) li,:checkbox,textarea').filter(function () {
return $(this).attr('aria-checked')== 'true';
}).length > 0;
if (!isCheck) {
var random = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2);
item.find('ul:eq(0) li,:checkbox,textarea').eq(random).click();
return isCheck && answer;
case '2':// 填空
case '9':// 程序填空
case '4':// 简答
case '5':
case '6':
case '7':
var blankNum = item.find('textarea').length;
if (blankNum != answer.length) {
return false;
item.find('textarea').each(function (index) {
_self.UE.getEditor($(this).attr('name')).ready(function () {
return answer;
return false;
randomChapterAnswer: function (type, options, inx) {
let item = $(".TiMu").eq(inx);
switch (type) {
case '0':// 单选
case '1':// 多选
var random = Math.floor(Math.random() * options.length);
item.find('ul:eq(0) li :radio,:checkbox,textarea').eq(random).click();
return true;
case '3':// 判断
var random = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2);
item.find('ul:eq(0) li :radio,:checkbox,textarea').eq(random).click();
return true;
return false;
startAsk: async function (data) {
const answer = document.getElementsByClassName('answer')[0];
let answerArr = await page.requestMerge(data);
let validAnswer = answerArr.find(item => Array.isArray(item) && item.length > 0 && page.setAnswer(data.type, data.options, item));
if (!validAnswer && defaultConfig.freeFirst) {
answerArr = await page.requestMerge(data, 1);
validAnswer = answerArr.find(item => Array.isArray(item) && item.length > 0 && page.setAnswer(data.type, data.options, item));
if (validAnswer) {
answer.innerHTML = '答案:<br />' + validAnswer.join('<br />');
answer.style.color = 'green';
this.layx_status_msg(`已答题,等待切换 剩余次数:${reqUrl.num || '暂未获取'}`);
} else {
answer.innerHTML = answerArr.find(item => !Array.isArray(item) && item.length > 0 && item) || '暂无答案';
await utils.sleep(defaultConfig.interval);
defaultConfig.autoSwitch && $('.nextDiv .jb_btn:contains("下一题")').click();
!$('.nextDiv .jb_btn:contains("下一题")') && this.layx_status_msg("答题已完成");
startWork: async function () {
let layx_content = $("#layx_content"), questionList = $(".questionLi"), tableHTML = `
<table id="qlist" class="table table-bordered">
<th style="width: 10%">题号</th>
<th style="width: 60%">题目</th>
<th style="width: 30%">答案</th>
async function startWorkTask(workinx) {
let data = page.getQuestion("2", questionList[workinx]);
let tr = $('<tr>').css("border-bottom", "1px solid #ddd");
let td1 = $('<td>').html(`<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="document.getElementsByClassName('questionLi')[${workinx}].scrollIntoView();">${parseInt(workinx) + 1}</a>`);
let td2 = $('<td>').html(`<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="document.getElementsByClassName('questionLi')[${workinx}].scrollIntoView();">${data.question}</a>`);
let td3 = $('<td>');
tr.append(td1, td2, td3);
let answerArr = await page.requestMerge(data);
let validAnswer = answerArr.find(item => Array.isArray(item) && item.length > 0 && page.setWorkAnswer(data.type, data.options, item, workinx));
if (!validAnswer && defaultConfig.freeFirst) {
answerArr = await page.requestMerge(data, 1);
validAnswer = answerArr.find(item => Array.isArray(item) && item.length > 0 && page.setWorkAnswer(data.type, data.options, item, workinx));
if (validAnswer) {
td3.html(validAnswer.join('<br />'));
tr.css("color", "green");
} else {
td3.html(answerArr.find(item => !Array.isArray(item) && item.length > 0 && item) || answerArr+'-----------答案未匹配上,请参考自行选择!');
let aBtn = $('<a>').html('重试').css({
'color': 'blue',
'margin-left': '10px',
'cursor': 'pointer'
}).click(function () {
tr.css("color", "red");
validAnswer && page.layx_status_msg(`答题进度:${parseInt(workinx) + 1}/${questionList.length} 成功${defaultConfig.succ}题 失败${defaultConfig.fail}题,剩余次数:${reqUrl.num || '暂未使用'}`);
if ($("#qlist tbody tr").length > workinx) {
$("#qlist tbody tr").eq(workinx).replaceWith(tr);
} else {
$("#qlist tbody").append(tr);
for (let i = 0; i < questionList.length; i++) {
await startWorkTask(i);
await utils.sleep(defaultConfig.interval);
this.layx_status_msg(`答题完成 - 已答${defaultConfig.succ}题,未答${questionList.length - defaultConfig.succ}题,剩余次数:${reqUrl.num || '暂未使用'}`);
startChapter: async function () {
let layx_content = $("#layx_content"), questionList = $(".TiMu"), tableHTML = `
<table id="qlist" class="table table-bordered">
<th style="width: 10%">题号</th>
<th style="width: 60%">题目</th>
<th style="width: 30%">答案</th>
async function startChapterTask(workinx) {
let data = page.getQuestion("1", questionList[workinx]);
let tr = $('<tr>').css("border-bottom", "1px solid #ddd");
let td1 = $('<td>').html(`<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="document.getElementsByClassName('TiMu')[${workinx}].scrollIntoView();">${parseInt(workinx) + 1}</a>`);
let td2 = $('<td>').html(`<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="document.getElementsByClassName('TiMu')[${workinx}].scrollIntoView();">${data.question}</a>`);
let td3 = $('<td>');
tr.append(td1, td2, td3);
let answerArr = await page.requestMerge(data);
let validAnswer = answerArr.find(item => Array.isArray(item) && item.length > 0 && page.setChapterAnswer(data.type, data.options, item, workinx));
if (!validAnswer && defaultConfig.freeFirst) {
answerArr = await page.requestMerge(data, 1);
validAnswer = answerArr.find(item => Array.isArray(item) && item.length > 0 && page.setChapterAnswer(data.type, data.options, item, workinx));
if (validAnswer) {
td3.html(validAnswer.join('<br />'));
tr.css("color", "green");
} else {
td3.html(answerArr.find(item => !Array.isArray(item) && item.length > 0 && item) || '暂无答案1');
let aBtn = $('<a>').html('重试').css({
'color': 'blue',
'margin-left': '10px',
'cursor': 'pointer'
}).click(function () {
tr.css("color", "red");
validAnswer && page.layx_status_msg(`答题进度:${parseInt(workinx) + 1}/${questionList.length} 成功${defaultConfig.succ}题 失败${defaultConfig.fail}题,剩余次数:${reqUrl.num || '暂未使用'}`);
if ($("#qlist tbody tr").length > workinx) {
$("#qlist tbody tr").eq(workinx).replaceWith(tr);
} else {
$("#qlist tbody").append(tr);
for (let i = 0; i < questionList.length; i++) {
await startChapterTask(i);
await utils.sleep(defaultConfig.interval);
this.layx_status_msg(`答题完成 - 已答${defaultConfig.succ}题,未答${questionList.length - defaultConfig.succ}题,剩余次数:${reqUrl.num || '暂未使用'} ${defaultConfig.autoSubmit ? "【准备自动提交】" : "【未开启自动提交,请手动操作】"}`);
let z = defaultConfig.succ / questionList.length;
if (defaultConfig.autoSubmit) {
setInterval(function () {
window.parent.postMessage(utils.notify("error", "提交超时,已暂时关闭"), '*');
}, 200000);
if (z >= defaultConfig.autoSubmitRate) {
await utils.sleep(defaultConfig.interval);
await utils.sleep(defaultConfig.interval);
} else {
this.layx_status_msg(`准确率不足${defaultConfig.autoSubmitRate * 100}%,暂存答案`);
window.alert = function (e) {
window.parent.postMessage(utils.notify("error", "正确率不够,暂存"), '*');
getScore: async function () {
let questionList = $(".TiMu").map(function (index, element) {
try {
let questionHtml, questionText, questionType, questionAnswer, questionOption = [],
questionAnalysis = "";
questionHtml = $(element).find(".Zy_TItle .clearfix");
questionText = utils.removeHtml(questionHtml[0].innerHTML);
questionType = questionText.match(/^\【(.+?)\】/)[1];
questionText = questionText.replace(questionText.match(/^\【(.+?)\】/)[0], "")
switch (questionType) {
case '判断题':
questionAnalysis = utils.removeHtml($(element).find(".Py_addpy:eq(0)").html() || "");
if (element.innerHTML.includes("正确答案")) {
questionAnswer = utils.removeHtml($(element).find(".Py_answer.clearfix>span").html());
questionAnswer = questionAnswer.replace("正确答案:", "").trim();
} else {
let temp = $(element).find(".Py_answer.clearfix").html();
const match = temp.match(/^(.*?)(?=<i class="fr (dui|cuo)".*><\/i>)/s);
const result = match ? match[1] : null;
questionAnswer = utils.removeHtml(result);
questionAnswer = questionAnswer.replace("我的答案:", "").trim();
if ($(element).find(".fr.dui").length == 0) {
if (questionAnswer.includes("对") || questionAnswer.includes("√") || questionAnswer.includes("正确")) {
questionAnswer = "错误";
else if (questionAnswer.includes("错") || questionAnswer.includes("×") || questionAnswer.includes("错误")) {
questionAnswer = "正确";
} else {
return null;
if (questionAnswer.includes("对") || questionAnswer.includes("√") || questionAnswer.includes("正确")) {
questionAnswer = "正确";
else if (questionAnswer.includes("错") || questionAnswer.includes("×") || questionAnswer.includes("错误")) {
questionAnswer = "错误";
} else {
return null;
case '填空题':
questionAnswer = $("span.font14", $(element)).map(function (inx, item) {
return utils.removeHtml($(item).html()).replace(/^第.空:/, "").trim();
if (questionAnswer.length == 0) {
questionAnswer = $(element).find(".Py_answer.clearfix>div>div[class='font14']");
if (questionAnswer.length = $(element).find(".Py_answer.clearfix>div>div[class='font14']>>.fr.dui").length) {
questionAnswer = questionAnswer.map(function (inx, item) {
return utils.removeHtml($(item).html()).replace(/^第.空:/, "").trim();
} else {
return null;
return null;
return {
"question": questionText,
"options": questionOption,
"type": defaultConfig.types[questionType],
"answer": questionAnswer,
} catch (e) {
return null;
questionList.length && ServerApi.defaultRequest("save1", "post", {
"questionList": questionList,
"url": location.href,
}, reqUrl.headers).then(function (res) {
getScoreNew: async function () {
let questionList = $(".TiMu").map(function (index, element) {
try {
let questionHtml, questionText, questionType, questionAnswer, questionOption = [],
questionAnalysis = "";
questionHtml = $(element).find(".Zy_TItle .clearfix");
questionText = utils.removeHtml(questionHtml[0].innerHTML);
questionType = questionText.match(/^\【(.+?)\】/)[1];
questionText = questionText.replace(questionText.match(/^\【(.+?)\】/)[0], "")
switch (questionType) {
case '判断题':
questionAnalysis = utils.removeHtml($(element).find(".Py_addpy:eq(0)").html() || "");
questionAnswer = utils.removeHtml($(element).find(".fl.answerCon").html());
let [marking_dui, marking_cuo] = [".marking_dui", ".marking_cuo"].map(selector => $(element).find(selector).length);
if (marking_dui + marking_cuo === 0) {
return null;
if (questionAnswer.includes("对") || questionAnswer.includes("正确") || questionAnswer.includes("√")) {
questionAnswer = "正确";
} else if (questionAnswer.includes("错") || questionAnswer.includes("错误") || questionAnswer.includes("×")) {
questionAnswer = "错误";
} else {
return null;
if (marking_dui === 0 && marking_cuo !== 0) {
questionAnswer = questionAnswer === "正确" ? "错误" : "正确";
case '填空题':
let correctAnswerBx = $(element).find(".correctAnswerBx.marBot16");
if (correctAnswerBx.length > 0) {
questionAnswer = $(".correctAnswer.marTop16", $(element)).map(function (inx, item) {
return utils.removeHtml($(item).html()).replace(/^第.空:/, "").trim();
} else {
questionAnswer = $(".myAnswer.marTop16", $(element)).map(function (inx, item) {
return utils.removeHtml($(item).html()).replace(/^第.空:/, "").trim();
let marking_dui = $(element).find(".marking_dui").length;
if (marking_dui !== questionAnswer.length) {
return null;
return null;
return {
"question": questionText,
"options": questionOption,
"type": defaultConfig.types[questionType],
"answer": questionAnswer,
} catch (e) {
return null;
questionList.length && ServerApi.defaultRequest("save1", "post", {
"questionList": questionList,
"url": location.href,
}, reqUrl.headers).then(function (res) {
getScore2: async function (data) {
if (data.url == undefined) {
let url = data.url
method: "GET",
url: url,
headers: {},
onload: function (response) {
let html = response.responseText;
let document1, questionList, questionListHtml;
document1 = new DOMParser().parseFromString(html, "text/html");
questionList = document1.getElementsByClassName('Py-mian1');
questionListHtml = [];
for (let i = 0; i < questionList.length; i++) {
try {
if (i === 0) {
let questionTitle = utils.removeHtml(questionList[i].getElementsByClassName('Py-m1-title')[0].innerHTML);
let questionType = questionTitle.match(/\[(.*?)\]/)[1];
if (questionType === "单选题" || questionType === "多选题") {
questionTitle = questionTitle.replace(/[0-9]{1,3}.\s/ig, '').replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, "").replace(/^【.*?】\s*/, '').replace(/\[(.*?)\]\s*/, '').replace(/\s*(\d+\.\d+分)$/, '');
let optionHtml = $(questionList[i]).find('ul.answerList li.clearfix');
let optionText = [];
optionHtml.each(function (index, item) {
let abcd = String.fromCharCode(65 + index) + ".";
let optionTemp = utils.removeHtml(item.innerHTML);
if (optionTemp.indexOf(abcd) == 0) {
optionTemp = optionTemp.replace(abcd, "").trim();
"question": questionTitle,
"type": defaultConfig.types[questionType],
"options": optionText,
"questionData": questionList[i].innerHTML
} catch (e) {
let postData = {
"questionList": questionListHtml,
"url": url
ServerApi.defaultRequest(data.url1, "post", postData, data.headers).then(function (res) {
getScore3: async function () {
let questionList = $(".marBom60.questionLi").map(function (index, element) {
let questionHtml, questionText, questionType, questionAnswer, questionOption = [],
questionAnalysis = "", $colorGreen, $colorDeep, totalScore;
questionHtml = $(element).find("h3");
questionType = questionHtml.find('span[class="colorShallow"]');
questionText = utils.removeHtml(questionHtml[0].outerHTML.split(questionType[0].outerHTML)[1]);
questionType = utils.removeHtml(questionType.html()).match(/^\((.+?)\)/)[1];
totalScore = Number(utils.removeHtml($(element).find(".totalScore.fr>i").html()));
switch (questionType) {
case '判断题':
$colorGreen = $(element).find(".colorGreen");
$colorDeep = $(element).find("span.colorDeep");
questionAnswer = ($colorGreen.length > 0) ? $colorGreen.text().replace("正确答案:", "").trim() :
($colorDeep.hasClass("marking_dui")) ? $colorDeep.text().replace("我的答案:", "").trim() :
totalScore > 0 ? $colorDeep.text().replace("我的答案:", "").trim() :
questionAnswer = (["√", "正确", "对"].includes(questionAnswer)) ? "正确" :
(["×", "错误", "错"].includes(questionAnswer)) ? "错误" :
case '填空题':
$colorGreen = $(element).find("dl.colorGreen");
$colorDeep = $(element).find(".mark_fill.colorDeep>dd");
questionAnswer = ($colorGreen.length > 0) ? $colorGreen.find("dd").map((index, item) =>
utils.removeHtml($(item).html()).replace(/^\(.\)/, "").trim()
).get() :
($colorDeep.length === $colorDeep.find(".marking_dui").length) ? $colorDeep.find(".answer_span").map((index, item) =>
utils.removeHtml($(item).html()).replace(/^\(.\)/, "").trim()
).get() :
return null;
return {
"question": questionText,
"options": questionOption,
"type": defaultConfig.types[questionType],
"answer": questionAnswer,
questionList.length && ServerApi.defaultRequest("save1", "post", {
"questionList": questionList,
"url": location.href,
}, reqUrl.headers).then(function (res) {
getScore4: async function () {
let questionList = $(".questionLi").map((index, element) => {
let $element = $(element),
questionHtml = $element.find("h3"),
questionTypeHtml = questionHtml.find('span[class="colorShallow"]'),
questionText = utils.removeHtml(questionHtml[0].outerHTML.split(questionTypeHtml[0].outerHTML)[1]),
questionType = utils.removeHtml(questionTypeHtml.html()).match(/^\((.+?)\)/)[1].split(",")[0],
totalScore = Number(utils.removeHtml($element.find(".totalScore.fr>i").html())),
switch (questionType) {
case '判断题':
let $colorGreen = $element.find(".colorGreen"),
$colorDeep = $element.find(".mark_answer").find(".colorDeep");
questionAnswer = ($colorGreen.length > 0 || totalScore > 0) ? $colorDeep.text().replace("我的答案:", "").trim() : null;
questionAnswer = ["√", "正确", "对"].includes(questionAnswer) ? "正确" :
["×", "错误", "错"].includes(questionAnswer) ? "错误" :
case '填空题':
questionAnswer = $element.find(".colorGreen>dd").map((inx, item) => {
return utils.removeHtml($(item).html()).replace(/^\(.\)/, "").trim();
return null;
if (questionAnswer === null) {
return null;
return {
"question": questionText,
"options": [],
"type": defaultConfig.types[questionType],
"answer": questionAnswer,
questionList.length && ServerApi.defaultRequest("save1", "post", {
"questionList": questionList,
"url": location.href,
}, reqUrl.headers).then(function (res) {
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