// ==UserScript==
// @name Zotero GPT Connector
// @description Zotero GPT Pro, support ChatGPT Gemini Poe Kimi Coze Chatglm Yiyan Tongyi Claude Mytan ChanlderAi DeepSeek Doubao AIStudio MicrosoftCopilot Wenxiaobai Grok
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @icon https://github.com/MuiseDestiny/zotero-gpt/blob/bootstrap/addon/chrome/content/icons/favicon.png?raw=true
// @version 4.0.2
// @author Polygon
// @noframes
// @match https://chatgpt.com/*
// @match https://gemini.google.com/*
// @match https://poe.com/*
// @match https://kimi.moonshot.cn/*
// @match https://chatglm.cn/*
// @match https://yiyan.baidu.com/*
// @match https://tongyi.aliyun.com/*
// @match https://qianwen.aliyun.com/*
// @match https://claude.ai/*
// @match https://mytan.maiseed.com.cn/*
// @match https://mychandler.bet/*
// @match https://chat.deepseek.com/*
// @match https://www.doubao.com/chat/*
// @match https://.chatshare.biz/
// @match https://chat.kelaode.ai/*
// @match https://chat.rawchat.cn/*
// @match https://chat.sharedchat.*/*
// @match https://node.dawuai.buzz/*
// @match https://aistudio.google.com/*
// @match https://claude.ai0.cn/*
// @match https://grok.com/*
// @include /.+rawchat.+/
// @include /.+chatgpt.+/
// @include /.+claude.+/
// @include /.+qwen.+/
// @include /.+coze.+/
// @match https://www.zaiwen.top/chat/*
// @match https://chat.aite.lol/*
// @match https://yuanbao.tencent.com/chat/*
// @match https://chatgptup.com/*
// @match https://kelaode.kelaodeshare.com/*
// @match https://ihe5u7.aitianhu2.top/*
// @match https://cc01.plusai.io/*
// @match https://arc.aizex.me/*
// @match https://.chatopens.net/
// @match https://www.chatwb.com/*
// @match https://www.xixichat.top/*
// @match https://zchat.tech/*
// @match https://.sorryios.chat/
// @match https://monica.im/*
// @match https://copilot.microsoft.com/*
// @match https://gptsdd.com/*
// @match https://max.bpjgpt.top/*
// @match https://nbai.tech/
// @match https://x.liaobots.work/*
// @match https://x.liaox.ai/*
// @match https://chat.qwenlm.ai/*
// @match https://lke.cloud.tencent.com/*
// @match https://dazi.co/*
// @match https://www.wenxiaobai.com/*
// @match https://www.techopens.com/*
// @match https://xiaoyi.huawei.com/*
// @match https://chat.baidu.com/*
// @match https://qrms.com/*
// @match https://www.perplexity.ai/*
// @connect *
// @connect https://kimi.moonshot.cn/*
// @connect https://chatglm.cn/*
// @connect https://chat.deepseek.com/*
// @connect https://chatgpt.com/*
// @connect
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant unsafeWindow
// @run-at document-start
// ==/UserScript==
(async function () {
'use strict';
let isRunning = true
let AI = "ChatGPT"
const host = location.host
if (host == 'chatgpt.com') {
AI = "ChatGPT"
} else if (host == 'gemini.google.com') {
AI = "Gemini"
} else if (host == 'poe.com') {
AI = "Poe"
} else if (host == 'kimi.moonshot.cn') {
AI = "Kimi"
} else if (host.includes('coze')) {
AI = "Coze"
} else if (host == "chatglm.cn") {
AI = "Chatglm"
} else if (host == 'yiyan.baidu.com') {
AI = "Yiyan"
} else if (host == 'tongyi.aliyun.com' || host == 'qianwen.aliyun.com') {
AI = "Tongyi"
} else if (host.includes("claude") || host.includes("kelaodeshare")) {
AI = "Claude"
} else if (host == 'mytan.maiseed.com.cn') {
AI = "MyTan"
} else if (host == 'mychandler.bet') {
AI = "ChanlderAi"
} else if (host == 'chat.deepseek.com') {
AI = "DeepSeek"
} else if (host == "www.doubao.com") {
AI = "Doubao"
} else if (host == 'aistudio.google.com') {
AI = "AIStudio"
} else if (host == "www.zaiwen.top") {
AI = "Zaiwen"
} else if (host == 'yuanbao.tencent.com') {
AI = "Yuanbao"
} else if (host == "www.tiangong.cn") {
AI == "Tiangong"
} else if (host == 'monica.im') {
AI = "Monica"
} else if (host == 'copilot.microsoft.com') {
AI = "Copilot"
} else if (location.host.includes('qwen')) {
AI = "Qwen"
} else if (location.host == 'lke.cloud.tencent.com') {
AI = "TencentDeepSeek"
} else if (location.host == 'dazi.co') {
AI = "AskManyAI"
} else if (location.host == 'www.wenxiaobai.com') {
AI = "Wenxiaobai"
} else if (location.host == 'grok.com') {
AI = "Grok"
} else if (location.host == 'xiaoyi.huawei.com') {
AI = "Xiaoyi"
} else if (location.host == 'chat.baidu.com') {
AI = "Baidu"
} else if (location.host == 'www.perplexity.ai') {
AI = "Perplexity"
const requestPatchArr = [
AI: "Kimi",
regex: /https://kimi.moonshot.cn/api/chat/.+/completion/stream/,
extract: function (text, allText) {
let resp = "", think = ""
for (let line of allText.split("\n")) {
if (line.startsWith("data")) {
try { JSON.parse(line.split("data: ")[1]) } catch { continue }
const data = JSON.parse(line.split("data: ")[1])
if (data.event == "cmpl") {
resp += data.text || ""
} else if (data.event.match(/^k.+/)) {
think += data.text || ""
if (resp == "") {
if (think != "") {
this.text = ">" + think.replace(/\n/g, "n>")
} else {
this.text = resp
text: ""
AI: "AIStudio",
regex: /GenerateContent$/,
extract: function (text) {
let data
while (!data) {
try {
data = JSON.parse(text)
}catch {
text += "]"
// this.text = data[0].map(i => (i[0][0][0][0][0][12] ? ">" : "") + i[0][0][0][0][0][1]).join("")
let think = "", resp = ""
for (let i of data[0]) {
let s = i[0][0][0][0][0][1]
if (i[0][0][0][0][0][12]) {
think += s
} else {
resp += s
if (resp == "") {
if (think) {
this.text = ">" + think.replace(/\n/g, "\n>")
} else {
this.text = resp
text: "",
AI: "ChatGPT",
regex: /backend-api\/conversation$/,
extract: function (text) {
for (let line of text.split("\n")) {
if (line.startsWith('data: {"message')) {
try { JSON.parse(line.split("data: ")[1]) } catch { continue }
const data = JSON.parse(line.split("data: ")[1])
if (data.message.content.content_type == "text") {
this.text = data.message.content.parts[0]
} else if (line.startsWith("data: {")) {
try { JSON.parse(line.split("data: ")[1]) } catch { continue }
const data = JSON.parse(line.split("data: ")[1])
const streamPath = "/message/content/parts/0"
if (Object.keys(data).length == 1 && typeof (data.v) == "string" && this.p == streamPath) {
this.text += data.v
} else if ((this.p == streamPath || data.p == streamPath)) {
this.p = streamPath
if (data.o && data.o == "add") {
this.text = ""
if (typeof (data.v) == "string") {
this.text += data.v
} else if (Array.isArray(data.v)) {
const d = data.v.find(i => i.p == streamPath)
if (d && typeof (d.v) == "string") {
this.text += d.v
} else {
this.p = ""
} else if (line.startsWith("data: [")) {
try {
const delta = JSON.parse(line.replace(/^data:\s/, "")).slice(-1)[0]
if (typeof (delta) == "string" ) {
this.text += delta
} catch {}
p: "",
text: ""
AI: "Claude",
regex: /chat_conversations\/.+\/completion/,
extract: function (text) {
for (let line of text.split("\n")) {
if (line.startsWith("data: {")) {
try { JSON.parse(line.split("data: ")[1]) } catch { continue }
const data = JSON.parse(line.split("data: ")[1])
if (data.type && data.type == "completion") {
this.text += data.completion || ""
} else if (data.type && data.type == "content_block_delta") {
this.text += data.delta.text || ""
text: ""
AI: "Chatglm",
regex: /stream/,
extract: function (text) {
for (let line of text.split("\n")) {
if (line.startsWith("data:")) {
try { JSON.parse(line.split("data:")[1]) } catch { continue }
const data = JSON.parse(line.split("data:")[1])
try {
if (data.parts && data.parts[0] && data.parts[0].content[0].type == "text") {
this.text = data.parts[0].content[0].text
} catch (e) { console.log("extract", e) }
text: ""
AI: "Zaiwen",
regex: /admin\/chatbot$/,
extract: function (text) {
this.text = text
text: ""
AI: "Yuanbao",
regex: /api\/chat\/.+/,
extract: function (allText) {
let think = "", resp = ""
for (let line of allText.split("\n")) {
if (line.startsWith("data: {")) {
try { JSON.parse(line.split("data: ")[1]) } catch { continue }
const data = JSON.parse(line.split("data: ")[1])
try {
if (data.type == "text") {
resp += (data.msg || "")
} else if (data.type == "think") {
think += (data.content || "")
} catch (e) { console.log("extract", e) }
if (resp == "") {
if (think != "") {
this.text = ">" + think.replace(/\n/g, "n>")
} else {
this.text = resp
text: ""
AI: "DeepSeek",
regex: /completion$/,
extract: function (text) {
let resp = "", think = ""
for (let line of text.split("\n")) {
if (line.startsWith("data: {")) {
try { JSON.parse(line.split("data: ")[1]) } catch { continue }
const data = JSON.parse(line.split("data: ")[1])
try {
if (data.choices[0].delta.type == "thinking") {
think += (data.choices[0].delta.content || "")
} else if (data.choices[0].delta.type == "text") {
resp += (data.choices[0].delta.content || "")
} catch (e) { console.log("extract", e) }
if (resp == "") {
if (think) {
this.text = ">" + think.replace(/\n/g, "\n>")
} else {
this.text = resp
text: "",
AI: "ChanlderAi",
regex: /api\/chat\/Chat$/,
extract: function (text) {
for (let line of text.split("\n")) {
console.log("line", line)
if (line.startsWith("data:{")) {
try { JSON.parse(line.split("data:")[1]) } catch { continue }
const data = JSON.parse(line.split("data:")[1])
try {
this.text += data.delta
} catch (e) { console.log("extract", e) }
text: ""
AI: "Yiyan",
regex: /chat\/conversation\/v2$/,
extract: function (text, allText) {
let delta = ""
for (let line of allText.split("\n\nevent:message\n")) {
if (line.startsWith("data:{")) {
try { JSON.parse(line.split("data:")[1]) } catch { continue }
const data = JSON.parse(line.split("data:")[1])
try {
delta += data.data.text || ""
} catch (e) { console.log("extract", e) }
this.text = delta
text: "",
AI: "Doubao",
regex: /samantha\/chat\/completion/,
extract: function (text, allText) {
for (let line of text.split("\n")) {
if (line.startsWith("data:")) {
try {
const data = JSON.parse(JSON.parse(line.slice(5)).event_data)
if (JSON.parse(data.message.content).type != 1) {
this.text += JSON.parse(data.message.content).text || ""
} catch {}
text: "",
AI: "Monica",
regex: /api.monica.im\/api\/custom_bot\/chat/,
extract: function (text, allText) {
let think = "", resp = ""
for (let line of allText.split("\n")) {
if (line.startsWith("data:")) {
const data = JSON.parse(line.slice(5))
if (Boolean(data.agent_status) && Boolean(data.agent_status.type == "thinking_detail_stream")) {
think += (data.agent_status.metadata.reasoning_detail || "")
resp += data.text
think = ">" + think.replace(/\n/g, "\n>")
if (resp.length == 0) {
this.text = think
} else {
this.text = resp
text: "",
AI: "Qwen",
regex: /chat\/completions$/,
extract: function (text, allText) {
for (let line of text.split("\n")) {
if (line.startsWith("data: {")) {
try { JSON.parse(line.split("data:")[1]) } catch { continue }
const data = JSON.parse(line.split("data:")[1])
try {
this.text += data.choices[0].delta.content
} catch (e) { console.log("extract", e) }
text: "",
AI: "AskManyAI",
regex: /engine\/sseQuery$/,
extract: function (text, allText) {
let think = "", resp = ""
for (let line of allText.split("\n")) {
if (line.startsWith("data: {")) {
try { JSON.parse(line.split("data:")[1]) } catch { continue }
const data = JSON.parse(line.split("data:")[1])
try {
if (data.content.startsWith("[HIT-REF]")) { continue}
if (data.event == "thinking") {
think += data.content
} else if (data.event == "resp") {
resp += data.content
} catch (e) { console.log("extract", e) }
if (resp.length >0) {
this.text = resp
} else {
this.text = think
text: "",
AI: "Wenxiaobai",
regex: /conversation\/chat\/v1$/,
extract: function (_, allText) {
if (!allText) { return }
let resp = ""
for (let line of allText.replace(/event:message\ndata/g, "message").split("\n")) {
if (line.startsWith("message:{")) {
try { JSON.parse(line.split("message:")[1]) } catch { continue }
const data = JSON.parse(line.split("message:")[1])
try {
resp += data.content || ""
} catch (e) { console.log("extract", e) }
resp = resp.replace(/^```ys_think[\s\S]+?\n\n```\n/, "").replace(/[\s\S]+?```ys_think/, "```ys_think")
if (resp.includes("```ys_think")) {
resp = ">"+resp.split("\n").slice(3).join("\n>")
this.text = resp
text: "",
AI: "Coze",
regex: /conversation\/chat/,
extract: function (text, allText) {
for (let line of text.split("\n")) {
if (line.startsWith("data:{")) {
try { JSON.parse(line.split("data:")[1]) } catch { continue }
const data = JSON.parse(line.split("data:")[1])
try {
if (data.message.type == "answer") {
this.text += data.message.content || ""
} catch (e) { console.log("extract", e) }
text: "",
AI: "Grok",
regex: /responses$/,
extract: function (text, allText) {
let resp="", think=""
for (let t of allText.split("\n") ) {
let data
try {
data = JSON.parse(t).result
} catch {continue}
if (data.isThinking) {
think += data.token || ""
} else{
resp += data.token || ""
if (resp == "") {
if (think) {
this.text = ">" + think.replace(/\n/g, "\n>")
} else {
this.text = resp
text: "",
AI: "Baidu",
regex: /conversation$/,
extract: function (text, allText) {
let resp = "", think = ""
for (let t of allText.split("\n")) {
if (!t.startsWith("data:")) {continue}
let data
try {
data = JSON.parse(t.slice(5)).data
} catch { continue }
if (!data) { continue}
if (data.message.metaData.state == "generating-resp") {
if (data.message.content.generator.component == "reasoningContent") {
think += data.message.content.generator.data.value || ""
} else if (data.message.content.generator.component == "markdown-yiyan"){
resp += data.message.content.generator.data.value || ""
if (resp == "") {
if (think) {
this.text = ">" + think.replace(/\n/g, "\n>")
} else {
this.text = resp
text: "",
AI: "MyTan",
regex: /messages$/,
extract: function (text, allText) {
for (let line of text.split("\n")) {
if (line.startsWith("data:")) {
try { JSON.parse(line.split("data:")[1]) } catch { continue }
const data = JSON.parse(line.split("data:")[1])
try {
this.text += data.choices[0].delta.content
} catch (e) { console.log("extract", e) }
text: "",
AI: "Perplexity",
regex: /perplexity_ask$/,
extract: function (text, allText) {
for (let line of text.split("\n")) {
if (line.startsWith("data:")) {
try { JSON.parse(line.split("data:")[1]) } catch { continue }
const data = JSON.parse(line.split("data:")[1])
try {
for (let block of data.blocks) {
if (block.intended_usage == "ask_text") {
this.text = block.markdown_block.answer
} catch (e) { console.log("extract", e) }
text: "",
// 数据拦截,部分网站需要
const originalXhrOpen = XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open;
XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open = function (method, url, async) {
this.addEventListener('readystatechange', async function () {
let requestPatch
if ((requestPatch = requestPatchArr.find(i => i.AI == AI && i.regex.test(url)))) {
execInZotero( let task = window.Meet.Connector.tasks[window.Meet.Connector.tasks.length - 1]; task.responseText = ${JSON.stringify(requestPatch.text || "")}; task.responseType = "markdown";
if (this.readyState === 3) {
try {
} catch(e) {
console.log("error extract", e, this.responseText)
await execInZotero( let task = window.Meet.Connector.tasks[window.Meet.Connector.tasks.length-1] task.responseText = ${JSON.stringify(requestPatch.text || "")}; task.type = "pending"; task.responseType = "markdown"
} else if ([0, 4].includes(this.readyState)) {
await execInZotero( let task = window.Meet.Connector.tasks[window.Meet.Connector.tasks.length-1] task.responseText = ${JSON.stringify(requestPatch.text || "")}; task.type = "done"; task.responseType = "markdown"
requestPatch.text = ""
originalXhrOpen.apply(this, arguments);
const originalFetch = window.fetch;
unsafeWindow.fetch = function () {
return originalFetch.apply(this, arguments)
.then(response => {
const url = response.url
const requestPatch = requestPatchArr.find(i => i.AI == AI && i.regex.test(url))
if (requestPatch) {
requestPatch.text = ""
execInZotero( let task = window.Meet.Connector.tasks[window.Meet.Connector.tasks.length - 1]; task.responseText = ${JSON.stringify(requestPatch.text)}; task.responseType = "markdown";
const clonedResponse = response.clone();
console.log("requestPatch", requestPatch)
const reader = clonedResponse.body.getReader();
const decoder = new TextDecoder()
let allText = ""
function processStream() {
reader.read().then(({ done, value }) => {
if (done) {
execInZotero( let task = window.Meet.Connector.tasks[window.Meet.Connector.tasks.length - 1]; task.responseText = ${JSON.stringify(requestPatch.text || "")}; task.type = "done"; task.responseType = "markdown";
requestPatch.text = ""
// 将 Uint8Array 转为字符串
const text = decoder.decode(value, { stream: true });
allText += text
try {
requestPatch.extract(text, allText)
} catch (e) { console.log("requestPatch.extract(text)", e) }
let task = window.Meet.Connector.tasks[window.Meet.Connector.tasks.length - 1];
task.responseText = ${JSON.stringify(requestPatch.text || "")};
task.responseType = "markdown";
// 递归调用,继续读取流数据
}).catch(error => {
// 捕获所有错误,包括 AbortError
console.log("Error when Patch", error)
let task = window.Meet.Connector.tasks[window.Meet.Connector.tasks.length - 1];
task.responseText = ${JSON.stringify(requestPatch.text || "")};
task.type = "done";
task.responseType = "markdown";
requestPatch.text = ""
// 开始处理流
window.setTimeout(() => {
return response;
// 在Zotero中执行代码
async function execInZotero(code) {
code = if (!window.Meet.Connector){ window.Meet.Connector = ${JSON.stringify({ AI, time: Date.now() / 1e3, tasks: [] })}; } else { window.Meet.Connector.time = ${Date.now() / 1e3}; window.Meet.Connector.AI = "${AI}"; } ${code}
try {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
method: "POST",
url: "",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
responseType: "json",
data: JSON.stringify({ code }),
onload: function (response) {
if (response.status >= 200 && response.status < 300) {
} else {
reject(new Error(Request failed with status: ${response.status}
onerror: function (error) {
reject(new Error('Network error'));
} catch (e) {
window.alert("execInZotero error: " + code);
return ""
// 设定ChatGPT输入框文本并发送
const setText = async (text) => {
const dispatchInput = (selector, type = "plain") => {
// 获取 input 输入框的dom对象
var inputNode = document.querySelector(selector);
if (!inputNode) { return }
// 修改input的值
inputNode.value = text;
// plus
try {
inputNode.innerHTML = text.split("\n").map(i => `<p>${i}</p>`).join("\n");
} catch { }
// 设置输入框的 input 事件
var event = new InputEvent('input', {
'bubbles': true,
'cancelable': true,
const setTextareaValue = async (textarea) => {
const props = Object.values(textarea)[1]
// 获取目标 DOM 节点(假设 temp2 是 DOM 元素引用)
const targetElement = textarea;
// 创建伪事件对象
const e = {
target: targetElement,
currentTarget: targetElement,
type: 'change',
// 手动设置值(需同时更新 DOM 和 React 状态)
targetElement.value = text;
// 触发 React 的 onChange 处理
await props.onChange(e);
if (AI == "ChatGPT") {
await sleep(100)
await send("article", () => {
const button = document.querySelector('[data-testid="send-button"]');
} else if (AI == "Gemini") {
// 获取 input 输入框的dom对象
const element_input = window.document.querySelector('rich-textarea .textarea');
// 修改input的值
element_input.textContent = text;
await send(".conversation-container", () => {
const button = document.querySelector('.send-button');
} else if (AI == "Poe") {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 100)
} else if (AI == "Kimi") {
const editor = document.querySelector(".chat-input-editor").__lexicalEditor
await editor.setEditorState(
"root": {
"children": [
"children": [
"detail": 0,
"format": 0,
"mode": "normal",
"style": "",
"text": text,
"type": "text",
"version": 1
"direction": null,
"format": "",
"indent": 0,
"type": "paragraph",
"version": 1,
"textFormat": 0
"direction": null,
"format": "",
"indent": 0,
"type": "root",
"version": 1
await send(".chat-content-item", () => {
const button = document.querySelector('.send-button');
} else if (AI == "Coze") {
const textarea = document.querySelector("textarea.rc-textarea")
await setTextareaValue(textarea)
await sleep(100)
await send("[data-message-id]", () => {
const button = document.querySelector('button[data-testid="bot-home-chart-send-button"]');
} else if (AI == "Chatglm") {
dispatchInput(".input-box-inner textarea")
await send(".item.conversation-item", () => {
const button = document.querySelector('.enter img');
if (button) {
const mouseDownEvent = new MouseEvent('mousedown', {
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true
} else if (AI == "Yiyan") {
const node = document.querySelector(".oeNDrlEA")
await node[Object.keys(node)[1]].children[2].props.children[0].props.onChange(text)
await sleep(1e3)
await send(".dialogue_card_item", () => {
} else if (AI == "Tongyi") {
await send("[class^=questionItem]", () => {
const node2 = document.querySelector(".operateBtn--zFx6rSR0");
} else if (AI == "Claude") {
const node = document.querySelector("fieldset")
const props = node[Object.keys(node)[1]].children[0].props.children[0].props.children[0].props;
await props.setPrompt(text);
await sleep(100)
document.querySelector("button[aria-label='Send Message']").click();
} else if (AI == "MyTan") {
await sleep(100)
await send(".message-container .mytan-model-avatar", () => {
const button = document.querySelector('.send-icon');
} else if (AI == "ChanlderAi") {
await sleep(100)
await send(".chandler-ext-content_communication-group", () => {
const button = document.querySelector('.send');
} else if (AI == "DeepSeek") {
const node = document.querySelector("#chat-input")
node[Object.keys(node)[1]].onChange({ currentTarget: { value: text } })
await sleep(100)
await send(".f9bf7997", () => {
const button = document.querySelector('.f6d670');
} else if (AI == "Doubao") {
setTextareaValue(document.querySelector("[class^=chat-input-container] textarea") )
await sleep(100)
await send("[class^=message-block-container]", () => {
const button = document.querySelector("button#flow-end-msg-send");
} else if (AI == "AIStudio") {
dispatchInput(".text-wrapper textarea")
await sleep(100)
await send("ms-chat-turn", () => {
const button = document.querySelector('run-button button');
} else if (AI == "Zaiwen") {
await sleep(100)
await send(".sessions .item", () => {
const button = document.querySelector('img.send');
} else if (AI == "Yuanbao") {
dispatchInput('.chat-input-editor .ql-editor')
await sleep(100)
await send(".agent-chat__bubble__content", () => {
const button = document.querySelector('.icon-send');
} else if (AI == "Monica") {
const elements = document.querySelectorAll(".chat--PCM74");
const visibleElements = [];
// 遍历所有元素
elements.forEach(element => {
if (element.style.display !== 'none') {
// 如果不是 'none',将其添加到数组
visibleElements.forEach(element => {
element.parentNode.insertBefore(element, element.parentNode.firstChild);
const textarea = document.querySelector('textarea.ant-input')
textarea[Object.keys(textarea)[1]].onChange({ target: { value: text }, currentTarget: { value: text } })
await sleep(100)
await send("[class^=chat-message]", () => {
const button = document.querySelector('[class^=input-msg-btn]')
button[Object.keys(button)[1]].onClick({ isTrusted: true, stopPropagation: () => { } })
} else if (AI == "Copilot") {
const node = document.querySelector("textarea#userInput").parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode
} else if (AI == "Qwen") {
await sleep(100)
await send("[id^=message]", () => {
const button = document.querySelector('#send-message-button');
} else if (AI == "TencentDeepSeek") {
const div = document.querySelector(".question-input-inner__textarea")
await div.__vue__.onChange(text.slice(0,10000))
const chatDiv = document.querySelector(".client-chat");
const total = chatDiv.__vue__.msgList.length
// 等待新回答
while (chatDiv.__vue__.msgList.length - total < 1) {
await sleep(100)
// 等待新回答
while (chatDiv.__vue__.msgList.length - total < 2) {
await sleep(100)
} else if (AI == "AskManyAI") {
await sleep(100)
await send(".main-box-center .list", () => {
const button = document.querySelector('.chat-input-button-inner .fs_button');
} else if (AI == "Wenxiaobai") {
const textarea = document.querySelector('[class^=MsgInput_input_box] textarea')
await setTextareaValue(textarea)
await sleep(100)
await send("[class^=Answser_answer_content]", async () => {
} else if (AI == "Grok") {
const textarea = document.querySelector('textarea')
await setTextareaValue(textarea)
await sleep(100)
await send(".items-center .items-start", async () => {
} else if (AI == "Xiaoyi") {
await sleep(100)
await send(".receive-box", () => {
const button = document.querySelector('.send-button');
} else if (AI == "Baidu") {
document.querySelector("#chat-input-box").innerText = text
await sleep(100)
await send("[class^=index_answer-container]", () => {
const button = document.querySelector('.send-icon');
} else if (AI == "Perplexity") {
setTextareaValue(document.querySelector("[class^=bottom] textarea"))
await send(".-inset-md", () => {
const node = document.querySelector("button[aria-label=Submit]");
// 连续发送
const send = async (selector, callback, delatTime=100) => {
const oldNumber = document.querySelectorAll(selector).length;
await sleep(delatTime);
while (document.querySelectorAll(selector).length == oldNumber) {
try {
await sleep(delatTime);
} catch {break}
const uploadFile = async (base64String, fileName) => {
try {
let fileType;
if (fileName.endsWith("pdf")) {
fileType = "application/pdf";
} else if (fileName.endsWith("png")) {
fileType = "image/png";
function base64ToArrayBuffer(base64) {
const binaryString = atob(base64);
const len = binaryString.length;
const bytes = new Uint8Array(len);
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
bytes[i] = binaryString.charCodeAt(i);
return bytes.buffer;
const AIData = {
ChatGPT: {
uploadMethod: "drag",
selector: "form",
Tongyi: {
uploadMethod: "drag",
selector: "[class^=chatInput]",
Kimi: {
uploadMethod: "input",
selector: "input[type=file]"
Claude: {
uploadMethod: "input",
selector: "input[type=file]",
AIStudio: {
uploadMethod: "drag",
selector: ".text-wrapper",
Chatglm: {
uploadMethod: "input",
selector: "input[type=file]",
Doubao: {
uploadMethod: "input",
selector: "input[type=file]",
Zaiwen: {
uploadMethod: "drag",
selector: ".arco-upload-draggable",
DeepSeek: {
uploadMethod: "drag",
selector: ".bf38813a",
Yuanbao: {
uploadMethod: "drag",
selector: ".agent-chat__input-box"
ChanlderAi: {
uploadMethod: "input",
selector: "input[type=file]",
Yiyan: {
uploadMethod: "drag",
selector: ".UxLYHqhv",
Poe: {
uploadMethod: "drag",
selector: ".ChatDragDropTarget_dropTarget__1WrAL"
Monica: {
uploadMethod: "drag",
selector: "[class^=chat-input-v2]"
Copilot: {
uploadMethod: "input",
selector: "input[type=file]",
Qwen: {
uploadMethod: "input",
selector: "input[type=file]",
TencentDeepSeek: {
uploadMethod: "input",
selector: "input[type=file]",
AskManyAI: {
uploadMethod: "input",
selector: "input[type=file]",
Wenxiaobai: {
uploadMethod: "input",
selector: "input[type=file]",
Coze: {
uploadMethod: "input",
selector: "input[type=file]",
Baidu: {
uploadMethod: "drag",
selector: "[class^=chat-bottom-wrapper]"
Gemini: {
uploadMethod: "drag",
selector: "input-area-v2"
if (!AIData[AI]) {
AIData[AI] = {
uploadMethod: "input",
selector: '[data-test-id="chat-history-container"]',
if (AIData[AI]) {
const { uploadMethod, selector, until } = AIData[AI];
if (uploadMethod === "input") {
const button = document.querySelector(selector);
button && button.click();
// 创建一个虚拟的文件对象
const fileContent = base64ToArrayBuffer(base64String);
const file = new File([fileContent], fileName, { type: fileType });
// 创建一个DataTransfer对象,并添加文件
const dataTransfer = new DataTransfer();
let fileInput = document.querySelector(selector);
if (fileInput) {
fileInput.files = dataTransfer.files;
fileInput.dispatchEvent(new Event('change', { bubbles: true }));
} else {
window.alert(AI + "网页未加载完毕,或改动导致未获取到fileInput,请联系开发者修复")
} else if (uploadMethod === "drag") {
// 创建一个虚拟的文件对象
const fileContent = base64ToArrayBuffer(base64String);
const file = new File([fileContent], fileName, { type: fileType });
// 创建一个DataTransfer对象,并添加文件
const dataTransfer = new DataTransfer();
// 查找可拖放的区域或上传区域
const dropZone = document.querySelector(selector); // 使用提供的选择器查找拖放区域
if (!dropZone) {
window.alert(AI + "未获取到dropZone,请联系开发者修复")
// 创建dragenter, dragover, drop事件
const dragStartEvent = new DragEvent("dragstart", {
bubbles: true,
dataTransfer: dataTransfer,
cancelable: true
const dropEvent = new DragEvent("drop", {
bubbles: true,
dataTransfer: dataTransfer,
cancelable: true
// 依次派发事件,模拟拖放过程
if (until) {
await sleep(100)
while (!until()) {
await sleep(100)
} catch (e) {
// 阻塞
function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
// 支持:多个联动页面打开
const LOCK_KEY = 'gpt_connector_running';
const TAB_ID = Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 9); // Unique ID for each tab
GM_registerMenuCommand('⭐️ 优先', () => {
isRunning = true
window.alert("⭐️ 优先")
GM_registerMenuCommand('🔗 运行', () => {
isRunning = true
window.alert("🔗 已运行")
GM_registerMenuCommand('🎊 断开', () => {
isRunning = false
window.alert("🎊 断开")
function acquireLock() {
let lockInfo = JSON.parse(GM_getValue(LOCK_KEY, "{}"));
if (lockInfo && lockInfo.isLocked) {
if (lockInfo.tabId === TAB_ID) {
// The current tab already holds the lock
// console.log('This tab already holds the lock:', TAB_ID);
return true;
} else {
// Lock is held by another tab
// console.log('Another tab is already running the script. Exiting...');
return false;
} else {
// Lock is not set, acquire it for this tab
GM_setValue(LOCK_KEY, JSON.stringify({ isLocked: true, tabId: TAB_ID }));
// console.log('Lock acquired by tab:', TAB_ID);
return true;
function releaseLock() {
GM_setValue(LOCK_KEY, JSON.stringify({ isLocked: false, tabId: null }));
// Add an event listener to release the lock when the page is unloaded
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', releaseLock);
window.addEventListener('reload', releaseLock);
setInterval(async () => {
await execInZotero( async function getMD5(path) { function arrayBufferToBase64(buffer) { let binary = ''; const bytes = new window.Uint8Array(buffer); const len = bytes.byteLength; for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { binary += String.fromCharCode(bytes[i]); } return window.btoa(binary); } const res = await Zotero.HTTP.request("GET", path, { responseType: "arraybuffer" }) return Zotero.Utilities.Internal.md5(arrayBufferToBase64(res.response)) } (async () => { const md5 = await getMD5("chrome://zoterogpt/content/icons/favicon.png") if (md5 != "387f99eeaa7b0b6d9d3e311017098e37") { window.Meet = 0 } })()
}, 10e3)
// 通信
while (true) {
if (!acquireLock()) {
await sleep(1000)
if (!isRunning) {
await execInZotero( window.Meet.Connector.time = 0;
await sleep(1000)
try {
const tasks = (await execInZotero( window.Meet.Connector
if (!tasks || tasks.length == 0) {
await sleep(500)
const task = tasks.slice(-1)[0]
if (task.type == "pending") {
if (task.file || task.files && task.responseText == undefined) {
await execInZotero(`
let task = window.Meet.Connector.tasks[window.Meet.Connector.tasks.length-1]
task.type = "done"
if (task.file) {
await uploadFile(task.file.base64String, task.file.name)
} else if (task.files){
for (let file of task.files) {
await uploadFile(file.base64String, file.name)
} else if (task.requestText) {
// 操作浏览器提问
await execInZotero(`
let task = window.Meet.Connector.tasks[window.Meet.Connector.tasks.length-1]
task.requestText = "";
task.responseText = "<p>Waiting ${AI}...</p>";
} else {
let isDone = false, text = "", type = "html"
const setZoteroText = async () => {
if (typeof (text) !== "string") { return }
await execInZotero(`
let task = window.Meet.Connector.tasks[window.Meet.Connector.tasks.length-1]
task.responseText = ${JSON.stringify(text)};
task.type = ${isDone} ? "done" : "pending";
task.responseType = "${type}"
if (isDone) {
await sleep(1000)
await execInZotero(`
let task = window.Meet.Connector.tasks[window.Meet.Connector.tasks.length-1]
task.responseText = ${JSON.stringify(text)};
if (AI == "Gemini") {
const outputEle = [...document.querySelectorAll('.conversation-container')].slice(-1)[0];
const contentEle = outputEle.querySelector("model-response .response-content message-content")
if (contentEle) {
isDone = Boolean(outputEle.querySelector(".complete"))
text = contentEle.querySelector(".markdown").innerHTML
await setZoteroText()
} else if (AI == "Poe") {
type = "markdown"
const lastNode = [...document.querySelectorAll("[class^=ChatMessage_chatMessage]")].slice(-1)[0]
const props = lastNode[Object.keys(lastNode)[0]].child.memoizedProps
text = props.message.text
isDone = props.message.state == "complete"
await setZoteroText()
} else if (AI == "Tongyi") {
const lastAnwser = [...document.querySelectorAll("[class^=answerItem]")].slice(-1)[0]
type = "markdown"
const message = lastAnwser[Object.keys(lastAnwser)[0]].memoizedProps.children.find(i => { try { return i.props.children[2].props.message } catch { } }).props.children[2].props.message
isDone = message.contents[message.contents.length - 1].status == "finished"
text = message.contents.find(i => i.contentType == "text").content
await setZoteroText()
} else if (AI == "Copilot") {
const lastAnwser = [...document.querySelectorAll('[data-content=ai-message]')].slice(-1)[0]
type = "markdown"
const props = lastAnwser[Object.keys(lastAnwser)[0]].pendingProps.children[1][0].props
text = props.item.text
isDone = props.isStreamingComplete
await setZoteroText()
} else if (AI == "TencentDeepSeek") {
const div = document.querySelector(".client-chat");
const msg = div.__vue__.msgList.slice(-1)[0]
isDone = msg.is_final
const content = div.__vue__.msgList.slice(-1)[0].content
if (!content) {
text = "> " + div.__vue__.msgList.slice(-1)[0].agent_thought.procedures[0].debugging.content.trim().replace(/\n+/g, "\n")
} else {
text = content
type = "markdown"
await setZoteroText()
} else if (AI == "Xiaoyi") {
const div = [...document.querySelectorAll(".receive-box")].slice(-1)[0];
isDone = Boolean(div.closest(".msg-content") && div.closest(".msg-content").querySelector(".tool-bar"))
text = div.querySelector(".answer-cont").innerHTML
type = "html"
await setZoteroText()
} catch (e) {
await sleep(100)